
List of XML and HTML character entity references

In SGML, HTML and XML documents, the logical constructs known as character data and attribute values consist of sequences of characters, in which each character can manifest directly (representing itself), or can be represented by a series of characters called a character reference, of which there are two types: a numeric character reference and a character entity reference. This article lists the character entity references that are valid in HTML and XML documents.

A character entity reference refers to the content of a named entity. An entity declaration is created by using the <!ENTITY name "value"> syntax in a Document Type Definition (DTD).

Character reference overview

A numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set/Unicode code point, and uses the format:




where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form. The x must be lowercase in XML documents. The nnnn or hhhh may be any number of digits and may include leading zeros. The hhhh may mix uppercase and lowercase, though uppercase is the usual style.

In contrast, a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text. The entity must either be predefined (built into the markup language) or explicitly declared in a Document Type Definition (DTD). The format is the same as for any entity reference:


where name is the case-sensitive name of the entity. The semicolon is required, unless marked otherwise in the table below (see [a]).

Standard public entity sets for characters

ISO Entity Sets
SGML supplied a comprehensive set of entity declarations for characters widely used in Western technical and reference publishing, for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic scripts. The American Mathematical Society also contributed entities for mathematical characters.
HTML Entity Sets
Early versions of HTML built in small subsets of these, relating to characters found in three Western 8-bit fonts.
MathML Entity Sets
The W3C developed a set of entity declarations for MathML characters.
XML Entity Sets
The W3C MathML Working Group took over maintenance of the ISO public entity sets, combined with the MathML and documents them in XML Entity Definitions for Characters. This set can support the requirements of XHTML, MathML and as an input to future versions of HTML.
HTML5 adopts the XML entities as named character references, however it restates them without reference to their sources and does not group them into sets. The HTML 5 specification additionally provides mappings from the names to Unicode character sequences using JSON.

Numerous other entity sets have been developed for special requirements, and for major and minority scripts. However, the advent of Unicode has largely superseded them.

List of predefined entities in XML

The XML specification does not use the term "character entity" or "character entity reference". The XML specification defines five "predefined entities" representing special characters, and requires that all XML processors honor them. The entities can be explicitly declared in a DTD, as well, but if this is done, the replacement text must be the same as the built-in definitions. XML also allows other named entities of any size to be defined on a per-document basis.

The table below lists the five XML predefined entities. The initial "Name" column mentions the entity's name. The "Character" column shows the character. To render the character, the format &name; is used; for example, &amp; renders as &. The "Unicode code point" column cites the character via standard UCS/Unicode "U+" notation, which shows the character's code point in hexadecimal. The decimal equivalent of the code point is then shown in parentheses. The "Standard" column indicates the first version of XML that includes the entity. The final "Name" column cites the character via its canonical UCS/Unicode name.

Name Character Unicode code point (decimal) Standard Name
quot " U+0022 (34) XML 1.0 quotation mark
amp & U+0026 (38) XML 1.0 ampersand
apos ' U+0027 (39) XML 1.0 apostrophe (1.0: apostrophe-quote)
lt < U+003C (60) XML 1.0 less-than sign
gt > U+003E (62) XML 1.0 greater-than sign

List of character entity references in HTML

The HTML 5 DTDs define many named entities, references to which act as mnemonic aliases for certain Unicode characters.[1] The HTML 5 specification requires the use of the standard DTDs and does not allow users to define additional entities.

In the table below, the "Standard" column indicates the first version of the HTML DTD that defines the character entity reference. To use one of these character entity references in an HTML or XML document, enter an ampersand followed by the entity name and a semicolon, e.g., enter &copy; for the copyright symbol ©.

Alternatively, enter an ampersand, followed by a number sign, a number and a semicolon. For example, to display the copyright symbol ©, enter &#169; (When using this method, use the parenthesized decimal numbers in the third column.) Equivalently, you can enter an ampersand, followed by a number sign, the letter x, a hexadecimal number and a semicolon. For example, to display the copyright symbol ©, enter &#x00A9; or &#xA9;. (When using this method, use the hexadecimal numbers in the third column, without the prefix U+.)

Names Char. Unicode code point (decimal) Standard DTD[b] Old ISO subset[c] Description[d]
Tab U+0009 (9) HTML 5.0 character tabulation
NewLine U+000A (10) HTML 5.0 line feed (LF)
excl ! U+0021 (33) HTML 5.0 ISOnum exclamation mark
quot,[a] QUOT[a] " U+0022 (34)
  • HTML 2.0[e]
  • HTML 5.0: QUOT
HTMLspecial ISOnum quotation mark
num # U+0023 (35) HTML 5.0 number sign
dollar $ U+0024 (36) HTML 5.0 dollar sign
percnt % U+0025 (37) HTML 5.0 ISOnum percent sign
amp,[a] AMP[a] & U+0026 (38)
  • Original (HTML 1.0) and HTML 2.0
  • HTML 5.0: AMP
HTMLspecial, original html.dtd ISOnum ampersand
apos ' U+0027 (39) HTML 5.0 and XHTML 1.0 HTMLspecial ISOnum apostrophe (apostrophe-quote); see below
lpar ( U+0028 (40) HTML 5.0 left parenthesis
rpar ) U+0029 (41) HTML 5.0 right parenthesis
ast, midast * U+002A (42) HTML 5.0 asterisk (middle asterisk)
plus + U+002B (43) HTML 5.0 plus sign
comma , U+002C (44) HTML 5.0 comma
period . U+002E (46) HTML 5.0 full stop (period)
sol / U+002F (47) HTML 5.0 solidus
colon : U+003A (58) HTML 5.0 colon
semi ; U+003B (59) HTML 5.0 semicolon
lt,[a] LT[a] < U+003C (60)
  • Original (HTML 1.0) and HTML 2.0
  • HTML 5.0: LT
HTMLspecial, original html.dtd ISOnum less-than sign
equals = U+003D (61) HTML 5.0 ISOnum equals sign
gt,[a] GT[a] > U+003E (62)
  • Original (HTML 1.0) and HTML 2.0
  • HTML 5.0: GT
HTMLspecial, original html.dtd ISOnum greater-than sign
quest ? U+003F (63) HTML 5.0 question mark
commat @ U+0040 (64) HTML 5.0 commercial at
lsqb, lbrack [ U+005B (91) HTML 5.0 left square bracket (left bracket)
bsol \ U+005C (92) HTML 5.0 reverse solidus (backward solidus)
rsqb, rbrack ] U+005D (93) HTML 5.0 right square bracket (right bracket)
Hat ^ U+005E (94) HTML 5.0 circumflex accent (hat)
lowbar, UnderBar _ U+005F (95) HTML 5.0 low line (low bar, underbar)
grave, DiacriticalGrave ` U+0060 (96) HTML 5.0 grave accent (diacritical grave)
lcub, lbrace { U+007B (123) HTML 5.0 left curly bracket (left brace)
verbar, vert, VerticalLine | U+007C (124) HTML 5.0 vertical line (vertical bar), (pipe character)
rcub, rbrace } U+007D (125) HTML 5.0 right curly bracket (right brace)
nbsp,[a] NonBreakingSpace   U+00A0 (160)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: NonBreakingSpace
HTMLlat1 ISOnum no-break space (non-breaking space)[f]
iexcl[a] ¡ U+00A1 (161) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum inverted exclamation mark
cent[a] ¢ U+00A2 (162) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum cent sign
pound[a] £ U+00A3 (163) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum pound sign
curren[a] ¤ U+00A4 (164) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum currency sign
yen[a] ¥ U+00A5 (165) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum yen sign (yuan sign)
brvbar[a] ¦ U+00A6 (166) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum broken bar (broken vertical bar)
sect[a] § U+00A7 (167) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum section sign
Dot, die, DoubleDot, uml[a] ¨ U+00A8 (168)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: Dot, die, and DoubleDot
HTMLlat1 ISOdia diaeresis (spacing dieresis, double dot); see Germanic umlaut
copy,[a] COPY[a] © U+00A9 (169)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: COPY
HTMLlat1 ISOnum copyright sign
ordf[a] ª U+00AA (170) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum feminine ordinal indicator
laquo[a] « U+00AB (171) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum left-pointing double angle quotation mark (left pointing guillemet)
not[a] ¬ U+00AC (172) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum not sign
shy[a] U+00AD (173) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum soft hyphen (discretionary hyphen)
reg,[a] circledR, REG[a] ® U+00AE (174)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: circledR and REG
HTMLlat1 ISOnum registered sign (registered trademark symbol)
macr,[a] strns ¯ U+00AF (175)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: strns
HTMLlat1 ISOdia macron (spacing macron, overline, APL overbar)
deg[a] ° U+00B0 (176) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum degree sign
plusmn,[a] pm, PlusMinus ± U+00B1 (177)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: pm and PlusMinus
HTMLlat1 ISOnum plus–minus sign (plus-or-minus sign)
sup2[a] ² U+00B2 (178) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum superscript two (superscript digit two, squared)
sup3[a] ³ U+00B3 (179) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum superscript three (superscript digit three, cubed)
acute,[a] DiacriticalAcute ´ U+00B4 (180)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: DiacriticalAcute
HTMLlat1 ISOdia acute accent (diacritical acute, spacing acute)
micro[a] µ U+00B5 (181) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum micro sign
para[a] U+00B6 (182) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum pilcrow sign (paragraph sign)
middot,[a] centerdot, CenterDot · U+00B7 (183)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: centerdot and CenterDot
HTMLlat1 ISOnum middle dot (center dot, Georgian comma, Greek middle dot)
cedil,[a] Cedilla ¸ U+00B8 (184)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: Cedilla
HTMLlat1 ISOdia cedilla (spacing cedilla)
sup1[a] ¹ U+00B9 (185) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum superscript one (superscript digit one)
ordm[a] º U+00BA (186) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum masculine ordinal indicator
raquo[a] » U+00BB (187) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum right-pointing double angle quotation mark (right pointing guillemet)
frac14[a] ¼ U+00BC (188) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum vulgar fraction one quarter (fraction one quarter)
frac12,[a] half ½ U+00BD (189)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: half
HTMLlat1 ISOnum vulgar fraction one half (fraction one half)
frac34[a] ¾ U+00BE (190) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum vulgar fraction three quarters (fraction three quarters)
iquest[a] ¿ U+00BF (191) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum inverted question mark (turned question mark)
Agrave[a] À U+00C0 (192) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with grave (Latin capital letter A grave)
Aacute[a] Á U+00C1 (193) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with acute
Acirc[a] Â U+00C2 (194) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
Atilde[a] Ã U+00C3 (195) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with tilde
Auml[a] Ä U+00C4 (196) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
Aring,[a] angst Å U+00C5 (197)
  • HTML 2.0
  • HTML 5.0: angst
HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter A with ring above (Latin capital letter A ring, Angstrom sign[g])
AElig[a] Æ U+00C6 (198) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter AE (Latin capital ligature AE)
Ccedil[a] Ç U+00C7 (199) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter C with cedilla
Egrave[a] È U+00C8 (200) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter E with grave
Eacute[a] É U+00C9 (201) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter E with acute
Ecirc[a] Ê U+00CA (202) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter E with circumflex
Euml[a] Ë U+00CB (203) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
Igrave[a] Ì U+00CC (204) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter I with grave
Iacute[a] Í U+00CD (205) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter I with acute
Icirc[a] Î U+00CE (206) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter I with circumflex
Iuml[a] Ï U+00CF (207) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
ETH[a] Ð U+00D0 (208) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter Eth
Ntilde[a] Ñ U+00D1 (209) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter N with tilde
Ograve[a] Ò U+00D2 (210) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with grave
Oacute[a] Ó U+00D3 (211) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with acute
Ocirc[a] Ô U+00D4 (212) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with circumflex
Otilde[a] Õ U+00D5 (213) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with tilde
Ouml[a] Ö U+00D6 (214) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
times[a] × U+00D7 (215) HTML 3.2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum multiplication sign (times sign)
Oslash[a] Ø U+00D8 (216) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter O with stroke (Latin capital letter O slash)
Ugrave[a] Ù U+00D9 (217) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter U with grave
Uacute[a] Ú U+00DA (218) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter U with acute
Ucirc[a] Û U+00DB (219) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter U with circumflex
Uuml[a] Ü U+00DC (220) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
Yacute[a] Ý U+00DD (221) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter Y with acute
THORN[a] Þ U+00DE (222) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin capital letter THORN
szlig[a] ß U+00DF (223) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter sharp s (ess-zed); see German Eszett
agrave[a] à U+00E0 (224) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with grave
aacute[a] á U+00E1 (225) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with acute
acirc[a] â U+00E2 (226) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with circumflex
atilde[a] ã U+00E3 (227) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with tilde
auml[a] ä U+00E4 (228) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with diaeresis
aring[a] å U+00E5 (229) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter a with ring above
aelig[a] æ U+00E6 (230) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter ae (Latin small ligature ae)
ccedil[a] ç U+00E7 (231) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter c with cedilla
egrave[a] è U+00E8 (232) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter e with grave
eacute[a] é U+00E9 (233) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter e with acute
ecirc[a] ê U+00EA (234) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter e with circumflex
euml[a] ë U+00EB (235) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter e with diaeresis
igrave[a] ì U+00EC (236) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter i with grave
iacute[a] í U+00ED (237) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter i with acute
icirc[a] î U+00EE (238) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter i with circumflex
iuml[a] ï U+00EF (239) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter i with diaeresis
eth[a] ð U+00F0 (240) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter eth
ntilde[a] ñ U+00F1 (241) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter n with tilde
ograve[a] ò U+00F2 (242) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with grave
oacute[a] ó U+00F3 (243) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with acute
ocirc[a] ô U+00F4 (244) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with circumflex
otilde[a] õ U+00F5 (245) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with tilde
ouml[a] ö U+00F6 (246) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with diaeresis
divide,[a] div ÷ U+00F7 (247)
  • HTML 3.2
  • HTML 5.0: div
HTMLlat1 ISOnum Division sign
oslash[a] ø U+00F8 (248) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter o with stroke (Latin small letter o slash)
ugrave[a] ù U+00F9 (249) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter u with grave
uacute[a] ú U+00FA (250) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter u with acute
ucirc[a] û U+00FB (251) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter u with circumflex
uuml[a] ü U+00FC (252) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter u with diaeresis
yacute[a] ý U+00FD (253) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter y with acute
thorn[a] þ U+00FE (254) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter thorn
yuml[a] ÿ U+00FF (255) HTML 2.0 HTMLlat1 ISOlat1 Latin small letter y with diaeresis
Amacr Ā U+0100 (256) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter A with macron
amacr ā U+0101 (257) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter a with macron
Abreve Ă U+0102 (258) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter A with breve
abreve ă U+0103 (259) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter a with breve
Aogon Ą U+0104 (260) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter A with ogonek
aogon ą U+0105 (261) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter a with ogonek
Cacute Ć U+0106 (262) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter C with acute
cacute ć U+0107 (263) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter c with acute
Ccirc Ĉ U+0108 (264) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter C with circumflex
ccirc ĉ U+0109 (265) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter c with circumflex
Cdot Ċ U+010A (266) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter C with dot above
cdot ċ U+010B (267) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter c with dot above
Ccaron Č U+010C (268) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter C with caron
ccaron č U+010D (269) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter c with caron
Dcaron Ď U+010E (270) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter D with caron
dcaron ď U+010F (271) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter d with caron
Dstrok Đ U+0110 (272) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter D with stroke
dstrok đ U+0111 (273) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter d with stroke
Emacr Ē U+0112 (274) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter E with macron
emacr ē U+0113 (275) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter e with macron
Edot Ė U+0116 (278) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter E with dot above
edot ė U+0117 (279) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter e with dot above
Eogon Ę U+0118 (280) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter E with ogonek
eogon ę U+0119 (281) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter e with ogonek
Ecaron Ě U+011A (282) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter E with caron
ecaron ě U+011B (283) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter e with caron
Gcirc Ĝ U+011C (284) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter G with circumflex
gcirc ĝ U+011D (285) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter g with circumflex
Gbreve Ğ U+011E (286) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter G with breve
gbreve ğ U+011F (287) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter g with breve
Gdot Ġ U+0120 (288) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter G with dot above
gdot ġ U+0121 (289) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter g with dot above
Gcedil Ģ U+0122 (290) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter G with cedilla
Hcirc Ĥ U+0124 (292) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter H with circumflex
hcirc ĥ U+0125 (293) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter h with circumflex
Hstrok Ħ U+0126 (294) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter H with stroke
hstrok ħ U+0127 (295) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter h with stroke
Itilde Ĩ U+0128 (296) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter I with tilde
itilde ĩ U+0129 (297) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter i with tilde
Imacr Ī U+012A (298) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter I with macron
imacr ī U+012B (299) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter i with macron
Iogon Į U+012E (302) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter I with ogonek
iogon į U+012F (303) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter i with ogonek
Idot İ U+0130 (304) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter I with dot above
imath, inodot ı U+0131 (305) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter dotless i (i mathematical)
IJlig IJ U+0132 (306) HTML 5.0 Latin capital ligature IJ[h]
ijlig ij U+0133 (307) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature ij[h]
Jcirc Ĵ U+0134 (308) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter J with circumflex
jcirc ĵ U+0135 (309) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter j with circumflex
Kcedil Ķ U+0136 (310) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter K with cedilla
kcedil ķ U+0137 (311) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter k with cedilla
kgreen ĸ U+0138 (312) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter kra (k greenlandic)
Lacute Ĺ U+0139 (313) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter L with acute
lacute ĺ U+013A (314) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter l with acute
Lcedil Ļ U+013B (315) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter L with cedilla
lcedil ļ U+013C (316) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter l with cedilla
Lcaron Ľ U+013D (317) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter L with caron
lcaron ľ U+013E (318) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter l with caron
Lmidot Ŀ U+013F (319) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter L with middle dot[i]
lmidot ŀ U+0140 (320) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter l with middle dot[i]
Lstrok Ł U+0141 (321) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter L with stroke
lstrok ł U+0142 (322) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter l with stroke
Nacute Ń U+0143 (323) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter N with acute
nacute ń U+0144 (324) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter n with acute
Ncedil Ņ U+0145 (325) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter N with cedilla
ncedil ņ U+0146 (326) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter n with cedilla
Ncaron Ň U+0147 (327) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter N with caron
ncaron ň U+0148 (328) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter n with caron
napos ʼn U+0149 (329) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe[j]
ENG Ŋ U+014A (330) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Eng
eng ŋ U+014B (331) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter eng
Omacr Ō U+014C (332) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter O with macron
omacr ō U+014D (333) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter o with macron
Odblac Ő U+0150 (336) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter O with double acute
odblac ő U+0151 (337) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter o with double acute
OElig ΠU+0152 (338) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOlat2 Latin capital ligature OE[k]
oelig œ U+0153 (339) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOlat2 Latin small ligature oe[k]
Racute Ŕ U+0154 (340) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter R with acute
racute ŕ U+0155 (341) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter r with acute
Rcedil Ŗ U+0156 (342) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter R with cedilla
rcedil ŗ U+0157 (343) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter r with cedilla
Rcaron Ř U+0158 (344) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter R with caron
rcaron ř U+0159 (345) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter r with caron
Sacute Ś U+015A (346) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter S with acute
sacute ś U+015B (347) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter s with acute
Scirc Ŝ U+015C (348) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter S with circumflex
scirc ŝ U+015D (349) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter s with circumflex
Scedil Ş U+015E (350) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter S with cedilla
scedil ş U+015F (351) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter s with cedilla
Scaron Š U+0160 (352) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOlat2 Latin capital letter S with caron
scaron š U+0161 (353) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOlat2 Latin small letter s with caron
Tcedil Ţ U+0162 (354) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter T with cedilla
tcedil ţ U+0163 (355) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter t with cedilla
Tcaron Ť U+0164 (356) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter T with caron
tcaron ť U+0165 (357) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter t with caron
Tstrok Ŧ U+0166 (358) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter T with stroke
tstrok ŧ U+0167 (359) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter t with stroke
Utilde Ũ U+0168 (360) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with tilde
utilde ũ U+0169 (361) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with tilde
Umacr Ū U+016A (362) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with macron
umacr ū U+016B (363) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with macron
Ubreve Ŭ U+016C (364) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with breve
ubreve ŭ U+016D (365) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with breve
Uring Ů U+016E (366) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with ring above
uring ů U+016F (367) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with ring above
Udblac Ű U+0170 (368) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with double acute
udblac ű U+0171 (369) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with double acute
Uogon Ų U+0172 (370) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter U with ogonek
uogon ų U+0173 (371) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter u with ogonek
Wcirc Ŵ U+0174 (372) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter W with circumflex
wcirc ŵ U+0175 (373) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter w with circumflex
Ycirc Ŷ U+0176 (374) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Y with circumflex
ycirc ŷ U+0177 (375) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter y with circumflex
Yuml Ÿ U+0178 (376) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOlat2 Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
Zacute Ź U+0179 (377) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Z with acute
zacute ź U+017A (378) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter z with acute
Zdot Ż U+017B (379) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Z with dot above
zdot ż U+017C (380) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter z with dot above
Zcaron Ž U+017D (381) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Z with caron
zcaron ž U+017E (382) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter z with caron
fnof ƒ U+0192 (402) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech Latin small letter f with hook (function, florin)
imped Ƶ U+01B5 (437) HTML 5.0 Latin capital letter Z with stroke
gacute ǵ U+01F5 (501) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter g with acute
jmath ȷ U+0237 (567) HTML 5.0 Latin small letter dotless j (j mathematical)
circ ˆ U+02C6 (710) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub modifier letter circumflex accent
caron, Hacek ˇ U+02C7 (711) HTML 5.0 caron (hacek)
breve, Breve ˘ U+02D8 (728) HTML 5.0 breve
dot, DiacriticalDot ˙ U+02D9 (729) HTML 5.0 dot above (diacritical dot)
ring ˚ U+02DA (730) HTML 5.0 ring above
ogon ˛ U+02DB (731) HTML 5.0 ogonek
tilde, DiacriticalTilde ˜ U+02DC (732)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: DiacriticalTilde
HTMLspecial ISOdia small tilde (diacritical tilde)
dblac, DiacriticalDoubleAcute ˝ U+02DD (733) HTML 5.0 double acute accent (diacritical double acute)
DownBreve ̑ U+0311 (785) HTML 5.0 combining inverted breve (combining down breve)
Alpha Α U+0391 (913) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Alpha
Beta Β U+0392 (914) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Beta
Gamma Γ U+0393 (915) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Gamma
Delta Δ U+0394 (916) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Delta
Epsilon Ε U+0395 (917) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Epsilon
Zeta Ζ U+0396 (918) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Zeta
Eta Η U+0397 (919) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Eta
Theta Θ U+0398 (920) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Theta
Iota Ι U+0399 (921) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Iota
Kappa Κ U+039A (922) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Kappa
Lambda Λ U+039B (923) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Lambda
Mu Μ U+039C (924) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Mu
Nu Ν U+039D (925) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Nu
Xi Ξ U+039E (926) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Xi
Omicron Ο U+039F (927) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Omicron
Pi Π U+03A0 (928) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Pi
Rho Ρ U+03A1 (929) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Rho
Sigma Σ U+03A3 (931) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Sigma
Tau Τ U+03A4 (932) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Tau
Upsilon Υ U+03A5 (933) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Upsilon
Phi Φ U+03A6 (934) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Phi
Chi Χ U+03A7 (935) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol Greek capital letter Chi
Psi Ψ U+03A8 (936) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Psi
Omega, ohm Ω U+03A9 (937)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ohm
HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek capital letter Omega (Ohm sign[l])
alpha α U+03B1 (945) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter alpha
beta β U+03B2 (946) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter beta
gamma γ U+03B3 (947) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter gamma
delta δ U+03B4 (948) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter delta
epsi, epsilon ε U+03B5 (949)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: epsi
HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter epsilon
zeta ζ U+03B6 (950) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter zeta
eta η U+03B7 (951) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter eta
theta θ U+03B8 (952) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter theta
iota ι U+03B9 (953) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter iota
kappa κ U+03BA (954) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter kappa
lambda λ U+03BB (955) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter lambda
mu μ U+03BC (956) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter mu
nu ν U+03BD (957) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter nu
xi ξ U+03BE (958) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter xi
omicron ο U+03BF (959) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol New Greek small letter omicron
pi π U+03C0 (960) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter pi
rho ρ U+03C1 (961) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter rho
sigmav, varsigma, sigmaf ς U+03C2 (962)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: sigmav and varsigma
HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter final sigma (variant sigma)
sigma σ U+03C3 (963) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter sigma
tau τ U+03C4 (964) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter tau
upsi, upsilon υ U+03C5 (965)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: upsi
HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter upsilon
phi φ U+03C6 (966) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter phi
chi χ U+03C7 (967) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter chi
psi ψ U+03C8 (968) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter psi
omega ω U+03C9 (969) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek small letter omega
thetav, vartheta, thetasym ϑ U+03D1 (977)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: thetav and vartheta
HTMLsymbol New Greek theta symbol (variant theta)
Upsi, upsih ϒ U+03D2 (978)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Upsi
HTMLsymbol New Greek Upsilon with hook symbol
straightphi, phiv, varphi ϕ U+03D5 (981) HTML 5.0 Greek phi symbol (straight phi, variant phi)
piv, varpi ϖ U+03D6 (982)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: varpi
HTMLsymbol ISOgrk3 Greek pi symbol (variant pi)
Gammad Ϝ U+03DC (988) HTML 5.0 Greek letter digamma
gammad, digamma ϝ U+03DD (989) HTML 5.0 Greek small letter digamma
kappav, varkappa ϰ U+03F0 (1008) HTML 5.0 Greek kappa symbol (variant kappa)
rhov, varrho ϱ U+03F1 (1009) HTML 5.0 Greek rho symbol (variant rho)
epsiv, varepsilon, straightepsilon ϵ U+03F5 (1013) HTML 5.0 Greek lunate epsilon symbol (epsilon, variant epsilon, straight epsilon)
bepsi, backepsilon ϶ U+03F6 (1014) HTML 5.0 Greek reversed lunate epsilon symbol (back epsilon)
IOcy Ё U+0401 (1025) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Io
DJcy Ђ U+0402 (1026) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Dje
GJcy Ѓ U+0403 (1027) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Gje
Jukcy Є U+0404 (1028) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ukrainian Ie
DScy Ѕ U+0405 (1029) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Dze
Iukcy І U+0406 (1030) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I (Ukrainian I)
YIcy Ї U+0407 (1031) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter yi
Jsercy Ј U+0408 (1032) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Je (Serbian J)
LJcy Љ U+0409 (1033) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Lje
NJcy Њ U+040A (1034) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Nje
TSHcy Ћ U+040B (1035) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Tshe
KJcy Ќ U+040C (1036) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Kje
Ubrcy Ў U+040E (1038) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter short U (U breve)
DZcy Џ U+040F (1039) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Dzhe
Acy А U+0410 (1040) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter A
Bcy Б U+0411 (1041) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Be
Vcy В U+0412 (1042) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ve
Gcy Г U+0413 (1043) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ghe
Dcy Д U+0414 (1044) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter De
IEcy Е U+0415 (1045) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ie
ZHcy Ж U+0416 (1046) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Zhe
Zcy З U+0417 (1047) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ze
Icy И U+0418 (1048) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter I
Jcy Й U+0419 (1049) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter short I (J)
Kcy К U+041A (1050) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ka
Lcy Л U+041B (1051) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter El
Mcy М U+041C (1052) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Em
Ncy Н U+041D (1053) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter En
Ocy О U+041E (1054) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter O
Pcy П U+041F (1055) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Pe
Rcy Р U+0420 (1056) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Er
Scy С U+0421 (1057) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Es
Tcy Т U+0422 (1058) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Te
Ucy У U+0423 (1059) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter U
Fcy Ф U+0424 (1060) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ef
KHcy Х U+0425 (1061) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ha (Kha)
TScy Ц U+0426 (1062) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Tse
CHcy Ч U+0427 (1063) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Che
SHcy Ш U+0428 (1064) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Sha
SHCHcy Щ U+0429 (1065) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Shcha
HARDcy Ъ U+042A (1066) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Hard Sign
Ycy Ы U+042B (1067) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Yeru (Y)
SOFTcy Ь U+042C (1068) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Soft Sign
Ecy Э U+042D (1069) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter E
YUcy Ю U+042E (1070) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Yu
YAcy Я U+042F (1071) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic capital letter Ya
acy а U+0430 (1072) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter a
bcy б U+0431 (1073) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter be
vcy в U+0432 (1074) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ve
gcy г U+0433 (1075) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ghe
dcy д U+0434 (1076) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter de
iecy е U+0435 (1077) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ie
zhcy ж U+0436 (1078) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter zhe
zcy з U+0437 (1079) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ze
icy и U+0438 (1080) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter i
jcy й U+0439 (1081) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter short i (j)
kcy к U+043A (1082) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ka
lcy л U+043B (1083) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter el
mcy м U+043C (1084) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter em
ncy н U+043D (1085) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter en
ocy о U+043E (1086) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter o
pcy п U+043F (1087) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter pe
rcy р U+0440 (1088) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter er
scy с U+0441 (1089) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter es
tcy т U+0442 (1090) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter te
ucy у U+0443 (1091) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter u
fcy ф U+0444 (1092) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ef
khcy х U+0445 (1093) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ha (kha)
tscy ц U+0446 (1094) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter tse
chcy ч U+0447 (1095) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter che
shcy ш U+0448 (1096) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter sha
shchcy щ U+0449 (1097) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter shcha
hardcy ъ U+044A (1098) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter hard sign
ycy ы U+044B (1099) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter yeru (y)
softcy ь U+044C (1100) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter soft sign
ecy э U+044D (1101) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter e
yucy ю U+044E (1102) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter yu
yacy я U+044F (1103) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ya
iocy ё U+0451 (1105) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter io
djcy ђ U+0452 (1106) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter dje
gjcy ѓ U+0453 (1107) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter gje
jukcy є U+0454 (1108) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter ukrainian ie
dscy ѕ U+0455 (1109) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter dze
iukcy і U+0456 (1110) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian i (Ukrainian i)
yicy ї U+0457 (1111) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter yi
jsercy ј U+0458 (1112) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter je (Serbian j)
ljcy љ U+0459 (1113) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter lje
njcy њ U+045A (1114) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter nje
tshcy ћ U+045B (1115) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter tshe
kjcy ќ U+045C (1116) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter kje
ubrcy ў U+045E (1118) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter short u (u breve)
dzcy џ U+045F (1119) HTML 5.0 Cyrillic small letter dzhe
ensp U+2002 (8194) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub en space[f]
emsp U+2003 (8195) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub em space[f]
emsp13 U+2004 (8196) HTML 5.0 three-per-em space (1/3 em space)
emsp14 U+2005 (8197) HTML 5.0 four-per-em space (1/4 em space)
numsp U+2007 (8199) HTML 5.0 figure space (number space)
puncsp U+2008 (8200) HTML 5.0 punctuation space
thinsp, ThinSpace U+2009 (8201)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ThinSpace
HTMLspecial ISOpub thin space[f]
hairsp, VeryThinSpace U+200A (8202) HTML 5.0 hair space (very thin space)
ZeroWidthSpace, NegativeVeryThinSpace, NegativeThinSpace, NegativeMediumSpace, NegativeThickSpace U+200B (8203) HTML 5.0 zero width space (negative space)
zwnj U+200C (8204) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial NEW RFC 2070 zero width non-joiner
zwj U+200D (8205) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial NEW RFC 2070 zero width joiner
lrm U+200E (8206) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial NEW RFC 2070 left-to-right mark
rlm U+200F (8207) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial NEW RFC 2070 right-to-left mark
hyphen, dash U+2010 (8208) HTML 5.0 hyphen (Unicode hyphen)
ndash U+2013 (8211) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub en dash
mdash U+2014 (8212) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub em dash
horbar U+2015 (8213) HTML 5.0 Horizontal bar
Verbar, Vert U+2016 (8214) HTML 5.0 double vertical line
lsquo, OpenCurlyQuote U+2018 (8216)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: OpenCurlyQuote
HTMLspecial ISOnum left single quotation mark (open curly quote)
rsquo, rsquor, CloseCurlyQuote U+2019 (8217)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: rsquor and CloseCurlyQuote
HTMLspecial ISOnum right single quotation mark (close curly quote)
sbquo, lsquor U+201A (8218)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: lsquor
HTMLspecial New single low-9 quotation mark
ldquo, OpenCurlyDoubleQuote U+201C (8220)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: OpenCurlyDoubleQuote
HTMLspecial ISOnum left double quotation mark (open curly double quote)
rdquo, rdquor, CloseCurlyDoubleQuote U+201D (8221)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: rdquor and CloseCurlyDoubleQuote
HTMLspecial ISOnum right double quotation mark (close curly double quote)
bdquo, ldquor U+201E (8222)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ldquor
HTMLspecial New double low-9 quotation mark
dagger U+2020 (8224) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOpub dagger (obelisk)
Dagger, ddagger U+2021 (8225)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ddagger
HTMLspecial ISOpub double dagger (double obelisk)
bull, bullet U+2022 (8226)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: bullet
HTMLspecial ISOpub bullet (black small circle)[m]
nldr U+2025 (8229) HTML 5.0 two dot leader (n leader)
hellip, mldr U+2026 (8230)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: mldr
HTMLsymbol ISOpub horizontal ellipsis (three dot leader, m leader)
permil U+2030 (8240) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISOtech per mille sign
pertenk U+2031 (8241) HTML 5.0 per ten thousand sign (basis point)
prime U+2032 (8242) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech prime (arcminutes, feet)
Prime U+2033 (8243) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech double prime (arcseconds, inches)
tprime U+2034 (8244) HTML 5.0 triple prime (thirds, lignes)
bprime, backprime U+2035 (8245) HTML 5.0 reversed prime (back prime)
lsaquo U+2039 (8249) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISO proposed single left-pointing angle quotation mark[n]
rsaquo U+203A (8250) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial ISO proposed single right-pointing angle quotation mark[n]
oline, OverBar U+203E (8254)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: OverBar
HTMLsymbol New overline (spacing overscore)
caret U+2041 (8257) HTML 5.0 caret insertion point
hybull U+2043 (8259) HTML 5.0 hyphen bullet
frasl U+2044 (8260) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol New fraction slash (solidus)
bsemi U+204F (8271) HTML 5.0 reversed semicolon (backward semicolon)
qprime U+2057 (8279) HTML 5.0 quadruple prime (fourths)
MediumSpace U+205F (8287) HTML 5.0 medium mathematical space (medium space)
NoBreak U+2060 (8288) HTML 5.0 word joiner (no break)
ApplyFunction, af U+2061 (8289) HTML 5.0 function application (apply function)
InvisibleTimes, it U+2062 (8290) HTML 5.0 invisible times
InvisibleComma, ic U+2063 (8291) HTML 5.0 invisible separator (invisible comma)
euro U+20AC (8364) HTML 4.0 HTMLspecial New euro sign
tdot, TripleDot U+20DB (8411) HTML 5.0 combining three dots above
DotDot U+20DC (8412) HTML 5.0 combining four dots above
Copf, complexes U+2102 (8450) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital C (Complex number)
incare U+2105 (8453) HTML 5.0 Care of
gscr U+210A (8458) HTML 5.0 script small g
hamilt, HilbertSpace, Hscr U+210B (8459) HTML 5.0 script capital H (Hilbert space, Hamiltonian mechanics)
Hfr, Poincareplane U+210C (8460) HTML 5.0 black-letter capital H (Fraktur capital H, Poincare plane)
quaternions, Hopf U+210D (8461) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital H (Quaternion)
planckh U+210E (8462) HTML 5.0 Planck constant
planck, hbar, plankv, hslash U+210F (8463) HTML 5.0 Planck constant over two pi (h bar, h slash, Planck variant)
Iscr, imagline U+2110 (8464) HTML 5.0 script capital I (image line)
image, Im, imagpart, Ifr U+2111 (8465)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Im, imagpart, and Ifr
HTMLsymbol ISOamso black-letter capital I (Fraktur capital I, imaginary part)
Lscr, lagran, Laplacetrf U+2112 (8466) HTML 5.0 script capital L (Lagrangian mechanics, Laplace transform)
ell U+2113 (8467) HTML 5.0 script small l (ell, a mathematical symbol)
Nopf, naturals U+2115 (8469) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital N (Natural number)
numero U+2116 (8470) HTML 5.0 Numero sign
copysr U+2117 (8471) HTML 5.0 Sound recording copyright
weierp, wp U+2118 (8472)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: wp
HTMLsymbol ISOamso script capital P (power set, Weierstrass p)
Popf, primes U+2119 (8473) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital P (Prime number)
rationals, Qopf U+211A (8474) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital Q (Rational number)
Rscr, realine U+211B (8475) HTML 5.0 script capital R (Riemann integral)
real, Re, realpart, Rfr U+211C (8476)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Re, realpart, and Rfr
HTMLsymbol ISOamso black-letter capital R (Fraktur capital R, real part symbol)
reals, Ropf U+211D (8477) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital R (Real number)
rx U+211E (8478) HTML 5.0 Prescription Take (Rx)
trade, TRADE U+2122 (8482)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: TRADE
HTMLsymbol ISOnum trademark symbol
integers, Zopf U+2124 (8484) HTML 5.0 double-struck capital Z (Integer)
mho U+2127 (8487) HTML 5.0 Inverted Ohm sign (Mho)
Zfr, zeetrf U+2128 (8488) HTML 5.0 black-letter capital Z (Fraktur capital Z, dram)
iiota U+2129 (8489) HTML 5.0 turned Greek small letter iota (inverted iota)
bernou, Bernoullis, Bscr U+212C (8492) HTML 5.0 script capital B (Bernoulli polynomials)
Cfr, Cayleys U+212D (8493) HTML 5.0 black-letter capital C (Fraktur capital C)
escr U+212F (8495) HTML 5.0 script small e
Escr, expectation U+2130 (8496) HTML 5.0 script capital E (electromotive force)
Fscr, Fouriertrf U+2131 (8497) HTML 5.0 script capital F (Fourier transform)
phmmat, Mellintrf, Mscr U+2133 (8499) HTML 5.0 script capital M (Mellin transform, M-matrix (physics))
order, orderof, oscr U+2134 (8500) HTML 5.0 script small o (order, of inferior order to)
alefsym, aleph U+2135 (8501)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: aleph
HTMLsymbol New alef symbol (first transfinite cardinal)[o]
beth U+2136 (8502) HTML 5.0 Bet symbol (Beth symbol)[p]
gimel U+2137 (8503) HTML 5.0 Gimel symbol[q]
daleth U+2138 (8504) HTML 5.0 Dalet symbol (Daleth symbol)[r]
CapitalDifferentialD, DD U+2145 (8517) HTML 5.0 double-struck italic capital D
DifferentialD, dd U+2146 (8518) HTML 5.0 double-struck italic small d
ExponentialE, exponentiale, ee U+2147 (8519) HTML 5.0 double-struck italic small e
ImaginaryI, ii U+2148 (8520) HTML 5.0 double-struck italic small i
frac13 U+2153 (8531) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction one third (fraction one third)
frac23 U+2154 (8532) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction two thirds (fraction two thirds)
frac15 U+2155 (8533) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction one fifth (fraction one fifth)
frac25 U+2156 (8534) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction two fifths (fraction two fifths)
frac35 U+2157 (8535) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction three fifths (fraction three fifths)
frac45 U+2158 (8536) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction four fifths (fraction four fifths)
frac16 U+2159 (8537) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction one sixth (fraction one sixth)
frac56 U+215A (8538) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction five sixths (fraction five sixths)
frac18 U+215B (8539) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction one eighth (fraction one eighth)
frac38 U+215C (8540) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction three eighths (fraction three eighths)
frac58 U+215D (8541) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction five eighths (fraction five eighths)
frac78 U+215E (8542) HTML 5.0 vulgar fraction seven eighths (fraction seven eighths)
larr, leftarrow, LeftArrow, slarr, ShortLeftArrow U+2190 (8592)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: leftarrow, LeftArrow, slarr, and ShortLeftArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOnum leftwards arrow
uarr, uparrow, UpArrow, ShortUpArrow U+2191 (8593)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: uparrow, UpArrow, and ShortUpArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOnum upwards arrow
rarr, rightarrow, RightArrow, srarr, ShortRightArrow U+2192 (8594)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: rightarrow, RightArrow, srarr, and ShortRightArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOnum rightwards arrow
darr, downarrow, DownArrow, ShortDownArrow U+2193 (8595)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: downarrow, DownArrow, and ShortDownArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOnum downwards arrow
harr, leftrightarrow, LeftRightArrow U+2194 (8596)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: leftrightarrow and LeftRightArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOamsa left right arrow (horizontal arrow)
varr, updownarrow, UpDownArrow U+2195 (8597) HTML 5.0 up down arrow (vertical arrow)
nwarr, UpperLeftArrow, nwarrow U+2196 (8598) HTML 5.0 north west arrow (upper left arrow)
nearr, UpperRightArrow, nearrow U+2197 (8599) HTML 5.0 north east arrow (upper right arrow)
searr, searrow, LowerRightArrow U+2198 (8600) HTML 5.0 south east arrow (lower right arrow)
swarr, swarrow, LowerLeftArrow U+2199 (8601) HTML 5.0 south west arrow (lower left arrow)
nlarr, nleftarrow U+219A (8602) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow with stroke (not left arrow)
nrarr, nrightarrow U+219B (8603) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with stroke (not right arrow)
rarrw, rightsquigarrow U+219D (8605) HTML 5.0 rightwards wave arrow (rightwards squiggle arrow)
Larr, twoheadleftarrow U+219E (8606) HTML 5.0 leftwards two headed arrow
Uarr U+219F (8607) HTML 5.0 upwards two headed arrow
Rarr, twoheadrightarrow U+21A0 (8608) HTML 5.0 rightwards two headed arrow
Darr U+21A1 (8609) HTML 5.0 downwards two headed arrow
larrtl, leftarrowtail U+21A2 (8610) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow with tail
rarrtl, rightarrowtail U+21A3 (8611) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with tail
LeftTeeArrow, mapstoleft U+21A4 (8612) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow from bar (maps to leftward, left tee arrow)
UpTeeArrow, mapstoup U+21A5 (8613) HTML 5.0 upwards arrow from bar (maps to upward, up tee arrow)
map, RightTeeArrow, mapsto U+21A6 (8614) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow from bar (maps to, right tee arrow)
DownTeeArrow, mapstodown U+21A7 (8615) HTML 5.0 downwards arrow from bar (maps to downward, down tee arrow)
larrhk, hookleftarrow U+21A9 (8617) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow with hook
rarrhk, hookrightarrow U+21AA (8618) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with hook
larrlp, looparrowleft U+21AB (8619) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow with loop
rarrlp, looparrowright U+21AC (8620) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with loop
harrw, leftrightsquigarrow U+21AD (8621) HTML 5.0 left right wave arrow (horizontal wave arrow, left right squiggle arrow)
nharr, nleftrightarrow U+21AE (8622) HTML 5.0 left right arrow with stroke (not horizontal arrow, not left right arrow)
lsh, Lsh U+21B0 (8624) HTML 5.0 upwards arrow with tip leftwards (left shift)
rsh, Rsh U+21B1 (8625) HTML 5.0 upwards arrow with tip rightwards (right shift)
ldsh U+21B2 (8626) HTML 5.0 downwards arrow with tip leftwards (left down shift)
rdsh U+21B3 (8627) HTML 5.0 downwards arrow with tip rightwards (right down shift)
crarr U+21B5 (8629) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol New downwards arrow with corner leftwards (carriage return)
cularr, curvearrowleft U+21B6 (8630) HTML 5.0 anticlockwise top semicircle arrow (curve arrow left)
curarr, curvearrowright U+21B7 (8631) HTML 5.0 clockwise top semicircle arrow (curve arrow right)
olarr, circlearrowleft U+21BA (8634) HTML 5.0 anticlockwise open circle arrow (circle arrow left, open left arrow)
orarr, circlearrowright U+21BB (8635) HTML 5.0 clockwise open circle arrow (circle arrow right, open right arrow)
lharu, LeftVector, leftharpoonup U+21BC (8636) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb upwards (left vector)
lhard, leftharpoondown, DownLeftVector U+21BD (8637) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb downwards (down left vector)
uharr, upharpoonright, RightUpVector U+21BE (8638) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb rightwards (right up vector)
uharl, upharpoonleft, LeftUpVector U+21BF (8639) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb leftwards (left up vector)
rharu, RightVector, rightharpoonup U+21C0 (8640) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb upwards (right vector)
rhard, rightharpoondown, DownRightVector U+21C1 (8641) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb downwards (down right vector)
dharr, RightDownVector, downharpoonright U+21C2 (8642) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb rightwards (right down vector)
dharl, LeftDownVector, downharpoonleft U+21C3 (8643) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb leftwards (left down vector)
rlarr, rightleftarrows, RightArrowLeftArrow U+21C4 (8644) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
udarr, UpArrowDownArrow U+21C5 (8645) HTML 5.0 upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
lrarr, leftrightarrows, LeftArrowRightArrow U+21C6 (8646) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
llarr, leftleftarrows U+21C7 (8647) HTML 5.0 leftwards paired arrows
uuarr, upuparrows U+21C8 (8648) HTML 5.0 upwards paired arrows
rrarr, rightrightarrows U+21C9 (8649) HTML 5.0 rightwards paired arrows
ddarr, downdownarrows U+21CA (8650) HTML 5.0 downwards paired arrows
lrhar, ReverseEquilibrium, leftrightharpoons U+21CB (8651) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon (Reverse Equilibrium)
rlhar, rightleftharpoons, Equilibrium U+21CC (8652) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon (Equilibrium)
nlArr, nLeftarrow U+21CD (8653) HTML 5.0 leftwards double arrow with stroke (not leftwards double arrow)
nhArr, nLeftrightarrow U+21CE (8654) HTML 5.0 left right double arrow with stroke (not horizontal double arrow, not left right double arrow)
nrArr, nRightarrow U+21CF (8655) HTML 5.0 rightwards double arrow with stroke (not rightwards double arrow)
lArr, Leftarrow, DoubleLeftArrow U+21D0 (8656)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Leftarrow and DoubleLeftArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOtech leftwards double arrow[s]
uArr, Uparrow, DoubleUpArrow U+21D1 (8657)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Uparrow and DoubleUpArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOamsa upwards double arrow
rArr, Rightarrow, Implies, DoubleRightArrow U+21D2 (8658)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Rightarrow, Implies, and DoubleRightArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOnum rightwards double arrow (Implies)[t]
dArr, Downarrow, DoubleDownArrow U+21D3 (8659)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Downarrow and DoubleDownArrow
HTMLsymbol ISOamsa downwards double arrow
hArr, Leftrightarrow, DoubleLeftRightArrow, iff U+21D4 (8660)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Leftrightarrow, DoubleLeftRightArrow, and iff
HTMLsymbol ISOamsa left right double arrow (Iff)
vArr, Updownarrow, DoubleUpDownArrow U+21D5 (8661) HTML 5.0 up down double arrow
nwArr U+21D6 (8662) HTML 5.0 north west double arrow
neArr U+21D7 (8663) HTML 5.0 north east double arrow
seArr U+21D8 (8664) HTML 5.0 south east double arrow
swArr U+21D9 (8665) HTML 5.0 south west double arrow
lAarr, Lleftarrow U+21DA (8666) HTML 5.0 leftwards triple arrow
rAarr, Rrightarrow U+21DB (8667) HTML 5.0 rightwards triple arrow
zigrarr U+21DD (8669) HTML 5.0 rightwards squiggle arrow (rightwards zigzag arrow)
larrb, LeftArrowBar U+21E4 (8676) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow to bar
rarrb, RightArrowBar U+21E5 (8677) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow to bar
duarr, DownArrowUpArrow U+21F5 (8693) HTML 5.0 downwards arrow leftwards of upwards arrow
loarr U+21FD (8701) HTML 5.0 leftwards open-headed arrow
roarr U+21FE (8702) HTML 5.0 rightwards open-headed arrow
hoarr U+21FF (8703) HTML 5.0 left right open-headed arrow (horizontal open-headed arrow)
forall, ForAll U+2200 (8704)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ForAll
HTMLsymbol ISOtech for all
comp, complement U+2201 (8705) HTML 5.0 complement
part, PartialD U+2202 (8706)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: PartialD
HTMLsymbol ISOtech partial differential
exist, Exists U+2203 (8707)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Exists
HTMLsymbol ISOtech there exists
nexist, NotExists, nexists U+2204 (8708) HTML 5.0 there does not exist
empty, emptyset, emptyv, varnothing U+2205 (8709)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: emptyset, emptyv, and varnothing
HTMLsymbol ISOamso empty set (null set, empty variable, variable nothing); see also U+8960, ⌀
nabla, Del U+2207 (8711)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Del
HTMLsymbol ISOtech nabla (del, vector differential operator)
isin, isinv, Element, in U+2208 (8712)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: isinv, Element, and in
HTMLsymbol ISOtech element of (in set)
notin, NotElement, notinva U+2209 (8713)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: NotElement and notinva
HTMLsymbol ISOtech not an element of (not in set)
niv, ReverseElement, ni, SuchThat U+220B (8715)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: niv, ReverseElement, and SuchThat
HTMLsymbol ISOtech contains as member (Reversed element, Reversed in set, such that)
notni, notniva, NotReverseElement U+220C (8716) HTML 5.0 does not contain as member (Not reversed element, nor reversed in set)
prod, Product U+220F (8719)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Product
HTMLsymbol ISOamsb n-ary product (product sign)[u]
coprod, Coproduct U+2210 (8720) HTML 5.0 n-ary coproduct (coproduct sign)
sum, Sum U+2211 (8721)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Sum
HTMLsymbol ISOamsb n-ary summation[v]
minus U+2212 (8722) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech minus sign
mnplus, mp, MinusPlus U+2213 (8723) HTML 5.0 minus-or-plus sign (minus–plus sign)
plusdo, dotplus U+2214 (8724) HTML 5.0 dot plus (dot plus sign, plus dot sign)
setmn, setminus, Backslash, ssetmn, smallsetminus U+2216 (8726) HTML 5.0 set minus
lowast U+2217 (8727) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech asterisk operator
compfn, SmallCircle U+2218 (8728) HTML 5.0 ring operator (composition function, small circle)
radic, Sqrt U+221A (8730)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Sqrt
HTMLsymbol ISOtech square root (radical sign)
prop, propto, Proportional, vprop, varpropto U+221D (8733)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: propto, Proportional, vprop, and varpropto
HTMLsymbol ISOtech proportional to
infin U+221E (8734) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech infinity
angrt U+221F (8735) HTML 5.0 Right angle
ang, angle U+2220 (8736)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: angle
HTMLsymbol ISOamso angle
angmsd, measuredangle U+2221 (8737) HTML 5.0 measured angle
angsph U+2222 (8738) HTML 5.0 Spherical angle
mid, VerticalBar, smid, shortmid U+2223 (8739) HTML 5.0 divides (vertical bar, mid, short mid)
nmid, NotVerticalBar, nsmid, nshortmid U+2224 (8740) HTML 5.0 does not divide (not vertical bar, not mid, not short mid)
par, parallel, DoubleVerticalBar, spar, shortparallel U+2225 (8741) HTML 5.0 parallel to (double vertical bar)
npar, nparallel, NotDoubleVerticalBar, nspar, nshortparallel U+2226 (8742) HTML 5.0 not parallel to (not double vertical bar)
and, wedge U+2227 (8743)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: wedge
HTMLsymbol ISOtech logical and (wedge)
or, vee U+2228 (8744)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: vee
HTMLsymbol ISOtech logical or (vee)
cap U+2229 (8745) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech intersection (cap)
cup U+222A (8746) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOtech union (cup)
int, Integral U+222B (8747)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Integral
HTMLsymbol ISOtech integral
Int U+222C (8748) HTML 5.0 double integral
tint, iiint U+222D (8749) HTML 5.0 triple integral
conint, oint, ContourIntegral U+222E (8750) HTML 5.0 contour integral (circle integral)
Conint, DoubleContourIntegral U+222F (8751) HTML 5.0 Surface integral (double contour integral)
Cconint U+2230 (8752) HTML 5.0 Volume integral
cwint U+2231 (8753) HTML 5.0 clockwise integral
cwconint, ClockwiseContourIntegral U+2232 (8754) HTML 5.0 clockwise contour integral
awconint, CounterClockwiseContourIntegral U+2233 (8755) HTML 5.0 anticlockwise contour integral
there4, therefore, Therefore U+2234 (8756)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: therefore and Therefore
HTMLsymbol ISOtech therefore
becaus, because, Because U+2235 (8757) HTML 5.0 because
ratio U+2236 (8758) HTML 5.0 Ratio
Colon, Proportion U+2237 (8759) HTML 5.0 Proportion
minusd, dotminus U+2238 (8760) HTML 5.0 dot minus
mDDot U+223A (8762) HTML 5.0 Geometric proportion
homtht U+223B (8763) HTML 5.0 Homothetic
sim, Tilde, thksim, thicksim U+223C (8764)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Tilde, thksim, and thicksim
HTMLsymbol ISOtech tilde operator (varies with, similar to, thick tilde)[w]
bsim, backsim U+223D (8765) HTML 5.0 reversed tilde (back similar to)
ac, mstpos U+223E (8766) HTML 5.0 inverted lazy s
acd U+223F (8767) HTML 5.0 Sine wave
wreath, VerticalTilde, wr U+2240 (8768) HTML 5.0 Wreath product (vertical tilde)
nsim, NotTilde U+2241 (8769) HTML 5.0 Not Tilde (is not similar to)
esim, EqualTilde, eqsim U+2242 (8770) HTML 5.0 minus tilde (equal tilde)
sime, TildeEqual, simeq U+2243 (8771) HTML 5.0 asymptotically equal to (tilde equal)
nsime, nsimeq, NotTildeEqual U+2244 (8772) HTML 5.0 not asymptotically equal to (not tilde equal)
cong, TildeFullEqual U+2245 (8773)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: TildeFullEqual
HTMLsymbol ISOtech approximately equal to (congruent to)
simne U+2246 (8774) HTML 5.0 approximately but not actually equal to (similar but not equal to)
ncong, NotTildeFullEqual U+2247 (8775) HTML 5.0 neither approximately nor actually equal to (not congruent to)
asymp, ap, TildeTilde, approx, thkap, thickapprox U+2248 (8776)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: ap, TildeTilde, approx, thkap, and thickapprox
HTMLsymbol ISOamsr almost equal to (asymptotic to, approximately, tilde over tilde)
nap, NotTildeTilde, napprox U+2249 (8777) HTML 5.0 not almost equal to (not approximately, not tilde over tilde)
ape, approxeq U+224A (8778) HTML 5.0 almost equal or equal to (approximately equal to)
apid U+224B (8779) HTML 5.0 triple tilde
bcong, backcong U+224C (8780) HTML 5.0 all equal to (backwards congruent to)
asympeq, CupCap U+224D (8781) HTML 5.0 equivalent to (asymptotically equivalent to, Cup and Cap)
bump, HumpDownHump, Bumpeq U+224E (8782) HTML 5.0 geometrically equivalent to (bump equals, hump and down hump equals)
bumpe, HumpEqual, bumpeq U+224F (8783) HTML 5.0 difference between (hump equals)
esdot, DotEqual, doteq U+2250 (8784) HTML 5.0 Approaches the limit (dot equal)
eDot, doteqdot U+2251 (8785) HTML 5.0 geometrically equal to (dot equal dot)
efDot, fallingdotseq U+2252 (8786) HTML 5.0 approximately equal to or the image of (falling dot sequence)
erDot, risingdotseq U+2253 (8787) HTML 5.0 image of or approximately equal to (rising dot sequence)
colone, coloneq, Assign U+2254 (8788) HTML 5.0 colon equals (Assignment (computer science))
ecolon, eqcolon U+2255 (8789) HTML 5.0 equals colon
ecir, eqcirc U+2256 (8790) HTML 5.0 ring in equal to (equals circle)
cire, circeq U+2257 (8791) HTML 5.0 ring equal to (circle equals)
wedgeq U+2259 (8793) HTML 5.0 estimates (wedge equals)
veeeq U+225A (8794) HTML 5.0 equiangular to (vee equals)
trie, triangleq U+225C (8796) HTML 5.0 delta equal to (triangle equals)
equest, questeq U+225F (8799) HTML 5.0 questioned equal to
ne, NotEqual U+2260 (8800)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: NotEqual
HTMLsymbol ISOtech not equal to
equiv, Congruent U+2261 (8801)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: Congruent
HTMLsymbol ISOtech identical to; sometimes used for 'equivalent to' or 'congruent'
nequiv, NotCongruent U+2262 (8802) HTML 5.0 not identical to; sometimes used for 'not congruent'
le, leq U+2264 (8804)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: leq
HTMLsymbol ISOtech less-than or equal to
ge, GreaterEqual, geq U+2265 (8805)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: GreaterEqual and geq
HTMLsymbol ISOtech greater-than or equal to
lE, LessFullEqual, leqq U+2266 (8806) HTML 5.0 less-than over equal to
gE, GreaterFullEqual, geqq U+2267 (8807) HTML 5.0 greater-than over equal to
lnE, lneqq U+2268 (8808) HTML 5.0 less-than but not equal to
gnE, gneqq U+2269 (8809) HTML 5.0 greater-than but not equal to
Lt, NestedLessLess, ll U+226A (8810) HTML 5.0 much less-than
Gt, NestedGreaterGreater, gg U+226B (8811) HTML 5.0 much greater-than
twixt, between U+226C (8812) HTML 5.0 between
NotCupCap U+226D (8813) HTML 5.0 not equivalent to (not cup cap)
nlt, NotLess, nless U+226E (8814) HTML 5.0 not less-than
ngt, NotGreater, ngtr U+226F (8815) HTML 5.0 not greater-than
nle, NotLessEqual, nleq U+2270 (8816) HTML 5.0 neither less-than nor equal to
nge, NotGreaterEqual, ngeq U+2271 (8817) HTML 5.0 neither greater-than nor equal to
lsim, LessTilde, lesssim U+2272 (8818) HTML 5.0 less-than or equivalent to (less-than tilde, less-than or similar to)
gsim, gtrsim, GreaterTilde U+2273 (8819) HTML 5.0 greater-than or equivalent to (greater-than tilde, greater-than or similar to)
nlsim, NotLessTilde U+2274 (8820) HTML 5.0 neither less-than nor equivalent to (not less-than tilde, neither less-than nor similar to)
ngsim, NotGreaterTilde U+2275 (8821) HTML 5.0 neither greater-than nor equivalent to (not greater-than tilde, neither greater-than nor similar to)
lg, lessgtr, LessGreater U+2276 (8822) HTML 5.0 less-than or greater-than
gl, gtrless, GreaterLess U+2277 (8823) HTML 5.0 greater-than or less-than
ntlg, NotLessGreater U+2278 (8824) HTML 5.0 neither less-than nor greater-than
ntgl, NotGreaterLess U+2279 (8825) HTML 5.0 neither greater-than nor less-than
pr, Precedes, prec U+227A (8826) HTML 5.0 precedes
sc, Succeeds, succ U+227B (8827) HTML 5.0 succeeds
prcue, PrecedesSlantEqual, preccurlyeq U+227C (8828) HTML 5.0 precedes or equal to (precedes curly equals, precedes slant equals)
sccue, SucceedsSlantEqual, succcurlyeq U+227D (8829) HTML 5.0 succeeds or equal to (succeeds curly equals, succeeds slant equals)
prsim, precsim, PrecedesTilde U+227E (8830) HTML 5.0 precedes or equivalent to (precedes or similar to, precedes tilde)
scsim, succsim, SucceedsTilde U+227F (8831) HTML 5.0 succeeds or equivalent to (succeeds or similar to, succeeds tilde)
npr, nprec, NotPrecedes U+2280 (8832) HTML 5.0 does not precede
nsc, nsucc, NotSucceeds U+2281 (8833) HTML 5.0 does not succeed
sub, subset U+2282 (8834)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: subset
HTMLsymbol ISOtech subset of
sup, supset, Superset U+2283 (8835)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: supset and Superset
HTMLsymbol ISOtech superset of
nsub U+2284 (8836) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOamsn not a subset of
nsup U+2285 (8837) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOamsn not a superset of[x]
sube, SubsetEqual, subseteq U+2286 (8838)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: SubsetEqual and subseteq
HTMLsymbol ISOtech subset of or equal to
supe, supseteq, SupersetEqual U+2287 (8839)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: supseteq and SupersetEqual
HTMLsymbol ISOtech superset of or equal to
nsube, nsubseteq, NotSubsetEqual U+2288 (8840) HTML 5.0 neither a subset of nor equal to
nsupe, nsupseteq, NotSupersetEqual U+2289 (8841) HTML 5.0 neither a superset of nor equal to
subne, subsetneq U+228A (8842) HTML 5.0 subset of with not equal to
supne, supsetneq U+228B (8843) HTML 5.0 superset of with not equal to
cupdot U+228D (8845) HTML 5.0 multiset multiplication (cup dot)
uplus, UnionPlus U+228E (8846) HTML 5.0 multiset union (union plus)
sqsub, SquareSubset, sqsubset U+228F (8847) HTML 5.0 square image of (square subset)
sqsup, SquareSuperset, sqsupset U+2290 (8848) HTML 5.0 square original of (square superset)
sqsube, SquareSubsetEqual, sqsubseteq U+2291 (8849) HTML 5.0 square image of or equal to (square subset equal)
sqsupe, SquareSupersetEqual, sqsupseteq U+2292 (8850) HTML 5.0 square original of or equal to (square superset equal)
sqcap, SquareIntersection U+2293 (8851) HTML 5.0 square cap (square intersection)
sqcup, SquareUnion U+2294 (8852) HTML 5.0 square cup (square union)
oplus, CirclePlus U+2295 (8853)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: CirclePlus
HTMLsymbol ISOamsb circled plus (direct sum)
ominus, CircleMinus U+2296 (8854) HTML 5.0 circled minus
otimes, CircleTimes U+2297 (8855)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: CircleTimes
HTMLsymbol ISOamsb circled times (vector product)
osol U+2298 (8856) HTML 5.0 circled division slash (circled solidus)
odot, CircleDot U+2299 (8857) HTML 5.0 circled dot operator (circled dot)
ocir, circledcirc U+229A (8858) HTML 5.0 circled ring operator (circled circle)
oast, circledast U+229B (8859) HTML 5.0 circled asterisk operator
odash, circleddash U+229D (8861) HTML 5.0 circled dash
plusb, boxplus U+229E (8862) HTML 5.0 squared plus (boxed plus)
minusb, boxminus U+229F (8863) HTML 5.0 squared minus (boxed minus)
timesb, boxtimes U+22A0 (8864) HTML 5.0 squared times (boxed times)
sdotb, dotsquare U+22A1 (8865) HTML 5.0 squared dot operator (boxed small dot)
vdash, RightTee U+22A2 (8866) HTML 5.0 right tack (proves, right tee)
dashv, LeftTee U+22A3 (8867) HTML 5.0 left tack (left tee)
top, DownTee U+22A4 (8868) HTML 5.0 down tack (top tack, down tee)
bottom, bot, perp, UpTee U+22A5 (8869)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: bottom, bot, and UpTee
HTMLsymbol ISOtech up tack (orthogonal to, perpendicular, bottom tack, up tee)[y]
models U+22A7 (8871) HTML 5.0 models
vDash, DoubleRightTee U+22A8 (8872) HTML 5.0 true (double right tee)
Vdash U+22A9 (8873) HTML 5.0 forces
Vvdash U+22AA (8874) HTML 5.0 triple vertical bar right turnstile
VDash U+22AB (8875) HTML 5.0 double vertical bar double right turnstile
nvdash U+22AC (8876) HTML 5.0 does not prove
nvDash U+22AD (8877) HTML 5.0 not true
nVdash U+22AE (8878) HTML 5.0 does not force
nVDash U+22AF (8879) HTML 5.0 negated double vertical bar double right turnstile
prurel U+22B0 (8880) HTML 5.0 precedes under relation
vltri, vartriangleleft, LeftTriangle U+22B2 (8882) HTML 5.0 Normal subgroup of (left triangle)
vrtri, vartriangleright, RightTriangle U+22B3 (8883) HTML 5.0 contains as Normal subgroup (right triangle)
ltrie, trianglelefteq, LeftTriangleEqual U+22B4 (8884) HTML 5.0 Normal subgroup of or equal to (left triangle equal)
rtrie, trianglerighteq, RightTriangleEqual U+22B5 (8885) HTML 5.0 contains as Normal subgroup or equal to (right triangle equal)
origof U+22B6 (8886) HTML 5.0 original of
imof U+22B7 (8887) HTML 5.0 image of
mumap, multimap U+22B8 (8888) HTML 5.0 multimap
hercon U+22B9 (8889) HTML 5.0 Hermitian conjugate matrix
intcal, intercal U+22BA (8890) HTML 5.0 intercalate
veebar U+22BB (8891) HTML 5.0 xor
barvee U+22BD (8893) HTML 5.0 nor
angrtvb U+22BE (8894) HTML 5.0 right angle with arc
lrtri U+22BF (8895) HTML 5.0 Right triangle (lower right triangle)
xwedge, Wedge, bigwedge U+22C0 (8896) HTML 5.0 n-ary logical and (x wedge, big wedge)
xvee, Vee, bigvee U+22C1 (8897) HTML 5.0 n-ary logical or (x vee, big vee)
xcap, Intersection, bigcap U+22C2 (8898) HTML 5.0 n-ary intersection (x cap, big cap)
xcup, Union, bigcup U+22C3 (8899) HTML 5.0 n-ary Union (x cup, big cup)
diam, diamond, Diamond U+22C4 (8900) HTML 5.0 Diamond operator
sdot U+22C5 (8901) HTML 4.0 HTMLsymbol ISOamsb dot operator (small dot)[z]
sstarf, Star U+22C6 (8902) HTML 5.0 star operator
divonx, divideontimes U+22C7 (8903) HTML 5.0 division times
bowtie U+22C8 (8904) HTML 5.0 bowtie
ltimes U+22C9 (8905) HTML 5.0 left normal factor semidirect product (left times)
rtimes U+22CA (8906) HTML 5.0 right normal factor semidirect product (right times)
lthree, leftthreetimes U+22CB (8907) HTML 5.0 left semidirect product (left three times)
rthree, rightthreetimes U+22CC (8908) HTML 5.0 right semidirect product (right three times)
bsime, backsimeq U+22CD (8909) HTML 5.0 reversed tilde equals (back similar or equal to)
cuvee, curlyvee U+22CE (8910) HTML 5.0 curly logical or (curly vee)
cuwed, curlywedge U+22CF (8911) HTML 5.0 curly logical and (curly wedge)
Sub, Subset U+22D0 (8912) HTML 5.0 double subset
Sup, Supset U+22D1 (8913) HTML 5.0 double superset
Cap U+22D2 (8914) HTML 5.0 double intersection (double cap)
Cup U+22D3 (8915) HTML 5.0 double union (double cup)
fork, pitchfork U+22D4 (8916) HTML 5.0 pitchfork (Transversality theorem)
epar U+22D5 (8917) HTML 5.0 equal and parallel to
ltdot, lessdot U+22D6 (8918) HTML 5.0 less-than with dot
gtdot, gtrdot U+22D7 (8919) HTML 5.0 greater-than with dot
Ll U+22D8 (8920) HTML 5.0 very much less-than[aa]
Gg, ggg U+22D9 (8921) HTML 5.0 very much greater-than
leg, LessEqualGreater, lesseqgtr U+22DA (8922) HTML 5.0 less-than equal to or greater-than
gel, gtreqless, GreaterEqualLess U+22DB (8923) HTML 5.0 greater-than equal to or less-than
cuepr, curlyeqprec U+22DE (8926) HTML 5.0 equal to or precedes (curly equal to or precedes)
cuesc, curlyeqsucc U+22DF (8927) HTML 5.0 equal to or succeeds (curly equal to or succeeds)
nprcue, NotPrecedesSlantEqual U+22E0 (8928) HTML 5.0 does not precede or equal (not precedes curly equal, not precedes slant equal)
nsccue, NotSucceedsSlantEqual U+22E1 (8929) HTML 5.0 does not succeed or equal (not succeeds curly equal, not succeeds slant equal)
nsqsube, NotSquareSubsetEqual U+22E2 (8930) HTML 5.0 not square image of or equal to (not square subset equal)
nsqsupe, NotSquareSupersetEqual U+22E3 (8931) HTML 5.0 not square original of or equal to (not square superset equal)
lnsim U+22E6 (8934) HTML 5.0 less-than but not equivalent to (less-than but not similar to)
gnsim U+22E7 (8935) HTML 5.0 greater-than but not equivalent to (greater-than but not similar to)
prnsim, precnsim U+22E8 (8936) HTML 5.0 precedes but not equivalent to (precedes but not similar to)
scnsim, succnsim U+22E9 (8937) HTML 5.0 succeeds but not equivalent to (succeeds but not similar to)
nltri, ntriangleleft, NotLeftTriangle U+22EA (8938) HTML 5.0 not normal subgroup of (not left triangle)
nrtri, ntriangleright, NotRightTriangle U+22EB (8939) HTML 5.0 does not contain as normal subgroup (not right triangle)
nltrie, ntrianglelefteq, NotLeftTriangleEqual U+22EC (8940) HTML 5.0 not normal subgroup of or equal to (not left triangle equal)
nrtrie, ntrianglerighteq, NotRightTriangleEqual U+22ED (8941) HTML 5.0 does not contain as normal subgroup or equal (not right triangle equal)
vellip U+22EE (8942) HTML 5.0 vertical ellipsis
ctdot U+22EF (8943) HTML 5.0 midline horizontal ellipsis (centered triple dot)
utdot U+22F0 (8944) HTML 5.0 up right diagonal ellipsis (upward triple dot)
dtdot U+22F1 (8945) HTML 5.0 down right diagonal ellipsis (downward triple dot)
disin U+22F2 (8946) HTML 5.0 element of with long horizontal stroke
isinsv U+22F3 (8947) HTML 5.0 element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
isins U+22F4 (8948) HTML 5.0 small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
isindot U+22F5 (8949) HTML 5.0 element of with dot above
notinvc U+22F6 (8950) HTML 5.0 element of with overbar
notinvb U+22F7 (8951) HTML 5.0 small element of with overbar
isinE U+22F9 (8953) HTML 5.0 element of with two horizontal strokes
nisd U+22FA (8954) HTML 5.0 contains with long horizontal stroke
xnis U+22FB (8955) HTML 5.0 contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
nis U+22FC (8956) HTML 5.0 small contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke
notnivc U+22FD (8957) HTML 5.0 contains with overbar
notnivb U+22FE (8958) HTML 5.0 small contains with overbar
barwed, barwedge U+2305 (8965) HTML 5.0 projective
Barwed, doublebarwedge U+2306 (8966) HTML 5.0 perspective
lceil, LeftCeiling U+2308 (8968)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: LeftCeiling
HTMLsymbol ISOamsc left ceiling (APL upstile)
rceil, RightCeiling U+2309 (8969)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: RightCeiling
HTMLsymbol ISOamsc right ceiling
lfloor, LeftFloor U+230A (8970)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: LeftFloor
HTMLsymbol ISOamsc left floor (APL downstile)
rfloor, RightFloor U+230B (8971)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: RightFloor
HTMLsymbol ISOamsc right floor
drcrop U+230C (8972) HTML 5.0 bottom right crop (down right crop)
dlcrop U+230D (8973) HTML 5.0 bottom left crop (down left crop)
urcrop U+230E (8974) HTML 5.0 top right crop (up right crop)
ulcrop U+230F (8975) HTML 5.0 top left crop (up left crop)
bnot U+2310 (8976) HTML 5.0 reversed not sign (backwards not sign)
profline U+2312 (8978) HTML 5.0 arc
profsurf U+2313 (8979) HTML 5.0 segment
telrec U+2315 (8981) HTML 5.0 telephone recorder
target U+2316 (8982) HTML 5.0 position indicator (target)
ulcorn, ulcorner U+231C (8988) HTML 5.0 top left corner (up left corner)
urcorn, urcorner U+231D (8989) HTML 5.0 top right corner (up right corner)
dlcorn, llcorner U+231E (8990) HTML 5.0 bottom left corner (down left corner)
drcorn, lrcorner U+231F (8991) HTML 5.0 bottom right corner (down right corner)
frown, sfrown U+2322 (8994) HTML 5.0 frown
smile, ssmile U+2323 (8995) HTML 5.0 smile
cylcty U+232D (9005) HTML 5.0 cylindricity
profalar U+232E (9006) HTML 5.0 all around-profile
topbot U+2336 (9014) HTML 5.0 APL functional symbol I-beam (top bottom)
ovbar U+233D (9021) HTML 5.0 APL functional symbol circle stile (circle vertical bar)
solbar U+233F (9023) HTML 5.0 APL functional symbol slash bar (solidus bar)
angzarr U+237C (9084) HTML 5.0 right angle with downwards zigzag arrow
lmoust, lmoustache U+23B0 (9136) HTML 5.0 upper left or lower right curly bracket section (left moustache)
rmoust, rmoustache U+23B1 (9137) HTML 5.0 upper right or lower left curly bracket section (right moustache)
tbrk, OverBracket U+23B4 (9140) HTML 5.0 top square bracket (over bracket)
bbrk, UnderBracket U+23B5 (9141) HTML 5.0 bottom square bracket (under bracket)
bbrktbrk U+23B6 (9142) HTML 5.0 bottom square bracket over top square bracket
OverParenthesis U+23DC (9180) HTML 5.0 top parenthesis (over parenthesis)
UnderParenthesis U+23DD (9181) HTML 5.0 bottom parenthesis (under parenthesis)
OverBrace U+23DE (9182) HTML 5.0 top curly bracket (over brace)
UnderBrace U+23DF (9183) HTML 5.0 bottom curly bracket (under brace)
trpezium U+23E2 (9186) HTML 5.0 white trapezium
elinters U+23E7 (9191) HTML 5.0 electrical intersection
blank U+2423 (9251) HTML 5.0 open box (blank)
oS, circledS U+24C8 (9416) HTML 5.0 circled Latin capital letter S
boxh, HorizontalLine U+2500 (9472) HTML 5.0 box drawings light horizontal (horizontal line)
boxv U+2502 (9474) HTML 5.0 box drawings light vertical
boxdr U+250C (9484) HTML 5.0 box drawings light down and right
boxdl U+2510 (9488) HTML 5.0 box drawings light down and left
boxur U+2514 (9492) HTML 5.0 box drawings light up and right
boxul U+2518 (9496) HTML 5.0 box drawings light up and left
boxvr U+251C (9500) HTML 5.0 box drawings light vertical and right
boxvl U+2524 (9508) HTML 5.0 box drawings light vertical and left
boxhd U+252C (9516) HTML 5.0 box drawings light down and horizontal (horizontal and down)
boxhu U+2534 (9524) HTML 5.0 box drawings light up and horizontal (horizontal and up)
boxvh U+253C (9532) HTML 5.0 box drawings light vertical and horizontal
boxH U+2550 (9552) HTML 5.0 box drawings double horizontal
boxV U+2551 (9553) HTML 5.0 box drawings double vertical
boxdR U+2552 (9554) HTML 5.0 box drawings down single and right double
boxDr U+2553 (9555) HTML 5.0 box drawings down double and right single
boxDR U+2554 (9556) HTML 5.0 box drawings double down and right
boxdL U+2555 (9557) HTML 5.0 box drawings down single and left double
boxDl U+2556 (9558) HTML 5.0 box drawings down double and left single
boxDL U+2557 (9559) HTML 5.0 box drawings double down and left
boxuR U+2558 (9560) HTML 5.0 box drawings up single and right double
boxUr U+2559 (9561) HTML 5.0 box drawings up double and right single
boxUR U+255A (9562) HTML 5.0 box drawings double up and right
boxuL U+255B (9563) HTML 5.0 box drawings up single and left double
boxUl U+255C (9564) HTML 5.0 box drawings up double and left single
boxUL U+255D (9565) HTML 5.0 box drawings double up and left
boxvR U+255E (9566) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical single and right double
boxVr U+255F (9567) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical double and right single
boxVR U+2560 (9568) HTML 5.0 box drawings double vertical and right
boxvL U+2561 (9569) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical single and left double
boxVl U+2562 (9570) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical double and left single
boxVL U+2563 (9571) HTML 5.0 box drawings double vertical and left
boxHd U+2564 (9572) HTML 5.0 box drawings down single and horizontal double (horizontal double and down single)
boxhD U+2565 (9573) HTML 5.0 box drawings down double and horizontal single (horizontal single and down double)
boxHD U+2566 (9574) HTML 5.0 box drawings double down and horizontal (horizontal and down)
boxHu U+2567 (9575) HTML 5.0 box drawings up single and horizontal double (horizontal double and up single)
boxhU U+2568 (9576) HTML 5.0 box drawings up double and horizontal single (horizontal single and up double)
boxHU U+2569 (9577) HTML 5.0 box drawings double up and horizontal (horizontal and up)
boxvH U+256A (9578) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
boxVh U+256B (9579) HTML 5.0 box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
boxVH U+256C (9580) HTML 5.0 box drawings double vertical and horizontal
uhblk U+2580 (9600) HTML 5.0 upper half block
lhblk U+2584 (9604) HTML 5.0 lower half block
block U+2588 (9608) HTML 5.0 full block
blk14 U+2591 (9617) HTML 5.0 light shade (1/4 block)
blk12 U+2592 (9618) HTML 5.0 medium shade (1/2 block)
blk34 U+2593 (9619) HTML 5.0 dark shade (3/4 block)
squ, square, Square U+25A1 (9633) HTML 5.0 white square
squf, squarf, blacksquare, FilledVerySmallSquare U+25AA (9642) HTML 5.0 black small square (filled very small square)
EmptyVerySmallSquare U+25AB (9643) HTML 5.0 white small square (empty very small square)
rect U+25AD (9645) HTML 5.0 white rectangle
marker U+25AE (9646) HTML 5.0 black vertical rectangle (marker)
fltns U+25B1 (9649) HTML 5.0 white parallelogram
xutri, bigtriangleup U+25B3 (9651) HTML 5.0 white up-pointing triangle (big up-pointing triangle)
utrif, blacktriangle U+25B4 (9652) HTML 5.0 black up-pointing small triangle (black triangle, up-pointing triangle filled)
utri, triangle U+25B5 (9653) HTML 5.0 white up-pointing small triangle (up-pointing triangle)
rtrif, blacktriangleright U+25B8 (9656) HTML 5.0 black right-pointing small triangle (black right-pointing triangle, right-pointing triangle filled)
rtri, triangleright U+25B9 (9657) HTML 5.0 white right-pointing small triangle (right-pointing triangle)
xdtri, bigtriangledown U+25BD (9661) HTML 5.0 white down-pointing triangle (big down-pointing triangle)
dtrif, blacktriangledown U+25BE (9662) HTML 5.0 black down-pointing small triangle (black down-pointing triangle, down-pointing triangle filled)
dtri, triangledown U+25BF (9663) HTML 5.0 white down-pointing small triangle (down-pointing triangle)
ltrif, blacktriangleleft U+25C2 (9666) HTML 5.0 black left-pointing small triangle (black left-pointing triangle, left-pointing triangle filled)
ltri, triangleleft U+25C3 (9667) HTML 5.0 white left-pointing small triangle (left-pointing triangle)
loz, lozenge U+25CA (9674)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: lozenge
HTMLsymbol ISOpub lozenge
cir U+25CB (9675) HTML 5.0 white circle (circle)
tridot U+25EC (9708) HTML 5.0 white up-pointing triangle with dot (triangle dot)
xcirc, bigcirc U+25EF (9711) HTML 5.0 large circle (big circle)
ultri U+25F8 (9720) HTML 5.0 upper left triangle
urtri U+25F9 (9721) HTML 5.0 upper right triangle
lltri U+25FA (9722) HTML 5.0 lower left triangle
EmptySmallSquare U+25FB (9723) HTML 5.0 white medium square (empty small square)
FilledSmallSquare U+25FC (9724) HTML 5.0 black medium square (filled small square)
starf, bigstar U+2605 (9733) HTML 5.0 black star (filled star, big star)
star U+2606 (9734) HTML 5.0 white star (star)
phone U+260E (9742) HTML 5.0 black telephone (phone)
female U+2640 (9792) HTML 5.0 female sign
male U+2642 (9794) HTML 5.0 male sign
spades, spadesuit U+2660 (9824)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: spadesuit
HTMLsymbol ISOpub black spade suit[m]
clubs, clubsuit U+2663 (9827)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: clubsuit
HTMLsymbol ISOpub black club suit (shamrock)[m]
hearts, heartsuit U+2665 (9829)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: heartsuit
HTMLsymbol ISOpub black heart suit (valentine)[m]
diams, diamondsuit U+2666 (9830)
  • HTML 4.0
  • HTML 5.0: diamondsuit
HTMLsymbol ISOpub black diamond suit[m]
sung U+266A (9834) HTML 5.0 eighth note (sung)
flat U+266D (9837) HTML 5.0 music flat sign
natur, natural U+266E (9838) HTML 5.0 music natural sign
sharp U+266F (9839) HTML 5.0 music sharp sign
check, checkmark U+2713 (10003) HTML 5.0 check mark
cross U+2717 (10007) HTML 5.0 ballot x (cross)
malt, maltese U+2720 (10016) HTML 5.0 Maltese cross
sext U+2736 (10038) HTML 5.0 six pointed black star (sextile)
VerticalSeparator U+2758 (10072) HTML 5.0 light vertical bar (vertical separator)
lbbrk U+2772 (10098) HTML 5.0 light left tortoise shell bracket ornament
rbbrk U+2773 (10099) HTML 5.0 light right tortoise shell bracket ornament
bsolhsub U+27C8 (10184) HTML 5.0 reverse solidus preceding subset
suphsol U+27C9 (10185) HTML 5.0 superset preceding solidus
lobrk, LeftDoubleBracket U+27E6 (10214) HTML 5.0 mathematical left white square bracket
robrk, RightDoubleBracket U+27E7 (10215) HTML 5.0 mathematical right white square bracket
lang, LeftAngleBracket, langle
  • U+27E8 (10216);
  • U+2329 (9000), previously
  • HTML 4.0: representing left-pointing angle bracket
  • HTML 5.0: LeftAngleBracket and langle
HTMLsymbol ISOtech mathematical left angle bracket (bra)[ab]
rang, RightAngleBracket, rangle
  • U+27E9 (10217);
  • U+232A (9001), previously
  • HTML 4.0: representing right-pointing angle bracket
  • HTML 5.0: RightAngleBracket and rangle
HTMLsymbol ISOtech mathematical right angle bracket (ket)[ac]
Lang U+27EA (10218) HTML 5.0 mathematical left double angle bracket
Rang U+27EB (10219) HTML 5.0 mathematical right double angle bracket
loang U+27EC (10220) HTML 5.0 mathematical left white tortoise shell bracket
roang U+27ED (10221) HTML 5.0 mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket
xlarr, longleftarrow, LongLeftArrow U+27F5 (10229) HTML 5.0 long leftwards arrow
xrarr, longrightarrow, LongRightArrow U+27F6 (10230) HTML 5.0 long rightwards arrow
xharr, longleftrightarrow, LongLeftRightArrow U+27F7 (10231) HTML 5.0 long left right arrow (long horizontal arrow)
xlArr, Longleftarrow, DoubleLongLeftArrow U+27F8 (10232) HTML 5.0 long leftwards double arrow
xrArr, Longrightarrow, DoubleLongRightArrow U+27F9 (10233) HTML 5.0 long rightwards double arrow
xhArr, Longleftrightarrow, DoubleLongLeftRightArrow U+27FA (10234) HTML 5.0 long left right double arrow (long horizontal double arrow)
xmap, longmapsto U+27FC (10236) HTML 5.0 long rightwards arrow from bar (long maps to)
dzigrarr U+27FF (10239) HTML 5.0 long rightwards squiggle arrow (long rightwards zigzag arrow)
nvlArr U+2902 (10498) HTML 5.0 leftwards double arrow with vertical stroke
nvrArr U+2903 (10499) HTML 5.0 rightwards double arrow with vertical stroke
nvHarr U+2904 (10500) HTML 5.0 left right double arrow with vertical stroke
Map U+2905 (10501) HTML 5.0 rightwards two-headed arrow from bar (double maps to)
lbarr U+290C (10508) HTML 5.0 leftwards double dash arrow
rbarr, bkarow U+290D (10509) HTML 5.0 rightwards double dash arrow
lBarr U+290E (10510) HTML 5.0 leftwards triple dash arrow
rBarr, dbkarow U+290F (10511) HTML 5.0 rightwards triple dash arrow
RBarr, drbkarow U+2910 (10512) HTML 5.0 rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow
DDotrahd U+2911 (10513) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with dotted stem
UpArrowBar U+2912 (10514) HTML 5.0 upwards arrow to bar
DownArrowBar U+2913 (10515) HTML 5.0 downwards arrow to bar
Rarrtl U+2916 (10518) HTML 5.0 rightwards two-headed arrow with tail
latail U+2919 (10521) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow-tail
ratail U+291A (10522) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow-tail
lAtail U+291B (10523) HTML 5.0 leftwards double arrow-tail
rAtail U+291C (10524) HTML 5.0 rightwards double arrow-tail
larrfs U+291D (10525) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow to black diamond
rarrfs U+291E (10526) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow to black diamond
larrbfs U+291F (10527) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow from bar to black diamond
rarrbfs U+2920 (10528) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow from bar to black diamond
nwarhk U+2923 (10531) HTML 5.0 north west arrow with hook
nearhk U+2924 (10532) HTML 5.0 north east arrow with hook
searhk, hksearow U+2925 (10533) HTML 5.0 south east arrow with hook
swarhk, hkswarow U+2926 (10534) HTML 5.0 south west arrow with hook
nwnear U+2927 (10535) HTML 5.0 north west arrow and north east arrow
nesear, toea U+2928 (10536) HTML 5.0 north east arrow and south east arrow (to east arrow)
seswar, tosa U+2929 (10537) HTML 5.0 south east arrow and south west arrow (to south arrow)
swnwar U+292A (10538) HTML 5.0 south west arrow and north west arrow
rarrc U+2933 (10547) HTML 5.0 wave arrow pointing directly right (right arrow curved)
cudarrr U+2935 (10549) HTML 5.0 arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards (curved down arrow right)
ldca U+2936 (10550) HTML 5.0 arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards (left down curved arrow)
rdca U+2937 (10551) HTML 5.0 arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards (right down curved arrow)
cudarrl U+2938 (10552) HTML 5.0 right-side arc clockwise arrow (curved down arrow left)
larrpl U+2939 (10553) HTML 5.0 left-side arc anticlockwise arrow
curarrm U+293C (10556) HTML 5.0 top arc clockwise arrow with minus (curved right arrow with minus)
cularrp U+293D (10557) HTML 5.0 top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus (curved left arrow with plus)
rarrpl U+2945 (10565) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow with plus below
harrcir U+2948 (10568) HTML 5.0 left right arrow through small circle
Uarrocir U+2949 (10569) HTML 5.0 upwards two-headed arrow from small circle
lurdshar U+294A (10570) HTML 5.0 left barb up right barb down harpoon (left up right down short arrow)
ldrushar U+294B (10571) HTML 5.0 left barb down right barb up harpoon (left down right up short arrow)
LeftRightVector U+294E (10574) HTML 5.0 left barb up right barb up harpoon (left right vector)
RightUpDownVector U+294F (10575) HTML 5.0 up barb right down barb right harpoon (right up down vector)
DownLeftRightVector U+2950 (10576) HTML 5.0 left barb down right barb down harpoon (down left right vector)
LeftUpDownVector U+2951 (10577) HTML 5.0 up barb left down barb left harpoon (left up down vector)
LeftVectorBar U+2952 (10578) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb up to bar (left vector bar)
RightVectorBar U+2953 (10579) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb up to bar (right vector bar)
RightUpVectorBar U+2954 (10580) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb right to bar (right up vector bar)
RightDownVectorBar U+2955 (10581) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb right to bar (right down vector bar)
DownLeftVectorBar U+2956 (10582) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb down to bar (down left vector bar)
DownRightVectorBar U+2957 (10583) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb down to bar (down right vector bar)
LeftUpVectorBar U+2958 (10584) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb left to bar (left up vector bar)
LeftDownVectorBar U+2959 (10585) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb left to bar (left down vector bar)
LeftTeeVector U+295A (10586) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar (left tee vector)
RightTeeVector U+295B (10587) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar (right tee vector)
RightUpTeeVector U+295C (10588) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb right from bar (right up tee vector)
RightDownTeeVector U+295D (10589) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb right from bar (right down tee vector)
DownLeftTeeVector U+295E (10590) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar (down left tee vector)
DownRightTeeVector U+295F (10591) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar (down right tee vector)
LeftUpTeeVector U+2960 (10592) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb left from bar (left up tee vector)
LeftDownTeeVector U+2961 (10593) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb left from bar (left down tee vector)
lHar U+2962 (10594) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb down
uHar U+2963 (10595) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right
rHar U+2964 (10596) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb down
dHar U+2965 (10597) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right
luruhar U+2966 (10598) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb up
ldrdhar U+2967 (10599) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb down
ruluhar U+2968 (10600) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb up
rdldhar U+2969 (10601) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb down
lharul U+296A (10602) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
llhard U+296B (10603) HTML 5.0 leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
rharul U+296C (10604) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dash
lrhard U+296D (10605) HTML 5.0 rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dash
udhar, UpEquilibrium U+296E (10606) HTML 5.0 upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right (up equilibrium)
duhar, ReverseUpEquilibrium U+296F (10607) HTML 5.0 downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right (reverse up equilibrium)
RoundImplies U+2970 (10608) HTML 5.0 right double arrow with rounded head (round implies)
erarr U+2971 (10609) HTML 5.0 equals sign above rightwards arrow
simrarr U+2972 (10610) HTML 5.0 tilde operator above rightwards arrow (similar to above rightwards arrow)
larrsim U+2973 (10611) HTML 5.0 leftwards arrow above tilde operator (leftwards arrow above similar to)
rarrsim U+2974 (10612) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow above tilde operator (rightwards arrow above similar to)
rarrap U+2975 (10613) HTML 5.0 rightwards arrow above almost equal to (rightwards arrow above approximately equal to)
ltlarr U+2976 (10614) HTML 5.0 less-than above leftwards arrow
gtrarr U+2978 (10616) HTML 5.0 greater-than above rightwards arrow
subrarr U+2979 (10617) HTML 5.0 subset above rightwards arrow
suplarr U+297B (10619) HTML 5.0 superset above leftwards arrow
lfisht U+297C (10620) HTML 5.0 left fish tail
rfisht U+297D (10621) HTML 5.0 right fish tail
ufisht U+297E (10622) HTML 5.0 up fish tail
dfisht ⥿ U+297F (10623) HTML 5.0 down fish tail
lopar U+2985 (10629) HTML 5.0 left white parenthesis
ropar U+2986 (10630) HTML 5.0 right white parenthesis
lbrke U+298B (10635) HTML 5.0 left square bracket with underbar
rbrke U+298C (10636) HTML 5.0 right square bracket with underbar
lbrkslu U+298D (10637) HTML 5.0 left square bracket with tick in top corner
rbrksld U+298E (10638) HTML 5.0 right square bracket with tick in bottom corner
lbrksld U+298F (10639) HTML 5.0 left square bracket with tick in bottom corner
rbrkslu U+2990 (10640) HTML 5.0 right square bracket with tick in top corner
langd U+2991 (10641) HTML 5.0 left angle bracket with dot
rangd U+2992 (10642) HTML 5.0 right angle bracket with dot
lparlt U+2993 (10643) HTML 5.0 left arc less-than bracket (left parenthesis less-than)
rpargt U+2994 (10644) HTML 5.0 right arc greater-than bracket (right parenthesis greater-than)
gtlPar U+2995 (10645) HTML 5.0 double left arc greater-than bracket (double left parenthesis greater-than)
ltrPar U+2996 (10646) HTML 5.0 double right arc less-than bracket (double right parenthesis less-than)
vzigzag U+299A (10650) HTML 5.0 vertical zigzag line
vangrt U+299C (10652) HTML 5.0 right angle variant with square
angrtvbd U+299D (10653) HTML 5.0 measured right angle with dot
ange U+29A4 (10660) HTML 5.0 angle with underbar
range U+29A5 (10661) HTML 5.0 reversed angle with underbar
dwangle U+29A6 (10662) HTML 5.0 oblique angle opening up
uwangle U+29A7 (10663) HTML 5.0 oblique angle opening down
angmsdaa U+29A8 (10664) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and right
angmsdab U+29A9 (10665) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and left
angmsdac U+29AA (10666) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and right
angmsdad U+29AB (10667) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and left
angmsdae U+29AC (10668) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and up
angmsdaf U+29AD (10669) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and up
angmsdag U+29AE (10670) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and down
angmsdah U+29AF (10671) HTML 5.0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and down
bemptyv U+29B0 (10672) HTML 5.0 reversed empty set (backwards empty set)
demptyv U+29B1 (10673) HTML 5.0 empty set with overbar (dash over empty set)
cemptyv U+29B2 (10674) HTML 5.0 empty set with small circle above
raemptyv U+29B3 (10675) HTML 5.0 empty set with right arrow above
laemptyv U+29B4 (10676) HTML 5.0 empty set with left arrow above
ohbar U+29B5 (10677) HTML 5.0 circle with horizontal bar
omid U+29B6 (10678) HTML 5.0 circled vertical bar (circled middle line)
opar U+29B7 (10679) HTML 5.0 circled parallel
operp U+29B9 (10681) HTML 5.0 circled perpendicular
olcross U+29BB (10683) HTML 5.0 circle with superimposed x (circled large cross)
odsold U+29BC (10684) HTML 5.0 circled anticlockwise-rotated division sign
olcir U+29BE (10686) HTML 5.0 circled white bullet (circled light circle)
ofcir ⦿ U+29BF (10687) HTML 5.0 circled bullet (circled full circle)
olt U+29C0 (10688) HTML 5.0 circled less-than
ogt U+29C1 (10689) HTML 5.0 circled greater-than
cirscir U+29C2 (10690) HTML 5.0 circle with small circle to the right
cirE U+29C3 (10691) HTML 5.0 circle with two horizontal strokes to the right
solb U+29C4 (10692) HTML 5.0 squared rising diagonal slash (boxed solidus)
bsolb U+29C5 (10693) HTML 5.0 squared falling diagonal slash (backward boxed solidus)
boxbox U+29C9 (10697) HTML 5.0 two joined squares (two joined boxes)
trisb U+29CD (10701) HTML 5.0 triangle with serifs at bottom
rtriltri U+29CE (10702) HTML 5.0 right triangle above left triangle
LeftTriangleBar U+29CF (10703) HTML 5.0 left triangle beside vertical bar
RightTriangleBar U+29D0 (10704) HTML 5.0 vertical bar beside right triangle
iinfin U+29DC (10716) HTML 5.0 incomplete infinity
infintie U+29DD (10717) HTML 5.0 tie over infinity
nvinfin U+29DE (10718) HTML 5.0 infinity negated with vertical bar
eparsl U+29E3 (10723) HTML 5.0 equals sign and slanted parallel
smeparsl U+29E4 (10724) HTML 5.0 equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above (similar to over equals sign and slanted parallel)
eqvparsl U+29E5 (10725) HTML 5.0 identical to and slanted parallel ('equivalent to' and slanted parallel)
lozf, blacklozenge U+29EB (10731) HTML 5.0 black lozenge (lozenge filled)
RuleDelayed U+29F4 (10740) HTML 5.0 rule-delayed
dsol U+29F6 (10742) HTML 5.0 solidus with overbar (dash over solidus)
xodot, bigodot U+2A00 (10752) HTML 5.0 n-ary circled dot operator
xoplus, bigoplus U+2A01 (10753) HTML 5.0 n-ary circled plus operator
xotime, bigotimes U+2A02 (10754) HTML 5.0 n-ary circled times operator
xuplus, biguplus U+2A04 (10756) HTML 5.0 n-ary union operator with plus (big u plus)
xsqcup, bigsqcup U+2A06 (10758) HTML 5.0 n-ary square union operator (big square cup)
qint, iiiint U+2A0C (10764) HTML 5.0 quadruple integral operator
fpartint U+2A0D (10765) HTML 5.0 finite part integral
cirfnint U+2A10 (10768) HTML 5.0 circulation function
awint U+2A11 (10769) HTML 5.0 anticlockwise integration
rppolint U+2A12 (10770) HTML 5.0 line integration with rectangular path around pole
scpolint U+2A13 (10771) HTML 5.0 line integration with semicircular path around pole
npolint U+2A14 (10772) HTML 5.0 line integration not including the pole
pointint U+2A15 (10773) HTML 5.0 integral around a point operator
quatint U+2A16 (10774) HTML 5.0 quaternion integral operator
intlarhk U+2A17 (10775) HTML 5.0 integral with leftwards arrow with hook
pluscir U+2A22 (10786) HTML 5.0 plus sign with small circle above
plusacir U+2A23 (10787) HTML 5.0 plus sign with circumflex accent above
simplus U+2A24 (10788) HTML 5.0 plus sign with tilde above (plus sign with similar to above)
plusdu U+2A25 (10789) HTML 5.0 plus sign with dot below (plus dot under)
plussim U+2A26 (10790) HTML 5.0 plus sign with tilde below (plus sign with similar to below)
plustwo U+2A27 (10791) HTML 5.0 plus sign with subscript two
mcomma U+2A29 (10793) HTML 5.0 minus sign with comma above
minusdu U+2A2A (10794) HTML 5.0 minus sign with dot below (minus dot under)
loplus U+2A2D (10797) HTML 5.0 plus sign in left half circle
roplus U+2A2E (10798) HTML 5.0 plus sign in right half circle
Cross U+2A2F (10799) HTML 5.0 vector or cross product
timesd U+2A30 (10800) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign with dot above (times dot)
timesbar U+2A31 (10801) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign with underbar
smashp U+2A33 (10803) HTML 5.0 smash product
lotimes U+2A34 (10804) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign in left half circle
rotimes U+2A35 (10805) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign in right half circle
otimesas U+2A36 (10806) HTML 5.0 circled multiplication sign with circumflex accent
Otimes U+2A37 (10807) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign in double circle
odiv U+2A38 (10808) HTML 5.0 circled division sign
triplus U+2A39 (10809) HTML 5.0 plus sign in triangle
triminus U+2A3A (10810) HTML 5.0 minus sign in triangle
tritime U+2A3B (10811) HTML 5.0 multiplication sign in triangle
iprod, intprod U+2A3C (10812) HTML 5.0 interior product
amalg ⨿ U+2A3F (10815) HTML 5.0 amalgamation or coproduct
capdot U+2A40 (10816) HTML 5.0 intersection with dot (cap dot)
ncup U+2A42 (10818) HTML 5.0 union with overbar
ncap U+2A43 (10819) HTML 5.0 intersection with overbar
capand U+2A44 (10820) HTML 5.0 intersection with logical and (cap and)
cupor U+2A45 (10821) HTML 5.0 union with logical or (cup or)
cupcap U+2A46 (10822) HTML 5.0 union above intersection (cup cap)
capcup U+2A47 (10823) HTML 5.0 intersection above union (cap cup)
cupbrcap U+2A48 (10824) HTML 5.0 union above bar above intersection (cup bar cap)
capbrcup U+2A49 (10825) HTML 5.0 intersection above bar above union (cap bar cup)
cupcup U+2A4A (10826) HTML 5.0 union beside and joined with union (cup cup)
capcap U+2A4B (10827) HTML 5.0 intersection beside and joined with intersection (cap cap)
ccups U+2A4C (10828) HTML 5.0 closed union with serifs
ccaps U+2A4D (10829) HTML 5.0 closed intersection with serifs
ccupssm U+2A50 (10832) HTML 5.0 closed union with serifs and smash product
And U+2A53 (10835) HTML 5.0 double logical and
Or U+2A54 (10836) HTML 5.0 double logical or
andand U+2A55 (10837) HTML 5.0 two intersecting logical and
oror U+2A56 (10838) HTML 5.0 two intersecting logical or
orslope U+2A57 (10839) HTML 5.0 sloping large or
andslope U+2A58 (10840) HTML 5.0 sloping large and
andv U+2A5A (10842) HTML 5.0 logical and with middle stem
orv U+2A5B (10843) HTML 5.0 logical or with middle stem
andd U+2A5C (10844) HTML 5.0 logical and with horizontal dash
ord U+2A5D (10845) HTML 5.0 logical or with horizontal dash
wedbar U+2A5F (10847) HTML 5.0 logical and with underbar
sdote U+2A66 (10854) HTML 5.0 equals sign with dot below
simdot U+2A6A (10858) HTML 5.0 tilde operator with dot above (similar with dot)
congdot U+2A6D (10861) HTML 5.0 congruent with dot above
easter U+2A6E (10862) HTML 5.0 equals with asterisk
apacir U+2A6F (10863) HTML 5.0 almost equal to with circumflex accent
apE U+2A70 (10864) HTML 5.0 approximately equal or equal to
eplus U+2A71 (10865) HTML 5.0 equals sign above plus sign
pluse U+2A72 (10866) HTML 5.0 plus sign above equals sign
Esim U+2A73 (10867) HTML 5.0 equals sign above tilde operator
Colone U+2A74 (10868) HTML 5.0 double colon equal
Equal U+2A75 (10869) HTML 5.0 two consecutive equals signs
eDDot, ddotseq U+2A77 (10871) HTML 5.0 equals sign with two dots above and two dots below
equivDD U+2A78 (10872) HTML 5.0 equivalent with four dots above
ltcir U+2A79 (10873) HTML 5.0 less-than with circle inside
gtcir U+2A7A (10874) HTML 5.0 greater-than with circle inside
ltquest U+2A7B (10875) HTML 5.0 less-than with question mark above
gtquest U+2A7C (10876) HTML 5.0 greater-than with question mark above
les, LessSlantEqual, leqslant U+2A7D (10877) HTML 5.0 less-than or slanted equal to
ges, GreaterSlantEqual, geqslant U+2A7E (10878) HTML 5.0 greater-than or slanted equal to
lesdot ⩿ U+2A7F (10879) HTML 5.0 less-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
gesdot U+2A80 (10880) HTML 5.0 greater-than or slanted equal to with dot inside
lesdoto U+2A81 (10881) HTML 5.0 less-than or slanted equal to with dot above
gesdoto U+2A82 (10882) HTML 5.0 greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above
lesdotor U+2A83 (10883) HTML 5.0 less-than or slanted equal to with dot above right
gesdotol U+2A84 (10884) HTML 5.0 greater-than or slanted equal to with dot above left
lap, lessapprox U+2A85 (10885) HTML 5.0 less-than or approximate
gap, gtrapprox U+2A86 (10886) HTML 5.0 greater-than or approximate
lne, lneq U+2A87 (10887) HTML 5.0 less-than and single-line not equal to
gne, gneq U+2A88 (10888) HTML 5.0 greater-than and single-line not equal to
lnap, lnapprox U+2A89 (10889) HTML 5.0 less-than and not approximate
gnap, gnapprox U+2A8A (10890) HTML 5.0 greater-than and not approximate
lEg, lesseqqgtr U+2A8B (10891) HTML 5.0 less-than above double-line equal above greater-than
gEl, gtreqqless U+2A8C (10892) HTML 5.0 greater-than above double-line equal above less-than
lsime U+2A8D (10893) HTML 5.0 less-than above similar or equal
gsime U+2A8E (10894) HTML 5.0 greater-than above similar or equal
lsimg U+2A8F (10895) HTML 5.0 less-than above similar above greater-than
gsiml U+2A90 (10896) HTML 5.0 greater-than above similar above less-than
lgE U+2A91 (10897) HTML 5.0 less-than above greater-than above double-line equal
glE U+2A92 (10898) HTML 5.0 greater-than above less-than above double-line equal
lesges U+2A93 (10899) HTML 5.0 less-than above slanted equal above greater-than above slanted equal
gesles U+2A94 (10900) HTML 5.0 greater-than above slanted equal above less-than above slanted equal
els, eqslantless U+2A95 (10901) HTML 5.0 slanted equal to or less-than
egs, eqslantgtr U+2A96 (10902) HTML 5.0 slanted equal to or greater-than
elsdot U+2A97 (10903) HTML 5.0 slanted equal to or less-than with dot inside
egsdot U+2A98 (10904) HTML 5.0 slanted equal to or greater-than with dot inside
el U+2A99 (10905) HTML 5.0 double-line equal to or less-than
eg U+2A9A (10906) HTML 5.0 double-line equal to or greater-than
siml U+2A9D (10909) HTML 5.0 similar or less-than
simg U+2A9E (10910) HTML 5.0 similar or greater-than
simlE U+2A9F (10911) HTML 5.0 similar above less-than above equals sign
simgE U+2AA0 (10912) HTML 5.0 similar above greater-than above equals sign
LessLess U+2AA1 (10913) HTML 5.0 double nested less-than
GreaterGreater U+2AA2 (10914) HTML 5.0 double nested greater-than
glj U+2AA4 (10916) HTML 5.0 greater-than overlapping less-than
gla U+2AA5 (10917) HTML 5.0 greater-than beside less-than
ltcc U+2AA6 (10918) HTML 5.0 less-than closed by curve
gtcc U+2AA7 (10919) HTML 5.0 greater-than closed by curve
lescc U+2AA8 (10920) HTML 5.0 less-than closed by curve above slanted equal
gescc U+2AA9 (10921) HTML 5.0 greater-than closed by curve above slanted equal
smt U+2AAA (10922) HTML 5.0 smaller than
lat U+2AAB (10923) HTML 5.0 larger than
smte U+2AAC (10924) HTML 5.0 smaller than or equal to
late U+2AAD (10925) HTML 5.0 larger than or equal to
bumpE U+2AAE (10926) HTML 5.0 equals sign with bumpy above
pre, preceq, PrecedesEqual U+2AAF (10927) HTML 5.0 precedes above single-line equals sign
sce, succeq, SucceedsEqual U+2AB0 (10928) HTML 5.0 succeeds above single-line equals sign
prE U+2AB3 (10931) HTML 5.0 precedes above equals sign
scE U+2AB4 (10932) HTML 5.0 succeeds above equals sign
prnE, precneqq U+2AB5 (10933) HTML 5.0 precedes above not equal to
scnE, succneqq U+2AB6 (10934) HTML 5.0 succeeds above not equal to
prap, precapprox U+2AB7 (10935) HTML 5.0 precedes above almost equal to
scap, succapprox U+2AB8 (10936) HTML 5.0 succeeds above almost equal to
prnap, precnapprox U+2AB9 (10937) HTML 5.0 precedes above not almost equal to
scnap, succnapprox U+2ABA (10938) HTML 5.0 succeeds above not almost equal to
Pr U+2ABB (10939) HTML 5.0 double precedes
Sc U+2ABC (10940) HTML 5.0 double succeeds
subdot U+2ABD (10941) HTML 5.0 subset with dot
supdot U+2ABE (10942) HTML 5.0 superset with dot
subplus ⪿ U+2ABF (10943) HTML 5.0 subset with plus sign below
supplus U+2AC0 (10944) HTML 5.0 superset with plus sign below
submult U+2AC1 (10945) HTML 5.0 subset with multiplication sign below
supmult U+2AC2 (10946) HTML 5.0 superset with multiplication sign below
subedot U+2AC3 (10947) HTML 5.0 subset of or equal to with dot above
supedot U+2AC4 (10948) HTML 5.0 superset of or equal to with dot above
subE, subseteqq U+2AC5 (10949) HTML 5.0 subset of above equals sign
supE, supseteqq U+2AC6 (10950) HTML 5.0 superset of above equals sign
subsim U+2AC7 (10951) HTML 5.0 subset of above tilde operator
supsim U+2AC8 (10952) HTML 5.0 superset of above tilde operator
subnE, subsetneqq U+2ACB (10955) HTML 5.0 subset of above not equal to
supnE, supsetneqq U+2ACC (10956) HTML 5.0 superset of above not equal to
csub U+2ACF (10959) HTML 5.0 closed subset
csup U+2AD0 (10960) HTML 5.0 closed superset
csube U+2AD1 (10961) HTML 5.0 closed subset or equal to
csupe U+2AD2 (10962) HTML 5.0 closed superset or equal to
subsup U+2AD3 (10963) HTML 5.0 subset above superset
supsub U+2AD4 (10964) HTML 5.0 superset above subset
subsub U+2AD5 (10965) HTML 5.0 subset above subset
supsup U+2AD6 (10966) HTML 5.0 superset above superset
suphsub U+2AD7 (10967) HTML 5.0 superset beside subset
supdsub U+2AD8 (10968) HTML 5.0 superset beside and joined by dash with subset
forkv U+2AD9 (10969) HTML 5.0 element of opening downwards
topfork U+2ADA (10970) HTML 5.0 pitchfork with tee top
mlcp U+2ADB (10971) HTML 5.0 transversal intersection
Dashv, DoubleLeftTee U+2AE4 (10980) HTML 5.0 vertical bar double left turnstile
Vdashl U+2AE6 (10982) HTML 5.0 long dash from left member of double vertical
Barv U+2AE7 (10983) HTML 5.0 short down tack with overbar
vBar U+2AE8 (10984) HTML 5.0 short up tack with underbar
vBarv U+2AE9 (10985) HTML 5.0 short up tack above short down tack
Vbar U+2AEB (10987) HTML 5.0 double up tack
Not U+2AEC (10988) HTML 5.0 double stroke not sign
bNot U+2AED (10989) HTML 5.0 reversed double stroke not sign
rnmid U+2AEE (10990) HTML 5.0 does not divide with reversed negation slash
cirmid U+2AEF (10991) HTML 5.0 vertical line with circle above
midcir U+2AF0 (10992) HTML 5.0 vertical line with circle below
topcir U+2AF1 (10993) HTML 5.0 down tack with circle below
nhpar U+2AF2 (10994) HTML 5.0 parallel with horizontal stroke
parsim U+2AF3 (10995) HTML 5.0 parallel with tilde operator
parsl U+2AFD (11005) HTML 5.0 double solidus operator
fflig U+FB00 (64256) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature ff
filig U+FB01 (64257) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature fi
fllig U+FB02 (64258) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature fl
ffilig U+FB03 (64259) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature ffi
ffllig U+FB04 (64260) HTML 5.0 Latin small ligature ffl
Ascr 𝒜 U+1D49C (119964) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital A
Cscr 𝒞 U+1D49E (119966) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital C
Dscr 𝒟 U+1D49F (119967) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital D
Gscr 𝒢 U+1D4A2 (119970) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital G
Jscr 𝒥 U+1D4A5 (119973) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital J
Kscr 𝒦 U+1D4A6 (119974) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital K
Nscr 𝒩 U+1D4A9 (119977) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital N
Oscr 𝒪 U+1D4AA (119978) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital O
Pscr 𝒫 U+1D4AB (119979) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital P
Qscr 𝒬 U+1D4AC (119980) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital Q
Sscr 𝒮 U+1D4AE (119982) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital S
Tscr 𝒯 U+1D4AF (119983) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital T
Uscr 𝒰 U+1D4B0 (119984) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital U
Vscr 𝒱 U+1D4B1 (119985) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital V
Wscr 𝒲 U+1D4B2 (119986) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital W
Xscr 𝒳 U+1D4B3 (119987) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital X
Yscr 𝒴 U+1D4B4 (119988) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital Y
Zscr 𝒵 U+1D4B5 (119989) HTML 5.0 mathematical script capital Z
ascr 𝒶 U+1D4B6 (119990) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small a
bscr 𝒷 U+1D4B7 (119991) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small b
cscr 𝒸 U+1D4B8 (119992) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small c
dscr 𝒹 U+1D4B9 (119993) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small d
fscr 𝒻 U+1D4BB (119995) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small f
hscr 𝒽 U+1D4BD (119997) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small h
iscr 𝒾 U+1D4BE (119998) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small i
jscr 𝒿 U+1D4BF (119999) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small j
kscr 𝓀 U+1D4C0 (120000) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small k
lscr 𝓁 U+1D4C1 (120001) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small l
mscr 𝓂 U+1D4C2 (120002) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small m
nscr 𝓃 U+1D4C3 (120003) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small n
pscr 𝓅 U+1D4C5 (120005) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small p
qscr 𝓆 U+1D4C6 (120006) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small q
rscr 𝓇 U+1D4C7 (120007) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small r
sscr 𝓈 U+1D4C8 (120008) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small s
tscr 𝓉 U+1D4C9 (120009) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small t
uscr 𝓊 U+1D4CA (120010) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small u
vscr 𝓋 U+1D4CB (120011) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small v
wscr 𝓌 U+1D4CC (120012) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small w
xscr 𝓍 U+1D4CD (120013) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small x
yscr 𝓎 U+1D4CE (120014) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small y
zscr 𝓏 U+1D4CF (120015) HTML 5.0 mathematical script small z
Afr 𝔄 U+1D504 (120068) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital A
Bfr 𝔅 U+1D505 (120069) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital B
Dfr 𝔇 U+1D507 (120071) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital D
Efr 𝔈 U+1D508 (120072) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital E
Ffr 𝔉 U+1D509 (120073) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital F
Gfr 𝔊 U+1D50A (120074) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital G
Jfr 𝔍 U+1D50D (120077) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital J
Kfr 𝔎 U+1D50E (120078) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital K
Lfr 𝔏 U+1D50F (120079) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital L
Mfr 𝔐 U+1D510 (120080) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital M
Nfr 𝔑 U+1D511 (120081) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital N
Ofr 𝔒 U+1D512 (120082) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital O
Pfr 𝔓 U+1D513 (120083) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital P
Qfr 𝔔 U+1D514 (120084) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital Q
Sfr 𝔖 U+1D516 (120086) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital S
Tfr 𝔗 U+1D517 (120087) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital T
Ufr 𝔘 U+1D518 (120088) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital U
Vfr 𝔙 U+1D519 (120089) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital V
Wfr 𝔚 U+1D51A (120090) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital W
Xfr 𝔛 U+1D51B (120091) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital X
Yfr 𝔜 U+1D51C (120092) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur capital Y
afr 𝔞 U+1D51E (120094) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small a
bfr 𝔟 U+1D51F (120095) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small b
cfr 𝔠 U+1D520 (120096) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small c
dfr 𝔡 U+1D521 (120097) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small d
efr 𝔢 U+1D522 (120098) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small e
ffr 𝔣 U+1D523 (120099) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small f
gfr 𝔤 U+1D524 (120100) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small g
hfr 𝔥 U+1D525 (120101) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small h
ifr 𝔦 U+1D526 (120102) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small i
jfr 𝔧 U+1D527 (120103) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small j
kfr 𝔨 U+1D528 (120104) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small k
lfr 𝔩 U+1D529 (120105) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small l
mfr 𝔪 U+1D52A (120106) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small m
nfr 𝔫 U+1D52B (120107) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small n
ofr 𝔬 U+1D52C (120108) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small o
pfr 𝔭 U+1D52D (120109) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small p
qfr 𝔮 U+1D52E (120110) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small q
rfr 𝔯 U+1D52F (120111) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small r
sfr 𝔰 U+1D530 (120112) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small s
tfr 𝔱 U+1D531 (120113) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small t
ufr 𝔲 U+1D532 (120114) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small u
vfr 𝔳 U+1D533 (120115) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small v
wfr 𝔴 U+1D534 (120116) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small w
xfr 𝔵 U+1D535 (120117) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small x
yfr 𝔶 U+1D536 (120118) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small y
zfr 𝔷 U+1D537 (120119) HTML 5.0 mathematical Fraktur small z
Aopf 𝔸 U+1D538 (120120) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital A
Bopf 𝔹 U+1D539 (120121) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital B
Dopf 𝔻 U+1D53B (120123) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital D
Eopf 𝔼 U+1D53C (120124) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital E
Fopf 𝔽 U+1D53D (120125) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital F
Gopf 𝔾 U+1D53E (120126) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital G
Iopf 𝕀 U+1D540 (120128) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital I
Jopf 𝕁 U+1D541 (120129) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital J
Kopf 𝕂 U+1D542 (120130) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital K
Lopf 𝕃 U+1D543 (120131) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital L
Mopf 𝕄 U+1D544 (120132) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital M
Oopf 𝕆 U+1D546 (120134) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital O
Sopf 𝕊 U+1D54A (120138) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital S
Topf 𝕋 U+1D54B (120139) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital T
Uopf 𝕌 U+1D54C (120140) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital U
Vopf 𝕍 U+1D54D (120141) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital V
Wopf 𝕎 U+1D54E (120142) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital W
Xopf 𝕏 U+1D54F (120143) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital X
Yopf 𝕐 U+1D550 (120144) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck capital Y
aopf 𝕒 U+1D552 (120146) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small a
bopf 𝕓 U+1D553 (120147) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small b
copf 𝕔 U+1D554 (120148) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small c
dopf 𝕕 U+1D555 (120149) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small d
eopf 𝕖 U+1D556 (120150) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small e
fopf 𝕗 U+1D557 (120151) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small f
gopf 𝕘 U+1D558 (120152) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small g
hopf 𝕙 U+1D559 (120153) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small h
iopf 𝕚 U+1D55A (120154) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small i
jopf 𝕛 U+1D55B (120155) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small j
kopf 𝕜 U+1D55C (120156) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small k
lopf 𝕝 U+1D55D (120157) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small l
mopf 𝕞 U+1D55E (120158) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small m
nopf 𝕟 U+1D55F (120159) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small n
oopf 𝕠 U+1D560 (120160) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small o
popf 𝕡 U+1D561 (120161) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small p
qopf 𝕢 U+1D562 (120162) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small q
ropf 𝕣 U+1D563 (120163) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small r
sopf 𝕤 U+1D564 (120164) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small s
topf 𝕥 U+1D565 (120165) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small t
uopf 𝕦 U+1D566 (120166) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small u
vopf 𝕧 U+1D567 (120167) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small v
wopf 𝕨 U+1D568 (120168) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small w
xopf 𝕩 U+1D569 (120169) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small x
yopf 𝕪 U+1D56A (120170) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small y
zopf 𝕫 U+1D56B (120171) HTML 5.0 mathematical double-struck small z
nvlt <⃒ U+003C (60), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 less-than sign, combining long vertical line overlay
bne =⃥ U+003D (61), U+20E5 (8421) HTML 5.0 equals sign, combining reverse solidus overlay
nvgt >⃒ U+003E (62), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 greater-than sign, combining long vertical line overlay
fjlig fj U+0066 (102), U+006A (106) HTML 5.0 latin small letter f, latin small letter j
ThickSpace    U+205F (8287), U+200A (8202) HTML 5.0 medium mathematical space, hair space
nrarrw ↝̸ U+219D (8605), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 rightwards wave arrow, combining long solidus overlay
npart ∂̸ U+2202 (8706), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 partial differential, combining long solidus overlay
nang ∠⃒ U+2220 (8736), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 angle, combining long vertical line overlay
caps ∩︀ U+2229 (8745), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 intersection, variation selector-1
cups ∪︀ U+222A (8746), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 union, variation selector-1
nvsim ∼⃒ U+223C (8764), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 tilde operator, combining long vertical line overlay
race ∽̱ U+223D (8765), U+0331 (817) HTML 5.0 reversed tilde, combining macron below
acE ∾̳ U+223E (8766), U+0333 (819) HTML 5.0 inverted lazy s, combining double low line
nesim, NotEqualTilde ≂̸ U+2242 (8770), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 minus tilde, combining long solidus overlay
napid ≋̸ U+224B (8779), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 triple tilde, combining long solidus overlay
nvap ≍⃒ U+224D (8781), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 equivalent to, combining long vertical line overlay
nbump, NotHumpDownHump ≎̸ U+224E (8782), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 geometrically equivalent to, combining long solidus overlay
nbumpe, NotHumpEqual ≏̸ U+224F (8783), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 difference between, combining long solidus overlay
nedot ≐̸ U+2250 (8784), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 approaches the limit, combining long solidus overlay
bnequiv ≡⃥ U+2261 (8801), U+20E5 (8421) HTML 5.0 identical to, combining reverse solidus overlay
nvle ≤⃒ U+2264 (8804), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 less-than or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
nvge ≥⃒ U+2265 (8805), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 greater-than or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
nlE, nleqq ≦̸ U+2266 (8806), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 less-than over equal to, combining long solidus overlay
ngE, ngeqq, NotGreaterFullEqual ≧̸ U+2267 (8807), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 greater-than over equal to, combining long solidus overlay
lvertneqq, lvnE ≨︀ U+2268 (8808), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 less-than but not equal to, variation selector-1
gvertneqq, gvnE ≩︀ U+2269 (8809), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 greater-than but not equal to, variation selector-1
nLtv, NotLessLess ≪̸ U+226A (8810), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 much less-than, combining long solidus overlay
nLt ≪⃒ U+226A (8810), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 much less-than, combining long vertical line overlay
nGtv, NotGreaterGreater ≫̸ U+226B (8811), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 much greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
nGt ≫⃒ U+226B (8811), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 much greater-than, combining long vertical line overlay
NotSucceedsTilde ≿̸ U+227F (8831), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 succeeds or equivalent to, combining long solidus overlay
NotSubset, nsubset, vnsub ⊂⃒ U+2282 (8834), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 subset of, combining long vertical line overlay
NotSuperset, nsupset, vnsup ⊃⃒ U+2283 (8835), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 superset of, combining long vertical line overlay
varsubsetneq, vsubne ⊊︀ U+228A (8842), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 subset of with not equal to, variation selector-1
varsupsetneq, vsupne ⊋︀ U+228B (8843), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 superset of with not equal to, variation selector-1
NotSquareSubset ⊏̸ U+228F (8847), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 square image of, combining long solidus overlay
NotSquareSuperset ⊐̸ U+2290 (8848), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 square original of, combining long solidus overlay
sqcaps ⊓︀ U+2293 (8851), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 square cap, variation selector-1
sqcups ⊔︀ U+2294 (8852), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 square cup, variation selector-1
nvltrie ⊴⃒ U+22B4 (8884), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 normal subgroup of or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
nvrtrie ⊵⃒ U+22B5 (8885), U+20D2 (8402) HTML 5.0 contains as normal subgroup or equal to, combining long vertical line overlay
nLl ⋘̸ U+22D8 (8920), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 very much less-than, combining long solidus overlay
nGg ⋙̸ U+22D9 (8921), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 very much greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
lesg ⋚︀ U+22DA (8922), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 less-than equal to or greater-than, variation selector-1
gesl ⋛︀ U+22DB (8923), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 greater-than equal to or less-than, variation selector-1
notindot ⋵̸ U+22F5 (8949), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 element of with dot above, combining long solidus overlay
notinE ⋹̸ U+22F9 (8953), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 element of with two horizontal strokes, combining long solidus overlay
nrarrc ⤳̸ U+2933 (10547), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 wave arrow pointing directly right, combining long solidus overlay
NotLeftTriangleBar ⧏̸ U+29CF (10703), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 left triangle beside vertical bar, combining long solidus overlay
NotRightTriangleBar ⧐̸ U+29D0 (10704), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 vertical bar beside right triangle, combining long solidus overlay
ncongdot ⩭̸ U+2A6D (10861), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 congruent with dot above, combining long solidus overlay
napE ⩰̸ U+2A70 (10864), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 approximately equal or equal to, combining long solidus overlay
nleqslant, nles, NotLessSlantEqual ⩽̸ U+2A7D (10877), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 less-than or slanted equal to, combining long solidus overlay
ngeqslant, nges, NotGreaterSlantEqual ⩾̸ U+2A7E (10878), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 greater-than or slanted equal to, combining long solidus overlay
NotNestedLessLess ⪡̸ U+2AA1 (10913), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 double nested less-than, combining long solidus overlay
NotNestedGreaterGreater ⪢̸ U+2AA2 (10914), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 double nested greater-than, combining long solidus overlay
smtes ⪬︀ U+2AAC (10924), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 smaller than or equal to, variation selector-1
lates ⪭︀ U+2AAD (10925), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 larger than or equal to, variation selector-1
NotPrecedesEqual, npre, npreceq ⪯̸ U+2AAF (10927), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 precedes above single-line equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
NotSucceedsEqual, nsce, nsucceq ⪰̸ U+2AB0 (10928), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 succeeds above single-line equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
nsubE, nsubseteqq ⫅̸ U+2AC5 (10949), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 subset of above equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
nsupE, nsupseteqq ⫆̸ U+2AC6 (10950), U+0338 (824) HTML 5.0 superset of above equals sign, combining long solidus overlay
varsubsetneqq, vsubnE ⫋︀ U+2ACB (10955), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 subset of above not equal to, variation selector-1
varsupsetneqq, vsupnE ⫌︀ U+2ACC (10956), U+FE00 (65024) HTML 5.0 superset of above not equal to, variation selector-1
nparsl ⫽⃥ U+2AFD (11005), U+20E5 (8421) HTML 5.0 double solidus operator, combining reverse solidus overlay
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc The trailing semicolon may be omitted for this named entity.
  2. ^ DTD: the full public DTD name (where the character entity name is defined) is actually mapped from one of the following three defined named entities:
    • HTMLlat1 maps to:
    • HTMLsymbol maps to:
    • HTMLspecial maps to:
  3. ^ Old ISO subset: these are old (documented) character subsets used in legacy encodings before the unification within ISO 10646.
  4. ^ Description: the standard ISO 10646 and Unicode character name is displayed first for each character, with non-standard but legacy synonyms shown in italics between parentheses after an equal sign.
  5. ^ The &quot; entity was omitted from the HTML 3.2 specification,[1] but was restored as of HTML 4.0. In practice, most web browsers displaying HTML 3.2 pages render it as if it had been included in the spec.
  6. ^ a b c d spaces: a blue background is used to display each space's width.
  7. ^ angst: The use of U+212B 'Angstrom sign', which was encoded due to round-trip mapping compatibility with an East-Asian character encoding, is discouraged, and the preferred representation is U+00C5 'capital letter A with ring above', which has the same glyph.
  8. ^ a b ijlig: The use of U+0132 and U+0133 'IJ ligature', which was encoded for usage in Dutch, and for compatibility for ISO/IEC 6937 and Code page 1102 (which only includes the lowercase ij; the Dutch version of ISO 646, National Replacement Character Set), is discouraged, and the preferred representation is simply IJ and ij (as two separate letters).
  9. ^ a b lmidot: The use of U+013F and U+0140 'L with middle dot', which was encoded for usage in Catalan, and for compatibility for ISO/IEC 6937, is discouraged, and the preferred representation is "L" and "l", followed by U+00B7.
  10. ^ napost: U+0149 'n preceded by apostrophe', which was encoded for usage in Afrikaans, and for compatibility for ISO/IEC 6937, has been deprecated by Unicode (since Unicode 5.2). The preferred representation is ʼn (U+02BC followed by n). (Unicode.org - Proposal for Additional Deprecated Characters).
  11. ^ a b ligature: this is a standard misnomer as this is a separate character in some languages.
  12. ^ ohm: The use of U+2126 'Ohm sign', is discouraged, and the preferred representation is U+03A9 'Greek capital letter Omega', which has the same glyph.
  13. ^ a b c d e black: here it seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow.
  14. ^ a b ISO proposed: these characters have been standardized in ISO 10646 after the release of HTML 4.0.
  15. ^ alefsym: 'alef symbol' is not the same as U+05D0 'Hebrew letter alef', although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters.
  16. ^ beth: 'bet symbol' is not the same as U+05D1 'Hebrew letter bet', although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters.
  17. ^ gimel: 'gimel symbol' is not the same as U+05D2 'Hebrew letter gimel', although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters.
  18. ^ daleth: 'dalet symbol' is not the same as U+05D3 'Hebrew letter dalet', although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters.
  19. ^ lArr: ISO 10646 does not say that 'leftwards double arrow' is the same as the 'is implied by' arrow, but also does not have any other character for that function. So lArr can be used for 'is implied by' as ISOtech suggests.
  20. ^ rArr: ISO 10646 does not say that 'rightwards double arrow' is the 'implies' character but does not have another character with this function, so rArr can be used for 'implies' as ISOtech suggests.
  21. ^ prod: 'n-ary product' is not the same character as U+03A0 'Greek capital letter Pi' though the same glyph might be used for both.
  22. ^ sum: 'n-ary summation' is not the same character as U+03A3 'Greek capital letter Sigma' though the same glyph might be used for both.
list, html, character, entity, references, sgml, html, documents, logical, constructs, known, character, data, attribute, values, consist, sequences, characters, which, each, character, manifest, directly, representing, itself, represented, series, characters,. In SGML HTML and XML documents the logical constructs known as character data and attribute values consist of sequences of characters in which each character can manifest directly representing itself or can be represented by a series of characters called a character reference of which there are two types a numeric character reference and a character entity reference This article lists the character entity references that are valid in HTML and XML documents A character entity reference refers to the content of a named entity An entity declaration is created by using the lt ENTITY name value gt syntax in a Document Type Definition DTD Contents 1 Character reference overview 2 Standard public entity sets for characters 3 List of predefined entities in XML 4 List of character entity references in HTML 5 Entities representing special characters in XHTML 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksCharacter reference overview EditA numeric character reference refers to a character by its Universal Character Set Unicode code point and uses the format amp nnnn or amp xhhhh where nnnn is the code point in decimal form and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form The x must be lowercase in XML documents The nnnn or hhhh may be any number of digits and may include leading zeros The hhhh may mix uppercase and lowercase though uppercase is the usual style In contrast a character entity reference refers to a character by the name of an entity which has the desired character as its replacement text The entity must either be predefined built into the markup language or explicitly declared in a Document Type Definition DTD The format is the same as for any entity reference amp name where name is the case sensitive name of the entity The semicolon is required unless marked otherwise in the table below see a Standard public entity sets for characters EditISO Entity Sets SGML supplied a comprehensive set of entity declarations for characters widely used in Western technical and reference publishing for Latin Greek and Cyrillic scripts The American Mathematical Society also contributed entities for mathematical characters HTML Entity Sets Early versions of HTML built in small subsets of these relating to characters found in three Western 8 bit fonts MathML Entity Sets The W3C developed a set of entity declarations for MathML characters XML Entity Sets The W3C MathML Working Group took over maintenance of the ISO public entity sets combined with the MathML and documents them in XML Entity Definitions for Characters This set can support the requirements of XHTML MathML and as an input to future versions of HTML HTML 5 HTML5 adopts the XML entities as named character references however it restates them without reference to their sources and does not group them into sets The HTML 5 specification additionally provides mappings from the names to Unicode character sequences using JSON Numerous other entity sets have been developed for special requirements and for major and minority scripts However the advent of Unicode has largely superseded them List of predefined entities in XML EditThe XML specification does not use the term character entity or character entity reference The XML specification defines five predefined entities representing special characters and requires that all XML processors honor them The entities can be explicitly declared in a DTD as well but if this is done the replacement text must be the same as the built in definitions XML also allows other named entities of any size to be defined on a per document basis The table below lists the five XML predefined entities The initial Name column mentions the entity s name The Character column shows the character To render the character the format amp name is used for example amp amp renders as amp The Unicode code point column cites the character via standard UCS Unicode U notation which shows the character s code point in hexadecimal The decimal equivalent of the code point is then shown in parentheses The Standard column indicates the first version of XML that includes the entity The final Name column cites the character via its canonical UCS Unicode name Name Character Unicode code point decimal Standard Namequot U 0022 34 XML 1 0 quotation markamp amp U 0026 38 XML 1 0 ampersandapos U 0027 39 XML 1 0 apostrophe 1 0 apostrophe quote lt lt U 003C 60 XML 1 0 less than signgt gt U 003E 62 XML 1 0 greater than signList of character entity references in HTML EditThe HTML 5 DTDs define many named entities references to which act as mnemonic aliases for certain Unicode characters 1 The HTML 5 specification requires the use of the standard DTDs and does not allow users to define additional entities In the table below the Standard column indicates the first version of the HTML DTD that defines the character entity reference To use one of these character entity references in an HTML or XML document enter an ampersand followed by the entity name and a semicolon e g enter amp copy for the copyright symbol c Alternatively enter an ampersand followed by a number sign a number and a semicolon For example to display the copyright symbol c enter amp 169 When using this method use the parenthesized decimal numbers in the third column Equivalently you can enter an ampersand followed by a number sign the letter x a hexadecimal number and a semicolon For example to display the copyright symbol c enter amp x00A9 or amp xA9 When using this method use the hexadecimal numbers in the third column without the prefix U Names Char Unicode code point decimal Standard DTD b Old ISO subset c Description d Tab U 0009 9 HTML 5 0 character tabulationNewLine U 000A 10 HTML 5 0 line feed LF excl U 0021 33 HTML 5 0 ISOnum exclamation markquot a QUOT a U 0022 34 HTML 2 0 e HTML 5 0 QUOT HTMLspecial ISOnum quotation marknum U 0023 35 HTML 5 0 number signdollar U 0024 36 HTML 5 0 dollar signpercnt U 0025 37 HTML 5 0 ISOnum percent signamp a AMP a amp U 0026 38 Original HTML 1 0 and HTML 2 0HTML 5 0 AMP HTMLspecial original html dtd ISOnum ampersandapos U 0027 39 HTML 5 0 and XHTML 1 0 HTMLspecial ISOnum apostrophe apostrophe quote see belowlpar U 0028 40 HTML 5 0 left parenthesisrpar U 0029 41 HTML 5 0 right parenthesisast midast U 002A 42 HTML 5 0 asterisk middle asterisk plus U 002B 43 HTML 5 0 plus signcomma U 002C 44 HTML 5 0 commaperiod U 002E 46 HTML 5 0 full stop period sol U 002F 47 HTML 5 0 soliduscolon U 003A 58 HTML 5 0 colonsemi U 003B 59 HTML 5 0 semicolonlt a LT a lt U 003C 60 Original HTML 1 0 and HTML 2 0HTML 5 0 LT HTMLspecial original html dtd ISOnum less than signequals U 003D 61 HTML 5 0 ISOnum equals signgt a GT a gt U 003E 62 Original HTML 1 0 and HTML 2 0HTML 5 0 GT HTMLspecial original html dtd ISOnum greater than signquest U 003F 63 HTML 5 0 question markcommat U 0040 64 HTML 5 0 commercial atlsqb lbrack U 005B 91 HTML 5 0 left square bracket left bracket bsol U 005C 92 HTML 5 0 reverse solidus backward solidus rsqb rbrack U 005D 93 HTML 5 0 right square bracket right bracket Hat U 005E 94 HTML 5 0 circumflex accent hat lowbar UnderBar U 005F 95 HTML 5 0 low line low bar underbar grave DiacriticalGrave U 0060 96 HTML 5 0 grave accent diacritical grave lcub lbrace U 007B 123 HTML 5 0 left curly bracket left brace verbar vert VerticalLine U 007C 124 HTML 5 0 vertical line vertical bar pipe character rcub rbrace U 007D 125 HTML 5 0 right curly bracket right brace nbsp a NonBreakingSpace U 00A0 160 HTML 3 2HTML 5 0 NonBreakingSpace HTMLlat1 ISOnum no break space non breaking space f iexcl a U 00A1 161 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum inverted exclamation markcent a U 00A2 162 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum cent signpound a U 00A3 163 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum pound signcurren a U 00A4 164 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum currency signyen a U 00A5 165 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum yen sign yuan sign brvbar a U 00A6 166 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum broken bar broken vertical bar sect a U 00A7 167 HTML 3 2 HTMLlat1 ISOnum section 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aboveEogon e U 0118 280 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter E with ogonekeogon e U 0119 281 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter e with ogonekEcaron E U 011A 282 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter E with caronecaron e U 011B 283 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter e with caronGcirc Ĝ U 011C 284 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter G with circumflexgcirc ĝ U 011D 285 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter g with circumflexGbreve G U 011E 286 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter G with brevegbreve g U 011F 287 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter g with breveGdot Ġ U 0120 288 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter G with dot abovegdot ġ U 0121 289 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter g with dot aboveGcedil G U 0122 290 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter G with cedillaHcirc Ĥ U 0124 292 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter H with circumflexhcirc ĥ U 0125 293 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter h with circumflexHstrok Ħ U 0126 294 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter H with strokehstrok ħ U 0127 295 HTML 5 0 Latin small letter h with strokeItilde Ĩ U 0128 296 HTML 5 0 Latin capital letter I 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1034 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter NjeTSHcy Ћ U 040B 1035 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter TsheKJcy Ќ U 040C 1036 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter KjeUbrcy Ў U 040E 1038 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter short U U breve DZcy Џ U 040F 1039 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter DzheAcy A U 0410 1040 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter ABcy B U 0411 1041 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter BeVcy V U 0412 1042 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter VeGcy G U 0413 1043 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter GheDcy D U 0414 1044 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter DeIEcy E U 0415 1045 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter IeZHcy Zh U 0416 1046 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter ZheZcy Z U 0417 1047 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter ZeIcy I U 0418 1048 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter IJcy J U 0419 1049 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter short I J Kcy K U 041A 1050 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter KaLcy L U 041B 1051 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter ElMcy M U 041C 1052 HTML 5 0 Cyrillic capital letter EmNcy N U 041D 1053 HTML 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HTML 5 0 precedes under relationvltri vartriangleleft LeftTriangle U 22B2 8882 HTML 5 0 Normal subgroup of left triangle vrtri vartriangleright RightTriangle U 22B3 8883 HTML 5 0 contains as Normal subgroup right triangle ltrie trianglelefteq LeftTriangleEqual U 22B4 8884 HTML 5 0 Normal subgroup of or equal to left triangle equal rtrie trianglerighteq RightTriangleEqual U 22B5 8885 HTML 5 0 contains as Normal subgroup or equal to right triangle equal origof U 22B6 8886 HTML 5 0 original ofimof U 22B7 8887 HTML 5 0 image ofmumap multimap U 22B8 8888 HTML 5 0 multimaphercon U 22B9 8889 HTML 5 0 Hermitian conjugate matrixintcal intercal U 22BA 8890 HTML 5 0 intercalateveebar U 22BB 8891 HTML 5 0 xorbarvee U 22BD 8893 HTML 5 0 norangrtvb U 22BE 8894 HTML 5 0 right angle with arclrtri U 22BF 8895 HTML 5 0 Right triangle lower right triangle xwedge Wedge bigwedge U 22C0 8896 HTML 5 0 n ary logical and x wedge big wedge xvee Vee bigvee U 22C1 8897 HTML 5 0 n ary logical or x vee big vee xcap 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ntrianglerighteq NotRightTriangleEqual U 22ED 8941 HTML 5 0 does not contain as normal subgroup or equal not right triangle equal vellip U 22EE 8942 HTML 5 0 vertical ellipsisctdot U 22EF 8943 HTML 5 0 midline horizontal ellipsis centered triple dot utdot U 22F0 8944 HTML 5 0 up right diagonal ellipsis upward triple dot dtdot U 22F1 8945 HTML 5 0 down right diagonal ellipsis downward triple dot disin U 22F2 8946 HTML 5 0 element of with long horizontal strokeisinsv U 22F3 8947 HTML 5 0 element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal strokeisins U 22F4 8948 HTML 5 0 small element of with vertical bar at end of horizontal strokeisindot U 22F5 8949 HTML 5 0 element of with dot abovenotinvc U 22F6 8950 HTML 5 0 element of with overbarnotinvb U 22F7 8951 HTML 5 0 small element of with overbarisinE U 22F9 8953 HTML 5 0 element of with two horizontal strokesnisd U 22FA 8954 HTML 5 0 contains with long horizontal strokexnis U 22FB 8955 HTML 5 0 contains with vertical bar at end of horizontal 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rmoustache U 23B1 9137 HTML 5 0 upper right or lower left curly bracket section right moustache tbrk OverBracket U 23B4 9140 HTML 5 0 top square bracket over bracket bbrk UnderBracket U 23B5 9141 HTML 5 0 bottom square bracket under bracket bbrktbrk U 23B6 9142 HTML 5 0 bottom square bracket over top square bracketOverParenthesis U 23DC 9180 HTML 5 0 top parenthesis over parenthesis UnderParenthesis U 23DD 9181 HTML 5 0 bottom parenthesis under parenthesis OverBrace U 23DE 9182 HTML 5 0 top curly bracket over brace UnderBrace U 23DF 9183 HTML 5 0 bottom curly bracket under brace trpezium U 23E2 9186 HTML 5 0 white trapeziumelinters U 23E7 9191 HTML 5 0 electrical intersectionblank U 2423 9251 HTML 5 0 open box blank oS circledS U 24C8 9416 HTML 5 0 circled Latin capital letter Sboxh HorizontalLine U 2500 9472 HTML 5 0 box drawings light horizontal horizontal line boxv U 2502 9474 HTML 5 0 box drawings light verticalboxdr U 250C 9484 HTML 5 0 box drawings light down and rightboxdl U 2510 9488 HTML 5 0 box drawings light down and leftboxur U 2514 9492 HTML 5 0 box drawings light up and rightboxul U 2518 9496 HTML 5 0 box drawings light up and leftboxvr U 251C 9500 HTML 5 0 box drawings light vertical and rightboxvl U 2524 9508 HTML 5 0 box drawings light vertical and leftboxhd U 252C 9516 HTML 5 0 box drawings light down and horizontal horizontal and down boxhu U 2534 9524 HTML 5 0 box drawings light up and horizontal horizontal and up boxvh U 253C 9532 HTML 5 0 box drawings light vertical and horizontalboxH U 2550 9552 HTML 5 0 box drawings double horizontalboxV U 2551 9553 HTML 5 0 box drawings double verticalboxdR U 2552 9554 HTML 5 0 box drawings down single and right doubleboxDr U 2553 9555 HTML 5 0 box drawings down double and right singleboxDR U 2554 9556 HTML 5 0 box drawings double down and rightboxdL U 2555 9557 HTML 5 0 box drawings down single and left doubleboxDl U 2556 9558 HTML 5 0 box drawings down double and left singleboxDL U 2557 9559 HTML 5 0 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horizontal single horizontal single and down double boxHD U 2566 9574 HTML 5 0 box drawings double down and horizontal horizontal and down boxHu U 2567 9575 HTML 5 0 box drawings up single and horizontal double horizontal double and up single boxhU U 2568 9576 HTML 5 0 box drawings up double and horizontal single horizontal single and up double boxHU U 2569 9577 HTML 5 0 box drawings double up and horizontal horizontal and up boxvH U 256A 9578 HTML 5 0 box drawings vertical single and horizontal doubleboxVh U 256B 9579 HTML 5 0 box drawings vertical double and horizontal singleboxVH U 256C 9580 HTML 5 0 box drawings double vertical and horizontaluhblk U 2580 9600 HTML 5 0 upper half blocklhblk U 2584 9604 HTML 5 0 lower half blockblock U 2588 9608 HTML 5 0 full blockblk14 U 2591 9617 HTML 5 0 light shade 1 4 block blk12 U 2592 9618 HTML 5 0 medium shade 1 2 block blk34 U 2593 9619 HTML 5 0 dark shade 3 4 block squ square Square U 25A1 9633 HTML 5 0 white squaresquf squarf blacksquare FilledVerySmallSquare U 25AA 9642 HTML 5 0 black small square filled very small square EmptyVerySmallSquare U 25AB 9643 HTML 5 0 white small square empty very small square rect U 25AD 9645 HTML 5 0 white rectanglemarker U 25AE 9646 HTML 5 0 black vertical rectangle marker fltns U 25B1 9649 HTML 5 0 white parallelogramxutri bigtriangleup U 25B3 9651 HTML 5 0 white up pointing triangle big up pointing triangle utrif blacktriangle U 25B4 9652 HTML 5 0 black up pointing small triangle black triangle up pointing triangle filled utri triangle U 25B5 9653 HTML 5 0 white up pointing small triangle up pointing triangle rtrif blacktriangleright U 25B8 9656 HTML 5 0 black right pointing small triangle black right pointing triangle right pointing triangle filled rtri triangleright U 25B9 9657 HTML 5 0 white right pointing small triangle right pointing triangle xdtri bigtriangledown U 25BD 9661 HTML 5 0 white down pointing triangle big down pointing triangle dtrif blacktriangledown U 25BE 9662 HTML 5 0 black down pointing small triangle black down pointing triangle down pointing triangle filled dtri triangledown U 25BF 9663 HTML 5 0 white down pointing small triangle down pointing triangle ltrif blacktriangleleft U 25C2 9666 HTML 5 0 black left pointing small triangle black left pointing triangle left pointing triangle filled ltri triangleleft U 25C3 9667 HTML 5 0 white left pointing small triangle left pointing triangle loz lozenge U 25CA 9674 HTML 4 0HTML 5 0 lozenge HTMLsymbol ISOpub lozengecir U 25CB 9675 HTML 5 0 white circle circle tridot U 25EC 9708 HTML 5 0 white up pointing triangle with dot triangle dot xcirc bigcirc U 25EF 9711 HTML 5 0 large circle big circle ultri U 25F8 9720 HTML 5 0 upper left triangleurtri U 25F9 9721 HTML 5 0 upper right trianglelltri U 25FA 9722 HTML 5 0 lower left triangleEmptySmallSquare U 25FB 9723 HTML 5 0 white medium square empty small square FilledSmallSquare U 25FC 9724 HTML 5 0 black medium square filled small square starf bigstar U 2605 9733 HTML 5 0 black star filled star big star star U 2606 9734 HTML 5 0 white star star phone U 260E 9742 HTML 5 0 black telephone phone female U 2640 9792 HTML 5 0 female signmale U 2642 9794 HTML 5 0 male signspades spadesuit U 2660 9824 HTML 4 0HTML 5 0 spadesuit HTMLsymbol ISOpub black spade suit m clubs clubsuit U 2663 9827 HTML 4 0HTML 5 0 clubsuit HTMLsymbol ISOpub black club suit shamrock m hearts heartsuit U 2665 9829 HTML 4 0HTML 5 0 heartsuit HTMLsymbol ISOpub black heart suit valentine m diams diamondsuit U 2666 9830 HTML 4 0HTML 5 0 diamondsuit HTMLsymbol ISOpub black diamond suit m sung U 266A 9834 HTML 5 0 eighth note sung flat U 266D 9837 HTML 5 0 music flat signnatur natural U 266E 9838 HTML 5 0 music natural signsharp U 266F 9839 HTML 5 0 music sharp signcheck checkmark U 2713 10003 HTML 5 0 check markcross U 2717 10007 HTML 5 0 ballot x cross malt maltese U 2720 10016 HTML 5 0 Maltese crosssext U 2736 10038 HTML 5 0 six pointed black star sextile 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U 27EB 10219 HTML 5 0 mathematical right double angle bracketloang U 27EC 10220 HTML 5 0 mathematical left white tortoise shell bracketroang U 27ED 10221 HTML 5 0 mathematical right white tortoise shell bracketxlarr longleftarrow LongLeftArrow U 27F5 10229 HTML 5 0 long leftwards arrowxrarr longrightarrow LongRightArrow U 27F6 10230 HTML 5 0 long rightwards arrowxharr longleftrightarrow LongLeftRightArrow U 27F7 10231 HTML 5 0 long left right arrow long horizontal arrow xlArr Longleftarrow DoubleLongLeftArrow U 27F8 10232 HTML 5 0 long leftwards double arrowxrArr Longrightarrow DoubleLongRightArrow U 27F9 10233 HTML 5 0 long rightwards double arrowxhArr Longleftrightarrow DoubleLongLeftRightArrow U 27FA 10234 HTML 5 0 long left right double arrow long horizontal double arrow xmap longmapsto U 27FC 10236 HTML 5 0 long rightwards arrow from bar long maps to dzigrarr U 27FF 10239 HTML 5 0 long rightwards squiggle arrow long rightwards zigzag arrow nvlArr U 2902 10498 HTML 5 0 leftwards double arrow with vertical strokenvrArr U 2903 10499 HTML 5 0 rightwards double arrow with vertical strokenvHarr U 2904 10500 HTML 5 0 left right double arrow with vertical strokeMap U 2905 10501 HTML 5 0 rightwards two headed arrow from bar double maps to lbarr U 290C 10508 HTML 5 0 leftwards double dash arrowrbarr bkarow U 290D 10509 HTML 5 0 rightwards double dash arrowlBarr U 290E 10510 HTML 5 0 leftwards triple dash arrowrBarr dbkarow U 290F 10511 HTML 5 0 rightwards triple dash arrowRBarr drbkarow U 2910 10512 HTML 5 0 rightwards two headed triple dash arrowDDotrahd U 2911 10513 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow with dotted stemUpArrowBar U 2912 10514 HTML 5 0 upwards arrow to barDownArrowBar U 2913 10515 HTML 5 0 downwards arrow to barRarrtl U 2916 10518 HTML 5 0 rightwards two headed arrow with taillatail U 2919 10521 HTML 5 0 leftwards arrow tailratail U 291A 10522 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow taillAtail U 291B 10523 HTML 5 0 leftwards double arrow tailrAtail U 291C 10524 HTML 5 0 rightwards double arrow taillarrfs U 291D 10525 HTML 5 0 leftwards arrow to black diamondrarrfs U 291E 10526 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow to black diamondlarrbfs U 291F 10527 HTML 5 0 leftwards arrow from bar to black diamondrarrbfs U 2920 10528 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow from bar to black diamondnwarhk U 2923 10531 HTML 5 0 north west arrow with hooknearhk U 2924 10532 HTML 5 0 north east arrow with hooksearhk hksearow U 2925 10533 HTML 5 0 south east arrow with hookswarhk hkswarow U 2926 10534 HTML 5 0 south west arrow with hooknwnear U 2927 10535 HTML 5 0 north west arrow and north east arrownesear toea U 2928 10536 HTML 5 0 north east arrow and south east arrow to east arrow seswar tosa U 2929 10537 HTML 5 0 south east arrow and south west arrow to south arrow swnwar U 292A 10538 HTML 5 0 south west arrow and north west arrowrarrc U 2933 10547 HTML 5 0 wave arrow pointing directly right right arrow curved cudarrr U 2935 10549 HTML 5 0 arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards curved down arrow right ldca U 2936 10550 HTML 5 0 arrow pointing downwards then curving leftwards left down curved arrow rdca U 2937 10551 HTML 5 0 arrow pointing downwards then curving rightwards right down curved arrow cudarrl U 2938 10552 HTML 5 0 right side arc clockwise arrow curved down arrow left larrpl U 2939 10553 HTML 5 0 left side arc anticlockwise arrowcurarrm U 293C 10556 HTML 5 0 top arc clockwise arrow with minus curved right arrow with minus cularrp U 293D 10557 HTML 5 0 top arc anticlockwise arrow with plus curved left arrow with plus rarrpl U 2945 10565 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow with plus belowharrcir U 2948 10568 HTML 5 0 left right arrow through small circleUarrocir U 2949 10569 HTML 5 0 upwards two headed arrow from small circlelurdshar U 294A 10570 HTML 5 0 left barb up right barb down harpoon left up right down short arrow ldrushar U 294B 10571 HTML 5 0 left barb down right barb up harpoon left down right up short arrow LeftRightVector U 294E 10574 HTML 5 0 left 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left to bar left up vector bar LeftDownVectorBar U 2959 10585 HTML 5 0 downwards harpoon with barb left to bar left down vector bar LeftTeeVector U 295A 10586 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb up from bar left tee vector RightTeeVector U 295B 10587 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb up from bar right tee vector RightUpTeeVector U 295C 10588 HTML 5 0 upwards harpoon with barb right from bar right up tee vector RightDownTeeVector U 295D 10589 HTML 5 0 downwards harpoon with barb right from bar right down tee vector DownLeftTeeVector U 295E 10590 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb down from bar down left tee vector DownRightTeeVector U 295F 10591 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb down from bar down right tee vector LeftUpTeeVector U 2960 10592 HTML 5 0 upwards harpoon with barb left from bar left up tee vector LeftDownTeeVector U 2961 10593 HTML 5 0 downwards harpoon with barb left from bar left down tee vector lHar U 2962 10594 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb downuHar U 2963 10595 HTML 5 0 upwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb rightrHar U 2964 10596 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb downdHar U 2965 10597 HTML 5 0 downwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb rightluruhar U 2966 10598 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above rightwards harpoon with barb upldrdhar U 2967 10599 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb down above rightwards harpoon with barb downruluhar U 2968 10600 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above leftwards harpoon with barb uprdldhar U 2969 10601 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb down above leftwards harpoon with barb downlharul U 296A 10602 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb up above long dashllhard U 296B 10603 HTML 5 0 leftwards harpoon with barb down below long dashrharul U 296C 10604 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb up above long dashlrhard U 296D 10605 HTML 5 0 rightwards harpoon with barb down below long dashudhar UpEquilibrium U 296E 10606 HTML 5 0 upwards harpoon with barb left beside downwards harpoon with barb right up equilibrium duhar ReverseUpEquilibrium U 296F 10607 HTML 5 0 downwards harpoon with barb left beside upwards harpoon with barb right reverse up equilibrium RoundImplies U 2970 10608 HTML 5 0 right double arrow with rounded head round implies erarr U 2971 10609 HTML 5 0 equals sign above rightwards arrowsimrarr U 2972 10610 HTML 5 0 tilde operator above rightwards arrow similar to above rightwards arrow larrsim U 2973 10611 HTML 5 0 leftwards arrow above tilde operator leftwards arrow above similar to rarrsim U 2974 10612 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow above tilde operator rightwards arrow above similar to rarrap U 2975 10613 HTML 5 0 rightwards arrow above almost equal to rightwards arrow above approximately equal to ltlarr U 2976 10614 HTML 5 0 less than above leftwards arrowgtrarr U 2978 10616 HTML 5 0 greater than above rightwards arrowsubrarr U 2979 10617 HTML 5 0 subset above rightwards arrowsuplarr U 297B 10619 HTML 5 0 superset above leftwards arrowlfisht U 297C 10620 HTML 5 0 left fish tailrfisht U 297D 10621 HTML 5 0 right fish tailufisht U 297E 10622 HTML 5 0 up fish taildfisht U 297F 10623 HTML 5 0 down fish taillopar U 2985 10629 HTML 5 0 left white parenthesisropar U 2986 10630 HTML 5 0 right white parenthesislbrke U 298B 10635 HTML 5 0 left square bracket with underbarrbrke U 298C 10636 HTML 5 0 right square bracket with underbarlbrkslu U 298D 10637 HTML 5 0 left square bracket with tick in top cornerrbrksld U 298E 10638 HTML 5 0 right square bracket with tick in bottom cornerlbrksld U 298F 10639 HTML 5 0 left square bracket with tick in bottom cornerrbrkslu U 2990 10640 HTML 5 0 right square bracket with tick in top cornerlangd U 2991 10641 HTML 5 0 left angle bracket with dotrangd U 2992 10642 HTML 5 0 right angle bracket with dotlparlt U 2993 10643 HTML 5 0 left arc less than bracket left parenthesis less than rpargt U 2994 10644 HTML 5 0 right arc greater than bracket right parenthesis greater than gtlPar U 2995 10645 HTML 5 0 double left arc greater than bracket double left parenthesis greater than ltrPar U 2996 10646 HTML 5 0 double right arc less than bracket double right parenthesis less than vzigzag U 299A 10650 HTML 5 0 vertical zigzag linevangrt U 299C 10652 HTML 5 0 right angle variant with squareangrtvbd U 299D 10653 HTML 5 0 measured right angle with dotange U 29A4 10660 HTML 5 0 angle with underbarrange U 29A5 10661 HTML 5 0 reversed angle with underbardwangle U 29A6 10662 HTML 5 0 oblique angle opening upuwangle U 29A7 10663 HTML 5 0 oblique angle opening downangmsdaa U 29A8 10664 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and rightangmsdab U 29A9 10665 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing up and leftangmsdac U 29AA 10666 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and rightangmsdad U 29AB 10667 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing down and leftangmsdae U 29AC 10668 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and upangmsdaf U 29AD 10669 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and upangmsdag U 29AE 10670 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing right and downangmsdah U 29AF 10671 HTML 5 0 measured angle with open arm ending in arrow pointing left and downbemptyv U 29B0 10672 HTML 5 0 reversed empty set backwards empty set demptyv U 29B1 10673 HTML 5 0 empty set with overbar dash over empty set cemptyv U 29B2 10674 HTML 5 0 empty set with small circle aboveraemptyv U 29B3 10675 HTML 5 0 empty set with right arrow abovelaemptyv U 29B4 10676 HTML 5 0 empty set with left arrow aboveohbar U 29B5 10677 HTML 5 0 circle with horizontal baromid U 29B6 10678 HTML 5 0 circled vertical bar circled middle line opar U 29B7 10679 HTML 5 0 circled paralleloperp U 29B9 10681 HTML 5 0 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beside right triangleiinfin U 29DC 10716 HTML 5 0 incomplete infinityinfintie U 29DD 10717 HTML 5 0 tie over infinitynvinfin U 29DE 10718 HTML 5 0 infinity negated with vertical bareparsl U 29E3 10723 HTML 5 0 equals sign and slanted parallelsmeparsl U 29E4 10724 HTML 5 0 equals sign and slanted parallel with tilde above similar to over equals sign and slanted parallel eqvparsl U 29E5 10725 HTML 5 0 identical to and slanted parallel equivalent to and slanted parallel lozf blacklozenge U 29EB 10731 HTML 5 0 black lozenge lozenge filled RuleDelayed U 29F4 10740 HTML 5 0 rule delayeddsol U 29F6 10742 HTML 5 0 solidus with overbar dash over solidus xodot bigodot U 2A00 10752 HTML 5 0 n ary circled dot operatorxoplus bigoplus U 2A01 10753 HTML 5 0 n ary circled plus operatorxotime bigotimes U 2A02 10754 HTML 5 0 n ary circled times operatorxuplus biguplus U 2A04 10756 HTML 5 0 n ary union operator with plus big u plus xsqcup bigsqcup U 2A06 10758 HTML 5 0 n ary square union operator big square cup qint iiiint U 2A0C 10764 HTML 5 0 quadruple integral operatorfpartint U 2A0D 10765 HTML 5 0 finite part integralcirfnint U 2A10 10768 HTML 5 0 circulation functionawint U 2A11 10769 HTML 5 0 anticlockwise integrationrppolint U 2A12 10770 HTML 5 0 line integration with rectangular path around polescpolint U 2A13 10771 HTML 5 0 line integration with semicircular path around polenpolint U 2A14 10772 HTML 5 0 line integration not including the polepointint U 2A15 10773 HTML 5 0 integral around a point operatorquatint U 2A16 10774 HTML 5 0 quaternion integral operatorintlarhk U 2A17 10775 HTML 5 0 integral with leftwards arrow with hookpluscir U 2A22 10786 HTML 5 0 plus sign with small circle aboveplusacir U 2A23 10787 HTML 5 0 plus sign with circumflex accent abovesimplus U 2A24 10788 HTML 5 0 plus sign with tilde above plus sign with similar to above plusdu U 2A25 10789 HTML 5 0 plus sign with dot below plus dot under plussim U 2A26 10790 HTML 5 0 plus sign with tilde below plus sign with similar to below plustwo U 2A27 10791 HTML 5 0 plus sign with subscript twomcomma U 2A29 10793 HTML 5 0 minus sign with comma aboveminusdu U 2A2A 10794 HTML 5 0 minus sign with dot below minus dot under loplus U 2A2D 10797 HTML 5 0 plus sign in left half circleroplus U 2A2E 10798 HTML 5 0 plus sign in right half circleCross U 2A2F 10799 HTML 5 0 vector or cross producttimesd U 2A30 10800 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign with dot above times dot timesbar U 2A31 10801 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign with underbarsmashp U 2A33 10803 HTML 5 0 smash productlotimes U 2A34 10804 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign in left half circlerotimes U 2A35 10805 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign in right half circleotimesas U 2A36 10806 HTML 5 0 circled multiplication sign with circumflex accentOtimes U 2A37 10807 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign in double circleodiv U 2A38 10808 HTML 5 0 circled division signtriplus U 2A39 10809 HTML 5 0 plus sign in triangletriminus U 2A3A 10810 HTML 5 0 minus sign in triangletritime U 2A3B 10811 HTML 5 0 multiplication sign in triangleiprod intprod U 2A3C 10812 HTML 5 0 interior productamalg U 2A3F 10815 HTML 5 0 amalgamation or coproductcapdot U 2A40 10816 HTML 5 0 intersection with dot cap dot ncup U 2A42 10818 HTML 5 0 union with overbarncap U 2A43 10819 HTML 5 0 intersection with overbarcapand U 2A44 10820 HTML 5 0 intersection with logical and cap and cupor U 2A45 10821 HTML 5 0 union with logical or cup or cupcap U 2A46 10822 HTML 5 0 union above intersection cup cap capcup U 2A47 10823 HTML 5 0 intersection above union cap cup cupbrcap U 2A48 10824 HTML 5 0 union above bar above intersection cup bar cap capbrcup U 2A49 10825 HTML 5 0 intersection above bar above union cap bar cup cupcup U 2A4A 10826 HTML 5 0 union beside and joined with union cup cup capcap U 2A4B 10827 HTML 5 0 intersection beside and joined with intersection cap cap ccups U 2A4C 10828 HTML 5 0 closed union with serifsccaps U 2A4D 10829 HTML 5 0 closed intersection with serifsccupssm U 2A50 10832 HTML 5 0 closed union with serifs and smash productAnd U 2A53 10835 HTML 5 0 double logical andOr U 2A54 10836 HTML 5 0 double logical orandand U 2A55 10837 HTML 5 0 two intersecting logical andoror U 2A56 10838 HTML 5 0 two intersecting logical ororslope U 2A57 10839 HTML 5 0 sloping large orandslope U 2A58 10840 HTML 5 0 sloping large andandv U 2A5A 10842 HTML 5 0 logical and with middle stemorv U 2A5B 10843 HTML 5 0 logical or with middle stemandd U 2A5C 10844 HTML 5 0 logical and with horizontal dashord U 2A5D 10845 HTML 5 0 logical or with horizontal dashwedbar U 2A5F 10847 HTML 5 0 logical and with underbarsdote U 2A66 10854 HTML 5 0 equals sign with dot belowsimdot U 2A6A 10858 HTML 5 0 tilde operator with dot above similar with dot congdot U 2A6D 10861 HTML 5 0 congruent with dot aboveeaster U 2A6E 10862 HTML 5 0 equals with asteriskapacir U 2A6F 10863 HTML 5 0 almost equal to with circumflex accentapE U 2A70 10864 HTML 5 0 approximately equal or equal toeplus U 2A71 10865 HTML 5 0 equals sign above plus signpluse U 2A72 10866 HTML 5 0 plus sign above equals signEsim U 2A73 10867 HTML 5 0 equals sign above tilde operatorColone U 2A74 10868 HTML 5 0 double colon equalEqual U 2A75 10869 HTML 5 0 two consecutive equals signseDDot ddotseq U 2A77 10871 HTML 5 0 equals sign with two dots above and two dots belowequivDD U 2A78 10872 HTML 5 0 equivalent with four dots aboveltcir U 2A79 10873 HTML 5 0 less than with circle insidegtcir U 2A7A 10874 HTML 5 0 greater than with circle insideltquest U 2A7B 10875 HTML 5 0 less than with question mark abovegtquest U 2A7C 10876 HTML 5 0 greater than with question mark aboveles LessSlantEqual leqslant U 2A7D 10877 HTML 5 0 less than or slanted equal toges GreaterSlantEqual geqslant U 2A7E 10878 HTML 5 0 greater than or slanted equal tolesdot U 2A7F 10879 HTML 5 0 less than or slanted equal to with dot insidegesdot U 2A80 10880 HTML 5 0 greater than or slanted equal to with dot insidelesdoto U 2A81 10881 HTML 5 0 less than or slanted equal to with dot abovegesdoto U 2A82 10882 HTML 5 0 greater than or slanted equal to with dot abovelesdotor U 2A83 10883 HTML 5 0 less than or slanted equal to with dot above rightgesdotol U 2A84 10884 HTML 5 0 greater than or slanted equal to with dot above leftlap lessapprox U 2A85 10885 HTML 5 0 less than or approximategap gtrapprox U 2A86 10886 HTML 5 0 greater than or approximatelne lneq U 2A87 10887 HTML 5 0 less than and single line not equal togne gneq U 2A88 10888 HTML 5 0 greater than and single line not equal tolnap lnapprox U 2A89 10889 HTML 5 0 less than and not approximategnap gnapprox U 2A8A 10890 HTML 5 0 greater than and not approximatelEg lesseqqgtr U 2A8B 10891 HTML 5 0 less than above double line equal above greater thangEl gtreqqless U 2A8C 10892 HTML 5 0 greater than above double line equal above less thanlsime U 2A8D 10893 HTML 5 0 less than above similar or equalgsime U 2A8E 10894 HTML 5 0 greater than above similar or equallsimg U 2A8F 10895 HTML 5 0 less than above similar above greater thangsiml U 2A90 10896 HTML 5 0 greater than above similar above less thanlgE U 2A91 10897 HTML 5 0 less than above greater than above double line equalglE U 2A92 10898 HTML 5 0 greater than above less than above double line equallesges U 2A93 10899 HTML 5 0 less than above slanted equal above greater than above slanted equalgesles U 2A94 10900 HTML 5 0 greater than above slanted equal above less than above slanted equalels eqslantless U 2A95 10901 HTML 5 0 slanted equal to or less thanegs eqslantgtr U 2A96 10902 HTML 5 0 slanted equal to or greater thanelsdot U 2A97 10903 HTML 5 0 slanted equal to or less than with dot insideegsdot U 2A98 10904 HTML 5 0 slanted equal to or greater than with dot insideel U 2A99 10905 HTML 5 0 double line equal to or less thaneg U 2A9A 10906 HTML 5 0 double line equal to or greater thansiml U 2A9D 10909 HTML 5 0 similar or less thansimg U 2A9E 10910 HTML 5 0 similar or greater thansimlE U 2A9F 10911 HTML 5 0 similar above less than above equals signsimgE U 2AA0 10912 HTML 5 0 similar above greater than above equals signLessLess U 2AA1 10913 HTML 5 0 double nested less thanGreaterGreater U 2AA2 10914 HTML 5 0 double nested greater thanglj U 2AA4 10916 HTML 5 0 greater than overlapping less thangla U 2AA5 10917 HTML 5 0 greater than beside less thanltcc U 2AA6 10918 HTML 5 0 less than closed by curvegtcc U 2AA7 10919 HTML 5 0 greater than closed by curvelescc U 2AA8 10920 HTML 5 0 less than closed by curve above slanted equalgescc U 2AA9 10921 HTML 5 0 greater than closed by curve above slanted equalsmt U 2AAA 10922 HTML 5 0 smaller thanlat U 2AAB 10923 HTML 5 0 larger thansmte U 2AAC 10924 HTML 5 0 smaller than or equal tolate U 2AAD 10925 HTML 5 0 larger than or equal tobumpE U 2AAE 10926 HTML 5 0 equals sign with bumpy abovepre preceq PrecedesEqual U 2AAF 10927 HTML 5 0 precedes above single line equals signsce succeq SucceedsEqual U 2AB0 10928 HTML 5 0 succeeds above single line equals signprE U 2AB3 10931 HTML 5 0 precedes above equals signscE U 2AB4 10932 HTML 5 0 succeeds above equals signprnE precneqq U 2AB5 10933 HTML 5 0 precedes above not equal toscnE succneqq U 2AB6 10934 HTML 5 0 succeeds above not equal toprap precapprox U 2AB7 10935 HTML 5 0 precedes above almost equal toscap succapprox U 2AB8 10936 HTML 5 0 succeeds above almost equal toprnap precnapprox U 2AB9 10937 HTML 5 0 precedes above not almost equal toscnap succnapprox U 2ABA 10938 HTML 5 0 succeeds above not almost equal toPr U 2ABB 10939 HTML 5 0 double precedesSc U 2ABC 10940 HTML 5 0 double succeedssubdot U 2ABD 10941 HTML 5 0 subset with dotsupdot U 2ABE 10942 HTML 5 0 superset with dotsubplus U 2ABF 10943 HTML 5 0 subset with plus sign belowsupplus U 2AC0 10944 HTML 5 0 superset with plus sign belowsubmult U 2AC1 10945 HTML 5 0 subset with multiplication sign belowsupmult U 2AC2 10946 HTML 5 0 superset with multiplication sign belowsubedot U 2AC3 10947 HTML 5 0 subset of or equal to with dot abovesupedot U 2AC4 10948 HTML 5 0 superset of or equal to with dot abovesubE subseteqq U 2AC5 10949 HTML 5 0 subset of above equals signsupE supseteqq U 2AC6 10950 HTML 5 0 superset of above equals signsubsim U 2AC7 10951 HTML 5 0 subset of above tilde operatorsupsim U 2AC8 10952 HTML 5 0 superset of above tilde operatorsubnE subsetneqq U 2ACB 10955 HTML 5 0 subset of above not equal tosupnE supsetneqq U 2ACC 10956 HTML 5 0 superset of above not equal tocsub U 2ACF 10959 HTML 5 0 closed subsetcsup U 2AD0 10960 HTML 5 0 closed supersetcsube U 2AD1 10961 HTML 5 0 closed subset or equal tocsupe U 2AD2 10962 HTML 5 0 closed superset or equal tosubsup U 2AD3 10963 HTML 5 0 subset above supersetsupsub U 2AD4 10964 HTML 5 0 superset above subsetsubsub U 2AD5 10965 HTML 5 0 subset above subsetsupsup U 2AD6 10966 HTML 5 0 superset above supersetsuphsub U 2AD7 10967 HTML 5 0 superset beside subsetsupdsub U 2AD8 10968 HTML 5 0 superset beside and joined by dash with subsetforkv U 2AD9 10969 HTML 5 0 element of opening downwardstopfork U 2ADA 10970 HTML 5 0 pitchfork with tee topmlcp U 2ADB 10971 HTML 5 0 transversal intersectionDashv DoubleLeftTee U 2AE4 10980 HTML 5 0 vertical bar double left turnstileVdashl U 2AE6 10982 HTML 5 0 long dash from left member of double verticalBarv U 2AE7 10983 HTML 5 0 short down tack with overbarvBar U 2AE8 10984 HTML 5 0 short up tack with underbarvBarv U 2AE9 10985 HTML 5 0 short up tack above short down tackVbar U 2AEB 10987 HTML 5 0 double up tackNot U 2AEC 10988 HTML 5 0 double stroke not signbNot U 2AED 10989 HTML 5 0 reversed double stroke not signrnmid U 2AEE 10990 HTML 5 0 does not divide with reversed negation slashcirmid U 2AEF 10991 HTML 5 0 vertical line with circle abovemidcir U 2AF0 10992 HTML 5 0 vertical line with circle belowtopcir U 2AF1 10993 HTML 5 0 down tack with circle belownhpar U 2AF2 10994 HTML 5 0 parallel with horizontal strokeparsim U 2AF3 10995 HTML 5 0 parallel with tilde operatorparsl U 2AFD 11005 HTML 5 0 double solidus operatorfflig ff U FB00 64256 HTML 5 0 Latin small ligature fffilig fi U FB01 64257 HTML 5 0 Latin small ligature fifllig fl U FB02 64258 HTML 5 0 Latin small ligature flffilig ffi U FB03 64259 HTML 5 0 Latin small ligature ffiffllig ffl U FB04 64260 HTML 5 0 Latin small ligature fflAscr 𝒜 U 1D49C 119964 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital ACscr 𝒞 U 1D49E 119966 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital CDscr 𝒟 U 1D49F 119967 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital DGscr 𝒢 U 1D4A2 119970 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital GJscr 𝒥 U 1D4A5 119973 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital JKscr 𝒦 U 1D4A6 119974 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital KNscr 𝒩 U 1D4A9 119977 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital NOscr 𝒪 U 1D4AA 119978 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital OPscr 𝒫 U 1D4AB 119979 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital PQscr 𝒬 U 1D4AC 119980 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital QSscr 𝒮 U 1D4AE 119982 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital STscr 𝒯 U 1D4AF 119983 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital TUscr 𝒰 U 1D4B0 119984 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital UVscr 𝒱 U 1D4B1 119985 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital VWscr 𝒲 U 1D4B2 119986 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital WXscr 𝒳 U 1D4B3 119987 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital XYscr 𝒴 U 1D4B4 119988 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital YZscr 𝒵 U 1D4B5 119989 HTML 5 0 mathematical script capital Zascr 𝒶 U 1D4B6 119990 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small abscr 𝒷 U 1D4B7 119991 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small bcscr 𝒸 U 1D4B8 119992 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small cdscr 𝒹 U 1D4B9 119993 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small dfscr 𝒻 U 1D4BB 119995 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small fhscr 𝒽 U 1D4BD 119997 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small hiscr 𝒾 U 1D4BE 119998 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small ijscr 𝒿 U 1D4BF 119999 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small jkscr 𝓀 U 1D4C0 120000 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small klscr 𝓁 U 1D4C1 120001 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small lmscr 𝓂 U 1D4C2 120002 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small mnscr 𝓃 U 1D4C3 120003 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small npscr 𝓅 U 1D4C5 120005 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small pqscr 𝓆 U 1D4C6 120006 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small qrscr 𝓇 U 1D4C7 120007 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small rsscr 𝓈 U 1D4C8 120008 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small stscr 𝓉 U 1D4C9 120009 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small tuscr 𝓊 U 1D4CA 120010 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small uvscr 𝓋 U 1D4CB 120011 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small vwscr 𝓌 U 1D4CC 120012 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small wxscr 𝓍 U 1D4CD 120013 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small xyscr 𝓎 U 1D4CE 120014 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small yzscr 𝓏 U 1D4CF 120015 HTML 5 0 mathematical script small zAfr 𝔄 U 1D504 120068 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital ABfr 𝔅 U 1D505 120069 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital BDfr 𝔇 U 1D507 120071 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital DEfr 𝔈 U 1D508 120072 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital EFfr 𝔉 U 1D509 120073 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital FGfr 𝔊 U 1D50A 120074 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital GJfr 𝔍 U 1D50D 120077 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital JKfr 𝔎 U 1D50E 120078 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital KLfr 𝔏 U 1D50F 120079 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital LMfr 𝔐 U 1D510 120080 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital MNfr 𝔑 U 1D511 120081 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital NOfr 𝔒 U 1D512 120082 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital OPfr 𝔓 U 1D513 120083 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital PQfr 𝔔 U 1D514 120084 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital QSfr 𝔖 U 1D516 120086 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital STfr 𝔗 U 1D517 120087 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital TUfr 𝔘 U 1D518 120088 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital UVfr 𝔙 U 1D519 120089 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital VWfr 𝔚 U 1D51A 120090 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital WXfr 𝔛 U 1D51B 120091 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital XYfr 𝔜 U 1D51C 120092 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur capital Yafr 𝔞 U 1D51E 120094 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small abfr 𝔟 U 1D51F 120095 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small bcfr 𝔠 U 1D520 120096 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small cdfr 𝔡 U 1D521 120097 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small defr 𝔢 U 1D522 120098 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small effr 𝔣 U 1D523 120099 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small fgfr 𝔤 U 1D524 120100 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small ghfr 𝔥 U 1D525 120101 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small hifr 𝔦 U 1D526 120102 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small ijfr 𝔧 U 1D527 120103 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small jkfr 𝔨 U 1D528 120104 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small klfr 𝔩 U 1D529 120105 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small lmfr 𝔪 U 1D52A 120106 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small mnfr 𝔫 U 1D52B 120107 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small nofr 𝔬 U 1D52C 120108 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small opfr 𝔭 U 1D52D 120109 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small pqfr 𝔮 U 1D52E 120110 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small qrfr 𝔯 U 1D52F 120111 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small rsfr 𝔰 U 1D530 120112 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small stfr 𝔱 U 1D531 120113 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small tufr 𝔲 U 1D532 120114 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small uvfr 𝔳 U 1D533 120115 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small vwfr 𝔴 U 1D534 120116 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small wxfr 𝔵 U 1D535 120117 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small xyfr 𝔶 U 1D536 120118 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small yzfr 𝔷 U 1D537 120119 HTML 5 0 mathematical Fraktur small zAopf 𝔸 U 1D538 120120 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital ABopf 𝔹 U 1D539 120121 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital BDopf 𝔻 U 1D53B 120123 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital DEopf 𝔼 U 1D53C 120124 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital EFopf 𝔽 U 1D53D 120125 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital FGopf 𝔾 U 1D53E 120126 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital GIopf 𝕀 U 1D540 120128 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital IJopf 𝕁 U 1D541 120129 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital JKopf 𝕂 U 1D542 120130 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital KLopf 𝕃 U 1D543 120131 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital LMopf 𝕄 U 1D544 120132 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital MOopf 𝕆 U 1D546 120134 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital OSopf 𝕊 U 1D54A 120138 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital STopf 𝕋 U 1D54B 120139 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital TUopf 𝕌 U 1D54C 120140 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital UVopf 𝕍 U 1D54D 120141 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital VWopf 𝕎 U 1D54E 120142 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital WXopf 𝕏 U 1D54F 120143 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital XYopf 𝕐 U 1D550 120144 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck capital Yaopf 𝕒 U 1D552 120146 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small abopf 𝕓 U 1D553 120147 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small bcopf 𝕔 U 1D554 120148 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small cdopf 𝕕 U 1D555 120149 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small deopf 𝕖 U 1D556 120150 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small efopf 𝕗 U 1D557 120151 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small fgopf 𝕘 U 1D558 120152 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small ghopf 𝕙 U 1D559 120153 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small hiopf 𝕚 U 1D55A 120154 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small ijopf 𝕛 U 1D55B 120155 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small jkopf 𝕜 U 1D55C 120156 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small klopf 𝕝 U 1D55D 120157 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small lmopf 𝕞 U 1D55E 120158 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small mnopf 𝕟 U 1D55F 120159 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small noopf 𝕠 U 1D560 120160 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small opopf 𝕡 U 1D561 120161 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small pqopf 𝕢 U 1D562 120162 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small qropf 𝕣 U 1D563 120163 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small rsopf 𝕤 U 1D564 120164 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small stopf 𝕥 U 1D565 120165 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small tuopf 𝕦 U 1D566 120166 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small uvopf 𝕧 U 1D567 120167 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small vwopf 𝕨 U 1D568 120168 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small wxopf 𝕩 U 1D569 120169 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small xyopf 𝕪 U 1D56A 120170 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small yzopf 𝕫 U 1D56B 120171 HTML 5 0 mathematical double struck small znvlt lt U 003C 60 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 less than sign combining long vertical line overlaybne U 003D 61 U 20E5 8421 HTML 5 0 equals sign combining reverse solidus overlaynvgt gt U 003E 62 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 greater than sign combining long vertical line overlayfjlig fj U 0066 102 U 006A 106 HTML 5 0 latin small letter f latin small letter jThickSpace U 205F 8287 U 200A 8202 HTML 5 0 medium mathematical space hair spacenrarrw U 219D 8605 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 rightwards wave arrow combining long solidus overlaynpart U 2202 8706 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 partial differential combining long solidus overlaynang U 2220 8736 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 angle combining long vertical line overlaycaps U 2229 8745 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 intersection variation selector 1cups U 222A 8746 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 union variation selector 1nvsim U 223C 8764 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 tilde operator combining long vertical line overlayrace U 223D 8765 U 0331 817 HTML 5 0 reversed tilde combining macron belowacE U 223E 8766 U 0333 819 HTML 5 0 inverted lazy s combining double low linenesim NotEqualTilde U 2242 8770 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 minus tilde combining long solidus overlaynapid U 224B 8779 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 triple tilde combining long solidus overlaynvap U 224D 8781 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 equivalent to combining long vertical line overlaynbump NotHumpDownHump U 224E 8782 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 geometrically equivalent to combining long solidus overlaynbumpe NotHumpEqual U 224F 8783 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 difference between combining long solidus overlaynedot U 2250 8784 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 approaches the limit combining long solidus overlaybnequiv U 2261 8801 U 20E5 8421 HTML 5 0 identical to combining reverse solidus overlaynvle U 2264 8804 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 less than or equal to combining long vertical line overlaynvge U 2265 8805 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 greater than or equal to combining long vertical line overlaynlE nleqq U 2266 8806 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 less than over equal to combining long solidus overlayngE ngeqq NotGreaterFullEqual U 2267 8807 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 greater than over equal to combining long solidus overlaylvertneqq lvnE U 2268 8808 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 less than but not equal to variation selector 1gvertneqq gvnE U 2269 8809 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 greater than but not equal to variation selector 1nLtv NotLessLess U 226A 8810 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 much less than combining long solidus overlaynLt U 226A 8810 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 much less than combining long vertical line overlaynGtv NotGreaterGreater U 226B 8811 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 much greater than combining long solidus overlaynGt U 226B 8811 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 much greater than combining long vertical line overlayNotSucceedsTilde U 227F 8831 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 succeeds or equivalent to combining long solidus overlayNotSubset nsubset vnsub U 2282 8834 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 subset of combining long vertical line overlayNotSuperset nsupset vnsup U 2283 8835 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 superset of combining long vertical line overlayvarsubsetneq vsubne U 228A 8842 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 subset of with not equal to variation selector 1varsupsetneq vsupne U 228B 8843 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 superset of with not equal to variation selector 1NotSquareSubset U 228F 8847 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 square image of combining long solidus overlayNotSquareSuperset U 2290 8848 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 square original of combining long solidus overlaysqcaps U 2293 8851 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 square cap variation selector 1sqcups U 2294 8852 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 square cup variation selector 1nvltrie U 22B4 8884 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 normal subgroup of or equal to combining long vertical line overlaynvrtrie U 22B5 8885 U 20D2 8402 HTML 5 0 contains as normal subgroup or equal to combining long vertical line overlaynLl U 22D8 8920 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 very much less than combining long solidus overlaynGg U 22D9 8921 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 very much greater than combining long solidus overlaylesg U 22DA 8922 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 less than equal to or greater than variation selector 1gesl U 22DB 8923 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 greater than equal to or less than variation selector 1notindot U 22F5 8949 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 element of with dot above combining long solidus overlaynotinE U 22F9 8953 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 element of with two horizontal strokes combining long solidus overlaynrarrc U 2933 10547 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 wave arrow pointing directly right combining long solidus overlayNotLeftTriangleBar U 29CF 10703 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 left triangle beside vertical bar combining long solidus overlayNotRightTriangleBar U 29D0 10704 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 vertical bar beside right triangle combining long solidus overlayncongdot U 2A6D 10861 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 congruent with dot above combining long solidus overlaynapE U 2A70 10864 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 approximately equal or equal to combining long solidus overlaynleqslant nles NotLessSlantEqual U 2A7D 10877 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 less than or slanted equal to combining long solidus overlayngeqslant nges NotGreaterSlantEqual U 2A7E 10878 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 greater than or slanted equal to combining long solidus overlayNotNestedLessLess U 2AA1 10913 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 double nested less than combining long solidus overlayNotNestedGreaterGreater U 2AA2 10914 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 double nested greater than combining long solidus overlaysmtes U 2AAC 10924 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 smaller than or equal to variation selector 1lates U 2AAD 10925 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 larger than or equal to variation selector 1NotPrecedesEqual npre npreceq U 2AAF 10927 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 precedes above single line equals sign combining long solidus overlayNotSucceedsEqual nsce nsucceq U 2AB0 10928 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 succeeds above single line equals sign combining long solidus overlaynsubE nsubseteqq U 2AC5 10949 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 subset of above equals sign combining long solidus overlaynsupE nsupseteqq U 2AC6 10950 U 0338 824 HTML 5 0 superset of above equals sign combining long solidus overlayvarsubsetneqq vsubnE U 2ACB 10955 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 subset of above not equal to variation selector 1varsupsetneqq vsupnE U 2ACC 10956 U FE00 65024 HTML 5 0 superset of above not equal to variation selector 1nparsl U 2AFD 11005 U 20E5 8421 HTML 5 0 double solidus operator combining reverse solidus overlayNotes a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc The trailing semicolon may be omitted for this named entity DTD the full public DTD name where the character entity name is defined is actually mapped from one of the following three defined named entities HTMLlat1 maps to PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Latin 1 EN HTML in HTML the DTD is implicitly defined no system URI is needed PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Latin 1 for XHTML EN span class plainlinks a rel nofollow class external free href http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml lat1 ent http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml lat1 ent a span in XHTML 1 0 HTMLsymbol maps to PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Symbols EN HTML in HTML the DTD is implicitly defined no system URI is needed PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Symbols for XHTML EN span class plainlinks a rel nofollow class external free href http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml symbol ent http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml symbol ent a span in XHTML 1 0 HTMLspecial maps to PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Special EN HTML in HTML the DTD is implicitly defined no system URI is needed PUBLIC W3C ENTITIES Special for XHTML EN span class plainlinks a rel nofollow class external free href http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml special ent http www w3 org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml special ent a span in XHTML 1 0 or original html dtd refers to The original HTML 1 0 DTD which would have been available at http info cern ch MarkUp html spec html dtd Old ISO subset these are old documented character subsets used in legacy encodings before the unification within ISO 10646 Description the standard ISO 10646 and Unicode character name is displayed first for each character with non standard but legacy synonyms shown in italics between parentheses after an equal sign The amp quot entity was omitted from the HTML 3 2 specification 1 but was restored as of HTML 4 0 2 In practice most web browsers displaying HTML 3 2 pages render it as if it had been included in the spec a b c d spaces a blue background is used to display each space s width angst The use of U 212B Angstrom sign which was encoded due to round trip mapping compatibility with an East Asian character encoding is discouraged and the preferred representation is U 00C5 capital letter A with ring above which has the same glyph a b ijlig The use of U 0132 and U 0133 IJ ligature which was encoded for usage in Dutch and for compatibility for ISO IEC 6937 and Code page 1102 which only includes the lowercase ij the Dutch version of ISO 646 National Replacement Character Set is discouraged and the preferred representation is simply IJ and ij as two separate letters a b lmidot The use of U 013F and U 0140 L with middle dot which was encoded for usage in Catalan and for compatibility for ISO IEC 6937 is discouraged and the preferred representation is L and l followed by U 00B7 napost U 0149 n preceded by apostrophe which was encoded for usage in Afrikaans and for compatibility for ISO IEC 6937 has been deprecated by Unicode since Unicode 5 2 The preferred representation is ʼn U 02BC followed by n Unicode org Proposal for Additional Deprecated Characters a b ligature this is a standard misnomer as this is a separate character in some languages ohm The use of U 2126 Ohm sign is discouraged and the preferred representation is U 03A9 Greek capital letter Omega which has the same glyph a b c d e black here it seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow a b ISO proposed these characters have been standardized in ISO 10646 after the release of HTML 4 0 alefsym alef symbol is not the same as U 05D0 Hebrew letter alef although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters beth bet symbol is not the same as U 05D1 Hebrew letter bet although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters gimel gimel symbol is not the same as U 05D2 Hebrew letter gimel although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters daleth dalet symbol is not the same as U 05D3 Hebrew letter dalet although the same glyph could be used to depict both characters lArr ISO 10646 does not say that leftwards double arrow is the same as the is implied by arrow but also does not have any other character for that function So lArr can be used for is implied by as ISOtech suggests rArr ISO 10646 does not say that rightwards double arrow is the implies character but does not have another character with this function so rArr can be used for implies as ISOtech suggests prod n ary product is not the same character as U 03A0 Greek capital letter Pi though the same glyph might be used for both sum n ary summation is not the same character as U 03A3 Greek capital letter Sigma though the same glyph might be used for both span, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


, read, download, free, free download, mp3, video, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, picture, music, song, movie, book, game, games.