
Timeline of chemical element discoveries

The discovery of the 118 chemical elements known to exist as of 2023 is presented in chronological order. The elements are listed generally in the order in which each was first defined as the pure element, as the exact date of discovery of most elements cannot be accurately determined. There are plans to synthesize more elements, and it is not known how many elements are possible.

Each element's name, atomic number, year of first report, name of the discoverer, and notes related to the discovery are listed.

Periodic table of elements Edit

1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Group →  
↓ Period  
1 1
2 3
3 11
4 19
5 37
6 55
7 87

Pre-modern and early modern discoveries Edit

Z Element Earliest use Oldest
Discoverer(s) Place of
29 Copper 9000 BC 6000 BC Middle East Anatolia Copper was probably the first metal mined and crafted by humans.[1] It was originally obtained as a native metal and later from the smelting of ores. Earliest estimates of the discovery of copper suggest around 9000 BC in the Middle East. It was one of the most important materials to humans throughout the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages. Copper beads dating from 6000 BC have been found in Çatalhöyük, Anatolia[2] and the archaeological site of Belovode on the Rudnik mountain in Serbia contains the world's oldest securely dated evidence of copper smelting from 5000 BC.[3][4] Recognised as an element by Louis Guyton de Morveau, Antoine Lavoisier, Claude Berthollet, and Antoine-François de Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
82 Lead 7000 BC 3800 BC Africa Abydos, Egypt It is believed that lead smelting began at least 9,000 years ago, and the oldest known artifact of lead is a statuette found at the temple of Osiris on the site of Abydos dated around 3800 BC.[6] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
79 Gold Before 6000 BC Before 4000 BC Levant Wadi Qana The earliest gold artifacts were discovered at the site of Wadi Qana in the Levant.[7] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
47 Silver Before 5000 BC ca. 4000 BC Asia Minor Asia Minor Estimated to have been discovered in Asia Minor shortly after copper and gold.[8][9] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
26 Iron Before 5000 BC 4000 BC Middle East Egypt There is evidence that iron was known from before 5000 BC.[10] The oldest known iron objects used by humans are some beads of meteoric iron, made in Egypt in about 4000 BC. The discovery of smelting around 3000 BC led to the start of the Iron Age around 1200 BC[11] and the prominent use of iron for tools and weapons.[12] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
6 Carbon 3750 BC 2500 BC Egyptians and Sumerians Middle East Charcoal and soot were known to the earliest humans.[5] The earliest known use of charcoal was for the reduction of copper, zinc, and tin ores in the manufacture of bronze, by the Egyptians and Sumerians.[13] Diamonds were probably known as early as 2500 BC.[14] True chemical analyses were made in the 18th century,[15] and in 1772 Antoine Lavoisier demonstrated that diamond, graphite, and charcoal are all composed of the same substance.[5] In 1787, de Morveau, Fourcroy, and Lavoisier listed carbon (in French, carbone) as an element, distinguishing it from coal (in French, charbon).[5]
50 Tin 3500 BC 2000 BC Asia Minor Kestel First smelted in combination with copper around 3500 BC to produce bronze (and thus giving place to the Bronze Age in those places where Iron Age did not intrude directly on Neolithic of the Stone Age).[clarification needed][16] Kestel, in southern Turkey, is the site of an ancient Cassiterite mine that was used from 3250 to 1800 BC.[17] The oldest artifacts date from around 2000 BC.[18] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
16 Sulfur Before 2000 BC Middle East Middle East First used at least 4,000 years ago.[19] According to the Ebers Papyrus, a sulfur ointment was used in ancient Egypt to treat granular eyelids.[20] Designated as one of the two elements of which all metals are composed in the sulfur-mercury theory of metals, first described in pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana's Sirr al-khaliqa ('Secret of Creation') and in the works attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyan (both 8th or 9th century).[21] Designated as a univeral element (one of the tria prima) by Paracelsus in the early 16th century. Recognized as an element by Lavoisier in 1777, which was confirmed by Joseph Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Thénard in 1810.[5]
80 Mercury 1500 BC 1500 BC Egyptians Egypt Found in Egyptian tombs dating from 1500 BC.[22] Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787.[5]
30 Zinc Before 1000 BC 1000 BC Indian metallurgists Indian subcontinent Used as a component of brass since antiquity (before 1000 BC) by Indian metallurgists, but its true nature was not understood in ancient times. Zinc smelting was done in China and India around 1300.[5] Identified as a distinct metal in the Rasaratna Samuccaya around the 14th century of the Christian era[23] and by the alchemist Paracelsus in 1526,[24] who gave it its present name and described it as a new metal.[5] P. M. de Respour isolated it from zinc oxide in 1668;[5] the first detailed documentation of zinc isolation was given by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf in 1746.[25]
78 Platinum c. 600 BC – AD 200 c. 600 BC – AD 200 Pre-Columbian South Americans South America Used by pre-Columbian Americans near modern-day Esmeraldas, Ecuador to produce artifacts of a white gold-platinum alloy, although precise dating is difficult.[26] First European description of a metal found in South American gold was in 1557 by Julius Caesar Scaliger. Antonio de Ulloa was on an expedition to Peru in 1735, where he observed the metal; he published his findings in 1748. Sir Charles Wood also investigated the metal in 1741. First reference to it as a new metal was made by William Brownrigg in 1750.[27]
33 Arsenic c. 850–950 c. 850–950 Jabir ibn Hayyan Middle East The use of metallic arsenic was described by the Egyptian alchemist Zosimos.[28] The purification of arsenic was later described in the works attributed to the Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (c. 850–950).[29] Albertus Magnus (c. 1200–1280) is typically credited with the description of the metal in the West,[30] though some question his work and instead credit Vannoccio Biringuccio, whose De la pirotechnia (1540) distinguishes orpiment from crystalline arsenic. The first to unquestionably have prepared metallic arsenic was Johann Schröder in 1641. Recognised as an element after Lavoisier's definition in 1787.[5]
51 Antimony c. 850–950 c. 850–950 Jabir ibn Hayyan Middle East Dioscorides and Pliny both describe the accidental production of metallic antimony from stibnite, but only seem to recognize the metal as lead.[31] The intentional isolation of antimony is described in the works attributed to the Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (c. 850–950).[29] In Europe, the metal was being produced and used by 1540, when it was described by Vannoccio Biringuccio.[32] Described again by Georgius Agricola De re metallica in 1556. Probably first recognised as an element by Lavoisier in 1787.[5]
83 Bismuth c. 1500[33] c. 1500 European alchemists and Inca civilisation Europe and South America Bismuth was known since ancient times, but often confused with tin and lead, which are chemically similar. The Incas used bismuth (along with the usual copper and tin) in a special bronze alloy for knives.[34] Agricola (1546) states that bismuth is a distinct metal in a family of metals including tin and lead. This was based on observation of the metals and their physical properties.[35] Miners in the age of alchemy also gave bismuth the name tectum argenti, or "silver being made" in the sense of silver still in the process of being formed within the Earth.[36][37][38] Beginning with Johann Heinrich Pott in 1738,[39] Carl Wilhelm Scheele, and Torbern Olof Bergman, the distinctness of lead and bismuth became clear, and Claude François Geoffroy demonstrated in 1753 that this metal is distinct from lead and tin.[37][40][41]
15 Phosphorus 1669 H. Brand Prepared and isolated from urine, it was the first element whose discovery date and discoverer is recorded.[42] The last discovery belonging to alchemy rather than modern chemistry. Recognised as an element by Lavoisier.[5]

Modern discoveries Edit

For 18th-century discoveries, around the time that Antoine Lavoisier first questioned the phlogiston theory, the recognition of a new "earth" has been regarded as being equivalent to the discovery of a new element (as was the general practice then).[5]

Z Element Observed or predicted Isolated (widely known) Notes
By By  
27 Cobalt 1735 G. Brandt 1735 G. Brandt Proved that the blue color of glass is due to a new kind of metal and not bismuth as thought previously.[43]
28 Nickel 1751 F. Cronstedt 1751 F. Cronstedt Found by attempting to extract copper from the mineral known as fake copper (now known as niccolite).[44]
12 Magnesium 1755 J. Black 1808 H. Davy Joseph Black observed that magnesia alba (MgO) was not quicklime (CaO) in 1755; until then both substances were confused. Davy isolated the metal electrochemically from magnesia.[45]
20 Calcium 1755 J. Black 1808 H. Davy Joseph Black observed that magnesia alba (MgO) was not quicklime (CaO) in 1755; until then both substances were confused. Davy isolated the metal by electrolysis of quicklime.[46]
13 Aluminium 1756 A. S. Marggraf 1824 H.C.Ørsted In 1746, Johann Heinrich Pott published a treatise distinguishing alum from lime and chalk, and Marggraf precipitated the new earth alumina in 1756.[5] Antoine Lavoisier predicted in 1787 that alumina is the oxide of an undiscovered element, and in 1808 Davy tried to decompose it. Although he failed, he proved Lavoisier correct and suggested the present name.[47][48] Hans Christian Ørsted was the first to isolate metallic aluminium in 1824.[49][50]
11 Sodium 1758 A. S. Marggraf 1807 H. Davy Andreas Sigismund Marggraf recognised the difference between soda ash and potash in 1758, but not all chemists accepted his conclusion. In 1797, Martin Heinrich Klaproth suggested the names natron and kali for the two alkalis (whence the symbols). Davy isolated sodium metal a few days after potassium, by using electrolysis on sodium hydroxide.[46]
19 Potassium 1758 A. S. Marggraf 1807 H. Davy Andreas Sigismund Marggraf recognised the difference between soda ash and potash in 1758, but not all chemists accepted his conclusion. In 1797, Martin Heinrich Klaproth suggested the names natron and kali for the two alkalis (whence the symbols). Davy isolated potassium metal by using electrolysis on potash.[51]
1 Hydrogen 1766 H. Cavendish 1766 H. Cavendish Cavendish was the first to distinguish H
from other gases,[52] although Paracelsus around 1500, Robert Boyle,[53][54] and Joseph Priestley had observed its production by reacting strong acids with metals. Lavoisier named it in 1783.[55][56] It was the first elemental gas known.
9 Fluorine 1771 W. Scheele 1886 H. Moissan Scheele studied fluorspar and correctly concluded it to be the lime (calcium) salt of an acid.[57] Radical fluorique appears on the list of elements in Lavoisier's Traité Élémentaire de Chimie from 1789, but radical muriatique also appears instead of chlorine.[58] André-Marie Ampère again predicted in 1810 that hydrofluoric acid contained an element analogous to chlorine, and between 1812 and 1886 many researchers tried to obtain it. It was eventually isolated by Moissan.[59]
8 Oxygen 1771 W. Scheele 1771 W. Scheele Scheele obtained it by heating mercuric oxide and nitrates in 1771, but did not publish his findings until 1777. Joseph Priestley also prepared this new air by 1774, but only Lavoisier recognized it as a true element; he named it in 1777.[60][61] Before him, Sendivogius had produced oxygen by heating saltpetre, correctly identifying it as the "food of life".[62]
7 Nitrogen 1772 D. Rutherford 1772 D. Rutherford Rutherford discovered nitrogen while studying at the University of Edinburgh.[63] He showed that the air in which animals had breathed, even after removal of the exhaled carbon dioxide, was no longer able to burn a candle. Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Henry Cavendish, and Joseph Priestley also studied the element at about the same time, and Lavoisier named it in 1775–6.[64]
56 Barium 1772 W. Scheele 1808 H. Davy Scheele distinguished a new earth (BaO) in pyrolusite in 1772. He did not name his discovery; Guyton de Morveau suggested barote in 1782.[5] It was changed to baryte in the Méthode de nomenclature chimique of Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau, Antoine Lavoisier, Claude Louis Berthollet, and Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy (1787). Davy isolated the metal by electrolysis.[65]
17 Chlorine 1774 W. Scheele 1774 W. Scheele Obtained it from hydrochloric acid, but thought it was an oxide. Only in 1808 did Humphry Davy recognize it as an element.[66][67]
25 Manganese 1774 W. Scheele 1774 G. Gahn Distinguished pyrolusite as the calx of a new metal. Ignatius Gottfred Kaim is sometimes listed as also having discovered the new metal in 1770, as did Scheele in 1774. It was isolated by reduction of manganese dioxide with carbon.[68]
42 Molybdenum 1778 W. Scheele 1781 J. Hjelm Scheele recognised the metal as a constituent of molybdena.[69]
74 Tungsten 1781 W. Scheele 1783 J. and F. Elhuyar Scheele showed that scheelite (then called tungsten) was a salt of calcium with a new acid, which he called tungstic acid. The Elhuyars obtained tungstic acid from wolframite and reduced it with charcoal, naming the element "volfram".[5][70] Since that time both names, tungsten and wolfram, have been used depending on language.[5] In 1949 IUPAC made wolfram the scientific name, but this was repealed after protest in 1951 in favour of recognising both names pending a further review (which never materialised). Currently only tungsten is recognised for use in English.[67]
52 Tellurium 1782 F.-J.M. von Reichenstein 1798 H. Klaproth Muller observed it as an impurity in gold ores from Transylvania.[71] Klaproth isolated it in 1798.[67]
38 Strontium 1787 W. Cruikshank 1808 H. Davy W. Cruikshank in 1787 and Adair Crawford in 1790 concluded that strontianite contained a new earth. It was eventually isolated electrochemically in 1808 by Davy.[72]
5 Boron 1787 L. Guyton de Morveau, A. Lavoisier, C. L. Berthollet, and A. de Fourcroy 1808 H. Davy In 1787, radical boracique appeared in the Méthode de nomenclature chimique of Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau, Antoine Lavoisier, Claude Louis Berthollet, and Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy.[5] It also appears in Lavoisier's Traité Élémentaire de Chimie from 1789.[58] On June 21, 1808, Lussac and Thénard announced a new element in sedative salt, Davy announced the isolation of a new substance from boracic acid on June 30.[73] Davy then prepared a pure sample via electrolysis.[67]
14 Silicon 1789 A. Lavoisier 1823 J. Berzelius Silica appears as a "simple earth" in the Méthode de nomenclature chimique, and in 1789 Lavoisier concluded that the element must exist.[5] Davy thought in 1800 that silica was a compound, not an element, and in 1808 he proved this although he could not isolate the element, and suggested the present name.[74][75] In 1811 Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac and Louis-Jacques Thénard probably prepared impure silicon,[76] and Berzelius obtained the pure element in 1823.[77]
1789 A. Lavoisier Lavoisier writes the first modern list of chemical elements – containing 33 elements including light and heat but omitting Na, K (he was unsure of whether soda and potash without carbonic acid, i.e. Na2O and K2O, are simple substances or compounds like NH3),[78] Sr, Te; some elements were listed in the table as unextracted "radicals" (Cl, F, B) or as oxides (Ca, Mg, Ba, Al, Si).[58] He also redefines the term "element". Until then, no metals except mercury were considered elements.
40 Zirconium 1789 H. Klaproth 1824 J. Berzelius Martin Heinrich Klaproth identified a new oxide in zircon in 1789,[79][80] and in 1808 Davy showed that this oxide has a metallic base although he could not isolate it.[81][82]
92 Uranium 1789 H. Klaproth 1841 E.-M. Péligot Klaproth mistakenly identified a uranium oxide obtained from pitchblende as the element itself and named it after the recently discovered planet Uranus.[83][84]
22 Titanium 1791 W. Gregor 1825 J. Berzelius Gregor found an oxide of a new metal in ilmenite; Klaproth independently discovered the element in rutile in 1795 and named it. The pure metallic form was only obtained in 1910 by Matthew A. Hunter.[85][86]
39 Yttrium 1794 J. Gadolin 1843 H. Rose Johan Gadolin discovered the earth in gadolinite in 1794, but Mosander showed later that its ore, yttria, contained more elements.[87][88] In 1808, Davy showed that yttria is a metallic oxide, although he could not isolate the metal.[89][90] Wöhler mistakenly thought he had isolated the metal in 1828 from a volatile chloride he supposed to be yttrium chloride,[91][92] but Rose proved otherwise in 1843 and correctly isolated the element himself that year.
24 Chromium 1797 N. Vauquelin 1798 N. Vauquelin Vauquelin analysed the composition of crocoite ore in 1797, and later isolated the metal by heating the oxide in a charcoal oven.[5][93][94]
4 Beryllium 1798 N. Vauquelin 1828 F. Wöhler and A. Bussy Vauquelin discovered the oxide in beryl and emerald in 1798, and in 1808 Davy showed that this oxide has a metallic base although he could not isolate it.[95][96] Vauquelin was uncertain about the name to give to the oxide: in 1798 he called it la terre du beril, but the journal editors named it glucine after the sweet taste of beryllium compounds (which are highly toxic). Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link proposed in 1799 to change the name from Glucine to Beryllerde or Berylline (because glucine resembled glycine), a suggestion taken up by Klaproth in 1800 in the form beryllina. Klaproth had independently worked on beryl and emerald and likewise concluded that a new element was present. The name beryllium for the element was first used by Wöhler upon its isolation (Davy used the name glucium). Both names beryllium and glucinium were used (the latter mostly in France) until IUPAC decided on the name beryllium in 1949.[5]
23 Vanadium 1801 A. M. del Río 1867 H.E.Roscoe Andrés Manuel del Río found the metal (calling it erythronium) in vanadinite in 1801, but the claim was rejected after Hippolyte Victor Collet-Descotils dismissed it as chromium based on erroneous and superficial testing.[97] Nils Gabriel Sefström rediscovered the element in 1830 and named it vanadium. Friedrich Wöhler then showed that vanadium was identical to erythronium and thus that del Río had been right in the first place.[98][99] Del Río then argued passionately that his old claim be recognised, but the element kept the name vanadium.[99]
41 Niobium 1801 C. Hatchett 1864 W. Blomstrand Hatchett found the element in columbite ore and named it columbium. In 1809, W. H. Wollaston claimed that columbium and tantalum are identical, which proved to be false.[67] Heinrich Rose proved in 1844 that the element is distinct from tantalum, and renamed it niobium. American scientists generally used the name columbium, while European ones used niobium. Niobium was officially accepted by IUPAC in 1949.[100]
73 Tantalum 1802 G. Ekeberg Ekeberg found another element in minerals similar to columbite, and named it after Tantalus from Greek mythology because of its inability to be dissolved by acids (just as Tantalus was tantalised by water that receded when he tried to drink it).[67] In 1809, W. H. Wollaston claimed that columbium and tantalum are identical, which proved to be false.[67] In 1844, Heinrich Rose proved that the elements were distinct and renamed columbium to niobium (Niobe is the daughter of Tantalus).[101]
46 Palladium 1802 W. H. Wollaston 1802 W. H. Wollaston Wollaston discovered it in samples of platinum from South America, but did not publish his results immediately. He had intended to name it after the newly discovered asteroid, Ceres, but by the time he published his results in 1804, cerium had taken that name. Wollaston named it after the more recently discovered asteroid Pallas.[102]
58 Cerium 1803 H. Klaproth, J. Berzelius, and W. Hisinger 1838 G. Mosander Berzelius and Hisinger discovered the element in ceria and named it after the newly discovered asteroid (then considered a planet), Ceres. Klaproth discovered it simultaneously and independently in some tantalum samples. Mosander proved later that the samples of all three researchers had at least another element in them, lanthanum.[103]
76 Osmium 1803 S. Tennant 1803 S. Tennant Tennant had been working on samples of South American platinum in parallel with Wollaston and discovered two new elements, which he named osmium and iridium.[104]
77 Iridium 1803 S. Tennant and H.-V. Collet-Descotils 1803 S. Tennant Tennant had been working on samples of South American platinum in parallel with Wollaston and discovered two new elements, which he named osmium and iridium, and published the iridium results in 1804.[105] Collet-Descotils also found iridium the same year, but not osmium.[67]
45 Rhodium 1804 H. Wollaston 1804 H. Wollaston Wollaston discovered and isolated it from crude platinum samples from South America.[106]
53 Iodine 1811 B. Courtois 1811 B. Courtois Courtois discovered it in the ashes of seaweed.[107] The name was given by Davy in 1813.[67]
3 Lithium 1817 A. Arfwedson 1821 W. T. Brande Arfwedson discovered the alkali in petalite.[108]
48 Cadmium 1817 S. L Hermann, F. Stromeyer, and J.C.H. Roloff 1817 S. L Hermann, F. Stromeyer, and J.C.H. Roloff All three found an unknown metal in a sample of zinc oxide from Silesia, but the name that Stromeyer gave became the accepted one.[109]
34 Selenium 1817 J. Berzelius and G. Gahn 1817 J. Berzelius and G. Gahn While working with lead they discovered a substance that they thought was tellurium, but realized after more investigation that it was different.[110]
35 Bromine 1825 J. Balard and C. Löwig 1825 J. Balard and C. Löwig They both discovered the element in the autumn of 1825. Balard published his results the next year,[111] but Löwig did not publish until 1827.[112]
90 Thorium 1829 J. Berzelius 1914 D. Lely, Jr. and L. Hamburger Berzelius obtained the oxide of a new earth in thorite.[113]
57 Lanthanum 1838 G. Mosander 1841 G. Mosander Mosander found a new element in samples of ceria and published his results in 1842, but later he showed that this lanthana contained four more elements.[114]
60 Neodymium 1841 G. Mosander 1885 C. A. von Welsbach Discovered by Mosander and called didymium. Carl Auer von Welsbach later split it into two elements, praseodymium and neodymium. Neodymium had formed the greater part of the old didymium and received the prefix "neo-".[67][115]
68 Erbium 1843 G. Mosander 1879 T. Cleve Mosander managed to split the old yttria into yttria proper and erbia, and later terbia too.[116]
65 Terbium 1843 G. Mosander 1886 J.C.G. de Marignac Mosander managed to split the old yttria into yttria proper and erbia, and later terbia too.[117]
44 Ruthenium 1844 K. Claus 1844 K. Claus Gottfried Wilhelm Osann thought that he found three new metals in Russian platinum samples, and in 1844 Karl Karlovich Klaus confirmed that there was a new element.[118]
55 Caesium 1860 R. Bunsen and R. Kirchhoff 1882 C. Setterberg Bunsen and Kirchhoff were the first to suggest finding new elements by spectrum analysis. They discovered caesium by its two blue emission lines in a sample of Dürkheim mineral water.[119] The pure metal was eventually isolated in 1882 by Setterberg.[120]
37 Rubidium 1861 R. Bunsen and G. R. Kirchhoff Hevesy Bunsen and Kirchhoff discovered it just a few months after caesium, by observing new spectral lines in the mineral lepidolite. Bunsen never obtained a pure sample of the metal, which was later obtained by Hevesy.[121]
81 Thallium 1861 W. Crookes 1862 C.-A. Lamy Shortly after the discovery of rubidium, Crookes found a new green line in a selenium sample; later that year, Lamy found the element to be metallic.[122]
49 Indium 1863 F. Reich and T. Richter 1867 T. Richter Reich and Richter first identified it in sphalerite by its bright indigo-blue spectroscopic emission line. Richter isolated the metal several years later.[123]
2 Helium 1868 N. Lockyer 1895 W. Ramsay, T. Cleve, and N. Langlet P. Janssen and Lockyer observed independently a yellow line in the solar spectrum that did not match any other element. However, only Lockyer made the correct conclusion that it was due to a new element. This was the first observation of a noble gas, located in the Sun. Years later after the isolation of argon on Earth, Ramsay, Cleve, and Langlet observed independently helium trapped in cleveite.[124]
1869 D. I. Mendeleev Mendeleev arranges the 63 elements known at that time (omitting terbium, as chemists were unsure of its existence, and helium, as it was not found on Earth) into the first modern periodic table and correctly predicts several others.
31 Gallium 1875 P. E. L. de Boisbaudran P. E. L. de Boisbaudran Boisbaudran observed on a pyrenea blende sample some emission lines corresponding to the eka-aluminium that was predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 and subsequently isolated the element by electrolysis.[125][126]
70 Ytterbium 1878 J.C.G. de Marignac 1906 C. A. von Welsbach On October 22, 1878, Marignac reported splitting terbia into two new earths, terbia proper and ytterbia.[127]
67 Holmium 1878 J.-L. Soret and M. Delafontaine 1879 T. Cleve Soret found it in samarskite and later, Per Teodor Cleve split Marignac's erbia into erbia proper and two new elements, thulium and holmium. Delafontaine's philippium turned out to be identical to what Soret found.[128][129]
21 Scandium 1879 F. Nilson 1879 F. Nilson Nilson split Marignac's ytterbia into pure ytterbia and a new element that matched Mendeleev's 1871 predicted eka-boron.[130]
69 Thulium 1879 T. Cleve 1879 T. Cleve Cleve split Marignac's erbia into erbia proper and two new elements, thulium and holmium.[131]
62 Samarium 1879 P.E.L. de Boisbaudran 1879 P.E.L. de Boisbaudran Boisbaudran noted a new earth in samarskite and named it samaria after the mineral.[132]
64 Gadolinium 1880 J. C. G. de Marignac 1886 P.E.L. de Boisbaudran Marignac initially observed the new earth in terbia, and later Boisbaudran obtained a pure sample from samarskite.[133]
59 Praseodymium 1885 C. A. von Welsbach Carl Auer von Welsbach discovered it in Mosander's didymia.[134]
32 Germanium 1886 C. A. Winkler In February 1886 Winkler found in argyrodite the eka-silicon that Mendeleev had predicted in 1871.[135]
66 Dysprosium 1886 P.E.L. de Boisbaudran 1905 G. Urbain De Boisbaudran found a new earth in erbia.[136]
18 Argon 1894 Lord Rayleigh and W. Ramsay 1894 Lord Rayleigh and W. Ramsay They discovered the gas by comparing the molecular weights of nitrogen prepared by liquefaction from air and nitrogen prepared by chemical means. It is the first noble gas to be isolated.[137]
63 Europium 1896 E.-A. Demarçay 1901 E.-A. Demarçay Demarçay found spectral lines of a new element in Lecoq's samarium, and separated this element several years later.[138]
36 Krypton 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers On May 30, 1898, Ramsay separated a noble gas from liquid argon by difference in boiling point.[139]
10 Neon 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers In June 1898 Ramsay separated a new noble gas from liquid argon by difference in boiling point.[139]
54 Xenon 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers 1898 W. Ramsay and W. Travers On July 12, 1898 Ramsay separated a third noble gas within three weeks, from liquid argon by difference in boiling point.[140]
84 Polonium 1898 P. and M. Curie 1902 W. Marckwald In an experiment done on July 13, 1898, the Curies noted an increased radioactivity in the uranium obtained from pitchblende, which they ascribed to an unknown element. Independently rediscovered and isolated in 1902 by Marckwald, who named it radiotellurium.[141]
88 Radium 1898 P. and M. Curie 1902 M. Curie The Curies reported on December 26, 1898, a new element different from polonium, which Marie later isolated from uraninite.[142]
86 Radon 1899 E. Rutherford and R. B. Owens 1910 W. Ramsay and R. Whytlaw-Gray Rutherford and Owens discovered a radioactive gas resulting from the radioactive decay of thorium, isolated later by Ramsay and Gray. In 1900, Friedrich Ernst Dorn discovered a longer-lived isotope of the same gas from the radioactive decay of radium. Since "radon" was first used to specifically designate Dorn's isotope before it became the name for the element, he is often mistakenly given credit for the latter instead of the former.[143][144]
89 Actinium 1902 F. O. Giesel 1903 F. O. Giesel Giesel obtained from pitchblende a substance that had properties similar to those of lanthanum and named it emanium.[145] André-Louis Debierne had previously (in 1899 and 1900) reported the discovery of a new element actinium that was supposedly similar to titanium and thorium, which cannot have included much actual element 89. But by 1904, when Giesel and Debierne met, both had radiochemically pure element 89, and so Debierne has generally been given credit for the discovery.[146]
71 Lutetium 1906 C. A. von Welsbach and G. Urbain 1906 C. A. von Welsbach von Welsbach proved that the old ytterbium also contained a new element, which he named cassiopeium (he renamed the larger part of the old ytterbium to aldebaranium). Urbain also proved this at about the same time (von Welsbach's paper was published first, but Urbain sent his to the editor first), naming the new element lutetium and the old one neoytterbium (which later reverted back to ytterbium). However, Urbain's samples were very impure and only contained trace quantities of the new element. Despite this, his chosen name lutetium was adopted by the International Committee of Atomic Weights, whose membership included Urbain. The German Atomic Weights Commission adopted cassiopeium for the next forty years. Finally in 1949 IUPAC decided in favour of the name lutetium as it was more often used.[67][147]
91 Protactinium 1913 O. H. Göhring and K. Fajans 1927 A. von Grosse The two obtained the first isotope of this element, 234mPa, that had been predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 as a member of the natural decay of 238U: they named it brevium. A longer-lived isotope 231Pa was found in 1918 by Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner, and was named by them protoactinium: since it is longer-lived, it gave the element its name. Protoactinium was changed to protactinium in 1949.[148] Originally isolated in 1900 by William Crookes, who nevertheless did not recognize that it was a new element.[149]
72 Hafnium 1922 D. Coster and G. von Hevesy 1922 D. Coster and G. von Hevesy Georges Urbain claimed to have found the element in rare-earth residues, while Vladimir Vernadsky independently found it in orthite. Neither claim was confirmed due to World War I, and neither could be confirmed later, as the chemistry they reported does not match that now known for hafnium. After the war, Coster and Hevesy found it by X-ray spectroscopic analysis in Norwegian zircon.[150]
75 Rhenium 1925 W. Noddack, I. Noddack, O. Berg 1928 W. Noddack, I. Noddack In 1925 Walter Noddack, Ida Eva Tacke and Otto Berg announced its separation from gadolinite and gave it the present name.[151][152] Masataka Ogawa claimed to have found a new element in thorianite in 1908, but assigned it as element 43 and named it nipponium;[153] the Japanese nuclear chemist Kenji Yoshihara has attempted to reinterpret Ogawa's data as a discovery of rhenium, but the evidence for this is insufficiently conclusive.[154] Rhenium was the last stable element to be discovered.
43 Technetium 1937 C. Perrier and E. Segrè 1937 C. Perrier & E. Segrè The two discovered a new element in a molybdenum sample that was used in a cyclotron, the first element to be discovered by synthesis. It had been predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 as eka-manganese.[155][156][157] In 1952, Paul W. Merrill found its spectral lines in S-type red giants.[158] Minuscule trace quantities were finally found on Earth in 1962 by B. T. Kenna and Paul K. Kuroda: they isolated it from Belgian Congo pitchblende, where it occurs as a spontaneous fission product of uranium.[159] The Noddacks (discoverers of rhenium) claimed to have discovered element 43 in 1925 as well and named it masurium (after Masuria), but their claims were disproven by Kuroda, who calculated that there cannot have been enough technetium in their samples to have enabled a true detection.[160]
87 Francium 1939 M. Perey Perey discovered it as a decay product of 227Ac.[161] Francium was the last element to be discovered in nature, rather than synthesized in the lab, although four of the "synthetic" elements that were discovered later (plutonium, neptunium, astatine, and promethium) were eventually found in trace amounts in nature as well.[162] Before Perey, it is likely that Stefan Meyer, Viktor F. Hess, and Friedrich Paneth had observed the decay of 227Ac to 223Fr in Vienna in 1914, but they could not follow up and secure their work because of the outbreak of World War I.[162]
93 Neptunium 1940 E.M. McMillan and H. Abelson Obtained by irradiating uranium with neutrons, it was the first transuranium element discovered.[163] Natural traces were found in Belgian Congo pitchblende by D. F. Peppard et al. in 1952.[164]
85 Astatine 1940 R. Corson, R. MacKenzie and E. Segrè Obtained by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles.[165] In 1943, Berta Karlik and Traude Bernert found it in nature; due to World War II, they were initially unaware of Corson et al.'s results.[166] Horia Hulubei and Yvette Cauchois had previously claimed its discovery as a natural radioelement from 1936, naming it dor: they likely did have the isotope 218At, and probably did have enough sensitivity to distinguish its spectral lines. But they could not chemically identify their discovery, and their work was doubted because of an earlier false claim by Hulubei to having discovered element 87.[167][168]
94 Plutonium 1941 Glenn T. Seaborg, Arthur C. Wahl, W. Kennedy and E.M. McMillan Prepared by bombardment of uranium with deuterons.[169] Seaborg and Morris L. Perlman then found it as traces in natural Canadian pitchblende in 1941–1942, though this work was kept secret until 1948.[170]
96 Curium 1944 Glenn T. Seaborg, Ralph A. James and Albert Ghiorso Prepared by bombarding plutonium with alpha particles during the Manhattan Project[171]
95 Americium 1944 G. T. Seaborg, R. A. James, O. Morgan and A. Ghiorso Prepared by irradiating plutonium with neutrons during the Manhattan Project.[172]
61 Promethium 1945 Charles D. Coryell, Jacob A. Marinsky, and Lawrence E. Glendenin 1945 Charles D. Coryell, Jacob A. Marinsky, and Lawrence E. Glendenin[173][174] It was probably first prepared at the Ohio State University in 1942 by bombarding neodymium and praseodymium with neutrons, but separation of the element could not be carried out. Isolation was performed under the Manhattan Project in 1945.[175] Found on Earth in trace quantities by Olavi Erämetsä in 1965; so far, promethium is the most recent element to have been found on Earth.[176]
97 Berkelium 1949 G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso and G. T. Seaborg (University of California, Berkeley) Created by bombardment of americium with alpha particles.[177]
98 Californium 1950 S. G. Thompson, K. Street, Jr., A. Ghiorso and G. T. Seaborg (University of California, Berkeley) Bombardment of curium with alpha particles.[178]
99 Einsteinium 1952 A. Ghiorso et al. (Argonne Laboratory, Los Alamos Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley) 1952 Formed in the first thermonuclear explosion in November 1952, by irradiation of uranium with neutrons; kept secret for several years.[179]
100 Fermium 1953 A. Ghiorso et al. (Argonne Laboratory, Los Alamos Laboratory and University of California, Berkeley) Formed in the first thermonuclear explosion in November 1952, by irradiation of uranium with neutrons; first identified in early 1953; kept secret for several years.[180]
101 Mendelevium 1955 A. Ghiorso, G. Harvey, G. R. Choppin, S. G. Thompson and G. T. Seaborg (Berkeley Radiation Laboratory) Prepared by bombardment of einsteinium with helium.[181]
103 Lawrencium 1961 A. Ghiorso, T. Sikkeland, E. Larsh and M. Latimer (Berkeley Radiation Laboratory) First prepared by bombardment of californium with boron atoms.[182]
102 Nobelium 1966 E. D. Donets, V. A. Shchegolev and V. A. Ermakov (JINR in Dubna) First prepared by bombardment of uranium with neon atoms[183]
104 Rutherfordium 1969 A. Ghiorso et al. (Berkeley Radiation Laboratory) and I. Zvara et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of californium with carbon atoms by Albert Ghiorso's team and by bombardment of plutonium with neon atoms by Zvara's team.[184]
105 Dubnium 1970 A. Ghiorso et al. (Berkeley Radiation Laboratory) and V. A. Druin et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of californium with nitrogen atoms by Ghiorso's team and by bombardment of americium with neon atoms by Druin's team.[185]
106 Seaborgium 1974 A. Ghiorso et al. (Berkeley Radiation Laboratory) Prepared by bombardment of californium with oxygen atoms.[186]
107 Bohrium 1981 G.Münzenberg et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Obtained by bombarding bismuth with chromium.[187]
109 Meitnerium 1982 G. Münzenberg, P. Armbruster et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Prepared by bombardment of bismuth with iron atoms.[188]
108 Hassium 1984 G. Münzenberg, P. Armbruster et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Prepared by bombardment of lead with iron atoms[189]
110 Darmstadtium 1994 S. Hofmann et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Prepared by bombardment of lead with nickel[190]
111 Roentgenium 1994 S. Hofmann et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Prepared by bombardment of bismuth with nickel[191]
112 Copernicium 1996 S. Hofmann et al. (GSI in Darmstadt) Prepared by bombardment of lead with zinc.[192][193]
114 Flerovium 1999 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of plutonium with calcium. It may have already been found at Dubna in 1998, but that result has not been confirmed.[194]
116 Livermorium 2000 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of curium with calcium[195]
118 Oganesson 2002 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of californium with calcium[196]
115 Moscovium 2003 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of americium with calcium[197]
113 Nihonium 2003–2004 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) and K. Morita et al. (RIKEN in Wako, Japan) Prepared by decay of moscovium by Oganessian's team[197] and bombardment of bismuth with zinc by Morita's team.[198] Both teams began their experiments in 2003; Oganessian's team detected its first atom in 2003, but Morita's only in 2004. However, both teams published in 2004.
117 Tennessine 2009 Y. Oganessian et al. (JINR in Dubna) Prepared by bombardment of berkelium with calcium[199]

Graphics Edit

Graph of number of known chemical elements from 1650 until present

See also Edit

References Edit

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  22. ^ . Environment Canada, Federal Government of Canada. 2004. Archived from the original on 2007-01-15. Retrieved 2008-03-27.
  23. ^ Craddock, P. T. et al. (1983), "Zinc production in medieval India", World Archaeology 15 (2), Industrial Archaeology, p. 13
  24. ^ "30 Zinc". Elements.vanderkrogt.net. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  25. ^ Weeks, Mary Elvira (1933). "III. Some Eighteenth-Century Metals". The Discovery of the Elements. Easton, PA: Journal of Chemical Education. p. 21. ISBN 0-7661-3872-0.
  26. ^ David A. Scott and Warwick Bray (1980). "Ancient Platinum Technology in South America: Its use by the Indians in Pre-Hispanic Times". Platinum Metals Review. Retrieved 5 Nov 2018.
  27. ^ "78 Platinum". Elements.vanderkrogt.net. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  28. ^ Holmyard, Eric John (1957). Alchemy. Courier Corporation. ISBN 9780486262987. Retrieved 26 January 2018.
  29. ^ a b Sarton, George (1927–1948). Introduction to the History of Science. Vol. I–III. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. OCLC 476555889. vol. I, p. 532: "We find in them [sc. the works attributed to Jabir] [...] preparation of various substances (e. g., basic lead carbonate; arsenic and antimony from their sulphides)." On the dating of the writings attributed to Jabir, see Kraus 1942–1943, vol. I, pp. xvii–lxv.
  30. ^ Emsley, John (2001). Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198503415. Retrieved 28 February 2018.
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  32. ^ Biringuccio, Vannoccio (1959). Pirotechnia. Courier Corporation. pp. 91–92. ISBN 9780486261348. Retrieved 31 January 2018. Probably metallic antimony was being produced in Germany in Biringuccio's time, for later in this chapter he mentions importation of cakes of the smelted (or melted) metal to alloy with pewter or bell metal.
  33. ^ Bismuth - Royal Society of Chemistry
  34. ^ Gordon, Robert B.; Rutledge, John W. (1984). "Bismuth Bronze from Machu Picchu, Peru". Science. 223 (4636): 585–586. Bibcode:1984Sci...223..585G. doi:10.1126/science.223.4636.585. JSTOR 1692247. PMID 17749940. S2CID 206572055.
  35. ^ Agricola, Georgious (1955) [1546]. De Natura Fossilium. New York: Mineralogical Society of America. p. 178.
  36. ^ Nicholson, William (1819). "Bismuth". American edition of the British encyclopedia: Or, Dictionary of Arts and sciences; comprising an accurate and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge. p. 181.
  37. ^ a b Weeks, Mary Elvira (1932). "The discovery of the elements. II. Elements known to the alchemists". Journal of Chemical Education. 9 (1): 11. Bibcode:1932JChEd...9...11W. doi:10.1021/ed009p11.
  38. ^ Giunta, Carmen J. "Glossary of Archaic Chemical Terms". Le Moyne College. See also for other terms for bismuth, including stannum glaciale (glacial tin or ice-tin).
  39. ^ Pott, Johann Heinrich (1738). "De Wismutho". Exercitationes Chymicae. Berolini: Apud Johannem Andream Rüdigerum. p. 134.
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  47. ^ Bache, Franklin (1819). A System of Chemistry for the Use of Students of Medicine. Philadelphia: William Fry. p. 135. ISBN 9780608435060.
  48. ^ Davy, Humphry (1812). Elements of Chemical Philosophy. London: W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row. pp. 354–357. ISBN 9780598818836.
  49. ^ "13 Aluminium". Elements.vanderkrogt.net. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  50. ^ Örsted, H. C. (1825). Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhanlingar og dets Medlemmerz Arbeider, fra 31 Mai 1824 til 31 Mai 1825 [Overview of the Royal Danish Science Society's Proceedings and the Work of its Members, from 31 May 1824 to 31 May 1825] (in Danish). pp. 15–16.
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  52. ^ Cavendish, H. (1766). "XIX. Three papers, containing experiments on factitious air". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 56: 141–184. doi:10.1098/rstl.1766.0019. ISSN 0261-0523. S2CID 186209704.
  53. ^ Boyle, R. (1672). Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle containing New experiments, touching the relation betwixt flame and air, and about explosions, an hydrostatical discourse occasion'd by some objections of Dr. Henry More against some explications of new experiments made by the author of these tracts: To which is annex't, an hydrostatical letter, dilucidating an experiment about a way of weighing water in water, new experiments, of the positive or relative levity of bodies under water, of the air's spring on bodies under water, about the differing pressure of heavy solids and fluids. Printed for Richard Davis. pp. 64–65.
  54. ^ Weeks, Mary Elvira. (1945). Discovery of the elements (5th ed.). Journal of Chemical Education. p. 83.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  55. ^ "01 Hydrogen". Elements.vanderkrogt.net. Retrieved 2008-09-12.
  56. ^ Andrews, A. C. (1968). "Oxygen". In Clifford A. Hampel (ed.). The Encyclopedia of the Chemical Elements. New York: Reinhold Book Corporation. pp. 272. LCCN 68-29938.
  57. ^ Waggoner, William H. (1976). "The Naming of Fluorine". Journal of Chemical Education. 53 (1): 27. Bibcode:1976JChEd..53Q..27W. doi:10.1021/ed053p27.1.
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External links Edit

  • History of the Origin of the Chemical Elements and Their Discoverers Last updated by Boris Pritychenko on March 30, 2004
  • History of Elements of the Periodic Table
  • Timeline of Element Discoveries
  • The Historyscoper
  • Discovery of the Elements – The Movie – YouTube (1:18)
  • The History Of Metals Timeline. A timeline showing the discovery of metals and the development of metallurgy.
  • —Eric Scerri, 2007, The periodic table: Its story and its significance, Oxford University Press, New York, ISBN 9780195305739

timeline, chemical, element, discoveries, discovery, chemical, elements, known, exist, 2023, presented, chronological, order, elements, listed, generally, order, which, each, first, defined, pure, element, exact, date, discovery, most, elements, cannot, accura. The discovery of the 118 chemical elements known to exist as of 2023 is presented in chronological order The elements are listed generally in the order in which each was first defined as the pure element as the exact date of discovery of most elements cannot be accurately determined There are plans to synthesize more elements and it is not known how many elements are possible Each element s name atomic number year of first report name of the discoverer and notes related to the discovery are listed Contents 1 Periodic table of elements 2 Pre modern and early modern discoveries 3 Modern discoveries 4 Graphics 5 See also 6 References 7 External linksPeriodic table of elements EditPeriodic table by era of discovery vte1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Group Period 1 1H 2He2 3Li 4Be 5B 6C 7N 8O 9F 10Ne3 11Na 12Mg 13Al 14Si 15P 16S 17Cl 18Ar4 19K 20Ca 21Sc 22Ti 23V 24Cr 25Mn 26Fe 27Co 28Ni 29Cu 30Zn 31Ga 32Ge 33As 34Se 35Br 36Kr5 37Rb 38Sr 39Y 40Zr 41Nb 42Mo 43Tc 44Ru 45Rh 46Pd 47Ag 48Cd 49In 50Sn 51Sb 52Te 53I 54Xe6 55Cs 56Ba nbsp 71Lu 72Hf 73Ta 74W 75Re 76Os 77Ir 78Pt 79Au 80Hg 81Tl 82Pb 83Bi 84Po 85At 86Rn7 87Fr 88Ra nbsp 103Lr 104Rf 105Db 106Sg 107Bh 108Hs 109Mt 110Ds 111Rg 112Cn 113Nh 114Fl 115Mc 116Lv 117Ts 118Og nbsp 57La 58Ce 59Pr 60Nd 61Pm 62Sm 63Eu 64Gd 65Tb 66Dy 67Ho 68Er 69Tm 70Yb nbsp 89Ac 90Th 91Pa 92U 93Np 94Pu 95Am 96Cm 97Bk 98Cf 99Es 100Fm 101Md 102No Background color shows age of discovery Antiquity to 1700 1700 1799 1800 1849 1850 1899 1900 1949 1950 1999 Since 2000 15 elements Antiquity to 1700 ancient and alchemical discoveries 26 elements Discoveries during the Scientific Revolution and the age of enlightenment part of the gradual rejection of the Aristotelian theory of matter and Lavoisier s definition of a chemical element 19 elements The chemical and industrial revolutions lead to the standardization of chemical techniques and the development of atomic theory for chemistry 23 elements The age of classifying elements and Mendeleev s periodic table application of spectrum analysis techniques Boisbaudran Bunsen Crookes Kirchhoff and others hunting emission line signatures 14 elements Developments in X ray spectroscopy and radiochemistry allows for many radioactive elements and the final stable elements to be discovered recognition of the atomic number as defining an element 16 elements Post Manhattan project synthesis of atomic numbers 98 and above colliders bombardment techniques nuclear reactors 5 elements Recent synthesisPrimordial From decay Synthetic Border shows natural occurrence of the elementPre modern and early modern discoveries EditZ Element Earliest use Oldest existing sample Discoverer s Place of oldest sample Notes29 Copper 9000 BC 6000 BC Middle East Anatolia Copper was probably the first metal mined and crafted by humans 1 It was originally obtained as a native metal and later from the smelting of ores Earliest estimates of the discovery of copper suggest around 9000 BC in the Middle East It was one of the most important materials to humans throughout the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages Copper beads dating from 6000 BC have been found in Catalhoyuk Anatolia 2 and the archaeological site of Belovode on the Rudnik mountain in Serbia contains the world s oldest securely dated evidence of copper smelting from 5000 BC 3 4 Recognised as an element by Louis Guyton de Morveau Antoine Lavoisier Claude Berthollet and Antoine Francois de Fourcroy in 1787 5 82 Lead 7000 BC 3800 BC Africa Abydos Egypt It is believed that lead smelting began at least 9 000 years ago and the oldest known artifact of lead is a statuette found at the temple of Osiris on the site of Abydos dated around 3800 BC 6 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 79 Gold Before 6000 BC Before 4000 BC Levant Wadi Qana The earliest gold artifacts were discovered at the site of Wadi Qana in the Levant 7 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 47 Silver Before 5000 BC ca 4000 BC Asia Minor Asia Minor Estimated to have been discovered in Asia Minor shortly after copper and gold 8 9 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 26 Iron Before 5000 BC 4000 BC Middle East Egypt There is evidence that iron was known from before 5000 BC 10 The oldest known iron objects used by humans are some beads of meteoric iron made in Egypt in about 4000 BC The discovery of smelting around 3000 BC led to the start of the Iron Age around 1200 BC 11 and the prominent use of iron for tools and weapons 12 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 6 Carbon 3750 BC 2500 BC Egyptians and Sumerians Middle East Charcoal and soot were known to the earliest humans 5 The earliest known use of charcoal was for the reduction of copper zinc and tin ores in the manufacture of bronze by the Egyptians and Sumerians 13 Diamonds were probably known as early as 2500 BC 14 True chemical analyses were made in the 18th century 15 and in 1772 Antoine Lavoisier demonstrated that diamond graphite and charcoal are all composed of the same substance 5 In 1787 de Morveau Fourcroy and Lavoisier listed carbon in French carbone as an element distinguishing it from coal in French charbon 5 50 Tin 3500 BC 2000 BC Asia Minor Kestel First smelted in combination with copper around 3500 BC to produce bronze and thus giving place to the Bronze Age in those places where Iron Age did not intrude directly on Neolithic of the Stone Age clarification needed 16 Kestel in southern Turkey is the site of an ancient Cassiterite mine that was used from 3250 to 1800 BC 17 The oldest artifacts date from around 2000 BC 18 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 16 Sulfur Before 2000 BC Middle East Middle East First used at least 4 000 years ago 19 According to the Ebers Papyrus a sulfur ointment was used in ancient Egypt to treat granular eyelids 20 Designated as one of the two elements of which all metals are composed in the sulfur mercury theory of metals first described in pseudo Apollonius of Tyana s Sirr al khaliqa Secret of Creation and in the works attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyan both 8th or 9th century 21 Designated as a univeral element one of the tria prima by Paracelsus in the early 16th century Recognized as an element by Lavoisier in 1777 which was confirmed by Joseph Gay Lussac and Louis Jacques Thenard in 1810 5 80 Mercury 1500 BC 1500 BC Egyptians Egypt Found in Egyptian tombs dating from 1500 BC 22 Recognised as an element by Guyton de Morveau Lavoisier Berthollet and Fourcroy in 1787 5 30 Zinc Before 1000 BC 1000 BC Indian metallurgists Indian subcontinent Used as a component of brass since antiquity before 1000 BC by Indian metallurgists but its true nature was not understood in ancient times Zinc smelting was done in China and India around 1300 5 Identified as a distinct metal in the Rasaratna Samuccaya around the 14th century of the Christian era 23 and by the alchemist Paracelsus in 1526 24 who gave it its present name and described it as a new metal 5 P M de Respour isolated it from zinc oxide in 1668 5 the first detailed documentation of zinc isolation was given by Andreas Sigismund Marggraf in 1746 25 78 Platinum c 600 BC AD 200 c 600 BC AD 200 Pre Columbian South Americans South America Used by pre Columbian Americans near modern day Esmeraldas Ecuador to produce artifacts of a white gold platinum alloy although precise dating is difficult 26 First European description of a metal found in South American gold was in 1557 by Julius Caesar Scaliger Antonio de Ulloa was on an expedition to Peru in 1735 where he observed the metal he published his findings in 1748 Sir Charles Wood also investigated the metal in 1741 First reference to it as a new metal was made by William Brownrigg in 1750 27 33 Arsenic c 850 950 c 850 950 Jabir ibn Hayyan Middle East The use of metallic arsenic was described by the Egyptian alchemist Zosimos 28 The purification of arsenic was later described in the works attributed to the Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan c 850 950 29 Albertus Magnus c 1200 1280 is typically credited with the description of the metal in the West 30 though some question his work and instead credit Vannoccio Biringuccio whose De la pirotechnia 1540 distinguishes orpiment from crystalline arsenic The first to unquestionably have prepared metallic arsenic was Johann Schroder in 1641 Recognised as an element after Lavoisier s definition in 1787 5 51 Antimony c 850 950 c 850 950 Jabir ibn Hayyan Middle East Dioscorides and Pliny both describe the accidental production of metallic antimony from stibnite but only seem to recognize the metal as lead 31 The intentional isolation of antimony is described in the works attributed to the Muslim alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan c 850 950 29 In Europe the metal was being produced and used by 1540 when it was described by Vannoccio Biringuccio 32 Described again by Georgius Agricola De re metallica in 1556 Probably first recognised as an element by Lavoisier in 1787 5 83 Bismuth c 1500 33 c 1500 European alchemists and Inca civilisation Europe and South America Bismuth was known since ancient times but often confused with tin and lead which are chemically similar The Incas used bismuth along with the usual copper and tin in a special bronze alloy for knives 34 Agricola 1546 states that bismuth is a distinct metal in a family of metals including tin and lead This was based on observation of the metals and their physical properties 35 Miners in the age of alchemy also gave bismuth the name tectum argenti or silver being made in the sense of silver still in the process of being formed within the Earth 36 37 38 Beginning with Johann Heinrich Pott in 1738 39 Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Torbern Olof Bergman the distinctness of lead and bismuth became clear and Claude Francois Geoffroy demonstrated in 1753 that this metal is distinct from lead and tin 37 40 41 15 Phosphorus 1669 H Brand Prepared and isolated from urine it was the first element whose discovery date and discoverer is recorded 42 The last discovery belonging to alchemy rather than modern chemistry Recognised as an element by Lavoisier 5 Modern discoveries EditFor 18th century discoveries around the time that Antoine Lavoisier first questioned the phlogiston theory the recognition of a new earth has been regarded as being equivalent to the discovery of a new element as was the general practice then 5 Z Element Observed or predicted Isolated widely known NotesBy By 27 Cobalt 1735 G Brandt 1735 G Brandt Proved that the blue color of glass is due to a new kind of metal and not bismuth as thought previously 43 28 Nickel 1751 F Cronstedt 1751 F Cronstedt Found by attempting to extract copper from the mineral known as fake copper now known as niccolite 44 12 Magnesium 1755 J Black 1808 H Davy Joseph Black observed that magnesia alba MgO was not quicklime CaO in 1755 until then both substances were confused Davy isolated the metal electrochemically from magnesia 45 20 Calcium 1755 J Black 1808 H Davy Joseph Black observed that magnesia alba MgO was not quicklime CaO in 1755 until then both substances were confused Davy isolated the metal by electrolysis of quicklime 46 13 Aluminium 1756 A S Marggraf 1824 H C Orsted In 1746 Johann Heinrich Pott published a treatise distinguishing alum from lime and chalk and Marggraf precipitated the new earth alumina in 1756 5 Antoine Lavoisier predicted in 1787 that alumina is the oxide of an undiscovered element and in 1808 Davy tried to decompose it Although he failed he proved Lavoisier correct and suggested the present name 47 48 Hans Christian Orsted was the first to isolate metallic aluminium in 1824 49 50 11 Sodium 1758 A S Marggraf 1807 H Davy Andreas Sigismund Marggraf recognised the difference between soda ash and potash in 1758 but not all chemists accepted his conclusion In 1797 Martin Heinrich Klaproth suggested the names natron and kali for the two alkalis whence the symbols Davy isolated sodium metal a few days after potassium by using electrolysis on sodium hydroxide 46 19 Potassium 1758 A S Marggraf 1807 H Davy Andreas Sigismund Marggraf recognised the difference between soda ash and potash in 1758 but not all chemists accepted his conclusion In 1797 Martin Heinrich Klaproth suggested the names natron and kali for the two alkalis whence the symbols Davy isolated potassium metal by using electrolysis on potash 51 1 Hydrogen 1766 H Cavendish 1766 H Cavendish Cavendish was the first to distinguish H2 from other gases 52 although Paracelsus around 1500 Robert Boyle 53 54 and Joseph Priestley had observed its production by reacting strong acids with metals Lavoisier named it in 1783 55 56 It was the first elemental gas known 9 Fluorine 1771 W Scheele 1886 H Moissan Scheele studied fluorspar and correctly concluded it to be the lime calcium salt of an acid 57 Radical fluorique appears on the list of elements in Lavoisier s Traite Elementaire de Chimie from 1789 but radical muriatique also appears instead of chlorine 58 Andre Marie Ampere again predicted in 1810 that hydrofluoric acid contained an element analogous to chlorine and between 1812 and 1886 many researchers tried to obtain it It was eventually isolated by Moissan 59 8 Oxygen 1771 W Scheele 1771 W Scheele Scheele obtained it by heating mercuric oxide and nitrates in 1771 but did not publish his findings until 1777 Joseph Priestley also prepared this new air by 1774 but only Lavoisier recognized it as a true element he named it in 1777 60 61 Before him Sendivogius had produced oxygen by heating saltpetre correctly identifying it as the food of life 62 7 Nitrogen 1772 D Rutherford 1772 D Rutherford Rutherford discovered nitrogen while studying at the University of Edinburgh 63 He showed that the air in which animals had breathed even after removal of the exhaled carbon dioxide was no longer able to burn a candle Carl Wilhelm Scheele Henry Cavendish and Joseph Priestley also studied the element at about the same time and Lavoisier named it in 1775 6 64 56 Barium 1772 W Scheele 1808 H Davy Scheele distinguished a new earth BaO in pyrolusite in 1772 He did not name his discovery Guyton de Morveau suggested barote in 1782 5 It was changed to baryte in the Methode de nomenclature chimique of Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau Antoine Lavoisier Claude Louis Berthollet and Antoine Francois comte de Fourcroy 1787 Davy isolated the metal by electrolysis 65 17 Chlorine 1774 W Scheele 1774 W Scheele Obtained it from hydrochloric acid but thought it was an oxide Only in 1808 did Humphry Davy recognize it as an element 66 67 25 Manganese 1774 W Scheele 1774 G Gahn Distinguished pyrolusite as the calx of a new metal Ignatius Gottfred Kaim is sometimes listed as also having discovered the new metal in 1770 as did Scheele in 1774 It was isolated by reduction of manganese dioxide with carbon 68 42 Molybdenum 1778 W Scheele 1781 J Hjelm Scheele recognised the metal as a constituent of molybdena 69 74 Tungsten 1781 W Scheele 1783 J and F Elhuyar Scheele showed that scheelite then called tungsten was a salt of calcium with a new acid which he called tungstic acid The Elhuyars obtained tungstic acid from wolframite and reduced it with charcoal naming the element volfram 5 70 Since that time both names tungsten and wolfram have been used depending on language 5 In 1949 IUPAC made wolfram the scientific name but this was repealed after protest in 1951 in favour of recognising both names pending a further review which never materialised Currently only tungsten is recognised for use in English 67 52 Tellurium 1782 F J M von Reichenstein 1798 H Klaproth Muller observed it as an impurity in gold ores from Transylvania 71 Klaproth isolated it in 1798 67 38 Strontium 1787 W Cruikshank 1808 H Davy W Cruikshank in 1787 and Adair Crawford in 1790 concluded that strontianite contained a new earth It was eventually isolated electrochemically in 1808 by Davy 72 5 Boron 1787 L Guyton de Morveau A Lavoisier C L Berthollet and A de Fourcroy 1808 H Davy In 1787 radical boracique appeared in the Methode de nomenclature chimique of Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau Antoine Lavoisier Claude Louis Berthollet and Antoine Francois comte de Fourcroy 5 It also appears in Lavoisier s Traite Elementaire de Chimie from 1789 58 On June 21 1808 Lussac and Thenard announced a new element in sedative salt Davy announced the isolation of a new substance from boracic acid on June 30 73 Davy then prepared a pure sample via electrolysis 67 14 Silicon 1789 A Lavoisier 1823 J Berzelius Silica appears as a simple earth in the Methode de nomenclature chimique and in 1789 Lavoisier concluded that the element must exist 5 Davy thought in 1800 that silica was a compound not an element and in 1808 he proved this although he could not isolate the element and suggested the present name 74 75 In 1811 Louis Joseph Gay Lussac and Louis Jacques Thenard probably prepared impure silicon 76 and Berzelius obtained the pure element in 1823 77 1789 A Lavoisier Lavoisier writes the first modern list of chemical elements containing 33 elements including light and heat but omitting Na K he was unsure of whether soda and potash without carbonic acid i e Na2O and K2O are simple substances or compounds like NH3 78 Sr Te some elements were listed in the table as unextracted radicals Cl F B or as oxides Ca Mg Ba Al Si 58 He also redefines the term element Until then no metals except mercury were considered elements 40 Zirconium 1789 H Klaproth 1824 J Berzelius Martin Heinrich Klaproth identified a new oxide in zircon in 1789 79 80 and in 1808 Davy showed that this oxide has a metallic base although he could not isolate it 81 82 92 Uranium 1789 H Klaproth 1841 E M Peligot Klaproth mistakenly identified a uranium oxide obtained from pitchblende as the element itself and named it after the recently discovered planet Uranus 83 84 22 Titanium 1791 W Gregor 1825 J Berzelius Gregor found an oxide of a new metal in ilmenite Klaproth independently discovered the element in rutile in 1795 and named it The pure metallic form was only obtained in 1910 by Matthew A Hunter 85 86 39 Yttrium 1794 J Gadolin 1843 H Rose Johan Gadolin discovered the earth in gadolinite in 1794 but Mosander showed later that its ore yttria contained more elements 87 88 In 1808 Davy showed that yttria is a metallic oxide although he could not isolate the metal 89 90 Wohler mistakenly thought he had isolated the metal in 1828 from a volatile chloride he supposed to be yttrium chloride 91 92 but Rose proved otherwise in 1843 and correctly isolated the element himself that year 24 Chromium 1797 N Vauquelin 1798 N Vauquelin Vauquelin analysed the composition of crocoite ore in 1797 and later isolated the metal by heating the oxide in a charcoal oven 5 93 94 4 Beryllium 1798 N Vauquelin 1828 F Wohler and A Bussy Vauquelin discovered the oxide in beryl and emerald in 1798 and in 1808 Davy showed that this oxide has a metallic base although he could not isolate it 95 96 Vauquelin was uncertain about the name to give to the oxide in 1798 he called it la terre du beril but the journal editors named it glucine after the sweet taste of beryllium compounds which are highly toxic Johann Heinrich Friedrich Link proposed in 1799 to change the name from Glucine to Beryllerde or Berylline because glucine resembled glycine a suggestion taken up by Klaproth in 1800 in the form beryllina Klaproth had independently worked on beryl and emerald and likewise concluded that a new element was present The name beryllium for the element was first used by Wohler upon its isolation Davy used the name glucium Both names beryllium and glucinium were used the latter mostly in France until IUPAC decided on the name beryllium in 1949 5 23 Vanadium 1801 A M del Rio 1867 H E Roscoe Andres Manuel del Rio found the metal calling it erythronium in vanadinite in 1801 but the claim was rejected after Hippolyte Victor Collet Descotils dismissed it as chromium based on erroneous and superficial testing 97 Nils Gabriel Sefstrom rediscovered the element in 1830 and named it vanadium Friedrich Wohler then showed that vanadium was identical to erythronium and thus that del Rio had been right in the first place 98 99 Del Rio then argued passionately that his old claim be recognised but the element kept the name vanadium 99 41 Niobium 1801 C Hatchett 1864 W Blomstrand Hatchett found the element in columbite ore and named it columbium In 1809 W H Wollaston claimed that columbium and tantalum are identical which proved to be false 67 Heinrich Rose proved in 1844 that the element is distinct from tantalum and renamed it niobium American scientists generally used the name columbium while European ones used niobium Niobium was officially accepted by IUPAC in 1949 100 73 Tantalum 1802 G Ekeberg Ekeberg found another element in minerals similar to columbite and named it after Tantalus from Greek mythology because of its inability to be dissolved by acids just as Tantalus was tantalised by water that receded when he tried to drink it 67 In 1809 W H Wollaston claimed that columbium and tantalum are identical which proved to be false 67 In 1844 Heinrich Rose proved that the elements were distinct and renamed columbium to niobium Niobe is the daughter of Tantalus 101 46 Palladium 1802 W H Wollaston 1802 W H Wollaston Wollaston discovered it in samples of platinum from South America but did not publish his results immediately He had intended to name it after the newly discovered asteroid Ceres but by the time he published his results in 1804 cerium had taken that name Wollaston named it after the more recently discovered asteroid Pallas 102 58 Cerium 1803 H Klaproth J Berzelius and W Hisinger 1838 G Mosander Berzelius and Hisinger discovered the element in ceria and named it after the newly discovered asteroid then considered a planet Ceres Klaproth discovered it simultaneously and independently in some tantalum samples Mosander proved later that the samples of all three researchers had at least another element in them lanthanum 103 76 Osmium 1803 S Tennant 1803 S Tennant Tennant had been working on samples of South American platinum in parallel with Wollaston and discovered two new elements which he named osmium and iridium 104 77 Iridium 1803 S Tennant and H V Collet Descotils 1803 S Tennant Tennant had been working on samples of South American platinum in parallel with Wollaston and discovered two new elements which he named osmium and iridium and published the iridium results in 1804 105 Collet Descotils also found iridium the same year but not osmium 67 45 Rhodium 1804 H Wollaston 1804 H Wollaston Wollaston discovered and isolated it from crude platinum samples from South America 106 53 Iodine 1811 B Courtois 1811 B Courtois Courtois discovered it in the ashes of seaweed 107 The name was given by Davy in 1813 67 3 Lithium 1817 A Arfwedson 1821 W T Brande Arfwedson discovered the alkali in petalite 108 48 Cadmium 1817 S L Hermann F Stromeyer and J C H Roloff 1817 S L Hermann F Stromeyer and J C H Roloff All three found an unknown metal in a sample of zinc oxide from Silesia but the name that Stromeyer gave became the accepted one 109 34 Selenium 1817 J Berzelius and G Gahn 1817 J Berzelius and G Gahn While working with lead they discovered a substance that they thought was tellurium but realized after more investigation that it was different 110 35 Bromine 1825 J Balard and C Lowig 1825 J Balard and C Lowig They both discovered the element in the autumn of 1825 Balard published his results the next year 111 but Lowig did not publish until 1827 112 90 Thorium 1829 J Berzelius 1914 D Lely Jr and L Hamburger Berzelius obtained the oxide of a new earth in thorite 113 57 Lanthanum 1838 G Mosander 1841 G Mosander Mosander found a new element in samples of ceria and published his results in 1842 but later he showed that this lanthana contained four more elements 114 60 Neodymium 1841 G Mosander 1885 C A von Welsbach Discovered by Mosander and called didymium Carl Auer von Welsbach later split it into two elements praseodymium and neodymium Neodymium had formed the greater part of the old didymium and received the prefix neo 67 115 68 Erbium 1843 G Mosander 1879 T Cleve Mosander managed to split the old yttria into yttria proper and erbia and later terbia too 116 65 Terbium 1843 G Mosander 1886 J C G de Marignac Mosander managed to split the old yttria into yttria proper and erbia and later terbia too 117 44 Ruthenium 1844 K Claus 1844 K Claus Gottfried Wilhelm Osann thought that he found three new metals in Russian platinum samples and in 1844 Karl Karlovich Klaus confirmed that there was a new element 118 55 Caesium 1860 R Bunsen and R Kirchhoff 1882 C Setterberg Bunsen and Kirchhoff were the first to suggest finding new elements by spectrum analysis They discovered caesium by its two blue emission lines in a sample of Durkheim mineral water 119 The pure metal was eventually isolated in 1882 by Setterberg 120 37 Rubidium 1861 R Bunsen and G R Kirchhoff Hevesy Bunsen and Kirchhoff discovered it just a few months after caesium by observing new spectral lines in the mineral lepidolite Bunsen never obtained a pure sample of the metal which was later obtained by Hevesy 121 81 Thallium 1861 W Crookes 1862 C A Lamy Shortly after the discovery of rubidium Crookes found a new green line in a selenium sample later that year Lamy found the element to be metallic 122 49 Indium 1863 F Reich and T Richter 1867 T Richter Reich and Richter first identified it in sphalerite by its bright indigo blue spectroscopic emission line Richter isolated the metal several years later 123 2 Helium 1868 N Lockyer 1895 W Ramsay T Cleve and N Langlet P Janssen and Lockyer observed independently a yellow line in the solar spectrum that did not match any other element However only Lockyer made the correct conclusion that it was due to a new element This was the first observation of a noble gas located in the Sun Years later after the isolation of argon on Earth Ramsay Cleve and Langlet observed independently helium trapped in cleveite 124 1869 D I Mendeleev Mendeleev arranges the 63 elements known at that time omitting terbium as chemists were unsure of its existence and helium as it was not found on Earth into the first modern periodic table and correctly predicts several others 31 Gallium 1875 P E L de Boisbaudran P E L de Boisbaudran Boisbaudran observed on a pyrenea blende sample some emission lines corresponding to the eka aluminium that was predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 and subsequently isolated the element by electrolysis 125 126 70 Ytterbium 1878 J C G de Marignac 1906 C A von Welsbach On October 22 1878 Marignac reported splitting terbia into two new earths terbia proper and ytterbia 127 67 Holmium 1878 J L Soret and M Delafontaine 1879 T Cleve Soret found it in samarskite and later Per Teodor Cleve split Marignac s erbia into erbia proper and two new elements thulium and holmium Delafontaine s philippium turned out to be identical to what Soret found 128 129 21 Scandium 1879 F Nilson 1879 F Nilson Nilson split Marignac s ytterbia into pure ytterbia and a new element that matched Mendeleev s 1871 predicted eka boron 130 69 Thulium 1879 T Cleve 1879 T Cleve Cleve split Marignac s erbia into erbia proper and two new elements thulium and holmium 131 62 Samarium 1879 P E L de Boisbaudran 1879 P E L de Boisbaudran Boisbaudran noted a new earth in samarskite and named it samaria after the mineral 132 64 Gadolinium 1880 J C G de Marignac 1886 P E L de Boisbaudran Marignac initially observed the new earth in terbia and later Boisbaudran obtained a pure sample from samarskite 133 59 Praseodymium 1885 C A von Welsbach Carl Auer von Welsbach discovered it in Mosander s didymia 134 32 Germanium 1886 C A Winkler In February 1886 Winkler found in argyrodite the eka silicon that Mendeleev had predicted in 1871 135 66 Dysprosium 1886 P E L de Boisbaudran 1905 G Urbain De Boisbaudran found a new earth in erbia 136 18 Argon 1894 Lord Rayleigh and W Ramsay 1894 Lord Rayleigh and W Ramsay They discovered the gas by comparing the molecular weights of nitrogen prepared by liquefaction from air and nitrogen prepared by chemical means It is the first noble gas to be isolated 137 63 Europium 1896 E A Demarcay 1901 E A Demarcay Demarcay found spectral lines of a new element in Lecoq s samarium and separated this element several years later 138 36 Krypton 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers On May 30 1898 Ramsay separated a noble gas from liquid argon by difference in boiling point 139 10 Neon 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers In June 1898 Ramsay separated a new noble gas from liquid argon by difference in boiling point 139 54 Xenon 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers 1898 W Ramsay and W Travers On July 12 1898 Ramsay separated a third noble gas within three weeks from liquid argon by difference in boiling point 140 84 Polonium 1898 P and M Curie 1902 W Marckwald In an experiment done on July 13 1898 the Curies noted an increased radioactivity in the uranium obtained from pitchblende which they ascribed to an unknown element Independently rediscovered and isolated in 1902 by Marckwald who named it radiotellurium 141 88 Radium 1898 P and M Curie 1902 M Curie The Curies reported on December 26 1898 a new element different from polonium which Marie later isolated from uraninite 142 86 Radon 1899 E Rutherford and R B Owens 1910 W Ramsay and R Whytlaw Gray Rutherford and Owens discovered a radioactive gas resulting from the radioactive decay of thorium isolated later by Ramsay and Gray In 1900 Friedrich Ernst Dorn discovered a longer lived isotope of the same gas from the radioactive decay of radium Since radon was first used to specifically designate Dorn s isotope before it became the name for the element he is often mistakenly given credit for the latter instead of the former 143 144 89 Actinium 1902 F O Giesel 1903 F O Giesel Giesel obtained from pitchblende a substance that had properties similar to those of lanthanum and named it emanium 145 Andre Louis Debierne had previously in 1899 and 1900 reported the discovery of a new element actinium that was supposedly similar to titanium and thorium which cannot have included much actual element 89 But by 1904 when Giesel and Debierne met both had radiochemically pure element 89 and so Debierne has generally been given credit for the discovery 146 71 Lutetium 1906 C A von Welsbach and G Urbain 1906 C A von Welsbach von Welsbach proved that the old ytterbium also contained a new element which he named cassiopeium he renamed the larger part of the old ytterbium to aldebaranium Urbain also proved this at about the same time von Welsbach s paper was published first but Urbain sent his to the editor first naming the new element lutetium and the old one neoytterbium which later reverted back to ytterbium However Urbain s samples were very impure and only contained trace quantities of the new element Despite this his chosen name lutetium was adopted by the International Committee of Atomic Weights whose membership included Urbain The German Atomic Weights Commission adopted cassiopeium for the next forty years Finally in 1949 IUPAC decided in favour of the name lutetium as it was more often used 67 147 91 Protactinium 1913 O H Gohring and K Fajans 1927 A von Grosse The two obtained the first isotope of this element 234mPa that had been predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 as a member of the natural decay of 238U they named it brevium A longer lived isotope 231Pa was found in 1918 by Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner and was named by them protoactinium since it is longer lived it gave the element its name Protoactinium was changed to protactinium in 1949 148 Originally isolated in 1900 by William Crookes who nevertheless did not recognize that it was a new element 149 72 Hafnium 1922 D Coster and G von Hevesy 1922 D Coster and G von Hevesy Georges Urbain claimed to have found the element in rare earth residues while Vladimir Vernadsky independently found it in orthite Neither claim was confirmed due to World War I and neither could be confirmed later as the chemistry they reported does not match that now known for hafnium After the war Coster and Hevesy found it by X ray spectroscopic analysis in Norwegian zircon 150 75 Rhenium 1925 W Noddack I Noddack O Berg 1928 W Noddack I Noddack In 1925 Walter Noddack Ida Eva Tacke and Otto Berg announced its separation from gadolinite and gave it the present name 151 152 Masataka Ogawa claimed to have found a new element in thorianite in 1908 but assigned it as element 43 and named it nipponium 153 the Japanese nuclear chemist Kenji Yoshihara has attempted to reinterpret Ogawa s data as a discovery of rhenium but the evidence for this is insufficiently conclusive 154 Rhenium was the last stable element to be discovered 43 Technetium 1937 C Perrier and E Segre 1937 C Perrier amp E Segre The two discovered a new element in a molybdenum sample that was used in a cyclotron the first element to be discovered by synthesis It had been predicted by Mendeleev in 1871 as eka manganese 155 156 157 In 1952 Paul W Merrill found its spectral lines in S type red giants 158 Minuscule trace quantities were finally found on Earth in 1962 by B T Kenna and Paul K Kuroda they isolated it from Belgian Congo pitchblende where it occurs as a spontaneous fission product of uranium 159 The Noddacks discoverers of rhenium claimed to have discovered element 43 in 1925 as well and named it masurium after Masuria but their claims were disproven by Kuroda who calculated that there cannot have been enough technetium in their samples to have enabled a true detection 160 87 Francium 1939 M Perey Perey discovered it as a decay product of 227Ac 161 Francium was the last element to be discovered in nature rather than synthesized in the lab although four of the synthetic elements that were discovered later plutonium neptunium astatine and promethium were eventually found in trace amounts in nature as well 162 Before Perey it is likely that Stefan Meyer Viktor F Hess and Friedrich Paneth had observed the decay of 227Ac to 223Fr in Vienna in 1914 but they could not follow up and secure their work because of the outbreak of World War I 162 93 Neptunium 1940 E M McMillan and H Abelson Obtained by irradiating uranium with neutrons it was the first transuranium element discovered 163 Natural traces were found in Belgian Congo pitchblende by D F Peppard et al in 1952 164 85 Astatine 1940 R Corson R MacKenzie and E Segre Obtained by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles 165 In 1943 Berta Karlik and Traude Bernert found it in nature due to World War II they were initially unaware of Corson et al s results 166 Horia Hulubei and Yvette Cauchois had previously claimed its discovery as a natural radioelement from 1936 naming it dor they likely did have the isotope 218At and probably did have enough sensitivity to distinguish its spectral lines But they could not chemically identify their discovery and their work was doubted because of an earlier false claim by Hulubei to having discovered element 87 167 168 94 Plutonium 1941 Glenn T Seaborg Arthur C Wahl W Kennedy and E M McMillan Prepared by bombardment of uranium with deuterons 169 Seaborg and Morris L Perlman then found it as traces in natural Canadian pitchblende in 1941 1942 though this work was kept secret until 1948 170 96 Curium 1944 Glenn T Seaborg Ralph A James and Albert Ghiorso Prepared by bombarding plutonium with alpha particles during the Manhattan Project 171 95 Americium 1944 G T Seaborg R A James O Morgan and A Ghiorso Prepared by irradiating plutonium with neutrons during the Manhattan Project 172 61 Promethium 1945 Charles D Coryell Jacob A Marinsky and Lawrence E Glendenin 1945 Charles D Coryell Jacob A Marinsky and Lawrence E Glendenin 173 174 It was probably first prepared at the Ohio State University in 1942 by bombarding neodymium and praseodymium with neutrons but separation of the element could not be carried out Isolation was performed under the Manhattan Project in 1945 175 Found on Earth in trace quantities by Olavi Erametsa in 1965 so far promethium is the most recent element to have been found on Earth 176 97 Berkelium 1949 G Thompson A Ghiorso and G T Seaborg University of California Berkeley Created by bombardment of americium with alpha particles 177 98 Californium 1950 S G Thompson K Street Jr A Ghiorso and G T Seaborg University of California Berkeley Bombardment of curium with alpha particles 178 99 Einsteinium 1952 A Ghiorso et al Argonne Laboratory Los Alamos Laboratory and University of California Berkeley 1952 Formed in the first thermonuclear explosion in November 1952 by irradiation of uranium with neutrons kept secret for several years 179 100 Fermium 1953 A Ghiorso et al Argonne Laboratory Los Alamos Laboratory and University of California Berkeley Formed in the first thermonuclear explosion in November 1952 by irradiation of uranium with neutrons first identified in early 1953 kept secret for several years 180 101 Mendelevium 1955 A Ghiorso G Harvey G R Choppin S G Thompson and G T Seaborg Berkeley Radiation Laboratory Prepared by bombardment of einsteinium with helium 181 103 Lawrencium 1961 A Ghiorso T Sikkeland E Larsh and M Latimer Berkeley Radiation Laboratory First prepared by bombardment of californium with boron atoms 182 102 Nobelium 1966 E D Donets V A Shchegolev and V A Ermakov JINR in Dubna First prepared by bombardment of uranium with neon atoms 183 104 Rutherfordium 1969 A Ghiorso et al Berkeley Radiation Laboratory and I Zvara et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of californium with carbon atoms by Albert Ghiorso s team and by bombardment of plutonium with neon atoms by Zvara s team 184 105 Dubnium 1970 A Ghiorso et al Berkeley Radiation Laboratory and V A Druin et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of californium with nitrogen atoms by Ghiorso s team and by bombardment of americium with neon atoms by Druin s team 185 106 Seaborgium 1974 A Ghiorso et al Berkeley Radiation Laboratory Prepared by bombardment of californium with oxygen atoms 186 107 Bohrium 1981 G Munzenberg et al GSI in Darmstadt Obtained by bombarding bismuth with chromium 187 109 Meitnerium 1982 G Munzenberg P Armbruster et al GSI in Darmstadt Prepared by bombardment of bismuth with iron atoms 188 108 Hassium 1984 G Munzenberg P Armbruster et al GSI in Darmstadt Prepared by bombardment of lead with iron atoms 189 110 Darmstadtium 1994 S Hofmann et al GSI in Darmstadt Prepared by bombardment of lead with nickel 190 111 Roentgenium 1994 S Hofmann et al GSI in Darmstadt Prepared by bombardment of bismuth with nickel 191 112 Copernicium 1996 S Hofmann et al GSI in Darmstadt Prepared by bombardment of lead with zinc 192 193 114 Flerovium 1999 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of plutonium with calcium It may have already been found at Dubna in 1998 but that result has not been confirmed 194 116 Livermorium 2000 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of curium with calcium 195 118 Oganesson 2002 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of californium with calcium 196 115 Moscovium 2003 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of americium with calcium 197 113 Nihonium 2003 2004 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna and K Morita et al RIKEN in Wako Japan Prepared by decay of moscovium by Oganessian s team 197 and bombardment of bismuth with zinc by Morita s team 198 Both teams began their experiments in 2003 Oganessian s team detected its first atom in 2003 but Morita s only in 2004 However both teams published in 2004 117 Tennessine 2009 Y Oganessian et al JINR in Dubna Prepared by bombardment of berkelium with calcium 199 Graphics Edit nbsp Graph of number of known chemical elements from 1650 until presentSee also EditHistory of the periodic table Periodic table Extended periodic table The Mystery of Matter Search for the Elements 2014 2015 PBS film Transfermium WarsReferences Edit Copper History Rameria com Archived from the original on 2008 09 17 Retrieved 2008 09 12 CSA Discovery Guides A Brief History of Copper Serbian site may have hosted first copper makers UCL ac uk UCL Institute of Archaeology 23 September 2010 Retrieved 22 April 2017 Bruce Bower July 17 2010 Serbian site may have hosted first copper makers ScienceNews Retrieved 22 April 2017 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Miskowiec Pawel 2022 Name game the naming history of the chemical elements part 1 from antiquity till the end of 18th century Foundations of Chemistry doi 10 1007 s10698 022 09448 5 The History of Lead Part 3 Lead 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1932JChEd 9 11W doi 10 1021 ed009p11 Giunta Carmen J Glossary of Archaic Chemical Terms Le Moyne College See also for other terms for bismuth including stannum glaciale glacial tin or ice tin Pott Johann Heinrich 1738 De Wismutho Exercitationes Chymicae Berolini Apud Johannem Andream Rudigerum p 134 Hammond C R 2004 The Elements in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st ed Boca Raton FL US CRC press pp 4 1 ISBN 978 0 8493 0485 9 Geoffroy C F 1753 Sur Bismuth Histoire de l Academie Royale des Sciences Avec les Memoires de Mathematique amp de Physique Tirez des Registres de Cette Academie 190 15 Phosphorus Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 27 Cobalt Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 28 Nickel Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 12 Magnesium Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 a b 11 Sodium Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 Bache Franklin 1819 A System of Chemistry for the Use of Students of Medicine Philadelphia William Fry p 135 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experiments made by the author of these tracts To which is annex t an hydrostatical letter dilucidating an experiment about a way of weighing water in water new experiments of the positive or relative levity of bodies under water of the air s spring on bodies under water about the differing pressure of heavy solids and fluids Printed for Richard Davis pp 64 65 Weeks Mary Elvira 1945 Discovery of the elements 5th ed Journal of Chemical Education p 83 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint date and year link 01 Hydrogen Elements vanderkrogt net Retrieved 2008 09 12 Andrews A C 1968 Oxygen In Clifford A Hampel ed The Encyclopedia of the Chemical Elements New York Reinhold Book Corporation pp 272 LCCN 68 29938 Waggoner William H 1976 The Naming of Fluorine Journal of Chemical Education 53 1 27 Bibcode 1976JChEd 53Q 27W doi 10 1021 ed053p27 1 a b c Lavoisier 1789 33 elements Elementymology amp Elements Multidict Retrieved 2015 01 24 09 Fluorine 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