
List of skin conditions

Many skin conditions affect the human integumentary system—the organ system covering the entire surface of the body and composed of skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands.[1] The major function of this system is as a barrier against the external environment.[2] The skin weighs an average of four kilograms, covers an area of two square metres, and is made of three distinct layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.[1] The two main types of human skin are: glabrous skin, the hairless skin on the palms and soles (also referred to as the "palmoplantar" surfaces), and hair-bearing skin.[3] Within the latter type, the hairs occur in structures called pilosebaceous units, each with hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and associated arrector pili muscle.[4] In the embryo, the epidermis, hair, and glands form from the ectoderm, which is chemically influenced by the underlying mesoderm that forms the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.[5][6][7]

Rash due to measles

The epidermis is the most superficial layer of skin, a squamous epithelium with several strata: the stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale.[8] Nourishment is provided to these layers by diffusion from the dermis since the epidermis is without direct blood supply. The epidermis contains four cell types: keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and Merkel cells. Of these, keratinocytes are the major component, constituting roughly 95 percent of the epidermis.[3] This stratified squamous epithelium is maintained by cell division within the stratum basale, in which differentiating cells slowly displace outwards through the stratum spinosum to the stratum corneum, where cells are continually shed from the surface.[3] In normal skin, the rate of production equals the rate of loss; about two weeks are needed for a cell to migrate from the basal cell layer to the top of the granular cell layer, and an additional two weeks to cross the stratum corneum.[9]

The dermis is the layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, and comprises two sections, the papillary dermis and the reticular dermis.[10] The superficial papillary dermis interdigitates with the overlying rete ridges of the epidermis, between which the two layers interact through the basement membrane zone.[10] Structural components of the dermis are collagen, elastic fibers, and ground substance.[10] Within these components are the pilosebaceous units, arrector pili muscles, and the eccrine and apocrine glands.[8] The dermis contains two vascular networks that run parallel to the skin surface—one superficial and one deep plexus—which are connected by vertical communicating vessels.[8][11] The function of blood vessels within the dermis is fourfold: to supply nutrition, to regulate temperature, to modulate inflammation, and to participate in wound healing.[12][13]

The subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat between the dermis and underlying fascia.[14] This tissue may be further divided into two components, the actual fatty layer, or panniculus adiposus, and a deeper vestigial layer of muscle, the panniculus carnosus.[3] The main cellular component of this tissue is the adipocyte, or fat cell.[14] The structure of this tissue is composed of septal (i.e. linear strands) and lobular compartments, which differ in microscopic appearance.[8] Functionally, the subcutaneous fat insulates the body, absorbs trauma, and serves as a reserve energy source.[14]

Conditions of the human integumentary system constitute a broad spectrum of diseases, also known as dermatoses, as well as many nonpathologic states (like, in certain circumstances, melanonychia and racquet nails).[15][16] While only a small number of skin diseases account for most visits to the physician, thousands of skin conditions have been described.[14] Classification of these conditions often presents many nosological challenges, since underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known.[17][18] Therefore, most current textbooks present a classification based on location (for example, conditions of the mucous membrane), morphology (chronic blistering conditions), etiology (skin conditions resulting from physical factors), and so on.[19][20] Clinically, the diagnosis of any particular skin condition is made by gathering pertinent information regarding the presenting skin lesion(s), including the location (such as arms, head, legs), symptoms (pruritus, pain), duration (acute or chronic), arrangement (solitary, generalized, annular, linear), morphology (macules, papules, vesicles), and color (red, blue, brown, black, white, yellow).[21] Diagnosis of many conditions often also requires a skin biopsy which yields histologic information[22][23] that can be correlated with the clinical presentation and any laboratory data.[24][25][26]

Acneiform eruptions edit

Acne vulgaris
Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp

Acneiform eruptions are caused by changes in the pilosebaceous unit.[27][28]

Autoinflammatory syndromes edit

Autoinflammatory syndromes are a group of inherited disorders characterized by bouts of inflammatory skin lesions and periodic fevers.[29][30]

Chronic blistering edit

Chronic blistering cutaneous conditions have a prolonged course and present with vesicles and bullae.[31][32][33]

Conditions of the mucous membranes edit

Conditions of the mucous membranes involve the moist linings of the eyes, nose, mouth, genitals, and anus.[34]

Conditions of the skin appendages edit

Conditions of the skin appendages are those affecting the glands of the skin, hair, nails, and arrector pili muscles.[1][35]

Conditions of the subcutaneous fat edit

Conditions of the subcutaneous fat are those affecting the layer of adipose tissue that lies between the dermis and underlying fascia.[36][37][38][39]

Congenital anomalies edit

Cutaneous congenital anomalies are a diverse group of disorders that result from faulty morphogenesis, the biological process that forms the shape of a human body.[35][40][41]

Connective tissue diseases edit

Connective tissue diseases are caused by a complex array of autoimmune responses that target or affect collagen or ground substance.[35][43]

Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue edit

Striae distensae

Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue are caused by problems in the regulation of collagen synthesis or degradation.[35][44]

Dermal and subcutaneous growths edit

Dermal and subcutaneous growths result from (1) reactive or neoplastic proliferation of cellular components of the dermis or subcutaneous tissue, or (2) neoplasms invading or aberrantly present in the dermis.[1][35]

Dermatitis edit

Dermatitis is a general term for "inflammation of the skin".[45]

Atopic edit

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic dermatitis associated with a hereditary tendency to develop allergies to food and inhalant substances.[46][47][48]

  • Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema, disseminated neurodermatitis, flexural eczema, infantile eczema, prurigo diathsique)

Contact edit

Contact dermatitis is caused by certain substances coming in contact with the skin.[49][50][51]

Eczema edit

Eczema refers to a broad range of conditions that begin as spongiotic dermatitis and may progress to a lichenified stage.[26][52]


Pustular edit

Pustular dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that presents with pustular lesions.[26][53]

Seborrheic edit

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic, superficial, inflammatory disease characterized by scaling on an erythematous base.[54]

Disturbances of pigmentation edit

Disturbances of human pigmentation, either loss or reduction, may be related to loss of melanocytes or the inability of melanocytes to produce melanin or transport melanosomes correctly.[55][56][57]

Drug eruptions edit

Drug eruptions are adverse drug reactions that present with cutaneous manifestations.[58][59][60]

Endocrine-related edit

Endocrine conditions often present with cutaneous findings as the skin interacts with the endocrine system in many ways.[61][62]

Eosinophilic edit

Eosinophilic cutaneous conditions encompass a wide variety of diseases that are characterized histologically by the presence of eosinophils in the inflammatory infiltrate, or evidence of eosinophil degranulation.[63][64]

Epidermal nevi, neoplasms, and cysts edit

Epidermal nevi, neoplasms, and cysts are skin lesions that develop from the epidermal layer of the skin.[8][26]

Erythemas edit

Erythema migrans

Erythemas are reactive skin conditions in which there is blanchable redness.[1][9]

Genodermatoses edit

Genodermatoses are inherited genetic skin conditions often grouped into three categories: chromosomal, single gene, and polygenetic.[67][68]

Infection-related edit

Infection-related cutaneous conditions may be caused by bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, or parasites.[26][69]

Bacterium-related edit

Bacterium-related cutaneous conditions often have distinct morphologic characteristics that may be an indication of a generalized systemic process or simply an isolated superficial infection.[69][70]

Mycobacterium-related edit

Mycobacterium-related cutaneous conditions are caused by Mycobacterium infections.[69][71]

Mycosis-related edit

Mycosis-related cutaneous conditions are caused by fungi or yeasts, and may present as either a superficial or deep infection of the skin, hair, or nails.[69]

Parasitic infestations, stings, and bites edit

Parasitic infestations, stings, and bites in humans are caused by several groups of organisms belonging to the following phyla: Annelida, Arthropoda, Bryozoa, Chordata, Cnidaria, Cyanobacteria, Echinodermata, Nemathelminthes, Platyhelminthes, and Protozoa.[69][72]

Virus-related edit

Virus-related cutaneous conditions are caused by two main groups of virusesDNA and RNA types–both of which are obligatory intracellular parasites.[69][73]

Lichenoid eruptions edit

Lichenoid eruptions are dermatoses related to the unique, common inflammatory disorder lichen planus, which affects the skin, mucous membranes, nails, and hair.[74][75][76]

Lymphoid-related edit

Lymphoid-related cutaneous conditions are a group of disorders characterized by collections of lymphocyte cells within the skin.[77]

Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms edit

Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms are caused by either a proliferation of (1) melanocytes, or (2) nevus cells, a form of melanocyte that lack dendritic processes.[78][79]

Melanoma edit

Melanoma is a malignant proliferation of melanocytes and the most aggressive type of skin cancer.[80][81][82]

Monocyte- and macrophage-related edit

Monocyte- and macrophage-related cutaneous conditions are characterized histologically by infiltration of the skin by monocyte or macrophage cells,[10] often divided into several categories, including granulomatous disease,[83] histiocytoses,[84] and sarcoidosis.[85]

Mucinoses edit

Mucinoses are a group of conditions caused by dermal fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides.[34]

Neurocutaneous edit

Neurocutaneous conditions are due organic nervous system disease or are psychiatric in etiology.[86][87]

Noninfectious immunodeficiency-related edit

Noninfectious immunodeficiency-related cutaneous conditions are caused by T-cell or B-cell dysfunction.[88][89]

Nutrition-related edit

Nutrition-related cutaneous conditions are caused by malnutrition due to an improper or inadequate diet.[90][91]

Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic edit

Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic cutaneous conditions are those that present with papules and scales caused by a thickening of the stratum corneum.[9]

Pityriasis rosea

Palmoplantar keratodermas edit

Palmoplantar keratodermas are a diverse group of hereditary and acquired keratodermas in which there is hyperkeratosis of the skin of the palms and soles.[92]

Palmoplantar keratoderma
  • Acrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa (keratoelastoidosis marginalis)
  • Aquagenic keratoderma (acquired aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma, aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma, aquagenic wrinkling of the palms, transient reactive papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma)
  • Bart–Pumphrey syndrome (palmoplantar keratoderma with knuckle pads and leukonychia and deafness)
  • Camisa disease
  • Carvajal syndrome (striate palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and cardiomyopathy, striate palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and left ventricular dilated cardiomyopathy)
  • Corneodermatoosseous syndrome (CDO syndrome)
  • Diffuse epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (palmoplantar keratoderma cum degeneratione granulosa Vörner, Vörner's epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma, Vörner keratoderma)
  • Diffuse nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma (diffuse orthohyperkeratotic keratoderma, hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma, keratosis extremitatum progrediens, keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa circumscripta, tylosis, Unna–Thost disease, Unna–Thost keratoderma)
  • Erythrokeratodermia variabilis (erythrokeratodermia figurata variabilis, keratosis extremitatum progrediens, keratosis palmoplantaris transgrediens et progrediens, Mendes da Costa syndrome, Mendes da Costa type erythrokeratodermia, progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma)
  • Focal acral hyperkeratosis (acrokeratoelastoidosis lichenoides, degenerative collagenous plaques of the hand)
  • Focal palmoplantar and gingival keratosis
  • Focal palmoplantar keratoderma with oral mucosal hyperkeratosis (focal epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma, hereditary painful callosities, hereditary painful callosity syndrome, keratosis follicularis, keratosis palmoplantaris nummularis, nummular epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma)
  • Haim–Munk syndrome (palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontitis and arachnodactyly and acro-osteolysis)
  • Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (alopecia congenita with keratosis palmoplantaris, Clouston syndrome, Clouston's hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Fischer–Jacobsen–Clouston syndrome, keratosis palmaris with drumstick fingers, palmoplantar keratoderma and clubbing)
  • Howel–Evans syndrome (familial keratoderma with carcinoma of the esophagus, focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma with carcinoma of the esophagus, palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type III, palmoplantar keratoderma associated with esophageal cancer, tylosis, tylosis–esophageal carcinoma)
  • Hystrix-like ichthyosis–deafness syndrome (HID syndrome)
  • Keratoderma climactericum (acquired plantar keratoderma, climacteric keratoderma, Haxthausen's disease)
  • Keratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris (Buschke–Fischer–Brauer disease, Davis Colley disease, keratoderma disseminatum palmaris et plantaris, keratosis papulosa, keratoderma punctatum, keratodermia punctata, keratoma hereditarium dissipatum palmare et plantare, palmar and plantar seed dermatoses, palmar keratoses, papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma, punctate keratoderma, punctate keratoses of the palms and soles, maculosa disseminata)
  • Keratitis–ichthyosis–deafness syndrome (erythrokeratodermia progressiva Burns, ichthyosiform erythroderma with corneal involvement and deafness, KID syndrome)
  • Mal de Meleda (acral keratoderma, Gamborg–Nielsen keratoderma, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma of the Gamborg–Nielsen type, palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type VIII, palmoplantar keratoderma of the Norrbotten type)
  • Naxos syndrome (diffuse non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and cardiomyopathy, diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy of Naxos, Naxos disease)
  • Olmsted syndrome (mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma with periorificial keratotic plaques, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma with periorificial plaques, polykeratosis of Touraine)
  • Pachyonychia congenita type I (Jadassohn–Lewandowsky syndrome)
  • Pachyonychia congenita type II (Jackson–Lawler pachyonychia congenita, Jackson–Sertoli syndrome)
  • Palmoplantar keratoderma and spastic paraplegia (Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease with palmoplantar keratoderma and nail dystrophy)
  • Palmoplantar keratoderma of Sybert (Greither palmoplantar keratoderma, Greither syndrome, keratosis extremitatum hereditaria progrediens, keratosis palmoplantaris transgrediens et progrediens, Sybert keratoderma, transgrediens and progrediens palmoplantar keratoderma)
  • Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome (palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontitis)
  • Porokeratosis plantaris discreta
  • Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma
  • Schöpf–Schulz–Passarge syndrome (eyelid cysts with palmoplantar keratoderma and hypodontia and hypotrichosis)
  • Scleroatrophic syndrome of Huriez (Huriez syndrome, palmoplantar keratoderma with scleroatrophy, palmoplantar keratoderma with sclerodactyly, scleroatrophic and keratotic dermatosis of the limbs, sclerotylosis)
  • Striate palmoplantar keratoderma (acral keratoderma, Brünauer–Fuhs–Siemens type of palmoplantar keratoderma, focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma, keratosis palmoplantaris varians, palmoplantar keratoderma areata, palmoplantar keratoderma striata, Wachter keratoderma, Wachters palmoplantar keratoderma)
  • Spiny keratoderma (porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris, punctate keratoderma, punctate porokeratosis of the palms and soles)
  • Tyrosinemia type II (oculocutaneous tyrosinemia, Richner–Hanhart syndrome)
  • Vohwinkel syndrome (keratoderma hereditaria mutilans, keratoma hereditaria mutilans, mutilating keratoderma of Vohwinkel, mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma)

Pregnancy-related edit

Linea nigra

Pregnancy-related cutaneous conditions are a group of skin changes observed during pregnancy.[93][94]

Pruritic edit

Pruritus, commonly known as itchiness, is a sensation exclusive to the skin, and characteristic of many skin conditions.[95][96]

Psoriasis edit

Psoriasis is a common, chronic, and recurrent inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by circumscribed, erythematous, dry, scaling plaques.[97][98][99]

Psoriasis vulgaris

Reactive neutrophilic edit

Reactive neutrophilic cutaneous conditions constitute a spectrum of disease mediated by neutrophils, and typically associated with underlying diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and hematologic malignancy.[100][101]

Pyoderma gangrenosum

Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions edit

Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions are skin conditions of the palms and soles which are resistant to treatment.[34]

  • Dermatitis repens (acrodermatitis continua, acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau, acrodermatitis continua suppurativa Hallopeau, acrodermatitis perstans, dermatitis repens Crocker, Hallopeau's acrodermatitis, Hallopeau's acrodermatitis continua, pustular acrodermatitis)
  • Infantile acropustulosis (acropustulosis of infancy)
  • Palmoplantar pustulosis (persistent palmoplantar pustulosis, pustular psoriasis of the Barber type, pustular psoriasis of the extremities, pustulosis of palms and soles, pustulosis palmaris et plantaris)
  • Pustular bacterid

Resulting from errors in metabolism edit

Skin conditions resulting from errors in metabolism are caused by enzymatic defects that lead to an accumulation or deficiency of various cellular components, including, but not limited to, amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.[16]

Resulting from physical factors edit

Skin conditions resulting from physical factors occur from a number of causes, including, but not limited to, hot and cold temperatures, friction, and moisture.[34][102][103]

Ionizing radiation-induced edit

Ionizing radiation-induced cutaneous conditions result from exposure to ionizing radiation.[104]

Urticaria and angioedema edit

Urticaria is a vascular reaction of the skin characterized by the appearance of wheals, which are firm, elevated swellings of the skin.[105] Angioedema, which can occur alone or with urticaria, is characterized by a well-defined, edematous swelling that involves subcutaneous tissues, abdominal organs, or upper airway.[106]

Acute urticaria

Vascular-related edit

Vascular-related cutaneous conditions result from dysfunction of the blood or blood vessels in the dermis, or lymphatics in the subcutaneous tissues.[9][107][108]

See also edit

Footnotes edit

  1. ^ Any given cutaneous condition is only included once within this list.
  2. ^ Parentheticals are used to indicate other names by which a condition is known. If there are multiple alternative names for a condition, they are separated by commas within the parenthetical.
  3. ^ Citations for any given condition name and/or alternative name(s) may be found within the condition's respective article.
  4. ^ This list uses American English; therefore, the symbols æ and œ, which are common to British English, are not used, but, rather, simplified to a single e. For example, the spelling of nevus is favored over nævus, edema over œdema, and so forth. For more information, see American and British English differences.
  5. ^ Non-English names are included within this list when those terms are found in English medical literature. Inclusion of acne excoriée des jeunes filles (French), Frambösie (German), and parangi (Malay) represent examples of this convention.
  6. ^ Abbreviations for condition names commonly described in medical literature with an acronym or initialism are included within this list.
  7. ^ Within this list, the term immunoglobulin is abbreviated to Ig when used as a prefix to a specific antibody isotype (i.e. IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM).
  8. ^ Within this list, the terms human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are abbreviated to HIV and AIDS, respectively.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d e Miller, Jeffrey H; Marks, James G (2006). Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology. Saunders. ISBN 978-1-4160-3185-7.
  2. ^ Lippens S, Hoste E, Vandenabeele P, Agostinis P, Declercq W (April 2009). "Cell death in the skin". Apoptosis. 14 (4): 549–69. doi:10.1007/s10495-009-0324-z. PMID 19221876. S2CID 13058619.
  3. ^ a b c d Burns, Tony; et al. (2006) Rook's Textbook of Dermatology CD-ROM. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 1-4051-3130-6.
  4. ^ Paus R, Cotsarelis G (1999). "The biology of hair follicles". N Engl J Med. 341 (7): 491–7. doi:10.1056/NEJM199908123410706. PMID 10441606. S2CID 35532108.
  5. ^ Goldsmith, Lowell A. (1983). Biochemistry and physiology of the skin. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-261253-3.
  6. ^ Fuchs E (February 2007). "Scratching the surface of skin development". Nature. 445 (7130): 834–42. Bibcode:2007Natur.445..834F. doi:10.1038/nature05659. PMC 2405926. PMID 17314969.
  7. ^ Fuchs E, Horsley V (April 2008). "More than one way to skin". Genes Dev. 22 (8): 976–85. doi:10.1101/gad.1645908. PMC 2732395. PMID 18413712.
  8. ^ a b c d e Freedberg, Irwin M; et al. (2003). Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medicine. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-138076-8.
  9. ^ a b c d Bolognia, Jean L; et al. (2007). Dermatology. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 978-1-4160-2999-1.
  10. ^ a b c d Rapini, Ronald P (2005). Practical dermatopathology. Elsevier Mosby. ISBN 978-0-323-01198-3.
  11. ^ Grant-Kels JM (2007). Color Atlas of Dermatopathology (Dermatology: Clinical & Basic Science). Informa Healthcare. pp. 163. ISBN 978-0-8493-3794-9.
  12. ^ Ryan, T (1991). "Cutaneous Circulation". In Goldsmith, Lowell A (ed.). Physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of the skin (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. p. 1019. ISBN 978-0-19-505612-9.
  13. ^ Swerlick RA, Lawley TJ (January 1993). "Role of microvascular endothelial cells in inflammation". J. Invest. Dermatol. 100 (1): 111S–115S. doi:10.1038/jid.1993.33. PMID 8423379.
  14. ^ a b c d Lynch, Peter J (1994). Dermatology. Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 978-0-683-05252-7.
  15. ^ King, LS (1954). "What Is Disease?". Philosophy of Science. 21 (3): 193–203. doi:10.1086/287343. S2CID 120875348.
  16. ^ a b Bluefarb, Samuel M (1984). Dermatology. Upjohn Co. ISBN 978-0-89501-004-9.
  17. ^ Tilles G, Wallach D (1989). "[The history of nosology in dermatology]". Ann Dermatol Venereol (in French). 116 (1): 9–26. PMID 2653160.
  18. ^ Lambert WC, Everett MA (October 1981). "The nosology of parapsoriasis". J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 5 (4): 373–95. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(81)70100-2. PMID 7026622.
  19. ^ Jackson R (1977). "Historical outline of attempts to classify skin diseases". Can Med Assoc J. 116 (10): 1165–68. PMC 1879511. PMID 324589.
  20. ^ Copeman PW (February 1995). "The creation of global dermatology". J R Soc Med. 88 (2): 78–84. PMC 1295100. PMID 7769599.
  21. ^ Fitzpatrick, Thomas B; Klauss Wolff; Wolff, Klaus Dieter; Johnson, Richard R.; Suurmond, Dick; Richard Suurmond (2005). Fitzpatrick's color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology. McGraw-Hill Medical Pub. Division. ISBN 978-0-07-144019-6.
  22. ^ Werner B (August 2009). "[Skin biopsy and its histopathologic analysis: Why? What for? How? Part I]". An Bras Dermatol (in Portuguese). 84 (4): 391–5. doi:10.1590/S0365-05962009000400010. PMID 19851671.
  23. ^ Werner B (October 2009). "[Skin biopsy with histopathologic analysis: why? what for? how? part II]". An Bras Dermatol (in Portuguese). 84 (5): 507–13. doi:10.1590/S0365-05962009000500010. PMID 20098854.
list, skin, conditions, this, dynamic, list, never, able, satisfy, particular, standards, completeness, help, adding, missing, items, with, reliable, sources, many, skin, conditions, affect, human, integumentary, system, organ, system, covering, entire, surfac. This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources Many skin conditions affect the human integumentary system the organ system covering the entire surface of the body and composed of skin hair nails and related muscle and glands 1 The major function of this system is as a barrier against the external environment 2 The skin weighs an average of four kilograms covers an area of two square metres and is made of three distinct layers the epidermis dermis and subcutaneous tissue 1 The two main types of human skin are glabrous skin the hairless skin on the palms and soles also referred to as the palmoplantar surfaces and hair bearing skin 3 Within the latter type the hairs occur in structures called pilosebaceous units each with hair follicle sebaceous gland and associated arrector pili muscle 4 In the embryo the epidermis hair and glands form from the ectoderm which is chemically influenced by the underlying mesoderm that forms the dermis and subcutaneous tissues 5 6 7 Rash due to measlesThe epidermis is the most superficial layer of skin a squamous epithelium with several strata the stratum corneum stratum lucidum stratum granulosum stratum spinosum and stratum basale 8 Nourishment is provided to these layers by diffusion from the dermis since the epidermis is without direct blood supply The epidermis contains four cell types keratinocytes melanocytes Langerhans cells and Merkel cells Of these keratinocytes are the major component constituting roughly 95 percent of the epidermis 3 This stratified squamous epithelium is maintained by cell division within the stratum basale in which differentiating cells slowly displace outwards through the stratum spinosum to the stratum corneum where cells are continually shed from the surface 3 In normal skin the rate of production equals the rate of loss about two weeks are needed for a cell to migrate from the basal cell layer to the top of the granular cell layer and an additional two weeks to cross the stratum corneum 9 The dermis is the layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue and comprises two sections the papillary dermis and the reticular dermis 10 The superficial papillary dermis interdigitates with the overlying rete ridges of the epidermis between which the two layers interact through the basement membrane zone 10 Structural components of the dermis are collagen elastic fibers and ground substance 10 Within these components are the pilosebaceous units arrector pili muscles and the eccrine and apocrine glands 8 The dermis contains two vascular networks that run parallel to the skin surface one superficial and one deep plexus which are connected by vertical communicating vessels 8 11 The function of blood vessels within the dermis is fourfold to supply nutrition to regulate temperature to modulate inflammation and to participate in wound healing 12 13 The subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat between the dermis and underlying fascia 14 This tissue may be further divided into two components the actual fatty layer or panniculus adiposus and a deeper vestigial layer of muscle the panniculus carnosus 3 The main cellular component of this tissue is the adipocyte or fat cell 14 The structure of this tissue is composed of septal i e linear strands and lobular compartments which differ in microscopic appearance 8 Functionally the subcutaneous fat insulates the body absorbs trauma and serves as a reserve energy source 14 Conditions of the human integumentary system constitute a broad spectrum of diseases also known as dermatoses as well as many nonpathologic states like in certain circumstances melanonychia and racquet nails 15 16 While only a small number of skin diseases account for most visits to the physician thousands of skin conditions have been described 14 Classification of these conditions often presents many nosological challenges since underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known 17 18 Therefore most current textbooks present a classification based on location for example conditions of the mucous membrane morphology chronic blistering conditions etiology skin conditions resulting from physical factors and so on 19 20 Clinically the diagnosis of any particular skin condition is made by gathering pertinent information regarding the presenting skin lesion s including the location such as arms head legs symptoms pruritus pain duration acute or chronic arrangement solitary generalized annular linear morphology macules papules vesicles and color red blue brown black white yellow 21 Diagnosis of many conditions often also requires a skin biopsy which yields histologic information 22 23 that can be correlated with the clinical presentation and any laboratory data 24 25 26 Contents 1 Acneiform eruptions 2 Autoinflammatory syndromes 3 Chronic blistering 4 Conditions of the mucous membranes 5 Conditions of the skin appendages 6 Conditions of the subcutaneous fat 7 Congenital anomalies 8 Connective tissue diseases 8 1 Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue 9 Dermal and subcutaneous growths 10 Dermatitis 10 1 Atopic 10 2 Contact 10 3 Eczema 10 4 Pustular 10 5 Seborrheic 11 Disturbances of pigmentation 12 Drug eruptions 13 Endocrine related 14 Eosinophilic 15 Epidermal nevi neoplasms and cysts 16 Erythemas 17 Genodermatoses 18 Infection related 18 1 Bacterium related 18 1 1 Mycobacterium related 18 2 Mycosis related 18 3 Parasitic infestations stings and bites 18 4 Virus related 19 Lichenoid eruptions 20 Lymphoid related 21 Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms 21 1 Melanoma 22 Monocyte and macrophage related 23 Mucinoses 24 Neurocutaneous 25 Noninfectious immunodeficiency related 26 Nutrition related 27 Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic 27 1 Palmoplantar keratodermas 28 Pregnancy related 29 Pruritic 30 Psoriasis 31 Reactive neutrophilic 32 Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions 33 Resulting from errors in metabolism 34 Resulting from physical factors 34 1 Ionizing radiation induced 35 Urticaria and angioedema 36 Vascular related 37 See also 38 Footnotes 39 References 40 Further reading 41 External linksAcneiform eruptions editSee also Category Acneiform eruptions nbsp Acne vulgaris nbsp Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp nbsp RhinophymaAcneiform eruptions are caused by changes in the pilosebaceous unit 27 28 Acne aestivalis Mallorca acne nb 1 nb 2 nb 3 Acne conglobata Acne cosmetica cosmetic acne Acne fulminans acute febrile ulcerative acne Acne keloidalis nuchae acne keloidalis dermatitis papillaris capillitii folliculitis keloidalis folliculitis keloidis nuchae nuchal keloid acne Acne mechanica Acne medicamentosa Acne miliaris necrotica acne varioliformis Acne vulgaris acne simplex Acne with facial edema solid facial edema nb 4 Blepharophyma Chloracne Erythrotelangiectatic rosacea erythematotelangiectatic rosacea vascular rosacea Excoriated acne acne excoriee des jeunes filles Picker s acne nb 5 Glandular rosacea Gnathophyma Gram negative rosacea Granulomatous facial dermatitis Granulomatous perioral dermatitis Halogen acne Hidradenitis suppurativa acne inversa pyoderma fistulans significa Verneuil s disease Idiopathic facial aseptic granuloma Infantile acne Lupoid rosacea granulomatous rosacea micropapular tuberculid rosacea like tuberculid of Lewandowsky Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei Metophyma Neonatal acne acne infantum acne neonatorum neonatal cephalic pustulosis Occupational acne Oil acne Ocular rosacea ophthalmic rosacea ophthalmorosacea Otophyma Periorificial dermatitis Persistent edema of rosacea chronic upper facial erythematous edema Morbihan s disease rosaceous lymphedema Phymatous rosacea Pomade acne Papulopustular rosacea inflammatory rosacea Perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens dissecting cellulitis of the scalp dissecting folliculitis perifolliculitis capitis abscedens et suffodiens of Hoffman Perioral dermatitis Periorbital dermatitis periocular dermatitis Pyoderma faciale rosacea fulminans Rhinophyma Rosacea acne rosacea Rosacea conglobata Synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteomyelitis syndrome SAPHO syndrome nb 6 Steroid rosacea Tar acne Tropical acneAutoinflammatory syndromes editSee also Category Autoinflammatory syndromes Autoinflammatory syndromes are a group of inherited disorders characterized by bouts of inflammatory skin lesions and periodic fevers 29 30 Blau syndrome nbsp Blau syndrome Chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous and articular syndrome Familial cold urticaria familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome Familial Mediterranean fever Hyper IgD syndrome nb 7 Majeed syndrome Muckle Wells syndrome TNF receptor associated periodic syndrome familial Hibernian fever TRAPS tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome Chronic blistering editSee also Category Chronic blistering cutaneous conditions Chronic blistering cutaneous conditions have a prolonged course and present with vesicles and bullae 31 32 33 Adult linear IgA disease Bullous pemphigoid Bullous lupus erythematosus Childhood linear IgA disease chronic bullous disease of childhood Cicatricial pemphigoid benign mucosal pemphigoid benign mucous membrane pemphigoid ocular pemphigus scarring pemphigoid Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring disease Endemic pemphigus endemic pemphigus foliaceus fogo selvagem Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita Grover s disease benign papular acantholytic dermatosis persistent acantholytic dermatosis transient acantholytic dermatosis nbsp Grover s disease IgA pemphigus Intraepidermal neutrophilic IgA dermatosis Localized cicatricial pemphigoid Brunsting Perry cicatricial pemphigoid Paraneoplastic pemphigus Pemphigus erythematosus Senear Usher syndrome Pemphigus foliaceus Pemphigus herpetiformis acantholytic herpetiform dermatitis herpetiform pemphigus mixed bullous disease pemphigus controlled by sulfapyridine Pemphigoid nodularis Pemphigus vegetans Pemphigus vegetans of Hallopeau Pemphigus vegetans of Neumann Pemphigus vulgaris Vesicular pemphigoid Vulvar childhood pemphigoidConditions of the mucous membranes editSee also Category Conditions of the mucous membranes Conditions of the mucous membranes involve the moist linings of the eyes nose mouth genitals and anus 34 Acatalasia acatalasemia Takahara s disease Acquired dyskeratotic leukoplakia Actinic cheilitis actinic cheilosis Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis acute membranous gingivitis acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis fusospirillary gingivitis fusospirillosis fusospirochetal gingivitis necrotizing gingivitis phagedenic gingivitis trench mouth ulcerative gingivitis Vincent gingivitis Vincent infection Vincent stomatitis Vincent s disease Allergic contact cheilitis Angina bullosa haemorrhagica Angular cheilitis perleche Behcet s disease Behcet s syndrome oculo oral genital syndrome Black hairy tongue hairy tongue lingua villosa nigra nbsp Black hairy tongue Caviar tongue Cheilitis exfoliativa Cheilitis glandularis Cheilitis granulomatosa granulomatous cheilitis orofacial granulomatosis Cutaneous sinus of dental origin dental sinus Cyclic neutropenia Desquamative gingivitis Drug induced ulcer of the lip Epidermization of the lip Epulis Epulis fissuratum granuloma fissuratum Eruptive lingual papillitis Erythroplakia erythroplasia Fissured tongue furrowed tongue lingua plicata plicated tongue scrotal tongue Geographic tongue benign migratory glossitis benign migratory stomatitis glossitis areata exfoliativa glossitis areata migrans lingua geographica stomatitis areata migrans transitory benign plaques of the tongue Gingival fibroma Gingival hypertrophy Hairy leukoplakia oral hairy leukoplakia Intraoral dental sinus Linea alba Leukoplakia Leukoplakia with tylosis and esophageal carcinoma Major aphthous ulcer periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens Median rhomboid glossitis central papillary atrophy Melanocytic oral lesion Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome Morsicatio buccarum chronic cheek biting chronic cheek chewing Mucosal squamous cell carcinoma Mucous cyst of the oral mucosa mucocele Nagayama s spots Oral Crohn s disease Oral florid papillomatosis Oral melanosis Osseous choristoma of the tongue Peripheral ameloblastoma Plasma cell cheilitis plasma cell gingivitis plasma cell orificial mucositi Plasmoacanthoma Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia Pyogenic granuloma eruptive hemangioma granulation tissue type hemangioma granuloma gravidarum lobular capillary hemangioma pregnancy tumor tumor of pregnancy nbsp Pyogenic granuloma Pyostomatitis vegetans Recurrent aphthous stomatitis aphthosis canker sores recurrent oral aphthae Recurrent intraoral herpes simplex infection Smooth tongue atrophic glossitis bald tongue hunter glossitis moeller Stomatitis nicotina nicotine stomatitis smoker s keratosis smoker s patches Torus palatinus Trumpeter s wart Vestibular papillomatosis White sponge nevus white sponge nevus of Cannon Conditions of the skin appendages editSee also Category Conditions of the skin appendages Conditions of the skin appendages are those affecting the glands of the skin hair nails and arrector pili muscles 1 35 Acne necrotica Acquired generalized hypertrichosis acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita Acquired perforating dermatosis acquired perforating collagenosis Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica of Bazex acrokeratosis neoplastica Bazex syndrome Acroosteolysis Acute paronychia Alopecia areata nbsp Alopecia areata Alopecia neoplastica Anagen effluvium Androgenic alopecia androgenetic alopecia Anhidrosis hypohidrosis Anonychia Apparent leukonychia Beau s lines Blue nails Bromidrosis apocrine bromhidrosis fetid sweat malodorous sweating osmidrosis Bubble hair deformity Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia follicular degeneration syndrome pseudopelade of the central scalp Chevron nail herringbone nail Chromhidrosis colored sweat Chronic paronychia Cicatricial alopecia Clubbing drumstick fingers Hippocratic fingers watch glass nails Congenital onychodysplasia of the index fingers Disseminate and recurrent infundibulofolliculitis Erosive pustular dermatitis of the scalp erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp Erythromelanosis follicularis faciei et colli Folliculitis decalvans Folliculitis nares perforans Fox Fordyce disease Frontal fibrosing alopecia Generalized congenital hypertrichosis congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa Generalized hyperhidrosis Graham Little syndrome Granulosis rubra nasi Green nails Gustatory hyperhidrosis Hair casts pseudonits Hair follicle nevus vellus hamartoma Hairy palms and soles Half and half nails Lindsay s nails Hangnail Hapalonychia Hematidrosis Hirsutism Hook nail Hot comb alopecia Hypertrichosis cubiti hairy elbow syndrome Hypertrichosis simplex of the scalp Intermittent hair follicle dystrophy Keratosis pilaris atrophicans Kinking hair acquired progressive kinking Koenen s tumor Koenen s periungual fibroma periungual fibroma Koilonychia spoon nails Kyrle disease Leukonychia white nails Lichen planopilaris acuminatus follicular lichen planus lichen planus follicularis peripilaris Lichen planus of the nails Lichen spinulosus keratosis spinulosa Lipedematous alopecia lipedematous scalp Localized acquired hypertrichosis Localized congenital hypertrichosis Longitudinal erythronychia Longitudinal melanonychia Loose anagen syndrome loose anagen hair syndrome Lupus erythematosus Madarosis Malalignment of the nail plate Male pattern baldness Marie Unna hereditary hypotrichosis Marie Unna hypotrichosis Median nail dystrophy dystrophia unguis mediana canaliformis median canaliform dystrophy of Heller solenonychia Mees lines Melanonychia Menkes kinky hair syndrome kinky hair disease Menkes disease Monilethrix beaded hair Muehrcke s nails Muehrcke s lines Nail patella syndrome Fong syndrome hereditary osteoonychodysplasia HOOD syndrome nbsp Nail patella syndrome Neoplasms of the nailbed Nevoid hypertrichosis Noncicatricial alopecia Onychauxis Onychoatrophy Onychocryptosis ingrown nail unguis incarnatus Onychogryphosis ram s horn nails Onycholysis Onychomadesis Onychomatricoma Onychophagia nail biting Onychophosis Onychoptosis defluvium alopecia unguium Onychorrhexis brittle nails Onychoschizia Onychotillomania nbsp Onychotillomania Ophiasis Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis emotional hyperhidrosis Parakeratosis pustulosa Patterned acquired hypertrichosis Perforating folliculitis Pili annulati ringed hair Pili bifurcati Pili multigemini Pili pseudoannulati pseudo pili annulati Pili torti twisted hairs Pincer nails omega nails trumpet nails Pityriasis amiantacea tinea amiantacea Platonychia Plica neuropathica felted hair Plummer s nail Premature greying of hair Prepubertal hypertrichosis Pressure alopecia postoperative alopecia pressure induced alopecia Pseudofolliculitis barbae barber s itch folliculitis barbae traumatica razor bumps scarring pseudofolliculitis of the beard shave bumps Pseudopelade of Brocq alopecia cicatrisata Psoriatic nails Pterygium inversum unguis pterygium inversus unguis ventral pterygium Pterygium unguis dorsal pterygium Purpura of the nail bed Racquet nail brachyonychia nail en raquette racquet thumb Recurrent palmoplantar hidradenitis idiopathic palmoplantar hidradenitis idiopathic plantar hidradenitis painful plantar erythema palmoplantar eccrine hidradenitis plantar panniculitis Red lunulae Ross syndrome Rubinstein Taybi syndrome Setleis syndrome Shell nail syndrome Short anagen syndrome Splinter hemorrhage nbsp Splinter hemorrhage Spotted lunulae Staining of the nail plate Stippled nails Subungual hematoma Telogen effluvium Terry s nails Traction alopecia Traumatic alopecia Traumatic anserine folliculosis Triangular alopecia temporal alopecia temporal triangular alopecia Trichomegaly Trichomycosis axillaris Trichorrhexis invaginata bamboo hair Trichorrhexis nodosa Trichostasis spinulosa Tufted folliculitis Tumor alopecia Twenty nail dystrophy sandpapered nails trachyonychia Uncombable hair syndrome cheveux incoiffable pili trianguli et canaliculi spun glass hair Wooly hair nevus woolly hair nevus X linked hypertrichosisConditions of the subcutaneous fat editSee also Category Conditions of the subcutaneous fat Conditions of the subcutaneous fat are those affecting the layer of adipose tissue that lies between the dermis and underlying fascia 36 37 38 39 Acquired generalized lipodystrophy Lawrence syndrome Lawrence Seip syndrome Adiposis dolorosa Dercum s disease Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis alpha1 protease deficiency panniculitis alpha1 proteinase deficiency panniculitis Atrophic connective tissue panniculitis Barraquer Simons syndrome acquired partial lipodystrophy cephalothoracic lipodystrophy progressive lipodystrophy Benign symmetric lipomatosis benign symmetric lipomatosis of Launois Bensaude Madelung s disease Centrifugal abdominal lipodystrophy centrifugal lipodystrophy lipodystrophia centrifugalis abdominalis infantalis Chronic erythema nodosum erythema nodosum migrans subacute migratory panniculitis of Vilanova and Pinol subacute nodular migratory panniculitis nbsp Chronic erythema nodosum Cold panniculitis popsicle panniculitis Congenital generalized lipodystrophy Berardinelli Seip syndrome Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis Drug induced lipodystrophy Factitial panniculitis Familial partial lipodystrophy Kobberling Dunnigan syndrome Gouty panniculitis Hemihyperplasia multiple lipomatosis syndrome HIV associated lipodystrophy nb 8 Involutional lipoatrophy Lipoatrophia annularis Ferreira Marques lipoatrophia Lipoatrophia semicircularis semicircular lipoatrophy Lipodermatosclerosis chronic panniculitis with lipomembranous changes hypodermitis sclerodermiformis sclerosing panniculitis stasis panniculitis Lipohypertrophy Localized lipodystrophy Neutrophilic lobular panniculitis Nodular vasculitis Non progressive late onset linear hemifacial lipoatrophy Pancreatic panniculitis enzymatic panniculitis pancreatic fat necrosis subcutaneous fat necrosis Poland s syndrome Post steroid panniculitis Sclerema neonatorum Sclerosing lipogranuloma paraffinoma Septal panniculitis Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn Traumatic panniculitis Tumor lysis syndrome Weber Christian disease relapsing febrile nonsuppurative panniculitis Congenital anomalies editSee also Category Cutaneous congenital anomalies Cutaneous congenital anomalies are a diverse group of disorders that result from faulty morphogenesis the biological process that forms the shape of a human body 35 40 41 Accessory nail of the fifth toe Accessory tragus ear tag preauricular appendage preauricular tag Amniotic band syndrome ADAM complex amniotic band sequence congenital constriction bands pseudoainhum Aplasia cutis congenita cutis aplasia congenital absence of skin congenital scars Arteriovenous fistula Benign neonatal hemangiomatosis Branchial cyst branchial cleft cyst Bronchogenic cyst Capillary hemangioma infantile hemangioma nevus maternus strawberry hemangioma strawberry nevus Cavernous venous malformation Congenital cartilaginous rest of the neck cervical accessory tragus wattle Congenital erosive and vesicular dermatosis Congenital hypertrophy of the lateral fold of the hallux Congenital lip pit congenital sinus of the lower lip lip sinus midline sinus of the upper lip Congenital malformations of the dermatoglyphs Congenital smooth muscle hamartoma Cystic lymphatic malformation Dermoid cyst Diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis Encephalocele Familial disseminated comedones without dyskeratosis 42 Focal facial dermal dysplasia Hutchinson s teeth Hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary venous malformation Intrauterine epidermal necrosis Limb mammary syndrome Lowry MacLean syndrome Macrocheilia Macrocystic lymphatic malformation Malignant pilomatricoma pilomatrical carcinoma pilomatrix carcinoma Maternal autoimmune bullous disease Median raphe cyst Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy Membranous aplasia cutis Microcystic lymphatic malformation Midline cervical cleft Mongolian spot congenital dermal melanocytosis dermal melanocytosis nbsp Mongolian spot Mulberry molar Nager acrofacial dysostosis Nasal glioma brain like heterotopia cephalic brain like heterotopia glial hamartoma heterotopic neuroglial tissue nasal cerebral heterotopia nasal heterotopic brain tissue Nasolacrimal duct cyst Nevus psiloliparus Non involuting congenital hemangioma Omphalomesenteric duct cyst omphalomesenteric duct remnant vitelline cyst PELVIS syndrome Pilomatricoma calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe Malherbe calcifying epithelioma pilomatrixoma Poland anomaly Posterior fossa malformations hemangiomas arterial anomalies cardiac defects eye abnormalities sternal cleft and supraumbilical raphe syndrome PHACE association PHACES syndrome Preauricular sinus and cyst ear pit congenital auricular fistula congenital preauricular fistula preauricular cyst Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma congenital nonprogressive hemangioma Rosenthal Kloepfer syndrome Rudimentary supernumerary digit rudimentary polydactyly SACRAL syndrome Sinus pericranii Skin dimple skin fossa Superficial lymphatic malformation lymphangioma circumscriptum Supernumerary nipple accessory nipple pseudomamma Thyroglossal duct cyst Verrucous vascular malformation angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviforme Connective tissue diseases editSee also Category Connective tissue diseases Connective tissue diseases are caused by a complex array of autoimmune responses that target or affect collagen or ground substance 35 43 Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini dyschromic and atrophic variation of scleroderma morphea plana atrophica sclerodermie atrophique d emblee Calcinosis Raynaud phenomenon esophageal dysmotility sclerodactyly telangiectasia syndrome CREST syndrome Chilblain lupus erythematosus chilblain lupus erythematosus of Hutchinson Childhood dermatomyositis Childhood discoid lupus erythematosus Childhood systemic lupus erythematosus Complement deficiency syndromes Dermatomyositis Ehlers Danlos syndrome Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome Frontal linear scleroderma en coup de sabre morphea en coup de sabre nbsp Frontal linear scleroderma Generalized discoid lupus erythematosus Generalized morphea Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis juvenile idiopathic arthritis Still s disease Keloid morphea Linear atrophoderma of Moulin Moulin atrophoderma linearis Linear scleroderma Localized discoid lupus erythematosus Localized morphea nbsp Localized morphea Lupus erythematosus panniculitis lupus erythematosus profundus lupus panniculitis lupus profundus subcutaneous lupus erythematosus Lupus erythematosus lichen planus overlap syndrome lichen planus lupus erythematosus overlap syndrome Methotrexate induced papular eruption Mixed connective tissue disease Sharp s syndrome undifferentiated connective tissue disease Morphea profunda Morphea lichen sclerosus et atrophicus overlap Mouth and genital ulcers with inflamed cartilage syndrome MAGIC syndrome Neonatal lupus erythematosus Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy Nicolau Balus syndrome Nodulosis arthropathy osteolysis syndrome Normophosphatemic familial tumoral calcinosis Palisaded neutrophilic and granulomatous dermatitis Pansclerotic morphea Parry Romberg syndrome progressive hemifacial atrophy Progressive systemic sclerosis Relapsing polychondritis atrophic polychondritis systemic chondromalacia Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid nodulosis accelerated rheumatoid nodulosis Rheumatoid vasculitis Rowell s syndrome Scleredema adultorum Bushke disease scleredema diabeticorum scleredema adultorum of Buschke scleredema of Buschke Silicosis Sjogren s syndrome Mikulicz disease Sicca syndrome Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus erythematosus Toxic oil syndrome Tumid lupus erythematosus lupus erythematosus tumidus Tuzun syndrome Verrucous lupus erythematosus hypertrophic lupus erythematosus Winchester syndromeAbnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue edit See also Category Abnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue nbsp Striae distensaeAbnormalities of dermal fibrous and elastic tissue are caused by problems in the regulation of collagen synthesis or degradation 35 44 Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer disease primary diffuse atrophy Actinic elastosis solar elastosis Anetoderma anetoderma maculosa anetoderma maculosa cutis atrophia maculosa cutis macular atrophy Blepharochalasis Cutis laxa chalazoderma dermatochalasia dermatolysis dermatomegaly generalized elastolysis generalized elastorrhexis pachydermatocele Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae Ehlers Danlos syndrome cutis hyperelastica elastic skin India rubber skin Elastosis perforans serpiginosa Homocystinuria Jadassohn Pellizzari anetoderma Linear focal elastosis elastotic striae Loeys Dietz syndrome Marfan syndrome Occipital horn syndrome Osteogenesis imperfecta Lobstein syndrome Perforating calcific elastosis localized acquired cutaneous pseudoxanthoma elasticum perforating periumbilical calcific elastosis periumbilical perforating pseudoxanthoma elasticum Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Gronblad Strandberg syndrome Reactive perforating collagenosis Schweninger Buzzi anetoderma Sclerotic fibroma Striae atrophicans Striae distensae Ullrich disease Verrucous perforating collagenoma Wrinkly skin syndromeDermal and subcutaneous growths editSee also Category Dermal and subcutaneous growths Dermal and subcutaneous growths result from 1 reactive or neoplastic proliferation of cellular components of the dermis or subcutaneous tissue or 2 neoplasms invading or aberrantly present in the dermis 1 35 Acquired progressive lymphangioma benign lymphangioendothelioma Acral arteriolar ectasia Acral fibrokeratoma acquired digital fibrokeratoma acquired periungual fibrokeratoma Acrochordon cutaneous papilloma cutaneous tag fibroepithelial polyp fibroma molluscum fibroma pendulum papilloma colli skin tag soft fibroma Templeton skin tag Adenoma sebaceum Adult type of generalized eruption of cutaneous mastocytosis African cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma African lymphadenopathic Kaposi sarcoma Aggressive infantile fibromatosis AIDS associated Kaposi sarcoma Ainhum bankokerend dactylolysis spontanea sukhapakla Angiofibroma Angiokeratoma Angiokeratoma of Fordyce angiokeratoma of the scrotum and vulva nbsp Angiokeratoma of Fordyce Angiokeratoma of Mibelli Mibelli s angiokeratoma telangiectatic warts Angioleiomyoma vascular leiomyoma Angiolipoleiomyoma Angiolipoma Angioma serpiginosum Angiosarcoma Aponeurotic fibroma calcifying aponeurotic fibroma juvenile aponeurotic fibroma Atypical fibroxanthoma Benign lipoblastomatosis embryonic lipoma Buschke Ollendorff syndrome dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata Capillary aneurysms Carcinoid Cellular angiofibroma Cherry angioma De Morgan spot senile angioma Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis nbsp Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis Chondroid lipoma Chordoma Classic Kaposi sarcoma Collagenous fibroma desmoplastic fibroblastoma Composite hemangioendothelioma Connective tissue nevus collagenoma elastoma shagreen patch Cutaneous endometriosis Cutaneous meningioma heterotopic meningeal tissue rudimentary meningocele Cutaneous myelofibrosis Cutaneous myxoma Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita congenital generalized phlebectasia Van Lohuizen syndrome Dermal dendrocyte hamartoma Dermatofibroma benign fibrous histiocytoma dermal dendrocytoma fibrous dermatofibroma fibrous histiocytoma fibroma simplex histiocytoma nodular subepidermal fibrosis sclerosing hemangioma Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans Desmoid tumor Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis Diffuse infantile fibromatosis Dupuytren s contracture Dupuytren s diathesis Dupuytren s disease palmar fibromatosis Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma Elastofibroma dorsi Endovascular papillary angioendothelioma Dabska tumor Dabska type hemangioendothelioma hobnail hemangioendothelioma malignant endovascular papillary angioendothelioma papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma Epithelioid cell histiocytoma Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma Epithelioid sarcoma Erythrodermic mastocytosis Extraskeletal chondroma chondroma of soft parts Familial myxovascular fibromas Fascial hernia Fibroma of tendon sheath Fibromatosis colli sternomastoid tumor of infancy Fibrous hamartoma of infancy Fibrous papule of the nose benign solitary fibrous papule fibrous papule of the face Folded skin with scarring Michelin tire baby syndrome Fordyce s spot Fordyce s disease nbsp Fordyce s spot Ganglion cyst Ganglioneuroma Gardner fibroma Genital leiomyoma dartoic leiomyoma Giant cell fibroblastoma Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath giant cell synovioma localized nodular tenosynovitis pigmented villonodular synovitis Glomeruloid hemangioma Glomus tumor glomangioma solid glomus tumor solitary glomus tumor Granular cell tumor Abrikossoff s tumor Abrikossov s tumor granular cell myoblastoma granular cell nerve sheath tumor granular cell schwannoma Hamartoma Hemangiopericytoma Hemangiosarcoma Hibernoma fetal lipoma lipoma of embryonic fat lipoma of immature adipose tissue Hypertrophic scar Immunosuppression associated Kaposi sarcoma Infantile digital fibromatosis inclusion body fibromatosis infantile digital myofibroblastoma Reye tumor Infantile hemangiopericytoma congenital hemangiopericytoma Infantile myofibromatosis congenital generalized fibromatosis congenital multicentric fibromatosis Infantile systemic hyalinosis juvenile systemic hyalinosis Intradermal spindle cell lipoma Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia Masson s hemangio endotheliome vegetant intravasculaire Masson s lesion Masson s pseudoangiosarcoma Masson s tumor papillary endothelial hyperplasia Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis fibromatosis hyalinica multiplex juvenilis Murray Puretic Drescher syndrome Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma infantile kaposiform hemangioendothelioma Kasabach Merritt syndrome hemangioma with thrombocytopenia Keloid Keloidal scar nbsp Keloid Keratinizing metaplasia Keratocyst Klippel Trenaunay syndrome angioosteohypertrophy syndrome hemangiectatic hypertrophy Knuckle pads heloderma Leiomyosarcoma Lipoma Liposarcoma atypical lipoma atypical lipomatous tumor Lymphangiectasis lymphangioma Lymphangiomatosis Malignant fibrous histiocytoma Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor malignant schwannoma neurofibrosarcoma neurosarcoma Mast cell sarcoma Meningocele Metastatic carcinoma Microvenular hemangioma microcapillary hemangioma Midline nevus flammeus angel s kiss salmon patch Multifocal lymphangioendotheliomatosis congenital cutaneovisceral angiomatosis with thrombocytopenia multifocal lymphangioendotheliomatosis with thrombocytopenia Multinucleate cell angiohistocytoma Multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis syndrome leiomyomatosis cutis et uteri multiple leiomyomatosis Reed s syndrome Multiple cutaneous leiomyoma pilar leiomyoma Neural fibrolipoma Neuroblastoma infantile neuroblastoma neuroepithelioma Neuroma cutis Neurothekeoma bizarre cutaneous neurofibroma cutaneous lobular neuromyxoma myxoma of the nerve sheath myxomatous perineurioma nerve sheath myxoma Nevus flammeus capillary malformation port wine stain Nevus flammeus nuchae stork bite Nevus lipomatosus superficialis nevus lipomatosis of Hoffman and Zurhelle Nevus oligemicus Nodular fasciitis nodular pseudosarcomatous fasciits pseudosarcomatous fasciitis subcutaneous pseudosarcomatous fibromatosis Oral submucous fibrosis Pachydermodactyly Palisaded encapsulated neuroma Paraneoplastic syndrome Pearly penile papules hirsuties coronae glandis hirsutoid papillomas Peyronie s disease induratio penis plastica Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis Piloleiomyoma Plantar fibromatosis Ledderhose s disease Pleomorphic fibroma Pleomorphic lipoma Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus Progressive nodular histiocytoma Proliferating angioendotheliomatosis Prominent inferior labial artery Pseudo ainhum nbsp Urticaria pigmentosa nbsp Venous lake Retiform hemangioendothelioma hobnail hemangioendothelioma Schwannoma acoustic neuroma neurilemmoma neurinoma neurolemmoma Schwann cell tumor Solitary angiokeratoma Solitary cutaneous leiomyoma Solitary mastocytoma Solitary neurofibroma plexiform neurofibroma solitary nerve sheath tumor sporadic neurofibroma Spider angioma nevus araneus spider telangiectasia spider nevus vascular spider Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma spindle cell hemangioma Spindle cell lipoma Sternal cleft Subungual exostosis Superficial acral fibromyxoma Systemic mastocytosis Targetoid hemosiderotic hemangioma hobnail hemangioma Telangiectasia Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans Teratoma Tufted angioma acquired tufted angioma angioblastoma angioblastoma of Nakagawa hypertrophic hemangioma progressive capillary hemangioma tufted hemangioma Umbilical granuloma Universal angiomatosis generalized telangiectasia Urticaria pigmentosa childhood type of generalized eruption of cutaneous mastocytosis Venous lake phlebectasis Wildervanck syndrome Xanthelasmoidal mastocytosis Zosteriform metastasisDermatitis editSee also Category Dermatitis Dermatitis is a general term for inflammation of the skin 45 Childhood granulomatous periorificial dermatitis Essential dermatitisAtopic edit See also Category Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is a chronic dermatitis associated with a hereditary tendency to develop allergies to food and inhalant substances 46 47 48 Atopic dermatitis atopic eczema disseminated neurodermatitis flexural eczema infantile eczema prurigo diathsique Contact edit See also Category Contact dermatitis Contact dermatitis is caused by certain substances coming in contact with the skin 49 50 51 Abietic acid dermatitis Acid induced Acrylic monomer dermatitis Adhesive dermatitis African blackwood dermatitis Airbag dermatitis airbag burn Alkali induced Allergic Antifungal agent induced Antimicrobial agent induced Arsenic dermatitis Artificial nail induced Axillary antiperspirant induced Axillary deodorant induced Baboon syndrome Black dermatographism Bleaching cream induced Capsaisin induced Chemical burn nbsp Chemical burn Chloracne Chrome dermatitis Clothing induced Cobalt dermatitis Contact stomatitis contact lichenoid reaction lichenoid amalgam reaction oral mucosal cinnamon reaction Contact urticaria Corticosteroid induced Cosmetic dermatitis Cosmetic intolerance syndrome Dentifrice induced Dermatitis from metals and metal salts Dust induced Epoxy resin dermatitis Ethylenediamine induced Eye makeup induced Fiberglass dermatitis Flower induced Formaldehyde induced Formaldehyde releasing agent induced Fragrance induced Gold dermatitis Hair bleach induced Hair dye induced Hair lotion induced Hair spray induced Hair straightener induced Hair tonic induced Houseplant induced Hydrocarbon induced Irritant folliculitis Lacquer dermatitis lacquer sensitivity Lanolin induced Lipstick induced Local anesthetic induced Makassar ebony dermatitis Marine plant induced Mechanical irritant dermatitis Mercury dermatitis Mouthwash induced Nail lacquer induced Nail polish remover induced Nickel dermatitis Occupation induced p Chloro meta xylenol induced Paraben induced Paraphenylenediamine dermatitis Permanent wave preparation induced Phenothiazine drug induced Photoallergic Photoirritant Plant derivative induced Pollen induced Polyester resin dermatitis Propylene glycol induced nbsp Toxicodendron dermatitis Protein contact dermatitis Quaternium 15 hypersensitivity Reed dermatitis Rosewood dermatitis Rosin dermatitis Rubber dermatitis Seed induced Shoe dermatitis Solvent induced Sorbic acid induced Subjective irritant contact dermatitis sensory irritant contact dermatitis Sunscreen induced Systemic contact dermatitis Tear gas dermatitis Textile dermatitis Traumatic irritant contact dermatitis Tree associated plant induced Tree induced Tulip fingers Urushiol induced Vegetable inducedEczema edit See also Category Eczema Eczema refers to a broad range of conditions that begin as spongiotic dermatitis and may progress to a lichenified stage 26 52 nbsp DyshidrosisAutoimmune estrogen dermatitis Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis Autosensitization dermatitis Breast eczema nipple eczema Chronic vesiculobullous hand eczema Circumostomy eczema Dyshidrosis acute vesiculobullous hand eczema cheiropompholyx dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx podopompholyx Ear eczema Eyelid dermatitis Hand eczema Hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis Id reaction disseminated eczema generalized eczema Irritant diaper dermatitis diaper dermatitis napkin dermatitis Juvenile plantar dermatosis atopic winter feet dermatitis plantaris sicca forefoot dermatitis moon boot foot syndrome sweaty sock dermatitis Molluscum dermatitis Nummular dermatitis discoid eczema microbial eczema nummular eczema nummular neurodermatitis Nutritional deficiency eczema Sulzberger Garbe syndrome oid oid disease Xerotic eczema asteatotic eczema desiccation dermatitis eczema craquele pruritus hiemalis winter eczema winter itch Pustular edit See also Category Pustular dermatitis Pustular dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that presents with pustular lesions 26 53 Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis Ofuji s disease sterile eosinophilic pustulosis Reactive arthritis Subcorneal pustular dermatosis Sneddon Wilkinson disease Seborrheic edit See also Category Seborrheic dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic superficial inflammatory disease characterized by scaling on an erythematous base 54 Infantile seborrheic dermatitis Leiner s disease Pityriasis simplex capillitii dandruff Seborrheic dermatitis seborrheic eczema Disturbances of pigmentation editSee also Category Disturbances of human pigmentation Disturbances of human pigmentation either loss or reduction may be related to loss of melanocytes or the inability of melanocytes to produce melanin or transport melanosomes correctly 55 56 57 Albinism black lock cell migration disorder of the neurocytes of the gut deafness syndrome ABCD syndrome Albinism deafness syndrome Woolf syndrome Ziprkowski Margolis syndrome Alezzandrini syndrome Argyria Arsenic poisoning nbsp Vitiligo Berlin syndrome Pigmentation changes caused by the bioaccumulation of pigments e g Canthaxanthin Chediak Higashi syndrome Chrysiasis Cross McKusick Breen syndrome Cross syndrome oculocerebral hypopigmentation syndrome Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis hyperkeratotica et mutilans dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis hypohidotica et atrophica dermatopathic pigmentosa reticularis Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria reticulate acropigmentation of Dohi symmetrical dyschromatosis of the extremities Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria Elejalde syndrome Griscelli syndrome type 1 Eruptive hypomelanosis Familial progressive hyperpigmentation Galli Galli disease Griscelli syndrome type 2 partial albinism with immunodeficiency Griscelli syndrome type 3 Hemochromatosis bronze diabetes Hemosiderin hyperpigmentation Hermansky Pudlak syndrome Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis leukopathia symmetrica progressiva Iron metallic discoloration Klein Waardenburg syndrome Lead poisoning Leukoderma Melanoma associated leukoderma Melasma chloasma faciei mask of pregnancy Mukamel syndrome Necklace of Venus Nevus anemicus nbsp Nevus anemicus Nevus depigmentosus nevus achromicus Ocular albinism Oculocutaneous albinism Pallister Killian syndrome Periorbital hyperpigmentation Photoleukomelanodermatitis of Kobori Phylloid hypomelanosis Piebaldism Pigmentatio reticularis faciei et colli Pityriasis alba Poikiloderma of Civatte Poikiloderma vasculare atrophicans Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation postinflammatory hypermelanosis Postinflammatory hypopigmentation Progressive macular hypomelanosis Quadrichrome vitiligo Reticular pigmented anomaly of the flexures dark dot disease Dowling Degos disease Reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura Revesz syndrome Riehl melanosis Scratch dermatitis flagellate pigmentation from bleomycin Segmental vitiligo Shah Waardenburg syndrome Shiitake mushroom dermatitis flagellate mushroom dermatitis mushroom worker s disease shiitake induced toxicoderma Tar melanosis melanodermatitis toxica lichenoides Tietz syndrome Titanium metallic discoloration Transient neonatal pustular melanosis transient neonatal pustulosis lentigines neonatorum Trichrome vitiligo Vagabond s leukomelanoderma Vasospastic macule Vitiligo Vitiligo ponctue Vogt Koyanagi Harada syndrome Waardenburg syndrome Wende Bauckus syndrome Pegum syndrome Woronoff s ring X linked reticulate pigmentary disorder familial cutaneous amyloidosis Partington amyloidosis Partington cutaneous amyloidosis Partington syndrome type II reticulate pigmentary disorder X linked reticulate pigmentary disorder with systemic manifestations Yemenite deaf blind hypopigmentation syndromeDrug eruptions editSee also Category Drug eruptions Drug eruptions are adverse drug reactions that present with cutaneous manifestations 58 59 60 Acrodynia calomel disease erythredemic polyneuropathy pink disease Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis pustular drug eruption toxic pustuloderma nbsp Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis Adverse reaction to biologic agents Adverse reaction to cytokines Allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome Anticoagulant induced skin necrosis Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome Bromoderma Bullous drug reaction bullous drug eruption generalized bullous fixed drug eruption multilocular bullous fixed drug eruption Chemotherapy induced acral erythema palmoplantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome Chemotherapy induced hyperpigmentation Drug induced acne Drug induced angioedema Drug related gingival hyperplasia Drug induced lichenoid reaction drug induced lichen planus lichenoid drug eruption Drug induced lupus erythematosus Drug induced nail changes Drug induced pigmentation Drug induced urticaria Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms Erythema multiforme major erythema multiforme minor erythema multiforme von Hebra Exudative hyponychial dermatitis Fixed drug reaction Halogenoderma Heparin necrosis HIV disease related drug reaction Hydroxyurea dermopathy Injection site reaction Iododerma Leukotriene receptor antagonist associated Churg Strauss syndrome Linear IgA bullous dermatosis linear IgA dermatosis Photosensitive drug reaction Red man syndrome Severe cutaneous adverse reactions includes DRESS syndrome Steven Johnson syndrome Toxic epidermal necrolysis Stevens Johnson toxic epidermal necrolysis overlap syndrome and Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis Scleroderma like reaction to taxanes Serum sickness like reaction Steroid acne Steroid folliculitis Stevens Johnson syndrome Sulfonamide hypersensitivity syndrome Texier s disease Toxic epidermal necrolysis Lyell s syndrome Urticarial erythema multiforme Vitamin K reaction Warfarin necrosisEndocrine related editSee also Category Endocrine related cutaneous conditions Endocrine conditions often present with cutaneous findings as the skin interacts with the endocrine system in many ways 61 62 Acanthosis nigricans associated with malignancy acanthosis nigricans type I Acanthosis nigricans associated with obesity insulin resistant states and endocrinopathy acanthosis nigricans type III Acral acanthosis nigricans acral acanthotic anomaly nbsp Acral dry gangrene Acral dry gangrene Acromegaly Addison s disease Adrenal adenoma Adrenal carcinoma Adrenal hyperplasia Alopecia nail dystrophy ophthalmic complications thyroid dysfunction hypohidrosis ephelides and enteropathy respiratory tract infections syndrome ANOTHER syndrome Arrhenoblastoma Cretinism Cushing s syndrome nbsp Acanthosis nigricans associated with obesity insulin resistant states and endocrinopathy Excess ovarian androgen release syndrome ovarian SAHA syndrome Familial acanthosis nigricans acanthosis nigricans type II Growth hormone deficiency Hyperandrogenism insulin resistance acanthosis nigricans syndrome HAIR AN syndrome Hyperparathyroidism Hyperprolactinemic SAHA syndrome Hyperthyroidism Hypoparathyroidism Hypothyroidism Leydig cell tumor Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 Wermer syndrome Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A pheochromocytoma and amyloid producing medullary thyroid carcinoma PTC syndrome Sipple syndrome Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 3 mucosal neuromata with endocrine tumors multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B multiple mucosal neuroma syndrome Wagenmann Froboese syndrome Myxedema Panhypopituitarism Persistent adrenarche syndrome adrenal SAHA syndrome Polycystic ovarian syndrome Seborrhoea acne hirsutism alopecia SAHA syndrome Thyroid acropachyEosinophilic editSee also Category Eosinophilic cutaneous conditions Eosinophilic cutaneous conditions encompass a wide variety of diseases that are characterized histologically by the presence of eosinophils in the inflammatory infiltrate or evidence of eosinophil degranulation 63 64 Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia epithelioid hemangioma histiocytoid hemangioma inflammatory angiomatous nodule inflammatory arteriovenous hemangioma intravenous atypical vascular proliferation papular angioplasia pseudopyogenic granuloma Annular erythema of infancy Arthropod assault Eosinophilic cellulitis Wells syndrome Eosinophilic fasciitis Shulman s syndrome Eosinophilic granuloma Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of infancy eosinophilic pustular folliculitis in infancy infantile eosinophilic pustular folliculitis neonatal eosinophilic pustular folliculitis Eosinophilic ulcer of the oral mucosa eosinophilic ulcer of the tongue Riga Fede disease traumatic eosinophilic granuloma nbsp Eosinophilic ulcer of the oral mucosa Eosinophilic vasculitis Erythema toxicum neonatorum erythema toxicum toxic erythema of the newborn Granuloma faciale Hypereosinophilia Hypereosinophilic syndrome Incontinentia pigmenti Bloch Siemens syndrome Bloch Sulzberger disease Bloch Sulzberger syndrome Itchy red bump disease papular dermatitis Juvenile xanthogranuloma Kimura s disease Nodules eosinophilia rheumatism dermatitis swelling syndrome Pachydermatous eosinophilic dermatitis Papular eruption of blacks Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji Pruritic papular eruption of HIV diseaseEpidermal nevi neoplasms and cysts editSee also Category Epidermal nevi neoplasms and cysts Epidermal nevi neoplasms and cysts are skin lesions that develop from the epidermal layer of the skin 8 26 Aberrant basal cell carcinoma Acanthoma fissuratum granuloma fissuratum spectacle frame acanthoma Acrospiroma clear cell hidradenoma dermal duct tumor hidroacanthoma simplex nodular hidradenoma poroma Actinic keratosis senile keratosis solar keratosis Adenoid squamous cell carcinoma pseudoglandular squamous cell carcinoma Aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma digital papillary adenocarcinoma papillary adenoma nbsp Basal cell carcinoma Apocrine gland carcinoma Apocrine nevus Arsenical keratosis Atrophic actinic keratosis Balanitis plasmacellularis balanoposthitis chronica circumscripta plasmacellularis balanitis circumscripta plasmacellularis plasma cell balanitis plasma cell vulvitis vulvitis circumscripta plasmacellularis Zoon s balanitis Zoon s erythroplasia Zoon s vulvitis Basal cell carcinoma Basaloid follicular hamartoma Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma Birt Hogg Dube syndrome Bowen s disease squamous cell carcinoma in situ Brooke Fordyce syndrome Ceruminoma Cicatricial basal cell carcinoma morpheaform basal cell carcinoma morphoeic basal cell carcinoma Ciliated cyst of the vulva cutaneous Mullerian cyst paramesonephric mucinous cyst of the vulva Clear cell acanthoma acanthome cellules claires of Degos and Civatte Degos acanthoma pale cell acanthoma Clear cell squamous cell carcinoma clear cell carcinoma of the skin Chronic scar keratosis chronic cicatrix keratosis Clonal seborrheic keratosis Common seborrheic keratosis basal cell papilloma solid seborrheic keratosis Cowden syndrome Cowden s disease multiple hamartoma syndrome Cutaneous ciliated cyst Cutaneous columnar cyst Cutaneous horn Cornu cutaneum Cystic basal cell carcinoma Dermal eccrine cylindroma cylindroma Dermatosis papulosa nigra Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma Dilated pore dilated pore of Winer nbsp Bowen s disease Eccrine carcinoma syringoid carcinoma Eccrine nevus Epidermal cyst epidermal inclusion cyst epidermoid cyst infundibular cyst keratin cyst Epidermal nevus syndrome Feuerstein and Mims syndrome Solomon s syndrome Epidermolytic acanthoma Epithelioma cuniculatum Ackerman tumor carcinoma cuniculatum Eruptive vellus hair cyst Erythroplasia of Queyrat Extramammary Paget s disease Fibroepithelioma Fibroepithelioma of Pinkus Fibrofolliculoma Follicular hybrid cyst Hybrid cyst Folliculosebaceous apocrine hamartoma follicular apocrine hamartoma Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma Generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma generalized eruptive keratoacanthoma of Grzybowski Giant solitary trichoepithelioma Hidradenoma nbsp Hidradenoma Hidradenocarcinoma Hidrocystoma cystadenoma Moll s gland cyst sudoriferous cyst Hydrocarbon keratosis pitch keratosis tar keratosis tar wart Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans Flegel s disease Hyperkeratosis of the nipple and areola Hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis Ichthyosis hystrix ichthyosis hystrix gravior type Lambert porcupine man systematized verrucous nevus Ichthyosis hystrix of Curth Macklin Infiltrative basal cell carcinoma Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus Inverted follicular keratosis Irritated seborrheic keratosis basosquamous cell acanthoma inflamed seborrheic keratosis Isthmicoma infundibuloma tumor of the follicular infundibulum Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia Keratin implantation cyst Keratoacanthoma Keratoacanthoma centrifugum marginatum Large cell acanthoma Lichenoid actinic keratosis Lichenoid keratosis benign lichenoid keratosis lichen planus like keratosis solitary lichen planus solitary lichenoid keratosis Linear verrucous epidermal nevus linear epidermal nevus verrucous epidermal nevus Malignant acrospiroma spiradenocarcinoma Malignant mixed tumor malignant chondroid syringoma Malignant trichilemmal cyst Mantleoma Marjolin s ulcer Melanoacanthoma pigmented seborrheic keratosis Merkel cell carcinoma cutaneous apudoma primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin primary small cell carcinoma of the skin trabecular carcinoma of the skin Microcystic adnexal carcinoma sclerosing sweat duct carcinoma Micronodular basal cell carcinoma Milia en plaque Milium nbsp Milium Mixed tumor chondroid syringoma Mucinous carcinoma Mucinous nevus nevus mucinosus Muir Torre syndrome Multiple familial trichoepithelioma Brooke Spiegler syndrome epithelioma adenoides cysticum Multiple keratoacanthomas Ferguson Smith syndrome Ferguson Smith type of multiple self healing keratoacanthomas multiple keratoacanthomas of the Ferguson Smith type Multiple minute digitate hyperkeratosis digitate keratoses disseminated spiked hyperkeratosis familial disseminated piliform hyperkeratosis minute aggregate keratosis Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome basal cell nevus syndrome Gorlin syndrome Gorlin Goltz syndrome Nevus comedonicus comedo nevus Nevus comedonicus syndrome Nevus sebaceous nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn organoid nevus Nevus unius lateris Nodular basal cell carcinoma classic basal cell carcinoma Paget s disease of the breast Papillary eccrine adenoma tubular apocrine adenoma Papillary hidradenoma hidradenoma papilliferum Papillomatosis cutis carcinoides Gottron s carcinoid papillomatosis papillomatosis cutis carcinoides of Gottron Eisenlohr Patch blue nevus acquired dermal melanocytosis dermal melanocyte hamartoma Perifollicular fibroma Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica Pigmented actinic keratosis Pigmented basal cell carcinoma Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus syndrome Pilar sheath acanthoma Pilonidal sinus Barber s interdigital pilonidal sinus pilonidal cyst pilonidal disease Porocarcinoma malignant poroma eccrine porocarcinoma 65 66 Polypoid basal cell carcinoma Pore like basal cell carcinoma Primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma Proliferating epidermoid cyst proliferating epithelial cyst Proliferating trichilemmal cyst pilar tumor proliferating follicular cystic neoplasm proliferating pilar tumor proliferating trichilemmal tumor Pseudocyst of the auricle auricular endochondrial pseudocyst cystic chondromalacia endochondral pseudocyst intracartilaginous cyst Pseudoepitheliomatous keratotic and micaceous balanitis PUVA keratosis Rasmussen syndrome Reactional keratosis Reticulated seborrheic keratosis adenoid seborrheic keratosis Rodent ulcer Jacobi ulcer Schimmelpenning syndrome Schimmelpenning Feuerstein Mims syndrome Sebaceoma sebaceous epithelioma Sebaceous adenoma Sebaceous carcinoma Sebaceous hyperplasia Sebaceous nevus syndrome Seboacanthoma Seborrheic keratosis seborrheic verruca senile wart Seborrheic keratosis with squamous atypia Signet ring cell squamous cell carcinoma Solitary keratoacanthoma subungual keratoacanthoma Solitary trichoepithelioma Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma spindle cell carcinoma Spiradenoma Squamous cell carcinoma nbsp Squamous cell carcinoma Steatocystoma multiplex epidermal polycystic disease sebocystomatosis Steatocystoma simplex simple sebaceous duct cyst solitary steatocystoma Stucco keratosis digitate seborrheic keratosis hyperkeratotic seborrheic keratosis keratosis alba serrated seborrheic keratosis verrucous seborrheic keratosis Superficial basal cell carcinoma superficial multicentric basal cell carcinoma Syringadenoma papilliferum syringocystadenoma papilliferum Syringofibroadenoma acrosyringeal nevus of Weedon and Lewis Syringoma Systematized epidermal nevus Thermal keratosis Trichilemmal carcinoma Trichilemmal cyst isthmus catagen cyst pilar cyst Trichilemmoma Trichoadenoma trichoadenoma of Nikolowski Trichoblastoma Trichoblastic fibroma Trichodiscoma Trichofolliculoma Unilateral palmoplantar verrucous nevus Urethral caruncle Verrucous carcinoma Verrucous cyst cystic papilloma Viral keratosis Warty dyskeratoma isolated dyskeratosis follicularis Waxy keratosis of childhood kerinokeratosis papulosa Zoon s vulvitis Zosteriform speckled lentiginous nevusErythemas edit nbsp Erythema migransSee also Category Erythemas Erythemas are reactive skin conditions in which there is blanchable redness 1 9 Erythema annulare centrifugum deep gyrate erythema erythema perstans palpable migrating erythema superficial gyrate erythema Erythema gyratum repens Gammel s disease Erythema migrans erythema chronicum migrans Erythema multiforme Erythema multiforme minor herpes simplex associated erythema multiforme Erythema palmare Generalized erythema Necrolytic acral erythema Necrolytic migratory erythema glucagonoma syndrome Genodermatoses editSee also Category Genodermatoses Genodermatoses are inherited genetic skin conditions often grouped into three categories chromosomal single gene and polygenetic 67 68 18q deletion syndrome Acrodermatitis enteropathica Acrogeria Gottron syndrome Acrokeratosis verruciformis acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf Adams Oliver syndrome Adducted thumbs syndrome Albright s hereditary osteodystrophy Angelman syndrome Apert syndrome acrocephalosyndactyly Arthrogryposis renal dysfunction cholestasis syndrome Ataxia telangiectasia Louis Bar syndrome Atrichia with papular lesions papular atrichia Atrophodermia vermiculata acne vermoulante acne vermoulanti atrophoderma reticulata symmetrica faciei atrophoderma reticulatum atrophoderma vermiculata atrophoderma vermiculatum atrophodermia reticulata symmetrica faciei atrophodermia ulerythematosa atrophodermie vermiculee des joues avec keratoses folliculaires folliculitis ulerythema reticulata folliculitis ulerythematous reticulata folliculitis ulerythemosa honeycomb atrophy ulerythema acneforme ulerythema acneiforme Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy syndrome Bart syndrome Bazex Dupre Christol syndrome Bazex syndrome follicular atrophoderma and basal cell carcinomas Beare Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome Bloom syndrome Bloom Torre Machacek syndrome Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome Brittle hair intellectual impairment decreased fertility short stature syndrome Cantu syndrome Cardio facio cutaneous syndrome cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome Cartilage hair hypoplasia McKusick type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Cerebral dysgenesis neuropathy ichthyosis keratoderma syndrome Childhood tumor syndrome Chondrodysplasia punctata Cicatricial junctional epidermolysis bullosa Craniosynostosis anal anomalies porokeratosis syndrome Cockayne syndrome Colobomas of the eye heart defects ichthyosiform dermatosis mental retardation ear defects syndrome CHIME syndrome Zunich neuroectodermal syndrome Zunich Kaye syndrome Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects syndrome CHILD syndrome Conradi Hunermann syndrome Conradi Hunermann Happle syndrome Happle syndrome X linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata Costello syndrome Cronkhite Canada syndrome Crouzon syndrome Cutis verticis gyrata Darier s disease Darier White disease dyskeratosis follicularis keratosis follicularis nbsp Linear Darier disease DeSanctis Cacchione syndrome Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis Disseminated superficial porokeratosis Dolichol kinase deficiency Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Dyskeratosis congenita Zinsser Cole Engman syndrome Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Ectodermal dysplasia Ectodermal dysplasia with corkscrew hairs Ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia cleft syndrome EEC syndrome split hand split foot ectodermal dysplasia cleft syndrome Epidermolysis bullosa herpetiformis Dowling Meara epidermolysis bullosa simplex Epidermolysis bullosa simplex Epidermolysis bullosa simplex of Ogna Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma Erythrokeratodermia with ataxia Giroux Barbeau syndrome Familial benign chronic pemphigus familial benign pemphigus Hailey Hailey disease Fanconi syndrome familial pancytopenia familial panmyelophthisis Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Focal dermal hypoplasia Goltz syndrome Follicular atrophoderma Franceschetti Klein syndrome mandibulofacial dysostosis Gardner s syndrome familial colorectal polyposis Gastrocutaneous syndrome Generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa Generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex Koebner variant of generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex Generalized trichoepithelioma Giant axonal neuropathy with curly hair Gingival fibromatosis with hypertrichosis Haber syndrome Hallerman Streiff syndrome Harlequin type ichthyosis harlequin baby harlequin fetus harlequin ichthyosis ichthyosis congenita ichthyosis congenita gravior Hay Wells syndrome AEC syndrome ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum ectodermal dysplasia cleft palate syndrome ankyloblepharon ectodermal defects cleft lip and palate syndrome ankyloblepharon ectodermal dysplasia clefting syndrome Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma nbsp Keratosis pilaris Heterochromia iridum Holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Christ Siemens Touraine syndrome Hypotrichosis acro osteolysis onychogryphosis palmoplantar keratoderma periodontitis syndrome Hypotrichosis lymphedema telangiectasia syndrome Ichthyosis brittle hair impaired intelligence decreased fertility short stature syndrome IBIDS syndrome sulfur deficient brittle hair syndrome Tay s syndrome trichothiodystrophy trichothiodystrophy with ichthyosis Ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens ichthyosis exfoliativa Ichthyosis follicularis ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia syndrome Ichthyosis linearis circumflexa Ichthyosis prematurity syndrome Ichthyosis vulgaris autosomal dominant ichthyosis ichthyosis simplex Ichthyosis with confetti Neonatal ichthyosis sclerosing cholangitis syndrome ichthyosis sclerosing cholangitis syndrome NISCH syndrome Incontinentia pigmenti achromians hypomelanosis of Ito Immune dysfunction polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X linked syndrome Jaffe Campanacci syndrome Johanson Blizzard syndrome Johnson McMillin syndrome Joubert syndrome Junctional epidermolysis bullosa Junctional epidermolysis bullosa gravis epidermolysis bullosa letalis Herlitz disease Herlitz epidermolysis bullosa Herlitz syndrome lethal junctional epidermolysis bullosa Junctional epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia Kabuki syndrome Kabuki makeup syndrome Niikawa Kuroki syndrome Keratolytic winter erythema erythrokeratolysis hiemalis Oudtshoorn disease Oudtshoorn skin Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans Siemens 1 syndrome Keratosis linearis with ichthyosis congenita and sclerosing keratoderma syndrome Keratosis pilaris atrophicans faciei folliculitis rubra keratosis pilaris rubra atrophicans faciei lichen pilare lichen pilaire ou xerodermie pilaire symmetrique de la face ulerythema ophryogenes xerodermi pilaire symmetrique de la face Keratosis pilaris Kindler syndrome acrokeratotic poikiloderma bullous acrokeratotic poikiloderma of Kindler and Weary congenital poikiloderma with blisters and keratoses congenital poikiloderma with bullae and progressive cutaneous atrophy hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma hyperkeratosis hyperpigmentation syndrome Weary Kindler syndrome Klinefelter syndrome Klippel Feil syndrome Lamellar ichthyosis collodion baby Legius syndrome neurofibromatosis type 1 like syndrome Lelis syndrome Lenz Majewski syndrome Leschke syndrome Lethal acantholytic epidermolysis bullosa Lhermitte Duclos disease Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis linear nevoid hyperpigmentation progressive cribriform and zosteriform hyperpigmentation reticulate and zosteriform hyperpigmentation reticulate hyperpigmentation of Iijima and Naito and Uyeno zebra like hyperpigmentation in whorls and streaks zebra line hyperpigmentation Linear Darier disease acantholytic dyskeratotic epidermal nevus Linear porokeratosis Localized epidermolysis bullosa simplex Weber Cockayne syndrome Weber Cockayne variant of generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex Mandibuloacral dysplasia Marinesco Sjogren syndrome McCune Albright syndrome McCusick syndrome Metageria Microphthalmia dermal aplasia sclerocornea syndrome Mitis junctional epidermolysis bullosa nonlethal junctional epidermolysis bullosa Mitochondrial myopathy encephalopathy lactic acidosis stroke syndrome Multiple lentigines syndrome cardiocutaneous syndrome Gorlin syndrome II lentiginosis profusa syndrome LEOPARD syndrome progressive cardiomyopathic lentiginosis Multiple pterygium syndrome Multiple sulfatase deficiency Austin disease mucosulfatidosis Naegeli Franceschetti Jadassohn syndrome chromatophore nevus of Naegeli Netherton syndrome Neurofibromatosis type 1 von Recklinghausen s disease nbsp Neurofibromatosis type 1 Neurofibromatosis type 3 neurofibromatosis mixed type Neurofibromatosis type 4 neurofibromatosis variant type Neutral lipid storage disease Dorfman Chanarin syndrome Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma Noonan syndrome Oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome Delleman Oorthuys syndrome Oculodentodigital dysplasia Odonto Tricho Ungual Digital Palmar syndrome Oliver McFarlane syndrome Orofaciodigital syndrome Pachydermoperiostosis idiopathic hypertrophic osteoathorpathy Touraine Solente Gole syndrome Peeling skin syndrome acral peeling skin syndrome continual peeling skin syndrome familial continual skin peeling idiopathic deciduous skin keratolysis exfoliativa congenita Pfeiffer syndrome Photosensitivity ichthyosis brittle sulfur deficient hair impaired intelligence decreased fertility short stature syndrome Pityriasis rotunda pityriasis circinata tinea circinata Plate like osteoma cutis Plaque type porokeratosis classic porokeratosis porokeratosis of Mibelli Polyneuropathy organomegaly endocrinopathy monoclonal gammopathy skin changes syndrome Crow Fukase syndrome Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia Albright s disease Popliteal pterygium syndrome Porokeratosis Porokeratosis palmaris et plantaris disseminata Prader Willi syndrome Progeria Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome Hutchinson Gilford syndrome progeria syndrome Progressive osseous heteroplasia Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia erythrokeratodermia progressiva symmetrica Proteus syndrome Proteus like syndrome Punctate porokeratosis Rapp Hodgkin syndrome Rapp Hodgkin ectodermal dysplasia syndrome Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Hallopeau Siemens variant of epidermolysis bullosa Hallopeau Siemens disease Refsum s disease heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis phytanic acid storage disease Relapsing linear acantholytic dermatosis Restrictive dermopathy nbsp X linked ichthyosis Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata autosomal recessive chondrodysplasia punctata type 1 chondrodystrophia calcificans punctata peroxisomal biogenesis disorder complementation group 11 Rombo syndrome Rothmund Thomson syndrome poikiloderma congenitale Rud syndrome Say syndrome Scalp ear nipple syndrome Finlay Marks syndrome Schindler disease Kanzaki disease alpha N acetylgalactosaminidase deficiency Schinzel Giedion syndrome Scleroatrophic syndrome of Huriez Huriez syndrome palmoplantar keratoderma with scleroatrophy palmoplantar keratoderma with sclerodactyly scleroatrophic and keratotic dermatosis of the limbs sclerotylosis Segmental neurofibromatosis Senter syndrome Desmons syndrome Shabbir syndrome laryngo onycho cutaneous syndrome Silver Russell syndrome Sjogren Larsson syndrome Skin fragility syndrome plakophilin 1 deficiency Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome Sturge Weber syndrome Supernumerary nipples uropathies Becker s nevus syndrome Terminal osseous dysplasia with pigmentary defects Tooth and nail syndrome hypodontia with nail dysgenesis Witkop syndrome Townes Brocks syndrome Transient bullous dermolysis of the newborn nbsp Xeroderma pigmentosum Treacher Collins syndrome Treacher Collins Franceschetti syndrome Tricho dento osseous syndrome Tricho rhino phalangeal syndrome Tuberous sclerosis Bourneville disease epiloia Turner syndrome Ulnar mammary syndrome Van Der Woude syndrome Von Hippel Lindau syndrome Watson syndrome Werner syndrome adult progeria Westerhof syndrome Whistling syndrome craniocarpotarsal syndrome distal arthrogryposis type 2 Freeman Sheldon syndrome Windmill Vane Hand syndrome Wilson Turner syndrome Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome 4p syndrome X linked ichthyosis steroid sulfatase deficiency X linked recessive ichthyosis X linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata Xeroderma pigmentosum Cockayne syndrome complex XXYY genotype Zimmermann Laband syndromeInfection related editSee also Category Infection related cutaneous conditions and Skin and skin structure infection Infection related cutaneous conditions may be caused by bacteria fungi yeast viruses or parasites 26 69 Bacterium related edit See also Category Bacterium related cutaneous conditions and Bacterial skin infection Bacterium related cutaneous conditions often have distinct morphologic characteristics that may be an indication of a generalized systemic process or simply an isolated superficial infection 69 70 Aeromonas infection African tick bite fever American tick bite fever Rickettsia parkeri infection Arcanobacterium haemolyticum infection Bacillary angiomatosis Bejel endemic syphilis Blastomycosis like pyoderma pyoderma vegetans Blistering distal dactylitis Botryomycosis Brill Zinsser disease Brucellosis Bang s disease Malta fever undulant fever Bubonic plague Bullous impetigo Cat scratch disease cat scratch fever English Wear infection inoculation lymphoreticulosis subacute regional lymphadenitis Cellulitis nbsp Cellulitis Chancre Chancroid soft chancre ulcus molle Chlamydial infection Chronic lymphangitis Chronic recurrent erysipelas Chronic undermining burrowing ulcers Meleney gangrene Chromobacteriosis infection Condylomata lata Cutaneous actinomycosis Cutaneous anthrax infection Cutaneous C diphtheriae infection Barcoo rot diphtheric desert sore septic sore Veldt sore Cutaneous group B streptococcal infection Cutaneous Pasteurella hemolytica infection Cutaneous Streptococcus iniae infection Dermatitis gangrenosa gangrene of the skin Ecthyma Ecthyma gangrenosum Ehrlichiosis ewingii infection Elephantiasis nostras Endemic typhus murine typhus Epidemic typhus epidemic louse borne typhus Erysipelas ignis sacer Saint Anthony s fire Erysipeloid of Rosenbach Erythema marginatum Erythrasma External otitis otitis externa swimmer s ear nbsp External otitis Felon Flea borne spotted fever Flinders Island spotted fever Flying squirrel typhus Folliculitis Fournier gangrene Fournier gangrene of the penis or scrotum Furunculosis boil Gas gangrene clostridial myonecrosis myonecrosis Glanders equinia farcy malleus Gonococcemia arthritis dermatosis syndrome disseminated gonococcal infection Gonorrhea clap Gram negative folliculitis Gram negative toe web infection Granuloma inguinale Donovanosis granuloma genitoinguinale granuloma inguinale tropicum granuloma venereum granuloma venereum genitoinguinale lupoid form of groin ulceration serpiginous ulceration of the groin ulcerating granuloma of the pudendum ulcerating sclerosing granuloma Green nail syndrome Group JK Corynebacterium sepsis Haemophilus influenzae cellulitis Helicobacter cellulitis Hospital furunculosis Hot tub folliculitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa folliculitis Human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis Human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis Impetigo contagiosa Japanese spotted fever Leptospirosis Fort Bragg fever pretibial fever Weil s disease Listeriosis Ludwig s angina Lupoid sycosis Lyme disease Afzelius disease Lyme borreliosis Lymphogranuloma venereum climatic bubo Durand Nicolas Favre disease lymphogranuloma inguinale poradenitis inguinale strumous bubo Malakoplakia malacoplakia Mediterranean spotted fever Boutonneuse fever Melioidosis Whitmore s disease Meningococcemia Missouri Lyme disease Mycoplasma infection Necrotizing fasciitis flesh eating bacteria syndrome Neonatal toxic shock like exanthematous disease Nocardiosis Noma neonatorum North Asian tick typhus Ophthalmia neonatorum nbsp Erysipelas Oroya fever Carrion s disease Pasteurellosis Perianal cellulitis perineal dermatitis streptococcal perianal disease Periapical abscess Pinta Pitted keratolysis keratolysis plantare sulcatum keratoma plantare sulcatum ringed keratolysis Plague Primary gonococcal dermatitis Pseudomonal pyoderma Pseudomonas hot foot syndrome Pyogenic paronychia Pyomyositis Q fever Queensland tick typhus Rat bite fever Recurrent toxin mediated perineal erythema Rhinoscleroma Rickettsia aeschlimannii infection Rickettsialpox Rocky Mountain spotted fever Saber shin anterior tibial bowing Saddle nose Salmonellosis Scarlet fever Scrub typhus Tsutsugamushi fever Shigellosis Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome pemphigus neonatorum Ritter s disease Streptococcal intertrigo Superficial pustular folliculitis impetigo of Bockhart superficial folliculitis Sycosis vulgaris barber s itch sycosis barbae Syphilid Syphilis lues Tick borne lymphadenopathy Toxic shock syndrome streptococcal toxic shock syndrome streptococcal toxic shock like syndrome toxic streptococcal syndrome Trench fever five day fever quintan fever urban trench fever Tropical ulcer Aden ulcer jungle rot Malabar ulcer tropical phagedena Tularemia deer fly fever Ohara s disease Pahvant Valley plague rabbit fever Verruga peruana Vibrio vulnificus infection Yaws bouba frambosie parangi pian Mycobacterium related edit See also Category Mycobacterium related cutaneous conditions Mycobacterium related cutaneous conditions are caused by Mycobacterium infections 69 71 Aquarium granuloma fish tank granuloma swimming pool granuloma Borderline lepromatous leprosy Borderline leprosy Borderline tuberculoid leprosy Buruli ulcer Bairnsdale ulcer Searl ulcer Searle s ulcer nbsp Buruli ulcer Erythema induratum Bazin disease Histoid leprosy Lepromatous leprosy Leprosy Hansen s disease Lichen scrofulosorum tuberculosis cutis lichenoides Lupus vulgaris tuberculosis luposa Miliary tuberculosis disseminated tuberculosis tuberculosis cutis acuta generalisata tuberculosis cutis disseminata Mycobacterium avium intracellulare complex infection Mycobacterium haemophilum infection Mycobacterium kansasii infection Papulonecrotic tuberculid Primary inoculation tuberculosis cutaneous primary complex primary tuberculous complex tuberculous chancre Rapid growing Mycobacterium infection Scrofuloderma tuberculosis cutis colliquativa Tuberculosis cutis orificialis acute tuberculous ulcer orificial tuberculosis Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis lupus verrucosus prosector s wart warty tuberculosis Tuberculous cellulitis Tuberculous gumma metastatic tuberculous abscess metastatic tuberculous ulcer Tuberculoid leprosyMycosis related edit See also Category Mycosis related cutaneous conditions and Fungal skin infection Mycosis related cutaneous conditions are caused by fungi or yeasts and may present as either a superficial or deep infection of the skin hair or nails 69 African histoplasmosis Alternariosis Antibiotic candidiasis iatrogenic candidiasis Black piedra Candidal intertrigo Candidal onychomycosis Candidal paronychia Candidal vulvovaginitis Candidid Chromoblastomycosis chromomycosis cladosporiosis Fonseca s disease Pedroso s disease phaeosporotrichosis verrucous dermatitis Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis Coccidioidomycosis California disease desert rheumatism San Joaquin Valley fever valley fever Congenital cutaneous candidiasis Cryptococcosis Dermatophytid Diaper candidiasis Disseminated coccidioidomycosis coccidioidal granuloma Distal subungual onychomycosis Entomophthoromycosis Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica nbsp Favus Favus Fungal folliculitis majocchi granuloma Fusariosis Geotrichosis Granuloma gluteale infantum Histoplasmosis cave disease Darling s disease Ohio Valley disease reticuloendotheliosis Hyalohyphomycosis Kerion Lobomycosis keloidal blastomycosis lacaziosis Lobo s disease Mucormycosis Mycetoma Madura foot maduromycosis North American blastomycosis blastomycetic dermatitis blastomycosis Gilchrist s disease Onychomycosis dermatophytic onychomycosis ringworm of the nail tinea unguium Oral candidiasis thrush Otomycosis Perianal candidiasis Perleche angular cheilitis Phaeohyphomycosis Piedra trichosporosis Pityrosporum folliculitis Primary cutaneous aspergillosis Primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosis Primary cutaneous histoplasmosis Primary pulmonary coccidioidomycosis Primary pulmonary histoplasmosis Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis Proximal subungual onychomycosis Rhinosporidiosis South American blastomycosis Brazilian blastomycosis paracoccidioidal granuloma paracoccidioidomycosis Sporotrichosis rose gardener s disease Systemic candidiasis Tinea barbae barber s itch ringworm of the beard tinea sycosis nbsp Tinea barbae Tinea capitis herpes tonsurans ringworm of the hair ringworm of the scalp scalp ringworm tinea tonsurans Tinea corporis ringworm tinea circinata tinea glabrosa Tinea corporis gladiatorum Tinea cruris crotch itch eczema marginatum gym itch jock itch ringworm of the groin Tinea faciei Tinea imbricata tokelau Tinea incognito Tinea manuum Tinea nigra superficial phaeohyphomycosis tinea nigra palmaris et plantaris Tinea pedis athlete s foot ringworm of the foot Tinea versicolor dermatomycosis furfuracea pityriasis versicolor tinea flava White piedra White superficial onychomycosis Zygomycosis phycomycosis Parasitic infestations stings and bites edit See also Category Parasitic infestations stings and bites of the skin Parasitic infestations stings and bites in humans are caused by several groups of organisms belonging to the following phyla Annelida Arthropoda Bryozoa Chordata Cnidaria Cyanobacteria Echinodermata Nemathelminthes Platyhelminthes and Protozoa 69 72 Acanthamoeba infection Amebiasis cutis Ant sting Arachnidism Baker s itch Balamuthia infection Bedbug infestation bedbug bite cimicosis Bee and wasp stings Blister beetle dermatitis Bombardier beetle burn Bristleworm sting nbsp Creeping eruption Centipede bite Cheyletiella dermatitis Chigger bite Coolie itch Copra itch Coral dermatitis Creeping eruption cutaneous larva migrans Cutaneous leishmaniasis Aleppo boil Baghdad boil bay sore Biskra button Chiclero ulcer Delhi boil Kandahar sore Lahore sore leishmaniasis tropica oriental sore pian bois uta Cysticercosis cutis Demodex folliculitis usually caused by the Demodex folliculorum mite Dogger Bank itch Dracunculiasis dracontiasis guinea worm disease Medina worm Echinococcosis hydatid disease Elephantiasis tropica elephantiasis arabum Elephant skin Enterobiasis oxyuriasis pinworm infection seatworm infection Erisipela de la costa Feather pillow dermatitis Funnel web spider bite Gamasoidosis Gnathostomiasis larva migrans profundus Grain itch barley itch mattress itch prairie itch straw itch Grocer s itch Head lice infestation cooties pediculosis capitis Hookworm disease ancylostomiasis ground itch necatoriasis uncinariasis Human trypanosomiasis Hydroid dermatitis Irukandji syndrome Jellyfish dermatitis Ked itch Larva currens Latrodectism widow spider bite Leech bite Leopard skin Lepidopterism Caripito itch caterpillar dermatitis moth dermatitis Lizard skin Loaiasis Calabar swelling fugitive swelling loa loa tropical swelling Loxoscelism brown recluse spider bite necrotic cutaneous loxoscelism Mal morando Millipede burn Mosquito bite Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis espundia leishmaniasis americana Myiasis Nairobi fly dermatitis Kenya fly dermatitis Nairobi eye Nematode dermatitis Norwegian scabies crusted scabies nbsp Norwegian scabies Onchocerciasis Ophthalmia nodosa Paederus dermatitis Pediculosis corporis pediculosis vestimenti Vagabond s disease Pediculosis pubis crabs phthirus pubis phthirus pubis pubic lice Pneumocystosis often classified as fungal Portuguese man of war dermatitis Post kala azar dermal leishmaniasis post kala azar dermatosis Protothecosis Pulicosis flea bites Reduviid bite Scabies itch mite infestation seven year itch Scorpion sting Sea anemone dermatitis Seabather s eruption sea lice Sea urchin injury Seaweed dermatitis Snake bite Sowda Sparganosis Spider bite Stingray injury Swimmer s itch cercarial dermatitis schistosome cercarial dermatitis nbsp Swimmer s itch Tarantula bite Tick bite Toxoplasmosis Trichinosis Trichomoniasis Tungiasis bicho de pie chigoe flea bite jigger bite nigua pique Visceral leishmaniasis dumdum fever kala azar Visceral schistosomiasis bilharziasis Viscerotropic leishmaniasis Wheat warehouse itchVirus related edit See also Category Virus related cutaneous conditions and Viral skin infections Virus related cutaneous conditions are caused by two main groups of viruses DNA and RNA types both of which are obligatory intracellular parasites 69 73 Alphavirus infection Asymmetric periflexural exanthem of childhood unilateral laterothoracic exanthem B virus infection Boston exanthem disease Bovine papular stomatitis Bowenoid papulosis Buffalopox Butcher s wart Chikungunya fever Condylomata acuminata Congenital rubella syndrome Cowpox Cytomegalic inclusion disease Dengue Break bone fever Disseminated herpes zoster Eczema herpeticum Kaposi s varicelliform eruption nbsp Eczema vaccinatum Eczema vaccinatum Epidermodysplasia verruciformis Eruptive pseudoangiomatosis Erythema infectiosum fifth disease slapped cheek disease Exanthem of primary HIV infection acute retroviral syndrome Farmyard pox Generalized vaccinia Genital herpes herpes genitalis herpes progenitalis Gianotti Crosti syndrome infantile papular acrodermatitis papular acrodermatitis of childhood papulovesicular acrolocated syndrome Giant condyloma acuminatum Buschke Lowenstein tumor giant condyloma of Buschke Lowenstein tumor Hand foot and mouth disease Heck s disease focal epithelial hyperplasia Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Herpangina Herpes gladiatorum scrum pox Herpes simplex Herpes zoster oticus Ramsay Hunt syndrome Herpetic keratoconjunctivitis Herpetic sycosis Herpetic whitlow HIV associated pruritus Human monkeypox Human T lymphotropic virus 1 infection Human tanapox Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome immune recovery syndrome Infectious mononucleosis glandular fever Inflammatory skin lesions following zoster infection isotopic response Intrauterine herpes simplex nbsp Kaposi sarcoma Kaposi sarcoma Lassa fever Lipschutz ulcer ulcus vulvae acutum Measles rubeola morbilli Milker s nodule Modified varicella like syndrome Molluscum contagiosum Myrmecia Neonatal herpes simplex Ophthalmic zoster Orf contagious pustular dermatosis ecthyma contagiosum infectious labial dermatitis sheep pox Orf induced immunobullous disease Orolabial herpes herpes labialis Papular purpuric gloves and socks syndrome Pigmented wart Postherpetic neuralgia zoster associated pain Post vaccination follicular eruption Progressive vaccinia vaccinia gangrenosum vaccinia necrosum Pseudocowpox Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis laryngeal papillomatosis nbsp Varicella Rift Valley fever Roseola infantum exanthem subitum exanthema subitum sixth disease Roseola vaccinia Rubella German measles Sandfly fever Pappataci fever phlebotomus fever Sealpox Varicella chickenpox Variola major smallpox Verruca plana flat wart Verruca plantaris plantar wart Verruca vulgaris wart Verrucae palmares et plantares Viral associated trichodysplasia ciclosporin induced folliculodystrophy Wasting syndrome West Nile virus infection Zoster herpes zoster shingles Zoster sine herpeteLichenoid eruptions editSee also Category Lichenoid eruptions Lichenoid eruptions are dermatoses related to the unique common inflammatory disorder lichen planus which affects the skin mucous membranes nails and hair 74 75 76 Annular lichen planus nbsp Lichen planus actinicus Atrophic lichen planus Bullous lichen planus vesiculobullous lichen planus Erosive lichen planus Erythema dyschromicum perstans ashy dermatosis dermatosis cinecienta Giant cell lichenoid dermatitis Hepatitis associated lichen planus Hypertrophic lichen planus lichen planus verrucosus Idiopathic eruptive macular pigmentation Inverse lichen planus Keratosis lichenoides chronica Nekam s disease Kraurosis vulvae Lichen nitidus Lichen planus actinicus actinic lichen niditus actinic lichen planus lichen planus atrophicus annularis lichen planus subtropicus lichen planus tropicus lichenoid melanodermatitis lichenoid melanodermatosis summertime actinic lichenoid eruption Lichen planus pemphigoides Lichen planus pigmentosus Lichen planus lichen sclerosus overlap syndrome Lichen ruber moniliformis Lichen sclerosus lichen sclerosus et atrophicus Lichen striatus Blaschko linear acquired inflammatory skin eruption linear lichenoid dermatosis Lichen verrucosus et reticularis Lichenoid trikeratosis Lichenoid dermatitis Lichenoid reaction of graft versus host disease Linear lichen planus Mucosal lichen planus Peno gingival syndrome Ulcerative lichen planus Vulvovaginal gingival syndrome Vulvovaginal lichen planusLymphoid related editSee also Category Lymphoid related cutaneous conditions Lymphoid related cutaneous conditions are a group of disorders characterized by collections of lymphocyte cells within the skin 77 Adult T cell leukemia lymphoma Angiocentric lymphoma extranodal natural killer cell lymphoma nasal type NK lymphoma NK T cell lymphoma polymorphic malignant midline reticulosis Angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia Blastic NK cell lymphoma CD30 cutaneous T cell lymphoma primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia borrelial lymphocytoma lymphadenosis benigna cutis lymphocytoma cutis pseudolymphoma pseudolymphoma of Spiegler and Fendt sarcoidosis of Spiegler and Fendt Spiegler Fendt lymphoid hyperplasia Spiegler Fendt sarcoid nbsp Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia with bandlike and perivascular patterns Cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia with nodular pattern nodular pattern of cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia Diffuse large B cell lymphoma primary cutaneous large B cell lymphoma Granulocytic sarcoma chloroma myeloid sarcoma Granulomatous slack skin Hairy cell leukemia Hodgkin s disease Ichthyosis acquisita acquired ichthyosis IgG4 related skin disease Intravascular large B cell lymphoma angiotropic large cell lymphoma intralymphatic lymphomatosis intravascular lymphomatosis malignant angioendotheliomatosis Jessner lymphocytic infiltrate of the skin benign lymphocytic infiltration of the skin Jessner lymphocytic infiltration of the skin Jessner Kanof lymphocytic infiltration of the skin lymphocytic infiltrate of Jessner Kikuchi s disease histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis Large plaque parapsoriasis parapsoriasis en plaques Lennert lymphoma lymphoepitheliod lymphoma Leukemia cutis Lymphoma cutis Lymphomatoid granulomatosis Lymphomatoid papulosis Malignant histiocytosis histiocytic medullary reticulosis Marginal zone B cell lymphoma Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma Mycosis fungoides Non mycosis fungoides CD30 cutaneous large T cell lymphoma Nonspecific cutaneous conditions associated with leukemia leukemid Pagetoid reticulosis acral mycoses fungoides localized epidermotropic reticulosis mycosis fungoides palmaris et plantaris unilesional mycosis fungoides Woringer Kolopp disease Pityriasis lichenoides chronica chronic guttate parapsoriasis chronic pityriasis lichenoides dermatitis psoriasiformis nodularis parapsoriasis chronica parapsoriasis lichenoides chronica Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta acute guttate parapsoriasis acute parapsoriasis acute pityriasis lichenoides Mucha Habermann disease parapsoriasis acuta parapsoriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta parapsoriasis varioliformis Plasmacytoma nbsp Mycosis fungoides Plasmacytosis Pleomorphic T cell lymphoma non mycosis fungoides CD30 pleomorphic small medium sized cutaneous T cell lymphoma Polycythemia vera erythremia Primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma follicular center cell lymphoma follicular center lymphoma Primary cutaneous immunocytoma Primary cutaneous marginal zone lymphoma Retiform parapsoriasis Secondary cutaneous CD30 large cell lymphoma Sezary syndrome Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy Rosai Dorfman disease Subcutaneous T cell lymphoma panniculitis like T cell lymphoma Vesiculopustular eruption and leukemoid reaction in Down syndromeMelanocytic nevi and neoplasms editSee also Category Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms Melanocytic nevi and neoplasms are caused by either a proliferation of 1 melanocytes or 2 nevus cells a form of melanocyte that lack dendritic processes 78 79 Acral nevus melanocytic nevus of acral skin melanocytic nevus with intraepidermal ascent of cells Amelanotic blue nevus hypomelanotic blue nevus nbsp Becker s nevus Balloon cell nevus Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba syndrome Becker s nevus Becker s melanosis Becker s pigmentary hamartoma nevoid melanosis pigmented hairy epidermal nevus Benign melanocytic nevus banal nevus common acquired melanocytic nevus mole nevocellular nevus nevocytic nevus Blue nevus blue neuronevus dermal melanocytoma nevus bleu Blue nevus of Jadassohn Tieche common blue nevus nevus ceruleus Carney complex LAMB syndrome NAME syndrome Cellular blue nevus Centrofacial lentiginosis Congenital melanocytic nevus Deep penetrating nevus Dysplastic nevus atypical mole atypical nevus B K mole Clark s nevus dysplastic melanocytic nevus nevus with architectural disorder Dysplastic nevus syndrome B K mole syndrome familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome familial melanoma syndrome Ephelis freckle Epithelioid blue nevus Generalized lentiginosis Giant pigmented nevus bathing trunk nevus congenital nevomelanocytic nevus garment nevus giant hairy nevus nevus pigmentosus et pilosus Halo nevus leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum perinevoid vitiligo Sutton nevus Hori s nevus acquired bilateral nevus of Ota like macules Inherited patterned lentiginosis in black persons Ink spot lentigo sunburn lentigo Laugier Hunziker syndrome Lentigo simplex simple lentigo Malignant blue nevus Medium sized congenital nevocytic nevus Melanoacanthoma Melanocytic tumors of uncertain malignant potential Moynahan syndrome Mucosal lentigines labial and penile and vulvar melanosis melanotic macules Nevus of Ito nevus fuscoceruleus acromiodeltoideus Nevus of Ota congenital melanosis bulbi melanosis bulborum and aberrant dermal melanocytosis nevus fuscoceruleus ophthalmomaxillaris oculodermal melanocytosis oculomucodermal melanocytosis Nevus spilus speckled lentiginous nevus zosteriform lentiginous nevus Partial unilateral lentiginosis segmental lentiginosis Peutz Jeghers syndrome Pigmented spindle cell nevus pigmented spindle cell tumor of Reed pigmented variant of Spitz nevus Pseudomelanoma recurrent melanocytic nevus recurrent nevus PUVA lentigines Small sized congenital nevocytic nevus Spitz nevus benign juvenile melanoma epithelioid and spindle cell nevus Spitz s juvenile melanoma Solar lentigo lentigo senilis liver spot old age spot senile freckle Melanoma edit See also Category Melanoma Melanoma is a malignant proliferation of melanocytes and the most aggressive type of skin cancer 80 81 82 Acral lentiginous melanoma nbsp Nodular melanoma Amelanotic melanoma Animal type melanoma Desmoplastic melanoma neurotropic melanoma spindled melanoma Lentigo maligna lentiginous melanoma on sun damaged skin Lentigo maligna melanoma Melanoma with features of a Spitz nevus Spitzoid melanoma Melanoma with small nevus like cells small cell melanoma Mucosal melanoma Nevoid melanoma Nodular melanoma Polypoid melanoma Seborrheic keratosis like melanoma Soft tissue melanoma clear cell sarcoma melanoma of the soft parts Superficial spreading melanoma superficially spreading melanoma Uveal melanomaMonocyte and macrophage related editSee also Category Monocyte and macrophage related cutaneous conditions Monocyte and macrophage related cutaneous conditions are characterized histologically by infiltration of the skin by monocyte or macrophage cells 10 often divided into several categories including granulomatous disease 83 histiocytoses 84 and sarcoidosis 85 Actinic granuloma O Brien granuloma Annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma giant cell elastophagocytosis Meischer s granuloma Miescher s granuloma of the face Annular sarcoidosis nbsp Generalized granuloma annulare Benign cephalic histiocytosis histiocytosis with intracytoplasmic worm like bodies Congenital self healing reticulohistiocytosis Hashimoto Pritzker disease Hashimoto Pritzker syndrome Erythrodermic sarcoidosis Generalized eruptive histiocytoma eruptive histiocytoma generalized eruptive histiocytosis Generalized granuloma annulare Giant cell reticulohistiocytoma solitary reticulohistiocytoma solitary reticulohistiocytosis Granuloma annulare in HIV disease Granuloma multiforme Mkar disease granuloma multiforme Leiker Hand Schuller Christian disease Heerfordt s syndrome Hereditary progressive mucinous histiocytosis Hypopigmented sarcoidosis Ichthyosiform sarcoidosis Indeterminate cell histiocytosis Interstitial granulomatous drug reaction Langerhans cell histiocytosis histiocytosis X Letterer Siwe disease Localized granuloma annulare Lofgren syndrome Lupus pernio Morpheaform sarcoidosis Mucosal sarcoidosis Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma necrobiotic xanthogranuloma with paraproteinemia Non X histiocytosis Papular sarcoid Papular xanthoma Patch type granuloma annulare macular granuloma annulare Perforating granuloma annulare nbsp Systemic sarcoidosis Progressive nodular histiocytosis Reticulohistiocytoma Scar sarcoid sarcoidosis in scars Sea blue histiocytosis Subcutaneous granuloma annulare deep granuloma annulare pseudorheumatoid nodule Subcutaneous sarcoidosis Darier Roussy disease Darier Roussy sarcoid Systemic sarcoidosis Ulcerative sarcoidosis Xanthoma disseminatum disseminated xanthosiderohistiocytosis Montgomery syndrome Mucinoses editSee also Category Mucinoses Mucinoses are a group of conditions caused by dermal fibroblasts producing abnormally large amounts of mucopolysaccharides 34 Acral persistent papular mucinosis Atypical lichen myxedematosus intermediate lichen myxedematosus Atypical tuberous myxedema Jadassohn Dosseker syndrome Cutaneous focal mucinosis Cutaneous lupus mucinosis papular and nodular mucinosis in lupus erythematosus papular and nodular mucinosis of Gold papulonodular mucinosis in lupus erythematosus Discrete papular lichen myxedematosus Eccrine mucinosis Follicular mucinosis alopecia mucinosa mucinosis follicularis Pinkus follicular mucinosis Pinkus follicular mucinosis benign primary form Localized lichen myxedematosus Myxoid cyst digital mucous cyst mucous cyst Myxoid lipoblastoma Neuropathia mucinosa cutanea Nodular lichen myxedematosus Papular mucinosis generalized lichen myxedematosus sclerodermoid lichen myxedematosus scleromyxedema Papular mucinosis of infancy cutaneous mucinosis of infancy Perifollicular mucinosis Reticular erythematous mucinosis midline mucinosis plaque like cutaneous mucinosis REM syndrome Scleroderma Self healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis Self healing papular mucinosis Stiff skin syndrome congenital fascial dystrophy Neurocutaneous editSee also Category Neurocutaneous conditions Neurocutaneous conditions are due organic nervous system disease or are psychiatric in etiology 86 87 Atypical chronic pain syndrome Body dysmorphic disorder dysmorphic syndrome dysmorphophobia Brachioradial pruritus Bromidrosiphobia Complex regional pain syndrome reflex sympathetic dystrophy Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis Delusional parasitosis delusions of parasitosis Ekbom syndrome monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis Dermatothlasia Factitious dermatitis dermatitis artefacta factitial dermatitis nbsp Factitious dermatitis Glossodynia burning mouth syndrome burning tongue orodynia Levator ani syndrome Malum perforans pedis neurotrophic ulcer perforating ulcer of the foot Meralgia paresthetica Roth Bernhardt disease Neurotic excoriations Notalgia paresthetica hereditary localized pruritus posterior pigmented pruritic patch subscapular pruritus Postencephalitic trophic ulcer Psychogenic pruritus Riley Day syndrome familial dysautonomia Scalp dysesthesia Sciatic nerve injury Scrotodynia Syringomyelia Morvan s disease Traumatic neuroma amputation neuroma Trichotillomania trichotillosis Trigeminal neuralgia tic douloureux Trigeminal trophic lesion trigeminal trophic syndrome Vulvodynia vestibulodynia Noninfectious immunodeficiency related editSee also Category Noninfectious immunodeficiency related cutaneous conditions Noninfectious immunodeficiency related cutaneous conditions are caused by T cell or B cell dysfunction 88 89 Bare lymphocyte syndrome Chronic granulomatous disease Bridges Good syndrome chronic granulomatous disorder Quie syndrome Common variable immunodeficiency acquired hypogammaglobulinemia Complement deficiency DiGeorge syndrome DiGeorge anomaly thymic hypoplasia Graft versus host disease Griscelli syndrome Hyper IgE syndrome Buckley syndrome Job syndrome Immunodeficiency with hyper IgM Immunodeficiency centromeric instability facial anomalies syndrome ICF syndrome Isolated IgA deficiency Isolated primary IgM deficiency Janus kinase 3 deficiency Leukocyte adhesion molecule deficiency LIG4 syndrome Myeloperoxidase deficiency Neutrophil immunodeficiency syndrome Nezelof syndrome thymic dysplasia with normal immunoglobulins Omenn syndrome nbsp Omenn syndrome Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency Severe combined immunodeficiency alymphocytosis Glanzmann Riniker syndrome severe mixed immunodeficiency syndrome thymic alymphoplasia Shwachman Bodian Diamond syndrome Thymoma with immunodeficiency Good syndrome Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy Warts hypogammaglobulinemia infections myelokathexis syndrome WHIM syndrome Wiskott Aldrich syndrome X linked agammaglobulinemia Bruton syndrome sex linked agammaglobulinemia X linked hyper IgM syndrome X linked hypogammaglobulinemia X linked lymphoproliferative disease Duncan s disease X linked neutropeniaNutrition related editSee also Category Malnutrition Nutrition related cutaneous conditions are caused by malnutrition due to an improper or inadequate diet 90 91 Biotin deficiency Carotenemia Essential fatty acid deficiency Folic acid deficiency Hypervitaminosis A Hypovitaminosis A phrynoderma Iron deficiency nbsp Kwashiorkor Kwashiorkor Lycopenemia Maple syrup urine disease Marasmus Niacin deficiency pellagra vitamin B3 deficiency Selenium deficiency Vitamin B1 deficiency beriberi thiamine deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency cyanocobalamin deficiency Vitamin B2 deficiency ariboflavinosis riboflavin deficiency Vitamin B6 deficiency pyridoxine deficiency Vitamin B6 excess pyridoxine excess Vitamin C deficiency scurvy Vitamin K deficiency Zinc deficiencyPapulosquamous hyperkeratotic editSee also Category Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic cutaneous conditions Papulosquamous hyperkeratotic cutaneous conditions are those that present with papules and scales caused by a thickening of the stratum corneum 9 nbsp Pityriasis roseaConfluent and reticulated papillomatosis confluent and reticulated papillomatosis of Gougerot and Carteaud familial cutaneous papillomatosis familial occurrence of confluent and reticulated papillomatosis Digitate dermatosis Drug induced keratoderma Exfoliative dermatitis dermatitis exfoliativa erythroderma red man syndrome Florid cutaneous papillomatosis Granular parakeratosis axillary granular parakeratosis intertriginous granular parakeratosis Keratolysis exfoliativa lamellar dyshidrosis recurrent focal palmar peeling recurrent palmar peeling Keratosis punctata of the palmar creases hyperkeratosis penetrans hyperkeratosis punctata keratodermia punctata keratosis punctata keratotic pits of the palmar creases lenticular atrophia of the palmar creases punctate keratosis of the palmar creases Meesmann corneal dystrophy Paraneoplastic keratoderma Pityriasis rosea pityriasis rosea Gibert Pityriasis rubra pilaris Devergie s disease lichen ruber acuminatus lichen ruber pilaris Pure hair nail type ectodermal dysplasia Small plaque parapsoriasis chronic superficial dermatitis Tripe palms Xanthoerythrodermia perstansPalmoplantar keratodermas edit See also Category Palmoplantar keratodermas Palmoplantar keratodermas are a diverse group of hereditary and acquired keratodermas in which there is hyperkeratosis of the skin of the palms and soles 92 nbsp Palmoplantar keratodermaAcrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa keratoelastoidosis marginalis Aquagenic keratoderma acquired aquagenic palmoplantar keratoderma aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma aquagenic wrinkling of the palms transient reactive papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma Bart Pumphrey syndrome palmoplantar keratoderma with knuckle pads and leukonychia and deafness Camisa disease Carvajal syndrome striate palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and cardiomyopathy striate palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and left ventricular dilated cardiomyopathy Corneodermatoosseous syndrome CDO syndrome Diffuse epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma palmoplantar keratoderma cum degeneratione granulosa Vorner Vorner s epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma Vorner keratoderma Diffuse nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma diffuse orthohyperkeratotic keratoderma hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma keratosis extremitatum progrediens keratosis palmoplantaris diffusa circumscripta tylosis Unna Thost disease Unna Thost keratoderma Erythrokeratodermia variabilis erythrokeratodermia figurata variabilis keratosis extremitatum progrediens keratosis palmoplantaris transgrediens et progrediens Mendes da Costa syndrome Mendes da Costa type erythrokeratodermia progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma Focal acral hyperkeratosis acrokeratoelastoidosis lichenoides degenerative collagenous plaques of the hand Focal palmoplantar and gingival keratosis Focal palmoplantar keratoderma with oral mucosal hyperkeratosis focal epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma hereditary painful callosities hereditary painful callosity syndrome keratosis follicularis keratosis palmoplantaris nummularis nummular epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma Haim Munk syndrome palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontitis and arachnodactyly and acro osteolysis Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia alopecia congenita with keratosis palmoplantaris Clouston syndrome Clouston s hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Fischer Jacobsen Clouston syndrome keratosis palmaris with drumstick fingers palmoplantar keratoderma and clubbing Howel Evans syndrome familial keratoderma with carcinoma of the esophagus focal non epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma with carcinoma of the esophagus palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type III palmoplantar keratoderma associated with esophageal cancer tylosis tylosis esophageal carcinoma Hystrix like ichthyosis deafness syndrome HID syndrome Keratoderma climactericum acquired plantar keratoderma climacteric keratoderma Haxthausen s disease Keratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris Buschke Fischer Brauer disease Davis Colley disease keratoderma disseminatum palmaris et plantaris keratosis papulosa keratoderma punctatum keratodermia punctata keratoma hereditarium dissipatum palmare et plantare palmar and plantar seed dermatoses palmar keratoses papulotranslucent acrokeratoderma punctate keratoderma punctate keratoses of the palms and soles maculosa disseminata Keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome erythrokeratodermia progressiva Burns ichthyosiform erythroderma with corneal involvement and deafness KID syndrome Mal de Meleda acral keratoderma Gamborg Nielsen keratoderma mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma of the Gamborg Nielsen type palmoplantar ectodermal dysplasia type VIII palmoplantar keratoderma of the Norrbotten type Naxos syndrome diffuse non epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and cardiomyopathy diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma with woolly hair and arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy of Naxos Naxos disease Olmsted syndrome mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma with periorificial keratotic plaques mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma with periorificial plaques polykeratosis of Touraine Pachyonychia congenita type I Jadassohn Lewandowsky syndrome Pachyonychia congenita type II Jackson Lawler pachyonychia congenita Jackson Sertoli syndrome Palmoplantar keratoderma and spastic paraplegia Charcot Marie Tooth disease with palmoplantar keratoderma and nail dystrophy Palmoplantar keratoderma of Sybert Greither palmoplantar keratoderma Greither syndrome keratosis extremitatum hereditaria progrediens keratosis palmoplantaris transgrediens et progrediens Sybert keratoderma transgrediens and progrediens palmoplantar keratoderma Papillon Lefevre syndrome palmoplantar keratoderma with periodontitis Porokeratosis plantaris discreta Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma Schopf Schulz Passarge syndrome eyelid cysts with palmoplantar keratoderma and hypodontia and hypotrichosis Scleroatrophic syndrome of Huriez Huriez syndrome palmoplantar keratoderma with scleroatrophy palmoplantar keratoderma with sclerodactyly scleroatrophic and keratotic dermatosis of the limbs sclerotylosis Striate palmoplantar keratoderma acral keratoderma Brunauer Fuhs Siemens type of palmoplantar keratoderma focal non epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma keratosis palmoplantaris varians palmoplantar keratoderma areata palmoplantar keratoderma striata Wachter keratoderma Wachters palmoplantar keratoderma Spiny keratoderma porokeratosis punctata palmaris et plantaris punctate keratoderma punctate porokeratosis of the palms and soles Tyrosinemia type II oculocutaneous tyrosinemia Richner Hanhart syndrome Vohwinkel syndrome keratoderma hereditaria mutilans keratoma hereditaria mutilans mutilating keratoderma of Vohwinkel mutilating palmoplantar keratoderma Pregnancy related edit nbsp Linea nigraSee also Category Pregnancy related cutaneous conditions Pregnancy related cutaneous conditions are a group of skin changes observed during pregnancy 93 94 Impetigo herpetiformis Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy cholestasis of pregnancy jaundice of pregnancy obstetric cholestasis prurigo gravidarum Linea nigra Pemphigoid gestationis gestational pemphigoid herpes gestationis Prurigo gestationis Besnier prurigo early onset prurigo of pregnancy linear IgM dermatosis of pregnancy papular dermatitis of pregnancy prurigo of pregnancy Spangler s papular dermatitis of pregnancy Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy late onset prurigo of pregnancy polymorphic eruption of pregnancy PUPPP syndrome toxemic rash of pregnancy toxic erythema of pregnancy Striae gravidarumPruritic editSee also Category Pruritic skin conditions Pruritus commonly known as itchiness is a sensation exclusive to the skin and characteristic of many skin conditions 95 96 Adult blaschkitis Aquadynia Aquagenic pruritus Biliary pruritus Cholestatic pruritus Drug induced pruritus Hydroxyethyl starch induced pruritus Lichen simplex chronicus neurodermatitis nbsp Lichen simplex chronicus Prion pruritus Prurigo nodularis Prurigo pigmentosa Prurigo simplex Pruritus ani Pruritus scroti Pruritus vulvae Puncta pruritica itchy points Scalp pruritus Senile pruritus Uremic pruritus renal pruritus Psoriasis editSee also Category Psoriasis Psoriasis is a common chronic and recurrent inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by circumscribed erythematous dry scaling plaques 97 98 99 nbsp Psoriasis vulgarisAnnular pustular psoriasis Drug induced psoriasis Exanthematic pustular psoriasis Generalized pustular psoriasis pustular psoriasis of von Zumbusch Guttate psoriasis eruptive psoriasis Inverse psoriasis Keratoderma blennorrhagica keratoderma blennorrhagicum Localized pustular psoriasis Napkin psoriasis Psoriasis vulgaris chronic stationary psoriasis plaque like psoriasis Psoriatic arthritis Psoriatic erythroderma erythrodermic psoriasis Seborrheic like psoriasis sebopsoriasis seborrhiasis Reactive neutrophilic editSee also Category Reactive neutrophilic cutaneous conditions Reactive neutrophilic cutaneous conditions constitute a spectrum of disease mediated by neutrophils and typically associated with underlying diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and hematologic malignancy 100 101 nbsp Pyoderma gangrenosumAcute erythema nodosum Bowel associated dermatosis arthritis syndrome bowel bypass syndrome bowel bypass syndrome without bowel bypass intestinal bypass arthritis dermatitis syndrome Marshall syndrome Neutrophilic dermatosis of the dorsal hands pustular vasculitis of the dorsal hands Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis Pyoderma gangrenosum Pyogenic arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum acne syndrome PAPA syndrome Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatitis rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis Superficial granulomatous pyoderma Sweet s syndrome acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis Sweet s syndrome like dermatosis Vesicopustular dermatosisRecalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions editSee also Category Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions Recalcitrant palmoplantar eruptions are skin conditions of the palms and soles which are resistant to treatment 34 Dermatitis repens acrodermatitis continua acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau acrodermatitis continua suppurativa Hallopeau acrodermatitis perstans dermatitis repens Crocker Hallopeau s acrodermatitis Hallopeau s acrodermatitis continua pustular acrodermatitis Infantile acropustulosis acropustulosis of infancy Palmoplantar pustulosis persistent palmoplantar pustulosis pustular psoriasis of the Barber type pustular psoriasis of the extremities pustulosis of palms and soles pustulosis palmaris et plantaris Pustular bacteridResulting from errors in metabolism editSee also Category Skin conditions resulting from errors in metabolism Skin conditions resulting from errors in metabolism are caused by enzymatic defects that lead to an accumulation or deficiency of various cellular components including but not limited to amino acids carbohydrates and lipids 16 Acute intermittent porphyria Adrenoleukodystrophy Schilder s disease Alkaptonuria Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase deficiency porphyria Doss porphyria plumboporphyria B mannosidase deficiency Carotenosis Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy syndrome CADASIL syndrome Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis Citrullinemia Congenital erythropoietic porphyria Gunther s disease Diabetic bulla bullosis diabeticorum bullous eruption of diabetes mellitus Diabetic cheiroarthropathy Diabetic dermopathy shin spots Dystrophic calcinosis cutis Eruptive xanthoma Erythropoietic protoporphyria nbsp Erythropoietic protoporphyria Fabry disease Anderson Fabry disease angiokeratoma corporis diffusum Familial alpha lipoprotein deficiency Tangier disease Familial amyloid polyneuropathy Familial apoprotein CII deficiency Familial combined hyperlipidemia multiple type hyperlipoproteinemia Familial defective apolipoprotein B 100 Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia broad beta disease remnant removal disease Familial hypertriglyceridemia Farber disease fibrocytic dysmucopolysaccharidosis lipogranulomatosis Fucosidosis Gaucher s disease Gout podagra urate crystal arthropathy urate deposition disease Hartnup disease pellagra like dermatosis Hemodialysis associated amyloidosis Hepatoerythropoietic porphyria Hereditary coproporphyria Hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis Heredofamilial amyloidosis Hunter syndrome Hurler syndrome gargoylism mucopolysaccharidosis type I Hurler Scheie syndrome mucopolysaccharidosis type I H S Hyaluronidase deficiency mucopolysaccharidosis type IX Iatrogenic calcinosis cutis Idiopathic scrotal calcinosis idiopathic calcified nodules of the scrotum Lafora disease Lesch Nyhan syndrome juvenile gout Lichen amyloidosis Limited joint mobility Lipoid proteinosis hyalinosis cutis et mucosae Urbach Wiethe disease Lipoprotein lipase deficiency chylomicronemia chylomicronemia syndrome Macular amyloidosis nbsp Xanthoma tendinosum Maroteaux Lamy syndrome mucopolysaccharidosis type VI Medication induced hyperlipoproteinemia Metastatic calcinosis cutis Milia like calcinosis Morquio s disease mucopolysaccharidosis type IV Necrobiosis lipoidica necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum Niemann Pick disease Nodular amyloidosis Nodular xanthoma Normolipoproteinemic xanthomatosis Obstructive liver disease xanthomatous biliary cirrhosis Ochronosis Osteoma cutis Palmar xanthoma Phenylketonuria Phytosterolemia sitosterolemia Porphyria cutanea tarda Primary cutaneous amyloidosis Primary systemic amyloidosis Prolidase deficiency Pseudoporphyria pseudoporphyria cutanea tarda Sanfilippo syndrome Scheie syndrome mucopolysaccharidosis type I S Secondary cutaneous amyloidosis Secondary systemic amyloidosis Sialidosis Sly syndrome mucopolysaccharidosis type VII Subepidermal calcified nodule solitary congenital nodular calcification Winer s nodular calcinosis Transient erythroporphyria of infancy purpuric phototherapy induced eruption nbsp Xanthelasma palpebrarum Traumatic calcinosis cutis Tuberoeruptive xanthoma tuberous xanthoma Tumoral calcinosis Variegate porphyria mixed hepatic porphyria mixed porphyria South African genetic porphyria South African porphyria Verruciform xanthoma Waxy skin Wilson s disease hepatolenticular degeneration Xanthelasma palpebrarum xanthelasma Xanthoma diabeticorum Xanthoma planum plane xanthoma Xanthoma striatum palmare Xanthoma tendinosum tendinous xanthoma Xanthoma tuberosumResulting from physical factors editSee also Category Skin conditions resulting from physical factors Skin conditions resulting from physical factors occur from a number of causes including but not limited to hot and cold temperatures friction and moisture 34 102 103 Abrasion Acrocyanosis Actinic prurigo familial polymorphous light eruption of American Indians hereditary polymorphous light eruption of American Indians Hutchinson s summer prurigo hydroa aestivale Aerosol burn Benign summer light eruption Beryllium granuloma Black heel and palm black heel calcaneal petechiae chromidrose plantaire post traumatic punctate intraepidermal hemorrhage tache noir talon noir Callus callosity clavus corn heloma heloma durum heloma molle intractable plantar keratosis tyloma Carbon stain nbsp Chilblains Chilblains pernio perniosis Chronic actinic dermatitis actinic reticuloid chronic photosensitivity dermatitis persistent light reactivity photosensitive eczema Colloid milium Coma blister Coral cut Delayed blister Dermatosis neglecta Edema blister edema bulla hydrostatic bulla stasis blister Electrical burn Equestrian perniosis Erythema ab igne fire stains toasted skin syndrome Erythrocyanosis crurum Favre Racouchot syndrome Favre Racouchot disease nodular cutaneous elastosis with cysts and comedones Foreign body reaction Fracture blister Friction blister Frostbite Garrod s pad violinist s viola pad Harpist s finger Heel stick wound Heat edema Hot tar burn Hunan hand syndrome chili burn Hydroa vacciniforme Bazin s hydroa vacciniforme Jogger s nipple Juvenile spring eruption Kairo cancer Kang cancer Kangri ulcer Lightning burn Loop mark Magnetic resonance imaging burn MRI burn Mercury granuloma Miliaria crystallina miliaria crystalline sudamina Miliaria profunda mammillaria Miliaria pustulosa Miliaria rubra heat rash prickly heat Narcotic dermopathy Occlusion miliaria Painful fat herniation painful piezogenic pedal papules piezogenic papules Peat fire cancer Photoaging dermatoheliosis Photosensitivity with HIV infection Phototoxic tar dermatitis Photosenitization Phytophotodermatitis Berloque dermatitis Pinch mark Polymorphous light eruption polymorphic light eruption Postmiliarial hypohidrosis nbsp Pressure ulcer Postoperative hematoma Pressure ulcer decubitus ulcer Pseudoacanthosis nigricans Pseudoverrucous papules and nodules Pulling boat hands PUVA induced acrobullous dermatosis Runner s rump Sclerosing lymphangiitis Silica granuloma Silicone granuloma Skin pop scar Skin track Slap mark Solar erythema Soot tattoo Subcutaneous emphysema Sucking blister Sunburn Surfer s knots Tattoo Tennis toe Thermal burn Traumatic asphyxia Trench foot Tropical anhidrotic asthenia Tropical immersion foot paddy foot paddy field foot Turf toe Uranium dermatosis UV sensitive syndrome Vibration white finger dead finger hand arm vibration syndrome Warm water immersion foot Weathering nodule of ear Wrestler s ear cauliflower ear traumatic auricular hematoma Zirconium granulomaIonizing radiation induced edit See also Category Ionizing radiation induced cutaneous conditions Ionizing radiation induced cutaneous conditions result from exposure to ionizing radiation 104 Acute radiodermatitis nbsp Fluoroscopy burn Chronic radiation keratosis Chronic radiodermatitis Eosinophilic polymorphic and pruritic eruption associated with radiotherapy Fluoroscopy burn Radiation acne Radiation cancer Radiation dermatitis radiodermatitis Radiation recall reaction Radiation induced erythema multiforme Radiation induced hypertrophic scar Radiation induced keloid Radiation induced morpheaUrticaria and angioedema editSee also Category Urticaria and angioedema Urticaria is a vascular reaction of the skin characterized by the appearance of wheals which are firm elevated swellings of the skin 105 Angioedema which can occur alone or with urticaria is characterized by a well defined edematous swelling that involves subcutaneous tissues abdominal organs or upper airway 106 nbsp Acute urticariaAcquired C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency Acute urticaria Adrenergic urticaria Anaphylaxis Aquagenic urticaria Autoimmune urticaria Cholinergic urticaria Chronic urticaria ordinary urticaria Cold urticaria Dermatographism dermographism Episodic angioedema with eosinophilia Gleich s syndrome Exercise urticaria exercise induced urticaria Galvanic urticaria Heat urticaria Hereditary angioedema Quincke s edema Localized heat contact urticaria Mast cell independent urticaria Physical urticaria Primary cold contact urticaria Pressure urticaria delayed pressure urticaria Reflex cold urticaria Schnitzler syndrome Secondary cold contact urticaria Solar urticaria Systemic capillary leak syndrome Urticarial allergic eruption Urticaria like follicular mucinosis Vibratory angioedemaVascular related editSee also Category Vascular related cutaneous conditions Vascular related cutaneous conditions result from dysfunction of the blood or blood vessels in the dermis or lymphatics in the subcutaneous tissues 9 107 108 Aagenaes syndrome Acroangiodermatitis acroangiodermatitis of Mali Mali acroangiodermatitis Pseudo Kaposi s sarcoma Acrocyanosis Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy acute hemorrhagic edema of childhood Finkelstein s disease infantile postinfectious iris like purpura and edema medallion like purpura purpura en cocarde avec oedema Seidlmayer syndrome Arterial insufficiency ulcer ischemic ulcer Arteriosclerosis obliterans Bier spots Blueberry muffin baby Bonnet Dechaume Blanc syndrome Wyburn Mason syndrome Bullous lymphedema Bullous small vessel vasculitis bullous variant of small vessel vasculitis Calciphylaxis nbsp Calciphylaxis Caput succedaneum Cholesterol embolus warfarin blue toe syndrome Cobb syndrome Corona phlebectatica Cryofibrinogenemic purpura Cryoglobulinemic purpura Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis Cutaneous small vessel vasculitis cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis cutaneous necrotizing venulitis hypersensitivity angiitis Deep venous thrombosis Disseminated intravascular coagulation Doucas and Kapetanakis pigmented purpura Drug induced purpura Drug induced thrombocytopenic purpura Eczematid like purpura of Doucas and Kapetanakis Epidemic dropsy Erythema elevatum diutinum Erythromelalgia acromelalgia erythermalgia Factitial lymphedema hysterical edema Fibrinolysis syndrome defibrinating syndrome hypofibrinogenemia Food induced purpura Generalized essential telangiectasia general essential telangiectasia Giant cell arteritis Gougerot Blum syndrome pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis pigmented purpuric lichenoid dermatitis of Gougerot and Blum Granulomatosis with polyangiitis Harlequin color change Hematopoietic ulcer Hennekam syndrome Hennekam lymphangiectasia lymphedema syndrome intestinal lymphagiectasia lymphedema mental retardation syndrome Henoch Schonlein purpura anaphylactoid purpura purpura rheumatica Schonlein Henoch purpura nbsp Henoch Schonlein purpura Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Osler s disease Osler Weber Rendu disease Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura Werlhof s disease IgA vasculitis Kawasaki s disease mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Levamisole induced vasculitis Lichen aureus lichen purpuricus Livedo racemosa Livedo reticularis Livedoid dermatitis embolia cutis medicamentosa Nicolau syndrome Livedoid vasculopathy atrophie blanche livedo reticularis with summer ulceration livedoid vasculitis PURPLE syndrome segmental hyalinizing vasculitis Lymphedema praecox Lymphedema distichiasis syndrome Maffucci syndrome Majocchi s disease purpura annularis telangiectodes purpura annularis telangiectodes of Majocchi Malignant atrophic papulosis Degos disease Marshall White syndrome Meige lymphedema Microscopic polyangiitis microscopic polyarteritis microscopic polyarteritis nodosa Mondor s disease Mondor s syndrome of superficial thrombophlebitis Neuropathic ulcer mal perforans Njolstad syndrome Nonne Milroy Meige syndrome hereditary lymphedema Milroy disease Obstructive purpura Orthostatic purpura stasis purpura Painful bruising syndrome autoerythrocyte sensitization Gardner Diamond syndrome psychogenic purpura Parkes Weber syndrome Paroxysmal hand hematoma Achenbach syndrome Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Polyarteritis nodosa panarteritis nodosa periarteritis nodosa Postcardiotomy syndrome Perinatal gangrene of the buttock Pigmentary purpuric eruptions progressive pigmentary dermatosis progressive pigmenting purpura purpura pigmentosa chronica Postinflammatory lymphedema Postmastectomy lymphangiosarcoma Stewart Treves syndrome Purpura fulminans purpura gangrenosa Purpura secondary to clotting disorders Purpuric agave dermatitis nbsp Raynaud phenomenon Raynaud phenomenon Raynaud s disease primary Raynaud s phenomenon Reactive angioendotheliomatosis Schamberg s disease progressive pigmentary dermatosis of Schamberg purpura pigmentosa progressiva Schamberg s purpura Secondary lymphedema Septic thrombophlebitis Sinusoidal hemangioma Sneddon s syndrome idiopathic livedo reticularis with cerebrovascular accidents Solar purpura actinic purpura senile purpura Stasis dermatitis congestion eczema gravitational dermatitis gravitational eczema stasis eczema varicose eczema Superficial thrombophlebitis Takayasu arteritis aortic arch syndrome pulseless disease Temporal arteritis cranial arteritis Horton s disease Thromboangiitis obliterans Buerger s disease Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Moschcowitz syndrome Traumatic purpura Trousseau s syndrome Unilateral nevoid telangiectasia nevoid telangiectasia Urticarial vasculitis chronic urticaria as a manifestation of venulitis hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome hypocomplementemic vasculitis unusual lupus like syndrome Venous insufficiency ulceration Waldenstrom hyperglobulinemic purpura purpura hyperglobulinemica Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia Yellow nail syndrome primary lymphedema associated with yellow nails and pleural effusion See also editCategory Cutaneous conditions Dermatology List of conditions associated with cafe au lait macules List of contact allergens List of cutaneous conditions associated with increased risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer List of cutaneous conditions associated with internal malignancy List of cutaneous conditions caused by mutations in keratins List of cutaneous neoplasms associated with systemic syndromes List of cutaneous conditions caused by problems with junctional proteins List of dental abnormalities associated with cutaneous conditions List of genes mutated in cutaneous conditions List of genes mutated in pigmented cutaneous lesions List of histologic stains that aid in diagnosis of cutaneous conditions List of human leukocyte antigen alleles associated with cutaneous conditions List of immunofluorescence findings for autoimmune bullous conditions List of inclusion bodies that aid in diagnosis of cutaneous conditions List of keratins expressed in the human integumentary system List of migrating cutaneous conditions List of mites associated with cutaneous reactions List of radiographic findings associated with cutaneous conditions List of specialized glands within the human integumentary system List of spiders associated with cutaneous reactions List of target antigens in pemphigoid List of target antigens in pemphigus List of verrucous carcinoma subtypes List of xanthoma variants associated with hyperlipoproteinemia subtypesFootnotes edit Any given cutaneous condition is only included once within this list Parentheticals are used to indicate other names by which a condition is known If there are multiple alternative names for a condition they are separated by commas within the parenthetical Citations for any given condition name and or alternative name s may be found within the condition s respective article This list uses American English therefore the symbols ae and œ which are common to British English are not used but rather simplified to a single e For example the spelling of nevus is favored over naevus edema over œdema and so forth For more information see American and British English differences Non English names are included within this list when those terms are found in English medical literature Inclusion of acne excoriee des jeunes filles French Frambosie German and parangi Malay represent examples of this convention Abbreviations for condition names commonly described in medical literature with an acronym or initialism are included within this list Within this list the term immunoglobulin is abbreviated to Ig when used as a prefix to a specific antibody isotype i e IgA IgD IgE IgG and IgM Within this list the terms human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are abbreviated to HIV and AIDS respectively References edit a b c d e Miller Jeffrey H Marks James G 2006 Lookingbill and Marks Principles of Dermatology Saunders ISBN 978 1 4160 3185 7 Lippens S Hoste E Vandenabeele P Agostinis P Declercq W April 2009 Cell death in the skin Apoptosis 14 4 549 69 doi 10 1007 s10495 009 0324 z PMID 19221876 S2CID 13058619 a b c d Burns Tony et al 2006 Rook s Textbook of Dermatology CD ROM Wiley Blackwell ISBN 1 4051 3130 6 Paus R Cotsarelis G 1999 The biology of hair follicles N Engl J Med 341 7 491 7 doi 10 1056 NEJM199908123410706 PMID 10441606 S2CID 35532108 Goldsmith Lowell A 1983 Biochemistry and physiology of the skin Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 261253 3 Fuchs E February 2007 Scratching the surface of skin development Nature 445 7130 834 42 Bibcode 2007Natur 445 834F doi 10 1038 nature05659 PMC 2405926 PMID 17314969 Fuchs E Horsley V April 2008 More than one way to skin Genes Dev 22 8 976 85 doi 10 1101 gad 1645908 PMC 2732395 PMID 18413712 a b c d e Freedberg Irwin M et al 2003 Fitzpatrick s Dermatology in General Medicine McGraw Hill ISBN 978 0 07 138076 8 a b c d Bolognia Jean L et al 2007 Dermatology St Louis Mosby ISBN 978 1 4160 2999 1 a b c d Rapini Ronald P 2005 Practical dermatopathology Elsevier Mosby ISBN 978 0 323 01198 3 Grant Kels JM 2007 Color Atlas of Dermatopathology Dermatology Clinical amp Basic Science Informa Healthcare pp 163 ISBN 978 0 8493 3794 9 Ryan T 1991 Cutaneous Circulation In Goldsmith Lowell A ed Physiology biochemistry and molecular biology of the skin 2nd ed New York Oxford University Press p 1019 ISBN 978 0 19 505612 9 Swerlick RA Lawley TJ January 1993 Role of microvascular endothelial cells in inflammation J Invest Dermatol 100 1 111S 115S doi 10 1038 jid 1993 33 PMID 8423379 a b c d Lynch Peter J 1994 Dermatology Williams amp Wilkins ISBN 978 0 683 05252 7 King LS 1954 What Is Disease Philosophy of Science 21 3 193 203 doi 10 1086 287343 S2CID 120875348 a b Bluefarb Samuel M 1984 Dermatology Upjohn Co ISBN 978 0 89501 004 9 Tilles G Wallach D 1989 The history of nosology in dermatology Ann Dermatol Venereol in French 116 1 9 26 PMID 2653160 Lambert WC Everett MA October 1981 The nosology of parapsoriasis J Am Acad Dermatol 5 4 373 95 doi 10 1016 S0190 9622 81 70100 2 PMID 7026622 Jackson R 1977 Historical outline of attempts to classify skin diseases Can Med Assoc J 116 10 1165 68 PMC 1879511 PMID 324589 Copeman PW February 1995 The creation of global dermatology J R Soc Med 88 2 78 84 PMC 1295100 PMID 7769599 Fitzpatrick Thomas B Klauss Wolff Wolff Klaus Dieter Johnson Richard R Suurmond Dick Richard Suurmond 2005 Fitzpatrick s color atlas and synopsis of clinical dermatology McGraw Hill Medical Pub Division ISBN 978 0 07 144019 6 Werner B August 2009 Skin biopsy and its histopathologic analysis Why What for How Part I An Bras Dermatol in Portuguese 84 4 391 5 doi 10 1590 S0365 05962009000400010 PMID 19851671 Werner B October 2009 Skin biopsy with histopathologic analysis why what for how part II An Bras Dermatol in Portuguese 84 5 507 13 doi 10 1590 S0365 05962009000500010 PMID 20098854 span, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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