

Monocotyledons (/ˌmɒnəˌkɒtəˈldənz/),[d][13][14] commonly referred to as monocots, (Lilianae sensu Chase & Reveal) are grass and grass-like flowering plants (angiosperms), the seeds of which typically contain only one embryonic leaf, or cotyledon. They constitute one of the major groups into which the flowering plants have traditionally been divided; the rest of the flowering plants have two cotyledons and are classified as dicotyledons, or dicots.

Monocotyledons have almost always been recognized as a group, but with various taxonomic ranks and under several different names. The APG III system of 2009 recognises a clade called "monocots" but does not assign it to a taxonomic rank.

The monocotyledons include about 60,000 species, about a quarter of all angiosperms. The largest family in this group (and in the flowering plants as a whole) by number of species are the orchids (family Orchidaceae), with more than 20,000 species. About half as many species belong to the true grasses (Poaceae), which are economically the most important family of monocotyledons. Often mistaken for grasses, sedges are also monocots.

In agriculture the majority of the biomass produced comes from monocotyledons. These include not only major grains (rice, wheat, maize, etc.), but also forage grasses, sugar cane, and the bamboos. Other economically important monocotyledon crops include various palms (Arecaceae), bananas and plantains (Musaceae), gingers and their relatives, turmeric and cardamom (Zingiberaceae), asparagus (Asparagaceae), pineapple (Bromeliaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and rushes (Juncaceae), vanilla (Orchidaceae), and leeks, onion and garlic (Amaryllidaceae). Many houseplants are monocotyledon epiphytes. Most of the horticultural bulbs, plants cultivated for their blooms, such as lilies, daffodils, irises, amaryllis, cannas, bluebells and tulips, are monocotyledons..


Allium crenulatum (Asparagales), an onion, with typical monocot perianth and parallel leaf venation
Onion slice: the cross-sectional view shows the veins that run in parallel along the length of the bulb and stem


The monocots or monocotyledons have, as the name implies, a single (mono-) cotyledon, or embryonic leaf, in their seeds. Historically, this feature was used to contrast the monocots with the dicotyledons or dicots which typically have two cotyledons; however, modern research has shown that the dicots are not a natural group, and the term can only be used to indicate all angiosperms that are not monocots and is used in that respect here. From a diagnostic point of view the number of cotyledons is neither a particularly useful characteristic (as they are only present for a very short period in a plant's life), nor is it completely reliable. The single cotyledon is only one of a number of modifications of the body plan of the ancestral monocotyledons, whose adaptive advantages are poorly understood, but may have been related to adaption to aquatic habitats, prior to radiation to terrestrial habitats. Nevertheless, monocots are sufficiently distinctive that there has rarely been disagreement as to membership of this group, despite considerable diversity in terms of external morphology.[15] However, morphological features that reliably characterise major clades are rare.[16]

Thus monocots are distinguishable from other angiosperms both in terms of their uniformity and diversity. On the one hand, the organization of the shoots, leaf structure, and floral configuration are more uniform than in the remaining angiosperms, yet within these constraints a wealth of diversity exists, indicating a high degree of evolutionary success.[17] Monocot diversity includes perennial geophytes such as ornamental flowers including orchids (Asparagales); tulips and lilies (Liliales); rosette and succulent epiphytes (Asparagales); mycoheterotrophs (Liliales, Dioscoreales, Pandanales), all in the lilioid monocots; major cereal grains (maize, rice, barley, rye, oats, millet, sorghum and wheat) in the grass family; and forage grasses (Poales) as well as woody tree-like palm trees (Arecales), bamboo, reeds and bromeliads (Poales), bananas and ginger (Zingiberales) in the commelinid monocots, as well as both emergent (Poales, Acorales) and aroids, as well as floating or submerged aquatic plants such as seagrass (Alismatales).[18][19][20][21]


Organisation, growth and life forms

The most important distinction is their growth pattern, lacking a lateral meristem (cambium) that allows for continual growth in diameter with height (secondary growth), and therefore this characteristic is a basic limitation in shoot construction. Although largely herbaceous, some arboraceous monocots reach great height, length and mass. The latter include agaves, palms, pandans, and bamboos.[22][23] This creates challenges in water transport that monocots deal with in various ways. Some, such as species of Yucca, develop anomalous secondary growth, while palm trees utilise an anomalous primary growth form described as establishment growth (see Vascular system). The axis undergoes primary thickening, that progresses from internode to internode, resulting in a typical inverted conical shape of the basal primary axis (see Tillich, Figure 1). The limited conductivity also contributes to limited branching of the stems. Despite these limitations a wide variety of adaptive growth forms has resulted (Tillich, Figure 2) from epiphytic orchids (Asparagales) and bromeliads (Poales) to submarine Alismatales (including the reduced Lemnoideae) and mycotrophic Burmanniaceae (Dioscreales) and Triuridaceae (Pandanales). Other forms of adaptation include the climbing vines of Araceae (Alismatales) which use negative phototropism (skototropism) to locate host trees (i.e. the darkest area),[24] while some palms such as Calamus manan (Arecales) produce the longest shoots in the plant kingdom, up to 185 m long.[25] Other monocots, particularly Poales, have adopted a therophyte life form.[26][27][28][29][30]


The cotyledon, the primordial Angiosperm leaf consists of a proximal leaf base or hypophyll and a distal hyperphyll. In monocots the hypophyll tends to be the dominant part in contrast to other angiosperms. From these, considerable diversity arises. Mature monocot leaves are generally narrow and linear, forming a sheathing around the stem at its base, although there are many exceptions. Leaf venation is of the striate type, mainly arcuate-striate or longitudinally striate (parallel), less often palmate-striate or pinnate-striate with the leaf veins emerging at the leaf base and then running together at the apices. There is usually only one leaf per node because the leaf base encompasses more than half the circumference.[31] The evolution of this monocot characteristic has been attributed to developmental differences in early zonal differentiation rather than meristem activity (leaf base theory).[15][16][32]

Roots and underground organs

The lack of cambium in the primary root limits its ability to grow sufficiently to maintain the plant. This necessitates early development of roots derived from the shoot (adventitious roots). In addition to roots, monocots develop runners and rhizomes, which are creeping shoots. Runners serve vegetative propagation, have elongated internodes, run on or just below the surface of the soil and in most case bear scale leaves. Rhizomes frequently have an additional storage function and rhizome producing plants are considered geophytes (Tillich, Figure 11). Other geophytes develop bulbs, a short axial body bearing leaves whose bases store food. Additional outer non-storage leaves may form a protective function (Tillich, Figure 12). Other storage organs may be tubers or corms, swollen axes. Tubers may form at the end of underground runners and persist. Corms are short lived vertical shoots with terminal inflorescences and shrivel once flowering has occurred. However, intermediate forms may occur such as in Crocosmia (Asparagales). Some monocots may also produce shoots that grow directly down into the soil, these are geophilous shoots (Tillich, Figure 11) that help overcome the limited trunk stability of large woody monocots.[33][32][34][15]



In nearly all cases the perigone consists of two alternating trimerous whorls of tepals, being homochlamydeous, without differentiation between calyx and corolla. In zoophilous (pollinated by animals) taxa, both whorls are corolline (petal-like). Anthesis (the period of flower opening) is usually fugacious (short lived). Some of the more persistent perigones demonstrate thermonastic opening and closing (responsive to changes in temperature). About two thirds of monocots are zoophilous, predominantly by insects. These plants need to advertise to pollinators and do so by way of phaneranthous (showy) flowers. Such optical signalling is usually a function of the tepal whorls but may also be provided by semaphylls (other structures such as filaments, staminodes or stylodia which have become modified to attract pollinators). However, some monocot plants may have aphananthous (inconspicuous) flowers and still be pollinated by animals. In these the plants rely either on chemical attraction or other structures such as coloured bracts fulfill the role of optical attraction. In some phaneranthous plants such structures may reinforce floral structures. The production of fragrances for olfactory signalling are common in monocots. The perigone also functions as a landing platform for pollinating insects. [17]

Fruit and seed

The embryo consists of a single cotyledon, usually with two vascular bundles.[32]

Comparison with dicots

Comparison of a monocot (grass: Poales) sprouting (left) with a dicot (right)[e]
Yucca brevifolia (Joshua Tree: Asparagales)

The traditionally listed differences between monocots and dicots are as follows. This is a broad sketch only, not invariably applicable, as there are a number of exceptions. The differences indicated are more true for monocots versus eudicots.[34][35][36]

Feature In monocots In dicots
Growth form Mostly herbaceous, occasionally arboraceous Herbaceous or arboraceous
Leaves[16] Leaf shape oblong or linear, often sheathed at base, petiole seldom developed, stipules absent. Major leaf veins usually parallel Broad, seldom sheathed, petiole common often with stipules. Veins usually reticulate (pinnate or palmate)
Roots Primary root of short duration, replaced by adventitial roots forming fibrous or fleshy root systems Develops from the radicle. Primary root often persists forming strong taproot and secondary roots
Plant stem: Vascular bundles Numerous scattered bundles in ground parenchyma, cambium rarely present, no differentiation between cortical and stelar regions Ring of primary bundles with cambium, differentiated into cortex and stele (eustelic)
Flowers Parts in threes (trimerous) or multiples of three (e.g. 3, 6 or 9 petals) Fours (tetramerous) or fives (pentamerous)
Pollen: Number of apertures (furrows or pores) Monocolpate (single aperture or colpus) Tricolpate (three)
Embryo: Number of cotyledons (leaves in the seed) One, endosperm frequently present in seed Two, endosperm present or absent
Comparison of monocots and dicots

A number of these differences are not unique to the monocots, and, while still useful, no one single feature will infallibly identify a plant as a monocot.[35] For example, trimerous flowers and monosulcate pollen are also found in magnoliids,[34] and exclusively adventitious roots are found in some of the Piperaceae.[34] Similarly, at least one of these traits, parallel leaf veins, is far from universal among the monocots. Broad leaves and reticulate leaf veins, features typical of dicots, are found in a wide variety of monocot families: for example, Trillium, Smilax (greenbriar), Pogonia (an orchid), and the Dioscoreales (yams).[34] Potamogeton and Paris quadrifolia (herb-paris) are examples of monocots with tetramerous flowers. Other plants exhibit a mixture of characteristics. Nymphaeaceae (water lilies) have reticulate veins, a single cotyledon, adventitious roots, and a monocot-like vascular bundle. These examples reflect their shared ancestry.[35] Nevertheless, this list of traits is generally valid, especially when contrasting monocots with eudicots, rather than non-monocot flowering plants in general.[34]


Monocot apomorphies (characteristics derived during radiation rather than inherited from an ancestral form) include herbaceous habit, leaves with parallel venation and sheathed base, an embryo with a single cotyledon, an atactostele, numerous adventitious roots, sympodial growth, and trimerous (3 parts per whorl) flowers that are pentacyclic (5 whorled) with 3 sepals, 3 petals, 2 whorls of 3 stamens each, and 3 carpels. In contrast, monosulcate pollen is considered an ancestral trait, probably plesiomorphic.[36]


The distinctive features of the monocots have contributed to the relative taxonomic stability of the group. Douglas E. Soltis and others[37][38][39][40] identify thirteen synapomorphies (shared characteristics that unite monophyletic groups of taxa);

  1. Calcium oxalate raphides
  2. Absence of vessels in leaves
  3. Monocotyledonous anther wall formation*
  4. Successive microsporogenesis
  5. Syncarpous gynoecium
  6. Parietal placentation
  7. Monocotyledonous seedling
  8. Persistent radicle
  9. Haustorial cotyledon tip[41]
  10. Open cotyledon sheath
  11. Steroidal saponins*
  12. Fly pollination*
  13. Diffuse vascular bundles and absence of secondary growth[f]

Vascular system

Roystonea regia palm (Arecales) stems showing anomalous secondary growth in monocots, with characteristic fibrous roots

Monocots have a distinctive arrangement of vascular tissue known as an atactostele in which the vascular tissue is scattered rather than arranged in concentric rings. Collenchyma is absent in monocot stems, roots and leaves. Many monocots are herbaceous and do not have the ability to increase the width of a stem (secondary growth) via the same kind of vascular cambium found in non-monocot woody plants.[34] However, some monocots do have secondary growth; because this does not arise from a single vascular cambium producing xylem inwards and phloem outwards, it is termed "anomalous secondary growth".[42] Examples of large monocots which either exhibit secondary growth, or can reach large sizes without it, are palms (Arecaceae), screwpines (Pandanaceae), bananas (Musaceae), Yucca, Aloe, Dracaena, and Cordyline.[34]


The monocots form one of five major lineages of mesangiosperms (core angiosperms), which in themselves form 99.95% of all angiosperms. The monocots and the eudicots, are the largest and most diversified angiosperm radiations accounting for 22.8% and 74.2% of all angiosperm species respectively.[43]

Of these, the grass family (Poaceae) is the most economically important, which together with the orchids Orchidaceae account for half of the species diversity, accounting for 34% and 17% of all monocots respectively and are among the largest families of angiosperms. They are also among the dominant members of many plant communities.[43]

Early history


Illustrations of cotyledons by John Ray 1682, after Malpighi

The monocots are one of the major divisions of the flowering plants or angiosperms. They have been recognized as a natural group since the sixteenth century when Lobelius (1571), searching for a characteristic to group plants by, decided on leaf form and their venation. He observed that the majority had broad leaves with net-like venation, but a smaller group were grass-like plants with long straight parallel veins.[44] In doing so he distinguished between the dicotyledons, and the latter (grass-like) monocotyledon group, although he had no formal names for the two groups.[45][46][47]

Formal description dates from John Ray's studies of seed structure in the 17th century. Ray, who is often considered the first botanical systematist,[48] observed the dichotomy of cotyledon structure in his examination of seeds. He reported his findings in a paper read to the Royal Society on 17 December 1674, entitled "A Discourse on the Seeds of Plants".[34]

A Discourse on the Seeds of Plants

The greatest number of plants that come of seed spring at first out of the earth with two leaves which being for the most part of a different figure from the succeeding leaves are by our gardeners not improperly called the seed leaves...
In the first kind the seed leaves are nothing but the two lobes of the seed having their plain sides clapt together like the two halves of a walnut and therefore are of the just figure of the seed slit in sunder flat wise...
Of seeds that spring out of the earth with leaves like the succeeding and no seed leaves I have observed two sorts. 1. Such as are congenerous to the first kind precedent that is whose pulp is divided into two lobes and a radicle...
2. Such which neither spring out of the ground with seed leaves nor have their pulp divided into lobes

John Ray (1674), pp. 164, 166[49]

Since this paper appeared a year before the publication of Malpighi's Anatome Plantarum (1675–1679), Ray has the priority. At the time, Ray did not fully realise the importance of his discovery[50] but progressively developed this over successive publications. And since these were in Latin, "seed leaves" became folia seminalia[51] and then cotyledon, following Malpighi.[52][53] Malpighi and Ray were familiar with each other's work,[50] and Malpighi in describing the same structures had introduced the term cotyledon,[54] which Ray adopted in his subsequent writing.

De seminum vegetatione

Mense quoque Maii, alias seminales plantulas Fabarum, & Phaseolorum, ablatis pariter binis seminalibus foliis, seu cotyledonibus, incubandas posui
In the month of May, also, I incubated two seed plants, Faba and Phaseolus, after removing the two seed leaves, or cotyledons

Marcello Malpighi (1679), p. 18[54]

In this experiment, Malpighi also showed that the cotyledons were critical to the development of the plant, proof that Ray required for his theory.[55] In his Methodus plantarum nova[56] Ray also developed and justified the "natural" or pre-evolutionary approach to classification, based on characteristics selected a posteriori in order to group together taxa that have the greatest number of shared characteristics. This approach, also referred to as polythetic would last till evolutionary theory enabled Eichler to develop the phyletic system that superseded it in the late nineteenth century, based on an understanding of the acquisition of characteristics.[57][58][59] He also made the crucial observation Ex hac seminum divisione sumum potest generalis plantarum distinctio, eaque meo judicio omnium prima et longe optima, in eas sci. quae plantula seminali sunt bifolia aut διλόβω, et quae plantula sem. adulta analoga. (From this division of the seeds derives a general distinction amongst plants, that in my judgement is first and by far the best, into those seed plants which are bifoliate, or bilobed, and those that are analogous to the adult), that is between monocots and dicots.[60][55] He illustrated this by quoting from Malpighi and including reproductions of Malpighi's drawings of cotyledons (see figure).[61] Initially Ray did not develop a classification of flowering plants (florifera) based on a division by the number of cotyledons, but developed his ideas over successive publications,[62] coining the terms Monocotyledones and Dicotyledones in 1703,[63] in the revised version of his Methodus (Methodus plantarum emendata), as a primary method for dividing them, Herbae floriferae, dividi possunt, ut diximus, in Monocotyledones & Dicotyledones (Flowering plants, can be divided, as we have said, into Monocotyledons & Dicotyledons).[64]

Post Linnean

Although Linnaeus (1707–1778) did not utilise Ray's discovery, basing his own classification solely on floral reproductive morphology, the term was used shortly after his classification appeared (1753) by Scopoli and who is credited for its introduction.[g] Every taxonomist since then, starting with De Jussieu and De Candolle, has used Ray's distinction as a major classification characteristic.[h][33] In De Jussieu's system (1789), he followed Ray, arranging his Monocotyledones into three classes based on stamen position and placing them between Acotyledones and Dicotyledones.[68] De Candolle's system (1813) which was to predominate thinking through much of the 19th century used a similar general arrangement, with two subgroups of his Monocotylédonés (Monocotyledoneae).[3] Lindley (1830) followed De Candolle in using the terms Monocotyledon and Endogenae[i] interchangeably. They considered the monocotyledons to be a group of vascular plants (Vasculares) whose vascular bundles were thought to arise from within (Endogènes or endogenous).[69]

Monocotyledons remained in a similar position as a major division of the flowering plants throughout the nineteenth century, with minor variations. George Bentham and Hooker (1862–1883) used Monocotyledones, as would Wettstein,[70] while August Eichler used Mononocotyleae[10] and Engler, following de Candolle, Monocotyledoneae.[71] In the twentieth century, some authors used alternative names such as Bessey's (1915) Alternifoliae[2] and Cronquist's (1966) Liliatae.[1] Later (1981) Cronquist changed Liliatae to Liliopsida,[72] usages also adopted by Takhtajan simultaneously.[32] Thorne (1992)[8] and Dahlgren (1985)[73] also used Liliidae as a synonym.

Taxonomists had considerable latitude in naming this group, as the Monocotyledons were a group above the rank of family. Article 16 of the ICBN allows either a descriptive botanical name or a name formed from the name of an included family.

In summary they have been variously named, as follows:

Modern era

Over the 1980s, a more general review of the classification of angiosperms was undertaken. The 1990s saw considerable progress in plant phylogenetics and cladistic theory, initially based on rbcL gene sequencing and cladistic analysis, enabling a phylogenetic tree to be constructed for the flowering plants.[74] The establishment of major new clades necessitated a departure from the older but widely used classifications such as Cronquist and Thorne, based largely on morphology rather than genetic data. These developments complicated discussions on plant evolution and necessitated a major taxonomic restructuring.[75][76]

This DNA based molecular phylogenetic research confirmed on the one hand that the monocots remained as a well defined monophyletic group or clade, in contrast to the other historical divisions of the flowering plants, which had to be substantially reorganized.[34] No longer could the angiosperms be simply divided into monocotyledons and dicotyledons; it was apparent that the monocotyledons were but one of a relatively large number of defined groups within the angiosperms.[77] Correlation with morphological criteria showed that the defining feature was not cotyledon number but the separation of angiosperms into two major pollen types, uniaperturate (monosulcate and monosulcate-derived) and triaperturate (tricolpate and tricolpate-derived), with the monocots situated within the uniaperturate groups.[74] The formal taxonomic ranking of Monoctyledons thus became replaced with monocots as an informal clade.[78][34] This is the name that has been most commonly used since the publication of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) system in 1998 and regularly updated since.[75][79][76][80][81][82]

Within the angiosperms, there are two major grades, a small early branching basal grade, the basal angiosperms (ANA grade) with three lineages and a larger late branching grade, the core angiosperms (mesangiosperms) with five lineages, as shown in the cladogram.

Cladogram I: Phylogenetic position of the monocots within the angiosperms in APG IV (2016)[82]
basal angiosperms
core angiosperms


While the monocotyledons have remained extremely stable in their outer borders as a well-defined and coherent monophylectic group, the deeper internal relationships have undergone considerable flux, with many competing classification systems over time.[33]

Historically, Bentham (1877), considered the monocots to consist of four alliances, Epigynae, Coronariae, Nudiflorae and Glumales, based on floral characteristics. He describes the attempts to subdivide the group since the days of Lindley as largely unsuccessful.[83] Like most subsequent classification systems it failed to distinguish between two major orders, Liliales and Asparagales, now recognised as quite separate.[84] A major advance in this respect was the work of Rolf Dahlgren (1980),[85] which would form the basis of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group's (APG) subsequent modern classification of monocot families. Dahlgren who used the alternate name Lilliidae considered the monocots as a subclass of angiosperms characterised by a single cotyledon and the presence of triangular protein bodies in the sieve tube plastids. He divided the monocots into seven superorders, Alismatiflorae, Ariflorae, Triuridiflorae, Liliiflorae, Zingiberiflorae, Commeliniflorae and Areciflorae. With respect to the specific issue regarding Liliales and Asparagales, Dahlgren followed Huber (1969)[86] in adopting a splitter approach, in contrast to the longstanding tendency to view Liliaceae as a very broad sensu lato family. Following Dahlgren's untimely death in 1987, his work was continued by his widow, Gertrud Dahlgren, who published a revised version of the classification in 1989. In this scheme the suffix -florae was replaced with -anae (e.g. Alismatanae) and the number of superorders expanded to ten with the addition of Bromelianae, Cyclanthanae and Pandananae.[87]

Molecular studies have both confirmed the monophyly of the monocots and helped elucidate relationships within this group. The APG system does not assign the monocots to a taxonomic rank, instead recognizing a monocots clade.[88][89][90][91] However, there has remained some uncertainty regarding the exact relationships between the major lineages, with a number of competing models (including APG).[21]

The APG system establishes eleven orders of monocots.[92][82] These form three grades, the alismatid monocots, lilioid monocots and the commelinid monocots by order of branching, from early to late. In the following cladogram numbers indicate crown group (most recent common ancestor of the sampled species of the clade of interest) divergence times in mya (million years ago).[93]

Cladogram 2: The phylogenetic composition of the monocots[82][94]
monocots (131 MYA)



122 MYA


120 MYA

Dioscoreales (115 MYA)

Pandanales (91 MYA)

Liliales (121 MYA)

121 MYA

Asparagales (120 MYA)

commelinids (118 MYA)







Of some 70,000 species,[95] by far the largest number (65%) are found in two families, the orchids and grasses. The orchids (Orchidaceae, Asparagales) contain about 25,000 species and the grasses (Poaceae, Poales) about 11,000. Other well known groups within the Poales order include the Cyperaceae (sedges) and Juncaceae (rushes), and the monocots also include familiar families such as the palms (Arecaceae, Arecales) and lilies (Liliaceae, Liliales).[84][96]


In prephyletic classification systems monocots were generally positioned between plants other than angiosperms and dicots, implying that monocots were more primitive. With the introduction of phyletic thinking in taxonomy (from the system of Eichler 1875–1878 onwards) the predominant theory of monocot origins was the ranalean (ranalian) theory, particularly in the work of Bessey (1915),[2] which traced the origin of all flowering plants to a Ranalean type, and reversed the sequence making dicots the more primitive group.[33]

The monocots form a monophyletic group arising early in the history of the flowering plants, but the fossil record is meagre.[97] The earliest fossils presumed to be monocot remains date from the early Cretaceous period. For a very long time, fossils of palm trees were believed to be the oldest monocots,[98] first appearing 90 million years ago (mya), but this estimate may not be entirely true.[99] At least some putative monocot fossils have been found in strata as old as the eudicots.[100] The oldest fossils that are unequivocally monocots are pollen from the Late BarremianAptian – Early Cretaceous period, about 120-110 million years ago, and are assignable to clade-Pothoideae-Monstereae Araceae; being Araceae, sister to other Alismatales.[101][102][103] They have also found flower fossils of Triuridaceae (Pandanales) in Upper Cretaceous rocks in New Jersey,[101] becoming the oldest known sighting of saprophytic/mycotrophic habits in angiosperm plants and among the oldest known fossils of monocotyledons.

Topology of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree could infer that the monocots would be among the oldest lineages of angiosperms, which would support the theory that they are just as old as the eudicots. The pollen of the eudicots dates back 125 million years, so the lineage of monocots should be that old too.[43]

Molecular clock estimates

Kåre Bremer, using rbcL sequences and the mean path length method for estimating divergence times, estimated the age of the monocot crown group (i.e. the time at which the ancestor of today's Acorus diverged from the rest of the group) as 134 million years.[104][105] Similarly, Wikström et al.,[106] using Sanderson's non-parametric rate smoothing approach,[107] obtained ages of 127–141 million years for the crown group of monocots.[108] All these estimates have large error ranges (usually 15-20%), and Wikström et al. used only a single calibration point,[106] namely the split between Fagales and Cucurbitales, which was set to 84 Ma, in the late Santonian period. Early molecular clock studies using strict clock models had estimated the monocot crown age to 200 ± 20 million years ago[109] or 160 ± 16 million years,[110] while studies using relaxed clocks have obtained 135-131 million years[111] or 133.8 to 124 million years.[112] Bremer's estimate of 134 million years[104] has been used as a secondary calibration point in other analyses.[113] Some estimates place the emergence of the monocots as far back as 150 mya in the Jurassic period.[21]

Core group

The age of the core group of so-called 'nuclear monocots' or 'core monocots', which correspond to all orders except Acorales and Alismatales,[114] is about 131 million years to present, and crown group age is about 126 million years to the present. The subsequent branching in this part of the tree (i.e. Petrosaviaceae, Dioscoreales + Pandanales and Liliales clades appeared), including the crown Petrosaviaceae group may be in the period around 125–120 million years BC (about 111 million years so far[104]), and stem groups of all other orders, including Commelinidae would have diverged about or shortly after 115 million years.[113] These and many clades within these orders may have originated in southern Gondwana, i.e. Antarctica, Australasia, and southern South America.[115]

Aquatic monocots

The aquatic monocots of Alismatales have commonly been regarded as "primitive".[116][117][118][72][119][120][121][122][123] They have also been considered to have the most primitive foliage, which were cross-linked as Dioscoreales[73] and Melanthiales.[8][124] Keep in mind that the "most primitive" monocot is not necessarily "the sister of everyone else".[43] This is because the ancestral or primitive characters are inferred by means of the reconstruction of character states, with the help of the phylogenetic tree. So primitive characters of monocots may be present in some derived groups. On the other hand, the basal taxa may exhibit many morphological autapomorphies. So although Acoraceae is the sister group to the remaining monocotyledons, the result does not imply that Acoraceae is "the most primitive monocot" in terms of its character states. In fact, Acoraceae is highly derived in many morphological characters, and that is precisely why Acoraceae and Alismatales occupied relatively derived positions in the trees produced by Chase et al.[88] and others.[39][125]

Some authors support the idea of an aquatic phase as the origin of monocots.[126] The phylogenetic position of Alismatales (many water), which occupy a relationship with the rest except the Acoraceae, do not rule out the idea, because it could be 'the most primitive monocots' but not 'the most basal'. The Atactostele stem, the long and linear leaves, the absence of secondary growth (see the biomechanics of living in the water), roots in groups instead of a single root branching (related to the nature of the substrate), including sympodial use, are consistent with a water source. However, while monocots were sisters of the aquatic Ceratophyllales, or their origin is related to the adoption of some form of aquatic habit, it would not help much to the understanding of how it evolved to develop their distinctive anatomical features: the monocots seem so different from the rest of angiosperms and it's difficult to relate their morphology, anatomy and development and those of broad-leaved angiosperms.[127][128]

Other taxa

In the past, taxa which had petiolate leaves with reticulate venation were considered "primitive" within the monocots, because of the superficial resemblance to the leaves of dicotyledons. Recent work suggests that while these taxa are sparse in the phylogenetic tree of monocots, such as fleshy fruited taxa (excluding taxa with aril seeds dispersed by ants), the two features would be adapted to conditions that evolved together regardless.[67][129][130][131] Among the taxa involved were Smilax, Trillium (Liliales), Dioscorea (Dioscoreales), etc. A number of these plants are vines that tend to live in shaded habitats for at least part of their lives, and this fact may also relate to their shapeless stomata.[132] Reticulate venation seems to have appeared at least 26 times in monocots, and fleshy fruits have appeared 21 times (sometimes lost later); the two characteristics, though different, showed strong signs of a tendency to be good or bad in tandem, a phenomenon described as "concerted convergence" ("coordinated convergence").[130][131]


The name monocotyledons is derived from the traditional botanical name "Monocotyledones" or Monocotyledoneae in Latin, which refers to the fact that most members of this group have one cotyledon, or embryonic leaf, in their seeds.



Some monocots, such as grasses, have hypogeal emergence, where the mesocotyl elongates and pushes the coleoptile (which encloses and protects the shoot tip) toward the soil surface.[133] Since elongation occurs above the cotyledon, it is left in place in the soil where it was planted. Many dicots have epigeal emergence, in which the hypocotyl elongates and becomes arched in the soil. As the hypocotyl continues to elongate, it pulls the cotyledons upward, above the soil surface.


The IUCN Red List describes four species as extinct, four as extinct in the wild, 626 as possibly extinct, 423 as critically endangered, 632 endangered, 621 vulnerable, and 269 near threatened of 4,492 whose status is known.[134]


Monocots are among the most important plants economically and culturally, and account for most of the staple foods of the world, such as cereal grains and starchy root crops, and palms, orchids and lilies, building materials, and many medicines.[43] Of the monocots, the grasses are of enormous economic importance as a source of animal and human food,[84] and form the largest component of agricultural species in terms of biomass produced.[96][135]

See also


  1. ^ In 1964, Takhtajan proposed that classes including Monocotyledons, be formally named with the suffix -atae, so that the principle of typification resulted in Liliatae for monocotyledons.[6] The proposal was formally described in 1966 by Cronquist, Takhtajan and Zimmermann,[1] from which is derived the descriptor "liliates".
  2. ^ Tropicos gives an earlier authority, J.H. Schaffn. 1911[7]
  3. ^ Cronquist[1] attributes this term to De Candolle as DC. 1818 Syst. 1: 122[12]
  4. ^ An Anglo-Latin pronunciation.
    "monocotyledon". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  5. ^ Monocots show hypogeal development in which the cotyledon remains invisible within the seed, underground. The visible part is the first true leaf produced from the meristem
  6. ^ * Lacking in Acorus, so that if this genus is sister to the rest of the monocots, the synapomorphies do not apply to monocots as a whole.
  7. ^ Scopoli, in his treatment of Linnaeus' scheme comments in the Hexandria polygynia on the fact that Alisma is a member of the Gens monocotyledon[65]
  8. ^ See also Lindley's review of classification systems up to 1853,[66] and Dahlgren's from 1853–1982[67]
  9. ^ Endogènes (ενδον within + γεναω I create)


  1. ^ a b c d e Cronquist, Takhtajan & Zimmermann 1966.
  2. ^ a b c Bessey 1915.
  3. ^ a b de Candolle 1819.
  4. ^ Tropicos 2015, Lilianae
  5. ^ a b Takhtajan 1966.
  6. ^ Takhtajan 1964.
  7. ^ Tropicos 2015, Liliidae
  8. ^ a b c Thorne 1992a.
  9. ^ Tropicos 2015, Liliopsida
  10. ^ a b Eichler 1886.
  11. ^ Tropicos 2015, Monocotylondoneae
  12. ^ de Candolle 1818–1821.
  13. ^ "monocotyledon". Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  14. ^ "monocotyledon". Dictionary.com Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  15. ^ a b c Tillich 1998.
  16. ^ a b c Rudall & Buzgo 2002.
  17. ^ a b Vogel 1998.
  18. ^ Kubitzki & Huber 1998.
  19. ^ Kubitzki 1998.
  20. ^ Davis et al. 2013.
  21. ^ a b c Zeng et al 2014.
  22. ^ Du et al 2016.
  23. ^ Soltis & Soltis 2016.
  24. ^ Strong & Ray 1975.
  25. ^ Dransfield 1978.
  26. ^ Tillich 1998, Figure 1
  27. ^ Mauseth 2017, Anomalous forms of growth pp. 211–219
  28. ^ Petit et al 2014.
  29. ^ Tomlinson & Esler 1973.
  30. ^ Leck et al 2008.
  31. ^ Tomlinson 1970.
  32. ^ a b c d Takhtajan 2009, Liliopsida pp. 589–750
  33. ^ a b c d Kubitzki, Rudall & Chase 1998, A brief history of monocot classification p. 23
  34. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Chase 2004.
  35. ^ a b c NBGI 2016, Monocots versus Dicots.
  36. ^ a b Stevens 2015.
  37. ^ Soltis et al. 2005, p. 92.
  38. ^ Donoghue & Doyle 1989b.
  39. ^ a b Loconte & Stevenson 1991.
  40. ^ Doyle & Donoghue 1992.
  41. ^ Lersten 2004.
  42. ^ Donoghue 2005.
  43. ^ a b c d e Soltis et al. 2005.
  44. ^ l'Obel 1571, p. 65
  45. ^ Vines 1913, p. 10.
  46. ^ Hoeniger & Hoeniger 1969.
  47. ^ Pavord 2005, p. 339
  48. ^ Pavord 2005.
  49. ^ Ray 1674, pp. 164, 166.
  50. ^ a b Raven 1950.
  51. ^ Ray 1682, De foliis plantarum seminalibus dictis p. 7.
  52. ^ Short & George 2013, p. 15.
  53. ^ Ray 1682, De plantula seminali reliquisque femine contentis p. 13.
  54. ^ a b Malpighi 1679, De seminum vegetatione p. 18.
  55. ^ a b Bewley, Black & Halmer 2006, History of seed research p. 334.
  56. ^ Ray 1682.
  57. ^ Stuessy 2009, Natural classification p. 47.
  58. ^ Datta 1988, Systems of classification p. 21.
  59. ^ Stace 1989, The development of plant taxonomy p. 17.
  60. ^ Raven 1950, p. 195.
  61. ^ Ray 1682, De foliis plantarum seminalibus dictis p. 11.
  62. ^ Ray 1696.
  63. ^ Ray 1703, pp. 1–2.
  64. ^ Ray 1703, p. 16.
  65. ^ Scopoli 1772, Alisma pp. 266–267
  66. ^ Lindley 1853.
  67. ^ a b Dahlgren & Clifford 1982.
  68. ^ Jussieu 1789.
  69. ^ Lindley 1830.
  70. ^ Wettstein 1924.
  71. ^ Engler 1886.
  72. ^ a b Cronquist 1981.
  73. ^ a b Dahlgren, Clifford & Yeo 1985.
  74. ^ a b Chase et al 1993.
  75. ^ a b APG 1998.
  76. ^ a b APG III 2009.
  77. ^ Bremer & Wanntorp 1978.
  78. ^ Chase et al. 1995b.
  79. ^ APG II 2003.
  80. ^ LAPGIII 2009.
  81. ^ Chase & Reveal 2009.
  82. ^ a b c d APG IV 2016.
  83. ^ Bentham 1877.
  84. ^ a b c Fay 2013.
  85. ^ Dahlgren 1980.
  86. ^ Huber 1969.
  87. ^ Dahlgren 1989.
  88. ^ a b Chase et al 1995.
  89. ^ Chase et al 2000.
  90. ^ Davis et al 2004.
  91. ^ Soltis & Soltis 2004.
  92. ^ Cantino et al 2007.
  93. ^ Hertwick et al. 2015.
  94. ^ Givnish et al 2018.
  95. ^ CoL 2015, Liliopsida
  96. ^ a b Panis 2008.
  97. ^ Ganfolfo et al 1998.
  98. ^ Smith et al 2010, p. 38.
  99. ^ Herendeen & Crane 1995.
  100. ^ Herendeen, Crane & Drinnan 1995.
  101. ^ a b Gandolfo, Nixon & Crepet 2002.
  102. ^ Friis, Pedersen & Crane 2004.
  103. ^ Friis, Pedersen & Crane 2006.
  104. ^ a b c Bremer 2000.
  105. ^ Bremer 2002.
  106. ^ a b Wikström, Savolainen & Chase 2001.
  107. ^ Sanderson 1997.
  108. ^ Sanderson et al 2004.
  109. ^ Savard et al 1994.
  110. ^ Goremykin, Hansman & Martin 1997.
  111. ^ Leebens-Mack et al 2005.
  112. ^ Moore et al 2007.
  113. ^ a b Janssen & Bremer 2004.
  114. ^ Hedges & Kumar 2009, p. 205.
  115. ^ Bremer & Janssen 2006.
  116. ^ Hallier 1905.
  117. ^ Arber 1925.
  118. ^ Hutchinson 1973.
  119. ^ Cronquist 1988.
  120. ^ Takhtajan 2009.
  121. ^ Takhtajan 1991.
  122. ^ Stebbins 1974.
  123. ^ Thorne 1976.
  124. ^ Thorne 1992b.
  125. ^ Stevenson & Loconte 1995.
  126. ^ Henslow 1893.
  127. ^ Zimmermann & Tomlinson 1972.
  128. ^ Tomlinson 1995.
  129. ^ Patterson & Givnish 2002.
  130. ^ a b Givnish et al. 2005.
  131. ^ a b Givnish et al. 2006.
  132. ^ Cameron & Dickison 1998.
  133. ^ Radosevich et al 1997, p. 149.
  134. ^ IUCN 2016, Red List summary: All plant classes and families
  135. ^ Tang et al 2016.




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  • Janssen, Thomas; Bremer, Kare (December 2004). "The age of major monocot groups inferred from 800+ rbcL sequences". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 146 (4): 385–398. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00345.x.
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  • Soltis, D. E.; Smith, S. A.; Cellinese, N.; Wurdack, K. J.; Tank, D. C.; Brockington, S. F.; Refulio-Rodriguez, N. F.; Walker, J. B.; Moore, M. J.; Carlsward, B. S.; Bell, C. D.; Latvis, M.; Crawley, S.; Black, C.; Diouf, D.; Xi, Z.; Rushworth, C. A.; Gitzendanner, M. A.; Sytsma, K. J.; Qiu, Y.-L.; Hilu, K. W.; Davis, C. C.; Sanderson, M. J.; Beaman, R. S.; Olmstead, R. G.; Judd, W. S.; Donoghue, M. J.; Soltis, P. S. (8 April 2011). "Angiosperm phylogeny: 17 genes, 640 taxa". American Journal of Botany. 98 (4): 704–730. doi:10.3732/ajb.1000404. PMID 21613169.
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  • Trias-Blasi, Anna; Baker, William J.; Haigh, Anna L.; Simpson, David A.; Weber, Odile; Wilkin, Paul (25 June 2015). "A genus-level phylogenetic linear sequence of monocots". Taxon. 64 (3): 552–581. doi:10.12705/643.9. S2CID 91678240.
  • Zeng, Liping; Zhang, Qiang; Sun, Renran; Kong, Hongzhi; Zhang, Ning; Ma, Hong (24 September 2014). "Resolution of deep angiosperm phylogeny using conserved nuclear genes and estimates of early divergence times". Nature Communications. 5 (4956): 4956. Bibcode:2014NatCo...5.4956Z. doi:10.1038/ncomms5956. PMC 4200517. PMID 25249442.


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  •   Data related to Monocots at Wikispecies
  •   Media related to Monocots at Wikimedia Commons

monocotyledon, commonly, referred, monocots, lilianae, sensu, chase, reveal, grass, grass, like, flowering, plants, angiosperms, seeds, which, typically, contain, only, embryonic, leaf, cotyledon, they, constitute, major, groups, into, which, flowering, plants. Monocotyledons ˌ m ɒ n e ˌ k ɒ t e ˈ l iː d e n z d 13 14 commonly referred to as monocots Lilianae sensu Chase amp Reveal are grass and grass like flowering plants angiosperms the seeds of which typically contain only one embryonic leaf or cotyledon They constitute one of the major groups into which the flowering plants have traditionally been divided the rest of the flowering plants have two cotyledons and are classified as dicotyledons or dicots MonocotyledonsTemporal range Early Cretaceous Recent PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg NWheat an economically important monocotyledonScientific classificationKingdom PlantaeClade TracheophytesClade AngiospermsClade MonocotsType genusLiliumL 1 Ordersalismatid monocotsAcorales Alismataleslilioid monocotsAsparagales Dioscoreales Liliales Pandanales Petrosavialescommelinid monocotsArecales Commelinales Poales Zingiberales dd SynonymsAlternifoliae Bessey 2 Endogenae DC 3 Lilianae Takht 4 5 Liliatae Cronquist Takht amp W Zimm a 1 Liliidae Takht b 5 8 Liliopsida Batsch 9 Monocotyleae Eichler 10 Monocotyledonae E Morren ex Mez 11 c MonocotyledonesMonocotyledons have almost always been recognized as a group but with various taxonomic ranks and under several different names The APG III system of 2009 recognises a clade called monocots but does not assign it to a taxonomic rank The monocotyledons include about 60 000 species about a quarter of all angiosperms The largest family in this group and in the flowering plants as a whole by number of species are the orchids family Orchidaceae with more than 20 000 species About half as many species belong to the true grasses Poaceae which are economically the most important family of monocotyledons Often mistaken for grasses sedges are also monocots In agriculture the majority of the biomass produced comes from monocotyledons These include not only major grains rice wheat maize etc but also forage grasses sugar cane and the bamboos Other economically important monocotyledon crops include various palms Arecaceae bananas and plantains Musaceae gingers and their relatives turmeric and cardamom Zingiberaceae asparagus Asparagaceae pineapple Bromeliaceae sedges Cyperaceae and rushes Juncaceae vanilla Orchidaceae and leeks onion and garlic Amaryllidaceae Many houseplants are monocotyledon epiphytes Most of the horticultural bulbs plants cultivated for their blooms such as lilies daffodils irises amaryllis cannas bluebells and tulips are monocotyledons Contents 1 Description 1 1 General 1 2 Vegetative 1 2 1 Leaves 1 2 2 Roots and underground organs 1 3 Reproductive 1 4 Comparison with dicots 1 5 Apomorphies 1 6 Synapomorphies 1 7 Vascular system 2 Taxonomy 2 1 Early history 2 1 1 Pre Linnean 2 1 2 Post Linnean 2 2 Modern era 2 3 Subdivision 2 4 Evolution 2 4 1 Molecular clock estimates 2 4 2 Core group 2 4 3 Aquatic monocots 2 4 4 Other taxa 2 5 Etymology 3 Ecology 3 1 Emergence 4 Conservation 5 Uses 6 See also 7 Notes 8 Citations 9 Bibliography 9 1 Books 9 1 1 Historical 9 1 2 Modern 9 2 Symposia 9 3 Chapters 9 4 Articles 9 4 1 Phylogenetics 9 4 2 APG 9 5 Websites and databases 10 External linksDescription Edit Allium crenulatum Asparagales an onion with typical monocot perianth and parallel leaf venation Onion slice the cross sectional view shows the veins that run in parallel along the length of the bulb and stem General Edit The monocots or monocotyledons have as the name implies a single mono cotyledon or embryonic leaf in their seeds Historically this feature was used to contrast the monocots with the dicotyledons or dicots which typically have two cotyledons however modern research has shown that the dicots are not a natural group and the term can only be used to indicate all angiosperms that are not monocots and is used in that respect here From a diagnostic point of view the number of cotyledons is neither a particularly useful characteristic as they are only present for a very short period in a plant s life nor is it completely reliable The single cotyledon is only one of a number of modifications of the body plan of the ancestral monocotyledons whose adaptive advantages are poorly understood but may have been related to adaption to aquatic habitats prior to radiation to terrestrial habitats Nevertheless monocots are sufficiently distinctive that there has rarely been disagreement as to membership of this group despite considerable diversity in terms of external morphology 15 However morphological features that reliably characterise major clades are rare 16 Thus monocots are distinguishable from other angiosperms both in terms of their uniformity and diversity On the one hand the organization of the shoots leaf structure and floral configuration are more uniform than in the remaining angiosperms yet within these constraints a wealth of diversity exists indicating a high degree of evolutionary success 17 Monocot diversity includes perennial geophytes such as ornamental flowers including orchids Asparagales tulips and lilies Liliales rosette and succulent epiphytes Asparagales mycoheterotrophs Liliales Dioscoreales Pandanales all in the lilioid monocots major cereal grains maize rice barley rye oats millet sorghum and wheat in the grass family and forage grasses Poales as well as woody tree like palm trees Arecales bamboo reeds and bromeliads Poales bananas and ginger Zingiberales in the commelinid monocots as well as both emergent Poales Acorales and aroids as well as floating or submerged aquatic plants such as seagrass Alismatales 18 19 20 21 Vegetative Edit Organisation growth and life formsThe most important distinction is their growth pattern lacking a lateral meristem cambium that allows for continual growth in diameter with height secondary growth and therefore this characteristic is a basic limitation in shoot construction Although largely herbaceous some arboraceous monocots reach great height length and mass The latter include agaves palms pandans and bamboos 22 23 This creates challenges in water transport that monocots deal with in various ways Some such as species of Yucca develop anomalous secondary growth while palm trees utilise an anomalous primary growth form described as establishment growth see Vascular system The axis undergoes primary thickening that progresses from internode to internode resulting in a typical inverted conical shape of the basal primary axis see Tillich Figure 1 The limited conductivity also contributes to limited branching of the stems Despite these limitations a wide variety of adaptive growth forms has resulted Tillich Figure 2 from epiphytic orchids Asparagales and bromeliads Poales to submarine Alismatales including the reduced Lemnoideae and mycotrophic Burmanniaceae Dioscreales and Triuridaceae Pandanales Other forms of adaptation include the climbing vines of Araceae Alismatales which use negative phototropism skototropism to locate host trees i e the darkest area 24 while some palms such as Calamus manan Arecales produce the longest shoots in the plant kingdom up to 185 m long 25 Other monocots particularly Poales have adopted a therophyte life form 26 27 28 29 30 Leaves Edit The cotyledon the primordial Angiosperm leaf consists of a proximal leaf base or hypophyll and a distal hyperphyll In monocots the hypophyll tends to be the dominant part in contrast to other angiosperms From these considerable diversity arises Mature monocot leaves are generally narrow and linear forming a sheathing around the stem at its base although there are many exceptions Leaf venation is of the striate type mainly arcuate striate or longitudinally striate parallel less often palmate striate or pinnate striate with the leaf veins emerging at the leaf base and then running together at the apices There is usually only one leaf per node because the leaf base encompasses more than half the circumference 31 The evolution of this monocot characteristic has been attributed to developmental differences in early zonal differentiation rather than meristem activity leaf base theory 15 16 32 Roots and underground organs Edit The lack of cambium in the primary root limits its ability to grow sufficiently to maintain the plant This necessitates early development of roots derived from the shoot adventitious roots In addition to roots monocots develop runners and rhizomes which are creeping shoots Runners serve vegetative propagation have elongated internodes run on or just below the surface of the soil and in most case bear scale leaves Rhizomes frequently have an additional storage function and rhizome producing plants are considered geophytes Tillich Figure 11 Other geophytes develop bulbs a short axial body bearing leaves whose bases store food Additional outer non storage leaves may form a protective function Tillich Figure 12 Other storage organs may be tubers or corms swollen axes Tubers may form at the end of underground runners and persist Corms are short lived vertical shoots with terminal inflorescences and shrivel once flowering has occurred However intermediate forms may occur such as in Crocosmia Asparagales Some monocots may also produce shoots that grow directly down into the soil these are geophilous shoots Tillich Figure 11 that help overcome the limited trunk stability of large woody monocots 33 32 34 15 Reproductive Edit FlowersIn nearly all cases the perigone consists of two alternating trimerous whorls of tepals being homochlamydeous without differentiation between calyx and corolla In zoophilous pollinated by animals taxa both whorls are corolline petal like Anthesis the period of flower opening is usually fugacious short lived Some of the more persistent perigones demonstrate thermonastic opening and closing responsive to changes in temperature About two thirds of monocots are zoophilous predominantly by insects These plants need to advertise to pollinators and do so by way of phaneranthous showy flowers Such optical signalling is usually a function of the tepal whorls but may also be provided by semaphylls other structures such as filaments staminodes or stylodia which have become modified to attract pollinators However some monocot plants may have aphananthous inconspicuous flowers and still be pollinated by animals In these the plants rely either on chemical attraction or other structures such as coloured bracts fulfill the role of optical attraction In some phaneranthous plants such structures may reinforce floral structures The production of fragrances for olfactory signalling are common in monocots The perigone also functions as a landing platform for pollinating insects 17 Fruit and seedThe embryo consists of a single cotyledon usually with two vascular bundles 32 Comparison with dicots Edit Comparison of a monocot grass Poales sprouting left with a dicot right e Yucca brevifolia Joshua Tree Asparagales The traditionally listed differences between monocots and dicots are as follows This is a broad sketch only not invariably applicable as there are a number of exceptions The differences indicated are more true for monocots versus eudicots 34 35 36 Feature In monocots In dicotsGrowth form Mostly herbaceous occasionally arboraceous Herbaceous or arboraceousLeaves 16 Leaf shape oblong or linear often sheathed at base petiole seldom developed stipules absent Major leaf veins usually parallel Broad seldom sheathed petiole common often with stipules Veins usually reticulate pinnate or palmate Roots Primary root of short duration replaced by adventitial roots forming fibrous or fleshy root systems Develops from the radicle Primary root often persists forming strong taproot and secondary rootsPlant stem Vascular bundles Numerous scattered bundles in ground parenchyma cambium rarely present no differentiation between cortical and stelar regions Ring of primary bundles with cambium differentiated into cortex and stele eustelic Flowers Parts in threes trimerous or multiples of three e g 3 6 or 9 petals Fours tetramerous or fives pentamerous Pollen Number of apertures furrows or pores Monocolpate single aperture or colpus Tricolpate three Embryo Number of cotyledons leaves in the seed One endosperm frequently present in seed Two endosperm present or absentComparison of monocots and dicots A number of these differences are not unique to the monocots and while still useful no one single feature will infallibly identify a plant as a monocot 35 For example trimerous flowers and monosulcate pollen are also found in magnoliids 34 and exclusively adventitious roots are found in some of the Piperaceae 34 Similarly at least one of these traits parallel leaf veins is far from universal among the monocots Broad leaves and reticulate leaf veins features typical of dicots are found in a wide variety of monocot families for example Trillium Smilax greenbriar Pogonia an orchid and the Dioscoreales yams 34 Potamogeton and Paris quadrifolia herb paris are examples of monocots with tetramerous flowers Other plants exhibit a mixture of characteristics Nymphaeaceae water lilies have reticulate veins a single cotyledon adventitious roots and a monocot like vascular bundle These examples reflect their shared ancestry 35 Nevertheless this list of traits is generally valid especially when contrasting monocots with eudicots rather than non monocot flowering plants in general 34 Apomorphies Edit Monocot apomorphies characteristics derived during radiation rather than inherited from an ancestral form include herbaceous habit leaves with parallel venation and sheathed base an embryo with a single cotyledon an atactostele numerous adventitious roots sympodial growth and trimerous 3 parts per whorl flowers that are pentacyclic 5 whorled with 3 sepals 3 petals 2 whorls of 3 stamens each and 3 carpels In contrast monosulcate pollen is considered an ancestral trait probably plesiomorphic 36 Synapomorphies Edit The distinctive features of the monocots have contributed to the relative taxonomic stability of the group Douglas E Soltis and others 37 38 39 40 identify thirteen synapomorphies shared characteristics that unite monophyletic groups of taxa Calcium oxalate raphides Absence of vessels in leaves Monocotyledonous anther wall formation Successive microsporogenesis Syncarpous gynoecium Parietal placentation Monocotyledonous seedling Persistent radicle Haustorial cotyledon tip 41 Open cotyledon sheath Steroidal saponins Fly pollination Diffuse vascular bundles and absence of secondary growth f Vascular system Edit Roystonea regia palm Arecales stems showing anomalous secondary growth in monocots with characteristic fibrous roots Monocots have a distinctive arrangement of vascular tissue known as an atactostele in which the vascular tissue is scattered rather than arranged in concentric rings Collenchyma is absent in monocot stems roots and leaves Many monocots are herbaceous and do not have the ability to increase the width of a stem secondary growth via the same kind of vascular cambium found in non monocot woody plants 34 However some monocots do have secondary growth because this does not arise from a single vascular cambium producing xylem inwards and phloem outwards it is termed anomalous secondary growth 42 Examples of large monocots which either exhibit secondary growth or can reach large sizes without it are palms Arecaceae screwpines Pandanaceae bananas Musaceae Yucca Aloe Dracaena and Cordyline 34 Taxonomy EditThe monocots form one of five major lineages of mesangiosperms core angiosperms which in themselves form 99 95 of all angiosperms The monocots and the eudicots are the largest and most diversified angiosperm radiations accounting for 22 8 and 74 2 of all angiosperm species respectively 43 Of these the grass family Poaceae is the most economically important which together with the orchids Orchidaceae account for half of the species diversity accounting for 34 and 17 of all monocots respectively and are among the largest families of angiosperms They are also among the dominant members of many plant communities 43 Early history Edit Pre Linnean Edit Illustrations of cotyledons by John Ray 1682 after Malpighi The monocots are one of the major divisions of the flowering plants or angiosperms They have been recognized as a natural group since the sixteenth century when Lobelius 1571 searching for a characteristic to group plants by decided on leaf form and their venation He observed that the majority had broad leaves with net like venation but a smaller group were grass like plants with long straight parallel veins 44 In doing so he distinguished between the dicotyledons and the latter grass like monocotyledon group although he had no formal names for the two groups 45 46 47 Formal description dates from John Ray s studies of seed structure in the 17th century Ray who is often considered the first botanical systematist 48 observed the dichotomy of cotyledon structure in his examination of seeds He reported his findings in a paper read to the Royal Society on 17 December 1674 entitled A Discourse on the Seeds of Plants 34 A Discourse on the Seeds of Plants The greatest number of plants that come of seed spring at first out of the earth with two leaves which being for the most part of a different figure from the succeeding leaves are by our gardeners not improperly called the seed leaves In the first kind the seed leaves are nothing but the two lobes of the seed having their plain sides clapt together like the two halves of a walnut and therefore are of the just figure of the seed slit in sunder flat wise Of seeds that spring out of the earth with leaves like the succeeding and no seed leaves I have observed two sorts 1 Such as are congenerous to the first kind precedent that is whose pulp is divided into two lobes and a radicle 2 Such which neither spring out of the ground with seed leaves nor have their pulp divided into lobes John Ray 1674 pp 164 166 49 Since this paper appeared a year before the publication of Malpighi s Anatome Plantarum 1675 1679 Ray has the priority At the time Ray did not fully realise the importance of his discovery 50 but progressively developed this over successive publications And since these were in Latin seed leaves became folia seminalia 51 and then cotyledon following Malpighi 52 53 Malpighi and Ray were familiar with each other s work 50 and Malpighi in describing the same structures had introduced the term cotyledon 54 which Ray adopted in his subsequent writing De seminum vegetatione Mense quoque Maii alias seminales plantulas Fabarum amp Phaseolorum ablatis pariter binis seminalibus foliis seu cotyledonibus incubandas posuiIn the month of May also I incubated two seed plants Faba and Phaseolus after removing the two seed leaves or cotyledons Marcello Malpighi 1679 p 18 54 In this experiment Malpighi also showed that the cotyledons were critical to the development of the plant proof that Ray required for his theory 55 In his Methodus plantarum nova 56 Ray also developed and justified the natural or pre evolutionary approach to classification based on characteristics selected a posteriori in order to group together taxa that have the greatest number of shared characteristics This approach also referred to as polythetic would last till evolutionary theory enabled Eichler to develop the phyletic system that superseded it in the late nineteenth century based on an understanding of the acquisition of characteristics 57 58 59 He also made the crucial observation Ex hac seminum divisione sumum potest generalis plantarum distinctio eaque meo judicio omnium prima et longe optima in eas sci quae plantula seminali sunt bifolia aut dilobw et quae plantula sem adulta analoga From this division of the seeds derives a general distinction amongst plants that in my judgement is first and by far the best into those seed plants which are bifoliate or bilobed and those that are analogous to the adult that is between monocots and dicots 60 55 He illustrated this by quoting from Malpighi and including reproductions of Malpighi s drawings of cotyledons see figure 61 Initially Ray did not develop a classification of flowering plants florifera based on a division by the number of cotyledons but developed his ideas over successive publications 62 coining the terms Monocotyledones and Dicotyledones in 1703 63 in the revised version of his Methodus Methodus plantarum emendata as a primary method for dividing them Herbae floriferae dividi possunt ut diximus in Monocotyledones amp Dicotyledones Flowering plants can be divided as we have said into Monocotyledons amp Dicotyledons 64 Post Linnean Edit Although Linnaeus 1707 1778 did not utilise Ray s discovery basing his own classification solely on floral reproductive morphology the term was used shortly after his classification appeared 1753 by Scopoli and who is credited for its introduction g Every taxonomist since then starting with De Jussieu and De Candolle has used Ray s distinction as a major classification characteristic h 33 In De Jussieu s system 1789 he followed Ray arranging his Monocotyledones into three classes based on stamen position and placing them between Acotyledones and Dicotyledones 68 De Candolle s system 1813 which was to predominate thinking through much of the 19th century used a similar general arrangement with two subgroups of his Monocotyledones Monocotyledoneae 3 Lindley 1830 followed De Candolle in using the terms Monocotyledon and Endogenae i interchangeably They considered the monocotyledons to be a group of vascular plants Vasculares whose vascular bundles were thought to arise from within Endogenes or endogenous 69 Monocotyledons remained in a similar position as a major division of the flowering plants throughout the nineteenth century with minor variations George Bentham and Hooker 1862 1883 used Monocotyledones as would Wettstein 70 while August Eichler used Mononocotyleae 10 and Engler following de Candolle Monocotyledoneae 71 In the twentieth century some authors used alternative names such as Bessey s 1915 Alternifoliae 2 and Cronquist s 1966 Liliatae 1 Later 1981 Cronquist changed Liliatae to Liliopsida 72 usages also adopted by Takhtajan simultaneously 32 Thorne 1992 8 and Dahlgren 1985 73 also used Liliidae as a synonym Taxonomists had considerable latitude in naming this group as the Monocotyledons were a group above the rank of family Article 16 of the ICBN allows either a descriptive botanical name or a name formed from the name of an included family In summary they have been variously named as follows class Monocotyledoneae in the de Candolle system and the Engler system class Monocotyledones in the Bentham amp Hooker system and the Wettstein system class Monocotyleae in the Eichler system class Liliatae then Liliopsida in the Takhtajan system and the Cronquist system subclass Liliidae in the Dahlgren system and the Thorne systemModern era Edit Over the 1980s a more general review of the classification of angiosperms was undertaken The 1990s saw considerable progress in plant phylogenetics and cladistic theory initially based on rbcL gene sequencing and cladistic analysis enabling a phylogenetic tree to be constructed for the flowering plants 74 The establishment of major new clades necessitated a departure from the older but widely used classifications such as Cronquist and Thorne based largely on morphology rather than genetic data These developments complicated discussions on plant evolution and necessitated a major taxonomic restructuring 75 76 This DNA based molecular phylogenetic research confirmed on the one hand that the monocots remained as a well defined monophyletic group or clade in contrast to the other historical divisions of the flowering plants which had to be substantially reorganized 34 No longer could the angiosperms be simply divided into monocotyledons and dicotyledons it was apparent that the monocotyledons were but one of a relatively large number of defined groups within the angiosperms 77 Correlation with morphological criteria showed that the defining feature was not cotyledon number but the separation of angiosperms into two major pollen types uniaperturate monosulcate and monosulcate derived and triaperturate tricolpate and tricolpate derived with the monocots situated within the uniaperturate groups 74 The formal taxonomic ranking of Monoctyledons thus became replaced with monocots as an informal clade 78 34 This is the name that has been most commonly used since the publication of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group APG system in 1998 and regularly updated since 75 79 76 80 81 82 Within the angiosperms there are two major grades a small early branching basal grade the basal angiosperms ANA grade with three lineages and a larger late branching grade the core angiosperms mesangiosperms with five lineages as shown in the cladogram Cladogram I Phylogenetic position of the monocots within the angiosperms in APG IV 2016 82 angiosperms AmborellalesNymphaealesAustrobaileyales magnoliidsChloranthalesmonocotsCeratophyllaleseudicots basal angiosperms core angiospermsSubdivision Edit While the monocotyledons have remained extremely stable in their outer borders as a well defined and coherent monophylectic group the deeper internal relationships have undergone considerable flux with many competing classification systems over time 33 Historically Bentham 1877 considered the monocots to consist of four alliances Epigynae Coronariae Nudiflorae and Glumales based on floral characteristics He describes the attempts to subdivide the group since the days of Lindley as largely unsuccessful 83 Like most subsequent classification systems it failed to distinguish between two major orders Liliales and Asparagales now recognised as quite separate 84 A major advance in this respect was the work of Rolf Dahlgren 1980 85 which would form the basis of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group s APG subsequent modern classification of monocot families Dahlgren who used the alternate name Lilliidae considered the monocots as a subclass of angiosperms characterised by a single cotyledon and the presence of triangular protein bodies in the sieve tube plastids He divided the monocots into seven superorders Alismatiflorae Ariflorae Triuridiflorae Liliiflorae Zingiberiflorae Commeliniflorae and Areciflorae With respect to the specific issue regarding Liliales and Asparagales Dahlgren followed Huber 1969 86 in adopting a splitter approach in contrast to the longstanding tendency to view Liliaceae as a very broad sensu lato family Following Dahlgren s untimely death in 1987 his work was continued by his widow Gertrud Dahlgren who published a revised version of the classification in 1989 In this scheme the suffix florae was replaced with anae e g Alismatanae and the number of superorders expanded to ten with the addition of Bromelianae Cyclanthanae and Pandananae 87 Molecular studies have both confirmed the monophyly of the monocots and helped elucidate relationships within this group The APG system does not assign the monocots to a taxonomic rank instead recognizing a monocots clade 88 89 90 91 However there has remained some uncertainty regarding the exact relationships between the major lineages with a number of competing models including APG 21 The APG system establishes eleven orders of monocots 92 82 These form three grades the alismatid monocots lilioid monocots and the commelinid monocots by order of branching from early to late In the following cladogram numbers indicate crown group most recent common ancestor of the sampled species of the clade of interest divergence times in mya million years ago 93 Cladogram 2 The phylogenetic composition of the monocots 82 94 monocots 131 MYA AcoralesAlismatales122 MYA Petrosaviales120 MYA Dioscoreales 115 MYA Pandanales 91 MYA Liliales 121 MYA 121 MYA Asparagales 120 MYA commelinids 118 MYA Arecales Poales ZingiberalesCommelinales Lilioid monocots Alismatid monocots Of some 70 000 species 95 by far the largest number 65 are found in two families the orchids and grasses The orchids Orchidaceae Asparagales contain about 25 000 species and the grasses Poaceae Poales about 11 000 Other well known groups within the Poales order include the Cyperaceae sedges and Juncaceae rushes and the monocots also include familiar families such as the palms Arecaceae Arecales and lilies Liliaceae Liliales 84 96 Evolution Edit In prephyletic classification systems monocots were generally positioned between plants other than angiosperms and dicots implying that monocots were more primitive With the introduction of phyletic thinking in taxonomy from the system of Eichler 1875 1878 onwards the predominant theory of monocot origins was the ranalean ranalian theory particularly in the work of Bessey 1915 2 which traced the origin of all flowering plants to a Ranalean type and reversed the sequence making dicots the more primitive group 33 The monocots form a monophyletic group arising early in the history of the flowering plants but the fossil record is meagre 97 The earliest fossils presumed to be monocot remains date from the early Cretaceous period For a very long time fossils of palm trees were believed to be the oldest monocots 98 first appearing 90 million years ago mya but this estimate may not be entirely true 99 At least some putative monocot fossils have been found in strata as old as the eudicots 100 The oldest fossils that are unequivocally monocots are pollen from the Late Barremian Aptian Early Cretaceous period about 120 110 million years ago and are assignable to clade Pothoideae Monstereae Araceae being Araceae sister to other Alismatales 101 102 103 They have also found flower fossils of Triuridaceae Pandanales in Upper Cretaceous rocks in New Jersey 101 becoming the oldest known sighting of saprophytic mycotrophic habits in angiosperm plants and among the oldest known fossils of monocotyledons Topology of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree could infer that the monocots would be among the oldest lineages of angiosperms which would support the theory that they are just as old as the eudicots The pollen of the eudicots dates back 125 million years so the lineage of monocots should be that old too 43 Molecular clock estimates Edit Kare Bremer using rbcL sequences and the mean path length method for estimating divergence times estimated the age of the monocot crown group i e the time at which the ancestor of today s Acorus diverged from the rest of the group as 134 million years 104 105 Similarly Wikstrom et al 106 using Sanderson s non parametric rate smoothing approach 107 obtained ages of 127 141 million years for the crown group of monocots 108 All these estimates have large error ranges usually 15 20 and Wikstrom et al used only a single calibration point 106 namely the split between Fagales and Cucurbitales which was set to 84 Ma in the late Santonian period Early molecular clock studies using strict clock models had estimated the monocot crown age to 200 20 million years ago 109 or 160 16 million years 110 while studies using relaxed clocks have obtained 135 131 million years 111 or 133 8 to 124 million years 112 Bremer s estimate of 134 million years 104 has been used as a secondary calibration point in other analyses 113 Some estimates place the emergence of the monocots as far back as 150 mya in the Jurassic period 21 Core group Edit The age of the core group of so called nuclear monocots or core monocots which correspond to all orders except Acorales and Alismatales 114 is about 131 million years to present and crown group age is about 126 million years to the present The subsequent branching in this part of the tree i e Petrosaviaceae Dioscoreales Pandanales and Liliales clades appeared including the crown Petrosaviaceae group may be in the period around 125 120 million years BC about 111 million years so far 104 and stem groups of all other orders including Commelinidae would have diverged about or shortly after 115 million years 113 These and many clades within these orders may have originated in southern Gondwana i e Antarctica Australasia and southern South America 115 Aquatic monocots Edit The aquatic monocots of Alismatales have commonly been regarded as primitive 116 117 118 72 119 120 121 122 123 They have also been considered to have the most primitive foliage which were cross linked as Dioscoreales 73 and Melanthiales 8 124 Keep in mind that the most primitive monocot is not necessarily the sister of everyone else 43 This is because the ancestral or primitive characters are inferred by means of the reconstruction of character states with the help of the phylogenetic tree So primitive characters of monocots may be present in some derived groups On the other hand the basal taxa may exhibit many morphological autapomorphies So although Acoraceae is the sister group to the remaining monocotyledons the result does not imply that Acoraceae is the most primitive monocot in terms of its character states In fact Acoraceae is highly derived in many morphological characters and that is precisely why Acoraceae and Alismatales occupied relatively derived positions in the trees produced by Chase et al 88 and others 39 125 Some authors support the idea of an aquatic phase as the origin of monocots 126 The phylogenetic position of Alismatales many water which occupy a relationship with the rest except the Acoraceae do not rule out the idea because it could be the most primitive monocots but not the most basal The Atactostele stem the long and linear leaves the absence of secondary growth see the biomechanics of living in the water roots in groups instead of a single root branching related to the nature of the substrate including sympodial use are consistent with a water source However while monocots were sisters of the aquatic Ceratophyllales or their origin is related to the adoption of some form of aquatic habit it would not help much to the understanding of how it evolved to develop their distinctive anatomical features the monocots seem so different from the rest of angiosperms and it s difficult to relate their morphology anatomy and development and those of broad leaved angiosperms 127 128 Other taxa Edit In the past taxa which had petiolate leaves with reticulate venation were considered primitive within the monocots because of the superficial resemblance to the leaves of dicotyledons Recent work suggests that while these taxa are sparse in the phylogenetic tree of monocots such as fleshy fruited taxa excluding taxa with aril seeds dispersed by ants the two features would be adapted to conditions that evolved together regardless 67 129 130 131 Among the taxa involved were Smilax Trillium Liliales Dioscorea Dioscoreales etc A number of these plants are vines that tend to live in shaded habitats for at least part of their lives and this fact may also relate to their shapeless stomata 132 Reticulate venation seems to have appeared at least 26 times in monocots and fleshy fruits have appeared 21 times sometimes lost later the two characteristics though different showed strong signs of a tendency to be good or bad in tandem a phenomenon described as concerted convergence coordinated convergence 130 131 Etymology Edit The name monocotyledons is derived from the traditional botanical name Monocotyledones or Monocotyledoneae in Latin which refers to the fact that most members of this group have one cotyledon or embryonic leaf in their seeds Ecology EditEmergence Edit Main articles Epigeal germination and Hypogeal germination Some monocots such as grasses have hypogeal emergence where the mesocotyl elongates and pushes the coleoptile which encloses and protects the shoot tip toward the soil surface 133 Since elongation occurs above the cotyledon it is left in place in the soil where it was planted Many dicots have epigeal emergence in which the hypocotyl elongates and becomes arched in the soil As the hypocotyl continues to elongate it pulls the cotyledons upward above the soil surface Conservation EditThe IUCN Red List describes four species as extinct four as extinct in the wild 626 as possibly extinct 423 as critically endangered 632 endangered 621 vulnerable and 269 near threatened of 4 492 whose status is known 134 Uses EditMonocots are among the most important plants economically and culturally and account for most of the staple foods of the world such as cereal grains and starchy root crops and palms orchids and lilies building materials and many medicines 43 Of the monocots the grasses are of enormous economic importance as a source of animal and human food 84 and form the largest component of agricultural species in terms of biomass produced 96 135 See also EditMonocotyledon reproductionNotes Edit In 1964 Takhtajan proposed that classes including Monocotyledons be formally named with the suffix atae so that the principle of typification resulted in Liliatae for monocotyledons 6 The proposal was formally described in 1966 by Cronquist Takhtajan and Zimmermann 1 from which is derived the descriptor liliates Tropicos gives an earlier authority J H Schaffn 1911 7 Cronquist 1 attributes this term to De Candolle as DC 1818 Syst 1 122 12 An Anglo Latin pronunciation monocotyledon Oxford English Dictionary Online ed Oxford University Press Subscription or participating institution membership required Monocots show hypogeal development in which the cotyledon remains invisible within the seed underground The visible part is the first true leaf produced from the meristem Lacking in Acorus so that if this genus is sister to the rest of the monocots the synapomorphies do not apply to monocots as a whole Scopoli in his treatment of Linnaeus scheme comments in the Hexandria polygynia on the fact that Alisma is a member of the Gens monocotyledon 65 See also Lindley s review of classification systems up to 1853 66 and Dahlgren s from 1853 1982 67 Endogenes endon within genaw I create Citations Edit a b c d e Cronquist Takhtajan amp Zimmermann 1966 a b c Bessey 1915 a b de Candolle 1819 Tropicos 2015 Lilianae a b Takhtajan 1966 Takhtajan 1964 Tropicos 2015 Liliidae a b c Thorne 1992a Tropicos 2015 Liliopsida a b Eichler 1886 Tropicos 2015 Monocotylondoneae de Candolle 1818 1821 monocotyledon Merriam Webster Dictionary monocotyledon Dictionary com Unabridged Online n d a b c Tillich 1998 a b c Rudall amp Buzgo 2002 a b Vogel 1998 Kubitzki amp Huber 1998 Kubitzki 1998 Davis et al 2013 a b c Zeng et al 2014 Du et al 2016 Soltis amp Soltis 2016 Strong amp Ray 1975 Dransfield 1978 Tillich 1998 Figure 1 Mauseth 2017 Anomalous forms of growth pp 211 219 Petit et al 2014 Tomlinson amp Esler 1973 Leck et al 2008 Tomlinson 1970 a b c d Takhtajan 2009 Liliopsida pp 589 750 a b c d Kubitzki Rudall amp Chase 1998 A brief history of monocot classification p 23 a b c d e f g h i j k Chase 2004 a b c NBGI 2016 Monocots versus Dicots a b Stevens 2015 Soltis et al 2005 p 92 Donoghue amp Doyle 1989b a b Loconte amp Stevenson 1991 Doyle amp Donoghue 1992 Lersten 2004 Donoghue 2005 a b c d e Soltis et al 2005 l Obel 1571 p 65 Vines 1913 p 10 Hoeniger amp Hoeniger 1969 Pavord 2005 p 339 Pavord 2005 Ray 1674 pp 164 166 a b Raven 1950 Ray 1682 De foliis plantarum seminalibus dictis p 7 Short amp George 2013 p 15 Ray 1682 De plantula seminali reliquisque femine contentis p 13 a b Malpighi 1679 De seminum vegetatione p 18 a b Bewley Black amp Halmer 2006 History of seed research p 334 Ray 1682 Stuessy 2009 Natural classification p 47 Datta 1988 Systems of classification p 21 Stace 1989 The development of plant taxonomy p 17 Raven 1950 p 195 Ray 1682 De foliis plantarum seminalibus dictis p 11 Ray 1696 Ray 1703 pp 1 2 Ray 1703 p 16 Scopoli 1772 Alisma pp 266 267 Lindley 1853 a b Dahlgren amp Clifford 1982 Jussieu 1789 Lindley 1830 Wettstein 1924 Engler 1886 a b Cronquist 1981 a b Dahlgren Clifford amp Yeo 1985 a b Chase et al 1993 a b APG 1998 a b APG III 2009 Bremer amp Wanntorp 1978 Chase et al 1995b APG II 2003 LAPGIII 2009 Chase amp Reveal 2009 a b c d APG IV 2016 Bentham 1877 a b c Fay 2013 Dahlgren 1980 Huber 1969 Dahlgren 1989 a b Chase et al 1995 Chase et al 2000 Davis et al 2004 Soltis amp Soltis 2004 Cantino et al 2007 Hertwick et al 2015 Givnish et al 2018 CoL 2015 Liliopsida a b Panis 2008 Ganfolfo et al 1998 Smith et al 2010 p 38 Herendeen amp Crane 1995 Herendeen Crane amp Drinnan 1995 a b Gandolfo Nixon amp Crepet 2002 Friis Pedersen amp Crane 2004 Friis Pedersen amp Crane 2006 a b c Bremer 2000 Bremer 2002 a b Wikstrom Savolainen amp Chase 2001 Sanderson 1997 Sanderson et al 2004 Savard et al 1994 Goremykin Hansman amp Martin 1997 Leebens Mack et al 2005 Moore et al 2007 a b Janssen amp Bremer 2004 Hedges amp Kumar 2009 p 205 Bremer amp Janssen 2006 Hallier 1905 Arber 1925 Hutchinson 1973 Cronquist 1988 Takhtajan 2009 Takhtajan 1991 Stebbins 1974 Thorne 1976 Thorne 1992b Stevenson amp Loconte 1995 Henslow 1893 Zimmermann amp Tomlinson 1972 Tomlinson 1995 Patterson amp Givnish 2002 a b Givnish et al 2005 a b Givnish et al 2006 Cameron amp Dickison 1998 Radosevich et al 1997 p 149 IUCN 2016 Red List summary All plant classes and families Tang et al 2016 Bibliography EditBooks Edit Historical Edit Batsch August Johann Georg Karl 1802 Tabula affinitatum regni vegetabilis quam delineavit et nunc ulterius adumbratam tradit A J G C Batsch in Latin Weimar Landes Industrie Comptoir Bentham G Hooker J D 1862 1883 Genera plantarum ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis kewensibus servata definita in Latin London L Reeve amp Co Birch Thomas ed 1757 The History of the Royal Society of London for Improving of Natural Knowledge from Its First Rise in which the Most Considerable of Those Papers Communicated to the Society which Have Hitherto Not Been Published are Inserted as a Supplement to the Philosophical Transactions Volume 3 London Millar de Candolle Augustin Pyramus 1818 1821 Regni vegetabilis systema naturale sive Ordines genera et species plantarum secundum methodi naturalis normas digestarum et descriptarum 2 vols Paris Treuttel et Wurtz de Candolle AP 1819 1813 Theorie elementaire de la botanique ou exposition des principes de la classification naturelle et de l art de decrire et d etudier les vegetaux 2nd ed Eichler August W 1886 1876 Syllabus der Vorlesungen uber specielle und medicinisch pharmaceutische Botanik 4th ed Berlin Borntraeger Engler Adolf 1886 Fuhrer durch den Koniglich botanischen Garten der Universitat zu Breslau in German J U Kerns Verlag Max Muller Retrieved 2 May 2015 Jussieu Antoine Laurent de 1789 Genera Plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita juxta methodum in Horto Regio Parisiensi exaratam Paris OCLC 5161409 Lindley John 1830 An introduction to the natural system of botany or A systematic view of the organisation natural affinities and geographical distribution of the whole vegetable kingdom together with the uses of the most important species in medicine the arts and rural or domestic economy 1st ed London Longman Lindley John 1853 1846 The Vegetable Kingdom or The structure classification and uses of plants illustrated upon the natural system 3rd ed London Bradbury amp Evans l Obel Matthias de 1571 Stirpium adversaria nova A new notebook of plants London Thomae Purfoetii Malpighi Marcello 1675 Anatome plantarum Cui subjungitur appendix iteratas amp auctas ejusdem authoris de ovo incubato observationes continens in Latin London Johannis Martyn Retrieved 13 December 2015 Malpighi Marcello 1679 Anatome plantarum Pars altera in Latin London Johannis Martyn Retrieved 13 December 2015 Ray John 1682 Methodus plantarum nova brevitatis amp perspicuitatis causa synoptice in tabulis exhibita cum notis generum tum summorum tum subalternorum characteristicis observationibus nonnullis de seminibus plantarum amp indice copioso in Latin London Faithorne amp Kersey Ray John 1696 De Variis Plantarum Methodis Dissertatio Brevis in Latin London Smith amp Walford Ray John 1703 Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta In quaa notae maxime characteristicae exhibentur quibus stirpium genera tum summa tum infima cognoscuntur amp aa se mutuo dignoscuntur non necessariis omissis Accedit methodus graminum juncorum et cyperorum specialis in Latin London Smith amp Walford Sachs Julius von 1875 Geschichte der Botanik vom 16 Jahrhundert bis 1860 in German Munich Oldenbourg Retrieved 13 December 2015 Sachs Julius von 1890 1875 Geschichte der Botanik vom 16 Jahrhundert bis 1860 History of botany 1530 1860 translated by Henry E F Garnsey revised by Isaac Bayley Balfour Oxford Oxford University Press doi 10 5962 bhl title 30585 Retrieved 13 December 2015 see also History of botany 1530 1860 at Google Books Scopoli Giovanni Antonio 1772 Flora Carniolica exhibens plantas Carnioliae indigenas et distributas in classes genera species varietates ordine Linnaeano Vindobonensis Vienna Ioannis Pauli Krauss Modern Edit Arber Agnes 1925 Monocotyledons a morphological study Cambridge Cambridge University Press Bell Adrian D 2008 1991 Plant Form An illustrated guide to flowering plant morphology Oxford University Press ISBN 9780881928501 1st edition ISBN 9780198542193 Bewley J Derek Black Michael Halmer Peter eds 2006 The encyclopedia of seeds science technology and uses Wallingford CABI ISBN 978 0 85199 723 0 Retrieved 15 December 2015 Crane Peter R Blackmore Stephen eds 1989 Evolution Systematics and Fossil History of Hamamelidae vol I Oxford Clarendon Press ISBN 978 0 19 857711 9 Retrieved 14 December 2015 Cronk Quentin C B Bateman Richard M Hawkins Julie A eds 2002 Developmental genetics and plant evolution London Taylor amp Francis ISBN 9781420024982 Cronquist Arthur 1981 An integrated system of classification of flowering plants New York Columbia University Press ISBN 978 0 231 03880 5 Cronquist Arthur 1988 1968 The evolution and classification of flowering plants 2nd ed Bronx N Y USA New York Botanical Garden ISBN 9780893273323 Dahlgren Rolf Clifford H T 1982 The monocotyledons A comparative study London and New York Academic Press ISBN 9780122006807 Dahlgren R M Clifford H T Yeo P F 1985 The families of the monocotyledons Berlin Springer Verlag ISBN 978 3 642 64903 5 Retrieved 10 February 2014 Datta Subhash Chandra 1988 Systematic Botany 4 ed New Delhi New Age Intl ISBN 81 224 0013 2 Retrieved 25 January 2015 Fernholm Bo Bremer Kare Jornvall Hans eds 1989 The hierarchy of life molecules and morphology in phylogenetic analysis proceedings from Nobel symposium 70 held at Alfred Nobel s Bjorkborn Karlskoga Sweden August 29 September 2 1988 Amsterdam Excerpta Medica ISBN 9780444810731 Hedges S Blair Kumar Sudhir eds 2009 The timetree of life Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 9780191560156 Hoeniger F David Hoeniger J F M 1969 The Development of Natural History in Tudor England MIT Press ISBN 978 0 918016 29 4 Hutchinson John 1973 The families of flowering plants arranged according to a new system based on their probable phylogeny 2 vols 3rd ed Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 9783874291606 Kubitzki Klaus Huber Herbert eds 1998 The families and genera of vascular plants Vol 3 Flowering plants Monocotyledons Lilianae except Orchidaceae Berlin Germany Springer Verlag ISBN 3 540 64060 6 Retrieved 14 January 2014 Kubitzki Klaus ed 1998 The families and genera of vascular plants Vol 4 Flowering Plants Monocotyledons Alismatanae and Commelinanae except Gramineae The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Berlin Springer Berlin Heidelberg doi 10 1007 978 3 662 03531 3 ISBN 978 3 662 03531 3 S2CID 39472817 Leck Mary Allessio Parker V Thomas Simpson Robert L eds 2008 Seedling ecology and evolution Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521873055 Lersten Nels R 2004 Flowering plant embryology with emphasis on economic species Ames Iowa Blackwell Pub ISBN 9780470752678 Mauseth James D 2017 1991 Botany An Introduction to Plant Biology 6th ed Sudbury MA Jones amp Bartlett ISBN 9781284077537 Oliver Francis W ed 1913 Makers of British Botany Cambridge Cambridge University Press Pavord Anna 2005 The naming of names the search for order in the world of plants New York Bloomsbury ISBN 9781596919655 Retrieved 18 February 2015 See also ebook 2010 Raven Peter H Evert Ray F Eichhorn Susan E 2013 Biology of plants 8th ed New York W H Freeman ISBN 9781464113512 Radosevich Steven R Holt Jodie S Ghersa Claudio 1997 Weed ecology implications for management 2nd ed New York J Wiley ISBN 0 471 11606 8 Raven Charles E 1950 1942 John Ray naturalist his life and works 2nd ed Cambridge England Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521310833 Retrieved 10 December 2015 Reed Barbara ed 2008 Plant cryopreservation a practical guide New York Springer ISBN 978 0 387 72276 4 Short Emma George Alex 2013 A primer of botanical Latin with vocabulary New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781107693753 Retrieved 14 December 2015 Smith Alison M et al 2010 Plant biology New York 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