

Zirconium is a chemical element; it has symbol Zr and atomic number 40. The name zirconium is derived from the name of the mineral zircon, the most important source of zirconium. The word is related to Persian zargun (zircon; zar-gun, "gold-like" or "as gold").[8] It is a lustrous, grey-white, strong transition metal that closely resembles hafnium and, to a lesser extent, titanium.

Zirconium, 40Zr
Pronunciation/zɜːrˈkniəm/ (zur-KOH-nee-əm)
Appearancesilvery white
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Zr)
Zirconium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)40
Groupgroup 4
Periodperiod 5
Block  d-block
Electron configuration[Kr] 4d2 5s2
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 10, 2
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point2125 K ​(1852 °C, ​3365 °F)
Boiling point4650 K ​(4377 °C, ​7911 °F)
Density (at 20° C)6.505 g/cm3[3]
when liquid (at m.p.)5.8 g/cm3
Heat of fusion14 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization591 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity25.36 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 2639 2891 3197 3575 4053 4678
Atomic properties
Oxidation states−2, 0, +1,[4][citation needed] +2, +3, +4 (an amphoteric oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 1.33
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 640.1 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 1270 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 2218 kJ/mol
Atomic radiusempirical: 160 pm
Covalent radius175±7 pm
Spectral lines of zirconium
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structurehexagonal close-packed (hcp) (hP2)
Lattice constants
a = 323.22 pm
c = 514.79 pm (at 20 °C)[3]
Thermal expansion5.69×10−6/K (at 20 °C)[3][a]
Thermal conductivity22.6 W/(m⋅K)
Electrical resistivity421 nΩ⋅m (at 20 °C)
Magnetic orderingparamagnetic[5]
Young's modulus88 GPa
Shear modulus33 GPa
Bulk modulus91.1 GPa
Speed of sound thin rod3800 m/s (at 20 °C)
Poisson ratio0.34
Mohs hardness5.0
Vickers hardness820–1800 MPa
Brinell hardness638–1880 MPa
CAS Number7440-67-7
Namingafter zircon, zargun زرگون meaning "gold-colored".
DiscoveryMartin Heinrich Klaproth (1789)
First isolationJöns Jakob Berzelius (1824)
Isotopes of zirconium
Main isotopes[6] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
88Zr synth 83.4 d ε 88Y
89Zr synth 78.4 h ε 89Y
β+ 89Y
90Zr 51.5% stable
91Zr 11.2% stable
92Zr 17.1% stable
93Zr trace 1.53×106 y β 93Nb
94Zr 17.4% stable
96Zr 2.80% 2.0×1019 y[7] ββ 96Mo
 Category: Zirconium
| references

Zirconium forms a variety of inorganic and organometallic compounds such as zirconium dioxide and zirconocene dichloride, respectively. Five isotopes occur naturally, four of which are stable.

Zirconium is mainly used as a refractory and opacifier, although small amounts are used as an alloying agent for its strong resistance to corrosion. Zirconium compounds have no known biological role.

Characteristics edit

Zirconium is a lustrous, greyish-white, soft, ductile, malleable metal that is solid at room temperature, though it is hard and brittle at lesser purities.[9] In powder form, zirconium is highly flammable, but the solid form is much less prone to ignition. Zirconium is highly resistant to corrosion by alkalis, acids, salt water and other agents.[10] However, it will dissolve in hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, especially when fluorine is present.[11] Alloys with zinc are magnetic at less than 35 K.[10]

The melting point of zirconium is 1855 °C (3371 °F), and the boiling point is 4409 °C (7968 °F).[10] Zirconium has an electronegativity of 1.33 on the Pauling scale. Of the elements within the d-block with known electronegativities, zirconium has the fifth lowest electronegativity after hafnium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium.[12]

At room temperature zirconium exhibits a hexagonally close-packed crystal structure, α-Zr, which changes to β-Zr, a body-centered cubic crystal structure, at 863 °C. Zirconium exists in the β-phase until the melting point.[13]

Isotopes edit

Naturally occurring zirconium is composed of five isotopes. 90Zr, 91Zr, 92Zr and 94Zr are stable, although 94Zr is predicted to undergo double beta decay (not observed experimentally) with a half-life of more than 1.10×1017 years. 96Zr has a half-life of 2.4×1019 years, and is the longest-lived radioisotope of zirconium. Of these natural isotopes, 90Zr is the most common, making up 51.45% of all zirconium. 96Zr is the least common, comprising only 2.80% of zirconium.[14]

Twenty-eight artificial isotopes of zirconium have been synthesized, ranging in atomic mass from 78 to 110. 93Zr is the longest-lived artificial isotope, with a half-life of 1.53×106 years. 110Zr, the heaviest isotope of zirconium, is the most radioactive, with an estimated half-life of 30 milliseconds. Radioactive isotopes at or above mass number 93 decay by electron emission, whereas those at or below 89 decay by positron emission. The only exception is 88Zr, which decays by electron capture.[14]

Five isotopes of zirconium also exist as metastable isomers: 83mZr, 85mZr, 89mZr, 90m1Zr, 90m2Zr and 91mZr. Of these, 90m2Zr has the shortest half-life at 131 nanoseconds. 89mZr is the longest lived with a half-life of 4.161 minutes.[14]

Occurrence edit

World production trend of zirconium mineral concentrates

Zirconium has a concentration of about 130 mg/kg within the Earth's crust and about 0.026 μg/L in sea water. It is the 18th most abundant element in the crust.[15] It is not found in nature as a native metal, reflecting its intrinsic instability with respect to water. The principal commercial source of zirconium is zircon (ZrSiO4), a silicate mineral,[9] which is found primarily in Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa and the United States, as well as in smaller deposits around the world.[16] As of 2013, two-thirds of zircon mining occurs in Australia and South Africa.[17] Zircon resources exceed 60 million tonnes worldwide[18] and annual worldwide zirconium production is approximately 900,000 tonnes.[15] Zirconium also occurs in more than 140 other minerals, including the commercially useful ores baddeleyite and eudialyte.[19]

Zirconium is relatively abundant in S-type stars, and has been detected in the sun and in meteorites. Lunar rock samples brought back from several Apollo missions to the moon have a high zirconium oxide content relative to terrestrial rocks.[10]

EPR spectroscopy has been used in investigations of the unusual 3+ valence state of zirconium. The EPR spectrum of Zr3+, which has been initially observed as a parasitic signal in Fe‐doped single crystals of ScPO4, was definitively identified by preparing single crystals of ScPO4 doped with isotopically enriched (94.6%)91Zr. Single crystals of LuPO4 and YPO4 doped with both naturally abundant and isotopically enriched Zr have also been grown and investigated.[20]

Production edit

Occurrence edit

Zirconium output in 2005

Zirconium is a by-product formed after mining and processing of the titanium minerals ilmenite and rutile, as well as tin mining.[21] From 2003 to 2007, while prices for the mineral zircon steadily increased from $360 to $840 per tonne, the price for unwrought zirconium metal decreased from $39,900 to $22,700 per ton. Zirconium metal is much more expensive than zircon because the reduction processes are costly.[18]

Collected from coastal waters, zircon-bearing sand is purified by spiral concentrators to separate lighter materials, which are then returned to the water because they are natural components of beach sand. Using magnetic separation, the titanium ores ilmenite and rutile are removed.

Most zircon is used directly in commercial applications, but a small percentage is converted to the metal. Most Zr metal is produced by the reduction of the zirconium(IV) chloride with magnesium metal in the Kroll process.[10] The resulting metal is sintered until sufficiently ductile for metalworking.[16]

Separation of zirconium and hafnium edit

Commercial zirconium metal typically contains 1–3% of hafnium,[22] which is usually not problematic because the chemical properties of hafnium and zirconium are very similar. Their neutron-absorbing properties differ strongly, however, necessitating the separation of hafnium from zirconium for nuclear reactors.[23] Several separation schemes are in use.[22] The liquid-liquid extraction of the thiocyanate-oxide derivatives exploits the fact that the hafnium derivative is slightly more soluble in methyl isobutyl ketone than in water. This method is used mainly in United States. In India, TBP-Nitrate solvent extraction process is used for the separation.

Zr and Hf can also be separated by fractional crystallization of potassium hexafluorozirconate (K2ZrF6), which is less soluble in water than the analogous hafnium derivative.

Fractional distillation of the tetrachlorides, also called extractive distillation, is used primarily in Europe.

The product of a quadruple VAM (vacuum arc melting) process, combined with hot extruding and different rolling applications is cured using high-pressure, high-temperature gas autoclaving. This produces reactor-grade zirconium that is about 10 times more expensive than the hafnium-contaminated commercial grade.

Hafnium must be removed from zirconium for nuclear applications because hafnium has a neutron absorption cross-section 600 times greater than zirconium.[24] The separated hafnium can be used for reactor control rods.[25]

Compounds edit

Like other transition metals, zirconium forms a wide range of inorganic compounds and coordination complexes.[26] In general, these compounds are colourless diamagnetic solids wherein zirconium has the oxidation state +4. Far fewer Zr(III) compounds are known, and Zr(II) is very rare.

Oxides, nitrides, and carbides edit

The most common oxide is zirconium dioxide, ZrO2, also known as zirconia. This clear to white-coloured solid has exceptional fracture toughness (for a ceramic) and chemical resistance, especially in its cubic form.[27] These properties make zirconia useful as a thermal barrier coating,[28] although it is also a common diamond substitute.[27] Zirconium monoxide, ZrO, is also known and S-type stars are recognised by detection of its emission lines.[29]

Zirconium tungstate has the unusual property of shrinking in all dimensions when heated, whereas most other substances expand when heated.[10] Zirconyl chloride is a rare water-soluble zirconium complex with the relatively complicated formula [Zr4(OH)12(H2O)16]Cl8.

Zirconium carbide and zirconium nitride are refractory solids. The carbide is used for drilling tools and cutting edges. Zirconium hydride phases are also known.

Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) is the most commonly used piezoelectric material, with applications such as ultrasonic transducers, hydrophones, common rail injectors, piezoelectric transformers and micro-actuators.

Halides and pseudohalides edit

All four common halides are known, ZrF4, ZrCl4, ZrBr4, and ZrI4. All have polymeric structures and are far less volatile than the corresponding monomeric titanium tetrahalides. All tend to hydrolyse to give the so-called oxyhalides and dioxides.

The corresponding tetraalkoxides are also known. Unlike the halides, the alkoxides dissolve in nonpolar solvents. Dihydrogen hexafluorozirconate is used in the metal finishing industry as an etching agent to promote paint adhesion.[30]

Organic derivatives edit

Zirconocene dichloride, a representative organozirconium compound

Organozirconium chemistry is key to Ziegler–Natta catalysts, used to produce polypropylene. This application exploits the ability of zirconium to reversibly form bonds to carbon. Zirconocene dibromide ((C5H5)2ZrBr2), reported in 1952 by Birmingham and Wilkinson, was the first organozirconium compound.[31] Schwartz's reagent, prepared in 1970 by P. C. Wailes and H. Weigold,[32] is a metallocene used in organic synthesis for transformations of alkenes and alkynes.[33]

Most complexes of Zr(II) are derivatives of zirconocene, one example being (C5Me5)2Zr(CO)2.

History edit

The zirconium-containing mineral zircon and related minerals (jargoon, jacinth, or hyacinth, ligure) were mentioned in biblical writings.[10][23] The mineral was not known to contain a new element until 1789,[34] when Klaproth analyzed a jargoon from the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). He named the new element Zirkonerde (zirconia).[10] Humphry Davy attempted to isolate this new element in 1808 through electrolysis, but failed.[9] Zirconium metal was first obtained in an impure form in 1824 by Berzelius by heating a mixture of potassium and potassium zirconium fluoride in an iron tube.[10]

The crystal bar process (also known as the Iodide Process), discovered by Anton Eduard van Arkel and Jan Hendrik de Boer in 1925, was the first industrial process for the commercial production of metallic zirconium. It involves the formation and subsequent thermal decomposition of zirconium tetraiodide (ZrI4), and was superseded in 1945 by the much cheaper Kroll process developed by William Justin Kroll, in which zirconium tetrachloride (ZrCl4) is reduced by magnesium:[16][35]


Applications edit

Approximately 900,000 tonnes of zirconium ores were mined in 1995, mostly as zircon.[22]

Most zircon is used directly in high-temperature applications. Because it is refractory, hard, and resistant to chemical attack, zircon finds many applications. Its main use is as an opacifier, conferring a white, opaque appearance to ceramic materials. Because of its chemical resistance, zircon is also used in aggressive environments, such as moulds for molten metals.

Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) is used in laboratory crucibles, in metallurgical furnaces, and as a refractory material[10] Because it is mechanically strong and flexible, it can be sintered into ceramic knives and other blades.[36] Zircon (ZrSiO4) and cubic zirconia (ZrO2) are cut into gemstones for use in jewelry. Zircon is also used in dating of rocks.

Zirconium dioxide is a component in some abrasives, such as grinding wheels and sandpaper.[34]

A small fraction of the zircon is converted to the metal, which finds various niche applications. Because of zirconium's excellent resistance to corrosion, it is often used as an alloying agent in materials that are exposed to aggressive environments, such as surgical appliances, light filaments, and watch cases. The high reactivity of zirconium with oxygen at high temperatures is exploited in some specialised applications such as explosive primers and as getters in vacuum tubes. The same property is (probably) the purpose of including Zr nanoparticles as pyrophoric material in explosive weapons such as the BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb. Burning zirconium was used as a light source in some photographic flashbulbs. Zirconium powder with a mesh size from 10 to 80 is occasionally used in pyrotechnic compositions to generate sparks. The high reactivity of zirconium leads to bright white sparks.[37]

Nuclear applications edit

Cladding for nuclear reactor fuels consumes about 1% of the zirconium supply,[22] mainly in the form of zircaloys. The desired properties of these alloys are a low neutron-capture cross-section and resistance to corrosion under normal service conditions.[16][10] Efficient methods for removing the hafnium impurities were developed to serve this purpose.

One disadvantage of zirconium alloys is the reactivity with water, producing hydrogen, leading to degradation of the fuel rod cladding:


Hydrolysis is very slow below 100 °C, but rapid at temperature above 900 °C. Most metals undergo similar reactions. The redox reaction is relevant to the instability of fuel assemblies at high temperatures.[38] This reaction occurred in the reactors 1, 2 and 3 of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant (Japan) after the reactor cooling was interrupted by the earthquake and tsunami disaster of March 11, 2011, leading to the Fukushima I nuclear accidents. After venting the hydrogen in the maintenance hall of those three reactors, the mixture of hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen exploded, severely damaging the installations and at least one of the containment buildings.

Zirconium is a constituent of the uranium zirconium hydride (UZrH) nuclear fuel used in TRIGA reactors.

Space and aeronautic industries edit

Materials fabricated from zirconium metal and ZrO2 are used in space vehicles where resistance to heat is needed.[23]

High temperature parts such as combustors, blades, and vanes in jet engines and stationary gas turbines are increasingly being protected by thin ceramic layers and/or paintable coatings, usually composed of a mixture of zirconia and yttria.[39][40]

Zirconium is also used as a material of first choice for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) tanks, propellant lines, valves, and thrusters, in propulsion space systems such as these equipping the Sierra Space's Dream Chaser spaceplane[41] where the thrust is provided by the combustion of kerosene and hydrogen peroxide, a powerful, but unstable, oxidizer. The reason is that zirconium has an excellent corrosion resistance to H2O2 and, above all, do not catalyse its spontaneous self-decomposition as the ions of many transition metals do.[41][42]

Medical uses edit

Zirconium-bearing compounds are used in many biomedical applications, including dental implants and crowns, knee and hip replacements, middle-ear ossicular chain reconstruction, and other restorative and prosthetic devices.[43]

Zirconium binds urea, a property that has been utilized extensively to the benefit of patients with chronic kidney disease.[43] For example, zirconium is a primary component of the sorbent column dependent dialysate regeneration and recirculation system known as the REDY system, which was first introduced in 1973. More than 2,000,000 dialysis treatments have been performed using the sorbent column in the REDY system.[44] Although the REDY system was superseded in the 1990s by less expensive alternatives, new sorbent-based dialysis systems are being evaluated and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Renal Solutions developed the DIALISORB technology, a portable, low water dialysis system. Also, developmental versions of a Wearable Artificial Kidney have incorporated sorbent-based technologies.[citation needed]

Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate is used by mouth in the treatment of hyperkalemia. It is a selective sorbent designed to trap potassium ions in preference to other ions throughout the gastrointestinal tract.[45]

A mixture of monomeric and polymeric Zr4+ and Al3+ complexes with hydroxide, chloride and glycine, called aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly or AZG, is used in a preparation as an antiperspirant in many deodorant products. It is selected for its ability to obstruct pores in the skin and prevent sweat from leaving the body.

Defunct applications edit

Zirconium carbonate (3ZrO2·CO2·H2O) was used in lotions to treat poison ivy but was discontinued because it occasionally caused skin reactions.[9]

Safety edit

NFPA 704 (fire diamond)
 Health 0: Exposure under fire conditions would offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible material. E.g. sodium chlorideFlammability 1: Must be pre-heated before ignition can occur. Flash point over 93 °C (200 °F). E.g. canola oilInstability 0: Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water. E.g. liquid nitrogenSpecial hazards (white): no code

Although zirconium has no known biological role, the human body contains, on average, 250 milligrams of zirconium, and daily intake is approximately 4.15 milligrams (3.5 milligrams from food and 0.65 milligrams from water), depending on dietary habits.[46] Zirconium is widely distributed in nature and is found in all biological systems, for example: 2.86 μg/g in whole wheat, 3.09 μg/g in brown rice, 0.55 μg/g in spinach, 1.23 μg/g in eggs, and 0.86 μg/g in ground beef.[46] Further, zirconium is commonly used in commercial products (e.g. deodorant sticks, aerosol antiperspirants) and also in water purification (e.g. control of phosphorus pollution, bacteria- and pyrogen-contaminated water).[43]

Short-term exposure to zirconium powder can cause irritation, but only contact with the eyes requires medical attention.[47] Persistent exposure to zirconium tetrachloride results in increased mortality in rats and guinea pigs and a decrease of blood hemoglobin and red blood cells in dogs. However, in a study of 20 rats given a standard diet containing ~4% zirconium oxide, there were no adverse effects on growth rate, blood and urine parameters, or mortality.[48] The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) legal limit (permissible exposure limit) for zirconium exposure is 5 mg/m3 over an 8-hour workday. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommended exposure limit (REL) is 5 mg/m3 over an 8-hour workday and a short term limit of 10 mg/m3. At levels of 25 mg/m3, zirconium is immediately dangerous to life and health.[49] However, zirconium is not considered an industrial health hazard.[43] Furthermore, reports of zirconium-related adverse reactions are rare and, in general, rigorous cause-and-effect relationships have not been established.[43] No evidence has been validated that zirconium is carcinogenic or genotoxic.[50]

Among the numerous radioactive isotopes of zirconium, 93Zr is among the most common. It is released as a product of nuclear fission of 235U and 239Pu, mainly in nuclear power plants and during nuclear weapons tests in the 1950s and 1960s. It has a very long half-life (1.53 million years), its decay emits only low energy radiations, and it is not considered as highly hazardous.[51]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ The thermal expansion of a zirconium crystal is anisotropic: the parameters (at 20 °C) for each crystal axis are αa = 4.91×10−6/K, αc = 7.26×10−6/K, and αaverage = αV/3 = 5.69×10−6/K.[3]

References edit

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  2. ^ Prohaska, Thomas; Irrgeher, Johanna; Benefield, Jacqueline; Böhlke, John K.; Chesson, Lesley A.; Coplen, Tyler B.; Ding, Tiping; Dunn, Philip J. H.; Gröning, Manfred; Holden, Norman E.; Meijer, Harro A. J. (2022-05-04). "Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. doi:10.1515/pac-2019-0603. ISSN 1365-3075.
  3. ^ a b c d Arblaster, John W. (2018). Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements. Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International. ISBN 978-1-62708-155-9.
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  33. ^ Hart, D. W. & Schwartz, J. (1974). "Hydrozirconation. Organic Synthesis via Organozirconium Intermediates. Synthesis and Rearrangement of Alkylzirconium(IV) Complexes and Their Reaction with Electrophiles". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 96 (26): 8115–8116. doi:10.1021/ja00833a048.
  34. ^ a b Krebs, Robert E. (1998). The History and Use of our Earth's Chemical Elements. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. pp. 98–100. ISBN 978-0-313-30123-0.
  35. ^ Hedrick, James B. (1998). "Zirconium". Metal Prices in the United States through 1998 (PDF). US Geological Survey. pp. 175–178. Retrieved 2008-02-26.
  36. ^ "Fine ceramics – zirconia". Kyocera Inc.
  37. ^ Kosanke, Kenneth L.; Kosanke, Bonnie J. (1999), "Pyrotechnic Spark Generation", Journal of Pyrotechnics: 49–62, ISBN 978-1-889526-12-6
  38. ^ Gillon, Luc (1979). Le nucléaire en question, Gembloux Duculot, French edition.
  39. ^ Meier, S. M.; Gupta, D. K. (1994). "The Evolution of Thermal Barrier Coatings in Gas Turbine Engine Applications". Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 116: 250–257. doi:10.1115/1.2906801. S2CID 53414132.
  40. ^ Allison, S. W. "37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit" (PDF). AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference.
  41. ^ a b Clark, Stephen (2023-11-01). "After decades of dreams, a commercial spaceplane is almost ready to fly". Ars Technica. Retrieved 2023-11-03.
  42. ^ ATI Materials. "Zircadyne® 702/705 in Hydrogen Peroxide" (PDF). atimaterials. Retrieved 2023-11-03.
  43. ^ a b c d e Lee DBN, Roberts M, Bluchel CG, Odell RA. (2010) Zirconium: Biomedical and nephrological applications. ASAIO J 56(6):550–556.
  44. ^ Ash SR. Sorbents in treatment of uremia: A short history and a great future. 2009 Semin Dial 22: 615–622
  45. ^ Ingelfinger, Julie R. (2015). "A New Era for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia?". New England Journal of Medicine. 372 (3): 275–7. doi:10.1056/NEJMe1414112. PMID 25415806.
  46. ^ a b Schroeder, Henry A.; Balassa, Joseph J. (May 1966). "Abnormal trace metals in man: zirconium". Journal of Chronic Diseases. 19 (5): 573–586. doi:10.1016/0021-9681(66)90095-6. PMID 5338082.
  47. ^ "Zirconium". International Chemical Safety Cards. International Labour Organization. October 2004. Retrieved 2008-03-30.
  48. ^ Zirconium and its compounds 1999. The MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety. 224–236
  49. ^ "NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards – Zirconium compounds (as Zr)". CDC. Retrieved 2015-11-27.
  50. ^ toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/search/f?./temp/~EHRbeW:2
  51. ^ "ANL Human Health Fact Sheet: Zirconium (October 2001)" (PDF). Argonne National Laboratory. Retrieved 15 July 2020.

External links edit

zirconium, confused, with, zircon, zirconia, cubic, zirconia, this, article, lead, section, short, adequately, summarize, points, please, consider, expanding, lead, provide, accessible, overview, important, aspects, article, february, 2024, chemical, element, . Not to be confused with zircon zirconia or cubic zirconia This article s lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article February 2024 Zirconium is a chemical element it has symbol Zr and atomic number 40 The name zirconium is derived from the name of the mineral zircon the most important source of zirconium The word is related to Persian zargun zircon zar gun gold like or as gold 8 It is a lustrous grey white strong transition metal that closely resembles hafnium and to a lesser extent titanium Zirconium 40ZrZirconiumPronunciation z ɜːr ˈ k oʊ n i e m wbr zur KOH nee em Appearancesilvery whiteStandard atomic weight Ar Zr 91 224 0 002 1 91 224 0 002 abridged 2 Zirconium in the periodic tableHydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Ti Zr Hf yttrium zirconium niobiumAtomic number Z 40Groupgroup 4Periodperiod 5Block d blockElectron configuration Kr 4d2 5s2Electrons per shell2 8 18 10 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point2125 K 1852 C 3365 F Boiling point4650 K 4377 C 7911 F Density at 20 C 6 505 g cm3 3 when liquid at m p 5 8 g cm3Heat of fusion14 kJ molHeat of vaporization591 kJ molMolar heat capacity25 36 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k at T K 2639 2891 3197 3575 4053 4678Atomic propertiesOxidation states 2 0 1 4 citation needed 2 3 4 an amphoteric oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 1 33Ionization energies1st 640 1 kJ mol2nd 1270 kJ mol3rd 2218 kJ molAtomic radiusempirical 160 pmCovalent radius175 7 pmSpectral lines of zirconiumOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure hexagonal close packed hcp hP2 Lattice constantsa 323 22 pmc 514 79 pm at 20 C 3 Thermal expansion5 69 10 6 K at 20 C 3 a Thermal conductivity22 6 W m K Electrical resistivity421 nW m at 20 C Magnetic orderingparamagnetic 5 Young s modulus88 GPaShear modulus33 GPaBulk modulus91 1 GPaSpeed of sound thin rod3800 m s at 20 C Poisson ratio0 34Mohs hardness5 0Vickers hardness820 1800 MPaBrinell hardness638 1880 MPaCAS Number7440 67 7HistoryNamingafter zircon zargun زرگون meaning gold colored DiscoveryMartin Heinrich Klaproth 1789 First isolationJons Jakob Berzelius 1824 Isotopes of zirconiumveMain isotopes 6 Decay abun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct 88Zr synth 83 4 d e 88Y g 89Zr synth 78 4 h e 89Y b 89Y g 90Zr 51 5 stable 91Zr 11 2 stable 92Zr 17 1 stable 93Zr trace 1 53 106 y b 93Nb 94Zr 17 4 stable 96Zr 2 80 2 0 1019 y 7 b b 96Mo Category Zirconiumviewtalkedit references Zirconium forms a variety of inorganic and organometallic compounds such as zirconium dioxide and zirconocene dichloride respectively Five isotopes occur naturally four of which are stable Zirconium is mainly used as a refractory and opacifier although small amounts are used as an alloying agent for its strong resistance to corrosion Zirconium compounds have no known biological role Contents 1 Characteristics 1 1 Isotopes 1 2 Occurrence 2 Production 2 1 Occurrence 2 2 Separation of zirconium and hafnium 3 Compounds 3 1 Oxides nitrides and carbides 3 2 Halides and pseudohalides 3 3 Organic derivatives 4 History 5 Applications 5 1 Nuclear applications 5 2 Space and aeronautic industries 5 3 Medical uses 5 4 Defunct applications 6 Safety 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External linksCharacteristics editZirconium is a lustrous greyish white soft ductile malleable metal that is solid at room temperature though it is hard and brittle at lesser purities 9 In powder form zirconium is highly flammable but the solid form is much less prone to ignition Zirconium is highly resistant to corrosion by alkalis acids salt water and other agents 10 However it will dissolve in hydrochloric and sulfuric acid especially when fluorine is present 11 Alloys with zinc are magnetic at less than 35 K 10 The melting point of zirconium is 1855 C 3371 F and the boiling point is 4409 C 7968 F 10 Zirconium has an electronegativity of 1 33 on the Pauling scale Of the elements within the d block with known electronegativities zirconium has the fifth lowest electronegativity after hafnium yttrium lanthanum and actinium 12 At room temperature zirconium exhibits a hexagonally close packed crystal structure a Zr which changes to b Zr a body centered cubic crystal structure at 863 C Zirconium exists in the b phase until the melting point 13 Isotopes edit Main article Isotopes of zirconium Naturally occurring zirconium is composed of five isotopes 90Zr 91Zr 92Zr and 94Zr are stable although 94Zr is predicted to undergo double beta decay not observed experimentally with a half life of more than 1 10 1017 years 96Zr has a half life of 2 4 1019 years and is the longest lived radioisotope of zirconium Of these natural isotopes 90Zr is the most common making up 51 45 of all zirconium 96Zr is the least common comprising only 2 80 of zirconium 14 Twenty eight artificial isotopes of zirconium have been synthesized ranging in atomic mass from 78 to 110 93Zr is the longest lived artificial isotope with a half life of 1 53 106 years 110Zr the heaviest isotope of zirconium is the most radioactive with an estimated half life of 30 milliseconds Radioactive isotopes at or above mass number 93 decay by electron emission whereas those at or below 89 decay by positron emission The only exception is 88Zr which decays by electron capture 14 Five isotopes of zirconium also exist as metastable isomers 83mZr 85mZr 89mZr 90m1Zr 90m2Zr and 91mZr Of these 90m2Zr has the shortest half life at 131 nanoseconds 89mZr is the longest lived with a half life of 4 161 minutes 14 Occurrence edit See also Category Zirconium minerals nbsp World production trend of zirconium mineral concentrates Zirconium has a concentration of about 130 mg kg within the Earth s crust and about 0 026 mg L in sea water It is the 18th most abundant element in the crust 15 It is not found in nature as a native metal reflecting its intrinsic instability with respect to water The principal commercial source of zirconium is zircon ZrSiO4 a silicate mineral 9 which is found primarily in Australia Brazil India Russia South Africa and the United States as well as in smaller deposits around the world 16 As of 2013 two thirds of zircon mining occurs in Australia and South Africa 17 Zircon resources exceed 60 million tonnes worldwide 18 and annual worldwide zirconium production is approximately 900 000 tonnes 15 Zirconium also occurs in more than 140 other minerals including the commercially useful ores baddeleyite and eudialyte 19 Zirconium is relatively abundant in S type stars and has been detected in the sun and in meteorites Lunar rock samples brought back from several Apollo missions to the moon have a high zirconium oxide content relative to terrestrial rocks 10 EPR spectroscopy has been used in investigations of the unusual 3 valence state of zirconium The EPR spectrum of Zr3 which has been initially observed as a parasitic signal in Fe doped single crystals of ScPO4 was definitively identified by preparing single crystals of ScPO4 doped with isotopically enriched 94 6 91Zr Single crystals of LuPO4 and YPO4 doped with both naturally abundant and isotopically enriched Zr have also been grown and investigated 20 Production editOccurrence edit nbsp Zirconium output in 2005 Zirconium is a by product formed after mining and processing of the titanium minerals ilmenite and rutile as well as tin mining 21 From 2003 to 2007 while prices for the mineral zircon steadily increased from 360 to 840 per tonne the price for unwrought zirconium metal decreased from 39 900 to 22 700 per ton Zirconium metal is much more expensive than zircon because the reduction processes are costly 18 Collected from coastal waters zircon bearing sand is purified by spiral concentrators to separate lighter materials which are then returned to the water because they are natural components of beach sand Using magnetic separation the titanium ores ilmenite and rutile are removed Most zircon is used directly in commercial applications but a small percentage is converted to the metal Most Zr metal is produced by the reduction of the zirconium IV chloride with magnesium metal in the Kroll process 10 The resulting metal is sintered until sufficiently ductile for metalworking 16 Separation of zirconium and hafnium edit Commercial zirconium metal typically contains 1 3 of hafnium 22 which is usually not problematic because the chemical properties of hafnium and zirconium are very similar Their neutron absorbing properties differ strongly however necessitating the separation of hafnium from zirconium for nuclear reactors 23 Several separation schemes are in use 22 The liquid liquid extraction of the thiocyanate oxide derivatives exploits the fact that the hafnium derivative is slightly more soluble in methyl isobutyl ketone than in water This method is used mainly in United States In India TBP Nitrate solvent extraction process is used for the separation Zr and Hf can also be separated by fractional crystallization of potassium hexafluorozirconate K2ZrF6 which is less soluble in water than the analogous hafnium derivative Fractional distillation of the tetrachlorides also called extractive distillation is used primarily in Europe The product of a quadruple VAM vacuum arc melting process combined with hot extruding and different rolling applications is cured using high pressure high temperature gas autoclaving This produces reactor grade zirconium that is about 10 times more expensive than the hafnium contaminated commercial grade Hafnium must be removed from zirconium for nuclear applications because hafnium has a neutron absorption cross section 600 times greater than zirconium 24 The separated hafnium can be used for reactor control rods 25 Compounds editSee also the categories Zirconium compounds and Zirconium minerals Like other transition metals zirconium forms a wide range of inorganic compounds and coordination complexes 26 In general these compounds are colourless diamagnetic solids wherein zirconium has the oxidation state 4 Far fewer Zr III compounds are known and Zr II is very rare Oxides nitrides and carbides edit ZrO redirects here For other uses see ZRO The most common oxide is zirconium dioxide ZrO2 also known as zirconia This clear to white coloured solid has exceptional fracture toughness for a ceramic and chemical resistance especially in its cubic form 27 These properties make zirconia useful as a thermal barrier coating 28 although it is also a common diamond substitute 27 Zirconium monoxide ZrO is also known and S type stars are recognised by detection of its emission lines 29 Zirconium tungstate has the unusual property of shrinking in all dimensions when heated whereas most other substances expand when heated 10 Zirconyl chloride is a rare water soluble zirconium complex with the relatively complicated formula Zr4 OH 12 H2O 16 Cl8 Zirconium carbide and zirconium nitride are refractory solids The carbide is used for drilling tools and cutting edges Zirconium hydride phases are also known Lead zirconate titanate PZT is the most commonly used piezoelectric material with applications such as ultrasonic transducers hydrophones common rail injectors piezoelectric transformers and micro actuators Halides and pseudohalides edit All four common halides are known ZrF4 ZrCl4 ZrBr4 and ZrI4 All have polymeric structures and are far less volatile than the corresponding monomeric titanium tetrahalides All tend to hydrolyse to give the so called oxyhalides and dioxides The corresponding tetraalkoxides are also known Unlike the halides the alkoxides dissolve in nonpolar solvents Dihydrogen hexafluorozirconate is used in the metal finishing industry as an etching agent to promote paint adhesion 30 Organic derivatives edit nbsp Zirconocene dichloride a representative organozirconium compound Organozirconium chemistry is key to Ziegler Natta catalysts used to produce polypropylene This application exploits the ability of zirconium to reversibly form bonds to carbon Zirconocene dibromide C5H5 2ZrBr2 reported in 1952 by Birmingham and Wilkinson was the first organozirconium compound 31 Schwartz s reagent prepared in 1970 by P C Wailes and H Weigold 32 is a metallocene used in organic synthesis for transformations of alkenes and alkynes 33 Most complexes of Zr II are derivatives of zirconocene one example being C5Me5 2Zr CO 2 History editThe zirconium containing mineral zircon and related minerals jargoon jacinth or hyacinth ligure were mentioned in biblical writings 10 23 The mineral was not known to contain a new element until 1789 34 when Klaproth analyzed a jargoon from the island of Ceylon now Sri Lanka He named the new element Zirkonerde zirconia 10 Humphry Davy attempted to isolate this new element in 1808 through electrolysis but failed 9 Zirconium metal was first obtained in an impure form in 1824 by Berzelius by heating a mixture of potassium and potassium zirconium fluoride in an iron tube 10 The crystal bar process also known as the Iodide Process discovered by Anton Eduard van Arkel and Jan Hendrik de Boer in 1925 was the first industrial process for the commercial production of metallic zirconium It involves the formation and subsequent thermal decomposition of zirconium tetraiodide ZrI4 and was superseded in 1945 by the much cheaper Kroll process developed by William Justin Kroll in which zirconium tetrachloride ZrCl4 is reduced by magnesium 16 35 ZrCl 4 2 Mg Zr 2 MgCl 2 displaystyle ce ZrCl4 2Mg gt Zr 2MgCl2 nbsp Applications editApproximately 900 000 tonnes of zirconium ores were mined in 1995 mostly as zircon 22 Most zircon is used directly in high temperature applications Because it is refractory hard and resistant to chemical attack zircon finds many applications Its main use is as an opacifier conferring a white opaque appearance to ceramic materials Because of its chemical resistance zircon is also used in aggressive environments such as moulds for molten metals Zirconium dioxide ZrO2 is used in laboratory crucibles in metallurgical furnaces and as a refractory material 10 Because it is mechanically strong and flexible it can be sintered into ceramic knives and other blades 36 Zircon ZrSiO4 and cubic zirconia ZrO2 are cut into gemstones for use in jewelry Zircon is also used in dating of rocks Zirconium dioxide is a component in some abrasives such as grinding wheels and sandpaper 34 Further information Zirconium alloys A small fraction of the zircon is converted to the metal which finds various niche applications Because of zirconium s excellent resistance to corrosion it is often used as an alloying agent in materials that are exposed to aggressive environments such as surgical appliances light filaments and watch cases The high reactivity of zirconium with oxygen at high temperatures is exploited in some specialised applications such as explosive primers and as getters in vacuum tubes The same property is probably the purpose of including Zr nanoparticles as pyrophoric material in explosive weapons such as the BLU 97 B Combined Effects Bomb Burning zirconium was used as a light source in some photographic flashbulbs Zirconium powder with a mesh size from 10 to 80 is occasionally used in pyrotechnic compositions to generate sparks The high reactivity of zirconium leads to bright white sparks 37 Nuclear applications edit Cladding for nuclear reactor fuels consumes about 1 of the zirconium supply 22 mainly in the form of zircaloys The desired properties of these alloys are a low neutron capture cross section and resistance to corrosion under normal service conditions 16 10 Efficient methods for removing the hafnium impurities were developed to serve this purpose One disadvantage of zirconium alloys is the reactivity with water producing hydrogen leading to degradation of the fuel rod cladding Zr 2 H 2 O ZrO 2 2 H 2 displaystyle ce Zr 2H2O gt ZrO2 2H2 nbsp Hydrolysis is very slow below 100 C but rapid at temperature above 900 C Most metals undergo similar reactions The redox reaction is relevant to the instability of fuel assemblies at high temperatures 38 This reaction occurred in the reactors 1 2 and 3 of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant Japan after the reactor cooling was interrupted by the earthquake and tsunami disaster of March 11 2011 leading to the Fukushima I nuclear accidents After venting the hydrogen in the maintenance hall of those three reactors the mixture of hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen exploded severely damaging the installations and at least one of the containment buildings Zirconium is a constituent of the uranium zirconium hydride UZrH nuclear fuel used in TRIGA reactors Space and aeronautic industries edit Materials fabricated from zirconium metal and ZrO2 are used in space vehicles where resistance to heat is needed 23 High temperature parts such as combustors blades and vanes in jet engines and stationary gas turbines are increasingly being protected by thin ceramic layers and or paintable coatings usually composed of a mixture of zirconia and yttria 39 40 Zirconium is also used as a material of first choice for hydrogen peroxide H2O2 tanks propellant lines valves and thrusters in propulsion space systems such as these equipping the Sierra Space s Dream Chaser spaceplane 41 where the thrust is provided by the combustion of kerosene and hydrogen peroxide a powerful but unstable oxidizer The reason is that zirconium has an excellent corrosion resistance to H2O2 and above all do not catalyse its spontaneous self decomposition as the ions of many transition metals do 41 42 Medical uses edit Zirconium bearing compounds are used in many biomedical applications including dental implants and crowns knee and hip replacements middle ear ossicular chain reconstruction and other restorative and prosthetic devices 43 Zirconium binds urea a property that has been utilized extensively to the benefit of patients with chronic kidney disease 43 For example zirconium is a primary component of the sorbent column dependent dialysate regeneration and recirculation system known as the REDY system which was first introduced in 1973 More than 2 000 000 dialysis treatments have been performed using the sorbent column in the REDY system 44 Although the REDY system was superseded in the 1990s by less expensive alternatives new sorbent based dialysis systems are being evaluated and approved by the U S Food and Drug Administration FDA Renal Solutions developed the DIALISORB technology a portable low water dialysis system Also developmental versions of a Wearable Artificial Kidney have incorporated sorbent based technologies citation needed Sodium zirconium cyclosilicate is used by mouth in the treatment of hyperkalemia It is a selective sorbent designed to trap potassium ions in preference to other ions throughout the gastrointestinal tract 45 A mixture of monomeric and polymeric Zr4 and Al3 complexes with hydroxide chloride and glycine called aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly or AZG is used in a preparation as an antiperspirant in many deodorant products It is selected for its ability to obstruct pores in the skin and prevent sweat from leaving the body Defunct applications edit Zirconium carbonate 3ZrO2 CO2 H2O was used in lotions to treat poison ivy but was discontinued because it occasionally caused skin reactions 9 Safety editZirconium Hazards NFPA 704 fire diamond nbsp 010 Although zirconium has no known biological role the human body contains on average 250 milligrams of zirconium and daily intake is approximately 4 15 milligrams 3 5 milligrams from food and 0 65 milligrams from water depending on dietary habits 46 Zirconium is widely distributed in nature and is found in all biological systems for example 2 86 mg g in whole wheat 3 09 mg g in brown rice 0 55 mg g in spinach 1 23 mg g in eggs and 0 86 mg g in ground beef 46 Further zirconium is commonly used in commercial products e g deodorant sticks aerosol antiperspirants and also in water purification e g control of phosphorus pollution bacteria and pyrogen contaminated water 43 Short term exposure to zirconium powder can cause irritation but only contact with the eyes requires medical attention 47 Persistent exposure to zirconium tetrachloride results in increased mortality in rats and guinea pigs and a decrease of blood hemoglobin and red blood cells in dogs However in a study of 20 rats given a standard diet containing 4 zirconium oxide there were no adverse effects on growth rate blood and urine parameters or mortality 48 The U S Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA legal limit permissible exposure limit for zirconium exposure is 5 mg m3 over an 8 hour workday The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH recommended exposure limit REL is 5 mg m3 over an 8 hour workday and a short term limit of 10 mg m3 At levels of 25 mg m3 zirconium is immediately dangerous to life and health 49 However zirconium is not considered an industrial health hazard 43 Furthermore reports of zirconium related adverse reactions are rare and in general rigorous cause and effect relationships have not been established 43 No evidence has been validated that zirconium is carcinogenic or genotoxic 50 Among the numerous radioactive isotopes of zirconium 93Zr is among the most common It is released as a product of nuclear fission of 235U and 239Pu mainly in nuclear power plants and during nuclear weapons tests in the 1950s and 1960s It has a very long half life 1 53 million years its decay emits only low energy radiations and it is not considered as highly hazardous 51 See also edit nbsp Chemistry portal Zirconium alloys Zirconia lightNotes edit The thermal expansion of a zirconium crystal is anisotropic the parameters at 20 C for each crystal axis are aa 4 91 10 6 K ac 7 26 10 6 K and aaverage aV 3 5 69 10 6 K 3 References edit Standard Atomic Weights Zirconium CIAAW 1983 Prohaska Thomas Irrgeher Johanna Benefield Jacqueline Bohlke John K Chesson Lesley A Coplen Tyler B Ding Tiping Dunn Philip J H Groning Manfred Holden Norman E Meijer Harro A J 2022 05 04 Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 IUPAC Technical Report Pure and Applied Chemistry doi 10 1515 pac 2019 0603 ISSN 1365 3075 a b c d Arblaster John W 2018 Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements Materials Park Ohio ASM International ISBN 978 1 62708 155 9 Zirconium zirconium I fluoride compound data OpenMOPAC net Retrieved 2007 12 10 Lide D R ed 2005 Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics PDF 86th ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press ISBN 0 8493 0486 5 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae Pritychenko Boris Tretyak V Adopted Double Beta Decay Data National Nuclear Data Center Retrieved 2008 02 11 Harper Douglas zircon Online Etymology Dictionary a b c d Emsley John 2001 Nature s Building Blocks Oxford Oxford University Press pp 506 510 ISBN 978 0 19 850341 5 a b c d e f g h i j k Lide David R ed 2007 2008 Zirconium CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Vol 4 New York CRC Press p 42 ISBN 978 0 8493 0488 0 Considine Glenn D ed 2005 Zirconium Van Nostrand s Encyclopedia of Chemistry New York Wylie Interscience pp 1778 1779 ISBN 978 0 471 61525 5 Winter Mark 2007 Electronegativity Pauling University of Sheffield Retrieved 2008 03 05 Schnell I amp Albers RC January 2006 Zirconium under pressure phase transitions and thermodynamics Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18 5 16 Bibcode 2006JPCM 18 1483S doi 10 1088 0953 8984 18 5 001 S2CID 56557217 a b c Audi Georges Bersillon Olivier Blachot Jean Wapstra Aaldert Hendrik 2003 The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties Nuclear Physics A 729 3 128 Bibcode 2003NuPhA 729 3A doi 10 1016 j nuclphysa 2003 11 001 a b Peterson John MacDonell Margaret 2007 Zirconium Radiological and Chemical Fact Sheets to Support Health Risk Analyses for Contaminated Areas PDF Argonne National Laboratory pp 64 65 Archived from the original PDF on 2008 05 28 Retrieved 2008 02 26 a b c d Zirconium How Products Are Made Advameg Inc 2007 Retrieved 2008 03 26 Zirconium and Hafnium Mineral resources PDF 2014 a b Zirconium and Hafnium PDF Mineral Commodity Summaries 192 193 January 2008 Retrieved 2008 02 24 Ralph Jolyon amp Ralph Ida 2008 Minerals that include Zr Mindat org Retrieved 2008 02 23 Abraham M M Boatner L A Ramey J O Rappaz M 1984 12 20 The occurrence and stability of trivalent zirconium in orthophosphate single crystals The Journal of Chemical Physics 81 12 5362 5366 Bibcode 1984JChPh 81 5362A doi 10 1063 1 447678 ISSN 0021 9606 Callaghan R 2008 02 21 Zirconium and Hafnium Statistics and Information US Geological Survey Retrieved 2008 02 24 a b c d Nielsen Ralph 2005 Zirconium and Zirconium Compounds in Ullmann s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Wiley VCH Weinheim doi 10 1002 14356007 a28 543 a b c Stwertka Albert 1996 A Guide to the Elements Oxford University Press pp 117 119 ISBN 978 0 19 508083 4 Brady George Stuart Clauser Henry R amp Vaccari John A 2002 Materials handbook an encyclopedia for managers technical professionals purchasing and production managers technicians and supervisors McGraw Hill Professional pp 1063 ISBN 978 0 07 136076 0 Retrieved 2011 03 18 Zardiackas Lyle D Kraay Matthew J amp Freese Howard L 2006 Titanium niobium zirconium and tantalum for medical and surgical applications ASTM International pp 21 ISBN 978 0 8031 3497 3 Retrieved 2011 03 18 Greenwood Norman N Earnshaw Alan 1997 Chemistry of the Elements 2nd ed Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978 0 08 037941 8 a b Zirconia AZoM com 2008 Archived from the original on 2009 01 26 Retrieved 2008 03 17 Gauthier V Dettenwanger F Schutze M 2002 04 10 Oxidation behavior of g TiAl coated with zirconia thermal barriers Intermetallics 10 7 667 674 doi 10 1016 S0966 9795 02 00036 5 Keenan P C 1954 Classification of the S Type Stars Astrophysical Journal 120 484 505 Bibcode 1954ApJ 120 484K doi 10 1086 145937 MSDS sheet for Duratec 400 DuBois Chemicals Inc Wilkinson G Birmingham J M 1954 Bis cyclopentadienyl Compounds of Ti Zr V Nb and Ta Journal of the American Chemical Society 76 17 4281 4284 doi 10 1021 ja01646a008 Rouhi A Maureen 2004 04 19 Organozirconium Chemistry Arrives Chemical amp Engineering News 82 16 36 39 doi 10 1021 cen v082n016 p036 ISSN 0009 2347 Retrieved 2008 03 17 Wailes P C amp Weigold H 1970 Hydrido complexes of zirconium I Preparation Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 24 2 405 411 doi 10 1016 S0022 328X 00 80281 8 Hart D W amp Schwartz J 1974 Hydrozirconation Organic Synthesis via Organozirconium Intermediates Synthesis and Rearrangement of Alkylzirconium IV Complexes and Their Reaction with Electrophiles Journal of the American Chemical Society 96 26 8115 8116 doi 10 1021 ja00833a048 a b Krebs Robert E 1998 The History and Use of our Earth s Chemical Elements Westport Connecticut Greenwood Press pp 98 100 ISBN 978 0 313 30123 0 Hedrick James B 1998 Zirconium Metal Prices in the United States through 1998 PDF US Geological Survey pp 175 178 Retrieved 2008 02 26 Fine ceramics zirconia Kyocera Inc Kosanke Kenneth L Kosanke Bonnie J 1999 Pyrotechnic Spark Generation Journal of Pyrotechnics 49 62 ISBN 978 1 889526 12 6 Gillon Luc 1979 Le nucleaire en question Gembloux Duculot French edition Meier S M Gupta D K 1994 The Evolution of Thermal Barrier Coatings in Gas Turbine Engine Applications Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 116 250 257 doi 10 1115 1 2906801 S2CID 53414132 Allison S W 37th AIAA ASME SAE ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit PDF AIAA ASME SAE ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference a b Clark Stephen 2023 11 01 After decades of dreams a commercial spaceplane is almost ready to fly Ars Technica Retrieved 2023 11 03 ATI Materials Zircadyne 702 705 in Hydrogen Peroxide PDF atimaterials Retrieved 2023 11 03 a b c d e Lee DBN Roberts M Bluchel CG Odell RA 2010 Zirconium Biomedical and nephrological applications ASAIO J 56 6 550 556 Ash SR Sorbents in treatment of uremia A short history and a great future 2009 Semin Dial 22 615 622 Ingelfinger Julie R 2015 A New Era for the Treatment of Hyperkalemia New England Journal of Medicine 372 3 275 7 doi 10 1056 NEJMe1414112 PMID 25415806 a b Schroeder Henry A Balassa Joseph J May 1966 Abnormal trace metals in man zirconium Journal of Chronic Diseases 19 5 573 586 doi 10 1016 0021 9681 66 90095 6 PMID 5338082 Zirconium International Chemical Safety Cards International Labour Organization October 2004 Retrieved 2008 03 30 Zirconium and its compounds 1999 The MAK Collection for Occupational Health and Safety 224 236 NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Zirconium compounds as Zr CDC Retrieved 2015 11 27 toxnet nlm nih gov cgi bin sis search f temp EHRbeW 2 ANL Human Health Fact Sheet Zirconium October 2001 PDF Argonne National Laboratory Retrieved 15 July 2020 External links editZirconium at Wikipedia s sister projects nbsp Definitions from Wiktionary nbsp Media from Commons Chemistry in its element podcast MP3 from the Royal Society of Chemistry s Chemistry World Zirconium Zirconium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Zirconium amp oldid 1220797427, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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