

Neon is a chemical element with the symbol Ne and atomic number 10. It is a noble gas.[10] Neon is a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, with about two-thirds the density of air. It was discovered (along with krypton and xenon) in 1898 as one of the three residual rare inert elements remaining in dry air, after nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide were removed. Neon was the second of these three rare gases to be discovered and was immediately recognized as a new element from its bright red emission spectrum. The name neon is derived from the Greek word, νέον, neuter singular form of νέος (neos), meaning 'new'. Neon is chemically inert, and no uncharged neon compounds are known. The compounds of neon currently known include ionic molecules, molecules held together by van der Waals forces and clathrates.

Neon, 10Ne
Appearancecolorless gas exhibiting an orange-red glow when placed in an electric field
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Ne)
  • 20.1797±0.0006
  • 20.180±0.001 (abridged)[1]
Neon in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)10
Groupgroup 18 (noble gases)
Periodperiod 2
Block  p-block
Electron configuration[He] 2s2 2p6
Electrons per shell2, 8
Physical properties
Phase at STPgas
Melting point24.56 K ​(−248.59 °C, ​−415.46 °F)
Boiling point27.104 K ​(−246.046 °C, ​−410.883 °F)
Density (at STP)0.9002 g/L
when liquid (at b.p.)1.207 g/cm3[2]
Triple point24.556 K, ​43.37 kPa[3][4]
Critical point44.4918 K, 2.7686 MPa[4]
Heat of fusion0.335 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization1.71 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity20.79[5] J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 12 13 15 18 21 27
Atomic properties
Oxidation states0
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 2080.7 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 3952.3 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 6122 kJ/mol
  • (more)
Covalent radius58 pm
Van der Waals radius154 pm
Spectral lines of neon
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structureface-centered cubic (fcc)
Speed of sound435 m/s (gas, at 0 °C)
Thermal conductivity49.1×10−3 W/(m⋅K)
Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic[6]
Molar magnetic susceptibility−6.74×10−6 cm3/mol (298 K)[7]
Bulk modulus654 GPa
CAS Number7440-01-9
PredictionWilliam Ramsay (1897)
Discovery and first isolationWilliam Ramsay & Morris Travers[8][9] (1898)
Main isotopes of neon
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
20Ne 90.48 % stable
21Ne 0.27 % stable
22Ne 9.25 % stable
 Category: Neon
| references

During cosmic nucleogenesis of the elements, large amounts of neon are built up from the alpha-capture fusion process in stars. Although neon is a very common element in the universe and solar system (it is fifth in cosmic abundance after hydrogen, helium, oxygen and carbon), it is rare on Earth. It composes about 18.2 ppm of air by volume (this is about the same as the molecular or mole fraction) and a smaller fraction in Earth's crust. The reason for neon's relative scarcity on Earth and the inner (terrestrial) planets is that neon is highly volatile and forms no compounds to fix it to solids. As a result, it escaped from the planetesimals under the warmth of the newly ignited Sun in the early Solar System. Even the outer atmosphere of Jupiter is somewhat depleted of neon, although for a different reason.[11]

Neon gives a distinct reddish-orange glow when used in low-voltage neon glow lamps, high-voltage discharge tubes and neon advertising signs.[12][13] The red emission line from neon also causes the well known red light of helium–neon lasers. Neon is used in some plasma tube and refrigerant applications but has few other commercial uses. It is commercially extracted by the fractional distillation of liquid air. Since air is the only source, it is considerably more expensive than helium.


Neon gas-discharge lamps forming the symbol for neon

Neon was discovered in 1898 by the British chemists Sir William Ramsay (1852–1916) and Morris Travers (1872–1961) in London.[14] Neon was discovered when Ramsay chilled a sample of air until it became a liquid, then warmed the liquid and captured the gases as they boiled off. The gases nitrogen, oxygen, and argon had been identified, but the remaining gases were isolated in roughly their order of abundance, in a six-week period beginning at the end of May 1898. First to be identified was krypton. The next, after krypton had been removed, was a gas which gave a brilliant red light under spectroscopic discharge. This gas, identified in June, was named "neon", the Greek analogue of the Latin novum ('new')[15] suggested by Ramsay's son. The characteristic brilliant red-orange color emitted by gaseous neon when excited electrically was noted immediately. Travers later wrote: "the blaze of crimson light from the tube told its own story and was a sight to dwell upon and never forget."[16]

A second gas was also reported along with neon, having approximately the same density as argon but with a different spectrum – Ramsay and Travers named it metargon.[17][18] However, subsequent spectroscopic analysis revealed it to be argon contaminated with carbon monoxide. Finally, the same team discovered xenon by the same process, in September 1898.[17]

Neon's scarcity precluded its prompt application for lighting along the lines of Moore tubes, which used nitrogen and which were commercialized in the early 1900s. After 1902, Georges Claude's company Air Liquide produced industrial quantities of neon as a byproduct of his air-liquefaction business. In December 1910 Claude demonstrated modern neon lighting based on a sealed tube of neon. Claude tried briefly to sell neon tubes for indoor domestic lighting, due to their intensity, but the market failed because homeowners objected to the color. In 1912, Claude's associate began selling neon discharge tubes as eye-catching advertising signs and was instantly more successful. Neon tubes were introduced to the U.S. in 1923 with two large neon signs bought by a Los Angeles Packard car dealership. The glow and arresting red color made neon advertising completely different from the competition.[19] The intense color and vibrancy of neon equated with American society at the time, suggesting a "century of progress" and transforming cities into sensational new environments filled with radiating advertisements and "electro-graphic architecture".[20][21]

Neon played a role in the basic understanding of the nature of atoms in 1913, when J. J. Thomson, as part of his exploration into the composition of canal rays, channeled streams of neon ions through a magnetic and an electric field and measured the deflection of the streams with a photographic plate. Thomson observed two separate patches of light on the photographic plate (see image), which suggested two different parabolas of deflection. Thomson eventually concluded that some of the atoms in the neon gas were of higher mass than the rest. Though not understood at the time by Thomson, this was the first discovery of isotopes of stable atoms. Thomson's device was a crude version of the instrument we now term a mass spectrometer.


The first evidence for isotopes of a stable element was provided in 1913 by experiments on neon plasma. In the bottom right corner of J. J. Thomson's photographic plate are the separate impact marks for the two isotopes neon-20 and neon-22.

Neon has three stable isotopes: 20Ne (90.48%), 21Ne (0.27%) and 22Ne (9.25%).[22]

21Ne and 22Ne are partly primordial and partly nucleogenic (i.e. made by nuclear reactions of other nuclides with neutrons or other particles in the environment) and their variations in natural abundance are well understood. In contrast, 20Ne (the chief primordial isotope made in stellar nucleosynthesis) is not known to be nucleogenic or radiogenic, except from the decay of oxygen-20, which is produced in very rare cases of cluster decay by thorium-228. The causes of the variation of 20Ne in the Earth have thus been hotly debated.[23][24]

The principal nuclear reactions generating nucleogenic neon isotopes start from 24Mg and 25Mg, which produce 21Ne and 22Ne respectively, after neutron capture and immediate emission of an alpha particle. The neutrons that produce the reactions are mostly produced by secondary spallation reactions from alpha particles, in turn derived from uranium-series decay chains. The net result yields a trend towards lower 20Ne/22Ne and higher 21Ne/22Ne ratios observed in uranium-rich rocks such as granites.[24]

In addition, isotopic analysis of exposed terrestrial rocks has demonstrated the cosmogenic (cosmic ray) production of 21Ne. This isotope is generated by spallation reactions on magnesium, sodium, silicon, and aluminium. By analyzing all three isotopes, the cosmogenic component can be resolved from magmatic neon and nucleogenic neon. This suggests that neon will be a useful tool in determining cosmic exposure ages of surface rocks and meteorites.[25]

Neon in solar wind contains a higher proportion of 20Ne than nucleogenic and cosmogenic sources.[24] Neon content observed in samples of volcanic gases and diamonds is also enriched in 20Ne, suggesting a primordial, possibly solar origin.[26]


Neon is the second-lightest noble gas, after helium. It glows reddish-orange in a vacuum discharge tube. It has over 40 times the refrigerating capacity (per unit volume) of liquid helium and three times that of liquid hydrogen.[2] In most applications it is a less expensive refrigerant than helium.[27][28]

Spectrum of neon with ultraviolet (at left) and infrared (at right) lines shown in white

Neon plasma has the most intense light discharge at normal voltages and currents of all the noble gases. The average color of this light to the human eye is red-orange due to many lines in this range; it also contains a strong green line, which is hidden, unless the visual components are dispersed by a spectroscope.[29]

Two quite different kinds of neon lighting are in common use. Neon glow lamps are generally tiny, with most operating between 100 and 250 volts.[30] They have been widely used as power-on indicators and in circuit-testing equipment, but light-emitting diodes (LEDs) now dominate in those applications. These simple neon devices were the forerunners of plasma displays and plasma television screens.[31][32] Neon signs typically operate at much higher voltages (2–15 kilovolts), and the luminous tubes are commonly meters long.[33] The glass tubing is often formed into shapes and letters for signage, as well as architectural and artistic applications.


Neon sign in a Hamden, Connecticut, florist shop

Stable isotopes of neon are produced in stars. Neon's most abundant isotope 20Ne (90.48%) is created by the nuclear fusion of carbon and carbon in the carbon-burning process of stellar nucleosynthesis. This requires temperatures above 500 megakelvins, which occur in the cores of stars of more than 8 solar masses.[34][35]

Neon is abundant on a universal scale; it is the fifth most abundant chemical element in the universe by mass, after hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and carbon (see chemical element).[36] Its relative rarity on Earth, like that of helium, is due to its relative lightness, high vapor pressure at very low temperatures, and chemical inertness, all properties which tend to keep it from being trapped in the condensing gas and dust clouds that formed the smaller and warmer solid planets like Earth. Neon is monatomic, making it lighter than the molecules of diatomic nitrogen and oxygen which form the bulk of Earth's atmosphere; a balloon filled with neon will rise in air, albeit more slowly than a helium balloon.[37]

Neon's abundance in the universe is about 1 part in 750; in the Sun and presumably in the proto-solar system nebula, about 1 part in 600. The Galileo spacecraft atmospheric entry probe found that even in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter, the abundance of neon is reduced (depleted) by about a factor of 10, to a level of 1 part in 6,000 by mass. This may indicate that even the ice-planetesimals, which brought neon into Jupiter from the outer solar system, formed in a region which was too warm to retain the neon atmospheric component (abundances of heavier inert gases on Jupiter are several times that found in the Sun).[38]

Neon comprises 1 part in 55,000 in the Earth's atmosphere, or 18.2 ppm by volume (this is about the same as the molecule or mole fraction), or 1 part in 79,000 of air by mass. It comprises a smaller fraction in the crust. It is industrially produced by cryogenic fractional distillation of liquefied air.[2]

On 17 August 2015, based on studies with the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft, NASA scientists reported the detection of neon in the exosphere of the moon.[39]


Crystal structure of Ne clathrate hydrate[40]

Neon is the first p-block noble gas, and the first element with a true octet of electrons. It is inert: as is the case with its lighter analogue, helium, no strongly bound neutral molecules containing neon have been identified. The ions [NeAr]+, [NeH]+, and [HeNe]+ have been observed from optical and mass spectrometric studies.[2] Solid neon clathrate hydrate was produced from water ice and neon gas at pressures 350–480 MPa and temperatures about −30 °C.[41] Ne atoms are not bonded to water and can freely move through this material. They can be extracted by placing the clathrate into a vacuum chamber for several days, yielding ice XVI, the least dense crystalline form of water.[40]

The familiar Pauling electronegativity scale relies upon chemical bond energies, but such values have obviously not been measured for inert helium and neon. The Allen electronegativity scale, which relies only upon (measurable) atomic energies, identifies neon as the most electronegative element, closely followed by fluorine and helium.[42]

The triple point temperature of neon (24.5561 K) is a defining fixed point in the International Temperature Scale of 1990.[43]


Neon is produced from air in cryogenic air-separation plants. A gas-phase mixture mainly of nitrogen, neon, and helium is withdrawn from the main condenser at the top of the high-pressure air-separation column and fed to the bottom of a side column for rectification of the neon.[44] It can then be further purified from helium.

About 70% of global neon supply is produced in Ukraine[45] as a by-product of steel production in Russia.[46] As of 2020, the company Iceblick, with plants in Odessa and Moscow, supplies 65 per cent of the world's production of neon, as well as 15% of the krypton and xenon.[47][48]

2022 shortage

Global neon prices jumped by about 600% after the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea,[49] spurring some chip manufacturers to start shifting away from Russian and Ukrainian suppliers[50] and toward suppliers in China.[48] The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine also shut down two companies in Ukraine: LLC «Cryoin engineering» (Ukrainian: ТОВ «Кріоін Інжинірінг») and LLC «Inhaz» (Ukrainian: ТОВ «ІНГАЗ») located in Odessa and Mariupol respectively; that produced about half of the global supply.[49] The closure was predicted to likely exacerbate COVID-19 chip shortage,[48][47] which may further shift neon production to China.[50]


Neon is often used in signs and produces an unmistakable bright reddish-orange light. Although tube lights with other colors are often called "neon", they use different noble gases or varied colors of fluorescent lighting.

Neon is used in vacuum tubes, high-voltage indicators, lightning arresters, wavemeter tubes, television tubes, and helium–neon lasers. Liquefied neon is commercially used as a cryogenic refrigerant in applications not requiring the lower temperature range attainable with more extreme liquid-helium refrigeration.

Neon, as liquid or gas, is relatively expensive – for small quantities, the price of liquid neon can be more than 55 times that of liquid helium. Driving neon's expense is the rarity of neon, which, unlike helium, can only be obtained in usable quantities by filtering it out of the atmosphere.

Semiconductor industry

As of 2022 gas mixtures that include neon are used to power lasers for EUV lithography.[49]


Neon is an asphyxiant at pressures greater than 110 bar.[51]

See also


  1. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Neon". CIAAW. 1985.
  2. ^ a b c d Hammond, C. R. (2000). The Elements, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition (PDF). CRC press. p. 19. ISBN 0849304814.
  3. ^ Preston-Thomas, H. (1990). "The International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90)". Metrologia. 27 (1): 3–10. Bibcode:1990Metro..27....3P. doi:10.1088/0026-1394/27/1/002.
  4. ^ a b Haynes, William M., ed. (2011). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 4.122. ISBN 1-4398-5511-0.
  5. ^ Shuen-Chen Hwang, Robert D. Lein, Daniel A. Morgan (2005). "Noble Gases". in Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, pages 343–383. Wiley. doi:10.1002/0471238961.0701190508230114.a01.pub2
  6. ^ Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds, in Lide, D. R., ed. (2005). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (86th ed.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5.
  7. ^ Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
  8. ^ Ramsay, William; Travers, Morris W. (1898). "On the Companions of Argon". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 63 (1): 437–440. doi:10.1098/rspl.1898.0057.
  9. ^ "Neon: History". Softciências. Retrieved 2007-02-27.
  10. ^ Group 18 refers to the modern numbering of the periodic table. Older numberings described the rare gases as Group 0 or Group VIIIA (sometimes shortened to 8). See also Group (periodic table).
  11. ^ Wilson, Hugh F.; Militzer, Burkhard (March 2010), "Sequestration of Noble Gases in Giant Planet Interiors", Physical Review Letters, 104 (12): 121101, arXiv:1003.5940, Bibcode:2010PhRvL.104l1101W, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.121101, PMID 20366523, S2CID 9850759, 121101.
  12. ^ Coyle, Harold P. (2001). Project STAR: The Universe in Your Hands. Kendall Hunt. p. 464. ISBN 978-0-7872-6763-6.
  13. ^ Kohmoto, Kohtaro (1999). "Phosphors for lamps". In Shionoya, Shigeo; Yen, William M. (eds.). Phosphor Handbook. CRC Press. p. 940. ISBN 978-0-8493-7560-6.
  14. ^ Ramsay, William, Travers, Morris W. (1898). "On the Companions of Argon". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 63 (1): 437–440. doi:10.1098/rspl.1898.0057. S2CID 98818445.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ . Softciências. Archived from the original on 2007-03-14. Retrieved 2007-02-27.
  16. ^ Weeks, Mary Elvira (2003). Discovery of the Elements: Third Edition (reprint). Kessinger Publishing. p. 287. ISBN 978-0-7661-3872-8. from the original on 2015-03-22.
  17. ^ a b Ramsay, Sir William (December 12, 1904). "Nobel Lecture – The Rare Gases of the Atmosphere". nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB. from the original on 13 November 2015. Retrieved 15 November 2015.
  18. ^ Ramsay, William; Travers, Morris W. (1898). "On the Companions of Argon". Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 63 (1): 437–440. doi:10.1098/rspl.1898.0057. ISSN 0370-1662. S2CID 98818445.
  19. ^ Mangum, Aja (December 8, 2007). "Neon: A Brief History". New York Magazine. from the original on April 15, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-20.
  20. ^ Golec, Michael J. (2010). "Logo/Local Intensities: Lacan, the Discourse of the Other, and the Solicitation to "Enjoy"". Design and Culture. 2 (2): 167–181. doi:10.2752/175470710X12696138525622. S2CID 144257608.
  21. ^ Wolfe, Tom (October 1968). "Electro-Graphic Architecture". Architecture Canada.
  22. ^ Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
  23. ^ Dickin, Alan P (2005). "Neon". Radiogenic isotope geology. p. 303. ISBN 978-0-521-82316-6.
  24. ^ a b c Resources on Isotopes Periodic Table--Neon at the U.S. Geological Survey, by Eric Caldwell, posted January 2004, retrieved February 10, 2011
  25. ^ . Softciências. Archived from the original on 2012-11-15. Retrieved 2007-02-27.
  26. ^ Anderson, Don L. "Helium, Neon & Argon". Mantleplumes.org. from the original on 2006-05-28. Retrieved 2006-07-02.
  27. ^ . December 30, 2005. Archived from the original on February 13, 2007. Retrieved 2007-03-05.
  28. ^ Mukhopadhyay, Mamata (2012). Fundamentals of Cryogenic Engineering. p. 195. ISBN 9788120330573. from the original on 2017-11-16.
  29. ^ . Archived from the original on 2007-03-07. Retrieved 2007-03-05.
  30. ^ Baumann, Edward (1966). Applications of Neon Lamps and Gas Discharge Tubes. Carlton Press.
  31. ^ Myers, Robert L. (2002). Display interfaces: fundamentals and standards. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 69–71. ISBN 978-0-471-49946-6. from the original on 2016-06-29. Plasma displays are closely related to the simple neon lamp.
  32. ^ Weber, Larry F. (April 2006). "History of the plasma display panel". IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 34 (2): 268–278. Bibcode:2006ITPS...34..268W. doi:10.1109/TPS.2006.872440. S2CID 20290119. Paid access.
  33. ^ "ANSI Luminous Tube Footage Chart" (PDF). American National Standards Institute (ANSI). (PDF) from the original on 2011-02-06. Retrieved 2010-12-10. Reproduction of a chart in the catalog of a lighting company in Toronto; the original ANSI specification is not given.
  34. ^ Clayton, Donald (2003). Handbook of Isotopes in the Cosmos: Hydrogen to Gallium. Cambridge University Press. pp. 106–107. ISBN 978-0521823814.
  35. ^ Ryan, Sean G.; Norton, Andrew J. (2010). Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis. Cambridge University Press. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-521-13320-3.
  36. ^ Asplund, Martin; Grevesse, Nicolas; Sauval, A. Jacques; Scott, Pat (2009). "The Chemical Composition of the Sun". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 47 (1): 481–522. arXiv:0909.0948. Bibcode:2009ARA&A..47..481A. doi:10.1146/annurev.astro.46.060407.145222. S2CID 17921922.
  37. ^ Gallagher, R.; Ingram, P. (2001-07-19). Chemistry for Higher Tier. University Press. p. 282. ISBN 978-0-19-914817-2.
  38. ^ Morse, David (January 26, 1996). "Galileo Probe Science Result". Galileo Project. from the original on February 24, 2007. Retrieved 2007-02-27.
  39. ^ Steigerwald, William (17 August 2015). "NASA's LADEE Spacecraft Finds Neon in Lunar Atmosphere". NASA. from the original on 19 August 2015. Retrieved 18 August 2015.
  40. ^ a b Falenty, Andrzej; Hansen, Thomas C.; Kuhs, Werner F. (2014). "Formation and properties of ice XVI obtained by emptying a type sII clathrate hydrate". Nature. 516 (7530): 231–3. Bibcode:2014Natur.516..231F. doi:10.1038/nature14014. PMID 25503235. S2CID 4464711.
  41. ^ Yu, X.; Zhu, J.; Du, S.; Xu, H.; Vogel, S. C.; Han, J.; Germann, T. C.; Zhang, J.; Jin, C.; Francisco, J. S.; Zhao, Y. (2014). "Crystal structure and encapsulation dynamics of ice II-structured neon hydrate". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111 (29): 10456–61. Bibcode:2014PNAS..11110456Y. doi:10.1073/pnas.1410690111. PMC 4115495. PMID 25002464.
  42. ^ Allen, Leland C. (1989). "Electronegativity is the average one-electron energy of the valence-shell electrons in ground-state free atoms". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111 (25): 9003–9014. doi:10.1021/ja00207a003.
  43. ^ . Archived from the original on 2009-08-15. Retrieved 2009-07-07.
  44. ^ R. Norris Shreve; Joseph Brink (1977). Chemical Process Industries (4th ed.). p. 113. ISBN 0-07-057145-7.
  45. ^ "Explained: Why the Russia-Ukraine crisis may lead to a shortage in semiconductors". MSN. The Indian Express.
  46. ^ Alper, Alexandra (2022-03-11). "Exclusive: Russia's attack on Ukraine halts half of world's neon output for chips". Reuters. Retrieved 2022-03-16.
  47. ^ a b "Rare Gasses Supplier Known for Innovation". The European Times. 2020.
  48. ^ a b c Ukraine war flashes neon warning lights for chips, Reuters, 2022-02-25
  49. ^ a b c Times, Financial (4 March 2022). "Low on gas: Ukraine invasion chokes supply of neon needed for chipmaking". Ars Technica. Retrieved 13 March 2022.
  50. ^ a b "Chipmakers see limited impact for now, as Russia invades Ukraine". CNBC. 24 February 2022.
  51. ^ Moore, Walter J.; Hummel, Dieter O. (1986). Physikalische Chemie (in German). Berlin. p. 284. ISBN 978-3-11-010979-5. OCLC 46160746.

External links

  • Neon at The Periodic Table of Videos (University of Nottingham)
  • WebElements.com – Neon.
  • It's Elemental – Neon
  • USGS Periodic Table – Neon
  • Atomic Spectrum of Neon
  • Neon Museum, Las Vegas

neon, this, article, about, chemical, element, other, uses, disambiguation, chemical, element, with, symbol, atomic, number, noble, colorless, odorless, inert, monatomic, under, standard, conditions, with, about, thirds, density, discovered, along, with, krypt. This article is about the chemical element For other uses see Neon disambiguation Neon is a chemical element with the symbol Ne and atomic number 10 It is a noble gas 10 Neon is a colorless odorless inert monatomic gas under standard conditions with about two thirds the density of air It was discovered along with krypton and xenon in 1898 as one of the three residual rare inert elements remaining in dry air after nitrogen oxygen argon and carbon dioxide were removed Neon was the second of these three rare gases to be discovered and was immediately recognized as a new element from its bright red emission spectrum The name neon is derived from the Greek word neon neuter singular form of neos neos meaning new Neon is chemically inert and no uncharged neon compounds are known The compounds of neon currently known include ionic molecules molecules held together by van der Waals forces and clathrates Neon 10NeNeonAppearancecolorless gas exhibiting an orange red glow when placed in an electric fieldStandard atomic weight Ar Ne 20 1797 0 000620 180 0 001 abridged 1 Neon in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson He Ne Arfluorine neon sodiumAtomic number Z 10Groupgroup 18 noble gases Periodperiod 2Block p blockElectron configuration He 2s2 2p6Electrons per shell2 8Physical propertiesPhase at STPgasMelting point24 56 K 248 59 C 415 46 F Boiling point27 104 K 246 046 C 410 883 F Density at STP 0 9002 g Lwhen liquid at b p 1 207 g cm3 2 Triple point24 556 K 43 37 kPa 3 4 Critical point44 4918 K 2 7686 MPa 4 Heat of fusion0 335 kJ molHeat of vaporization1 71 kJ molMolar heat capacity20 79 5 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 kat T K 12 13 15 18 21 27Atomic propertiesOxidation states0Ionization energies1st 2080 7 kJ mol2nd 3952 3 kJ mol3rd 6122 kJ mol more Covalent radius58 pmVan der Waals radius154 pmSpectral lines of neonOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure face centered cubic fcc Speed of sound435 m s gas at 0 C Thermal conductivity49 1 10 3 W m K Magnetic orderingdiamagnetic 6 Molar magnetic susceptibility 6 74 10 6 cm3 mol 298 K 7 Bulk modulus654 GPaCAS Number7440 01 9HistoryPredictionWilliam Ramsay 1897 Discovery and first isolationWilliam Ramsay amp Morris Travers 8 9 1898 Main isotopes of neonveIso tope Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct20Ne 90 48 stable21Ne 0 27 stable22Ne 9 25 stable Category Neonviewtalkedit referencesDuring cosmic nucleogenesis of the elements large amounts of neon are built up from the alpha capture fusion process in stars Although neon is a very common element in the universe and solar system it is fifth in cosmic abundance after hydrogen helium oxygen and carbon it is rare on Earth It composes about 18 2 ppm of air by volume this is about the same as the molecular or mole fraction and a smaller fraction in Earth s crust The reason for neon s relative scarcity on Earth and the inner terrestrial planets is that neon is highly volatile and forms no compounds to fix it to solids As a result it escaped from the planetesimals under the warmth of the newly ignited Sun in the early Solar System Even the outer atmosphere of Jupiter is somewhat depleted of neon although for a different reason 11 Neon gives a distinct reddish orange glow when used in low voltage neon glow lamps high voltage discharge tubes and neon advertising signs 12 13 The red emission line from neon also causes the well known red light of helium neon lasers Neon is used in some plasma tube and refrigerant applications but has few other commercial uses It is commercially extracted by the fractional distillation of liquid air Since air is the only source it is considerably more expensive than helium Contents 1 History 2 Isotopes 3 Characteristics 4 Occurrence 5 Chemistry 6 Production 6 1 2022 shortage 7 Applications 7 1 Semiconductor industry 8 Precautions 9 See also 10 References 11 External linksHistory Edit Neon gas discharge lamps forming the symbol for neon Neon was discovered in 1898 by the British chemists Sir William Ramsay 1852 1916 and Morris Travers 1872 1961 in London 14 Neon was discovered when Ramsay chilled a sample of air until it became a liquid then warmed the liquid and captured the gases as they boiled off The gases nitrogen oxygen and argon had been identified but the remaining gases were isolated in roughly their order of abundance in a six week period beginning at the end of May 1898 First to be identified was krypton The next after krypton had been removed was a gas which gave a brilliant red light under spectroscopic discharge This gas identified in June was named neon the Greek analogue of the Latin novum new 15 suggested by Ramsay s son The characteristic brilliant red orange color emitted by gaseous neon when excited electrically was noted immediately Travers later wrote the blaze of crimson light from the tube told its own story and was a sight to dwell upon and never forget 16 A second gas was also reported along with neon having approximately the same density as argon but with a different spectrum Ramsay and Travers named it metargon 17 18 However subsequent spectroscopic analysis revealed it to be argon contaminated with carbon monoxide Finally the same team discovered xenon by the same process in September 1898 17 Neon s scarcity precluded its prompt application for lighting along the lines of Moore tubes which used nitrogen and which were commercialized in the early 1900s After 1902 Georges Claude s company Air Liquide produced industrial quantities of neon as a byproduct of his air liquefaction business In December 1910 Claude demonstrated modern neon lighting based on a sealed tube of neon Claude tried briefly to sell neon tubes for indoor domestic lighting due to their intensity but the market failed because homeowners objected to the color In 1912 Claude s associate began selling neon discharge tubes as eye catching advertising signs and was instantly more successful Neon tubes were introduced to the U S in 1923 with two large neon signs bought by a Los Angeles Packard car dealership The glow and arresting red color made neon advertising completely different from the competition 19 The intense color and vibrancy of neon equated with American society at the time suggesting a century of progress and transforming cities into sensational new environments filled with radiating advertisements and electro graphic architecture 20 21 Neon played a role in the basic understanding of the nature of atoms in 1913 when J J Thomson as part of his exploration into the composition of canal rays channeled streams of neon ions through a magnetic and an electric field and measured the deflection of the streams with a photographic plate Thomson observed two separate patches of light on the photographic plate see image which suggested two different parabolas of deflection Thomson eventually concluded that some of the atoms in the neon gas were of higher mass than the rest Though not understood at the time by Thomson this was the first discovery of isotopes of stable atoms Thomson s device was a crude version of the instrument we now term a mass spectrometer Isotopes EditMain article Isotopes of neon The first evidence for isotopes of a stable element was provided in 1913 by experiments on neon plasma In the bottom right corner of J J Thomson s photographic plate are the separate impact marks for the two isotopes neon 20 and neon 22 Neon has three stable isotopes 20Ne 90 48 21Ne 0 27 and 22Ne 9 25 22 21Ne and 22Ne are partly primordial and partly nucleogenic i e made by nuclear reactions of other nuclides with neutrons or other particles in the environment and their variations in natural abundance are well understood In contrast 20Ne the chief primordial isotope made in stellar nucleosynthesis is not known to be nucleogenic or radiogenic except from the decay of oxygen 20 which is produced in very rare cases of cluster decay by thorium 228 The causes of the variation of 20Ne in the Earth have thus been hotly debated 23 24 The principal nuclear reactions generating nucleogenic neon isotopes start from 24Mg and 25Mg which produce 21Ne and 22Ne respectively after neutron capture and immediate emission of an alpha particle The neutrons that produce the reactions are mostly produced by secondary spallation reactions from alpha particles in turn derived from uranium series decay chains The net result yields a trend towards lower 20Ne 22Ne and higher 21Ne 22Ne ratios observed in uranium rich rocks such as granites 24 In addition isotopic analysis of exposed terrestrial rocks has demonstrated the cosmogenic cosmic ray production of 21Ne This isotope is generated by spallation reactions on magnesium sodium silicon and aluminium By analyzing all three isotopes the cosmogenic component can be resolved from magmatic neon and nucleogenic neon This suggests that neon will be a useful tool in determining cosmic exposure ages of surface rocks and meteorites 25 Neon in solar wind contains a higher proportion of 20Ne than nucleogenic and cosmogenic sources 24 Neon content observed in samples of volcanic gases and diamonds is also enriched in 20Ne suggesting a primordial possibly solar origin 26 Characteristics EditNeon is the second lightest noble gas after helium It glows reddish orange in a vacuum discharge tube It has over 40 times the refrigerating capacity per unit volume of liquid helium and three times that of liquid hydrogen 2 In most applications it is a less expensive refrigerant than helium 27 28 Spectrum of neon with ultraviolet at left and infrared at right lines shown in white Neon plasma has the most intense light discharge at normal voltages and currents of all the noble gases The average color of this light to the human eye is red orange due to many lines in this range it also contains a strong green line which is hidden unless the visual components are dispersed by a spectroscope 29 Two quite different kinds of neon lighting are in common use Neon glow lamps are generally tiny with most operating between 100 and 250 volts 30 They have been widely used as power on indicators and in circuit testing equipment but light emitting diodes LEDs now dominate in those applications These simple neon devices were the forerunners of plasma displays and plasma television screens 31 32 Neon signs typically operate at much higher voltages 2 15 kilovolts and the luminous tubes are commonly meters long 33 The glass tubing is often formed into shapes and letters for signage as well as architectural and artistic applications Occurrence Edit Neon sign in a Hamden Connecticut florist shopStable isotopes of neon are produced in stars Neon s most abundant isotope 20Ne 90 48 is created by the nuclear fusion of carbon and carbon in the carbon burning process of stellar nucleosynthesis This requires temperatures above 500 megakelvins which occur in the cores of stars of more than 8 solar masses 34 35 Neon is abundant on a universal scale it is the fifth most abundant chemical element in the universe by mass after hydrogen helium oxygen and carbon see chemical element 36 Its relative rarity on Earth like that of helium is due to its relative lightness high vapor pressure at very low temperatures and chemical inertness all properties which tend to keep it from being trapped in the condensing gas and dust clouds that formed the smaller and warmer solid planets like Earth Neon is monatomic making it lighter than the molecules of diatomic nitrogen and oxygen which form the bulk of Earth s atmosphere a balloon filled with neon will rise in air albeit more slowly than a helium balloon 37 Neon s abundance in the universe is about 1 part in 750 in the Sun and presumably in the proto solar system nebula about 1 part in 600 The Galileo spacecraft atmospheric entry probe found that even in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter the abundance of neon is reduced depleted by about a factor of 10 to a level of 1 part in 6 000 by mass This may indicate that even the ice planetesimals which brought neon into Jupiter from the outer solar system formed in a region which was too warm to retain the neon atmospheric component abundances of heavier inert gases on Jupiter are several times that found in the Sun 38 Neon comprises 1 part in 55 000 in the Earth s atmosphere or 18 2 ppm by volume this is about the same as the molecule or mole fraction or 1 part in 79 000 of air by mass It comprises a smaller fraction in the crust It is industrially produced by cryogenic fractional distillation of liquefied air 2 On 17 August 2015 based on studies with the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer LADEE spacecraft NASA scientists reported the detection of neon in the exosphere of the moon 39 Chemistry Edit Crystal structure of Ne clathrate hydrate 40 Main article Neon compounds Neon is the first p block noble gas and the first element with a true octet of electrons It is inert as is the case with its lighter analogue helium no strongly bound neutral molecules containing neon have been identified The ions NeAr NeH and HeNe have been observed from optical and mass spectrometric studies 2 Solid neon clathrate hydrate was produced from water ice and neon gas at pressures 350 480 MPa and temperatures about 30 C 41 Ne atoms are not bonded to water and can freely move through this material They can be extracted by placing the clathrate into a vacuum chamber for several days yielding ice XVI the least dense crystalline form of water 40 The familiar Pauling electronegativity scale relies upon chemical bond energies but such values have obviously not been measured for inert helium and neon The Allen electronegativity scale which relies only upon measurable atomic energies identifies neon as the most electronegative element closely followed by fluorine and helium 42 The triple point temperature of neon 24 5561 K is a defining fixed point in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 43 Production EditNeon is produced from air in cryogenic air separation plants A gas phase mixture mainly of nitrogen neon and helium is withdrawn from the main condenser at the top of the high pressure air separation column and fed to the bottom of a side column for rectification of the neon 44 It can then be further purified from helium About 70 of global neon supply is produced in Ukraine 45 as a by product of steel production in Russia 46 As of 2020 update the company Iceblick with plants in Odessa and Moscow supplies 65 per cent of the world s production of neon as well as 15 of the krypton and xenon 47 48 2022 shortage Edit Global neon prices jumped by about 600 after the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea 49 spurring some chip manufacturers to start shifting away from Russian and Ukrainian suppliers 50 and toward suppliers in China 48 The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine also shut down two companies in Ukraine LLC Cryoin engineering Ukrainian TOV Krioin Inzhiniring and LLC Inhaz Ukrainian TOV INGAZ located in Odessa and Mariupol respectively that produced about half of the global supply 49 The closure was predicted to likely exacerbate COVID 19 chip shortage 48 47 which may further shift neon production to China 50 Applications EditNeon is often used in signs and produces an unmistakable bright reddish orange light Although tube lights with other colors are often called neon they use different noble gases or varied colors of fluorescent lighting Neon is used in vacuum tubes high voltage indicators lightning arresters wavemeter tubes television tubes and helium neon lasers Liquefied neon is commercially used as a cryogenic refrigerant in applications not requiring the lower temperature range attainable with more extreme liquid helium refrigeration Neon as liquid or gas is relatively expensive for small quantities the price of liquid neon can be more than 55 times that of liquid helium Driving neon s expense is the rarity of neon which unlike helium can only be obtained in usable quantities by filtering it out of the atmosphere Semiconductor industry Edit As of 2022 update gas mixtures that include neon are used to power lasers for EUV lithography 49 Precautions EditNeon is an asphyxiant at pressures greater than 110 bar 51 See also EditExpansion ratio Neon sign Neon lampPortal ChemistryNeon at Wikipedia s sister projects Definitions from Wiktionary Media from Commons Textbooks from Wikibooks Resources from WikiversityReferences Edit Standard Atomic Weights Neon CIAAW 1985 a b c d Hammond C R 2000 The Elements in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition PDF CRC press p 19 ISBN 0849304814 Preston Thomas H 1990 The International Temperature Scale of 1990 ITS 90 Metrologia 27 1 3 10 Bibcode 1990Metro 27 3P doi 10 1088 0026 1394 27 1 002 a b Haynes William M ed 2011 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 92nd ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press p 4 122 ISBN 1 4398 5511 0 Shuen Chen Hwang Robert D Lein Daniel A Morgan 2005 Noble Gases in Kirk Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology pages 343 383 Wiley doi 10 1002 0471238961 0701190508230114 a01 pub2 Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds in Lide D R ed 2005 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 86th ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press ISBN 0 8493 0486 5 Weast Robert 1984 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Boca Raton Florida Chemical Rubber Company Publishing pp E110 ISBN 0 8493 0464 4 Ramsay William Travers Morris W 1898 On the Companions of Argon Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 63 1 437 440 doi 10 1098 rspl 1898 0057 Neon History Softciencias Retrieved 2007 02 27 Group 18 refers to the modern numbering of the periodic table Older numberings described the rare gases as Group 0 or Group VIIIA sometimes shortened to 8 See also Group periodic table Wilson Hugh F Militzer Burkhard March 2010 Sequestration of Noble Gases in Giant Planet Interiors Physical Review Letters 104 12 121101 arXiv 1003 5940 Bibcode 2010PhRvL 104l1101W doi 10 1103 PhysRevLett 104 121101 PMID 20366523 S2CID 9850759 121101 Coyle Harold P 2001 Project STAR The Universe in Your Hands Kendall Hunt p 464 ISBN 978 0 7872 6763 6 Kohmoto Kohtaro 1999 Phosphors for lamps In Shionoya Shigeo Yen William M eds Phosphor Handbook CRC Press p 940 ISBN 978 0 8493 7560 6 Ramsay William Travers Morris W 1898 On the Companions of Argon Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 63 1 437 440 doi 10 1098 rspl 1898 0057 S2CID 98818445 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Neon History Softciencias Archived from the original on 2007 03 14 Retrieved 2007 02 27 Weeks Mary Elvira 2003 Discovery of the Elements Third Edition reprint Kessinger Publishing p 287 ISBN 978 0 7661 3872 8 Archived from the original on 2015 03 22 a b Ramsay Sir William December 12 1904 Nobel Lecture The Rare Gases of the Atmosphere nobelprize org Nobel Media AB Archived from the original on 13 November 2015 Retrieved 15 November 2015 Ramsay William Travers Morris W 1898 On the Companions of Argon Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 63 1 437 440 doi 10 1098 rspl 1898 0057 ISSN 0370 1662 S2CID 98818445 Mangum Aja December 8 2007 Neon A Brief History New York Magazine Archived from the original on April 15 2008 Retrieved 2008 05 20 Golec Michael J 2010 Logo Local Intensities Lacan the Discourse of the Other and the Solicitation to Enjoy Design and Culture 2 2 167 181 doi 10 2752 175470710X12696138525622 S2CID 144257608 Wolfe Tom October 1968 Electro Graphic Architecture Architecture Canada Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae Dickin Alan P 2005 Neon Radiogenic isotope geology p 303 ISBN 978 0 521 82316 6 a b c Resources on Isotopes Periodic Table Neon at the U S Geological Survey by Eric Caldwell posted January 2004 retrieved February 10 2011 Neon Isotopes Softciencias Archived from the original on 2012 11 15 Retrieved 2007 02 27 Anderson Don L Helium Neon amp Argon Mantleplumes org Archived from the original on 2006 05 28 Retrieved 2006 07 02 NASSMC News Bulletin December 30 2005 Archived from the original on February 13 2007 Retrieved 2007 03 05 Mukhopadhyay Mamata 2012 Fundamentals of Cryogenic Engineering p 195 ISBN 9788120330573 Archived from the original on 2017 11 16 Plasma Archived from the original on 2007 03 07 Retrieved 2007 03 05 Baumann Edward 1966 Applications of Neon Lamps and Gas Discharge Tubes Carlton Press Myers Robert L 2002 Display interfaces fundamentals and standards John Wiley and Sons pp 69 71 ISBN 978 0 471 49946 6 Archived from the original on 2016 06 29 Plasma displays are closely related to the simple neon lamp Weber Larry F April 2006 History of the plasma display panel IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34 2 268 278 Bibcode 2006ITPS 34 268W doi 10 1109 TPS 2006 872440 S2CID 20290119 Paid access ANSI Luminous Tube Footage Chart PDF American National Standards Institute ANSI Archived PDF from the original on 2011 02 06 Retrieved 2010 12 10 Reproduction of a chart in the catalog of a lighting company in Toronto the original ANSI specification is not given Clayton Donald 2003 Handbook of Isotopes in the Cosmos Hydrogen to Gallium Cambridge University Press pp 106 107 ISBN 978 0521823814 Ryan Sean G Norton Andrew J 2010 Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis Cambridge University Press p 135 ISBN 978 0 521 13320 3 Asplund Martin Grevesse Nicolas Sauval A Jacques Scott Pat 2009 The Chemical Composition of the Sun Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 47 1 481 522 arXiv 0909 0948 Bibcode 2009ARA amp A 47 481A doi 10 1146 annurev astro 46 060407 145222 S2CID 17921922 Gallagher R Ingram P 2001 07 19 Chemistry for Higher Tier University Press p 282 ISBN 978 0 19 914817 2 Morse David January 26 1996 Galileo Probe Science Result Galileo Project Archived from the original on February 24 2007 Retrieved 2007 02 27 Steigerwald William 17 August 2015 NASA s LADEE Spacecraft Finds Neon in Lunar Atmosphere NASA Archived from the original on 19 August 2015 Retrieved 18 August 2015 a b Falenty Andrzej Hansen Thomas C Kuhs Werner F 2014 Formation and properties of ice XVI obtained by emptying a type sII clathrate hydrate Nature 516 7530 231 3 Bibcode 2014Natur 516 231F doi 10 1038 nature14014 PMID 25503235 S2CID 4464711 Yu X Zhu J Du S Xu H Vogel S C Han J Germann T C Zhang J Jin C Francisco J S Zhao Y 2014 Crystal structure and encapsulation dynamics of ice II structured neon hydrate Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 29 10456 61 Bibcode 2014PNAS 11110456Y doi 10 1073 pnas 1410690111 PMC 4115495 PMID 25002464 Allen Leland C 1989 Electronegativity is the average one electron energy of the valence shell electrons in ground state free atoms Journal of the American Chemical Society 111 25 9003 9014 doi 10 1021 ja00207a003 The Internet resource for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 Archived from the original on 2009 08 15 Retrieved 2009 07 07 R Norris Shreve Joseph Brink 1977 Chemical Process Industries 4th ed p 113 ISBN 0 07 057145 7 Explained Why the Russia Ukraine crisis may lead to a shortage in semiconductors MSN The Indian Express Alper Alexandra 2022 03 11 Exclusive Russia s attack on Ukraine halts half of world s neon output for chips Reuters Retrieved 2022 03 16 a b Rare Gasses Supplier Known for Innovation The European Times 2020 a b c Ukraine war flashes neon warning lights for chips Reuters 2022 02 25 a b c Times Financial 4 March 2022 Low on gas Ukraine invasion chokes supply of neon needed for chipmaking Ars Technica Retrieved 13 March 2022 a b Chipmakers see limited impact for now as Russia invades Ukraine CNBC 24 February 2022 Moore Walter J Hummel Dieter O 1986 Physikalische Chemie in German Berlin p 284 ISBN 978 3 11 010979 5 OCLC 46160746 External links EditNeon at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham WebElements com Neon It s Elemental Neon USGS Periodic Table Neon Atomic Spectrum of Neon Neon Museum Las Vegas Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Neon amp oldid 1135495105, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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