

A houseplant, sometimes known as a pot plant, potted plant, or an indoor plant, is an ornamental plant that is grown indoors.[1] As such, they are found in places like residences and offices, mainly for decorative purposes. Common houseplants are usually tropical or semi-tropical, and are often epiphytes, succulents or cacti.[2]

Cultural history

Early history

The history of houseplants is intertwined with the history of container gardening in general. Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians grew ornamental and fruiting plants in decorative containers. Ancient Greeks and the Romans cultivated laurel trees (Laurus nobilis) in earthenware vessels. In ancient China, potted plants were shown at garden exhibitions over 2,500 years ago.

In the medieval era, gillyflowers (Dianthus caryophyllus) were displayed in containers.[3]

Early modern era

Still Life with Lemons, Oranges and a Rose, by Francisco de Zurbarán, 1633. Indoor citrus trees were popular in this era.

In the Renaissance, plant collectors and affluent merchants from Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium imported plants from Asia Minor and the East Indies. Creeping groundsel was introduced in Malta and the rest of Europe in the 15th century as an ornamental plant.[4]

In the 17th century, fascination in exotic plants grew among the aristocracy of France and England, with inventor and writer Sir Hugh Platt publishing Garden of Eden in 1660, which was a book about how to grow plants indoors.[5] Wealthy British households purchased imported fruit trees, especially citrus trees, to grow in specialized orangeries.[6] Less wealthy people would also grow plants, especially flowers, indoors.[7] Orange trees became less fashionable as international commerce in oranges became more widespread.[8] Succulents, such as aloes, were also cultivated.[9]

18th century

In the early 18th century, windows in London became wider and brighter, expanding the opportunities for the lower classes to grow plants indoors.[10]

The expansion of European colonialism brought Europeans into contact with a wide variety of new plants, especially tropical plants more suited to growing as houseplants. Explorers and botanists brought over 5,000 species to Europe from South America, Africa, Asia and Australia.[5]

Forcing plants to bloom out of season, especially bulbs, was very popular in this era.[11] The decorative pot or cachepot specifically for growing houseplants (as opposed to a simple terracotta pot, or a decorative vase) was developed in this era as ceramic manufacturing took off.[12]

Plant breeding developed in the late 17th and 18th centuries. These innovations were drawn and presented in the botanical gardens and in private court collections. At the end of the 18th century, flower tables became part of the salons. Furthermore, nurseries were flourishing in the 18th century, which stocked thousands of plants, including citrus, jasmines, mignonette, bays, myrtles, agaves and aloes.[12]

19th century

The earliest portrait of Charles Darwin, 1816, holding a potted houseplant

The Victorian era saw the first use of houseplants by the middle class, which were perceived as a symbol of social status and moral value.[13] Some foliage plants which tolerated the typical gloomy and snug environment inside a Victorian house became popular.[14] The quintessential Victorian plants were palms (such as kentia palms and parlour palms), the cast iron plant, and ferns. Ferns were grown in Wardian cases, an early type of terrarium. Geraniums were often placed on window ledges and in drawing rooms and were the most affordable houseplant for the average Briton.[12][15]

In 1818, orchids were introduced to Europe when they were used as packing material for the shipment of other rare plants.[12] German ivy was introduced in the United States sometime in the 19th century as a houseplant.[16][17]

Other typical Victorian houseplants included mop-head chrysanthemums and yuccas.[15]

At the end of the 19th century, the range already included begonias, cineraria, clivia, cyclamen and flamingo flowers, but also leafy ornamental plants such as silver fir, ornamental asparagus, lilium, snake plant, and rubber tree.[5]

20th century

In the early 20th century, there was a turn against houseplants as they were seen as dated relics of the cluttered Victorian era. When there were houseplants, the more architecturally shaped cacti and succulents were the most common.[15] In the 1920s, commercial houseplant production began in California, focused on the Kentia palm and the pothos, later expanding to include Philodendron and Araucaria species in the 1940s.[5]

During World War II, houseplants became more common in offices, which began to more closely resemble the domestic environment as more women entered the workforce.[18]

By 1960, Florida produced more than 55% of American houseplants, and has remained the main producer of houseplants for the American market since.[5] Philodendrons, rubber plants and geraniums were mainstays of the postwar era.[19] Many plants entered the United States and the United Kingdom through the influence of Scandinavian design, which featured plants.[15] Tropical plants like bromeliads, birds of paradise, and philodendrons were popular accents in tiki-themed spaces.[18] The postwar years also saw a broader commercialization of houseplants. In the 1960s, plant care labels were introduced, and garden centers became ubiquitous in the 1970s.[19][20]

A lush display of houseplants fit into the environmentalist and hippie movements in the 1970s; a large indoor garden is characteristic of 1970s design.[21][22] Leafy plants were popular, particularly ferns and spider plants, often in macramé hanging planters.[18] Monstera deliciosa, ferns, aloes and snake plants (Dracaena sp., usually sold under their former genus of Sanseveria) were also popular. [23] Terrariums and bottle gardens began to appear as well.

In the 1980s, houseplants were often limited to large, lush statement pieces, particularly in bathrooms. The rise of shopping malls with large skylights created a new place for plants to be grown.[18] In the 1990s, moth orchids became trendy.[24] The 1990s also brought a wave of interest in artificial plants.[25]

21st century

"Living walls", mass planted vertical gardens, emerged as a trend in 21st century interiors.[26]

Beginning in the mid to late 2010s, fashionable plants from earlier decades were revitalized and popularized by social media, especially Instagram, with "plantstagram" becoming a major driver of trendy plants. In 2015, 5 million Americans took up plant-related hobbies.[27] In 2017, 30% of American households purchased at least one houseplant.[28]

Interest in houseplants exploded during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.[29] With people forced to spend more time indoors, many sought to fill their homes with houseplants. Plants were mentioned on Instagram an average of more than 3,000 times a day in July 2021 and the hashtag #plantmom has been used more than 2.6 million times.[30] Plant sales in 2020 were at an all-time high, which brought concerns about the environmental impact of the industry.[31]

Some of the most popular plants in the 2020s are the Monstera deliciosa and other aroids,[32] as well as the fiddle-leaf fig. This era saw a larger interest in growing plants with interesting or attractive forms or foliage, rather than focusing solely on flowers.[32]


"Flowers on the Windowsill", 1894

Houseplants have care requirements that differ from plants grown outdoors. Moisture, light, soil mixture, temperature, humidity, fertilizers, and potting are all important factors. Each plant species has different care requirements, and care requirements can vary based on the specific pot, location in a particular home and potting mix used.

Most houseplants are species that have adapted to survive in a temperature range between 15 °C to 25 °C (60 °F to 80 °F) year-round, because those adapted for temperate environments require winter temperatures outside of normal indoor conditions.[33] Within that limitation, there are houseplants which are native to many different types of habitats, from tropical rainforests to succulents and cacti native to deserts. Many houseplants are either epiphytes or live in seasonally dry ecosystems that help them adapt to the dry indoor air and inconsistent watering many houseplants are subject to. Often, houseplants from tropical areas are understory plants, and because they grown in shady conditions naturally, they are often able to thrive in lower-light conditions.

Houseplants are typically grown in specialized soilless mixtures called potting compost (in the UK), potting mix, or potting soil.[34] Most potting mixes contain a combination of peat or coir and vermiculite or perlite.

Keeping plants consistently too wet ("overwatering") leads to the roots sitting in water, which often leads to root rot. Root rot is the most common cause of death for houseplants but keeping houseplants too dry ("under-watering") can also be detrimental.

Plants require nitrate, phosphate, and potassium to survive, as well as micronutrients including boron, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, molybdenum, and chlorine. Houseplants do not have access to these nutrients unless they are fertilized regularly.[35]

House plants are generally planted in pots that have drainage holes, to reduce the likelihood of over-watering and standing water. Pots are typically broken down into two groups: porous and non-porous. Porous pots (usually terracotta) provide better aeration as air passes laterally through the sides of the pot. Non-porous pots such as glazed or plastic pots tend to hold moisture longer and restrict airflow.

Houseplants experience a range of pests. Fungus gnats, spider mites, mealybugs, thrips and scale are common pests.

Alternative growing methods

Houseplants are also grown in a variety of media other than potting mix, often in a hydroponic or semi-hydroponic system. This may overlap with aquascaping. Materials like sand, gravel, brick, expanded clay aggregate and styrofoam may be employed.[citation needed]

Some epiphytic plants may be grown mounted, either with their roots in potting mix and their stems attached to supports, or with their roots wrapped in sphagnum moss and attached to a vertical surface with wire. This can also overlap with the practice of kokedama.


Houseplants are obtained either by collecting wild specimens of plants, or by growing them in greenhouses or commercial nurseries.

Wild collection of plants for the houseplant trade is a major threat to many species, especially plants with limited native ranges. Plants which are particularly threatened in this way are cacti, succulents, and carnivorous plants, especially Venus flytraps.[36][37]

Plants grown for commercial production may be produced from seed, by using traditional propagation techniques, or through tissue culture. In 2002, the wholesale value of foliage plants grown in the United States was roughly 700 million dollars, mostly grown in Florida.[38] In 2018, houseplant growers in the Netherlands produced a billion houseplants for the European market.[39]

Effects of houseplants

People growing houseplants have long ascribed psychological and emotional benefits to them.[40]

Houseplants do not have an appreciable effect on the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in normal home environments: it would require between 10 and 1000 houseplants per square meter to achieve the same level of VOC removal as occurs from passive exchange between indoor and outdoor air. [41]

The idea that houseplants have an appreciable effect on indoor air quality is largely based on the Clean Air Study conducted by NASA in the 1980s.[41][42] The study tested plants in sealed chambers and with highly elevated levels of volatile organic compounds (specifically benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde). It concluded that to the extent that houseplants improve air quality, the mechanism of action is microorganisms within the potting soil, rather than the plants themselves.[43][44][45]

Houseplants do have a statistically significant effect on the concentrations of both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in normal indoor environments, reducing carbon dioxide levels by 10-25% and carbon monoxide levels by up to 90%. [46] The effect has been investigated by NASA for use in spacecraft.[47]

Plants also appear to increase the number and diversity of bacteria in homes, while reducing fungal diversity.[48] They tend to increase humidity, reduce temperature swings, and reduce noise.[49]

There are also many claimed psychological and physiological benefits to having houseplants. A critical review of the experimental literature concluded "The reviewed studies[50][51] suggest that indoor plants can provide psychological benefits such as stress-reduction and increased pain tolerance. However, they also showed substantial heterogeneity in methods and results. We therefore have strong reservations about general claims that indoor plants cause beneficial psychological changes. It appears that benefits are contingent on features of the context in which the indoor plants are encountered and on characteristics of the people encountering them."[52]

List of common houseplants

Epipremnum aureum or Pothos is one of the most common houseplants and has many variegated forms.

Tropical and subtropical


Snake plant, Dracaena (formerly Sansevieria) trifasciata, is known as one of the toughest and most common houseplants.
There are many species of cacti and succulents that stay small enough to do well as houseplants.

Forced bulbs

Note: Many forced bulbs are also temperate.

Temperate plants

See also


  1. ^ "Definition of houseplant". Dictionary.com. Retrieved 2022-07-10.
  2. ^ MacDonald, Elvin "The World Book of House Plants" Popular Books[page needed]
  3. ^ "Castle Life - Medieval Gardens". www.castlesandmanorhouses.com.
  4. ^ Senecio angulatus (Creeping Groundsel) MaltaWildPlants.com by Stephen Mifsud
  5. ^ a b c d e Jules Janick (6 April 2010). Horticultural Reviews. Horticultural Reviews. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 50–. ISBN 978-0-470-65087-5.
  6. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. pp. 21–31. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  7. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  8. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  9. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 34. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  10. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. pp. 32–33. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  11. ^ Horwood, Catherine (2007). Potted history : the story of plants in the home. London: Frances Lincoln. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-7112-2800-9. OCLC 155682753.
  12. ^ a b c d Our fascination with indoor potted plants has a long and colourful history by The Scotsman, 3rd January 2008
  13. ^ How To Decorate a Victorian House with Plants – A brief history of the Victorian obsession with houseplants, which turned parlors into bowers by Old House Online Journal, June 21, 2011.
  14. ^ 5 Houseplants That Changed History by Amanda Gutterman from Gardenista, November 11, 2013
  15. ^ a b c d "Potted history of houseplants in our houses and collections". National Trust. Retrieved 2022-07-18.
  16. ^ Delairea odorata Forest Starr, Kim Starr, and Lloyd Loope. United States Geological Survey--Biological Resources Division. Haleakala Field Station, Maui, Hawai'i. January, 2003.Retrieved 31 October 2022.
  17. ^ Alvarez, Maria E. (1997). "Management of Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata) in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area" (PDF). California Invasive Plant Council. Retrieved 2022-11-03.
  18. ^ a b c d Wretched Flowers (2021-09-15). "The Most Iconic Houseplant Trends Through the Decades". Architectural Digest. Retrieved 2022-07-18.
  19. ^ a b Sandberg-Diment, Erik (12 March 1973). "New Plant Shops in Town". New York Magazine. 6 (11): 60–61.
  20. ^ "Return of the Spider Plant". www.mccarthyandstone.co.uk. 2018-01-31. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  21. ^ Garden and plant trends over the past 70 years by Homes To Love, April 6 2018
  22. ^ "American Style Through the Decades: The Seventies". Apartment Therapy. Retrieved 2022-07-18.
  23. ^ Join the 1970s house plants revolution The Middle Sized Garden, November 5th, 2017
  24. ^ Williams, Molly (2022-09-13). Taming the Potted Beast: The Strange and Sensational History of the Not-So-Humble Houseplant. Andrews McMeel Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5248-8166-5.
  25. ^ Millennials Didn’t Invent Houseplants by Gray Chapman, Apartment Therapy, June 18 2019
  26. ^ "Designing plant walls for home and office", CBS News Sunday Morning, 22 May 2022
  27. ^ Bereznak, Alyssa (2017-07-03). "Plantstagram Is a Haven for People Who Bring the Outdoors Inside". The Ringer. Retrieved 2022-07-18.
  28. ^ "Houseplant comeback". Greenhouse Management. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  29. ^ Carleton, Audrey (2021-08-16). "Houseplants are a massive industry. How green are they, really?". Vox. Retrieved 2021-08-17.
  30. ^ Carleton, Audrey (2021-08-16). "Houseplants are a massive industry. How green are they, really?". Vox. Retrieved 2021-08-17.
  31. ^ Carleton, Audrey (2021-08-16). "Houseplants are a massive industry. How green are they, really?". Vox. Retrieved 2022-07-18.
  32. ^ a b "How Much Would You Pay for a Houseplant?". The New York Times. 11 November 2019.
  33. ^ Fritz Encke: Kalt- und Warmhauspflanzen. 2. Auflage. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-8001-6191-5
  34. ^ "Indoor Plants - Soil Mixes". Home & Garden Information Center, Clemson University. 1999-09-21. Retrieved 2022-07-17.
  35. ^ "How to Care for Indoor Plants (Houseplants)". Planet Natural. 2012-12-08. Retrieved 2019-05-05.
  36. ^ "Is Your Pandemic Plant Obsession Driving Rare Species to Extinction?". EcoWatch. 2021-05-06. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  37. ^ Farzan, Antonia Noori (3 June 2019). "Beloved on Instagram, succulents are vanishing from state parks. Officials blame a foreign black market". The Washington Post. Retrieved 22 July 2022.
  38. ^ Horticultural reviews. Volume 31. Jules Janick. Chichester. 2005. p. 58. ISBN 978-0-470-65087-5. OCLC 644264104.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  39. ^ Vooght, Clare (2019-01-25). "The growers feeding Britain's booming houseplant habit". inews.co.uk. Retrieved 2022-07-22.
  40. ^ How to make hotbeds and coldframes... The Countryside Press. 1915. p. 61.
  41. ^ a b Cummings, Bryan E.; Waring, Michael S. (6 November 2019). "Potted plants do not improve indoor air quality: a review and analysis of reported VOC removal efficiencies". Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 30 (2): 253–261. doi:10.1038/s41370-019-0175-9. ISSN 1559-064X. PMID 31695112. S2CID 207911697.
  42. ^ Wood, Ronald A.; Burchett, Margaret D.; Alquezar, Ralph; Orwell, Ralph L.; Tarran, Jane; Torpy, Fraser (20 July 2006). "The Potted-Plant Microcosm Substantially Reduces Indoor Air VOC Pollution: I. Office Field-Study". Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 175 (1–4): 163–180. Bibcode:2006WASP..175..163W. CiteSeerX doi:10.1007/s11270-006-9124-z. S2CID 55621034.
  43. ^ Wolverton, B.; Johnson, A.; Bounds, K. (1989). Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement. hdl:2060/19930073077.
  44. ^ Orwell, Ralph L.; Wood, Ronald A.; Burchett, Margaret D.; Tarran, Jane; Torpy, Fraser (19 September 2006). "The Potted-Plant Microcosm Substantially Reduces Indoor Air VOC Pollution: II. Laboratory Study". Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 177 (1–4): 59–80. Bibcode:2006WASP..177...59O. doi:10.1007/s11270-006-9092-3. S2CID 98216746.
  45. ^ Sriprapat, Wararat; Strand, Stuart E. (2016-04-01). "A lack of consensus in the literature findings on the removal of airborne benzene by houseplants: Effect of bacterial enrichment". Atmospheric Environment. 131: 9–16. Bibcode:2016AtmEn.131....9S. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.01.031. ISSN 1352-2310.
  46. ^ Tarran, Jane; Torpy, Fraser; Burchett, Margaret (2007). "Use of living pot-plants to cleanse indoor air – research review". IAQVEC 2007: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Sustainable Built Environment. pp. 249–56. CiteSeerX ISBN 978-4-86163-070-5.
  47. ^ Wolverton, BC (1988). Foliage plants for improving indoor air quality. hdl:2060/19930073015.
  48. ^ Mahnert, Alexander; Moissl-Eichinger, Christine; Berg, Gabriele (2015-08-28). "Microbiome interplay: plants alter microbial abundance and diversity within the built environment". Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: 887. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.00887. ISSN 1664-302X. PMC 4552223. PMID 26379656.
  49. ^ Wolverton, B. C.; Wolverton, John D. (1996). "Interior plants: their influence on airborne microbes inside energy-efficient buildings" (PDF). Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 41 (2): 99–105.
  50. ^ Lee, Min-sun; Lee, Juyoung; Park, Bum-Jin; Miyazaki, Yoshifumi (28 April 2015). "Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults: a randomized crossover study". Journal of Physiological Anthropology. 34 (1): 21. doi:10.1186/s40101-015-0060-8. PMC 4419447. PMID 25928639.
  51. ^ Ryan, Catherine O.; Browning, William D; Clancy, Joseph O; Andrews, Scott L; Kallianpurkar, Namita B (12 July 2014). "BIOPHILIC DESIGN PATTERNS: Emerging Nature-Based Parameters for Health and Well-Being in the Built Environment". International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR. 8 (2): 62. doi:10.26687/archnet-ijar.v8i2.436.
  52. ^ Bringslimark, Tina; Hartig, Terry; Patil, Grete G. (December 2009). "The psychological benefits of indoor plants: A critical review of the experimental literature". Journal of Environmental Psychology. 29 (4): 422–433. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2009.05.001.

External links

houseplant, houseplant, sometimes, known, plant, potted, plant, indoor, plant, ornamental, plant, that, grown, indoors, such, they, found, places, like, residences, offices, mainly, decorative, purposes, common, houseplants, usually, tropical, semi, tropical, . A houseplant sometimes known as a pot plant potted plant or an indoor plant is an ornamental plant that is grown indoors 1 As such they are found in places like residences and offices mainly for decorative purposes Common houseplants are usually tropical or semi tropical and are often epiphytes succulents or cacti 2 Contents 1 Cultural history 1 1 Early history 1 2 Early modern era 1 3 18th century 1 4 19th century 1 5 20th century 1 6 21st century 2 Care 2 1 Alternative growing methods 3 Production 4 Effects of houseplants 5 List of common houseplants 5 1 Tropical and subtropical 5 2 Succulents 5 3 Forced bulbs 5 4 Temperate plants 6 See also 7 References 8 External linksCultural history EditEarly history Edit The history of houseplants is intertwined with the history of container gardening in general Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians grew ornamental and fruiting plants in decorative containers Ancient Greeks and the Romans cultivated laurel trees Laurus nobilis in earthenware vessels In ancient China potted plants were shown at garden exhibitions over 2 500 years ago In the medieval era gillyflowers Dianthus caryophyllus were displayed in containers 3 Early modern era Edit Still Life with Lemons Oranges and a Rose by Francisco de Zurbaran 1633 Indoor citrus trees were popular in this era In the Renaissance plant collectors and affluent merchants from Italy the Netherlands and Belgium imported plants from Asia Minor and the East Indies Creeping groundsel was introduced in Malta and the rest of Europe in the 15th century as an ornamental plant 4 In the 17th century fascination in exotic plants grew among the aristocracy of France and England with inventor and writer Sir Hugh Platt publishing Garden of Eden in 1660 which was a book about how to grow plants indoors 5 Wealthy British households purchased imported fruit trees especially citrus trees to grow in specialized orangeries 6 Less wealthy people would also grow plants especially flowers indoors 7 Orange trees became less fashionable as international commerce in oranges became more widespread 8 Succulents such as aloes were also cultivated 9 18th century Edit In the early 18th century windows in London became wider and brighter expanding the opportunities for the lower classes to grow plants indoors 10 The expansion of European colonialism brought Europeans into contact with a wide variety of new plants especially tropical plants more suited to growing as houseplants Explorers and botanists brought over 5 000 species to Europe from South America Africa Asia and Australia 5 Forcing plants to bloom out of season especially bulbs was very popular in this era 11 The decorative pot or cachepot specifically for growing houseplants as opposed to a simple terracotta pot or a decorative vase was developed in this era as ceramic manufacturing took off 12 Plant breeding developed in the late 17th and 18th centuries These innovations were drawn and presented in the botanical gardens and in private court collections At the end of the 18th century flower tables became part of the salons Furthermore nurseries were flourishing in the 18th century which stocked thousands of plants including citrus jasmines mignonette bays myrtles agaves and aloes 12 19th century Edit The earliest portrait of Charles Darwin 1816 holding a potted houseplant The Victorian era saw the first use of houseplants by the middle class which were perceived as a symbol of social status and moral value 13 Some foliage plants which tolerated the typical gloomy and snug environment inside a Victorian house became popular 14 The quintessential Victorian plants were palms such as kentia palms and parlour palms the cast iron plant and ferns Ferns were grown in Wardian cases an early type of terrarium Geraniums were often placed on window ledges and in drawing rooms and were the most affordable houseplant for the average Briton 12 15 In 1818 orchids were introduced to Europe when they were used as packing material for the shipment of other rare plants 12 German ivy was introduced in the United States sometime in the 19th century as a houseplant 16 17 Other typical Victorian houseplants included mop head chrysanthemums and yuccas 15 At the end of the 19th century the range already included begonias cineraria clivia cyclamen and flamingo flowers but also leafy ornamental plants such as silver fir ornamental asparagus lilium snake plant and rubber tree 5 20th century Edit In the early 20th century there was a turn against houseplants as they were seen as dated relics of the cluttered Victorian era When there were houseplants the more architecturally shaped cacti and succulents were the most common 15 In the 1920s commercial houseplant production began in California focused on the Kentia palm and the pothos later expanding to include Philodendron and Araucaria species in the 1940s 5 During World War II houseplants became more common in offices which began to more closely resemble the domestic environment as more women entered the workforce 18 By 1960 Florida produced more than 55 of American houseplants and has remained the main producer of houseplants for the American market since 5 Philodendrons rubber plants and geraniums were mainstays of the postwar era 19 Many plants entered the United States and the United Kingdom through the influence of Scandinavian design which featured plants 15 Tropical plants like bromeliads birds of paradise and philodendrons were popular accents in tiki themed spaces 18 The postwar years also saw a broader commercialization of houseplants In the 1960s plant care labels were introduced and garden centers became ubiquitous in the 1970s 19 20 A lush display of houseplants fit into the environmentalist and hippie movements in the 1970s a large indoor garden is characteristic of 1970s design 21 22 Leafy plants were popular particularly ferns and spider plants often in macrame hanging planters 18 Monstera deliciosa ferns aloes and snake plants Dracaena sp usually sold under their former genus of Sanseveria were also popular 23 Terrariums and bottle gardens began to appear as well In the 1980s houseplants were often limited to large lush statement pieces particularly in bathrooms The rise of shopping malls with large skylights created a new place for plants to be grown 18 In the 1990s moth orchids became trendy 24 The 1990s also brought a wave of interest in artificial plants 25 21st century Edit Living walls mass planted vertical gardens emerged as a trend in 21st century interiors 26 Beginning in the mid to late 2010s fashionable plants from earlier decades were revitalized and popularized by social media especially Instagram with plantstagram becoming a major driver of trendy plants In 2015 5 million Americans took up plant related hobbies 27 In 2017 30 of American households purchased at least one houseplant 28 Interest in houseplants exploded during the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 29 With people forced to spend more time indoors many sought to fill their homes with houseplants Plants were mentioned on Instagram an average of more than 3 000 times a day in July 2021 and the hashtag plantmom has been used more than 2 6 million times 30 Plant sales in 2020 were at an all time high which brought concerns about the environmental impact of the industry 31 Some of the most popular plants in the 2020s are the Monstera deliciosa and other aroids 32 as well as the fiddle leaf fig This era saw a larger interest in growing plants with interesting or attractive forms or foliage rather than focusing solely on flowers 32 Care Edit Flowers on the Windowsill 1894 Houseplants have care requirements that differ from plants grown outdoors Moisture light soil mixture temperature humidity fertilizers and potting are all important factors Each plant species has different care requirements and care requirements can vary based on the specific pot location in a particular home and potting mix used Most houseplants are species that have adapted to survive in a temperature range between 15 C to 25 C 60 F to 80 F year round because those adapted for temperate environments require winter temperatures outside of normal indoor conditions 33 Within that limitation there are houseplants which are native to many different types of habitats from tropical rainforests to succulents and cacti native to deserts Many houseplants are either epiphytes or live in seasonally dry ecosystems that help them adapt to the dry indoor air and inconsistent watering many houseplants are subject to Often houseplants from tropical areas are understory plants and because they grown in shady conditions naturally they are often able to thrive in lower light conditions Houseplants are typically grown in specialized soilless mixtures called potting compost in the UK potting mix or potting soil 34 Most potting mixes contain a combination of peat or coir and vermiculite or perlite Keeping plants consistently too wet overwatering leads to the roots sitting in water which often leads to root rot Root rot is the most common cause of death for houseplants but keeping houseplants too dry under watering can also be detrimental Plants require nitrate phosphate and potassium to survive as well as micronutrients including boron zinc manganese iron copper molybdenum and chlorine Houseplants do not have access to these nutrients unless they are fertilized regularly 35 House plants are generally planted in pots that have drainage holes to reduce the likelihood of over watering and standing water Pots are typically broken down into two groups porous and non porous Porous pots usually terracotta provide better aeration as air passes laterally through the sides of the pot Non porous pots such as glazed or plastic pots tend to hold moisture longer and restrict airflow Houseplants experience a range of pests Fungus gnats spider mites mealybugs thrips and scale are common pests Alternative growing methods Edit Houseplants are also grown in a variety of media other than potting mix often in a hydroponic or semi hydroponic system This may overlap with aquascaping Materials like sand gravel brick expanded clay aggregate and styrofoam may be employed citation needed Some epiphytic plants may be grown mounted either with their roots in potting mix and their stems attached to supports or with their roots wrapped in sphagnum moss and attached to a vertical surface with wire This can also overlap with the practice of kokedama Production EditHouseplants are obtained either by collecting wild specimens of plants or by growing them in greenhouses or commercial nurseries Wild collection of plants for the houseplant trade is a major threat to many species especially plants with limited native ranges Plants which are particularly threatened in this way are cacti succulents and carnivorous plants especially Venus flytraps 36 37 Plants grown for commercial production may be produced from seed by using traditional propagation techniques or through tissue culture In 2002 the wholesale value of foliage plants grown in the United States was roughly 700 million dollars mostly grown in Florida 38 In 2018 houseplant growers in the Netherlands produced a billion houseplants for the European market 39 Effects of houseplants EditSee also List of air filtering plants People growing houseplants have long ascribed psychological and emotional benefits to them 40 Houseplants do not have an appreciable effect on the concentration of volatile organic compounds VOCs in normal home environments it would require between 10 and 1000 houseplants per square meter to achieve the same level of VOC removal as occurs from passive exchange between indoor and outdoor air 41 The idea that houseplants have an appreciable effect on indoor air quality is largely based on the Clean Air Study conducted by NASA in the 1980s 41 42 The study tested plants in sealed chambers and with highly elevated levels of volatile organic compounds specifically benzene trichloroethylene and formaldehyde It concluded that to the extent that houseplants improve air quality the mechanism of action is microorganisms within the potting soil rather than the plants themselves 43 44 45 Houseplants do have a statistically significant effect on the concentrations of both carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in normal indoor environments reducing carbon dioxide levels by 10 25 and carbon monoxide levels by up to 90 46 The effect has been investigated by NASA for use in spacecraft 47 Plants also appear to increase the number and diversity of bacteria in homes while reducing fungal diversity 48 They tend to increase humidity reduce temperature swings and reduce noise 49 There are also many claimed psychological and physiological benefits to having houseplants A critical review of the experimental literature concluded The reviewed studies 50 51 suggest that indoor plants can provide psychological benefits such as stress reduction and increased pain tolerance However they also showed substantial heterogeneity in methods and results We therefore have strong reservations about general claims that indoor plants cause beneficial psychological changes It appears that benefits are contingent on features of the context in which the indoor plants are encountered and on characteristics of the people encountering them 52 List of common houseplants Edit Epipremnum aureum or Pothos is one of the most common houseplants and has many variegated forms Tropical and subtropical Edit Aglaonema Chinese evergreen Alocasia and Colocasia spp elephant ear Anthurium spp Aphelandra squarrosa zebra plant Araucaria heterophylla Norfolk Island pine Aspidistra elatior cast iron plant Begonia species and cultivars Bromeliaceae bromeliads including air plants Calathea Goeppertia and Maranta spp prayer plants Chlorophytum comosum spider plant Citrus compact cultivars such as the Meyer lemon Cyclamen Dieffenbachia dumbcane Epipremnum aureum pothos Ferns and plants treated like ferns such as Asparagus aethiopicus asparagus fern and Nephrolepis exaltata Boston fern Ficus elastica or the rubber plant is a common house plant but is also a tree which can grow up to 30 40 metres 98 131 ft tall in the wild Ficus spp including Ficus benjamina weeping fig Ficus elastica rubber plant and Ficus lyrata fiddle leaf fig Hoya spp Orchidaceae orchid spp Peperomia spp Palms such as Chamaedorea elegans parlor palm and Dypsis lutescens areca palm Philodendron spp Monstera species Swiss cheese plants Schefflera arboricola umbrella plant Sinningia speciosa gloxinia Spathiphyllum peace lily Stephanotis floribunda Madagascar jasmine Streptocarpus including Streptocarpus sect Saintpaulia African violets Tradescantia zebrina purple wandering Jew Pilea peperomioides Scindapsus pictus satin pothos Succulents Edit Snake plant Dracaena formerly Sansevieria trifasciata is known as one of the toughest and most common houseplants Aloe spp including Aloe vera Cactaceae cacti Epiphyllum orchid cacti Mammillaria Opuntia paddle cacti including the prickly pear Zygocactus Christmas cactus Gymnocalycium mihanovichii chin cactus Crassula ovata jade plant Echeveria spp Haworthia spp Dracaena spp including plants formerly in the genus Sansevieria such as the snake plant or mother in law s tongue Dracaena trifasciata Senecio angulatus creeping groundsel Senecio rowleyanus string of pearls Yucca spp There are many species of cacti and succulents that stay small enough to do well as houseplants Forced bulbs Edit Note Many forced bulbs are also temperate Crocus Hippeastrum amaryllis Hyacinthus hyacinth Narcissus narcissus or daffodil Temperate plants Edit Hedera helix English ivy Saxifraga stolonifera strawberry begonia See also EditIndoor bonsaiReferences Edit Definition of houseplant Dictionary com Retrieved 2022 07 10 MacDonald Elvin The World Book of House Plants Popular Books page needed Castle Life Medieval Gardens www castlesandmanorhouses com Senecio angulatus Creeping Groundsel MaltaWildPlants com by Stephen Mifsud a b c d e Jules Janick 6 April 2010 Horticultural Reviews Horticultural Reviews John Wiley amp Sons pp 50 ISBN 978 0 470 65087 5 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln pp 21 31 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln p 26 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln p 31 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln p 34 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln pp 32 33 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 Horwood Catherine 2007 Potted history the story of plants in the home London Frances Lincoln p 48 ISBN 978 0 7112 2800 9 OCLC 155682753 a b c d Our fascination with indoor potted plants has a long and colourful history by The Scotsman 3rd January 2008 How To Decorate a Victorian House with Plants A brief history of the Victorian obsession with houseplants which turned parlors into bowers by Old House Online Journal June 21 2011 5 Houseplants That Changed History by Amanda Gutterman from Gardenista November 11 2013 a b c d Potted history of houseplants in our houses and collections National Trust Retrieved 2022 07 18 Delairea odorata Forest Starr Kim Starr and Lloyd Loope United States Geological Survey Biological Resources Division Haleakala Field Station Maui Hawai i January 2003 Retrieved 31 October 2022 Alvarez Maria E 1997 Management of Cape ivy Delairea odorata in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area PDF California Invasive Plant Council Retrieved 2022 11 03 a b c d Wretched Flowers 2021 09 15 The Most Iconic Houseplant Trends Through the Decades Architectural Digest Retrieved 2022 07 18 a b Sandberg Diment Erik 12 March 1973 New Plant Shops in Town New York Magazine 6 11 60 61 Return of the Spider Plant www mccarthyandstone co uk 2018 01 31 Retrieved 2022 07 22 Garden and plant trends over the past 70 years by Homes To Love April 6 2018 American Style Through the Decades The Seventies Apartment Therapy Retrieved 2022 07 18 Join the 1970s house plants revolution The Middle Sized Garden November 5th 2017 Williams Molly 2022 09 13 Taming the Potted Beast The Strange and Sensational History of the Not So Humble Houseplant Andrews McMeel Publishing ISBN 978 1 5248 8166 5 Millennials Didn t Invent Houseplants by Gray Chapman Apartment Therapy June 18 2019 Designing plant walls for home and office CBS News Sunday Morning 22 May 2022 Bereznak Alyssa 2017 07 03 Plantstagram Is a Haven for People Who Bring the Outdoors Inside The Ringer Retrieved 2022 07 18 Houseplant comeback Greenhouse Management Retrieved 2022 07 22 Carleton Audrey 2021 08 16 Houseplants are a massive industry How green are they really Vox Retrieved 2021 08 17 Carleton Audrey 2021 08 16 Houseplants are a massive industry How green are they really Vox Retrieved 2021 08 17 Carleton Audrey 2021 08 16 Houseplants are a massive industry How green are they really Vox Retrieved 2022 07 18 a b How Much Would You Pay for a Houseplant The New York Times 11 November 2019 Fritz Encke Kalt und Warmhauspflanzen 2 Auflage Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart 1987 ISBN 3 8001 6191 5 Indoor Plants Soil Mixes Home amp Garden Information Center Clemson University 1999 09 21 Retrieved 2022 07 17 How to Care for Indoor Plants Houseplants Planet Natural 2012 12 08 Retrieved 2019 05 05 Is Your Pandemic Plant Obsession Driving Rare Species to Extinction EcoWatch 2021 05 06 Retrieved 2022 07 22 Farzan Antonia Noori 3 June 2019 Beloved on Instagram succulents are vanishing from state parks Officials blame a foreign black market The Washington Post Retrieved 22 July 2022 Horticultural reviews Volume 31 Jules Janick Chichester 2005 p 58 ISBN 978 0 470 65087 5 OCLC 644264104 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Vooght Clare 2019 01 25 The growers feeding Britain s booming houseplant habit inews co uk Retrieved 2022 07 22 How to make hotbeds and coldframes The Countryside Press 1915 p 61 a b Cummings Bryan E Waring Michael S 6 November 2019 Potted plants do not improve indoor air quality a review and analysis of reported VOC removal efficiencies Journal of Exposure Science amp Environmental Epidemiology 30 2 253 261 doi 10 1038 s41370 019 0175 9 ISSN 1559 064X PMID 31695112 S2CID 207911697 Wood Ronald A Burchett Margaret D Alquezar Ralph Orwell Ralph L Tarran Jane Torpy Fraser 20 July 2006 The Potted Plant Microcosm Substantially Reduces Indoor Air VOC Pollution I Office Field Study Water Air and Soil Pollution 175 1 4 163 180 Bibcode 2006WASP 175 163W CiteSeerX 10 1 1 466 4897 doi 10 1007 s11270 006 9124 z S2CID 55621034 Wolverton B Johnson A Bounds K 1989 Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement hdl 2060 19930073077 Orwell Ralph L Wood Ronald A Burchett Margaret D Tarran Jane Torpy Fraser 19 September 2006 The Potted Plant Microcosm Substantially Reduces Indoor Air VOC Pollution II Laboratory Study Water Air and Soil Pollution 177 1 4 59 80 Bibcode 2006WASP 177 59O doi 10 1007 s11270 006 9092 3 S2CID 98216746 Sriprapat Wararat Strand Stuart E 2016 04 01 A lack of consensus in the literature findings on the removal of airborne benzene by houseplants Effect of bacterial enrichment Atmospheric Environment 131 9 16 Bibcode 2016AtmEn 131 9S doi 10 1016 j atmosenv 2016 01 031 ISSN 1352 2310 Tarran Jane Torpy Fraser Burchett Margaret 2007 Use of living pot plants to cleanse indoor air research review IAQVEC 2007 Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings Sustainable Built Environment pp 249 56 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 534 4181 ISBN 978 4 86163 070 5 Wolverton BC 1988 Foliage plants for improving indoor air quality hdl 2060 19930073015 Mahnert Alexander Moissl Eichinger Christine Berg Gabriele 2015 08 28 Microbiome interplay plants alter microbial abundance and diversity within the built environment Frontiers in Microbiology 6 887 doi 10 3389 fmicb 2015 00887 ISSN 1664 302X PMC 4552223 PMID 26379656 Wolverton B C Wolverton John D 1996 Interior plants their influence on airborne microbes inside energy efficient buildings PDF Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 41 2 99 105 Lee Min sun Lee Juyoung Park Bum Jin Miyazaki Yoshifumi 28 April 2015 Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults a randomized crossover study Journal of Physiological Anthropology 34 1 21 doi 10 1186 s40101 015 0060 8 PMC 4419447 PMID 25928639 Ryan Catherine O Browning William D Clancy Joseph O Andrews Scott L Kallianpurkar Namita B 12 July 2014 BIOPHILIC DESIGN PATTERNS Emerging Nature Based Parameters for Health and Well Being in the Built Environment International Journal of Architectural Research ArchNet IJAR 8 2 62 doi 10 26687 archnet ijar v8i2 436 Bringslimark Tina Hartig Terry Patil Grete G December 2009 The psychological benefits of indoor plants A critical review of the experimental literature Journal of Environmental Psychology 29 4 422 433 doi 10 1016 j jenvp 2009 05 001 External links Edit Wikiversity has learning resources about Houseplant care Wikimedia Commons has media related to Houseplants Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Houseplant amp oldid 1150124295, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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