
Black Death

The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Europe from 1346 to 1353. One of the most fatal pandemics in human history, as many as 50 million people[2] perished, perhaps 50% of Europe’s 14th century population.[3] Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and spread by fleas.[4][5] One of the most significant events in European history, the Black Death had far-reaching population, economic, and cultural impacts.

Black Death
The spread of the Black Death in Europe, North Africa and the Near East (1346–1353)
DiseaseBubonic plague
LocationEurasia and North Africa[1]
25,000,000 – 50,000,000 (estimated)

The Black Death was the beginning of the second plague pandemic.[6] The plague created religious, social and economic upheavals, with profound effects on the course of European history.

The origin of the Black Death is disputed.[7] Genetic analysis points to the evolution of Yersinia pestis in the Tian Shan mountains on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China 2,600 years ago. The immediate territorial origins of the Black Death and its outbreak remain unclear, with some evidence pointing towards Central Asia, China, the Middle East, and Europe.[8][9] The pandemic was reportedly first introduced to Europe during the siege of the Genoese trading port of Kaffa in Crimea by the Golden Horde army of Jani Beg in 1347. From Crimea, it was most likely carried by fleas living on the black rats that travelled on Genoese ships, spreading through the Mediterranean Basin and reaching North Africa, Western Asia, and the rest of Europe via Constantinople, Sicily, and the Italian Peninsula.[10] There is evidence that once it came ashore, the Black Death mainly spread from person-to-person as pneumonic plague, thus explaining the quick inland spread of the epidemic, which was faster than would be expected if the primary vector was rat fleas causing bubonic plague.[11] In 2022, it was discovered that there was a sudden surge of deaths in what is today Kyrgyzstan from the Black Death in the late 1330s; when combined with genetic evidence, this implies that the initial spread may not have been due to Mongol conquests in the 14th century, as previously speculated.[12][13]

The Black Death was the second great natural disaster to strike Europe during the Late Middle Ages (the first one being the Great Famine of 1315–1317) and is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of the European population, as well as approximately 33% of the population of the Middle East.[14][15][16] There were further outbreaks throughout the Late Middle Ages and, also due to other contributing factors (the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages), the European population did not regain its 14th century level until the 16th century.[a][17] Outbreaks of the plague recurred around the world until the early 19th century.


European writers contemporary with the plague described the disease in Latin as pestis or pestilentia, 'pestilence'; epidemia, 'epidemic'; mortalitas, 'mortality'.[18] In English prior to the 18th century, the event was called the "pestilence" or "great pestilence", "the plague" or the "great death".[18][19][20] Subsequent to the pandemic "the furste moreyn" (first murrain) or "first pestilence" was applied, to distinguish the mid-14th century phenomenon from other infectious diseases and epidemics of plague.[18]

The 1347 pandemic plague was not referred to specifically as "black" in the time of occurrence in any European language, though the expression "black death" had occasionally been applied to fatal disease beforehand.[18] "Black death" was not used to describe the plague pandemic in English until the 1750s; the term is first attested in 1755, where it translated Danish: den sorte død, lit.'the black death'.[18][21] This expression as a proper name for the pandemic had been popularized by Swedish and Danish chroniclers in the 15th and early 16th centuries, and in the 16th and 17th centuries was transferred to other languages as a calque: Icelandic: svarti dauði, German: der schwarze Tod, and French: la mort noire.[22][23] Previously, most European languages had named the pandemic a variant or calque of the Latin: magna mortalitas, lit.'Great Death'.[18]

The phrase 'black death' – describing Death as black – is very old. Homer used it in the Odyssey to describe the monstrous Scylla, with her mouths "full of black Death" (Ancient Greek: πλεῖοι μέλανος Θανάτοιο, romanizedpleîoi mélanos Thanátoio).[24][22] Seneca the Younger may have been the first to describe an epidemic as 'black death', (Latin: mors atra) but only in reference to the acute lethality and dark prognosis of disease.[25][22][18] The 12th–13th century French physician Gilles de Corbeil had already used atra mors to refer to a "pestilential fever" (febris pestilentialis) in his work On the Signs and Symptoms of Diseases (De signis et symptomatibus aegritudium).[22][26] The phrase mors nigra, 'black death', was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino (or Couvin), a Belgian astronomer, in his poem "On the Judgement of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn" (De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni), which attributes the plague to an astrological conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.[27] His use of the phrase is not connected unambiguously with the plague pandemic of 1347 and appears to refer to the fatal outcome of disease.[18]

The historian Cardinal Francis Aidan Gasquet wrote about the Great Pestilence in 1893[28] and suggested that it had been "some form of the ordinary Eastern or bubonic plague".[29][b] In 1908, Gasquet said use of the name atra mors for the 14th-century epidemic first appeared in a 1631 book on Danish history by J. I. Pontanus: "Commonly and from its effects, they called it the black death" (Vulgo & ab effectu atram mortem vocitabant).[30][31]

Previous plague epidemics

Yersinia pestis (200 × magnification), the bacterium that causes plague[32]

Research from 2017 suggests plague first infected humans in Europe and Asia in the Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age.[33] Research in 2018 found evidence of Yersinia pestis in an ancient Swedish tomb, which may have been associated with the "Neolithic decline" around 3000 BCE, in which European populations fell significantly.[34][35] This Y. pestis may have been different from more modern types, with bubonic plague transmissible by fleas first known from Bronze Age remains near Samara.[36]

The symptoms of bubonic plague are first attested in a fragment of Rufus of Ephesus preserved by Oribasius; these ancient medical authorities suggest bubonic plague had appeared in the Roman Empire before the reign of Trajan, six centuries before arriving at Pelusium in the reign of Justinian I.[37] In 2013, researchers confirmed earlier speculation that the cause of the Plague of Justinian (541–549 CE, with recurrences until 750) was Y. pestis.[38][39] This is known as the first plague pandemic. In 610, the Chinese physician Chao Yuanfang described a "malignant bubo" "coming in abruptly with high fever together with the appearance of a bundle of nodes beneath the tissue."[40] The Chinese physician Sun Simo who died in 652 also mentioned a "malignant bubo" and plague that was common in Lingnan (Guangzhou). Ole Jørgen Benedictow believes that this indicates it was an offshoot of the first plague pandemic which made its way eastward to Chinese territory by around 600.[41]

14th-century plague


Early theory

A report by the Medical Faculty of Paris stated that a conjunction of planets had caused "a great pestilence in the air" (miasma theory).[42] Muslim religious scholars taught that the pandemic was a "martyrdom and mercy" from God, assuring the believer's place in paradise. For non-believers, it was a punishment.[43] Some Muslim doctors cautioned against trying to prevent or treat a disease sent by God. Others adopted preventive measures and treatments for plague used by Europeans. These Muslim doctors also depended on the writings of the ancient Greeks.[44][45]

Predominant modern theory

The Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) engorged with blood. This species of flea is the primary vector for the transmission of Yersinia pestis, the organism responsible for spreading bubonic plague in most plague epidemics. Both male and female fleas feed on blood and can transmit the infection.
Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) infected with the Yersinia pestis bacterium which appears as a dark mass in the gut. The foregut (proventriculus) of this flea is blocked by a Y. pestis biofilm; when the flea feeds on an uninfected host Y. pestis is regurgitated into the wound, causing infection.

Due to climate change in Asia, rodents began to flee the dried-out grasslands to more populated areas, spreading the disease.[46] The plague disease, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is enzootic (commonly present) in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents, including marmots, in various areas, including Central Asia, Kurdistan, Western Asia, North India, Uganda and the western United States.[47][48]

Y. pestis was discovered by Alexandre Yersin, a pupil of Louis Pasteur, during an epidemic of bubonic plague in Hong Kong in 1894; Yersin also proved this bacillus was present in rodents and suggested the rat was the main vehicle of transmission.[49][50] The mechanism by which Y. pestis is usually transmitted was established in 1898 by Paul-Louis Simond and was found to involve the bites of fleas whose midguts had become obstructed by replicating Y. pestis several days after feeding on an infected host. This blockage starves the fleas, drives them to aggressive feeding behaviour, and causes them to try and clear the blockage via regurgitation, resulting in thousands of plague bacteria flushing into the feeding site and infecting the host. The bubonic plague mechanism was also dependent on two populations of rodents: one resistant to the disease, which act as hosts, keeping the disease endemic, and a second that lacks resistance. When the second population dies, the fleas move on to other hosts, including people, thus creating a human epidemic.[29]

DNA evidence

Skeletons in a mass grave from 1720 to 1721 in Martigues, near Marseille in southern France, yielded molecular evidence of the orientalis strain of Yersinia pestis, the organism responsible for bubonic plague. The second pandemic of bubonic plague was active in Europe from 1347, the beginning of the Black Death, until 1750.

Definitive confirmation of the role of Y. pestis arrived in 2010 with a publication in PLOS Pathogens by Haensch et al.[4][c] They assessed the presence of DNA/RNA with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques for Y. pestis from the tooth sockets in human skeletons from mass graves in northern, central and southern Europe that were associated archaeologically with the Black Death and subsequent resurgences. The authors concluded that this new research, together with prior analyses from the south of France and Germany, "ends the debate about the cause of the Black Death, and unambiguously demonstrates that Y. pestis was the causative agent of the epidemic plague that devastated Europe during the Middle Ages".[4] In 2011 these results were further confirmed with genetic evidence derived from Black Death victims in the East Smithfield burial site in England. Schuenemann et al. concluded in 2011 "that the Black Death in medieval Europe was caused by a variant of Y. pestis that may no longer exist".[53]

Later in 2011, Bos et al. reported in Nature the first draft genome of Y. pestis from plague victims from the same East Smithfield cemetery and indicated that the strain that caused the Black Death is ancestral to most modern strains of Y. pestis.[53]

Later genomic papers have further confirmed the phylogenetic placement of the Y. pestis strain responsible for the Black Death as both the ancestor[54] of later plague epidemics—including the third plague pandemic—and the descendant[55] of the strain responsible for the Plague of Justinian. In addition, plague genomes from prehistory have been recovered.[56]

DNA taken from 25 skeletons from 14th century London showed that plague is a strain of Y. pestis almost identical to that which hit Madagascar in 2013.[57][58] Further DNA evidence also proves the role of Y. pestis and traces the source to the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan.[59]

Alternative explanations

Researchers are hampered by a lack of reliable statistics from this period. Most work has been done on the spread of the disease in England, where estimates of overall population at the start of the plague vary by over 100%, as no census was undertaken in England between the time of publication of the Domesday Book of 1086 and the poll tax of the year 1377.[60] Estimates of plague victims are usually extrapolated from figures for the clergy.

Mathematical modelling is used to match the spreading patterns and the means of transmission. In 2018 researchers suggested an alternative model in which "the disease was spread from human fleas and body lice to other people". The second model claims to better fit the trends of the plague's death toll, as the rat-flea-human hypothesis would have produced a delayed but very high spike in deaths, contradicting historical death data.[61][62]

Lars Walløe argued that these authors "take it for granted that Simond's infection model, black rat → rat flea → human, which was developed to explain the spread of plague in India, is the only way an epidemic of Yersinia pestis infection could spread".[63] Similarly, Monica Green has argued that greater attention is needed to the range of (especially non-commensal) animals that might be involved in the transmission of plague.[37]

Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there is insufficient evidence of the extinction of numerous rats in the archaeological record of the medieval waterfront in London, and that the disease spread too quickly to support the thesis that Y. pestis was spread from fleas on rats; he argues that transmission must have been person to person.[64][65] This theory is supported by research in 2018 which suggested transmission was more likely by body lice and fleas during the second plague pandemic.[66]


Academic debate continues, but no single alternative explanation for the plague's spread has achieved widespread acceptance.[29] Many scholars arguing for Y. pestis as the major agent of the pandemic suggest that its extent and symptoms can be explained by a combination of bubonic plague with other diseases, including typhus, smallpox and respiratory infections. In addition to the bubonic infection, others point to additional septicemic and pneumonic forms of plague, which lengthen the duration of outbreaks throughout the seasons and help account for its high mortality rate and additional recorded symptoms.[67] In 2014, Public Health England announced the results of an examination of 25 bodies exhumed in the Clerkenwell area of London, as well as of wills registered in London during the period, which supported the pneumonic hypothesis.[57] Currently, while osteoarcheologists have conclusively verified the presence of Y. pestis bacteria in burial sites across northern Europe through examination of bones and dental pulp, no other epidemic pathogen has been discovered to bolster the alternative explanations.[68]


Lack of hygiene

The importance of hygiene was not recognized until the 19th century and the germ theory of disease. Until then streets were usually unhygienic, with live animals and human parasites facilitating the spread of transmissible disease.[69]

By the early 14th century, so much filth had collected inside urban Europe that French and Italian cities were naming streets after human waste. In medieval Paris, several street names were inspired by merde, the French word for "shit". There were rue Merdeux, rue Merdelet, rue Merdusson, rue des Merdons and rue Merdiere—as well as a rue du Pipi.[70] Pigs, cattle, chickens, geese, goats and horses roamed the streets of medieval London and Paris.

Medieval homeowners were supposed to police their housefronts, including removing animal dung, but most urbanites were careless. William E. Cosner, a resident of the London suburb of Farringdon Without, received a complaint alleging that "men could not pass [by his house] for the stink [of] . . . horse dung and horse piss."[71]

One irate Londoner complained that the runoff from the local slaughterhouse had made his garden "stinking and putrid", while another charged that the blood from slain animals flooded nearby streets and lanes, "making a foul corruption and abominable sight to all dwelling near." In much of medieval Europe, sanitation legislation consisted of an ordinance requiring homeowners to shout, "Look out below!" three times before dumping a full chamber pot into the street.[72]

Early Christians considered bathing a temptation. With this danger in mind, St. Benedict declared, "To those who are well, and especially to the young, bathing shall seldom be permitted." St. Agnes took the injunction to heart and died without ever bathing.[73]

Territorial origins

According to a team of medical geneticists led by Mark Achtman, Yersinia pestis "evolved in or near China" over 2,600 years ago.[74][75][76] Later research by a team led by Galina Eroshenko placed its origins more specifically in the Tian Shan mountains on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China.[77][78] However more recent research notes that the previous sampling contained East Asian bias and that sampling since then has discovered strains of Y. pestis in the Caucasus region previously thought to be restricted to China.[79] There is also no physical or specific textual evidence of the Black Death in 14th century China. As a result, China's place in the sequence of the plague's spread is still debated to this day.[80] According to Charles Creighton, records of epidemics in 14th century China suggest nothing more than typhus and major Chinese outbreaks of epidemic disease post-date the European epidemic by several years.[81] The earliest Chinese descriptions of the bubonic plague do not appear until the 1640s.[82]

Nestorian gravesites dating from 1338 to 1339 near Issyk-Kul have inscriptions referring to plague, which has led some historians and epidemiologists to think they mark the outbreak of the epidemic; this is supported by recent direct findings of Y. pestis DNA in teeth samples from graves in the area with inscriptions referring to "pestilence" as the cause of death.[13] Epidemics killed an estimated 25 million across Asia during the fifteen years before the Black Death reached Constantinople in 1347.[83][84]

The evidence does not suggest, at least at present, that these mortality crises were caused by plague. Although some scholars, including McNeill and Cao, see the 1333 outbreak as a prelude to the outbreaks in Europe from the late 1340s to the early 1350s, scholars of the Yuan and Ming periods remain skeptical about such an interpretation. Nonetheless, the remarkably high mortality rates during the Datong mortality should discourage us from rejecting the possibility of localized/regional outbreaks of plague in different parts of China, albeit differing in scale from, and unrelated to, the pandemic mortality of the Black Death. What we lack is any indication of a plague pandemic that engulfed vast territories of the Yuan Empire and later moved into western Eurasia through Central Asia.[78]

— Philip Slavin

According to John Norris, evidence from Issyk-Kul indicates a small sporadic outbreak characteristic of transmission from rodents to humans with no wide-scale impact.[82] According to Achtman, the dating of the plague suggests that it was not carried along the Silk Road, and its widespread appearance in that region probably postdates the European outbreak.[80] Additionally, the Silk Road had already been heavily disrupted before the spread of the Black Death; Western and Middle Eastern traders found it difficult to trade on the Silk Road by 1325 and impossible by 1340, making its role in the spread of plague less likely.[82] There are no records of the symptoms of the Black Death from Mongol sources or writings from travelers east of the Black Sea prior to the Crimean outbreak in 1346.[85]

Others still favor an origin in China[78] or even Kurdistan, and not Central Asia. The theory of Chinese origin implicates the Silk Road, the disease possibly spreading alongside Mongol armies and traders, or possibly arriving via ship—however, this theory is still contested. It is speculated that rats aboard Zheng He's ships in the 15th century may have carried the plague to Southeast Asia, India and Africa.[80]

Research on the Delhi Sultanate and the Yuan Dynasty shows no evidence of any serious epidemic in fourteenth-century India and no specific evidence of plague in fourteenth-century China, suggesting that the Black Death may not have reached these regions.[82][80][86] Ole Benedictow argues that since the first clear reports of the Black Death come from Kaffa, the Black Death most likely originated in the nearby plague focus on the northwestern shore of the Caspian Sea.[87]

Demographic historians estimate that China's population fell by at least 15 per cent, and perhaps as much as a third, between 1340 and 1370. This population loss coincided with the Black Death that ravaged Europe and much of the Islamic world in 1347–52. However, there is a conspicuous lack of evidence for pandemic disease on the scale of the Black Death in China at this time. War and famine – and the diseases that typically accompanied them – probably were the main causes of mortality in the final decades of Mongol rule.[88]

— Richard von Glahn

Monica H. Green suggests that other parts of Eurasia outside the west do not contain the same evidence of the Black Plague, because there were actually four strains of Yersinia pestis that became predominant in different parts of the world. Mongol records of illness such as food poisoning may have been referring to the Black Plague.[89] Another theory is that the plague originated near Europe and cycled through the Mediterranean, Northern Europe and Russia before making its way to China.[79] Other historians, such as John Norris and Ole Benedictaw, believe the plague likely originated in Europe or the Middle East, and never reached China.[9]

European outbreak

The seventh year after it began, it came to England and first began in the towns and ports joining on the seacoasts, in Dorsetshire, where, as in other counties, it made the country quite void of inhabitants so that there were almost none left alive.

... But at length it came to Gloucester, yea even to Oxford and to London, and finally it spread over all England and so wasted the people that scarce the tenth person of any sort was left alive.

Geoffrey the Baker, Chronicon Angliae[90]

Plague was reportedly first introduced to Europe via Genoese traders from their port city of Kaffa in the Crimea in 1347. During a protracted siege of the city in 1345–1346, the Mongol Golden Horde army of Jani Beg—whose mainly Tatar troops were suffering from the disease—catapulted infected corpses over the city walls of Kaffa to infect the inhabitants,[91] though it is also likely that infected rats travelled across the siege lines to spread the epidemic to the inhabitants.[92][93] As the disease took hold, Genoese traders fled across the Black Sea to Constantinople, where the disease first arrived in Europe in summer 1347.[94]

The epidemic there killed the 13-year-old son of the Byzantine emperor, John VI Kantakouzenos, who wrote a description of the disease modelled on Thucydides's account of the 5th century BCE Plague of Athens, noting the spread of the Black Death by ship between maritime cities.[94] Nicephorus Gregoras, while writing to Demetrios Kydones, described the rising death toll, the futility of medicine, and the panic of the citizens.[94] The first outbreak in Constantinople lasted a year, but the disease recurred ten times before 1400.[94]

Carried by twelve Genoese galleys, plague arrived by ship in Sicily in October 1347;[95] the disease spread rapidly all over the island. Galleys from Kaffa reached Genoa and Venice in January 1348, but it was the outbreak in Pisa a few weeks later that was the entry point into northern Italy. Towards the end of January, one of the galleys expelled from Italy arrived in Marseilles.[96]

From Italy, the disease spread northwest across Europe, striking France, Spain, Portugal, and England by June 1348, then spreading east and north through Germany, Scotland and Scandinavia from 1348 to 1350. It was introduced into Norway in 1349 when a ship landed at Askøy, then spread to Bjørgvin (modern Bergen).[97] Finally, it spread to northwestern Russia in 1351. Plague was less common in parts of Europe with less-established trade relations, including the majority of the Basque Country, isolated parts of Belgium and the Netherlands, and isolated Alpine villages throughout the continent.[98][99][100]

According to some epidemiologists, periods of unfavorable weather decimated plague-infected rodent populations, forcing their fleas onto alternative hosts,[101] inducing plague outbreaks which often peaked in the hot summers of the Mediterranean[102] and during the cool autumn months of the southern Baltic region.[103][d] Among many other culprits of plague contagiousness, pre-existing malnutrition weakened the immune response, contributing to an immense decline in European population.[106]

Western Asian and North African outbreak

The disease struck various regions in the Middle East and North Africa during the pandemic, leading to serious depopulation and permanent change in both economic and social structures.[107]

By autumn 1347, plague had reached Alexandria in Egypt, transmitted by sea from Constantinople via a single merchant ship carrying slaves.[108] By late summer 1348 it reached Cairo, capital of the Mamluk Sultanate, cultural center of the Islamic world, and the largest city in the Mediterranean Basin; the Bahriyya child sultan an-Nasir Hasan fled and more than a third of the 600,000 residents died.[109] The Nile was choked with corpses despite Cairo having a medieval hospital, the late 13th century bimaristan of the Qalawun complex.[109] The historian al-Maqrizi described the abundant work for grave-diggers and practitioners of funeral rites; plague recurred in Cairo more than fifty times over the following one and a half centuries.[109] During 1347, the disease travelled eastward to Gaza by April; by July it had reached Damascus, and in October plague had broken out in Aleppo.[108] That year, in the territory of modern Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine, the cities of Ascalon, Acre, Jerusalem, Sidon and Homs were all infected. In 1348–1349, the disease reached Antioch. The city's residents fled to the north, but most of them ended up dying during the journey.[110] Within two years, the plague had spread throughout the Islamic world, from Arabia across North Africa.[43][page needed]

The pandemic spread westwards from Alexandria along the African coast, while in April 1348 Tunis was infected by ship from Sicily. Tunis was then under attack by an army from Morocco; this army dispersed in 1348 and brought the contagion with them to Morocco, whose epidemic may also have been seeded from the Islamic city of Almería in al-Andalus.[108]

Mecca became infected in 1348 by pilgrims performing the Hajj.[108] In 1351 or 1352, the Rasulid sultan of the Yemen, al-Mujahid Ali, was released from Mamluk captivity in Egypt and carried plague with him on his return home.[108][111] During 1348, records show the city of Mosul suffered a massive epidemic, and the city of Baghdad experienced a second round of the disease.[citation needed]

Signs and symptoms

A hand showing how acral gangrene of the fingers due to bubonic plague causes the skin and flesh to die and turn black
An inguinal bubo on the upper thigh of a person infected with bubonic plague. Swollen lymph nodes (buboes) often occur in the neck, armpit and groin (inguinal) regions of plague victims.

Bubonic plague

Symptoms of the plague include fever of 38–41 °C (100–106 °F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise. Left untreated, 80% of victims die within eight days.[112]

Contemporary accounts of the pandemic are varied and often imprecise. The most commonly noted symptom was the appearance of buboes (or gavocciolos) in the groin, neck and armpits, which oozed pus and bled when opened.[67] Boccaccio's description:

In men and women alike it first betrayed itself by the emergence of certain tumours in the groin or armpits, some of which grew as large as a common apple, others as an egg ... From the two said parts of the body this deadly gavocciolo soon began to propagate and spread itself in all directions indifferently; after which the form of the malady began to change, black spots or livid making their appearance in many cases on the arm or the thigh or elsewhere, now few and large, now minute and numerous. As the gavocciolo had been and still was an infallible token of approaching death, such also were these spots on whomsoever they showed themselves.[113][114][e]

This was followed by acute fever and vomiting of blood. Most people died two to seven days after initial infection. Freckle-like spots and rashes,[116] which may have been caused by flea-bites, were identified as another potential sign of plague.

Pneumonic plague

Lodewijk Heyligen, whose master Cardinal Colonna died of plague in 1348, noted a distinct form of the disease, pneumonic plague, that infected the lungs and led to respiratory problems.[67] Symptoms include fever, cough and blood-tinged sputum. As the disease progresses, sputum becomes free-flowing and bright red. Pneumonic plague has a mortality rate of 90–95%.[117]

Septicemic plague

Septicemic plague is the least common of the three forms, with a mortality rate near 100%. Symptoms are high fevers and purple skin patches (purpura due to disseminated intravascular coagulation).[117] In cases of pneumonic and particularly septicemic plague, the progress of the disease is so rapid that there would often be no time for the development of the enlarged lymph nodes that were noted as buboes.[117]



Inspired by the Black Death, The Dance of Death, or Danse Macabre, an allegory on the universality of death, was a common painting motif in the late medieval period.

There are no exact figures for the death toll; the rate varied widely by locality. Urban centers with higher populations suffered longer periods of abnormal mortality.[118] Some estimate that it may have killed between 75,000,000 and 200,000,000 people in Eurasia.[119][120][121][better source needed] A study published in 2022 of pollen samples across Europe from 1250 to 1450 was used to estimate changes in agricultural output before and after the Black Death. The authors found great variability in different regions, with evidence for high mortality in areas of Scandinavia, France, western Germany, Greece and central Italy, but uninterrupted agricultural growth in central and eastern Europe, Iberia and Ireland.[122] The authors concluded that "the pandemic was immensely destructive in some areas, but in others it had a far lighter touch ... [the study methodology] invalidates histories of the Black Death that assume Y. pestis was uniformly prevalent, or nearly so, across Europe and that the pandemic had a devastating demographic impact everywhere."

The Black Death killed, by various estimations, from 25 to 60% of Europe's population. Robert S. Gottfried writes that as early as 1351, "agents for Pope Clement VI calculated the number of dead in Christian Europe at 23,840,000. With a preplague population of about 75 million, Clement's figure accounts for mortality of 31%-a rate about midway between the 50% mortality estimated for East Anglia, Tuscany, and parts of Scandinavia, and the less-than-15% morbidity for Bohemia and Galicia. And it is unerringly close to Froissart's claim that "a third of the world died," a measurement probably drawn from St. John's figure of mortality from plague in the Book of Revelation, a favorite medieval source of information."[123] Ole J. Benedictow proposes 60% mortality rate for Europe as a whole based on available data, with up to 80% based on poor nutritional conditions in the 14th century.[124][125][f] According to medieval historian Philip Daileader, it is likely that over four years, 45–50% of the European population died of plague.[126][g]

The mortality rate of the Black Death in the 14th century was far greater than the worst 20th-century outbreaks of Y. pestis plague, which occurred in India and killed as much as 3% of the population of certain cities.[127]

The overwhelming number of deceased bodies produced by the Black Death caused the necessity of mass burial sites in Europe, sometimes including up to several hundred or several thousand skeletons.[128] The mass burial sites that have been excavated have allowed archaeologists to continue interpreting and defining the biological, sociological, historical and anthropological implications of the Black Death.[128]

In 1348, the disease spread so rapidly that nearly a third of the European population perished before any physicians or government authorities had time to reflect upon its origins. In crowded cities, it was not uncommon for as much as 50% of the population to die.[29] Half of Paris' population of 100,000 people died. In Italy, the population of Florence was reduced from between 110,000 and 120,000 inhabitants in 1338 to 50,000 in 1351. At least 60% of the population of Hamburg and Bremen perished,[129] and a similar percentage of Londoners may have died from the disease as well,[57] leaving a death toll of approximately 62,000 between 1346 and 1353.[46][h] Florence's tax records suggest that 80% of the city's population died within four months in 1348.[127] Before 1350, there were about 170,000 settlements in Germany, and this was reduced by nearly 40,000 by 1450.[131] The disease bypassed some areas, with the most isolated areas being less vulnerable to contagion. Plague did not appear in Flanders until the turn of the 15th century, and the impact was less severe on the populations of Hainaut, Finland, northern Germany and areas of Poland.[127] Monks, nuns and priests were especially hard-hit since they cared for people ill with the plague.[132]

Citizens of Tournai bury plague victims

In 1382 the physician to the Avignon Papacy, Raimundo Chalmel de Vinario (Latin: Magister Raimundus, lit.'Master Raymond'), observed the decreasing mortality rate of successive outbreaks of plague in 1347–1348, 1362, 1371 and 1382 in his treatise On Epidemics (De epidemica).[133] In the first outbreak, two thirds of the population contracted the illness and most patients died; in the next, half the population became ill but only some died; by the third, a tenth were affected and many survived; while by the fourth occurrence, only one in twenty people were sickened and most of them survived.[133] By the 1380s in Europe, the plague predominantly affected children.[127] Chalmel de Vinario recognised that bloodletting was ineffective (though he continued to prescribe bleeding for members of the Roman Curia, whom he disliked), and said that all true cases of plague were caused by astrological factors and were incurable; he was never able to effect a cure.[133]

The populations of some Italian cities, notably Florence, did not regain their pre-14th century size until the 19th century.[134]

The most widely accepted estimate for the Middle East, including Iraq, Iran and Syria, during this time, is for a death toll of about a third of the population.[135] The Black Death killed about 40% of Egypt's population.[136] In Cairo, with a population numbering as many as 600,000, and possibly the largest city west of China, between one third and 40% of the inhabitants died within eight months.[109] By the 18th century, the population of Cairo was halved from its numbers in 1347.[109]

Italian chronicler Agnolo di Tura recorded his experience from Siena, where plague arrived in May 1348:

Father abandoned child, wife husband, one brother another; for this illness seemed to strike through the breath and sight. And so they died. And none could be found to bury the dead for money or friendship. Members of a household brought their dead to a ditch as best they could, without priest, without divine offices ... great pits were dug and piled deep with the multitude of dead. And they died by the hundreds both day and night ... And as soon as those ditches were filled more were dug ... And I, Agnolo di Tura ... buried my five children with my own hands. And there were also those who were so sparsely covered with earth that the dogs dragged them forth and devoured many bodies throughout the city. There was no one who wept for any death, for all awaited death. And so many died that all believed it was the end of the world.[137]


It has been suggested that the Black Plague, like other outbreaks through history, disproportionately affected the poorest people and those already in worse physical condition than the wealthier citizens.[138] But along with population decline from the pandemic, wages soared in response to a subsequent labor shortage.[139] Many laborers, artisans and craftsmen—those living from money-wages alone—suffered a reduction in real incomes owing to rampant inflation.[140] Landowners were also pushed to substitute monetary rents for labor services in an effort to keep tenants.[141]


A study performed by Thomas Van Hoof of the Utrecht University suggests that the innumerable deaths brought on by the pandemic cooled the climate by freeing up land and triggering reforestation. This may have led to the Little Ice Age.[142]


Jews being burned at the stake in 1349. Miniature from a 14th-century manuscript Antiquitates Flandriae by Gilles Li Muisis

Renewed religious fervor and fanaticism increased in the wake of the Black Death. Some Europeans targeted "various groups such as Jews, friars, foreigners, beggars, pilgrims", lepers[143][144] and Romani, blaming them for the crisis. Lepers, and others with skin diseases such as acne or psoriasis, were killed throughout Europe.

Because 14th-century healers and governments were at a loss to explain or stop the disease, Europeans turned to astrological forces, earthquakes and the poisoning of wells by Jews as possible reasons for outbreaks.[19] Many believed the epidemic was a punishment by God for their sins, and could be relieved by winning God's forgiveness.[145]

There were many attacks against Jewish communities.[146] In the Strasbourg massacre of February 1349, about 2,000 Jews were murdered.[146] In August 1349, the Jewish communities in Mainz and Cologne were annihilated. By 1351, 60 major and 150 smaller Jewish communities had been destroyed.[147] During this period many Jews relocated to Poland, where they received a warm welcome from King Casimir the Great.[148]


Pieter Bruegel's The Triumph of Death reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed the plague, which devastated medieval Europe.

One theory that has been advanced is that the Black Death's devastation of Florence, between 1348 and 1350, resulted in a shift in the world view of people in 14th-century Italy that ultimately led to the Renaissance. Italy was particularly badly hit by the pandemic, and the resulting familiarity with death may have caused thinkers to dwell more on their lives on Earth, rather than on spirituality and the afterlife.[149][i] It has also been argued that the Black Death prompted a new wave of piety, manifested in the sponsorship of religious works of art.[151]

This does not fully explain why the Renaissance occurred in Italy in the 14th century; the Renaissance's emergence was most likely the result of the complex interaction of the above factors,[152] in combination with an influx of Greek scholars after the fall of the Byzantine Empire.[153] As a result of the drastic reduction in the populace the value of the working class increased, and commoners came to enjoy more freedom. To answer the increased need for labor, workers travelled in search of the most favorable position economically.[154][better source needed]

Prior to the emergence of the Black Death, the continent was considered a feudalistic society, composed of fiefs and city-states frequently managed by the Catholic Church.[155] The pandemic completely restructured both religion and political forces; survivors began to turn to other forms of spirituality and the power dynamics of the fiefs and city-states crumbled.[155][156] The survivors of the pandemic found not only that the prices of food were lower but also that lands were more abundant, and many of them inherited property from their dead relatives, and this probably contributed to the destabilization of feudalism.[157][158]

The word "quarantine" has its roots in this period, though the practice of isolating people to prevent the spread of disease is older. In the city-state of Ragusa (modern Dubrovnik, Croatia), a thirty-day isolation period was implemented in 1377 for new arrivals to the city from plague-affected areas. The isolation period was later extended to forty days, and given the name "quarantino" from the Italian word for "forty".[159]


Second plague pandemic

The Great Plague of London, in 1665, killed up to 100,000 people.
A plague doctor and his typical apparel during the 17th-century outbreak.

The plague repeatedly returned to haunt Europe and the Mediterranean throughout the 14th to 17th centuries.[160] According to Jean-Noël Biraben, the plague was present somewhere in Europe in every year between 1346 and 1671 (although some researchers have cautions about the uncritical use of Biraben's data).[161][162] The second pandemic was particularly widespread in the following years: 1360–1363; 1374; 1400; 1438–1439; 1456–1457; 1464–1466; 1481–1485; 1500–1503; 1518–1531; 1544–1548; 1563–1566; 1573–1588; 1596–1599; 1602–1611; 1623–1640; 1644–1654; and 1664–1667. Subsequent outbreaks, though severe, marked the plague's retreat from most of Europe (18th century) and northern Africa (19th century).[163]

Historian George Sussman argued that the plague had not occurred in East Africa until the 1900s.[82] However, other sources suggest that the Second pandemic did indeed reach Sub-Saharan Africa.[107]

According to historian Geoffrey Parker, "France alone lost almost a million people to the plague in the epidemic of 1628–31."[164] In the first half of the 17th century, a plague killed some 1.7 million people in Italy.[165] More than 1.25 million deaths resulted from the extreme incidence of plague in 17th-century Spain.[166]

The Black Death ravaged much of the Islamic world.[167] Plague could be found in the Islamic world almost every year between 1500 and 1850. Sometimes the outbreaks affected small areas, while other outbreaks affected multiple regions.[168] Plague repeatedly struck the cities of North Africa. Algiers lost 30,000–50,000 inhabitants to it in 1620–21, and again in 1654–57, 1665, 1691 and 1740–42.[169] Cairo suffered more than fifty plague epidemics within 150 years from the plague's first appearance, with the final outbreak of the second pandemic there in the 1840s.[109] Plague remained a major event in Ottoman society until the second quarter of the 19th century. Between 1701 and 1750, thirty-seven larger and smaller epidemics were recorded in Constantinople, and an additional thirty-one between 1751 and 1800.[170] Baghdad has suffered severely from visitations of the plague, and sometimes two-thirds of its population had died.[171]

Third plague pandemic

Worldwide distribution of plague-infected animals, 1998

The third plague pandemic (1855–1859) started in China in the mid-19th century, spreading to all inhabited continents and killing 10 million people in India alone.[172] The investigation of the pathogen that caused the 19th-century plague was begun by teams of scientists who visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, for whom the pathogen was named.[29]

Twelve plague outbreaks in Australia between 1900 and 1925 resulted in over 1,000 deaths, chiefly in Sydney. This led to the establishment of a Public Health Department there which undertook some leading-edge research on plague transmission from rat fleas to humans via the bacillus Yersinia pestis.[173]

The first North American plague epidemic was the San Francisco plague of 1900–1904, followed by another outbreak in 1907–1908.[174][175][176]


Modern treatment methods include insecticides, the use of antibiotics, and a plague vaccine. It is feared that the plague bacterium could develop drug resistance and again become a major health threat. One case of a drug-resistant form of the bacterium was found in Madagascar in 1995.[177] Another outbreak in Madagascar was reported in November 2014.[178] In October 2017, the deadliest outbreak of the plague in modern times hit Madagascar, killing 170 people and infecting thousands.[179]

An estimate of the case fatality rate for the modern plague, after the introduction of antibiotics, is 11%, although it may be higher in underdeveloped regions.[180]

See also


  1. ^ Declining temperatures following the end of the Medieval Warm Period added to the crisis.
  2. ^ He was able to adopt the epidemiology of the bubonic plague for the Black Death for the second edition in 1908, implicating rats and fleas in the process, and his interpretation was widely accepted for other ancient and medieval epidemics, such as the Plague of Justinian that was prevalent in the Eastern Roman Empire from 541 to 700 CE.[29]
  3. ^ In 1998, Drancourt et al. reported the detection of Y. pestis DNA in human dental pulp from a medieval grave.[51] Another team led by Tom Gilbert cast doubt on this identification[52] and the techniques employed, stating that this method "does not allow us to confirm the identification of Y. pestis as the aetiological agent of the Black Death and subsequent plagues. In addition, the utility of the published tooth-based ancient DNA technique used to diagnose fatal bacteraemias in historical epidemics still awaits independent corroboration".
  4. ^ However, other researchers do not think that plague ever became endemic in Europe or its rat population. The disease repeatedly wiped out the rodent carriers, so that the fleas died out until a new outbreak from Central Asia repeated the process. The outbreaks have been shown to occur roughly 15 years after a warmer and wetter period in areas where plague is endemic in other species, such as gerbils.[104][105]
  5. ^ The only medical detail that is questionable in Boccaccio's description is that the gavocciolo was an "infallible token of approaching death", as, if the bubo discharges, recovery is possible.[115]
  6. ^ Norwegian historian Ole Benedictow suggests:

    Detailed study of the mortality data available points to two conspicuous features in relation to the mortality caused by the Black Death: namely the extreme level of mortality caused by the Black Death, and the remarkable similarity or consistency of the level of mortality, from Spain in southern Europe to England in north-western Europe. The data is sufficiently widespread and numerous to make it likely that the Black Death swept away around 60% of Europe's population. The generally assumed population of Europe at the time is about 80 million, implying that around 50 million people died in the Black Death.[125]

  7. ^ According to medieval historian Philip Daileader,

    The trend of recent research is pointing to a figure more like 45–50% of the European population dying during a four-year period. There is a fair amount of geographic variation. In Mediterranean Europe, areas such as Italy, the south of France and Spain, where plague ran for about four years consecutively, it was probably closer to 75–80% of the population. In Germany and England ... it was probably closer to 20%.[126]

  8. ^ While contemporary accounts report mass burial pits being created in response to the large number of dead, recent scientific investigations of a burial pit in Central London found well-preserved individuals to be buried in isolated, evenly spaced graves, suggesting at least some pre-planning and Christian burials at this time.[130]
  9. ^ The Black Death caused greater upheaval to Florence's social and political structure than later epidemics. Despite a significant number of deaths among members of the ruling classes, the government of Florence continued to function during this period. Formal meetings of elected representatives were suspended during the height of the epidemic due to the chaotic conditions in the city, but a small group of officials was appointed to conduct the affairs of the city, which ensured continuity of government.[150]


  1. ^ Lawton, Graham (25 May 2022). Wilson, Emily (ed.). "Plague: Black death bacteria persists and could cause a pandemic". New Scientist. London. ISSN 0262-4079. from the original on 30 May 2022. Retrieved 31 May 2022.
  2. ^ Sources for deaths: Aberth 2021[page needed]; Benedictow 2021, pp. 869–877; Christakos et al. 2005[page needed]
  3. ^ "Economic life after Covid-19: Lessons from the Black Death". The Economic Times. 29 March 2020. from the original on 21 June 2020. Retrieved 4 April 2020.
  4. ^ a b c Haensch et al. 2010.
  5. ^ "Plague". World Health Organization. October 2017. from the original on 24 April 2015. Retrieved 8 November 2017.
  6. ^ Firth J (April 2012). . jmvh.org. Archived from the original on 2 October 2019. Retrieved 14 November 2019.
  7. ^ Sources for origins
    • "Black Death in China: A history of plagues, from ancient times to now". CNN. 24 November 2019. from the original on 6 March 2020. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
    • Benedictow 2004, pp. 50–51
    • Bramanti et al. 2016, pp. 1–26
    • "Black Death | Causes, Facts, and Consequences". Encyclopædia Britannica. from the original on 9 July 2019. Retrieved 1 March 2020.
    • Sussman 2011
  8. ^ Wade, Nicholas (31 October 2010). "Europe's Plagues Came from China, Study Finds". The New York Times. from the original on 4 November 2010. Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  9. ^ a b Sussman 2011, p. 354.
  10. ^ "Black Death | Causes, Facts, and Consequences". Encyclopædia Britannica. from the original on 9 July 2019. Retrieved 1 August 2019.
  11. ^ Snowden 2019, pp. 49–53.
  12. ^ "Mystery of Black Death's origins solved, say researchers". The Guardian. 15 June 2022. from the original on 15 June 2022. Retrieved 15 June 2022.
  13. ^ a b Spyrou, Maria A.; Musralina, Lyazzat; Gnecchi Ruscone, Guido A.; Kocher, Arthur; Borbone, Pier-Giorgio; Khartanovich, Valeri I.; Buzhilova, Alexandra; Djansugurova, Leyla; Bos, Kirsten I.; Kühnert, Denise; Haak, Wolfgang (15 June 2022). "The source of the Black Death in fourteenth-century central Eurasia". Nature. 606 (7915): 718–724. Bibcode:2022Natur.606..718S. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04800-3. ISSN 1476-4687. PMC 9217749. PMID 35705810. S2CID 249709693.
  14. ^ Aberth 2010, pp. 9–13.
  15. ^ Alchon 2003, p. 21.
  16. ^ Howard J (6 July 2020). . National Geographic. Archived from the original on 2 December 2020. Retrieved 3 December 2020.
  17. ^ Galens J, Knight J (2001). "The Late Middle Ages". Middle Ages Reference Library. Gale. 1. from the original on 16 December 2019. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h "Black Death, n.", Oxford English Dictionary Online (3rd ed.), Oxford University Press, 2011, from the original on 22 May 2021, retrieved 11 April 2020
  19. ^ a b Bennett & Hollister 2006, p. 326.
  20. ^ John of Fordun's Scotichronicon ("there was a great pestilence and mortality of men") Horrox 1994, p. 84
  21. ^ Pontoppidan E (1755). The Natural History of Norway: …. London: A. Linde. p. 24. From p. 24: "Norway, indeed, cannot be said to be entirely exempt from pestilential distempers, for the Black-death, known all over Europe by its terrible ravages, from the years 1348 to 50, was felt here as in other parts, and to the great diminution of the number of the inhabitants."
  22. ^ a b c d d'Irsay S (1926). "Notes to the Origin of the Expression: ≪ Atra Mors ≫". Isis. 8 (2): 328–32. doi:10.1086/358397. ISSN 0021-1753. JSTOR 223649. S2CID 147317779.
  23. ^ The German physician Justus Friedrich Karl Hecker (1795–1850) cited the phrase in Icelandic (Svarti Dauði), Danish (den sorte Dod), etc. See: J. F. C. Hecker, Der schwarze Tod im vierzehnten Jahrhundert [The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century] (Berlin, (Germany): Friedr. Aug. Herbig, 1832), p. 3. 29 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  24. ^ Homer, Odyssey, XII, 92.
  25. ^ Seneca, Oedipus, 164–70.
  26. ^ de Corbeil G (1907) [1200]. Valentin R (ed.). Egidii Corboliensis Viaticus: De signis et symptomatibus aegritudium (in Latin). Harvard University: In aedibus B.G. Teubneri.
  27. ^ On page 22 of the manuscript in Gallica 6 October 2016 at the Wayback Machine, Simon mentions the phrase "mors nigra" (Black Death): "Cum rex finisset oracula judiciorum / Mors nigra surrexit, et gentes reddidit illi;" (When the king ended the oracles of judgment / Black Death arose, and the nations surrendered to him;).
    • A more legible copy of the poem appears in: Emile Littré (1841) "Opuscule relatif à la peste de 1348, composé par un contemporain" 22 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine (Work concerning the plague of 1348, composed by a contemporary), Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, 2 (2) : 201–43; see especially p. 228.
    • See also: Joseph Patrick Byrne, The Black Death (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004), p. 1. 26 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  28. ^ Gasquet 1893.
  29. ^ a b c d e f Christakos et al. 2005, pp. 110–14.
  30. ^ Gasquet 1908, p. 7.
  31. ^ Johan Isaksson Pontanus, Rerum Danicarum Historia ... (Amsterdam (Netherlands): Johann Jansson, 1631), p. 476. 4 May 2016 at the Wayback Machine
  32. ^ . Avma.org. Archived from the original on 16 May 2008. Retrieved 3 November 2008.
  33. ^ Andrades Valtueña et al. 2017.
  34. ^ Zhang, Sarah, "An Ancient Case of the Plague Could Rewrite History 13 November 2019 at the Wayback Machine", The Atlantic, 6 December 2018
  35. ^ Rascovan et al. 2019.
  36. ^ Spyrou et al. 2018.
  37. ^ a b Green 2015, pp. 31ff.
  38. ^ "Modern lab reaches across the ages to resolve plague DNA debate". phys.org. 20 May 2013. from the original on 27 July 2019. Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  39. ^ Cheng M (28 January 2014). "Plague DNA found in ancient teeth shows medieval Black Death, 1,500-year pandemic caused by same disease". National Post. Archived from the original on 29 January 2014. Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  40. ^ The Black Death, 1346-1353: The Complete History. Boydell Press. 2006. ISBN 9781843832140. from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 18 March 2023.
  41. ^ The Complete History of the Black Death. Boydell & Brewer. 2021. ISBN 9781783275168. from the original on 26 March 2023. Retrieved 18 March 2023.
  42. ^ Horrox 1994, p. 159.
  43. ^ a b Kelly 2005.
  44. ^ al-Asqalani IH. Badhl aI-md'On fi fadi at-ld'an. Cairo.
  45. ^ Legan JA (2015). The medical response to the Black Death. Senior Honors Projects (B.A.). James Madison University. from the original on 19 October 2021. Retrieved 3 December 2020.
  46. ^ a b Tignor et al. 2014, p. 407.
  47. ^ Ziegler 1998, p. 25.
  48. ^ "Maps and Statistics: Plague in the United States". Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 25 November 2019. from the original on 8 April 2020. Retrieved 8 April 2020.
  49. ^ Arrizabalaga 2010.
  50. ^ Yersin A (1894). "La peste bubonique a Hong-Kong". Annales de l'Institut Pasteur: Journal de microbiologie. 8 (9): 662–67. ISSN 0020-2444. from the original on 12 April 2020. Retrieved 12 April 2020 – via Gallica.
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  52. ^ Gilbert et al. 2004.
  53. ^ a b Bos 2011.
  54. ^ Spyrou et al. 2019.
  55. ^ Wagner et al. 2014.
  56. ^ Rasmussen et al. 2015.
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  66. ^ Dean et al. 2018.
  67. ^ a b c Byrne 2004, pp. 21–29
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  71. ^ Kelly, John (2006). The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time. Harper Perennial. p. 66. ISBN 9780060006938.
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  84. ^ Hecker 1859, p. 21 cited by Ziegler, p. 15.
  85. ^ Sussman 2011, p. 328.
  86. ^ Benedictow 2004, pp. 48–49.
  87. ^ Benedictow 2004, pp. 50–51.
  88. ^ von Glahn 2016, p. 440.
  89. ^ Green 2020.
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  91. ^ Wheelis 2002.
  92. ^ Barras & Greub 2014"In the Middle Ages, a famous although controversial example is offered by the siege of Caffa (now Feodossia in Ukraine/Crimea), a Genovese outpost on the Black Sea coast, by the Mongols. In 1346, the attacking army experienced an epidemic of bubonic plague. The Italian chronicler Gabriele de' Mussi, in his Istoria de Morbo sive Mortalitate quae fuit Anno Domini 1348, describes quite plausibly how plague was transmitted by the Mongols by throwing diseased cadavers with catapults into the besieged city, and how ships transporting Genovese soldiers, fleas and rats fleeing from there brought it to the Mediterranean ports. Given the highly complex epidemiology of plague, this interpretation of the Black Death (which might have killed >25 million people in the following years throughout Europe) as stemming from a specific and localized origin of the Black Death remains controversial. Similarly, it remains doubtful whether the effect of throwing infected cadavers could have been the sole cause of the outburst of an epidemic in the besieged city."
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  94. ^ a b c d Byrne JP (2012). "Constantinople/Istanbul". Encyclopedia of the Black Death. Santa Barbara, California.: ABC-CLIO. p. 87. ISBN 978-1-59884-254-8. OCLC 769344478.
  95. ^ Michael of Piazza (Platiensis) Bibliotheca scriptorum qui res in Sicilia gestas retulere Vol 1, p. 562, cited in Ziegler, 1998, p. 40.
  96. ^ De Smet, Vol II, Breve Chronicon, p. 15.
  97. ^ Karlsson 2000, p. 111.
  98. ^ Zuchora-Walske 2013.
  99. ^ Welford & Bossak 2010.
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  101. ^ Samia et al. 2011.
  102. ^ Cohn 2008.
  103. ^ Stefan Kroll[permanent dead link], Kersten Krüger (2004). LIT Verlag Berlin. ISBN 3-8258-8778-2
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Further reading

  • Alfano V, Sgobbi M (January 2022). "A fame, peste et bello libera nos Domine: An Analysis of the Black Death in Chioggia in 1630". Journal of Family History. 47 (1): 24–40. doi:10.1177/03631990211000615. S2CID 233671164.
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  • Bailey M (2021). After the Black Death: Economy, society, and the law in fourteenth-century England. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-259973-5.
  • Barker H (1 January 2021). "Laying the Corpses to Rest: Grain, Embargoes, and Yersinia pestis in the Black Sea, 1346–48". Speculum. 96 (1): 97–126. doi:10.1086/711596. S2CID 229344364.
  • Cantor NF (2015) [2001]. In the wake of the plague : the Black death and the world it made (First Simon & Schuster paperback ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4767-9774-8.
  • Cohn Jr SK (2002). The black death transformed : disease and culture in early Renaissance Europe. London: Arnold. ISBN 978-0-340-70646-6.
  • Crawford DH (2018). Deadly Companions: How Microbes Shaped Our History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-881544-0.
  • Dols MW (2019). The Black Death in the Middle East. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-65704-2.
  • Dols MW (January 1974). "The Comparative Communal Responses to the Black Death in Muslim and Christian Societies". Viator. 5: 269–288. doi:10.1484/J.VIATOR.2.301626. ProQuest 1297911710.
  • Dols MW (1978). "Geographical origin of the Black Death: comment". Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 52 (1): 112–120. PMID 352447. ProQuest 1296259982.
  • Duncan CJ, Scott S (May 2005). "What caused the Black Death?". Postgraduate Medical Journal. 81 (955): 315–320. doi:10.1136/pgmj.2004.024075. PMC 1743272. PMID 15879045.
  • McNeill WH (1976). Plagues and Peoples. Anchor/Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-11256-7.
  • Pamuk S (December 2007). "The Black Death and the origins of the 'Great Divergence' across Europe, 1300–1600". European Review of Economic History. 11 (3): 289–317. doi:10.1017/S1361491607002031.
  • Scott S, Duncan CJ (2001). Biology of Plagues: Evidence from Historical Populations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-80150-8.
  • Schuenemann VJ, Bos K, DeWitte S, Schmedes S, Jamieson J, Mittnik A, et al. (September 2011). "Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 (38): E746–E752. Bibcode:2011PNAS..108E.746S. doi:10.1073/pnas.1105107108. PMC 3179067. PMID 21876176.
  • Shrewsbury JF (2005). A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles. Cambridge Univ Pr. ISBN 978-0-521-02247-7.
  • Twigg G (1985). The Black Death : a biological reappraisal (1st American ed.). New York: Schocken Books. ISBN 978-0-7134-4618-0.

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black, death, other, uses, disambiguation, plague, redirects, here, other, uses, plague, disambiguation, bubonic, plague, pandemic, occurring, europe, from, 1346, 1353, most, fatal, pandemics, human, history, many, million, people, perished, perhaps, europe, 1. For other uses see Black Death disambiguation The Plague redirects here For other uses see The Plague disambiguation The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Europe from 1346 to 1353 One of the most fatal pandemics in human history as many as 50 million people 2 perished perhaps 50 of Europe s 14th century population 3 Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and spread by fleas 4 5 One of the most significant events in European history the Black Death had far reaching population economic and cultural impacts Black DeathThe spread of the Black Death in Europe North Africa and the Near East 1346 1353 DiseaseBubonic plagueLocationEurasia and North Africa 1 Date1346 1353Deaths25 000 000 50 000 000 estimated The Black Death was the beginning of the second plague pandemic 6 The plague created religious social and economic upheavals with profound effects on the course of European history The origin of the Black Death is disputed 7 Genetic analysis points to the evolution of Yersinia pestis in the Tian Shan mountains on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China 2 600 years ago The immediate territorial origins of the Black Death and its outbreak remain unclear with some evidence pointing towards Central Asia China the Middle East and Europe 8 9 The pandemic was reportedly first introduced to Europe during the siege of the Genoese trading port of Kaffa in Crimea by the Golden Horde army of Jani Beg in 1347 From Crimea it was most likely carried by fleas living on the black rats that travelled on Genoese ships spreading through the Mediterranean Basin and reaching North Africa Western Asia and the rest of Europe via Constantinople Sicily and the Italian Peninsula 10 There is evidence that once it came ashore the Black Death mainly spread from person to person as pneumonic plague thus explaining the quick inland spread of the epidemic which was faster than would be expected if the primary vector was rat fleas causing bubonic plague 11 In 2022 it was discovered that there was a sudden surge of deaths in what is today Kyrgyzstan from the Black Death in the late 1330s when combined with genetic evidence this implies that the initial spread may not have been due to Mongol conquests in the 14th century as previously speculated 12 13 The Black Death was the second great natural disaster to strike Europe during the Late Middle Ages the first one being the Great Famine of 1315 1317 and is estimated to have killed 30 to 60 of the European population as well as approximately 33 of the population of the Middle East 14 15 16 There were further outbreaks throughout the Late Middle Ages and also due to other contributing factors the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages the European population did not regain its 14th century level until the 16th century a 17 Outbreaks of the plague recurred around the world until the early 19th century Contents 1 Names 2 Previous plague epidemics 3 14th century plague 3 1 Causes 3 1 1 Early theory 3 1 2 Predominant modern theory 3 1 3 DNA evidence 3 1 4 Alternative explanations 3 1 5 Summary 3 2 Transmission 3 2 1 Lack of hygiene 3 2 2 Territorial origins 3 2 3 European outbreak 3 2 4 Western Asian and North African outbreak 3 3 Signs and symptoms 3 3 1 Bubonic plague 3 3 2 Pneumonic plague 3 3 3 Septicemic plague 3 4 Consequences 3 4 1 Deaths 3 4 2 Economic 3 4 3 Environmental 3 4 4 Persecutions 3 4 5 Social 4 Recurrences 4 1 Second plague pandemic 4 2 Third plague pandemic 4 3 Modern day 5 See also 6 Footnotes 6 1 Citations 6 2 Bibliography 7 Further reading 8 External linksNamesEuropean writers contemporary with the plague described the disease in Latin as pestis or pestilentia pestilence epidemia epidemic mortalitas mortality 18 In English prior to the 18th century the event was called the pestilence or great pestilence the plague or the great death 18 19 20 Subsequent to the pandemic the furste moreyn first murrain or first pestilence was applied to distinguish the mid 14th century phenomenon from other infectious diseases and epidemics of plague 18 The 1347 pandemic plague was not referred to specifically as black in the time of occurrence in any European language though the expression black death had occasionally been applied to fatal disease beforehand 18 Black death was not used to describe the plague pandemic in English until the 1750s the term is first attested in 1755 where it translated Danish den sorte dod lit the black death 18 21 This expression as a proper name for the pandemic had been popularized by Swedish and Danish chroniclers in the 15th and early 16th centuries and in the 16th and 17th centuries was transferred to other languages as a calque Icelandic svarti daudi German der schwarze Tod and French la mort noire 22 23 Previously most European languages had named the pandemic a variant or calque of the Latin magna mortalitas lit Great Death 18 The phrase black death describing Death as black is very old Homer used it in the Odyssey to describe the monstrous Scylla with her mouths full of black Death Ancient Greek pleῖoi melanos 8anatoio romanized pleioi melanos Thanatoio 24 22 Seneca the Younger may have been the first to describe an epidemic as black death Latin mors atra but only in reference to the acute lethality and dark prognosis of disease 25 22 18 The 12th 13th century French physician Gilles de Corbeil had already used atra mors to refer to a pestilential fever febris pestilentialis in his work On the Signs and Symptoms of Diseases De signis et symptomatibus aegritudium 22 26 The phrase mors nigra black death was used in 1350 by Simon de Covino or Couvin a Belgian astronomer in his poem On the Judgement of the Sun at a Feast of Saturn De judicio Solis in convivio Saturni which attributes the plague to an astrological conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn 27 His use of the phrase is not connected unambiguously with the plague pandemic of 1347 and appears to refer to the fatal outcome of disease 18 The historian Cardinal Francis Aidan Gasquet wrote about the Great Pestilence in 1893 28 and suggested that it had been some form of the ordinary Eastern or bubonic plague 29 b In 1908 Gasquet said use of the name atra mors for the 14th century epidemic first appeared in a 1631 book on Danish history by J I Pontanus Commonly and from its effects they called it the black death Vulgo amp ab effectu atram mortem vocitabant 30 31 Previous plague epidemics nbsp Yersinia pestis 200 magnification the bacterium that causes plague 32 Main articles Plague disease and First plague pandemic Research from 2017 suggests plague first infected humans in Europe and Asia in the Late Neolithic Early Bronze Age 33 Research in 2018 found evidence of Yersinia pestis in an ancient Swedish tomb which may have been associated with the Neolithic decline around 3000 BCE in which European populations fell significantly 34 35 This Y pestis may have been different from more modern types with bubonic plague transmissible by fleas first known from Bronze Age remains near Samara 36 The symptoms of bubonic plague are first attested in a fragment of Rufus of Ephesus preserved by Oribasius these ancient medical authorities suggest bubonic plague had appeared in the Roman Empire before the reign of Trajan six centuries before arriving at Pelusium in the reign of Justinian I 37 In 2013 researchers confirmed earlier speculation that the cause of the Plague of Justinian 541 549 CE with recurrences until 750 was Y pestis 38 39 This is known as the first plague pandemic In 610 the Chinese physician Chao Yuanfang described a malignant bubo coming in abruptly with high fever together with the appearance of a bundle of nodes beneath the tissue 40 The Chinese physician Sun Simo who died in 652 also mentioned a malignant bubo and plague that was common in Lingnan Guangzhou Ole Jorgen Benedictow believes that this indicates it was an offshoot of the first plague pandemic which made its way eastward to Chinese territory by around 600 41 14th century plagueCauses Early theory Main article Theories of the Black Death A report by the Medical Faculty of Paris stated that a conjunction of planets had caused a great pestilence in the air miasma theory 42 Muslim religious scholars taught that the pandemic was a martyrdom and mercy from God assuring the believer s place in paradise For non believers it was a punishment 43 Some Muslim doctors cautioned against trying to prevent or treat a disease sent by God Others adopted preventive measures and treatments for plague used by Europeans These Muslim doctors also depended on the writings of the ancient Greeks 44 45 Predominant modern theory nbsp The Oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis engorged with blood This species of flea is the primary vector for the transmission of Yersinia pestis the organism responsible for spreading bubonic plague in most plague epidemics Both male and female fleas feed on blood and can transmit the infection nbsp Oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis infected with the Yersinia pestis bacterium which appears as a dark mass in the gut The foregut proventriculus of this flea is blocked by a Y pestis biofilm when the flea feeds on an uninfected host Y pestis is regurgitated into the wound causing infection Due to climate change in Asia rodents began to flee the dried out grasslands to more populated areas spreading the disease 46 The plague disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis is enzootic commonly present in populations of fleas carried by ground rodents including marmots in various areas including Central Asia Kurdistan Western Asia North India Uganda and the western United States 47 48 Y pestis was discovered by Alexandre Yersin a pupil of Louis Pasteur during an epidemic of bubonic plague in Hong Kong in 1894 Yersin also proved this bacillus was present in rodents and suggested the rat was the main vehicle of transmission 49 50 The mechanism by which Y pestis is usually transmitted was established in 1898 by Paul Louis Simond and was found to involve the bites of fleas whose midguts had become obstructed by replicating Y pestis several days after feeding on an infected host This blockage starves the fleas drives them to aggressive feeding behaviour and causes them to try and clear the blockage via regurgitation resulting in thousands of plague bacteria flushing into the feeding site and infecting the host The bubonic plague mechanism was also dependent on two populations of rodents one resistant to the disease which act as hosts keeping the disease endemic and a second that lacks resistance When the second population dies the fleas move on to other hosts including people thus creating a human epidemic 29 DNA evidence nbsp Skeletons in a mass grave from 1720 to 1721 in Martigues near Marseille in southern France yielded molecular evidence of the orientalis strain of Yersinia pestis the organism responsible for bubonic plague The second pandemic of bubonic plague was active in Europe from 1347 the beginning of the Black Death until 1750 Definitive confirmation of the role of Y pestis arrived in 2010 with a publication in PLOS Pathogens by Haensch et al 4 c They assessed the presence of DNA RNA with polymerase chain reaction PCR techniques for Y pestis from the tooth sockets in human skeletons from mass graves in northern central and southern Europe that were associated archaeologically with the Black Death and subsequent resurgences The authors concluded that this new research together with prior analyses from the south of France and Germany ends the debate about the cause of the Black Death and unambiguously demonstrates that Y pestis was the causative agent of the epidemic plague that devastated Europe during the Middle Ages 4 In 2011 these results were further confirmed with genetic evidence derived from Black Death victims in the East Smithfield burial site in England Schuenemann et al concluded in 2011 that the Black Death in medieval Europe was caused by a variant of Y pestis that may no longer exist 53 Later in 2011 Bos et al reported in Nature the first draft genome of Y pestis from plague victims from the same East Smithfield cemetery and indicated that the strain that caused the Black Death is ancestral to most modern strains of Y pestis 53 Later genomic papers have further confirmed the phylogenetic placement of the Y pestis strain responsible for the Black Death as both the ancestor 54 of later plague epidemics including the third plague pandemic and the descendant 55 of the strain responsible for the Plague of Justinian In addition plague genomes from prehistory have been recovered 56 DNA taken from 25 skeletons from 14th century London showed that plague is a strain of Y pestis almost identical to that which hit Madagascar in 2013 57 58 Further DNA evidence also proves the role of Y pestis and traces the source to the Tian Shan mountains in Kyrgyzstan 59 Alternative explanations Researchers are hampered by a lack of reliable statistics from this period Most work has been done on the spread of the disease in England where estimates of overall population at the start of the plague vary by over 100 as no census was undertaken in England between the time of publication of the Domesday Book of 1086 and the poll tax of the year 1377 60 Estimates of plague victims are usually extrapolated from figures for the clergy Mathematical modelling is used to match the spreading patterns and the means of transmission In 2018 researchers suggested an alternative model in which the disease was spread from human fleas and body lice to other people The second model claims to better fit the trends of the plague s death toll as the rat flea human hypothesis would have produced a delayed but very high spike in deaths contradicting historical death data 61 62 Lars Walloe argued that these authors take it for granted that Simond s infection model black rat rat flea human which was developed to explain the spread of plague in India is the only way an epidemic of Yersinia pestis infection could spread 63 Similarly Monica Green has argued that greater attention is needed to the range of especially non commensal animals that might be involved in the transmission of plague 37 Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there is insufficient evidence of the extinction of numerous rats in the archaeological record of the medieval waterfront in London and that the disease spread too quickly to support the thesis that Y pestis was spread from fleas on rats he argues that transmission must have been person to person 64 65 This theory is supported by research in 2018 which suggested transmission was more likely by body lice and fleas during the second plague pandemic 66 Summary Academic debate continues but no single alternative explanation for the plague s spread has achieved widespread acceptance 29 Many scholars arguing for Y pestis as the major agent of the pandemic suggest that its extent and symptoms can be explained by a combination of bubonic plague with other diseases including typhus smallpox and respiratory infections In addition to the bubonic infection others point to additional septicemic and pneumonic forms of plague which lengthen the duration of outbreaks throughout the seasons and help account for its high mortality rate and additional recorded symptoms 67 In 2014 Public Health England announced the results of an examination of 25 bodies exhumed in the Clerkenwell area of London as well as of wills registered in London during the period which supported the pneumonic hypothesis 57 Currently while osteoarcheologists have conclusively verified the presence of Y pestis bacteria in burial sites across northern Europe through examination of bones and dental pulp no other epidemic pathogen has been discovered to bolster the alternative explanations 68 Transmission Main article Black Death migration Lack of hygiene The importance of hygiene was not recognized until the 19th century and the germ theory of disease Until then streets were usually unhygienic with live animals and human parasites facilitating the spread of transmissible disease 69 By the early 14th century so much filth had collected inside urban Europe that French and Italian cities were naming streets after human waste In medieval Paris several street names were inspired by merde the French word for shit There were rue Merdeux rue Merdelet rue Merdusson rue des Merdons and rue Merdiere as well as a rue du Pipi 70 Pigs cattle chickens geese goats and horses roamed the streets of medieval London and Paris Medieval homeowners were supposed to police their housefronts including removing animal dung but most urbanites were careless William E Cosner a resident of the London suburb of Farringdon Without received a complaint alleging that men could not pass by his house for the stink of horse dung and horse piss 71 One irate Londoner complained that the runoff from the local slaughterhouse had made his garden stinking and putrid while another charged that the blood from slain animals flooded nearby streets and lanes making a foul corruption and abominable sight to all dwelling near In much of medieval Europe sanitation legislation consisted of an ordinance requiring homeowners to shout Look out below three times before dumping a full chamber pot into the street 72 Early Christians considered bathing a temptation With this danger in mind St Benedict declared To those who are well and especially to the young bathing shall seldom be permitted St Agnes took the injunction to heart and died without ever bathing 73 Territorial origins According to a team of medical geneticists led by Mark Achtman Yersinia pestis evolved in or near China over 2 600 years ago 74 75 76 Later research by a team led by Galina Eroshenko placed its origins more specifically in the Tian Shan mountains on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China 77 78 However more recent research notes that the previous sampling contained East Asian bias and that sampling since then has discovered strains of Y pestis in the Caucasus region previously thought to be restricted to China 79 There is also no physical or specific textual evidence of the Black Death in 14th century China As a result China s place in the sequence of the plague s spread is still debated to this day 80 According to Charles Creighton records of epidemics in 14th century China suggest nothing more than typhus and major Chinese outbreaks of epidemic disease post date the European epidemic by several years 81 The earliest Chinese descriptions of the bubonic plague do not appear until the 1640s 82 Nestorian gravesites dating from 1338 to 1339 near Issyk Kul have inscriptions referring to plague which has led some historians and epidemiologists to think they mark the outbreak of the epidemic this is supported by recent direct findings of Y pestis DNA in teeth samples from graves in the area with inscriptions referring to pestilence as the cause of death 13 Epidemics killed an estimated 25 million across Asia during the fifteen years before the Black Death reached Constantinople in 1347 83 84 The evidence does not suggest at least at present that these mortality crises were caused by plague Although some scholars including McNeill and Cao see the 1333 outbreak as a prelude to the outbreaks in Europe from the late 1340s to the early 1350s scholars of the Yuan and Ming periods remain skeptical about such an interpretation Nonetheless the remarkably high mortality rates during the Datong mortality should discourage us from rejecting the possibility of localized regional outbreaks of plague in different parts of China albeit differing in scale from and unrelated to the pandemic mortality of the Black Death What we lack is any indication of a plague pandemic that engulfed vast territories of the Yuan Empire and later moved into western Eurasia through Central Asia 78 Philip Slavin According to John Norris evidence from Issyk Kul indicates a small sporadic outbreak characteristic of transmission from rodents to humans with no wide scale impact 82 According to Achtman the dating of the plague suggests that it was not carried along the Silk Road and its widespread appearance in that region probably postdates the European outbreak 80 Additionally the Silk Road had already been heavily disrupted before the spread of the Black Death Western and Middle Eastern traders found it difficult to trade on the Silk Road by 1325 and impossible by 1340 making its role in the spread of plague less likely 82 There are no records of the symptoms of the Black Death from Mongol sources or writings from travelers east of the Black Sea prior to the Crimean outbreak in 1346 85 Others still favor an origin in China 78 or even Kurdistan and not Central Asia The theory of Chinese origin implicates the Silk Road the disease possibly spreading alongside Mongol armies and traders or possibly arriving via ship however this theory is still contested It is speculated that rats aboard Zheng He s ships in the 15th century may have carried the plague to Southeast Asia India and Africa 80 Research on the Delhi Sultanate and the Yuan Dynasty shows no evidence of any serious epidemic in fourteenth century India and no specific evidence of plague in fourteenth century China suggesting that the Black Death may not have reached these regions 82 80 86 Ole Benedictow argues that since the first clear reports of the Black Death come from Kaffa the Black Death most likely originated in the nearby plague focus on the northwestern shore of the Caspian Sea 87 Demographic historians estimate that China s population fell by at least 15 per cent and perhaps as much as a third between 1340 and 1370 This population loss coincided with the Black Death that ravaged Europe and much of the Islamic world in 1347 52 However there is a conspicuous lack of evidence for pandemic disease on the scale of the Black Death in China at this time War and famine and the diseases that typically accompanied them probably were the main causes of mortality in the final decades of Mongol rule 88 Richard von Glahn Monica H Green suggests that other parts of Eurasia outside the west do not contain the same evidence of the Black Plague because there were actually four strains of Yersinia pestis that became predominant in different parts of the world Mongol records of illness such as food poisoning may have been referring to the Black Plague 89 Another theory is that the plague originated near Europe and cycled through the Mediterranean Northern Europe and Russia before making its way to China 79 Other historians such as John Norris and Ole Benedictaw believe the plague likely originated in Europe or the Middle East and never reached China 9 European outbreak The seventh year after it began it came to England and first began in the towns and ports joining on the seacoasts in Dorsetshire where as in other counties it made the country quite void of inhabitants so that there were almost none left alive But at length it came to Gloucester yea even to Oxford and to London and finally it spread over all England and so wasted the people that scarce the tenth person of any sort was left alive Geoffrey the Baker Chronicon Angliae 90 Plague was reportedly first introduced to Europe via Genoese traders from their port city of Kaffa in the Crimea in 1347 During a protracted siege of the city in 1345 1346 the Mongol Golden Horde army of Jani Beg whose mainly Tatar troops were suffering from the disease catapulted infected corpses over the city walls of Kaffa to infect the inhabitants 91 though it is also likely that infected rats travelled across the siege lines to spread the epidemic to the inhabitants 92 93 As the disease took hold Genoese traders fled across the Black Sea to Constantinople where the disease first arrived in Europe in summer 1347 94 The epidemic there killed the 13 year old son of the Byzantine emperor John VI Kantakouzenos who wrote a description of the disease modelled on Thucydides s account of the 5th century BCE Plague of Athens noting the spread of the Black Death by ship between maritime cities 94 Nicephorus Gregoras while writing to Demetrios Kydones described the rising death toll the futility of medicine and the panic of the citizens 94 The first outbreak in Constantinople lasted a year but the disease recurred ten times before 1400 94 Carried by twelve Genoese galleys plague arrived by ship in Sicily in October 1347 95 the disease spread rapidly all over the island Galleys from Kaffa reached Genoa and Venice in January 1348 but it was the outbreak in Pisa a few weeks later that was the entry point into northern Italy Towards the end of January one of the galleys expelled from Italy arrived in Marseilles 96 From Italy the disease spread northwest across Europe striking France Spain Portugal and England by June 1348 then spreading east and north through Germany Scotland and Scandinavia from 1348 to 1350 It was introduced into Norway in 1349 when a ship landed at Askoy then spread to Bjorgvin modern Bergen 97 Finally it spread to northwestern Russia in 1351 Plague was less common in parts of Europe with less established trade relations including the majority of the Basque Country isolated parts of Belgium and the Netherlands and isolated Alpine villages throughout the continent 98 99 100 According to some epidemiologists periods of unfavorable weather decimated plague infected rodent populations forcing their fleas onto alternative hosts 101 inducing plague outbreaks which often peaked in the hot summers of the Mediterranean 102 and during the cool autumn months of the southern Baltic region 103 d Among many other culprits of plague contagiousness pre existing malnutrition weakened the immune response contributing to an immense decline in European population 106 Western Asian and North African outbreak The disease struck various regions in the Middle East and North Africa during the pandemic leading to serious depopulation and permanent change in both economic and social structures 107 By autumn 1347 plague had reached Alexandria in Egypt transmitted by sea from Constantinople via a single merchant ship carrying slaves 108 By late summer 1348 it reached Cairo capital of the Mamluk Sultanate cultural center of the Islamic world and the largest city in the Mediterranean Basin the Bahriyya child sultan an Nasir Hasan fled and more than a third of the 600 000 residents died 109 The Nile was choked with corpses despite Cairo having a medieval hospital the late 13th century bimaristan of the Qalawun complex 109 The historian al Maqrizi described the abundant work for grave diggers and practitioners of funeral rites plague recurred in Cairo more than fifty times over the following one and a half centuries 109 During 1347 the disease travelled eastward to Gaza by April by July it had reached Damascus and in October plague had broken out in Aleppo 108 That year in the territory of modern Lebanon Syria Israel and Palestine the cities of Ascalon Acre Jerusalem Sidon and Homs were all infected In 1348 1349 the disease reached Antioch The city s residents fled to the north but most of them ended up dying during the journey 110 Within two years the plague had spread throughout the Islamic world from Arabia across North Africa 43 page needed The pandemic spread westwards from Alexandria along the African coast while in April 1348 Tunis was infected by ship from Sicily Tunis was then under attack by an army from Morocco this army dispersed in 1348 and brought the contagion with them to Morocco whose epidemic may also have been seeded from the Islamic city of Almeria in al Andalus 108 Mecca became infected in 1348 by pilgrims performing the Hajj 108 In 1351 or 1352 the Rasulid sultan of the Yemen al Mujahid Ali was released from Mamluk captivity in Egypt and carried plague with him on his return home 108 111 During 1348 records show the city of Mosul suffered a massive epidemic and the city of Baghdad experienced a second round of the disease citation needed Signs and symptoms nbsp A hand showing how acral gangrene of the fingers due to bubonic plague causes the skin and flesh to die and turn black nbsp An inguinal bubo on the upper thigh of a person infected with bubonic plague Swollen lymph nodes buboes often occur in the neck armpit and groin inguinal regions of plague victims Bubonic plague Symptoms of the plague include fever of 38 41 C 100 106 F headaches painful aching joints nausea and vomiting and a general feeling of malaise Left untreated 80 of victims die within eight days 112 Contemporary accounts of the pandemic are varied and often imprecise The most commonly noted symptom was the appearance of buboes or gavocciolos in the groin neck and armpits which oozed pus and bled when opened 67 Boccaccio s description In men and women alike it first betrayed itself by the emergence of certain tumours in the groin or armpits some of which grew as large as a common apple others as an egg From the two said parts of the body this deadly gavocciolo soon began to propagate and spread itself in all directions indifferently after which the form of the malady began to change black spots or livid making their appearance in many cases on the arm or the thigh or elsewhere now few and large now minute and numerous As the gavocciolo had been and still was an infallible token of approaching death such also were these spots on whomsoever they showed themselves 113 114 e This was followed by acute fever and vomiting of blood Most people died two to seven days after initial infection Freckle like spots and rashes 116 which may have been caused by flea bites were identified as another potential sign of plague Pneumonic plague Lodewijk Heyligen whose master Cardinal Colonna died of plague in 1348 noted a distinct form of the disease pneumonic plague that infected the lungs and led to respiratory problems 67 Symptoms include fever cough and blood tinged sputum As the disease progresses sputum becomes free flowing and bright red Pneumonic plague has a mortality rate of 90 95 117 Septicemic plague Septicemic plague is the least common of the three forms with a mortality rate near 100 Symptoms are high fevers and purple skin patches purpura due to disseminated intravascular coagulation 117 In cases of pneumonic and particularly septicemic plague the progress of the disease is so rapid that there would often be no time for the development of the enlarged lymph nodes that were noted as buboes 117 Consequences Main article Consequences of the Black Death Deaths nbsp Inspired by the Black Death The Dance of Death or Danse Macabre an allegory on the universality of death was a common painting motif in the late medieval period There are no exact figures for the death toll the rate varied widely by locality Urban centers with higher populations suffered longer periods of abnormal mortality 118 Some estimate that it may have killed between 75 000 000 and 200 000 000 people in Eurasia 119 120 121 better source needed A study published in 2022 of pollen samples across Europe from 1250 to 1450 was used to estimate changes in agricultural output before and after the Black Death The authors found great variability in different regions with evidence for high mortality in areas of Scandinavia France western Germany Greece and central Italy but uninterrupted agricultural growth in central and eastern Europe Iberia and Ireland 122 The authors concluded that the pandemic was immensely destructive in some areas but in others it had a far lighter touch the study methodology invalidates histories of the Black Death that assume Y pestis was uniformly prevalent or nearly so across Europe and that the pandemic had a devastating demographic impact everywhere The Black Death killed by various estimations from 25 to 60 of Europe s population Robert S Gottfried writes that as early as 1351 agents for Pope Clement VI calculated the number of dead in Christian Europe at 23 840 000 With a preplague population of about 75 million Clement s figure accounts for mortality of 31 a rate about midway between the 50 mortality estimated for East Anglia Tuscany and parts of Scandinavia and the less than 15 morbidity for Bohemia and Galicia And it is unerringly close to Froissart s claim that a third of the world died a measurement probably drawn from St John s figure of mortality from plague in the Book of Revelation a favorite medieval source of information 123 Ole J Benedictow proposes 60 mortality rate for Europe as a whole based on available data with up to 80 based on poor nutritional conditions in the 14th century 124 125 f According to medieval historian Philip Daileader it is likely that over four years 45 50 of the European population died of plague 126 g The mortality rate of the Black Death in the 14th century was far greater than the worst 20th century outbreaks of Y pestis plague which occurred in India and killed as much as 3 of the population of certain cities 127 The overwhelming number of deceased bodies produced by the Black Death caused the necessity of mass burial sites in Europe sometimes including up to several hundred or several thousand skeletons 128 The mass burial sites that have been excavated have allowed archaeologists to continue interpreting and defining the biological sociological historical and anthropological implications of the Black Death 128 In 1348 the disease spread so rapidly that nearly a third of the European population perished before any physicians or government authorities had time to reflect upon its origins In crowded cities it was not uncommon for as much as 50 of the population to die 29 Half of Paris population of 100 000 people died In Italy the population of Florence was reduced from between 110 000 and 120 000 inhabitants in 1338 to 50 000 in 1351 At least 60 of the population of Hamburg and Bremen perished 129 and a similar percentage of Londoners may have died from the disease as well 57 leaving a death toll of approximately 62 000 between 1346 and 1353 46 h Florence s tax records suggest that 80 of the city s population died within four months in 1348 127 Before 1350 there were about 170 000 settlements in Germany and this was reduced by nearly 40 000 by 1450 131 The disease bypassed some areas with the most isolated areas being less vulnerable to contagion Plague did not appear in Flanders until the turn of the 15th century and the impact was less severe on the populations of Hainaut Finland northern Germany and areas of Poland 127 Monks nuns and priests were especially hard hit since they cared for people ill with the plague 132 nbsp Citizens of Tournai bury plague victimsIn 1382 the physician to the Avignon Papacy Raimundo Chalmel de Vinario Latin Magister Raimundus lit Master Raymond observed the decreasing mortality rate of successive outbreaks of plague in 1347 1348 1362 1371 and 1382 in his treatise On Epidemics De epidemica 133 In the first outbreak two thirds of the population contracted the illness and most patients died in the next half the population became ill but only some died by the third a tenth were affected and many survived while by the fourth occurrence only one in twenty people were sickened and most of them survived 133 By the 1380s in Europe the plague predominantly affected children 127 Chalmel de Vinario recognised that bloodletting was ineffective though he continued to prescribe bleeding for members of the Roman Curia whom he disliked and said that all true cases of plague were caused by astrological factors and were incurable he was never able to effect a cure 133 The populations of some Italian cities notably Florence did not regain their pre 14th century size until the 19th century 134 The most widely accepted estimate for the Middle East including Iraq Iran and Syria during this time is for a death toll of about a third of the population 135 The Black Death killed about 40 of Egypt s population 136 In Cairo with a population numbering as many as 600 000 and possibly the largest city west of China between one third and 40 of the inhabitants died within eight months 109 By the 18th century the population of Cairo was halved from its numbers in 1347 109 Italian chronicler Agnolo di Tura recorded his experience from Siena where plague arrived in May 1348 Father abandoned child wife husband one brother another for this illness seemed to strike through the breath and sight And so they died And none could be found to bury the dead for money or friendship Members of a household brought their dead to a ditch as best they could without priest without divine offices great pits were dug and piled deep with the multitude of dead And they died by the hundreds both day and night And as soon as those ditches were filled more were dug And I Agnolo di Tura buried my five children with my own hands And there were also those who were so sparsely covered with earth that the dogs dragged them forth and devoured many bodies throughout the city There was no one who wept for any death for all awaited death And so many died that all believed it was the end of the world 137 Economic It has been suggested that the Black Plague like other outbreaks through history disproportionately affected the poorest people and those already in worse physical condition than the wealthier citizens 138 But along with population decline from the pandemic wages soared in response to a subsequent labor shortage 139 Many laborers artisans and craftsmen those living from money wages alone suffered a reduction in real incomes owing to rampant inflation 140 Landowners were also pushed to substitute monetary rents for labor services in an effort to keep tenants 141 Environmental A study performed by Thomas Van Hoof of the Utrecht University suggests that the innumerable deaths brought on by the pandemic cooled the climate by freeing up land and triggering reforestation This may have led to the Little Ice Age 142 Persecutions See also Jewish persecutions during the Black Death nbsp Jews being burned at the stake in 1349 Miniature from a 14th century manuscript Antiquitates Flandriae by Gilles Li MuisisRenewed religious fervor and fanaticism increased in the wake of the Black Death Some Europeans targeted various groups such as Jews friars foreigners beggars pilgrims lepers 143 144 and Romani blaming them for the crisis Lepers and others with skin diseases such as acne or psoriasis were killed throughout Europe Because 14th century healers and governments were at a loss to explain or stop the disease Europeans turned to astrological forces earthquakes and the poisoning of wells by Jews as possible reasons for outbreaks 19 Many believed the epidemic was a punishment by God for their sins and could be relieved by winning God s forgiveness 145 There were many attacks against Jewish communities 146 In the Strasbourg massacre of February 1349 about 2 000 Jews were murdered 146 In August 1349 the Jewish communities in Mainz and Cologne were annihilated By 1351 60 major and 150 smaller Jewish communities had been destroyed 147 During this period many Jews relocated to Poland where they received a warm welcome from King Casimir the Great 148 Social See also Black Death in medieval culture nbsp Pieter Bruegel s The Triumph of Death reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed the plague which devastated medieval Europe One theory that has been advanced is that the Black Death s devastation of Florence between 1348 and 1350 resulted in a shift in the world view of people in 14th century Italy that ultimately led to the Renaissance Italy was particularly badly hit by the pandemic and the resulting familiarity with death may have caused thinkers to dwell more on their lives on Earth rather than on spirituality and the afterlife 149 i It has also been argued that the Black Death prompted a new wave of piety manifested in the sponsorship of religious works of art 151 This does not fully explain why the Renaissance occurred in Italy in the 14th century the Renaissance s emergence was most likely the result of the complex interaction of the above factors 152 in combination with an influx of Greek scholars after the fall of the Byzantine Empire 153 As a result of the drastic reduction in the populace the value of the working class increased and commoners came to enjoy more freedom To answer the increased need for labor workers travelled in search of the most favorable position economically 154 better source needed Prior to the emergence of the Black Death the continent was considered a feudalistic society composed of fiefs and city states frequently managed by the Catholic Church 155 The pandemic completely restructured both religion and political forces survivors began to turn to other forms of spirituality and the power dynamics of the fiefs and city states crumbled 155 156 The survivors of the pandemic found not only that the prices of food were lower but also that lands were more abundant and many of them inherited property from their dead relatives and this probably contributed to the destabilization of feudalism 157 158 The word quarantine has its roots in this period though the practice of isolating people to prevent the spread of disease is older In the city state of Ragusa modern Dubrovnik Croatia a thirty day isolation period was implemented in 1377 for new arrivals to the city from plague affected areas The isolation period was later extended to forty days and given the name quarantino from the Italian word for forty 159 RecurrencesSecond plague pandemic Main article Second plague pandemic nbsp The Great Plague of London in 1665 killed up to 100 000 people nbsp A plague doctor and his typical apparel during the 17th century outbreak The plague repeatedly returned to haunt Europe and the Mediterranean throughout the 14th to 17th centuries 160 According to Jean Noel Biraben the plague was present somewhere in Europe in every year between 1346 and 1671 although some researchers have cautions about the uncritical use of Biraben s data 161 162 The second pandemic was particularly widespread in the following years 1360 1363 1374 1400 1438 1439 1456 1457 1464 1466 1481 1485 1500 1503 1518 1531 1544 1548 1563 1566 1573 1588 1596 1599 1602 1611 1623 1640 1644 1654 and 1664 1667 Subsequent outbreaks though severe marked the plague s retreat from most of Europe 18th century and northern Africa 19th century 163 Historian George Sussman argued that the plague had not occurred in East Africa until the 1900s 82 However other sources suggest that the Second pandemic did indeed reach Sub Saharan Africa 107 According to historian Geoffrey Parker France alone lost almost a million people to the plague in the epidemic of 1628 31 164 In the first half of the 17th century a plague killed some 1 7 million people in Italy 165 More than 1 25 million deaths resulted from the extreme incidence of plague in 17th century Spain 166 The Black Death ravaged much of the Islamic world 167 Plague could be found in the Islamic world almost every year between 1500 and 1850 Sometimes the outbreaks affected small areas while other outbreaks affected multiple regions 168 Plague repeatedly struck the cities of North Africa Algiers lost 30 000 50 000 inhabitants to it in 1620 21 and again in 1654 57 1665 1691 and 1740 42 169 Cairo suffered more than fifty plague epidemics within 150 years from the plague s first appearance with the final outbreak of the second pandemic there in the 1840s 109 Plague remained a major event in Ottoman society until the second quarter of the 19th century Between 1701 and 1750 thirty seven larger and smaller epidemics were recorded in Constantinople and an additional thirty one between 1751 and 1800 170 Baghdad has suffered severely from visitations of the plague and sometimes two thirds of its population had died 171 Third plague pandemic Main article Third plague pandemic nbsp Worldwide distribution of plague infected animals 1998The third plague pandemic 1855 1859 started in China in the mid 19th century spreading to all inhabited continents and killing 10 million people in India alone 172 The investigation of the pathogen that caused the 19th century plague was begun by teams of scientists who visited Hong Kong in 1894 among whom was the French Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin for whom the pathogen was named 29 Twelve plague outbreaks in Australia between 1900 and 1925 resulted in over 1 000 deaths chiefly in Sydney This led to the establishment of a Public Health Department there which undertook some leading edge research on plague transmission from rat fleas to humans via the bacillus Yersinia pestis 173 The first North American plague epidemic was the San Francisco plague of 1900 1904 followed by another outbreak in 1907 1908 174 175 176 Modern day Modern treatment methods include insecticides the use of antibiotics and a plague vaccine It is feared that the plague bacterium could develop drug resistance and again become a major health threat One case of a drug resistant form of the bacterium was found in Madagascar in 1995 177 Another outbreak in Madagascar was reported in November 2014 178 In October 2017 the deadliest outbreak of the plague in modern times hit Madagascar killing 170 people and infecting thousands 179 An estimate of the case fatality rate for the modern plague after the introduction of antibiotics is 11 although it may be higher in underdeveloped regions 180 See alsoBlack Death in England Flagellant Globalization and diseaseFootnotes Declining temperatures following the end of the Medieval Warm Period added to the crisis He was able to adopt the epidemiology of the bubonic plague for the Black Death for the second edition in 1908 implicating rats and fleas in the process and his interpretation was widely accepted for other ancient and medieval epidemics such as the Plague of Justinian that was prevalent in the Eastern Roman Empire from 541 to 700 CE 29 In 1998 Drancourt et al reported the detection of Y pestis DNA in human dental pulp from a medieval grave 51 Another team led by Tom Gilbert cast doubt on this identification 52 and the techniques employed stating that this method does not allow us to confirm the identification of Y pestis as the aetiological agent of the Black Death and subsequent plagues In addition the utility of the published tooth based ancient DNA technique used to diagnose fatal bacteraemias in historical epidemics still awaits independent corroboration However other researchers do not think that plague ever became endemic in Europe or its rat population The disease repeatedly wiped out the rodent carriers so that the fleas died out until a new outbreak from Central Asia repeated the process The outbreaks have been shown to occur roughly 15 years after a warmer and wetter period in areas where plague is endemic in other species such as gerbils 104 105 The only medical detail that is questionable in Boccaccio s description is that the gavocciolo was an infallible token of approaching death as if the bubo discharges recovery is possible 115 Norwegian historian Ole Benedictow suggests Detailed study of the mortality data available points to two conspicuous features in relation to the mortality caused by the Black Death namely the extreme level of mortality caused by the Black Death and the remarkable similarity or consistency of the level of mortality from Spain in southern Europe to England in north western Europe The data is sufficiently widespread and numerous to make it likely that the Black Death swept away around 60 of Europe s population The generally assumed population of Europe at the time is about 80 million implying that around 50 million people died in the Black Death 125 According to medieval historian Philip Daileader The trend of recent research is pointing to a figure more like 45 50 of the European population dying during a four year period There is a fair amount of geographic variation In Mediterranean Europe areas such as Italy the south of France and Spain where plague ran for about four years consecutively it was probably closer to 75 80 of the population In Germany and England it was probably closer to 20 126 While contemporary accounts report mass burial pits being created in response to the large number of dead recent scientific investigations of a burial pit in Central London found well preserved individuals to be buried in isolated evenly spaced graves suggesting at least some pre planning and Christian burials at this time 130 The Black Death caused greater upheaval to Florence s social and political structure than later epidemics Despite a significant number of deaths among members of the ruling classes the government of Florence continued to function during this period Formal meetings of elected representatives were suspended during the height of the epidemic due to the chaotic conditions in the city but a small group of officials was appointed to conduct the affairs of the city which ensured continuity of government 150 Citations Lawton Graham 25 May 2022 Wilson Emily ed Plague Black death bacteria persists and could cause a pandemic New Scientist London ISSN 0262 4079 Archived from the original on 30 May 2022 Retrieved 31 May 2022 Sources for deaths Aberth 2021 page needed Benedictow 2021 pp 869 877 Christakos et al 2005 page needed Economic life after Covid 19 Lessons from the Black Death The Economic Times 29 March 2020 Archived from the original on 21 June 2020 Retrieved 4 April 2020 a b c Haensch et al 2010 Plague World Health Organization October 2017 Archived from the original on 24 April 2015 Retrieved 8 November 2017 Firth J April 2012 The History of Plague Part 1 The Three Great Pandemics jmvh org Archived from the original on 2 October 2019 Retrieved 14 November 2019 Sources for origins Black Death in China A history of 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cannot be said to be entirely exempt from pestilential distempers for the Black death known all over Europe by its terrible ravages from the years 1348 to 50 was felt here as in other parts and to the great diminution of the number of the inhabitants a b c d d Irsay S 1926 Notes to the Origin of the Expression Atra Mors Isis 8 2 328 32 doi 10 1086 358397 ISSN 0021 1753 JSTOR 223649 S2CID 147317779 The German physician Justus Friedrich Karl Hecker 1795 1850 cited the phrase in Icelandic Svarti Daudi Danish den sorte Dod etc See J F C Hecker Der schwarze Tod im vierzehnten Jahrhundert The Black Death in the Fourteenth Century Berlin Germany Friedr Aug Herbig 1832 p 3 Archived 29 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine Homer Odyssey XII 92 Seneca Oedipus 164 70 de Corbeil G 1907 1200 Valentin R ed Egidii Corboliensis Viaticus De signis et symptomatibus aegritudium in Latin Harvard University In aedibus B G Teubneri On page 22 of the manuscript in Gallica Archived 6 October 2016 at the Wayback 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amp Schuster ISBN 978 1 4767 9774 8 Cohn Jr SK 2002 The black death transformed disease and culture in early Renaissance Europe London Arnold ISBN 978 0 340 70646 6 Crawford DH 2018 Deadly Companions How Microbes Shaped Our History Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 881544 0 Dols MW 2019 The Black Death in the Middle East Princeton N J Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 65704 2 Dols MW January 1974 The Comparative Communal Responses to the Black Death in Muslim and Christian Societies Viator 5 269 288 doi 10 1484 J VIATOR 2 301626 ProQuest 1297911710 Dols MW 1978 Geographical origin of the Black Death comment Bulletin of the History of Medicine 52 1 112 120 PMID 352447 ProQuest 1296259982 Duncan CJ Scott S May 2005 What caused the Black Death Postgraduate Medical Journal 81 955 315 320 doi 10 1136 pgmj 2004 024075 PMC 1743272 PMID 15879045 McNeill WH 1976 Plagues and Peoples Anchor Doubleday ISBN 978 0 385 11256 7 Pamuk S December 2007 The Black Death and the origins of the Great Divergence across Europe 1300 1600 European Review of Economic History 11 3 289 317 doi 10 1017 S1361491607002031 Scott S Duncan CJ 2001 Biology of Plagues Evidence from Historical Populations Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 80150 8 Schuenemann VJ Bos K DeWitte S Schmedes S Jamieson J Mittnik A et al September 2011 Targeted enrichment of ancient pathogens yielding the pPCP1 plasmid of Yersinia pestis from victims of the Black Death Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 38 E746 E752 Bibcode 2011PNAS 108E 746S doi 10 1073 pnas 1105107108 PMC 3179067 PMID 21876176 Shrewsbury JF 2005 A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles Cambridge Univ Pr ISBN 978 0 521 02247 7 Twigg G 1985 The Black Death a biological reappraisal 1st American ed New York Schocken Books ISBN 978 0 7134 4618 0 External links nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Black Death Black Death on In Our Time at the BBC Black Death at BBC 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