
Grammatical conjugation

In linguistics, conjugation (/ˌkɒnʊˈɡʃən/[1][2]) is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection (alteration of form according to rules of grammar). For instance, the verb break can be conjugated to form the words break, breaks, broke, broken and breaking. While English has a relatively simple conjugation, other languages such as French and Arabic or Spanish are more complex, with each verb having dozens of conjugated forms. Some languages such as Georgian and Basque have highly complex conjugation systems with hundreds of possible conjugations for every verb.

Part of the conjugation of the Spanish verb correr, "to run", the lexeme is "corr-".
Red represents the speaker, purple the addressee (or speaker/hearer) and teal a third person.
One person represents the singular number and two, the plural number.
Dawn represents the past (specifically the preterite), noon the present and night the future.

Verbs may inflect for grammatical categories such as person, number, gender, case, tense, aspect, mood, voice, possession, definiteness, politeness, causativity, clusivity, interrogatives, transitivity, valency, polarity, telicity, volition, mirativity, evidentiality, animacy, associativity,[3] pluractionality, and reciprocity. Verbs may also be affected by agreement, polypersonal agreement, incorporation, noun class, noun classifiers, and verb classifiers.[4] Agglutinative and polysynthetic languages tend to have the most complex conjugations, albeit some fusional languages such as Archi can also have extremely complex conjugation. Typically the principal parts are the root and/or several modifications of it (stems). All the different forms of the same verb constitute a lexeme, and the canonical form of the verb that is conventionally used to represent that lexeme (as seen in dictionary entries) is called a lemma.

The term conjugation is applied only to the inflection of verbs, and not of other parts of speech (inflection of nouns and adjectives is known as declension)[citation needed]. Also it is often restricted to denoting the formation of finite forms of a verb – these may be referred to as conjugated forms, as opposed to non-finite forms, such as the infinitive or gerund, which tend not to be marked for most of the grammatical categories[citation needed].

Conjugation is also the traditional name for a group of verbs that share a similar conjugation pattern in a particular language (a verb class). For example, Latin is said to have four conjugations of verbs. This means that any regular Latin verb can be conjugated in any person, number, tense, mood, and voice by knowing which of the four conjugation groups it belongs to, and its principal parts. A verb that does not follow all of the standard conjugation patterns of the language is said to be an irregular verb. The system of all conjugated variants of a particular verb or class of verbs is called a verb paradigm; this may be presented in the form of a conjugation table.

Verbal agreement edit

Verbal agreement, or concord, is a morpho-syntactic construct in which properties of the subject and/or objects of a verb are indicated by the verb form. Verbs are then said to agree with their subjects (resp. objects).

Many English verbs exhibit subject agreement of the following sort: whereas I go, you go, we go, they go are all grammatical in standard English, he go is not (except in the subjunctive, as "They requested that he go with them"). Instead, a special form of the verb to go has to be used to produce he goes. On the other hand I goes, you goes etc. are not grammatical in standard English. (Things are different in some English dialects that lack agreement.) A few English verbs have no special forms that indicate subject agreement (I may, you may, he may), and the verb to be has an additional form am that can only be used with the pronoun I as the subject.

Verbs in written French exhibit more intensive agreement morphology than English verbs: je suis (I am), tu es ("you are", singular informal), elle est (she is), nous sommes (we are), vous êtes ("you are", plural), ils sont (they are). Historically, English used to have a similar verbal paradigm. Some historic verb forms are used by Shakespeare as slightly archaic or more formal variants (I do, thou dost, he doth, typically used by nobility) of the modern forms.

Some languages with verbal agreement can leave certain subjects implicit when the subject is fully determined by the verb form. In Spanish, for instance, subject pronouns do not need to be explicitly present, but in French, its close relative, they are obligatory. The Spanish equivalent to the French je suis (I am) can be simply soy (lit. "am"). The pronoun yo (I) in the explicit form yo soy is used only for emphasis or to clear ambiguity in complex texts.

Some languages have a richer agreement system in which verbs agree also with some or all of their objects. Ubykh exhibits verbal agreement for the subject, direct object, indirect object, benefaction and ablative objects (a.w3.s.xe.n.t'u.n, you gave it to him for me).

Basque can show agreement not only for subject, direct object and indirect object but it also can exhibit agreement for the listener as the implicit benefactor: autoa ekarri digute means "they brought us the car" (neuter agreement for the listener), but autoa ekarri ziguten means "they brought us the car" (agreement for feminine singular listener).

Languages with a rich agreement morphology facilitate relatively free word order without leading to increased ambiguity. The canonical word order in Basque is subject–object–verb, but all permutations of subject, verb and object are permitted.

Nonverbal person agreement edit

In some languages,[5] predicative adjectives and copular complements receive a form of person agreement that is distinct from that used on ordinary predicative verbs. Although that is a form of conjugation in that it refers back to the person of the subject, it is not "verbal" because it always derives from pronouns that have become clitic to the nouns to which they refer.[6] An example of nonverbal person agreement, along with contrasting verbal conjugation, can be found from Beja[7] (person agreement affixes in bold):

  • wun.tu.wi, “you (fem.) are big”
  • hadá.b.wa, “you (masc.) are a sheik”
  • e.n.fór, “he flees”

Another example can be found from Ket:[7]

  • fèmba.di, “I am a Tungus
  • .fen, “I am standing”

In Turkic, and a few Uralic and Australian Aboriginal languages, predicative adjectives and copular complements take affixes that are identical to those used on predicative verbs, but their negation is different. For example, in Turkish:

  • koş.u.yor.sun “you are running”
  • çavuş.sun “you are a sergeant”

Under negation, that becomes (negative affixes in bold):

  • koş.mu.yor.sun “you are not running”
  • çavuş değil.sin “you are not a sergeant”

Therefore, the person agreement affixes used with predicative adjectives and nominals in Turkic languages are considered to be nonverbal in character. In some analyses, they are viewed as a form of verbal takeover by a copular strategy.

Factors that affect conjugation edit

These common grammatical categories affect how verbs can be conjugated:

Here are other factors that may affect conjugation:

Examples edit

Indo-European languages usually inflect verbs for several grammatical categories in complex paradigms, although some, like English, have simplified verb conjugation to a large extent. Below is the conjugation of the verb to be in the present tense (of the infinitive, if it exists, and indicative moods), in English, German, Yiddish, Dutch, Afrikaans, Icelandic, Faroese, Swedish, Norwegian, Latvian, Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Polish, Slovenian, Macedonian, Urdu or Hindi, Persian, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Albanian, Armenian, Irish, Ukrainian, Ancient Attic Greek and Modern Greek. This is usually the most irregular verb. The similarities in corresponding verb forms may be noticed. Some of the conjugations may be disused, like the English thou-form, or have additional meanings, like the English you-form, which can also stand for second person singular or be impersonal.

"To be" in several Indo-European languages
Branch Language Present
Present indicative
Singular persons Plural persons
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
Germanic Proto-Germanic *wesaną *immi *izi *isti *izum *izud *sindi
Anglo-Saxon wesan eom eart is sind
English be am are
German sein bin bist ist sind seid sind
Luxembourgish sinn sinn bass ass sinn sidd sinn
Dutch zijn ben bent
is zijn
Afrikaans wees is
Old Norse vesa
em est
erum eruð eru
Icelandic vera er ert er erum eruð eru
Faroese vera eri ert er eru
Norwegian være3 (Bokmål)
vera, vere4 (Nynorsk)
Danish være er
Swedish vara är är
Italic Latin esse sum es est sumus estis sunt
Italian essere sono sei è siamo
French être suis es est sommes êtes sont
Catalan ésser
sóc ets
és som sou són
Lombard vésser (a) son te l'è som
i è
(i) enn14
Venetian èsar son te si el ze semo si i ze
Spanish ser soy eres es somos sois


Galician ser son es é somos sodes son
Portuguese ser sou és é somos sois são
Sardinian (LSC) èssere so ses est semus seis sunt
Friulian jessi soi sês è sin sês son
Neapolitan èssere songo, so è simmo site songo, so
Romanian a fi sunt ești este suntem sunteți sunt
Celtic Irish bheith bím bíonn bímid bíonn
Welsh (standard form) bod rydw rwyt mae rydych rydyn maen
Breton bezañ on out eo omp oc'h int
Greek Ancient6
Albanian me qenë jam je është jemi jeni janë
Armenian Western
Slavic Czech být jsem jsi je jsme jste jsou
Slovak byť som si je sme ste
Polish być jestem jesteś jest jesteśmy jesteście
Serbo-Croatian strong biti jesam jesi jest(e) jesmo jeste jesu
Serbo-Croatian clitic none sam si je smo ste su
Slovenian biti sem si je smo ste so
none съм
none сум
Baltic Latvian būt esmu esi ir esam esat ir
Lithuanian būti esu esi yra esame esate yra
Indo-Iranian Persian
(است (ا
æst (æ)10
(اید (این
eed (spoken: een)
(اند (ان
and (spoken: an)
Devanagari Script
Perso-Arabic Script
transliterated (ISO 15819)
transliterated (ISO 15819)
transliterated (ISO 15819)
transliterated (ISO 15819)
transliterated (ISO 15819)
1 Archaic, poetical; used only with the pronoun 'thou'.
2 In Flemish dialects.
3 In the bokmål written standard.
4 In the nynorsk written standard. vera and vere are both alternate forms.
5 Archaic
6 Attic.
7 'eínai' is only used as a noun ("being, existence").
8 Ptc: qenë.
9 In the Tosk and Geg dialects, respectively.
10 Existential: هست (hæst) has another meaning. Usage of (æ) is considered to be colloquial, now. See, Indo-European copula
11 With the Singular they 3rd person pronoun.
12 Bengali verbs are further conjugated according to formality. There are three verb forms for 2nd person pronouns: হও (hôo, familiar), হোস (hoś, very familiar) and হন (hôn, polite). Also two forms for 3rd person pronouns: হয় (hôy, familiar) and হন (hôn, polite). Plural verb forms are exact same as singular.
13 Valencian.
14 Western varieties only.

Conjugation classes edit

Pama-Nyungan languages edit

One common feature of Pama–Nyungan languages, the largest family of Australian Aboriginal languages, is the notion of conjugation classes, which are a set of groups into which each lexical verb falls. They determine how a verb is conjugated for Tense–aspect–mood. The classes can but do not universally correspond to the transitivity or valency of the verb in question. Generally, of the two to six conjugation classes in a Pama-Nyungan language, two classes are open with a large membership and allow for new coinages, and the remainder are closed and of limited membership.[8]

Wati edit

In Wati languages, verbs generally fall into four classes:

  • l class
  • class
  • n class
  • ng class[9]

They are labelled by using common morphological components of verb endings in each respective class in infinitival forms. In the Wanman language these each correspond to la, ya, rra, and wa verbs respectively.

Example Verb Conjugations in Warnman[10]
Class Past Present Future Imperative Past Continuous Habitual
LA -rna -npa/-rni -nku -la -rninya la
waka-rna waka-rni waka-nku waka-la waka-rninya waka-la
speared is spearing will spear spear it! used to spear spears
YA -nya -manyi -ku -∅/-ya -minya -∅/-ya
wanti-nya wanti-manyi wanti-ku wanti-ya wanti-minya wanti-ya
stayed is staying will stay stay! used to stay stays
RRA -na -npa -nku -rra -ninya -rra
ya-na ya-npa ya-nku ya-rra ya-ninya ya-rra
went is going will go go! used to go goes
WA -nya -nganyi -ngku -wa -nganyinya -wa
pi-nya pi-nganyi pi-ngku pi-wa pi-nganyinya pi-wa
hit is hitting will hit hit it! used to hit hits

See also a similar table of verb classes and conjugations in Pitjantjatjara, a Wati language wherein the correlating verb classes are presented below also by their imperative verbal endings -la, -∅, -ra and -wa respectively

Example Verb Conjugations in Pitjantjatjara[11]
Class Past Present Future Imperative Past Continuous Habitual
LA -nu -ni -lku -la -ningi -lpai
kati-nu kati-ni kati-leu kati-la kati-ningi kati-lpai
took is taking will take take it! used to take takes
-ngu -nyi -ku -∅ -ngi -pai
tawa-ngu tawa-nyi tawa-ku tawa- tawa-ngi tawa-pai
dug is digging will dig dig! used to dig digs
RA -nu -nangi -nkuku -ra -nangi -nkupai
a-nu a-nangi a-nkuku a-ra a-nangi a-nkupai
went is going will go go! used to go goes
WA -ngu -nganyi -nguku -wa -ngangi -ngkupai
pu-ngu pu-nganyi pu-nguku pu-wa pu-ngangi pu-ngkupai
hit is hitting will hit hit it! used to hit hits

Ngayarta edit

Ngarla, a member of the Ngayarda sub-family of languages has a binary conjugation system labelled:

  • l class
  • class

In the case of Ngarla, there is a notably strong correlation between conjugation class and transitivity, with transitive/ditransitive verbs falling in the l-class and intransitive/semi-transitive verbs in the ∅-class.

Example Verb Conjugations in Ngarla[12]
Class Present Remote Past Past Past Continuous Habitual Future Speculative Purposive Optative Present Contrafactual Past Contrafactual Anticipatory
L -rri -rnta -rnu -yinyu -yirnta -n -mpi -lu -nmara -rrima -nmarnta -rnamarta
jaa-rri jaa-rnta jaa-rnu jaa-yinyu jaa-yirnta jaa-n jaa-mpi jaa-lu jaa-nmara jaa-rrima jaa-nmarnta jaa-rnmarta
is chopping chopped (long ago) chopped used to chop chops will chop could have chopped in order to chop ought to chop were x chopping had x chopped should x chop
-yan -rnta -nyu -yanu -yanta -mpi -kura -mara -yanma -marnta -nyamarta
warni-yan warni-rnta warni-nyu warni-yanu warni-yanta warni-Ø warni-rnpi warni-kura warni-mara warni-yanma warni-marnta warni-nyamarta
is falling fell (long ago) fell used to fall falls will fall could have fallen in order to fall ought to fall were x falling had x fallen should x fall

These classes even extend to how verbs are nominalized as instruments with the l-class verb including the addition of an /l/ before the nominalizing suffix and the blank class remaining blank:

l-class example:



















Kunyjarta-lu mara ku-rnu parnu-nga warnta pirri-lpunyjarri, kurni-rnu kunyjarta kurri

Woman-ERG hand CAUS-PST 3SG-GEN stick dig-INS throw-PST woman teenager

‘(The) woman caused her digging stick to be in (the) hand (i.e. picked up her digging stick), (and) threw (it) at (the) girl.’

∅-class example[8]















Jarrari-punyjarri waa-n ngajapa pinurru ngaya nyali ja-lu

light-INS give-FUT 1SG.LOC fire 1SG.NOM light CAUS-PURP

‘(A) match (lit. something to light with) give on (i.e. to) me, (a) fire I intend to light.’

Yidiny edit

Yidiny has a ternary verb class system with two open classes and one closed class (~20 members). Verbs are classified as:

  • -n class (open, intransitive/semi-transitive)
  • -l class (open, transitive/ditransitive)
  • -r class (closed, intransitive)
Example Verb Conjugations in Yidiny[13]
Class imperative Present/Future Past Purposive Apprehensive
N -n -ng -nyu -na -ntyi
nyina-n nyina-ng nyina-nyu nyina-na nyina-ntyi
sit! is sitting / will sit sat in order to sit lest x sit
L -∅ -l -lnyu -lna -ltyi
patya- patya-l patya-lnyu patya-lna patya-ltyi
bite it! is biting / will bite bit in order to bite lest x bite
R -rr -r -rnyu -rna -rtyi
pakya-rr pakya-r pakya-rnyu -pakya-rna pakya-rtyi
feel sore! is feeling / will feel sore felt sore in order to feel sore lest x feel sore

See also edit

Conjugations by language edit

References edit

  1. ^ . Lexico UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Archived from the original on 2020-03-22.
  2. ^ "conjugation". Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary. Retrieved 2016-01-26.
  3. ^ "Grammatical Features - Associativity". www.grammaticalfeatures.net. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  4. ^ Passer, Matthias. "Verb Classifiers - 'Misfits' of Nominal Classification?". academia.edu. Retrieved 18 March 2018.
  5. ^ Stassen, Leon; Intransitive Predication (Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory); published 1997 by Oxford University Press; p. 39. ISBN 0-19-925893-7
  6. ^ Stassen; Intransitive Predication; pp. 77 & 284-288
  7. ^ a b Stassen, Intransitive Predication; p. 40
  8. ^ a b Westerlund, Torbjörn (2015). A grammatical sketch of Ngarla (Ngayarta, Pama-Nyungan). Anu, A.C.T. ISBN 978-1-922185-15-0. OCLC 903244888.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  9. ^ Dixon, R. M. W. (2011). The Languages of Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-511-71971-4. OCLC 889953941.
  10. ^ Warnman. Part one, Sketch grammar. Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre. South Hedland, W.A.: Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre. 2003. ISBN 1-875946-01-2. OCLC 271859132.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  11. ^ Eckert, Paul (1988). Wangka wir̲u: a handbook for the Pitjantjatjara language learner. Hudson, Joyce., South Australian College of Advanced Education. Aboriginal Studies and Teacher Education Centre, Summer Institute of Linguistics. Underdale, S. Aust.: University of South Australia /South Australian College of Advanced Education. ISBN 0-86803-230-1. OCLC 27569554.
  12. ^ Westerlund, Torbjörn (2017-07-03). "Verb Classification in Ngarla (Ngayarta, Pama-Nyungan)". Australian Journal of Linguistics. 37 (3): 328–355. doi:10.1080/07268602.2017.1298396. ISSN 0726-8602. S2CID 65180912.
  13. ^ Language description informed by theory. Pensalfini, Rob., Turpin, Myfany., Guillemin, Diana. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2014. p. 157. ISBN 978-90-272-7091-7. OCLC 868284094.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)

grammatical, conjugation, confused, with, conjunction, grammar, linguistics, conjugation, creation, derived, forms, verb, from, principal, parts, inflection, alteration, form, according, rules, grammar, instance, verb, break, conjugated, form, words, break, br. Not to be confused with Conjunction grammar In linguistics conjugation ˌ k ɒ n dʒ ʊ ˈ ɡ eɪ ʃ en 1 2 is the creation of derived forms of a verb from its principal parts by inflection alteration of form according to rules of grammar For instance the verb break can be conjugated to form the words break breaks broke broken and breaking While English has a relatively simple conjugation other languages such as French and Arabic or Spanish are more complex with each verb having dozens of conjugated forms Some languages such as Georgian and Basque have highly complex conjugation systems with hundreds of possible conjugations for every verb Part of the conjugation of the Spanish verb correr to run the lexeme is corr Red represents the speaker purple the addressee or speaker hearer and teal a third person One person represents the singular number and two the plural number Dawn represents the past specifically the preterite noon the present and night the future Verbs may inflect for grammatical categories such as person number gender case tense aspect mood voice possession definiteness politeness causativity clusivity interrogatives transitivity valency polarity telicity volition mirativity evidentiality animacy associativity 3 pluractionality and reciprocity Verbs may also be affected by agreement polypersonal agreement incorporation noun class noun classifiers and verb classifiers 4 Agglutinative and polysynthetic languages tend to have the most complex conjugations albeit some fusional languages such as Archi can also have extremely complex conjugation Typically the principal parts are the root and or several modifications of it stems All the different forms of the same verb constitute a lexeme and the canonical form of the verb that is conventionally used to represent that lexeme as seen in dictionary entries is called a lemma The term conjugation is applied only to the inflection of verbs and not of other parts of speech inflection of nouns and adjectives is known as declension citation needed Also it is often restricted to denoting the formation of finite forms of a verb these may be referred to as conjugated forms as opposed to non finite forms such as the infinitive or gerund which tend not to be marked for most of the grammatical categories citation needed Conjugation is also the traditional name for a group of verbs that share a similar conjugation pattern in a particular language a verb class For example Latin is said to have four conjugations of verbs This means that any regular Latin verb can be conjugated in any person number tense mood and voice by knowing which of the four conjugation groups it belongs to and its principal parts A verb that does not follow all of the standard conjugation patterns of the language is said to be an irregular verb The system of all conjugated variants of a particular verb or class of verbs is called a verb paradigm this may be presented in the form of a conjugation table Contents 1 Verbal agreement 1 1 Nonverbal person agreement 2 Factors that affect conjugation 3 Examples 4 Conjugation classes 4 1 Pama Nyungan languages 4 1 1 Wati 4 1 2 Ngayarta 4 1 3 Yidiny 5 See also 5 1 Conjugations by language 6 ReferencesVerbal agreement editVerbal agreement or concord is a morpho syntactic construct in which properties of the subject and or objects of a verb are indicated by the verb form Verbs are then said to agree with their subjects resp objects Many English verbs exhibit subject agreement of the following sort whereas I go you go we go they go are all grammatical in standard English he go is not except in the subjunctive as They requested that he go with them Instead a special form of the verb to go has to be used to produce he goes On the other hand I goes you goes etc are not grammatical in standard English Things are different in some English dialects that lack agreement A few English verbs have no special forms that indicate subject agreement I may you may he may and the verb to be has an additional form am that can only be used with the pronoun I as the subject Verbs in written French exhibit more intensive agreement morphology than English verbs je suis I am tu es you are singular informal elle est she is nous sommes we are vous etes you are plural ils sont they are Historically English used to have a similar verbal paradigm Some historic verb forms are used by Shakespeare as slightly archaic or more formal variants I do thou dost he doth typically used by nobility of the modern forms Some languages with verbal agreement can leave certain subjects implicit when the subject is fully determined by the verb form In Spanish for instance subject pronouns do not need to be explicitly present but in French its close relative they are obligatory The Spanish equivalent to the French je suis I am can be simply soy lit am The pronoun yo I in the explicit form yo soy is used only for emphasis or to clear ambiguity in complex texts Some languages have a richer agreement system in which verbs agree also with some or all of their objects Ubykh exhibits verbal agreement for the subject direct object indirect object benefaction and ablative objects a w3 s xe n t u n you gave it to him for me Basque can show agreement not only for subject direct object and indirect object but it also can exhibit agreement for the listener as the implicit benefactor autoa ekarri digute means they brought us the car neuter agreement for the listener but autoa ekarri ziguten means they brought us the car agreement for feminine singular listener Languages with a rich agreement morphology facilitate relatively free word order without leading to increased ambiguity The canonical word order in Basque is subject object verb but all permutations of subject verb and object are permitted Nonverbal person agreement edit In some languages 5 predicative adjectives and copular complements receive a form of person agreement that is distinct from that used on ordinary predicative verbs Although that is a form of conjugation in that it refers back to the person of the subject it is not verbal because it always derives from pronouns that have become clitic to the nouns to which they refer 6 An example of nonverbal person agreement along with contrasting verbal conjugation can be found from Beja 7 person agreement affixes in bold wun tu wi you fem are big hada b wa you masc are a sheik e n for he flees Another example can be found from Ket 7 femba di I am a Tungus dɨ fen I am standing In Turkic and a few Uralic and Australian Aboriginal languages predicative adjectives and copular complements take affixes that are identical to those used on predicative verbs but their negation is different For example in Turkish kos u yor sun you are running cavus sun you are a sergeant Under negation that becomes negative affixes in bold kos mu yor sun you are not running cavus degil sin you are not a sergeant Therefore the person agreement affixes used with predicative adjectives and nominals in Turkic languages are considered to be nonverbal in character In some analyses they are viewed as a form of verbal takeover by a copular strategy Factors that affect conjugation editThese common grammatical categories affect how verbs can be conjugated Finite verb forms Grammatical person Grammatical number Grammatical gender Grammatical tense Grammatical aspect Grammatical mood Grammatical voice Non finite verb forms Here are other factors that may affect conjugation Degree of formality see T V distinction Honorific speech in Japanese Korean speech levels Clusivity of personal pronouns Transitivity ValencyExamples editIndo European languages usually inflect verbs for several grammatical categories in complex paradigms although some like English have simplified verb conjugation to a large extent Below is the conjugation of the verb to be in the present tense of the infinitive if it exists and indicative moods in English German Yiddish Dutch Afrikaans Icelandic Faroese Swedish Norwegian Latvian Bulgarian Serbo Croatian Polish Slovenian Macedonian Urdu or Hindi Persian Latin French Italian Spanish Portuguese Russian Albanian Armenian Irish Ukrainian Ancient Attic Greek and Modern Greek This is usually the most irregular verb The similarities in corresponding verb forms may be noticed Some of the conjugations may be disused like the English thou form or have additional meanings like the English you form which can also stand for second person singular or be impersonal To be in several Indo European languages Branch Language Presentinfinitive Present indicativeSingular persons Plural persons1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rdGermanic Proto Germanic wesana immi izi isti izum izud sindiAnglo Saxon wesan eom eart is sindsindonEnglish be am areart1be st1 isare11 areGerman sein bin bist ist sind seid sindYiddishtransliterated זיין zayn ביןbin ביסטbist איזiz זענעןzenen זענטzent זענעןzenenLuxembourgish sinn sinn bass ass sinn sidd sinnDutch zijn ben bentzijt2 is zijnAfrikaans wees isOld Norse vesavera em estert eser erum erud eruIcelandic vera er ert er erum erud eruFaroese vera eri ert er eruNorwegian vaere3 Bokmal vera vere4 Nynorsk erDanish vaere erSwedish vara ar araro5Italic Latin esse sum es est sumus estis suntItalian essere sono sei e siamosemo5 sietesete5 sonoenno5French etre suis es est sommes etes sontCatalan esserser soc etseres14 es som sou sonLombard vesser a son te se l e somsem5 si i e i enn14Venetian esar son te si el ze semo si i zeSpanish ser soy eres es somos sois son sonGalician ser son es e somos sodes sonPortuguese ser sou es e somos sois saoSardinian LSC essere so ses est semus seis suntFriulian jessi soi ses e sin ses sonNeapolitan essere songo so si e simmo site songo soRomanian a fi sunt ești este suntem sunteți suntCeltic Irish bheith bim bionn bimid bionnWelsh standard form bod rydw rwyt mae rydych rydyn maenBreton bezan on out eo omp oc h intGreek Ancient6transliterated eἶnai einai eἰmi eimi eἶ ei ἐsti esti ἐsmen esmen ἐste este eἰsi eisiModerntransliterated ontas7ontas eimaieimai eisaieisai einaieinai eimasteeimaste eis as teeis as te einaieinaiAlbanian me qene jam je eshte jemi jeni janeArmenian Westerntransliterated ըլլալ ĕllal Եմ em ես es է e ենք enk էք ek են enEasterntransliterated լինել linel Եմ em ես es է e ենք enk եք ek են enSlavic Czech byt jsem jsi je jsme jste jsouSlovak byt som si je sme ste suPolish byc jestem jestes jest jestesmy jestescie saRussiantransliterated byt byt estyest Ukrainiantransliterated buti buty yeyeSerbo Croatianstrong biti jesam jesi jest e jesmo jeste jesuSerbo Croatianclitic none sam si je smo ste suSlovenian biti sem si je smo ste soBulgariantransliterated none smsăm sisi ee smesme steste sasăMacedoniantransliterated none sum sum sisi ee smesme steste seseBaltic Latvian but esmu esi ir esam esat irLithuanian buti esu esi yra esame esate yraIndo Iranian Persiantransliterated بودن budan ام aem ای ei است ا aest ae 10 ایم eem اید این eed spoken een اند ان and spoken an Sanskrittransliterated अस त asti अस म asmi अस asi अस त asti स म smah स थstha सन त santiHindustaniDevanagari ScriptPerso Arabic Scripttransliterated ISO 15819 ह न ہونا hona ह ہوں hum ह ہے hai ह ہیں haim ह ہو ho ह ہیں haim Marathitransliterated ISO 15819 असण asṇe आह ahe आह सahes आह ahe आह तahot आह तahat आह तahetGujaratitransliterated ISO 15819 હ વ hovũ છ chũ છ che છ એchie છ cho છ cheBengalitransliterated ISO 15819 হওয hooa হইhoi হও12hoo হয 12hoy হইhoi হও12hoo হয 12hoyAssamesetransliterated ISO 15819 হ ৱ hua হও hou হ ৱ hua হয hoy হও hou হ ৱ hua হয hoy1 Archaic poetical used only with the pronoun thou 2 In Flemish dialects 3 In the bokmal written standard 4 In the nynorsk written standard vera and vere are both alternate forms 5 Archaic 6 Attic 7 einai is only used as a noun being existence 8 Ptc qene 9 In the Tosk and Geg dialects respectively 10 Existential هست haest has another meaning Usage of ae is considered to be colloquial now See Indo European copula 11 With the Singular they 3rd person pronoun 12 Bengali verbs are further conjugated according to formality There are three verb forms for 2nd person pronouns হও hoo familiar হ স hos very familiar and হন hon polite Also two forms for 3rd person pronouns হয hoy familiar and হন hon polite Plural verb forms are exact same as singular 13 Valencian 14 Western varieties only Conjugation classes editPama Nyungan languages edit One common feature of Pama Nyungan languages the largest family of Australian Aboriginal languages is the notion of conjugation classes which are a set of groups into which each lexical verb falls They determine how a verb is conjugated for Tense aspect mood The classes can but do not universally correspond to the transitivity or valency of the verb in question Generally of the two to six conjugation classes in a Pama Nyungan language two classes are open with a large membership and allow for new coinages and the remainder are closed and of limited membership 8 Wati edit In Wati languages verbs generally fall into four classes l class class n class ng class 9 They are labelled by using common morphological components of verb endings in each respective class in infinitival forms In the Wanman language these each correspond to la ya rra and wa verbs respectively Example Verb Conjugations in Warnman 10 Class Past Present Future Imperative Past Continuous HabitualLA rna npa rni nku la rninya lawaka rna waka rni waka nku waka la waka rninya waka laspeared is spearing will spear spear it used to spear spearsYA nya manyi ku ya minya yawanti nya wanti manyi wanti ku wanti ya wanti minya wanti yastayed is staying will stay stay used to stay staysRRA na npa nku rra ninya rraya na ya npa ya nku ya rra ya ninya ya rrawent is going will go go used to go goesWA nya nganyi ngku wa nganyinya wapi nya pi nganyi pi ngku pi wa pi nganyinya pi wahit is hitting will hit hit it used to hit hitsSee also a similar table of verb classes and conjugations in Pitjantjatjara a Wati language wherein the correlating verb classes are presented below also by their imperative verbal endings la ra and wa respectively Example Verb Conjugations in Pitjantjatjara 11 Class Past Present Future Imperative Past Continuous HabitualLA nu ni lku la ningi lpaikati nu kati ni kati leu kati la kati ningi kati lpaitook is taking will take take it used to take takes ngu nyi ku ngi paitawa ngu tawa nyi tawa ku tawa tawa ngi tawa paidug is digging will dig dig used to dig digsRA nu nangi nkuku ra nangi nkupaia nu a nangi a nkuku a ra a nangi a nkupaiwent is going will go go used to go goesWA ngu nganyi nguku wa ngangi ngkupaipu ngu pu nganyi pu nguku pu wa pu ngangi pu ngkupaihit is hitting will hit hit it used to hit hitsNgayarta edit Ngarla a member of the Ngayarda sub family of languages has a binary conjugation system labelled l class classIn the case of Ngarla there is a notably strong correlation between conjugation class and transitivity with transitive ditransitive verbs falling in the l class and intransitive semi transitive verbs in the class Example Verb Conjugations in Ngarla 12 Class Present Remote Past Past Past Continuous Habitual Future Speculative Purposive Optative Present Contrafactual Past Contrafactual AnticipatoryL rri rnta rnu yinyu yirnta n mpi lu nmara rrima nmarnta rnamartajaa rri jaa rnta jaa rnu jaa yinyu jaa yirnta jaa n jaa mpi jaa lu jaa nmara jaa rrima jaa nmarnta jaa rnmartais chopping chopped long ago chopped used to chop chops will chop could have chopped in order to chop ought to chop were x chopping had x chopped should x chop yan rnta nyu yanu yanta O mpi kura mara yanma marnta nyamartawarni yan warni rnta warni nyu warni yanu warni yanta warni O warni rnpi warni kura warni mara warni yanma warni marnta warni nyamartais falling fell long ago fell used to fall falls will fall could have fallen in order to fall ought to fall were x falling had x fallen should x fallThese classes even extend to how verbs are nominalized as instruments with the l class verb including the addition of an l before the nominalizing suffix and the blank class remaining blank l class example Kunyjarta luWoman ERGmarahandku rnuCAUS PSTparnu nga3SG GENwarntastickpirri lpunyjarri dig INSkurni rnuthrow PSTkunyjartawomankurriteenagerKunyjarta lu mara ku rnu parnu nga warnta pirri lpunyjarri kurni rnu kunyjarta kurriWoman ERG hand CAUS PST 3SG GEN stick dig INS throw PST woman teenager The woman caused her digging stick to be in the hand i e picked up her digging stick and threw it at the girl class example 8 Jarrari punyjarrilight INSwaa ngive FUTngajapa1SG LOCpinurrufirengaya1SG NOMnyalilightja luCAUS PURPJarrari punyjarri waa n ngajapa pinurru ngaya nyali ja lulight INS give FUT 1SG LOC fire 1SG NOM light CAUS PURP A match lit something to light with give on i e to me a fire I intend to light Yidiny edit Yidiny has a ternary verb class system with two open classes and one closed class 20 members Verbs are classified as n class open intransitive semi transitive l class open transitive ditransitive r class closed intransitive Example Verb Conjugations in Yidiny 13 Class imperative Present Future Past Purposive ApprehensiveN n ng nyu na ntyinyina n nyina ng nyina nyu nyina na nyina ntyisit is sitting will sit sat in order to sit lest x sitL l lnyu lna ltyipatya patya l patya lnyu patya lna patya ltyibite it is biting will bite bit in order to bite lest x biteR rr r rnyu rna rtyipakya rr pakya r pakya rnyu pakya rna pakya rtyifeel sore is feeling will feel sore felt sore in order to feel sore lest x feel soreSee also editAgreement linguistics Declension nouns adjectives etc Inflection Redundancy linguistics Screeve Strong inflection Verb Verb argument Volition linguistics Weak inflectionConjugations by language edit Category Grammatical conjugation Indo European copula Archivium Italian verbs conjugator for regular and irregular verbsReferences edit conjugation Lexico UK English Dictionary Oxford University Press Archived from the original on 2020 03 22 conjugation Merriam Webster com Dictionary Retrieved 2016 01 26 Grammatical Features Associativity www grammaticalfeatures net Retrieved 18 March 2018 Passer Matthias Verb Classifiers Misfits of Nominal Classification academia edu Retrieved 18 March 2018 Stassen Leon Intransitive Predication Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory published 1997 by Oxford University Press p 39 ISBN 0 19 925893 7 Stassen Intransitive Predication pp 77 amp 284 288 a b Stassen Intransitive Predication p 40 a b Westerlund Torbjorn 2015 A grammatical sketch of Ngarla Ngayarta Pama Nyungan Anu A C T ISBN 978 1 922185 15 0 OCLC 903244888 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Dixon R M W 2011 The Languages of Australia Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 511 71971 4 OCLC 889953941 Warnman Part one Sketch grammar Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre South Hedland W A Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre 2003 ISBN 1 875946 01 2 OCLC 271859132 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Eckert Paul 1988 Wangka wir u a handbook for the Pitjantjatjara language learner Hudson Joyce South Australian College of Advanced Education Aboriginal Studies and Teacher Education Centre Summer Institute of Linguistics Underdale S Aust University of South Australia South Australian College of Advanced Education ISBN 0 86803 230 1 OCLC 27569554 Westerlund Torbjorn 2017 07 03 Verb Classification in Ngarla Ngayarta Pama Nyungan Australian Journal of Linguistics 37 3 328 355 doi 10 1080 07268602 2017 1298396 ISSN 0726 8602 S2CID 65180912 Language description informed by theory Pensalfini Rob Turpin Myfany Guillemin Diana Amsterdam the Netherlands John Benjamins Publishing Company 2014 p 157 ISBN 978 90 272 7091 7 OCLC 868284094 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Retrieved from 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