

Fluorine is a chemical element; it has symbol F and atomic number 9. It is the lightest halogen and exists at standard conditions as a highly toxic, pale yellow diatomic gas. As the most electronegative reactive element, it is extremely reactive, as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases.

Fluorine, 9F
Liquid fluorine (F2 at extremely low temperature)
Allotropesalpha, beta (see Allotropes of fluorine)
Appearancegas: very pale yellow
liquid: bright yellow
solid: alpha is opaque, beta is transparent
Standard atomic weight Ar°(F)
  • 18.998403162±0.000000005
  • 18.998±0.001 (abridged)[1]
Fluorine in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)9
Groupgroup 17 (halogens)
Periodperiod 2
Block  p-block
Electron configuration[He] 2s2 2p5[2]
Electrons per shell2, 7
Physical properties
Phase at STPgas
Melting point(F2) 53.48 K ​(−219.67 °C, ​−363.41 °F)[3]
Boiling point(F2) 85.03 K ​(−188.11 °C, ​−306.60 °F)[3]
Density (at STP)1.696 g/L[4]
when liquid (at b.p.)1.505 g/cm3[5]
Triple point53.48 K, ​.252 kPa[6]
Critical point144.41 K, 5.1724 MPa[3]
Heat of vaporization6.51 kJ/mol[4]
Molar heat capacityCp: 31 J/(mol·K)[5] (at 21.1 °C)
Cv: 23 J/(mol·K)[5] (at 21.1 °C)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 38 44 50 58 69 85
Atomic properties
Oxidation states−1, 0[7] (oxidizes oxygen)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 3.98[2]
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 1681 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 3374 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 6147 kJ/mol
  • (more)[8]
Covalent radius64 pm[9]
Van der Waals radius135 pm[10]
Spectral lines of fluorine
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structurecubic
Thermal conductivity0.02591 W/(m⋅K)[11]
Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic (−1.2×10−4)[12][13]
CAS Number7782-41-4[2]
Namingafter the mineral fluorite, itself named after Latin fluo (to flow, in smelting)
DiscoveryAndré-Marie Ampère (1810)
First isolationHenri Moissan[2] (June 26, 1886)
Named by
Isotopes of fluorine
Main isotopes Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
18F trace 109.734 min β+ 18O
19F 100% stable
 Category: Fluorine
| references

Among the elements, fluorine ranks 24th in universal abundance and 13th in terrestrial abundance. Fluorite, the primary mineral source of fluorine which gave the element its name, was first described in 1529; as it was added to metal ores to lower their melting points for smelting, the Latin verb fluo meaning 'flow' gave the mineral its name. Proposed as an element in 1810, fluorine proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds, and several early experimenters died or sustained injuries from their attempts. Only in 1886 did French chemist Henri Moissan isolate elemental fluorine using low-temperature electrolysis, a process still employed for modern production. Industrial production of fluorine gas for uranium enrichment, its largest application, began during the Manhattan Project in World War II.

Owing to the expense of refining pure fluorine, most commercial applications use fluorine compounds, with about half of mined fluorite used in steelmaking. The rest of the fluorite is converted into corrosive hydrogen fluoride en route to various organic fluorides, or into cryolite, which plays a key role in aluminium refining. Molecules containing a carbon–fluorine bond often have very high chemical and thermal stability; their major uses are as refrigerants, electrical insulation and cookware, and PTFE (Teflon). Pharmaceuticals such as atorvastatin and fluoxetine contain C−F bonds. The fluoride ion from dissolved fluoride salts inhibits dental cavities, and so finds use in toothpaste and water fluoridation. Global fluorochemical sales amount to more than US$69 billion a year.

Fluorocarbon gases are generally greenhouse gases with global-warming potentials 100 to 23,500 times that of carbon dioxide, and SF6 has the highest global warming potential of any known substance. Organofluorine compounds often persist in the environment due to the strength of the carbon–fluorine bond. Fluorine has no known metabolic role in mammals; a few plants and sea sponges synthesize organofluorine poisons (most often monofluoroacetates) that help deter predation.[15]

Characteristics edit

Electron configuration edit

Fluorine atoms have nine electrons, one fewer than neon, and electron configuration 1s22s22p5: two electrons in a filled inner shell and seven in an outer shell requiring one more to be filled. The outer electrons are ineffective at nuclear shielding, and experience a high effective nuclear charge of 9 − 2 = 7; this affects the atom's physical properties.[2]

Fluorine's first ionization energy is third-highest among all elements, behind helium and neon,[16] which complicates the removal of electrons from neutral fluorine atoms. It also has a high electron affinity, second only to chlorine,[17] and tends to capture an electron to become isoelectronic with the noble gas neon;[2] it has the highest electronegativity of any reactive element.[18] Fluorine atoms have a small covalent radius of around 60 picometers, similar to those of its period neighbors oxygen and neon.[19][20][note 1]

Reactivity edit

External videos
  Bright flames during fluorine reactions
  Fluorine reacting with caesium
Fluorine 3D molecule

The bond energy of difluorine is much lower than that of either Cl
or Br
and similar to the easily cleaved peroxide bond; this, along with high electronegativity, accounts for fluorine's easy dissociation, high reactivity, and strong bonds to non-fluorine atoms.[21][22] Conversely, bonds to other atoms are very strong because of fluorine's high electronegativity. Unreactive substances like powdered steel, glass fragments, and asbestos fibers react quickly with cold fluorine gas; wood and water spontaneously combust under a fluorine jet.[4][23]

Reactions of elemental fluorine with metals require varying conditions. Alkali metals cause explosions and alkaline earth metals display vigorous activity in bulk; to prevent passivation from the formation of metal fluoride layers, most other metals such as aluminium and iron must be powdered,[21] and noble metals require pure fluorine gas at 300–450 °C (575–850 °F).[24] Some solid nonmetals (sulfur, phosphorus) react vigorously in liquid fluorine.[25] Hydrogen sulfide[25] and sulfur dioxide[26] combine readily with fluorine, the latter sometimes explosively; sulfuric acid exhibits much less activity, requiring elevated temperatures.[27]

Hydrogen, like some of the alkali metals, reacts explosively with fluorine.[28] Carbon, as lamp black, reacts at room temperature to yield tetrafluoromethane. Graphite combines with fluorine above 400 °C (750 °F) to produce non-stoichiometric carbon monofluoride; higher temperatures generate gaseous fluorocarbons, sometimes with explosions.[29] Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide react at or just above room temperature,[30] whereas paraffins and other organic chemicals generate strong reactions:[31] even completely substituted haloalkanes such as carbon tetrachloride, normally incombustible, may explode.[32] Although nitrogen trifluoride is stable, nitrogen requires an electric discharge at elevated temperatures for reaction with fluorine to occur, due to the very strong triple bond in elemental nitrogen;[33] ammonia may react explosively.[34][35] Oxygen does not combine with fluorine under ambient conditions, but can be made to react using electric discharge at low temperatures and pressures; the products tend to disintegrate into their constituent elements when heated.[36][37][38] Heavier halogens[39] react readily with fluorine as does the noble gas radon;[40] of the other noble gases, only xenon and krypton react, and only under special conditions.[41] Argon does not react with fluorine gas; however, it does form a compound with fluorine, argon fluorohydride.

Phases edit

Crystal structure of β-fluorine. Spheres indicate F
molecules that may assume any angle. Other molecules are constrained to planes.
Animation showing the crystal structure of beta-fluorine. Molecules on the faces of the unit cell have rotations constrained to a plane.

At room temperature, fluorine is a gas of diatomic molecules,[4] pale yellow when pure (sometimes described as yellow-green).[42] It has a characteristic halogen-like pungent and biting odor detectable at 20 ppb.[43] Fluorine condenses into a bright yellow liquid at −188 °C (−306 °F), a transition temperature similar to those of oxygen and nitrogen.[44]

Fluorine has two solid forms, α- and β-fluorine. The latter crystallizes at −220 °C (−364 °F) and is transparent and soft, with the same disordered cubic structure of freshly crystallized solid oxygen,[44][note 2] unlike the orthorhombic systems of other solid halogens.[48][49] Further cooling to −228 °C (−378 °F) induces a phase transition into opaque and hard α-fluorine, which has a monoclinic structure with dense, angled layers of molecules. The transition from β- to α-fluorine is more exothermic than the condensation of fluorine, and can be violent.[48][49][note 3]

Isotopes edit

Only one isotope of fluorine occurs naturally in abundance, the stable isotope 19
.[50] It has a high magnetogyric ratio[note 4] and exceptional sensitivity to magnetic fields; because it is also the only stable isotope, it is used in magnetic resonance imaging.[52] Eighteen radioisotopes with mass numbers from 13 to 31 have been synthesized, of which 18
is the most stable with a half-life of 109.77 minutes. 18
is a natural trace radioisotope produced by cosmic ray spallation of atmospheric argon as well as by reaction of protons with natural oxygen: 18O + p → 18F + n.[53] Other radioisotopes have half-lives less than 70 seconds; most decay in less than half a second.[54] The isotopes 17
and 18
undergo β+ decay and electron capture, lighter isotopes decay by proton emission, and those heavier than 19
undergo β decay (the heaviest ones with delayed neutron emission).[54][55] Two metastable isomers of fluorine are known, 18m
, with a half-life of 162(7) nanoseconds, and 26m
, with a half-life of 2.2(1) milliseconds.[56]

Occurrence edit

Universe edit

Solar System abundances[57]
Element Relative
6 Carbon 4,800
7 Nitrogen 1,500
8 Oxygen 8,800
9 Fluorine 1
10 Neon 1,400
11 Sodium 24
12 Magnesium 430

Among the lighter elements, fluorine's abundance value of 400 ppb (parts per billion) – 24th among elements in the universe – is exceptionally low: other elements from carbon to magnesium are twenty or more times as common.[58] This is because stellar nucleosynthesis processes bypass fluorine, and any fluorine atoms otherwise created have high nuclear cross sections, allowing collisions with hydrogen or helium to generate oxygen or neon respectively.[58][59]

Beyond this transient existence, three explanations have been proposed for the presence of fluorine:[58][60]

Earth edit

Fluorine is the thirteenth most common element in Earth's crust at 600–700 ppm (parts per million) by mass.[61] Though believed not to occur naturally, elemental fluorine has been shown to be present as an occlusion in antozonite, a variant of fluorite.[62] Most fluorine exists as fluoride-containing minerals. Fluorite, fluorapatite and cryolite are the most industrially significant.[61][63] Fluorite (CaF
), also known as fluorspar, abundant worldwide, is the main source of fluoride, and hence fluorine. China and Mexico are the major suppliers.[63][64][65][66][67] Fluorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3F), which contains most of the world's fluoride, is an inadvertent source of fluoride as a byproduct of fertilizer production.[63] Cryolite (Na
), used in the production of aluminium, is the most fluorine-rich mineral. Economically viable natural sources of cryolite have been exhausted, and most is now synthesised commercially.[63]

Other minerals such as topaz contain fluorine. Fluorides, unlike other halides, are insoluble and do not occur in commercially favorable concentrations in saline waters.[63] Trace quantities of organofluorines of uncertain origin have been detected in volcanic eruptions and geothermal springs.[68] The existence of gaseous fluorine in crystals, suggested by the smell of crushed antozonite, is contentious;[69][62] a 2012 study reported the presence of 0.04% F
by weight in antozonite, attributing these inclusions to radiation from the presence of tiny amounts of uranium.[62]

History edit

Early discoveries edit

Steelmaking illustration from De re metallica

In 1529, Georgius Agricola described fluorite as an additive used to lower the melting point of metals during smelting.[70][71][note 5] He penned the Latin word fluorēs (fluor, flow) for fluorite rocks. The name later evolved into fluorspar (still commonly used) and then fluorite.[64][75][76] The composition of fluorite was later determined to be calcium difluoride.[77]

Hydrofluoric acid was used in glass etching from 1720 onward.[note 6] Andreas Sigismund Marggraf first characterized it in 1764 when he heated fluorite with sulfuric acid, and the resulting solution corroded its glass container.[79][80] Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele repeated the experiment in 1771, and named the acidic product fluss-spats-syran (fluorspar acid).[80][81] In 1810, the French physicist André-Marie Ampère suggested that hydrogen and an element analogous to chlorine constituted hydrofluoric acid.[82] He also proposed in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy dated August 26, 1812 that this then-unknown substance may be named fluorine from fluoric acid and the -ine suffix of other halogens.[83][84] This word, often with modifications, is used in most European languages; however, Greek, Russian, and some others, following Ampère's later suggestion, use the name ftor or derivatives, from the Greek φθόριος (phthorios, destructive).[85] The New Latin name fluorum gave the element its current symbol F; Fl was used in early papers.[86][note 7]

Isolation edit

1887 drawing of Moissan's apparatus

Initial studies on fluorine were so dangerous that several 19th-century experimenters were deemed "fluorine martyrs" after misfortunes with hydrofluoric acid.[note 8] Isolation of elemental fluorine was hindered by the extreme corrosiveness of both elemental fluorine itself and hydrogen fluoride, as well as the lack of a simple and suitable electrolyte.[77][87] Edmond Frémy postulated that electrolysis of pure hydrogen fluoride to generate fluorine was feasible and devised a method to produce anhydrous samples from acidified potassium bifluoride; instead, he discovered that the resulting (dry) hydrogen fluoride did not conduct electricity.[77][87][88] Frémy's former student Henri Moissan persevered, and after much trial and error found that a mixture of potassium bifluoride and dry hydrogen fluoride was a conductor, enabling electrolysis. To prevent rapid corrosion of the platinum in his electrochemical cells, he cooled the reaction to extremely low temperatures in a special bath and forged cells from a more resistant mixture of platinum and iridium, and used fluorite stoppers.[87][89] In 1886, after 74 years of effort by many chemists, Moissan isolated elemental fluorine.[88][90]

In 1906, two months before his death, Moissan received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry,[91] with the following citation:[87]

[I]n recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine ... The whole world has admired the great experimental skill with which you have studied that savage beast among the elements.[note 9]

Later uses edit

An ampoule of uranium hexafluoride

The Frigidaire division of General Motors (GM) experimented with chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants in the late 1920s, and Kinetic Chemicals was formed as a joint venture between GM and DuPont in 1930 hoping to market Freon-12 (CCl
) as one such refrigerant. It replaced earlier and more toxic compounds, increased demand for kitchen refrigerators, and became profitable; by 1949 DuPont had bought out Kinetic and marketed several other Freon compounds.[80][92][93][94] Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) was serendipitously discovered in 1938 by Roy J. Plunkett while working on refrigerants at Kinetic, and its superlative chemical and thermal resistance lent it to accelerated commercialization and mass production by 1941.[80][92][93]

Large-scale production of elemental fluorine began during World War II. Germany used high-temperature electrolysis to make tons of the planned incendiary chlorine trifluoride[95] and the Manhattan Project used huge quantities to produce uranium hexafluoride for uranium enrichment. Since UF
is as corrosive as fluorine, gaseous diffusion plants required special materials: nickel for membranes, fluoropolymers for seals, and liquid fluorocarbons as coolants and lubricants. This burgeoning nuclear industry later drove post-war fluorochemical development.[96]

Compounds edit

Fluorine has a rich chemistry, encompassing organic and inorganic domains. It combines with metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and most noble gases,[97] and almost exclusively assumes an oxidation state of −1.[note 10] Fluorine's high electron affinity results in a preference for ionic bonding; when it forms covalent bonds, these are polar, and almost always single.[100][101][note 11]

Metals edit

Alkali metals form ionic and highly soluble monofluorides; these have the cubic arrangement of sodium chloride and analogous chlorides.[102][103] Alkaline earth difluorides possess strong ionic bonds but are insoluble in water,[86] with the exception of beryllium difluoride, which also exhibits some covalent character and has a quartz-like structure.[104] Rare earth elements and many other metals form mostly ionic trifluorides.[105][106][107]

Covalent bonding first comes to prominence in the tetrafluorides: those of zirconium, hafnium[108][109] and several actinides[110] are ionic with high melting points,[111][note 12] while those of titanium,[114] vanadium,[115] and niobium are polymeric,[116] melting or decomposing at no more than 350 °C (660 °F).[117] Pentafluorides continue this trend with their linear polymers and oligomeric complexes.[118][119][120] Thirteen metal hexafluorides are known,[note 13] all octahedral, and are mostly volatile solids but for liquid MoF
and ReF
, and gaseous WF
.[121][122][123] Rhenium heptafluoride, the only characterized metal heptafluoride, is a low-melting molecular solid with pentagonal bipyramidal molecular geometry.[124] Metal fluorides with more fluorine atoms are particularly reactive.[125]

Structural progression of metal fluorides
Sodium fluoride, ionic Bismuth pentafluoride, polymeric Rhenium heptafluoride, molecular

Hydrogen edit

Boiling points of hydrogen halides and chalcogenides, showing the unusually high values for hydrogen fluoride and water

Hydrogen and fluorine combine to yield hydrogen fluoride, in which discrete molecules form clusters by hydrogen bonding, resembling water more than hydrogen chloride.[126][127][128] It boils at a much higher temperature than heavier hydrogen halides and unlike them is miscible with water.[129] Hydrogen fluoride readily hydrates on contact with water to form aqueous hydrogen fluoride, also known as hydrofluoric acid. Unlike the other hydrohalic acids, which are strong, hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid at low concentrations.[130][note 14] However, it can attack glass, something the other acids cannot do.[132]

Other reactive nonmetals edit

Chlorine trifluoride, whose corrosive potential ignites asbestos, concrete, sand and other fire retardants[133]

Binary fluorides of metalloids and p-block nonmetals are generally covalent and volatile, with varying reactivities. Period 3 and heavier nonmetals can form hypervalent fluorides.[134]

Boron trifluoride is planar and possesses an incomplete octet. It functions as a Lewis acid and combines with Lewis bases like ammonia to form adducts.[135] Carbon tetrafluoride is tetrahedral and inert;[note 15] its group analogues, silicon and germanium tetrafluoride, are also tetrahedral[136] but behave as Lewis acids.[137][138] The pnictogens form trifluorides that increase in reactivity and basicity with higher molecular weight, although nitrogen trifluoride resists hydrolysis and is not basic.[139] The pentafluorides of phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony are more reactive than their respective trifluorides, with antimony pentafluoride the strongest neutral Lewis acid known, only behind gold pentafluoride.[118][140][141]

Chalcogens have diverse fluorides: unstable difluorides have been reported for oxygen (the only known compound with oxygen in an oxidation state of +2), sulfur, and selenium; tetrafluorides and hexafluorides exist for sulfur, selenium, and tellurium. The latter are stabilized by more fluorine atoms and lighter central atoms, so sulfur hexafluoride is especially inert. [142][143] Chlorine, bromine, and iodine can each form mono-, tri-, and pentafluorides, but only iodine heptafluoride has been characterized among possible interhalogen heptafluorides.[144] Many of them are powerful sources of fluorine atoms, and industrial applications using chlorine trifluoride require precautions similar to those using fluorine.[145][146]

Noble gases edit

These xenon tetrafluoride crystals were photographed in 1962. The compound's synthesis, as with xenon hexafluoroplatinate, surprised many chemists.[147]

Noble gases, having complete electron shells, defied reaction with other elements until 1962 when Neil Bartlett reported synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate;[148] xenon difluoride, tetrafluoride, hexafluoride, and multiple oxyfluorides have been isolated since then.[149] Among other noble gases, krypton forms a difluoride,[150] and radon and fluorine generate a solid suspected to be radon difluoride.[151][152] Binary fluorides of lighter noble gases are exceptionally unstable: argon and hydrogen fluoride combine under extreme conditions to give argon fluorohydride.[41] Helium has no long-lived fluorides,[153] and no neon fluoride has ever been observed;[154] helium fluorohydride has been detected for milliseconds at high pressures and low temperatures.[153]

Organic compounds edit

Immiscible layers of colored water (top) and much denser perfluoroheptane (bottom) in a beaker; a goldfish and crab cannot penetrate the boundary; quarters rest at the bottom.
Chemical structure of Nafion, a fluoropolymer used in fuel cells and many other applications[155]

The carbon–fluorine bond is organic chemistry's strongest,[156] and gives stability to organofluorines.[157] It is almost non-existent in nature, but is used in artificial compounds. Research in this area is usually driven by commercial applications;[158] the compounds involved are diverse and reflect the complexity inherent in organic chemistry.[92]

Discrete molecules edit

The substitution of hydrogen atoms in an alkane by progressively more fluorine atoms gradually alters several properties: melting and boiling points are lowered, density increases, solubility in hydrocarbons decreases and overall stability increases. Perfluorocarbons,[note 16] in which all hydrogen atoms are substituted, are insoluble in most organic solvents, reacting at ambient conditions only with sodium in liquid ammonia.[159]

The term perfluorinated compound is used for what would otherwise be a perfluorocarbon if not for the presence of a functional group,[160][note 17] often a carboxylic acid. These compounds share many properties with perfluorocarbons such as stability and hydrophobicity,[162] while the functional group augments their reactivity, enabling them to adhere to surfaces or act as surfactants.[163] Fluorosurfactants, in particular, can lower the surface tension of water more than their hydrocarbon-based analogues. Fluorotelomers, which have some unfluorinated carbon atoms near the functional group, are also regarded as perfluorinated.[162]

Polymers edit

Polymers exhibit the same stability increases afforded by fluorine substitution (for hydrogen) in discrete molecules; their melting points generally increase too.[164] Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), the simplest fluoropolymer and perfluoro analogue of polyethylene with structural unitCF
–, demonstrates this change as expected, but its very high melting point makes it difficult to mold.[165] Various PTFE derivatives are less temperature-tolerant but easier to mold: fluorinated ethylene propylene replaces some fluorine atoms with trifluoromethyl groups, perfluoroalkoxy alkanes do the same with trifluoromethoxy groups,[165] and Nafion contains perfluoroether side chains capped with sulfonic acid groups.[166][167] Other fluoropolymers retain some hydrogen atoms; polyvinylidene fluoride has half the fluorine atoms of PTFE and polyvinyl fluoride has a quarter, but both behave much like perfluorinated polymers.[168]

Production edit

Elemental fluorine and virtually all fluorine compounds are produced from hydrogen fluoride or its aqueous solutions, hydrofluoric acid. Hydrogen fluoride is produced in kilns by the endothermic reaction of fluorite (CaF2) with sulfuric acid:[169]

CaF2 + H2SO4 → 2 HF(g) + CaSO4

The gaseous HF can then be absorbed in water or liquefied.[170]

About 20% of manufactured HF is a byproduct of fertilizer production, which produces hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), which can be degraded to release HF thermally and by hydrolysis:

H2SiF6 → 2 HF + SiF4
SiF4 + 2 H2O → 4 HF + SiO2

Industrial routes to F2 edit

Industrial fluorine cells at Preston

Moissan's method is used to produce industrial quantities of fluorine, via the electrolysis of a potassium bifluoride/hydrogen fluoride mixture: hydrogen ions are reduced at a steel container cathode and fluoride ions are oxidized at a carbon block anode, under 8–12 volts, to generate hydrogen and fluorine gas respectively.[65][171] Temperatures are elevated, KF•2HF melting at 70 °C (158 °F) and being electrolyzed at 70–130 °C (158–266 °F). KF, which acts to provide electrical conductivity, is essential since pure HF cannot be electrolyzed because it is virtually non-conductive.[80][172][173] Fluorine can be stored in steel cylinders that have passivated interiors, at temperatures below 200 °C (392 °F); otherwise nickel can be used.[80][174] Regulator valves and pipework are made of nickel, the latter possibly using Monel instead.[175] Frequent passivation, along with the strict exclusion of water and greases, must be undertaken. In the laboratory, glassware may carry fluorine gas under low pressure and anhydrous conditions;[175] some sources instead recommend nickel-Monel-PTFE systems.[176]

Laboratory routes edit

While preparing for a 1986 conference to celebrate the centennial of Moissan's achievement, Karl O. Christe reasoned that chemical fluorine generation should be feasible since some metal fluoride anions have no stable neutral counterparts; their acidification potentially triggers oxidation instead. He devised a method which evolves fluorine at high yield and atmospheric pressure:[177]

2 KMnO4 + 2 KF + 10 HF + 3 H2O2 → 2 K2MnF6 + 8 H2O + 3 O2
2 K2MnF6 + 4 SbF5 → 4 KSbF6 + 2 MnF3 + F2

Christe later commented that the reactants "had been known for more than 100 years and even Moissan could have come up with this scheme."[178] As late as 2008, some references still asserted that fluorine was too reactive for any chemical isolation.[179]

Industrial applications edit

Fluorite mining, which supplies most global fluorine, peaked in 1989 when 5.6 million metric tons of ore were extracted. Chlorofluorocarbon restrictions lowered this to 3.6 million tons in 1994; production has since been increasing. Around 4.5 million tons of ore and revenue of US$550 million were generated in 2003; later reports estimated 2011 global fluorochemical sales at $15 billion and predicted 2016–18 production figures of 3.5 to 5.9 million tons, and revenue of at least $20 billion.[80][180][181][182][183] Froth flotation separates mined fluorite into two main metallurgical grades of equal proportion: 60–85% pure metspar is almost all used in iron smelting whereas 97%+ pure acidspar is mainly converted to the key industrial intermediate hydrogen fluoride.[65][80][184]

 FluoriteFluorapatiteHydrogen fluorideMetal smeltingGlass productionFluorocarbonsSodium hexafluoroaluminatePickling (metal)Fluorosilicic acidAlkane crackingHydrofluorocarbonHydrochlorofluorocarbonsChlorofluorocarbonTeflonWater fluoridationUranium enrichmentSulfur hexafluorideTungsten hexafluoridePhosphogypsum
Clickable diagram of the fluorochemical industry according to mass flows
current transformers at a Russian railway.

At least 17,000 metric tons of fluorine are produced each year. It costs only $5–8 per kilogram as uranium or sulfur hexafluoride, but many times more as an element because of handling challenges. Most processes using free fluorine in large amounts employ in situ generation under vertical integration.[185]

The largest application of fluorine gas, consuming up to 7,000 metric tons annually, is in the preparation of UF
for the nuclear fuel cycle. Fluorine is used to fluorinate uranium tetrafluoride, itself formed from uranium dioxide and hydrofluoric acid.[185] Fluorine is monoisotopic, so any mass differences between UF
molecules are due to the presence of 235
or 238
, enabling uranium enrichment via gaseous diffusion or gas centrifuge.[4][65] About 6,000 metric tons per year go into producing the inert dielectric SF
for high-voltage transformers and circuit breakers, eliminating the need for hazardous polychlorinated biphenyls associated with oil-filled devices.[186] Several fluorine compounds are used in electronics: rhenium and tungsten hexafluoride in chemical vapor deposition, tetrafluoromethane in plasma etching[187][188][189] and nitrogen trifluoride in cleaning equipment.[65] Fluorine is also used in the synthesis of organic fluorides, but its reactivity often necessitates conversion first to the gentler ClF
, BrF
, or IF
, which together allow calibrated fluorination. Fluorinated pharmaceuticals use sulfur tetrafluoride instead.[65]

Inorganic fluorides edit

Aluminium extraction depends critically on cryolite

As with other iron alloys, around 3 kg (6.5 lb) metspar is added to each metric ton of steel; the fluoride ions lower its melting point and viscosity.[65][190] Alongside its role as an additive in materials like enamels and welding rod coats, most acidspar is reacted with sulfuric acid to form hydrofluoric acid, which is used in steel pickling, glass etching and alkane cracking.[65] One-third of HF goes into synthesizing cryolite and aluminium trifluoride, both fluxes in the Hall–Héroult process for aluminium extraction; replenishment is necessitated by their occasional reactions with the smelting apparatus. Each metric ton of aluminium requires about 23 kg (51 lb) of flux.[65][191] Fluorosilicates consume the second largest portion, with sodium fluorosilicate used in water fluoridation and laundry effluent treatment, and as an intermediate en route to cryolite and silicon tetrafluoride.[192] Other important inorganic fluorides include those of cobalt, nickel, and ammonium.[65][103][193]

Organic fluorides edit

Organofluorides consume over 20% of mined fluorite and over 40% of hydrofluoric acid, with refrigerant gases dominating and fluoropolymers increasing their market share.[65][194] Surfactants are a minor application but generate over $1 billion in annual revenue.[195] Due to the danger from direct hydrocarbon–fluorine reactions above −150 °C (−240 °F), industrial fluorocarbon production is indirect, mostly through halogen exchange reactions such as Swarts fluorination, in which chlorocarbon chlorines are substituted for fluorines by hydrogen fluoride under catalysts. Electrochemical fluorination subjects hydrocarbons to electrolysis in hydrogen fluoride, and the Fowler process treats them with solid fluorine carriers like cobalt trifluoride.[92][196]

Refrigerant gases edit

Halogenated refrigerants, termed Freons in informal contexts,[note 18] are identified by R-numbers that denote the amount of fluorine, chlorine, carbon, and hydrogen present.[65][197] Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) like R-11, R-12, and R-114 once dominated organofluorines, peaking in production in the 1980s. Used for air conditioning systems, propellants and solvents, their production was below one-tenth of this peak by the early 2000s, after widespread international prohibition.[65] Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) were designed as replacements; their synthesis consumes more than 90% of the fluorine in the organic industry. Important HCFCs include R-22, chlorodifluoromethane, and R-141b. The main HFC is R-134a[65] with a new type of molecule HFO-1234yf, a Hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) coming to prominence owing to its global warming potential of less than 1% that of HFC-134a.[198]

Polymers edit

Fluorosurfactant-treated fabrics are often hydrophobic

About 180,000 metric tons of fluoropolymers were produced in 2006 and 2007, generating over $3.5 billion revenue per year.[199] The global market was estimated at just under $6 billion in 2011.[200] Fluoropolymers can only be formed by polymerizing free radicals.[164]

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), sometimes called by its DuPont name Teflon,[201] represents 60–80% by mass of the world's fluoropolymer production.[199] The largest application is in electrical insulation since PTFE is an excellent dielectric. It is also used in the chemical industry where corrosion resistance is needed, in coating pipes, tubing, and gaskets. Another major use is in PFTE-coated fiberglass cloth for stadium roofs. The major consumer application is for non-stick cookware.[201] Jerked PTFE film becomes expanded PTFE (ePTFE), a fine-pored membrane sometimes referred to by the brand name Gore-Tex and used for rainwear, protective apparel, and filters; ePTFE fibers may be made into seals and dust filters.[201] Other fluoropolymers, including fluorinated ethylene propylene, mimic PTFE's properties and can substitute for it; they are more moldable, but also more costly and have lower thermal stability. Films from two different fluoropolymers replace glass in solar cells.[201][202]

The chemically resistant (but expensive) fluorinated ionomers are used as electrochemical cell membranes, of which the first and most prominent example is Nafion. Developed in the 1960s, it was initially deployed as fuel cell material in spacecraft and then replaced mercury-based chloralkali process cells. Recently, the fuel cell application has reemerged with efforts to install proton exchange membrane fuel cells into automobiles.[203][204][205] Fluoroelastomers such as Viton are crosslinked fluoropolymer mixtures mainly used in O-rings;[201] perfluorobutane (C4F10) is used as a fire-extinguishing agent.[206]

Surfactants edit

Fluorosurfactants are small organofluorine molecules used for repelling water and stains. Although expensive (comparable to pharmaceuticals at $200–2000 per kilogram), they yielded over $1 billion in annual revenues by 2006; Scotchgard alone generated over $300 million in 2000.[195][207][208] Fluorosurfactants are a minority in the overall surfactant market, most of which is taken up by much cheaper hydrocarbon-based products. Applications in paints are burdened by compounding costs; this use was valued at only $100 million in 2006.[195]

Agrichemicals edit

About 30% of agrichemicals contain fluorine,[209] most of them herbicides and fungicides with a few crop regulators. Fluorine substitution, usually of a single atom or at most a trifluoromethyl group, is a robust modification with effects analogous to fluorinated pharmaceuticals: increased biological stay time, membrane crossing, and altering of molecular recognition.[210] Trifluralin is a prominent example, with large-scale use in the U.S. as a weedkiller,[210][211] but it is a suspected carcinogen and has been banned in many European countries.[212] Sodium monofluoroacetate (1080) is a mammalian poison in which one sodium acetate hydrogen is replaced with fluorine; it disrupts cell metabolism by replacing acetate in the citric acid cycle. First synthesized in the late 19th century, it was recognized as an insecticide in the early 20th century, and was later deployed in its current use. New Zealand, the largest consumer of 1080, uses it to protect kiwis from the invasive Australian common brushtail possum.[213] Europe and the U.S. have banned 1080.[214][215][note 19]

Medicinal applications edit

Dental care edit

Topical fluoride treatment in Panama

Population studies from the mid-20th century onwards show topical fluoride reduces dental caries. This was first attributed to the conversion of tooth enamel hydroxyapatite into the more durable fluorapatite, but studies on pre-fluoridated teeth refuted this hypothesis, and current theories involve fluoride aiding enamel growth in small caries.[216] After studies of children in areas where fluoride was naturally present in drinking water, controlled public water supply fluoridation to fight tooth decay[217] began in the 1940s and is now applied to water supplying 6 percent of the global population, including two-thirds of Americans.[218][219] Reviews of the scholarly literature in 2000 and 2007 associated water fluoridation with a significant reduction of tooth decay in children.[220] Despite such endorsements and evidence of no adverse effects other than mostly benign dental fluorosis,[221] opposition still exists on ethical and safety grounds.[219][222] The benefits of fluoridation have lessened, possibly due to other fluoride sources, but are still measurable in low-income groups.[223] Sodium monofluorophosphate and sometimes sodium or tin(II) fluoride are often found in fluoride toothpastes, first introduced in the U.S. in 1955 and now ubiquitous in developed countries, alongside fluoridated mouthwashes, gels, foams, and varnishes.[223][224]

Pharmaceuticals edit

Fluoxetine capsules

Twenty percent of modern pharmaceuticals contain fluorine.[225] One of these, the cholesterol-reducer atorvastatin (Lipitor), made more revenue than any other drug until it became generic in 2011.[226] The combination asthma prescription Seretide, a top-ten revenue drug in the mid-2000s, contains two active ingredients, one of which – fluticasone – is fluorinated.[227] Many drugs are fluorinated to delay inactivation and lengthen dosage periods because the carbon–fluorine bond is very stable.[228] Fluorination also increases lipophilicity because the bond is more hydrophobic than the carbon–hydrogen bond, and this often helps in cell membrane penetration and hence bioavailability.[227]

Tricyclics and other pre-1980s antidepressants had several side effects due to their non-selective interference with neurotransmitters other than the serotonin target; the fluorinated fluoxetine was selective and one of the first to avoid this problem. Many current antidepressants receive this same treatment, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: citalopram, its enantiomer escitalopram, and fluvoxamine and paroxetine.[229][230] Quinolones are artificial broad-spectrum antibiotics that are often fluorinated to enhance their effects. These include ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.[231][232][233][234] Fluorine also finds use in steroids:[235] fludrocortisone is a blood pressure-raising mineralocorticoid, and triamcinolone and dexamethasone are strong glucocorticoids.[236] The majority of inhaled anesthetics are heavily fluorinated; the prototype halothane is much more inert and potent than its contemporaries. Later compounds such as the fluorinated ethers sevoflurane and desflurane are better than halothane and are almost insoluble in blood, allowing faster waking times.[237][238]

PET scanning edit

A full-body 18
PET scan with glucose tagged with radioactive fluorine-18. The normal brain and kidneys take up enough glucose to be imaged. A malignant tumor is seen in the upper abdomen. Radioactive fluorine is seen in urine in the bladder.

Fluorine-18 is often found in radioactive tracers for positron emission tomography, as its half-life of almost two hours is long enough to allow for its transport from production facilities to imaging centers.[239] The most common tracer is fluorodeoxyglucose[239] which, after intravenous injection, is taken up by glucose-requiring tissues such as the brain and most malignant tumors;[240] computer-assisted tomography can then be used for detailed imaging.[241]

Oxygen carriers edit

Liquid fluorocarbons can hold large volumes of oxygen or carbon dioxide, more so than blood, and have attracted attention for their possible uses in artificial blood and in liquid breathing.[242] Because fluorocarbons do not normally mix with water, they must be mixed into emulsions (small droplets of perfluorocarbon suspended in water) to be used as blood.[243][244] One such product, Oxycyte, has been through initial clinical trials.[245] These substances can aid endurance athletes and are banned from sports; one cyclist's near death in 1998 prompted an investigation into their abuse.[246][247] Applications of pure perfluorocarbon liquid breathing (which uses pure perfluorocarbon liquid, not a water emulsion) include assisting burn victims and premature babies with deficient lungs. Partial and complete lung filling have been considered, though only the former has had any significant tests in humans.[248] An Alliance Pharmaceuticals effort reached clinical trials but was abandoned because the results were not better than normal therapies.[249]

Biological role edit

Fluorine is not essential for humans and other mammals, but small amounts are known to be beneficial for the strengthening of dental enamel (where the formation of fluorapatite makes the enamel more resistant to attack, from acids produced by bacterial fermentation of sugars). Small amounts of fluorine may be beneficial for bone strength, but the latter has not been definitively established.[250] Both the WHO and the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academies publish recommended daily allowance (RDA) and upper tolerated intake of fluorine, which varies with age and gender.[251][252]

Natural organofluorines have been found in microorganisms and plants[68] but not animals.[253] The most common is fluoroacetate, which is used as a defense against herbivores by at least 40 plants in Africa, Australia and Brazil.[214] Other examples include terminally fluorinated fatty acids, fluoroacetone, and 2-fluorocitrate.[253] An enzyme that binds fluorine to carbon – adenosyl-fluoride synthase – was discovered in bacteria in 2002.[254]

Toxicity edit

Elemental fluorine is highly toxic to living organisms. Its effects in humans start at concentrations lower than hydrogen cyanide's 50 ppm[255] and are similar to those of chlorine:[256] significant irritation of the eyes and respiratory system as well as liver and kidney damage occur above 25 ppm, which is the immediately dangerous to life and health value for fluorine.[257] The eyes and nose are seriously damaged at 100 ppm,[257] and inhalation of 1,000 ppm fluorine will cause death in minutes,[258] compared to 270 ppm for hydrogen cyanide.[259]

Hydrofluoric acid edit

GHS labelling:
H270, H314, H330[260]
NFPA 704 (fire diamond)
 Health 4: Very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury. E.g. VX gasFlammability 0: Will not burn. E.g. waterInstability 3: Capable of detonation or explosive decomposition but requires a strong initiating source, must be heated under confinement before initiation, reacts explosively with water, or will detonate if severely shocked. E.g. hydrogen peroxideSpecial hazard W+OX: Reacts with water in an unusual or dangerous manner AND is oxidizer
Hydrofluoric acid burns may not be evident for a day, after which calcium treatments are less effective.[261]

Hydrofluoric acid is the weakest of the hydrohalic acids, having a pKa of 3.2 at 25 °C.[262] Pure hydrogen fluoride is a volatile liquid due to the presence of hydrogen bonding, while the other hydrogen halides are gases. It is able to attack glass, concrete, metals, and organic matter.[263]

Hydrofluoric acid is a contact poison with greater hazards than many strong acids like sulfuric acid even though it is weak: it remains neutral in aqueous solution and thus penetrates tissue faster, whether through inhalation, ingestion or the skin, and at least nine U.S. workers died in such accidents from 1984 to 1994. It reacts with calcium and magnesium in the blood leading to hypocalcemia and possible death through cardiac arrhythmia.[264] Insoluble calcium fluoride formation triggers strong pain[265] and burns larger than 160 cm2 (25 in2) can cause serious systemic toxicity.[266]

Exposure may not be evident for eight hours for 50% HF, rising to 24 hours for lower concentrations, and a burn may initially be painless as hydrogen fluoride affects nerve function. If skin has been exposed to HF, damage can be reduced by rinsing it under a jet of water for 10–15 minutes and removing contaminated clothing.[267] Calcium gluconate is often applied next, providing calcium ions to bind with fluoride; skin burns can be treated with 2.5% calcium gluconate gel or special rinsing solutions.[268][269][270] Hydrofluoric acid absorption requires further medical treatment; calcium gluconate may be injected or administered intravenously. Using calcium chloride – a common laboratory reagent – in lieu of calcium gluconate is contraindicated, and may lead to severe complications. Excision or amputation of affected parts may be required.[266][271]

Fluoride ion edit

Soluble fluorides are moderately toxic: 5–10 g sodium fluoride, or 32–64 mg fluoride ions per kilogram of body mass, represents a lethal dose for adults.[272] One-fifth of the lethal dose can cause adverse health effects,[273] and chronic excess consumption may lead to skeletal fluorosis, which affects millions in Asia and Africa.[273][274] Ingested fluoride forms hydrofluoric acid in the stomach which is easily absorbed by the intestines, where it crosses cell membranes, binds with calcium and interferes with various enzymes, before urinary excretion. Exposure limits are determined by urine testing of the body's ability to clear fluoride ions.[273][275]

Historically, most cases of fluoride poisoning have been caused by accidental ingestion of insecticides containing inorganic fluorides.[276] Most current calls to poison control centers for possible fluoride poisoning come from the ingestion of fluoride-containing toothpaste.[273] Malfunctioning water fluoridation equipment is another cause: one incident in Alaska affected almost 300 people and killed one person.[277] Dangers from toothpaste are aggravated for small children, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends supervising children below six brushing their teeth so that they do not swallow toothpaste.[278] One regional study examined a year of pre-teen fluoride poisoning reports totaling 87 cases, including one death from ingesting insecticide. Most had no symptoms, but about 30% had stomach pains.[276] A larger study across the U.S. had similar findings: 80% of cases involved children under six, and there were few serious cases.[279]

Environmental concerns edit

Atmosphere edit

NASA projection of stratospheric ozone over North America without the Montreal Protocol[280]

The Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987, set strict regulations on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and bromofluorocarbons due to their ozone damaging potential (ODP). The high stability which suited them to their original applications also meant that they were not decomposing until they reached higher altitudes, where liberated chlorine and bromine atoms attacked ozone molecules.[281] Even with the ban, and early indications of its efficacy, predictions warned that several generations would pass before full recovery.[282][283] With one-tenth the ODP of CFCs, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are the current replacements,[284] and are themselves scheduled for substitution by 2030–2040 by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with no chlorine and zero ODP.[285] In 2007 this date was brought forward to 2020 for developed countries;[286] the Environmental Protection Agency had already prohibited one HCFC's production and capped those of two others in 2003.[285] Fluorocarbon gases are generally greenhouse gases with global-warming potentials (GWPs) of about 100 to 10,000; sulfur hexafluoride has a value of around 20,000.[287] An outlier is HFO-1234yf which is a new type of refrigerant called a Hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) and has attracted global demand due to its GWP of less than 1 compared to 1,430 for the current refrigerant standard HFC-134a.[198]

Biopersistence edit

Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, a key Scotchgard component until 2000[288]

Organofluorines exhibit biopersistence due to the strength of the carbon–fluorine bond. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), which are sparingly water-soluble owing to their acidic functional groups, are noted persistent organic pollutants;[289] perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are most often researched.[290][291][292] PFAAs have been found in trace quantities worldwide from polar bears to humans, with PFOS and PFOA known to reside in breast milk and the blood of newborn babies. A 2013 review showed a slight correlation between groundwater and soil PFAA levels and human activity; there was no clear pattern of one chemical dominating, and higher amounts of PFOS were correlated to higher amounts of PFOA.[290][291][293] In the body, PFAAs bind to proteins such as serum albumin; they tend to concentrate within humans in the liver and blood before excretion through the kidneys. Dwell time in the body varies greatly by species, with half-lives of days in rodents, and years in humans.[290][291][294] High doses of PFOS and PFOA cause cancer and death in newborn rodents but human studies have not established an effect at current exposure levels.[290][291][294]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Sources disagree on the radii of oxygen, fluorine, and neon atoms. Precise comparison is thus impossible.
  2. ^ α-Fluorine has a regular pattern of molecules and is a crystalline solid, but its molecules do not have a specific orientation. β-Fluorine's molecules have fixed locations and minimal rotational uncertainty. For further detail on α-fluorine, see the 1970 structure by Pauling.[45] For further detail on the concept of disorder in crystals, see the referenced general reviews.[46][47]
  3. ^ A loud click is heard. Samples may shatter and sample windows blow out.
  4. ^ The ratio of the angular momentum to magnetic moment is called the gyromagnetic ratio. "Certain nuclei can for many purposes be thought of as spinning round an axis like the Earth or like a top. In general the spin endows them with angular momentum and with a magnetic moment; the first because of their mass, the second because all or part of their electric charge may be rotating with the mass."[51]
  5. ^ Basilius Valentinus supposedly described fluorite in the late 15th century, but because his writings were uncovered 200 years later, this work's veracity is doubtful.[72][73][74]
  6. ^ Or perhaps from as early as 1670 onwards; Partington[78] and Weeks[77] give differing accounts.
  7. ^ Fl, since 2012, is used for flerovium.
  8. ^ Davy, Gay-Lussac, Thénard, and the Irish chemists Thomas and George Knox were injured. Belgian chemist Paulin Louyet and French chemist Jérôme Nicklès [de] died. Moissan also experienced serious hydrogen fluoride poisoning.[77][87]
  9. ^ Also honored was his invention of the electric arc furnace.
  10. ^ Fluorine in F
    is defined to have oxidation state 0. The unstable species F
    and F
    , which decompose at around 40 K, have intermediate oxidation states;[98] F+
    and a few related species are predicted to be stable.[99]
  11. ^ The metastable boron and nitrogen monofluoride have higher-order fluorine bonds, and some metal complexes use it as a bridging ligand. Hydrogen bonding is another possibility.
  12. ^ ZrF
    melts at 932 °C (1710 °F),[112] HfF
    sublimes at 968 °C (1774 °F),[109] and UF
    melts at 1036 °C (1897 °F).[113]
  13. ^ These thirteen are those of molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium, rhodium, tungsten, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, polonium, uranium, neptunium, and plutonium.
  14. ^ See also the explanation by Clark.[131]
  15. ^ Carbon tetrafluoride is formally organic, but is included here rather than in the organofluorine chemistry section – where more complex carbon-fluorine compounds are discussed – for comparison with SiF
    and GeF
  16. ^ Perfluorocarbon and fluorocarbon are IUPAC synonyms for molecules containing carbon and fluorine only, but in colloquial and commercial contexts the latter term may refer to any carbon- and fluorine-containing molecule, possibly with other elements.
  17. ^ This terminology is imprecise, and perfluorinated substance is also used.[161]
  18. ^ This DuPont trademark is sometimes further misused for CFCs, HFCs, or HCFCs.
  19. ^ American sheep and cattle collars may use 1080 against predators like coyotes.

Sources edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Fluorine". CIAAW. 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Jaccaud et al. 2000, p. 381.
  3. ^ a b c Haynes 2011, p. 4.121.
  4. ^ a b c d e Jaccaud et al. 2000, p. 382.
  5. ^ a b c Compressed Gas Association 1999, p. 365.
  6. ^ "Triple Point | The Elements Handbook at KnowledgeDoor". KnowledgeDoor.
  7. ^ Himmel, D.; Riedel, S. (2007). "After 20 Years, Theoretical Evidence That 'AuF7' Is Actually AuF5·F2". Inorganic Chemistry. 46 (13). 5338–5342. doi:10.1021/ic700431s.
  8. ^ Dean 1999, p. 4.6.
  9. ^ Dean 1999, p. 4.35.
  10. ^ Matsui 2006, p. 257.
  11. ^ Yaws & Braker 2001, p. 385.
  12. ^ Mackay, Mackay & Henderson 2002, p. 72.
  13. ^ Cheng et al. 1999.
  14. ^ Chisté & Bé 2011.
  15. ^ Lee et al. 2014.
  16. ^ Dean 1999, p. 564.
  17. ^ Lide 2004, pp. 10.137–10.138.
  18. ^ Moore, Stanitski & Jurs 2010, p. 156.
  19. ^ Cordero et al. 2008.
  20. ^ Pyykkö & Atsumi 2009.
  21. ^ a b Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 804.
  22. ^ Macomber 1996, p. 230
  23. ^ Nelson 1947.
  24. ^ Lidin, Molochko & Andreeva 2000, pp. 442–455.
  25. ^ a b Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 404.
  26. ^ Patnaik 2007, p. 472.
  27. ^ Aigueperse et al. 2000, p. 400.
  28. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 76, 804.
  29. ^ Kuriakose & Margrave 1965.
  30. ^ Hasegawa et al. 2007.
  31. ^ Lagow 1970, pp. 64–78.
  32. ^ Navarrini et al. 2012.
  33. ^ Lidin, Molochko & Andreeva 2000, p. 252.
  34. ^ Tanner Industries 2011.
  35. ^ Morrow, Perry & Cohen 1959.
  36. ^ Emeléus & Sharpe 1974, p. 111.
  37. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 457.
  38. ^ Brantley 1949, p. 26.
  39. ^ Jaccaud et al. 2000, p. 383.
  40. ^ Pitzer 1975.
  41. ^ a b Khriachtchev et al. 2000.
  42. ^ Burdon, Emson & Edwards 1987.
  43. ^ Lide 2004, p. 4.12.
  44. ^ a b Dean 1999, p. 523.
  45. ^ Pauling, Keaveny & Robinson 1970.
  46. ^ Bürgi 2000.
  47. ^ Müller 2009.
  48. ^ a b Young 1975, p. 10.
  49. ^ a b Barrett, Meyer & Wasserman 1967.
  50. ^ National Nuclear Data Center & NuDat 2.1, Fluorine-19.
  51. ^ Vigoureux 1961.
  52. ^ Meusinger, Chippendale & Fairhurst 2012, pp. 752, 754.
  53. ^ SCOPE 50 - Radioecology after Chernobyl 2014-05-13 at the Wayback Machine, the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), 1993. See table 1.9 in Section
  54. ^ a b National Nuclear Data Center & NuDat 2.1.
  55. ^ NUBASE 2016, pp. 030001-23–030001-27.
  56. ^ NUBASE 2016, pp. 030001–24.
  57. ^ Cameron 1973.
  58. ^ a b c Croswell 2003.
  59. ^ Clayton 2003, pp. 101–104.
  60. ^ Renda et al. 2004.
  61. ^ a b Jaccaud et al. 2000, p. 384.
  62. ^ a b c Schmedt, Mangstl & Kraus 2012.
  63. ^ a b c d e Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 795.
  64. ^ a b Norwood & Fohs 1907, p. 52.
  65. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Villalba, Ayres & Schroder 2008.
  66. ^ Kelly & Miller 2005.
  67. ^ Lusty et al. 2008.
  68. ^ a b Gribble 2002.
  69. ^ Richter, Hahn & Fuchs 2001, p. 3.
  70. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 790.
  71. ^ Senning 2007, p. 149.
  72. ^ Stillman 1912.
  73. ^ Principe 2012, pp. 140, 145.
  74. ^ Agricola, Hoover & Hoover 1912, footnotes and commentary, pp. xxx, 38, 409, 430, 461, 608.
  75. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 109.
  76. ^ Agricola, Hoover & Hoover 1912, preface, pp. 380–381.
  77. ^ a b c d e Weeks 1932.
  78. ^ Partington 1923.
  79. ^ Marggraf 1770.
  80. ^ a b c d e f g h Kirsch 2004, pp. 3–10.
  81. ^ Scheele 1771.
  82. ^ Ampère 1816.
  83. ^ Tressaud, Alain (6 October 2018). Fluorine: A Paradoxical Element. Academic Press. ISBN 9780128129913.
  84. ^ Davy 1813, p. 278.
  85. ^ Banks 1986, p. 11.
  86. ^ a b Storer 1864, pp. 278–280.
  87. ^ a b c d e Toon 2011.
  88. ^ a b Asimov 1966, p. 162.
  89. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 789–791.
  90. ^ Moissan 1886.
  91. ^ Viel & Goldwhite 1993, p. 35.
  92. ^ a b c d Okazoe 2009.
  93. ^ a b Hounshell & Smith 1988, pp. 156–157.
  94. ^ DuPont 2013a.
  95. ^ Meyer 1977, p. 111.
  96. ^ Kirsch 2004, pp. 60–66.
  97. ^ Riedel & Kaupp 2009.
  98. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 422.
  99. ^ Schlöder & Riedel 2012.
  100. ^ Harbison 2002.
  101. ^ Edwards 1994, p. 515.
  102. ^ Katakuse et al. 1999, p. 267.
  103. ^ a b Aigueperse et al. 2000, pp. 420–422.
  104. ^ Walsh 2009, pp. 99–102, 118–119.
  105. ^ Emeléus & Sharpe 1983, pp. 89–97.
  106. ^ Babel & Tressaud 1985, pp. 91–96.
  107. ^ Einstein et al. 1967.
  108. ^ Brown et al. 2005, p. 144.
  109. ^ a b Perry 2011, p. 193.
  110. ^ Kern et al. 1994.
  111. ^ Lide 2004, pp. 4.60, 4.76, 4.92, 4.96.
  112. ^ Lide 2004, p. 4.96.
  113. ^ Lide 2004, p. 4.92.
  114. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 964.
  115. ^ Becker & Müller 1990.
  116. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 990.
  117. ^ Lide 2004, pp. 4.72, 4.91, 4.93.
  118. ^ a b Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 561–563.
  119. ^ Emeléus & Sharpe 1983, pp. 256–277.
  120. ^ Mackay, Mackay & Henderson 2002, pp. 355–356.
  121. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, (various pages, by metal in respective chapters).
  122. ^ Lide 2004, pp. 4.71, 4.78, 4.92.
  123. ^ Drews et al. 2006.
  124. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, p. 819.
  125. ^ Bartlett 1962.
  126. ^ Pauling 1960, pp. 454–464.
  127. ^ Atkins & Jones 2007, pp. 184–185.
  128. ^ Emsley 1981.
  129. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 812–816.
  130. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 425.
  131. ^ Clark 2002.
  132. ^ Chambers & Holliday 1975, pp. 328–329.
  133. ^ Air Products and Chemicals 2004, p. 1.
  134. ^ Noury, Silvi & Gillespie 2002.
  135. ^ Chang & Goldsby 2013, p. 706.
  136. ^ Ellis 2001, p. 69.
  137. ^ Aigueperse et al. 2000, p. 423.
  138. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 897.
  139. ^ Raghavan 1998, pp. 164–165.
  140. ^ Godfrey et al. 1998, p. 98.
  141. ^ Aigueperse et al. 2000, p. 432.
  142. ^ Murthy, Mehdi Ali & Ashok 1995, pp. 180–182, 206–208.
  143. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 638–640, 683–689, 767–778.
  144. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, pp. 435–436.
  145. ^ Greenwood & Earnshaw 1998, pp. 828–830.
  146. ^ Patnaik 2007, pp. 478–479.
  147. ^ Moeller, Bailar & Kleinberg 1980, p. 236.
  148. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, pp. 392–393.
  149. ^ Wiberg, Wiberg & Holleman 2001, p. 395–397, 400.
  150. ^ Lewars 2008, p. 68.
  151. ^ Pitzer 1993, p. 111.
  152. ^ Lewars 2008, p. 67.
  153. ^ a b Bihary, Chaban & Gerber 2002.
  154. ^ Lewars 2008, p. 71.
  155. ^ Hoogers 2002, pp. 4–12.
  156. ^ O'Hagan 2008.
  157. ^ Siegemund et al. 2005, p. 444.
  158. ^ Sandford 2000, p. 455.
  159. ^ Siegemund et al. 2005, pp. 451–452.
  160. ^ Barbee, McCormack & Vartanian 2000, p. 116.
  161. ^ Posner et al. 2013, pp. +hydrocarbons+that+are+fully+fluorinated+except+for+one+functional+group%22&pg=PA187 187–190.
  162. ^ a b Posner 2011, p. 27.
  163. ^ Salager 2002, p. 45.
  164. ^ a b Carlson & Schmiegel 2000, p. 3.
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  210. ^ a b Theodoridis 2006.
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  214. ^ a b Proudfoot, Bradberry & Vale 2006.
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  216. ^ Pizzo et al. 2007.
  217. ^ CDC 2001.
  218. ^ Ripa 1993.
  219. ^ a b Cheng, Chalmers & Sheldon 2007.
  220. ^ NHMRC 2007; see Yeung 2008 for a summary.
  221. ^ Marya 2011, p. 343.
  222. ^ Armfield 2007.
  223. ^ a b Baelum, Sheiham & Burt 2008, p. 518.
  224. ^ Cracher 2012, p. 12.
  225. ^ Emsley 2011, p. 178.
  226. ^ Johnson 2011.
  227. ^ a b Swinson 2005.
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  230. ^ Preskorn 1996, chap. 2.
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  232. ^ Brody 2012.
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  234. ^ King, Malone & Lilley 2000.
  235. ^ Parente 2001, p. 40.
  236. ^ Raj & Erdine 2012, p. 58.
  237. ^ Filler & Saha 2009.
  238. ^ Bégué & Bonnet-Delpon 2008, pp. 335–336.
  239. ^ a b Schmitz et al. 2000.
  240. ^ Bustamante & Pedersen 1977.
  241. ^ Alavi & Huang 2007, p. 41.
  242. ^ Gabriel et al. 1996.
  243. ^ Sarkar 2008.
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  245. ^ Davis 2006.
  246. ^ Gains 1998.
  247. ^ Taber 1999.
  248. ^ Shaffer, Wolfson & Clark 1992, p. 102.
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  251. ^ Olivares & Uauy 2004.
  252. ^ Food and Nutrition Board.
  253. ^ a b Murphy, Schaffrath & O'Hagan 2003
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  255. ^ The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 1994a.
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  265. ^ Hoffman et al. 2007, p. 1333.
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  270. ^ Hultén et al. 2004.
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  273. ^ a b c d Shin & Silverberg 2013.
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  275. ^ Baez, Baez & Marthaler 2000.
  276. ^ a b Augenstein et al. 1991.
  277. ^ Gessner et al. 1994.
  278. ^ CDC 2013.
  279. ^ Shulman & Wells 1997.
  280. ^ Beck et al. 2011.
  281. ^ Aucamp & Björn 2010, pp. 4–6, 41, 46–47.
  282. ^ Mitchell Crow 2011.
  283. ^ Barry & Phillips 2006.
  284. ^ EPA 2013a.
  285. ^ a b EPA 2013b.
  286. ^ McCoy 2007.
  287. ^ Forster et al. 2007, pp. 212–213.
  288. ^ Schwarcz 2004, p. 37.
  289. ^ Giesy & Kannan 2002.
  290. ^ a b c d Steenland, Fletcher & Savitz 2010.
  291. ^ a b c d Betts 2007.
  292. ^ EPA 2012.
  293. ^ Zareitalabad et al. 2013.
  294. ^ a b Lau et al. 2007.

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fluorine, confused, with, florin, fluorene, fluoride, fluorone, florine, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, lightest, halogen, exists, standard, conditions, highly, toxic, pale, yellow, diatomic, most, electronegative, reactive, element, extremely, rea. Not to be confused with Florin Fluorene Fluoride Fluorone or Florine Fluorine is a chemical element it has symbol F and atomic number 9 It is the lightest halogen and exists at standard conditions as a highly toxic pale yellow diatomic gas As the most electronegative reactive element it is extremely reactive as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases Fluorine 9FLiquid fluorine F2 at extremely low temperature FluorinePronunciation ˈ f l ʊer iː n ˈ f l ɔːr iː n FLOR een Allotropesalpha beta see Allotropes of fluorine Appearancegas very pale yellowliquid bright yellowsolid alpha is opaque beta is transparentStandard atomic weight Ar F 18 998403 162 0 000000 00518 998 0 001 abridged 1 Fluorine in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson F Cloxygen fluorine neonAtomic number Z 9Groupgroup 17 halogens Periodperiod 2Block p blockElectron configuration He 2s2 2p5 2 Electrons per shell2 7Physical propertiesPhase at STPgasMelting point F2 53 48 K 219 67 C 363 41 F 3 Boiling point F2 85 03 K 188 11 C 306 60 F 3 Density at STP 1 696 g L 4 when liquid at b p 1 505 g cm3 5 Triple point53 48 K 252 kPa 6 Critical point144 41 K 5 1724 MPa 3 Heat of vaporization6 51 kJ mol 4 Molar heat capacityCp 31 J mol K 5 at 21 1 C Cv 23 J mol K 5 at 21 1 C Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 38 44 50 58 69 85Atomic propertiesOxidation states 1 0 7 oxidizes oxygen ElectronegativityPauling scale 3 98 2 Ionization energies1st 1681 kJ mol2nd 3374 kJ mol3rd 6147 kJ mol more 8 Covalent radius64 pm 9 Van der Waals radius135 pm 10 Spectral lines of fluorineOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure cubicThermal conductivity0 02591 W m K 11 Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic 1 2 10 4 12 13 CAS Number7782 41 4 2 HistoryNamingafter the mineral fluorite itself named after Latin fluo to flow in smelting DiscoveryAndre Marie Ampere 1810 First isolationHenri Moissan 2 June 26 1886 Named byHumphry Davy Andre Marie AmpereIsotopes of fluorineveMain isotopes Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct18F trace 109 734 min b 18O19F 100 stable 14 Category Fluorineviewtalkedit referencesAmong the elements fluorine ranks 24th in universal abundance and 13th in terrestrial abundance Fluorite the primary mineral source of fluorine which gave the element its name was first described in 1529 as it was added to metal ores to lower their melting points for smelting the Latin verb fluo meaning flow gave the mineral its name Proposed as an element in 1810 fluorine proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds and several early experimenters died or sustained injuries from their attempts Only in 1886 did French chemist Henri Moissan isolate elemental fluorine using low temperature electrolysis a process still employed for modern production Industrial production of fluorine gas for uranium enrichment its largest application began during the Manhattan Project in World War II Owing to the expense of refining pure fluorine most commercial applications use fluorine compounds with about half of mined fluorite used in steelmaking The rest of the fluorite is converted into corrosive hydrogen fluoride en route to various organic fluorides or into cryolite which plays a key role in aluminium refining Molecules containing a carbon fluorine bond often have very high chemical and thermal stability their major uses are as refrigerants electrical insulation and cookware and PTFE Teflon Pharmaceuticals such as atorvastatin and fluoxetine contain C F bonds The fluoride ion from dissolved fluoride salts inhibits dental cavities and so finds use in toothpaste and water fluoridation Global fluorochemical sales amount to more than US 69 billion a year Fluorocarbon gases are generally greenhouse gases with global warming potentials 100 to 23 500 times that of carbon dioxide and SF6 has the highest global warming potential of any known substance Organofluorine compounds often persist in the environment due to the strength of the carbon fluorine bond Fluorine has no known metabolic role in mammals a few plants and sea sponges synthesize organofluorine poisons most often monofluoroacetates that help deter predation 15 Contents 1 Characteristics 1 1 Electron configuration 1 2 Reactivity 1 3 Phases 1 4 Isotopes 2 Occurrence 2 1 Universe 2 2 Earth 3 History 3 1 Early discoveries 3 2 Isolation 3 3 Later uses 4 Compounds 4 1 Metals 4 2 Hydrogen 4 3 Other reactive nonmetals 4 4 Noble gases 4 5 Organic compounds 4 5 1 Discrete molecules 4 5 2 Polymers 5 Production 5 1 Industrial routes to F2 5 2 Laboratory routes 6 Industrial applications 6 1 Inorganic fluorides 6 2 Organic fluorides 6 2 1 Refrigerant gases 6 2 2 Polymers 6 2 3 Surfactants 6 2 4 Agrichemicals 7 Medicinal applications 7 1 Dental care 7 2 Pharmaceuticals 7 3 PET scanning 7 4 Oxygen carriers 8 Biological role 9 Toxicity 9 1 Hydrofluoric acid 9 2 Fluoride ion 10 Environmental concerns 10 1 Atmosphere 10 2 Biopersistence 11 See also 12 Notes 13 Sources 13 1 Citations 13 2 Indexed references 14 External linksCharacteristics editElectron configuration edit Fluorine atoms have nine electrons one fewer than neon and electron configuration 1s22s22p5 two electrons in a filled inner shell and seven in an outer shell requiring one more to be filled The outer electrons are ineffective at nuclear shielding and experience a high effective nuclear charge of 9 2 7 this affects the atom s physical properties 2 Fluorine s first ionization energy is third highest among all elements behind helium and neon 16 which complicates the removal of electrons from neutral fluorine atoms It also has a high electron affinity second only to chlorine 17 and tends to capture an electron to become isoelectronic with the noble gas neon 2 it has the highest electronegativity of any reactive element 18 Fluorine atoms have a small covalent radius of around 60 picometers similar to those of its period neighbors oxygen and neon 19 20 note 1 Reactivity edit External videos nbsp Bright flames during fluorine reactions nbsp Fluorine reacting with caesium nbsp Fluorine 3D moleculeThe bond energy of difluorine is much lower than that of either Cl2 or Br2 and similar to the easily cleaved peroxide bond this along with high electronegativity accounts for fluorine s easy dissociation high reactivity and strong bonds to non fluorine atoms 21 22 Conversely bonds to other atoms are very strong because of fluorine s high electronegativity Unreactive substances like powdered steel glass fragments and asbestos fibers react quickly with cold fluorine gas wood and water spontaneously combust under a fluorine jet 4 23 Reactions of elemental fluorine with metals require varying conditions Alkali metals cause explosions and alkaline earth metals display vigorous activity in bulk to prevent passivation from the formation of metal fluoride layers most other metals such as aluminium and iron must be powdered 21 and noble metals require pure fluorine gas at 300 450 C 575 850 F 24 Some solid nonmetals sulfur phosphorus react vigorously in liquid fluorine 25 Hydrogen sulfide 25 and sulfur dioxide 26 combine readily with fluorine the latter sometimes explosively sulfuric acid exhibits much less activity requiring elevated temperatures 27 Hydrogen like some of the alkali metals reacts explosively with fluorine 28 Carbon as lamp black reacts at room temperature to yield tetrafluoromethane Graphite combines with fluorine above 400 C 750 F to produce non stoichiometric carbon monofluoride higher temperatures generate gaseous fluorocarbons sometimes with explosions 29 Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide react at or just above room temperature 30 whereas paraffins and other organic chemicals generate strong reactions 31 even completely substituted haloalkanes such as carbon tetrachloride normally incombustible may explode 32 Although nitrogen trifluoride is stable nitrogen requires an electric discharge at elevated temperatures for reaction with fluorine to occur due to the very strong triple bond in elemental nitrogen 33 ammonia may react explosively 34 35 Oxygen does not combine with fluorine under ambient conditions but can be made to react using electric discharge at low temperatures and pressures the products tend to disintegrate into their constituent elements when heated 36 37 38 Heavier halogens 39 react readily with fluorine as does the noble gas radon 40 of the other noble gases only xenon and krypton react and only under special conditions 41 Argon does not react with fluorine gas however it does form a compound with fluorine argon fluorohydride Phases edit nbsp Crystal structure of b fluorine Spheres indicate F2 molecules that may assume any angle Other molecules are constrained to planes Main article Phases of fluorine nbsp Animation showing the crystal structure of beta fluorine Molecules on the faces of the unit cell have rotations constrained to a plane At room temperature fluorine is a gas of diatomic molecules 4 pale yellow when pure sometimes described as yellow green 42 It has a characteristic halogen like pungent and biting odor detectable at 20 ppb 43 Fluorine condenses into a bright yellow liquid at 188 C 306 F a transition temperature similar to those of oxygen and nitrogen 44 Fluorine has two solid forms a and b fluorine The latter crystallizes at 220 C 364 F and is transparent and soft with the same disordered cubic structure of freshly crystallized solid oxygen 44 note 2 unlike the orthorhombic systems of other solid halogens 48 49 Further cooling to 228 C 378 F induces a phase transition into opaque and hard a fluorine which has a monoclinic structure with dense angled layers of molecules The transition from b to a fluorine is more exothermic than the condensation of fluorine and can be violent 48 49 note 3 Isotopes edit Main article Isotopes of fluorine Only one isotope of fluorine occurs naturally in abundance the stable isotope 19 F 50 It has a high magnetogyric ratio note 4 and exceptional sensitivity to magnetic fields because it is also the only stable isotope it is used in magnetic resonance imaging 52 Eighteen radioisotopes with mass numbers from 13 to 31 have been synthesized of which 18 F is the most stable with a half life of 109 77 minutes 18 F is a natural trace radioisotope produced by cosmic ray spallation of atmospheric argon as well as by reaction of protons with natural oxygen 18O p 18F n 53 Other radioisotopes have half lives less than 70 seconds most decay in less than half a second 54 The isotopes 17 F and 18 F undergo b decay and electron capture lighter isotopes decay by proton emission and those heavier than 19 F undergo b decay the heaviest ones with delayed neutron emission 54 55 Two metastable isomers of fluorine are known 18m F with a half life of 162 7 nanoseconds and 26m F with a half life of 2 2 1 milliseconds 56 Occurrence editMain article Origin and occurrence of fluorine Universe edit Solar System abundances 57 Atomic number Element Relative amount6 Carbon 4 8007 Nitrogen 1 5008 Oxygen 8 8009 Fluorine 110 Neon 1 40011 Sodium 2412 Magnesium 430Among the lighter elements fluorine s abundance value of 400 ppb parts per billion 24th among elements in the universe is exceptionally low other elements from carbon to magnesium are twenty or more times as common 58 This is because stellar nucleosynthesis processes bypass fluorine and any fluorine atoms otherwise created have high nuclear cross sections allowing collisions with hydrogen or helium to generate oxygen or neon respectively 58 59 Beyond this transient existence three explanations have been proposed for the presence of fluorine 58 60 during type II supernovae bombardment of neon atoms by neutrinos could transmute them to fluorine the solar wind of Wolf Rayet stars could blow fluorine away from any hydrogen or helium atoms or fluorine is borne out on convection currents arising from fusion in asymptotic giant branch stars Earth edit See also List of countries by fluorite production Fluorine is the thirteenth most common element in Earth s crust at 600 700 ppm parts per million by mass 61 Though believed not to occur naturally elemental fluorine has been shown to be present as an occlusion in antozonite a variant of fluorite 62 Most fluorine exists as fluoride containing minerals Fluorite fluorapatite and cryolite are the most industrially significant 61 63 Fluorite CaF2 also known as fluorspar abundant worldwide is the main source of fluoride and hence fluorine China and Mexico are the major suppliers 63 64 65 66 67 Fluorapatite Ca5 PO4 3F which contains most of the world s fluoride is an inadvertent source of fluoride as a byproduct of fertilizer production 63 Cryolite Na3 AlF6 used in the production of aluminium is the most fluorine rich mineral Economically viable natural sources of cryolite have been exhausted and most is now synthesised commercially 63 nbsp Fluorite Pink globular mass with crystal facets nbsp Fluorapatite Long prismatic crystal dull in lustre protruding at an angle from matrix of aggregate like rock nbsp Cryolite A parallelogram shaped outline with diatomic molecules arranged in two layersOther minerals such as topaz contain fluorine Fluorides unlike other halides are insoluble and do not occur in commercially favorable concentrations in saline waters 63 Trace quantities of organofluorines of uncertain origin have been detected in volcanic eruptions and geothermal springs 68 The existence of gaseous fluorine in crystals suggested by the smell of crushed antozonite is contentious 69 62 a 2012 study reported the presence of 0 04 F2 by weight in antozonite attributing these inclusions to radiation from the presence of tiny amounts of uranium 62 History editMain article History of fluorine Early discoveries edit nbsp Steelmaking illustration from De re metallicaIn 1529 Georgius Agricola described fluorite as an additive used to lower the melting point of metals during smelting 70 71 note 5 He penned the Latin word fluores fluor flow for fluorite rocks The name later evolved into fluorspar still commonly used and then fluorite 64 75 76 The composition of fluorite was later determined to be calcium difluoride 77 Hydrofluoric acid was used in glass etching from 1720 onward note 6 Andreas Sigismund Marggraf first characterized it in 1764 when he heated fluorite with sulfuric acid and the resulting solution corroded its glass container 79 80 Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele repeated the experiment in 1771 and named the acidic product fluss spats syran fluorspar acid 80 81 In 1810 the French physicist Andre Marie Ampere suggested that hydrogen and an element analogous to chlorine constituted hydrofluoric acid 82 He also proposed in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy dated August 26 1812 that this then unknown substance may be named fluorine from fluoric acid and the ine suffix of other halogens 83 84 This word often with modifications is used in most European languages however Greek Russian and some others following Ampere s later suggestion use the name ftor or derivatives from the Greek f8orios phthorios destructive 85 The New Latin name fluorum gave the element its current symbol F Fl was used in early papers 86 note 7 Isolation edit nbsp 1887 drawing of Moissan s apparatusInitial studies on fluorine were so dangerous that several 19th century experimenters were deemed fluorine martyrs after misfortunes with hydrofluoric acid note 8 Isolation of elemental fluorine was hindered by the extreme corrosiveness of both elemental fluorine itself and hydrogen fluoride as well as the lack of a simple and suitable electrolyte 77 87 Edmond Fremy postulated that electrolysis of pure hydrogen fluoride to generate fluorine was feasible and devised a method to produce anhydrous samples from acidified potassium bifluoride instead he discovered that the resulting dry hydrogen fluoride did not conduct electricity 77 87 88 Fremy s former student Henri Moissan persevered and after much trial and error found that a mixture of potassium bifluoride and dry hydrogen fluoride was a conductor enabling electrolysis To prevent rapid corrosion of the platinum in his electrochemical cells he cooled the reaction to extremely low temperatures in a special bath and forged cells from a more resistant mixture of platinum and iridium and used fluorite stoppers 87 89 In 1886 after 74 years of effort by many chemists Moissan isolated elemental fluorine 88 90 In 1906 two months before his death Moissan received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 91 with the following citation 87 I n recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine The whole world has admired the great experimental skill with which you have studied that savage beast among the elements note 9 Later uses edit nbsp An ampoule of uranium hexafluorideThe Frigidaire division of General Motors GM experimented with chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants in the late 1920s and Kinetic Chemicals was formed as a joint venture between GM and DuPont in 1930 hoping to market Freon 12 CCl2 F2 as one such refrigerant It replaced earlier and more toxic compounds increased demand for kitchen refrigerators and became profitable by 1949 DuPont had bought out Kinetic and marketed several other Freon compounds 80 92 93 94 Polytetrafluoroethylene Teflon was serendipitously discovered in 1938 by Roy J Plunkett while working on refrigerants at Kinetic and its superlative chemical and thermal resistance lent it to accelerated commercialization and mass production by 1941 80 92 93 Large scale production of elemental fluorine began during World War II Germany used high temperature electrolysis to make tons of the planned incendiary chlorine trifluoride 95 and the Manhattan Project used huge quantities to produce uranium hexafluoride for uranium enrichment Since UF6 is as corrosive as fluorine gaseous diffusion plants required special materials nickel for membranes fluoropolymers for seals and liquid fluorocarbons as coolants and lubricants This burgeoning nuclear industry later drove post war fluorochemical development 96 Compounds editMain article Compounds of fluorine Fluorine has a rich chemistry encompassing organic and inorganic domains It combines with metals nonmetals metalloids and most noble gases 97 and almost exclusively assumes an oxidation state of 1 note 10 Fluorine s high electron affinity results in a preference for ionic bonding when it forms covalent bonds these are polar and almost always single 100 101 note 11 Metals edit See also Fluoride volatility Alkali metals form ionic and highly soluble monofluorides these have the cubic arrangement of sodium chloride and analogous chlorides 102 103 Alkaline earth difluorides possess strong ionic bonds but are insoluble in water 86 with the exception of beryllium difluoride which also exhibits some covalent character and has a quartz like structure 104 Rare earth elements and many other metals form mostly ionic trifluorides 105 106 107 Covalent bonding first comes to prominence in the tetrafluorides those of zirconium hafnium 108 109 and several actinides 110 are ionic with high melting points 111 note 12 while those of titanium 114 vanadium 115 and niobium are polymeric 116 melting or decomposing at no more than 350 C 660 F 117 Pentafluorides continue this trend with their linear polymers and oligomeric complexes 118 119 120 Thirteen metal hexafluorides are known note 13 all octahedral and are mostly volatile solids but for liquid MoF6 and ReF6 and gaseous WF6 121 122 123 Rhenium heptafluoride the only characterized metal heptafluoride is a low melting molecular solid with pentagonal bipyramidal molecular geometry 124 Metal fluorides with more fluorine atoms are particularly reactive 125 Structural progression of metal fluorides nbsp nbsp nbsp Sodium fluoride ionic Bismuth pentafluoride polymeric Rhenium heptafluoride molecularHydrogen edit Main articles Hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid nbsp Boiling points of hydrogen halides and chalcogenides showing the unusually high values for hydrogen fluoride and waterHydrogen and fluorine combine to yield hydrogen fluoride in which discrete molecules form clusters by hydrogen bonding resembling water more than hydrogen chloride 126 127 128 It boils at a much higher temperature than heavier hydrogen halides and unlike them is miscible with water 129 Hydrogen fluoride readily hydrates on contact with water to form aqueous hydrogen fluoride also known as hydrofluoric acid Unlike the other hydrohalic acids which are strong hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid at low concentrations 130 note 14 However it can attack glass something the other acids cannot do 132 Other reactive nonmetals edit nbsp Chlorine trifluoride whose corrosive potential ignites asbestos concrete sand and other fire retardants 133 Binary fluorides of metalloids and p block nonmetals are generally covalent and volatile with varying reactivities Period 3 and heavier nonmetals can form hypervalent fluorides 134 Boron trifluoride is planar and possesses an incomplete octet It functions as a Lewis acid and combines with Lewis bases like ammonia to form adducts 135 Carbon tetrafluoride is tetrahedral and inert note 15 its group analogues silicon and germanium tetrafluoride are also tetrahedral 136 but behave as Lewis acids 137 138 The pnictogens form trifluorides that increase in reactivity and basicity with higher molecular weight although nitrogen trifluoride resists hydrolysis and is not basic 139 The pentafluorides of phosphorus arsenic and antimony are more reactive than their respective trifluorides with antimony pentafluoride the strongest neutral Lewis acid known only behind gold pentafluoride 118 140 141 Chalcogens have diverse fluorides unstable difluorides have been reported for oxygen the only known compound with oxygen in an oxidation state of 2 sulfur and selenium tetrafluorides and hexafluorides exist for sulfur selenium and tellurium The latter are stabilized by more fluorine atoms and lighter central atoms so sulfur hexafluoride is especially inert 142 143 Chlorine bromine and iodine can each form mono tri and pentafluorides but only iodine heptafluoride has been characterized among possible interhalogen heptafluorides 144 Many of them are powerful sources of fluorine atoms and industrial applications using chlorine trifluoride require precautions similar to those using fluorine 145 146 Noble gases edit Main article Noble gas compound nbsp These xenon tetrafluoride crystals were photographed in 1962 The compound s synthesis as with xenon hexafluoroplatinate surprised many chemists 147 Noble gases having complete electron shells defied reaction with other elements until 1962 when Neil Bartlett reported synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate 148 xenon difluoride tetrafluoride hexafluoride and multiple oxyfluorides have been isolated since then 149 Among other noble gases krypton forms a difluoride 150 and radon and fluorine generate a solid suspected to be radon difluoride 151 152 Binary fluorides of lighter noble gases are exceptionally unstable argon and hydrogen fluoride combine under extreme conditions to give argon fluorohydride 41 Helium has no long lived fluorides 153 and no neon fluoride has ever been observed 154 helium fluorohydride has been detected for milliseconds at high pressures and low temperatures 153 Organic compounds edit nbsp Immiscible layers of colored water top and much denser perfluoroheptane bottom in a beaker a goldfish and crab cannot penetrate the boundary quarters rest at the bottom Main article Organofluorine chemistry nbsp Chemical structure of Nafion a fluoropolymer used in fuel cells and many other applications 155 The carbon fluorine bond is organic chemistry s strongest 156 and gives stability to organofluorines 157 It is almost non existent in nature but is used in artificial compounds Research in this area is usually driven by commercial applications 158 the compounds involved are diverse and reflect the complexity inherent in organic chemistry 92 Discrete molecules edit Main articles Fluorocarbon and Perfluorinated compound The substitution of hydrogen atoms in an alkane by progressively more fluorine atoms gradually alters several properties melting and boiling points are lowered density increases solubility in hydrocarbons decreases and overall stability increases Perfluorocarbons note 16 in which all hydrogen atoms are substituted are insoluble in most organic solvents reacting at ambient conditions only with sodium in liquid ammonia 159 The term perfluorinated compound is used for what would otherwise be a perfluorocarbon if not for the presence of a functional group 160 note 17 often a carboxylic acid These compounds share many properties with perfluorocarbons such as stability and hydrophobicity 162 while the functional group augments their reactivity enabling them to adhere to surfaces or act as surfactants 163 Fluorosurfactants in particular can lower the surface tension of water more than their hydrocarbon based analogues Fluorotelomers which have some unfluorinated carbon atoms near the functional group are also regarded as perfluorinated 162 Polymers edit Polymers exhibit the same stability increases afforded by fluorine substitution for hydrogen in discrete molecules their melting points generally increase too 164 Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE the simplest fluoropolymer and perfluoro analogue of polyethylene with structural unit CF2 demonstrates this change as expected but its very high melting point makes it difficult to mold 165 Various PTFE derivatives are less temperature tolerant but easier to mold fluorinated ethylene propylene replaces some fluorine atoms with trifluoromethyl groups perfluoroalkoxy alkanes do the same with trifluoromethoxy groups 165 and Nafion contains perfluoroether side chains capped with sulfonic acid groups 166 167 Other fluoropolymers retain some hydrogen atoms polyvinylidene fluoride has half the fluorine atoms of PTFE and polyvinyl fluoride has a quarter but both behave much like perfluorinated polymers 168 Production editElemental fluorine and virtually all fluorine compounds are produced from hydrogen fluoride or its aqueous solutions hydrofluoric acid Hydrogen fluoride is produced in kilns by the endothermic reaction of fluorite CaF2 with sulfuric acid 169 CaF2 H2SO4 2 HF g CaSO4The gaseous HF can then be absorbed in water or liquefied 170 About 20 of manufactured HF is a byproduct of fertilizer production which produces hexafluorosilicic acid H2SiF6 which can be degraded to release HF thermally and by hydrolysis H2SiF6 2 HF SiF4 SiF4 2 H2O 4 HF SiO2Industrial routes to F2 edit nbsp Industrial fluorine cells at PrestonMoissan s method is used to produce industrial quantities of fluorine via the electrolysis of a potassium bifluoride hydrogen fluoride mixture hydrogen ions are reduced at a steel container cathode and fluoride ions are oxidized at a carbon block anode under 8 12 volts to generate hydrogen and fluorine gas respectively 65 171 Temperatures are elevated KF 2HF melting at 70 C 158 F and being electrolyzed at 70 130 C 158 266 F KF which acts to provide electrical conductivity is essential since pure HF cannot be electrolyzed because it is virtually non conductive 80 172 173 Fluorine can be stored in steel cylinders that have passivated interiors at temperatures below 200 C 392 F otherwise nickel can be used 80 174 Regulator valves and pipework are made of nickel the latter possibly using Monel instead 175 Frequent passivation along with the strict exclusion of water and greases must be undertaken In the laboratory glassware may carry fluorine gas under low pressure and anhydrous conditions 175 some sources instead recommend nickel Monel PTFE systems 176 Laboratory routes edit While preparing for a 1986 conference to celebrate the centennial of Moissan s achievement Karl O Christe reasoned that chemical fluorine generation should be feasible since some metal fluoride anions have no stable neutral counterparts their acidification potentially triggers oxidation instead He devised a method which evolves fluorine at high yield and atmospheric pressure 177 2 KMnO4 2 KF 10 HF 3 H2O2 2 K2MnF6 8 H2O 3 O2 2 K2MnF6 4 SbF5 4 KSbF6 2 MnF3 F2 Christe later commented that the reactants had been known for more than 100 years and even Moissan could have come up with this scheme 178 As late as 2008 some references still asserted that fluorine was too reactive for any chemical isolation 179 Industrial applications editMain article Fluorochemical industry Fluorite mining which supplies most global fluorine peaked in 1989 when 5 6 million metric tons of ore were extracted Chlorofluorocarbon restrictions lowered this to 3 6 million tons in 1994 production has since been increasing Around 4 5 million tons of ore and revenue of US 550 million were generated in 2003 later reports estimated 2011 global fluorochemical sales at 15 billion and predicted 2016 18 production figures of 3 5 to 5 9 million tons and revenue of at least 20 billion 80 180 181 182 183 Froth flotation separates mined fluorite into two main metallurgical grades of equal proportion 60 85 pure metspar is almost all used in iron smelting whereas 97 pure acidspar is mainly converted to the key industrial intermediate hydrogen fluoride 65 80 184 nbsp Clickable diagram of the fluorochemical industry according to mass flows nbsp SF6 current transformers at a Russian railway See also Industrial gas At least 17 000 metric tons of fluorine are produced each year It costs only 5 8 per kilogram as uranium or sulfur hexafluoride but many times more as an element because of handling challenges Most processes using free fluorine in large amounts employ in situ generation under vertical integration 185 The largest application of fluorine gas consuming up to 7 000 metric tons annually is in the preparation of UF6 for the nuclear fuel cycle Fluorine is used to fluorinate uranium tetrafluoride itself formed from uranium dioxide and hydrofluoric acid 185 Fluorine is monoisotopic so any mass differences between UF6 molecules are due to the presence of 235 U or 238 U enabling uranium enrichment via gaseous diffusion or gas centrifuge 4 65 About 6 000 metric tons per year go into producing the inert dielectric SF6 for high voltage transformers and circuit breakers eliminating the need for hazardous polychlorinated biphenyls associated with oil filled devices 186 Several fluorine compounds are used in electronics rhenium and tungsten hexafluoride in chemical vapor deposition tetrafluoromethane in plasma etching 187 188 189 and nitrogen trifluoride in cleaning equipment 65 Fluorine is also used in the synthesis of organic fluorides but its reactivity often necessitates conversion first to the gentler ClF3 BrF3 or IF5 which together allow calibrated fluorination Fluorinated pharmaceuticals use sulfur tetrafluoride instead 65 Inorganic fluorides edit nbsp Aluminium extraction depends critically on cryoliteAs with other iron alloys around 3 kg 6 5 lb metspar is added to each metric ton of steel the fluoride ions lower its melting point and viscosity 65 190 Alongside its role as an additive in materials like enamels and welding rod coats most acidspar is reacted with sulfuric acid to form hydrofluoric acid which is used in steel pickling glass etching and alkane cracking 65 One third of HF goes into synthesizing cryolite and aluminium trifluoride both fluxes in the Hall Heroult process for aluminium extraction replenishment is necessitated by their occasional reactions with the smelting apparatus Each metric ton of aluminium requires about 23 kg 51 lb of flux 65 191 Fluorosilicates consume the second largest portion with sodium fluorosilicate used in water fluoridation and laundry effluent treatment and as an intermediate en route to cryolite and silicon tetrafluoride 192 Other important inorganic fluorides include those of cobalt nickel and ammonium 65 103 193 Organic fluorides edit Organofluorides consume over 20 of mined fluorite and over 40 of hydrofluoric acid with refrigerant gases dominating and fluoropolymers increasing their market share 65 194 Surfactants are a minor application but generate over 1 billion in annual revenue 195 Due to the danger from direct hydrocarbon fluorine reactions above 150 C 240 F industrial fluorocarbon production is indirect mostly through halogen exchange reactions such as Swarts fluorination in which chlorocarbon chlorines are substituted for fluorines by hydrogen fluoride under catalysts Electrochemical fluorination subjects hydrocarbons to electrolysis in hydrogen fluoride and the Fowler process treats them with solid fluorine carriers like cobalt trifluoride 92 196 Refrigerant gases edit See also Refrigerant Halogenated refrigerants termed Freons in informal contexts note 18 are identified by R numbers that denote the amount of fluorine chlorine carbon and hydrogen present 65 197 Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs like R 11 R 12 and R 114 once dominated organofluorines peaking in production in the 1980s Used for air conditioning systems propellants and solvents their production was below one tenth of this peak by the early 2000s after widespread international prohibition 65 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFCs and hydrofluorocarbons HFCs were designed as replacements their synthesis consumes more than 90 of the fluorine in the organic industry Important HCFCs include R 22 chlorodifluoromethane and R 141b The main HFC is R 134a 65 with a new type of molecule HFO 1234yf a Hydrofluoroolefin HFO coming to prominence owing to its global warming potential of less than 1 that of HFC 134a 198 Polymers edit nbsp Fluorosurfactant treated fabrics are often hydrophobicMain article Fluoropolymer About 180 000 metric tons of fluoropolymers were produced in 2006 and 2007 generating over 3 5 billion revenue per year 199 The global market was estimated at just under 6 billion in 2011 200 Fluoropolymers can only be formed by polymerizing free radicals 164 Polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE sometimes called by its DuPont name Teflon 201 represents 60 80 by mass of the world s fluoropolymer production 199 The largest application is in electrical insulation since PTFE is an excellent dielectric It is also used in the chemical industry where corrosion resistance is needed in coating pipes tubing and gaskets Another major use is in PFTE coated fiberglass cloth for stadium roofs The major consumer application is for non stick cookware 201 Jerked PTFE film becomes expanded PTFE ePTFE a fine pored membrane sometimes referred to by the brand name Gore Tex and used for rainwear protective apparel and filters ePTFE fibers may be made into seals and dust filters 201 Other fluoropolymers including fluorinated ethylene propylene mimic PTFE s properties and can substitute for it they are more moldable but also more costly and have lower thermal stability Films from two different fluoropolymers replace glass in solar cells 201 202 The chemically resistant but expensive fluorinated ionomers are used as electrochemical cell membranes of which the first and most prominent example is Nafion Developed in the 1960s it was initially deployed as fuel cell material in spacecraft and then replaced mercury based chloralkali process cells Recently the fuel cell application has reemerged with efforts to install proton exchange membrane fuel cells into automobiles 203 204 205 Fluoroelastomers such as Viton are crosslinked fluoropolymer mixtures mainly used in O rings 201 perfluorobutane C4F10 is used as a fire extinguishing agent 206 Surfactants edit Main articles Fluorinated surfactant and Durable water repellent Fluorosurfactants are small organofluorine molecules used for repelling water and stains Although expensive comparable to pharmaceuticals at 200 2000 per kilogram they yielded over 1 billion in annual revenues by 2006 Scotchgard alone generated over 300 million in 2000 195 207 208 Fluorosurfactants are a minority in the overall surfactant market most of which is taken up by much cheaper hydrocarbon based products Applications in paints are burdened by compounding costs this use was valued at only 100 million in 2006 195 Agrichemicals edit About 30 of agrichemicals contain fluorine 209 most of them herbicides and fungicides with a few crop regulators Fluorine substitution usually of a single atom or at most a trifluoromethyl group is a robust modification with effects analogous to fluorinated pharmaceuticals increased biological stay time membrane crossing and altering of molecular recognition 210 Trifluralin is a prominent example with large scale use in the U S as a weedkiller 210 211 but it is a suspected carcinogen and has been banned in many European countries 212 Sodium monofluoroacetate 1080 is a mammalian poison in which one sodium acetate hydrogen is replaced with fluorine it disrupts cell metabolism by replacing acetate in the citric acid cycle First synthesized in the late 19th century it was recognized as an insecticide in the early 20th century and was later deployed in its current use New Zealand the largest consumer of 1080 uses it to protect kiwis from the invasive Australian common brushtail possum 213 Europe and the U S have banned 1080 214 215 note 19 Medicinal applications editDental care edit nbsp Topical fluoride treatment in PanamaMain articles Fluoride therapy Water fluoridation and Water fluoridation controversy Population studies from the mid 20th century onwards show topical fluoride reduces dental caries This was first attributed to the conversion of tooth enamel hydroxyapatite into the more durable fluorapatite but studies on pre fluoridated teeth refuted this hypothesis and current theories involve fluoride aiding enamel growth in small caries 216 After studies of children in areas where fluoride was naturally present in drinking water controlled public water supply fluoridation to fight tooth decay 217 began in the 1940s and is now applied to water supplying 6 percent of the global population including two thirds of Americans 218 219 Reviews of the scholarly literature in 2000 and 2007 associated water fluoridation with a significant reduction of tooth decay in children 220 Despite such endorsements and evidence of no adverse effects other than mostly benign dental fluorosis 221 opposition still exists on ethical and safety grounds 219 222 The benefits of fluoridation have lessened possibly due to other fluoride sources but are still measurable in low income groups 223 Sodium monofluorophosphate and sometimes sodium or tin II fluoride are often found in fluoride toothpastes first introduced in the U S in 1955 and now ubiquitous in developed countries alongside fluoridated mouthwashes gels foams and varnishes 223 224 Pharmaceuticals edit nbsp Fluoxetine capsulesTwenty percent of modern pharmaceuticals contain fluorine 225 One of these the cholesterol reducer atorvastatin Lipitor made more revenue than any other drug until it became generic in 2011 226 The combination asthma prescription Seretide a top ten revenue drug in the mid 2000s contains two active ingredients one of which fluticasone is fluorinated 227 Many drugs are fluorinated to delay inactivation and lengthen dosage periods because the carbon fluorine bond is very stable 228 Fluorination also increases lipophilicity because the bond is more hydrophobic than the carbon hydrogen bond and this often helps in cell membrane penetration and hence bioavailability 227 Tricyclics and other pre 1980s antidepressants had several side effects due to their non selective interference with neurotransmitters other than the serotonin target the fluorinated fluoxetine was selective and one of the first to avoid this problem Many current antidepressants receive this same treatment including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors citalopram its enantiomer escitalopram and fluvoxamine and paroxetine 229 230 Quinolones are artificial broad spectrum antibiotics that are often fluorinated to enhance their effects These include ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin 231 232 233 234 Fluorine also finds use in steroids 235 fludrocortisone is a blood pressure raising mineralocorticoid and triamcinolone and dexamethasone are strong glucocorticoids 236 The majority of inhaled anesthetics are heavily fluorinated the prototype halothane is much more inert and potent than its contemporaries Later compounds such as the fluorinated ethers sevoflurane and desflurane are better than halothane and are almost insoluble in blood allowing faster waking times 237 238 PET scanning edit Main article Positron emission tomography nbsp A full body 18 F PET scan with glucose tagged with radioactive fluorine 18 The normal brain and kidneys take up enough glucose to be imaged A malignant tumor is seen in the upper abdomen Radioactive fluorine is seen in urine in the bladder Fluorine 18 is often found in radioactive tracers for positron emission tomography as its half life of almost two hours is long enough to allow for its transport from production facilities to imaging centers 239 The most common tracer is fluorodeoxyglucose 239 which after intravenous injection is taken up by glucose requiring tissues such as the brain and most malignant tumors 240 computer assisted tomography can then be used for detailed imaging 241 Oxygen carriers edit See also Blood substitute and Liquid breathing Liquid fluorocarbons can hold large volumes of oxygen or carbon dioxide more so than blood and have attracted attention for their possible uses in artificial blood and in liquid breathing 242 Because fluorocarbons do not normally mix with water they must be mixed into emulsions small droplets of perfluorocarbon suspended in water to be used as blood 243 244 One such product Oxycyte has been through initial clinical trials 245 These substances can aid endurance athletes and are banned from sports one cyclist s near death in 1998 prompted an investigation into their abuse 246 247 Applications of pure perfluorocarbon liquid breathing which uses pure perfluorocarbon liquid not a water emulsion include assisting burn victims and premature babies with deficient lungs Partial and complete lung filling have been considered though only the former has had any significant tests in humans 248 An Alliance Pharmaceuticals effort reached clinical trials but was abandoned because the results were not better than normal therapies 249 Biological role editMain article Biological aspects of fluorine Fluorine is not essential for humans and other mammals but small amounts are known to be beneficial for the strengthening of dental enamel where the formation of fluorapatite makes the enamel more resistant to attack from acids produced by bacterial fermentation of sugars Small amounts of fluorine may be beneficial for bone strength but the latter has not been definitively established 250 Both the WHO and the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academies publish recommended daily allowance RDA and upper tolerated intake of fluorine which varies with age and gender 251 252 Natural organofluorines have been found in microorganisms and plants 68 but not animals 253 The most common is fluoroacetate which is used as a defense against herbivores by at least 40 plants in Africa Australia and Brazil 214 Other examples include terminally fluorinated fatty acids fluoroacetone and 2 fluorocitrate 253 An enzyme that binds fluorine to carbon adenosyl fluoride synthase was discovered in bacteria in 2002 254 Toxicity editMain article Fluorine related hazards Elemental fluorine is highly toxic to living organisms Its effects in humans start at concentrations lower than hydrogen cyanide s 50 ppm 255 and are similar to those of chlorine 256 significant irritation of the eyes and respiratory system as well as liver and kidney damage occur above 25 ppm which is the immediately dangerous to life and health value for fluorine 257 The eyes and nose are seriously damaged at 100 ppm 257 and inhalation of 1 000 ppm fluorine will cause death in minutes 258 compared to 270 ppm for hydrogen cyanide 259 Hydrofluoric acid edit Fluorine HazardsGHS labelling Pictograms nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Signal word DangerHazard statements H270 H314 H330 260 NFPA 704 fire diamond nbsp 403W OX nbsp Hydrofluoric acid burns may not be evident for a day after which calcium treatments are less effective 261 See also Chemical burn Hydrofluoric acid is the weakest of the hydrohalic acids having a pKa of 3 2 at 25 C 262 Pure hydrogen fluoride is a volatile liquid due to the presence of hydrogen bonding while the other hydrogen halides are gases It is able to attack glass concrete metals and organic matter 263 Hydrofluoric acid is a contact poison with greater hazards than many strong acids like sulfuric acid even though it is weak it remains neutral in aqueous solution and thus penetrates tissue faster whether through inhalation ingestion or the skin and at least nine U S workers died in such accidents from 1984 to 1994 It reacts with calcium and magnesium in the blood leading to hypocalcemia and possible death through cardiac arrhythmia 264 Insoluble calcium fluoride formation triggers strong pain 265 and burns larger than 160 cm2 25 in2 can cause serious systemic toxicity 266 Exposure may not be evident for eight hours for 50 HF rising to 24 hours for lower concentrations and a burn may initially be painless as hydrogen fluoride affects nerve function If skin has been exposed to HF damage can be reduced by rinsing it under a jet of water for 10 15 minutes and removing contaminated clothing 267 Calcium gluconate is often applied next providing calcium ions to bind with fluoride skin burns can be treated with 2 5 calcium gluconate gel or special rinsing solutions 268 269 270 Hydrofluoric acid absorption requires further medical treatment calcium gluconate may be injected or administered intravenously Using calcium chloride a common laboratory reagent in lieu of calcium gluconate is contraindicated and may lead to severe complications Excision or amputation of affected parts may be required 266 271 Fluoride ion edit See also Fluoride toxicity Soluble fluorides are moderately toxic 5 10 g sodium fluoride or 32 64 mg fluoride ions per kilogram of body mass represents a lethal dose for adults 272 One fifth of the lethal dose can cause adverse health effects 273 and chronic excess consumption may lead to skeletal fluorosis which affects millions in Asia and Africa 273 274 Ingested fluoride forms hydrofluoric acid in the stomach which is easily absorbed by the intestines where it crosses cell membranes binds with calcium and interferes with various enzymes before urinary excretion Exposure limits are determined by urine testing of the body s ability to clear fluoride ions 273 275 Historically most cases of fluoride poisoning have been caused by accidental ingestion of insecticides containing inorganic fluorides 276 Most current calls to poison control centers for possible fluoride poisoning come from the ingestion of fluoride containing toothpaste 273 Malfunctioning water fluoridation equipment is another cause one incident in Alaska affected almost 300 people and killed one person 277 Dangers from toothpaste are aggravated for small children and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends supervising children below six brushing their teeth so that they do not swallow toothpaste 278 One regional study examined a year of pre teen fluoride poisoning reports totaling 87 cases including one death from ingesting insecticide Most had no symptoms but about 30 had stomach pains 276 A larger study across the U S had similar findings 80 of cases involved children under six and there were few serious cases 279 Environmental concerns editAtmosphere edit nbsp NASA projection of stratospheric ozone over North America without the Montreal Protocol 280 See also Ozone depletion and global warming The Montreal Protocol signed in 1987 set strict regulations on chlorofluorocarbons CFCs and bromofluorocarbons due to their ozone damaging potential ODP The high stability which suited them to their original applications also meant that they were not decomposing until they reached higher altitudes where liberated chlorine and bromine atoms attacked ozone molecules 281 Even with the ban and early indications of its efficacy predictions warned that several generations would pass before full recovery 282 283 With one tenth the ODP of CFCs hydrochlorofluorocarbons HCFCs are the current replacements 284 and are themselves scheduled for substitution by 2030 2040 by hydrofluorocarbons HFCs with no chlorine and zero ODP 285 In 2007 this date was brought forward to 2020 for developed countries 286 the Environmental Protection Agency had already prohibited one HCFC s production and capped those of two others in 2003 285 Fluorocarbon gases are generally greenhouse gases with global warming potentials GWPs of about 100 to 10 000 sulfur hexafluoride has a value of around 20 000 287 An outlier is HFO 1234yf which is a new type of refrigerant called a Hydrofluoroolefin HFO and has attracted global demand due to its GWP of less than 1 compared to 1 430 for the current refrigerant standard HFC 134a 198 Biopersistence edit nbsp Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid a key Scotchgard component until 2000 288 Main article Biopersistence of fluorinated organics Organofluorines exhibit biopersistence due to the strength of the carbon fluorine bond Perfluoroalkyl acids PFAAs which are sparingly water soluble owing to their acidic functional groups are noted persistent organic pollutants 289 perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS and perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA are most often researched 290 291 292 PFAAs have been found in trace quantities worldwide from polar bears to humans with PFOS and PFOA known to reside in breast milk and the blood of newborn babies A 2013 review showed a slight correlation between groundwater and soil PFAA levels and human activity there was no clear pattern of one chemical dominating and higher amounts of PFOS were correlated to higher amounts of PFOA 290 291 293 In the body PFAAs bind to proteins such as serum albumin they tend to concentrate within humans in the liver and blood before excretion through the kidneys Dwell time in the body varies greatly by species with half lives of days in rodents and years in humans 290 291 294 High doses of PFOS and PFOA cause cancer and death in newborn rodents but human studies have not established an effect at current exposure levels 290 291 294 See also edit nbsp Chemistry portalArgon fluoride laser Electrophilic fluorination Fluoride selective electrode which measures fluoride concentration Fluorine absorption dating Fluorous chemistry a process used to separate reagents from organic solvents Krypton fluoride laser Radical fluorinationNotes edit Sources disagree on the radii of oxygen fluorine and neon atoms Precise comparison is thus impossible a Fluorine has a regular pattern of molecules and is a crystalline solid but its molecules do not have a specific orientation b Fluorine s molecules have fixed locations and minimal rotational uncertainty For further detail on a fluorine see the 1970 structure by Pauling 45 For further detail on the concept of disorder in crystals see the referenced general reviews 46 47 A loud click is heard Samples may shatter and sample windows blow out The ratio of the angular momentum to magnetic moment is called the gyromagnetic ratio Certain nuclei can for many purposes be thought of as spinning round an axis like the Earth or like a top In general the spin endows them with angular momentum and with a magnetic moment the first because of their mass the second because all or part of their electric charge may be rotating with the mass 51 Basilius Valentinus supposedly described fluorite in the late 15th century but because his writings were uncovered 200 years later this work s veracity is doubtful 72 73 74 Or perhaps from as early as 1670 onwards Partington 78 and Weeks 77 give differing accounts Fl since 2012 is used for flerovium Davy Gay Lussac Thenard and the Irish chemists Thomas and George Knox were injured Belgian chemist Paulin Louyet and French chemist Jerome Nickles de died Moissan also experienced serious hydrogen fluoride poisoning 77 87 Also honored was his invention of the electric arc furnace Fluorine in F2 is defined to have oxidation state 0 The unstable species F 2 and F 3 which decompose at around 40 K have intermediate oxidation states 98 F 4 and a few related species are predicted to be stable 99 The metastable boron and nitrogen monofluoride have higher order fluorine bonds and some metal complexes use it as a bridging ligand Hydrogen bonding is another possibility ZrF4 melts at 932 C 1710 F 112 HfF4 sublimes at 968 C 1774 F 109 and UF4 melts at 1036 C 1897 F 113 These thirteen are those of molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum polonium uranium neptunium and plutonium See also the explanation by Clark 131 Carbon tetrafluoride is formally organic but is included here rather than in the organofluorine chemistry section where more complex carbon fluorine compounds are discussed for comparison with SiF4 and GeF4 Perfluorocarbon and fluorocarbon are IUPAC synonyms for molecules containing carbon and fluorine only but in colloquial and commercial contexts the latter term may refer to any carbon and fluorine containing molecule possibly with other elements This terminology is imprecise and perfluorinated substance is also used 161 This DuPont trademark is sometimes further misused for CFCs HFCs or HCFCs American sheep and cattle collars may use 1080 against predators like coyotes Sources editCitations edit Standard Atomic Weights Fluorine CIAAW 2021 a b c d e f Jaccaud et al 2000 p 381 a b c Haynes 2011 p 4 121 a b c d e Jaccaud et al 2000 p 382 a b c Compressed Gas Association 1999 p 365 Triple Point The Elements Handbook at KnowledgeDoor KnowledgeDoor Himmel D Riedel S 2007 After 20 Years Theoretical Evidence That AuF7 Is Actually AuF5 F2 Inorganic Chemistry 46 13 5338 5342 doi 10 1021 ic700431s Dean 1999 p 4 6 Dean 1999 p 4 35 Matsui 2006 p 257 Yaws amp Braker 2001 p 385 Mackay Mackay amp Henderson 2002 p 72 Cheng et al 1999 Chiste amp Be 2011 Lee et al 2014 Dean 1999 p 564 Lide 2004 pp 10 137 10 138 Moore Stanitski amp Jurs 2010 p 156 Cordero et al 2008 Pyykko amp Atsumi 2009 a b Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 804 Macomber 1996 p 230 Nelson 1947 Lidin Molochko amp Andreeva 2000 pp 442 455 a b Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 404 Patnaik 2007 p 472 Aigueperse et al 2000 p 400 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 76 804 Kuriakose amp Margrave 1965 Hasegawa et al 2007 Lagow 1970 pp 64 78 Navarrini et al 2012 Lidin Molochko amp Andreeva 2000 p 252 Tanner Industries 2011 Morrow Perry amp Cohen 1959 Emeleus amp Sharpe 1974 p 111 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 457 Brantley 1949 p 26 Jaccaud et al 2000 p 383 Pitzer 1975 a b Khriachtchev et al 2000 Burdon Emson amp Edwards 1987 Lide 2004 p 4 12 a b Dean 1999 p 523 Pauling Keaveny amp Robinson 1970 Burgi 2000 Muller 2009 a b Young 1975 p 10 a b Barrett Meyer amp Wasserman 1967 National Nuclear Data Center amp NuDat 2 1 Fluorine 19 Vigoureux 1961 Meusinger Chippendale amp Fairhurst 2012 pp 752 754 SCOPE 50 Radioecology after Chernobyl Archived 2014 05 13 at the Wayback Machine the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCOPE 1993 See table 1 9 in Section 1 4 5 2 a b National Nuclear Data Center amp NuDat 2 1 NUBASE 2016 pp 030001 23 030001 27 NUBASE 2016 pp 030001 24 Cameron 1973 a b c Croswell 2003 Clayton 2003 pp 101 104 Renda et al 2004 a b Jaccaud et al 2000 p 384 a b c Schmedt Mangstl amp Kraus 2012 a b c d e Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 795 a b Norwood amp Fohs 1907 p 52 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Villalba Ayres amp Schroder 2008 Kelly amp Miller 2005 Lusty et al 2008 a b Gribble 2002 Richter Hahn amp Fuchs 2001 p 3 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 790 Senning 2007 p 149 Stillman 1912 Principe 2012 pp 140 145 Agricola Hoover amp Hoover 1912 footnotes and commentary pp xxx 38 409 430 461 608 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 109 Agricola Hoover amp Hoover 1912 preface pp 380 381 a b c d e Weeks 1932 Partington 1923 Marggraf 1770 a b c d e f g h Kirsch 2004 pp 3 10 Scheele 1771 Ampere 1816 Tressaud Alain 6 October 2018 Fluorine A Paradoxical Element Academic Press ISBN 9780128129913 Davy 1813 p 278 Banks 1986 p 11 a b Storer 1864 pp 278 280 a b c d e Toon 2011 a b Asimov 1966 p 162 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 789 791 Moissan 1886 Viel amp Goldwhite 1993 p 35 a b c d Okazoe 2009 a b Hounshell amp Smith 1988 pp 156 157 DuPont 2013a Meyer 1977 p 111 Kirsch 2004 pp 60 66 Riedel amp Kaupp 2009 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 422 Schloder amp Riedel 2012 Harbison 2002 Edwards 1994 p 515 Katakuse et al 1999 p 267 a b Aigueperse et al 2000 pp 420 422 Walsh 2009 pp 99 102 118 119 Emeleus amp Sharpe 1983 pp 89 97 Babel amp Tressaud 1985 pp 91 96 Einstein et al 1967 Brown et al 2005 p 144 a b Perry 2011 p 193 Kern et al 1994 Lide 2004 pp 4 60 4 76 4 92 4 96 Lide 2004 p 4 96 Lide 2004 p 4 92 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 964 Becker amp Muller 1990 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 990 Lide 2004 pp 4 72 4 91 4 93 a b Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 561 563 Emeleus amp Sharpe 1983 pp 256 277 Mackay Mackay amp Henderson 2002 pp 355 356 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 various pages by metal in respective chapters Lide 2004 pp 4 71 4 78 4 92 Drews et al 2006 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 p 819 Bartlett 1962 Pauling 1960 pp 454 464 Atkins amp Jones 2007 pp 184 185 Emsley 1981 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 812 816 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 425 Clark 2002 Chambers amp Holliday 1975 pp 328 329 Air Products and Chemicals 2004 p 1 Noury Silvi amp Gillespie 2002 Chang amp Goldsby 2013 p 706 Ellis 2001 p 69 Aigueperse et al 2000 p 423 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 897 Raghavan 1998 pp 164 165 Godfrey et al 1998 p 98 Aigueperse et al 2000 p 432 Murthy Mehdi Ali amp Ashok 1995 pp 180 182 206 208 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 638 640 683 689 767 778 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 pp 435 436 Greenwood amp Earnshaw 1998 pp 828 830 Patnaik 2007 pp 478 479 Moeller Bailar amp Kleinberg 1980 p 236 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 pp 392 393 Wiberg Wiberg amp Holleman 2001 p 395 397 400 Lewars 2008 p 68 Pitzer 1993 p 111 Lewars 2008 p 67 a b Bihary Chaban amp Gerber 2002 Lewars 2008 p 71 Hoogers 2002 pp 4 12 O Hagan 2008 Siegemund et al 2005 p 444 Sandford 2000 p 455 Siegemund et al 2005 pp 451 452 Barbee McCormack amp Vartanian 2000 p 116 Posner et al 2013 pp hydrocarbons that are fully fluorinated except for one functional group 22 amp pg PA187 187 190 a b Posner 2011 p 27 Salager 2002 p 45 a b Carlson amp 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