

Actinium is a chemical element; it has symbol Ac and atomic number 89. It was first isolated by Friedrich Oskar Giesel in 1902, who gave it the name emanium; the element got its name by being wrongly identified with a substance André-Louis Debierne found in 1899 and called actinium. Actinium gave the name to the actinide series, a set of 15 elements between actinium and lawrencium in the periodic table. Together with polonium, radium, and radon, actinium was one of the first non-primordial radioactive elements to be isolated.

Actinium, 89Ac
Pronunciation/ækˈtɪniəm/ (ak-TIN-ee-əm)
Appearancesilvery-white, glowing with an eerie blue light;[1] sometimes with a golden cast[2]
Mass number[227]
Actinium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)89
Groupf-block groups (no number)
Periodperiod 7
Block  f-block
Electron configuration[Rn] 6d1 7s2
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 9, 2
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point1500 K ​(1227 °C, ​2240 °F) (estimated)[2]
Boiling point3500±300 K ​(3200±300 °C, ​5800±500 °F) (extrapolated)[2]
Density (near r.t.)10 g/cm3
Heat of fusion14 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization400 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity27.2 J/(mol·K)
Atomic properties
Oxidation states+3 (a strongly basic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 1.1
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 499 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 1170 kJ/mol
  • 3rd: 1900 kJ/mol
  • (more)
Covalent radius215 pm
Spectral lines of actinium
Other properties
Natural occurrencefrom decay
Crystal structureface-centered cubic (fcc)
Thermal conductivity12 W/(m⋅K)
CAS Number7440-34-8
Discovery and first isolationFriedrich Oskar Giesel (1902, 1903)
Named byAndré-Louis Debierne (1899)
Isotopes of actinium
Main isotopes[3] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
225Ac trace 9.919 d α 221Fr
14C 211Bi
226Ac synth 29.37 h β 226Th
ε 226Ra
α 222Fr
227Ac trace 21.772 y β 227Th
α 223Fr
 Category: Actinium
| references

A soft, silvery-white radioactive metal, actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that prevents further oxidation. As with most lanthanides and many actinides, actinium assumes oxidation state +3 in nearly all its chemical compounds. Actinium is found only in traces in uranium and thorium ores as the isotope 227Ac, which decays with a half-life of 21.772 years, predominantly emitting beta and sometimes alpha particles, and 228Ac, which is beta active with a half-life of 6.15 hours. One tonne of natural uranium in ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of actinium-227, and one tonne of thorium contains about 5 nanograms of actinium-228. The close similarity of physical and chemical properties of actinium and lanthanum makes separation of actinium from the ore impractical. Instead, the element is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor. Owing to its scarcity, high price and radioactivity, actinium has no significant industrial use. Its current applications include a neutron source and an agent for radiation therapy.

History edit

André-Louis Debierne, a French chemist, announced the discovery of a new element in 1899. He separated it from pitchblende residues left by Marie and Pierre Curie after they had extracted radium. In 1899, Debierne described the substance as similar to titanium[4] and (in 1900) as similar to thorium.[5] Friedrich Oskar Giesel found in 1902[6] a substance similar to lanthanum and called it "emanium" in 1904.[7] After a comparison of the substances' half-lives determined by Debierne,[8] Harriet Brooks in 1904, and Otto Hahn and Otto Sackur in 1905, Debierne's chosen name for the new element was retained because it had seniority, despite the contradicting chemical properties he claimed for the element at different times.[9][10]

Articles published in the 1970s[11] and later[12] suggest that Debierne's results published in 1904 conflict with those reported in 1899 and 1900. Furthermore, the now-known chemistry of actinium precludes its presence as anything other than a minor constituent of Debierne's 1899 and 1900 results; in fact, the chemical properties he reported make it likely that he had, instead, accidentally identified protactinium, which would not be discovered for another fourteen years, only to have it disappear due to its hydrolysis and adsorption onto his laboratory equipment. This has led some authors to advocate that Giesel alone should be credited with the discovery.[2] A less confrontational vision of scientific discovery is proposed by Adloff.[12] He suggests that hindsight criticism of the early publications should be mitigated by the then nascent state of radiochemistry: highlighting the prudence of Debierne's claims in the original papers, he notes that nobody can contend that Debierne's substance did not contain actinium.[12] Debierne, who is now considered by the vast majority of historians as the discoverer, lost interest in the element and left the topic. Giesel, on the other hand, can rightfully be credited with the first preparation of radiochemically pure actinium and with the identification of its atomic number 89.[11]

The name actinium originates from the Ancient Greek aktis, aktinos (ακτίς, ακτίνος), meaning beam or ray.[13] Its symbol Ac is also used in abbreviations of other compounds that have nothing to do with actinium, such as acetyl, acetate[14] and sometimes acetaldehyde.[15]

Properties edit

Actinium is a soft, silvery-white,[16][17] radioactive, metallic element. Its estimated shear modulus is similar to that of lead.[18] Owing to its strong radioactivity, actinium glows in the dark with a pale blue light, which originates from the surrounding air ionized by the emitted energetic particles.[19] Actinium has similar chemical properties to lanthanum and other lanthanides, and therefore these elements are difficult to separate when extracting from uranium ores. Solvent extraction and ion chromatography are commonly used for the separation.[20]

The first element of the actinides, actinium gave the set its name, much as lanthanum had done for the lanthanides. The actinides are much more diverse than the lanthanides[21] and therefore it was not until 1945 that the most significant change to Dmitri Mendeleev's periodic table since the recognition of the lanthanides, the introduction of the actinides, was generally accepted after Glenn T. Seaborg's research on the transuranium elements[22] (although it had been proposed as early as 1892 by British chemist Henry Bassett).[23]

Actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that impedes further oxidation.[16] As with most lanthanides and actinides, actinium exists in the oxidation state +3, and the Ac3+ ions are colorless in solutions.[24] The oxidation state +3 originates from the [Rn] 6d17s2 electronic configuration of actinium, with three valence electrons that are easily donated to give the stable closed-shell structure of the noble gas radon.[17] Although the 5f orbitals are unoccupied in an actinium atom, it can be used as a valence orbital in actinium complexes and hence it is generally considered the first 5f element by authors working on it.[25][26][27] Ac3+ is the largest of all known tripositive ions and its first coordination sphere contains approximately 10.9 ± 0.5 water molecules.[28]

Chemical compounds edit

Due to actinium's intense radioactivity, only a limited number of actinium compounds are known. These include: AcF3, AcCl3, AcBr3, AcOF, AcOCl, AcOBr, Ac2S3, Ac2O3, AcPO4 and Ac(NO3)3. They all contain actinium in the oxidation state +3.[24][29] In particular, the lattice constants of the analogous lanthanum and actinium compounds differ by only a few percent.[29]

Here a, b and c are lattice constants, No is space group number and Z is the number of formula units per unit cell. Density was not measured directly but calculated from the lattice parameters.

Oxides edit

Actinium oxide (Ac2O3) can be obtained by heating the hydroxide at 500 °C or the oxalate at 1100 °C, in vacuum. Its crystal lattice is isotypic with the oxides of most trivalent rare-earth metals.[29]

Halides edit

Actinium trifluoride can be produced either in solution or in solid reaction. The former reaction is carried out at room temperature, by adding hydrofluoric acid to a solution containing actinium ions. In the latter method, actinium metal is treated with hydrogen fluoride vapors at 700 °C in an all-platinum setup. Treating actinium trifluoride with ammonium hydroxide at 900–1000 °C yields oxyfluoride AcOF. Whereas lanthanum oxyfluoride can be easily obtained by burning lanthanum trifluoride in air at 800 °C for an hour, similar treatment of actinium trifluoride yields no AcOF and only results in melting of the initial product.[29][35]

AcF3 + 2 NH3 + H2O → AcOF + 2 NH4F

Actinium trichloride is obtained by reacting actinium hydroxide or oxalate with carbon tetrachloride vapors at temperatures above 960 °C. Similar to oxyfluoride, actinium oxychloride can be prepared by hydrolyzing actinium trichloride with ammonium hydroxide at 1000 °C. However, in contrast to the oxyfluoride, the oxychloride could well be synthesized by igniting a solution of actinium trichloride in hydrochloric acid with ammonia.[29]

Reaction of aluminium bromide and actinium oxide yields actinium tribromide:

Ac2O3 + 2 AlBr3 → 2 AcBr3 + Al2O3

and treating it with ammonium hydroxide at 500 °C results in the oxybromide AcOBr.[29]

Other compounds edit

Actinium hydride was obtained by reduction of actinium trichloride with potassium at 300 °C, and its structure was deduced by analogy with the corresponding LaH2 hydride. The source of hydrogen in the reaction was uncertain.[36]

Mixing monosodium phosphate (NaH2PO4) with a solution of actinium in hydrochloric acid yields white-colored actinium phosphate hemihydrate (AcPO4·0.5H2O), and heating actinium oxalate with hydrogen sulfide vapors at 1400 °C for a few minutes results in a black actinium sulfide Ac2S3. It may possibly be produced by acting with a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide on actinium oxide at 1000 °C.[29]

Isotopes edit

Naturally occurring actinium is composed of two radioactive isotopes; 227
(from the radioactive family of 235
) and 228
(a granddaughter of 232
). 227
decays mainly as a beta emitter with a very small energy, but in 1.38% of cases it emits an alpha particle, so it can readily be identified through alpha spectrometry.[2] Thirty-three radioisotopes have been identified, the most stable being 227
with a half-life of 21.772 years, 225
with a half-life of 10.0 days and 226
with a half-life of 29.37 hours. All remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 10 hours and the majority of them have half-lives shorter than one minute. The shortest-lived known isotope of actinium is 217
(half-life of 69 nanoseconds) which decays through alpha decay. Actinium also has two known meta states.[37] The most significant isotopes for chemistry are 225Ac, 227Ac, and 228Ac.[2]

Purified 227
comes into equilibrium with its decay products after about a half of year. It decays according to its 21.772-year half-life emitting mostly beta (98.62%) and some alpha particles (1.38%);[37] the successive decay products are part of the actinium series. Owing to the low available amounts, low energy of its beta particles (maximum 44.8 keV) and low intensity of alpha radiation, 227
is difficult to detect directly by its emission and it is therefore traced via its decay products.[24] The isotopes of actinium range in atomic weight from 203 u (203
) to 236 u (236

Isotope Production Decay Half-life
221Ac 232Th(d,9n)→225Pa(α)→221Ac α 52 ms
222Ac 232Th(d,8n)→226Pa(α)→222Ac α 5.0 s
223Ac 232Th(d,7n)→227Pa(α)→223Ac α 2.1 min
224Ac 232Th(d,6n)→228Pa(α)→224Ac α 2.78 hours
225Ac 232Th(n,γ)→233Th(β)→233Pa(β)→233U(α)→229Th(α)→225Ra(β)→225Ac α 10 days
226Ac 226Ra(d,2n)→226Ac α, β
electron capture
29.37 hours
227Ac 235U(α)→231Th(β)→231Pa(α)→227Ac α, β 21.77 years
228Ac 232Th(α)→228Ra(β)→228Ac β 6.15 hours
229Ac 228Ra(n,γ)→229Ra(β)→229Ac β 62.7 min
230Ac 232Th(d,α)→230Ac β 122 s
231Ac 232Th(γ,p)→231Ac β 7.5 min
232Ac 232Th(n,p)→232Ac β 119 s

Occurrence and synthesis edit

Uraninite ores have elevated concentrations of actinium.

Actinium is found only in traces in uranium ores – one tonne of uranium in ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of 227Ac[38][39] – and in thorium ores, which contain about 5 nanograms of 228Ac per one tonne of thorium. The actinium isotope 227Ac is a transient member of the uranium-actinium series decay chain, which begins with the parent isotope 235U (or 239Pu) and ends with the stable lead isotope 207Pb. The isotope 228Ac is a transient member of the thorium series decay chain, which begins with the parent isotope 232Th and ends with the stable lead isotope 208Pb. Another actinium isotope (225Ac) is transiently present in the neptunium series decay chain, beginning with 237Np (or 233U) and ending with thallium (205Tl) and near-stable bismuth (209Bi); even though all primordial 237Np has decayed away, it is continuously produced by neutron knock-out reactions on natural 238U.

The low natural concentration, and the close similarity of physical and chemical properties to those of lanthanum and other lanthanides, which are always abundant in actinium-bearing ores, render separation of actinium from the ore impractical, and complete separation was never achieved.[29][dubious ] Instead, actinium is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor.[39][40]


The reaction yield is about 2% of the radium weight. 227Ac can further capture neutrons resulting in small amounts of 228Ac. After the synthesis, actinium is separated from radium and from the products of decay and nuclear fusion, such as thorium, polonium, lead and bismuth. The extraction can be performed with thenoyltrifluoroacetone-benzene solution from an aqueous solution of the radiation products, and the selectivity to a certain element is achieved by adjusting the pH (to about 6.0 for actinium).[38] An alternative procedure is anion exchange with an appropriate resin in nitric acid, which can result in a separation factor of 1,000,000 for radium and actinium vs. thorium in a two-stage process. Actinium can then be separated from radium, with a ratio of about 100, using a low cross-linking cation exchange resin and nitric acid as eluant.[41]

225Ac was first produced artificially at the Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) in Germany using a cyclotron and at St George Hospital in Sydney using a linac in 2000.[42] This rare isotope has potential applications in radiation therapy and is most efficiently produced by bombarding a radium-226 target with 20–30 MeV deuterium ions. This reaction also yields 226Ac which however decays with a half-life of 29 hours and thus does not contaminate 225Ac.[43]

Actinium metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride with lithium vapor in vacuum at a temperature between 1100 and 1300 °C. Higher temperatures resulted in evaporation of the product and lower ones lead to an incomplete transformation. Lithium was chosen among other alkali metals because its fluoride is most volatile.[13][16]

Applications edit

Owing to its scarcity, high price and radioactivity, 227Ac currently has no significant industrial use, but 225Ac is currently being studied for use in cancer treatments such as targeted alpha therapies.[13][27]227Ac is highly radioactive and was therefore studied for use as an active element of radioisotope thermoelectric generators, for example in spacecraft. The oxide of 227Ac pressed with beryllium is also an efficient neutron source with the activity exceeding that of the standard americium-beryllium and radium-beryllium pairs.[44] In all those applications, 227Ac (a beta source) is merely a progenitor which generates alpha-emitting isotopes upon its decay. Beryllium captures alpha particles and emits neutrons owing to its large cross-section for the (α,n) nuclear reaction:


The 227AcBe neutron sources can be applied in a neutron probe – a standard device for measuring the quantity of water present in soil, as well as moisture/density for quality control in highway construction.[45][46] Such probes are also used in well logging applications, in neutron radiography, tomography and other radiochemical investigations.[47]

Chemical structure of the DOTA carrier for 225Ac in radiation therapy

225Ac is applied in medicine to produce 213Bi in a reusable generator[41] or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy, in particular targeted alpha therapy (TAT). This isotope has a half-life of 10 days, making it much more suitable for radiation therapy than 213Bi (half-life 46 minutes).[27] Additionally, 225Ac decays to nontoxic 209Bi rather than toxic lead, which is the final product in the decay chains of several other candidate isotopes, namely 227Th, 228Th, and 230U.[27] Not only 225Ac itself, but also its daughters, emit alpha particles which kill cancer cells in the body. The major difficulty with application of 225Ac was that intravenous injection of simple actinium complexes resulted in their accumulation in the bones and liver for a period of tens of years. As a result, after the cancer cells were quickly killed by alpha particles from 225Ac, the radiation from the actinium and its daughters might induce new mutations. To solve this problem, 225Ac was bound to a chelating agent, such as citrate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA). This reduced actinium accumulation in the bones, but the excretion from the body remained slow. Much better results were obtained with such chelating agents as HEHA (1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaazacyclohexadecane-N,N′,N″,N‴,N‴′,N‴″-hexaacetic acid)[48] or DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) coupled to trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody that interferes with the HER2/neu receptor. The latter delivery combination was tested on mice and proved to be effective against leukemia, lymphoma, breast, ovarian, neuroblastoma and prostate cancers.[49][50][51]

The medium half-life of 227Ac (21.77 years) makes it a very convenient radioactive isotope in modeling the slow vertical mixing of oceanic waters. The associated processes cannot be studied with the required accuracy by direct measurements of current velocities (of the order 50 meters per year). However, evaluation of the concentration depth-profiles for different isotopes allows estimating the mixing rates. The physics behind this method is as follows: oceanic waters contain homogeneously dispersed 235U. Its decay product, 231Pa, gradually precipitates to the bottom, so that its concentration first increases with depth and then stays nearly constant. 231Pa decays to 227Ac; however, the concentration of the latter isotope does not follow the 231Pa depth profile, but instead increases toward the sea bottom. This occurs because of the mixing processes which raise some additional 227Ac from the sea bottom. Thus analysis of both 231Pa and 227Ac depth profiles allows researchers to model the mixing behavior.[52][53]

There are theoretical predictions that AcHx hydrides (in this case with very high pressure) are a candidate for a near room-temperature superconductor as they have Tc significantly higher than H3S, possibly near 250 K.[54]

Precautions edit

227Ac is highly radioactive and experiments with it are carried out in a specially designed laboratory equipped with a tight glove box. When actinium trichloride is administered intravenously to rats, about 33% of actinium is deposited into the bones and 50% into the liver. Its toxicity is comparable to, but slightly lower than that of americium and plutonium.[55] For trace quantities, fume hoods with good aeration suffice; for gram amounts, hot cells with shielding from the intense gamma radiation emitted by 227Ac are necessary.[56]

See also edit

Notes edit

References edit

  1. ^ Wall, Greg (8 September 2003). "C&EN: It's Elemental: The Periodic Table - Actinium". C&EN: It's Elemental: The Periodic Table. Chemical and Engineering News. Retrieved 2 June 2011.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Kirby, Harold W.; Morss, Lester R. (2006). "Actinium". The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements. p. 18. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3598-5_2. ISBN 978-1-4020-3555-5.
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  41. ^ a b Bolla, Rose A.; Malkemus, D.; Mirzadeh, S. (2005). "Production of actinium-225 for alpha particle mediated radioimmunotherapy". Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 62 (5): 667–679. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2004.12.003. PMID 15763472.
  42. ^ Melville, G; Allen, Bj (2009). "Cyclotron and linac production of Ac-225". Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 67 (4): 549–55. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2008.11.012. PMID 19135381.
  43. ^ Russell, Pamela J.; Jackson, Paul and Kingsley, Elizabeth Anne (2003) Prostate cancer methods and protocols[permanent dead link]. Humana Press. ISBN 0-89603-978-1, p. 336
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  46. ^ Chandrasekharan, H. and Gupta, Navindu (2006) Fundamentals of Nuclear Science – Application in Agriculture. ISBN 81-7211-200-9 pp. 202 ff
  47. ^ Dixon, W. R.; Bielesch, Alice; Geiger, K. W. (1957). "Neutron Spectrum of an Actinium–Beryllium Source". Can. J. Phys. 35 (6): 699–702. Bibcode:1957CaJPh..35..699D. doi:10.1139/p57-075.
  48. ^ Deal K.A.; Davis I.A.; Mirzadeh S.; Kennel S.J. & Brechbiel M.W. (1999). "Improved in Vivo Stability of Actinium-225 Macrocyclic Complexes". J Med Chem. 42 (15): 2988–9. doi:10.1021/jm990141f. PMID 10425108.
  49. ^ McDevitt, Michael R.; Ma, Dangshe; Lai, Lawrence T.; et al. (2001). "Tumor Therapy with Targeted Atomic Nanogenerators". Science. 294 (5546): 1537–1540. Bibcode:2001Sci...294.1537M. doi:10.1126/science.1064126. PMID 11711678. S2CID 11782419.
  50. ^ Borchardt, Paul E.; et al. (2003). "Targeted Actinium-225 in Vivo Generators for Therapy of Ovarian Cancer" (PDF). Cancer Research. 63 (16): 5084–5090. PMID 12941838. Archived (PDF) from the original on 9 October 2022.
  51. ^ Ballangrud, A. M.; et al. (2004). "Alpha-particle emitting atomic generator (Actinium-225)-labeled trastuzumab (herceptin) targeting of breast cancer spheroids: efficacy versus HER2/neu expression". Clinical Cancer Research. 10 (13): 4489–97. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-03-0800. PMID 15240541.
  52. ^ Nozaki, Yoshiyuki (1984). "Excess 227Ac in deep ocean water". Nature. 310 (5977): 486–488. Bibcode:1984Natur.310..486N. doi:10.1038/310486a0. S2CID 4344946.
  53. ^ Geibert, W.; Rutgers Van Der Loeff, M. M.; Hanfland, C.; Dauelsberg, H.-J. (2002). "Actinium-227 as a deep-sea tracer: sources, distribution and applications". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 198 (1–2): 147–165. Bibcode:2002E&PSL.198..147G. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00512-5.
  54. ^ Semenok, Dmitrii V.; Kvashnin, Alexander G.; Kruglov, Ivan A.; Oganov, Artem R. (19 April 2018). "Actinium hydrides AcH10, AcH12, AcH16 as high-temperature conventional superconductors". The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9 (8): 1920–1926. arXiv:1802.05676. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00615. ISSN 1948-7185. PMID 29589444. S2CID 4620593.
  55. ^ Langham, W.; Storer, J. (1952). "Toxicology of Actinium Equilibrium Mixture". Los Alamos Scientific Lab.: Technical Report. doi:10.2172/4406766.
  56. ^ Keller, Cornelius; Wolf, Walter; Shani, Jashovam. "Radionuclides, 2. Radioactive Elements and Artificial Radionuclides". Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. doi:10.1002/14356007.o22_o15. ISBN 978-3527306732.

Bibliography edit

  • Meyer, Gerd and Morss, Lester R. (1991) Synthesis of lanthanide and actinide compounds, Springer. ISBN 0-7923-1018-7

External links edit

  • Actinium at The Periodic Table of Videos (University of Nottingham)
  • NLM Hazardous Substances Databank – Actinium, Radioactive
  • in Kirby, H. W.; Morss, L. R. (2006). Morss; Edelstein, Norman M.; Fuger, Jean (eds.). The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements (3rd ed.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. ISBN 978-1-4020-3555-5.

actinium, confused, with, actin, actium, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, first, isolated, friedrich, oskar, giesel, 1902, gave, name, emanium, element, name, being, wrongly, identified, with, substance, andré, louis, debierne, found, 1899, called, a. Not to be confused with Actin or Actium Actinium is a chemical element it has symbol Ac and atomic number 89 It was first isolated by Friedrich Oskar Giesel in 1902 who gave it the name emanium the element got its name by being wrongly identified with a substance Andre Louis Debierne found in 1899 and called actinium Actinium gave the name to the actinide series a set of 15 elements between actinium and lawrencium in the periodic table Together with polonium radium and radon actinium was one of the first non primordial radioactive elements to be isolated Actinium 89AcActiniumPronunciation ae k ˈ t ɪ n i e m wbr ak TIN ee em Appearancesilvery white glowing with an eerie blue light 1 sometimes with a golden cast 2 Mass number 227 Actinium in the periodic tableHydrogen HeliumLithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine NeonSodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine ArgonPotassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine KryptonRubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine XenonCaesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine RadonFrancium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson La Ac Uqt radium actinium thoriumAtomic number Z 89Groupf block groups no number Periodperiod 7Block f blockElectron configuration Rn 6d1 7s2Electrons per shell2 8 18 32 18 9 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point1500 K 1227 C 2240 F estimated 2 Boiling point3500 300 K 3200 300 C 5800 500 F extrapolated 2 Density near r t 10 g cm3Heat of fusion14 kJ molHeat of vaporization400 kJ molMolar heat capacity27 2 J mol K Atomic propertiesOxidation states 3 a strongly basic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 1 1Ionization energies1st 499 kJ mol2nd 1170 kJ mol3rd 1900 kJ mol more Covalent radius215 pmSpectral lines of actiniumOther propertiesNatural occurrencefrom decayCrystal structure face centered cubic fcc Thermal conductivity12 W m K CAS Number7440 34 8HistoryDiscovery and first isolationFriedrich Oskar Giesel 1902 1903 Named byAndre Louis Debierne 1899 Isotopes of actiniumveMain isotopes 3 Decayabun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct225Ac trace 9 919 d a 221Fr14C 211Bi226Ac synth 29 37 h b 226The 226Raa 222Fr227Ac trace 21 772 y b 227Tha 223Fr Category Actiniumviewtalkedit referencesA soft silvery white radioactive metal actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that prevents further oxidation As with most lanthanides and many actinides actinium assumes oxidation state 3 in nearly all its chemical compounds Actinium is found only in traces in uranium and thorium ores as the isotope 227Ac which decays with a half life of 21 772 years predominantly emitting beta and sometimes alpha particles and 228Ac which is beta active with a half life of 6 15 hours One tonne of natural uranium in ore contains about 0 2 milligrams of actinium 227 and one tonne of thorium contains about 5 nanograms of actinium 228 The close similarity of physical and chemical properties of actinium and lanthanum makes separation of actinium from the ore impractical Instead the element is prepared in milligram amounts by the neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor Owing to its scarcity high price and radioactivity actinium has no significant industrial use Its current applications include a neutron source and an agent for radiation therapy Contents 1 History 2 Properties 3 Chemical compounds 3 1 Oxides 3 2 Halides 3 3 Other compounds 4 Isotopes 5 Occurrence and synthesis 6 Applications 7 Precautions 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 Bibliography 12 External linksHistory editAndre Louis Debierne a French chemist announced the discovery of a new element in 1899 He separated it from pitchblende residues left by Marie and Pierre Curie after they had extracted radium In 1899 Debierne described the substance as similar to titanium 4 and in 1900 as similar to thorium 5 Friedrich Oskar Giesel found in 1902 6 a substance similar to lanthanum and called it emanium in 1904 7 After a comparison of the substances half lives determined by Debierne 8 Harriet Brooks in 1904 and Otto Hahn and Otto Sackur in 1905 Debierne s chosen name for the new element was retained because it had seniority despite the contradicting chemical properties he claimed for the element at different times 9 10 Articles published in the 1970s 11 and later 12 suggest that Debierne s results published in 1904 conflict with those reported in 1899 and 1900 Furthermore the now known chemistry of actinium precludes its presence as anything other than a minor constituent of Debierne s 1899 and 1900 results in fact the chemical properties he reported make it likely that he had instead accidentally identified protactinium which would not be discovered for another fourteen years only to have it disappear due to its hydrolysis and adsorption onto his laboratory equipment This has led some authors to advocate that Giesel alone should be credited with the discovery 2 A less confrontational vision of scientific discovery is proposed by Adloff 12 He suggests that hindsight criticism of the early publications should be mitigated by the then nascent state of radiochemistry highlighting the prudence of Debierne s claims in the original papers he notes that nobody can contend that Debierne s substance did not contain actinium 12 Debierne who is now considered by the vast majority of historians as the discoverer lost interest in the element and left the topic Giesel on the other hand can rightfully be credited with the first preparation of radiochemically pure actinium and with the identification of its atomic number 89 11 The name actinium originates from the Ancient Greek aktis aktinos aktis aktinos meaning beam or ray 13 Its symbol Ac is also used in abbreviations of other compounds that have nothing to do with actinium such as acetyl acetate 14 and sometimes acetaldehyde 15 Properties editActinium is a soft silvery white 16 17 radioactive metallic element Its estimated shear modulus is similar to that of lead 18 Owing to its strong radioactivity actinium glows in the dark with a pale blue light which originates from the surrounding air ionized by the emitted energetic particles 19 Actinium has similar chemical properties to lanthanum and other lanthanides and therefore these elements are difficult to separate when extracting from uranium ores Solvent extraction and ion chromatography are commonly used for the separation 20 The first element of the actinides actinium gave the set its name much as lanthanum had done for the lanthanides The actinides are much more diverse than the lanthanides 21 and therefore it was not until 1945 that the most significant change to Dmitri Mendeleev s periodic table since the recognition of the lanthanides the introduction of the actinides was generally accepted after Glenn T Seaborg s research on the transuranium elements 22 although it had been proposed as early as 1892 by British chemist Henry Bassett 23 Actinium reacts rapidly with oxygen and moisture in air forming a white coating of actinium oxide that impedes further oxidation 16 As with most lanthanides and actinides actinium exists in the oxidation state 3 and the Ac3 ions are colorless in solutions 24 The oxidation state 3 originates from the Rn 6d17s2 electronic configuration of actinium with three valence electrons that are easily donated to give the stable closed shell structure of the noble gas radon 17 Although the 5f orbitals are unoccupied in an actinium atom it can be used as a valence orbital in actinium complexes and hence it is generally considered the first 5f element by authors working on it 25 26 27 Ac3 is the largest of all known tripositive ions and its first coordination sphere contains approximately 10 9 0 5 water molecules 28 Chemical compounds editDue to actinium s intense radioactivity only a limited number of actinium compounds are known These include AcF3 AcCl3 AcBr3 AcOF AcOCl AcOBr Ac2S3 Ac2O3 AcPO4 and Ac NO3 3 They all contain actinium in the oxidation state 3 24 29 In particular the lattice constants of the analogous lanthanum and actinium compounds differ by only a few percent 29 Formula color symmetry space group No Pearson symbol a pm b pm c pm Z density g cm3Ac silvery fcc 30 Fm3 m 225 cF4 531 1 531 1 531 1 4 10 07AcH2 unknown cubic 30 Fm3 m 225 cF12 567 567 567 4 8 35Ac2O3 white 16 trigonal 31 P3 m1 164 hP5 408 408 630 1 9 18Ac2S3 black cubic 32 I4 3d 220 cI28 778 56 778 56 778 56 4 6 71AcF3 white 33 hexagonal 29 31 P3 c1 165 hP24 741 741 755 6 7 88AcCl3 white hexagonal 29 34 P63 m 165 hP8 764 764 456 2 4 8AcBr3 white 29 hexagonal 34 P63 m 165 hP8 764 764 456 2 5 85AcOF white 35 cubic 29 Fm3 m 593 1 8 28AcOCl white tetragonal 29 424 424 707 7 23AcOBr white tetragonal 29 427 427 740 7 89AcPO4 0 5H2O unknown hexagonal 29 721 721 664 5 48Here a b and c are lattice constants No is space group number and Z is the number of formula units per unit cell Density was not measured directly but calculated from the lattice parameters Oxides edit Main article Actinium III oxide Actinium oxide Ac2O3 can be obtained by heating the hydroxide at 500 C or the oxalate at 1100 C in vacuum Its crystal lattice is isotypic with the oxides of most trivalent rare earth metals 29 Halides edit Actinium trifluoride can be produced either in solution or in solid reaction The former reaction is carried out at room temperature by adding hydrofluoric acid to a solution containing actinium ions In the latter method actinium metal is treated with hydrogen fluoride vapors at 700 C in an all platinum setup Treating actinium trifluoride with ammonium hydroxide at 900 1000 C yields oxyfluoride AcOF Whereas lanthanum oxyfluoride can be easily obtained by burning lanthanum trifluoride in air at 800 C for an hour similar treatment of actinium trifluoride yields no AcOF and only results in melting of the initial product 29 35 AcF3 2 NH3 H2O AcOF 2 NH4FActinium trichloride is obtained by reacting actinium hydroxide or oxalate with carbon tetrachloride vapors at temperatures above 960 C Similar to oxyfluoride actinium oxychloride can be prepared by hydrolyzing actinium trichloride with ammonium hydroxide at 1000 C However in contrast to the oxyfluoride the oxychloride could well be synthesized by igniting a solution of actinium trichloride in hydrochloric acid with ammonia 29 Reaction of aluminium bromide and actinium oxide yields actinium tribromide Ac2O3 2 AlBr3 2 AcBr3 Al2O3and treating it with ammonium hydroxide at 500 C results in the oxybromide AcOBr 29 Other compounds edit Actinium hydride was obtained by reduction of actinium trichloride with potassium at 300 C and its structure was deduced by analogy with the corresponding LaH2 hydride The source of hydrogen in the reaction was uncertain 36 Mixing monosodium phosphate NaH2PO4 with a solution of actinium in hydrochloric acid yields white colored actinium phosphate hemihydrate AcPO4 0 5H2O and heating actinium oxalate with hydrogen sulfide vapors at 1400 C for a few minutes results in a black actinium sulfide Ac2S3 It may possibly be produced by acting with a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide on actinium oxide at 1000 C 29 Isotopes editMain article Isotopes of actinium Naturally occurring actinium is composed of two radioactive isotopes 227 Ac from the radioactive family of 235 U and 228 Ac a granddaughter of 232 Th 227 Ac decays mainly as a beta emitter with a very small energy but in 1 38 of cases it emits an alpha particle so it can readily be identified through alpha spectrometry 2 Thirty three radioisotopes have been identified the most stable being 227 Ac with a half life of 21 772 years 225 Ac with a half life of 10 0 days and 226 Ac with a half life of 29 37 hours All remaining radioactive isotopes have half lives that are less than 10 hours and the majority of them have half lives shorter than one minute The shortest lived known isotope of actinium is 217 Ac half life of 69 nanoseconds which decays through alpha decay Actinium also has two known meta states 37 The most significant isotopes for chemistry are 225Ac 227Ac and 228Ac 2 Purified 227 Ac comes into equilibrium with its decay products after about a half of year It decays according to its 21 772 year half life emitting mostly beta 98 62 and some alpha particles 1 38 37 the successive decay products are part of the actinium series Owing to the low available amounts low energy of its beta particles maximum 44 8 keV and low intensity of alpha radiation 227 Ac is difficult to detect directly by its emission and it is therefore traced via its decay products 24 The isotopes of actinium range in atomic weight from 203 u 203 Ac to 236 u 236 Ac 37 Isotope Production Decay Half life221Ac 232Th d 9n 225Pa a 221Ac a 52 ms222Ac 232Th d 8n 226Pa a 222Ac a 5 0 s223Ac 232Th d 7n 227Pa a 223Ac a 2 1 min224Ac 232Th d 6n 228Pa a 224Ac a 2 78 hours225Ac 232Th n g 233Th b 233Pa b 233U a 229Th a 225Ra b 225Ac a 10 days226Ac 226Ra d 2n 226Ac a b electron capture 29 37 hours227Ac 235U a 231Th b 231Pa a 227Ac a b 21 77 years228Ac 232Th a 228Ra b 228Ac b 6 15 hours229Ac 228Ra n g 229Ra b 229Ac b 62 7 min230Ac 232Th d a 230Ac b 122 s231Ac 232Th g p 231Ac b 7 5 min232Ac 232Th n p 232Ac b 119 sOccurrence and synthesis edit nbsp Uraninite ores have elevated concentrations of actinium Actinium is found only in traces in uranium ores one tonne of uranium in ore contains about 0 2 milligrams of 227Ac 38 39 and in thorium ores which contain about 5 nanograms of 228Ac per one tonne of thorium The actinium isotope 227Ac is a transient member of the uranium actinium series decay chain which begins with the parent isotope 235U or 239Pu and ends with the stable lead isotope 207Pb The isotope 228Ac is a transient member of the thorium series decay chain which begins with the parent isotope 232Th and ends with the stable lead isotope 208Pb Another actinium isotope 225Ac is transiently present in the neptunium series decay chain beginning with 237Np or 233U and ending with thallium 205Tl and near stable bismuth 209Bi even though all primordial 237Np has decayed away it is continuously produced by neutron knock out reactions on natural 238U The low natural concentration and the close similarity of physical and chemical properties to those of lanthanum and other lanthanides which are always abundant in actinium bearing ores render separation of actinium from the ore impractical and complete separation was never achieved 29 dubious discuss Instead actinium is prepared in milligram amounts by the neutron irradiation of 226Ra in a nuclear reactor 39 40 Ra 88 226 n 0 1 Ra 88 227 42 2 min b Ac 89 227 displaystyle ce 226 88 Ra 1 0 n gt 227 88 Ra gt beta 42 2 ce min 227 89 Ac nbsp The reaction yield is about 2 of the radium weight 227Ac can further capture neutrons resulting in small amounts of 228Ac After the synthesis actinium is separated from radium and from the products of decay and nuclear fusion such as thorium polonium lead and bismuth The extraction can be performed with thenoyltrifluoroacetone benzene solution from an aqueous solution of the radiation products and the selectivity to a certain element is achieved by adjusting the pH to about 6 0 for actinium 38 An alternative procedure is anion exchange with an appropriate resin in nitric acid which can result in a separation factor of 1 000 000 for radium and actinium vs thorium in a two stage process Actinium can then be separated from radium with a ratio of about 100 using a low cross linking cation exchange resin and nitric acid as eluant 41 225Ac was first produced artificially at the Institute for Transuranium Elements ITU in Germany using a cyclotron and at St George Hospital in Sydney using a linac in 2000 42 This rare isotope has potential applications in radiation therapy and is most efficiently produced by bombarding a radium 226 target with 20 30 MeV deuterium ions This reaction also yields 226Ac which however decays with a half life of 29 hours and thus does not contaminate 225Ac 43 Actinium metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride with lithium vapor in vacuum at a temperature between 1100 and 1300 C Higher temperatures resulted in evaporation of the product and lower ones lead to an incomplete transformation Lithium was chosen among other alkali metals because its fluoride is most volatile 13 16 Applications editOwing to its scarcity high price and radioactivity 227Ac currently has no significant industrial use but 225Ac is currently being studied for use in cancer treatments such as targeted alpha therapies 13 27 227Ac is highly radioactive and was therefore studied for use as an active element of radioisotope thermoelectric generators for example in spacecraft The oxide of 227Ac pressed with beryllium is also an efficient neutron source with the activity exceeding that of the standard americium beryllium and radium beryllium pairs 44 In all those applications 227Ac a beta source is merely a progenitor which generates alpha emitting isotopes upon its decay Beryllium captures alpha particles and emits neutrons owing to its large cross section for the a n nuclear reaction Be 4 9 He 2 4 C 6 12 n 0 1 g displaystyle ce 9 4 Be 4 2 He gt 12 6 C 1 0 n gamma nbsp The 227AcBe neutron sources can be applied in a neutron probe a standard device for measuring the quantity of water present in soil as well as moisture density for quality control in highway construction 45 46 Such probes are also used in well logging applications in neutron radiography tomography and other radiochemical investigations 47 nbsp Chemical structure of the DOTA carrier for 225Ac in radiation therapy225Ac is applied in medicine to produce 213Bi in a reusable generator 41 or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy in particular targeted alpha therapy TAT This isotope has a half life of 10 days making it much more suitable for radiation therapy than 213Bi half life 46 minutes 27 Additionally 225Ac decays to nontoxic 209Bi rather than toxic lead which is the final product in the decay chains of several other candidate isotopes namely 227Th 228Th and 230U 27 Not only 225Ac itself but also its daughters emit alpha particles which kill cancer cells in the body The major difficulty with application of 225Ac was that intravenous injection of simple actinium complexes resulted in their accumulation in the bones and liver for a period of tens of years As a result after the cancer cells were quickly killed by alpha particles from 225Ac the radiation from the actinium and its daughters might induce new mutations To solve this problem 225Ac was bound to a chelating agent such as citrate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA or diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid DTPA This reduced actinium accumulation in the bones but the excretion from the body remained slow Much better results were obtained with such chelating agents as HEHA 1 4 7 10 13 16 hexaazacyclohexadecane N N N N N N hexaacetic acid 48 or DOTA 1 4 7 10 tetraazacyclododecane 1 4 7 10 tetraacetic acid coupled to trastuzumab a monoclonal antibody that interferes with the HER2 neu receptor The latter delivery combination was tested on mice and proved to be effective against leukemia lymphoma breast ovarian neuroblastoma and prostate cancers 49 50 51 The medium half life of 227Ac 21 77 years makes it a very convenient radioactive isotope in modeling the slow vertical mixing of oceanic waters The associated processes cannot be studied with the required accuracy by direct measurements of current velocities of the order 50 meters per year However evaluation of the concentration depth profiles for different isotopes allows estimating the mixing rates The physics behind this method is as follows oceanic waters contain homogeneously dispersed 235U Its decay product 231Pa gradually precipitates to the bottom so that its concentration first increases with depth and then stays nearly constant 231Pa decays to 227Ac however the concentration of the latter isotope does not follow the 231Pa depth profile but instead increases toward the sea bottom This occurs because of the mixing processes which raise some additional 227Ac from the sea bottom Thus analysis of both 231Pa and 227Ac depth profiles allows researchers to model the mixing behavior 52 53 There are theoretical predictions that AcHx hydrides in this case with very high pressure are a candidate for a near room temperature superconductor as they have Tc significantly higher than H3S possibly near 250 K 54 Precautions edit227Ac is highly radioactive and experiments with it are carried out in a specially designed laboratory equipped with a tight glove box When actinium trichloride is administered intravenously to rats about 33 of actinium is deposited into the bones and 50 into the liver Its toxicity is comparable to but slightly lower than that of americium and plutonium 55 For trace quantities fume hoods with good aeration suffice for gram amounts hot cells with shielding from the intense gamma radiation emitted by 227Ac are necessary 56 See also edit nbsp Chemistry portalActinium seriesNotes editReferences edit Wall Greg 8 September 2003 C amp EN It s Elemental The Periodic Table Actinium C amp EN It s Elemental The Periodic Table Chemical and Engineering News Retrieved 2 June 2011 a b c d e f Kirby Harold W Morss Lester R 2006 Actinium The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements p 18 doi 10 1007 1 4020 3598 5 2 ISBN 978 1 4020 3555 5 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae Debierne Andre Louis 1899 Sur un nouvelle matiere radio active Comptes Rendus in French 129 593 595 Debierne Andre Louis 1900 1901 Sur un nouvelle matiere radio actif l actinium Comptes Rendus in French 130 906 908 Giesel Friedrich Oskar 1902 Ueber Radium und radioactive Stoffe Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft in German 35 3 3608 3611 doi 10 1002 cber 190203503187 Giesel Friedrich Oskar 1904 Ueber den Emanationskorper Emanium Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft in German 37 2 1696 1699 doi 10 1002 cber 19040370280 Debierne Andre Louis 1904 Sur l actinium Comptes Rendus in French 139 538 540 Giesel Friedrich Oskar 1904 Ueber Emanium Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft in German 37 2 1696 1699 doi 10 1002 cber 19040370280 Giesel Friedrich Oskar 1905 Ueber Emanium Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft in German 38 1 775 778 doi 10 1002 cber 190503801130 a b Kirby Harold W 1971 The Discovery of Actinium Isis 62 3 290 308 doi 10 1086 350760 JSTOR 229943 S2CID 144651011 a b c Adloff J P 2000 The centenary of a controversial discovery actinium Radiochim Acta 88 3 4 2000 123 128 doi 10 1524 ract 2000 88 3 4 123 S2CID 94016074 a b c Hammond C R The Elements in Lide D R ed 2005 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 86th ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press ISBN 0 8493 0486 5 Gilley Cynthia Brooke University of California San Diego Chemistry 2008 New convertible isocyanides for the Ugi reaction application to the stereoselective synthesis of omuralide p 11 ISBN 978 0 549 79554 4 Reimers Jeffrey R 2011 Computational Methods for Large Systems Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology John Wiley and Sons p 575 ISBN 978 0 470 48788 4 a b c d Stites Joseph G Salutsky Murrell L Stone Bob D 1955 Preparation of Actinium Metal J Am Chem Soc 77 1 237 240 doi 10 1021 ja01606a085 a b Actinium in Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edition 1995 p 70 Seitz Frederick and Turnbull David 1964 Solid state physics advances in research and applications Academic Press ISBN 0 12 607716 9 pp 289 291 Richard A Muller 2010 Physics and Technology for Future Presidents An Introduction to the Essential Physics Every World Leader Needs to Know Princeton University Press pp 136 ISBN 978 0 691 13504 5 Katz J J Manning W M 1952 Chemistry of the Actinide Elements Annual Review of Nuclear Science 1 245 262 Bibcode 1952ARNPS 1 245K doi 10 1146 annurev ns 01 120152 001333 Jorgensen Christian 1973 The Loose Connection between Electron Configuration and the Chemical Behavior of the Heavy Elements Transuranics Angewandte Chemie International Edition 12 1 12 19 doi 10 1002 anie 197300121 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Radionuclides Ullmann s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry Weinheim Wiley VCH doi 10 1002 14356007 o22 o15 ISBN 978 3527306732 Bibliography editMeyer Gerd and Morss Lester R 1991 Synthesis of lanthanide and actinide compounds Springer ISBN 0 7923 1018 7External links editActinium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham NLM Hazardous Substances Databank Actinium Radioactive Actinium in Kirby H W Morss L R 2006 Morss Edelstein Norman M Fuger Jean eds The Chemistry of the Actinide and Transactinide Elements 3rd ed Dordrecht The Netherlands Springer ISBN 978 1 4020 3555 5 Actinium at Wikipedia s sister projects nbsp Definitions from Wiktionary nbsp Media from Commons nbsp Textbooks from Wikibooks Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Actinium amp oldid 1204172976, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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