

A fraction (from Latin: fractus, "broken") represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters. A common, vulgar, or simple fraction (examples: and ) consists of an integer numerator, displayed above a line (or before a slash like 12), and a non-zero integer denominator, displayed below (or after) that line. If these integers are positive, then the numerator represents a number of equal parts, and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole. For example, in the fraction 3/4, the numerator 3 indicates that the fraction represents 3 equal parts, and the denominator 4 indicates that 4 parts make up a whole. The picture to the right illustrates 3/4 of a cake.

A cake with one quarter (one fourth) removed. The remaining three fourths are shown by dotted lines and labeled by the fraction 1/4

Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and division.[1] Thus the fraction 3/4 can also be used to represent the ratio 3:4 (the ratio of the part to the whole), and the division 3 ÷ 4 (three divided by four).

We can also write negative fractions, which represent the opposite of a positive fraction. For example, if 1/2 represents a half-dollar profit, then −1/2 represents a half-dollar loss. Because of the rules of division of signed numbers (which states in part that negative divided by positive is negative), −1/2, −1/2 and 1/−2 all represent the same fraction – negative one-half. And because a negative divided by a negative produces a positive, −1/−2 represents positive one-half.

In mathematics the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not zero, is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q or , which stands for quotient. A number is a rational number precisely when it can be written in that form (i.e., as a common fraction). However, the word fraction can also be used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers. Examples of these usages include algebraic fractions (quotients of algebraic expressions), and expressions that contain irrational numbers, such as (see Square root of 2) and π/4 (see Proof that π is irrational).


In a fraction, the number of equal parts being described is the numerator (from Latin: numerātor, "counter" or "numberer"), and the type or variety of the parts is the denominator (from Latin: dēnōminātor, "thing that names or designates").[2][3] As an example, the fraction 8/5 amounts to eight parts, each of which is of the type named "fifth". In terms of division, the numerator corresponds to the dividend, and the denominator corresponds to the divisor.

Informally, the numerator and denominator may be distinguished by placement alone, but in formal contexts they are usually separated by a fraction bar. The fraction bar may be horizontal (as in 1/3), oblique (as in 2/5), or diagonal (as in 49).[4] These marks are respectively known as the horizontal bar; the virgule, slash (US), or stroke (UK); and the fraction bar, solidus,[5] or fraction slash.[n 1] In typography, fractions stacked vertically are also known as "en" or "nut fractions", and diagonal ones as "em" or "mutton fractions", based on whether a fraction with a single-digit numerator and denominator occupies the proportion of a narrow en square, or a wider em square.[4] In traditional typefounding, a piece of type bearing a complete fraction (e.g. 1/2) was known as a "case fraction", while those representing only part of fraction were called "piece fractions".

The denominators of English fractions are generally expressed as ordinal numbers, in the plural if the numerator is not 1. (For example, 2/5 and 3/5 are both read as a number of "fifths".) Exceptions include the denominator 2, which is always read "half" or "halves", the denominator 4, which may be alternatively expressed as "quarter"/"quarters" or as "fourth"/"fourths", and the denominator 100, which may be alternatively expressed as "hundredth"/"hundredths" or "percent".

When the denominator is 1, it may be expressed in terms of "wholes" but is more commonly ignored, with the numerator read out as a whole number. For example, 3/1 may be described as "three wholes", or simply as "three". When the numerator is 1, it may be omitted (as in "a tenth" or "each quarter").

The entire fraction may be expressed as a single composition, in which case it is hyphenated, or as a number of fractions with a numerator of one, in which case they are not. (For example, "two-fifths" is the fraction 2/5 and "two fifths" is the same fraction understood as 2 instances of 1/5.) Fractions should always be hyphenated when used as adjectives. Alternatively, a fraction may be described by reading it out as the numerator "over" the denominator, with the denominator expressed as a cardinal number. (For example, 3/1 may also be expressed as "three over one".) The term "over" is used even in the case of solidus fractions, where the numbers are placed left and right of a slash mark. (For example, 1/2 may be read "one-half", "one half", or "one over two".) Fractions with large denominators that are not powers of ten are often rendered in this fashion (e.g., 1/117 as "one over one hundred seventeen"), while those with denominators divisible by ten are typically read in the normal ordinal fashion (e.g., 6/1000000 as "six-millionths", "six millionths", or "six one-millionths").

Forms of fractions

Simple, common, or vulgar fractions

A simple fraction (also known as a common fraction or vulgar fraction, where vulgar is Latin for "common") is a rational number written as a/b or  , where a and b are both integers.[9] As with other fractions, the denominator (b) cannot be zero. Examples include 1/2, −8/5, −8/5, and 8/−5. The term was originally used to distinguish this type of fraction from the sexagesimal fraction used in astronomy.[10]

Common fractions can be positive or negative, and they can be proper or improper (see below). Compound fractions, complex fractions, mixed numerals, and decimals (see below) are not common fractions; though, unless irrational, they can be evaluated to a common fraction.

  • A unit fraction is a common fraction with a numerator of 1 (e.g., 1/7). Unit fractions can also be expressed using negative exponents, as in 2−1, which represents 1/2, and 2−2, which represents 1/(22) or 1/4.
  • A dyadic fraction is a common fraction in which the denominator is a power of two, e.g. 1/8 = 1/23.

In Unicode, precomposed fraction characters are in the Number Forms block.

Proper and improper fractions

Common fractions can be classified as either proper or improper. When the numerator and the denominator are both positive, the fraction is called proper if the numerator is less than the denominator, and improper otherwise.[11] The concept of an "improper fraction" is a late development, with the terminology deriving from the fact that "fraction" means "a piece", so a proper fraction must be less than 1.[10] This was explained in the 17th century textbook The Ground of Arts.[12][13]

In general, a common fraction is said to be a proper fraction, if the absolute value of the fraction is strictly less than one—that is, if the fraction is greater than −1 and less than 1.[14][15] It is said to be an improper fraction, or sometimes top-heavy fraction,[16] if the absolute value of the fraction is greater than or equal to 1. Examples of proper fractions are 2/3, −3/4, and 4/9, whereas examples of improper fractions are 9/4, −4/3, and 3/3.

Reciprocals and the "invisible denominator"

The reciprocal of a fraction is another fraction with the numerator and denominator exchanged. The reciprocal of 3/7, for instance, is 7/3. The product of a fraction and its reciprocal is 1, hence the reciprocal is the multiplicative inverse of a fraction. The reciprocal of a proper fraction is improper, and the reciprocal of an improper fraction not equal to 1 (that is, numerator and denominator are not equal) is a proper fraction.

When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are equal (for example, 7/7), its value is 1, and the fraction therefore is improper. Its reciprocal is identical and hence also equal to 1 and improper.

Any integer can be written as a fraction with the number one as denominator. For example, 17 can be written as 17/1, where 1 is sometimes referred to as the invisible denominator.[17] Therefore, every fraction or integer, except for zero, has a reciprocal. For example. the reciprocal of 17 is 1/17.


A ratio is a relationship between two or more numbers that can be sometimes expressed as a fraction. Typically, a number of items are grouped and compared in a ratio, specifying numerically the relationship between each group. Ratios are expressed as "group 1 to group 2 ... to group n". For example, if a car lot had 12 vehicles, of which

  • 2 are white,
  • 6 are red, and
  • 4 are yellow,

then the ratio of red to white to yellow cars is 6 to 2 to 4. The ratio of yellow cars to white cars is 4 to 2 and may be expressed as 4:2 or 2:1.

A ratio is often converted to a fraction when it is expressed as a ratio to the whole. In the above example, the ratio of yellow cars to all the cars on the lot is 4:12 or 1:3. We can convert these ratios to a fraction, and say that 4/12 of the cars or 1/3 of the cars in the lot are yellow. Therefore, if a person randomly chose one car on the lot, then there is a one in three chance or probability that it would be yellow.

Decimal fractions and percentages

A decimal fraction is a fraction whose denominator is not given explicitly, but is understood to be an integer power of ten. Decimal fractions are commonly expressed using decimal notation in which the implied denominator is determined by the number of digits to the right of a decimal separator, the appearance of which (e.g., a period, an interpunct (·), a comma) depends on the locale (for examples, see Decimal separator). Thus, for 0.75 the numerator is 75 and the implied denominator is 10 to the second power, namely, 100, because there are two digits to the right of the decimal separator. In decimal numbers greater than 1 (such as 3.75), the fractional part of the number is expressed by the digits to the right of the decimal (with a value of 0.75 in this case). 3.75 can be written either as an improper fraction, 375/100, or as a mixed number, 3+75/100.

Decimal fractions can also be expressed using scientific notation with negative exponents, such as 6.023×10−7, which represents 0.0000006023. The 10−7 represents a denominator of 107. Dividing by 107 moves the decimal point 7 places to the left.

Decimal fractions with infinitely many digits to the right of the decimal separator represent an infinite series. For example, 1/3 = 0.333... represents the infinite series 3/10 + 3/100 + 3/1000 + ....

Another kind of fraction is the percentage (from Latin: per centum, meaning "per hundred", represented by the symbol %), in which the implied denominator is always 100. Thus, 51% means 51/100. Percentages greater than 100 or less than zero are treated in the same way, e.g. 311% equals 311/100, and −27% equals −27/100.

The related concept of permille or parts per thousand (ppt) has an implied denominator of 1000, while the more general parts-per notation, as in 75 parts per million (ppm), means that the proportion is 75/1,000,000.

Whether common fractions or decimal fractions are used is often a matter of taste and context. Common fractions are used most often when the denominator is relatively small. By mental calculation, it is easier to multiply 16 by 3/16 than to do the same calculation using the fraction's decimal equivalent (0.1875). And it is more accurate to multiply 15 by 1/3, for example, than it is to multiply 15 by any decimal approximation of one third. Monetary values are commonly expressed as decimal fractions with denominator 100, i.e., with two decimals, for example $3.75. However, as noted above, in pre-decimal British currency, shillings and pence were often given the form (but not the meaning) of a fraction, as, for example, "3/6" (read "three and six") meaning 3 shillings and 6 pence, and having no relationship to the fraction 3/6.

Mixed numbers

A mixed number (also called a mixed fraction or mixed numeral) is the sum of a non-zero integer and a proper fraction, conventionally written by juxtaposition (or concatenation) of the two parts, without the use of an intermediate plus (+) or minus (−) sign. When the fraction is written horizontally, a space is added between the integer and fraction to separate them.

As a basic example, two entire cakes and three quarters of another cake might be written as   cakes or   cakes, with the numeral   representing the whole cakes and the fraction   representing the additional partial cake juxtaposed; this is more concise than the more explicit notation   cakes. The mixed number 2+3/4 is pronounced "two and three quarters", with the integer and fraction portions connected by the word and.[18] Subtraction or negation is applied to the entire mixed numeral, so   means  

Any mixed number can be converted to an improper fraction by applying the rules of adding unlike quantities. For example,   Conversely, an improper fraction can be converted to a mixed number using division with remainder, with the proper fraction consisting of the remainder divided by the divisor. For example, since 4 goes into 11 twice, with 3 left over,  

In primary school, teachers often insist that every fractional result should be expressed as a mixed number.[19] Outside school, mixed numbers are commonly used for describing measurements, for instance 2+1/2 hours or 5 3/16}} inches, and remain widespread in daily life and in trades, especially in regions that do not use the decimalized metric system. However, scientific measurements typically use the metric system, which is based on decimal fractions, and starting from the secondary school level, mathematics pedagogy treats every fraction uniformly as a rational number, the quotient p/q of integers, leaving behind the concepts of "improper fraction" and "mixed number".[20] College students with years of mathematical training are sometimes confused when re-encountering mixed numbers because they are used to the convention that juxtaposition in algebraic expressions means multiplication.[21]

Historical notions

Egyptian fraction

An Egyptian fraction is the sum of distinct positive unit fractions, for example  . This definition derives from the fact that the ancient Egyptians expressed all fractions except  ,   and   in this manner. Every positive rational number can be expanded as an Egyptian fraction. For example,   can be written as   Any positive rational number can be written as a sum of unit fractions in infinitely many ways. Two ways to write   are   and  .

Complex and compound fractions

In a complex fraction, either the numerator, or the denominator, or both, is a fraction or a mixed number,[22][23] corresponding to division of fractions. For example,   and   are complex fractions. To reduce a complex fraction to a simple fraction, treat the longest fraction line as representing division. For example:


If, in a complex fraction, there is no unique way to tell which fraction lines takes precedence, then this expression is improperly formed, because of ambiguity. So 5/10/20/40 is not a valid mathematical expression, because of multiple possible interpretations, e.g. as

  or as  

A compound fraction is a fraction of a fraction, or any number of fractions connected with the word of,[22][23] corresponding to multiplication of fractions. To reduce a compound fraction to a simple fraction, just carry out the multiplication (see § Multiplication). For example,   of   is a compound fraction, corresponding to  . The terms compound fraction and complex fraction are closely related and sometimes one is used as a synonym for the other. (For example, the compound fraction   is equivalent to the complex fraction  .)

Nevertheless, "complex fraction" and "compound fraction" may both be considered outdated[24] and now used in no well-defined manner, partly even taken synonymously for each other[25] or for mixed numerals.[26] They have lost their meaning as technical terms and the attributes "complex" and "compound" tend to be used in their every day meaning of "consisting of parts".

Arithmetic with fractions

Like whole numbers, fractions obey the commutative, associative, and distributive laws, and the rule against division by zero.

Mixed-number arithmetic can be performed either by converting each mixed number to an improper fraction, or by treating each as a sum of integer and fractional parts.

Equivalent fractions

Multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same (non-zero) number results in a fraction that is equivalent to the original fraction. This is true because for any non-zero number  , the fraction   equals 1. Therefore, multiplying by   is the same as multiplying by one, and any number multiplied by one has the same value as the original number. By way of an example, start with the fraction  . When the numerator and denominator are both multiplied by 2, the result is 2/4, which has the same value (0.5) as 1/2. To picture this visually, imagine cutting a cake into four pieces; two of the pieces together (2/4) make up half the cake (1/2).

Simplifying (reducing) fractions

Dividing the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non-zero number yields an equivalent fraction: if the numerator and the denominator of a fraction are both divisible by a number (called a factor) greater than 1, then the fraction can be reduced to an equivalent fraction with a smaller numerator and a smaller denominator. For example, if both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction   are divisible by  , then they can be written as   b = ce, and the fraction becomes cd/ce, which can be reduced by dividing both the numerator and denominator by c to give the reduced fraction d/e.

If one takes for c the greatest common divisor of the numerator and the denominator, one gets the equivalent fraction whose numerator and denominator have the lowest absolute values. One says that the fraction has been reduced to its lowest terms.

If the numerator and the denominator do not share any factor greater than 1, the fraction is already reduced to its lowest terms, and it is said to be irreducible, reduced, or in simplest terms. For example,   is not in lowest terms because both 3 and 9 can be exactly divided by 3. In contrast,   is in lowest terms—the only positive integer that goes into both 3 and 8 evenly is 1.

Using these rules, we can show that 5/10 = 1/2 = 10/20 = 50/100, for example.

As another example, since the greatest common divisor of 63 and 462 is 21, the fraction 63/462 can be reduced to lowest terms by dividing the numerator and denominator by 21:


The Euclidean algorithm gives a method for finding the greatest common divisor of any two integers.

Comparing fractions

Comparing fractions with the same positive denominator yields the same result as comparing the numerators:

  because 3 > 2, and the equal denominators   are positive.

If the equal denominators are negative, then the opposite result of comparing the numerators holds for the fractions:


If two positive fractions have the same numerator, then the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger number. When a whole is divided into equal pieces, if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole, then each piece must be larger. When two positive fractions have the same numerator, they represent the same number of parts, but in the fraction with the smaller denominator, the parts are larger.

One way to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators is to find a common denominator. To compare   and  , these are converted to   and   (where the dot signifies multiplication and is an alternative symbol to ×). Then bd is a common denominator and the numerators ad and bc can be compared. It is not necessary to determine the value of the common denominator to compare fractions – one can just compare ad and bc, without evaluating bd, e.g., comparing   ?   gives  .

For the more laborious question   ?   multiply top and bottom of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction, to get a common denominator, yielding   ?  . It is not necessary to calculate   – only the numerators need to be compared. Since 5×17 (= 85) is greater than 4×18 (= 72), the result of comparing is  .

Because every negative number, including negative fractions, is less than zero, and every positive number, including positive fractions, is greater than zero, it follows that any negative fraction is less than any positive fraction. This allows, together with the above rules, to compare all possible fractions.


The first rule of addition is that only like quantities can be added; for example, various quantities of quarters. Unlike quantities, such as adding thirds to quarters, must first be converted to like quantities as described below: Imagine a pocket containing two quarters, and another pocket containing three quarters; in total, there are five quarters. Since four quarters is equivalent to one (dollar), this can be represented as follows:

If   of a cake is to be added to   of a cake, the pieces need to be converted into comparable quantities, such as cake-eighths or cake-quarters.

Adding unlike quantities

To add fractions containing unlike quantities (e.g. quarters and thirds), it is necessary to convert all amounts to like quantities. It is easy to work out the chosen type of fraction to convert to; simply multiply together the two denominators (bottom number) of each fraction. In case of an integer number apply the invisible denominator 1.

For adding quarters to thirds, both types of fraction are converted to twelfths, thus:


Consider adding the following two quantities:


First, convert   into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by three:  . Since 3/3 equals 1, multiplication by 3/3 does not change the value of the fraction.

Second, convert 2/3 into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by five:  .

Now it can be seen that:


is equivalent to:


This method can be expressed algebraically:


This algebraic method always works, thereby guaranteeing that the sum of simple fractions is always again a simple fraction. However, if the single denominators contain a common factor, a smaller denominator than the product of these can be used. For example, when adding   and   the single denominators have a common factor 2, and therefore, instead of the denominator 24 (4 × 6), the halved denominator 12 may be used, not only reducing the denominator in the result, but also the factors in the numerator.


The smallest possible denominator is given by the least common multiple of the single denominators, which results from dividing the rote multiple by all common factors of the single denominators. This is called the least common denominator.


The process for subtracting fractions is, in essence, the same as that of adding them: find a common denominator, and change each fraction to an equivalent fraction with the chosen common denominator. The resulting fraction will have that denominator, and its numerator will be the result of subtracting the numerators of the original fractions. For instance,


To subtract a mixed number, an extra one can be borrowed from the minuend, for instance



Multiplying a fraction by another fraction

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. Thus:


To explain the process, consider one third of one quarter. Using the example of a cake, if three small slices of equal size make up a quarter, and four quarters make up a whole, twelve of these small, equal slices make up a whole. Therefore, a third of a quarter is a twelfth. Now consider the numerators. The first fraction, two thirds, is twice as large as one third. Since one third of a quarter is one twelfth, two thirds of a quarter is two twelfth. The second fraction, three quarters, is three times as large as one quarter, so two thirds of three quarters is three times as large as two thirds of one quarter. Thus two thirds times three quarters is six twelfths.

A short cut for multiplying fractions is called "cancellation". Effectively the answer is reduced to lowest terms during multiplication. For example:


A two is a common factor in both the numerator of the left fraction and the denominator of the right and is divided out of both. Three is a common factor of the left denominator and right numerator and is divided out of both.

Multiplying a fraction by a whole number

Since a whole number can be rewritten as itself divided by 1, normal fraction multiplication rules can still apply.


This method works because the fraction 6/1 means six equal parts, each one of which is a whole.

Multiplying mixed numbers

When multiplying mixed numbers, it is considered preferable to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction.[27] For example:


Alternately, mixed numbers can be multiplied by applying the distributive property. In this example,



To divide a fraction by a whole number, you may either divide the numerator by the number, if it goes evenly into the numerator, or multiply the denominator by the number. For example,   equals   and also equals  , which reduces to  . To divide a number by a fraction, multiply that number by the reciprocal of that fraction. Thus,  .

Converting between decimals and fractions

To change a common fraction to a decimal, do a long division of the decimal representations of the numerator by the denominator (this is idiomatically also phrased as "divide the denominator into the numerator"), and round the answer to the desired accuracy. For example, to change 1/4 to a decimal, divide 1.00 by 4 ("4 into 1.00"), to obtain 0.25. To change 1/3 to a decimal, divide 1.000... by 3 ("3 into 1.000..."), and stop when the desired accuracy is obtained, e.g., at 4 decimals with 0.3333. The fraction 1/4 can be written exactly with two decimal digits, while the fraction 1/3 cannot be written exactly as a decimal with a finite number of digits. To change a decimal to a fraction, write in the denominator a 1 followed by as many zeroes as there are digits to the right of the decimal point, and write in the numerator all the digits of the original decimal, just omitting the decimal point. Thus  

Converting repeating decimals to fractions

Decimal numbers, while arguably more useful to work with when performing calculations, sometimes lack the precision that common fractions have. Sometimes an infinite repeating decimal is required to reach the same precision. Thus, it is often useful to convert repeating decimals into fractions.

A conventional way to indicate a repeating decimal is to place a bar (known as a vinculum) over the digits that repeat, for example 0.789 = 0.789789789... For repeating patterns that begin immediately after the decimal point, the result of the conversion is the fraction with the pattern as a numerator, and the same number of nines as a denominator. For example:

0.5 = 5/9
0.62 = 62/99
0.264 = 264/999
0.6291 = 6291/9999

If leading zeros precede the pattern, the nines are suffixed by the same number of trailing zeros:

0.05 = 5/90
0.000392 = 392/999000
0.0012 = 12/9900

If a non-repeating set of decimals precede the pattern (such as 0.1523987), one may write the number as the sum of the non-repeating and repeating parts, respectively:

0.1523 + 0.0000987

Then, convert both parts to fractions, and add them using the methods described above:

1523 / 10000 + 987 / 9990000 = 1522464 / 9990000

Alternatively, algebra can be used, such as below:

  1. Let x = the repeating decimal:
    x = 0.1523987
  2. Multiply both sides by the power of 10 just great enough (in this case 104) to move the decimal point just before the repeating part of the decimal number:
    10,000x = 1,523.987
  3. Multiply both sides by the power of 10 (in this case 103) that is the same as the number of places that repeat:
    10,000,000x = 1,523,987.987
  4. Subtract the two equations from each other (if a = b and c = d, then ac = bd):
    10,000,000x − 10,000x = 1,523,987.987 − 1,523.987
  5. Continue the subtraction operation to clear the repeating decimal:
    9,990,000x = 1,523,987 − 1,523
    9,990,000x = 1,522,464
  6. Divide both sides by 9,990,000 to represent x as a fraction
    x = 1522464/9990000

Fractions in abstract mathematics

In addition to being of great practical importance, fractions are also studied by mathematicians, who check that the rules for fractions given above are consistent and reliable. Mathematicians define a fraction as an ordered pair   of integers   and   for which the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are defined as follows:[28]


These definitions agree in every case with the definitions given above; only the notation is different. Alternatively, instead of defining subtraction and division as operations, the "inverse" fractions with respect to addition and multiplication might be defined as:


Furthermore, the relation, specified as


is an equivalence relation of fractions. Each fraction from one equivalence class may be considered as a representative for the whole class, and each whole class may be considered as one abstract fraction. This equivalence is preserved by the above defined operations, i.e., the results of operating on fractions are independent of the selection of representatives from their equivalence class. Formally, for addition of fractions

  and   imply

and similarly for the other operations.

In the case of fractions of integers, the fractions a/b with a and b coprime and b > 0 are often taken as uniquely determined representatives for their equivalent fractions, which are considered to be the same rational number. This way the fractions of integers make up the field of the rational numbers.

More generally, a and b may be elements of any integral domain R, in which case a fraction is an element of the field of fractions of R. For example, polynomials in one indeterminate, with coefficients from some integral domain D, are themselves an integral domain, call it P. So for a and b elements of P, the generated field of fractions is the field of rational fractions (also known as the field of rational functions).

Algebraic fractions

An algebraic fraction is the indicated quotient of two algebraic expressions. As with fractions of integers, the denominator of an algebraic fraction cannot be zero. Two examples of algebraic fractions are   and  . Algebraic fractions are subject to the same field properties as arithmetic fractions.

If the numerator and the denominator are polynomials, as in  , the algebraic fraction is called a rational fraction (or rational expression). An irrational fraction is one that is not rational, as, for example, one that contains the variable under a fractional exponent or root, as in  .

The terminology used to describe algebraic fractions is similar to that used for ordinary fractions. For example, an algebraic fraction is in lowest terms if the only factors common to the numerator and the denominator are 1 and −1. An algebraic fraction whose numerator or denominator, or both, contain a fraction, such as  , is called a complex fraction.

The field of rational numbers is the field of fractions of the integers, while the integers themselves are not a field but rather an integral domain. Similarly, the rational fractions with coefficients in a field form the field of fractions of polynomials with coefficient in that field. Considering the rational fractions with real coefficients, radical expressions representing numbers, such as  , are also rational fractions, as are a transcendental numbers such as   since all of   and   are real numbers, and thus considered as coefficients. These same numbers, however, are not rational fractions with integer coefficients.

The term partial fraction is used when decomposing rational fractions into sums of simpler fractions. For example, the rational fraction   can be decomposed as the sum of two fractions:  . This is useful for the computation of antiderivatives of rational functions (see partial fraction decomposition for more).

Radical expressions

A fraction may also contain radicals in the numerator or the denominator. If the denominator contains radicals, it can be helpful to rationalize it (compare Simplified form of a radical expression), especially if further operations, such as adding or comparing that fraction to another, are to be carried out. It is also more convenient if division is to be done manually. When the denominator is a monomial square root, it can be rationalized by multiplying both the top and the bottom of the fraction by the denominator:


The process of rationalization of binomial denominators involves multiplying the top and the bottom of a fraction by the conjugate of the denominator so that the denominator becomes a rational number. For example:


Even if this process results in the numerator being irrational, like in the examples above, the process may still facilitate subsequent manipulations by reducing the number of irrationals one has to work with in the denominator.

Typographical variations

In computer displays and typography, simple fractions are sometimes printed as a single character, e.g. ½ (one half). See the article on Number Forms for information on doing this in Unicode.

Scientific publishing distinguishes four ways to set fractions, together with guidelines on use:[29]

  • Special fractions: fractions that are presented as a single character with a slanted bar, with roughly the same height and width as other characters in the text. Generally used for simple fractions, such as: ½, ⅓, ⅔, ¼, and ¾. Since the numerals are smaller, legibility can be an issue, especially for small-sized fonts. These are not used in modern mathematical notation, but in other contexts.
  • Case fractions: similar to special fractions, these are rendered as a single typographical character, but with a horizontal bar, thus making them upright. An example would be 1/2, but rendered with the same height as other characters. Some sources include all rendering of fractions as case fractions if they take only one typographical space, regardless of the direction of the bar.[30]
  • Shilling or solidus fractions: 1/2, so called because this notation was used for pre-decimal British currency (£sd), as in "2/6" for a half crown, meaning two shillings and six pence. While the notation "two shillings and six pence" did not represent a fraction, the forward slash is now used in fractions, especially for fractions inline with prose (rather than displayed), to avoid uneven lines. It is also used for fractions within fractions (complex fractions) or within exponents to increase legibility. Fractions written this way, also known as piece fractions,[31] are written all on one typographical line, but take 3 or more typographical spaces.
  • Built-up fractions:  . This notation uses two or more lines of ordinary text and results in a variation in spacing between lines when included within other text. While large and legible, these can be disruptive, particularly for simple fractions or within complex fractions.


The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols representing one part of two, one part of three, one part of four, and so on.[32] The Egyptians used Egyptian fractions c. 1000 BC. About 4000 years ago, Egyptians divided with fractions using slightly different methods. They used least common multiples with unit fractions. Their methods gave the same answer as modern methods.[33] The Egyptians also had a different notation for dyadic fractions in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet and several Rhind Mathematical Papyrus problems.[citation needed]

The Greeks used unit fractions and (later) continued fractions. Followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras (c. 530 BC) discovered that the square root of two cannot be expressed as a fraction of integers. (This is commonly though probably erroneously ascribed to Hippasus of Metapontum, who is said to have been executed for revealing this fact.) In 150 BC Jain mathematicians in India wrote the "Sthananga Sutra", which contains work on the theory of numbers, arithmetical operations, and operations with fractions.

A modern expression of fractions known as bhinnarasi seems to have originated in India in the work of Aryabhatta (c. AD 500),[citation needed] Brahmagupta (c. 628), and Bhaskara (c. 1150).[34] Their works form fractions by placing the numerators (Sanskrit: amsa) over the denominators (cheda), but without a bar between them.[34] In Sanskrit literature, fractions were always expressed as an addition to or subtraction from an integer.[citation needed] The integer was written on one line and the fraction in its two parts on the next line. If the fraction was marked by a small circle ⟨०⟩ or cross ⟨+⟩, it is subtracted from the integer; if no such sign appears, it is understood to be added. For example, Bhaskara I writes:[35]

६  १  २
१  १  १
४  ५  ९

which is the equivalent of

6  1  2
1  1  −1
4  5  9

and would be written in modern notation as 61/4, 11/5, and 2 − 1/9 (i.e., 18/9).

The horizontal fraction bar is first attested in the work of Al-Hassār (fl. 1200),[34] a Muslim mathematician from Fez, Morocco, who specialized in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence. In his discussion he writes: "for example, if you are told to write three-fifths and a third of a fifth, write thus,  ".[36] The same fractional notation—with the fraction given before the integer[34]—appears soon after in the work of Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century.[37]

In discussing the origins of decimal fractions, Dirk Jan Struik states:[38]

The introduction of decimal fractions as a common computational practice can be dated back to the Flemish pamphlet De Thiende, published at Leyden in 1585, together with a French translation, La Disme, by the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin (1548–1620), then settled in the Northern Netherlands. It is true that decimal fractions were used by the Chinese many centuries before Stevin and that the Persian astronomer Al-Kāshī used both decimal and sexagesimal fractions with great ease in his Key to arithmetic (Samarkand, early fifteenth century).[39]

While the Persian mathematician Jamshīd al-Kāshī claimed to have discovered decimal fractions himself in the 15th century, J. Lennart Berggren notes that he was mistaken, as decimal fractions were first used five centuries before him by the Baghdadi mathematician Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi as early as the 10th century.[40][n 2]

In formal education

Pedagogical tools

In primary schools, fractions have been demonstrated through Cuisenaire rods, Fraction Bars, fraction strips, fraction circles, paper (for folding or cutting), pattern blocks, pie-shaped pieces, plastic rectangles, grid paper, dot paper, geoboards, counters and computer software.

Documents for teachers

Several states in the United States have adopted learning trajectories from the Common Core State Standards Initiative's guidelines for mathematics education. Aside from sequencing the learning of fractions and operations with fractions, the document provides the following definition of a fraction: "A number expressible in the form  /  where   is a whole number and   is a positive whole number. (The word fraction in these standards always refers to a non-negative number.)"[42] The document itself also refers to negative fractions.

See also

Number systems
Negative integers


  1. ^ Some typographers such as Bringhurst mistakenly distinguish the slash / as the virgule and the fraction slash as the solidus,[6] although in fact both are synonyms for the standard slash.[7][8]
  2. ^ While there is some disagreement among history of mathematics scholars as to the primacy of al-Uqlidisi's contribution, there is no question as to his major contribution to the concept of decimal fractions.[41]


Weisstein, Eric (2003). "CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Second Edition". CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics. Chapman & Hall/CRC. p. 1925. ISBN 1-58488-347-2.

  1. ^ H. Wu, "The Mis-Education of Mathematics Teachers", Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 58, Issue 03 (March 2011), p. 374. 2017-08-20 at the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ Schwartzman, Steven (1994). The Words of Mathematics: An Etymological Dictionary of Mathematical Terms Used in English. Mathematical Association of America. ISBN 978-0-88385-511-9.
  3. ^ "Fractions". www.mathsisfun.com. Retrieved 2020-08-27.
  4. ^ a b Ambrose, Gavin; et al. (2006). The Fundamentals of Typography (2nd ed.). Lausanne: AVA Publishing. p. 74. ISBN 978-2-940411-76-4. from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-02-20..
  5. ^ Cajori (1928), "275. The solidus", pp. 312–314
  6. ^ Bringhurst, Robert (2002). "5.2.5: Use the Virgule with Words and Dates, the Solidus with Split-level Fractions". The Elements of Typographic Style (3rd ed.). Point Roberts: Hartley & Marks. pp. 81–82. ISBN 978-0-88179-206-5.
  7. ^ "virgule, n.". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1917.
  8. ^ "solidus, n.1". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1913.
  9. ^ Easterday, Kenneth E. (Winter 1982). "One-hundred fifty years of vulgar fractions". Contemporary Education. 53 (2): 83–88. ProQuest 1291644250.
  10. ^ a b David E. Smith (1 June 1958). History of Mathematics. Courier Corporation. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-486-20430-7.
  11. ^ Perry, Owen; Perry, Joyce (1981). "Chapter 2: Common fractions". Mathematics I. Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 13–25. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-05230-1_2.
  12. ^ Jack Williams (19 November 2011). Robert Recorde: Tudor Polymath, Expositor and Practitioner of Computation. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 87–. ISBN 978-0-85729-862-1.
  13. ^ Record, Robert (1654). Record's Arithmetick: Or, the Ground of Arts: Teaching the Perfect Work and Practise of Arithmetick ... Made by Mr. Robert Record ... Afterward Augmented by Mr. John Dee. And Since Enlarged with a Third Part of Rules of Practise ... By John Mellis. And Now Diligently Perused, Corrected ... and Enlarged ; with an Appendix of Figurative Numbers ... with Tables of Board and Timber Measure ... the First Calculated by R. C. But Corrected, and the Latter ... Calculated by Ro. Hartwell ... James Flesher, and are to be sold by Edward Dod. pp. 266–.
  14. ^ Laurel (31 March 2004). "Math Forum – Ask Dr. Math: Can Negative Fractions Also Be Proper or Improper?". from the original on 9 November 2014. Retrieved 2014-10-30.
  15. ^ . Archived from the original on 2012-04-15. Retrieved 2011-12-31.
  16. ^ Greer, A. (1986). New comprehensive mathematics for 'O' level (2nd ed., reprinted ed.). Cheltenham: Thornes. p. 5. ISBN 978-0-85950-159-0. from the original on 2019-01-19. Retrieved 2014-07-29.
  17. ^ Kelley, W. Michael (2004). The Complete Idiot's Guide to Algebra. Penguin. p. 25. ISBN 9781592571611.
  18. ^ Wingard-Nelson, Rebecca (2014). Ready for Fractions and Decimals. Enslow. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-7660-4247-6. When you read a mixed number out loud, you say the whole number, the word and, then the fraction. The mixed number 2+1/4 is read as two and one fourth.
  19. ^ Wu, Hung-Hsi (2011). Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics. American Mathematical Society. §14.3 Mixed Numbers, pp. 225–227. ISBN 978-0-8218-5260-6.
  20. ^ Gardiner, Tony (2016). Teaching Mathematics at Secondary Level. OBP Series in Mathematics. Open Book Publishers. p. 89. doi:10.11647/OBP.0071. ISBN 9781783741373.
  21. ^ Lee, Mary A; Messner, Shelley J. (2000). "Analysis of concatenations and order of operations in written mathematics". School Science and Mathematics. 100 (4): 173–180. doi:10.1111/j.1949-8594.2000.tb17254.x. ProQuest 195210281. College students have had many years of high school and perhaps college experience in which multiplication has been the implied operation in concatenations such as 4x, with little classroom experience with mixed numbers, so that for them, when returning to mixed number forms, they apply their recent knowledge of multiplication as the implied operation in concatenation to the 'new' situation of mixed numbers.
  22. ^ a b Trotter, James (1853). A complete system of arithmetic. p. 65.
  23. ^ a b Barlow, Peter (1814). A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary.
  24. ^ . Collins English Dictionary. Archived from the original on 2017-12-01. Retrieved 29 August 2022.
  25. ^ "Complex fraction definition and meaning". Collins English Dictionary. 2018-03-09. from the original on 2017-12-01. Retrieved 2018-03-13.
  26. ^ "Compound Fractions". Sosmath.com. 1996-02-05. from the original on 2018-03-14. Retrieved 2018-03-13.
  27. ^ Schoenborn, Barry; Simkins, Bradley (2010). "8. Fun with Fractions". Technical Math For Dummies. Hoboken: Wiley Publishing Inc. p. 120. ISBN 978-0-470-59874-0. OCLC 719886424. Retrieved 28 September 2020.
  28. ^ "Fraction". Encyclopedia of Mathematics. 2012-04-06. from the original on 2014-10-21. Retrieved 2012-08-15.
  29. ^ Galen, Leslie Blackwell (March 2004). "Putting Fractions in Their Place" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 111 (3): 238–242. doi:10.2307/4145131. JSTOR 4145131. (PDF) from the original on 2011-07-13. Retrieved 2010-01-27.
  30. ^ "built fraction". allbusiness.com glossary. from the original on 2013-05-26. Retrieved 2013-06-18.
  31. ^ "piece fraction". allbusiness.com glossary. from the original on 2013-05-21. Retrieved 2013-06-18.
  32. ^ Eves, Howard (1990). An introduction to the history of mathematics (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders College Pub. ISBN 978-0-03-029558-4.
  33. ^ Winkler, Peter (2004). "Uses of fuses". Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur's Collection. A K Peters. pp. 2, 6. ISBN 1-56881-201-9.
  34. ^ a b c d Miller, Jeff (22 December 2014). "Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols". from the original on 20 February 2016. Retrieved 15 February 2016.
  35. ^ Filliozat, Pierre-Sylvain (2004). "Ancient Sanskrit Mathematics: An Oral Tradition and a Written Literature". In Chemla, Karine; Cohen, Robert S.; Renn, Jürgen; et al. (eds.). History of Science, History of Text. Boston Series in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 238. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. p. 152. doi:10.1007/1-4020-2321-9_7. ISBN 978-1-4020-2320-0.
  36. ^ Cajori, Florian (1928). A History of Mathematical Notations. Vol. 1. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company. p. 269. from the original on 2014-04-14. Retrieved 2017-08-30.
  37. ^ Cajori (1928), p. 89
  38. ^ A Source Book in Mathematics 1200–1800. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 1986. ISBN 978-0-691-02397-7.
  39. ^ Die Rechenkunst bei Ğamšīd b. Mas'ūd al-Kāšī. Wiesbaden: Steiner. 1951.
  40. ^ Berggren, J. Lennart (2007). "Mathematics in Medieval Islam". The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook. Princeton University Press. p. 518. ISBN 978-0-691-11485-9.
  41. ^ "MacTutor's al-Uqlidisi biography". 2011-11-15 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 2011-11-22.
  42. ^ "Common Core State Standards for Mathematics" (PDF). Common Core State Standards Initiative. 2010. p. 85. (PDF) from the original on 2013-10-19. Retrieved 2013-10-10.

External links

  • "Fraction, arithmetical". The Online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics.
  • "Fraction". Encyclopædia Britannica. 5 January 2024.

fraction, other, uses, disambiguation, fraction, from, latin, fractus, broken, represents, part, whole, more, generally, number, equal, parts, when, spoken, everyday, english, fraction, describes, many, parts, certain, size, there, example, half, eight, fifths. For other uses see Fraction disambiguation A fraction from Latin fractus broken represents a part of a whole or more generally any number of equal parts When spoken in everyday English a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are for example one half eight fifths three quarters A common vulgar or simple fraction examples 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 and 17 3 displaystyle tfrac 17 3 consists of an integer numerator displayed above a line or before a slash like 1 2 and a non zero integer denominator displayed below or after that line If these integers are positive then the numerator represents a number of equal parts and the denominator indicates how many of those parts make up a unit or a whole For example in the fraction 3 4 the numerator 3 indicates that the fraction represents 3 equal parts and the denominator 4 indicates that 4 parts make up a whole The picture to the right illustrates 3 4 of a cake A cake with one quarter one fourth removed The remaining three fourths are shown by dotted lines and labeled by the fraction 1 4Other uses for fractions are to represent ratios and division 1 Thus the fraction 3 4 can also be used to represent the ratio 3 4 the ratio of the part to the whole and the division 3 4 three divided by four We can also write negative fractions which represent the opposite of a positive fraction For example if 1 2 represents a half dollar profit then 1 2 represents a half dollar loss Because of the rules of division of signed numbers which states in part that negative divided by positive is negative 1 2 1 2 and 1 2 all represent the same fraction negative one half And because a negative divided by a negative produces a positive 1 2 represents positive one half In mathematics the set of all numbers that can be expressed in the form a b where a and b are integers and b is not zero is called the set of rational numbers and is represented by the symbol Q or m a t h gt Q displaystyle math gt mathbb Q which stands for quotient A number is a rational number precisely when it can be written in that form i e as a common fraction However the word fraction can also be used to describe mathematical expressions that are not rational numbers Examples of these usages include algebraic fractions quotients of algebraic expressions and expressions that contain irrational numbers such as 2 2 textstyle frac sqrt 2 2 see Square root of 2 and p 4 see Proof that p is irrational Contents 1 Vocabulary 2 Forms of fractions 2 1 Simple common or vulgar fractions 2 2 Proper and improper fractions 2 3 Reciprocals and the invisible denominator 2 4 Ratios 2 5 Decimal fractions and percentages 2 6 Mixed numbers 2 7 Historical notions 2 7 1 Egyptian fraction 2 7 2 Complex and compound fractions 3 Arithmetic with fractions 3 1 Equivalent fractions 3 1 1 Simplifying reducing fractions 3 2 Comparing fractions 3 3 Addition 3 3 1 Adding unlike quantities 3 4 Subtraction 3 5 Multiplication 3 5 1 Multiplying a fraction by another fraction 3 5 2 Multiplying a fraction by a whole number 3 5 3 Multiplying mixed numbers 3 6 Division 3 7 Converting between decimals and fractions 3 7 1 Converting repeating decimals to fractions 4 Fractions in abstract mathematics 5 Algebraic fractions 6 Radical expressions 7 Typographical variations 8 History 9 In formal education 9 1 Pedagogical tools 9 2 Documents for teachers 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 External linksVocabularySee also Numeral linguistics Fractional numbers and English numerals Fractions and decimals In a fraction the number of equal parts being described is the numerator from Latin numerator counter or numberer and the type or variety of the parts is the denominator from Latin denōminator thing that names or designates 2 3 As an example the fraction 8 5 amounts to eight parts each of which is of the type named fifth In terms of division the numerator corresponds to the dividend and the denominator corresponds to the divisor Informally the numerator and denominator may be distinguished by placement alone but in formal contexts they are usually separated by a fraction bar The fraction bar may be horizontal as in 1 3 oblique as in 2 5 or diagonal as in 4 9 4 These marks are respectively known as the horizontal bar the virgule slash US or stroke UK and the fraction bar solidus 5 or fraction slash n 1 In typography fractions stacked vertically are also known as en or nut fractions and diagonal ones as em or mutton fractions based on whether a fraction with a single digit numerator and denominator occupies the proportion of a narrow en square or a wider em square 4 In traditional typefounding a piece of type bearing a complete fraction e g 1 2 was known as a case fraction while those representing only part of fraction were called piece fractions The denominators of English fractions are generally expressed as ordinal numbers in the plural if the numerator is not 1 For example 2 5 and 3 5 are both read as a number of fifths Exceptions include the denominator 2 which is always read half or halves the denominator 4 which may be alternatively expressed as quarter quarters or as fourth fourths and the denominator 100 which may be alternatively expressed as hundredth hundredths or percent When the denominator is 1 it may be expressed in terms of wholes but is more commonly ignored with the numerator read out as a whole number For example 3 1 may be described as three wholes or simply as three When the numerator is 1 it may be omitted as in a tenth or each quarter The entire fraction may be expressed as a single composition in which case it is hyphenated or as a number of fractions with a numerator of one in which case they are not For example two fifths is the fraction 2 5 and two fifths is the same fraction understood as 2 instances of 1 5 Fractions should always be hyphenated when used as adjectives Alternatively a fraction may be described by reading it out as the numerator over the denominator with the denominator expressed as a cardinal number For example 3 1 may also be expressed as three over one The term over is used even in the case of solidus fractions where the numbers are placed left and right of a slash mark For example 1 2 may be read one half one half or one over two Fractions with large denominators that are not powers of ten are often rendered in this fashion e g 1 117 as one over one hundred seventeen while those with denominators divisible by ten are typically read in the normal ordinal fashion e g 6 1000000 as six millionths six millionths or six one millionths Forms of fractionsSimple common or vulgar fractions A simple fraction also known as a common fraction or vulgar fraction where vulgar is Latin for common is a rational number written as a b or a b displaystyle tfrac a b nbsp where a and b are both integers 9 As with other fractions the denominator b cannot be zero Examples include 1 2 8 5 8 5 and 8 5 The term was originally used to distinguish this type of fraction from the sexagesimal fraction used in astronomy 10 Common fractions can be positive or negative and they can be proper or improper see below Compound fractions complex fractions mixed numerals and decimals see below are not common fractions though unless irrational they can be evaluated to a common fraction A unit fraction is a common fraction with a numerator of 1 e g 1 7 Unit fractions can also be expressed using negative exponents as in 2 1 which represents 1 2 and 2 2 which represents 1 22 or 1 4 A dyadic fraction is a common fraction in which the denominator is a power of two e g 1 8 1 23 In Unicode precomposed fraction characters are in the Number Forms block Proper and improper fractions Common fractions can be classified as either proper or improper When the numerator and the denominator are both positive the fraction is called proper if the numerator is less than the denominator and improper otherwise 11 The concept of an improper fraction is a late development with the terminology deriving from the fact that fraction means a piece so a proper fraction must be less than 1 10 This was explained in the 17th century textbook The Ground of Arts 12 13 In general a common fraction is said to be a proper fraction if the absolute value of the fraction is strictly less than one that is if the fraction is greater than 1 and less than 1 14 15 It is said to be an improper fraction or sometimes top heavy fraction 16 if the absolute value of the fraction is greater than or equal to 1 Examples of proper fractions are 2 3 3 4 and 4 9 whereas examples of improper fractions are 9 4 4 3 and 3 3 Reciprocals and the invisible denominator The reciprocal of a fraction is another fraction with the numerator and denominator exchanged The reciprocal of 3 7 for instance is 7 3 The product of a fraction and its reciprocal is 1 hence the reciprocal is the multiplicative inverse of a fraction The reciprocal of a proper fraction is improper and the reciprocal of an improper fraction not equal to 1 that is numerator and denominator are not equal is a proper fraction When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are equal for example 7 7 its value is 1 and the fraction therefore is improper Its reciprocal is identical and hence also equal to 1 and improper Any integer can be written as a fraction with the number one as denominator For example 17 can be written as 17 1 where 1 is sometimes referred to as the invisible denominator 17 Therefore every fraction or integer except for zero has a reciprocal For example the reciprocal of 17 is 1 17 Ratios A ratio is a relationship between two or more numbers that can be sometimes expressed as a fraction Typically a number of items are grouped and compared in a ratio specifying numerically the relationship between each group Ratios are expressed as group 1 to group 2 to group n For example if a car lot had 12 vehicles of which 2 are white 6 are red and 4 are yellow then the ratio of red to white to yellow cars is 6 to 2 to 4 The ratio of yellow cars to white cars is 4 to 2 and may be expressed as 4 2 or 2 1 A ratio is often converted to a fraction when it is expressed as a ratio to the whole In the above example the ratio of yellow cars to all the cars on the lot is 4 12 or 1 3 We can convert these ratios to a fraction and say that 4 12 of the cars or 1 3 of the cars in the lot are yellow Therefore if a person randomly chose one car on the lot then there is a one in three chance or probability that it would be yellow Decimal fractions and percentages A decimal fraction is a fraction whose denominator is not given explicitly but is understood to be an integer power of ten Decimal fractions are commonly expressed using decimal notation in which the implied denominator is determined by the number of digits to the right of a decimal separator the appearance of which e g a period an interpunct a comma depends on the locale for examples see Decimal separator Thus for 0 75 the numerator is 75 and the implied denominator is 10 to the second power namely 100 because there are two digits to the right of the decimal separator In decimal numbers greater than 1 such as 3 75 the fractional part of the number is expressed by the digits to the right of the decimal with a value of 0 75 in this case 3 75 can be written either as an improper fraction 375 100 or as a mixed number 3 75 100 Decimal fractions can also be expressed using scientific notation with negative exponents such as 6 023 10 7 which represents 0 0000006023 The 10 7 represents a denominator of 107 Dividing by 107 moves the decimal point 7 places to the left Decimal fractions with infinitely many digits to the right of the decimal separator represent an infinite series For example 1 3 0 333 represents the infinite series 3 10 3 100 3 1000 Another kind of fraction is the percentage from Latin per centum meaning per hundred represented by the symbol in which the implied denominator is always 100 Thus 51 means 51 100 Percentages greater than 100 or less than zero are treated in the same way e g 311 equals 311 100 and 27 equals 27 100 The related concept of permille or parts per thousand ppt has an implied denominator of 1000 while the more general parts per notation as in 75 parts per million ppm means that the proportion is 75 1 000 000 Whether common fractions or decimal fractions are used is often a matter of taste and context Common fractions are used most often when the denominator is relatively small By mental calculation it is easier to multiply 16 by 3 16 than to do the same calculation using the fraction s decimal equivalent 0 1875 And it is more accurate to multiply 15 by 1 3 for example than it is to multiply 15 by any decimal approximation of one third Monetary values are commonly expressed as decimal fractions with denominator 100 i e with two decimals for example 3 75 However as noted above in pre decimal British currency shillings and pence were often given the form but not the meaning of a fraction as for example 3 6 read three and six meaning 3 shillings and 6 pence and having no relationship to the fraction 3 6 Mixed numbers A mixed number also called a mixed fraction or mixed numeral is the sum of a non zero integer and a proper fraction conventionally written by juxtaposition or concatenation of the two parts without the use of an intermediate plus or minus sign When the fraction is written horizontally a space is added between the integer and fraction to separate them As a basic example two entire cakes and three quarters of another cake might be written as 2 3 4 displaystyle 2 tfrac 3 4 nbsp cakes or 2 3 4 displaystyle 2 3 4 nbsp cakes with the numeral 2 displaystyle 2 nbsp representing the whole cakes and the fraction 3 4 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 nbsp representing the additional partial cake juxtaposed this is more concise than the more explicit notation 2 3 4 displaystyle 2 tfrac 3 4 nbsp cakes The mixed number 2 3 4 is pronounced two and three quarters with the integer and fraction portions connected by the word and 18 Subtraction or negation is applied to the entire mixed numeral so 2 3 4 displaystyle 2 tfrac 3 4 nbsp means 2 3 4 displaystyle bigl 2 tfrac 3 4 bigr nbsp Any mixed number can be converted to an improper fraction by applying the rules of adding unlike quantities For example 2 3 4 8 4 3 4 11 4 displaystyle 2 tfrac 3 4 tfrac 8 4 tfrac 3 4 tfrac 11 4 nbsp Conversely an improper fraction can be converted to a mixed number using division with remainder with the proper fraction consisting of the remainder divided by the divisor For example since 4 goes into 11 twice with 3 left over 11 4 2 3 4 displaystyle tfrac 11 4 2 tfrac 3 4 nbsp In primary school teachers often insist that every fractional result should be expressed as a mixed number 19 Outside school mixed numbers are commonly used for describing measurements for instance 2 1 2 hours or 5 3 16 inches and remain widespread in daily life and in trades especially in regions that do not use the decimalized metric system However scientific measurements typically use the metric system which is based on decimal fractions and starting from the secondary school level mathematics pedagogy treats every fraction uniformly as a rational number the quotient p q of integers leaving behind the concepts of improper fraction and mixed number 20 College students with years of mathematical training are sometimes confused when re encountering mixed numbers because they are used to the convention that juxtaposition in algebraic expressions means multiplication 21 Historical notions Egyptian fraction An Egyptian fraction is the sum of distinct positive unit fractions for example 1 2 1 3 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 3 nbsp This definition derives from the fact that the ancient Egyptians expressed all fractions except 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 nbsp 2 3 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 nbsp and 3 4 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 nbsp in this manner Every positive rational number can be expanded as an Egyptian fraction For example 5 7 displaystyle tfrac 5 7 nbsp can be written as 1 2 1 6 1 21 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 6 tfrac 1 21 nbsp Any positive rational number can be written as a sum of unit fractions in infinitely many ways Two ways to write 13 17 displaystyle tfrac 13 17 nbsp are 1 2 1 4 1 68 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 4 tfrac 1 68 nbsp and 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 68 displaystyle tfrac 1 3 tfrac 1 4 tfrac 1 6 tfrac 1 68 nbsp Complex and compound fractions Not to be confused with Complex numbers In a complex fraction either the numerator or the denominator or both is a fraction or a mixed number 22 23 corresponding to division of fractions For example 1 2 1 3 displaystyle frac tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 3 nbsp and 12 3 4 26 displaystyle frac 12 tfrac 3 4 26 nbsp are complex fractions To reduce a complex fraction to a simple fraction treat the longest fraction line as representing division For example 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 displaystyle frac tfrac 1 2 tfrac 1 3 tfrac 1 2 times tfrac 3 1 tfrac 3 2 nbsp 12 3 4 26 12 3 4 1 26 12 4 3 4 1 26 51 4 1 26 51 104 displaystyle frac 12 tfrac 3 4 26 12 tfrac 3 4 cdot tfrac 1 26 tfrac 12 cdot 4 3 4 cdot tfrac 1 26 tfrac 51 4 cdot tfrac 1 26 tfrac 51 104 nbsp 3 2 5 3 2 1 5 3 10 displaystyle frac tfrac 3 2 5 tfrac 3 2 times tfrac 1 5 tfrac 3 10 nbsp 8 1 3 8 3 1 24 displaystyle frac 8 tfrac 1 3 8 times tfrac 3 1 24 nbsp If in a complex fraction there is no unique way to tell which fraction lines takes precedence then this expression is improperly formed because of ambiguity So 5 10 20 40 is not a valid mathematical expression because of multiple possible interpretations e g as 5 10 20 40 5 10 20 40 1 4 displaystyle 5 10 20 40 frac 5 10 tfrac 20 40 frac 1 4 quad nbsp or as 5 10 20 40 5 10 20 40 1 displaystyle quad 5 10 20 40 frac tfrac 5 10 tfrac 20 40 1 nbsp A compound fraction is a fraction of a fraction or any number of fractions connected with the word of 22 23 corresponding to multiplication of fractions To reduce a compound fraction to a simple fraction just carry out the multiplication see Multiplication For example 3 4 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 nbsp of 5 7 displaystyle tfrac 5 7 nbsp is a compound fraction corresponding to 3 4 5 7 15 28 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 times tfrac 5 7 tfrac 15 28 nbsp The terms compound fraction and complex fraction are closely related and sometimes one is used as a synonym for the other For example the compound fraction 3 4 5 7 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 times tfrac 5 7 nbsp is equivalent to the complex fraction 3 4 7 5 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 7 5 nbsp Nevertheless complex fraction and compound fraction may both be considered outdated 24 and now used in no well defined manner partly even taken synonymously for each other 25 or for mixed numerals 26 They have lost their meaning as technical terms and the attributes complex and compound tend to be used in their every day meaning of consisting of parts Arithmetic with fractionsLike whole numbers fractions obey the commutative associative and distributive laws and the rule against division by zero Mixed number arithmetic can be performed either by converting each mixed number to an improper fraction or by treating each as a sum of integer and fractional parts Equivalent fractions Multiplying the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non zero number results in a fraction that is equivalent to the original fraction This is true because for any non zero number n displaystyle n nbsp the fraction n n displaystyle tfrac n n nbsp equals 1 Therefore multiplying by n n displaystyle tfrac n n nbsp is the same as multiplying by one and any number multiplied by one has the same value as the original number By way of an example start with the fraction 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 nbsp When the numerator and denominator are both multiplied by 2 the result is 2 4 which has the same value 0 5 as 1 2 To picture this visually imagine cutting a cake into four pieces two of the pieces together 2 4 make up half the cake 1 2 Simplifying reducing fractions Dividing the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non zero number yields an equivalent fraction if the numerator and the denominator of a fraction are both divisible by a number called a factor greater than 1 then the fraction can be reduced to an equivalent fraction with a smaller numerator and a smaller denominator For example if both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction a b displaystyle tfrac a b nbsp are divisible by c displaystyle c nbsp then they can be written as a c d displaystyle a cd nbsp b ce and the fraction becomes cd ce which can be reduced by dividing both the numerator and denominator by c to give the reduced fraction d e If one takes for c the greatest common divisor of the numerator and the denominator one gets the equivalent fraction whose numerator and denominator have the lowest absolute values One says that the fraction has been reduced to its lowest terms If the numerator and the denominator do not share any factor greater than 1 the fraction is already reduced to its lowest terms and it is said to be irreducible reduced or in simplest terms For example 3 9 displaystyle tfrac 3 9 nbsp is not in lowest terms because both 3 and 9 can be exactly divided by 3 In contrast 3 8 displaystyle tfrac 3 8 nbsp is in lowest terms the only positive integer that goes into both 3 and 8 evenly is 1 Using these rules we can show that 5 10 1 2 10 20 50 100 for example As another example since the greatest common divisor of 63 and 462 is 21 the fraction 63 462 can be reduced to lowest terms by dividing the numerator and denominator by 21 63 462 63 21 462 21 3 22 displaystyle tfrac 63 462 tfrac 63 div 21 462 div 21 tfrac 3 22 nbsp The Euclidean algorithm gives a method for finding the greatest common divisor of any two integers Comparing fractions Comparing fractions with the same positive denominator yields the same result as comparing the numerators 3 4 gt 2 4 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 gt tfrac 2 4 nbsp because 3 gt 2 and the equal denominators 4 displaystyle 4 nbsp are positive If the equal denominators are negative then the opposite result of comparing the numerators holds for the fractions 3 4 lt 2 4 because a b a b and 3 lt 2 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 lt tfrac 2 4 text because tfrac a b tfrac a b text and 3 lt 2 nbsp If two positive fractions have the same numerator then the fraction with the smaller denominator is the larger number When a whole is divided into equal pieces if fewer equal pieces are needed to make up the whole then each piece must be larger When two positive fractions have the same numerator they represent the same number of parts but in the fraction with the smaller denominator the parts are larger One way to compare fractions with different numerators and denominators is to find a common denominator To compare a b displaystyle tfrac a b nbsp and c d displaystyle tfrac c d nbsp these are converted to a d b d displaystyle tfrac a cdot d b cdot d nbsp and b c b d displaystyle tfrac b cdot c b cdot d nbsp where the dot signifies multiplication and is an alternative symbol to Then bd is a common denominator and the numerators ad and bc can be compared It is not necessary to determine the value of the common denominator to compare fractions one can just compare ad and bc without evaluating bd e g comparing 2 3 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 nbsp 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 nbsp gives 4 6 gt 3 6 displaystyle tfrac 4 6 gt tfrac 3 6 nbsp For the more laborious question 5 18 displaystyle tfrac 5 18 nbsp 4 17 displaystyle tfrac 4 17 nbsp multiply top and bottom of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction to get a common denominator yielding 5 17 18 17 displaystyle tfrac 5 times 17 18 times 17 nbsp 18 4 18 17 displaystyle tfrac 18 times 4 18 times 17 nbsp It is not necessary to calculate 18 17 displaystyle 18 times 17 nbsp only the numerators need to be compared Since 5 17 85 is greater than 4 18 72 the result of comparing is 5 18 gt 4 17 displaystyle tfrac 5 18 gt tfrac 4 17 nbsp Because every negative number including negative fractions is less than zero and every positive number including positive fractions is greater than zero it follows that any negative fraction is less than any positive fraction This allows together with the above rules to compare all possible fractions Addition The first rule of addition is that only like quantities can be added for example various quantities of quarters Unlike quantities such as adding thirds to quarters must first be converted to like quantities as described below Imagine a pocket containing two quarters and another pocket containing three quarters in total there are five quarters Since four quarters is equivalent to one dollar this can be represented as follows 2 4 3 4 5 4 1 1 4 displaystyle tfrac 2 4 tfrac 3 4 tfrac 5 4 1 tfrac 1 4 nbsp nbsp If 1 2 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 nbsp of a cake is to be added to 1 4 displaystyle tfrac 1 4 nbsp of a cake the pieces need to be converted into comparable quantities such as cake eighths or cake quarters Adding unlike quantities To add fractions containing unlike quantities e g quarters and thirds it is necessary to convert all amounts to like quantities It is easy to work out the chosen type of fraction to convert to simply multiply together the two denominators bottom number of each fraction In case of an integer number apply the invisible denominator 1 For adding quarters to thirds both types of fraction are converted to twelfths thus 1 4 1 3 1 3 4 3 1 4 3 4 3 12 4 12 7 12 displaystyle frac 1 4 frac 1 3 frac 1 times 3 4 times 3 frac 1 times 4 3 times 4 frac 3 12 frac 4 12 frac 7 12 nbsp Consider adding the following two quantities 3 5 2 3 displaystyle frac 3 5 frac 2 3 nbsp First convert 3 5 displaystyle tfrac 3 5 nbsp into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by three 3 5 3 3 9 15 displaystyle tfrac 3 5 times tfrac 3 3 tfrac 9 15 nbsp Since 3 3 equals 1 multiplication by 3 3 does not change the value of the fraction Second convert 2 3 into fifteenths by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by five 2 3 5 5 10 15 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 times tfrac 5 5 tfrac 10 15 nbsp Now it can be seen that 3 5 2 3 displaystyle frac 3 5 frac 2 3 nbsp is equivalent to 9 15 10 15 19 15 1 4 15 displaystyle frac 9 15 frac 10 15 frac 19 15 1 frac 4 15 nbsp This method can be expressed algebraically a b c d a d c b b d displaystyle frac a b frac c d frac ad cb bd nbsp This algebraic method always works thereby guaranteeing that the sum of simple fractions is always again a simple fraction However if the single denominators contain a common factor a smaller denominator than the product of these can be used For example when adding 3 4 displaystyle tfrac 3 4 nbsp and 5 6 displaystyle tfrac 5 6 nbsp the single denominators have a common factor 2 and therefore instead of the denominator 24 4 6 the halved denominator 12 may be used not only reducing the denominator in the result but also the factors in the numerator 3 4 5 6 3 6 4 6 4 5 4 6 18 24 20 24 19 12 3 3 4 3 2 5 2 6 9 12 10 12 19 12 displaystyle begin aligned frac 3 4 frac 5 6 amp frac 3 cdot 6 4 cdot 6 frac 4 cdot 5 4 cdot 6 frac 18 24 frac 20 24 amp frac 19 12 amp frac 3 cdot 3 4 cdot 3 frac 2 cdot 5 2 cdot 6 frac 9 12 frac 10 12 amp frac 19 12 end aligned nbsp The smallest possible denominator is given by the least common multiple of the single denominators which results from dividing the rote multiple by all common factors of the single denominators This is called the least common denominator Subtraction The process for subtracting fractions is in essence the same as that of adding them find a common denominator and change each fraction to an equivalent fraction with the chosen common denominator The resulting fraction will have that denominator and its numerator will be the result of subtracting the numerators of the original fractions For instance 2 3 1 2 4 6 3 6 1 6 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 tfrac 1 2 tfrac 4 6 tfrac 3 6 tfrac 1 6 nbsp To subtract a mixed number an extra one can be borrowed from the minuend for instance 4 2 3 4 4 2 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 displaystyle 4 2 tfrac 3 4 4 2 1 bigl 1 tfrac 3 4 bigr 1 tfrac 1 4 nbsp Multiplication Multiplying a fraction by another fraction To multiply fractions multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators Thus 2 3 3 4 6 12 displaystyle frac 2 3 times frac 3 4 frac 6 12 nbsp To explain the process consider one third of one quarter Using the example of a cake if three small slices of equal size make up a quarter and four quarters make up a whole twelve of these small equal slices make up a whole Therefore a third of a quarter is a twelfth Now consider the numerators The first fraction two thirds is twice as large as one third Since one third of a quarter is one twelfth two thirds of a quarter is two twelfth The second fraction three quarters is three times as large as one quarter so two thirds of three quarters is three times as large as two thirds of one quarter Thus two thirds times three quarters is six twelfths A short cut for multiplying fractions is called cancellation Effectively the answer is reduced to lowest terms during multiplication For example 2 3 3 4 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 displaystyle frac 2 3 times frac 3 4 frac cancel 2 1 cancel 3 1 times frac cancel 3 1 cancel 4 2 frac 1 1 times frac 1 2 frac 1 2 nbsp A two is a common factor in both the numerator of the left fraction and the denominator of the right and is divided out of both Three is a common factor of the left denominator and right numerator and is divided out of both Multiplying a fraction by a whole number Since a whole number can be rewritten as itself divided by 1 normal fraction multiplication rules can still apply 6 3 4 6 1 3 4 18 4 displaystyle 6 times tfrac 3 4 tfrac 6 1 times tfrac 3 4 tfrac 18 4 nbsp This method works because the fraction 6 1 means six equal parts each one of which is a whole Multiplying mixed numbers When multiplying mixed numbers it is considered preferable to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction 27 For example 3 2 3 4 3 8 4 3 4 3 11 4 33 4 32 4 1 4 8 1 4 displaystyle 3 times 2 frac 3 4 3 times left frac 8 4 frac 3 4 right 3 times frac 11 4 frac 33 4 frac 32 4 frac 1 4 8 frac 1 4 nbsp Alternately mixed numbers can be multiplied by applying the distributive property In this example 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 3 4 6 9 4 6 2 1 4 8 1 4 displaystyle 3 times 2 frac 3 4 3 times 2 3 times frac 3 4 6 frac 9 4 6 2 frac 1 4 8 frac 1 4 nbsp Division To divide a fraction by a whole number you may either divide the numerator by the number if it goes evenly into the numerator or multiply the denominator by the number For example 10 3 5 displaystyle tfrac 10 3 div 5 nbsp equals 2 3 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 nbsp and also equals 10 3 5 10 15 displaystyle tfrac 10 3 cdot 5 tfrac 10 15 nbsp which reduces to 2 3 displaystyle tfrac 2 3 nbsp To divide a number by a fraction multiply that number by the reciprocal of that fraction Thus 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 3 1 4 2 3 2 3 displaystyle tfrac 1 2 div tfrac 3 4 tfrac 1 2 times tfrac 4 3 tfrac 1 cdot 4 2 cdot 3 tfrac 2 3 nbsp Converting between decimals and fractions To change a common fraction to a decimal do a long division of the decimal representations of the numerator by the denominator this is idiomatically also phrased as divide the denominator into the numerator and round the answer to the desired accuracy For example to change 1 4 to a decimal divide 1 00 by 4 4 into 1 00 to obtain 0 25 To change 1 3 to a decimal divide 1 000 by 3 3 into 1 000 and stop when the desired accuracy is obtained e g at 4 decimals with 0 3333 The fraction 1 4 can be written exactly with two decimal digits while the fraction 1 3 cannot be written exactly as a decimal with a finite number of digits To change a decimal to a fraction write in the denominator a 1 followed by as many zeroes as there are digits to the right of the decimal point and write in the numerator all the digits of the original decimal just omitting the decimal point Thus 12 3456 123456 10000 displaystyle 12 3456 tfrac 123456 10000 nbsp Converting repeating decimals to fractions Further information Decimal representation Conversion to fraction See also Repeating decimal Decimal numbers while arguably more useful to work with when performing calculations sometimes lack the precision that common fractions have Sometimes an infinite repeating decimal is required to reach the same precision Thus it is often useful to convert repeating decimals into fractions A conventional way to indicate a repeating decimal is to place a bar known as a vinculum over the digits that repeat for example 0 789 0 789789789 For repeating patterns that begin immediately after the decimal point the result of the conversion is the fraction with the pattern as a numerator and the same number of nines as a denominator For example 0 5 5 9 0 62 62 99 0 264 264 999 0 6291 6291 9999If leading zeros precede the pattern the nines are suffixed by the same number of trailing zeros 0 05 5 90 0 000392 392 999000 0 0012 12 9900If a non repeating set of decimals precede the pattern such as 0 1523987 one may write the number as the sum of the non repeating and repeating parts respectively 0 1523 0 0000987Then convert both parts to fractions and add them using the methods described above 1523 10000 987 9990000 1522464 9990000Alternatively algebra can be used such as below Let x the repeating decimal x 0 1523987 Multiply both sides by the power of 10 just great enough in this case 104 to move the decimal point just before the repeating part of the decimal number 10 000x 1 523 987 Multiply both sides by the power of 10 in this case 103 that is the same as the number of places that repeat 10 000 000x 1 523 987 987 Subtract the two equations from each other if a b and c d then a c b d 10 000 000x 10 000x 1 523 987 987 1 523 987 Continue the subtraction operation to clear the repeating decimal 9 990 000x 1 523 987 1 523 9 990 000x 1 522 464 Divide both sides by 9 990 000 to represent x as a fraction x 1522464 9990000Fractions in abstract mathematicsIn addition to being of great practical importance fractions are also studied by mathematicians who check that the rules for fractions given above are consistent and reliable Mathematicians define a fraction as an ordered pair a b displaystyle a b nbsp of integers a displaystyle a nbsp and b 0 displaystyle b neq 0 nbsp for which the operations addition subtraction multiplication and division are defined as follows 28 a b c d a d b c b d displaystyle a b c d ad bc bd nbsp a b c d a d b c b d displaystyle a b c d ad bc bd nbsp a b c d a c b d displaystyle a b cdot c d ac bd nbsp a b c d a d b c with additionally c 0 displaystyle a b div c d ad bc quad text with additionally c neq 0 nbsp These definitions agree in every case with the definitions given above only the notation is different Alternatively instead of defining subtraction and division as operations the inverse fractions with respect to addition and multiplication might be defined as a b a b additive inverse fractions with 0 b as additive unities and a b 1 b a multiplicative inverse fractions for a 0 with b b as multiplicative unities displaystyle begin aligned a b amp a b amp amp text additive inverse fractions amp amp amp text with 0 b text as additive unities and a b 1 amp b a amp amp text multiplicative inverse fractions for a neq 0 amp amp amp text with b b text as multiplicative unities end aligned nbsp Furthermore the relation specified as a b c d a d b c displaystyle a b sim c d quad iff quad ad bc nbsp is an equivalence relation of fractions Each fraction from one equivalence class may be considered as a representative for the whole class and each whole class may be considered as one abstract fraction This equivalence is preserved by the above defined operations i e the results of operating on fractions are independent of the selection of representatives from their equivalence class Formally for addition of fractions a b a b displaystyle a b sim a b quad nbsp and c d c d displaystyle quad c d sim c d quad nbsp imply a b c d a b c d displaystyle a b c d sim a b c d nbsp dd and similarly for the other operations In the case of fractions of integers the fractions a b with a and b coprime and b gt 0 are often taken as uniquely determined representatives for their equivalent fractions which are considered to be the same rational number This way the fractions of integers make up the field of the rational numbers More generally a and b may be elements of any integral domain R in which case a fraction is an element of the field of fractions of R For example polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients from some integral domain D are themselves an integral domain call it P So for a and b elements of P the generated field of fractions is the field of rational fractions also known as the field of rational functions Algebraic fractionsMain article Algebraic fraction An algebraic fraction is the indicated quotient of two algebraic expressions As with fractions of integers the denominator of an algebraic fraction cannot be zero Two examples of algebraic fractions are 3 x x 2 2 x 3 displaystyle frac 3x x 2 2x 3 nbsp and x 2 x 2 3 displaystyle frac sqrt x 2 x 2 3 nbsp Algebraic fractions are subject to the same field properties as arithmetic fractions If the numerator and the denominator are polynomials as in 3 x x 2 2 x 3 displaystyle frac 3x x 2 2x 3 nbsp the algebraic fraction is called a rational fraction or rational expression An irrational fraction is one that is not rational as for example one that contains the variable under a fractional exponent or root as in x 2 x 2 3 displaystyle frac sqrt x 2 x 2 3 nbsp The terminology used to describe algebraic fractions is similar to that used for ordinary fractions For example an algebraic fraction is in lowest terms if the only factors common to the numerator and the denominator are 1 and 1 An algebraic fraction whose numerator or denominator or both contain a fraction such as 1 1 x 1 1 x displaystyle frac 1 tfrac 1 x 1 tfrac 1 x nbsp is called a complex fraction The field of rational numbers is the field of fractions of the integers while the integers themselves are not a field but rather an integral domain Similarly the rational fractions with coefficients in a field form the field of fractions of polynomials with coefficient in that field Considering the rational fractions with real coefficients radical expressions representing numbers such as 2 2 displaystyle textstyle sqrt 2 2 nbsp are also rational fractions as are a transcendental numbers such as p 2 textstyle pi 2 nbsp since all of 2 p displaystyle sqrt 2 pi nbsp and 2 displaystyle 2 nbsp are real numbers and thus considered as coefficients These same numbers however are not rational fractions with integer coefficients The term partial fraction is used when decomposing rational fractions into sums of simpler fractions For example the rational fraction 2 x x 2 1 displaystyle frac 2x x 2 1 nbsp can be decomposed as the sum of two fractions 1 x 1 1 x 1 displaystyle frac 1 x 1 frac 1 x 1 nbsp This is useful for the computation of antiderivatives of rational functions see partial fraction decomposition for more Radical expressionsMain articles Nth root and Rationalization mathematics A fraction may also contain radicals in the numerator or the denominator If the denominator contains radicals it can be helpful to rationalize it compare Simplified form of a radical expression especially if further operations such as adding or comparing that fraction to another are to be carried out It is also more convenient if division is to be done manually When the denominator is a monomial square root it can be rationalized by multiplying both the top and the bottom of the fraction by the denominator 3 7 3 7 7 7 3 7 7 displaystyle frac 3 sqrt 7 frac 3 sqrt 7 cdot frac sqrt 7 sqrt 7 frac 3 sqrt 7 7 nbsp The process of rationalization of binomial denominators involves multiplying the top and the bottom of a fraction by the conjugate of the denominator so that the denominator becomes a rational number For example 3 3 2 5 3 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 3 2 5 3 2 2 5 2 3 3 2 5 9 20 9 6 5 11 displaystyle frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 cdot frac 3 2 sqrt 5 3 2 sqrt 5 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 3 2 2 sqrt 5 2 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 9 20 frac 9 6 sqrt 5 11 nbsp 3 3 2 5 3 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 2 5 3 3 2 5 3 2 2 5 2 3 3 2 5 9 20 9 6 5 11 displaystyle frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 cdot frac 3 2 sqrt 5 3 2 sqrt 5 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 3 2 2 sqrt 5 2 frac 3 3 2 sqrt 5 9 20 frac 9 6 sqrt 5 11 nbsp Even if this process results in the numerator being irrational like in the examples above the process may still facilitate subsequent manipulations by reducing the number of irrationals one has to work with in the denominator Typographical variationsSee also Slash Encoding In computer displays and typography simple fractions are sometimes printed as a single character e g one half See the article on Number Forms for information on doing this in Unicode Scientific publishing distinguishes four ways to set fractions together with guidelines on use 29 Special fractions fractions that are presented as a single character with a slanted bar with roughly the same height and width as other characters in the text Generally used for simple fractions such as and Since the numerals are smaller legibility can be an issue especially for small sized fonts These are not used in modern mathematical notation but in other contexts Case fractions similar to special fractions these are rendered as a single typographical character but with a horizontal bar thus making them upright An example would be 1 2 but rendered with the same height as other characters Some sources include all rendering of fractions as case fractions if they take only one typographical space regardless of the direction of the bar 30 Shilling or solidus fractions 1 2 so called because this notation was used for pre decimal British currency sd as in 2 6 for a half crown meaning two shillings and six pence While the notation two shillings and six pence did not represent a fraction the forward slash is now used in fractions especially for fractions inline with prose rather than displayed to avoid uneven lines It is also used for fractions within fractions complex fractions or within exponents to increase legibility Fractions written this way also known as piece fractions 31 are written all on one typographical line but take 3 or more typographical spaces Built up fractions 1 2 displaystyle frac 1 2 nbsp This notation uses two or more lines of ordinary text and results in a variation in spacing between lines when included within other text While large and legible these can be disruptive particularly for simple fractions or within complex fractions HistoryThis History section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this History section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Fraction news newspapers books scholar JSTOR June 2023 Learn how and when to remove this template message The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers ancient symbols representing one part of two one part of three one part of four and so on 32 The Egyptians used Egyptian fractions c 1000 BC About 4000 years ago Egyptians divided with fractions using slightly different methods They used least common multiples with unit fractions Their methods gave the same answer as modern methods 33 The Egyptians also had a different notation for dyadic fractions in the Akhmim Wooden Tablet and several Rhind Mathematical Papyrus problems citation needed The Greeks used unit fractions and later continued fractions Followers of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras c 530 BC discovered that the square root of two cannot be expressed as a fraction of integers This is commonly though probably erroneously ascribed to Hippasus of Metapontum who is said to have been executed for revealing this fact In 150 BC Jain mathematicians in India wrote the Sthananga Sutra which contains work on the theory of numbers arithmetical operations and operations with fractions A modern expression of fractions known as bhinnarasi seems to have originated in India in the work of Aryabhatta c AD 500 citation needed Brahmagupta c 628 and Bhaskara c 1150 34 Their works form fractions by placing the numerators Sanskrit amsa over the denominators cheda but without a bar between them 34 In Sanskrit literature fractions were always expressed as an addition to or subtraction from an integer citation needed The integer was written on one line and the fraction in its two parts on the next line If the fraction was marked by a small circle ० or cross it is subtracted from the integer if no such sign appears it is understood to be added For example Bhaskara I writes 35 ६ १ २ १ १ १० ४ ५ ९which is the equivalent of 6 1 2 1 1 1 4 5 9and would be written in modern notation as 61 4 11 5 and 2 1 9 i e 18 9 The horizontal fraction bar is first attested in the work of Al Hassar fl 1200 34 a Muslim mathematician from Fez Morocco who specialized in Islamic inheritance jurisprudence In his discussion he writes for example if you are told to write three fifths and a third of a fifth write thus 3 1 5 3 displaystyle frac 3 quad 1 5 quad 3 nbsp 36 The same fractional notation with the fraction given before the integer 34 appears soon after in the work of Leonardo Fibonacci in the 13th century 37 In discussing the origins of decimal fractions Dirk Jan Struik states 38 The introduction of decimal fractions as a common computational practice can be dated back to the Flemish pamphlet De Thiende published at Leyden in 1585 together with a French translation La Disme by the Flemish mathematician Simon Stevin 1548 1620 then settled in the Northern Netherlands It is true that decimal fractions were used by the Chinese many centuries before Stevin and that the Persian astronomer Al Kashi used both decimal and sexagesimal fractions with great ease in his Key to arithmetic Samarkand early fifteenth century 39 While the Persian mathematician Jamshid al Kashi claimed to have discovered decimal fractions himself in the 15th century J Lennart Berggren notes that he was mistaken as decimal fractions were first used five centuries before him by the Baghdadi mathematician Abu l Hasan al Uqlidisi as early as the 10th century 40 n 2 In formal educationPedagogical tools In primary schools fractions have been demonstrated through Cuisenaire rods Fraction Bars fraction strips fraction circles paper for folding or cutting pattern blocks pie shaped pieces plastic rectangles grid paper dot paper geoboards counters and computer software Documents for teachers Several states in the United States have adopted learning trajectories from the Common Core State Standards Initiative s guidelines for mathematics education Aside from sequencing the learning of fractions and operations with fractions the document provides the following definition of a fraction A number expressible in the form a displaystyle a nbsp b displaystyle b nbsp where a displaystyle a nbsp is a whole number and b displaystyle b nbsp is a positive whole number The word fraction in these standards always refers to a non negative number 42 The document itself also refers to negative fractions See alsoCross multiplication 0 999 Multiple FRACTRANNumber systems Complex C displaystyle mathbb C nbsp Real R displaystyle mathbb R nbsp Rational Q displaystyle mathbb Q nbsp Integer Z displaystyle mathbb Z nbsp Natural N displaystyle mathbb N nbsp Zero 0One 1Prime numbersComposite numbersNegative integersFraction Finite decimalDyadic finite binary Repeating decimalIrrational Algebraic irrationalTranscendentalImaginaryNotes Some typographers such as Bringhurst mistakenly distinguish the slash as the virgule and the fraction slash as the solidus 6 although in fact both are synonyms for the standard slash 7 8 While there is some disagreement among history of mathematics scholars as to the primacy of al Uqlidisi s contribution there is no question as to his major contribution to the concept of decimal fractions 41 ReferencesWeisstein Eric 2003 CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics Second Edition CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics Chapman amp Hall CRC p 1925 ISBN 1 58488 347 2 H Wu The Mis Education of Mathematics Teachers Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 58 Issue 03 March 2011 p 374 Archived 2017 08 20 at the Wayback Machine Schwartzman Steven 1994 The Words of Mathematics An Etymological Dictionary of Mathematical Terms Used in English Mathematical Association of America ISBN 978 0 88385 511 9 Fractions www mathsisfun com Retrieved 2020 08 27 a b Ambrose Gavin et al 2006 The Fundamentals of Typography 2nd ed Lausanne AVA Publishing p 74 ISBN 978 2 940411 76 4 Archived from the original on 2016 03 04 Retrieved 2016 02 20 Cajori 1928 275 The solidus pp 312 314 Bringhurst Robert 2002 5 2 5 Use the Virgule with Words and Dates the Solidus with Split level Fractions The Elements of Typographic Style 3rd ed Point Roberts Hartley amp Marks pp 81 82 ISBN 978 0 88179 206 5 virgule n Oxford English Dictionary 1st ed Oxford Oxford University Press 1917 solidus n 1 Oxford English Dictionary 1st ed Oxford Oxford University Press 1913 Easterday Kenneth E Winter 1982 One hundred fifty years of vulgar fractions Contemporary Education 53 2 83 88 ProQuest 1291644250 a b David E Smith 1 June 1958 History of Mathematics Courier Corporation p 219 ISBN 978 0 486 20430 7 Perry Owen Perry Joyce 1981 Chapter 2 Common fractions Mathematics I Palgrave Macmillan UK pp 13 25 doi 10 1007 978 1 349 05230 1 2 Jack Williams 19 November 2011 Robert Recorde Tudor Polymath Expositor and Practitioner of Computation Springer Science amp Business Media pp 87 ISBN 978 0 85729 862 1 Record Robert 1654 Record s Arithmetick Or the Ground of Arts Teaching the Perfect Work and Practise of Arithmetick Made by Mr Robert Record Afterward Augmented by Mr John Dee And Since Enlarged with a Third Part of Rules of Practise By John Mellis And Now Diligently Perused Corrected and Enlarged with an Appendix of Figurative Numbers with Tables of Board and Timber Measure the First Calculated by R C But Corrected and the Latter Calculated by Ro Hartwell James Flesher and are to be sold by Edward Dod pp 266 Laurel 31 March 2004 Math Forum Ask Dr Math Can Negative Fractions Also Be Proper or Improper Archived from the original on 9 November 2014 Retrieved 2014 10 30 New England Compact Math Resources Archived from the original on 2012 04 15 Retrieved 2011 12 31 Greer A 1986 New comprehensive mathematics for O level 2nd ed reprinted ed Cheltenham Thornes p 5 ISBN 978 0 85950 159 0 Archived from the original on 2019 01 19 Retrieved 2014 07 29 Kelley W Michael 2004 The Complete Idiot s Guide to Algebra Penguin p 25 ISBN 9781592571611 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when returning to mixed number forms they apply their recent knowledge of multiplication as the implied operation in concatenation to the new situation of mixed numbers a b Trotter James 1853 A complete system of arithmetic p 65 a b Barlow Peter 1814 A new mathematical and philosophical dictionary complex fraction Collins English Dictionary Archived from the original on 2017 12 01 Retrieved 29 August 2022 Complex fraction definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary 2018 03 09 Archived from the original on 2017 12 01 Retrieved 2018 03 13 Compound Fractions Sosmath com 1996 02 05 Archived from the original on 2018 03 14 Retrieved 2018 03 13 Schoenborn Barry Simkins Bradley 2010 8 Fun with Fractions Technical Math For Dummies Hoboken Wiley Publishing Inc p 120 ISBN 978 0 470 59874 0 OCLC 719886424 Retrieved 28 September 2020 Fraction Encyclopedia of Mathematics 2012 04 06 Archived from the original on 2014 10 21 Retrieved 2012 08 15 Galen Leslie Blackwell March 2004 Putting 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Philosophy of Science Vol 238 Dordrecht Springer Netherlands p 152 doi 10 1007 1 4020 2321 9 7 ISBN 978 1 4020 2320 0 Cajori Florian 1928 A History of Mathematical Notations Vol 1 La Salle Illinois Open Court Publishing Company p 269 Archived from the original on 2014 04 14 Retrieved 2017 08 30 Cajori 1928 p 89 A Source Book in Mathematics 1200 1800 New Jersey Princeton University Press 1986 ISBN 978 0 691 02397 7 Die Rechenkunst bei Gamsid b Mas ud al Kasi Wiesbaden Steiner 1951 Berggren J Lennart 2007 Mathematics in Medieval Islam The Mathematics of Egypt Mesopotamia China India and Islam A Sourcebook Princeton University Press p 518 ISBN 978 0 691 11485 9 MacTutor s al Uqlidisi biography Archived 2011 11 15 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 2011 11 22 Common Core State Standards for Mathematics PDF Common Core State Standards Initiative 2010 p 85 Archived PDF from the original on 2013 10 19 Retrieved 2013 10 10 External links nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fractions nbsp Look up denominator in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Look up numerator in Wiktionary the free dictionary Fraction arithmetical The Online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Fraction Encyclopaedia Britannica 5 January 2024 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Fraction amp oldid 1206756497, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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