

Gynoecium (/ɡˈnsi.əm, ɪˈnʃi.əm/; from Ancient Greek γυνή (gunḗ) 'woman, female', and οἶκος (oîkos) 'house') is most commonly used as a collective term for the parts of a flower that produce ovules and ultimately develop into the fruit and seeds. The gynoecium is the innermost whorl of a flower; it consists of (one or more) pistils and is typically surrounded by the pollen-producing reproductive organs, the stamens, collectively called the androecium. The gynoecium is often referred to as the "female" portion of the flower, although rather than directly producing female gametes (i.e. egg cells), the gynoecium produces megaspores, each of which develops into a female gametophyte which then produces egg cells.

Flower of Magnolia × wieseneri showing the many pistils making up the gynoecium in the middle of the flower
Hippeastrum flowers showing stamens, style and stigma
Moss plants with gynoecia, clusters of archegonia at the apex of each shoot.

The term gynoecium is also used by botanists to refer to a cluster of archegonia and any associated modified leaves or stems present on a gametophyte shoot in mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. The corresponding terms for the male parts of those plants are clusters of antheridia within the androecium. Flowers that bear a gynoecium but no stamens are called pistillate or carpellate. Flowers lacking a gynoecium are called staminate.

The gynoecium is often referred to as female because it gives rise to female (egg-producing) gametophytes; however, strictly speaking sporophytes do not have a sex, only gametophytes do.[1] Gynoecium development and arrangement is important in systematic research and identification of angiosperms, but can be the most challenging of the floral parts to interpret.[2]


Unlike most animals, plants grow new organs after embryogenesis, including new roots, leaves, and flowers.[3] In the flowering plants, the gynoecium develops in the central region of the flower as a carpel or in groups of fused carpels.[4] After fertilization, the gynoecium develops into a fruit that provides protection and nutrition for the developing seeds, and often aids in their dispersal.[5] The gynoecium has several specialized tissues.[6] The tissues of the gynoecium develop from genetic and hormonal interactions along three-major axes.[7][8] These tissue arise from meristems that produce cells that differentiation into the different tissues that produce the parts of the gynoecium including the pistil, carpels, ovary, and ovals; the carpel margin meristem (arising from the carpel primordium) produces the ovules, ovary septum, and the transmitting track, and plays a role in fusing the apical margins of carpels.[9]


A syncarpous gynoecium in context. The gynoecium (whether composed of a single carpel or multiple "fused" carpels) is typically made up of an ovary, style, and stigma as in the center of the flower.

The gynoecium may consist of one or more separate pistils. A pistil typically consists of an expanded basal portion called an ovary, an elongated section called a style and an apical structure called a stigma that receives pollen.

  • The ovary (from Latin ovum, meaning egg) is the enlarged basal portion which contains placentas, ridges of tissue bearing one or more ovules (integumented megasporangia). The placentas and/or ovule(s) may be born on the gynoecial appendages or less frequently on the floral apex.[10][11][12][13][14] The chamber in which the ovules develop is called a locule (or sometimes cell).
  • The style (from Ancient Greek στῦλος, stylos, meaning a pillar) is a pillar-like stalk through which pollen tubes grow to reach the ovary. Some flowers, such as those of Tulipa, do not have a distinct style, and the stigma sits directly on the ovary. The style is a hollow tube in some plants, such as lilies, or has transmitting tissue through which the pollen tubes grow.[15]
  • The stigma (from Ancient Greek στίγμα, stigma, meaning mark or puncture) is usually found at the tip of the style, the portion of the carpel(s) that receives pollen (male gametophytes). It is commonly sticky or feathery to capture pollen.

The word "pistil" comes from Latin pistillum meaning pestle. A sterile pistil in a male flower is referred to as a pistillode.


The pistils of a flower are considered to be composed of one or more carpels.[note 1] A carpel is the female reproductive part of the flower—usually composed of the style, and stigma (sometimes having its individual ovary, and sometimes connecting to a shared basal ovary) —and usually interpreted as modified leaves that bear structures called ovules, inside which egg cells ultimately form. A pistil may consist of one carpel (with its ovary, style and stigma); or it may comprise several carpels joined together to form a single ovary, the whole unit called a pistil. The gynoecium may present as one or more uni-carpellate pistils or as one multi-carpellate pistil. (The number of carpels is denoted by terms such as tricarpellate (three carpels).)

Carpels are thought to be phylogenetically derived from ovule-bearing leaves or leaf homologues (megasporophylls), which evolved to form a closed structure containing the ovules. This structure is typically rolled and fused along the margin.

Although many flowers satisfy the above definition of a carpel, there are also flowers that do not have carpels because in these flowers the ovule(s), although enclosed, are borne directly on the shoot apex.[12][17] Different remedies have been suggested for this problem. An easy remedy that applies to most cases is to redefine the carpel as an appendage that encloses ovule(s) and may or may not bear them.[13][14][18]

Centre of a Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup) showing multiple unfused carpels surrounded by longer stamens
Cross-section through the ovary of Narcissus showing multiple connate carpels (a compound pistil) fused along the placental line where the ovules form in each locule
Pistil of Begonia grandis


If a gynoecium has a single carpel, it is called monocarpous. If a gynoecium has multiple, distinct (free, unfused) carpels, it is apocarpous. If a gynoecium has multiple carpels "fused" into a single structure, it is syncarpous. A syncarpous gynoecium can sometimes appear very much like a monocarpous gynoecium.

Comparison of gynoecium terminology using carpel and pistil
Gynoecium composition Carpel
Pistil terminology Examples
Single carpel Monocarpous (unicarpellate) gynoecium A pistil (simple) Avocado (Persea sp.), most legumes (Fabaceae)
Multiple distinct ("unfused") carpels Apocarpous (choricarpous) gynoecium Pistils (simple) Strawberry (Fragaria sp.), Buttercup (Ranunculus sp.)
Multiple connate ("fused") carpels Syncarpous gynoecium A pistil (compound) Tulip (Tulipa sp.), most flowers

The degree of connation ("fusion") in a syncarpous gynoecium can vary. The carpels may be "fused" only at their bases, but retain separate styles and stigmas. The carpels may be "fused" entirely, except for retaining separate stigmas. Sometimes (e.g., Apocynaceae) carpels are fused by their styles or stigmas but possess distinct ovaries. In a syncarpous gynoecium, the "fused" ovaries of the constituent carpels may be referred to collectively as a single compound ovary. It can be a challenge to determine how many carpels fused to form a syncarpous gynoecium. If the styles and stigmas are distinct, they can usually be counted to determine the number of carpels. Within the compound ovary, the carpels may have distinct locules divided by walls called septa. If a syncarpous gynoecium has a single style and stigma and a single locule in the ovary, it may be necessary to examine how the ovules are attached. Each carpel will usually have a distinct line of placentation where the ovules are attached.

Pistil development

Pistils begin as small primordia on a floral apical meristem, forming later than, and closer to the (floral) apex than sepal, petal and stamen primordia. Morphological and molecular studies of pistil ontogeny reveal that carpels are most likely homologous to leaves.[citation needed]

A carpel has a similar function to a megasporophyll, but typically includes a stigma, and is fused, with ovules enclosed in the enlarged lower portion, the ovary.[19]

In some basal angiosperm lineages, Degeneriaceae and Winteraceae, a carpel begins as a shallow cup where the ovules develop with laminar placentation, on the upper surface of the carpel. The carpel eventually forms a folded, leaf-like structure, not fully sealed at its margins. No style exists, but a broad stigmatic crest along the margin allows pollen tubes access along the surface and between hairs at the margins.[19]

Two kinds of fusion have been distinguished: postgenital fusion that can be observed during the development of flowers, and congenital fusion that cannot be observed i.e., fusions that occurred during phylogeny. But it is very difficult to distinguish fusion and non-fusion processes in the evolution of flowering plants. Some processes that have been considered congenital (phylogenetic) fusions appear to be non-fusion processes such as, for example, the de novo formation of intercalary growth in a ring zone at or below the base of primordia.[20][21][18] Therefore, "it is now increasingly acknowledged that the term 'fusion,' as applied to phylogeny (as in 'congenital fusion') is ill-advised."[22]

Gynoecium position

Basal angiosperm groups tend to have carpels arranged spirally around a conical or dome-shaped receptacle. In later lineages, carpels tend to be in whorls.

The relationship of the other flower parts to the gynoecium can be an important systematic and taxonomic character. In some flowers, the stamens, petals, and sepals are often said to be "fused" into a "floral tube" or hypanthium. However, as Leins & Erbar (2010) pointed out, "the classical view that the wall of the inferior ovary results from the "congenital" fusion of dorsal carpel flanks and the floral axis does not correspond to the ontogenetic processes that can actually be observed. All that can be seen is an intercalary growth in a broad circular zone that changes the shape of the floral axis (receptacle)."[18] And what happened during evolution is not a phylogenetic fusion but the formation of a unitary intercalary meristem. Evolutionary developmental biology investigates such developmental processes that arise or change during evolution.

If the hypanthium is absent, the flower is hypogynous, and the stamens, petals, and sepals are all attached to the receptacle below the gynoecium. Hypogynous flowers are often referred to as having a superior ovary. This is the typical arrangement in most flowers.

If the hypanthium is present up to the base of the style(s), the flower is epigynous. In an epigynous flower, the stamens, petals, and sepals are attached to the hypanthium at the top of the ovary or, occasionally, the hypanthium may extend beyond the top of the ovary. Epigynous flowers are often referred to as having an inferior ovary. Plant families with epigynous flowers include orchids, asters, and evening primroses.

Between these two extremes are perigynous flowers, in which a hypanthium is present, but is either free from the gynoecium (in which case it may appear to be a cup or tube surrounding the gynoecium) or connected partly to the gynoecium (with the stamens, petals, and sepals attached to the hypanthium part of the way up the ovary). Perigynous flowers are often referred to as having a half-inferior ovary (or, sometimes, partially inferior or half-superior). This arrangement is particularly frequent in the rose family and saxifrages.

Occasionally, the gynoecium is born on a stalk, called the gynophore, as in Isomeris arborea.


Within the ovary, each ovule is born by a placenta or arises as a continuation of the floral apex. The placentas often occur in distinct lines called lines of placentation. In monocarpous or apocarpous gynoecia, there is typically a single line of placentation in each ovary. In syncarpous gynoecia, the lines of placentation can be regularly spaced along the wall of the ovary (parietal placentation), or near the center of the ovary. In the latter case, separate terms are used depending on whether or not the ovary is divided into separate locules. If the ovary is divided, with the ovules born on a line of placentation at the inner angle of each locule, this is axile placentation. An ovary with free central placentation, on the other hand, consists of a single compartment without septae and the ovules are attached to a central column that arises directly from the floral apex (axis). In some cases a single ovule is attached to the bottom or top of the locule (basal or apical placentation, respectively).

The ovule

Longitudinal section of carpellate flower of squash showing ovary, ovules, stigma, style, and petals

In flowering plants, the ovule (from Latin ovulum meaning small egg) is a complex structure born inside ovaries. The ovule initially consists of a stalked, integumented megasporangium (also called the nucellus). Typically, one cell in the megasporangium undergoes meiosis resulting in one to four megaspores. These develop into a megagametophyte (often called the embryo sac) within the ovule. The megagametophyte typically develops a small number of cells, including two special cells, an egg cell and a binucleate central cell, which are the gametes involved in double fertilization. The central cell, once fertilized by a sperm cell from the pollen becomes the first cell of the endosperm, and the egg cell once fertilized become the zygote that develops into the embryo. The gap in the integuments through which the pollen tube enters to deliver sperm to the egg is called the micropyle. The stalk attaching the ovule to the placenta is called the funiculus.

Role of the stigma and style

Stigmas can vary from long and slender to globe-shaped to feathery. The stigma is the receptive tip of the carpel(s), which receives pollen at pollination and on which the pollen grain germinates. The stigma is adapted to catch and trap pollen, either by combining pollen of visiting insects or by various hairs, flaps, or sculpturings.[23]

The style and stigma of the flower are involved in most types of self incompatibility reactions. Self-incompatibility, if present, prevents fertilization by pollen from the same plant or from genetically similar plants, and ensures outcrossing.

The primitive development of carpels, as seen in such groups of plants as Tasmannia and Degeneria, lack styles and the stigmatic surface is produced along the carpels margins.[24]

See also


  1. ^ carpel (also carpophyl)—Gr. καρπός (karpós, "fruit") + Gr. φύλλον (phúllon, "leaf") [L. folium].[16]


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  2. ^ Sattler, R. (1974). "A new approach to gynoecial morphology". Phytomorphology. 24: 22–34.
  3. ^ Moubayidin, Laila; Østergaard, Lars (2017-08-01). "Gynoecium formation: an intimate and complicated relationship". Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 45: 15–21. doi:10.1016/j.gde.2017.02.005. ISSN 0959-437X. PMID 28242478.
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  5. ^ Encyclopedia of Reproduction 2023-01-19 at the Wayback Machine. Elsevier Science; 29 June 2018. ISBN 978-0-12-815145-7. p. 2–.
  6. ^ Molecular basis of fruit development 2023-01-19 at the Wayback Machine. Frontiers Media SA; 26 March 2014. ISBN 978-2-88919-460-5. p. 27–.
  7. ^ Peréz-Mesa, Pablo; Ortíz-Ramírez, Clara Inés; González, Favio; Ferrándiz, Cristina; Pabón-Mora, Natalia (2020-02-17). "Expression of gynoecium patterning transcription factors in Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae) and their contribution to gynostemium development". EvoDevo. 11 (1): 4. doi:10.1186/s13227-020-00149-8. ISSN 2041-9139. PMC 7027301. PMID 32095226.
  8. ^ Simonini, Sara; Østergaard, Lars (2019). "Female reproductive organ formation: A multitasking endeavor". Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 131: 337–371. doi:10.1016/bs.ctdb.2018.10.004. ISBN 9780128098042. ISSN 1557-8933. PMID 30612622. S2CID 58606227. from the original on 2023-01-19. Retrieved 2020-12-27.
  9. ^ Fruit Ripening: From Present Knowledge to Future Development 2023-01-19 at the Wayback Machine. Frontiers Media SA; 12 August 2019. ISBN 978-2-88945-919-3. p. 155–.
  10. ^ Macdonald, A.D. & Sattler, R. (1973). "Floral development of Myrica gale and the controversy over floral theories". Canadian Journal of Botany. 51 (10): 1965–1975. doi:10.1139/b73-251.
  11. ^ Sattler, R. (1973). Organogenesis of Flowers : a Photographic Text-Atlas. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-8020-1864-9.
  12. ^ a b Sattler, R. & Lacroix, C. (1988). "Development and evolution of basal cauline placentation: Basella rubra". American Journal of Botany. 75 (6): 918–927. doi:10.2307/2444012. JSTOR 2444012.
  13. ^ a b Sattler, R. & Perlin, L. (1982). "Floral development of Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd., Boerhaavia diffusa L. and Mirabilis jalapa L. (Nyctaginaceae)". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 84 (3): 161–182. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.1982.tb00532.x.
  14. ^ a b Greyson 1994, p. 130.
  15. ^ Esau, K. (1965). Plant Anatomy (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. OCLC 263092258.
  16. ^ "Carpophyl". The Century Dictionary: The Century dictionary. Century Company. 1914. p. 832. from the original on 2023-01-19. Retrieved 2018-02-05.
  17. ^ D'Arcy, W.G.; Keating, R.C. (1996). The Anther: Form, Function, and Phylogeny. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521480635. from the original on 2023-01-19. Retrieved 2015-10-27.
  18. ^ a b c Leins, P. & Erbar, C. (2010). Flower and Fruit. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart Science Publishers. ISBN 978-3-510-65261-7.
  19. ^ a b Gifford, E.M. & Foster, A.S. (1989). Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants (3rd ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman & Co. ISBN 978-0-7167-1946-5.
  20. ^ Sattler, R. (1978). "'Fusion' and 'continuity' in floral morphology". Notes of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. 36: 397–405.
  21. ^ Greyson 1994, p. 67–69, 142–145.
  22. ^ Greyson 1994, p. 142.
  23. ^ Blackmore, Stephen & Toothill, Elizabeth (1984). The Penguin Dictionary of Botany. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-051126-0.
  24. ^ Armen Takhtajan. Flowering Plants 2023-01-19 at the Wayback Machine. Springer Science & Business Media; 6 July 2009. ISBN 978-1-4020-9609-9. p. 22–.


  • Rendle, Alfred Barton (1911). "Flower" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 10 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 553–573.
  • Greyson, R. I. (1994). The Development of Flowers. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-506688-3.

gynoecium, from, ancient, greek, γυνή, gunḗ, woman, female, οἶκος, oîkos, house, most, commonly, used, collective, term, parts, flower, that, produce, ovules, ultimately, develop, into, fruit, seeds, gynoecium, innermost, whorl, flower, consists, more, pistils. Gynoecium ɡ aɪ ˈ n iː s i e m dʒ ɪ ˈ n iː ʃ i e m from Ancient Greek gynh gunḗ woman female and oἶkos oikos house is most commonly used as a collective term for the parts of a flower that produce ovules and ultimately develop into the fruit and seeds The gynoecium is the innermost whorl of a flower it consists of one or more pistils and is typically surrounded by the pollen producing reproductive organs the stamens collectively called the androecium The gynoecium is often referred to as the female portion of the flower although rather than directly producing female gametes i e egg cells the gynoecium produces megaspores each of which develops into a female gametophyte which then produces egg cells Flower of Magnolia wieseneri showing the many pistils making up the gynoecium in the middle of the flower Hippeastrum flowers showing stamens style and stigma Hippeastrum stigmas and style Moss plants with gynoecia clusters of archegonia at the apex of each shoot The term gynoecium is also used by botanists to refer to a cluster of archegonia and any associated modified leaves or stems present on a gametophyte shoot in mosses liverworts and hornworts The corresponding terms for the male parts of those plants are clusters of antheridia within the androecium Flowers that bear a gynoecium but no stamens are called pistillate or carpellate Flowers lacking a gynoecium are called staminate The gynoecium is often referred to as female because it gives rise to female egg producing gametophytes however strictly speaking sporophytes do not have a sex only gametophytes do 1 Gynoecium development and arrangement is important in systematic research and identification of angiosperms but can be the most challenging of the floral parts to interpret 2 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Pistil 3 Carpels 4 Types 4 1 Pistil development 5 Gynoecium position 6 Placentation 7 The ovule 8 Role of the stigma and style 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References 12 BibliographyIntroduction EditUnlike most animals plants grow new organs after embryogenesis including new roots leaves and flowers 3 In the flowering plants the gynoecium develops in the central region of the flower as a carpel or in groups of fused carpels 4 After fertilization the gynoecium develops into a fruit that provides protection and nutrition for the developing seeds and often aids in their dispersal 5 The gynoecium has several specialized tissues 6 The tissues of the gynoecium develop from genetic and hormonal interactions along three major axes 7 8 These tissue arise from meristems that produce cells that differentiation into the different tissues that produce the parts of the gynoecium including the pistil carpels ovary and ovals the carpel margin meristem arising from the carpel primordium produces the ovules ovary septum and the transmitting track and plays a role in fusing the apical margins of carpels 9 Pistil Edit Pistil redirects here Not to be confused with Pistol A syncarpous gynoecium in context The gynoecium whether composed of a single carpel or multiple fused carpels is typically made up of an ovary style and stigma as in the center of the flower The gynoecium may consist of one or more separate pistils A pistil typically consists of an expanded basal portion called an ovary an elongated section called a style and an apical structure called a stigma that receives pollen The ovary from Latin ovum meaning egg is the enlarged basal portion which contains placentas ridges of tissue bearing one or more ovules integumented megasporangia The placentas and or ovule s may be born on the gynoecial appendages or less frequently on the floral apex 10 11 12 13 14 The chamber in which the ovules develop is called a locule or sometimes cell The style from Ancient Greek stῦlos stylos meaning a pillar is a pillar like stalk through which pollen tubes grow to reach the ovary Some flowers such as those of Tulipa do not have a distinct style and the stigma sits directly on the ovary The style is a hollow tube in some plants such as lilies or has transmitting tissue through which the pollen tubes grow 15 The stigma from Ancient Greek stigma stigma meaning mark or puncture is usually found at the tip of the style the portion of the carpel s that receives pollen male gametophytes It is commonly sticky or feathery to capture pollen The word pistil comes from Latin pistillum meaning pestle A sterile pistil in a male flower is referred to as a pistillode Carpels EditThe pistils of a flower are considered to be composed of one or more carpels note 1 A carpel is the female reproductive part of the flower usually composed of the style and stigma sometimes having its individual ovary and sometimes connecting to a shared basal ovary and usually interpreted as modified leaves that bear structures called ovules inside which egg cells ultimately form A pistil may consist of one carpel with its ovary style and stigma or it may comprise several carpels joined together to form a single ovary the whole unit called a pistil The gynoecium may present as one or more uni carpellate pistils or as one multi carpellate pistil The number of carpels is denoted by terms such as tricarpellate three carpels Carpels are thought to be phylogenetically derived from ovule bearing leaves or leaf homologues megasporophylls which evolved to form a closed structure containing the ovules This structure is typically rolled and fused along the margin Although many flowers satisfy the above definition of a carpel there are also flowers that do not have carpels because in these flowers the ovule s although enclosed are borne directly on the shoot apex 12 17 Different remedies have been suggested for this problem An easy remedy that applies to most cases is to redefine the carpel as an appendage that encloses ovule s and may or may not bear them 13 14 18 Centre of a Ranunculus repens creeping buttercup showing multiple unfused carpels surrounded by longer stamens Cross section through the ovary of Narcissus showing multiple connate carpels a compound pistil fused along the placental line where the ovules form in each locule Pistil of Begonia grandisTypes EditIf a gynoecium has a single carpel it is called monocarpous If a gynoecium has multiple distinct free unfused carpels it is apocarpous If a gynoecium has multiple carpels fused into a single structure it is syncarpous A syncarpous gynoecium can sometimes appear very much like a monocarpous gynoecium Comparison of gynoecium terminology using carpel and pistil Gynoecium composition Carpelterminology Pistil terminology ExamplesSingle carpel Monocarpous unicarpellate gynoecium A pistil simple Avocado Persea sp most legumes Fabaceae Multiple distinct unfused carpels Apocarpous choricarpous gynoecium Pistils simple Strawberry Fragaria sp Buttercup Ranunculus sp Multiple connate fused carpels Syncarpous gynoecium A pistil compound Tulip Tulipa sp most flowersThe degree of connation fusion in a syncarpous gynoecium can vary The carpels may be fused only at their bases but retain separate styles and stigmas The carpels may be fused entirely except for retaining separate stigmas Sometimes e g Apocynaceae carpels are fused by their styles or stigmas but possess distinct ovaries In a syncarpous gynoecium the fused ovaries of the constituent carpels may be referred to collectively as a single compound ovary It can be a challenge to determine how many carpels fused to form a syncarpous gynoecium If the styles and stigmas are distinct they can usually be counted to determine the number of carpels Within the compound ovary the carpels may have distinct locules divided by walls called septa If a syncarpous gynoecium has a single style and stigma and a single locule in the ovary it may be necessary to examine how the ovules are attached Each carpel will usually have a distinct line of placentation where the ovules are attached Pistil development Edit Pistils begin as small primordia on a floral apical meristem forming later than and closer to the floral apex than sepal petal and stamen primordia Morphological and molecular studies of pistil ontogeny reveal that carpels are most likely homologous to leaves citation needed A carpel has a similar function to a megasporophyll but typically includes a stigma and is fused with ovules enclosed in the enlarged lower portion the ovary 19 In some basal angiosperm lineages Degeneriaceae and Winteraceae a carpel begins as a shallow cup where the ovules develop with laminar placentation on the upper surface of the carpel The carpel eventually forms a folded leaf like structure not fully sealed at its margins No style exists but a broad stigmatic crest along the margin allows pollen tubes access along the surface and between hairs at the margins 19 Two kinds of fusion have been distinguished postgenital fusion that can be observed during the development of flowers and congenital fusion that cannot be observed i e fusions that occurred during phylogeny But it is very difficult to distinguish fusion and non fusion processes in the evolution of flowering plants Some processes that have been considered congenital phylogenetic fusions appear to be non fusion processes such as for example the de novo formation of intercalary growth in a ring zone at or below the base of primordia 20 21 18 Therefore it is now increasingly acknowledged that the term fusion as applied to phylogeny as in congenital fusion is ill advised 22 Gynoecium position EditBasal angiosperm groups tend to have carpels arranged spirally around a conical or dome shaped receptacle In later lineages carpels tend to be in whorls The relationship of the other flower parts to the gynoecium can be an important systematic and taxonomic character In some flowers the stamens petals and sepals are often said to be fused into a floral tube or hypanthium However as Leins amp Erbar 2010 pointed out the classical view that the wall of the inferior ovary results from the congenital fusion of dorsal carpel flanks and the floral axis does not correspond to the ontogenetic processes that can actually be observed All that can be seen is an intercalary growth in a broad circular zone that changes the shape of the floral axis receptacle 18 And what happened during evolution is not a phylogenetic fusion but the formation of a unitary intercalary meristem Evolutionary developmental biology investigates such developmental processes that arise or change during evolution If the hypanthium is absent the flower is hypogynous and the stamens petals and sepals are all attached to the receptacle below the gynoecium Hypogynous flowers are often referred to as having a superior ovary This is the typical arrangement in most flowers If the hypanthium is present up to the base of the style s the flower is epigynous In an epigynous flower the stamens petals and sepals are attached to the hypanthium at the top of the ovary or occasionally the hypanthium may extend beyond the top of the ovary Epigynous flowers are often referred to as having an inferior ovary Plant families with epigynous flowers include orchids asters and evening primroses Between these two extremes are perigynous flowers in which a hypanthium is present but is either free from the gynoecium in which case it may appear to be a cup or tube surrounding the gynoecium or connected partly to the gynoecium with the stamens petals and sepals attached to the hypanthium part of the way up the ovary Perigynous flowers are often referred to as having a half inferior ovary or sometimes partially inferior or half superior This arrangement is particularly frequent in the rose family and saxifrages Occasionally the gynoecium is born on a stalk called the gynophore as in Isomeris arborea Flowers and fruit capsules of the ground orchid Spathoglottis plicata illustrating an inferior ovary Illustration showing longitudinal sections through hypogynous a perigynous b and epigynous c flowersPlacentation EditMain article Ovule Within the ovary each ovule is born by a placenta or arises as a continuation of the floral apex The placentas often occur in distinct lines called lines of placentation In monocarpous or apocarpous gynoecia there is typically a single line of placentation in each ovary In syncarpous gynoecia the lines of placentation can be regularly spaced along the wall of the ovary parietal placentation or near the center of the ovary In the latter case separate terms are used depending on whether or not the ovary is divided into separate locules If the ovary is divided with the ovules born on a line of placentation at the inner angle of each locule this is axile placentation An ovary with free central placentation on the other hand consists of a single compartment without septae and the ovules are attached to a central column that arises directly from the floral apex axis In some cases a single ovule is attached to the bottom or top of the locule basal or apical placentation respectively The ovule EditMain article Ovule Longitudinal section of carpellate flower of squash showing ovary ovules stigma style and petals In flowering plants the ovule from Latin ovulum meaning small egg is a complex structure born inside ovaries The ovule initially consists of a stalked integumented megasporangium also called the nucellus Typically one cell in the megasporangium undergoes meiosis resulting in one to four megaspores These develop into a megagametophyte often called the embryo sac within the ovule The megagametophyte typically develops a small number of cells including two special cells an egg cell and a binucleate central cell which are the gametes involved in double fertilization The central cell once fertilized by a sperm cell from the pollen becomes the first cell of the endosperm and the egg cell once fertilized become the zygote that develops into the embryo The gap in the integuments through which the pollen tube enters to deliver sperm to the egg is called the micropyle The stalk attaching the ovule to the placenta is called the funiculus Role of the stigma and style EditMain article Stigma botany Stigmas can vary from long and slender to globe shaped to feathery The stigma is the receptive tip of the carpel s which receives pollen at pollination and on which the pollen grain germinates The stigma is adapted to catch and trap pollen either by combining pollen of visiting insects or by various hairs flaps or sculpturings 23 The style and stigma of the flower are involved in most types of self incompatibility reactions Self incompatibility if present prevents fertilization by pollen from the same plant or from genetically similar plants and ensures outcrossing The primitive development of carpels as seen in such groups of plants as Tasmannia and Degeneria lack styles and the stigmatic surface is produced along the carpels margins 24 Stigmas and style of Cannabis sativa held in a pair of forceps Stigma of a Crocus flower See also EditChalazaNotes Edit carpel also carpophyl Gr karpos karpos fruit Gr fyllon phullon leaf L folium 16 References Edit Judd W S Campbell C S Kellogg E A Stevens P F amp Donoghue M J 2007 Plant Systematics A Phylogenetic Approach 3rd ed Sunderland MA Sinauer Associates Inc ISBN 978 0 87893 407 2 Sattler R 1974 A new approach to gynoecial morphology Phytomorphology 24 22 34 Moubayidin Laila Ostergaard Lars 2017 08 01 Gynoecium formation an intimate and complicated relationship Current Opinion in Genetics amp Development 45 15 21 doi 10 1016 j gde 2017 02 005 ISSN 0959 437X PMID 28242478 Recent Advances and Challenges on Big Data Analysis in Neuroimaging Archived 2023 01 19 at the Wayback Machine Frontiers Media SA 17 May 2017 ISBN 978 2 88945 128 9 p 158 Encyclopedia of Reproduction Archived 2023 01 19 at the Wayback Machine Elsevier Science 29 June 2018 ISBN 978 0 12 815145 7 p 2 Molecular basis of fruit development Archived 2023 01 19 at the Wayback Machine Frontiers Media SA 26 March 2014 ISBN 978 2 88919 460 5 p 27 Perez Mesa 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Schweizerbart Science Publishers ISBN 978 3 510 65261 7 a b Gifford E M amp Foster A S 1989 Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants 3rd ed New York W H Freeman amp Co ISBN 978 0 7167 1946 5 Sattler R 1978 Fusion and continuity in floral morphology Notes of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 36 397 405 Greyson 1994 p 67 69 142 145 Greyson 1994 p 142 Blackmore Stephen amp Toothill Elizabeth 1984 The Penguin Dictionary of Botany Penguin Books ISBN 978 0 14 051126 0 Armen Takhtajan Flowering Plants Archived 2023 01 19 at the Wayback Machine Springer Science amp Business Media 6 July 2009 ISBN 978 1 4020 9609 9 p 22 Bibliography EditRendle Alfred Barton 1911 Flower In Chisholm Hugh ed Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol 10 11th ed Cambridge University Press pp 553 573 Greyson R I 1994 The Development of Flowers Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 506688 3 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Gynoecium amp oldid 1134632102, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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