
Ethical egoism

In ethical philosophy, ethical egoism is the normative position that moral agents ought to act in their own self-interest. It differs from psychological egoism, which claims that people can only act in their self-interest. Ethical egoism also differs from rational egoism, which holds that it is rational to act in one's self-interest.[1] Ethical egoism holds, therefore, that actions whose consequences will benefit the doer are ethical.[2]

Ethical egoism contrasts with ethical altruism, which holds that moral agents have an obligation to help others. Egoism and altruism both contrast with ethical utilitarianism,[3] which holds that a moral agent should treat one's self (also known as the subject) with no higher regard than one has for others (as egoism does, by elevating self-interests and "the self" to a status not granted to others). But it also holds that one is not obligated to sacrifice one's own interests (as altruism does) to help others' interests, so long as one's own interests (i.e., one's own desires or well-being) are substantially equivalent to the others' interests and well-being, but they have the choice to do so. Egoism, utilitarianism, and altruism are all forms of consequentialism, but egoism and altruism contrast with utilitarianism, in that egoism and altruism are both agent-focused forms of consequentialism (i.e., subject-focused or subjective). However, utilitarianism is held to be agent-neutral (i.e., objective and impartial): it does not treat the subject's (i.e., the self's, i.e., the moral "agent's") own interests as being more or less important than the interests, desires, or well-being of others.

Ethical egoism does not, however, require moral agents to harm the interests and well-being of others when making moral deliberation; e.g., what is in an agent's self-interest may be incidentally detrimental, beneficial, or neutral in its effect on others. Individualism allows for others' interest and well-being to be disregarded or not, as long as what is chosen is efficacious in satisfying the self-interest of the agent. Nor does ethical egoism necessarily entail that, in pursuing self-interest, one ought always to do what one wants to do; e.g., in the long term, the fulfillment of short-term desires may prove detrimental to the self. Fleeting pleasure, then, takes a back seat to protracted eudaimonia. In the words of James Rachels, "Ethical egoism ... endorses selfishness, but it doesn't endorse foolishness."[4]

Ethical egoism is often used as the philosophical basis for support of right-libertarianism and individualist anarchism.[5] These are political positions based partly on a belief that individuals should not coercively prevent others from exercising freedom of action.

Forms edit

Ethical egoism can be broadly divided into three categories: individual, personal, and universal. An individual ethical egoist would hold that all people should do whatever benefits "my" (the individual's) self-interest; a personal ethical egoist would hold that they should act in their self-interest, but would make no claims about what anyone else ought to do; a universal ethical egoist would argue that everyone should act in ways that are in their self-interest.[6][7]

History edit

Ethical egoism was introduced by the philosopher Henry Sidgwick in his book The Methods of Ethics, written in 1874. Sidgwick compared egoism to the philosophy of utilitarianism, writing that whereas utilitarianism sought to maximize overall pleasure, egoism focused only on maximizing individual pleasure.[8]

Philosophers before Sidgwick have also retroactively been identified as ethical egoists. One ancient example is the philosophy of Yang Zhu (4th century BC), Yangism, who views wei wo, or "everything for myself", as the only virtue necessary for self-cultivation.[9] Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics were exponents of virtue ethics, and "did not accept the formal principle that whatever the good is, we should seek only our own good, or prefer it to the good of others."[8] However, the beliefs of the Cyrenaics have been referred to as a "form of egoistic hedonism",[10] and while some refer to Epicurus' hedonism as a form of virtue ethics, others argue his ethics are more properly described as ethical egoism.[11]

Justifications edit

Philosopher James Rachels, in an essay that takes as its title the theory's name, outlines the three arguments most commonly touted in its favor:[12]

  • "The first argument," writes Rachels, "has several variations, each suggesting the same general point:[13]
    • "Each of us is intimately familiar with our own individual wants and needs. Moreover, each of us is uniquely placed to pursue those wants and needs effectively. At the same time, we know the desires and needs of others only imperfectly, and we are not well situated to pursue them. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that if we set out to be 'our brother's keeper,' we would often bungle the job and end up doing more mischief than good."[4]
    • To give charity to someone is to degrade them, implying as it does that they are reliant on such munificence and quite unable to look out for themselves. "That," reckons Rachels, "is why the recipients of 'charity' are so often resentful rather than appreciative."[14]
  • Altruism, ultimately, denies an individual's value and is therefore destructive both to society and its individual components, viewing life merely as a thing to be sacrificed. Philosopher Ayn Rand is quoted as writing that, "[i]f a man accepts the ethics of altruism, his first concern is not how to live his life but how to sacrifice it."[15] Moreover, "[t]he basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification for his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue or value." Rather, she writes, "[t]he purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live."[16]
  • All of our commonly accepted moral duties, from doing no harm unto others to speaking always the truth to keeping promises, are rooted in the one fundamental principle of self-interest.
  • It has been observed, however, that the very act of eating (especially, when there are others starving in the world) is such an act of self-interested discrimination. Ethical egoists such as Rand who readily acknowledge the (conditional) value of others to an individual, and who readily endorse empathy for others, have argued the exact reverse from Rachels, that it is altruism which discriminates: "If the sensation of eating a cake is a value, then why is it an immoral indulgence in your stomach, but a moral goal for you to achieve in the stomach of others?"[17] It is therefore altruism which is an arbitrary position, according to Rand.

Criticism edit

It has been argued that extreme ethical egoism is self-defeating. Faced with a situation of limited resources, egoists would consume as much of the resource as they could, making the overall situation worse for everybody. Egoists may respond that if the situation becomes worse for everybody, that would include the egoist, so it is not, in fact, in their rational self-interest to take things to such extremes.[18] However, the (unregulated) tragedy of the commons and the (one off) prisoner's dilemma are cases in which, on the one hand, it is rational for an individual to seek to take as much as possible even though that makes things worse for everybody, and on the other hand, those cases are not self-refuting since that behaviour remains rational even though it is ultimately self-defeating, i.e. self-defeating does not imply self-refuting. Egoists might respond that a tragedy of the commons, however, assumes some degree of public land. That is, a commons forbidding homesteading requires regulation. Thus, an argument against the tragedy of the commons, in this belief system, is fundamentally an argument for private property rights and the system that recognizes both property rights and rational self-interest—capitalism.[19] More generally, egoists might say that an increasing respect for individual rights uniquely allows for increasing wealth creation and increasing usable resources despite a fixed amount of raw materials (e.g. the West pre-1776 versus post-1776, East versus West Germany, Hong Kong versus mainland China, North versus South Korea, etc.).[20]

It is not clear how to apply a private ownership model to many examples of "commons", however. Examples include large fisheries, the atmosphere and the ocean.[21][22]

Some perhaps decisive problems with ethical egoism have been pointed out.

One is that an ethical egoist would not want ethical egoism to be universalized: as it would be in the egoist's best self-interest if others acted altruistically towards them, they wouldn't want them to act egoistically; however, that is what they consider to be morally binding. Their moral principles would demand of others not to follow them, which can be considered self-defeating and leads to the question: "How can ethical egoism be considered morally binding if its advocates do not want it to be universally applied?"[23]

Another objection (e.g. by James Rachels) states that the distinction ethical egoism makes between "yourself" and "the rest" – demanding to view the interests of "yourself" as more important – is arbitrary, as no justification for it can be offered; considering that the merits and desires of "the rest" are comparable to those of "yourself" while lacking a justifiable distinction, Rachels concludes that "the rest" should be given the same moral consideration as "yourself".[23][24]

Notable proponents edit

The term ethical egoism has been applied retroactively to philosophers such as Bernard de Mandeville and to many other materialists of his generation, although none of them declared themselves to be egoists. Note that materialism does not necessarily imply egoism, as indicated by Karl Marx, and the many other materialists who espoused forms of collectivism. It has been argued that ethical egoism can lend itself to individualist anarchism such as that of Benjamin Tucker, or the combined anarcho-communism and egoism of Emma Goldman, both of whom were proponents of many egoist ideas put forward by Max Stirner. In this context, egoism is another way of describing the sense that the common good should be enjoyed by all. However, most notable anarchists in history have been less radical, retaining altruism and a sense of the importance of the individual that is appreciable but does not go as far as egoism. Recent trends to greater appreciation of egoism within anarchism tend to come from less classical directions such as post-left anarchy or Situationism (e.g. Raoul Vaneigem). Egoism has also been referenced by anarcho-capitalists, such as Murray Rothbard.

Philosopher Max Stirner, in his book The Ego and Its Own, was the first philosopher to call himself an egoist, though his writing makes clear that he desired not a new idea of morality (ethical egoism), but rather a rejection of morality (amoralism), as a nonexistent and limiting "spook"; for this, Stirner has been described as the first individualist anarchist. Other philosophers, such as Thomas Hobbes and David Gauthier, have argued that the conflicts which arise when people each pursue their own ends can be resolved for the best of each individual only if they all voluntarily forgo some of their aims—that is, one's self-interest is often best pursued by allowing others to pursue their self-interest as well so that liberty is equal among individuals. Sacrificing one's short-term self-interest to maximize one's long-term self-interest is one form of "rational self-interest" which is the idea behind most philosophers' advocacy of ethical egoism. Egoists have also argued that one's actual interests are not immediately obvious, and that the pursuit of self-interest involves more than merely the acquisition of some good, but the maximizing of one's chances of survival and/or happiness.

Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche suggested that egoistic or "life-affirming" behavior stimulates jealousy or "ressentiment" in others, and that this is the psychological motive for the altruism in Christianity. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck similarly considered envy the motive of collective efforts by society to reduce the disproportionate gains of successful individuals through moral or legal constraints, with altruism being primary among these.[25] In addition, Nietzsche (in Beyond Good and Evil) and Alasdair MacIntyre (in After Virtue) have pointed out that the ancient Greeks did not associate morality with altruism in the way that post-Christian Western civilization has done. Aristotle's view is that we have duties to ourselves as well as to other people (e.g. friends) and to the polis as a whole. The same is true for Thomas Aquinas, Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant, who claim that there are duties to ourselves as Aristotle did, although it has been argued that, for Aristotle, the duty to one's self is primary.[26]

Ayn Rand argued that there is a positive harmony of interests among free, rational humans, such that no moral agent can rationally coerce another person consistently with their own long-term self-interest. Rand argued that other people are an enormous value to an individual's well-being (through education, trade and affection), but also that this value could be fully realized only under conditions of political and economic freedom. According to Rand, voluntary trade alone can assure that human interaction is mutually beneficial.[27] Rand's student, Leonard Peikoff has argued that the identification of one's interests itself is impossible absent the use of principles, and that self-interest cannot be consistently pursued absent a consistent adherence to certain ethical principles.[28] Recently, Rand's position has also been defended by such writers as Tara Smith, Tibor Machan, Allan Gotthelf, David Kelley, Douglas Rasmussen, Nathaniel Branden, Harry Binswanger, Andrew Bernstein, and Craig Biddle.

Philosopher David L. Norton identified himself as an "ethical individualist", and, like Rand, saw a harmony between an individual's fidelity to their own self-actualization, or "personal destiny", and the achievement of society's well-being.[29]

See also edit

Footnotes edit

  1. ^ Sanders, Steven M. "Is egoism morally defensible?" Philosophia. Springer Netherlands. Volume 18, Numbers 2–3 / July 1988
  2. ^ Shaver, Robert (2019), "Egoism", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2020-05-27
  3. ^ "Utilitarianism". Ethics Unwrapped. Retrieved 2020-05-27.
  4. ^ a b Rachels 2008, p. 534.
  5. ^ Ridgely, D.A. (August 24, 2008). . Archived from the original on December 2, 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-24.
  6. ^ Waller (2005), p. 81.
  7. ^ Waller (2005), p. 83.
  8. ^ a b Floridi, Luciano; Craig, Edward (1998). "Egoism and Altruism". Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Taylor & Francis. pp. 246–247. ISBN 9780415187091.
  9. ^ Senghaas, Dieter (2002). The clash within civilizations: coming to terms with cultural conflicts. Psychology Press. p. 33. ISBN 978-0-415-26228-6.
  10. ^ "Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Cyrenaics".
  11. ^ Evans, Matthew (2004). "Can Epicureans be friends?". Ancient Philosophy. 24 (2): 407–424. doi:10.5840/ancientphil200424250.
  12. ^ He notes, however, that "the theory is asserted more often than it is argued for. Many of its supporters apparently think its truth is self-evident, so that arguments are not needed." (Rachels 2008, p. 534.)
  13. ^ That is, that regarding and pursuing the interests of others is a self-defeating policy. Rachels quotes Alexander Pope in support of this: "Thus God and nature formed the general frame/And bade self-love and social be the same."
  14. ^ Rachels 2008, p. 534, where it is pointed out that, in the strictest egoistic terms, this is an inconsequential argument. Ethical egoism does not bother itself with how others receive charity, irrespective of how degraded it makes them feel. The same reasoning applies to the previous two bullets, which use self-interest as a means to the end of beneficence, rather than for its own purposes, as the theory would dictate.
  15. ^ Rachels 2008, p. 535, where this argument is attributed to Ayn Rand, "a writer little heeded by professional philosophers but who nevertheless was enormously popular on college campuses in the 1960s and 1970s".
  16. ^ Rand, Ayn, "Faith and Force: Destroyers of the Modern World," Philosophy: Who Needs It, p. 74; Atlas Shrugged, 1957, Random House, p. 1014; "Faith and Force," p. 74.
  17. ^ Rand, Ayn, Atlas Shrugged, 1957, Random House.
  18. ^ ""Ethics"". Britannica
  19. ^ Block, Walter (1998). "Environmentalism and Economic Freedom: The Case for Private Property Rights". Journal of Business Ethics. 17 (16): 1887–1899. doi:10.1023/A:1005941908758. ISSN 0167-4544. JSTOR 25074025. S2CID 17655955.
  20. ^ Julian Simon. "The Ultimate Resource II: People, Materials, and Environment (1996)". Retrieved 2014-03-14.
  21. ^ "" The Challenge of Common-Pool Resources"". Environment Magazine
  22. ^ ""Ten Real-life Examples of the Tragedy of the Commons"". Environmental Science for Dummies
  23. ^ a b "Ethical Egoism". Seven Pillars Institute. Kansas City, Missouri. August 26, 2017. Retrieved 2020-03-20.
  24. ^ Rachels, James (2003). The Elements of Moral Philosophy (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. p. 89. ISBN 0071198768. OCLC 984391934.
  25. ^ Schoeck, Helmut, Der Neid. Eine Theorie der Gesellschaft (Envy. A Theory of Social Behaviour), 1966, 1st English ed. 1969.
  26. ^ Wheeler, Jack, "Rand and Aristotle," in Den Uyl and Rasmussen, The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand, 1986.
  27. ^ Rand, Ayn, The Virtue of Selfishness (1964).
  28. ^ Peikoff, Leonard, "Why Should One Act on Principle?," The Objectivist Forum, 1988, originally delivered at the Ford Hall Forum.
  29. ^ Norton, David, Personal Destinies: A Philosophy of Ethical Individualism, 1976, Princeton University Press.

References edit

External links edit

ethical, egoism, other, forms, egoism, egoism, ethical, philosophy, ethical, egoism, normative, position, that, moral, agents, ought, their, self, interest, differs, from, psychological, egoism, which, claims, that, people, only, their, self, interest, also, d. For other forms of egoism see Egoism In ethical philosophy ethical egoism is the normative position that moral agents ought to act in their own self interest It differs from psychological egoism which claims that people can only act in their self interest Ethical egoism also differs from rational egoism which holds that it is rational to act in one s self interest 1 Ethical egoism holds therefore that actions whose consequences will benefit the doer are ethical 2 Ethical egoism contrasts with ethical altruism which holds that moral agents have an obligation to help others Egoism and altruism both contrast with ethical utilitarianism 3 which holds that a moral agent should treat one s self also known as the subject with no higher regard than one has for others as egoism does by elevating self interests and the self to a status not granted to others But it also holds that one is not obligated to sacrifice one s own interests as altruism does to help others interests so long as one s own interests i e one s own desires or well being are substantially equivalent to the others interests and well being but they have the choice to do so Egoism utilitarianism and altruism are all forms of consequentialism but egoism and altruism contrast with utilitarianism in that egoism and altruism are both agent focused forms of consequentialism i e subject focused or subjective However utilitarianism is held to be agent neutral i e objective and impartial it does not treat the subject s i e the self s i e the moral agent s own interests as being more or less important than the interests desires or well being of others Ethical egoism does not however require moral agents to harm the interests and well being of others when making moral deliberation e g what is in an agent s self interest may be incidentally detrimental beneficial or neutral in its effect on others Individualism allows for others interest and well being to be disregarded or not as long as what is chosen is efficacious in satisfying the self interest of the agent Nor does ethical egoism necessarily entail that in pursuing self interest one ought always to do what one wants to do e g in the long term the fulfillment of short term desires may prove detrimental to the self Fleeting pleasure then takes a back seat to protracted eudaimonia In the words of James Rachels Ethical egoism endorses selfishness but it doesn t endorse foolishness 4 Ethical egoism is often used as the philosophical basis for support of right libertarianism and individualist anarchism 5 These are political positions based partly on a belief that individuals should not coercively prevent others from exercising freedom of action Contents 1 Forms 2 History 3 Justifications 4 Criticism 5 Notable proponents 6 See also 7 Footnotes 8 References 9 External linksForms editEthical egoism can be broadly divided into three categories individual personal and universal An individual ethical egoist would hold that all people should do whatever benefits my the individual s self interest a personal ethical egoist would hold that they should act in their self interest but would make no claims about what anyone else ought to do a universal ethical egoist would argue that everyone should act in ways that are in their self interest 6 7 History editEthical egoism was introduced by the philosopher Henry Sidgwick in his book The Methods of Ethics written in 1874 Sidgwick compared egoism to the philosophy of utilitarianism writing that whereas utilitarianism sought to maximize overall pleasure egoism focused only on maximizing individual pleasure 8 Philosophers before Sidgwick have also retroactively been identified as ethical egoists One ancient example is the philosophy of Yang Zhu 4th century BC Yangism who views wei wo or everything for myself as the only virtue necessary for self cultivation 9 Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato Aristotle and the Stoics were exponents of virtue ethics and did not accept the formal principle that whatever the good is we should seek only our own good or prefer it to the good of others 8 However the beliefs of the Cyrenaics have been referred to as a form of egoistic hedonism 10 and while some refer to Epicurus hedonism as a form of virtue ethics others argue his ethics are more properly described as ethical egoism 11 Justifications editPhilosopher James Rachels in an essay that takes as its title the theory s name outlines the three arguments most commonly touted in its favor 12 The first argument writes Rachels has several variations each suggesting the same general point 13 Each of us is intimately familiar with our own individual wants and needs Moreover each of us is uniquely placed to pursue those wants and needs effectively At the same time we know the desires and needs of others only imperfectly and we are not well situated to pursue them Therefore it is reasonable to believe that if we set out to be our brother s keeper we would often bungle the job and end up doing more mischief than good 4 To give charity to someone is to degrade them implying as it does that they are reliant on such munificence and quite unable to look out for themselves That reckons Rachels is why the recipients of charity are so often resentful rather than appreciative 14 Altruism ultimately denies an individual s value and is therefore destructive both to society and its individual components viewing life merely as a thing to be sacrificed Philosopher Ayn Rand is quoted as writing that i f a man accepts the ethics of altruism his first concern is not how to live his life but how to sacrifice it 15 Moreover t he basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake that service to others is the only justification for his existence and that self sacrifice is his highest moral duty virtue or value Rather she writes t he purpose of morality is to teach you not to suffer and die but to enjoy yourself and live 16 All of our commonly accepted moral duties from doing no harm unto others to speaking always the truth to keeping promises are rooted in the one fundamental principle of self interest It has been observed however that the very act of eating especially when there are others starving in the world is such an act of self interested discrimination Ethical egoists such as Rand who readily acknowledge the conditional value of others to an individual and who readily endorse empathy for others have argued the exact reverse from Rachels that it is altruism which discriminates If the sensation of eating a cake is a value then why is it an immoral indulgence in your stomach but a moral goal for you to achieve in the stomach of others 17 It is therefore altruism which is an arbitrary position according to Rand Criticism editIt has been argued that extreme ethical egoism is self defeating Faced with a situation of limited resources egoists would consume as much of the resource as they could making the overall situation worse for everybody Egoists may respond that if the situation becomes worse for everybody that would include the egoist so it is not in fact in their rational self interest to take things to such extremes 18 However the unregulated tragedy of the commons and the one off prisoner s dilemma are cases in which on the one hand it is rational for an individual to seek to take as much as possible even though that makes things worse for everybody and on the other hand those cases are not self refuting since that behaviour remains rational even though it is ultimately self defeating i e self defeating does not imply self refuting Egoists might respond that a tragedy of the commons however assumes some degree of public land That is a commons forbidding homesteading requires regulation Thus an argument against the tragedy of the commons in this belief system is fundamentally an argument for private property rights and the system that recognizes both property rights and rational self interest capitalism 19 More generally egoists might say that an increasing respect for individual rights uniquely allows for increasing wealth creation and increasing usable resources despite a fixed amount of raw materials e g the West pre 1776 versus post 1776 East versus West Germany Hong Kong versus mainland China North versus South Korea etc 20 It is not clear how to apply a private ownership model to many examples of commons however Examples include large fisheries the atmosphere and the ocean 21 22 Some perhaps decisive problems with ethical egoism have been pointed out One is that an ethical egoist would not want ethical egoism to be universalized as it would be in the egoist s best self interest if others acted altruistically towards them they wouldn t want them to act egoistically however that is what they consider to be morally binding Their moral principles would demand of others not to follow them which can be considered self defeating and leads to the question How can ethical egoism be considered morally binding if its advocates do not want it to be universally applied 23 Another objection e g by James Rachels states that the distinction ethical egoism makes between yourself and the rest demanding to view the interests of yourself as more important is arbitrary as no justification for it can be offered considering that the merits and desires of the rest are comparable to those of yourself while lacking a justifiable distinction Rachels concludes that the rest should be given the same moral consideration as yourself 23 24 Notable proponents editThe term ethical egoism has been applied retroactively to philosophers such as Bernard de Mandeville and to many other materialists of his generation although none of them declared themselves to be egoists Note that materialism does not necessarily imply egoism as indicated by Karl Marx and the many other materialists who espoused forms of collectivism It has been argued that ethical egoism can lend itself to individualist anarchism such as that of Benjamin Tucker or the combined anarcho communism and egoism of Emma Goldman both of whom were proponents of many egoist ideas put forward by Max Stirner In this context egoism is another way of describing the sense that the common good should be enjoyed by all However most notable anarchists in history have been less radical retaining altruism and a sense of the importance of the individual that is appreciable but does not go as far as egoism Recent trends to greater appreciation of egoism within anarchism tend to come from less classical directions such as post left anarchy or Situationism e g Raoul Vaneigem Egoism has also been referenced by anarcho capitalists such as Murray Rothbard Philosopher Max Stirner in his book The Ego and Its Own was the first philosopher to call himself an egoist though his writing makes clear that he desired not a new idea of morality ethical egoism but rather a rejection of morality amoralism as a nonexistent and limiting spook for this Stirner has been described as the first individualist anarchist Other philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes and David Gauthier have argued that the conflicts which arise when people each pursue their own ends can be resolved for the best of each individual only if they all voluntarily forgo some of their aims that is one s self interest is often best pursued by allowing others to pursue their self interest as well so that liberty is equal among individuals Sacrificing one s short term self interest to maximize one s long term self interest is one form of rational self interest which is the idea behind most philosophers advocacy of ethical egoism Egoists have also argued that one s actual interests are not immediately obvious and that the pursuit of self interest involves more than merely the acquisition of some good but the maximizing of one s chances of survival and or happiness Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche suggested that egoistic or life affirming behavior stimulates jealousy or ressentiment in others and that this is the psychological motive for the altruism in Christianity Sociologist Helmut Schoeck similarly considered envy the motive of collective efforts by society to reduce the disproportionate gains of successful individuals through moral or legal constraints with altruism being primary among these 25 In addition Nietzsche in Beyond Good and Evil and Alasdair MacIntyre in After Virtue have pointed out that the ancient Greeks did not associate morality with altruism in the way that post Christian Western civilization has done Aristotle s view is that we have duties to ourselves as well as to other people e g friends and to the polis as a whole The same is true for Thomas Aquinas Christian Wolff and Immanuel Kant who claim that there are duties to ourselves as Aristotle did although it has been argued that for Aristotle the duty to one s self is primary 26 Ayn Rand argued that there is a positive harmony of interests among free rational humans such that no moral agent can rationally coerce another person consistently with their own long term self interest Rand argued that other people are an enormous value to an individual s well being through education trade and affection but also that this value could be fully realized only under conditions of political and economic freedom According to Rand voluntary trade alone can assure that human interaction is mutually beneficial 27 Rand s student Leonard Peikoff has argued that the identification of one s interests itself is impossible absent the use of principles and that self interest cannot be consistently pursued absent a consistent adherence to certain ethical principles 28 Recently Rand s position has also been defended by such writers as Tara Smith Tibor Machan Allan Gotthelf David Kelley Douglas Rasmussen Nathaniel Branden Harry Binswanger Andrew Bernstein and Craig Biddle Philosopher David L Norton identified himself as an ethical individualist and like Rand saw a harmony between an individual s fidelity to their own self actualization or personal destiny and the achievement of society s well being 29 See also editAdam Smith and the invisible hand Baruch Spinoza Behavioral economics Carvaka an egoistic Indian philosophy Ethical solipsism Helping behavior Objectivism Profit motive Rational expectationsFootnotes edit Sanders Steven M Is egoism morally defensible Philosophia Springer Netherlands Volume 18 Numbers 2 3 July 1988 Shaver Robert 2019 Egoism in Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Spring 2019 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University retrieved 2020 05 27 Utilitarianism Ethics Unwrapped Retrieved 2020 05 27 a b Rachels 2008 p 534 Ridgely D A August 24 2008 Selfishness Egoism and Altruistic Libertarianism Archived from the original on December 2 2008 Retrieved 2008 08 24 Waller 2005 p 81 Waller 2005 p 83 a b Floridi Luciano Craig Edward 1998 Egoism and Altruism Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Taylor amp Francis pp 246 247 ISBN 9780415187091 Senghaas Dieter 2002 The clash within civilizations coming to terms with cultural conflicts Psychology Press p 33 ISBN 978 0 415 26228 6 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Cyrenaics Evans Matthew 2004 Can Epicureans be friends Ancient Philosophy 24 2 407 424 doi 10 5840 ancientphil200424250 He notes however that the theory is asserted more often than it is argued for Many of its supporters apparently think its truth is self evident so that arguments are not needed Rachels 2008 p 534 That is that regarding and pursuing the interests of others is a self defeating policy Rachels quotes Alexander Pope in support of this Thus God and nature formed the general frame And bade self love and social be the same Rachels 2008 p 534 where it is pointed out that in the strictest egoistic terms this is an inconsequential argument Ethical egoism does not bother itself with how others receive charity irrespective of how degraded it makes them feel The same reasoning applies to the previous two bullets which use self interest as a means to the end of beneficence rather than for its own purposes as the theory would dictate Rachels 2008 p 535 where this argument is attributed to Ayn Rand a writer little heeded by professional philosophers but who nevertheless was enormously popular on college campuses in the 1960s and 1970s Rand Ayn Faith and Force Destroyers of the Modern World Philosophy Who Needs It p 74 Atlas Shrugged 1957 Random House p 1014 Faith and Force p 74 Rand Ayn Atlas Shrugged 1957 Random House Ethics Britannica Block Walter 1998 Environmentalism and Economic Freedom The Case for Private Property Rights Journal of Business Ethics 17 16 1887 1899 doi 10 1023 A 1005941908758 ISSN 0167 4544 JSTOR 25074025 S2CID 17655955 Julian Simon The Ultimate Resource II People Materials and Environment 1996 Retrieved 2014 03 14 The Challenge of Common Pool Resources Environment Magazine Ten Real life Examples of the Tragedy of the Commons Environmental Science for Dummies a b Ethical Egoism Seven Pillars Institute Kansas City Missouri August 26 2017 Retrieved 2020 03 20 Rachels James 2003 The Elements of Moral Philosophy 4th ed Boston McGraw Hill p 89 ISBN 0071198768 OCLC 984391934 Schoeck Helmut Der Neid Eine Theorie der Gesellschaft Envy A Theory of Social Behaviour 1966 1st English ed 1969 Wheeler Jack Rand and Aristotle in Den Uyl and Rasmussen The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand 1986 Rand Ayn The Virtue of Selfishness 1964 Peikoff Leonard Why Should One Act on Principle The Objectivist Forum 1988 originally delivered at the Ford Hall Forum Norton David Personal Destinies A Philosophy of Ethical Individualism 1976 Princeton University Press References editAristotle Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle Eudemian Ethics Evans Matthew 2004 Can Epicureans be friends Ancient Philosophy 24 2 407 424 doi 10 5840 ancientphil200424250 Baier Kurt 1990 Egoism in A Companion to Ethics Peter Singer ed Blackwell Oxford ISBN 978 0 631 18785 1 Biddle Craig Loving Life The Morality of Self Interest and the Facts that Support It 2002 Glen Allen Branden Nathaniel The Psychology of Self Esteem 1969 Nash Hobbes Thomas 1968 Leviathan C B Macpherson ed Harmondsworth Penguin ISBN 978 0 14 043195 7 Machan Tibor Classical Individualism The Supreme Importance of Each Human Being 1998 Routledge Nietzsche Friedrich 1886 Beyond Good and Evil Norton David Personal Destinies A Philosophy of Ethical Individualism 1976 Princeton University Press Paul E amp F Miller amp J Paul 1997 Self Interest Cambridge University Press Peikoff Leonard Why Should One Act on Principle The Objectivist Forum 1988 Rachels James 2008 Ethical Egoism In Reason amp Responsibility Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy edited by Joel Feinberg and Russ Shafer Landau 532 540 California Thomson Wadsworth ISBN 978 0495500698 Rand Ayn 1964 The Virtue of Selfishness Signet ISBN 978 0 451 16393 6 Rosenstand Nina 2000 Chapter 3 Myself or Others In The Moral of the Story 3rd Edition Mountain View CA Mayfield Publishing 127 167 ISBN 978 0072963359 Schoeck Helmut Der Neid Eine Theorie der Gesellschaft Envy A Theory of Social Behaviour 1966 1st English ed 1969 Smith Tara Viable Values A Study of Life as the Root and Reward of Morality 2000 Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 0 8476 9760 6 Smith Tara The Virtuous Egoist Ayn Rand s Normative Ethics 2006 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 86050 4 Waller Bruce N 2005 Egoism In Consider Ethics Theory Readings and Contemporary Issues New York Pearson Longman 79 83 ISBN 978 0 321 20280 2External links editZalta Edward N ed Egoism Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Ethical egoism Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Merriam Webster Dictionary entry for egoism Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Ethical egoism amp oldid 1171050852, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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