

Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na (from Latin natrium) and atomic number 11. It is a soft, silvery-white, highly reactive metal. Sodium is an alkali metal, being in group 1 of the periodic table. Its only stable isotope is 23Na. The free metal does not occur in nature, and must be prepared from compounds. Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth's crust and exists in numerous minerals such as feldspars, sodalite, and halite (NaCl). Many salts of sodium are highly water-soluble: sodium ions have been leached by the action of water from the Earth's minerals over eons, and thus sodium and chlorine are the most common dissolved elements by weight in the oceans.

Sodium, 11Na
Appearancesilvery white metallic
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Na)
  • 22.98976928±0.00000002
  • 22.990±0.001 (abridged)[1]
Sodium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)11
Groupgroup 1: hydrogen and alkali metals
Periodperiod 3
Block  s-block
Electron configuration[Ne] 3s1
Electrons per shell2, 8, 1
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point370.944 K ​(97.794 °C, ​208.029 °F)
Boiling point1156.090 K ​(882.940 °C, ​1621.292 °F)
Density (near r.t.)0.968 g/cm3
when liquid (at m.p.)0.927 g/cm3
Critical point2573 K, 35 MPa (extrapolated)
Heat of fusion2.60 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization97.42 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity28.230 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 554 617 697 802 946 1153
Atomic properties
Oxidation states−1, 0,[2] +1 (a strongly basic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 0.93
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 495.8 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 4562 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 6910.3 kJ/mol
  • (more)
Atomic radiusempirical: 186 pm
Covalent radius166±9 pm
Van der Waals radius227 pm
Spectral lines of sodium
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structurebody-centered cubic (bcc)
Speed of sound thin rod3200 m/s (at 20 °C)
Thermal expansion71 µm/(m⋅K) (at 25 °C)
Thermal conductivity142 W/(m⋅K)
Electrical resistivity47.7 nΩ⋅m (at 20 °C)
Magnetic orderingparamagnetic[3]
Molar magnetic susceptibility+16.0×10−6 cm3/mol (298 K)[4]
Young's modulus10 GPa
Shear modulus3.3 GPa
Bulk modulus6.3 GPa
Mohs hardness0.5
Brinell hardness0.69 MPa
CAS Number7440-23-5
Discovery and first isolationHumphry Davy (1807)
Symbol"Na": from New Latin natrium, coined from German Natron, 'natron'
Isotopes of sodium
Main isotopes[5] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
22Na trace 2.6019 y β+ 22Ne
23Na 100% stable
24Na trace 14.9560 h β 24Mg
 Category: Sodium
| references

Sodium was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807 by the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide. Among many other useful sodium compounds, sodium hydroxide (lye) is used in soap manufacture, and sodium chloride (edible salt) is a de-icing agent and a nutrient for animals including humans.

Sodium is an essential element for all animals and some plants. Sodium ions are the major cation in the extracellular fluid (ECF) and as such are the major contributor to the ECF osmotic pressure and ECF compartment volume.[citation needed] Loss of water from the ECF compartment increases the sodium concentration, a condition called hypernatremia. Isotonic loss of water and sodium from the ECF compartment decreases the size of that compartment in a condition called ECF hypovolemia.

By means of the sodium-potassium pump, living human cells pump three sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for two potassium ions pumped in; comparing ion concentrations across the cell membrane, inside to outside, potassium measures about 40:1, and sodium, about 1:10. In nerve cells, the electrical charge across the cell membrane enables transmission of the nerve impulse—an action potential—when the charge is dissipated; sodium plays a key role in that activity.



Emission spectrum for sodium, showing the D line.

Sodium at standard temperature and pressure is a soft silvery metal that combines with oxygen in the air, forming sodium oxides. Bulk sodium is sometimes stored in oil or under and inert gas, which are the conditions it is usually stored in. Sodium metal can be easily cut with a knife. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat. Due to having low atomic mass and large atomic radius, sodium is third-least dense of all elemental metals and is one of only three metals that can float on water, the other two being lithium and potassium.[6]

The melting (98 °C) and boiling (883 °C) points of sodium are lower than those of lithium but higher than those of the heavier alkali metals potassium, rubidium, and caesium, following periodic trends down the group.[7] These properties change dramatically at elevated pressures: at 1.5 Mbar, the color changes from silvery metallic to black; at 1.9 Mbar the material becomes transparent with a red color; and at 3 Mbar, sodium is a clear and transparent solid. All of these high-pressure allotropes are insulators and electrides.[8]

A positive flame test for sodium has a bright yellow color.

In a flame test, sodium and its compounds glow yellow[9] because the excited 3s electrons of sodium emit a photon when they fall from 3p to 3s; the wavelength of this photon corresponds to the D line at about 589.3 nm. Spin-orbit interactions involving the electron in the 3p orbital split the D line into two, at 589.0 and 589.6 nm; hyperfine structures involving both orbitals cause many more lines.[10]


Twenty isotopes of sodium are known, but only 23Na is stable. 23Na is created in the carbon-burning process in stars by fusing two carbon atoms together; this requires temperatures above 600 megakelvins and a star of at least three solar masses.[11] Two radioactive, cosmogenic isotopes are the byproduct of cosmic ray spallation: 22Na has a half-life of 2.6 years and 24Na, a half-life of 15 hours; all other isotopes have a half-life of less than one minute.[12]

Two nuclear isomers have been discovered, the longer-lived one being 24mNa with a half-life of around 20.2 milliseconds. Acute neutron radiation, as from a nuclear criticality accident, converts some of the stable 23Na in human blood to 24Na; the neutron radiation dosage of a victim can be calculated by measuring the concentration of 24Na relative to 23Na.[13]


Sodium atoms have 11 electrons, one more than the stable configuration of the noble gas neon. The first and second ionization energies are 495.8 kJ/mol and 4562 kJ/mol, respectively. As a result, sodium usually forms ionic compounds involving the Na+ cation.[14]

Metallic sodium

Metallic sodium is generally less reactive than potassium and more reactive than lithium.[15] Sodium metal is highly reducing, with the standard reduction potential for the Na+/Na couple being −2.71 volts,[16] though potassium and lithium have even more negative potentials.[17] Liquid sodium is a popular coolants for the fast breeder reactor.[18]

Salts and oxides

The structure of sodium chloride, showing octahedral coordination around Na+ and Cl centres. This framework disintegrates when dissolved in water and reassembles when the water evaporates.

Sodium compounds are of immense commercial importance, being particularly central to industries producing glass, paper, soap, and textiles.[19] The most important sodium compounds are table salt (NaCl), soda ash (Na2CO3), baking soda (NaHCO3), caustic soda (NaOH), sodium nitrate (NaNO3), di- and tri-sodium phosphates, sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3·5H2O), and borax (Na2B4O7·10H2O).[20] In compounds, sodium is usually ionically bonded to water and anions and is viewed as a hard Lewis acid.[21]

Two equivalent images of the chemical structure of sodium stearate, a typical soap.

Most soaps are sodium salts of fatty acids. Sodium soaps have a higher melting temperature (and seem "harder") than potassium soaps.[20]

Like all the alkali metals, sodium reacts exothermically with water. The reaction produces caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) and flammable hydrogen gas. When burned in air, it forms primarily sodium peroxide with some sodium oxide.[22]

Aqueous solutions

Sodium tends to form water-soluble compounds, such as halides, sulfates, nitrates, carboxylates and carbonates. The main aqueous species are the aquo complexes [Na(H2O)n]+, where n = 4–8; with n = 6 indicated from X-ray diffraction data and computer simulations.[23]

Direct precipitation of sodium salts from aqueous solutions is rare because sodium salts typically have a high affinity for water. An exception is sodium bismuthate (NaBiO3).[24] Because of the high solubility of its compounds, sodium salts are usually isolated as solids by evaporation or by precipitation with an organic antisolvent, such as ethanol; for example, only 0.35 g/L of sodium chloride will dissolve in ethanol.[25] Crown ethers, like 15-crown-5, may be used as a phase-transfer catalyst.[26]

Sodium content of samples is determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry or by potentiometry using ion-selective electrodes.[27]

Electrides and sodides

Like the other alkali metals, sodium dissolves in ammonia and some amines to give deeply colored solutions; evaporation of these solutions leaves a shiny film of metallic sodium. The solutions contain the coordination complex (Na(NH3)6)+, with the positive charge counterbalanced by electrons as anions; cryptands permit the isolation of these complexes as crystalline solids. Sodium forms complexes with crown ethers, cryptands and other ligands.[28]

For example, 15-crown-5 has a high affinity for sodium because the cavity size of 15-crown-5 is 1.7–2.2 Å, which is enough to fit the sodium ion (1.9 Å).[29][30] Cryptands, like crown ethers and other ionophores, also have a high affinity for the sodium ion; derivatives of the alkalide Na are obtainable[31] by the addition of cryptands to solutions of sodium in ammonia via disproportionation.[32]

Organosodium compounds

The structure of the complex of sodium (Na+, shown in yellow) and the antibiotic monensin-A.

Many organosodium compounds have been prepared. Because of the high polarity of the C-Na bonds, they behave like sources of carbanions (salts with organic anions). Some well-known derivatives include sodium cyclopentadienide (NaC5H5) and trityl sodium ((C6H5)3CNa).[33] Sodium naphthalene, Na+[C10H8•], a strong reducing agent, forms upon mixing Na and naphthalene in ethereal solutions.[34]

Intermetallic compounds

Sodium forms alloys with many metals, such as potassium, calcium, lead, and the group 11 and 12 elements. Sodium and potassium form KNa2 and NaK. NaK is 40–90% potassium and it is liquid at ambient temperature. It is an excellent thermal and electrical conductor. Sodium-calcium alloys are by-products of the electrolytic production of sodium from a binary salt mixture of NaCl-CaCl2 and ternary mixture NaCl-CaCl2-BaCl2. Calcium is only partially miscible with sodium, and the 1-2% of it dissolved in the sodium obtained from said mixtures can be precipitated by cooling to 120 °C and filtering.[35]

In a liquid state, sodium is completely miscible with lead. There are several methods to make sodium-lead alloys. One is to melt them together and another is to deposit sodium electrolytically on molten lead cathodes. NaPb3, NaPb, Na9Pb4, Na5Pb2, and Na15Pb4 are some of the known sodium-lead alloys. Sodium also forms alloys with gold (NaAu2) and silver (NaAg2). Group 12 metals (zinc, cadmium and mercury) are known to make alloys with sodium. NaZn13 and NaCd2 are alloys of zinc and cadmium. Sodium and mercury form NaHg, NaHg4, NaHg2, Na3Hg2, and Na3Hg.[36]


Because of its importance in human health, salt has long been an important commodity, as shown by the English word salary, which derives from salarium, the wafers of salt sometimes given to Roman soldiers along with their other wages. In medieval Europe, a compound of sodium with the Latin name of sodanum was used as a headache remedy. The name sodium is thought to originate from the Arabic suda, meaning headache, as the headache-alleviating properties of sodium carbonate or soda were well known in early times.[37]

Although sodium, sometimes called soda, had long been recognized in compounds, the metal itself was not isolated until 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy through the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide.[38][39] In 1809, the German physicist and chemist Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert proposed the names Natronium for Humphry Davy's "sodium" and Kalium for Davy's "potassium".[40]

The chemical abbreviation for sodium was first published in 1814 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius in his system of atomic symbols,[41][42] and is an abbreviation of the element's New Latin name natrium, which refers to the Egyptian natron,[37] a natural mineral salt mainly consisting of hydrated sodium carbonate. Natron historically had several important industrial and household uses, later eclipsed by other sodium compounds.[43]

Sodium imparts an intense yellow color to flames. As early as 1860, Kirchhoff and Bunsen noted the high sensitivity of a sodium flame test, and stated in Annalen der Physik und Chemie:[44]

In a corner of our 60 m3 room farthest away from the apparatus, we exploded 3 mg of sodium chlorate with milk sugar while observing the nonluminous flame before the slit. After a while, it glowed a bright yellow and showed a strong sodium line that disappeared only after 10 minutes. From the weight of the sodium salt and the volume of air in the room, we easily calculate that one part by weight of air could not contain more than 1/20 millionth weight of sodium.


The Earth's crust contains 2.27% sodium, making it the seventh most abundant element on Earth and the fifth most abundant metal, behind aluminium, iron, calcium, and magnesium and ahead of potassium.[45] Sodium's estimated oceanic abundance is 10.8 grams per liter.[46] Because of its high reactivity, it is never found as a pure element. It is found in many minerals, some very soluble, such as halite and natron, others much less soluble, such as amphibole and zeolite. The insolubility of certain sodium minerals such as cryolite and feldspar arises from their polymeric anions, which in the case of feldspar is a polysilicate.

Astronomical observations

Atomic sodium has a very strong spectral line in the yellow-orange part of the spectrum (the same line as is used in sodium-vapour street lights). This appears as an absorption line in many types of stars, including the Sun. The line was first studied in 1814 by Joseph von Fraunhofer during his investigation of the lines in the solar spectrum, now known as the Fraunhofer lines. Fraunhofer named it the "D" line, although it is now known to actually be a group of closely spaced lines split by a fine and hyperfine structure.[47]

The strength of the D line allows its detection in many other astronomical environments. In stars, it is seen in any whose surfaces are cool enough for sodium to exist in atomic form (rather than ionised). This corresponds to stars of roughly F-type and cooler. Many other stars appear to have a sodium absorption line, but this is actually caused by gas in the foreground interstellar medium. The two can be distinguished via high-resolution spectroscopy, because interstellar lines are much narrower than those broadened by stellar rotation.[48]

Sodium has also been detected in numerous Solar System environments, including Mercury's atmosphere,[49] the exosphere of the Moon,[50] and numerous other bodies. Some comets have a sodium tail,[51] which was first detected in observations of Comet Hale–Bopp in 1997.[52] Sodium has even been detected in the atmospheres of some extrasolar planets via transit spectroscopy.[53]

Commercial production

Employed only in rather specialized applications, only about 100,000 tonnes of metallic sodium are produced annually.[19] Metallic sodium was first produced commercially in the late 19th century[35] by carbothermal reduction of sodium carbonate at 1100 °C, as the first step of the Deville process for the production of aluminium:[54][55][56]

Na2CO3 + 2 C → 2 Na + 3 CO

The high demand for aluminium created the need for the production of sodium. The introduction of the Hall–Héroult process for the production of aluminium by electrolysing a molten salt bath ended the need for large quantities of sodium. A related process based on the reduction of sodium hydroxide was developed in 1886.[54]

Sodium is now produced commercially through the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride, based on a process patented in 1924.[57][58] This is done in a Downs cell in which the NaCl is mixed with calcium chloride to lower the melting point below 700 °C.[59] As calcium is less electropositive than sodium, no calcium will be deposited at the cathode.[60] This method is less expensive than the previous Castner process (the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide).[61] If sodium of high purity is required, it can be distilled once or several times.

The market for sodium is volatile due to the difficulty in its storage and shipping; it must be stored under a dry inert gas atmosphere or anhydrous mineral oil to prevent the formation of a surface layer of sodium oxide or sodium superoxide.[62]


Though metallic sodium has some important uses, the major applications for sodium use compounds; millions of tons of sodium chloride, hydroxide, and carbonate are produced annually. Sodium chloride is extensively used for anti-icing and de-icing and as a preservative; examples of the uses of sodium bicarbonate include baking, as a raising agent, and sodablasting. Along with potassium, many important medicines have sodium added to improve their bioavailability; though potassium is the better ion in most cases, sodium is chosen for its lower price and atomic weight.[63] Sodium hydride is used as a base for various reactions (such as the aldol reaction) in organic chemistry.

Metallic sodium is used mainly for the production of sodium borohydride, sodium azide, indigo, and triphenylphosphine. A once-common use was the making of tetraethyllead and titanium metal; because of the move away from TEL and new titanium production methods, the production of sodium declined after 1970.[19] Sodium is also used as an alloying metal, an anti-scaling agent,[64] and as a reducing agent for metals when other materials are ineffective.

Note the free element is not used as a scaling agent, ions in the water are exchanged for sodium ions. Sodium plasma ("vapor") lamps are often used for street lighting in cities, shedding light that ranges from yellow-orange to peach as the pressure increases.[65] By itself or with potassium, sodium is a desiccant; it gives an intense blue coloration with benzophenone when the desiccate is dry.[66]

In organic synthesis, sodium is used in various reactions such as the Birch reduction, and the sodium fusion test is conducted to qualitatively analyse compounds.[67] Sodium reacts with alcohol and gives alkoxides, and when sodium is dissolved in ammonia solution, it can be used to reduce alkynes to trans-alkenes.[68][69] Lasers emitting light at the sodium D line are used to create artificial laser guide stars that assist in the adaptive optics for land-based visible-light telescopes.[70]

Heat transfer

NaK phase diagram, showing the melting point of sodium as a function of potassium concentration. NaK with 77% potassium is eutectic and has the lowest melting point of the NaK alloys at −12.6 °C.[71]

Liquid sodium is used as a heat transfer fluid in sodium-cooled fast reactors[72] because it has the high thermal conductivity and low neutron absorption cross section required to achieve a high neutron flux in the reactor.[73] The high boiling point of sodium allows the reactor to operate at ambient (normal) pressure,[73] but drawbacks include its opacity, which hinders visual maintenance, and its strongly reducing properties. Sodium will explode in contact with water, although it will only burn gently in air. [74]

Radioactive sodium-24 may be produced by neutron bombardment during operation, posing a slight radiation hazard; the radioactivity stops within a few days after removal from the reactor.[75] If a reactor needs to be shut down frequently, NaK is used. Because NaK is a liquid at room temperature, the coolant does not solidify in the pipes.[76]

In this case, the pyrophoricity of potassium requires extra precautions to prevent and detect leaks.[77] Another heat transfer application is poppet valves in high-performance internal combustion engines; the valve stems are partially filled with sodium and work as a heat pipe to cool the valves.[78]

Biological role

Biological role in humans

In humans, sodium is an essential mineral that regulates blood volume, blood pressure, osmotic equilibrium and pH. The minimum physiological requirement for sodium is estimated to range from about 120 milligrams per day in newborns to 500 milligrams per day over the age of 10.[79]


Sodium chloride (salt) is the principal source of sodium in the diet, and is used as seasoning and preservative in such commodities as pickled preserves and jerky; for Americans, most sodium chloride comes from processed foods.[80] Other sources of sodium are its natural occurrence in food and such food additives as monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate.[81]

The U.S. Institute of Medicine set its tolerable upper intake level for sodium at 2.3 grams per day,[82] but the average person in the United States consumes 3.4 grams per day.[83] The American Heart Association recommends no more than 1.5 g of sodium per day.[84]

High sodium consumption

High sodium consumption is unhealthy, and can lead to alteration in the mechanical performance of the heart.[85] High sodium consumption is also associated with chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke.[85]

High blood pressure

There is a strong correlation between higher sodium intake and higher blood pressure.[86] Studies have found that lowering sodium intake by 2 g per day tends to lower systolic blood pressure by about two to four mm Hg.[87] It has been estimated that such a decrease in sodium intake would lead to between 9 and 17% fewer cases of hypertension.[87]

Hypertension causes 7.6 million premature deaths worldwide each year.[88] (Note that salt contains about 39.3% sodium[89]—the rest being chlorine and trace chemicals; thus, 2.3 g sodium is about 5.9 g, or 5.3 ml, of salt—about one US teaspoon.[90][91])

One study found that people with or without hypertension who excreted less than 3 grams of sodium per day in their urine (and therefore were taking in less than 3 g/d) had a higher risk of death, stroke, or heart attack than those excreting 4 to 5 grams per day.[92] Levels of 7 g per day or more in people with hypertension were associated with higher mortality and cardiovascular events, but this was not found to be true for people without hypertension.[92] The US FDA states that adults with hypertension and prehypertension should reduce daily sodium intake to 1.5 g.[91]


The renin–angiotensin system regulates the amount of fluid and sodium concentration in the body. Reduction of blood pressure and sodium concentration in the kidney result in the production of renin, which in turn produces aldosterone and angiotensin, which stimulates the reabsorption of sodium back into the bloodstream. When the concentration of sodium increases, the production of renin decreases, and the sodium concentration returns to normal.[93] The sodium ion (Na+) is an important electrolyte in neuron function, and in osmoregulation between cells and the extracellular fluid. This is accomplished in all animals by Na+/K+-ATPase, an active transporter pumping ions against the gradient, and sodium/potassium channels.[94] Sodium is the most prevalent metallic ion in extracellular fluid.[95]

In humans, unusually low or high sodium levels in the blood is recognized in medicine as hyponatremia and hypernatremia. These conditions may be caused by genetic factors, ageing, or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea.[96]

Biological role in plants

In C4 plants, sodium is a micronutrient that aids metabolism, specifically in regeneration of phosphoenolpyruvate and synthesis of chlorophyll.[97] In others, it substitutes for potassium in several roles, such as maintaining turgor pressure and aiding in the opening and closing of stomata.[98] Excess sodium in the soil can limit the uptake of water by decreasing the water potential, which may result in plant wilting; excess concentrations in the cytoplasm can lead to enzyme inhibition, which in turn causes necrosis and chlorosis.[99]

In response, some plants have developed mechanisms to limit sodium uptake in the roots, to store it in cell vacuoles, and restrict salt transport from roots to leaves.[100] Excess sodium may also be stored in old plant tissue, limiting the damage to new growth. Halophytes have adapted to be able to flourish in sodium rich environments.[100]

Safety and precautions

GHS labelling:
H260, H314
P223, P231+P232, P280, P305+P351+P338, P370+P378, P422[101]
NFPA 704 (fire diamond)

Sodium forms flammable hydrogen and caustic sodium hydroxide on contact with water;[103] ingestion and contact with moisture on skin, eyes or mucous membranes can cause severe burns.[104][105] Sodium spontaneously explodes in the presence of water due to the formation of hydrogen (highly explosive) and sodium hydroxide (which dissolves in the water, liberating more surface). However, sodium exposed to air and ignited or reaching autoignition (reported to occur when a molten pool of sodium reaches about 290 °C, 554 °F)[106] displays a relatively mild fire.

In the case of massive (non-molten) pieces of sodium, the reaction with oxygen eventually becomes slow due to formation of a protective layer.[107] Fire extinguishers based on water accelerate sodium fires. Those based on carbon dioxide and bromochlorodifluoromethane should not be used on sodium fire.[105] Metal fires are Class D, but not all Class D extinguishers are effective when used to extinguish sodium fires. An effective extinguishing agent for sodium fires is Met-L-X.[105] Other effective agents include Lith-X, which has graphite powder and an organophosphate flame retardant, and dry sand.[108]

Sodium fires are prevented in nuclear reactors by isolating sodium from oxygen with surrounding pipes containing inert gas.[109] Pool-type sodium fires are prevented using diverse design measures called catch pan systems. They collect leaking sodium into a leak-recovery tank where it is isolated from oxygen.[109]

Liquid sodium fires are more dangerous to handle than solid sodium fires, particularly if there is insufficient experience with the safe handling of molten sodium. In a technical report for the United States Fire Administration,[110] R. J. Gordon writes (emphasis in original)

Once ignited, sodium is very difficult to extinguish. It will react violently with water, as noted previously, and with any extinguishing agent that contains water. It will also react with many other common extinguishing agents, including carbon dioxide and the halogen compounds and most dry chemical agents. The only safe and effective extinguishing agents are completely dry inert materials, such as Class D extinguishing agents, soda ash, graphite, diatomaceous earth, or sodium chloride, all of which can be used to bury a small quantity of burning sodium and exclude oxygen from reaching the metal.

The extinguishing agent must be absolutely dry, as even a trace of water in the material can react with the burning sodium to cause an explosion. Sodium chloride is recognized as an extinguishing medium because of its chemical stability, however it is hydroscopic (has the property of attracting and holding water molecules on the surface of the salt crystals) and must be kept absolutely dry to be used safely as an extinguishing agent. Every crystal of sodium chloride also contains a trace quantity of moisture within the structure of the crystal.

Molten sodium is extremely dangerous because it is much more reactive than a solid mass. In the liquid form, every sodium atom is free and mobile to instantaneously combine with any available oxygen atom or other oxidizer, and any gaseous by-product will be created as a rapidly expanding gas bubble within the molten mass. Even a minute amount of water can create this type of reaction. Any amount of water introduced into a pool of molten sodium is likely to cause a violent explosion inside the liquid mass, releasing the hydrogen as a rapidly expanding gas and causing the molten sodium to erupt from the container.

When molten sodium is involved in a fire, the combustion occurs at the surface of the liquid. An inert gas, such as nitrogen or argon, can be used to form an inert layer over the pool of burning liquid sodium, but the gas must be applied very gently and contained over the surface. Except for soda ash, most of the powdered agents that are used to extinguish small fires in solid pieces or shallow pools will sink to the bottom of a molten mass of burning sodium -- the sodium will float to the top and continue to burn. If the burning sodium is in a container, it may be feasible to extinguish the fire by placing a lid on the container to exclude oxygen.

See also


  1. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Sodium". CIAAW. 2005.
  2. ^ The compound NaCl has been shown in experiments to exists in several unusual stoichiometries under high pressure, including Na3Cl in which contains a layer of sodium(0) atoms; see Zhang, W.; Oganov, A. R.; Goncharov, A. F.; Zhu, Q.; Boulfelfel, S. E.; Lyakhov, A. O.; Stavrou, E.; Somayazulu, M.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Konôpková, Z. (2013). "Unexpected Stable Stoichiometries of Sodium Chlorides". Science. 342 (6165): 1502–1505. arXiv:1310.7674. Bibcode:2013Sci...342.1502Z. doi:10.1126/science.1244989. PMID 24357316. S2CID 15298372.
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  6. ^ Greenwood and Earnshaw, p. 75
  7. ^ ""Alkali Metals." Science of Everyday Things". Encyclopedia.com. from the original on 17 October 2016. Retrieved 15 October 2016.
  8. ^ Gatti, M.; Tokatly, I.; Rubio, A. (2010). "Sodium: A Charge-Transfer Insulator at High Pressures". Physical Review Letters. 104 (21): 216404. arXiv:1003.0540. Bibcode:2010PhRvL.104u6404G. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.216404. PMID 20867123. S2CID 18359072.
  9. ^ Schumann, Walter (5 August 2008). Minerals of the World (2nd ed.). Sterling. p. 28. ISBN 978-1-4027-5339-8. OCLC 637302667.
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External links

  • Sodium at The Periodic Table of Videos (University of Nottingham)
  • Etymology of "natrium" – source of symbol Na
  • The Wooden Periodic Table Table's Entry on Sodium

sodium, this, article, about, chemical, element, nutrient, commonly, called, sodium, salt, sodium, medication, saline, medicine, other, uses, sodium, disambiguation, natrium, redirects, here, other, uses, natrium, disambiguation, chemical, element, with, symbo. This article is about the chemical element For the nutrient commonly called sodium see salt For the use of sodium as a medication see Saline medicine For other uses see sodium disambiguation Natrium redirects here For other uses see Natrium disambiguation Sodium is a chemical element with the symbol Na from Latin natrium and atomic number 11 It is a soft silvery white highly reactive metal Sodium is an alkali metal being in group 1 of the periodic table Its only stable isotope is 23Na The free metal does not occur in nature and must be prepared from compounds Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the Earth s crust and exists in numerous minerals such as feldspars sodalite and halite NaCl Many salts of sodium are highly water soluble sodium ions have been leached by the action of water from the Earth s minerals over eons and thus sodium and chlorine are the most common dissolved elements by weight in the oceans Sodium 11NaSodiumAppearancesilvery white metallicStandard atomic weight Ar Na 22 989769 28 0 000000 0222 990 0 001 abridged 1 Sodium in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Li Na Kneon sodium magnesiumAtomic number Z 11Groupgroup 1 hydrogen and alkali metalsPeriodperiod 3Block s blockElectron configuration Ne 3s1Electrons per shell2 8 1Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point370 944 K 97 794 C 208 029 F Boiling point1156 090 K 882 940 C 1621 292 F Density near r t 0 968 g cm3when liquid at m p 0 927 g cm3Critical point2573 K 35 MPa extrapolated Heat of fusion2 60 kJ molHeat of vaporization97 42 kJ molMolar heat capacity28 230 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 554 617 697 802 946 1153Atomic propertiesOxidation states 1 0 2 1 a strongly basic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 0 93Ionization energies1st 495 8 kJ mol2nd 4562 kJ mol3rd 6910 3 kJ mol more Atomic radiusempirical 186 pmCovalent radius166 9 pmVan der Waals radius227 pmSpectral lines of sodiumOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure body centered cubic bcc Speed of sound thin rod3200 m s at 20 C Thermal expansion71 µm m K at 25 C Thermal conductivity142 W m K Electrical resistivity47 7 nW m at 20 C Magnetic orderingparamagnetic 3 Molar magnetic susceptibility 16 0 10 6 cm3 mol 298 K 4 Young s modulus10 GPaShear modulus3 3 GPaBulk modulus6 3 GPaMohs hardness0 5Brinell hardness0 69 MPaCAS Number7440 23 5HistoryDiscovery and first isolationHumphry Davy 1807 Symbol Na from New Latin natrium coined from German Natron natron Isotopes of sodiumveMain isotopes 5 Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct22Na trace 2 6019 y b 22Ne23Na 100 stable24Na trace 14 9560 h b 24Mg Category Sodiumviewtalkedit referencesSodium was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807 by the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide Among many other useful sodium compounds sodium hydroxide lye is used in soap manufacture and sodium chloride edible salt is a de icing agent and a nutrient for animals including humans Sodium is an essential element for all animals and some plants Sodium ions are the major cation in the extracellular fluid ECF and as such are the major contributor to the ECF osmotic pressure and ECF compartment volume citation needed Loss of water from the ECF compartment increases the sodium concentration a condition called hypernatremia Isotonic loss of water and sodium from the ECF compartment decreases the size of that compartment in a condition called ECF hypovolemia By means of the sodium potassium pump living human cells pump three sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for two potassium ions pumped in comparing ion concentrations across the cell membrane inside to outside potassium measures about 40 1 and sodium about 1 10 In nerve cells the electrical charge across the cell membrane enables transmission of the nerve impulse an action potential when the charge is dissipated sodium plays a key role in that activity Contents 1 Characteristics 1 1 Physical 1 2 Isotopes 2 Chemistry 2 1 Metallic sodium 2 2 Salts and oxides 2 3 Aqueous solutions 2 4 Electrides and sodides 2 5 Organosodium compounds 2 6 Intermetallic compounds 3 History 4 Occurrence 4 1 Astronomical observations 5 Commercial production 6 Uses 6 1 Heat transfer 7 Biological role 7 1 Biological role in humans 7 1 1 Diet 7 1 2 High sodium consumption 7 1 2 1 High blood pressure 7 1 3 Physiology 7 2 Biological role in plants 8 Safety and precautions 9 See also 10 References 11 Bibliography 12 External linksCharacteristicsPhysical Emission spectrum for sodium showing the D line Sodium at standard temperature and pressure is a soft silvery metal that combines with oxygen in the air forming sodium oxides Bulk sodium is sometimes stored in oil or under and inert gas which are the conditions it is usually stored in Sodium metal can be easily cut with a knife It is a good conductor of electricity and heat Due to having low atomic mass and large atomic radius sodium is third least dense of all elemental metals and is one of only three metals that can float on water the other two being lithium and potassium 6 The melting 98 C and boiling 883 C points of sodium are lower than those of lithium but higher than those of the heavier alkali metals potassium rubidium and caesium following periodic trends down the group 7 These properties change dramatically at elevated pressures at 1 5 Mbar the color changes from silvery metallic to black at 1 9 Mbar the material becomes transparent with a red color and at 3 Mbar sodium is a clear and transparent solid All of these high pressure allotropes are insulators and electrides 8 A positive flame test for sodium has a bright yellow color In a flame test sodium and its compounds glow yellow 9 because the excited 3s electrons of sodium emit a photon when they fall from 3p to 3s the wavelength of this photon corresponds to the D line at about 589 3 nm Spin orbit interactions involving the electron in the 3p orbital split the D line into two at 589 0 and 589 6 nm hyperfine structures involving both orbitals cause many more lines 10 Isotopes Main article Isotopes of sodium Twenty isotopes of sodium are known but only 23Na is stable 23Na is created in the carbon burning process in stars by fusing two carbon atoms together this requires temperatures above 600 megakelvins and a star of at least three solar masses 11 Two radioactive cosmogenic isotopes are the byproduct of cosmic ray spallation 22Na has a half life of 2 6 years and 24Na a half life of 15 hours all other isotopes have a half life of less than one minute 12 Two nuclear isomers have been discovered the longer lived one being 24mNa with a half life of around 20 2 milliseconds Acute neutron radiation as from a nuclear criticality accident converts some of the stable 23Na in human blood to 24Na the neutron radiation dosage of a victim can be calculated by measuring the concentration of 24Na relative to 23Na 13 ChemistrySodium atoms have 11 electrons one more than the stable configuration of the noble gas neon The first and second ionization energies are 495 8 kJ mol and 4562 kJ mol respectively As a result sodium usually forms ionic compounds involving the Na cation 14 Metallic sodium Metallic sodium is generally less reactive than potassium and more reactive than lithium 15 Sodium metal is highly reducing with the standard reduction potential for the Na Na couple being 2 71 volts 16 though potassium and lithium have even more negative potentials 17 Liquid sodium is a popular coolants for the fast breeder reactor 18 Salts and oxides See also Category Sodium compounds The structure of sodium chloride showing octahedral coordination around Na and Cl centres This framework disintegrates when dissolved in water and reassembles when the water evaporates Sodium compounds are of immense commercial importance being particularly central to industries producing glass paper soap and textiles 19 The most important sodium compounds are table salt NaCl soda ash Na2CO3 baking soda NaHCO3 caustic soda NaOH sodium nitrate NaNO3 di and tri sodium phosphates sodium thiosulfate Na2S2O3 5H2O and borax Na2B4O7 10H2O 20 In compounds sodium is usually ionically bonded to water and anions and is viewed as a hard Lewis acid 21 Two equivalent images of the chemical structure of sodium stearate a typical soap Most soaps are sodium salts of fatty acids Sodium soaps have a higher melting temperature and seem harder than potassium soaps 20 Like all the alkali metals sodium reacts exothermically with water The reaction produces caustic soda sodium hydroxide and flammable hydrogen gas When burned in air it forms primarily sodium peroxide with some sodium oxide 22 Aqueous solutions Sodium tends to form water soluble compounds such as halides sulfates nitrates carboxylates and carbonates The main aqueous species are the aquo complexes Na H2O n where n 4 8 with n 6 indicated from X ray diffraction data and computer simulations 23 Direct precipitation of sodium salts from aqueous solutions is rare because sodium salts typically have a high affinity for water An exception is sodium bismuthate NaBiO3 24 Because of the high solubility of its compounds sodium salts are usually isolated as solids by evaporation or by precipitation with an organic antisolvent such as ethanol for example only 0 35 g L of sodium chloride will dissolve in ethanol 25 Crown ethers like 15 crown 5 may be used as a phase transfer catalyst 26 Sodium content of samples is determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry or by potentiometry using ion selective electrodes 27 Electrides and sodides Like the other alkali metals sodium dissolves in ammonia and some amines to give deeply colored solutions evaporation of these solutions leaves a shiny film of metallic sodium The solutions contain the coordination complex Na NH3 6 with the positive charge counterbalanced by electrons as anions cryptands permit the isolation of these complexes as crystalline solids Sodium forms complexes with crown ethers cryptands and other ligands 28 For example 15 crown 5 has a high affinity for sodium because the cavity size of 15 crown 5 is 1 7 2 2 A which is enough to fit the sodium ion 1 9 A 29 30 Cryptands like crown ethers and other ionophores also have a high affinity for the sodium ion derivatives of the alkalide Na are obtainable 31 by the addition of cryptands to solutions of sodium in ammonia via disproportionation 32 Organosodium compounds The structure of the complex of sodium Na shown in yellow and the antibiotic monensin A Many organosodium compounds have been prepared Because of the high polarity of the C Na bonds they behave like sources of carbanions salts with organic anions Some well known derivatives include sodium cyclopentadienide NaC5H5 and trityl sodium C6H5 3CNa 33 Sodium naphthalene Na C10H8 a strong reducing agent forms upon mixing Na and naphthalene in ethereal solutions 34 Intermetallic compounds Sodium forms alloys with many metals such as potassium calcium lead and the group 11 and 12 elements Sodium and potassium form KNa2 and NaK NaK is 40 90 potassium and it is liquid at ambient temperature It is an excellent thermal and electrical conductor Sodium calcium alloys are by products of the electrolytic production of sodium from a binary salt mixture of NaCl CaCl2 and ternary mixture NaCl CaCl2 BaCl2 Calcium is only partially miscible with sodium and the 1 2 of it dissolved in the sodium obtained from said mixtures can be precipitated by cooling to 120 C and filtering 35 In a liquid state sodium is completely miscible with lead There are several methods to make sodium lead alloys One is to melt them together and another is to deposit sodium electrolytically on molten lead cathodes NaPb3 NaPb Na9Pb4 Na5Pb2 and Na15Pb4 are some of the known sodium lead alloys Sodium also forms alloys with gold NaAu2 and silver NaAg2 Group 12 metals zinc cadmium and mercury are known to make alloys with sodium NaZn13 and NaCd2 are alloys of zinc and cadmium Sodium and mercury form NaHg NaHg4 NaHg2 Na3Hg2 and Na3Hg 36 HistoryBecause of its importance in human health salt has long been an important commodity as shown by the English word salary which derives from salarium the wafers of salt sometimes given to Roman soldiers along with their other wages In medieval Europe a compound of sodium with the Latin name of sodanum was used as a headache remedy The name sodium is thought to originate from the Arabic suda meaning headache as the headache alleviating properties of sodium carbonate or soda were well known in early times 37 Although sodium sometimes called soda had long been recognized in compounds the metal itself was not isolated until 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy through the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide 38 39 In 1809 the German physicist and chemist Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert proposed the names Natronium for Humphry Davy s sodium and Kalium for Davy s potassium 40 The chemical abbreviation for sodium was first published in 1814 by Jons Jakob Berzelius in his system of atomic symbols 41 42 and is an abbreviation of the element s New Latin name natrium which refers to the Egyptian natron 37 a natural mineral salt mainly consisting of hydrated sodium carbonate Natron historically had several important industrial and household uses later eclipsed by other sodium compounds 43 Sodium imparts an intense yellow color to flames As early as 1860 Kirchhoff and Bunsen noted the high sensitivity of a sodium flame test and stated in Annalen der Physik und Chemie 44 In a corner of our 60 m3 room farthest away from the apparatus we exploded 3 mg of sodium chlorate with milk sugar while observing the nonluminous flame before the slit After a while it glowed a bright yellow and showed a strong sodium line that disappeared only after 10 minutes From the weight of the sodium salt and the volume of air in the room we easily calculate that one part by weight of air could not contain more than 1 20 millionth weight of sodium OccurrenceThe Earth s crust contains 2 27 sodium making it the seventh most abundant element on Earth and the fifth most abundant metal behind aluminium iron calcium and magnesium and ahead of potassium 45 Sodium s estimated oceanic abundance is 10 8 grams per liter 46 Because of its high reactivity it is never found as a pure element It is found in many minerals some very soluble such as halite and natron others much less soluble such as amphibole and zeolite The insolubility of certain sodium minerals such as cryolite and feldspar arises from their polymeric anions which in the case of feldspar is a polysilicate Astronomical observations Atomic sodium has a very strong spectral line in the yellow orange part of the spectrum the same line as is used in sodium vapour street lights This appears as an absorption line in many types of stars including the Sun The line was first studied in 1814 by Joseph von Fraunhofer during his investigation of the lines in the solar spectrum now known as the Fraunhofer lines Fraunhofer named it the D line although it is now known to actually be a group of closely spaced lines split by a fine and hyperfine structure 47 The strength of the D line allows its detection in many other astronomical environments In stars it is seen in any whose surfaces are cool enough for sodium to exist in atomic form rather than ionised This corresponds to stars of roughly F type and cooler Many other stars appear to have a sodium absorption line but this is actually caused by gas in the foreground interstellar medium The two can be distinguished via high resolution spectroscopy because interstellar lines are much narrower than those broadened by stellar rotation 48 Sodium has also been detected in numerous Solar System environments including Mercury s atmosphere 49 the exosphere of the Moon 50 and numerous other bodies Some comets have a sodium tail 51 which was first detected in observations of Comet Hale Bopp in 1997 52 Sodium has even been detected in the atmospheres of some extrasolar planets via transit spectroscopy 53 Commercial productionEmployed only in rather specialized applications only about 100 000 tonnes of metallic sodium are produced annually 19 Metallic sodium was first produced commercially in the late 19th century 35 by carbothermal reduction of sodium carbonate at 1100 C as the first step of the Deville process for the production of aluminium 54 55 56 Na2CO3 2 C 2 Na 3 COThe high demand for aluminium created the need for the production of sodium The introduction of the Hall Heroult process for the production of aluminium by electrolysing a molten salt bath ended the need for large quantities of sodium A related process based on the reduction of sodium hydroxide was developed in 1886 54 Sodium is now produced commercially through the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride based on a process patented in 1924 57 58 This is done in a Downs cell in which the NaCl is mixed with calcium chloride to lower the melting point below 700 C 59 As calcium is less electropositive than sodium no calcium will be deposited at the cathode 60 This method is less expensive than the previous Castner process the electrolysis of sodium hydroxide 61 If sodium of high purity is required it can be distilled once or several times The market for sodium is volatile due to the difficulty in its storage and shipping it must be stored under a dry inert gas atmosphere or anhydrous mineral oil to prevent the formation of a surface layer of sodium oxide or sodium superoxide 62 UsesSee also Sodium supplements Though metallic sodium has some important uses the major applications for sodium use compounds millions of tons of sodium chloride hydroxide and carbonate are produced annually Sodium chloride is extensively used for anti icing and de icing and as a preservative examples of the uses of sodium bicarbonate include baking as a raising agent and sodablasting Along with potassium many important medicines have sodium added to improve their bioavailability though potassium is the better ion in most cases sodium is chosen for its lower price and atomic weight 63 Sodium hydride is used as a base for various reactions such as the aldol reaction in organic chemistry Metallic sodium is used mainly for the production of sodium borohydride sodium azide indigo and triphenylphosphine A once common use was the making of tetraethyllead and titanium metal because of the move away from TEL and new titanium production methods the production of sodium declined after 1970 19 Sodium is also used as an alloying metal an anti scaling agent 64 and as a reducing agent for metals when other materials are ineffective Note the free element is not used as a scaling agent ions in the water are exchanged for sodium ions Sodium plasma vapor lamps are often used for street lighting in cities shedding light that ranges from yellow orange to peach as the pressure increases 65 By itself or with potassium sodium is a desiccant it gives an intense blue coloration with benzophenone when the desiccate is dry 66 In organic synthesis sodium is used in various reactions such as the Birch reduction and the sodium fusion test is conducted to qualitatively analyse compounds 67 Sodium reacts with alcohol and gives alkoxides and when sodium is dissolved in ammonia solution it can be used to reduce alkynes to trans alkenes 68 69 Lasers emitting light at the sodium D line are used to create artificial laser guide stars that assist in the adaptive optics for land based visible light telescopes 70 Heat transfer NaK phase diagram showing the melting point of sodium as a function of potassium concentration NaK with 77 potassium is eutectic and has the lowest melting point of the NaK alloys at 12 6 C 71 Liquid sodium is used as a heat transfer fluid in sodium cooled fast reactors 72 because it has the high thermal conductivity and low neutron absorption cross section required to achieve a high neutron flux in the reactor 73 The high boiling point of sodium allows the reactor to operate at ambient normal pressure 73 but drawbacks include its opacity which hinders visual maintenance and its strongly reducing properties Sodium will explode in contact with water although it will only burn gently in air 74 Radioactive sodium 24 may be produced by neutron bombardment during operation posing a slight radiation hazard the radioactivity stops within a few days after removal from the reactor 75 If a reactor needs to be shut down frequently NaK is used Because NaK is a liquid at room temperature the coolant does not solidify in the pipes 76 In this case the pyrophoricity of potassium requires extra precautions to prevent and detect leaks 77 Another heat transfer application is poppet valves in high performance internal combustion engines the valve stems are partially filled with sodium and work as a heat pipe to cool the valves 78 Biological roleMain article Sodium in biology Biological role in humans In humans sodium is an essential mineral that regulates blood volume blood pressure osmotic equilibrium and pH The minimum physiological requirement for sodium is estimated to range from about 120 milligrams per day in newborns to 500 milligrams per day over the age of 10 79 Diet Sodium chloride salt is the principal source of sodium in the diet and is used as seasoning and preservative in such commodities as pickled preserves and jerky for Americans most sodium chloride comes from processed foods 80 Other sources of sodium are its natural occurrence in food and such food additives as monosodium glutamate MSG sodium nitrite sodium saccharin baking soda sodium bicarbonate and sodium benzoate 81 The U S Institute of Medicine set its tolerable upper intake level for sodium at 2 3 grams per day 82 but the average person in the United States consumes 3 4 grams per day 83 The American Heart Association recommends no more than 1 5 g of sodium per day 84 High sodium consumption Main article Health effects of salt High sodium consumption is unhealthy and can lead to alteration in the mechanical performance of the heart 85 High sodium consumption is also associated with chronic kidney disease high blood pressure cardiovascular diseases and stroke 85 High blood pressure There is a strong correlation between higher sodium intake and higher blood pressure 86 Studies have found that lowering sodium intake by 2 g per day tends to lower systolic blood pressure by about two to four mm Hg 87 It has been estimated that such a decrease in sodium intake would lead to between 9 and 17 fewer cases of hypertension 87 Hypertension causes 7 6 million premature deaths worldwide each year 88 Note that salt contains about 39 3 sodium 89 the rest being chlorine and trace chemicals thus 2 3 g sodium is about 5 9 g or 5 3 ml of salt about one US teaspoon 90 91 One study found that people with or without hypertension who excreted less than 3 grams of sodium per day in their urine and therefore were taking in less than 3 g d had a higher risk of death stroke or heart attack than those excreting 4 to 5 grams per day 92 Levels of 7 g per day or more in people with hypertension were associated with higher mortality and cardiovascular events but this was not found to be true for people without hypertension 92 The US FDA states that adults with hypertension and prehypertension should reduce daily sodium intake to 1 5 g 91 Physiology The renin angiotensin system regulates the amount of fluid and sodium concentration in the body Reduction of blood pressure and sodium concentration in the kidney result in the production of renin which in turn produces aldosterone and angiotensin which stimulates the reabsorption of sodium back into the bloodstream When the concentration of sodium increases the production of renin decreases and the sodium concentration returns to normal 93 The sodium ion Na is an important electrolyte in neuron function and in osmoregulation between cells and the extracellular fluid This is accomplished in all animals by Na K ATPase an active transporter pumping ions against the gradient and sodium potassium channels 94 Sodium is the most prevalent metallic ion in extracellular fluid 95 In humans unusually low or high sodium levels in the blood is recognized in medicine as hyponatremia and hypernatremia These conditions may be caused by genetic factors ageing or prolonged vomiting or diarrhea 96 Biological role in plants In C4 plants sodium is a micronutrient that aids metabolism specifically in regeneration of phosphoenolpyruvate and synthesis of chlorophyll 97 In others it substitutes for potassium in several roles such as maintaining turgor pressure and aiding in the opening and closing of stomata 98 Excess sodium in the soil can limit the uptake of water by decreasing the water potential which may result in plant wilting excess concentrations in the cytoplasm can lead to enzyme inhibition which in turn causes necrosis and chlorosis 99 In response some plants have developed mechanisms to limit sodium uptake in the roots to store it in cell vacuoles and restrict salt transport from roots to leaves 100 Excess sodium may also be stored in old plant tissue limiting the damage to new growth Halophytes have adapted to be able to flourish in sodium rich environments 100 Safety and precautionsSodium HazardsGHS labelling Pictograms Signal word DangerHazard statements H260 H314Precautionary statements P223 P231 P232 P280 P305 P351 P338 P370 P378 P422 101 NFPA 704 fire diamond 102 322W Sodium forms flammable hydrogen and caustic sodium hydroxide on contact with water 103 ingestion and contact with moisture on skin eyes or mucous membranes can cause severe burns 104 105 Sodium spontaneously explodes in the presence of water due to the formation of hydrogen highly explosive and sodium hydroxide which dissolves in the water liberating more surface However sodium exposed to air and ignited or reaching autoignition reported to occur when a molten pool of sodium reaches about 290 C 554 F 106 displays a relatively mild fire In the case of massive non molten pieces of sodium the reaction with oxygen eventually becomes slow due to formation of a protective layer 107 Fire extinguishers based on water accelerate sodium fires Those based on carbon dioxide and bromochlorodifluoromethane should not be used on sodium fire 105 Metal fires are Class D but not all Class D extinguishers are effective when used to extinguish sodium fires An effective extinguishing agent for sodium fires is Met L X 105 Other effective agents include Lith X which has graphite powder and an organophosphate flame retardant and dry sand 108 Sodium fires are prevented in nuclear reactors by isolating sodium from oxygen with surrounding pipes containing inert gas 109 Pool type sodium fires are prevented using diverse design measures called catch pan systems They collect leaking sodium into a leak recovery tank where it is isolated from oxygen 109 Liquid sodium fires are more dangerous to handle than solid sodium fires particularly if there is insufficient experience with the safe handling of molten sodium In a technical report for the United States Fire Administration 110 R J Gordon writes emphasis in original Once ignited sodium is very difficult to extinguish It will react violently with water as noted previously and with any extinguishing agent that contains water It will also react with many other common extinguishing agents including carbon dioxide and the halogen compounds and most dry chemical agents The only safe and effective extinguishing agents are completely dry inert materials such as Class D extinguishing agents soda ash graphite diatomaceous earth or sodium chloride all of which can be used to bury a small quantity of burning sodium and exclude oxygen from reaching the metal The extinguishing agent must be absolutely dry as even a trace of water in the material can react with the burning sodium to cause an explosion Sodium chloride is recognized as an extinguishing medium because of its chemical stability however it is hydroscopic has the property of attracting and holding water molecules on the surface of the salt crystals and must be kept absolutely dry to be used safely as an extinguishing agent Every crystal of sodium chloride also contains a trace quantity of moisture within the structure of the crystal Molten sodium is extremely dangerous because it is much more reactive than a solid mass In the liquid form every sodium atom is free and mobile to instantaneously combine with any available oxygen atom or other oxidizer and any gaseous by product will be created as a rapidly expanding gas bubble within the molten mass Even a minute amount of water can create this type of reaction Any amount of water introduced into a pool of molten sodium is likely to cause a violent explosion inside the liquid mass releasing the hydrogen as a rapidly expanding gas and causing the molten sodium to erupt from the container When molten sodium is involved in a fire the combustion occurs at the surface of the liquid An inert gas such as nitrogen or argon can be used to form an inert layer over the pool of burning liquid sodium but the gas must be applied very gently and contained over the surface Except for soda ash most of the powdered agents that are used to extinguish small fires in solid pieces or shallow pools will sink to the bottom of a molten mass of burning sodium the sodium will float to the top and continue to burn If the burning sodium is in a container it may be feasible to extinguish the fire by placing a lid on the container to exclude oxygen See alsoPortal ChemistrySodium at Wikipedia s sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons Quotations from Wikiquote Textbooks from Wikibooks Resources from WikiversityReferences Standard Atomic Weights Sodium CIAAW 2005 The compound NaCl has been shown in experiments to exists in several unusual stoichiometries under high pressure including 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