
Pitch-accent language

A pitch-accent language, when spoken, has word accents in which one syllable in a word or morpheme is more prominent than the others, but the accentuated syllable is indicated by a contrasting pitch (linguistic tone) rather than by loudness (or length), as in many languages, like English. Pitch-accent also contrasts with fully tonal languages like Vietnamese and Standard Chinese, in which each syllable can have an independent tone. Some have claimed that the term "pitch accent" is not coherently defined and that pitch-accent languages are just a sub-category of tonal languages in general.[1]

Languages that have been described as pitch-accent languages include: most dialects of Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, Baltic languages, Ancient Greek, Vedic Sanskrit, Tlingit, Turkish, Japanese, Norwegian, Swedish (but not in Finland), Western Basque,[2] Yaqui,[3] certain dialects of Korean, Shanghainese,[4] and Livonian.

Pitch-accent languages tend to fall into two categories: those with a single pitch-contour (for example, high, or high–low) on the accented syllable, such as Tokyo Japanese, Western Basque, or Persian; and those in which more than one pitch-contour can occur on the accented syllable, such as Punjabi, Swedish, or Serbo-Croatian. In this latter kind, the accented syllable is also often stressed another way.

Some of the languages considered pitch-accent languages, in addition to accented words, also have accentless words (e.g., Japanese and Western Basque); in others all major words are accented (e.g., Blackfoot and Barasana).[5]

The term "pitch accent" is also used to denote a different feature, namely the use of pitch when speaking to give selective prominence (accent) to a syllable or mora within a phrase.[6]

Characteristics of pitch-accent languages


Scholars give various definitions of a pitch-accent language. A typical definition is as follows: "Pitch-accent systems [are] systems in which one syllable is more prominent than the other syllables in the same word, a prominence that is achieved by means of pitch" (Zanten and Dol (2010)).[7] That is to say, in a pitch-accent language, in order to indicate how a word is pronounced it is necessary, as with a stress-accent language, to mark only one syllable in a word as accented, not specify the tone of every syllable. This feature of having only one prominent syllable in a word or morpheme is known as culminativity.[8]

Another property suggested for pitch-accent languages to distinguish them from stress languages is that "Pitch accent languages must satisfy the criterion of having invariant tonal contours on accented syllables ... This is not so for pure stress languages, where the tonal contours of stressed syllables can vary freely" (Hayes (1995)).[9] Although this is true of many pitch-accent languages, there are others, such as the Franconian dialects, in which the contours vary, for example between declarative and interrogative sentences.[10]

According to another proposal, pitch-accent languages can only use F0 (i.e., pitch) to mark the accented syllable, whereas stress languages may also use duration and intensity (Beckman).[11] However, other scholars disagree, and find that intensity and duration can also play a part in the accent of pitch-accent languages.[5]

A feature considered characteristic of stress-accent languages is that a stress-accent is obligatory, that is, that every major word has to have an accent.[12] This is not always true of pitch-accent languages, some of which, like Japanese and Northern Bizkaian Basque, have accentless words. But there are also some pitch-accent languages in which every word has an accent.[5]

One feature shared between pitch-accent languages and stress-accent languages is demarcativeness: prominence peaks tend to occur at or near morpheme edges (word/stem initial, word/stem penult, word/stem final).[13]

Often, however, the difference between a pitch-accent language, a stress-accent language, and tonal language is not clear. "It is, in fact, often not straightforward to decide whether a particular pitch system is best described as tonal or accentual. ... Since raised pitch, especially when it coincides with vowel length, makes a syllable perceptually more prominent, it can often require detailed phonetic and phonological analysis to disentangle whether pitch is playing a more stress-like or a more tone-like role in a particular language" (Downing).[14]

Larry Hyman argues that tone is made up of a variety of different typological features, which can be mixed and matched with some independence from each other.[15] Hyman claims that there can be no coherent definition of pitch-accent, as the term describes languages that have non-prototypical combinations of tone system properties (or both a tone system, usually still non-prototypical, and a stress system simultaneously). Since all pitch-accent languages can be analysed just as well in purely tonal terms, in Hyman's view, the term "pitch-accent" should be superseded by a wider understanding of what qualifies as a tone system - thus, all "pitch-accent" languages are tone languages, and there is simply more variety within tone systems than has historically been admitted.

Characteristics of the accent

High vs. low accent

When one particular tone is marked in a language in contrast to unmarked syllables, it is usual for it to be a high tone. There are, however, a few languages in which the marked tone is a low tone, for example the Dogrib language of northwestern Canada[16] and certain Bantu languages of the Congo such as Ciluba and Ruund.[17]

Disyllabic accents

One difference between a pitch accent and a stress accent is that it is not uncommon for a pitch accent to be realised over two syllables. Thus in Serbo-Croatian, the difference between a "rising" and a "falling" accent is observed only in the pitch of the syllable following the accent: the accent is said to be "rising" if the following syllable is as high as or higher than the accented syllable, but "falling" if it is lower (see Serbo-Croatian phonology#Pitch accent).[18]

In Vedic Sanskrit, the ancient Indian grammarians described the accent as being a high pitch (udātta) followed by a falling tone (svarita) on the following syllable; but occasionally, when two syllables had merged, the high tone and the falling tone were combined on one syllable.[19][20]

In Standard Swedish, the difference between accent 1 and accent 2 can only be heard in words of two or more syllables, since the tones take two syllables to be realised. In Värmland as well as Norrland accent 1 and 2 can be heard in monosyllabic words however. In the central Swedish dialect of Stockholm, accent 1 is an LHL contour and accent 2 is an HLHL contour, with the second peak in the second syllable.[21]

In Welsh, in most words the accent is realised as a low tone on the penultimate syllable (which is also stressed) followed by a high tone on the final; but in some dialects this LH contour may take place entirely within the penultimate syllable.[22]

Similarly in the Chichewa language of Malawi a tone on a final syllable often spreads backwards to the penultimate syllable, so that the word Chichewá is actually pronounced Chichēwā with two mid-tones,[23] or Chichěwā, with a rising tone on the penultimate syllable.[24] Sentence-finally it can become Chichěwà with a rising tone on the penultimate and a low tone on the final.[24][25]

Peak delay

A phenomenon observed in a number of languages, both fully tonal ones and those with pitch-accent systems, is peak delay.[26] In this, the high point (peak) of a high tone does not synchronise exactly with the syllable itself, but is reached at the beginning of the following syllable, giving the impression that the high tone has spread over two syllables. The Vedic Sanskrit accent described above has been interpreted as an example of peak delay.[27]

One-mora accents

Conversely, a pitch accent in some languages can target just part of a syllable, if the syllable is bi-moraic. Thus in Luganda, in the word Abagânda "Baganda people" the accent is considered to occur on the first mora of the syllable ga(n), but in Bugáńda "Buganda (region)" it occurs on the second half (with spreading back to the first half).[28][29] In Ancient Greek, similarly, in the word οἶκοι (koi) "houses" the accent is on the first half of the syllable oi, but in οἴκοι (koi) "at home" on the second half.[30] An alternative analysis is to see Luganda and Ancient Greek as belonging to the type of languages where there is a choice of different contours on an accented syllable.

High tone spread


In some pitch-accent languages, the high pitch of the accent can be anticipated in the preceding syllable or syllables, for example, Japanese atámá ga "head", Basque lagúnén amúma "the friend's grandmother", Turkish sínírlénmeyecektiniz "you would not get angry",[5] Belgrade Serbian pápríka "pepper",[31] Ancient Greek ápáítéì "it demands".[32]

Forwards spreading

Forwards spreading of a tone is also common in some languages. For example, in the Northern Ndebele language of Zimbabwe, the tonal accent on the prefix ú- spreads forward to all the syllables in the word except the last two: úhleka "to laugh"; úkúhlékísana "to make one another laugh". Sometimes the sequence HHHH then becomes LLLH, so that in the related language Zulu, the equivalent of these words is ukúhleka and ukuhlekísana with an accent shifted to the antepenultimate syllable.[33]

In Yaqui, the accent is signalled by an upstep before the accented syllable. The high pitch continues after the accent, declining slightly, until the next accented syllable.[34] Thus it is the opposite of Japanese, where the accent is preceded by high pitch, and its position is signalled by a downstep after the accented syllable.

Plateau between accents

In other languages the high pitch of an accent, instead of dropping to a low on the following syllable, in some circumstances can continue in a plateau to the next accented syllable, as in Luganda kírí mú Búgáńda "it is in Buganda" (contrast kíri mu Bunyóró "it is in Bunyoro", in which Bunyóró is unaccented apart from automatic default tones).[35]

Plateauing is also found in Chichewa, where in some circumstances a sequence of HLH can change to HHH. For example, ndí + njingá "with a bicycle" makes ndí njíngá with a plateau.[36]

In Western Basque and Luganda, the default high tones automatically added to accentless words can spread in a continuous plateau through the phrase as far as the first accent, for example, in Basque Jonén lágúnén ámúma "John's friend's grandmother",[37] Luganda abántú mú kíbúga "people in the city".[38]

Simple pitch-accent languages

According to the first two criteria above, the Tokyo dialect of Japanese is often considered a typical pitch-accent language, since the pronunciation of any word can be specified by marking just one syllable as accented, and in every word the accent is realised by a fall in pitch immediately after the accented syllable. In the examples below the accented syllable is marked in bold (the particle ga indicates that the word is subject):[39]

  • mákura ga "pillow"
  • anáta ga "you"
  • atámá ga "head"
  • sakáná gá "fish" (unaccented)

In Japanese there are also other high-toned syllables, which are added to the word automatically, but these do not count as accents, since they are not followed by a low syllable. As can be seen, some of the words in Japanese have no accent.

In Proto-Indo-European and its descendant, Vedic Sanskrit, the system is comparable to Tokyo Japanese and Cupeño in most respects, specifying pronunciation through inherently accented morphemes such as *-ró- and *-tó- (Vedic -rá- and -tá-) and inherently unaccented morphemes.[40] The examples below demonstrate the formation of such words using morphemes:

  • PIE */h₂erǵ-ró-(o)s/ > *h₂r̥ǵrós "shining" (Vedic r̥jrás)
  • PIE */ḱlew-tó-(o)s/ > *ḱlutós "heard (of), famous" (Vedic śrutás)

If there are multiple accented morphemes, the accent is determined by specific morphophonological principles. Below is a comparison of Vedic, Tokyo Japanese and Cupeño regarding accent placement:

  • Vedic /gáv-ā́/ > gáv-ā "with the cow"
  • Japanese /yón-dára/ > yón-dara "if (he) reads"
  • Cupeño /ʔáyu-qá/ > ʔáyu-qa "(he) wants"

The Basque language has a system very similar to Japanese. In some Basque dialects, as in Tokyo Japanese, there are accented and unaccented words; in other dialects all major words have an accent.[41] As with Japanese, the accent in Basque consists of a high pitch followed by a fall on the next syllable.

Turkish is another language often considered a pitch-accent language (see Turkish phonology#Word accent). In some circumstances, for example in the second half of a compound, the accent can disappear.

Persian has also been called a pitch-accent language in recent studies, although the high tone of the accent is also accompanied by stress; and as with Turkish, in some circumstances the accent can be neutralised and disappear.[42][43][44] Because the accent is both stressed and high-pitched, Persian can be considered intermediate between a pitch-accent language and a stress-accent language.

More complex pitch accents

In some simple pitch-accent languages, such as Ancient Greek, the accent on a long vowel or diphthong could be on either half of the vowel, making a contrast possible between a rising accent and a falling one; compare οἴκοι (koi) "at home" vs. οἶκοι (koi) "houses".[30] Similarly in Luganda, in bimoraic syllables a contrast is possible between a level and falling accent: Bugáńda "Buganda (region)", vs. Abagânda "Baganda (people)". However, such contrasts are not common or systematic in these languages.

In more complex types of pitch-accent languages, although there is still only one accent per word, there is a systematic contrast of more than one pitch-contour on the accented syllable, for example, H vs. HL in the Colombian language Barasana,[5] accent 1 vs. accent 2 in Swedish and Norwegian, rising vs. falling tone in Serbo-Croatian, and a choice between level (neutral), rising, and falling in Punjabi.

Other languages deviate from a simple pitch accent in more complicated ways. For example, in describing the Osaka dialect of Japanese, it is necessary to specify not only which syllable of a word is accented, but also whether the initial syllable of the word is high or low.[39]

In Luganda the accented syllable is usually followed immediately after the HL of the accent by an automatic default tone, slightly lower than the tone of the accent, e.g., túgendá "we are going"; however, there are some words such as bálilabá "they will see", where the automatic default tone does not follow the accent immediately but after an interval of two or three syllables. In such words it is therefore necessary to specify not only which syllable has the accent, but where the default tone begins.[45]

Because of the number of ways languages can use tone some linguists, such as the tonal languages specialist Larry Hyman, argue that the category "pitch-accent language" can have no coherent definition, and that all such languages should simply be referred to as "tonal languages".[39]



The theoretical proto-language Proto-Indo-European, the putative ancestor of most European, Iranian and North Indian languages, is usually reconstructed to have been a free pitch-accent system. ("Free" here refers to the position of the accent since its position was unpredictable by phonological rules and so could be on any syllable of a word, regardless of its structure.) From comparisons with the surviving Indo-European daughter languages, it is generally believed that the accented syllable was higher in pitch than the surrounding syllables. Among daughter languages, a pitch-accent system is found in Vedic Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, the Baltic languages and some South Slavic languages, although none of them preserves the original system intact.[46]

Vedic Sanskrit

Vedic Sanskrit, the earliest form of the Indian language Sanskrit, is believed to have had a pitch accent that was very similar to that of ancestor language Proto-Indo-European. Most words had exactly one accented syllable, but there were some unaccented words, such as finite verbs of main clauses, non-initial vocatives, and certain pronouns and particles. Occasionally, a compound word occurred with two accents: ápa-bhartávai "to take away".[27]

The ancient Indian grammarians describe the accented syllable as being "raised" (udātta), and it appears that it was followed in the following syllable by a downwards glide, which the grammarians refer to as "sounded" (svarita). In some cases, language change merged an accented syllable with a following svarita syllable, and the two were combined in a single syllable, known as "independent svarita".

The precise descriptions of ancient Indian grammarians imply that the udātta was characterised by rising pitch and the svarita by falling pitch. In the tradition represented by the Rigveda, a collection of hymns, the highest point of the accent appears not to have been reached until the beginning of the svarita syllable. In other words, it was an example of "peak delay" (see above).[27]

In the later stages of Sanskrit, the pitch accent was lost and a stress accent remained. The stress in Sanskrit, however, was weaker than that in English and not free but predictable. The stress was heard on the penultimate syllable of the word if it was heavy, on the antepenultimate if the antepenultimate was heavy and the penultimate light, and otherwise on the pre-antepenultimate.[47]

Ancient Greek

In Ancient Greek, one of the final three syllables of a word carried an accent. Each syllable contained one or two vocalic morae, but only one can be accented, and accented morae were pronounced at a higher pitch. In polytonic orthography, accented vowels were marked with the acute accent. Long vowels and diphthongs are thought to have been bimoraic and, if the accent falls on the first mora, were marked with the circumflex. Long vowels and diphthongs that were accented on the first mora had a high–low (falling) pitch contour and, if accented on the second mora, may have had a low–high (rising) pitch contour:

γάλα ála] "milk" short accented vowel
γῆ ɛ́͜ɛ] "earth" long vowel accented on the first mora
ἐγώ [eɡɔ͜ɔ́] "I" long vowel accented on the second mora
recording of γάλα, γῆ, ἐγώ

The Ancient Greek accent was melodic, as is suggested by descriptions by ancient grammarians but also by fragments of Greek music such as the Seikilos epitaph, in which most words are set to music that coincides with the accent. For example, the first syllable of the word φαίνου (phaínou) is set to three notes rising in pitch, the middle syllable of ὀλίγον (olígon) is higher in pitch than the other two syllables, and the circumflex accent of ζῆν (zên) has two notes, the first a third higher than the second.[48]

In addition to the two accents mentioned above (the acute and the circumflex), Ancient Greek also had a grave accent. It was used only on the last syllable of words, as an alternative to an acute. The acute was used when the word was cited in isolation or came before a pause, such as a comma or a full stop, or an enclitic. Otherwise, a grave was written. The exact interpretation of the grave is disputed: it may have indicated that the accent was completely suppressed or that it was partly suppressed but not entirely absent.[49]

By comparing the position of the Ancient Greek and Vedic Sanskrit accents, the accent of the ancestor language Proto-Indo-European can often be reconstructed. For example, in the declension of the word for "father" in these two languages, the position of the accent in some cases is identical:[50]

Case Ancient Greek Vedic Sanskrit
Nominative sg. πατήρ (patr) pitā
Vocative sg. πάτερ (páter) pitar
Accusative sg. πατέρα (patéra) pitaram
Dative sg. πατρί (patrí) pitrē
Dative pl. πατράσι (patrási) pitrsu (locative)

In later stages of Greek, the accent changed from a pitch accent to a stress accent, but remained largely on the same syllable as in Ancient Greek. The change is thought to have taken place by the 4th century AD.[51] Thus, the word ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) ("man, person"), which is believed to have been pronounced in ancient times with the first syllable always higher than the other two, is now pronounced with the first syllable either higher or lower than the other two.

Baltic languages

Two languages of the Baltic branch of the Indo-European family survive today: Lithuanian and Latvian. (Another Baltic language, Old Prussian, died out in the 18th century.) Both languages have a tonal accent that is believed to derive from the ancestral Proto-Indo-European language.

Possible relationships
between Baltic tones

 Baltic F R / \/ \ / /\ \ / / \ \ / / F \ / / |\ \ / / | \ \ F R L B F Lith. Latvian 
F – falling (acute) R – rising (circumflex) L – level B – broken 

Baltic tones are often classified as either "acute" or "circumflex." However, these labels indicate a diachronic correspondence rather than a phonetic one. For example, the "acute" accent is falling in Lithuanian but a high level tone in Latvian and is presumed to have been rising in Old Prussian and Classical Greek. The "circumflex" is rising in Lithuanian but falling in Latvian, Prussian and Classical Greek.[53]

In the tree diagram on the right, as adopted from Poljakov, names for (original) Baltic tones have been equated with those of modern Standard Lithuanian and the falling tone in Latvian is depicted as derived from a Baltic rising tone. According to some it was Lithuanian that "switched the places" of the Baltic tones.[54] This might explain why most languages call a rising tone "acute" while in Baltic terminology a falling tone is "acute." Some controversy surrounds Poljakov's model, and it has been harshly criticized by Frederik Kortlandt. Kortlandt contends that broken tone in Latvian and Žemaitian is a reflex of a now disappeared glottal stop in Balto-Slavic not preserved in Aukštaitian (Standard Lithuanian) or Slavic languages and not a recent development of acute.[54]


Long segments in Lithuanian can take one of two accents: rising or falling. "Long segments" are defined as either long vowels, diphthongs or a sequence of a vowel followed by a sonorant if they are in a stressed position. Pitch can serve as the only distinguishing characteristic for minimal pairs that are otherwise orthographically identical, e.g., kar̃tų 'time:gen.pl' vs. kártų 'hang:irr.3' (rising and falling tone indicated by a tilde and an acute accent respectively.)[55]


In Latvian, long segments (the same criteria as in Lithuanian) can take on one of three pitches (intonācijas or more specifically zilbes intonācijas) either stiepta ("level"), lauzta ("broken") or krītoša ("falling") indicated by Latvian linguists with a tilde, circumflex or a grave accent respectively[56] (in IPA, however, the tilde is replaced by a macron because the former is already reserved to denote nasalized vowels.) Some authors note that the level pitch is realized simply as "ultra long" (or overlong.)[55] Endzelīns (1897) identifies "level diphthongs" as consisting of 3 moras not just two. Broken pitch is, in turn, a falling pitch with superadded glottalization.[55] And, indeed, the similarity between the Latvian broken pitch and Danish stød has been described by several authors. At least in Danish phonology, stød (unlike Norwegian and Swedish pitch accents) is not considered a pitch accent distinction but, rather, variously described as either glottalization, laryngealization, creaky voice or vocal fry. Some authors point out that the so-called broken pitch is not a pitch accent but a pitch register distinction similar to the ngã register of Northern Vietnamese.

Outside of Central Vidzeme (Standard Latvian), the three-way system has been simplified, in Eastern Latvian (Latgale) only broken and falling pitches are distinguished. Speakers of Rīga Latvian and other more westward varieties differentiate only between level and broken pitches with the falling pitch being merged with the broken one. Thus the Standard Latvian "minimal triplet" or "minimal set" of [zāːle] (hall), [zâːle] (grass) and [zàːles] (medicine) in Rīga Latvian would be reduced to "hall" (level pitch) and "grass" (broken pitch) and "medicine" would be pronounced with a broken pitch just like "grass." Speakers around Ērgļi tend to have just levelled pitch.


The extinct Livonian language is a Finnic language rather than Baltic but was influenced by Latvian. In the late 19th century, Danish linguist Vilhelm Thomsen identified a characteristic in the speech of a Livonian sailor that to him seemed very similar to the Danish stød. The feature was later the subject of research by several Finno-Ugricists.[57] Although the (Indo-European) Latvian and (Uralic) Livonian are phylogenetically unrelated (being from different language families) both have influenced each other heavily in terms of phonology. Whether Livonian acquired this feature from Latvian or vice versa is debated; however, owing to the fact that Livonian is the only Finno-Ugric language to have this feature, the majority of researchers believe it was a product of Latvian influence on Livonian and not the other way around.[57] It is possible that "Livonian stød" would be classified as a pitch accent only by Latvian classification just like the identical Latvian lauztā intonācija, otherwise it would be considered a pitch register, glottalization or similar categories as discussed above.

The Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary at uses an apostrophe after a vowel to indicate broken pitch, for example, Mi’nnõn u’m vajāg instead of just Minnõn um vajāg.

Norwegian and Swedish

Norwegian and Swedish are stress-accent languages, but in addition to the stress, two-syllable words in most dialects also have differences in tone. There are two kinds of tonal accent, referred to as the acute and grave accents, but they are also called accent 1 and accent 2 or tone 1 and tone 2. Over 150 two-syllable word pairs are differentiated only by their use of the accent. Accent 1 is used generally for words whose second syllable is the definite article and for words that were monosyllabic in Old Norse.

For example, in many East Norwegian dialects, the word bønder (farmers) is pronounced with tone 1, while bønner (beans or prayers) uses tone 2. Differences in spelling occasionally let readers distinguish written words, but most minimal pairs are written alike. An example in Swedish is the word anden, which means "the duck" when using tone 1 and "the spirit" when using tone 2.

In some dialects of Swedish, including those spoken in Finland, the distinction is absent. There are significant variations in the realization of pitch accent between dialects. Thus, in most of western and northern Norway (the so-called high-pitch dialects), accent 1 is falling, and accent 2 is rising in the first syllable and falling in the second syllable or somewhere around the syllable boundary.

The word accents give Norwegian and Swedish a "singing" quality that makes them easy to distinguish from other languages. In Danish (except for some southern dialects), the pitch accent of Swedish and Norwegian corresponds to the glottalization phenomenon known as stød.[citation needed]

Franconian dialects

Extent (orange) of pitch usage in Benelux, Germany and France at the beginning of the 20th century[58]

A pitch accent is found in the following Franconian languages or dialects: Limburgish, Ripuarian and Moselle Franconian (excluding Luxembourgish). They are sometimes collectively referred to as West Central German tonal languages.

In these dialects there is a distinction between two different tonal contours, known as "tonal accent 1" and "tonal accent 2". As with Lithuanian, the distinction is made only in stressed syllables and, for the most part,[59] only when the syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or vowel that is followed in the same syllable by a sonorant (r, l, m, n, ŋ). No distinction of tones is made in stressed syllables containing a short vowel only.[60][61] Although the accentual system resembles that of Swedish, the two are thought to have arisen independently.[10] Unlike Swedish, where the distinction in tones is not made in monosyllables (except for in northern and western dialects), in the Franconian dialects it very frequently occurs in monosyllables, e.g., (Ripuarian dialect) zɛɪ1 "sieve" vs. zɛɪ2 "she".[60]

The tonal accents are referred to under a variety of names. Tonal accent 1 is called stoottoon ("thrusting tone") in Dutch or Schärfung in German, while tonal accent 2 is named sleeptoon ("slurring tone") in Dutch and Schleifton in German, apparently referring to the double peak it has in areas such as Limburg.[60][nb 1]

The two accents have different realisations in different dialects. For example, in Cologne, accent 1 has a sharp fall near the beginning of the syllable, and accent 2 remains level for a while before falling. In Arzbach, near Koblenz, on the other hand, accent 1 rises slightly or remains level, while it is accent 2 that falls sharply, that is, more or less the reverse of the Cologne pattern. In Hasselt in Belgian Limburg, accent 1 rises then falls, and with accent 2 there is a fall and then a rise and another fall. The three types are known as Rule A, Rule B and Rule 0, respectively.[10] Although traditionally accent 2 has been analysed as the marked variant, in certain Rule A areas (especially Cologne, where accent 2's realization is nigh-indistinguishable from an unpitched long vowel) accent 1 is thought of as the marked variant. Grammars of the Cologne dialect will treat the pitches as "ungeschärft" (accent 2) and "geschärft" (accent 1).[62] Adam Wrede's influential dictionary[63] of the Cologne dialect also treats accent 2 as indistinct; the above examples zɛɪ1 "sieve" and zɛɪ2 "she," "they" are transcribed (zeiː) and (zei) respectively. (The differing transcriptions of the vowel are due to the pronunciation being different in Cologne than the surrounding dialects)[62]

It has recently been observed that in interrogative sentences, however, all three types have nearly identical intonations. In all dialects in accent 1, there is then a rise and then a fall. In accent 2, there is then a fall, a rise and then another fall.[10]

Since the contour of the accent changes in different contexts, from declarative to interrogative, those dialects apparently contradict Hayes's proposed criterion for a pitch-accent language of the contour of a pitch-accent remaining stable in every context.

West South Slavic languages

The West South Slavic languages include Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian) and Slovenian, spoken in the former Yugoslavia.

The late Proto-Slavic accentual system was based on a fundamental opposition of a short/long circumflex (falling) tone, and an acute (rising) tone, the position of the accent being free as was inherited from Proto-Balto-Slavic. Common Slavic accentual innovations significantly reworked the original system primarily with respect to the position of the accent (Dybo's law, Illič-Svityč's law, Meillet's law etc.), and further developments yielded some new accents, such as the so-called neoacute (Ivšić's law), or the new rising tone in Neoštokavian dialects (the so-called "Neoštokavian retraction").

As opposed to other Slavic dialect subgroups, West South Slavic dialects have largely retained the Proto-Slavic system of free and mobile tonal accent (including the dialect used for basis of Modern Standard Slovene and the Neoštokavian dialect used for the basis of standard varieties of Serbo-Croatian: Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian), though the discrepancy between the codified norm and actual speech may vary significantly.[64][nb 2]


The Neoštokavian dialect used for the basis of standard Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian distinguishes four types of pitch accents: short falling (ȅ), short rising (è), long falling (ȇ), and long rising (é). There are also unaccented vowels: long (ē) and short (e). The accent is said to be relatively free, as it can be manifested on any syllable except the last. The long accents are realized by pitch change within the long vowel; the short ones are realized by the pitch difference from the subsequent syllable.[65]

Accent alternations are very frequent in inflectional paradigms by both types of accent and placement in the word (the so-called "mobile paradigms", which were present in the PIE itself but became much more widespread in Proto-Balto-Slavic). Different inflected forms of the same lexeme can exhibit all four accents: lònac 'pot' (nominative sg.), lónca (genitive sg.), lȏnci (nominative pl.), lȍnācā (genitive pl.).[citation needed]

Restrictions on the distribution of the accent depend on the position of the syllable but also on its quality, as not every kind of accent is manifested in every syllable.[citation needed]

  1. A falling tone generally occurs in monosyllabic words or the first syllable of a word (pȃs 'belt', rȏg 'horn'; bȁba 'old woman', lȃđa 'river ship'; kȕćica 'small house', Kȃrlovac). The only exception to this rule are the interjections, i.e., words uttered in the state of excitement (ahȁ, ohȏ)[citation needed]
  2. A rising tone generally occurs in any syllable of a word except the ultimate and never in monosyllabic words (vòda 'water', lúka 'harbour'; lìvada 'meadow', lúpānje 'slam'; siròta 'female orphan', počétak 'beginning'; crvotòčina 'wormhole', oslobođénje 'liberation').[citation needed]

Thus, monosyllables generally have falling tone, and polysyllabic words generally have falling or rising tone on the first syllable and rising in all the other syllables except the last. The tonal opposition rising vs. falling is generally possible only in the first accented syllable of polysyllabic words, but the opposition by length, long vs. short, is possible even in the nonaccented syllable and the post-accented syllable (but not in the preaccented position).[citation needed]

Proclitics (clitics that latch on to a following word), on the other hand, can "steal" a falling tone (but not a rising tone) from the following monosyllabic or disyllabic words (as seen in the examples /vîdiːm/→/ně‿vidiːm/, /ʒěliːm/→/ne‿ʒěliːm/). The stolen accent is always short and may end up being either falling or rising on the proclitic. That phenomenon is obligatory in Neoštokavian idiom and therefore in all three standard languages, but it is often lost in spoken dialects because of the influence of other dialects (such as in Zagreb because of the influence of Kajkavian dialect).[66]

in isolation with proclitic
rising /ʒěliːm/ I want /ne‿ʒěliːm/ I don't want
/nemɔɡǔːtɕnɔːst/ inability /u‿nemɔɡǔːtɕnɔsti/ not being able to
falling N: /zǐːma/, A: /zîːmu/ winter /û‿ziːmu/ (A) in the winter
/vîdiːm/ I see /ně‿vidiːm/ I can't see
N, A: /ɡrâːd/ city /û‿ɡraːd/ (A) to the city (stays falling)
N: /ʃûma/ forest /ǔ‿ʃumi/ (L) in the forest (becomes rising)


In Slovenian, there are two concurrent standard accentual systems: the older, tonal, with three "pitch accents", and the younger, dynamic (i.e., stress-based), with louder and longer syllables. The stress-based system was introduced because two thirds of Slovenia has lost its tonal accent. In practice, however, even the stress-based accentual system is just an abstract ideal, and speakers generally retain their own dialect even when they try to speak Standard Slovenian. For example, speakers of urban dialects in the west of Slovenia without distinctive length fail to introduce a quantitative opposition when they speak the standard language.[citation needed]

The older accentual system is tonal and free (jágoda 'strawberry', malína 'raspberry', gospodár 'master, lord'). There are three kinds of accents: short falling (è), long falling (ȇ) and long rising (é). Non-final syllables always have long accents: rakîta 'crustacea', tetíva 'sinew'. The short falling accent is always in the final syllable: bràt 'brother'. Three-way opposition among accents can only then be present: deskà 'board' : blagọ̑  'goods, ware' : gospá 'lady'. Accent can be mobile throughout the inflectional paradigm: dȃrdarȗ, góra — gorẹ́goràm, bràt — brátao brȃtu, kráva — krȃv, vóda — vodọ̑na vọ̑do). The distinction is made between open -e- and -o- (either long or short) and closed -ẹ- and -ọ- (always long).[citation needed]


The Basque language of northeastern Spain and southwestern France has a number of different dialects and a number of accentual patterns. Only western varieties seem to have a tonal accent, and eastern varieties have a stress accent (the stress-accent dialects also differ one from another).[2] According to an analysis first suggested by J.R. Hualde,[67] Northern Bizkaian has most nouns accentless in their absolutive singular form, but they have a default high tone (shown by underlining below), which continues throughout the word except for the first syllable. These examples come from the Gernika (Guernica) dialect:

  • Gerníké "Guernica"
  • basóá "forest"
  • patátíé "potato"
  • guntsúrrúné "kidney"

There are, however, a few nouns (often borrowings) with a lexical accent. As in Japanese, the accent consists of a high tone, followed by a low one:

  • Bílbo "Bilbao"
  • apáriže "supper"

In addition, some suffixes (including all plural suffixes) are preaccenting and so cause an accent on the syllable before the suffix:

  • ándrak "women"
  • txakúrren "of dogs" (genitive plural)
  • Gerníkétik "from Guernica"

Other suffixes do not cause any extra accent:

  • txakúrrén "of the dog" (genitive singular)

When a preaccenting suffix is added to an already-accented word, only the first accent is retained:

  • Bílbotik "from Bilbao"

The accent from Ondarroa is similar but the accent of the word, if any, always appears on the penultimate syllable:

  • Bilbótik "from Bilbao" (Ondarroa pronunciation)

Intonation studies show that when an accentless word is spoken either in isolation or before a verb, it acquires an accent on its last syllable (or, in Ondarroa, on its penultimate syllable). However, that is an intonational accent, rather than a lexical accent:[68][69]

  • lagúná etorri da "the friend (laguna) has come"

When an accentless word in those dialects of Basque is followed by an accented word, the automatic high tones continue in a plateau as far as the accent:[68]

  • lagúnén ámúma ikusi dot "I have seen the friend's grandmother (amúma)"

That also applies if the accent is intonational. In the following sentence, all words are unaccented apart from the intonational accent before the verb:[70]

  • lagúnén álábíá etorri da "the friend's daughter has come"

When an accented word is focused, the pitch of the accented syllable is raised, but if the word is accentless, there is no rise in pitch on that word but only on the accented word. In the following phrase, only the word amúma "grandmother" is thus accented, whether the focus is on "John", "friend", or "grandmother", or none of these:[37][71]

  • Jonén lágúnén ámúma "John's friend's grandmother"

Another pitch accent area in Basque is found in western Navarre, near the border with France in the towns of Goizueta and Leitza. There is a strong stress accent there on the second or the first syllable of every word, like with central dialects of Basque, but there is also a pitch contrast superimposed on the stress: mendik (rise-dip-rise) "the mountain" vs. mendik (rise-fall) "the mountains".[70]


Although the Turkish accent is traditionally referred to as "stress", recent studies have pointed out that the main correlate of lexical accent is actually pitch. In a word like sözcükle "with a word", the accented second syllable is thus higher than the other two but has less intensity (loudness).[72]

Turkish word-accent is found especially in geographical names (İstanbul, Ankara, Yunanistan "Greece", Adana), foreign borrowings (salata "salad", lokanta "restaurant"), some proper names (Erdoğan, Kenedi), compound words (başkent "capital city"), some words referring to relatives (anne "mother"), and certain adverbs (şimdi "now", yalnız "only"). It is also caused by certain suffixes, some of which are "pre-accenting" and so cause an accent on the syllable preceding them, such as negative -me-/-ma-, question particle mi?, or copula -dir "it is" (gelmedi "he did not come", geldi mi? "did he come?", güzeldir "it is beautiful").[73][74] The accented syllable is slightly higher in pitch than the following syllable. All other words, when pronounced in isolation, either have a slightly raised pitch on the final syllable or are pronounced with all the syllables level.[75]

Turkish also has a phrase-accent and focus-accent. An accent on the first word of a phrase usually causes an accent in the following words or suffixes to be neutralised, e.g., çoban salatası "shepherd salad", Ankara'dan da "also from Ankara", telefon ettiler "they telephoned", with only one accent.[73]

A controversy exists over whether Turkish has accentless words, like Japanese and Basque. Some scholars, such as Levi (2005) and Özçelik (2016), see the final raised pitch sometimes heard in words such as arkadaş ("friend") or geldi ("he came") as a mere phrasal tone or boundary tone.[76] Others, such as Kabak (2016), prefer the traditional view that the final accent in such words is a kind of stress.[77]


The accent of Persian words used to be always referred to as "stress" but is recognised as a pitch accent in recent works. Acoustic studies show that accented syllables have some of the characteristics of stressed syllables in stress-accent languages (slightly more intensity, more length, more open vowels), but that effect is much less than would normally be expected in stress-accent languages. The main difference is one of pitch, with a contour of (L)+H*.[78]

Normally, the pitch falls again at the end of the syllable (if final) or on the next syllable.

Persian nouns and adjectives are always accented on the final syllable. Certain suffixes, such as the plural -ha, shift the accent to themselves:

  • ketâb "book"
  • ketâb-hâ "books"
  • ketâb-i "bookish"

Other suffixes, such as possessives and the indefinite -i, are clitic and so are unaccented:

  • ketâb-etun "your book"
  • ketâb-i "a book"

In verbs, the personal endings in the past tense are clitic but are accented in the future tense:

  • gereft-am "I took"
  • gerefte-am "I have taken"
  • xâham gereft "I will take"

When prefixes are added, the accent shifts to the first syllable:

  • mi-gir-am "I'm taking"
  • na-gereft-am "I did not take"
  • be-gir-am "I should take"

In the vocative (xânom! "madam") and sometimes elsewhere, such as bale! "yes" or agar "if", the accent is also on the first syllable.

In compound verbs, the accent is on the first element:

  • kâr kard-am "I worked"

However, in compound nouns, the accent is on the second element:

  • ketâb-xâne "bookcase"

In the ezâfe construction, the first noun is optionally accented but generally loses its pitch:[79]

  • mardom-e Irân / mardom-e Irân "the people of Iran"

When a word is focussed, the pitch is raised, and the words that follow usually lose their accent:

  • nâme-ye mâmân-am bud ru miz "it was my mom's letter that was on the table"

However, other researchers claim that the pitch of post-focus words is reduced but sometimes still audible.[78]


Map of Japanese pitch-accent types. Red: Tone plus variable downstep. Green: Variable downstep in accented words. Lavender: Fixed downstep in accented words. Yellow: Variable pitches but no distinction.

Standard Japanese and certain other varieties of Japanese are described as having a pitch accent, which differs significantly among dialects. In Standard Japanese, the "accent" may be characterized as a downstep rather than as pitch accent. The pitch of a word rises until it reaches a downstep and then drops abruptly. In a two-syllable word, a contrast thus occurs between high–low and low–high. Accentless words are also low–high, but the pitch of following enclitics differentiates them.[80]

Accent on first mora Accent on second mora Accentless
/kaꜜki o/ 牡蠣を oyster /kakiꜜ o/ 垣を fence /kaki o/ 柿を persimmon
high–low–low low–high–low low–mid–high

The Ōsaka accent (Kansai dialect) (marked red on the map to the right) differs from the Tokyo accent in that in some words, the first syllable of the word (always low in Tokyo Japanese unless accented) can be high. To give a full description of the accent of a word, therefore, it is necessary to specify not only the position of the accent (downstep) but also the height of the first syllable.[39]


Standard (Seoul) Korean uses pitch only for prosody. However, several other dialects retain a Middle Korean pitch-accent system.

In the dialect of North Gyeongsang, in southeastern South Korea, any syllable and the initial two syllables may have a pitch accent in the form of a high tone. For example, in trisyllabic words, there are four possible tone patterns:[81]

Hangul IPA English
며느리 mjə́.nɯ.ɾi daughter-in-law
어머니 ə.mə́.ni mother
원어민 wə.nə.mín native speaker
오라비 ó.ɾá.bi elder brother


The Shanghai dialect of Wu Chinese is marginally tonal, with characteristics of a pitch accent.

Not counting closed syllables (those with a final glottal stop), a monosyllabic Shanghainese may carry one of three tones: high, mid, low. The tones have a contour in isolation, but for the following purposes, it can be ignored. However, low tone always occurs after voiced consonants and only then. Thus, the only tonal distinction is after voiceless consonants and in vowel-initial syllables, and there is only a two-way distinction between high tone and mid tone.

In a polysyllabic word, the tone of the first syllable determines the tone of the entire word. If the first tone is high, the following syllables are mid. If it is mid or low, the second syllable is high, and any following syllables are mid. Thus, a mark for the high tone is all that is needed to note the tone in Shanghainese:

Romanzi Hanzi Pitch pattern English
Voiced initial zaunheinin 上海人 low–high–mid Shanghai resident (Shanghainese person)
No voiced initial (mid tone) aodaliya 澳大利亚 mid–high–mid–mid Australia
No voiced initial (high tone) kónkonchitso 公共汽車 high–mid–mid–mid bus

Bantu languages

The Bantu languages are a large group of some 550 languages, spread over most of south and central Africa. Proto-Bantu is believed to have had two tones: H and L.[82][83] However, it does not appear to have had a pitch-accent system, as defined above, since words with such forms as HL, HH, LH, and LL were all found: *káda "charcoal", *cómbá "fish", *nyangá "horn" and *tope "mud". In other words, some words like *cómbá could have two high tones, and others had one tone or none.[84]

However, in the course of time, processes such as Meeussen's Rule, by which sequences such as HHH became HLL, LHL, or LLH, tended to eliminate all but one tone in a word in many Bantu languages, making them more accent-like.[8] Thus in Chichewa, the word for "fish" (nsómba) now has HL tones, exactly like the word for "charcoal" (khála).

Another process that makes for culminativity in some Bantu languages is the interaction between stress and tone. The penultimate syllable of a word is stressed in many Bantu languages, and some of them have a tendency for high tones to be on the penultimate. For example, in Chitumbuka, every phonological phrase is accented with a falling tone on the penultimate: ti-ku-phika sî:ma "we are cooking porridge".[85] In other languages, such as Xhosa, the high tone is attracted to the antepenultimate although the penultimate being stressed.[86]

Ciluba and Ruund, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, are two Bantu languages thaty are interesting for their "tone reversal". Low tone is phonologically active in places that other languages of the same family have a high tone. Thus, in a word like *mukíla "tail", most other Bantu languages have a high tone on the second syllable, but Chiluba has mukìla and Ruund has mukìl, with a low-toned accent.[87]


Luganda, a language of Uganda, has some words with apparent tonal accents. They can be either high or falling (rising tones do not occur in Luganda). Falling tones are found on bimoraic syllables or word-finally:[88]

  • ensî "country"
  • ekibúga "city"
  • eddwâliro "hospital"

Some words, however, have two accents, which are joined in a plateau:

  • Kámpálâ "Kampala"

Other words are accentless:

  • ekitabo "book"

However, accentless words are not always without tones but usually receive a default tone on all syllables except the first one or the first mora:

  • ekítábó "book"
  • Bunyóró "Bunyoro" (name of region)

A double consonant at the beginning of a word counts as a mora. In such words, the first syllable also can have a default tone:

  • Ttóró "Toro" (a region)

Default tones are also heard on the end of accented words if there is a gap of at least one mora after the accent (the default tones are lower in pitch than the preceding accent):

  • amasérengétá "south"
  • eddwâlíró "hospital"

The default tones are not always heard but disappear in certain contexts, such as if a noun is the subject of a sentence or used before a numeral:

  • Mbarara kibúga "Mbarara is a city"
  • ebitabo kkúmi "ten books"

In some contexts such as affirmative verb + location, or phrases with "of"), the high tone of an accent (or of a default tone) can continue in a plateau all the way until the next accented syllable:

  • mu maséréngétá gá Úgáńda "in the south of Uganda"
  • alí mú Búgáńda "he is in Buganda"

The situation with verbs is more complicated, however, since some of the verbal roots have their own inherent word-accent, but also, the prefixes added to the verb also often have an accent. Also, some tenses (such as negative tenses and relative clause tenses) add an accent on the final syllable.

When two or three accents come in a row in a verb, H-H becomes H-L, and H-H-H becomes H-L-L. However, the default tones are not added on the syllables with deleted accents, which leads to forms like bálilabá (from *bá-lí-lába) "they will see". There, not one but two low-toned syllables follow the accent.[89]

Another rule is that if two accents in the same verb are not next to each other, they form a plateau. Thus, the negative tense tágulâ "he does not buy" is pronounced ''tágúlâ, with a plateau.


Chichewa, a language widely spoken in Malawi, is tonal but has accentual properties. Most Chichewa simple nouns have only one high tone, usually on one of the last three syllables.[90] (See Chichewa tones.)

  • chímanga "maize"
  • chikóndi "love"
  • chinangwá "cassava" (usually pronounced chinăngwā, with rising tone on the penultimate)[91]

However, many number of nouns have no high tone but are accentless. Unlike the accentless words in Luganda, however, they do not acquire any default tones but are pronounced with all the syllables low:

  • chipatala "hospital"

A few nouns (often but not always compounds) have two high tones. If they are separated by only one syllable, they usually join in a plateau:

  • chizólówezí "habit"
  • bírímánkhwe "chameleon"

Most verbal roots in Chichewa are accentless. However, a few verbs also have lexical accents, but they are not inherited from Proto-Bantu.[92] When there is an accent, it is always heard on the final -a of the verb:

  • thokozá-ni "give thanks (pl.)"

Some accents are added by prefixes and suffixes. For example, the infinitive prefix ku- is postaccenting, adding a tone on the following syllable, while the suffix -nso "again/also" is preaccenting:

  • fotokoza "explain" (toneless)
  • kufótokoza "to explain"
  • kufótokozánso "to explain again"

The verbal system is complicated by the fact that overlying the tones of the verb and suffixes is a series of tonal patterns that changes by tense. There are at least eight patterns for affirmative tenses and other different patterns for relative clause verbs and negative verbs.[93]

For example, the present habitual tense has tones on the first and penultimate syllables, the recent past has a tone after the tense-marker -na-, the subjunctive has a tone on the final syllable and the potential is toneless. The tones apply, with minor variations, to all verbs, whether the stem is long or short:

  • ndímafotokóza "I (usually) explain"
  • ndinafótokoza "I explained (just now)"
  • ndifotokozé "I should explain"
  • ndingafotokoze "I could explain"

When a verb has a penultimate accent, most other tones tend to be suppressed. For example, in the negative future, both the tone of the future-tense marker, -dzá-, and the tone of the negative marker, sí- (both normally high), are neutralised:

  • sindidzafotokóza "I will not explain"

Those and other processes cause most verb tenses to have only one or two high tones, which are at the beginning, the penultimate or the final of the verb stem or at a prefix or sometimes even both. That gives the impression that the tones in the resultant words have a clearly-accentual quality.


Most dialects of English are classified as stress-accent languages. However, there are some dialects in which tone can play a part in the word accent.

Hong Kong English

Lexical words in Hong Kong English are assigned at least one H (high) tone. Disyllabic words may have the tone pattern H-o (clóckwise), H-H (sómetímes), o-H (creáte), where "o" stands for tonelessness. Trisyllabic words receive any one of seven possible tone assignments H-H-H (kángároo), H-H-o (hándwríting), H-o-H (róundabóut), H-o-o (thréátening), o-H-H (abóut-túrn), o-H-o (esséntial), o-o-H (recomménd). Toneless syllables receive other pitch assignments depending on their positions: word-initial toneless syllables are M(id)-toned, utterance-final toneless syllables are Low, and word-medial toneless syllables vary across two major sub-dialects in the community surfacing as either H or M. Because lexical stipulation of Hong Kong English tones are {H, o} privative, one is easily misled into thinking of Hong Kong English as a pitch-accented language. It is, however, probably more accurate to think of Hong Kong English as a language with lexical tones.[94]

South African English

In Broad South African English, /h/ (phonetically [ɦ]) is often deleted, such as in word-initial stressed syllables (as in house), but at least as often, it is pronounced even if it seems to be deleted. The vowel that follows /h/ in the word-initial syllable often carries a low or low rising tone. In rapid speech, that can be the only trace of the deleted /h/. Potentially minimal tonal pairs are thus created, like oh (neutral [ʌʊ˧] or high falling [ʌʊ˦˥˩]) vs. hoe (low [ʌʊ˨] or low rising [ʌʊ˩˨]).[95]

Welsh English

A distinctive feature of Welsh English is the rising pitch on the last syllable of major words, imitating the rising pitch of word-final syllables in Welsh (see below). An important factor in the realisation of stress in both Welsh and Welsh English is the length of the post-stress consonant, which tends to be longer than the stressed vowel itself.[96]


In Welsh a stress accent usually comes on the penultimate syllable (with a few exceptions accented on the final, such as the word Cymraeg "Welsh"), and is usually on a low pitch followed by a rising pitch. "In Welsh, the stressed syllable is associated with lower pitch than less stressed or unstressed syllables ... However, the post-stress syllable in Welsh is typically produced on a higher pitch."[97] It is believed that this came about because late Brythonic (the ancestor of Welsh) had a penultimate accent that was pronounced with a high pitch. When the final vowels of words were lost, the high pitch remained on what was now the final syllable, but the stress moved to the new penultimate. Thus LHL changed to LH, with the stress on the low syllable.[98]

Although it is usually said that the high pitch is in the final syllable of the word, an acoustic study of Anglesey Welsh found that in that dialect at least the peak of the tone was actually in the penultimate syllable, thus the last two syllables were L+H* L.[22]


The Yaqui are a native American people living mostly in Mexico but also in Arizona. About 17,000 people are said to speak Yaqui, which is a Uto-Aztecan language.

Yaqui has a tonal accent in which the accent is on the first or the second mora of the word. A long vowel has two moras in Yaqui, and a short vowel or diphthong has one mora. After the accent, the high tone continues with a very slight decline[34] until the end of the word.

About two thirds of words have an accent on the first mora, and all tones of the word are then high:[99]

  • ká "house"
  • hamút "woman"
  • tééká "sky" (where ee represents a long vowel)
  • teé "lay down"

In some words with a long first vowel, the accent moves to the second syllable, and the vowel of the first syllable then becomes short:

  • bákót "snake"
  • bakóttá "snake (object of verb)"

In a certain kind of reduplication, the accent moves to the first mora, and the next consonant is then usually doubled. At the same time, since a long vowel cannot follow the accent, the vowel after the accent is also shortened:

  • teé "lay down"
  • téttéká "in the process of laying something down"

At the end of a phrase, the pitch drops, with a low boundary tone.[34]

To an English-speaker, the first high tone in Yaqui "sounds very much like a stress". However, acoustic studies show that the amplitude of the accented syllable is not really greater than the other syllables in the word are.[99]

See also


  1. ^ The corresponding terms for Franconian tone accents are as follows:
    Accent 1 (T1) Accent 2 (T2)
    e.g. zɛɪ1 'sieve' zɛɪ2 'she'
    Schärfung (+Schärfung) (−Schärfung)
    geschärft (+geschärft) ungeschärft (−geschärft)
    Stoßton Schleifton
    stoottoon sleeptoon
    hoge toon valtoon

    The Dutch terms hoge toon and valtoon are misnomers for Colognian.

  2. ^ For example the accentual systems of the spoken dialects of the Croatian capital Zagreb and the city of Rijeka are stress-based and do not use distinctive vowel length or pitch accent.[clarification needed]


  1. ^ Larry Hyman, "Word-Prosodic Typology", Phonology (2006), 23: 225-257 Cambridge University Press
  2. ^ a b Hualde, J.I. (1986), "Tone and Stress in Basque: A Preliminary Survey" (PDF). Anuario del Seminario Julio de Urquijo XX-3, 1986, pp. 867-896.
  3. ^ Demers, Richard; Escalante, Fernando; Jelinik, Eloise (1999). "Prominence in Yaqui Words". International Journal of American Linguistics. 65 (1): 40–55. doi:10.1086/466375. JSTOR 1265972. S2CID 144693748.
  4. ^ Matthew Y. Chen, Tone Sandhi: Patterns across Chinese Dialects, CUP, 2000, p. 223.
  5. ^ a b c d e Levi, Susannah V. (June 2005). "Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish". Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 35 (1): 73–97. doi:10.1017/S0025100305001921. ISSN 1475-3502. S2CID 145460722.
  6. ^ Gordon, Matthew (2014). "Disentangling stress and pitch accent: A typology of prominence at different prosodic levels". In Harry van der Hulst (ed.), Word Stress: Theoretical and Typological Issues, pp. 83-118. Oxford University Press.
  7. ^ Zanten, Ellen van & Philomena Dol (2010). "Word stress and pitch accent in Papuan languages. In: Hulst, Harry van der, Rob Goedemans & Ellen van Zanten (eds) (2010). A survey of word accentual patterns in the languages of the world. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, p. 120.
  8. ^ a b Downing, Laura (2010). "Accent in African languages". In Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, Ellen van Zanten (eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World, p. 411.
  9. ^ Hayes, Bruce (1995) Metrical stress theory: Principles and case studies. University of Chicago Press; p. 50.
  10. ^ a b c d Köhnlein, Björn (2013), "Optimizing the relation between tone and prominence: Evidence from Franconian, Scandinavian, and Serbo-Croatian tone accent systems". Lingua 131 (2013) 1-28
  11. ^ Beckman, Mary, (1986). Stress and Non-stress Accent. Dordrecht: Foris.
  12. ^ Hyman, L.M. (2012). "Do all languages have word-accent?" UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2012), p. 35.
  13. ^ Downing, L.R.; Mtenje, A.D. (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 133.
  14. ^ Downing, Laura (2010). "Accent in African languages". In Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, Ellen van Zanten (eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World, p. 382.
  15. ^ Larry Hyman, "How (not) to do phonological typology: the case of pitch-accent", Language Sciences (2009), 31: 213-238
  16. ^ Hyman, L. (2000), "Privative Tone in Bantu".
  17. ^ Nash, J.A. (1994), "Underlying Low Tones in Ruwund". Studies in African Linguistics Volume 23, Number 3,1992-1994.
  18. ^ Zec, D., & Zsiga, E. (2010). "Interaction of Tone and Stress in Standard Serbian" (Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 18, 535–555. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Michigan Slavic Publications.)
  19. ^ Whitney, William Dwight (1879), Sanskrit Grammar ch. 2, §§81–3.
  20. ^ Allen, W. Sidney (1987), Vox Graeca (3rd edition), p. 121.
  21. ^ Tomas Riad "Scandinavian accent typology" 8 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine. Sprachtypol. Univ. Forsch. (STUF), Berlin 59 (2006) 1, 36–55; pp. 38–9.
  22. ^ a b Cooper, S.E. (2015). Bangor University PhD thesis."Intonation in Anglesey Welsh", p. 165.
  23. ^ Louw, Johan K. (1987). Pang'onopang'ono ndi Mtolo: Chichewa: A Practical Course. UNISA Press, vol. 3, p. 22, 60.
  24. ^ a b Downing, L.M. & Mtenje, A.D. (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 119.
  25. ^ Cf. Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007), p. 500.
  26. ^ Yip, Moira (2002) Tone, pp. 8–9.
  27. ^ a b c Beguš, Gašper (2016) "The Phonetics of the Independent Svarita in Vedic". in Stephanie W. Jamison, H. Craig Melchert, and Brent Vine (eds.). 2016. Proceedings of the 26th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. Bremen: Hempen. 1–12.
  28. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course., pp. ix–x.
  29. ^ Dutcher, Katharine & Mary Paster (2008), "Contour Tone Distribution in Luganda" Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop, 123-131. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
  30. ^ a b Smyth, H.W. (1920) Greek Grammar, §169.
  31. ^ Inkelas, Sharon & Draga Zec (1988). "Serbo-Croatian pitch accent". Language 64.227–248, pp. 230–1, quoted in Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007).
  32. ^ Seikilos epitaph line 4. See also: Devine, A.M.; Stephens, Laurence D. (1991). "Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Compositione Verborum XI: Reconstructing the Phonetics of the Greek Accent". Transactions of the American Philological Association. 121: 229–286; pages 272, 283.
  33. ^ Hyman, L.M. (2007) "Tone: Is it different?". UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2007), p. 498.
  34. ^ a b c Hagberg, Larry (2008). "An Acoustic Analysis of Yaqui Stress". Friends of Uto-Aztecan, October 3, 2008, University of Arizona.
  35. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Earl Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course. Foreign Service Institute, Washington, pp. 105, 29.
  36. ^ Downing, L.J. & Mtenje, A.D. (2017) The Phonology of Chichewa, p. 122.
  37. ^ a b Hualde 2006, p. 161
  38. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Stevick (1968). Luganda Basic Course. Foreign Service Institute, Washington; p. xviii.
  39. ^ a b c d Hyman, Larry M. (2009). "How (not) to do phonological typology: the case of pitch-accent". Language Sciences 31, 213–238.
  40. ^ Jesse Lundquist & Anthony Yates, (2015). "The Morphology of Proto-Indo-European", University of California, Los Angeles.
  41. ^ Hualde 2006, p. 159
  42. ^ Abolhasanizadeh, Vahideh; Bijankhan, Mahmood; Gussenhoven, Carlos (2012). "The Persian pitch accent and its retention after the focus". Lingua. 122 (13): 1380–1394. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2012.06.002.
  43. ^ Sadat-Tehrani 2007
  44. ^ Hosseini, Seyed Ayat (2014) "The Phonology and Phonetics of Prosodic Prominence in Persian" Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tokyo, p.22f for a review of the literature; also p.35.
  45. ^ Hyman, Larry M. & Francis X. Katamba (1993). "A new approach to tone in Luganda", in Language. 69. 1. pp. 33–67; see pp. 36, 45.
  46. ^ Fortson IV (2004:62)
  47. ^ Ruppell, A.M. The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit, pp. 25–6.
  48. ^ Allen, W. Sidney (1987) Vox Graeca (3rd edition), pp. 116–120.
  49. ^ Probert, Philomen, (2003) A New Short Guide the Accentuation of Ancient Greek", p. 17.
  50. ^ Allen, W. Sidney (1987) Vox Graeca (3rd edition), p. 117.
  51. ^ Allen, W. Sidney (1987) Vox Graeca (3rd edition), p. 130.
  52. ^ Oleg Poljakov (1997). "Über Herkunft und Entwicklung der Silbenakzente im Lettischen". Baltistica: 64.
  53. ^ Dahl, Östen (2001). The Circum-Baltic Languages: Grammar and typology. John Benjamins Publishing. p. 736. ISBN 9781588110428.
  54. ^ a b Frederik Kortlandt, "The rise and fall of glottalization in Baltic and Slavic"
  55. ^ a b c Kortmann, Bernd (2011). The Languages and Linguistics of Europe. Walter de Gruyter. p. 6. ISBN 978-3110220254. Both Latvian and Lithuanian are pitch languages. In Lithuanian, stressed long vocalic segments (long vowels, diphthongs, and sequences of vowel plus sonorant) show a distinctive opposition of rising and falling pitch, cf. kar̃tų 'time:gen.pl' vs. kártų 'hang:irr.3'. In standard Latvian (and some of the dialects), long vocalic sequences (of the same type as in Lithuanian) distinguish three varieties of pitch: 'even', 'falling', and 'broken' ('broken pitch' being a falling pitch with superadded glottalisation). They are fully differentiated in stressed syllables only: unstressed syllables have an opposition of glottalised and non-glottalised long vocalic segments. Segments with 'even' pitch are ultra long. Neither Lithuanian nor Latvian mark pitch in their standard orthography.
  56. ^ Masļanska, Olga; Rubīna, Aina (1992). Valsts valoda - Курс лекций латышского языка. Rīga. p. 11. В латышском языке имеется слоговая интонация, которая может быть протяжной (~), прерывистой (^) и нисходящей (\). В некоторых случаях интонация имеет смыслоразличительное значение, например: за~ле ("зал"), за^ле ("трава"), za\les ("лекарство")
  57. ^ a b Kiparsky, Paul. "Livonian stød" (PDF). Stanford University. Retrieved 6 December 2013. (..)what is the historical relationship between the Livonian stød and the identical or at least very similar “Stosston” intonation of the coterritorial Latvian language? Almost certainly one of them got it from the other. The languages have influenced each other in many ways, in both directions. But which way did the influence go in this case? Scholarly opinion on this question is divided. Thomson (1890: 59) and Kettunen (1925: 4) thought that Livonian had borrowed the stød from Latvian, whereas Posti (1942: 325) thought that Latvian got it from Livonian. My conclusion that the Livonian stød is a tonal feature is more consonant with the former view. Livonian is the only Finno-Ugric language known to have a tonal or pitch accent, while it is a feature of several branches of Indo-European, including Balto-Slavic in particular. On the hypothesis that Livonian got its stød under the influence of Latvian, we account for the Livonian stød by language contact, and for the Latvian stød as a Baltic inheritance.
  58. ^ Fournier, Rachel; Gussenhoven, Carlos; Peters, Jörg; Swerts, Marc; Verhoeven, Jo. . Archived from the original on 26 February 2012. Retrieved 26 February 2012.
  59. ^ Germanic tone accents: proceedings of the First International Workshop on Franconian Tone Accents, Leiden, 2003, pp. 37–8.
  60. ^ a b c de Vaan, M. "Towards an Explanation of the Franconian Tone Accents, (Leiden University Repository), p. 2.
  61. ^ Germanic tone accents: proceedings of the First International Workshop on Franconian Tone Accents, Leiden, 2003
  62. ^ a b Herrwegen, Alice (2002). De kölsche Sproch, J.P. Bachem Verlag, p. 266-269.
  63. ^ Wrede, Adam (1958). Neuer kölnischer Sprachschatz. Greven Verlag.
  64. ^ Rajka Smiljanic (31 October 2013). Lexical, Pragmatic, and Positional Effects on Prosody in Two Dialects of Croatian and Serbian: An Acoustic Study. Routledge. pp. 22–. ISBN 978-1-135-46464-6.
  65. ^ Lexical, Pragmatic, and Positional Effects on Prosody in Two Dialects of Croatian and Serbian, Rajka Smiljanic 18 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-97117-9
  66. ^ A Handbook of Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian, Wayles Brown and Theresa Alt, SEELRC 2004
  67. ^ Hualde, J.I. (1987). "A theory of pitch-accent, with particular attention to Basque", Anuario del Seminario Julio de Urquijo (ASJU) XXII-3, 915-919.
  68. ^ a b Elordieta, Gorka "Basque Word Accents in the Sentence".
  69. ^ Lee, Chungmin; Gordon, Matthew, Büring, Daniel (eds) (2007) Topic and Focus: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives on Meaning and Intonation, p. 5.
  70. ^ a b Hualde, J.I. "Historical Convergence and Divergence in Basque Accentuation"; in Riad, Tomas; Gussenhoven, Carlos (eds) (2007) Tones and Tunes: Typological Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody, pp. 291–322; cf. p. 300.
  71. ^ Arregi, Karlos (2004). "Stress and Islands in Northern Bizkaian Basque".
  72. ^ Levi, Susannah V. (2005). "Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish" Journal of the International Phonetic Association, vol. 35.1, pp. 73-97. DOI: [1]; cf. fig 8, p. 85.
  73. ^ a b Kabak, Barış; Vogel, Irene (2001). "The phonological word and stress assignment in Turkish". Phonology 18 (2001) 315–360. DOI: [2]
  74. ^ Inkelas, Sharon; & Orgun, Cemil Orhan. (2003). Phonology, 20 (1), 139-161. JSTOR 4420243
  75. ^ Levi, Susannah V. (2005). "Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish" Journal of the International Phonetic Association, vol. 35.1, pp. 73-97. DOI: [3]; p. 90.
  76. ^ Özçelik, Öner (2016). "The Foot is not an obligatory constituent of the Prosodic Hierarchy: “stress” in Turkish, French and child English". The Linguistic Review 2016. DOI: [4], p. 10.
  77. ^ Kabak, Barış (2016) "Refin(d)ing Turkish stress as a multifaceted phenomenon". Second Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics (ConCALL52). October 2016 Indiana University.
  78. ^ a b Abolhasanizadeh, Vahideh; Bijankhan, Mahmood; Gussenhoven, Carlos (2012). "The Persian pitch accent and its retention after the focus". Lingua. 122 (13): 1380–1394. doi:10.1016/j.lingua.2012.06.002.
  79. ^ Sadat-Tehrani 2007, pages 3, 22, 46-47, 51.
  80. ^ Pierrehumbert, Janet; Beckman, Mary (1988), Japanese Tone Structure, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA
  81. ^ Jun, Jongho; Kim, Jungsun; Lee, Hayoung; Jun, Sun-Ah (2006). "The Prosodic Structure and Pitch Accent of Northern Kyungsang Korean". Journal of East Asian Linguistics. 15 (4): 289. doi:10.1007/s10831-006-9000-2. S2CID 18992886.
  82. ^ Greenberg, J.H. (1948) "The Tonal System of Proto-Bantu". WORD, 4:3, 196-208.
  83. ^ Hyman, L.M. (2017). "Bantu Tone Overview". UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Lab Annual Report (2017)
  84. ^ Hyman, L.M & Al Mtenje (1999), "Non-etymological high tones in the Chichewa verb". In Malilime: Malawian Journal of Linguistics, pp. 121–2.
  85. ^ * Downing, Laura J. (2012). "On the (Non-)congruence of Focus and Prominence in Tumbuka". Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, ed. Michael R. Marlo et al., 122-133. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, p. 123.
  86. ^ Downing, Laura (2010). "Accent in African languages". In Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans, Ellen van Zanten (eds.) A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World, p. 416.
  87. ^ Nash, J.A. (1994), "Underlying Low Tones in Ruwund". Studies in African Linguistics Volume 23, Number 3,1992-1994; p. 226.
  88. ^ Kamoga, F.K. & Stevick, Earl (1968). Luganda Basic Course. Foreign Service Institute, Washington; introduction.
  89. ^ Hyman, Larry M. & Francis X. Katamba (1993). "A new approach to tone in Luganda", in Language. 69. 1. pp. 33–67.
  90. ^ Downing, L.J. and Al Mtenje (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa (OUP), Chapter 6.
  91. ^ Louw, Johan K. (1987). Pang'onopang'ono ndi Mtolo: Chichewa: A Practical Course. UNISA Press.
  92. ^ Hyman, Larry M. & Al D. Mtenje (1999b). "Non-Etymological High Tones in the Chichewa Verb", Malilime: The Malawian Journal of Linguistics no.1.
  93. ^ Downing, L.J. and Al Mtenje (2017), The Phonology of Chichewa (OUP), Chapter 7.
  94. ^ Wee, Lian-Hee (2016) Tone assignment in Hong Kong English. Language vol. 92.2:e112-132
  95. ^ Lass, Roger (2002), "South African English", in Mesthrie, Rajend (ed.), Language in South Africa, Cambridge University Press, p. 122, ISBN 9780521791052
  96. ^ Webb, Kelly (2011). "The Realisation of Stress in Welsh English"
  97. ^ Hannahs, S.J. (2013) The Phonology of Welsh, (OUP), p. 42.
  98. ^ David Willis, "Old and Middle Welsh". In: Ball, Martin J., and Nicole Müller (eds.), The Celtic languages, Routledge Language Family Descriptions, 2nd ed. (1993), p. 6
  99. ^ a b Richard Demers, Fernando Escalante and Eloise Jelinek (1999). "Prominence in Yaqui Words". International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Jan., 1999), pp. 40-55
  • Hualde, José Ignacio (2006), "Remarks on Word-Prosodic Typology", Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 32 (1): 157, doi:10.3765/bls.v32i1.3452
  • Sadat-Tehrani, Nima (2007). The intonational grammar of Persian (Thesis). hdl:1993/2839.

Further reading

  • Bodelier, Jorina (2011), Tone and intonation in the Lemiers dialect of Ripuarian (MA General Linguistics Thesis), Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam
  • Hyman, L.M. (2015) "Positional Prominence vs. Word Accent: Is there a difference?" UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report (2015)
  • van der Hulst, Harry (2011) "Pitch Accent systems", in: The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, Volume II: Suprasegmental and Prosodic Phonology

pitch, accent, language, pitch, accent, redirects, here, pitch, accent, music, accent, music, intonational, pitch, accent, pitch, accent, intonation, this, article, section, should, specify, language, english, content, using, lang, transliteration, translitera. Pitch accent redirects here For pitch accent in music see Accent music For intonational pitch accent see Pitch accent intonation This article or section should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why May 2019 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters A pitch accent language when spoken has word accents in which one syllable in a word or morpheme is more prominent than the others but the accentuated syllable is indicated by a contrasting pitch linguistic tone rather than by loudness or length as in many languages like English Pitch accent also contrasts with fully tonal languages like Vietnamese and Standard Chinese in which each syllable can have an independent tone Some have claimed that the term pitch accent is not coherently defined and that pitch accent languages are just a sub category of tonal languages in general 1 Languages that have been described as pitch accent languages include most dialects of Serbo Croatian Slovene Baltic languages Ancient Greek Vedic Sanskrit Tlingit Turkish Japanese Norwegian Swedish but not in Finland Western Basque 2 Yaqui 3 certain dialects of Korean Shanghainese 4 and Livonian Pitch accent languages tend to fall into two categories those with a single pitch contour for example high or high low on the accented syllable such as Tokyo Japanese Western Basque or Persian and those in which more than one pitch contour can occur on the accented syllable such as Punjabi Swedish or Serbo Croatian In this latter kind the accented syllable is also often stressed another way Some of the languages considered pitch accent languages in addition to accented words also have accentless words e g Japanese and Western Basque in others all major words are accented e g Blackfoot and Barasana 5 The term pitch accent is also used to denote a different feature namely the use of pitch when speaking to give selective prominence accent to a syllable or mora within a phrase 6 Contents 1 Characteristics of pitch accent languages 1 1 Definitions 1 2 Characteristics of the accent 1 2 1 High vs low accent 1 2 2 Disyllabic accents 1 2 3 Peak delay 1 2 4 One mora accents 1 3 High tone spread 1 3 1 Anticipation 1 3 2 Forwards spreading 1 3 3 Plateau between accents 1 4 Simple pitch accent languages 1 5 More complex pitch accents 2 Languages 2 1 Proto Indo European 2 2 Vedic Sanskrit 2 3 Ancient Greek 2 4 Baltic languages 2 4 1 Lithuanian 2 4 2 Latvian 2 4 3 Livonian 2 5 Norwegian and Swedish 2 6 Franconian dialects 2 7 West South Slavic languages 2 7 1 Serbo Croatian 2 7 2 Slovenian 2 8 Basque 2 9 Turkish 2 10 Persian 2 11 Japanese 2 12 Korean 2 13 Shanghainese 2 14 Bantu languages 2 14 1 Luganda 2 14 2 Chichewa 2 15 English 2 15 1 Hong Kong English 2 15 2 South African English 2 15 3 Welsh English 2 16 Welsh 2 17 Yaqui 3 See also 4 Notes 5 References 6 Further readingCharacteristics of pitch accent languages EditDefinitions Edit Scholars give various definitions of a pitch accent language A typical definition is as follows Pitch accent systems are systems in which one syllable is more prominent than the other syllables in the same word a prominence that is achieved by means of pitch Zanten and Dol 2010 7 That is to say in a pitch accent language in order to indicate how a word is pronounced it is necessary as with a stress accent language to mark only one syllable in a word as accented not specify the tone of every syllable This feature of having only one prominent syllable in a word or morpheme is known as culminativity 8 Another property suggested for pitch accent languages to distinguish them from stress languages is that Pitch accent languages must satisfy the criterion of having invariant tonal contours on accented syllables This is not so for pure stress languages where the tonal contours of stressed syllables can vary freely Hayes 1995 9 Although this is true of many pitch accent languages there are others such as the Franconian dialects in which the contours vary for example between declarative and interrogative sentences 10 According to another proposal pitch accent languages can only use F0 i e pitch to mark the accented syllable whereas stress languages may also use duration and intensity Beckman 11 However other scholars disagree and find that intensity and duration can also play a part in the accent of pitch accent languages 5 A feature considered characteristic of stress accent languages is that a stress accent is obligatory that is that every major word has to have an accent 12 This is not always true of pitch accent languages some of which like Japanese and Northern Bizkaian Basque have accentless words But there are also some pitch accent languages in which every word has an accent 5 One feature shared between pitch accent languages and stress accent languages is demarcativeness prominence peaks tend to occur at or near morpheme edges word stem initial word stem penult word stem final 13 Often however the difference between a pitch accent language a stress accent language and tonal language is not clear It is in fact often not straightforward to decide whether a particular pitch system is best described as tonal or accentual Since raised pitch especially when it coincides with vowel length makes a syllable perceptually more prominent it can often require detailed phonetic and phonological analysis to disentangle whether pitch is playing a more stress like or a more tone like role in a particular language Downing 14 Larry Hyman argues that tone is made up of a variety of different typological features which can be mixed and matched with some independence from each other 15 Hyman claims that there can be no coherent definition of pitch accent as the term describes languages that have non prototypical combinations of tone system properties or both a tone system usually still non prototypical and a stress system simultaneously Since all pitch accent languages can be analysed just as well in purely tonal terms in Hyman s view the term pitch accent should be superseded by a wider understanding of what qualifies as a tone system thus all pitch accent languages are tone languages and there is simply more variety within tone systems than has historically been admitted Characteristics of the accent Edit High vs low accent Edit When one particular tone is marked in a language in contrast to unmarked syllables it is usual for it to be a high tone There are however a few languages in which the marked tone is a low tone for example the Dogrib language of northwestern Canada 16 and certain Bantu languages of the Congo such as Ciluba and Ruund 17 Disyllabic accents Edit One difference between a pitch accent and a stress accent is that it is not uncommon for a pitch accent to be realised over two syllables Thus in Serbo Croatian the difference between a rising and a falling accent is observed only in the pitch of the syllable following the accent the accent is said to be rising if the following syllable is as high as or higher than the accented syllable but falling if it is lower see Serbo Croatian phonology Pitch accent 18 In Vedic Sanskrit the ancient Indian grammarians described the accent as being a high pitch udatta followed by a falling tone svarita on the following syllable but occasionally when two syllables had merged the high tone and the falling tone were combined on one syllable 19 20 In Standard Swedish the difference between accent 1 and accent 2 can only be heard in words of two or more syllables since the tones take two syllables to be realised In Varmland as well as Norrland accent 1 and 2 can be heard in monosyllabic words however In the central Swedish dialect of Stockholm accent 1 is an LHL contour and accent 2 is an HLHL contour with the second peak in the second syllable 21 In Welsh in most words the accent is realised as a low tone on the penultimate syllable which is also stressed followed by a high tone on the final but in some dialects this LH contour may take place entirely within the penultimate syllable 22 Similarly in the Chichewa language of Malawi a tone on a final syllable often spreads backwards to the penultimate syllable so that the word Chichewa is actually pronounced Chichewa with two mid tones 23 or Chichewa with a rising tone on the penultimate syllable 24 Sentence finally it can become Chichewa with a rising tone on the penultimate and a low tone on the final 24 25 Peak delay Edit A phenomenon observed in a number of languages both fully tonal ones and those with pitch accent systems is peak delay 26 In this the high point peak of a high tone does not synchronise exactly with the syllable itself but is reached at the beginning of the following syllable giving the impression that the high tone has spread over two syllables The Vedic Sanskrit accent described above has been interpreted as an example of peak delay 27 One mora accents Edit Conversely a pitch accent in some languages can target just part of a syllable if the syllable is bi moraic Thus in Luganda in the word Abaganda Baganda people the accent is considered to occur on the first mora of the syllable ga n but in Buganda Buganda region it occurs on the second half with spreading back to the first half 28 29 In Ancient Greek similarly in the word oἶkoi oikoi houses the accent is on the first half of the syllable oi but in oἴkoi oikoi at home on the second half 30 An alternative analysis is to see Luganda and Ancient Greek as belonging to the type of languages where there is a choice of different contours on an accented syllable High tone spread Edit Anticipation Edit In some pitch accent languages the high pitch of the accent can be anticipated in the preceding syllable or syllables for example Japanese atama ga head Basque lagunen amuma the friend s grandmother Turkish sinirlenmeyecektiniz you would not get angry 5 Belgrade Serbian paprika pepper 31 Ancient Greek apaitei it demands 32 Forwards spreading Edit Forwards spreading of a tone is also common in some languages For example in the Northern Ndebele language of Zimbabwe the tonal accent on the prefix u spreads forward to all the syllables in the word except the last two ukuhleka to laugh ukuhlekisana to make one another laugh Sometimes the sequence HHHH then becomes LLLH so that in the related language Zulu the equivalent of these words is ukuhleka and ukuhlekisana with an accent shifted to the antepenultimate syllable 33 In Yaqui the accent is signalled by an upstep before the accented syllable The high pitch continues after the accent declining slightly until the next accented syllable 34 Thus it is the opposite of Japanese where the accent is preceded by high pitch and its position is signalled by a downstep after the accented syllable Plateau between accents Edit In other languages the high pitch of an accent instead of dropping to a low on the following syllable in some circumstances can continue in a plateau to the next accented syllable as in Luganda kiri mu Buganda it is in Buganda contrast kiri mu Bunyoro it is in Bunyoro in which Bunyoro is unaccented apart from automatic default tones 35 Plateauing is also found in Chichewa where in some circumstances a sequence of HLH can change to HHH For example ndi njinga with a bicycle makes ndi njinga with a plateau 36 In Western Basque and Luganda the default high tones automatically added to accentless words can spread in a continuous plateau through the phrase as far as the first accent for example in Basque Jonen lagunen amuma John s friend s grandmother 37 Luganda abantu mu kibuga people in the city 38 Simple pitch accent languages Edit According to the first two criteria above the Tokyo dialect of Japanese is often considered a typical pitch accent language since the pronunciation of any word can be specified by marking just one syllable as accented and in every word the accent is realised by a fall in pitch immediately after the accented syllable In the examples below the accented syllable is marked in bold the particle ga indicates that the word is subject 39 makura ga pillow anata ga you atama ga head sakana ga fish unaccented In Japanese there are also other high toned syllables which are added to the word automatically but these do not count as accents since they are not followed by a low syllable As can be seen some of the words in Japanese have no accent In Proto Indo European and its descendant Vedic Sanskrit the system is comparable to Tokyo Japanese and Cupeno in most respects specifying pronunciation through inherently accented morphemes such as ro and to Vedic ra and ta and inherently unaccented morphemes 40 The examples below demonstrate the formation of such words using morphemes PIE h erǵ ro o s gt h r ǵros shining Vedic r jras PIE ḱlew to o s gt ḱlutos heard of famous Vedic srutas If there are multiple accented morphemes the accent is determined by specific morphophonological principles Below is a comparison of Vedic Tokyo Japanese and Cupeno regarding accent placement Vedic gav a gt gav a with the cow Japanese yon dara gt yon dara if he reads Cupeno ʔayu qa gt ʔayu qa he wants The Basque language has a system very similar to Japanese In some Basque dialects as in Tokyo Japanese there are accented and unaccented words in other dialects all major words have an accent 41 As with Japanese the accent in Basque consists of a high pitch followed by a fall on the next syllable Turkish is another language often considered a pitch accent language see Turkish phonology Word accent In some circumstances for example in the second half of a compound the accent can disappear Persian has also been called a pitch accent language in recent studies although the high tone of the accent is also accompanied by stress and as with Turkish in some circumstances the accent can be neutralised and disappear 42 43 44 Because the accent is both stressed and high pitched Persian can be considered intermediate between a pitch accent language and a stress accent language More complex pitch accents Edit In some simple pitch accent languages such as Ancient Greek the accent on a long vowel or diphthong could be on either half of the vowel making a contrast possible between a rising accent and a falling one compare oἴkoi oikoi at home vs oἶkoi oikoi houses 30 Similarly in Luganda in bimoraic syllables a contrast is possible between a level and falling accent Buganda Buganda region vs Abaganda Baganda people However such contrasts are not common or systematic in these languages In more complex types of pitch accent languages although there is still only one accent per word there is a systematic contrast of more than one pitch contour on the accented syllable for example H vs HL in the Colombian language Barasana 5 accent 1 vs accent 2 in Swedish and Norwegian rising vs falling tone in Serbo Croatian and a choice between level neutral rising and falling in Punjabi Other languages deviate from a simple pitch accent in more complicated ways For example in describing the Osaka dialect of Japanese it is necessary to specify not only which syllable of a word is accented but also whether the initial syllable of the word is high or low 39 In Luganda the accented syllable is usually followed immediately after the HL of the accent by an automatic default tone slightly lower than the tone of the accent e g tugenda we are going however there are some words such as balilaba they will see where the automatic default tone does not follow the accent immediately but after an interval of two or three syllables In such words it is therefore necessary to specify not only which syllable has the accent but where the default tone begins 45 Because of the number of ways languages can use tone some linguists such as the tonal languages specialist Larry Hyman argue that the category pitch accent language can have no coherent definition and that all such languages should simply be referred to as tonal languages 39 Languages EditProto Indo European Edit Main article Proto Indo European accent The theoretical proto language Proto Indo European the putative ancestor of most European Iranian and North Indian languages is usually reconstructed to have been a free pitch accent system Free here refers to the position of the accent since its position was unpredictable by phonological rules and so could be on any syllable of a word regardless of its structure From comparisons with the surviving Indo European daughter languages it is generally believed that the accented syllable was higher in pitch than the surrounding syllables Among daughter languages a pitch accent system is found in Vedic Sanskrit Ancient Greek the Baltic languages and some South Slavic languages although none of them preserves the original system intact 46 Vedic Sanskrit Edit Main article Vedic accent Vedic Sanskrit the earliest form of the Indian language Sanskrit is believed to have had a pitch accent that was very similar to that of ancestor language Proto Indo European Most words had exactly one accented syllable but there were some unaccented words such as finite verbs of main clauses non initial vocatives and certain pronouns and particles Occasionally a compound word occurred with two accents apa bhartavai to take away 27 The ancient Indian grammarians describe the accented syllable as being raised udatta and it appears that it was followed in the following syllable by a downwards glide which the grammarians refer to as sounded svarita In some cases language change merged an accented syllable with a following svarita syllable and the two were combined in a single syllable known as independent svarita The precise descriptions of ancient Indian grammarians imply that the udatta was characterised by rising pitch and the svarita by falling pitch In the tradition represented by the Rigveda a collection of hymns the highest point of the accent appears not to have been reached until the beginning of the svarita syllable In other words it was an example of peak delay see above 27 In the later stages of Sanskrit the pitch accent was lost and a stress accent remained The stress in Sanskrit however was weaker than that in English and not free but predictable The stress was heard on the penultimate syllable of the word if it was heavy on the antepenultimate if the antepenultimate was heavy and the penultimate light and otherwise on the pre antepenultimate 47 Ancient Greek Edit Main article Ancient Greek accent In Ancient Greek one of the final three syllables of a word carried an accent Each syllable contained one or two vocalic morae but only one can be accented and accented morae were pronounced at a higher pitch In polytonic orthography accented vowels were marked with the acute accent Long vowels and diphthongs are thought to have been bimoraic and if the accent falls on the first mora were marked with the circumflex Long vowels and diphthongs that were accented on the first mora had a high low falling pitch contour and if accented on the second mora may have had a low high rising pitch contour gala ɡala milk short accented vowelgῆ ɡɛ ɛ earth long vowel accented on the first moraἐgw eɡɔ ɔ I long vowel accented on the second mora source source recording of gala gῆ ἐgwThe Ancient Greek accent was melodic as is suggested by descriptions by ancient grammarians but also by fragments of Greek music such as the Seikilos epitaph in which most words are set to music that coincides with the accent For example the first syllable of the word fainoy phainou is set to three notes rising in pitch the middle syllable of ὀligon oligon is higher in pitch than the other two syllables and the circumflex accent of zῆn zen has two notes the first a third higher than the second 48 In addition to the two accents mentioned above the acute and the circumflex Ancient Greek also had a grave accent It was used only on the last syllable of words as an alternative to an acute The acute was used when the word was cited in isolation or came before a pause such as a comma or a full stop or an enclitic Otherwise a grave was written The exact interpretation of the grave is disputed it may have indicated that the accent was completely suppressed or that it was partly suppressed but not entirely absent 49 By comparing the position of the Ancient Greek and Vedic Sanskrit accents the accent of the ancestor language Proto Indo European can often be reconstructed For example in the declension of the word for father in these two languages the position of the accent in some cases is identical 50 Case Ancient Greek Vedic SanskritNominative sg pathr patḗr pitaVocative sg pater pater pitarAccusative sg patera patera pitaramDative sg patri patri pitreDative pl patrasi patrasi pitrsu locative In later stages of Greek the accent changed from a pitch accent to a stress accent but remained largely on the same syllable as in Ancient Greek The change is thought to have taken place by the 4th century AD 51 Thus the word ἄn8rwpos anthrōpos man person which is believed to have been pronounced in ancient times with the first syllable always higher than the other two is now pronounced with the first syllable either higher or lower than the other two Baltic languages Edit Two languages of the Baltic branch of the Indo European family survive today Lithuanian and Latvian Another Baltic language Old Prussian died out in the 18th century Both languages have a tonal accent that is believed to derive from the ancestral Proto Indo European language Possible relationshipsbetween Baltic tones 52 Baltic F R F F R L B F Lith Latvian F falling acute R rising circumflex L level B broken Baltic tones are often classified as either acute or circumflex However these labels indicate a diachronic correspondence rather than a phonetic one For example the acute accent is falling in Lithuanian but a high level tone in Latvian and is presumed to have been rising in Old Prussian and Classical Greek The circumflex is rising in Lithuanian but falling in Latvian Prussian and Classical Greek 53 In the tree diagram on the right as adopted from Poljakov names for original Baltic tones have been equated with those of modern Standard Lithuanian and the falling tone in Latvian is depicted as derived from a Baltic rising tone According to some it was Lithuanian that switched the places of the Baltic tones 54 This might explain why most languages call a rising tone acute while in Baltic terminology a falling tone is acute Some controversy surrounds Poljakov s model and it has been harshly criticized by Frederik Kortlandt Kortlandt contends that broken tone in Latvian and Zemaitian is a reflex of a now disappeared glottal stop in Balto Slavic not preserved in Aukstaitian Standard Lithuanian or Slavic languages and not a recent development of acute 54 Lithuanian Edit Main article Lithuanian accentuation Long segments in Lithuanian can take one of two accents rising or falling Long segments are defined as either long vowels diphthongs or a sequence of a vowel followed by a sonorant if they are in a stressed position Pitch can serve as the only distinguishing characteristic for minimal pairs that are otherwise orthographically identical e g kar tu time gen pl vs kartu hang irr 3 rising and falling tone indicated by a tilde and an acute accent respectively 55 Latvian Edit In Latvian long segments the same criteria as in Lithuanian can take on one of three pitches intonacijas or more specifically zilbes intonacijas either stiepta level lauzta broken or kritosa falling indicated by Latvian linguists with a tilde circumflex or a grave accent respectively 56 in IPA however the tilde is replaced by a macron because the former is already reserved to denote nasalized vowels Some authors note that the level pitch is realized simply as ultra long or overlong 55 Endzelins 1897 identifies level diphthongs as consisting of 3 moras not just two Broken pitch is in turn a falling pitch with superadded glottalization 55 And indeed the similarity between the Latvian broken pitch and Danish stod has been described by several authors At least in Danish phonology stod unlike Norwegian and Swedish pitch accents is not considered a pitch accent distinction but rather variously described as either glottalization laryngealization creaky voice or vocal fry Some authors point out that the so called broken pitch is not a pitch accent but a pitch register distinction similar to the nga register of Northern Vietnamese Outside of Central Vidzeme Standard Latvian the three way system has been simplified in Eastern Latvian Latgale only broken and falling pitches are distinguished Speakers of Riga Latvian and other more westward varieties differentiate only between level and broken pitches with the falling pitch being merged with the broken one Thus the Standard Latvian minimal triplet or minimal set of zaːle hall zaːle grass and zaːles medicine in Riga Latvian would be reduced to hall level pitch and grass broken pitch and medicine would be pronounced with a broken pitch just like grass Speakers around Ergli tend to have just levelled pitch Livonian Edit The extinct Livonian language is a Finnic language rather than Baltic but was influenced by Latvian In the late 19th century Danish linguist Vilhelm Thomsen identified a characteristic in the speech of a Livonian sailor that to him seemed very similar to the Danish stod The feature was later the subject of research by several Finno Ugricists 57 Although the Indo European Latvian and Uralic Livonian are phylogenetically unrelated being from different language families both have influenced each other heavily in terms of phonology Whether Livonian acquired this feature from Latvian or vice versa is debated however owing to the fact that Livonian is the only Finno Ugric language to have this feature the majority of researchers believe it was a product of Latvian influence on Livonian and not the other way around 57 It is possible that Livonian stod would be classified as a pitch accent only by Latvian classification just like the identical Latvian lauzta intonacija otherwise it would be considered a pitch register glottalization or similar categories as discussed above The Livonian Estonian Latvian dictionary at www murre ut ee uses an apostrophe after a vowel to indicate broken pitch for example Mi nnon u m vajag instead of just Minnon um vajag Norwegian and Swedish Edit Main articles Norwegian phonology Accent and Swedish phonology Stress and pitch Norwegian and Swedish are stress accent languages but in addition to the stress two syllable words in most dialects also have differences in tone There are two kinds of tonal accent referred to as the acute and grave accents but they are also called accent 1 and accent 2 or tone 1 and tone 2 Over 150 two syllable word pairs are differentiated only by their use of the accent Accent 1 is used generally for words whose second syllable is the definite article and for words that were monosyllabic in Old Norse For example in many East Norwegian dialects the word bonder farmers is pronounced with tone 1 while bonner beans or prayers uses tone 2 Differences in spelling occasionally let readers distinguish written words but most minimal pairs are written alike An example in Swedish is the word anden which means the duck when using tone 1 and the spirit when using tone 2 In some dialects of Swedish including those spoken in Finland the distinction is absent There are significant variations in the realization of pitch accent between dialects Thus in most of western and northern Norway the so called high pitch dialects accent 1 is falling and accent 2 is rising in the first syllable and falling in the second syllable or somewhere around the syllable boundary The word accents give Norwegian and Swedish a singing quality that makes them easy to distinguish from other languages In Danish except for some southern dialects the pitch accent of Swedish and Norwegian corresponds to the glottalization phenomenon known as stod citation needed Franconian dialects Edit Extent orange of pitch usage in Benelux Germany and France at the beginning of the 20th century 58 A pitch accent is found in the following Franconian languages or dialects Limburgish Ripuarian and Moselle Franconian excluding Luxembourgish They are sometimes collectively referred to as West Central German tonal languages In these dialects there is a distinction between two different tonal contours known as tonal accent 1 and tonal accent 2 As with Lithuanian the distinction is made only in stressed syllables and for the most part 59 only when the syllable contains a long vowel or diphthong or vowel that is followed in the same syllable by a sonorant r l m n ŋ No distinction of tones is made in stressed syllables containing a short vowel only 60 61 Although the accentual system resembles that of Swedish the two are thought to have arisen independently 10 Unlike Swedish where the distinction in tones is not made in monosyllables except for in northern and western dialects in the Franconian dialects it very frequently occurs in monosyllables e g Ripuarian dialect zɛɪ1 sieve vs zɛɪ2 she 60 The tonal accents are referred to under a variety of names Tonal accent 1 is called stoottoon thrusting tone in Dutch or Scharfung in German while tonal accent 2 is named sleeptoon slurring tone in Dutch and Schleifton in German apparently referring to the double peak it has in areas such as Limburg 60 nb 1 The two accents have different realisations in different dialects For example in Cologne accent 1 has a sharp fall near the beginning of the syllable and accent 2 remains level for a while before falling In Arzbach near Koblenz on the other hand accent 1 rises slightly or remains level while it is accent 2 that falls sharply that is more or less the reverse of the Cologne pattern In Hasselt in Belgian Limburg accent 1 rises then falls and with accent 2 there is a fall and then a rise and another fall The three types are known as Rule A Rule B and Rule 0 respectively 10 Although traditionally accent 2 has been analysed as the marked variant in certain Rule A areas especially Cologne where accent 2 s realization is nigh indistinguishable from an unpitched long vowel accent 1 is thought of as the marked variant Grammars of the Cologne dialect will treat the pitches as ungescharft accent 2 and gescharft accent 1 62 Adam Wrede s influential dictionary 63 of the Cologne dialect also treats accent 2 as indistinct the above examples zɛɪ1 sieve and zɛɪ2 she they are transcribed zeiː and zei respectively The differing transcriptions of the vowel are due to the pronunciation being different in Cologne than the surrounding dialects 62 It has recently been observed that in interrogative sentences however all three types have nearly identical intonations In all dialects in accent 1 there is then a rise and then a fall In accent 2 there is then a fall a rise and then another fall 10 Since the contour of the accent changes in different contexts from declarative to interrogative those dialects apparently contradict Hayes s proposed criterion for a pitch accent language of the contour of a pitch accent remaining stable in every context West South Slavic languages Edit The West South Slavic languages include Serbo Croatian Bosnian Croatian Montenegrin Serbian and Slovenian spoken in the former Yugoslavia The late Proto Slavic accentual system was based on a fundamental opposition of a short long circumflex falling tone and an acute rising tone the position of the accent being free as was inherited from Proto Balto Slavic Common Slavic accentual innovations significantly reworked the original system primarily with respect to the position of the accent Dybo s law Illic Svityc s law Meillet s law etc and further developments yielded some new accents such as the so called neoacute Ivsic s law or the new rising tone in Neostokavian dialects the so called Neostokavian retraction As opposed to other Slavic dialect subgroups West South Slavic dialects have largely retained the Proto Slavic system of free and mobile tonal accent including the dialect used for basis of Modern Standard Slovene and the Neostokavian dialect used for the basis of standard varieties of Serbo Croatian Bosnian Croatian and Serbian though the discrepancy between the codified norm and actual speech may vary significantly 64 nb 2 Serbo Croatian Edit See also Shtokavian accentuation The Neostokavian dialect used for the basis of standard Bosnian Croatian and Serbian distinguishes four types of pitch accents short falling ȅ short rising e long falling ȇ and long rising e There are also unaccented vowels long e and short e The accent is said to be relatively free as it can be manifested on any syllable except the last The long accents are realized by pitch change within the long vowel the short ones are realized by the pitch difference from the subsequent syllable 65 Accent alternations are very frequent in inflectional paradigms by both types of accent and placement in the word the so called mobile paradigms which were present in the PIE itself but became much more widespread in Proto Balto Slavic Different inflected forms of the same lexeme can exhibit all four accents lonac pot nominative sg lonca genitive sg lȏnci nominative pl lȍnaca genitive pl citation needed Restrictions on the distribution of the accent depend on the position of the syllable but also on its quality as not every kind of accent is manifested in every syllable citation needed A falling tone generally occurs in monosyllabic words or the first syllable of a word pȃs belt rȏg horn bȁba old woman lȃđa river ship kȕcica small house Kȃrlovac The only exception to this rule are the interjections i e words uttered in the state of excitement ahȁ ohȏ citation needed A rising tone generally occurs in any syllable of a word except the ultimate and never in monosyllabic words voda water luka harbour livada meadow lupanje slam sirota female orphan pocetak beginning crvotocina wormhole oslobođenje liberation citation needed Thus monosyllables generally have falling tone and polysyllabic words generally have falling or rising tone on the first syllable and rising in all the other syllables except the last The tonal opposition rising vs falling is generally possible only in the first accented syllable of polysyllabic words but the opposition by length long vs short is possible even in the nonaccented syllable and the post accented syllable but not in the preaccented position citation needed Proclitics clitics that latch on to a following word on the other hand can steal a falling tone but not a rising tone from the following monosyllabic or disyllabic words as seen in the examples vidiːm ne vidiːm ʒeliːm ne ʒeliːm The stolen accent is always short and may end up being either falling or rising on the proclitic That phenomenon is obligatory in Neostokavian idiom and therefore in all three standard languages but it is often lost in spoken dialects because of the influence of other dialects such as in Zagreb because of the influence of Kajkavian dialect 66 in isolation with procliticrising ʒeliːm I want ne ʒeliːm I don t want nemɔɡǔːtɕnɔːst inability u nemɔɡǔːtɕnɔsti not being able tofalling N zǐːma A ziːmu winter u ziːmu A in the winter vidiːm I see ne vidiːm I can t seeN A ɡraːd city u ɡraːd A to the city stays falling N ʃuma forest ǔ ʃumi L in the forest becomes rising Slovenian Edit In Slovenian there are two concurrent standard accentual systems the older tonal with three pitch accents and the younger dynamic i e stress based with louder and longer syllables The stress based system was introduced because two thirds of Slovenia has lost its tonal accent In practice however even the stress based accentual system is just an abstract ideal and speakers generally retain their own dialect even when they try to speak Standard Slovenian For example speakers of urban dialects in the west of Slovenia without distinctive length fail to introduce a quantitative opposition when they speak the standard language citation needed The older accentual system is tonal and free jagoda strawberry malina raspberry gospodar master lord There are three kinds of accents short falling e long falling ȇ and long rising e Non final syllables always have long accents rakita crustacea tetiva sinew The short falling accent is always in the final syllable brat brother Three way opposition among accents can only then be present deska board blagọ goods ware gospa lady Accent can be mobile throughout the inflectional paradigm dȃr darȗ gora gorẹ goram brat brata o brȃtu krava krȃv voda vodọ na vọ do The distinction is made between open e and o either long or short and closed ẹ and ọ always long citation needed Basque Edit The Basque language of northeastern Spain and southwestern France has a number of different dialects and a number of accentual patterns Only western varieties seem to have a tonal accent and eastern varieties have a stress accent the stress accent dialects also differ one from another 2 According to an analysis first suggested by J R Hualde 67 Northern Bizkaian has most nouns accentless in their absolutive singular form but they have a default high tone shown by underlining below which continues throughout the word except for the first syllable These examples come from the Gernika Guernica dialect Gernike Guernica basoa forest patatie potato guntsurrune kidney There are however a few nouns often borrowings with a lexical accent As in Japanese the accent consists of a high tone followed by a low one Bilbo Bilbao aparize supper In addition some suffixes including all plural suffixes are preaccenting and so cause an accent on the syllable before the suffix andrak women txakurren of dogs genitive plural Gerniketik from Guernica Other suffixes do not cause any extra accent txakurren of the dog genitive singular When a preaccenting suffix is added to an already accented word only the first accent is retained Bilbotik from Bilbao The accent from Ondarroa is similar but the accent of the word if any always appears on the penultimate syllable Bilbotik from Bilbao Ondarroa pronunciation Intonation studies show that when an accentless word is spoken either in isolation or before a verb it acquires an accent on its last syllable or in Ondarroa on its penultimate syllable However that is an intonational accent rather than a lexical accent 68 69 laguna etorri da the friend laguna has come When an accentless word in those dialects of Basque is followed by an accented word the automatic high tones continue in a plateau as far as the accent 68 lagunen amuma ikusi dot I have seen the friend s grandmother amuma That also applies if the accent is intonational In the following sentence all words are unaccented apart from the intonational accent before the verb 70 lagunen alabia etorri da the friend s daughter has come When an accented word is focused the pitch of the accented syllable is raised but if the word is accentless there is no rise in pitch on that word but only on the accented word In the following phrase only the word amuma grandmother is thus accented whether the focus is on John friend or grandmother or none of these 37 71 Jonen lagunen amuma John s friend s grandmother Another pitch accent area in Basque is found in western Navarre near the border with France in the towns of Goizueta and Leitza There is a strong stress accent there on the second or the first syllable of every word like with central dialects of Basque but there is also a pitch contrast superimposed on the stress mendik rise dip rise the mountain vs mendik rise fall the mountains 70 Turkish Edit Main article Turkish phonology Word accent Although the Turkish accent is traditionally referred to as stress recent studies have pointed out that the main correlate of lexical accent is actually pitch In a word like sozcukle with a word the accented second syllable is thus higher than the other two but has less intensity loudness 72 Turkish word accent is found especially in geographical names Istanbul Ankara Yunanistan Greece Adana foreign borrowings salata salad lokanta restaurant some proper names Erdogan Kenedi compound words baskent capital city some words referring to relatives anne mother and certain adverbs simdi now yalniz only It is also caused by certain suffixes some of which are pre accenting and so cause an accent on the syllable preceding them such as negative me ma question particle mi or copula dir it is gelmedi he did not come geldi mi did he come guzeldir it is beautiful 73 74 The accented syllable is slightly higher in pitch than the following syllable All other words when pronounced in isolation either have a slightly raised pitch on the final syllable or are pronounced with all the syllables level 75 Turkish also has a phrase accent and focus accent An accent on the first word of a phrase usually causes an accent in the following words or suffixes to be neutralised e g coban salatasi shepherd salad Ankara dan da also from Ankara telefon ettiler they telephoned with only one accent 73 A controversy exists over whether Turkish has accentless words like Japanese and Basque Some scholars such as Levi 2005 and Ozcelik 2016 see the final raised pitch sometimes heard in words such as arkadas friend or geldi he came as a mere phrasal tone or boundary tone 76 Others such as Kabak 2016 prefer the traditional view that the final accent in such words is a kind of stress 77 Persian Edit Further information Persian phonology Word accent The accent of Persian words used to be always referred to as stress but is recognised as a pitch accent in recent works Acoustic studies show that accented syllables have some of the characteristics of stressed syllables in stress accent languages slightly more intensity more length more open vowels but that effect is much less than would normally be expected in stress accent languages The main difference is one of pitch with a contour of L H 78 Normally the pitch falls again at the end of the syllable if final or on the next syllable Persian nouns and adjectives are always accented on the final syllable Certain suffixes such as the plural ha shift the accent to themselves ketab book ketab ha books ketab i bookish Other suffixes such as possessives and the indefinite i are clitic and so are unaccented ketab etun your book ketab i a book In verbs the personal endings in the past tense are clitic but are accented in the future tense gereft am I took gerefte am I have taken xaham gereft I will take When prefixes are added the accent shifts to the first syllable mi gir am I m taking na gereft am I did not take be gir am I should take In the vocative xanom madam and sometimes elsewhere such as bale yes or agar if the accent is also on the first syllable In compound verbs the accent is on the first element kar kard am I worked However in compound nouns the accent is on the second element ketab xane bookcase In the ezafe construction the first noun is optionally accented but generally loses its pitch 79 mardom e Iran mardom e Iran the people of Iran When a word is focussed the pitch is raised and the words that follow usually lose their accent name ye maman am bud ru miz it was my mom s letter that was on the table However other researchers claim that the pitch of post focus words is reduced but sometimes still audible 78 Japanese Edit Map of Japanese pitch accent types Red Tone plus variable downstep Green Variable downstep in accented words Lavender Fixed downstep in accented words Yellow Variable pitches but no distinction Main article Japanese pitch accent Standard Japanese and certain other varieties of Japanese are described as having a pitch accent which differs significantly among dialects In Standard Japanese the accent may be characterized as a downstep rather than as pitch accent The pitch of a word rises until it reaches a downstep and then drops abruptly In a two syllable word a contrast thus occurs between high low and low high Accentless words are also low high but the pitch of following enclitics differentiates them 80 Accent on first mora Accent on second mora Accentless kaꜜki o 牡蠣を oyster kakiꜜ o 垣を fence kaki o 柿を persimmonhigh low low low high low low mid highThe Ōsaka accent Kansai dialect marked red on the map to the right differs from the Tokyo accent in that in some words the first syllable of the word always low in Tokyo Japanese unless accented can be high To give a full description of the accent of a word therefore it is necessary to specify not only the position of the accent downstep but also the height of the first syllable 39 Korean Edit Standard Seoul Korean uses pitch only for prosody However several other dialects retain a Middle Korean pitch accent system In the dialect of North Gyeongsang in southeastern South Korea any syllable and the initial two syllables may have a pitch accent in the form of a high tone For example in trisyllabic words there are four possible tone patterns 81 Examples Hangul IPA English며느리 mje nɯ ɾi daughter in law어머니 e me ni mother원어민 we ne min native speaker오라비 o ɾa bi elder brotherShanghainese Edit The Shanghai dialect of Wu Chinese is marginally tonal with characteristics of a pitch accent Not counting closed syllables those with a final glottal stop a monosyllabic Shanghainese may carry one of three tones high mid low The tones have a contour in isolation but for the following purposes it can be ignored However low tone always occurs after voiced consonants and only then Thus the only tonal distinction is after voiceless consonants and in vowel initial syllables and there is only a two way distinction between high tone and mid tone In a polysyllabic word the tone of the first syllable determines the tone of the entire word If the first tone is high the following syllables are mid If it is mid or low the second syllable is high and any following syllables are mid Thus a mark for the high tone is all that is needed to note the tone in Shanghainese Romanzi Hanzi Pitch pattern EnglishVoiced initial zaunheinin 上海人 low high mid Shanghai resident Shanghainese person No voiced initial mid tone aodaliya 澳大利亚 mid high mid mid AustraliaNo voiced initial high tone konkonchitso 公共汽車 high mid mid mid busBantu languages Edit The Bantu languages are a large group of some 550 languages spread over most of south and central Africa Proto Bantu is believed to have had two tones H and L 82 83 However it does not appear to have had a pitch accent system as defined above since words with such forms as HL HH LH and LL were all found kada charcoal comba fish nyanga horn and tope mud In other words some words like comba could have two high tones and others had one tone or none 84 However in the course of time processes such as Meeussen s Rule by which sequences such as HHH became HLL LHL or LLH tended to eliminate all but one tone in a word in many Bantu languages making them more accent like 8 Thus in Chichewa the word for fish nsomba now has HL tones exactly like the word for charcoal khala Another process that makes for culminativity in some Bantu languages is the interaction between stress and tone The penultimate syllable of a word is stressed in many Bantu languages and some of them have a tendency for high tones to be on the penultimate For example in Chitumbuka every phonological phrase is accented with a falling tone on the penultimate ti ku phika si ma we are cooking porridge 85 In other languages such as Xhosa the high tone is attracted to the antepenultimate although the penultimate being stressed 86 Ciluba and Ruund in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are two Bantu languages thaty are interesting for their tone reversal Low tone is phonologically active in places that other languages of the same family have a high tone Thus in a word like mukila tail most other Bantu languages have a high tone on the second syllable but Chiluba has mukila and Ruund has mukil with a low toned accent 87 Luganda Edit Main article Luganda tones Luganda a language of Uganda has some words with apparent tonal accents They can be either high or falling rising tones do not occur in Luganda Falling tones are found on bimoraic syllables or word finally 88 ensi country ekibuga city eddwaliro hospital Some words however have two accents which are joined in a plateau Kampala Kampala Other words are accentless ekitabo book However accentless words are not always without tones but usually receive a default tone on all syllables except the first one or the first mora ekitabo book Bunyoro Bunyoro name of region A double consonant at the beginning of a word counts as a mora In such words the first syllable also can have a default tone Ttoro Toro a region Default tones are also heard on the end of accented words if there is a gap of at least one mora after the accent the default tones are lower in pitch than the preceding accent amaserengeta south eddwaliro hospital The default tones are not always heard but disappear in certain contexts such as if a noun is the subject of a sentence or used before a numeral Mbarara kibuga Mbarara is a city ebitabo kkumi ten books In some contexts such as affirmative verb location or phrases with of the high tone of an accent or of a default tone can continue in a plateau all the way until the next accented syllable mu maserengeta ga Uganda in the south of Uganda ali mu Buganda he is in Buganda The situation with verbs is more complicated however since some of the verbal roots have their own inherent word accent but also the prefixes added to the verb also often have an accent Also some tenses such as negative tenses and relative clause tenses add an accent on the final syllable When two or three accents come in a row in a verb H H becomes H L and H H H becomes H L L However the default tones are not added on the syllables with deleted accents which leads to forms like balilaba from ba li laba they will see There not one but two low toned syllables follow the accent 89 Another rule is that if two accents in the same verb are not next to each other they form a plateau Thus the negative tense tagula he does not buy is pronounced tagula with a plateau Chichewa Edit Main article Chichewa tones Chichewa a language widely spoken in Malawi is tonal but has accentual properties Most Chichewa simple nouns have only one high tone usually on one of the last three syllables 90 See Chichewa tones chimanga maize chikondi love chinangwa cassava usually pronounced chinăngwa with rising tone on the penultimate 91 However many number of nouns have no high tone but are accentless Unlike the accentless words in Luganda however they do not acquire any default tones but are pronounced with all the syllables low chipatala hospital A few nouns often but not always compounds have two high tones If they are separated by only one syllable they usually join in a plateau chizolowezi habit birimankhwe chameleon Most verbal roots in Chichewa are accentless However a few verbs also have lexical accents but they are not inherited from Proto Bantu 92 When there is an accent it is always heard on the final a of the verb thokoza ni give thanks pl Some accents are added by prefixes and suffixes For example the infinitive prefix ku is postaccenting adding a tone on the following syllable while the suffix nso again also is preaccenting fotokoza explain toneless kufotokoza to explain kufotokozanso to explain again The verbal system is complicated by the fact that overlying the tones of the verb and suffixes is a series of tonal patterns that changes by tense There are at least eight patterns for affirmative tenses and other different patterns for relative clause verbs and negative verbs 93 For example the present habitual tense has tones on the first and penultimate syllables the recent past has a tone after the tense marker na the subjunctive has a tone on the final syllable and the potential is toneless The tones apply with minor variations to all verbs whether the stem is long or short ndimafotokoza I usually explain ndinafotokoza I explained just now ndifotokoze I should explain ndingafotokoze I could explain When a verb has a penultimate accent most other tones tend to be suppressed For example in the negative future both the tone of the future tense marker dza and the tone of the negative marker si both normally high are neutralised sindidzafotokoza I will not explain Those and other processes cause most verb tenses to have only one or two high tones which are at the beginning the penultimate or the final of the verb stem or at a prefix or sometimes even both That gives the impression that the tones in the resultant words have a clearly accentual quality English Edit Most dialects of English are classified as stress accent languages However there are some dialects in which tone can play a part in the word accent Hong Kong English Edit Lexical words in Hong Kong English are assigned at least one H high tone Disyllabic words may have the tone pattern H o clockwise H H sometimes o H create where o stands for tonelessness Trisyllabic words receive any one of seven possible tone assignments H H H kangaroo H H o handwriting H o H roundabout H o o threatening o H H about turn o H o essential o o H recommend Toneless syllables receive other pitch assignments depending on their positions word initial toneless syllables are M id toned utterance final toneless syllables are Low and word medial toneless syllables vary across two major sub dialects in the community surfacing as either H or M Because lexical stipulation of Hong Kong English tones are H o privative one is easily misled into thinking of Hong Kong English as a pitch accented language It is however probably more accurate to think of Hong Kong English as a language with lexical tones 94 South African English Edit In Broad South African English h phonetically ɦ is often deleted such as in word initial stressed syllables as in house but at least as often it is pronounced even if it seems to be deleted The vowel that follows h in the word initial syllable often carries a low or low rising tone In rapid speech that can be the only trace of the deleted h Potentially minimal tonal pairs are thus created like oh neutral ʌʊ or high falling ʌʊ vs hoe low ʌʊ or low rising ʌʊ 95 Welsh English Edit A distinctive feature of Welsh English is the rising pitch on the last syllable of major words imitating the rising pitch of word final syllables in Welsh see below An important factor in the realisation of stress in both Welsh and Welsh English is the length of the post stress consonant which tends to be longer than the stressed vowel itself 96 Welsh Edit In Welsh a stress accent usually comes on the penultimate syllable with a few exceptions accented on the final such as the word Cymraeg Welsh and is usually on a low pitch followed by a rising pitch In Welsh the stressed syllable is associated with lower pitch than less stressed or unstressed syllables However the post stress syllable in Welsh is typically produced on a higher pitch 97 It is believed that this came about because late Brythonic the ancestor of Welsh had a penultimate accent that was pronounced with a high pitch When the final vowels of words were lost the high pitch remained on what was now the final syllable but the stress moved to the new penultimate Thus LHL changed to LH with the stress on the low syllable 98 Although it is usually said that the high pitch is in the final syllable of the word an acoustic study of Anglesey Welsh found that in that dialect at least the peak of the tone was actually in the penultimate syllable thus the last two syllables were L H L 22 Yaqui Edit The Yaqui are a native American people living mostly in Mexico but also in Arizona About 17 000 people are said to speak Yaqui which is a Uto Aztecan language Yaqui has a tonal accent in which the accent is on the first or the second mora of the word A long vowel has two moras in Yaqui and a short vowel or diphthong has one mora After the accent the high tone continues with a very slight decline 34 until the end of the word About two thirds of words have an accent on the first mora and all tones of the word are then high 99 kari house hamut woman teeka sky where ee represents a long vowel teeka lay down In some words with a long first vowel the accent moves to the second syllable and the vowel of the first syllable then becomes short bakot snake bakotta snake object of verb In a certain kind of reduplication the accent moves to the first mora and the next consonant is then usually doubled At the same time since a long vowel cannot follow the accent the vowel after the accent is also shortened teeka lay down tetteka in the process of laying something down At the end of a phrase the pitch drops with a low boundary tone 34 To an English speaker the first high tone in Yaqui sounds very much like a stress However acoustic studies show that the amplitude of the accented syllable is not really greater than the other syllables in the word are 99 See also EditStress linguistics Tone linguistics Notes Edit The corresponding terms for Franconian tone accents are as follows Accent 1 T1 Accent 2 T2 e g zɛɪ1 sieve zɛɪ2 she Germanterms Scharfung Scharfung Scharfung gescharft gescharft ungescharft gescharft Stosston SchleiftonDutchterms stoottoon sleeptoonhoge toon valtoonThe Dutch terms hoge toon and valtoon are misnomers for Colognian For example the accentual systems of the spoken dialects of the Croatian capital Zagreb and the city of Rijeka are stress based and do not use distinctive vowel length or pitch accent clarification needed References Edit Larry Hyman Word Prosodic Typology Phonology 2006 23 225 257 Cambridge University Press a b Hualde J I 1986 Tone and Stress in Basque A Preliminary Survey PDF Anuario del Seminario Julio de Urquijo XX 3 1986 pp 867 896 Demers Richard Escalante Fernando Jelinik Eloise 1999 Prominence in Yaqui Words International Journal of American Linguistics 65 1 40 55 doi 10 1086 466375 JSTOR 1265972 S2CID 144693748 Matthew Y Chen Tone Sandhi Patterns across Chinese Dialects CUP 2000 p 223 a b c d e Levi Susannah V June 2005 Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish Journal of the International Phonetic Association 35 1 73 97 doi 10 1017 S0025100305001921 ISSN 1475 3502 S2CID 145460722 Gordon Matthew 2014 Disentangling stress and pitch accent A typology of prominence at different prosodic levels In Harry van der Hulst ed Word Stress Theoretical and Typological Issues pp 83 118 Oxford University Press Zanten Ellen van amp Philomena Dol 2010 Word stress and pitch accent in Papuan languages In Hulst Harry van der Rob Goedemans amp Ellen van Zanten eds 2010 A survey of word accentual patterns in the languages of the world Berlin De Gruyter Mouton p 120 a b Downing Laura 2010 Accent in African languages In Harry van der Hulst Rob Goedemans Ellen van Zanten eds A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World p 411 Hayes Bruce 1995 Metrical stress theory Principles and case studies University of Chicago Press p 50 a b c d Kohnlein Bjorn 2013 Optimizing the relation between tone and prominence Evidence from Franconian Scandinavian and Serbo Croatian tone accent systems Lingua 131 2013 1 28 Beckman Mary 1986 Stress and Non stress Accent Dordrecht Foris Hyman L M 2012 Do all languages have word accent UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2012 p 35 Downing L R Mtenje A D 2017 The Phonology of Chichewa p 133 Downing Laura 2010 Accent in African languages In Harry van der Hulst Rob Goedemans Ellen van Zanten eds A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World p 382 Larry Hyman How not to do phonological typology the case of pitch accent Language Sciences 2009 31 213 238 Hyman L 2000 Privative Tone in Bantu Nash J A 1994 Underlying Low Tones in Ruwund Studies in African Linguistics Volume 23 Number 3 1992 1994 Zec D amp Zsiga E 2010 Interaction of Tone and Stress in Standard Serbian Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 18 535 555 Ann Arbor Mich Michigan Slavic Publications Whitney William Dwight 1879 Sanskrit Grammar ch 2 81 3 Allen W Sidney 1987 Vox Graeca 3rd edition p 121 Tomas Riad Scandinavian accent typology Archived 8 August 2017 at the Wayback Machine Sprachtypol Univ Forsch STUF Berlin 59 2006 1 36 55 pp 38 9 a b Cooper S E 2015 Bangor University PhD thesis Intonation in Anglesey Welsh p 165 Louw Johan K 1987 Pang onopang ono ndi Mtolo Chichewa A Practical Course UNISA Press vol 3 p 22 60 a b Downing L M amp Mtenje A D 2017 The Phonology of Chichewa p 119 Cf Hyman L M 2007 Tone Is it different UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2007 p 500 Yip Moira 2002 Tone pp 8 9 a b c Begus Gasper 2016 The Phonetics of the Independent Svarita in Vedic in Stephanie W Jamison H Craig Melchert and Brent Vine eds 2016 Proceedings of the 26th Annual UCLA Indo European Conference Bremen Hempen 1 12 Kamoga F K amp Stevick 1968 Luganda Basic Course pp ix x Dutcher Katharine amp Mary Paster 2008 Contour Tone Distribution in Luganda Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics ed Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop 123 131 Somerville MA Cascadilla Proceedings Project a b Smyth H W 1920 Greek Grammar 169 Inkelas Sharon amp Draga Zec 1988 Serbo Croatian pitch accent Language 64 227 248 pp 230 1 quoted in Hyman L M 2007 Tone Is it different UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2007 Seikilos epitaph line 4 See also Devine A M Stephens Laurence D 1991 Dionysius of Halicarnassus De Compositione Verborum XI Reconstructing the Phonetics of the Greek Accent Transactions of the American Philological Association 121 229 286 pages 272 283 Hyman L M 2007 Tone Is it different UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2007 p 498 a b c Hagberg Larry 2008 An Acoustic Analysis of Yaqui Stress Friends of Uto Aztecan October 3 2008 University of Arizona Kamoga F K amp Earl Stevick 1968 Luganda Basic Course Foreign Service Institute Washington pp 105 29 Downing L J amp Mtenje A D 2017 The Phonology of Chichewa p 122 a b Hualde 2006 p 161 Kamoga F K amp Stevick 1968 Luganda Basic Course Foreign Service Institute Washington p xviii a b c d Hyman Larry M 2009 How not to do phonological typology the case of pitch accent Language Sciences 31 213 238 Jesse Lundquist amp Anthony Yates 2015 The Morphology of Proto Indo European University of California Los Angeles Hualde 2006 p 159 Abolhasanizadeh Vahideh Bijankhan Mahmood Gussenhoven Carlos 2012 The Persian pitch accent and its retention after the focus Lingua 122 13 1380 1394 doi 10 1016 j lingua 2012 06 002 Sadat Tehrani 2007 Hosseini Seyed Ayat 2014 The Phonology and Phonetics of Prosodic Prominence in Persian Ph D Dissertation University of Tokyo p 22f for a review of the literature also p 35 Hyman Larry M amp Francis X Katamba 1993 A new approach to tone in Luganda in Language 69 1 pp 33 67 see pp 36 45 Fortson IV 2004 62 harvcoltxt error no target CITEREFFortson IV2004 help Ruppell A M The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit pp 25 6 Allen W Sidney 1987 Vox Graeca 3rd edition pp 116 120 Probert Philomen 2003 A New Short Guide the Accentuation of Ancient Greek p 17 Allen W Sidney 1987 Vox Graeca 3rd edition p 117 Allen W Sidney 1987 Vox Graeca 3rd edition p 130 Oleg Poljakov 1997 Uber Herkunft und Entwicklung der Silbenakzente im Lettischen Baltistica 64 Dahl Osten 2001 The Circum Baltic Languages Grammar and typology John Benjamins Publishing p 736 ISBN 9781588110428 a b Frederik Kortlandt The rise and fall of glottalization in Baltic and Slavic a b c Kortmann Bernd 2011 The Languages and Linguistics of Europe Walter de Gruyter p 6 ISBN 978 3110220254 Both Latvian and Lithuanian are pitch languages In Lithuanian stressed long vocalic segments long vowels diphthongs and sequences of vowel plus sonorant show a distinctive opposition of rising and falling pitch cf kar tu time gen pl vs kartu hang irr 3 In standard Latvian and some of the dialects long vocalic sequences of the same type as in Lithuanian distinguish three varieties of pitch even falling and broken broken pitch being a falling pitch with superadded glottalisation They are fully differentiated in stressed syllables only unstressed syllables have an opposition of glottalised and non glottalised long vocalic segments Segments with even pitch are ultra long Neither Lithuanian nor Latvian mark pitch in their standard orthography Maslanska Olga Rubina Aina 1992 Valsts valoda Kurs lekcij latyshskogo yazyka Riga p 11 V latyshskom yazyke imeetsya slogovaya intonaciya kotoraya mozhet byt protyazhnoj preryvistoj i nishodyashej V nekotoryh sluchayah intonaciya imeet smyslorazlichitelnoe znachenie naprimer za le zal za le trava za les lekarstvo a b Kiparsky Paul Livonian stod PDF Stanford University Retrieved 6 December 2013 what is the historical relationship between the Livonian stod and the identical or at least very similar Stosston intonation of the coterritorial Latvian language Almost certainly one of them got it from the other The languages have influenced each other in many ways in both directions But which way did the influence go in this case Scholarly opinion on this question is divided Thomson 1890 59 and Kettunen 1925 4 thought that Livonian had borrowed the stod from Latvian whereas Posti 1942 325 thought that Latvian got it from Livonian My conclusion that the Livonian stod is a tonal feature is more consonant with the former view Livonian is the only Finno Ugric language known to have a tonal or pitch accent while it is a feature of several branches of Indo European including Balto Slavic in particular On the hypothesis that Livonian got its stod under the influence of Latvian we account for the Livonian stod by language contact and for the Latvian stod as a Baltic inheritance Fournier Rachel Gussenhoven Carlos Peters Jorg Swerts Marc Verhoeven Jo The tones of Limburg Archived from the original on 26 February 2012 Retrieved 26 February 2012 Germanic tone accents proceedings of the First International Workshop on Franconian Tone Accents Leiden 2003 pp 37 8 a b c de Vaan M Towards an Explanation of the Franconian Tone Accents Leiden University Repository p 2 Germanic tone accents proceedings of the First International Workshop on Franconian Tone Accents Leiden 2003 a b Herrwegen Alice 2002 De kolsche Sproch J P Bachem Verlag p 266 269 Wrede Adam 1958 Neuer kolnischer Sprachschatz Greven Verlag Rajka Smiljanic 31 October 2013 Lexical Pragmatic and Positional Effects on Prosody in Two Dialects of Croatian and Serbian An Acoustic Study Routledge pp 22 ISBN 978 1 135 46464 6 Lexical Pragmatic and Positional Effects on Prosody in Two Dialects of Croatian and Serbian Rajka Smiljanic Archived 18 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine Routledge ISBN 0 415 97117 9 A Handbook of Bosnian Serbian and Croatian Wayles Brown and Theresa Alt SEELRC 2004 Hualde J I 1987 A theory of pitch accent with particular attention to Basque Anuario del Seminario Julio de Urquijo ASJU XXII 3 915 919 a b Elordieta Gorka Basque Word Accents in the Sentence Lee Chungmin Gordon Matthew Buring Daniel eds 2007 Topic and Focus Cross Linguistic Perspectives on Meaning and Intonation p 5 a b Hualde J I Historical Convergence and Divergence in Basque Accentuation in Riad Tomas Gussenhoven Carlos eds 2007 Tones and Tunes Typological Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody pp 291 322 cf p 300 Arregi Karlos 2004 Stress and Islands in Northern Bizkaian Basque Levi Susannah V 2005 Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish Journal of the International Phonetic Association vol 35 1 pp 73 97 DOI 1 cf fig 8 p 85 a b Kabak Baris Vogel Irene 2001 The phonological word and stress assignment in Turkish Phonology 18 2001 315 360 DOI 2 Inkelas Sharon amp Orgun Cemil Orhan 2003 Turkish stress A review Phonology 20 1 139 161 JSTOR 4420243 Levi Susannah V 2005 Acoustic correlates of lexical accent in Turkish Journal of the International Phonetic Association vol 35 1 pp 73 97 DOI 3 p 90 Ozcelik Oner 2016 The Foot is not an obligatory constituent of the Prosodic Hierarchy stress in Turkish French and child English The Linguistic Review 2016 DOI 4 p 10 Kabak Baris 2016 Refin d ing Turkish stress as a multifaceted phenomenon Second Conference on Central Asian Languages and Linguistics ConCALL52 October 2016 Indiana University a b Abolhasanizadeh Vahideh Bijankhan Mahmood Gussenhoven Carlos 2012 The Persian pitch accent and its retention after the focus Lingua 122 13 1380 1394 doi 10 1016 j lingua 2012 06 002 Sadat Tehrani 2007 pages 3 22 46 47 51 Pierrehumbert Janet Beckman Mary 1988 Japanese Tone Structure MIT Press Cambridge MA Jun Jongho Kim Jungsun Lee Hayoung Jun Sun Ah 2006 The Prosodic Structure and Pitch Accent of Northern Kyungsang Korean Journal of East Asian Linguistics 15 4 289 doi 10 1007 s10831 006 9000 2 S2CID 18992886 Greenberg J H 1948 The Tonal System of Proto Bantu WORD 4 3 196 208 Hyman L M 2017 Bantu Tone Overview UC Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Lab Annual Report 2017 Hyman L M amp Al Mtenje 1999 Non etymological high tones in the Chichewa verb In Malilime Malawian Journal of Linguistics pp 121 2 Downing Laura J 2012 On the Non congruence of Focus and Prominence in Tumbuka Selected Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics ed Michael R Marlo et al 122 133 Somerville MA Cascadilla Proceedings Project p 123 Downing Laura 2010 Accent in African languages In Harry van der Hulst Rob Goedemans Ellen van Zanten eds A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World p 416 Nash J A 1994 Underlying Low Tones in Ruwund Studies in African Linguistics Volume 23 Number 3 1992 1994 p 226 Kamoga F K amp Stevick Earl 1968 Luganda Basic Course Foreign Service Institute Washington introduction Hyman Larry M amp Francis X Katamba 1993 A new approach to tone in Luganda in Language 69 1 pp 33 67 Downing L J and Al Mtenje 2017 The Phonology of Chichewa OUP Chapter 6 Louw Johan K 1987 Pang onopang ono ndi Mtolo Chichewa A Practical Course UNISA Press Hyman Larry M amp Al D Mtenje 1999b Non Etymological High Tones in the Chichewa Verb Malilime The Malawian Journal of Linguistics no 1 Downing L J and Al Mtenje 2017 The Phonology of Chichewa OUP Chapter 7 Wee Lian Hee 2016 Tone assignment in Hong Kong English Language vol 92 2 e112 132 Lass Roger 2002 South African English in Mesthrie Rajend ed Language in South Africa Cambridge University Press p 122 ISBN 9780521791052 Webb Kelly 2011 The Realisation of Stress in Welsh English Hannahs S J 2013 The Phonology of Welsh OUP p 42 David Willis Old and Middle Welsh In Ball Martin J and Nicole Muller eds The Celtic languages Routledge Language Family Descriptions 2nd ed 1993 p 6 a b Richard Demers Fernando Escalante and Eloise Jelinek 1999 Prominence in Yaqui Words International Journal of American Linguistics Vol 65 No 1 Jan 1999 pp 40 55 Hualde Jose Ignacio 2006 Remarks on Word Prosodic Typology Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 32 1 157 doi 10 3765 bls v32i1 3452 Sadat Tehrani Nima 2007 The intonational grammar of Persian Thesis hdl 1993 2839 Further reading EditBodelier Jorina 2011 Tone and intonation in the Lemiers dialect of Ripuarian MA General Linguistics Thesis Amsterdam University of Amsterdam Hyman L M 2015 Positional Prominence vs Word Accent Is there a difference UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2015 van der Hulst Harry 2011 Pitch Accent systems in The Blackwell Companion to Phonology Volume II Suprasegmental and Prosodic Phonology Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Pitch accent language amp oldid 1132404063, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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