

Wisdom, sapience, or sagacity is the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.[1] Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment, compassion, experiential self-knowledge, self-transcendence, and non-attachment,[2] and virtues such as ethics and benevolence.[3][4]

Wisdom Defending Youth against Love by Meynier, c. 1810

Wisdom has been defined in many different ways,[2][5][3] and there are several distinct approaches to assessing the characteristics attributed to wisdom.[6][7]

Definitions Edit

Early mention of wisdom in Beowulf

The Oxford English Dictionary defines wisdom as "Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgment in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense, esp. in practical affairs: opp. to folly;" also "Knowledge (esp. of a high or abstruse kind); enlightenment, learning, erudition."[8] Charles Haddon Spurgeon defined wisdom as "the right use of knowledge".[9] Robert I. Sutton and Andrew Hargadon defined the "attitude of wisdom" as "acting with knowledge while doubting what one knows".[citation needed]

In social and psychological sciences, several distinct approaches to wisdom exist,[3] along with techniques of operationalization[2] and measurement[7] of wisdom as a psychological construct. Wisdom is the capacity to have foreknowledge of something, to know the consequences (positive and negative) of the available courses of action, and take the best of the available options.[10]

Mythological perspectives Edit

History Edit

The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be an important virtue, personified as the goddesses Metis and Athena. Metis was the first wife of Zeus, who, according to Hesiod's Theogony, had devoured her pregnant; Zeus earned the title of Mêtieta ("The Wise Counselor") after that, as Metis was the embodiment of wisdom, and he gave birth to Athena, who is said to have sprung from his head.[11][12] Athena was portrayed as strong, fair, merciful, and chaste.[13]

Apollo was also considered a god of wisdom, designated as the conductor of the Muses (Musagetes),[14] who were personifications of the sciences and of the inspired and poetic arts. According to Plato in his Cratylus, the name of Apollo could also mean "ballon" (archer) and "omopoulon" (unifier of poles [divine and earthly]), since this god was responsible for divine and true inspirations, thus considered an archer who was always right in healing and oracles: "he is an ever-darting archer".[15] Apollo prophesied through the priestesses (Pythia) in the Temple of Apollo (Delphi), where the aphorism "know thyself" (gnōthi seauton)[a] was inscribed (one of the Delphic maxims).[16] He was contrasted with Hermes, who was related to the sciences and technical wisdom, and, in the first centuries after Christ, was associated with Thoth in an Egyptian syncretism, under the name Hermes Trimegistus.[17] Greek tradition recorded the earliest introducers of wisdom in the Seven Sages of Greece.[18]

To Socrates and Plato, philosophy was literally the love of wisdom (philo-sophia). This permeates Plato's dialogues; in The Republic the leaders of his proposed utopia are philosopher kings who understand the Form of the Good and possess the courage to act accordingly. Aristotle, in Metaphysics, defined wisdom as understanding why things are a certain way (causality), which is deeper than merely knowing things are a certain way.[b] He was the first to make the distinction between phronesis and sophia.[5]

According to Plato and Xenophon, the Pythia of the Delphic Oracle answered the question "who is the wisest man in Greece?" by stating Socrates was the wisest.[19] According to Plato's Apology, Socrates decided to investigate the people who might be considered wiser than him, concluding they lacked true knowledge:

This became immortalized in the phrase "I know that I know nothing" an aphorism suggesting that it is wise to recognize one's own ignorance[20] and to value epistemic humility.[21]

The ancient Romans also valued wisdom, which was personified as Minerva or Pallas. She also represents skillful knowledge and the virtues, especially chastity. Her symbol was the owl, which is still a popular representation of wisdom, because it can see in darkness. She was said to have been born from Jupiter's forehead.[22]

Buddhist traditions provide comprehensive guidance on how to develop wisdom.[23][24] In the Inuit tradition, developing[ambiguous] wisdom was one of the aims of teaching. An Inuit Elder said that a person became wise when they could see what needed to be done and do it successfully without being told what to do.

In many cultures, the name for third molars, which are the last teeth to grow, is etymologically linked with wisdom, as in the English wisdom tooth. This nickname originated from the classical tradition—the Hippocratic writings used the term sóphronistér (in Greek, related to the meaning of moderation or teaching a lesson), and in Latin dens sapientiae (wisdom tooth).[25]

Educational perspectives Edit

Truth and Wisdom assist History in writing by Jacob de Wit, 1754

Public schools in the U.S. sometimes nod at "character education" which would include training in wisdom.[26]

Nicholas Maxwell, a philosopher in the United Kingdom, believes academia ought to alter its focus from the acquisition of knowledge to seeking and promoting wisdom.[27] This he defines as the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others.[28] He teaches that new knowledge and technological know-how increase our power to act. Without wisdom though, Maxwell claims this new knowledge may cause human harm as well as human good. He argues that the pursuit of knowledge is indeed valuable and good, but that it should be considered a part of the broader task of improving wisdom.[29]

Psychological perspectives Edit

Psychologists have begun to gather data on commonly held beliefs or folk theories about wisdom.[30] Initial analyses indicate that although "there is an overlap of the implicit theory of wisdom with intelligence, perceptiveness, spirituality, and shrewdness, it is evident that wisdom is an expertise in dealing with difficult questions of life and adaptation to the complex requirements."[31]

The field of psychology has also developed explicit theories and empirical research on the psychological processes underlying wisdom.[32][3] Opinions on the psychological definition of wisdom vary,[3] but there is some consensus that critical to wisdom are certain meta-cognitive processes that afford life reflection and judgment about critical life matters.[33][2] These processes include recognizing the limits of one's own knowledge, acknowledging uncertainty and change, attention to context and the bigger picture, and integrating different perspectives of a situation.[34] Cognitive scientists suggest that wisdom requires coordinating such reasoning processes for insight into managing one's life.[35] Reasoning of this sort is both theoretically and empirically distinct from general (fluid or crystallized) intelligence.[36] Researchers have shown empirically that wise reasoning is distinct from IQ.[37]

Baltes and colleagues defined wisdom as "the ability to deal with the contradictions of a specific situation and to assess the consequences of an action for themselves and for others. It is achieved when in a concrete situation, a balance between intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional interests can be prepared".[38] Balance appears to be a critical criterion of wisdom. Empirical research provides some support for this idea, showing that wisdom-related reasoning is associated with achieving balance between intrapersonal and interpersonal interests when facing personal life challenges, and when setting goals for managing interpersonal conflicts.[7][39]

Some researchers of positive psychology have defined wisdom as the coordination of "knowledge and experience" and "its deliberate use to improve well being."[40] Under this definition, wisdom is further refined as having the following facets:[41]

This theoretical model has not been tested empirically, with an exception of a broad link between wisdom-related reasoning and well-being[clarification needed].[42][43]

Grossmann and colleagues summarized prior psychological literature to conclude that wisdom involves certain cognitive processes that afford unbiased, sound judgment in the face of ill-defined life situations:

  1. intellectual humility, or recognition of limits of own knowledge
  2. appreciation of perspectives broader than the issue at hand
  3. sensitivity to the possibility of change in social relations
  4. compromise or integration of different perspectives[44][45]

Grossmann found that habitually speaking and thinking of oneself in the third person increases these characteristics, which means that such a habit makes a person wiser.[46] Grossmann says contextual factors—such as culture, experiences, and social situations—influence the understanding, development, and propensity of wisdom, with implications for training and educational practice.[2][44] These contextual factors are the focus of continuing research. For instance, Grossmann and Kross identified a phenomenon they called "the Solomon's paradox": that people reflect more wisely on other people's problems than on their own. (It is named after King Solomon, who had legendary sagacity when making judgments about other people's dilemmas but lacked insight when it came to important decisions in his own life.)[47]

Researchers also explore the role of emotions in wisdom.[48] Most agree that emotions and emotion regulation are key to effectively managing the kinds of complex and arousing situations that most call for wisdom. Much empirical research has focused on the cognitive or meta-cognitive aspects of wisdom, assuming that an ability to reason through difficult situations is paramount. So although emotions likely play a role in how wisdom plays out in real events (and in reflecting on past events), empirical studies were late to develop on how emotions affect a person's ability to deal wisely with complex events. One study found a positive relationship between diversity of emotional experience and wise reasoning, irrespective of emotional intensity.[49]

Measuring wisdom Edit

A researcher will measure wisdom differently depending on their theoretical position about the nature of wisdom. For example, some view wisdom as a stable personality trait, others as a context-bound process.[50] Those wedded to the former approach often use single-shot questionnaires, which are prone to biased[clarification needed] responses,[7][51] something that is antithetical to the wisdom construct[52] and fails to study wisdom in the contexts where it is most relevant: complex life challenges. In contrast, researchers who prefer the latter approach measure wisdom-related features of cognition, motivation, and emotion in the context of a specific situation.[53][50] Such state-level measures provide less-biased responses as well as greater power in explaining meaningful psychological processes.[7] Also, a focus on the situation allows wisdom researchers to develop a fuller understanding of the role of context in producing wisdom.[50] For example, studies have shown evidence of cross-cultural[54] and within-cultural variability,[55] and systematic variability in reasoning wisely across contexts[7][47] and in daily life.[43]

Many, but not all, studies find that adults' self-ratings of perspective and wisdom do not depend on age.[41][56] This conflicts with the popular notion that wisdom increases with age.[56] The answer to whether age and wisdom correlate depends on how one defines wisdom and one's experimental technique. The answer to this question also depends on the domain studied, and the role of experience in that domain, with some contexts favoring older adults, others favoring younger adults, and some not differentiating age groups.[50] Rigorous longitudinal work is needed to answer this question, while most studies rely on cross-sectional observations.[10]

The Jeste-Thomas Wisdom Index[57] is based on a 28-question survey (SD-WISE-28) created by researchers at the University of California San Diego to determine how wise a person is. In 2021 Dr. Dilip V. Jeste and his colleagues created a 7-question survey (SD-WISE-7) testing seven components: acceptance of diverse perspectives, decisiveness, emotional regulation, prosocial behaviors, self-reflection, social advising, and (to a lesser degree) spirituality.[58]

Sapience Edit

Sapience ("sophia" in Greek) is "transcendent wisdom", "ultimate reality", or the ultimate truth of things.[5][4][59] This more cosmic, "big picture" definition is often how wisdom ("true wisdom" or "Wisdom" with a capital W) is considered in a religious context.[5][4] It transcends mere practical wisdom and may include deep understanding of self, interconnectedness, conditioned origination, and phenomenological insight.[23][5][4] A person with this type of wisdom can act with appropriate judgment, a broad understanding of situations, and greater appreciation/compassion towards other living beings.[23]

The word sapience is derived from the Latin sapientia, meaning "wisdom".[60] The corresponding verb sapere has the original meaning of "to taste", hence "to perceive, to discern" and "to know"; its present participle sapiens was chosen by Carl Linnaeus for the Latin binomial for the human species, Homo sapiens.

Religious perspectives Edit

Ancient Near East Edit

In Mesopotamian religion and mythology, Enki, also known as Ea, was the god of wisdom and intelligence. Divine wisdom allowed the provident designation of functions[clarification needed] and the ordering of the cosmos, and it[ambiguous] was achieved by humans by following mes (in Sumerian: order, rite, righteousness) which maintain balance.[61] In addition to hymns to Enki or Ea dating from the third millennium BCE, there is among the clay tablets of Abu Salabikh from 2600 BCE (the oldest dated texts), a "Hymn to Shamash" which includes the following:[62]

Wide is the courtyard of Shamash night chamber, (just as wide is the womb of) a wise pregnant woman! Sin, his warrior, wise one, heard of the offerings and came down to his fiesta. He is the father of the nation and the father of intelligence

The concept of Logos—manifest word of the divine thought—was also present in the philosophy and hymns of Egypt and Ancient Greece.[63] It was important in the thinking of Heraclitus, and in the Abrahamic traditions. It seems to have been derived from Mesopotamian culture.[64]

Sia was the personification of perception and thoughtfulness in the mythology of Ancient Egypt. Thoth, married to Maat (in ancient Egyptian: order, righteousness, truth), was regarded as the being who introduced wisdom to the nation.[65][63]

Zoroastrianism Edit

In the Avesta Gathas, hymns traditionally attributed to Zoroaster, Ahura Mazda means "Lord" (Ahura) and "Wisdom" (Mazda), and is the central deity who embodies goodness, being also called "Good Thought" (Vohu Manah).[66] In Zoroastrianism, the order of the universe and morals is called asha (in Avestan, truth, righteousness), which is determined by this omniscient Thought and also considered a deity emanating from Ahura (Amesha Spenta). It is related to another ahura deity, Spenta Mainyu (active Mentality).[67] It says in Yazna 31:[68]

To him shall the best befall, who, as one that knows, speaks to me Right's truthful word of Welfare and of Immortality; even the Dominion of Mazda which Good Thought shall increase for him. About which he in the beginning thus thought, "let the blessed realms be filled with Light", he it is that by his wisdom created Right.

Hebrew Bible and Judaism Edit

The word "wisdom" (חכם) is mentioned 222 times in the Hebrew Bible. It was regarded as one of the highest virtues among the Israelites along with kindness (חסד) and justice (צדק). The books of Proverbs and Psalms each urge readers to obtain and to increase in wisdom.[citation needed]

Solomon and Lady Wisdom by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld, 1860

In the Hebrew Bible, wisdom is exemplified by Solomon, who asks God for wisdom in 2 Chronicles 1:10. Much of the Book of Proverbs, which is filled with wise sayings, is attributed to Solomon. In Proverbs 9:10, the fear of the Lord is called the beginning of wisdom. Another proverb says that wisdom is gained from God, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding".[69] In Proverbs 1:20, there is also reference to wisdom personified in female form, "Wisdom calls aloud in the streets, she raises her voice in the marketplaces." In Proverbs 8:22–31, this personified wisdom is described as being present with God before creation began and even as taking part in creation itself.

Solomon's Wisdom, 1860 woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld

King Solomon continues his teachings of wisdom in the book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon discusses his exploration of the meaning of life and fulfillment, as he speaks of life's pleasures, work, and materialism, yet concludes that it is all meaningless. "'Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher [Solomon]. 'Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless'...For with much wisdom comes much sorrow, the more knowledge, the more grief"[70] Solomon concludes that all life's pleasures and riches, and even [human]wisdom, mean nothing if there is no relationship with God.[71]

The Talmud teaches that a wise person can foresee the future. Nolad is a Hebrew word for "future," but also the Hebrew word for "birth", so one rabbinic interpretation of the teaching is that a wise person is one who can foresee the consequences of his/her choices (i.e. can "see the future" that he/she "gives birth" to).[72]

Hellenistic religion and Gnosticism Edit

Christian theology Edit

In Christian theology, "wisdom" (From Hebrew: חכמה transliteration: chokmâh pronounced: khok-maw', Greek: Sophia, Latin: Sapientia) describes an aspect of God, or the theological concept regarding the wisdom of God.[citation needed]

David and Abigail, Abigail was a "wise woman" who helped David. 1860 woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld.

Christian thought opposes secular wisdom and Godly wisdom. Paul the Apostle states that worldly wisdom thinks the claims of Christ to be foolishness. However, to those who are "on the path to salvation" Christ represents the wisdom of God.[73] Wisdom is considered one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.[74] 1 Corinthians 12:8–10 gives an alternate list of nine virtues, among which is wisdom.

The Epistle of James is a New Testament analogue of the book of Proverbs, in that it also discusses wisdom. It reiterates the message from Proverbs that wisdom comes from God by stating, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you".[75] James also explains how wisdom helps one acquire other forms of virtue: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."[76] James focuses on using this God-given wisdom to perform acts of service to the less fortunate.

Apart from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and James, other main books of wisdom in the Bible are Job, Psalms, and 1 and 2 Corinthians, which give lessons on gaining and using wisdom through difficult situations.

Indian religions Edit

In the Indian traditions, wisdom can be called prajña or vijñana.

Developing wisdom is of central importance in Buddhist traditions, where the ultimate aim is often presented as "seeing things as they are" or as gaining a "penetrative understanding of all phenomena", which in turn is described as ultimately leading to the "complete freedom from suffering".[23][24] In Buddhism, developing wisdom is accomplished through an understanding of what are known as the Four Noble Truths and by following the Noble Eightfold Path.[23][24] This path lists mindfulness as one of eight required components for cultivating wisdom.[23]

Buddhist scriptures teach that a wise people conduct themselves well.[77] A wise person does actions that are unpleasant to do but give good results, and doesn't do actions that are pleasant to do but give bad results.[78] Wisdom is the antidote to the self-chosen poison of ignorance. The Buddha has much to say on the subject of wisdom including:

  • He who arbitrates a case by force does not thereby become just (established in Dhamma). But the wise man is he who carefully discriminates between right and wrong.[79]
  • He who leads others by nonviolence, righteously and equitably, is indeed a guardian of justice, wise and righteous.[80]
  • One is not wise merely because he talks much. But he who is calm, free from hatred and fear, is verily called a wise man.[81]
  • By quietude alone one does not become a sage (muni) if he is foolish and ignorant. But he who, as if holding a pair of scales, takes the good and shuns the evil, is a wise man; he is indeed a muni by that very reason. He who understands both good and evil as they really are, is called a true sage.[82]

To recover the original supreme wisdom of self-nature (Buddha-nature or Tathagata) concealed by the self-imposed three dusty poisons (the kleshas: greed, anger, ignorance), Buddha taught to his students the threefold training by turning greed into generosity and discipline, anger into kindness and meditation, ignorance into wisdom. As the Sixth Patriarch of Chán Buddhism, Huineng, said in his Platform Sutra, "Mind without dispute is self-nature discipline, mind without disturbance is self-nature meditation, mind without ignorance is self-nature wisdom."

In Mahayana and esoteric Buddhist lineages, Mañjuśrī is considered an embodiment of Buddha wisdom.

In Hinduism, wisdom is considered a state of mind and soul with which a person achieves liberation. The god of wisdom is Ganesha and the goddess of knowledge is Saraswati.[citation needed]

The Sanskrit verse to attain knowledge is:[83]

असतो मा सद्गमय
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

Asatō mā sadgamaya
tamasō mā jyōtirgamaya
mr̥tyōrmā amr̥taṁ gamaya
Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

Lead me from the unreal to the real.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.
May there be peace, peace, and peace.

Wisdom in Hinduism is knowing oneself as the truth, as the basis for the entire Creation: ultimate self-awareness as the one who witnesses the entire creation in all its facets and forms. Further it means realization that an individual may, through right conduct and right living, come to realize their true relationship with the creation and the Paramatma.[citation needed]

Islam Edit

The Islamic term for wisdom is hikmah. Prophets of Islam are believed by Muslims to possess great wisdom. The term occurs a number of times in the Quran, notably in Sura 2:269, Sura 22:46, and Sura 6:151.

The Sufi philosopher Ibn Arabi considers al-Hakim ("The Wise") as one of the names of the Creator.[84] Wisdom and truth, considered divine attributes, were valued in Islamic sciences and philosophy. The first Arab philosopher, Al-Kindi says at the beginning of his book:[85]

We must not be ashamed to admire the truth or to acquire it, from wherever it comes. Even if it should come from far-flung nations and foreign peoples, there is for the student of truth nothing more important than the truth, nor is the truth demeaned or diminished by the one who states or conveys it; no one is demeaned by the truth, rather all are ennobled by it.

— Al-Kindi, On First Philosophy

Chinese religion Edit

The Buddhist term Prajñā was translated into Chinese as 智慧 (pinyin zhìhuì, characters 智 "knowledge" and 慧 "bright, intelligent").

According to the Doctrine of the Mean, Confucius said:

Love of learning is akin to wisdom. To practice with vigor is akin to humanity. To know to be shameful is akin to courage (zhi, ren, yong... three of Mengzi's sprouts of virtue).[citation needed][dubious ]

Compare this with the Confucian classic Great Learning, which begins with: "The Way of learning to be great consists in manifesting the clear character, loving the people, and abiding in the highest good." This is comprable to the Roman virtue prudence, especially if one interprets "clear character" as "clear conscience". (From Chan's Sources of Chinese Philosophy).[citation needed]

In Taoism, wisdom is adherence to the three treasures: charity, simplicity, and humility.[citation needed] "He who knows other men is discerning [智]; he who knows himself is intelligent [明]." (知人者智,自知者明。Tao Te Ching 33).[86]

In Chinese Buddhism, the idea of wisdom is closely linked to its Indian equivalent as it appears for instance in certain conceptual continuities that exist between Asanga, Vasubandhu and Xuanzang.[further explanation needed][87]

Others Edit

In Norse mythology, the god Odin is known for his wisdom, often as acquired through various hardships and ordeals involving pain and self-sacrifice. In one instance he plucked out an eye and offered it to Mímir, guardian of the well of knowledge and wisdom, in return for a drink from the well.[88] In another famous account, Odin hanged himself for nine nights from Yggdrasil, the World Tree that unites all the realms of existence, suffering from hunger and thirst and finally wounding himself with a spear until he gained the knowledge of runes for use in casting powerful magic.[89] He was also able to acquire the mead of poetry from the giants, a drink of which could grant the power of a scholar or poet, for the benefit of gods and mortals alike.[88]

In Baháʼí Faith scripture, "The essence of wisdom is the fear of God, the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree."[90] Wisdom is seen as a light that casts away darkness, and "its dictates must be observed under all circumstances".[91] One may obtain knowledge and wisdom through God, his Word, and his Divine Manifestation; the source of all learning is the knowledge of God.[92]

Pop culture Edit

In the Star Wars universe, wisdom is valued. George Lucas incorporated spirituality and morals, recurrent in mythological and philosophical themes, into the films; one of his inspirations was Joseph Campbell's The Hero of a Thousand Faces.[93] The character Master Yoda from the films evokes the trope of the wise sage or "Oriental Monk",[94] and he is frequently quoted, analogously to Chinese thinkers or Eastern sages in general.[95][96] Psychologist D. W. Kreger's book The Tao of Yoda adapts the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching in relation to Yoda's thinking.[96] Knowledge is canonically considered one of the pillars of the films' Jedi knights, something expanded upon in the non-canon book The Jedi Path,[97] and wisdom can serve as a tenet for Jediism. The Jedi Code states: "Ignorance, yet knowledge."[98] In a psychology populational study published by Grossmann and team in 2019, respondents considered Yoda to be wiser than Spock, a fictional character from the Star Trek series, due to Spock's blind spot for emotion, which was positively associated with wise reasoning in people:[99] "Yoda embraces his emotions and aims to achieve a balance between them. Yoda is known to be emotionally expressive, to share a good joke with others, but also to recognize sorrow and his past mistakes".[100]

See also Edit

  • Analogy – Cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject to another
  • Bildung – German tradition of self-cultivation
  • Book of Wisdom – Jewish work written in Greek generally dated to the mid-first century BC
  • Consciousness – Awareness of internal and external existence
  • Ecological wisdom – Philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium as developed by Arne Næss or Félix Guattari
  • Human condition – Ultimate concerns of human existence
  • Metacognition – Thinking about thinking, higher-order thinking skills
  • Perspicacity – Great discernment or insight
  • Philosophy – Study of general and fundamental questions
  • Sapere aude – Latin phrase
  • Sapiens (disambiguation)
  • School of Hard Knocks – Idiomatic phrase, the informal education from negative experiences
  • Sentience – Ability to be aware of feelings and sensations
  • The Wisdom of Crowds – 2004 book by James Surowiecki

Further reading Edit

  • Liguori, Alphonus (1882). "Sermon V.—Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity: In what true wisdom consists" . Sermons for all the Sundays in the year. Dublin.

Notes Edit

  1. ^ Critias states the meaning of "know thyself" in Plato's Charmides (165a)
  2. ^ Note that two thousand years after Aristotle, Isaac Newton was forced to admit that "I have not yet been able to discover the cause of these properties of gravity"

References Edit

  1. ^ "wisdom". Dictionary.com.
  2. ^ a b c d e Grossmann, I. (2017). "Wisdom in context". Perspectives on Psychological Science. 21 (12): 1254–1266. doi:10.1177/1745691616672066. PMID 28346113. S2CID 26818408.
  3. ^ a b c d e Staudinger, U.M.; Glück, J. (2011). "Psychological wisdom research: Commonalities and differences in a growing field". Annual Review of Psychology. 62: 215–241. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.121208.131659. PMID 20822439.
  4. ^ a b c d Walsh, Roger (June 2015). "What Is wisdom? Cross-cultural and cross-Disciplinary Syntheses". Review of General Psychology. 19 (3): 178–293. doi:10.1037/gpr0000045. S2CID 146383832.
  5. ^ a b c d e Trowbridge, R.H. (May 2011). "Waiting for Sophia: 30 years of Conceptualizing Wisdom in Empirical Psychology". Research in Human Development. 8 (2): 111–117. doi:10.1080/15427609.2011.568872. S2CID 145371442.
  6. ^ Glück, J. (October 2018). "Measuring Wisdom: Existing Approaches, Continuing Challenges, and New Developments". The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 73 (8): 1393–1403. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbx140. PMC 6178965. PMID 29281060.
  7. ^ a b c d e f Brienza, J.P.; Kung, F.Y.H.; Santos, H.; Bobocel, D.R.; Grossmann, I. (2017). "Wisdom, Bias, and Balance: Toward a Process-Sensitive Measurement of Wisdom-Related Cognition". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 115 (6): 1093–1126. doi:10.1037/pspp0000171. PMID 28933874. S2CID 29052539.
  8. ^ "wisdom, n". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  9. ^ Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1871), The Fourfold Treasure, №991, Wisdom is, I suppose, the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom.
  10. ^ a b Meacham, J. A. (1990). "The loss of wisdom". In Sternberg, R. J. (ed.). Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 181, 211.
  11. ^ "METIS—Greek Titan Goddess of Wise Counsel". Theoi Project. Retrieved 17 August 2019.
  12. ^ Hesiod. Theogony.
  13. ^ Turnbill, Liz (12 August 2011). "Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and craftsmanship". Goddess Gift.
  14. ^ "MOUSAI—Greek Goddesses of Music, Poetry & the Arts". Theoi Project. Retrieved 17 August 2019.
  15. ^ Plato. Cratylus. 405e-406a.
  16. ^ Scott, Michael. Delphi: A History of the Center of the Ancient World. Princeton University Press.
  17. ^ Preus, Anthony (30 March 1998). "Thoth and Apollo. Greek Myths of the Origin of Philosophy". Méthexis. 11 (1): 113–125. doi:10.1163/24680974-90000303. ISSN 0327-0289.
  18. ^ Griffiths, Alan H. "Seven Sages". In Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony; Eidinow, Esther (eds.). Oxford Classical Dictionary (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 1357.
  19. ^
  20. ^ Fine, Gail (2008). "Does Socrates Claim to Know that He Knows Nothing?". Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy. 35: 49–88.
  21. ^ Ryan, Sharon (2013), "Wisdom", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 17 August 2019
  22. ^ . Roman-colosseum.info. Archived from the original on 26 June 2012.
  23. ^ a b c d e f Karunamuni, N.; Weerasekera, R. (2019). "Theoretical Foundations to Guide Mindfulness Meditation: A Path to Wisdom". Current Psychology. 38 (3): 627–646. doi:10.1007/s12144-017-9631-7. S2CID 149024504.
  24. ^ a b c Bodhi, Bhikkhu. "The Noble Eightfold Path". Access to Insight. Retrieved 16 March 2009.
  25. ^ Šimon, František (15 December 2015). "The history of Latin teeth names". Acta medico-historica Adriatica. 13 (2): 365–384. ISSN 1334-4366. PMID 27604204.
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  100. ^ Grossmann, Igor; Oakes, Harrison; Santos, Henri Carlo (2019). "Wise Reasoning Benefits from Emodiversity, Irrespective of Emotional Intensity". Journal of Experimental Psychology. 148 (5): 805–823. doi:10.1037/xge0000543. PMID 30688474. S2CID 59306284.

External links Edit

wisdom, other, uses, disambiguation, sapience, sagacity, ability, contemplate, productively, using, knowledge, experience, understanding, common, sense, insight, associated, with, attributes, such, unbiased, judgment, compassion, experiential, self, knowledge,. For other uses see Wisdom disambiguation Wisdom sapience or sagacity is the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge experience understanding common sense and insight 1 Wisdom is associated with attributes such as unbiased judgment compassion experiential self knowledge self transcendence and non attachment 2 and virtues such as ethics and benevolence 3 4 Wisdom Defending Youth against Love by Meynier c 1810Wisdom has been defined in many different ways 2 5 3 and there are several distinct approaches to assessing the characteristics attributed to wisdom 6 7 Contents 1 Definitions 2 Mythological perspectives 2 1 History 3 Educational perspectives 4 Psychological perspectives 4 1 Measuring wisdom 5 Sapience 6 Religious perspectives 6 1 Ancient Near East 6 2 Zoroastrianism 6 3 Hebrew Bible and Judaism 6 4 Hellenistic religion and Gnosticism 6 5 Christian theology 6 6 Indian religions 6 7 Islam 6 8 Chinese religion 6 9 Others 6 9 1 Pop culture 7 See also 8 Further reading 9 Notes 10 References 11 External linksDefinitions Edit nbsp Early mention of wisdom in BeowulfThe Oxford English Dictionary defines wisdom as Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct soundness of judgment in the choice of means and ends sometimes less strictly sound sense esp in practical affairs opp to folly also Knowledge esp of a high or abstruse kind enlightenment learning erudition 8 Charles Haddon Spurgeon defined wisdom as the right use of knowledge 9 Robert I Sutton and Andrew Hargadon defined the attitude of wisdom as acting with knowledge while doubting what one knows citation needed In social and psychological sciences several distinct approaches to wisdom exist 3 along with techniques of operationalization 2 and measurement 7 of wisdom as a psychological construct Wisdom is the capacity to have foreknowledge of something to know the consequences positive and negative of the available courses of action and take the best of the available options 10 Mythological perspectives EditHistory Edit The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be an important virtue personified as the goddesses Metis and Athena Metis was the first wife of Zeus who according to Hesiod s Theogony had devoured her pregnant Zeus earned the title of Metieta The Wise Counselor after that as Metis was the embodiment of wisdom and he gave birth to Athena who is said to have sprung from his head 11 12 Athena was portrayed as strong fair merciful and chaste 13 Apollo was also considered a god of wisdom designated as the conductor of the Muses Musagetes 14 who were personifications of the sciences and of the inspired and poetic arts According to Plato in his Cratylus the name of Apollo could also mean ballon archer and omopoulon unifier of poles divine and earthly since this god was responsible for divine and true inspirations thus considered an archer who was always right in healing and oracles he is an ever darting archer 15 Apollo prophesied through the priestesses Pythia in the Temple of Apollo Delphi where the aphorism know thyself gnōthi seauton a was inscribed one of the Delphic maxims 16 He was contrasted with Hermes who was related to the sciences and technical wisdom and in the first centuries after Christ was associated with Thoth in an Egyptian syncretism under the name Hermes Trimegistus 17 Greek tradition recorded the earliest introducers of wisdom in the Seven Sages of Greece 18 To Socrates and Plato philosophy was literally the love of wisdom philo sophia This permeates Plato s dialogues in The Republic the leaders of his proposed utopia are philosopher kings who understand the Form of the Good and possess the courage to act accordingly Aristotle in Metaphysics defined wisdom as understanding why things are a certain way causality which is deeper than merely knowing things are a certain way b He was the first to make the distinction between phronesis and sophia 5 According to Plato and Xenophon the Pythia of the Delphic Oracle answered the question who is the wisest man in Greece by stating Socrates was the wisest 19 According to Plato s Apology Socrates decided to investigate the people who might be considered wiser than him concluding they lacked true knowledge toytoy mὲn toῦ ἀn8rwpoy ἐgὼ sofwteros eἰmi kindyneyei mὲn gὰr ἡmῶn oὐdeteros oὐdὲn kalὸn kἀga8ὸn eἰdenai ἀll oὗtos mὲn oἴetai ti eἰdenai oὐk eἰdws ἐgὼ de ὥsper oὖn oὐk oἶda oὐdὲ oἴomai ἔoika goῦn toytoy ge smikrῷ tini aὐtῷ toytῳ sofwteros eἶnai ὅti ἃ mὴ oἶda oὐdὲ oἴomai eἰdenai I am wiser than this man for neither of us really knows anything fine and good but this man thinks he knows something when he does not whereas I as I do not know anything do not think I do either This became immortalized in the phrase I know that I know nothing an aphorism suggesting that it is wise to recognize one s own ignorance 20 and to value epistemic humility 21 The ancient Romans also valued wisdom which was personified as Minerva or Pallas She also represents skillful knowledge and the virtues especially chastity Her symbol was the owl which is still a popular representation of wisdom because it can see in darkness She was said to have been born from Jupiter s forehead 22 Buddhist traditions provide comprehensive guidance on how to develop wisdom 23 24 In the Inuit tradition developing ambiguous wisdom was one of the aims of teaching An Inuit Elder said that a person became wise when they could see what needed to be done and do it successfully without being told what to do In many cultures the name for third molars which are the last teeth to grow is etymologically linked with wisdom as in the English wisdom tooth This nickname originated from the classical tradition the Hippocratic writings used the term sophronister in Greek related to the meaning of moderation or teaching a lesson and in Latin dens sapientiae wisdom tooth 25 Educational perspectives Edit nbsp Truth and Wisdom assist History in writing by Jacob de Wit 1754Public schools in the U S sometimes nod at character education which would include training in wisdom 26 Nicholas Maxwell a philosopher in the United Kingdom believes academia ought to alter its focus from the acquisition of knowledge to seeking and promoting wisdom 27 This he defines as the capacity to realize what is of value in life for oneself and others 28 He teaches that new knowledge and technological know how increase our power to act Without wisdom though Maxwell claims this new knowledge may cause human harm as well as human good He argues that the pursuit of knowledge is indeed valuable and good but that it should be considered a part of the broader task of improving wisdom 29 Psychological perspectives EditPsychologists have begun to gather data on commonly held beliefs or folk theories about wisdom 30 Initial analyses indicate that although there is an overlap of the implicit theory of wisdom with intelligence perceptiveness spirituality and shrewdness it is evident that wisdom is an expertise in dealing with difficult questions of life and adaptation to the complex requirements 31 The field of psychology has also developed explicit theories and empirical research on the psychological processes underlying wisdom 32 3 Opinions on the psychological definition of wisdom vary 3 but there is some consensus that critical to wisdom are certain meta cognitive processes that afford life reflection and judgment about critical life matters 33 2 These processes include recognizing the limits of one s own knowledge acknowledging uncertainty and change attention to context and the bigger picture and integrating different perspectives of a situation 34 Cognitive scientists suggest that wisdom requires coordinating such reasoning processes for insight into managing one s life 35 Reasoning of this sort is both theoretically and empirically distinct from general fluid or crystallized intelligence 36 Researchers have shown empirically that wise reasoning is distinct from IQ 37 Baltes and colleagues defined wisdom as the ability to deal with the contradictions of a specific situation and to assess the consequences of an action for themselves and for others It is achieved when in a concrete situation a balance between intrapersonal interpersonal and institutional interests can be prepared 38 Balance appears to be a critical criterion of wisdom Empirical research provides some support for this idea showing that wisdom related reasoning is associated with achieving balance between intrapersonal and interpersonal interests when facing personal life challenges and when setting goals for managing interpersonal conflicts 7 39 Some researchers of positive psychology have defined wisdom as the coordination of knowledge and experience and its deliberate use to improve well being 40 Under this definition wisdom is further refined as having the following facets 41 Problem solving with self knowledge and sustainable clarification needed actions Contextual sincerity to the circumstances with knowledge of its negative or constraints and positive aspects clarification needed Value based consistent actions with knowledge of diversity in ethical opinions clarification needed Tolerance towards uncertainty in life with unconditional acceptance clarification needed Empathy with oneself clarification needed to understand one s own emotions or to be emotionally oriented morals etc and others feelings clarification needed including the ability to see oneself as part of a larger whole This theoretical model has not been tested empirically with an exception of a broad link between wisdom related reasoning and well being clarification needed 42 43 Grossmann and colleagues summarized prior psychological literature to conclude that wisdom involves certain cognitive processes that afford unbiased sound judgment in the face of ill defined life situations intellectual humility or recognition of limits of own knowledge appreciation of perspectives broader than the issue at hand sensitivity to the possibility of change in social relations compromise or integration of different perspectives 44 45 Grossmann found that habitually speaking and thinking of oneself in the third person increases these characteristics which means that such a habit makes a person wiser 46 Grossmann says contextual factors such as culture experiences and social situations influence the understanding development and propensity of wisdom with implications for training and educational practice 2 44 These contextual factors are the focus of continuing research For instance Grossmann and Kross identified a phenomenon they called the Solomon s paradox that people reflect more wisely on other people s problems than on their own It is named after King Solomon who had legendary sagacity when making judgments about other people s dilemmas but lacked insight when it came to important decisions in his own life 47 Researchers also explore the role of emotions in wisdom 48 Most agree that emotions and emotion regulation are key to effectively managing the kinds of complex and arousing situations that most call for wisdom Much empirical research has focused on the cognitive or meta cognitive aspects of wisdom assuming that an ability to reason through difficult situations is paramount So although emotions likely play a role in how wisdom plays out in real events and in reflecting on past events empirical studies were late to develop on how emotions affect a person s ability to deal wisely with complex events One study found a positive relationship between diversity of emotional experience and wise reasoning irrespective of emotional intensity 49 Measuring wisdom Edit A researcher will measure wisdom differently depending on their theoretical position about the nature of wisdom For example some view wisdom as a stable personality trait others as a context bound process 50 Those wedded to the former approach often use single shot questionnaires which are prone to biased clarification needed responses 7 51 something that is antithetical to the wisdom construct 52 and fails to study wisdom in the contexts where it is most relevant complex life challenges In contrast researchers who prefer the latter approach measure wisdom related features of cognition motivation and emotion in the context of a specific situation 53 50 Such state level measures provide less biased responses as well as greater power in explaining meaningful psychological processes 7 Also a focus on the situation allows wisdom researchers to develop a fuller understanding of the role of context in producing wisdom 50 For example studies have shown evidence of cross cultural 54 and within cultural variability 55 and systematic variability in reasoning wisely across contexts 7 47 and in daily life 43 Many but not all studies find that adults self ratings of perspective and wisdom do not depend on age 41 56 This conflicts with the popular notion that wisdom increases with age 56 The answer to whether age and wisdom correlate depends on how one defines wisdom and one s experimental technique The answer to this question also depends on the domain studied and the role of experience in that domain with some contexts favoring older adults others favoring younger adults and some not differentiating age groups 50 Rigorous longitudinal work is needed to answer this question while most studies rely on cross sectional observations 10 The Jeste Thomas Wisdom Index 57 is based on a 28 question survey SD WISE 28 created by researchers at the University of California San Diego to determine how wise a person is In 2021 Dr Dilip V Jeste and his colleagues created a 7 question survey SD WISE 7 testing seven components acceptance of diverse perspectives decisiveness emotional regulation prosocial behaviors self reflection social advising and to a lesser degree spirituality 58 Sapience Edit Sapience redirects here Not to be confused with Sentience Further information homo sapiens self awareness consciousness sentience and artificial intelligence Sapience sophia in Greek is transcendent wisdom ultimate reality or the ultimate truth of things 5 4 59 This more cosmic big picture definition is often how wisdom true wisdom or Wisdom with a capital W is considered in a religious context 5 4 It transcends mere practical wisdom and may include deep understanding of self interconnectedness conditioned origination and phenomenological insight 23 5 4 A person with this type of wisdom can act with appropriate judgment a broad understanding of situations and greater appreciation compassion towards other living beings 23 The word sapience is derived from the Latin sapientia meaning wisdom 60 The corresponding verb sapere has the original meaning of to taste hence to perceive to discern and to know its present participle sapiens was chosen by Carl Linnaeus for the Latin binomial for the human species Homo sapiens Religious perspectives EditFurther information Sophia wisdom Ancient Near East Edit In Mesopotamian religion and mythology Enki also known as Ea was the god of wisdom and intelligence Divine wisdom allowed the provident designation of functions clarification needed and the ordering of the cosmos and it ambiguous was achieved by humans by following me s in Sumerian order rite righteousness which maintain balance 61 In addition to hymns to Enki or Ea dating from the third millennium BCE there is among the clay tablets of Abu Salabikh from 2600 BCE the oldest dated texts a Hymn to Shamash which includes the following 62 Wide is the courtyard of Shamash night chamber just as wide is the womb of a wise pregnant woman Sin his warrior wise one heard of the offerings and came down to his fiesta He is the father of the nation and the father of intelligence The concept of Logos manifest word of the divine thought was also present in the philosophy and hymns of Egypt and Ancient Greece 63 It was important in the thinking of Heraclitus and in the Abrahamic traditions It seems to have been derived from Mesopotamian culture 64 Sia was the personification of perception and thoughtfulness in the mythology of Ancient Egypt Thoth married to Maat in ancient Egyptian order righteousness truth was regarded as the being who introduced wisdom to the nation 65 63 Zoroastrianism Edit In the Avesta Gathas hymns traditionally attributed to Zoroaster Ahura Mazda means Lord Ahura and Wisdom Mazda and is the central deity who embodies goodness being also called Good Thought Vohu Manah 66 In Zoroastrianism the order of the universe and morals is called asha in Avestan truth righteousness which is determined by this omniscient Thought and also considered a deity emanating from Ahura Amesha Spenta It is related to another ahura deity Spenta Mainyu active Mentality 67 It says in Yazna 31 68 To him shall the best befall who as one that knows speaks to me Right s truthful word of Welfare and of Immortality even the Dominion of Mazda which Good Thought shall increase for him About which he in the beginning thus thought let the blessed realms be filled with Light he it is that by his wisdom created Right Hebrew Bible and Judaism Edit See also Chokhmah and Wisdom literature The word wisdom חכם is mentioned 222 times in the Hebrew Bible It was regarded as one of the highest virtues among the Israelites along with kindness חסד and justice צדק The books of Proverbs and Psalms each urge readers to obtain and to increase in wisdom citation needed nbsp Solomon and Lady Wisdom by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld 1860In the Hebrew Bible wisdom is exemplified by Solomon who asks God for wisdom in 2 Chronicles 1 10 Much of the Book of Proverbs which is filled with wise sayings is attributed to Solomon In Proverbs 9 10 the fear of the Lord is called the beginning of wisdom Another proverb says that wisdom is gained from God For the Lord gives wisdom from His mouth come knowledge and understanding 69 In Proverbs 1 20 there is also reference to wisdom personified in female form Wisdom calls aloud in the streets she raises her voice in the marketplaces In Proverbs 8 22 31 this personified wisdom is described as being present with God before creation began and even as taking part in creation itself nbsp Solomon s Wisdom 1860 woodcut by Julius Schnorr von KarolsfeldKing Solomon continues his teachings of wisdom in the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon discusses his exploration of the meaning of life and fulfillment as he speaks of life s pleasures work and materialism yet concludes that it is all meaningless Meaningless Meaningless says the Teacher Solomon Utterly meaningless Everything is meaningless For with much wisdom comes much sorrow the more knowledge the more grief 70 Solomon concludes that all life s pleasures and riches and even human wisdom mean nothing if there is no relationship with God 71 The Talmud teaches that a wise person can foresee the future Nolad is a Hebrew word for future but also the Hebrew word for birth so one rabbinic interpretation of the teaching is that a wise person is one who can foresee the consequences of his her choices i e can see the future that he she gives birth to 72 Hellenistic religion and Gnosticism Edit Main articles Sophia wisdom and Sophia Gnosticism Christian theology Edit Main article Holy Wisdom Further information Sophiology and Sophia wisdom In Christian theology wisdom From Hebrew חכמה transliteration chokmah pronounced khok maw Greek Sophia Latin Sapientia describes an aspect of God or the theological concept regarding the wisdom of God citation needed nbsp David and Abigail Abigail was a wise woman who helped David 1860 woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld Christian thought opposes secular wisdom and Godly wisdom Paul the Apostle states that worldly wisdom thinks the claims of Christ to be foolishness However to those who are on the path to salvation Christ represents the wisdom of God 73 Wisdom is considered one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit 74 1 Corinthians 12 8 10 gives an alternate list of nine virtues among which is wisdom The Epistle of James is a New Testament analogue of the book of Proverbs in that it also discusses wisdom It reiterates the message from Proverbs that wisdom comes from God by stating If any of you lacks wisdom you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you 75 James also explains how wisdom helps one acquire other forms of virtue But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure then peace loving considerate submissive full of mercy and good fruit impartial and sincere 76 James focuses on using this God given wisdom to perform acts of service to the less fortunate Apart from Proverbs Ecclesiastes and James other main books of wisdom in the Bible are Job Psalms and 1 and 2 Corinthians which give lessons on gaining and using wisdom through difficult situations Indian religions Edit Further information Prajna Buddhism Prajna Hinduism and Prajnaparamita In the Indian traditions wisdom can be called prajna or vijnana Developing wisdom is of central importance in Buddhist traditions where the ultimate aim is often presented as seeing things as they are or as gaining a penetrative understanding of all phenomena which in turn is described as ultimately leading to the complete freedom from suffering 23 24 In Buddhism developing wisdom is accomplished through an understanding of what are known as the Four Noble Truths and by following the Noble Eightfold Path 23 24 This path lists mindfulness as one of eight required components for cultivating wisdom 23 Buddhist scriptures teach that a wise people conduct themselves well 77 A wise person does actions that are unpleasant to do but give good results and doesn t do actions that are pleasant to do but give bad results 78 Wisdom is the antidote to the self chosen poison of ignorance The Buddha has much to say on the subject of wisdom including He who arbitrates a case by force does not thereby become just established in Dhamma But the wise man is he who carefully discriminates between right and wrong 79 He who leads others by nonviolence righteously and equitably is indeed a guardian of justice wise and righteous 80 One is not wise merely because he talks much But he who is calm free from hatred and fear is verily called a wise man 81 By quietude alone one does not become a sage muni if he is foolish and ignorant But he who as if holding a pair of scales takes the good and shuns the evil is a wise man he is indeed a muni by that very reason He who understands both good and evil as they really are is called a true sage 82 To recover the original supreme wisdom of self nature Buddha nature or Tathagata concealed by the self imposed three dusty poisons the kleshas greed anger ignorance Buddha taught to his students the threefold training by turning greed into generosity and discipline anger into kindness and meditation ignorance into wisdom As the Sixth Patriarch of Chan Buddhism Huineng said in his Platform Sutra Mind without dispute is self nature discipline mind without disturbance is self nature meditation mind without ignorance is self nature wisdom In Mahayana and esoteric Buddhist lineages Manjusri is considered an embodiment of Buddha wisdom In Hinduism wisdom is considered a state of mind and soul with which a person achieves liberation The god of wisdom is Ganesha and the goddess of knowledge is Saraswati citation needed The Sanskrit verse to attain knowledge is 83 असत म सद गमय तमस म ज य त र गमय म त य र म अम त गमय ॐ श न त श न त श न त Asatō ma sadgamaya tamasō ma jyōtirgamaya mr tyōrma amr taṁ gamayaOm santiḥ santiḥ santiḥ Lead me from the unreal to the real Lead me from darkness to light Lead me from death to immortality May there be peace peace and peace Wisdom in Hinduism is knowing oneself as the truth as the basis for the entire Creation ultimate self awareness as the one who witnesses the entire creation in all its facets and forms Further it means realization that an individual may through right conduct and right living come to realize their true relationship with the creation and the Paramatma citation needed Islam Edit Main article Hikmah The Islamic term for wisdom is hikmah Prophets of Islam are believed by Muslims to possess great wisdom The term occurs a number of times in the Quran notably in Sura 2 269 Sura 22 46 and Sura 6 151 The Sufi philosopher Ibn Arabi considers al Hakim The Wise as one of the names of the Creator 84 Wisdom and truth considered divine attributes were valued in Islamic sciences and philosophy The first Arab philosopher Al Kindi says at the beginning of his book 85 We must not be ashamed to admire the truth or to acquire it from wherever it comes Even if it should come from far flung nations and foreign peoples there is for the student of truth nothing more important than the truth nor is the truth demeaned or diminished by the one who states or conveys it no one is demeaned by the truth rather all are ennobled by it Al Kindi On First Philosophy Chinese religion Edit This section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed March 2016 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Buddhist term Prajna was translated into Chinese as 智慧 pinyin zhihui characters 智 knowledge and 慧 bright intelligent According to the Doctrine of the Mean Confucius said Love of learning is akin to wisdom To practice with vigor is akin to humanity To know to be shameful is akin to courage zhi ren yong three of Mengzi s sprouts of virtue citation needed dubious discuss Compare this with the Confucian classic Great Learning which begins with The Way of learning to be great consists in manifesting the clear character loving the people and abiding in the highest good This is comprable to the Roman virtue prudence especially if one interprets clear character as clear conscience From Chan s Sources of Chinese Philosophy citation needed In Taoism wisdom is adherence to the three treasures charity simplicity and humility citation needed He who knows other men is discerning 智 he who knows himself is intelligent 明 知人者智 自知者明 Tao Te Ching 33 86 In Chinese Buddhism the idea of wisdom is closely linked to its Indian equivalent as it appears for instance in certain conceptual continuities that exist between Asanga Vasubandhu and Xuanzang further explanation needed 87 Others Edit In Norse mythology the god Odin is known for his wisdom often as acquired through various hardships and ordeals involving pain and self sacrifice In one instance he plucked out an eye and offered it to Mimir guardian of the well of knowledge and wisdom in return for a drink from the well 88 In another famous account Odin hanged himself for nine nights from Yggdrasil the World Tree that unites all the realms of existence suffering from hunger and thirst and finally wounding himself with a spear until he gained the knowledge of runes for use in casting powerful magic 89 He was also able to acquire the mead of poetry from the giants a drink of which could grant the power of a scholar or poet for the benefit of gods and mortals alike 88 In Bahaʼi Faith scripture The essence of wisdom is the fear of God the dread of His scourge and punishment and the apprehension of His justice and decree 90 Wisdom is seen as a light that casts away darkness and its dictates must be observed under all circumstances 91 One may obtain knowledge and wisdom through God his Word and his Divine Manifestation the source of all learning is the knowledge of God 92 Pop culture Edit In the Star Wars universe wisdom is valued George Lucas incorporated spirituality and morals recurrent in mythological and philosophical themes into the films one of his inspirations was Joseph Campbell s The Hero of a Thousand Faces 93 The character Master Yoda from the films evokes the trope of the wise sage or Oriental Monk 94 and he is frequently quoted analogously to Chinese thinkers or Eastern sages in general 95 96 Psychologist D W Kreger s book The Tao of Yoda adapts the wisdom of the Tao Te Ching in relation to Yoda s thinking 96 Knowledge is canonically considered one of the pillars of the films Jedi knights something expanded upon in the non canon book The Jedi Path 97 and wisdom can serve as a tenet for Jediism The Jedi Code states Ignorance yet knowledge 98 In a psychology populational study published by Grossmann and team in 2019 respondents considered Yoda to be wiser than Spock a fictional character from the Star Trek series due to Spock s blind spot for emotion which was positively associated with wise reasoning in people 99 Yoda embraces his emotions and aims to achieve a balance between them Yoda is known to be emotionally expressive to share a good joke with others but also to recognize sorrow and his past mistakes 100 See also Edit nbsp Philosophy portal nbsp Psychology portalAnalogy Cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject to another Bildung German tradition of self cultivation Book of Wisdom Jewish work written in Greek generally dated to the mid first century BC Consciousness Awareness of internal and external existence Ecological wisdom Philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium as developed by Arne Naess or Felix GuattariPages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets Human condition Ultimate concerns of human existence Metacognition Thinking about thinking higher order thinking skills Perspicacity Great discernment or insight Philosophy Study of general and fundamental questions Sapere aude Latin phrase Sapiens disambiguation School of Hard Knocks Idiomatic phrase the informal education from negative experiences Sentience Ability to be aware of feelings and sensations The Wisdom of Crowds 2004 book by James SurowieckiFurther reading EditLiguori Alphonus 1882 Sermon V Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity In what true wisdom consists Sermons for all the Sundays in the year Dublin Notes Edit Critias states the meaning of know thyself in Plato s Charmides 165a Note that two thousand years after Aristotle Isaac Newton was forced to admit that I have not yet been able to discover the cause of these properties of gravity References Edit wisdom Dictionary com a b c d e Grossmann I 2017 Wisdom in context Perspectives on Psychological Science 21 12 1254 1266 doi 10 1177 1745691616672066 PMID 28346113 S2CID 26818408 a b c d e Staudinger U M Gluck J 2011 Psychological wisdom research Commonalities and differences in a growing field Annual Review of Psychology 62 215 241 doi 10 1146 annurev psych 121208 131659 PMID 20822439 a b c d Walsh Roger June 2015 What Is wisdom Cross cultural and cross Disciplinary Syntheses Review of General Psychology 19 3 178 293 doi 10 1037 gpr0000045 S2CID 146383832 a b c d e Trowbridge R H May 2011 Waiting for Sophia 30 years of Conceptualizing Wisdom in Empirical Psychology Research in Human Development 8 2 111 117 doi 10 1080 15427609 2011 568872 S2CID 145371442 Gluck J October 2018 Measuring Wisdom Existing Approaches Continuing Challenges and New Developments The Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 73 8 1393 1403 doi 10 1093 geronb gbx140 PMC 6178965 PMID 29281060 a b c d e f Brienza J P Kung F Y H Santos H Bobocel D R Grossmann I 2017 Wisdom Bias and Balance Toward a Process Sensitive Measurement of Wisdom Related Cognition Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115 6 1093 1126 doi 10 1037 pspp0000171 PMID 28933874 S2CID 29052539 wisdom n Oxford English Dictionary Oxford University Press Retrieved 14 July 2015 Spurgeon Charles Haddon 1871 The Fourfold Treasure 991 Wisdom is I suppose the right use of knowledge To know is not to be wise Many men know a great deal and are all the greater fools for it There is no fool so great a fool as a knowing fool But to know how to use knowledge is to have wisdom a b Meacham J A 1990 The loss of wisdom In Sternberg R J ed Wisdom Its nature origins and development Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 181 211 METIS Greek Titan Goddess of Wise Counsel Theoi Project Retrieved 17 August 2019 Hesiod Theogony Turnbill Liz 12 August 2011 Athena Greek goddess of wisdom and craftsmanship Goddess Gift MOUSAI Greek Goddesses of Music Poetry amp the Arts Theoi Project Retrieved 17 August 2019 Plato Cratylus 405e 406a Scott Michael Delphi A History of the Center of the Ancient World Princeton University Press Preus Anthony 30 March 1998 Thoth and Apollo Greek Myths of the Origin of Philosophy Methexis 11 1 113 125 doi 10 1163 24680974 90000303 ISSN 0327 0289 Griffiths Alan H Seven Sages In Hornblower Simon Spawforth Antony Eidinow Esther eds Oxford Classical Dictionary 4th ed Oxford University Press p 1357 Plato Symposium Xenophon Memorabilia Fine Gail 2008 Does Socrates Claim to Know that He Knows 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Varnum M E Park D C Kitayama S Nisbett R E 2010 Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age PDF Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 16 7246 50 Bibcode 2010PNAS 107 7246G doi 10 1073 pnas 1001715107 PMC 2867718 PMID 20368436 Kunzmann U Gluck J 2018 Wisdom and Emotion a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help a b Grossmann I Gerlach T M Denissen J J 2016 Wise reasoning in the face of everyday life challenges Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 7 611 622 doi 10 1177 1948550616652206 S2CID 148246126 a b Grossmann Igor 20 July 2017 Wisdom and how to cultivate it Review of emerging evidence for a constructivist model of wise thinking doi 10 31234 osf io qkm6v a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Santos Henri C Huynh Alex C Grossmann Igor 2017 Wisdom in a complex world A situated account of wise reasoning and its development Social and Personality Psychology Compass 11 10 e12341 doi 10 1111 spc3 12341 ISSN 1751 9004 Robson David 14 April 2023 Illeism The ancient trick to help you think more wisely BBC Retrieved 4 July 2023 Robson David 7 August 2019 Why speaking to yourself in the third person makes you wiser Aeon Retrieved 10 July 2020 a b Grossmann Igor Kross Ethan 2017 Exploring Solomon s Paradox Self distancing eliminates the self other asymmetry in wise reasoning about close relationships in younger and older adults Psychological Science 25 8 1571 1580 doi 10 1177 0956797614535400 PMID 24916084 S2CID 3539860 Kunzmann U Gluck J 2018 Wisdom and Emotion a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help Grossmann Igor Oakes Harrison Santos Henri C 2018 Wise Reasoning Benefits from Emodiversity Irrespective of Emotional Intensity Journal of Experimental Psychology General 148 5 805 823 doi 10 1037 xge0000543 PMID 30688474 S2CID 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Karasawa M Izumi S Na J Varnum M E Kitayama S Nisbett R E 2012 Aging and wisdom Culture matters Psychological Science 23 10 1059 1066 doi 10 1177 0956797612446025 hdl 11244 25191 PMID 22933459 S2CID 4829751 Brienza Justin P Grossmann Igor 2017 Social class and wise reasoning about interpersonal conflicts across regions persons and situations Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 284 1869 1869 doi 10 1098 rspb 2017 1870 PMC 5745406 PMID 29263284 a b Orwoll L Perlmutter M 1990 Sternberg R J ed Wisdom Its nature origins and development New York Cambridge University Press pp 160 177 ISBN 978 0 521 36718 9 Jeste Thomas Wisdom Index U C San Diego Health Sciences Christopher Bergland 5 December 2021 The 7 Item Wisdom Scale A Fast Way to See If You re Wise Psychology Today Karunamuni N D May 2015 The Five Aggregate Model of the Mind SAGE Open 5 2 215824401558386 doi 10 1177 2158244015583860 Lewis C T Short C 1963 Latin Dictionary Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 864201 5 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Leiden Koln Brill Yazna 31 Sacred Liturgy and Gathas Hymns of Zarathushtra Proverbs 2 6 Ecclesiastes 1 2 18 Book of James Overview Insight for Living Ministries www insight org Retrieved 17 November 2016 Wolpe David perf Re eh What it Means to Choose Rabbi David Wolpe Sinai Temple 11 August 2012 web 16 Aug 2013 1 Corinthians 1 17 31 Isaiah 11 2 3 James 1 5 James 3 17 AN 3 2 AN 4 115 Dhammapada v 256 Dhammapada v 257 Dhammapada v 258 Dhammapada v 268 69 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1 3 28 Shahzad Qaiser 2004 Ibn Arabi s Contribution to the Ethics of Divine Names Islamic Studies 43 1 5 38 Adamson Peter 2018 Al Kindi in Zalta Edward N ed The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Summer 2018 ed Metaphysics Research Lab Stanford University retrieved 16 August 2019 Chinese Text Project trans James Legge Jannel Romaric May 2022 Xuanzang and the Three Types of Wisdom Learning Reasoning and Cultivating in Yogacara Thought Religions 13 6 486 doi 10 3390 rel13060486 a b Sturluson Snorri 1987 Faulkes Anthony ed Edda Translated by Faulkes Anthony Everyman s Library ISBN 0 460 87616 3 Sturluson Snorri 1996 Larrington Carolyne ed Poetic Edda Translated by Larrington Carolyne Oxford World s Classics ISBN 0 19 283946 2 Asl i Kullu l Khayr Words of Wisdom Bahai Reference Library Tablets of Baha u llah Revealed After the Kitab i Aqdas pocket size ed US Baha i Publishing Trust 1988 Retrieved 19 March 2013 ʻAbduʹl Baha 1980 A traveler s narrative Translated by Browne Edward G New and corr ed Wilmette Ill Baha i Publ Trust p 46 ISBN 978 0877431343 Esslemont J E 2006 Baha u llah and the new era an introduction to the Baha i faith Wilmette Ill Baha i Pub Trust ISBN 978 1931847278 Campbell Joseph 2003 Cousineau Phil ed The Hero s Journey Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work 3rd ed Novato California New World Library pp 186 187 Iwamura Jane Naomi 2010 Virtual orientalism Asian religions and American popular culture Oxford University Press OCLC 1090089521 Niemiec Ryan M 2014 Positive psychology at the movies using films to build character strengths and well being ISBN 9780889374430 OCLC 844533648 Star Wars Who Said It Yoda or a Jewish Sage Haaretz 12 September 2017 Daum Kevin 4 May 2017 May the Fourth Be With You the Wisdom of Star Wars in 40 Iconic Quotes Inc com Retrieved 16 August 2019 a b Kreger D W 2013 The Tao of Yoda based upon the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Windham Everitt ISBN 9780983309925 OCLC 861507203 Scott Cavan Dooku Jedi Lost Star Wars ISBN 9780593102817 OCLC 1099657064 Wallace Daniel 2010 Jedi path ISBN 9780429648779 OCLC 1083368300 Weisman Greg Larraz Pepe 2015 Kanan 7 First Blood Part I The Corridors of Coruscant Marvel Comics Dockrill Peter 30 January 2019 The Scientific Reason Yoda Is Wiser Than Spock ScienceAlert Retrieved 16 August 2019 Grossmann Igor Oakes Harrison Santos Henri Carlo 2019 Wise Reasoning Benefits from Emodiversity Irrespective of Emotional Intensity Journal of Experimental Psychology 148 5 805 823 doi 10 1037 xge0000543 PMID 30688474 S2CID 59306284 External links Edit nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Wisdom nbsp Wikiversity has learning resources about Wisdom nbsp Look up wisdom in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Look up wise in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Look up sophont in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wisdom Wisdom at PhilPapers Wisdom at the Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project Zalta Edward N ed Wisdom Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Center for Practical Wisdom at the University of Chicago Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Wisdom amp oldid 1178806108, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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