

Axiology (from Greek ἀξία, axia: "value, worth"; and -λογία, -logia: "study of") is the philosophical study of value. It includes questions about the nature and classification of values and about what kinds of things have value. It is intimately connected with various other philosophical fields that crucially depend on the notion of value, like ethics, aesthetics or philosophy of religion.[1][2] It is also closely related to value theory and meta-ethics. The term was first used by Eduard von Hartmann in 1887[3] and by Paul Lapie in 1902.[4][5][6]

The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value is central to axiology.[7] One conceptualization holds that something is intrinsically valuable if it is good in itself or good for its own sake.[8] It is usually held that intrinsic value depends on certain features of the valuable entity. For example, an experience may be said to be intrinsically valuable by virtue of being (because it is) pleasurable or beautiful or "true" (e.g., the ascertainment of a fact can be said to be valuable in itself). Extrinsic value, by contrast, is ascribed to things that are valuable only as a means to something else. Substantive theories of value try to determine which entities have intrinsic value. Monist theories hold that there is only one type of intrinsic value. The paradigm example of monist theories is hedonism, the thesis that only pleasure has intrinsic value. Pluralist theories, on the other hand, contend that there are various different types of intrinsic value, for example, virtue, knowledge, friendship, etc. Value pluralists face the problem of explaining whether or how the different types of value can be compared when making rational decisions. Some philosophers state that values do not exist on the most fundamental level of reality. One such view holds that a value statement about something just expresses the speaker's approval or disapproval of this thing. This position is opposed by realists about value.

History edit

Between the 5th and 6th centuries BC, it was important in Greece to be knowledgeable if you were to be successful. Philosophers began to recognize that differences existed between the laws and morality of society. Socrates believed that knowledge had a vital connection to virtue, making morality and democracy closely intertwined. Socrates' student, Plato furthered the belief by establishing virtues which should be followed by all.

E. J. Dijksterhuis found that axiological antithesis characterized the philosophy of ancient Greece:[9]

...typical Greek habit of thinking in axiological antitheses, of always wanting to decide which of two comparable activities, properties, or qualities is the higher, the better, the nobler or the more perfect. The Pythagoreans set the finite above the infinite, the odd above the even, the square above the rectangular, the male above the female. Plato never tires of arguing how much superior ideas are to appearance. Aristotle contrasts the imperfection of the sublunary sphere with the perfection of the celestial sphere. Thus uniform motion is also superior to non-uniform motion, a regular polyhedron is of greater value than any other polyhedron but is itself surpassed by the sphere.

As with the fall of Rome so values became more individual and personal, causing skeptic schools of thought to flourish, helping to shape an ontologically objective philosophy that is thought to have contributed to Christian Philosophy. During the medieval period, Thomas Aquinas made the distinction between natural and supernatural (theological) virtues. This concept led philosophers to distinguish between judgments based on fact and judgments based on values, creating the division between science and philosophy.[10]

Intrinsic value edit

Traditionally, philosophers held that an entity has intrinsic value if it is good in itself or good for its own sake.[11][12] Intrinsic value is contrasted with extrinsic or instrumental value, which is ascribed to things that are valuable only as a means to something else.[13] For example, tools like cars or microwaves are said to be extrinsically valuable by virtue of the function they perform, while the well-being they cause is intrinsically valuable, according to hedonism. The same entity can be valuable in different ways: some entities have both intrinsic and extrinsic values at the same time. Extrinsic values can form chains, in which one entity is extrinsically valuable because it is a means to another entity that is itself extrinsically valuable. It is commonly held that these chains must terminate somewhere and that the endpoint can only be intrinsically valuable.[14] The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic values is important for understanding various disagreements within axiology. Different substantive theories of value often agree on whether something, for example knowledge, is valuable while disagreeing on whether the value in question is intrinsic or extrinsic.[13][15]

The traditional conception of intrinsic value presented above has been criticized in contemporary philosophy on the grounds that it combines various distinct notions that are better discussed separately.[16] One such contrast is between intrinsic and final values.[17] On a more narrow conception, an intrinsic value is a value an entity has in virtue of its intrinsic properties. For example, assuming that the phenomenal aspect of a pleasant experience is an intrinsic property, we might say that the experience is intrinsically valuable because of this intrinsic property. An entity with final value, by contrast, is valuable for its own sake.[17] It is usually accepted that there is a conceptual difference between intrinsic and final values.[16] For example, the pleasure experience may be said to be intrinsically valuable on the one hand, and finally valuable on the other hand. But it has been disputed whether there are actual things where these value types can come apart. Proposed candidates for bearers of final non-intrinsic value include unique or rare items (e.g. a stamp) or historically significant items (e.g. the pen that Abraham Lincoln used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation).[14] Being-rare and having-been-used-by-someone are extrinsic properties that may be responsible for their bearers having final value, i.e. being valuable for their own sake.

Some philosophers have questioned whether extrinsic values should be regarded as values at all rather than as mere indications of values.[18] One reason for considering this idea is that adding or removing extrinsically valuable things does not affect the value of the whole if all intrinsically valuable things are kept constant.[14] For example, the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake had a negative extrinsic value because of all the damage it caused. But arguably, the world would not have been a better place if exactly the same damage had been caused without the earthquake.

Ontological status of values edit

In axiology, it is often important to distinguish between the entity that is valuable and the features in virtue of which it is valuable.[19] For example, an experience may be said to be valuable in virtue of being pleasurable. This distinction is particularly relevant for intrinsic values since it is commonly held that the intrinsic value of an entity supervenes on its intrinsic features.[17][20][21] This means that the entity could not have a different intrinsic value unless it had different intrinsic features.

Substantive theories of value focus on the features in virtue of which something has intrinsic value.[13][15] Popular candidates for these features include pleasure, virtue and knowledge. Another question concerns the nature of the entities that are the bearers of value. The main approaches to this question can be divided into the Kantian tradition, which considers concrete things like persons to be the bearers of value, and the Moorean tradition, which holds that only states of affairs bear value.[17][16][22] This difference is important when determining whether a value is extrinsic or intrinsic to an entity. Some philosophers hold that objects like Napoleon's hat are valuable because of their relation to extraordinary persons. From a Kantian perspective, this value must be extrinsic since it is based on the extrinsic property of having been worn by an extraordinary person. But from a Moorean perspective, it can be intrinsic since it is born not by the hat but by a state of affairs involving both the hat and Napoleon.[16]

The preceding discussion about the ontological categories of values and value-bearers assumes some form of realism: that there actually are valuable things. But the difficulties in reaching expert consensus in value-related fields like ethics, aesthetics or politics and considerations from naturalism have led various philosophers to doubt this assumption.[23] The ensuing dispute between cognitivists and non-cognitivists is usually held on the level of value-statements or value-attitudes, either concerning all values or specifically concerning ethical values. Cognitivists assert that value-statements are truth-apt, i.e. are either true or false, which is denied by non-cognitivists.[24][23] Most cognitivists are realists about values: they believe that values are part of reality. Error theory, as originally articulated by J. L. Mackie,[25] is an exception. Error theorists hold that all value-statements are false, and thereby truth-apt, because the world lacks value-features that would be needed to make them true.[26] Non-cognitivists, on the other hand, go one step further by denying that value-statements are truth-apt. This position involves the difficulty of explaining how value-statements can be meaningful despite lacking a truth value. This challenge can be met in different ways. Emotivists, following A. J. Ayer, state that value-statements only express the emotions of the speaker and are intended to influence the actions of the listener.[27] Prescriptivism, as developed by R. M. Hare, interprets value-statements as imperatives or commands.[28] Simon Blackburn's quasi-realism states that value statements project emotional attitudes as though they were real properties.[24][29]

Monism and pluralism edit

Substantive theories of value try to determine which entities have intrinsic value. A traditional dispute in this field is between monist and pluralist theories. According to Chris Heathwood, monism and pluralism can be distinguished according to an evaluation of what is good in people and the concept of "value simpliciter" in terms of intrinsic value.[30]

Monist theories hold that there is only one type of intrinsic value. The paradigm example of monist theories is hedonism, the thesis that only pleasure has intrinsic value. Pluralist theories, on the other hand, contend that there are various different types of intrinsic value.[13][31][32] They maintain that these types of intrinsic values cannot be reduced to a single feature of an act or entity.[33] W. D. Ross, for example, holds that pleasure is only one type of intrinsic value besides other types, like knowledge.[15] It is important to keep in mind that this disagreement only concerns intrinsic value, not value at large.[13] So hedonists may be happy to concede that knowledge is valuable, but only extrinsically so, given that knowledge can be helpful in causing pleasure and avoiding pain.

Various arguments have been suggested in the monism-pluralism-dispute. Common-sense seems to favor value pluralism: values are ascribed to a wide range of different things like happiness, liberty, friendship, etc. without any obvious common feature underlying these values.[31] One way to defend value monism is to cast doubt on the reliability of common-sense for technical matters like the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value.[34] This strategy is pursued by J. J. C. Smart, who holds that there is a psychological bias to mistake stable extrinsic values for intrinsic values.[34] Value pluralists have often attempted to provide exhaustive lists of all value types, but different theorists have suggested very different lists. These lists seem to constitute arbitrary selections unless a clear criterion could be provided why all and only these items are included. But if a criterion was to be found then such a theory would no longer be pluralistic. This dilemma suggests that pluralism is inadequate as an explanation.[15]

One issue closely related to the monism-pluralism-debate is the problem of incommensurability: the question of whether there are incommensurable values. Two values are incommensurable if there is no fact as to whether one is better than or as good as the other: there is no common value scale according to which they could be compared.[31][35] According to Joseph Raz, career choices between very different paths, for example, whether to become a lawyer or a clarinetist, are cases where incommensurable values are involved.[36] Value pluralists often assert that values belonging to different types are incommensurable with each other. Value monists, by contrast, usually deny that there are incommensurable values. This question is particularly relevant for ethics. If different options available to the agent embody incommensurable values then there seems to be no rational way to determine what ought to be done since there is no matter of fact as to which option is better.[31] Widespread incommensurability would threaten to undermine the practical relevance of ethics and rational choice.

Other concepts and distinctions edit

Many evaluative terms are found in everyday language, often with various different meanings.[13] It is important for philosophers to distinguish these different meanings in order to avoid misunderstandings. One such distinction is between a predicative and an attributive sense of good and bad.[19] In the attributive sense, an entity is good in relation to a certain kind.[37] For example, a person with a clear voice may be a good singer or a knife with a blunt edge may be a bad knife. But this still leaves it open whether the entity in question is good or bad in an unqualified or predicative sense. For example, a person may be a bad assassin but being bad as an assassin is not bad in a predicative sense.[38] Axiology is usually interested in the predicative sense of goodness.[39] But some philosophers deny that such a sense exists and therefore hold that all value is relative to a kind.[37]

A second important distinction is that between being good for a person and being good for the world.[13][19] Being good for a person or prudential value has to do with this person's welfare or well-being.[40][37] But what is good for one person may be bad for another person. For example, having a dry summer may be good for the hiker in virtue of the pleasant hiking conditions, but bad for the farmer, whose crop is dying because of a lack of water. In such cases, the question arises as to what is good for the world or good simpliciter. Utilitarians can solve this problem by defining the good for the world as the sum of the good for each persons.[13]

Philosophers often distinguish between evaluative concepts (like good or bad) and deontic concepts (like right, fitting or ought).[37] The former belong to axiology proper and express what has worth or value while the latter belong to ethics (and related fields) and express what one ought to do.[41] Philosophers have tried to provide a unified account of these two fields since they seem to be intimately related. Consequentialists see evaluative concepts as fundamental and define deontic concepts in terms of evaluative concepts. Fitting-attitude theories, on the other hand, try to reduce evaluative concepts to deontic concepts.[13] Consequentialism is an ethical theory that holds that, given a certain set of possible actions, we ought to perform the action that has the best overall consequences.[42] So what we ought to do is defined in evaluative terms: whatever leads to the consequences with the highest value. Fitting-attitude theories are axiological theories that define the value of something in terms of the attitude that would be fitting to have towards this thing,[13][43] for example, that it would be good to find a cure for cancer because this would be a fitting object of desire. These accounts build on the deontic notion that some of our attitudes towards the world are fitting or right to define what is good.[37]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Flew, Antony (1979). "Axiology". A Dictionary of Philosophy Editorial Consultant, Antony Flew. –. Macmillan.
  2. ^ Random House Unabridged Dictionary Entry on Axiology.
  3. ^ Hartmann, Eduard (1887). Philosophie des Schönen. Berlin.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  4. ^ Lapie, Paul (1902). Logique de la volonté. Paris: F. Alcan. ISBN 9780665877926.
  5. ^ "Axiology and aesthetics - article". www.infotaste.com. 14 November 2016.
  6. ^ Hart, Samuel L. (1971). "Axiology--Theory of Values". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 32 (1): 29–41. doi:10.2307/2105883. ISSN 0031-8205. JSTOR 2105883.
  7. ^ Dicken, Thomas M.; Edwards, Rem Blanchard (2001). Dialogues on Values and Centers of Value: Old Friends, New Thoughts. Amsterdam: Rodopi. p. 283. ISBN 90-420-1397-4.
  8. ^ Keller, David R. (2010). Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 5–6. ISBN 978-1-4051-7639-2.
  9. ^ E. J. Dijksterhuis (1961) The Mechanization of the World Picture C. Dikshoorn translator, pages 75 & 75, via Internet Archive
  10. ^ Arneson, P. (2009). Axiology. In S. Littlejohn, & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory. (pp. 70-74). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  11. ^ Honderich, Ted (2005). "good-in-itself". The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
  12. ^ Borchert, Donald M. (2006). "Intrinsic Value". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Schroeder, Mark (2016). "Value Theory". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 December 2020.
  14. ^ a b c Zimmerman, Michael J.; Bradley, Ben (2019). "Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 8 December 2020.
  15. ^ a b c d Heathwood, Chris (2015). "8. Monism and Pluralism about Value". The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. Oxford University Press USA.
  16. ^ a b c d Orsi, Francesco (2015). "2. Meet the Values: Intrinsic, Final & Co". Value Theory. Bloomsbury Academic.
  17. ^ a b c d Rønnow-Rasmussen, Toni (2015). "2. Intrinsic and extrinsic value". The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. Oxford University Press USA.
  18. ^ Zimmerman, Michael J. (2001). "Appendix: Extrinsic Value". The Nature of Intrinsic Value. Rowman & Littlefield.
  19. ^ a b c Orsi, Francesco (2015). "1. Value and Normativity". Value Theory. Bloomsbury Academic.
  20. ^ Bunnin, Nicholas; Yu, Jiyuan (2009). "value, intrinsic". The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy. Wiley. ISBN 978-0-470-99721-5.
  21. ^ Audi, Robert (1999). "value". The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
  22. ^ Bradley, Ben (2006). "Two Concepts of Intrinsic Value". Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. 9 (2): 111–130. doi:10.1007/s10677-006-9009-7. S2CID 144778528.
  23. ^ a b van Roojen, Mark (2018). "Moral Cognitivism vs. Non-Cognitivism". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 10 December 2020.
  24. ^ a b Craig, Edward (1996). "Value, ontological status of". Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
  25. ^ Mackie, John Leslie (1977). Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong. Penguin Books.
  26. ^ Blackburn, Simon (2006). "Error theory of ethics". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
  27. ^ Finlay, Stephen (2006). "Emotive theory of ethics". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
  28. ^ Carson, Thomas L. (2006). "Metaethics". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
  29. ^ Joyce, Richard. . Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Archived from the original on 1 May 2020. Retrieved 10 December 2020.
  30. ^ Hirose, Iwao; Olson, Jonas (2015). The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-19-995930-3.
  31. ^ a b c d Mason, Elinor (2018). "Value Pluralism". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. Retrieved 9 December 2020.
  32. ^ Frankena, William K. (2006). "Value and Valuation". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
  33. ^ Peterson, Martin (2013). The Dimensions of Consequentialism: Ethics, Equality and Risk. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 6. ISBN 978-1-107-03303-0.
  34. ^ a b Smart, J. J. C.; Williams, Bernard (1973). "3. Hedonistic and non-hedonistic utilitarianism". Utilitarianism: For and Against. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  35. ^ Raz, Joseph (1986). "VII—Value Incommensurability: Some Preliminaries". Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 86 (1): 117–134. doi:10.1093/aristotelian/86.1.117.
  36. ^ Hsieh, Nien-hê (2016). "Incommensurable Values". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  37. ^ a b c d e Zimmerman, Michal J. (2015). "1. Value and Normativity". The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. Oxford University Press USA.
  38. ^ Silverstein, Matthew (2016). "Teleology and Normativity". Oxford Studies in Metaethics. 11: 214–240. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198784647.003.0009. ISBN 978-0-19-878464-7.
  39. ^ Orsi, Francesco (2015). "3. The Challenge against Absolute Value". Value Theory. Bloomsbury Academic.
  40. ^ Tiberius, Valerie (2015). "9. Prudential Value". The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. Oxford University Press USA.
  41. ^ Tappolet, Christine (2013). "Evaluative Vs. Deontic Concepts". International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1791–99.
  42. ^ Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter (2019). "Consequentialism". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.
  43. ^ Jacobson, Daniel (2011). "Fitting Attitude Theories of Value". The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.

Further reading edit

External links edit

axiology, from, greek, ἀξία, axia, value, worth, λογία, logia, study, philosophical, study, value, includes, questions, about, nature, classification, values, about, what, kinds, things, have, value, intimately, connected, with, various, other, philosophical, . Axiology from Greek ἀ3ia axia value worth and logia logia study of is the philosophical study of value It includes questions about the nature and classification of values and about what kinds of things have value It is intimately connected with various other philosophical fields that crucially depend on the notion of value like ethics aesthetics or philosophy of religion 1 2 It is also closely related to value theory and meta ethics The term was first used by Eduard von Hartmann in 1887 3 and by Paul Lapie in 1902 4 5 6 The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value is central to axiology 7 One conceptualization holds that something is intrinsically valuable if it is good in itself or good for its own sake 8 It is usually held that intrinsic value depends on certain features of the valuable entity For example an experience may be said to be intrinsically valuable by virtue of being because it is pleasurable or beautiful or true e g the ascertainment of a fact can be said to be valuable in itself Extrinsic value by contrast is ascribed to things that are valuable only as a means to something else Substantive theories of value try to determine which entities have intrinsic value Monist theories hold that there is only one type of intrinsic value The paradigm example of monist theories is hedonism the thesis that only pleasure has intrinsic value Pluralist theories on the other hand contend that there are various different types of intrinsic value for example virtue knowledge friendship etc Value pluralists face the problem of explaining whether or how the different types of value can be compared when making rational decisions Some philosophers state that values do not exist on the most fundamental level of reality One such view holds that a value statement about something just expresses the speaker s approval or disapproval of this thing This position is opposed by realists about value Contents 1 History 2 Intrinsic value 3 Ontological status of values 4 Monism and pluralism 5 Other concepts and distinctions 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksHistory editThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Axiology news newspapers books scholar JSTOR January 2009 Learn how and when to remove this template message Between the 5th and 6th centuries BC it was important in Greece to be knowledgeable if you were to be successful Philosophers began to recognize that differences existed between the laws and morality of society Socrates believed that knowledge had a vital connection to virtue making morality and democracy closely intertwined Socrates student Plato furthered the belief by establishing virtues which should be followed by all E J Dijksterhuis found that axiological antithesis characterized the philosophy of ancient Greece 9 typical Greek habit of thinking in axiological antitheses of always wanting to decide which of two comparable activities properties or qualities is the higher the better the nobler or the more perfect The Pythagoreans set the finite above the infinite the odd above the even the square above the rectangular the male above the female Plato never tires of arguing how much superior ideas are to appearance Aristotle contrasts the imperfection of the sublunary sphere with the perfection of the celestial sphere Thus uniform motion is also superior to non uniform motion a regular polyhedron is of greater value than any other polyhedron but is itself surpassed by the sphere As with the fall of Rome so values became more individual and personal causing skeptic schools of thought to flourish helping to shape an ontologically objective philosophy that is thought to have contributed to Christian Philosophy During the medieval period Thomas Aquinas made the distinction between natural and supernatural theological virtues This concept led philosophers to distinguish between judgments based on fact and judgments based on values creating the division between science and philosophy 10 Intrinsic value editTraditionally philosophers held that an entity has intrinsic value if it is good in itself or good for its own sake 11 12 Intrinsic value is contrasted with extrinsic or instrumental value which is ascribed to things that are valuable only as a means to something else 13 For example tools like cars or microwaves are said to be extrinsically valuable by virtue of the function they perform while the well being they cause is intrinsically valuable according to hedonism The same entity can be valuable in different ways some entities have both intrinsic and extrinsic values at the same time Extrinsic values can form chains in which one entity is extrinsically valuable because it is a means to another entity that is itself extrinsically valuable It is commonly held that these chains must terminate somewhere and that the endpoint can only be intrinsically valuable 14 The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic values is important for understanding various disagreements within axiology Different substantive theories of value often agree on whether something for example knowledge is valuable while disagreeing on whether the value in question is intrinsic or extrinsic 13 15 The traditional conception of intrinsic value presented above has been criticized in contemporary philosophy on the grounds that it combines various distinct notions that are better discussed separately 16 One such contrast is between intrinsic and final values 17 On a more narrow conception an intrinsic value is a value an entity has in virtue of its intrinsic properties For example assuming that the phenomenal aspect of a pleasant experience is an intrinsic property we might say that the experience is intrinsically valuable because of this intrinsic property An entity with final value by contrast is valuable for its own sake 17 It is usually accepted that there is a conceptual difference between intrinsic and final values 16 For example the pleasure experience may be said to be intrinsically valuable on the one hand and finally valuable on the other hand But it has been disputed whether there are actual things where these value types can come apart Proposed candidates for bearers of final non intrinsic value include unique or rare items e g a stamp or historically significant items e g the pen that Abraham Lincoln used to sign the Emancipation Proclamation 14 Being rare and having been used by someone are extrinsic properties that may be responsible for their bearers having final value i e being valuable for their own sake Some philosophers have questioned whether extrinsic values should be regarded as values at all rather than as mere indications of values 18 One reason for considering this idea is that adding or removing extrinsically valuable things does not affect the value of the whole if all intrinsically valuable things are kept constant 14 For example the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake had a negative extrinsic value because of all the damage it caused But arguably the world would not have been a better place if exactly the same damage had been caused without the earthquake Ontological status of values editIn axiology it is often important to distinguish between the entity that is valuable and the features in virtue of which it is valuable 19 For example an experience may be said to be valuable in virtue of being pleasurable This distinction is particularly relevant for intrinsic values since it is commonly held that the intrinsic value of an entity supervenes on its intrinsic features 17 20 21 This means that the entity could not have a different intrinsic value unless it had different intrinsic features Substantive theories of value focus on the features in virtue of which something has intrinsic value 13 15 Popular candidates for these features include pleasure virtue and knowledge Another question concerns the nature of the entities that are the bearers of value The main approaches to this question can be divided into the Kantian tradition which considers concrete things like persons to be the bearers of value and the Moorean tradition which holds that only states of affairs bear value 17 16 22 This difference is important when determining whether a value is extrinsic or intrinsic to an entity Some philosophers hold that objects like Napoleon s hat are valuable because of their relation to extraordinary persons From a Kantian perspective this value must be extrinsic since it is based on the extrinsic property of having been worn by an extraordinary person But from a Moorean perspective it can be intrinsic since it is born not by the hat but by a state of affairs involving both the hat and Napoleon 16 The preceding discussion about the ontological categories of values and value bearers assumes some form of realism that there actually are valuable things But the difficulties in reaching expert consensus in value related fields like ethics aesthetics or politics and considerations from naturalism have led various philosophers to doubt this assumption 23 The ensuing dispute between cognitivists and non cognitivists is usually held on the level of value statements or value attitudes either concerning all values or specifically concerning ethical values Cognitivists assert that value statements are truth apt i e are either true or false which is denied by non cognitivists 24 23 Most cognitivists are realists about values they believe that values are part of reality Error theory as originally articulated by J L Mackie 25 is an exception Error theorists hold that all value statements are false and thereby truth apt because the world lacks value features that would be needed to make them true 26 Non cognitivists on the other hand go one step further by denying that value statements are truth apt This position involves the difficulty of explaining how value statements can be meaningful despite lacking a truth value This challenge can be met in different ways Emotivists following A J Ayer state that value statements only express the emotions of the speaker and are intended to influence the actions of the listener 27 Prescriptivism as developed by R M Hare interprets value statements as imperatives or commands 28 Simon Blackburn s quasi realism states that value statements project emotional attitudes as though they were real properties 24 29 Monism and pluralism editSubstantive theories of value try to determine which entities have intrinsic value A traditional dispute in this field is between monist and pluralist theories According to Chris Heathwood monism and pluralism can be distinguished according to an evaluation of what is good in people and the concept of value simpliciter in terms of intrinsic value 30 Monist theories hold that there is only one type of intrinsic value The paradigm example of monist theories is hedonism the thesis that only pleasure has intrinsic value Pluralist theories on the other hand contend that there are various different types of intrinsic value 13 31 32 They maintain that these types of intrinsic values cannot be reduced to a single feature of an act or entity 33 W D Ross for example holds that pleasure is only one type of intrinsic value besides other types like knowledge 15 It is important to keep in mind that this disagreement only concerns intrinsic value not value at large 13 So hedonists may be happy to concede that knowledge is valuable but only extrinsically so given that knowledge can be helpful in causing pleasure and avoiding pain Various arguments have been suggested in the monism pluralism dispute Common sense seems to favor value pluralism values are ascribed to a wide range of different things like happiness liberty friendship etc without any obvious common feature underlying these values 31 One way to defend value monism is to cast doubt on the reliability of common sense for technical matters like the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic value 34 This strategy is pursued by J J C Smart who holds that there is a psychological bias to mistake stable extrinsic values for intrinsic values 34 Value pluralists have often attempted to provide exhaustive lists of all value types but different theorists have suggested very different lists These lists seem to constitute arbitrary selections unless a clear criterion could be provided why all and only these items are included But if a criterion was to be found then such a theory would no longer be pluralistic This dilemma suggests that pluralism is inadequate as an explanation 15 One issue closely related to the monism pluralism debate is the problem of incommensurability the question of whether there are incommensurable values Two values are incommensurable if there is no fact as to whether one is better than or as good as the other there is no common value scale according to which they could be compared 31 35 According to Joseph Raz career choices between very different paths for example whether to become a lawyer or a clarinetist are cases where incommensurable values are involved 36 Value pluralists often assert that values belonging to different types are incommensurable with each other Value monists by contrast usually deny that there are incommensurable values This question is particularly relevant for ethics If different options available to the agent embody incommensurable values then there seems to be no rational way to determine what ought to be done since there is no matter of fact as to which option is better 31 Widespread incommensurability would threaten to undermine the practical relevance of ethics and rational choice Other concepts and distinctions editMany evaluative terms are found in everyday language often with various different meanings 13 It is important for philosophers to distinguish these different meanings in order to avoid misunderstandings One such distinction is between a predicative and an attributive sense of good and bad 19 In the attributive sense an entity is good in relation to a certain kind 37 For example a person with a clear voice may be a good singer or a knife with a blunt edge may be a bad knife But this still leaves it open whether the entity in question is good or bad in an unqualified or predicative sense For example a person may be a bad assassin but being bad as an assassin is not bad in a predicative sense 38 Axiology is usually interested in the predicative sense of goodness 39 But some philosophers deny that such a sense exists and therefore hold that all value is relative to a kind 37 A second important distinction is that between being good for a person and being good for the world 13 19 Being good for a person or prudential value has to do with this person s welfare or well being 40 37 But what is good for one person may be bad for another person For example having a dry summer may be good for the hiker in virtue of the pleasant hiking conditions but bad for the farmer whose crop is dying because of a lack of water In such cases the question arises as to what is good for the world or good simpliciter Utilitarians can solve this problem by defining the good for the world as the sum of the good for each persons 13 Philosophers often distinguish between evaluative concepts like good or bad and deontic concepts like right fitting or ought 37 The former belong to axiology proper and express what has worth or value while the latter belong to ethics and related fields and express what one ought to do 41 Philosophers have tried to provide a unified account of these two fields since they seem to be intimately related Consequentialists see evaluative concepts as fundamental and define deontic concepts in terms of evaluative concepts Fitting attitude theories on the other hand try to reduce evaluative concepts to deontic concepts 13 Consequentialism is an ethical theory that holds that given a certain set of possible actions we ought to perform the action that has the best overall consequences 42 So what we ought to do is defined in evaluative terms whatever leads to the consequences with the highest value Fitting attitude theories are axiological theories that define the value of something in terms of the attitude that would be fitting to have towards this thing 13 43 for example that it would be good to find a cure for cancer because this would be a fitting object of desire These accounts build on the deontic notion that some of our attitudes towards the world are fitting or right to define what is good 37 See also editAxiological ethics Ethical theory about values Fact value distinction Philosophical distinction between is and should Praxeology Theory of human action Nikolay Lossky Russian philosopher 1870 1965 Money Object or record accepted as payment Nihilism Philosophy antithetical to concepts of meaningfulness Russian philosophy Utility Concept in economics and game theory Value economics The measure of benefit provided by a good or service in an economy Value ethics Personal value basis for ethical actionPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Value formReferences edit Flew Antony 1979 Axiology A Dictionary of Philosophy Editorial Consultant Antony Flew Macmillan Random House Unabridged Dictionary Entry on Axiology Hartmann Eduard 1887 Philosophie des Schonen Berlin a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Lapie Paul 1902 Logique de la volonte Paris F Alcan ISBN 9780665877926 Axiology and aesthetics article www infotaste com 14 November 2016 Hart Samuel L 1971 Axiology Theory of Values Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 32 1 29 41 doi 10 2307 2105883 ISSN 0031 8205 JSTOR 2105883 Dicken Thomas M Edwards Rem Blanchard 2001 Dialogues on Values and Centers of Value Old Friends New Thoughts Amsterdam Rodopi p 283 ISBN 90 420 1397 4 Keller David R 2010 Environmental Ethics The Big Questions Malden MA John Wiley amp Sons pp 5 6 ISBN 978 1 4051 7639 2 E J Dijksterhuis 1961 The Mechanization of the World Picture C Dikshoorn translator pages 75 amp 75 via Internet Archive Arneson P 2009 Axiology In S Littlejohn amp K Foss Eds Encyclopedia of communication theory pp 70 74 Thousand Oaks CA SAGE Publications Inc Honderich Ted 2005 good in itself The Oxford Companion to Philosophy Oxford University Press Borchert Donald M 2006 Intrinsic Value Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd Edition Macmillan a b c d e f g h i j Schroeder Mark 2016 Value Theory The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 8 December 2020 a b c Zimmerman Michael J Bradley Ben 2019 Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Value The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 8 December 2020 a b c d Heathwood Chris 2015 8 Monism and Pluralism about Value The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory Oxford University Press USA a b c d Orsi Francesco 2015 2 Meet the Values Intrinsic Final amp Co Value Theory Bloomsbury Academic a b c d Ronnow Rasmussen Toni 2015 2 Intrinsic and extrinsic value The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory Oxford University Press USA Zimmerman Michael J 2001 Appendix Extrinsic Value The Nature of Intrinsic Value Rowman amp Littlefield a b c Orsi Francesco 2015 1 Value and Normativity Value Theory Bloomsbury Academic Bunnin Nicholas Yu Jiyuan 2009 value intrinsic The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy Wiley ISBN 978 0 470 99721 5 Audi Robert 1999 value The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy Cambridge University Press Bradley Ben 2006 Two Concepts of Intrinsic Value Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 2 111 130 doi 10 1007 s10677 006 9009 7 S2CID 144778528 a b van Roojen Mark 2018 Moral Cognitivism vs Non Cognitivism The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 10 December 2020 a b Craig Edward 1996 Value ontological status of Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Routledge Mackie John Leslie 1977 Ethics Inventing Right and Wrong Penguin Books Blackburn Simon 2006 Error theory of ethics Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd Edition Macmillan Finlay Stephen 2006 Emotive theory of ethics Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd Edition Macmillan Carson Thomas L 2006 Metaethics Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd Edition Macmillan Joyce Richard Moral Anti Realism gt Projectivism and Quasi realism Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Archived from the original on 1 May 2020 Retrieved 10 December 2020 Hirose Iwao Olson Jonas 2015 The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory New York Oxford University Press p 4 ISBN 978 0 19 995930 3 a b c d Mason Elinor 2018 Value Pluralism The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Retrieved 9 December 2020 Frankena William K 2006 Value and Valuation Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2nd Edition Macmillan Peterson Martin 2013 The Dimensions of Consequentialism Ethics Equality and Risk Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press p 6 ISBN 978 1 107 03303 0 a b Smart J J C Williams Bernard 1973 3 Hedonistic and non hedonistic utilitarianism Utilitarianism For and Against Cambridge Cambridge University Press Raz Joseph 1986 VII Value Incommensurability Some Preliminaries Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 86 1 117 134 doi 10 1093 aristotelian 86 1 117 Hsieh Nien he 2016 Incommensurable Values The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University a b c d e Zimmerman Michal J 2015 1 Value and Normativity The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory Oxford University Press USA Silverstein Matthew 2016 Teleology and Normativity Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11 214 240 doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780198784647 003 0009 ISBN 978 0 19 878464 7 Orsi Francesco 2015 3 The Challenge against Absolute Value Value Theory Bloomsbury Academic Tiberius Valerie 2015 9 Prudential Value The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory Oxford University Press USA Tappolet Christine 2013 Evaluative Vs Deontic Concepts International Encyclopedia of Ethics Wiley Blackwell pp 1791 99 Sinnott Armstrong Walter 2019 Consequentialism The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Jacobson Daniel 2011 Fitting Attitude Theories of Value The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University Further reading editHartman Robert S 1967 The Structure of Value USI Press 384 pages Findlay J N 1970 Axiological Ethics New York Macmillan ISBN 0 333 00269 5 100 pages Rescher Nicholas 2005 Value Matters Studies in Axiology Frankfurt Ontos Verlag ISBN 3 937202 67 6 140 pages Marias Julian 1967 History of Philosophy New York Dover Publications Inc External links edit nbsp Look up axiology in Wiktionary the free dictionary Zalta Edward N ed Value Theory Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Cultura International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Axiology org uk Axiology at PhilPapers Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Axiology amp oldid 1215974098, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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