

Holmium is a chemical element; it has symbol Ho and atomic number 67. It is a rare-earth element and the eleventh member of the lanthanide series. It is a relatively soft, silvery, fairly corrosion-resistant and malleable metal. Like many other lanthanides, holmium is too reactive to be found in native form, as pure holmium slowly forms a yellowish oxide coating when exposed to air. When isolated, holmium is relatively stable in dry air at room temperature. However, it reacts with water and corrodes readily, and also burns in air when heated.

Holmium, 67Ho
Pronunciation/ˈhlmiəm/ (HOHL-mee-əm)
Appearancesilvery white
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Ho)
Holmium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)67
Groupf-block groups (no number)
Periodperiod 6
Block  f-block
Electron configuration[Xe] 4f11 6s2
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 29, 8, 2
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point1734 K ​(1461 °C, ​2662 °F)
Boiling point2873 K ​(2600 °C, ​4712 °F)
Density (at 20° C)8.795 g/cm3[3]
when liquid (at m.p.)8.34 g/cm3
Heat of fusion17.0 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization251 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity27.15 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 1432 1584 (1775) (2040) (2410) (2964)
Atomic properties
Oxidation states0,[4] +1, +2, +3 (a basic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 1.23
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 581.0 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 1140 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 2204 kJ/mol
Atomic radiusempirical: 176 pm
Covalent radius192±7 pm
Spectral lines of holmium
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structurehexagonal close-packed (hcp) (hP2)
Lattice constants
a = 357.80 pm
c = 561.77 pm (at 20 °C)[3]
Thermal expansionpoly: 11.2 µm/(m⋅K) (at r.t.)
Thermal conductivity16.2 W/(m⋅K)
Electrical resistivitypoly: 814 nΩ⋅m (at r.t.)
Magnetic orderingparamagnetic
Young's modulus64.8 GPa
Shear modulus26.3 GPa
Bulk modulus40.2 GPa
Speed of sound thin rod2760 m/s (at 20 °C)
Poisson ratio0.231
Vickers hardness410–600 MPa
Brinell hardness500–1250 MPa
CAS Number7440-60-0
DiscoveryPer Theodor Cleve, Jacques-Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine (1878)
Isotopes of holmium
Main isotopes[5] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
163Ho synth 4570 y ε 163Dy
164Ho synth 28.8 min ε 164Dy
β 164Er
165Ho 100% stable
166Ho synth 26.812 h β 166Er
166m1Ho synth 1132.6 y β 166Er
167Ho synth 3.1 h β 167Er
 Category: Holmium
| references

In nature, holmium occurs together with the other rare-earth metals (like thulium). It is a relatively rare lanthanide, making up 1.4 parts per million of the Earth's crust, an abundance similar to tungsten. Holmium was discovered through isolation by Swedish chemist Per Theodor Cleve. It was also independently discovered by Jacques-Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine, who together observed it spectroscopically in 1878. Its oxide was first isolated from rare-earth ores by Cleve in 1878. The element's name comes from Holmia, the Latin name for the city of Stockholm.[6][7][8]

Like many other lanthanides, holmium is found in the minerals monazite and gadolinite and is usually commercially extracted from monazite using ion-exchange techniques. Its compounds in nature and in nearly all of its laboratory chemistry are trivalently oxidized, containing Ho(III) ions. Trivalent holmium ions have fluorescent properties similar to many other rare-earth ions (while yielding their own set of unique emission light lines), and thus are used in the same way as some other rare earths in certain laser and glass-colorant applications.

Holmium has the highest magnetic permeability and magnetic saturation of any element and is thus used for the pole pieces of the strongest static magnets. Because holmium strongly absorbs neutrons, it is also used as a burnable poison in nuclear reactors.

Properties edit

Holmium is the eleventh member of the lanthanide series. In the periodic table, it appears in period 6, between the lanthanides dysprosium to its left and erbium to its right, and above the actinide einsteinium.

Physical properties edit

With a boiling point of 3,000 K (2,730 °C), holmium is the sixth most volatile lanthanide after ytterbium, europium, samarium, thulium and dysprosium. At standard temperature and pressure, holmium, like many of the second half of the lanthanides, normally assumes a hexagonally close-packed (hcp) structure.[9] Its 67 electrons are arranged in the configuration [Xe] 4f11 6s2, so that it has thirteen valence electrons filling the 4f and 6s subshells.[citation needed]

Holmium, like all of the lanthanides, at paramagnetic in standard temperature and pressure.[10] However, holmium is ferromagnetic at temperatures below 19 K (−254.2 °C; −425.5 °F).[11] It has the highest magnetic moment (10.6 μB) of any naturally occurring element[12] and possesses other unusual magnetic properties. When combined with yttrium, it forms highly magnetic compounds.[13]

Chemical properties edit

Holmium metal tarnishes slowly in air, forming a yellowish oxide layer that has an appearance similar to that of iron rust. It burns readily to form holmium(III) oxide:[14]

4 Ho + 3 O2 → 2 Ho2O3

It is a relatively soft and malleable element that is fairly corrosion-resistant and chemically stable in dry air at standard temperature and pressure. In moist air and at higher temperatures, however, it quickly oxidizes, forming a yellowish oxide.[15] In pure form, holmium possesses a metallic, bright silvery luster.

Holmium is quite electropositive: on the Pauling electronegativity scale, it has an electronegativity of 1.23.[16] It is generally trivalent. It reacts slowly with cold water and quickly with hot water to form holmium(III) hydroxide:[17]

2 Ho (s) + 6 H2O (l) → 2 Ho(OH)3 (aq) + 3 H2 (g)

Holmium metal reacts with all the stable halogens:[18]

2 Ho (s) + 3 F2 (g) → 2 HoF3 (s) [pink]
2 Ho (s) + 3 Cl2 (g) → 2 HoCl3 (s) [yellow]
2 Ho (s) + 3 Br2 (g) → 2 HoBr3 (s) [yellow]
2 Ho (s) + 3 I2 (g) → 2 HoI3 (s) [yellow]

Holmium dissolves readily in dilute sulfuric acid to form solutions containing the yellow Ho(III) ions, which exist as a [Ho(OH2)9]3+ complexes:[18]

2 Ho (s) + 3 H2SO4 (aq) → 2 Ho3+ (aq) + 3 SO2−
(aq) + 3 H2 (g)

Oxidation states edit

As with many lanthanides, holmium is usually found in the +3 oxidation state, forming compounds such as holmium(III) fluoride (HoF3) and holmium(III) chloride (HoCl3). Holmium in solution is in the form of Ho3+ surrounded by nine molecules of water. Holmium dissolves in acids.[12] However, holmium is also found to exist in the +2, +1 and 0 oxidation states.[citation needed]

Isotopes edit

The isotopes of holmium range from 140Ho to 175Ho. The primary decay mode before the most abundant stable isotope, 165Ho, is positron emission, and the primary mode after is beta minus decay. The primary decay products before 165Ho are terbium and dysprosium isotopes, and the primary products after are erbium isotopes.[19]

Natural holmium consists of one primordial isotope, holmium-165;[12] it is the only isotope of holmium that is thought to be stable, although it is predicted to undergo alpha decay to terbium-161 with a very long half-life.[20] Of the 35 synthetic radioactive isotopes that are known, the most stable one is holmium-163 (163Ho), with a half-life of 4570 years.[21] All other radioisotopes have ground-state half-lives not greater than 1.117 days, with the longest, holmium-166 (166Ho) having a half-life of 26.83 hours,[22] and most have half-lives under 3 hours.

166m1Ho has a half-life of around 1200 years.[23] The high excitation energy, resulting in a particularly rich spectrum of decay gamma rays produced when the metastable state de-excites, makes this isotope useful as a means for calibrating gamma ray spectrometers.[24]

Compounds edit

Oxides and chalcogenides edit

Ho2O3, left: natural light, right: under a cold-cathode fluorescent lamp

Holmium(III) oxide is the only oxide of holmium. It changes its color depending on the lighting conditions. In daylight, it has a yellowish color. Under trichromatic light, it appears orange red, almost indistinguishable from the appearance of erbium oxide under the same lighting conditions.[25] The color change is related to the sharp emission lines of trivalent holmium ions acting as red phosphors.[26] Holmium(III) oxide appears pink under a cold-cathode fluorescent lamp.

Other chalcogenides are known for holmium. Holmium(III) sulfide has orange-yellow crystals in the monoclinic crystal system,[19] with the space group P21/m (No. 11).[27] Under high pressure, holmium(III) sulfide can form in the cubic and orthorhombic crystal systems.[28] It can be obtained by the reaction of holmium(III) oxide and hydrogen sulfide at 1,598 K (1,325 °C; 2,417 °F).[29] Holmium(III) selenide is also known. It is antiferromagnetic below 6 K.[30]

Halides edit

All four trihalides of holmium are known. Holmium(III) fluoride is a yellowish powder that can be produced by reacting holmium(III) oxide and ammonium fluoride, then crystallising it from the ammonium salt formed in solution.[31] Holmium(III) chloride can be prepared in a similar way, with ammonium chloride instead of ammonium fluoride.[32] It has the YCl3 layer structure in the solid state.[33] These compounds, as well as holmium(III) bromide and holmium(III) iodide, can be obtained by the direct reaction of the elements:[18]

2 Ho + 3 X2 → 2 HoX3

In addition, holmium(III) iodide can be obtained by the direct reaction of holmium and mercury(II) iodide, then removing the mercury by distillation.[34]

Organoholmium compounds edit

Organoholmium compounds are very similar to those of the other lanthanides, as they all share an inability to undergo π backbonding. They are thus mostly restricted to the mostly ionic cyclopentadienides (isostructural with those of lanthanum) and the σ-bonded simple alkyls and aryls, some of which may be polymeric.[35]

History edit

Holmium (Holmia, Latin name for Stockholm) was discovered by the Swiss chemists Jacques-Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine in 1878 who noticed the aberrant spectrographic emission spectrum of the then-unknown element (they called it "Element X").[36][37]

The Swedish chemist Per Teodor Cleve also independently discovered the element while he was working on erbia earth (erbium oxide). He was the first to isolate the new element.[7][6][38] Using the method developed by the Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander, Cleve first removed all of the known contaminants from erbia. The result of that effort was two new materials, one brown and one green. He named the brown substance holmia (after the Latin name for Cleve's home town, Stockholm) and the green one thulia. Holmia was later found to be the holmium oxide, and thulia was thulium oxide.[39]

In the English physicist Henry Moseley's classic paper on atomic numbers, holmium was assigned the value 66. The holmium preparation he had been given to investigate had been impure, dominated by neighboring (at the time undiscovered) dysprosium. He would have seen x-ray emission lines for both elements, but assumed that the dominant ones belonged to holmium, instead of the dysprosium impurity.[40]

Occurrence and production edit

A specimen of gadolinite - holmium is the black part of it.

Like all the other rare-earth elements, holmium is not naturally found as a free element. It occurs combined with other elements in gadolinite, monazite and other rare-earth minerals. No holmium-dominant mineral has yet been found. The main mining areas are China, United States, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, and Australia with reserves of holmium estimated as 400,000 tonnes.[39] The annual production of holmium metal is of about 10 tonnes per year.[41]

Holmium makes up 1.3 parts per million of the Earth's crust by mass.[42] Holmium makes up 1 part per million of the soils, 400 parts per quadrillion of seawater, and almost none of Earth's atmosphere, which is very rare for a lanthanide.[39] It makes up 500 parts per trillion of the universe by mass.[43]

Holmium is commercially extracted by ion exchange from monazite sand (0.05% holmium), but is still difficult to separate from other rare earths. The element has been isolated through the reduction of its anhydrous chloride or fluoride with metallic calcium.[19] Its estimated abundance in the Earth's crust is 1.3 mg/kg. Holmium obeys the Oddo–Harkins rule: as an odd-numbered element, it is less abundant than both dysprosium and erbium. However, it is the most abundant of the odd-numbered heavy lanthanides. Of the lanthanides, only promethium, thulium, lutetium and terbium are less abundant on Earth. The principal current source are some of the ion-adsorption clays of southern China. Some of these have a rare-earth composition similar to that found in xenotime or gadolinite. Yttrium makes up about two-thirds of the total by mass; holmium is around 1.5%.[44] Holmium is relatively inexpensive for a rare-earth metal with the price about 1000 USD/kg.[45]

Applications edit

A solution of 4% holmium oxide in 10% perchloric acid, permanently fused into a quartz cuvette as an optical calibration standard

Glass containing holmium oxide and holmium oxide solutions (usually in perchloric acid) have sharp optical absorption peaks in the spectral range 200 to 900 nm. They are therefore used as a calibration standard for optical spectrophotometers.[46][47][48] The radioactive but long-lived 166m1Ho is used in calibration of gamma-ray spectrometers.[49]

Holmium is used to create the strongest artificially generated magnetic fields, when placed within high-strength magnets as a magnetic pole piece (also called a magnetic flux concentrator).[50] Holmium is also used in the manufacture of some permanent magnets.

Holmium-doped yttrium iron garnet (YIG) and yttrium lithium fluoride have applications in solid-state lasers, and Ho-YIG has applications in optical isolators and in microwave equipment (e.g., YIG spheres). Holmium lasers emit at 2.1 micrometres.[51] They are used in medical, dental, and fiber-optical applications.[13] It is also being considered for usage in the enucleation of the prostate.[52]

Since holmium can absorb nuclear fission-bred neutrons, it is used as a burnable poison to regulate nuclear reactors.[39] It is used as a colorant for cubic zirconia, providing pink coloring,[53] and for glass, providing yellow-orange coloring.[54] In March 2017, IBM announced that they had developed a technique to store one bit of data on a single holmium atom set on a bed of magnesium oxide.[55] With sufficient quantum and classical control techniques, holmium may be a good candidate to make quantum computers.[56]

Biological role and precautions edit

Holmium plays no biological role in humans, but its salts are able to stimulate metabolism.[19] Humans typically consume about a milligram of holmium a year. Plants do not readily take up holmium from the soil. Some vegetables have had their holmium content measured, and it amounted to 100 parts per trillion.[57] Holmium and its soluble salts are slightly toxic if ingested, but insoluble holmium salts are nontoxic. Metallic holmium in dust form presents a fire and explosion hazard.[58][59][60] Large amounts of holmium salts can cause severe damage if inhaled, consumed orally, or injected. The biological effects of holmium over a long period of time are not known. Holmium has a low level of acute toxicity.[61]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Holmium". CIAAW. 2021.
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  54. ^ El-Batal, Hatem A.; Azooz, Moenis A.; Ezz-El-Din, Fathy M.; El-Alaily, Nagia A. (2004-12-20). "Interaction of Gamma Rays with Calcium Aluminoborate Glasses Containing Holmium or Erbium". Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 84 (9): 2065–2072. doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.2001.tb00959.x.
  55. ^ Coldeway, Devin (March 9, 2017). "Storing data in a single atom proved possible by IBM researchers". TechCrunch. Retrieved 2017-03-10.
  56. ^ Forrester, Patrick Robert; Patthey, François; Fernandes, Edgar; Sblendorio, Dante Phillipe; Brune, Harald; Natterer, Fabian Donat (2019-11-19). "Quantum state manipulation of single atom magnets using the hyperfine interaction". Physical Review B. 100 (18): 180405. arXiv:1903.00242. Bibcode:2019PhRvB.100r0405F. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.100.180405. ISSN 2469-9950.
  57. ^ Emsley, John (2011). Nature's Building Blocks. p. 224.
  58. ^ Haley, T. J.; Koste, L.; Komesu, N.; Efros, M.; Upham, H. C. (1966). "Pharmacology and toxicology of dysprosium, holmium, and erbium chlorides". Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 8 (1): 37–43. doi:10.1016/0041-008x(66)90098-6. PMID 5921895.
  59. ^ Haley, T. J. (1965). "Pharmacology and toxicology of the rare earth elements". Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 54 (5): 663–70. doi:10.1002/jps.2600540502. PMID 5321124.
  60. ^ Bruce, D. W.; Hietbrink, B. E.; Dubois, K. P. (1963). "The acute mammalian toxicity of rare earth nitrates and oxides". Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 5 (6): 750–9. doi:10.1016/0041-008X(63)90067-X. PMID 14082480.
  61. ^ . 2011-04-15. Archived from the original on 2011-04-15. Retrieved 2023-03-05.

Bibliography edit

  • Emsley, John (2011). Nature's Building Blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.
  • Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.
  • Stwertka, Albert (1998). A guide to the elements (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-508083-1.
  • Cullity, B. D.; Graham, C. D. (2005). Introduction to Magnetic Materials. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-118-21149-6.
  • Jiles, David (1998). Introduction to magnetism and magnetic materials. CRC Press. ISBN 0-412-79860-3.
  • Ganjali, Mohammad Reza; Gupta, Vinod Kumar; Faridbod, Farnoush; Norouzi, Parviz (2016-02-25). Lanthanides Series Determination by Various Analytical Methods. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-420095-1.
  • Tonkov, E. Yu (1998). Compounds and Alloys Under High Pressure A Handbook. CRC Press. ISBN 978-90-5699-047-3.
  • G. Meyer; Lester R. Morss, eds. (1991). Synthesis of Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0792310187.
  • Riedel, moderne anorganische Chemie (in German). Erwin Riedel, Christoph Janiak, Hans-Jürgen Meyer (4. Aufl ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter. 2012. ISBN 978-3-11-024900-2. OCLC 781540844.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  • Wells, A. F. (1984). Structural inorganic chemistry (5th ed.). Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780198553700. OCLC 8866491.
  • Weeks, Mary Elvira (1956). The discovery of the elements (6th ed.). Easton, PA: Journal of Chemical Education.

Further reading edit

  • R. J. Callow, The Industrial Chemistry of the Lanthanons, Yttrium, Thorium, and Uranium, Pergamon Press, 1967.

External links edit

holmium, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, rare, earth, element, eleventh, member, lanthanide, series, relatively, soft, silvery, fairly, corrosion, resistant, malleable, metal, like, many, other, lanthanides, holmium, reactive, found, native, form, p. Holmium is a chemical element it has symbol Ho and atomic number 67 It is a rare earth element and the eleventh member of the lanthanide series It is a relatively soft silvery fairly corrosion resistant and malleable metal Like many other lanthanides holmium is too reactive to be found in native form as pure holmium slowly forms a yellowish oxide coating when exposed to air When isolated holmium is relatively stable in dry air at room temperature However it reacts with water and corrodes readily and also burns in air when heated Holmium 67HoHolmiumPronunciation ˈ h oʊ l m i e m wbr HOHL mee em Appearancesilvery whiteStandard atomic weight Ar Ho 164 930329 0 000005 1 164 93 0 01 abridged 2 Holmium in the periodic tableHydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Ho Es dysprosium holmium erbiumAtomic number Z 67Groupf block groups no number Periodperiod 6Block f blockElectron configuration Xe 4f11 6s2Electrons per shell2 8 18 29 8 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point1734 K 1461 C 2662 F Boiling point2873 K 2600 C 4712 F Density at 20 C 8 795 g cm3 3 when liquid at m p 8 34 g cm3Heat of fusion17 0 kJ molHeat of vaporization251 kJ molMolar heat capacity27 15 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k at T K 1432 1584 1775 2040 2410 2964 Atomic propertiesOxidation states0 4 1 2 3 a basic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 1 23Ionization energies1st 581 0 kJ mol2nd 1140 kJ mol3rd 2204 kJ molAtomic radiusempirical 176 pmCovalent radius192 7 pmSpectral lines of holmiumOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure hexagonal close packed hcp hP2 Lattice constantsa 357 80 pmc 561 77 pm at 20 C 3 Thermal expansionpoly 11 2 µm m K at r t Thermal conductivity16 2 W m K Electrical resistivitypoly 814 nW m at r t Magnetic orderingparamagneticYoung s modulus64 8 GPaShear modulus26 3 GPaBulk modulus40 2 GPaSpeed of sound thin rod2760 m s at 20 C Poisson ratio0 231Vickers hardness410 600 MPaBrinell hardness500 1250 MPaCAS Number7440 60 0HistoryDiscoveryPer Theodor Cleve Jacques Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine 1878 Isotopes of holmiumveMain isotopes 5 Decay abun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct 163Ho synth 4570 y e 163Dy 164Ho synth 28 8 min e 164Dy b 164Er 165Ho 100 stable 166Ho synth 26 812 h b 166Er 166m1Ho synth 1132 6 y b 166Er 167Ho synth 3 1 h b 167Er Category Holmiumviewtalkedit references In nature holmium occurs together with the other rare earth metals like thulium It is a relatively rare lanthanide making up 1 4 parts per million of the Earth s crust an abundance similar to tungsten Holmium was discovered through isolation by Swedish chemist Per Theodor Cleve It was also independently discovered by Jacques Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine who together observed it spectroscopically in 1878 Its oxide was first isolated from rare earth ores by Cleve in 1878 The element s name comes from Holmia the Latin name for the city of Stockholm 6 7 8 Like many other lanthanides holmium is found in the minerals monazite and gadolinite and is usually commercially extracted from monazite using ion exchange techniques Its compounds in nature and in nearly all of its laboratory chemistry are trivalently oxidized containing Ho III ions Trivalent holmium ions have fluorescent properties similar to many other rare earth ions while yielding their own set of unique emission light lines and thus are used in the same way as some other rare earths in certain laser and glass colorant applications Holmium has the highest magnetic permeability and magnetic saturation of any element and is thus used for the pole pieces of the strongest static magnets Because holmium strongly absorbs neutrons it is also used as a burnable poison in nuclear reactors Contents 1 Properties 1 1 Physical properties 1 2 Chemical properties 1 2 1 Oxidation states 1 3 Isotopes 2 Compounds 2 1 Oxides and chalcogenides 2 2 Halides 2 3 Organoholmium compounds 3 History 4 Occurrence and production 5 Applications 6 Biological role and precautions 7 See also 8 References 9 Bibliography 10 Further reading 11 External linksProperties editHolmium is the eleventh member of the lanthanide series In the periodic table it appears in period 6 between the lanthanides dysprosium to its left and erbium to its right and above the actinide einsteinium Physical properties edit With a boiling point of 3 000 K 2 730 C holmium is the sixth most volatile lanthanide after ytterbium europium samarium thulium and dysprosium At standard temperature and pressure holmium like many of the second half of the lanthanides normally assumes a hexagonally close packed hcp structure 9 Its 67 electrons are arranged in the configuration Xe 4f11 6s2 so that it has thirteen valence electrons filling the 4f and 6s subshells citation needed Holmium like all of the lanthanides at paramagnetic in standard temperature and pressure 10 However holmium is ferromagnetic at temperatures below 19 K 254 2 C 425 5 F 11 It has the highest magnetic moment 10 6 mB of any naturally occurring element 12 and possesses other unusual magnetic properties When combined with yttrium it forms highly magnetic compounds 13 Chemical properties edit Holmium metal tarnishes slowly in air forming a yellowish oxide layer that has an appearance similar to that of iron rust It burns readily to form holmium III oxide 14 4 Ho 3 O2 2 Ho2O3 It is a relatively soft and malleable element that is fairly corrosion resistant and chemically stable in dry air at standard temperature and pressure In moist air and at higher temperatures however it quickly oxidizes forming a yellowish oxide 15 In pure form holmium possesses a metallic bright silvery luster Holmium is quite electropositive on the Pauling electronegativity scale it has an electronegativity of 1 23 16 It is generally trivalent It reacts slowly with cold water and quickly with hot water to form holmium III hydroxide 17 2 Ho s 6 H2O l 2 Ho OH 3 aq 3 H2 g Holmium metal reacts with all the stable halogens 18 2 Ho s 3 F2 g 2 HoF3 s pink 2 Ho s 3 Cl2 g 2 HoCl3 s yellow 2 Ho s 3 Br2 g 2 HoBr3 s yellow 2 Ho s 3 I2 g 2 HoI3 s yellow Holmium dissolves readily in dilute sulfuric acid to form solutions containing the yellow Ho III ions which exist as a Ho OH2 9 3 complexes 18 2 Ho s 3 H2SO4 aq 2 Ho3 aq 3 SO2 4 aq 3 H2 g Oxidation states edit As with many lanthanides holmium is usually found in the 3 oxidation state forming compounds such as holmium III fluoride HoF3 and holmium III chloride HoCl3 Holmium in solution is in the form of Ho3 surrounded by nine molecules of water Holmium dissolves in acids 12 However holmium is also found to exist in the 2 1 and 0 oxidation states citation needed Isotopes edit Further information Isotopes of holmium The isotopes of holmium range from 140Ho to 175Ho The primary decay mode before the most abundant stable isotope 165Ho is positron emission and the primary mode after is beta minus decay The primary decay products before 165Ho are terbium and dysprosium isotopes and the primary products after are erbium isotopes 19 Natural holmium consists of one primordial isotope holmium 165 12 it is the only isotope of holmium that is thought to be stable although it is predicted to undergo alpha decay to terbium 161 with a very long half life 20 Of the 35 synthetic radioactive isotopes that are known the most stable one is holmium 163 163Ho with a half life of 4570 years 21 All other radioisotopes have ground state half lives not greater than 1 117 days with the longest holmium 166 166Ho having a half life of 26 83 hours 22 and most have half lives under 3 hours 166m1Ho has a half life of around 1200 years 23 The high excitation energy resulting in a particularly rich spectrum of decay gamma rays produced when the metastable state de excites makes this isotope useful as a means for calibrating gamma ray spectrometers 24 Compounds editOxides and chalcogenides edit nbsp Ho2O3 left natural light right under a cold cathode fluorescent lamp Holmium III oxide is the only oxide of holmium It changes its color depending on the lighting conditions In daylight it has a yellowish color Under trichromatic light it appears orange red almost indistinguishable from the appearance of erbium oxide under the same lighting conditions 25 The color change is related to the sharp emission lines of trivalent holmium ions acting as red phosphors 26 Holmium III oxide appears pink under a cold cathode fluorescent lamp Other chalcogenides are known for holmium Holmium III sulfide has orange yellow crystals in the monoclinic crystal system 19 with the space group P21 m No 11 27 Under high pressure holmium III sulfide can form in the cubic and orthorhombic crystal systems 28 It can be obtained by the reaction of holmium III oxide and hydrogen sulfide at 1 598 K 1 325 C 2 417 F 29 Holmium III selenide is also known It is antiferromagnetic below 6 K 30 Halides edit All four trihalides of holmium are known Holmium III fluoride is a yellowish powder that can be produced by reacting holmium III oxide and ammonium fluoride then crystallising it from the ammonium salt formed in solution 31 Holmium III chloride can be prepared in a similar way with ammonium chloride instead of ammonium fluoride 32 It has the YCl3 layer structure in the solid state 33 These compounds as well as holmium III bromide and holmium III iodide can be obtained by the direct reaction of the elements 18 2 Ho 3 X2 2 HoX3 In addition holmium III iodide can be obtained by the direct reaction of holmium and mercury II iodide then removing the mercury by distillation 34 Organoholmium compounds edit See also Organolanthanide chemistry Organoholmium compounds are very similar to those of the other lanthanides as they all share an inability to undergo p backbonding They are thus mostly restricted to the mostly ionic cyclopentadienides isostructural with those of lanthanum and the s bonded simple alkyls and aryls some of which may be polymeric 35 History editHolmium Holmia Latin name for Stockholm was discovered by the Swiss chemists Jacques Louis Soret and Marc Delafontaine in 1878 who noticed the aberrant spectrographic emission spectrum of the then unknown element they called it Element X 36 37 The Swedish chemist Per Teodor Cleve also independently discovered the element while he was working on erbia earth erbium oxide He was the first to isolate the new element 7 6 38 Using the method developed by the Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander Cleve first removed all of the known contaminants from erbia The result of that effort was two new materials one brown and one green He named the brown substance holmia after the Latin name for Cleve s home town Stockholm and the green one thulia Holmia was later found to be the holmium oxide and thulia was thulium oxide 39 In the English physicist Henry Moseley s classic paper on atomic numbers holmium was assigned the value 66 The holmium preparation he had been given to investigate had been impure dominated by neighboring at the time undiscovered dysprosium He would have seen x ray emission lines for both elements but assumed that the dominant ones belonged to holmium instead of the dysprosium impurity 40 Occurrence and production edit nbsp A specimen of gadolinite holmium is the black part of it Like all the other rare earth elements holmium is not naturally found as a free element It occurs combined with other elements in gadolinite monazite and other rare earth minerals No holmium dominant mineral has yet been found The main mining areas are China United States Brazil India Sri Lanka and Australia with reserves of holmium estimated as 400 000 tonnes 39 The annual production of holmium metal is of about 10 tonnes per year 41 Holmium makes up 1 3 parts per million of the Earth s crust by mass 42 Holmium makes up 1 part per million of the soils 400 parts per quadrillion of seawater and almost none of Earth s atmosphere which is very rare for a lanthanide 39 It makes up 500 parts per trillion of the universe by mass 43 Holmium is commercially extracted by ion exchange from monazite sand 0 05 holmium but is still difficult to separate from other rare earths The element has been isolated through the reduction of its anhydrous chloride or fluoride with metallic calcium 19 Its estimated abundance in the Earth s crust is 1 3 mg kg Holmium obeys the Oddo Harkins rule as an odd numbered element it is less abundant than both dysprosium and erbium However it is the most abundant of the odd numbered heavy lanthanides Of the lanthanides only promethium thulium lutetium and terbium are less abundant on Earth The principal current source are some of the ion adsorption clays of southern China Some of these have a rare earth composition similar to that found in xenotime or gadolinite Yttrium makes up about two thirds of the total by mass holmium is around 1 5 44 Holmium is relatively inexpensive for a rare earth metal with the price about 1000 USD kg 45 Applications edit nbsp A solution of 4 holmium oxide in 10 perchloric acid permanently fused into a quartz cuvette as an optical calibration standard Glass containing holmium oxide and holmium oxide solutions usually in perchloric acid have sharp optical absorption peaks in the spectral range 200 to 900 nm They are therefore used as a calibration standard for optical spectrophotometers 46 47 48 The radioactive but long lived 166m1Ho is used in calibration of gamma ray spectrometers 49 Holmium is used to create the strongest artificially generated magnetic fields when placed within high strength magnets as a magnetic pole piece also called a magnetic flux concentrator 50 Holmium is also used in the manufacture of some permanent magnets Holmium doped yttrium iron garnet YIG and yttrium lithium fluoride have applications in solid state lasers and Ho YIG has applications in optical isolators and in microwave equipment e g YIG spheres Holmium lasers emit at 2 1 micrometres 51 They are used in medical dental and fiber optical applications 13 It is also being considered for usage in the enucleation of the prostate 52 Since holmium can absorb nuclear fission bred neutrons it is used as a burnable poison to regulate nuclear reactors 39 It is used as a colorant for cubic zirconia providing pink coloring 53 and for glass providing yellow orange coloring 54 In March 2017 IBM announced that they had developed a technique to store one bit of data on a single holmium atom set on a bed of magnesium oxide 55 With sufficient quantum and classical control techniques holmium may be a good candidate to make quantum computers 56 Biological role and precautions editHolmium plays no biological role in humans but its salts are able to stimulate metabolism 19 Humans typically consume about a milligram of holmium a year Plants do not readily take up holmium from the soil Some vegetables have had their holmium content measured and it amounted to 100 parts per trillion 57 Holmium and its soluble salts are slightly toxic if ingested but insoluble holmium salts are nontoxic Metallic holmium in dust form presents a fire and explosion hazard 58 59 60 Large amounts of holmium salts can cause severe damage if inhaled consumed orally or injected The biological effects of holmium over a long period of time are not known Holmium has a low level of acute toxicity 61 See also editCategory Holmium compounds Period 6 elementReferences edit Standard Atomic Weights Holmium CIAAW 2021 Prohaska Thomas Irrgeher Johanna Benefield Jacqueline Bohlke John K Chesson Lesley A Coplen Tyler B Ding Tiping Dunn Philip J H Groning Manfred Holden Norman E Meijer Harro A J 2022 05 04 Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 IUPAC Technical Report Pure and Applied Chemistry doi 10 1515 pac 2019 0603 ISSN 1365 3075 a b Arblaster John W 2018 Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements Materials Park Ohio ASM International ISBN 978 1 62708 155 9 Yttrium and all lanthanides except Ce and Pm have been observed in the oxidation state 0 in bis 1 3 5 tri t butylbenzene complexes see Cloke F Geoffrey N 1993 Zero Oxidation State Compounds of Scandium Yttrium and the Lanthanides Chem Soc Rev 22 17 24 doi 10 1039 CS9932200017 and Arnold Polly L Petrukhina Marina A Bochenkov Vladimir E Shabatina Tatyana I Zagorskii Vyacheslav V Cloke 2003 12 15 Arene complexation of Sm Eu Tm and Yb atoms a variable temperature spectroscopic investigation Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 688 1 2 49 55 doi 10 1016 j jorganchem 2003 08 028 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae a b Marshall James L Marshall Marshall Virginia R Marshall 2015 Rediscovery of the elements The Rare Earths The Confusing Years PDF The Hexagon 72 77 Retrieved 30 December 2019 a b Holmium Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 Retrieved 4 January 2020 Stwertka Albert 1998 A guide to the elements 2nd ed p 161 Strandburg D L Legvold S 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toxicology of dysprosium holmium and erbium chlorides Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 8 1 37 43 doi 10 1016 0041 008x 66 90098 6 PMID 5921895 Haley T J 1965 Pharmacology and toxicology of the rare earth elements Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 54 5 663 70 doi 10 1002 jps 2600540502 PMID 5321124 Bruce D W Hietbrink B E Dubois K P 1963 The acute mammalian toxicity of rare earth nitrates and oxides Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 5 6 750 9 doi 10 1016 0041 008X 63 90067 X PMID 14082480 Holmium Biological Action 2011 04 15 Archived from the original on 2011 04 15 Retrieved 2023 03 05 Bibliography editEmsley John 2011 Nature s Building Blocks An A Z Guide to the Elements Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 960563 7 Greenwood Norman N Earnshaw Alan 1997 Chemistry of the Elements 2nd ed Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978 0 08 037941 8 Stwertka Albert 1998 A guide to the elements 2nd ed Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 508083 1 Cullity B D Graham C D 2005 Introduction to Magnetic Materials John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 978 1 118 21149 6 Jiles David 1998 Introduction to magnetism and magnetic materials CRC Press ISBN 0 412 79860 3 Ganjali Mohammad Reza Gupta Vinod Kumar Faridbod Farnoush Norouzi Parviz 2016 02 25 Lanthanides Series Determination by Various Analytical Methods Elsevier ISBN 978 0 12 420095 1 Tonkov E Yu 1998 Compounds and Alloys Under High Pressure A Handbook CRC Press ISBN 978 90 5699 047 3 G Meyer Lester R Morss eds 1991 Synthesis of Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN 0792310187 Riedel moderne anorganische Chemie in German Erwin Riedel Christoph Janiak Hans Jurgen Meyer 4 Aufl ed Berlin De Gruyter 2012 ISBN 978 3 11 024900 2 OCLC 781540844 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Wells A F 1984 Structural inorganic chemistry 5th ed Oxford Oxfordshire Clarendon Press ISBN 9780198553700 OCLC 8866491 Weeks Mary Elvira 1956 The discovery of the elements 6th ed Easton PA Journal of Chemical Education Further reading editR J Callow The Industrial Chemistry of the Lanthanons Yttrium Thorium and Uranium Pergamon Press 1967 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Holmium Holmium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Holmium amp oldid 1219102177, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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