

Ethics or moral philosophy is the philosophical study of moral phenomena. It investigates normative questions about what people ought to do or which behavior is morally right. It is usually divided into three major fields: normative ethics, applied ethics, and metaethics.

Ethics is concerned with the moral status of entities: for example, whether an act is obligatory or prohibited.[1]

Normative ethics discovers and justifies universal principles that govern how people should act in any situation. According to consequentialists, an act is right if it leads to the best consequences. Deontologists hold that morality consists in fulfilling duties, like telling the truth and keeping promises. Virtue theorists see the manifestation of virtues, like courage and compassion, as the fundamental principle of morality. Applied ethics examines concrete ethical problems in real-life situations, for example, by exploring the moral implications of the universal principles discovered in normative ethics within a specific domain. Bioethics studies moral issues associated with living organisms including humans, animals, and plants. Business ethics investigates how ethical principles apply to corporations, while professional ethics focuses on what is morally required of members of different professions. Metaethics is a metatheory that examines the underlying assumptions and concepts of ethics. It asks whether moral facts have mind-independent existence, whether moral statements can be true, how it is possible to acquire moral knowledge, and how moral judgments motivate people.

Ethics is closely connected to value theory, which studies what value is and what types of value there are. Moral psychology is a related empirical field and investigates psychological processes involved in morality, such as moral reasoning and the formation of moral character. Descriptive ethics provides value-neutral descriptions of the dominant moral codes and beliefs in different societies and considers their historical dimension.

The history of ethics started in the ancient period with the development of ethical principles and theories in ancient Egypt, India, China, and Greece. This period saw the emergence of ethical teachings associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and contributions of philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle. During the medieval period, ethical thought was strongly influenced by religious teachings. In the modern period, this focus shifted to a more secular approach concerned with moral experience, practical reason, and the consequences of actions. An influential development in the 20th century was the emergence of metaethics.

Definition edit

According to Aristotle, how to lead a good life is one of the central questions of ethics.[2]

Ethics, also referred to as moral philosophy, is the study of moral phenomena. It is one of the main branches of philosophy and investigates the nature of morality and the principles that govern the moral evaluation of conduct, character traits, and institutions. It examines what obligations people have, what behavior is right and wrong, and how to lead a good life. Some of its key questions are "How should one live?" and "What gives meaning to life?".[3]

The domain of morality is a normative field governing what people ought to do rather than what they actually do, what they want to do, or what social conventions require. As a rational and systematic field of inquiry, ethics studies practical reasons why people should act one way rather than another. Most ethical theories seek universal principles that express a general standpoint of what is objectively right and wrong.[4] In a slightly different sense, the term "ethics" can also refer to individual ethical theories in the form of a rational system of moral principles, such as Aristotelian ethics, and to a moral code that certain societies, social groups, or professions follow, as in Protestant work ethic and medical ethics.[5]

The terms "ethics" and "morality" are usually used interchangeably but some philosophers draw a distinction between the two. According to one view, morality is restricted to the question of what moral obligations people have while ethics is a wider term that takes additional considerations into account, such as what is good or how to lead a meaningful life. Another difference is that codes of conduct pertaining to specific areas, such as the business and environment, are usually termed "ethics" rather than morality, as in business ethics and environmental ethics.[6]

As a philosophical discipline, ethics is usually divided into normative ethics, applied ethics, and metaethics. Normative ethics tries to find and justify universal principles of moral conduct. Applied ethics examines the consequences of those principles in specific domains of practical life. Metaethics is a metatheory that studies underlying assumptions and concepts, such as what the nature of morality is and whether moral judgments can be objectively true.[7]

The English word ethics has its roots in the Ancient Greek word êthos (ἦθος) meaning "character, personal disposition". This word gave rise to the Ancient Greek word ēthikós (ἠθικός), which was translated into Latin as ethica and entered the English language in the 15th century through the Old French term éthique.[8]

Normative ethics edit

Normative ethics is the philosophical study of ethical conduct and investigates the fundamental principles of morality. It asks questions like "How should one live?" and "How should people act?". Its main goal is to discover and justify general answers to these questions. To do so, it usually seeks universal or domain-independent principles that determine whether an act is right or wrong.[9] For example, given the particular impression that it is wrong to set a child on fire for fun, normative ethics aims to find more general principles that explain why this is the case, like the principle that one should not cause extreme suffering to the innocent, which may itself be explained in terms of a more general principle.[10] Many theories of normative ethics aim additionally to guide behavior by helping people make moral decisions.[11]

Theories in normative ethics state how people should act or what kind of behavior is correct. They do not aim to describe how people normally act, what moral beliefs ordinary people have, how these beliefs change over time, or what ethical codes are upheld in certain social groups. These topics belong to descriptive ethics and are studied in fields like anthropology, sociology, and history rather than normative ethics.[12] Another contrast is with applied ethics, which investigates right moral conduct within a specific domain rather than general moral principles studied by normative ethics.[13]

Some systems of normative ethics arrive at a single principle that covers all possible cases while others encompass a small set of basic rules that address all or at least the most important moral considerations.[14] One difficulty for systems with several basic principles is that these principles may in some cases conflict with each other and lead to ethical dilemmas.[15]

Different theories in normative ethics suggest different principles as the foundation of morality. The three most influential schools of thought are consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics.[16] These schools are usually presented as exclusive alternatives but depending on how they are defined, they can overlap and do not necessarily exclude one another.[17] In some cases, they differ concerning which acts they see as right or wrong. In other cases, they recommend the same course of action but provide different justifications for why it is right.[18]

Consequentialism edit

Consequentialism, also referred to as teleological ethics,[19][a] holds that morality depends on consequences. According to the most common view, an act is right if it brings about the best future. This means that there is no alternative course of action that has better consequences.[21] A key aspect of consequentialist theories is that they provide a characterization of what is good and then define what is right in terms of what is good.[22]

Consequentialists usually understand the consequences of an action in a very wide sense that includes the totality of its effects. This is based on the idea that actions make a difference to the world by bringing about a causal chain of events that would not have existed otherwise.[23] A core intuition behind consequentialism is that what matters is not the past but the future and that it should be shaped to result in the best possible outcome.[24]

The act itself is usually not seen as part of the consequences. This means that if an act has intrinsic value and disvalue, it is not included as a relevant factor. Some consequentialists try to avoid this complication by including the act itself as part of the consequences. A related approach is to characterize consequentialism not in terms of consequences but in terms of outcomes with outcome being defined as the act together with its consequences.[25]

Most forms of consequentialism are agent-neutral. This means that the value of consequences is assessed from a neutral perspective, i.e., acts should have consequences that are good in general and not just good for the agent. It is controversial whether agent-relative moral theories, like ethical egoism, should be considered as types of consequentialism.[26]

Types edit

There are many different types of consequentialism. They differ from each other based on what type of entity they evaluate, how they determine whether a consequence is good, and what consequences they take into consideration.[27] Most theories assess the moral value of acts. However, consequentialism can also be used to evaluate motives, character traits, rules, and policies.[28]

Many consequentialists assess the value of consequences based on whether they promote happiness or suffering. But there are also alternative evaluative principles, such as desire satisfaction, autonomy, freedom, knowledge, friendship, beauty, and self-perfection.[29] Some forms of consequentialism hold that there is only a single source of value.[30] The most prominent among them is utilitarianism, which states that the moral value of acts only depends on the pleasure they cause.[31] An alternative approach is to hold that there are many different sources of value. According to this view, all sources of value contribute to one overall value.[30] Traditionally, consequentialists were only concerned with the sum total of value or the aggregate good. A more recently developed view is that the distribution of value also matters. It states, for example, that an equal distribution of goods is better than an unequal distribution even if the aggregate good is the same.[32]

There are various disagreements about what consequences should be assessed. An important distinction is between act and rule consequentialism. According to act consequentialism, the consequences of an act determine the moral value of this act. This means that there is a direct relation between the consequences of an act and its moral value. Rule consequentialism, by contrast, holds that an act is right if it follows a certain set of rules. Rule consequentialism uses considerations of consequences to determine which rules should be followed: people should follow the rules that have the best consequences in a community that accepts them. This implies that the relation between an act and its consequences is indirect. For example, if a prohibition to lie is part of the best rules then, according to rule consequentialism, a person should not lie even in a particular case where lying would result in the best possible consequences.[33]

Another disagreement on the level of consequences is between actual and expected consequentialism. According to the traditional view, only the actual consequences of an act affect its moral value. One difficulty of this view is that many consequences cannot be known in advance. This means that in some cases, even well-planned and intentioned acts are morally wrong if they inadvertently lead to negative outcomes. An alternative perspective states that what matters are not the actual consequences but the expected consequences. This view takes into account that when deciding what to do, people have to rely on their very limited knowledge of the total consequences of their actions. According to this view, a course of action has positive moral value despite leading to an overall negative outcome if it had the highest expected value, for example, because the negative outcome could not be anticipated or was very unlikely.[34]

Another difference is between maximizing and satisficing consequentialism. According to maximizing consequentialism, only the best possible act is morally permitted. This means that acts with positive consequences are wrong if there are alternatives with even better consequences. One criticism of maximizing consequentialism is that it demands too much by requiring that people do significantly more than they are socially expected to. For example, if the best action for someone with a good salary would be to donate 70% of their income to charity, it would be morally wrong for them to only donate 65%. Satisficing consequentialism, by contrast, only requires that an act is "good enough" even if it is not the best possible alternative. According to this view, it is possible to do more than one is morally required to do, a state known as supererogation.[35]

Mohism in ancient Chinese philosophy is one of the earliest forms of consequentialism. It argues that political action should promote justice as a means to increase the welfare of the people.[36]

Utilitarianism edit

The most well-known form of consequentialism is utilitarianism. In its classical form, it is an act consequentialism that sees happiness as the only source of intrinsic value. This means that an act is morally right if it produces "the greatest good for the greatest number" by increasing happiness and reducing suffering. Utilitarians do not deny that other things also have value, like health, friendship, and knowledge. However, they deny that these things have intrinsic value. Instead, they hold that they have extrinsic value because they affect happiness and suffering. In this regard, they are desirable as a means but, unlike happiness, not desirable as an end.[37] The view that pleasure is the only thing with intrinsic value is called ethical or evaluative hedonism.[38]

Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are the founding fathers of utilitarianism.

Utilitarianism was initially formulated by Jeremy Bentham and further developed by John Stuart Mill. Bentham introduced the hedonic calculus to assess the value of consequences. Two key aspects of the hedonic calculus are the intensity and the duration of pleasure. According to this view, a pleasurable experience has a high value if it has a high intensity and lasts for a long time. Some critics of Bentham's utilitarianism argued that it is a "philosophy of swine" whose focus on the intensity of pleasure promotes an immoral lifestyle centered around indulgence in sensory pleasures. Mill responded to this criticism by distinguishing between higher and lower pleasures. He stated that higher pleasures, like the intellectual pleasure of reading a book, are more valuable than lower pleasures, like the sensory pleasure of food and drink, even if their intensity and duration are the same.[39] Today, there are many variations of utilitarianism, including the difference between act and rule utilitarianism and between maximizing and satisficing utilitarianism.[40]

Deontology edit

Deontology assesses the moral rightness of actions based on a set of norms or principles. These norms describe certain requirements or duties that all actions need to follow.[41] They may include requirements like to tell the truth, keep promises, and not intentionally harm others.[42] Unlike consequentialists, deontologists hold that the validity of general moral principles does not depend on their consequences. They state that these principles should be followed in every case since they express how actions are inherently right or wrong. For example, according to David Ross, it is wrong to break a promise even if no harm comes from it.[43] In this regard, deontologists often allow that there is a gap between what is right and what is good.[22] Many tend to follow a negative approach by holding that certain acts are forbidden under any circumstances.[44]

Agent-centered and patient-centered edit

Agent-centered deontological theories focus on the role of moral agency and following one's duties. They are often interested in the motives and intentions for which people act and emphasize the importance of doing something for the right reasons. They are often agent-relative, meaning that the reasons for which people should act depend on personal circumstances. For example, a parent has a special obligation to their child while a stranger does not have this kind of obligation toward a child they do not know. Patient-centered theories, by contrast, emphasize the rights of the people affected by the action. An example is the requirement to treat other people as ends and not merely as a means to an end.[45] This requirement can be used to argue, for example, that it is wrong to kill a person against their will even if this act would save the life of several others. Patient-centered deontological theories are usually agent-neutral, meaning that they apply equally to everyone in a situation, regardless of their specific role or position.[46]

Kantianism edit

Immanuel Kant is one of the most well-known deontologists.[47] He insists that moral action should not be guided by situation-dependent means-end reasoning to achieve some kind of fixed good, such as happiness. Instead, he argues that there are certain moral principles that apply to every situation independent of means-end relations. Kant uses the term categorical imperative for these principles and holds that they are non-empirical and universal laws that have their source in the structure of practical reason and apply to all rational agents. According to Kant, to act morally is to act in accordance with reason as expressed by these principles.[48] He sees immoral actions as irrational by going against the fundamental principles of practical reason.[49]

Kant provided several formulations of the categorical imperative. One emphasizes the universal nature of reason and states that people should only follow maxims that could become universal laws applicable to everyone. This means that the person would want everyone else also to follow this maxim. Another formulation states that one should treat other people always as ends in themselves and never as mere means to an end. This formulation focuses on respecting and valuing other people for their own sake rather than using them in the pursuit of personal goals.[50]

In either case, Kant holds that what matters is to have a good will. A person has a good will if they respect the moral law and form their intentions and motives in accordance with it. According to Kant, actions motivated in such a way are unconditionally good, meaning that they are good even in cases where they result in undesirable consequences.[51]

Divine command theory, contractualism, and discourse ethics edit

Divine command theory sees God as the source of morality. It states that moral laws are divine commands and that to act morally is to obey and follow God's will. While all divine command theorists agree that morality depends on God, there are disagreements about the precise content of the divine commands, and theorists belonging to different religions tend to propose different moral laws.[52] For example, Christian and Jewish divine command theorists may argue that the Ten Commandments express God's will[53] while Muslims may reserve this role for the teachings of the Quran.[54]

Contractualists reject the reference to God as the source of morality and argue instead that morality is based on an explicit or implicit social contract between humans. They state that actual or hypothetical consent to this contract is the source of moral norms and duties. To determine which duties people have, contractualists often rely on a thought experiment about what rational people under ideal circumstances would agree on. For example, if they would agree that people should not lie then there is a moral obligation to refrain from lying. Because of its reliance on consent, contractualism is often understood as a patient-centered form of deontology.[55][b]

According to discourse ethics, as formulated by Jürgen Habermas, moral norms are justified by a rational discourse within society.

Discourse ethics also focuses on social agreement on moral norms but holds that this agreement is based on communicative rationality. It aims to arrive at moral norms for pluralistic modern societies that encompass a diversity of viewpoints. A universal moral norm is seen as valid if all rational discourse participants do or would approve. This way, morality is not imposed by a single moral authority but arises from the moral discourse within society. This discourse should follow certain requirements characteristic of an ideal speech situation. One of its key aspects is that discourse participants are free to voice their different opinions without coercion but are at the same time required to justify them using rational argumentation.[57]

Virtue ethics edit

The main concern of virtue ethics is how virtues are expressed in actions. As such, it is neither directly interested in the consequences of actions nor in universal moral duties.[58] Virtues are positive character traits, like honesty, courage, kindness, and compassion. They are usually understood as dispositions to feel, decide, and act in a certain manner by being wholeheartedly committed to this manner. Virtues contrast with vices, which are their harmful counterparts.[59]

Virtue theorists usually hold that the mere possession of virtues by itself is not sufficient. Instead, people should manifest virtues in their actions. An important factor in this regard is the practical wisdom, also referred to as phronesis, of knowing, when, how, and which virtue to express. For example, a lack of practical wisdom may lead courageous people to perform morally wrong actions by taking unnecessary risks that should better be avoided.[60]

Different types of virtue ethics differ concerning how they understand virtues and their role in practical life. Eudaimonism is the classical view and draws a close relation between virtuous behavior and happiness. It states that people flourish by living a virtuous life. Eudaimonist theories often hold that virtues are positive potentials residing in human nature and that actualizing these potentials results in leading a good and happy life.[61] Agent-based theories, by contrast, see happiness only as a side effect and focus instead on the motivational and dispositional characteristics that are expressed while acting. This is often combined with the idea that one can learn from exceptional individuals what those characteristics are.[61] Feminist ethics of care are another form of virtue ethics. They emphasize the importance of interpersonal relationships and hold that benevolence by caring for the well-being of others is one of the key virtues.[62]

Philippa Foot was one of the philosophers responsible for the revival of virtue ethics in the 20th century.

Influential schools of virtue ethics in ancient philosophy were Aristotelianism and Stoicism. According to Aristotle, each virtue is a golden mean between two types of vices: excess and deficiency. For example, courage is a virtue that lies between the deficient state of cowardice and the excessive state of recklessness. Aristotle held that virtuous action leads to happiness and makes people flourish in life.[63] The Stoics believed that people can achieve happiness through virtue alone. They stated that people are happy if they are in a peaceful state of mind that is free from emotional disturbances. They advocated rationality and self-mastery to achieve this state.[64] In the 20th century, virtue ethics experienced a resurgence thanks to philosophers such as Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Martha Nussbaum.[65]

Others edit

There are many other schools of normative ethics in addition to the three main traditions. Pragmatist ethics focuses on the role of practice and holds that one of the key tasks of ethics is to solve practical problems in concrete situations. It has certain similarities to utilitarianism and its focus on consequences but concentrates more on how morality is embedded in and relative to social and cultural contexts. Pragmatists tend to give more importance to habits than to conscious deliberation and understand morality as a habit that should be shaped in the right way.[66]

Postmodern ethics agrees with pragmatist ethics about the cultural relativity of morality. It rejects the idea that there are objective moral principles that apply universally to all cultures and traditions. It asserts that there is no one coherent ethical code since morality itself is irrational and humans are morally ambivalent beings.[67]

The practices of compassion and loving-kindness are key elements of Buddhist ethics.

Ethical egoism is the view that people should act in their self-interest or that an action is morally right if the person acts for their own benefit. It differs from psychological egoism, which states that people actually follow their self-interest without claiming that they should do so. Ethical egoists may act in accordance with commonly accepted moral expectations and benefit other people, for example, by keeping promises, helping friends, and cooperating with others. However, they do so only as a means to promote their self-interest. Ethical egoism is often criticized as an immoral and contradictory position.[68]

Normative ethics has a central place in most religions. Key aspects of Jewish ethics are to follow the 613 commandments of God according to the Mitzvah duty found in the Torah and to take responsibility for societal welfare.[69] Christian ethics puts less emphasis on following precise laws and teaches instead the practice of self-less love, such as the Great Commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself".[70] The Five Pillars of Islam constitute a basic framework of Muslim ethics and focus on the practice of faith, prayer, charity, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca.[71] Buddhists emphasize the importance of compassion and loving-kindness towards all sentient entities.[72] A similar outlook is found in Jainism, which has non-violence as its principal virtue.[73] Duty is a central aspect of Hindu ethics and is about fulfilling social obligations, which may vary depending on a person's social class and stage of life.[74] Confucianism places great emphasis on harmony in society and sees benevolence as a key virtue.[75] Taoism extends the importance of living in harmony to the whole world and teaches that people should practice effortless action by following the natural flow of the universe.[76]

Applied ethics edit

Applied ethics, also known as practical ethics,[77] is the branch of ethics and applied philosophy that examines concrete moral problems encountered in real-life situations. Unlike normative ethics, it is not concerned with discovering or justifying universal ethical principles. Instead, it studies how those principles can be applied to specific domains of practical life, what consequences they have in these fields, and whether other considerations are relevant.[78]

One of the difficulties of applied ethics is to determine how to apply general ethical principles to concrete practical situations, like medical procedures.

One of the main challenges of applied ethics is to breach the gap between abstract universal theories and their application to concrete situations. For example, an in-depth understanding of Kantianism or utilitarianism is usually not sufficient to decide how to analyze the moral implications of a medical procedure. One reason is that it may not be clear how the procedure affects the Kantian requirement of respecting everyone's personhood and what the consequences of the procedure are in terms of the greatest good for the greatest number.[79] This difficulty is particularly relevant to applied ethicists who employ a top-down methodology by starting from universal ethical principles and applying them to particular cases within a specific domain.[80] A different approach is to use a bottom-up methodology, which relies on many observations of particular cases to arrive at an understanding of the moral principles relevant to this particular domain.[81] In either case, inquiry into applied ethics is often triggered by ethical dilemmas to solve cases in which a person is subject to conflicting moral requirements.[82]

Applied ethics covers issues pertaining to both the private sphere, like right conduct in the family and close relationships, and the public sphere, like moral problems posed by new technologies and international duties toward future generations.[83] Major branches include bioethics, business ethics, and professional ethics. There are many other branches and their domains of inquiry often overlap.[84]

Bioethics edit

Bioethics is a wide field that covers moral problems associated with living organisms and biological disciplines.[85] A key problem in bioethics concerns the moral status of entities and to what extent this status depends on features such as consciousness, being able to feel pleasure and pain, rationality, and personhood. These differences concern, for example, how to treat non-living entities like rocks and non-sentient entities like plants in contrast to animals and whether humans have a different moral status than other animals.[86] According to anthropocentrism, only humans have a basic moral status. This implies that all other entities only have a derivative moral status to the extent that they affect human life. Sentientism, by contrast, extends an inherent moral status to all sentient beings. Further positions include biocentrism, which also covers non-sentient lifeforms, and ecocentrism, which states that all of nature has a basic moral status.[87]

Bioethics is relevant to various aspects of life and to many professions. It covers a wide range of moral problems associated with topics like abortion, cloning, stem cell research, euthanasia, suicide, animal testing, intensive animal farming, nuclear waste, and air pollution.[88]

Bioethics can be divided into medical ethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics based on whether the ethical problems relate to humans, other animals, or nature in general.[89] Medical ethics is the oldest branch of bioethics and has its origins in the Hippocratic Oath, which establishes ethical guidelines for medical practitioners like a prohibition to harm the patient.[90] A central topic in medical ethics concerns issues associated with the beginning and the end of life. One debate focuses on the question of whether a fetus is a full-fledged person with all the rights associated with this status. For example, some proponents of this view argue that abortion is a form of murder.[91] In relation to the end of life, there are ethical dilemmas concerning whether a person has a right to end their own life in cases of terminal illness and whether a medical practitioner may assist them in doing so.[92] Other topics in medical ethics include medical confidentiality, informed consent, research on human beings, organ transplantation, and access to healthcare.[90]

Harm done to animals is a particular concern in animal ethics, for example, as a result of intensive animal farming.

Animal ethics examines how humans should treat other animals. An influential consideration in this field emphasizes the importance of animal welfare while arguing that humans should avoid or minimize the harm done to animals. There is wide agreement that it is wrong to torture animals for fun. The situation is more complicated in cases where harm is inflicted on animals as a side effect of the pursuit of human interests. This happens, for example, during factory farming, when using animals as food, and for research experiments on animals.[93] A key topic in animal ethics is the formulation of animal rights. Animal rights theorists assert that animals have a certain moral status and that humans have an obligation to respect this status when interacting with them.[94] Examples of suggested animal rights include the right to life, the right to be free from unnecessary suffering, and the right to natural behavior in a suitable environment.[95]

Environmental ethics deals with moral problems relating to the natural environment including animals, plants, natural resources, and ecosystems. In its widest sense, it also covers the whole biosphere and the cosmos.[96] In the domain of agriculture, this concerns questions like under what circumstances it is acceptable to clear the vegetation of an area to use it for farming and the implications of using genetically modified crops.[97] On a wider scale, environmental ethics addresses the problem of global warming and how people are responsible for this both on an individual and a collective level. Environmental ethicists often promote sustainable practices and policies directed at protecting and conserving ecosystems and biodiversity.[98]

Business and professional ethics edit

Business ethics examines the moral implications of business conduct and investigates how ethical principles apply to corporations and organizations.[99] A key topic is corporate social responsibility, which is the responsibility of corporations to act in a manner that benefits society at large. Corporate social responsibility is a complex issue since many stakeholders are directly and indirectly involved in corporate decisions, such as the CEO, the board of directors, and the shareholders. A closely related topic concerns the question of whether corporations themselves, and not just their stakeholders, have moral agency.[100] Business ethics further examines the role of truthfulness, honesty, and fairness in business practices as well as the moral implications of bribery, conflict of interest, protection of investors and consumers, worker's rights, ethical leadership, and corporate philanthropy.[99]

Professional ethics is a closely related field that studies ethical principles applying to members of a specific profession, like engineers, medical doctors, lawyers, and teachers. It is a diverse field since different professions often have different responsibilities.[101] Principles applying to many professions include that the professional has the required expertise for the intended work and that they have personal integrity and are trustworthy. Further principles are to serve the interest of their target group, follow client confidentiality, and respect and uphold the client's rights, such as informed consent.[102] More precise requirements often vary between professions. A cornerstone of engineering ethics is to protect the public's safety, health, and well-being.[103] Legal ethics emphasizes the importance of respect for justice, personal integrity, and confidentiality.[104] Key factors in journalism ethics include accuracy, truthfulness, independence, and impartiality as well as proper attribution to avoid plagiarism.[105]

Others edit

Many other fields of applied ethics are discussed in the academic literature. Communication ethics covers moral principles in relation to communicative conduct. Two key issues in it are freedom of speech and speech responsibility. Freedom of speech concerns the ability to articulate one's opinions and ideas without the threats of punishment and censorship. Speech responsibility is about being accountable for the consequences of communicative action and inaction.[106] A closely related field is information ethics, which focuses on the moral implications of creating, controlling, disseminating, and using information.[107]

Nuclear ethics address the moral implications of nuclear technology, such as atom bombs.

The ethics of technology has implications for both communication ethics and information ethics in regard to communication and information technologies. In its widest sense, it examines the moral issues associated with any artifacts created and used for instrumental means, from simple artifacts like spears to high-tech computers and nanotechnology.[108] Central topics in the ethics of technology include the risks associated with creating new technologies, their responsible use, and questions surrounding the issue of human enhancement through technological means, such as prosthetic limbs, performance-enhancing drugs, and genetic enhancement.[109] Important subfields include computer ethics, ethics of artificial intelligence, machine ethics, ethics of nanotechnology, and nuclear ethics.[110]

The ethics of war investigates moral problems in relation to war and violent conflicts. According to just war theory, waging war is morally justified if it fulfills certain conditions. They are commonly divided into requirements concerning the cause to initiate violent activities, such as self-defense, and the way those violent activities are conducted, such as avoiding excessive harm to civilians in the pursuit of legitimate military targets.[111] Military ethics is a closely related field that is interested in the conduct of military personnel. It governs questions of the circumstances under which they are permitted to kill enemies, destroy infrastructure, and put the lives of their own troops at risk.[112] Additional topics are recruitment, training, and discharge of military personnel as well as the procurement of military equipment.[113]

Further fields of applied ethics include political ethics, which examines the moral dimensions of political decisions,[114] educational ethics, which covers ethical issues related to proper teaching practices,[115] and sexual ethics, which addresses the moral implications of sexual behavior.[116]

Metaethics edit

Metaethics is the branch of ethics that examines the nature, foundations, and scope of moral judgments, concepts, and values. It is not interested in what actions are right or wrong but in what it means for an action to be right or wrong and whether moral judgments are objective and can be true at all. It further examines the meaning of morality and moral terms.[117] Metaethics is a metatheory that operates on a higher level of abstraction than normative ethics by investigating its underlying background assumptions. Metaethical theories usually do not directly take substantive positions regarding normative ethical theories but they can influence them nonetheless by questioning the foundational principles on which they rest.[118]

Metaethics overlaps with various branches of philosophy. On the level of ontology, it is concerned with the metaphysical status of moral values and principles.[119] In relation to semantics, it asks what the meaning of moral terms is and whether moral statements have a truth value.[120] The epistemological side of metaethics discusses whether and how people can acquire moral knowledge.[121] Metaethics further covers psychological and anthropological considerations in regard to how moral judgments motivate people to act and how to explain cross-cultural differences in moral assessments.[122]

Basic concepts edit

Metaethics examines basic ethical concepts and their relations. Ethics is concerned with normative statements about what ought to be the case, in contrast to descriptive statements, which are about what is the case.[123] Duties and obligations express requirements of what people ought to do.[124] Duties are sometimes defined as counterparts of the rights that always accompany them. According to this view, someone has a duty to benefit another person if this other person has the right to receive that benefit.[125] Obligation and permission are contrasting terms that can be defined through each other: to be obligated to do something means that one is not permitted not to do it and to be permitted to do something means that one is not obligated not to do it.[126][c] Some theorists define obligations in terms of values, such as the good. When used in a general sense, good contrasts with bad. In relation to people and their intentions, the term evil rather than bad is often employed.[127]

Obligations are used to assess the moral status of actions, motives, and character traits.[128] An action is morally right if it is in tune with the obligations and morally wrong if it violates the obligations.[129] Supererogation is a special moral status that applies to cases in which the agent does more than is morally required of them.[130] To be morally responsible for an action usually means that the person possessed and exercised certain capacities or some form of control. People who are morally responsible deserve evaluative attitudes from others, such as praise or blame.[131]

Realism, relativism, and nihilism edit

A key debate in metaethics concerns the ontological status of morality and encompasses the question of whether ethical values and principles form part of reality. It examines whether moral properties exist as objective features independent of the human mind and culture rather than as subjective constructs or expressions of personal preferences and cultural norms.[132]

Moral realists accept the claim that there are objective moral facts. This view implies that moral values are mind-independent aspects of reality and that there is an absolute fact about whether a given action is right or wrong. A consequence of this view is that moral requirements have the same ontological status as non-moral facts: it is an objective fact whether there is an obligation to keep a promise just as there is an objective fact whether a thing has a black color.[132] Moral realism is often associated with the claim that there are universal ethical principles that apply equally to everyone.[133] It implies that if two people disagree about a moral evaluation then at least one of them is wrong. This observation is sometimes taken as an argument against moral realism since moral disagreement is widespread and concerns most fields.[134]

Moral relativists reject the idea that morality is an objective feature of reality. They argue instead that moral principles are human inventions. This means that a behavior is not objectively right or wrong but only subjectively right or wrong relative to a certain standpoint. Moral standpoints may differ between persons, cultures, and historical periods.[135] For example, moral statements like "slavery is wrong" or "suicide is permitted" may be true in one culture and false in another.[136] This position can be understood in analogy to Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that the magnitude of physical properties like mass, length, and duration depends on the frame of reference of the observer.[137] Some moral relativists hold that moral systems are constructed to serve certain goals such as social coordination. According to this view, different societies and different social groups within a society construct different moral systems based on their diverging purposes.[138] A different explanation states that morality arises from moral emotions, which people project onto the external world.[139]

Moral nihilists deny the existence of moral facts. They are opposed to both objective moral facts defended by moral realism and subjective moral facts defended by moral relativism. They believe that the basic assumptions underlying moral claims are misguided. Some moral nihilists, like Friedrich Nietzsche, conclude from this that anything is allowed. A slightly different view emphasizes that moral nihilism is not itself a moral position about what is allowed and prohibited but the rejection of any moral position.[140] Moral nihilism agrees with moral relativism that there are different standpoints according to which people judge actions to be right or wrong. However, it disagrees that this practice involves a form of morality and understands it instead as one among many types of human practices.[141]

Naturalism and non-naturalism edit

An influential debate among moral realists is between naturalism and non-naturalism. Naturalism states that moral properties are natural properties and are in this respect similar to the natural properties accessible to empirical observation and investigated by the natural sciences, like color and shape.[142] Some moral naturalists hold that moral properties are a unique and basic type of natural property. Another view states that moral properties are real but not a fundamental part of reality and can be reduced to other natural properties, for example, concerning what causes pleasure and pain.[143]

Non-naturalism accepts that moral properties form part of reality and argues that moral features are not identical or reducible to natural properties. This view is usually motivated by the idea that moral properties are unique because they express normative features or what should be the case.[144] Proponents of this position often emphasize this uniqueness by claiming that it is a fallacy to define ethics in terms of natural entities or to infer prescriptive from descriptive statements.[145]

Cognitivism and non-cognitivism edit

The metaethical debate between cognitivism and non-cognitivism belongs to the field of semantics and concerns the meaning of moral statements. According to cognitivism, moral statements like "Abortion is morally wrong" and "Going to war is never morally justified" are truth-apt. This means that they all have a truth value: they are either true or false. Cognitivism only claims that moral statements have a truth value but is not interested in which truth value they have. It is often seen as the default position since moral statements resemble other statements, like "Abortion is a medical procedure" or "Going to war is a political decision", which have a truth value.[146]

The semantic position of cognitivism is closely related to the ontological position of moral realism and philosophers who accept one often accept the other as well. An exception is J. L. Mackie's error theory, which combines cognitivism with moral nihilism by claiming that all moral statements are false because there are no moral facts.[147]

Non-cognitivism is the view that moral statements lack a truth value. According to this view, the statement "Murder is wrong" is neither true nor false. Some non-cognitivists claim that moral statements have no meaning at all. A different interpretation is that they express other types of meaning contents. Emotivism holds that they articulate emotional attitudes. According to this view, the statement "Murder is wrong" expresses that the speaker has negative moral attitudes towards murder or dislikes it. Prescriptivism, by contrast, understands moral statements as commands. According to this view, stating that "Murder is wrong" expresses a command like "Do not commit murder".[148]

Moral knowledge edit

The epistemology of ethics studies whether or how one can know moral truths. Foundationalist views state that some moral beliefs are basic and do not require further justification. Ethical intuitionism is one foundationalist view that states that humans have a special cognitive faculty through which they can know right from wrong. Intuitionists often argue that general moral truths, like "lying is wrong", are self-evident and that it is possible to know them a priori without relying on empirical experience. A different foundationalist view relies not on general intuitions but on particular observations. It holds that if people are confronted with a concrete moral situation, they can perceive whether right or wrong conduct was involved.[149]

In contrast to foundationalists, coherentists hold that there are no basic moral beliefs. They argue that beliefs form a complex network and mutually support and justify one another. According to this view, a moral belief can only amount to knowledge if it coheres with the rest of the beliefs in the network.[149] Moral skeptics reject the idea that moral knowledge is possible by arguing that people are unable to distinguish between right and wrong behavior. Moral skepticism is often criticized based on the claim that it leads to immoral behavior.[150]

The trolley problem is a thought experiment about the moral difference between doing and allowing harm.

Thought experiments are a common methodological device in ethics to decide between competing theories. They usually present an imagined situation involving an ethical dilemma and explore how moral intuitions about what behavior is right depend on particular factors in the imagined situation.[151] For example, in the trolley problem, a person can flip a switch to redirect a trolley from one track to another, thereby sacrificing the life of one person in order to save five. This scenario explores how the difference between doing and allowing harm affects moral obligations.[152] Another thought experiment examines the moral implications of abortion by imagining a situation in which a person gets connected without their consent to an ill violinist. It explores whether it would be morally permissible to sever the connection within the next nine months even if this would lead to the violinist's death.[153]

Moral motivation edit

On the level of psychology, metaethics is interested in how moral beliefs and experiences affect behavior. According to motivational internalists, there is a direct link between moral judgments and action. This means that every judgment about what is right motivates the person to act accordingly. For example, Socrates defends a strong form of motivational internalism by holding that a person can only perform an evil deed if they are unaware that it is evil. Weaker forms of motivational internalism allow that people can act against moral judgments, for example, because of weakness of the will. Motivational externalists accept that people can judge a behavior to be morally required without feeling a reason to engage in it. This means that moral judgments do not always provide motivational force. The debate between internalism and externalism is relevant for explaining the behavior of psychopaths or sociopaths, who fail either to judge that a behavior is wrong or to translate their judgment into action.[154] A closely related question is whether moral judgments can provide motivation on their own or need to be accompanied by other mental states, such as a desire to act morally.[155]

Related fields edit

Value theory edit

Value theory, also referred to as axiology,[d] is the philosophical study of value. It aims to understand what value is and what types of value there are. Further questions include what kinds of things have value and how valuable they are.[157] A central distinction is between intrinsic and instrumental value. An entity has intrinsic value if it is good in itself or good for its own sake. An entity has instrumental value if it is valuable as a means to something else, for example, by causing something that has intrinsic value.[158] Another key topic is about what entities have intrinsic value, for example, whether pleasure has intrinsic value and whether there are other sources of intrinsic value besides pleasure.[159]

There are disagreements about the exact relation between value theory and ethics. Some philosophers characterize value theory as a subdiscipline of ethics while others see value theory as the broader term that encompasses other fields besides ethics, such as aesthetics and political philosophy.[160] A different characterization sees the two disciplines as overlapping but distinct fields.[161] The term axiological ethics is sometimes used for the discipline studying this overlap, i.e., for the part of ethics that studies values.[162] The two disciplines are sometimes distinguished based on their focus: ethics is about moral behavior or what is right while value theory is about value or what is good.[163] Some ethical theories, like consequentialism, stand very close to value theory by defining what is right in terms of what is good. But this is not true for ethics in general and deontological theories tend to reject the idea that what is good can be used to define what is right.[164]

Moral psychology edit

Moral psychology explores the psychological foundations and processes involved in moral behavior. It is an empirical science that studies how humans think and act in moral contexts. It is interested in how moral reasoning and judgments take place, how moral character forms, what sensitivity people have to moral evaluations, and how people attribute and react to moral responsibility.[165]

One of its key topics is moral development or the question of how morality develops on a psychological level from infancy to adulthood.[166] According to Lawrence Kohlberg, for example, children go through different stages of moral development as they understand moral principles first as fixed rules governing reward and punishment, then as conventional social norms, and later as abstract principles of what is objectively right across societies.[167] A closely related question is whether and how people can be taught to act morally.[168]

Evolutionary ethics is a subfield of moral psychology and sociobiology. It explores how evolutionary processes have shaped ethics. One of its key ideas is that natural selection is responsible for moral behavior and moral sensitivity. It interprets morality as an adaptation to evolutionary pressure that augments fitness by offering a selective advantage.[169] Altruism, for example, can provide benefits to group survival by improving cooperation.[170]

Descriptive ethics edit

Descriptive ethics, also called comparative ethics,[171] studies actually existing moral codes, practices, and beliefs. It investigates and compares moral phenomena in different societies and different groups within a society. It aims to provide a value-neutral and empirical description without judging or justifying which practices are objectively right. For instance, the question of how nurses think about the ethical implications of abortion belongs to descriptive ethics. Another example is descriptive business ethics, which describes ethical standards in the context of business, including common practices, official policies, and employee opinions. Descriptive ethics also has a historical dimension by exploring how moral practices and beliefs have changed over time.[172]

Descriptive ethics is a multidisciplinary field that is covered by disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, and history. Its empirical outlook contrasts with the philosophical inquiry into normative questions, such as which ethical principles are correct and how to justify them.[173]

History edit

According to Laozi's teachings of Daoism, humans should aim to live in harmony with the natural order of the universe.

The history of ethics studies how moral philosophy has developed and evolved in the course of history.[174] It has its origin in the ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, the concept of Maat was used as an ethical principle to guide behavior and maintain order by emphasizing the importance of truth, balance, and harmony.[175] In ancient India, the Vedas and Upanishads were written as the foundational texts of Hindu philosophy and discussed the role of duty and the consequences of one's actions.[176] Buddhist ethics also originated in ancient India and advocated compassion, non-violence, and the pursuit of enlightenment.[177] Ancient China saw the emergence of Confucianism, which focuses on moral conduct and self-cultivation by acting in accordance with virtues, and Daoism, which teaches that human behavior should be in harmony with the natural order of the universe.[178]

In ancient Greece, Socrates emphasized the importance of inquiry into what a good life is by critically questioning established ideas and exploring concepts like virtue, justice, courage, and wisdom.[179] According to Plato, to lead a good life means that the different parts of the soul are in harmony with each other.[180] For Aristotle, a good life is associated with being happy by cultivating virtues and flourishing.[181] The close relation between right action and happiness was also explored by Hellenistic schools of Epicureanism, which recommended a simple lifestyle without indulging in sensory pleasures, and Stoicism, which advocated living in tune with reason and virtue while practicing self-mastery and becoming immune to disturbing emotions.[182]

Ethical thought in the medieval period was strongly influenced by religious teachings. Christian philosophers interpreted moral principles as divine commands originating from God.[183] Thomas Aquinas developed natural law ethics by claiming that ethical behavior consists in following the laws and order of nature, which he believed were created by God.[184] In the Islamic world, philosophers like Al-Farabi and Avicenna synthesized ancient Greek philosophy with the ethical teachings of Islam while emphasizing the harmony between reason and faith.[185] In medieval India, philosophers like Adi Shankara and Ramanuja saw the practice of spirituality to attain liberation as the highest goal of human behavior.[186]

G. E. Moore's book Principia Ethica was partly responsible for the emergence of metaethics in the 20th century.

Moral philosophy in the modern period was characterized by a shift toward a secular approach to ethics. Thomas Hobbes identified self-interest as the primary drive of humans. He concluded that it would lead to "a war of every man against every man" unless a social contract is established to avoid this outcome.[187] David Hume thought that only moral sentiments, like empathy, can motivate ethical actions while he saw reason not as a motivating factor but only as what anticipates the consequences of possible actions.[188] Immanuel Kant, by contrast, saw reason as the source of morality. He formulated a deontological theory, according to which the ethical value of actions depends on their conformity with moral laws independent of their outcome. These laws take the form of categorical imperatives, which are universal requirements that apply to every situation.[189] Another influential development in this period was the formulation of utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. According to the utilitarian doctrine, actions should promote happiness while reducing suffering and the right action is the one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.[190]

An important development in 20th-century ethics in analytic philosophy was the emergence of metaethics.[191] Significant early contributions to this field were made by G. E. Moore, who argued that moral values are essentially different from other properties found in the natural world.[192] R. M. Hare followed this idea in formulating his prescriptivism, which states that moral statements are commands that, unlike regular judgments, are neither true nor false.[193] An influential argument for moral realism was made by Derek Parfit, who argued that morality concerns objective features of reality that give people reasons to act in one way or another.[194] Bernard Williams agreed with the close relation between reasons and ethics but defended a subjective view instead that sees reasons as internal mental states that may or may not reflect external reality.[195] Another development in this period was the revival of ancient virtue ethics by philosophers like Philippa Foot.[196] In the field of political philosophy, John Rawls relied on Kantian ethics to analyze social justice as a form of fairness.[197] In continental philosophy, phenomenologists such as Max Scheler and Nicolai Hartmann built ethical systems based on the claim that values have objective reality that can be investigated using the phenomenological method.[198] Existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre, by contrast, held that values are created by humans and explored the consequences of this view in relation to individual freedom, responsibility, and authenticity.[199] This period also saw the emergence of feminist ethics, which questions traditional ethical assumptions associated with a male perspective and puts alternative concepts, like care, at the center.[200]

See also edit

References edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Some theorists define teleological ethics as the wider term that also encompasses certain forms of virtue ethics.[20]
  2. ^ Some ethicists state that contractualism is not a normative ethical theory but a metaethical theory because of its emphasis on how moral norms are justified.[56]
  3. ^ Deontic logic provides a formal system describing the logical relations between these and similar concepts.[126]
  4. ^ There are disagreements in the academic literature about whether they are synonyms or whether one or the other is the wider term.[156]

Citations edit

  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^
    • Crisp 2011, § 1. Ethics and Metaethics
    • Nagel 2006, Lead Section
    • Dittmer, § 1. Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and Metaethic
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^ Kagan 1998, pp. 1–3
  11. ^
  12. ^
  13. ^
    • Kagan 1998, p. 3
    • Dittmer, § 1. Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and Metaethics
  14. ^
  15. ^ Kagan 1998, pp. 2–3
  16. ^
  17. ^ Crisp 2005, pp. 200–201
  18. ^
  19. ^ Bunnin & Yu 2009, p. 134
  20. ^ McNaughton & Rawling 1998, § 1. Act-consequentialism
  21. ^
  22. ^ a b
  23. ^ Dorsey 2020, pp. 97–98
  24. ^
  25. ^
  26. ^
  27. ^ Sinnott-Armstrong 2023, Lead Section
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^ a b Alexander & Moore 2021, § 1. Deontology's Foil: Consequentialism
  31. ^
  32. ^
  33. ^
  34. ^
  35. ^
  36. ^
  37. ^
  38. ^ Moore 2019, Lead Section, § 2. Ethical Hedonism
  39. ^
  40. ^
  41. ^
  42. ^
    • Simpson, § 6c. Deontological Pluralism and Prima Facie Duties
    • Crisp 2005, pp. 200–201
  43. ^
    • Crisp 2005, pp. 200–201
    • Simpson, § 6c. Deontological Pluralism and Prima Facie Duties
  44. ^
  45. ^
  46. ^ Alexander & Moore 2021, § 2. Deontological Theories
  47. ^ Alexander & Moore 2021, § 2.4 Deontological Theories and Kant
  48. ^
  49. ^ Johnson & Cureton 2022, Lead Section
  50. ^
  51. ^
  52. ^
  53. ^
  54. ^
  55. ^
  56. ^ Alexander & Moore 2021, § 2.3 Contractualist Deontological Theories
  57. ^
  58. ^
  59. ^
  60. ^
  61. ^ a b
  62. ^
  63. ^
  64. ^
  65. ^ Hursthouse 1999, p. 3
  66. ^
  67. ^
  68. ^
  69. ^
  70. ^
  71. ^ Verhoeven 2013, p. 27
  72. ^ Chowdhury 2019, p. 494
  73. ^ Beaman & Strumos 2022, p. 76
  74. ^ Chakraborti 2023, p. 122
  75. ^ Wu & Wokutch 2008, p. 404
  76. ^
  77. ^
  78. ^
  79. ^ Winkler 1998, pp. 175–176
  80. ^ Beaucham 2003, pp. 7–9
  81. ^
  82. ^ Almond 1998, § 2. Theory and Practice
  83. ^ Almond 1998, § 1. Definitions
  84. ^
  85. ^
  86. ^
    • Gordon, Lead Section, § 4. The Idea of Moral Status in Bioethics
    • Dittmer, § 4a. Theories of Moral Standing and Personhood
  87. ^
  88. ^
    • Dittmer, § 3. Bioethics
    • Gordon, Lead Section, § 1. Preliminary Distinctions
  89. ^ Gordon, Lead Section, § 3a. Introduction
  90. ^ a b Gordon, Lead Section, § 3b. Medical Ethics
  91. ^
    • Dittmer, § 3. Bioethics
    • Gordon, Lead Section, § 3b. Medical Ethics
  92. ^
  93. ^
  94. ^ Holmes 2018, pp. 333–334
  95. ^
  96. ^
  97. ^
  98. ^
  99. ^ a b
  100. ^
  101. ^
  102. ^ Airaksinen 1998, pp. 617–620
  103. ^ Catalano 2022, p. 17
  104. ^ Parker & Evans 2007, pp. 22–23
  105. ^
  106. ^
  107. ^
  108. ^ Braunack-Mayer, Street & Palmer 1998, pp. 321–322
  109. ^
  110. ^
  111. ^
  112. ^
  113. ^ Fotion 1998, pp. 121, 123–124, 126
  114. ^
  115. ^ Maxwell 2023, pp. 609–610
  116. ^ Boonin 2022, p. 1
  117. ^
  118. ^
    • DeLapp, Lead Section, § 2. The Normative Relevance of Metaethics
    • Sayre-McCord 2023, Lead Section, § 1. General Observations
  119. ^
    • DeLapp, Lead Section, § 4. Ontological Issues in Metaethics
    • Sayre-McCord 2023, Lead Section, § 3. Naturalism and Non-naturalism
  120. ^
    • DeLapp, Lead Section, § 3. Semantic Issues in Metaethics
    • Sayre-McCord 2023, Lead Section, § 4. Is/Ought and the Open Question Argument
  121. ^
    • DeLapp, Lead Section, § 6. Epistemological Issues in Metaethics
    • Sayre-McCord 2023, Lead Section, § 5. Moral Epistemology
  122. ^
    • DeLapp, Lead Section, § 5. Psychology and Metaethics, 7. Anthropological Considerations
    • Sayre-McCord 2023, Lead Section, § 6. Morals, Motives, and Reasons, § 7. Freedom and Responsibility
  123. ^
  124. ^ O'Neill 2013, pp. 423–424
  125. ^
  126. ^ a b
  127. ^
  128. ^ Miller 2023, pp. 4–5
  129. ^
  130. ^
  131. ^
  132. ^ a b
  133. ^ DeLapp, § 4a. Moral Realisms
  134. ^
  135. ^
  136. ^
  137. ^ Dreier 2007, pp. 240–241
  138. ^
  139. ^ Dreier 2007, p. 241
  140. ^
  141. ^ Dreier 2007, pp. 241–242
  142. ^
    • Lutz 2023, Lead Section, § 1. What Is Moral Naturalism?
    • DeLapp, § 4a. Moral Realisms
  143. ^
    • Lutz 2023, § 1. What Is Moral Naturalism?, § 2. Descriptivism and Reductivism
    • DeLapp, § 4a. Moral Realisms
  144. ^
  145. ^
  146. ^
  147. ^ Miller 2023, pp. 14–15
  148. ^
  149. ^ a b
  150. ^
  151. ^
  152. ^
  153. ^
  154. ^
  155. ^ Rosati 2016, Lead Section, § 3. Moral Judgment and Motivation
  156. ^
  157. ^
  158. ^
  159. ^
  160. ^
  161. ^ Hirose & Olson 2015, pp. 1–2
  162. ^ Kupperman 2005, pp. 73–74
  163. ^
  164. ^
  165. ^
  166. ^ Puka, Lead Section, § 1. What It Is
  167. ^
  168. ^
  169. ^
  170. ^
  171. ^ Monzon 2012, p. 208
  172. ^
  173. ^
  174. ^
  175. ^
  176. ^
    • Perrett 2016, Indian Philosophy: A Brief Historical Overview, The Ancient Period of Indian Philosophy
    • Tebbit 2013, p. 400
  177. ^
  178. ^
  179. ^
  180. ^
  181. ^
  182. ^
  183. ^
  184. ^
  185. ^
  186. ^
  187. ^
  188. ^
  189. ^
  190. ^
  191. ^ Norman 2005, p. 626
  192. ^
  193. ^
  194. ^
  195. ^
  196. ^ Norman 2005, p. 627
  197. ^
    • Das 2021, pp. 118–119
    • Wenar 2021, § 4. Justice as Fairness: Justice Within a Liberal Society
  198. ^ Abelson & Nielsen 2006, pp. 421–422
  199. ^ Abelson & Nielsen 2006, pp. 426–428
  200. ^

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ethics, other, uses, disambiguation, moral, philosophy, philosophical, study, moral, phenomena, investigates, normative, questions, about, what, people, ought, which, behavior, morally, right, usually, divided, into, three, major, fields, normative, ethics, ap. For other uses see Ethics disambiguation Ethics or moral philosophy is the philosophical study of moral phenomena It investigates normative questions about what people ought to do or which behavior is morally right It is usually divided into three major fields normative ethics applied ethics and metaethics Ethics is concerned with the moral status of entities for example whether an act is obligatory or prohibited 1 Normative ethics discovers and justifies universal principles that govern how people should act in any situation According to consequentialists an act is right if it leads to the best consequences Deontologists hold that morality consists in fulfilling duties like telling the truth and keeping promises Virtue theorists see the manifestation of virtues like courage and compassion as the fundamental principle of morality Applied ethics examines concrete ethical problems in real life situations for example by exploring the moral implications of the universal principles discovered in normative ethics within a specific domain Bioethics studies moral issues associated with living organisms including humans animals and plants Business ethics investigates how ethical principles apply to corporations while professional ethics focuses on what is morally required of members of different professions Metaethics is a metatheory that examines the underlying assumptions and concepts of ethics It asks whether moral facts have mind independent existence whether moral statements can be true how it is possible to acquire moral knowledge and how moral judgments motivate people Ethics is closely connected to value theory which studies what value is and what types of value there are Moral psychology is a related empirical field and investigates psychological processes involved in morality such as moral reasoning and the formation of moral character Descriptive ethics provides value neutral descriptions of the dominant moral codes and beliefs in different societies and considers their historical dimension The history of ethics started in the ancient period with the development of ethical principles and theories in ancient Egypt India China and Greece This period saw the emergence of ethical teachings associated with Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Daoism and contributions of philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle During the medieval period ethical thought was strongly influenced by religious teachings In the modern period this focus shifted to a more secular approach concerned with moral experience practical reason and the consequences of actions An influential development in the 20th century was the emergence of metaethics Contents 1 Definition 2 Normative ethics 2 1 Consequentialism 2 1 1 Types 2 1 2 Utilitarianism 2 2 Deontology 2 2 1 Agent centered and patient centered 2 2 2 Kantianism 2 2 3 Divine command theory contractualism and discourse ethics 2 3 Virtue ethics 2 4 Others 3 Applied ethics 3 1 Bioethics 3 2 Business and professional ethics 3 3 Others 4 Metaethics 4 1 Basic concepts 4 2 Realism relativism and nihilism 4 2 1 Naturalism and non naturalism 4 3 Cognitivism and non cognitivism 4 4 Moral knowledge 4 5 Moral motivation 5 Related fields 5 1 Value theory 5 2 Moral psychology 5 3 Descriptive ethics 6 History 7 See also 8 References 8 1 Notes 8 2 Citations 8 3 Sources 9 External linksDefinition edit nbsp According to Aristotle how to lead a good life is one of the central questions of ethics 2 Ethics also referred to as moral philosophy is the study of moral phenomena It is one of the main branches of philosophy and investigates the nature of morality and the principles that govern the moral evaluation of conduct character traits and institutions It examines what obligations people have what behavior is right and wrong and how to lead a good life Some of its key questions are How should one live and What gives meaning to life 3 The domain of morality is a normative field governing what people ought to do rather than what they actually do what they want to do or what social conventions require As a rational and systematic field of inquiry ethics studies practical reasons why people should act one way rather than another Most ethical theories seek universal principles that express a general standpoint of what is objectively right and wrong 4 In a slightly different sense the term ethics can also refer to individual ethical theories in the form of a rational system of moral principles such as Aristotelian ethics and to a moral code that certain societies social groups or professions follow as in Protestant work ethic and medical ethics 5 The terms ethics and morality are usually used interchangeably but some philosophers draw a distinction between the two According to one view morality is restricted to the question of what moral obligations people have while ethics is a wider term that takes additional considerations into account such as what is good or how to lead a meaningful life Another difference is that codes of conduct pertaining to specific areas such as the business and environment are usually termed ethics rather than morality as in business ethics and environmental ethics 6 As a philosophical discipline ethics is usually divided into normative ethics applied ethics and metaethics Normative ethics tries to find and justify universal principles of moral conduct Applied ethics examines the consequences of those principles in specific domains of practical life Metaethics is a metatheory that studies underlying assumptions and concepts such as what the nature of morality is and whether moral judgments can be objectively true 7 The English word ethics has its roots in the Ancient Greek word ethos ἦ8os meaning character personal disposition This word gave rise to the Ancient Greek word ethikos ἠ8ikos which was translated into Latin as ethica and entered the English language in the 15th century through the Old French term ethique 8 Normative ethics editMain article Normative ethics Normative ethics is the philosophical study of ethical conduct and investigates the fundamental principles of morality It asks questions like How should one live and How should people act Its main goal is to discover and justify general answers to these questions To do so it usually seeks universal or domain independent principles that determine whether an act is right or wrong 9 For example given the particular impression that it is wrong to set a child on fire for fun normative ethics aims to find more general principles that explain why this is the case like the principle that one should not cause extreme suffering to the innocent which may itself be explained in terms of a more general principle 10 Many theories of normative ethics aim additionally to guide behavior by helping people make moral decisions 11 Theories in normative ethics state how people should act or what kind of behavior is correct They do not aim to describe how people normally act what moral beliefs ordinary people have how these beliefs change over time or what ethical codes are upheld in certain social groups These topics belong to descriptive ethics and are studied in fields like anthropology sociology and history rather than normative ethics 12 Another contrast is with applied ethics which investigates right moral conduct within a specific domain rather than general moral principles studied by normative ethics 13 Some systems of normative ethics arrive at a single principle that covers all possible cases while others encompass a small set of basic rules that address all or at least the most important moral considerations 14 One difficulty for systems with several basic principles is that these principles may in some cases conflict with each other and lead to ethical dilemmas 15 Different theories in normative ethics suggest different principles as the foundation of morality The three most influential schools of thought are consequentialism deontology and virtue ethics 16 These schools are usually presented as exclusive alternatives but depending on how they are defined they can overlap and do not necessarily exclude one another 17 In some cases they differ concerning which acts they see as right or wrong In other cases they recommend the same course of action but provide different justifications for why it is right 18 Consequentialism edit Main article Consequentialism Consequentialism also referred to as teleological ethics 19 a holds that morality depends on consequences According to the most common view an act is right if it brings about the best future This means that there is no alternative course of action that has better consequences 21 A key aspect of consequentialist theories is that they provide a characterization of what is good and then define what is right in terms of what is good 22 Consequentialists usually understand the consequences of an action in a very wide sense that includes the totality of its effects This is based on the idea that actions make a difference to the world by bringing about a causal chain of events that would not have existed otherwise 23 A core intuition behind consequentialism is that what matters is not the past but the future and that it should be shaped to result in the best possible outcome 24 The act itself is usually not seen as part of the consequences This means that if an act has intrinsic value and disvalue it is not included as a relevant factor Some consequentialists try to avoid this complication by including the act itself as part of the consequences A related approach is to characterize consequentialism not in terms of consequences but in terms of outcomes with outcome being defined as the act together with its consequences 25 Most forms of consequentialism are agent neutral This means that the value of consequences is assessed from a neutral perspective i e acts should have consequences that are good in general and not just good for the agent It is controversial whether agent relative moral theories like ethical egoism should be considered as types of consequentialism 26 Types edit There are many different types of consequentialism They differ from each other based on what type of entity they evaluate how they determine whether a consequence is good and what consequences they take into consideration 27 Most theories assess the moral value of acts However consequentialism can also be used to evaluate motives character traits rules and policies 28 Many consequentialists assess the value of consequences based on whether they promote happiness or suffering But there are also alternative evaluative principles such as desire satisfaction autonomy freedom knowledge friendship beauty and self perfection 29 Some forms of consequentialism hold that there is only a single source of value 30 The most prominent among them is utilitarianism which states that the moral value of acts only depends on the pleasure they cause 31 An alternative approach is to hold that there are many different sources of value According to this view all sources of value contribute to one overall value 30 Traditionally consequentialists were only concerned with the sum total of value or the aggregate good A more recently developed view is that the distribution of value also matters It states for example that an equal distribution of goods is better than an unequal distribution even if the aggregate good is the same 32 There are various disagreements about what consequences should be assessed An important distinction is between act and rule consequentialism According to act consequentialism the consequences of an act determine the moral value of this act This means that there is a direct relation between the consequences of an act and its moral value Rule consequentialism by contrast holds that an act is right if it follows a certain set of rules Rule consequentialism uses considerations of consequences to determine which rules should be followed people should follow the rules that have the best consequences in a community that accepts them This implies that the relation between an act and its consequences is indirect For example if a prohibition to lie is part of the best rules then according to rule consequentialism a person should not lie even in a particular case where lying would result in the best possible consequences 33 Another disagreement on the level of consequences is between actual and expected consequentialism According to the traditional view only the actual consequences of an act affect its moral value One difficulty of this view is that many consequences cannot be known in advance This means that in some cases even well planned and intentioned acts are morally wrong if they inadvertently lead to negative outcomes An alternative perspective states that what matters are not the actual consequences but the expected consequences This view takes into account that when deciding what to do people have to rely on their very limited knowledge of the total consequences of their actions According to this view a course of action has positive moral value despite leading to an overall negative outcome if it had the highest expected value for example because the negative outcome could not be anticipated or was very unlikely 34 Another difference is between maximizing and satisficing consequentialism According to maximizing consequentialism only the best possible act is morally permitted This means that acts with positive consequences are wrong if there are alternatives with even better consequences One criticism of maximizing consequentialism is that it demands too much by requiring that people do significantly more than they are socially expected to For example if the best action for someone with a good salary would be to donate 70 of their income to charity it would be morally wrong for them to only donate 65 Satisficing consequentialism by contrast only requires that an act is good enough even if it is not the best possible alternative According to this view it is possible to do more than one is morally required to do a state known as supererogation 35 Mohism in ancient Chinese philosophy is one of the earliest forms of consequentialism It argues that political action should promote justice as a means to increase the welfare of the people 36 Utilitarianism edit Main article Utilitarianism The most well known form of consequentialism is utilitarianism In its classical form it is an act consequentialism that sees happiness as the only source of intrinsic value This means that an act is morally right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number by increasing happiness and reducing suffering Utilitarians do not deny that other things also have value like health friendship and knowledge However they deny that these things have intrinsic value Instead they hold that they have extrinsic value because they affect happiness and suffering In this regard they are desirable as a means but unlike happiness not desirable as an end 37 The view that pleasure is the only thing with intrinsic value is called ethical or evaluative hedonism 38 nbsp nbsp Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are the founding fathers of utilitarianism Utilitarianism was initially formulated by Jeremy Bentham and further developed by John Stuart Mill Bentham introduced the hedonic calculus to assess the value of consequences Two key aspects of the hedonic calculus are the intensity and the duration of pleasure According to this view a pleasurable experience has a high value if it has a high intensity and lasts for a long time Some critics of Bentham s utilitarianism argued that it is a philosophy of swine whose focus on the intensity of pleasure promotes an immoral lifestyle centered around indulgence in sensory pleasures Mill responded to this criticism by distinguishing between higher and lower pleasures He stated that higher pleasures like the intellectual pleasure of reading a book are more valuable than lower pleasures like the sensory pleasure of food and drink even if their intensity and duration are the same 39 Today there are many variations of utilitarianism including the difference between act and rule utilitarianism and between maximizing and satisficing utilitarianism 40 Deontology edit Main article Deontology Deontology assesses the moral rightness of actions based on a set of norms or principles These norms describe certain requirements or duties that all actions need to follow 41 They may include requirements like to tell the truth keep promises and not intentionally harm others 42 Unlike consequentialists deontologists hold that the validity of general moral principles does not depend on their consequences They state that these principles should be followed in every case since they express how actions are inherently right or wrong For example according to David Ross it is wrong to break a promise even if no harm comes from it 43 In this regard deontologists often allow that there is a gap between what is right and what is good 22 Many tend to follow a negative approach by holding that certain acts are forbidden under any circumstances 44 Agent centered and patient centered edit Agent centered deontological theories focus on the role of moral agency and following one s duties They are often interested in the motives and intentions for which people act and emphasize the importance of doing something for the right reasons They are often agent relative meaning that the reasons for which people should act depend on personal circumstances For example a parent has a special obligation to their child while a stranger does not have this kind of obligation toward a child they do not know Patient centered theories by contrast emphasize the rights of the people affected by the action An example is the requirement to treat other people as ends and not merely as a means to an end 45 This requirement can be used to argue for example that it is wrong to kill a person against their will even if this act would save the life of several others Patient centered deontological theories are usually agent neutral meaning that they apply equally to everyone in a situation regardless of their specific role or position 46 Kantianism edit Main article Kantian ethics Immanuel Kant is one of the most well known deontologists 47 He insists that moral action should not be guided by situation dependent means end reasoning to achieve some kind of fixed good such as happiness Instead he argues that there are certain moral principles that apply to every situation independent of means end relations Kant uses the term categorical imperative for these principles and holds that they are non empirical and universal laws that have their source in the structure of practical reason and apply to all rational agents According to Kant to act morally is to act in accordance with reason as expressed by these principles 48 He sees immoral actions as irrational by going against the fundamental principles of practical reason 49 Kant provided several formulations of the categorical imperative One emphasizes the universal nature of reason and states that people should only follow maxims that could become universal laws applicable to everyone This means that the person would want everyone else also to follow this maxim Another formulation states that one should treat other people always as ends in themselves and never as mere means to an end This formulation focuses on respecting and valuing other people for their own sake rather than using them in the pursuit of personal goals 50 In either case Kant holds that what matters is to have a good will A person has a good will if they respect the moral law and form their intentions and motives in accordance with it According to Kant actions motivated in such a way are unconditionally good meaning that they are good even in cases where they result in undesirable consequences 51 Divine command theory contractualism and discourse ethics edit Main articles Divine command theory Contractualism and Discourse ethics Divine command theory sees God as the source of morality It states that moral laws are divine commands and that to act morally is to obey and follow God s will While all divine command theorists agree that morality depends on God there are disagreements about the precise content of the divine commands and theorists belonging to different religions tend to propose different moral laws 52 For example Christian and Jewish divine command theorists may argue that the Ten Commandments express God s will 53 while Muslims may reserve this role for the teachings of the Quran 54 Contractualists reject the reference to God as the source of morality and argue instead that morality is based on an explicit or implicit social contract between humans They state that actual or hypothetical consent to this contract is the source of moral norms and duties To determine which duties people have contractualists often rely on a thought experiment about what rational people under ideal circumstances would agree on For example if they would agree that people should not lie then there is a moral obligation to refrain from lying Because of its reliance on consent contractualism is often understood as a patient centered form of deontology 55 b nbsp According to discourse ethics as formulated by Jurgen Habermas moral norms are justified by a rational discourse within society Discourse ethics also focuses on social agreement on moral norms but holds that this agreement is based on communicative rationality It aims to arrive at moral norms for pluralistic modern societies that encompass a diversity of viewpoints A universal moral norm is seen as valid if all rational discourse participants do or would approve This way morality is not imposed by a single moral authority but arises from the moral discourse within society This discourse should follow certain requirements characteristic of an ideal speech situation One of its key aspects is that discourse participants are free to voice their different opinions without coercion but are at the same time required to justify them using rational argumentation 57 Virtue ethics edit Main article Virtue ethics The main concern of virtue ethics is how virtues are expressed in actions As such it is neither directly interested in the consequences of actions nor in universal moral duties 58 Virtues are positive character traits like honesty courage kindness and compassion They are usually understood as dispositions to feel decide and act in a certain manner by being wholeheartedly committed to this manner Virtues contrast with vices which are their harmful counterparts 59 Virtue theorists usually hold that the mere possession of virtues by itself is not sufficient Instead people should manifest virtues in their actions An important factor in this regard is the practical wisdom also referred to as phronesis of knowing when how and which virtue to express For example a lack of practical wisdom may lead courageous people to perform morally wrong actions by taking unnecessary risks that should better be avoided 60 Different types of virtue ethics differ concerning how they understand virtues and their role in practical life Eudaimonism is the classical view and draws a close relation between virtuous behavior and happiness It states that people flourish by living a virtuous life Eudaimonist theories often hold that virtues are positive potentials residing in human nature and that actualizing these potentials results in leading a good and happy life 61 Agent based theories by contrast see happiness only as a side effect and focus instead on the motivational and dispositional characteristics that are expressed while acting This is often combined with the idea that one can learn from exceptional individuals what those characteristics are 61 Feminist ethics of care are another form of virtue ethics They emphasize the importance of interpersonal relationships and hold that benevolence by caring for the well being of others is one of the key virtues 62 nbsp Philippa Foot was one of the philosophers responsible for the revival of virtue ethics in the 20th century Influential schools of virtue ethics in ancient philosophy were Aristotelianism and Stoicism According to Aristotle each virtue is a golden mean between two types of vices excess and deficiency For example courage is a virtue that lies between the deficient state of cowardice and the excessive state of recklessness Aristotle held that virtuous action leads to happiness and makes people flourish in life 63 The Stoics believed that people can achieve happiness through virtue alone They stated that people are happy if they are in a peaceful state of mind that is free from emotional disturbances They advocated rationality and self mastery to achieve this state 64 In the 20th century virtue ethics experienced a resurgence thanks to philosophers such as Elizabeth Anscombe Philippa Foot Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha Nussbaum 65 Others edit There are many other schools of normative ethics in addition to the three main traditions Pragmatist ethics focuses on the role of practice and holds that one of the key tasks of ethics is to solve practical problems in concrete situations It has certain similarities to utilitarianism and its focus on consequences but concentrates more on how morality is embedded in and relative to social and cultural contexts Pragmatists tend to give more importance to habits than to conscious deliberation and understand morality as a habit that should be shaped in the right way 66 Postmodern ethics agrees with pragmatist ethics about the cultural relativity of morality It rejects the idea that there are objective moral principles that apply universally to all cultures and traditions It asserts that there is no one coherent ethical code since morality itself is irrational and humans are morally ambivalent beings 67 nbsp The practices of compassion and loving kindness are key elements of Buddhist ethics Ethical egoism is the view that people should act in their self interest or that an action is morally right if the person acts for their own benefit It differs from psychological egoism which states that people actually follow their self interest without claiming that they should do so Ethical egoists may act in accordance with commonly accepted moral expectations and benefit other people for example by keeping promises helping friends and cooperating with others However they do so only as a means to promote their self interest Ethical egoism is often criticized as an immoral and contradictory position 68 Normative ethics has a central place in most religions Key aspects of Jewish ethics are to follow the 613 commandments of God according to the Mitzvah duty found in the Torah and to take responsibility for societal welfare 69 Christian ethics puts less emphasis on following precise laws and teaches instead the practice of self less love such as the Great Commandment to love your neighbor as yourself 70 The Five Pillars of Islam constitute a basic framework of Muslim ethics and focus on the practice of faith prayer charity fasting during Ramadan and pilgrimage to Mecca 71 Buddhists emphasize the importance of compassion and loving kindness towards all sentient entities 72 A similar outlook is found in Jainism which has non violence as its principal virtue 73 Duty is a central aspect of Hindu ethics and is about fulfilling social obligations which may vary depending on a person s social class and stage of life 74 Confucianism places great emphasis on harmony in society and sees benevolence as a key virtue 75 Taoism extends the importance of living in harmony to the whole world and teaches that people should practice effortless action by following the natural flow of the universe 76 Applied ethics editMain article Applied ethics Applied ethics also known as practical ethics 77 is the branch of ethics and applied philosophy that examines concrete moral problems encountered in real life situations Unlike normative ethics it is not concerned with discovering or justifying universal ethical principles Instead it studies how those principles can be applied to specific domains of practical life what consequences they have in these fields and whether other considerations are relevant 78 nbsp One of the difficulties of applied ethics is to determine how to apply general ethical principles to concrete practical situations like medical procedures One of the main challenges of applied ethics is to breach the gap between abstract universal theories and their application to concrete situations For example an in depth understanding of Kantianism or utilitarianism is usually not sufficient to decide how to analyze the moral implications of a medical procedure One reason is that it may not be clear how the procedure affects the Kantian requirement of respecting everyone s personhood and what the consequences of the procedure are in terms of the greatest good for the greatest number 79 This difficulty is particularly relevant to applied ethicists who employ a top down methodology by starting from universal ethical principles and applying them to particular cases within a specific domain 80 A different approach is to use a bottom up methodology which relies on many observations of particular cases to arrive at an understanding of the moral principles relevant to this particular domain 81 In either case inquiry into applied ethics is often triggered by ethical dilemmas to solve cases in which a person is subject to conflicting moral requirements 82 Applied ethics covers issues pertaining to both the private sphere like right conduct in the family and close relationships and the public sphere like moral problems posed by new technologies and international duties toward future generations 83 Major branches include bioethics business ethics and professional ethics There are many other branches and their domains of inquiry often overlap 84 Bioethics edit Main article Bioethics Bioethics is a wide field that covers moral problems associated with living organisms and biological disciplines 85 A key problem in bioethics concerns the moral status of entities and to what extent this status depends on features such as consciousness being able to feel pleasure and pain rationality and personhood These differences concern for example how to treat non living entities like rocks and non sentient entities like plants in contrast to animals and whether humans have a different moral status than other animals 86 According to anthropocentrism only humans have a basic moral status This implies that all other entities only have a derivative moral status to the extent that they affect human life Sentientism by contrast extends an inherent moral status to all sentient beings Further positions include biocentrism which also covers non sentient lifeforms and ecocentrism which states that all of nature has a basic moral status 87 Bioethics is relevant to various aspects of life and to many professions It covers a wide range of moral problems associated with topics like abortion cloning stem cell research euthanasia suicide animal testing intensive animal farming nuclear waste and air pollution 88 Bioethics can be divided into medical ethics animal ethics and environmental ethics based on whether the ethical problems relate to humans other animals or nature in general 89 Medical ethics is the oldest branch of bioethics and has its origins in the Hippocratic Oath which establishes ethical guidelines for medical practitioners like a prohibition to harm the patient 90 A central topic in medical ethics concerns issues associated with the beginning and the end of life One debate focuses on the question of whether a fetus is a full fledged person with all the rights associated with this status For example some proponents of this view argue that abortion is a form of murder 91 In relation to the end of life there are ethical dilemmas concerning whether a person has a right to end their own life in cases of terminal illness and whether a medical practitioner may assist them in doing so 92 Other topics in medical ethics include medical confidentiality informed consent research on human beings organ transplantation and access to healthcare 90 nbsp Harm done to animals is a particular concern in animal ethics for example as a result of intensive animal farming Animal ethics examines how humans should treat other animals An influential consideration in this field emphasizes the importance of animal welfare while arguing that humans should avoid or minimize the harm done to animals There is wide agreement that it is wrong to torture animals for fun The situation is more complicated in cases where harm is inflicted on animals as a side effect of the pursuit of human interests This happens for example during factory farming when using animals as food and for research experiments on animals 93 A key topic in animal ethics is the formulation of animal rights Animal rights theorists assert that animals have a certain moral status and that humans have an obligation to respect this status when interacting with them 94 Examples of suggested animal rights include the right to life the right to be free from unnecessary suffering and the right to natural behavior in a suitable environment 95 Environmental ethics deals with moral problems relating to the natural environment including animals plants natural resources and ecosystems In its widest sense it also covers the whole biosphere and the cosmos 96 In the domain of agriculture this concerns questions like under what circumstances it is acceptable to clear the vegetation of an area to use it for farming and the implications of using genetically modified crops 97 On a wider scale environmental ethics addresses the problem of global warming and how people are responsible for this both on an individual and a collective level Environmental ethicists often promote sustainable practices and policies directed at protecting and conserving ecosystems and biodiversity 98 Business and professional ethics edit Main articles Business ethics and Professional ethics Business ethics examines the moral implications of business conduct and investigates how ethical principles apply to corporations and organizations 99 A key topic is corporate social responsibility which is the responsibility of corporations to act in a manner that benefits society at large Corporate social responsibility is a complex issue since many stakeholders are directly and indirectly involved in corporate decisions such as the CEO the board of directors and the shareholders A closely related topic concerns the question of whether corporations themselves and not just their stakeholders have moral agency 100 Business ethics further examines the role of truthfulness honesty and fairness in business practices as well as the moral implications of bribery conflict of interest protection of investors and consumers worker s rights ethical leadership and corporate philanthropy 99 Professional ethics is a closely related field that studies ethical principles applying to members of a specific profession like engineers medical doctors lawyers and teachers It is a diverse field since different professions often have different responsibilities 101 Principles applying to many professions include that the professional has the required expertise for the intended work and that they have personal integrity and are trustworthy Further principles are to serve the interest of their target group follow client confidentiality and respect and uphold the client s rights such as informed consent 102 More precise requirements often vary between professions A cornerstone of engineering ethics is to protect the public s safety health and well being 103 Legal ethics emphasizes the importance of respect for justice personal integrity and confidentiality 104 Key factors in journalism ethics include accuracy truthfulness independence and impartiality as well as proper attribution to avoid plagiarism 105 Others edit Many other fields of applied ethics are discussed in the academic literature Communication ethics covers moral principles in relation to communicative conduct Two key issues in it are freedom of speech and speech responsibility Freedom of speech concerns the ability to articulate one s opinions and ideas without the threats of punishment and censorship Speech responsibility is about being accountable for the consequences of communicative action and inaction 106 A closely related field is information ethics which focuses on the moral implications of creating controlling disseminating and using information 107 nbsp Nuclear ethics address the moral implications of nuclear technology such as atom bombs The ethics of technology has implications for both communication ethics and information ethics in regard to communication and information technologies In its widest sense it examines the moral issues associated with any artifacts created and used for instrumental means from simple artifacts like spears to high tech computers and nanotechnology 108 Central topics in the ethics of technology include the risks associated with creating new technologies their responsible use and questions surrounding the issue of human enhancement through technological means such as prosthetic limbs performance enhancing drugs and genetic enhancement 109 Important subfields include computer ethics ethics of artificial intelligence machine ethics ethics of nanotechnology and nuclear ethics 110 The ethics of war investigates moral problems in relation to war and violent conflicts According to just war theory waging war is morally justified if it fulfills certain conditions They are commonly divided into requirements concerning the cause to initiate violent activities such as self defense and the way those violent activities are conducted such as avoiding excessive harm to civilians in the pursuit of legitimate military targets 111 Military ethics is a closely related field that is interested in the conduct of military personnel It governs questions of the circumstances under which they are permitted to kill enemies destroy infrastructure and put the lives of their own troops at risk 112 Additional topics are recruitment training and discharge of military personnel as well as the procurement of military equipment 113 Further fields of applied ethics include political ethics which examines the moral dimensions of political decisions 114 educational ethics which covers ethical issues related to proper teaching practices 115 and sexual ethics which addresses the moral implications of sexual behavior 116 Metaethics editMain article Metaethics Metaethics is the branch of ethics that examines the nature foundations and scope of moral judgments concepts and values It is not interested in what actions are right or wrong but in what it means for an action to be right or wrong and whether moral judgments are objective and can be true at all It further examines the meaning of morality and moral terms 117 Metaethics is a metatheory that operates on a higher level of abstraction than normative ethics by investigating its underlying background assumptions Metaethical theories usually do not directly take substantive positions regarding normative ethical theories but they can influence them nonetheless by questioning the foundational principles on which they rest 118 Metaethics overlaps with various branches of philosophy On the level of ontology it is concerned with the metaphysical status of moral values and principles 119 In relation to semantics it asks what the meaning of moral terms is and whether moral statements have a truth value 120 The epistemological side of metaethics discusses whether and how people can acquire moral knowledge 121 Metaethics further covers psychological and anthropological considerations in regard to how moral judgments motivate people to act and how to explain cross cultural differences in moral assessments 122 Basic concepts edit Metaethics examines basic ethical concepts and their relations Ethics is concerned with normative statements about what ought to be the case in contrast to descriptive statements which are about what is the case 123 Duties and obligations express requirements of what people ought to do 124 Duties are sometimes defined as counterparts of the rights that always accompany them According to this view someone has a duty to benefit another person if this other person has the right to receive that benefit 125 Obligation and permission are contrasting terms that can be defined through each other to be obligated to do something means that one is not permitted not to do it and to be permitted to do something means that one is not obligated not to do it 126 c Some theorists define obligations in terms of values such as the good When used in a general sense good contrasts with bad In relation to people and their intentions the term evil rather than bad is often employed 127 Obligations are used to assess the moral status of actions motives and character traits 128 An action is morally right if it is in tune with the obligations and morally wrong if it violates the obligations 129 Supererogation is a special moral status that applies to cases in which the agent does more than is morally required of them 130 To be morally responsible for an action usually means that the person possessed and exercised certain capacities or some form of control People who are morally responsible deserve evaluative attitudes from others such as praise or blame 131 Realism relativism and nihilism edit A key debate in metaethics concerns the ontological status of morality and encompasses the question of whether ethical values and principles form part of reality It examines whether moral properties exist as objective features independent of the human mind and culture rather than as subjective constructs or expressions of personal preferences and cultural norms 132 Moral realists accept the claim that there are objective moral facts This view implies that moral values are mind independent aspects of reality and that there is an absolute fact about whether a given action is right or wrong A consequence of this view is that moral requirements have the same ontological status as non moral facts it is an objective fact whether there is an obligation to keep a promise just as there is an objective fact whether a thing has a black color 132 Moral realism is often associated with the claim that there are universal ethical principles that apply equally to everyone 133 It implies that if two people disagree about a moral evaluation then at least one of them is wrong This observation is sometimes taken as an argument against moral realism since moral disagreement is widespread and concerns most fields 134 Moral relativists reject the idea that morality is an objective feature of reality They argue instead that moral principles are human inventions This means that a behavior is not objectively right or wrong but only subjectively right or wrong relative to a certain standpoint Moral standpoints may differ between persons cultures and historical periods 135 For example moral statements like slavery is wrong or suicide is permitted may be true in one culture and false in another 136 This position can be understood in analogy to Einstein s theory of relativity which states that the magnitude of physical properties like mass length and duration depends on the frame of reference of the observer 137 Some moral relativists hold that moral systems are constructed to serve certain goals such as social coordination According to this view different societies and different social groups within a society construct different moral systems based on their diverging purposes 138 A different explanation states that morality arises from moral emotions which people project onto the external world 139 Moral nihilists deny the existence of moral facts They are opposed to both objective moral facts defended by moral realism and subjective moral facts defended by moral relativism They believe that the basic assumptions underlying moral claims are misguided Some moral nihilists like Friedrich Nietzsche conclude from this that anything is allowed A slightly different view emphasizes that moral nihilism is not itself a moral position about what is allowed and prohibited but the rejection of any moral position 140 Moral nihilism agrees with moral relativism that there are different standpoints according to which people judge actions to be right or wrong However it disagrees that this practice involves a form of morality and understands it instead as one among many types of human practices 141 Naturalism and non naturalism edit Main articles Naturalism and Non naturalism An influential debate among moral realists is between naturalism and non naturalism Naturalism states that moral properties are natural properties and are in this respect similar to the natural properties accessible to empirical observation and investigated by the natural sciences like color and shape 142 Some moral naturalists hold that moral properties are a unique and basic type of natural property Another view states that moral properties are real but not a fundamental part of reality and can be reduced to other natural properties for example concerning what causes pleasure and pain 143 Non naturalism accepts that moral properties form part of reality and argues that moral features are not identical or reducible to natural properties This view is usually motivated by the idea that moral properties are unique because they express normative features or what should be the case 144 Proponents of this position often emphasize this uniqueness by claiming that it is a fallacy to define ethics in terms of natural entities or to infer prescriptive from descriptive statements 145 Cognitivism and non cognitivism edit Main articles Cognitivism and Non cognitivism The metaethical debate between cognitivism and non cognitivism belongs to the field of semantics and concerns the meaning of moral statements According to cognitivism moral statements like Abortion is morally wrong and Going to war is never morally justified are truth apt This means that they all have a truth value they are either true or false Cognitivism only claims that moral statements have a truth value but is not interested in which truth value they have It is often seen as the default position since moral statements resemble other statements like Abortion is a medical procedure or Going to war is a political decision which have a truth value 146 The semantic position of cognitivism is closely related to the ontological position of moral realism and philosophers who accept one often accept the other as well An exception is J L Mackie s error theory which combines cognitivism with moral nihilism by claiming that all moral statements are false because there are no moral facts 147 Non cognitivism is the view that moral statements lack a truth value According to this view the statement Murder is wrong is neither true nor false Some non cognitivists claim that moral statements have no meaning at all A different interpretation is that they express other types of meaning contents Emotivism holds that they articulate emotional attitudes According to this view the statement Murder is wrong expresses that the speaker has negative moral attitudes towards murder or dislikes it Prescriptivism by contrast understands moral statements as commands According to this view stating that Murder is wrong expresses a command like Do not commit murder 148 Moral knowledge edit The epistemology of ethics studies whether or how one can know moral truths Foundationalist views state that some moral beliefs are basic and do not require further justification Ethical intuitionism is one foundationalist view that states that humans have a special cognitive faculty through which they can know right from wrong Intuitionists often argue that general moral truths like lying is wrong are self evident and that it is possible to know them a priori without relying on empirical experience A different foundationalist view relies not on general intuitions but on particular observations It holds that if people are confronted with a concrete moral situation they can perceive whether right or wrong conduct was involved 149 In contrast to foundationalists coherentists hold that there are no basic moral beliefs They argue that beliefs form a complex network and mutually support and justify one another According to this view a moral belief can only amount to knowledge if it coheres with the rest of the beliefs in the network 149 Moral skeptics reject the idea that moral knowledge is possible by arguing that people are unable to distinguish between right and wrong behavior Moral skepticism is often criticized based on the claim that it leads to immoral behavior 150 nbsp The trolley problem is a thought experiment about the moral difference between doing and allowing harm Thought experiments are a common methodological device in ethics to decide between competing theories They usually present an imagined situation involving an ethical dilemma and explore how moral intuitions about what behavior is right depend on particular factors in the imagined situation 151 For example in the trolley problem a person can flip a switch to redirect a trolley from one track to another thereby sacrificing the life of one person in order to save five This scenario explores how the difference between doing and allowing harm affects moral obligations 152 Another thought experiment examines the moral implications of abortion by imagining a situation in which a person gets connected without their consent to an ill violinist It explores whether it would be morally permissible to sever the connection within the next nine months even if this would lead to the violinist s death 153 Moral motivation edit On the level of psychology metaethics is interested in how moral beliefs and experiences affect behavior According to motivational internalists there is a direct link between moral judgments and action This means that every judgment about what is right motivates the person to act accordingly For example Socrates defends a strong form of motivational internalism by holding that a person can only perform an evil deed if they are unaware that it is evil Weaker forms of motivational internalism allow that people can act against moral judgments for example because of weakness of the will Motivational externalists accept that people can judge a behavior to be morally required without feeling a reason to engage in it This means that moral judgments do not always provide motivational force The debate between internalism and externalism is relevant for explaining the behavior of psychopaths or sociopaths who fail either to judge that a behavior is wrong or to translate their judgment into action 154 A closely related question is whether moral judgments can provide motivation on their own or need to be accompanied by other mental states such as a desire to act morally 155 Related fields editValue theory edit Main articles Value theory and Axiology Value theory also referred to as axiology d is the philosophical study of value It aims to understand what value is and what types of value there are Further questions include what kinds of things have value and how valuable they are 157 A central distinction is between intrinsic and instrumental value An entity has intrinsic value if it is good in itself or good for its own sake An entity has instrumental value if it is valuable as a means to something else for example by causing something that has intrinsic value 158 Another key topic is about what entities have intrinsic value for example whether pleasure has intrinsic value and whether there are other sources of intrinsic value besides pleasure 159 There are disagreements about the exact relation between value theory and ethics Some philosophers characterize value theory as a subdiscipline of ethics while others see value theory as the broader term that encompasses other fields besides ethics such as aesthetics and political philosophy 160 A different characterization sees the two disciplines as overlapping but distinct fields 161 The term axiological ethics is sometimes used for the discipline studying this overlap i e for the part of ethics that studies values 162 The two disciplines are sometimes distinguished based on their focus ethics is about moral behavior or what is right while value theory is about value or what is good 163 Some ethical theories like consequentialism stand very close to value theory by defining what is right in terms of what is good But this is not true for ethics in general and deontological theories tend to reject the idea that what is good can be used to define what is right 164 Moral psychology edit Main article Moral psychology Moral psychology explores the psychological foundations and processes involved in moral behavior It is an empirical science that studies how humans think and act in moral contexts It is interested in how moral reasoning and judgments take place how moral character forms what sensitivity people have to moral evaluations and how people attribute and react to moral responsibility 165 One of its key topics is moral development or the question of how morality develops on a psychological level from infancy to adulthood 166 According to Lawrence Kohlberg for example children go through different stages of moral development as they understand moral principles first as fixed rules governing reward and punishment then as conventional social norms and later as abstract principles of what is objectively right across societies 167 A closely related question is whether and how people can be taught to act morally 168 Evolutionary ethics is a subfield of moral psychology and sociobiology It explores how evolutionary processes have shaped ethics One of its key ideas is that natural selection is responsible for moral behavior and moral sensitivity It interprets morality as an adaptation to evolutionary pressure that augments fitness by offering a selective advantage 169 Altruism for example can provide benefits to group survival by improving cooperation 170 Descriptive ethics edit Main article Descriptive ethics Descriptive ethics also called comparative ethics 171 studies actually existing moral codes practices and beliefs It investigates and compares moral phenomena in different societies and different groups within a society It aims to provide a value neutral and empirical description without judging or justifying which practices are objectively right For instance the question of how nurses think about the ethical implications of abortion belongs to descriptive ethics Another example is descriptive business ethics which describes ethical standards in the context of business including common practices official policies and employee opinions Descriptive ethics also has a historical dimension by exploring how moral practices and beliefs have changed over time 172 Descriptive ethics is a multidisciplinary field that is covered by disciplines such as anthropology sociology psychology and history Its empirical outlook contrasts with the philosophical inquiry into normative questions such as which ethical principles are correct and how to justify them 173 History editMain article History of ethics nbsp According to Laozi s teachings of Daoism humans should aim to live in harmony with the natural order of the universe The history of ethics studies how moral philosophy has developed and evolved in the course of history 174 It has its origin in the ancient civilizations In ancient Egypt the concept of Maat was used as an ethical principle to guide behavior and maintain order by emphasizing the importance of truth balance and harmony 175 In ancient India the Vedas and Upanishads were written as the foundational texts of Hindu philosophy and discussed the role of duty and the consequences of one s actions 176 Buddhist ethics also originated in ancient India and advocated compassion non violence and the pursuit of enlightenment 177 Ancient China saw the emergence of Confucianism which focuses on moral conduct and self cultivation by acting in accordance with virtues and Daoism which teaches that human behavior should be in harmony with the natural order of the universe 178 In ancient Greece Socrates emphasized the importance of inquiry into what a good life is by critically questioning established ideas and exploring concepts like virtue justice courage and wisdom 179 According to Plato to lead a good life means that the different parts of the soul are in harmony with each other 180 For Aristotle a good life is associated with being happy by cultivating virtues and flourishing 181 The close relation between right action and happiness was also explored by Hellenistic schools of Epicureanism which recommended a simple lifestyle without indulging in sensory pleasures and Stoicism which advocated living in tune with reason and virtue while practicing self mastery and becoming immune to disturbing emotions 182 Ethical thought in the medieval period was strongly influenced by religious teachings Christian philosophers interpreted moral principles as divine commands originating from God 183 Thomas Aquinas developed natural law ethics by claiming that ethical behavior consists in following the laws and order of nature which he believed were created by God 184 In the Islamic world philosophers like Al Farabi and Avicenna synthesized ancient Greek philosophy with the ethical teachings of Islam while emphasizing the harmony between reason and faith 185 In medieval India philosophers like Adi Shankara and Ramanuja saw the practice of spirituality to attain liberation as the highest goal of human behavior 186 nbsp G E Moore s book Principia Ethica was partly responsible for the emergence of metaethics in the 20th century Moral philosophy in the modern period was characterized by a shift toward a secular approach to ethics Thomas Hobbes identified self interest as the primary drive of humans He concluded that it would lead to a war of every man against every man unless a social contract is established to avoid this outcome 187 David Hume thought that only moral sentiments like empathy can motivate ethical actions while he saw reason not as a motivating factor but only as what anticipates the consequences of possible actions 188 Immanuel Kant by contrast saw reason as the source of morality He formulated a deontological theory according to which the ethical value of actions depends on their conformity with moral laws independent of their outcome These laws take the form of categorical imperatives which are universal requirements that apply to every situation 189 Another influential development in this period was the formulation of utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill According to the utilitarian doctrine actions should promote happiness while reducing suffering and the right action is the one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people 190 An important development in 20th century ethics in analytic philosophy was the emergence of metaethics 191 Significant early contributions to this field were made by G E Moore who argued that moral values are essentially different from other properties found in the natural world 192 R M Hare followed this idea in formulating his prescriptivism which states that moral statements are commands that unlike regular judgments are neither true nor false 193 An influential argument for moral realism was made by Derek Parfit who argued that morality concerns objective features of reality that give people reasons to act in one way or another 194 Bernard Williams agreed with the close relation between reasons and ethics but defended a subjective view instead that sees reasons as internal mental states that may or may not reflect external reality 195 Another development in this period was the revival of ancient virtue ethics by philosophers like Philippa Foot 196 In the field of political philosophy John Rawls relied on Kantian ethics to analyze social justice as a form of fairness 197 In continental philosophy phenomenologists such as Max Scheler and Nicolai Hartmann built ethical systems based on the claim that values have objective reality that can be investigated using the phenomenological method 198 Existentialists like Jean Paul Sartre by contrast held that values are created by humans and explored the consequences of this view in relation to individual freedom responsibility and authenticity 199 This period also saw the emergence of feminist ethics which questions traditional ethical assumptions associated with a male perspective and puts alternative concepts like care at the center 200 See also editEffective altruism Ethical movement Index of ethics articles Longtermism Master of Applied Ethics Neuroethics Outline of ethics Practical philosophy Science of morality Trail ethicsReferences editNotes edit Some theorists define teleological ethics as the wider term that also encompasses certain forms of virtue ethics 20 Some ethicists state that contractualism is not a normative ethical theory but a metaethical theory because of its emphasis on how moral norms are justified 56 Deontic logic provides a formal system describing the logical relations between these and similar concepts 126 There are disagreements in the academic literature about whether they are synonyms or whether one or the other is the wider term 156 Citations edit McNamara amp Van De Putte 2022 Lead Section 1 2 The Traditional Scheme and the Modal AnalogiesRibino amp Lodato 2019 p 3 Vogt 2017 pp 42 43Hollenbach 2002 p 3 Norman 2005 p 622Nagel 2006 Lead SectionCrisp 2011 1 Ethics and MetaethicsDeigh 1999 pp 284 285Mulvaney 2009 pp vii xi Nagel 2006 What Is Morality Crisp 2011 1 Ethics and MetaethicsHaiming 2021 pp 1 2Paul amp Elder 2005 Why a Mini Guide on Ethical Reasoning AHD staff 2022Crisp 2011 1 Ethics and MetaethicsDeigh 1999 pp 284 285 Athanassoulis 2012 pp 22 27Downie 2005 p 271Blum 2006 Crisp 2011 1 Ethics and MetaethicsNagel 2006 Lead SectionDittmer 1 Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and Metaethic Hoad 1993 p 156Liddell amp Scott 1889 p 349 Dittmer 1 Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and MetaethicsKagan 1998 pp 1 2Gustafson 2020 pp 1 2Thomas 2022 Kagan 1998 pp 1 3 Barsh amp Lisewski 2013 p 29Kagan 1998 pp 18 19 Sims 2017 p 6Barsh amp Lisewski 2013 p 29Kagan 1998 pp 7 10Sulmasy amp Sugarman 2010 p 11Pera amp Tonder 2005 p 7 Kagan 1998 p 3Dittmer 1 Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and Metaethics Kagan 1998 p 2Gustafsson amp Pietarinen 2016 pp 125 126 Kagan 1998 pp 2 3 Thomas 2022Dittmer 1 Applied Ethics as Distinct from Normative Ethics and MetaethicsKagan 1998 pp 2 11 Crisp 2005 pp 200 201 Hursthouse amp Pettigrove 2023 Lead SectionKagan 1998 p 11 Bunnin amp Yu 2009 p 134 McNaughton amp Rawling 1998 1 Act consequentialism Sinnott Armstrong 2023 Lead SectionHaines Lead SectionHooker 2023 1 Utilitarianism a b Crisp 2005 pp 200 201Alexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil Consequentialism Dorsey 2020 pp 97 98 Sinnott Armstrong 2023 Lead SectionHaines Lead Section Hooker 2005 pp 162 164Zimmerman 2015 p 17 Hooker 2005 pp 162 164Edmundson 2004 p 158Brink 2020 p 382 Sinnott Armstrong 2023 Lead Section Sinnott Armstrong 2023 Lead Section 5 Consequences of What Rights Relativity and RulesHooker 2005 pp 162 164 Haines Lead SectionSinnott Armstrong 2023 Lead Section 3 What Is Good Hedonistic Vs Pluralistic ConsequentialismsAlexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil ConsequentialismHooker 2005 pp 162 164 a b Alexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil Consequentialism Hooker 2005 pp 162 164Alexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil Consequentialism Hooker 2005 pp 162 164Cummiskey 1996 pp 157 158 Sinnott Armstrong 2023 5 Consequences of What Rights Relativity and RulesHooker 2023 Lead SectionHaines 1f Rule ConsequentialismHooker 2005 p 164Alexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil Consequentialism Hooker 2005 pp 162 164Sinnott Armstrong 2023 1 Classic Utilitarianism 4 Which Consequences Actual Vs Expected Consequentialisms Hooker 2005 p 164Slote 2005 pp 938 939Alexander amp Moore 2021 1 Deontology s Foil ConsequentialismSinger 2016 47 48Byron 2004 p 9 Littlejohn 1c Mozi c 470 391 B C E and MohismZhang 2023 p 96 Slote 2005 pp 936 938Sinnott Armstrong 2023 1 Classic Utilitarianism Moore 2019 Lead Section 2 Ethical Hedonism Slote 2005 pp 936 938Morales 2005 p 141Kivy 2011 p 238 Slote 2005 p 938Hooker 2014 p 281 Crisp 2005 pp 200 201Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 Deontological Theories Simpson 6c Deontological Pluralism and Prima Facie DutiesCrisp 2005 pp 200 201 Crisp 2005 pp 200 201Simpson 6c Deontological Pluralism and Prima Facie Duties Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 Deontological TheoriesCrisp 2005 pp 200 201 Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 Deontological TheoriesHale 2017 p 216Kumm amp Walen 2014 p 81 Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 Deontological Theories Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 4 Deontological Theories and Kant Johnson amp Cureton 2022 Lead SectionO Neill 1 Kant s EthicsJankowiak 5 Moral Theory Johnson amp Cureton 2022 Lead Section O Neill 1 Kant s EthicsJankowiak 5 Moral Theory Jankowiak 5 Moral TheoryJohnson amp Cureton 2022 2 Good Will Moral Worth and Duty 3 Duty and Respect for Moral Law Austin Lead SectionMurphy 2019 Lead Section Brown 2004 p 13Flynn 2012 p 167 Flynn 2012 p 167Myers amp Noebel 2015 p 241 Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 3 Contractualist Deontological TheoriesSullivan 2001 p 118Ashford amp Mulgan 2018 Lead Section Alexander amp Moore 2021 2 3 Contractualist Deontological Theories Chakraborti 2023 p 39Metselaar amp Widdershoven 2016 pp 895 896Finlayson amp Rees 2023 3 3 The Principles of Discourse Ethics and Their Justification Slote 2005a pp 947 948Hursthouse amp Pettigrove 2023 Lead Section Hursthouse amp Pettigrove 2023 Lead Section 1 1 VirtueSlote 2005a pp 947 948 Hursthouse amp Pettigrove 2023 1 2 Practical WisdomCaro Marraffa amp Vaccarezza 2021 pp 31 33 a b Hursthouse amp Pettigrove 2023 2 Forms of Virtue EthicsNafsika Athanassoulis 3 Virtue Ethical Theories Nafsika Athanassoulis 3c The Ethics of CareSander Staudt Lead Section Oosthuizen 2002 p 21Kraut 2022 Lead Section 5 The Doctrine of the Mean Stephens Lead SectionCampbell 1985 pp 327 328 Hursthouse 1999 p 3 Peterson 2020 pp 65 66Legg amp Hookway 2021 6 2 EthicsLaFollette 2007 The Primacy of Habits Morality Is a Habit Bauman 1993 pp 8 13Kendall 2017 pp 195 196 Shaver 2023 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2005 ten Have amp Patrao Neves 2021 p 633Elrod amp Smith 2005 Braunack Mayer Street amp Palmer 1998 pp 321 322 Braunack Mayer Street amp Palmer 1998 pp 323 326Robson amp Tsou 2023 pp 16 17 Tzafestas 2015 p 2Mitcham 2022 p 101 Frowe 2021 Lead SectionLazar 2020 Lead Section 3 Jus Ad Bellum 4 Jus in BelloSorabji amp Rodin 2007 pp 2 3 Wolfendale 2007 pp 47 78Baumann 2007 pp 34 35 Fotion 1998 pp 121 123 124 126 Hall amp Sabl 2022 pp 1 2Gay 2006 p 189 Maxwell 2023 pp 609 610 Boonin 2022 p 1 Harrison 2005 pp 588 589DeLapp Lead SectionSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section DeLapp Lead Section 2 The Normative Relevance of MetaethicsSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section 1 General Observations DeLapp Lead Section 4 Ontological Issues in MetaethicsSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section 3 Naturalism and Non naturalism DeLapp Lead Section 3 Semantic Issues in MetaethicsSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section 4 Is Ought and the Open Question Argument DeLapp Lead Section 6 Epistemological Issues in MetaethicsSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section 5 Moral Epistemology DeLapp Lead Section 5 Psychology and Metaethics 7 Anthropological ConsiderationsSayre McCord 2023 Lead Section 6 Morals Motives and Reasons 7 Freedom and Responsibility Miller 2023 pp 1 4Lloyd amp Hansen 2003 p 21 O Neill 2013 pp 423 424 Stoljar 1984 pp 36 37Feibleman 1967 pp 121 122Corbin 1924 pp 501 502 a b McNamara amp Van De Putte 2022 1 2 The Traditional Scheme and the Modal AnalogiesBelzer 1 Standard Deontic Logic SDL Haiming 2021 pp 75 76Miller 2023 pp 4 5Calder 2022 Lead Section Miller 2023 pp 4 5 Pick 2004 pp 159 160Haiming 2021 pp 88 89Miller 2023 pp 5 6 Heyd 2019 Lead SectionMiller 2023 pp 5 6 Talbert 2019 Lead SectionWilliams Lead Section 1 Introduction a b DeLapp Lead Section 4a Moral RealismsSayre McCord 2023a Lead Section DeLapp 4a Moral Realisms Sayre McCord 2023a 1 Moral DisagreementDeLapp 4a Moral Realisms DeLapp 4b Moral RelativismsGowans 2021 Lead Section 2 Forms and ArgumentsWestacott Lead SectionDreier 2007 pp 240 241 Westacott 2g 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