

Francium is a chemical element; it has symbol Fr and atomic number 87. It is extremely radioactive; its most stable isotope, francium-223 (originally called actinium K after the natural decay chain in which it appears), has a half-life of only 22 minutes. It is the second-most electropositive element, behind only caesium, and is the second rarest naturally occurring element (after astatine). Francium's isotopes decay quickly into astatine, radium, and radon. The electronic structure of a francium atom is [Rn] 7s1; thus, the element is classed as an alkali metal.

Francium, 87Fr
Pronunciation/ˈfrænsiəm/ (FRAN-see-əm)
Mass number[223]
Francium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)87
Groupgroup 1: hydrogen and alkali metals
Periodperiod 7
Block  s-block
Electron configuration[Rn] 7s1
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 1
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point300 K ​(27 °C, ​81 °F)
Boiling point950 K ​(677 °C, ​1251 °F)
Density (near r.t.)2.48 g/cm3 (estimated)[1]
Vapor pressure (extrapolated)
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 404 454 519 608 738 946
Atomic properties
Oxidation states+1 (expected to have a strongly basic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: >0.79
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 393 kJ/mol[2]
Covalent radius260 pm (extrapolated)
Van der Waals radius348 pm (extrapolated)
Other properties
Natural occurrencefrom decay
Thermal conductivity15 W/(m⋅K) (extrapolated)
Electrical resistivity3 µΩ⋅m (calculated)
Magnetic orderingParamagnetic
CAS Number7440-73-5
Namingafter France, homeland of the discoverer
Discovery and first isolationMarguerite Perey (1939)
Isotopes of francium
Main isotopes[3] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
212Fr synth 20.0 min β+ 212Rn
α 208At
221Fr trace 4.8 min α 217At
222Fr synth 14.2 min β 222Ra
223Fr trace 22.00 min β 223Ra
α 219At
 Category: Francium
| references

Bulk francium has never been seen. Because of the general appearance of the other elements in its periodic table column, it is presumed that francium would appear as a highly reactive metal if enough could be collected together to be viewed as a bulk solid or liquid. Obtaining such a sample is highly improbable since the extreme heat of decay resulting from its short half-life would immediately vaporize any viewable quantity of the element.

Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey[4] in France (from which the element takes its name) in 1939.[5] Before its discovery, francium was referred to as eka-caesium or ekacaesium because of its conjectured existence below caesium in the periodic table. It was the last element first discovered in nature, rather than by synthesis.[note 1] Outside the laboratory, francium is extremely rare, with trace amounts found in uranium ores, where the isotope francium-223 (in the family of uranium-235) continually forms and decays. As little as 1 ounce (28 g) exists at any given time throughout the Earth's crust; aside from francium-223 and francium-221, its other isotopes are entirely synthetic. The largest amount produced in the laboratory was a cluster of more than 300,000 atoms.[6]


Francium is one of the most unstable of the naturally occurring elements: its longest-lived isotope, francium-223, has a half-life of only 22 minutes. The only comparable element is astatine, whose most stable natural isotope, astatine-219 (the alpha daughter of francium-223), has a half-life of 56 seconds, although synthetic astatine-210 is much longer-lived with a half-life of 8.1 hours.[7] All isotopes of francium decay into astatine, radium, or radon.[7] Francium-223 also has a shorter half-life than the longest-lived isotope of each synthetic element up to and including element 105, dubnium.[8]

Francium is an alkali metal whose chemical properties mostly resemble those of caesium.[8] A heavy element with a single valence electron,[9] it has the highest equivalent weight of any element.[8] Liquid francium—if created—should have a surface tension of 0.05092 N/m at its melting point.[10] Francium's melting point was estimated to be around 8.0 °C (46.4 °F);[1] a value of 27 °C (81 °F) is also often encountered.[8] The melting point is uncertain because of the element's extreme rarity and radioactivity; a different extrapolation based on Dmitri Mendeleev's method gave 20 ± 1.5 °C (68.0 ± 2.7 °F). A calculation based on the melting temperatures of binary ionic crystals gives 24.861 ± 0.517 °C (76.750 ± 0.931 °F).[11] The estimated boiling point of 620 °C (1,148 °F) is also uncertain; the estimates 598 °C (1,108 °F) and 677 °C (1,251 °F), as well as the extrapolation from Mendeleev's method of 640 °C (1,184 °F), have also been suggested.[1][10] The density of francium is expected to be around 2.48 g/cm3 (Mendeleev's method extrapolates 2.4 g/cm3).[1]

Linus Pauling estimated the electronegativity of francium at 0.7 on the Pauling scale, the same as caesium;[12] the value for caesium has since been refined to 0.79, but there are no experimental data to allow a refinement of the value for francium.[13] Francium has a slightly higher ionization energy than caesium,[14] 392.811(4) kJ/mol as opposed to 375.7041(2) kJ/mol for caesium, as would be expected from relativistic effects, and this would imply that caesium is the less electronegative of the two. Francium should also have a higher electron affinity than caesium and the Fr ion should be more polarizable than the Cs ion.[15]


As a result of francium being very unstable, its salts are only known to a small extent. Francium coprecipitates with several caesium salts, such as caesium perchlorate, which results in small amounts of francium perchlorate. This coprecipitation can be used to isolate francium, by adapting the radiocaesium coprecipitation method of Lawrence E. Glendenin and C. M. Nelson. It will additionally coprecipitate with many other caesium salts, including the iodate, the picrate, the tartrate (also rubidium tartrate), the chloroplatinate, and the silicotungstate. It also coprecipitates with silicotungstic acid, and with perchloric acid, without another alkali metal as a carrier, which leads to other methods of separation.[16][17]

Francium perchlorate

Francium perchlorate is produced by the reaction of francium chloride and sodium perchlorate. The francium perchlorate coprecipitates with caesium perchlorate.[17] This coprecipitation can be used to isolate francium, by adapting the radiocaesium coprecipitation method of Lawrence E. Glendenin and C. M. Nelson. However, this method is unreliable in separating thallium, which also coprecipitates with caesium.[17] Francium perchlorate's entropy is expected to be 42.7 e.u[1] (178.7 J mol−1 K−1).

Francium halides

Francium halides are all soluble in water and are expected to be white solids. They are expected to be produced by the reaction of the corresponding halogens. For example, francium chloride would be produced by the reaction of francium and chlorine. Francium chloride has been studied as a pathway to separate francium from other elements, by using the high vapour pressure of the compound, although francium fluoride would have a higher vapour pressure.[1]

Other compounds

Francium nitrate, sulfate, hydroxide, carbonate, acetate, and oxalate, are all soluble in water, while the iodate, picrate, tartrate, chloroplatinate, and silicotungstate are insoluble. The insolubility of these compounds are used to extract francium from other radioactive products, such as zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, tin, antimony, the method mentioned in the section above.[1] The CsFr molecule is predicted to have francium at the negative end of the dipole, unlike all known heterodiatomic alkali metal molecules. Francium superoxide (FrO2) is expected to have a more covalent character than its lighter congeners; this is attributed to the 6p electrons in francium being more involved in the francium–oxygen bonding.[15] The relativistic destabilisation of the 6p3/2 spinor may make francium compounds in oxidation states higher than +1 possible, such as [FrVF6]; but this has not been experimentally confirmed.[18]


There are 37 known isotopes of francium ranging in atomic mass from 197 to 233.[3] Francium has seven metastable nuclear isomers.[8] Francium-223 and francium-221 are the only isotopes that occur in nature, with the former being far more common.[19]

Francium-223 is the most stable isotope, with a half-life of 21.8 minutes,[8] and it is highly unlikely that an isotope of francium with a longer half-life will ever be discovered or synthesized.[20] Francium-223 is a fifth product of the uranium-235 decay series as a daughter isotope of actinium-227; thorium-227 is the more common daughter.[21] Francium-223 then decays into radium-223 by beta decay (1.149 MeV decay energy), with a minor (0.006%) alpha decay path to astatine-219 (5.4 MeV decay energy).[22]

Francium-221 has a half-life of 4.8 minutes.[8] It is the ninth product of the neptunium decay series as a daughter isotope of actinium-225.[21] Francium-221 then decays into astatine-217 by alpha decay (6.457 MeV decay energy).[8] Although all primordial 237Np is extinct, the neptunium decay series continues to exist naturally in tiny traces due to (n,2n) knockout reactions in natural 238U.[23]

The least stable ground state isotope is francium-215, with a half-life of 90 ns:[3] it undergoes a 9.54 MeV alpha decay to astatine-211.[8]


Due to its instability and rarity, there are no commercial applications for francium.[24][25][26][21] It has been used for research purposes in the fields of chemistry[27] and of atomic structure. Its use as a potential diagnostic aid for various cancers has also been explored,[7] but this application has been deemed impractical.[25]

Francium's ability to be synthesized, trapped, and cooled, along with its relatively simple atomic structure, has made it the subject of specialized spectroscopy experiments. These experiments have led to more specific information regarding energy levels and the coupling constants between subatomic particles.[28] Studies on the light emitted by laser-trapped francium-210 ions have provided accurate data on transitions between atomic energy levels which are fairly similar to those predicted by quantum theory.[29]


As early as 1870, chemists thought that there should be an alkali metal beyond caesium, with an atomic number of 87.[7] It was then referred to by the provisional name eka-caesium.[30]

Erroneous and incomplete discoveries

In 1914, Stefan Meyer, Viktor F. Hess, and Friedrich Paneth (working in Vienna) made measurements of alpha radiation from various substances, including 227Ac. They observed the possibility of a minor alpha branch of this nuclide, though follow-up work could not be done due to the outbreak of World War I. Their observations were not precise and sure enough for them to announce the discovery of element 87, though it is likely that they did indeed observe the decay of 227Ac to 223Fr.[30]

Soviet chemist Dmitry Dobroserdov was the first scientist to claim to have found eka-caesium, or francium. In 1925, he observed weak radioactivity in a sample of potassium, another alkali metal, and incorrectly concluded that eka-caesium was contaminating the sample (the radioactivity from the sample was from the naturally occurring potassium radioisotope, potassium-40).[31] He then published a thesis on his predictions of the properties of eka-caesium, in which he named the element russium after his home country.[32] Shortly thereafter, Dobroserdov began to focus on his teaching career at the Polytechnic Institute of Odesa, and he did not pursue the element further.[31]

The following year, English chemists Gerald J. F. Druce and Frederick H. Loring analyzed X-ray photographs of manganese(II) sulfate.[32] They observed spectral lines which they presumed to be of eka-caesium. They announced their discovery of element 87 and proposed the name alkalinium, as it would be the heaviest alkali metal.[31]

In 1930, Fred Allison of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute claimed to have discovered element 87 (in addition to 85) when analyzing pollucite and lepidolite using his magneto-optical machine. Allison requested that it be named virginium after his home state of Virginia, along with the symbols Vi and Vm.[32][33] In 1934, H.G. MacPherson of UC Berkeley disproved the effectiveness of Allison's device and the validity of his discovery.[34]

In 1936, Romanian physicist Horia Hulubei and his French colleague Yvette Cauchois also analyzed pollucite, this time using their high-resolution X-ray apparatus.[31] They observed several weak emission lines, which they presumed to be those of element 87. Hulubei and Cauchois reported their discovery and proposed the name moldavium, along with the symbol Ml, after Moldavia, the Romanian province where Hulubei was born.[32] In 1937, Hulubei's work was criticized by American physicist F. H. Hirsh Jr., who rejected Hulubei's research methods. Hirsh was certain that eka-caesium would not be found in nature, and that Hulubei had instead observed mercury or bismuth X-ray lines. Hulubei insisted that his X-ray apparatus and methods were too accurate to make such a mistake. Because of this, Jean Baptiste Perrin, Nobel Prize winner and Hulubei's mentor, endorsed moldavium as the true eka-caesium over Marguerite Perey's recently discovered francium. Perey took pains to be accurate and detailed in her criticism of Hulubei's work, and finally she was credited as the sole discoverer of element 87.[31] All other previous purported discoveries of element 87 were ruled out due to francium's very limited half-life.[32]

Perey's analysis

Eka-caesium was discovered on January 7, 1939, by Marguerite Perey of the Curie Institute in Paris,[30] when she purified a sample of actinium-227 which had been reported to have a decay energy of 220 keV. Perey noticed decay particles with an energy level below 80 keV. Perey thought this decay activity might have been caused by a previously unidentified decay product, one which was separated during purification, but emerged again out of the pure actinium-227. Various tests eliminated the possibility of the unknown element being thorium, radium, lead, bismuth, or thallium. The new product exhibited chemical properties of an alkali metal (such as coprecipitating with caesium salts), which led Perey to believe that it was element 87, produced by the alpha decay of actinium-227.[30] Perey then attempted to determine the proportion of beta decay to alpha decay in actinium-227. Her first test put the alpha branching at 0.6%, a figure which she later revised to 1%.[20]

Perey named the new isotope actinium-K (it is now referred to as francium-223)[30] and in 1946, she proposed the name catium (Cm) for her newly discovered element, as she believed it to be the most electropositive cation of the elements. Irène Joliot-Curie, one of Perey's supervisors, opposed the name due to its connotation of cat rather than cation; furthermore, the symbol coincided with that which had since been assigned to curium.[30] Perey then suggested francium, after France. This name was officially adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in 1949,[7] becoming the second element after gallium to be named after France. It was assigned the symbol Fa, but it was revised to the current Fr shortly thereafter.[35] Francium was the last element discovered in nature, rather than synthesized, following hafnium and rhenium.[30] Further research into francium's structure was carried out by, among others, Sylvain Lieberman and his team at CERN in the 1970s and 1980s.[36]


This sample of uraninite contains about 100,000 atoms (3.7×10−17 g) of francium-223 at any given time.[25]

223Fr is the result of the alpha decay of 227Ac and can be found in trace amounts in uranium minerals.[8] In a given sample of uranium, there is estimated to be only one francium atom for every 1 × 1018 uranium atoms.[25] Only about 1 ounce (28 g) of francium is present naturally in the earth's crust.[37]


A magneto-optical trap, which can hold neutral francium atoms for short periods of time.[38]

Francium can be synthesized by a fusion reaction when a gold-197 target is bombarded with a beam of oxygen-18 atoms from a linear accelerator in a process originally developed at the physics department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1995.[39] Depending on the energy of the oxygen beam, the reaction can yield francium isotopes with masses of 209, 210, and 211.

197Au + 18O → 209Fr + 6 n
197Au + 18O → 210Fr + 5 n
197Au + 18O → 211Fr + 4 n
Image of light emitted by a sample of 200,000 francium atoms in a magneto-optical trap
Heat image of 300,000 francium atoms in a magneto-optical trap, around 100 attograms

The francium atoms leave the gold target as ions, which are neutralized by collision with yttrium and then isolated in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) in a gaseous unconsolidated state.[38] Although the atoms only remain in the trap for about 30 seconds before escaping or undergoing nuclear decay, the process supplies a continual stream of fresh atoms. The result is a steady state containing a fairly constant number of atoms for a much longer time.[38] The original apparatus could trap up to a few thousand atoms, while a later improved design could trap over 300,000 at a time.[6] Sensitive measurements of the light emitted and absorbed by the trapped atoms provided the first experimental results on various transitions between atomic energy levels in francium. Initial measurements show very good agreement between experimental values and calculations based on quantum theory. The research project using this production method relocated to TRIUMF in 2012, where over 106 francium atoms have been held at a time, including large amounts of 209Fr in addition to 207Fr and 221Fr.[40][41]

Other synthesis methods include bombarding radium with neutrons, and bombarding thorium with protons, deuterons, or helium ions.[20]

223Fr can also be isolated from samples of its parent 227Ac, the francium being milked via elution with NH4Cl–CrO3 from an actinium-containing cation exchanger and purified by passing the solution through a silicon dioxide compound loaded with barium sulfate.[42]

In 1996, the Stony Brook group trapped 3000 atoms in their MOT, which was enough for a video camera to capture the light given off by the atoms as they fluoresce.[6] Francium has not been synthesized in amounts large enough to weigh.[7][25][43]


  1. ^ Some synthetic elements, like technetium and plutonium, have later been found in nature.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Lavrukhina, Avgusta Konstantinovna; Pozdnyakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1970). Analytical Chemistry of Technetium, Promethium, Astatine, and Francium. Translated by R. Kondor. Ann Arbor–Humphrey Science Publishers. p. 269. ISBN 978-0-250-39923-9.
  2. ^ ISOLDE Collaboration, J. Phys. B 23, 3511 (1990) (PDF online)
  3. ^ a b c Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
  4. ^ Guruge, Amila Ruwan (January 25, 2023). "Francium". Chemical and Process Engineering. Retrieved February 28, 2023.
  5. ^ Perey, M. (October 1, 1939). "L'élément 87 : AcK, dérivé de l'actinium". Journal de Physique et le Radium (in French). 10 (10): 435–438. doi:10.1051/jphysrad:019390010010043500. ISSN 0368-3842.
  6. ^ a b c Orozco, Luis A. (2003). "Francium". Chemical and Engineering News. 81 (36): 159. doi:10.1021/cen-v081n036.p159.
  7. ^ a b c d e f Price, Andy (December 20, 2004). "Francium". Retrieved February 19, 2012.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 4. CRC. 2006. p. 12. ISBN 978-0-8493-0474-3.
  9. ^ Winter, Mark. "Electron Configuration". Francium. The University of Sheffield. Retrieved April 18, 2007.
  10. ^ a b Kozhitov, L. V.; Kol'tsov, V. B.; Kol'tsov, A. V. (2003). "Evaluation of the Surface Tension of Liquid Francium". Inorganic Materials. 39 (11): 1138–1141. doi:10.1023/A:1027389223381. S2CID 97764887.
  11. ^ Oshchapovskii, V. V. (2014). "A New Method of Calculation of the Melting Temperatures of Crystals of Group 1A Metal Halides and Francium Metal". Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 59 (6): 561–567. doi:10.1134/S0036023614060163. S2CID 98622837.
  12. ^ Pauling, Linus (1960). The Nature of the Chemical Bond (Third ed.). Cornell University Press. p. 93. ISBN 978-0-8014-0333-0.
  13. ^ Allred, A. L. (1961). "Electronegativity values from thermochemical data". J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 17 (3–4): 215–221. doi:10.1016/0022-1902(61)80142-5.
  14. ^ Andreev, S.V.; Letokhov, V.S.; Mishin, V.I. (1987). "Laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of Rydberg levels in Fr". Physical Review Letters. 59 (12): 1274–76. Bibcode:1987PhRvL..59.1274A. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.59.1274. PMID 10035190.
  15. ^ a b Thayer, John S. (2010). "Chap.10 Relativistic Effects and the Chemistry of the Heavier Main Group Elements". Relativistic Methods for Chemists. Springer. p. 81. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9975-5_2. ISBN 978-1-4020-9975-5.
  16. ^ Hyde, E. K. (1952). "Radiochemical Methods for the Isolation of Element 87 (Francium)". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74 (16): 4181–4184. doi:10.1021/ja01136a066. hdl:2027/mdp.39015086483156. S2CID 95854270.
  17. ^ a b c E. N K. Hyde Radiochemistry of Francium, Subcommittee on Radiochemistry, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council; available from the Office of Technical Services, Dept. of Commerce, 1960.
  18. ^ Cao, Chang-Su; Hu, Han-Shi; Schwarz, W. H. Eugen; Li, Jun (2022). "Periodic Law of Chemistry Overturns for Superheavy Elements". ChemRxiv (preprint). doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-l798p. Retrieved November 16, 2022.
  19. ^ Considine, Glenn D., ed. (2005). Francium, in Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Chemistry. New York: Wiley-Interscience. p. 679. ISBN 978-0-471-61525-5.
  20. ^ a b c "Francium". McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology. Vol. 7. McGraw-Hill Professional. 2002. pp. 493–494. ISBN 978-0-07-913665-7.
  21. ^ a b c Considine, Glenn D., ed. (2005). Chemical Elements, in Van Nostrand's Encyclopedia of Chemistry. New York: Wiley-Interscience. p. 332. ISBN 978-0-471-61525-5.
  22. ^ National Nuclear Data Center (1990). . Brookhaven National Laboratory. Archived from the original on October 31, 2006. Retrieved April 4, 2007.
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  35. ^ Grant, Julius (1969). "Francium". Hackh's Chemical Dictionary. McGraw-Hill. pp. 279–280. ISBN 978-0-07-024067-4.
  36. ^ "History". Francium. State University of New York at Stony Brook. February 20, 2007. Archived from the original on February 3, 1999. Retrieved March 26, 2007.
  37. ^ Krebs, Robert E. (July 30, 2006). The History and Use of Our Earth's Chemical Elements: A Reference Guide. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ISBN 978-0-313-02798-7.
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  40. ^ Orozco, Luis A. (September 30, 2014). Project Closeout Report: Francium Trapping Facility at TRIUMF (Report). U.S. Department of Energy. doi:10.2172/1214938.
  41. ^ Tandecki, M; Zhang, J.; Collister, R.; Aubin, S.; Behr, J. A.; Gomez, E.; Gwinner, G.; Orozco, L. A.; Pearson, M. R. (2013). "Commissioning of the Francium Trapping Facility at TRIUMF". Journal of Instrumentation. 8 (12): P12006. arXiv:1312.3562. Bibcode:2013JInst...8P2006T. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/8/12/P12006. S2CID 15501597.
  42. ^ Keller, Cornelius; Wolf, Walter; Shani, Jashovam. "Radionuclides, 2. Radioactive Elements and Artificial Radionuclides". Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. doi:10.1002/14356007.o22_o15. ISBN 978-3527306732.
  43. ^ "Francium". Los Alamos National Laboratory. 2011. Retrieved February 19, 2012.

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francium, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, extremely, radioactive, most, stable, isotope, francium, originally, called, actinium, after, natural, decay, chain, which, appears, half, life, only, minutes, second, most, electropositive, element, behind,. Francium is a chemical element it has symbol Fr and atomic number 87 It is extremely radioactive its most stable isotope francium 223 originally called actinium K after the natural decay chain in which it appears has a half life of only 22 minutes It is the second most electropositive element behind only caesium and is the second rarest naturally occurring element after astatine Francium s isotopes decay quickly into astatine radium and radon The electronic structure of a francium atom is Rn 7s1 thus the element is classed as an alkali metal Francium 87FrFranciumPronunciation ˈ f r ae n s i e m wbr FRAN see em Mass number 223 Francium in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Cs Fr Uue radon francium radiumAtomic number Z 87Groupgroup 1 hydrogen and alkali metalsPeriodperiod 7Block s blockElectron configuration Rn 7s1Electrons per shell2 8 18 32 18 8 1Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point300 K 27 C 81 F Boiling point950 K 677 C 1251 F Density near r t 2 48 g cm3 estimated 1 Vapor pressure extrapolated P Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 404 454 519 608 738 946Atomic propertiesOxidation states 1 expected to have a strongly basic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale gt 0 79Ionization energies1st 393 kJ mol 2 Covalent radius260 pm extrapolated Van der Waals radius348 pm extrapolated Other propertiesNatural occurrencefrom decayThermal conductivity15 W m K extrapolated Electrical resistivity3 µW m calculated Magnetic orderingParamagneticCAS Number7440 73 5HistoryNamingafter France homeland of the discovererDiscovery and first isolationMarguerite Perey 1939 Isotopes of franciumveMain isotopes 3 Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct212Fr synth 20 0 min b 212Rna 208At221Fr trace 4 8 min a 217At222Fr synth 14 2 min b 222Ra223Fr trace 22 00 min b 223Raa 219At Category Franciumviewtalkedit referencesBulk francium has never been seen Because of the general appearance of the other elements in its periodic table column it is presumed that francium would appear as a highly reactive metal if enough could be collected together to be viewed as a bulk solid or liquid Obtaining such a sample is highly improbable since the extreme heat of decay resulting from its short half life would immediately vaporize any viewable quantity of the element Francium was discovered by Marguerite Perey 4 in France from which the element takes its name in 1939 5 Before its discovery francium was referred to as eka caesium or ekacaesium because of its conjectured existence below caesium in the periodic table It was the last element first discovered in nature rather than by synthesis note 1 Outside the laboratory francium is extremely rare with trace amounts found in uranium ores where the isotope francium 223 in the family of uranium 235 continually forms and decays As little as 1 ounce 28 g exists at any given time throughout the Earth s crust aside from francium 223 and francium 221 its other isotopes are entirely synthetic The largest amount produced in the laboratory was a cluster of more than 300 000 atoms 6 Contents 1 Characteristics 2 Compounds 2 1 Francium perchlorate 2 2 Francium halides 2 3 Other compounds 3 Isotopes 4 Applications 5 History 5 1 Erroneous and incomplete discoveries 5 2 Perey s analysis 6 Occurrence 7 Production 8 Notes 9 References 10 External linksCharacteristicsFrancium is one of the most unstable of the naturally occurring elements its longest lived isotope francium 223 has a half life of only 22 minutes The only comparable element is astatine whose most stable natural isotope astatine 219 the alpha daughter of francium 223 has a half life of 56 seconds although synthetic astatine 210 is much longer lived with a half life of 8 1 hours 7 All isotopes of francium decay into astatine radium or radon 7 Francium 223 also has a shorter half life than the longest lived isotope of each synthetic element up to and including element 105 dubnium 8 Francium is an alkali metal whose chemical properties mostly resemble those of caesium 8 A heavy element with a single valence electron 9 it has the highest equivalent weight of any element 8 Liquid francium if created should have a surface tension of 0 05092 N m at its melting point 10 Francium s melting point was estimated to be around 8 0 C 46 4 F 1 a value of 27 C 81 F is also often encountered 8 The melting point is uncertain because of the element s extreme rarity and radioactivity a different extrapolation based on Dmitri Mendeleev s method gave 20 1 5 C 68 0 2 7 F A calculation based on the melting temperatures of binary ionic crystals gives 24 861 0 517 C 76 750 0 931 F 11 The estimated boiling point of 620 C 1 148 F is also uncertain the estimates 598 C 1 108 F and 677 C 1 251 F as well as the extrapolation from Mendeleev s method of 640 C 1 184 F have also been suggested 1 10 The density of francium is expected to be around 2 48 g cm3 Mendeleev s method extrapolates 2 4 g cm3 1 Linus Pauling estimated the electronegativity of francium at 0 7 on the Pauling scale the same as caesium 12 the value for caesium has since been refined to 0 79 but there are no experimental data to allow a refinement of the value for francium 13 Francium has a slightly higher ionization energy than caesium 14 392 811 4 kJ mol as opposed to 375 7041 2 kJ mol for caesium as would be expected from relativistic effects and this would imply that caesium is the less electronegative of the two Francium should also have a higher electron affinity than caesium and the Fr ion should be more polarizable than the Cs ion 15 CompoundsAs a result of francium being very unstable its salts are only known to a small extent Francium coprecipitates with several caesium salts such as caesium perchlorate which results in small amounts of francium perchlorate This coprecipitation can be used to isolate francium by adapting the radiocaesium coprecipitation method of Lawrence E Glendenin and C M Nelson It will additionally coprecipitate with many other caesium salts including the iodate the picrate the tartrate also rubidium tartrate the chloroplatinate and the silicotungstate It also coprecipitates with silicotungstic acid and with perchloric acid without another alkali metal as a carrier which leads to other methods of separation 16 17 Francium perchlorate Francium perchlorate is produced by the reaction of francium chloride and sodium perchlorate The francium perchlorate coprecipitates with caesium perchlorate 17 This coprecipitation can be used to isolate francium by adapting the radiocaesium coprecipitation method of Lawrence E Glendenin and C M Nelson However this method is unreliable in separating thallium which also coprecipitates with caesium 17 Francium perchlorate s entropy is expected to be 42 7 e u 1 178 7 J mol 1 K 1 Francium halides Francium halides are all soluble in water and are expected to be white solids They are expected to be produced by the reaction of the corresponding halogens For example francium chloride would be produced by the reaction of francium and chlorine Francium chloride has been studied as a pathway to separate francium from other elements by using the high vapour pressure of the compound although francium fluoride would have a higher vapour pressure 1 Other compounds Francium nitrate sulfate hydroxide carbonate acetate and oxalate are all soluble in water while the iodate picrate tartrate chloroplatinate and silicotungstate are insoluble The insolubility of these compounds are used to extract francium from other radioactive products such as zirconium niobium molybdenum tin antimony the method mentioned in the section above 1 The CsFr molecule is predicted to have francium at the negative end of the dipole unlike all known heterodiatomic alkali metal molecules Francium superoxide FrO2 is expected to have a more covalent character than its lighter congeners this is attributed to the 6p electrons in francium being more involved in the francium oxygen bonding 15 The relativistic destabilisation of the 6p3 2 spinor may make francium compounds in oxidation states higher than 1 possible such as FrVF6 but this has not been experimentally confirmed 18 IsotopesMain article Isotopes of francium There are 37 known isotopes of francium ranging in atomic mass from 197 to 233 3 Francium has seven metastable nuclear isomers 8 Francium 223 and francium 221 are the only isotopes that occur in nature with the former being far more common 19 Francium 223 is the most stable isotope with a half life of 21 8 minutes 8 and it is highly unlikely that an isotope of francium with a longer half life will ever be discovered or synthesized 20 Francium 223 is a fifth product of the uranium 235 decay series as a daughter isotope of actinium 227 thorium 227 is the more common daughter 21 Francium 223 then decays into radium 223 by beta decay 1 149 MeV decay energy with a minor 0 006 alpha decay path to astatine 219 5 4 MeV decay energy 22 Francium 221 has a half life of 4 8 minutes 8 It is the ninth product of the neptunium decay series as a daughter isotope of actinium 225 21 Francium 221 then decays into astatine 217 by alpha decay 6 457 MeV decay energy 8 Although all primordial 237Np is extinct the neptunium decay series continues to exist naturally in tiny traces due to n 2n knockout reactions in natural 238U 23 The least stable ground state isotope is francium 215 with a half life of 90 ns 3 it undergoes a 9 54 MeV alpha decay to astatine 211 8 ApplicationsDue to its instability and rarity there are no commercial applications for francium 24 25 26 21 It has been used for research purposes in the fields of chemistry 27 and of atomic structure Its use as a potential diagnostic aid for various cancers has also been explored 7 but this application has been deemed impractical 25 Francium s ability to be synthesized trapped and cooled along with its relatively simple atomic structure has made it the subject of specialized spectroscopy experiments These experiments have led to more specific information regarding energy levels and the coupling constants between subatomic particles 28 Studies on the light emitted by laser trapped francium 210 ions have provided accurate data on transitions between atomic energy levels which are fairly similar to those predicted by quantum theory 29 HistoryAs early as 1870 chemists thought that there should be an alkali metal beyond caesium with an atomic number of 87 7 It was then referred to by the provisional name eka caesium 30 Erroneous and incomplete discoveries In 1914 Stefan Meyer Viktor F Hess and Friedrich Paneth working in Vienna made measurements of alpha radiation from various substances including 227Ac They observed the possibility of a minor alpha branch of this nuclide though follow up work could not be done due to the outbreak of World War I Their observations were not precise and sure enough for them to announce the discovery of element 87 though it is likely that they did indeed observe the decay of 227Ac to 223Fr 30 Soviet chemist Dmitry Dobroserdov was the first scientist to claim to have found eka caesium or francium In 1925 he observed weak radioactivity in a sample of potassium another alkali metal and incorrectly concluded that eka caesium was contaminating the sample the radioactivity from the sample was from the naturally occurring potassium radioisotope potassium 40 31 He then published a thesis on his predictions of the properties of eka caesium in which he named the element russium after his home country 32 Shortly thereafter Dobroserdov began to focus on his teaching career at the Polytechnic Institute of Odesa and he did not pursue the element further 31 The following year English chemists Gerald J F Druce and Frederick H Loring analyzed X ray photographs of manganese II sulfate 32 They observed spectral lines which they presumed to be of eka caesium They announced their discovery of element 87 and proposed the name alkalinium as it would be the heaviest alkali metal 31 In 1930 Fred Allison of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute claimed to have discovered element 87 in addition to 85 when analyzing pollucite and lepidolite using his magneto optical machine Allison requested that it be named virginium after his home state of Virginia along with the symbols Vi and Vm 32 33 In 1934 H G MacPherson of UC Berkeley disproved the effectiveness of Allison s device and the validity of his discovery 34 In 1936 Romanian physicist Horia Hulubei and his French colleague Yvette Cauchois also analyzed pollucite this time using their high resolution X ray apparatus 31 They observed several weak emission lines which they presumed to be those of element 87 Hulubei and Cauchois reported their discovery and proposed the name moldavium along with the symbol Ml after Moldavia the Romanian province where Hulubei was born 32 In 1937 Hulubei s work was criticized by American physicist F H Hirsh Jr who rejected Hulubei s research methods Hirsh was certain that eka caesium would not be found in nature and that Hulubei had instead observed mercury or bismuth X ray lines Hulubei insisted that his X ray apparatus and methods were too accurate to make such a mistake Because of this Jean Baptiste Perrin Nobel Prize winner and Hulubei s mentor endorsed moldavium as the true eka caesium over Marguerite Perey s recently discovered francium Perey took pains to be accurate and detailed in her criticism of Hulubei s work and finally she was credited as the sole discoverer of element 87 31 All other previous purported discoveries of element 87 were ruled out due to francium s very limited half life 32 Perey s analysis Eka caesium was discovered on January 7 1939 by Marguerite Perey of the Curie Institute in Paris 30 when she purified a sample of actinium 227 which had been reported to have a decay energy of 220 keV Perey noticed decay particles with an energy level below 80 keV Perey thought this decay activity might have been caused by a previously unidentified decay product one which was separated during purification but emerged again out of the pure actinium 227 Various tests eliminated the possibility of the unknown element being thorium radium lead bismuth or thallium The new product exhibited chemical properties of an alkali metal such as coprecipitating with caesium salts which led Perey to believe that it was element 87 produced by the alpha decay of actinium 227 30 Perey then attempted to determine the proportion of beta decay to alpha decay in actinium 227 Her first test put the alpha branching at 0 6 a figure which she later revised to 1 20 Perey named the new isotope actinium K it is now referred to as francium 223 30 and in 1946 she proposed the name catium Cm for her newly discovered element as she believed it to be the most electropositive cation of the elements Irene Joliot Curie one of Perey s supervisors opposed the name due to its connotation of cat rather than cation furthermore the symbol coincided with that which had since been assigned to curium 30 Perey then suggested francium after France This name was officially adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC in 1949 7 becoming the second element after gallium to be named after France It was assigned the symbol Fa but it was revised to the current Fr shortly thereafter 35 Francium was the last element discovered in nature rather than synthesized following hafnium and rhenium 30 Further research into francium s structure was carried out by among others Sylvain Lieberman and his team at CERN in the 1970s and 1980s 36 Occurrence nbsp This sample of uraninite contains about 100 000 atoms 3 7 10 17 g of francium 223 at any given time 25 223Fr is the result of the alpha decay of 227Ac and can be found in trace amounts in uranium minerals 8 In a given sample of uranium there is estimated to be only one francium atom for every 1 1018 uranium atoms 25 Only about 1 ounce 28 g of francium is present naturally in the earth s crust 37 Production nbsp A magneto optical trap which can hold neutral francium atoms for short periods of time 38 Francium can be synthesized by a fusion reaction when a gold 197 target is bombarded with a beam of oxygen 18 atoms from a linear accelerator in a process originally developed at the physics department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1995 39 Depending on the energy of the oxygen beam the reaction can yield francium isotopes with masses of 209 210 and 211 197Au 18O 209Fr 6 n 197Au 18O 210Fr 5 n 197Au 18O 211Fr 4 n nbsp Image of light emitted by a sample of 200 000 francium atoms in a magneto optical trap nbsp Heat image of 300 000 francium atoms in a magneto optical trap around 100 attograms The francium atoms leave the gold target as ions which are neutralized by collision with yttrium and then isolated in a magneto optical trap MOT in a gaseous unconsolidated state 38 Although the atoms only remain in the trap for about 30 seconds before escaping or undergoing nuclear decay the process supplies a continual stream of fresh atoms The result is a steady state containing a fairly constant number of atoms for a much longer time 38 The original apparatus could trap up to a few thousand atoms while a later improved design could trap over 300 000 at a time 6 Sensitive measurements of the light emitted and absorbed by the trapped atoms provided the first experimental results on various transitions between atomic energy levels in francium Initial measurements show very good agreement between experimental values and calculations based on quantum theory The research project using this production method relocated to TRIUMF in 2012 where over 106 francium atoms have been held at a time including large amounts of 209Fr in addition to 207Fr and 221Fr 40 41 Other synthesis methods include bombarding radium with neutrons and bombarding thorium with protons deuterons or helium ions 20 223Fr can also be isolated from samples of its parent 227Ac the francium being milked via elution with NH4Cl CrO3 from an actinium containing cation exchanger and purified by passing the solution through a silicon dioxide compound loaded with barium sulfate 42 In 1996 the Stony Brook group trapped 3000 atoms in their MOT which was enough for a video camera to capture the light given off by the atoms as they fluoresce 6 Francium has not been synthesized in amounts large enough to weigh 7 25 43 Notes Some synthetic elements like technetium and plutonium have later been found in nature References a b c d e f g Lavrukhina Avgusta Konstantinovna Pozdnyakov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1970 Analytical Chemistry of Technetium Promethium Astatine and Francium Translated by R Kondor Ann Arbor Humphrey Science Publishers p 269 ISBN 978 0 250 39923 9 ISOLDE Collaboration J Phys B 23 3511 1990 PDF online a b c Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae Guruge Amila Ruwan January 25 2023 Francium Chemical and Process Engineering Retrieved February 28 2023 Perey M October 1 1939 L element 87 AcK derive de l actinium Journal de Physique et le Radium in French 10 10 435 438 doi 10 1051 jphysrad 019390010010043500 ISSN 0368 3842 a b c Orozco Luis A 2003 Francium Chemical and Engineering News 81 36 159 doi 10 1021 cen v081n036 p159 a b c d e f Price Andy December 20 2004 Francium Retrieved February 19 2012 a b c d e f g h i j CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Vol 4 CRC 2006 p 12 ISBN 978 0 8493 0474 3 Winter Mark Electron Configuration Francium The University of Sheffield Retrieved April 18 2007 a b Kozhitov L V Kol tsov V B Kol tsov A V 2003 Evaluation of the Surface Tension of Liquid Francium Inorganic Materials 39 11 1138 1141 doi 10 1023 A 1027389223381 S2CID 97764887 Oshchapovskii V V 2014 A New Method of Calculation of the Melting Temperatures of Crystals of Group 1A Metal Halides and Francium Metal Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 59 6 561 567 doi 10 1134 S0036023614060163 S2CID 98622837 Pauling Linus 1960 The Nature of the Chemical Bond Third ed Cornell University Press p 93 ISBN 978 0 8014 0333 0 Allred A L 1961 Electronegativity values from thermochemical data J Inorg Nucl Chem 17 3 4 215 221 doi 10 1016 0022 1902 61 80142 5 Andreev S V Letokhov V S Mishin V I 1987 Laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of Rydberg levels in Fr Physical Review Letters 59 12 1274 76 Bibcode 1987PhRvL 59 1274A doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 59 1274 PMID 10035190 a b Thayer John S 2010 Chap 10 Relativistic Effects and the Chemistry of the Heavier Main Group Elements Relativistic Methods for Chemists Springer p 81 doi 10 1007 978 1 4020 9975 5 2 ISBN 978 1 4020 9975 5 Hyde E K 1952 Radiochemical Methods for the Isolation of Element 87 Francium J Am Chem Soc 74 16 4181 4184 doi 10 1021 ja01136a066 hdl 2027 mdp 39015086483156 S2CID 95854270 a b c E N K Hyde Radiochemistry of Francium Subcommittee on Radiochemistry National Academy of Sciences National Research Council available from the Office of Technical Services Dept of Commerce 1960 Cao Chang Su Hu Han Shi Schwarz W H Eugen Li Jun 2022 Periodic Law of Chemistry Overturns for Superheavy Elements ChemRxiv preprint doi 10 26434 chemrxiv 2022 l798p Retrieved November 16 2022 Considine Glenn D ed 2005 Francium in Van Nostrand s Encyclopedia of Chemistry New York Wiley Interscience p 679 ISBN 978 0 471 61525 5 a b c Francium McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science amp Technology Vol 7 McGraw Hill Professional 2002 pp 493 494 ISBN 978 0 07 913665 7 a b c Considine Glenn D ed 2005 Chemical Elements in Van Nostrand s Encyclopedia of Chemistry New York Wiley Interscience p 332 ISBN 978 0 471 61525 5 National Nuclear Data Center 1990 Table of Isotopes decay data Brookhaven National Laboratory Archived from the original on October 31 2006 Retrieved April 4 2007 Peppard D F Mason G W Gray P R Mech J F 1952 Occurrence of the 4n 1 series in nature PDF Journal of the American Chemical Society 74 23 6081 6084 doi 10 1021 ja01143a074 Winter Mark Uses Francium The University of Sheffield Retrieved March 25 2007 a b c d e Emsley John 2001 Nature s Building Blocks Oxford Oxford University Press pp 151 153 ISBN 978 0 19 850341 5 Gagnon Steve Francium Jefferson Science Associates LLC Retrieved April 1 2007 Haverlock T J Mirzadeh S Moyer B A 2003 Selectivity of calix 4 arene bis benzocrown 6 in the complexation and transport of francium ion J Am Chem Soc 125 5 1126 7 doi 10 1021 ja0255251 PMID 12553788 Gomez E Orozco L A Sprouse G D November 7 2005 Spectroscopy with trapped francium advances and perspectives for weak interaction studies Rep Prog Phys 69 1 79 118 Bibcode 2006RPPh 69 79G doi 10 1088 0034 4885 69 1 R02 S2CID 15917603 Peterson I May 11 1996 Creating cooling trapping francium atoms PDF Science News 149 19 294 doi 10 2307 3979560 JSTOR 3979560 Archived from the original PDF on July 27 2020 Retrieved September 11 2001 a b c d e f g Adloff Jean Pierre Kaufman George B September 25 2005 Francium Atomic Number 87 the Last Discovered Natural Element Archived June 4 2013 at the Wayback Machine The Chemical Educator 10 5 Retrieved on March 26 2007 a b c d e Fontani Marco September 10 2005 The Twilight of the Naturally Occurring Elements Moldavium Ml Sequanium Sq and Dor Do International Conference on the History of Chemistry Lisbon pp 1 8 Archived from the original on February 24 2006 Retrieved April 8 2007 a b c d e Van der Krogt Peter January 10 2006 Francium Elementymology amp Elements Multidict Retrieved April 8 2007 Alabamine amp Virginium Time February 15 1932 Archived from the original on September 30 2007 Retrieved April 1 2007 MacPherson H G 1934 An Investigation of the Magneto Optic Method of Chemical Analysis Physical Review 47 4 310 315 Bibcode 1935PhRv 47 310M doi 10 1103 PhysRev 47 310 Grant Julius 1969 Francium Hackh s Chemical Dictionary McGraw Hill pp 279 280 ISBN 978 0 07 024067 4 History Francium State University of New York at Stony Brook February 20 2007 Archived from the original on February 3 1999 Retrieved March 26 2007 Krebs Robert E July 30 2006 The History and Use of Our Earth s Chemical Elements A Reference Guide Bloomsbury Publishing USA ISBN 978 0 313 02798 7 a b c Cooling and Trapping Francium State University of New York at Stony Brook February 20 2007 Archived from the original on November 22 2007 Retrieved May 1 2007 Production of Francium Francium State University of New York at Stony Brook February 20 2007 Archived from the original on October 12 2007 Retrieved March 26 2007 Orozco Luis A September 30 2014 Project Closeout Report Francium Trapping Facility at TRIUMF Report U S Department of Energy doi 10 2172 1214938 Tandecki M Zhang J Collister R Aubin S Behr J A Gomez E Gwinner G Orozco L A Pearson M R 2013 Commissioning of the Francium Trapping Facility at TRIUMF Journal of Instrumentation 8 12 P12006 arXiv 1312 3562 Bibcode 2013JInst 8P2006T doi 10 1088 1748 0221 8 12 P12006 S2CID 15501597 Keller Cornelius Wolf Walter Shani Jashovam Radionuclides 2 Radioactive Elements and Artificial Radionuclides Ullmann s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Weinheim Wiley VCH doi 10 1002 14356007 o22 o15 ISBN 978 3527306732 Francium Los Alamos National Laboratory 2011 Retrieved February 19 2012 External linksFrancium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham WebElements com Francium Stony Brook University Physics Dept Scerri Eric 2013 A Tale of Seven Elements Oxford University Press Oxford ISBN 9780195391312 Portal nbsp ChemistryFrancium at Wikipedia s sister projects nbsp Definitions from Wiktionary nbsp Media from Commons nbsp Textbooks from Wikibooks nbsp Resources from Wikiversity Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Francium amp oldid 1194190769, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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