
Rational number

In mathematics, a rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction of two integers, a numerator p and a non-zero denominator q.[1] For example, is a rational number, as is every integer (e.g., 5 = 5/1). The set of all rational numbers, also referred to as "the rationals",[2] the field of rationals[3] or the field of rational numbers is usually denoted by boldface Q,[4] or blackboard bold [5]

A symbol for the set of rational numbers
The rational numbers are included in the real numbers , while themselves including the integers , which in turn include the natural numbers .

A rational number is a real number. The real numbers that are rational are those whose decimal expansion either terminates after a finite number of digits (example: 3/4 = 0.75), or eventually begins to repeat the same finite sequence of digits over and over (example: 9/44 = 0.20454545...).[6] This statement is true not only in base 10, but also in every other integer base, such as the binary and hexadecimal ones (see Repeating decimal § Extension to other bases).

A real number that is not rational is called irrational.[7] Irrational numbers include the square root of 2 (), π, e, and the golden ratio (φ). Since the set of rational numbers is countable, and the set of real numbers is uncountable, almost all real numbers are irrational.[1]

Rational numbers can be formally defined as equivalence classes of pairs of integers (p, q) with q ≠ 0, using the equivalence relation defined as follows:

The fraction then denotes the equivalence class of (p, q).[8]

Rational numbers together with addition and multiplication form a field which contains the integers, and is contained in any field containing the integers. In other words, the field of rational numbers is a prime field, and a field has characteristic zero if and only if it contains the rational numbers as a subfield. Finite extensions of are called algebraic number fields, and the algebraic closure of is the field of algebraic numbers.[9]

In mathematical analysis, the rational numbers form a dense subset of the real numbers. The real numbers can be constructed from the rational numbers by completion, using Cauchy sequences, Dedekind cuts, or infinite decimals (see Construction of the real numbers).


The term rational in reference to the set   refers to the fact that a rational number represents a ratio of two integers. In mathematics, "rational" is often used as a noun abbreviating "rational number". The adjective rational sometimes means that the coefficients are rational numbers. For example, a rational point is a point with rational coordinates (i.e., a point whose coordinates are rational numbers); a rational matrix is a matrix of rational numbers; a rational polynomial may be a polynomial with rational coefficients, although the term "polynomial over the rationals" is generally preferred, to avoid confusion between "rational expression" and "rational function" (a polynomial is a rational expression and defines a rational function, even if its coefficients are not rational numbers). However, a rational curve is not a curve defined over the rationals, but a curve which can be parameterized by rational functions.


Although nowadays rational numbers are defined in terms of ratios, the term rational is not a derivation of ratio. On the contrary, it is ratio that is derived from rational: the first use of ratio with its modern meaning was attested in English about 1660,[10] while the use of rational for qualifying numbers appeared almost a century earlier, in 1570.[11] This meaning of rational came from the mathematical meaning of irrational, which was first used in 1551, and it was used in "translations of Euclid (following his peculiar use of ἄλογος)".[12][13]

This unusual history originated in the fact that ancient Greeks "avoided heresy by forbidding themselves from thinking of those [irrational] lengths as numbers".[14] So such lengths were irrational, in the sense of illogical, that is "not to be spoken about" (ἄλογος in Greek).[15]

This etymology is similar to that of imaginary numbers and real numbers.


Irreducible fraction

Every rational number may be expressed in a unique way as an irreducible fraction   where a and b are coprime integers and b > 0. This is often called the canonical form of the rational number.

Starting from a rational number   its canonical form may be obtained by dividing a and b by their greatest common divisor, and, if b < 0, changing the sign of the resulting numerator and denominator.

Embedding of integers

Any integer n can be expressed as the rational number   which is its canonical form as a rational number.


  if and only if  

If both fractions are in canonical form, then:

  if and only if   and  [8]


If both denominators are positive (particularly if both fractions are in canonical form):

  if and only if  

On the other hand, if either denominator is negative, then each fraction with a negative denominator must first be converted into an equivalent form with a positive denominator—by changing the signs of both its numerator and denominator.[8]


Two fractions are added as follows:


If both fractions are in canonical form, the result is in canonical form if and only if b, d are coprime integers.[8][16]



If both fractions are in canonical form, the result is in canonical form if and only if b, d are coprime integers.[16]


The rule for multiplication is:


where the result may be a reducible fraction—even if both original fractions are in canonical form.[8][16]


Every rational number   has an additive inverse, often called its opposite,


If   is in canonical form, the same is true for its opposite.

A nonzero rational number   has a multiplicative inverse, also called its reciprocal,


If   is in canonical form, then the canonical form of its reciprocal is either   or   depending on the sign of a.


If b, c, d are nonzero, the division rule is


Thus, dividing   by   is equivalent to multiplying   by the reciprocal of  [16]


Exponentiation to integer power

If n is a non-negative integer, then


The result is in canonical form if the same is true for   In particular,


If a ≠ 0, then


If   is in canonical form, the canonical form of the result is   if a > 0 or n is even. Otherwise, the canonical form of the result is  

Continued fraction representation

A finite continued fraction is an expression such as


where an are integers. Every rational number   can be represented as a finite continued fraction, whose coefficients an can be determined by applying the Euclidean algorithm to (a, b).

Other representations

are different ways to represent the same rational value.

Formal construction

A diagram showing a representation of the equivalent classes of pairs of integers

The rational numbers may be built as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of integers.[8][16]

More precisely, let   be the set of the pairs (m, n) of integers such n ≠ 0. An equivalence relation is defined on this set by


Addition and multiplication can be defined by the following rules:


This equivalence relation is a congruence relation, which means that it is compatible with the addition and multiplication defined above; the set of rational numbers   is the defined as the quotient set by this equivalence relation,   equipped with the addition and the multiplication induced by the above operations. (This construction can be carried out with any integral domain and produces its field of fractions.)[8]

The equivalence class of a pair (m, n) is denoted   Two pairs (m1, n1) and (m2, n2) belong to the same equivalence class (that is are equivalent) if and only if


This means that


if and only if[8][16]


Every equivalence class   may be represented by infinitely many pairs, since


Each equivalence class contains a unique canonical representative element. The canonical representative is the unique pair (m, n) in the equivalence class such that m and n are coprime, and n > 0. It is called the representation in lowest terms of the rational number.

The integers may be considered to be rational numbers identifying the integer n with the rational number  

A total order may be defined on the rational numbers, that extends the natural order of the integers. One has





The set   of all rational numbers, together with the addition and multiplication operations shown above, forms a field.[8]

  has no field automorphism other than the identity. (A field automorphism must fix 0 and 1; as it must fix the sum and the difference of two fixed elements, it must fix every integer; as it must fix the quotient of two fixed elements, it must fix every rational number, and is thus the identity.)

  is a prime field, which is a field that has no subfield other than itself.[17] The rationals are the smallest field with characteristic zero. Every field of characteristic zero contains a unique subfield isomorphic to  

With the order defined above,   is an ordered field[16] that has no subfield other than itself, and is the smallest ordered field, in the sense that every ordered field contains a unique subfield isomorphic to  

  is the field of fractions of the integers  [18] The algebraic closure of   i.e. the field of roots of rational polynomials, is the field of algebraic numbers.

The rationals are a densely ordered set: between any two rationals, there sits another one, and, therefore, infinitely many other ones.[8] For example, for any two fractions such that


(where   are positive), we have


Any totally ordered set which is countable, dense (in the above sense), and has no least or greatest element is order isomorphic to the rational numbers.[19]


Illustration of the countability of the positive rationals

The set of all rational numbers is countable, as is illustrated in the figure to the right. As a rational number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, it is possible to assign two integers to any point on a square lattice as in a Cartesian coordinate system, such that any grid point corresponds to a rational number. This method, however, exhibits a form of redundancy, as several different grid points will correspond to the same rational number; these are highlighted in red on the provided graphic. An obvious example can be seen in the line going diagonally towards the bottom right; such ratios will always equal 1, as any non-zero number divided by itself will always equal one.

It is possible to generate all of the rational numbers without such redundancies: examples include the Calkin–Wilf tree and Stern–Brocot tree.

As the set of all rational numbers is countable, and the set of all real numbers (as well as the set of irrational numbers) is uncountable, the set of rational numbers is a null set, that is, almost all real numbers are irrational, in the sense of Lebesgue measure.

Real numbers and topological properties

The rationals are a dense subset of the real numbers; every real number has rational numbers arbitrarily close to it.[8] A related property is that rational numbers are the only numbers with finite expansions as regular continued fractions.[20]

In the usual topology of the real numbers, the rationals are neither an open set nor a closed set.[21]

By virtue of their order, the rationals carry an order topology. The rational numbers, as a subspace of the real numbers, also carry a subspace topology. The rational numbers form a metric space by using the absolute difference metric   and this yields a third topology on   All three topologies coincide and turn the rationals into a topological field. The rational numbers are an important example of a space which is not locally compact. The rationals are characterized topologically as the unique countable metrizable space without isolated points. The space is also totally disconnected. The rational numbers do not form a complete metric space, and the real numbers are the completion of   under the metric   above.[16]

p-adic numbers

In addition to the absolute value metric mentioned above, there are other metrics which turn   into a topological field:

Let p be a prime number and for any non-zero integer a, let   where pn is the highest power of p dividing a.

In addition set   For any rational number   we set




defines a metric on  [22]

The metric space   is not complete, and its completion is the p-adic number field   Ostrowski's theorem states that any non-trivial absolute value on the rational numbers   is equivalent to either the usual real absolute value or a p-adic absolute value.

See also

Number systems
Negative integers


  1. ^ a b Rosen, Kenneth (2007). Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. pp. 105, 158–160. ISBN 978-0-07-288008-3.
  2. ^ Lass, Harry (2009). Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics (illustrated ed.). Courier Corporation. p. 382. ISBN 978-0-486-47186-0. Extract of page 382
  3. ^ Robinson, Julia (1996). The Collected Works of Julia Robinson. American Mathematical Soc. p. 104. ISBN 978-0-8218-0575-6. Extract of page 104
  4. ^ It was thus denoted in 1895 by Giuseppe Peano after quoziente, Italian for "quotient",[citation needed]
  5. ^ It first appeared in Bourbaki's Algèbre.
  6. ^ "Rational number". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-08-11.
  7. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "Rational Number". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2020-08-11.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Biggs, Norman L. (2002). Discrete Mathematics. India: Oxford University Press. pp. 75–78. ISBN 978-0-19-871369-2.
  9. ^ Gilbert, Jimmie; Linda, Gilbert (2005). Elements of Modern Algebra (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. pp. 243–244. ISBN 0-534-40264-X.
  10. ^ Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 1989. Entry ratio, n., sense 2.a.
  11. ^ Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 1989. Entry rational, a. (adv.) and n.1, sense 5.a.
  12. ^ Oxford English Dictionary (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 1989. Entry irrational, a. and n., sense 3.
  13. ^ Shor, Peter (2017-05-09). "Does rational come from ratio or ratio come from rational". Stack Exchange. Retrieved 2021-03-19.
  14. ^ Coolman, Robert (2016-01-29). "How a Mathematical Superstition Stultified Algebra for Over a Thousand Years". Retrieved 2021-03-20.
  15. ^ Kramer, Edna (1983). The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics. Princeton University Press. p. 28.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Fraction - Encyclopedia of Mathematics". encyclopediaofmath.org. Retrieved 2021-08-17.
  17. ^ Sūgakkai, Nihon (1993). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics, Volume 1. London, England: MIT Press. p. 578. ISBN 0-2625-9020-4.
  18. ^ Bourbaki, N. (2003). Algebra II: Chapters 4 - 7. Springer Science & Business Media. p. A.VII.5.
  19. ^ Giese, Martin; Schönegge, Arno (December 1995). Any two countable densely ordered sets without endpoints are isomorphic - a formal proof with KIV (PDF) (Technical report). Retrieved 17 August 2021.
  20. ^ Anthony Vazzana; David Garth (2015). Introduction to Number Theory (2nd, revised ed.). CRC Press. p. 1. ISBN 978-1-4987-1752-6. Extract of page 1
  21. ^ Richard A. Holmgren (2012). A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems (2nd, illustrated ed.). Springer Science & Business Media. p. 26. ISBN 978-1-4419-8732-7. Extract of page 26
  22. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. "p-adic Number". mathworld.wolfram.com. Retrieved 2021-08-17.

External links

rational, number, rationals, redirects, here, other, uses, rational, disambiguation, mathematics, rational, number, number, that, expressed, quotient, fraction, displaystyle, tfrac, integers, numerator, zero, denominator, example, displaystyle, tfrac, rational. Rationals redirects here For other uses see Rational disambiguation In mathematics a rational number is a number that can be expressed as the quotient or fraction p q displaystyle tfrac p q of two integers a numerator p and a non zero denominator q 1 For example 3 7 displaystyle tfrac 3 7 is a rational number as is every integer e g 5 5 1 The set of all rational numbers also referred to as the rationals 2 the field of rationals 3 or the field of rational numbers is usually denoted by boldface Q 4 or blackboard bold Q displaystyle mathbb Q 5 A symbol for the set of rational numbersThe rational numbers Q displaystyle mathbb Q are included in the real numbers R displaystyle mathbb R while themselves including the integers Z displaystyle mathbb Z which in turn include the natural numbers N displaystyle mathbb N A rational number is a real number The real numbers that are rational are those whose decimal expansion either terminates after a finite number of digits example 3 4 0 75 or eventually begins to repeat the same finite sequence of digits over and over example 9 44 0 20454545 6 This statement is true not only in base 10 but also in every other integer base such as the binary and hexadecimal ones see Repeating decimal Extension to other bases A real number that is not rational is called irrational 7 Irrational numbers include the square root of 2 2 displaystyle sqrt 2 p e and the golden ratio f Since the set of rational numbers is countable and the set of real numbers is uncountable almost all real numbers are irrational 1 Rational numbers can be formally defined as equivalence classes of pairs of integers p q with q 0 using the equivalence relation defined as follows p 1 q 1 p 2 q 2 p 1 q 2 p 2 q 1 displaystyle p 1 q 1 sim p 2 q 2 iff p 1 q 2 p 2 q 1 The fraction p q displaystyle tfrac p q then denotes the equivalence class of p q 8 Rational numbers together with addition and multiplication form a field which contains the integers and is contained in any field containing the integers In other words the field of rational numbers is a prime field and a field has characteristic zero if and only if it contains the rational numbers as a subfield Finite extensions of Q displaystyle mathbb Q are called algebraic number fields and the algebraic closure of Q displaystyle mathbb Q is the field of algebraic numbers 9 In mathematical analysis the rational numbers form a dense subset of the real numbers The real numbers can be constructed from the rational numbers by completion using Cauchy sequences Dedekind cuts or infinite decimals see Construction of the real numbers Contents 1 Terminology 1 1 Etymology 2 Arithmetic 2 1 Irreducible fraction 2 2 Embedding of integers 2 3 Equality 2 4 Ordering 2 5 Addition 2 6 Subtraction 2 7 Multiplication 2 8 Inverse 2 9 Division 2 10 Exponentiation to integer power 3 Continued fraction representation 4 Other representations 5 Formal construction 6 Properties 6 1 Countability 7 Real numbers and topological properties 8 p adic numbers 9 See also 10 References 11 External linksTerminology EditThe term rational in reference to the set Q displaystyle mathbb Q refers to the fact that a rational number represents a ratio of two integers In mathematics rational is often used as a noun abbreviating rational number The adjective rational sometimes means that the coefficients are rational numbers For example a rational point is a point with rational coordinates i e a point whose coordinates are rational numbers a rational matrix is a matrix of rational numbers a rational polynomial may be a polynomial with rational coefficients although the term polynomial over the rationals is generally preferred to avoid confusion between rational expression and rational function a polynomial is a rational expression and defines a rational function even if its coefficients are not rational numbers However a rational curve is not a curve defined over the rationals but a curve which can be parameterized by rational functions Etymology Edit Although nowadays rational numbers are defined in terms of ratios the term rational is not a derivation of ratio On the contrary it is ratio that is derived from rational the first use of ratio with its modern meaning was attested in English about 1660 10 while the use of rational for qualifying numbers appeared almost a century earlier in 1570 11 This meaning of rational came from the mathematical meaning of irrational which was first used in 1551 and it was used in translations of Euclid following his peculiar use of ἄlogos 12 13 This unusual history originated in the fact that ancient Greeks avoided heresy by forbidding themselves from thinking of those irrational lengths as numbers 14 So such lengths were irrational in the sense of illogical that is not to be spoken about ἄlogos in Greek 15 This etymology is similar to that of imaginary numbers and real numbers Arithmetic EditSee also Fraction mathematics Arithmetic with fractions Irreducible fraction Edit Every rational number may be expressed in a unique way as an irreducible fraction a b displaystyle tfrac a b where a and b are coprime integers and b gt 0 This is often called the canonical form of the rational number Starting from a rational number a b displaystyle tfrac a b its canonical form may be obtained by dividing a and b by their greatest common divisor and if b lt 0 changing the sign of the resulting numerator and denominator Embedding of integers Edit Any integer n can be expressed as the rational number n 1 displaystyle tfrac n 1 which is its canonical form as a rational number Equality Edit a b c d displaystyle frac a b frac c d if and only if a d b c displaystyle ad bc If both fractions are in canonical form then a b c d displaystyle frac a b frac c d if and only if a c displaystyle a c and b d displaystyle b d 8 Ordering Edit If both denominators are positive particularly if both fractions are in canonical form a b lt c d displaystyle frac a b lt frac c d if and only if a d lt b c displaystyle ad lt bc On the other hand if either denominator is negative then each fraction with a negative denominator must first be converted into an equivalent form with a positive denominator by changing the signs of both its numerator and denominator 8 Addition Edit Two fractions are added as follows a b c d a d b c b d displaystyle frac a b frac c d frac ad bc bd If both fractions are in canonical form the result is in canonical form if and only if b d are coprime integers 8 16 Subtraction Edit a b c d a d b c b d displaystyle frac a b frac c d frac ad bc bd If both fractions are in canonical form the result is in canonical form if and only if b d are coprime integers 16 Multiplication Edit The rule for multiplication is a b c d a c b d displaystyle frac a b cdot frac c d frac ac bd where the result may be a reducible fraction even if both original fractions are in canonical form 8 16 Inverse Edit Every rational number a b displaystyle tfrac a b has an additive inverse often called its opposite a b a b displaystyle left frac a b right frac a b If a b displaystyle tfrac a b is in canonical form the same is true for its opposite A nonzero rational number a b displaystyle tfrac a b has a multiplicative inverse also called its reciprocal a b 1 b a displaystyle left frac a b right 1 frac b a If a b displaystyle tfrac a b is in canonical form then the canonical form of its reciprocal is either b a displaystyle tfrac b a or b a displaystyle tfrac b a depending on the sign of a Division Edit If b c d are nonzero the division rule is a b c d a d b c displaystyle frac dfrac a b dfrac c d frac ad bc Thus dividing a b displaystyle tfrac a b by c d displaystyle tfrac c d is equivalent to multiplying a b displaystyle tfrac a b by the reciprocal of c d displaystyle tfrac c d 16 a d b c a b d c displaystyle frac ad bc frac a b cdot frac d c Exponentiation to integer power Edit If n is a non negative integer then a b n a n b n displaystyle left frac a b right n frac a n b n The result is in canonical form if the same is true for a b displaystyle tfrac a b In particular a b 0 1 displaystyle left frac a b right 0 1 If a 0 then a b n b n a n displaystyle left frac a b right n frac b n a n If a b displaystyle tfrac a b is in canonical form the canonical form of the result is b n a n displaystyle tfrac b n a n if a gt 0 or n is even Otherwise the canonical form of the result is b n a n displaystyle tfrac b n a n Continued fraction representation EditMain article Continued fraction A finite continued fraction is an expression such as a 0 1 a 1 1 a 2 1 1 a n displaystyle a 0 cfrac 1 a 1 cfrac 1 a 2 cfrac 1 ddots cfrac 1 a n where an are integers Every rational number a b displaystyle tfrac a b can be represented as a finite continued fraction whose coefficients an can be determined by applying the Euclidean algorithm to a b Other representations Editcommon fraction 8 3 displaystyle tfrac 8 3 mixed numeral 2 2 3 displaystyle 2 tfrac 2 3 repeating decimal using a vinculum 2 6 displaystyle 2 overline 6 repeating decimal using parentheses 2 6 displaystyle 2 6 continued fraction using traditional typography 2 1 1 1 2 displaystyle 2 tfrac 1 1 tfrac 1 2 continued fraction in abbreviated notation 2 1 2 displaystyle 2 1 2 Egyptian fraction 2 1 2 1 6 displaystyle 2 tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 6 prime power decomposition 2 3 3 1 displaystyle 2 3 times 3 1 quote notation 3 6 displaystyle 3 6 are different ways to represent the same rational value Formal construction Edit A diagram showing a representation of the equivalent classes of pairs of integersThe rational numbers may be built as equivalence classes of ordered pairs of integers 8 16 More precisely let Z Z 0 displaystyle mathbb Z times mathbb Z setminus 0 be the set of the pairs m n of integers such n 0 An equivalence relation is defined on this set by m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 displaystyle m 1 n 1 sim m 2 n 2 iff m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 8 16 Addition and multiplication can be defined by the following rules m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 m 1 n 2 n 1 m 2 n 1 n 2 displaystyle m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 equiv m 1 n 2 n 1 m 2 n 1 n 2 m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 m 1 m 2 n 1 n 2 displaystyle m 1 n 1 times m 2 n 2 equiv m 1 m 2 n 1 n 2 8 This equivalence relation is a congruence relation which means that it is compatible with the addition and multiplication defined above the set of rational numbers Q displaystyle mathbb Q is the defined as the quotient set by this equivalence relation Z Z 0 displaystyle mathbb Z times mathbb Z backslash 0 sim equipped with the addition and the multiplication induced by the above operations This construction can be carried out with any integral domain and produces its field of fractions 8 The equivalence class of a pair m n is denoted m n displaystyle tfrac m n Two pairs m1 n1 and m2 n2 belong to the same equivalence class that is are equivalent if and only if m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 displaystyle m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 This means that m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 displaystyle frac m 1 n 1 frac m 2 n 2 if and only if 8 16 m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 displaystyle m 1 n 2 m 2 n 1 Every equivalence class m n displaystyle tfrac m n may be represented by infinitely many pairs since 2 m 2 n m n m n 2 m 2 n displaystyle cdots frac 2m 2n frac m n frac m n frac 2m 2n cdots Each equivalence class contains a unique canonical representative element The canonical representative is the unique pair m n in the equivalence class such that m and n are coprime and n gt 0 It is called the representation in lowest terms of the rational number The integers may be considered to be rational numbers identifying the integer n with the rational number n 1 displaystyle tfrac n 1 A total order may be defined on the rational numbers that extends the natural order of the integers One has m 1 n 1 m 2 n 2 displaystyle frac m 1 n 1 leq frac m 2 n 2 If n 1 n 2 gt 0 and m 1 n 2 n 1 m 2 or n 1 n 2 lt 0 and m 1 n 2 n 1 m 2 displaystyle begin aligned amp n 1 n 2 gt 0 quad text and quad m 1 n 2 leq n 1 m 2 amp qquad text or amp n 1 n 2 lt 0 quad text and quad m 1 n 2 geq n 1 m 2 end aligned Properties EditThe set Q displaystyle mathbb Q of all rational numbers together with the addition and multiplication operations shown above forms a field 8 Q displaystyle mathbb Q has no field automorphism other than the identity A field automorphism must fix 0 and 1 as it must fix the sum and the difference of two fixed elements it must fix every integer as it must fix the quotient of two fixed elements it must fix every rational number and is thus the identity Q displaystyle mathbb Q is a prime field which is a field that has no subfield other than itself 17 The rationals are the smallest field with characteristic zero Every field of characteristic zero contains a unique subfield isomorphic to Q displaystyle mathbb Q With the order defined above Q displaystyle mathbb Q is an ordered field 16 that has no subfield other than itself and is the smallest ordered field in the sense that every ordered field contains a unique subfield isomorphic to Q displaystyle mathbb Q Q displaystyle mathbb Q is the field of fractions of the integers Z displaystyle mathbb Z 18 The algebraic closure of Q displaystyle mathbb Q i e the field of roots of rational polynomials is the field of algebraic numbers The rationals are a densely ordered set between any two rationals there sits another one and therefore infinitely many other ones 8 For example for any two fractions such that a b lt c d displaystyle frac a b lt frac c d where b d displaystyle b d are positive we have a b lt a c b d lt c d displaystyle frac a b lt frac a c b d lt frac c d Any totally ordered set which is countable dense in the above sense and has no least or greatest element is order isomorphic to the rational numbers 19 Countability Edit Illustration of the countability of the positive rationalsThe set of all rational numbers is countable as is illustrated in the figure to the right As a rational number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers it is possible to assign two integers to any point on a square lattice as in a Cartesian coordinate system such that any grid point corresponds to a rational number This method however exhibits a form of redundancy as several different grid points will correspond to the same rational number these are highlighted in red on the provided graphic An obvious example can be seen in the line going diagonally towards the bottom right such ratios will always equal 1 as any non zero number divided by itself will always equal one It is possible to generate all of the rational numbers without such redundancies examples include the Calkin Wilf tree and Stern Brocot tree As the set of all rational numbers is countable and the set of all real numbers as well as the set of irrational numbers is uncountable the set of rational numbers is a null set that is almost all real numbers are irrational in the sense of Lebesgue measure Real numbers and topological properties EditThe rationals are a dense subset of the real numbers every real number has rational numbers arbitrarily close to it 8 A related property is that rational numbers are the only numbers with finite expansions as regular continued fractions 20 In the usual topology of the real numbers the rationals are neither an open set nor a closed set 21 By virtue of their order the rationals carry an order topology The rational numbers as a subspace of the real numbers also carry a subspace topology The rational numbers form a metric space by using the absolute difference metric d x y x y displaystyle d x y x y and this yields a third topology on Q displaystyle mathbb Q All three topologies coincide and turn the rationals into a topological field The rational numbers are an important example of a space which is not locally compact The rationals are characterized topologically as the unique countable metrizable space without isolated points The space is also totally disconnected The rational numbers do not form a complete metric space and the real numbers are the completion of Q displaystyle mathbb Q under the metric d x y x y displaystyle d x y x y above 16 p adic numbers EditMain article p adic number In addition to the absolute value metric mentioned above there are other metrics which turn Q displaystyle mathbb Q into a topological field Let p be a prime number and for any non zero integer a let a p p n displaystyle a p p n where pn is the highest power of p dividing a In addition set 0 p 0 displaystyle 0 p 0 For any rational number a b displaystyle frac a b we set a b p a p b p displaystyle left frac a b right p frac a p b p Then d p x y x y p displaystyle d p x y x y p defines a metric on Q displaystyle mathbb Q 22 The metric space Q d p displaystyle mathbb Q d p is not complete and its completion is the p adic number field Q p displaystyle mathbb Q p Ostrowski s theorem states that any non trivial absolute value on the rational numbers Q displaystyle mathbb Q is equivalent to either the usual real absolute value or a p adic absolute value See also EditDyadic rational Floating point Ford circles Gaussian rational Naive height height of a rational number in lowest term Niven s theorem Rational data type Divine Proportions Rational Trigonometry to Universal GeometryNumber systems Complex C displaystyle mathbb C Real R displaystyle mathbb R Rational Q displaystyle mathbb Q Integer Z displaystyle mathbb Z Natural N displaystyle mathbb N Zero 0One 1Prime numbersComposite numbersNegative integersFraction Finite decimalDyadic finite binary Repeating decimalIrrational Algebraic irrationalTranscendentalImaginaryReferences Edit a b Rosen Kenneth 2007 Discrete Mathematics and its Applications 6th ed New York NY McGraw Hill pp 105 158 160 ISBN 978 0 07 288008 3 Lass Harry 2009 Elements of Pure and Applied Mathematics illustrated ed Courier Corporation p 382 ISBN 978 0 486 47186 0 Extract of page 382 Robinson Julia 1996 The Collected Works of Julia Robinson American Mathematical Soc p 104 ISBN 978 0 8218 0575 6 Extract of page 104 It was thus denoted in 1895 by Giuseppe Peano after quoziente Italian for quotient citation needed It first appeared in Bourbaki s Algebre Rational number Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved 2020 08 11 Weisstein Eric W Rational Number mathworld wolfram com Retrieved 2020 08 11 a b c d e f g h i j k l m Biggs Norman L 2002 Discrete Mathematics India Oxford University Press pp 75 78 ISBN 978 0 19 871369 2 Gilbert Jimmie Linda Gilbert 2005 Elements of Modern Algebra 6th ed Belmont CA Thomson Brooks Cole pp 243 244 ISBN 0 534 40264 X Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed Oxford University Press 1989 Entry ratio n sense 2 a Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed Oxford University Press 1989 Entry rational a adv and n 1 sense 5 a Oxford English Dictionary 2nd ed Oxford University Press 1989 Entry irrational a and n sense 3 Shor Peter 2017 05 09 Does rational come from ratio or ratio come from rational Stack Exchange Retrieved 2021 03 19 Coolman Robert 2016 01 29 How a Mathematical Superstition Stultified Algebra for Over a Thousand Years Retrieved 2021 03 20 Kramer Edna 1983 The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics Princeton University Press p 28 a b c d e f g h i Fraction Encyclopedia of Mathematics encyclopediaofmath org Retrieved 2021 08 17 Sugakkai Nihon 1993 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics Volume 1 London England MIT Press p 578 ISBN 0 2625 9020 4 Bourbaki N 2003 Algebra II Chapters 4 7 Springer Science amp Business Media p A VII 5 Giese Martin Schonegge Arno December 1995 Any two countable densely ordered sets without endpoints are isomorphic a formal proof with KIV PDF Technical report Retrieved 17 August 2021 Anthony Vazzana David Garth 2015 Introduction to Number Theory 2nd revised ed CRC Press p 1 ISBN 978 1 4987 1752 6 Extract of page 1 Richard A Holmgren 2012 A First Course in Discrete Dynamical Systems 2nd illustrated ed Springer Science amp Business Media p 26 ISBN 978 1 4419 8732 7 Extract of page 26 Weisstein Eric W p adic Number mathworld wolfram com Retrieved 2021 08 17 External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rational numbers Wikiversity has learning resources about Rational numbers Rational number Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Rational Number From MathWorld A Wolfram Web Resource Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Rational number amp oldid 1167033488, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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