
Polish grammar

The grammar of the Polish language is complex and characterized by a high degree of inflection, and has relatively free word order, although the dominant arrangement is subject–verb–object (SVO). There commonly are no articles (although this has been a subject of academic debate), and there is frequent dropping of subject pronouns. Distinctive features include the different treatment of masculine personal nouns in the plural, and the complex grammar of numerals and quantifiers.[1]

Regular morphological alternation edit

Certain regular or common alternations apply across the Polish inflectional system, affecting the morphology of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and other parts of speech. Some of these result from the restricted distribution of the vowels i and y, and from the voicing rules for consonants in clusters and at the end of words. Otherwise, the main changes are the following:

  • vowel alternations, arising from the historical development of certain vowels, which cause vowel changes in some words depending on whether the syllable is closed or open, or whether the following consonant is soft or hard;
  • consonant changes caused by certain endings (such as the -ie of the locative case, and the -i of the masculine personal plural), which historically entailed palatalization of the preceding consonant, and now produce a number of different changes depending on which consonant is involved.

Nouns edit

Polish retains the Old Slavic system of cases for nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. There are seven cases: nominative (mianownik), genitive (dopełniacz), dative (celownik), accusative (biernik), instrumental (narzędnik), locative (miejscownik), and vocative (wołacz).

Number edit

Polish has two number classes: singular and plural.

It used to also have the dual number, but it vanished around the 15th century. It survived only in a few relicts:

  • body parts that naturally come in pairs have synchronically irregular plural and other forms
    • oko ("eye") – pl. oczy, genitive plural oczu, instrumental plural regular oczami or irregular oczyma; but not in the sense of "drop of fat on a liquid", which is declined regularly
    • ręka ("hand, arm") – pl. ręce, locative singular regular ręce or irregular ręku, instrumental plural regular rękami or irregular rękoma
    • ucho ("ear") – pl. uszy, genitive plural uszu, instrumental plural regular uszami or irregular uszyma; but not in the sense of "a handle (of a jug or a kettle, etc.)", which is declined regularly
  • certain proverbs, e.g. Mądrej głowie dość dwie słowie (lit. "two words are enough for a wise head"), with dual dwie słowie (modern dwa słowa)

Gender edit

Note that for true nouns (not for adjectives), there are three cases that always have the same ending in the plural, regardless of gender or declension class: dative plural in -om, instrumental plural in -ami or -mi, and locative plural in -ach ; the only apparent exception being nouns that are in fact inflected as previously dual nouns, ex. rękoma instrumental plural of ręka "hand".

Inflection edit

There are three main genders (rodzaje): masculine (męski), feminine (żeński) and neuter (nijaki). Masculine nouns are further divided into personal (męskoosobowy), animate (męskożywotny), and inanimate (męskorzeczowy) categories. Personal and animate nouns are distinguished from inanimate nouns in the accusative singular; for the latter the accusative is identical to the nominative. In the plural, the masculine personal nouns are distinguished from all others, which collapse into one non-masculine personal gender (niemęskoosobowy).

The following tables show this distinction using as examples the nouns mężczyzna 'man' (masc. personal), pies 'dog' (masc. animate), stół 'table' (masc. inanimate), kobieta 'woman' (feminine), okno 'window' (neuter). The following table presents examples of how a determiner ten/ta/to ("this") agrees with nouns of different genders in the nominative and the accusative, both singular and plural. Adjectives inflect similarly to this determiner.

singular plural
nom. acc. nom. acc.
masculine personal ten mężczyzna

ten pies

ten stół

tego mężczyznę

tego psa

ci mężczyźni tych mężczyzn
animate te psy

te stoły

te kobiety

te okna

inanimate ten stół
feminine ta kobieta kobietę
neuter to okno

For verbs, the distinction is only important for past forms in the plural, as in the table below:

singular plural
masculine personal mężczyzna biegał

pies biegał

stół biegał

mężczyźni biegali
animate psy biegały

stoły biegały

kobiety biegały

okna biegały

feminine kobieta biegała
neuter okno biegało

The numeral dwa ("two"), on the other hand, behaves differently, merging masculine non-personal with neuter, but not with feminine:

nom. acc.
masculine personal dwaj mężczyźni dwóch mężczyzn
animate dwa psy

dwa stoły

dwa okna

feminine dwie kobiety

Morphological endings edit

Gender can usually be inferred from the ending of a noun.


  • masculine nouns typically end in a consonant
  • some nouns, describing people, end in -a, specifically:
    • all nouns ending in -sta, equivalent to English "-ist", e.g. artysta ("artist"), kapitalista ("capitalist"), konserwatysta ("conservative"), socjalista ("socialist")
    • all nouns ending in -nauta, equivalent to English "-naut", e.g. argonauta ("argonaut"), astronauta ("astronaut"), kosmonauta ("cosmonaut")
    • last names
    • first names Barnaba, Bonawentura, also Kuba (diminutive of Jakub)
    • emotionally charged nicknames, e.g. beksa ("crybaby"), łamaga, niezdara, oferma (all three of which mean "a clumsy person")
    • some other nouns, e.g. satelita ("satellite"), wojewoda ("voivode"); hrabia ("count") and sędzia ("judge") – both partially declined like adjectives
  • some personal names end in -o, e.g. Horeszko, Kościuszko; those decline in singular like feminine nouns ending in -a
  • some nouns, which were originally adjectives, end in -i and -y; those decline in singular like adjectives


  • feminine nouns typically end in -a
  • some nouns end in a soft or hardened consonant:
    • all abstract nouns ending in -ść, e.g. miłość ("love"), nieśmiałość ("shyness"), zawiść ("envy"), etc.
    • some concrete nouns ending in -ść: kiść ("bunch"), kość ("bone"), maść ("ointment"), ość ("fishbone"), przepaść ("chasm"), wieść ("news")
    • -b: głąb ("depth")
    • -c: moc ("power"), noc ("night"), pomoc ("help"), przemoc ("violence"), równonoc ("equinox"), Wielkanoc ("Easter"), wszechmoc ("omnipotence")
    • -cz: Bydgoszcz, ciecz ("liquid"), dzicz ("wilderness"), klacz ("mare"), kokorycz ("corydalis"), rzecz ("thing"), smycz ("leash")
    • : brać ("company"), chuć ("lust"), jać ("yat"), mać (archaic for "mother"), płeć ("sex, gender"), sieć ("net")
    • -dź: czeladź (a collective term for servants of one master during the Middle Ages(pl)"), gołoledź ("black ice"), krawędź ("edge"), łódź ("boat"), miedź ("copper"), odpowiedź ("answer"), powódź ("flood"), spowiedź ("confession"), wypowiedź ("utterance"), zapowiedź ("announcement")
    • -j: kolej ("railway")
    • -l: kąpiel ("bath"), myśl ("thought"), sól ("salt")
    • -ń: baśń ("fable"), czerń ("the colour black, blackness"), czerwień ("the colour red, redness"), dłoń ("palm"), goleń ("shin"), jaźń ("self, ego"), jesień ("autumn"), kieszeń ("pocket"), krtań ("larynx"), otchłań ("abyss"), pieczeń ("roasted meat"), pieśń ("song"), pleśń ("mould"), przestrzeń ("space"), przyjaźń ("friendship"), przystań ("haven"), skroń ("temple"), waśń ("feud"), woń ("odour"), zieleń ("the colour green, greenness")
    • -p: Gołdap
    • -rz: macierz ("matrix"), twarz ("face")
    • -sz: mysz ("mouse"), wesz ("louse")
    • : Białoruś ("Belarus"), gęś ("goose"), ("axis"), pierś ("breast"), Ruś ("Ruthenia"), wieś ("village")
    • : gałąź ("branch"), rzeź ("slaughter")
    • : grabież ("pillage"), młodzież ("youth"), odzież ("clothing"), podaż ("supply"), sprzedaż ("sale"), straż ("guard"), uprząż ("harness")
    • -w: brew ("eyebrow"), brukiew ("rutabaga"), marchew ("carrot"), konew ("jug"), krew ("blood"), rukiew ("watercress"), rzodkiew ("radish"), żagiew ("torch")
  • words ending in -ini are feminine, e.g. bogini ("goddess"); also pani ("Mrs")
  • feminine last names ending in a consonant are invariable


  • neuter nouns typically end in -o
  • verbal nouns, which are always neuter, end in -e, e.g. jedzenie, śpiewanie, etc.
  • diminutives ending in are always neuter, e.g. źrebię ("foal"), dziecię ("child")
  • Latin loanwords ending in -um : invariable in the singular, declinable in the plural by removing the -um ending and replacing it by neuter plural endings ; the genitive plural is in -ów contrary to other neuters that have no ending → muzeum, muzea (N. pl.), muzeów (G. pl.)
  • loanwords ending in -i are neuter and invariable, e.g. kiwi, Brunei, Burundi
  • acronyms ending in a vowel (in pronunciation), e.g. BMW [bɛɛmˈvu]; if an acronym is native, its gender may also be equal to the gender of the noun in the full version of the acronym

Semantic membership edit

The distinction between personal, animate and inanimate nouns within masculine nouns is largely semantic, although not always.

Personal nouns are comprised by human nouns such as mężczyzna 'man' or sędzia 'male judge', personal names of men, as well as the noun bóg 'male god' and proper names of male gods (e.g. Rod "Rod", Jowisz "Jupiter").

Animate nouns are largely comprised by animals such as pies ("dog") or pawian ("baboon"), many members from other life domains, as well as a number of objects associated with human activity. On the morphological level however, such nouns are only partially similar to animate nouns, having their accusative identical to their genitive only in the singular.
Some examples :

  • names of fruit, e.g. ananas ("pineapple"), banan ("banana")
  • names of fungi, bacteria, viruses, e.g. borowik ("cep"), grzyb ("mushroom"), wirus ("virus"), gronkowiec ("staphylococcus")
  • names of consumer goods and brands, e.g. mercedes ("Mercedes car"), Nikon (as in Mam Nikona – "I have a Nikon"), papieros ("cigarette")
  • names of currency, e.g. dolar ("dollar"), funt ("pound")
  • names of dances, e.g. polonez ("polonaise")
  • some loanwords related to information technology, e.g. blog, komputer ("computer")
  • nouns related to human or human-like referents, e.g. nieboszczyk, trup (both of which mean "corpse"), robot ("robot"), wisielec ("the body of a hanged person"), duch ("ghost")

Contrary to fungi and bacteria, most plant names of masculine gender are inanimate, e.g. żonkil ("daffodil"), hiacynt ("hyacinth"), dąb ("oak"), cis ("yew tree"), which are all inanimate. The noun goździk ("carnation") is an exception as a masculine animate. Not all technological loanwords are animate either, e.g. inanimate modem, telefon ("telephone, cellphone"), and tranzystor ("transistor"). Robot can be treated as animate or inanimate.

It is common for personal masculine nouns to change gender to inanimate to create semantic neologisms, for example edytor ("editor", pl. ci edytorzy) and edytor (tekstu) ("word processor software", pl. te edytory).

For non-living objects that represent humans (e.g. in games), personal masculine nouns usually change gender to animate; for example, the word król ("king"), which is masculine-personal when referring to a monarch (pl. ci królowie), becomes masculine-animate when referring to the playing card or the chess piece (pl. te króle).

There are also a few pairs of homographs that completely change their meaning depending on their gender. Examples are:

  • biel:
    • masculine: "sapwood"
    • feminine: "whiteness, the colour white"
  • głąb:
    • masculine: "moron"
    • feminine: "depth"
  • Niemcy:
    • plural masculine-personal: "Germans"
    • non-personal plurale tantum: "Germany"
  • twardziel:
  • włóczęga:
    • masculine: "wanderer"
    • feminine: "(the act of) roaming"
  • żołądź:

Homographs that differ only by their gender can also occur in some Polish place names; for example, the town of Ostrów (Wielkopolski) is masculine, while the town of Ostrów (Mazowiecka) is feminine.

Declension edit

Typical declension patterns are as follows:

  • klub ("club"; an inanimate masculine noun) – N/A klub, G klubu, D klubowi, I klubem, L/V klubie. Plural: N/A/V kluby, G klubów, D klubom, I klubami, L klubach.
  • mapa ("map"; a feminine noun) – N mapa, G mapy, D/L mapie, A mapę, I mapą, V mapo. Plural: N/A/V mapy, G map, D mapom, I mapami, L mapach.
  • mięso ("meat'; a neuter noun) – N/A/V mięso, G mięsa, D mięsu, I mięsem, L mięsie. Plural: N/A/V mięsa, G mięs, D mięsom, I mięsami, L mięsach.
Case klub (club)
masculine inanimate
męski nieożywiony
mapa (map)
mięso (meat)
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Nominative (mianownik) klub kluby mapa mapy mięso mięsa
Accusative (biernik) mapę
Vocative (wołacz) klubie mapo
Locative (miejscownik) klubach mapie mapach mięsie mięsach
Dative (celownik) klubowi klubom mapom mięsu mięsom
Genitive (dopełniacz) klubu klubów mapy map mięsa mięs
Instrumental (narzędnik) klubem klubami mapą mapami mięsem mięsami

A common deviation from the above patterns is that many masculine nouns have genitive singular in -a rather than -u. This includes all personal and animate masculines (ending in a consonant). Also masculine animate nouns have accusative singular equal to the genitive singular (in -a). Masculine personal nouns also have accusative plural equal to genitive plural, and often have nominative plural in -i.

Adjectives edit

Adjectives agree with the noun they modify in terms of gender, number and case. They are declined according to the following pattern (dumny means "proud"):

  • masculine singular: N/V dumny, G dumnego, D dumnemu, A dumny (for inanimate nouns)/dumnego (animate), I/L dumnym
  • feminine singular: N/V dumna, G/D/L dumnej, A/I dumną
  • neuter singular: N/V/A dumne, G/D/I/L as masculine
  • plural: N/V/A dumne (but for masculine personal nouns N/V dumni A dumnych), G/L dumnych, D dumnym, I dumnymi
Case Singular number Plural number
Masculine animate
męski ożywiony
Masculine inanimate
męski nieożywiony
Masculine personal
Not masculine personal
i.e. masculine impersonal,
feminine, and neutral
Nominative (mianownik) dumny dumne dumna dumni dumne
Vocative (wołacz)
Accusative (biernik) dumnego dumny dumną dumnych
Instrumental (narzędnik) dumnym dumnymi
Locative (miejscownik) dumnej dumnych
Genitive (dopełniacz) dumnego
Dative (celownik) dumnemu dumnym

For a table showing the declension of Polish adjectival surnames, ending in -ski/-ska or -cki/-cka, see Declension of adjectival surnames.

Most short adjectives have a comparative form in -szy or -iejszy, and a superlative obtained by prefixing naj- to the comparative. For adjectives that do not have these forms, the words bardziej ("more") and najbardziej ("most") are used before the adjective to make comparative and superlative phrases.

Adverbs are formed from adjectives with the ending ie, or in some cases -o. Comparatives of adverbs are formed (where they exist) with the ending -iej. Superlatives have the prefix naj- as for adjectives.

Pronouns edit

The personal pronouns of Polish (nominative forms) are ja ("I"), ty ("you", singular, familiar), on ("he", or "it" corresponding to masculine nouns), ona ("she", or "it" corresponding to feminine nouns), ono ("it" corresponding to neuter nouns), my ("we"), wy ("you", plural, familiar), oni ("they", corresponding to a masculine personal group – see Noun syntax below), one ("they" in other cases; group where there are only girls/women).

The polite second-person pronouns are the same as the nouns pan ("gentleman, Mr"), pani ("lady, Mrs") and their plurals panowie, panie. The mixed-sex plural is państwo. All second-person pronouns are often capitalized for politeness, in letters etc.

Case Singular Plural
1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd
fam. polite masc. neut. fem. fam. polite masc.




masc. fem. masc. mixed fem.
Nominative (mianownik) ja ty pan pani on ono ona my wy panowie państwo panie oni one
Vocative (wołacz) panie
Accusative (biernik) mnie1 mię2 ciebie1 cię2 pana panią jego1 go2 niego3 je nie3 ją nią3 nas was panów państwa ich nich3 je


Genitive (dopełniacz) pani jego1 go2 niego3 jej


pań ich nich3
Locative (miejscownik) mnie tobie panu nim niej panach państwu paniach nich
Dative (celownik) mnie1 mi2 tobie1 ci2 jemu1 mu2 niemu3 jej


nam wam panom paniom im nim3
Instrumental (narzędnik) mną tobą panem panią nim nią nami wami panami państwem paniami nimi

1 Long form used in stressed situations.

2 Short clitic form used in unstressed situations.

3 Form used after prepositions.

For the full declension of these pronouns, see Pronouns in the article on Polish morphology. Subject pronouns can be dropped if the meaning is clear and they are not emphasized. Sometimes there are alternative forms available for a given personal pronoun in a given case:

  • there may be a form beginning with n-, used after prepositions (for example, the accusative of ona is nią after a preposition rather than );
  • there may be a clitic form, used when unstressed, but not after prepositions (such as mi as the dative of ja, an alternative to mnie).

The reflexive pronoun for all persons and numbers is się.

The possessive adjectives (also used as possessive pronouns) derived from the personal pronouns are mój, twój, jego (m., n.)/jej (f.); nasz, wasz, ich. There is also a reflexive possessive swój. The polite second-person pronouns have possessives identical to the genitives of the corresponding nouns, although there is a possessive adjective pański corresponding to pan.

The demonstrative pronoun, also used as a demonstrative adjective, is ten (feminine ta, neuter to, masculine personal plural ci, other plural te). The prefix tam- can be added to emphasize a more distant referent ("that" as opposed to "this").

Interrogative pronouns are kto ("who") and co ("what"); these also provide the pronouns ktoś/coś ("someone/something"), ktokolwiek/cokolwiek ("anyone/anything"), nikt/nic ("no one/nothing").

The usual relative pronoun is który (declined like an adjective). However, when the antecedent is also a pronoun, the relative pronoun used is kto or co (as in ten kto "he who" and to co "that which"). The word który also means "which" as an interrogative pronoun and adjective.

The pronoun and adjective wszystek means "all". It is used most commonly in the plural (wszyscy means "everyone"), and in the neuter singular (wszystko) to mean "everything". The pronoun and adjective każdy means "each, every", while żaden means "no, none".

For full information on the declension of the above pronouns, see Pronouns in the article on Polish morphology.

When the referent of a pronoun is a person of unspecified sex, the masculine form of the pronoun is generally used. When the referent is a thing or idea that does not correspond to any specific noun, it is treated as neuter.

Numbers and quantifiers edit

Polish has a complex system of numerals and related quantifiers, with special rules for their inflection, for the case of the governed noun, and for verb agreement with the resulting noun phrase.

The basic numerals are 0 zero, 1 jeden, 2 dwa, 3 trzy, 4 cztery, 5 pięć, 6 sześć, 7 siedem, 8 osiem, 9 dziewięć, 10 dziesięć, 11 jedenaście, 12 dwanaście, 13 trzynaście, 14 czternaście, 15 piętnaście, 16 szesnaście, 17 siedemnaście, 18 osiemnaście, 19 dziewiętnaście, 20 dwadzieścia, 30 trzydzieści, 40 czterdzieści, 50 pięćdziesiąt, 60 sześćdziesiąt, 70 siedemdziesiąt, 80 osiemdziesiąt, 90 dziewięćdziesiąt, 100 sto, 200 dwieście, 300 trzysta, 400 czterysta, 500 pięćset, 600 sześćset, 700 siedemset, 800 osiemset, 900 dziewięćset.

These numerals are inflected for case, and also to some extent for gender. For details of their inflection, see Numbers and quantifiers in the article on Polish morphology.

Thousand is tysiąc, treated as a noun (so 2000 is dwa tysiące, etc.). Million is milion, billion (meaning a thousand million) is miliard, a million million is bilion, a thousand million million is biliard, and so on (i.e., the long scale is used).

Compound numbers are constructed similarly as in English (for example, 91,234 is dziewięćdziesiąt jeden tysięcy dwieście trzydzieści cztery).

When a numeral modifies a noun, the numeral takes the expected case, but the noun may not; also the gender and number of the resulting noun phrase may not correspond to that of the noun. The following rules apply:

  • The numeral jeden (1) behaves as an ordinary adjective, and no special rules apply. It can even be used in the plural, for example to mean "some" (and not others), or to mean "one" with pluralia tantum, e.g. jedne drzwi "one door" (drzwi has no singular).
  • After the numerals dwa, trzy, cztery (2, 3, 4), and compound numbers ending with them (22, 23, 24, etc. but not 12, 13, or 14, which take -naście as a suffix and are thus not compound numbers in the first place), the noun is plural and takes the same case as the numeral, and the resulting noun phrase is plural (e.g. 4 koty stały, "4 cats stood").
  • With other numbers (5, 6, etc., 20, 21, 25, etc.), if the numeral is nominative or accusative, the noun takes the genitive plural form, and the resulting noun phrase is neuter singular (e.g. 5 kotów stało, "5 cats stood").
  • With the masculine personal plural forms of numbers (as given in the morphology article section), the rule given above – that if the numeral is nominative or accusative, the noun is genitive plural and the resulting phrase is neuter singular – applies to all numbers other than 1 (as in trzech mężczyzn przyszło, "three men came"), unless the alternative nominative forms dwaj, trzej, czterej (for 2, 3, 4) are used (these take nominative nouns and form a masculine plural phrase).
  • If the numeral is in the genitive, dative, instrumental or locative, the noun takes the same case as the numeral (except sometimes in the case of numbers that end with the nouns for 1000 and higher quantities, which often take a genitive noun regardless since they are treated as normal nouns).

Polish also has a series of numerals called collective numerals (liczebniki zbiorowe), namely dwoje (for 2), troje (for 3), czworo (for 4), pięcioro (for 5), and so on. These are used with the following types of nouns:

  • Personal and animate neuter nouns (e.g. dziecko ("child"), kocię ("kitten"))
  • Non-masculine personal pluralia tantum, i.e. nouns that do not exist in the grammatical singular (such as drzwi ("door(s)"), urodziny ("birthday(s)"))
  • Plural nouns referring to a group containing both sexes (for example, czworo studentów refers to a group of four students of mixed sex)

For the declension of collective numerals by case, see the morphology article section. They all follow the rule that when the numeral is nominative or accusative, the noun becomes genitive plural, and the resulting noun phrase is neuter singular. In this case the genitive noun is also used after the instrumental of the numeral.

Certain quantifiers behave similarly to numerals. These include kilka ("several"), parę ("a few") and wiele ("much, many"), which behave like numbers above 5 in terms of the noun cases and verb forms taken. There are also indefinite numerals kilkanaście, kilkadziesiąt, kilkaset (and similar forms with parę-), meaning "several-teen", several tens and several hundred.

Quantifiers that always take the genitive of nouns include dużo ("much, many"), mało ("few, little"), więcej ("more"), mniej ("less") (also najwięcej/najmniej "most/least"), trochę ("a bit"), pełno ("plenty, a lot").

The words oba and obydwa (meaning "both"), and their derived forms behave like dwa. However the collective forms oboje, obydwoje (in the nominative/vocative), when referring to a married couple or similar, take the nominative form of the noun rather than the genitive, and form a masculine plural noun phrase (oboje rodzice byli, "both parents were", cf. dwoje rodziców było).

For the declension of all the above quantifiers, see the morphology article section.

Verbs edit

Polish verbs have the grammatical category of aspect. Each verb is either imperfective, meaning that it denotes continuous or habitual events, or perfective, meaning that it denotes single completed events (in particular, perfective verbs have no present tense). Verbs often occur in imperfective and perfective pairs – for example, jeść and zjeść both mean "to eat", but the first has imperfective aspect, the second perfective.

Imperfective verbs have three tenses: present, past and future, the last being a compound tense (except in the case of być "to be"). Perfective verbs have a past tense and a simple future tense, the latter formed on the same pattern as the present tense of imperfective verbs. Both types also have imperative and conditional forms. The dictionary form of a verb is the infinitive, which usually ends with (occasionally with -c). The present-day past tense derives from the old Slavic "perfect" tense; several other old tenses (the aorist, imperfect) have been dropped.

The present tense of imperfective verbs (and future tense of perfective verbs) has six forms, for the three persons and two numbers. For example, the present tense of jeść is jem, jesz, je; jemy, jecie, jedzą (meaning "(I) eat" etc. – subject pronouns may be dropped), while the future tense of the corresponding perfective verb zjeść is zjem, zjesz etc. (meaning "(I) shall eat" etc.)

The verb być has the irregular present tense jestem, jesteś, jest, jesteśmy, jesteście, są. It also has a simple future tense (see below).

The past tense agrees with the subject in gender as well as person and number. The basic past stem is in ; to this are added endings for gender and number, and then personal endings are further added for the first and second person forms. Thus, on the example of być, the past tense forms are byłem/byłam ("I was", masc/fem.), byłeś/byłaś, był/była/było; byliśmy/byłyśmy ("we were" all gender mixes (except:)/a group of all fem.), byliście/byłyście, byli/były.

The conditional is formed from the past tense, by, and the personal ending (if any). For example: byłbym/byłabym ("I would be", masc/fem.), byłbyś/byłabyś, byłby/byłaby/byłoby; bylibyśmy/byłybyśmy, bylibyście/byłybyście, byliby/byłyby.

The personal past tense suffixes, which are reduced forms of the present tense of być, are clitics and can be detached from the verb to attach to another accented word earlier in the sentence, such as a question word (as in kogoście zobaczyli as an alternative to kogo zobaczyliście "whom did you see"), or (mostly in informal speech) an emphatic particle że (co żeście zrobili? "what did you do"). The same applies to the conditional endings (kiedy byście przyszli as an alternative to kiedy przyszlibyście "when would you come").

If by introduces the clause, either alone or forming one of the conjunctions żeby, iżby, ażeby, aby, coby, it forms the subjunctive mood[2] and is not to be confused with the conditional clitic by.[1] For example, "He wants me to sing" might be chce, aby(m) śpiewał, chce, żeby(m) śpiewał or chce, by(m) śpiewał. Such clauses may express "in order that", or be used with verbs meaning "want", "expect", etc.

The future tense of być ("be") follows the pattern of a typical present tense: będę, będziesz, będzie, będziemy, będziecie, będą. The future tense of other imperfective verbs is formed using the future of być together with the infinitive, or the past form (inflected for gender and number, but without any personal suffixes), of the verb in question. For example, the future of robić ("do, make") has such forms as będę robić/robił/robiła, będziecie robić/robili/robiły. The choice between infinitive and past form is usually a free one, but with modals governing another infinitive, the past form is used: będzie musiał odejść (not będzie musieć...) "he will have to leave".

The second personal singular imperative is formed from the present tense by dropping the ending (e.g. brać: 2/3S present bierze(sz), imperative bierz), sometimes adding -ij or -aj. Add -my and -cie for the 1P and 2P forms. To make third-person imperative sentences (including with the polite second-person pronouns pan etc.) the particle niech is used at the start of the sentence (or at least before the verb), with the verb in the future tense (if być or perfective) or present tense (otherwise). There is a tendency to prefer imperfective verbs in imperative sentences for politeness; negative imperatives quite rarely use perfectives.

Other forms of the verb are:

  • present adverbial participle (imperfective verbs only), as śpiewając (meaning "(when) singing", "by singing", etc.)
  • present adjectival participle (imperfective verbs only), formed from the present adverbial participle by adding adjectival endings, as śpiewający etc., meaning "singing" (as an attributive adjective), although such participles can be used to form extended adjectival phrases, which (usually unlike in English) can precede the noun.
  • passive participle (all transitive verbs), in -ny or -ty (conjugated as an adjective). This often corresponds to the English past participle, both in fully adjectival use and in passive voice.
  • subjectless past tense, formed as the past participle but with the ending -o (e.g. śpiewano "there was sung").
  • past active participle (perfective verbs only), like zabiwszy "having killed" (from zabić "kill"); this form is invariant.
  • verbal noun, also called gerund, formed from the past participle with the ending -ie, e.g. śpiewanie. This is a neuter noun.

Prepositions edit

Polish uses prepositions, which form phrases by preceding a noun or noun phrase. Different prepositions take different cases (all cases are possible except nominative and vocative); some prepositions can take different cases depending on meaning.

The prepositions z and w are pronounced together with the following word, obeying the usual rules for consonant cluster voicing (so z tobą "with you" is pronounced stobą). Before some consonant clusters, particularly clusters beginning with a sibilant (in the case of z) or with f/w (in the case of w), the prepositions take the form ze and we (e.g. we Wrocławiu "in Wrocław"). These forms are also used before the first-person singular pronouns in mn-; several other prepositions also have longer forms before these pronouns (przeze mnie, pode mną etc.), and these phrases are pronounced as single words, with the stress on the penultimate syllable (the -e).

Common prepositions include:

  • na, with the locative with basic meaning "on", and with the accusative with basic meaning "onto" (also metaphorical meanings)
  • w, with the locative with basic meaning "in", and with the accusative with basic meaning "into" (also metaphorical meanings)
  • z, with the instrumental comitative meaning "with" (in accompaniment of); with the genitive meaning "from, out of"
  • do/od, with genitive, meaning "to, into/from"
  • dla, with genitive, meaning "for"
  • o, with locative meaning "about", also with the accusative in some constructions
  • przed/za/nad/pod with instrumental meaning "before, in front of/behind/over/under", also with the accusative in some meanings (and genitive in the case of za); there are also compound prepositions sprzed/zza/znad/spod ("from in front of" etc.) taking the genitive
  • przez with the accusative, meaning "through" etc.
  • przeciw(ko) with dative, meaning "against" (but naprzeciw(ko) "opposite" takes genitive)
  • po, with locative meaning "after", also with the accusative in some meanings
  • przy, with locative, meaning "next to" etc.
  • bez, with genitive, meaning "without"

Conjunctions edit

Common Polish conjunctions include i (and less commonly oraz) meaning "and", lub and albo meaning "or", ale meaning "but", lecz meaning "but" chiefly in phrases of the type "not x but y", że (or more formally sometimes ) meaning "that", jeśli meaning "if" (also gdyby, where by is the conditional particle), czy meaning "whether" (also an interrogative particle), kiedy or gdy meaning "when", więc, dlatego and zatem meaning "so, therefore", ponieważ meaning "because", choć/chociaż meaning "although", and aby/żeby meaning "in order to/that" (can be followed by an infinitive phrase, or by a sentence in the past tense; in the latter case the by of the conjunction is in fact the conditional particle and takes personal endings as appropriate).

In written Polish, subordinate clauses are normally set off with commas. Commas are not normally used before conjunctions meaning "and" or "or".

Syntax edit

Word order edit

Basic word order in Polish is SVO; however, as it is a synthetic language, it is possible to move words around in the sentence. For example, Alicja ma kota ("Alice has a cat") is the standard order, but it is also possible to use other orders to give a different emphasis (for example, Alicja kota ma, with emphasis on ma ("has"), used as a response to an assertion of the opposite); general word order controls theme and rheme information structure with theme coming first.

Certain words, however, behave as clitics: they rarely or never begin a clause, but are used after another stressed word, and tend to appear early in the clause. Examples of these are the weak pronouns mi, go etc., the reflexive pronoun się, and the personal past tense endings and conditional endings described under Verbs above.

Polish is a pro-drop language; subject pronouns are frequently dropped. For example: ma kota (literally "has a cat") may mean "he/she/it has a cat". It is also possible to drop the object or even sometimes verb, if they are obvious from context. For example, ma ("has") or nie ma ("has not") may be used as an affirmative or negative answer to a question "does... have...?".

Note the interrogative particle czy, which is used to start a yes–no question, much like the French "est-ce que". The particle is not obligatory, and sometimes rising intonation is the only signal of the interrogative character of the sentence.

Negation is achieved by placing nie directly before the verb, or other word or phrase being negated (in some cases nie- is prefixed to the negated word, equivalent to English un- or non-). If a sentence contains a negative element such as nigdy ("never"), nikt ("no-one"), etc., the verb is negated with nie as well (and several such negative elements can be combined, as in nikt nigdy nie robi nic, "no-one ever does anything", literally "no-one never doesn't do nothing").

The equivalent of the English "there is" etc. is the appropriate part of the verb być ("to be"), e.g. jest... ("there is..."), są... ("there are..."), był(a/o)... ("there was..."), etc., with a noun phrase in the nominative. The negative form is always singular (and neuter where applicable), takes the noun phrase in the genitive, and uses ma rather than jest in the present tense: nie ma kota ("there isn't a cat", also "the cat isn't there"), nie było kota etc. (as usual, the word order is not fixed).

Where two concepts are equated, the particle to is often used instead of a part of być, with the nouns expressing the concepts in the nominative case (although verb infinitives can also be used here: istnieć to cierpieć "to exist is to suffer"). There are also sentences where to appears to be the subject of być, but the complement is in the nominative and the verb agrees with the complement: to jest... ("this/it is..."), to są..., to był(a/o)..., etc.

Subjectless sentences edit

There are various types of sentence in Polish that do not have subjects:

  • Sentences where the subject pronoun is dropped (see above), but is still understood.
  • Sentences formed from certain verbs that can appear (in third-person singular neuter form) without a subject, corresponding to an English impersonal "it", as in padało ("it was raining/snowing").
  • Sentences with verbs in second-person singular (or sometimes third-person personal plural) form, but no subject, corresponding to English "you" with general meaning, as in robisz to ("you do this", i.e., "one does this").
  • Sentences with the reflexive particle się but no subject, the verb being third-person singular, as in tutaj pije się wódkę ("here one drinks vodka/vodka is drunk") – note that the logical direct object is in the accusative, not the nominative as in analogous constructions in other languages such as Russian.
  • Sentences with the subjectless past tense form of the verb (see Verbs above).
  • Sentences with impersonal particles such as można ("it is possible"), wolno ("it is permitted").

Noun syntax edit

The use of the cases of nouns is as follows:

  1. The nominative (the dictionary form of a noun) is used for sentence subject and for certain complements (as in sentences of the form X to Y "X is Y", to jest Y "this is Y").
  2. The accusative is used for the direct object of verbs that are not negated, as the object of some prepositions, and in some time expressions.
  3. The genitive is used for possessor and similar (equivalent to English "of X" or "X's"), for the direct object of negated verbs, as the object of some verbs and prepositions, as an object with partitive meaning and in some fixed expressions, and for nouns governed by certain numbers and expressions of quantity (see Numbers and quantifiers above).
  4. The locative is used only as the object of certain prepositions (particularly w "in" and na "on", when they have static meaning).
  5. The dative is used for indirect objects, to denote the party for whom something is done or the "party concerned" in certain expressions (such as wolno mu, "he is allowed", lit. "it is allowed to him"), and as the object of some verbs and prepositions.
  6. The instrumental is used for the means (instrument) by which something is done, for example pociągiem (instrumental of pociąg "train") means "by train". It is also used for a noun complement of być ("to be"), and for the complements and objects of some other verbs and some prepositions.
  7. The vocative is used to indicate who or what is being addressed. However, with personal names, in colloquial speech, the nominative is usually used instead.

Like most Slavic languages, with the exception of Bulgarian and Macedonian, Polish classically uses no definite or indefinite articles, though certain words or grammatical features may substitute this, with a shift currently taking place in the language. A noun such as kot may mean either "the cat" or "a cat", while saying ten kot (lit. "that cat") can function similarly to a definite article in other languages. Recent academic research has shown a grammatical shift (not unlike the one which took place in other Indo-European languages, Bulgarian and Macedonian included), where the numeral jeden ("one") or pronoun jakiś ("of sorts"; different forms depending on the grammatical context) have begun to take characteristics of an indefinite article - an example here could be saying jeden kot ("one cat"), which by an increasing number of speakers can be interpreted in a way similar to saying "a cat" in English.[3]

Polish does not regularly place nouns together to form compound noun expressions. Equivalents to such expressions are formed using noun-derived adjectives (as in sok pomarańczowy, "orange juice", where pomarańczowy is an adjective derived from pomarańcza "orange"), or using prepositional phrases or (equivalently) a noun in the genitive or other case.

A group of nouns connected by a word for "and" is treated as plural. It is masculine personal plural if it contains any male person (in fact, if it contains any person and any masculine noun).

Adjective syntax edit

Adjectives generally precede the noun they modify, although in some fixed expressions and official names and phrases they can follow the noun (as in język polski "Polish language"; also dzień dobry "good day, hello").

Attributive adjectives agree in gender, number and case with the noun they modify. Predicate adjectives agree with the relevant noun in gender and number, and are in the nominative case, unless the subject is unspecified (as in some infinitive phrases), in which case the adjective takes the (masculine/neuter) instrumental form (for example, być mądrym, "to be wise", although the nominative is used if the logical subject is specified)[citation needed]. The instrumental is also used for adjectival complements of some other verbs, as in czynić go mądrym ("make him wise").

With pronouns such as coś ("something") (but not ktoś "someone"), if the pronoun is nominative or accusative, the adjective takes the genitive form (coś dobrego "something good").

Adjectives are sometimes used as nouns; for example, zielony ("green") may mean "the/a green one" etc.

Compound adjectives can be formed by replacing the ending of the first adjective with -o, as in formalno-prawny ("formal (and) legal").

References edit

  1. ^ a b Anastasia Smirnova, Vedrana Mihaliček, Lauren Ressue, Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle upon Type, Wielka Brytania, 2010: Barbara Tomaszewicz, Subjunctive Mood in Polish and the Clause Typing Hypothesis
  2. ^ Migdalski K. The Syntax of Compound Tenses in Slavic, Utrecht 2006
  3. ^ Hwaszcz, Krzysztof; Kędzierska, Hanna (2018). "The Rise of an Indefinite Article in Polish: An Appraisal of Its Grammaticalisation Stage (Part 1)". Studies in Polish Linguistics. 13 (2): 93–121 – via ejournals.eu.
  • Soerensen, Asmus (1900). Polnische Grammatik mit grammatisch-alphabetischem Verbalverzeichnis. E. Haberland.
  • Sadowska, Iwona (2012). Polish: A Comprehensive Grammar. Oxford; New York City: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-47541-9.
  • Polish Pronunciation Audio and Grammar Charts

polish, grammar, grammar, polish, language, complex, characterized, high, degree, inflection, relatively, free, word, order, although, dominant, arrangement, subject, verb, object, there, commonly, articles, although, this, been, subject, academic, debate, the. The grammar of the Polish language is complex and characterized by a high degree of inflection and has relatively free word order although the dominant arrangement is subject verb object SVO There commonly are no articles although this has been a subject of academic debate and there is frequent dropping of subject pronouns Distinctive features include the different treatment of masculine personal nouns in the plural and the complex grammar of numerals and quantifiers 1 Contents 1 Regular morphological alternation 2 Nouns 2 1 Number 2 2 Gender 2 2 1 Inflection 2 2 2 Morphological endings 2 2 3 Semantic membership 2 3 Declension 3 Adjectives 4 Pronouns 5 Numbers and quantifiers 6 Verbs 7 Prepositions 8 Conjunctions 9 Syntax 9 1 Word order 9 2 Subjectless sentences 9 3 Noun syntax 9 4 Adjective syntax 10 ReferencesRegular morphological alternation editMain article Polish morphology Regular alternation Certain regular or common alternations apply across the Polish inflectional system affecting the morphology of nouns adjectives verbs and other parts of speech Some of these result from the restricted distribution of the vowels i and y and from the voicing rules for consonants in clusters and at the end of words Otherwise the main changes are the following vowel alternations arising from the historical development of certain vowels which cause vowel changes in some words depending on whether the syllable is closed or open or whether the following consonant is soft or hard consonant changes caused by certain endings such as the ie of the locative case and the i of the masculine personal plural which historically entailed palatalization of the preceding consonant and now produce a number of different changes depending on which consonant is involved Nouns editMain article Polish morphology Nouns Polish retains the Old Slavic system of cases for nouns pronouns and adjectives There are seven cases nominative mianownik genitive dopelniacz dative celownik accusative biernik instrumental narzednik locative miejscownik and vocative wolacz Number edit Polish has two number classes singular and plural It used to also have the dual number but it vanished around the 15th century It survived only in a few relicts body parts that naturally come in pairs have synchronically irregular plural and other forms oko eye pl oczy genitive plural oczu instrumental plural regular oczami or irregular oczyma but not in the sense of drop of fat on a liquid which is declined regularly reka hand arm pl rece locative singular regular rece or irregular reku instrumental plural regular rekami or irregular rekoma ucho ear pl uszy genitive plural uszu instrumental plural regular uszami or irregular uszyma but not in the sense of a handle of a jug or a kettle etc which is declined regularly certain proverbs e g Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie lit two words are enough for a wise head with dual dwie slowie modern dwa slowa Gender edit Note that for true nouns not for adjectives there are three cases that always have the same ending in the plural regardless of gender or declension class dative plural in om instrumental plural in ami or mi and locative plural in ach the only apparent exception being nouns that are in fact inflected as previously dual nouns ex rekoma instrumental plural of reka hand Inflection edit There are three main genders rodzaje masculine meski feminine zenski and neuter nijaki Masculine nouns are further divided into personal meskoosobowy animate meskozywotny and inanimate meskorzeczowy categories Personal and animate nouns are distinguished from inanimate nouns in the accusative singular for the latter the accusative is identical to the nominative In the plural the masculine personal nouns are distinguished from all others which collapse into one non masculine personal gender niemeskoosobowy The following tables show this distinction using as examples the nouns mezczyzna man masc personal pies dog masc animate stol table masc inanimate kobieta woman feminine okno window neuter The following table presents examples of how a determiner ten ta to this agrees with nouns of different genders in the nominative and the accusative both singular and plural Adjectives inflect similarly to this determiner singular pluralnom acc nom acc masculine personal ten mezczyzna ten piesten stol tego mezczyzne tego psa ci mezczyzni tych mezczyznanimate te psy te stolyte kobietyte oknainanimate ten stolfeminine ta kobieta te kobieteneuter to oknoFor verbs the distinction is only important for past forms in the plural as in the table below singular pluralmasculine personal mezczyzna biegal pies biegalstol biegal mezczyzni biegalianimate psy biegaly stoly biegalykobiety biegalyokna biegalyinanimatefeminine kobieta biegalaneuter okno biegaloThe numeral dwa two on the other hand behaves differently merging masculine non personal with neuter but not with feminine pluralnom acc masculine personal dwaj mezczyzni dwoch mezczyznanimate dwa psy dwa stolydwa oknainanimateneuterfeminine dwie kobietyMorphological endings edit Gender can usually be inferred from the ending of a noun Masculine masculine nouns typically end in a consonant some nouns describing people end in a specifically all nouns ending in sta equivalent to English ist e g artysta artist kapitalista capitalist konserwatysta conservative socjalista socialist all nouns ending in nauta equivalent to English naut e g argonauta argonaut astronauta astronaut kosmonauta cosmonaut last names first names Barnaba Bonawentura also Kuba diminutive of Jakub emotionally charged nicknames e g beksa crybaby lamaga niezdara oferma all three of which mean a clumsy person some other nouns e g satelita satellite wojewoda voivode hrabia count and sedzia judge both partially declined like adjectives some personal names end in o e g Horeszko Kosciuszko those decline in singular like feminine nouns ending in a some nouns which were originally adjectives end in i and y those decline in singular like adjectivesFeminine feminine nouns typically end in a some nouns end in a soft or hardened consonant all abstract nouns ending in sc e g milosc love niesmialosc shyness zawisc envy etc some concrete nouns ending in sc kisc bunch kosc bone masc ointment osc fishbone przepasc chasm wiesc news b glab depth c moc power noc night pomoc help przemoc violence rownonoc equinox Wielkanoc Easter wszechmoc omnipotence cz Bydgoszcz ciecz liquid dzicz wilderness klacz mare kokorycz corydalis rzecz thing smycz leash c brac company chuc lust jac yat mac archaic for mother plec sex gender siec net dz czeladz a collective term for servants of one master during the Middle Ages pl gololedz black ice krawedz edge lodz boat miedz copper odpowiedz answer powodz flood spowiedz confession wypowiedz utterance zapowiedz announcement j kolej railway l kapiel bath mysl thought sol salt n basn fable czern the colour black blackness czerwien the colour red redness dlon palm golen shin jazn self ego jesien autumn kieszen pocket krtan larynx otchlan abyss pieczen roasted meat piesn song plesn mould przestrzen space przyjazn friendship przystan haven skron temple wasn feud won odour zielen the colour green greenness p Goldap rz macierz matrix twarz face sz mysz mouse wesz louse s Bialorus Belarus ges goose os axis piers breast Rus Ruthenia wies village z galaz branch rzez slaughter z grabiez pillage mlodziez youth odziez clothing podaz supply sprzedaz sale straz guard uprzaz harness w brew eyebrow brukiew rutabaga marchew carrot konew jug krew blood rukiew watercress rzodkiew radish zagiew torch words ending in ini are feminine e g bogini goddess also pani Mrs feminine last names ending in a consonant are invariableNeuter neuter nouns typically end in o verbal nouns which are always neuter end in e e g jedzenie spiewanie etc diminutives ending in e are always neuter e g zrebie foal dziecie child Latin loanwords ending in um invariable in the singular declinable in the plural by removing the um ending and replacing it by neuter plural endings the genitive plural is in ow contrary to other neuters that have no ending muzeum muzea N pl muzeow G pl loanwords ending in i are neuter and invariable e g kiwi Brunei Burundi acronyms ending in a vowel in pronunciation e g BMW bɛɛmˈvu if an acronym is native its gender may also be equal to the gender of the noun in the full version of the acronymSemantic membership edit The distinction between personal animate and inanimate nouns within masculine nouns is largely semantic although not always Personal nouns are comprised by human nouns such as mezczyzna man or sedzia male judge personal names of men as well as the noun bog male god and proper names of male gods e g Rod Rod Jowisz Jupiter Animate nouns are largely comprised by animals such as pies dog or pawian baboon many members from other life domains as well as a number of objects associated with human activity On the morphological level however such nouns are only partially similar to animate nouns having their accusative identical to their genitive only in the singular Some examples names of fruit e g ananas pineapple banan banana names of fungi bacteria viruses e g borowik cep grzyb mushroom wirus virus gronkowiec staphylococcus names of consumer goods and brands e g mercedes Mercedes car Nikon as in Mam Nikona I have a Nikon papieros cigarette names of currency e g dolar dollar funt pound names of dances e g polonez polonaise some loanwords related to information technology e g blog komputer computer nouns related to human or human like referents e g nieboszczyk trup both of which mean corpse robot robot wisielec the body of a hanged person duch ghost Contrary to fungi and bacteria most plant names of masculine gender are inanimate e g zonkil daffodil hiacynt hyacinth dab oak cis yew tree which are all inanimate The noun gozdzik carnation is an exception as a masculine animate Not all technological loanwords are animate either e g inanimate modem telefon telephone cellphone and tranzystor transistor Robot can be treated as animate or inanimate It is common for personal masculine nouns to change gender to inanimate to create semantic neologisms for example edytor editor pl ci edytorzy and edytor tekstu word processor software pl te edytory For non living objects that represent humans e g in games personal masculine nouns usually change gender to animate for example the word krol king which is masculine personal when referring to a monarch pl ci krolowie becomes masculine animate when referring to the playing card or the chess piece pl te krole There are also a few pairs of homographs that completely change their meaning depending on their gender Examples are biel masculine sapwood feminine whiteness the colour white glab masculine moron feminine depth Niemcy plural masculine personal Germans non personal plurale tantum Germany twardziel masculine tough guy feminine heartwood wloczega masculine wanderer feminine the act of roaming zoladz masculine acorn feminine glans penis Homographs that differ only by their gender can also occur in some Polish place names for example the town of Ostrow Wielkopolski is masculine while the town of Ostrow Mazowiecka is feminine Declension edit Typical declension patterns are as follows klub club an inanimate masculine noun N A klub G klubu D klubowi I klubem L V klubie Plural N A V kluby G klubow D klubom I klubami L klubach mapa map a feminine noun N mapa G mapy D L mapie A mape I mapa V mapo Plural N A V mapy G map D mapom I mapami L mapach mieso meat a neuter noun N A V mieso G miesa D miesu I miesem L miesie Plural N A V miesa G mies D miesom I miesami L miesach Case klub club masculine inanimatemeski nieozywiony mapa map femininezenski mieso meat neuternijakiSingular Plural Singular Plural Singular PluralNominative mianownik klub kluby mapa mapy mieso miesaAccusative biernik mapeVocative wolacz klubie mapoLocative miejscownik klubach mapie mapach miesie miesachDative celownik klubowi klubom mapom miesu miesomGenitive dopelniacz klubu klubow mapy map miesa miesInstrumental narzednik klubem klubami mapa mapami miesem miesamiA common deviation from the above patterns is that many masculine nouns have genitive singular in a rather than u This includes all personal and animate masculines ending in a consonant Also masculine animate nouns have accusative singular equal to the genitive singular in a Masculine personal nouns also have accusative plural equal to genitive plural and often have nominative plural in i Adjectives editMain article Polish morphology Adjectives Adjectives agree with the noun they modify in terms of gender number and case They are declined according to the following pattern dumny means proud masculine singular N V dumny G dumnego D dumnemu A dumny for inanimate nouns dumnego animate I L dumnym feminine singular N V dumna G D L dumnej A I dumna neuter singular N V A dumne G D I L as masculine plural N V A dumne but for masculine personal nouns N V dumni A dumnych G L dumnych D dumnym I dumnymiCase Singular number Plural numberMasculine animate meski ozywiony Masculine inanimate meski nieozywiony Neuter nijaki Feminine zenski Masculine personal meskoosobowy Not masculine personal niemeskoosobowy i e masculine impersonal feminine and neutralNominative mianownik dumny dumne dumna dumni dumneVocative wolacz Accusative biernik dumnego dumny dumna dumnychInstrumental narzednik dumnym dumnymiLocative miejscownik dumnej dumnychGenitive dopelniacz dumnegoDative celownik dumnemu dumnymFor a table showing the declension of Polish adjectival surnames ending in ski ska or cki cka see Declension of adjectival surnames Most short adjectives have a comparative form in szy or iejszy and a superlative obtained by prefixing naj to the comparative For adjectives that do not have these forms the words bardziej more and najbardziej most are used before the adjective to make comparative and superlative phrases Adverbs are formed from adjectives with the ending ie or in some cases o Comparatives of adverbs are formed where they exist with the ending iej Superlatives have the prefix naj as for adjectives Pronouns editThe personal pronouns of Polish nominative forms are ja I ty you singular familiar on he or it corresponding to masculine nouns ona she or it corresponding to feminine nouns ono it corresponding to neuter nouns my we wy you plural familiar oni they corresponding to a masculine personal group see Noun syntax below one they in other cases group where there are only girls women The polite second person pronouns are the same as the nouns pan gentleman Mr pani lady Mrs and their plurals panowie panie The mixed sex plural is panstwo All second person pronouns are often capitalized for politeness in letters etc Case Singular Plural1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rdfam polite masc neut fem fam polite masc pers non masc masc fem masc mixed fem Nominative mianownik ja ty pan pani on ono ona my wy panowie panstwo panie oni oneVocative wolacz panieAccusative biernik mnie1 mie2 ciebie1 cie2 pana pania jego1 go2 niego3 je nie3 ja nia3 nas was panow panstwa ich nich3 je nie3Genitive dopelniacz pani jego1 go2 niego3 jej niej3 pan ich nich3Locative miejscownik mnie tobie panu nim niej panach panstwu paniach nichDative celownik mnie1 mi2 tobie1 ci2 jemu1 mu2 niemu3 jej niej3 nam wam panom paniom im nim3Instrumental narzednik mna toba panem pania nim nia nami wami panami panstwem paniami nimi1 Long form used in stressed situations 2 Short clitic form used in unstressed situations 3 Form used after prepositions For the full declension of these pronouns see Pronouns in the article on Polish morphology Subject pronouns can be dropped if the meaning is clear and they are not emphasized Sometimes there are alternative forms available for a given personal pronoun in a given case there may be a form beginning with n used after prepositions for example the accusative of ona is nia after a preposition rather than ja there may be a clitic form used when unstressed but not after prepositions such as mi as the dative of ja an alternative to mnie The reflexive pronoun for all persons and numbers is sie The possessive adjectives also used as possessive pronouns derived from the personal pronouns are moj twoj jego m n jej f nasz wasz ich There is also a reflexive possessive swoj The polite second person pronouns have possessives identical to the genitives of the corresponding nouns although there is a possessive adjective panski corresponding to pan The demonstrative pronoun also used as a demonstrative adjective is ten feminine ta neuter to masculine personal plural ci other plural te The prefix tam can be added to emphasize a more distant referent that as opposed to this Interrogative pronouns are kto who and co what these also provide the pronouns ktos cos someone something ktokolwiek cokolwiek anyone anything nikt nic no one nothing The usual relative pronoun is ktory declined like an adjective However when the antecedent is also a pronoun the relative pronoun used is kto or co as in ten kto he who and to co that which The word ktory also means which as an interrogative pronoun and adjective The pronoun and adjective wszystek means all It is used most commonly in the plural wszyscy means everyone and in the neuter singular wszystko to mean everything The pronoun and adjective kazdy means each every while zaden means no none For full information on the declension of the above pronouns see Pronouns in the article on Polish morphology When the referent of a pronoun is a person of unspecified sex the masculine form of the pronoun is generally used When the referent is a thing or idea that does not correspond to any specific noun it is treated as neuter Numbers and quantifiers editPolish has a complex system of numerals and related quantifiers with special rules for their inflection for the case of the governed noun and for verb agreement with the resulting noun phrase The basic numerals are 0 zero 1 jeden 2 dwa 3 trzy 4 cztery 5 piec 6 szesc 7 siedem 8 osiem 9 dziewiec 10 dziesiec 11 jedenascie 12 dwanascie 13 trzynascie 14 czternascie 15 pietnascie 16 szesnascie 17 siedemnascie 18 osiemnascie 19 dziewietnascie 20 dwadziescia 30 trzydziesci 40 czterdziesci 50 piecdziesiat 60 szescdziesiat 70 siedemdziesiat 80 osiemdziesiat 90 dziewiecdziesiat 100 sto 200 dwiescie 300 trzysta 400 czterysta 500 piecset 600 szescset 700 siedemset 800 osiemset 900 dziewiecset These numerals are inflected for case and also to some extent for gender For details of their inflection see Numbers and quantifiers in the article on Polish morphology Thousand is tysiac treated as a noun so 2000 is dwa tysiace etc Million is milion billion meaning a thousand million is miliard a million million is bilion a thousand million million is biliard and so on i e the long scale is used Compound numbers are constructed similarly as in English for example 91 234 is dziewiecdziesiat jeden tysiecy dwiescie trzydziesci cztery When a numeral modifies a noun the numeral takes the expected case but the noun may not also the gender and number of the resulting noun phrase may not correspond to that of the noun The following rules apply The numeral jeden 1 behaves as an ordinary adjective and no special rules apply It can even be used in the plural for example to mean some and not others or to mean one with pluralia tantum e g jedne drzwi one door drzwi has no singular After the numerals dwa trzy cztery 2 3 4 and compound numbers ending with them 22 23 24 etc but not 12 13 or 14 which take nascie as a suffix and are thus not compound numbers in the first place the noun is plural and takes the same case as the numeral and the resulting noun phrase is plural e g 4 koty staly 4 cats stood With other numbers 5 6 etc 20 21 25 etc if the numeral is nominative or accusative the noun takes the genitive plural form and the resulting noun phrase is neuter singular e g 5 kotow stalo 5 cats stood With the masculine personal plural forms of numbers as given in the morphology article section the rule given above that if the numeral is nominative or accusative the noun is genitive plural and the resulting phrase is neuter singular applies to all numbers other than 1 as in trzech mezczyzn przyszlo three men came unless the alternative nominative forms dwaj trzej czterej for 2 3 4 are used these take nominative nouns and form a masculine plural phrase If the numeral is in the genitive dative instrumental or locative the noun takes the same case as the numeral except sometimes in the case of numbers that end with the nouns for 1000 and higher quantities which often take a genitive noun regardless since they are treated as normal nouns Polish also has a series of numerals called collective numerals liczebniki zbiorowe namely dwoje for 2 troje for 3 czworo for 4 piecioro for 5 and so on These are used with the following types of nouns Personal and animate neuter nouns e g dziecko child kocie kitten Non masculine personal pluralia tantum i e nouns that do not exist in the grammatical singular such as drzwi door s urodziny birthday s Plural nouns referring to a group containing both sexes for example czworo studentow refers to a group of four students of mixed sex For the declension of collective numerals by case see the morphology article section They all follow the rule that when the numeral is nominative or accusative the noun becomes genitive plural and the resulting noun phrase is neuter singular In this case the genitive noun is also used after the instrumental of the numeral Certain quantifiers behave similarly to numerals These include kilka several pare a few and wiele much many which behave like numbers above 5 in terms of the noun cases and verb forms taken There are also indefinite numerals kilkanascie kilkadziesiat kilkaset and similar forms with pare meaning several teen several tens and several hundred Quantifiers that always take the genitive of nouns include duzo much many malo few little wiecej more mniej less also najwiecej najmniej most least troche a bit pelno plenty a lot The words oba and obydwa meaning both and their derived forms behave like dwa However the collective forms oboje obydwoje in the nominative vocative when referring to a married couple or similar take the nominative form of the noun rather than the genitive and form a masculine plural noun phrase oboje rodzice byli both parents were cf dwoje rodzicow bylo For the declension of all the above quantifiers see the morphology article section Verbs editMain article Polish morphology Verbs Polish verbs have the grammatical category of aspect Each verb is either imperfective meaning that it denotes continuous or habitual events or perfective meaning that it denotes single completed events in particular perfective verbs have no present tense Verbs often occur in imperfective and perfective pairs for example jesc and zjesc both mean to eat but the first has imperfective aspect the second perfective Imperfective verbs have three tenses present past and future the last being a compound tense except in the case of byc to be Perfective verbs have a past tense and a simple future tense the latter formed on the same pattern as the present tense of imperfective verbs Both types also have imperative and conditional forms The dictionary form of a verb is the infinitive which usually ends with c occasionally with c The present day past tense derives from the old Slavic perfect tense several other old tenses the aorist imperfect have been dropped The present tense of imperfective verbs and future tense of perfective verbs has six forms for the three persons and two numbers For example the present tense of jesc is jem jesz je jemy jecie jedza meaning I eat etc subject pronouns may be dropped while the future tense of the corresponding perfective verb zjesc is zjem zjesz etc meaning I shall eat etc The verb byc has the irregular present tense jestem jestes jest jestesmy jestescie sa It also has a simple future tense see below The past tense agrees with the subject in gender as well as person and number The basic past stem is in l to this are added endings for gender and number and then personal endings are further added for the first and second person forms Thus on the example of byc the past tense forms are bylem bylam I was masc fem byles bylas byl byla bylo bylismy bylysmy we were all gender mixes except a group of all fem byliscie bylyscie byli byly The conditional is formed from the past tense by and the personal ending if any For example bylbym bylabym I would be masc fem bylbys bylabys bylby bylaby byloby bylibysmy bylybysmy bylibyscie bylybyscie byliby bylyby The personal past tense suffixes which are reduced forms of the present tense of byc are clitics and can be detached from the verb to attach to another accented word earlier in the sentence such as a question word as in kogoscie zobaczyli as an alternative to kogo zobaczyliscie whom did you see or mostly in informal speech an emphatic particle ze co zescie zrobili what did you do The same applies to the conditional endings kiedy byscie przyszli as an alternative to kiedy przyszlibyscie when would you come If by introduces the clause either alone or forming one of the conjunctions zeby izby azeby aby coby it forms the subjunctive mood 2 and is not to be confused with the conditional clitic by 1 For example He wants me to sing might be chce aby m spiewal chce zeby m spiewal or chce by m spiewal Such clauses may express in order that or be used with verbs meaning want expect etc The future tense of byc be follows the pattern of a typical present tense bede bedziesz bedzie bedziemy bedziecie beda The future tense of other imperfective verbs is formed using the future of byc together with the infinitive or the past form inflected for gender and number but without any personal suffixes of the verb in question For example the future of robic do make has such forms as bede robic robil robila bedziecie robic robili robily The choice between infinitive and past form is usually a free one but with modals governing another infinitive the past form is used bedzie musial odejsc not bedzie musiec he will have to leave The second personal singular imperative is formed from the present tense by dropping the ending e g brac 2 3S present bierze sz imperative bierz sometimes adding ij or aj Add my and cie for the 1P and 2P forms To make third person imperative sentences including with the polite second person pronouns pan etc the particle niech is used at the start of the sentence or at least before the verb with the verb in the future tense if byc or perfective or present tense otherwise There is a tendency to prefer imperfective verbs in imperative sentences for politeness negative imperatives quite rarely use perfectives Other forms of the verb are present adverbial participle imperfective verbs only as spiewajac meaning when singing by singing etc present adjectival participle imperfective verbs only formed from the present adverbial participle by adding adjectival endings as spiewajacy etc meaning singing as an attributive adjective although such participles can be used to form extended adjectival phrases which usually unlike in English can precede the noun passive participle all transitive verbs in ny or ty conjugated as an adjective This often corresponds to the English past participle both in fully adjectival use and in passive voice subjectless past tense formed as the past participle but with the ending o e g spiewano there was sung past active participle perfective verbs only like zabiwszy having killed from zabic kill this form is invariant verbal noun also called gerund formed from the past participle with the ending ie e g spiewanie This is a neuter noun Prepositions editPolish uses prepositions which form phrases by preceding a noun or noun phrase Different prepositions take different cases all cases are possible except nominative and vocative some prepositions can take different cases depending on meaning The prepositions z and w are pronounced together with the following word obeying the usual rules for consonant cluster voicing so z toba with you is pronounced stoba Before some consonant clusters particularly clusters beginning with a sibilant in the case of z or with f w in the case of w the prepositions take the form ze and we e g we Wroclawiu in Wroclaw These forms are also used before the first person singular pronouns in mn several other prepositions also have longer forms before these pronouns przeze mnie pode mna etc and these phrases are pronounced as single words with the stress on the penultimate syllable the e Common prepositions include na with the locative with basic meaning on and with the accusative with basic meaning onto also metaphorical meanings w with the locative with basic meaning in and with the accusative with basic meaning into also metaphorical meanings z with the instrumental comitative meaning with in accompaniment of with the genitive meaning from out of do od with genitive meaning to into from dla with genitive meaning for o with locative meaning about also with the accusative in some constructions przed za nad pod with instrumental meaning before in front of behind over under also with the accusative in some meanings and genitive in the case of za there are also compound prepositions sprzed zza znad spod from in front of etc taking the genitive przez with the accusative meaning through etc przeciw ko with dative meaning against but naprzeciw ko opposite takes genitive po with locative meaning after also with the accusative in some meanings przy with locative meaning next to etc bez with genitive meaning without Conjunctions editCommon Polish conjunctions include i and less commonly oraz meaning and lub and albo meaning or ale meaning but lecz meaning but chiefly in phrases of the type not x but y ze or more formally sometimes iz meaning that jesli meaning if also gdyby where by is the conditional particle czy meaning whether also an interrogative particle kiedy or gdy meaning when wiec dlatego and zatem meaning so therefore poniewaz meaning because choc chociaz meaning although and aby zeby meaning in order to that can be followed by an infinitive phrase or by a sentence in the past tense in the latter case the by of the conjunction is in fact the conditional particle and takes personal endings as appropriate In written Polish subordinate clauses are normally set off with commas Commas are not normally used before conjunctions meaning and or or Syntax editWord order edit Basic word order in Polish is SVO however as it is a synthetic language it is possible to move words around in the sentence For example Alicja ma kota Alice has a cat is the standard order but it is also possible to use other orders to give a different emphasis for example Alicja kota ma with emphasis on ma has used as a response to an assertion of the opposite general word order controls theme and rheme information structure with theme coming first Certain words however behave as clitics they rarely or never begin a clause but are used after another stressed word and tend to appear early in the clause Examples of these are the weak pronouns mi go etc the reflexive pronoun sie and the personal past tense endings and conditional endings described under Verbs above Polish is a pro drop language subject pronouns are frequently dropped For example ma kota literally has a cat may mean he she it has a cat It is also possible to drop the object or even sometimes verb if they are obvious from context For example ma has or nie ma has not may be used as an affirmative or negative answer to a question does have Note the interrogative particle czy which is used to start a yes no question much like the French est ce que The particle is not obligatory and sometimes rising intonation is the only signal of the interrogative character of the sentence Negation is achieved by placing nie directly before the verb or other word or phrase being negated in some cases nie is prefixed to the negated word equivalent to English un or non If a sentence contains a negative element such as nigdy never nikt no one etc the verb is negated with nie as well and several such negative elements can be combined as in nikt nigdy nie robi nic no one ever does anything literally no one never doesn t do nothing The equivalent of the English there is etc is the appropriate part of the verb byc to be e g jest there is sa there are byl a o there was etc with a noun phrase in the nominative The negative form is always singular and neuter where applicable takes the noun phrase in the genitive and uses ma rather than jest in the present tense nie ma kota there isn t a cat also the cat isn t there nie bylo kota etc as usual the word order is not fixed Where two concepts are equated the particle to is often used instead of a part of byc with the nouns expressing the concepts in the nominative case although verb infinitives can also be used here istniec to cierpiec to exist is to suffer There are also sentences where to appears to be the subject of byc but the complement is in the nominative and the verb agrees with the complement to jest this it is to sa to byl a o etc Subjectless sentences edit There are various types of sentence in Polish that do not have subjects Sentences where the subject pronoun is dropped see above but is still understood Sentences formed from certain verbs that can appear in third person singular neuter form without a subject corresponding to an English impersonal it as in padalo it was raining snowing Sentences with verbs in second person singular or sometimes third person personal plural form but no subject corresponding to English you with general meaning as in robisz to you do this i e one does this Sentences with the reflexive particle sie but no subject the verb being third person singular as in tutaj pije sie wodke here one drinks vodka vodka is drunk note that the logical direct object is in the accusative not the nominative as in analogous constructions in other languages such as Russian Sentences with the subjectless past tense form of the verb see Verbs above Sentences with impersonal particles such as mozna it is possible wolno it is permitted Noun syntax edit The use of the cases of nouns is as follows The nominative the dictionary form of a noun is used for sentence subject and for certain complements as in sentences of the form X to Y X is Y to jest Y this is Y The accusative is used for the direct object of verbs that are not negated as the object of some prepositions and in some time expressions The genitive is used for possessor and similar equivalent to English of X or X s for the direct object of negated verbs as the object of some verbs and prepositions as an object with partitive meaning and in some fixed expressions and for nouns governed by certain numbers and expressions of quantity see Numbers and quantifiers above The locative is used only as the object of certain prepositions particularly w in and na on when they have static meaning The dative is used for indirect objects to denote the party for whom something is done or the party concerned in certain expressions such as wolno mu he is allowed lit it is allowed to him and as the object of some verbs and prepositions The instrumental is used for the means instrument by which something is done for example pociagiem instrumental of pociag train means by train It is also used for a noun complement of byc to be and for the complements and objects of some other verbs and some prepositions The vocative is used to indicate who or what is being addressed However with personal names in colloquial speech the nominative is usually used instead Like most Slavic languages with the exception of Bulgarian and Macedonian Polish classically uses no definite or indefinite articles though certain words or grammatical features may substitute this with a shift currently taking place in the language A noun such as kot may mean either the cat or a cat while saying ten kot lit that cat can function similarly to a definite article in other languages Recent academic research has shown a grammatical shift not unlike the one which took place in other Indo European languages Bulgarian and Macedonian included where the numeral jeden one or pronoun jakis of sorts different forms depending on the grammatical context have begun to take characteristics of an indefinite article an example here could be saying jeden kot one cat which by an increasing number of speakers can be interpreted in a way similar to saying a cat in English 3 Polish does not regularly place nouns together to form compound noun expressions Equivalents to such expressions are formed using noun derived adjectives as in sok pomaranczowy orange juice where pomaranczowy is an adjective derived from pomarancza orange or using prepositional phrases or equivalently a noun in the genitive or other case A group of nouns connected by a word for and is treated as plural It is masculine personal plural if it contains any male person in fact if it contains any person and any masculine noun Adjective syntax edit Adjectives generally precede the noun they modify although in some fixed expressions and official names and phrases they can follow the noun as in jezyk polski Polish language also dzien dobry good day hello Attributive adjectives agree in gender number and case with the noun they modify Predicate adjectives agree with the relevant noun in gender and number and are in the nominative case unless the subject is unspecified as in some infinitive phrases in which case the adjective takes the masculine neuter instrumental form for example byc madrym to be wise although the nominative is used if the logical subject is specified citation needed The instrumental is also used for adjectival complements of some other verbs as in czynic go madrym make him wise With pronouns such as cos something but not ktos someone if the pronoun is nominative or accusative the adjective takes the genitive form cos dobrego something good Adjectives are sometimes used as nouns for example zielony green may mean the a green one etc Compound adjectives can be formed by replacing the ending of the first adjective with o as in formalno prawny formal and legal nbsp Polish edition of Wikipedia the free encyclopedia nbsp Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Polish nbsp Wikiquote has quotations related to Polish grammar nbsp Polish edition of Wikisource the free libraryReferences edit a b Anastasia Smirnova Vedrana Mihalicek Lauren Ressue Formal Studies in Slavic Linguistics Cambridge Scholar Publishing Newcastle upon Type Wielka Brytania 2010 Barbara Tomaszewicz Subjunctive Mood in Polish and the Clause Typing Hypothesis Migdalski K The Syntax of Compound Tenses in Slavic Utrecht 2006 Hwaszcz Krzysztof Kedzierska Hanna 2018 The Rise of an Indefinite Article in Polish An Appraisal of Its Grammaticalisation Stage Part 1 Studies in Polish Linguistics 13 2 93 121 via ejournals eu Soerensen Asmus 1900 Polnische Grammatik mit grammatisch alphabetischem Verbalverzeichnis E Haberland Sadowska Iwona 2012 Polish A Comprehensive Grammar Oxford New York City Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 47541 9 Polish Pronunciation Audio and Grammar Charts Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Polish grammar amp oldid 1196164997, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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