
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence—perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information—demonstrated by machines, as opposed to intelligence displayed by non-human animals and humans. Example tasks in which this is done include speech recognition, computer vision, translation between (natural) languages, as well as other mappings of inputs. The Oxford English Dictionary of Oxford University Press defines artificial intelligence as:[1]

the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

AI applications include advanced web search engines (e.g., Google), recommendation systems (used by YouTube, Amazon and Netflix), understanding human speech (such as Siri and Alexa), self-driving cars (e.g., Waymo), automated decision-making and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems (such as chess and Go).[2] As machines become increasingly capable, tasks considered to require "intelligence" are often removed from the definition of AI, a phenomenon known as the AI effect.[3] For instance, optical character recognition is frequently excluded from things considered to be AI,[4] having become a routine technology.[5]

Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956, and in the years since has experienced several waves of optimism,[6][7] followed by disappointment and the loss of funding (known as an "AI winter"),[8][9] followed by new approaches, success and renewed funding.[7][10] AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches since its founding, including simulating the brain, modeling human problem solving, formal logic, large databases of knowledge and imitating animal behavior. In the first decades of the 21st century, highly mathematical-statistical machine learning has dominated the field, and this technique has proved highly successful, helping to solve many challenging problems throughout industry and academia.[10][11]

The various sub-fields of AI research are centered around particular goals and the use of particular tools. The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language processing, perception, and the ability to move and manipulate objects.[a] General intelligence (the ability to solve an arbitrary problem) is among the field's long-term goals.[12] To solve these problems, AI researchers have adapted and integrated a wide range of problem-solving techniques – including search and mathematical optimization, formal logic, artificial neural networks, and methods based on statistics, probability and economics. AI also draws upon computer science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and many other fields.

The field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence "can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it".[b] This raised philosophical arguments about the mind and the ethical consequences of creating artificial beings endowed with human-like intelligence; these issues have previously been explored by myth, fiction and philosophy since antiquity.[14] Computer scientists and philosophers have since suggested that AI may become an existential risk to humanity if its rational capacities are not steered towards beneficial goals.[c]


Silver didrachma from Crete depicting Talos, an ancient mythical automaton with artificial intelligence

Artificial beings with intelligence appeared as storytelling devices in antiquity,[15] and have been common in fiction, as in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Karel Čapek's R.U.R.[16] These characters and their fates raised many of the same issues now discussed in the ethics of artificial intelligence.[17]

The study of mechanical or "formal" reasoning began with philosophers and mathematicians in antiquity. The study of mathematical logic led directly to Alan Turing's theory of computation, which suggested that a machine, by shuffling symbols as simple as "0" and "1", could simulate any conceivable act of mathematical deduction. This insight that digital computers can simulate any process of formal reasoning is known as the Church–Turing thesis.[18] This, along with concurrent discoveries in neurobiology, information theory and cybernetics, led researchers to consider the possibility of building an electronic brain.[19] The first work that is now generally recognized as AI was McCullouch and Pitts' 1943 formal design for Turing-complete "artificial neurons".[20]

By the 1950s, two visions for how to achieve machine intelligence emerged. One vision, known as Symbolic AI or GOFAI, was to use computers to create a symbolic representation of the world and systems that could reason about the world. Proponents included Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, and Marvin Minsky. Closely associated with this approach was the "heuristic search" approach, which likened intelligence to a problem of exploring a space of possibilities for answers. The second vision, known as the connectionist approach, sought to achieve intelligence through learning. Proponents of this approach, most prominently Frank Rosenblatt, sought to connect Perceptron in ways inspired by connections of neurons.[21] James Manyika and others have compared the two approaches to the mind (Symbolic AI) and the brain (connectionist). Manyika argues that symbolic approaches dominated the push for artificial intelligence in this period, due in part to its connection to intellectual traditions of Descarte, Boole, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and others. Connectionist approaches based on cybernetics or artificial neural networks were pushed to the background but have gained new prominence in recent decades.[22]

The field of AI research was born at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956.[d][25] The attendees became the founders and leaders of AI research.[e] They and their students produced programs that the press described as "astonishing":[f] computers were learning checkers strategies, solving word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and speaking English.[g][27] By the middle of the 1960s, research in the U.S. was heavily funded by the Department of Defense[28] and laboratories had been established around the world.[29]

Researchers in the 1960s and the 1970s were convinced that symbolic approaches would eventually succeed in creating a machine with artificial general intelligence and considered this the goal of their field.[30]Herbert Simon predicted, "machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do".[31]Marvin Minsky agreed, writing, "within a generation ... the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved".[32] They had failed to recognize the difficulty of some of the remaining tasks. Progress slowed and in 1974, in response to the criticism of Sir James Lighthill[33] and ongoing pressure from the US Congress to fund more productive projects, both the U.S. and British governments cut off exploratory research in AI. The next few years would later be called an "AI winter", a period when obtaining funding for AI projects was difficult.[8]

In the early 1980s, AI research was revived by the commercial success of expert systems,[34] a form of AI program that simulated the knowledge and analytical skills of human experts. By 1985, the market for AI had reached over a billion dollars. At the same time, Japan's fifth generation computer project inspired the U.S. and British governments to restore funding for academic research.[7] However, beginning with the collapse of the Lisp Machine market in 1987, AI once again fell into disrepute, and a second, longer-lasting winter began.[9]

Many researchers began to doubt that the symbolic approach would be able to imitate all the processes of human cognition, especially perception, robotics, learning and pattern recognition. A number of researchers began to look into "sub-symbolic" approaches to specific AI problems.[35] Robotics researchers, such as Rodney Brooks, rejected symbolic AI and focused on the basic engineering problems that would allow robots to move, survive, and learn their environment.[h] Interest in neural networks and "connectionism" was revived by Geoffrey Hinton, David Rumelhart and others in the middle of the 1980s.[40]Soft computing tools were developed in the 1980s, such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, Grey system theory, evolutionary computation and many tools drawn from statistics or mathematical optimization.

AI gradually restored its reputation in the late 1990s and early 21st century by finding specific solutions to specific problems. The narrow focus allowed researchers to produce verifiable results, exploit more mathematical methods, and collaborate with other fields (such as statistics, economics and mathematics).[41] By 2000, solutions developed by AI researchers were being widely used, although in the 1990s they were rarely described as "artificial intelligence".[11]

Faster computers, algorithmic improvements, and access to large amounts of data enabled advances in machine learning and perception; data-hungry deep learning methods started to dominate accuracy benchmarks around 2012.[42] According to Bloomberg's Jack Clark, 2015 was a landmark year for artificial intelligence, with the number of software projects that use AI within Google increased from a "sporadic usage" in 2012 to more than 2,700 projects.[i] He attributes this to an increase in affordable neural networks, due to a rise in cloud computing infrastructure and to an increase in research tools and datasets.[10] In a 2017 survey, one in five companies reported they had "incorporated AI in some offerings or processes".[43] The amount of research into AI (measured by total publications) increased by 50% in the years 2015–2019.[44]

Numerous academic researchers became concerned that AI was no longer pursuing the original goal of creating versatile, fully intelligent machines. Much of current research involves statistical AI, which is overwhelmingly used to solve specific problems, even highly successful techniques such as deep learning. This concern has led to the subfield of artificial general intelligence (or "AGI"), which had several well-funded institutions by the 2010s.[12]


The general problem of simulating (or creating) intelligence has been broken down into sub-problems. These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an intelligent system to display. The traits described below have received the most attention.[a]

Reasoning, problem-solving

Early researchers developed algorithms that imitated step-by-step reasoning that humans use when they solve puzzles or make logical deductions.[45] By the late 1980s and 1990s, AI research had developed methods for dealing with uncertain or incomplete information, employing concepts from probability and economics.[46]

Many of these algorithms proved to be insufficient for solving large reasoning problems because they experienced a "combinatorial explosion": they became exponentially slower as the problems grew larger.[47] Even humans rarely use the step-by-step deduction that early AI research could model. They solve most of their problems using fast, intuitive judgments.[48]

Knowledge representation

An ontology represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts.

Knowledge representation and knowledge engineering[49] allow AI programs to answer questions intelligently and make deductions about real-world facts.

A representation of "what exists" is an ontology: the set of objects, relations, concepts, and properties formally described so that software agents can interpret them.[50] The most general ontologies are called upper ontologies, which attempt to provide a foundation for all other knowledge and act as mediators between domain ontologies that cover specific knowledge about a particular knowledge domain (field of interest or area of concern). A truly intelligent program would also need access to commonsense knowledge; the set of facts that an average person knows. The semantics of an ontology is typically represented in description logic, such as the Web Ontology Language.[51]

AI research has developed tools to represent specific domains, such as objects, properties, categories and relations between objects;[51] situations, events, states and time;[52] causes and effects;[53] knowledge about knowledge (what we know about what other people know);.[54]default reasoning (things that humans assume are true until they are told differently and will remain true even when other facts are changing); [55] as well as other domains. Among the most difficult problems in AI are: the breadth of commonsense knowledge (the number of atomic facts that the average person knows is enormous);[56] and the sub-symbolic form of most commonsense knowledge (much of what people know is not represented as "facts" or "statements" that they could express verbally).[48]

Formal knowledge representations are used in content-based indexing and retrieval,[57] scene interpretation,[58] clinical decision support,[59] knowledge discovery (mining "interesting" and actionable inferences from large databases),[60] and other areas.[61]


Machine learning (ML), a fundamental concept of AI research since the field's inception,[j] is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience.[k]

Unsupervised learning finds patterns in a stream of input. Supervised learning requires a human to label the input data first, and comes in two main varieties: classification and numerical regression. Classification is used to determine what category something belongs in – the program sees a number of examples of things from several categories and will learn to classify new inputs. Regression is the attempt to produce a function that describes the relationship between inputs and outputs and predicts how the outputs should change as the inputs change. Both classifiers and regression learners can be viewed as "function approximators" trying to learn an unknown (possibly implicit) function; for example, a spam classifier can be viewed as learning a function that maps from the text of an email to one of two categories, "spam" or "not spam".[65] In reinforcement learning the agent is rewarded for good responses and punished for bad ones. The agent classifies its responses to form a strategy for operating in its problem space.[66]Transfer learning is when the knowledge gained from one problem is applied to a new problem.[67]

Computational learning theory can assess learners by computational complexity, by sample complexity (how much data is required), or by other notions of optimization.[68]

Natural language processing

A parse tree represents the syntactic structure of a sentence according to some formal grammar.

Natural language processing (NLP)[69] allows machines to read and understand human language. A sufficiently powerful natural language processing system would enable natural-language user interfaces and the acquisition of knowledge directly from human-written sources, such as newswire texts. Some straightforward applications of NLP include information retrieval, question answering and machine translation.[70]

Symbolic AI used formal syntax to translate the deep structure of sentences into logic. This failed to produce useful applications, due to the intractability of logic[47] and the breadth of commonsense knowledge.[56] Modern statistical techniques include co-occurrence frequencies (how often one word appears near another), "Keyword spotting" (searching for a particular word to retrieve information), transformer-based deep learning (which finds patterns in text), and others.[71] They have achieved acceptable accuracy at the page or paragraph level, and, by 2019, could generate coherent text.[72]


Feature detection (pictured: edge detection) helps AI compose informative abstract structures out of raw data.

Machine perception[73] is the ability to use input from sensors (such as cameras, microphones, wireless signals, and active lidar, sonar, radar, and tactile sensors) to deduce aspects of the world. Applications include speech recognition,[74]facial recognition, and object recognition.[75] Computer vision is the ability to analyze visual input.[76]

Social intelligence

Kismet, a robot with rudimentary social skills[77]

Affective computing is an interdisciplinary umbrella that comprises systems that recognize, interpret, process or simulate human feeling, emotion and mood.[78] For example, some virtual assistants are programmed to speak conversationally or even to banter humorously; it makes them appear more sensitive to the emotional dynamics of human interaction, or to otherwise facilitate human–computer interaction. However, this tends to give naïve users an unrealistic conception of how intelligent existing computer agents actually are.[79] Moderate successes related to affective computing include textual sentiment analysis and, more recently, multimodal sentiment analysis), wherein AI classifies the affects displayed by a videotaped subject.[80]

General intelligence

A machine with general intelligence can solve a wide variety of problems with breadth and versatility similar to human intelligence. There are several competing ideas about how to develop artificial general intelligence. Hans Moravec and Marvin Minsky argue that work in different individual domains can be incorporated into an advanced multi-agent system or cognitive architecture with general intelligence.[81]Pedro Domingos hopes that there is a conceptually straightforward, but mathematically difficult, "master algorithm" that could lead to AGI.[82] Others believe that anthropomorphic features like an artificial brain[83] or simulated child development[l] will someday reach a critical point where general intelligence emerges.


Search and optimization

AI can solve many problems by intelligently searching through many possible solutions.[84] Reasoning can be reduced to performing a search. For example, logical proof can be viewed as searching for a path that leads from premises to conclusions, where each step is the application of an inference rule.[85] Planning algorithms search through trees of goals and subgoals, attempting to find a path to a target goal, a process called means-ends analysis.[86] Robotics algorithms for moving limbs and grasping objects use local searches in configuration space.[87]

Simple exhaustive searches[88] are rarely sufficient for most real-world problems: the search space (the number of places to search) quickly grows to astronomical numbers. The result is a search that is too slow or never completes. The solution, for many problems, is to use "heuristics" or "rules of thumb" that prioritize choices in favor of those more likely to reach a goal and to do so in a shorter number of steps. In some search methodologies, heuristics can also serve to eliminate some choices unlikely to lead to a goal (called "pruning the search tree"). Heuristics supply the program with a "best guess" for the path on which the solution lies.[89] Heuristics limit the search for solutions into a smaller sample size.[90]

A very different kind of search came to prominence in the 1990s, based on the mathematical theory of optimization. For many problems, it is possible to begin the search with some form of a guess and then refine the guess incrementally until no more refinements can be made. These algorithms can be visualized as blind hill climbing: we begin the search at a random point on the landscape, and then, by jumps or steps, we keep moving our guess uphill, until we reach the top. Other related optimization algorithms include random optimization, beam search and metaheuristics like simulated annealing.[91] Evolutionary computation uses a form of optimization search. For example, they may begin with a population of organisms (the guesses) and then allow them to mutate and recombine, selecting only the fittest to survive each generation (refining the guesses). Classic evolutionary algorithms include genetic algorithms, gene expression programming, and genetic programming.[92] Alternatively, distributed search processes can coordinate via swarm intelligence algorithms. Two popular swarm algorithms used in search are particle swarm optimization (inspired by bird flocking) and ant colony optimization (inspired by ant trails).[93]


Logic[94] is used for knowledge representation and problem-solving, but it can be applied to other problems as well. For example, the satplan algorithm uses logic for planning[95] and inductive logic programming is a method for learning.[96]

Several different forms of logic are used in AI research. Propositional logic[97] involves truth functions such as "or" and "not". First-order logic[98] adds quantifiers and predicates and can express facts about objects, their properties, and their relations with each other. Fuzzy logic assigns a "degree of truth" (between 0 and 1) to vague statements such as "Alice is old" (or rich, or tall, or hungry), that are too linguistically imprecise to be completely true or false.[99]Default logics, non-monotonic logics and circumscription are forms of logic designed to help with default reasoning and the qualification problem.[55] Several extensions of logic have been designed to handle specific domains of knowledge, such as description logics;[51]situation calculus, event calculus and fluent calculus (for representing events and time);[52]causal calculus;[53]belief calculus (belief revision); and modal logics.[54] Logics to model contradictory or inconsistent statements arising in multi-agent systems have also been designed, such as paraconsistent logics.[100]

Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning

Expectation-maximization clustering of Old Faithful eruption data starts from a random guess but then successfully converges on an accurate clustering of the two physically distinct modes of eruption.

Many problems in AI (including in reasoning, planning, learning, perception, and robotics) require the agent to operate with incomplete or uncertain information. AI researchers have devised a number of tools to solve these problems using methods from probability theory and economics.[101]Bayesian networks[102] are a very general tool that can be used for various problems, including reasoning (using the Bayesian inference algorithm),[m][104]learning (using the expectation-maximization algorithm),[n][106]planning (using decision networks)[107] and perception (using dynamic Bayesian networks).[108] Probabilistic algorithms can also be used for filtering, prediction, smoothing and finding explanations for streams of data, helping perception systems to analyze processes that occur over time (e.g., hidden Markov models or Kalman filters).[108]

A key concept from the science of economics is "utility", a measure of how valuable something is to an intelligent agent. Precise mathematical tools have been developed that analyze how an agent can make choices and plan, using decision theory, decision analysis,[109] and information value theory.[110] These tools include models such as Markov decision processes,[111] dynamic decision networks,[108] game theory and mechanism design.[112]

Classifiers and statistical learning methods

The simplest AI applications can be divided into two types: classifiers ("if shiny then diamond") and controllers ("if diamond then pick up"). Controllers do, however, also classify conditions before inferring actions, and therefore classification forms a central part of many AI systems. Classifiers are functions that use pattern matching to determine the closest match. They can be tuned according to examples, making them very attractive for use in AI. These examples are known as observations or patterns. In supervised learning, each pattern belongs to a certain predefined class. A class is a decision that has to be made. All the observations combined with their class labels are known as a data set. When a new observation is received, that observation is classified based on previous experience.[113]

A classifier can be trained in various ways; there are many statistical and machine learning approaches. The decision tree is the simplest and most widely used symbolic machine learning algorithm.[114]K-nearest neighbor algorithm was the most widely used analogical AI until the mid-1990s.[115]Kernel methods such as the support vector machine (SVM) displaced k-nearest neighbor in the 1990s.[116] The naive Bayes classifier is reportedly the "most widely used learner"[117] at Google, due in part to its scalability.[118]Neural networks are also used for classification.[119]

Classifier performance depends greatly on the characteristics of the data to be classified, such as the dataset size, distribution of samples across classes, dimensionality, and the level of noise. Model-based classifiers perform well if the assumed model is an extremely good fit for the actual data. Otherwise, if no matching model is available, and if accuracy (rather than speed or scalability) is the sole concern, conventional wisdom is that discriminative classifiers (especially SVM) tend to be more accurate than model-based classifiers such as "naive Bayes" on most practical data sets.[120]

Artificial neural networks

A neural network is an interconnected group of nodes, akin to the vast network of neurons in the human brain.

Neural networks[119] were inspired by the architecture of neurons in the human brain. A simple "neuron" N accepts input from other neurons, each of which, when activated (or "fired"), casts a weighted "vote" for or against whether neuron N should itself activate. Learning requires an algorithm to adjust these weights based on the training data; one simple algorithm (dubbed "fire together, wire together") is to increase the weight between two connected neurons when the activation of one triggers the successful activation of another. Neurons have a continuous spectrum of activation; in addition, neurons can process inputs in a nonlinear way rather than weighing straightforward votes.

Modern neural networks model complex relationships between inputs and outputs and find patterns in data. They can learn continuous functions and even digital logical operations. Neural networks can be viewed as a type of mathematical optimization – they perform gradient descent on a multi-dimensional topology that was created by training the network. The most common training technique is the backpropagation algorithm.[121] Other learning techniques for neural networks are Hebbian learning ("fire together, wire together"), GMDH or competitive learning.[122]

The main categories of networks are acyclic or feedforward neural networks (where the signal passes in only one direction) and recurrent neural networks (which allow feedback and short-term memories of previous input events). Among the most popular feedforward networks are perceptrons, multi-layer perceptrons and radial basis networks.[123]

Deep learning

Representing images on multiple layers of abstraction in deep learning[124]

Deep learning[125] uses several layers of neurons between the network's inputs and outputs. The multiple layers can progressively extract higher-level features from the raw input. For example, in image processing, lower layers may identify edges, while higher layers may identify the concepts relevant to a human such as digits or letters or faces.[126] Deep learning has drastically improved the performance of programs in many important subfields of artificial intelligence, including computer vision, speech recognition, image classification[127] and others.

Deep learning often uses convolutional neural networks for many or all of its layers. In a convolutional layer, each neuron receives input from only a restricted area of the previous layer called the neuron's receptive field. This can substantially reduce the number of weighted connections between neurons,[128] and creates a hierarchy similar to the organization of the animal visual cortex.[129]

In a recurrent neural network (RNN) the signal will propagate through a layer more than once;[130] thus, an RNN is an example of deep learning.[131] RNNs can be trained by gradient descent,[132] however long-term gradients which are back-propagated can "vanish" (that is, they can tend to zero) or "explode" (that is, they can tend to infinity), known as the vanishing gradient problem.[133] The long short term memory (LSTM) technique can prevent this in most cases.[134]

Specialized languages and hardware

Specialized languages for artificial intelligence have been developed, such as Lisp, Prolog, TensorFlow and many others. Hardware developed for AI includes AI accelerators and neuromorphic computing.


For this project the AI had to learn the typical patterns in the colors and brushstrokes of Renaissance painter Raphael. The portrait shows the face of the actress Ornella Muti, "painted" by AI in the style of Raphael.

AI is relevant to any intellectual task.[135] Modern artificial intelligence techniques are pervasive and are too numerous to list here.[136] Frequently, when a technique reaches mainstream use, it is no longer considered artificial intelligence; this phenomenon is described as the AI effect.[137]

In the 2010s, AI applications were at the heart of the most commercially successful areas of computing, and have become a ubiquitous feature of daily life. AI is used in search engines (such as Google Search), targeting online advertisements,[138] recommendation systems (offered by Netflix, YouTube or Amazon), driving internet traffic,[139][140] targeted advertising (AdSense, Facebook), virtual assistants (such as Siri or Alexa),[141] autonomous vehicles (including drones and self-driving cars), automatic language translation (Microsoft Translator, Google Translate), facial recognition (Apple's Face ID or Microsoft's DeepFace), image labeling (used by Facebook, Apple's iPhoto and TikTok) and spam filtering.

There are also thousands of successful AI applications used to solve problems for specific industries or institutions. A few examples are energy storage,[142] deepfakes,[143] medical diagnosis, military logistics, or supply chain management.

Game playing has been a test of AI's strength since the 1950s. Deep Blue became the first computer chess-playing system to beat a reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, on 11 May 1997.[144] In 2011, in a Jeopardy! quiz show exhibition match, IBM's question answering system, Watson, defeated the two greatest Jeopardy! champions, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings, by a significant margin.[145] In March 2016, AlphaGo won 4 out of 5 games of Go in a match with Go champion Lee Sedol, becoming the first computer Go-playing system to beat a professional Go player without handicaps.[146] Other programs handle imperfect-information games; such as for poker at a superhuman level, Pluribus[o] and Cepheus.[148] DeepMind in the 2010s developed a "generalized artificial intelligence" that could learn many diverse Atari games on its own.[149]

By 2020, Natural Language Processing systems such as the enormous GPT-3 (then by far the largest artificial neural network) were matching human performance on pre-existing benchmarks, albeit without the system attaining a commonsense understanding of the contents of the benchmarks.[150] DeepMind's AlphaFold 2 (2020) demonstrated the ability to approximate, in hours rather than months, the 3D structure of a protein.[151] Other applications predict the result of judicial decisions,[152] create art (such as poetry or painting) and prove mathematical theorems.

Smart traffic lights

Artificially intelligent traffic lights use cameras with radar, ultrasonic acoustic location sensors, and predictive algorithms to improve traffic flow

Smart traffic lights have been developed at Carnegie Mellon since 2009. Professor Stephen Smith has started a company since then Surtrac that has installed smart traffic control systems in 22 cities. It costs about $20,000 per intersection to install. Drive time has been reduced by 25% and traffic jam waiting time has been reduced by 40% at the intersections it has been installed.[153]

Intellectual Property

AI Patent families for functional application categories and sub categories. Computer vision represents 49 percent of patent families related to a functional application in 2016.

In 2019, WIPO reported that AI was the most prolific emerging technology in terms of number of patent applications and granted patents, the Internet of things was estimated to be the largest in terms of market size. It was followed, again in market size, by big data technologies, robotics, AI, 3D printing and the fifth generation of mobile services (5G).[154] Since AI emerged in the 1950s, 340,000 AI-related patent applications were filed by innovators and 1.6 million scientific papers have been published by researchers, with the majority of all AI-related patent filings published since 2013. Companies represent 26 out of the top 30 AI patent applicants, with universities or public research organizations accounting for the remaining four.[155] The ratio of scientific papers to inventions has significantly decreased from 8:1 in 2010 to 3:1 in 2016, which is attributed to be indicative of a shift from theoretical research to the use of AI technologies in commercial products and services. Machine learning is the dominant AI technique disclosed in patents and is included in more than one-third of all identified inventions (134,777 machine learning patents filed for a total of 167,038 AI patents filed in 2016), with computer vision being the most popular functional application. AI-related patents not only disclose AI techniques and applications, they often also refer to an application field or industry. Twenty application fields were identified in 2016 and included, in order of magnitude: telecommunications (15 percent), transportation (15 percent), life and medical sciences (12 percent), and personal devices, computing and human–computer interaction (11 percent). Other sectors included banking, entertainment, security, industry and manufacturing, agriculture, and networks (including social networks, smart cities and the Internet of things). IBM has the largest portfolio of AI patents with 8,290 patent applications, followed by Microsoft with 5,930 patent applications.[155]


Defining artificial intelligence

Alan Turing wrote in 1950 "I propose to consider the question 'can machines think'?"[156] He advised changing the question from whether a machine "thinks", to "whether or not it is possible for machinery to show intelligent behaviour".[156] He devised the Turing test, which measures the ability of a machine to simulate human conversation.[157] Since we can only observe the behavior of the machine, it does not matter if it is "actually" thinking or literally has a "mind". Turing notes that we can not determine these things about other people[p] but "it is usual to have a polite convention that everyone thinks"[158]

Russell and Norvig agree with Turing that AI must be defined in terms of "acting" and not "thinking".[159] However, they are critical that the test compares machines to people. "Aeronautical engineering texts," they wrote, "do not define the goal of their field as making 'machines that fly so exactly like pigeons that they can fool other pigeons.'"[160] AI founder John McCarthy agreed, writing that "Artificial intelligence is not, by definition, simulation of human intelligence".[161]

McCarthy defines intelligence as "the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world."[162] Another AI founder, Marvin Minsky similarly defines it as "the ability to solve hard problems".[163] These definitions view intelligence in terms of well-defined problems with well-defined solutions, where both the difficulty of the problem and the performance of the program are direct measures of the "intelligence" of the machine -- and no other philosophical discussion is required, or may not even be possible.

A definition that has also been adopted by Google[164][better source needed] - major practitionary in the field of AI. This definition stipulated the ability of systems to synthesize information as the manifestation of intelligence, similar to the way it is defined in biological intelligence.

Evaluating approaches to AI

No established unifying theory or paradigm has guided AI research for most of its history.[q] The unprecedented success of statistical machine learning in the 2010s eclipsed all other approaches (so much so that some sources, especially in the business world, use the term "artificial intelligence" to mean "machine learning with neural networks"). This approach is mostly sub-symbolic, neat, soft and narrow (see below). Critics argue that these questions may have to be revisited by future generations of AI researchers.

Symbolic AI and its limits

Symbolic AI (or "GOFAI")[166] simulated the high-level conscious reasoning that people use when they solve puzzles, express legal reasoning and do mathematics. They were highly successful at "intelligent" tasks such as algebra or IQ tests. In the 1960s, Newell and Simon proposed the physical symbol systems hypothesis: "A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means of general intelligent action."[167]

However, the symbolic approach failed on many tasks that humans solve easily, such as learning, recognizing an object or commonsense reasoning. Moravec's paradox is the discovery that high-level "intelligent" tasks were easy for AI, but low level "instinctive" tasks were extremely difficult.[168] Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus had argued since the 1960s that human expertise depends on unconscious instinct rather than conscious symbol manipulation, and on having a "feel" for the situation, rather than explicit symbolic knowledge.[169] Although his arguments had been ridiculed and ignored when they were first presented, eventually, AI research came to agree.[r][48]

The issue is not resolved: sub-symbolic reasoning can make many of the same inscrutable mistakes that human intuition does, such as algorithmic bias. Critics such as Noam Chomsky argue continuing research into symbolic AI will still be necessary to attain general intelligence,[171][172] in part because sub-symbolic AI is a move away from explainable AI: it can be difficult or impossible to understand why a modern statistical AI program made a particular decision. The emerging field of neurosymbolic artificial intelligence attempts to bridge the two approaches.

Neat vs. scruffy

"Neats" hope that intelligent behavior is described using simple, elegant principles (such as logic, optimization, or neural networks). "Scruffies" expect that it necessarily requires solving a large number of unrelated problems (especially in areas like common sense reasoning). This issue was actively discussed in the 70s and 80s,[173] but in the 1990s mathematical methods and solid scientific standards became the norm, a transition that Russell and Norvig termed "the victory of the neats".[174]

Soft vs. hard computing

Finding a provably correct or optimal solution is intractable for many important problems.[47] Soft computing is a set of techniques, including genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and neural networks, that are tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation. Soft computing was introduced in the late 80s and most successful AI programs in the 21st century are examples of soft computing with neural networks.

Narrow vs. general AI

AI researchers are divided as to whether to pursue the goals of artificial general intelligence and superintelligence (general AI) directly or to solve as many specific problems as possible (narrow AI) in hopes these solutions will lead indirectly to the field's long-term goals.[175][176] General intelligence is difficult to define and difficult to measure, and modern AI has had more verifiable successes by focusing on specific problems with specific solutions. The experimental sub-field of artificial general intelligence studies this area exclusively.

Machine consciousness, sentience and mind

The philosophy of mind does not know whether a machine can have a mind, consciousness and mental states, in the same sense that human beings do. This issue considers the internal experiences of the machine, rather than its external behavior. Mainstream AI research considers this issue irrelevant because it does not affect the goals of the field. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig observe that most AI researchers "don't care about the [philosophy of AI] – as long as the program works, they don't care whether you call it a simulation of intelligence or real intelligence."[177] However, the question has become central to the philosophy of mind. It is also typically the central question at issue in artificial intelligence in fiction.


David Chalmers identified two problems in understanding the mind, which he named the "hard" and "easy" problems of consciousness.[178] The easy problem is understanding how the brain processes signals, makes plans and controls behavior. The hard problem is explaining how this feels or why it should feel like anything at all. Human information processing is easy to explain, however, human subjective experience is difficult to explain. For example, it is easy to imagine a color-blind person who has learned to identify which objects in their field of view are red, but it is not clear what would be required for the person to know what red looks like.[179]

Computationalism and functionalism

Computationalism is the position in the philosophy of mind that the human mind is an information processing system and that thinking is a form of computing. Computationalism argues that the relationship between mind and body is similar or identical to the relationship between software and hardware and thus may be a solution to the mind-body problem. This philosophical position was inspired by the work of AI researchers and cognitive scientists in the 1960s and was originally proposed by philosophers Jerry Fodor and Hilary Putnam.[180]

Philosopher John Searle characterized this position as "strong AI": "The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds."[s] Searle counters this assertion with his Chinese room argument, which attempts to show that, even if a machine perfectly simulates human behavior, there is still no reason to suppose it also has a mind.[183]

Robot rights

If a machine has a mind and subjective experience, then it may also have sentience (the ability to feel), and if so, then it could also suffer, and thus it would be entitled to certain rights.[184] Any hypothetical robot rights would lie on a spectrum with animal rights and human rights.[185] This issue has been considered in fiction for centuries,[186] and is now being considered by, for example, California's Institute for the Future; however, critics argue that the discussion is premature.[187]



A superintelligence, hyperintelligence, or superhuman intelligence, is a hypothetical agent that would possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind. Superintelligence may also refer to the form or degree of intelligence possessed by such an agent.[176]

If research into artificial general intelligence produced sufficiently intelligent software, it might be able to reprogram and improve itself. The improved software would be even better at improving itself, leading to recursive self-improvement.[188] Its intelligence would increase exponentially in an intelligence explosion and could dramatically surpass humans. Science fiction writer Vernor Vinge named this scenario the "singularity".[189] Because it is difficult or impossible to know the limits of intelligence or the capabilities of superintelligent machines, the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events are unpredictable or even unfathomable.[190]

Robot designer Hans Moravec, cyberneticist Kevin Warwick, and inventor Ray Kurzweil have predicted that humans and machines will merge in the future into cyborgs that are more capable and powerful than either. This idea, called transhumanism, has roots in Aldous Huxley and Robert Ettinger.[191]

Edward Fredkin argues that "artificial intelligence is the next stage in evolution", an idea first proposed by Samuel Butler's "Darwin among the Machines" as far back as 1863, and expanded upon by George Dyson in his book of the same name in 1998.[192]


Technological unemployment

In the past, technology has tended to increase rather than reduce total employment, but economists acknowledge that "we're in uncharted territory" with AI.[193] A survey of economists showed disagreement about whether the increasing use of robots and AI will cause a substantial increase in long-term unemployment, but they generally agree that it could be a net benefit if productivity gains are redistributed.[194] Subjective estimates of the risk vary widely; for example, Michael Osborne and Carl Benedikt Frey estimate 47% of U.S. jobs are at "high risk" of potential automation, while an OECD report classifies only 9% of U.S. jobs as "high risk".[t][196]

Unlike previous waves of automation, many middle-class jobs may be eliminated by artificial intelligence; The Economist states that "the worry that AI could do to white-collar jobs what steam power did to blue-collar ones during the Industrial Revolution" is "worth taking seriously".[197] Jobs at extreme risk range from paralegals to fast food cooks, while job demand is likely to increase for care-related professions ranging from personal healthcare to the clergy.[198]

Bad actors and weaponized AI

AI provides a number of tools that are particularly useful for authoritarian governments: smart spyware, face recognition and voice recognition allow widespread surveillance; such surveillance allows machine learning to classify potential enemies of the state and can prevent them from hiding; recommendation systems can precisely target propaganda and misinformation for maximum effect; deepfakes aid in producing misinformation; advanced AI can make centralized decision making more competitive with liberal and decentralized systems such as markets.[199]

Terrorists, criminals and rogue states may use other forms of weaponized AI such as advanced digital warfare and lethal autonomous weapons. By 2015, over fifty countries were reported to be researching battlefield robots.[200]

Machine-learning AI is also able to design tens of thousands of toxic molecules in a matter of hours.[201]

Algorithmic bias

AI programs can become biased after learning from real-world data. It is not typically introduced by the system designers but is learned by the program, and thus the programmers are often unaware that the bias exists.[202] Bias can be inadvertently introduced by the way training data is selected.[203] It can also emerge from correlations: AI is used to classify individuals into groups and then make predictions assuming that the individual will resemble other members of the group. In some cases, this assumption may be unfair.[204] An example of this is COMPAS, a commercial program widely used by U.S. courts to assess the likelihood of a defendant becoming a recidivist. ProPublica claims that the COMPAS-assigned recidivism risk level of black defendants is far more likely to be overestimated than that of white defendants, despite the fact that the program was not told the races of the defendants.[205] Other examples where algorithmic bias can lead to unfair outcomes are when AI is used for credit rating or hiring.

At its 2022 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT 2022) the Association for Computing Machinery, in Seoul, South Korea, presented and published findings recommending that until AI and robotics systems are demonstrated to be free of bias mistakes, they are unsafe and the use of self-learning neural networks trained on vast, unregulated sources of flawed internet data should be curtailed.[206]

Existential risk

Superintelligent AI may be able to improve itself to the point that humans could not control it. This could, as physicist Stephen Hawking puts it, "spell the end of the human race".[207] Philosopher Nick Bostrom argues that sufficiently intelligent AI, if it chooses actions based on achieving some goal, will exhibit convergent behavior such as acquiring resources or protecting itself from being shut down. If this AI's goals do not fully reflect humanity's, it might need to harm humanity to acquire more resources or prevent itself from being shut down, ultimately to better achieve its goal. He concludes that AI poses a risk to mankind, however humble or "friendly" its stated goals might be.[208] Political scientist Charles T. Rubin argues that "any sufficiently advanced benevolence may be indistinguishable from malevolence." Humans should not assume machines or robots would treat us favorably because there is no a priori reason to believe that they would share our system of morality.[209]

The opinion of experts and industry insiders is mixed, with sizable fractions both concerned and unconcerned by risk from eventual superhumanly-capable AI.[210]Stephen Hawking, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, history professor Yuval Noah Harari, and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have all expressed serious misgivings about the future of AI.[211] Prominent tech titans including Peter Thiel (Amazon Web Services) and Musk have committed more than $1 billion to nonprofit companies that champion responsible AI development, such as OpenAI and the Future of Life Institute.[212]Mark Zuckerberg (CEO, Facebook) has said that artificial intelligence is helpful in its current form and will continue to assist humans.[213] Other experts argue is that the risks are far enough in the future to not be worth researching, or that humans will be valuable from the perspective of a superintelligent machine.[214]Rodney Brooks, in particular, has said that "malevolent" AI is still centuries away.[u]


AI's decisions making abilities raises the questions of legal responsibility and copyright status of created works. This issues are being refined in various jurisdictions.[216]

Ethical machines

Friendly AI are machines that have been designed from the beginning to minimize risks and to make choices that benefit humans. Eliezer Yudkowsky, who coined the term, argues that developing friendly AI should be a higher research priority: it may require a large investment and it must be completed before AI becomes an existential risk.[217]

Machines with intelligence have the potential to use their intelligence to make ethical decisions. The field of machine ethics provides machines with ethical principles and procedures for resolving ethical dilemmas.[218] Machine ethics is also called machine morality, computational ethics or computational morality,[218] and was founded at an AAAI symposium in 2005.[219]

Other approaches include Wendell Wallach's "artificial moral agents"[220] and Stuart J. Russell's three principles for developing provably beneficial machines.[221]


The regulation of artificial intelligence is the development of public sector policies and laws for promoting and regulating artificial intelligence (AI); it is therefore related to the broader regulation of algorithms.[222] The regulatory and policy landscape for AI is an emerging issue in jurisdictions globally.[223] Between 2016 and 2020, more than 30 countries adopted dedicated strategies for AI.[44] Most EU member states had released national AI strategies, as had Canada, China, India, Japan, Mauritius, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, US and Vietnam. Others were in the process of elaborating their own AI strategy, including Bangladesh, Malaysia and Tunisia.[44] The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence was launched in June 2020, stating a need for AI to be developed in accordance with human rights and democratic values, to ensure public confidence and trust in the technology.[44] Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher published a joint statement in November 2021 calling for a government commission to regulate AI.[224]

In fiction

The word "robot" itself was coined by Karel Čapek in his 1921 play R.U.R., the title standing for "Rossum's Universal Robots".

Thought-capable artificial beings have appeared as storytelling devices since antiquity,[15] and have been a persistent theme in science fiction.[17]

A common trope in these works began with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, where a human creation becomes a threat to its masters. This includes such works as Arthur C. Clarke's and Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (both 1968), with HAL 9000, the murderous computer in charge of the Discovery One spaceship, as well as The Terminator (1984) and The Matrix (1999). In contrast, the rare loyal robots such as Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) and Bishop from Aliens (1986) are less prominent in popular culture.[225]

Isaac Asimov introduced the Three Laws of Robotics in many books and stories, most notably the "Multivac" series about a super-intelligent computer of the same name. Asimov's laws are often brought up during lay discussions of machine ethics;[226] while almost all artificial intelligence researchers are familiar with Asimov's laws through popular culture, they generally consider the laws useless for many reasons, one of which is their ambiguity.[227]

Transhumanism (the merging of humans and machines) is explored in the manga Ghost in the Shell and the science-fiction series Dune.

Several works use AI to force us to confront the fundamental question of what makes us human, showing us artificial beings that have the ability to feel, and thus to suffer. This appears in Karel Čapek's R.U.R., the films A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Ex Machina, as well as the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, by Philip K. Dick. Dick considers the idea that our understanding of human subjectivity is altered by technology created with artificial intelligence.[228]

Scientific diplomacy



As technology and research evolve and the world enters the third revolution of warfare following gunpowder and nuclear weapons, the artificial intelligence arms race ensues between the United States, China, and Russia, three countries with the world's top five highest military budgets.[229] Intentions of being a world leader in AI research by 2030[230] have been declared by China's leader Xi Jinping, and President Putin of Russia has stated that "Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world".[231] If Russia were to become the leader in AI research, President Putin has stated Russia's intent to share some of their research with the world so as to not monopolize the field,[231] similar to their current sharing of nuclear technologies, maintaining science diplomacy relations. The United States, China, and Russia, are some examples of countries that have taken their stances toward military artificial intelligence since as early as 2014, having established military programs to develop cyber weapons, control lethal autonomous weapons, and drones that can be used for surveillance.

Russo-Ukrainian War

President Putin announced that artificial intelligence is the future for all mankind [231] and recognizes the power and opportunities that the development and deployment of lethal autonomous weapons AI technology can hold in warfare and homeland security, as well as its threats. President Putin's prediction that future wars will be fought using AI has started to come to fruition to an extent after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022.  The Ukrainian military is making use of the Turkish Bayraktar TB2-drones[232] that still require human operation to deploy laser-guided bombs but can take off, land, and cruise autonomously. Ukraine has also been using Switchblade drones supplied by the US and receiving information gathering by the United States's own surveillance operations regarding battlefield intelligence and national security about Russia.[233] Similarly, Russia can use AI to help analyze battlefield data from surveillance footage taken by drones. Reports and images show that Russia's military has deployed KUB- BLA suicide drones [234] into Ukraine, with speculations of intentions to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Warfare regulations

As research in the AI realm progresses, there is pushback about the use of AI from the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots and world technology leaders have sent a petition[235] to the United Nations calling for new regulations on the development and use of AI technologies in 2017, including a ban on the use of lethal autonomous weapons due to ethical concerns for innocent civilian populations.


With the ever evolving cyber-attacks and generation of devices, AI can be used for threat detection and more effective response by risk prioritization. With this tool, some challenges are also presented such as privacy, informed consent, and responsible use.[236] According to CISA, the cyberspace is difficult to secure for the following factors: the ability of malicious actors to operate from anywhere in the world, the linkages between cyberspace and physical systems, and the difficulty of reducing vulnerabilities and consequences in complex cyber networks.[237] With the increased technological advances of the world, the risk for wide scale consequential events rises. Paradoxically, the ability to protect information and create a line of communication between the scientific and diplomatic community thrives. The role of cybersecurity in diplomacy has become increasingly relevant, creating the term of cyber diplomacy – which is not uniformly defined and not synonymous with cyber defence.[238] Many nations have developed unique approaches to scientific diplomacy in cyberspace.

Czech Republic's approach

Dating back to 2011, when the Czech National Security Authority (NSA) was appointed as the national authority for the cyber agenda. The role of cyber diplomacy strengthened in 2017 when the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) detected a serious cyber campaign directed against its own computer networks.[239] In 2016, three cyber diplomats were deployed to Washington, D.C., Brussels and Tel Aviv, with the goal of establishing active international cooperation focused on engagement with the EU and NATO. The main agenda for these scientific diplomacy efforts is to bolster research on artificial intelligence and how it can be used in cybersecurity research, development, and overall consumer trust.[240] CzechInvest is a key stakeholder in scientific diplomacy and cybersecurity. For example, in September 2018, they organized a mission to Canada in September 2018 with a special focus on artificial intelligence. The main goal of this particular mission was a promotional effort on behalf of Prague, attempting to establish it as a future knowledge hub for the industry for interested Canadian firms.[241]

Germany's approach

Cybersecurity is recognized as a governmental task, dividing into three ministries of responsibility: the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of Defence, and the Federal Foreign Office.[242] These distinctions promoted the creation of various institutions, such as The German National Office for Information Security, The National Cyberdefence Centre, The German National Cyber Security Council, and The Cyber and Information Domain Service.[240] In 2018, a new strategy for artificial intelligence was established by the German government, with the creation of a German-French virtual research and innovation network,[243] holding opportunity for research expansion into cybersecurity.

European Union's approach

The adoption of The Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union – An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace document in 2013 by the European commission[240] pushed forth cybersecurity efforts integrated with scientific diplomacy and artificial intelligence. Efforts are strong, as the EU funds various programs and institutions in the effort to bring science to diplomacy and bring diplomacy to science. Some examples are the cyber security programme Competence Research Innovation (CONCORDIA), which brings together 14 member states,[244] and Cybersecurity for Europe (CSE), which brings together 43 partners involving 20 member states.[245] In addition, The European Network of Cybersecurity Centres and Competence Hub for Innovation and Operations (ECHO) gathers 30 partners with 15 member states[246] and SPARTA gathers 44 partners involving 14 member states.[247] These efforts reflect the overall goals of the EU, to innovate cybersecurity for defense and protection, establish a highly integrated cyberspace among many nations, and further contribute to the security of artificial intelligence.[240]

Russo-Ukrainian War

With the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, there has been a rise in malicious cyber activity against the United States,[248] Ukraine, and Russia. A prominent and rare documented use of artificial intelligence in conflict is on behalf of Ukraine, using facial recognition software to uncover Russian assailants and identify Ukrainians killed in the ongoing war.[249] Though these governmental figures are not primarily focused on scientific and cyber diplomacy, other institutions are commenting on the use of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity with that focus. For example, Georgetown University's Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) has the Cyber-AI Project, with one goal being to attract policymakers' attention to the growing body of academic research, which exposes the exploitive consequences of AI and machine-learning (ML) algorithms.[250] This vulnerability can be a plausible explanation as to why Russia is not engaging in the use of AI in conflict per, Andrew Lohn, a senior fellow at CSET. In addition to use on the battlefield, AI is being used by the Pentagon to analyze data from the war, analyzing to strengthen cybersecurity and warfare intelligence for the United States.[233][251]

Election security

As artificial intelligence grows and the overwhelming amount of news portrayed through cyberspace expands, it is becoming extremely overwhelming for a voter to know what to believe. There are many intelligent codes, referred to as bots, written to portray people on social media with the goal of spreading misinformation.[252] The 2016 US election is a victim of such actions. During the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaign, artificial intelligent bots from Russia were spreading misinformation about the candidates in order to help the Trump campaign.[253] Analysts concluded that approximately 19% of Twitter tweets centered around the 2016 election were detected to come from bots.[253] YouTube in recent years has been used to spread political information as well. Although there is no proof that the platform attempts to manipulate its viewers opinions, Youtubes AI algorithm recommends videos of similar variety.[254] If a person begins to research right wing political podcasts, then YouTube's algorithm will recommend more right wing videos.[255] The uprising in a program called Deepfake, a software used to replicate someone's face and words, has also shown its potential threat. In 2018 a Deepfake video of Barack Obama was released saying words he claims to have never said.[256] While in a national election a Deepfake will quickly be debunked, the software has the capability to heavily sway a smaller local election. This tool holds a lot of potential for spreading misinformation and is monitored with great attention.[257] Although it may be seen as a tool used for harm, AI can help enhance election campaigns as well. AI bots can be programed to target articles with known misinformation. The bots can then indicate what is being misinformed to help shine light on the truth. AI can also be used to inform a person where each parts stands on a certain topic such as healthcare or climate change.[258] The political leaders of a nation have heavy sway on international affairs. Thus, a political leader with a lack of interest for international collaborative scientific advancement can have a negative impact in the scientific diplomacy of that nation[259]

Future of work

Facial recognition

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has subtly grown to become part of everyday life. It is used every day in facial recognition software. It is the first measure of security for many companies in the form of a biometric authentication. This means of authentication allows even the most official organizations such as the United States Internal Revenue Service to verify a person's identity [260] via a database generated from machine learning. As of the year 2022, the United States IRS requires those who do not undergo a live interview with an agent to complete a biometric verification of their identity via ID.me's facial recognition tool.[260]

AI and school

In Japan and South Korea, artificial intelligence software is used in the instruction of English language via the company Riiid.[261] Riiid is a Korean education company working alongside Japan to give students the means to learn and use their English communication skills via engaging with artificial intelligence in a live chat.[261] Riid is not the only company to do this. American company Duolingo is well known for their automated teaching of 41 languages. Babbel, a German language learning program, also uses artificial intelligence in its teaching automation, allowing for European students to learn vital communication skills needed in social, economic, and diplomatic settings. Artificial intelligence will also automate the routine tasks that teachers need to do such as grading, taking attendance, and handling routine student inquiries.[262] This enables the teacher to carry on with the complexities of teaching that an automated machine cannot handle. These include creating exams, explaining complex material in a way that will benefit students individually and handling unique questions from students.

AI and medicine

Unlike the human brain, which possess generalized intelligence, the specialized intelligence of AI can serve as a means of support to physicians internationally. The medical field has a diverse and profound amount of data in which AI can employ to generate a predictive diagnosis. Researchers at an Oxford hospital have developed artificial intelligence that can diagnose heart scans for heart disease and cancer.[263] This artificial intelligence can pick up diminutive details in the scans that doctors may miss. As such, artificial intelligence in medicine will better the industry, giving doctors the means to precisely diagnose their patients using the tools available. The artificial intelligence algorithms will also be used to further improve diagnosis over time, via an application of machine learning called precision medicine.[264] Furthermore, the narrow application of artificial intelligence can use "deep learning" in order to improve medical image analysis. In radiology imaging, AI uses deep learning algorithms to identify potentially cancerous lesions which is an important process assisting in early diagnosis.[265]

AI in business

Data analysis is a fundamental property of artificial intelligence that enables it to be used in every facet of life from search results to the way people buy product. According to NewVantage Partners,[266] over 90% of top businesses have ongoing investments in artificial intelligence. According to IBM, one of the world's leaders in technology, 45% of respondents from companies with over 1,000 employees have adopted AI.[267] Recent data shows that the business market [268] for artificial intelligence during the year 2020 was valued at $51.08 billion. The business market for artificial intelligence is projected to be over $640.3 billion by the year 2028.[268] To prevent harm, AI-deploying organizations need to play a central role in creating and deploying trustworthy AI in line with the principles of trustworthy AI,[269] and take accountability to mitigate the risks.[270]

Business and diplomacy

With the exponential surge of artificial technology and communication, the distribution of one's ideals and values has been evident in daily life. Digital information is spread via communication apps such as Whatsapp, Facebook/Meta, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter. However, it is known that these sites relay specific information corresponding to data analysis. If a right-winged individual were to do a google search, Google's algorithms would target that individual and relay data pertinent to that target audience. US President Bill Clinton noted in 2000:"In the new century, liberty will spread by cell phone and cable modem. [...] We know how much the Internet has changed America, and we are already an open society.[271] However, when the private sector uses artificial intelligence to gather data, a shift in power from the state to the private sector may be seen. This shift in power, specifically in large technological corporations, could profoundly change how diplomacy functions in society. The rise in digital technology and usage of artificial technology enabled the private sector to gather immense data on the public, which is then further categorized by race, location, age, gender, etc.[272] The New York Times calculates that "the ten largest tech firms, which have become gatekeepers in commerce, finance, entertainment and communications, now have a combined market capitalization of more than $10 trillion. In gross domestic product terms, that would rank them as the world's third-largest economy."[273] Beyond the general lobbying of congressmen/congresswomen, companies such as Facebook/Meta or Google use collected data in order to reach their intended audiences with targeted information.[273]

AI and foreign policy


Multiple nations around the globe employ artificial intelligence to assist with their foreign policy decisions. The Chinese Department of External Security Affairs – under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – uses AI to review almost all its foreign investment projects for risk mitigation.[274] The government of China plans to use artificial intelligence in its $900 billion global infrastructure development plan, called the "Belt and Road Initiative" for political, economic, and environmental risk alleviation.[275]

Over 200 applications of artificial intelligence are being used by over 46 United Nations agencies, in sectors ranging from health care dealing with issues such as combating COVID-19 to smart agriculture, to assist the UN in political and diplomatic relations.[276] One example is the use of AI by the UN Global Pulse program to model the effect of the spread of COVID-19 on internally displaced people (IDP) and refugee settlements to assist them in creating an appropriate global health policy.[277][278]

Novel AI tools such as remote sensing can also be employed by diplomats for collecting and analyzing data and near-real-time tracking of objects such as troop or refugee movements along borders in violent conflict zones.[277][279]

Artificial intelligence can be used to mitigate vital cross-national diplomatic talks to prevent translation errors caused by human translators.[280] A major example is the 2021 Anchorage meetings held between US and China aimed at stabilizing foreign relations, only for it to have the opposite effect, increasing tension and aggressiveness between the two nations, due to translation errors caused by human translators.[281] In the meeting, when United States National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden, Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan stated, "We do not seek conflict, but we welcome stiff competition and we will always stand up for our principles, for our people, and for our friends", it was mistranslated into Chinese as "we will face competition between us, and will present our stance in a very clear manner", adding an aggressive tone to the speech.[281] AI's ability for fast and efficient natural language processing and real-time translation and transliteration makes it an important tool for foreign-policy communication between nations and prevents unintended mistranslation.[282]

See also

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ a b This list of intelligent traits is based on the topics covered by the major AI textbooks, including: Russell & Norvig (2003), Luger & Stubblefield (2004), Poole, Mackworth & Goebel (1998) and Nilsson (1998)
  2. ^ This statement comes from the proposal for the Dartmouth workshop of 1956, which reads: "Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it."[13]
  3. ^ Russel and Norvig note in the textbook Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th ed.), section 1.5: "In the longer term, we face the difficult problem of controlling superintelligent AI systems that may evolve in unpredictable ways." while referring to computer scientists, philosophers, and technologists.
  4. ^ Daniel Crevier wrote "the conference is generally recognized as the official birthdate of the new science."[23] Russell and Norvifg call the conference "the birth of artificial intelligence."[24]
  5. ^ Russell and Norvig wrote "for the next 20 years the field would be dominated by these people and their students."[24]
  6. ^ Russell and Norvig wrote "it was astonishing whenever a computer did anything kind of smartish".[26]
  7. ^ The programs described are Arthur Samuel's checkers program for the IBM 701, Daniel Bobrow's STUDENT, Newell and Simon's Logic Theorist and Terry Winograd's SHRDLU.
  8. ^ Embodied approaches to AI[36] were championed by Hans Moravec[37] and Rodney Brooks[38] and went by many names: Nouvelle AI,[38] Developmental robotics,[39]situated AI, behavior-based AI as well as others. A similar movement in cognitive science was the embodied mind thesis.
  9. ^ Clark wrote: "After a half-decade of quiet breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, 2015 has been a landmark year. Computers are smarter and learning faster than ever."[10]
  10. ^ Alan Turing discussed the centrality of learning as early as 1950, in his classic paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence".[62] In 1956, at the original Dartmouth AI summer conference, Ray Solomonoff wrote a report on unsupervised probabilistic machine learning: "An Inductive Inference Machine".[63]
  11. ^ This is a form of Tom Mitchell's widely quoted definition of machine learning: "A computer program is set to learn from an experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P if its performance on T as measured by P improves with experience E."[64]
  12. ^ Alan Turing suggested in "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" that a "thinking machine" would need to be educated like a child.[62] Developmental robotics is a modern version of the idea.[39]
  13. ^ Compared with symbolic logic, formal Bayesian inference is computationally expensive. For inference to be tractable, most observations must be conditionally independent of one another. AdSense uses a Bayesian network with over 300 million edges to learn which ads to serve.[103]
  14. ^ Expectation-maximization, one of the most popular algorithms in machine learning, allows clustering in the presence of unknown latent variables.[105]
  15. ^ The Smithsonian reports: "Pluribus has bested poker pros in a series of six-player no-limit Texas Hold'em games, reaching a milestone in artificial intelligence research. It is the first bot to beat humans in a complex multiplayer competition."[147]
  16. ^ See Problem of other minds
  17. ^ Nils Nilsson wrote in 1983: "Simply put, there is wide disagreement in the field about what AI is all about."[165]
  18. ^ Daniel Crevier wrote that "time has proven the accuracy and perceptiveness of some of Dreyfus's comments. Had he formulated them less aggressively, constructive actions they suggested might have been taken much earlier."[170]
  19. ^ Searle presented this definition of "Strong AI" in 1999.[181] Searle's original formulation was "The appropriately programmed computer really is a mind, in the sense that computers given the right programs can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states."[182] Strong AI is defined similarly by Russell and Norvig: "The assertion that machines could possibly act intelligently (or, perhaps better, act as if they were intelligent) is called the 'weak AI' hypothesis by philosophers, and the assertion that machines that do so are actually thinking (as opposed to simulating thinking) is called the 'strong AI' hypothesis."[177]
  20. ^ See table 4; 9% is both the OECD average and the US average.[195]
  21. ^ Rodney Brooks writes, "I think it is a mistake to be worrying about us developing malevolent AI anytime in the next few hundred years. I think the worry stems from a fundamental error in not distinguishing the difference between the very real recent advances in a particular aspect of AI and the enormity and complexity of building sentient volitional intelligence."[215]


  1. ^ "artificial intelligence, n. : Oxford English Dictionary". www.oed.com. from the original on 5 November 2022. Retrieved 5 November 2022.
  2. ^ Google (2016).
  3. ^ McCorduck (2004), p. 204.
  4. ^ Ashok83 (2019).
  5. ^ Schank (1991), p. 38.
  6. ^ Crevier (1993), p. 109.
  7. ^ a b c Funding initiatives in the early 80s: Fifth Generation Project (Japan), Alvey (UK), Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (US), Strategic Computing Initiative (US):
  8. ^ a b First AI Winter, Lighthill report, Mansfield Amendment
  9. ^ a b Second AI Winter:
  10. ^ a b c d Clark (2015b).
  11. ^ a b AI widely used in late 1990s:
  12. ^ a b Pennachin & Goertzel (2007); Roberts (2016)
  13. ^ McCarthy et al. (1955).
  14. ^ Newquist (1994), pp. 45–53.
  15. ^ a b AI in myth:
  16. ^ McCorduck (2004), pp. 17–25.
  17. ^ a b McCorduck (2004), pp. 340–400.
  18. ^ Berlinski (2000).
  19. ^ AI's immediate precursors:
  20. ^ Russell & Norvig (2009), p. 16.
  21. ^ Manyika 2022, p. 9.
  22. ^ Manyika 2022, p. 10.
  23. ^ Crevier (1993), pp. 47–49.
  24. ^ a b Russell & Norvig (2003), p. 17.
  25. ^ Dartmouth workshop: The proposal:
  26. ^ Russell & Norvig (2003), p. 18.
  27. ^ Successful Symbolic AI programs:
  28. ^ AI heavily funded in 1960s:
  29. ^ Howe (1994).
  30. ^ Newquist (1994), pp. 86–86.
  31. ^ Simon (1965, p. 96) quoted in Crevier (1993, p. 109)
  32. ^ Minsky (1967, p. 2) quoted in Crevier (1993, p. 109)
  33. ^ Lighthill (1973).
  34. ^ Expert systems:
  35. ^ Nilsson (1998), p. 7.
  36. ^ McCorduck (2004), pp. 454–462.
  37. ^ Moravec (1988).
  38. ^ a b Brooks (1990).
  39. ^ a b Developmental robotics:
  40. ^ Revival of connectionism:
  41. ^ Formal and narrow methods adopted in the 1990s:
  42. ^ McKinsey (2018).
  43. ^ MIT Sloan Management Review (2018); Lorica (2017)
  44. ^ a b c d UNESCO (2021).
  45. ^ Problem solving, puzzle solving, game playing and deduction:
  46. ^ Uncertain reasoning:
  47. ^ a b c Intractability and efficiency and the combinatorial explosion:
  48. ^ a b c Psychological evidence of the prevalence sub-symbolic reasoning and knowledge:
  49. ^ Knowledge representation and knowledge engineering:
  50. ^ Russell & Norvig (2003), pp. 320–328.
  51. ^ a b c Representing categories and relations: Semantic networks, description logics, inheritance (including frames and scripts):
  52. ^ a b Representing events and time:Situation calculus, event calculus, fluent calculus (including solving the frame problem):
  53. ^ a b Causal calculus:
  54. ^ a b Representing knowledge about knowledge: Belief calculus, modal logics:
  55. ^ a b Default reasoning, Frame problem, default logic, non-monotonic logics, circumscription, closed world assumption, abduction: (Poole et al. places abduction under "default reasoning". Luger et al. places this under "uncertain reasoning").
  56. ^ a b Breadth of commonsense knowledge:
  57. ^ Smoliar & Zhang (1994).
  58. ^ Neumann & Möller (2008).
  59. ^ Kuperman, Reichley & Bailey (2006).
  60. ^ McGarry (2005).
  61. ^ Bertini, Del Bimbo & Torniai (2006).
  62. ^ a b Turing (1950).
  63. ^ Solomonoff (1956).
  64. ^ Russell & Norvig (2003), pp. 649–788.
  65. ^ Learning:
  66. ^ Reinforcement learning:
  67. ^ The Economist (2016).
  68. ^ Jordan & Mitchell (2015).
  69. ^ Natural language processing (NLP):
  70. ^ Applications of NLP:
  71. ^ Modern statistical approaches to NLP:
  72. ^ Vincent (2019).
  73. ^ Machine perception:
  74. ^ Speech recognition:
  75. ^ Object recognition:
  76. ^ Computer vision:
  77. ^ MIT AIL (2014).
  78. ^ Affective computing:
  79. ^ Waddell (2018).
  80. ^ Poria et al. (2017).
  81. ^ The Society of Mind: Moravec's "golden spike": Multi-agent systems, hybrid intelligent systems, agent architectures, cognitive architecture:
  82. ^ Domingos (2015), Chpt. 9.
  83. ^ Artificial brain as an approach to AGI: A few of the people who make some form of the argument:
  84. ^ Search algorithms:
  85. ^ Forward chaining, backward chaining, Horn clauses, and logical deduction as search:
  86. ^ State space search and planning:
  87. ^ Moving and configuration space:
  88. ^ Uninformed searches (breadth first search, depth-first search and general state space search):
  89. ^ Heuristic or informed searches (e.g., greedy best first and A*):
  90. ^ Tecuci (2012).
  91. ^ Optimization searches:
  92. ^ Genetic programming and genetic algorithms:
  93. ^ Artificial life and society based learning:
  94. ^ Logic:
  95. ^ Satplan:
  96. ^ Explanation based learning, relevance based learning, inductive logic programming, case based reasoning:
  97. ^ Propositional logic:
  98. ^ First-order logic and features such as equality:
  99. ^ Fuzzy logic:
  100. ^ Abe, Jair Minoro; Nakamatsu, Kazumi (2009). "Multi-agent Systems and Paraconsistent Knowledge". Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Vol. 170. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 101–121. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-88049-3_5. eISSN 1860-9503. ISBN 978-3-540-88048-6. ISSN 1860-949X. Retrieved 2 August 2022.
  101. ^ Stochastic methods for uncertain reasoning:
  102. ^ Bayesian networks:
  103. ^ Domingos (2015), chapter 6.
  104. ^ Bayesian inference algorithm:
  105. ^ Domingos (2015), p. 210.
  106. ^ Bayesian learning and the expectation-maximization algorithm:
  107. ^ Bayesian decision theory and Bayesian decision networks:
  108. ^ a b c Stochastic temporal models: Dynamic Bayesian networks: Hidden Markov model: Kalman filters:
  109. ^ decision theory and decision analysis:
  110. ^ Information value theory:
  111. ^ Markov decision processes and dynamic decision networks:
  112. ^ Game theory and mechanism design:
  113. ^ Statistical learning methods and classifiers:
  114. ^ Decision tree:
  115. ^ K-nearest neighbor algorithm:
  116. ^ kernel methods such as the support vector machine: Gaussian mixture model:
  117. ^ Domingos (2015), p. 152.
  118. ^ Naive Bayes classifier:
  119. ^ a b Neural networks:
  120. ^ Classifier performance:
  121. ^ Backpropagation: Paul Werbos' introduction of backpropagation to AI: Automatic differentiation, an essential precursor:
  122. ^ Competitive learning, Hebbian coincidence learning, Hopfield networks and attractor networks:
  123. ^ Feedforward neural networks, perceptrons and radial basis networks:
  124. ^ Schulz & Behnke (2012).
  125. ^ Deep learning:
  126. ^ Deng & Yu (2014), pp. 199–200.
  127. ^ Ciresan, Meier & Schmidhuber (2012).
  128. ^ Habibi (2017).
  129. ^ Fukushima (2007).
  130. ^ Recurrent neural networks, Hopfield nets:
  131. ^ Schmidhuber (2015).
  132. ^ Werbos (1988); Robinson & Fallside (1987); Williams & Zipser (1994)
  133. ^ Goodfellow, Bengio & Courville (2016); Hochreiter (1991)
  134. ^ Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1997); Gers, Schraudolph & Schraudolph (2002)
  135. ^ Russell & Norvig (2009), p. 1.
  136. ^ European Commission (2020), p. 1.
  137. ^ CNN (2006).
  138. ^ Targeted advertising:
  139. ^ Lohr (2016).
  140. ^ Smith (2016).
  141. ^ Rowinski (2013).
  142. ^ Frangoul (2019).
  143. ^ Brown (2019).
  144. ^ McCorduck (2004), pp. 480–483.
  145. ^ Markoff (2011).
  146. ^ Google (2016); BBC (2016)
  147. ^ Solly (2019).
  148. ^ Bowling et al. (2015).
  149. ^ Sample (2017).
  150. ^ Anadiotis (2020).
  151. ^ Heath (2020).
  152. ^ Aletras et al. (2016).
  153. ^ "Going Nowhere Fast? Smart Traffic Lights Can Help Ease Gridlock". 18 May 2022.
  154. ^ "Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies". WIPO.
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  156. ^ a b Turing (1950), p. 1.
  157. ^ Turing's original publication of the Turing test in "Computing machinery and intelligence": Historical influence and philosophical implications:
  158. ^ Turing (1950), Under "The Argument from Consciousness".
  159. ^ Russell & Norvig (2021), chpt. 2.
  160. ^ Russell & Norvig (2021), p. 3.
  161. ^ Maker (2006).
  162. ^ McCarthy 1999.
  163. ^ Minsky (1986).
  164. ^ "Artificial intelligence - Google Search". www.google.com. Retrieved 5 November 2022.
  165. ^ Nilsson (1983), p. 10.
  166. ^ Haugeland (1985), pp. 112–117.
  167. ^ Physical symbol system hypothesis: Historical significance:
  168. ^ Moravec's paradox:
  169. ^ Dreyfus' critique of AI: Historical significance and philosophical implications:
  170. ^ Crevier (1993), p. 125.
  171. ^ Langley (2011).
  172. ^ Katz (2012).
  173. ^ Neats vs. scruffies, the historic debate: A classic example of the "scruffy" approach to intelligence: A modern example of neat AI and its aspirations:
  174. ^ Russell & Norvig (2003), pp. 25–26.
  175. ^ Pennachin & Goertzel (2007).
  176. ^ a b Roberts (2016).
  177. ^ a b Russell & Norvig (2003), p. 947.
  178. ^ Chalmers (1995).
  179. ^ Dennett (1991).
  180. ^ Horst (2005).
  181. ^ Searle (1999).
  182. ^ Searle (1980), p. 1.
  183. ^ Searle's Chinese room argument: Discussion:
  184. ^ Robot rights:
  185. ^ Evans (2015).
  186. ^ McCorduck (2004), pp. 19–25.
  187. ^ Henderson (2007).
  188. ^ Omohundro (2008).
  189. ^ Vinge (1993).
  190. ^ Russell & Norvig (2003), p. 963.
  191. ^ Transhumanism:
  192. ^ AI as evolution:
  193. ^ Ford & Colvin (2015); McGaughey (2018)
  194. ^ IGM Chicago (2017).
  195. ^ Arntz, Gregory & Zierahn (2016), p. 33.
  196. ^ Lohr (2017); Frey & Osborne (2017); Arntz, Gregory & Zierahn (2016, p. 33)
  197. ^ Morgenstern (2015).
  198. ^ Mahdawi (2017); Thompson (2014)
  199. ^ Harari (2018).
  200. ^ Weaponized AI:
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  203. ^ Goffrey (2008), p. 17.
  204. ^ Lipartito (2011, p. 36); Goodman & Flaxman (2017, p. 6)
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  208. ^ Bostrom (2014); Müller & Bostrom (2014); Bostrom (2015)
  209. ^ Rubin (2003).
  210. ^ Müller & Bostrom (2014).
  211. ^ Leaders' concerns about the existential risks of AI:
  212. ^ Funding to mitigate risks of AI:
  213. ^ Leaders who argue the benefits of AI outweigh the risks:
  214. ^ Arguments that AI is not an imminent risk:
  215. ^ Brooks (2014).
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  218. ^ a b Anderson & Anderson (2011).
  219. ^ AAAI (2014).
  220. ^ Wallach (2010).
  221. ^ Russell (2019), p. 173.
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  223. ^ Kissinger, Henry (1 November 2021). "The Challenge of Being Human in the Age of AI". The Wall Street Journal.
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These were the four the most widely used AI textbooks in 2008:

Later editions.

The two most widely used textbooks in 2021.Open Syllabus: Explorer

History of AI

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artificial, intelligence, redirects, here, other, uses, disambiguation, disambiguation, intelligent, agent, intelligence, perceiving, synthesizing, inferring, information, demonstrated, machines, opposed, intelligence, displayed, human, animals, humans, exampl. AI redirects here For other uses see AI disambiguation Artificial intelligence disambiguation and Intelligent agent Artificial intelligence AI is intelligence perceiving synthesizing and inferring information demonstrated by machines as opposed to intelligence displayed by non human animals and humans Example tasks in which this is done include speech recognition computer vision translation between natural languages as well as other mappings of inputs The Oxford English Dictionary of Oxford University Press defines artificial intelligence as 1 the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence such as visual perception speech recognition decision making and translation between languages AI applications include advanced web search engines e g Google recommendation systems used by YouTube Amazon and Netflix understanding human speech such as Siri and Alexa self driving cars e g Waymo automated decision making and competing at the highest level in strategic game systems such as chess and Go 2 As machines become increasingly capable tasks considered to require intelligence are often removed from the definition of AI a phenomenon known as the AI effect 3 For instance optical character recognition is frequently excluded from things considered to be AI 4 having become a routine technology 5 Artificial intelligence was founded as an academic discipline in 1956 and in the years since has experienced several waves of optimism 6 7 followed by disappointment and the loss of funding known as an AI winter 8 9 followed by new approaches success and renewed funding 7 10 AI research has tried and discarded many different approaches since its founding including simulating the brain modeling human problem solving formal logic large databases of knowledge and imitating animal behavior In the first decades of the 21st century highly mathematical statistical machine learning has dominated the field and this technique has proved highly successful helping to solve many challenging problems throughout industry and academia 10 11 The various sub fields of AI research are centered around particular goals and the use of particular tools The traditional goals of AI research include reasoning knowledge representation planning learning natural language processing perception and the ability to move and manipulate objects a General intelligence the ability to solve an arbitrary problem is among the field s long term goals 12 To solve these problems AI researchers have adapted and integrated a wide range of problem solving techniques including search and mathematical optimization formal logic artificial neural networks and methods based on statistics probability and economics AI also draws upon computer science psychology linguistics philosophy and many other fields The field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it b This raised philosophical arguments about the mind and the ethical consequences of creating artificial beings endowed with human like intelligence these issues have previously been explored by myth fiction and philosophy since antiquity 14 Computer scientists and philosophers have since suggested that AI may become an existential risk to humanity if its rational capacities are not steered towards beneficial goals c Contents 1 History 2 Goals 2 1 Reasoning problem solving 2 2 Knowledge representation 2 3 Learning 2 4 Natural language processing 2 5 Perception 2 6 Social intelligence 2 7 General intelligence 3 Tools 3 1 Search and optimization 3 2 Logic 3 3 Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning 3 4 Classifiers and statistical learning methods 3 5 Artificial neural networks 3 5 1 Deep learning 3 6 Specialized languages and hardware 4 Applications 4 1 Smart traffic lights 5 Intellectual Property 6 Philosophy 6 1 Defining artificial intelligence 6 2 Evaluating approaches to AI 6 2 1 Symbolic AI and its limits 6 2 2 Neat vs scruffy 6 2 3 Soft vs hard computing 6 2 4 Narrow vs general AI 6 3 Machine consciousness sentience and mind 6 3 1 Consciousness 6 3 2 Computationalism and functionalism 6 3 3 Robot rights 7 Future 7 1 Superintelligence 7 2 Risks 7 2 1 Technological unemployment 7 2 2 Bad actors and weaponized AI 7 2 3 Algorithmic bias 7 2 4 Existential risk 7 2 5 Copyright 7 3 Ethical machines 7 4 Regulation 8 In fiction 9 Scientific diplomacy 9 1 Warfare 9 1 1 Russo Ukrainian War 9 1 2 Warfare regulations 9 2 Cybersecurity 9 2 1 Czech Republic s approach 9 2 2 Germany s approach 9 2 3 European Union s approach 9 2 4 Russo Ukrainian War 9 3 Election security 9 4 Future of work 9 4 1 Facial recognition 9 4 2 AI and school 9 4 3 AI and medicine 9 4 4 AI in business 9 4 5 Business and diplomacy 9 5 AI and foreign policy 10 See also 11 Explanatory notes 12 References 12 1 AI textbooks 12 2 History of AI 12 3 Other sources 13 Further reading 14 External linksHistoryMain articles History of artificial intelligence and Timeline of artificial intelligence Silver didrachma from Crete depicting Talos an ancient mythical automaton with artificial intelligence Artificial beings with intelligence appeared as storytelling devices in antiquity 15 and have been common in fiction as in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein or Karel Capek s R U R 16 These characters and their fates raised many of the same issues now discussed in the ethics of artificial intelligence 17 The study of mechanical or formal reasoning began with philosophers and mathematicians in antiquity The study of mathematical logic led directly to Alan Turing s theory of computation which suggested that a machine by shuffling symbols as simple as 0 and 1 could simulate any conceivable act of mathematical deduction This insight that digital computers can simulate any process of formal reasoning is known as the Church Turing thesis 18 This along with concurrent discoveries in neurobiology information theory and cybernetics led researchers to consider the possibility of building an electronic brain 19 The first work that is now generally recognized as AI was McCullouch and Pitts 1943 formal design for Turing complete artificial neurons 20 By the 1950s two visions for how to achieve machine intelligence emerged One vision known as Symbolic AI or GOFAI was to use computers to create a symbolic representation of the world and systems that could reason about the world Proponents included Allen Newell Herbert A Simon and Marvin Minsky Closely associated with this approach was the heuristic search approach which likened intelligence to a problem of exploring a space of possibilities for answers The second vision known as the connectionist approach sought to achieve intelligence through learning Proponents of this approach most prominently Frank Rosenblatt sought to connect Perceptron in ways inspired by connections of neurons 21 James Manyika and others have compared the two approaches to the mind Symbolic AI and the brain connectionist Manyika argues that symbolic approaches dominated the push for artificial intelligence in this period due in part to its connection to intellectual traditions of Descarte Boole Gottlob Frege Bertrand Russell and others Connectionist approaches based on cybernetics or artificial neural networks were pushed to the background but have gained new prominence in recent decades 22 The field of AI research was born at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956 d 25 The attendees became the founders and leaders of AI research e They and their students produced programs that the press described as astonishing f computers were learning checkers strategies solving word problems in algebra proving logical theorems and speaking English g 27 By the middle of the 1960s research in the U S was heavily funded by the Department of Defense 28 and laboratories had been established around the world 29 Researchers in the 1960s and the 1970s were convinced that symbolic approaches would eventually succeed in creating a machine with artificial general intelligence and considered this the goal of their field 30 Herbert Simon predicted machines will be capable within twenty years of doing any work a man can do 31 Marvin Minsky agreed writing within a generation the problem of creating artificial intelligence will substantially be solved 32 They had failed to recognize the difficulty of some of the remaining tasks Progress slowed and in 1974 in response to the criticism of Sir James Lighthill 33 and ongoing pressure from the US Congress to fund more productive projects both the U S and British governments cut off exploratory research in AI The next few years would later be called an AI winter a period when obtaining funding for AI projects was difficult 8 In the early 1980s AI research was revived by the commercial success of expert systems 34 a form of AI program that simulated the knowledge and analytical skills of human experts By 1985 the market for AI had reached over a billion dollars At the same time Japan s fifth generation computer project inspired the U S and British governments to restore funding for academic research 7 However beginning with the collapse of the Lisp Machine market in 1987 AI once again fell into disrepute and a second longer lasting winter began 9 Many researchers began to doubt that the symbolic approach would be able to imitate all the processes of human cognition especially perception robotics learning and pattern recognition A number of researchers began to look into sub symbolic approaches to specific AI problems 35 Robotics researchers such as Rodney Brooks rejected symbolic AI and focused on the basic engineering problems that would allow robots to move survive and learn their environment h Interest in neural networks and connectionism was revived by Geoffrey Hinton David Rumelhart and others in the middle of the 1980s 40 Soft computing tools were developed in the 1980s such as neural networks fuzzy systems Grey system theory evolutionary computation and many tools drawn from statistics or mathematical optimization AI gradually restored its reputation in the late 1990s and early 21st century by finding specific solutions to specific problems The narrow focus allowed researchers to produce verifiable results exploit more mathematical methods and collaborate with other fields such as statistics economics and mathematics 41 By 2000 solutions developed by AI researchers were being widely used although in the 1990s they were rarely described as artificial intelligence 11 Faster computers algorithmic improvements and access to large amounts of data enabled advances in machine learning and perception data hungry deep learning methods started to dominate accuracy benchmarks around 2012 42 According to Bloomberg s Jack Clark 2015 was a landmark year for artificial intelligence with the number of software projects that use AI within Google increased from a sporadic usage in 2012 to more than 2 700 projects i He attributes this to an increase in affordable neural networks due to a rise in cloud computing infrastructure and to an increase in research tools and datasets 10 In a 2017 survey one in five companies reported they had incorporated AI in some offerings or processes 43 The amount of research into AI measured by total publications increased by 50 in the years 2015 2019 44 Numerous academic researchers became concerned that AI was no longer pursuing the original goal of creating versatile fully intelligent machines Much of current research involves statistical AI which is overwhelmingly used to solve specific problems even highly successful techniques such as deep learning This concern has led to the subfield of artificial general intelligence or AGI which had several well funded institutions by the 2010s 12 GoalsThe general problem of simulating or creating intelligence has been broken down into sub problems These consist of particular traits or capabilities that researchers expect an intelligent system to display The traits described below have received the most attention a Reasoning problem solving Early researchers developed algorithms that imitated step by step reasoning that humans use when they solve puzzles or make logical deductions 45 By the late 1980s and 1990s AI research had developed methods for dealing with uncertain or incomplete information employing concepts from probability and economics 46 Many of these algorithms proved to be insufficient for solving large reasoning problems because they experienced a combinatorial explosion they became exponentially slower as the problems grew larger 47 Even humans rarely use the step by step deduction that early AI research could model They solve most of their problems using fast intuitive judgments 48 Knowledge representation Main articles Knowledge representation Commonsense knowledge Description logic and Ontology An ontology represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts Knowledge representation and knowledge engineering 49 allow AI programs to answer questions intelligently and make deductions about real world facts A representation of what exists is an ontology the set of objects relations concepts and properties formally described so that software agents can interpret them 50 The most general ontologies are called upper ontologies which attempt to provide a foundation for all other knowledge and act as mediators between domain ontologies that cover specific knowledge about a particular knowledge domain field of interest or area of concern A truly intelligent program would also need access to commonsense knowledge the set of facts that an average person knows The semantics of an ontology is typically represented in description logic such as the Web Ontology Language 51 AI research has developed tools to represent specific domains such as objects properties categories and relations between objects 51 situations events states and time 52 causes and effects 53 knowledge about knowledge what we know about what other people know 54 default reasoning things that humans assume are true until they are told differently and will remain true even when other facts are changing 55 as well as other domains Among the most difficult problems in AI are the breadth of commonsense knowledge the number of atomic facts that the average person knows is enormous 56 and the sub symbolic form of most commonsense knowledge much of what people know is not represented as facts or statements that they could express verbally 48 Formal knowledge representations are used in content based indexing and retrieval 57 scene interpretation 58 clinical decision support 59 knowledge discovery mining interesting and actionable inferences from large databases 60 and other areas 61 Learning Main article Machine learning Machine learning ML a fundamental concept of AI research since the field s inception j is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience k Unsupervised learning finds patterns in a stream of input Supervised learning requires a human to label the input data first and comes in two main varieties classification and numerical regression Classification is used to determine what category something belongs in the program sees a number of examples of things from several categories and will learn to classify new inputs Regression is the attempt to produce a function that describes the relationship between inputs and outputs and predicts how the outputs should change as the inputs change Both classifiers and regression learners can be viewed as function approximators trying to learn an unknown possibly implicit function for example a spam classifier can be viewed as learning a function that maps from the text of an email to one of two categories spam or not spam 65 In reinforcement learning the agent is rewarded for good responses and punished for bad ones The agent classifies its responses to form a strategy for operating in its problem space 66 Transfer learning is when the knowledge gained from one problem is applied to a new problem 67 Computational learning theory can assess learners by computational complexity by sample complexity how much data is required or by other notions of optimization 68 Natural language processing Main article Natural language processing A parse tree represents the syntactic structure of a sentence according to some formal grammar Natural language processing NLP 69 allows machines to read and understand human language A sufficiently powerful natural language processing system would enable natural language user interfaces and the acquisition of knowledge directly from human written sources such as newswire texts Some straightforward applications of NLP include information retrieval question answering and machine translation 70 Symbolic AI used formal syntax to translate the deep structure of sentences into logic This failed to produce useful applications due to the intractability of logic 47 and the breadth of commonsense knowledge 56 Modern statistical techniques include co occurrence frequencies how often one word appears near another Keyword spotting searching for a particular word to retrieve information transformer based deep learning which finds patterns in text and others 71 They have achieved acceptable accuracy at the page or paragraph level and by 2019 could generate coherent text 72 Perception Main articles Machine perception Computer vision and Speech recognition Feature detection pictured edge detection helps AI compose informative abstract structures out of raw data Machine perception 73 is the ability to use input from sensors such as cameras microphones wireless signals and active lidar sonar radar and tactile sensors to deduce aspects of the world Applications include speech recognition 74 facial recognition and object recognition 75 Computer vision is the ability to analyze visual input 76 Social intelligence Main article Affective computing Kismet a robot with rudimentary social skills 77 Affective computing is an interdisciplinary umbrella that comprises systems that recognize interpret process or simulate human feeling emotion and mood 78 For example some virtual assistants are programmed to speak conversationally or even to banter humorously it makes them appear more sensitive to the emotional dynamics of human interaction or to otherwise facilitate human computer interaction However this tends to give naive users an unrealistic conception of how intelligent existing computer agents actually are 79 Moderate successes related to affective computing include textual sentiment analysis and more recently multimodal sentiment analysis wherein AI classifies the affects displayed by a videotaped subject 80 General intelligence Main article Artificial general intelligence A machine with general intelligence can solve a wide variety of problems with breadth and versatility similar to human intelligence There are several competing ideas about how to develop artificial general intelligence Hans Moravec and Marvin Minsky argue that work in different individual domains can be incorporated into an advanced multi agent system or cognitive architecture with general intelligence 81 Pedro Domingos hopes that there is a conceptually straightforward but mathematically difficult master algorithm that could lead to AGI 82 Others believe that anthropomorphic features like an artificial brain 83 or simulated child development l will someday reach a critical point where general intelligence emerges ToolsSearch and optimization Main articles Search algorithm Mathematical optimization and Evolutionary computation AI can solve many problems by intelligently searching through many possible solutions 84 Reasoning can be reduced to performing a search For example logical proof can be viewed as searching for a path that leads from premises to conclusions where each step is the application of an inference rule 85 Planning algorithms search through trees of goals and subgoals attempting to find a path to a target goal a process called means ends analysis 86 Robotics algorithms for moving limbs and grasping objects use local searches in configuration space 87 Simple exhaustive searches 88 are rarely sufficient for most real world problems the search space the number of places to search quickly grows to astronomical numbers The result is a search that is too slow or never completes The solution for many problems is to use heuristics or rules of thumb that prioritize choices in favor of those more likely to reach a goal and to do so in a shorter number of steps In some search methodologies heuristics can also serve to eliminate some choices unlikely to lead to a goal called pruning the search tree Heuristics supply the program with a best guess for the path on which the solution lies 89 Heuristics limit the search for solutions into a smaller sample size 90 A particle swarm seeking the global minimum A very different kind of search came to prominence in the 1990s based on the mathematical theory of optimization For many problems it is possible to begin the search with some form of a guess and then refine the guess incrementally until no more refinements can be made These algorithms can be visualized as blind hill climbing we begin the search at a random point on the landscape and then by jumps or steps we keep moving our guess uphill until we reach the top Other related optimization algorithms include random optimization beam search and metaheuristics like simulated annealing 91 Evolutionary computation uses a form of optimization search For example they may begin with a population of organisms the guesses and then allow them to mutate and recombine selecting only the fittest to survive each generation refining the guesses Classic evolutionary algorithms include genetic algorithms gene expression programming and genetic programming 92 Alternatively distributed search processes can coordinate via swarm intelligence algorithms Two popular swarm algorithms used in search are particle swarm optimization inspired by bird flocking and ant colony optimization inspired by ant trails 93 Logic Main articles Logic programming and Automated reasoning Logic 94 is used for knowledge representation and problem solving but it can be applied to other problems as well For example the satplan algorithm uses logic for planning 95 and inductive logic programming is a method for learning 96 Several different forms of logic are used in AI research Propositional logic 97 involves truth functions such as or and not First order logic 98 adds quantifiers and predicates and can express facts about objects their properties and their relations with each other Fuzzy logic assigns a degree of truth between 0 and 1 to vague statements such as Alice is old or rich or tall or hungry that are too linguistically imprecise to be completely true or false 99 Default logics non monotonic logics and circumscription are forms of logic designed to help with default reasoning and the qualification problem 55 Several extensions of logic have been designed to handle specific domains of knowledge such as description logics 51 situation calculus event calculus and fluent calculus for representing events and time 52 causal calculus 53 belief calculus belief revision and modal logics 54 Logics to model contradictory or inconsistent statements arising in multi agent systems have also been designed such as paraconsistent logics 100 Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning Main articles Bayesian network Hidden Markov model Kalman filter Particle filter Decision theory and Utility theory Expectation maximization clustering of Old Faithful eruption data starts from a random guess but then successfully converges on an accurate clustering of the two physically distinct modes of eruption Many problems in AI including in reasoning planning learning perception and robotics require the agent to operate with incomplete or uncertain information AI researchers have devised a number of tools to solve these problems using methods from probability theory and economics 101 Bayesian networks 102 are a very general tool that can be used for various problems including reasoning using the Bayesian inference algorithm m 104 learning using the expectation maximization algorithm n 106 planning using decision networks 107 and perception using dynamic Bayesian networks 108 Probabilistic algorithms can also be used for filtering prediction smoothing and finding explanations for streams of data helping perception systems to analyze processes that occur over time e g hidden Markov models or Kalman filters 108 A key concept from the science of economics is utility a measure of how valuable something is to an intelligent agent Precise mathematical tools have been developed that analyze how an agent can make choices and plan using decision theory decision analysis 109 and information value theory 110 These tools include models such as Markov decision processes 111 dynamic decision networks 108 game theory and mechanism design 112 Classifiers and statistical learning methods Main articles Statistical classification and Machine learning The simplest AI applications can be divided into two types classifiers if shiny then diamond and controllers if diamond then pick up Controllers do however also classify conditions before inferring actions and therefore classification forms a central part of many AI systems Classifiers are functions that use pattern matching to determine the closest match They can be tuned according to examples making them very attractive for use in AI These examples are known as observations or patterns In supervised learning each pattern belongs to a certain predefined class A class is a decision that has to be made All the observations combined with their class labels are known as a data set When a new observation is received that observation is classified based on previous experience 113 A classifier can be trained in various ways there are many statistical and machine learning approaches The decision tree is the simplest and most widely used symbolic machine learning algorithm 114 K nearest neighbor algorithm was the most widely used analogical AI until the mid 1990s 115 Kernel methods such as the support vector machine SVM displaced k nearest neighbor in the 1990s 116 The naive Bayes classifier is reportedly the most widely used learner 117 at Google due in part to its scalability 118 Neural networks are also used for classification 119 Classifier performance depends greatly on the characteristics of the data to be classified such as the dataset size distribution of samples across classes dimensionality and the level of noise Model based classifiers perform well if the assumed model is an extremely good fit for the actual data Otherwise if no matching model is available and if accuracy rather than speed or scalability is the sole concern conventional wisdom is that discriminative classifiers especially SVM tend to be more accurate than model based classifiers such as naive Bayes on most practical data sets 120 Artificial neural networks Main articles Artificial neural network and Connectionism A neural network is an interconnected group of nodes akin to the vast network of neurons in the human brain Neural networks 119 were inspired by the architecture of neurons in the human brain A simple neuron N accepts input from other neurons each of which when activated or fired casts a weighted vote for or against whether neuron N should itself activate Learning requires an algorithm to adjust these weights based on the training data one simple algorithm dubbed fire together wire together is to increase the weight between two connected neurons when the activation of one triggers the successful activation of another Neurons have a continuous spectrum of activation in addition neurons can process inputs in a nonlinear way rather than weighing straightforward votes Modern neural networks model complex relationships between inputs and outputs and find patterns in data They can learn continuous functions and even digital logical operations Neural networks can be viewed as a type of mathematical optimization they perform gradient descent on a multi dimensional topology that was created by training the network The most common training technique is the backpropagation algorithm 121 Other learning techniques for neural networks are Hebbian learning fire together wire together GMDH or competitive learning 122 The main categories of networks are acyclic or feedforward neural networks where the signal passes in only one direction and recurrent neural networks which allow feedback and short term memories of previous input events Among the most popular feedforward networks are perceptrons multi layer perceptrons and radial basis networks 123 Deep learning Representing images on multiple layers of abstraction in deep learning 124 Deep learning 125 uses several layers of neurons between the network s inputs and outputs The multiple layers can progressively extract higher level features from the raw input For example in image processing lower layers may identify edges while higher layers may identify the concepts relevant to a human such as digits or letters or faces 126 Deep learning has drastically improved the performance of programs in many important subfields of artificial intelligence including computer vision speech recognition image classification 127 and others Deep learning often uses convolutional neural networks for many or all of its layers In a convolutional layer each neuron receives input from only a restricted area of the previous layer called the neuron s receptive field This can substantially reduce the number of weighted connections between neurons 128 and creates a hierarchy similar to the organization of the animal visual cortex 129 In a recurrent neural network RNN the signal will propagate through a layer more than once 130 thus an RNN is an example of deep learning 131 RNNs can be trained by gradient descent 132 however long term gradients which are back propagated can vanish that is they can tend to zero or explode that is they can tend to infinity known as the vanishing gradient problem 133 The long short term memory LSTM technique can prevent this in most cases 134 Specialized languages and hardware Main articles Programming languages for artificial intelligence and Hardware for artificial intelligence Specialized languages for artificial intelligence have been developed such as Lisp Prolog TensorFlow and many others Hardware developed for AI includes AI accelerators and neuromorphic computing ApplicationsMain article Applications of artificial intelligenceSee also Embodied cognition and Legal informatics For this project the AI had to learn the typical patterns in the colors and brushstrokes of Renaissance painter Raphael The portrait shows the face of the actress Ornella Muti painted by AI in the style of Raphael AI is relevant to any intellectual task 135 Modern artificial intelligence techniques are pervasive and are too numerous to list here 136 Frequently when a technique reaches mainstream use it is no longer considered artificial intelligence this phenomenon is described as the AI effect 137 In the 2010s AI applications were at the heart of the most commercially successful areas of computing and have become a ubiquitous feature of daily life AI is used in search engines such as Google Search targeting online advertisements 138 recommendation systems offered by Netflix YouTube or Amazon driving internet traffic 139 140 targeted advertising AdSense Facebook virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa 141 autonomous vehicles including drones and self driving cars automatic language translation Microsoft Translator Google Translate facial recognition Apple s Face ID or Microsoft s DeepFace image labeling used by Facebook Apple s iPhoto and TikTok and spam filtering There are also thousands of successful AI applications used to solve problems for specific industries or institutions A few examples are energy storage 142 deepfakes 143 medical diagnosis military logistics or supply chain management Game playing has been a test of AI s strength since the 1950s Deep Blue became the first computer chess playing system to beat a reigning world chess champion Garry Kasparov on 11 May 1997 144 In 2011 in a Jeopardy quiz show exhibition match IBM s question answering system Watson defeated the two greatest Jeopardy champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings by a significant margin 145 In March 2016 AlphaGo won 4 out of 5 games of Go in a match with Go champion Lee Sedol becoming the first computer Go playing system to beat a professional Go player without handicaps 146 Other programs handle imperfect information games such as for poker at a superhuman level Pluribus o and Cepheus 148 DeepMind in the 2010s developed a generalized artificial intelligence that could learn many diverse Atari games on its own 149 By 2020 Natural Language Processing systems such as the enormous GPT 3 then by far the largest artificial neural network were matching human performance on pre existing benchmarks albeit without the system attaining a commonsense understanding of the contents of the benchmarks 150 DeepMind s AlphaFold 2 2020 demonstrated the ability to approximate in hours rather than months the 3D structure of a protein 151 Other applications predict the result of judicial decisions 152 create art such as poetry or painting and prove mathematical theorems Smart traffic lights Artificially intelligent traffic lights use cameras with radar ultrasonic acoustic location sensors and predictive algorithms to improve traffic flow Smart traffic lights have been developed at Carnegie Mellon since 2009 Professor Stephen Smith has started a company since then Surtrac that has installed smart traffic control systems in 22 cities It costs about 20 000 per intersection to install Drive time has been reduced by 25 and traffic jam waiting time has been reduced by 40 at the intersections it has been installed 153 Intellectual Property AI Patent families for functional application categories and sub categories Computer vision represents 49 percent of patent families related to a functional application in 2016 In 2019 WIPO reported that AI was the most prolific emerging technology in terms of number of patent applications and granted patents the Internet of things was estimated to be the largest in terms of market size It was followed again in market size by big data technologies robotics AI 3D printing and the fifth generation of mobile services 5G 154 Since AI emerged in the 1950s 340 000 AI related patent applications were filed by innovators and 1 6 million scientific papers have been published by researchers with the majority of all AI related patent filings published since 2013 Companies represent 26 out of the top 30 AI patent applicants with universities or public research organizations accounting for the remaining four 155 The ratio of scientific papers to inventions has significantly decreased from 8 1 in 2010 to 3 1 in 2016 which is attributed to be indicative of a shift from theoretical research to the use of AI technologies in commercial products and services Machine learning is the dominant AI technique disclosed in patents and is included in more than one third of all identified inventions 134 777 machine learning patents filed for a total of 167 038 AI patents filed in 2016 with computer vision being the most popular functional application AI related patents not only disclose AI techniques and applications they often also refer to an application field or industry Twenty application fields were identified in 2016 and included in order of magnitude telecommunications 15 percent transportation 15 percent life and medical sciences 12 percent and personal devices computing and human computer interaction 11 percent Other sectors included banking entertainment security industry and manufacturing agriculture and networks including social networks smart cities and the Internet of things IBM has the largest portfolio of AI patents with 8 290 patent applications followed by Microsoft with 5 930 patent applications 155 PhilosophyMain article Philosophy of artificial intelligence Defining artificial intelligence Main articles Turing test Intelligent agent Dartmouth workshop and Synthetic intelligence Alan Turing wrote in 1950 I propose to consider the question can machines think 156 He advised changing the question from whether a machine thinks to whether or not it is possible for machinery to show intelligent behaviour 156 He devised the Turing test which measures the ability of a machine to simulate human conversation 157 Since we can only observe the behavior of the machine it does not matter if it is actually thinking or literally has a mind Turing notes that we can not determine these things about other people p but it is usual to have a polite convention that everyone thinks 158 Russell and Norvig agree with Turing that AI must be defined in terms of acting and not thinking 159 However they are critical that the test compares machines to people Aeronautical engineering texts they wrote do not define the goal of their field as making machines that fly so exactly like pigeons that they can fool other pigeons 160 AI founder John McCarthy agreed writing that Artificial intelligence is not by definition simulation of human intelligence 161 McCarthy defines intelligence as the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world 162 Another AI founder Marvin Minsky similarly defines it as the ability to solve hard problems 163 These definitions view intelligence in terms of well defined problems with well defined solutions where both the difficulty of the problem and the performance of the program are direct measures of the intelligence of the machine and no other philosophical discussion is required or may not even be possible A definition that has also been adopted by Google 164 better source needed major practitionary in the field of AI This definition stipulated the ability of systems to synthesize information as the manifestation of intelligence similar to the way it is defined in biological intelligence Evaluating approaches to AI No established unifying theory or paradigm has guided AI research for most of its history q The unprecedented success of statistical machine learning in the 2010s eclipsed all other approaches so much so that some sources especially in the business world use the term artificial intelligence to mean machine learning with neural networks This approach is mostly sub symbolic neat soft and narrow see below Critics argue that these questions may have to be revisited by future generations of AI researchers Symbolic AI and its limits Main articles Symbolic AI Physical symbol systems hypothesis Moravec s paradox and Hubert Dreyfus s views on artificial intelligence Symbolic AI or GOFAI 166 simulated the high level conscious reasoning that people use when they solve puzzles express legal reasoning and do mathematics They were highly successful at intelligent tasks such as algebra or IQ tests In the 1960s Newell and Simon proposed the physical symbol systems hypothesis A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means of general intelligent action 167 However the symbolic approach failed on many tasks that humans solve easily such as learning recognizing an object or commonsense reasoning Moravec s paradox is the discovery that high level intelligent tasks were easy for AI but low level instinctive tasks were extremely difficult 168 Philosopher Hubert Dreyfus had argued since the 1960s that human expertise depends on unconscious instinct rather than conscious symbol manipulation and on having a feel for the situation rather than explicit symbolic knowledge 169 Although his arguments had been ridiculed and ignored when they were first presented eventually AI research came to agree r 48 The issue is not resolved sub symbolic reasoning can make many of the same inscrutable mistakes that human intuition does such as algorithmic bias Critics such as Noam Chomsky argue continuing research into symbolic AI will still be necessary to attain general intelligence 171 172 in part because sub symbolic AI is a move away from explainable AI it can be difficult or impossible to understand why a modern statistical AI program made a particular decision The emerging field of neurosymbolic artificial intelligence attempts to bridge the two approaches Neat vs scruffy Main article Neats and scruffies Neats hope that intelligent behavior is described using simple elegant principles such as logic optimization or neural networks Scruffies expect that it necessarily requires solving a large number of unrelated problems especially in areas like common sense reasoning This issue was actively discussed in the 70s and 80s 173 but in the 1990s mathematical methods and solid scientific standards became the norm a transition that Russell and Norvig termed the victory of the neats 174 Soft vs hard computing Main article Soft computing Finding a provably correct or optimal solution is intractable for many important problems 47 Soft computing is a set of techniques including genetic algorithms fuzzy logic and neural networks that are tolerant of imprecision uncertainty partial truth and approximation Soft computing was introduced in the late 80s and most successful AI programs in the 21st century are examples of soft computing with neural networks Narrow vs general AI Main article Artificial general intelligence AI researchers are divided as to whether to pursue the goals of artificial general intelligence and superintelligence general AI directly or to solve as many specific problems as possible narrow AI in hopes these solutions will lead indirectly to the field s long term goals 175 176 General intelligence is difficult to define and difficult to measure and modern AI has had more verifiable successes by focusing on specific problems with specific solutions The experimental sub field of artificial general intelligence studies this area exclusively Machine consciousness sentience and mind Main articles Philosophy of artificial intelligence and Artificial consciousness The philosophy of mind does not know whether a machine can have a mind consciousness and mental states in the same sense that human beings do This issue considers the internal experiences of the machine rather than its external behavior Mainstream AI research considers this issue irrelevant because it does not affect the goals of the field Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig observe that most AI researchers don t care about the philosophy of AI as long as the program works they don t care whether you call it a simulation of intelligence or real intelligence 177 However the question has become central to the philosophy of mind It is also typically the central question at issue in artificial intelligence in fiction Consciousness Main articles Hard problem of consciousness and Theory of mind David Chalmers identified two problems in understanding the mind which he named the hard and easy problems of consciousness 178 The easy problem is understanding how the brain processes signals makes plans and controls behavior The hard problem is explaining how this feels or why it should feel like anything at all Human information processing is easy to explain however human subjective experience is difficult to explain For example it is easy to imagine a color blind person who has learned to identify which objects in their field of view are red but it is not clear what would be required for the person to know what red looks like 179 Computationalism and functionalism Main articles Computational theory of mind Functionalism philosophy of mind and Chinese room Computationalism is the position in the philosophy of mind that the human mind is an information processing system and that thinking is a form of computing Computationalism argues that the relationship between mind and body is similar or identical to the relationship between software and hardware and thus may be a solution to the mind body problem This philosophical position was inspired by the work of AI researchers and cognitive scientists in the 1960s and was originally proposed by philosophers Jerry Fodor and Hilary Putnam 180 Philosopher John Searle characterized this position as strong AI The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds s Searle counters this assertion with his Chinese room argument which attempts to show that even if a machine perfectly simulates human behavior there is still no reason to suppose it also has a mind 183 Robot rights Main article Robot rights If a machine has a mind and subjective experience then it may also have sentience the ability to feel and if so then it could also suffer and thus it would be entitled to certain rights 184 Any hypothetical robot rights would lie on a spectrum with animal rights and human rights 185 This issue has been considered in fiction for centuries 186 and is now being considered by for example California s Institute for the Future however critics argue that the discussion is premature 187 FutureSuperintelligence Main articles Superintelligence Technological singularity and Transhumanism A superintelligence hyperintelligence or superhuman intelligence is a hypothetical agent that would possess intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest and most gifted human mind Superintelligence may also refer to the form or degree of intelligence possessed by such an agent 176 If research into artificial general intelligence produced sufficiently intelligent software it might be able to reprogram and improve itself The improved software would be even better at improving itself leading to recursive self improvement 188 Its intelligence would increase exponentially in an intelligence explosion and could dramatically surpass humans Science fiction writer Vernor Vinge named this scenario the singularity 189 Because it is difficult or impossible to know the limits of intelligence or the capabilities of superintelligent machines the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events are unpredictable or even unfathomable 190 Robot designer Hans Moravec cyberneticist Kevin Warwick and inventor Ray Kurzweil have predicted that humans and machines will merge in the future into cyborgs that are more capable and powerful than either This idea called transhumanism has roots in Aldous Huxley and Robert Ettinger 191 Edward Fredkin argues that artificial intelligence is the next stage in evolution an idea first proposed by Samuel Butler s Darwin among the Machines as far back as 1863 and expanded upon by George Dyson in his book of the same name in 1998 192 Risks Technological unemployment Main articles Workplace impact of artificial intelligence and Technological unemployment In the past technology has tended to increase rather than reduce total employment but economists acknowledge that we re in uncharted territory with AI 193 A survey of economists showed disagreement about whether the increasing use of robots and AI will cause a substantial increase in long term unemployment but they generally agree that it could be a net benefit if productivity gains are redistributed 194 Subjective estimates of the risk vary widely for example Michael Osborne and Carl Benedikt Frey estimate 47 of U S jobs are at high risk of potential automation while an OECD report classifies only 9 of U S jobs as high risk t 196 Unlike previous waves of automation many middle class jobs may be eliminated by artificial intelligence The Economist states that the worry that AI could do to white collar jobs what steam power did to blue collar ones during the Industrial Revolution is worth taking seriously 197 Jobs at extreme risk range from paralegals to fast food cooks while job demand is likely to increase for care related professions ranging from personal healthcare to the clergy 198 Bad actors and weaponized AI Main articles Lethal autonomous weapon and Artificial intelligence arms race AI provides a number of tools that are particularly useful for authoritarian governments smart spyware face recognition and voice recognition allow widespread surveillance such surveillance allows machine learning to classify potential enemies of the state and can prevent them from hiding recommendation systems can precisely target propaganda and misinformation for maximum effect deepfakes aid in producing misinformation advanced AI can make centralized decision making more competitive with liberal and decentralized systems such as markets 199 Terrorists criminals and rogue states may use other forms of weaponized AI such as advanced digital warfare and lethal autonomous weapons By 2015 over fifty countries were reported to be researching battlefield robots 200 Machine learning AI is also able to design tens of thousands of toxic molecules in a matter of hours 201 Algorithmic bias Main article Algorithmic bias AI programs can become biased after learning from real world data It is not typically introduced by the system designers but is learned by the program and thus the programmers are often unaware that the bias exists 202 Bias can be inadvertently introduced by the way training data is selected 203 It can also emerge from correlations AI is used to classify individuals into groups and then make predictions assuming that the individual will resemble other members of the group In some cases this assumption may be unfair 204 An example of this is COMPAS a commercial program widely used by U S courts to assess the likelihood of a defendant becoming a recidivist ProPublica claims that the COMPAS assigned recidivism risk level of black defendants is far more likely to be overestimated than that of white defendants despite the fact that the program was not told the races of the defendants 205 Other examples where algorithmic bias can lead to unfair outcomes are when AI is used for credit rating or hiring At its 2022 Conference on Fairness Accountability and Transparency ACM FAccT 2022 the Association for Computing Machinery in Seoul South Korea presented and published findings recommending that until AI and robotics systems are demonstrated to be free of bias mistakes they are unsafe and the use of self learning neural networks trained on vast unregulated sources of flawed internet data should be curtailed 206 Existential risk Main articles Existential risk from artificial general intelligence and AI alignment Superintelligent AI may be able to improve itself to the point that humans could not control it This could as physicist Stephen Hawking puts it spell the end of the human race 207 Philosopher Nick Bostrom argues that sufficiently intelligent AI if it chooses actions based on achieving some goal will exhibit convergent behavior such as acquiring resources or protecting itself from being shut down If this AI s goals do not fully reflect humanity s it might need to harm humanity to acquire more resources or prevent itself from being shut down ultimately to better achieve its goal He concludes that AI poses a risk to mankind however humble or friendly its stated goals might be 208 Political scientist Charles T Rubin argues that any sufficiently advanced benevolence may be indistinguishable from malevolence Humans should not assume machines or robots would treat us favorably because there is no a priori reason to believe that they would share our system of morality 209 The opinion of experts and industry insiders is mixed with sizable fractions both concerned and unconcerned by risk from eventual superhumanly capable AI 210 Stephen Hawking Microsoft founder Bill Gates history professor Yuval Noah Harari and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have all expressed serious misgivings about the future of AI 211 Prominent tech titans including Peter Thiel Amazon Web Services and Musk have committed more than 1 billion to nonprofit companies that champion responsible AI development such as OpenAI and the Future of Life Institute 212 Mark Zuckerberg CEO Facebook has said that artificial intelligence is helpful in its current form and will continue to assist humans 213 Other experts argue is that the risks are far enough in the future to not be worth researching or that humans will be valuable from the perspective of a superintelligent machine 214 Rodney Brooks in particular has said that malevolent AI is still centuries away u Copyright AI s decisions making abilities raises the questions of legal responsibility and copyright status of created works This issues are being refined in various jurisdictions 216 Ethical machines Main articles Machine ethics Friendly artificial intelligence Artificial moral agents and Human Compatible Friendly AI are machines that have been designed from the beginning to minimize risks and to make choices that benefit humans Eliezer Yudkowsky who coined the term argues that developing friendly AI should be a higher research priority it may require a large investment and it must be completed before AI becomes an existential risk 217 Machines with intelligence have the potential to use their intelligence to make ethical decisions The field of machine ethics provides machines with ethical principles and procedures for resolving ethical dilemmas 218 Machine ethics is also called machine morality computational ethics or computational morality 218 and was founded at an AAAI symposium in 2005 219 Other approaches include Wendell Wallach s artificial moral agents 220 and Stuart J Russell s three principles for developing provably beneficial machines 221 Regulation Main articles Regulation of artificial intelligence Regulation of algorithms and AI alignment The regulation of artificial intelligence is the development of public sector policies and laws for promoting and regulating artificial intelligence AI it is therefore related to the broader regulation of algorithms 222 The regulatory and policy landscape for AI is an emerging issue in jurisdictions globally 223 Between 2016 and 2020 more than 30 countries adopted dedicated strategies for AI 44 Most EU member states had released national AI strategies as had Canada China India Japan Mauritius the Russian Federation Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates US and Vietnam Others were in the process of elaborating their own AI strategy including Bangladesh Malaysia and Tunisia 44 The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence was launched in June 2020 stating a need for AI to be developed in accordance with human rights and democratic values to ensure public confidence and trust in the technology 44 Henry Kissinger Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher published a joint statement in November 2021 calling for a government commission to regulate AI 224 In fictionMain article Artificial intelligence in fiction The word robot itself was coined by Karel Capek in his 1921 play R U R the title standing for Rossum s Universal Robots Thought capable artificial beings have appeared as storytelling devices since antiquity 15 and have been a persistent theme in science fiction 17 A common trope in these works began with Mary Shelley s Frankenstein where a human creation becomes a threat to its masters This includes such works as Arthur C Clarke s and Stanley Kubrick s 2001 A Space Odyssey both 1968 with HAL 9000 the murderous computer in charge of the Discovery One spaceship as well as The Terminator 1984 and The Matrix 1999 In contrast the rare loyal robots such as Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 and Bishop from Aliens 1986 are less prominent in popular culture 225 Isaac Asimov introduced the Three Laws of Robotics in many books and stories most notably the Multivac series about a super intelligent computer of the same name Asimov s laws are often brought up during lay discussions of machine ethics 226 while almost all artificial intelligence researchers are familiar with Asimov s laws through popular culture they generally consider the laws useless for many reasons one of which is their ambiguity 227 Transhumanism the merging of humans and machines is explored in the manga Ghost in the Shell and the science fiction series Dune Several works use AI to force us to confront the fundamental question of what makes us human showing us artificial beings that have the ability to feel and thus to suffer This appears in Karel Capek s R U R the films A I Artificial Intelligence and Ex Machina as well as the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick Dick considers the idea that our understanding of human subjectivity is altered by technology created with artificial intelligence 228 Scientific diplomacy relevant Warfare As technology and research evolve and the world enters the third revolution of warfare following gunpowder and nuclear weapons the artificial intelligence arms race ensues between the United States China and Russia three countries with the world s top five highest military budgets 229 Intentions of being a world leader in AI research by 2030 230 have been declared by China s leader Xi Jinping and President Putin of Russia has stated that Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world 231 If Russia were to become the leader in AI research President Putin has stated Russia s intent to share some of their research with the world so as to not monopolize the field 231 similar to their current sharing of nuclear technologies maintaining science diplomacy relations The United States China and Russia are some examples of countries that have taken their stances toward military artificial intelligence since as early as 2014 having established military programs to develop cyber weapons control lethal autonomous weapons and drones that can be used for surveillance Russo Ukrainian War President Putin announced that artificial intelligence is the future for all mankind 231 and recognizes the power and opportunities that the development and deployment of lethal autonomous weapons AI technology can hold in warfare and homeland security as well as its threats President Putin s prediction that future wars will be fought using AI has started to come to fruition to an extent after Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022 The Ukrainian military is making use of the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones 232 that still require human operation to deploy laser guided bombs but can take off land and cruise autonomously Ukraine has also been using Switchblade drones supplied by the US and receiving information gathering by the United States s own surveillance operations regarding battlefield intelligence and national security about Russia 233 Similarly Russia can use AI to help analyze battlefield data from surveillance footage taken by drones Reports and images show that Russia s military has deployed KUB BLA suicide drones 234 into Ukraine with speculations of intentions to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Warfare regulations As research in the AI realm progresses there is pushback about the use of AI from the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots and world technology leaders have sent a petition 235 to the United Nations calling for new regulations on the development and use of AI technologies in 2017 including a ban on the use of lethal autonomous weapons due to ethical concerns for innocent civilian populations Cybersecurity With the ever evolving cyber attacks and generation of devices AI can be used for threat detection and more effective response by risk prioritization With this tool some challenges are also presented such as privacy informed consent and responsible use 236 According to CISA the cyberspace is difficult to secure for the following factors the ability of malicious actors to operate from anywhere in the world the linkages between cyberspace and physical systems and the difficulty of reducing vulnerabilities and consequences in complex cyber networks 237 With the increased technological advances of the world the risk for wide scale consequential events rises Paradoxically the ability to protect information and create a line of communication between the scientific and diplomatic community thrives The role of cybersecurity in diplomacy has become increasingly relevant creating the term of cyber diplomacy which is not uniformly defined and not synonymous with cyber defence 238 Many nations have developed unique approaches to scientific diplomacy in cyberspace Czech Republic s approach Dating back to 2011 when the Czech National Security Authority NSA was appointed as the national authority for the cyber agenda The role of cyber diplomacy strengthened in 2017 when the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs MFA detected a serious cyber campaign directed against its own computer networks 239 In 2016 three cyber diplomats were deployed to Washington D C Brussels and Tel Aviv with the goal of establishing active international cooperation focused on engagement with the EU and NATO The main agenda for these scientific diplomacy efforts is to bolster research on artificial intelligence and how it can be used in cybersecurity research development and overall consumer trust 240 CzechInvest is a key stakeholder in scientific diplomacy and cybersecurity For example in September 2018 they organized a mission to Canada in September 2018 with a special focus on artificial intelligence The main goal of this particular mission was a promotional effort on behalf of Prague attempting to establish it as a future knowledge hub for the industry for interested Canadian firms 241 Germany s approach Cybersecurity is recognized as a governmental task dividing into three ministries of responsibility the Federal Ministry of the Interior the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Federal Foreign Office 242 These distinctions promoted the creation of various institutions such as The German National Office for Information Security The National Cyberdefence Centre The German National Cyber Security Council and The Cyber and Information Domain Service 240 In 2018 a new strategy for artificial intelligence was established by the German government with the creation of a German French virtual research and innovation network 243 holding opportunity for research expansion into cybersecurity European Union s approach The adoption of The Cybersecurity Strategy of the European Union An Open Safe and Secure Cyberspace document in 2013 by the European commission 240 pushed forth cybersecurity efforts integrated with scientific diplomacy and artificial intelligence Efforts are strong as the EU funds various programs and institutions in the effort to bring science to diplomacy and bring diplomacy to science Some examples are the cyber security programme Competence Research Innovation CONCORDIA which brings together 14 member states 244 and Cybersecurity for Europe CSE which brings together 43 partners involving 20 member states 245 In addition The European Network of Cybersecurity Centres and Competence Hub for Innovation and Operations ECHO gathers 30 partners with 15 member states 246 and SPARTA gathers 44 partners involving 14 member states 247 These efforts reflect the overall goals of the EU to innovate cybersecurity for defense and protection establish a highly integrated cyberspace among many nations and further contribute to the security of artificial intelligence 240 Russo Ukrainian War With the 2022 invasion of Ukraine there has been a rise in malicious cyber activity against the United States 248 Ukraine and Russia A prominent and rare documented use of artificial intelligence in conflict is on behalf of Ukraine using facial recognition software to uncover Russian assailants and identify Ukrainians killed in the ongoing war 249 Though these governmental figures are not primarily focused on scientific and cyber diplomacy other institutions are commenting on the use of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity with that focus For example Georgetown University s Center for Security and Emerging Technology CSET has the Cyber AI Project with one goal being to attract policymakers attention to the growing body of academic research which exposes the exploitive consequences of AI and machine learning ML algorithms 250 This vulnerability can be a plausible explanation as to why Russia is not engaging in the use of AI in conflict per Andrew Lohn a senior fellow at CSET In addition to use on the battlefield AI is being used by the Pentagon to analyze data from the war analyzing to strengthen cybersecurity and warfare intelligence for the United States 233 251 Election security As artificial intelligence grows and the overwhelming amount of news portrayed through cyberspace expands it is becoming extremely overwhelming for a voter to know what to believe There are many intelligent codes referred to as bots written to portray people on social media with the goal of spreading misinformation 252 The 2016 US election is a victim of such actions During the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaign artificial intelligent bots from Russia were spreading misinformation about the candidates in order to help the Trump campaign 253 Analysts concluded that approximately 19 of Twitter tweets centered around the 2016 election were detected to come from bots 253 YouTube in recent years has been used to spread political information as well Although there is no proof that the platform attempts to manipulate its viewers opinions Youtubes AI algorithm recommends videos of similar variety 254 If a person begins to research right wing political podcasts then YouTube s algorithm will recommend more right wing videos 255 The uprising in a program called Deepfake a software used to replicate someone s face and words has also shown its potential threat In 2018 a Deepfake video of Barack Obama was released saying words he claims to have never said 256 While in a national election a Deepfake will quickly be debunked the software has the capability to heavily sway a smaller local election This tool holds a lot of potential for spreading misinformation and is monitored with great attention 257 Although it may be seen as a tool used for harm AI can help enhance election campaigns as well AI bots can be programed to target articles with known misinformation The bots can then indicate what is being misinformed to help shine light on the truth AI can also be used to inform a person where each parts stands on a certain topic such as healthcare or climate change 258 The political leaders of a nation have heavy sway on international affairs Thus a political leader with a lack of interest for international collaborative scientific advancement can have a negative impact in the scientific diplomacy of that nation 259 Future of work Facial recognition The use of artificial intelligence AI has subtly grown to become part of everyday life It is used every day in facial recognition software It is the first measure of security for many companies in the form of a biometric authentication This means of authentication allows even the most official organizations such as the United States Internal Revenue Service to verify a person s identity 260 via a database generated from machine learning As of the year 2022 the United States IRS requires those who do not undergo a live interview with an agent to complete a biometric verification of their identity via ID me s facial recognition tool 260 AI and school In Japan and South Korea artificial intelligence software is used in the instruction of English language via the company Riiid 261 Riiid is a Korean education company working alongside Japan to give students the means to learn and use their English communication skills via engaging with artificial intelligence in a live chat 261 Riid is not the only company to do this American company Duolingo is well known for their automated teaching of 41 languages Babbel a German language learning program also uses artificial intelligence in its teaching automation allowing for European students to learn vital communication skills needed in social economic and diplomatic settings Artificial intelligence will also automate the routine tasks that teachers need to do such as grading taking attendance and handling routine student inquiries 262 This enables the teacher to carry on with the complexities of teaching that an automated machine cannot handle These include creating exams explaining complex material in a way that will benefit students individually and handling unique questions from students AI and medicine Unlike the human brain which possess generalized intelligence the specialized intelligence of AI can serve as a means of support to physicians internationally The medical field has a diverse and profound amount of data in which AI can employ to generate a predictive diagnosis Researchers at an Oxford hospital have developed artificial intelligence that can diagnose heart scans for heart disease and cancer 263 This artificial intelligence can pick up diminutive details in the scans that doctors may miss As such artificial intelligence in medicine will better the industry giving doctors the means to precisely diagnose their patients using the tools available The artificial intelligence algorithms will also be used to further improve diagnosis over time via an application of machine learning called precision medicine 264 Furthermore the narrow application of artificial intelligence can use deep learning in order to improve medical image analysis In radiology imaging AI uses deep learning algorithms to identify potentially cancerous lesions which is an important process assisting in early diagnosis 265 AI in business Data analysis is a fundamental property of artificial intelligence that enables it to be used in every facet of life from search results to the way people buy product According to NewVantage Partners 266 over 90 of top businesses have ongoing investments in artificial intelligence According to IBM one of the world s leaders in technology 45 of respondents from companies with over 1 000 employees have adopted AI 267 Recent data shows that the business market 268 for artificial intelligence during the year 2020 was valued at 51 08 billion The business market for artificial intelligence is projected to be over 640 3 billion by the year 2028 268 To prevent harm AI deploying organizations need to play a central role in creating and deploying trustworthy AI in line with the principles of trustworthy AI 269 and take accountability to mitigate the risks 270 Business and diplomacy With the exponential surge of artificial technology and communication the distribution of one s ideals and values has been evident in daily life Digital information is spread via communication apps such as Whatsapp Facebook Meta Snapchat Instagram and Twitter However it is known that these sites relay specific information corresponding to data analysis If a right winged individual were to do a google search Google s algorithms would target that individual and relay data pertinent to that target audience US President Bill Clinton noted in 2000 In the new century liberty will spread by cell phone and cable modem We know how much the Internet has changed America and we are already an open society 271 However when the private sector uses artificial intelligence to gather data a shift in power from the state to the private sector may be seen This shift in power specifically in large technological corporations could profoundly change how diplomacy functions in society The rise in digital technology and usage of artificial technology enabled the private sector to gather immense data on the public which is then further categorized by race location age gender etc 272 The New York Times calculates that the ten largest tech firms which have become gatekeepers in commerce finance entertainment and communications now have a combined market capitalization of more than 10 trillion In gross domestic product terms that would rank them as the world s third largest economy 273 Beyond the general lobbying of congressmen congresswomen companies such as Facebook Meta or Google use collected data in order to reach their intended audiences with targeted information 273 AI and foreign policy relevant Multiple nations around the globe employ artificial intelligence to assist with their foreign policy decisions The Chinese Department of External Security Affairs under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs uses AI to review almost all its foreign investment projects for risk mitigation 274 The government of China plans to use artificial intelligence in its 900 billion global infrastructure development plan called the Belt and Road Initiative for political economic and environmental risk alleviation 275 Over 200 applications of artificial intelligence are being used by over 46 United Nations agencies in sectors ranging from health care dealing with issues such as combating COVID 19 to smart agriculture to assist the UN in political and diplomatic relations 276 One example is the use of AI by the UN Global Pulse program to model the effect of the spread of COVID 19 on internally displaced people IDP and refugee settlements to assist them in creating an appropriate global health policy 277 278 Novel AI tools such as remote sensing can also be employed by diplomats for collecting and analyzing data and near real time tracking of objects such as troop or refugee movements along borders in violent conflict zones 277 279 Artificial intelligence can be used to mitigate vital cross national diplomatic talks to prevent translation errors caused by human translators 280 A major example is the 2021 Anchorage meetings held between US and China aimed at stabilizing foreign relations only for it to have the opposite effect increasing tension and aggressiveness between the two nations due to translation errors caused by human translators 281 In the meeting when United States National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan stated We do not seek conflict but we welcome stiff competition and we will always stand up for our principles for our people and for our friends it was mistranslated into Chinese as we will face competition between us and will present our stance in a very clear manner adding an aggressive tone to the speech 281 AI s ability for fast and efficient natural language processing and real time translation and transliteration makes it an important tool for foreign policy communication between nations and prevents unintended mistranslation 282 See alsoA I Rising AI alignment Issue of ensuring beneficial AI Artificial intelligence arms race Arms race for the most advanced AI related technologies Artificial philosophy Behavior selection algorithm Algorithm that selects actions for intelligent agents Business process automation Case based reasoning Process of solving new problems based on the solutions of similar past problems Emergent algorithm Female gendering of AI technologies Design of digital assistants as female Glossary of artificial intelligence List of definitions of terms and concepts commonly used in the study of artificial intelligence Robotic process automation Form of business process automation technology Synthetic intelligence Alternate term for or form of artificial intelligence Universal basic income Welfare system of unconditional income Weak artificial intelligence Form of artificial intelligence Operations research Discipline concerning the application of advanced analytical methodsExplanatory notes a b This list of intelligent traits is based on the topics covered by the major AI textbooks including Russell amp Norvig 2003 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 and Nilsson 1998 This statement comes from the proposal for the Dartmouth workshop of 1956 which reads Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it 13 Russel and Norvig note in the textbook Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 4th ed section 1 5 In the longer term we face the difficult problem of controlling superintelligent AI systems that may evolve in unpredictable ways while referring to computer scientists philosophers and technologists Daniel Crevier wrote the conference is generally recognized as the official birthdate of the new science 23 Russell and Norvifg call the conference the birth of artificial intelligence 24 Russell and Norvig wrote for the next 20 years the field would be dominated by these people and their students 24 Russell and Norvig wrote it was astonishing whenever a computer did anything kind of smartish 26 The programs described are Arthur Samuel s checkers program for the IBM 701 Daniel Bobrow s STUDENT Newell and Simon s Logic Theorist and Terry Winograd s SHRDLU Embodied approaches to AI 36 were championed by Hans Moravec 37 and Rodney Brooks 38 and went by many names Nouvelle AI 38 Developmental robotics 39 situated AI behavior based AI as well as others A similar movement in cognitive science was the embodied mind thesis Clark wrote After a half decade of quiet breakthroughs in artificial intelligence 2015 has been a landmark year Computers are smarter and learning faster than ever 10 Alan Turing discussed the centrality of learning as early as 1950 in his classic paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence 62 In 1956 at the original Dartmouth AI summer conference Ray Solomonoff wrote a report on unsupervised probabilistic machine learning An Inductive Inference Machine 63 This is a form of Tom Mitchell s widely quoted definition of machine learning A computer program is set to learn from an experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P if its performance on T as measured by P improves with experience E 64 Alan Turing suggested in Computing Machinery and Intelligence that a thinking machine would need to be educated like a child 62 Developmental robotics is a modern version of the idea 39 Compared with symbolic logic formal Bayesian inference is computationally expensive For inference to be tractable most observations must be conditionally independent of one another AdSense uses a Bayesian network with over 300 million edges to learn which ads to serve 103 Expectation maximization one of the most popular algorithms in machine learning allows clustering in the presence of unknown latent variables 105 The Smithsonian reports Pluribus has bested poker pros in a series of six player no limit Texas Hold em games reaching a milestone in artificial intelligence research It is the first bot to beat humans in a complex multiplayer competition 147 See Problem of other minds Nils Nilsson wrote in 1983 Simply put there is wide disagreement in the field about what AI is all about 165 Daniel Crevier wrote that time has proven the accuracy and perceptiveness of some of Dreyfus s comments Had he formulated them less aggressively constructive actions they suggested might have been taken much earlier 170 Searle presented this definition of Strong AI in 1999 181 Searle s original formulation was The appropriately programmed computer really is a mind in the sense that computers given the right programs can be literally said to understand and have other cognitive states 182 Strong AI is defined similarly by Russell and Norvig The assertion that machines could possibly act intelligently or perhaps better act as if they were intelligent is called the weak AI hypothesis by philosophers and the assertion that machines that do so are actually thinking as opposed to simulating thinking is called the strong AI hypothesis 177 See table 4 9 is both the OECD average and the US average 195 Rodney Brooks writes I think it is a mistake to be worrying about us developing malevolent AI anytime in the next few hundred years I think the worry stems from a fundamental error in not distinguishing the difference between the very real recent advances in a particular aspect of AI and the enormity and complexity of building sentient volitional intelligence 215 References artificial intelligence n Oxford English Dictionary www oed com Archived from the original on 5 November 2022 Retrieved 5 November 2022 Google 2016 McCorduck 2004 p 204 Ashok83 2019 Schank 1991 p 38 Crevier 1993 p 109 a b c Funding initiatives in the early 80s Fifth Generation Project Japan Alvey UK Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation US Strategic Computing Initiative US McCorduck 2004 pp 426 441 Crevier 1993 pp 161 162 197 203 211 240 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 24 NRC 1999 pp 210 211 Newquist 1994 pp 235 248 a b First AI Winter Lighthill report Mansfield Amendment Crevier 1993 pp 115 117 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 22 NRC 1999 pp 212 213 Howe 1994 Newquist 1994 pp 189 201 a b Second AI Winter McCorduck 2004 pp 430 435 Crevier 1993 pp 209 210 NRC 1999 pp 214 216 Newquist 1994 pp 301 318 a b c d Clark 2015b a b AI widely used in late 1990s Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 28 Kurzweil 2005 p 265 NRC 1999 pp 216 222 Newquist 1994 pp 189 201 a b Pennachin amp Goertzel 2007 Roberts 2016 McCarthy et al 1955 Newquist 1994 pp 45 53 a b AI in myth McCorduck 2004 pp 4 5 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 939 McCorduck 2004 pp 17 25 a b McCorduck 2004 pp 340 400 Berlinski 2000 AI s immediate precursors McCorduck 2004 pp 51 107 Crevier 1993 pp 27 32 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 15 940 Moravec 1988 p 3 Russell amp Norvig 2009 p 16 Manyika 2022 p 9 Manyika 2022 p 10 Crevier 1993 pp 47 49 a b Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 17 Dartmouth workshop Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 17 McCorduck 2004 pp 111 136 NRC 1999 pp 200 201 The proposal McCarthy et al 1955 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 18 Successful Symbolic AI programs McCorduck 2004 pp 243 252 Crevier 1993 pp 52 107 Moravec 1988 p 9 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 18 21 AI heavily funded in 1960s McCorduck 2004 p 131 Crevier 1993 pp 51 64 65 NRC 1999 pp 204 205 Howe 1994 Newquist 1994 pp 86 86 Simon 1965 p 96 quoted in Crevier 1993 p 109 Minsky 1967 p 2 quoted in Crevier 1993 p 109 Lighthill 1973 Expert systems Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 22 24 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 227 331 Nilsson 1998 chpt 17 4 McCorduck 2004 pp 327 335 434 435 Crevier 1993 pp 145 62 197 203 Newquist 1994 pp 155 183 Nilsson 1998 p 7 McCorduck 2004 pp 454 462 Moravec 1988 a b Brooks 1990 a b Developmental robotics Weng et al 2001 Lungarella et al 2003 Asada et al 2009 Oudeyer 2010 Revival of connectionism Crevier 1993 pp 214 215 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 25 Formal and narrow methods adopted in the 1990s Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 25 26 McCorduck 2004 pp 486 487 McKinsey 2018 MIT Sloan Management Review 2018 Lorica 2017 a b c d UNESCO 2021 Problem solving puzzle solving game playing and deduction Russell amp Norvig 2003 chpt 3 9 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 chpt 2 3 7 9 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 chpt 3 4 6 8 Nilsson 1998 chpt 7 12 Uncertain reasoning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 452 644 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 345 395 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 333 381 Nilsson 1998 chpt 19 a b c Intractability and efficiency and the combinatorial explosion Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 9 21 22 a b c Psychological evidence of the prevalence sub symbolic reasoning and knowledge Kahneman 2011 Wason amp Shapiro 1966 Kahneman Slovic amp Tversky 1982 Dreyfus amp Dreyfus 1986 Knowledge representation and knowledge engineering Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 260 266 320 363 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 23 46 69 81 169 233 235 277 281 298 319 345 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 227 243 Nilsson 1998 chpt 17 1 17 4 18 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 320 328 a b c Representing categories and relations Semantic networks description logics inheritance including frames and scripts Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 349 354 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 174 177 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 248 258 Nilsson 1998 chpt 18 3 a b Representing events and time Situation calculus event calculus fluent calculus including solving the frame problem Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 328 341 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 281 298 Nilsson 1998 chpt 18 2 a b Causal calculus Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 335 337 a b Representing knowledge about knowledge Belief calculus modal logics Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 341 344 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 275 277 a b Default reasoning Frame problem default logic non monotonic logics circumscription closed world assumption abduction Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 354 360 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 248 256 323 335 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 335 363 Nilsson 1998 18 3 3 Poole et al places abduction under default reasoning Luger et al places this under uncertain reasoning a b Breadth of commonsense knowledge Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 21 Crevier 1993 pp 113 114 Moravec 1988 p 13 Lenat amp Guha 1989 Introduction Smoliar amp Zhang 1994 Neumann amp Moller 2008 Kuperman Reichley amp Bailey 2006 McGarry 2005 Bertini Del Bimbo amp Torniai 2006 a b Turing 1950 Solomonoff 1956 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 649 788 Learning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 649 788 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 397 438 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 385 542 Nilsson 1998 chpt 3 3 10 3 17 5 20 Reinforcement learning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 763 788 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 442 449 The Economist 2016 Jordan amp Mitchell 2015 Natural language processing NLP Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 790 831 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 91 104 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 591 632 Applications of NLP Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 840 857 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 623 630 Modern statistical approaches to NLP Cambria amp White 2014 Vincent 2019 Machine perception Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 537 581 863 898 Nilsson 1998 chpt 6 Speech recognition Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 568 578 Object recognition Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 885 892 Computer vision Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 863 898 Nilsson 1998 chpt 6 MIT AIL 2014 Affective computing Thro 1993 Edelson 1991 Tao amp Tan 2005 Scassellati 2002 Waddell 2018 Poria et al 2017 The Society of Mind Minsky 1986 Moravec s golden spike Moravec 1988 p 20 Multi agent systems hybrid intelligent systems agent architectures cognitive architecture Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 27 932 970 972 Nilsson 1998 chpt 25 Domingos 2015 Chpt 9 Artificial brain as an approach to AGI Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 957 Crevier 1993 pp 271 amp 279 Goertzel et al 2010 A few of the people who make some form of the argument Moravec 1988 p 20 Kurzweil 2005 p 262 Hawkins amp Blakeslee 2005 Search algorithms Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 59 189 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 113 163 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 79 164 193 219 Nilsson 1998 chpt 7 12 Forward chaining backward chaining Horn clauses and logical deduction as search Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 217 225 280 294 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 46 52 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 62 73 Nilsson 1998 chpt 4 2 7 2 State space search and planning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 382 387 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 298 305 Nilsson 1998 chpt 10 1 2 Moving and configuration space Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 916 932 Uninformed searches breadth first search depth first search and general state space search Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 59 93 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 113 132 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 79 121 Nilsson 1998 chpt 8 Heuristic or informed searches e g greedy best first and A Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 94 109 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp pp 132 147 Poole amp Mackworth 2017 Section 3 6 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 133 150 Tecuci 2012 Optimization searches Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 110 116 120 129 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 56 163 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 127 133 Genetic programming and genetic algorithms Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 509 530 Nilsson 1998 chpt 4 2 Artificial life and society based learning Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 530 541 Merkle amp Middendorf 2013 Logic Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 194 310 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 35 77 Nilsson 1998 chpt 13 16 Satplan Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 402 407 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 300 301 Nilsson 1998 chpt 21 Explanation based learning relevance based learning inductive logic programming case based reasoning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 678 710 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 414 416 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 422 442 Nilsson 1998 chpt 10 3 17 5 Propositional logic Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 204 233 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 45 50 Nilsson 1998 chpt 13 First order logic and features such as equality Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 240 310 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 268 275 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 50 62 Nilsson 1998 chpt 15 Fuzzy logic Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 526 527 Scientific American 1999 Abe Jair Minoro Nakamatsu Kazumi 2009 Multi agent Systems and Paraconsistent Knowledge Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent Based Systems Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol 170 Springer Berlin Heidelberg pp 101 121 doi 10 1007 978 3 540 88049 3 5 eISSN 1860 9503 ISBN 978 3 540 88048 6 ISSN 1860 949X Retrieved 2 August 2022 Stochastic methods for uncertain reasoning Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 462 644 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 345 395 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 165 191 333 381 Nilsson 1998 chpt 19 Bayesian networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 492 523 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 361 381 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 182 190 363 379 Nilsson 1998 chpt 19 3 4 Domingos 2015 chapter 6 Bayesian inference algorithm Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 504 519 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 361 381 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 363 379 Nilsson 1998 chpt 19 4 amp 7 Domingos 2015 p 210 Bayesian learning and the expectation maximization algorithm Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 712 724 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 424 433 Nilsson 1998 chpt 20 Domingos 2015 p 210 Bayesian decision theory and Bayesian decision networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 597 600 a b c Stochastic temporal models Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 537 581 Dynamic Bayesian networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 551 557 Hidden Markov model Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 549 551 Kalman filters Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 551 557 decision theory and decision analysis Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 584 597 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 381 394 Information value theory Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 600 604 Markov decision processes and dynamic decision networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 613 631 Game theory and mechanism design Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 631 643 Statistical learning methods and classifiers Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 712 754 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 453 541 Decision tree Domingos 2015 p 88 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 653 664 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 403 408 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 408 417 K nearest neighbor algorithm Domingos 2015 p 187 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 733 736 kernel methods such as the support vector machine Domingos 2015 p 88 Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 749 752 Gaussian mixture model Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 725 727 Domingos 2015 p 152 Naive Bayes classifier Domingos 2015 p 152 Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 718 a b Neural networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 736 748 Poole Mackworth amp Goebel 1998 pp 408 414 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 453 505 Nilsson 1998 chpt 3 Domingos 2015 Chapter 4 Classifier performance van der Walt amp Bernard 2006 Russell amp Norvig 2009 18 12 Learning from Examples Summary Backpropagation Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 744 748 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 467 474 Nilsson 1998 chpt 3 3 Paul Werbos introduction of backpropagation to AI Werbos 1974 Werbos 1982 Automatic differentiation an essential precursor Linnainmaa 1970 Griewank 2012 Competitive learning Hebbian coincidence learning Hopfield networks and attractor networks Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 474 505 Feedforward neural networks perceptrons and radial basis networks Russell amp Norvig 2003 pp 739 748 758 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 458 467 Schulz amp Behnke 2012 Deep learning Goodfellow Bengio amp Courville 2016 Hinton et al 2016 Schmidhuber 2015 Deng amp Yu 2014 pp 199 200 Ciresan Meier amp Schmidhuber 2012 Habibi 2017 Fukushima 2007 Recurrent neural networks Hopfield nets Russell amp Norvig 2003 p 758 Luger amp Stubblefield 2004 pp 474 505 Schmidhuber 2015 Schmidhuber 2015 Werbos 1988 Robinson amp Fallside 1987 Williams amp Zipser 1994 Goodfellow Bengio amp Courville 2016 Hochreiter 1991 Hochreiter amp Schmidhuber 1997 Gers Schraudolph amp Schraudolph 2002 Russell amp Norvig 2009 p 1 European Commission 2020 p 1 CNN 2006 Targeted advertising Russell amp Norvig 2009 p 1 Economist 2016 Lohr 2016 Lohr 2016 Smith 2016 Rowinski 2013 Frangoul 2019 Brown 2019 McCorduck 2004 pp 480 483 Markoff 2011 Google 2016 BBC 2016 Solly 2019 Bowling et al 2015 Sample 2017 Anadiotis 2020 Heath 2020 Aletras et al 2016 Going Nowhere Fast Smart Traffic Lights Can Help Ease Gridlock 18 May 2022 Intellectual Property and Frontier Technologies WIPO a b WIPO Technology Trends 2019 Artificial Intelligence PDF WIPO 2019 Archived PDF from the original on 9 October 2022 a b Turing 1950 p 1 Turing s original publication of the Turing test in Computing machinery and intelligence Turing 1950 Historical influence and philosophical implications Haugeland 1985 pp 6 9 Crevier 1993 p 24 McCorduck 2004 pp 70 71 Russell amp Norvig 2021 pp 2 and 984 Turing 1950 Under The Argument from Consciousness Russell amp Norvig 2021 chpt 2 Russell amp Norvig 2021 p 3 Maker 2006 McCarthy 1999 Minsky 1986 Artificial intelligence Google Search www 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