
Spelling pronunciation

A spelling pronunciation is the pronunciation of a word according to its spelling when this differs from a longstanding standard or traditional pronunciation. Words that are spelled with letters that were never pronounced or that were not pronounced for many generations or even hundreds of years have increasingly been pronounced as written, especially since the arrival of mandatory schooling and universal literacy.

Examples of words with silent letters that have begun to be often or sometimes pronounced include often, Wednesday, island, and knife. In addition, words traditionally pronounced with reduced vowels or omitted consonants (e.g. cupboard, Worcester), may be subject to a spelling pronunciation.

If a word's spelling was standardized prior to sound changes that produced its traditional pronunciation, a spelling pronunciation may reflect an even older pronunciation. This is often the case with compound words (e.g., waistcoat, cupboard, forehead). It is also the case for many words with silent letters (e.g. often[1]), though not all—silent letters are sometimes added for etymological reasons, to reflect a word's spelling in its language of origin (e.g. victual, rhyming with little[2][3] but derived from Late Latin victualia). Some silent letters were added on the basis of erroneous etymologies, as in the cases of the words island[4] and scythe.

Spelling pronunciations are often prescriptively discouraged and perceived as incorrect next to the traditionally accepted, and usually more widespread, pronunciation. If a spelling pronunciation persists and becomes more common, it may eventually join the existing form as a standard variant (for example waistcoat[5] and often), or even become the dominant pronunciation (as with forehead and falcon).

Prevalence and causes Edit

A large number of easily noticeable spelling pronunciations occurs only in languages such as French and English in which spelling tends to not indicate the current pronunciation. Because all languages have at least some words which are not spelled as pronounced,[6] spelling pronunciations can arise in all languages. This is of course especially true for people who are only taught to read and write and who are not taught when the spelling indicates an outdated (or etymologically incorrect) pronunciation. In other words, when many people do not clearly understand where spelling came from and what it is (a tool for recording speech, not the other way around), spelling pronunciations are common.

On the other hand, spelling pronunciations are also evidence of the reciprocal effects of spoken and written language on each other.[7] Many spellings represent older forms and corresponding older pronunciations. Some spellings, however, are not etymologically correct.

Speakers of a language often privilege the spelling of words over common pronunciation, leading to a preference for, or prestige of, spelling pronunciation, with the written language affecting and changing the spoken language. Pronunciations can then arise that are similar to older pronunciations or that can even be completely new pronunciations that are suggested by the spelling but never occurred before.[7]

Examples of English words with common spelling pronunciations Edit

  • kiln with a fully pronounced n, instead of a silent n. Kiln was originally pronounced kil with the n silent, as is referenced in Webster's Dictionary of 1828.[8] From English Words as Spoken and Written for Upper Grades by James A. Bowen 1900: "The digraph ln, n silent, occurs in kiln. A fall down the kiln can kill you."[9]
  • often, pronounced with /t/. This is actually a reversion to the 15th-century pronunciation,[1] but the pronunciation without /t/ is still preferred by 73% of British speakers and 78% of American speakers.[10] Older dictionaries do not list the pronunciation with /t/ although the 2nd edition of the OED does (and the first edition notes the pronunciation with the comment that it is prevalent in the south of England and often used in singing; see the Dictionary of American Regional English for contemporaneous citations that discuss the status of the competing pronunciations). The sporadic nature of such shifts is apparent upon examination of examples such as whistle, listen and soften in which the t remains usually silent.
  • forehead once rhymed with horrid but is now pronounced with the second syllable as /hɛd/ by 85% of American speakers and 65% of British speakers. This is actually a reversion to the original pronunciation.[11]
  • clothes was historically pronounced the same way as the verb close ("Whenas in silks my Julia goes/.../The liquefaction of her clothes"—Herrick), but many speakers now insert a /ð/, a voiced th. This is actually a reversion to the 15th-century pronunciation.[12]
  • salmon is pronounced by a minority of English speakers with /l/, due to the letter l being reintroduced, despite being neither written nor pronounced in the original Anglo-French pronunciation.
  • falcon is now nearly always pronounced with /l/, and only 3% of speakers have no /l/.[13] The /l/ was silent in the old pronunciation: compare French faucon and the older English spellings faucon and fawcon. That may suggest either analogical change or the reborrowing of the original Latin.
  • alms, balm, calm, psalm, etc. are now often pronounced with /l/ in some parts of the United States. In most of the United Kingdom, the traditional /ɑːm/ pronunciation continues to prevail.
  • comptroller is often pronounced with /mp/; the accepted pronunciation is controller (the mp spelling is based on the mistaken idea that the word is related to comp(u)tare "count, compute," but it comes from contre-roll "file copy," both the verb and its agent noun meaning compare originals and file copies).
  • ye (actually, or Þe), the definite article, as in Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe, is often pronounced like the archaic English pronoun ye instead of as the word the, based on the misleading use of the symbol y to substitute for the archaic printer's mark Þ: the letter thorn.[14] (On the other hand, the beginning of the pronoun ye in Middle and Early Modern English is correctly pronounced like the beginning of you.)
  • Mackenzie, Menzies, Dalziel now include the sound /z/ in place of the original /j/, due to the insular flat-topped g of Gaelic scripts being commonly transcribed into English as the similar-looking letter z.
  • armadillo and other words from Spanish with the double-L pronounced /l/ instead of /j/ (the latter being the closest approximation to the sound in Latin American Spanish); similarly, the Italian-sourced maraschino (cherry) and bruschetta with the /ʃ/ associated with that consonant cluster in German instead of the /sk/ of Italian.
  • victuals, pronounced /ˈvɪtəlz/ (rhyming with skittles), whose c (for a consonant that had been lost long before the word was borrowed from French) was re-introduced on etymological grounds, and the word is sometimes pronounced with /kt/. The original pronunciation is reflected in, for example, the brand name "Tender Vittles".
  • The pronunciation of waistcoat as waist-coat is now more common than the previous pronunciation /ˈwɛskət/.
  • conduit, historically pronounced /ˈkɒndɪt/ or /ˈkʌn-/, is now nearly always pronounced /ˈkɒndjuɪt/ in most of the United States.
  • covert, historically pronounced /ˈkʌvərt/ (reflecting its link with the verb cover) is now usually pronounced /ˈkvərt/, by analogy to overt.
  • medicine, historically pronounced with two syllables but now quite often with three (some speakers use two when they mean medicaments and three when they mean medical knowledge; the pronunciation with three syllables is standard in the United States).
  • Bartholomew, formerly pronounced /ˈbɑːrtəlmi/ or /bɑːrˈtɒləmi/, is now /bɑːrˈθɒləmj/.[citation needed]
  • Anthony (from Latin Antonius), now (in Anglophone countries outside the UK) is typically /ˈænθəni/.
  • Numerous placenames with traditional pronunciations have been displaced by ones influenced by the spelling: St. Louis, formerly /sænˈli/ now (in the US) /sntˈlɪs/, Papillion (Nebraska), formerly /ˌpæpiˈɒn/ now /pəˈpɪliən/. Montpelier, the capital of Vermont, is now pronounced /mɒntˈpliər/, instead of the French [mɔ̃pəlje].
  • Sir George Everest's surname is pronounced /ˈvrɪst/.[15] The mountain named after him – Mount Everest – is generally pronounced /ˈɛvərɪst/.[16]
  • Interjections such as tsk tsk! or tut tut! (a pair of dental clicks), now commonly /ˈtɪsk ˈtɪsk/ and /ˈtʌt ˈtʌt/.[citation needed]
  • The words Arctic, Antarctic and Antarctica were originally pronounced without the first /k/, but the spelling pronunciation has become very common. The first c was originally added to the spelling for etymological reasons and was then misunderstood as not being silent.[17]
  • zoology, which is often pronounced zoo-ology (/zuˈɒləi/), though, technically, this is likely influenced more by the word zoo (rhyming with goo) than by its spelling because it is never pronounced zoo-logy (/ˈzləi/). (It has been posited that dropping the diaeresis in zoölogy antiquated the pronunciation /zˈɒləi/.) A similar case might be the pronunciation outside the United States of hecatomb as rhyming with deck a tomb and pronounced /ˈhɛkətm/ instead of /ˈhɛkətm/.
  • hotel, originally pronounced /ˈtɛl/ because of the pronunciation of the French hôtel, is now usually pronounced with an audible h.[18] Nevertheless, maître d'hôtel is pronounced /ˌmtrədˈtɛl/.[19]
  • herb, a word with origins in Old French, is generally pronounced with a silent h in the United States. The same was true of the United Kingdom until the 19th century, when it adopted a spelling pronunciation, with an audible h.[20]
  • Ralph, originally pronounced /rf/ or /ˈrɑːf/ in the United Kingdom, is now often pronounced /rælf/.[21]
  • German loanwords such as spiel and stein are sometimes pronounced as beginning with /s/, as if they were native English words, instead of /ʃ/. In German, initial s, immediately before p or t, is pronounced as if it were sch /ʃ/.
  • nephew was, until recent generations, predominantly pronounced /ˈnɛvjuː/ in Britain, descended from Middle English nevew and originally loaned from Old French neveu, a spelling which remains unchanged into modern French. But the v was later changed to ph where the p hints at its Latin root nepot, which can be found in more recent Latin loanwords like nepotism. Today, spelling pronunciation has shifted the word's pronunciation predominantly to /ˈnɛfjuː/.

Opinions Edit

Spelling pronunciations give rise to varied opinions. Often, those who retain the old pronunciation consider the spelling pronunciation to be a mark of ignorance or insecurity. Those who use a spelling pronunciation may not be aware that it is one and consider the earlier version to be slovenly since it slurs over a letter. Conversely, the users of some innovative pronunciations such as "Febuary" (for February) may regard another, earlier version as a pedantic spelling pronunciation.

Henry Watson Fowler (1858–1933) reported that in his day, there was a conscious movement among schoolteachers and others encouraging people to abandon anomalous traditional pronunciations and to speak as is spelled. According to major scholars of early modern English (Dobson, Wyld et al.), in the 17th century, there was already beginning an intellectual trend in England to pronounce as is spelled. That presupposes a standard spelling system, which was only beginning to form at the time. Similarly, quite a large number of corrections slowly spread from scholars to the general public in France, starting several centuries ago.[22]

A different variety of spelling pronunciations are phonetic adaptations, pronunciations of the written form of foreign words within the frame of the phonemic system of the language that accepts them. An example of that process is garage ([ɡaʀaːʒ] in French), which is sometimes pronounced [ˈɡæɹɪd͡ʒ] in English.

Children and foreigners Edit

Children who read frequently often have spelling pronunciations because, if they do not consult a dictionary, they have only the spelling to indicate the pronunciation of words that are uncommon in the spoken language. Well-read second language learners may also have spelling pronunciations.

In some instances, a population in a formerly non-English-speaking area may retain such second language markers in the now native-English speaking population. For example, Scottish Standard English is replete with second language marks from when Scots started to be subsumed by English in the 17th century.

However, since there are many words that one reads far more often than one hears, adult native-language speakers also succumb. In such circumstances, the spelling pronunciation may well become more comprehensible than the other. That, in turn, leads to the language evolution mentioned above. What is a spelling pronunciation in one generation can become the standard pronunciation in the next.

In other languages Edit

In French, the modern pronunciation of the 16th-century French author Montaigne as [mɔ̃tɛɲ], rather than the contemporary [mɔ̃taɲ], is a spelling pronunciation.

When English club was first borrowed into French, the approved pronunciation was [klab], as being a reasonable approximation of the English. The standard then became [klyb] on the basis of the spelling, and later, in Europe, [klœb], deemed closer to the English original.[23] The standard pronunciation in Quebec French remains [klʏb]. Similarly, shampooing "shampoo; product for washing the hair" at the time of borrowing was [ʃɑ̃puiŋ] but it is now [ʃɑ̃pwɛ̃].

In Italian, a few early English loanwords are pronounced according to Italian spelling rules such as water ("toilet bowl," from English water (closet)), pronounced [ˈvater], and tramway, pronounced [tranˈvai]. The Italian word ovest ("west") comes from a spelling pronunciation of French ouest (which, in turn, is a phonetic transcription of English west); that particular instance of spelling pronunciation must have occurred before the 16th century, when the letters u and v were still indistinct.

A few foreign proper names are normally pronounced according to the pronunciation of the original language (or a close approximation of it), but they retain an older spelling pronunciation when they are used as parts of Italian street names. For example, the name of Edward Jenner retains its usual English pronunciation in most contexts, but Viale Edoardo Jenner (a main street in Milan) is pronounced [ˈvjale edoˈardo 'jɛnner]. The use of such old-fashioned spelling pronunciations was probably encouraged by the custom of translating given names when streets were named after foreign people: Edoardo for Edward, or Giorgio for George for Via Giorgio Washington.

In Spanish, the ch in some German words is pronounced // or /ʃ/, instead of /x/. Bach is pronounced [bax], and Kuchen is [ˈkuxen], but Rorschach is [ˈrorʃaʃ], rather than [ˈrorʃax], Mach is [maʃ] or [mat͡ʃ], and Kirchner is [ˈkirʃner] or [ˈkirt͡ʃner]. Other spelling pronunciations are club pronounced [klub], iceberg pronounced [iθeˈβer] in Spain (in the Americas, it is pronounced [ˈaisberɡ]),[24] and folclor and folclore as translations of folklore, pronounced [folˈklor] and [folˈkloɾe]. Also in Spanish, the acute accent in the French word élite is taken as a Spanish stress mark, and the word is pronounced [ˈelite].

When Slavic languages like Polish or Czech borrow words from English with their spelling preserved, the pronunciation tends to follow the rules of the receiving language. Words such as marketing are pronounced as spelled, instead of the more phonetically faithful [ˈmarkɨtɨng].

In standard Finnish, the sound /d/ developed as a spelling pronunciation for the letter d, though it originally represented a /ð/ sound. Similarly, /ts/ in words like metsä (forest) is a pronunciation spelling of tz used in pre-1770s orthography, which originally represented a long /θ/ sound. The dental fricatives had become rare by the 1700s, when the standard pronunciations started to develop into their current forms, which became official in the 1800s. The /d/ sound, however, is not present in most dialects and is generally replaced by a /r/, /l/ or simply dropped (e.g. lähde "water spring" may be pronounced as lähre, lähle or lähe). Standard ts is often replaced with tt or ht (mettä, mehtä).[25][26]

In Vietnamese, initial v is often pronounced like a y ([j]) in the central and southern varieties. However, in formal speech, speakers often revert to the spelling pronunciation, which is increasingly being used in casual speech as well.

Chinese has a similar phenomenon called youbian dubian where unfamiliar characters may be read with the pronunciation of similar characters that feature the same phonetic component. For instance, the character is rarely used in Chinese but is often used in Japanese place names (where it is pronounced chō). When read in Mandarin Chinese, it came to be pronounced dīng (such as in Ximending, a district in Taipei that was named during Japanese occupation) in analogy with the character (also pronounced dīng), even though its expected etymological reflex is tǐng.

See also Edit

References Edit

Citations Edit

  1. ^ a b often in the American Heritage Dictionary
  2. ^ victuals in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  3. ^
  4. ^ island in the American Heritage Dictionary
  5. ^ "Definition for waistcoat - Oxford Dictionaries Online (World English)". Oxforddictionaries.com. Retrieved 2012-05-27.[dead link]
  6. ^ Even a language such as Finnish where almost all words are written as pronounced (in other words phonemically, often incorrectly called "phonetically") has exceptions, e.g. sydämen, ruoan, onko, konepaja, osta paljon, osta enemmän (phonemic spelling would be: sydämmen, ruuan, ongko, koneppaja, ostap paljon, osta 'enemmän), and many words borrowed from other languages.
  7. ^ a b Michael Stubbs, Language and Literacy: the Sociolinguistics of Reading and Writing. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, pp. 31-32.
  8. ^ "Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Kiln".
  9. ^ Bowen, James A. (1915). "English Words as Spoken and Written, for Upper Grades: Designed to Teach the Powers of Letters and the Construction and Use of Syllables".
  10. ^ Wells, J. C. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, 3rd edn, Harlow, UK: Longman, p. 560.
  11. ^ Algeo, John (2010). The Origins and Development of the English Language, 6th edn, Boston, MA: Wadsworth, p. 46.
  12. ^ John Wells (2010-07-16). "OED note on history of "clothes"". Phonetic-blog.blogspot.com. Retrieved 2012-05-27.
  13. ^ Wells, J. C. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, 3rd ed., Harlow, UK: Longman, p. 297.
  14. ^ Algeo, John (2010). The Origins and Development of the English Language, 6th edn, Boston, MA: Wadsworth, p. 142.
  15. ^ Claypole, Jonty (Director); Kunzru, Hari (Presenter) (2003). Mapping Everest (TV Documentary). London: BBC Television.
  16. ^ Everest, Mount – Definitions from Dictionary.com (Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006)
  17. ^ See "The Fight for English" by David Crystal (p. 172, Oxford University Press) and the entry for "antarctic" in the Online Etymology Dictionary.
  18. ^ . Archived from the original on September 25, 2016.
  19. ^ "Oxford Languages | the Home of Language Data".[dead link]
  20. ^ . Archived from the original on September 29, 2016.
  21. ^ "Home > Ralph Wedgwood, USC Philosophy > USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences".
  22. ^ Peter Rickard, A History of the French Language (1989).
  23. ^ "Trésor de la langue française". Cnrtl.fr. Retrieved 2012-05-27.
  24. ^ "DPD 1.Ş edición, 2.Ş tirada" (in Spanish). Buscon.rae.es. Retrieved 2012-05-27.
  25. ^ . sokl.uef.fi (in Finnish). Archived from the original on October 22, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2022.
  26. ^ . sokl.uef.fi (in Finnish). Archived from the original on October 21, 2019. Retrieved October 5, 2022.

Sources Edit

  • See the index entries under "spelling pronunciation" from Leonard Bloomfield, Language (originally published 1933; current edition 1984, University of Chicago Press, Chicago; ISBN 81-208-1195-X).
  • Most of the etymologies and spelling histories above are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary.
  • Neuman, Yishai. L'influence de l'écriture sur la langue, PhD dissertation, Paris: Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2009.
  • --. "Graphophonemic Assignment", G. Khan (ed.), Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Volume 2, Leiden, South Holland: Brill, pp. 135–145.

spelling, pronunciation, confused, with, pronunciation, spelling, this, article, possibly, contains, original, research, please, improve, verifying, claims, made, adding, inline, citations, statements, consisting, only, original, research, should, removed, apr. Not to be confused with Pronunciation spelling This article possibly contains original research Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed April 2022 Learn how and when to remove this template message A spelling pronunciation is the pronunciation of a word according to its spelling when this differs from a longstanding standard or traditional pronunciation Words that are spelled with letters that were never pronounced or that were not pronounced for many generations or even hundreds of years have increasingly been pronounced as written especially since the arrival of mandatory schooling and universal literacy Examples of words with silent letters that have begun to be often or sometimes pronounced include often Wednesday island and knife In addition words traditionally pronounced with reduced vowels or omitted consonants e g cupboard Worcester may be subject to a spelling pronunciation If a word s spelling was standardized prior to sound changes that produced its traditional pronunciation a spelling pronunciation may reflect an even older pronunciation This is often the case with compound words e g waistcoat cupboard forehead It is also the case for many words with silent letters e g often 1 though not all silent letters are sometimes added for etymological reasons to reflect a word s spelling in its language of origin e g victual rhyming with little 2 3 but derived from Late Latin victualia Some silent letters were added on the basis of erroneous etymologies as in the cases of the words island 4 and scythe Spelling pronunciations are often prescriptively discouraged and perceived as incorrect next to the traditionally accepted and usually more widespread pronunciation If a spelling pronunciation persists and becomes more common it may eventually join the existing form as a standard variant for example waistcoat 5 and often or even become the dominant pronunciation as with forehead and falcon Contents 1 Prevalence and causes 2 Examples of English words with common spelling pronunciations 3 Opinions 4 Children and foreigners 5 In other languages 6 See also 7 References 7 1 Citations 7 2 SourcesPrevalence and causes EditA large number of easily noticeable spelling pronunciations occurs only in languages such as French and English in which spelling tends to not indicate the current pronunciation Because all languages have at least some words which are not spelled as pronounced 6 spelling pronunciations can arise in all languages This is of course especially true for people who are only taught to read and write and who are not taught when the spelling indicates an outdated or etymologically incorrect pronunciation In other words when many people do not clearly understand where spelling came from and what it is a tool for recording speech not the other way around spelling pronunciations are common On the other hand spelling pronunciations are also evidence of the reciprocal effects of spoken and written language on each other 7 Many spellings represent older forms and corresponding older pronunciations Some spellings however are not etymologically correct Speakers of a language often privilege the spelling of words over common pronunciation leading to a preference for or prestige of spelling pronunciation with the written language affecting and changing the spoken language Pronunciations can then arise that are similar to older pronunciations or that can even be completely new pronunciations that are suggested by the spelling but never occurred before 7 Examples of English words with common spelling pronunciations Editkiln with a fully pronounced n instead of a silent n Kiln was originally pronounced kil with the n silent as is referenced in Webster s Dictionary of 1828 8 From English Words as Spoken and Written for Upper Grades by James A Bowen 1900 The digraph ln n silent occurs in kiln A fall down the kiln can kill you 9 often pronounced with t This is actually a reversion to the 15th century pronunciation 1 but the pronunciation without t is still preferred by 73 of British speakers and 78 of American speakers 10 Older dictionaries do not list the pronunciation with t although the 2nd edition of the OED does and the first edition notes the pronunciation with the comment that it is prevalent in the south of England and often used in singing see the Dictionary of American Regional English for contemporaneous citations that discuss the status of the competing pronunciations The sporadic nature of such shifts is apparent upon examination of examples such as whistle listen and soften in which the t remains usually silent forehead once rhymed with horrid but is now pronounced with the second syllable as h ɛ d by 85 of American speakers and 65 of British speakers This is actually a reversion to the original pronunciation 11 clothes was historically pronounced the same way as the verb close Whenas in silks my Julia goes The liquefaction of her clothes Herrick but many speakers now insert a d a voiced th This is actually a reversion to the 15th century pronunciation 12 salmon is pronounced by a minority of English speakers with l due to the letter l being reintroduced despite being neither written nor pronounced in the original Anglo French pronunciation falcon is now nearly always pronounced with l and only 3 of speakers have no l 13 The l was silent in the old pronunciation compare French faucon and the older English spellings faucon and fawcon That may suggest either analogical change or the reborrowing of the original Latin alms balm calm psalm etc are now often pronounced with l in some parts of the United States In most of the United Kingdom the traditional ɑː m pronunciation continues to prevail comptroller is often pronounced with m p the accepted pronunciation is controller the mp spelling is based on the mistaken idea that the word is related to comp u tare count compute but it comes from contre roll file copy both the verb and its agent noun meaning compare originals and file copies ye actually y or THe the definite article as in Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe is often pronounced like the archaic English pronoun ye instead of as the word the based on the misleading use of the symbol y to substitute for the archaic printer s mark TH the letter thorn 14 On the other hand the beginning of the pronoun ye in Middle and Early Modern English is correctly pronounced like the beginning of you Mackenzie Menzies Dalziel now include the sound z in place of the original j due to the insular flat topped g of Gaelic scripts being commonly transcribed into English as the similar looking letter z armadillo and other words from Spanish with the double L pronounced l instead of j the latter being the closest approximation to the sound in Latin American Spanish similarly the Italian sourced maraschino cherry and bruschetta with the ʃ associated with that consonant cluster in German instead of the s k of Italian victuals pronounced ˈ v ɪ t el z rhyming with skittles whose c for a consonant that had been lost long before the word was borrowed from French was re introduced on etymological grounds and the word is sometimes pronounced with k t The original pronunciation is reflected in for example the brand name Tender Vittles The pronunciation of waistcoat as waist coat is now more common than the previous pronunciation ˈ w ɛ s k e t conduit historically pronounced ˈ k ɒ n d ɪ t or ˈ k ʌ n is now nearly always pronounced ˈ k ɒ n dj u ɪ t in most of the United States covert historically pronounced ˈ k ʌ v er t reflecting its link with the verb cover is now usually pronounced ˈ k oʊ v er t by analogy to overt medicine historically pronounced with two syllables but now quite often with three some speakers use two when they mean medicaments and three when they mean medical knowledge the pronunciation with three syllables is standard in the United States Bartholomew formerly pronounced ˈ b ɑːr t el m i or b ɑːr ˈ t ɒ l e m i is now b ɑːr ˈ 8 ɒ l e m j uː citation needed Anthony from Latin Antonius now in Anglophone countries outside the UK is typically ˈ ae n 8 en i Numerous placenames with traditional pronunciations have been displaced by ones influenced by the spelling St Louis formerly s ae n ˈ l uː i now in the US s eɪ n t ˈ l uː ɪ s Papillion Nebraska formerly ˌ p ae p i ˈ ɒ n now p e ˈ p ɪ l i e n Montpelier the capital of Vermont is now pronounced m ɒ n t ˈ p iː l i er instead of the French mɔ pelje Sir George Everest s surname is pronounced ˈ iː v r ɪ s t 15 The mountain named after him Mount Everest is generally pronounced ˈ ɛ v er ɪ s t 16 Interjections such as tsk tsk or tut tut a pair of dental clicks now commonly ˈ t ɪ s k ˈ t ɪ s k and ˈ t ʌ t ˈ t ʌ t citation needed The words Arctic Antarctic and Antarctica were originally pronounced without the first k but the spelling pronunciation has become very common The first c was originally added to the spelling for etymological reasons and was then misunderstood as not being silent 17 zoology which is often pronounced zoo ology z u ˈ ɒ l e dʒ i though technically this is likely influenced more by the word zoo rhyming with goo than by its spelling because it is never pronounced zoo logy ˈ z uː l e dʒ i It has been posited that dropping the diaeresis in zoology antiquated the pronunciation z oʊ ˈ ɒ l e dʒ i A similar case might be the pronunciation outside the United States of hecatomb as rhyming with deck a tomb and pronounced ˈ h ɛ k e t uː m instead of ˈ h ɛ k e t oʊ m hotel originally pronounced oʊ ˈ t ɛ l because of the pronunciation of the French hotel is now usually pronounced with an audible h 18 Nevertheless maitre d hotel is pronounced ˌ m eɪ t r e d oʊ ˈ t ɛ l 19 herb a word with origins in Old French is generally pronounced with a silent h in the United States The same was true of the United Kingdom until the 19th century when it adopted a spelling pronunciation with an audible h 20 Ralph originally pronounced r eɪ f or ˈ r ɑː f in the United Kingdom is now often pronounced r ae l f 21 German loanwords such as spiel and stein are sometimes pronounced as beginning with s as if they were native English words instead of ʃ In German initial s immediately before p or t is pronounced as if it were sch ʃ nephew was until recent generations predominantly pronounced ˈ n ɛ v juː in Britain descended from Middle English nevew and originally loaned from Old French neveu a spelling which remains unchanged into modern French But the v was later changed to ph where the p hints at its Latin root nepot which can be found in more recent Latin loanwords like nepotism Today spelling pronunciation has shifted the word s pronunciation predominantly to ˈ n ɛ f juː Opinions EditThis section possibly contains original research Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed January 2015 Learn how and when to remove this template message Spelling pronunciations give rise to varied opinions Often those who retain the old pronunciation consider the spelling pronunciation to be a mark of ignorance or insecurity Those who use a spelling pronunciation may not be aware that it is one and consider the earlier version to be slovenly since it slurs over a letter Conversely the users of some innovative pronunciations such as Febuary for February may regard another earlier version as a pedantic spelling pronunciation Henry Watson Fowler 1858 1933 reported that in his day there was a conscious movement among schoolteachers and others encouraging people to abandon anomalous traditional pronunciations and to speak as is spelled According to major scholars of early modern English Dobson Wyld et al in the 17th century there was already beginning an intellectual trend in England to pronounce as is spelled That presupposes a standard spelling system which was only beginning to form at the time Similarly quite a large number of corrections slowly spread from scholars to the general public in France starting several centuries ago 22 A different variety of spelling pronunciations are phonetic adaptations pronunciations of the written form of foreign words within the frame of the phonemic system of the language that accepts them An example of that process is garage ɡaʀaːʒ in French which is sometimes pronounced ˈɡaeɹɪd ʒ in English Children and foreigners EditThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed November 2020 Learn how and when to remove this template message Children who read frequently often have spelling pronunciations because if they do not consult a dictionary they have only the spelling to indicate the pronunciation of words that are uncommon in the spoken language Well read second language learners may also have spelling pronunciations In some instances a population in a formerly non English speaking area may retain such second language markers in the now native English speaking population For example Scottish Standard English is replete with second language marks from when Scots started to be subsumed by English in the 17th century However since there are many words that one reads far more often than one hears adult native language speakers also succumb In such circumstances the spelling pronunciation may well become more comprehensible than the other That in turn leads to the language evolution mentioned above What is a spelling pronunciation in one generation can become the standard pronunciation in the next In other languages EditIn French the modern pronunciation of the 16th century French author Montaigne as mɔ tɛɲ rather than the contemporary mɔ taɲ is a spelling pronunciation When English club was first borrowed into French the approved pronunciation was klab as being a reasonable approximation of the English The standard then became klyb on the basis of the spelling and later in Europe klœb deemed closer to the English original 23 The standard pronunciation in Quebec French remains klʏb Similarly shampooing shampoo product for washing the hair at the time of borrowing was ʃɑ puiŋ but it is now ʃɑ pwɛ In Italian a few early English loanwords are pronounced according to Italian spelling rules such as water toilet bowl from English water closet pronounced ˈvater and tramway pronounced tranˈvai The Italian word ovest west comes from a spelling pronunciation of French ouest which in turn is a phonetic transcription of English west that particular instance of spelling pronunciation must have occurred before the 16th century when the letters u and v were still indistinct A few foreign proper names are normally pronounced according to the pronunciation of the original language or a close approximation of it but they retain an older spelling pronunciation when they are used as parts of Italian street names For example the name of Edward Jenner retains its usual English pronunciation in most contexts but Viale Edoardo Jenner a main street in Milan is pronounced ˈvjale edoˈardo jɛnner The use of such old fashioned spelling pronunciations was probably encouraged by the custom of translating given names when streets were named after foreign people Edoardo for Edward or Giorgio for George for Via Giorgio Washington In Spanish the ch in some German words is pronounced tʃ or ʃ instead of x Bach is pronounced bax and Kuchen is ˈkuxen but Rorschach is ˈrorʃaʃ rather than ˈrorʃax Mach is maʃ or mat ʃ and Kirchner is ˈkirʃner or ˈkirt ʃner Other spelling pronunciations are club pronounced klub iceberg pronounced i8eˈber in Spain in the Americas it is pronounced ˈaisberɡ 24 and folclor and folclore as translations of folklore pronounced folˈklor and folˈkloɾe Also in Spanish the acute accent in the French word elite is taken as a Spanish stress mark and the word is pronounced ˈelite When Slavic languages like Polish or Czech borrow words from English with their spelling preserved the pronunciation tends to follow the rules of the receiving language Words such as marketing are pronounced as spelled instead of the more phonetically faithful ˈmarkɨtɨng In standard Finnish the sound d developed as a spelling pronunciation for the letter d though it originally represented a d sound Similarly ts in words like metsa forest is a pronunciation spelling of tz used in pre 1770s orthography which originally represented a long 8 sound The dental fricatives had become rare by the 1700s when the standard pronunciations started to develop into their current forms which became official in the 1800s The d sound however is not present in most dialects and is generally replaced by a r l or simply dropped e g lahde water spring may be pronounced as lahre lahle or lahe Standard ts is often replaced with tt or ht metta mehta 25 26 In Vietnamese initial v is often pronounced like a y j in the central and southern varieties However in formal speech speakers often revert to the spelling pronunciation which is increasingly being used in casual speech as well Chinese has a similar phenomenon called youbian dubian where unfamiliar characters may be read with the pronunciation of similar characters that feature the same phonetic component For instance the character 町 is rarely used in Chinese but is often used in Japanese place names where it is pronounced chō When read in Mandarin Chinese it came to be pronounced ding such as in Ximending a district in Taipei that was named during Japanese occupation in analogy with the character 丁 also pronounced ding even though its expected etymological reflex is tǐng See also Edit nbsp Language portalAcronym Folk etymology Heterography Hypercorrection Hyperforeignism Orthography Spelling reform The Chaos Padonkaffsky jargonReferences EditCitations Edit a b often in the American Heritage Dictionary victuals in the Merriam Webster Dictionary victual in Oxford Dictionaries island in the American Heritage Dictionary Definition for waistcoat Oxford Dictionaries Online World English Oxforddictionaries com Retrieved 2012 05 27 dead link Even a language such as Finnish where almost all words are written as pronounced in other words phonemically often incorrectly called phonetically has exceptions e g sydamen ruoan onko konepaja osta paljon osta enemman phonemic spelling would be sydammen ruuan ongko koneppaja ostap paljon osta enemman and many words borrowed from other languages a b Michael Stubbs Language and Literacy the Sociolinguistics of Reading and Writing London Routledge amp Kegan Paul pp 31 32 Websters Dictionary 1828 Webster s Dictionary 1828 Kiln Bowen James A 1915 English Words as Spoken and Written for Upper Grades Designed to Teach the Powers of Letters and the Construction and Use of Syllables Wells J C 2008 Longman Pronunciation Dictionary 3rd edn Harlow UK Longman p 560 Algeo John 2010 The Origins and Development of the English Language 6th edn Boston MA Wadsworth p 46 John Wells 2010 07 16 OED note on history of clothes Phonetic blog blogspot com Retrieved 2012 05 27 Wells J C 2008 Longman Pronunciation Dictionary 3rd ed Harlow UK Longman p 297 Algeo John 2010 The Origins and Development of the English Language 6th edn Boston MA Wadsworth p 142 Claypole Jonty Director Kunzru Hari Presenter 2003 Mapping Everest TV Documentary London BBC Television Everest Mount Definitions from Dictionary com Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary c Random House Inc 2006 See The Fight for English by David Crystal p 172 Oxford University Press and the entry for antarctic in the Online Etymology Dictionary Oxford Languages the Home of Language Data Archived from the original on September 25 2016 Oxford Languages the Home of Language Data dead link Oxford Languages the Home of Language Data Archived from the original on September 29 2016 Home gt Ralph Wedgwood USC Philosophy gt USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters Arts and Sciences Peter Rickard A History of the French Language 1989 Tresor de la langue francaise Cnrtl fr Retrieved 2012 05 27 DPD 1 S edicion 2 S tirada in Spanish Buscon rae es Retrieved 2012 05 27 Yleiskielen d n murrevastineet sokl uef fi in Finnish Archived from the original on October 22 2019 Retrieved October 5 2022 Yleiskielen ts n murrevastineet sokl uef fi in Finnish Archived from the original on October 21 2019 Retrieved October 5 2022 Sources Edit See the index entries under spelling pronunciation from Leonard Bloomfield Language originally published 1933 current edition 1984 University of Chicago Press Chicago ISBN 81 208 1195 X Most of the etymologies and spelling histories above are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary Neuman Yishai L influence de l ecriture sur la langue PhD dissertation Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle 2009 Graphophonemic Assignment G Khan ed Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics Volume 2 Leiden South Holland Brill pp 135 145 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Spelling pronunciation amp oldid 1162437971, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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