
Catalan orthography

The Catalan and Valencian orthographies encompass the spelling and punctuation of standard Catalan (set by the IEC) and Valencian (set by the AVL). There are also several adapted variants to the peculiarities of local dialects of Insular Catalan (Alguerese and the Balearic subdialects).

History edit

The history of the Catalan and Valencian orthographies shows a singularity in regard to the other Romance languages. These have been mostly developed from Latin, adapting them to their own phonetic particularities. It had been a gradual and slow process through centuries until the creation of the Academies in the 18th century that fixed the orthography from their language dominant variety.[1]

In the case of Catalan and Valencian, the mediaeval orthography had a noticeable homogeneity. The Royal Chancellery set a unitary written model in several fields. Thus, Ramon Muntaner expressed in his Chronicle (1325–1328) that the Catalans are the largest group with a single language, since all the Romance-speaking regions had very divided languages like the difference that exists between Catalans and Aragonese.[2]

In the 16th century, just after the Golden Age, the split of Catalans started. With the isolation of the Royal Court and several political events, the unitary linguistic consciousness and the shared cultural tradition broke off. The production became more dialectal.

In the 19th century, the recovery of the unity emerged, beginning with the orthography.  Institutions like the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres or the Floral Games were in the middle of several orthographic dilemmas.

The orthographic norms of Catalan were first defined officially in the First International Congress of the Catalan Language, held in Barcelona in October 1906. Subsequently, the Philological Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC, founded in 1911) published the Normes ortogràfiques in 1913 under the direction of Antoni Maria Alcover and Pompeu Fabra. Despite some opposition, the spelling system was adopted immediately and became widespread enough that, in 1932, Valencian writers and intellectuals gathered in Castelló to make a formal adoption of the so-called Normes de Castelló, a set of guidelines following Pompeu Fabra's Catalan language norms.[3]

In 1917, Fabra published an Orthographic Dictionary following the orthographic norms of the IEC. In 1931–1932 the Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana (General Dictionary of the Catalan language) appeared.  In 1995, a new normative dictionary, the Dictionary of the Catalan Language of the Institute of Catalan Studies (DIEC), marked a new milestone in the orthographic fixation of the language, in addition to the incorporation of neologisms and modern uses of the language.

On the 24th October 2016, the IEC published a new orthography for Catalan, the Ortografia catalana, which outlined several modifications, including a reduced number of monosyllabic words that take an acute or grave diacritic for reasons of disambiguation.[4] Thus, the disyllabic word adéu is now generally spelled adeu; the monosyllabic words sec ("dry", pronounced /sɛk/ in Central Catalan) and séc ("fold, wrinkle", pronounced /sek/) are both written sec after the reform. Discretionary use of a diacritic is possible if the context is not sufficient for disambiguation.[4]

Alphabet edit

Like those of many other Romance languages, the Catalan and Valencian alphabet derives from the Latin alphabet and is largely based on the respective language's phonology.[5]

The Catalan and Valencian alphabet consists of the 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet:

Catalan and Valencian alphabet
Upper case A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lower case a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

The following letter-diacritic combinations are used, but they do not constitute distinct letters in the alphabet: À à, É é, È è, Í í, Ï ï, Ó ó, Ò ò, Ú ú, Ü ü and Ç ç (though the Catalan keyboard includes the letter Ç as a separate key).[6] K k and W w are used only in loanwords. Outside loanwords, the letters Q q and Y y appear only in the digraphs qu, and ny. However, Y was used until the official orthography was established in 1913, when it was replaced with I, except in the digraph ny and loanwords.[7] Some Catalan surnames conserve the letter y and the word-final digraph ch (pronounced /k/), e. g. Layret, Aymerich.

The following table shows the letters and their names in Standard Catalan (IEC) and Standard Valencian (AVL):

Letter Catalan Valencian
Name (IEC) Pronunciation Name (AVL) Pronunciation
Aa a /ˈa/ a /ˈa/
Bb be, be alta /ˈbe/, /ˈbe ˈaltə/ be, be alta /ˈbe/, /ˈbe ˈalta/
Cc ce /ˈse/ ce /ˈse/
Dd de /ˈde/ de /ˈde/
Ee e /ˈe/ e /ˈe/
Ff efa /ˈefə/ efe, ef /ˈefe/, /ˈef/
Gg ge /ˈʒe/ ge /ˈdʒe/
Hh hac /ˈak/ hac /ˈak/
Ii i, i llatina /ˈi/, /ˈi ʎəˈtinə/ i, i llatina /ˈi/, /ˈi ʎaˈtina/
Jj jota /ˈʒɔtə/ jota /ˈdʒota/
Kk ca /ˈka/ ca /ˈka/
Ll ela /ˈelə/ ele, el /ˈele/, /ˈel/
Mm ema /ˈemə/ eme, em /ˈeme/, /ˈem/
Nn ena /ˈenə/ ene, en /ˈene/, /ˈen/
Oo o /ˈo/ o /ˈo/
Pp pe /ˈpe/ pe /ˈpe/
Qq cu /ˈku/ cu /ˈku/
Rr erra /ˈɛrə/ erre, er /ˈere/, /ˈeɾ/
Ss essa /ˈesə/ esse, es /ˈese/, /ˈes/
Tt te /ˈte/ te /ˈte/
Uu u /ˈu/ u /ˈu/
Vv ve, ve baixa /ˈve/, /ˈbe ˈbaʃə/ ve, ve baixa /ˈve/, /ˈbe ˈbajʃa/
Ww ve doble /ˈve ˈdobːlə/, /ˈbe ˈdobːlə/ ve doble /ˈve ˈdoble/, /ˈbe ˈdoble/
Xx ics, xeix /ˈiks/, /ˈʃeʃ/ ics, xeix /ˈiks/, /ˈʃejʃ/
Yy i grega /ˈi ˈɡɾeɡə/ i grega /ˈi ˈɡɾeɡa/
Zz zeta /ˈzetə/ zeta /ˈzeta/

The names efa (/ˈefa/), ela (/ˈela/), ema (/ˈema/), ena (/ˈena/), erra (/ˈera/), and essa (/ˈesa/) are also used in certain speeches of Valencian.[8]

The names be alta ("high b") and ve baixa ("low v") are used by speakers who do not distinguish the phonemes /b/ and /v/. Speakers that do distinguish them use the simple names be and ve.[8]

Spelling patterns edit

Spelling-to-sound correspondences edit

Catalan is a pluricentric language; the pronunciation of some of the letters is different in Eastern Catalan (IEC) and Valencian (AVL). Apart from those variations, the pronunciation of most consonants is fairly straightforward and is similar to French, Occitan or Portuguese pronunciation. (The following list includes a quick pronunciation of letters in standard Catalan and Valencian, for an in-depth view see attached main article on top of this section).

Spelling Catalan Valencian Example
b /b/[a] barra
c /k/, /s/[b] casa, cent
ç /s/ açò
d /d/[a] dama
f /f/ fusta
g /ɡ/,[a] /ʒ/,[b] /t͡ʃ/[c] /ɡ/,[a] /d͡ʒ/,[b] /t͡ʃ/[c] gana, gel, mig
h ham
j /ʒ/ /d͡ʒ/, /j/ jocs, ja
k /k/ kurd
l /l/ lira
m /m/ mal
n /n/[d] nas
p /p/ peu
q /k/ quart
r /r/,[e] /ɾ/, ∅ /r/,[e] /ɾ/ ram, mare, ser
s /s/, /z/ sac, casa
t /t/ tou
v /b/ or /v/[f] /v/ vaca
w /w/, /b/ or /v/[f] /w/, /v/ web, watt
x /ʃ//ks//ɡz/ /t͡ʃ//ʃ//ks//ɡz/ xiula, ix, fixar, èxits
y /j/,[g] /i/ yuppie, lady
z /z/ zona
Main digraphs and letter combinations
Spelling Catalan Valencian Example
gu /ɡw/, /ɡu/, /ɡ/[b] guant, agut, guia
ig[c] /t͡ʃ/, /it͡ʃ/ raig, desig
ix[c] /ʃ/, /iʃ/ /i̯ʃ/, /iʃ/ feix, reïx
ll /ʎ/ brolla
ŀl /lː/ coŀlegi
ny /ɲ/ senyal
qu /kw/, /k/[b] quan, perquè
rr /r/ garra
ss /s/ bossa
tg[b] /d͡ʒ/ fetge
tj viatjar
tl(l) /ʎː/ /lː/ guatl(l)a
tll /ʎ/ bitllet
ts /t͡s/ potser
tx /t͡ʃ/ cotxe
tz /d͡z/ /d͡z/, /z/ dotze, realitzar
Spelling Catalan Valencian Example
a /a/, /ə/ /a/ mar, amar
à /a/ mà
e /ɛ/, /e/, /ə/ /ɛ/, /e/ set, anell, anelles
è /ɛ/, */ə/[h] /ɛ/, /e/ dèbit, què
é /e/ séc
i /i/, /i̯./[g], ∅ dia, feia, raig
í /i/ veí
ï /.i/ raïm, veïnat
o /ɔ/, /o/, /u/, /u̯./ /ɔ/, /o/ soc, molt, socors, oasi
ò /ɔ/ mòlt
ó /o/ dóna
u /u/, /u̯./[g], ∅ suc, creua, guia
ú /u/ ús
ü /.u/, /.w/ reüll, egües

Diacritics edit

Accentuation edit

Acute and grave accents edit

Catalan and Valencian also use the acute and grave accents to mark stress or vowel quality. An acute on ⟨é ó⟩ indicates that the vowel is stressed and close-mid (/e o/), while grave on ⟨è ò⟩ indicates that the vowel is stressed and open-mid ( ɔ/). Grave on ⟨à⟩ and acute on ⟨í ú⟩ simply indicate that the vowels are stressed. Thus, the acute is used on close or close-mid vowels, and the grave on open or open-mid vowels.[5] For example:

  • també: /təmˈbe/ or /tamˈbe/ ('also')
  • interès or interés: /intəˈɾɛs/ or /inteˈɾes/ ('interest')
  • córrer: /ˈkorə/ or /ˈkoreɾ/ ('to run')
  • pròxim: /ˈpɾɔksim/ ('nearby')
  • ànima: /ˈanimə/ or /ˈanima/ ('soul')
  • pastís: /pəsˈtis/ or /pasˈtis/ ('pie')
  • pallús: /pəˈʎus/ or /paˈʎus/ ('fool')

Standard rules governing the presence of accents are based on word endings and the position of the stressed syllable. In particular, accents are expected for:

  • Oxytones ending in a syllabic vowel, a vowel + -⟨s⟩, or -⟨en⟩/⟨in⟩, examples:
    • parlà /pəɾˈla/ or /paɾˈla/ ('he spoke')
    • parlés /pəɾˈles/ or /paɾˈles/ ('that he spoke' past subjunctive)
    • entén /ənˈten/ or /enˈten/ ('he understands')
This does not occur in words like parleu /pəɾˈlɛw/ or /paɾˈlɛw/ ('you are speaking' plural), or parlem /pəɾˈlɛm/ or /paɾˈlɛm/ ('we are speaking').
  • Paroxytones with any other ending, including non-syllabic -⟨i⟩, -⟨u⟩, examples:
    • parlàveu /pəɾˈlabəw/ or /paɾˈlavew/ ('you were speaking' plural)
    • parlàvem /pəɾˈlabəm/ or /paɾˈlavem/ ('we were speaking')
This does not occur in words like parla /ˈpaɾlə/ or /ˈpaɾla/ ('he is speaking'), parles /ˈpaɾləs/ or /ˈpaɾles/ ('you are speaking' singular), or parlen /ˈpaɾlən/ or /ˈpaɾlen/ ('they are speaking').
  • Any proparoxytones, examples:
    • química /ˈkimikə/ or /ˈkimika/ ('chemistry')
    • ciència /siˈɛnsiə/ or /siˈɛnsia/ ('science')

Since there is no need to mark the stressed syllable of a monosyllabic word, most of them do not have an accent. Exceptions are those with a diacritical accent differentiating words that would otherwise be homographic. Example: es /əs/ or /es/ ('it' impersonal) vs és /ˈes/ ('is'), te /tə/ or /te/ ('you' clitic) vs /ˈte/ ('s/he has'), mes /ˈmɛs/ or /ˈmes/ ('month') vs més /ˈmes/ ('more'), dona /ˈdɔnə/ or /ˈdɔna/ ('woman') vs dóna /ˈdonə/ or /ˈdona/ ('s/he gives'). In most cases, the word bearing no accent is either unstressed (as in the case of 'es' and 'te'), or the word without the accent is more common, usually a function word.

The different distribution of open e /ɛ/ vs closed e /e/ between Eastern Catalan and Western Catalan is reflected in some orthographic divergences between standard Catalan and Valencian norms, for example: anglès /əŋˈɡlɛs/ (Catalan) vs anglés /aŋˈɡles/ (Valencian) ('English'). In the Balearic Islands, open e /ɛ/ tends to be a centralised e (/ə/) in the same cases where open e contrasts with closed e in Catalan and Valencian. The cases where the difference of pronunciation of e can have graphical repercussions are the followings:[9]

  • Words ending with the demonym -es (anglès / anglés 'English', francès / francés 'French'), the past participles (admès / admés 'admitted', compromès / compromés 'committed') and adjectives (cortès / cortés 'courteous').
  • The ordinal numerals ending in stressed e: cinquè / cinqué ('fifth'), sisè / sisé ('sixth').
  • The ending of the third person of the plural of indicative -en of some verbs of the 2nd conjugation (aprèn / aprén 'learn', comprèn / comprén 'comprehend', depèn / depén 'depend'), except in the cases where this ending is preceded by the consonant t or c, where it is pronounced with a closed e in all speeches (atén 'attend', entén 'understand', pretén 'pretend', encén 'switch on').
  • The infinitives ending in -eixer (conèixer / conéixer 'to know', merèixer / meréixer 'to deserve', parèixer / paréixer 'to seem', but uniquely créixer 'to grow') and -encer (vèncer / véncer 'to win', convèncer / convéncer 'to convince').
  • The second and third person of the plural of the simple past tense of indicative with accent on the radical: fèiem / féiem 'we did', fèieu / féieu 'you pl. did'.

Circumflex edit

The circumflex is rarely used in modern Catalan and Valencian, nonetheless it has been used in the beginning of the 19th century by Antoni Febrer i Cardona to represent schwa in the Balearic subdialects. According to the Diccionari català-valencià-balear, in modern times there are some cases where the circumflex can be used to indicate silent etymological sounds (similar to French)[10] or a contraction.[11] Contrary to the restrictions of the acute and grave accent, the circumflex can be used with all vowels ⟨â ê î ô û⟩, the most common, especially in Valencian, being ⟨â⟩ (i.e. due to the elision of /d/), e.g. mascletâes (instead of mascletades 'pyrotechnic festivals'), anâ (instead of anar 'to go'), témê (instead of témer 'to fear'), sortî (instead of sortir 'to exit'), ('to', preposition in colloquial Valencian).

Diaeresis edit

The diaeresis has two different uses: to mark hiatus over ⟨ï, ü⟩, and to mark that ⟨u⟩ is not silent in the groups ⟨gü, qü⟩.

If a diaeresis appears over an ⟨i⟩ or ⟨u⟩ that follows another vowel, it denotes a hiatus, examples:[12]

  • raïm /rəˈim/ or /raˈim/ ('grape')
  • taüt /təˈut/ or /taˈut/ ('coffin')

This diaeresis is not used over a stressed vowel that already should have an accent. Examples: suís /suˈis/ ('Swiss' masculine), but suïssa /suˈisə/ or /suˈisa/ ('Swiss' feminine), suïs /ˈsuis/ ('that you sweat' subjunctive) (without the diaeresis, this last example would be pronounced /ˈsui̯s/, i.e. as only one syllable, like reis /ˈrei̯s/ 'kings').

Certain verb forms of verbs ending in -uir do not receive a diaeresis, although they are pronounced with separate syllables. This concerns the infinitive, gerund, future and conditional forms (for example traduir, traduint, traduiré and traduiria, all with bisyllabic /u.i/). All other forms of such verbs do receive a diaeresis on the ï according to the normal rules (e.g. traduïm, traduïa).

In addition to this, ⟨ü⟩ represents /w/ between a velar consonant /ɡ/ or /k/ and a front vowel (⟨gu⟩ and ⟨qu⟩ are used to represent a hard (i.e. velar) pronunciation before ⟨i⟩ or ⟨e⟩).[13]

  • ungüent /uŋˈɡwen(t)/ ('ointment')
  • qüestió /kwəstiˈo/ or /kwestiˈo/ ('topic')

Forms of the verb argüir represents a rare case of the sequence /ɡu.i/, and the rules for /gu/ and /ui/ clash in this case. The ambiguity is resolved by an additional rule, which states that in cases where diaereses would appear on two consecutive letters, only the second receives one. This thus gives arguïm /arguˈim/, i.e. and arguïa /arguˈia/, but argüir /arˈgwir/, argüint /arˈgwint/ and argüiré /argwiˈre/ as these forms don't receive a diaeresis on the i normally, according to the exception above.

Ce trencada (c-cedilla) edit

Catalan and Valencian ce trencada (Ç ç), literally in English 'broken cee', is a modified c with a cedilla mark ( ¸ ). It is only used before ⟨a u o⟩ to indicate a soft c /s/, much like in Portuguese, Occitan or French (e.g. compare coça /ˈkosə/ or /ˈkosa/ 'kick', coca /ˈkokə/ or /ˈkoka/ 'cake' and cosa /ˈkɔzə/ or /ˈkɔza/ 'thing'). In Catalan and Valencian, ce trencada also appears as last letter of a word (e.g. feliç /fəˈlis/ or /feˈlis/ 'happy', falç /ˈfals/ 'sickle'), but then ç may be voiced to [z] before vowels and voiced consonants, e.g. feliçment /fəˌlizˈmen(t)/ or /feˌlizˈmen(t)/ ('happily') and braç esquerre /ˈbɾaz əsˈkɛrə/ or /ˈbɾaz esˈkɛre/ ('left arm').

Punt volat (middot) edit

The so-called punt volat or middot is only used in the group ⟨ŀl⟩ (called ela or el(e) geminada, 'geminate el') to represent a geminated sound /lː/, as ⟨ll⟩ is used to represent the palatal lateral /ʎ/. This usage of the middot sign is a recent invention from the beginning of twentieth century (in medieval and modern Catalan, before Fabra's standardization, this symbol was sometimes used to note certain elisions, especially in poetry). The only (and improbable) case of ambiguity in the whole language that could arise is the pair ceŀla /ˈsɛlːə/ or /ˈsɛlːa/ ('cell') vs cella /ˈsɛʎə/ or /ˈseʎa/ ('eyebrow').

Hyphen edit

The hyphen (called a guionet) is used in Catalan and Valencian to separate a verb and the combination of pronouns that follow them (e.g. menjar-se-les), to separate certain compounds (e.g. vint-i-un and para-sol), and to split a word at the end of a line of text for the purpose of maintaining page margins.

Compounds are hyphenated in cases that involve numerals (e.g. trenta-sis, and trenta-sisè/é); cardinal points (e.g. sud-americà); repetitive and expressive compounds (xup-xup); those compounds in which the first element ends in a vowel and the second starts with ⟨r⟩, ⟨s⟩, or ⟨x⟩ (e.g. penya-segat); and those compounds in which the combination of the two elements can lead to wrong reading (e.g. pit-roig). There are also compound terms in which the first element carries a grave accent (mà-llarg), the construction no plus substantive[clarification needed] (but not no plus adjective, no-violència but the nacions no violentes) and certain singular constructions like abans-d'ahir and adéu-siau.

Since 1996, the normative set that in the none mentioned cases in the previous paragraph do not carry hyphen. Thus, the general norm set that the prefixed forms, aside from the cited exceptions, are written without hyphen (the only normative option, then, is to write arxienemic and fisicoquímic).[clarification needed]

In regard to numbers, hyphen is set according to the D-U-C rule (Desenes-Unitats-Centenes, 'Tens-Units-Hundreds'), thus, a hyphen is placed between tens and units (quaranta-dos) and between units and hundreds (tres-cents). For example, the number 35,422 is written trenta-cinc mil quatre-cents vint-i-dos.

In the case of the separation of a term at the end of line, syllable boundaries are maintained. Still, there are digraphs that can be separated and others that cannot. The digraphs that can be separated are those that, when splitting them, they result in two graphs the corresponding sound from which they share a phonetic trait with the sound of the digraph. (Thus, the digraph rr, for example it corresponds with the nearest sound of a rhotic alveolar trill. Cor-randes, calit-ja and as-sas-sí are words with digraphs that can be split). The digraphs that cannot be separated are those in which the two graphs correspond to sounds that they are not related with the sound of the digraph. (For example, the digraph ny cannot be separated.)

To orthographic effects, the syllabic separation of words follow the following norms:

  • The following digraphs and combination of letters can be separated:
ix (quei-xa), rr (car-rer), ss (pas-sar), sc (es-ce-na), l·l (vil-la), tj (jut-jat), tg (fet-ge), tx (pit-xer), tl (vet-la), tll (rot-llo), tm (rit-me), tn (cot-na), ts (pot-ser), tx (despat-xar), tz (set-ze), mm (im-mens), nn (in-no-cent)
  • The following digraphs cannot be separated:
gu (jo-guet), ny (pe-nya), qu (pa-quet), ig (ba-teig), ll (pe-lle-ter)
  • The constituents of a compound, or the prefix of a prefixed word, can be separated:
ad-herir, in-expert, ben-estar, mil-hòmens, des-encolar, vos-altres
  • Letters cannot be left on their own at the end or beginning of a line:
d'a-mor, aber-rant, l'a-plicació, histò-ria

Apostrophe edit

Catalan and Valencian follow some apostrophation rules that serve to determine whether it is necessary to use an apostrophe (') with an article, preposition or pronoun or not if the word that follows it or precedes it begins or finishes in a vowel, respectively.


The masculine singular article (elen, and dialectally also lo, in Continental Catalan, and es and so in Balearic, the so called salted article, with s) is apostrophated before all words of masculine gender that begin with a vowel, e.g. l'aviól'encantl'odin'Albert, s'arbre; with a silent h, e.g. l'homel'hamn'Hugs'home; with a liquid s, e.g. l'spal'Stuttgart. It is not apostrophated before of words that begin with a consonantic i or u (with or without h), el iogurt, el iode (or dialectally lo iogurt, lo iode).

In case of apostrophation, the specific forms al (dial. as), del (dial. des), pel (dial. pes), cal (dial. cas) and can are broken and become a l' (dial. a s'), de l' (dial. de s'), per l' (dial. per s'), ca l' (dial. ca s') and ca n' respectively.

The feminine singular article (lana and dialectally sa) are apostrophated in the following cases: When the following word start with a vowel: l'emociól'ungla, l'aigua, n'Elena; when the word start with a silent h: l'heural'holografia, n'Hermínia, s'horabaixa. It is not apostrophated in the following cases: When it goes before word that starts with a consonantic i or u (with h or not): la hiena; when it goes before a word that begins with unstressed i or u (with h or not): la humitatla universitatla imatge; before some specific terms like la una (when referring to the time), la irala hostla Haia (toponym); before the name of the letters (la ila hacla essa); before a word that start with s followed by a consonant, la Scala de Milà.

Traditionally, to avoid ambiguities, words beginning with the negative prefix a- did not take an apostrophe. Nowadays, general apostrophation rules are followed in written text: l'anormalitat, l'amoralitat, l'atipicitat, l'asimetria, l'asèpsia, etc. The Diccionari de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (DIEC) of 1995 started to apply the new criteria; however, it was never formulated explicitly. In the same way, the introduction of DIEC writes about the abnormality of the situation, and the outline of the new normative grammar that prepares the IEC already does not collect that traditional exception.

Preposition de

The preposition de takes the apostrophe before a vowel (with silent h, or without): d'aiguad'envejad'humitat. It does not apostrophate however before the following cases: words that start with a consonantic i or u (with silent h or without); de iodede iogade uombatde iogurt, de Utahde ouija; before names of letters; de a, de hac. In general it does not apostrophate in case of metalanguage: el plural de alt és alts; before a liquid s: de Stalin.

Weak pronouns

Weak pronouns take the apostrophe in the following cases:

Before a verb that starts with a vowel, using its elided form: m'agradan'abastavas'estimaranl'aconseguiria. At the end of a verb that finishes in a vowel, using the reduced form: menja'ntrenca'lfondre'scompra'ns. When there are two, the second if the orthographic rules allow it: me'nli'nse'mte'lsla'nn'hi; if it is possible, it takes the apostrophe with the following word, like me n'ha dut tres. The apostrophe always goes the further to the right possible: te l'emportes, not *te'l emportes.

Does not take the apostrophe:

The pronouns us, voshiholilesus el dono or vos el donese us esperava or se vos esperava. Like in the case of the article, the pronoun before words that start by unstressed i and u (with silent h or without): la ignorala hi prenla humitejaremla usàvem. It also does not take the apostrophe the first weak pronoun in the forms la hi and se us.

Capitalization edit

Catalan and Valencian do not capitalize the days of the week, months, or national adjectives.[14]

dilluns, setembre, anglès
'Monday', 'September', 'English'

Punctuation edit

Catalan and Valencian punctuation rules are similar to English, with some minor differences.[15]

  • Guillemets (cometes baixes) « » are frequently used instead of double inverted commas. They are used to mark titles of works, or phrases used as proper names.[15]
  • In texts containing dialogue, quoted speech is usually set off with dashes, rather than inverted commas.[15]
Què proposes, doncs?
El que hauriem de fer —s'atreví a suggerir— és anar a...
'What do you propose, then?'
'What we should do' she ventured to suggest 'is go to and ...'
  • Questions are ended with ?, as in English.[15] Before 1993, questions could be enclosed with ¿...?, as in Spanish, but this is no longer recommended by the IEC.[15]

Other conventions edit

The distribution of the two rhotics /r/ and /ɾ/ closely parallels that of Spanish. Between vowels, the two contrast but they are otherwise in complementary distribution: in the onset, an alveolar trill, [r], appears unless preceded by a consonant; different dialects vary in regards to rhotics in the coda with Western Catalan generally featuring an alveolar tap, [ɾ], and Central Catalan dialects like those of Barcelona or Girona featuring a weakly trilled [r] unless it precedes a vowel-initial word in the same prosodic unit, in which case [ɾ] appears.[16]

In Eastern Catalan and North Western Catalan, most instances of word-final ⟨r⟩ are silent, but there are plenty of unpredictable exceptions (e.g. in Central Eastern Catalan por [ˈpo] 'fear' but mar [ˈmɑɾ] 'sea'). In Central Eastern Catalan monosyllabic words with a pronounced final ⟨r⟩ get a reinforcement final consonant [t] when in absolute final position (e.g. final ⟨r⟩ of cor ('heart') in reina del meu cor /ˈrejnə dəl ˈmew ˈkɔrt/ 'queen of my heart' vs el cor es mou /əl ˈkɔɾ əz ˈmɔw/ 'the heart is moving').

In Valencian, most instances of word-final ⟨r⟩ are pronounced.

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ a b c d Final /b, d, ɡ//p, t, k/ (e.g. club, fred, reg).
  2. ^ a b c d e f Before i or e.
  3. ^ a b c d At the end of a word or a syllable only.
  4. ^ Before a bilabial consonant (/n/ /m/: enmig), before a palatal (/n/ /ɲ/: àngel), before a velar (/n/ /ŋ/: sang), etc.
  5. ^ a b At the beginning of a word.
  6. ^ a b In many dialects (except Balearic, Algherese and standard Valencian) /v/ has merged into /b/.
  7. ^ a b c After another vowel.
  8. ^ In Insular Catalan, some instances of è are realised as /ə/.

References edit

  1. ^ Badia i Margarit, Antoni M. «El procés d'unificació de l'ortografia catalana».
  2. ^ Vallverdú, Francesc, ed. (2013). Enciclopèdia de la Llengua Catalana. Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-297-5026-3.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  3. ^ Carreras, Joan Costa, ed. (2009). The Architect of Modern Catalan: Selected writings. Translated by Yates, Alan. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 978-9027289247.
  4. ^ a b "Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Ortografia catalana" (PDF). oiec.iec.cat. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. May 2017. Retrieved 25 December 2023.
  5. ^ a b Wheeler (2005:6)
  6. ^ "A List of Local Keyboard Layout in 24 Countries/Regions". sites.google.com.
  7. ^ Altarriba, Núria (2013-01-24). "Cent anys de les Normes Ortogràfiques de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans". Biblioteca de Catalunya.
  8. ^ a b Estàndard oral valencià. L'alfabet, AVL, p. 36.
  9. ^ Guia d'usos lingüístics, Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, 2002. Diferències dialectals en la distribució de la e tònica, p. 40
  10. ^ accent. Diccionari català-valencià-balear
  11. ^ circumflex. Diccionari català-valencià-balear
  12. ^ Wheeler (2005:8)
  13. ^ Wheeler (2005:7–8)
  14. ^ Swan 2001, p. 97.
  15. ^ a b c d e Wheeler, Yates & Dols 1999, p. 620.
  16. ^ Padgett (2003:2)

Bibliography edit

  • Ortografía catalana. Institut des estudis catalans
  • Carbonell, Joan F.; Llisterri, Joaquim (1992). "Catalan". Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 22 (1–2): 53–56. doi:10.1017/S0025100300004618. S2CID 249411809.
  • Padgett, Jaye (2003). Systemic contrast and Catalan rhotics. University of California, Santa Cruz.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Swan, Michael; Smith, Bernard (26 April 2001). Learner English: A Teacher's Guide to Interference and Other Problems. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-77939-5.
  • Wheeler, Max W.; Yates, Alan; Dols, Nicolau (1999). Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar. New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-20777-0.
  • Wheeler, Max W. (2005). The Phonology Of Catalan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-925814-7.

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This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article should specify the language of its non English content using lang transliteration for transliterated languages and IPA for phonetic transcriptions with an appropriate ISO 639 code Wikipedia s multilingual support templates may also be used See why March 2023 This article may be a rough translation from another language It may have been generated in whole or in part by a computer or by a translator without dual proficiency Please help to enhance the translation If you have just labeled this article as needing attention please add a href Template Needtrans html class mw redirect title Template Needtrans subst Needtrans a pg Catalan orthography language unknown comments to the bottom of the WP PNTCU section on Wikipedia Pages needing translation into English March 2023 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters The Catalan and Valencian orthographies encompass the spelling and punctuation of standard Catalan set by the IEC and Valencian set by the AVL There are also several adapted variants to the peculiarities of local dialects of Insular Catalan Alguerese and the Balearic subdialects Contents 1 History 2 Alphabet 3 Spelling patterns 3 1 Spelling to sound correspondences 4 Diacritics 4 1 Accentuation 4 1 1 Acute and grave accents 4 1 2 Circumflex 4 2 Diaeresis 4 3 Ce trencada c cedilla 4 4 Punt volat middot 4 5 Hyphen 4 6 Apostrophe 5 Capitalization 6 Punctuation 7 Other conventions 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 11 BibliographyHistory editThe history of the Catalan and Valencian orthographies shows a singularity in regard to the other Romance languages These have been mostly developed from Latin adapting them to their own phonetic particularities It had been a gradual and slow process through centuries until the creation of the Academies in the 18th century that fixed the orthography from their language dominant variety 1 In the case of Catalan and Valencian the mediaeval orthography had a noticeable homogeneity The Royal Chancellery set a unitary written model in several fields Thus Ramon Muntaner expressed in his Chronicle 1325 1328 that the Catalans are the largest group with a single language since all the Romance speaking regions had very divided languages like the difference that exists between Catalans and Aragonese 2 In the 16th century just after the Golden Age the split of Catalans started With the isolation of the Royal Court and several political events the unitary linguistic consciousness and the shared cultural tradition broke off The production became more dialectal In the 19th century the recovery of the unity emerged beginning with the orthography Institutions like the Academia de Bones Lletres or the Floral Games were in the middle of several orthographic dilemmas The orthographic norms of Catalan were first defined officially in the First International Congress of the Catalan Language held in Barcelona in October 1906 Subsequently the Philological Section of the Institut d Estudis Catalans IEC founded in 1911 published the Normes ortografiques in 1913 under the direction of Antoni Maria Alcover and Pompeu Fabra Despite some opposition the spelling system was adopted immediately and became widespread enough that in 1932 Valencian writers and intellectuals gathered in Castello to make a formal adoption of the so called Normes de Castello a set of guidelines following Pompeu Fabra s Catalan language norms 3 In 1917 Fabra published an Orthographic Dictionary following the orthographic norms of the IEC In 1931 1932 the Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana General Dictionary of the Catalan language appeared In 1995 a new normative dictionary the Dictionary of the Catalan Language of the Institute of Catalan Studies DIEC marked a new milestone in the orthographic fixation of the language in addition to the incorporation of neologisms and modern uses of the language nbsp Wiktionary has a category on Catalan words affected by 2016 spelling reform On the 24th October 2016 the IEC published a new orthography for Catalan the Ortografia catalana which outlined several modifications including a reduced number of monosyllabic words that take an acute or grave diacritic for reasons of disambiguation 4 Thus the disyllabic word adeu is now generally spelled adeu the monosyllabic words sec dry pronounced sɛk in Central Catalan and sec fold wrinkle pronounced sek are both written sec after the reform Discretionary use of a diacritic is possible if the context is not sufficient for disambiguation 4 Alphabet editLike those of many other Romance languages the Catalan and Valencian alphabet derives from the Latin alphabet and is largely based on the respective language s phonology 5 The Catalan and Valencian alphabet consists of the 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet Catalan and Valencian alphabet Upper case A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZLower case a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zThe following letter diacritic combinations are used but they do not constitute distinct letters in the alphabet A a E e E e I i I i o o O o U u U u and C c though the Catalan keyboard includes the letter C as a separate key 6 K k and W w are used only in loanwords Outside loanwords the letters Q q and Y y appear only in the digraphs qu qu and ny However Y was used until the official orthography was established in 1913 when it was replaced with I except in the digraph ny and loanwords 7 Some Catalan surnames conserve the letter y and the word final digraph ch pronounced k e g Layret Aymerich The following table shows the letters and their names in Standard Catalan IEC and Standard Valencian AVL Letter Catalan ValencianName IEC Pronunciation Name AVL PronunciationAa a ˈa a ˈa Bb be be alta ˈbe ˈbe ˈalte be be alta ˈbe ˈbe ˈalta Cc ce ˈse ce ˈse Dd de ˈde de ˈde Ee e ˈe e ˈe Ff efa ˈefe efe ef ˈefe ˈef Gg ge ˈʒe ge ˈdʒe Hh hac ˈak hac ˈak Ii i i llatina ˈi ˈi ʎeˈtine i i llatina ˈi ˈi ʎaˈtina Jj jota ˈʒɔte jota ˈdʒota Kk ca ˈka ca ˈka Ll ela ˈele ele el ˈele ˈel Mm ema ˈeme eme em ˈeme ˈem Nn ena ˈene ene en ˈene ˈen Oo o ˈo o ˈo Pp pe ˈpe pe ˈpe Qq cu ˈku cu ˈku Rr erra ˈɛre erre er ˈere ˈeɾ Ss essa ˈese esse es ˈese ˈes Tt te ˈte te ˈte Uu u ˈu u ˈu Vv ve ve baixa ˈve ˈbe ˈbaʃe ve ve baixa ˈve ˈbe ˈbajʃa Ww ve doble ˈve ˈdobːle ˈbe ˈdobːle ve doble ˈve ˈdoble ˈbe ˈdoble Xx ics xeix ˈiks ˈʃeʃ ics xeix ˈiks ˈʃejʃ Yy i grega ˈi ˈɡɾeɡe i grega ˈi ˈɡɾeɡa Zz zeta ˈzete zeta ˈzeta The names efa ˈefa ela ˈela ema ˈema ena ˈena erra ˈera and essa ˈesa are also used in certain speeches of Valencian 8 The names be alta high b and ve baixa low v are used by speakers who do not distinguish the phonemes b and v Speakers that do distinguish them use the simple names be and ve 8 Spelling patterns editSpelling to sound correspondences edit Main article Lists of spelling to sound correspondences in Catalan For assistance with IPA transcriptions of Catalan and Valencian for Wikipedia articles see Help IPA Catalan Further information Catalan phonology Catalan is a pluricentric language the pronunciation of some of the letters is different in Eastern Catalan IEC and Valencian AVL Apart from those variations the pronunciation of most consonants is fairly straightforward and is similar to French Occitan or Portuguese pronunciation The following list includes a quick pronunciation of letters in standard Catalan and Valencian for an in depth view see attached main article on top of this section ConsonantsSpelling Catalan Valencian Exampleb b a barrac k s b casa centc s acod d a damaf f fustag ɡ a ʒ b t ʃ c ɡ a d ʒ b t ʃ c gana gel migh hamj ʒ d ʒ j jocs jak k kurdl l liram m maln n d nasp p peuq k quartr r e ɾ r e ɾ ram mare sers s z sac casat t touv b or v f v vacaw w b or v f w v web wattx ʃ ks ɡz t ʃ ʃ ks ɡz xiula ix fixar exitsy j g i yuppie ladyz z zona Main digraphs and letter combinationsSpelling Catalan Valencian Examplegu ɡw ɡu ɡ b guant agut guiaig c t ʃ it ʃ raig desigix c ʃ iʃ i ʃ iʃ feix reixll ʎ brollaŀl lː coŀleginy ɲ senyalqu kw k b quan perquerr r garrass s bossatg b d ʒ fetgetj viatjartl l ʎː lː guatl l atll ʎ bitlletts t s potsertx t ʃ cotxetz d z d z z dotze realitzar VowelsSpelling Catalan Valencian Examplea a e a mar amara a mae ɛ e e ɛ e set anell anellese ɛ e h ɛ e debit quee e seci i i g dia feia raigi i veii i raim veinato ɔ o u u ɔ o soc molt socors oasio ɔ molto o donau u u g suc creua guiau u usu u w reull eguesDiacritics editAccentuation edit Acute and grave accents edit Catalan and Valencian also use the acute and grave accents to mark stress or vowel quality An acute on e o indicates that the vowel is stressed and close mid e o while grave on e o indicates that the vowel is stressed and open mid ɛ ɔ Grave on a and acute on i u simply indicate that the vowels are stressed Thus the acute is used on close or close mid vowels and the grave on open or open mid vowels 5 For example tambe temˈbe or tamˈbe also interes or interes inteˈɾɛs or inteˈɾes interest correr ˈkore or ˈkoreɾ to run proxim ˈpɾɔksim nearby anima ˈanime or ˈanima soul pastis pesˈtis or pasˈtis pie pallus peˈʎus or paˈʎus fool Standard rules governing the presence of accents are based on word endings and the position of the stressed syllable In particular accents are expected for Oxytones ending in a syllabic vowel a vowel s or en in examples parla peɾˈla or paɾˈla he spoke parles peɾˈles or paɾˈles that he spoke past subjunctive enten enˈten or enˈten he understands This does not occur in words like parleu peɾˈlɛw or paɾˈlɛw you are speaking plural or parlem peɾˈlɛm or paɾˈlɛm we are speaking Paroxytones with any other ending including non syllabic i u examples parlaveu peɾˈlabew or paɾˈlavew you were speaking plural parlavem peɾˈlabem or paɾˈlavem we were speaking This does not occur in words like parla ˈpaɾle or ˈpaɾla he is speaking parles ˈpaɾles or ˈpaɾles you are speaking singular or parlen ˈpaɾlen or ˈpaɾlen they are speaking Any proparoxytones examples quimica ˈkimike or ˈkimika chemistry ciencia siˈɛnsie or siˈɛnsia science Since there is no need to mark the stressed syllable of a monosyllabic word most of them do not have an accent Exceptions are those with a diacritical accent differentiating words that would otherwise be homographic Example es es or es it impersonal vs es ˈes is te te or te you clitic vs te ˈte s he has mes ˈmɛs or ˈmes month vs mes ˈmes more dona ˈdɔne or ˈdɔna woman vs dona ˈdone or ˈdona s he gives In most cases the word bearing no accent is either unstressed as in the case of es and te or the word without the accent is more common usually a function word The different distribution of open e ɛ vs closed e e between Eastern Catalan and Western Catalan is reflected in some orthographic divergences between standard Catalan and Valencian norms for example angles eŋˈɡlɛs Catalan vs angles aŋˈɡles Valencian English In the Balearic Islands open e ɛ tends to be a centralised e e in the same cases where open e contrasts with closed e in Catalan and Valencian The cases where the difference of pronunciation of e can have graphical repercussions are the followings 9 Words ending with the demonym es angles angles English frances frances French the past participles admes admes admitted compromes compromes committed and adjectives cortes cortes courteous The ordinal numerals ending in stressed e cinque cinque fifth sise sise sixth The ending of the third person of the plural of indicative en of some verbs of the 2nd conjugation apren apren learn compren compren comprehend depen depen depend except in the cases where this ending is preceded by the consonant t or c where it is pronounced with a closed e in all speeches aten attend enten understand preten pretend encen switch on The infinitives ending in eixer coneixer coneixer to know mereixer mereixer to deserve pareixer pareixer to seem but uniquely creixer to grow and encer vencer vencer to win convencer convencer to convince The second and third person of the plural of the simple past tense of indicative with accent on the radical feiem feiem we did feieu feieu you pl did Circumflex edit The circumflex is rarely used in modern Catalan and Valencian nonetheless it has been used in the beginning of the 19th century by Antoni Febrer i Cardona to represent schwa in the Balearic subdialects According to the Diccionari catala valencia balear in modern times there are some cases where the circumflex can be used to indicate silent etymological sounds similar to French 10 or a contraction 11 Contrary to the restrictions of the acute and grave accent the circumflex can be used with all vowels a e i o u the most common especially in Valencian being a i e due to the elision of d e g mascletaes instead of mascletades pyrotechnic festivals ana instead of anar to go teme instead of temer to fear sorti instead of sortir to exit pa to preposition in colloquial Valencian Diaeresis edit The diaeresis has two different uses to mark hiatus over i u and to mark that u is not silent in the groups gu qu If a diaeresis appears over an i or u that follows another vowel it denotes a hiatus examples 12 raim reˈim or raˈim grape taut teˈut or taˈut coffin This diaeresis is not used over a stressed vowel that already should have an accent Examples suis suˈis Swiss masculine but suissa suˈise or suˈisa Swiss feminine suis ˈsuis that you sweat subjunctive without the diaeresis this last example would be pronounced ˈsui s i e as only one syllable like reis ˈrei s kings Certain verb forms of verbs ending in uir do not receive a diaeresis although they are pronounced with separate syllables This concerns the infinitive gerund future and conditional forms for example traduir traduint traduire and traduiria all with bisyllabic u i All other forms of such verbs do receive a diaeresis on the i according to the normal rules e g traduim traduia In addition to this u represents w between a velar consonant ɡ or k and a front vowel gu and qu are used to represent a hard i e velar pronunciation before i or e 13 unguent uŋˈɡwen t ointment questio kwestiˈo or kwestiˈo topic Forms of the verb arguir represents a rare case of the sequence ɡu i and the rules for gu and ui clash in this case The ambiguity is resolved by an additional rule which states that in cases where diaereses would appear on two consecutive letters only the second receives one This thus gives arguim arguˈim i e and arguia arguˈia but arguir arˈgwir arguint arˈgwint and arguire argwiˈre as these forms don t receive a diaeresis on the i normally according to the exception above Ce trencada c cedilla edit Catalan and Valencian ce trencada C c literally in English broken cee is a modified c with a cedilla mark It is only used before a u o to indicate a soft c s much like in Portuguese Occitan or French e g compare coca ˈkose or ˈkosa kick coca ˈkoke or ˈkoka cake and cosa ˈkɔze or ˈkɔza thing In Catalan and Valencian ce trencada also appears as last letter of a word e g felic feˈlis or feˈlis happy falc ˈfals sickle but then c may be voiced to z before vowels and voiced consonants e g felicment feˌlizˈmen t or feˌlizˈmen t happily and brac esquerre ˈbɾaz esˈkɛre or ˈbɾaz esˈkɛre left arm Punt volat middot edit The so called punt volat or middot is only used in the group ŀl called ela or el e geminada geminate el to represent a geminated sound lː as ll is used to represent the palatal lateral ʎ This usage of the middot sign is a recent invention from the beginning of twentieth century in medieval and modern Catalan before Fabra s standardization this symbol was sometimes used to note certain elisions especially in poetry The only and improbable case of ambiguity in the whole language that could arise is the pair ceŀla ˈsɛlːe or ˈsɛlːa cell vs cella ˈsɛʎe or ˈseʎa eyebrow Hyphen edit The hyphen called a guionet is used in Catalan and Valencian to separate a verb and the combination of pronouns that follow them e g menjar se les to separate certain compounds e g vint i un and para sol and to split a word at the end of a line of text for the purpose of maintaining page margins Compounds are hyphenated in cases that involve numerals e g trenta sis and trenta sise e cardinal points e g sud america repetitive and expressive compounds xup xup those compounds in which the first element ends in a vowel and the second starts with r s or x e g penya segat and those compounds in which the combination of the two elements can lead to wrong reading e g pit roig There are also compound terms in which the first element carries a grave accent ma llarg the construction no plus substantive clarification needed but not no plus adjective no violencia but the nacions no violentes and certain singular constructions like abans d ahir and adeu siau Since 1996 the normative set that in the none mentioned cases in the previous paragraph do not carry hyphen Thus the general norm set that the prefixed forms aside from the cited exceptions are written without hyphen the only normative option then is to write arxienemic and fisicoquimic clarification needed In regard to numbers hyphen is set according to the D U C rule Desenes Unitats Centenes Tens Units Hundreds thus a hyphen is placed between tens and units quaranta dos and between units and hundreds tres cents For example the number 35 422 is written trenta cinc mil quatre cents vint i dos In the case of the separation of a term at the end of line syllable boundaries are maintained Still there are digraphs that can be separated and others that cannot The digraphs that can be separated are those that when splitting them they result in two graphs the corresponding sound from which they share a phonetic trait with the sound of the digraph Thus the digraph rr for example it corresponds with the nearest sound of a rhotic alveolar trill Cor randes calit ja and as sas si are words with digraphs that can be split The digraphs that cannot be separated are those in which the two graphs correspond to sounds that they are not related with the sound of the digraph For example the digraph ny cannot be separated To orthographic effects the syllabic separation of words follow the following norms The following digraphs and combination of letters can be separated ix quei xa rr car rer ss pas sar sc es ce na l l vil la tj jut jat tg fet ge tx pit xer tl vet la tll rot llo tm rit me tn cot na ts pot ser tx despat xar tz set ze mm im mens nn in no cent dd The following digraphs cannot be separated gu jo guet ny pe nya qu pa quet ig ba teig ll pe lle ter dd The constituents of a compound or the prefix of a prefixed word can be separated ad herir in expert ben estar mil homens des encolar vos altres dd Letters cannot be left on their own at the end or beginning of a line d a mor aber rant l a plicacio histo ria dd Apostrophe edit Catalan and Valencian follow some apostrophation rules that serve to determine whether it is necessary to use an apostrophe with an article preposition or pronoun or not if the word that follows it or precedes it begins or finishes in a vowel respectively ArticleThe masculine singular article el en and dialectally also lo in Continental Catalan and es and so in Balearic the so called salted article with s is apostrophated before all words of masculine gender that begin with a vowel e g l avio l encant l odi n Albert s arbre with a silent h e g l home l ham n Hug s home with a liquid s e g l spa l Stuttgart It is not apostrophated before of words that begin with a consonantic i or u with or without h el iogurt el iode or dialectally lo iogurt lo iode In case of apostrophation the specific forms al dial as del dial des pel dial pes cal dial cas and can are broken and become a l dial a s de l dial de s per l dial per s ca l dial ca s and ca n respectively The feminine singular article la na and dialectally sa are apostrophated in the following cases When the following word start with a vowel l emocio l ungla l aigua n Elena when the word start with a silent h l heura l holografia n Herminia s horabaixa It is not apostrophated in the following cases When it goes before word that starts with a consonantic i or u with h or not la hiena when it goes before a word that begins with unstressed i or u with h or not la humitat la universitat la imatge before some specific terms like la una when referring to the time la ira la host la Haia toponym before the name of the letters la i la hac la essa before a word that start with s followed by a consonant la Scala de Mila Traditionally to avoid ambiguities words beginning with the negative prefix a did not take an apostrophe Nowadays general apostrophation rules are followed in written text l anormalitat l amoralitat l atipicitat l asimetria l asepsia etc The Diccionari de l Institut d Estudis Catalans DIEC of 1995 started to apply the new criteria however it was never formulated explicitly In the same way the introduction of DIEC writes about the abnormality of the situation and the outline of the new normative grammar that prepares the IEC already does not collect that traditional exception Preposition deThe preposition de takes the apostrophe before a vowel with silent h or without d aigua d enveja d humitat It does not apostrophate however before the following cases words that start with a consonantic i or u with silent h or without de iode de ioga de uombat de iogurt de Utah de ouija before names of letters de a de hac In general it does not apostrophate in case of metalanguage el plural de alt es alts before a liquid s de Stalin Weak pronounsWeak pronouns take the apostrophe in the following cases Before a verb that starts with a vowel using its elided form m agrada n abastava s estimaran l aconseguiria At the end of a verb that finishes in a vowel using the reduced form menja n trenca l fondre s compra ns When there are two the second if the orthographic rules allow it me n li n se m te ls la n n hi if it is possible it takes the apostrophe with the following word like me n ha dut tres The apostrophe always goes the further to the right possible te l emportes not te l emportes Does not take the apostrophe The pronouns us vos hi ho li les us el dono or vos el done se us esperava or se vos esperava Like in the case of the article the pronoun before words that start by unstressed i and u with silent h or without la ignora la hi pren la humitejarem la usavem It also does not take the apostrophe the first weak pronoun in the forms la hi and se us Capitalization editCatalan and Valencian do not capitalize the days of the week months or national adjectives 14 dilluns setembre angles Monday September English dd Punctuation editCatalan and Valencian punctuation rules are similar to English with some minor differences 15 Guillemets cometes baixes are frequently used instead of double inverted commas They are used to mark titles of works or phrases used as proper names 15 In texts containing dialogue quoted speech is usually set off with dashes rather than inverted commas 15 Que proposes doncs El que hauriem de fer s atrevi a suggerir es anar a What do you propose then What we should do she ventured to suggest is go to and dd Questions are ended with as in English 15 Before 1993 questions could be enclosed with as in Spanish but this is no longer recommended by the IEC 15 Other conventions editThe distribution of the two rhotics r and ɾ closely parallels that of Spanish Between vowels the two contrast but they are otherwise in complementary distribution in the onset an alveolar trill r appears unless preceded by a consonant different dialects vary in regards to rhotics in the coda with Western Catalan generally featuring an alveolar tap ɾ and Central Catalan dialects like those of Barcelona or Girona featuring a weakly trilled r unless it precedes a vowel initial word in the same prosodic unit in which case ɾ appears 16 In Eastern Catalan and North Western Catalan most instances of word final r are silent but there are plenty of unpredictable exceptions e g in Central Eastern Catalan por ˈpo fear but mar ˈmɑɾ sea In Central Eastern Catalan monosyllabic words with a pronounced final r get a reinforcement final consonant t when in absolute final position e g final r of cor heart in reina del meu cor ˈrejne del ˈmew ˈkɔrt queen of my heart vs el cor es mou el ˈkɔɾ ez ˈmɔw the heart is moving In Valencian most instances of word final r are pronounced See also editCatalan manual alphabet Catalan BrailleNotes edit a b c d Final b d ɡ p t k e g club fred reg a b c d e f Before i or e a b c d At the end of a word or a syllable only Before a bilabial consonant n m enmig before a palatal n ɲ angel before a velar n ŋ sang etc a b At the beginning of a word a b In many dialects except Balearic Algherese and standard Valencian v has merged into b a b c After another vowel In Insular Catalan some instances of e are realised as e References edit Badia i Margarit Antoni M El proces d unificacio de l ortografia catalana Vallverdu Francesc ed 2013 Enciclopedia de la Llengua Catalana Barcelona ISBN 978 84 297 5026 3 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Carreras Joan Costa ed 2009 The Architect of Modern Catalan Selected writings Translated by Yates Alan John Benjamins Publishing ISBN 978 9027289247 a b Institut d Estudis Catalans Ortografia catalana PDF oiec iec cat Institut d Estudis Catalans May 2017 Retrieved 25 December 2023 a b Wheeler 2005 6 A List of Local Keyboard Layout in 24 Countries Regions sites google com Altarriba Nuria 2013 01 24 Cent anys de les Normes Ortografiques de l Institut d Estudis Catalans Biblioteca de Catalunya a b Estandard oral valencia L alfabet AVL p 36 Guia d usos linguistics Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana 2002 Diferencies dialectals en la distribucio de la e tonica p 40 accent Diccionari catala valencia balear circumflex Diccionari catala valencia balear Wheeler 2005 8 Wheeler 2005 7 8 Swan 2001 p 97 a b c d e Wheeler Yates amp Dols 1999 p 620 Padgett 2003 2 Bibliography editOrtografia catalana Institut des estudis catalans Carbonell Joan F Llisterri Joaquim 1992 Catalan Journal of the International Phonetic Association 22 1 2 53 56 doi 10 1017 S0025100300004618 S2CID 249411809 Padgett Jaye 2003 Systemic contrast and Catalan rhotics University of California Santa Cruz a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Swan Michael Smith Bernard 26 April 2001 Learner English A Teacher s Guide to Interference and Other Problems Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 77939 5 Wheeler Max W Yates Alan Dols Nicolau 1999 Catalan A Comprehensive Grammar New York Routledge ISBN 0 415 20777 0 Wheeler Max W 2005 The Phonology Of Catalan Oxford Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 925814 7 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Catalan orthography amp oldid 1191789748, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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