
Bengali alphabet

The Bengali script or Bangla alphabet (Bengali: বাংলা বর্ণমালা, Bangla bôrṇômala) is the alphabet used to write the Bengali language based on the Bengali-Assamese script, and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal. It is one of the most widely adopted writing systems in the world (used by over 265 million people).[4]

Bengali alphabet
বাংলা বর্ণমালা বা লিপি
Script type
Time period
11th century to the present[1]
LanguagesBengali, Sanskrit, Kokborok, Khasi,[2] Kudmali
Related scripts
Parent systems
Sister systems
Assamese and Tirhuta
ISO 15924
ISO 15924Beng (325), ​Bengali (Bangla)
Unicode alias
[a] The Semitic origin of the Brahmic scripts is not universally agreed upon.
 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and ⟨ ⟩, see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

From a classificatory point of view, the Bengali writing system is an abugida, i.e. its vowel graphemes are mainly realised not as independent letters, but as diacritics modifying the vowel inherent in the base letter they are added to. The Bengali writing system is written from left to right and uses a single letter case, which makes it a unicameral script, as opposed to a bicameral one like the Latin script. It is recognisable, as are some other Brahmic scripts, by a distinctive horizontal line known as a mātrā (মাত্রা) running along the tops of the letters that links them together. The Bengali writing system is less blocky, however, and presents a more sinuous shape than the Devanagari script.[5]


The Bengali script can be divided into vowels and vowel diacritics, consonants and consonant conjuncts, diacritical and other symbols, digits and punctuation marks. Vowels and consonants are used as letters and also as diacritical marks.


The Bengali script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter". The swôrôbôrnôs represent six of the seven main vowel sounds of Bengali, along with two vowel diphthongs. All of them are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages.

  • "" ô (স্বর অ shôrô ô, "vocalic ô") /ɔ/ sounds as the default inherent vowel for the entire Bengali script. Bengali, Assamese and Odia which are Eastern languages have this value for the inherent vowel, while other languages using Brahmic scripts have a for their inherent vowel.
  • Even though the near-open front unrounded vowel /æ/ is one of the seven main vowel sounds in the standard Bengali language, no distinct vowel symbol has been allotted for it in the script since there is no /æ/ sound in Sanskrit, the primary written language when the script was conceived. As a result, the sound is orthographically realised by multiple means in modern Bengali orthography, usually using some combination of "" e (স্বর এ shôrô e, "vocalic e") /e/, "", "" [6]a (স্বর আ shôrô a) /a/ and the যফলা jôphôla (diacritic form of the consonant grapheme ).
  • There are two graphemes for the vowel sound [i] and two graphemes for the vowel sound [u]. The redundancy stems from the time when this script was used to write Sanskrit, a language that had short and long vowels: "" i (হ্রস্ব ই rôshshô i, "short i") /i/ and "" ī (দীর্ঘ ঈ dirghô ī, "long ī") /iː/, and "" u (হ্রস্ব উ rôshshô u) /u/ and "" ū (দীর্ঘ ঊ dirghô ū) /uː/. The letters are preserved in the Bengali script with their traditional names despite the fact that they are no longer pronounced differently in ordinary speech. These graphemes serve an etymological function, however, in preserving the original Sanskrit spelling in tôtsômô Bengali words (words borrowed from Sanskrit).
  • The grapheme called "" (or হ্রস্ব ঋ rôshshô ri, "short ri", as it used to be) does not really represent a vowel phoneme in Bengali but the consonant-vowel combination রি /ri/. Nevertheless, it is included in the vowel section of the inventory of the Bengali script. This inconsistency is also a remnant from Sanskrit, where the grapheme represents the vocalic equivalent of a retroflex approximant (possibly an r-colored vowel). Another grapheme called "" (or হ্রস্ব ঌ rôshshô li as it used to be) representing the vocalic equivalent of a dental approximant in Sanskrit but actually representing the consonant-vowel combination লি /li/ in Bengali instead of a vowel phoneme, was also included in the vowel section but unlike "", it was recently discarded from the inventory since its usage was extremely limited even in Sanskrit.
  • When a vowel sound occurs syllable-initially or when it follows another vowel, it is written using a distinct letter. When a vowel sound follows a consonant (or a consonant cluster), it is written with a diacritic which, depending on the vowel, can appear above, below, before or after the consonant. These vowel marks cannot appear without a consonant and are called কার kar.
  • An exception to the above system is the vowel /ɔ/, which has no vowel mark but is considered inherent in every consonant letter. To denote the absence of the inherent vowel [ɔ] following a consonant, a diacritic called the হসন্ত hôsôntô (্) may be written underneath the consonant.
  • Although there are only two diphthongs in the inventory of the script: "" oi (স্বর ঐ shôrô oi, "vocalic oi") /oi/ and "" ou (স্বর ঔ shôrô ou) /ou/, the Bengali phonetic system has, in fact, many diphthongs.[nb 1] Most diphthongs are represented by juxtaposing the graphemes of their forming vowels, as in কেউ keu /keu/.
  • There also used to be two long vowels: "" (দীর্ঘ ৠ dirghô rri, "long rri") and "" (দীর্ঘ ৡ dirghô lli), which were removed from the inventory during the Vidyasagarian reform of the script due to peculiarity to Sanskrit.

The table below shows the vowels present in the modern (since the late nineteenth century) inventory of the Bengali alphabet:

Bengali vowels
(স্বরবর্ণ sbôrôbôrnô)
হ্রস্ব (short) দীর্ঘ (long)
(vowel phoneme)
(vowel mark)
(vowel phoneme)
(vowel mark)
- a
ি ī/ee
যুক্তস্বর (complex vowels)


  1. ^ The natural pronunciation of the grapheme অ, whether in its independent (visible) form or in its "inherent" (invisible) form in a consonant grapheme, is /ɔ/. But its pronunciation changes to /o/ in the following contexts:
    • অ is in the first syllable and there is a ই /i/ or উ /u/ in the next syllable, as in অতি ôti "much" /ɔt̪i/, বলছি bôlchhi "(I am) speaking" /ˈboltʃʰi/
    • if the অ is the inherent vowel in a word-initial consonant cluster ending in rôphôla "rô ending" /r/, as in প্রথম prôthôm "first" /prɔt̪ʰɔm/
    • if the next consonant cluster contains a jôphôla "jô ending", as in অন্য ônyô "other" /onːo/, জন্য jônyô "for" /dʒɔnːɔ/
  2. ^ /a/, represented by the letter আ, is phonetically realised as a near-open central vowel [ɐ] by most speakers.[7]
  3. ^ a b Although উ and ও represent the vowels /u/ and /o/ respectively, they may also represent the voiced labial–velar approximant /w/ which can occur as an allophone of /o/ and /u/ when preceding vowels word-initially, especially in loan words e.g. ওয়াদা [wada] 'promise', উইলিয়াম [wiliam] 'William'.
  4. ^ Even though the near-open front unrounded vowel /æ/ is one of the seven main vowel sounds in the standard Bengali language, no distinct vowel symbol has been allotted for it in the script, though is used. /æ/ may also be transcribed in IPA and pronounced as an open-mid front unrounded vowel /ɛ/,[8] which may also occur as an allophone of /e/, especially in English loan words.
  5. ^ /ʊ/ is the original pronunciation of the vowel , though a secondary pronunciation /o/ entered the Bengali phonology by Sanskrit influence. In modern Bengali, both the ancient and adopted pronunciation of can be heard in spoken. Example: The word নোংরা (meaning "foul") is pronounced as /nʊŋra/ and /noŋra/ (Romanized as both nungra and nongra), both.
The consonant () along with the diacritic form of the vowels আ, ই, ঈ, উ, ঊ, ঋ, এ, ঐ, ও and ঔ.


Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali. The names of the letters are typically just the consonant sound plus the inherent vowel ô. Since the inherent vowel is assumed and not written, most letters' names look identical to the letter itself (the name of the letter is itself ghô, not gh).

  • Some letters that have lost their distinctive pronunciation in modern Bengali are called by more elaborate names. For example, since the consonant phoneme /n/ is written as both and , the letters are not called simply ; instead, they are called দন্ত্য ন dôntyô nô ("dental nô") and মূর্ধন্য ণ murdhônyô nô ("retroflex nô"). What was once pronounced and written as a retroflex nasal ণ [ɳ] is now pronounced as an alveolar [n] (unless conjoined with another retroflex consonant such as ট, ঠ, ড and ঢ) although the spelling does not reflect the change.
  • Although still named murdhônyô when they are being taught, retroflex consonants do not exist in Bengali and are instead fronted to their postalveolar and alveolar equivalents.[9]
  • The voiceless palato-alveolar sibilant phoneme /ʃ/ can be written as , (তালব্য শ talôbyô shô, "palatal shô"), (মূর্ধন্য ষ murdhônyô shô, "retroflex shô"), or (দন্ত্য স dôntyô sô, "dental sô" voiceless alveolar fricative), depending on the word.
  • The voiced palato-alveolar affricate phoneme /dʒ/ can be written in two ways, as (অন্তঃস্থ য ôntôsthô jô) or (বর্গীয় জ bôrgiyô jô). In many varieties of Bengali, [z, dz] are not distinct from this phoneme, but speakers who distinguish them may use the letters and with contrast.
  • Post-reform, the letter য় was introduced to distinguish it from য [note]:
    • The semivowel য়/e̯ɔ/ cannot occur at the beginning of a word .[a] The name of য় is অন্তঃস্থ অ ôntôsthô ô ('semi-vowel y') [the y is silent in the pronunciation of its name]. The pronunciation of য়/e̯ɔ/ varies between ⟨w⟩ and ⟨j⟩ ['w' and 'y'].
    • The name of is অন্তঃস্থ য ôntôsthô jô ('semi-vowel j'). It is found almost entirely at the beginning of words.
    • When present in the middle of words, in conjuncts, য is represented as a distinct letter: ্য (যফলা jôphôla) which is mostly silent or semi-silent (see below). Jôphôla may alter the pronunciation of the surrounding vowel or double the preceding consonant or be completely silent.
  • Since the nasals ñô /ẽɔ/ and ngô /ŋɔ/ cannot occur at the beginning of a word in Bengali, their names are not ñô and ngô respectively but উঙ ungô (pronounced by some as উম umô or উঁঅ ũô) and ইঞ iñô (pronounced by some as নীয় niyô or ইঙ ingô) respectively.
  • There is a difference in the pronunciation of ড় ṛô (ড-এ শূন্য ড় ḍô-e shunyô ṛô, "ṛô (as) ḍô with a zero (the figure is used analogous to the ring below diacritic as the Bengali equivalent of the Devanagari nuqta, which is again analogous to the underdot)") and ঢ় ṛhô (ঢ-এ শূন্য ঢ় ḍhô-e shunyô ṛhô) with that of (sometimes called ব-এ শূন্য র bô-e shunyô rô for distinguishing purpose) - similar to other Indic languages. This is especially true in the parlance of western and southern part of Bengal but lesser on the dialects of the eastern side of the Padma River. ড় and ঢ় were introduced to the inventory during the Vidyasagarian reform to indicate the retroflex flap in the pronunciation of ḍô and ḍhô in the middle or end of a word. It is an allophonic development in some Indic languages not present in Sanskrit. Yet in ordinary speech these letters are pronounced the same as in modern Bengali.
Bengali consonants
(ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô)
বর্গীয় বর্ণ (Generic sounds)
Voicing অঘোষ (Voiceless) ঘোষ (Voiced) অঘোষ (Voiceless) ঘোষ (Voiced)
Aspiration অল্পপ্রাণ (Unaspirated) মহাপ্রাণ (Aspirated) অল্পপ্রাণ (Unaspirated) মহাপ্রাণ (Aspirated) অল্পপ্রাণ (Unaspirated) মহাপ্রাণ (Aspirated)













Post-reform letters ড় ṛô
ঢ় ṛhô


  1. ^ Unlike Sanskrit and other Indic languages, Bengali words cannot begin with any semi-vocalic phoneme
  2. ^ Though in modern Bengali the letters ক, খ, গ, ঘ, ঙ are actually velar consonants and the letter হ is actually a glottal consonant, texts still use the Sanskrit name "কন্ঠ্য" ("guttural").
  3. ^ When used at the beginning or end of a word, হ is pronounced voiceless /hɔ/ but when used in the middle, it is sounded voiced as /ɦɔ/.
  4. ^ Palatal letters phonetically represent palato-alveolar sounds but in Eastern dialects they mostly are depalatalised or depalatalised and deaffricated.
  5. ^ Original sound for ঞ was /ɲɔ/ but in modern Bengali, it represents /ɔ/ and in consonant conjuncts is pronounced /nɔ/ same as ন.
  6. ^ In Sanskrit, য represented voiced palatal approximant /j/. In Bengali, it developed two allophones: voiced palato-alveolar affricate /ɔ/ same as জ when used at the beginning of a word and the palatal approximant in other cases. When reforming the script, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar introduced য়, representing /ɔ/, to indicate the palatal approximant in the pronunciation of য in the middle or end of a word. In modern Bengali, য represents /ɔ/ and the near-open front unrounded vowel /æ/ as the diacritic jôphôla. It falls into voiced alveolar sibilant affricate /dzɔ/ in Eastern dialects and is also used to represent voiced alveolar sibilant /zɔ/ for Perso-Arabic loanwords.
  7. ^ a b c In Bengali, there are three letters for sibilants: শ, ষ, স. Originally all three had distinctive sounds. In modern Bengali, the most common sibilant varies between /ʃ~ɕ/ – originally represented by শ, but today, স and ষ in words are often pronounced as /ɕ~ʃ/. The other sibilant in Bengali is /s/, originally represented by স, but today, শ and ষ, in words, can sometimes be pronounced as /s/. Another, now extinct, sibilant was /ʂ/, originally represented by ষ. ষ is mostly pronounced as /ɕ~ʃ/, but in conjunction with apical alveolar consonants, the /ʂ/ sound can sometimes be found.
  8. ^ In modern text often the name দন্ত্যমূলীয় ("alveolar") or পশ্চাদ্দন্তমূলীয় ("postalveolar") is used to describe more precisely letters previously described as retroflex.
  9. ^ The original sound for ণ was /ɳɔ/ but in modern Bengali it is almost always pronounced /nɔ/, the same as ন. An exception is in conjuncts with other retroflex letters, where the original sound for ণ can occasionally be found.
  10. ^ The /r/ phoneme, represented by র, is pronounced either as a voiced alveolar flap [ɾ], voiced alveolar approximant [ɹ] or voiced alveolar trill [r]. Most speakers colloquially pronounce /r/ as a flap [ɾ], although the trill [r] may occur word-initially; with the flap [ɾ] occurring medially and finally. /r/ can also occur as an approximant [ɹ], especially in some Eastern dialects and sometimes in conjuncts before consonants.[10][11]
  11. ^ Although ফ represents the aspirated form of the voiceless bilabial stop /ɔ/ it is pronounced either voiceless labial fricative /ɸɔ/ (in Eastern dialects) or voiceless labiodental fricative /fɔ/ in ordinary speech.
  12. ^ Although ভ represents the aspirated form of the voiced bilabial stop /ɔ/ it is pronounced either voiced labial fricative /βɔ/ (in Eastern dialects) or voiced labiodental fricative /vɔ/ in ordinary speech.
  13. ^ [ɽʱ] only occurs in the individual pronunciation of the letter ঢ় [ɽʱɔ] but is usually pronounced as [ɽ] in ordinary speech.

Consonant conjuncts

The consonant ligature ndrô (ন্দ্র) : ন () in green, দ () in blue and র () in maroon.

Clusters of up to four consonants can be orthographically represented as a typographic ligature called a consonant conjunct (Bengali: যুক্তাক্ষর/যুক্তবর্ণ juktakkhôr/juktôbôrnô or more specifically যুক্তব্যঞ্জন). Typically, the first consonant in the conjunct is shown above and/or to the left of the following consonants. Many consonants appear in an abbreviated or compressed form when serving as part of a conjunct. Others simply take exceptional forms in conjuncts, bearing little or no resemblance to the base character.

Often, consonant conjuncts are not actually pronounced as would be implied by the pronunciation of the individual components. For example, adding underneath shô in Bengali creates the conjunct শ্ল, which is not pronounced shlô but slô in Bengali. Many conjuncts represent Sanskrit sounds that were lost centuries before modern Bengali was ever spoken as in জ্ঞ. It is a combination of ǰô and ñô but it is not pronounced "ǰñô" or "jnô". Instead, it is pronounced ggô in modern Bengali. Thus, as conjuncts often represent (combinations of) sounds that cannot be easily understood from the components, the following descriptions are concerned only with the construction of the conjunct, and not the resulting pronunciation.

(Some graphemes may appear in a form other than the mentioned form due to the font used)

Fused forms

Some consonants fuse in such a way that one stroke of the first consonant also serves as a stroke of the next.

  • The consonants can be placed on top of one another, sharing their vertical line: ক্ক kkô গ্ন gnô গ্ল glô ন্ন nnô প্ন pnô প্প ppô ল্ল llô etc.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, ব bô can hang on the vertical line under the preceding consonants, taking the shape of ব bô (includes বফলা bôphôla): গ্ব gbô ণ্ব "ṇbô" দ্ব "dbô" ল্ব lbô শ্ব "shbô".
  • The consonants can also be placed side-by-side, sharing their vertical line: দ্দ ddô ন্দ ndô ব্দ bdô ব্জ bǰô প্ট pṭô স্ট sṭô শ্চ shchô শ্ছ shchhô, etc.

Approximated forms

Some consonants are written closer to one another simply to indicate that they are in a conjunct together.

  • The consonants can be placed side-by-side, appearing unaltered: দ্গ dgô দ্ঘ dghô ড্ড ḍḍô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, bô can appear immediately to the right of the preceding consonant, taking the shape of bô (includes বফলা bôphôla): ধ্ব "dhbô" ব্ব bbô হ্ব "hbô".

Compressed forms

Some consonants are compressed (and often simplified) when appearing as the first member of a conjunct.

  • As the first member of a conjunct, the consonants ngô chô ḍô and bô are often compressed and placed at the top-left of the following consonant, with little or no change to the basic shape: ঙ্ক্ষ "ngkṣô" ঙ্খ ngkhô ঙ্ঘ ngghô ঙ্ম ngmô চ্চ chchô চ্ছ chchhô চ্ঞ "chnô" ড্ঢ ḍḍhô ব্‍ব bbô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, tô is compressed and placed above the following consonant, with little or no change to the basic shape: ত্ন tnô ত্ম "tmô" ত্ব "tbô".
  • As the first member of a conjunct, mô is compressed and simplified to a curved shape. It is placed above or to the top-left of the following consonant: ম্ন mnô ম্প mpô ম্ফ mfô ম্ব mbô ম্ভ mbhô ম্ম mmô ম্ল mlô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, ṣô is compressed and simplified to an oval shape with a diagonal stroke through it. It is placed to the top-left of the following consonants: ষ্ক ṣkô ষ্ট ṣṭô ষ্ঠ ṣṭhô ষ্প ṣpô ষ্ফ ṣfô ষ্ম ṣmô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, sô is compressed and simplified to a ribbon shape. It is placed above or to the top-left of the following consonant: স্ক skô স্খ skhô স্ত stô স্থ sthô স্ন snô স্প spô স্ফ sfô স্ব "sbô" স্ম "smô" স্ল slô.

Abbreviated forms

Some consonants are abbreviated when appearing in conjuncts and lose part of their basic shape.

  • As the first member of a conjunct, ǰô can lose its final down-stroke: জ্জ ǰǰô জ্ঞ "ǰñô" জ্ব "jbô".
  • As the first member of a conjunct, ñô can lose its bottom half: ঞ্চ ñchô ঞ্ছ ñchhô ঞ্জ ñǰô ঞ্ঝ ñǰhô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, ñô can lose its left half (the part): জ্ঞ "ǰñô".
  • As the first member of a conjunct, ṇô and pô can lose their down-stroke: ণ্ঠ ṇṭhô ণ্ড ṇḍô প্ত ptô প্স psô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, tô and bhô can lose their final upward tail: ত্ত ttô ত্থ tthô ত্র trô ভ্র bhrô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, thô can lose its final upstroke, taking the form of hô instead: ন্থ nthô স্থ sthô ম্থ mthô
  • As the last member of a conjunct, mô can lose its initial down-stroke: ক্ম "kmô" গ্ম "gmô" ঙ্ম ngmô ট্ম "ṭmô" ণ্ম "ṇmô" ত্ম "tmô" দ্ম "dmô" ন্ম nmô ম্ম mmô শ্ম "shmô" ষ্ম ṣmô স্ম "smô".
  • As the last member of a conjunct, sô can lose its top half: ক্স ksô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct ṭô, ḍô and ḍhô can lose their matra: প্ট pṭô ণ্ড ṇḍô ণ্ট ṇṭô ণ্ঢ ṇḍhô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct ḍô can change its shape: ণ্ড ṇḍô

Variant forms

Some consonants have forms that are used regularly but only within conjuncts.

  • As the first member of a conjunct, ঙ ngô can appear as a loop and curl: ঙ্ক ngkô ঙ্গ nggô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, the curled top of ধ dhô is replaced by a straight downstroke to the right, taking the form of ঝ ǰhô instead: গ্ধ gdhô দ্ধ ddhô ন্ধ ndhô ব্ধ bdhô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, র rô appears as a diagonal stroke (called রেফ ref) above the following member: র্ক rkô র্খ rkhô র্গ rgô র্ঘ rghô, etc.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, র rô appears as a wavy horizontal line (called রফলা rôphôla) under the previous member: খ্র khrô গ্র grô ঘ্র ghrô ব্র brô, etc.
    • In some fonts, certain conjuncts with রফলা rôphôla appear using the compressed (and often simplified) form of the previous consonant: জ্র ǰrô ট্র ṭrô ঠ্র ṭhrô ড্র ḍrô ম্র mrô স্র srô.
    • In some fonts, certain conjuncts with রফলা rôphôla appear using the abbreviated form of the previous consonant: ক্র krô ত্র trô ভ্র bhrô.
  • As the last member of a conjunct, য jô appears as a wavy vertical line (called যফলা jôphôla) to the right of the previous member: ক্য "kyô" খ্য "khyô" গ্য "gyô" ঘ্য "ghyô" etc.
    • In some fonts, certain conjuncts with যফলা jôphôla appear using special fused forms: দ্য "dyô" ন্য "nyô" শ্য "shyô" ষ্য "ṣyô" স্য "syô" হ্য "hyô".


  • When followed by র rô or ত tô, ক kô takes on the same form as ত tô would with the addition of a curl to the right: ক্র krô, ক্ত ktô.
  • When preceded by the abbreviated form of ঞ ñô, চ chô takes the shape of ব bô: ঞ্চ ñchô
  • When preceded by another ট ṭô, ট is reduced to a leftward curl: ট্ট ṭṭô.
  • When preceded by ষ ṣô, ণ ṇô appears as two loops to the right: ষ্ণ ṣṇô.
  • As the first member of a conjunct, or when at the end of a word and followed by no vowel, ত tô can appear as : ৎস "tsô" ৎপ tpô ৎক tkô etc.
  • When preceded by হ hô, ন nô appears as a curl to the right: হ্ন "hnô".
  • Certain combinations must be memorised: ক্ষ "kṣô" হ্ম "hmô".

Certain compounds

When serving as a vowel mark, উ u, ঊ u, and ঋ ri take on many exceptional forms.

  • উ u
    • When following গ gô or শ shô, it takes on a variant form resembling the final tail of ও o: গু gu শু shu.
    • When following a ত tô that is already part of a conjunct with প pô, ন nô or স sô, it is fused with the ত to resemble ও o: ন্তু ntu স্তু stu প্তু ptu.
    • When following র rô, and in many fonts also following the variant রফলা rôphôla, it appears as an upward curl to the right of the preceding consonant as opposed to a downward loop below: রু ru গ্রু gru ত্রু tru থ্রু thru দ্রু dru ধ্রু dhru ব্রু bru ভ্রু bhru শ্রু shru.
    • When following হ hô, it appears as an extra curl: হু hu.
  • ঊ u
    • When following র rô, and in many fonts also following the variant রফলা rôphôla, it appears as a downstroke to the right of the preceding consonant as opposed to a downward hook below: রূ rū গ্রূ grū থ্রূ thrū দ্রূ drū ধ্রূ dhrū ভ্রূ bhrū শ্রূ shrū.
  • ঋ ri
    • When following হ hô, it takes the variant shape of ঊ u: হৃ hri.
  • Conjuncts of three consonants also exist, and follow the same rules as above: স sô + ত tô +র rô = স্ত্র strô, ম mô + প pô + র rô = ম্প্র mprô, জ ǰô + জ ǰô + ব bô = জ্জ্ব "ǰǰbô", ক্ষ "kṣô" + ম mô = ক্ষ্ম "kṣmô".
  • Theoretically, four-consonant conjuncts can also be created, as in র rô + স sô + ট ṭô + র rô = র্স্ট্র rsṭrô, but they are not found in native words.
  • Also theoretically, 5-letter conjuncts can be created, as র rô + স sô + ট tô + র rô + ঁ = র্স্ট্রঁ (pronounced rsṭrô but nasalised: rsṭrôñ). Here ঁ is a diacritic which nasalises the previous vowel. A theoretical 6-letter conjunct would be র্স্ট্রাঁ (rsṭrañ/rsṭra), with the addition of a (আ) to র্স্ট্রঁ, and a theoretical 7-letter conjunct would be like র্স্ট্র‍্যাঁ (rsṭrya/rsṭryañ) with the addition of য to র্স্ট্রাঁ.

Diacritics and other symbols

These are mainly the Brahmi-Sanskrit diacritics, phones and punctuation marks present in languages with Sanskrit influence or Brahmi-derived scripts.

সংশোধক বর্ণ sôngshodhôk bôrnô
Name Function Romanization IPA
[nc 1] খণ্ড ত
khôndô tô
Special character. Final unaspirated dental [t̪] t /t̪/
[nc 2] অনুস্বার
Diacritic. Final velar nasal [ŋ] ng /ŋ/
[nc 2] বিসর্গ
1. Doubles the next consonant sound without the vowel (spelling feature) in দুঃখ dukkhô, the k of khô was repeated before the whole khô
2. "h" sound at end, examples: এঃ eh!, উঃ uh!
3. Silent in spellings like আন্তঃনগর āntônôgôr meaning "Inter-city"
4. Also used as abbreviation, as in কিঃমিঃ (similar to "km" in English), for the word কিলোমিটার "kilometer", or ডাঃ (similar to "Dr" in English) for ডাক্তার dāktār "doctor".

But now using বিসর্গ bishôrgô for making abbreviations is considered grammatically wrong and now dot is used for making abbreviations (as in কি.মি. for the word কিলোমিটার " kilometer", or ডা. for ডাক্তার dāktār "doctor" which are respectively similar to "km" and "Dr" in English) is grammatically correct.[12][13]

h /ḥ/
‍ঁ চন্দ্রবিন্দু
Diacritic. Vowel nasalization ñ /ñ/
‍্ হসন্ত
Diacritic. Suppresses the inherent vowel [ɔ] (ô)
‍ঽ অবগ্রহ
Special character or sign. Used for prolonging vowel sounds
Example1: শোনঽঽঽ shônôôôô meaning "listennnn..." (listen), this is where the default inherited vowel sound ô in is prolonged.
Example2: কিঽঽঽ? kiiii? meaning "Whatttt...?" (What?), this is where the vowel sound i which is attached with the consonant is prolonged.
‍্য যফলা
Diacritic. Used with two types of pronunciation in modern Bengali depending on the location of the consonant it is used with within a syllable
Example 1 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-initial, it acts as the vowel /æ/: ত্যাগ is pronounced /t̪æg/
Example 2 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-final, it doubles the consonant: মুখ্য is pronounced /mukʰːɔ/
Notably used in transliterating English words with /æ/ sounding vowels, e.g. ব্ল্যাক "black" and sometimes as a diacritic to indicate non-Bengali vowels of various kinds in transliterated foreign words, e.g. the schwa indicated by a jôphôla, the French u, and the German umlaut ü as উ্য uyô, the German umlaut ö as ও্য oyô or এ্য eyô
ê / yô /æ/ or /ː/
‍‍্র রফলা
Diacritic. [r] pronounced following a consonant phoneme. r /r/
‍‍র্ক রেফ
Diacritic. [r] pronounced preceding a consonant phoneme. r /r/
‍্ব বফলা
Diacritic. Used in spellings only if they were adopted from Sanskrit and has two different pronunciations depending on the location of the consonant it is used with
Example 1 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-initial, it remains silent: স্বাধীন is pronounced as /ʃad̪ʱin/ rather than /ʃbad̪ʱin/
Example 2 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-final, it doubles the consonant: বিদ্বান is pronounced /bid̪ːan/ and বিশ্ব is pronounced /biʃːɔ/
However, certain Sanskrit sandhis (phonetic fusions) such as 'ঋগ্বেদ', 'দিগ্বিজয়', 'উদ্বেগ', 'উদ্বৃত্ত' are pronounced /rigbed̪/, /d̪igbidʒɔe̯/, /ud̪beg/, /ud̪brittɔ/ respectively while usage with the consonant defies phonological rules: 'আহ্বান' and 'জিহ্বা' are properly pronounced /aobɦan/ and /dʒiobɦa/ rather than /aɦban/ and /dʒiɦba/, respectively.
Also used in transliterating Islam-related Arabic words
Note: Not all instances of bô used as the last member of a conjunct are bôphôla, for example, in the words অম্বর ômbôr, লম্বা lômba, তিব্বত tibbôt, বাল্ব balb, etc.
- /ː/
‍৺ ঈশ্বর
Sign. Represents the name of a deity or also written before the name of a deceased person
anji /siddhirôstu
Sign. Used at the beginning of texts as an invocation


  1. ^ ৎ (khôndô tô "part-") is always used syllable-finally and always pronounced as /t̪/. It is predominantly found in loan words from Sanskrit such as ভবিষ্যৎ bhôbishyôt "future", সত্যজিৎ sôtyôjit (a proper name), etc. It is also found in some onomatopoeic words (such as থপাৎ thôpat "sound of something heavy that fell", মড়াৎ môrat "sound of something breaking", etc.), as the first member of some consonant conjuncts (such as ৎস tsô, ৎপ tpô, ৎক tkô, etc.), and in some foreign loanwords (e.g. নাৎসি natsi "Nazi", জুজুৎসু jujutsu "Jujutsu", ৎসুনামি tsunami "Tsunami", etc.) which contain the same conjuncts. It is an overproduction inconsistency, as the sound /t̪/ is realised by both ত and ৎ. This creates confusion among inexperienced writers of Bengali. There is no simple way of telling which symbol should be used. Usually, the contexts where ৎ is used need to be memorised, as they are less frequent. In the native Bengali words, syllable-final ত /t̪ɔ/ is pronounced /t̪/, as in নাতনি /nat̪ni/ "grand-daughter", করাত /kɔrat̪/ "saw", etc.
  2. ^ a b -h and -ng are also often used as abbreviation marks in Bengali, with -ng used when the next sound following the abbreviation would be a nasal sound, and -h otherwise. For example, ডঃ dôh stands for ডক্টর dôktôr "doctor" and নং nông stands for নম্বর nômbôr "number". Some abbreviations have no marking at all, as in ঢাবি dhabi for ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় Dhaka Bishbôbidyalôy "University of Dhaka". The full stop can also be used when writing out English letters as initials, such as ই.ইউ. i.iu "EU".

Digits and numerals

The Bengali script has ten numerical digits (graphemes or symbols indicating the numbers from 0 to 9). Bengali numerals have no horizontal headstroke or মাত্রা "matra".

Bengali numerals
Hindu-Arabic numerals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bengali numerals

Numbers larger than 9 are written in Bengali using a positional base 10 numeral system (the decimal system). A period or dot is used to denote the decimal separator, which separates the integral and the fractional parts of a decimal number. When writing large numbers with many digits, commas are used as delimiters to group digits, indicating the thousand (হাজার hazar), the hundred thousand or lakh (লাখ lakh or লক্ষ lôkkhô), and the ten million or hundred lakh or crore (কোটি koti) units. In other words, leftwards from the decimal separator, the first grouping consists of three digits, and the subsequent groupings always consist of two digits.

For example, the English number 17,557,345 will be written in traditional Bengali as ১,৭৫,৫৭,৩৪৫.

Punctuation marks

Bengali punctuation marks, apart from the downstroke দাড়ি dari (।), the Bengali equivalent of a full stop, have been adopted from western scripts and their usage is similar: Commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, etc. are the same as in English. Capital letters are absent in the Bengali script so proper names are unmarked.
An apostrophe, known in Bengali as ঊর্ধ্বকমা urdhbôkôma "upper comma", is sometimes used to distinguish between homographs, as in পাটা pata "plank" and পাʼটা pa'ta "the leg". Sometimes, a hyphen is used for the same purpose (as in পা-টা, an alternative of পাʼটা).

Characteristics of the Bengali text

An example of handwritten Bengali script. Part of a poem written by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore in 1926 in Hungary.

Bengali text is written and read horizontally, from left to right. The consonant graphemes and the full form of vowel graphemes fit into an imaginary rectangle of uniform size (uniform width and height). The size of a consonant conjunct, regardless of its complexity, is deliberately maintained the same as that of a single consonant grapheme, so that diacritic vowel forms can be attached to it without any distortion. In a typical Bengali text, orthographic words, words as they are written, can be seen as being separated from each other by an even spacing. Graphemes within a word are also evenly spaced, but that spacing is much narrower than the spacing between words.

Unlike in western scripts (Latin, Cyrillic, etc.) for which the letter-forms stand on an invisible baseline, the Bengali letter-forms instead hang from a visible horizontal left-to-right headstroke called মাত্রা matra. The presence and absence of this matra can be important. For example, the letter ত and the numeral ৩ "3" are distinguishable only by the presence or absence of the matra, as is the case between the consonant cluster ত্র trô and the independent vowel এ e. The letter-forms also employ the concepts of letter-width and letter-height (the vertical space between the visible matra and an invisible baseline).

Grapheme Percentage

According to Bengali linguist Munier Chowdhury, there are about nine graphemes that are the most frequent in Bengali texts, shown with its percentage of appearance in the adjacent table.[14]

Comparison of Bengali script with ancestral and related scripts


a ā i ī u ū e ai o au


k kh g gh c ch j jh ñ ṭh ḍh t th d dh n p ph b bh m ẏ,y r l,ḷ w ś s h kṣ
Bengali য,য় ওয় ক্ষ জ্ঞ
Odia ଯ,ୟ ଲ,ଳ କ୍ଷ ଜ୍ଞ
Devanagari ल,ळ क्ष ज्ञ

Vowel diacritics

ka ki ku kṛ kṝ kḷ kḹ ke kai ko kau
Bengali কা কি কী কু কূ কৃ কৄ কৢ কৣ কে কৈ কো কৌ
Odia କା କି କୀ କୁ କୂ କୃ କୄ କୢ କୣ କେ କୈ କୋ କୌ
Devanagari का कि की कु कू कृ कॄ कॢ कॣ के कै को कौ


In the script, clusters of consonants are represented by different and sometimes quite irregular forms; thus, learning to read is complicated by the sheer size of the full set of letters and letter combinations, numbering about 350. While efforts at standardising the alphabet for the Bengali language continue in such notable centres as the Bangla Academy at Dhaka (Bangladesh) and the Pôshchimbônggô Bangla Akademi at Kolkata (West Bengal, India), it is still not quite uniform yet, as many people continue to use various archaic forms of letters, resulting in concurrent forms for the same sounds.


Romanization of Bengali is the representation of the Bengali language in the Latin script. There are various ways of Romanization systems of Bengali, created in recent years but failed to represent the true Bengali phonetic sound. While different standards for romanisation have been proposed for Bengali, they have not been adopted with the degree of uniformity seen in languages such as Japanese or Sanskrit.[nb 2] The Bengali alphabet has often been included with the group of Brahmic scripts for romanisation in which the true phonetic value of Bengali is never represented. Some of them are the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration or "IAST system"[15] "Indian languages Transliteration" or ITRANS (uses upper case alphabets suited for ASCII keyboards),[16] and the extension of IAST intended for non-Sanskrit languages of the Indian region called the National Library at Kolkata romanisation.[17]

Sample texts

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The first line is the Bengali alphabet; the second a phonetic Romanization, the third IPA.

সমস্ত মানুষ স্বাধীনভাবে সমান মর্যাদা এবং অধিকার নিয়ে জন্মগ্রহণ করে। তাঁদের বিবেক এবং বুদ্ধি আছে; সুতরাং সকলেরই একে অপরের প্রতি ভ্রাতৃত্বসুলভ মনোভাব নিয়ে আচরণ করা উচিত।








































































































সমস্ত মানুষ স্বাধীনভাবে সমান মর্যাদা এবং অধিকার নিয়ে জন্মগ্রহণ করে। তাঁদের বিবেক এবং বুদ্ধি আছে; সুতরাং সকলেরই একে অপরের প্রতি ভ্রাতৃত্বসুলভ মনোভাব নিয়ে আচরণ করা উচিত।

Šomosto manush šadhinbhabe šoman morjada ebong odhikar niye jonmogrohon kore. Tãder bibek ebong buddhi achhe; šutôrang šokoleri æke oporer proti bhratrittošulobh monobhab niye achoron kora uchit.

ʃɔmost̪o manuʃ ʃad̪ʱinbʱabe ʃoman mɔrdʒad̪a eboŋ od̪ʱikar nie̯e dʒɔnmoɡrohon kɔre. t̪ãd̪er bibek eboŋ bud̪ːʱi atʃʰe; ʃut̪oraŋ ʃɔkoleri æke ɔporer prot̪i bʱrat̪rit̪ːoʃulɔbʱ monobʱab nie̯e atʃorɔn kɔra utʃit̪

All human free-manner-in equal dignity and right taken birth-take do. Their reason and intelligence exist; therefore everyone-indeed one another's towards brotherhood-ly attitude taken conduct do should.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience. Therefore, they should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Mismatch in the number of words between lines: 1 word(s) in line 1, 26 word(s) in line 2, 26 word(s) in line 3, 26 word(s) in line 4 (help);


Bengali script was added to the Unicode Standard in October 1991 with the release of version 1.0.

The Unicode block for Bengali is U+0980–U+09FF:

Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+09Bx ি
1.^ As of Unicode version 15.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points

See also


  1. ^ Different Bengali linguists give different numbers of Bengali diphthongs in their works depending on methodology, e.g. 25 (Chatterji 1939: 40), 31 (Hai 1964), 45 (Ashraf and Ashraf 1966: 49), 28 (Kostic and Das 1972:6–7) and 17 (Sarkar 1987).
  2. ^ In Japanese, there is some debate as to whether to accent certain distinctions, such as Tōhoku vs Tohoku. Sanskrit is well-standardized because the speaking community is relatively small, and sound change is not a large concern.


  1. ^ . Archived from the original on 16 November 2010. Retrieved 20 March 2007.
  2. ^ "ScriptSource - Khasi". scriptsource.org. Retrieved 21 September 2021.
  3. ^ Daniels, Peter T. (2008). "Writing systems of major and minor languages". In Kachru, Braj B.; Kachru, Yamuna; Sridhar, S. N. (eds.). Languages in South Asia. Cambridge University Press. pp. 285–308. ISBN 978-0-521-78141-1.
  4. ^ "Bengali alphabet". from the original on 26 January 2008. Retrieved 11 June 2005.
  5. ^ George Cardona and Danesh Jain (2003), The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge, ISBN 978-0415772945
  6. ^ Thompson, Hanne-Ruth (2020). Bengali: A Comprehensive Grammar (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars), 1 (1 ed.). Routledge. p. 23. ISBN 978-0415411394.
  7. ^ Khan, Sameer ud Dowla (2010). "Bengali (Bangladeshi Standard)" (PDF). Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 40 (2): 222. doi:10.1017/S0025100310000071.
  8. ^ Khan (2010), p. 222.
  9. ^ Mazumdar, Bijaychandra (2000). The history of the Bengali language (Repr. [d. Ausg.] Calcutta, 1920. ed.). New Delhi: Asian Educational Services. p. 57. ISBN 8120614526. yet it is to be noted as a fact, that the cerebral letters are not so much cerebral as they are dental in our speech. If we carefully notice our pronunciation of the letters of the 'ট' class we will see that we articulate 'ট' and 'ড,' for example, almost like English T and D without turning up the tip of the tongue much away from the region of the teeth.
  10. ^ Ferguson, Charles A.; Chowdhury, Munier (1960). "The Phonemes of Bengali". Language. Charles A. Ferguson and Munier Chowdhury. 36 (1): 22–59. doi:10.2307/410622. JSTOR 410622. Retrieved 18 September 2020.
  11. ^ Khan (2010), pp. 223–224.
  12. ^ Amin, Dr. Mohammed. "বিসর্গবিধি ও উচ্চারণ" (in Bengali).
  13. ^ "সহজ বাংলা বানানের নিয়ম" [Simple Bengali Spelling Rules]. The Daily Janakantha (in Bengali). 4 May 2019. ৪১. বিসর্গ (ঃ ) ব্যবহার: বিসর্গ একটি বাংলা বর্ণ এটি কোনো চিহ্ন নয়। বর্ণ হিসেবে ব্যবহার করতে হবে। বিসর্গ (ঃ) হলো অঘোষ ‘হ্’-এর উচ্চারণে প্রাপ্ত ধ্বনি। ‘হ’-এর উচ্চারণ ঘোষ কিন্তু বিসর্গ (ঃ)-এর উচ্চারণ অঘোষ। বাংলায় ভাষায় বিস্ময়াদি প্রকাশে বিসর্গ (ঃ )-এর উচ্চারণ প্রকাশ পায়। যেমন- আঃ, উঃ, ওঃ, ছিঃ, বাঃ । পদের শেষে বিসর্গ (ঃ) ব্যবহার হবে না। যেমন ধর্মত, কার্যত, আইনত, ন্যায়ত, করত, বস্তুত, ক্রমশ, প্রায়শ ইত্যাদি। পদমধ্যস্থে বিসর্গ ব্যবহার হবে। যেমন অতঃপর, দুঃখ, স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত, অন্তঃস্থল, পুনঃপুন, পুনঃপ্রকাশ, পুনঃপরীক্ষা, পুনঃপ্রবেশ, পুনঃপ্রতিষ্ঠা ইত্যাদি। অর্ধ শব্দকে পূর্ণতা দানে অর্থাৎ পূর্ণ শব্দকে সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপে প্রকাশে বিসর্গ ব্যবহার করা হলেও আধুনিক বানানে ডট ( . ) ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে। যেমন- ডাক্তার>ডা. (ডাঃ), ডক্টর>ড. (ডঃ), লিমিটেড> লি. (লিঃ) ইত্যাদি। বিসর্গ যেহেতু বাংলা বর্ণ এবং এর নিজস্ব ব্যবহার বিধি আছে— তাই এ ধরনের বানানে (ডাক্তার>ডা., ডক্টর>ড., লিমিটেড> লি.) বিসর্গ ব্যবহার বর্জন করা হয়েছে। কারণ বিসর্গ যতিচিহ্ন নয়। [সতর্কীকরণ: বিসর্গ (ঃ)-এর স্থলে কোলন ( : ) কোনোভাবেই ব্যবহার করা যাবে না। যেমন- অত:পর, দু:খ ইত্যাদি। কারণ কোলন ( : ) কোনো বর্ণ নয়, চিহ্ন। যতিচিহ্ন হিসেবে বিসর্গ (ঃ) ব্যবহার যাবে না। যেমন- নামঃ রেজা, থানাঃ লাকসাম, জেলাঃ কুমিল্লা, ১ঃ৯ ইত্যাদি।].
  14. ^ See Chowdhury 1963
  15. ^ . Sanskrit 3 – Learning transliteration. Gabriel Pradiipaka & Andrés Muni. Archived from the original on 12 February 2007. Retrieved 20 November 2006.
  16. ^ "ITRANS – Indian Language Transliteration Package". Avinash Chopde. from the original on 23 January 2013. Retrieved 20 November 2006.
  17. ^ "Annex-F: Roman Script Transliteration" (PDF). Indian Standard: Indian Script Code for Information Interchange — ISCII. Bureau of Indian Standards. 1 April 1999. p. 32. (PDF) from the original on 23 July 2013. Retrieved 20 November 2006.


  • Ashraf, Syed Ali; Ashraf, Asia (1966), "Bengali Diphthongs", in Dil A. S. (ed.), Shahidullah Presentation Volume, Lahore: Linguistic Research Group of Pakistan, pp. 47–52
  • Chatterji, Suniti Kumar (1939), Vasha-prakash Bangala Vyakaran (A Grammar of the Bengali Language), kolkata: University of Rabindra Bharaty (RBUDDE)
  • Chowdhury, Munier (1963), "Shahitto, shônkhatôtto o bhashatôtto (Literature, statistics and linguistics)", Bangla Academy Potrika, Dhaka, 6 (4): 65–76
  • Kostic, Djordje; Das, Rhea S. (1972), A Short Outline of Bengali Phonetics, Calcutta: Statistical Publishing Company
  • Hai, Muhammad Abdul (1964), Dhvani Vijnan O Bangla Dhvani-tattwa (Phonetics and Bengali Phonology), Dhaka: Bangla Academy
  • D.R, Master (2010), , Asiatick Researches, Calcutta: Asiatick Society, archived from the original on 11 October 2021
  • Salomon, Richard (1998). Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the Other Indo-Aryan Languages. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Sarkar, Pabitra (1987), "Bangla Dishôrodhoni (Bengali Diphthongs)", Bhasha, Calcutta, 4–5: 10–12

bengali, alphabet, confused, with, bengali, assamese, script, confused, with, meitei, alphabet, even, though, meitei, language, popularly, uses, this, article, multiple, issues, please, help, improve, discuss, these, issues, talk, page, learn, when, remove, th. Not to be confused with Bengali Assamese script Not to be confused with Meitei alphabet even though Meitei language popularly uses Bengali alphabet This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations November 2018 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article or section should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why November 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Bengali script or Bangla alphabet Bengali ব ল বর ণম ল Bangla borṇomala is the alphabet used to write the Bengali language based on the Bengali Assamese script and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal It is one of the most widely adopted writing systems in the world used by over 265 million people 4 Bengali alphabetব ল বর ণম ল ব ল প Script typeAbugidaTime period11th century to the present 1 Directionleft to right RegionBengalLanguagesBengali Sanskrit Kokborok Khasi 2 KudmaliRelated scriptsParent systemsProto Sinaitic script a Phoenician alphabet a Aramaic alphabet a Brahmi scriptGupta scriptSiddhamGaudi script 3 Bengali alphabetSister systemsAssamese and TirhutaISO 15924ISO 15924Beng 325 Bengali Bangla UnicodeUnicode aliasBengaliUnicode rangeU 0980 U 09FF a The Semitic origin of the Brahmic scripts is not universally agreed upon This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters Part of a series onOfficially used writing systems in IndiaCategoryIndic scriptsBengali Assamese script Devanagari script Gujarati script Gurmukhi script Kannada script Malayalam script Meitei script Odia script Tamil script Telugu scriptArabic derived scriptsPerso Arabic script Urdu scriptAlphabetical scriptsOl Chiki Latin scriptRelatedOfficial script Writing systems of India Languages of India Asia portal India portal Language portal Writing portalThis article contains Bengali text Without proper rendering support you may see question marks boxes or other symbols From a classificatory point of view the Bengali writing system is an abugida i e its vowel graphemes are mainly realised not as independent letters but as diacritics modifying the vowel inherent in the base letter they are added to The Bengali writing system is written from left to right and uses a single letter case which makes it a unicameral script as opposed to a bicameral one like the Latin script It is recognisable as are some other Brahmic scripts by a distinctive horizontal line known as a matra ম ত র running along the tops of the letters that links them together The Bengali writing system is less blocky however and presents a more sinuous shape than the Devanagari script 5 Contents 1 Characters 1 1 Vowels 1 1 1 Notes 1 2 Consonants 1 2 1 Notes 1 3 Consonant conjuncts 1 3 1 Fused forms 1 3 2 Approximated forms 1 3 3 Compressed forms 1 3 4 Abbreviated forms 1 3 5 Variant forms 1 3 6 Exceptions 1 4 Certain compounds 1 5 Diacritics and other symbols 1 5 1 Notes 1 6 Digits and numerals 1 7 Punctuation marks 1 8 Characteristics of the Bengali text 2 Comparison of Bengali script with ancestral and related scripts 2 1 Vowels 2 2 Consonants 2 3 Vowel diacritics 3 Standardization 4 Romanization 5 Sample texts 6 Unicode 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 BibliographyCharacters EditThe Bengali script can be divided into vowels and vowel diacritics consonants and consonant conjuncts diacritical and other symbols digits and punctuation marks Vowels and consonants are used as letters and also as diacritical marks Vowels Edit The Bengali script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes each of which is called a স বরবর ণ sworoborno vowel letter The sworobornos represent six of the seven main vowel sounds of Bengali along with two vowel diphthongs All of them are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages অ o স বর অ shoro o vocalic o ɔ sounds as the default inherent vowel for the entire Bengali script Bengali Assamese and Odia which are Eastern languages have this value for the inherent vowel while other languages using Brahmic scripts have a for their inherent vowel Even though the near open front unrounded vowel ae is one of the seven main vowel sounds in the standard Bengali language no distinct vowel symbol has been allotted for it in the script since there is no ae sound in Sanskrit the primary written language when the script was conceived As a result the sound is orthographically realised by multiple means in modern Bengali orthography usually using some combination of এ e স বর এ shoro e vocalic e e অ আ 6 a স বর আ shoro a a and the যফল jophola diacritic form of the consonant grapheme য jo There are two graphemes for the vowel sound i and two graphemes for the vowel sound u The redundancy stems from the time when this script was used to write Sanskrit a language that had short and long vowels ই i হ রস ব ই roshsho i short i i and ঈ i দ র ঘ ঈ dirgho i long i iː and উ u হ রস ব উ roshsho u u and ঊ u দ র ঘ ঊ dirgho u uː The letters are preserved in the Bengali script with their traditional names despite the fact that they are no longer pronounced differently in ordinary speech These graphemes serve an etymological function however in preserving the original Sanskrit spelling in totsomo Bengali words words borrowed from Sanskrit The grapheme called ঋ ṛ or হ রস ব ঋ roshsho ri short ri as it used to be does not really represent a vowel phoneme in Bengali but the consonant vowel combination র ri Nevertheless it is included in the vowel section of the inventory of the Bengali script This inconsistency is also a remnant from Sanskrit where the grapheme represents the vocalic equivalent of a retroflex approximant possibly an r colored vowel Another grapheme called ঌ ḷ or হ রস ব ঌ roshsho li as it used to be representing the vocalic equivalent of a dental approximant in Sanskrit but actually representing the consonant vowel combination ল li in Bengali instead of a vowel phoneme was also included in the vowel section but unlike ঋ it was recently discarded from the inventory since its usage was extremely limited even in Sanskrit When a vowel sound occurs syllable initially or when it follows another vowel it is written using a distinct letter When a vowel sound follows a consonant or a consonant cluster it is written with a diacritic which depending on the vowel can appear above below before or after the consonant These vowel marks cannot appear without a consonant and are called ক র kar An exception to the above system is the vowel ɔ which has no vowel mark but is considered inherent in every consonant letter To denote the absence of the inherent vowel ɔ following a consonant a diacritic called the হসন ত hosonto may be written underneath the consonant Although there are only two diphthongs in the inventory of the script ঐ oi স বর ঐ shoro oi vocalic oi oi and ঔ ou স বর ঔ shoro ou ou the Bengali phonetic system has in fact many diphthongs nb 1 Most diphthongs are represented by juxtaposing the graphemes of their forming vowels as in ক উ keu keu There also used to be two long vowels ৠ ṝ দ র ঘ ৠ dirgho rri long rri and ৡ ḹ দ র ঘ ৡ dirgho lli which were removed from the inventory during the Vidyasagarian reform of the script due to peculiarity to Sanskrit The table below shows the vowels present in the modern since the late nineteenth century inventory of the Bengali alphabet Bengali vowels স বরবর ণ sboroborno হ রস ব short দ র ঘ long স বর vowel phoneme ক র vowel mark স বর vowel phoneme ক র vowel mark কন ঠ য Guttural অ o ɔ o a আ a a b ত লব য Palatal ই i i ঈ i ee i ওষ ঠ য Labial উ u u w c ঊ u oo u ম র ধন য Retroflex ঋ ṛ ri ri ৠ ṝ rri দন ত য Dental ঌ ḷ li li ৡ ḹ lli য ক তস বর complex vowels কন ঠ যত লব য Palatoguttural এ e e ae ɛ d ঐ oi oi কন ঠ ষ ঠ য Labioguttural ও o o ʊ w e c ঔ ou ou Notes Edit The natural pronunciation of the grapheme অ whether in its independent visible form or in its inherent invisible form in a consonant grapheme is ɔ But its pronunciation changes to o in the following contexts অ is in the first syllable and there is a ই i or উ u in the next syllable as in অত oti much ɔt i বলছ bolchhi I am speaking ˈboltʃʰi if the অ is the inherent vowel in a word initial consonant cluster ending in rophola ro ending r as in প রথম prothom first prɔt ʰɔm if the next consonant cluster contains a jophola jo ending as in অন য onyo other onːo জন য jonyo for dʒɔnːɔ a represented by the letter আ is phonetically realised as a near open central vowel ɐ by most speakers 7 a b Although উ and ও represent the vowels u and o respectively they may also represent the voiced labial velar approximant w which can occur as an allophone of o and u when preceding vowels word initially especially in loan words e g ওয দ wada promise উইল য ম wiliam William Even though the near open front unrounded vowel ae is one of the seven main vowel sounds in the standard Bengali language no distinct vowel symbol has been allotted for it in the script though এ is used ae may also be transcribed in IPA and pronounced as an open mid front unrounded vowel ɛ 8 which may also occur as an allophone of e especially in English loan words ʊ is the original pronunciation of the vowel ও though a secondary pronunciation o entered the Bengali phonology by Sanskrit influence In modern Bengali both the ancient and adopted pronunciation of ও can be heard in spoken Example The word ন র meaning foul is pronounced as nʊŋra and noŋra Romanized as both nungra and nongra both The consonant ক ko along with the diacritic form of the vowels আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ এ ঐ ও and ঔ Consonants Edit Consonant letters are called ব যঞ জনবর ণ baenjonborno consonant letter in Bengali The names of the letters are typically just the consonant sound plus the inherent vowel অ o Since the inherent vowel is assumed and not written most letters names look identical to the letter itself the name of the letter ঘ is itself gho not gh Some letters that have lost their distinctive pronunciation in modern Bengali are called by more elaborate names For example since the consonant phoneme n is written as both ন and ণ the letters are not called simply no instead they are called দন ত য ন dontyo no dental no and ম র ধন য ণ murdhonyo no retroflex no What was once pronounced and written as a retroflex nasal ণ ɳ is now pronounced as an alveolar n unless conjoined with another retroflex consonant such as ট ঠ ড and ঢ although the spelling does not reflect the change Although still named murdhonyo when they are being taught retroflex consonants do not exist in Bengali and are instead fronted to their postalveolar and alveolar equivalents 9 The voiceless palato alveolar sibilant phoneme ʃ can be written as শ ত লব য শ talobyo sho palatal sho ষ ম র ধন য ষ murdhonyo sho retroflex sho or স দন ত য স dontyo so dental so voiceless alveolar fricative depending on the word The voiced palato alveolar affricate phoneme dʒ can be written in two ways as য অন ত স থ য ontostho jo or জ বর গ য জ borgiyo jo In many varieties of Bengali z dz are not distinct from this phoneme but speakers who distinguish them may use the letters য and জ with contrast Post reform the letter য was introduced to distinguish it from য note The semivowel য yo e ɔ cannot occur at the beginning of a word a The name of য is অন ত স থ অ ontostho o semi vowel y the y is silent in the pronunciation of its name The pronunciation of য yo e ɔ varies between w and j w and y The name of য is অন ত স থ য ontostho jo semi vowel j It is found almost entirely at the beginning of words When present in the middle of words in conjuncts য is represented as a distinct letter য যফল jophola which is mostly silent or semi silent see below Jophola may alter the pronunciation of the surrounding vowel or double the preceding consonant or be completely silent Since the nasals ঞ no ẽɔ and ঙ ngo ŋɔ cannot occur at the beginning of a word in Bengali their names are not no and ngo respectively but উঙ ungo pronounced by some as উম umo or উ অ ũo and ইঞ ino pronounced by some as ন য niyo or ইঙ ingo respectively There is a difference in the pronunciation of ড ṛo ড এ শ ন য ড ḍo e shunyo ṛo ṛo as ḍo with a zero the figure is used analogous to the ring below diacritic as the Bengali equivalent of the Devanagari nuqta which is again analogous to the underdot and ঢ ṛho ঢ এ শ ন য ঢ ḍho e shunyo ṛho with that of র ro sometimes called ব এ শ ন য র bo e shunyo ro for distinguishing purpose similar to other Indic languages This is especially true in the parlance of western and southern part of Bengal but lesser on the dialects of the eastern side of the Padma River ড and ঢ were introduced to the inventory during the Vidyasagarian reform to indicate the retroflex flap in the pronunciation of ড ḍo and ঢ ḍho in the middle or end of a word It is an allophonic development in some Indic languages not present in Sanskrit Yet in ordinary speech these letters are pronounced the same as র in modern Bengali Bengali consonants ব যঞ জনবর ণ baenjonborno স পর শ Stop অন ন স ক Nasal অন ত স থ Approximant ঊষ ম Fricative বর গ য বর ণ Generic sounds Voicing অঘ ষ Voiceless ঘ ষ Voiced অঘ ষ Voiceless ঘ ষ Voiced Aspiration অল পপ র ণ Unaspirated মহ প র ণ Aspirated অল পপ র ণ Unaspirated মহ প র ণ Aspirated অল পপ র ণ Unaspirated মহ প র ণ Aspirated কন ঠ য Guttural b ক ko k ɔ খ kho kʰ ɔ গ go g ɔ ঘ gho ɡʱ ɔ ঙ ngo ŋ ɔ হ ho ɦ ɔ h ɔ c ত লব য Palatal d চ cho so tʃ ɔ ts ɔ s ɔ ছ chho sso tʃʰ ɔ tsʰ ɔ জ ǰo dʒ ɔ dz ɔ z ɔ ঝ ǰho dʒʱ ɔ dzʱ ɔ ঞ no n ɔ ẽ ɔ e য jo dʒ ɔ dz ɔ z ɔ f শ sho ʃ ɔ ɕ ɔ s ɔ g ম র ধন য Retroflex h ট ṭo ʈ ɔ ঠ ṭho ʈʰ ɔ ড ḍo ɖ ɔ ঢ ḍho ɖʱ ɔ ণ ṇo n ɔ ɳ ɔ i র ro r ɔ j ষ ṣo ɕ ɔ ʃ ɔ ʂ ɔ g দন ত য Dental ত to t ɔ থ tho t ʰ ɔ দ do d ɔ ধ dho d ʱ ɔ ন no n ɔ ল lo l ɔ স so sho s ɔ ɕ ɔ ʃ ɔ g ওষ ঠ য Labial প po p ɔ ফ pho fo pʰ ɔ ɸ ɔ f ɔ k ব bo b ɔ ভ bho vo bʱ ɔ b ɔ v ɔ l ম mo m ɔ ৱ wo w ɔ Post reform letters ড ṛo ɽ ɔ ঢ ṛho ɽʱ ɔ ɽ m য yo e ɔ j ɔ Notes Edit Unlike Sanskrit and other Indic languages Bengali words cannot begin with any semi vocalic phoneme Though in modern Bengali the letters ক খ গ ঘ ঙ are actually velar consonants and the letter হ is actually a glottal consonant texts still use the Sanskrit name কন ঠ য guttural When used at the beginning or end of a word হ is pronounced voiceless h ɔ but when used in the middle it is sounded voiced as ɦ ɔ Palatal letters phonetically represent palato alveolar sounds but in Eastern dialects they mostly are depalatalised or depalatalised and deaffricated Original sound for ঞ was ɲ ɔ but in modern Bengali it represents ẽ ɔ and in consonant conjuncts is pronounced n ɔ same as ন In Sanskrit য represented voiced palatal approximant j In Bengali it developed two allophones voiced palato alveolar affricate dʒ ɔ same as জ when used at the beginning of a word and the palatal approximant in other cases When reforming the script Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar introduced য representing e ɔ to indicate the palatal approximant in the pronunciation of য in the middle or end of a word In modern Bengali য represents dʒ ɔ and the near open front unrounded vowel ae as the diacritic jophola It falls into voiced alveolar sibilant affricate dz ɔ in Eastern dialects and is also used to represent voiced alveolar sibilant z ɔ for Perso Arabic loanwords a b c In Bengali there are three letters for sibilants শ ষ স Originally all three had distinctive sounds In modern Bengali the most common sibilant varies between ʃ ɕ originally represented by শ but today স and ষ in words are often pronounced as ɕ ʃ The other sibilant in Bengali is s originally represented by স but today শ and ষ in words can sometimes be pronounced as s Another now extinct sibilant was ʂ originally represented by ষ ষ is mostly pronounced as ɕ ʃ but in conjunction with apical alveolar consonants the ʂ sound can sometimes be found In modern text often the name দন ত যম ল য alveolar or পশ চ দ দন তম ল য postalveolar is used to describe more precisely letters previously described as retroflex The original sound for ণ was ɳ ɔ but in modern Bengali it is almost always pronounced n ɔ the same as ন An exception is in conjuncts with other retroflex letters where the original sound for ণ can occasionally be found The r phoneme represented by র is pronounced either as a voiced alveolar flap ɾ voiced alveolar approximant ɹ or voiced alveolar trill r Most speakers colloquially pronounce r as a flap ɾ although the trill r may occur word initially with the flap ɾ occurring medially and finally r can also occur as an approximant ɹ especially in some Eastern dialects and sometimes in conjuncts before consonants 10 11 Although ফ represents the aspirated form of the voiceless bilabial stop pʰ ɔ it is pronounced either voiceless labial fricative ɸ ɔ in Eastern dialects or voiceless labiodental fricative f ɔ in ordinary speech Although ভ represents the aspirated form of the voiced bilabial stop bʱ ɔ it is pronounced either voiced labial fricative b ɔ in Eastern dialects or voiced labiodental fricative v ɔ in ordinary speech ɽʱ only occurs in the individual pronunciation of the letter ঢ ɽʱɔ but is usually pronounced as ɽ in ordinary speech Consonant conjuncts Edit Main article Bengali consonant clusters The consonant ligature ndro ন দ র ন no in green দ do in blue and র ro in maroon Clusters of up to four consonants can be orthographically represented as a typographic ligature called a consonant conjunct Bengali য ক ত ক ষর য ক তবর ণ juktakkhor juktoborno or more specifically য ক তব যঞ জন Typically the first consonant in the conjunct is shown above and or to the left of the following consonants Many consonants appear in an abbreviated or compressed form when serving as part of a conjunct Others simply take exceptional forms in conjuncts bearing little or no resemblance to the base character Often consonant conjuncts are not actually pronounced as would be implied by the pronunciation of the individual components For example adding ল lo underneath শ sho in Bengali creates the conjunct শ ল which is not pronounced shlo but slo in Bengali Many conjuncts represent Sanskrit sounds that were lost centuries before modern Bengali was ever spoken as in জ ঞ It is a combination of জ ǰo and ঞ no but it is not pronounced ǰno or jno Instead it is pronounced ggo in modern Bengali Thus as conjuncts often represent combinations of sounds that cannot be easily understood from the components the following descriptions are concerned only with the construction of the conjunct and not the resulting pronunciation Some graphemes may appear in a form other than the mentioned form due to the font used Fused forms Edit Some consonants fuse in such a way that one stroke of the first consonant also serves as a stroke of the next The consonants can be placed on top of one another sharing their vertical line ক ক kko গ ন gno গ ল glo ন ন nno প ন pno প প ppo ল ল llo etc As the last member of a conjunct ব bo can hang on the vertical line under the preceding consonants taking the shape of ব bo includes বফল bophola গ ব gbo ণ ব ṇbo দ ব dbo ল ব lbo শ ব shbo The consonants can also be placed side by side sharing their vertical line দ দ ddo ন দ ndo ব দ bdo ব জ bǰo প ট pṭo স ট sṭo শ চ shcho শ ছ shchho etc Approximated forms Edit Some consonants are written closer to one another simply to indicate that they are in a conjunct together The consonants can be placed side by side appearing unaltered দ গ dgo দ ঘ dgho ড ড ḍḍo As the last member of a conjunct ব bo can appear immediately to the right of the preceding consonant taking the shape of ব bo includes বফল bophola ধ ব dhbo ব ব bbo হ ব hbo Compressed forms Edit Some consonants are compressed and often simplified when appearing as the first member of a conjunct As the first member of a conjunct the consonants ঙ ngo চ cho ড ḍo and ব bo are often compressed and placed at the top left of the following consonant with little or no change to the basic shape ঙ ক ষ ngkṣo ঙ খ ngkho ঙ ঘ nggho ঙ ম ngmo চ চ chcho চ ছ chchho চ ঞ chno ড ঢ ḍḍho ব ব bbo As the first member of a conjunct ত to is compressed and placed above the following consonant with little or no change to the basic shape ত ন tno ত ম tmo ত ব tbo As the first member of a conjunct ম mo is compressed and simplified to a curved shape It is placed above or to the top left of the following consonant ম ন mno ম প mpo ম ফ mfo ম ব mbo ম ভ mbho ম ম mmo ম ল mlo As the first member of a conjunct ষ ṣo is compressed and simplified to an oval shape with a diagonal stroke through it It is placed to the top left of the following consonants ষ ক ṣko ষ ট ṣṭo ষ ঠ ṣṭho ষ প ṣpo ষ ফ ṣfo ষ ম ṣmo As the first member of a conjunct স so is compressed and simplified to a ribbon shape It is placed above or to the top left of the following consonant স ক sko স খ skho স ত sto স থ stho স ন sno স প spo স ফ sfo স ব sbo স ম smo স ল slo Abbreviated forms Edit Some consonants are abbreviated when appearing in conjuncts and lose part of their basic shape As the first member of a conjunct জ ǰo can lose its final down stroke জ জ ǰǰo জ ঞ ǰno জ ব jbo As the first member of a conjunct ঞ no can lose its bottom half ঞ চ ncho ঞ ছ nchho ঞ জ nǰo ঞ ঝ nǰho As the last member of a conjunct ঞ no can lose its left half the এ part জ ঞ ǰno As the first member of a conjunct ণ ṇo and প po can lose their down stroke ণ ঠ ṇṭho ণ ড ṇḍo প ত pto প স pso As the first member of a conjunct ত to and ভ bho can lose their final upward tail ত ত tto ত থ ttho ত র tro ভ র bhro As the last member of a conjunct থ tho can lose its final upstroke taking the form of হ ho instead ন থ ntho স থ stho ম থ mtho As the last member of a conjunct ম mo can lose its initial down stroke ক ম kmo গ ম gmo ঙ ম ngmo ট ম ṭmo ণ ম ṇmo ত ম tmo দ ম dmo ন ম nmo ম ম mmo শ ম shmo ষ ম ṣmo স ম smo As the last member of a conjunct স so can lose its top half ক স kso As the last member of a conjunct ট ṭo ড ḍo and ঢ ḍho can lose their matra প ট pṭo ণ ড ṇḍo ণ ট ṇṭo ণ ঢ ṇḍho As the last member of a conjunct ড ḍo can change its shape ণ ড ṇḍoVariant forms Edit Some consonants have forms that are used regularly but only within conjuncts As the first member of a conjunct ঙ ngo can appear as a loop and curl ঙ ক ngko ঙ গ nggo As the last member of a conjunct the curled top of ধ dho is replaced by a straight downstroke to the right taking the form of ঝ ǰho instead গ ধ gdho দ ধ ddho ন ধ ndho ব ধ bdho As the first member of a conjunct র ro appears as a diagonal stroke called র ফ ref above the following member র ক rko র খ rkho র গ rgo র ঘ rgho etc As the last member of a conjunct র ro appears as a wavy horizontal line called রফল rophola under the previous member খ র khro গ র gro ঘ র ghro ব র bro etc In some fonts certain conjuncts with রফল rophola appear using the compressed and often simplified form of the previous consonant জ র ǰro ট র ṭro ঠ র ṭhro ড র ḍro ম র mro স র sro In some fonts certain conjuncts with রফল rophola appear using the abbreviated form of the previous consonant ক র kro ত র tro ভ র bhro As the last member of a conjunct য jo appears as a wavy vertical line called যফল jophola to the right of the previous member ক য kyo খ য khyo গ য gyo ঘ য ghyo etc In some fonts certain conjuncts with যফল jophola appear using special fused forms দ য dyo ন য nyo শ য shyo ষ য ṣyo স য syo হ য hyo Exceptions Edit When followed by র ro or ত to ক ko takes on the same form as ত to would with the addition of a curl to the right ক র kro ক ত kto When preceded by the abbreviated form of ঞ no চ cho takes the shape of ব bo ঞ চ ncho When preceded by another ট ṭo ট is reduced to a leftward curl ট ট ṭṭo When preceded by ষ ṣo ণ ṇo appears as two loops to the right ষ ণ ṣṇo As the first member of a conjunct or when at the end of a word and followed by no vowel ত to can appear as ৎ ৎস tso ৎপ tpo ৎক tko etc When preceded by হ ho ন no appears as a curl to the right হ ন hno Certain combinations must be memorised ক ষ kṣo হ ম hmo Certain compounds Edit When serving as a vowel mark উ u ঊ u and ঋ ri take on many exceptional forms উ u When following গ go or শ sho it takes on a variant form resembling the final tail of ও o গ gu শ shu When following a ত to that is already part of a conjunct with প po ন no or স so it is fused with the ত to resemble ও o ন ত ntu স ত stu প ত ptu When following র ro and in many fonts also following the variant রফল rophola it appears as an upward curl to the right of the preceding consonant as opposed to a downward loop below র ru গ র gru ত র tru থ র thru দ র dru ধ র dhru ব র bru ভ র bhru শ র shru When following হ ho it appears as an extra curl হ hu ঊ u When following র ro and in many fonts also following the variant রফল rophola it appears as a downstroke to the right of the preceding consonant as opposed to a downward hook below র ru গ র gru থ র thru দ র dru ধ র dhru ভ র bhru শ র shru ঋ ri When following হ ho it takes the variant shape of ঊ u হ hri Conjuncts of three consonants also exist and follow the same rules as above স so ত to র ro স ত র stro ম mo প po র ro ম প র mpro জ ǰo জ ǰo ব bo জ জ ব ǰǰbo ক ষ kṣo ম mo ক ষ ম kṣmo Theoretically four consonant conjuncts can also be created as in র ro স so ট ṭo র ro র স ট র rsṭro but they are not found in native words Also theoretically 5 letter conjuncts can be created as র ro স so ট to র ro র স ট র pronounced rsṭro but nasalised rsṭron Here is a diacritic which nasalises the previous vowel A theoretical 6 letter conjunct would be র স ট র rsṭran rsṭra with the addition of a আ to র স ট র and a theoretical 7 letter conjunct would be like র স ট র য rsṭrya rsṭryan with the addition of য to র স ট র Diacritics and other symbols Edit These are mainly the Brahmi Sanskrit diacritics phones and punctuation marks present in languages with Sanskrit influence or Brahmi derived scripts স শ ধক বর ণ songshodhok borno Symbol Graphemes Name Function Romanization IPAtranscriptionৎ nc 1 খণ ড ত khondo to Special character Final unaspirated dental t t t nc 2 অন স ব র onushshar Diacritic Final velar nasal ŋ ng ŋ nc 2 ব সর গ bishorgo Diacritic 1 Doubles the next consonant sound without the vowel spelling feature in দ খ dukkho the k of খ kho was repeated before the whole খ kho2 h sound at end examples এ eh উ uh 3 Silent in spellings like আন ত নগর antonogor meaning Inter city 4 Also used as abbreviation as in ক ম similar to km in English for the word ক ল ম ট র kilometer or ড similar to Dr in English for ড ক ত র daktar doctor But now using ব সর গ bishorgo for making abbreviations is considered grammatically wrong and now dot is used for making abbreviations as in ক ম for the word ক ল ম ট র kilometer or ড for ড ক ত র daktar doctor which are respectively similar to km and Dr in English is grammatically correct 12 13 h ḥ চন দ রব ন দ chondrobindu Diacritic Vowel nasalization n n হসন ত hoshonto Diacritic Suppresses the inherent vowel ɔ o ঽ অবগ রহ obogroho Special character or sign Used for prolonging vowel soundsExample1 শ নঽঽঽ shonoooo meaning listennnn listen this is where the default inherited vowel sound o in ন no is prolonged Example2 ক ঽঽঽ kiiii meaning Whatttt What this is where the vowel sound i which is attached with the consonant ক ko is prolonged য যফল jophola Diacritic Used with two types of pronunciation in modern Bengali depending on the location of the consonant it is used with within a syllableExample 1 When the consonant it is used with is syllable initial it acts as the vowel ae ত য গ is pronounced t aeg Example 2 When the consonant it is used with is syllable final it doubles the consonant ম খ য is pronounced mukʰːɔ Notably used in transliterating English words with ae sounding vowels e g ব ল য ক black and sometimes as a diacritic to indicate non Bengali vowels of various kinds in transliterated foreign words e g the schwa indicated by a jophola the French u and the German umlaut u as উ য uyo the German umlaut o as ও য oyo or এ য eyo e yo ae or ː র রফল rophola Diacritic r pronounced following a consonant phoneme r r র ক র ফ ref reph Diacritic r pronounced preceding a consonant phoneme r r ব বফল bophola Diacritic Used in spellings only if they were adopted from Sanskrit and has two different pronunciations depending on the location of the consonant it is used withExample 1 When the consonant it is used with is syllable initial it remains silent স ব ধ ন is pronounced as ʃad ʱin rather than ʃbad ʱin Example 2 When the consonant it is used with is syllable final it doubles the consonant ব দ ব ন is pronounced bid ːan and ব শ ব is pronounced biʃːɔ However certain Sanskrit sandhis phonetic fusions such as ঋগ ব দ দ গ ব জয উদ ব গ উদ ব ত ত are pronounced rigbed d igbidʒɔe ud beg ud brittɔ respectively while usage with the consonant হ defies phonological rules আহ ব ন and জ হ ব are properly pronounced aobɦan and dʒiobɦa rather than aɦban and dʒiɦba respectively Also used in transliterating Islam related Arabic wordsNote Not all instances of ব bo used as the last member of a conjunct are bophola for example in the words অম বর ombor লম ব lomba ত ব বত tibbot ব ল ব balb etc ː ঈশ বর ishshor Sign Represents the name of a deity or also written before the name of a deceased person ঀ আঞ জ স দ ধ রস ত anji siddhirostu Sign Used at the beginning of texts as an invocation Notes Edit ৎ khondo to part to is always used syllable finally and always pronounced as t It is predominantly found in loan words from Sanskrit such as ভব ষ যৎ bhobishyot future সত যজ ৎ sotyojit a proper name etc It is also found in some onomatopoeic words such as থপ ৎ thopat sound of something heavy that fell মড ৎ morat sound of something breaking etc as the first member of some consonant conjuncts such as ৎস tso ৎপ tpo ৎক tko etc and in some foreign loanwords e g ন ৎস natsi Nazi জ জ ৎস jujutsu Jujutsu ৎস ন ম tsunami Tsunami etc which contain the same conjuncts It is an overproduction inconsistency as the sound t is realised by both ত and ৎ This creates confusion among inexperienced writers of Bengali There is no simple way of telling which symbol should be used Usually the contexts where ৎ is used need to be memorised as they are less frequent In the native Bengali words syllable final ত to t ɔ is pronounced t as in ন তন nat ni grand daughter কর ত kɔrat saw etc a b h and ng are also often used as abbreviation marks in Bengali with ng used when the next sound following the abbreviation would be a nasal sound and h otherwise For example ড doh stands for ডক টর doktor doctor and ন nong stands for নম বর nombor number Some abbreviations have no marking at all as in ঢ ব dhabi for ঢ ক ব শ বব দ য লয Dhaka Bishbobidyaloy University of Dhaka The full stop can also be used when writing out English letters as initials such as ই ইউ i iu EU Digits and numerals Edit Main article Bengali numerals The Bengali script has ten numerical digits graphemes or symbols indicating the numbers from 0 to 9 Bengali numerals have no horizontal headstroke or ম ত র matra Bengali numerals Hindu Arabic numerals 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Bengali numerals ০ ১ ২ ৩ ৪ ৫ ৬ ৭ ৮ ৯Numbers larger than 9 are written in Bengali using a positional base 10 numeral system the decimal system A period or dot is used to denote the decimal separator which separates the integral and the fractional parts of a decimal number When writing large numbers with many digits commas are used as delimiters to group digits indicating the thousand হ জ র hazar the hundred thousand or lakh ল খ lakh or লক ষ lokkho and the ten million or hundred lakh or crore ক ট koti units In other words leftwards from the decimal separator the first grouping consists of three digits and the subsequent groupings always consist of two digits For example the English number 17 557 345 will be written in traditional Bengali as ১ ৭৫ ৫৭ ৩৪৫ Punctuation marks Edit Bengali punctuation marks apart from the downstroke দ ড dari the Bengali equivalent of a full stop have been adopted from western scripts and their usage is similar Commas semicolons colons quotation marks etc are the same as in English Capital letters are absent in the Bengali script so proper names are unmarked An apostrophe known in Bengali as ঊর ধ বকম urdhbokoma upper comma is sometimes used to distinguish between homographs as in প ট pata plank and প ʼট pa ta the leg Sometimes a hyphen is used for the same purpose as in প ট an alternative of প ʼট Characteristics of the Bengali text Edit An example of handwritten Bengali script Part of a poem written by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore in 1926 in Hungary Bengali text is written and read horizontally from left to right The consonant graphemes and the full form of vowel graphemes fit into an imaginary rectangle of uniform size uniform width and height The size of a consonant conjunct regardless of its complexity is deliberately maintained the same as that of a single consonant grapheme so that diacritic vowel forms can be attached to it without any distortion In a typical Bengali text orthographic words words as they are written can be seen as being separated from each other by an even spacing Graphemes within a word are also evenly spaced but that spacing is much narrower than the spacing between words Unlike in western scripts Latin Cyrillic etc for which the letter forms stand on an invisible baseline the Bengali letter forms instead hang from a visible horizontal left to right headstroke called ম ত র matra The presence and absence of this matra can be important For example the letter ত to and the numeral ৩ 3 are distinguishable only by the presence or absence of the matra as is the case between the consonant cluster ত র tro and the independent vowel এ e The letter forms also employ the concepts of letter width and letter height the vertical space between the visible matra and an invisible baseline Grapheme Percentageআ 11 32এ 8 96র 7 01অ 6 63ব 4 44ক 4 15ল 4 14ত 3 83ম 2 78According to Bengali linguist Munier Chowdhury there are about nine graphemes that are the most frequent in Bengali texts shown with its percentage of appearance in the adjacent table 14 Comparison of Bengali script with ancestral and related scripts EditVowels Edit a a i i u u ṛ ṝ ḷ ḹ e ai o auBengali অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ ৠ ঌ ৡ এ ঐ ও ঔOdia ଅ ଆ ଇ ଈ ଉ ଊ ଋ ୠ ଌ ୡ ଏ ଐ ଓ ଔDevanagari अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ ॡ ए ऐ ओ औSiddham Consonants Edit k kh g gh ṅ c ch j jh n ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh ṇ t th d dh n p ph b bh m ẏ y r l ḷ w s ṣ s h kṣ jnBengali ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য য র ল ওয শ ষ স হ ক ষ জ ঞ ৎOdia କ ଖ ଗ ଘ ଙ ଚ ଛ ଜ ଝ ଞ ଟ ଠ ଡ ଢ ଣ ତ ଥ ଦ ଧ ନ ପ ଫ ବ ଭ ମ ଯ ୟ ର ଲ ଳ ୱ ଶ ଷ ସ ହ କ ଷ ଜ ଞDevanagari क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल ळ व श ष स ह क ष ज ञSiddham Vowel diacritics Edit ka ka ki ki ku ku kṛ kṝ kḷ kḹ ke kai ko kauBengali ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক ক Odia କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ କ Devanagari क क क क क क क क क क क क क क Standardization EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed December 2018 Learn how and when to remove this template message In the script clusters of consonants are represented by different and sometimes quite irregular forms thus learning to read is complicated by the sheer size of the full set of letters and letter combinations numbering about 350 While efforts at standardising the alphabet for the Bengali language continue in such notable centres as the Bangla Academy at Dhaka Bangladesh and the Poshchimbonggo Bangla Akademi at Kolkata West Bengal India it is still not quite uniform yet as many people continue to use various archaic forms of letters resulting in concurrent forms for the same sounds Romanization EditMain article Romanization of Bengali Romanization of Bengali is the representation of the Bengali language in the Latin script There are various ways of Romanization systems of Bengali created in recent years but failed to represent the true Bengali phonetic sound While different standards for romanisation have been proposed for Bengali they have not been adopted with the degree of uniformity seen in languages such as Japanese or Sanskrit nb 2 The Bengali alphabet has often been included with the group of Brahmic scripts for romanisation in which the true phonetic value of Bengali is never represented Some of them are the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration or IAST system 15 Indian languages Transliteration or ITRANS uses upper case alphabets suited for ASCII keyboards 16 and the extension of IAST intended for non Sanskrit languages of the Indian region called the National Library at Kolkata romanisation 17 Sample texts EditArticle 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsThe first line is the Bengali alphabet the second a phonetic Romanization the third IPA সমস ত ম ন ষ স ব ধ নভ ব সম ন মর য দ এব অধ ক র ন য জন মগ রহণ কর ত দ র ব ব ক এব ব দ ধ আছ স তর সকল রই এক অপর র প রত ভ র ত ত বস লভ মন ভ ব ন য আচরণ কর উচ ত Somostoʃɔmost oAll manushmanuʃhuman sadhinbhabeʃad ʱinbʱabefree manner in somanʃomanequal morjadamɔrdʒad adignity ebongeboŋand odhikarod ʱikarright niyenie etaken jonmogrohondʒɔnmoɡrohonbirth take kore kɔre do Tadert ad erTheir bibekbibekreason ebongeboŋand buddhibud ːʱiintelligence achhe atʃʰe exist sutorangʃut oraŋtherefore sokoleriʃɔkolerieveryone indeed aekeaekeone oporerɔporeranother s protiprot itowards bhratrittosulobhbʱrat rit ːoʃulɔbʱbrotherhood ly monobhabmonobʱabattitude niyenie etaken achoronatʃorɔnconduct korakɔrado uchit utʃit should সমস ত ম ন ষ স ব ধ নভ ব সম ন মর য দ এব অধ ক র ন য জন মগ রহণ কর ত দ র ব ব ক এব ব দ ধ আছ স তর সকল রই এক অপর র প রত ভ র ত ত বস লভ মন ভ ব ন য আচরণ কর উচ ত Somosto manush sadhinbhabe soman morjada ebong odhikar niye jonmogrohon kore Tader bibek ebong buddhi achhe sutorang sokoleri aeke oporer proti bhratrittosulobh monobhab niye achoron kora uchit ʃɔmost o manuʃ ʃad ʱinbʱabe ʃoman mɔrdʒad a eboŋ od ʱikar nie e dʒɔnmoɡrohon kɔre t ad er bibek eboŋ bud ːʱi atʃʰe ʃut oraŋ ʃɔkoleri aeke ɔporer prot i bʱrat rit ːoʃulɔbʱ monobʱab nie e atʃorɔn kɔra utʃit All human free manner in equal dignity and right taken birth take do Their reason and intelligence exist therefore everyone indeed one another s towards brotherhood ly attitude taken conduct do should All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights They are endowed with reason and conscience Therefore they should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood Mismatch in the number of words between lines 1 word s in line 1 26 word s in line 2 26 word s in line 3 26 word s in line 4 help Unicode EditMain article Bengali Unicode block Bengali script was added to the Unicode Standard in October 1991 with the release of version 1 0 The Unicode block for Bengali is U 0980 U 09FF Bengali 1 2 Official Unicode Consortium code chart PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 098x ঀ অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ ঌ এU 099x ঐ ও ঔ ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ টU 09Ax ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম যU 09Bx র ল শ ষ স হ ঽ U 09Cx ৎU 09Dx ড় ঢ় য়U 09Ex ৠ ৡ ০ ১ ২ ৩ ৪ ৫ ৬ ৭ ৮ ৯U 09Fx ৰ ৱ ৼ Notes 1 As of Unicode version 15 0 2 Grey areas indicate non assigned code pointsSee also EditBengali Braille Robert B Wray movable type for Bengali 1778 Bengali phonologyNotes Edit Different Bengali linguists give different numbers of Bengali diphthongs in their works depending on methodology e g 25 Chatterji 1939 40 31 Hai 1964 45 Ashraf and Ashraf 1966 49 28 Kostic and Das 1972 6 7 and 17 Sarkar 1987 In Japanese there is some debate as to whether to accent certain distinctions such as Tōhoku vs Tohoku Sanskrit is well standardized because the speaking community is relatively small and sound change is not a large concern References Edit Ancient Scripts Archived from the original on 16 November 2010 Retrieved 20 March 2007 ScriptSource Khasi scriptsource org Retrieved 21 September 2021 Daniels Peter T 2008 Writing systems of major and minor languages In Kachru Braj B Kachru Yamuna Sridhar S N eds Languages in South Asia Cambridge University Press pp 285 308 ISBN 978 0 521 78141 1 Bengali alphabet Archived from the original on 26 January 2008 Retrieved 11 June 2005 George Cardona and Danesh Jain 2003 The Indo Aryan Languages Routledge ISBN 978 0415772945 Thompson Hanne Ruth 2020 Bengali A Comprehensive Grammar Routledge Comprehensive Grammars 1 1 ed Routledge p 23 ISBN 978 0415411394 Khan Sameer ud Dowla 2010 Bengali Bangladeshi Standard PDF Journal of the International Phonetic Association 40 2 222 doi 10 1017 S0025100310000071 Khan 2010 p 222 Mazumdar Bijaychandra 2000 The history of the Bengali language Repr d Ausg Calcutta 1920 ed New Delhi Asian Educational Services p 57 ISBN 8120614526 yet it is to be noted as a fact that the cerebral letters are not so much cerebral as they are dental in our speech If we carefully notice our pronunciation of the letters of the ট class we will see that we articulate ট and ড for example almost like English T and D without turning up the tip of the tongue much away from the region of the teeth Ferguson Charles A Chowdhury Munier 1960 The Phonemes of Bengali Language Charles A Ferguson and Munier Chowdhury 36 1 22 59 doi 10 2307 410622 JSTOR 410622 Retrieved 18 September 2020 Khan 2010 pp 223 224 Amin Dr Mohammed ব সর গব ধ ও উচ চ রণ in Bengali সহজ ব ল ব ন ন র ন য ম Simple Bengali Spelling Rules The Daily Janakantha in Bengali 4 May 2019 ৪১ ব সর গ ব যবহ র ব সর গ একট ব ল বর ণ এট ক ন চ হ ন নয বর ণ হ স ব ব যবহ র করত হব ব সর গ হল অঘ ষ হ এর উচ চ রণ প র প ত ধ বন হ এর উচ চ রণ ঘ ষ ক ন ত ব সর গ এর উচ চ রণ অঘ ষ ব ল য ভ ষ য ব স ময দ প রক শ ব সর গ এর উচ চ রণ প রক শ প য য মন আ উ ও ছ ব পদ র শ ষ ব সর গ ব যবহ র হব ন য মন ধর মত ক র যত আইনত ন য য ত করত বস ত ত ক রমশ প র য শ ইত য দ পদমধ যস থ ব সর গ ব যবহ র হব য মন অত পর দ খ স বত স ফ র ত অন ত স থল প ন প ন প ন প রক শ প ন পর ক ষ প ন প রব শ প ন প রত ষ ঠ ইত য দ অর ধ শব দক প র ণত দ ন অর থ ৎ প র ণ শব দক স ক ষ প ত র প প রক শ ব সর গ ব যবহ র কর হল ও আধ ন ক ব ন ন ডট ব যবহ র কর হচ ছ য মন ড ক ত র gt ড ড ডক টর gt ড ড ল ম ট ড gt ল ল ইত য দ ব সর গ য হ ত ব ল বর ণ এব এর ন জস ব ব যবহ র ব ধ আছ ত ই এ ধরন র ব ন ন ড ক ত র gt ড ডক টর gt ড ল ম ট ড gt ল ব সর গ ব যবহ র বর জন কর হয ছ ক রণ ব সর গ যত চ হ ন নয সতর ক করণ ব সর গ এর স থল ক লন ক ন ভ ব ই ব যবহ র কর য ব ন য মন অত পর দ খ ইত য দ ক রণ ক লন ক ন বর ণ নয চ হ ন যত চ হ ন হ স ব ব সর গ ব যবহ র য ব ন য মন ন ম র জ থ ন ল কস ম জ ল ক ম ল ল ১ ৯ ইত য দ See Chowdhury 1963 Learning International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration Sanskrit 3 Learning transliteration Gabriel Pradiipaka amp Andres Muni Archived from the original on 12 February 2007 Retrieved 20 November 2006 ITRANS Indian Language Transliteration Package Avinash Chopde Archived from the original on 23 January 2013 Retrieved 20 November 2006 Annex F Roman Script Transliteration PDF Indian Standard Indian Script Code for Information Interchange ISCII Bureau of Indian Standards 1 April 1999 p 32 Archived PDF from the original on 23 July 2013 Retrieved 20 November 2006 Bibliography EditAshraf Syed Ali Ashraf Asia 1966 Bengali Diphthongs in Dil A S ed Shahidullah Presentation Volume Lahore Linguistic Research Group of Pakistan pp 47 52 Chatterji Suniti Kumar 1939 Vasha prakash Bangala Vyakaran A Grammar of the Bengali Language kolkata University of Rabindra Bharaty RBUDDE Chowdhury Munier 1963 Shahitto shonkhatotto o bhashatotto Literature statistics and linguistics Bangla Academy Potrika Dhaka 6 4 65 76 Kostic Djordje Das Rhea S 1972 A Short Outline of Bengali Phonetics Calcutta Statistical Publishing Company Hai Muhammad Abdul 1964 Dhvani Vijnan O Bangla Dhvani tattwa Phonetics and Bengali Phonology Dhaka Bangla Academy D R Master 2010 Bengali Sarabarna Banjan Barna Learning Asiatick Researches Calcutta Asiatick Society archived from the original on 11 October 2021 Salomon Richard 1998 Indian Epigraphy A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit Prakrit and the Other Indo Aryan Languages New York Oxford University Press Sarkar Pabitra 1987 Bangla Dishorodhoni Bengali Diphthongs Bhasha Calcutta 4 5 10 12 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Bengali alphabet amp oldid 1128728360, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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