

Krypton (from Ancient Greek: κρυπτός, romanizedkryptos 'the hidden one') is a chemical element; it has symbol Kr and atomic number 36. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps. Krypton is chemically inert.

Krypton, 36Kr
A krypton-filled discharge tube glowing white
Pronunciation/ˈkrɪptɒn/ (KRIP-ton)
Appearancecolorless gas, exhibiting a whitish glow in an electric field
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Kr)
Krypton in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)36
Groupgroup 18 (noble gases)
Periodperiod 4
Block  p-block
Electron configuration[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p6
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 8
Physical properties
Phase at STPgas
Melting point115.78 K ​(−157.37 °C, ​−251.27 °F)
Boiling point119.93 K ​(−153.415 °C, ​−244.147 °F)
Density (at STP)3.749 g/L
when liquid (at b.p.)2.413 g/cm3[3]
Triple point115.775 K, ​73.53 kPa[4][5]
Critical point209.48 K, 5.525 MPa[5]
Heat of fusion1.64 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization9.08 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity20.95[6] J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 59 65 74 84 99 120
Atomic properties
Oxidation states0, +1, +2 (rarely more than 0; oxide is unknown)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 3.00
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 1350.8 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 2350.4 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 3565 kJ/mol
Covalent radius116±4 pm
Van der Waals radius202 pm
Spectral lines of krypton
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structureface-centered cubic (fcc) (cF4)
Lattice constant
a = 583.57 pm (at triple point: 115.78 K)[7]
Thermal conductivity9.43×10−3  W/(m⋅K)
Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic[8]
Molar magnetic susceptibility−28.8×10−6 cm3/mol (298 K)[9]
Speed of sound(gas, 20 °C) 221 m·s−1
(liquid) 1120 m/s
CAS Number7439-90-9
Discovery and first isolationWilliam Ramsay and Morris Travers (1898)
Isotopes of krypton
Main isotopes[10] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
78Kr 0.360% 9.2×1021 y[11] εε 78Se
79Kr synth 35 h ε 79Br
β+ 79Br
80Kr 2.29% stable
81Kr trace 2.3×105 y ε 81Br
81mKr synth 13.10 s IT 81Kr
ε 81Br
82Kr 11.6% stable
83Kr 11.5% stable
84Kr 57.0% stable
85Kr trace 11 y β 85Rb
86Kr 17.3% stable
 Category: Krypton
| references

Krypton, like the other noble gases, is used in lighting and photography. Krypton light has many spectral lines, and krypton plasma is useful in bright, high-powered gas lasers (krypton ion and excimer lasers), each of which resonates and amplifies a single spectral line. Krypton fluoride also makes a useful laser medium. From 1960 to 1983, the official definition of meter was based on the wavelength of one spectral line of krypton-86, because of the high power and relative ease of operation of krypton discharge tubes.


Sir William Ramsay, the discoverer of krypton

Krypton was discovered in Britain in 1898 by William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris Travers, an English chemist, in residue left from evaporating nearly all components of liquid air. Neon was discovered by a similar procedure by the same workers just a few weeks later.[12] William Ramsay was awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of a series of noble gases, including krypton.[13]

In 1960, the International Bureau of Weights and Measures defined the meter as 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of light emitted in the vacuum corresponding to the transition between the 2p10 and 5d5 levels in the isotope krypton-86.[14][15] This agreement replaced the 1889 international prototype meter, which was a metal bar located in Sèvres. This also made obsolete the 1927 definition of the ångström based on the red cadmium spectral line,[16] replacing it with 1 Å = 10−10 m. The krypton-86 definition lasted until the October 1983 conference, which redefined the meter as the distance that light travels in vacuum during 1/299,792,458 s.[17][18][19]


Krypton is characterized by several sharp emission lines (spectral signatures) the strongest being green and yellow.[20] Krypton is one of the products of uranium fission.[21] Solid krypton is white and has a face-centered cubic crystal structure, which is a common property of all noble gases (except helium, which has a hexagonal close-packed crystal structure).[22]


Naturally occurring krypton in Earth's atmosphere is composed of five stable isotopes, plus one isotope (78Kr) with such a long half-life (9.2×1021 years) that it can be considered stable. (This isotope has the second-longest known half-life among all isotopes for which decay has been observed; it undergoes double electron capture to 78Se).[11][23] In addition, about thirty unstable isotopes and isomers are known.[24] Traces of 81Kr, a cosmogenic nuclide produced by the cosmic ray irradiation of 80Kr, also occur in nature: this isotope is radioactive with a half-life of 230,000 years. Krypton is highly volatile and does not stay in solution in near-surface water, but 81Kr has been used for dating old (50,000–800,000 years) groundwater.[25]

85Kr is an inert radioactive noble gas with a half-life of 10.76 years. It is produced by the fission of uranium and plutonium, such as in nuclear bomb testing and nuclear reactors. 85Kr is released during the reprocessing of fuel rods from nuclear reactors. Concentrations at the North Pole are 30% higher than at the South Pole due to convective mixing.[26]


Like the other noble gases, krypton is chemically highly unreactive. The rather restricted chemistry of krypton in the +2 oxidation state parallels that of the neighboring element bromine in the +1 oxidation state; due to the scandide contraction it is difficult to oxidize the 4p elements to their group oxidation states. Until the 1960s no noble gas compounds had been synthesized.[27]

Following the first successful synthesis of xenon compounds in 1962, synthesis of krypton difluoride (KrF
) was reported in 1963. In the same year, KrF
was reported by Grosse, et al.,[28] but was subsequently shown to be a mistaken identification.[29] Under extreme conditions, krypton reacts with fluorine to form KrF2 according to the following equation:


Krypton gas in a krypton fluoride laser absorbs energy from a source, causing the krypton to react with fluorine gas, producing the exciplex krypton fluoride, a temporary complex in an excited energy state:[30]


The complex can undergo spontaneous or stimulated emission, reducing its energy state to a metastable, but highly repulsive ground state. The ground state complex quickly dissociates into unbound atoms:


The result is an exciplex laser which radiates energy at 248 nm, near the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum, corresponding with the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state of the complex.[31]

Kr(H2)4 and H2 solids formed in a diamond anvil cell[32]
Structure of Kr(H2)4. Krypton octahedra (green) are surrounded by randomly oriented hydrogen molecules.[32]

Compounds with krypton bonded to atoms other than fluorine have also been discovered. There are also unverified reports of a barium salt of a krypton oxoacid.[33] ArKr+ and KrH+ polyatomic ions have been investigated and there is evidence for KrXe or KrXe+.[34]

The reaction of KrF
with B(OTeF
produces an unstable compound, Kr(OTeF
, that contains a krypton-oxygen bond. A krypton-nitrogen bond is found in the cation [HC≡N–Kr–F]+
, produced by the reaction of KrF
with [HC≡NH]+
] below −50 °C.[35][36] HKrCN and HKrC≡CH (krypton hydride-cyanide and hydrokryptoacetylene) were reported to be stable up to 40 K.[27]

Krypton hydride (Kr(H2)4) crystals can be grown at pressures above 5 GPa. They have a face-centered cubic structure where krypton octahedra are surrounded by randomly oriented hydrogen molecules.[32]

Natural occurrence

Earth has retained all of the noble gases that were present at its formation except helium. Krypton's concentration in the atmosphere is about 1 ppm. It can be extracted from liquid air by fractional distillation.[37] The amount of krypton in space is uncertain, because measurement is derived from meteoric activity and solar winds. The first measurements suggest an abundance of krypton in space.[38]


Krypton gas discharge tube

Krypton's multiple emission lines make ionized krypton gas discharges appear whitish, which in turn makes krypton-based bulbs useful in photography as a white light source. Krypton is used in some photographic flashes for high speed photography. Krypton gas is also combined with mercury to make luminous signs that glow with a bright greenish-blue light.[39]

Krypton is mixed with argon in energy efficient fluorescent lamps, reducing the power consumption, but also reducing the light output and raising the cost.[40] Krypton costs about 100 times as much as argon. Krypton (along with xenon) is also used to fill incandescent lamps to reduce filament evaporation and allow higher operating temperatures.[41]

Krypton's white discharge is sometimes used as an artistic effect in gas discharge "neon" tubes. Krypton produces much higher light power than neon in the red spectral line region, and for this reason, red lasers for high-power laser light-shows are often krypton lasers with mirrors that select the red spectral line for laser amplification and emission, rather than the more familiar helium-neon variety, which could not achieve the same multi-watt outputs.[42]

The krypton fluoride laser is important in nuclear fusion energy research in confinement experiments. The laser has high beam uniformity, short wavelength, and the spot size can be varied to track an imploding pellet.[43]

In experimental particle physics, liquid krypton is used to construct quasi-homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters. A notable example is the calorimeter of the NA48 experiment at CERN containing about 27 tonnes of liquid krypton. This usage is rare, since liquid argon is less expensive. The advantage of krypton is a smaller Molière radius of 4.7 cm, which provides excellent spatial resolution with little overlapping. The other parameters relevant for calorimetry are: radiation length of X0=4.7 cm, and density of 2.4 g/cm3.

Krypton-83 has application in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for imaging airways. In particular, it enables the radiologist to distinguish between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces containing an airway.[44]

Although xenon has potential for use in computed tomography (CT) to assess regional ventilation, its anesthetic properties limit its fraction in the breathing gas to 35%. A breathing mixture of 30% xenon and 30% krypton is comparable in effectiveness for CT to a 40% xenon fraction, while avoiding the unwanted effects of a high partial pressure of xenon gas.[45] The metastable isotope krypton-81m is used in nuclear medicine for lung ventilation/perfusion scans, where it is inhaled and imaged with a gamma camera.[46] Krypton-85 in the atmosphere has been used to detect clandestine nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities in North Korea[47] and Pakistan.[48] Those facilities were detected in the early 2000s and were believed to be producing weapons-grade plutonium. Krypton-85 is a medium lived fission product and thus escapes from spent fuel when the cladding is removed.[49]

Krypton is used occasionally as an insulating gas between window panes.[50] SpaceX Starlink uses krypton as a propellant for their electric propulsion system.[51]


Krypton compared to other anaesthetic gases (minimum alveolar concentration is an inverse indicator of potency)

Krypton is considered to be a non-toxic asphyxiant.[52] Being lipophilic, krypton has a significant anaesthetic effect (although the mechanism of this phenomenon is still not fully clear,[53] there is good evidence that the two properties are mechanistically related), with narcotic potency seven times greater than air, and breathing an atmosphere of 50% krypton and 50% natural air (as might happen in the locality of a leak) causes narcosis in humans similar to breathing air at four times atmospheric pressure. This is comparable to scuba diving at a depth of 30 m (100 ft) and could affect anyone breathing it.


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  49. ^ Różański, K. (1979-01-01). "Krypton-85 in the atmosphere 1950–1977: a data review". Environment International. 2 (3): 139–143. doi:10.1016/0160-4120(79)90071-0. ISSN 0160-4120.
  50. ^ Ayre, James (2018-04-28). "Insulated Windows 101 — Double Glazing, Triple Glazing, Thermal Performance, & Potential Problems". cleantechnica.com. Retrieved 17 May 2018.
  51. ^ SpaceX. "Starlink Mission". YouTube. Event occurs at 7:10. Archived from the original on 2021-11-03.
  52. ^ Properties of Krypton 2009-02-19 at the Wayback Machine. Pt.chemicalstore.com. Retrieved on 2015-11-30.
  53. ^ Kennedy, R. R.; Stokes, J. W.; Downing, P. (February 1992). "Anaesthesia and the 'Inert' Gases with Special Reference to Xenon". Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 20 (1): 66–70. doi:10.1177/0310057X9202000113. ISSN 0310-057X. PMID 1319119. S2CID 29886337.

Further reading

  • William P. Kirk "Krypton 85: a Review of the Literature and an Analysis of Radiation Hazards", Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Monitoring, Washington (1972)

External links

krypton, this, article, about, chemical, element, other, uses, disambiguation, from, ancient, greek, κρυπτός, romanized, kryptos, hidden, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, colorless, odorless, tasteless, noble, that, occurs, trace, amounts, atmosphere. This article is about the chemical element For other uses see Krypton disambiguation Krypton from Ancient Greek kryptos romanized kryptos the hidden one is a chemical element it has symbol Kr and atomic number 36 It is a colorless odorless tasteless noble gas that occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps Krypton is chemically inert Krypton 36KrA krypton filled discharge tube glowing whiteKryptonPronunciation ˈ k r ɪ p t ɒ n wbr KRIP ton Appearancecolorless gas exhibiting a whitish glow in an electric fieldStandard atomic weight Ar Kr 83 798 0 002 1 83 798 0 002 abridged 2 Krypton in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Ar Kr Xebromine krypton rubidiumAtomic number Z 36Groupgroup 18 noble gases Periodperiod 4Block p blockElectron configuration Ar 3d10 4s2 4p6Electrons per shell2 8 18 8Physical propertiesPhase at STPgasMelting point115 78 K 157 37 C 251 27 F Boiling point119 93 K 153 415 C 244 147 F Density at STP 3 749 g Lwhen liquid at b p 2 413 g cm3 3 Triple point115 775 K 73 53 kPa 4 5 Critical point209 48 K 5 525 MPa 5 Heat of fusion1 64 kJ molHeat of vaporization9 08 kJ molMolar heat capacity20 95 6 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 59 65 74 84 99 120Atomic propertiesOxidation states0 1 2 rarely more than 0 oxide is unknown ElectronegativityPauling scale 3 00Ionization energies1st 1350 8 kJ mol2nd 2350 4 kJ mol3rd 3565 kJ molCovalent radius116 4 pmVan der Waals radius202 pmSpectral lines of kryptonOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure face centered cubic fcc cF4 Lattice constanta 583 57 pm at triple point 115 78 K 7 Thermal conductivity9 43 10 3 W m K Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic 8 Molar magnetic susceptibility 28 8 10 6 cm3 mol 298 K 9 Speed of sound gas 20 C 221 m s 1 liquid 1120 m sCAS Number7439 90 9HistoryDiscovery and first isolationWilliam Ramsay and Morris Travers 1898 Isotopes of kryptonveMain isotopes 10 Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct78Kr 0 360 9 2 1021 y 11 ee 78Se79Kr synth 35 h e 79Brb 79Brg 80Kr 2 29 stable81Kr trace 2 3 105 y e 81Br81mKr synth 13 10 s IT 81Kre 81Br82Kr 11 6 stable83Kr 11 5 stable84Kr 57 0 stable85Kr trace 11 y b 85Rb86Kr 17 3 stable Category Kryptonviewtalkedit referencesKrypton like the other noble gases is used in lighting and photography Krypton light has many spectral lines and krypton plasma is useful in bright high powered gas lasers krypton ion and excimer lasers each of which resonates and amplifies a single spectral line Krypton fluoride also makes a useful laser medium From 1960 to 1983 the official definition of meter was based on the wavelength of one spectral line of krypton 86 because of the high power and relative ease of operation of krypton discharge tubes Contents 1 History 2 Characteristics 2 1 Isotopes 2 2 Chemistry 2 3 Natural occurrence 3 Applications 4 Precautions 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External linksHistory nbsp Sir William Ramsay the discoverer of kryptonKrypton was discovered in Britain in 1898 by William Ramsay a Scottish chemist and Morris Travers an English chemist in residue left from evaporating nearly all components of liquid air Neon was discovered by a similar procedure by the same workers just a few weeks later 12 William Ramsay was awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of a series of noble gases including krypton 13 In 1960 the International Bureau of Weights and Measures defined the meter as 1 650 763 73 wavelengths of light emitted in the vacuum corresponding to the transition between the 2p10 and 5d5 levels in the isotope krypton 86 14 15 This agreement replaced the 1889 international prototype meter which was a metal bar located in Sevres This also made obsolete the 1927 definition of the angstrom based on the red cadmium spectral line 16 replacing it with 1 A 10 10 m The krypton 86 definition lasted until the October 1983 conference which redefined the meter as the distance that light travels in vacuum during 1 299 792 458 s 17 18 19 CharacteristicsKrypton is characterized by several sharp emission lines spectral signatures the strongest being green and yellow 20 Krypton is one of the products of uranium fission 21 Solid krypton is white and has a face centered cubic crystal structure which is a common property of all noble gases except helium which has a hexagonal close packed crystal structure 22 Isotopes Main article Isotopes of krypton Naturally occurring krypton in Earth s atmosphere is composed of five stable isotopes plus one isotope 78Kr with such a long half life 9 2 1021 years that it can be considered stable This isotope has the second longest known half life among all isotopes for which decay has been observed it undergoes double electron capture to 78Se 11 23 In addition about thirty unstable isotopes and isomers are known 24 Traces of 81Kr a cosmogenic nuclide produced by the cosmic ray irradiation of 80Kr also occur in nature this isotope is radioactive with a half life of 230 000 years Krypton is highly volatile and does not stay in solution in near surface water but 81Kr has been used for dating old 50 000 800 000 years groundwater 25 85Kr is an inert radioactive noble gas with a half life of 10 76 years It is produced by the fission of uranium and plutonium such as in nuclear bomb testing and nuclear reactors 85Kr is released during the reprocessing of fuel rods from nuclear reactors Concentrations at the North Pole are 30 higher than at the South Pole due to convective mixing 26 Chemistry Like the other noble gases krypton is chemically highly unreactive The rather restricted chemistry of krypton in the 2 oxidation state parallels that of the neighboring element bromine in the 1 oxidation state due to the scandide contraction it is difficult to oxidize the 4p elements to their group oxidation states Until the 1960s no noble gas compounds had been synthesized 27 Following the first successful synthesis of xenon compounds in 1962 synthesis of krypton difluoride KrF2 was reported in 1963 In the same year KrF4 was reported by Grosse et al 28 but was subsequently shown to be a mistaken identification 29 Under extreme conditions krypton reacts with fluorine to form KrF2 according to the following equation Kr F 2 KrF 2 displaystyle ce Kr F2 gt KrF2 nbsp Krypton gas in a krypton fluoride laser absorbs energy from a source causing the krypton to react with fluorine gas producing the exciplex krypton fluoride a temporary complex in an excited energy state 30 2 Kr F 2 2 KrF displaystyle ce 2Kr F2 gt 2KrF nbsp The complex can undergo spontaneous or stimulated emission reducing its energy state to a metastable but highly repulsive ground state The ground state complex quickly dissociates into unbound atoms 2 KrF 2 Kr F 2 displaystyle ce 2KrF gt 2Kr F2 nbsp The result is an exciplex laser which radiates energy at 248 nm near the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum corresponding with the energy difference between the ground state and the excited state of the complex 31 nbsp Kr H2 4 and H2 solids formed in a diamond anvil cell 32 nbsp Structure of Kr H2 4 Krypton octahedra green are surrounded by randomly oriented hydrogen molecules 32 Compounds with krypton bonded to atoms other than fluorine have also been discovered There are also unverified reports of a barium salt of a krypton oxoacid 33 ArKr and KrH polyatomic ions have been investigated and there is evidence for KrXe or KrXe 34 The reaction of KrF2 with B OTeF5 3 produces an unstable compound Kr OTeF5 2 that contains a krypton oxygen bond A krypton nitrogen bond is found in the cation HC N Kr F produced by the reaction of KrF2 with HC NH AsF 6 below 50 C 35 36 HKrCN and HKrC CH krypton hydride cyanide and hydrokryptoacetylene were reported to be stable up to 40 K 27 Krypton hydride Kr H2 4 crystals can be grown at pressures above 5 GPa They have a face centered cubic structure where krypton octahedra are surrounded by randomly oriented hydrogen molecules 32 Natural occurrence Earth has retained all of the noble gases that were present at its formation except helium Krypton s concentration in the atmosphere is about 1 ppm It can be extracted from liquid air by fractional distillation 37 The amount of krypton in space is uncertain because measurement is derived from meteoric activity and solar winds The first measurements suggest an abundance of krypton in space 38 Applications nbsp Krypton gas discharge tubeKrypton s multiple emission lines make ionized krypton gas discharges appear whitish which in turn makes krypton based bulbs useful in photography as a white light source Krypton is used in some photographic flashes for high speed photography Krypton gas is also combined with mercury to make luminous signs that glow with a bright greenish blue light 39 Krypton is mixed with argon in energy efficient fluorescent lamps reducing the power consumption but also reducing the light output and raising the cost 40 Krypton costs about 100 times as much as argon Krypton along with xenon is also used to fill incandescent lamps to reduce filament evaporation and allow higher operating temperatures 41 Krypton s white discharge is sometimes used as an artistic effect in gas discharge neon tubes Krypton produces much higher light power than neon in the red spectral line region and for this reason red lasers for high power laser light shows are often krypton lasers with mirrors that select the red spectral line for laser amplification and emission rather than the more familiar helium neon variety which could not achieve the same multi watt outputs 42 The krypton fluoride laser is important in nuclear fusion energy research in confinement experiments The laser has high beam uniformity short wavelength and the spot size can be varied to track an imploding pellet 43 In experimental particle physics liquid krypton is used to construct quasi homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters A notable example is the calorimeter of the NA48 experiment at CERN containing about 27 tonnes of liquid krypton This usage is rare since liquid argon is less expensive The advantage of krypton is a smaller Moliere radius of 4 7 cm which provides excellent spatial resolution with little overlapping The other parameters relevant for calorimetry are radiation length of X0 4 7 cm and density of 2 4 g cm3 Krypton 83 has application in magnetic resonance imaging MRI for imaging airways In particular it enables the radiologist to distinguish between hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces containing an airway 44 Although xenon has potential for use in computed tomography CT to assess regional ventilation its anesthetic properties limit its fraction in the breathing gas to 35 A breathing mixture of 30 xenon and 30 krypton is comparable in effectiveness for CT to a 40 xenon fraction while avoiding the unwanted effects of a high partial pressure of xenon gas 45 The metastable isotope krypton 81m is used in nuclear medicine for lung ventilation perfusion scans where it is inhaled and imaged with a gamma camera 46 Krypton 85 in the atmosphere has been used to detect clandestine nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities in North Korea 47 and Pakistan 48 Those facilities were detected in the early 2000s and were believed to be producing weapons grade plutonium Krypton 85 is a medium lived fission product and thus escapes from spent fuel when the cladding is removed 49 Krypton is used occasionally as an insulating gas between window panes 50 SpaceX Starlink uses krypton as a propellant for their electric propulsion system 51 Precautions nbsp Krypton compared to other anaesthetic gases minimum alveolar concentration is an inverse indicator of potency Krypton is considered to be a non toxic asphyxiant 52 Being lipophilic krypton has a significant anaesthetic effect although the mechanism of this phenomenon is still not fully clear 53 there is good evidence that the two properties are mechanistically related with narcotic potency seven times greater than air and breathing an atmosphere of 50 krypton and 50 natural air as might happen in the locality of a leak causes narcosis in humans similar to breathing air at four times atmospheric pressure This is comparable to scuba diving at a depth of 30 m 100 ft and could affect anyone breathing it Portal nbsp ChemistryKrypton at Wikipedia s sister projects nbsp Definitions from Wiktionary nbsp Media from Commons nbsp Textbooks from Wikibooks nbsp Resources from WikiversityReferences Standard Atomic Weights Krypton CIAAW 2001 Prohaska Thomas Irrgeher Johanna Benefield Jacqueline Bohlke John K Chesson Lesley A Coplen Tyler B Ding Tiping Dunn Philip J H Groning Manfred Holden Norman E Meijer Harro A J 2022 05 04 Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 IUPAC Technical Report Pure and Applied Chemistry doi 10 1515 pac 2019 0603 ISSN 1365 3075 Krypton encyclopedia airliquide com Section 4 Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds Melting boiling triple and critical temperatures of the elements CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 85th ed Boca Raton Florida CRC Press 2005 a b Haynes William M ed 2011 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 92nd ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press p 4 121 ISBN 1 4398 5511 0 Shuen Chen Hwang Robert D Lein Daniel A Morgan 2005 Noble Gases Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Wiley pp 343 383 doi 10 1002 0471238961 0701190508230114 a01 Arblaster John W 2018 Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements Materials Park Ohio ASM International ISBN 978 1 62708 155 9 Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds in Lide D R ed 2005 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 86th ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press ISBN 0 8493 0486 5 Weast Robert 1984 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Boca Raton Florida Chemical Rubber Company Publishing pp E110 ISBN 0 8493 0464 4 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese 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Literature and an Analysis of Radiation Hazards Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Monitoring Washington 1972 External linksKrypton at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham Krypton Fluoride Lasers Plasma Physics Division Naval Research Laboratory Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Krypton amp oldid 1204427070, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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