
List of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode

This is a list of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode.[1][2] Unicode typefaces may be needed for these to display correctly.

Letters with diacritics edit

Aa Ææ Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Øø Pp Qq Rr Ssſ Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Ʒʒ
acute Áá Ǽǽ Ćć Éé Ǵǵ Íí Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Ńń Óó Ǿǿ Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Śś Úú Ẃẃ Ýý Źź
acute and dot above Ṥṥ
breve Ăă Ĕĕ Ğğ Ĭĭ Ŏŏ Ŭŭ
breve and acute Ắắ
breve and dot below Ặặ
breve and grave Ằằ
breve and hook above Ẳẳ
breve and tilde Ẵẵ
breve below Ḫḫ
caron Ǎǎ Čč Ďď Ěě Ǧǧ Ȟȟ Ǐǐ ǰ Ǩǩ Ľľ Ňň Ǒǒ Řř Šš Ťť Ǔǔ Žž Ǯǯ
caron and dot above Ṧṧ
cedilla Çç Ḑḑ Ȩȩ Ģģ Ḩḩ Ķķ Ļļ Ņņ Ŗŗ Şş Ţţ
cedilla and acute Ḉḉ
cedilla and breve Ḝḝ
circumflex Ââ Ĉĉ Êê Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Îî Ĵĵ Ôô Ŝŝ Ûû Ŵŵ Ŷŷ Ẑẑ
circumflex and acute Ấấ Ếế Ốố
circumflex and dot below Ậậ Ệệ Ộộ
circumflex and grave Ầầ Ềề Ồồ
circumflex and hook above Ẩẩ Ểể Ổổ
circumflex and tilde Ẫẫ Ễễ Ỗỗ
circumflex below Ḓḓ Ḙḙ Ḽḽ Ṋṋ Ṱṱ Ṷṷ
comma below Șș Țț
diaeresis Ää Ëë Ḧḧ Ïï Öö Üü Ẅẅ Ẍẍ Ÿÿ
diaeresis and acute Ḯḯ Ǘǘ
diaeresis and caron Ǚǚ
diaeresis and grave Ǜǜ
diaeresis and macron Ǟǟ Ȫȫ Ǖǖ
diaeresis below Ṳṳ
dot above Ȧȧ Ḃḃ Ċċ Ḋḋ Ėė Ḟḟ Ġġ Ḣḣ İ Ṁṁ Ṅṅ Ȯȯ Ṗṗ Ṙṙ Ṡṡẛ Ṫṫ Ẇẇ Ẋẋ Ẏẏ Żż
dot above and macron Ǡǡ Ȱȱ
dot below Ạạ Ḅḅ Ḍḍ Ẹẹ Ḥḥ Ịị Ḳḳ Ḷḷ Ṃṃ Ṇṇ Ọọ Ṛṛ Ṣṣ Ṭṭ Ụụ Ṿṿ Ẉẉ Ỵỵ Ẓẓ
dot below and dot above Ṩṩ
dot below and macron Ḹḹ Ṝṝ
double acute Őő Űű
double grave Ȁȁ Ȅȅ Ȉȉ Ȍȍ Ȑȑ Ȕȕ
grave Àà Èè Ìì Ǹǹ Òò Ùù Ẁẁ Ỳỳ
hook above Ảả Ẻẻ Ỉỉ Ỏỏ Ủủ Ỷỷ
horn Ơơ Ưư
horn and acute Ớớ Ứứ
horn and dot below Ợợ Ựự
horn and grave Ờờ Ừừ
horn and hook above Ởở Ửử
horn and tilde Ỡỡ Ữữ
inverted breve Ȃȃ Ȇȇ Ȋȋ Ȏȏ Ȓȓ Ȗȗ
macron Āā Ǣǣ Ēē Ḡḡ Īī Ōō Ūū Ȳȳ
macron and acute Ḗḗ Ṓṓ
macron and diaeresis Ṻṻ
macron and grave Ḕḕ Ṑṑ
macron below Ḇḇ Ḏḏ Ḵḵ Ḻḻ Ṉṉ Ṟṟ Ṯṯ Ẕẕ
ogonek Ąą Ęę Įį Ǫǫ Ųų
ogonek and macron Ǭǭ
ring above Åå Ůů
ring above and acute Ǻǻ
ring below Ḁḁ
tilde Ãã Ẽẽ Ĩĩ Ññ Õõ Ũũ Ṽṽ Ỹỹ
tilde and acute Ṍṍ Ṹṹ
tilde and diaeresis Ṏṏ
tilde and macron Ȭȭ
tilde below Ḛḛ Ḭḭ Ṵṵ

Digraphs and ligatures edit

  • DZ, Dz, dz
  • DŽ, Dž, dž
  • IJ, ij
  • LJ, Lj, lj
  • NJ, Nj, nj

Other characters edit

Name Uppercase Lowercase
angstrom sign
a with right half ring
kelvin sign
l with interpunct Ŀ ŀ
apostrophe n ʼn
long s ſ

A collection of precomposed Latin characters (mostly abbreviations of units of measurement) is also included in the CJK Compatibility and Enclosed CJK Letters and Months sections of Unicode, as are a set of precomposed Roman numerals; these characters are intended for use in East Asian languages and are not meant to be mixed with Latin languages. Several enclosed alphanumerics are also featured in Unicode.

Some characters in the Letterlike Symbols block can be substituted with characters in the ASCII range.

See also edit

External links edit

  • Unicode collation chart -- Latin letters sorted by shape

References edit

  1. ^ "Chapter 3: Conformance, section 3.7: Decomposition" (PDF). The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-09-10.
  2. ^ "UCD: UnicodeData.txt". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-09-10.

list, precomposed, latin, characters, unicode, this, list, precomposed, latin, characters, unicode, unicode, typefaces, needed, these, display, correctly, contents, letters, with, diacritics, digraphs, ligatures, other, characters, also, external, links, refer. This is a list of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode 1 2 Unicode typefaces may be needed for these to display correctly Contents 1 Letters with diacritics 2 Digraphs and ligatures 3 Other characters 4 See also 5 External links 6 ReferencesLetters with diacritics editAa AEae Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Oo Pp Qq Rr Ssſ Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Ʒʒacute Aa Ǽǽ Cc Ee Ǵǵ Ii Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Nn oo Ǿǿ Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Ss Uu Ẃẃ Yy Zzacute and dot above Ṥṥbreve Ăă Ĕĕ Gg Ĭĭ Ŏŏ Ŭŭbreve and acute Ắắbreve and dot below Ặặbreve and grave Ằằbreve and hook above Ẳẳbreve and tilde Ẵẵbreve below Ḫḫcaron Ǎǎ Cc Dd Ee Ǧǧ Ȟȟ Ǐǐ ǰ Ǩǩ Ľľ Nn Ǒǒ Rr Ss Tt Ǔǔ Zz Ǯǯcaron and dot above Ṧṧcedilla Cc Ḑḑ Ȩȩ Gg Ḩḩ kk Ll Nn Ŗŗ Ss Ţţcedilla and acute Ḉḉcedilla and breve Ḝḝcircumflex Aa Ĉĉ Ee Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Ii Ĵĵ Oo Ŝŝ Uu Ŵŵ Ŷŷ Ẑẑcircumflex and acute Ấấ Ếế Ốốcircumflex and dot below Ậậ Ệệ Ộộcircumflex and grave Ầầ Ềề Ồồcircumflex and hook above Ẩẩ Ểể Ổổcircumflex and tilde Ẫẫ Ễễ Ỗỗcircumflex below Ḓḓ Ḙḙ Ḽḽ Ṋṋ Ṱṱ Ṷṷcomma below Șș Țțdiaeresis Aa Ee Ḧḧ Ii Oo ẗ Uu Ẅẅ Ẍẍ Ÿydiaeresis and acute Ḯḯ Ǘǘdiaeresis and caron Ǚǚdiaeresis and grave Ǜǜdiaeresis and macron Ǟǟ Ȫȫ Ǖǖdiaeresis below Ṳṳdot above Ȧȧ Ḃḃ Ċċ Ḋḋ Ėe Ḟḟ Ġġ Ḣḣ I Ṁṁ Ṅṅ Ȯȯ Ṗṗ Ṙṙ Ṡṡẛ Ṫṫ Ẇẇ Ẋẋ Ẏẏ Zzdot above and macron Ǡǡ Ȱȱdot below Ạạ Ḅḅ Ḍḍ Ẹẹ Ḥḥ Ịị Ḳḳ Ḷḷ Ṃṃ Ṇṇ Ọọ Ṛṛ Ṣṣ Ṭṭ Ụụ Ṿṿ Ẉẉ Ỵỵ Ẓẓdot below and dot above Ṩṩdot below and macron Ḹḹ Ṝṝdouble acute Oo Uudouble grave Ȁȁ Ȅȅ Ȉȉ Ȍȍ Ȑȑ Ȕȕgrave Aa Ee Ii Ǹǹ Oo Uu Ẁẁ Ỳỳhook above Ảả Ẻẻ Ỉỉ Ỏỏ Ủủ Ỷỷhorn Ơơ Ưưhorn and acute Ớớ Ứứhorn and dot below Ợợ Ựựhorn and grave Ờờ Ừừhorn and hook above Ởở Ửửhorn and tilde Ỡỡ Ữữinverted breve Ȃȃ Ȇȇ Ȋȋ Ȏȏ Ȓȓ Ȗȗmacron Aa Ǣǣ Ee Ḡḡ ii Ōō uu Ȳȳmacron and acute Ḗḗ Ṓṓmacron and diaeresis Ṻṻmacron and grave Ḕḕ Ṑṑmacron below Ḇḇ Ḏḏ ẖ Ḵḵ Ḻḻ Ṉṉ Ṟṟ Ṯṯ Ẕẕogonek Aa ee Įį Ǫǫ Ųuogonek and macron Ǭǭring above Aa Uu ẘ ẙring above and acute Ǻǻring below Ḁḁtilde Aa Ẽẽ Ĩĩ Nn Oo Ũũ Ṽṽ Ỹỹtilde and acute Ṍṍ Ṹṹtilde and diaeresis Ṏṏtilde and macron Ȭȭtilde below Ḛḛ Ḭḭ ṴṵDigraphs and ligatures editMain articles Digraph orthography In Unicode and Ligature writing Ligatures in Unicode Latin alphabets DZ Dz dz DŽ Dž dž ff ffi ffl fi fl IJ ij LJ Lj lj NJ Nj nj st ſtOther characters editName Uppercase Lowercaseangstrom sign Åa with right half ring ẚkelvin sign Kl with interpunct Ŀ ŀapostrophe n ʼnlong s ſA collection of precomposed Latin characters mostly abbreviations of units of measurement is also included in the CJK Compatibility and Enclosed CJK Letters and Months sections of Unicode as are a set of precomposed Roman numerals these characters are intended for use in East Asian languages and are not meant to be mixed with Latin languages Several enclosed alphanumerics are also featured in Unicode Some characters in the Letterlike Symbols block can be substituted with characters in the ASCII range See also editLatin scriptExternal links editUnicode collation chart Latin letters sorted by shapeReferences edit Chapter 3 Conformance section 3 7 Decomposition PDF The Unicode Standard Retrieved 2016 09 10 UCD UnicodeData txt The Unicode Standard Retrieved 2016 09 10 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of precomposed Latin characters in Unicode amp oldid 1145894371, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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