

Technetium is a chemical element; it has symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It is the lightest element whose isotopes are all radioactive. All available technetium is produced as a synthetic element. Naturally occurring technetium is a spontaneous fission product in uranium ore and thorium ore, the most common source, or the product of neutron capture in molybdenum ores. This silvery gray, crystalline transition metal lies between manganese and rhenium in group 7 of the periodic table, and its chemical properties are intermediate between those of both adjacent elements. The most common naturally occurring isotope is 99Tc, in traces only.

Technetium, 43Tc
Pronunciation/tɛkˈnʃ(i)əm/ (tek-NEE-sh(ee-)əm)
Appearanceshiny gray metal
Mass number[97]
Technetium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)43
Groupgroup 7
Periodperiod 5
Block  d-block
Electron configuration[Kr] 4d5 5s2
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 13, 2
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point2430 K ​(2157 °C, ​3915 °F)
Boiling point4538 K ​(4265 °C, ​7709 °F)
Density (near r.t.)11 g/cm3
Heat of fusion33.29 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization585.2 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity24.27 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure (extrapolated)
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 2727 2998 3324 3726 4234 4894
Atomic properties
Oxidation states−3, −1, 0, +1,[1] +2, +3,[1] +4, +5, +6, +7 (a strongly acidic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 1.9
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 686.9[2] kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 1470 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 2850 kJ/mol
Atomic radiusempirical: 136 pm
Covalent radius147±7 pm
Van der Waals radius205 pm
Spectral lines of technetium
Other properties
Natural occurrencefrom decay
Crystal structurehexagonal close-packed (hcp)
Speed of sound thin rod16,200 m/s (at 20 °C)
Thermal expansion7.1 µm/(m⋅K)[3] (at r.t.)
Thermal conductivity50.6 W/(m⋅K)
Electrical resistivity200 nΩ⋅m (at 20 °C)
Magnetic orderingParamagnetic
Molar magnetic susceptibility+270.0×10−6 cm3/mol (298 K)[4]
CAS Number7440-26-8
PredictionDmitri Mendeleev (1871)
Discovery and first isolationEmilio Segrè and Carlo Perrier (1937)
Isotopes of technetium
Main isotopes[5] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
95mTc synth 61.96 d β+ 95Mo
IT 95Tc
96Tc synth 4.28 d ε 96Mo
97Tc synth 4.21×106 y ε 97Mo
97mTc synth 91.1 d IT 97Tc
ε ...
98Tc synth 4.2×106 y β 98Ru
99Tc trace 211.1×103 y β 99Ru
99mTc synth 6.01 h IT 99Tc
 Category: Technetium
| references

Many of technetium's properties had been predicted by Dmitri Mendeleev before it was discovered. Mendeleev noted a gap in his periodic table and gave the undiscovered element the provisional name ekamanganese (Em). In 1937, technetium (specifically the technetium-97 isotope) became the first predominantly artificial element to be produced, hence its name (from the Greek τεχνητός, technetos, from techne, as in "craft", "art" and having the meaning of "artificial", + -ium).

One short-lived gamma ray-emitting nuclear isomer, technetium-99m, is used in nuclear medicine for a wide variety of tests, such as bone cancer diagnoses. The ground state of the nuclide technetium-99 is used as a gamma-ray-free source of beta particles. Long-lived technetium isotopes produced commercially are byproducts of the fission of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors and are extracted from nuclear fuel rods. Because even the longest-lived isotope of technetium has a relatively short half-life (4.21 million years), the 1952 detection of technetium in red giants helped to prove that stars can produce heavier elements.

History edit

Early assumptions edit

From the 1860s through 1871, early forms of the periodic table proposed by Dmitri Mendeleev contained a gap between molybdenum (element 42) and ruthenium (element 44). In 1871, Mendeleev predicted this missing element would occupy the empty place below manganese and have similar chemical properties. Mendeleev gave it the provisional name ekamanganese (from eka-, the Sanskrit word for one) because the predicted element was one place down from the known element manganese.[6]

Early misidentifications edit

Many early researchers, both before and after the periodic table was published, were eager to be the first to discover and name the missing element. Its location in the table suggested that it should be easier to find than other undiscovered elements.

Year Claimant Suggested name Actual material
1828 Gottfried Osann Polinium Iridium
1845 Heinrich Rose Pelopium[7] Niobium-tantalum alloy
1847 R. Hermann Ilmenium[8] Niobium-tantalum alloy
1877 Serge Kern Davyum Iridium-rhodium-iron alloy
1896 Prosper Barrière Lucium Yttrium
1908 Masataka Ogawa Nipponium Rhenium, which was the unknown dvi-manganese[9][10]

Irreproducible results edit

Periodisches System der Elemente (1904–1945, now at the Gdańsk University of Technology): lack of elements: 84 polonium Po (though discovered as early as in 1898 by Maria Sklodowska-Curie), 85 astatine At (1940, in Berkeley), 87 francium Fr (1939, in France), 93 neptunium Np (1940, in Berkeley) and other actinides and lanthanides. Old symbols for: 18 argon Ar (here: A), 43 technetium Tc (Ma, masurium), 54 xenon Xe (X), 86 radon, Rn (Em, emanation)

German chemists Walter Noddack, Otto Berg, and Ida Tacke reported the discovery of element 75 and element 43 in 1925, and named element 43 masurium (after Masuria in eastern Prussia, now in Poland, the region where Walter Noddack's family originated).[11] This name caused significant resentment in the scientific community, because it was interpreted as referring to victories of the German army over the Russian army in the Masuria region during World War I; as the Noddacks remained in their academic positions while the Nazis were in power, suspicions and hostility against their claim for discovering element 43 continued.[12] The group bombarded columbite with a beam of electrons and deduced element 43 was present by examining X-ray emission spectrograms.[13] The wavelength of the X-rays produced is related to the atomic number by a formula derived by Henry Moseley in 1913. The team claimed to detect a faint X-ray signal at a wavelength produced by element 43. Later experimenters could not replicate the discovery, and it was dismissed as an error.[14][15] Still, in 1933, a series of articles on the discovery of elements quoted the name masurium for element 43.[16] Some more recent attempts have been made to rehabilitate the Noddacks' claims, but they are disproved by Paul Kuroda's study on the amount of technetium that could have been present in the ores they studied: it could not have exceeded 3 × 10−11 μg/kg of ore, and thus would have been undetectable by the Noddacks' methods.[12][17]

Official discovery and later history edit

The discovery of element 43 was finally confirmed in a 1937 experiment at the University of Palermo in Sicily by Carlo Perrier and Emilio Segrè.[18] In mid-1936, Segrè visited the United States, first Columbia University in New York and then the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. He persuaded cyclotron inventor Ernest Lawrence to let him take back some discarded cyclotron parts that had become radioactive. Lawrence mailed him a molybdenum foil that had been part of the deflector in the cyclotron.[19]

Segrè enlisted his colleague Perrier to attempt to prove, through comparative chemistry, that the molybdenum activity was indeed from an element with the atomic number 43. In 1937, they succeeded in isolating the isotopes technetium-95m and technetium-97.[20][21] University of Palermo officials wanted them to name their discovery "panormium", after the Latin name for Palermo, Panormus. In 1947[20] element 43 was named after the Greek word τεχνητός, meaning "artificial", since it was the first element to be artificially produced.[7][11] Segrè returned to Berkeley and met Glenn T. Seaborg. They isolated the metastable isotope technetium-99m, which is now used in some ten million medical diagnostic procedures annually.[22]

In 1952, the astronomer Paul W. Merrill in California detected the spectral signature of technetium (specifically wavelengths of 403.1 nm, 423.8 nm, 426.2 nm, and 429.7 nm) in light from S-type red giants.[23] The stars were near the end of their lives but were rich in the short-lived element, which indicated that it was being produced in the stars by nuclear reactions. That evidence bolstered the hypothesis that heavier elements are the product of nucleosynthesis in stars.[21] More recently, such observations provided evidence that elements are formed by neutron capture in the s-process.[24]

Since that discovery, there have been many searches in terrestrial materials for natural sources of technetium. In 1962, technetium-99 was isolated and identified in pitchblende from the Belgian Congo in extremely small quantities (about 0.2 ng/kg),[24] where it originates as a spontaneous fission product of uranium-238. The Oklo natural nuclear fission reactor contains evidence that significant amounts of technetium-99 were produced and have since decayed into ruthenium-99.[24]

Characteristics edit

Physical properties edit

Technetium is a silvery-gray radioactive metal with an appearance similar to platinum, commonly obtained as a gray powder.[25] The crystal structure of the bulk pure metal is hexagonal close-packed, and crystal structures of the nanodisperse pure metal are cubic. Nanodisperse technetium does not have a split NMR spectrum, while hexagonal bulk technetium has the Tc-99-NMR spectrum split in 9 satellites.[25][26] Atomic technetium has characteristic emission lines at wavelengths of 363.3 nm, 403.1 nm, 426.2 nm, 429.7 nm, and 485.3 nm.[27] The unit cell parameters of the orthorhombic Tc metal were reported when Tc is contaminated with carbon (a = 0.2805(4), b = 0.4958(8), c = 0.4474(5)·nm for Tc-C with 1.38 wt% C and a = 0.2815(4), b = 0.4963(8), c = 0.4482(5) •nm for Tc-C with 1.96 wt% C ). [28] The metal form is slightly paramagnetic, meaning its magnetic dipoles align with external magnetic fields, but will assume random orientations once the field is removed.[29] Pure, metallic, single-crystal technetium becomes a type-II superconductor at temperatures below 7.46 K.[30][a] Below this temperature, technetium has a very high magnetic penetration depth, greater than any other element except niobium.[31]

Chemical properties edit

Technetium is located in the seventh group of the periodic table, between rhenium and manganese. As predicted by the periodic law, its chemical properties are between those two elements. Of the two, technetium more closely resembles rhenium, particularly in its chemical inertness and tendency to form covalent bonds.[32] This is consistent with the tendency of period 5 elements to resemble their counterparts in period 6 more than period 4 due to the lanthanide contraction. Unlike manganese, technetium does not readily form cations (ions with a net positive charge). Technetium exhibits nine oxidation states from −1 to +7, with +4, +5, and +7 being the most common.[33] Technetium dissolves in aqua regia, nitric acid, and concentrated sulfuric acid, but it is not soluble in hydrochloric acid of any concentration.[25]

Metallic technetium slowly tarnishes in moist air[33] and, in powder form, burns in oxygen. When reacting with hydrogen at high pressure, it forms the hydride TcH1.3 [34] while reacting with carbon it forms Tc6C [35] with cell parameter 3,98 Å or, as well the nanodisperce low-carbon-content carbide with parameter 4,02 Å.[36]

Technetium can catalyse the destruction of hydrazine by nitric acid, and this property is due to its multiplicity of valencies.[37] This caused a problem in the separation of plutonium from uranium in nuclear fuel processing, where hydrazine is used as a protective reductant to keep plutonium in the trivalent rather than the more stable tetravalent state. The problem was exacerbated by the mutually enhanced solvent extraction of technetium and zirconium at the previous stage,[38] and required a process modification.

Compounds edit

Pertechnetate and derivatives edit

Pertechnetate is one of the most available forms of technetium. It is structurally related to permanganate.

The most prevalent form of technetium that is easily accessible is sodium pertechnetate, Na[TcO4]. The majority of this material is produced by radioactive decay from [99MoO4]2−:[39][40]

[99MoO4]2− → [99mTcO4] + e

Pertechnetate (TcO
) is only weakly hydrated in aqueous solutions,[41] and it behaves analogously to perchlorate, both of which are tetrahedral. Unlike permanganate (MnO
), it is only a weak oxidizing agent.

Related to pertechnetate is technetium heptoxide. This pale-yellow, volatile solid is produced by oxidation of Tc metal and related precursors:

4 Tc + 7 O2 → 2 Tc2O7

It is a molecular metal oxide, analogous to manganese heptoxide. It adopts a centrosymmetric structure with two types of Tc−O bonds with 167 and 184 pm bond lengths.[42]

Technetium heptoxide hydrolyzes to pertechnetate and pertechnetic acid, depending on the pH:[43][44]

Tc2O7 + 2 OH → 2 TcO4 + H2O
Tc2O7 + H2O → 2 HTcO4

HTcO4 is a strong acid. In concentrated sulfuric acid, [TcO4] converts to the octahedral form TcO3(OH)(H2O)2, the conjugate base of the hypothetical triaquo complex [TcO3(H2O)3]+.[45]

Other chalcogenide derivatives edit

Technetium forms a dioxide,[46] disulfide, diselenide, and ditelluride. An ill-defined Tc2S7 forms upon treating pertechnate with hydrogen sulfide. It thermally decomposes into disulfide and elemental sulfur.[47] Similarly the dioxide can be produced by reduction of the Tc2O7.

Unlike the case for rhenium, a trioxide has not been isolated for technetium. However, TcO3 has been identified in the gas phase using mass spectrometry.[48]

Simple hydride and halide complexes edit

Technetium forms the simple complex TcH2−
. The potassium salt is isostructural with ReH2−
.[49] At high pressure formation of TcH1,3 from elements was also reported.[50]

TcCl4 forms chain-like structures, similar to the behavior of several other metal tetrachlorides.

The following binary (containing only two elements) technetium halides are known: TcF6, TcF5, TcCl4, TcBr4, TcBr3, α-TcCl3, β-TcCl3, TcI3, α-TcCl2, and β-TcCl2. The oxidation states range from Tc(VI) to Tc(II). Technetium halides exhibit different structure types, such as molecular octahedral complexes, extended chains, layered sheets, and metal clusters arranged in a three-dimensional network.[51][52] These compounds are produced by combining the metal and halogen or by less direct reactions.

TcCl4 is obtained by chlorination of Tc metal or Tc2O7 Upon heating, TcCl4 gives the corresponding Tc(III) and Tc(II) chlorides.[52]

TcCl4 → α-TcCl3 + 1/2 Cl2
TcCl3 → β-TcCl2 + 1/2 Cl2

The structure of TcCl4 is composed of infinite zigzag chains of edge-sharing TcCl6 octahedra. It is isomorphous to transition metal tetrachlorides of zirconium, hafnium, and platinum.[52]

Chloro-containing coordination complexes of technetium (99Tc) in various oxidation states: Tc(III), Tc(IV), Tc(V), and Tc(VI) represented.

Two polymorphs of technetium trichloride exist, α- and β-TcCl3. The α polymorph is also denoted as Tc3Cl9. It adopts a confacial bioctahedral structure.[53] It is prepared by treating the chloro-acetate Tc2(O2CCH3)4Cl2 with HCl. Like Re3Cl9, the structure of the α-polymorph consists of triangles with short M-M distances. β-TcCl3 features octahedral Tc centers, which are organized in pairs, as seen also for molybdenum trichloride. TcBr3 does not adopt the structure of either trichloride phase. Instead it has the structure of molybdenum tribromide, consisting of chains of confacial octahedra with alternating short and long Tc—Tc contacts. TcI3 has the same structure as the high temperature phase of TiI3, featuring chains of confacial octahedra with equal Tc—Tc contacts.[52]

Several anionic technetium halides are known. The binary tetrahalides can be converted to the hexahalides [TcX6]2− (X = F, Cl, Br, I), which adopt octahedral molecular geometry.[24] More reduced halides form anionic clusters with Tc–Tc bonds. The situation is similar for the related elements of Mo, W, Re. These clusters have the nuclearity Tc4, Tc6, Tc8, and Tc13. The more stable Tc6 and Tc8 clusters have prism shapes where vertical pairs of Tc atoms are connected by triple bonds and the planar atoms by single bonds. Every technetium atom makes six bonds, and the remaining valence electrons can be saturated by one axial and two bridging ligand halogen atoms such as chlorine or bromine.[54]

Coordination and organometallic complexes edit

Technetium (99mTc) sestamibi ("Cardiolite") is widely used for imaging of the heart.

Technetium forms a variety of coordination complexes with organic ligands. Many have been well-investigated because of their relevance to nuclear medicine.[55]

Technetium forms a variety of compounds with Tc–C bonds, i.e. organotechnetium complexes. Prominent members of this class are complexes with CO, arene, and cyclopentadienyl ligands.[56] The binary carbonyl Tc2(CO)10 is a white volatile solid.[57] In this molecule, two technetium atoms are bound to each other; each atom is surrounded by octahedra of five carbonyl ligands. The bond length between technetium atoms, 303 pm,[58][59] is significantly larger than the distance between two atoms in metallic technetium (272 pm). Similar carbonyls are formed by technetium's congeners, manganese and rhenium.[60] Interest in organotechnetium compounds has also been motivated by applications in nuclear medicine.[56] Technetium also forms aquo-carbonyl complexes, one prominent complex being [Tc(CO)3(H2O)3]+, which are unusual compared to other metal carbonyls.[56]

Isotopes edit

Technetium, with atomic number Z = 43, is the lowest-numbered element in the periodic table for which all isotopes are radioactive. The second-lightest exclusively radioactive element, promethium, has atomic number 61.[33] Atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons are less stable than those with even numbers, even when the total number of nucleons (protons + neutrons) is even,[61] and odd numbered elements have fewer stable isotopes.

The most stable radioactive isotopes are technetium-97 with a half-life of 4.21 million years, technetium-98 with 4.2 million years, and technetium-99 with 211,100 years.[62] Thirty other radioisotopes have been characterized with mass numbers ranging from 85 to 118.[63] Most of these have half-lives that are less than an hour, the exceptions being technetium-93 (2.73 hours), technetium-94 (4.88 hours), technetium-95 (20 hours), and technetium-96 (4.3 days).[64]

The primary decay mode for isotopes lighter than technetium-98 (98Tc) is electron capture, producing molybdenum (Z = 42).[63] For technetium-98 and heavier isotopes, the primary mode is beta emission (the emission of an electron or positron), producing ruthenium (Z = 44), with the exception that technetium-100 can decay both by beta emission and electron capture.[63][65]

Technetium also has numerous nuclear isomers, which are isotopes with one or more excited nucleons. Technetium-97m (97mTc; "m" stands for metastability) is the most stable, with a half-life of 91 days and excitation energy 0.0965 MeV.[64] This is followed by technetium-95m (61 days, 0.03 MeV), and technetium-99m (6.01 hours, 0.142 MeV).[64] Technetium-99m emits only gamma rays and decays to technetium-99.[64]

Technetium-99 (99Tc) is a major product of the fission of uranium-235 (235U), making it the most common and most readily available isotope of technetium. One gram of technetium-99 produces 6.2×108 disintegrations per second (in other words, the specific activity of 99Tc is 0.62 GBq/g).[29]

Occurrence and production edit

Technetium occurs naturally in the Earth's crust in minute concentrations of about 0.003 parts per trillion. Technetium is so rare because the half-lives of 97Tc and 98Tc are only 4.2 million years. More than a thousand of such periods have passed since the formation of the Earth, so the probability of survival of even one atom of primordial technetium is effectively zero. However, small amounts exist as spontaneous fission products in uranium ores. A kilogram of uranium contains an estimated 1 nanogram (10−9 g) equivalent to ten trillion atoms of technetium.[21][66][67] Some red giant stars with the spectral types S-, M-, and N contain a spectral absorption line indicating the presence of technetium.[25][68] These red giants are known informally as technetium stars.

Fission waste product edit

In contrast to the rare natural occurrence, bulk quantities of technetium-99 are produced each year from spent nuclear fuel rods, which contain various fission products. The fission of a gram of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors yields 27 mg of technetium-99, giving technetium a fission product yield of 6.1%.[29] Other fissile isotopes produce similar yields of technetium, such as 4.9% from uranium-233 and 6.21% from plutonium-239.[69] An estimated 49,000 TBq (78 metric tons) of technetium was produced in nuclear reactors between 1983 and 1994, by far the dominant source of terrestrial technetium.[70][71] Only a fraction of the production is used commercially.[b]

Technetium-99 is produced by the nuclear fission of both uranium-235 and plutonium-239. It is therefore present in radioactive waste and in the nuclear fallout of fission bomb explosions. Its decay, measured in becquerels per amount of spent fuel, is the dominant contributor to nuclear waste radioactivity after about 104 to 106 years after the creation of the nuclear waste.[70] From 1945 to 1994, an estimated 160 TBq (about 250 kg) of technetium-99 was released into the environment during atmospheric nuclear tests.[70][72] The amount of technetium-99 from nuclear reactors released into the environment up to 1986 is on the order of 1000 TBq (about 1600 kg), primarily by nuclear fuel reprocessing; most of this was discharged into the sea. Reprocessing methods have reduced emissions since then, but as of 2005 the primary release of technetium-99 into the environment is by the Sellafield plant, which released an estimated 550 TBq (about 900 kg) from 1995 to 1999 into the Irish Sea.[71] From 2000 onwards the amount has been limited by regulation to 90 TBq (about 140 kg) per year.[73] Discharge of technetium into the sea resulted in contamination of some seafood with minuscule quantities of this element. For example, European lobster and fish from west Cumbria contain about 1 Bq/kg of technetium.[74][75][c]

Fission product for commercial use edit

The metastable isotope technetium-99m is continuously produced as a fission product from the fission of uranium or plutonium in nuclear reactors:


Because used fuel is allowed to stand for several years before reprocessing, all molybdenum-99 and technetium-99m is decayed by the time that the fission products are separated from the major actinides in conventional nuclear reprocessing. The liquid left after plutonium–uranium extraction (PUREX) contains a high concentration of technetium as TcO
but almost all of this is technetium-99, not technetium-99m.[77]

The vast majority of the technetium-99m used in medical work is produced by irradiating dedicated highly enriched uranium targets in a reactor, extracting molybdenum-99 from the targets in reprocessing facilities,[40] and recovering at the diagnostic center the technetium-99m produced upon decay of molybdenum-99.[78][79] Molybdenum-99 in the form of molybdate MoO2−
is adsorbed onto acid alumina (Al
) in a shielded column chromatograph inside a technetium-99m generator ("technetium cow", also occasionally called a "molybdenum cow"). Molybdenum-99 has a half-life of 67 hours, so short-lived technetium-99m (half-life: 6 hours), which results from its decay, is being constantly produced.[21] The soluble pertechnetate TcO
can then be chemically extracted by elution using a saline solution. A drawback of this process is that it requires targets containing uranium-235, which are subject to the security precautions of fissile materials.[80][81]

The first technetium-99m generator, unshielded, 1958. A Tc-99m pertechnetate solution is being eluted from Mo-99 molybdate bound to a chromatographic substrate

Almost two-thirds of the world's supply comes from two reactors; the National Research Universal Reactor at Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario, Canada, and the High Flux Reactor at Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group in Petten, Netherlands. All major reactors that produce technetium-99m were built in the 1960s and are close to the end of life. The two new Canadian Multipurpose Applied Physics Lattice Experiment reactors planned and built to produce 200% of the demand of technetium-99m relieved all other producers from building their own reactors. With the cancellation of the already tested reactors in 2008, the future supply of technetium-99m became problematic.[82]

Waste disposal edit

The long half-life of technetium-99 and its potential to form anionic species creates a major concern for long-term disposal of radioactive waste. Many of the processes designed to remove fission products in reprocessing plants aim at cationic species such as caesium (e.g., caesium-137) and strontium (e.g., strontium-90). Hence the pertechnetate escapes through those processes. Current disposal options favor burial in continental, geologically stable rock. The primary danger with such practice is the likelihood that the waste will contact water, which could leach radioactive contamination into the environment. The anionic pertechnetate and iodide tend not to adsorb into the surfaces of minerals, and are likely to be washed away. By comparison plutonium, uranium, and caesium tend to bind to soil particles. Technetium could be immobilized by some environments, such as microbial activity in lake bottom sediments,[83] and the environmental chemistry of technetium is an area of active research.[84]

An alternative disposal method, transmutation, has been demonstrated at CERN for technetium-99. In this process, the technetium (technetium-99 as a metal target) is bombarded with neutrons to form the short-lived technetium-100 (half-life = 16 seconds) which decays by beta decay to stable ruthenium-100. If recovery of usable ruthenium is a goal, an extremely pure technetium target is needed; if small traces of the minor actinides such as americium and curium are present in the target, they are likely to undergo fission and form more fission products which increase the radioactivity of the irradiated target. The formation of ruthenium-106 (half-life 374 days) from the 'fresh fission' is likely to increase the activity of the final ruthenium metal, which will then require a longer cooling time after irradiation before the ruthenium can be used.[85]

The actual separation of technetium-99 from spent nuclear fuel is a long process. During fuel reprocessing, it comes out as a component of the highly radioactive waste liquid. After sitting for several years, the radioactivity reduces to a level where extraction of the long-lived isotopes, including technetium-99, becomes feasible. A series of chemical processes yields technetium-99 metal of high purity.[86]

Neutron activation edit

Molybdenum-99, which decays to form technetium-99m, can be formed by the neutron activation of molybdenum-98.[87] When needed, other technetium isotopes are not produced in significant quantities by fission, but are manufactured by neutron irradiation of parent isotopes (for example, technetium-97 can be made by neutron irradiation of ruthenium-96).[88]

Particle accelerators edit

The feasibility of technetium-99m production with the 22-MeV-proton bombardment of a molybdenum-100 target in medical cyclotrons following the reaction 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc was demonstrated in 1971.[89] The recent shortages of medical technetium-99m reignited the interest in its production by proton bombardment of isotopically enriched (>99.5%) molybdenum-100 targets.[90][91] Other techniques are being investigated for obtaining molybdenum-99 from molybdenum-100 via (n,2n) or (γ,n) reactions in particle accelerators.[92][93][94]

Applications edit

Nuclear medicine and biology edit

Technetium scintigraphy of a neck of Graves' disease patient

Technetium-99m ("m" indicates that this is a metastable nuclear isomer) is used in radioactive isotope medical tests. For example, Technetium-99m is a radioactive tracer that medical imaging equipment tracks in the human body.[21][90] It is well suited to the role because it emits readily detectable 140 keV gamma rays, and its half-life is 6.01 hours (meaning that about 94% of it decays to technetium-99 in 24 hours).[29] The chemistry of technetium allows it to be bound to a variety of biochemical compounds, each of which determines how it is metabolized and deposited in the body, and this single isotope can be used for a multitude of diagnostic tests. More than 50 common radiopharmaceuticals are based on technetium-99m for imaging and functional studies of the brain, heart muscle, thyroid, lungs, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, skeleton, blood, and tumors.[95]

The longer-lived isotope, technetium-95m with a half-life of 61 days, is used as a radioactive tracer to study the movement of technetium in the environment and in plant and animal systems.[96]

Industrial and chemical edit

Technetium-99 decays almost entirely by beta decay, emitting beta particles with consistent low energies and no accompanying gamma rays. Moreover, its long half-life means that this emission decreases very slowly with time. It can also be extracted to a high chemical and isotopic purity from radioactive waste. For these reasons, it is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard beta emitter, and is used for equipment calibration.[97] Technetium-99 has also been proposed for optoelectronic devices and nanoscale nuclear batteries.[98]

Like rhenium and palladium, technetium can serve as a catalyst. In processes such as the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol, it is a far more effective catalyst than either rhenium or palladium. However, its radioactivity is a major problem in safe catalytic applications.[99]

When steel is immersed in water, adding a small concentration (55 ppm) of potassium pertechnetate(VII) to the water protects the steel from corrosion, even if the temperature is raised to 250 °C (523 K).[100] For this reason, pertechnetate has been used as an anodic corrosion inhibitor for steel, although technetium's radioactivity poses problems that limit this application to self-contained systems.[101] While (for example) CrO2−
can also inhibit corrosion, it requires a concentration ten times as high. In one experiment, a specimen of carbon steel was kept in an aqueous solution of pertechnetate for 20 years and was still uncorroded.[100] The mechanism by which pertechnetate prevents corrosion is not well understood, but seems to involve the reversible formation of a thin surface layer (passivation). One theory holds that the pertechnetate reacts with the steel surface to form a layer of technetium dioxide which prevents further corrosion; the same effect explains how iron powder can be used to remove pertechnetate from water. The effect disappears rapidly if the concentration of pertechnetate falls below the minimum concentration or if too high a concentration of other ions is added.[102]

As noted, the radioactive nature of technetium (3 MBq/L at the concentrations required) makes this corrosion protection impractical in almost all situations. Nevertheless, corrosion protection by pertechnetate ions was proposed (but never adopted) for use in boiling water reactors.[102]

Precautions edit

Technetium plays no natural biological role and is not normally found in the human body.[25] Technetium is produced in quantity by nuclear fission, and spreads more readily than many radionuclides. It appears to have low chemical toxicity. For example, no significant change in blood formula, body and organ weights, and food consumption could be detected for rats which ingested up to 15 µg of technetium-99 per gram of food for several weeks.[103] In the body, technetium quickly gets converted to the stable TcO
ion, which is highly water-soluble and quickly excreted. The radiological toxicity of technetium (per unit of mass) is a function of compound, type of radiation for the isotope in question, and the isotope's half-life.[104]

All isotopes of technetium must be handled carefully. The most common isotope, technetium-99, is a weak beta emitter; such radiation is stopped by the walls of laboratory glassware. The primary hazard when working with technetium is inhalation of dust; such radioactive contamination in the lungs can pose a significant cancer risk. For most work, careful handling in a fume hood is sufficient, and a glove box is not needed.[105]

Notes edit

  1. ^ Irregular crystals and trace impurities raise this transition temperature to 11.2 K for 99.9% pure technetium powder.[30]
  2. ^ As of 2005, technetium-99 in the form of ammonium pertechnetate is available to holders of an Oak Ridge National Laboratory permit.[25]
  3. ^ The anaerobic, spore-forming bacteria in the Clostridium genus are able to reduce Tc(VII) to Tc(IV). Clostridia bacteria play a role in reducing iron, manganese, and uranium, thereby affecting these elements' solubility in soil and sediments. Their ability to reduce technetium may determine a large part of mobility of technetium in industrial wastes and other subsurface environments.[76]

References edit

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  95. ^ Schwochau 2000, p. 414.
  96. ^ Schwochau 2000, pp. 12–27.
  97. ^ Schwochau 2000, p. 87.
  98. ^ James S. Tulenko; Dean Schoenfeld; David Hintenlang; Carl Crane; Shannon Ridgeway; Jose Santiago; Charles Scheer (2006-11-30). University Research Program in Robotics REPORT (PDF) (Report). University of Florida. doi:10.2172/895620. Retrieved 2007-10-12.
  99. ^ Schwochau 2000, pp. 87–90.
  100. ^ a b Emsley 2001, p. 425.
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  102. ^ a b Schwochau 2000, p. 91.
  103. ^ Desmet, G.; Myttenaere, C. (1986). Technetium in the environment. Springer. pp. 392–395. ISBN 978-0-85334-421-6.
  104. ^ Schwochau 2000, pp. 371–381.
  105. ^ Schwochau 2000, p. 40.

Bibliography edit

  • Emsley, J. (2001). Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford, England, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-850340-8.
  • Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-7506-3365-9.
  • Hammond, C. R. (2004). "The Elements". Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 978-0-8493-0485-9.
  • Schwochau, K. (2000). Technetium: Chemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Applications. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH. ISBN 978-3-527-29496-1.

Further reading edit

  • Choppin, G.; Liljenzin, J.-O.; Rydberg, J. (2002). "Nuclear Mass and Stability". Radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry (3rd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 41–57. ISBN 978-0-7506-7463-8.
  • Cotton, F. A.; Wilkinson, G.; Murillo, C. A.; Bochmann, M. (1999). Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (6th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 978-0-471-19957-1.
  • Scerri, E. R. (2007). The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-530573-9.
  • Wilson, B.J., ed. (1966). The Radiochemical Manual (2nd ed.). AEA Technology. ISBN 978-0-7058-1768-4.
  • EnvironmentalChemistry.com – Technetium
  • Nudat 2 2021-04-28 at the Wayback Machine nuclide chart from the National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory

External links edit

technetium, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, lightest, element, whose, isotopes, radioactive, available, technetium, produced, synthetic, element, naturally, occurring, technetium, spontaneous, fission, product, uranium, thorium, most, common, source. Technetium is a chemical element it has symbol Tc and atomic number 43 It is the lightest element whose isotopes are all radioactive All available technetium is produced as a synthetic element Naturally occurring technetium is a spontaneous fission product in uranium ore and thorium ore the most common source or the product of neutron capture in molybdenum ores This silvery gray crystalline transition metal lies between manganese and rhenium in group 7 of the periodic table and its chemical properties are intermediate between those of both adjacent elements The most common naturally occurring isotope is 99Tc in traces only Technetium 43TcTechnetiumPronunciation t ɛ k ˈ n iː ʃ i e m wbr tek NEE sh ee em Appearanceshiny gray metalMass number 97 Technetium in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Mn Tc Remolybdenum technetium rutheniumAtomic number Z 43Groupgroup 7Periodperiod 5Block d blockElectron configuration Kr 4d5 5s2Electrons per shell2 8 18 13 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point2430 K 2157 C 3915 F Boiling point4538 K 4265 C 7709 F Density near r t 11 g cm3Heat of fusion33 29 kJ molHeat of vaporization585 2 kJ molMolar heat capacity24 27 J mol K Vapor pressure extrapolated P Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 2727 2998 3324 3726 4234 4894Atomic propertiesOxidation states 3 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 a strongly acidic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 1 9Ionization energies1st 686 9 2 kJ mol2nd 1470 kJ mol3rd 2850 kJ molAtomic radiusempirical 136 pmCovalent radius147 7 pmVan der Waals radius205 pmSpectral lines of technetiumOther propertiesNatural occurrencefrom decayCrystal structure hexagonal close packed hcp Speed of sound thin rod16 200 m s at 20 C Thermal expansion7 1 µm m K 3 at r t Thermal conductivity50 6 W m K Electrical resistivity200 nW m at 20 C Magnetic orderingParamagneticMolar magnetic susceptibility 270 0 10 6 cm3 mol 298 K 4 CAS Number7440 26 8HistoryPredictionDmitri Mendeleev 1871 Discovery and first isolationEmilio Segre and Carlo Perrier 1937 Isotopes of technetiumveMain isotopes 5 Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct95mTc synth 61 96 d b 95MoIT 95Tc96Tc synth 4 28 d e 96Mog 97Tc synth 4 21 106 y e 97Mo97mTc synth 91 1 d IT 97Tce 98Tc synth 4 2 106 y b 98Rub 99Tc trace 211 1 103 y b 99Ru99mTc synth 6 01 h IT 99Tcb Category Technetiumviewtalkedit referencesMany of technetium s properties had been predicted by Dmitri Mendeleev before it was discovered Mendeleev noted a gap in his periodic table and gave the undiscovered element the provisional name ekamanganese Em In 1937 technetium specifically the technetium 97 isotope became the first predominantly artificial element to be produced hence its name from the Greek texnhtos technetos from techne as in craft art and having the meaning of artificial ium One short lived gamma ray emitting nuclear isomer technetium 99m is used in nuclear medicine for a wide variety of tests such as bone cancer diagnoses The ground state of the nuclide technetium 99 is used as a gamma ray free source of beta particles Long lived technetium isotopes produced commercially are byproducts of the fission of uranium 235 in nuclear reactors and are extracted from nuclear fuel rods Because even the longest lived isotope of technetium has a relatively short half life 4 21 million years the 1952 detection of technetium in red giants helped to prove that stars can produce heavier elements Contents 1 History 1 1 Early assumptions 1 2 Early misidentifications 1 3 Irreproducible results 1 4 Official discovery and later history 2 Characteristics 2 1 Physical properties 2 2 Chemical properties 3 Compounds 3 1 Pertechnetate and derivatives 3 2 Other chalcogenide derivatives 3 3 Simple hydride and halide complexes 3 4 Coordination and organometallic complexes 4 Isotopes 5 Occurrence and production 5 1 Fission waste product 5 2 Fission product for commercial use 5 3 Waste disposal 5 4 Neutron activation 5 5 Particle accelerators 6 Applications 6 1 Nuclear medicine and biology 6 2 Industrial and chemical 7 Precautions 8 Notes 9 References 10 Bibliography 11 Further reading 12 External linksHistory editEarly assumptions edit From the 1860s through 1871 early forms of the periodic table proposed by Dmitri Mendeleev contained a gap between molybdenum element 42 and ruthenium element 44 In 1871 Mendeleev predicted this missing element would occupy the empty place below manganese and have similar chemical properties Mendeleev gave it the provisional name ekamanganese from eka the Sanskrit word for one because the predicted element was one place down from the known element manganese 6 Early misidentifications edit Many early researchers both before and after the periodic table was published were eager to be the first to discover and name the missing element Its location in the table suggested that it should be easier to find than other undiscovered elements Year Claimant Suggested name Actual material1828 Gottfried Osann Polinium Iridium1845 Heinrich Rose Pelopium 7 Niobium tantalum alloy1847 R Hermann Ilmenium 8 Niobium tantalum alloy1877 Serge Kern Davyum Iridium rhodium iron alloy1896 Prosper Barriere Lucium Yttrium1908 Masataka Ogawa Nipponium Rhenium which was the unknown dvi manganese 9 10 Irreproducible results edit nbsp Periodisches System der Elemente 1904 1945 now at the Gdansk University of Technology lack of elements 84 polonium Po though discovered as early as in 1898 by Maria Sklodowska Curie 85 astatine At 1940 in Berkeley 87 francium Fr 1939 in France 93 neptunium Np 1940 in Berkeley and other actinides and lanthanides Old symbols for 18 argon Ar here A 43 technetium Tc Ma masurium 54 xenon Xe X 86 radon Rn Em emanation German chemists Walter Noddack Otto Berg and Ida Tacke reported the discovery of element 75 and element 43 in 1925 and named element 43 masurium after Masuria in eastern Prussia now in Poland the region where Walter Noddack s family originated 11 This name caused significant resentment in the scientific community because it was interpreted as referring to victories of the German army over the Russian army in the Masuria region during World War I as the Noddacks remained in their academic positions while the Nazis were in power suspicions and hostility against their claim for discovering element 43 continued 12 The group bombarded columbite with a beam of electrons and deduced element 43 was present by examining X ray emission spectrograms 13 The wavelength of the X rays produced is related to the atomic number by a formula derived by Henry Moseley in 1913 The team claimed to detect a faint X ray signal at a wavelength produced by element 43 Later experimenters could not replicate the discovery and it was dismissed as an error 14 15 Still in 1933 a series of articles on the discovery of elements quoted the name masurium for element 43 16 Some more recent attempts have been made to rehabilitate the Noddacks claims but they are disproved by Paul Kuroda s study on the amount of technetium that could have been present in the ores they studied it could not have exceeded 3 10 11 mg kg of ore and thus would have been undetectable by the Noddacks methods 12 17 Official discovery and later history edit The discovery of element 43 was finally confirmed in a 1937 experiment at the University of Palermo in Sicily by Carlo Perrier and Emilio Segre 18 In mid 1936 Segre visited the United States first Columbia University in New York and then the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California He persuaded cyclotron inventor Ernest Lawrence to let him take back some discarded cyclotron parts that had become radioactive Lawrence mailed him a molybdenum foil that had been part of the deflector in the cyclotron 19 Segre enlisted his colleague Perrier to attempt to prove through comparative chemistry that the molybdenum activity was indeed from an element with the atomic number 43 In 1937 they succeeded in isolating the isotopes technetium 95m and technetium 97 20 21 University of Palermo officials wanted them to name their discovery panormium after the Latin name for Palermo Panormus In 1947 20 element 43 was named after the Greek word texnhtos meaning artificial since it was the first element to be artificially produced 7 11 Segre returned to Berkeley and met Glenn T Seaborg They isolated the metastable isotope technetium 99m which is now used in some ten million medical diagnostic procedures annually 22 In 1952 the astronomer Paul W Merrill in California detected the spectral signature of technetium specifically wavelengths of 403 1 nm 423 8 nm 426 2 nm and 429 7 nm in light from S type red giants 23 The stars were near the end of their lives but were rich in the short lived element which indicated that it was being produced in the stars by nuclear reactions That evidence bolstered the hypothesis that heavier elements are the product of nucleosynthesis in stars 21 More recently such observations provided evidence that elements are formed by neutron capture in the s process 24 Since that discovery there have been many searches in terrestrial materials for natural sources of technetium In 1962 technetium 99 was isolated and identified in pitchblende from the Belgian Congo in extremely small quantities about 0 2 ng kg 24 where it originates as a spontaneous fission product of uranium 238 The Oklo natural nuclear fission reactor contains evidence that significant amounts of technetium 99 were produced and have since decayed into ruthenium 99 24 Characteristics editPhysical properties edit Technetium is a silvery gray radioactive metal with an appearance similar to platinum commonly obtained as a gray powder 25 The crystal structure of the bulk pure metal is hexagonal close packed and crystal structures of the nanodisperse pure metal are cubic Nanodisperse technetium does not have a split NMR spectrum while hexagonal bulk technetium has the Tc 99 NMR spectrum split in 9 satellites 25 26 Atomic technetium has characteristic emission lines at wavelengths of 363 3 nm 403 1 nm 426 2 nm 429 7 nm and 485 3 nm 27 The unit cell parameters of the orthorhombic Tc metal were reported when Tc is contaminated with carbon a 0 2805 4 b 0 4958 8 c 0 4474 5 nm for Tc C with 1 38 wt C and a 0 2815 4 b 0 4963 8 c 0 4482 5 nm for Tc C with 1 96 wt C 28 The metal form is slightly paramagnetic meaning its magnetic dipoles align with external magnetic fields but will assume random orientations once the field is removed 29 Pure metallic single crystal technetium becomes a type II superconductor at temperatures below 7 46 K 30 a Below this temperature technetium has a very high magnetic penetration depth greater than any other element except niobium 31 Chemical properties edit Technetium is located in the seventh group of the periodic table between rhenium and manganese As predicted by the periodic law its chemical properties are between those two elements Of the two technetium more closely resembles rhenium particularly in its chemical inertness and tendency to form covalent bonds 32 This is consistent with the tendency of period 5 elements to resemble their counterparts in period 6 more than period 4 due to the lanthanide contraction Unlike manganese technetium does not readily form cations ions with a net positive charge Technetium exhibits nine oxidation states from 1 to 7 with 4 5 and 7 being the most common 33 Technetium dissolves in aqua regia nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid but it is not soluble in hydrochloric acid of any concentration 25 Metallic technetium slowly tarnishes in moist air 33 and in powder form burns in oxygen When reacting with hydrogen at high pressure it forms the hydride TcH1 3 34 while reacting with carbon it forms Tc6C 35 with cell parameter 3 98 A or as well the nanodisperce low carbon content carbide with parameter 4 02 A 36 Technetium can catalyse the destruction of hydrazine by nitric acid and this property is due to its multiplicity of valencies 37 This caused a problem in the separation of plutonium from uranium in nuclear fuel processing where hydrazine is used as a protective reductant to keep plutonium in the trivalent rather than the more stable tetravalent state The problem was exacerbated by the mutually enhanced solvent extraction of technetium and zirconium at the previous stage 38 and required a process modification Compounds editPertechnetate and derivatives edit Main article Pertechnetate nbsp Pertechnetate is one of the most available forms of technetium It is structurally related to permanganate The most prevalent form of technetium that is easily accessible is sodium pertechnetate Na TcO4 The majority of this material is produced by radioactive decay from 99MoO4 2 39 40 99MoO4 2 99mTcO4 e Pertechnetate TcO 4 is only weakly hydrated in aqueous solutions 41 and it behaves analogously to perchlorate both of which are tetrahedral Unlike permanganate MnO 4 it is only a weak oxidizing agent Related to pertechnetate is technetium heptoxide This pale yellow volatile solid is produced by oxidation of Tc metal and related precursors 4 Tc 7 O2 2 Tc2O7It is a molecular metal oxide analogous to manganese heptoxide It adopts a centrosymmetric structure with two types of Tc O bonds with 167 and 184 pm bond lengths 42 Technetium heptoxide hydrolyzes to pertechnetate and pertechnetic acid depending on the pH 43 44 Tc2O7 2 OH 2 TcO4 H2O Tc2O7 H2O 2 HTcO4HTcO4 is a strong acid In concentrated sulfuric acid TcO4 converts to the octahedral form TcO3 OH H2O 2 the conjugate base of the hypothetical triaquo complex TcO3 H2O 3 45 Other chalcogenide derivatives edit Technetium forms a dioxide 46 disulfide diselenide and ditelluride An ill defined Tc2S7 forms upon treating pertechnate with hydrogen sulfide It thermally decomposes into disulfide and elemental sulfur 47 Similarly the dioxide can be produced by reduction of the Tc2O7 Unlike the case for rhenium a trioxide has not been isolated for technetium However TcO3 has been identified in the gas phase using mass spectrometry 48 Simple hydride and halide complexes edit Technetium forms the simple complex TcH2 9 The potassium salt is isostructural with ReH2 9 49 At high pressure formation of TcH1 3 from elements was also reported 50 nbsp TcCl4 forms chain like structures similar to the behavior of several other metal tetrachlorides The following binary containing only two elements technetium halides are known TcF6 TcF5 TcCl4 TcBr4 TcBr3 a TcCl3 b TcCl3 TcI3 a TcCl2 and b TcCl2 The oxidation states range from Tc VI to Tc II Technetium halides exhibit different structure types such as molecular octahedral complexes extended chains layered sheets and metal clusters arranged in a three dimensional network 51 52 These compounds are produced by combining the metal and halogen or by less direct reactions TcCl4 is obtained by chlorination of Tc metal or Tc2O7 Upon heating TcCl4 gives the corresponding Tc III and Tc II chlorides 52 TcCl4 a TcCl3 1 2 Cl2 TcCl3 b TcCl2 1 2 Cl2The structure of TcCl4 is composed of infinite zigzag chains of edge sharing TcCl6 octahedra It is isomorphous to transition metal tetrachlorides of zirconium hafnium and platinum 52 nbsp Chloro containing coordination complexes of technetium 99Tc in various oxidation states Tc III Tc IV Tc V and Tc VI represented Two polymorphs of technetium trichloride exist a and b TcCl3 The a polymorph is also denoted as Tc3Cl9 It adopts a confacial bioctahedral structure 53 It is prepared by treating the chloro acetate Tc2 O2CCH3 4Cl2 with HCl Like Re3Cl9 the structure of the a polymorph consists of triangles with short M M distances b TcCl3 features octahedral Tc centers which are organized in pairs as seen also for molybdenum trichloride TcBr3 does not adopt the structure of either trichloride phase Instead it has the structure of molybdenum tribromide consisting of chains of confacial octahedra with alternating short and long Tc Tc contacts TcI3 has the same structure as the high temperature phase of TiI3 featuring chains of confacial octahedra with equal Tc Tc contacts 52 Several anionic technetium halides are known The binary tetrahalides can be converted to the hexahalides TcX6 2 X F Cl Br I which adopt octahedral molecular geometry 24 More reduced halides form anionic clusters with Tc Tc bonds The situation is similar for the related elements of Mo W Re These clusters have the nuclearity Tc4 Tc6 Tc8 and Tc13 The more stable Tc6 and Tc8 clusters have prism shapes where vertical pairs of Tc atoms are connected by triple bonds and the planar atoms by single bonds Every technetium atom makes six bonds and the remaining valence electrons can be saturated by one axial and two bridging ligand halogen atoms such as chlorine or bromine 54 Coordination and organometallic complexes edit nbsp Technetium 99mTc sestamibi Cardiolite is widely used for imaging of the heart Technetium forms a variety of coordination complexes with organic ligands Many have been well investigated because of their relevance to nuclear medicine 55 Technetium forms a variety of compounds with Tc C bonds i e organotechnetium complexes Prominent members of this class are complexes with CO arene and cyclopentadienyl ligands 56 The binary carbonyl Tc2 CO 10 is a white volatile solid 57 In this molecule two technetium atoms are bound to each other each atom is surrounded by octahedra of five carbonyl ligands The bond length between technetium atoms 303 pm 58 59 is significantly larger than the distance between two atoms in metallic technetium 272 pm Similar carbonyls are formed by technetium s congeners manganese and rhenium 60 Interest in organotechnetium compounds has also been motivated by applications in nuclear medicine 56 Technetium also forms aquo carbonyl complexes one prominent complex being Tc CO 3 H2O 3 which are unusual compared to other metal carbonyls 56 Isotopes editMain article Isotopes of technetium Technetium with atomic number Z 43 is the lowest numbered element in the periodic table for which all isotopes are radioactive The second lightest exclusively radioactive element promethium has atomic number 61 33 Atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons are less stable than those with even numbers even when the total number of nucleons protons neutrons is even 61 and odd numbered elements have fewer stable isotopes The most stable radioactive isotopes are technetium 97 with a half life of 4 21 million years technetium 98 with 4 2 million years and technetium 99 with 211 100 years 62 Thirty other radioisotopes have been characterized with mass numbers ranging from 85 to 118 63 Most of these have half lives that are less than an hour the exceptions being technetium 93 2 73 hours technetium 94 4 88 hours technetium 95 20 hours and technetium 96 4 3 days 64 The primary decay mode for isotopes lighter than technetium 98 98Tc is electron capture producing molybdenum Z 42 63 For technetium 98 and heavier isotopes the primary mode is beta emission the emission of an electron or positron producing ruthenium Z 44 with the exception that technetium 100 can decay both by beta emission and electron capture 63 65 Technetium also has numerous nuclear isomers which are isotopes with one or more excited nucleons Technetium 97m 97mTc m stands for metastability is the most stable with a half life of 91 days and excitation energy 0 0965 MeV 64 This is followed by technetium 95m 61 days 0 03 MeV and technetium 99m 6 01 hours 0 142 MeV 64 Technetium 99m emits only gamma rays and decays to technetium 99 64 Technetium 99 99Tc is a major product of the fission of uranium 235 235U making it the most common and most readily available isotope of technetium One gram of technetium 99 produces 6 2 108 disintegrations per second in other words the specific activity of 99Tc is 0 62 GBq g 29 Occurrence and production editTechnetium occurs naturally in the Earth s crust in minute concentrations of about 0 003 parts per trillion Technetium is so rare because the half lives of 97Tc and 98Tc are only 4 2 million years More than a thousand of such periods have passed since the formation of the Earth so the probability of survival of even one atom of primordial technetium is effectively zero However small amounts exist as spontaneous fission products in uranium ores A kilogram of uranium contains an estimated 1 nanogram 10 9 g equivalent to ten trillion atoms of technetium 21 66 67 Some red giant stars with the spectral types S M and N contain a spectral absorption line indicating the presence of technetium 25 68 These red giants are known informally as technetium stars Fission waste product edit In contrast to the rare natural occurrence bulk quantities of technetium 99 are produced each year from spent nuclear fuel rods which contain various fission products The fission of a gram of uranium 235 in nuclear reactors yields 27 mg of technetium 99 giving technetium a fission product yield of 6 1 29 Other fissile isotopes produce similar yields of technetium such as 4 9 from uranium 233 and 6 21 from plutonium 239 69 An estimated 49 000 TBq 78 metric tons of technetium was produced in nuclear reactors between 1983 and 1994 by far the dominant source of terrestrial technetium 70 71 Only a fraction of the production is used commercially b Technetium 99 is produced by the nuclear fission of both uranium 235 and plutonium 239 It is therefore present in radioactive waste and in the nuclear fallout of fission bomb explosions Its decay measured in becquerels per amount of spent fuel is the dominant contributor to nuclear waste radioactivity after about 104 to 106 years after the creation of the nuclear waste 70 From 1945 to 1994 an estimated 160 TBq about 250 kg of technetium 99 was released into the environment during atmospheric nuclear tests 70 72 The amount of technetium 99 from nuclear reactors released into the environment up to 1986 is on the order of 1000 TBq about 1600 kg primarily by nuclear fuel reprocessing most of this was discharged into the sea Reprocessing methods have reduced emissions since then but as of 2005 the primary release of technetium 99 into the environment is by the Sellafield plant which released an estimated 550 TBq about 900 kg from 1995 to 1999 into the Irish Sea 71 From 2000 onwards the amount has been limited by regulation to 90 TBq about 140 kg per year 73 Discharge of technetium into the sea resulted in contamination of some seafood with minuscule quantities of this element For example European lobster and fish from west Cumbria contain about 1 Bq kg of technetium 74 75 c Fission product for commercial use edit The metastable isotope technetium 99m is continuously produced as a fission product from the fission of uranium or plutonium in nuclear reactors U 92 238 sf I 53 137 Y 39 99 2 0 1 n displaystyle ce 238 92 U gt ce sf 137 53 I 99 39 Y 2 1 0 n nbsp Y 39 99 1 47 s b Zr 40 99 2 1 s b Nb 41 99 15 0 s b Mo 42 99 65 94 h b Tc 43 99 211 100 y b Ru 44 99 displaystyle ce 99 39 Y gt beta 1 47 ce s 99 40 Zr gt beta 2 1 ce s 99 41 Nb gt beta 15 0 ce s 99 42 Mo gt beta 65 94 ce h 99 43 Tc gt beta 211 100 ce y 99 44 Ru nbsp Because used fuel is allowed to stand for several years before reprocessing all molybdenum 99 and technetium 99m is decayed by the time that the fission products are separated from the major actinides in conventional nuclear reprocessing The liquid left after plutonium uranium extraction PUREX contains a high concentration of technetium as TcO 4 but almost all of this is technetium 99 not technetium 99m 77 The vast majority of the technetium 99m used in medical work is produced by irradiating dedicated highly enriched uranium targets in a reactor extracting molybdenum 99 from the targets in reprocessing facilities 40 and recovering at the diagnostic center the technetium 99m produced upon decay of molybdenum 99 78 79 Molybdenum 99 in the form of molybdate MoO2 4 is adsorbed onto acid alumina Al2 O3 in a shielded column chromatograph inside a technetium 99m generator technetium cow also occasionally called a molybdenum cow Molybdenum 99 has a half life of 67 hours so short lived technetium 99m half life 6 hours which results from its decay is being constantly produced 21 The soluble pertechnetate TcO 4 can then be chemically extracted by elution using a saline solution A drawback of this process is that it requires targets containing uranium 235 which are subject to the security precautions of fissile materials 80 81 nbsp The first technetium 99m generator unshielded 1958 A Tc 99m pertechnetate solution is being eluted from Mo 99 molybdate bound to a chromatographic substrateAlmost two thirds of the world s supply comes from two reactors the National Research Universal Reactor at Chalk River Laboratories in Ontario Canada and the High Flux Reactor at Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group in Petten Netherlands All major reactors that produce technetium 99m were built in the 1960s and are close to the end of life The two new Canadian Multipurpose Applied Physics Lattice Experiment reactors planned and built to produce 200 of the demand of technetium 99m relieved all other producers from building their own reactors With the cancellation of the already tested reactors in 2008 the future supply of technetium 99m became problematic 82 Waste disposal edit The long half life of technetium 99 and its potential to form anionic species creates a major concern for long term disposal of radioactive waste Many of the processes designed to remove fission products in reprocessing plants aim at cationic species such as caesium e g caesium 137 and strontium e g strontium 90 Hence the pertechnetate escapes through those processes Current disposal options favor burial in continental geologically stable rock The primary danger with such practice is the likelihood that the waste will contact water which could leach radioactive contamination into the environment The anionic pertechnetate and iodide tend not to adsorb into the surfaces of minerals and are likely to be washed away By comparison plutonium uranium and caesium tend to bind to soil particles Technetium could be immobilized by some environments such as microbial activity in lake bottom sediments 83 and the environmental chemistry of technetium is an area of active research 84 An alternative disposal method transmutation has been demonstrated at CERN for technetium 99 In this process the technetium technetium 99 as a metal target is bombarded with neutrons to form the short lived technetium 100 half life 16 seconds which decays by beta decay to stable ruthenium 100 If recovery of usable ruthenium is a goal an extremely pure technetium target is needed if small traces of the minor actinides such as americium and curium are present in the target they are likely to undergo fission and form more fission products which increase the radioactivity of the irradiated target The formation of ruthenium 106 half life 374 days from the fresh fission is likely to increase the activity of the final ruthenium metal which will then require a longer cooling time after irradiation before the ruthenium can be used 85 The actual separation of technetium 99 from spent nuclear fuel is a long process During fuel reprocessing it comes out as a component of the highly radioactive waste liquid After sitting for several years the radioactivity reduces to a level where extraction of the long lived isotopes including technetium 99 becomes feasible A series of chemical processes yields technetium 99 metal of high purity 86 Neutron activation edit Molybdenum 99 which decays to form technetium 99m can be formed by the neutron activation of molybdenum 98 87 When needed other technetium isotopes are not produced in significant quantities by fission but are manufactured by neutron irradiation of parent isotopes for example technetium 97 can be made by neutron irradiation of ruthenium 96 88 Particle accelerators edit The feasibility of technetium 99m production with the 22 MeV proton bombardment of a molybdenum 100 target in medical cyclotrons following the reaction 100Mo p 2n 99mTc was demonstrated in 1971 89 The recent shortages of medical technetium 99m reignited the interest in its production by proton bombardment of isotopically enriched gt 99 5 molybdenum 100 targets 90 91 Other techniques are being investigated for obtaining molybdenum 99 from molybdenum 100 via n 2n or g n reactions in particle accelerators 92 93 94 Applications editNuclear medicine and biology edit Main article Technetium 99m nbsp Technetium scintigraphy of a neck of Graves disease patientTechnetium 99m m indicates that this is a metastable nuclear isomer is used in radioactive isotope medical tests For example Technetium 99m is a radioactive tracer that medical imaging equipment tracks in the human body 21 90 It is well suited to the role because it emits readily detectable 140 keV gamma rays and its half life is 6 01 hours meaning that about 94 of it decays to technetium 99 in 24 hours 29 The chemistry of technetium allows it to be bound to a variety of biochemical compounds each of which determines how it is metabolized and deposited in the body and this single isotope can be used for a multitude of diagnostic tests More than 50 common radiopharmaceuticals are based on technetium 99m for imaging and functional studies of the brain heart muscle thyroid lungs liver gall bladder kidneys skeleton blood and tumors 95 The longer lived isotope technetium 95m with a half life of 61 days is used as a radioactive tracer to study the movement of technetium in the environment and in plant and animal systems 96 Industrial and chemical edit Technetium 99 decays almost entirely by beta decay emitting beta particles with consistent low energies and no accompanying gamma rays Moreover its long half life means that this emission decreases very slowly with time It can also be extracted to a high chemical and isotopic purity from radioactive waste For these reasons it is a National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST standard beta emitter and is used for equipment calibration 97 Technetium 99 has also been proposed for optoelectronic devices and nanoscale nuclear batteries 98 Like rhenium and palladium technetium can serve as a catalyst In processes such as the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol it is a far more effective catalyst than either rhenium or palladium However its radioactivity is a major problem in safe catalytic applications 99 When steel is immersed in water adding a small concentration 55 ppm of potassium pertechnetate VII to the water protects the steel from corrosion even if the temperature is raised to 250 C 523 K 100 For this reason pertechnetate has been used as an anodic corrosion inhibitor for steel although technetium s radioactivity poses problems that limit this application to self contained systems 101 While for example CrO2 4 can also inhibit corrosion it requires a concentration ten times as high In one experiment a specimen of carbon steel was kept in an aqueous solution of pertechnetate for 20 years and was still uncorroded 100 The mechanism by which pertechnetate prevents corrosion is not well understood but seems to involve the reversible formation of a thin surface layer passivation One theory holds that the pertechnetate reacts with the steel surface to form a layer of technetium dioxide which prevents further corrosion the same effect explains how iron powder can be used to remove pertechnetate from water The effect disappears rapidly if the concentration of pertechnetate falls below the minimum concentration or if too high a concentration of other ions is added 102 As noted the radioactive nature of technetium 3 MBq L at the concentrations required makes this corrosion protection impractical in almost all situations Nevertheless corrosion protection by pertechnetate ions was proposed but never adopted for use in boiling water reactors 102 Precautions editTechnetium plays no natural biological role and is not normally found in the human body 25 Technetium is produced in quantity by nuclear fission and spreads more readily than many radionuclides It appears to have low chemical toxicity For example no significant change in blood formula body and organ weights and food consumption could be detected for rats which ingested up to 15 µg of technetium 99 per gram of food for several weeks 103 In the body technetium quickly gets converted to the stable TcO 4 ion which is highly water soluble and quickly excreted The radiological toxicity of technetium per unit of mass is a function of compound type of radiation for the isotope in question and the isotope s half life 104 All isotopes of technetium must be handled carefully The most common isotope technetium 99 is a weak beta emitter such radiation is stopped by the walls of laboratory glassware The primary hazard when working with technetium is inhalation of dust such radioactive contamination in the lungs can pose a significant cancer risk For most work careful handling in a fume hood is sufficient and a glove box is not needed 105 Notes edit Irregular crystals and trace impurities raise this transition temperature to 11 2 K for 99 9 pure technetium powder 30 As of 2005 update technetium 99 in the form of ammonium pertechnetate is available to holders of an Oak Ridge National Laboratory permit 25 The anaerobic spore forming bacteria in the Clostridium genus are able to reduce Tc VII to Tc IV Clostridia bacteria play a role in reducing iron manganese and uranium thereby affecting these elements solubility in soil and sediments Their ability to reduce technetium may determine a large part of mobility of technetium in industrial wastes and other subsurface environments 76 References edit a b Technetium technetium III iodide compound data OpenMOPAC net Retrieved 2007 12 10 Mattolat C Gottwald T Raeder S Rothe S Schwellnus F Wendt K Thorle Pospiech P Trautmann N 24 May 2010 Determination of the first ionization potential of technetium Physical Review A 81 052513 doi 10 1103 PhysRevA 81 052513 Cverna Fran 2002 Ch 2 Thermal Expansion ASM Ready Reference Thermal properties of metals PDF ASM International ISBN 978 0 87170 768 0 Weast Robert 1984 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Boca Raton Florida Chemical Rubber Company Publishing pp E110 ISBN 0 8493 0464 4 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae Jonge Pauwels E K 1996 Technetium the missing element European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 23 3 336 44 doi 10 1007 BF00837634 PMID 8599967 S2CID 24026249 a b Holden N E History of the Origin of the Chemical Elements and Their Discoverers Brookhaven National Laboratory Retrieved 2009 05 05 Hermann R 1847 Untersuchungen uber das Ilmenium Journal fur Praktische Chemie 40 457 480 doi 10 1002 prac 184704001110 Yoshihara H K 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Springer pp 392 395 ISBN 978 0 85334 421 6 Schwochau 2000 pp 371 381 Schwochau 2000 p 40 Bibliography editEmsley J 2001 Nature s Building Blocks An A Z Guide to the Elements Oxford England UK Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 850340 8 Greenwood N N Earnshaw A 1997 Chemistry of the Elements 2nd ed Oxford Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978 0 7506 3365 9 Hammond C R 2004 The Elements Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st ed CRC press ISBN 978 0 8493 0485 9 Schwochau K 2000 Technetium Chemistry and Radiopharmaceutical Applications Weinheim Germany Wiley VCH ISBN 978 3 527 29496 1 Further reading edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Technetium Choppin G Liljenzin J O Rydberg J 2002 Nuclear Mass and Stability Radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry 3rd ed Butterworth Heinemann pp 41 57 ISBN 978 0 7506 7463 8 Cotton F A Wilkinson G Murillo C A Bochmann M 1999 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 6th ed New York John Wiley amp Sons Inc ISBN 978 0 471 19957 1 Scerri E R 2007 The Periodic Table Its Story and Its Significance Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 530573 9 Wilson B J ed 1966 The Radiochemical Manual 2nd ed AEA Technology ISBN 978 0 7058 1768 4 EnvironmentalChemistry com Technetium Nudat 2 Archived 2021 04 28 at the Wayback Machine nuclide chart from the National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National LaboratoryExternal links edit nbsp Look up technetium in Wiktionary the free dictionary Technetium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Technetium amp oldid 1189369571, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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