
Chinese grammar

The grammar of Standard Chinese shares many features with other varieties of Chinese. The language almost entirely lacks inflection; words typically have only one grammatical form. Categories such as number (singular or plural) and verb tense are often not expressed by grammatical means, but there are several particles that serve to express verbal aspect and, to some extent, mood.

中文(zhōngwén) 语法(yǔfǎ)
meaning "Chinese grammar", written vertically in simplified (left) and traditional (right) forms

The basic word order is subject–verb–object (SVO), as in English. Otherwise, Chinese is chiefly a head-final language, meaning that modifiers precede the words that they modify. In a noun phrase, for example, the head noun comes last, and all modifiers, including relative clauses, come in front of it. This phenomenon, however, is more typically found in subject–object–verb languages, such as Turkish and Japanese.

Chinese frequently uses serial verb constructions, which involve two or more verbs or verb phrases in sequence. Chinese prepositions behave similarly to serialized verbs in some respects,[a] and they are often referred to as coverbs. There are also location markers, which are placed after nouns and are thus often called postpositions; they are often used in combination with coverbs. Predicate adjectives are normally used without a copular verb ("to be") and so can be regarded as a type of verb.

As in many other East Asian languages, classifiers (or measure words) are required when numerals (and sometimes other words, such as demonstratives) are used with nouns. There are many different classifiers in the language, and each countable noun generally has a particular classifier associated with it. Informally, however, it is often acceptable to use the general classifier (; ) in place of other specific classifiers.

Word formation edit

In Chinese, the difference between words and Chinese characters is often not clear[b], this is one of the reasons the Chinese script does not use spaces to separate words. A string of characters can be translated as a single English word, but these characters have some kind of independence. For example, tiàowǔ (跳舞; 'jump-dance'), meaning 'to dance', can be used as a single intransitive verb, or may be regarded as comprising two single lexical words. However, it does in fact function as a compound of the verb tiào (; 'to jump') and the object (; 'a dance').[1] Additionally, the present progressive aspect marker zhe () can be inserted between these two parts to form tiàozhewǔ (跳着舞; 'to be dancing').

Chinese morphemes (the smallest units of meaning) are mostly monosyllabic. In most cases, morphemes are represented by single characters. However, two or more monosyllabic morphemes can be translated as a single English word. These monosyllabic morphemes can be either free or bound – that is, in particular usage, they may or may not be able to stand independently. Most two-syllable compound nouns often have the head on the right (e.g. 蛋糕; dàngāo; 'egg-cake' means "cake"), while in compound verbs often have the head on the left (e.g. 辩论; biànlùn; 'debate-discuss' means "debate") .[2]

Some Chinese morphemes are polysyllabic, for example, the loanwords shāfā (沙发; 沙發; 'sofa') is the compound of shā (; 'sand') and (; ; 'to send', 'to issue'), but this compound is actually simply a transliteration of "sofa". Many native disyllabic morphemes, such as zhīzhū (蜘蛛; 'spider') have consonant alliteration, although others such as gālá (旮旯; 'corner') do not.

Many monosyllabic words have alternative disyllabic forms with virtually the same meaning, such as dàsuàn (大蒜; 'big-garlic') for suàn (; 'garlic'). Many disyllabic nouns are produced by adding the suffix zi (; 'child') to a monosyllabic word or morpheme. There is a strong tendency for monosyllables to be avoided in certain positions; for example, a disyllabic verb will not normally be followed by a monosyllabic object. This may be connected with the preferred metrical structure of the language.

Reduplication edit

Reduplication (repeated syllable or word) is a common feature in Chinese:

  • Family members: māma (妈妈; 媽媽, "mother"); dìdi (弟弟, "younger brother")
  • Adjectives or adverb: to emphasize the state described by the adjective/adverb,[3] or as childish expression.
hóng-hóng-de (红红的; 紅紅的 "red"), from hóng (; , "red");
ex. 手心看起来红红的; 手心看起來紅紅的(Shǒuxīn kàn qǐlái hóng-hóng-de, "palm looks red")
gāo-gāo-xìng-xìng-de (高高兴兴地; 高高興興地 "very happily"), from gāo-xìng (高兴; 高興, "happy, happiness");
ex. 高高兴兴地; 高高興興地 (Gāo-gāo-xìng-xìng-de chī, "eat happily")
bīng-bīng-liáng-liáng-de (冰冰凉凉的, "ice-cool" ), from bīng-liáng (冰凉, "ice-cool");
ex. 冰冰凉凉的饮料; 冰冰涼涼的飲料 (Bīng-bīng-liáng-liáng de yǐnliào, "ice-cold drink")
  • Other adjectives have ABB reduplication structure:
xiāng-pēn-pēn (香喷喷, literally" good smell spray out", means "smell very good"), from xiāng (, "to smell good, smell") and pēn (, "spray");
liàng-jīng-jīng (亮晶晶, "shining, bright and clear"), from liàng (, "bright") and jīng (, "shiny like a star");
xiě-xiě-zuòyè (寫寫作業; 写写作业 "write homework / write homework for a while"), from the verb xiě (; "write") and the noun zuò-yè (作業; 作业 "homework")
  • single morphemes:
xīngxīng (星星, "star"), from xīng (, "star");
chángcháng (常常, "often"), from cháng (, "constant");
gǒugǒu (狗狗, "puppy/doggy"), from gǒu (, "dog")
Nǐmen yī gè gè dōu zhǎng dé yī fù cōng-míng xiāng (你們一個個都長得一副聰明相, "You all look smart", from Crystal Boys), where ordinarily (; ) is the general classifier. Literally, the phrase 一個個; yī gè gè dōu means "every", and the character ; dōu means "all".
Yī-zuò-zuò qīng-shān (座座青山, "many green hills"), where ordinarily zuò () is a proper classifier for shān (, "hill").

Prefixes edit

  • () — "-able"
    • () (kào) — "reliable"
    • () (jìng) — "respectable"
  • (fǎn) — "anti-"
    • (fǎn) (kǒng) [反恐] — "anti-terror"
    • (fǎn) 教权的(jiàoquánde) [反教權的] — "anti-clerical"
    • (fǎn) 法西斯(fàxīsī) [反法西斯] — "anti-fascist"

Suffixes edit

  • (huà) — used to form verbs from nouns or adjectives
    • 国际(guójì) (huà) [國際化] — "internationalize", form 国际(guójì) ("internationality")
    • (è) (huà) [惡化] — "worsen", form (è) ("bad")
  • (xìng) — "attribute"
    • 安全(ānquán) (xìng) — "safety"
    • 有效(yǒuxiào) (xìng) — "effectiveness"

Intrafixes edit

  • (de) — "can" and (bu) — "cannot"
    • 听得懂(tīngdedǒng) — "can understand"
    • 听不懂(tīngbudǒng) — "cannot understand"

Sentence structure edit

Chinese, like Spanish or English, is classified as an SVO (subject–verb–object) language. Transitive verbs precede their objects in typical simple clauses, while the subject precedes the verb. For example:[4]






他 打 人。

tā dǎ rén

He hit person

He hits someone.

Chinese can also be considered a topic-prominent language:[5] there is a strong preference for sentences that begin with the topic, usually "given" or "old" information; and end with the comment, or "new" information. Certain modifications of the basic subject–verb–object order are permissible and may serve to achieve topic-prominence. In particular, a direct or indirect object may be moved to the start of the clause to create topicalization. It is also possible for an object to be moved to a position in front of the verb for emphasis.[6]

Another type of sentence is what has been called an ergative structure,[7] where the apparent subject of the verb can move to object position; the empty subject position is then often occupied by an expression of location. Compare locative inversion in English. This structure is typical of the verb yǒu (, "there is/are"; in other contexts the same verb means "have"), but it can also be used with many other verbs, generally denoting position, appearance or disappearance. An example:











[院子裡停著車。/ 院子裏停着車。]



院子 里 停着 车。

yuànzi lǐ tíngzhe chē

Courtyard in park vehicle

In the courtyard is parked a vehicle.

Chinese is also to some degree a pro-drop or null-subject language, meaning that the subject can be omitted from a clause if it can be inferred from the context.[8] In the following example, the subject of the verbs for "hike" and "camp" is left to be inferred—it may be "we", "I", "you", "she", etc.

















今天 爬 山 明天 露 营。

jīntiān pá shān míngtiān lù yíng

Today climb mountain, tomorrow outdoors camp

Today hike up mountains, tomorrow camp outdoors.

In the next example the subject is omitted and the object is topicalized by being moved into subject position, to form a passive-type sentence. For passive sentences with a marker such as ; bèi, see the passive section.













饭 做 好 了。

fàn zuò hǎo le

Food make complete PFV

The food has been made or the food is ready.

Adverbs and adverbial phrases that modify the verb typically come after the subject but before the verb, although other positions are sometimes possible; see Adverbs and adverbials. For constructions that involve more than one verb or verb phrase in sequence, see Serial verb constructions. For sentences consisting of more than one clause, see Conjunctions.

Objects edit

Some verbs can take both an indirect object and a direct object. Indirect normally precedes direct, as in English:

















我 给 了 她 六 本 书。

wǒ gěi le tā liù běn shū

I give PFV her six book-CL books

I gave her six books.

With many verbs, however, the indirect object may alternatively be preceded by prepositional gěi (; ); in that case it may either precede or follow the direct object. (Compare the similar use of to or for in English.)

To emphasize the direct object, it can be combined with the accusative marker (, literally "hold") to form a " + direct object" phrase.[9] This phrase is placed before the verb. For example:












我 打 破 了 盘子。

wǒ dǎ pò le pánzi

I hit broken PFV plate

I broke a plate.














盘子 打 破 了。

pánzi dǎ pò le

I ba plate hit broken PFV

I make the plate broken

Other markers can be used in a similar way as , such as the formal jiāng (; , literally "lead") :



















办理 情形 签 报 长官。

Jiāng bàn-lǐ qíng-xíng qiān bào zhǎng-guān

Jiāng handle status sign report superior

Submit the implementation status report to the superior, and ask for approval.

and colloquial (, literally "get")











他 能 我 怎样?

Tā néng wǒ zěn-yàng

he can me what

What can he do to me? (He can't do anything to me.)

To explain this kind of usage, some linguists assumed some verbs can take two direct objects called "inner" and "outer" object separably.[10]Typically, the outer object will be placed at the start of the sentence (which is the topic) or introduced via the phrase. For example:














橘子 剥 了 皮。

júzi bō le pí

I ba tangerine peel PFV skin

I make the tangerine peeled.[c]

Noun phrases edit

The head noun of a noun phrase comes at the end of the phrase; this means that everything that modifies the noun comes before it. This includes attributive adjectives, determiners, quantifiers, possessives, and relative clauses.

Chinese does not have articles as such; a noun may stand alone to represent what in English would be expressed as "the ..." or "a[n] ...". However the word (, "one"), followed by the appropriate classifier, may be used in some cases where English would have "a" or "an". It is also possible, with many classifiers, to omit the and leave the classifier on its own at the start of the noun phrase.

The demonstratives are zhè (; , "this"), and (, "that"). When used before a noun, these are often followed by an appropriate classifier (for discussion of classifiers, see Classifiers below and the article Chinese classifiers). However this use of classifiers is optional.[11] When a noun is preceded by a numeral (or a demonstrative followed by a numeral), the use of a classifier or measure word is in most cases considered mandatory. (This does not apply to nouns that function as measure words themselves; this includes many units of measurement and currency.)

The plural marker xiē (, "some, several"; also used to pluralize demonstratives) is used without a classifier. However (; , "some, several, how many") takes a classifier.[12]

For adjectives in noun phrases, see the Adjectives section. For noun phrases with pronouns rather than nouns as the head, see the Pronouns section.

Possessives are formed by adding de ()—the same particle that is used after relative clauses and sometimes after adjectives—after the noun, noun phrase or pronoun that denotes the possessor.

Relative clauses edit

Chinese relative clauses, like other noun modifiers, precede the noun they modify. Like possessives and some adjectives, they are marked with the final particle de (). A free relative clause is produced if the modified noun following the de is omitted. A relative clause usually comes after any determiner phrase, such as a numeral and classifier. For emphasis, it may come before the determiner phrase.[13]

There is usually no relative pronoun in the relative clause. Instead, a gap is left in subject or object position as appropriate. If there are two gaps—the additional gap being created by pro-dropping—ambiguity may arise. For example, chī de (吃的) may mean "[those] who eat" or "[that] which is eaten". When used alone, it usually means "things to eat".

If the relative item is governed by a preposition in the relative clause, then it is denoted by a pronoun, e.g. tì tā (替他, "for him"), to explain "for whom". Otherwise the whole prepositional phrase is omitted, the preposition then being implicitly understood.

For example sentences, see Relative clause → Mandarin.

Classifiers edit

Some English words are paired with specific nouns to indicate their counting units. For example, Bottle in "two bottles of wine" and sheet in "three sheets of paper". However, most English nouns can be counted directly without specifying units, while counting of most Chinese nouns must be associated with a specific classifiers, namely liàng-cí (量词; 量詞, "measure words"), to represent their counting units.[14] Every Chinese noun can only be associated with a limited number of classifiers. For example









píng jiǔ

one bottle wine

a bottle of wine










liǎng bēi jiǔ

two cup wine

two glasses of wine

píng (, "bottle") and bēi (, "cup") are both proper classifiers of the countable noun jiǔ (), while liǎng zuò jiǔ () and liǎng-jiǔ (两酒) are unacceptable.

While there are dozens of classifiers, the general classifier (; ) is colloquially (i.e. in informal conversations) acceptable for most nouns. However, there are still some exceptions. For example, liǎng jiǔ () is weird and unacceptable.

Most classifiers originated as independent words in Classical Chinese, so they are generally associated with certain groups of nouns with common properties related to their own classical meaning, for example:[15]


(Original meaning)

Common Properties Examples
tiáo (; , "twig") long or thin

(twigs are long and thin)

yī-tiáo-shéngzi (绳子; 繩子, "a rope")

liǎng-tiáo-shé (; , "two snakes")

(, "hold") with a handle

(a handle to hold)

yī--dāo (, "a knife")

liǎng--sǎn (; , "two umbrellas")

zhāng (; , "draw a bow") flat or sheet-like

("extended" like a bow)

zhāng zhào-piàn (照片; 照片, "a photograph")

liǎng zhāng máo-pí (毛皮; 毛皮, "two furs")

Therefore, collocation of classifiers and noun sometimes depends on how native speakers realize them. For example, the noun zhuōzi (桌子, "table") is associated with the classifier zhāng (; ), due to the sheet-like table-top. Additionally, yǐ-zi (椅子, "chair") is associated with (, "hold"), because a chair can be moved by holding its top like a handle. Further more, due to the invention of folding chair, yǐ-zi (椅子, "chair") is also associated with the classifier zhāng (; ) to express a folding chair can be "extended" (unfolded).

Classifiers are also used optionally after demonstratives, and in certain other situations. See the Noun phrases section, and the article Chinese classifier.

Numerals edit

Pronouns edit

The Chinese personal pronouns are (, "I, me"), (; 你/妳,[d] "you"), and (他/她/牠/它, "he, him / she, her / it (animals) / it (inanimate objects)". Plurals are formed by adding men (; ): wǒmen (我们; 我們, "we, us"), nǐmen (你们; 你們, "you"), tāmen (他们/她们/它们/它们; 他們/她們/牠們/它們, "they/them"). There is also nín (), a formal, polite word for singular "you", as well as a less common plural form, nínmen (您们). Some northern dialects have a third-person formal, polite word (+, he/him + heart) similar to (+, you + heart).[16] The alternative "inclusive" word for "we/us"—zán () or zá[n]men (咱们; 咱們), specifically including the listener[17] (like the difference between English let us and let's)—is used colloquially. The third-person pronouns are not often used for inanimates, with demonstratives used instead.

Possessives are formed with de (), such as wǒde (我的, "my, mine"), wǒmende (我们的; 我們的, "our[s]"), etc. The de may be omitted in phrases denoting inalienable possession, such as wǒ māma (我妈妈; 我媽媽, "my mom").

The demonstrative pronouns are zhè (; , "this", colloquially pronounced zhèi as a shorthand for 这一; 這一[18]) and (, "that", colloquially pronounced nèi as a shorthand for 那一[19]). They are optionally pluralized by the addition of plural quantifiers xiē () or qún (). There is a reflexive pronoun zìjǐ (自己) meaning "oneself, myself, etc.", which can stand alone as an object or a possessive, or may follow a personal pronoun for emphasis. The reciprocal pronoun "each other" can be translated from bǐcǐ (彼此), usually in adverb position. An alternative is hùxiāng (互相, "mutually").

Adjectives edit

Adjectives can be used attributively, before a noun. The relative marker de ()[e] may be added after the adjective, but this is not always required; "black horse" may be either hēi mǎ (黑马; 黑馬) or hēi de mǎ (黑的马; 黑的馬). When multiple adjectives are used, the order "quality/size – shape – color" is followed, although this is not necessary when each adjective is made into a separate phrase with the addition of de.[20]

Gradable adjectives can be modified by words meaning "very", etc.; such modifying adverbs normally precede the adjective, although some, such as jíle (极了; 極了, "extremely"), come after it.

When adjectives co-occur with classifiers, they normally follow the classifier. However, with most common classifiers, when the number is "one", it is also possible to place adjectives like "big" and "small" before the classifier for emphasis.














一 大 个 西瓜

一 大 個 西瓜

yí dà ge xīguā

one big CL watermelon

Adjectives can also be used predicatively. In this case they behave more like verbs; there is no need for a copular verb in sentences like "he is happy" in Chinese; one may say simply tā gāoxìng (他高兴; 他高興, "he happy"), where the adjective may be interpreted as a verb meaning "is happy". In such sentences it is common for the adjective to be modified by a word meaning "very" or the like; in fact the word hěn (, "very") is often used in such cases with gradable adjectives, even without carrying the meaning of "very".

It is nonetheless possible for a copula to be used in such sentences, to emphasize the adjective. In the phrase tā shì gāoxìng le, (他是高兴了; 他是高興了, "he is now truly happy"), shì is the copula meaning "is", and le is the inceptive marker discussed later.[21] This is similar to the cleft sentence construction. Sentences can also be formed in which an adjective followed by de () stands as the complement of the copula.

Adverbs and adverbials edit

Adverbs and adverbial phrases normally come in a position before the verb, but after the subject of the verb. In sentences with auxiliary verbs, the adverb usually precedes the auxiliary verb as well as the main verb. Some adverbs of time and attitude ("every day", "perhaps", etc.) may be moved to the start of the clause, to modify the clause as a whole. However, some adverbs cannot be moved in this way. These include three words for "often", cháng (), chángcháng (常常) and jīngcháng (经常; 經常); dōu (, "all"); jiù (, "then"); and yòu (, "again").[22]

Adverbs of manner can be formed from adjectives using the clitic de ().[f] It is generally possible to move these adverbs to the start of the clause, although in some cases this may sound awkward, unless there is a qualifier such as hěn (, "very") and a pause after the adverb.

Some verbs take a prepositional phrase following the verb and its direct object. These are generally obligatory constituents, such that the sentence would not make sense if they were omitted. For example:

















放 本 书 桌子

fàng běn shū zài zhuōzi shàng

put book-CL book in table on

Put a book on the table[23]

There are also certain adverbial "stative complements" which follow the verb. The character de ()[g] followed by an adjective functions the same as the phrase "-ly" in English, turning the adjective into an adverb. The second is hǎo le (好了, "complete"). It is not generally possible for a single verb to be followed by both an object and an adverbial complement of this type, although there are exceptions in cases where the complement expresses duration, frequency or goal.[24] To express both, the verb may be repeated in a special kind of serial verb construction; the first instance taking an object, the second taking the complement. Aspect markers can then appear only on the second instance of the verb.

The typical Chinese word order "XVO", where an oblique complement such as a locative prepositional phrase precedes the verb, while a direct object comes after the verb, is very rare cross-linguistically; in fact, it is only in varieties of Chinese that this is attested as the typical ordering.[25]

Locative phrases edit

"嚴禁站在", a grammatically incorrect Chinese sentence caused by machine translation of the phrase "forbidden to stand on". An object should followed after the preposition of location zài ().

Expressions of location in Chinese may include a preposition, placed before the noun; a postposition, placed after the noun; both preposition and postposition; or neither. Chinese prepositions are commonly known as coverbs – see the Coverbs section. The postpositions—which include shàng (, "up, on"), xià (, "down, under"), (; , "in, within"), nèi (, "inside") and wài (, "outside")—may also be called locative particles.[26]

In the following examples locative phrases are formed from a noun plus a locative particle:







zhuōzi shàng

table on

on the table










house in

in the house

The most common preposition of location is zài (, "at, on, in"). With certain nouns that inherently denote a specific location, including nearly all place names, a locative phrase can be formed with zài together with the noun:










zài měiguó

in America

in America

However other types of nouns still require a locative particle as a postposition in addition to zài:












zài bàozhǐ shàng

in newspaper on

in the newspaper

If a noun is modified so as to denote a specific location, as in "this [object]...", then it may form locative phrases without any locative particle. Some nouns which can be understood to refer to a specific place, like jiā (, home) and xuéxiào (学校; 學校, "school"), may optionally omit the locative particle. Words like shàngmiàn (上面, "top") can function as specific-location nouns, like in zài shàngmiàn (在上面, "on top"), but can also take the role of locative particle, not necessarily with analogous meaning. The phrase zài bàozhǐ shàngmiàn (在报纸上面; 在報紙上面; 'in newspaper-top'), can mean either "in the newspaper" or "on the newspaper".[27]

In certain circumstances zài can be omitted from the locative expression. Grammatically, a noun or noun phrase followed by a locative particle is still a noun phrase. For instance, zhuōzi shàng can be regarded as short for zhuōzi shàngmiàn, meaning something like "the table's top". Consequently, the locative expression without zài can be used in places where a noun phrase would be expected – for instance, as a modifier of another noun using de (), or as the object of a different preposition, such as cóng (; , "from"). The version with zài, on the other hand, plays an adverbial role. However, zài is usually omitted when the locative expression begins a sentence with the ergative structure, where the expression, though having an adverbial function, can be seen as filling the subject or noun role in the sentence. For examples, see sentence structure section.

The word zài (), like certain other prepositions or coverbs, can also be used as a verb. A locative expression can therefore appear as a predicate without the need for any additional copula. For example, "he is at school" (他在学校; 他在學校; tā zài xuéxiào, literally "he at school").

Comparatives and superlatives edit

Comparative sentences are commonly expressed simply by inserting the standard of comparison, preceded by (, "than"). The adjective itself is not modified. The (, "than") phrase is an adverbial, and has a fixed position before the verb. See also the section on negation.

If there is no standard of comparison—i.e., a than phrase—then the adjective can be marked as comparative by a preceding adverb bǐjiào (比较; 比較), jiào (; ) or gèng (), all meaning "more". Similarly, superlatives can be expressed using the adverb zuì (, "most"), which precedes a predicate verb or adjective.

Adverbial phrases meaning "like [someone/something]" or "as [someone/something]" can be formed using gēn (), tóng () or xiàng () before the noun phrase, and yīyàng (一样; 一樣) or nàyàng (那样; 那樣) after it.[28]

The construction yuè ... yuè ... 越...越... can be translated into statements of the type "the more ..., the more ...".

Copula edit

The Chinese copular verb is shì (). This is the equivalent of English "to be" and all its forms—"am", "is", "are", "was", "were", etc. However, shì is normally only used when its complement is a noun or noun phrase. As noted above, predicate adjectives function as verbs themselves, as does the locative preposition zài (), so in sentences where the predicate is an adjectival or locative phrase, shì is not required.

For another use of shì, see shì ... [de] construction in the section on cleft sentences. The English existential phrase "there is" ["there are", etc.] is translated using the verb yǒu (), which is otherwise used to denote possession.

Aspects edit

Chinese does not have grammatical markers of tense. The time at which action is conceived as taking place—past, present, future—can be indicated by expressions of time—"yesterday", "now", etc.—or may simply be inferred from the context. However, Chinese does have markers of aspect, which is a feature of grammar that gives information about the temporal flow of events. There are two aspect markers that are especially commonly used with past events: the perfective-aspect le () and the experiential guo (; ). Some authors, however, do not regard guo (or zhe; see below) as markers of aspect.[29] Both le and guo immediately follow the verb. There is also a sentence-final particle le, which serves a somewhat different purpose.

The perfective le presents the viewpoint of "an event in its entirety".[30] It is sometimes considered to be a past tense marker, although it can also be used with future events, given appropriate context. Some examples of its use:



serve as









我 当 兵。

wǒ dāng le bīng

I {serve as} le soldier.

I became a soldier.

Using le () shows this event that has taken place or took place at a particular time.
















他 看 三 场 球赛。

tā kàn le sān chǎng qiúsài

He watch le three sports-CL ballgames.

He watched three ballgames.

This format of le () is usually used in a time-delimited context such as "today" or "last week".

The above may be compared with the following examples with guo, and with the examples with sentence-final le given under Particles.

The experiential guo "ascribes to a subject the property of having experienced the event".[31]












我 当 兵。

wǒ dāng guo bīng

I serve-as guo soldier.

I have been a soldier before.

This also implies that the speaker no longer is a soldier.
















他 看 三 场 球赛。

tā kàn guo sān chǎng qiúsài

He watch guo three sports-CL ballgames.

He has watched three ballgames up to now.

There are also two imperfective aspect markers: zhèngzài (正在) or zài (), and zhe (; ), which denote ongoing actions or states. Zhèngzài and zài precede the verb, and are usually used for ongoing actions or dynamic events – they may be translated as "[be] in the process of [-ing]" or "[be] in the middle of [-ing]". Zhe follows the verb, and is used mostly for static situations.


[正] 在

zhèng zài










我 {[正] 在} 挂 画。

wǒ {zhèng zài} guà huà

I in-middle-of hang pictures

I'm hanging pictures up.

















墙 上 挂 一 幅 画。

qiáng shàng guà zhe yì fú huà

Wall on hang ongoing one picture-CL picture

A picture is hanging on the wall.

Both markers may occur in the same clause, however. For example, tā zhèngzai dǎ [zhe] diànhuà, "he is in the middle of telephoning someone" (他正在打[着]电话; 他正在打[著]電話; 'he &#91', 'in-middle-of&#93', '&#91', 'verb form&#93', '&#91', 'ongoing&#93', 'telephone').[32]

The delimitative aspect denotes an action that goes on only for some time, "doing something 'a little bit'".[33] This can be expressed by reduplication of a monosyllabic verb, like the verb zǒu ( "walk") in the following sentence:














我 到 公园

wǒ dào gōngyuán zǒu zǒu

I to park walk walk

I'm going for a walk in the park.

An alternative construction is reduplication with insertion of "one" ( ). For example, zǒu yi zǒu (走一走), which might be translated as "walk a little walk". A further possibility is reduplication followed by kàn ( "to see"); this emphasizes the "testing" nature of the action. If the verb has an object, kàn follows the object.

Some compound verbs, such as restrictive-resultative and coordinate compounds, can also be reduplicated on the pattern tǎolùn-tǎolùn (讨论讨论; 討論討論), from the verb tǎolùn (讨论; 討論), meaning "discuss". Other compounds may be reduplicated, but for general emphasis rather than delimitative aspect. In compounds that are verb–object combinations, like tiào wǔ (跳舞; 'to jump a dance', "dance"), a delimitative aspect can be marked by reduplicating the first syllable, creating tiào-tiào wǔ (跳跳舞), which may be followed with kàn ().

Passive edit

As mentioned above, the fact that a verb is intended to be understood in the passive voice is not always marked in Chinese. However, it may be marked using the passive marker 被 bèi, followed by the agent, though bèi may appear alone, if the agent is not to be specified.[h] Certain causative markers can replace bèi, such as those mentioned in the Other cases section, gěi, jiào and ràng. Of these causative markers, only gěi can appear alone without a specified agent. The construction with a passive marker is normally used only when there is a sense of misfortune or adversity.[34] The passive marker and agent occupy the typical adverbial position before the verb. See the Negation section for more. Some examples:














我们 他 骂 了。

wǒmen bèi tā mà le

We by him scolded PFV

We were scolded by him.















我 打 了 一 顿。

bèi wǒ dǎ le yí dùn

He by me beaten PFV one event-CL

He was beaten up by me once.

Negation edit

The most commonly used negating element is (), pronounced with second tone when followed by a fourth tone. This can be placed before a verb, preposition or adverb to negate it. For example: "I don't eat chicken" (我不吃鸡; 我不吃雞; wǒ bù chī jī; 'I not eat chicken'). For the double-verb negative construction with , see Complement of result, below. However, the verb yǒu ()—which can mean either possession, or "there is/are" in existential clauses—is negated using méi (; ) to produce méiyǒu (没有; 沒有; 'not have').

For negation of a verb intended to denote a completed event, méi or méiyǒu is used instead of (), and the aspect marker le () is then omitted. Also, méi[yǒu] is used to negate verbs that take the aspect marker guo (; ); in this case the aspect marker is not omitted.[35]

In coverb constructions, the negator may come before the coverb (preposition) or before the full verb, the latter being more emphatic. In constructions with a passive marker, the negator precedes that marker; similarly, in comparative constructions, the negator precedes the phraseNot clear (unless the verb is further qualified by gèng (, "even more"), in which case the negator may follow the gèng to produce the meaning "even less").[36]

The negator bié () precedes the verb in negative commands and negative requests, such as in phrases meaning "don't ...", "please don't ...".

The negator wèi () means "not yet". Other items used as negating elements in certain compound words include (; ), (), miǎn () and fēi ().

A double negative makes a positive, as in sentences like wǒ bú shì bù xǐhuān tā (我不是不喜欢她; 我不是不喜歡她, "It's not that I don't like her" ). For this use of shì (), see the Cleft sentences section.

Questions edit

In wh-questions in Chinese, the question word is not fronted. Instead, it stays in the position in the sentence that would be occupied by the item being asked about. For example, "What did you say?" is phrased as nǐ shuō shé[n]me (你说什么?; 你說什麼, literally "you say what"). The word shénme (什么; 什麼, "what" or "which"), remains in the object position after the verb.

Other interrogative words include:

  • "Who": shuí/shéi (; )
  • "What": shénme (什么; 什麼); shá (, used informally)
  • "Where": nǎr (哪儿; 哪兒); nǎlǐ (哪里; 哪裡); héchù (何处; 何處)
  • "When": shénme shíhòu (什么时候; 什麼時候); héshí (何时; 何時)
  • "Which": ()
    • When used to mean "which ones", is used with a classifier and noun, or with xiē () and noun. The noun may be omitted if understood through context.
  • "Why": wèishé[n]me (为什么; 為什麼); gànmá (干吗; 幹嘛)
  • "How many": duōshǎo (多少)
    • When the number is quite small, (; ) is used, followed by a classifier.
  • "How": zěnme[yang] (怎么[样]; 怎麼[樣]); rúhé (如何).

Disjunctive questions can be made using the word háishì (还是; 還是) between the options, like English "or". This differs from the word for "or" in statements, which is huòzhě (或者).

Yes–no questions can be formed using the sentence-final particle ma (; ), with word order otherwise the same as in a statement. For example, nǐ chī jī ma? (你吃鸡吗?; 你吃雞嗎?; 'you eat chicken MA', "Do you eat chicken?").

An alternative is the A-not-A construction, using phrases like chī bu chī (吃不吃, "eat or not eat").[i] With two-syllable verbs, sometimes only the first syllable is repeated: xǐ-bu-xǐhuān ( 喜不喜欢; 喜不喜歡, "like or not like"), from xǐhuān (喜欢; 喜歡, "like"). It is also possible to use the A-not-A construction with prepositions (coverbs) and phrases headed by them, as with full verbs.

The negator méi (; ) can be used rather than in the A-not-A construction when referring to a completed event, but if it occurs at the end of the sentence—i.e. the repetition is omitted—the full form méiyǒu (没有; 沒有) must appear.[37]

For answering yes–no questions, Chinese has words that may be used like the English "yes" and "no"duì (; ) or shì de (是的) for "yes"; () for "no" – but these are not often used for this purpose; it is more common to repeat the verb or verb phrase (or entire sentence), negating it if applicable.

Imperatives edit

Second-person imperative sentences are formed in the same way as statements, and like in English, the subject "you" is often omitted.

Orders may be softened by preceding them with an element such as qǐng (, "to ask"), in this use equivalent to English "please". See Particles for more. The sentence-final particle ba () can be used to form first-person imperatives, equivalent to "let's...".

Serial verb constructions edit

Chinese makes frequent use of serial verb constructions, or verb stacking, where two or more verbs or verb phrases are concatenated together. This frequently involves either verbal complements appearing after the main verb, or coverb phrases appearing before the main verb, but other variations of the construction occur as well.

Auxiliaries edit

A main verb may be preceded by an auxiliary verb, as in English. Chinese auxiliaries include néng and nénggòu ( and 能够; 能夠, "can"); huì (; , "know how to"); kéyǐ (可以, "may"); gǎn (, "dare"); kěn (, "be willing to"); yīnggāi (应该; 應該, "should"); bìxū (必须; 必須, "must"); etc. The auxiliary normally follows an adverb, if present. In shortened sentences an auxiliary may be used without a main verb, analogously to English sentences such as "I can."

Verbal complements edit

The active verb of a sentence may be suffixed with a second verb, which usually indicates either the result of the first action, or the direction in which it took the subject. When such information is applicable, it is generally considered mandatory. The phenomenon is sometimes called double verbs.

Complement of result edit

A complement of result, or resultative complement (结果补语; 結果補語; jiéguǒ bǔyǔ) is a verbal suffix which indicates the outcome, or possible outcome, of the action indicated by the main verb. In the following examples, the main verb is tīng (; "to listen"), and the complement of result is dǒng (, "to understand/to know").








听 懂

tīng dǒng

hear understand

to understand something you hear

Since they indicate an absolute result, such double verbs necessarily represent a completed action, and are thus negated using méi (; ):










听 懂

méi tīng dǒng

not hear understand

to have not understood something you hear

The morpheme de () is placed between the double verbs to indicate possibility or ability. This is not possible with "restrictive" resultative compounds such as jiéshěng (节省, literally "reduce-save", meaning "to save, economize").[38]










tīng de dǒng

hear possible/able understand

to be able to understand something you hear

This is equivalent in meaning to néng tīng dǒng (能听懂; 能聽懂), using the auxiliary néng (), equivalent to "may" or "can".[j]

To negate the above construction, de () is replaced by ():









tīng dǒng

hear impossible/unable understand

to be unable to understand something you hear

With some verbs, the addition of and a particular complement of result is the standard method of negation. In many cases the complement is liǎo, represented by the same character as the perfective or modal particle le (). This verb means "to finish", but when used as a complement for negation purposes it may merely indicate inability. For example: shòu bù liǎo (受不了, "to be unable to tolerate").

The complement of result is a highly productive and frequently used construction. Sometimes it develops into idiomatic phrases, as in è sǐ le (饿死了; 餓死了, literally "hungry-until-die already", meaning "to be starving") and qì sǐ le (气死了; 氣死了, literally "mad-until-die already", meaning "to be extremely angry"). The phrases for "hatred" (看不起; kànbùqǐ), "excuse me" (对不起; 對不起; duìbùqǐ), and "too expensive to buy" (买不起; 買不起; mǎi bùqǐ) all use the character (, "to rise up") as a complement of result, but their meanings are not obviously related to that meaning. This is partially the result of metaphorical construction, where kànbùqǐ (看不起) literally means "to be unable to look up to"; and duìbùqǐ (对不起; 對不起) means "to be unable to face someone".

Some more examples of resultative complements, used in complete sentences:














他 把 盘子 了。

tā bǎ pánzi le

he object-CL plate hit break PRF

He hit/dropped the plate, and it broke.

Double-verb construction where the second verb, "break", is a suffix to the first, and indicates what happens to the object as a result of the action.
















这 部 电影 我

zhè(i) bù diànyǐng wǒ kàn dǒng

this {} movie I watch impossible/unable understand

I can't understand this movie even though I watched it.

Another double-verb where the second verb, "understand", suffixes the first and clarifies the possibility and success of the relevant action.

Complement of direction edit

A complement of direction, or directional complement (趋向补语; 趨向補語; qūxiàng bǔyǔ) indicates the direction of an action involving movement. The simplest directional complements are (, "to go") and lái (; , "to come"), which may be added after a verb to indicate movement away from or towards the speaker, respectively. These may form compounds with other verbs that further specify the direction, such as shàng qù (上去, "to go up"), gùo lái (过来; 過來, "to come over"), which may then be added to another verb, such as zǒu (, "to walk"), as in zǒu gùo qù (走过去; 走過去, "to walk over"). Another example, in a whole sentence:














他 走 了。

tā zǒu shàng lái le

he walk up come PRF

He walked up towards me.

The directional suffixes indicate "up" and "towards".

If the preceding verb has an object, the object may be placed either before or after the directional complement(s), or even between two directional complements, provided the second of these is not ().[39]

The structure with inserted de or is not normally used with this type of double verb. There are exceptions, such as "to be unable to get out of bed" (起不来床; 起不來床; qǐ bù lái chuáng or 起床不来; 起床不來; qǐ chuáng bù lái).

Coverbs edit

Chinese has a class of words, called coverbs, which in some respects resemble both verbs and prepositions. They appear with a following object (or complement), and generally denote relationships that would be expressed by prepositions (or postpositions) in other languages. However, they are often considered to be lexically verbs, and some of them can also function as full verbs. When a coverb phrase appears in a sentence together with a main verb phrase, the result is essentially a type of serial verb construction. The coverb phrase, being an adverbial, precedes the main verb in most cases. For instance:













你 找 他。

bāng nǐ zhǎo tā.

I help you find him

I will find him for you.

Here the main verb is zhǎo (, "find"), and bāng (; ) is a coverb. Here bāng corresponds to the English preposition "for", even though in other contexts it might be used as a full verb meaning "help".























飞机 上海 北京 去。

zuò fēijī cóng Shànghǎi dào Běijīng qù.

I sit airplane from Shanghai arrive(to) Beijing go

I'll go from Shanghai to Beijing by plane.

Here there are three coverbs: zuò ( "by"), cóng (; , "from"), and dào (, "to"). The words zuò and dào can also be verbs, meaning "sit" and "arrive [at]" respectively. However, cóng is not normally used as a full verb.

A very common coverb that can also be used as a main verb is zài (), as described in the Locative phrases section. Another example is gěi (), which as a verb means "give". As a preposition, gěi may mean "for", or "to" when marking an indirect object or in certain other expressions.












你 打 电话。

gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà

I to you strike telephone

I'll give you a telephone call

Because coverbs essentially function as prepositions, they can also be referred to simply as prepositions. In Chinese they are called jiè cí (介词; 介詞), a term which generally corresponds to "preposition", or more generally, "adposition". The situation is complicated somewhat by the fact that location markers—which also have meanings similar to those of certain English prepositions—are often called "postpositions".

Coverbs normally cannot take aspect markers, although some of them form fixed compounds together with such markers, such as gēnzhe (跟着; 跟著; 'with +[aspect marker]'), ànzhe (按着; 按著, "according to"), yánzhe (沿着; 沿著, "along"), and wèile (为了; 為了 "for").[40]

Other cases edit

Serial verb constructions can also consist of two consecutive verb phrases with parallel meaning, such as hē kāfēi kàn bào, "drink coffee and read the paper" (喝咖啡看报; 喝咖啡看報; 'drink coffee read paper'). Each verb may independently be negated or given the le aspect marker.[41] If both verbs would have the same object, it is omitted the second time.

Consecutive verb phrases may also be used to indicate consecutive events. Use of the le aspect marker with the first verb may imply that this is the main verb of the sentence, the second verb phrase merely indicating the purpose. Use of this le with the second verb changes this emphasis, and may require a sentence-final le particle in addition. On the other hand, the progressive aspect marker zài () may be applied to the first verb, but not normally the second alone. The word (, "go") or lái (; , "come") may be inserted between the two verb phrases, meaning "in order to".

For constructions with consecutive verb phrases containing the same verb, see under Adverbs. For immediate repetition of a verb, see Reduplication and Aspects.

Another case is the causative or pivotal construction.[42] Here the object of one verb also serves as the subject of the following verb. The first verb may be something like gěi (, "allow", or "give" in other contexts), ràng (; , "let"), jiào (, "order" or "call") or shǐ (使, "make, compel"), qǐng (; , "invite"), or lìng (, "command"). Some of these cannot take an aspect marker such as le when used in this construction, like lìng, ràng, shǐ. Sentences of this type often parallel the equivalent English pattern, except that English may insert the infinitive marker "to". In the following example the construction is used twice:















他 要 我 他 喝 啤酒。

tā yào wǒ qǐng tā hē píjiǔ

he want me invite him drink beer

He wants me to treat him [to] beer.

Particles edit

Chinese has a number of sentence-final particles – these are weak syllables, spoken with neutral tone, and placed at the end of the sentence to which they refer. They are often called modal particles or yǔqì zhùcí (语气助词; 語氣助詞), as they serve chiefly to express grammatical mood, or how the sentence relates to reality and/or intent. They include:[43]

  • ma (; ), which changes a statement into a yes–no question
  • ne (), which expresses surprise, produces a question "with expectation", or expresses a currently ongoing event when answering a question
  • ba (), which serves as a tag question, e.g. "don't you think so?"; produces a suggestion e.g. "let's..."; or lessens certainty of a decision.
  • a (),[k] which reduces forcefulness, particularly of an order or question. It can also be used to add positive connotation to certain phrases or inject uncertainty when responding to a question.
  • ou (; ), which signals a friendly warning
  • zhe (; ), which marks the inchoative aspect, or need for change of state, in imperative sentences. Compare the imperfective aspect marker zhe in the section above)
  • le (), which marks a "currently relevant state". This precedes any other sentence-final particles, and can combine with a () to produce la (); and with ou (; ) to produce lou (; ).

This sentence-final le () should be distinguished from the verb suffix le () discussed in the Aspects section. Whereas the sentence-final particle is sometimes described as an inceptive or as a marker of perfect aspect, the verb suffix is described as a marker of perfective aspect.[44] Some examples of its use:











我 没 钱

wǒ méi qián le

I no money PRF

I have no money now or I've gone broke.











我 当 兵

wǒ dāng bīng le

I work soldier PRF

I have become a soldier.

The position of le in this example emphasizes his present status as a soldier, rather than the event of becoming. Compare with the post-verbal le example given in the Aspects section, wǒ dāng le bīng. However, when answering a question, the ending should be instead of . For example, to answer a question like "你现在做什么工作?" (What's your job now?), instead of using le, a more appropriate answer should be











我 当 兵

wǒ dāng bīng ne

I work soldier ongoing

I am being a soldier.
















他 看 三 场 球赛

tā kàn sān chǎng qiúsài le

He watch three sports-CL ballgames PRF

He [has] watched three ballgames.

Compared with the post-verbal le and guo examples, this places the focus on the number three, and does not specify whether he is going to continue watching more games.

The two uses of le may in fact be traced back to two entirely different words.[45][46] The fact that they are now written the same way in Mandarin can cause ambiguity, particularly when the verb is not followed by an object. Consider the following sentence:







妈妈 来

māma lái le

Mom come le

This le might be interpreted as either the suffixal perfective marker or the sentence-final perfect marker. In the former case it might mean "mother has come", as in she has just arrived at the door, while in the latter it might mean "mother is coming!", and the speaker wants to inform others of this fact. It is even possible for the two kinds of le to co-occur:[47]













他 吃

tā chī le fàn le

He eat PFV food PRF

He has eaten.

Without the first le, the sentence could again mean "he has eaten", or it could mean "he wants to eat now". Without the final le the sentence would be ungrammatical without appropriate context, as perfective le cannot appear in a semantically unbounded sentence.

Plural edit

Chinese nouns and other parts of speech are not generally marked for number, meaning that plural forms are mostly the same as the singular. However, there is a plural marker men (; ), which has limited usage. It is used with personal pronouns, as in wǒmen (我们; 我們, "we" or "us"), derived from (, "I, me"). It can be used with nouns representing humans, most commonly those with two syllables, like in péngyoumen (朋友们; 朋友們, "friends"), from péngyou (朋友, "friend"). Its use in such cases is optional.[48] It is never used when the noun has indefinite reference, or when it is qualified by a numeral.[49]

The demonstrative pronouns zhè (; , "this"), and (, "that") may be optionally pluralized by the addition of xiē (,"few"), making zhèxiē (这些; 這些, "these") and nàxiē (那些, "those").

Cleft sentences edit

There is a construction in Chinese known as the shì ... [de] construction, which produces what may be called cleft sentences.[50] The copula shì () is placed before the element of the sentence which is to be emphasized, and the optional possessive particle de () is placed at the end of the sentence if the sentence ends in a verb, or after the last verb of the sentence if the sentence ends with a complement of the verb. For example:















昨天 来 []。

shì zuótiān lái [de]

He shi yesterday come [de].

It was yesterday that he came.

Example with a sentence that ends with a complement:


















昨天 买 [] 菜。

shì zuótiān mǎi [de] cài

He shi yesterday buy [de] food

It was yesterday that he bought food.

If an object following the verb is to be emphasized in this construction, the shì precedes the object, and the de comes after the verb and before the shì.

















他 昨天 买 菜。

tā zuótiān mǎi de shì cài

He yesterday buy de shi vegetable.

What he bought yesterday was vegetable.

Sentences with similar meaning can be produced using relative clauses. These may be called pseudo-cleft sentences.



















昨天 是 他 买 菜 时间。

zuótiān shì tā mǎi cài de shíjiān

yesterday is he buy food de time

Yesterday was the time he bought food.[51]

Conjunctions edit

Chinese has various conjunctions (连词; 連詞; liáncí) such as (, "and"), dànshì (但是, "but"), huòzhě (或者, "or"), etc. However Chinese quite often uses no conjunction where English would have "and".[52]

Two or more nouns may be joined by the conjunctions (, "and") or huò ( "or"); for example dāo hé chā (刀和叉, "knife and fork"), gǒu huò māo (狗或貓, "dog or cat").

Certain adverbs are often used as correlative conjunctions, where correlating words appear in each of the linked clauses, such as búdàn ... érqiě (不但 ... 而且; 'not only ... (but) also'), suīrán ... háishì (虽然 ... 还是; 雖然...還是; 'although ... still'), yīnwèi ... suǒyǐ (因为 ... 所以; 因為...所以; 'because ... therefore'). Such connectors may appear at the start of a clause or before the verb phrase.[53]

Similarly, words like jìrán (既然, "since/in response to"), rúguǒ (如果) or jiǎrú (假如) "if", zhǐyào (只要 "provided that") correlate with an adverb jiù (, "then") or (, "also") in the main clause, to form conditional sentences.

In some cases, the same word may be repeated when connecting items; these include yòu ... yòu ... (又...又..., "both ... and ..."), yībiān ... yībiān ... (一边...一边..., "... while ..."), and yuè ... yuè ... (越...越..., "the more ..., the more ...").

Conjunctions of time such as "when" may be translated with a construction that corresponds to something like "at the time (+relative clause)", where as usual, the Chinese relative clause comes before the noun ("time" in this case). For example:[54]
















当 我 回 家 时候...

dāng wǒ huí jiā de shíhòu...

At I return home de time

When I return[ed] home...

Variants include dāng ... yǐqián (当...以前; 當...以前 "before ...") and dāng ... yǐhòu (当...以后; 當...以後, "after ..."), which do not use the relative marker de. In all of these cases, the initial dāng may be replaced by zài (), or may be omitted. There are also similar constructions for conditionals: rúguǒ /jiǎrú/zhǐyào ... dehuà (如果/假如/只要...的话, "if ... then"), where huà (; ) literally means "narrative, story".

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Several of the common prepositions can also be used as full verbs.
  2. ^ The first Chinese scholar to consider the concept of a word (; ; ) as opposed to the character (; ) is claimed to have been Shizhao Zhang in 1907. However, defining the word has proved difficult, and some linguists consider that the concept is not applicable to Chinese at all. See San, Duanmu (2000). The Phonology of Standard Chinese. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198299875.
  3. ^ A more common way to express this would be wǒ bǎ júzi pí bō le (我把橘子皮剥了; 我把橘子皮剝了, "I BA tangerine's skin peeled"), or wǒ bō le júzi pí (我剥了橘子皮; 我剝了橘子皮, "I peeled tangerine's skin").
  4. ^ is an alternative character for (, "you") when referring to a female; it is used mainly in script written in traditional characters.
  5. ^ Also used after possessives and relative clauses
  6. ^ Not the same character as the de used to mark possessives and relative clauses.
  7. ^ This is a different character again from the two types of de previously mentioned.
  8. ^ This is similar to the English "by", though it is always followed by an agent.
  9. ^ Either the verb or the whole verb phrase may be repeated after the negator ; it is also possible to place after the verb phrase and omit the repetition entirely.
  10. ^ Néng () does not mean "may" or "can" in the sense of "know how to" or "have the skill to".
  11. ^ alternately ya (), wa (), etc. depending on the preceding sound

References edit

  1. ^ However, like 'dance', can also be used as a verb: for example, 「項莊舞劍」; "Xiang Zhuang danced with a sword"
  2. ^ Sun (2006), p. 50.
  3. ^ Melloni, Chiara; Basciano, Bianca (2018). "Reduplication across boundaries: The case of Mandarin". The Lexeme in Theoretical and Descriptive Morphology. 4: 331 – via OAPEN.
  4. ^ Sun (2006), p. 147.
  5. ^ Sun (2006), p. 184.
  6. ^ Sun (2006), p. 185.
  7. ^ Li (1990), p. 234 ff..
  8. ^ Sun (2006), p. 161.
  9. ^ Li & Thompson (1981), pp. 463–491.
  10. ^ Li (1990), p. 195.
  11. ^ Sun (2006), p. 159.
  12. ^ a b Sun (2006), p. 165.
  13. ^ Sun (2006), p. 188.
  14. ^ However, classifiers are not commonly used in Classical Chinese, for example 三人行 (sān-rén-xíng, literally "three-person-walk", means "three persons walk together", from Analects).
  15. ^ The following original meaning in Classical Chinese are referenced from Shuowen Jiezi, an old dictionary written during the Eastern Han dynasty.
  16. ^ ""怹"字的解释 | 汉典". www.zdic.net (in Chinese (China)). Retrieved 14 May 2023.
  17. ^ "汉语我们和咱们有区别吗?". Retrieved 2022-01-08.
  18. ^ ""这"字的解释 | 汉典". www.zdic.net (in Chinese (China)).
  19. ^ ""那"字的解释 | 汉典". www.zdic.net (in Chinese (China)).
  20. ^ Sun (2006), pp. 152, 160.
  21. ^ Sun (2006), p. 151.
  22. ^ Sun (2006), p. 154.
  23. ^ Sun (2006), p. 163.
  24. ^ Sun (2006), p. 203.
  25. ^ "Chapter 84: Order of Object, Oblique, and Verb". World Atlas of Language Structures. 2011.
  26. ^ Sun (2006), p. 81 ff.
  27. ^ Sun (2006), p. 85.
  28. ^ Sun (2006), p. 199.
  29. ^ Yip & Rimmington (2004), p. 107.
  30. ^ Li & Thompson (1981), p. 185.
  31. ^ Sun (2006), p. 70.
  32. ^ Yip & Rimmington (2004), p. 109.
  33. ^ Li & Thompson (1981), pp. 29, 234.
  34. ^ Sun (2006), p. 211.
  35. ^ Yip & Rimmington (2004), p. 110.
  36. ^ Sun (2006), pp. 209–211.
  37. ^ Sun (2006), p. 181.
  38. ^ Sun (2006), p. 52.
  39. ^ Sun (2006), p. 53.
  40. ^ Sun (2006), p. 208.
  41. ^ Sun (2006), p. 200.
  42. ^ Sun (2006), p. 205.
  43. ^ Sun (2006), p. 76 ff.
  44. ^ Li & Thompson (1981), quoted in Sun (2006), p. 80.
  45. ^ Li & Thompson (1981), pp. 296–300.
  46. ^ Chao (1968), p. 246.
  47. ^ Sun (2006), p. 80.
  48. ^ Sun (2006), p. 64.
  49. ^ Yip & Rimmington (2004), p. 8.
  50. ^ Sun (2006), p. 190.
  51. ^ Sun (2006), p. 191.
  52. ^ Yip & Rimmington (2004), p. 12.
  53. ^ Sun (2006), p. 197.
  54. ^ Sun (2006), p. 198.

Bibliography edit

  • Chao, Yuen Ren (1968). A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-00219-7.
  • Li, Charles N.; Thompson, Sandra A. (1981). Mandarin Chinese: A functional reference grammar. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-06610-6.
  • Li, Yen-hui Audrey (1990). Order and Constituency in Mandarin Chinese. Springer. ISBN 978-0-792-30500-2.
  • Lin, Helen T. (1981). Essential Grammar for Modern Chinese. Cheng & Tsui. ISBN 978-0-917056-10-9.
  • Ross, Claudia; Ma, Jing-Heng Sheng (2006). Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-70009-2.
  • Sun, Chaofen (2006). Chinese: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-82380-7.
  • Yip, Po-Ching; Rimmington, Don (2004). Chinese: A Comprehensive Grammar. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-15031-0.
  • Yip, Po-Ching; Rimmington, Don (2006). Chinese: An Essential Grammar (2nd ed.). Routledge. ISBN 978-0-203-96979-3.
  • Lü Shuxiang (吕叔湘) (1957). Zhongguo wenfa yaolüe 中国文法要略 [Summary of Chinese grammar]. Shangwu yinshuguan. OCLC 466418461.
  • Wang Li (1955). Zhongguo xiandai yufa 中国现代语法 [Modern Chinese grammar]. Zhonghua shuju.

Further reading edit

  • W. Lobscheid (1864). Grammar of the Chinese language: in two parts, Volume 2. Office of Daily Press. p. 178. Retrieved 2011-07-06.
  • Joshua Marshman, Confucius (1814). Elements of Chinese grammar: with a preliminary dissertation on the characters, and the colloquial medium of the Chinese, and an appendix containing the Tahyoh of Confucius with a translation. Printed at the Mission press. p. 622. Retrieved 2011-07-06.

External links edit

    chinese, grammar, this, article, concerns, modern, standard, chinese, grammars, other, forms, varieties, chinese, their, respective, articles, links, chinese, language, varieties, chinese, grammar, standard, chinese, shares, many, features, with, other, variet. This article concerns Modern Standard Chinese For the grammars of other forms or varieties of Chinese see their respective articles via links on Chinese language and varieties of Chinese The grammar of Standard Chinese shares many features with other varieties of Chinese The language almost entirely lacks inflection words typically have only one grammatical form Categories such as number singular or plural and verb tense are often not expressed by grammatical means but there are several particles that serve to express verbal aspect and to some extent mood 中文 zhōngwen 语法 yǔfǎ 中文語法 meaning Chinese grammar written vertically in simplified left and traditional right forms The basic word order is subject verb object SVO as in English Otherwise Chinese is chiefly a head final language meaning that modifiers precede the words that they modify In a noun phrase for example the head noun comes last and all modifiers including relative clauses come in front of it This phenomenon however is more typically found in subject object verb languages such as Turkish and Japanese Chinese frequently uses serial verb constructions which involve two or more verbs or verb phrases in sequence Chinese prepositions behave similarly to serialized verbs in some respects a and they are often referred to as coverbs There are also location markers which are placed after nouns and are thus often called postpositions they are often used in combination with coverbs Predicate adjectives are normally used without a copular verb to be and so can be regarded as a type of verb As in many other East Asian languages classifiers or measure words are required when numerals and sometimes other words such as demonstratives are used with nouns There are many different classifiers in the language and each countable noun generally has a particular classifier associated with it Informally however it is often acceptable to use the general classifier ge 个 個 in place of other specific classifiers Contents 1 Word formation 1 1 Reduplication 1 2 Prefixes 1 3 Suffixes 1 4 Intrafixes 2 Sentence structure 2 1 Objects 3 Noun phrases 4 Relative clauses 5 Classifiers 6 Numerals 7 Pronouns 8 Adjectives 9 Adverbs and adverbials 9 1 Locative phrases 10 Comparatives and superlatives 11 Copula 12 Aspects 13 Passive 14 Negation 15 Questions 16 Imperatives 17 Serial verb constructions 17 1 Auxiliaries 17 2 Verbal complements 17 2 1 Complement of result 17 2 2 Complement of direction 17 3 Coverbs 17 4 Other cases 18 Particles 18 1 Plural 19 Cleft sentences 20 Conjunctions 21 See also 22 Notes 23 References 24 Bibliography 25 Further reading 26 External linksWord formation editIn Chinese the difference between words and Chinese characters is often not clear b this is one of the reasons the Chinese script does not use spaces to separate words A string of characters can be translated as a single English word but these characters have some kind of independence For example tiaowǔ 跳舞 jump dance meaning to dance can be used as a single intransitive verb or may be regarded as comprising two single lexical words However it does in fact function as a compound of the verb tiao 跳 to jump and the object wǔ 舞 a dance 1 Additionally the present progressive aspect marker zhe 着 can be inserted between these two parts to form tiaozhewǔ 跳着舞 to be dancing Chinese morphemes the smallest units of meaning are mostly monosyllabic In most cases morphemes are represented by single characters However two or more monosyllabic morphemes can be translated as a single English word These monosyllabic morphemes can be either free or bound that is in particular usage they may or may not be able to stand independently Most two syllable compound nouns often have the head on the right e g 蛋糕 dangao egg cake means cake while in compound verbs often have the head on the left e g 辩论 bianlun debate discuss means debate 2 Some Chinese morphemes are polysyllabic for example the loanwords shafa 沙发 沙發 sofa is the compound of sha 沙 sand and fa 发 發 to send to issue but this compound is actually simply a transliteration of sofa Many native disyllabic morphemes such as zhizhu 蜘蛛 spider have consonant alliteration although others such as gala 旮旯 corner do not Many monosyllabic words have alternative disyllabic forms with virtually the same meaning such as dasuan 大蒜 big garlic for suan 蒜 garlic Many disyllabic nouns are produced by adding the suffix zi 子 child to a monosyllabic word or morpheme There is a strong tendency for monosyllables to be avoided in certain positions for example a disyllabic verb will not normally be followed by a monosyllabic object This may be connected with the preferred metrical structure of the language Reduplication edit Reduplication repeated syllable or word is a common feature in Chinese Family members mama 妈妈 媽媽 mother didi 弟弟 younger brother Adjectives or adverb to emphasize the state described by the adjective adverb 3 or as childish expression hong hong de 红红的 紅紅的 red from hong 红 紅 red ex 手心看起来红红的 手心看起來紅紅的 Shǒuxin kan qǐlai hong hong de palm looks red dd gao gao xing xing de 高高兴兴地 高高興興地 very happily from gao xing 高兴 高興 happy happiness ex 高高兴兴地吃 高高興興地吃 Gao gao xing xing de chi eat happily dd bing bing liang liang de 冰冰凉凉的 ice cool from bing liang 冰凉 ice cool ex 冰冰凉凉的饮料 冰冰涼涼的飲料 Bing bing liang liang de yǐnliao ice cold drink dd Other adjectives have ABB reduplication structure xiang pen pen 香喷喷 literally good smell spray out means smell very good from xiang 香 to smell good smell and pen 喷 spray liang jing jing 亮晶晶 shining bright and clear from liang 亮 bright and jing 晶 shiny like a star Verbs to mark the delimitative aspect to do something for a little bit or for general emphasis see the Aspects section xie xie zuoye 寫寫作業 写写作业 write homework write homework for a while from the verb xie 寫 写 write and the noun zuo ye 作業 作业 homework single morphemes xingxing 星星 star from xing 星 star changchang 常常 often from chang 常 constant gǒugǒu 狗狗 puppy doggy from gǒu 狗 dog Chinese classifiers to produce a phrase meaning every or many Nǐmen yi ge ge dōu zhǎng de yi fu cōng ming xiang 你們一個個都長得一副聰明相 You all look smart from Crystal Boys where ordinarily ge 个 個 is the general classifier Literally the phrase 一個個 yi ge ge dōu means every and the character 都 dōu means all Yi zuo zuo qing shan 一座座青山 many green hills where ordinarily zuo 座 is a proper classifier for shan 山 hill Prefixes edit 可 ke able 可 ke 靠 kao reliable 可 ke 敬 jing respectable 反 fǎn anti 反 fǎn 恐 kǒng 反恐 anti terror 反 fǎn 教权的 jiaoquande 反教權的 anti clerical 反 fǎn 法西斯 faxisi 反法西斯 anti fascist Suffixes edit 化 hua used to form verbs from nouns or adjectives 国际 guoji 化 hua 國際化 internationalize form 国际 guoji internationality 恶 e 化 hua 惡化 worsen form 恶 e bad 性 xing attribute 安全 anquan 性 xing safety 有效 yǒuxiao 性 xing effectiveness Intrafixes edit 得 de can and 不 bu cannot 听得懂 tingdedǒng can understand 听不懂 tingbudǒng cannot understand Sentence structure editChinese like Spanish or English is classified as an SVO subject verb object language Transitive verbs precede their objects in typical simple clauses while the subject precedes the verb For example 4 他taHe打dǎhit人 renperson他 打 人 ta dǎ renHe hit personHe hits someone Chinese can also be considered a topic prominent language 5 there is a strong preference for sentences that begin with the topic usually given or old information and end with the comment or new information Certain modifications of the basic subject verb object order are permissible and may serve to achieve topic prominence In particular a direct or indirect object may be moved to the start of the clause to create topicalization It is also possible for an object to be moved to a position in front of the verb for emphasis 6 Another type of sentence is what has been called an ergative structure 7 where the apparent subject of the verb can move to object position the empty subject position is then often occupied by an expression of location Compare locative inversion in English This structure is typical of the verb yǒu 有 there is are in other contexts the same verb means have but it can also be used with many other verbs generally denoting position appearance or disappearance An example 院子yuanziCourtyard里lǐin停着tingzhepark车 chevehicle 院子裡停著車 院子裏停着車 院子 里 停着 车 yuanzi lǐ tingzhe cheCourtyard in park vehicleIn the courtyard is parked a vehicle Chinese is also to some degree a pro drop or null subject language meaning that the subject can be omitted from a clause if it can be inferred from the context 8 In the following example the subject of the verbs for hike and camp is left to be inferred it may be we I you she etc 今天jintianToday爬paclimb山shanmountain 明天mingtiantomorrow露luoutdoors营 yingcamp 今天爬山 明天露營 今天 爬 山 明天 露 营 jintian pa shan mingtian lu yingToday climb mountain tomorrow outdoors campToday hike up mountains tomorrow camp outdoors In the next example the subject is omitted and the object is topicalized by being moved into subject position to form a passive type sentence For passive sentences with a marker such as 被 bei see the passive section 饭fanFood做zuomake好hǎocomplete了 lePFV 飯做好了 饭 做 好 了 fan zuo hǎo leFood make complete PFVThe food has been made or the food is ready Adverbs and adverbial phrases that modify the verb typically come after the subject but before the verb although other positions are sometimes possible see Adverbs and adverbials For constructions that involve more than one verb or verb phrase in sequence see Serial verb constructions For sentences consisting of more than one clause see Conjunctions Objects edit Some verbs can take both an indirect object and a direct object Indirect normally precedes direct as in English 我wǒI给geigive了lePFV她taher六liusix本benbook CL书 shubooks 我給了她六本書 我 给 了 她 六 本 书 wǒ gei le ta liu ben shuI give PFV her six book CL booksI gave her six books With many verbs however the indirect object may alternatively be preceded by prepositional gei 给 給 in that case it may either precede or follow the direct object Compare the similar use of to or for in English To emphasize the direct object it can be combined with the accusative marker bǎ 把 literally hold to form a bǎ direct object phrase 9 This phrase is placed before the verb For example 我wǒI打dǎhit破pobroken了lePFV盘子 panziplate 我打破了盤子 我 打 破 了 盘子 wǒ dǎ po le panziI hit broken PFV plateI broke a plate 我wǒI把bǎba盘子panziplate打dǎhit破pobroken了 lePFV 我把盤子打破了 我 把 盘子 打 破 了 wǒ bǎ panzi dǎ po leI ba plate hit broken PFVI make the plate broken Other markers can be used in a similar way as bǎ such as the formal jiang 将 將 literally lead 将JiangJiang办理ban lǐhandle情形qing xingstatus签qiansign报baoreport长官 zhǎng guansuperior 將辦理情形簽報長官 将 办理 情形 签 报 长官 Jiang ban lǐ qing xing qian bao zhǎng guanJiang handle status sign report superiorSubmit the implementation status report to the superior and ask for approval and colloquial na 拿 literally get 他Tahe能nengcan拿nana我wǒme怎样 zen yangwhat 他能拿我怎樣 他 能 拿 我 怎样 Ta neng na wǒ zen yanghe can na me whatWhat can he do to me He can t do anything to me To explain this kind of usage some linguists assumed some verbs can take two direct objects called inner and outer object separably 10 Typically the outer object will be placed at the start of the sentence which is the topic or introduced via the bǎ phrase For example 我wǒI把bǎba橘子juzitangerine剥bōpeel了lePFV皮 piskin 我把橘子剝了皮 我 把 橘子 剥 了 皮 wǒ bǎ juzi bō le piI ba tangerine peel PFV skinI make the tangerine peeled c Noun phrases editThe head noun of a noun phrase comes at the end of the phrase this means that everything that modifies the noun comes before it This includes attributive adjectives determiners quantifiers possessives and relative clauses Chinese does not have articles as such a noun may stand alone to represent what in English would be expressed as the or a n However the word yi 一 one followed by the appropriate classifier may be used in some cases where English would have a or an It is also possible with many classifiers to omit the yi and leave the classifier on its own at the start of the noun phrase The demonstratives are zhe 这 這 this and na 那 that When used before a noun these are often followed by an appropriate classifier for discussion of classifiers see Classifiers below and the article Chinese classifiers However this use of classifiers is optional 11 When a noun is preceded by a numeral or a demonstrative followed by a numeral the use of a classifier or measure word is in most cases considered mandatory This does not apply to nouns that function as measure words themselves this includes many units of measurement and currency The plural marker xie 些 some several also used to pluralize demonstratives is used without a classifier However jǐ 几 幾 some several how many takes a classifier 12 For adjectives in noun phrases see the Adjectives section For noun phrases with pronouns rather than nouns as the head see the Pronouns section Possessives are formed by adding de 的 the same particle that is used after relative clauses and sometimes after adjectives after the noun noun phrase or pronoun that denotes the possessor Relative clauses editChinese relative clauses like other noun modifiers precede the noun they modify Like possessives and some adjectives they are marked with the final particle de 的 A free relative clause is produced if the modified noun following the de is omitted A relative clause usually comes after any determiner phrase such as a numeral and classifier For emphasis it may come before the determiner phrase 13 There is usually no relative pronoun in the relative clause Instead a gap is left in subject or object position as appropriate If there are two gaps the additional gap being created by pro dropping ambiguity may arise For example chi de 吃的 may mean those who eat or that which is eaten When used alone it usually means things to eat If the relative item is governed by a preposition in the relative clause then it is denoted by a pronoun e g ti ta 替他 for him to explain for whom Otherwise the whole prepositional phrase is omitted the preposition then being implicitly understood For example sentences see Relative clause Mandarin Classifiers editMain article Chinese classifier See also List of Chinese classifiers Some English words are paired with specific nouns to indicate their counting units For example Bottle in two bottles of wine and sheet in three sheets of paper However most English nouns can be counted directly without specifying units while counting of most Chinese nouns must be associated with a specific classifiers namely liang ci 量词 量詞 measure words to represent their counting units 14 Every Chinese noun can only be associated with a limited number of classifiers For example 一yione瓶pingbottle酒jiǔwine 一瓶酒 一 瓶 酒yi ping jiǔone bottle winea bottle of wine 两liǎngtwo杯beicup酒jiǔwine 兩杯酒 两 杯 酒liǎng bei jiǔtwo cup winetwo glasses of wine ping 瓶 bottle and bei 杯 cup are both proper classifiers of the countable noun jiǔ 酒 while liǎng zuo jiǔ 两座酒 and liǎng jiǔ 两酒 are unacceptable While there are dozens of classifiers the general classifier ge 个 個 is colloquially i e in informal conversations acceptable for most nouns However there are still some exceptions For example liǎng ge jiǔ 两个酒 is weird and unacceptable Most classifiers originated as independent words in Classical Chinese so they are generally associated with certain groups of nouns with common properties related to their own classical meaning for example 15 Classifier Original meaning Common Properties Examples tiao 条 條 twig long or thin twigs are long and thin yi tiao shengzi 一条绳子 一條繩子 a rope liǎng tiao she 两条蛇 兩條蛇 two snakes bǎ 把 hold with a handle a handle to hold yi bǎ dao 一把刀 a knife liǎng bǎ sǎn 两把伞 兩把傘 two umbrellas zhang 张 張 draw a bow flat or sheet like extended like a bow yi zhang zhao pian 一张照片 一張照片 a photograph liǎng zhang mao pi 两张毛皮 兩張毛皮 two furs Therefore collocation of classifiers and noun sometimes depends on how native speakers realize them For example the noun zhuōzi 桌子 table is associated with the classifier zhang 张 張 due to the sheet like table top Additionally yǐ zi 椅子 chair is associated with bǎ 把 hold because a chair can be moved by holding its top like a handle Further more due to the invention of folding chair yǐ zi 椅子 chair is also associated with the classifier zhang 张 張 to express a folding chair can be extended unfolded Classifiers are also used optionally after demonstratives and in certain other situations See the Noun phrases section and the article Chinese classifier Numerals editMain article Chinese numeralsPronouns editMain article Chinese pronouns The Chinese personal pronouns are wǒ 我 I me nǐ 你 你 妳 d you and ta 他 她 牠 它 he him she her it animals it inanimate objects Plurals are formed by adding men 们 們 wǒmen 我们 我們 we us nǐmen 你们 你們 you tamen 他们 她们 它们 它们 他們 她們 牠們 它們 they them There is also nin 您 a formal polite word for singular you as well as a less common plural form ninmen 您们 Some northern dialects have a third person formal polite word 怹 他 心 he him heart similar to 您 你 心 you heart 16 The alternative inclusive word for we us zan 咱 or za n men 咱们 咱們 specifically including the listener 17 like the difference between English let us and let s is used colloquially The third person pronouns are not often used for inanimates with demonstratives used instead Possessives are formed with de 的 such as wǒde 我的 my mine wǒmende 我们的 我們的 our s etc The de may be omitted in phrases denoting inalienable possession such as wǒ mama 我妈妈 我媽媽 my mom The demonstrative pronouns are zhe 这 這 this colloquially pronounced zhei as a shorthand for 这一 這一 18 and na 那 that colloquially pronounced nei as a shorthand for 那一 19 They are optionally pluralized by the addition of plural quantifiers xie 些 or qun 群 There is a reflexive pronoun zijǐ 自己 meaning oneself myself etc which can stand alone as an object or a possessive or may follow a personal pronoun for emphasis The reciprocal pronoun each other can be translated from bǐcǐ 彼此 usually in adverb position An alternative is huxiang 互相 mutually Adjectives editMain article Chinese adjectives Adjectives can be used attributively before a noun The relative marker de 的 e may be added after the adjective but this is not always required black horse may be either hei mǎ 黑马 黑馬 or hei de mǎ 黑的马 黑的馬 When multiple adjectives are used the order quality size shape color is followed although this is not necessary when each adjective is made into a separate phrase with the addition of de 20 Gradable adjectives can be modified by words meaning very etc such modifying adverbs normally precede the adjective although some such as jile 极了 極了 extremely come after it When adjectives co occur with classifiers they normally follow the classifier However with most common classifiers when the number is one it is also possible to place adjectives like big and small before the classifier for emphasis ex 一一yione大大dabig个個geCL西瓜西瓜xiguawatermelon 12 一 大 个 西瓜一 大 個 西瓜yi da ge xiguaone big CL watermelon Adjectives can also be used predicatively In this case they behave more like verbs there is no need for a copular verb in sentences like he is happy in Chinese one may say simply ta gaoxing 他高兴 他高興 he happy where the adjective may be interpreted as a verb meaning is happy In such sentences it is common for the adjective to be modified by a word meaning very or the like in fact the word hen 很 very is often used in such cases with gradable adjectives even without carrying the meaning of very It is nonetheless possible for a copula to be used in such sentences to emphasize the adjective In the phrase ta shi gaoxing le 他是高兴了 他是高興了 he is now truly happy shi is the copula meaning is and le is the inceptive marker discussed later 21 This is similar to the cleft sentence construction Sentences can also be formed in which an adjective followed by de 的 stands as the complement of the copula Adverbs and adverbials editAdverbs and adverbial phrases normally come in a position before the verb but after the subject of the verb In sentences with auxiliary verbs the adverb usually precedes the auxiliary verb as well as the main verb Some adverbs of time and attitude every day perhaps etc may be moved to the start of the clause to modify the clause as a whole However some adverbs cannot be moved in this way These include three words for often chang 常 changchang 常常 and jingchang 经常 經常 dōu 都 all jiu 就 then and you 又 again 22 Adverbs of manner can be formed from adjectives using the clitic de 地 f It is generally possible to move these adverbs to the start of the clause although in some cases this may sound awkward unless there is a qualifier such as hen 很 very and a pause after the adverb Some verbs take a prepositional phrase following the verb and its direct object These are generally obligatory constituents such that the sentence would not make sense if they were omitted For example 放fangput本benbook CL书shubook在zaiin桌子zhuōzitable上shangon 放本書在桌子上 放 本 书 在 桌子 上fang ben shu zai zhuōzi shangput book CL book in table onPut a book on the table 23 There are also certain adverbial stative complements which follow the verb The character de 得 g followed by an adjective functions the same as the phrase ly in English turning the adjective into an adverb The second is hǎo le 好了 complete It is not generally possible for a single verb to be followed by both an object and an adverbial complement of this type although there are exceptions in cases where the complement expresses duration frequency or goal 24 To express both the verb may be repeated in a special kind of serial verb construction the first instance taking an object the second taking the complement Aspect markers can then appear only on the second instance of the verb The typical Chinese word order XVO where an oblique complement such as a locative prepositional phrase precedes the verb while a direct object comes after the verb is very rare cross linguistically in fact it is only in varieties of Chinese that this is attested as the typical ordering 25 Locative phrases edit nbsp 嚴禁站在 a grammatically incorrect Chinese sentence caused by machine translation of the phrase forbidden to stand on An object should followed after the preposition of location zai 在 Expressions of location in Chinese may include a preposition placed before the noun a postposition placed after the noun both preposition and postposition or neither Chinese prepositions are commonly known as coverbs see the Coverbs section The postpositions which include shang 上 up on xia 下 down under lǐ 里 裡 in within nei 内 inside and wai 外 outside may also be called locative particles 26 In the following examples locative phrases are formed from a noun plus a locative particle 桌子zhuōzitable上shangon桌子 上zhuōzi shangtable onon the table 房子fangzihouse里lǐin 房子裡 房子 里fangzi lǐhouse inin the house The most common preposition of location is zai 在 at on in With certain nouns that inherently denote a specific location including nearly all place names a locative phrase can be formed with zai together with the noun 在zaiin美国meiguoAmerica 在美國 在 美国zai meiguoin Americain America However other types of nouns still require a locative particle as a postposition in addition to zai 在zaiin报纸baozhǐnewspaper上shangon 在報紙上 在 报纸 上zai baozhǐ shangin newspaper onin the newspaper If a noun is modified so as to denote a specific location as in this object then it may form locative phrases without any locative particle Some nouns which can be understood to refer to a specific place like jia 家 home and xuexiao 学校 學校 school may optionally omit the locative particle Words like shangmian 上面 top can function as specific location nouns like in zai shangmian 在上面 on top but can also take the role of locative particle not necessarily with analogous meaning The phrase zai baozhǐ shangmian 在报纸上面 在報紙上面 in newspaper top can mean either in the newspaper or on the newspaper 27 In certain circumstances zai can be omitted from the locative expression Grammatically a noun or noun phrase followed by a locative particle is still a noun phrase For instance zhuōzi shang can be regarded as short for zhuōzi shangmian meaning something like the table s top Consequently the locative expression without zai can be used in places where a noun phrase would be expected for instance as a modifier of another noun using de 的 or as the object of a different preposition such as cong 从 從 from The version with zai on the other hand plays an adverbial role However zai is usually omitted when the locative expression begins a sentence with the ergative structure where the expression though having an adverbial function can be seen as filling the subject or noun role in the sentence For examples see sentence structure section The word zai 在 like certain other prepositions or coverbs can also be used as a verb A locative expression can therefore appear as a predicate without the need for any additional copula For example he is at school 他在学校 他在學校 ta zai xuexiao literally he at school Comparatives and superlatives editComparative sentences are commonly expressed simply by inserting the standard of comparison preceded by bǐ 比 than The adjective itself is not modified The bǐ 比 than phrase is an adverbial and has a fixed position before the verb See also the section on negation If there is no standard of comparison i e a than phrase then the adjective can be marked as comparative by a preceding adverb bǐjiao 比较 比較 jiao 较 較 or geng 更 all meaning more Similarly superlatives can be expressed using the adverb zui 最 most which precedes a predicate verb or adjective Adverbial phrases meaning like someone something or as someone something can be formed using gen 跟 tong 同 or xiang 像 before the noun phrase and yiyang 一样 一樣 or nayang 那样 那樣 after it 28 The construction yue yue 越 越 can be translated into statements of the type the more the more Copula editFurther information Chinese copula The Chinese copular verb is shi 是 This is the equivalent of English to be and all its forms am is are was were etc However shi is normally only used when its complement is a noun or noun phrase As noted above predicate adjectives function as verbs themselves as does the locative preposition zai 在 so in sentences where the predicate is an adjectival or locative phrase shi is not required For another use of shi see shi de construction in the section on cleft sentences The English existential phrase there is there are etc is translated using the verb yǒu 有 which is otherwise used to denote possession Aspects editChinese does not have grammatical markers of tense The time at which action is conceived as taking place past present future can be indicated by expressions of time yesterday now etc or may simply be inferred from the context However Chinese does have markers of aspect which is a feature of grammar that gives information about the temporal flow of events There are two aspect markers that are especially commonly used with past events the perfective aspect le 了 and the experiential guo 过 過 Some authors however do not regard guo or zhe see below as markers of aspect 29 Both le and guo immediately follow the verb There is also a sentence final particle le which serves a somewhat different purpose The perfective le presents the viewpoint of an event in its entirety 30 It is sometimes considered to be a past tense marker although it can also be used with future events given appropriate context Some examples of its use 我wǒI当dangserve as了lele兵 bingsoldier 我當了兵 我 当 了 兵 wǒ dang le bingI serve as le soldier I became a soldier Using le 了 shows this event that has taken place or took place at a particular time 他taHe看kanwatch了lele三santhree场chǎngsports CL球赛 qiusaiballgames 他看了三場球賽 他 看 了 三 场 球赛 ta kan le san chǎng qiusaiHe watch le three sports CL ballgames He watched three ballgames This format of le 了 is usually used in a time delimited context such as today or last week The above may be compared with the following examples with guo and with the examples with sentence final le given under Particles The experiential guo ascribes to a subject the property of having experienced the event 31 我wǒI当dangserve as过guoguo兵 bingsoldier 我當過兵 我 当 过 兵 wǒ dang guo bingI serve as guo soldier I have been a soldier before This also implies that the speaker no longer is a soldier 他taHe看kanwatch过guoguo三santhree场chǎngsports CL球赛 qiusaiballgames 他看過三場球賽 他 看 过 三 场 球赛 ta kan guo san chǎng qiusaiHe watch guo three sports CL ballgames He has watched three ballgames up to now There are also two imperfective aspect markers zhengzai 正在 or zai 在 and zhe 着 著 which denote ongoing actions or states Zhengzai and zai precede the verb and are usually used for ongoing actions or dynamic events they may be translated as be in the process of ing or be in the middle of ing Zhe follows the verb and is used mostly for static situations 我wǒI 正 在zheng zaiin middle of挂guahang画 huapictures 我 正 在掛畫 我 正 在 挂 画 wǒ zheng zai gua huaI in middle of hang picturesI m hanging pictures up 墙qiangWall上shangon挂guahang着zheongoing一yione幅fupicture CL画 huapicture 牆上掛著一幅畫 墙 上 挂 着 一 幅 画 qiang shang gua zhe yi fu huaWall on hang ongoing one picture CL pictureA picture is hanging on the wall Both markers may occur in the same clause however For example ta zhengzai dǎ zhe dianhua he is in the middle of telephoning someone 他正在打 着 电话 他正在打 著 電話 he amp 91 in middle of amp 93 amp 91 verb form amp 93 amp 91 ongoing amp 93 telephone 32 The delimitative aspect denotes an action that goes on only for some time doing something a little bit 33 This can be expressed by reduplication of a monosyllabic verb like the verb zǒu 走 walk in the following sentence 我wǒI到daoto公园gōngyuanpark走zǒuwalk走 zǒuwalk 我到公園走走 我 到 公园 走 走 wǒ dao gōngyuan zǒu zǒuI to park walk walkI m going for a walk in the park An alternative construction is reduplication with insertion of one 一 yi For example zǒu yi zǒu 走一走 which might be translated as walk a little walk A further possibility is reduplication followed by kan 看 to see this emphasizes the testing nature of the action If the verb has an object kan follows the object Some compound verbs such as restrictive resultative and coordinate compounds can also be reduplicated on the pattern tǎolun tǎolun 讨论讨论 討論討論 from the verb tǎolun 讨论 討論 meaning discuss Other compounds may be reduplicated but for general emphasis rather than delimitative aspect In compounds that are verb object combinations like tiao wǔ 跳舞 to jump a dance dance a delimitative aspect can be marked by reduplicating the first syllable creating tiao tiao wǔ 跳跳舞 which may be followed with kan 看 Passive editAs mentioned above the fact that a verb is intended to be understood in the passive voice is not always marked in Chinese However it may be marked using the passive marker 被 bei followed by the agent though bei may appear alone if the agent is not to be specified h Certain causative markers can replace bei such as those mentioned in the Other cases section gei jiao and rang Of these causative markers only gei can appear alone without a specified agent The construction with a passive marker is normally used only when there is a sense of misfortune or adversity 34 The passive marker and agent occupy the typical adverbial position before the verb See the Negation section for more Some examples 我们wǒmenWe被beiby他tahim骂mascolded了 lePFV 我們被他罵了 我们 被 他 骂 了 wǒmen bei ta ma leWe by him scolded PFVWe were scolded by him 他taHe被beiby我wǒme打dǎbeaten了lePFV一yione顿 dunevent CL 他被我打了一頓 他 被 我 打 了 一 顿 ta bei wǒ dǎ le yi dunHe by me beaten PFV one event CLHe was beaten up by me once Negation editThe most commonly used negating element is bu 不 pronounced with second tone when followed by a fourth tone This can be placed before a verb preposition or adverb to negate it For example I don t eat chicken 我不吃鸡 我不吃雞 wǒ bu chi ji I not eat chicken For the double verb negative construction with bu see Complement of result below However the verb yǒu 有 which can mean either possession or there is are in existential clauses is negated using mei 没 沒 to produce meiyǒu 没有 沒有 not have For negation of a verb intended to denote a completed event mei or meiyǒu is used instead of bu 不 and the aspect marker le 了 is then omitted Also mei yǒu is used to negate verbs that take the aspect marker guo 过 過 in this case the aspect marker is not omitted 35 In coverb constructions the negator may come before the coverb preposition or before the full verb the latter being more emphatic In constructions with a passive marker the negator precedes that marker similarly in comparative constructions the negator precedes thebǐphraseNot clear unless the verb is further qualified by geng 更 even more in which case the negator may follow the geng to produce the meaning even less 36 The negator bie 别 precedes the verb in negative commands and negative requests such as in phrases meaning don t please don t The negator wei 未 means not yet Other items used as negating elements in certain compound words include wu 无 無 wu 勿 miǎn 免 and fei 非 A double negative makes a positive as in sentences like wǒ bu shi bu xǐhuan ta 我不是不喜欢她 我不是不喜歡她 It s not that I don t like her For this use of shi 是 see the Cleft sentences section Questions editIn wh questions in Chinese the question word is not fronted Instead it stays in the position in the sentence that would be occupied by the item being asked about For example What did you say is phrased as nǐ shuō she n me 你说什么 你說什麼 literally you say what The word shenme 什么 什麼 what or which remains in the object position after the verb Other interrogative words include Who shui shei 谁 誰 What shenme 什么 什麼 sha 啥 used informally Where nǎr 哪儿 哪兒 nǎlǐ 哪里 哪裡 hechu 何处 何處 When shenme shihou 什么时候 什麼時候 heshi 何时 何時 Which nǎ 哪 When used to mean which ones nǎ is used with a classifier and noun or with xie 些 and noun The noun may be omitted if understood through context Why weishe n me 为什么 為什麼 ganma 干吗 幹嘛 How many duōshǎo 多少 When the number is quite small jǐ 几 幾 is used followed by a classifier How zenme yang 怎么 样 怎麼 樣 ruhe 如何 Disjunctive questions can be made using the word haishi 还是 還是 between the options like English or This differs from the word for or in statements which is huozhe 或者 Yes no questions can be formed using the sentence final particle ma 吗 嗎 with word order otherwise the same as in a statement For example nǐ chi ji ma 你吃鸡吗 你吃雞嗎 you eat chicken MA Do you eat chicken An alternative is the A not A construction using phrases like chi bu chi 吃不吃 eat or not eat i With two syllable verbs sometimes only the first syllable is repeated xǐ bu xǐhuan 喜不喜欢 喜不喜歡 like or not like from xǐhuan 喜欢 喜歡 like It is also possible to use the A not A construction with prepositions coverbs and phrases headed by them as with full verbs The negator mei 没 沒 can be used rather than bu in the A not A construction when referring to a completed event but if it occurs at the end of the sentence i e the repetition is omitted the full form meiyǒu 没有 沒有 must appear 37 For answering yes no questions Chinese has words that may be used like the English yes and no dui 对 對 or shi de 是的 for yes bu 不 for no but these are not often used for this purpose it is more common to repeat the verb or verb phrase or entire sentence negating it if applicable Imperatives editSecond person imperative sentences are formed in the same way as statements and like in English the subject you is often omitted Orders may be softened by preceding them with an element such as qǐng 请 to ask in this use equivalent to English please See Particles for more The sentence final particle ba 吧 can be used to form first person imperatives equivalent to let s Serial verb constructions editChinese makes frequent use of serial verb constructions or verb stacking where two or more verbs or verb phrases are concatenated together This frequently involves either verbal complements appearing after the main verb or coverb phrases appearing before the main verb but other variations of the construction occur as well Auxiliaries edit A main verb may be preceded by an auxiliary verb as in English Chinese auxiliaries include neng and nenggou 能 and 能够 能夠 can hui 会 會 know how to keyǐ 可以 may gǎn 敢 dare ken 肯 be willing to yinggai 应该 應該 should bixu 必须 必須 must etc The auxiliary normally follows an adverb if present In shortened sentences an auxiliary may be used without a main verb analogously to English sentences such as I can Verbal complements edit The active verb of a sentence may be suffixed with a second verb which usually indicates either the result of the first action or the direction in which it took the subject When such information is applicable it is generally considered mandatory The phenomenon is sometimes called double verbs Complement of result edit A complement of result or resultative complement 结果补语 結果補語 jieguǒ bǔyǔ is a verbal suffix which indicates the outcome or possible outcome of the action indicated by the main verb In the following examples the main verb is ting 听 聽 to listen and the complement of result is dǒng 懂 to understand to know 听tinghear懂dǒngunderstand 聽懂 听 懂ting dǒnghear understandto understand something you hear Since they indicate an absolute result such double verbs necessarily represent a completed action and are thus negated using mei 没 沒 没meinot听tinghear懂dǒngunderstand 沒聽懂 没 听 懂mei ting dǒngnot hear understandto have not understood something you hear The morpheme de 得 is placed between the double verbs to indicate possibility or ability This is not possible with restrictive resultative compounds such as jiesheng 节省 literally reduce save meaning to save economize 38 听tinghear得depossible able懂dǒngunderstand 聽得懂 听 得 懂ting de dǒnghear possible able understandto be able to understand something you hear This is equivalent in meaning to neng ting dǒng 能听懂 能聽懂 using the auxiliary neng 能 equivalent to may or can j To negate the above construction de 得 is replaced by bu 不 听tinghear不buimpossible unable懂dǒngunderstand 聽不懂 听 不 懂ting bu dǒnghear impossible unable understandto be unable to understand something you hear With some verbs the addition of bu and a particular complement of result is the standard method of negation In many cases the complement is liǎo represented by the same character as the perfective or modal particle le 了 This verb means to finish but when used as a complement for negation purposes it may merely indicate inability For example shou bu liǎo 受不了 to be unable to tolerate The complement of result is a highly productive and frequently used construction Sometimes it develops into idiomatic phrases as in e sǐ le 饿死了 餓死了 literally hungry until die already meaning to be starving and qi sǐ le 气死了 氣死了 literally mad until die already meaning to be extremely angry The phrases for hatred 看不起 kanbuqǐ excuse me 对不起 對不起 duibuqǐ and too expensive to buy 买不起 買不起 mǎi buqǐ all use the character qǐ 起 to rise up as a complement of result but their meanings are not obviously related to that meaning This is partially the result of metaphorical construction where kanbuqǐ 看不起 literally means to be unable to look up to and duibuqǐ 对不起 對不起 means to be unable to face someone Some more examples of resultative complements used in complete sentences 他tahe把bǎobject CL盘子panziplate打dǎhit破pobreak了 lePRF 他把盤子打破了 他 把 盘子 打 破 了 ta bǎ panzi dǎ po lehe object CL plate hit break PRFHe hit dropped the plate and it broke Double verb construction where the second verb break is a suffix to the first and indicates what happens to the object as a result of the action 这zhe i this部bu 电影dianyǐngmovie我wǒI看kanwatch不buimpossible unable懂 dǒngunderstand 這部電影我看不懂 这 部 电影 我 看 不 懂 zhe i bu dianyǐng wǒ kan bu dǒngthis movie I watch impossible unable understandI can t understand this movie even though I watched it Another double verb where the second verb understand suffixes the first and clarifies the possibility and success of the relevant action Complement of direction edit A complement of direction or directional complement 趋向补语 趨向補語 quxiang bǔyǔ indicates the direction of an action involving movement The simplest directional complements are qu 去 to go and lai 来 來 to come which may be added after a verb to indicate movement away from or towards the speaker respectively These may form compounds with other verbs that further specify the direction such as shang qu 上去 to go up guo lai 过来 過來 to come over which may then be added to another verb such as zǒu 走 to walk as in zǒu guo qu 走过去 走過去 to walk over Another example in a whole sentence 他tahe走zǒuwalk上shangup来laicome了 lePRF 他走上來了 他 走 上 来 了 ta zǒu shang lai lehe walk up come PRFHe walked up towards me The directional suffixes indicate up and towards If the preceding verb has an object the object may be placed either before or after the directional complement s or even between two directional complements provided the second of these is not qu 去 39 The structure with inserted de or bu is not normally used with this type of double verb There are exceptions such as to be unable to get out of bed 起不来床 起不來床 qǐ bu lai chuang or 起床不来 起床不來 qǐ chuang bu lai Coverbs edit Chinese has a class of words called coverbs which in some respects resemble both verbs and prepositions They appear with a following object or complement and generally denote relationships that would be expressed by prepositions or postpositions in other languages However they are often considered to be lexically verbs and some of them can also function as full verbs When a coverb phrase appears in a sentence together with a main verb phrase the result is essentially a type of serial verb construction The coverb phrase being an adverbial precedes the main verb in most cases For instance 我wǒI帮banghelp你nǐyou找zhǎofind他 ta him 我幫你找他 我 帮 你 找 他 wǒ bang nǐ zhǎo ta I help you find himI will find him for you Here the main verb is zhǎo 找 find and bang 帮 幫 is a coverb Here bang corresponds to the English preposition for even though in other contexts it might be used as a full verb meaning help 我wǒI坐zuosit飞机feijiairplane从congfrom上海ShanghǎiShanghai到daoarrive to 北京BeijingBeijing去 qu go 我坐飛機從上海到北京去 我 坐 飞机 从 上海 到 北京 去 wǒ zuo feiji cong Shanghǎi dao Beijing qu I sit airplane from Shanghai arrive to Beijing goI ll go from Shanghai to Beijing by plane Here there are three coverbs zuo 坐 by cong 从 從 from and dao 到 to The words zuo and dao can also be verbs meaning sit and arrive at respectively However cong is not normally used as a full verb A very common coverb that can also be used as a main verb is zai 在 as described in the Locative phrases section Another example is gei 给 which as a verb means give As a preposition gei may mean for or to when marking an indirect object or in certain other expressions 我wǒI给geito你nǐyou打dǎstrike电话 dianhuatelephone 我給你打電話 我 给 你 打 电话 wǒ gei nǐ dǎ dianhuaI to you strike telephoneI ll give you a telephone call Because coverbs essentially function as prepositions they can also be referred to simply as prepositions In Chinese they are called jie ci 介词 介詞 a term which generally corresponds to preposition or more generally adposition The situation is complicated somewhat by the fact that location markers which also have meanings similar to those of certain English prepositions are often called postpositions Coverbs normally cannot take aspect markers although some of them form fixed compounds together with such markers such as genzhe 跟着 跟著 with aspect marker anzhe 按着 按著 according to yanzhe 沿着 沿著 along and weile 为了 為了 for 40 Other cases edit Serial verb constructions can also consist of two consecutive verb phrases with parallel meaning such as he kafei kan bao drink coffee and read the paper 喝咖啡看报 喝咖啡看報 drink coffee read paper Each verb may independently be negated or given the le aspect marker 41 If both verbs would have the same object it is omitted the second time Consecutive verb phrases may also be used to indicate consecutive events Use of the le aspect marker with the first verb may imply that this is the main verb of the sentence the second verb phrase merely indicating the purpose Use of this le with the second verb changes this emphasis and may require a sentence final le particle in addition On the other hand the progressive aspect marker zai 在 may be applied to the first verb but not normally the second alone The word qu 去 go or lai 来 來 come may be inserted between the two verb phrases meaning in order to For constructions with consecutive verb phrases containing the same verb see under Adverbs For immediate repetition of a verb see Reduplication and Aspects Another case is the causative or pivotal construction 42 Here the object of one verb also serves as the subject of the following verb The first verb may be something like gei 给 allow or give in other contexts rang 让 讓 let jiao 叫 order or call or shǐ 使 make compel qǐng 请 請 invite or ling 令 command Some of these cannot take an aspect marker such as le when used in this construction like ling rang shǐ Sentences of this type often parallel the equivalent English pattern except that English may insert the infinitive marker to In the following example the construction is used twice 他tahe要yaowant我wǒme请qǐnginvite他tahim喝hedrink啤酒 pijiǔbeer 他要我請他喝啤酒 他 要 我 请 他 喝 啤酒 ta yao wǒ qǐng ta he pijiǔhe want me invite him drink beerHe wants me to treat him to beer Particles editSee also Chinese particles and Chinese exclamative particles Chinese has a number of sentence final particles these are weak syllables spoken with neutral tone and placed at the end of the sentence to which they refer They are often called modal particles or yǔqi zhuci 语气助词 語氣助詞 as they serve chiefly to express grammatical mood or how the sentence relates to reality and or intent They include 43 ma 吗 嗎 which changes a statement into a yes no question ne 呢 which expresses surprise produces a question with expectation or expresses a currently ongoing event when answering a question ba 吧 which serves as a tag question e g don t you think so produces a suggestion e g let s or lessens certainty of a decision a 啊 k which reduces forcefulness particularly of an order or question It can also be used to add positive connotation to certain phrases or inject uncertainty when responding to a question ou 呕 噢 which signals a friendly warning zhe 着 著 which marks the inchoative aspect or need for change of state in imperative sentences Compare the imperfective aspect marker zhe in the section above le 了 which marks a currently relevant state This precedes any other sentence final particles and can combine with a 啊 to produce la 啦 and with ou 呕 噢 to produce lou 喽 囉 This sentence final le 了 should be distinguished from the verb suffix le 了 discussed in the Aspects section Whereas the sentence final particle is sometimes described as an inceptive or as a marker of perfect aspect the verb suffix is described as a marker of perfective aspect 44 Some examples of its use 我wǒI没meino钱qianmoney了 lePRF 我沒錢了 我 没 钱 了 wǒ mei qian leI no money PRFI have no money now or I ve gone broke 我wǒI当dangwork兵bingsoldier了 lePRF 我當兵了 我 当 兵 了 wǒ dang bing leI work soldier PRFI have become a soldier The position of le in this example emphasizes his present status as a soldier rather than the event of becoming Compare with the post verbal le example given in the Aspects section wǒ dang le bing However when answering a question the ending should be 呢 instead of 了 For example to answer a question like 你现在做什么工作 What s your job now instead of using le a more appropriate answer should be 我wǒI当dangwork兵bingsoldier呢 neongoing 我當兵呢 我 当 兵 呢 wǒ dang bing neI work soldier ongoingI am being a soldier 他taHe看kanwatch三santhree场chǎngsports CL球赛qiusaiballgames了 lePRF 他看三場球賽了 他 看 三 场 球赛 了 ta kan san chǎng qiusai leHe watch three sports CL ballgames PRFHe has watched three ballgames Compared with the post verbal le and guo examples this places the focus on the number three and does not specify whether he is going to continue watching more games The two uses of le may in fact be traced back to two entirely different words 45 46 The fact that they are now written the same way in Mandarin can cause ambiguity particularly when the verb is not followed by an object Consider the following sentence 妈妈mama来lai了 le 媽媽來了 妈妈 来 了 mama lai leMom come le This le might be interpreted as either the suffixal perfective marker or the sentence final perfect marker In the former case it might mean mother has come as in she has just arrived at the door while in the latter it might mean mother is coming and the speaker wants to inform others of this fact It is even possible for the two kinds of le to co occur 47 他taHe吃chieat了lePFV饭fanfood了 lePRF 他吃飯了 他 吃 了 饭 了 ta chi le fan leHe eat PFV food PRFHe has eaten Without the first le the sentence could again mean he has eaten or it could mean he wants to eat now Without the final le the sentence would be ungrammatical without appropriate context as perfective le cannot appear in a semantically unbounded sentence Plural edit Chinese nouns and other parts of speech are not generally marked for number meaning that plural forms are mostly the same as the singular However there is a plural marker men 们 們 which has limited usage It is used with personal pronouns as in wǒmen 我们 我們 we or us derived from wǒ 我 I me It can be used with nouns representing humans most commonly those with two syllables like in pengyoumen 朋友们 朋友們 friends from pengyou 朋友 friend Its use in such cases is optional 48 It is never used when the noun has indefinite reference or when it is qualified by a numeral 49 The demonstrative pronouns zhe 这 這 this and na 那 that may be optionally pluralized by the addition of xie 些 few making zhexie 这些 這些 these and naxie 那些 those Cleft sentences editThere is a construction in Chinese known as the shi de construction which produces what may be called cleft sentences 50 The copula shi 是 is placed before the element of the sentence which is to be emphasized and the optional possessive particle de 的 is placed at the end of the sentence if the sentence ends in a verb or after the last verb of the sentence if the sentence ends with a complement of the verb For example 他taHe是shishi昨天zuotianyesterday来laicome 的 de de 他是昨天来 的 他 是 昨天 来 的 ta shi zuotian lai de He shi yesterday come de It was yesterday that he came Example with a sentence that ends with a complement 他taHe是shishi昨天zuotianyesterday买mǎibuy 的 de de 菜 caifood 他是昨天買 的 菜 他 是 昨天 买 的 菜 ta shi zuotian mǎi de caiHe shi yesterday buy de foodIt was yesterday that he bought food If an object following the verb is to be emphasized in this construction the shi precedes the object and the de comes after the verb and before the shi 他taHe昨天zuotianyesterday买mǎibuy的dede是shishi菜 caivegetable 他昨天買的是菜 他 昨天 买 的 是 菜 ta zuotian mǎi de shi caiHe yesterday buy de shi vegetable What he bought yesterday was vegetable Sentences with similar meaning can be produced using relative clauses These may be called pseudo cleft sentences 昨天zuotianyesterday是shiis他tahe买mǎibuy菜caifood的dede时间 shijiantime 昨天是他買菜的時間 昨天 是 他 买 菜 的 时间 zuotian shi ta mǎi cai de shijianyesterday is he buy food de timeYesterday was the time he bought food 51 Conjunctions editChinese has various conjunctions 连词 連詞 lianci such as he 和 and danshi 但是 but huozhe 或者 or etc However Chinese quite often uses no conjunction where English would have and 52 Two or more nouns may be joined by the conjunctions he 和 and or huo 或 or for example dao he cha 刀和叉 knife and fork gǒu huo mao 狗或貓 dog or cat Certain adverbs are often used as correlative conjunctions where correlating words appear in each of the linked clauses such as budan erqie 不但 而且 not only but also suiran haishi 虽然 还是 雖然 還是 although still yinwei suǒyǐ 因为 所以 因為 所以 because therefore Such connectors may appear at the start of a clause or before the verb phrase 53 Similarly words like jiran 既然 since in response to ruguǒ 如果 or jiǎru 假如 if zhǐyao 只要 provided that correlate with an adverb jiu 就 then or ye 也 also in the main clause to form conditional sentences In some cases the same word may be repeated when connecting items these include you you 又 又 both and yibian yibian 一边 一边 while and yue yue 越 越 the more the more Conjunctions of time such as when may be translated with a construction that corresponds to something like at the time relative clause where as usual the Chinese relative clause comes before the noun time in this case For example 54 当dangAt我wǒI回huireturn家jiahome的dede时候 shihou time 當我回家的時候 当 我 回 家 的 时候 dang wǒ hui jia de shihou At I return home de timeWhen I return ed home Variants include dang yǐqian 当 以前 當 以前 before and dang yǐhou 当 以后 當 以後 after which do not use the relative marker de In all of these cases the initial dang may be replaced by zai 在 or may be omitted There are also similar constructions for conditionals ruguǒ jiǎru zhǐyao dehua 如果 假如 只要 的话 if then where hua 话 話 literally means narrative story See also editClassical Chinese grammar Cantonese grammar nbsp China portalNotes edit Several of the common prepositions can also be used as full verbs The first Chinese scholar to consider the concept of a word 词 詞 ci as opposed to the character 字 zi is claimed to have been Shizhao Zhang in 1907 However defining the word has proved difficult and some linguists consider that the concept is not applicable to Chinese at all See San Duanmu 2000 The Phonology of Standard Chinese Oxford University Press ISBN 9780198299875 A more common way to express this would be wǒ bǎ juzi pi bō le 我把橘子皮剥了 我把橘子皮剝了 I BA tangerine s skin peeled or wǒ bō le juzi pi 我剥了橘子皮 我剝了橘子皮 I peeled tangerine s skin 妳 is an alternative character for nǐ 你 you when referring to a female it is used mainly in script written in traditional characters Also used after possessives and relative clauses Not the same character as the de used to mark possessives and relative clauses This is a different character again from the two types of de previously mentioned This is similar to the English by though it is always followed by an agent Either the verb or the whole verb phrase may be repeated after the negator bu it is also possible to place bu after the verb phrase and omit the repetition entirely Neng 能 does not mean may or can in the sense of know how to or have the skill to alternately ya 呀 wa 哇 etc depending on the preceding soundReferences edit However like dance 舞 can also be used as a verb for example 項莊舞劍 Xiang Zhuang danced with a sword Sun 2006 p 50 Melloni Chiara Basciano Bianca 2018 Reduplication across boundaries The case of Mandarin The Lexeme in Theoretical and Descriptive Morphology 4 331 via OAPEN Sun 2006 p 147 Sun 2006 p 184 Sun 2006 p 185 Li 1990 p 234 ff Sun 2006 p 161 Li amp Thompson 1981 pp 463 491 Li 1990 p 195 Sun 2006 p 159 a b Sun 2006 p 165 Sun 2006 p 188 However classifiers are not commonly used in Classical Chinese for example 三人行 san ren xing literally three person walk means three persons walk together from Analects The following original meaning in Classical Chinese are referenced from Shuowen Jiezi an old dictionary written during the Eastern Han dynasty 怹 字的解释 汉典 www zdic net in Chinese China Retrieved 14 May 2023 汉语我们和咱们有区别吗 Retrieved 2022 01 08 这 字的解释 汉典 www zdic net in Chinese China 那 字的解释 汉典 www zdic net in Chinese China Sun 2006 pp 152 160 Sun 2006 p 151 Sun 2006 p 154 Sun 2006 p 163 Sun 2006 p 203 Chapter 84 Order of Object Oblique and Verb World Atlas of Language Structures 2011 Sun 2006 p 81 ff Sun 2006 p 85 Sun 2006 p 199 Yip amp Rimmington 2004 p 107 Li amp Thompson 1981 p 185 Sun 2006 p 70 Yip amp Rimmington 2004 p 109 Li amp Thompson 1981 pp 29 234 Sun 2006 p 211 Yip amp Rimmington 2004 p 110 Sun 2006 pp 209 211 Sun 2006 p 181 Sun 2006 p 52 Sun 2006 p 53 Sun 2006 p 208 Sun 2006 p 200 Sun 2006 p 205 Sun 2006 p 76 ff Li amp Thompson 1981 quoted in Sun 2006 p 80 Li amp Thompson 1981 pp 296 300 Chao 1968 p 246 Sun 2006 p 80 Sun 2006 p 64 Yip amp Rimmington 2004 p 8 Sun 2006 p 190 Sun 2006 p 191 Yip amp Rimmington 2004 p 12 Sun 2006 p 197 Sun 2006 p 198 Bibliography editChao Yuen Ren 1968 A Grammar of Spoken Chinese Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 00219 7 Li Charles N Thompson Sandra A 1981 Mandarin Chinese A functional reference grammar Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 06610 6 Li Yen hui Audrey 1990 Order and Constituency in Mandarin Chinese Springer ISBN 978 0 792 30500 2 Lin Helen T 1981 Essential Grammar for Modern Chinese Cheng amp Tsui ISBN 978 0 917056 10 9 Ross Claudia Ma Jing Heng Sheng 2006 Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar A Practical Guide Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 70009 2 Sun Chaofen 2006 Chinese A Linguistic Introduction Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 82380 7 Yip Po Ching Rimmington Don 2004 Chinese A Comprehensive Grammar Routledge ISBN 0 415 15031 0 Yip Po Ching Rimmington Don 2006 Chinese An Essential Grammar 2nd ed Routledge ISBN 978 0 203 96979 3 Lu Shuxiang 吕叔湘 1957 Zhongguo wenfa yaolue 中国文法要略 Summary of Chinese grammar Shangwu yinshuguan OCLC 466418461 Wang Li 1955 Zhongguo xiandai yufa 中国现代语法 Modern Chinese grammar Zhonghua shuju Further reading editW Lobscheid 1864 Grammar of the Chinese language in two parts Volume 2 Office of Daily Press p 178 Retrieved 2011 07 06 Joshua Marshman Confucius 1814 Elements of Chinese grammar with a preliminary dissertation on the characters and the colloquial medium of the Chinese and an appendix containing the Tahyoh of Confucius with a translation Printed at the Mission press p 622 Retrieved 2011 07 06 External links edit nbsp Wikibooks has a book on the topic of Chinese Mandarin A Summary of Chinese Grammar Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Chinese grammar amp oldid 1220558997, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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