
History of communism

The history of communism encompasses a wide variety of ideologies and political movements sharing the core theoretical values of common ownership of wealth, economic enterprise, and property.[1] Most modern forms of communism are grounded at least nominally in Marxism, a theory and method conceived by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels during the 19th century.[2] Marxism subsequently gained a widespread following across much of Europe and throughout the late 1800s its militant supporters were instrumental in a number of failed revolutions on that continent.[1] During the same era, there was also a proliferation of communist parties which rejected armed revolution, but embraced the Marxist ideal of collective property and a classless society.[1]

Although Marxist theory suggested that the places ripest for social revolution, either through peaceful transition or by force of arms, were industrial societies, communism was mostly successful in underdeveloped countries with endemic poverty such as the Russian Empire and the Republic of China.[2] In 1917, the Bolshevik Party seized power during the Russian Revolution and in 1922 created the Soviet Union, the world's first self-declared socialist state.[3] The Bolsheviks thoroughly embraced the concept of proletarian internationalism and world revolution, seeing their struggle as an international rather than a purely regional cause.[2][3] This was to have a phenomenal impact on the spread of communism during the 20th century as the Soviet Union installed new Marxist–Leninist governments in Central and Eastern Europe following World War II and indirectly backed the ascension of others in the Americas, Asia and Africa.[1] Pivotal to this policy was the Communist International, also known as the Comintern, formed with the perspective of aiding and assisting communist parties around the world and fostering revolution.[3] This was one major cause of tensions during the Cold War as the United States and its military allies equated the global spread of communism with Soviet expansionism by proxy.[4]

By 1985, one-third of the world's population lived under a Marxist–Leninist system of government in one form or another.[1] However, there was significant debate among communist and Marxist ideologues as to whether most of these countries could be meaningfully considered Marxist at all since many of the basic components of the Marxist system were altered and revised by such countries.[4] The failure of these governments to live up to the ideal of a communist society, their general trend towards increasing authoritarianism, their bureaucracy, and the inherent inefficiencies in their economies has been linked to the decline of communism in the late 20th century.[1][5][6] With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, several Marxist–Leninist states repudiated or abolished the ideology altogether.[7] As of the 21st century, only a small number of Marxist–Leninist states remain, namely China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam.[1][8] With the exception of North Korea, all of these states have started allowing more economic competition while maintaining one-party rule.[5]

Origins of communism Edit

Communism in antiquity Edit

The 1st century BC Roman philosopher Seneca believed that humans had fallen from a Golden Age of primitive communism[9]

Many historical groups have been considered as following forms of communism. Karl Marx and other early communist theorists believed that hunter-gatherer societies as were found in the Paleolithic through to horticultural societies as found in the Chalcolithic were essentially egalitarian and he, therefore, termed their ideology to be primitive communism.[10] One of the first writers to espouse a belief in the primitive communism of the past was the Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca who stated," How happy was the primitive age when the bounties of nature lay in common...They held all nature in common which gave them secure possession of the public wealth."[11] Because of this he believed that such primitive societies were the richest as there was no poverty.[11] Other Greco-Roman writers that believed in a prehistoric humanity that practiced communism include Diodorus Siculus, Virgil, and Ovid.[12] Similarly the early Church Fathers, like their pagan predecessors, maintained that humans society had declined to its current state from a now lost egalitarian social order.[13]

Around the late 5th century BC in Ancient Greece, ideas similar to communism were becoming widespread to the extent that they were parodied by the dramatist Aristophanes in his comedy The Assemblywomen in which the women of Athens seize control of the Ecclesia or city government and abolish all private property while making the sharing of women and the collective rearing of children mandatory.[14] Over a decade later in Plato's Republic Socrates declares that an ideal state would eliminate all forms of private property among the elite of society to the extent that even children and wives are shared.[15][16] He asserts that such practices would prevent internal conflict within a society and promote a sense of unity and common identity.[17] Around AD 500 in Iran, the Zoroastrian priest and reformist Mazdak purportedly founded a movement preaching religious communism while under the patronage of the Sassanian King Kavad I who initially supported the priest and his reforms, but later had the Mazdakians repressed and Mazdak executed.[18]

Developments in Christian communism Edit

Early Christianity supported a form of common ownership based on the teachings in the New Testament which emphasised sharing.[13] For example, in the Book of Acts the passages Acts 2:44–45 and Acts 4:32–37 state all believers held their possessions communally and would distribute goods based on need.[19] Additionally, the related Jewish sect known as the Essenes was committed to, "social and material egalitarianism."[20] Despite these practices falling into decline even before the Christianization of the Roman Empire, the principles of sharing property and holding goods in common continued within the Christian traditions of monasticism.[13][20]

From the High Middle Ages to the early modern period in Europe, various groups supporting Christian communist and communalist ideas were occasionally adopted by reformist Christian sects. An early 12th century proto-Protestant group originating in Lyon, Kingdom of Burgundy-Arles known as the Waldensians held their property in common in accordance with the Book of Acts, but were persecuted by the Catholic Church and retreated to the Piedmont.[21] Some Waldensians led a schism after they felt the group's leader was becoming authoritarian.[22] With the rise of the Mendicant Orders in the 13th century groups such as the Franciscans began challenging the concept of private property to the extent it had to be defended by Pope John XXII in his 1328 papal bull Quia vir reprobus, in which he ruled that because God had gifted Adam with the Earth as his domain, the ownership of property was divinely sanctioned.[23][24] Also beginning in the 13th century a lay order known as the Beghards, originating in the Low Countries, started to spread among the underprivileged groups of society, taking in members who renounced private property and dedicated themselves to communal living and pious, frugal lifestyles as artisans.[25][26] Although the practices were successful enough to spread to other areas on the continent such as France and Germany, the Beghards were later repeatedly condemned by the Catholic Church.[27][25] Around 1300 the Apostolic Brethren in northern Italy were taken over by Fra Dolcino who formed a sect known as the Dulcinians which advocated ending feudalism, dissolving hierarchies in the church, and holding all property in common.[21] The 14th century English scholastic and founder of Lollardy, John Wycliffe, preached of an idealized Christian state with collective ownership and disapproved of those rejecting the, "common charity and common property of Christian men."[28][29][30]: 54  Around the same time the revolutionary priest John Ball, who was later executed for his prominent role in the doomed Wat Tyler Rebellion allegedly declared, "things cannot go well in England, nor ever will, until all goods are held in common."[31]

Tommaso Campanella's Civitas Solis envisoned a utopian city where private property is abolished[32]

In Tábor, Bohemia during the 15th century Hussite Wars, the radical Taborites attempted to institute a system they called a "community of goods" where, "there is no mine or thine but all is held in common", but once initiated the scheme was quickly abandoned.[33][34] They have been considered precursors of totalitarian governance while under leadership of the dictatorial Jan Želivský.[35][36][37][38] After Taborite power was broken at Lipany their successors fled to Moravia forming the Moravian Church under the pacifist spiritual leader Petr Chelčický who harbored both Christian communist and Christian anarchist beliefs.[30][39] The extent to which Chelčický's followers, also known as the Bohemian Brethren, adhered to his ideals, namely the abstinence from property, trade, and government, is disputed, and by the 16th century the Brethren definitely no longer embraced them.[30][40] During the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century the radical Anabaptists, who originated in Switzerland, endorsed the communalization of goods as practiced in the Book of Acts.[41] The most notable Anabaptist groups were the Hutterites, founded by Jacob Hutter, who settled in Moravia in the 1520s and the Münster Anabaptists who were eradicated in battle during their attempt in 1535 to forcibly convert the city of Münster into a theocratic New Jerusalem.[41] Various groups on the side of the Roundheads during the English Civil War in the mid-17th century propagated the redistribution of wealth on an egalitarian basis, namely the Levellers and the Diggers although only the latter group under Gerrard Winstanley promoted a propertyless, communist society.[42][43]

European writers began depicting idealized communist societies in utopian fiction from the 16th century onward. Inspired by largely fictional accounts of native communities in the New World, the English humanist and future Lord Chancellor Thomas More, wrote the utopian novel Utopia (1516) in which the main character decries private property after traveling to an idyllic island without money or private property and where, "everything is under state control."[44][45][46] More coined the term utopia as a name for his idealized community, which means "nowhere" in Latin, evincing the fact that More did not consider such a society attainable in reality. Tommaso Campanella's 1601 work The City of the Sun propagated the concept of a society where the products of society should be shared equally.[47] In Campanella's utopia all people are well educated, there is only a four-hour work day, there is no private property, the population practices eugenics to improve mental and physical fitness, most time is devoted to either leisure or self improvement, and society is managed by a ruling scientist who bases his administration on scientific principles all in the interest of benefiting society as a whole.[43][48] Utopian communist societies were also described by the French writers François Fénelon and Denis Vairasse while English writer Francis Bacon wrote of a utopia that merely had a "communism in knowledge."[49][50]

Communism during the Enlightenment Edit

During the Age of Enlightenment in 18th century France, some liberal writers increasingly began to criticize the institution of private property even to the extent they demanded its abolition.[51] One of the first secular visions for a communist society is contained within the French Catholic abbé Jean Meslier's posthumously published Testament (1729).[43][52] Similarly the Abbé de Mably, also a French philosopher wrote that the individual ownership of land was the source of all mischief and that wealthy inequality brought about social ruin that could only be reversed by adopting a society based on collective ownership."[53][54] He did however temper his views by surmising that any attempts at enacting true equality and communal ownership would prove to be too costly and destructive to be worth implementing.[55] Another French thinker, Étienne-Gabriel Morelly also contended that private property was the source of all vice in society and developed the basic principles for a communist society namely, the abolition of property, the right to live and work for all, and the duty of all citizens to work for the common good.[53][55] The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in his hugely influential The Social Contract (1762) outlined the basis for a political order based on popular sovereignty rather than the rule of monarchs, and in his Discourse on Inequality (1755) inveighed against the corrupting effects of private property claiming that the invention of private property had led to the," crimes, wars, murders, and suffering" that plagued civilization.[56][57]

I believe that no one will contest the justness of this proposition: that where no property exists, none of its pernicious consequences could exist...if you were to take away property, the blind and pitiless self-interest that accompanies it, you would cause all the prejudices in errors that they sustain to collapse.

Étienne-Gabriel Morelly, 1755[58]

Victor d'Hupay referred to himself as an auteur communiste or "communist author" in 1782[59]
Restif de la Bretonne used the term "communism" in 1793 to describe a society where all private property was eliminated[60]

In 1785 the popular French novelist Restif de la Bretonne wrote a book review on Victor d'Hupay's 1779 book Project for a Philosophical Community which described a plan for a communal experiment in Marseille where all private property was banned and which could be considered," the first full blueprint for a secular communist society in the world."[59][61] In the review Restif noted that d'Hupay had referred to himself as a communiste, the French form of the word "communist", in a 1782 letter, the first recorded instance of that term.[59] Restif himself wrote many novels centered around the idea of eliminating private property, first using the term "community of goods" in 1783 and then the term "communism" in 1793, rendered in French as communisme.[60][62]

François-Noël Babeuf was a notable advocate for the abolition of private property during the French Revolution[63]

These currents of thought in French philosophy proved influential during the French Revolution of 1789 in which various anti-monarchists, particularly the Jacobins, supported the idea of redistributing wealth equally among the people, including Jean-Paul Marat and Gracchus Babeuf. The latter was involved in the Conspiracy of the Equals of 1796 intending to establish a revolutionary regime based on communal ownership, egalitarianism and the redistribution of property.[64] Babeuf was directly influenced by Morelly's anti-property utopian novel The Code of Nature and quoted it extensively, although he was under the erroneous impression it was written by Diderot.[58]Also during the revolution the publisher Nicholas Bonneville, the founder of the Parisian revolutionary Social Club used his printing press to spread the communist treatises of Restif and Sylvain Maréchal.[65] Maréchal, who later joined Babeuf's conspiracy, would state in his Manifesto of the Equals (1796)," we aim at something more sublime and more just, the COMMON GOOD or the COMMUNITY OF GOODS" and "The French Revolution is just a precursor of another revolution, far greater, far more solemn, which will be the last."[66] Restif also continued to write and publish books on the topic of communism throughout the Revolution.[60] Accordingly, through their egalitarian programs and agitation Restif, Maréchal, and Babeuf became the progenitors of modern communism.[67] Babeuf's plot was detected, however, and he and several others involved were arrested and executed. Because of his views and methods, Babeuf is sometimes referred to as the first revolutionary communist, although at the time Babeuf himself used the term "communitist".[68][62] Despite this setback, the example of the French Revolutionary regime and Babeuf's doomed insurrection was an inspiration for French socialist thinkers such as Henri de Saint-Simon, Louis Blanc, Charles Fourier and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.[69] Proudhon, the founder of modern anarchism and libertarian socialism would later famously declare "property is theft!" a phrase first invented by the French revolutionary Brissot de Warville.[70]

Post-French Revolution communism Edit

Importantly because one of Babeuf's co-conspirators, Philippe Buonarroti, survived the crackdown on the Conspiracy of the Equals he was able, later in his life, to write the influential book Babeuf's Conspiracy for Equality first published in 1828 which chronicled and popularized Babeouf's beliefs.[71] In it Buonarroti asserted that in society," burdens, productions, and advantages ought to be equally divided," and believed that this division would lead to," the greatest possible happiness of all."[72] Bournatti's writings led to a revival of Babeuf's thought in France and the dissemination of political theories referred to as Neo-Babouvism. According to Bournatti's Neo-Babouvism a revolutionary elite of "wise and courageous" citizens who cared only for "ensuring the triumph of equality" would be needed to uplift the masses and establish a new society based on egalitarian principles.[73]

By the 1830s and 1840s, the egalitarian concepts of communism and the related ideas of socialism had become widely popular in French revolutionary circles thanks to the writings of social critics and philosophers such as Pierre Leroux and Théodore Dézamy, whose critiques of bourgeoisie liberalism and individualism led to a widespread intellectual rejection of laissez-faire capitalism on economic, philosophical and moral grounds.[74] According to Leroux writing in 1832, "To recognise no other aim than individualism is to deliver the lower classes to brutal exploitation. The proletariat is no more than a revival of antique slavery." He also asserted that private ownership of the means of production allowed for the exploitation of the lower classes and that private property was a concept divorced from human dignity.[74] Dézamy would assert in his 1842 book Code la Communaté that what was needed was a," complete and unrestricted society of communal property" in which all activity was centralized.[75] The systematic, historical and materialist analysis of the nature of communism in Dézamy's work led Marx to consider him among the first scientific socialists along with Jules Gay.[76] It was only in the year 1840 that proponents of common ownership in France, including the socialists Théodore Dézamy, Étienne Cabet, and Jean-Jacques Pillot began to widely adopt the word "communism" as a term for their belief system.[77]

A landmark event that established the popularity of the communist movement in France occurred in 1840 when Dézamy along with Pillot and Albert Laponneraye organized a pro-communist banquet in Belleville, France, the "first public manifestation of the communist party" in France which proved so successful that further planned communist banquets had to be outlawed by the French government.[78][61] Also in 1840 a society of "Egalitarian Workers" following a communist program was founded in Paris and a general strike was called whose leaders were reportedly inspired by communist ideals.[78] During the 1840s Étienne Cabet had a following of between 100,000 and 200,000 French workers and was considered by Friedrich Engels to be the representative of the French proletariat.[79] One of the most prominent and influential French communists of the 1840s was Auguste Blanqui who was notable for his belief that violent revolutionary action should be used to overthrow the bourgeosie dominated state.[80] In Blanqui's estimation a revolution would be most successful if it was executed by a small, secretive group which could then install a "dictatorship of the proletariat."[80] Dézamy disagreed with any program endorsing a dictatorship, believing instead that the chief focus should be on cultivating proletarian unity through propaganda and education.[73]

The works and teachings of these French writers, many now self identifying as communists, went on to inspire new communist groups such as the League of the Just, an organization founded in Paris in 1836 by the Christian communist German émigrés Wilhelm Weitling and Karl Schapper.[81] A second group, the Communist Correspondence Committee, was formed in Brussels in 1846 by another pair of German émigrés Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.[82] The two groups were merged in 1847 to form the Communist League which was headed by Schapper who then proceeded to task the co-founding members Marx and Engels with writing a manifesto laying out the principles of the new political party.[83][84]

Marxism Edit

Karl Marx Edit

Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be this solution.

— Karl Marx, 1844[85]
Karl Marx, whose variety of communist theory is known as Marxism

In the 1840s, German philosopher and sociologist Karl Marx, who was living in England after fleeing the authorities in Prussia, where he was considered a political threat, began publishing books in which he outlined his theories for a variety of communism now known as Marxism. Marx was financially aided and supported by another German émigré, Friedrich Engels (1820–1895), who like Marx had fled from the German authorities in 1849.[86] Marx and Engels took on many influences from earlier socialists such as the Utopian socialist Saint-Simonist school.[87] Politically, they were influenced by Maximilien Robespierre and several other radical figures of the French Revolution whilst economically they were influenced by David Ricardo.[88][89] Philosophically, they were influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.[90] Engels regularly met Marx at Chetham's Library in Manchester, England from 1845 and the alcove where they met remains identical to this day.[91][92] It was here that Engels relayed his experiences of industrial Manchester, chronicled in the Condition of the Working Class in England, highlighting the struggles of the working class.

Marx stated that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles", something that he believed was happening between the bourgeoisie (the select few upper class and upper middle class) who then controlled society and the proletariat (the working class masses) who toiled to produce everything, but who had no political control. He advanced the idea that human society moved through a series of progressive stages from primitive communism through to slavery, feudalism and then capitalism; and that this, in turn, would be replaced by communism. For Marx, communism was seen as inevitable yet uncertain and desirable.

Marx founded the Communist Correspondence Committee in 1846 through which the various communists, socialists and other leftists across Europe could keep in contact with one another in the face of political repression. He then published The Communist Manifesto in 1848, which would prove to be one of the most influential communist texts ever written. He subsequently began work on a multi-volume epic that would examine and criticise the capitalist economy and the effect that it had upon politics, society and philosophy—the first volume of the work which was known as Capital: Critique of Political Economy was published in 1869. However, Marx and Engels were not only interested in writing about communism, as they were also active in supporting revolutionary activity that would lead to the creation of communist governments across Europe. They helped to found the International Workingmen's Association which would later become known as the First International to unite various communists and socialists, with Marx being elected to the Association's General Council.[93]

Marx summarized his system with the slogan, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."[94] This phrasing used to formulate the principles of communism is borrowed from earlier socialist political activists such as August Becker and Louis Blanc.[95][96][97]

Early development of Marxism Edit

During the latter half of the 19th century, various left-wing organisations across Europe continued to campaign against the many autocratic right-wing regimes that were then in power. In France, socialists set up a government known as the Paris Commune after the fall of Napoleon III in 1871, but they were soon overthrown and many of their members executed by counter-revolutionaries.[98] Meanwhile, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels joined the German Social-Democratic Party which had been created in 1875, but which was outlawed in 1879 by the German government, then led by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who deemed it to be a political threat due to its revolutionary nature and increasing number of supporters.[99] In 1890, the party was re-legalised and by this time it had fully adopted Marxist principles. It subsequently achieved a fifth of the vote in the German elections and some of its leaders, such as August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht, became well-known public figures.[100]

The communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Karl Marx, 1848[101]

At the time, Marxism took off not only in Germany, but it also gained popularity in Hungary, the Habsburg monarchy and the Netherlands, although it did not achieve such success in other European nations like the United Kingdom, where Marx and Engels had been based.[102] Nonetheless, the new political ideology had gained sufficient support that an organisation was founded known as the Second International to unite the various Marxist groups around the world.[103]

As Marxism took off, it also began to come under criticism from other European intellectuals, including fellow socialists and leftists. For instance, the Russian collectivist anarchist Mikhail Bakunin criticised what he believed were the flaws in the Marxian theory that the state would eventually dissolve under a Marxist government, instead he believed that the state would gain in power and become authoritarian. Criticism also came from other sociologists such as the German Max Weber, who whilst admiring Marx disagreed with many of his assumptions on the nature of society. Some Marxists tried to adapt to these criticisms and the changing nature of capitalism and Eduard Bernstein emphasised the idea of Marxists bringing legal challenges against the current administrations over the treatment of the working classes rather than simply emphasising violent revolution as more orthodox Marxists did. Other Marxists opposed Bernstein and other revisionists, with many including Karl Kautsky, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin and Georgi Plekhanov sticking steadfast to the concept of violently overthrowing what they saw as the bourgeoisie-controlled government and instead establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat.

Periodisation of international communism of 1893 Edit

The historical existence of the Communist International (Comintern) and the broader communist movement is divided among periods, regarding changes in the general policy it followed.[104][105][106][107][108]

  • The War Communism period (1918–1921) which saw the forming of the International, the Russian Civil War, a general revolutionary upheaval after the October Revolution resulting in the formation of the first communist parties across the world and the defeat of workers' revolutionary movements in Germany, Hungary, Finland and Poland.
  • The New Economic Policy period (1921–1929) which marked the end of the civil war in Russia and new economic measures taken by the Bolshevik government, the toning down of the revolutionary wave in Europe and internal struggles within the Bolshevik Party and the Comintern after Lenin's death and before Stalin's absolute consolidation of power.
  • The Third Period (1929–1934), an ultra-left turn which saw rapid industrialization and collectivization in the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule, the refusal by communists to cooperate with social democrats in other countries (labeling them social fascists) and the ultimate rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany which led to the abandonment of the hard-line policy of this period. These years also saw the complete subordination of all communist parties across the world to the directives of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), making the Comintern more or less an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • The Popular Front period (1934–1939) which marked the call by Comintern to all popular and democratic forces (not just communist) to unite in popular fronts against fascism. Products of this period were the popular front governments in the French Third Republic and the Second Spanish Republic. However, this period was also marked by widespread purges of anyone suspected as an enemy of the Stalinist regime, both in the Soviet Union and abroad. These mass purges resulted in the breaking up of the Popular Front in Spain amidst the Spanish Civil War and the fall of Spain to Francisco Franco.
  • The period of advocating peace (1939–1941), a result of the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which resulted in the Soviet invasion of Poland. In this period, communists were advocating non-participation in World War II, labeling the war as imperialist. The term revolutionary defeatism was used by Comintern in this period to refer to anti-war propaganda by communists in Western Europe against their national governments.
  • The Eastern Front period, sometimes called the Second Popular Front (1941–1943), was the last period of the Comintern, starting immediately after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, with Stalin's 3 July 1941 call to the entire free world to unite and fight Nazism by all means. This was a period of militant anti-fascism, the emergence of national liberation movements all across occupied Europe and ultimately the dissolution of the Comintern in 1943.
  • The Early Cold War (1947–1960) in which the Soviet Union and the Red Army installed the Eastern Bloc communist regimes in most of Eastern Europe (except for Yugoslavia and Albania, which had independent communist regimes). A major effort to support communist party activity in Western democracies, especially the Italian Communist Party and the French Communist Party, fell short of gaining positions in the government.
  • The Late Cold War (1960–1970s) in which China turned against the Soviet Union and organized alternative communist parties in many countries. Intense attention was given to revolutionary movements in the Third World which were successful in some places such as Cuba and Vietnam. Communism was decisively defeated in other states, including Malaya and Indonesia. In 1972–1979, there was détente between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • The end of communism in Europe (1980–1992) in which Soviet client states were heavily on the defensive as in Afghanistan and Nicaragua. The United States escalated the conflict with very heavy military spending. After a series of short-lived leaders, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Kremlin and began a policy of glasnost and perestroika, designed to revive the stagnating Soviet economy. European satellites led by Poland grew increasingly independent and in 1989 they all expelled the communist leadership. East Germany merged into West Germany with Moscow's approval. At the end of 1991, the Soviet Union itself was dissolved into non-communist independent states. Many communist parties around the world either collapsed, or became independent non-communist entities. However, China, North Korea, Laos, Vietnam and Cuba maintained communist regimes. After 1980, China adopted a market oriented economy that welcomed large-scale trade and friendly relations with the United States.

Early socialist states (1917–1944) Edit

Russian Revolution, Leninism, and formation of the Soviet Union Edit

At the start of the 20th century, the Russian Empire was an autocracy controlled by Tsar Nicholas II, with millions of the country's largely agrarian population living in abject poverty. The anti-communist historian Robert Service noted that "poverty and oppression constituted the best soil for Marxism to grow in".[109] The man most responsible for introducing the ideology into the country was Georgi Plekhanov, although the movement itself was largely organised by Vladimir Lenin, who had for a time been exiled to a prison camp in Siberia by the Tsarist government for his beliefs.[110] A Marxist group known as the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party was formed in the country, although it soon divided into two main factions, namely the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and the Mensheviks led by Julius Martov. In 1905, there was a revolution against the Tsar's rule in which workers' councils known as soviets were formed in many parts of the country and the Tsar was forced to implement democratic reform, introducing an elected government, the Duma.[111]

In 1917, with further social unrest against the Duma and its part in involving Russia in World War I, the Bolsheviks took power in the October Revolution. They began remodelling the country by nationalizing various industries and confiscating land from wealthy aristocrats and redistributing it amongst the peasants. They subsequently pulled out of the war against Germany by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk which was unpopular amongst many in Russia, for it gave away large areas of land to Germany. From the outset, the new government faced resistance from a myriad of forces with differing perspectives, including anarchists, social democrats, who took power in the Democratic Republic of Georgia, Socialist-Revolutionaries, who formed the Komuch in Samara, Russia, scattered tsarist resistance forces known as the White Guard as well as Western powers. This led to the events of the Russian Civil War which the Bolsheviks won and subsequently consolidated their power over the entire country, centralising power from the Kremlin in the capital city of Moscow. In the early 1920s, Lenin began recruiting black workers, accusing American political parties of not doing more to campaign for black civil rights. A handful of African American activists were fascinated by communism, and Cyril Briggs led an organization called African Blood Brotherhood.[112] In 1922, the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic was officially redesignated to lead the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, simply known as the Soviet Union.

In 1924, Lenin resigned as leader of the Soviet Union due to poor health and soon died, with Joseph Stalin subsequently taking over control.

Comintern, Mongolian invasion, and communist uprisings in Europe Edit

The Communist International published a theoretical magazine of the same name in a variety of European languages from 1919 to 1943

In 1919, the Bolshevik government in Russia instigated the creation of an international communist organisation that would act as the Third International after the collapse of the Second International in 1916. This was known as the Communist International, although it was commonly abbreviated as the Comintern. Throughout its existence, the Comintern would be dominated by the Kremlin despite its internationalist stance. Meanwhile, in 1921, the Soviet Union invaded its neighboring Mongolia to aid a popular uprising against the Chinese who then controlled the country, instituting a pro-Soviet government which declared the nation to be the Mongolian People's Republic in 1924.[113]

The Comintern and other such Soviet-backed communist groups soon spread across much of the world, though particularly in Europe, where the influence of the recent Russian Revolution was still strong. In Germany, the Spartacist uprising took place in 1919 when armed Spartacus League communists attempted to set up a Bolshevik-style council republic, but the government put the rebellion down violently with the use of right-wing paramilitary groups, the Freikorps. The noted German communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were killed extrajudicially three days later.[114] Within a few months, a group of communists seized power amongst public unrest in the German region of Bavaria, forming the Bavarian Soviet Republic, although once more this was put down violently by the Freikorps, who historians believe killed around 1,200 communists and their sympathisers.[115]

That same year, political turmoil in Hungary following their defeat in World War I led to a coalition government of the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party taking control. The Hungarian Communist Party led by Béla Kun soon became dominant and instituted various communist reforms in the country, but the country itself was subsequently invaded by its neighbouring Romania within a matter of months who overthrew the government, with its leaders either escaping abroad or being executed.[116] In 1921, a communist revolt against the Kingdom of Italy occurred whilst supportive factory workers were on strike in Turin and Milan in northern Italy, but the government acted swiftly and put down the rebellion.[117] That same year, a further communist rebellion took place in the Weimar Republic only to be crushed, but another occurred in 1923[which?] which once again was also defeated by the government.[118] The Bulgarian Communist Party had also attempted an uprising in 1923, but like most of their counterparts across Europe they were defeated.[119]

Front organisations Edit

Communist parties were tight knit organizations that exerted tight control over the members. To reach sympathisers unwilling to join the party, front organizations were created that advocated party-approved positions. Under the leadership of Grigory Zinoviev in the Kremlin, the Comintern established fronts in many countries in the 1920s and after. To coordinate their activities, the Comintern set up various international umbrella organizations (linking groups across national borders) such as the Young Communist International (youth), Profintern (trade unions),[120] Krestintern (peasants), International Red Aid (humanitarian aid), and Red Sport International (organized sports), among others. In Europe, front organizations were especially influential in Italy[121] and France which became the base for Communist front organizer Willi Münzenberg in 1933.[122] These organizations were dissolved by the late 1930s or early 1940s.

The Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat (PPTUS) was set up in 1927 by the Profintern (the Comintern's trade union arm) with the mission of promoting communist trade unions in China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and other nations in the western Pacific.[123] Trapeznik (2009) says the PPTUS was a "Communist-front organization" and "engaged in overt and covert political agitation in addition to a number of clandestine activities".[124]

There were numerous communist front organizations in Asia, many oriented to students and youth.[125] According to one historian, in the labor union movement of the 1920s in Japan, the "Hyogikai never called itself a communist front but in effect, this was what it was". He points out it was repressed by the government "along with other communist front groups".[126] In the 1950s, Scalapino argues: "The primary Communist-front organization was the Japan Peace Committee". It was founded in 1949.[127]

Stalinism Edit

Members of the Communist Party of China celebrating Stalin's birthday in 1949

In 1924, Joseph Stalin, a key Bolshevik follower of Lenin, took power in the Soviet Union.[128] Stalin was supported in his leadership by Nikolai Bukharin, but he had various important opponents in the government, most notably Lev Kamenev, Leon Trotsky, and Grigory Zinoviev. Stalin initiated his own process of building a communist society, creating a variant of communism known as Marxism–Leninism. As a part of this, he abandoned some of the capitalist, market policies that had been allowed to continue under Lenin such as the New Economic Policy. Stalinist policies radically altered much of the Soviet Union's agricultural production, modernising it by introducing tractors and other machinery, forced collectivisation of the farms and forced collection of grains from the peasants in accordance with predecided targets. There was food available for industrial workers, but those peasants who refused to move starved, especially in Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) targeted kulaks, who owned a little land.

Stalin took control of the Comintern and introduced a policy in the international organisation of opposing all leftists who were not Marxist–Leninists, labelling them to be social fascists, although many communists such as Jules Humbert-Droz disagreed with him on this policy, believing that the left should unite against the rise of right-wing movements like fascism across Europe.[129] In the early 1930s, Stalin reversed course and promoted popular front movements whereby communist parties would collaborate with socialists and other political forces. A high priority was mobilizing wide support for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War.[130]

Great Purge Edit

The Great Purge mainly operated from December 1936 to November 1938, although the features of arrest and summary trial followed by execution were well entrenched in the Soviet system since the days of Lenin as Stalin systematically destroyed the older generation of pre-1918 leaders. Stalin did so usually under the justification that the accused were enemy spies or deemed "enemies of the people"; in the Red Army, a majority of generals were executed and hundreds of thousands of other "enemies of the people" were sent to the gulag, where inhumane conditions in Siberia led a quick death.[131][a]

The opening of the Soviet archives has vindicated the lower estimates put forth by the "revisionist school" scholars,[133] despite the popular press continuing to use higher estimates and containing serious errors.[134] By 2009, historian Archie Brown reported that estimates were now lower; about 1.7 million were arrested in 1937–1938 and half were shot.[135]

Pre-war dissident communists Edit

The International Right Opposition and Trotskyism are examples of dissidents who still claim communism today, but they are not the only ones. In Germany, the split in the SPD had initially led to a variety of Communist unions and parties forming which included the councilist tendencies of the AAU-D, AAU-E and KAPD. Councilism had a limited impact outside of Germany, but a number of international organisations formed. In Spain, a fusion of left and right dissidents led to the formation of the POUM. Additionally, the Spanish CNT was associated with the development of the FAI political party, a non-Marxist party which stood for revolutionary communism.

Spreading communism (1945–1957) Edit

As the Cold War took effect around 1947, the Kremlin set up new international coordination bodies including the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the International Union of Students, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the Women's International Democratic Federation and the World Peace Council. Malcolm Kennedy says the "Communist 'front' system included such international organizations as the WFTU, WFDY, IUS, WIDF and WPC, besides a host of lesser bodies bringing journalists, lawyers, scientists, doctors and others into the widespread net".[136]

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) was established in 1945 to unite trade union confederations across the world and it was based in Prague. While it had non-communist unions it was largely dominated by the Soviets. In 1949 the British, American and other non-Communist unions broke away to form the rival International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. The labor movement in Europe became so polarized between the communists unions and social democratic and Christian labor unions, whereas front operations could no longer hide the sponsorship and they became less important.[137]

Soviet Union after World War II Edit

The devastation of the war resulted in a massive recovery program involving the rebuilding of industrial plants, housing and transportation as well as the demobilization and migration of millions of soldiers and civilians. In the midst of this turmoil during the winter of 1946–1947, the Soviet Union experienced the worst natural famine in the 20th century.[138] There was no serious opposition to Stalin as the NKVD secret police continued to send possible suspects to the gulag.

Relations with the United States and Britain went from friendly to hostile, as they denounced Stalin's political controls over eastern Europe and his blockade of Berlin. By 1947, the Cold War had begun. Stalin himself believed that capitalism was a hollow shell and would crumble under increased non-military pressure exerted through proxies in countries like Italy. However, he greatly underestimated the economic strength of the West and instead of triumph saw the West build up alliances that were designed to permanently stop or contain Soviet expansion. In early 1950, Stalin gave the go-ahead for North Korea's invasion of South Korea, expecting a short war. He was stunned when the Americans entered and defeated the North Koreans, putting them almost on the Soviet border. Stalin supported China's entry into the Korean War which drove the Americans back to the prewar boundaries, but which escalated tensions. The United States decided to mobilize its economy for a long contest with the Soviets, built the hydrogen bomb and strengthened the NATO alliance that covered Western Europe.[139]

According to Gorlizki and Khlevniuk (2004), Stalin's consistent and overriding goal after 1945 was to consolidate the nation's superpower status and in the face of his growing physical decrepitude to maintain his own hold on total power. Stalin created a leadership system that reflected historic czarist styles of paternalism and repression, yet was also quite modern. At the top, personal loyalty to Stalin counted for everything. However, Stalin also created powerful committees, elevated younger specialists and began major institutional innovations. In the teeth of persecution, Stalin's deputies cultivated informal norms and mutual understandings which provided the foundations for collective rule after his death.[140]

Eastern Europe Edit

The military success of the Red Army in Central and Eastern Europe led to a consolidation of power in communist hands. In some cases, such as Czechoslovakia, this led to enthusiastic support for socialism inspired by the Communist Party and a Social Democratic Party willing to fuse. In other cases, such as Poland or Hungary, the fusion of the Communist Party with the Social Democratic Party was forcible and accomplished through undemocratic means. In many cases, the communist parties of Central Europe were faced with a population initially quite willing to reign in market forces, institute limited nationalisation of industry and supporting the development of intensive social welfare states, whereas broadly the population largely supported socialism. However, the purges of non-communist parties that supported socialism, combined with forced collectivisation of agriculture and a Soviet-bloc wide recession in 1953 led to deep unrest. This unrest first surfaced in Berlin in 1953, where Brecht ironically suggested that "the Party ought to elect a new People". However, Nikita Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" of 1956 opened up internal debate, even if members were unaware, in both the Polish and Hungarian communist parties. This led to the Polish crisis of 1956 which was resolved through change in Polish leadership and a negotiation between the Soviet and Polish parties over the direction of the Polish economy.

Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Edit

Soviet T-54 tanks in Budapest on 31 October

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was a major challenge to Moscow's control of Eastern Europe.[141] This revolution saw general strikes, the formation of independent workers councils, the restoration of the Social Democratic Party as a party for revolutionary communism of a non-Soviet variety and the formation of two underground independent communist parties. The mainstream Communist Party was controlled for a period of about a week by non-Soviet aligned leaders. Two non-communist parties that supported the maintenance of socialism also regained their independence. This flowering of dissenting communism was crushed by a combination of a military invasion supported by heavy artillery and airstrikes; mass arrests, at least a thousand juridical executions and an uncounted number of summary executions; the crushing of the Central Workers Council of Greater Budapest; mass refugee flight; and a worldwide propaganda campaign. The effect of the Hungarian Revolution on other communist parties varied significantly, resulting in large membership losses in Anglophone communist parties.[142]

Prague Spring of 1968 Edit

The Czechoslovak Communist Party began an ambitious reform agenda under Alexander Dubček. The plan to limit central control and make the economy more independent of the party threatened bedrock beliefs. On 20 August 1968, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev ordered a massive military invasion by Warsaw Pact forces that destroyed the threat of internal liberalization.[143] At the same time, the Soviets threatened retaliation against the British-French-Israeli invasion of Egypt. The upshot was a collapse of any tendency toward détente and the resignations of more intellectuals from communist parties in the West.[144]

West Germany Edit

West Germany and West Berlin were centers of East–West conflict during the Cold War and numerous communist fronts were established. For example, the East Germany organization Society for German–Soviet Friendship (GfDSF) had 13,000 members in West Germany, but it was banned in 1953 by some Länder as a communist front.[145] The Democratic Cultural League of Germany started off as a series of genuinely pluralistic bodies, but in 1950–1951 came under the control of the communists. By 1952, the United States Embassy counted 54 "infiltrated organizations" which started independently as well as 155 "front organizations" which had been communist inspired from their start.[146]

The Association of the Victims of the Nazi Regime was set up to rally West Germans under the anti-fascist banner, but it had to be dissolved when Moscow discovered it had been infiltrated by "Zionist agents".[147]

China Edit

Great Leap Forward Edit

Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party came to power in China in 1949 as the Nationalists headed by the Kuomintang fled to the island of Taiwan. In 1950–1953, China engaged in a large-scale, undeclared war with the United States, South Korea and United Nations forces in the Korean War. While ended in a military stalemate, it gave Mao the opportunity to identify and purge elements in China that seemed supportive of capitalism. At first, there was close cooperation with Stalin, who sent in technical experts to aid the industrialization process along the line of the Soviet model of the 1930s.[148] After Stalin's death in 1953, relations with Moscow soured—Mao thought Stalin's successors had betrayed the Communist ideal. Mao charged that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of a "revisionist clique" which had turned against Marxism and Leninism was now setting the stage for the restoration of capitalism.[149] The two nations were at sword's point by 1960. Both began forging alliances with communist supporters around the globe, thereby splitting the worldwide movement into two hostile camps.[150]

Rejecting the Soviet model of rapid urbanization, Mao Zedong and his top aide Deng Xiaoping launched the Great Leap Forward in 1957–1961 with the goal of industrializing China overnight, using the peasant villages as the base rather than large cities.[151] Private ownership of land ended and the peasants worked in large collective farms that were now ordered to start up heavy industry operations, such as steel mills. Plants were built in remote locations, despite the lack of technical experts, managers, transportation or needed facilities. Industrialization failed, but the main result was a sharp unexpected decline in agricultural output, which led to mass famine and millions of deaths. The years of the Great Leap Forward in fact saw economic regression, with 1958 through 1961 being the only years between 1953 and 1983 in which China's economy saw negative growth. Political economist Dwight Perkins argues, "Enormous amounts of investment produced only modest increases in production or none at all. [...] In short, the Great Leap was a very expensive disaster".[152] Put in charge of rescuing the economy, Deng adopted pragmatic policies that the idealistic Mao disliked. For a while, Mao was in the shadows, but he returned to center stage and purged Deng and his allies in the Cultural Revolution (1966–1969).[153]

Early post-war dissident communists Edit

Following the Second World War, Trotskyism was wracked by increasing internal divisions over analysis and strategy. This was combined with an industrial impotence that was widely recognised. Additionally, the success of Soviet-aligned parties in Europe and Asia led to the persecution of Trotskyite intellectuals such as the infamous purge of Vietnamese Trotskyists. The war had also strained social democratic parties in the West. In some cases, such as Italy, significant bodies of membership of the Social Democratic Party were inspired by the possibility of achieving advanced socialism. In Italy, this group, combined with dissenting communists, began to discuss theory centred on the experience of work in modern factories, leading to autonomist Marxist. In the United States, this theoretical development was paralleled by the Johnson–Forest Tendency whereas in France a similar impulse occurred.

Cold War and revisionism (1958–1979) Edit

Maoism and Cultural Revolution in China Edit

The propaganda oil painting of Mao during the Cultural Revolution (1967).

The Cultural Revolution was an upheaval that targeted intellectuals and party leaders from 1966 through 1976. Mao's goal was to purify communism by removing pro-capitalists and traditionalists by imposing Maoist orthodoxy within the Chinese Communist Party. The movement paralyzed China politically and weakened the country economically, culturally and intellectually for years. Millions of people were accused, humiliated, stripped of power and either imprisoned, killed or most often sent to work as farm laborers. Mao insisted that these he labelled revisionists be removed through violent class struggle. The two most prominent militants were Marshall Lin Biao of the army and Mao's wife Jiang Qing. China's youth responded to Mao's appeal by forming Red Guard groups around the country. The movement spread into the military, urban workers and the Communist Party leadership itself. It resulted in widespread factional struggles in all walks of life. In the top leadership, it led to a mass purge of senior officials who were accused of taking a "capitalist road", most notably Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping. During the same period, Mao's personality cult grew to immense proportions. After Mao's death in 1976, the survivors were rehabilitated and many returned to power.[154]

Cuban Revolution Edit

The Cuban Revolution was a successful armed revolt led by Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement against the regime of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. It ousted Batista on 1 January 1959, replacing his regime with Castro's revolutionary government. Castro's government later reformed along communist lines, becoming the present Communist Party of Cuba in October 1965.[155] The United States response was highly negative, leading to a failed invasion attempt in 1961. The Soviets decided to protect its ally by stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962. In the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States vehemently opposed the Soviet Union move. There was serious fear of nuclear war for a few days, but a compromise was reached by which Moscow publicly removed its weapons and the United States secretly removed its from bases in Turkey and promised never to invade.[156]

African communism Edit

Monument to Marxism built by the Derg in Addis Ababa

During the decolonization of Africa, the Soviet Union took a keen interest in that continent's independence movements and initially hoped that the cultivation of communist client states there would deny their economic and strategic resources to the West.[157] Soviet foreign policy with regards to Africa assumed that newly independent African governments would be receptive to communist ideology and that the Soviets would have the resources to make them attractive as development partners.[157] During the 1970s, the ruling parties of several sub-Saharan African states formally embraced communism, including the People's Republic of Benin, the People's Republic of Mozambique, the People's Republic of the Congo, the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and the People's Republic of Angola.[158] Most of these regimes ensured the selective adoption and flexible application of communist theory set against a broad ideological commitment to Marxism or Leninism.[158] The adoption of communism was often seen as a means to an end and used to justify the extreme centralization of power.[158]

Angola was perhaps the only African state which made a longstanding commitment to communism,[159] but this was severely hampered by its own war-burdened economy, rampant corruption and practical realities which allowed a few foreign companies to wield considerable influence despite the elimination of the domestic Angolan private sector and a substantial degree of central economic planning.[160][161] Both Angola and Ethiopia built new social and political communist institutions modeled closely after those in the Soviet Union and Cuba.[7] However, their regimes either dissolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union due to civil conflict or voluntarily repudiated communism in favour of social democracy.[7]

Eurocommunism Edit

An important trend in several countries in Western Europe from the late 1960s into the 1980s was Eurocommunism. It was strongest in Spain's PCE, Finland's party and especially in Italy's PCI, where it drew on the ideas of Antonio Gramsci. It was developed by communist party members who were disillusioned with both the Soviet Union and China and sought an independent program. They accepted liberal parliamentary democracy and free speech as well as accepting with some conditions a capitalist market economy. They did not speak of the destruction of capitalism, but sought to win the support of the masses and by a gradual transformation of the bureaucracies. In 1978, the Communist Party of Spain replaced the historic "Marxist–Leninist" catchphrase with the new slogan of "Marxist, democratic and revolutionary". The movement faded in the 1980s and collapsed with the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989.[162]

Other forms Edit

Anarcho-communism is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour, social hierarchies and private property (while retaining respect for personal property, along with collectively-owned items, goods and services) in favor of common ownership of the means of production and direct democracy as well as a horizontal network of workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."[163]

Left communism is a position held by the left wing of communism, which criticises the political ideas and practices espoused by Marxist–Leninists and social democrats. Left communists assert positions which they regard as more authentically Marxist than the views of Marxism–Leninism espoused by the Communist International after its Bolshevization by Joseph Stalin and during its second congress.[164]

Libertarian Marxism is a broad scope of economic and political philosophies that emphasize the anti-authoritarian and libertarian aspects of Marxism.[165]

End of the Eastern Bloc (1980–1992) Edit

Reform and collapse (1980–1992) Edit

Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, who sought to end the Cold War between the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact and the United States-led NATO and other its other Western allies, in a meeting with President Ronald Reagan

Social resistance to the policies of communist regimes in Eastern Europe accelerated in strength with the rise of the Solidarity, the first non-communist controlled trade union in the Warsaw Pact that was formed in the People's Republic of Poland in 1980.

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev rose to power in the Soviet Union and began policies of radical political reform involving political liberalisation called perestroika and glasnost. Gorbachev's policies were designed at dismantling authoritarian elements of the state that were developed by Stalin, aiming for a return to a supposed ideal Leninist state that retained a one-party structure while allowing the democratic election of competing candidates within the party for political office. Gorbachev also aimed to seek détente with the West and end the Cold War that was no longer economically sustainable to be pursued by the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and the United States under President George H. W. Bush joined in pushing for the dismantlement of apartheid and oversaw the dismantlement of South African colonial rule over Namibia.

Meanwhile, the Eastern European communist states politically deteriorated in response to the success of the Polish Solidarity movement and the possibility of Gorbachev-style political liberalisation. In 1989, revolts began across Eastern Europe and China against communist regimes. In China, the government refused to negotiate with student protestors, resulting in the Tiananmen Square attacks that stopped the revolts by force.

The opening of a border gate between Austria and Hungary at the Pan-European Picnic on August 19, 1989, then set in motion a peaceful chain reaction, at the end of which there was no longer a GDR and the Eastern Bloc had disintegrated. It was the largest escape movement from East Germany since the Berlin Wall was built in 1961. But with the mass exodus at the Pan-European Picnic, the subsequent hesitant behavior of the Socialist Unity Party of East Germany and the non-intervention of the Soviet Union broke the dams. The revolts culminated with the revolt in East Germany against the communist regime of Erich Honecker. The event in East Germany developed into a popular mass revolt with sections of the Berlin Wall being torn down and East and West Berliners uniting. Gorbachev's refusal to use Soviet forces based in East Germany to suppress the revolt was seen as a sign that the Cold War had ended. Honecker was pressured to resign from office and the new government committed itself to reunification with West Germany. The Communist Party regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania was forcefully overthrown in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 and Ceaușescu was executed. The other Warsaw Pact regimes also fell during the Revolutions of 1989, with the exception of the Socialist People's Republic of Albania that continued until 1992.

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989

Unrest and eventual collapse of communism also occurred in Yugoslavia, although for different reasons than those of the Warsaw Pact. The death of Josip Broz Tito in 1980 and the subsequent vacuum of strong leadership allowed the rise of rival ethnic nationalism in the multinational country. The first leader to exploit such nationalism for political purposes was Slobodan Milošević, who used Serbian nationalism to seize power as president of Serbia and demanded concessions to the Socialist Republic of Serbia and Serbs by the other republics in the Yugoslav federation. This resulted in a surge of Slovene and Croat nationalism in response and the collapse of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in 1990, the victory of nationalists in multi-party elections in most of Yugoslavia's constituent republics and eventually civil war between the various nationalities beginning in 1991. Yugoslavia was dissolved in 1992.

The Soviet Union itself collapsed between 1990 and 1991, with a rise of secessionist nationalism and a political power dispute between Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, the new leader of the Russian Federation. The collapse of the Soviet Union was also aided by political pressure from capitalist powers, loans from world banks, and pressure for liberal democracy and increased consumerism within the Soviet Bloc.[166] U.S. monetary and fiscal policy raised interest rates, making borrowing money very difficult for the Soviet Union.[167] With the Soviet Union collapsing, Gorbachev prepared the country to become a loose federation of independent states called the Commonwealth of Independent States. Hardline communist leaders in the military reacted to Gorbachev's policies with the August Coup of 1991 in which hardline communist military leaders overthrew Gorbachev and seized control of the government. This regime only lasted briefly as widespread popular opposition erupted in street protests and refused to submit. Gorbachev was restored to power, but the various Soviet republics were now set for independence. On 25 December 1991, Gorbachev officially announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union, ending the existence of the world's first communist state.

Contemporary communism (1993–present) Edit

With the fall of the communist governments in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, the influence of state-based Marxist–Leninist ideologies in the world was weakened, but there are still many communist movements of various types and sizes around the world. Three other communist nations, particularly those in East Asia such as the People's Republic of China, Vietnam and Laos, all moved toward market economies, but without major privatization of the state sector during the 1980s and 1990s (see socialism with Chinese characteristics and doi moi for more details). Spain, France, Portugal and Greece have very publicly strong communist movements that play an open and active leading role in the vast majority of their labor marches and strikes as well as also anti-austerity protests, all of which are large, pronounced events with much visibility. Worldwide marches on International Workers Day sometimes give a clearer picture of the size and influence of current communist movements, particularly within Europe.[citation needed]

Cuba has recently emerged from the crisis sparked by the fall of the Soviet Union given the growth in its volume of trade with its new allies Venezuela and China (the former of whom has recently adopted a socialism of the 21st century according to Hugo Chávez). Various other countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean have also taken similar shifts to more clearly socialistic policies and rhetoric in a phenomenon academics are calling the pink tide.[168][169][170]

North Korea claims that its success in avoiding the downfall of socialism is a result of its homegrown ideology of Juche which it adopted in the 1970s, replacing Marxism–Leninism. Cuba has an ambassador to North Korea and China still protects North Korean territorial integrity even as it simultaneously refuses to supply the state with material goods or other significant assistance.[citation needed]

In Nepal, the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) leader Man Mohan Adhikari briefly became Prime Minister of Nepal and national leader from 1994 to 1995 and the Maoist guerrilla leader Prachanda was elected Prime Minister by the Constituent Assembly of Nepal in 2008. Prachanda has since been deposed as Prime Minister, leading the Maoists to abandon their legalistic approach and return to their typical street actions and militancy and to lead sporadic general strikes using their quite substantial influence on the Nepalese labor movement. These actions have oscillated between mild and intense, only the latter of which tends to make world news. They consider Prachanda's removal to be unjust.[citation needed] Since the 2008 Nepal has been ruled by a coalition of communist parties: Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) and Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) which they merged in 2018 in the Nepal Communist Party

The previous national government of India depended on the parliamentary support of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and Communist Party of India. Presently CPI(M) along with CPI leads the state government in Kerala. The armed wing of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), the People's Liberation Guerrilla Army, is fighting the Naxalite–Maoist insurgency against the Government of India and is active in some parts of the country. Indian government forces have been successful in eliminating insurgency to quite an extent.[when?][citation needed]

In Cyprus, the veteran communist Dimitris Christofias of AKEL won the 2008 presidential election.[171][172]

In Ukraine and Russia, the communists came second in the 2002 Ukrainian parliamentary election and the 2003 Russian legislative election, respectively. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation remains strong in Russia, but the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea resulted in the loss of its 32 members and no Verkhovna Rada representation by the Communist Party of Ukraine.[173] The party has been banned since 2015.

In the Czech Republic, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia came third in the 2002 elections[174] as did the Portuguese Communist Party in 2005.[175]

In South Africa, the South African Communist Party (SACP) is a member of the Tripartite alliance alongside the African National Congress and the Congress of South African Trade Unions. Sri Lanka has communist ministers in their national governments.[citation needed]

In Zimbabwe, former President Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, the country's longstanding leader, was a professed communist.[176][177]

Colombia has been in the midst of a civil war which has been waged since 1966 between the Colombian government and aligned right-wing paramilitaries against two communist guerrilla groups, namely the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia–People's Army (FARC–EP) and the National Liberation Army (ELN).[citation needed]

The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA led by its chairman Bob Avakian currently organizes for a revolution in the United States to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with a socialist state.[178][179]

As of the early 2020s, the Philippines is still experiencing a low-scale guerrilla insurgency by the New People's Army, the armed wing of the outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines. Actions of an armed group likely affiliated with NPA resulted in eight casualties after a gunfight with the Philippine Armed Forces in late March 2021.[180]

See also Edit

References Edit

  1. ^ The exact number of purge victims is unknown by a factor of 10. Estimates range from several million upwards to 20 million. Historian Robert Service believes that 1.5 million were arrested and 200,000 were eventually released. Service, chapter 31, especially p. 356. The lowest estimates by J. Arch Getty et al. give more than 300,000 executions in each of the years 1937 and 1938.[132]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g Lansford, Thomas (2007). Communism. New York: Cavendish Square Publishing. pp. 9–24, 36–44. ISBN 978-0761426288.
  2. ^ a b c Leopold, David (2015). Freeden, Michael; Stears, Marc; Sargent, Lyman Tower (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 20–38. ISBN 978-0198744337.
  3. ^ a b c Schwarzmantle, John (2017). Breuilly, John (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 643–651. ISBN 978-0198768203.
  4. ^ a b MacFarlane, S. Neil (1990). Katz, Mark (ed.). The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 6–11. ISBN 978-0812216202.
  5. ^ a b Ball, Terence; Dagger, Richard, eds. (2019) [1999]. "Communism". Encyclopædia Britannica (revised ed.). Retrieved June 10, 2020.
  6. ^ Djilas, Milovan (1991). "The Legacy of Communism in Eastern Europe". The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs. 15 (1): 83–92. ISSN 1046-1868. JSTOR 45290119.
  7. ^ a b c Dunn, Dennis (2016). A History of Orthodox, Islamic, and Western Christian Political Values. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 126–131. ISBN 978-3319325668.
  8. ^ Shaoguang, Wang. (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on September 9, 2017.
  9. ^ Pierson, Christopher (August 15, 2013). Just Property: A History in the Latin West. Volume One: Wealth, Virtue, and the Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 54. ISBN 978-0-19-967328-5 – via Google Books.
  10. ^ Felluga, Dino (January 1, 2011). "Introductory Guide to Critical Theory - Modules on Marx: On the Stages of Economic Development". Purdue University. Retrieved February 3, 2021.
  11. ^ a b Laidler, Harry W. (July 4, 2013). History of Socialism: An Historical Comparative Study of Socialism, Communism, Utopia. Routledge. p. 17. ISBN 978-1-136-23143-8 – via Google Books.
  12. ^ van Ree 2015, p. 17.
  13. ^ a b c van Ree 2015, p. 19.
  14. ^ Dawson, Doyne (July 9, 1992). Cities of the Gods: Communist Utopias in Greek Thought. Oxford University Press. pp. 37–43. ISBN 978-0-19-536150-6 – via Google Books.
  15. ^ Plato (2001). Plato's Republic, Books 1-10. Agora Publications, Inc. pp. 192–193. ISBN 978-1-887250-25-2 – via Google Books.
  16. ^ Laidler 2013, pp. 12–13.
  17. ^ Plato 2001, pp. 189–191.
  18. ^ American University (Washington, D.C.). Foreign Area Studies (1978). Iran, a Country Study. Department of Defense, Department of the Army. p. 114 – via Google Books.
  19. ^ Busky, Donald F. (2002). Communism in History and Theory: From Utopian socialism to the fall of the Soviet Union. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-275-97748-1 – via Google Books.
  20. ^ a b Service 2007, pp. 14–15.
  21. ^ a b Boer, Roland (March 7, 2019). Red Theology: On the Christian Communist Tradition. Brill. pp. 15–16. ISBN 978-90-04-39477-3 – via Google Books.
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  23. ^ Freeman, Michael (2011). Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Polity Press. p. 19. ISBN 9780745639666 – via Google Books.
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  125. ^ For listings of front organizations in East Asia see Malcolm Kennedy, History of Communism in East Asia (Praeger Publishers, 1957) pp 118, 127-8, 130, 277, 334, 355, 361-7, 374, 415, 421, 424, 429, 439, 444, 457-8, 470, 482.
  126. ^ Large, Stephen S. (2010). Organized Workers and Socialist Politics in Interwar Japan. Cambridge University Press. p. 85. ISBN 9780521136310.
  127. ^ Scalapino, Robert A. (1967). The Japanese Communist Movement 1920-1967. University of California Press. p. 117. ISBN 978-0520011342.
  128. ^ Brown 2009, pp. 62–77.
  129. ^ Service 2007, p. 167.
  130. ^ Brown 2009, pp. 88–90.
  131. ^ Applebaum, Anne (2003). Gulag: A History. Anchor Books. ISBN 978-1400034093.
  132. ^ Getty & Manning 1993.
  133. ^ Getty, J. Arch; Rittersporn, Gábor; Zemskov, Viktor (1993). "Victims of the Soviet penal system in the pre-war years: a first approach on the basis of archival evidence" (PDF). American Historical Review. 98 (4): 1017–1049. doi:10.2307/2166597. JSTOR 2166597. The long-awaited archival evidence on repression in the period of the Great Purges shows that levels of arrests, political prisoners, executions, and general camp populations tend to confirm the orders of magnitude indicated by those labeled as 'revisionists' and mocked by those proposing high estimates.
  134. ^ Wheatcroft, Stephen G. (1999). "Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police: The Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data. Not the Last Word" (PDF). Europe-Asia Studies. 51 (2): 340–342. doi:10.1080/09668139999056. For decades, many historians counted Stalin' s victims in 'tens of millions', which was a figure supported by Solzhenitsyn. Since the collapse of the USSR, the lower estimates of the scale of the camps have been vindicated. The arguments about excess mortality are far more complex than normally believed. R. Conquest, The Great Terror: A Re-assessment (London, 1992) does not really get to grips with the new data and continues to present an exaggerated picture of the repression. The view of the 'revisionists' has been largely substantiated. (Getty & Manning 1993) The popular press, even TLS and The Independent, have contained erroneous journalistic articles that should not be cited in respectable academic articles.
  135. ^ Brown 2009, p. 76.
  136. ^ Kennedy, Malcolm (1957). History of Communism in East Asia. Praeger Publishers. p. 126.
  137. ^ Carew, Anthony (December 1984). "The Schism within the World Federation of Trade Unions: Government and Trade-Union Diplomacy". International Review of Social History. 29 (3): 297–335. doi:10.1017/S002085900000794X. S2CID 145428599.
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  144. ^ Bracke, Maude (2009). Which Socialism, Whose Détente? West European Communism and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968.
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  162. ^ Priestland, David (2009). The Red Flag: A History of Communism. Grove Press. pp. 497–499. ISBN 9780802119247 – via Google Books.
  163. ^ Kinna, Ruth (2012). "Anarchism, Individualism and Communism: William Morris's Critique of Anarcho-communism" (PDF). Libertarian Socialism. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 35–56.
  164. ^ Thatcher, Ian D. (2007). "Left-communism: Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Trotsky compared" (PDF). Twentieth-Century Marxism. Routledge. pp. 42–57.
  165. ^ Price, Wayne (2017). "What is Libertarian Socialism? An Anarchist-Marxist Dialogue" (PDF).
  166. ^ Bartel, Fritz (August 9, 2022), "The Triumph of Broken Promises: The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism", The Triumph of Broken Promises, Harvard University Press, doi:10.4159/9780674275805, ISBN 978-0-674-27580-5, S2CID 249327761, retrieved April 21, 2023
  167. ^ Gatejel, Luminita (2016). "Appealing for a Car: Consumption Policies and Entitlement in the USSR, the GDR, and Romania, 1950s-1980s". Slavic Review. 75 (1): 122–145. doi:10.5612/slavicreview.75.1.122. ISSN 0037-6779. S2CID 203276304.
  168. ^ Lopes, Dawisson Belém; de Faria, Carlos Aurélio Pimenta (January–April 2016). "When Foreign Policy Meets Social Demands in Latin America". Contexto Internacional (Literature review). Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. 38 (1): 11–53. doi:10.1590/S0102-8529.2016380100001. No matter the shades of pink in the Latin American 'pink tide', and recalling that political change was not the norm for the whole region during that period, there seems to be greater agreement when it comes to explaining its emergence. In terms of this canonical interpretation, the left turn should be understood as a feature of general redemocratisation in the region, which is widely regarded as an inevitable result of the high levels of inequality in the region.
  169. ^ Abbott, Jared. . Democratic Socialists of America. Archived from the original on April 6, 2017. Retrieved April 5, 2017.
  170. ^ Oikonomakis, Leonidas (March 16, 2015). "Europe's pink tide? Heeding the Latin American experience". The Press Project. Retrieved April 5, 2017.
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  173. ^ . Interfax-Ukraine. November 8, 2014. Archived from the original on November 12, 2014.
  174. ^ "Election for the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 14. - 15.6.2002". volby.cz.
  175. ^ "Comissão Nacional de Eleições" [National Election Commission] (PDF). Diário da República — I Série-a (in Portuguese) (55): 2437–2438. March 18, 2005.
  176. ^ Smith, David (May 24, 2013). . The Guardian. Johannesburg. Archived from the original on February 18, 2022.
  177. ^ . PBS. Archived from the original on March 8, 2021.
  178. ^ Revolutionary Communist Party (2010). Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America: (Draft Proposal). R C P Publications. ISBN 9780898510072.
  179. ^ Scott, Dylan (August 21, 2014). "What the Heck is the Revolutionary Communist Party' Doing In Ferguson?". Talking Points Memo. Retrieved March 21, 2019.
  180. ^ "Philippine Military Kills 8 Suspected NPA Rebels in Firefight". Benar News. Retrieved March 27, 2021.

Bibliography Edit

Further reading Edit

  • Borkenau, Franz. World communism; a history of the Communist International (1938) online
  • Crozier, Brian. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire (1999), long detailed popular history
  • Davin, Delia (2013). Mao: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP. ISBN 9780191654039.
  • Deakin, F. W. ed. A history of world communism (1975) online
  • Furet, François. The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century (1999).
  • Garver, John W. China's Quest: The History of the Foreign Relations of the People's Republic (2nd ed. 2018) comprehensive scholarly history. excerpt
  • Harvey, Robert, A Short History of Communism (2004), ISBN 0-312-32909-1.
  • Kotkin, Stephen. Stalin, Volume I: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928 (2014) highly detailed scholarly biography; vol 2 Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941 (2017)
  • Pathak, Rakesh, and Yvonne Berliner. Communism in Crisis 1976-89 (2012)
  • Pipes, Richard. Communism: A History (2003)
  • Pons, Silvio and Robert Service, eds. A Dictionary of 20th-Century Communism (Princeton University Press, 2010). 944 pp. ISBN 978-0-691-13585-4 online review
  • Priestland, David. The Red Flag: A History of Communism (2010)
  • Sandle, Mark. Communism (2nd ed. 2011), short introduction
  • Service, Robert. Lenin: A Biography (2000) excerpt and text search; also online
  • Service, Robert. Stalin (2005) online
  • Seton-Watson, Hugh. From Lenin to Khrushchev, the history of world communism (1954) online
  • Taubman, William. Khrushchev: The Man and His Era (2004) excerpt and text search; also complete text
  • Taubman, William. Gorbachev: His Life and Times (2018)
  • Tucker, Robert C. Stalin as Revolutionary, 1879-1929 (1973); Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1929-1941. (1990) online edition a standard biography;
  • Ulam, Adam B. Expansion and Coexistence: Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-73 (1974) online
Primary sources
  • Daniels, Robert V., ed. A Documentary History of Communism in Russia: From Lenin to Gorbachev (1993)
  • Daniels, Robert V. ed. A Documentary History of Communism: Communism and the World (1985)
  • Gruber, Helmut. International Communism in the Era of Lenin: A Documentary History (1967)
  • Mapping the fall of communism

history, communism, history, communism, encompasses, wide, variety, ideologies, political, movements, sharing, core, theoretical, values, common, ownership, wealth, economic, enterprise, property, most, modern, forms, communism, grounded, least, nominally, mar. The history of communism encompasses a wide variety of ideologies and political movements sharing the core theoretical values of common ownership of wealth economic enterprise and property 1 Most modern forms of communism are grounded at least nominally in Marxism a theory and method conceived by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels during the 19th century 2 Marxism subsequently gained a widespread following across much of Europe and throughout the late 1800s its militant supporters were instrumental in a number of failed revolutions on that continent 1 During the same era there was also a proliferation of communist parties which rejected armed revolution but embraced the Marxist ideal of collective property and a classless society 1 Although Marxist theory suggested that the places ripest for social revolution either through peaceful transition or by force of arms were industrial societies communism was mostly successful in underdeveloped countries with endemic poverty such as the Russian Empire and the Republic of China 2 In 1917 the Bolshevik Party seized power during the Russian Revolution and in 1922 created the Soviet Union the world s first self declared socialist state 3 The Bolsheviks thoroughly embraced the concept of proletarian internationalism and world revolution seeing their struggle as an international rather than a purely regional cause 2 3 This was to have a phenomenal impact on the spread of communism during the 20th century as the Soviet Union installed new Marxist Leninist governments in Central and Eastern Europe following World War II and indirectly backed the ascension of others in the Americas Asia and Africa 1 Pivotal to this policy was the Communist International also known as the Comintern formed with the perspective of aiding and assisting communist parties around the world and fostering revolution 3 This was one major cause of tensions during the Cold War as the United States and its military allies equated the global spread of communism with Soviet expansionism by proxy 4 By 1985 one third of the world s population lived under a Marxist Leninist system of government in one form or another 1 However there was significant debate among communist and Marxist ideologues as to whether most of these countries could be meaningfully considered Marxist at all since many of the basic components of the Marxist system were altered and revised by such countries 4 The failure of these governments to live up to the ideal of a communist society their general trend towards increasing authoritarianism their bureaucracy and the inherent inefficiencies in their economies has been linked to the decline of communism in the late 20th century 1 5 6 With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 several Marxist Leninist states repudiated or abolished the ideology altogether 7 As of the 21st century only a small number of Marxist Leninist states remain namely China Cuba Laos North Korea and Vietnam 1 8 With the exception of North Korea all of these states have started allowing more economic competition while maintaining one party rule 5 Contents 1 Origins of communism 1 1 Communism in antiquity 1 2 Developments in Christian communism 1 3 Communism during the Enlightenment 1 4 Post French Revolution communism 1 5 Marxism 1 5 1 Karl Marx 1 5 2 Early development of Marxism 2 Periodisation of international communism of 1893 3 Early socialist states 1917 1944 3 1 Russian Revolution Leninism and formation of the Soviet Union 3 2 Comintern Mongolian invasion and communist uprisings in Europe 3 3 Front organisations 3 4 Stalinism 3 4 1 Great Purge 3 5 Pre war dissident communists 4 Spreading communism 1945 1957 4 1 Soviet Union after World War II 4 2 Eastern Europe 4 2 1 Hungarian Revolution of 1956 4 2 2 Prague Spring of 1968 4 3 West Germany 4 4 China 4 4 1 Great Leap Forward 4 4 2 Early post war dissident communists 5 Cold War and revisionism 1958 1979 5 1 Maoism and Cultural Revolution in China 5 2 Cuban Revolution 5 3 African communism 5 4 Eurocommunism 5 5 Other forms 6 End of the Eastern Bloc 1980 1992 6 1 Reform and collapse 1980 1992 7 Contemporary communism 1993 present 8 See also 9 References 9 1 Bibliography 10 Further readingOrigins of communism EditCommunism in antiquity Edit Further information Pre Marxist communism Primitive communism and Religious communism nbsp The 1st century BC Roman philosopher Seneca believed that humans had fallen from a Golden Age of primitive communism 9 Many historical groups have been considered as following forms of communism Karl Marx and other early communist theorists believed that hunter gatherer societies as were found in the Paleolithic through to horticultural societies as found in the Chalcolithic were essentially egalitarian and he therefore termed their ideology to be primitive communism 10 One of the first writers to espouse a belief in the primitive communism of the past was the Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca who stated How happy was the primitive age when the bounties of nature lay in common They held all nature in common which gave them secure possession of the public wealth 11 Because of this he believed that such primitive societies were the richest as there was no poverty 11 Other Greco Roman writers that believed in a prehistoric humanity that practiced communism include Diodorus Siculus Virgil and Ovid 12 Similarly the early Church Fathers like their pagan predecessors maintained that humans society had declined to its current state from a now lost egalitarian social order 13 Around the late 5th century BC in Ancient Greece ideas similar to communism were becoming widespread to the extent that they were parodied by the dramatist Aristophanes in his comedy The Assemblywomen in which the women of Athens seize control of the Ecclesia or city government and abolish all private property while making the sharing of women and the collective rearing of children mandatory 14 Over a decade later in Plato s Republic Socrates declares that an ideal state would eliminate all forms of private property among the elite of society to the extent that even children and wives are shared 15 16 He asserts that such practices would prevent internal conflict within a society and promote a sense of unity and common identity 17 Around AD 500 in Iran the Zoroastrian priest and reformist Mazdak purportedly founded a movement preaching religious communism while under the patronage of the Sassanian King Kavad I who initially supported the priest and his reforms but later had the Mazdakians repressed and Mazdak executed 18 Developments in Christian communism Edit Main article Christian communism Early Christianity supported a form of common ownership based on the teachings in the New Testament which emphasised sharing 13 For example in the Book of Acts the passages Acts 2 44 45 and Acts 4 32 37 state all believers held their possessions communally and would distribute goods based on need 19 Additionally the related Jewish sect known as the Essenes was committed to social and material egalitarianism 20 Despite these practices falling into decline even before the Christianization of the Roman Empire the principles of sharing property and holding goods in common continued within the Christian traditions of monasticism 13 20 From the High Middle Ages to the early modern period in Europe various groups supporting Christian communist and communalist ideas were occasionally adopted by reformist Christian sects An early 12th century proto Protestant group originating in Lyon Kingdom of Burgundy Arles known as the Waldensians held their property in common in accordance with the Book of Acts but were persecuted by the Catholic Church and retreated to the Piedmont 21 Some Waldensians led a schism after they felt the group s leader was becoming authoritarian 22 With the rise of the Mendicant Orders in the 13th century groups such as the Franciscans began challenging the concept of private property to the extent it had to be defended by Pope John XXII in his 1328 papal bull Quia vir reprobus in which he ruled that because God had gifted Adam with the Earth as his domain the ownership of property was divinely sanctioned 23 24 Also beginning in the 13th century a lay order known as the Beghards originating in the Low Countries started to spread among the underprivileged groups of society taking in members who renounced private property and dedicated themselves to communal living and pious frugal lifestyles as artisans 25 26 Although the practices were successful enough to spread to other areas on the continent such as France and Germany the Beghards were later repeatedly condemned by the Catholic Church 27 25 Around 1300 the Apostolic Brethren in northern Italy were taken over by Fra Dolcino who formed a sect known as the Dulcinians which advocated ending feudalism dissolving hierarchies in the church and holding all property in common 21 The 14th century English scholastic and founder of Lollardy John Wycliffe preached of an idealized Christian state with collective ownership and disapproved of those rejecting the common charity and common property of Christian men 28 29 30 54 Around the same time the revolutionary priest John Ball who was later executed for his prominent role in the doomed Wat Tyler Rebellion allegedly declared things cannot go well in England nor ever will until all goods are held in common 31 nbsp Tommaso Campanella s Civitas Solis envisoned a utopian city where private property is abolished 32 In Tabor Bohemia during the 15th century Hussite Wars the radical Taborites attempted to institute a system they called a community of goods where there is no mine or thine but all is held in common but once initiated the scheme was quickly abandoned 33 34 They have been considered precursors of totalitarian governance while under leadership of the dictatorial Jan Zelivsky 35 36 37 38 After Taborite power was broken at Lipany their successors fled to Moravia forming the Moravian Church under the pacifist spiritual leader Petr Chelcicky who harbored both Christian communist and Christian anarchist beliefs 30 39 The extent to which Chelcicky s followers also known as the Bohemian Brethren adhered to his ideals namely the abstinence from property trade and government is disputed and by the 16th century the Brethren definitely no longer embraced them 30 40 During the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century the radical Anabaptists who originated in Switzerland endorsed the communalization of goods as practiced in the Book of Acts 41 The most notable Anabaptist groups were the Hutterites founded by Jacob Hutter who settled in Moravia in the 1520s and the Munster Anabaptists who were eradicated in battle during their attempt in 1535 to forcibly convert the city of Munster into a theocratic New Jerusalem 41 Various groups on the side of the Roundheads during the English Civil War in the mid 17th century propagated the redistribution of wealth on an egalitarian basis namely the Levellers and the Diggers although only the latter group under Gerrard Winstanley promoted a propertyless communist society 42 43 European writers began depicting idealized communist societies in utopian fiction from the 16th century onward Inspired by largely fictional accounts of native communities in the New World the English humanist and future Lord Chancellor Thomas More wrote the utopian novel Utopia 1516 in which the main character decries private property after traveling to an idyllic island without money or private property and where everything is under state control 44 45 46 More coined the term utopia as a name for his idealized community which means nowhere in Latin evincing the fact that More did not consider such a society attainable in reality Tommaso Campanella s 1601 work The City of the Sun propagated the concept of a society where the products of society should be shared equally 47 In Campanella s utopia all people are well educated there is only a four hour work day there is no private property the population practices eugenics to improve mental and physical fitness most time is devoted to either leisure or self improvement and society is managed by a ruling scientist who bases his administration on scientific principles all in the interest of benefiting society as a whole 43 48 Utopian communist societies were also described by the French writers Francois Fenelon and Denis Vairasse while English writer Francis Bacon wrote of a utopia that merely had a communism in knowledge 49 50 Communism during the Enlightenment Edit During the Age of Enlightenment in 18th century France some liberal writers increasingly began to criticize the institution of private property even to the extent they demanded its abolition 51 One of the first secular visions for a communist society is contained within the French Catholic abbe Jean Meslier s posthumously published Testament 1729 43 52 Similarly the Abbe de Mably also a French philosopher wrote that the individual ownership of land was the source of all mischief and that wealthy inequality brought about social ruin that could only be reversed by adopting a society based on collective ownership 53 54 He did however temper his views by surmising that any attempts at enacting true equality and communal ownership would prove to be too costly and destructive to be worth implementing 55 Another French thinker Etienne Gabriel Morelly also contended that private property was the source of all vice in society and developed the basic principles for a communist society namely the abolition of property the right to live and work for all and the duty of all citizens to work for the common good 53 55 The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in his hugely influential The Social Contract 1762 outlined the basis for a political order based on popular sovereignty rather than the rule of monarchs and in his Discourse on Inequality 1755 inveighed against the corrupting effects of private property claiming that the invention of private property had led to the crimes wars murders and suffering that plagued civilization 56 57 I believe that no one will contest the justness of this proposition that where no property exists none of its pernicious consequences could exist if you were to take away property the blind and pitiless self interest that accompanies it you would cause all the prejudices in errors that they sustain to collapse Etienne Gabriel Morelly 1755 58 nbsp Victor d Hupay referred to himself as an auteur communiste or communist author in 1782 59 nbsp Restif de la Bretonne used the term communism in 1793 to describe a society where all private property was eliminated 60 In 1785 the popular French novelist Restif de la Bretonne wrote a book review on Victor d Hupay s 1779 book Project for a Philosophical Community which described a plan for a communal experiment in Marseille where all private property was banned and which could be considered the first full blueprint for a secular communist society in the world 59 61 In the review Restif noted that d Hupay had referred to himself as a communiste the French form of the word communist in a 1782 letter the first recorded instance of that term 59 Restif himself wrote many novels centered around the idea of eliminating private property first using the term community of goods in 1783 and then the term communism in 1793 rendered in French as communisme 60 62 nbsp Francois Noel Babeuf was a notable advocate for the abolition of private property during the French Revolution 63 These currents of thought in French philosophy proved influential during the French Revolution of 1789 in which various anti monarchists particularly the Jacobins supported the idea of redistributing wealth equally among the people including Jean Paul Marat and Gracchus Babeuf The latter was involved in the Conspiracy of the Equals of 1796 intending to establish a revolutionary regime based on communal ownership egalitarianism and the redistribution of property 64 Babeuf was directly influenced by Morelly s anti property utopian novel The Code of Nature and quoted it extensively although he was under the erroneous impression it was written by Diderot 58 Also during the revolution the publisher Nicholas Bonneville the founder of the Parisian revolutionary Social Club used his printing press to spread the communist treatises of Restif and Sylvain Marechal 65 Marechal who later joined Babeuf s conspiracy would state in his Manifesto of the Equals 1796 we aim at something more sublime and more just the COMMON GOOD or the COMMUNITY OF GOODS and The French Revolution is just a precursor of another revolution far greater far more solemn which will be the last 66 Restif also continued to write and publish books on the topic of communism throughout the Revolution 60 Accordingly through their egalitarian programs and agitation Restif Marechal and Babeuf became the progenitors of modern communism 67 Babeuf s plot was detected however and he and several others involved were arrested and executed Because of his views and methods Babeuf is sometimes referred to as the first revolutionary communist although at the time Babeuf himself used the term communitist 68 62 Despite this setback the example of the French Revolutionary regime and Babeuf s doomed insurrection was an inspiration for French socialist thinkers such as Henri de Saint Simon Louis Blanc Charles Fourier and Pierre Joseph Proudhon 69 Proudhon the founder of modern anarchism and libertarian socialism would later famously declare property is theft a phrase first invented by the French revolutionary Brissot de Warville 70 Post French Revolution communism Edit Importantly because one of Babeuf s co conspirators Philippe Buonarroti survived the crackdown on the Conspiracy of the Equals he was able later in his life to write the influential book Babeuf s Conspiracy for Equality first published in 1828 which chronicled and popularized Babeouf s beliefs 71 In it Buonarroti asserted that in society burdens productions and advantages ought to be equally divided and believed that this division would lead to the greatest possible happiness of all 72 Bournatti s writings led to a revival of Babeuf s thought in France and the dissemination of political theories referred to as Neo Babouvism According to Bournatti s Neo Babouvism a revolutionary elite of wise and courageous citizens who cared only for ensuring the triumph of equality would be needed to uplift the masses and establish a new society based on egalitarian principles 73 By the 1830s and 1840s the egalitarian concepts of communism and the related ideas of socialism had become widely popular in French revolutionary circles thanks to the writings of social critics and philosophers such as Pierre Leroux and Theodore Dezamy whose critiques of bourgeoisie liberalism and individualism led to a widespread intellectual rejection of laissez faire capitalism on economic philosophical and moral grounds 74 According to Leroux writing in 1832 To recognise no other aim than individualism is to deliver the lower classes to brutal exploitation The proletariat is no more than a revival of antique slavery He also asserted that private ownership of the means of production allowed for the exploitation of the lower classes and that private property was a concept divorced from human dignity 74 Dezamy would assert in his 1842 book Code la Communate that what was needed was a complete and unrestricted society of communal property in which all activity was centralized 75 The systematic historical and materialist analysis of the nature of communism in Dezamy s work led Marx to consider him among the first scientific socialists along with Jules Gay 76 It was only in the year 1840 that proponents of common ownership in France including the socialists Theodore Dezamy Etienne Cabet and Jean Jacques Pillot began to widely adopt the word communism as a term for their belief system 77 A landmark event that established the popularity of the communist movement in France occurred in 1840 when Dezamy along with Pillot and Albert Laponneraye organized a pro communist banquet in Belleville France the first public manifestation of the communist party in France which proved so successful that further planned communist banquets had to be outlawed by the French government 78 61 Also in 1840 a society of Egalitarian Workers following a communist program was founded in Paris and a general strike was called whose leaders were reportedly inspired by communist ideals 78 During the 1840s Etienne Cabet had a following of between 100 000 and 200 000 French workers and was considered by Friedrich Engels to be the representative of the French proletariat 79 One of the most prominent and influential French communists of the 1840s was Auguste Blanqui who was notable for his belief that violent revolutionary action should be used to overthrow the bourgeosie dominated state 80 In Blanqui s estimation a revolution would be most successful if it was executed by a small secretive group which could then install a dictatorship of the proletariat 80 Dezamy disagreed with any program endorsing a dictatorship believing instead that the chief focus should be on cultivating proletarian unity through propaganda and education 73 The works and teachings of these French writers many now self identifying as communists went on to inspire new communist groups such as the League of the Just an organization founded in Paris in 1836 by the Christian communist German emigres Wilhelm Weitling and Karl Schapper 81 A second group the Communist Correspondence Committee was formed in Brussels in 1846 by another pair of German emigres Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 82 The two groups were merged in 1847 to form the Communist League which was headed by Schapper who then proceeded to task the co founding members Marx and Engels with writing a manifesto laying out the principles of the new political party 83 84 Marxism Edit Main article Marxism Karl Marx Edit Main article Karl Marx Communism is the riddle of history solved and it knows itself to be this solution Karl Marx 1844 85 nbsp Karl Marx whose variety of communist theory is known as MarxismIn the 1840s German philosopher and sociologist Karl Marx who was living in England after fleeing the authorities in Prussia where he was considered a political threat began publishing books in which he outlined his theories for a variety of communism now known as Marxism Marx was financially aided and supported by another German emigre Friedrich Engels 1820 1895 who like Marx had fled from the German authorities in 1849 86 Marx and Engels took on many influences from earlier socialists such as the Utopian socialist Saint Simonist school 87 Politically they were influenced by Maximilien Robespierre and several other radical figures of the French Revolution whilst economically they were influenced by David Ricardo 88 89 Philosophically they were influenced by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 90 Engels regularly met Marx at Chetham s Library in Manchester England from 1845 and the alcove where they met remains identical to this day 91 92 It was here that Engels relayed his experiences of industrial Manchester chronicled in the Condition of the Working Class in England highlighting the struggles of the working class Marx stated that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles something that he believed was happening between the bourgeoisie the select few upper class and upper middle class who then controlled society and the proletariat the working class masses who toiled to produce everything but who had no political control He advanced the idea that human society moved through a series of progressive stages from primitive communism through to slavery feudalism and then capitalism and that this in turn would be replaced by communism For Marx communism was seen as inevitable yet uncertain and desirable Marx founded the Communist Correspondence Committee in 1846 through which the various communists socialists and other leftists across Europe could keep in contact with one another in the face of political repression He then published The Communist Manifesto in 1848 which would prove to be one of the most influential communist texts ever written He subsequently began work on a multi volume epic that would examine and criticise the capitalist economy and the effect that it had upon politics society and philosophy the first volume of the work which was known as Capital Critique of Political Economy was published in 1869 However Marx and Engels were not only interested in writing about communism as they were also active in supporting revolutionary activity that would lead to the creation of communist governments across Europe They helped to found the International Workingmen s Association which would later become known as the First International to unite various communists and socialists with Marx being elected to the Association s General Council 93 Marx summarized his system with the slogan From each according to his ability to each according to his needs 94 This phrasing used to formulate the principles of communism is borrowed from earlier socialist political activists such as August Becker and Louis Blanc 95 96 97 Early development of Marxism Edit During the latter half of the 19th century various left wing organisations across Europe continued to campaign against the many autocratic right wing regimes that were then in power In France socialists set up a government known as the Paris Commune after the fall of Napoleon III in 1871 but they were soon overthrown and many of their members executed by counter revolutionaries 98 Meanwhile Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels joined the German Social Democratic Party which had been created in 1875 but which was outlawed in 1879 by the German government then led by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck who deemed it to be a political threat due to its revolutionary nature and increasing number of supporters 99 In 1890 the party was re legalised and by this time it had fully adopted Marxist principles It subsequently achieved a fifth of the vote in the German elections and some of its leaders such as August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht became well known public figures 100 The communists disdain to conceal their views and aims They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains They have a world to win Karl Marx 1848 101 At the time Marxism took off not only in Germany but it also gained popularity in Hungary the Habsburg monarchy and the Netherlands although it did not achieve such success in other European nations like the United Kingdom where Marx and Engels had been based 102 Nonetheless the new political ideology had gained sufficient support that an organisation was founded known as the Second International to unite the various Marxist groups around the world 103 As Marxism took off it also began to come under criticism from other European intellectuals including fellow socialists and leftists For instance the Russian collectivist anarchist Mikhail Bakunin criticised what he believed were the flaws in the Marxian theory that the state would eventually dissolve under a Marxist government instead he believed that the state would gain in power and become authoritarian Criticism also came from other sociologists such as the German Max Weber who whilst admiring Marx disagreed with many of his assumptions on the nature of society Some Marxists tried to adapt to these criticisms and the changing nature of capitalism and Eduard Bernstein emphasised the idea of Marxists bringing legal challenges against the current administrations over the treatment of the working classes rather than simply emphasising violent revolution as more orthodox Marxists did Other Marxists opposed Bernstein and other revisionists with many including Karl Kautsky Otto Bauer Rudolf Hilferding Rosa Luxemburg Vladimir Lenin and Georgi Plekhanov sticking steadfast to the concept of violently overthrowing what they saw as the bourgeoisie controlled government and instead establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat Periodisation of international communism of 1893 EditThe historical existence of the Communist International Comintern and the broader communist movement is divided among periods regarding changes in the general policy it followed 104 105 106 107 108 The War Communism period 1918 1921 which saw the forming of the International the Russian Civil War a general revolutionary upheaval after the October Revolution resulting in the formation of the first communist parties across the world and the defeat of workers revolutionary movements in Germany Hungary Finland and Poland The New Economic Policy period 1921 1929 which marked the end of the civil war in Russia and new economic measures taken by the Bolshevik government the toning down of the revolutionary wave in Europe and internal struggles within the Bolshevik Party and the Comintern after Lenin s death and before Stalin s absolute consolidation of power The Third Period 1929 1934 an ultra left turn which saw rapid industrialization and collectivization in the Soviet Union under Stalin s rule the refusal by communists to cooperate with social democrats in other countries labeling them social fascists and the ultimate rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany which led to the abandonment of the hard line policy of this period These years also saw the complete subordination of all communist parties across the world to the directives of the All Union Communist Party Bolsheviks making the Comintern more or less an organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union The Popular Front period 1934 1939 which marked the call by Comintern to all popular and democratic forces not just communist to unite in popular fronts against fascism Products of this period were the popular front governments in the French Third Republic and the Second Spanish Republic However this period was also marked by widespread purges of anyone suspected as an enemy of the Stalinist regime both in the Soviet Union and abroad These mass purges resulted in the breaking up of the Popular Front in Spain amidst the Spanish Civil War and the fall of Spain to Francisco Franco The period of advocating peace 1939 1941 a result of the signing of the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact which resulted in the Soviet invasion of Poland In this period communists were advocating non participation in World War II labeling the war as imperialist The term revolutionary defeatism was used by Comintern in this period to refer to anti war propaganda by communists in Western Europe against their national governments The Eastern Front period sometimes called the Second Popular Front 1941 1943 was the last period of the Comintern starting immediately after the German invasion of the Soviet Union with Stalin s 3 July 1941 call to the entire free world to unite and fight Nazism by all means This was a period of militant anti fascism the emergence of national liberation movements all across occupied Europe and ultimately the dissolution of the Comintern in 1943 The Early Cold War 1947 1960 in which the Soviet Union and the Red Army installed the Eastern Bloc communist regimes in most of Eastern Europe except for Yugoslavia and Albania which had independent communist regimes A major effort to support communist party activity in Western democracies especially the Italian Communist Party and the French Communist Party fell short of gaining positions in the government The Late Cold War 1960 1970s in which China turned against the Soviet Union and organized alternative communist parties in many countries Intense attention was given to revolutionary movements in the Third World which were successful in some places such as Cuba and Vietnam Communism was decisively defeated in other states including Malaya and Indonesia In 1972 1979 there was detente between the Soviet Union and the United States The end of communism in Europe 1980 1992 in which Soviet client states were heavily on the defensive as in Afghanistan and Nicaragua The United States escalated the conflict with very heavy military spending After a series of short lived leaders Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Kremlin and began a policy of glasnost and perestroika designed to revive the stagnating Soviet economy European satellites led by Poland grew increasingly independent and in 1989 they all expelled the communist leadership East Germany merged into West Germany with Moscow s approval At the end of 1991 the Soviet Union itself was dissolved into non communist independent states Many communist parties around the world either collapsed or became independent non communist entities However China North Korea Laos Vietnam and Cuba maintained communist regimes After 1980 China adopted a market oriented economy that welcomed large scale trade and friendly relations with the United States Early socialist states 1917 1944 EditRussian Revolution Leninism and formation of the Soviet Union Edit Main article Russian Revolution At the start of the 20th century the Russian Empire was an autocracy controlled by Tsar Nicholas II with millions of the country s largely agrarian population living in abject poverty The anti communist historian Robert Service noted that poverty and oppression constituted the best soil for Marxism to grow in 109 The man most responsible for introducing the ideology into the country was Georgi Plekhanov although the movement itself was largely organised by Vladimir Lenin who had for a time been exiled to a prison camp in Siberia by the Tsarist government for his beliefs 110 A Marxist group known as the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party was formed in the country although it soon divided into two main factions namely the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and the Mensheviks led by Julius Martov In 1905 there was a revolution against the Tsar s rule in which workers councils known as soviets were formed in many parts of the country and the Tsar was forced to implement democratic reform introducing an elected government the Duma 111 In 1917 with further social unrest against the Duma and its part in involving Russia in World War I the Bolsheviks took power in the October Revolution They began remodelling the country by nationalizing various industries and confiscating land from wealthy aristocrats and redistributing it amongst the peasants They subsequently pulled out of the war against Germany by signing the Treaty of Brest Litovsk which was unpopular amongst many in Russia for it gave away large areas of land to Germany From the outset the new government faced resistance from a myriad of forces with differing perspectives including anarchists social democrats who took power in the Democratic Republic of Georgia Socialist Revolutionaries who formed the Komuch in Samara Russia scattered tsarist resistance forces known as the White Guard as well as Western powers This led to the events of the Russian Civil War which the Bolsheviks won and subsequently consolidated their power over the entire country centralising power from the Kremlin in the capital city of Moscow In the early 1920s Lenin began recruiting black workers accusing American political parties of not doing more to campaign for black civil rights A handful of African American activists were fascinated by communism and Cyril Briggs led an organization called African Blood Brotherhood 112 In 1922 the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic was officially redesignated to lead the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics simply known as the Soviet Union In 1924 Lenin resigned as leader of the Soviet Union due to poor health and soon died with Joseph Stalin subsequently taking over control Comintern Mongolian invasion and communist uprisings in Europe Edit Main articles Communist International Soviet intervention in Mongolia and Revolutions of 1917 1923 nbsp The Communist International published a theoretical magazine of the same name in a variety of European languages from 1919 to 1943In 1919 the Bolshevik government in Russia instigated the creation of an international communist organisation that would act as the Third International after the collapse of the Second International in 1916 This was known as the Communist International although it was commonly abbreviated as the Comintern Throughout its existence the Comintern would be dominated by the Kremlin despite its internationalist stance Meanwhile in 1921 the Soviet Union invaded its neighboring Mongolia to aid a popular uprising against the Chinese who then controlled the country instituting a pro Soviet government which declared the nation to be the Mongolian People s Republic in 1924 113 The Comintern and other such Soviet backed communist groups soon spread across much of the world though particularly in Europe where the influence of the recent Russian Revolution was still strong In Germany the Spartacist uprising took place in 1919 when armed Spartacus League communists attempted to set up a Bolshevik style council republic but the government put the rebellion down violently with the use of right wing paramilitary groups the Freikorps The noted German communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were killed extrajudicially three days later 114 Within a few months a group of communists seized power amongst public unrest in the German region of Bavaria forming the Bavarian Soviet Republic although once more this was put down violently by the Freikorps who historians believe killed around 1 200 communists and their sympathisers 115 That same year political turmoil in Hungary following their defeat in World War I led to a coalition government of the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party taking control The Hungarian Communist Party led by Bela Kun soon became dominant and instituted various communist reforms in the country but the country itself was subsequently invaded by its neighbouring Romania within a matter of months who overthrew the government with its leaders either escaping abroad or being executed 116 In 1921 a communist revolt against the Kingdom of Italy occurred whilst supportive factory workers were on strike in Turin and Milan in northern Italy but the government acted swiftly and put down the rebellion 117 That same year a further communist rebellion took place in the Weimar Republic only to be crushed but another occurred in 1923 which which once again was also defeated by the government 118 The Bulgarian Communist Party had also attempted an uprising in 1923 but like most of their counterparts across Europe they were defeated 119 Front organisations Edit Main article Communist front Communist parties were tight knit organizations that exerted tight control over the members To reach sympathisers unwilling to join the party front organizations were created that advocated party approved positions Under the leadership of Grigory Zinoviev in the Kremlin the Comintern established fronts in many countries in the 1920s and after To coordinate their activities the Comintern set up various international umbrella organizations linking groups across national borders such as the Young Communist International youth Profintern trade unions 120 Krestintern peasants International Red Aid humanitarian aid and Red Sport International organized sports among others In Europe front organizations were especially influential in Italy 121 and France which became the base for Communist front organizer Willi Munzenberg in 1933 122 These organizations were dissolved by the late 1930s or early 1940s The Pan Pacific Trade Union Secretariat PPTUS was set up in 1927 by the Profintern the Comintern s trade union arm with the mission of promoting communist trade unions in China Japan Korea the Philippines Australia New Zealand and other nations in the western Pacific 123 Trapeznik 2009 says the PPTUS was a Communist front organization and engaged in overt and covert political agitation in addition to a number of clandestine activities 124 There were numerous communist front organizations in Asia many oriented to students and youth 125 According to one historian in the labor union movement of the 1920s in Japan the Hyogikai never called itself a communist front but in effect this was what it was He points out it was repressed by the government along with other communist front groups 126 In the 1950s Scalapino argues The primary Communist front organization was the Japan Peace Committee It was founded in 1949 127 Stalinism Edit Main articles Stalinism and First five year plan nbsp Members of the Communist Party of China celebrating Stalin s birthday in 1949In 1924 Joseph Stalin a key Bolshevik follower of Lenin took power in the Soviet Union 128 Stalin was supported in his leadership by Nikolai Bukharin but he had various important opponents in the government most notably Lev Kamenev Leon Trotsky and Grigory Zinoviev Stalin initiated his own process of building a communist society creating a variant of communism known as Marxism Leninism As a part of this he abandoned some of the capitalist market policies that had been allowed to continue under Lenin such as the New Economic Policy Stalinist policies radically altered much of the Soviet Union s agricultural production modernising it by introducing tractors and other machinery forced collectivisation of the farms and forced collection of grains from the peasants in accordance with predecided targets There was food available for industrial workers but those peasants who refused to move starved especially in Kazakhstan and Ukraine The All Union Communist Party Bolsheviks targeted kulaks who owned a little land Stalin took control of the Comintern and introduced a policy in the international organisation of opposing all leftists who were not Marxist Leninists labelling them to be social fascists although many communists such as Jules Humbert Droz disagreed with him on this policy believing that the left should unite against the rise of right wing movements like fascism across Europe 129 In the early 1930s Stalin reversed course and promoted popular front movements whereby communist parties would collaborate with socialists and other political forces A high priority was mobilizing wide support for the Republican cause in the Spanish Civil War 130 Great Purge Edit Main article Great Purge The Great Purge mainly operated from December 1936 to November 1938 although the features of arrest and summary trial followed by execution were well entrenched in the Soviet system since the days of Lenin as Stalin systematically destroyed the older generation of pre 1918 leaders Stalin did so usually under the justification that the accused were enemy spies or deemed enemies of the people in the Red Army a majority of generals were executed and hundreds of thousands of other enemies of the people were sent to the gulag where inhumane conditions in Siberia led a quick death 131 a The opening of the Soviet archives has vindicated the lower estimates put forth by the revisionist school scholars 133 despite the popular press continuing to use higher estimates and containing serious errors 134 By 2009 historian Archie Brown reported that estimates were now lower about 1 7 million were arrested in 1937 1938 and half were shot 135 Pre war dissident communists Edit The International Right Opposition and Trotskyism are examples of dissidents who still claim communism today but they are not the only ones In Germany the split in the SPD had initially led to a variety of Communist unions and parties forming which included the councilist tendencies of the AAU D AAU E and KAPD Councilism had a limited impact outside of Germany but a number of international organisations formed In Spain a fusion of left and right dissidents led to the formation of the POUM Additionally the Spanish CNT was associated with the development of the FAI political party a non Marxist party which stood for revolutionary communism Spreading communism 1945 1957 EditAs the Cold War took effect around 1947 the Kremlin set up new international coordination bodies including the World Federation of Democratic Youth the International Union of Students the World Federation of Trade Unions the Women s International Democratic Federation and the World Peace Council Malcolm Kennedy says the Communist front system included such international organizations as the WFTU WFDY IUS WIDF and WPC besides a host of lesser bodies bringing journalists lawyers scientists doctors and others into the widespread net 136 The World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU was established in 1945 to unite trade union confederations across the world and it was based in Prague While it had non communist unions it was largely dominated by the Soviets In 1949 the British American and other non Communist unions broke away to form the rival International Confederation of Free Trade Unions The labor movement in Europe became so polarized between the communists unions and social democratic and Christian labor unions whereas front operations could no longer hide the sponsorship and they became less important 137 Soviet Union after World War II Edit Main article History of the Soviet Union 1953 1964 The devastation of the war resulted in a massive recovery program involving the rebuilding of industrial plants housing and transportation as well as the demobilization and migration of millions of soldiers and civilians In the midst of this turmoil during the winter of 1946 1947 the Soviet Union experienced the worst natural famine in the 20th century 138 There was no serious opposition to Stalin as the NKVD secret police continued to send possible suspects to the gulag Relations with the United States and Britain went from friendly to hostile as they denounced Stalin s political controls over eastern Europe and his blockade of Berlin By 1947 the Cold War had begun Stalin himself believed that capitalism was a hollow shell and would crumble under increased non military pressure exerted through proxies in countries like Italy However he greatly underestimated the economic strength of the West and instead of triumph saw the West build up alliances that were designed to permanently stop or contain Soviet expansion In early 1950 Stalin gave the go ahead for North Korea s invasion of South Korea expecting a short war He was stunned when the Americans entered and defeated the North Koreans putting them almost on the Soviet border Stalin supported China s entry into the Korean War which drove the Americans back to the prewar boundaries but which escalated tensions The United States decided to mobilize its economy for a long contest with the Soviets built the hydrogen bomb and strengthened the NATO alliance that covered Western Europe 139 According to Gorlizki and Khlevniuk 2004 Stalin s consistent and overriding goal after 1945 was to consolidate the nation s superpower status and in the face of his growing physical decrepitude to maintain his own hold on total power Stalin created a leadership system that reflected historic czarist styles of paternalism and repression yet was also quite modern At the top personal loyalty to Stalin counted for everything However Stalin also created powerful committees elevated younger specialists and began major institutional innovations In the teeth of persecution Stalin s deputies cultivated informal norms and mutual understandings which provided the foundations for collective rule after his death 140 Eastern Europe Edit Main article Eastern Bloc The military success of the Red Army in Central and Eastern Europe led to a consolidation of power in communist hands In some cases such as Czechoslovakia this led to enthusiastic support for socialism inspired by the Communist Party and a Social Democratic Party willing to fuse In other cases such as Poland or Hungary the fusion of the Communist Party with the Social Democratic Party was forcible and accomplished through undemocratic means In many cases the communist parties of Central Europe were faced with a population initially quite willing to reign in market forces institute limited nationalisation of industry and supporting the development of intensive social welfare states whereas broadly the population largely supported socialism However the purges of non communist parties that supported socialism combined with forced collectivisation of agriculture and a Soviet bloc wide recession in 1953 led to deep unrest This unrest first surfaced in Berlin in 1953 where Brecht ironically suggested that the Party ought to elect a new People However Nikita Khrushchev s Secret Speech of 1956 opened up internal debate even if members were unaware in both the Polish and Hungarian communist parties This led to the Polish crisis of 1956 which was resolved through change in Polish leadership and a negotiation between the Soviet and Polish parties over the direction of the Polish economy Hungarian Revolution of 1956 Edit Main article Hungarian Revolution of 1956 nbsp Soviet T 54 tanks in Budapest on 31 OctoberThe Hungarian Revolution of 1956 was a major challenge to Moscow s control of Eastern Europe 141 This revolution saw general strikes the formation of independent workers councils the restoration of the Social Democratic Party as a party for revolutionary communism of a non Soviet variety and the formation of two underground independent communist parties The mainstream Communist Party was controlled for a period of about a week by non Soviet aligned leaders Two non communist parties that supported the maintenance of socialism also regained their independence This flowering of dissenting communism was crushed by a combination of a military invasion supported by heavy artillery and airstrikes mass arrests at least a thousand juridical executions and an uncounted number of summary executions the crushing of the Central Workers Council of Greater Budapest mass refugee flight and a worldwide propaganda campaign The effect of the Hungarian Revolution on other communist parties varied significantly resulting in large membership losses in Anglophone communist parties 142 Prague Spring of 1968 Edit Main article Prague Spring The Czechoslovak Communist Party began an ambitious reform agenda under Alexander Dubcek The plan to limit central control and make the economy more independent of the party threatened bedrock beliefs On 20 August 1968 Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev ordered a massive military invasion by Warsaw Pact forces that destroyed the threat of internal liberalization 143 At the same time the Soviets threatened retaliation against the British French Israeli invasion of Egypt The upshot was a collapse of any tendency toward detente and the resignations of more intellectuals from communist parties in the West 144 West Germany Edit West Germany and West Berlin were centers of East West conflict during the Cold War and numerous communist fronts were established For example the East Germany organization Society for German Soviet Friendship GfDSF had 13 000 members in West Germany but it was banned in 1953 by some Lander as a communist front 145 The Democratic Cultural League of Germany started off as a series of genuinely pluralistic bodies but in 1950 1951 came under the control of the communists By 1952 the United States Embassy counted 54 infiltrated organizations which started independently as well as 155 front organizations which had been communist inspired from their start 146 The Association of the Victims of the Nazi Regime was set up to rally West Germans under the anti fascist banner but it had to be dissolved when Moscow discovered it had been infiltrated by Zionist agents 147 China Edit Main article History of the People s Republic of China Great Leap Forward Edit Main article Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party came to power in China in 1949 as the Nationalists headed by the Kuomintang fled to the island of Taiwan In 1950 1953 China engaged in a large scale undeclared war with the United States South Korea and United Nations forces in the Korean War While ended in a military stalemate it gave Mao the opportunity to identify and purge elements in China that seemed supportive of capitalism At first there was close cooperation with Stalin who sent in technical experts to aid the industrialization process along the line of the Soviet model of the 1930s 148 After Stalin s death in 1953 relations with Moscow soured Mao thought Stalin s successors had betrayed the Communist ideal Mao charged that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of a revisionist clique which had turned against Marxism and Leninism was now setting the stage for the restoration of capitalism 149 The two nations were at sword s point by 1960 Both began forging alliances with communist supporters around the globe thereby splitting the worldwide movement into two hostile camps 150 Rejecting the Soviet model of rapid urbanization Mao Zedong and his top aide Deng Xiaoping launched the Great Leap Forward in 1957 1961 with the goal of industrializing China overnight using the peasant villages as the base rather than large cities 151 Private ownership of land ended and the peasants worked in large collective farms that were now ordered to start up heavy industry operations such as steel mills Plants were built in remote locations despite the lack of technical experts managers transportation or needed facilities Industrialization failed but the main result was a sharp unexpected decline in agricultural output which led to mass famine and millions of deaths The years of the Great Leap Forward in fact saw economic regression with 1958 through 1961 being the only years between 1953 and 1983 in which China s economy saw negative growth Political economist Dwight Perkins argues Enormous amounts of investment produced only modest increases in production or none at all In short the Great Leap was a very expensive disaster 152 Put in charge of rescuing the economy Deng adopted pragmatic policies that the idealistic Mao disliked For a while Mao was in the shadows but he returned to center stage and purged Deng and his allies in the Cultural Revolution 1966 1969 153 Early post war dissident communists Edit This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message Following the Second World War Trotskyism was wracked by increasing internal divisions over analysis and strategy This was combined with an industrial impotence that was widely recognised Additionally the success of Soviet aligned parties in Europe and Asia led to the persecution of Trotskyite intellectuals such as the infamous purge of Vietnamese Trotskyists The war had also strained social democratic parties in the West In some cases such as Italy significant bodies of membership of the Social Democratic Party were inspired by the possibility of achieving advanced socialism In Italy this group combined with dissenting communists began to discuss theory centred on the experience of work in modern factories leading to autonomist Marxist In the United States this theoretical development was paralleled by the Johnson Forest Tendency whereas in France a similar impulse occurred Cold War and revisionism 1958 1979 EditMain articles Cold War and Revisionism Marxism Maoism and Cultural Revolution in China Edit Main articles Maoism and Cultural Revolution nbsp The propaganda oil painting of Mao during the Cultural Revolution 1967 The Cultural Revolution was an upheaval that targeted intellectuals and party leaders from 1966 through 1976 Mao s goal was to purify communism by removing pro capitalists and traditionalists by imposing Maoist orthodoxy within the Chinese Communist Party The movement paralyzed China politically and weakened the country economically culturally and intellectually for years Millions of people were accused humiliated stripped of power and either imprisoned killed or most often sent to work as farm laborers Mao insisted that these he labelled revisionists be removed through violent class struggle The two most prominent militants were Marshall Lin Biao of the army and Mao s wife Jiang Qing China s youth responded to Mao s appeal by forming Red Guard groups around the country The movement spread into the military urban workers and the Communist Party leadership itself It resulted in widespread factional struggles in all walks of life In the top leadership it led to a mass purge of senior officials who were accused of taking a capitalist road most notably Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping During the same period Mao s personality cult grew to immense proportions After Mao s death in 1976 the survivors were rehabilitated and many returned to power 154 Cuban Revolution Edit Main articles Cuban Revolution and Cuba under Fidel Castro The Cuban Revolution was a successful armed revolt led by Fidel Castro s 26th of July Movement against the regime of Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista It ousted Batista on 1 January 1959 replacing his regime with Castro s revolutionary government Castro s government later reformed along communist lines becoming the present Communist Party of Cuba in October 1965 155 The United States response was highly negative leading to a failed invasion attempt in 1961 The Soviets decided to protect its ally by stationing nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962 In the Cuban Missile Crisis the United States vehemently opposed the Soviet Union move There was serious fear of nuclear war for a few days but a compromise was reached by which Moscow publicly removed its weapons and the United States secretly removed its from bases in Turkey and promised never to invade 156 African communism Edit See also African socialism nbsp Monument to Marxism built by the Derg in Addis AbabaDuring the decolonization of Africa the Soviet Union took a keen interest in that continent s independence movements and initially hoped that the cultivation of communist client states there would deny their economic and strategic resources to the West 157 Soviet foreign policy with regards to Africa assumed that newly independent African governments would be receptive to communist ideology and that the Soviets would have the resources to make them attractive as development partners 157 During the 1970s the ruling parties of several sub Saharan African states formally embraced communism including the People s Republic of Benin the People s Republic of Mozambique the People s Republic of the Congo the People s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the People s Republic of Angola 158 Most of these regimes ensured the selective adoption and flexible application of communist theory set against a broad ideological commitment to Marxism or Leninism 158 The adoption of communism was often seen as a means to an end and used to justify the extreme centralization of power 158 Angola was perhaps the only African state which made a longstanding commitment to communism 159 but this was severely hampered by its own war burdened economy rampant corruption and practical realities which allowed a few foreign companies to wield considerable influence despite the elimination of the domestic Angolan private sector and a substantial degree of central economic planning 160 161 Both Angola and Ethiopia built new social and political communist institutions modeled closely after those in the Soviet Union and Cuba 7 However their regimes either dissolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union due to civil conflict or voluntarily repudiated communism in favour of social democracy 7 Eurocommunism Edit Main article Eurocommunism An important trend in several countries in Western Europe from the late 1960s into the 1980s was Eurocommunism It was strongest in Spain s PCE Finland s party and especially in Italy s PCI where it drew on the ideas of Antonio Gramsci It was developed by communist party members who were disillusioned with both the Soviet Union and China and sought an independent program They accepted liberal parliamentary democracy and free speech as well as accepting with some conditions a capitalist market economy They did not speak of the destruction of capitalism but sought to win the support of the masses and by a gradual transformation of the bureaucracies In 1978 the Communist Party of Spain replaced the historic Marxist Leninist catchphrase with the new slogan of Marxist democratic and revolutionary The movement faded in the 1980s and collapsed with the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in 1989 162 Other forms Edit Further information Anarcho communism Left communism and Libertarian Marxism Anarcho communism is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state capitalism wage labour social hierarchies and private property while retaining respect for personal property along with collectively owned items goods and services in favor of common ownership of the means of production and direct democracy as well as a horizontal network of workers councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle From each according to his ability to each according to his needs 163 Left communism is a position held by the left wing of communism which criticises the political ideas and practices espoused by Marxist Leninists and social democrats Left communists assert positions which they regard as more authentically Marxist than the views of Marxism Leninism espoused by the Communist International after its Bolshevization by Joseph Stalin and during its second congress 164 Libertarian Marxism is a broad scope of economic and political philosophies that emphasize the anti authoritarian and libertarian aspects of Marxism 165 End of the Eastern Bloc 1980 1992 EditReform and collapse 1980 1992 Edit Main article Revolutions of 1989 This section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed April 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message nbsp Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev who sought to end the Cold War between the Soviet led Warsaw Pact and the United States led NATO and other its other Western allies in a meeting with President Ronald ReaganSocial resistance to the policies of communist regimes in Eastern Europe accelerated in strength with the rise of the Solidarity the first non communist controlled trade union in the Warsaw Pact that was formed in the People s Republic of Poland in 1980 In 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev rose to power in the Soviet Union and began policies of radical political reform involving political liberalisation called perestroika and glasnost Gorbachev s policies were designed at dismantling authoritarian elements of the state that were developed by Stalin aiming for a return to a supposed ideal Leninist state that retained a one party structure while allowing the democratic election of competing candidates within the party for political office Gorbachev also aimed to seek detente with the West and end the Cold War that was no longer economically sustainable to be pursued by the Soviet Union The Soviet Union and the United States under President George H W Bush joined in pushing for the dismantlement of apartheid and oversaw the dismantlement of South African colonial rule over Namibia Meanwhile the Eastern European communist states politically deteriorated in response to the success of the Polish Solidarity movement and the possibility of Gorbachev style political liberalisation In 1989 revolts began across Eastern Europe and China against communist regimes In China the government refused to negotiate with student protestors resulting in the Tiananmen Square attacks that stopped the revolts by force The opening of a border gate between Austria and Hungary at the Pan European Picnic on August 19 1989 then set in motion a peaceful chain reaction at the end of which there was no longer a GDR and the Eastern Bloc had disintegrated It was the largest escape movement from East Germany since the Berlin Wall was built in 1961 But with the mass exodus at the Pan European Picnic the subsequent hesitant behavior of the Socialist Unity Party of East Germany and the non intervention of the Soviet Union broke the dams The revolts culminated with the revolt in East Germany against the communist regime of Erich Honecker The event in East Germany developed into a popular mass revolt with sections of the Berlin Wall being torn down and East and West Berliners uniting Gorbachev s refusal to use Soviet forces based in East Germany to suppress the revolt was seen as a sign that the Cold War had ended Honecker was pressured to resign from office and the new government committed itself to reunification with West Germany The Communist Party regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu in Romania was forcefully overthrown in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 and Ceaușescu was executed The other Warsaw Pact regimes also fell during the Revolutions of 1989 with the exception of the Socialist People s Republic of Albania that continued until 1992 nbsp The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989Unrest and eventual collapse of communism also occurred in Yugoslavia although for different reasons than those of the Warsaw Pact The death of Josip Broz Tito in 1980 and the subsequent vacuum of strong leadership allowed the rise of rival ethnic nationalism in the multinational country The first leader to exploit such nationalism for political purposes was Slobodan Milosevic who used Serbian nationalism to seize power as president of Serbia and demanded concessions to the Socialist Republic of Serbia and Serbs by the other republics in the Yugoslav federation This resulted in a surge of Slovene and Croat nationalism in response and the collapse of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in 1990 the victory of nationalists in multi party elections in most of Yugoslavia s constituent republics and eventually civil war between the various nationalities beginning in 1991 Yugoslavia was dissolved in 1992 The Soviet Union itself collapsed between 1990 and 1991 with a rise of secessionist nationalism and a political power dispute between Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin the new leader of the Russian Federation The collapse of the Soviet Union was also aided by political pressure from capitalist powers loans from world banks and pressure for liberal democracy and increased consumerism within the Soviet Bloc 166 U S monetary and fiscal policy raised interest rates making borrowing money very difficult for the Soviet Union 167 With the Soviet Union collapsing Gorbachev prepared the country to become a loose federation of independent states called the Commonwealth of Independent States Hardline communist leaders in the military reacted to Gorbachev s policies with the August Coup of 1991 in which hardline communist military leaders overthrew Gorbachev and seized control of the government This regime only lasted briefly as widespread popular opposition erupted in street protests and refused to submit Gorbachev was restored to power but the various Soviet republics were now set for independence On 25 December 1991 Gorbachev officially announced the dissolution of the Soviet Union ending the existence of the world s first communist state Contemporary communism 1993 present EditSee also 21st century communist theorists and List of anti capitalist and communist parties with national parliamentary representation With the fall of the communist governments in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc the influence of state based Marxist Leninist ideologies in the world was weakened but there are still many communist movements of various types and sizes around the world Three other communist nations particularly those in East Asia such as the People s Republic of China Vietnam and Laos all moved toward market economies but without major privatization of the state sector during the 1980s and 1990s see socialism with Chinese characteristics and doi moi for more details Spain France Portugal and Greece have very publicly strong communist movements that play an open and active leading role in the vast majority of their labor marches and strikes as well as also anti austerity protests all of which are large pronounced events with much visibility Worldwide marches on International Workers Day sometimes give a clearer picture of the size and influence of current communist movements particularly within Europe citation needed Cuba has recently emerged from the crisis sparked by the fall of the Soviet Union given the growth in its volume of trade with its new allies Venezuela and China the former of whom has recently adopted a socialism of the 21st century according to Hugo Chavez Various other countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean have also taken similar shifts to more clearly socialistic policies and rhetoric in a phenomenon academics are calling the pink tide 168 169 170 North Korea claims that its success in avoiding the downfall of socialism is a result of its homegrown ideology of Juche which it adopted in the 1970s replacing Marxism Leninism Cuba has an ambassador to North Korea and China still protects North Korean territorial integrity even as it simultaneously refuses to supply the state with material goods or other significant assistance citation needed In Nepal the Communist Party of Nepal Unified Marxist Leninist leader Man Mohan Adhikari briefly became Prime Minister of Nepal and national leader from 1994 to 1995 and the Maoist guerrilla leader Prachanda was elected Prime Minister by the Constituent Assembly of Nepal in 2008 Prachanda has since been deposed as Prime Minister leading the Maoists to abandon their legalistic approach and return to their typical street actions and militancy and to lead sporadic general strikes using their quite substantial influence on the Nepalese labor movement These actions have oscillated between mild and intense only the latter of which tends to make world news They consider Prachanda s removal to be unjust citation needed Since the 2008 Nepal has been ruled by a coalition of communist parties Communist Party of Nepal Unified Marxist Leninist and Communist Party of Nepal Maoist Centre which they merged in 2018 in the Nepal Communist PartyThe previous national government of India depended on the parliamentary support of the Communist Party of India Marxist and Communist Party of India Presently CPI M along with CPI leads the state government in Kerala The armed wing of the Communist Party of India Maoist the People s Liberation Guerrilla Army is fighting the Naxalite Maoist insurgency against the Government of India and is active in some parts of the country Indian government forces have been successful in eliminating insurgency to quite an extent when citation needed In Cyprus the veteran communist Dimitris Christofias of AKEL won the 2008 presidential election 171 172 In Ukraine and Russia the communists came second in the 2002 Ukrainian parliamentary election and the 2003 Russian legislative election respectively The Communist Party of the Russian Federation remains strong in Russia but the 2014 Ukrainian parliamentary election following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea resulted in the loss of its 32 members and no Verkhovna Rada representation by the Communist Party of Ukraine 173 The party has been banned since 2015 In the Czech Republic the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia came third in the 2002 elections 174 as did the Portuguese Communist Party in 2005 175 In South Africa the South African Communist Party SACP is a member of the Tripartite alliance alongside the African National Congress and the Congress of South African Trade Unions Sri Lanka has communist ministers in their national governments citation needed In Zimbabwe former President Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front the country s longstanding leader was a professed communist 176 177 Colombia has been in the midst of a civil war which has been waged since 1966 between the Colombian government and aligned right wing paramilitaries against two communist guerrilla groups namely the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia People s Army FARC EP and the National Liberation Army ELN citation needed The Revolutionary Communist Party USA led by its chairman Bob Avakian currently organizes for a revolution in the United States to overthrow the capitalist system and replace it with a socialist state 178 179 As of the early 2020s the Philippines is still experiencing a low scale guerrilla insurgency by the New People s Army the armed wing of the outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines Actions of an armed group likely affiliated with NPA resulted in eight casualties after a gunfight with the Philippine Armed Forces in late March 2021 180 See also EditBolshevization Foreign relations of China Foreign relations of Cuba Foreign relations of the Soviet Union Foreign relations of VietnamReferences Edit The exact number of purge victims is unknown by a factor of 10 Estimates range from several million upwards to 20 million Historian Robert Service believes that 1 5 million were arrested and 200 000 were eventually released Service chapter 31 especially p 356 The lowest estimates by J Arch Getty et al give more than 300 000 executions in each of the years 1937 and 1938 132 a b c d e f g Lansford Thomas 2007 Communism New York Cavendish Square Publishing pp 9 24 36 44 ISBN 978 0761426288 a b c Leopold David 2015 Freeden Michael Stears Marc Sargent Lyman Tower eds The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies Oxford Oxford University Press pp 20 38 ISBN 978 0198744337 a b c Schwarzmantle John 2017 Breuilly John ed The Oxford Handbook of the History of Nationalism Oxford Oxford University Press pp 643 651 ISBN 978 0198768203 a b MacFarlane S Neil 1990 Katz Mark ed The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 6 11 ISBN 978 0812216202 a b Ball Terence Dagger Richard eds 2019 1999 Communism Encyclopaedia Britannica revised ed Retrieved June 10 2020 Djilas Milovan 1991 The Legacy of Communism in Eastern Europe The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 15 1 83 92 ISSN 1046 1868 JSTOR 45290119 a b c Dunn Dennis 2016 A History of Orthodox Islamic and Western Christian Political Values Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan pp 126 131 ISBN 978 3319325668 Shaoguang Wang Political change and democracy in China PDF Archived from the original PDF on September 9 2017 Pierson Christopher August 15 2013 Just Property A History in the Latin West Volume One Wealth Virtue and the Law Oxford Oxford University Press p 54 ISBN 978 0 19 967328 5 via Google Books Felluga Dino January 1 2011 Introductory Guide to Critical Theory Modules on Marx On the Stages of Economic Development Purdue University Retrieved February 3 2021 a b Laidler Harry W July 4 2013 History of Socialism An Historical Comparative Study of Socialism Communism Utopia Routledge p 17 ISBN 978 1 136 23143 8 via Google Books van Ree 2015 p 17 a b c van Ree 2015 p 19 Dawson Doyne July 9 1992 Cities of the Gods Communist Utopias in Greek Thought Oxford University Press pp 37 43 ISBN 978 0 19 536150 6 via Google Books Plato 2001 Plato s Republic Books 1 10 Agora Publications Inc pp 192 193 ISBN 978 1 887250 25 2 via Google Books Laidler 2013 pp 12 13 Plato 2001 pp 189 191 American University Washington D C Foreign Area Studies 1978 Iran a Country Study Department of Defense Department of the Army p 114 via Google Books Busky Donald F 2002 Communism in History and Theory From Utopian socialism to the fall of the Soviet Union Greenwood Publishing Group p 14 ISBN 978 0 275 97748 1 via Google Books a b Service 2007 pp 14 15 a b Boer Roland March 7 2019 Red Theology On the Christian Communist Tradition Brill pp 15 16 ISBN 978 90 04 39477 3 via Google Books Brackney W H 2012 Historical Dictionary of Radical Christianity G Reference Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects Series Scarecrow Press p 321 ISBN 978 0 8108 7179 3 Retrieved March 2 2023 Freeman Michael 2011 Human Rights An Interdisciplinary Approach Polity Press p 19 ISBN 9780745639666 via Google Books Barilan Yechiel Michael 2012 Human Dignity Human Rights and Responsibility The New Language of Global Bioethics and Biolaw MIT Press p 63 ISBN 9780262304887 via Google Books a b Cross Frank Livingstone Elizabeth eds 2005 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Oxford University Press p 180 ISBN 978 0 19 280290 3 Roman Reinaldo L 1996 Christian Themes Mainstream Traditions and Millenarian Violence In Barkun Michael ed Millennialism and Violence Routledge p 66 ISBN 9781136308482 via Google Books Gilliat Smith Ernest 1907 Beguines Beghards The Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 2 Robert Appleton Company p 390 Traill Henry Duff 1894 Social England From the accession of Edward I to the death of Henry VII Cassell pp 163 165 via Google Books Lechler Gotthard Victor 1904 John Wycliffe and His English Precursors Religious Tract Society p 358 via Google Books a b c Kaufmann Moritz 1883 Socialism and Communism in Their Practical Application Society for promoting Christian knowledge pp 96 98 ISBN 978 0 7905 9010 3 via Google Books Brown 2009 p 12 Carrafiello Michael L 1998 Robert Parsons and English Catholicism 1580 1610 Susquehanna University Press p 79 ISBN 978 1 57591 012 3 via Google Books Kautsky 1897 pp 58 60 van Ree 2015 p 21 Wagner M L 1983 Petr Chelcicky A Radical Separatist in Hussite Bohemia Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite history in Slovak Herald Press ISBN 978 0 8361 1257 3 Retrieved March 2 2023 Pavlicek O Smahel F 2015 A Companion to Jan Hus Brill s Companions to the Christian Tradition Brill p 227 ISBN 978 90 04 28272 8 Retrieved March 2 2023 Berenger J Simpson C A 2014 A History of the Habsburg Empire 1273 1700 Taylor amp Francis p 68 ISBN 978 1 317 89570 1 Retrieved March 4 2023 Malia M E Emmons T 2006 History s Locomotives Revolutions and the Making of the Modern World Yale University Press p 52 ISBN 978 0 300 12690 7 Retrieved March 4 2023 Kautsky 1897 pp 78 82 Kautsky 1897 pp 86 89 a b van Ree 2015 pp 23 25 Service 2007 p 16 a b c Afanasyevv Viktor Grigoryevich 1967 Scientific Communism a Popular Outline Progress Publishers pp 15 16 via Google Books Fokkema Douwe Wessel 2011 Perfect Worlds Utopian Fiction in China and the West Amsterdam University Press pp 33 35 ISBN 978 90 8964 350 6 via Google Books Laidler 2013 pp 22 24 Bridgett Thomas Edward 1891 Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr Under Henry VIII Burns amp Oates p 103 ISBN 978 0 598 99084 6 via Google Books Service 2007 p 15 Morrison Tessa March 9 2016 Unbuilt Utopian Cities 1460 to 1900 Reconstructing their Architecture and Political Philosophy Routledge p 52 ISBN 978 1 317 00556 8 via Google Books van Ree 2015 pp 38 39 Laidler 2013 p 32 Fried amp Sanders 1992 pp 14 15 van Ree 2015 p 46 a b Woolsey Theodore Dwight 1880 Communism and Socialism in Their History and Theory A Sketch C Scribner s Sons pp 98 102 via Google Books The Cambridge Modern History 1904 pp 33 34 a b Engels Friedrich 1999 Socialism Utopian and Scientific Resistance Books p 11 ISBN 978 0 909196 86 8 via Google Books Fried amp Sanders 1992 pp 31 33 Priestland 2010 pp 5 7 a b Fried amp Sanders 1992 pp 17 20 a b c Billington 2011 pp 79 80 a b c Billington 2011 pp 81 82 a b Linebaugh Peter March 1 2014 Stop Thief The Commons Enclosures and Resistance PM Press pp 205 206 ISBN 978 1 60486 747 3 via Google Books a b Hodges Donald C February 1 2014 Sandino s Communism Spiritual Politics for the Twenty First Century University of Texas Press p 7 ISBN 978 0 292 71564 6 via Google Books Lansford 2007 p 26 Priestland 2010 pp 18 19 Billington 2011 p 84 Blaisdell Bob March 5 2012 The Communist Manifesto and Other Revolutionary Writings Marx Marat Paine Mao Tse Tung Gandhi and Others Courier Corporation pp 92 94 ISBN 978 0 486 11396 8 via Google Books Billington 2011 p 71 Rose Robert Barrie 1978 Gracchus Babeuf the first revolutionary communist Arnold pp 32 332 ISBN 0 7131 5993 6 OCLC 780996378 Service 2007 pp 16 17 Woolsey 1880 p 102 Greene Doug Enaa October 2 2017 Communist Insurgent Blanqui s Politics of Revolution Haymarket Books p 46 ISBN 978 1 60846 888 1 via Google Books Hodges 2014 pp 36 37 a b Lowy 2020 pp 71 72 a b Corcoran Paul E Fuchs Christian August 25 1983 Before Marx Socialism and Communism in France 1830 48 Palgrave Macmillan UK pp 3 5 22 ISBN 978 1 349 17146 0 via Google Books Brie Michael July 31 2019 Rediscovering Lenin Dialectics of Revolution and Metaphysics of Domination Springer p 128 ISBN 978 3 030 23327 3 via Google Books Marx K and F Engels The Holy Family Critique of Critical Criticism Ch VI 3 Online at http www marxists org archive marx works 1845 holy family ch06 3 d htm van Ree 2015 p 10 a b Lowy 2020 pp 65 66 Lindemann 1983 p 68 a b Marx Karl September 3 2019 Introduction In Fernbach David ed Political Writings Verso Books pp 18 19 ISBN 978 1 78873 686 2 via Google Books van Ree 2015 pp 44 45 Henderson William Otto 1976 The Life of Friedrich Engels Taylor amp Francis p 93 ISBN 978 0 7146 4002 0 via Google Books Mehring Franz October 16 2013 Karl Marx The Story of His Life Routledge p 139 ISBN 978 1 134 55883 4 via Google Books Fuchs Christian October 23 2015 Reading Marx in the Information Age A Media and Communication Studies Perspective on Capital Routledge p 357 ISBN 978 1 317 36449 8 via Google Books Marx Karl 1844 Private Property and Communism Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of Nov 5 1844 via Marxists Internet Archive Service 2007 pp 24 25 Moggach Douglas April 14 2011 Politics Religion and Art Hegelian Debates Northwestern University Press p 168 ISBN 978 0 8101 2729 6 via Google Books Lowy Michael September October 1989 THE POETRY OF THE PAST MARX AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION New Left Review I 177 111 124 Retrieved December 5 2022 Tucker G S L 1961 Ricardo and Marx Economica 28 111 252 269 doi 10 2307 2601601 ISSN 0013 0427 JSTOR 2601601 Service 2007 p 13 101 Treasures of Chetham s Chetham s Library Archived from the original on November 10 2011 Retrieved November 25 2011 Philosophers Karl Marx and Frederich Engels met to research their Communist theory in Chetham s Library War and cotton lent Chetham s its name in Manchester BBC News March 2 2010 Retrieved November 25 2011 Service 2007 pp 27 28 Marx Karl 1875 Part I Critique of the Gotha Program Retrieved July 15 2008 via Marxists Internet Archive Becker August 1844 Was wollen die Kommunisten What do the communists want in German p 34 via Google Books Blanc Louis 1851 Plus de Girondins p 92 via Google Books Lindemann 1983 p 50 Service 2007 p 28 Service 2007 p 29 Service 2007 p 36 Marx Karl 1848 Chapter IV Position of the Communists in Relation to the Various Existing Opposition Parties The Communist Manifesto via Marxists Internet Archive Service 2007 pp 39 41 Service 2007 pp 36 37 Priestland 2010 p page needed Service 2007 p page needed Pipes Richard 2003 Communism A History Random House Publishing ISBN 978 0812968644 Hallas Duncan 1985 The Comintern The History of the Third International Smith S A ed 2014 10 The Oxford Handbook of the History of Communism Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 oxfordhb 9780199602056 001 0001 ISBN 9780199602056 Service 2007 p 46 Service 2007 pp 48 49 Service 2007 pp 50 51 Black communism in the Great Depression Katie Wood September 7 2020 Retrieved October 2 2020 Service 2007 pp 115 116 Service 2007 p 86 Service 2007 pp 90 92 Service 2007 pp 86 90 Service 2007 pp 92 94 Service 2007 pp 95 96 Service 2007 pp 117 118 Birchall Ian 2009 Profintern Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale 1920 1937 review in English of a German language study by Reiner Tosstorff Historical Materialism 17 4 164 176 doi 10 1163 146544609X12537556703557 Joan Urban Moscow and the Italian Communist Party from Togliatti to Berlinguer 1986 p 157 Jackson Julian 1990 The Popular Front in France Defending Democracy 1934 38 Cambridge University Press pp x ISBN 978 0521312523 Klehr Harvey Haynes John Earl Firsov Fridrikh Igorevich 1996 The Secret World of American Communism Yale University Press p 42 ISBN 978 0300068559 Trapeznik Alexander Winter 2009 Agents of Moscow at the Dawn of the Cold War The Comintern and the Communist Party of New Zealand Journal of Cold War Studies 11 1 124 149 doi 10 1162 jcws 2009 11 1 124 S2CID 57558503 quote on p 144 For listings of front organizations in East Asia see Malcolm Kennedy History of Communism in East Asia Praeger Publishers 1957 pp 118 127 8 130 277 334 355 361 7 374 415 421 424 429 439 444 457 8 470 482 Large Stephen S 2010 Organized Workers and Socialist Politics in Interwar Japan Cambridge University Press p 85 ISBN 9780521136310 Scalapino Robert A 1967 The Japanese Communist Movement 1920 1967 University of California Press p 117 ISBN 978 0520011342 Brown 2009 pp 62 77 Service 2007 p 167 Brown 2009 pp 88 90 Applebaum Anne 2003 Gulag A History Anchor Books ISBN 978 1400034093 Getty amp Manning 1993 Getty J Arch Rittersporn Gabor Zemskov Viktor 1993 Victims of the Soviet penal system in the pre war years a first approach on the basis of archival evidence PDF American Historical Review 98 4 1017 1049 doi 10 2307 2166597 JSTOR 2166597 The long awaited archival evidence on repression in the period of the Great Purges shows that levels of arrests political prisoners executions and general camp populations tend to confirm the orders of magnitude indicated by those labeled as revisionists and mocked by those proposing high estimates Wheatcroft Stephen G 1999 Victims of Stalinism and the Soviet Secret Police The Comparability and Reliability of the Archival Data Not the Last Word PDF Europe Asia Studies 51 2 340 342 doi 10 1080 09668139999056 For decades many historians counted Stalin s victims in tens of millions which was a figure supported by Solzhenitsyn Since the collapse of the USSR the lower estimates of the scale of the camps have been vindicated The arguments about excess mortality are far more complex than normally believed R Conquest The Great Terror A Re assessment London 1992 does not really get to grips with the new data and continues to present an exaggerated picture of the repression The view of the revisionists has been largely substantiated Getty amp Manning 1993 The popular press even TLS and The Independent have contained erroneous journalistic articles that should not be cited in respectable academic articles Brown 2009 p 76 Kennedy Malcolm 1957 History of Communism in East Asia Praeger Publishers p 126 Carew Anthony December 1984 The Schism within the World Federation of Trade Unions Government and Trade Union Diplomacy International Review of Social History 29 3 297 335 doi 10 1017 S002085900000794X S2CID 145428599 Gorlizki amp Khlevniuk 2004 p 3ff Gaddis John Lewis 2006 The Cold War A New History Penguin Books Gorlizki amp Khlevniuk 2004 Schmidl Erwin A Ritter Laszlo Dennis Peter 2006 The Hungarian Revolution 1956 Osprey Publishing ASIN B01K3JYZEO Brown 2009 pp 278 292 Bischof Gunter Karner Stefan Ruggenthaler Peter eds 2010 The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 9780739143063 via Google Books Bracke Maude 2009 Which Socialism Whose Detente West European Communism and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968 Major 1997 p 215 Major 1997 pp 217 218 Mastny Vojtech 1998 The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity The Stalin Years Oxford University Press p 162 Brown 2009 pp 179 193 Gittings John 2006 The Changing Face of China From Mao to Market Oxford University Press p 40 ISBN 9780191622373 via Google Books Luthi Lorenz M 2010 The Sino Soviet Split Cold War in the Communist World Princeton University Press ISBN 978 1400837625 via Google Books Brown 2009 pp 316 332 Perkins Dwight Heald 1984 China s economic policy and performance during the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath Harvard Institute for International Development p 12 via Google Books Vogel Ezra F 2011 Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China Harvard University Press pp 40 42 Brown 2009 pp 324 332 Perez Stable Marifeli 2011 The Cuban Revolution Origins Course and Legacy 3rd ed Brown 2009 pp 293 312 a b Magyar Karl Danopoulos Constantine 2002 1994 Prolonged Wars A Post Nuclear Challenge Honolulu University Press of the Pacific pp 260 271 ISBN 978 0898758344 a b c Markakis John Waller Michael 1986 Military Marxist Regimes in Africa New York Routledge pp 131 134 ISBN 978 0714632957 Johnson Elliott Walker David Gray Daniel 2014 Historical Dictionary of Marxism Historical Dictionaries of Religions Philosophies and Movements 2nd ed Lanham Maryland Rowman amp Littlefield p 294 ISBN 978 1 4422 3798 8 Ferreira Manuel 2002 Brauer Jurgen Dunne Paul eds Arming the South The Economics of Military Expenditure Arms Production and Arms Trade in Developing Countries Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan pp 251 255 ISBN 978 0 230 50125 6 Akongdit Addis Ababa Othow 2013 Impact of Political Stability on Economic Development Case of South Sudan Bloomington AuthorHouse Ltd Publishers pp 74 75 ISBN 978 1491876442 Priestland David 2009 The Red Flag A History of Communism Grove Press pp 497 499 ISBN 9780802119247 via Google Books Kinna Ruth 2012 Anarchism Individualism and Communism William Morris s Critique of Anarcho communism PDF Libertarian Socialism Palgrave Macmillan pp 35 56 Thatcher Ian D 2007 Left communism Rosa Luxemburg and Leon Trotsky compared PDF Twentieth Century Marxism Routledge pp 42 57 Price Wayne 2017 What is Libertarian Socialism An Anarchist Marxist Dialogue PDF Bartel Fritz August 9 2022 The Triumph of Broken Promises The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism The Triumph of Broken Promises Harvard University Press doi 10 4159 9780674275805 ISBN 978 0 674 27580 5 S2CID 249327761 retrieved April 21 2023 Gatejel Luminita 2016 Appealing for a Car Consumption Policies and Entitlement in the USSR the GDR and Romania 1950s 1980s Slavic Review 75 1 122 145 doi 10 5612 slavicreview 75 1 122 ISSN 0037 6779 S2CID 203276304 Lopes Dawisson Belem de Faria Carlos Aurelio Pimenta January April 2016 When Foreign Policy Meets Social Demands in Latin America Contexto Internacional Literature review Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro 38 1 11 53 doi 10 1590 S0102 8529 2016380100001 No matter the shades of pink in the Latin American pink tide and recalling that political change was not the norm for the whole region during that period there seems to be greater agreement when it comes to explaining its emergence In terms of this canonical interpretation the left turn should be understood as a feature of general redemocratisation in the region which is widely regarded as an inevitable result of the high levels of inequality in the region Abbott Jared Will the Pink Tide Lift All Boats Latin American Socialisms and Their Discontents Democratic Socialists of America Archived from the original on April 6 2017 Retrieved April 5 2017 Oikonomakis Leonidas March 16 2015 Europe s pink tide Heeding the Latin American experience The Press Project Retrieved April 5 2017 New Cyprus president takes office with pledge for solution Xinhua News Agency February 28 2008 Archived from the original on March 3 2008 Kambas Michele February 24 2008 Communist Christofias wins Cyprus presidential vote Reuters Retrieved December 17 2011 People s Front 0 33 ahead of Poroshenko Bloc with all ballots counted in Ukraine elections Interfax Ukraine November 8 2014 Archived from the original on November 12 2014 Election for the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 14 15 6 2002 volby cz Comissao Nacional de Eleicoes National Election Commission PDF Diario da Republica I Serie a in Portuguese 55 2437 2438 March 18 2005 Smith David May 24 2013 Lunch with the Mugabes The Guardian Johannesburg Archived from the original on February 18 2022 From Liberator to Tyrant Recollections of Mugabe PBS Archived from the original on March 8 2021 Revolutionary Communist Party 2010 Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America Draft Proposal R C P Publications ISBN 9780898510072 Scott Dylan August 21 2014 What the Heck is the Revolutionary Communist Party Doing In Ferguson Talking Points Memo Retrieved March 21 2019 Philippine Military Kills 8 Suspected NPA Rebels in Firefight Benar News Retrieved March 27 2021 Bibliography Edit Billington James H December 31 2011 Fire in the Minds of Men Origins of the Revolutionary Faith Transaction Publishers ISBN 978 1 4128 1401 0 Brown Archie June 9 2009 The Rise and Fall of Communism HarperCollins ISBN 978 0 06 188548 8 Fried Albert Sanders Ronald 1992 Socialist Thought A Documentary History Columbia University Press ISBN 978 0 231 08265 5 via Google Books Getty J Arch Manning Roberta T eds 1993 Stalinist Terror New Perspectives Cambridge a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Gorlizki Yoram Khlevniuk Oleg 2004 Cold Peace Stalin and the Soviet Ruling Circle 1945 1953 Oxford University Press pp 3ff doi 10 1093 acprof oso 9780195165814 001 0001 ISBN 9780195165814 Kautsky Karl 1897 Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation T F Unwin via Google Books Lindemann Albert S January 1 1983 A History of European Socialism Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 03246 8 via Google Books Lowy Michael November 9 2020 The Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 44160 6 OCLC 1239987105 via Google Books Major Patrick 1997 The Death of the KPD Communism and Anti Communism in West Germany 1945 1956 Oxford University Press Priestland David 2010 The Red Flag Communism and the Making of the Modern World Penguin Books ISBN 978 0 14 029520 7 OCLC 762107381 Service Robert 2007 Comrades A History of World Communism Cambridge Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 02530 1 via Google Books van Ree Erik May 22 2015 Boundaries of Utopia Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin Routledge ISBN 978 1 134 48533 8 via Google Books Further reading EditBooksBorkenau Franz World communism a history of the Communist International 1938 online Crozier Brian The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire 1999 long detailed popular history Davin Delia 2013 Mao A Very Short Introduction Oxford UP ISBN 9780191654039 Deakin F W ed A history of world communism 1975 online Furet Francois The Passing of an Illusion The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century 1999 Garver John W China s Quest The History of the Foreign Relations of the People s Republic 2nd ed 2018 comprehensive scholarly history excerpt Harvey Robert A Short History of Communism 2004 ISBN 0 312 32909 1 Kotkin Stephen Stalin Volume I Paradoxes of Power 1878 1928 2014 highly detailed scholarly biography vol 2 Stalin Waiting for Hitler 1929 1941 2017 Pathak Rakesh and Yvonne Berliner Communism in Crisis 1976 89 2012 Pipes Richard Communism A History 2003 Pons Silvio and Robert Service eds A Dictionary of 20th Century Communism Princeton University Press 2010 944 pp ISBN 978 0 691 13585 4 online review Priestland David The Red Flag A History of Communism 2010 Sandle Mark Communism 2nd ed 2011 short introduction Service Robert Lenin A Biography 2000 excerpt and text search also online Service Robert Stalin 2005 online Seton Watson Hugh From Lenin to Khrushchev the history of world communism 1954 online Taubman William Khrushchev The Man and His Era 2004 excerpt and text search also complete text Taubman William Gorbachev His Life and Times 2018 Tucker Robert C Stalin as Revolutionary 1879 1929 1973 Stalin in Power The Revolution from Above 1929 1941 1990 online edition a standard biography online at ACLS e books Ulam Adam B Expansion and Coexistence Soviet Foreign Policy 1917 73 1974 onlineJournalsAmerican Communist History United States Communisme France Twentieth Century Communism United Kingdom Primary sourcesDaniels Robert V ed A Documentary History of Communism in Russia From Lenin to Gorbachev 1993 Daniels Robert V ed A Documentary History of Communism Communism and the World 1985 Gruber Helmut International Communism in the Era of Lenin A Documentary History 1967 MemoirsChambers Whittaker 1952 Witness New York Random House Davis Hope Hale 1994 Great Day Coming A Memoir of the 1930s Steerforth Press ISBN 9781883642174 via Google Books Tchernavin Tatiana 1934 Escape From The Soviets Translated by Natalie Duddington under the pseudonym N Alexander E P Dutton and Co Ulanovskaya Maya Ulanovskaya Nadezhda 2016 The Family Story Translated by Hoffman Stefani Lulu ISBN 9781326667573 via Google Books AnimationMapping the fall of communism Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title History of communism amp oldid 1179247537, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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