

Osmium (from Ancient Greek ὀσμή (osmḗ) 'smell') is a chemical element; it has symbol Os and atomic number 76. It is a hard, brittle, bluish-white transition metal in the platinum group that is found as a trace element in alloys, mostly in platinum ores. Osmium is the densest naturally occurring element. When experimentally measured using X-ray crystallography, it has a density of 22.59 g/cm3.[9] Manufacturers use its alloys with platinum, iridium, and other platinum-group metals to make fountain pen nib tipping, electrical contacts, and in other applications that require extreme durability and hardness.[10]

Osmium, 76Os
Pronunciation/ˈɒzmiəm/ (OZ-mee-əm)
Appearancesilvery, blue cast
Standard atomic weight Ar°(Os)
Osmium in the periodic table
Hydrogen Helium
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury (element) Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson


Atomic number (Z)76
Groupgroup 8
Periodperiod 6
Block  d-block
Electron configuration[Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s2
Electrons per shell2, 8, 18, 32, 14, 2
Physical properties
Phase at STPsolid
Melting point3306 K ​(3033 °C, ​5491 °F)[3]
Boiling point5281 K ​(5008 °C, ​9046 °F)[4]
Density (at 20° C)22.589 g/cm3[5]
when liquid (at m.p.)20 g/cm3
Heat of fusion31 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization378 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity24.7 J/(mol·K)
Vapor pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 3160 3423 3751 4148 4638 5256
Atomic properties
Oxidation states−4, −2, −1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8 (a mildly acidic oxide)
ElectronegativityPauling scale: 2.2
Ionization energies
  • 1st: 840 kJ/mol
  • 2nd: 1600 kJ/mol
Atomic radiusempirical: 135 pm
Covalent radius144±4 pm
Spectral lines of osmium
Other properties
Natural occurrenceprimordial
Crystal structurehexagonal close-packed (hcp) (hP2)
Lattice constants
a = 273.42 pm
c = 431.99 pm (at 20 °C)[5]
Thermal expansion4.99×10−6/K (at 20 °C)[a]
Thermal conductivity87.6 W/(m⋅K)
Electrical resistivity81.2 nΩ⋅m (at 0 °C)
Magnetic orderingparamagnetic[6]
Molar magnetic susceptibility11×10−6 cm3/mol[6]
Shear modulus222 GPa
Bulk modulus462 GPa
Speed of sound thin rod4940 m/s (at 20 °C)
Poisson ratio0.25
Mohs hardness7.0
Vickers hardness4137 MPa
Brinell hardness3920 MPa
CAS Number7440-04-2
Discovery and first isolationSmithson Tennant (1803)
Isotopes of osmium
Main isotopes[7] Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
184Os 0.02% 1.12×1013 y[8] α 180W
185Os synth 92.95 d ε 185Re
186Os 1.59% 2.0×1015 y α 182W
187Os 1.96% stable
188Os 13.2% stable
189Os 16.1% stable
190Os 26.3% stable
191Os synth 14.99 d β 191Ir
192Os 40.8% stable
193Os synth 29.83 h β 193Ir
194Os synth 6 y β 194Ir
 Category: Osmium
| references

Osmium is among the rarest elements in the Earth's crust, making up only 50 parts per trillion (ppt).[11][12]

Characteristics edit

Physical properties edit

Osmium, remelted pellet

Osmium is the densest stable element. Reports conflicted on which of osmium or iridium is denser;[10] as of 1995, calculations of density from the X-ray crystallography data gives a value of 22.587±0.009 g/cm3 for osmium, slightly denser than the 22.562±0.009 g/cm3 of iridium.[9] Both metals are nearly 23 times as dense as water, twice as lead, and 1+16 times as dense as gold.

Osmium has a blue-gray tint.[10] The reflectivity of single crystals of osmium is complex and strongly direction-dependent, with light in the red and near-infrared wavelengths being more strongly absorbed when polarized parallel to the c crystal axis than when polarized perpendicular to the c axis; the c-parallel polarization is also slightly more reflected in the mid-ultraviolet range. Reflectivity reaches a sharp minimum at around 1.5 eV (near-infrared) for the c-parallel polarization and at 2.0 eV (orange) for the c-perpendicular polarization, and peaks for both in the visible spectrum at around 3.0 eV (blue-violet).[13]

Osmium is a hard but brittle metal that remains lustrous even at high temperatures. It has a very low compressibility. Correspondingly, its bulk modulus is extremely high, reported between 395 and 462 GPa, which rivals that of diamond (443 GPa). The hardness of osmium is moderately high at 4 GPa.[14][15][16] Because of its hardness, brittleness, low vapor pressure (the lowest of the platinum-group metals), and very high melting point (the fourth highest of all elements, after carbon, tungsten, and rhenium), solid osmium is difficult to machine, form, or work.

Chemical properties edit

Oxidation states of osmium
−4 [OsIn6−xSnx][17]
−2 Na
−1 Na
0 Os
+1 OsI
+2 OsI
+3 OsBr
+4 OsO
, OsCl
+5 OsF
+6 OsF
+7 OsOF
+8 OsO
, Os(NCH

Osmium forms compounds with oxidation states ranging from −4 to +8. The most common oxidation states are +2, +3, +4, and +8. The +8 oxidation state is notable for being the highest attained by any chemical element aside from iridium's +9[18] and is encountered only in xenon,[19][20] ruthenium,[21] hassium,[22] iridium,[23] and plutonium.[24][25] The oxidation states −1 and −2 represented by the two reactive compounds Na
and Na
are used in the synthesis of osmium cluster compounds.[26][27]

Osmium tetroxide (OsO4)

The most common compound exhibiting the +8 oxidation state is osmium tetroxide (OsO4). This toxic compound is formed when powdered osmium is exposed to air. It is a very volatile, water-soluble, pale yellow, crystalline solid with a strong smell. Osmium powder has the characteristic smell of osmium tetroxide.[28] Osmium tetroxide forms red osmates OsO
upon reaction with a base. With ammonia, it forms the nitrido-osmates OsO
.[29][30][31] Osmium tetroxide boils at 130 °C and is a powerful oxidizing agent. By contrast, osmium dioxide (OsO
) is black, non-volatile, and much less reactive and toxic.

Only two osmium compounds have major applications: osmium tetroxide for staining tissue in electron microscopy and for the oxidation of alkenes in organic synthesis, and the non-volatile osmates for organic oxidation reactions.[32]

Osmium pentafluoride (OsF
) is known, but osmium trifluoride (OsF
) has not yet been synthesized. The lower oxidation states are stabilized by the larger halogens, so that the trichloride, tribromide, triiodide, and even diiodide are known. The oxidation state +1 is known only for osmium monoiodide (OsI), whereas several carbonyl complexes of osmium, such as triosmium dodecacarbonyl (Os
), represent oxidation state 0.[29][30][33][34]

In general, the lower oxidation states of osmium are stabilized by ligands that are good σ-donors (such as amines) and π-acceptors (heterocycles containing nitrogen). The higher oxidation states are stabilized by strong σ- and π-donors, such as O2−
and N3−

Despite its broad range of compounds in numerous oxidation states, osmium in bulk form at ordinary temperatures and pressures is stable in air. It resists attack by most acids and bases including aqua regia, but is attacked by F2 and Cl2 at high temperatures, and by hot concentrated nitric acid to produce OsO4. It can be dissolved by molten alkalis fused with an oxidizer such as sodium peroxide (Na2O2) or potassium chlorate (KClO3) to give osmates such as K2[OsO2(OH)4].[33]

Isotopes edit

Osmium has seven naturally occurring isotopes, five of which are stable: 187
, 188
, 189
, 190
, and (most abundant) 192
. At least 37 artificial radioisotopes and 20 nuclear isomers exist, with mass numbers ranging from 160 to 203; the most stable of these is 194
with a half-life of 6 years.[36]

undergoes alpha decay with such a long half-life (2.0±1.1)×1015 years, approximately 140000 times the age of the universe, that for practical purposes it can be considered stable. 184
is also known to undergo alpha decay with a half-life of (1.12±0.23)×1013 years.[8] Alpha decay is predicted for all the other naturally occurring isotopes, but this has never been observed, presumably due to very long half-lives. It is predicted that 184
and 192
can undergo double beta decay, but this radioactivity has not been observed yet.[36]

189Os has a spin of 5/2 but 187Os has a nuclear spin 1/2. Its low natural abundance (1.64%) and low nuclear magnetic moment means that it is one of the most difficult natural abundance isotopes for NMR spectroscopy.[37]

is the descendant of 187
(half-life 4.56×1010 years) and is used extensively in dating terrestrial as well as meteoric rocks (see rhenium-osmium dating). It has also been used to measure the intensity of continental weathering over geologic time and to fix minimum ages for stabilization of the mantle roots of continental cratons. This decay is a reason why rhenium-rich minerals are abnormally rich in 187
.[38] However, the most notable application of osmium isotopes in geology has been in conjunction with the abundance of iridium, to characterise the layer of shocked quartz along the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary that marks the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs 65 million years ago.[39]

History edit

Osmium was discovered in 1803 by Smithson Tennant and William Hyde Wollaston in London, England.[40] The discovery of osmium is intertwined with that of platinum and the other metals of the platinum group. Platinum reached Europe as platina ("small silver"), first encountered in the late 17th century in silver mines around the Chocó Department, in Colombia.[41] The discovery that this metal was not an alloy, but a distinct new element, was published in 1748.[42] Chemists who studied platinum dissolved it in aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids) to create soluble salts. They always observed a small amount of a dark, insoluble residue.[43] Joseph Louis Proust thought that the residue was graphite.[43] Victor Collet-Descotils, Antoine François, comte de Fourcroy, and Louis Nicolas Vauquelin also observed iridium in the black platinum residue in 1803, but did not obtain enough material for further experiments.[43] Later the two French chemists Fourcroy and Vauquelin identified a metal in a platinum residue they called ptène.[44]

In 1803, Smithson Tennant analyzed the insoluble residue and concluded that it must contain a new metal. Vauquelin treated the powder alternately with alkali and acids[45] and obtained a volatile new oxide, which he believed was of this new metal—which he named ptene, from the Greek word πτηνος (ptènos) for winged.[46][47] However, Tennant, who had the advantage of a much larger amount of residue, continued his research and identified two previously undiscovered elements in the black residue, iridium and osmium.[43][45] He obtained a yellow solution (probably of cis–[Os(OH)2O4]2−) by reactions with sodium hydroxide at red heat. After acidification he was able to distill the formed OsO4.[46] He named it osmium after Greek osme meaning "a smell", because of the chlorine-like and slightly garlic-like smell of the volatile osmium tetroxide.[48] Discovery of the new elements was documented in a letter to the Royal Society on June 21, 1804.[43][49]

Uranium and osmium were early successful catalysts in the Haber process, the nitrogen fixation reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to produce ammonia, giving enough yield to make the process economically successful. At the time, a group at BASF led by Carl Bosch bought most of the world's supply of osmium to use as a catalyst. Shortly thereafter, in 1908, cheaper catalysts based on iron and iron oxides were introduced by the same group for the first pilot plants, removing the need for the expensive and rare osmium.[50]

Osmium is now obtained primarily from the processing of platinum and nickel ores.[51]

Occurrence edit

Native platinum containing traces of the other platinum group metals

Osmium is one of the least abundant stable elements in Earth's crust, with an average mass fraction of 50 parts per trillion in the continental crust.[52]

Osmium is found in nature as an uncombined element or in natural alloys; especially the iridium–osmium alloys, osmiridium (iridium rich), and iridosmium (osmium rich).[45] In nickel and copper deposits, the platinum-group metals occur as sulfides (i.e., (Pt,Pd)S), tellurides (e.g., PtBiTe), antimonides (e.g., PdSb), and arsenides (e.g., PtAs2); in all these compounds platinum is exchanged by a small amount of iridium and osmium. As with all of the platinum-group metals, osmium can be found naturally in alloys with nickel or copper.[53]

Within Earth's crust, osmium, like iridium, is found at highest concentrations in three types of geologic structure: igneous deposits (crustal intrusions from below), impact craters, and deposits reworked from one of the former structures. The largest known primary reserves are in the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa,[54] though the large copper–nickel deposits near Norilsk in Russia, and the Sudbury Basin in Canada are also significant sources of osmium. Smaller reserves can be found in the United States.[54] The alluvial deposits used by pre-Columbian people in the Chocó Department, Colombia, are still a source for platinum-group metals. The second large alluvial deposit was found in the Ural Mountains, Russia, which is still mined.[51][55]

Production edit

Osmium crystals, grown by chemical vapor transport

Osmium is obtained commercially as a by-product from nickel and copper mining and processing. During electrorefining of copper and nickel, noble metals such as silver, gold and the platinum-group metals, together with non-metallic elements such as selenium and tellurium, settle to the bottom of the cell as anode mud, which forms the starting material for their extraction.[56][57] Separating the metals requires that they first be brought into solution. Several methods can achieve this, depending on the separation process and the composition of the mixture. Two representative methods are fusion with sodium peroxide followed by dissolution in aqua regia, and dissolution in a mixture of chlorine with hydrochloric acid.[54][58] Osmium, ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium can be separated from platinum, gold, and base metals by their insolubility in aqua regia, leaving a solid residue. Rhodium can be separated from the residue by treatment with molten sodium bisulfate. The insoluble residue, containing ruthenium, osmium, and iridium, is treated with sodium oxide, in which Ir is insoluble, producing water-soluble ruthenium and osmium salts. After oxidation to the volatile oxides, RuO
is separated from OsO
by precipitation of (NH4)3RuCl6 with ammonium chloride.

After it is dissolved, osmium is separated from the other platinum-group metals by distillation or extraction with organic solvents of the volatile osmium tetroxide.[59] The first method is similar to the procedure used by Tennant and Wollaston. Both methods are suitable for industrial-scale production. In either case, the product is reduced using hydrogen, yielding the metal as a powder or sponge that can be treated using powder metallurgy techniques.[60]

Estimates of annual worldwide osmium production are on the order of several hundred to a few thousand kilograms.[61][33] Production and consumption figures for osmium are not well reported because demand for the metal is limited and can be fulfilled with the byproducts of other refining processes.[33] To reflect this, statistics often report osmium with other minor platinum group metals such as iridium and ruthenium. US imports of osmium from 2014 to 2021 averaged 155 kg annually.[62][63]

Applications edit

Because osmium is virtually unforgeable when fully dense and very fragile when sintered, it is rarely used in its pure state, but is instead often alloyed with other metals for high-wear applications. Osmium alloys such as osmiridium are very hard and, along with other platinum-group metals, are used in the tips of fountain pens, instrument pivots, and electrical contacts, as they can resist wear from frequent operation. They were also used for the tips of phonograph styli during the late 78 rpm and early "LP" and "45" record era, circa 1945 to 1955. Osmium-alloy tips were significantly more durable than steel and chromium needle points, but wore out far more rapidly than competing, and costlier, sapphire and diamond tips, so they were discontinued.[64]

Osmium tetroxide has been used in fingerprint detection[65] and in staining fatty tissue for optical and electron microscopy. As a strong oxidant, it cross-links lipids mainly by reacting with unsaturated carbon–carbon bonds and thereby both fixes biological membranes in place in tissue samples and simultaneously stains them. Because osmium atoms are extremely electron-dense, osmium staining greatly enhances image contrast in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of biological materials. Those carbon materials otherwise have very weak TEM contrast.[32] Another osmium compound, osmium ferricyanide (OsFeCN), exhibits similar fixing and staining action.[66]

The tetroxide and its derivative potassium osmate are important oxidants in organic synthesis. For the Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation, which uses osmate for the conversion of a double bond into a vicinal diol, Karl Barry Sharpless was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2001.[67][68] OsO4 is very expensive for this use, so KMnO4 is often used instead, even though the yields are less for this cheaper chemical reagent.

In 1898, the Austrian chemist Auer von Welsbach developed the Oslamp with a filament made of osmium, which he introduced commercially in 1902. After only a few years, osmium was replaced by tungsten, which is more abundant (and thus cheaper) and more stable. Tungsten has the highest melting point among all metals, and its use in light bulbs increases the luminous efficacy and life of incandescent lamps.[46]

The light bulb manufacturer Osram (founded in 1906, when three German companies, Auer-Gesellschaft, AEG and Siemens & Halske, combined their lamp production facilities) derived its name from the elements of osmium and Wolfram (the latter is German for tungsten).[69]

Like palladium, powdered osmium effectively absorbs hydrogen atoms. This could make osmium a potential candidate for a metal-hydride battery electrode. However, osmium is expensive and would react with potassium hydroxide, the most common battery electrolyte.[70]

Osmium has high reflectivity in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum; for example, at 600 Å osmium has a reflectivity twice that of gold.[71] This high reflectivity is desirable in space-based UV spectrometers, which have reduced mirror sizes due to space limitations. Osmium-coated mirrors were flown in several space missions aboard the Space Shuttle, but it soon became clear that the oxygen radicals in low Earth orbit are abundant enough to significantly deteriorate the osmium layer.[72]

Precautions edit

The primary hazard of metallic osmium is the potential formation of osmium tetroxide (OsO4), which is volatile and very poisonous.[75] This reaction is thermodynamically favorable at room temperature,[76] but the rate depends on temperature and the surface area of the metal.[77][78] As a result, bulk material is not considered hazardous[77][79][80][81] while powders react quickly enough that samples can sometimes smell like OsO4 if they are handled in air.[33][82]

Price edit

Between 1990 and 2010, the nominal price of osmium metal was almost constant, while inflation reduced the real value from ~US$950/ounce to ~US$600/ounce.[83] Because osmium has few commercial applications, it is not heavily traded and prices are seldom reported.[83]

Notes edit

  1. ^ The thermal expansion of Os is anisotropic: the coefficients for each crystal axis (at 20 °C) are: αa = 4.57×10−6/K, αc = 5.85×10−6/K, and αaverage = αV/3 = 4.99×10−6/K.

References edit

  1. ^ "Standard Atomic Weights: Osmium". CIAAW. 1991.
  2. ^ Prohaska, Thomas; Irrgeher, Johanna; Benefield, Jacqueline; Böhlke, John K.; Chesson, Lesley A.; Coplen, Tyler B.; Ding, Tiping; Dunn, Philip J. H.; Gröning, Manfred; Holden, Norman E.; Meijer, Harro A. J. (May 4, 2022). "Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report)". Pure and Applied Chemistry. doi:10.1515/pac-2019-0603. ISSN 1365-3075.
  3. ^ Rumble, John R.; Bruno, Thomas J.; Doa, Maria J. (2022). "Section 4: Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data (103rd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 40. ISBN 978-1-032-12171-0.
  4. ^ Rumble, John R.; Bruno, Thomas J.; Doa, Maria J. (2022). "Section 4: Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data (103rd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 40. ISBN 978-1-032-12171-0.
  5. ^ a b Arblaster, John W. (2018). Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements. Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International. ISBN 978-1-62708-155-9.
  6. ^ a b Haynes 2011, p. 4.134.
  7. ^ Kondev, F. G.; Wang, M.; Huang, W. J.; Naimi, S.; Audi, G. (2021). "The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties" (PDF). Chinese Physics C. 45 (3): 030001. doi:10.1088/1674-1137/abddae.
  8. ^ a b Peters, Stefan T.M.; Münker, Carsten; Becker, Harry; Schulz, Toni (April 2014). "Alpha-decay of 184Os revealed by radiogenic 180W in meteorites: Half life determination and viability as geochronometer". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 391: 69–76. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.030.
  9. ^ a b Arblaster, J. W. (1995). "Osmium, the Densest Metal Known". Platinum Metals Review. 39 (4): 164. from the original on May 6, 2023. Retrieved November 11, 2023.
  10. ^ a b c Haynes 2011, p. 4.25.
  11. ^ Fleischer, Michael (1953). "Recent estimates of the abundances of the elements in the Earth's crust" (PDF). U.S. Geological Survey.
  12. ^ "Reading: Abundance of Elements in Earth's Crust | Geology". courses.lumenlearning.com. Retrieved May 10, 2018.
  13. ^ Nemoshkalenko, V. V.; Antonov, V. N.; Kirillova, M. M.; Krasovskii, A. E.; Nomerovannaya, L. V. (January 1986). "The structure of the energy bands and optical absorption in osmium" (PDF). Sov. Phys. JETP. 63 (I): 115. Bibcode:1986JETP...63..115N. Retrieved December 28, 2022.
  14. ^ Weinberger, Michelle; Tolbert, Sarah; Kavner, Abby (2008). "Osmium Metal Studied under High Pressure and Nonhydrostatic Stress". Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (4): 045506. Bibcode:2008PhRvL.100d5506W. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.045506. PMID 18352299. S2CID 29146762.
  15. ^ Cynn, Hyunchae; Klepeis, J. E.; Yeo, C. S.; Young, D. A. (2002). "Osmium has the Lowest Experimentally Determined Compressibility". Physical Review Letters. 88 (13): 135701. Bibcode:2002PhRvL..88m5701C. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.135701. PMID 11955108.
  16. ^ Sahu, B. R.; Kleinman, L. (2005). "Osmium Is Not Harder Than Diamond". Physical Review B. 72 (11): 113106. Bibcode:2005PhRvB..72k3106S. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.72.113106.
  17. ^ Fe(−4), Ru(−4), and Os(−4) have been observed in metal-rich compounds containing octahedral complexes [MIn6−xSnx]; Pt(−3) (as a dimeric anion [Pt–Pt]6−), Cu(−2), Zn(−2), Ag(−2), Cd(−2), Au(−2), and Hg(−2) have been observed (as dimeric and monomeric anions; dimeric ions were initially reported to be [T–T]2− for Zn, Cd, Hg, but later shown to be [T–T]4− for all these elements) in La2Pt2In, La2Cu2In, Ca5Au3, Ca5Ag3, Ca5Hg3, Sr5Cd3, Ca5Zn3(structure (AE2+)5(T–T)4−T2−⋅4e), Yb3Ag2, Ca5Au4, and Ca3Hg2; Au(–3) has been observed in ScAuSn and in other 18-electron half-Heusler compounds. See Changhoon Lee; Myung-Hwan Whangbo (2008). "Late transition metal anions acting as p-metal elements". Solid State Sciences. 10 (4): 444–449. Bibcode:2008SSSci..10..444K. doi:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2007.12.001. and Changhoon Lee; Myung-Hwan Whangbo; Jürgen Köhler (2010). "Analysis of Electronic Structures and Chemical Bonding of Metal-rich Compounds. 2. Presence of Dimer (T–T)4– and Isolated T2– Anions in the Polar Intermetallic Cr5B3-Type Compounds AE5T3 (AE = Ca, Sr; T = Au, Ag, Hg, Cd, Zn)". Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie. 636 (1): 36–40. doi:10.1002/zaac.200900421.
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  20. ^ Huston, J. L.; Studier, M. H.; Sloth, E. N. (1964). "Xenon tetroxide – Mass Spectrum". Science. 143 (3611): 1162–1163. Bibcode:1964Sci...143.1161H. doi:10.1126/science.143.3611.1161-a. JSTOR 1712675. PMID 17833897. S2CID 28547895.
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osmium, this, article, about, chemical, element, other, uses, disambiguation, from, ancient, greek, ὀσμή, osmḗ, smell, chemical, element, symbol, atomic, number, hard, brittle, bluish, white, transition, metal, platinum, group, that, found, trace, element, all. This article is about the chemical element For other uses see Osmium disambiguation Osmium from Ancient Greek ὀsmh osmḗ smell is a chemical element it has symbol Os and atomic number 76 It is a hard brittle bluish white transition metal in the platinum group that is found as a trace element in alloys mostly in platinum ores Osmium is the densest naturally occurring element When experimentally measured using X ray crystallography it has a density of 22 59 g cm3 9 Manufacturers use its alloys with platinum iridium and other platinum group metals to make fountain pen nib tipping electrical contacts and in other applications that require extreme durability and hardness 10 Osmium 76OsOsmiumPronunciation ˈ ɒ z m i e m wbr OZ mee em Appearancesilvery blue castStandard atomic weight Ar Os 190 23 0 03 1 190 23 0 03 abridged 2 Osmium in the periodic tableHydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon Caesium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury element Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium Roentgenium Copernicium Nihonium Flerovium Moscovium Livermorium Tennessine Oganesson Ru Os Hs rhenium osmium iridiumAtomic number Z 76Groupgroup 8Periodperiod 6Block d blockElectron configuration Xe 4f14 5d6 6s2Electrons per shell2 8 18 32 14 2Physical propertiesPhase at STPsolidMelting point3306 K 3033 C 5491 F 3 Boiling point5281 K 5008 C 9046 F 4 Density at 20 C 22 589 g cm3 5 when liquid at m p 20 g cm3Heat of fusion31 kJ molHeat of vaporization378 kJ molMolar heat capacity24 7 J mol K Vapor pressureP Pa 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k at T K 3160 3423 3751 4148 4638 5256Atomic propertiesOxidation states 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a mildly acidic oxide ElectronegativityPauling scale 2 2Ionization energies1st 840 kJ mol2nd 1600 kJ molAtomic radiusempirical 135 pmCovalent radius144 4 pmSpectral lines of osmiumOther propertiesNatural occurrenceprimordialCrystal structure hexagonal close packed hcp hP2 Lattice constantsa 273 42 pmc 431 99 pm at 20 C 5 Thermal expansion4 99 10 6 K at 20 C a Thermal conductivity87 6 W m K Electrical resistivity81 2 nW m at 0 C Magnetic orderingparamagnetic 6 Molar magnetic susceptibility11 10 6 cm3 mol 6 Shear modulus222 GPaBulk modulus462 GPaSpeed of sound thin rod4940 m s at 20 C Poisson ratio0 25Mohs hardness7 0Vickers hardness4137 MPaBrinell hardness3920 MPaCAS Number7440 04 2HistoryDiscovery and first isolationSmithson Tennant 1803 Isotopes of osmiumveMain isotopes 7 Decay abun dance half life t1 2 mode pro duct 184Os 0 02 1 12 1013 y 8 a 180W 185Os synth 92 95 d e 185Re 186Os 1 59 2 0 1015 y a 182W 187Os 1 96 stable 188Os 13 2 stable 189Os 16 1 stable 190Os 26 3 stable 191Os synth 14 99 d b 191Ir 192Os 40 8 stable 193Os synth 29 83 h b 193Ir 194Os synth 6 y b 194Ir Category Osmiumviewtalkedit references Osmium is among the rarest elements in the Earth s crust making up only 50 parts per trillion ppt 11 12 Contents 1 Characteristics 1 1 Physical properties 1 2 Chemical properties 1 3 Isotopes 2 History 3 Occurrence 4 Production 5 Applications 6 Precautions 7 Price 8 Notes 9 References 10 Cited sources 11 External linksCharacteristics editPhysical properties edit nbsp Osmium remelted pellet Osmium is the densest stable element Reports conflicted on which of osmium or iridium is denser 10 as of 1995 update calculations of density from the X ray crystallography data gives a value of 22 587 0 009 g cm3 for osmium slightly denser than the 22 562 0 009 g cm3 of iridium 9 Both metals are nearly 23 times as dense as water twice as lead and 1 1 6 times as dense as gold Osmium has a blue gray tint 10 The reflectivity of single crystals of osmium is complex and strongly direction dependent with light in the red and near infrared wavelengths being more strongly absorbed when polarized parallel to the c crystal axis than when polarized perpendicular to the c axis the c parallel polarization is also slightly more reflected in the mid ultraviolet range Reflectivity reaches a sharp minimum at around 1 5 eV near infrared for the c parallel polarization and at 2 0 eV orange for the c perpendicular polarization and peaks for both in the visible spectrum at around 3 0 eV blue violet 13 Osmium is a hard but brittle metal that remains lustrous even at high temperatures It has a very low compressibility Correspondingly its bulk modulus is extremely high reported between 395 and 462 GPa which rivals that of diamond 443 GPa The hardness of osmium is moderately high at 4 GPa 14 15 16 Because of its hardness brittleness low vapor pressure the lowest of the platinum group metals and very high melting point the fourth highest of all elements after carbon tungsten and rhenium solid osmium is difficult to machine form or work Chemical properties edit Main article Osmium compounds Oxidation states of osmium 4 OsIn6 xSnx 17 2 Na2 Os CO 4 1 Na2 Os4 CO 13 0 Os3 CO 12 1 OsI 2 OsI2 3 OsBr3 4 OsO2 OsCl4 5 OsF5 6 OsF6 7 OsOF5 8 OsO4 Os NCH3 4 Osmium forms compounds with oxidation states ranging from 4 to 8 The most common oxidation states are 2 3 4 and 8 The 8 oxidation state is notable for being the highest attained by any chemical element aside from iridium s 9 18 and is encountered only in xenon 19 20 ruthenium 21 hassium 22 iridium 23 and plutonium 24 25 The oxidation states 1 and 2 represented by the two reactive compounds Na2 Os4 CO 13 and Na2 Os CO 4 are used in the synthesis of osmium cluster compounds 26 27 nbsp Osmium tetroxide OsO4 The most common compound exhibiting the 8 oxidation state is osmium tetroxide OsO4 This toxic compound is formed when powdered osmium is exposed to air It is a very volatile water soluble pale yellow crystalline solid with a strong smell Osmium powder has the characteristic smell of osmium tetroxide 28 Osmium tetroxide forms red osmates OsO4 OH 2 2 upon reaction with a base With ammonia it forms the nitrido osmates OsO3 N 29 30 31 Osmium tetroxide boils at 130 C and is a powerful oxidizing agent By contrast osmium dioxide OsO2 is black non volatile and much less reactive and toxic Only two osmium compounds have major applications osmium tetroxide for staining tissue in electron microscopy and for the oxidation of alkenes in organic synthesis and the non volatile osmates for organic oxidation reactions 32 Osmium pentafluoride OsF5 is known but osmium trifluoride OsF3 has not yet been synthesized The lower oxidation states are stabilized by the larger halogens so that the trichloride tribromide triiodide and even diiodide are known The oxidation state 1 is known only for osmium monoiodide OsI whereas several carbonyl complexes of osmium such as triosmium dodecacarbonyl Os3 CO 12 represent oxidation state 0 29 30 33 34 In general the lower oxidation states of osmium are stabilized by ligands that are good s donors such as amines and p acceptors heterocycles containing nitrogen The higher oxidation states are stabilized by strong s and p donors such as O2 and N3 35 Despite its broad range of compounds in numerous oxidation states osmium in bulk form at ordinary temperatures and pressures is stable in air It resists attack by most acids and bases including aqua regia but is attacked by F2 and Cl2 at high temperatures and by hot concentrated nitric acid to produce OsO4 It can be dissolved by molten alkalis fused with an oxidizer such as sodium peroxide Na2O2 or potassium chlorate KClO3 to give osmates such as K2 OsO2 OH 4 33 Isotopes edit Main article Isotopes of osmium Osmium has seven naturally occurring isotopes five of which are stable 187 Os 188 Os 189 Os 190 Os and most abundant 192 Os At least 37 artificial radioisotopes and 20 nuclear isomers exist with mass numbers ranging from 160 to 203 the most stable of these is 194 Os with a half life of 6 years 36 186 Os undergoes alpha decay with such a long half life 2 0 1 1 1015 years approximately 140000 times the age of the universe that for practical purposes it can be considered stable 184 Os is also known to undergo alpha decay with a half life of 1 12 0 23 1013 years 8 Alpha decay is predicted for all the other naturally occurring isotopes but this has never been observed presumably due to very long half lives It is predicted that 184 Os and 192 Os can undergo double beta decay but this radioactivity has not been observed yet 36 189Os has a spin of 5 2 but 187Os has a nuclear spin 1 2 Its low natural abundance 1 64 and low nuclear magnetic moment means that it is one of the most difficult natural abundance isotopes for NMR spectroscopy 37 187 Os is the descendant of 187 Re half life 4 56 1010 years and is used extensively in dating terrestrial as well as meteoric rocks see rhenium osmium dating It has also been used to measure the intensity of continental weathering over geologic time and to fix minimum ages for stabilization of the mantle roots of continental cratons This decay is a reason why rhenium rich minerals are abnormally rich in 187 Os 38 However the most notable application of osmium isotopes in geology has been in conjunction with the abundance of iridium to characterise the layer of shocked quartz along the Cretaceous Paleogene boundary that marks the extinction of the non avian dinosaurs 65 million years ago 39 History editOsmium was discovered in 1803 by Smithson Tennant and William Hyde Wollaston in London England 40 The discovery of osmium is intertwined with that of platinum and the other metals of the platinum group Platinum reached Europe as platina small silver first encountered in the late 17th century in silver mines around the Choco Department in Colombia 41 The discovery that this metal was not an alloy but a distinct new element was published in 1748 42 Chemists who studied platinum dissolved it in aqua regia a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids to create soluble salts They always observed a small amount of a dark insoluble residue 43 Joseph Louis Proust thought that the residue was graphite 43 Victor Collet Descotils Antoine Francois comte de Fourcroy and Louis Nicolas Vauquelin also observed iridium in the black platinum residue in 1803 but did not obtain enough material for further experiments 43 Later the two French chemists Fourcroy and Vauquelin identified a metal in a platinum residue they called ptene 44 In 1803 Smithson Tennant analyzed the insoluble residue and concluded that it must contain a new metal Vauquelin treated the powder alternately with alkali and acids 45 and obtained a volatile new oxide which he believed was of this new metal which he named ptene from the Greek word pthnos ptenos for winged 46 47 However Tennant who had the advantage of a much larger amount of residue continued his research and identified two previously undiscovered elements in the black residue iridium and osmium 43 45 He obtained a yellow solution probably of cis Os OH 2O4 2 by reactions with sodium hydroxide at red heat After acidification he was able to distill the formed OsO4 46 He named it osmium after Greek osme meaning a smell because of the chlorine like and slightly garlic like smell of the volatile osmium tetroxide 48 Discovery of the new elements was documented in a letter to the Royal Society on June 21 1804 43 49 Uranium and osmium were early successful catalysts in the Haber process the nitrogen fixation reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to produce ammonia giving enough yield to make the process economically successful At the time a group at BASF led by Carl Bosch bought most of the world s supply of osmium to use as a catalyst Shortly thereafter in 1908 cheaper catalysts based on iron and iron oxides were introduced by the same group for the first pilot plants removing the need for the expensive and rare osmium 50 Osmium is now obtained primarily from the processing of platinum and nickel ores 51 Occurrence edit nbsp Native platinum containing traces of the other platinum group metals Osmium is one of the least abundant stable elements in Earth s crust with an average mass fraction of 50 parts per trillion in the continental crust 52 Osmium is found in nature as an uncombined element or in natural alloys especially the iridium osmium alloys osmiridium iridium rich and iridosmium osmium rich 45 In nickel and copper deposits the platinum group metals occur as sulfides i e Pt Pd S tellurides e g PtBiTe antimonides e g PdSb and arsenides e g PtAs2 in all these compounds platinum is exchanged by a small amount of iridium and osmium As with all of the platinum group metals osmium can be found naturally in alloys with nickel or copper 53 Within Earth s crust osmium like iridium is found at highest concentrations in three types of geologic structure igneous deposits crustal intrusions from below impact craters and deposits reworked from one of the former structures The largest known primary reserves are in the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa 54 though the large copper nickel deposits near Norilsk in Russia and the Sudbury Basin in Canada are also significant sources of osmium Smaller reserves can be found in the United States 54 The alluvial deposits used by pre Columbian people in the Choco Department Colombia are still a source for platinum group metals The second large alluvial deposit was found in the Ural Mountains Russia which is still mined 51 55 Production edit nbsp Osmium crystals grown by chemical vapor transport Osmium is obtained commercially as a by product from nickel and copper mining and processing During electrorefining of copper and nickel noble metals such as silver gold and the platinum group metals together with non metallic elements such as selenium and tellurium settle to the bottom of the cell as anode mud which forms the starting material for their extraction 56 57 Separating the metals requires that they first be brought into solution Several methods can achieve this depending on the separation process and the composition of the mixture Two representative methods are fusion with sodium peroxide followed by dissolution in aqua regia and dissolution in a mixture of chlorine with hydrochloric acid 54 58 Osmium ruthenium rhodium and iridium can be separated from platinum gold and base metals by their insolubility in aqua regia leaving a solid residue Rhodium can be separated from the residue by treatment with molten sodium bisulfate The insoluble residue containing ruthenium osmium and iridium is treated with sodium oxide in which Ir is insoluble producing water soluble ruthenium and osmium salts After oxidation to the volatile oxides RuO4 is separated from OsO4 by precipitation of NH4 3RuCl6 with ammonium chloride After it is dissolved osmium is separated from the other platinum group metals by distillation or extraction with organic solvents of the volatile osmium tetroxide 59 The first method is similar to the procedure used by Tennant and Wollaston Both methods are suitable for industrial scale production In either case the product is reduced using hydrogen yielding the metal as a powder or sponge that can be treated using powder metallurgy techniques 60 Estimates of annual worldwide osmium production are on the order of several hundred to a few thousand kilograms 61 33 Production and consumption figures for osmium are not well reported because demand for the metal is limited and can be fulfilled with the byproducts of other refining processes 33 To reflect this statistics often report osmium with other minor platinum group metals such as iridium and ruthenium US imports of osmium from 2014 to 2021 averaged 155 kg annually 62 63 Applications editBecause osmium is virtually unforgeable when fully dense and very fragile when sintered it is rarely used in its pure state but is instead often alloyed with other metals for high wear applications Osmium alloys such as osmiridium are very hard and along with other platinum group metals are used in the tips of fountain pens instrument pivots and electrical contacts as they can resist wear from frequent operation They were also used for the tips of phonograph styli during the late 78 rpm and early LP and 45 record era circa 1945 to 1955 Osmium alloy tips were significantly more durable than steel and chromium needle points but wore out far more rapidly than competing and costlier sapphire and diamond tips so they were discontinued 64 Osmium tetroxide has been used in fingerprint detection 65 and in staining fatty tissue for optical and electron microscopy As a strong oxidant it cross links lipids mainly by reacting with unsaturated carbon carbon bonds and thereby both fixes biological membranes in place in tissue samples and simultaneously stains them Because osmium atoms are extremely electron dense osmium staining greatly enhances image contrast in transmission electron microscopy TEM studies of biological materials Those carbon materials otherwise have very weak TEM contrast 32 Another osmium compound osmium ferricyanide OsFeCN exhibits similar fixing and staining action 66 The tetroxide and its derivative potassium osmate are important oxidants in organic synthesis For the Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation which uses osmate for the conversion of a double bond into a vicinal diol Karl Barry Sharpless was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2001 67 68 OsO4 is very expensive for this use so KMnO4 is often used instead even though the yields are less for this cheaper chemical reagent In 1898 the Austrian chemist Auer von Welsbach developed the Oslamp with a filament made of osmium which he introduced commercially in 1902 After only a few years osmium was replaced by tungsten which is more abundant and thus cheaper and more stable Tungsten has the highest melting point among all metals and its use in light bulbs increases the luminous efficacy and life of incandescent lamps 46 The light bulb manufacturer Osram founded in 1906 when three German companies Auer Gesellschaft AEG and Siemens amp Halske combined their lamp production facilities derived its name from the elements of osmium and Wolfram the latter is German for tungsten 69 Like palladium powdered osmium effectively absorbs hydrogen atoms This could make osmium a potential candidate for a metal hydride battery electrode However osmium is expensive and would react with potassium hydroxide the most common battery electrolyte 70 Osmium has high reflectivity in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum for example at 600 A osmium has a reflectivity twice that of gold 71 This high reflectivity is desirable in space based UV spectrometers which have reduced mirror sizes due to space limitations Osmium coated mirrors were flown in several space missions aboard the Space Shuttle but it soon became clear that the oxygen radicals in low Earth orbit are abundant enough to significantly deteriorate the osmium layer 72 nbsp The Sharpless dihydroxylation RL largest substituent RM medium sized substituent RS smallest substituent nbsp Post flight appearance of Os Ag and Au mirrors from the front left images and rear panels of the Space Shuttle Blackening reveals oxidation due to irradiation by oxygen atoms 73 74 Precautions editThe primary hazard of metallic osmium is the potential formation of osmium tetroxide OsO4 which is volatile and very poisonous 75 This reaction is thermodynamically favorable at room temperature 76 but the rate depends on temperature and the surface area of the metal 77 78 As a result bulk material is not considered hazardous 77 79 80 81 while powders react quickly enough that samples can sometimes smell like OsO4 if they are handled in air 33 82 Price editBetween 1990 and 2010 the nominal price of osmium metal was almost constant while inflation reduced the real value from US 950 ounce to US 600 ounce 83 Because osmium has few commercial applications it is not heavily traded and prices are seldom reported 83 Notes edit The thermal expansion of Os is anisotropic the coefficients for each crystal axis at 20 C are aa 4 57 10 6 K ac 5 85 10 6 K and aaverage aV 3 4 99 10 6 K References edit Standard Atomic Weights Osmium CIAAW 1991 Prohaska Thomas Irrgeher Johanna Benefield Jacqueline Bohlke John K Chesson Lesley A Coplen Tyler B Ding Tiping Dunn Philip J H Groning Manfred Holden Norman E Meijer Harro A J May 4 2022 Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 IUPAC Technical Report Pure and Applied Chemistry doi 10 1515 pac 2019 0603 ISSN 1365 3075 Rumble John R Bruno Thomas J Doa Maria J 2022 Section 4 Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics A Ready Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data 103rd ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press p 40 ISBN 978 1 032 12171 0 Rumble John R Bruno Thomas J Doa Maria J 2022 Section 4 Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics A Ready Reference Book of Chemical and Physical Data 103rd ed Boca Raton FL CRC Press p 40 ISBN 978 1 032 12171 0 a b Arblaster John W 2018 Selected Values of the Crystallographic Properties of Elements Materials Park Ohio ASM International ISBN 978 1 62708 155 9 a b Haynes 2011 p 4 134 Kondev F G Wang M Huang W J Naimi S Audi G 2021 The NUBASE2020 evaluation of nuclear properties PDF Chinese Physics C 45 3 030001 doi 10 1088 1674 1137 abddae a b Peters Stefan T M Munker Carsten Becker Harry Schulz Toni April 2014 Alpha decay of 184Os revealed by radiogenic 180W in meteorites Half life determination and viability as geochronometer Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 69 76 doi 10 1016 j epsl 2014 01 030 a b Arblaster J W 1995 Osmium the Densest Metal Known Platinum Metals Review 39 4 164 Archived from the original on May 6 2023 Retrieved November 11 2023 a b c Haynes 2011 p 4 25 Fleischer Michael 1953 Recent estimates of the abundances of the elements in the Earth s crust PDF U S Geological Survey Reading Abundance of Elements in Earth s Crust Geology courses lumenlearning com Retrieved May 10 2018 Nemoshkalenko V V Antonov V N Kirillova M M Krasovskii A E Nomerovannaya L V January 1986 The structure of the energy bands and optical absorption in osmium PDF Sov Phys JETP 63 I 115 Bibcode 1986JETP 63 115N Retrieved December 28 2022 Weinberger Michelle Tolbert Sarah Kavner Abby 2008 Osmium Metal Studied under High Pressure 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other 18 electron half Heusler compounds See Changhoon Lee Myung Hwan Whangbo 2008 Late transition metal anions acting as p metal elements Solid State Sciences 10 4 444 449 Bibcode 2008SSSci 10 444K doi 10 1016 j solidstatesciences 2007 12 001 and Changhoon Lee Myung Hwan Whangbo Jurgen Kohler 2010 Analysis of Electronic Structures and Chemical Bonding of Metal rich Compounds 2 Presence of Dimer T T 4 and Isolated T2 Anions in the Polar Intermetallic Cr5B3 Type Compounds AE5T3 AE Ca Sr T Au Ag Hg Cd Zn Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 636 1 36 40 doi 10 1002 zaac 200900421 Stoye Emma October 23 2014 Iridium forms compound in 9 oxidation state Chemistry World Royal Society of Chemistry Selig H Claassen H H Chernick C L Malm J G et al 1964 Xenon tetroxide Preparation Some Properties Science 143 3612 1322 1323 Bibcode 1964Sci 143 1322S doi 10 1126 science 143 3612 1322 JSTOR 1713238 PMID 17799234 S2CID 29205117 Huston J L Studier M H Sloth E N 1964 Xenon tetroxide Mass Spectrum Science 143 3611 1162 1163 Bibcode 1964Sci 143 1161H doi 10 1126 science 143 3611 1161 a JSTOR 1712675 PMID 17833897 S2CID 28547895 Barnard C F J 2004 Oxidation States of Ruthenium and Osmium Platinum Metals Review 48 4 157 doi 10 1595 147106704X10801 Chemistry of Hassium PDF Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung mbH 2002 Archived from the original PDF on January 14 2012 Retrieved January 31 2007 Gong Yu Zhou Mingfei Kaupp Martin Riedel Sebastian 2009 Formation and Characterization of the Iridium Tetroxide Molecule with Iridium in the Oxidation State VIII Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 42 7879 7883 doi 10 1002 anie 200902733 PMID 19593837 dead link Kiselev Yu M Nikonov M V Dolzhenko V D Ermilov A Yu Tananaev I G Myasoedov B F January 17 2014 On existence and properties of plutonium VIII derivatives Radiochimica Acta 102 3 227 237 doi 10 1515 ract 2014 2146 S2CID 100915090 Zaitsevskii Andrei Mosyagin Nikolai S Titov Anatoly V Kiselev Yuri M July 21 2013 Relativistic 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83401 5 Osmium VIII oxide CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 103rd Edition Internet Version 2022 CRC Press Taylor amp Francis Group Retrieved February 6 2023 a b McLaughlin A I G Milton R Perry Kenneth M A July 1 1946 Toxic Manifestations of Osmium Tetroxide Occupational and Environmental Medicine 3 3 183 186 doi 10 1136 oem 3 3 183 PMC 1035752 PMID 20991177 Friedova Natalie Pelclova Daniela Obertova Nikola Lach Karel Kesslerova Katerina Kohout Pavel November 2020 Osmium absorption after osmium tetroxide skin and eye exposure Basic amp Clinical Pharmacology amp Toxicology 127 5 429 433 doi 10 1111 bcpt 13450 PMID 32524772 S2CID 219588237 Osmium 7440 04 2 Sax s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials John Wiley amp Sons Inc October 15 2012 doi 10 1002 0471701343 sdp45229 ISBN 978 0 471 70134 7 Retrieved February 5 2023 Luttrell William E Giles Cory B September 1 2007 Toxic tips Osmium tetroxide Journal of Chemical Health amp Safety 14 5 40 41 doi 10 1016 j jchas 2007 07 003 Smith Ivan C Carson Bonnie L Ferguson Thomas L August 1974 Osmium An Appraisal of Environmental Exposure Environmental Health Perspectives 8 201 213 doi 10 1289 ehp 748201 ISSN 0091 6765 PMC 1474945 PMID 4470919 Gadaskina I D Osmium ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety Retrieved February 6 2023 a b USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2012 5188 Metal Prices in the United States Through 2010 pubs usgs gov U S Geological Survey 2013 pp 119 128 Retrieved July 11 2023 Cited sources editHaynes William M ed 2011 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 92nd ed CRC Press ISBN 978 1439855119 External links edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Osmium nbsp Look up osmium in Wiktionary the free dictionary Osmium at The Periodic Table of Videos University of Nottingham Flegenheimer J 2014 The mystery of the disappearing isotope Revista Virtual de Quimica V XX Available at Wayback Machine Chisholm Hugh ed 1911 Osmium Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 20 11th ed Cambridge University Press p 352 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Osmium amp oldid 1220912447, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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