
Hittite language

Hittite (natively 𒌷𒉌𒅆𒇷 nišili / "the language of Neša", or nešumnili / "the language of the people of Neša"), also known as Nesite (Nešite / Neshite, Nessite), is an extinct Indo-European language that was spoken by the Hittites, a people of Bronze Age Anatolia who created an empire centred on Hattusa, as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia.[1] The language, now long extinct, is attested in cuneiform, in records dating from the 17th[2] (Anitta text) to the 13th centuries BCE, with isolated Hittite loanwords and numerous personal names appearing in an Old Assyrian context from as early as the 20th century BCE, making it the earliest-attested use of the Indo-European languages.

𒌷𒉌𒅆𒇷 niščili
Eraattested 17th to 12th centuries BCE
Hittite cuneiform
Language codes
ISO 639-2hit
ISO 639-3Variously:
hit – Hittite
oht – Old Hittite
htx – Middle Hittite
nei – New Hittite
hit Hittite
 oht Old Hittite
 htx Middle Hittite
 nei New Hittite

By the Late Bronze Age, Hittite had started losing ground to its close relative Luwian. It appears that in the 13th century BCE, Luwian was the most widely spoken language in the Hittite capital, Hattusa.[3] After the collapse of the Hittite New Kingdom during the more general Late Bronze Age collapse, Luwian emerged in the Early Iron Age as the main language of the so-called Syro-Hittite states, in southwestern Anatolia and northern Syria.


Indo-European family tree in order of first attestation. Hittite belongs to the family of Anatolian languages and is among the oldest written Indo-European languages.

Hittite is the modern scholarly name for the language, based on the identification of the Hatti (Ḫatti) kingdom with the Biblical Hittites (Biblical Hebrew: *חתים Ḥittim), although that name appears to have been applied incorrectly:[4] The term Hattian refers to the indigenous people who preceded the Hittites, speaking a non-Indo-European Hattic language.

In multilingual texts found in Hittite locations, passages written in Hittite are preceded by the adverb nesili (or nasili, nisili), "in the [speech] of Neša (Kaneš)", an important city during the early stages of the Hittite Old Kingdom. In one case, the label is Kanisumnili, "in the [speech] of the people of Kaneš".[5]

Although the Hittite New Kingdom had people from many diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds, the Hittite language was used in most secular written texts. In spite of various arguments over the appropriateness of the term,[6] Hittite remains the most current term because of convention and the strength of association with the Biblical Hittites. The endonymic term nešili, and its Anglicized variants (Nesite, Nessite, Neshite), have never caught on.[7]


The first substantive claim as to the affiliation of Hittite was made by Jørgen Alexander Knudtzon[8] in 1902, in a book devoted to two letters between the king of Egypt and a Hittite ruler, found at El-Amarna, Egypt. Knudtzon argued that Hittite was Indo-European, largely because of its morphology. Although he had no bilingual texts, he was able to provide a partial interpretation of the two letters because of the formulaic nature of the diplomatic correspondence of the period.[9] His argument was not generally accepted, partly because the morphological similarities he observed between Hittite and Indo-European can be found outside of Indo-European and also because the interpretation of the letters was justifiably regarded as uncertain.[citation needed]

Knudtzon was definitively shown to have been correct when many tablets written in the familiar Akkadian cuneiform script but in an unknown language were discovered by Hugo Winckler in what is now the village of Boğazköy, Turkey, which was the former site of Hattusa, the capital of the Hittite state.[10] Based on a study of this extensive material, Bedřich Hrozný succeeded in analyzing the language. He presented his argument that the language is Indo-European in a paper published in 1915 (Hrozný 1915), which was soon followed by a grammar of the language (Hrozný 1917). Hrozný's argument for the Indo-European affiliation of Hittite was thoroughly modern although poorly substantiated. He focused on the striking similarities in idiosyncratic aspects of the morphology that are unlikely to occur independently by chance or to be borrowed.[11] They included the r/n alternation in some noun stems (the heteroclitics) and vocalic ablaut, which are both seen in the alternation in the word for water between the nominative singular, wadar, and the genitive singular, wedenas. He also presented a set of regular sound correspondences. After a brief initial delay because of disruption during the First World War, Hrozný's decipherment, tentative grammatical analysis and demonstration of the Indo-European affiliation of Hittite were rapidly accepted and more broadly substantiated by contemporary scholars such as Edgar H. Sturtevant, who authored the first scientifically acceptable Hittite grammar with a chrestomathy and a glossary. The most up-to-date grammar of the Hittite language is currently Hoffner and Melchert (2008).


Hittite is one of the Anatolian languages and is known from cuneiform tablets and inscriptions that were erected by the Hittite kings. The script formerly known as "Hieroglyphic Hittite" is now termed Hieroglyphic Luwian. The Anatolian branch also includes Cuneiform Luwian, Hieroglyphic Luwian, Palaic, Lycian, Milyan, Lydian, Carian, Pisidian, Sidetic and Isaurian.[12]

Unlike most other Indo-European languages, Hittite does not distinguish between masculine and feminine grammatical gender, and it lacks subjunctive and optative moods as well as aspect. Various hypotheses have been formulated to explain these differences.[13]

Some linguists, most notably Edgar H. Sturtevant and Warren Cowgill, have argued that Hittite should be classified as a sister language to Proto-Indo-European, rather than as a daughter language. Their Indo-Hittite hypothesis is that the parent language (Indo-Hittite) lacked the features that are absent in Hittite as well, and that Proto-Indo-European later innovated them.

Other linguists, however, prefer the Schwund ("loss") Hypothesis in which Hittite (or Anatolian) came from Proto-Indo-European, with its full range of features, but the features became simplified in Hittite.

According to Craig Melchert, the current tendency (as of 2012) is to suppose that Proto-Indo-European evolved and that the "prehistoric speakers" of Anatolian became isolated "from the rest of the PIE speech community, so as not to share in some common innovations".[14] Hittite and the other Anatolian languages split off from Proto-Indo-European at an early stage. Hittite thus preserved archaisms that would be lost in the other Indo-European languages.[15]

Hittite has many loanwords, particularly religious vocabulary from the non-Indo-European Hurrian and Hattic languages. The latter was the language of the Hattians, the local inhabitants of the land of Hatti before they were absorbed or displaced by the Hittites. Sacred and magical texts from Hattusa were often written in Hattic, Hurrian and Luwian even after Hittite had become the norm for other writings.


The Hittite language has traditionally been stratified into Old Hittite (OH), Middle Hittite (MH) and New Hittite or Neo-Hittite (NH, not to be confused with the polysemic use of "Neo-Hittite" label as a designation for the later period, which is actually post-Hittite), corresponding to the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms of the Hittite history (c. 1750–1500 BCE, 1500–1430 BCE and 1430–1180 BCE, respectively). The stages are differentiated on both linguistic and paleographic grounds.[16][17]

In a 2019 work, Hittitologist Alwin Kloekhorst recognizes two dialectal variants of Hittite: one he calls "Kanišite Hittite", and a second he named "Ḫattuša Hittite" (or Hittite proper).[18] The first is attested in clay tablets from Kaniš/Neša (Kültepe), and is dated earlier than the findings from Ḫattuša.[19]


Hittite was written in an adapted form of Peripheral Akkadian cuneiform orthography from Northern Syria. The predominantly syllabic nature of the script makes it difficult to ascertain the precise phonetic qualities of some of the Hittite sound inventory.

The syllabary distinguishes the following consonants (notably, the Akkadian s series is dropped),

b, d, g, ḫ, k, l, m, n, p, r, š, t, z, combined with the vowels a, e, i, u. Additionally, ya (= I.A : 𒄿𒀀), wa (= PI : 𒉿) and wi (= wi5 = GEŠTIN : 𒃾) signs are introduced.

The Akkadian unvoiced/voiced series (k/g, p/b, t/d) do not express the voiced/unvoiced contrast in writing, but double spellings in intervocalic positions represent voiceless consonants in Indo-European (Sturtevant's law).


The limitations of the syllabic script in helping to determine the nature of Hittite phonology have been more or less overcome by means of comparative etymology and an examination of Hittite spelling conventions. Accordingly, scholars have surmised that Hittite possessed the following phonemes:


Front Central Back
Close i   u
Mid e   (o)
Open   a  
  • Long vowels appear as alternates to their corresponding short vowels when they are so conditioned by the accent.
  • Phonemically distinct long vowels occur infrequently.



Hittite had two series of consonants, one which was written always geminate in the original script, and another that was always simple. In cuneiform, all consonant sounds except for glides could be geminate. It has long been noticed that the geminate series of plosives is the one descending from Proto-Indo-European voiceless stops, and the simple plosives come from both voiced and voiced aspirate stops, which is often referred as Sturtevant's law. Because of the typological implications of Sturtevant's law, the distinction between the two series is commonly regarded as one of voice. However, there is no agreement over the subject among scholars since some view the series as if they were differenced by length, which a literal interpretation of the cuneiform orthography would suggest.

Supporters of a length distinction usually point the fact that Akkadian, the language from which the Hittites borrowed the cuneiform script, had voicing, but Hittite scribes used voiced and voiceless signs interchangeably. Alwin Kloekhorst also argues that the absence of assimilatory voicing is also evidence for a length distinction. He points out that the word "e-ku-ud-du - [ɛ́gʷtu]" does not show any voice assimilation. However, if the distinction were one of voice, agreement between the stops should be expected since the velar and the alveolar plosives are known to be adjacent since that word's "u" represents not a vowel but labialization.


Hittite preserves some very archaic features lost in other Indo-European languages. For example, Hittite has retained two of the three laryngeals (*h₂ and *h₃ word-initially). Those sounds, whose existence had been hypothesized in 1879 by Ferdinand de Saussure, on the basis of vowel quality in other Indo-European languages, were not preserved as separate sounds in any attested Indo-European language until the discovery of Hittite. In Hittite, the phoneme is written as . In that respect, Hittite is unlike any other attested Indo-European language and so the discovery of laryngeals in Hittite was a remarkable confirmation of Saussure's hypothesis.

Both the preservation of the laryngeals and the lack of evidence that Hittite shared certain grammatical features in the other early Indo-European languages have led some philologists to believe that the Anatolian languages split from the rest of Proto-Indo-European much earlier than the other divisions of the proto-language. See #Classification above for more details.


Hittite is the oldest attested Indo-European language,[20] yet it lacks several grammatical features that are exhibited by other early-attested Indo-European languages such as Vedic, Classical Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Persian and Old Avestan. Notably, Hittite did not have a masculine-feminine gender system. Instead, it had a rudimentary noun-class system that was based on an older animate–inanimate opposition.


Hittite inflects for nine cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative-locative, ablative, ergative, allative, and instrumental; two numbers: singular, and plural; and two animacy classes: animate (common), and inanimate (neuter).[21] Adjectives and pronouns agree with nouns for animacy, number, and case.

The distinction in animacy is rudimentary and generally occurs in the nominative case, and the same noun is sometimes attested in both animacy classes. There is a trend towards distinguishing fewer cases in the plural than in the singular and a trend towards distinguishing the plural in fewer cases. The ergative case is used when an inanimate noun is the subject of a transitive verb. Early Hittite texts have a vocative case for a few nouns with -u, but it ceased to be productive by the time of the earliest discovered sources and was subsumed by the nominative in most documents. The allative was subsumed in the later stages of the language by the dative-locative. An archaic genitive plural -an is found irregularly in earlier texts, as is an instrumental plural in -it. A few nouns also form a distinct locative, which had no case ending at all.

The examples of pišna- ("man") for animate and pēda- ("place") for inanimate are used here to show the Hittite noun declension's most basic form:

  Animate   Inanimate
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative pišnaš pišnēš pēdan pēda
Accusative pišnan pišnuš
Ergative pišnanza pišnantēš pēdanza pēdantēš
Vocative pišne
Genitive pišnaš pēdaš
Dative/Locative pišni pišnaš pēdi pēdaš
Ablative pišnaz pēdaz
Allative pišna pēda
Instrumental pišnit pēdit


The verbal morphology is less complicated than for other early-attested Indo-European languages like Ancient Greek and Vedic. Hittite verbs inflect according to two general conjugations (mi-conjugation and hi-conjugation), two voices (active and medio-passive), two moods (indicative mood and imperative), two aspects (perfective and imperfective), and two tenses (present and preterite). Verbs have two infinitive forms, a verbal noun, a supine, and a participle. Rose (2006) lists 132 hi verbs and interprets the hi/mi oppositions as vestiges of a system of grammatical voice ("centripetal voice" vs. "centrifugal voice").


The mi-conjugation is similar to the general verbal conjugation paradigm in Sanskrit and can also be compared to the class of mi-verbs in Ancient Greek. The following example uses the verb ēš-/aš- "to be".

Active voice
Indicative Imperative
Present ēšmi
Preterite ešun


Hittite is a head-final language: it has subject-object-verb word order,[22] a split ergative alignment, and is a synthetic language; adpositions follow their complement, adjectives and genitives precede the nouns that they modify, adverbs precede verbs, and subordinate clauses precede main clauses.

Hittite syntax shows one noteworthy feature that is typical of Anatolian languages: commonly, the beginning of a sentence or clause is composed of either a sentence-connecting particle or otherwise a fronted or topicalized form, and a "chain" of fixed-order clitics is then appended.


See also


  1. ^ Yakubovich 2020, p. 221–237.
  2. ^ van den Hout, Theo, (2020). A History of Hittite Literacy: Writing and Reading in Late Bronze-Age Anatolia (1650–1200 BC), Published online: 18 December 2020, Print publication: 07 January 2021, "Introduction": "...The hero of this book is literacy, writing and reading, in the Hittite kingdom in ancient Anatolia, or modern-day Turkey, from roughly 1650 to 1200 bc, give or take several years or perhaps even a decade or two..."
  3. ^ Yakubovich 2010, p. 307
  4. ^ Bryce 2012, p. 73.
  5. ^ Güterbock, Hans Gustav; Hoffner, Harry A.; Diamond, Irving L. (1997). Perspectives on Hittite civilization. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. p. 188. ISBN 9781885923042.
  6. ^ Glatz 2020, p. 35.
  7. ^ Hout 2011, p. 2.
  8. ^ J. D. Hawkins (2009). "The Arzawa Letters in Recent Perspective" (PDF). British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan. 14: 73–83.
  9. ^ Beckman, Gary (2011). S.R. Steadman; G. McMahon (eds.). "The Hittite Language: Recovery and Grammatical Sketch". The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 10,000-323 B.C.E.: 518–519. hdl:2027.42/86652.
  10. ^ Silvia Alaura: "Nach Boghasköi!" Zur Vorgeschichte der Ausgrabungen in Boğazköy-Ḫattuša und zu den archäologischen Forschungen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg, Benedict Press 2006. ISBN 3-00-019295-6
  11. ^ Fortson (2004:154)
  12. ^ Kloekhorst, Alwin. "Anatolian". In: The Indo-European Language Family: A Phylogenetic Perspective. Edited by Thomas Olander. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 63-65. doi:10.1017/9781108758666.005.
  13. ^ Melchert 2012, pp. 2–5.
  14. ^ Melchert 2012, p. 7.
  15. ^ Jasanoff 2003, p. 20 with footnote 41
  16. ^ Hout 2011, p. 2-3.
  17. ^ Inglese 2020, p. 61.
  18. ^ Kloekhorst, Alwin. Kanišite Hittite: The Earliest Attested Record of Indo-European. Leiden, The Netherlands, Boston: Brill, 2019. p. 246. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004382107
  19. ^ Kloekhorst, Alwin. "Anatolian". In: The Indo-European Language Family: A Phylogenetic Perspective. Edited by Thomas Olander. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 63-64, 75. doi:10.1017/9781108758666.005.
  20. ^ Coulson 1986, p. xiii
  21. ^ "Hittite Grammar" (PDF). Assyrianlanguages.org. Retrieved 2017-01-17.
  22. ^ "The Telepenus "Vanishing God" Myth (Anatolian mythology)". Utexas.edu. Retrieved 2017-01-17.


Introductions and overviews

  • Bryce, Trevor R. (2002). Life and Society in the Hittite World. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199241705.
  • Bryce, Trevor R. (2005) [1998]. The Kingdom of the Hittites (2nd revised ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199279081.
  • Bryce, Trevor R. (2012). The World of The Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780191505027.
  • Fortson, Benjamin W. (2004). Indo-European Language and Culture : an Introduction. Malden: Blackwell. ISBN 1-4051-0316-7.
  • Glatz, Claudia (2020). The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia: Hittite Sovereign Practice, Resistance, and Negotiation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108491105.
  • Melchert, H. Craig (2012). "The Position of Anatolian" (PDF).


  • Goetze, Albrecht (1954). "Review of: Johannes Friedrich, Hethitisches Wörterbuch (Heidelberg: Winter)", Language 30, pp. 401–5.
  • Kloekhorst, Alwin. Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2008.
  • Puhvel, Jaan (1984–). Hittite Etymological Dictionary. 10 vols. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. (1931). "Hittite glossary: words of known or conjectured meaning, with Sumerian ideograms and Accadian words common in Hittite texts", Language 7, no. 2, pp. 3–82., Language Monograph No. 9.
  • The Chicago Hittite Dictionary


  • Hoffner, Harry A.; Melchert, H. Craig (2008). A Grammar of the Hittite Language. Winona: Eisenbrauns. ISBN 978-1-57506-119-1.
  • Hout, Theo van den (2011). The Elements of Hittite. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781139501781.
  • Hrozný, Bedřich (1917). Die Sprache der Hethiter: ihr Bau und ihre Zugehörigkeit zum indogermanischen Sprachstamm. Leipzig: Hinrichs.
  • Inglese, Guglielmo (2020). The Hittite Middle Voice: Synchrony, Diachrony, Typology. Leiden-Boston: Brill. ISBN 9789004432307.
  • Jasanoff, Jay H. (2003). Hittite and the Indo-European Verb. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-924905-9.
  • Luraghi, Silvia (1997). Hittite. Munich: Lincom Europa. ISBN 3-89586-076-X.
  • Melchert, H. Craig (1994). Anatolian Historical Phonology. Amsterdam: Rodopi. ISBN 90-5183-697-X.
  • Patri, Sylvain (2007). L'alignement syntaxique dans les langues indo-européennes d'Anatolie. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 978-3-447-05612-0.
  • Rose, S. R. (2006). The Hittite -hi/-mi conjugations. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen der Universität Innsbruck. ISBN 3-85124-704-3.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. A. (1933, 1951). Comparative Grammar of the Hittite Language. Rev. ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1951. First edition: 1933.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. A. (1940). The Indo-Hittite laryngeals. Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America.
  • Watkins, Calvert (2004). "Hittite". The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages: 551–575. ISBN 0-521-56256-2.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya (2010). Sociolinguistics of the Luwian Language. Leiden: Brill. ISBN 9789004177918.

Text editions

  • Goetze, Albrecht & Edgar H. Sturtevant (1938). The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi. New Haven: American Oriental Society.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. A., & George Bechtel (1935). A Hittite Chrestomathy. Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America.
  • Knudtzon, J. A. (1902). Die Zwei Arzawa-Briefe: Die ältesten Urkunden in indogermanischer Sprache. Leipzig: Hinrichs.


  • Archi, Alfonso (2010). "When Did the Hittites Begin to Write in Hittite?". Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and Their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. pp. 37–46. ISBN 9783447061193.
  • Hrozný, Bedřich (1915). "Die Lösung des hethitischen Problems". Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft. 56: 17–50.
  • Melchert, Craig (2020). "Luwian". A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 239–256. ISBN 9781119193296.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. (1932). "The Development of the Stops in Hittite". Journal of the American Oriental Society. American Oriental Society. 52 (1): 1–12. doi:10.2307/593573. JSTOR 593573.
  • Sturtevant, Edgar H. (1940). "Evidence for voicing in Hittite g". Language. Linguistic Society of America. 16 (2): 81–87. doi:10.2307/408942. JSTOR 408942.
  • Wittmann, Henri (1969). "A note on the linguistic form of Hittite sheep". Revue hittite et asianique. 22: 117–118.
  • Wittmann, Henri (1973) [1964]. "Some Hittite etymologies". Die Sprache. 10, 19: 144–148, 39–43.
  • Wittmann, Henri (1969). "The development of K in Hittite". Glossa. 3: 22–26.
  • Wittmann, Henri (1969). "The Indo-European drift and the position of Hittite". International Journal of American Linguistics. 35 (3): 266–268. doi:10.1086/465065. S2CID 106405518.
  • Yakubovich, Ilya (2020). "Hittite". A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 221–237. ISBN 9781119193296.

External links

  • Hittite Online by Winfred P. Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum, free online lessons at the Linguistics Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin
  • Lauffenburger, Olivier (2006). "The Hittite Grammar Homepage".
  • Portal Mainz (in German)
  • . Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Archived from the original on 25 February 2017. Retrieved 18 February 2017.
  • The Electronic Edition of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary - The University of Chicago
  • - a guide to information related to the study of the Ancient Near East on the Web
  • Hittite Dictionary
  • Hittite basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database
  • Hittite in the wiki Glossing Ancient Languages (recommendations for the Interlinear Morphemic Glossing of Hittite texts)
  • glottothèque - Ancient Indo-European Grammars online, an online collection of introductory videos to Ancient Indo-European languages produced by the University of Göttingen

hittite, language, hittite, redirects, here, hittite, kingdom, hittites, kingdom, hittite, natively, 𒌷𒉌𒅆𒇷, nišili, language, neša, nešumnili, language, people, neša, also, known, nesite, nešite, neshite, nessite, extinct, indo, european, language, that, spoken. Old Hittite redirects here For the Old Hittite Kingdom see Hittites Old Kingdom Hittite natively 𒌷𒉌𒅆𒇷 nisili the language of Nesa or nesumnili the language of the people of Nesa also known as Nesite Nesite Neshite Nessite is an extinct Indo European language that was spoken by the Hittites a people of Bronze Age Anatolia who created an empire centred on Hattusa as well as parts of the northern Levant and Upper Mesopotamia 1 The language now long extinct is attested in cuneiform in records dating from the 17th 2 Anitta text to the 13th centuries BCE with isolated Hittite loanwords and numerous personal names appearing in an Old Assyrian context from as early as the 20th century BCE making it the earliest attested use of the Indo European languages Hittite𒌷𒉌𒅆𒇷 nisciliRegionAnatoliaEraattested 17th to 12th centuries BCELanguage familyIndo European AnatolianMiddle HittiteHittiteWriting systemHittite cuneiformLanguage codesISO 639 2 span class plainlinks hit span ISO 639 3Variously a href https iso639 3 sil org code hit class extiw title iso639 3 hit hit a Hittite a href https iso639 3 sil org code oht class extiw title iso639 3 oht oht a Old Hittite a href https iso639 3 sil org code htx class extiw title iso639 3 htx htx a Middle Hittite a href https iso639 3 sil org code nei class extiw title iso639 3 nei nei a New HittiteLinguist Listhit Hittite oht Old Hittite htx Middle Hittite nei New HittiteGlottologhitt1242This article contains cuneiform script Without proper rendering support you may see question marks boxes or other symbols instead of cuneiform script By the Late Bronze Age Hittite had started losing ground to its close relative Luwian It appears that in the 13th century BCE Luwian was the most widely spoken language in the Hittite capital Hattusa 3 After the collapse of the Hittite New Kingdom during the more general Late Bronze Age collapse Luwian emerged in the Early Iron Age as the main language of the so called Syro Hittite states in southwestern Anatolia and northern Syria Contents 1 Name 2 Decipherment 3 Classification 4 History 5 Script 6 Phonology 6 1 Vowels 6 2 Consonants 6 3 Plosives 6 4 Laryngeals 7 Morphology 7 1 Nouns 7 2 Verbs 7 2 1 Mi conjugation 7 2 1 1 Active voice 8 Syntax 9 Corpus 10 See also 11 References 12 Sources 12 1 Introductions and overviews 12 2 Dictionaries 12 3 Grammar 12 4 Text editions 12 5 Articles 13 External linksName Edit Indo European family tree in order of first attestation Hittite belongs to the family of Anatolian languages and is among the oldest written Indo European languages Hittite is the modern scholarly name for the language based on the identification of the Hatti Ḫatti kingdom with the Biblical Hittites Biblical Hebrew חתים Ḥittim although that name appears to have been applied incorrectly 4 The term Hattian refers to the indigenous people who preceded the Hittites speaking a non Indo European Hattic language In multilingual texts found in Hittite locations passages written in Hittite are preceded by the adverb nesili or nasili nisili in the speech of Nesa Kanes an important city during the early stages of the Hittite Old Kingdom In one case the label is Kanisumnili in the speech of the people of Kanes 5 Although the Hittite New Kingdom had people from many diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds the Hittite language was used in most secular written texts In spite of various arguments over the appropriateness of the term 6 Hittite remains the most current term because of convention and the strength of association with the Biblical Hittites The endonymic term nesili and its Anglicized variants Nesite Nessite Neshite have never caught on 7 Decipherment EditThe first substantive claim as to the affiliation of Hittite was made by Jorgen Alexander Knudtzon 8 in 1902 in a book devoted to two letters between the king of Egypt and a Hittite ruler found at El Amarna Egypt Knudtzon argued that Hittite was Indo European largely because of its morphology Although he had no bilingual texts he was able to provide a partial interpretation of the two letters because of the formulaic nature of the diplomatic correspondence of the period 9 His argument was not generally accepted partly because the morphological similarities he observed between Hittite and Indo European can be found outside of Indo European and also because the interpretation of the letters was justifiably regarded as uncertain citation needed Knudtzon was definitively shown to have been correct when many tablets written in the familiar Akkadian cuneiform script but in an unknown language were discovered by Hugo Winckler in what is now the village of Bogazkoy Turkey which was the former site of Hattusa the capital of the Hittite state 10 Based on a study of this extensive material Bedrich Hrozny succeeded in analyzing the language He presented his argument that the language is Indo European in a paper published in 1915 Hrozny 1915 which was soon followed by a grammar of the language Hrozny 1917 Hrozny s argument for the Indo European affiliation of Hittite was thoroughly modern although poorly substantiated He focused on the striking similarities in idiosyncratic aspects of the morphology that are unlikely to occur independently by chance or to be borrowed 11 They included the r n alternation in some noun stems the heteroclitics and vocalic ablaut which are both seen in the alternation in the word for water between the nominative singular wadar and the genitive singular wedenas He also presented a set of regular sound correspondences After a brief initial delay because of disruption during the First World War Hrozny s decipherment tentative grammatical analysis and demonstration of the Indo European affiliation of Hittite were rapidly accepted and more broadly substantiated by contemporary scholars such as Edgar H Sturtevant who authored the first scientifically acceptable Hittite grammar with a chrestomathy and a glossary The most up to date grammar of the Hittite language is currently Hoffner and Melchert 2008 Classification EditHittite is one of the Anatolian languages and is known from cuneiform tablets and inscriptions that were erected by the Hittite kings The script formerly known as Hieroglyphic Hittite is now termed Hieroglyphic Luwian The Anatolian branch also includes Cuneiform Luwian Hieroglyphic Luwian Palaic Lycian Milyan Lydian Carian Pisidian Sidetic and Isaurian 12 Unlike most other Indo European languages Hittite does not distinguish between masculine and feminine grammatical gender and it lacks subjunctive and optative moods as well as aspect Various hypotheses have been formulated to explain these differences 13 Some linguists most notably Edgar H Sturtevant and Warren Cowgill have argued that Hittite should be classified as a sister language to Proto Indo European rather than as a daughter language Their Indo Hittite hypothesis is that the parent language Indo Hittite lacked the features that are absent in Hittite as well and that Proto Indo European later innovated them Other linguists however prefer the Schwund loss Hypothesis in which Hittite or Anatolian came from Proto Indo European with its full range of features but the features became simplified in Hittite According to Craig Melchert the current tendency as of 2012 is to suppose that Proto Indo European evolved and that the prehistoric speakers of Anatolian became isolated from the rest of the PIE speech community so as not to share in some common innovations 14 Hittite and the other Anatolian languages split off from Proto Indo European at an early stage Hittite thus preserved archaisms that would be lost in the other Indo European languages 15 Hittite has many loanwords particularly religious vocabulary from the non Indo European Hurrian and Hattic languages The latter was the language of the Hattians the local inhabitants of the land of Hatti before they were absorbed or displaced by the Hittites Sacred and magical texts from Hattusa were often written in Hattic Hurrian and Luwian even after Hittite had become the norm for other writings History EditThe Hittite language has traditionally been stratified into Old Hittite OH Middle Hittite MH and New Hittite or Neo Hittite NH not to be confused with the polysemic use of Neo Hittite label as a designation for the later period which is actually post Hittite corresponding to the Old Middle and New Kingdoms of the Hittite history c 1750 1500 BCE 1500 1430 BCE and 1430 1180 BCE respectively The stages are differentiated on both linguistic and paleographic grounds 16 17 In a 2019 work Hittitologist Alwin Kloekhorst recognizes two dialectal variants of Hittite one he calls Kanisite Hittite and a second he named Ḫattusa Hittite or Hittite proper 18 The first is attested in clay tablets from Kanis Nesa Kultepe and is dated earlier than the findings from Ḫattusa 19 Script EditMain article Hittite cuneiform Hittite was written in an adapted form of Peripheral Akkadian cuneiform orthography from Northern Syria The predominantly syllabic nature of the script makes it difficult to ascertain the precise phonetic qualities of some of the Hittite sound inventory The syllabary distinguishes the following consonants notably the Akkadian s series is dropped b d g ḫ k l m n p r s t z combined with the vowels a e i u Additionally ya I A 𒄿𒀀 wa PI 𒉿 and wi wi5 GESTIN 𒃾 signs are introduced The Akkadian unvoiced voiced series k g p b t d do not express the voiced unvoiced contrast in writing but double spellings in intervocalic positions represent voiceless consonants in Indo European Sturtevant s law Phonology EditMain article Hittite phonology The limitations of the syllabic script in helping to determine the nature of Hittite phonology have been more or less overcome by means of comparative etymology and an examination of Hittite spelling conventions Accordingly scholars have surmised that Hittite possessed the following phonemes Vowels Edit VowelsFront Central BackClose i uMid e o Open a Long vowels appear as alternates to their corresponding short vowels when they are so conditioned by the accent Phonemically distinct long vowels occur infrequently Consonants Edit Consonant phonemes Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvularplain labial plain labialNasal lenis m nfortis m ː n ːPlosive lenis p t k kʷfortis p ː t ː k ː kʷ ːFricative lenis s ʃ x xʷfortis s ː ʃ ː x ː xʷ ːAffricate t sLiquid lenis r lfortis r ː l ːGlide j wPlosives Edit Hittite had two series of consonants one which was written always geminate in the original script and another that was always simple In cuneiform all consonant sounds except for glides could be geminate It has long been noticed that the geminate series of plosives is the one descending from Proto Indo European voiceless stops and the simple plosives come from both voiced and voiced aspirate stops which is often referred as Sturtevant s law Because of the typological implications of Sturtevant s law the distinction between the two series is commonly regarded as one of voice However there is no agreement over the subject among scholars since some view the series as if they were differenced by length which a literal interpretation of the cuneiform orthography would suggest Supporters of a length distinction usually point the fact that Akkadian the language from which the Hittites borrowed the cuneiform script had voicing but Hittite scribes used voiced and voiceless signs interchangeably Alwin Kloekhorst also argues that the absence of assimilatory voicing is also evidence for a length distinction He points out that the word e ku ud du ɛ gʷtu does not show any voice assimilation However if the distinction were one of voice agreement between the stops should be expected since the velar and the alveolar plosives are known to be adjacent since that word s u represents not a vowel but labialization Laryngeals Edit Hittite preserves some very archaic features lost in other Indo European languages For example Hittite has retained two of the three laryngeals h and h word initially Those sounds whose existence had been hypothesized in 1879 by Ferdinand de Saussure on the basis of vowel quality in other Indo European languages were not preserved as separate sounds in any attested Indo European language until the discovery of Hittite In Hittite the phoneme is written as ḫ In that respect Hittite is unlike any other attested Indo European language and so the discovery of laryngeals in Hittite was a remarkable confirmation of Saussure s hypothesis Both the preservation of the laryngeals and the lack of evidence that Hittite shared certain grammatical features in the other early Indo European languages have led some philologists to believe that the Anatolian languages split from the rest of Proto Indo European much earlier than the other divisions of the proto language See Classification above for more details Morphology EditMain article Hittite grammar Hittite is the oldest attested Indo European language 20 yet it lacks several grammatical features that are exhibited by other early attested Indo European languages such as Vedic Classical Latin Ancient Greek Old Persian and Old Avestan Notably Hittite did not have a masculine feminine gender system Instead it had a rudimentary noun class system that was based on an older animate inanimate opposition Nouns Edit Hittite inflects for nine cases nominative vocative accusative genitive dative locative ablative ergative allative and instrumental two numbers singular and plural and two animacy classes animate common and inanimate neuter 21 Adjectives and pronouns agree with nouns for animacy number and case The distinction in animacy is rudimentary and generally occurs in the nominative case and the same noun is sometimes attested in both animacy classes There is a trend towards distinguishing fewer cases in the plural than in the singular and a trend towards distinguishing the plural in fewer cases The ergative case is used when an inanimate noun is the subject of a transitive verb Early Hittite texts have a vocative case for a few nouns with u but it ceased to be productive by the time of the earliest discovered sources and was subsumed by the nominative in most documents The allative was subsumed in the later stages of the language by the dative locative An archaic genitive plural an is found irregularly in earlier texts as is an instrumental plural in it A few nouns also form a distinct locative which had no case ending at all The examples of pisna man for animate and peda place for inanimate are used here to show the Hittite noun declension s most basic form Animate InanimateSingular Plural Singular PluralNominative pisnas pisnes pedan pedaAccusative pisnan pisnusErgative pisnanza pisnantes pedanza pedantesVocative pisne Genitive pisnas pedasDative Locative pisni pisnas pedi pedasAblative pisnaz pedazAllative pisna peda Instrumental pisnit peditVerbs Edit The verbal morphology is less complicated than for other early attested Indo European languages like Ancient Greek and Vedic Hittite verbs inflect according to two general conjugations mi conjugation and hi conjugation two voices active and medio passive two moods indicative mood and imperative two aspects perfective and imperfective and two tenses present and preterite Verbs have two infinitive forms a verbal noun a supine and a participle Rose 2006 lists 132 hi verbs and interprets the hi mi oppositions as vestiges of a system of grammatical voice centripetal voice vs centrifugal voice Mi conjugation Edit The mi conjugation is similar to the general verbal conjugation paradigm in Sanskrit and can also be compared to the class of mi verbs in Ancient Greek The following example uses the verb es as to be Active voice Edit Indicative ImperativePresent esmiessiesziesuwani estaniasanzi asalluestestuesuwaniestenasantuPreterite esunestestesuwen esteneserSyntax EditHittite is a head final language it has subject object verb word order 22 a split ergative alignment and is a synthetic language adpositions follow their complement adjectives and genitives precede the nouns that they modify adverbs precede verbs and subordinate clauses precede main clauses Hittite syntax shows one noteworthy feature that is typical of Anatolian languages commonly the beginning of a sentence or clause is composed of either a sentence connecting particle or otherwise a fronted or topicalized form and a chain of fixed order clitics is then appended Corpus EditMain article Hittite inscriptionsSee also Edit Languages portal Asia portalHittitologyAlbrecht Goetze Bedrich Hrozny Harry A Hoffner Johannes Friedrich Alwin Kloekhorst Craig Melchert Archibald Sayce Edgar Howard Sturtevant Henri WittmannReferences Edit Yakubovich 2020 p 221 237 van den Hout Theo 2020 A History of Hittite Literacy Writing and Reading in Late Bronze Age Anatolia 1650 1200 BC Published online 18 December 2020 Print publication 07 January 2021 Introduction The hero of this book is literacy writing and reading in the Hittite kingdom in ancient Anatolia or modern day Turkey from roughly 1650 to 1200 bc give or take several years or perhaps even a decade or two Yakubovich 2010 p 307 Bryce 2012 p 73 Guterbock Hans Gustav Hoffner Harry A Diamond Irving L 1997 Perspectives on Hittite civilization Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago p 188 ISBN 9781885923042 Glatz 2020 p 35 Hout 2011 p 2 J D Hawkins 2009 The Arzawa Letters in Recent Perspective PDF British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 14 73 83 Beckman Gary 2011 S R Steadman G McMahon eds The Hittite Language Recovery and Grammatical Sketch The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia 10 000 323 B C E 518 519 hdl 2027 42 86652 Silvia Alaura Nach Boghaskoi Zur Vorgeschichte der Ausgrabungen in Bogazkoy Ḫattusa und zu den archaologischen Forschungen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg Benedict Press 2006 ISBN 3 00 019295 6 Fortson 2004 154 Kloekhorst Alwin Anatolian In The Indo European Language Family A Phylogenetic Perspective Edited by Thomas Olander Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2022 pp 63 65 doi 10 1017 9781108758666 005 Melchert 2012 pp 2 5 Melchert 2012 p 7 Jasanoff 2003 p 20 with footnote 41 Hout 2011 p 2 3 Inglese 2020 p 61 Kloekhorst Alwin Kanisite Hittite The Earliest Attested Record of Indo European Leiden The Netherlands Boston Brill 2019 p 246 DOI https doi org 10 1163 9789004382107 Kloekhorst Alwin Anatolian In The Indo European Language Family A Phylogenetic Perspective Edited by Thomas Olander Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2022 pp 63 64 75 doi 10 1017 9781108758666 005 Coulson 1986 p xiii Hittite Grammar PDF Assyrianlanguages org Retrieved 2017 01 17 The Telepenus Vanishing God Myth Anatolian mythology Utexas edu Retrieved 2017 01 17 Sources EditIntroductions and overviews Edit Bryce Trevor R 2002 Life and Society in the Hittite World New York Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199241705 Bryce Trevor R 2005 1998 The Kingdom of the Hittites 2nd revised ed New York Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199279081 Bryce Trevor R 2012 The World of The Neo Hittite Kingdoms A Political and Military History New York Oxford University Press ISBN 9780191505027 Fortson Benjamin W 2004 Indo European Language and Culture an Introduction Malden Blackwell ISBN 1 4051 0316 7 Glatz Claudia 2020 The Making of Empire in Bronze Age Anatolia Hittite Sovereign Practice Resistance and Negotiation Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781108491105 Melchert H Craig 2012 The Position of Anatolian PDF Dictionaries Edit Goetze Albrecht 1954 Review of Johannes Friedrich Hethitisches Worterbuch Heidelberg Winter Language 30 pp 401 5 Kloekhorst Alwin Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon Leiden Boston Brill 2008 Puhvel Jaan 1984 Hittite Etymological Dictionary 10 vols Berlin Mouton de Gruyter Sturtevant Edgar H 1931 Hittite glossary words of known or conjectured meaning with Sumerian ideograms and Accadian words common in Hittite texts Language 7 no 2 pp 3 82 Language Monograph No 9 The Chicago Hittite DictionaryGrammar Edit Hoffner Harry A Melchert H Craig 2008 A Grammar of the Hittite Language Winona Eisenbrauns ISBN 978 1 57506 119 1 Hout Theo van den 2011 The Elements of Hittite Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781139501781 Hrozny Bedrich 1917 Die Sprache der Hethiter ihr Bau und ihre Zugehorigkeit zum indogermanischen Sprachstamm Leipzig Hinrichs Inglese Guglielmo 2020 The Hittite Middle Voice Synchrony Diachrony Typology Leiden Boston Brill ISBN 9789004432307 Jasanoff Jay H 2003 Hittite and the Indo European Verb Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 924905 9 Luraghi Silvia 1997 Hittite Munich Lincom Europa ISBN 3 89586 076 X Melchert H Craig 1994 Anatolian Historical Phonology Amsterdam Rodopi ISBN 90 5183 697 X Patri Sylvain 2007 L alignement syntaxique dans les langues indo europeennes d Anatolie Wiesbaden Harrassowitz ISBN 978 3 447 05612 0 Rose S R 2006 The Hittite hi mi conjugations Innsbruck Institut fur Sprachen und Literaturen der Universitat Innsbruck ISBN 3 85124 704 3 Sturtevant Edgar H A 1933 1951 Comparative Grammar of the Hittite Language Rev ed New Haven Yale University Press 1951 First edition 1933 Sturtevant Edgar H A 1940 The Indo Hittite laryngeals Baltimore Linguistic Society of America Watkins Calvert 2004 Hittite The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World s Ancient Languages 551 575 ISBN 0 521 56256 2 Yakubovich Ilya 2010 Sociolinguistics of the Luwian Language Leiden Brill ISBN 9789004177918 Text editions Edit Goetze Albrecht amp Edgar H Sturtevant 1938 The Hittite Ritual of Tunnawi New Haven American Oriental Society Sturtevant Edgar H A amp George Bechtel 1935 A Hittite Chrestomathy Baltimore Linguistic Society of America Knudtzon J A 1902 Die Zwei Arzawa Briefe Die altesten Urkunden in indogermanischer Sprache Leipzig Hinrichs Articles Edit Archi Alfonso 2010 When Did the Hittites Begin to Write in Hittite Pax Hethitica Studies on the Hittites and Their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer Wiesbaden Harrassowitz Verlag pp 37 46 ISBN 9783447061193 Hrozny Bedrich 1915 Die Losung des hethitischen Problems Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient Gesellschaft 56 17 50 Melchert Craig 2020 Luwian A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons pp 239 256 ISBN 9781119193296 Sturtevant Edgar H 1932 The Development of the Stops in Hittite Journal of the American Oriental Society American Oriental Society 52 1 1 12 doi 10 2307 593573 JSTOR 593573 Sturtevant Edgar H 1940 Evidence for voicing in Hittite g Language Linguistic Society of America 16 2 81 87 doi 10 2307 408942 JSTOR 408942 Wittmann Henri 1969 A note on the linguistic form of Hittite sheep Revue hittite et asianique 22 117 118 Wittmann Henri 1973 1964 Some Hittite etymologies Die Sprache 10 19 144 148 39 43 Wittmann Henri 1969 The development of K in Hittite Glossa 3 22 26 Wittmann Henri 1969 The Indo European drift and the position of Hittite International Journal of American Linguistics 35 3 266 268 doi 10 1086 465065 S2CID 106405518 Yakubovich Ilya 2020 Hittite A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages Hoboken John Wiley amp Sons pp 221 237 ISBN 9781119193296 External links Edit Look up Appendix Hittite Swadesh list in Wiktionary the free dictionary Hittite Online by Winfred P Lehmann and Jonathan Slocum free online lessons at the Linguistics Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin Lauffenburger Olivier 2006 The Hittite Grammar Homepage Portal Mainz in German Digital etymological philological Dictionary of the Ancient Anatolian Corpus Languages eDiAna Ludwig Maximilians Universitat Munchen Archived from the original on 25 February 2017 Retrieved 18 February 2017 The Electronic Edition of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary The University of Chicago ABZU a guide to information related to the study of the Ancient Near East on the Web Hittite Dictionary Hittite basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database Hittite in the wiki Glossing Ancient Languages recommendations for the Interlinear Morphemic Glossing of Hittite texts glottotheque Ancient Indo European Grammars online an online collection of introductory videos to Ancient Indo European languages produced by the University of Gottingen Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Hittite language amp oldid 1165416989, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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