
List of government gazettes

This is a list of government gazettes.

Country/region Name (native) Name (translation) Notes Website
 Albania Fletorja Zyrtare Official Journal qbz.gov.al
 Algeria الجريدة الرسمية للجزائر Official Gazette joradp.dz/HAR
 Andorra Butlletí Oficial del Principat d'Andorra Official Bulletin of the Principality of Andorra www.bopa.ad
 Angola Diário da República Journal of the Republic gazettes.africa/gazettes/ao/
 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Official Gazette www.legalaffairs.gov.ag
 Argentina Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina Official Bulletin of the Republic of Argentina www.boletinoficial.gob.ar
 Armenia Hayastani Hanrapetutyun (Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն) Republic of Armenia hhpress.am
 Australia Commonwealth of Australia Gazette www.legislation.gov.au/Content/HistoricGazettes
ACT Government Gazette www.jobs.act.gov.au/gazettes
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales www.legislation.nsw.gov.au#/gazettes
Northern Territory of Australia Government Gazette nt.gov.au/about-government/gazettes
Queensland Government Gazette publications.qld.gov.au/group/gazettes-2022
South Australian Government Gazette www.governmentgazette.sa.gov.au
Tasmanian Government Gazette www.gazette.tas.gov.au
Victoria Government Gazette www.gazette.vic.gov.au
Western Australian Government Gazette www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/gazettes.html
 Austria Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria ris.bka.gv.at
 Azerbaijan Azərbaycan Azerbaijan azerbaijan-news.az
 Bahamas Official Gazette Bahamas ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00076860/00333/allvolumes
 Bahrain الجريدة الرسمية Official Gazette mia.gov.bh/en/official-gazette/Pages/default.aspx
 Bangladesh Bānlādēśa gējēṭa (বাংলাদেশ গেজেট) The Bangladesh Gazette dpp.gov.bd/bgpress/index.php/document/gazettes/140
 Barbados Official Gazette www.barbadosparliament.com/gazette/
 Belgium Belgisch Staatsblad / Moniteur belge / Belgisches Staatsblatt Belgian Official Journal staatsblad.be
 Bolivia Gaceta Oficial Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Official Gazette gacetaoficialdebolivia.gob.bo/app/webroot/
 Benin Journal officiel de la République du Bénin Official Gazette of the Republic of Benin legibenin.net/droit-interne/derniers-jo-publies/
 Botswana Government Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/bw/
 Brazil Diário Oficial da União Official Journal of the Union portal.in.gov.br
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Službeni glasnik Bosne i Hercegovine Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina sluzbenilist.ba
 Brunei Brunei Durassalam Government Gazette agc.gov.bn/Lists/gazetteII/AllItems.aspx
 Bulgaria Darzhaven Vestnik

(Държавен вестник)

State Gazette dv.parliament.bg
 Cabo Verde Boletim Oficial Official Bulletin kiosk.incv.cv
 Canada The Canada Gazette / Gazette du Canada Bilingual English–French side-by-side format;

Electronic publication only since 2014;

3 parts

The Alberta Gazette https://www.alberta.ca/the-alberta-gazette.aspx
The British Columbia Gazette https://www.crownpub.bc.ca/home/gazette
The Manitoba Gazette / La Gazette du Manitoba https://gazette.gov.mb.ca
The Royal Gazette / Gazette royale New Brunswick provincial gazette https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/jag/attorney-general/content/royal_gazette.html
The Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette https://www.servicenl.gov.nl.ca/printer/Gazette/
The Northwest Territories Gazette / Gazette des Territoires du Nord-Ouest https://www.justice.gov.nt.ca/en/northwest-territories-gazette/
The Royal Gazette Nova Scotia provincial gazette https://novascotia.ca/just/regulations/rg1.htm https://novascotia.ca/just/regulations/rg2.htm
The Nunavut Gazette / Gazette du Nunavut https://www.nunavutlegislation.ca/en/nunavut-gazette
The Ontario Gazette / La Gazette de l’Ontario Successor to Upper Canada Gazette 1793 to 1840 https://www.ontario.ca/search/ontario-gazette
Royal Gazette Prince Edward Island provincial gazette https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/royalgazette
Gazette officielle du Québec[nb 1] Succeeded Quebec Gazette (1764 to 1823) and Quebec Official Gazette (1823 to 1840) http://www3.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/gazetteofficielle.en.html
The Saskatchewan Gazette https://publications.saskatchewan.ca/#/categories/1511
The Yukon Gazette / La Gazette du Yukon https://laws.yukon.ca/cms/gazettes-by-year.html
 Chad Journal officiel de la République du Tchad Official Journal of the Republic of Chad journalofficieltchad.td
 Chile Diario Oficial de la República de Chile Official Journal of the Republic of Chile diariooficial.interior.gob.cl
 China 中华人民共和国国务院公报 People's Republic of China State Council Gazette www.gov.cn/gongbao/currentissue.htm
中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报 People's Republic of China National People's Congress Standing Committee Gazette www.npc.gov.cn/wxzlhgb/index.shtml
 Colombia Diario Oficial Official Journal www.imprenta.gov.co/portal/page/portal/inicio
 Congo, Democratic Republic of the Journal officiel de la République Democratique de Congo Official Journal of the Democratic Republic of Congo leganet.cd/JO.htm
 Congo Journal officiel de la République du Congo Official Journal of the Republic of the Congo sgg.cg/fr/journal-officiel/le-journal-officiel.html
 Côte d'Ivoire Journal officiel de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Official Journal of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire abidjan.net/JO/
 Croatia Narodne novine People's Paper narodne-novine.nn.hr
 Cuba Gaceta Oficial Official Gazette www.gacetaoficial.gob.cu
 Czech Republic Sbírka zákonů Collection of Laws mvcr.cz/clanek/sbirka-zakonu.aspx
 Denmark Lovtidende Law Tidings Legislative lovtidende.dk
Statstidende State Tidings Executive statstidende.dk
Kunngerðablaðið Føroya Faeroer Proclamation Gazette www.kunngerdaportalur.fo
 Dominican Republic Gaceta Oficial Official Gazette www.consultoria.gov.do/consulta/
 Ecuador Registro Oficial Official Register registroficial.gob.ec
 Egypt الجريدة الرسمية لجمهورية مصر العربية Official Journal of the Arab Republic of Egypt alamiria.com
 Eritrea Gazette of Eritrean Laws loc.gov/collections/foreign-legal-gazettes/about-this-collection
 Estonia Riigi Teataja State Journal riigiteataja.ee
 Eswatini Eswatini Government Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/sz/
 Ethiopia Federal Negarit Gazeta Federal Negarit Gazette www.fsc.gov.et/Content/Negarit%20Gazeta/Negarit%20Gazeta/home22.htm
 European Union Official Journal of the European Union eur-lex.europa.eu
European Patent Office Official Journal of the European Patent Office epo.org
 Faroe Islands Kunngerðablaðið Announce Gazette logir.fo/LawsByNews.aspx
 Finland Virallinen lehti / Officiella tidningen Official Journal virallinenlehti.fi
 France Journal officiel de la République française Official Journal of the French Republic journal-officiel.gouv.fr
Journal officiel de la Polynesie française Official Journal of the French Polynesia lexpol.cloud.pf/LexpolListe.php
Journal officiel du Territoire de Wallis et Futuna Official Journal of the Territory of Wallis and Futuna wallis-et-futuna.gouv.fr/Publications/Publications-administratives/Journal-Officiel-de-Wallis-et-Futuna-JOWF
 Georgia sakartvelos sak’anonmdeblo matsne (საქართველოს საკანონმდებლო მაცნე) Legislative Herald of Georgia matsne.gov.ge
 Germany Bundesgesetzblatt Federal Law Gazette bgbl.de
Bundesanzeiger Federal Gazette bundesanzeiger.de
 Ghana Ghana Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/gh/
 Greece Efimeris tis Kyverniseos (Εφημερίς της Κυβερνήσεως) Government Gazette et.gr
 Guatemala Diario de Centro América Journal of Central America dca.gob.gt
 Guernsey La Gazette Officielle The Official Gazette www.gov.gg/officialnotices
Alderney Official Gazette alderney.gov.gg/article/171281/Gazettes
 Guyana The Official Gazette of Guyana officialgazette.gov.gy
  Holy See Acta Apostolicae Sedis Register of the Apostolic See www.vatican.va/archive/aas/index_en.htm
 Honduras La Gaceta The Gazette lagaceta.hn
 Hong Kong 香港特別行政區政府憲報 /

Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette

 Hungary Magyar Közlöny Official Gazette of Hungary magyarkozlony.hu
 Iceland Lögbirtingablað Legal Publication Paper Executive and Judicial logbirtingablad.is
Stjórnartíðindi Administrative Tidings Legislative and Executive stjornartidindi.is
 India भारत राजपत्र The Gazette of India egazette.nic.in
 Indonesia Lembaran Negara State Journal ditjenpp.kemenkumham.go.id
 Iran روزنامه رسمی جمهوری اسلامی ایران Official Gazette of Iran rrk.ir
 Iraq الوقائع العراقية Official Gazette of Iraq www.qdl.qa/en/archive/81055/vdc_100000000282.0x000101
 Ireland Iris Oifigiúil Official Journal[nb 2] irisoifigiuil.ie
 Isle of Man Isle of Man Legislation Newsletter legislation.gov.im/cms/gazettes/gazettes-by-type.html
 Israel Reshumot (רשומות) Official Gazette justice.gov.il
 Italy Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana Official Gazette of the Italian Republic www.gazzettaufficiale.it
 Japan Kanpō (官報) Official Paper kanpou.npb.go.jp
 Jersey Jersey Gazette gov.je/gazette
 Jordan الجريدة الرسمية للمملكة الاردنية الهاشمية Official Gazette of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan pm.gov.jo/newspaper
 Kenya The Kenya Gazette kenyalaw.org/kenya_gazette/
 Kiribati Kiribati Gazettes president.gov.ki/key-dates/
 Kosovo Gazeta Zyrtare e Republikës së Kosovës / Sluzbeni List Republike Kosovo Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo gzk.rks-gov.net
 Kuwait Al-Kuwait Al-Yawm (الكويت اليوم) Kuwait Today kuwaitalyawm.media.gov.kw
 Laos chod mai hed thang lad thakan aehng s pp lav (ຈົດ​ໝາຍ​ເຫດ​ທາງ​ລັດ​ຖະ​ການ ແຫ່ງ ສ​ປ​ປ ລາວ) Lao Official Gazette laoofficialgazette.gov.la/..
 Latvia Latvijas Vēstnesis The Latvian Messenger lv.lv
 Libya الجريدة الرسمية الليبية ُThe Libyan official Gazette ُThe Law Society of Libya lawsociety.ly/gazette
 Liechtenstein Landesgesetzblatt National Law Gazette gesetze.li
 Luxemburg Mémorial Memorial legilux.public.lu
 Macau 澳門特別行政區公報 /

Boletim Oficial da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau

Official Gazette of the Macao Special Administrative Region Bilingual Chinese–Portuguese side-by-side format;

Electronic publication only since 2022;

2 series


www.archives.gov.mo/pt/bo/list (issues prior to 1999)

 Malawi The Malawi Government Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/mw/
 Malaysia Warta Kerajaan Persekutuan The Federal Government Gazette www.federalgazette.agc.gov.my
Warta Kerajaan Sabah Sabah Government Gazette sabah.gov.my/gazette/
 Maldives ދިވެހިސަރުކާރުގެ ގެޒެޓް Gazette of the Government of Maldives gazette.gov.mv
 Mali Journal Officiel de la République du Mali Government Gazette of the Republic of Mali sgg-mali.ml/fr/recherche.html
 Malta Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta / Malta Government Gazette gov.mt/en/Government/DOI/Government%20Gazette/Pages/default.aspx
 Mauritania Journal officiel de la République Islamique de Mauritanie Official Journal of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania www.anac.mr/ANAC/1959;


 Mauritius The Government Gazette of Mauritius gazettes.africa/gazettes/mu/
 Mexico Diario Oficial de la Federación Official Journal of the Federation dof.gob.mx
 Moldova Monitorul Oficiul Official Monitor monitorul.md
 Monaco Journal de Monaco Journal of Monaco journaldemonaco.gouv.mc
 Morocco liljaridat alrasmia (للجريدة الرسمية) / Bulletin Officiel Official Bulletin http://www.sgg.gov.ma/BulletinOfficiel.aspx
 Mozambique Boletin da República Bulletin of the Republic www.portaldogoverno.gov.mz/por/Governo/Legislacao/Boletins-da-Republica
 Myanmar pyihtaunghcusammatamyanmarninengantaw pyan tam
Gazette of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar moi.gov.mm/ppe
 Namibia Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia www.parliament.na/..
 Nauru Republic of Nauru Government Gazette ronlaw.gov.nr/nauru_lpms/
   Nepal nepaal raajapatr (नेपाल राजपत्र) Nepal Gazette dop.gov.np
 Netherlands Staatsblad Laws officielebekendmakingen.nl
Staatscourant Regulations
Afkondingenblad van Aruba Proclamation Gazette of Aruba


Afkondingenblad van Sint Maarten Proclamation Gazette of Sint Maarten


 New Zealand New Zealand Gazette gazette.govt.nz
 Nicaragua La Gaceta [es] The Gazette www.lagaceta.gob.ni
 Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/ng/
 North Macedonia Služben vesnik na Republika Severna Makedonija
(Службен весник на Република Северна Македонија)
Official Herald of the Republic of North Macedonia slvesnik.com.mk/besplaten-pristap-do-izdanija.nspx
 Norway Norsk Lovtidend Norwegian Law Gazette lovdata.no/register/lovtidend
Norsk Lysingsblad norsk.lysingsblad.no
 Oman al-Jaridah al-rasmiyah (الجريدة الرسمية) The Official Gazette mola.gov.om/legislation/gazettes
 Pakistan The Gazette of Pakistan pakistan.gov.pk
 Palestine Al-Waqa’i Al-Palestiniani (لوقائع الفلسطينية) Official Gazette of the State of Palestine info.wafa.ps/..;


 Papua New Guinea Government Gazette paclii.org/pg/other/PGGovGaz/
 Peru Diario Oficial El Peruano The Peruvian Official Journal elperuano.pe
 Philippines Official Gazette nlpdl.nlp.gov.ph/OG01/dateym.htm
 Poland Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland dziennikustaw.gov.pl
Monitor Polski Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland monitorpolski.gov.pl
 Portugal Diário da República Journal of the Republic dre.pt
Jornal Oficial da Região Autónoma da Madeira Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Madeira joram.madeira.gov.pt/joram/
Jornal Oficial da Região Autónoma dos Açores Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Azores jo.azores.gov.pt
 Qatar Al Meezan Official Gazette almeezan.qa
 Romania Monitorul Oficial al României Official Monitor of Romania monitoruloficial.ro
 Russia Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Российская газета) Russian Gazette www.rg.ru
 Rwanda Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda /
Journal Officiel de la République du Rwanda /
Igazeti ya Leta ya Republika y'a Rwanda
[1=https://www.primature.gov.rw/index.php?id=42 www.primature.gov.rw/..]
 Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Government Gazette www.slugovprintery.com/index.php/gazettearchive
 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Government Gazette pmoffice.gov.vc/pmoffice/index.php/publications
 San Marino Bollettino Ufficiale Official Bulletin www.bollettinoufficiale.sm
 Saudi Arabia Um Al-Qura (أُم القُرى) Mother of the Villages www.uqn.gov.sa
 Senegal Journal officiel de la République du Sénégal Official Gazette of the Republic of Senegal www.jo.gouv.sn
 Serbia Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije
(Службени гласник Републике Србије)
Official Messenger www.slglasnik.com
Službeni list Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine
(Службени лист Аутономне Покрајине Војводине)
Official Gazette Autonomous Province of Vojvodina www.puma.vojvodina.gov.rs/sllist.php
 Seychelles Official Gazette Republic of Seychelles gazettes.africa/gazettes/sc/
 Sierra Leone The Sierra Leone Gazette gazettes.africa/gazettes/sl/
 Singapore Republic of Singapore Government Gazette www.egazette.com.sg
 Slovenia Uradni list Republike Slovenije Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia uradni-list.si
 Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Gazette www.paclii.org/sb/other/SBGovGaz/
 Somaliland Faafinta Rasmiga Ah / Somaliland Government Gazette http://garyaqaankaguud.com/somaliland-official-gazette/
 South Africa Government Gazette of South Africa / Staatskoerant gpwonline.co.za opengazettes.org.za greengazette.co.za
 South Korea Daehanmingug Gwanbo (대한민국 관보) Republic of Korea Official Gazette gwanbo.mois.go.kr
 Spain Boletín Oficial del Estado Official Bulletin of the State Electronic publication boe.es
Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía Official Bulletin of the Government of Andalusia juntadeandalucia.es/eboja
Boletín Oficial de Aragón Official Bulletin of Aragon boa.aragon.es
Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias Official Bulletin of the Principality of Asturias sede.asturias.es
Butlletí Oficial de les Illes Balears Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands caib.es/eboibfront/
Euskal Herriko Agintaritzaren Aldizkaria Official Bulletin of the Basque Country euskadi.eus/y22-bopv/eu/bopv2/datos/Azkena.shtml
Boletín Oficial de Canarias Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands gobiernodecanarias.org/boc
Boletín Oficial de Cantabria Official Bulletin of Cantabria boc.cantabria.es
Diario Oficial de Castilla–La Mancha Official Journal of Castilla–La Mancha docm.castillalamancha.es
Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León Official Bulletin of Castile and León bocyl.jcyl.es
Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya Official Journal of the Government of Catalonia dogc.gencat.cat
Diario Oficial de Extremadura Official Journal of Extremadura doe.gobex.es
Diario Oficial de Galicia Official Journal of Galicia xunta.gal/diario-oficial-galicia/
Boletín Oficial de la Rioja Official Bulletin of La Rioja web.larioja.org/bor-portada/
Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid bocm.es
Boletín Oficial de la Región de Murcia Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia borm.es
Nafarroako Aldizkari Ofiziala Official Bulletin of Navarre navarra.es/home_eu/Actualidad/BON/
Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana Official Journal of the Valencian Community dogv.gva.es/va/
Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta Official Bulletin of the Autonomous City of Ceuta ceuta.es/ceuta/documentos/secciones/bocces
Boletín Oficial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla Official Bulletin of the Autonomous City of Melilla ceuta.es/ceuta/documentos/secciones/bocces
 Sri Lanka Shrī Laṁkā Prajātāntrika Samājavādī Janarajayē Gæsaṭ Patraya
(ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ ගැසට් පත්‍රය) /
Ilaṅkai Jaṉanāyaka Cōcalica Kuṭiyaraciṉ Varttamāṉi
(இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிச குடியரசின் வர்த்தமானி)
The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka documents.gov.lk
 Sudan The Democratic Republic of The Sudan Gazette
 Sweden Post- och Inrikes Tidningar Post and Domestic Times poit.bolagsverket.se
 Switzerland Bundesblatt / Feuille fédérale / Foglio federale Federal Gazette https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/bundesrecht/bundesblatt.html
 Taiwan Xíngzhèng yuàn gōngbào (行政院公報) Executive Yuan Gazette gazette.nat.gov.tw
Lìfǎyuàn gōngbào (立法院公報) Legislative Yuan Gazette lci.ly.gov.tw
 Tanzania Gazeti la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania gazettes.africa/gazettes/tz/
 Thailand Rāchkiccānubeks̄ʹā (ราชกิจจานุเบกษา) Royal Thai Government Gazette mratchakitcha.soc.go.th
 Timor-Leste Jornal da República Journal of the Republic www.mj.gov.tl/jornal/
 Tonga Tonga Government Gazette ago.gov.to/cms/legislation/gazettes/gazettes-by-year.html
 Togo Journal officiel de la République Togolaise Official Journal of the Togolese Republic legitogo.gouv.tg/journaux-officiels
 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Gazette https://news.gov.tt/content/e-gazette#.XpMKJZl7lPa
 Tunisia al-Rāʼid al-rasmī lil-Jumhūrīyah al-Tūnisīyah (الرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية) Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia http://www.iort.gov.tn/
 Turkey T.C. Resmî Gazete Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr
 Uganda The Uganda Gazette
 Ukraine Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady (Відомості Верховної Ради) Official Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine 1946-1980 uk.wikisource.org/wiki/Індекс:Відомості_Верховної_Ради_1946.djvu
Uryadovy Kuryer (Урядовий кур'єр) Governmental Courier Executive http://www.ukurier.gov.ua/
Holos Ukrayiny (Голос України) Voice of Ukraine Legislative http://www.golos.com.ua
 United Arab Emirates Al-Ǧarīdaẗ al-rasmiyyaẗ (الجريدة الرسمية) / Official Gazette Abu Dhabi official gazette https://www.ecouncil.ae/en/Official-Gazette/Pages/default.aspx/
Al-Ǧarīdaẗ al-rasmiyyaẗ (الجريدة الرسمية) Official Gazette Dubai Official Gazette https://dlp.dubai.gov.ae/en/Pages/OfficialGazette.aspx
 United Kingdom The Belfast Gazette thegazette.co.uk
The Edinburgh Gazette
The London Gazette
 United States Federal Register archives.gov
California Regulatory Notice Register www.oal.ca.gov
Florida Administrative Register www.flrules.org
Illinois Register www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/index/register/
New Jersey Register www.njstatelib.org/research_library/legal_resources/nj_legal_resources/nj_register/
New York State Register www.dos.ny.gov/info/register.htm
Pennsylvania Bulletin www.pabulletin.com
 Uruguay Diario Oficial Official Journal http://www.impo.com.uy/diariooficial
 Vanuatu Journal Officiel / Official Gazette http://www.paclii.org/vu/other/VUGovGaz/
 Vietnam Công Báo Nước CHXHCN Việt Nam Official Gazette http://congbao.chinhphu.vn/
 Zambia Republic of Zambia Government Gazette http://zambialii.org/zm/gazette/ZMGaz/
 Zimbabwe Zimbabwean Government Gazette http://www.jsc.org.zw/gazette.php

See also


  1. ^ La Gazette officielle du Québec is the official English name of the Quebec Government's gazette. The English translation would be The Official Gazette of Quebec.
  2. ^ The name Iris Oifigiúil is the official name in English as well as Irish.[1] Notices within it may be in either language.[2]


  1. ^ "Constitution of Ireland". electronic Irish Statute Book (eISB). Article 25.4.2°. Retrieved 17 June 2020.
  2. ^ Ó Dónaill, Niall. "iris3". Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla. Retrieved 17 June 2020.

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See also Newspapers of record This article has multiple issues Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page Learn how and when to remove these template messages This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources List of government gazettes news newspapers books scholar JSTOR June 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message This article s use of external links may not follow Wikipedia s policies or guidelines Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references August 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message This list is incomplete you can help by adding missing items June 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message This is a list of government gazettes Country region Name native Name translation Notes Website Albania Fletorja Zyrtare Official Journal qbz wbr gov wbr al Algeria الجريدة الرسمية للجزائر Official Gazette joradp wbr dz wbr HAR Andorra Butlleti Oficial del Principat d Andorra Official Bulletin of the Principality of Andorra www wbr bopa wbr ad Angola Diario da Republica Journal of the Republic gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr ao wbr Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Official Gazette www wbr legalaffairs wbr gov wbr ag Argentina Boletin Oficial de la Republica Argentina Official Bulletin of the Republic of Argentina www wbr boletinoficial wbr gob wbr ar Armenia Hayastani Hanrapetutyun Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն Republic of Armenia hhpress wbr am Australia Commonwealth of Australia Gazette www wbr legislation wbr gov wbr au wbr Content wbr HistoricGazettesACT Government Gazette www wbr jobs wbr act wbr gov wbr au wbr gazettesGovernment Gazette of the State of New South Wales www wbr legislation wbr nsw wbr gov wbr au wbr wbr gazettesNorthern Territory of Australia Government Gazette nt wbr gov wbr au wbr about government wbr gazettesQueensland Government Gazette publications wbr qld wbr gov wbr au wbr group wbr gazettes 2022South Australian Government Gazette www wbr governmentgazette wbr sa wbr gov wbr auTasmanian Government Gazette www wbr gazette wbr tas wbr gov wbr auVictoria Government Gazette www wbr gazette wbr vic wbr gov wbr auWestern Australian Government Gazette www wbr legislation wbr wa wbr gov wbr au wbr legislation wbr statutes wbr nsf wbr gazettes wbr html Austria Bundesgesetzblatt fur die Republik Osterreich Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria ris wbr bka wbr gv wbr at Azerbaijan Azerbaycan Azerbaijan azerbaijan news wbr az Bahamas Official Gazette Bahamas ufdc wbr ufl wbr edu wbr UF00076860 wbr 00333 wbr allvolumes Bahrain الجريدة الرسمية Official Gazette mia wbr gov wbr bh wbr en wbr official gazette wbr Pages wbr default wbr aspx Bangladesh Banladesa gejeṭa ব ল দ শ গ জ ট The Bangladesh Gazette dpp wbr gov wbr bd wbr bgpress wbr index wbr php wbr document wbr gazettes wbr 140 Barbados Official Gazette www wbr barbadosparliament wbr com wbr gazette wbr Belgium Belgisch Staatsblad Moniteur belge Belgisches Staatsblatt Belgian Official Journal staatsblad wbr be Bolivia Gaceta Oficial Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia Official Gazette gacetaoficialdebolivia wbr gob wbr bo wbr app wbr webroot wbr Benin Journal officiel de la Republique du Benin Official Gazette of the Republic of Benin legibenin wbr net wbr droit interne wbr derniers jo publies wbr Botswana Government Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr bw wbr Brazil Diario Oficial da Uniao Official Journal of the Union portal wbr in wbr gov wbr br Bosnia and Herzegovina Sluzbeni glasnik Bosne i Hercegovine Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina sluzbenilist wbr ba Brunei Brunei Durassalam Government Gazette agc wbr gov wbr bn wbr Lists wbr gazetteII wbr AllItems wbr aspx Bulgaria Darzhaven Vestnik Drzhaven vestnik State Gazette dv wbr parliament wbr bg Cabo Verde Boletim Oficial Official Bulletin kiosk wbr incv wbr cv Canada The Canada Gazette Gazette du Canada Bilingual English French side by side format Electronic publication only since 2014 3 parts https gazette gc ca The Alberta Gazette https www alberta ca the alberta gazette aspxThe British Columbia Gazette https www crownpub bc ca home gazetteThe Manitoba Gazette La Gazette du Manitoba https gazette gov mb caThe Royal Gazette Gazette royale New Brunswick provincial gazette https www2 gnb ca content gnb en departments jag attorney general content royal gazette htmlThe Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette https www servicenl gov nl ca printer Gazette The Northwest Territories Gazette Gazette des Territoires du Nord Ouest https www justice gov nt ca en northwest territories gazette The Royal Gazette Nova Scotia provincial gazette https novascotia ca just regulations rg1 htm https novascotia ca just regulations rg2 htmThe Nunavut Gazette Gazette du Nunavut https www nunavutlegislation ca en nunavut gazetteThe Ontario Gazette La Gazette de l Ontario Successor to Upper Canada Gazette 1793 to 1840 https www ontario ca search ontario gazetteRoyal Gazette Prince Edward Island provincial gazette https www princeedwardisland ca en royalgazetteGazette officielle du Quebec nb 1 Succeeded Quebec Gazette 1764 to 1823 and Quebec Official Gazette 1823 to 1840 http www3 publicationsduquebec gouv qc ca gazetteofficielle en htmlThe Saskatchewan Gazette https publications saskatchewan ca categories 1511The Yukon Gazette La Gazette du Yukon https laws yukon ca cms gazettes by year html Chad Journal officiel de la Republique du Tchad Official Journal of the Republic of Chad journalofficieltchad wbr td Chile Diario Oficial de la Republica de Chile Official Journal of the Republic of Chile diariooficial wbr interior wbr gob wbr cl China 中华人民共和国国务院公报 People s Republic of China State Council Gazette www wbr gov wbr cn wbr gongbao wbr currentissue wbr htm english wbr www wbr gov wbr cn wbr archive wbr statecouncilgazette wbr 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会公报 People s Republic of China National People s Congress Standing Committee Gazette www wbr npc wbr gov wbr cn wbr wxzlhgb wbr index wbr shtml Colombia Diario Oficial Official Journal www wbr imprenta wbr gov wbr co wbr portal wbr page wbr portal wbr inicio Congo Democratic Republic of the Journal officiel de la Republique Democratique de Congo Official Journal of the Democratic Republic of Congo leganet wbr cd wbr JO wbr htm Congo Journal officiel de la Republique du Congo Official Journal of the Republic of the Congo sgg wbr cg wbr fr wbr journal officiel wbr le journal officiel wbr html Cote d Ivoire Journal officiel de la Republique de Cote d Ivoire Official Journal of the Republic of Cote d Ivoire abidjan wbr net wbr JO wbr Croatia Narodne novine People s Paper narodne novine wbr nn wbr hr Cuba Gaceta Oficial Official Gazette www wbr gacetaoficial wbr gob wbr cu Czech Republic Sbirka zakonu Collection of Laws mvcr wbr cz wbr clanek wbr sbirka zakonu wbr aspx Denmark Lovtidende Law Tidings Legislative lovtidende wbr dkStatstidende State Tidings Executive statstidende wbr dkKunngerdabladid Foroya Faeroer Proclamation Gazette www wbr kunngerdaportalur wbr fo Dominican Republic Gaceta Oficial Official Gazette www wbr consultoria wbr gov wbr do wbr consulta wbr Ecuador Registro Oficial Official Register registroficial wbr gob wbr ec Egypt الجريدة الرسمية لجمهورية مصر العربية Official Journal of the Arab Republic of Egypt alamiria wbr com Eritrea Gazette of Eritrean Laws loc wbr gov wbr collections wbr foreign legal gazettes wbr about this collection Estonia Riigi Teataja State Journal riigiteataja wbr ee Eswatini Eswatini Government Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr sz wbr Ethiopia Federal Negarit Gazeta Federal Negarit Gazette www wbr fsc wbr gov wbr et wbr Content wbr Negarit 20Gazeta wbr Negarit 20Gazeta wbr home22 wbr htm European Union Official Journal of the European Union eur lex wbr europa wbr euEuropean Patent Office Official Journal of the European Patent Office epo wbr org Faroe Islands Kunngerdabladid Announce Gazette logir wbr fo wbr LawsByNews wbr aspx Finland Virallinen lehti Officiella tidningen Official Journal virallinenlehti wbr fi France Journal officiel de la Republique francaise Official Journal of the French Republic journal officiel wbr gouv wbr frJournal officiel de la Polynesie francaise Official Journal of the French Polynesia lexpol wbr cloud wbr pf wbr LexpolListe wbr phpJournal officiel du Territoire de Wallis et Futuna Official Journal of the Territory of Wallis and Futuna wallis et futuna wbr gouv wbr fr wbr Publications wbr Publications administratives wbr Journal Officiel de Wallis et Futuna JOWF Georgia sakartvelos sak anonmdeblo matsne საქართველოს საკანონმდებლო მაცნე Legislative Herald of Georgia matsne wbr gov wbr ge Germany Bundesgesetzblatt Federal Law Gazette bgbl wbr deBundesanzeiger Federal Gazette bundesanzeiger wbr de Ghana Ghana Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr gh wbr Greece Efimeris tis Kyverniseos Efhmeris ths Kybernhsews Government Gazette et wbr gr Guatemala Diario de Centro America Journal of Central America dca wbr gob wbr gt Guernsey La Gazette Officielle The Official Gazette www wbr gov wbr gg wbr officialnoticesAlderney Official Gazette alderney wbr gov wbr gg wbr article wbr 171281 wbr Gazettes Guyana The Official Gazette of Guyana officialgazette wbr gov wbr gy Holy See Acta Apostolicae Sedis Register of the Apostolic See www wbr vatican wbr va wbr archive wbr aas wbr index wbr en wbr htm Honduras La Gaceta The Gazette lagaceta wbr hn Hong Kong 香港特別行政區政府憲報 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette www wbr gld wbr gov wbr hk wbr egazette wbr Hungary Magyar Kozlony Official Gazette of Hungary magyarkozlony wbr hu Iceland Logbirtingablad Legal Publication Paper Executive and Judicial logbirtingablad wbr isStjornartidindi Administrative Tidings Legislative and Executive stjornartidindi wbr is India भ रत र जपत र The Gazette of India egazette wbr nic wbr in Indonesia Lembaran Negara State Journal ditjenpp kemenkumham go id Iran روزنامه رسمی جمهوری اسلامی ایران Official Gazette of Iran rrk wbr ir Iraq الوقائع العراقية Official Gazette of Iraq www wbr qdl wbr qa wbr en wbr archive wbr 81055 wbr vdc wbr 100000000282 wbr 0x000101 Ireland Iris Oifigiuil Official Journal nb 2 irisoifigiuil wbr ie Isle of Man Isle of Man Legislation Newsletter legislation wbr gov wbr im wbr cms wbr gazettes wbr gazettes by type wbr html Israel Reshumot רשומות Official Gazette justice wbr gov wbr il Italy Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana Official Gazette of the Italian Republic www wbr gazzettaufficiale wbr it Japan Kanpō 官報 Official Paper kanpou wbr npb wbr go wbr jp Jersey Jersey Gazette gov wbr je wbr gazette Jordan الجريدة الرسمية للمملكة الاردنية الهاشمية Official Gazette of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan pm wbr gov wbr jo wbr newspaper Kenya The Kenya Gazette kenyalaw wbr org wbr kenya wbr gazette wbr Kiribati Kiribati Gazettes president wbr gov wbr ki wbr key dates wbr Kosovo Gazeta Zyrtare e Republikes se Kosoves Sluzbeni List Republike Kosovo Official Gazette of the Republic of Kosovo gzk wbr rks gov wbr net Kuwait Al Kuwait Al Yawm الكويت اليوم Kuwait Today kuwaitalyawm wbr media wbr gov wbr kw Laos chod mai hed thang lad thakan aehng s pp lav ຈ ດ ໝາຍ ເຫດ ທາງ ລ ດ ຖະ ການ ແຫ ງ ສ ປ ປ ລາວ Lao Official Gazette laoofficialgazette gov la Latvia Latvijas Vestnesis The Latvian Messenger lv wbr lv Libya الجريدة الرسمية الليبية The Libyan official Gazette The Law Society of Libya lawsociety wbr ly wbr gazette Liechtenstein Landesgesetzblatt National Law Gazette gesetze wbr li Luxemburg Memorial Memorial legilux wbr public wbr lu Macau 澳門特別行政區公報 Boletim Oficial da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau Official Gazette of the Macao Special Administrative Region Bilingual Chinese Portuguese side by side format Electronic publication only since 2022 2 series www wbr io wbr gov wbr mo www wbr archives wbr gov wbr mo wbr pt wbr bo wbr list issues prior to 1999 Malawi The Malawi Government Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr mw wbr Malaysia Warta Kerajaan Persekutuan The Federal Government Gazette www wbr federalgazette wbr agc wbr gov wbr myWarta Kerajaan Sabah Sabah Government Gazette sabah wbr gov wbr my wbr gazette wbr Maldives ދ ވ ހ ސ ރ ކ ރ ގ ގ ޒ ޓ Gazette of the Government of Maldives gazette wbr gov wbr mv Mali Journal Officiel de la Republique du Mali Government Gazette of the Republic of Mali sgg mali wbr ml wbr fr wbr recherche wbr html Malta Gazzetta tal Gvern ta Malta Malta Government Gazette gov wbr mt wbr en wbr Government wbr DOI wbr Government 20Gazette wbr Pages wbr default wbr aspx Mauritania Journal officiel de la Republique Islamique de Mauritanie Official Journal of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania www wbr anac wbr mr wbr ANAC wbr 1959 www wbr msgg wbr gov wbr mr wbr fr wbr journal officiel Mauritius The Government Gazette of Mauritius gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr mu wbr Mexico Diario Oficial de la Federacion Official Journal of the Federation dof wbr gob wbr mx Moldova Monitorul Oficiul Official Monitor monitorul wbr md Monaco Journal de Monaco Journal of Monaco journaldemonaco wbr gouv wbr mc Morocco liljaridat alrasmia للجريدة الرسمية Bulletin Officiel Official Bulletin http www sgg gov ma BulletinOfficiel aspx Mozambique Boletin da Republica Bulletin of the Republic www wbr portaldogoverno wbr gov wbr mz wbr por wbr Governo wbr Legislacao wbr Boletins da Republica Myanmar pyihtaunghcusammatamyanmarninengantaw pyan tam ပ ည ထ င စ သမ မတမ န မ န င င တ ပ န တမ Gazette of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar moi wbr gov wbr mm wbr ppe Namibia Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia www parliament na Nauru Republic of Nauru Government Gazette ronlaw wbr gov wbr nr wbr nauru wbr lpms wbr Nepal nepaal raajapatr न प ल र जपत र Nepal Gazette dop wbr gov wbr np Netherlands Staatsblad Laws officielebekendmakingen wbr nlStaatscourant RegulationsAfkondingenblad van Aruba Proclamation Gazette of Aruba overheid wbr aw wbr actueel wbr afkondigingsbladen wbr 46859 wbr Afkondingenblad van Sint Maarten Proclamation Gazette of Sint Maarten sintmaartengov wbr org wbr government wbr AZ wbr laws wbr Pages wbr Official Publications wbr aspx New Zealand New Zealand Gazette gazette wbr govt wbr nz Nicaragua La Gaceta es The Gazette www wbr lagaceta wbr gob wbr ni Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr ng wbr North Macedonia Sluzben vesnik na Republika Severna Makedonija Sluzhben vesnik na Republika Severna Makedoniјa Official Herald of the Republic of North Macedonia slvesnik wbr com wbr mk wbr besplaten pristap do izdanija wbr nspx Norway Norsk Lovtidend Norwegian Law Gazette lovdata wbr no wbr register wbr lovtidendNorsk Lysingsblad norsk wbr lysingsblad wbr no Oman al Jaridah al rasmiyah الجريدة الرسمية The Official Gazette mola wbr gov wbr om wbr legislation wbr gazettes Pakistan The Gazette of Pakistan pakistan wbr gov wbr pk Palestine Al Waqa i Al Palestiniani لوقائع الفلسطينية Official Gazette of the State of Palestine info wafa ps www wbr lab wbr pna wbr ps wbr newspaper Papua New Guinea Government Gazette paclii wbr org wbr pg wbr other wbr PGGovGaz wbr Peru Diario Oficial El Peruano The Peruvian Official Journal elperuano wbr pe Philippines Official Gazette nlpdl wbr nlp wbr gov wbr ph wbr OG01 wbr dateym wbr htm Poland Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland dziennikustaw wbr gov wbr plMonitor Polski Official Gazette of the Republic of Poland monitorpolski wbr gov wbr pl Portugal Diario da Republica Journal of the Republic dre wbr ptJornal Oficial da Regiao Autonoma da Madeira Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Madeira joram wbr madeira wbr gov wbr pt wbr joram wbr Jornal Oficial da Regiao Autonoma dos Acores Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Azores jo wbr azores wbr gov wbr pt Qatar Al Meezan Official Gazette almeezan wbr qa Romania Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei Official Monitor of Romania monitoruloficial wbr ro Russia Rossiyskaya Gazeta Rossijskaya gazeta Russian Gazette www wbr rg wbr ru Rwanda Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda Journal Officiel de la Republique du Rwanda Igazeti ya Leta ya Republika y a Rwanda 1 https www primature gov rw index php id 42 www primature gov rw Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Government Gazette www wbr slugovprintery wbr com wbr index wbr php wbr gazettearchive Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Government Gazette pmoffice wbr gov wbr vc wbr pmoffice wbr index wbr php wbr publications San Marino Bollettino Ufficiale Official Bulletin www wbr bollettinoufficiale wbr sm Saudi Arabia Um Al Qura أ م الق رى Mother of the Villages www wbr uqn wbr gov wbr sa Senegal Journal officiel de la Republique du Senegal Official Gazette of the Republic of Senegal www wbr jo wbr gouv wbr sn Serbia Sluzbeni glasnik Republike Srbije Sluzhbeni glasnik Republike Srbiјe Official Messenger www wbr slglasnik wbr comSluzbeni list Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine Sluzhbeni list Autonomne Pokraјine Voјvodine Official Gazette Autonomous Province of Vojvodina www wbr puma wbr vojvodina wbr gov wbr rs wbr sllist wbr php Seychelles Official Gazette Republic of Seychelles gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr sc wbr Sierra Leone The Sierra Leone Gazette gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr sl wbr Singapore Republic of Singapore Government Gazette www wbr egazette wbr com wbr sg Slovenia Uradni list Republike Slovenije Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia uradni list wbr si Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Gazette www wbr paclii wbr org wbr sb wbr other wbr SBGovGaz wbr Somaliland Faafinta Rasmiga Ah Somaliland Government Gazette http garyaqaankaguud com somaliland official gazette South Africa Government Gazette of South Africa Staatskoerant gpwonline co za opengazettes org za greengazette wbr co wbr za South Korea Daehanmingug Gwanbo 대한민국 관보 Republic of Korea Official Gazette gwanbo wbr mois wbr go wbr kr Spain Boletin Oficial del Estado Official Bulletin of the State Electronic publication boe wbr esBoletin Oficial de la Junta de Andalucia Official Bulletin of the Government of Andalusia juntadeandalucia wbr es wbr ebojaBoletin Oficial de Aragon Official Bulletin of Aragon boa wbr aragon wbr esBoletin Oficial del Principado de Asturias Official Bulletin of the Principality of Asturias sede wbr asturias wbr esButlleti Oficial de les Illes Balears Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands caib wbr es wbr eboibfront wbr Euskal Herriko Agintaritzaren Aldizkaria Official Bulletin of the Basque Country euskadi wbr eus wbr y22 bopv wbr eu wbr bopv2 wbr datos wbr Azkena wbr shtmlBoletin Oficial de Canarias Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands gobiernodecanarias wbr org wbr bocBoletin Oficial de Cantabria Official Bulletin of Cantabria boc wbr cantabria wbr esDiario Oficial de Castilla La Mancha Official Journal of Castilla La Mancha docm wbr castillalamancha wbr esBoletin Oficial de Castilla y Leon Official Bulletin of Castile and Leon bocyl wbr jcyl wbr esDiari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya Official Journal of the Government of Catalonia dogc wbr gencat wbr catDiario Oficial de Extremadura Official Journal of Extremadura doe wbr gobex wbr esDiario Oficial de Galicia Official Journal of Galicia xunta wbr gal wbr diario oficial galicia wbr Boletin Oficial de la Rioja Official Bulletin of La Rioja web wbr larioja wbr org wbr bor portada wbr Boletin Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid bocm wbr esBoletin Oficial de la Region de Murcia Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia borm wbr esNafarroako Aldizkari Ofiziala Official Bulletin of Navarre navarra wbr es wbr home wbr eu wbr Actualidad wbr BON wbr Diari Oficial de la Comunitat Valenciana Official Journal of the Valencian Community dogv wbr gva wbr es wbr va wbr Boletin Oficial de la Ciudad Autonoma de Ceuta Official Bulletin of the Autonomous City of Ceuta ceuta wbr es wbr ceuta wbr documentos wbr secciones wbr boccesBoletin Oficial de la Ciudad Autonoma de Melilla Official Bulletin of the Autonomous City of Melilla ceuta wbr es wbr ceuta wbr documentos wbr secciones wbr bocces Sri Lanka Shri Laṁka Prajatantrika Samajavadi Janarajaye Gaesaṭ Patraya ශ ර ල ක ප රජ ත න ත ර ක සම ජව ද ජනරජය ග සට පත රය Ilaṅkai Jaṉanayaka Cōcalica Kuṭiyaraciṉ Varttamaṉi இலங க ஜனந யக ச சல ச க ட யரச ன வர த தம ன The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka documents wbr gov wbr lk Sudan The Democratic Republic of The Sudan Gazette Sweden Post och Inrikes Tidningar Post and Domestic Times poit wbr bolagsverket wbr se Switzerland Bundesblatt Feuille federale Foglio federale Federal Gazette https www admin ch gov de start bundesrecht bundesblatt html Taiwan Xingzheng yuan gōngbao 行政院公報 Executive Yuan Gazette gazette wbr nat wbr gov wbr twLifǎyuan gōngbao 立法院公報 Legislative Yuan Gazette lci wbr ly wbr gov wbr tw Tanzania Gazeti la Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Gazette of the United Republic of Tanzania gazettes wbr africa wbr gazettes wbr tz wbr Thailand Rachkiccanubeks ʹa rachkiccanuebksa Royal Thai Government Gazette mratchakitcha wbr soc wbr go wbr th Timor Leste Jornal da Republica Journal of the Republic www wbr mj wbr gov wbr tl wbr jornal wbr Tonga Tonga Government Gazette ago wbr gov wbr to wbr cms wbr legislation wbr gazettes wbr gazettes by year wbr html Togo Journal officiel de la Republique Togolaise Official Journal of the Togolese Republic legitogo wbr gouv wbr tg wbr journaux officiels Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Gazette https news gov tt content e gazette XpMKJZl7lPa Tunisia al Raʼid al rasmi lil Jumhuriyah al Tunisiyah الرائد الرسمي للجمهورية التونسية Official Gazette of the Republic of Tunisia http www iort gov tn Turkey T C Resmi Gazete Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey http www resmigazete gov tr Uganda The Uganda Gazette Ukraine Vidomosti Verkhovnoyi Rady Vidomosti Verhovnoyi Radi Official Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine 1946 1980 uk wbr wikisource wbr org wbr wiki wbr Indeks Vidomosti wbr Verhovnoyi wbr Radi wbr 1946 wbr djvuUryadovy Kuryer Uryadovij kur yer Governmental Courier Executive http www ukurier gov ua Holos Ukrayiny Golos Ukrayini Voice of Ukraine Legislative http www golos com ua United Arab Emirates Al Ǧaridaẗ al rasmiyyaẗ الجريدة الرسمية Official Gazette Abu Dhabi official gazette https www ecouncil ae en Official Gazette Pages default aspx Al Ǧaridaẗ al rasmiyyaẗ الجريدة الرسمية Official Gazette Dubai Official Gazette https dlp dubai gov ae en Pages OfficialGazette aspx United Kingdom The Belfast Gazette thegazette wbr co wbr ukThe Edinburgh GazetteThe London Gazette United States Federal Register archives wbr govCalifornia Regulatory Notice Register www wbr oal wbr ca wbr govFlorida Administrative Register www wbr flrules wbr orgIllinois Register www wbr cyberdriveillinois wbr com wbr departments wbr index wbr register wbr New Jersey Register www wbr njstatelib wbr org wbr research wbr library wbr legal wbr resources wbr nj wbr legal wbr resources wbr nj wbr register wbr New York State Register www wbr dos wbr ny wbr gov wbr info wbr register wbr htmPennsylvania Bulletin www wbr pabulletin wbr com Uruguay Diario Oficial Official Journal http www impo com uy diariooficial Vanuatu Journal Officiel Official Gazette http www paclii org vu other VUGovGaz Vietnam Cong Bao Nước CHXHCN Việt Nam Official Gazette http congbao chinhphu vn Zambia Republic of Zambia Government Gazette http zambialii org zm gazette ZMGaz Zimbabwe Zimbabwean Government Gazette http www jsc org zw gazette phpSee also EditList of British colonial gazettesNotes Edit La Gazette officielle du Quebec is the official English name of the Quebec Government s gazette The English translation would be The Official Gazette of Quebec The name Iris Oifigiuil is the official name in English as well as Irish 1 Notices within it may be in either language 2 References Edit Constitution of Ireland electronic Irish Statute Book eISB Article 25 4 2 Retrieved 17 June 2020 o Donaill Niall iris3 Focloir Gaeilge Bearla Retrieved 17 June 2020 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title List of government gazettes amp oldid 1135502086, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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