
Vowel harmony

In phonology, vowel harmony is an assimilatory process in which the vowels of a given domain – typically a phonological word – have to be members of the same natural class (thus "in harmony"). Vowel harmony is typically long distance, meaning that the affected vowels do not need to be immediately adjacent, and there can be intervening segments between the affected vowels. Generally one vowel will trigger a shift in other vowels, either progressively or regressively, within the domain, such that the affected vowels match the relevant feature of the trigger vowel. Common phonological features that define the natural classes of vowels involved in vowel harmony include vowel backness, vowel height, nasalization, roundedness, and advanced and retracted tongue root.

Vowel harmony is found in many agglutinative languages. The given domain of vowel harmony taking effect often spans across morpheme boundaries, and suffixes and prefixes will usually follow vowel harmony rules.


The term vowel harmony is used in two different senses.

In the first sense, it refers to any type of long distance assimilatory process of vowels, either progressive or regressive. When used in this sense, the term vowel harmony is synonymous with the term metaphony.

In the second sense, vowel harmony refers only to progressive vowel harmony (beginning-to-end). For regressive harmony, the term umlaut is used. In this sense, metaphony is the general term while vowel harmony and umlaut are both sub-types of metaphony. The term umlaut is also used in a different sense to refer to a type of vowel gradation. This article will use "vowel harmony" for both progressive and regressive harmony.


Harmony processes are "long-distance" in the sense that the assimilation involves sounds that are separated by intervening segments (usually consonant segments). In other words, harmony refers to the assimilation of sounds that are not adjacent to each other. For example, a vowel at the beginning of a word can trigger assimilation in a vowel at the end of a word. The assimilation occurs across the entire word in many languages. This is represented schematically in the following diagram:

VaCVbCVbC VaCVaCVaC   (Va = type-a vowel, Vb = type-b vowel, C = consonant)

In the diagram above, the Va (type-a vowel) causes the following Vb (type-b vowel) to assimilate and become the same type of vowel (and thus they become, metaphorically, "in harmony").

The vowel that causes the vowel assimilation is frequently termed the trigger while the vowels that assimilate (or harmonize) are termed targets. When the vowel triggers lie within the root or stem of a word and the affixes contain the targets, this is called stem-controlled vowel harmony (the opposite situation is called dominant).[1] This is fairly common among languages with vowel harmony[citation needed] and may be seen in the Hungarian dative suffix:

Root Dative Gloss
város város-nak 'city'
öröm öröm-nek 'joy'

The dative suffix has two different forms -nak/-nek. The -nak form appears after the root with back vowels (o and a are back vowels). The -nek form appears after the root with front vowels (ö and e are front vowels).

Features of vowel harmony

Vowel harmony often involves dimensions such as

Rose & Walker (2011)[2] Ko (2018)[3][4][5] Dimension Value
Backness Harmony Palatal harmony Vowel backness back or front
Round Harmony Labial harmony Roundedness rounded or unrounded
Height Harmony Height harmony Vowel height high or low
Tongue Root Harmony Tongue root harmony Advanced and retracted tongue root advanced or retracted

In many languages, vowels can be said to belong to particular sets or classes, such as back vowels or rounded vowels. Some languages have more than one system of harmony. For instance, Altaic languages are proposed to have a rounding harmony superimposed over a backness harmony.

Even among languages with vowel harmony, not all vowels need to participate in the vowel conversions; these vowels are termed neutral. Neutral vowels may be opaque and block harmonic processes or they may be transparent and not affect them.[1] Intervening consonants are also often transparent.

Finally, languages that do have vowel harmony often allow for lexical disharmony, or words with mixed sets of vowels even when an opaque neutral vowel is not involved. Van der Hulst & van de Weijer (1995) point to two such situations: polysyllabic trigger morphemes may contain non-neutral vowels from opposite harmonic sets and certain target morphemes simply fail to harmonize.[1] Many loanwords exhibit disharmony. For example, Turkish vakit, ('time' [from Arabic waqt]); *vakıt would have been expected.

Languages with vowel harmony


There are three classes of vowels in Korean: positive, negative, and neutral. These categories loosely follow the front (positive) and mid (negative) vowels. Middle Korean had strong vowel harmony; however, this rule is no longer observed strictly in modern Korean. In modern Korean, it is only applied in certain cases such as onomatopoeia, adjectives, adverbs, conjugation, and interjections. The vowel (eu) is considered a partially neutral and a partially negative vowel. There are other traces of vowel harmony in modern Korean: many native Korean words tend to follow vowel harmony such as 사람 (saram, 'person'), and 부엌 (bu-eok, 'kitchen').

Korean Vowel Harmony
Positive/"light" (Yang )/Plus Vowels

양성모음 (Yangseong moeum)

(a, [a]) (ya, [ja]) (o, [o]) (wa, [wa]) (yo, [jo]) ( [ʌ])
(ae, [ɛ]) (yae, [jɛ]) (oe, [ø]) (wae, [wɛ]) ( [joj]) ( [ʌj])
Negative/"dark" (Eum )/Minus Vowels

음성모음 (eumseong moeum)

(eo, [ʌ,ə]) (yeo, [jʌ,jə]) (u, [u]) (wo, [wʌ,wə]) (yu, [ju]) (eu, [ɯ])
(e, [e])) (ye, [je]) (wi, [y], [wi]) (we, [we]) ( [juj]) (ui, [ɰi])
Neutral (Jung )/Centre Vowels

중성모음 (jungseong moeum)

(i, [i])


-RTR э[e] ү[u] ө[o] и[i]
+RTR а[a] у[ʊ] о[ɔ]

Mongolian exhibits both a tongue root harmony and a rounding harmony. In particular, the tongue root harmony involves the vowels: /a, ʊ, ɔ/ (+RTR) and /i, u, e, o/ (-RTR). The vowel /i/ is phonetically similar to the -RTR vowels. However, it is largely transparent to vowel harmony. Rounding harmony only affects the open vowels, /e, o, a, ɔ/. Some sources refer to the primary harmonization dimension as pharyngealization or patalalness (among others), but neither of these is technically correct. Likewise, referring to ±RTR as the sole defining feature of vowel categories in Mongolian is not fully accurate either. In any case, the two vowel categories differ primarily with regards to tongue root position, and ±RTR is a convenient and fairly accurate descriptor for the articulatory parameters involved.[6][7][8]

Turkic languages

Turkic languages inherit their systems of vowel harmony from Proto-Turkic, which already had a fully developed system. The one exception is Uzbek, which has lost its vowel harmony due to extensive Persian influence; however, its closest relative, Uyghur, has retained Turkic vowel harmony.


Azerbaijani's system of vowel harmony has both front/back and rounded/unrounded vowels.[9]

Azerbaijani Vowel Harmony Front Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Vowel e, ə, i ö, ü a, ı o, u
Two form suffix (iki şəkilli şəkilçilər) ə a
Four form suffix (dörd şəkilli şəkilçilər) i ü ı u


Tatar has no neutral vowels. The vowel é is found only in loanwords. Other vowels also could be found in loanwords, but they are seen as Back vowels. Tatar language also has a rounding harmony, but it is not represented in writing. O and ö could be written only in the first syllable, but vowels they mark could be pronounced in the place where ı and e are written.

Front ä e i ö ü
Back a ı í o u é


Kazakh's system of vowel harmony is primarily a front/back system, but there is also a system of rounding harmony that is not represented by the orthography.


Kyrgyz's system of vowel harmony is primarily a front/back system, but there is also a system of rounding harmony, which strongly resembles that of Kazakh.


Turkish has a 2-dimensional vowel harmony system, where vowels are characterised by two features: [±front] and [±rounded]. There are two sets of vocal harmony systems: a simple one and a complex one. The simple one is concerned with the low vowels e, a and has only the [±front] feature (e front vs a back). The complex one is concerned with the high vowels i, ü, ı, u and has both [±front] and [±rounded] features (i front unrounded vs ü front rounded and ı back unrounded vs u back rounded). The close-mid vowels ö, o are not involved in vowel harmony processes.

Turkish Vowel Harmony Front Back
Unrounded Rounded Unrounded Rounded
Vowel e /e/ i /i/ ö /ø/ ü /y/ a /a/ ı /ɯ/ o /o/ u /u/
Simple system e a
Complex system i ü ı u
Front/back harmony

Turkish has two classes of vowels – front and back. Vowel harmony states that words may not contain both front and back vowels. Therefore, most grammatical suffixes come in front and back forms, e.g. Türkiye'de "in Turkey" but Almanya'da "in Germany".

Turkish vowel harmony[10]
Nom.sg Gen.sg. Nom.pl Gen.pl. Gloss
ip ipin ipler iplerin 'rope'
el elin eller ellerin 'hand'
kız kızın kızlar kızların 'girl'
Rounding harmony

In addition, there is a secondary rule that i and ı in suffixes tend to become ü and u respectively after rounded vowels, so certain suffixes have additional forms. This gives constructions such as Türkiye'dir "it is Turkey", kapıdır "it is the door", but gündür "it is the day", karpuzdur "it is the watermelon".


Not all suffixes obey vowel harmony perfectly.

In the suffix -(i)yor, the o is invariant, while the i changes according to the preceding vowel; for example sönüyor – "he/she/it fades". Likewise, in the suffix -(y)ken, the e is invariant: Roma'dayken – "When in Rome"; and so is the i in the suffix -(y)ebil: inanılabilir – "credible". The suffix -ki exhibits partial harmony, never taking a back vowel but allowing only the front-voweled variant -kü: dünkü – "belonging to yesterday"; yarınki – "belonging to tomorrow".

Most Turkish words do not only have vowel harmony for suffixes, but also internally. However, there are many exceptions.

Compound words are considered separate words with respect to vowel harmony: vowels do not have to harmonize between members of the compound (thus forms like bu|gün "this|day" = "today" are permissible). Vowel harmony does not apply for loanwords, as in otobüs – from French "autobus". There are also a few native modern Turkish words that do not follow the rule (such as anne "mother" or kardeş "sibling" which used to obey vowel harmony in their older forms, ana and karındaş, respectively). However, in such words, suffixes nevertheless harmonize with the final vowel; thus annesi – "his/her mother", and voleybolcu – "volleyballer".

In some loanwords the final vowel is an a, o or u and thus looks like a back vowel, but is phonetically actually a front vowel, and governs vowel harmony accordingly. An example is the word saat, meaning "hour" or "clock", a loanword from Arabic. Its plural is saatler. This is not truly an exception to vowel harmony itself; rather, it is an exception to the rule that a denotes a front vowel.

Disharmony tends to disappear through analogy, especially within loanwords; e.g. Hüsnü (a man's name) < earlier Hüsni, from Arabic husnî; Müslüman "Moslem, Muslim (adj. and n.)" < Ottoman Turkish müslimân, from Persian mosalmân).

Uralic languages

Many, though not all, Uralic languages show vowel harmony between front and back vowels. Vowel harmony is often hypothesized to have existed in Proto-Uralic, though its original scope remains a matter of discussion.


Vowel harmony is found in Nganasan and is reconstructed also for Proto-Samoyedic.


Vowel types

Hungarian, like its distant relative Finnish, has the same system of front, back, and intermediate (neutral) vowels but is more complex than the one in Finnish, and some vowel harmony processes. The basic rule is that words including at least one back vowel get back vowel suffixes (karba – in(to) the arm), while words excluding back vowels get front vowel suffixes (kézbe – in(to) the hand). Single-vowel words which have only the neutral vowels (i, í or é) are unpredictable, but e takes a front-vowel suffix.

One essential difference in classification between Hungarian and Finnish is that standard Hungarian (along with 3 out of 10 local dialects) does not observe the difference between Finnish 'ä' [æ] and 'e' [e] – the Hungarian front vowel 'e' [ɛ] is closely pronounced as the Finnish front vowel 'ä' [æ]. 7 out of the 10 local dialects have the vowel ë [e] which has never been part of the Hungarian alphabet, and thus is not used in writing.

Front e é i í ö ő ü ű
Back a á - - o ó u ú
Behaviour of neutral vowels

Unrounded front vowels (or Intermediate or neutral vowels) can occur together with either back vowels (e.g. répa carrot, kocsi car) or rounded front vowels (e.g. tető, tündér), but rounded front vowels and back vowels can occur together only in words of foreign origins (e.g. sofőr = chauffeur, French word for driver). The basic rule is that words including at least one back vowel take back vowel suffixes (e.g. répá|ban in a carrot, kocsi|ban in a car), while words excluding back vowels usually take front vowel suffixes (except for words including only the vowels i or í, for which there is no general rule, e.g. liszt|et, híd|at).

open middle closed
Back ("low") a á o ó u ú
Front ("high") unrounded (neutral)   e é i í
rounded   ö ő ü ű

Some other rules and guidelines to consider:

  • Compound words get suffix according to the last word, e.g.: ártér (floodplain) compound of ár + tér gets front vowel suffix just as the word tér when stands alone (tér|en, ártér|en)
  • In case of words of obvious foreign origins: only the last vowel counts (if it is not i or í): sofőr|höz, nüansz|szal, generál|ás, október|ben, parlament|ben, szoftver|rel
    • If the last vowel of the foreign word is i or í, then the last but one vowel will be taken into consideration, e.g. papír|hoz, Rashid|dal. If the foreign word includes only the vowels i or í then it gets front vowel suffix, e.g.: Mitch-nek ( = for Mitch)
    • There are some non-Hungarian geographical names that have no vowels at all (e.g. the Croatian island of Krk), in which case as the word does not include back vowel, it gets front vowel suffix (e.g. Krk-re = to Krk)
  • For acronyms: the last vowel counts (just as in case of foreign words), e.g.: HR (pronounced: há-er) gets front vowel suffix as the last pronounced vowel is front vowel (HR-rel = with HR)
  • Some 1-syllable Hungarian words with i, í or é are strictly using front suffixes (gép|re, mély|ről, víz > viz|et, hír|ek), while some others can take back suffixes only (héj|ak, szíj|ról, nyíl > nyil|at, zsír|ban, ír|ás)
  • Some foreign words that have fit to the Hungarian language and start with back vowel and end with front vowel can take either front or back suffixes (so can be optionally considered foreign word or Hungarian word): farmer|ban or farmer|ben
Suffixes with multiple forms

Grammatical suffixes in Hungarian can have one, two, three, or four forms:

  • one form: every word gets the same suffix regardless of the included vowels (e.g. -kor)
  • two forms (most common): words get either back vowel or front vowel suffix (as mentioned above) (e.g. -ban/-ben)
  • three forms: there is one back vowel form and two front vowel forms; one for words whose last vowel is rounded front vowel and one for words whose last vowel is not rounded front vowel (e.g. -hoz/-hez/-höz)
  • four forms: there are two back vowel forms and two front vowel forms (e.g. -ot/-at/-et/-öt or simply -t, if the last sound is a vowel)

An example on basic numerals:

-kor (at, for time) -ban/-ben (in) -hoz/-hez/-höz (to) -t/-ot/-at/-et/-öt (accusative)
Back (regular stem) hat (6) hatkor

(low-vowel stem) nyolc (8)
három (3)
száz (100)
Front unrounded (neutral) egy (1)
négy (4)
kilenc (9)
tíz (10)
rounded öt (5)
kettő (2)


Vowel harmony occurred in Southern Mansi.


In the Khanty language, vowel harmony occurs in the Eastern dialects, and affects both inflectional and derivational suffixes. The Vakh-Vasyugan dialect has a particularly extensive system of vowel harmony, with seven different front-back pairs:[11]

Front /æ/ /ø/ /y/ /i/ /ɪ/ /ʏ/
Back /ɑ/ /o/ /u/ /ɯ/ /ʌ/ /ʊ/

The vowels /e/, /œ/ (front) and /ɔ/ (back) can only occur in the first syllable of a word, and do not actively participate in vowel harmony, but they do trigger it.

Vowel harmony is lost in the Northern and Southern dialects, as well as in the Surgut dialect of Eastern Khanty.


Most varieties of the Mari language have vowel harmony.


The Erzya language has a limited system of vowel harmony, involving only two vowel phonemes: /e/ (front) versus /o/ (back).

Moksha, the closest relative of Erzya, has no phonemic vowel harmony, though /ə/ has front and back allophones in a distribution similar to the vowel harmony in Erzya.

Finnic languages

Vowel harmony is found in most of the Finnic languages. It has been lost in Livonian and in Standard Estonian, where the front vowels ü ä ö occur only in the first (stressed) syllable. South Estonian Võro (and Seto) language as well as some [North] Estonian dialects, however, retain vowel harmony.

A diagram illustrating vowel harmony in Finnish.
Finnish vowel harmony and case agreement exemplified by mahdollisissa yllättävissä tilanteissa ("in possible unexpected situations"): mahdollinen takes -ssa, yllättävä takes -ssä and tilanne, with a neutral vowel first but a back vowel second, takes -ssa.

In the Finnish language, there are three classes of vowels – front, back, and neutral, where each front vowel has a back vowel pairing. Grammatical endings such as case and derivational endings – but not enclitics – have only archiphonemic vowels U, O, A, which are realized as either back [u, o, ɑ] or front [y, ø, æ] inside a single word. From vowel harmony it follows that the initial syllable of each single (non-compound) word controls the frontness or backness of the entire word. Non-initially, the neutral vowels are transparent to and unaffected by vowel harmony. In the initial syllable:

  1. a back vowel causes all non-initial syllables to be realized with back (or neutral) vowels, e.g. pos+ahta+(t)aposahtaa
  2. a front vowel causes all non-initial syllables to be realized with front (or neutral) vowels, e.g. räj+ahta+(t)aräjähtää.
  3. a neutral vowel acts like a front vowel, but does not control the frontness or backness of the word: if there are back vowels in non-initial syllables, the word acts like it began with back vowels, even if they come from derivational endings, e.g. sih+ahta+(t)asihahtaa cf. sih+ise+(t)asihistä

For example:

  • kaura begins with back vowel → kauralla
  • kuori begins with back vowel → kuorella
  • sieni begins without back vowels → sienellä (not *sienella)
  • käyrä begins without back vowels → käyrällä
  • tuote begins with back vowels → tuotteessa
  • kerä begins with a neutral vowel → kerällä
  • kera begins with a neutral vowel, but has a noninitial back vowel → keralla

Some dialects that have a sound change opening diphthong codas also permit archiphonemic vowels in the initial syllable. For example, standard 'ie' is reflected as 'ia' or 'iä', controlled by noninitial syllables, in the Tampere dialect, e.g. tiätie but miakkamiekka.

... as evidenced by tuotteessa (not *tuotteessä). Even if phonologically front vowels precede the suffix -nsa, grammatically it is preceded by a word controlled by a back vowel. As shown in the examples, neutral vowels make the system unsymmetrical, as they are front vowels phonologically, but leave the front/back control to any grammatical front or back vowels. There is little or no change in the actual vowel quality of the neutral vowels.

As a consequence, Finnish speakers often have problems with pronouncing foreign words which do not obey vowel harmony. For example, olympia is often pronounced olumpia. The position of some loans is unstandardized (e.g. chattailla/chättäillä) or ill-standardized (e.g. polymeeri, sometimes pronounced polumeeri, and autoritäärinen, which violate vowel harmony). Where a foreign word violates vowel harmony by not using front vowels because it begins with a neutral vowel, then last syllable generally counts, although this rule is irregularly followed.[12] Experiments indicate that e.g. miljonääri always becomes (front) miljonääriä, but marttyyri becomes equally frequently both marttyyria (back) and marttyyriä (front), even by the same speaker.

With respect to vowel harmony, compound words can be considered separate words. For example, syyskuu ("autumn month" i.e. September) has both u and y, but it consists of two words syys and kuu, and declines syys·kuu·ta (not *syyskuutä). The same goes for enclitics, e.g. taaksepäin "backwards" consists of the word taakse "to back" and -päin "-wards", which gives e.g. taaksepäinkään (not *taaksepäinkaan or *taaksepainkaan). If fusion takes place, the vowel is harmonized by some speakers, e.g. tälläinen pro tällainentämän lainen.

Some Finnish words whose stems contain only neutral vowels exhibit an alternating pattern in terms of vowel harmony when inflected or forming new words through derivation. Examples include meri "sea", meressä "in the sea" (inessive), but merta (partitive), not *mertä; veri "blood", verestä "from the blood" (elative), but verta (partitive), not *vertä; pelätä "to be afraid", but pelko "fear", not *pelkö; kipu "pain", but kipeä "sore", not *kipea.

Helsinki slang has slang words that have roots violating vowel harmony, e.g. Sörkka. This can be interpreted as Swedish influence.


Vowel harmony is present in all Yokutsan languages and dialects. For instance, Yawelmani has 4 vowels (which additionally may be either long or short). These can be grouped as in the table below.

Unrounded Rounded
High i u
Low a ɔ

Vowels in suffixes must harmonize with either /u/ or its non-/u/ counterparts or with /ɔ/ or non-/ɔ/ counterparts. For example, the vowel in the aorist suffix appears as /u/ when it follows a /u/ in the root, but when it follows all other vowels it appears as /i/. Similarly, the vowel in the nondirective gerundial suffix appears as /ɔ/ when it follows a /ɔ/ in the root; otherwise it appears as /a/.

Word IPA Comment
-hun/-hin   (aorist suffix)
muṭhun [muʈhun] 'swear (aorist)'
giy̓hin [ɡijˀhin] 'touch (aorist)'
gophin [ɡɔphin] 'take of infant (aorist)'
xathin [xathin] 'eat (aorist)'
-tow/-taw   (nondirective gerundial suffix)
goptow [ɡɔptɔw] 'take care of infant (nondir. ger.)'
giy̓taw [ɡijˀtaw] 'touch (nondir. ger.)'
muṭtaw [muʈtaw] 'swear (nondir. ger.)'
xattaw [xatːaw] 'eat (nondir. ger.)'

In addition to the harmony found in suffixes, there is a harmony restriction on word stems where in stems with more than one syllable all vowels are required to be of the same lip rounding and tongue height dimensions. For example, a stem must contain all high rounded vowels or all low rounded vowels, etc. This restriction is further complicated by (i) long high vowels being lowered and (ii) an epenthetic vowel [i] which does not harmonize with stem vowels.


There is some evidence for vowel harmony according to vowel height or ATR in the prefix i3/e- in inscriptions from pre-Sargonic Lagash (the specifics of the pattern have led a handful of scholars to postulate not only an /o/ phoneme, but even an /ɛ/ and, most recently, an /ɔ/)[13] Many cases of partial or complete assimilation of the vowel of certain prefixes and suffixes to one in the adjacent syllable are reflected in writing in some of the later periods, and there is a noticeable though not absolute tendency for disyllabic stems to have the same vowel in both syllables.[14] What appears to be vowel contraction in hiatus (*/aa/, */ia/, */ua/ > a, */ae/ > a, */ue/ > u, etc.) is also very common.

Other languages

Vowel harmony occurs to some degree in many other languages, such as

Other types of harmony

Although vowel harmony is the most well-known harmony, not all types of harmony that occur in the world's languages involve only vowels. Other types of harmony involve consonants (and is known as consonant harmony). Rarer types of harmony are those that involve tone or both vowels and consonants (e.g. postvelar harmony).

Vowel–consonant harmony

Some languages have harmony processes that involve an interaction between vowels and consonants. For example, Chilcotin has a phonological process known as vowel flattening (i.e. post-velar harmony) where vowels must harmonize with uvular and pharyngealized consonants.

Chilcotin has two classes of vowels:

  • "flat" vowels [ᵊi, e, ᵊɪ, o, ɔ, ə, a]
  • non-"flat" vowels [i, ɪ, u, ʊ, æ, ɛ]

Additionally, Chilcotin has a class of pharyngealized "flat" consonants [tsˤ, tsʰˤ, tsʼˤ, sˤ, zˤ]. Whenever a consonant of this class occurs in a word, all preceding vowels must be flat vowels.

[jətʰeɬtsˤʰosˤ] 'he's holding it (fabric)'
[ʔapələsˤ] 'apples'
[natʰákʼə̃sˤ] 'he'll stretch himself'

If flat consonants do not occur in a word, then all vowels will be of the non-flat class:

[nænɛntʰǽsʊç] 'I'll comb hair'
[tetʰǽskʼɛn] 'I'll burn it'
[tʰɛtɬʊç] 'he laughs'

Other languages of this region of North America (the Plateau culture area), such as St'át'imcets, have similar vowel–consonant harmonic processes.

Syllabic synharmony

Syllabic synharmony was a process in the Proto-Slavic language ancestral to all modern Slavic languages. It refers to the tendency of frontness (palatality) to be generalised across an entire syllable. It was therefore a form of consonant–vowel harmony in which the property 'palatal' or 'non-palatal' applied to an entire syllable at once rather than to each sound individually.

The result was that back vowels were fronted after j or a palatal consonant, and consonants were palatalised before j or a front vowel. Diphthongs were harmonized as well, although they were soon monophthongized because of a tendency to end syllables with a vowel (syllables were or became open). This rule remained in place for a long time, and ensured that a syllable containing a front vowel always began with a palatal consonant, and a syllable containing j was always preceded by a palatal consonant and followed by a front vowel.

A similar process occurs in Skolt Sami, where palatalization of consonants and fronting of vowels is a suprasegmental process applying to a whole syllable. Suprasegmental palatalization is marked with the letter ʹ, which is a Modifier letter prime, for example in the word vääʹrr 'mountain, hill'.

See also


  1. ^ a b c van der Hulst, H., & van de Weijer, J. (1995). Vowel harmony. In J. A. Goldsmith (Ed.), The handbook of phonological theory (pp. 495–534). Oxford: Blackwell.
  2. ^ Rose, S.; Walker, R. (2011). "Harmony Systems.". In J. Goldsmith; J. Riggle; A. Yu (eds.). Handbook of Phonological Theory (2nd ed.). Blackwell.
  3. ^ Ko, S. (2018). Tongue Root Harmony and Vowel Contrast in Northeast Asian Languages. Otto Harrassowitz.
  4. ^ Ko, S., Joseph, A., & Whitman, J. (2014). Comparative consequences of the tongue root harmony analysis for proto-Tungusic, proto-Mongolic, and proto-Korean. In M. Robbeets & W. Bisang (Eds.). Paradigm Change: In the Transeurasian languages and beyond (pp. 141-176). Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
  5. ^ Ko, S. (2011). Vowel contrast and vowel harmony shift in the Mongolic languages. Language Research, 47(1), 23-43.
  6. ^ Svantesson, J.-O., Tsendina, A., Karlsson, A., & Franzén, V. (2005). Vowel Harmony. In The Phonology of Mongolian (pp. 46-57). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  7. ^ Godfrey, R. (2012). Opaque intervention in Khalkha Mongolian vowel harmony: A contrastive account. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics, 22(1), 1-14.
  8. ^ Barrere, I., Janhunen, J. (2019). Mongolian Vowel Harmony in a Eurasian Context. International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics, 1 (1).
  9. ^ Öztopçu, Kurtuluş (2003). Elementary Azerbaijani (2. printing ed.). Santa Monica, Calif. ; İstanbul: [Simurg]. pp. 32, 49. ISBN 975-93773-0-6.
  10. ^ Examples from Roca & Johnson (1999:150)
  11. ^ Gulya, János (1966). Eastern Ostyak chrestomathy. Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic series. Vol. 51. pp. 37–39.
  12. ^ Ringen, Catherine O.; Heinämäki, Orvokki (1999). "Variation in Finnish Vowel Harmony: An OT Account". Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 17 (2): 303–337. doi:10.1023/A:1006158818498. S2CID 169988008.
  13. ^ Smith, Eric J M (2007). "Harmony and the Vowel Inventory of Sumerian". Journal of Cuneiform Studies. 57.
  14. ^ Michalowski, Piotr (2008). "Sumerian". In Woodard, Roger D (ed.). The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum. Cambridge University Press. p. 17.
  15. ^ Issam M. Abu-Salim Journal of Linguistics Vol. 23, No. 1 (Mar., 1987), pp. 1–24
  16. ^ Geoffrey Khan (16 June 2016). The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of the Assyrian Christians of Urmi (4 vols). BRILL. pp. 138–. ISBN 978-90-04-31393-4.
  17. ^ a b c d e Derek Nurse, Gérard Philippson, The Bantu languages, Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-7007-1134-1
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  20. ^ a b "Álvaro Arias. «La armonización vocálica en fonología funcional (de lo sintagmático en fonología a propósito de dos casos de metafonía hispánica)», Moenia 11 (2006): 111–139".
  21. ^ a b c Lloret (2007)
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  25. ^ Denwood, Philip (January 1999). Tibetan. ISBN 9027238030.
  26. ^ Smolek, Amy (2011). Vowel Harmony in Tuvan and Igbo: Statistical and Optimality Theoretic Analyses. Undergraduate Thesis, Swarthmore College https://www.swarthmore.edu/sites/default/files/assets/documents/linguistics/2011_Smolek.pdf


  • Arias, Álvaro (2006): «La armonización vocálica en fonología funcional (de lo sintagmático en fonología a propósito de dos casos de metafonía hispánica)», Moenia 11: 111–139.
  • Delucchi, Rachele (2016), Fonetica e fonologia dell'armonia vocalica. Esiti di -A nei dialetti della Svizzera italiana in prospettiva romanza, vol. Romanica Helvetica 134, Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7720-8509-3
  • Jacobson, Leon Carl. (1978). DhoLuo vowel harmony: A phonetic investigation. Los Angeles: University of California.
  • Krämer, Martin. (2003). Vowel harmony and correspondence theory. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Li, Bing. (1996). Tungusic vowel harmony: Description and analysis. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.
  • Lloret, Maria-Rosa (2007), "On the Nature of Vowel Harmony: Spreading with a Purpose", in Bisetto, Antonietta; Barbieri, Francesco (eds.), Proceedings of the XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, pp. 15–35
  • Piggott, G. & van der Hulst, H. (1997). Locality and the nature of nasal harmony. Lingua, 103, 85-112.
  • Roca, Iggy; Johnson, Wyn (1999), A Course in Phonology, Blackwell Publishing
  • Shahin, Kimary N. (2002). Postvelar harmony. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub.
  • Smith, Norval; & Harry van der Hulst (Eds.). (1988). Features, segmental structure and harmony processes (Pts. 1 & 2). Dordrecht: Foris. ISBN 90-6765-399-3 (pt. 1), ISBN 90-6765-430-2 (pt. 2 ) .
  • Vago, Robert M. (Ed.). (1980). Issues in vowel harmony: Proceedings of the CUNY Linguistic Conference on Vowel Harmony, 14 May 1977. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Vago, Robert M. (1994). Vowel harmony. In R. E. Asher (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (pp. 4954–4958). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
  • Walker, R. L. (1998). Nasalization, Neutral Segments, and Opacity Effects (Doctoral dissertation). University of California, Santa Cruz.

vowel, harmony, poetic, device, assonance, this, article, multiple, issues, please, help, improve, discuss, these, issues, talk, page, learn, when, remove, these, template, messages, this, article, includes, list, general, references, lacks, sufficient, corres. For the poetic device see Assonance This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article includes a list of general references but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations April 2023 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article s lead section may be too short to adequately summarize the key points Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article August 2020 This article or section should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why November 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message In phonology vowel harmony is an assimilatory process in which the vowels of a given domain typically a phonological word have to be members of the same natural class thus in harmony Vowel harmony is typically long distance meaning that the affected vowels do not need to be immediately adjacent and there can be intervening segments between the affected vowels Generally one vowel will trigger a shift in other vowels either progressively or regressively within the domain such that the affected vowels match the relevant feature of the trigger vowel Common phonological features that define the natural classes of vowels involved in vowel harmony include vowel backness vowel height nasalization roundedness and advanced and retracted tongue root Vowel harmony is found in many agglutinative languages The given domain of vowel harmony taking effect often spans across morpheme boundaries and suffixes and prefixes will usually follow vowel harmony rules Contents 1 Terminology 2 Long distance 3 Features of vowel harmony 4 Languages with vowel harmony 4 1 Korean 4 2 Mongolian 4 3 Turkic languages 4 3 1 Azerbaijani 4 3 2 Tatar 4 3 3 Kazakh 4 3 4 Kyrgyz 4 3 5 Turkish 4 3 5 1 Front back harmony 4 3 5 2 Rounding harmony 4 3 5 3 Exceptions 4 4 Uralic languages 4 4 1 Samoyedic 4 4 2 Hungarian 4 4 2 1 Vowel types 4 4 2 2 Behaviour of neutral vowels 4 4 2 3 Suffixes with multiple forms 4 4 3 Mansi 4 4 4 Khanty 4 4 5 Mari 4 4 6 Erzya 4 4 7 Finnic languages 4 4 7 1 Finnish 4 5 Yokuts 4 6 Sumerian 4 7 Other languages 5 Other types of harmony 5 1 Vowel consonant harmony 5 2 Syllabic synharmony 6 See also 7 References 8 BibliographyTerminology EditSee also Germanic umlaut I mutation and Metaphony The term vowel harmony is used in two different senses In the first sense it refers to any type of long distance assimilatory process of vowels either progressive or regressive When used in this sense the term vowel harmony is synonymous with the term metaphony In the second sense vowel harmony refers only to progressive vowel harmony beginning to end For regressive harmony the term umlaut is used In this sense metaphony is the general term while vowel harmony and umlaut are both sub types of metaphony The term umlaut is also used in a different sense to refer to a type of vowel gradation This article will use vowel harmony for both progressive and regressive harmony Long distance EditHarmony processes are long distance in the sense that the assimilation involves sounds that are separated by intervening segments usually consonant segments In other words harmony refers to the assimilation of sounds that are not adjacent to each other For example a vowel at the beginning of a word can trigger assimilation in a vowel at the end of a word The assimilation occurs across the entire word in many languages This is represented schematically in the following diagram beforeassimilation afterassimilationVa CVb CVb C Va CVa CVa C Va type a vowel Vb type b vowel C consonant In the diagram above the Va type a vowel causes the following Vb type b vowel to assimilate and become the same type of vowel and thus they become metaphorically in harmony The vowel that causes the vowel assimilation is frequently termed the trigger while the vowels that assimilate or harmonize are termed targets When the vowel triggers lie within the root or stem of a word and the affixes contain the targets this is called stem controlled vowel harmony the opposite situation is called dominant 1 This is fairly common among languages with vowel harmony citation needed and may be seen in the Hungarian dative suffix Root Dative Glossvaros varos nak city orom orom nek joy The dative suffix has two different forms nak nek The nak form appears after the root with back vowels o and a are back vowels The nek form appears after the root with front vowels o and e are front vowels Features of vowel harmony EditVowel harmony often involves dimensions such as Rose amp Walker 2011 2 Ko 2018 3 4 5 Dimension ValueBackness Harmony Palatal harmony Vowel backness back or frontRound Harmony Labial harmony Roundedness rounded or unroundedHeight Harmony Height harmony Vowel height high or lowTongue Root Harmony Tongue root harmony Advanced and retracted tongue root advanced or retractedNasalization i e oral or nasal in this case a nasal consonant is usually the trigger citation needed In many languages vowels can be said to belong to particular sets or classes such as back vowels or rounded vowels Some languages have more than one system of harmony For instance Altaic languages are proposed to have a rounding harmony superimposed over a backness harmony Even among languages with vowel harmony not all vowels need to participate in the vowel conversions these vowels are termed neutral Neutral vowels may be opaque and block harmonic processes or they may be transparent and not affect them 1 Intervening consonants are also often transparent Finally languages that do have vowel harmony often allow for lexical disharmony or words with mixed sets of vowels even when an opaque neutral vowel is not involved Van der Hulst amp van de Weijer 1995 point to two such situations polysyllabic trigger morphemes may contain non neutral vowels from opposite harmonic sets and certain target morphemes simply fail to harmonize 1 Many loanwords exhibit disharmony For example Turkish vakit time from Arabic waqt vakit would have been expected Languages with vowel harmony EditKorean Edit There are three classes of vowels in Korean positive negative and neutral These categories loosely follow the front positive and mid negative vowels Middle Korean had strong vowel harmony however this rule is no longer observed strictly in modern Korean In modern Korean it is only applied in certain cases such as onomatopoeia adjectives adverbs conjugation and interjections The vowel ㅡ eu is considered a partially neutral and a partially negative vowel There are other traces of vowel harmony in modern Korean many native Korean words tend to follow vowel harmony such as 사람 saram person and 부엌 bu eok kitchen Korean Vowel Harmony Positive light Yang 陽 Plus Vowels 양성모음 Yangseong moeum ㅏ a a ㅑ ya ja ㅗ o o ㅘ wa wa ㅛ yo jo ㆍ ʌ ㅐ ae ɛ ㅒ yae jɛ ㅚ oe o ㅙ wae wɛ ㆉ joj ㆎ ʌj Negative dark Eum 陰 Minus Vowels 음성모음 eumseong moeum ㅓ eo ʌ e ㅕ yeo jʌ je ㅜ u u ㅝ wo wʌ we ㅠ yu ju ㅡ eu ɯ ㅔ e e ㅖ ye je ㅟ wi y wi ㅞ we we ㆌ juj ㅢ ui ɰi Neutral Jung 中 Centre Vowels 중성모음 jungseong moeum ㅣ i i Mongolian Edit RTR e e ү u o o i i RTR a a u ʊ o ɔ Mongolian exhibits both a tongue root harmony and a rounding harmony In particular the tongue root harmony involves the vowels a ʊ ɔ RTR and i u e o RTR The vowel i is phonetically similar to the RTR vowels However it is largely transparent to vowel harmony Rounding harmony only affects the open vowels e o a ɔ Some sources refer to the primary harmonization dimension as pharyngealization or patalalness among others but neither of these is technically correct Likewise referring to RTR as the sole defining feature of vowel categories in Mongolian is not fully accurate either In any case the two vowel categories differ primarily with regards to tongue root position and RTR is a convenient and fairly accurate descriptor for the articulatory parameters involved 6 7 8 Turkic languages Edit Turkic languages inherit their systems of vowel harmony from Proto Turkic which already had a fully developed system The one exception is Uzbek which has lost its vowel harmony due to extensive Persian influence however its closest relative Uyghur has retained Turkic vowel harmony Azerbaijani Edit Azerbaijani s system of vowel harmony has both front back and rounded unrounded vowels 9 Azerbaijani Vowel Harmony Front BackUnrounded Rounded Unrounded RoundedVowel e e i o u a i o uTwo form suffix iki sekilli sekilciler e aFour form suffix dord sekilli sekilciler i u i uTatar Edit Tatar has no neutral vowels The vowel e is found only in loanwords Other vowels also could be found in loanwords but they are seen as Back vowels Tatar language also has a rounding harmony but it is not represented in writing O and o could be written only in the first syllable but vowels they mark could be pronounced in the place where i and e are written Front a e i o uBack a i i o u eKazakh Edit Kazakh s system of vowel harmony is primarily a front back system but there is also a system of rounding harmony that is not represented by the orthography Kyrgyz Edit Kyrgyz s system of vowel harmony is primarily a front back system but there is also a system of rounding harmony which strongly resembles that of Kazakh Turkish Edit Turkish has a 2 dimensional vowel harmony system where vowels are characterised by two features front and rounded There are two sets of vocal harmony systems a simple one and a complex one The simple one is concerned with the low vowels e a and has only the front feature e front vs a back The complex one is concerned with the high vowels i u i u and has both front and rounded features i front unrounded vs u front rounded and i back unrounded vs u back rounded The close mid vowels o o are not involved in vowel harmony processes Turkish Vowel Harmony Front BackUnrounded Rounded Unrounded RoundedVowel e e i i o o u y a a i ɯ o o u u Simple system e aComplex system i u i uFront back harmony Edit Turkish has two classes of vowels front and back Vowel harmony states that words may not contain both front and back vowels Therefore most grammatical suffixes come in front and back forms e g Turkiye de in Turkey but Almanya da in Germany Turkish vowel harmony 10 Nom sg Gen sg Nom pl Gen pl Glossip ipin ipler iplerin rope el elin eller ellerin hand kiz kizin kizlar kizlarin girl Rounding harmony Edit In addition there is a secondary rule that i and i in suffixes tend to become u and u respectively after rounded vowels so certain suffixes have additional forms This gives constructions such as Turkiye dir it is Turkey kapidir it is the door but gundur it is the day karpuzdur it is the watermelon Exceptions Edit Not all suffixes obey vowel harmony perfectly In the suffix i yor the o is invariant while the i changes according to the preceding vowel for example sonuyor he she it fades Likewise in the suffix y ken the e is invariant Roma dayken When in Rome and so is the i in the suffix y ebil inanilabilir credible The suffix ki exhibits partial harmony never taking a back vowel but allowing only the front voweled variant ku dunku belonging to yesterday yarinki belonging to tomorrow Most Turkish words do not only have vowel harmony for suffixes but also internally However there are many exceptions Compound words are considered separate words with respect to vowel harmony vowels do not have to harmonize between members of the compound thus forms like bu gun this day today are permissible Vowel harmony does not apply for loanwords as in otobus from French autobus There are also a few native modern Turkish words that do not follow the rule such as anne mother or kardes sibling which used to obey vowel harmony in their older forms ana and karindas respectively However in such words suffixes nevertheless harmonize with the final vowel thus annesi his her mother and voleybolcu volleyballer In some loanwords the final vowel is an a o or u and thus looks like a back vowel but is phonetically actually a front vowel and governs vowel harmony accordingly An example is the word saat meaning hour or clock a loanword from Arabic Its plural is saatler This is not truly an exception to vowel harmony itself rather it is an exception to the rule that a denotes a front vowel Disharmony tends to disappear through analogy especially within loanwords e g Husnu a man s name lt earlier Husni from Arabic husni Musluman Moslem Muslim adj and n lt Ottoman Turkish musliman from Persian mosalman Uralic languages Edit Many though not all Uralic languages show vowel harmony between front and back vowels Vowel harmony is often hypothesized to have existed in Proto Uralic though its original scope remains a matter of discussion Samoyedic Edit Vowel harmony is found in Nganasan and is reconstructed also for Proto Samoyedic Hungarian Edit Vowel types Edit Hungarian like its distant relative Finnish has the same system of front back and intermediate neutral vowels but is more complex than the one in Finnish and some vowel harmony processes The basic rule is that words including at least one back vowel get back vowel suffixes karba in to the arm while words excluding back vowels get front vowel suffixes kezbe in to the hand Single vowel words which have only the neutral vowels i i or e are unpredictable but e takes a front vowel suffix One essential difference in classification between Hungarian and Finnish is that standard Hungarian along with 3 out of 10 local dialects does not observe the difference between Finnish a ae and e e the Hungarian front vowel e ɛ is closely pronounced as the Finnish front vowel a ae 7 out of the 10 local dialects have the vowel e e which has never been part of the Hungarian alphabet and thus is not used in writing Front e e i i o o u uBack a a o o u uBehaviour of neutral vowels Edit Unrounded front vowels or Intermediate or neutral vowels can occur together with either back vowels e g repa carrot kocsi car or rounded front vowels e g teto tunder but rounded front vowels and back vowels can occur together only in words of foreign origins e g sofor chauffeur French word for driver The basic rule is that words including at least one back vowel take back vowel suffixes e g repa ban in a carrot kocsi ban in a car while words excluding back vowels usually take front vowel suffixes except for words including only the vowels i or i for which there is no general rule e g liszt et hid at open middle closedBack low a a o o u uFront high unrounded neutral e e i irounded o o u uSome other rules and guidelines to consider Compound words get suffix according to the last word e g arter floodplain compound of ar ter gets front vowel suffix just as the word ter when stands alone ter en arter en In case of words of obvious foreign origins only the last vowel counts if it is not i or i sofor hoz nuansz szal general as oktober ben parlament ben szoftver rel If the last vowel of the foreign word is i or i then the last but one vowel will be taken into consideration e g papir hoz Rashid dal If the foreign word includes only the vowels i or i then it gets front vowel suffix e g Mitch nek for Mitch There are some non Hungarian geographical names that have no vowels at all e g the Croatian island of Krk in which case as the word does not include back vowel it gets front vowel suffix e g Krk re to Krk For acronyms the last vowel counts just as in case of foreign words e g HR pronounced ha er gets front vowel suffix as the last pronounced vowel is front vowel HR rel with HR Some 1 syllable Hungarian words with i i or e are strictly using front suffixes gep re mely rol viz gt viz et hir ek while some others can take back suffixes only hej ak szij rol nyil gt nyil at zsir ban ir as Some foreign words that have fit to the Hungarian language and start with back vowel and end with front vowel can take either front or back suffixes so can be optionally considered foreign word or Hungarian word farmer ban or farmer benSuffixes with multiple forms Edit Grammatical suffixes in Hungarian can have one two three or four forms one form every word gets the same suffix regardless of the included vowels e g kor two forms most common words get either back vowel or front vowel suffix as mentioned above e g ban ben three forms there is one back vowel form and two front vowel forms one for words whose last vowel is rounded front vowel and one for words whose last vowel is not rounded front vowel e g hoz hez hoz four forms there are two back vowel forms and two front vowel forms e g ot at et ot or simply t if the last sound is a vowel An example on basic numerals kor at for time ban ben in hoz hez hoz to t ot at et ot accusative Back regular stem hat 6 hatkornyolckorharomkor egykornegykorkilenckortizkorotkorkettokor hatbannyolcbanharombanszazban hathoznyolchozharomhozszazhoz hatot low vowel stem nyolc 8 harom 3 szaz 100 nyolcatharmatszazatFront unrounded neutral egy 1 negy 4 kilenc 9 tiz 10 egybennegybenkilencbentizbenotbenkettoben egyheznegyhezkilencheztizhez egyet negyet kilencettizetrounded ot 5 ketto 2 othozkettohoz otot kettotMansi Edit Vowel harmony occurred in Southern Mansi Khanty Edit In the Khanty language vowel harmony occurs in the Eastern dialects and affects both inflectional and derivational suffixes The Vakh Vasyugan dialect has a particularly extensive system of vowel harmony with seven different front back pairs 11 Front ae o y i ɪ ʏ Back ɑ o u ɯ ʌ ʊ The vowels e œ front and ɔ back can only occur in the first syllable of a word and do not actively participate in vowel harmony but they do trigger it Vowel harmony is lost in the Northern and Southern dialects as well as in the Surgut dialect of Eastern Khanty Mari Edit Most varieties of the Mari language have vowel harmony Erzya Edit The Erzya language has a limited system of vowel harmony involving only two vowel phonemes e front versus o back Moksha the closest relative of Erzya has no phonemic vowel harmony though e has front and back allophones in a distribution similar to the vowel harmony in Erzya Finnic languages Edit Vowel harmony is found in most of the Finnic languages It has been lost in Livonian and in Standard Estonian where the front vowels u a o occur only in the first stressed syllable South Estonian Voro and Seto language as well as some North Estonian dialects however retain vowel harmony Finnish Edit A diagram illustrating vowel harmony in Finnish Finnish vowel harmony and case agreement exemplified by mahdollisissa yllattavissa tilanteissa in possible unexpected situations mahdollinen takes ssa yllattava takes ssa and tilanne with a neutral vowel first but a back vowel second takes ssa In the Finnish language there are three classes of vowels front back and neutral where each front vowel has a back vowel pairing Grammatical endings such as case and derivational endings but not enclitics have only archiphonemic vowels U O A which are realized as either back u o ɑ or front y o ae inside a single word From vowel harmony it follows that the initial syllable of each single non compound word controls the frontness or backness of the entire word Non initially the neutral vowels are transparent to and unaffected by vowel harmony In the initial syllable a back vowel causes all non initial syllables to be realized with back or neutral vowels e g pos ahta t a posahtaa a front vowel causes all non initial syllables to be realized with front or neutral vowels e g raj ahta t a rajahtaa a neutral vowel acts like a front vowel but does not control the frontness or backness of the word if there are back vowels in non initial syllables the word acts like it began with back vowels even if they come from derivational endings e g sih ahta t a sihahtaa cf sih ise t a sihistaFor example kaura begins with back vowel kauralla kuori begins with back vowel kuorella sieni begins without back vowels sienella not sienella kayra begins without back vowels kayralla tuote begins with back vowels tuotteessa kera begins with a neutral vowel keralla kera begins with a neutral vowel but has a noninitial back vowel kerallaSome dialects that have a sound change opening diphthong codas also permit archiphonemic vowels in the initial syllable For example standard ie is reflected as ia or ia controlled by noninitial syllables in the Tampere dialect e g tia tie but miakka miekka as evidenced by tuotteessa not tuotteessa Even if phonologically front vowels precede the suffix nsa grammatically it is preceded by a word controlled by a back vowel As shown in the examples neutral vowels make the system unsymmetrical as they are front vowels phonologically but leave the front back control to any grammatical front or back vowels There is little or no change in the actual vowel quality of the neutral vowels As a consequence Finnish speakers often have problems with pronouncing foreign words which do not obey vowel harmony For example olympia is often pronounced olumpia The position of some loans is unstandardized e g chattailla chattailla or ill standardized e g polymeeri sometimes pronounced polumeeri and autoritaarinen which violate vowel harmony Where a foreign word violates vowel harmony by not using front vowels because it begins with a neutral vowel then last syllable generally counts although this rule is irregularly followed 12 Experiments indicate that e g miljonaari always becomes front miljonaaria but marttyyri becomes equally frequently both marttyyria back and marttyyria front even by the same speaker With respect to vowel harmony compound words can be considered separate words For example syyskuu autumn month i e September has both u and y but it consists of two words syys and kuu and declines syys kuu ta not syyskuuta The same goes for enclitics e g taaksepain backwards consists of the word taakse to back and pain wards which gives e g taaksepainkaan not taaksepainkaan or taaksepainkaan If fusion takes place the vowel is harmonized by some speakers e g tallainen pro tallainen taman lainen Some Finnish words whose stems contain only neutral vowels exhibit an alternating pattern in terms of vowel harmony when inflected or forming new words through derivation Examples include meri sea meressa in the sea inessive but merta partitive not merta veri blood veresta from the blood elative but verta partitive not verta pelata to be afraid but pelko fear not pelko kipu pain but kipea sore not kipea Helsinki slang has slang words that have roots violating vowel harmony e g Sorkka This can be interpreted as Swedish influence Yokuts Edit Vowel harmony is present in all Yokutsan languages and dialects For instance Yawelmani has 4 vowels which additionally may be either long or short These can be grouped as in the table below Unrounded RoundedHigh i uLow a ɔVowels in suffixes must harmonize with either u or its non u counterparts or with ɔ or non ɔ counterparts For example the vowel in the aorist suffix appears as u when it follows a u in the root but when it follows all other vowels it appears as i Similarly the vowel in the nondirective gerundial suffix appears as ɔ when it follows a ɔ in the root otherwise it appears as a Word IPA Comment hun hin aorist suffix muṭhun muʈhun swear aorist giy hin ɡijˀhin touch aorist gophin ɡɔphin take of infant aorist xathin xathin eat aorist tow taw nondirective gerundial suffix goptow ɡɔptɔw take care of infant nondir ger giy taw ɡijˀtaw touch nondir ger muṭtaw muʈtaw swear nondir ger xattaw xatːaw eat nondir ger In addition to the harmony found in suffixes there is a harmony restriction on word stems where in stems with more than one syllable all vowels are required to be of the same lip rounding and tongue height dimensions For example a stem must contain all high rounded vowels or all low rounded vowels etc This restriction is further complicated by i long high vowels being lowered and ii an epenthetic vowel i which does not harmonize with stem vowels Sumerian Edit There is some evidence for vowel harmony according to vowel height or ATR in the prefix i3 e in inscriptions from pre Sargonic Lagash the specifics of the pattern have led a handful of scholars to postulate not only an o phoneme but even an ɛ and most recently an ɔ 13 Many cases of partial or complete assimilation of the vowel of certain prefixes and suffixes to one in the adjacent syllable are reflected in writing in some of the later periods and there is a noticeable though not absolute tendency for disyllabic stems to have the same vowel in both syllables 14 What appears to be vowel contraction in hiatus aa ia ua gt a ae gt a ue gt u etc is also very common Other languages Edit Vowel harmony occurs to some degree in many other languages such as Several dialects of Arabic see imala including Palestinian Arabic 15 Iraqi Arabic Lebanese Arabic Akan languages tongue root position Assamese Australian Aboriginal languages Jingulu Warlpiri Assyrian Neo Aramaic vowel harmony of one particular timbre across all vowels of a word 16 Several Bantu languages such as Standard Lingala height Kgalagadi height 17 Malila height 18 Phuthi right to left and left to right 17 Shona 19 Southern Sotho right to left and left to right 17 Northern Sotho right to left and left to right 17 Tswana right to left and left to right 17 Bezhta Bengali Some Chadic languages such as Buwal Chukchi Coeur d Alene tongue root position and height Coosan languages Dusun languages Iberian languages Astur Leonese 20 Galician 20 and Portuguese dialects Catalan Valencian 21 Eastern Andalusian Spanish 21 Murcian Spanish 21 Igbo tongue root position Italo Romance languages several Swiss Italian dialects including total vowel harmony systems 22 Japanese language in some of the Kansai dialects 23 Additionally some who consider that vowel harmony must have existed at one time in Old Japanese though there is no broad consensus See the pertinent Phonology Maiduan languages Nez Perce Nilotic languages Buchan Scots is a Scots dialect with vowel height harmony compare here hairy rili really This effect is blocked by voiced obstruents and certain consonant clusters bebi baby lʌmpi lumpy 24 Somali Takelma Telugu Several Tibetic languages including Lhasa Tibetan 25 Tungusic languages such as Manchu Tuvan 26 Utian languages Urhobo Yurok and Qiang are unique in having rhotic vowel harmony Other types of harmony EditAlthough vowel harmony is the most well known harmony not all types of harmony that occur in the world s languages involve only vowels Other types of harmony involve consonants and is known as consonant harmony Rarer types of harmony are those that involve tone or both vowels and consonants e g postvelar harmony Vowel consonant harmony Edit Some languages have harmony processes that involve an interaction between vowels and consonants For example Chilcotin has a phonological process known as vowel flattening i e post velar harmony where vowels must harmonize with uvular and pharyngealized consonants Chilcotin has two classes of vowels flat vowels ᵊi e ᵊɪ o ɔ e a non flat vowels i ɪ u ʊ ae ɛ Additionally Chilcotin has a class of pharyngealized flat consonants tsˤ tsʰˤ tsʼˤ sˤ zˤ Whenever a consonant of this class occurs in a word all preceding vowels must be flat vowels jetʰeɬtsˤʰosˤ he s holding it fabric ʔapelesˤ apples natʰakʼe sˤ he ll stretch himself If flat consonants do not occur in a word then all vowels will be of the non flat class naenɛntʰǽsʊc I ll comb hair tetʰǽskʼɛn I ll burn it tʰɛtɬʊc he laughs Other languages of this region of North America the Plateau culture area such as St at imcets have similar vowel consonant harmonic processes Syllabic synharmony Edit Syllabic synharmony was a process in the Proto Slavic language ancestral to all modern Slavic languages It refers to the tendency of frontness palatality to be generalised across an entire syllable It was therefore a form of consonant vowel harmony in which the property palatal or non palatal applied to an entire syllable at once rather than to each sound individually The result was that back vowels were fronted after j or a palatal consonant and consonants were palatalised before j or a front vowel Diphthongs were harmonized as well although they were soon monophthongized because of a tendency to end syllables with a vowel syllables were or became open This rule remained in place for a long time and ensured that a syllable containing a front vowel always began with a palatal consonant and a syllable containing j was always preceded by a palatal consonant and followed by a front vowel A similar process occurs in Skolt Sami where palatalization of consonants and fronting of vowels is a suprasegmental process applying to a whole syllable Suprasegmental palatalization is marked with the letter ʹ which is a Modifier letter prime for example in the word vaaʹrr mountain hill See also EditA mutation Ablaut reduplication Apophony Consonant harmony Consonant mutation Germanic umlaut I mutation Metaphony U mutationReferences Edit a b c van der Hulst H amp van de Weijer J 1995 Vowel harmony In J A Goldsmith Ed The handbook of phonological theory pp 495 534 Oxford Blackwell Rose S Walker R 2011 Harmony Systems In J Goldsmith J Riggle A Yu eds Handbook of Phonological Theory 2nd ed Blackwell Ko S 2018 Tongue Root Harmony and Vowel Contrast in Northeast Asian Languages Otto Harrassowitz Ko S Joseph A amp Whitman J 2014 Comparative consequences of the tongue root harmony analysis for proto Tungusic proto Mongolic and proto Korean In M Robbeets amp W Bisang Eds Paradigm Change In the Transeurasian languages and beyond pp 141 176 Philadelphia PA John Benjamins Ko S 2011 Vowel contrast and vowel harmony shift in the Mongolic languages Language Research 47 1 23 43 Svantesson J O Tsendina A Karlsson A amp Franzen V 2005 Vowel Harmony In The Phonology of Mongolian pp 46 57 New York NY Oxford University Press Godfrey R 2012 Opaque intervention in Khalkha Mongolian vowel harmony A contrastive account McGill Working Papers in Linguistics 22 1 1 14 Barrere I Janhunen J 2019 Mongolian Vowel Harmony in a Eurasian Context International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics 1 1 Oztopcu Kurtulus 2003 Elementary Azerbaijani 2 printing ed Santa Monica Calif Istanbul Simurg pp 32 49 ISBN 975 93773 0 6 Examples from Roca amp Johnson 1999 150 Gulya Janos 1966 Eastern Ostyak chrestomathy Indiana University Publications Uralic and Altaic series Vol 51 pp 37 39 Ringen Catherine O Heinamaki Orvokki 1999 Variation in Finnish Vowel Harmony An OT Account Natural Language amp Linguistic Theory 17 2 303 337 doi 10 1023 A 1006158818498 S2CID 169988008 Smith Eric J M 2007 Harmony and the Vowel Inventory of Sumerian Journal of Cuneiform Studies 57 Michalowski Piotr 2008 Sumerian In Woodard Roger D ed The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia Egypt and Aksum Cambridge University Press p 17 Issam M Abu Salim Journal of Linguistics Vol 23 No 1 Mar 1987 pp 1 24 Geoffrey Khan 16 June 2016 The Neo Aramaic Dialect of the Assyrian Christians of Urmi 4 vols BRILL pp 138 ISBN 978 90 04 31393 4 a b c d e Derek Nurse Gerard Philippson The Bantu languages Routledge 2003 ISBN 0 7007 1134 1 Lojenga Constance Kutsch Two types of vowel harmony in Malila M 24 PDF SIL Leiden University Archived from the original PDF on 19 July 2011 Retrieved 22 November 2009 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Beckman Jill N 1997 Positional Faithfulness Positional Neutralisation and Shona Vowel Harmony Phonology 14 1 1 46 doi 10 1017 S0952675797003308 ISSN 0952 6757 JSTOR 4420090 S2CID 8386444 a b Alvaro Arias La armonizacion vocalica en fonologia funcional de lo sintagmatico en fonologia a proposito de dos casos de metafonia hispanica Moenia 11 2006 111 139 a b c Lloret 2007 Delucchi Rachele 2016 Fonetica e fonologia dell armonia vocalica Esiti di A nei dialetti della Svizzera italiana in prospettiva romanza Tubingen Narr Francke Verlag ISBN 978 3 7720 8509 3 Z Yoshida Yuko Accents in Tokyo and Kyoto Japanese Vowel Quality in terms of Duration and Licensing Potency PDF Retrieved 25 October 2016 Paster Mary 2004 Vowel height harmony and blocking in Buchan Scots PDF Phonology 21 3 359 407 doi 10 1017 S0952675704000314 S2CID 53455589 Denwood Philip January 1999 Tibetan ISBN 9027238030 Smolek Amy 2011 Vowel Harmony in Tuvan and Igbo Statistical and Optimality Theoretic Analyses Undergraduate Thesis Swarthmore College https www swarthmore edu sites default files assets documents linguistics 2011 Smolek pdfBibliography EditArias Alvaro 2006 La armonizacion vocalica en fonologia funcional de lo sintagmatico en fonologia a proposito de 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amp Harry van der Hulst Eds 1988 Features segmental structure and harmony processes Pts 1 amp 2 Dordrecht Foris ISBN 90 6765 399 3 pt 1 ISBN 90 6765 430 2 pt 2 Vago Robert M Ed 1980 Issues in vowel harmony Proceedings of the CUNY Linguistic Conference on Vowel Harmony 14 May 1977 Amsterdam J Benjamins Vago Robert M 1994 Vowel harmony In R E Asher Ed The Encyclopedia of language and linguistics pp 4954 4958 Oxford Pergamon Press Walker R L 1998 Nasalization Neutral Segments and Opacity Effects Doctoral dissertation University of California Santa Cruz Portal Language Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Vowel harmony amp oldid 1150683822, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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