
2019–2020 Hong Kong protests

The 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests[22] (also known by other names) were a series of demonstrations against the Hong Kong government's introduction of a bill to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in regard to extradition. It was the largest series of demonstrations in the history of Hong Kong.[23][24]

2019–2020 Hong Kong protests
Part of democratic development in Hong Kong, Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict and the Chinese democracy movement
Clockwise from top:
Protesters on 12 June 2019 • Makeshift roadblock ablaze on 15 September 2019 • Protesters flooding the streets on 18 August 2019 • Mourning the death of Chow Tsz-lok • Police tear-gas dispersal on 12 June 2019Hong Kong Way campaign 13 September 2019 • Protesters on 16 June 2019
DateEntire movement:
Since 15 March 2019 (2019-03-15)[1]
Large-scale break-out:
9 June 2019 (2019-06-09) – mid-2020 (mid-2020)
  • Protests begin to diminish in scale in early 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic[2][3][4]
  • The Hong Kong government declares that most street demonstrations have ceased since the Hong Kong national security law came into effect in mid-2020[5]
Caused by
GoalsFive Demands
  • Full withdrawal of the extradition bill
  • Retraction of the characterisation of protests as "riots"
  • Release and exoneration of arrested protesters
  • Establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police behaviour
  • Resignation of Carrie Lam and universal suffrage for the Legislative Council and the chief executive elections
MethodsDiverse, see tactics and methods
Resulted inGovernment crackdown on protesters and their supporters
ConcessionsBill suspended on 15 June 2019 and officially withdrawn on 23 October 2019

Government of Hong Kong

Lead figures

No centralised leadership

Deaths, injuries and arrests
Death(s)15 (as of 20 April 2020)[a]
  • 2,600+ (as of 9 December 2019)[16][b]

The protests began with a sit-in at the government headquarters on 15 March 2019 and a demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands on 9 June 2019, followed by a gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex on 12 June which stalled the bill's second reading. On 16 June, just one day after the Hong Kong government suspended the bill, a larger protest took place to push for its complete withdrawal. The protest was also in response to the perceived excessive use of force by the Hong Kong Police Force on 12 June. As the protests progressed, activists laid out five key demands. Police inaction during the 2019 Yuen Long attack and brutality in 2019 Prince Edward station attack further escalated the protests.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam withdrew the bill on 4 September, but refused to concede to the other four demands. A month later, she invoked emergency powers to implement an anti-mask law, escalating the confrontations. The storming of the Legislative Council in July 2019, deaths of Chow Tsz-lok and Luo Changqing, two shooting incidents of protesters, one of whom was unarmed, and sieges of the Chinese University and the Polytechnic University in November 2019 were landmark events. The unprecedented landslide victory of the pro-democracy camp in the November local election was widely regarded as a de facto referendum on the city's governance.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 largely silenced the protests. Tensions mounted again in May 2020 after Beijing's decision to promulgate a national security bill for Hong Kong. More than a hundred people, including several prominent activists, have been arrested since the imposition of the law. The resulting political atmosphere, along with the crackdown on civil society, sparked a wave of mass emigration from the city. By mid-2020, the Hong Kong government had declared the restoration of peace and stability with the imposition of the national security law.[5][25]

The approval ratings of the government and the police plunged to their lowest points since the 1997 handover. The Central People's Government alleged that foreign powers were instigating the conflict, although the protests have been largely described as "leaderless". The United States passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on 27 November 2019 in response to the movement. The tactics and methods used in Hong Kong inspired other protests that followed worldwide.[26]

Names Edit

In Hong Kong, the name Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement (Chinese: 反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動) is often used to refer to the protests as a whole, including demonstrations after the suspension of the bill.[23][27][28] The name 2019 Hong Kong protests is sometimes used as there is no generally agreed upon end date to the protests.[29]

On 27 October 2019, Politico editor-in-chief Jamil Anderlini published an article in the Financial Times titled "Hong Kong's 'water revolution' spins out of control".[30] A reference to martial artist Bruce Lee's fighting advice to "be [like] water", the name Water Revolution subsequently gained popularity among protesters.[31]

Background Edit

Direct cause Edit

The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 was first proposed by the government of Hong Kong in February 2019 in response to the 2018 murder of Poon Hiu-wing by her boyfriend Chan Tong-kai in Taiwan, which the two Hongkongers were visiting as tourists. As there is no extradition treaty with Taiwan (because the government of China does not recognise Taiwan's sovereignty), the Hong Kong government proposed an amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance (Cap. 503) and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance (Cap. 525) to establish a mechanism for case-by-case transfers of fugitives, on the order of the chief executive, to any jurisdiction with which the territory lacks a formal extradition treaty.[32]

The inclusion of mainland China in the amendment was of concern to Hong Kong society; citizens, academics and the legal profession fear the removal of the separation of the region's jurisdiction from the legal system administered by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would erode the "one country, two systems" principle in practice since the 1997 handover; furthermore, Hong Kong citizens lack confidence in China's judiciary system and human rights protection due to its history of suppressing political dissent.[33] Opponents of the bill urged the Hong Kong government to explore other mechanisms, such as an extradition arrangement solely with Taiwan, and to sunset the arrangement immediately after the surrender of the suspect.[32][34]

Underlying causes Edit

After the failure of the Umbrella Revolution in 2014[35] and the 2017 imprisonment of Hong Kong democracy activists,[36] citizens began to fear the loss of the "high degree of autonomy" as provided for in the Hong Kong Basic Law, as the government of the People's Republic of China appeared to be increasingly and overtly interfering with Hong Kong's affairs. Notably, the NPCSC saw fit to rule on the disqualification of six lawmakers; fears over state-sanctioned rendition and extrajudicial detention were sparked by the Causeway Bay Books disappearances.[37][36] Xi Jinping's accession to General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, the top position of paramount leader in 2012 marked a more hardline authoritarian approach, most notably with the construction of Xinjiang internment camps. The spectre that Hong Kong may similarly be brought to heel became an important element in the protests.[38]

Anti-mainland sentiment had begun to swell in the 2010s. The daily quota of 150 immigrants from China since 1997, and the massive flows of mainland visitors strained Hong Kong's public services and eroded local culture; mainlanders' perceived arrogance drew the scorn of Hongkongers.[38] The rise of localism and the pro-independence movement after the Umbrella Revolution was marked by the high-profile campaign for the 2016 New Territories East by-election by activist Edward Leung.[39] Fewer and fewer young people in Hong Kong identified themselves as Chinese nationals, as found by pollsters at the University of Hong Kong. The younger respondents were, the more distrustful they were of the Chinese government.[37] Scandals and corruption in China shook people's confidence of the country's political systems; the Moral and National Education controversy in 2012, the Express Rail Link project connecting Hong Kong with mainland cities and the subsequent co-location agreement proved highly controversial. Citizens saw these policies as Beijing's decision to strengthen its hold over Hong Kong. By 2019, almost no Hong Kong youth identified only as Chinese.[40]

The Umbrella Revolution provided inspiration and brought about a political awakening to some,[35][41] but its failure and the subsequent split within the pro-democratic bloc prompted a re-evaluation of strategy and tactics. In the years that followed, a general consensus emerged that peaceful protests were ineffective in advancing democratic development, and became an example of what not to do in further protests. Media noted that protests in 2019 were driven by a sense of desperation rather than the optimism of 2014.[42][43] The aims of the protests had evolved from withdrawing the bill, solidifying around achieving the level of freedom and liberties promised.[44]

Objectives Edit

Initially, protesters demanded only the withdrawal of the extradition bill. Following an escalation in the severity of policing tactics on 12 June 2019, the protesters' objective was to achieve the following five demands (under the slogan "Five demands, not one less"):[45]

  • Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill from the legislative process: Although the chief executive announced an indefinite suspension of the bill on 15 June, its status of "pending resumption of second reading" in the Legislative Council meant that its reading could have been resumed quickly. It was formally withdrawn on 23 October 2019.[46][47]
  • Retraction of the "riot" characterisation for protests: The government originally characterised the 12 June protest as "riots", which the crime carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison, and later said there were "some" rioters except for five individuals in Admiralty on 12 June.[48]
  • Release and exoneration of arrested protesters: Protesters considered their lawbreaking acts to be mostly motivated by a politically righteous cause; they also questioned the legitimacy of police arresting protesters at hospitals through access to their confidential medical data in breach of patient privacy.
  • Establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police conduct and use of force during the protests: Civic groups felt that the level of violence used by the police against protesters and bystanders, arbitrary stop-and-search,[49] and officers' failure to observe Police General Orders pointed to a breakdown of accountability.[50][51] The absence of independence of the existing watchdog, the Independent Police Complaints Council, was also an issue.[52]
  • Resignation of Carrie Lam and the implementation of universal suffrage for Legislative Council elections and for the election of the chief executive:[53] The chief executive is selected in a small-circle election, and 30 of the 70 legislative council seats are filled by representatives of institutionalised interest groups, forming the majority of the so-called functional constituencies, most of which have few electors.

History Edit

Early large-scale demonstrations Edit

Police used tear gas to disperse protesters gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex on 12 June 2019.

After several minor protests in March and April 2019,[54] the anti-extradition issue attracted more attention when pro-democratic lawmakers in the Legislative Council launched a filibuster campaign against the bill. In response, the Secretary of Security John Lee announced that the government would resume second reading of the bill in full council on 12 June 2019, bypassing the Bills Committee.[55] With the possibility of a second reading of the bill, the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) launched their third protest march on 9 June. While police estimated attendance at the march on Hong Kong Island at 270,000, the organisers claimed that 1.03 million people had attended the rally, a number unprecedently high for the city.[56][57] Carrie Lam insisted second reading and debate over the bill be resumed on 12 June.[58] Protesters successfully stopped the LegCo from resuming second reading of the bill by surrounding the LegCo Complex.[59] Police Commissioner Stephen Lo declared the clashes a "riot";[60] police were subsequently criticised for using excessive force, such as firing tear gas at protesters at an approved rally.[61][62] Following the clashes, protesters began calling for an independent inquiry into police brutality; they also urged the government to retract the "riot" characterisation.

Marco Leung Ling-kit on scaffolding at Pacific Place before he fell to his death on 15 June

On 15 June, Carrie Lam announced the bill's suspension but did not fully withdraw it.[63] The same day, Marco Leung Ling-Kit, a 35-year-old man, fell to his death after slipping on scaffolding and plunging 17 metres to his death whilst protesting Lam's decision and claims of police brutality.[64] Ruled by an inquest jury as "death by misadventure",[65] this accident formed a rallying point for the movement and his anti-extradition slogans later became the foundations for the "five demands" of the protests, and his yellow raincoat became one of the symbols of the protests.[66] A protest on the following day had almost 2 million people participating according to an CHRF estimate, while the police estimated that there were 338,000 demonstrators at its peak.[67] While Lam offered a personal apology on 18 June,[68] she dismissed calls for her resignation.[69]

Storming of the Legislative Council and escalation Edit

Protesters briefly occupied the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019.

The CHRF claimed a record turnout of 550,000 for their annual march on 1 July 2019, while police estimated around 190,000 at the peak;[70][71] an independent polling organisation estimated attendance at 260,000.[72] The protest was largely peaceful. At night, partly angered by several more suicides since 15 June 2019, some radical protesters stormed into the Legislative Council; police took little action to stop them.[73][74][75]

After 1 July 2019, protests spread to different neighbourhoods in Hong Kong.[76][77][78] CHRF held another anti-extradition protest on 21 July on Hong Kong Island. Instead of dispersing, protesters headed for the Liaison Office in Sai Ying Pun, where they defaced the Chinese national emblem.[79] While a standoff between the protesters and the police occurred on Hong Kong Island,[80] groups of white-clad individuals, suspected to be triad members,[81][82][83] appeared and indiscriminately attacked people inside Yuen Long station.[84] Police were absent during the attacks, and the local police stations were shuttered, leading to suspicion that the attack was coordinated with police. The attack was often seen as the turning point for the movement, as it crippled people's confidence in the police and turned a lot of citizens who were politically neutral or apathetic against the police.[85]

Protesters pointing their laser pointers at a newspaper outside the Space Museum, mocking an earlier police demonstration that aimed to illustrate the danger of laser pointers, which was seized from an arrested student-union president[86][87]

A call for a general strike on 5 August was answered by about 350,000 people according to the Confederation of Trade Unions;[88] over 200 flights had to be cancelled.[89][90][91] Various incidents involving alleged police brutality on 11 August prompted protesters to stage a three-day sit-in at Hong Kong International Airport from 12 to 14 August, forcing the Airport Authority to cancel numerous flights.[92][93][94] On 23 August, an estimated 210,000 people participated in the "Hong Kong Way" campaign to draw attention to the movement's five demands. The chain extended across the top of Lion Rock.[95]

Ignoring a police ban, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong Island on 31 August following the arrests of high-profile pro-democracy activists and lawmakers the previous day.[96][97][98] At night, the Special Tactical Squad (officially known as the Special Tactical Contingent) stormed Prince Edward station, where they beat and pepper-sprayed the commuters inside.[99] On 4 September, Carrie Lam announced the formal withdrawal of the extradition bill once Legco reconvened in October and the introduction of additional measures to calm the situation. However, protests continued to push for the realisation of all five demands.[100]

Intensification and sieges of the universities Edit

Tsang Chi-kin, 18, was shot in the chest by police in 2019

On 1 October 2019, mass protests and violent conflict occurred between the protesters and police in various districts of Hong Kong during the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. This resulted in the first use of live rounds by police. An 18-year-old protester named Tsang Chi-kin, was shot in the chest by police in Tsuen Wan after charging towards a riot policeman.[101][102][103] He was later charged with rioting and assaulting officers but did not show up in court in December 2020.[104] After 2 years in hiding, he was finally arrested in Sai Kung in July 2022 trying to flee to Taiwan. Tsang appeared in court on April 18, 2023 and will plead guilty to contempt of court, rioting and assaulting a police officer.[105] Carrie Lam invoked the Emergency Regulations Ordinance to impose a law to ban wearing face masks in public gatherings, attempting to curb the ongoing protests on 4 October.[106] The law's enactment was followed by continued demonstrations in various districts of Hong Kong, blocking major thoroughfares, vandalising shops considered to be pro-Beijing and paralysing the MTR system.[107][108][109] Protests and citywide flash rallies persisted throughout the month.[110][111]

The police confronted the protesters at the entrance of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 12 November 2019.

Protesters clashed with the police late at night on 3 November 2019. Alex Chow Tsz-lok, a 22-year-old student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), was later found unconscious on the second floor of the estate's car park. He died on 8 November following two unsuccessful brain surgeries.[112][113] After his death, protesters engaged in flash rallies against the police and attended vigils in various districts of Hong Kong. They blamed the police for his death, though the police denied any involvement.[114] In response to Chow's death, protesters planned a city-wide strike starting on 11 November by disrupting transport in the morning in various districts of Hong Kong.[115] That morning, a policeman fired live rounds in Sai Wan Ho, in response to an unarmed 21 year-old attempting to snatch his gun.[116][failed verification] On 14 November, an elderly man named Luo Changqing died from a head injury which he had sustained the previous day during a confrontation between two groups of anti-government protesters and residents in Sheung Shui.[117][118]

Protesters in Yau Ma Tei on 18 November 2019 as they attempted to breach the police's cordon line to break through to protesters trapped inside Hong Kong Polytechnic University

For the first time, during a standoff on 11 November, police shot numerous rounds of tear gas, sponge grenades and rubber bullets into the campuses of universities, while protesters threw bricks and petrol bombs in response.[119] Student protesters from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) confronted the police for two consecutive days.[120] After the conflict, protesters briefly occupied several universities.[121][122] A major conflict between protesters and police took place in Hung Hom on 17 November after protesters took control of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and blockaded the Cross-Harbour Tunnel. Thus began the siege of PolyU by police which ended with them storming onto the campus and arresting several protesters and volunteer medics in the early morning of 18 November.[123][124] On March 11, 2023, 20 people were jailed for up to 64 months over riot near besieged PolyU campus in 2019.[125]

Electoral landslide and COVID-19 Edit

Protesters flood the streets during the New Year's march

The 24 November 2019 District Council election, considered a referendum on the government and the protests, attracted a record high voter turnout.[126] The results saw the pro-democracy camp win by a landslide, with the pro-Beijing camp suffering their greatest electoral defeat in Hong Kong's history.[127][128] The unprecedented electoral success of the pro-democracy voters, the mass arrests during the PolyU siege, and faster response by police contributed to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of the protests in December 2019 and January 2020.[129] Despite this, the CHRF organised two marches to maintain pressure on the government on 8 December 2019 and 1 January 2020.[130][131]

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China caused the number of large-scale rallies to dwindle further because of fears that they might facilitate the spread of the virus. Despite this, the pro-democratic movement's tactics were repurposed to pressure the government to take stronger actions to safeguard public health in the face of the pandemic's outbreak in Hong Kong.[132] As the COVID-19 crisis escalated in February and March 2020, the scale of the protests dwindled further.[133][134] Police have used COVID-19 laws banning groups of more than four, for example, to disperse protesters.[135][136] On 18 April, police arrested 15 pro-democracy activists including Jimmy Lai, Martin Lee and Margaret Ng for their activities in 2019, drawing international condemnation.[137]

Implementation of the national security law Edit

The national security law banned anyone from shouting or displaying the slogan "Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times" (Chinese: 光復香港,時代革命), which has achieved mainstream adoption since July 2019.[66][138]

On 21 May 2020, state media announced that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) would begin drafting a new law that covers "secession, foreign interference, terrorism and subversion against the central government", to be added into the Annex III of the Hong Kong Basic Law. This meant that the law would come into effect through promulgation, bypassing local legislation.[139] Despite international pressure, the NPCSC passed the national security law unanimously on 30 June, without informing the public and the local officials of the content of the law.[140] The law created a chilling effect in the city.[141][142][143][144][145] Demosistō, which had been involved in lobbying for other nations' support, and several pro-independence groups announced that they had decided to disband and cease all operations, fearing that they would be the targets of the new law.[146] Thousands of protesters showed up on 1 July to protest against the newly implemented law. On that day, the police arrested at least ten people for "breaching national security" for displaying protest art.[147]

Following the implementation of the national security law, the international community reassessed their policies towards China. Major countries in the West (Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, Germany and New Zealand) suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong over the introduction of the national security law.[148][149][150][151][152] The US Congress passed the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and president Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to revoke the city's special trade status after Mike Pompeo informed the Congress that Hong Kong was no longer autonomous from China and so should be considered the same country in trade and other such matters.[153] On 7 August, the US announced that they would impose sanctions on eleven Hong Kong and Chinese top officials, including Carrie Lam, for undermining Hong Kong's freedom and autonomy.[154] British Home Office announced that starting from early 2021, current and former holders of the BN(O) passport in Hong Kong can resettle in the UK along with their dependents for five years before they become eligible to apply for permanent citizenship.[155]

Subsequent clampdown and exodus Edit

Civic Party promoting the primaries as the democrats aspired to secure a majority in LegCo. Four candidates from the party were disqualified by the government.

Invigorated by its success in the November 2019 District Council election, the pro-democratic bloc was eyeing to win over half of the 70 seats in the Legislative Council in the election set to be held on 6 September.[156] Unfazed by the national security law, more than 600,000 people cast their votes in the bloc's historic first primaries in mid July 2020. The Hong Kong government then disqualified twelve candidates on 30 July, nearly all of whom were winners from the pro-democratic primaries.[157][158] The decision drew international condemnation for obstructing the election and the democratic process.[159] On the following day, Carrie Lam, going against the public opinion,[160] invoked emergency powers to delay the election, citing the pandemic as the reason. While the NPCSC allowed the four disqualified incumbent lawmakers to transition to the extended term in July, they decided to remove them from office in November 2020, resulting in the mass resignation of all of opposition lawmakers.[161]

Former lawmaker Nathan Law met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in July 2020, discussing matters concerning the national security law, the pro-democratic primaries, and the LegCo election.

The police continued to use the law to target local activists and critics of Beijing, including business tycoon Jimmy Lai. In January 2021, the police arrested more than 50 individuals, all of whom were candidates in the primaries for "subverting state power".[162] This meant that most of the active and prominent politicians in the opposite camp in Hong Kong have been arrested by the authorities using the national security law.[163] Arrest warrants were issued to exiled activists for breaching the national security law, including former lawmakers Nathan Law, Baggio Leung and Ted Hui.[164][165] Twelve Hong Kong activists who were released on bail were captured by China's Coast Guard Bureau while fleeing to Taiwan on a speedboat on 23 August. Detained in Yantian, Shenzhen, they were subsequently charged with crossing the Chinese border illegally and were prevented from choosing their lawyers and meeting their families.[166][167]

As protest activities dwindled, the government continued to tighten its control in Hong Kong, censoring school textbooks and removing any mention of the Tiananmen massacre,[168] arresting organisers of vigils for the victims of the massacre,[169] removing public examination questions which the authorities deemed politically inappropriate,[170] deregistering "yellow-ribbon" teachers,[171] and declaring that separation of powers never existed in Hong Kong despite previous comments by the city's top judges recognising its importance in Hong Kong.[172] It also attempted to reshape the narrative of the Yuen Long attack by claiming that the attack had not been indiscriminate, changing the officially reported police response time, and arresting Lam Cheuk-ting, a pro-democracy lawmaker who was hurt in the attack, for "rioting".[173]

Civil society faced a crackdown by authorities,[174] which triggered a massive exodus from Hong Kong. Pro-democracy activists and lawmakers were among the first to leave the territory; the first wave of emigres also included young professionals, as well as families whose parents wanted to have their children be schooled with emphasis on independent critical thinking.[175] More than 89,000 Hongkongers left the city in a year after the national security law was imposed, and the city witnessed a record 1.2% drop in population.[176] Schools were shrinking as parents feared "brainwashing" "patriotic" education be implemented,[177] and tens of thousands applied for British National (Overseas) visas after the UK government unveiled a new immigration path for passport holders.[178]

Clashes between protesters and counter-protesters Edit

Jimmy Sham, a protest organiser and the convenor of CHRF, was attacked twice during the protests.
Pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho, who defended the assailants of the Yuen Long attack,[179] was attacked.

Clashes between protesters and counter-protesters had become more frequent since the movement began in June 2019. During a pro-police rally on 30 June, their supporters began directing profanities at their opposition counterparts and destroyed their Lennon Wall and the memorial for Marco Leung, leading to intense confrontations between the two camps.[180] Pro-Beijing citizens, wearing "I love HK police" T-shirts and waving the Chinese national flag, assaulted people perceived to be protesters on 14 September in Fortress Hill.[181] Lennon Walls became sites of conflict between the two camps, with pro-Beijing citizens attempting to tear down the messages or removing poster art.[182][183] Some protesters and pedestrians were beaten and attacked with knives near Lennon Walls by a single perpetrator[184][185] or by suspected gang members.[186] A reporter was stabbed and a teenager distributing pro-protest leaflets had his abdomen slashed.[187] Owners of small businesses seen to be supportive of the protests and their employees have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks and their businesses vandalised.[188][189]

Some civilians rammed their cars into crowds of protesters or the barricades they set up.[190][191] In one instance, a female protester suffered severe thigh fractures.[192] Protest organisers, including Jimmy Sham from the CHRF, and pro-democratic lawmakers such as Roy Kwong were assaulted and attacked.[193][194][195] On 3 November, politician Andrew Chiu had his ear bitten off by a Chinese mainlander who had reportedly knifed three other people outside Cityplaza.[196][197] Meanwhile, pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho was stabbed and his parents' grave was desecrated.[198][199]

White-clad men assaulted commuters and protesters with sticks inside Yuen Long station on 21 July 2019.

The 2019 Yuen Long attack occurred following a mass protest organised by the CHRF on 21 July. Suspected gangsters vowed that they would "defend" their "homeland" and warned all anti-extradition bill protesters not to set foot in Yuen Long.[200] The perpetrators attacked people on Fung Yau Street North in Yuen Long before entering Yuen Long station, where they indiscriminately attacked commuters in the concourse and on the platform, as well as inside train compartments, resulting in a widespread backlash from the community. The Department of Justice has since been criticised by some lawyers for making "politically motivated" prosecutions. After the Yuen Long attack, no assailant was charged for weeks after the event, while young protesters were charged with rioting within several days.[201] Protesters were also attacked with fireworks in Tin Shui Wai on 31 July,[202] and then attacked by knife-wielding men in Tsuen Wan[203] and suspected "Fujianese" gang members wielding long poles in North Point on 5 August, though they fought back against the attackers.[204][205]

External video
  The 31 July 2019 incident in which protesters were attacked by fireworks launching out of a moving vehicle (BBC News)
  The 11 November 2019 incident in which a man was set on fire by a protester (Bloomberg)

Amidst frustration that police had failed to prosecute pro-government violent counter-protesters and being increasingly distrustful of police because of this,[206] hard-core protesters began to carry out vigilante attacks—described by protesters as "settling matters privately"—targeting individuals perceived to be foes.[206][207] Pro-Beijing actress Celine Ma,[208] plainclothed officers,[209] and a taxi driver who drove into a crowd of protesters in Sham Shui Po on 8 October, were attacked.[210] A middle-aged man was doused with flammable liquid and set on fire by a protester after he had an altercation with protesters at Ma On Shan station on 11 November.[211][212] On 14 November, an elderly man died from head injuries sustained earlier during a violent confrontation between two groups of protesters and Sheung Shui residents.[213]

Tactics and methods Edit

A subway near Tai Po Market station, dubbed the "Lennon Tunnel"
Black Bauhinia Flag, a variation of the flag of Hong Kong
Pepe the Frog became a symbol of resistance during the protests. "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" alludes to Patrick Henry's speech in support of the American Revolution.
A Winnie the Pooh toy used to symbolise Xi Jinping with the Chinazi flag stuck on it and a swastika shaped Chinese Flag attached on its chest, used in the 1 December 2019 protests

The protests have been described as being largely "leaderless".[214] Protesters commonly used LIHKG, an online forum similar to Reddit, as well as Telegram, an optionally end-to-end encrypted messaging service to communicate and brainstorm ideas for protests and to make collective decisions.[214] Unlike previous protests, those of 2019 spread over 20 different neighbourhoods.[215] Protesters and their supporters remained anonymous to avoid prosecutions or future potential retaliation from the authorities, employers who had a different political orientation, and corporations which kowtowed to political pressure.[216]

For the most part there are two groups of protesters, namely the "peaceful, rational and non-violent" protesters and the "fighters" group.[217] Nonetheless, despite differences in methods, both groups have refrained from denouncing or criticising the other and provided tacit support. The principle was the "Do Not Split" praxis, which was aimed to promote mutual respect for different views within the same protest movement.[218][38]

Moderate group Edit

The moderate group participated in different capacities. The peaceful group held mass rallies, and engaged in other forms of protest such as hunger strikes,[219] forming human chains,[220] launching petitions,[221] labour strikes,[222] and class boycotts.[223][224] Lennon Walls were set up in various neighbourhoods to spread messages of support and display protest art.[225][226] Protesters had set up pop-up stores that sold cheap protest gadgets,[227] provided undercover clinics for young activists,[228] and crowdfunded to help people in need of medical or legal assistance.[229]

To raise awareness of their cause and to keep citizens informed, artists supporting the protest created protest art and derivative works.[230] Social media platforms were used to deliver information about the protests to raise awareness to users abroad[231][232] and circulate images of police brutality.[233] Protesters held "civil press conferences" to counter press conferences by police and the government.[234] AirDrop was used to broadcast anti-extradition bill information to the public and mainland tourists.[235] A protest anthem, "Glory to Hong Kong", was composed, its lyrics crowdsourced on the LIHKG online forum, and sung in flash protests in shopping centres.[236] The Lady Liberty Hong Kong statue was also crowdfunded by citizens to commemorate the protests.[237]

Protesters have attempted to gain international support. Activists organised and coordinated numerous rallies to this end.[238][239] Joshua Wong, Denise Ho and several other democrats provided testimonies during the US congressional hearing for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.[240] To increase the political pressure on China, they also advocated for the suspension of the United States–Hong Kong Policy Act, which grants Hong Kong's special status.[241] Advertisements on the protesters' cause were financed by crowdfunding and placed in major international newspapers.[242][243] At events, protesters waved the national flags of other countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, calling for their support.[244]

Efforts were made to transform the protests into a long-lasting movement. Protesters have advocated a "Yellow Economic Circle".[245] Supporters of the protesters labelled different establishments based on their political stance and chose to patronise only in businesses which are sympathetic to the movement, while boycotting businesses supporting or owned by mainland Chinese interests.[246][247] Flash rallies were held in the central business districts as office workers used their lunch break to march on the street.[248] The protests prompted various professions to set up labour unions that compete with pro-Beijing lobbies to pressure the government further.[249] Newly elected District Council members put forward motions to condemn the police and used their power to assist the detained protesters.[250]

Radical group Edit

Protesters adopted the black bloc method and wore helmets and respirators to protect themselves. Yellow hard hats became a symbol for the protest movement[251]
A smart lamppost was destroyed by protesters on 24 August 2019, due to fears that it could be used for surveillance[252]

Radical protesters adopted the "be water" strategy, inspired by Bruce Lee's philosophy, often moving in a fluid and agile fashion to confound and confuse the police.[30] They often retreated when police arrived, only to re-emerge elsewhere.[253] In addition, protesters adopted black bloc tactics to protect their identities. Frontliners' "full gear" consisted of umbrellas, face masks, hard hats and respirators to shield themselves from projectiles and teargas.[254] Furthermore, protesters used laser pointers to distract police officers and interfere with the operation of their cameras.[254] At protest scenes, protesters used hand gestures for nonverbal communication, and supplies were delivered via human chains.[255] Different protesters adopted different roles. Some were "scouts" who shared real-time updates whenever they spotted the police,[256][257] A mobile app was developed to allow crowdsourcing the location of police.[258]

Starting in August 2019, radical protesters escalated the controversial use of violence and intimidation. They dug up paving bricks and threw them at police; others used petrol bombs, corrosive liquid and other projectiles against police.[259][260][109] As a result of clashes, there were multiple reports of police injuries and the assault of officers throughout the protests.[261][262] One officer was slashed in the neck with a box cutter,[110] and a media liaison officer was shot in the leg with an arrow during the PolyU siege.[263] Protesters also directed violence towards undercover officers suspected to be agents provocateurs.[264][265] Several individuals were arrested for illegal possession of firearms or making homemade explosives.[266]

Unlike other civil unrests, little random smashing and looting were observed, as protesters vandalised targets they believed embodied injustice.[267] Corporations that protesters accused of being pro-Beijing and mainland Chinese companies were also vandalised, subject to arson or spray-painted.[268][269][270][271] Protesters also directed violence at symbols of the government by vandalising government and pro-Beijing lawmakers' offices,[272][273] and defacing symbols representing China.[274][207] The MTR Corporation became a target of vandalism after protesters had accused the railway operator of kowtowing to pressure by Chinese media by closing several stations[275] and not releasing the CCTV footage from the 2019 Prince Edward station incident amid fears that police may have beaten someone to death.[276] Protesters also disrupted traffic by setting up roadblocks,[277][278] damaging traffic lights,[279] deflating the tires of buses,[280] and throwing objects onto railway tracks.[281] Protesters occasionally intimidated and assaulted mainlanders.[282]

Some radical protesters promoted the idea of "mutual destruction" or "phoenixism", these terms being translations of the Cantonese lam chau. They theorised that sanctions against the ruling CCP and the loss of Hong Kong's international finance centre and special trade status (caused by China's interference of the one-country, two systems principle) would destabilise mainland China's economy, and therefore, undermine the rule of the CCP and give Hong Kong a chance to be "reborn" in the future.[283][284] They believed that further government crackdown would ultimately speed up the process of lam chau, ultimately hurting the regime.[285]

Online confrontations Edit

Doxing and cyberbullying were tactics used by both supporters and opponents of the protests. Some protesters used these tactics on police officers and their families and uploaded their personal information online.[286] More than 1,000 officers' personal details had been reportedly leaked online, and nine individuals had been arrested. Protest leaders have been attacked after being doxed and intimidated.[287] HK Leaks, an anonymous website based in Russia, and promoted by groups linked to the CCP, doxed about 200 people seen as being supportive of the protests. On 25 October 2019, Hong Kong Police obtained a court injunction prohibiting anyone from sharing any personal information about police officers or their families.[288]

Both sides of the protests spread unverified rumours, misinformation and disinformation. This included tactics such as using selective cuts of news footage and creating false narratives.[289][290][291][292] Several deaths, most notably, that of Chan Yin-lam, a 15-year-old girl whom the police suspected had committed suicide, were the subject of a conspiracy theory given the unusual circumstances surrounding her death.[293] Pro-Beijing camp spread rumour was that the CIA was involved in instigating the protests after photographs of Caucasian men taking part in the protests were shared online.[294] The police blamed fake news for causing public distrust towards law enforcement,[295] though the police itself were also accused by several media outlets and prosecutors of lying to the public.[296][297] Both Twitter and Facebook announced that they had discovered what they described as large-scale disinformation campaigns operating on their social networks to vilify and discredit the protesters.[298][299] According to investigations by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, some attacks were coordinated, state-backed operations that were believed to have been carried out by agents of the Chinese government.[300]

On 13 June 2019, allegations of organised cyberattacks were made against the Chinese government. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, suggested that the Chinese government may be behind the DDoS attacks on Telegram. Additionally, Durov further tweeted that some of the DDoS attacks coincided with the protest on 12 June 2019.[301] Another DDoS attack occurred on 31 August; two Chinese websites including Baidu Tieba were involved in the attack.[302]

Police misconduct Edit

A water cannon truck firing blue-dyed liquid at protesters
A police officer firing tear gas canisters on 31 August 2019
Hong Kong police stormed Prince Edward station and attacked civilians on 31 August 2019.
A passerby was attacked by riot police in Tai Wai on 3 October 2019
Veby Mega Indah, an Indonesian journalist whose right eye was ruptured by a police baton round
External video
  The 1 October 2019 Tsuen Wan shooting incident (HKFP)
  The 11 November 2019 Sai Wan Ho shooting incident (HKFP)

According to polls conducted by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute, net approval of the Hong Kong Police Force fell to 22 percent in mid-2019, due to its handling of the protests.[303] At the end of July, 60 percent of respondents in public surveys were dissatisfied with police handling of incidents since June 2019.[304] Nearly 70 percent of Hong Kong citizens believe the police have acted unprofessionally by making indiscriminate arrests and losing self-control.[305] Their role and actions have raised questions about their accountability, the manner in which they wielded their physical force, and their crowd control methods. There have also been allegations of lack of consistency of law enforcement whether through deliberate inaction or poor organisation.

Inappropriate use of force Edit

Hong Kong police were accused of using excessive and disproportionate force and not following both international safety guidelines and internal protocols while using their weapons.[306][307] According to Amnesty International, police aimed horizontally while firing, targeting protesters' heads and torsos.[307][120] Police use of bean bag rounds and rubber bullets allegedly ruptured the eyes of several protesters and the eye of an Indonesian journalist.[308][309][310] Police were found to have been using tear gas as an offensive weapon,[311] firing it indoors inside a railway station,[311] using expired tear gas, which could release toxic gases upon combustion,[312] and firing canisters from high-rise buildings.[313] Between June and November 2019, approximately 10,000 volleys of gas had been fired.[314] Chemical residues were found on different public facilities in various neighbourhoods.[315][316][d] The use of tear gas sparked public health concerns after a reporter was diagnosed with chloracne in November 2019,[318] though both the environment department and the health department disputed these claims.[319]

Several police operations, in particular in Prince Edward station where the Special Tactical Squad (STS) assaulted commuters on a train, were thought by protesters and pro-democrats to have disregarded public safety.[320][321] Police were accused of using disproportionate force[322] after an officer shot two young protesters with live ammunition in Tsuen Wan and Sai Wan Ho on 1 October 2019 and 11 November 2019 respectively.[e][328][329] An off-duty officer shot and injured a 15-year-old boy in Yuen Long on 4 October 2019 when he was assaulted by protesters who accused him of bumping into people with his car.[330] The siege of PolyU, which was described as a "humanitarian crisis" by democrats and medics,[331][332] prompted the Red Cross and Medecins Sans Frontieres to intervene as the wounded protesters trapped inside ran out of supplies and lacked first-aid care.[332]

Police were accused of obstructing first-aid service and emergency services[333][320][114] and interfering with the work of medical personnel inside hospitals.[334][335] The arrest of volunteer medics during the siege of PolyU was condemned by medical professionals.[336] Police were accused of using excessive force on already subdued, compliant arrestees. Videos showed the police kicking an arrestee,[337] pressing one's face against the ground,[338] using one as a human shield,[339] stomping on a demonstrator's head,[340] and pinning a protester's neck to the ground with a knee.[341] Video footage also shows the police beating passers-by, pushing and kicking people who were attempting to mediate the conflict,[342][343] and tackling minors and pregnant women.[344]

Protesters reported suffering brain haemorrhage and bone fractures after being violently arrested by the police.[345][346] Amnesty International stated that police had used "retaliatory violence" against protesters and mistreated and tortured some detainees. Detainees reported being forced to inhale tear gas, and being beaten and threatened by officers. Police officers shined laser lights directly into one detainee's eyes.[347][348][349][350] The police were accused of using sexual violence on female protesters.[351] A female alleged that she was gang raped inside Tsuen Wan police station, while the police reported that their investigation did not align with her accusation,[352] and later announced plans to arrest her on suspicion of providing false information.[353] Some detainees reported police had denied them access to lawyers and delayed their access to medical services.[349][354] Many of these allegations were believed to have taken place in San Uk Ling Holding Centre.[355]

Questionable tactics and unprofessional behaviour Edit

The kettling of protesters,[321][356] the firing of pepper ball rounds at protesters at near point-blank range,[357] driving dangerously were also sources of controversy. A police officer was suspended after he hit one protester with a motorcycle and dragged him on 11 November 2019.[358][359] He was later reinstated.[360] A police van suddenly accelerated into a crowd of protesters, causing a stampede as STS officers exiting from the van chased protesters in Yau Ma Tei on 18 November 2019. Police defended the latter action as an appropriate response by well-trained officers to attacks by protesters, and that "[driving] fast doesn't mean it is unsafe".[361]

Some police officers did not wear uniforms with identification numbers or failed to display their warrant cards,[362][363] making it difficult for citizens to file complaints. The government explained in June 2019 that there was not enough space on the uniforms to accommodate identification numbers. In June 2020, the appearance of various decorations on uniforms caused this explanation to be doubted.[364] The court ruled in November 2020 that the police had breached the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance by hiding or not displaying their identification number.[365] In late 2019 the government introduced "call signs" to replace warrant cards, but it was found that officers shared call signs.[366]

The police have also repeatedly interfered with the justice process. They have been suspected of tampering with evidence,[367][368][369] giving false testimony before court,[370] and coercing false confessions from arrestees.[371] The deployment of undercover officers who were suspected of committing arson and vandalism also generated controversy, and the ability of police officers to identify the differences between ordinary protesters and undercover officers was questioned.[372][373] A police officer was arrested in April 2020 for perverting the course of justice after he allegedly instructed a teen to throw petrol bombs at a police station he works at.[f][374]

Some uniformed officers used foul language to harass and humiliate protesters and journalists[375] and provoked protesters.[376] The slur "cockroach"—whose dehumanising qualities have been recognised in the social sciences and psychology—was used frequently by frontline officers to insult protesters; some officers sought to counter this development,[377] and suggested that in several instances, verbal abuse by protesters may have led officers to use the term.[378] An officer was reprimanded by his superiors for shouting derisive comments to protesters about the death of Chow Tsz-lok.[379] Police described a man wearing a yellow vest who was taken to an alley, surrounded by police officers, and apparently physically abused by one of them, as a "yellow object".[380]

Police were also accused of spreading a climate of fear[381] by conducting hospital arrests,[382][383] attacking protesters while undercover,[345][384] arresting people arbitrarily,[385] targeting youngsters,[386][347] banning requests for demonstrations,[387] and arresting high-profile activists and lawmakers.[388] During the pandemic period, it has also used the law banning groups of 4 to further ban peaceful protests.[389] However, the police were accused of applying double standards by showing leniency towards violent counter-protesters.[390] It has also failed to fulfill its duty to protect the protesters. Their slow response and inaction during the Yuen Long attack sparked accusations they had colluded with the attackers.[81][391]

Lack of accountability Edit

Police modified the Police General Orders by removing the sentence "officers will be accountable for their own actions" ahead of the 1 October 2019 confrontation. Police sources of the Washington Post have said that a culture of impunity pervades the police force, such that riot police often disregarded their training or became dishonest in official reports to justify excessive force.[306] Police officers who felt that their actions were not justified were marginalised.[392] Police commanders reportedly ignored the wrongdoings and the unlawful behaviours of frontline riot police and refused to use any disciplinary measures to avoid upsetting them.[306] Lam's administration also denied police wrongdoings and backed the police multiple times.[393] As of December 2019, no officer had been suspended for their actions or charged or prosecuted over protest-related actions.[306] When the District Councils were passing motions to condemn police violence, police commissioner Chris Tang and other civil servants walked out in protest.[394]

The Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) launched investigations into alleged incidents of police misconduct during the protests. Protesters demanded an independent commission of inquiry instead, as the members of the IPCC are mainly pro-establishment and it lacks the power to investigate, make definitive judgements, and hand out penalties.[395][396][100] Despite calls from both local[397] and international opinion leaders, Carrie Lam and both police commissioners Stephen Lo and Chris Tang rejected the formation of an independent committee.[398] Lam insisted that the IPCC was able to fulfill the task,[399] while Tang called the formation of such a committee an "injustice" and a "tool for inciting hatred" against the force.[306]

On 8 November 2019, a five-member expert panel headed by Sir Denis O'Connor and appointed by Lam in September 2019 to advise the IPCC, concluded that the police watchdog lacked the "powers, capacity and independent investigative capability necessary" to fulfill its role as a police watchdog group and suggested the formation of an independent commission of inquiry given the current protest situation.[400] After negotiations to increase the IPCC's powers fell through, the five panel members quit on 11 December 2019.[401] The IPCC report on police behaviour during the protests released in May 2020 concluded that police has mostly followed the guidelines though there was room for improvement.[402] While government officials called the report "comprehensive", democrats and human rights organisations were unanimous in declaring it a whitewash of police misdeeds.[403] One of the expert panel members, Clifford Stott, said in June 2020 that the police had misjudged the dynamics of the protests and had used disproportionate force at almost all protests, thus creating more disorder than it prevented.[404] A report co-authored by Stott, published in November 2020, saw the "absence of any credible system of accountability for the police" as one major reason for why the protests became more radical.[50]

Local media coverage Edit

Stand News journalist Gwyneth Ho was attacked by a stick-wielding man during the Yuen Long attack on 21 July 2019.
Police near Lan Kwai Fong, Central on 31 October 2019. Police were accused of obstructing reporters from taking photographs by shining flashlights at them.[405]

The protests received significant press attention. Nathan Ruser from ASPI identified the protests as the most live-streamed social unrest in history. According to a poll conducted by CUHK, live feeds have replaced traditional media, social media and Telegram as the main way for citizens of Hong Kong to access protest-related information. Ruser suggested that unlike other protests, the widespread use of livestreaming technology in the Hong Kong protests meant that there was "almost parity when it comes to what [one] can learn remotely researching it to actually being there".[406]

Many of Hong Kong's media outlets are owned by local tycoons who have significant business ties in the mainland, so many of them adopt self-censorship at some level and have mostly maintained a conservative editorial line in their coverage of the protests. The management of some firms have forced journalists to change their headline to sound less sympathetic to the protest movement.[407] A report by BBC suggested that the management of local terrestrial broadcaster Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) had forced employees to include more voices supporting the government and highlight the aggressive actions of the protesters, without including segments focusing on the responses from the protesters or the democrats.[408] Journalists from South China Morning Post, which was acquired by the Chinese Alibaba Group in 2016, had their news pieces significantly altered by senior editors to include a pro-government viewpoint before they were published.[409] TVB and local news outlet HK01 were accused of pro-government bias, and protesters have physically assaulted their news crews and damaged their equipment and vehicles.[410][411] Protesters also placed political pressure on various corporations, urging them to stop placing advertisements on TVB.[412]

On the other hand, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), a public broadcasting service, faced criticisms of bias in favour of the protest movement. Its critics have surrounded the headquarters of RTHK and assaulted its reporters.[413] RTHK also faced political pressure from the police directly: police commissioner Chris Tang filed complaints to RTHK against the satirical TV show Headliner and opinion program Pentaprism for "insulting the police" and "spreading hate speech" respectively.[g] The police were criticised by journalists and democrats for interfering with press freedom.[416] In response to around 200 complaints received by the Communications Authority, RTHK apologised "to any police officers or others who have been offended" and cancelled Headliner in May 2020, ending its 21-year run.[417] RTHK journalist Nabela Qoser, known for her blunt questioning of government officials at press conferences, was subjected to racist abuse online by pro-Beijing groups, prompting a statement of "grave concern" from the Equal Opportunities Commission.[418][419] She also had her probation period at RTHK extended.[420]

Journalists have experienced interference and obstruction from the police in their reporting activities.[421] Police frequently used flashlights against reporters, shining light at cameras to avoid them being filmed or photographed; journalists also reported frequently being harassed, searched,[405][422][423] and insulted. In some cases, despite identifying themselves, they were jostled, subdued, pepper-sprayed, or violently detained by the police.[424][425][426][427] Several female reporters complained about being sexually harassed by police officers.[422] Journalists were also caught in the crossfire of protests:[428][429] Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah of Suara was blinded by a rubber bullet;[430] a reporter from RTHK suffered burns after he was hit by a petrol bomb.[431] Student journalists have also been targeted and attacked by police.[432]

Police raided the headquarters of pro-democratic newspaper Apple Daily and searched its editorial and reporters' areas on 10 August 2020. During the operation, reporters from several major news outlets were rejected from entering cordoned-off areas where a scheduled press briefing was held. Police stated that media who were "unprofessional", or had been reporting in the past in a manner considered by police as biased against the force, would be denied access to such briefings in the future.[433][434] In September 2020, the police further limited press freedom by narrowing the definition of "media representatives", meaning that student reporters and freelancers would have to face more risks when they are reporting.[435]

Hong Kong's fall by seven places to 80th in the World Press Freedom Index was attributed by Reporters without Borders to the policy of violence against journalists. When the Press Freedom Index was established in 2002, Hong Kong had ranked 18th.[436] Following the passing of the national security law, The New York Times announced that it would relocate its digital team's office to Seoul, as the law has "unsettled news organisations and created uncertainty about the city's prospects as a hub for journalism in Asia".[437] The Immigration Department also started declining work visas for foreign journalists, including those working for New York Times and local outlet Hong Kong Free Press.[438]

Impact Edit

Economy Edit

Protest at the Hong Kong International Airport on 26 July 2019

Official statistics showed that Hong Kong had slipped into recession as its economy had shrunk in the second and third quarters of 2019.[439] Retail sales declined and consumer spending decreased.[440] Some restaurants saw their customers cancel bookings, and certain banks and shops were forced to close their doors. Some supply chains were disrupted because of the protests. Lower consumer spending caused several luxury brands to delay shop openings, while other brands quit.[441] While some hawkers protested about declining sales,[442] some shops prospered as nearby protesters bought food and other commodities.[443] Stock of protest supplies ran low in both Hong Kong and Taiwan.[444]

The protests also affected property owners: fearing the instability, some investors abandoned purchases of land. Demand for property also declined, as overall property transactions dropped by 24 per cent when compared with the Umbrella Revolution; property developers were forced to slash prices.[445] Trade shows reported decreased attendance and revenue, and many firms cancelled their events in Hong Kong.[446] The Hang Seng Index declined by at least 4.8 per cent from 9 June 2019 to late August 2019. As investment sentiment waned, companies awaiting listing on the stock market put their initial public offerings (IPO) on hold, there being only one in August 2019 – the lowest since 2012. Fitch Ratings downgraded Hong Kong's sovereignty rating from AA+ to AA due to doubts over the government's ability to maintain the "one country, two systems" principle; the outlook on the territory was similarly downgraded from "stable" to "negative".[447]

Tourism was also affected: the number of visitors travelling to Hong Kong in August 2019 declined by 40 per cent compared to a year earlier,[448] while the National Day holiday saw a decline of 31.9 per cent.[449][better source needed] Unemployment increased from 0.1 per cent to 3.2 per cent from September to November 2019, with the tourist and the catering sectors, seeing rises to 5.2 per cent and 6.2 per cent respectively during the same period, being the hardest hit.[450] Flight bookings also declined, with airlines cutting or reducing services.[451] During the airport protests on 12 and 13 August 2019, the Airport Authority cancelled numerous flights, which resulted in an estimated US$76 million loss according to aviation experts.[452] Various countries issued travel warnings to their citizens concerning Hong Kong, and many mainland Chinese tourists avoided travelling to Hong Kong due to safety concerns.[453]

District councillors collaborated with shops supporting the Yellow Economic Circle to organise a Lunar New Year Fair in Sai Ying Pun on 18 January 2020.[454]

The economy in Hong Kong became increasingly politicised. Some corporations bowed to pressure and fired employees who expressed their support for the protests.[455][456] Several international corporations and businesses including the National Basketball Association and Activision Blizzard decided to appease China during the protests and faced intense criticisms.[457] The Diplomat called the Yellow Economic Circle "one of the most radical, progressive, and innovative forms of long-term struggle" during the protests.[458] Corporations perceived to be pro-Beijing faced boycotts, and some were vandalised.[459] Meanwhile, "yellow" shops allied with protesters enjoyed a flurry of patrons even during the coronavirus crisis.[460]

Governance Edit

Lam's administration was criticised for its performance during the protests – her perceived arrogance and obstinacy,[461][462] and her reluctance to engage in dialogue with protesters. Her extended absences, stonewalling performance at press conferences,[463] were all believed to have enabled the protesters to escalate events.[464][h] According to public opinion polls, approval ratings of Lam and her government were the lowest among all chief executives,[466] with Lam's rating plunged to 19.5 out of 100 in November 2019.[467] Her performance and those of Secretary for Security John Lee and Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng were called "disastrous".[468] On 2 September, Reuters received a leaked audio recording in which Carrie Lam admitted that she had "very limited" room to manoeuvre between the Central People's Government and Hong Kong, and that she would quit, if she had a choice.[469] However, the next day she told the media that she had never contemplated discussing her resignation with the Beijing authorities.[470] Lam's behaviour on this and later occasions strengthened the perception among a broad part of the protesters and their supporters that she was not able to make any crucial decision without instructions from the Beijing government, effectively serving as its puppet.[471] Distrust toward the government and the lack of police accountability also led to the temporary prevalence of conspiracy theories.[372]

Both sides claimed that rule of law in Hong Kong was undermined during the protests. While the government, the police and government supporters criticised the protesters for breaking the law and using violence to "extort" the government to accept the demands, the protesters and their sympathisers felt that lack of police oversight, selective law enforcement, selective prosecution, police brutality, and the government's blanket denial of all police wrongdoings all harmed rule of law and expressed their disappointment that the law cannot help them achieve justice.[472] The judiciary was also scrutinised after judge Kwok Wai-kin dedicated much of his sentencing statement to comment on the negative impacts of the protests and to expressing sympathy toward a stabber who attacked three people in September 2019 near a Lennon Wall. He was later removed from handling all protest-related cases.[473]

The government's extended absence and its lack of a political solution in the early stage of the protests catapulted the police into the front line, and heavy-handed policing became a substitute for solving a political crisis.[474] The police force was initially "lost and confused" and was discontent with the government for not offering enough support.[475] Subsequently, Lam's blanket denial of allegations of police brutality led to accusations that Lam and her administration endorsed police violence.[393] Throughout the protests, the establishment waited for demonstrators' aggression to increase so they could justify greater militarisation of the police and dismiss the protesters as "insurgents" and thereby also dismiss their demands.[476] Ma Ngok, a political scientist, remarked that the failures of the government meant that it "has lost the trust of a whole generation" and predicted that youths would remain angry at both the government and the police for years to come.[477]

Police's image and accountability Edit

Police Commissioner Stephen Lo (left) and his successor Chris Tang (right) rejected the formation of an independent committee to investigate police brutality.

The reputation of the police took a serious drubbing following the heavy-handed treatment of protesters.[478][479][480] In October 2019, a survey conducted by CUHK revealed that more than 50 percent of respondents were deeply dissatisfied with the police's performance.[481] The satisfaction rate of police force dropped to a record low after the handover.[482] According to some reports, their aggressive behaviours and tactics have caused them to become a symbol that represents hostility and suppression. Their actions against protesters resulted in a breakdown of citizens' trust of the police.[483][484] Citizens were also concerned over the ability of the police to regulate and control their members and feared their abuse of power.[485] The suspected acts of police brutality led some politically neutral or political apathetic citizens to become more sympathetic towards the young protesters.[486] Fearing Hong Kong was changing into a police state, some citizens actively considered emigration.[487] The lack of any prosecutions against officers, and the absence of independent police oversight, sparked fears that the police could not be held accountable for their actions and that they were immune to any legal consequences.[306]

Affected by the controversies surrounding the police force's handling of the protests, between June 2019 to February 2020, 446 police officers quit (which was 40 per cent higher than the figure in 2018), and the force only managed to recruit 760 officers (40 per cent lower than the previous year), falling well short of the police force's expectations.[488] The police cancelled foot patrols because of fears officers may be attacked,[489] and issued extendable batons to off-duty officers.[485] Police officers also reported being "physically and mentally" tired, as they faced the risks of being doxed, cyberbullied, and distanced by their family members.[490] Police relations with journalists,[491] social workers,[492][493] medical professionals[494] and members from other disciplined forces[495] became strained.

Society Edit

The protests deepened the rift between the "yellow" (pro-democracy) and "blue" (pro-government) camps created since the Umbrella Revolution. People who opposed the protests argued that protesters were spreading "chaos and fear" across the city, causing damage to the economy and thus harming people not involved in the protests. On the other hand, protesters justified their actions by what they saw as the greater good of protecting the territory's freedoms against the encroachment of mainland China.[496] Anti-mainland sentiments swelled during this period.[497] Family relationships were strained, as children argued with their parents over their attending protests, disagreeing with their parents' political stance, avoidance of politics or views on the manner of the protests.[498]

Elderly marching on 17 July 2019 to support young people's anti-extradition bill protests

As the protests continued to escalate, citizens showed an increasing tolerance towards confrontational and violent actions.[499] Pollsters found that among 8,000 respondents at protest sites, 90% of them believed that the use of these tactics was understandable because of the government's refusal to respond to the demands.[500] The protest movement provided a basis for challenging the government over its controversial handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020,[132] and some observers ascribed the success in halting the first wave of the pandemic to protesters' related efforts.[501] Unity among the protesters was seen across a wide spectrum of age groups and professions.[i] While some moderate protesters reported that the increase in violence alienated them from the protests,[496] public opinion polls conducted by CUHK suggested that the movement was able to maintain public support.[481] The unity among protesters fostered a new sense of identity and community in Hong Kong, which had always been a very materialistic society. This was evidenced by the adoption of "Glory to Hong Kong" as a protest anthem.[38]

A study conducted by the University of Hong Kong found that the protests were having negative impacts on the mental health of Hong Kong residents with one third of adults, around 2 million adults of a total population of 7.4 million, reporting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) during the protests, up from 5 per cent in March 2015.[511] This was a six times increase from four years earlier with levels of depression and PTSD comparable to a war zone.[512][513] A survey, on social media, of more than 1,000 people by the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that 38 per cent were troubled by depression-related problems.[514] Symptoms of PTSD were found not only to afflict protesters, but also those watching events unfold on the news, living in affected areas, or working in jobs that are related to the movement (nurses, doctors, reporters, police, and street cleaners).[515] Suspected PTSD in 2019 was found to have a prevalence of 12.8 per cent in the population. Heavy social media use of 2 or more hours per day was associated with likelihood of both depression or PTSD.[516] A Guardian article dated 22 October 2019 reported that "protesters have tracked at least nine cases of suicides that appear to be linked directly to the demonstrations" since June.[517] In five of these cases, the victims left a suicide note referring to the protests, and three were attributed to events following the extradition bill.[518][519][520][521] With the passage of the national security law and the establishment of a national security hotline, societal mistrust and stress was expected to increase as of 2020.[522]

Reactions Edit

Hong Kong government Edit

Chief Executive Carrie Lam at the press conference with Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng and Secretary for Security John Lee one day after the massive protest on 9 June 2019.

Carrie Lam continued to push for the second reading of the bill despite a mass anti-extradition bill protest, saying that the government was "duty-bound" to amend the law.[523][524] She had previously rejected meeting the protesters, believing that such meeting would have "no purpose".[525] Following the 12 June conflict, both Police Commissioner Stephen Lo and Lam characterised the conflict as a "riot". The police later backed down on the claim, saying that among the protesters, only five of them rioted. Protesters demanded that the government fully retract the riot characterisation.[526] Lam's analogy as Hong Kong people's mother attracted criticisms after the violent crackdown on 12 June.[527][525]

Lam announced the suspension of the bill on 15 June 2019,[69] and officially apologised to the public on 18 June two days after another massive march.[528] In early July, Lam reiterated that the bill "had passed away" and reaffirmed that all efforts to amend the law had ceased, though her use of language was thought to be ambiguous.[529] During July and August 2019, the government insisted that it would not make any concessions and that the IPCC would suffice to investigate police misconduct. She also refused to declare the withdrawal of the bill, and ignored calls for her to resign.[530][531] On 4 September 2019, Lam announced that she would formally withdraw the extradition bill, as well as introduce measures such as adding new members to the IPCC, engage in dialogue at the community level, and invite academics to join an "independent review committee" – with no investigative powers – to evaluate Hong Kong's deep-rooted problems. However, protesters and democrats saw the withdrawal as coming too late,[100] and insisted that all of their five core demands be answered.[532] One day prior to the first dialogue session of Lam on 26 September 2019, a Chinese envoy termed the demands "political blackmail", leading to doubts on the leeway Lam had in the sessions.[533] The independent review committee was then shelved by Lam in May 2020.[534]

After condemning the protesters who had stormed the legislature on 1 July for their "use of extreme violence",[535] and those who had defaced the national emblem during the 21 July protest,[536] Lam suggested in early August 2019 that the protests had deviated from their original purpose and that their goal now was to challenge China's sovereignty and damage "one country, two systems".[465] She suggested that radical protesters were dragging Hong Kong to a "path of no return"[465] and that they had "no stake in society", and therefore, government meetings need not to include them.[537][525] On 5 October 2019, after what Lam referred to as "extreme violence" had taken place, an emergency law from the colonial era was enacted to ban face masks in Hong Kong—without declaring a state of emergency—which sparked criticism from various human rights organisations.[538][j] Starting from October, Lam regularly referred to the protesters as "rioters" and dismissed the protesters, despite them amassing mass support, throughout late 2019.[525] She also allied with the police, and claimed that ending violence and restoring order, rather than responding to political demands, was what people wanted in Hong Kong.[525]

To cope with the ongoing protests, on 15 November 2019, the police had appointed no more than 100 Correctional Services Department (CSD) officers as special constables to assist them.[542] In May 2020, the authorities announced they would recruit more personnel from the other five disciplinary services and bring the total number of special constables to 700.[543] Several protesters who were detained at a correctional facility in Pik Uk reported that they had been tortured and physically abused by guards. They reported that the guards beat their hands and feet, slapped their face, then forced them to slap themselves after they were taken to a room without security camera during their time in detention.[544]

According to Reuters, the government contacted eight public relations firms to improve the image of the government in late September 2019, but six of them declined to participate for fear that partnering with the HKSAR government may tarnish their reputation.[545] On 30 July 2020, the Hong Kong government made ineligible a dozen pro-democracy candidates from running in Legislative Council elections which had been scheduled for 6 September; the elections were later postponed by a year, for which the government cited a new surge in COVID-19 cases as reason. Observers noted that the delay could have been politically motivated as the pro-Beijing camp may lose their majority in the LegCo following the election.[546] The government claimed that the disqualified candidates had colluded with foreign forces and opposed the new national security law.[547]

Macau government Edit

The Macau government supported the Hong Kong government during the protests. Macau's Chief Executive Ho Iat-seng applauded the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong a day after it came in to effect.[548] The Macau government announced on 19 March 2021 that any lawmaker in the Legislative Assembly who expresses support for the Hong Kong protests would be disqualified from their positions under the Macau Basic Law.[549]

Domestic reactions Edit

Activists including Joshua Wong and Nathan Law met House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Chris Smith at the US Congress.

The pro-Beijing camp supported the government in promoting the bill, though U-turned when the government withdrew the bill.[550] They condemned the use of violence by protesters, including breaking into the LegCo Complex and using petrol bombs and unidentified liquids against the police,[551][552] and used the term "rubbish youths" (Chinese: 廢青) to refer to high school- and university-age participants.[553] They maintained their support for the Hong Kong Police Force and held various counter-demonstrations to support them,[554][555] and criticised the government for not taking enough actions to "halt the violence".[556] Members of the Executive Council, Ip Kwok-him and Regina Ip alleged that there was a "mastermind" behind the protests but could not provide substantial evidence to support their claim.[557]

Many lawmakers from the pan-democratic camp, such as Ted Hui and Roy Kwong, assisted the protesters in various scenarios.[558] Responding to the escalation of the mid-August protests at the airport, the convenor of the pro-democratic caucas, Claudia Mo, while disagreeing with some protesters' actions, asserted that her group of lawmakers would not split with the protesters.[559][560][561] Pro-democrats also condemned the arrests of and the violence directed at the protests' organisers, lawmakers and election candidates.[562] Former government officials, including Anson Chan, the former Chief Secretary for Administration, issued several open letters to Carrie Lam, urging her to respond to the five core demands raised by protesters.[563]

In August, 17 members from the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce released statements condemning the escalating protests because of the instability they had brought to the city's economy and business community, as well as the negative effects on society as a whole.[564] Annie Wu, the daughter of Maxim's Catering founder and also a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, condemned the protesters at the United Nations Human Rights Council and suggested that Hong Kong should give up the "lost" protesters.[565][566] On 30 October, Abraham Shek, a lawmaker representing the Real Estate and Construction constituency, supported the formation of an independent commission and said that the problem could not be resolved by only addressing the severe housing shortage.[567] Tycoon Li Ka-shing took out a two-page advertisement in newspapers, urging people to "stop anger and violence in the name of love", and quoting a Chinese poem: "The melon of Huangtai cannot bear the picking again".[568]

Despite the government, the pro-Beijing camp and state media invoking the notion of a "silent majority" who opposed the protests, and urging citizens to cut ties with the "violent protesters", citizens generally favoured the pro-democratic camp and supported the protest movement.[569] The 2019 Hong Kong District Council election, the first poll since the beginning of the protests, had been billed as a "referendum" on the government.[570] More than 2.94 million votes were cast for a turnout rate of 71.2%, up from 1.45 million and 47% from the previous election.[571] This was the highest turnout in Hong Kong's history, both in absolute numbers and in turnout rates.[572] The results were a resounding landslide victory for the pro-democracy bloc, as they saw their seat share increased from 30% to almost 88%, with a jump in vote share from 40% to 57%.[572] Among those who were also legislators, the overwhelming majority of the losing candidates were from the pro-Beijing bloc.[573]

Reuters conducted polls in December 2019,[574] March 2020,[575] June 2020[576] and August 2020. The last poll showed that an increasing number of Hongkongers support the pro-democracy goals since the national security law was implemented. More than half of the respondents opposed the national security law. 70% wanted an independent commission of inquiry that looked into how the police handled the protests. 63% wanted universal suffrage. The support for amnesty of all arrested protesters rose to 50%. More than half of people still wanted Carrie Lam to resign. The number of people who opposed the pro-democracy demands went down to 19%. The majority (60%) still opposed Hong Kong independence, 20% supported the idea.[577]

Mainland China reactions Edit

The Chinese government expressed its opposition to the protests, while taking measures against the protests and their supporters. The protests were depicted by the government and media as separatist riots.[578] Beijing accused the movement of displaying "characteristics of colour revolutions" and "signs of terrorism".[579][580] The Beijing government and state-run media accused foreign forces of interfering with domestic affairs and supporting the protesters.[581] These allegations were rejected by Hong Kong pro-democrats,[582] and CNN noted that China had a record of blaming foreign forces for causing domestic unrest.[583] On 22 October 2019, following protests and violence in Catalonia and Chile, the Chinese government accused Western media of hypocrisy for not providing similar coverage and support to those protests.[584][585] Chinese diplomats and ambassadors in more than 70 countries broadcast Beijing's position on the protests to shape international opinion.[586] CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, and Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng have repeatedly backed Lam's administration and the police.[587][588][589]

Chinese state media outlets largely ignored the protests until 17 April 2019.[590] The protests were mostly censored from Mainland Chinese social media, such as Sina Weibo, though state-owned media and Chinese social media users later condemned the protesters.[591] State-run media pressured various companies, including railway operator MTR Corporation and airline Cathay Pacific to take a hardline approach against employees who took part in the protests. Cathay Pacific saw its top managers "reshuffled" and began firing pro-democratic employees after the Civil Aviation Administration of China threatened to block Cathay's access to Chinese airspace.[592] Chinese media also attempted to appeal to the "silent majority"[593] and blame the protests on Hong Kong's education system.[594] It also hailed police officers as "heroes",[595] and demanded the government take more "forceful" actions and the court to hand out heavy punishments.[596][597] On 8 March 2021, UK broadcasting authority Ofcom imposed a fine of £125,000 on Chinese state broadcaster CGTN for having "failed to maintain due impartiality" in five programmes on the protests aired in 2019.[598]

Foreign envoys reported the deployment in late August of a sizeable number of People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops to Hong Kong, well beyond the usual rotation and possibly doubling the number of PLA troops compared to before the start of the protests. Drills by the People's Armed Police were observed across the border in Shenzhen in August.[599] On 6 October 2019, the PLA issued its first warning to the protesters, who were shining laser lights on the exterior of the PLA garrison in Kowloon Tong.[600] On 16 November, soldiers appeared publicly in the streets for the first time during the protests, in plain clothes and unarmed, to clear roadblocks and other debris left during protests alongside local residents, firefighters, and police officers before marching back to the Kowloon Tong barracks. The government insisted the soldiers were volunteers, and that it had made no request for assistance.[601] The act was criticised by pro-democrats who deemed it a violation of the Basic Law.[602] The Chinese government required goods mailed from mainland China to Hong Kong to be investigated while goods which were believed to relate to the protests were blocked.[603][604] Chinese authorities also detained several individuals in mainland China after they voiced their support for the protesters.[605]

China further tightened its control in Hong Kong in 2020: on 4 January, the State Council dismissed Wang Zhimin from the role of director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office and appointed Luo Huining as his successor. The decision was widely linked to the poor performance of pro-government candidates at the District Council elections in November, and Wang's perceived poor judgment of how the protests evolved.[606] Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office director Zhang Xiaoming was demoted and replaced by Xia Baolong in February 2020.[607] The new directors triggered the Basic Law Article 22 controversy in April when they claimed that the two offices were not covered by Article 22.[608] In May, China announced that the NPCSC, China's rubber-stamp legislative body, would directly draft a national security law for Hong Kong and skip the local legislation procedures.[609] Political analysts believed that Beijing's action would mark the end of the "one country, two systems" principle and Hong Kong's autonomy as promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.[610][611] On 28 May 2020, the NPC approved the controversial national security laws for Hong Kong. The legislation allows the government's national security agencies to operate in Hong Kong.[612] On 30 June 2020, China implemented "Hong Kong national security law". Its 66 articles target crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces, and includes serious penalties between 10 years of prison to life imprisonment.[613]

International reactions Edit

As a result of the protests, many nations issued travel warnings for Hong Kong.[614] Demonstrations in reaction to the extradition protests also took place in various locations around the world, including: Australia,[615] Brazil, Canada,[616] Chile, France, Germany,[617] India, Italy, Japan, Lithuania,[618] South Africa, South Korea,[619] Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam.[620][621] Solidarity rallies held by Hong Kong international students studying abroad were often met by mainland Chinese counter-protesters.[622][615][623][624] Following the death of Chow Tsz-lok, Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng was heckled and jostled by protest supporters in Bloomsbury Square in London; she fell to the ground and injured her arm.[625] Some protesters in the concurrent 2019 Catalan protests have claimed inspiration from, and solidarity with the Hong Kong protests.[626][627] Protesters also formed the Milk Tea Alliance with Taiwanese and Thai netizens to counter online supporters of China and trolls, but it slowly evolved into an online democratic solidarity movement that advocates for democracy in Southeast Asia.[628]

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented on 18 November 2019.

Some protesters fled to Taiwan to avoid prosecution.[629] The Hong Kong protests were considered a contributing factor in the landslide victory of Tsai Ing-wen during the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election. Tsai, who had repeatedly shown a supportive attitude toward the Hong Kong protesters, used the slogan "today Hong Kong, tomorrow Taiwan" during her presidential campaign, referring to the city's unrest as evidence of the threats posed by the "one country, two systems" principle to Taiwan's autonomy and democracy.[630] Christina Lai from Academia Sinica concurred that the situation in Hong Kong created a sense of "urgency" for Taiwanese voters, as China's hardline reaction implied that they would use the same strategy to undermine Taiwan's autonomy in the future. Tsai's rejection of the principle enabled her to gain support from young voters.[631]

In the United States, the House of Representatives and Senate both unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in light of the extradition bill and protests.[632][633][634][635] President Donald Trump signed the bill on 27 November, alongside a companion bill restricting US exports of crowd control devices to the Hong Kong police forces.[636] Various US politicians have expressed disapproval of corporate decisions related to the protests.[637][638][639][640] On 29 May 2020, Trump ordered the removal of the special status enjoyed by Hong Kong due to Beijing's new national security law for the territory, after Pompeo declared that the city was no longer autonomous from China and should therefore, be treated as any one of Chinese cities.[641]

Dominic Raab, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, urged China to uphold the promises it made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which was a legally binding international treaty.[642] The UK had already stopped selling crowd control equipment to the HKPF.[643] Former UK consulate employee Simon Cheng was granted asylum in the UK in June 2020. He was previously detained by Chinese authorities who reportedly tortured him to force a confession that the UK was involved in instigating the protests, though Chinese authorities stated that he was detained for "soliciting prostitutes".[644] On 3 June 2020, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that if China were to continue pursuing the national security law, he would open a path to British citizenship for Hong Kong residents who were eligible for a British National (Overseas) passport (BNO).[645] After the passing of the law on 30 June 2020, the UK confirmed these Hong Kong residents are able to come to the United Kingdom with a five-year limited leave to remain.[646] Following those five years they will be able to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom and, after a further 12 months with settled status, they will be able to apply for British citizenship.[647]

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet demanded the Hong Kong government conduct an investigation into police use of force against the protesters;[648] she previously said that she was "troubled and alarmed" by the escalating violence used by the protesters.[649] Amnesty International praised the protesters for their dedication despite facing "abusive policing tactics" which include the "wanton use of tear gas, arbitrary arrests, physical assaults and abuses in detention".[650] Kenneth Roth, the head of Human Rights Watch (HRW), was denied entry to Hong Kong at Hong Kong International Airport on 12 January 2020. Hong Kong officials insisted that the decision to bar Roth from entry had been made in Hong Kong, not in mainland China.[651] In June 2020, on the first anniversary of mass protests in Hong Kong, a statement released by HRW said that the governments of both China and Hong Kong should respect fundamental rights of people.[652]

Norwegian lawmaker Guri Melby announced in October 2019 that she had nominated the Hong Kong protesters for the Nobel Peace Prize.[653] The nomination was later endorsed by the Liberals in the Norwegian parliament.[654] Several US members of Congress, including Marco Rubio and James McGovern, nominated the protesters in February 2020.[654][655] On 28 November 2020, the British All-party parliamentary group on Hong Kong agreed to nominate Alexandra Wong, commonly known as "Grandma Wong", for the Nobel Peace Prize; Wong had been a frequent sight at the protests before disappearing for an extended period in August 2019.[656]

See also Edit

Notes Edit

  1. ^ Two died during protests and clashes,[11][12] 13 committed suicide.[13][14][15]
  2. ^ The number of civilians injured is understated as many protesters sought medical help from underground clinics due to mistrust in government services.[17]
  3. ^ This figure, up-to-date as of 31 August 2022, includes an unknown number of repeat arrests occurring in the course of the protests. According to an article in the South China Morning Post, as of 10 October 2019 there were close to 2,400 arrests, with about 60 being repeat arrests.[19] The number of arrestees currently in custody is uncertain as of 18 April 2020.[20]
  4. ^ The government refused to disclose the chemical composition of the gas, citing "operational concerns".[317]
  5. ^ Police defended the officer's actions at the Tsuen Wan incident saying that he and his colleague's lives were at risk as a group of protesters was assaulting another officer at the time.[323][324] Protesters argued that the officer shooting the man's chest was unnecessary and that he had other less lethal alternatives available at his disposal.[325][326] Explaining the Sai Wan Ho incident, police alleged the unarmed young man was trying to grab the officer's service weapon.[327]
  6. ^ The teen was arrested before any petrol bomb was thrown.
  7. ^ Headliner had a segment that poked fun at the police. This forced the broadcaster to suspend the airing of the segment and the production of future seasons.[414] An episode from Pentaprism features a lecturer from The Education University of Hong Kong (EdU) who described the Siege of PolyU as a "humanitarian crisis" and compared it to the Tiananmen Square crackdown. The sender was issued with a "serious warning" in April 2020.[415]
  8. ^ At a press conference on 5 August 2019, Lam explained her absence from the public eye in the preceding two weeks. She was concerned about the risk to organisers over the possible disruption by protesters of public events and press conferences.[465]
  9. ^ On many occasions, middle-aged and elderly volunteers attempted to separate the police and the young protesters where the two groups confronted each other, and provided various forms of assistance.[502] Various professions organised rallies to stand in solidarity with protesters. These professions included: teachers, civil servants, the aviation industry, accountants, medical professionals, social workers, the advertising sector, and the finance sector.[503][456][504][505][506][507] To express their support, sympathisers of the protest movement chanted rallying cries from their apartments every night,[508] wrote Christmas cards to injured protesters and those in detention,[509] and rallied outside Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre where the detainees are held.[510]
  10. ^ The democrats filed a judicial review to challenge Lam's decision,[539] and the High Court ruled that the mask ban was unconstitutional.[540] In April 2020, after the government had filed an appeal, the court ruled that the ban is only unconstitutional during legal demonstrations, and ruled that the police cannot physically remove the face masks worn by violators.[541]

References Edit

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2019, 2020, hong, kong, protests, this, article, long, read, navigate, comfortably, please, consider, splitting, content, into, articles, condensing, adding, subheadings, please, discuss, this, issue, article, talk, page, august, 2021, also, known, other, name. This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably Please consider splitting content into sub articles condensing it or adding subheadings Please discuss this issue on the article s talk page August 2021 The 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests 22 also known by other names were a series of demonstrations against the Hong Kong government s introduction of a bill to amend the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance in regard to extradition It was the largest series of demonstrations in the history of Hong Kong 23 24 2019 2020 Hong Kong protestsPart of democratic development in Hong Kong Hong Kong Mainland China conflict and the Chinese democracy movementClockwise from top Protesters on 12 June 2019 Makeshift roadblock ablaze on 15 September 2019 Protesters flooding the streets on 18 August 2019 Mourning the death of Chow Tsz lok Police tear gas dispersal on 12 June 2019 Hong Kong Way campaign 13 September 2019 Protesters on 16 June 2019DateEntire movement Since 15 March 2019 2019 03 15 1 Large scale break out 9 June 2019 2019 06 09 mid 2020 mid 2020 Protests begin to diminish in scale in early 2020 due to the COVID 19 pandemic 2 3 4 The Hong Kong government declares that most street demonstrations have ceased since the Hong Kong national security law came into effect in mid 2020 5 LocationHong Kong solidarity protests worldwide Caused byIntroduction of the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 Alleged misconduct by the Hong Kong Police Force against protesters since 12 June 2019 6 7 8 Tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China political screening economic and social inequality 9 Failure of the 2014 Umbrella Revolution 10 GoalsFive Demands Full withdrawal of the extradition bill Retraction of the characterisation of protests as riots Release and exoneration of arrested protesters Establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police behaviour Resignation of Carrie Lam and universal suffrage for the Legislative Council and the chief executive electionsMethodsDiverse see tactics and methodsResulted inGovernment crackdown on protesters and their supporters Imposition of the Hong Kong national security law by the Chinese central government on 30 June 2020 resulting in mass emigration from Hong Kong Overhaul of Hong Kong s electoral system by the Chinese central government in early 2021 to ensure only patriots govern Hong Kong Mass arrest disqualification and exile of prominent pro democracy activists and lawmakers Crackdown on pro democracy news media including Apple Daily RTHK Stand News and Citizen NewsConcessionsBill suspended on 15 June 2019 and officially withdrawn on 23 October 2019PartiesProtesters Pro democracy camp Localist camp Pro independence camp Various religious groups student unions and trade unions Government of Hong Kong Hong Kong Police Force Special Tactical Contingent Police Tactical UnitPro Beijing counter protestorsTriads suspected Supported by Government of China Chinese Communist Party People s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison People s Armed PoliceGovernment of MacauLead figuresNo centralised leadership Carrie LamJohn LeeDeaths injuries and arrestsDeath s 15 as of 20 April 2020 update a Injuries2 600 as of 9 December 2019 16 b Arrested10 279 18 c Charged2 744 21 The protests began with a sit in at the government headquarters on 15 March 2019 and a demonstration attended by hundreds of thousands on 9 June 2019 followed by a gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex on 12 June which stalled the bill s second reading On 16 June just one day after the Hong Kong government suspended the bill a larger protest took place to push for its complete withdrawal The protest was also in response to the perceived excessive use of force by the Hong Kong Police Force on 12 June As the protests progressed activists laid out five key demands Police inaction during the 2019 Yuen Long attack and brutality in 2019 Prince Edward station attack further escalated the protests Chief Executive Carrie Lam withdrew the bill on 4 September but refused to concede to the other four demands A month later she invoked emergency powers to implement an anti mask law escalating the confrontations The storming of the Legislative Council in July 2019 deaths of Chow Tsz lok and Luo Changqing two shooting incidents of protesters one of whom was unarmed and sieges of the Chinese University and the Polytechnic University in November 2019 were landmark events The unprecedented landslide victory of the pro democracy camp in the November local election was widely regarded as a de facto referendum on the city s governance The outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic in early 2020 largely silenced the protests Tensions mounted again in May 2020 after Beijing s decision to promulgate a national security bill for Hong Kong More than a hundred people including several prominent activists have been arrested since the imposition of the law The resulting political atmosphere along with the crackdown on civil society sparked a wave of mass emigration from the city By mid 2020 the Hong Kong government had declared the restoration of peace and stability with the imposition of the national security law 5 25 The approval ratings of the government and the police plunged to their lowest points since the 1997 handover The Central People s Government alleged that foreign powers were instigating the conflict although the protests have been largely described as leaderless The United States passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on 27 November 2019 in response to the movement The tactics and methods used in Hong Kong inspired other protests that followed worldwide 26 Contents 1 Names 2 Background 2 1 Direct cause 2 2 Underlying causes 3 Objectives 4 History 4 1 Early large scale demonstrations 4 2 Storming of the Legislative Council and escalation 4 3 Intensification and sieges of the universities 4 4 Electoral landslide and COVID 19 4 5 Implementation of the national security law 4 6 Subsequent clampdown and exodus 5 Clashes between protesters and counter protesters 6 Tactics and methods 6 1 Moderate group 6 2 Radical group 7 Online confrontations 8 Police misconduct 8 1 Inappropriate use of force 8 2 Questionable tactics and unprofessional behaviour 8 3 Lack of accountability 9 Local media coverage 10 Impact 10 1 Economy 10 2 Governance 10 3 Police s image and accountability 10 4 Society 11 Reactions 11 1 Hong Kong government 11 2 Macau government 11 3 Domestic reactions 11 4 Mainland China reactions 11 5 International reactions 12 See also 13 Notes 14 References 15 External linksNames EditIn Hong Kong the name Anti Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement Chinese 反對逃犯條例修訂草案運動 is often used to refer to the protests as a whole including demonstrations after the suspension of the bill 23 27 28 The name 2019 Hong Kong protests is sometimes used as there is no generally agreed upon end date to the protests 29 On 27 October 2019 Politico editor in chief Jamil Anderlini published an article in the Financial Times titled Hong Kong s water revolution spins out of control 30 A reference to martial artist Bruce Lee s fighting advice to be like water the name Water Revolution subsequently gained popularity among protesters 31 Background EditMain article Causes of the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests Direct cause Edit See also United front in Hong Kong The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Amendment Bill 2019 was first proposed by the government of Hong Kong in February 2019 in response to the 2018 murder of Poon Hiu wing by her boyfriend Chan Tong kai in Taiwan which the two Hongkongers were visiting as tourists As there is no extradition treaty with Taiwan because the government of China does not recognise Taiwan s sovereignty the Hong Kong government proposed an amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance Cap 503 and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance Cap 525 to establish a mechanism for case by case transfers of fugitives on the order of the chief executive to any jurisdiction with which the territory lacks a formal extradition treaty 32 The inclusion of mainland China in the amendment was of concern to Hong Kong society citizens academics and the legal profession fear the removal of the separation of the region s jurisdiction from the legal system administered by the Chinese Communist Party CCP would erode the one country two systems principle in practice since the 1997 handover furthermore Hong Kong citizens lack confidence in China s judiciary system and human rights protection due to its history of suppressing political dissent 33 Opponents of the bill urged the Hong Kong government to explore other mechanisms such as an extradition arrangement solely with Taiwan and to sunset the arrangement immediately after the surrender of the suspect 32 34 Underlying causes Edit After the failure of the Umbrella Revolution in 2014 35 and the 2017 imprisonment of Hong Kong democracy activists 36 citizens began to fear the loss of the high degree of autonomy as provided for in the Hong Kong Basic Law as the government of the People s Republic of China appeared to be increasingly and overtly interfering with Hong Kong s affairs Notably the NPCSC saw fit to rule on the disqualification of six lawmakers fears over state sanctioned rendition and extrajudicial detention were sparked by the Causeway Bay Books disappearances 37 36 Xi Jinping s accession to General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party the top position of paramount leader in 2012 marked a more hardline authoritarian approach most notably with the construction of Xinjiang internment camps The spectre that Hong Kong may similarly be brought to heel became an important element in the protests 38 Anti mainland sentiment had begun to swell in the 2010s The daily quota of 150 immigrants from China since 1997 and the massive flows of mainland visitors strained Hong Kong s public services and eroded local culture mainlanders perceived arrogance drew the scorn of Hongkongers 38 The rise of localism and the pro independence movement after the Umbrella Revolution was marked by the high profile campaign for the 2016 New Territories East by election by activist Edward Leung 39 Fewer and fewer young people in Hong Kong identified themselves as Chinese nationals as found by pollsters at the University of Hong Kong The younger respondents were the more distrustful they were of the Chinese government 37 Scandals and corruption in China shook people s confidence of the country s political systems the Moral and National Education controversy in 2012 the Express Rail Link project connecting Hong Kong with mainland cities and the subsequent co location agreement proved highly controversial Citizens saw these policies as Beijing s decision to strengthen its hold over Hong Kong By 2019 almost no Hong Kong youth identified only as Chinese 40 The Umbrella Revolution provided inspiration and brought about a political awakening to some 35 41 but its failure and the subsequent split within the pro democratic bloc prompted a re evaluation of strategy and tactics In the years that followed a general consensus emerged that peaceful protests were ineffective in advancing democratic development and became an example of what not to do in further protests Media noted that protests in 2019 were driven by a sense of desperation rather than the optimism of 2014 42 43 The aims of the protests had evolved from withdrawing the bill solidifying around achieving the level of freedom and liberties promised 44 Objectives EditInitially protesters demanded only the withdrawal of the extradition bill Following an escalation in the severity of policing tactics on 12 June 2019 the protesters objective was to achieve the following five demands under the slogan Five demands not one less 45 Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill from the legislative process Although the chief executive announced an indefinite suspension of the bill on 15 June its status of pending resumption of second reading in the Legislative Council meant that its reading could have been resumed quickly It was formally withdrawn on 23 October 2019 46 47 Retraction of the riot characterisation for protests The government originally characterised the 12 June protest as riots which the crime carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and later said there were some rioters except for five individuals in Admiralty on 12 June 48 Release and exoneration of arrested protesters Protesters considered their lawbreaking acts to be mostly motivated by a politically righteous cause they also questioned the legitimacy of police arresting protesters at hospitals through access to their confidential medical data in breach of patient privacy Establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police conduct and use of force during the protests Civic groups felt that the level of violence used by the police against protesters and bystanders arbitrary stop and search 49 and officers failure to observe Police General Orders pointed to a breakdown of accountability 50 51 The absence of independence of the existing watchdog the Independent Police Complaints Council was also an issue 52 Resignation of Carrie Lam and the implementation of universal suffrage for Legislative Council elections and for the election of the chief executive 53 The chief executive is selected in a small circle election and 30 of the 70 legislative council seats are filled by representatives of institutionalised interest groups forming the majority of the so called functional constituencies most of which have few electors History EditFor a chronological guide see Timeline of the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests Early large scale demonstrations Edit Police used tear gas to disperse protesters gathering outside the Legislative Council Complex on 12 June 2019 After several minor protests in March and April 2019 54 the anti extradition issue attracted more attention when pro democratic lawmakers in the Legislative Council launched a filibuster campaign against the bill In response the Secretary of Security John Lee announced that the government would resume second reading of the bill in full council on 12 June 2019 bypassing the Bills Committee 55 With the possibility of a second reading of the bill the Civil Human Rights Front CHRF launched their third protest march on 9 June While police estimated attendance at the march on Hong Kong Island at 270 000 the organisers claimed that 1 03 million people had attended the rally a number unprecedently high for the city 56 57 Carrie Lam insisted second reading and debate over the bill be resumed on 12 June 58 Protesters successfully stopped the LegCo from resuming second reading of the bill by surrounding the LegCo Complex 59 Police Commissioner Stephen Lo declared the clashes a riot 60 police were subsequently criticised for using excessive force such as firing tear gas at protesters at an approved rally 61 62 Following the clashes protesters began calling for an independent inquiry into police brutality they also urged the government to retract the riot characterisation Marco Leung Ling kit on scaffolding at Pacific Place before he fell to his death on 15 JuneOn 15 June Carrie Lam announced the bill s suspension but did not fully withdraw it 63 The same day Marco Leung Ling Kit a 35 year old man fell to his death after slipping on scaffolding and plunging 17 metres to his death whilst protesting Lam s decision and claims of police brutality 64 Ruled by an inquest jury as death by misadventure 65 this accident formed a rallying point for the movement and his anti extradition slogans later became the foundations for the five demands of the protests and his yellow raincoat became one of the symbols of the protests 66 A protest on the following day had almost 2 million people participating according to an CHRF estimate while the police estimated that there were 338 000 demonstrators at its peak 67 While Lam offered a personal apology on 18 June 68 she dismissed calls for her resignation 69 Storming of the Legislative Council and escalation Edit Protesters briefly occupied the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July 2019 The CHRF claimed a record turnout of 550 000 for their annual march on 1 July 2019 while police estimated around 190 000 at the peak 70 71 an independent polling organisation estimated attendance at 260 000 72 The protest was largely peaceful At night partly angered by several more suicides since 15 June 2019 some radical protesters stormed into the Legislative Council police took little action to stop them 73 74 75 After 1 July 2019 protests spread to different neighbourhoods in Hong Kong 76 77 78 CHRF held another anti extradition protest on 21 July on Hong Kong Island Instead of dispersing protesters headed for the Liaison Office in Sai Ying Pun where they defaced the Chinese national emblem 79 While a standoff between the protesters and the police occurred on Hong Kong Island 80 groups of white clad individuals suspected to be triad members 81 82 83 appeared and indiscriminately attacked people inside Yuen Long station 84 Police were absent during the attacks and the local police stations were shuttered leading to suspicion that the attack was coordinated with police The attack was often seen as the turning point for the movement as it crippled people s confidence in the police and turned a lot of citizens who were politically neutral or apathetic against the police 85 Protesters pointing their laser pointers at a newspaper outside the Space Museum mocking an earlier police demonstration that aimed to illustrate the danger of laser pointers which was seized from an arrested student union president 86 87 A call for a general strike on 5 August was answered by about 350 000 people according to the Confederation of Trade Unions 88 over 200 flights had to be cancelled 89 90 91 Various incidents involving alleged police brutality on 11 August prompted protesters to stage a three day sit in at Hong Kong International Airport from 12 to 14 August forcing the Airport Authority to cancel numerous flights 92 93 94 On 23 August an estimated 210 000 people participated in the Hong Kong Way campaign to draw attention to the movement s five demands The chain extended across the top of Lion Rock 95 Ignoring a police ban thousands of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong Island on 31 August following the arrests of high profile pro democracy activists and lawmakers the previous day 96 97 98 At night the Special Tactical Squad officially known as the Special Tactical Contingent stormed Prince Edward station where they beat and pepper sprayed the commuters inside 99 On 4 September Carrie Lam announced the formal withdrawal of the extradition bill once Legco reconvened in October and the introduction of additional measures to calm the situation However protests continued to push for the realisation of all five demands 100 Intensification and sieges of the universities Edit Tsang Chi kin 18 was shot in the chest by police in 2019On 1 October 2019 mass protests and violent conflict occurred between the protesters and police in various districts of Hong Kong during the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People s Republic of China This resulted in the first use of live rounds by police An 18 year old protester named Tsang Chi kin was shot in the chest by police in Tsuen Wan after charging towards a riot policeman 101 102 103 He was later charged with rioting and assaulting officers but did not show up in court in December 2020 104 After 2 years in hiding he was finally arrested in Sai Kung in July 2022 trying to flee to Taiwan Tsang appeared in court on April 18 2023 and will plead guilty to contempt of court rioting and assaulting a police officer 105 Carrie Lam invoked the Emergency Regulations Ordinance to impose a law to ban wearing face masks in public gatherings attempting to curb the ongoing protests on 4 October 106 The law s enactment was followed by continued demonstrations in various districts of Hong Kong blocking major thoroughfares vandalising shops considered to be pro Beijing and paralysing the MTR system 107 108 109 Protests and citywide flash rallies persisted throughout the month 110 111 The police confronted the protesters at the entrance of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 12 November 2019 Protesters clashed with the police late at night on 3 November 2019 Alex Chow Tsz lok a 22 year old student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HKUST was later found unconscious on the second floor of the estate s car park He died on 8 November following two unsuccessful brain surgeries 112 113 After his death protesters engaged in flash rallies against the police and attended vigils in various districts of Hong Kong They blamed the police for his death though the police denied any involvement 114 In response to Chow s death protesters planned a city wide strike starting on 11 November by disrupting transport in the morning in various districts of Hong Kong 115 That morning a policeman fired live rounds in Sai Wan Ho in response to an unarmed 21 year old attempting to snatch his gun 116 failed verification On 14 November an elderly man named Luo Changqing died from a head injury which he had sustained the previous day during a confrontation between two groups of anti government protesters and residents in Sheung Shui 117 118 Protesters in Yau Ma Tei on 18 November 2019 as they attempted to breach the police s cordon line to break through to protesters trapped inside Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityFor the first time during a standoff on 11 November police shot numerous rounds of tear gas sponge grenades and rubber bullets into the campuses of universities while protesters threw bricks and petrol bombs in response 119 Student protesters from the Chinese University of Hong Kong CUHK confronted the police for two consecutive days 120 After the conflict protesters briefly occupied several universities 121 122 A major conflict between protesters and police took place in Hung Hom on 17 November after protesters took control of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University PolyU and blockaded the Cross Harbour Tunnel Thus began the siege of PolyU by police which ended with them storming onto the campus and arresting several protesters and volunteer medics in the early morning of 18 November 123 124 On March 11 2023 20 people were jailed for up to 64 months over riot near besieged PolyU campus in 2019 125 Electoral landslide and COVID 19 Edit Protesters flood the streets during the New Year s marchThe 24 November 2019 District Council election considered a referendum on the government and the protests attracted a record high voter turnout 126 The results saw the pro democracy camp win by a landslide with the pro Beijing camp suffering their greatest electoral defeat in Hong Kong s history 127 128 The unprecedented electoral success of the pro democracy voters the mass arrests during the PolyU siege and faster response by police contributed to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of the protests in December 2019 and January 2020 129 Despite this the CHRF organised two marches to maintain pressure on the government on 8 December 2019 and 1 January 2020 130 131 The outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic in mainland China caused the number of large scale rallies to dwindle further because of fears that they might facilitate the spread of the virus Despite this the pro democratic movement s tactics were repurposed to pressure the government to take stronger actions to safeguard public health in the face of the pandemic s outbreak in Hong Kong 132 As the COVID 19 crisis escalated in February and March 2020 the scale of the protests dwindled further 133 134 Police have used COVID 19 laws banning groups of more than four for example to disperse protesters 135 136 On 18 April police arrested 15 pro democracy activists including Jimmy Lai Martin Lee and Margaret Ng for their activities in 2019 drawing international condemnation 137 Implementation of the national security law Edit The national security law banned anyone from shouting or displaying the slogan Liberate Hong Kong the revolution of our times Chinese 光復香港 時代革命 which has achieved mainstream adoption since July 2019 66 138 On 21 May 2020 state media announced that the Standing Committee of the National People s Congress NPCSC would begin drafting a new law that covers secession foreign interference terrorism and subversion against the central government to be added into the Annex III of the Hong Kong Basic Law This meant that the law would come into effect through promulgation bypassing local legislation 139 Despite international pressure the NPCSC passed the national security law unanimously on 30 June without informing the public and the local officials of the content of the law 140 The law created a chilling effect in the city 141 142 143 144 145 Demosistō which had been involved in lobbying for other nations support and several pro independence groups announced that they had decided to disband and cease all operations fearing that they would be the targets of the new law 146 Thousands of protesters showed up on 1 July to protest against the newly implemented law On that day the police arrested at least ten people for breaching national security for displaying protest art 147 Following the implementation of the national security law the international community reassessed their policies towards China Major countries in the West Canada the US the UK Australia Germany and New Zealand suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong over the introduction of the national security law 148 149 150 151 152 The US Congress passed the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and president Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to revoke the city s special trade status after Mike Pompeo informed the Congress that Hong Kong was no longer autonomous from China and so should be considered the same country in trade and other such matters 153 On 7 August the US announced that they would impose sanctions on eleven Hong Kong and Chinese top officials including Carrie Lam for undermining Hong Kong s freedom and autonomy 154 British Home Office announced that starting from early 2021 current and former holders of the BN O passport in Hong Kong can resettle in the UK along with their dependents for five years before they become eligible to apply for permanent citizenship 155 Subsequent clampdown and exodus Edit Civic Party promoting the primaries as the democrats aspired to secure a majority in LegCo Four candidates from the party were disqualified by the government Invigorated by its success in the November 2019 District Council election the pro democratic bloc was eyeing to win over half of the 70 seats in the Legislative Council in the election set to be held on 6 September 156 Unfazed by the national security law more than 600 000 people cast their votes in the bloc s historic first primaries in mid July 2020 The Hong Kong government then disqualified twelve candidates on 30 July nearly all of whom were winners from the pro democratic primaries 157 158 The decision drew international condemnation for obstructing the election and the democratic process 159 On the following day Carrie Lam going against the public opinion 160 invoked emergency powers to delay the election citing the pandemic as the reason While the NPCSC allowed the four disqualified incumbent lawmakers to transition to the extended term in July they decided to remove them from office in November 2020 resulting in the mass resignation of all of opposition lawmakers 161 Former lawmaker Nathan Law met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in July 2020 discussing matters concerning the national security law the pro democratic primaries and the LegCo election The police continued to use the law to target local activists and critics of Beijing including business tycoon Jimmy Lai In January 2021 the police arrested more than 50 individuals all of whom were candidates in the primaries for subverting state power 162 This meant that most of the active and prominent politicians in the opposite camp in Hong Kong have been arrested by the authorities using the national security law 163 Arrest warrants were issued to exiled activists for breaching the national security law including former lawmakers Nathan Law Baggio Leung and Ted Hui 164 165 Twelve Hong Kong activists who were released on bail were captured by China s Coast Guard Bureau while fleeing to Taiwan on a speedboat on 23 August Detained in Yantian Shenzhen they were subsequently charged with crossing the Chinese border illegally and were prevented from choosing their lawyers and meeting their families 166 167 As protest activities dwindled the government continued to tighten its control in Hong Kong censoring school textbooks and removing any mention of the Tiananmen massacre 168 arresting organisers of vigils for the victims of the massacre 169 removing public examination questions which the authorities deemed politically inappropriate 170 deregistering yellow ribbon teachers 171 and declaring that separation of powers never existed in Hong Kong despite previous comments by the city s top judges recognising its importance in Hong Kong 172 It also attempted to reshape the narrative of the Yuen Long attack by claiming that the attack had not been indiscriminate changing the officially reported police response time and arresting Lam Cheuk ting a pro democracy lawmaker who was hurt in the attack for rioting 173 Civil society faced a crackdown by authorities 174 which triggered a massive exodus from Hong Kong Pro democracy activists and lawmakers were among the first to leave the territory the first wave of emigres also included young professionals as well as families whose parents wanted to have their children be schooled with emphasis on independent critical thinking 175 More than 89 000 Hongkongers left the city in a year after the national security law was imposed and the city witnessed a record 1 2 drop in population 176 Schools were shrinking as parents feared brainwashing patriotic education be implemented 177 and tens of thousands applied for British National Overseas visas after the UK government unveiled a new immigration path for passport holders 178 Clashes between protesters and counter protesters Edit Jimmy Sham a protest organiser and the convenor of CHRF was attacked twice during the protests Pro Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho who defended the assailants of the Yuen Long attack 179 was attacked Clashes between protesters and counter protesters had become more frequent since the movement began in June 2019 During a pro police rally on 30 June their supporters began directing profanities at their opposition counterparts and destroyed their Lennon Wall and the memorial for Marco Leung leading to intense confrontations between the two camps 180 Pro Beijing citizens wearing I love HK police T shirts and waving the Chinese national flag assaulted people perceived to be protesters on 14 September in Fortress Hill 181 Lennon Walls became sites of conflict between the two camps with pro Beijing citizens attempting to tear down the messages or removing poster art 182 183 Some protesters and pedestrians were beaten and attacked with knives near Lennon Walls by a single perpetrator 184 185 or by suspected gang members 186 A reporter was stabbed and a teenager distributing pro protest leaflets had his abdomen slashed 187 Owners of small businesses seen to be supportive of the protests and their employees have been assaulted in suspected politically motivated attacks and their businesses vandalised 188 189 Some civilians rammed their cars into crowds of protesters or the barricades they set up 190 191 In one instance a female protester suffered severe thigh fractures 192 Protest organisers including Jimmy Sham from the CHRF and pro democratic lawmakers such as Roy Kwong were assaulted and attacked 193 194 195 On 3 November politician Andrew Chiu had his ear bitten off by a Chinese mainlander who had reportedly knifed three other people outside Cityplaza 196 197 Meanwhile pro Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho was stabbed and his parents grave was desecrated 198 199 White clad men assaulted commuters and protesters with sticks inside Yuen Long station on 21 July 2019 The 2019 Yuen Long attack occurred following a mass protest organised by the CHRF on 21 July Suspected gangsters vowed that they would defend their homeland and warned all anti extradition bill protesters not to set foot in Yuen Long 200 The perpetrators attacked people on Fung Yau Street North in Yuen Long before entering Yuen Long station where they indiscriminately attacked commuters in the concourse and on the platform as well as inside train compartments resulting in a widespread backlash from the community The Department of Justice has since been criticised by some lawyers for making politically motivated prosecutions After the Yuen Long attack no assailant was charged for weeks after the event while young protesters were charged with rioting within several days 201 Protesters were also attacked with fireworks in Tin Shui Wai on 31 July 202 and then attacked by knife wielding men in Tsuen Wan 203 and suspected Fujianese gang members wielding long poles in North Point on 5 August though they fought back against the attackers 204 205 External video The 31 July 2019 incident in which protesters were attacked by fireworks launching out of a moving vehicle BBC News The 11 November 2019 incident in which a man was set on fire by a protester Bloomberg Amidst frustration that police had failed to prosecute pro government violent counter protesters and being increasingly distrustful of police because of this 206 hard core protesters began to carry out vigilante attacks described by protesters as settling matters privately targeting individuals perceived to be foes 206 207 Pro Beijing actress Celine Ma 208 plainclothed officers 209 and a taxi driver who drove into a crowd of protesters in Sham Shui Po on 8 October were attacked 210 A middle aged man was doused with flammable liquid and set on fire by a protester after he had an altercation with protesters at Ma On Shan station on 11 November 211 212 On 14 November an elderly man died from head injuries sustained earlier during a violent confrontation between two groups of protesters and Sheung Shui residents 213 Tactics and methods EditMain article Tactics and methods surrounding the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests A subway near Tai Po Market station dubbed the Lennon Tunnel Black Bauhinia Flag a variation of the flag of Hong Kong Pepe the Frog became a symbol of resistance during the protests Give me Liberty or Give me Death alludes to Patrick Henry s speech in support of the American Revolution A Winnie the Pooh toy used to symbolise Xi Jinping with the Chinazi flag stuck on it and a swastika shaped Chinese Flag attached on its chest used in the 1 December 2019 protestsThe protests have been described as being largely leaderless 214 Protesters commonly used LIHKG an online forum similar to Reddit as well as Telegram an optionally end to end encrypted messaging service to communicate and brainstorm ideas for protests and to make collective decisions 214 Unlike previous protests those of 2019 spread over 20 different neighbourhoods 215 Protesters and their supporters remained anonymous to avoid prosecutions or future potential retaliation from the authorities employers who had a different political orientation and corporations which kowtowed to political pressure 216 For the most part there are two groups of protesters namely the peaceful rational and non violent protesters and the fighters group 217 Nonetheless despite differences in methods both groups have refrained from denouncing or criticising the other and provided tacit support The principle was the Do Not Split praxis which was aimed to promote mutual respect for different views within the same protest movement 218 38 Moderate group Edit Further information Art of the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests The moderate group participated in different capacities The peaceful group held mass rallies and engaged in other forms of protest such as hunger strikes 219 forming human chains 220 launching petitions 221 labour strikes 222 and class boycotts 223 224 Lennon Walls were set up in various neighbourhoods to spread messages of support and display protest art 225 226 Protesters had set up pop up stores that sold cheap protest gadgets 227 provided undercover clinics for young activists 228 and crowdfunded to help people in need of medical or legal assistance 229 To raise awareness of their cause and to keep citizens informed artists supporting the protest created protest art and derivative works 230 Social media platforms were used to deliver information about the protests to raise awareness to users abroad 231 232 and circulate images of police brutality 233 Protesters held civil press conferences to counter press conferences by police and the government 234 AirDrop was used to broadcast anti extradition bill information to the public and mainland tourists 235 A protest anthem Glory to Hong Kong was composed its lyrics crowdsourced on the LIHKG online forum and sung in flash protests in shopping centres 236 The Lady Liberty Hong Kong statue was also crowdfunded by citizens to commemorate the protests 237 Protesters have attempted to gain international support Activists organised and coordinated numerous rallies to this end 238 239 Joshua Wong Denise Ho and several other democrats provided testimonies during the US congressional hearing for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 240 To increase the political pressure on China they also advocated for the suspension of the United States Hong Kong Policy Act which grants Hong Kong s special status 241 Advertisements on the protesters cause were financed by crowdfunding and placed in major international newspapers 242 243 At events protesters waved the national flags of other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom calling for their support 244 Efforts were made to transform the protests into a long lasting movement Protesters have advocated a Yellow Economic Circle 245 Supporters of the protesters labelled different establishments based on their political stance and chose to patronise only in businesses which are sympathetic to the movement while boycotting businesses supporting or owned by mainland Chinese interests 246 247 Flash rallies were held in the central business districts as office workers used their lunch break to march on the street 248 The protests prompted various professions to set up labour unions that compete with pro Beijing lobbies to pressure the government further 249 Newly elected District Council members put forward motions to condemn the police and used their power to assist the detained protesters 250 Radical group Edit Protesters adopted the black bloc method and wore helmets and respirators to protect themselves Yellow hard hats became a symbol for the protest movement 251 A smart lamppost was destroyed by protesters on 24 August 2019 due to fears that it could be used for surveillance 252 Radical protesters adopted the be water strategy inspired by Bruce Lee s philosophy often moving in a fluid and agile fashion to confound and confuse the police 30 They often retreated when police arrived only to re emerge elsewhere 253 In addition protesters adopted black bloc tactics to protect their identities Frontliners full gear consisted of umbrellas face masks hard hats and respirators to shield themselves from projectiles and teargas 254 Furthermore protesters used laser pointers to distract police officers and interfere with the operation of their cameras 254 At protest scenes protesters used hand gestures for nonverbal communication and supplies were delivered via human chains 255 Different protesters adopted different roles Some were scouts who shared real time updates whenever they spotted the police 256 257 A mobile app was developed to allow crowdsourcing the location of police 258 Starting in August 2019 radical protesters escalated the controversial use of violence and intimidation They dug up paving bricks and threw them at police others used petrol bombs corrosive liquid and other projectiles against police 259 260 109 As a result of clashes there were multiple reports of police injuries and the assault of officers throughout the protests 261 262 One officer was slashed in the neck with a box cutter 110 and a media liaison officer was shot in the leg with an arrow during the PolyU siege 263 Protesters also directed violence towards undercover officers suspected to be agents provocateurs 264 265 Several individuals were arrested for illegal possession of firearms or making homemade explosives 266 Unlike other civil unrests little random smashing and looting were observed as protesters vandalised targets they believed embodied injustice 267 Corporations that protesters accused of being pro Beijing and mainland Chinese companies were also vandalised subject to arson or spray painted 268 269 270 271 Protesters also directed violence at symbols of the government by vandalising government and pro Beijing lawmakers offices 272 273 and defacing symbols representing China 274 207 The MTR Corporation became a target of vandalism after protesters had accused the railway operator of kowtowing to pressure by Chinese media by closing several stations 275 and not releasing the CCTV footage from the 2019 Prince Edward station incident amid fears that police may have beaten someone to death 276 Protesters also disrupted traffic by setting up roadblocks 277 278 damaging traffic lights 279 deflating the tires of buses 280 and throwing objects onto railway tracks 281 Protesters occasionally intimidated and assaulted mainlanders 282 Some radical protesters promoted the idea of mutual destruction or phoenixism these terms being translations of the Cantonese lam chau They theorised that sanctions against the ruling CCP and the loss of Hong Kong s international finance centre and special trade status caused by China s interference of the one country two systems principle would destabilise mainland China s economy and therefore undermine the rule of the CCP and give Hong Kong a chance to be reborn in the future 283 284 They believed that further government crackdown would ultimately speed up the process of lam chau ultimately hurting the regime 285 Online confrontations EditMain article Usage of social media in the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests Doxing and cyberbullying were tactics used by both supporters and opponents of the protests Some protesters used these tactics on police officers and their families and uploaded their personal information online 286 More than 1 000 officers personal details had been reportedly leaked online and nine individuals had been arrested Protest leaders have been attacked after being doxed and intimidated 287 HK Leaks an anonymous website based in Russia and promoted by groups linked to the CCP doxed about 200 people seen as being supportive of the protests On 25 October 2019 Hong Kong Police obtained a court injunction prohibiting anyone from sharing any personal information about police officers or their families 288 Both sides of the protests spread unverified rumours misinformation and disinformation This included tactics such as using selective cuts of news footage and creating false narratives 289 290 291 292 Several deaths most notably that of Chan Yin lam a 15 year old girl whom the police suspected had committed suicide were the subject of a conspiracy theory given the unusual circumstances surrounding her death 293 Pro Beijing camp spread rumour was that the CIA was involved in instigating the protests after photographs of Caucasian men taking part in the protests were shared online 294 The police blamed fake news for causing public distrust towards law enforcement 295 though the police itself were also accused by several media outlets and prosecutors of lying to the public 296 297 Both Twitter and Facebook announced that they had discovered what they described as large scale disinformation campaigns operating on their social networks to vilify and discredit the protesters 298 299 According to investigations by Facebook Twitter and YouTube some attacks were coordinated state backed operations that were believed to have been carried out by agents of the Chinese government 300 On 13 June 2019 allegations of organised cyberattacks were made against the Chinese government Pavel Durov the founder of Telegram suggested that the Chinese government may be behind the DDoS attacks on Telegram Additionally Durov further tweeted that some of the DDoS attacks coincided with the protest on 12 June 2019 301 Another DDoS attack occurred on 31 August two Chinese websites including Baidu Tieba were involved in the attack 302 Police misconduct EditMain article Police misconduct allegations during the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests A water cannon truck firing blue dyed liquid at protesters A police officer firing tear gas canisters on 31 August 2019 source source source source source source source source source source source source source source Hong Kong police stormed Prince Edward station and attacked civilians on 31 August 2019 A passerby was attacked by riot police in Tai Wai on 3 October 2019 Veby Mega Indah an Indonesian journalist whose right eye was ruptured by a police baton roundExternal video The 1 October 2019 Tsuen Wan shooting incident HKFP The 11 November 2019 Sai Wan Ho shooting incident HKFP According to polls conducted by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute net approval of the Hong Kong Police Force fell to 22 percent in mid 2019 due to its handling of the protests 303 At the end of July 60 percent of respondents in public surveys were dissatisfied with police handling of incidents since June 2019 304 Nearly 70 percent of Hong Kong citizens believe the police have acted unprofessionally by making indiscriminate arrests and losing self control 305 Their role and actions have raised questions about their accountability the manner in which they wielded their physical force and their crowd control methods There have also been allegations of lack of consistency of law enforcement whether through deliberate inaction or poor organisation Inappropriate use of force Edit Hong Kong police were accused of using excessive and disproportionate force and not following both international safety guidelines and internal protocols while using their weapons 306 307 According to Amnesty International police aimed horizontally while firing targeting protesters heads and torsos 307 120 Police use of bean bag rounds and rubber bullets allegedly ruptured the eyes of several protesters and the eye of an Indonesian journalist 308 309 310 Police were found to have been using tear gas as an offensive weapon 311 firing it indoors inside a railway station 311 using expired tear gas which could release toxic gases upon combustion 312 and firing canisters from high rise buildings 313 Between June and November 2019 approximately 10 000 volleys of gas had been fired 314 Chemical residues were found on different public facilities in various neighbourhoods 315 316 d The use of tear gas sparked public health concerns after a reporter was diagnosed with chloracne in November 2019 318 though both the environment department and the health department disputed these claims 319 Several police operations in particular in Prince Edward station where the Special Tactical Squad STS assaulted commuters on a train were thought by protesters and pro democrats to have disregarded public safety 320 321 Police were accused of using disproportionate force 322 after an officer shot two young protesters with live ammunition in Tsuen Wan and Sai Wan Ho on 1 October 2019 and 11 November 2019 respectively e 328 329 An off duty officer shot and injured a 15 year old boy in Yuen Long on 4 October 2019 when he was assaulted by protesters who accused him of bumping into people with his car 330 The siege of PolyU which was described as a humanitarian crisis by democrats and medics 331 332 prompted the Red Cross and Medecins Sans Frontieres to intervene as the wounded protesters trapped inside ran out of supplies and lacked first aid care 332 Police were accused of obstructing first aid service and emergency services 333 320 114 and interfering with the work of medical personnel inside hospitals 334 335 The arrest of volunteer medics during the siege of PolyU was condemned by medical professionals 336 Police were accused of using excessive force on already subdued compliant arrestees Videos showed the police kicking an arrestee 337 pressing one s face against the ground 338 using one as a human shield 339 stomping on a demonstrator s head 340 and pinning a protester s neck to the ground with a knee 341 Video footage also shows the police beating passers by pushing and kicking people who were attempting to mediate the conflict 342 343 and tackling minors and pregnant women 344 Protesters reported suffering brain haemorrhage and bone fractures after being violently arrested by the police 345 346 Amnesty International stated that police had used retaliatory violence against protesters and mistreated and tortured some detainees Detainees reported being forced to inhale tear gas and being beaten and threatened by officers Police officers shined laser lights directly into one detainee s eyes 347 348 349 350 The police were accused of using sexual violence on female protesters 351 A female alleged that she was gang raped inside Tsuen Wan police station while the police reported that their investigation did not align with her accusation 352 and later announced plans to arrest her on suspicion of providing false information 353 Some detainees reported police had denied them access to lawyers and delayed their access to medical services 349 354 Many of these allegations were believed to have taken place in San Uk Ling Holding Centre 355 Questionable tactics and unprofessional behaviour Edit The kettling of protesters 321 356 the firing of pepper ball rounds at protesters at near point blank range 357 driving dangerously were also sources of controversy A police officer was suspended after he hit one protester with a motorcycle and dragged him on 11 November 2019 358 359 He was later reinstated 360 A police van suddenly accelerated into a crowd of protesters causing a stampede as STS officers exiting from the van chased protesters in Yau Ma Tei on 18 November 2019 Police defended the latter action as an appropriate response by well trained officers to attacks by protesters and that driving fast doesn t mean it is unsafe 361 Some police officers did not wear uniforms with identification numbers or failed to display their warrant cards 362 363 making it difficult for citizens to file complaints The government explained in June 2019 that there was not enough space on the uniforms to accommodate identification numbers In June 2020 the appearance of various decorations on uniforms caused this explanation to be doubted 364 The court ruled in November 2020 that the police had breached the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance by hiding or not displaying their identification number 365 In late 2019 the government introduced call signs to replace warrant cards but it was found that officers shared call signs 366 The police have also repeatedly interfered with the justice process They have been suspected of tampering with evidence 367 368 369 giving false testimony before court 370 and coercing false confessions from arrestees 371 The deployment of undercover officers who were suspected of committing arson and vandalism also generated controversy and the ability of police officers to identify the differences between ordinary protesters and undercover officers was questioned 372 373 A police officer was arrested in April 2020 for perverting the course of justice after he allegedly instructed a teen to throw petrol bombs at a police station he works at f 374 Some uniformed officers used foul language to harass and humiliate protesters and journalists 375 and provoked protesters 376 The slur cockroach whose dehumanising qualities have been recognised in the social sciences and psychology was used frequently by frontline officers to insult protesters some officers sought to counter this development 377 and suggested that in several instances verbal abuse by protesters may have led officers to use the term 378 An officer was reprimanded by his superiors for shouting derisive comments to protesters about the death of Chow Tsz lok 379 Police described a man wearing a yellow vest who was taken to an alley surrounded by police officers and apparently physically abused by one of them as a yellow object 380 Police were also accused of spreading a climate of fear 381 by conducting hospital arrests 382 383 attacking protesters while undercover 345 384 arresting people arbitrarily 385 targeting youngsters 386 347 banning requests for demonstrations 387 and arresting high profile activists and lawmakers 388 During the pandemic period it has also used the law banning groups of 4 to further ban peaceful protests 389 However the police were accused of applying double standards by showing leniency towards violent counter protesters 390 It has also failed to fulfill its duty to protect the protesters Their slow response and inaction during the Yuen Long attack sparked accusations they had colluded with the attackers 81 391 Lack of accountability Edit Police modified the Police General Orders by removing the sentence officers will be accountable for their own actions ahead of the 1 October 2019 confrontation Police sources of the Washington Post have said that a culture of impunity pervades the police force such that riot police often disregarded their training or became dishonest in official reports to justify excessive force 306 Police officers who felt that their actions were not justified were marginalised 392 Police commanders reportedly ignored the wrongdoings and the unlawful behaviours of frontline riot police and refused to use any disciplinary measures to avoid upsetting them 306 Lam s administration also denied police wrongdoings and backed the police multiple times 393 As of December 2019 no officer had been suspended for their actions or charged or prosecuted over protest related actions 306 When the District Councils were passing motions to condemn police violence police commissioner Chris Tang and other civil servants walked out in protest 394 The Independent Police Complaints Council IPCC launched investigations into alleged incidents of police misconduct during the protests Protesters demanded an independent commission of inquiry instead as the members of the IPCC are mainly pro establishment and it lacks the power to investigate make definitive judgements and hand out penalties 395 396 100 Despite calls from both local 397 and international opinion leaders Carrie Lam and both police commissioners Stephen Lo and Chris Tang rejected the formation of an independent committee 398 Lam insisted that the IPCC was able to fulfill the task 399 while Tang called the formation of such a committee an injustice and a tool for inciting hatred against the force 306 On 8 November 2019 a five member expert panel headed by Sir Denis O Connor and appointed by Lam in September 2019 to advise the IPCC concluded that the police watchdog lacked the powers capacity and independent investigative capability necessary to fulfill its role as a police watchdog group and suggested the formation of an independent commission of inquiry given the current protest situation 400 After negotiations to increase the IPCC s powers fell through the five panel members quit on 11 December 2019 401 The IPCC report on police behaviour during the protests released in May 2020 concluded that police has mostly followed the guidelines though there was room for improvement 402 While government officials called the report comprehensive democrats and human rights organisations were unanimous in declaring it a whitewash of police misdeeds 403 One of the expert panel members Clifford Stott said in June 2020 that the police had misjudged the dynamics of the protests and had used disproportionate force at almost all protests thus creating more disorder than it prevented 404 A report co authored by Stott published in November 2020 saw the absence of any credible system of accountability for the police as one major reason for why the protests became more radical 50 Local media coverage Edit Stand News journalist Gwyneth Ho was attacked by a stick wielding man during the Yuen Long attack on 21 July 2019 Police near Lan Kwai Fong Central on 31 October 2019 Police were accused of obstructing reporters from taking photographs by shining flashlights at them 405 The protests received significant press attention Nathan Ruser from ASPI identified the protests as the most live streamed social unrest in history According to a poll conducted by CUHK live feeds have replaced traditional media social media and Telegram as the main way for citizens of Hong Kong to access protest related information Ruser suggested that unlike other protests the widespread use of livestreaming technology in the Hong Kong protests meant that there was almost parity when it comes to what one can learn remotely researching it to actually being there 406 Many of Hong Kong s media outlets are owned by local tycoons who have significant business ties in the mainland so many of them adopt self censorship at some level and have mostly maintained a conservative editorial line in their coverage of the protests The management of some firms have forced journalists to change their headline to sound less sympathetic to the protest movement 407 A report by BBC suggested that the management of local terrestrial broadcaster Television Broadcasts Limited TVB had forced employees to include more voices supporting the government and highlight the aggressive actions of the protesters without including segments focusing on the responses from the protesters or the democrats 408 Journalists from South China Morning Post which was acquired by the Chinese Alibaba Group in 2016 had their news pieces significantly altered by senior editors to include a pro government viewpoint before they were published 409 TVB and local news outlet HK01 were accused of pro government bias and protesters have physically assaulted their news crews and damaged their equipment and vehicles 410 411 Protesters also placed political pressure on various corporations urging them to stop placing advertisements on TVB 412 On the other hand Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK a public broadcasting service faced criticisms of bias in favour of the protest movement Its critics have surrounded the headquarters of RTHK and assaulted its reporters 413 RTHK also faced political pressure from the police directly police commissioner Chris Tang filed complaints to RTHK against the satirical TV show Headliner and opinion program Pentaprism for insulting the police and spreading hate speech respectively g The police were criticised by journalists and democrats for interfering with press freedom 416 In response to around 200 complaints received by the Communications Authority RTHK apologised to any police officers or others who have been offended and cancelled Headliner in May 2020 ending its 21 year run 417 RTHK journalist Nabela Qoser known for her blunt questioning of government officials at press conferences was subjected to racist abuse online by pro Beijing groups prompting a statement of grave concern from the Equal Opportunities Commission 418 419 She also had her probation period at RTHK extended 420 Journalists have experienced interference and obstruction from the police in their reporting activities 421 Police frequently used flashlights against reporters shining light at cameras to avoid them being filmed or photographed journalists also reported frequently being harassed searched 405 422 423 and insulted In some cases despite identifying themselves they were jostled subdued pepper sprayed or violently detained by the police 424 425 426 427 Several female reporters complained about being sexually harassed by police officers 422 Journalists were also caught in the crossfire of protests 428 429 Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah of Suara was blinded by a rubber bullet 430 a reporter from RTHK suffered burns after he was hit by a petrol bomb 431 Student journalists have also been targeted and attacked by police 432 Police raided the headquarters of pro democratic newspaper Apple Daily and searched its editorial and reporters areas on 10 August 2020 During the operation reporters from several major news outlets were rejected from entering cordoned off areas where a scheduled press briefing was held Police stated that media who were unprofessional or had been reporting in the past in a manner considered by police as biased against the force would be denied access to such briefings in the future 433 434 In September 2020 the police further limited press freedom by narrowing the definition of media representatives meaning that student reporters and freelancers would have to face more risks when they are reporting 435 Hong Kong s fall by seven places to 80th in the World Press Freedom Index was attributed by Reporters without Borders to the policy of violence against journalists When the Press Freedom Index was established in 2002 Hong Kong had ranked 18th 436 Following the passing of the national security law The New York Times announced that it would relocate its digital team s office to Seoul as the law has unsettled news organisations and created uncertainty about the city s prospects as a hub for journalism in Asia 437 The Immigration Department also started declining work visas for foreign journalists including those working for New York Times and local outlet Hong Kong Free Press 438 Impact EditEconomy Edit Further information Yellow economic circle Protest at the Hong Kong International Airport on 26 July 2019Official statistics showed that Hong Kong had slipped into recession as its economy had shrunk in the second and third quarters of 2019 439 Retail sales declined and consumer spending decreased 440 Some restaurants saw their customers cancel bookings and certain banks and shops were forced to close their doors Some supply chains were disrupted because of the protests Lower consumer spending caused several luxury brands to delay shop openings while other brands quit 441 While some hawkers protested about declining sales 442 some shops prospered as nearby protesters bought food and other commodities 443 Stock of protest supplies ran low in both Hong Kong and Taiwan 444 The protests also affected property owners fearing the instability some investors abandoned purchases of land Demand for property also declined as overall property transactions dropped by 24 per cent when compared with the Umbrella Revolution property developers were forced to slash prices 445 Trade shows reported decreased attendance and revenue and many firms cancelled their events in Hong Kong 446 The Hang Seng Index declined by at least 4 8 per cent from 9 June 2019 to late August 2019 As investment sentiment waned companies awaiting listing on the stock market put their initial public offerings IPO on hold there being only one in August 2019 the lowest since 2012 Fitch Ratings downgraded Hong Kong s sovereignty rating from AA to AA due to doubts over the government s ability to maintain the one country two systems principle the outlook on the territory was similarly downgraded from stable to negative 447 Tourism was also affected the number of visitors travelling to Hong Kong in August 2019 declined by 40 per cent compared to a year earlier 448 while the National Day holiday saw a decline of 31 9 per cent 449 better source needed Unemployment increased from 0 1 per cent to 3 2 per cent from September to November 2019 with the tourist and the catering sectors seeing rises to 5 2 per cent and 6 2 per cent respectively during the same period being the hardest hit 450 Flight bookings also declined with airlines cutting or reducing services 451 During the airport protests on 12 and 13 August 2019 the Airport Authority cancelled numerous flights which resulted in an estimated US 76 million loss according to aviation experts 452 Various countries issued travel warnings to their citizens concerning Hong Kong and many mainland Chinese tourists avoided travelling to Hong Kong due to safety concerns 453 District councillors collaborated with shops supporting the Yellow Economic Circle to organise a Lunar New Year Fair in Sai Ying Pun on 18 January 2020 454 The economy in Hong Kong became increasingly politicised Some corporations bowed to pressure and fired employees who expressed their support for the protests 455 456 Several international corporations and businesses including the National Basketball Association and Activision Blizzard decided to appease China during the protests and faced intense criticisms 457 The Diplomat called the Yellow Economic Circle one of the most radical progressive and innovative forms of long term struggle during the protests 458 Corporations perceived to be pro Beijing faced boycotts and some were vandalised 459 Meanwhile yellow shops allied with protesters enjoyed a flurry of patrons even during the coronavirus crisis 460 Governance Edit Lam s administration was criticised for its performance during the protests her perceived arrogance and obstinacy 461 462 and her reluctance to engage in dialogue with protesters Her extended absences stonewalling performance at press conferences 463 were all believed to have enabled the protesters to escalate events 464 h According to public opinion polls approval ratings of Lam and her government were the lowest among all chief executives 466 with Lam s rating plunged to 19 5 out of 100 in November 2019 467 Her performance and those of Secretary for Security John Lee and Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng were called disastrous 468 On 2 September Reuters received a leaked audio recording in which Carrie Lam admitted that she had very limited room to manoeuvre between the Central People s Government and Hong Kong and that she would quit if she had a choice 469 However the next day she told the media that she had never contemplated discussing her resignation with the Beijing authorities 470 Lam s behaviour on this and later occasions strengthened the perception among a broad part of the protesters and their supporters that she was not able to make any crucial decision without instructions from the Beijing government effectively serving as its puppet 471 Distrust toward the government and the lack of police accountability also led to the temporary prevalence of conspiracy theories 372 Both sides claimed that rule of law in Hong Kong was undermined during the protests While the government the police and government supporters criticised the protesters for breaking the law and using violence to extort the government to accept the demands the protesters and their sympathisers felt that lack of police oversight selective law enforcement selective prosecution police brutality and the government s blanket denial of all police wrongdoings all harmed rule of law and expressed their disappointment that the law cannot help them achieve justice 472 The judiciary was also scrutinised after judge Kwok Wai kin dedicated much of his sentencing statement to comment on the negative impacts of the protests and to expressing sympathy toward a stabber who attacked three people in September 2019 near a Lennon Wall He was later removed from handling all protest related cases 473 The government s extended absence and its lack of a political solution in the early stage of the protests catapulted the police into the front line and heavy handed policing became a substitute for solving a political crisis 474 The police force was initially lost and confused and was discontent with the government for not offering enough support 475 Subsequently Lam s blanket denial of allegations of police brutality led to accusations that Lam and her administration endorsed police violence 393 Throughout the protests the establishment waited for demonstrators aggression to increase so they could justify greater militarisation of the police and dismiss the protesters as insurgents and thereby also dismiss their demands 476 Ma Ngok a political scientist remarked that the failures of the government meant that it has lost the trust of a whole generation and predicted that youths would remain angry at both the government and the police for years to come 477 Police s image and accountability Edit Police Commissioner Stephen Lo left and his successor Chris Tang right rejected the formation of an independent committee to investigate police brutality The reputation of the police took a serious drubbing following the heavy handed treatment of protesters 478 479 480 In October 2019 a survey conducted by CUHK revealed that more than 50 percent of respondents were deeply dissatisfied with the police s performance 481 The satisfaction rate of police force dropped to a record low after the handover 482 According to some reports their aggressive behaviours and tactics have caused them to become a symbol that represents hostility and suppression Their actions against protesters resulted in a breakdown of citizens trust of the police 483 484 Citizens were also concerned over the ability of the police to regulate and control their members and feared their abuse of power 485 The suspected acts of police brutality led some politically neutral or political apathetic citizens to become more sympathetic towards the young protesters 486 Fearing Hong Kong was changing into a police state some citizens actively considered emigration 487 The lack of any prosecutions against officers and the absence of independent police oversight sparked fears that the police could not be held accountable for their actions and that they were immune to any legal consequences 306 Affected by the controversies surrounding the police force s handling of the protests between June 2019 to February 2020 446 police officers quit which was 40 per cent higher than the figure in 2018 and the force only managed to recruit 760 officers 40 per cent lower than the previous year falling well short of the police force s expectations 488 The police cancelled foot patrols because of fears officers may be attacked 489 and issued extendable batons to off duty officers 485 Police officers also reported being physically and mentally tired as they faced the risks of being doxed cyberbullied and distanced by their family members 490 Police relations with journalists 491 social workers 492 493 medical professionals 494 and members from other disciplined forces 495 became strained Society Edit The protests deepened the rift between the yellow pro democracy and blue pro government camps created since the Umbrella Revolution People who opposed the protests argued that protesters were spreading chaos and fear across the city causing damage to the economy and thus harming people not involved in the protests On the other hand protesters justified their actions by what they saw as the greater good of protecting the territory s freedoms against the encroachment of mainland China 496 Anti mainland sentiments swelled during this period 497 Family relationships were strained as children argued with their parents over their attending protests disagreeing with their parents political stance avoidance of politics or views on the manner of the protests 498 Elderly marching on 17 July 2019 to support young people s anti extradition bill protestsAs the protests continued to escalate citizens showed an increasing tolerance towards confrontational and violent actions 499 Pollsters found that among 8 000 respondents at protest sites 90 of them believed that the use of these tactics was understandable because of the government s refusal to respond to the demands 500 The protest movement provided a basis for challenging the government over its controversial handling of the COVID 19 pandemic in early 2020 132 and some observers ascribed the success in halting the first wave of the pandemic to protesters related efforts 501 Unity among the protesters was seen across a wide spectrum of age groups and professions i While some moderate protesters reported that the increase in violence alienated them from the protests 496 public opinion polls conducted by CUHK suggested that the movement was able to maintain public support 481 The unity among protesters fostered a new sense of identity and community in Hong Kong which had always been a very materialistic society This was evidenced by the adoption of Glory to Hong Kong as a protest anthem 38 A study conducted by the University of Hong Kong found that the protests were having negative impacts on the mental health of Hong Kong residents with one third of adults around 2 million adults of a total population of 7 4 million reporting symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder PTSD during the protests up from 5 per cent in March 2015 511 This was a six times increase from four years earlier with levels of depression and PTSD comparable to a war zone 512 513 A survey on social media of more than 1 000 people by the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that 38 per cent were troubled by depression related problems 514 Symptoms of PTSD were found not only to afflict protesters but also those watching events unfold on the news living in affected areas or working in jobs that are related to the movement nurses doctors reporters police and street cleaners 515 Suspected PTSD in 2019 was found to have a prevalence of 12 8 per cent in the population Heavy social media use of 2 or more hours per day was associated with likelihood of both depression or PTSD 516 A Guardian article dated 22 October 2019 reported that protesters have tracked at least nine cases of suicides that appear to be linked directly to the demonstrations since June 517 In five of these cases the victims left a suicide note referring to the protests and three were attributed to events following the extradition bill 518 519 520 521 With the passage of the national security law and the establishment of a national security hotline societal mistrust and stress was expected to increase as of 2020 522 Reactions EditMain article Reactions to the 2019 2020 Hong Kong protests Hong Kong government Edit Chief Executive Carrie Lam at the press conference with Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng and Secretary for Security John Lee one day after the massive protest on 9 June 2019 Carrie Lam continued to push for the second reading of the bill despite a mass anti extradition bill protest saying that the government was duty bound to amend the law 523 524 She had previously rejected meeting the protesters believing that such meeting would have no purpose 525 Following the 12 June conflict both Police Commissioner Stephen Lo and Lam characterised the conflict as a riot The police later backed down on the claim saying that among the protesters only five of them rioted Protesters demanded that the government fully retract the riot characterisation 526 Lam s analogy as Hong Kong people s mother attracted criticisms after the violent crackdown on 12 June 527 525 Lam announced the suspension of the bill on 15 June 2019 69 and officially apologised to the public on 18 June two days after another massive march 528 In early July Lam reiterated that the bill had passed away and reaffirmed that all efforts to amend the law had ceased though her use of language was thought to be ambiguous 529 During July and August 2019 the government insisted that it would not make any concessions and that the IPCC would suffice to investigate police misconduct She also refused to declare the withdrawal of the bill and ignored calls for her to resign 530 531 On 4 September 2019 Lam announced that she would formally withdraw the extradition bill as well as introduce measures such as adding new members to the IPCC engage in dialogue at the community level and invite academics to join an independent review committee with no investigative powers to evaluate Hong Kong s deep rooted problems However protesters and democrats saw the withdrawal as coming too late 100 and insisted that all of their five core demands be answered 532 One day prior to the first dialogue session of Lam on 26 September 2019 a Chinese envoy termed the demands political blackmail leading to doubts on the leeway Lam had in the sessions 533 The independent review committee was then shelved by Lam in May 2020 534 After condemning the protesters who had stormed the legislature on 1 July for their use of extreme violence 535 and those who had defaced the national emblem during the 21 July protest 536 Lam suggested in early August 2019 that the protests had deviated from their original purpose and that their goal now was to challenge China s sovereignty and damage one country two systems 465 She suggested that radical protesters were dragging Hong Kong to a path of no return 465 and that they had no stake in society and therefore government meetings need not to include them 537 525 On 5 October 2019 after what Lam referred to as extreme violence had taken place an emergency law from the colonial era was enacted to ban face masks in Hong Kong without declaring a state of emergency which sparked criticism from various human rights organisations 538 j Starting from October Lam regularly referred to the protesters as rioters and dismissed the protesters despite them amassing mass support throughout late 2019 525 She also allied with the police and claimed that ending violence and restoring order rather than responding to political demands was what people wanted in Hong Kong 525 To cope with the ongoing protests on 15 November 2019 the police had appointed no more than 100 Correctional Services Department CSD officers as special constables to assist them 542 In May 2020 the authorities announced they would recruit more personnel from the other five disciplinary services and bring the total number of special constables to 700 543 Several protesters who were detained at a correctional facility in Pik Uk reported that they had been tortured and physically abused by guards They reported that the guards beat their hands and feet slapped their face then forced them to slap themselves after they were taken to a room without security camera during their time in detention 544 According to Reuters the government contacted eight public relations firms to improve the image of the government in late September 2019 but six of them declined to participate for fear that partnering with the HKSAR government may tarnish their reputation 545 On 30 July 2020 the Hong Kong government made ineligible a dozen pro democracy candidates from running in Legislative Council elections which had been scheduled for 6 September the elections were later postponed by a year for which the government cited a new surge in COVID 19 cases as reason Observers noted that the delay could have been politically motivated as the pro Beijing camp may lose their majority in the LegCo following the election 546 The government claimed that the disqualified candidates had colluded with foreign forces and opposed the new national security law 547 Macau government Edit The Macau government supported the Hong Kong government during the protests Macau s Chief Executive Ho Iat seng applauded the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong a day after it came in to effect 548 The Macau government announced on 19 March 2021 that any lawmaker in the Legislative Assembly who expresses support for the Hong Kong protests would be disqualified from their positions under the Macau Basic Law 549 Domestic reactions Edit Activists including Joshua Wong and Nathan Law met House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Chris Smith at the US Congress The pro Beijing camp supported the government in promoting the bill though U turned when the government withdrew the bill 550 They condemned the use of violence by protesters including breaking into the LegCo Complex and using petrol bombs and unidentified liquids against the police 551 552 and used the term rubbish youths Chinese 廢青 to refer to high school and university age participants 553 They maintained their support for the Hong Kong Police Force and held various counter demonstrations to support them 554 555 and criticised the government for not taking enough actions to halt the violence 556 Members of the Executive Council Ip Kwok him and Regina Ip alleged that there was a mastermind behind the protests but could not provide substantial evidence to support their claim 557 Many lawmakers from the pan democratic camp such as Ted Hui and Roy Kwong assisted the protesters in various scenarios 558 Responding to the escalation of the mid August protests at the airport the convenor of the pro democratic caucas Claudia Mo while disagreeing with some protesters actions asserted that her group of lawmakers would not split with the protesters 559 560 561 Pro democrats also condemned the arrests of and the violence directed at the protests organisers lawmakers and election candidates 562 Former government officials including Anson Chan the former Chief Secretary for Administration issued several open letters to Carrie Lam urging her to respond to the five core demands raised by protesters 563 In August 17 members from the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce released statements condemning the escalating protests because of the instability they had brought to the city s economy and business community as well as the negative effects on society as a whole 564 Annie Wu the daughter of Maxim s Catering founder and also a member of the Chinese People s Political Consultative Conference condemned the protesters at the United Nations Human Rights Council and suggested that Hong Kong should give up the lost protesters 565 566 On 30 October Abraham Shek a lawmaker representing the Real Estate and Construction constituency supported the formation of an independent commission and said that the problem could not be resolved by only addressing the severe housing shortage 567 Tycoon Li Ka shing took out a two page advertisement in newspapers urging people to stop anger and violence in the name of love and quoting a Chinese poem The melon of Huangtai cannot bear the picking again 568 Despite the government the pro Beijing camp and state media invoking the notion of a silent majority who opposed the protests and urging citizens to cut ties with the violent protesters citizens generally favoured the pro democratic camp and supported the protest movement 569 The 2019 Hong Kong District Council election the first poll since the beginning of the protests had been billed as a referendum on the government 570 More than 2 94 million votes were cast for a turnout rate of 71 2 up from 1 45 million and 47 from the previous election 571 This was the highest turnout in Hong Kong s history both in absolute numbers and in turnout rates 572 The results were a resounding landslide victory for the pro democracy bloc as they saw their seat share increased from 30 to almost 88 with a jump in vote share from 40 to 57 572 Among those who were also legislators the overwhelming majority of the losing candidates were from the pro Beijing bloc 573 Reuters conducted polls in December 2019 574 March 2020 575 June 2020 576 and August 2020 The last poll showed that an increasing number of Hongkongers support the pro democracy goals since the national security law was implemented More than half of the respondents opposed the national security law 70 wanted an independent commission of inquiry that looked into how the police handled the protests 63 wanted universal suffrage The support for amnesty of all arrested protesters rose to 50 More than half of people still wanted Carrie Lam to resign The number of people who opposed the pro democracy demands went down to 19 The majority 60 still opposed Hong Kong independence 20 supported the idea 577 Mainland China reactions Edit Further information National People s Congress decision on Hong Kong national security legislation The Chinese government expressed its opposition to the protests while taking measures against the protests and their supporters The protests were depicted by the government and media as separatist riots 578 Beijing accused the movement of displaying characteristics of colour revolutions and signs of terrorism 579 580 The Beijing government and state run media accused foreign forces of interfering with domestic affairs and supporting the protesters 581 These allegations were rejected by Hong Kong pro democrats 582 and CNN noted that China had a record of blaming foreign forces for causing domestic unrest 583 On 22 October 2019 following protests and violence in Catalonia and Chile the Chinese government accused Western media of hypocrisy for not providing similar coverage and support to those protests 584 585 Chinese diplomats and ambassadors in more than 70 countries broadcast Beijing s position on the protests to shape international opinion 586 CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng have repeatedly backed Lam s administration and the police 587 588 589 Chinese state media outlets largely ignored the protests until 17 April 2019 590 The protests were mostly censored from Mainland Chinese social media such as Sina Weibo though state owned media and Chinese social media users later condemned the protesters 591 State run media pressured various companies including railway operator MTR Corporation and airline Cathay Pacific to take a hardline approach against employees who took part in the protests Cathay Pacific saw its top managers reshuffled and began firing pro democratic employees after the Civil Aviation Administration of China threatened to block Cathay s access to Chinese airspace 592 Chinese media also attempted to appeal to the silent majority 593 and blame the protests on Hong Kong s education system 594 It also hailed police officers as heroes 595 and demanded the government take more forceful actions and the court to hand out heavy punishments 596 597 On 8 March 2021 UK broadcasting authority Ofcom imposed a fine of 125 000 on Chinese state broadcaster CGTN for having failed to maintain due impartiality in five programmes on the protests aired in 2019 598 Foreign envoys reported the deployment in late August of a sizeable number of People s Liberation Army PLA troops to Hong Kong well beyond the usual rotation and possibly doubling the number of PLA troops compared to before the start of the protests Drills by the People s Armed Police were observed across the border in Shenzhen in August 599 On 6 October 2019 the PLA issued its first warning to the protesters who were shining laser lights on the exterior of the PLA garrison in Kowloon Tong 600 On 16 November soldiers appeared publicly in the streets for the first time during the protests in plain clothes and unarmed to clear roadblocks and other debris left during protests alongside local residents firefighters and police officers before marching back to the Kowloon Tong barracks The government insisted the soldiers were volunteers and that it had made no request for assistance 601 The act was criticised by pro democrats who deemed it a violation of the Basic Law 602 The Chinese government required goods mailed from mainland China to Hong Kong to be investigated while goods which were believed to relate to the protests were blocked 603 604 Chinese authorities also detained several individuals in mainland China after they voiced their support for the protesters 605 China further tightened its control in Hong Kong in 2020 on 4 January the State Council dismissed Wang Zhimin from the role of director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office and appointed Luo Huining as his successor The decision was widely linked to the poor performance of pro government candidates at the District Council elections in November and Wang s perceived poor judgment of how the protests evolved 606 Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office director Zhang Xiaoming was demoted and replaced by Xia Baolong in February 2020 607 The new directors triggered the Basic Law Article 22 controversy in April when they claimed that the two offices were not covered by Article 22 608 In May China announced that the NPCSC China s rubber stamp legislative body would directly draft a national security law for Hong Kong and skip the local legislation procedures 609 Political analysts believed that Beijing s action would mark the end of the one country two systems principle and Hong Kong s autonomy as promised in the Sino British Joint Declaration 610 611 On 28 May 2020 the NPC approved the controversial national security laws for Hong Kong The legislation allows the government s national security agencies to operate in Hong Kong 612 On 30 June 2020 China implemented Hong Kong national security law Its 66 articles target crimes of secession subversion terrorism and collusion with foreign forces and includes serious penalties between 10 years of prison to life imprisonment 613 International reactions Edit Further information Responses to the 2020 Chinese involvement with Hong Kong national security law and Overseas censorship of Chinese issues Censored topics As a result of the protests many nations issued travel warnings for Hong Kong 614 Demonstrations in reaction to the extradition protests also took place in various locations around the world including Australia 615 Brazil Canada 616 Chile France Germany 617 India Italy Japan Lithuania 618 South Africa South Korea 619 Taiwan the United Kingdom the United States and Vietnam 620 621 Solidarity rallies held by Hong Kong international students studying abroad were often met by mainland Chinese counter protesters 622 615 623 624 Following the death of Chow Tsz lok Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng was heckled and jostled by protest supporters in Bloomsbury Square in London she fell to the ground and injured her arm 625 Some protesters in the concurrent 2019 Catalan protests have claimed inspiration from and solidarity with the Hong Kong protests 626 627 Protesters also formed the Milk Tea Alliance with Taiwanese and Thai netizens to counter online supporters of China and trolls but it slowly evolved into an online democratic solidarity movement that advocates for democracy in Southeast Asia 628 source source source source source source source source source source source source source source track US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented on 18 November 2019 Some protesters fled to Taiwan to avoid prosecution 629 The Hong Kong protests were considered a contributing factor in the landslide victory of Tsai Ing wen during the 2020 Taiwanese presidential election Tsai who had repeatedly shown a supportive attitude toward the Hong Kong protesters used the slogan today Hong Kong tomorrow Taiwan during her presidential campaign referring to the city s unrest as evidence of the threats posed by the one country two systems principle to Taiwan s autonomy and democracy 630 Christina Lai from Academia Sinica concurred that the situation in Hong Kong created a sense of urgency for Taiwanese voters as China s hardline reaction implied that they would use the same strategy to undermine Taiwan s autonomy in the future Tsai s rejection of the principle enabled her to gain support from young voters 631 In the United States the House of Representatives and Senate both unanimously passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in light of the extradition bill and protests 632 633 634 635 President Donald Trump signed the bill on 27 November alongside a companion bill restricting US exports of crowd control devices to the Hong Kong police forces 636 Various US politicians have expressed disapproval of corporate decisions related to the protests 637 638 639 640 On 29 May 2020 Trump ordered the removal of the special status enjoyed by Hong Kong due to Beijing s new national security law for the territory after Pompeo declared that the city was no longer autonomous from China and should therefore be treated as any one of Chinese cities 641 Dominic Raab the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom urged China to uphold the promises it made in the Sino British Joint Declaration which was a legally binding international treaty 642 The UK had already stopped selling crowd control equipment to the HKPF 643 Former UK consulate employee Simon Cheng was granted asylum in the UK in June 2020 He was previously detained by Chinese authorities who reportedly tortured him to force a confession that the UK was involved in instigating the protests though Chinese authorities stated that he was detained for soliciting prostitutes 644 On 3 June 2020 Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that if China were to continue pursuing the national security law he would open a path to British citizenship for Hong Kong residents who were eligible for a British National Overseas passport BNO 645 After the passing of the law on 30 June 2020 the UK confirmed these Hong Kong residents are able to come to the United Kingdom with a five year limited leave to remain 646 Following those five years they will be able to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom and after a further 12 months with settled status they will be able to apply for British citizenship 647 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet demanded the Hong Kong government conduct an investigation into police use of force against the protesters 648 she previously said that she was troubled and alarmed by the escalating violence used by the protesters 649 Amnesty International praised the protesters for their dedication despite facing abusive policing tactics which include the wanton use of tear gas arbitrary arrests physical assaults and abuses in detention 650 Kenneth Roth the head of Human Rights Watch HRW was denied entry to Hong Kong at Hong Kong International Airport on 12 January 2020 Hong Kong officials insisted that the decision to bar Roth from entry had been made in Hong Kong not in mainland China 651 In June 2020 on the first anniversary of mass protests in Hong Kong a statement released by HRW said that the governments of both China and Hong Kong should respect fundamental rights of people 652 Norwegian lawmaker Guri Melby announced in October 2019 that she had nominated the Hong Kong protesters for the Nobel Peace Prize 653 The nomination was later endorsed by the Liberals in the Norwegian parliament 654 Several US members of Congress including Marco Rubio and James McGovern nominated the protesters in February 2020 654 655 On 28 November 2020 the British All party parliamentary group on Hong Kong agreed to nominate Alexandra Wong commonly known as Grandma Wong for the Nobel Peace Prize Wong had been a frequent sight at the protests before disappearing for an extended period in August 2019 656 See also Edit1967 Hong Kong riots by pro Beijing protesters 2010 Hong Kong democracy protests 2016 Mong Kok civil unrest 2020s in political history 2022 COVID 19 protests in China 30th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre Hong Kong 1 July marches Human rights in China Human rights in Hong Kong List of protests in the 21st century Sunflower Student Movement Umbrella MovementNotes Edit Two died during protests and clashes 11 12 13 committed suicide 13 14 15 The number of civilians injured is understated as many protesters sought medical help from underground clinics due to mistrust in government services 17 This figure up to date as of 31 August 2022 update includes an unknown number of repeat arrests occurring in the course of the protests According to an article in the South China Morning Post as of 10 October 2019 there were close to 2 400 arrests with about 60 being repeat arrests 19 The number of arrestees currently in custody is uncertain as of 18 April 2020 20 The government refused to disclose the chemical composition of the gas citing operational concerns 317 Police defended the officer s actions at the Tsuen Wan incident saying that he and his colleague s lives were at risk as a group of protesters was assaulting another officer at the time 323 324 Protesters argued that the officer shooting the man s chest was unnecessary and that he had other less lethal alternatives available at his disposal 325 326 Explaining the Sai Wan Ho incident police alleged the unarmed young man was trying to grab the officer s service weapon 327 The teen was arrested before any petrol bomb was thrown Headliner had a segment that poked fun at the police This forced the broadcaster to suspend the airing of the segment and the production of future seasons 414 An episode from Pentaprism features a lecturer from The Education University of Hong Kong EdU who described the Siege of PolyU as a humanitarian crisis and compared it to the Tiananmen Square crackdown The sender was issued with a serious warning in April 2020 415 At a press conference on 5 August 2019 Lam explained her absence from the public eye in the preceding two weeks She was concerned about the risk to organisers over the possible disruption by protesters of public events and press conferences 465 On many occasions middle aged and elderly volunteers attempted to separate the police and the young protesters where the two groups confronted each other and provided various forms of assistance 502 Various professions organised rallies to stand in solidarity with protesters These professions included teachers civil servants the aviation industry accountants medical professionals social workers the advertising sector and the finance sector 503 456 504 505 506 507 To express their support sympathisers of the protest movement chanted rallying cries from their apartments every night 508 wrote Christmas cards to injured protesters and those in detention 509 and rallied outside Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre where the detainees are held 510 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