

Anaphylaxis is a serious, potentially fatal allergic reaction and medical emergency that is rapid in onset and requires immediate medical attention regardless of use of emergency medication on site.[4][5] It typically causes more than one of the following: an itchy rash, throat closing due to swelling which can obstruct or stop breathing; severe tongue swelling which can also interfere with or stop breathing; shortness of breath, vomiting, lightheadedness, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, and medical shock.[6][1] These symptoms typically start in minutes to hours and then increase very rapidly to life-threatening levels.[1] Urgent medical treatment is required to prevent serious harm or death, even if the patient has used an epipen or has taken other medications in response, and even if symptoms appear to be improving.[6]

Angioedema of the face such that the boy cannot open his eyes. This reaction was caused by an allergen exposure.
SpecialtyAllergy and immunology
SymptomsItchy rash, throat swelling, numbness, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, low blood pressure[1]
Usual onsetOver minutes to hours[1]
TypesAnaphylactoid reaction, anaphylactic shock, biphasic anaphylaxis
CausesInsect bites, foods, medications[1]
Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms[2]
Differential diagnosisAllergic reaction, angioedema, asthma exacerbation, carcinoid syndrome[2]
TreatmentEpinephrine, intravenous fluids[1]

Common causes include allergies to insect bites and stings, allergies to foods – including nuts, milk, fish, shellfish, eggs and some fresh fruits or dried fruits; allergies to sulfites – a class of food preservatives and a byproduct in some fermented foods like vinegar; allergies to medications – including some antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin; allergy to general anaesthetic (used to make people sleep during surgery); allergy to contrast agents – dyes used in some medical tests to help certain areas of the body show up better on scans; allergy to latex – a type of rubber found in some rubber gloves and condoms.[6][1] Other causes can include physical exercise, and cases may also occur in some people due to escalating reactions to simple throat irritation or may also occur without an obvious reason.[6][1] The mechanism involves the release of inflammatory mediators in a rapidly escalating cascade from certain types of white blood cells triggered by either immunologic or non-immunologic mechanisms.[7] Diagnosis is based on the presenting symptoms and signs after exposure to a potential allergen or irritant and in some cases, reaction to physical exercise.[6][1]

The primary treatment of anaphylaxis is epinephrine injection into a muscle, intravenous fluids, then placing the person "in a reclining position with feet elevated to help restore normal blood flow".[1][8] Additional doses of epinephrine may be required.[1] Other measures, such as antihistamines and steroids, are complementary.[1] Carrying an epinephrine autoinjector, commonly called an "epipen" and identification regarding the condition is recommended in people with a history of anaphylaxis.[1] Immediately contacting ambulance / EMT services is always strongly recommended, regardless of any on site treatment.[6] Getting to a doctor or hospital as soon as possible is absolutely required in all cases, even if it appears to be getting better.[6]

Worldwide, 0.05–2% of the population is estimated to experience anaphylaxis at some point in life.[3] Globally, as underreporting declined into the 2010s, the rate appeared to be increasing.[3] It occurs most often in young people and females.[8][9] About 99.7% of people hospitalized with anaphylaxis in the United States survive.[10]


The word is derived from Ancient Greek: ἀνά, romanizedana, lit.'against', and φύλαξις romanized: phylaxis lit. 'protection'.[11]

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis typically presents many different symptoms over minutes or hours[8][12] with an average onset of 5 to 30 minutes if exposure is intravenous and up to 2 hours if from eating food.[13] The most common areas affected include: skin (80–90%), respiratory (70%), gastrointestinal (30–45%), heart and vasculature (10–45%), and central nervous system (10–15%)[14] with usually two or more being involved.[3]


Urticaria and flushing on the back of a person with anaphylaxis

Symptoms typically include generalized hives, itchiness, flushing, or swelling (angioedema) of the affected tissues.[4] Those with angioedema may describe a burning sensation of the skin rather than itchiness.[13] Swelling of the tongue or throat occurs in up to about 20% of cases.[15] Other features may include a runny nose and swelling of the conjunctiva.[16] The skin may also be blue tinged because of lack of oxygen.[16]


Respiratory symptoms and signs that may be present include shortness of breath, wheezes, or stridor.[4] The wheezing is typically caused by spasms of the bronchial muscles[17] while stridor is related to upper airway obstruction secondary to swelling.[16] Hoarseness, pain with swallowing, or a cough may also occur.[13]


While a fast heart rate caused by low blood pressure is more common,[16] a Bezold–Jarisch reflex has been described in 10% of people, where a slow heart rate is associated with low blood pressure.[9] A drop in blood pressure or shock (either distributive or cardiogenic) may cause the feeling of lightheadedness or loss of consciousness.[17] Rarely very low blood pressure may be the only sign of anaphylaxis.[15]

Coronary artery spasm may occur with subsequent myocardial infarction, dysrhythmia, or cardiac arrest.[3][14] Those with underlying coronary disease are at greater risk of cardiac effects from anaphylaxis.[17] The coronary spasm is related to the presence of histamine-releasing cells in the heart.[17]


Gastrointestinal symptoms may include severe crampy abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.[4] There may be confusion, a loss of bladder control or pelvic pain similar to that of uterine cramps.[4][16] Dilation of blood vessels around the brain may cause headaches.[13] A feeling of anxiety or of "impending doom" has also been described.[3]


Anaphylaxis can occur in response to almost any foreign substance.[18] Common triggers include venom from insect bites or stings, foods, and medication.[9][19] Foods are the most common trigger in children and young adults, while medications and insect bites and stings are more common in older adults.[3] Less common causes include: physical factors, biological agents such as semen, latex, hormonal changes, food additives and colors, and topical medications.[16] Physical factors such as exercise (known as exercise-induced anaphylaxis) or temperature (either hot or cold) may also act as triggers through their direct effects on mast cells.[3][20][21] Events caused by exercise are frequently associated with cofactors such as the ingestion of certain foods[13][22] or taking an NSAID.[22] In aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), alcohol is a common trigger.[23][24] During anesthesia, neuromuscular blocking agents, antibiotics, and latex are the most common causes.[25] The cause remains unknown in 32–50% of cases, referred to as "idiopathic anaphylaxis."[26] Six vaccines (MMR, varicella, influenza, hepatitis B, tetanus, meningococcal) are recognized as a cause for anaphylaxis, and HPV may cause anaphylaxis as well.[27]

Food and alcohol

Many foods can trigger anaphylaxis; this may occur upon the first known ingestion.[9] Common triggering foods vary around the world due to cultural cuisine. In Western cultures, ingestion of or exposure to peanuts, wheat, nuts, certain types of seafood like shellfish, milk, fruit and eggs are the most prevalent causes.[3][14] Sesame is common in the Middle East, while rice and chickpeas are frequently encountered as sources of anaphylaxis in Asia.[3] Severe cases are usually caused by ingesting the allergen,[9] but some people experience a severe reaction upon contact. Children can outgrow their allergies. By age 16, 80% of children with anaphylaxis to milk or eggs and 20% who experience isolated anaphylaxis to peanuts can tolerate these foods.[18] Any type of alcohol, even in small amounts, can trigger anaphylaxis in people with AERD.[23][24]


Any medication may potentially trigger anaphylaxis. The most common are β-lactam antibiotics (such as penicillin) followed by aspirin and NSAIDs.[14][28] Other antibiotics are implicated less frequently.[28] Anaphylactic reactions to NSAIDs are either agent specific or occur among those that are structurally similar meaning that those who are allergic to one NSAID can typically tolerate a different one or different group of NSAIDs.[29] Other relatively common causes include chemotherapy, vaccines, protamine and herbal preparations.[3] Some medications (vancomycin, morphine, x-ray contrast among others) cause anaphylaxis by directly triggering mast cell degranulation.[9]

The frequency of a reaction to an agent partly depends on the frequency of its use and partly on its intrinsic properties.[30] Anaphylaxis to penicillin or cephalosporins occurs only after it binds to proteins inside the body with some agents binding more easily than others.[13] Anaphylaxis to penicillin occurs once in every 2,000 to 10,000 courses of treatment, with death occurring in fewer than one in every 50,000 courses of treatment.[13] Anaphylaxis to aspirin and NSAIDs occurs in about one in every 50,000 persons.[13] If someone has a reaction to penicillin, his or her risk of a reaction to cephalosporins is greater but still less than one in 1,000.[13] The old radiocontrast agents caused reactions in 1% of cases, while the newer lower osmolar agents cause reactions in 0.04% of cases.[30]


Venom from stinging or biting insects such as Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and wasps) or Triatominae (kissing bugs) may cause anaphylaxis in susceptible people.[8][31][32] Previous reactions that are anything more than a local reaction around the site of the sting, are a risk factor for future anaphylaxis;[33][34] however, half of fatalities have had no previous systemic reaction.[35]

Risk factors

People with atopic diseases such as asthma, eczema, or allergic rhinitis are at high risk of anaphylaxis from food, latex, and radiocontrast agents but not from injectable medications or stings.[3][9] One study in children found that 60% had a history of previous atopic diseases, and of children who die from anaphylaxis, more than 90% have asthma.[9] Those with mastocytosis or of a higher socioeconomic status are at increased risk.[3][9]


Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction of rapid onset affecting many body systems.[5][7] It is due to the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines from mast cells and basophils, typically due to an immunologic reaction but sometimes non-immunologic mechanism.[7]

Interleukin (IL)–4 and IL-13 are cytokines important in the initial generation of antibody and inflammatory cell responses to anaphylaxis.[citation needed]


In the immunologic mechanism, immunoglobulin E (IgE) binds to the antigen (the foreign material that provokes the allergic reaction). Antigen-bound IgE then activates FcεRI receptors on mast cells and basophils. This leads to the release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine. These mediators subsequently increase the contraction of bronchial smooth muscles, trigger vasodilation, increase the leakage of fluid from blood vessels, and cause heart muscle depression.[7][13] There is also a non-immunologic mechanism that does not rely on IgE, but it is not known if this occurs in humans.[7]


Non-immunologic mechanisms involve substances that directly cause the degranulation of mast cells and basophils. These include agents such as contrast medium, opioids, temperature (hot or cold), and vibration.[7][20] Sulfites may cause reactions by both immunologic and non-immunologic mechanisms.[36]


Anaphylaxis is diagnosed on the basis of a person's signs and symptoms.[3] When any one of the following three occurs within minutes or hours of exposure to an allergen there is a high likelihood of anaphylaxis:[3]

  1. Involvement of the skin or mucosal tissue plus either respiratory difficulty or a low blood pressure causing symptoms
  2. Two or more of the following symptoms after a likely contact with an allergen:
    a. Involvement of the skin or mucosa
    b. Respiratory difficulties
    c. Low blood pressure
    d. Gastrointestinal symptoms
  3. Low blood pressure after exposure to a known allergen

Skin involvement may include: hives, itchiness or a swollen tongue among others. Respiratory difficulties may include: shortness of breath, stridor, or low oxygen levels among others. Low blood pressure is defined as a greater than 30% decrease from a person's usual blood pressure. In adults a systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mmHg is often used.[3]

During an attack, blood tests for tryptase or histamine (released from mast cells) might be useful in diagnosing anaphylaxis due to insect stings or medications. However these tests are of limited use if the cause is food or if the person has a normal blood pressure,[3] and they are not specific for the diagnosis.[18]


There are three main classifications of anaphylaxis.

  1. Anaphylactic shock is associated with systemic vasodilation that causes low blood pressure which is by definition 30% lower than the person's baseline or below standard values.[15]
  2. Biphasic anaphylaxis is the recurrence of symptoms within 1–72 hours after resolution of an initial anaphylactic episode.[37] Estimates of incidence vary, between less than 1% and up to 20% of cases.[37][38] The recurrence typically occurs within 8 hours.[9] It is managed in the same manner as anaphylaxis.[8]
  3. Anaphylactoid reaction, non-immune anaphylaxis, or pseudoanaphylaxis, is a type of anaphylaxis that does not involve an allergic reaction but is due to direct mast cell degranulation.[9][39] Non-immune anaphylaxis is the current term, as of 2018, used by the World Allergy Organization[39] with some recommending that the old terminology, "anaphylactoid", no longer be used.[9]

Allergy skin testing

Skin allergy testing being carried out on the right arm

Allergy testing may help in determining the trigger. Skin allergy testing is available for certain foods and venoms.[18] Blood testing for specific IgE can be useful to confirm milk, egg, peanut, tree nut and fish allergies.[18]

Skin testing is available to confirm penicillin allergies, but is not available for other medications.[18] Non-immune forms of anaphylaxis can only be determined by history or exposure to the allergen in question, and not by skin or blood testing.[39]

Differential diagnosis

It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish anaphylaxis from asthma, syncope, and panic attacks.[3] Asthma however typically does not entail itching or gastrointestinal symptoms, syncope presents with pallor rather than a rash, and a panic attack may have flushing but does not have hives.[3] Other conditions that may present similarly include: scrombroidosis and anisakiasis.[9]

Post-mortem findings

In a person who died from anaphylaxis, autopsy may show an "empty heart" attributed to reduced venous return from vasodilation and redistribution of intravascular volume from the central to the peripheral compartment.[40] Other signs are laryngeal edema, eosinophilia in lungs, heart and tissues, and evidence of myocardial hypoperfusion.[41] Laboratory findings could detect increased levels of serum tryptase, increase in total and specific IgE serum levels.[41]


Avoidance of the trigger of anaphylaxis is recommended. In cases where this may not be possible, desensitization may be an option. Immunotherapy with Hymenoptera venoms is effective at desensitizing 80–90% of adults and 98% of children against allergies to bees, wasps, hornets, yellowjackets, and fire ants. Oral immunotherapy may be effective at desensitizing some people to certain food including milk, eggs, nuts and peanuts; however, adverse effects are common.[3] For example, many people develop an itchy throat, cough, or lip swelling during immunotherapy.[42] Desensitization is also possible for many medications, however it is advised that most people simply avoid the agent in question. In those who react to latex it may be important to avoid cross-reactive foods such as avocados, bananas, and potatoes among others.[3]


Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that may require resuscitation measures such as airway management, supplemental oxygen, large volumes of intravenous fluids, and close monitoring.[8] Passive leg raise may also be helpful in the emergency management.[43]

Administration of epinephrine is the treatment of choice with antihistamines and steroids (for example, dexamethasone) often used as adjuncts.[8] A period of in-hospital observation for between 2 and 24 hours is recommended for people once they have returned to normal due to concerns of biphasic anaphylaxis.[9][13][38][44]


An old version of an EpiPen brand auto-injector

Epinephrine (adrenaline) (1 in 1,000) is the primary treatment for anaphylaxis with no absolute contraindication to its use.[8] It is recommended that an epinephrine solution be given intramuscularly into the mid anterolateral thigh as soon as the diagnosis is suspected. The injection may be repeated every 5 to 15 minutes if there is insufficient response.[8] A second dose is needed in 16–35% of episodes with more than two doses rarely required.[8] The intramuscular route is preferred over subcutaneous administration because the latter may have delayed absorption.[8][45] It is recommended that after diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis, the patient should be kept under observation in an appropriate clinical setting until symptoms have fully resolved.[37] Minor adverse effects from epinephrine include tremors, anxiety, headaches, and palpitations.[3]

People on β-blockers may be resistant to the effects of epinephrine.[9] In this situation if epinephrine is not effective intravenous glucagon can be administered which has a mechanism of action independent of β-receptors.[9]

If necessary, it can also be given intravenously using a dilute epinephrine solution. Intravenous epinephrine, however, has been associated both with dysrhythmia and myocardial infarction.[8] Epinephrine autoinjectors used for self-administration typically come in two doses, one for adults or children who weigh more than 25 kg and one for children who weigh 10 to 25 kg.[46]


Antihistamines (both H1 and H2), while commonly used and assumed effective based on theoretical reasoning, are poorly supported by evidence.[47][48] A 2007 Cochrane review did not find any good-quality studies upon which to base recommendations[48] and they are not believed to have an effect on airway edema or spasm.[9] Corticosteroids are unlikely to make a difference in the current episode of anaphylaxis, but may be used in the hope of decreasing the risk of biphasic anaphylaxis. Their prophylactic effectiveness in these situations is uncertain.[38] Nebulized salbutamol may be effective for bronchospasm that does not resolve with epinephrine.[9] Methylene blue has been used in those not responsive to other measures due to its presumed effect of relaxing smooth muscle.[9]


People prone to anaphylaxis are advised to have an allergy action plan. Parents are advised to inform schools of their children's allergies and what to do in case of an anaphylactic emergency. The action plan usually includes use of epinephrine autoinjectors, the recommendation to wear a medical alert bracelet, and counseling on avoidance of triggers.[49] Immunotherapy is available for certain triggers to prevent future episodes of anaphylaxis. A multi-year course of subcutaneous desensitization has been found effective against stinging insects, while oral desensitization is effective for many foods.[14]


In those in whom the cause is known and prompt treatment is available, the prognosis is good.[50] Even if the cause is unknown, if appropriate preventive medication is available, the prognosis is generally good.[13] If death occurs, it is usually due to either respiratory (typically asphyxia) or cardiovascular causes (shock),[7][9] with 0.7–20% of cases causing death.[13][17] There have been cases of death occurring within minutes.[3] Outcomes in those with exercise-induced anaphylaxis are typically good, with fewer and less severe episodes as people get older.[26]


The number of people who get anaphylaxis is 4–100 per 100,000 persons per year,[9][51] with a lifetime risk of 0.05–2%.[52] About 30% of people get more than one attack.[51] Exercise-induced anaphylaxis affects about 1 in 2000 young people.[22]

Rates appear to be increasing: the numbers in the 1980s were approximately 20 per 100,000 per year, while in the 1990s it was 50 per 100,000 per year.[14] The increase appears to be primarily for food-induced anaphylaxis.[53] The risk is greatest in young people and females.[8][9]

Anaphylaxis leads to as many as 500–1,000 deaths per year (2.7 per million) in the United States, 20 deaths per year in the United Kingdom (0.33 per million), and 15 deaths per year in Australia (0.64 per million).[9] Another estimate from the United States puts the death rate at 0.7 per million.[54] Mortality rates have decreased between the 1970s and 2000s.[55] In Australia, death from food-induced anaphylaxis occur primarily in women while deaths due to insect bites primarily occur in males.[9] Death from anaphylaxis is most commonly triggered by medications.[9]


The conditions of anaphylaxis has been known since ancient times.[39] French physician François Magendie had described how rabbits were killed by repeated injections of egg albumin in 1839.[56] However, the phenomenon was discovered by two French physiologists Charles Richet and Paul Portier.[57] In 1901, Albert I, Prince of Monaco requested Richet and Portier join him on a scientific expedition around the French coast of the Atlantic Ocean,[58] specifically to study on the toxin produced by cnidarians (like jellyfish and sea anemones).[57] Richet and Portier boarded Albert's ship Princesse Alice II for ocean exploration to make collections of the marine animals.[59]

Richet and Portier extracted a toxin called hypnotoxin from their collection of jellyfish (but the real source was later identified as Portuguese man o' war)[60] and sea anemone (Actinia sulcata).[61] In their first experiment on the ship, they injected a dog with the toxin in an attempt to immunise the dog, which instead developed a severe reaction (hypersensitivity). In 1902, they repeated the injections in their laboratory and found that dogs normally tolerated the toxin at first injection, but on re-exposure, three weeks later with the same dose, they always developed fatal shock. They also found that the effect was not related to the doses of toxin used, as even small amounts in secondary injections were lethal.[61] Thus, instead of inducing tolerance (prophylaxis) which they expected, they discovered effects of the toxin as deadly.[62]

In 1902, Richet introduced the term aphylaxis to describe the condition of lack of protection. He later changed the term to anaphylaxis on grounds of euphony.[18] The term is from the Greek ἀνά-, ana-, meaning "against", and φύλαξις, phylaxis, meaning "protection".[63] On 15 February 1902, Richet and Portier jointly presented their findings before the Societé de Biologie in Paris.[64][65] The moment is regarded as the birth of allergy (the term invented by Clemens von Pirquet in 1906) study (allergology).[65] Richet continued to study on the phenomenon and was eventually awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on anaphylaxis in 1913.[59][66]


There are ongoing efforts to develop sublingual epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis. Trials of sublingual epinephrine, currently called AQST-108 (dipivefrin) and sponsored by Aquestive Therapeutics, are in phase 1 trials as of December 2021.[9][67] Subcutaneous injection of the anti-IgE antibody omalizumab is being studied as a method of preventing recurrence, but it is not yet recommended.[needs update][3][68]


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External links

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  • Anaphylaxis at Curlie
  • National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Clinical guideline 134: Anaphylaxis: assessment to confirm an anaphylactic episode and the decision to refer after emergency treatment for a suspected anaphylactic episode. London, 2011. and Anaphylaxis pathway
  • "Anaphylaxis". MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

anaphylaxis, serious, potentially, fatal, allergic, reaction, medical, emergency, that, rapid, onset, requires, immediate, medical, attention, regardless, emergency, medication, site, typically, causes, more, than, following, itchy, rash, throat, closing, swel. Anaphylaxis is a serious potentially fatal allergic reaction and medical emergency that is rapid in onset and requires immediate medical attention regardless of use of emergency medication on site 4 5 It typically causes more than one of the following an itchy rash throat closing due to swelling which can obstruct or stop breathing severe tongue swelling which can also interfere with or stop breathing shortness of breath vomiting lightheadedness loss of consciousness low blood pressure and medical shock 6 1 These symptoms typically start in minutes to hours and then increase very rapidly to life threatening levels 1 Urgent medical treatment is required to prevent serious harm or death even if the patient has used an epipen or has taken other medications in response and even if symptoms appear to be improving 6 AnaphylaxisAngioedema of the face such that the boy cannot open his eyes This reaction was caused by an allergen exposure SpecialtyAllergy and immunologySymptomsItchy rash throat swelling numbness shortness of breath lightheadedness low blood pressure 1 Usual onsetOver minutes to hours 1 TypesAnaphylactoid reaction anaphylactic shock biphasic anaphylaxisCausesInsect bites foods medications 1 Diagnostic methodBased on symptoms 2 Differential diagnosisAllergic reaction angioedema asthma exacerbation carcinoid syndrome 2 TreatmentEpinephrine intravenous fluids 1 Frequency0 05 2 3 Common causes include allergies to insect bites and stings allergies to foods including nuts milk fish shellfish eggs and some fresh fruits or dried fruits allergies to sulfites a class of food preservatives and a byproduct in some fermented foods like vinegar allergies to medications including some antibiotics and non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs NSAIDs like aspirin allergy to general anaesthetic used to make people sleep during surgery allergy to contrast agents dyes used in some medical tests to help certain areas of the body show up better on scans allergy to latex a type of rubber found in some rubber gloves and condoms 6 1 Other causes can include physical exercise and cases may also occur in some people due to escalating reactions to simple throat irritation or may also occur without an obvious reason 6 1 The mechanism involves the release of inflammatory mediators in a rapidly escalating cascade from certain types of white blood cells triggered by either immunologic or non immunologic mechanisms 7 Diagnosis is based on the presenting symptoms and signs after exposure to a potential allergen or irritant and in some cases reaction to physical exercise 6 1 The primary treatment of anaphylaxis is epinephrine injection into a muscle intravenous fluids then placing the person in a reclining position with feet elevated to help restore normal blood flow 1 8 Additional doses of epinephrine may be required 1 Other measures such as antihistamines and steroids are complementary 1 Carrying an epinephrine autoinjector commonly called an epipen and identification regarding the condition is recommended in people with a history of anaphylaxis 1 Immediately contacting ambulance EMT services is always strongly recommended regardless of any on site treatment 6 Getting to a doctor or hospital as soon as possible is absolutely required in all cases even if it appears to be getting better 6 Worldwide 0 05 2 of the population is estimated to experience anaphylaxis at some point in life 3 Globally as underreporting declined into the 2010s the rate appeared to be increasing 3 It occurs most often in young people and females 8 9 About 99 7 of people hospitalized with anaphylaxis in the United States survive 10 Contents 1 Etymology 2 Signs and symptoms 2 1 Skin 2 2 Respiratory 2 3 Cardiovascular 2 4 Other 3 Causes 3 1 Food and alcohol 3 2 Medication 3 3 Venom 3 4 Risk factors 4 Pathophysiology 4 1 Immunologic 4 2 Non immunologic 5 Diagnosis 5 1 Classification 5 2 Allergy skin testing 5 3 Differential diagnosis 5 4 Post mortem findings 6 Prevention 7 Management 7 1 Epinephrine 7 2 Adjuncts 7 3 Preparedness 8 Prognosis 9 Epidemiology 10 History 11 Research 12 References 13 External linksEtymology EditThe word is derived from Ancient Greek ἀna romanized ana lit against and fyla3is romanized phylaxis lit protection 11 Signs and symptoms Edit Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis typically presents many different symptoms over minutes or hours 8 12 with an average onset of 5 to 30 minutes if exposure is intravenous and up to 2 hours if from eating food 13 The most common areas affected include skin 80 90 respiratory 70 gastrointestinal 30 45 heart and vasculature 10 45 and central nervous system 10 15 14 with usually two or more being involved 3 Skin Edit Urticaria and flushing on the back of a person with anaphylaxis Symptoms typically include generalized hives itchiness flushing or swelling angioedema of the affected tissues 4 Those with angioedema may describe a burning sensation of the skin rather than itchiness 13 Swelling of the tongue or throat occurs in up to about 20 of cases 15 Other features may include a runny nose and swelling of the conjunctiva 16 The skin may also be blue tinged because of lack of oxygen 16 Respiratory Edit Respiratory symptoms and signs that may be present include shortness of breath wheezes or stridor 4 The wheezing is typically caused by spasms of the bronchial muscles 17 while stridor is related to upper airway obstruction secondary to swelling 16 Hoarseness pain with swallowing or a cough may also occur 13 Cardiovascular Edit While a fast heart rate caused by low blood pressure is more common 16 a Bezold Jarisch reflex has been described in 10 of people where a slow heart rate is associated with low blood pressure 9 A drop in blood pressure or shock either distributive or cardiogenic may cause the feeling of lightheadedness or loss of consciousness 17 Rarely very low blood pressure may be the only sign of anaphylaxis 15 Coronary artery spasm may occur with subsequent myocardial infarction dysrhythmia or cardiac arrest 3 14 Those with underlying coronary disease are at greater risk of cardiac effects from anaphylaxis 17 The coronary spasm is related to the presence of histamine releasing cells in the heart 17 Other Edit Gastrointestinal symptoms may include severe crampy abdominal pain diarrhea and vomiting 4 There may be confusion a loss of bladder control or pelvic pain similar to that of uterine cramps 4 16 Dilation of blood vessels around the brain may cause headaches 13 A feeling of anxiety or of impending doom has also been described 3 Causes EditAnaphylaxis can occur in response to almost any foreign substance 18 Common triggers include venom from insect bites or stings foods and medication 9 19 Foods are the most common trigger in children and young adults while medications and insect bites and stings are more common in older adults 3 Less common causes include physical factors biological agents such as semen latex hormonal changes food additives and colors and topical medications 16 Physical factors such as exercise known as exercise induced anaphylaxis or temperature either hot or cold may also act as triggers through their direct effects on mast cells 3 20 21 Events caused by exercise are frequently associated with cofactors such as the ingestion of certain foods 13 22 or taking an NSAID 22 In aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease AERD alcohol is a common trigger 23 24 During anesthesia neuromuscular blocking agents antibiotics and latex are the most common causes 25 The cause remains unknown in 32 50 of cases referred to as idiopathic anaphylaxis 26 Six vaccines MMR varicella influenza hepatitis B tetanus meningococcal are recognized as a cause for anaphylaxis and HPV may cause anaphylaxis as well 27 Food and alcohol Edit Many foods can trigger anaphylaxis this may occur upon the first known ingestion 9 Common triggering foods vary around the world due to cultural cuisine In Western cultures ingestion of or exposure to peanuts wheat nuts certain types of seafood like shellfish milk fruit and eggs are the most prevalent causes 3 14 Sesame is common in the Middle East while rice and chickpeas are frequently encountered as sources of anaphylaxis in Asia 3 Severe cases are usually caused by ingesting the allergen 9 but some people experience a severe reaction upon contact Children can outgrow their allergies By age 16 80 of children with anaphylaxis to milk or eggs and 20 who experience isolated anaphylaxis to peanuts can tolerate these foods 18 Any type of alcohol even in small amounts can trigger anaphylaxis in people with AERD 23 24 Medication Edit Any medication may potentially trigger anaphylaxis The most common are b lactam antibiotics such as penicillin followed by aspirin and NSAIDs 14 28 Other antibiotics are implicated less frequently 28 Anaphylactic reactions to NSAIDs are either agent specific or occur among those that are structurally similar meaning that those who are allergic to one NSAID can typically tolerate a different one or different group of NSAIDs 29 Other relatively common causes include chemotherapy vaccines protamine and herbal preparations 3 Some medications vancomycin morphine x ray contrast among others cause anaphylaxis by directly triggering mast cell degranulation 9 The frequency of a reaction to an agent partly depends on the frequency of its use and partly on its intrinsic properties 30 Anaphylaxis to penicillin or cephalosporins occurs only after it binds to proteins inside the body with some agents binding more easily than others 13 Anaphylaxis to penicillin occurs once in every 2 000 to 10 000 courses of treatment with death occurring in fewer than one in every 50 000 courses of treatment 13 Anaphylaxis to aspirin and NSAIDs occurs in about one in every 50 000 persons 13 If someone has a reaction to penicillin his or her risk of a reaction to cephalosporins is greater but still less than one in 1 000 13 The old radiocontrast agents caused reactions in 1 of cases while the newer lower osmolar agents cause reactions in 0 04 of cases 30 Venom Edit Venom from stinging or biting insects such as Hymenoptera ants bees and wasps or Triatominae kissing bugs may cause anaphylaxis in susceptible people 8 31 32 Previous reactions that are anything more than a local reaction around the site of the sting are a risk factor for future anaphylaxis 33 34 however half of fatalities have had no previous systemic reaction 35 Risk factors Edit People with atopic diseases such as asthma eczema or allergic rhinitis are at high risk of anaphylaxis from food latex and radiocontrast agents but not from injectable medications or stings 3 9 One study in children found that 60 had a history of previous atopic diseases and of children who die from anaphylaxis more than 90 have asthma 9 Those with mastocytosis or of a higher socioeconomic status are at increased risk 3 9 Pathophysiology EditAnaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction of rapid onset affecting many body systems 5 7 It is due to the release of inflammatory mediators and cytokines from mast cells and basophils typically due to an immunologic reaction but sometimes non immunologic mechanism 7 Interleukin IL 4 and IL 13 are cytokines important in the initial generation of antibody and inflammatory cell responses to anaphylaxis citation needed Immunologic Edit In the immunologic mechanism immunoglobulin E IgE binds to the antigen the foreign material that provokes the allergic reaction Antigen bound IgE then activates FceRI receptors on mast cells and basophils This leads to the release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine These mediators subsequently increase the contraction of bronchial smooth muscles trigger vasodilation increase the leakage of fluid from blood vessels and cause heart muscle depression 7 13 There is also a non immunologic mechanism that does not rely on IgE but it is not known if this occurs in humans 7 Non immunologic Edit Non immunologic mechanisms involve substances that directly cause the degranulation of mast cells and basophils These include agents such as contrast medium opioids temperature hot or cold and vibration 7 20 Sulfites may cause reactions by both immunologic and non immunologic mechanisms 36 Diagnosis EditAnaphylaxis is diagnosed on the basis of a person s signs and symptoms 3 When any one of the following three occurs within minutes or hours of exposure to an allergen there is a high likelihood of anaphylaxis 3 Involvement of the skin or mucosal tissue plus either respiratory difficulty or a low blood pressure causing symptoms Two or more of the following symptoms after a likely contact with an allergen a Involvement of the skin or mucosa b Respiratory difficulties c Low blood pressure d Gastrointestinal symptoms Low blood pressure after exposure to a known allergenSkin involvement may include hives itchiness or a swollen tongue among others Respiratory difficulties may include shortness of breath stridor or low oxygen levels among others Low blood pressure is defined as a greater than 30 decrease from a person s usual blood pressure In adults a systolic blood pressure of less than 90 mmHg is often used 3 During an attack blood tests for tryptase or histamine released from mast cells might be useful in diagnosing anaphylaxis due to insect stings or medications However these tests are of limited use if the cause is food or if the person has a normal blood pressure 3 and they are not specific for the diagnosis 18 Classification Edit There are three main classifications of anaphylaxis Anaphylactic shock is associated with systemic vasodilation that causes low blood pressure which is by definition 30 lower than the person s baseline or below standard values 15 Biphasic anaphylaxis is the recurrence of symptoms within 1 72 hours after resolution of an initial anaphylactic episode 37 Estimates of incidence vary between less than 1 and up to 20 of cases 37 38 The recurrence typically occurs within 8 hours 9 It is managed in the same manner as anaphylaxis 8 Anaphylactoid reaction non immune anaphylaxis or pseudoanaphylaxis is a type of anaphylaxis that does not involve an allergic reaction but is due to direct mast cell degranulation 9 39 Non immune anaphylaxis is the current term as of 2018 used by the World Allergy Organization 39 with some recommending that the old terminology anaphylactoid no longer be used 9 Allergy skin testing Edit Skin allergy testing being carried out on the right arm Patch test Allergy testing may help in determining the trigger Skin allergy testing is available for certain foods and venoms 18 Blood testing for specific IgE can be useful to confirm milk egg peanut tree nut and fish allergies 18 Skin testing is available to confirm penicillin allergies but is not available for other medications 18 Non immune forms of anaphylaxis can only be determined by history or exposure to the allergen in question and not by skin or blood testing 39 Differential diagnosis Edit It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish anaphylaxis from asthma syncope and panic attacks 3 Asthma however typically does not entail itching or gastrointestinal symptoms syncope presents with pallor rather than a rash and a panic attack may have flushing but does not have hives 3 Other conditions that may present similarly include scrombroidosis and anisakiasis 9 Post mortem findings Edit In a person who died from anaphylaxis autopsy may show an empty heart attributed to reduced venous return from vasodilation and redistribution of intravascular volume from the central to the peripheral compartment 40 Other signs are laryngeal edema eosinophilia in lungs heart and tissues and evidence of myocardial hypoperfusion 41 Laboratory findings could detect increased levels of serum tryptase increase in total and specific IgE serum levels 41 Prevention EditSee also Allergen immunotherapy Avoidance of the trigger of anaphylaxis is recommended In cases where this may not be possible desensitization may be an option Immunotherapy with Hymenoptera venoms is effective at desensitizing 80 90 of adults and 98 of children against allergies to bees wasps hornets yellowjackets and fire ants Oral immunotherapy may be effective at desensitizing some people to certain food including milk eggs nuts and peanuts however adverse effects are common 3 For example many people develop an itchy throat cough or lip swelling during immunotherapy 42 Desensitization is also possible for many medications however it is advised that most people simply avoid the agent in question In those who react to latex it may be important to avoid cross reactive foods such as avocados bananas and potatoes among others 3 Management EditAnaphylaxis is a medical emergency that may require resuscitation measures such as airway management supplemental oxygen large volumes of intravenous fluids and close monitoring 8 Passive leg raise may also be helpful in the emergency management 43 Administration of epinephrine is the treatment of choice with antihistamines and steroids for example dexamethasone often used as adjuncts 8 A period of in hospital observation for between 2 and 24 hours is recommended for people once they have returned to normal due to concerns of biphasic anaphylaxis 9 13 38 44 Epinephrine Edit An old version of an EpiPen brand auto injector Epinephrine adrenaline 1 in 1 000 is the primary treatment for anaphylaxis with no absolute contraindication to its use 8 It is recommended that an epinephrine solution be given intramuscularly into the mid anterolateral thigh as soon as the diagnosis is suspected The injection may be repeated every 5 to 15 minutes if there is insufficient response 8 A second dose is needed in 16 35 of episodes with more than two doses rarely required 8 The intramuscular route is preferred over subcutaneous administration because the latter may have delayed absorption 8 45 It is recommended that after diagnosis and treatment of anaphylaxis the patient should be kept under observation in an appropriate clinical setting until symptoms have fully resolved 37 Minor adverse effects from epinephrine include tremors anxiety headaches and palpitations 3 People on b blockers may be resistant to the effects of epinephrine 9 In this situation if epinephrine is not effective intravenous glucagon can be administered which has a mechanism of action independent of b receptors 9 If necessary it can also be given intravenously using a dilute epinephrine solution Intravenous epinephrine however has been associated both with dysrhythmia and myocardial infarction 8 Epinephrine autoinjectors used for self administration typically come in two doses one for adults or children who weigh more than 25 kg and one for children who weigh 10 to 25 kg 46 Adjuncts Edit Antihistamines both H1 and H2 while commonly used and assumed effective based on theoretical reasoning are poorly supported by evidence 47 48 A 2007 Cochrane review did not find any good quality studies upon which to base recommendations 48 and they are not believed to have an effect on airway edema or spasm 9 Corticosteroids are unlikely to make a difference in the current episode of anaphylaxis but may be used in the hope of decreasing the risk of biphasic anaphylaxis Their prophylactic effectiveness in these situations is uncertain 38 Nebulized salbutamol may be effective for bronchospasm that does not resolve with epinephrine 9 Methylene blue has been used in those not responsive to other measures due to its presumed effect of relaxing smooth muscle 9 Preparedness Edit People prone to anaphylaxis are advised to have an allergy action plan Parents are advised to inform schools of their children s allergies and what to do in case of an anaphylactic emergency The action plan usually includes use of epinephrine autoinjectors the recommendation to wear a medical alert bracelet and counseling on avoidance of triggers 49 Immunotherapy is available for certain triggers to prevent future episodes of anaphylaxis A multi year course of subcutaneous desensitization has been found effective against stinging insects while oral desensitization is effective for many foods 14 Prognosis EditIn those in whom the cause is known and prompt treatment is available the prognosis is good 50 Even if the cause is unknown if appropriate preventive medication is available the prognosis is generally good 13 If death occurs it is usually due to either respiratory typically asphyxia or cardiovascular causes shock 7 9 with 0 7 20 of cases causing death 13 17 There have been cases of death occurring within minutes 3 Outcomes in those with exercise induced anaphylaxis are typically good with fewer and less severe episodes as people get older 26 Epidemiology EditThe number of people who get anaphylaxis is 4 100 per 100 000 persons per year 9 51 with a lifetime risk of 0 05 2 52 About 30 of people get more than one attack 51 Exercise induced anaphylaxis affects about 1 in 2000 young people 22 Rates appear to be increasing the numbers in the 1980s were approximately 20 per 100 000 per year while in the 1990s it was 50 per 100 000 per year 14 The increase appears to be primarily for food induced anaphylaxis 53 The risk is greatest in young people and females 8 9 Anaphylaxis leads to as many as 500 1 000 deaths per year 2 7 per million in the United States 20 deaths per year in the United Kingdom 0 33 per million and 15 deaths per year in Australia 0 64 per million 9 Another estimate from the United States puts the death rate at 0 7 per million 54 Mortality rates have decreased between the 1970s and 2000s 55 In Australia death from food induced anaphylaxis occur primarily in women while deaths due to insect bites primarily occur in males 9 Death from anaphylaxis is most commonly triggered by medications 9 History EditThe conditions of anaphylaxis has been known since ancient times 39 French physician Francois Magendie had described how rabbits were killed by repeated injections of egg albumin in 1839 56 However the phenomenon was discovered by two French physiologists Charles Richet and Paul Portier 57 In 1901 Albert I Prince of Monaco requested Richet and Portier join him on a scientific expedition around the French coast of the Atlantic Ocean 58 specifically to study on the toxin produced by cnidarians like jellyfish and sea anemones 57 Richet and Portier boarded Albert s ship Princesse Alice II for ocean exploration to make collections of the marine animals 59 Richet and Portier extracted a toxin called hypnotoxin from their collection of jellyfish but the real source was later identified as Portuguese man o war 60 and sea anemone Actinia sulcata 61 In their first experiment on the ship they injected a dog with the toxin in an attempt to immunise the dog which instead developed a severe reaction hypersensitivity In 1902 they repeated the injections in their laboratory and found that dogs normally tolerated the toxin at first injection but on re exposure three weeks later with the same dose they always developed fatal shock They also found that the effect was not related to the doses of toxin used as even small amounts in secondary injections were lethal 61 Thus instead of inducing tolerance prophylaxis which they expected they discovered effects of the toxin as deadly 62 In 1902 Richet introduced the term aphylaxis to describe the condition of lack of protection He later changed the term to anaphylaxis on grounds of euphony 18 The term is from the Greek ἀna ana meaning against and fyla3is phylaxis meaning protection 63 On 15 February 1902 Richet and Portier jointly presented their findings before the Societe de Biologie in Paris 64 65 The moment is regarded as the birth of allergy the term invented by Clemens von Pirquet in 1906 study allergology 65 Richet continued to study on the phenomenon and was eventually awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on anaphylaxis in 1913 59 66 Research EditThere are ongoing efforts to develop sublingual epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis Trials of sublingual epinephrine currently called AQST 108 dipivefrin and sponsored by Aquestive Therapeutics are in phase 1 trials as of December 2021 9 67 Subcutaneous injection of the anti IgE antibody omalizumab is being studied as a method of preventing recurrence but it is not yet recommended needs update 3 68 References Edit a b c d e f g h i j k l m Anaphylaxis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases April 23 2015 Archived from the original on 4 May 2015 Retrieved 4 February 2016 a b Caterino Jeffrey M Kahan Scott 2003 In a Page Emergency medicine Lippincott Williams amp Wilkins p 132 ISBN 9781405103572 Archived from the original on 2017 09 08 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x Simons FE Ardusso LR Bilo MB El Gamal YM Ledford DK Ring J Sanchez Borges M Senna GE Sheikh A Thong BY World Allergy Organization February 2011 World allergy 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Immunology 29 3 209 19 PMID 22053590 External links Edit Wikipedia s health care articles can be viewed offline with the Medical Wikipedia app Look up anaphylaxis in Wiktionary the free dictionary Wikimedia Commons has media related to Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis at Curlie National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Clinical guideline 134 Anaphylaxis assessment to confirm an anaphylactic episode and the decision to refer after emergency treatment for a suspected anaphylactic episode London 2011 and Anaphylaxis pathway Anaphylaxis MedlinePlus U S National Library of Medicine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Anaphylaxis amp oldid 1140884012, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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