
Long s

The long s ſ, also known as the medial s or initial s, is an archaic form of the lowercase letter s. It replaced the single s, or one or both[a] of the letters s in a "double s" sequence (e.g., "ſinfulneſs" for "sinfulness" and "poſſeſs" or "poſseſs" for "possess", but never *"poſſeſſ").[1] The modern ⟨s⟩ letterform is known as the "short", "terminal", or "round" s. In typography, it is known as a type of swash letter, commonly referred to as a "swash s".[2] The long s is the basis of the first half of the grapheme of the German alphabet ligature letter ß,[3] (eszett or scharfes s [sharp s]).

An italicized 'long s' used in the word "Congress" (as "Congreſs") in the United States Bill of Rights

Rules Edit

This list of rules for the long s is not exhaustive, and it applies only to books printed during the 17th and 18th centuries in English-speaking countries.[1] Similar rules exist for other European languages.[1]

  • A round s is always used at the end of a word ending with s: "his", "complains", "ſucceſs"
    • However, long s is maintained in abbreviations such as "ſ." for "ſubſtantive" (substantive), and "Geneſ." for "Geneſis" (Genesis)
  • Before an apostrophe (indicating an omitted letter), a round s is used: "us'd" and "clos'd"
  • Before and after an f, a round s is used: "offset", "ſatisfaction."
  • Before a breaking hyphen at the end of the line, a long s must be used: "Shaftſ-bury". (When hyphenation was not required, the word was spelled Shaftsbury, with a round s.[4])
  • In the 17th century, the round s was used before k and b: "ask", "husband"; in the 18th century: "aſk" and "huſband".

Otherwise, long s is used: "ſong", "ſubſtitute".

In handwriting, these rules do not apply—the long s is usually confined to preceding a round s, either in the middle or at the end of a word—for example, "aſsure", "Bleſsings".[1]

History Edit

The long s was derived from the old Roman cursive medial s,  .[5] When the distinction between majuscule (uppercase) and minuscule (lowercase) letter forms became established, toward the end of the eighth century, it developed a more vertical form.[6] During this period, it was occasionally used at the end of a word, a practice that quickly died but that was occasionally revived in Italian printing between about 1465 and 1480. Thus, the general rule that the long s never occurred at the end of a word is not strictly correct, although the exceptions are rare and archaic. The double s in the middle of a word was also written with a long s and a short s, as in: "Miſsiſsippi".[7] In German typography, the rules are more complicated: short s also appears at the end of each component within a compound word, and there are more detailed rules and practices for special cases.

Similarity to letter f Edit

Two words ("ſecret foe") extracted from the 1667 printing of the poem "Paradise Lost" (Book IV page 1), showing f and long s

The long s is often confused with the minuscule f, sometimes even having an f-like nub at its middle but on the left side only in various Roman typefaces and in blackletter. There was no nub in its italic type form, which gave the stroke a descender that curled to the left and which is not possible without kerning in the other type forms mentioned. For this reason, the short s was also normally used in combination with f: for example, in "ſatisfaction".[citation needed]

The nub acquired its form in the blackletter style of writing. What looks like one stroke was actually a wedge pointing downward. The wedge's widest part was at that height (x-height) and capped by a second stroke that formed an ascender that curled to the right. Those styles of writing, and their derivatives, in type design had a crossbar at the height of the nub for letters f and t, as well as for k. In Roman type, except for the crossbar on medial s,[clarification needed] all other cross bars disappeared.[citation needed]

Ligatures Edit

Direction sign to Bernauer Straße, with long s and with ⟨ß⟩ written as a ⟨ſ  ligature

The long s was used in ligatures in various languages. Four examples were ⟨si⟩, ⟨ss⟩, ⟨st⟩, and the German letter Eszett ⟨ß⟩.[citation needed]

The present-day German letter ß (German: Eszett or scharfes S; also used in Low German and historical Upper Sorbian orthographies) is generally considered to have originated in a (Fraktur) ligature of ⟨ſz⟩ (which is supported by the fact that the second part of the ⟨ß⟩ grapheme usually resembles a Fraktur z:  , hence ⟨ſ ; see ß for details), although in Antiqua, the ligature of ⟨ſs⟩ is used instead. (An alternative hypothesis claims that the German letter ß originated in Tironian notes.[8])

ſ and s as distinct letters Edit

Some old orthographic systems of Slavonic and Baltic languages used ⟨ſ⟩ and ⟨s⟩ as two separate letters with different phonetic values. For example, the Bohorič alphabet of the Slovene language included ⟨ſ⟩ /s/, ⟨s⟩ /z/, ⟨ſh⟩ /ʃ/, ⟨sh⟩ /ʒ/. In the original version of the alphabet, majuscule ⟨S⟩ was shared by both letters.[citation needed]

Decline Edit

Incidence of the word-forms "laft" and "last" in English documents from 1700 to 1900, according to Google's web n-grams database. Based on OCR scans of books, which can misidentify the long S as "f".[9]

In general, the long s fell out of use in Roman and italic typefaces in professional printing well before the middle of the 19th century. It rarely appears in good-quality London printing after 1800, though it lingers provincially until 1824 and is found in handwriting into the second half of the nineteenth century,[10] being sometimes seen later on in archaic or traditionalist printing such as printed collections of sermons. Woodhouse's The Principles of Analytical Calculation, published by the Cambridge University Press in 1803, uses the long s throughout its Roman text.[11]

Abandonment by printers and type founders Edit

Fifth edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, 1817, top, compared to the sixth edition of 1823; the only change (aside from the elimination of the ⟨ct⟩ ligature, as in "attraction") was the removal of the long s from the typeface.

The long s disappeared from new typefaces rapidly in the mid-1790s, and most printers who could afford to do so had discarded older typefaces by the early years of the 19th century. Pioneer of type design John Bell (1746–1831), who started the British Letter Foundry in 1788, is often "credited with the demise of the long s".[12] Paul W. Nash concluded that the change mostly happened very fast in 1800, and believes that this was triggered by the Seditious Societies Act. To discourage subversive publications, this required printing to name the identity of the printer, and so in Nash's view gave printers an incentive to make their work look more modern.[13]

Unlike the 1755 edition, which uses the long s throughout,[14] the 1808 edition of the Printer's Grammar describes the transition away from the use of the long s among type founders and printers in its list of available sorts:

The introduction of the round s, instead of the long, is an improvement in the art of printing equal, if not superior, to any which has taken place in recent years, and for which we are indebted to the ingenious Mr. Bell, who introduced them in his edition of the British Classics [published in the 1780s and 1790s]. They are now generally adopted, and the [type founders] scarcely ever cast a long s to their fonts, unless particularly ordered. Indeed, they omit it altogether in their specimens ... They are placed in our list of sorts, not to recommend them, but because we may not be subject to blame from those of the old school, who are tenacious of deviating from custom, however antiquated, for giving a list which they might term imperfect.

— Caleb Stower, The Printer's Grammar (1808).[15]

An individual instance of an important work using s instead of the long s occurred in 1749, with Joseph Ames's Typographical Antiquities, about printing in England 1471–1600, but "the general abolition of long s began with John Bell's British Theatre (1791)".[10][b]

In Spain, the change was mainly accomplished between the years 1760 and 1766;[13] for example, the multivolume España Sagrada made the switch with volume 16 (1762). In France, the change occurred between 1782 and 1793: François Didot designed Didone to be used substantially without long s.[13] The change happened in Italy at about the same time: Giambattista Bodoni also designed his Bodoni typeface without long s.[13] Printers in the United States stopped using the long s between 1795 and 1810: for example, acts of Congress were published with the long s throughout 1803, switching to the short s in 1804. In the US, a late use of the long s was in Low's Encyclopaedia, which was published between 1805 and 1811. Its reprint in 1816 was one of the last such uses recorded in the US. The most recent recorded use of the long s typeset among English printed Bibles can be found in the Lunenburg, Massachusetts, 1826 printing by W. Greenough and Son. The same typeset was used for the 1826 printed later by W. Greenough and Son, and the statutes of the United Kingdom's colony Nova Scotia also used the long s as late as 1816. Some examples of the use of the long and short s among specific well-known typefaces and publications in the UK include the following:

  • The Caslon typeface of 1732 has the long s.[16]
  • The Caslon typeface of 1796 has the short s only.[16]
  • In the UK, The Times of London made the switch from the long to the short s with its issue of 10 September 1803.
  • The Catherwood typeface of 1810 has the short s only.[16]
  • Encyclopædia Britannica's 5th edition, completed in 1817, was the last edition to use the long s.[17] The 1823, 6th edition uses the short s.
  • The Caslon typeface of 1841 has the short s only.[16]
  • Two typefaces from Stephenson Blake, both 1838–1841, have the short s only.[16]

When the War of 1812 began, the contrast between the nonuse of the long s by the United States, and its continued use by the United Kingdom, is illustrated by the Twelfth US Congress's use of the short s of today in the US declaration of war against the United Kingdom, and, in contrast, the continued use of long s within the text of Isaac Brock's counterpart document responding to the declaration of war by the United States.[citation needed]

Early editions of Scottish poet Robert Burns that have lost their title page can be dated by their use of the long s; that is, Dr. James Currie's edition of the Works of Robert Burns (Liverpool, 1800 and many reprintings) does not use the long s, while editions from the 1780s and early 1790s do.[citation needed]

In printing, instances of the long s continue in rare and sometimes notable cases in the UK until the end of the 19th century, possibly as part of a consciously antiquarian revival of old-fashioned type. For example,

In Germany, Fraktur-family typefaces (such as Tannenberg, used by Deutsche Reichsbahn for station signage, as illustrated above) continued in widespread official use until the "Normal Type" decree of 1941 required that they be phased out. (Private use had already largely ceased.) The long s survives in Fraktur typefaces.

Eventual abandonment in handwriting Edit

German handwriting (Bastarda), 1496, showing long and round s (as well as an r rotunda) in "priesters"
"Miss Austen's"—an example of a handwritten long s in a letter from Charlotte Brontë to G. H. Lewes, 12 January 1848

After its decline and disappearance in printing in the early years of the 19th century, the long s persisted into the second half of the century in manuscript. In handwriting used for correspondence and diaries, its use for a single s seems to have disappeared first: most manuscript examples from the 19th century use it for the first s in a double s. For example,

  • Charlotte Brontë used the long s, as the first in a double s, in some of her letters, e.g., "Miſs Austen" in a letter to the critic G. H. Lewes, 12 January 1848; in other letters, however, she uses the short s, for example in an 1849 letter to Patrick Brontë, her father.[23] Her husband Arthur Bell Nicholls used the long s in writing to Ellen Nussey of Brontë's death.[24]
  • Edward Lear regularly used the long s in his diaries in the second half of the 19th century; for example, his 1884 diary has an instance in which the first s in a double s is long: "Addreſsed".[25]
  • Wilkie Collins routinely used the long s for the first in a double s in his manuscript correspondence; for example, he used the long s in the words "mſs" (manuscripts) and "needleſs" in a 1 June 1886 letter to Daniel S. Ford.[26]

For these as well as others, the handwritten long s may have suggested type and a certain formality as well as the traditional. Margaret Mathewson "published" her Sketch of 8 Months a Patient in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, A.D. 1877 of her experiences as a patient of Joseph Lister in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by writing copies out in manuscript.[c] In place of the first s in a double s, Mathewson recreated the long s in these copies, a practice widely used for both personal and business correspondence by her family, who lived on the remote island of Yell, Shetland. The practice of using the long s in handwriting on Yell, as elsewhere, may have been a carryover from 18th-century printing conventions, but it was not unfamiliar as a convention in handwriting.[citation needed]

Modern usage Edit

Cycle Deſign (Cycle Design) in Berlin, 2002

The long s survives in elongated form, with an italic-styled curled descender, as the integral symbol ∫ used in calculus. Gottfried Leibniz based the character on the Latin summa (sum), which he wrote ſumma. This use first appeared publicly in his paper De Geometria, published in Acta Eruditorum of June 1686,[27] but he had been using it in private manuscripts at least since 29 October 1675.[28] The integral of a function f(x) with respect to a real variable x over the interval [a, b] is typeset as[citation needed]


In linguistics, a similar character (ʃ, called esh) is used in the International Phonetic Alphabet, in which it represents the voiceless postalveolar fricative, the first sound in the English word ship.[citation needed]

In Nordic and German-speaking countries, relics of the long s continue to be seen in signs and logos that use various forms of fraktur typefaces. Examples include the logos of the Norwegian newspapers Aftenpoſten and Adresſeaviſen; the packaging logo for Finnish Siſu pastilles; and the German Jägermeiſter logo.[citation needed]

The long s exists in some current OpenType digital fonts that are historic revivals, like Caslon, Garamond, and Bodoni.[29]

Some Latin alphabets devised in the 1920s for some Caucasian languages used the ⟨ſ⟩ for some specific sounds.[30] These orthographies were in actual use until 1938.[31] Some of these developed a capital form which resembles the IPA letter ⟨ʕ⟩—see Udi language § Alphabet.[citation needed]

In the 1993 Turkmen orthography, ⟨ſ⟩ represented /ʒ/; however, it was replaced in 1995 by the letter ž. The capital form was ⟨£⟩, which was replaced by ⟨Ž⟩.[citation needed]

In Unicode Edit

  • A long s with a bar diacritic, is encoded as U+1E9C LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S WITH DIAGONAL STROKE

Solidus or slash Edit

An echo of the long s survives today in the form of the mark /, popularly known as a "slash" but formally named a solidus. The mark is an evolution of the long s which was used as the abbreviation for 'shilling' in Britain's pre-decimal currency, originally written as in 7ſ 6d, later as "7/6", meaning "seven shillings and six pence".[32]

Gallery Edit

See also Edit

  • ß – Letter of the Latin alphabet; used in German (Eszett)
  • Insular S – Insular form of the letter S (Ꞅ)
  • Esh (letter) – Character and IPA symbol (Ʃ, ʃ)
  • Integral symbol – Mathematical symbol used to denote integrals and antiderivatives
  • R rotunda – Variant of the Latin letter R (ꝛ)
  • Long I – Letter I that is taller than usual; used sometimes to represent /iː/ in classical Latin inscriptions

Notes Edit

  1. ^ Depending on whether they appear in the end or middle of a word, respectively. Some texts starting from the late 18th century had it exclusively replace the first s, however. A more detailed explanation follows below.
  2. ^ For fuller information, Attar cites Nash, Paul W. (2001). "The Abandoning of the Long 's' in Britain in 1800". Journal of the Printing Historical Society (3): 3–19.
  3. ^ The still-unpublished manuscript of this Sketch is held by the Shetland Museum and Archives.

References Edit

  1. ^ a b c d West, Andrew (June 2006). "The Rules for Long S". Babelstone (blog).
  2. ^ Berger, Sidney (2016). The Dictionary of the Book: A Glossary for Book Collectors, Booksellers, Librarians, and Others. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 252, 295. ISBN 9781442263390.
  3. ^ Cheng, Karen (2006). Designing Type. Laurence King Publishing. p. 212. ISBN 9781856694452.
  4. ^ Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury (1705). The Earl of Shaftsbury's Case Upon the Habeas Corpus Act. printed, for G. Sawbridge.
  5. ^ Yule, John-David. Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Crescent Books (1978) ISBN 9780517486108 p. 490
  6. ^ Davies, Lyn (2006), A is for Ox, London: Folio Society.
  7. ^ Lowe's 1800 map of the USA
  8. ^ Bollwage, Max (1999), "Ist das Eszett ein lateinischer Gastarbeiter?", Gutenberg-Jahrbuch [Gutenberg yearbook] (in German), Mainz, DE, pp. 35–41, ISBN 978-3-7755-1999-1{{citation}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link). Cited and discussed in Stötzner, Uta (2006), "Die Geschichte des versalen Eszetts", Signa (in German), DE: Grimma, 9: 21–22, ISBN 978-3-933629-17-3.
  9. ^ Kapidakis, Sarantos; Mazurek, Cezary and Werla, Marcin (2015). Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. Springer. p. 257-260. ISBN 9783319245928.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  10. ^ a b Attar, Karen (2010). "S and Long S". In Michael Felix Suarez; H. R. Woudhuysen (eds.). Oxford Companion to the Book. Vol. II. p. 1116. ISBN 9780198606536..
  11. ^ Woodhouse, Robert (1 January 1803). The principles of analytical calculation. Printed at the University press.
  12. ^ Bell, John (2010). Michael Felix Suarez; H. R. Woudhuysen (eds.). Oxford Companion to the Book. Vol. I. p. 516. ISBN 9780198606536.
  13. ^ a b c d Nash, Paul W. (2001). "The abandoning of the long s in Britain in 1800". Journal of the Printing Historical Society. Retrieved 28 May 2023. Noted in Morgan, Paul (2002). "The Use of the Long 's' in Britain: a Note". Quadrat (15): 23–28.
  14. ^ Smith, John (1755). The printer's grammar: containing a concise history of the origin of printing;. London.
  15. ^ Stower, Caleb (1808). The Printer's Grammar; Or Introduction to the Art of Printing: Containing a Concise History of the Art, with the Improvements in the Practice of Printing, for the Last Fifty Years. p. 53.
  16. ^ a b c d e Philip Gaskell, New Introduction to Bibliography, Clarendon, 1972, p. 210, Figs 74, 75.
  17. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica (5th ed.). 1817..
  18. ^ Wells, John Edwin (1970). A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050–1500. Modern Language Association of America. p. 548..
  19. ^ Daniel Hack (2005). The Material Interests of the Victorian Novel. Victorian Literature and Culture series. University of Virginia Press. p. 12. Figure 1 prints a facsimile of a sample page.
  20. ^ J. A. Sutherland (2013). "Henry Esmond: The Virtues of Carelessness". Thackeray at Work (reprint). Bloomsbury Academic Collections: English Literary Criticism: 18th–19th Centuries. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic: 56–73. doi:10.5040/9781472554260.ch-003.
  21. ^ Mosley, James. "Recasting Caslon Old Face". Type Foundry. Retrieved 1 August 2015.
  22. ^ Coleridge, Mary (1896). Fancy's Following. Oxford: Daniel Press.
  23. ^ Smith, Margaret, ed. (2000). The Letters of Charlotte Brontë: With a Selection of Letters by Family and Friends. Vol. Two (1848–1851). Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 406 and 407..
  24. ^ Smith, Margaret, ed. (2004). The Letters of Charlotte Brontë: With a Selection of Letters by Family and Friends. Vol. Three (1852–1855). Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. opposite 217..
  25. ^ Edward Lear. . Houghton Library, Harvard: MS Eng 797.3 (27). Archived from the original on 22 February 2014.
  26. ^ Collins, Wilkie. "To Daniel S. Ford". In Paul Lewis (ed.). The Wilkie Collins Pages: Wilkie's Letters.
  27. ^ Swetz, Frank J., Mathematical Treasure: Leibniz's Papers on Calculus – Integral Calculus, Convergence, Mathematical Association of America, retrieved 11 February 2017
  28. ^ Leibniz, G. W. (2008) [29 October 1675]. "Analyseos tetragonisticae pars secunda". (PDF). Vol. 5: Infinitesimalmathematik 1674–1676. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 288–295. Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 October 2021. Retrieved 26 October 2019.
  29. ^ Strizver, Ilene (2014). Type Rules!: The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography (4th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. p. 34. ISBN 978-1-118-45405-3.
  30. ^ Proposal to encode Latin letters used in the Former Soviet Union (in Unicode) (PDF), DK: DK UUG.
  31. ^ Frings, Andreas (2007), Sowjetische Schriftpolitik zwischen 1917 und 1941 – eine handlungstheoretische Analyse [Soviet scripts politics between 1917 and 1941 – an action-theoretical analysis] (in German), Stuttgart, DE, ISBN 978-3-515-08887-9{{citation}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link).
  32. ^ Fowler, Francis George (1917). "solidus". The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. p. 829 – via archive.org. sǒ·lidus, n. (pl. -di). (Hist.) gold coin introduced by Roman Emperor Constantine; (only in abbr. s.) shilling(s), as 7s. 6d., £1 1s.; the shilling line (for ſ or long s) as in 7/6. [LL use of L SOLIDus] (The name shilling is derived from the Roman coin, the solidus.)

External links Edit

  • A Simple Explanation of the Correct Usage of Long and Short S, Alice Moore.
  • Mosley, James (January 2008), "Long s", Type foundry (Blogspot) (blog).
  • "Long s", , The Straight Dope, 6 November 1981, archived from the original on 4 September 2008, retrieved 19 March 2003.
  • West, Andrew (June 2006), "The Long and the Short of the Letter S", Babelstone (blog).
  • The American Declaration of Independence with long s, NU: Unknown.

long, this, article, about, archaic, variant, letter, letter, used, latin, script, letter, mathematical, symbol, integral, symbol, confused, with, long, also, known, medial, initial, archaic, form, lowercase, letter, replaced, single, both, letters, double, se. This article is about ſ the archaic variant of the letter s For the letter ʃ as used in Latin script see Esh letter For the mathematical symbol see Integral symbol Not to be confused with f The long s ſ also known as the medial s or initial s is an archaic form of the lowercase letter s It replaced the single s or one or both a of the letters s in a double s sequence e g ſinfulneſs for sinfulness and poſſeſs or poſseſs for possess but never poſſeſſ 1 The modern s letterform is known as the short terminal or round s In typography it is known as a type of swash letter commonly referred to as a swash s 2 The long s is the basis of the first half of the grapheme of the German alphabet ligature letter ss 3 eszett or scharfes s sharp s An italicized long s used in the word Congress as Congreſs in the United States Bill of RightsThis page uses orthographic and related notations For the notations and used in this article see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters Contents 1 Rules 2 History 2 1 Similarity to letter f 2 2 Ligatures 2 3 ſ and s as distinct letters 2 4 Decline 2 4 1 Abandonment by printers and type founders 2 4 2 Eventual abandonment in handwriting 3 Modern usage 3 1 In Unicode 4 Solidus or slash 5 Gallery 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 External linksRules EditThis list of rules for the long s is not exhaustive and it applies only to books printed during the 17th and 18th centuries in English speaking countries 1 Similar rules exist for other European languages 1 A round s is always used at the end of a word ending with s his complains ſucceſs However long s is maintained in abbreviations such as ſ for ſubſtantive substantive and Geneſ for Geneſis Genesis Before an apostrophe indicating an omitted letter a round s is used us d and clos d Before and after an f a round s is used offset ſatisfaction Before a breaking hyphen at the end of the line a long s must be used Shaftſ bury When hyphenation was not required the word was spelled Shaftsbury with a round s 4 In the 17th century the round s was used before k and b ask husband in the 18th century aſk and huſband Otherwise long s is used ſong ſubſtitute In handwriting these rules do not apply the long s is usually confined to preceding a round s either in the middle or at the end of a word for example aſsure Bleſsings 1 History EditThis section needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Long s news newspapers books scholar JSTOR October 2019 Learn how and when to remove this template message The long s was derived from the old Roman cursive medial s nbsp 5 When the distinction between majuscule uppercase and minuscule lowercase letter forms became established toward the end of the eighth century it developed a more vertical form 6 During this period it was occasionally used at the end of a word a practice that quickly died but that was occasionally revived in Italian printing between about 1465 and 1480 Thus the general rule that the long s never occurred at the end of a word is not strictly correct although the exceptions are rare and archaic The double s in the middle of a word was also written with a long s and a short s as in Miſsiſsippi 7 In German typography the rules are more complicated short s also appears at the end of each component within a compound word and there are more detailed rules and practices for special cases Similarity to letter f Edit nbsp Two words ſecret foe extracted from the 1667 printing of the poem Paradise Lost Book IV page 1 showing f and long sThe long s is often confused with the minuscule f sometimes even having an f like nub at its middle but on the left side only in various Roman typefaces and in blackletter There was no nub in its italic type form which gave the stroke a descender that curled to the left and which is not possible without kerning in the other type forms mentioned For this reason the short s was also normally used in combination with f for example in ſatisfaction citation needed The nub acquired its form in the blackletter style of writing What looks like one stroke was actually a wedge pointing downward The wedge s widest part was at that height x height and capped by a second stroke that formed an ascender that curled to the right Those styles of writing and their derivatives in type design had a crossbar at the height of the nub for letters f and t as well as for k In Roman type except for the crossbar on medial s clarification needed all other cross bars disappeared citation needed Ligatures Edit nbsp Direction sign to Bernauer Strasse with long s and with ss written as a ſz displaystyle mathfrak z nbsp ligatureThe long s was used in ligatures in various languages Four examples were si ss st and the German letter Eszett ss citation needed The present day German letter ss German Eszett or scharfes S also used in Low German and historical Upper Sorbian orthographies is generally considered to have originated in a Fraktur ligature of ſz which is supported by the fact that the second part of the ss grapheme usually resembles a Fraktur z z displaystyle mathfrak z nbsp hence ſz displaystyle mathfrak z nbsp see ss for details although in Antiqua the ligature of ſs is used instead An alternative hypothesis claims that the German letter ss originated in Tironian notes 8 ſ and s as distinct letters Edit Some old orthographic systems of Slavonic and Baltic languages used ſ and s as two separate letters with different phonetic values For example the Bohoric alphabet of the Slovene language included ſ s s z ſh ʃ sh ʒ In the original version of the alphabet majuscule S was shared by both letters citation needed Decline Edit nbsp Incidence of the word forms laft and last in English documents from 1700 to 1900 according to Google s web n grams database Based on OCR scans of books which can misidentify the long S as f 9 In general the long s fell out of use in Roman and italic typefaces in professional printing well before the middle of the 19th century It rarely appears in good quality London printing after 1800 though it lingers provincially until 1824 and is found in handwriting into the second half of the nineteenth century 10 being sometimes seen later on in archaic or traditionalist printing such as printed collections of sermons Woodhouse s The Principles of Analytical Calculation published by the Cambridge University Press in 1803 uses the long s throughout its Roman text 11 Abandonment by printers and type founders Edit nbsp Fifth edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica 1817 top compared to the sixth edition of 1823 the only change aside from the elimination of the ct ligature as in attraction was the removal of the long s from the typeface The long s disappeared from new typefaces rapidly in the mid 1790s and most printers who could afford to do so had discarded older typefaces by the early years of the 19th century Pioneer of type design John Bell 1746 1831 who started the British Letter Foundry in 1788 is often credited with the demise of the long s 12 Paul W Nash concluded that the change mostly happened very fast in 1800 and believes that this was triggered by the Seditious Societies Act To discourage subversive publications this required printing to name the identity of the printer and so in Nash s view gave printers an incentive to make their work look more modern 13 Unlike the 1755 edition which uses the long s throughout 14 the 1808 edition of the Printer s Grammar describes the transition away from the use of the long s among type founders and printers in its list of available sorts The introduction of the round s instead of the long is an improvement in the art of printing equal if not superior to any which has taken place in recent years and for which we are indebted to the ingenious Mr Bell who introduced them in his edition of the British Classics published in the 1780s and 1790s They are now generally adopted and the type founders scarcely ever cast a long s to their fonts unless particularly ordered Indeed they omit it altogether in their specimens They are placed in our list of sorts not to recommend them but because we may not be subject to blame from those of the old school who are tenacious of deviating from custom however antiquated for giving a list which they might term imperfect Caleb Stower The Printer s Grammar 1808 15 An individual instance of an important work using s instead of the long s occurred in 1749 with Joseph Ames s Typographical Antiquities about printing in England 1471 1600 but the general abolition of long s began with John Bell s British Theatre 1791 10 b In Spain the change was mainly accomplished between the years 1760 and 1766 13 for example the multivolume Espana Sagrada made the switch with volume 16 1762 In France the change occurred between 1782 and 1793 Francois Didot designed Didone to be used substantially without long s 13 The change happened in Italy at about the same time Giambattista Bodoni also designed his Bodoni typeface without long s 13 Printers in the United States stopped using the long s between 1795 and 1810 for example acts of Congress were published with the long s throughout 1803 switching to the short s in 1804 In the US a late use of the long s was in Low s Encyclopaedia which was published between 1805 and 1811 Its reprint in 1816 was one of the last such uses recorded in the US The most recent recorded use of the long s typeset among English printed Bibles can be found in the Lunenburg Massachusetts 1826 printing by W Greenough and Son The same typeset was used for the 1826 printed later by W Greenough and Son and the statutes of the United Kingdom s colony Nova Scotia also used the long s as late as 1816 Some examples of the use of the long and short s among specific well known typefaces and publications in the UK include the following The Caslon typeface of 1732 has the long s 16 The Caslon typeface of 1796 has the short s only 16 In the UK The Times of London made the switch from the long to the short s with its issue of 10 September 1803 The Catherwood typeface of 1810 has the short s only 16 Encyclopaedia Britannica s 5th edition completed in 1817 was the last edition to use the long s 17 The 1823 6th edition uses the short s The Caslon typeface of 1841 has the short s only 16 Two typefaces from Stephenson Blake both 1838 1841 have the short s only 16 When the War of 1812 began the contrast between the nonuse of the long s by the United States and its continued use by the United Kingdom is illustrated by the Twelfth US Congress s use of the short s of today in the US declaration of war against the United Kingdom and in contrast the continued use of long s within the text of Isaac Brock s counterpart document responding to the declaration of war by the United States citation needed Early editions of Scottish poet Robert Burns that have lost their title page can be dated by their use of the long s that is Dr James Currie s edition of the Works of Robert Burns Liverpool 1800 and many reprintings does not use the long s while editions from the 1780s and early 1790s do citation needed In printing instances of the long s continue in rare and sometimes notable cases in the UK until the end of the 19th century possibly as part of a consciously antiquarian revival of old fashioned type For example The Chiswick Press reprinted the Wyclyffite New Testament in 1848 in the Caslon typeface 18 using the long s Chiswick Press run by Charles Whittingham II nephew of Charles Whittingham from c 1832 1870s reprinted classics like Geoffrey Chaucer s The Canterbury Tales in a font of Caslon that included the long s The antiqued first edition of Thackeray s The History of Henry Esmond 1852 a historical novel set in the eighteenth century prints long s and not just when doubled as in mistreſs s 19 20 21 Mary Elizabeth Coleridge s first volume of poetry Fancy s Following published in 1896 was printed with the long s 22 Collections of sermons were published using the long s until the end of the 19th century citation needed In Germany Fraktur family typefaces such as Tannenberg used by Deutsche Reichsbahn for station signage as illustrated above continued in widespread official use until the Normal Type decree of 1941 required that they be phased out Private use had already largely ceased The long s survives in Fraktur typefaces Eventual abandonment in handwriting Edit nbsp German handwriting Bastarda 1496 showing long and round s as well as an r rotunda in priesters nbsp Miss Austen s an example of a handwritten long s in a letter from Charlotte Bronte to G H Lewes 12 January 1848After its decline and disappearance in printing in the early years of the 19th century the long s persisted into the second half of the century in manuscript In handwriting used for correspondence and diaries its use for a single s seems to have disappeared first most manuscript examples from the 19th century use it for the first s in a double s For example Charlotte Bronte used the long s as the first in a double s in some of her letters e g Miſs Austen in a letter to the critic G H Lewes 12 January 1848 in other letters however she uses the short s for example in an 1849 letter to Patrick Bronte her father 23 Her husband Arthur Bell Nicholls used the long s in writing to Ellen Nussey of Bronte s death 24 Edward Lear regularly used the long s in his diaries in the second half of the 19th century for example his 1884 diary has an instance in which the first s in a double s is long Addreſsed 25 Wilkie Collins routinely used the long s for the first in a double s in his manuscript correspondence for example he used the long s in the words mſs manuscripts and needleſs in a 1 June 1886 letter to Daniel S Ford 26 For these as well as others the handwritten long s may have suggested type and a certain formality as well as the traditional Margaret Mathewson published her Sketch of 8 Months a Patient in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh A D 1877 of her experiences as a patient of Joseph Lister in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by writing copies out in manuscript c In place of the first s in a double s Mathewson recreated the long s in these copies a practice widely used for both personal and business correspondence by her family who lived on the remote island of Yell Shetland The practice of using the long s in handwriting on Yell as elsewhere may have been a carryover from 18th century printing conventions but it was not unfamiliar as a convention in handwriting citation needed Modern usage Edit nbsp Cycle Deſign Cycle Design in Berlin 2002The long s survives in elongated form with an italic styled curled descender as the integral symbol used in calculus Gottfried Leibniz based the character on the Latin summa sum which he wrote ſumma This use first appeared publicly in his paper De Geometria published in Acta Eruditorum of June 1686 27 but he had been using it in private manuscripts at least since 29 October 1675 28 The integral of a function f x with respect to a real variable x over the interval a b is typeset as citation needed a b f x d x displaystyle int a b f x dx nbsp In linguistics a similar character ʃ called esh is used in the International Phonetic Alphabet in which it represents the voiceless postalveolar fricative the first sound in the English word ship citation needed In Nordic and German speaking countries relics of the long s continue to be seen in signs and logos that use various forms of fraktur typefaces Examples include the logos of the Norwegian newspapers Aftenpoſten and Adresſeaviſen the packaging logo for Finnish Siſu pastilles and the German Jagermeiſter logo citation needed The long s exists in some current OpenType digital fonts that are historic revivals like Caslon Garamond and Bodoni 29 Some Latin alphabets devised in the 1920s for some Caucasian languages used the ſ for some specific sounds 30 These orthographies were in actual use until 1938 31 Some of these developed a capital form which resembles the IPA letter ʕ see Udi language Alphabet citation needed In the 1993 Turkmen orthography ſ represented ʒ however it was replaced in 1995 by the letter z The capital form was which was replaced by Z citation needed In Unicode Edit U 017F ſ LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S A long s with a bar diacritic ẜ is encoded as U 1E9C ẜ LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S WITH DIAGONAL STROKESolidus or slash EditSee also sd An echo of the long s survives today in the form of the mark popularly known as a slash but formally named a solidus The mark is an evolution of the long s which was used as the abbreviation for shilling in Britain s pre decimal currency originally written as in 7ſ 6d later as 7 6 meaning seven shillings and six pence 32 Gallery Edit nbsp Medial s in old Roman script nbsp Italic capitals long s right and round s nbsp ſ ſ t ligature in Junicode font nbsp Long s with capital and lowercase as used in Reform journal of the allgemeinen Vereins fur vereinfachte Rechtschreibung in the 1890s nbsp Title page of John Milton s Paradise Lost featuring an ſt ligature and a nub on the long s nbsp Unusual capital form of long s in Ehmcke Antiqua typeface nbsp Wayside cross near Hohenfurch Germany erected 1953 showing the long s in a Roman typeface nbsp Detail of a memorial in Munich Germany showing the text Wasser Aufsehers Gattin water attendant s wife containing a long s adjacent to an fSee also Editss Letter of the Latin alphabet used in German Eszett Insular S Insular form of the letter S Ꞅ Esh letter Character and IPA symbol Ʃ ʃ Integral symbol Mathematical symbol used to denote integrals and antiderivatives R rotunda Variant of the Latin letter R ꝛ Long I Letter I that is taller than usual used sometimes to represent iː in classical Latin inscriptionsNotes Edit Depending on whether they appear in the end or middle of a word respectively Some texts starting from the late 18th century had it exclusively replace the first s however A more detailed explanation follows below For fuller information Attar cites Nash Paul W 2001 The Abandoning of the Long s in Britain in 1800 Journal of the Printing Historical Society 3 3 19 The still unpublished manuscript of this Sketch is held by the Shetland Museum and Archives References Edit a b c d West Andrew June 2006 The Rules for Long S Babelstone blog Berger Sidney 2016 The Dictionary of the Book A Glossary for Book Collectors Booksellers Librarians and Others Rowman amp Littlefield pp 252 295 ISBN 9781442263390 Cheng Karen 2006 Designing Type Laurence King Publishing p 212 ISBN 9781856694452 Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftesbury 1705 The Earl of Shaftsbury s Case Upon the Habeas Corpus Act printed for G Sawbridge Yule John David Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Crescent Books 1978 ISBN 9780517486108 p 490 Davies Lyn 2006 A is for Ox London Folio Society Lowe s 1800 map of the USA Bollwage Max 1999 Ist das Eszett ein lateinischer Gastarbeiter Gutenberg Jahrbuch Gutenberg yearbook in German Mainz DE pp 35 41 ISBN 978 3 7755 1999 1 a href Template Citation html title Template Citation citation a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Cited and discussed in Stotzner Uta 2006 Die Geschichte des versalen Eszetts Signa in German DE Grimma 9 21 22 ISBN 978 3 933629 17 3 Kapidakis Sarantos Mazurek Cezary and Werla Marcin 2015 Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries Springer p 257 260 ISBN 9783319245928 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link a b Attar Karen 2010 S and Long S In Michael Felix Suarez H R Woudhuysen eds Oxford Companion to the Book Vol II p 1116 ISBN 9780198606536 Woodhouse Robert 1 January 1803 The principles of analytical calculation Printed at the University press Bell John 2010 Michael Felix Suarez H R Woudhuysen eds Oxford Companion to the Book Vol I p 516 ISBN 9780198606536 a b c d Nash Paul W 2001 The abandoning of the long s in Britain in 1800 Journal of the Printing Historical Society Retrieved 28 May 2023 Noted in Morgan Paul 2002 The Use of the Long s in Britain a Note Quadrat 15 23 28 Smith John 1755 The printer s grammar containing a concise history of the origin of printing London Stower Caleb 1808 The Printer s Grammar Or Introduction to the Art of Printing Containing a Concise History of the Art with the Improvements in the Practice of Printing for the Last Fifty Years p 53 a b c d e Philip Gaskell New Introduction to Bibliography Clarendon 1972 p 210 Figs 74 75 Encyclopaedia Britannica 5th ed 1817 Wells John Edwin 1970 A Manual of the Writings in Middle English 1050 1500 Modern Language Association of America p 548 Daniel Hack 2005 The Material Interests of the Victorian Novel Victorian Literature and Culture series University of Virginia Press p 12 Figure 1 prints a facsimile of a sample page J A Sutherland 2013 Henry Esmond The Virtues of Carelessness Thackeray at Work reprint Bloomsbury Academic Collections English Literary Criticism 18th 19th Centuries London and New York Bloomsbury Academic 56 73 doi 10 5040 9781472554260 ch 003 Mosley James Recasting Caslon Old Face Type Foundry Retrieved 1 August 2015 Coleridge Mary 1896 Fancy s Following Oxford Daniel Press Smith Margaret ed 2000 The Letters of Charlotte Bronte With a Selection of Letters by Family and Friends Vol Two 1848 1851 Oxford Clarendon Press pp 406 and 407 Smith Margaret ed 2004 The Letters of Charlotte Bronte With a Selection of Letters by Family and Friends Vol Three 1852 1855 Oxford Clarendon Press p opposite 217 Edward Lear Edward Lear Diaries 1858 1888 Houghton Library Harvard MS Eng 797 3 27 Archived from the original on 22 February 2014 Collins Wilkie To Daniel S Ford In Paul Lewis ed The Wilkie Collins Pages Wilkie s Letters Swetz Frank J Mathematical Treasure Leibniz s Papers on Calculus Integral Calculus Convergence Mathematical Association of America retrieved 11 February 2017 Leibniz G W 2008 29 October 1675 Analyseos tetragonisticae pars secunda Samtliche Schriften und Briefe Reihe VII Mathematische Schriften PDF Vol 5 Infinitesimalmathematik 1674 1676 Berlin Akademie Verlag pp 288 295 Archived from the original PDF on 9 October 2021 Retrieved 26 October 2019 Strizver Ilene 2014 Type Rules The Designer s Guide to Professional Typography 4th ed Hoboken New Jersey Wiley p 34 ISBN 978 1 118 45405 3 Proposal to encode Latin letters used in the Former Soviet Union in Unicode PDF DK DK UUG Frings Andreas 2007 Sowjetische Schriftpolitik zwischen 1917 und 1941 eine handlungstheoretische Analyse Soviet scripts politics between 1917 and 1941 an action theoretical analysis in German Stuttgart DE ISBN 978 3 515 08887 9 a href Template Citation html title Template Citation citation a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Fowler Francis George 1917 solidus The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English p 829 via archive org sǒ lidus n pl di Hist gold coin introduced by Roman Emperor Constantine only in abbr s shilling s as 7s 6d 1 1s the shilling line for ſ or long s as in 7 6 LL use of L SOLID us The name shilling is derived from the Roman coin the solidus External links Edit nbsp Look up long s or ſ in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Long s A Simple Explanation of the Correct Usage of Long and Short S Alice Moore Mosley James January 2008 Long s Type foundry Blogspot blog Long s Classics The Straight Dope 6 November 1981 archived from the original on 4 September 2008 retrieved 19 March 2003 West Andrew June 2006 The Long and the Short of the Letter S Babelstone blog The American Declaration of Independence with long s NU Unknown Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Long s amp oldid 1180145540, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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