
List of phobias

The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (from Greek φόβος phobos, "fear") occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, abnormal, unwarranted, persistent, or disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g. agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g. hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g. acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g. photophobia). In common usage, they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject (e.g. homophobia). The suffix is antonymic to -phil-.

For more information on the psychiatric side, including how psychiatry groups phobias such as agoraphobia, social phobia, or simple phobia, see phobia. The following lists include words ending in -phobia, and include fears that have acquired names. In some cases, the naming of phobias has become a word game, of notable example being a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.[1] In some cases, a word ending in -phobia may have an antonym with the suffix -phil-, e.g. Germanophobe/Germanophile.

Many -phobia lists circulate on the Internet, with words collected from indiscriminate sources, often copying each other. Also, a number of psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a huge number of phobias, but in fact use a standard text to fit any phobia and reuse it for all unusual phobias by merely changing the name. Sometimes it leads to bizarre results, such as suggestions to cure "prostitute phobia".[2] Such practice is known as content spamming and is used to attract search engines.

An article published in 1897 in American Journal of Psychology noted "the absurd tendency to give Greek names to objects feared (which, as Arndt says, would give us such terms as klopsophobia – fear of thieves, triakaidekaphobia – fear of the number 13....)".[3]

Psychological conditions

Specialists may prefer to avoid the suffix -phobia and use more descriptive terms such as personality disorders, anxiety disorders, and avoidant personality disorder. Terms should strictly have a Greek prefix although many are irregularly formed with Latin or even English prefixes. Many use inaccurate or imprecise prefixes, such as aerophobia (fear of air) for fear of flying.


Phobia Condition
Achluophobia fear of darkness
Acousticophobia fear of noise – a branch of phonophobia
Acrophobia fear of heights
Aerophobia fear of aircraft or flying
Agoraphobia fear of certain inescapable/unsafe situations
Agyrophobia fear of crossing streets
Aichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objects such as a needle or knife
Ailurophobia fear/dislike of cats, a zoophobia
Alektorophobia fear/dislike of chickens, a zoophobia
Anatidaephobia fear/dislike of ducks, a zoophobia
Algophobia fear of pain
Alliumphobia fear of the strong-scented Allium genus: garlic, onions, chives, shallots[4][5][6][7]
Ancraophobia fear of wind or drafts
Androphobia fear of adult men[8]
Anthropophobia fear of human beings[8]
Apeirophobia excessive fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable
Aphenphosmphobia fear of being touched
Apiphobia fear of bees, a zoophobia
Apotemnophobia fear of amputees, and/or of becoming an amputee[9][10]
Aquaphobia fear of water. Distinct from hydrophobia, a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water, as well as an archaic name for rabies.
Arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions, a zoophobia
Astraphobia fear of thunder and lightning
Atelophobia fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia fear of failure[11] or negative evaluations of others
Autophobia fear of isolation[12]


Phobia Condition
Bacteriophobia fear of bacteria
Basophobia, basiphobia fear associated with astasia-abasia (fear of walking/standing erect) and a fear of falling
Batrachophobia fear/dislike of frogs and other amphibians, a zoophobia
Belonephobia fear of needles or pins[13][14]
Bibliophobia fear of books
Blood-injection-injury type phobia a DSM-IV subtype of specific phobias


Phobia Condition
Cacophobia, aschimophobia fear of ugliness
Carcinophobia fear of cancer
Catoptrophobia fear of mirrors
Chemophobia fear of chemicals
Cherophobia fear of happiness
Chiroptophobia fear/dislike of bats, a zoophobia
Chromophobia, chromatophobia fear of colors
Chronophobia fear of time and time moving forward
Chronomentrophobia fear of clocks[15]
Cibophobia, sitophobia aversion to food, synonymous with anorexia nervosa
Claustrophobia fear of having no escape and being closed in
Coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries
Coprophobia fear of feces or defecation[8]
Coulrophobia fear of clowns[16]
Cyberphobia fear of computers
Cynophobia fear/dislike of dogs, a zoophobia
Cephalalgiaphobia Fear of headaches


Phobia Condition
Dendrophobia fear of trees[17][18]
Dental fear, odontophobia fear of dentists and dental procedures
Dentophobia fear of dentists
Diagraphephobia fear of deleting files or an extreme fear of losing your computer data.[19]
Domatophobia fear of houses
Driving phobia, driving anxiety fear of driving
Dysmorphophobia, body dysmorphic disorder a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect
Dystichiphobia fear of being involved in an accident[20]


Phobia Condition
Ecophobia fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection in a mirror[21][22]
Emetophobia fear of vomiting
Enochlophobia fear of crowds
Entomophobia fear/dislike of insects, a zoophobia
Ephebiphobia fear of youth; inaccurate, exaggerated and sensational characterization of young people
Equinophobia fear of horses
Ergophobia, ergasiophobia fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating
Erotophobia fear of sexual love or sexual abuse
Erythrophobia, erytophobia, ereuthophobia fear of the color red, or fear of blushing
Eurotophobia aversion to female genitals


Phobia Condition
Frigophobia fear of becoming too cold


Phobia Condition
Galeophobia fear of sharks
Gamophobia fear of marriage
Gelotophobia fear of being laughed at
Gephyrophobia fear of bridges
Genophobia, coitophobia fear of sexual intercourse
Genuphobia fear of knees or the act of kneeling
Gerascophobia fear of growing old or aging
Gerontophobia fear of growing old, or a hatred or fear of the elderly
Globophobia fear of balloons
Glossophobia fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak
Gymnophobia fear of nudity[23]
Gynophobia fear of adult women


Phobia Condition
Halitophobia fear of bad breath
Haphephobia fear of being touched
Heptadekaphobia, heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17
Hedonophobia fear of obtaining pleasure
Heliophobia fear of the sun or sunlight
Helminthophobia, scoleciphobia, vermiphobia fear of worms,[24] a zoophobia
Hemophobia, haemophobia fear of blood
Herpetophobia fear/dislike of reptiles or amphibians, a zoophobia
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia fear of the number 666
Hippophobia fear/dislike of horses,[25] a zoophobia
Hodophobia fear of travel
Hydrophobia[26] fear of water, see aquaphobia
Hypnophobia, somniphobia fear of sleep or nightmares[27]
Hypochondria fear of illness


Phobia Condition
Ichthyophobia fear of fish, including fear of eating fish, or fear of dead fish, a zoophobia
Insectophobia fear of insects, a zoophobia


Phobia Condition
Koumpounophobia fear of buttons on clothing[28]


Phobia Condition
Lilapsophobia fear of tornadoes or hurricanes
Lepidopterophobia fear of butterflies and moths, a zoophobia


Phobia Condition
Mageiricophobia fear of cooking
Masklophobia fear of people in masks, costumes and mascots
Megalophobia fear of large objects
Melanophobia fear of the color black
Melissophobia, apiphobia fear/dislike of bees, a zoophobia
Monophobia fear of being alone or isolated or of one's self
Musophobia, murophobia, suriphobia fear/dislike of mice or rats, a zoophobia
Mycophobia fear of mushrooms[29]
Myrmecophobia fear of ants, a zoophobia
Mysophobia, germophobia fear of germs, contamination or dirt


Phobia Condition
Necrophobia fear of death or the dead
Neophobia, cainophobia, cainotophobia, centophobia, kainolophobia, kainophobia, metathesiophobia, prosophobia fear of newness, novelty, change or progress
Noctiphobia fear of the night
Nomophobia fear of being out of mobile phone contact
Nosocomephobia fear of hospitals
Nosophobia fear of contracting a disease
Nostophobia, ecophobia fear of returning home
Numerophobia fear of numbers
Nyctophobia, achluophobia, lygophobia, scotophobia fear of darkness


Phobia Condition
Obesophobia fear of gaining weight
Oikophobia fear of home surroundings and household appliances
Odontophobia dental fear
Ommetaphobia fear of eyes
Oneirophobia fear of dreams
Ophidiophobia fear/dislike of snakes, a zoophobia
Ophthalmophobia fear of being stared at
Ornithophobia fear/dislike of birds, a zoophobia
Osmophobia, olfactophobia fear of odors
Ostraconophobia fear/dislike of shellfish, a zoophobia


Phobia Condition
Panphobia fear of everything or constant generalised fear of an unknown cause
Pedophobia, paedophobia, pediaphobia fear of babies and children
Phagophobia fear of swallowing
Phallophobia fear of erections or penises
Pharmacophobia fear of medications
Phasmophobia fear of ghosts or phantoms
Philophobia fear of love
Phyllophobia fear of leaves[30][31][32][33]
Phobophobia fear of fear itself or of having a phobia
Phonophobia fear of loud sounds or voices
Pogonophobia fear of beards
Pornophobia dislike or fear of pornography; may be used in reference to the opposition to visual nudity
Porphyrophobia fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia fear of flying
Pyrophobia fear of fire


Phobia Condition
Radiophobia fear of radioactivity or X-rays
Ranidaphobia fear/dislike of frogs, a zoophobia


Phobia Condition
Scopophobia fear of being looked at or stared at
Sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities
Siderodromophobia fear of trains or railroads
Social phobia fear of people or social situations
Somniphobia fear of sleep
Spectrophobia fear of mirrors
Spheksophobia fear of wasps, a zoophobia
Stasiphobia fear of standing or walking
Submechanophobia fear of partially or fully submerged man-made objects[34][35]


Phobia Condition
Taphophobia, taphephobia fear of graves, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive
Technophobia fear of advanced technology (see also Luddite)
Telephone phobia fear or reluctance of making or taking telephone calls
Teratophobia fear of giving birth to a monster[36] or a disfigured foetus[37]
Tetraphobia fear of the number 4
Thalassophobia fear of the sea, or fear of being in the ocean
Thanatophobia fear of dying
Thermophobia fear of intolerance to high temperatures
Tokophobia fear of childbirth or pregnancy
Tomophobia fear of invasive medical procedure[38]
Tonitrophobia fear of thunder
Toxiphobia fear of being poisoned
Traumatophobia a synonym for injury phobia: fear of having an injury
Trichophobia delusional fear of something in the roots of the hair that stops it from growing,[39] or fear of hair loss
Triskaidekaphobia, terdekaphobia fear of the number 13
Trypanophobia, belonephobia, enetophobia fear of needles or injections
Trypophobia fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes[40]


Phobia Condition
Vehophobia fear of driving
Veloxrotaphobia fear of roller coasters
Verminophobia fear of germs


Phobia Condition
Workplace phobia fear of the workplace, a subset of ergophobia


Phobia Condition
Xanthophobia fear of the color yellow


Phobia Condition
Zoophobia fear of animals

Cultural prejudices and discrimination

Phobia Condition
Acephobia fear/dislike of asexual people
Aporophobia fear/dislike of people without resources
Biphobia fear/dislike of bisexuality or bisexuals
Ephebiphobia fear/dislike of youth
Gayphobia fear/dislike of gay men (specifically)
Gerontophobia, gerascophobia fear/dislike of aging or the elderly
Heterophobia fear/dislike of heterosexuals
Homophobia fear/dislike of homosexuality, homosexuals, or gays (as opposed to lesbians)
Lesbophobia fear/dislike of lesbians
Pedophobia fear/dislike of babies or children
Psychophobia fear/dislike of mental illness or the mentally ill
Transphobia fear/dislike of transgender people

Ethnic prejudices and discrimination

The suffix -phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti-ethnic or anti-demographic sentiment, such as Americanophobia, Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix "anti-" already exists (e.g. Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia.

Phobia Condition
Afrophobia fear/dislike of Africans
Albanophobia fear/dislike of Albanians
Anglophobia fear/dislike of England or English culture
Christianophobia fear/dislike of Christians
Germanophobia fear/dislike of Germans
Hinduphobia fear/dislike of Hindus
Hibernophobia fear/dislike of Irish people
Hispanophobia fear/dislike of Hispanic people, Hispanic culture and the Spanish language
Hungarophobia fear/dislike of Hungarians
Indophobia fear/dislike of India or Indian culture
Indonesiaphobia fear/dislike of Indonesia or Indonesian culture
Iranophobia fear/dislike of Iran or Iranian culture
Islamophobia fear/dislike of Muslims
Italophobia fear/dislike of Italians
Judeophobia fear/dislike of Jews
Lusophobia fear/dislike of the Portuguese, Portuguese culture and the Portuguese language
Nipponophobia fear/dislike of the Japanese
Koryophobia fear/dislike of the Koreans
Latinophobia fear/dislike of Latin people
Negrophobia fear/dislike of black people
Polonophobia fear/dislike of the Polish
Russophobia fear/dislike of Russians
Kurdophobia fear/dislike of Kurdish people
Shiaphobia fear/dislike of Shiites
Sinophobia fear/dislike of Chinese people
Sunniphobia fear/dislike of Sunnis
Turcophobia fear/dislike of Turks
Ukrainophobia fear/dislike of Ukrainians
Xenophobia fear/dislike of foreigners

Medical conditions

Phobia Condition
Osmophobia hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors
Phonophobia hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds
Photophobia hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light

Cultural phenomena

Phobia Condition
Bibliophobia fear or hatred of books, as a cultural phenomenon[41]
Lipophobia avoidance of fats in food[42][43][44] (see also Lipophobicity)
Coronaphobia fear of COVID-19[45]

-phobia in the natural sciences

In the natural sciences, words with the suffix -phobia/-phobic generally describe a predisposition for avoidance and/or exclusion. For antonyms, see here

Phobia Condition
Acidophobia preference for non-acidic conditions
Heliophobia aversion to sunlight
Hydrophobia the property of being repelled by water
Lipophobicity the property of fat rejection (sometimes also called lipophobia)
Oleophobicity the property of oil rejection
Photophobia (biology) a negative phototaxis or phototropism response, or a tendency to stay out of the light
Ultrahydrophobicity the property given to materials that are extremely difficult to get wet
Thermophobia aversion to heat

Jocular and fictional phobias

See also


  1. ^ a b The A–Z of Fear, a 30 October 1998 BBC News unsigned article in the "Entertainment" section
  2. ^ . Webpronews.com. 25 August 2005. Archived from the original on 13 February 2017. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  3. ^ Hall GS (1897). "A Study of Fears". American Journal of Psychology. 8 (2). University of Illinois Press: 157. doi:10.2307/1410940. JSTOR 1410940.
  4. ^ Grant A (31 October 2021). "Common Plant Phobias – Fear of Flowers, Plants, and More". Gardening Know-How. Retrieved 17 March 2023. Dracula no doubt would have alliumphobia, the fear of garlic.
  5. ^ Possible cultural factor:
    • Humes M (24 December 2009). "The Way We Ate: Fear of Garlic". The New York Times. Retrieved 17 March 2023. From the 1880s to the 1930s, a period of accelerated immigration and great social change, garlic was the stench of the flophouse, the dominant note in the 'rich olfactory uneasiness' that blew in from Ellis Island, and the go-to metaphor for immigrant neighborhoods. Its sulfurous tang was almost beside the point; the bulb smelled of foreign incursion.
  6. ^ Possible observation factor: Allium#Toxicity – "Dogs and cats are very susceptible to poisoning after the consumption of certain species. Even cattle have suffered onion toxicosis." Cites include:
    • Cope R (August 2005). "Toxicology Brief: Allium species poisoning in dogs and cats" (PDF). Veterinary Medicine. 100 (8): 562–566. [Peer-reviewed.]
    • Rae HA (January 1999). "Onion toxicosis in a herd of beef cows". Canadian Veterinary Journal. 40 (1): 55–57. PMC 1539652. PMID 9919370. While humans appear to be relatively resistant to onion toxicity, there is some concern about the susceptibility of certain ethnic groups that have a genetic deficiency of G6PD. / Onion toxicity depends on factors other than variation in species susceptibility. Onions contain varying amounts of disulfide and SMCO toxins, depending on the species of onion, time of year, and growing conditions. Storing onions in large piles also provides a suitable environment for contamination of the crop with other toxins, such as mycotoxins, which could contribute to the disease process.
  7. ^ Possible experience factor:
    • Singh Z (12 October 2022). "Potential Side Effects of Chives". Chives: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects of Chives. Singapore: HealthifyMe. Retrieved 17 March 2023. Chives can be potential gastrointestinal irritants in some people. The reactive oxidants released by chives can stimulate bowel problems such as diarrhoea and acid reflux. / Alliums can cause digestive disorders. Chives belong to the Allium genus and have an acidic pH of 5.75. It is a pH range that would make gastritis worse. Moreover, the high fructans content in chives triggers acid reflux. It would aggravate gastritis.
  8. ^ a b c Campbell RJ (2009). Campbell's Psychiatric Dictionary. Oxford University Press. pp. 375–. ISBN 978-0-19-534159-1.
  9. ^ Anonymous (12 September 2021). "Apotemnophobia (Fear of People with Amputations)". Psych Times. Covington, Louisiana. Retrieved 13 February 2023.
  10. ^ Anonymous (10 November 2018). "What it's like to live with apotemnophobia – an intense fear of amputation". Metro.co.uk. London, England. Associated Press Newspapers Limited. Retrieved 10 February 2022.
  11. ^ "Fear of failure (atychiphobia): Symptoms and treatment". medicalnewstoday.com. 21 March 2022. Retrieved 8 March 2023.
  12. ^ Gould GM (1910). The Practitioner's Medical Dictionary (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: P. Blackiston's Son & Co. p. 100.
  13. ^ Akinola D (17 October 2020). "Belonephobia: The Fear of Pins and Needles". a Soothing Health. Retrieved 6 February 2023.
  14. ^ Yim L (August 2006). "Belonephobia--a fear of needles". Australian Family Physician. 35 (8): 623–624. ISSN 0300-8495. PMID 16894439.
  15. ^ Thompson A (2019). Spiders, Clowns, and Great Mole Rats: Over 150 Phobias That Will Freak You Out, from Arachnophobia to Zemmiphobia. Ulysses Press. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-61243-932-7. Retrieved 25 February 2023 – via Google Books. Chronomentrophobia is the irrational fear of clocks, which usually extends to watches. ... The mere sight or sound of a ticking clock can cause depression and anxiety. People with this fear avoid clocks at all costs....
  16. ^ Planting T, Koopowitz SM, Stein DJ (19 January 2022). "Coulrophobia: An investigation of clinical features". The South African Journal of Psychiatry. 28: 1653. doi:10.4102/sajpsychiatry.v28i0.1653. PMC 8831965. PMID 35169508.
  17. ^ Frost R (1923). "New Hampshire [poem]". New Hampshire. Standard Ebooks. p. 14.
    "But his heart failing him, he dropped the axe
    And ran for shelter quoting Matthew Arnold:
    '... Remember Birnam Wood! The wood's in flux!'
    He had a special terror of the flux
    That showed itself in dendrophobia."
  18. ^ Schwab G (Winter 2021). "Trees, Fungi, and Humans: A Transspecies Story". CR: The New Centennial Review. 21 (3). Michigan State University Press: 245–267. Years ago, I had a terrifying nightmare. I was back in Konstanz, my German hometown, walking in a beautiful forest adjacent to the lake. Suddenly, the giant trees surrounding me ripped their roots out of the earth and began to run after me, chasing me all the way out of the forest. I ran and ran, fearing for my life. Later I learned that my dream had its roots in an ancient phobia of trees called dendrophobia, a primordial terror linked to a sense that trees are more alive than we think. For those suffering from dendrophobia, trees have a paradoxical mobility that enables them to use their roots to grab humans or even kill them by willfully dropping their branches on them. Dendrophobia, an officially recognized mental illness that may in extreme cases lead to institutionalization, is linked to trees being recognized not simply as living beings but rather as hostile ones, intent on inflicting harm on humans or even killing them.
  19. ^ "Fear of Deletion". 13 May 2011.
  20. ^ "Dystychiphobia (Fear of Accidents): Symptoms & Treatment". Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved 12 April 2024.
  21. ^ Sue D, Sue DW, Sue DM, Sue S (15 February 2013). Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior. Cengage Learning. pp. 126–. ISBN 978-1-285-62475-4.
  22. ^ Pitchot W (11 September 2014). "Effective treatment of eisoptrophobia with duloxetine: a case report". The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 16 (5). doi:10.4088/PCC.14l01636. PMC 4321006. PMID 25667801.
  23. ^ Bullough VL, Bullough B (2014). Human Sexuality: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 449. ISBN 9781135825096.
  24. ^ Winkler K (January 1957). "[Helminthophobia]". Zeitschrift für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. 22 (2): 47–52. PMID 13409951.
  25. ^ Papakostas YG, Daras MD, Liappas IA, Markianos M (December 2005). "Horse madness (hippomania) and hippophobia" (PDF). History of Psychiatry. 16 (Pt 4 (no 64)): 467–471. doi:10.1177/0957154X05051459. PMID 16482685. S2CID 2721386.
  26. ^ Hydrophobia (and Superhydrophobia) can be used for chemical and scientific purposes. See Hydrophobe page.
  27. ^ Dunglison RJ (1895). A dictionary of medical science: containing a full explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy, physiology, ... (21st ed.). Lea Brothers & Co.
  28. ^ Russell J, Lintern F, Gauntlett L (1 September 2016). Cambridge International AS and A Level Psychology Coursebook. Cambridge University Press. p. 144. ISBN 9781316605691. Retrieved 2 March 2017.
  29. ^ Ott J (1976). "Psycho-mycological studies of Amanita–from ancient sacrament to modern phobia". Journal of Psychedelic Drugs. 8: 27–35. doi:10.1080/02791072.1976.10472005.
  30. ^ "phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous". Phobo-, phob-, -phobia, -phobias, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous – Word Information. English-Word Information (wordinfo.info). Retrieved 25 February 2023. phyllophobia… An excessive fear of leaves: Each time Virginia saw the excessive amount of leafage on the ground in the fall, she had phyllophobia because it was the time of year to do the raking which took many days to complete!
  31. ^ Doran T (September 2002). "Chewproof (review)". Books Ireland. No. 251. Wordwell Books. p. 215. doi:10.2307/20632455. ISBN 978-1-902420-54-7. ISSN 0376-6039. JSTOR 20632455. Retrieved 26 February 2023. However it might be useful this autumn to know that phyllophobia is a fear of leaves….
  32. ^ Robertson JG (2003). An Excess of Phobias and Manias: A Compilation of Anxieties, Obsessions, and Compulsions That Push Many Over the Edge of Sanity. Senior Scribe Publications. p. 146. ISBN 978-0-9630919-3-2. Retrieved 26 February 2023. phyllophobia: An excessive fear of leaves.
  33. ^ Wolfe R (22 October 2016). "Jump in, if you're not phyllophobic". Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. ISSN 1060-4332. Phyllophobia, the fear of leaves, might not be as much in the news this autumn as coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. But anywhere that crinkly, dead leaves are, some people are scared of them.
  34. ^ Roane HS, Ringdahl JE, Falcomata TS, eds. (2015). Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis. Academic Press. p. 461. ISBN 978-0-12-420249-8.
  35. ^ Linder C (29 November 2019). "The 25 Coolest Shipwrecks in the World". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 7 July 2020.
  36. ^ "Teratophobia definition and meaning". Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved 12 February 2021.
  37. ^ "Teratophobia (Concept Id: C0522188)". MedGen. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 12 February 2021.
  38. ^ Schmid M, Wolf RC, Freudenmann RW, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C (November 2009). "Tomophobia, the phobic fear caused by an invasive medical procedure – an emerging anxiety disorder: a case report". Journal of Medical Case Reports. 3: 131. doi:10.1186/1752-1947-3-131. PMC 2803803. PMID 20062769.
  39. ^ Basavaraj KH, Navya MA, Rashmi R (July 2010). "Relevance of psychiatry in dermatology: Present concepts". Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 52 (3): 270–275. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.70992. PMC 2990831. PMID 21180416.
  40. ^ Thomas G (15 October 2012). "Do holes make you queasy or even fearful". The Daily Herald. Arlington, IL. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  41. ^ Jackson H (1932). The Fear of Books. University of Illinois. ISBN 978-0-252-07040-2.
  42. ^ Fischler C (1992). "From lipophilia to lipophobia. Changing attitudes and behaviors towards fat: a socio-historical approach". In Mela DJ (ed.). Dietary fats determinants of preference, selection, and consumption. London, New York: Elsevier Applied Science. pp. 103–115.
  43. ^ Askegaard S, Ostberg J (2003). "Consumers' Experience of Lipophobia: A Swedish Study". Advances in Consume Research. 30: 161.
  44. ^ Askegaard S, Jensen AF, Holt DB (1999). "Lipophobia: A transatlantic concept?". Advances in Consume Research. 26 (1): 331–336.
  45. ^ Arora A, Jha AK, Alat P, Das SS (December 2020). "Understanding coronaphobia". Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 54: 102384. doi:10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102384. PMC 7474809. PMID 33271693.
  46. ^ Kelly-Bootle S (May 1995). "Aibohphobia". The Computer Contradictionary. MIT Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-262-61112-1.
  47. ^ Jenkins J (10 June 2006). . U-T San Diego. Archived from the original on 4 November 2010.
  48. ^ "Fear of Peanut Butter: Why Arachibutyrophobia is a Real Phobia". United We Care. 22 May 2021.
  49. ^ Schultz C (19 May 1982). "Peanuts Comic Strip". GoComics.com.
  50. ^ "Name Discrimination Study Finds Lakisha And Jamal Still Less Likely To Get Hired Than Emily And Greg". wbur.org. 18 August 2021. Retrieved 14 June 2022.
  51. ^ Farmer B (10 January 2008). "Phobia catalogue reveals bizarre list of fears". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 12 January 2022. A catalogue of unusual phobias reveals that the fear of long words is known as hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
  52. ^ "The Fourth Dimension". Doctor Who. Season 14. BBC One.
  53. ^ Lanthaler M, Gütl C (2011). "A Semantic Description Language for RESTful Data Services to Combat Semaphobia". 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST 2011). Proceedings of the 2011 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST). Daejeon, South Korea. pp. 47–53. doi:10.1109/DEST.2011.5936597. ISBN 978-1-4577-0871-8. S2CID 14815713.

Further reading

  • Aldrich C (2 December 2002). The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families. Trafford Publishing. pp. 224–236. ISBN 1-55369-886-X.
  • Summerscale K (6 October 2022). The Book of Phobias and Manias. Profile Books. ISBN 9781788162814.

External links

list, phobias, phobia, redirects, here, class, psychological, disorders, phobia, english, suffixes, phobia, phobic, phobe, from, greek, φόβος, phobos, fear, occur, technical, usage, psychiatry, construct, words, that, describe, irrational, abnormal, unwarrante. phobia redirects here For the class of psychological disorders see Phobia The English suffixes phobia phobic phobe from Greek fobos phobos fear occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational abnormal unwarranted persistent or disabling fear as a mental disorder e g agoraphobia in chemistry to describe chemical aversions e g hydrophobic in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions e g acidophobia and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus usually sensory e g photophobia In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject e g homophobia The suffix is antonymic to phil For more information on the psychiatric side including how psychiatry groups phobias such as agoraphobia social phobia or simple phobia see phobia The following lists include words ending in phobia and include fears that have acquired names In some cases the naming of phobias has become a word game of notable example being a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News 1 In some cases a word ending in phobia may have an antonym with the suffix phil e g Germanophobe Germanophile Many phobia lists circulate on the Internet with words collected from indiscriminate sources often copying each other Also a number of psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a huge number of phobias but in fact use a standard text to fit any phobia and reuse it for all unusual phobias by merely changing the name Sometimes it leads to bizarre results such as suggestions to cure prostitute phobia 2 Such practice is known as content spamming and is used to attract search engines An article published in 1897 in American Journal of Psychology noted the absurd tendency to give Greek names to objects feared which as Arndt says would give us such terms as klopsophobia fear of thieves triakaidekaphobia fear of the number 13 3 Contents 1 Psychological conditions 1 1 A 1 2 B 1 3 C 1 4 D 1 5 E 1 6 F 1 7 G 1 8 H 1 9 I 1 10 K 1 11 L 1 12 M 1 13 N 1 14 O 1 15 P 1 16 R 1 17 S 1 18 T 1 19 V 1 20 W 1 21 X 1 22 Z 2 Cultural prejudices and discrimination 3 Ethnic prejudices and discrimination 4 Medical conditions 5 Cultural phenomena 6 phobia in the natural sciences 7 Jocular and fictional phobias 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External linksPsychological conditionsThis section needs more reliable medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources Please review the contents of the section and add the appropriate references if you can Unsourced or poorly sourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources List of phobias news newspapers books scholar JSTOR July 2023 nbsp Specialists may prefer to avoid the suffix phobia and use more descriptive terms such as personality disorders anxiety disorders and avoidant personality disorder Terms should strictly have a Greek prefix although many are irregularly formed with Latin or even English prefixes Many use inaccurate or imprecise prefixes such as aerophobia fear of air for fear of flying This list is incomplete you can help by adding missing items June 2014 Psychological Conditions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Phobia Condition Achluophobia fear of darkness Acousticophobia fear of noise a branch of phonophobia Acrophobia fear of heights Aerophobia fear of aircraft or flying Agoraphobia fear of certain inescapable unsafe situations Agyrophobia fear of crossing streets Aichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objects such as a needle or knife Ailurophobia fear dislike of cats a zoophobia Alektorophobia fear dislike of chickens a zoophobia Anatidaephobia fear dislike of ducks a zoophobia Algophobia fear of pain Alliumphobia fear of the strong scented Allium genus garlic onions chives shallots 4 5 6 7 Ancraophobia fear of wind or drafts Androphobia fear of adult men 8 Anthropophobia fear of human beings 8 Apeirophobia excessive fear of infinity eternity and the uncountable Aphenphosmphobia fear of being touched Apiphobia fear of bees a zoophobia Apotemnophobia fear of amputees and or of becoming an amputee 9 10 Aquaphobia fear of water Distinct from hydrophobia a scientific property that makes chemicals averse to interaction with water as well as an archaic name for rabies Arachnophobia fear of spiders and other arachnids such as scorpions a zoophobia Astraphobia fear of thunder and lightning Atelophobia fear of imperfection Atychiphobia fear of failure 11 or negative evaluations of others Autophobia fear of isolation 12 B Phobia Condition Bacteriophobia fear of bacteria Basophobia basiphobia fear associated with astasia abasia fear of walking standing erect and a fear of falling Batrachophobia fear dislike of frogs and other amphibians a zoophobia Belonephobia fear of needles or pins 13 14 Bibliophobia fear of books Blood injection injury type phobia a DSM IV subtype of specific phobias C Phobia Condition Cacophobia aschimophobia fear of ugliness Carcinophobia fear of cancer Catoptrophobia fear of mirrors Chemophobia fear of chemicals Cherophobia fear of happiness Chiroptophobia fear dislike of bats a zoophobia Chromophobia chromatophobia fear of colors Chronophobia fear of time and time moving forward Chronomentrophobia fear of clocks 15 Cibophobia sitophobia aversion to food synonymous with anorexia nervosa Claustrophobia fear of having no escape and being closed in Coimetrophobia fear of cemeteries Coprophobia fear of feces or defecation 8 Coulrophobia fear of clowns 16 Cyberphobia fear of computers Cynophobia fear dislike of dogs a zoophobia Cephalalgiaphobia Fear of headaches D Phobia Condition Dendrophobia fear of trees 17 18 Dental fear odontophobia fear of dentists and dental procedures Dentophobia fear of dentists Diagraphephobia fear of deleting files or an extreme fear of losing your computer data 19 Domatophobia fear of houses Driving phobia driving anxiety fear of driving Dysmorphophobia body dysmorphic disorder a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect Dystichiphobia fear of being involved in an accident 20 E Phobia Condition Ecophobia fear of cataclysmic environmental change Eisoptrophobia fear of mirrors or seeing one s reflection in a mirror 21 22 Emetophobia fear of vomiting Enochlophobia fear of crowds Entomophobia fear dislike of insects a zoophobia Ephebiphobia fear of youth inaccurate exaggerated and sensational characterization of young people Equinophobia fear of horses Ergophobia ergasiophobia fear of work or functioning or a surgeon s fear of operating Erotophobia fear of sexual love or sexual abuse Erythrophobia erytophobia ereuthophobia fear of the color red or fear of blushing Eurotophobia aversion to female genitals F Phobia Condition Frigophobia fear of becoming too cold G Phobia Condition Galeophobia fear of sharks Gamophobia fear of marriage Gelotophobia fear of being laughed at Gephyrophobia fear of bridges Genophobia coitophobia fear of sexual intercourse Genuphobia fear of knees or the act of kneeling Gerascophobia fear of growing old or aging Gerontophobia fear of growing old or a hatred or fear of the elderly Globophobia fear of balloons Glossophobia fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak Gymnophobia fear of nudity 23 Gynophobia fear of adult women H Phobia Condition Halitophobia fear of bad breath Haphephobia fear of being touched Heptadekaphobia heptadecaphobia fear of the number 17 Hedonophobia fear of obtaining pleasure Heliophobia fear of the sun or sunlight Helminthophobia scoleciphobia vermiphobia fear of worms 24 a zoophobia Hemophobia haemophobia fear of blood Herpetophobia fear dislike of reptiles or amphibians a zoophobia Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia fear of the number 666 Hippophobia fear dislike of horses 25 a zoophobia Hodophobia fear of travel Hydrophobia 26 fear of water see aquaphobia Hypnophobia somniphobia fear of sleep or nightmares 27 Hypochondria fear of illness I Phobia Condition Ichthyophobia fear of fish including fear of eating fish or fear of dead fish a zoophobia Insectophobia fear of insects a zoophobia K Phobia Condition Koumpounophobia fear of buttons on clothing 28 L Phobia Condition Lilapsophobia fear of tornadoes or hurricanes Lepidopterophobia fear of butterflies and moths a zoophobia M Phobia Condition Mageiricophobia fear of cooking Masklophobia fear of people in masks costumes and mascots Megalophobia fear of large objects Melanophobia fear of the color black Melissophobia apiphobia fear dislike of bees a zoophobia Monophobia fear of being alone or isolated or of one s self Musophobia murophobia suriphobia fear dislike of mice or rats a zoophobia Mycophobia fear of mushrooms 29 Myrmecophobia fear of ants a zoophobia Mysophobia germophobia fear of germs contamination or dirt N Phobia Condition Necrophobia fear of death or the dead Neophobia cainophobia cainotophobia centophobia kainolophobia kainophobia metathesiophobia prosophobia fear of newness novelty change or progress Noctiphobia fear of the night Nomophobia fear of being out of mobile phone contact Nosocomephobia fear of hospitals Nosophobia fear of contracting a disease Nostophobia ecophobia fear of returning home Numerophobia fear of numbers Nyctophobia achluophobia lygophobia scotophobia fear of darkness O Phobia Condition Obesophobia fear of gaining weight Oikophobia fear of home surroundings and household appliances Odontophobia dental fear Ommetaphobia fear of eyes Oneirophobia fear of dreams Ophidiophobia fear dislike of snakes a zoophobia Ophthalmophobia fear of being stared at Ornithophobia fear dislike of birds a zoophobia Osmophobia olfactophobia fear of odors Ostraconophobia fear dislike of shellfish a zoophobia P Phobia Condition Panphobia fear of everything or constant generalised fear of an unknown cause Pedophobia paedophobia pediaphobia fear of babies and children Phagophobia fear of swallowing Phallophobia fear of erections or penises Pharmacophobia fear of medications Phasmophobia fear of ghosts or phantoms Philophobia fear of love Phyllophobia fear of leaves 30 31 32 33 Phobophobia fear of fear itself or of having a phobia Phonophobia fear of loud sounds or voices Pogonophobia fear of beards Pornophobia dislike or fear of pornography may be used in reference to the opposition to visual nudity Porphyrophobia fear of the color purple Pteromerhanophobia fear of flying Pyrophobia fear of fire R Phobia Condition Radiophobia fear of radioactivity or X rays Ranidaphobia fear dislike of frogs a zoophobia S Phobia Condition Scopophobia fear of being looked at or stared at Sexophobia fear of sexual organs or sexual activities Siderodromophobia fear of trains or railroads Social phobia fear of people or social situations Somniphobia fear of sleep Spectrophobia fear of mirrors Spheksophobia fear of wasps a zoophobia Stasiphobia fear of standing or walking Submechanophobia fear of partially or fully submerged man made objects 34 35 T Phobia Condition Taphophobia taphephobia fear of graves or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive Technophobia fear of advanced technology see also Luddite Telephone phobia fear or reluctance of making or taking telephone calls Teratophobia fear of giving birth to a monster 36 or a disfigured foetus 37 Tetraphobia fear of the number 4 Thalassophobia fear of the sea or fear of being in the ocean Thanatophobia fear of dying Thermophobia fear of intolerance to high temperatures Tokophobia fear of childbirth or pregnancy Tomophobia fear of invasive medical procedure 38 Tonitrophobia fear of thunder Toxiphobia fear of being poisoned Traumatophobia a synonym for injury phobia fear of having an injury Trichophobia delusional fear of something in the roots of the hair that stops it from growing 39 or fear of hair loss Triskaidekaphobia terdekaphobia fear of the number 13 Trypanophobia belonephobia enetophobia fear of needles or injections Trypophobia fear of holes or textures with a pattern of holes 40 V Phobia Condition Vehophobia fear of driving Veloxrotaphobia fear of roller coasters Verminophobia fear of germs W Phobia Condition Workplace phobia fear of the workplace a subset of ergophobia X Phobia Condition Xanthophobia fear of the color yellow Z Phobia Condition Zoophobia fear of animalsCultural prejudices and discriminationPhobia Condition Acephobia fear dislike of asexual people Aporophobia fear dislike of people without resources Biphobia fear dislike of bisexuality or bisexuals Ephebiphobia fear dislike of youth Gayphobia fear dislike of gay men specifically Gerontophobia gerascophobia fear dislike of aging or the elderly Heterophobia fear dislike of heterosexuals Homophobia fear dislike of homosexuality homosexuals or gays as opposed to lesbians Lesbophobia fear dislike of lesbians Pedophobia fear dislike of babies or children Psychophobia fear dislike of mental illness or the mentally ill Transphobia fear dislike of transgender peopleEthnic prejudices and discriminationThe suffix phobia is used to coin terms that denote a particular anti ethnic or anti demographic sentiment such as Americanophobia Europhobia Francophobia Hispanophobia and Indophobia Often a synonym with the prefix anti already exists e g Polonophobia vs anti Polonism Anti religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia Phobia Condition Afrophobia fear dislike of Africans Albanophobia fear dislike of Albanians Anglophobia fear dislike of England or English culture Christianophobia fear dislike of Christians Germanophobia fear dislike of Germans Hinduphobia fear dislike of Hindus Hibernophobia fear dislike of Irish people Hispanophobia fear dislike of Hispanic people Hispanic culture and the Spanish language Hungarophobia fear dislike of Hungarians Indophobia fear dislike of India or Indian culture Indonesiaphobia fear dislike of Indonesia or Indonesian culture Iranophobia fear dislike of Iran or Iranian culture Islamophobia fear dislike of Muslims Italophobia fear dislike of Italians Judeophobia fear dislike of Jews Lusophobia fear dislike of the Portuguese Portuguese culture and the Portuguese language Nipponophobia fear dislike of the Japanese Koryophobia fear dislike of the Koreans Latinophobia fear dislike of Latin people Negrophobia fear dislike of black people Polonophobia fear dislike of the Polish Russophobia fear dislike of Russians Kurdophobia fear dislike of Kurdish people Shiaphobia fear dislike of Shiites Sinophobia fear dislike of Chinese people Sunniphobia fear dislike of Sunnis Turcophobia fear dislike of Turks Ukrainophobia fear dislike of Ukrainians Xenophobia fear dislike of foreignersMedical conditionsPhobia Condition Osmophobia hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors Phonophobia hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds Photophobia hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to lightCultural phenomenaPhobia Condition Bibliophobia fear or hatred of books as a cultural phenomenon 41 Lipophobia avoidance of fats in food 42 43 44 see also Lipophobicity Coronaphobia fear of COVID 19 45 phobia in the natural sciencesIn the natural sciences words with the suffix phobia phobic generally describe a predisposition for avoidance and or exclusion For antonyms see here Phobia Condition Acidophobia preference for non acidic conditions Heliophobia aversion to sunlight Hydrophobia the property of being repelled by water Lipophobicity the property of fat rejection sometimes also called lipophobia Oleophobicity the property of oil rejection Photophobia biology a negative phototaxis or phototropism response or a tendency to stay out of the light Ultrahydrophobicity the property given to materials that are extremely difficult to get wet Thermophobia aversion to heatJocular and fictional phobiasAibohphobia a humorous term for the fear of palindromes which is a palindrome itself The term is a piece of computer humor entered into the 1981 The Devil s DP Dictionary 46 Anatidaephobia the fictional fear that one is being watched by a duck The word comes from the name of the family Anatidae and was used in Gary Larson s The Far Side 47 Anoraknophobia a portmanteau of anorak and arachnophobia It was used in the Wallace and Gromit comic book Anoraknophobia Also the title of an album by Marillion Arachibutyrophobia fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth from Latin arachis peanut and butyrum butter 48 The word is used by Charles M Schulz in a 1982 installment of his Peanuts comic strip 49 and by Peter O Donnell in his 1985 Modesty Blaise adventure novel Dead Man s Handle Charlophobia the fictional fear of any person named Charlotte or Charlie mentioned in the comedic book A Duck is Watching Me Strange and Unusual Phobias 2014 by Bernie Hobbs The phobia was created to mock name bias a form of discrimination studied by researchers at the University of California Berkeley and the University of Chicago 50 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia fear of long words 51 from the root word sesquipedalophobia combined with monstrum and hippopotamus This was mentioned on the first episode of Brainiac Series Five as a Tickle s Teaser Keanuphobia fear of Keanu Reeves portrayed in the Dean Koontz book False Memory where a woman has an irrational fear of Reeves and has to see her psychiatrist Mark Ahriman each week unaware that she only has the fear in the first place because Ahriman implanted it via hypnotic suggestion to amuse himself He calls her Keanuphobe in his head Nihilophobia fear of nothingness from Latin nihil and nothing none as described by the Doctor in the Star Trek Voyager episode Night Voyager s morale officer and chef Neelix has this condition having panic attacks while the ship was traversing a dark expanse of space known as the Void It is also the title of a 2008 album by Neuronium Robophobia irrational fear of robots and or androids also known as Grimwade s Syndrome It was first used in The Robots of Death 52 the fifth serial of the 14th season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who Semaphobia fear of average web developers to use Semantic Web technologies 53 Venustraphobia fear of beautiful women according to a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News 1 See alsoList of paraphilias List of manias Childhood phobia Specific phobia Portals nbsp Psychology nbsp ListsReferences a b The A Z of Fear a 30 October 1998 BBC News unsigned article in the Entertainment section Content Spammers Help You Overcome Prostitute Phobia Webpronews com 25 August 2005 Archived from the original on 13 February 2017 Retrieved 26 August 2013 Hall GS 1897 A Study of Fears American Journal of Psychology 8 2 University of Illinois Press 157 doi 10 2307 1410940 JSTOR 1410940 Grant A 31 October 2021 Common Plant Phobias Fear of Flowers Plants and More Gardening Know How Retrieved 17 March 2023 Dracula no doubt would have alliumphobia the fear of garlic Possible cultural factor Humes M 24 December 2009 The Way We Ate Fear of Garlic The New York Times Retrieved 17 March 2023 From the 1880s to the 1930s a period of accelerated immigration and great social change garlic was the stench of the flophouse the dominant note in the rich olfactory uneasiness that blew in from Ellis Island and the go to metaphor for immigrant neighborhoods Its sulfurous tang was almost beside the point the bulb smelled of foreign incursion Possible observation factor Allium Toxicity Dogs and cats are very susceptible to poisoning after the consumption of certain species Even cattle have suffered onion toxicosis Cites include Cope R August 2005 Toxicology Brief Allium species poisoning in dogs and cats PDF Veterinary Medicine 100 8 562 566 Peer reviewed Rae HA January 1999 Onion toxicosis in a herd of beef cows Canadian Veterinary Journal 40 1 55 57 PMC 1539652 PMID 9919370 While humans appear to be relatively resistant to onion toxicity there is some concern about the susceptibility of certain ethnic groups that have a genetic deficiency of G6PD Onion toxicity depends on factors other than variation in species susceptibility Onions contain varying amounts of disulfide and SMCO toxins depending on the species of onion time of year and growing conditions Storing onions in large piles also provides a suitable environment for contamination of the crop with other toxins such as mycotoxins which could contribute to the disease process Possible experience factor Singh Z 12 October 2022 Potential Side Effects of Chives Chives Nutritional Value Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects of Chives Singapore HealthifyMe Retrieved 17 March 2023 Chives can be potential gastrointestinal irritants in some people The reactive oxidants released by chives can stimulate bowel problems such as diarrhoea and acid reflux Alliums can cause digestive disorders Chives belong to the Allium genus and have an acidic pH of 5 75 It is a pH range that would make gastritis worse Moreover the high fructans content in chives triggers acid reflux It would aggravate gastritis a b c Campbell RJ 2009 Campbell s Psychiatric Dictionary Oxford University Press pp 375 ISBN 978 0 19 534159 1 Anonymous 12 September 2021 Apotemnophobia Fear of People with Amputations Psych Times Covington Louisiana Retrieved 13 February 2023 Anonymous 10 November 2018 What it s like to live with apotemnophobia an intense fear of amputation Metro co uk London England Associated Press Newspapers Limited Retrieved 10 February 2022 Fear of failure atychiphobia Symptoms and treatment medicalnewstoday com 21 March 2022 Retrieved 8 March 2023 Gould GM 1910 The Practitioner s Medical Dictionary 2nd ed Philadelphia P Blackiston s Son amp Co p 100 Akinola D 17 October 2020 Belonephobia The Fear of Pins and Needles a Soothing Health Retrieved 6 February 2023 Yim L August 2006 Belonephobia a fear of needles Australian Family Physician 35 8 623 624 ISSN 0300 8495 PMID 16894439 Thompson A 2019 Spiders Clowns and Great Mole Rats Over 150 Phobias That Will Freak You Out from Arachnophobia to Zemmiphobia Ulysses Press p 46 ISBN 978 1 61243 932 7 Retrieved 25 February 2023 via Google Books Chronomentrophobia is the irrational fear of clocks which usually extends to watches The mere sight or sound of a ticking clock can cause depression and anxiety People with this fear avoid clocks at all costs Planting T Koopowitz SM Stein DJ 19 January 2022 Coulrophobia An investigation of clinical features The South African Journal of Psychiatry 28 1653 doi 10 4102 sajpsychiatry v28i0 1653 PMC 8831965 PMID 35169508 Frost R 1923 New Hampshire poem New Hampshire Standard Ebooks p 14 But his heart failing him he dropped the axe And ran for shelter quoting Matthew Arnold Remember Birnam Wood The wood s in flux He had a special terror of the flux That showed itself in dendrophobia Schwab G Winter 2021 Trees Fungi and Humans A Transspecies Story CR The New Centennial Review 21 3 Michigan State University Press 245 267 Years ago I had a terrifying nightmare I was back in Konstanz my German hometown walking in a beautiful forest adjacent to the lake Suddenly the giant trees surrounding me ripped their roots out of the earth and began to run after me chasing me all the way out of the forest I ran and ran fearing for my life Later I learned that my dream had its roots in an ancient phobia of trees called dendrophobia a primordial terror linked to a sense that trees are more alive than we think For those suffering from dendrophobia trees have a paradoxical mobility that enables them to use their roots to grab humans or even kill them by willfully dropping their branches on them Dendrophobia an officially recognized mental illness that may in extreme cases lead to institutionalization is linked to trees being recognized not simply as living beings but rather as hostile ones intent on inflicting harm on humans or even killing them Fear of Deletion 13 May 2011 Dystychiphobia Fear of Accidents Symptoms amp Treatment Cleveland Clinic Retrieved 12 April 2024 Sue D Sue DW Sue DM Sue S 15 February 2013 Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior Cengage Learning pp 126 ISBN 978 1 285 62475 4 Pitchot W 11 September 2014 Effective treatment of eisoptrophobia with duloxetine a case report The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 16 5 doi 10 4088 PCC 14l01636 PMC 4321006 PMID 25667801 Bullough VL Bullough B 2014 Human Sexuality An Encyclopedia Routledge p 449 ISBN 9781135825096 Winkler K January 1957 Helminthophobia Zeitschrift fur Haut und Geschlechtskrankheiten 22 2 47 52 PMID 13409951 Papakostas YG Daras MD Liappas IA Markianos M December 2005 Horse madness hippomania and hippophobia PDF History of Psychiatry 16 Pt 4 no 64 467 471 doi 10 1177 0957154X05051459 PMID 16482685 S2CID 2721386 Hydrophobia and Superhydrophobia can be used for chemical and scientific purposes See Hydrophobe page Dunglison RJ 1895 A dictionary of medical science containing a full explanation of the various subjects and terms of anatomy physiology 21st ed Lea Brothers amp Co Russell J Lintern F Gauntlett L 1 September 2016 Cambridge International AS and A Level Psychology Coursebook Cambridge University Press p 144 ISBN 9781316605691 Retrieved 2 March 2017 Ott J 1976 Psycho mycological studies of Amanita from ancient sacrament to modern phobia Journal of Psychedelic Drugs 8 27 35 doi 10 1080 02791072 1976 10472005 phobo phob phobia phobias phobe phobiac phobist phobic phobism phobous Phobo phob phobia phobias phobe phobiac phobist phobic phobism phobous Word Information English Word Information wordinfo info Retrieved 25 February 2023 phyllophobia An excessive fear of leaves Each time Virginia saw the excessive amount of leafage on the ground in the fall she had phyllophobia because it was the time of year to do the raking which took many days to complete Doran T September 2002 Chewproof review Books Ireland No 251 Wordwell Books p 215 doi 10 2307 20632455 ISBN 978 1 902420 54 7 ISSN 0376 6039 JSTOR 20632455 Retrieved 26 February 2023 However it might be useful this autumn to know that phyllophobia is a fear of leaves Robertson JG 2003 An Excess of Phobias and Manias A Compilation of Anxieties Obsessions and Compulsions That Push Many Over the Edge of Sanity Senior Scribe Publications p 146 ISBN 978 0 9630919 3 2 Retrieved 26 February 2023 phyllophobia An excessive fear of leaves Wolfe R 22 October 2016 Jump in if you re not phyllophobic Arkansas Democrat Gazette ISSN 1060 4332 Phyllophobia the fear of leaves might not be as much in the news this autumn as coulrophobia the fear of clowns But anywhere that crinkly dead leaves are some people are scared of them Roane HS Ringdahl JE Falcomata TS eds 2015 Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis Academic Press p 461 ISBN 978 0 12 420249 8 Linder C 29 November 2019 The 25 Coolest Shipwrecks in the World Popular Mechanics Retrieved 7 July 2020 Teratophobia definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary Retrieved 12 February 2021 Teratophobia Concept Id C0522188 MedGen National Center for Biotechnology Information U S National Library of Medicine Retrieved 12 February 2021 Schmid M Wolf RC Freudenmann RW Schonfeldt Lecuona C November 2009 Tomophobia the phobic fear caused by an invasive medical procedure an emerging anxiety disorder a case report Journal of Medical Case Reports 3 131 doi 10 1186 1752 1947 3 131 PMC 2803803 PMID 20062769 Basavaraj KH Navya MA Rashmi R July 2010 Relevance of psychiatry in dermatology Present concepts Indian Journal of Psychiatry 52 3 270 275 doi 10 4103 0019 5545 70992 PMC 2990831 PMID 21180416 Thomas G 15 October 2012 Do holes make you queasy or even fearful The Daily Herald Arlington IL Retrieved 26 August 2013 Jackson H 1932 The Fear of Books University of Illinois ISBN 978 0 252 07040 2 Fischler C 1992 From lipophilia to lipophobia Changing attitudes and behaviors towards fat a socio historical approach In Mela DJ ed Dietary fats determinants of preference selection and consumption London New York Elsevier Applied Science pp 103 115 Askegaard S Ostberg J 2003 Consumers Experience of Lipophobia A Swedish Study Advances in Consume Research 30 161 Askegaard S Jensen AF Holt DB 1999 Lipophobia A transatlantic concept Advances in Consume Research 26 1 331 336 Arora A Jha AK Alat P Das SS December 2020 Understanding coronaphobia Asian Journal of Psychiatry 54 102384 doi 10 1016 j ajp 2020 102384 PMC 7474809 PMID 33271693 Kelly Bootle S May 1995 Aibohphobia The Computer Contradictionary MIT Press p 7 ISBN 978 0 262 61112 1 Jenkins J 10 June 2006 I hate to burst Poway Unified s balloon U T San Diego Archived from the original on 4 November 2010 Fear of Peanut Butter Why Arachibutyrophobia is a Real Phobia United We Care 22 May 2021 Schultz C 19 May 1982 Peanuts Comic Strip GoComics com Name Discrimination Study Finds Lakisha And Jamal Still Less Likely To Get Hired Than Emily And Greg wbur org 18 August 2021 Retrieved 14 June 2022 Farmer B 10 January 2008 Phobia catalogue reveals bizarre list of fears The Daily Telegraph London Archived from the original on 12 January 2022 A catalogue of unusual phobias reveals that the fear of long words is known as hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia The Fourth Dimension Doctor Who Season 14 BBC One Lanthaler M Gutl C 2011 A Semantic Description Language for RESTful Data Services to Combat Semaphobia 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies IEEE DEST 2011 Proceedings of the 2011 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies DEST Daejeon South Korea pp 47 53 doi 10 1109 DEST 2011 5936597 ISBN 978 1 4577 0871 8 S2CID 14815713 Further readingAldrich C 2 December 2002 The Aldrich Dictionary of Phobias and Other Word Families Trafford Publishing pp 224 236 ISBN 1 55369 886 X Summerscale K 6 October 2022 The Book of Phobias and Manias Profile Books ISBN 9781788162814 External links nbsp For a list of words relating to various phobias not found in wikipedia see the English words suffixed with phobia category of words in Wiktionary the free dictionary nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Phobias The Phobia List Nursing Degree Guide Archived 2 October 2019 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of phobias amp oldid 1223965389, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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