
Sorbian languages

The Sorbian languages[1] (Upper Sorbian: serbska rěč, Lower Sorbian: serbska rěc) are the Upper Sorbian language and Lower Sorbian language, two closely related and partially mutually intelligible languages spoken by the Sorbs, a West Slavic ethno-cultural minority in the Lusatia region of Eastern Germany.[1][2][3] They are classified under the West Slavic branch of the Indo-European languages and are therefore closely related to the other two West Slavic subgroups: Lechitic and Czech–Slovak.[4] Historically, the languages have also been known as Wendish (named after the Wends, the earliest Slavic people in modern Poland and Germany) or Lusatian.[1] Their collective ISO 639-2 code is wen.

serbšćina, serbsce (Upper Sorbian)
serbšćina, serbski (Lower Sorbian)
Native speakers
c. 20,000
Linguistic classificationIndo-European
ISO 639-2 / 5wen
  The Sorbian-speaking area in Germany

Sorbian is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger (2010)

The two Sorbian languages, each having its own literary standard, are Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbsce), spoken by about 20,000–25,000[5] people in Saxony, and Lower Sorbian (dolnoserbski), spoken by about 7,000 people in Brandenburg. The area where the two languages are spoken is known as Lusatia (Łužica in Upper Sorbian, Łužyca in Lower Sorbian, or Lausitz in German).[1][2][3]

History edit

Limes sorabicus: the Sorbian settlement area bordering East Francia on a map of medieval Germany (Germanische und slavische Volksstämme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel, 1869)

After the settlement of the formerly Germanic territories (the part largely corresponding to the former East Germany)[3] by the Slavic ancestors of the Sorbs in the 5th and 6th centuries CE,[2] the Sorbian language (or its predecessors) had been in use in much of what was the southern half of Eastern Germany for several centuries. The language still had its stronghold in (Upper and Lower) Lusatia,[2] where it enjoys national protection and fostering to the present day.

For people living in the medieval Northern Holy Roman Empire and its precursors, especially for the Saxons, the Wends (Wende) were heterogeneous groups and tribes of Slavic peoples living near Germanic settlement areas, in the area west of the River Oder, an area later entitled Germania Slavica, settled by the Polabian Slav tribes in the north and by others, such as the Sorbs and the Milceni, further south (see Sorbian March).

The exact origin of the Sorbian language is uncertain. While some linguists consider it to be a transitory language between Lechitic and other non-Lechitic languages of West Slavic languages, others like Heinz Schuster-Šewc consider it a separate dialectical group of Proto-Slavic which is a mixture of Proto-Lechitic and South Slavic languages. Furthermore, while some consider it a single language which later diverged to two major dialects, others consider these dialects two separate languages. There exist significant differences in phonology, morphology, and lexicon between them. Several characteristics in Upper Sorbian language indicate a close proximity to Czech language which again are absent in Lower Sorbian language. According to some researchers the archaeological data cannot confirm the thesis about a single linguistic group yet supports the claim about two separated ethno-cultural groups with different ancestry whose respective territories correspond to Tornow-type ceramics (Lower Sorbian language) and Leipzig-type ceramics (Upper Sorbian language),[6] both derivations of Prague culture.[7]

Outside Lusatia, the Sorbian language has been superseded by German. From the 13th century on, the language suffered official discrimination.[4] Bible translations into Sorbian provided the foundations for its writing system.

Geographic distribution edit

In Germany, Upper and Lower Sorbian are officially recognized and protected as minority languages.[8] In the officially defined Sorbian settlement area, both languages are recognized as second official languages next to German.[9]

The city of Bautzen in Upper Lusatia is the centre of Upper Sorbian culture. Bilingual signs can be seen around the city, including the name of the city, "Bautzen/Budyšin". To the north, the city of Cottbus/Chóśebuz is considered the cultural centre of Lower Sorbian; there, too, bilingual signs are found.

Sorbian was also spoken in the small Sorbian ("Wendish") settlement of Serbin in Lee County, Texas, however no speakers remain there. Until 1949, newspapers were published in Sorbian. The local dialect was heavily influenced by surrounding speakers of German and English.

The German terms "Wends" (Wenden) and "Wendish" (wendisch/Wendisch) once denoted "Slav(ic)" generally;[citation needed] they are today mostly replaced by "Sorbs" (Sorben) and "Sorbian" (sorbisch/Sorbisch) with reference to Sorbian communities in Germany.[citation needed]

Endangered status edit

The use of Sorbian languages has been contracting for a number of years. The loss of Sorbian language use in emigrant communities, such as in Serbin, Texas, has not been surprising. But within the Sorbian homelands, there has also been a decrease in Sorbian identity and language use. In 2008, Sorbs protested three kinds of pressures against Sorbs: "(1.) the destruction of Sorbian and German-Sorbian villages as a result of lignite mining; (2.) the cuts in the network of Sorbian schools in Saxony; (3.) the reduction of financial resources for the Sorbian institutions by central government."[10]

A study of Upper Sorbian found a number of trends that go against language vitality. There are policies that have led to "unstable diglossia". There has been a loss of language domains in which speakers have the option to use either language, and there is a disruption of the patterns by which the Sorbian language has traditionally been transmitted to the next generation. Also, there is no strong written tradition and there is not a broadly accepted formal standardized form of the language(s). There is a perception of the loss of language rights, and there are negative attitudes towards the languages and their speakers.[11]

Linguistic features edit

Both Upper and Lower Sorbian have the dual for nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs; very few living Indo-European languages retain this as a productive feature of the grammar. For example, the word ruka is used for one hand, ruce for two hands, and ruki for more than two hands. As with most Slavic languages, Sorbian uses no articles.

Grammar edit

The Sorbian languages are declined in six or seven cases:

  1. Nominative
  2. Accusative
  3. Genitive
  4. Dative
  5. Locative
  6. Instrumental
  7. Vocative (Upper Sorbian only)
Case nan
  Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb. Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb. Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb.
Nom. nan nan štom bom wokno wokno
Acc. nana nana
Gen. štoma boma wokna wokna
Dat. nanej nanoju štomej bomoju woknu woknoju, woknu
Loc. wo nanje wó nanje na štomje na bomje na woknje na woknje
Instr. z nanom z nanom ze štomom z bomom z woknom z woknom
Voc. nano štomo
Case ramjo
shoulder, armpit
woman, wife
  Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb. Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb. Upper Sorb. Lower Sorb.
Nom. ramjo ramje žona žeńska ruka
Acc. žonu žeńsku ruku
Gen. ramjenja ramjenja žony žeńskeje ruki
Dat. ramjenju ramjenjeju, ramjenju žonje žeńskej ruce
Loc. wo ramjenju wó ramjenju wo žonje wó žeńskej w ruce
Instr. z ramjenjom z ramjenim ze žonu ze žeńskeju z ruku

Vocabulary comparison edit

The following is selected vocabulary from the two Sorbian languages compared with other Slavic languages.

English Lower Sorbian Upper Sorbian Serbo-Croatian Macedonian Bulgarian Slovene Czech Polish Polabian Kashubian Silesian Slovak Russian Ukrainian Belarusian
person clowek/luź čłowjek човек / човјек
(čovek / čovjek)
човек (čovek) човек
človek člověk człowiek clawak człowiek czowiek človek человек
людина (l'udyna) людына (ljudyna)
evening wjacor wječor вече / вечер
(veče / večer)
вечер (večer) вечер
večer večer wieczór vicer wieczór wieczōr večer вечер
brother bratš bratr брат
брат (brat) брат
brat bratr brat brot brat brat brat брат
day źeń dźeń дан
ден (den) ден
dan den dzień dôn dzéń dziyń deň день
hand ruka ruka рука
рака (raka) ръка
roka ruka ręka ręka rãka rynka ruka рука
snow sněg sněh снег / снијег
(sneg / snijeg)
снег (sneg) сняг
sneg sníh śnieg sneg sniég śniyg sneh снег
summer lěśe lěćo лето / љето
(leto / ljeto)
лето (leto) лято / лето
(ljato / ljeto)
poletje léto lato ljutü lato lato leto лето
sister sotša sotra сестра
сестра (sestra) сестра
sestra sestra siostra sestra sostra szwestra sestra сестра
fish ryba ryba риба
риба (riba) риба
riba ryba ryba raibo rëba ryba ryba рыба
fire wogeń woheń огањ
оган (ogan) огън
ogenj oheň ogień widin òdżin ôgyń oheň огонь
water wóda woda вода
вода (voda) вода
voda voda woda wôda wòda woda voda вода
wind wětš wětr ветар / вјетар
(vetar / vjetar)
ветер (veter) вятър / ветер
(vjatər / veter)
veter vítr wiatr wjôter wiater wiater vietor ветер
winter zyma zyma зима
зима (zima) зима
zima zima zima zaima zëma zima zima зима

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d "Sorbian languages". Encyclopædia Britannica. Edinburgh: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 21 November 2013 [20 July 1998]. Retrieved 5 December 2022. Sorbian languages, also called Lusatian, or Wendish, closely related West Slavic languages or dialects; their small number of speakers in eastern Germany are the survivors of a more extensive medieval language group. The centre of the Upper Sorbian speech area is Bautzen, near the border with the Czech Republic, while Cottbus, near Poland, is the centre for Lower Sorbian. The oldest written record of Sorbian dates from the 15th century, although the languages, differing mostly in their sound systems, are known to have begun to diverge around the 13th century. Upper Sorbian enjoyed a considerable amount of prestige in Saxony, while the Kingdom of Prussia attempted to suppress Lower Sorbian. Although all Sorbs today also speak German, both Upper and Lower Sorbian have been taught in the schools of the Sorbian areas since 1948.
  2. ^ a b c d Yèche, Hélène (2013). "Les Sorabes: Une minorité invisible?". Belgeo: Revue Belge de Géographie (in French). Bruxelles: National Fund for Scientific Research and the Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting. 3 (Les minorités nationales et ethniques: Entre renouvellement et permanence). doi:10.4000/belgeo.11570. ISSN 2294-9135.
  3. ^ a b c Sanguin, André-Louis (1996). "Les Sorabes de l'ex-R.D.A. après la fin du communisme: La recomposition territoriale du plus petit des Peuples Slaves". Revue des Études Slaves (in French). Paris: Institut d'Études Slaves. 68 (1): 55–68. ISSN 2117-718X. JSTOR 43270317.
  4. ^ a b , by Helmut Faska, University of Leipzig
  5. ^ "Seltenes Studienfach: Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Sorbisch?" - https://www.zeit.de/zett/2016-01/leipziger-institut-wehrt-sich-gegen-das-aussterben-von-sprachen
  6. ^ Sedov, Valentin Vasilyevich (2013) [1995]. Славяне в раннем Средневековье [Sloveni u ranom srednjem veku (Slavs in Early Middle Ages)]. Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga. pp. 191–205. ISBN 978-86-6263-026-1.
  7. ^ Paul M. Barford (2001). The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. Cornell University Press. pp. 64–65, 77–78, 104–105. ISBN 9780801439773
  8. ^ "Full list". Treaty Office. Retrieved 2019-02-06.
  9. ^ Sparrow, Thomas. "Sorbs: The ethnic minority inside Germany". www.bbc.com. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  10. ^ p. 154. Mieczkowska, Małgorzata. "Protestdemonstrationen der Sorben–eine Form der politischen Kommunikation." LĚTOPIS. Zeitschrift für sorbische Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur. Časopis za rěč, stawizny a kulturu Łužiskich 2 (2009): 16-28.
  11. ^ De Meulder, Maartje, Eduard Werner, and Danny De Weerdt. "Comparing Minority Languages-a Case Study of Flemish Sign Language and Upper Sorbian." Europäisches Journal für Minderheitenfragen 10, no. 3-4 (2017): 285-321.

Relevant literature edit

  • Werner, Eduard. Evaluating linguistic variation in light of sparse data in the case of Sorbian. Matt Coler and Andrew Nevins, eds., Contemporary research in minoritized and diaspora languages of Europe (2022): 281–302. Online open access.

External links edit

  • Online course for Upper and Lower Sorbian (English, Sorbian, German)
  • Euromosaic information page
  • Kurs serskeje rěce / Bluń, introductory texts of the lessons included in the Sorbian language textbook Curs practic de limba sorabă (in Romanian)
  • website for Lětopis, journal devoted to Sorbian topics

sorbian, languages, confused, with, serbian, language, this, article, needs, additional, citations, verification, please, help, improve, this, article, adding, citations, reliable, sources, unsourced, material, challenged, removed, find, sources, news, newspap. Not to be confused with Serbian language This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Sorbian languages news newspapers books scholar JSTOR January 2011 Learn how and when to remove this template message The Sorbian languages 1 Upper Sorbian serbska rec Lower Sorbian serbska rec are the Upper Sorbian language and Lower Sorbian language two closely related and partially mutually intelligible languages spoken by the Sorbs a West Slavic ethno cultural minority in the Lusatia region of Eastern Germany 1 2 3 They are classified under the West Slavic branch of the Indo European languages and are therefore closely related to the other two West Slavic subgroups Lechitic and Czech Slovak 4 Historically the languages have also been known as Wendish named after the Wends the earliest Slavic people in modern Poland and Germany or Lusatian 1 Their collective ISO 639 2 code is wen Sorbianserbscina serbsce Upper Sorbian serbscina serbski Lower Sorbian EthnicitySorbsGeographicdistributionLusatiaNative speakersc 20 000Linguistic classificationIndo EuropeanBalto SlavicSlavicWest SlavicSorbianSubdivisionsUpper Sorbian Lower Sorbian Schleifer transitional dialect ISO 639 2 5wenGlottologsorb1249 The Sorbian speaking area in GermanySorbian is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO Atlas of the World s Languages in Danger 2010 The two Sorbian languages each having its own literary standard are Upper Sorbian hornjoserbsce spoken by about 20 000 25 000 5 people in Saxony and Lower Sorbian dolnoserbski spoken by about 7 000 people in Brandenburg The area where the two languages are spoken is known as Lusatia Luzica in Upper Sorbian Luzyca in Lower Sorbian or Lausitz in German 1 2 3 Contents 1 History 2 Geographic distribution 2 1 Endangered status 3 Linguistic features 3 1 Grammar 3 2 Vocabulary comparison 4 See also 5 References 6 Relevant literature 7 External linksHistory edit nbsp Limes sorabicus the Sorbian settlement area bordering East Francia on a map of medieval Germany Germanische und slavische Volksstamme zwischen Elbe und Weichsel 1869 After the settlement of the formerly Germanic territories the part largely corresponding to the former East Germany 3 by the Slavic ancestors of the Sorbs in the 5th and 6th centuries CE 2 the Sorbian language or its predecessors had been in use in much of what was the southern half of Eastern Germany for several centuries The language still had its stronghold in Upper and Lower Lusatia 2 where it enjoys national protection and fostering to the present day For people living in the medieval Northern Holy Roman Empire and its precursors especially for the Saxons the Wends Wende were heterogeneous groups and tribes of Slavic peoples living near Germanic settlement areas in the area west of the River Oder an area later entitled Germania Slavica settled by the Polabian Slav tribes in the north and by others such as the Sorbs and the Milceni further south see Sorbian March The exact origin of the Sorbian language is uncertain While some linguists consider it to be a transitory language between Lechitic and other non Lechitic languages of West Slavic languages others like Heinz Schuster Sewc consider it a separate dialectical group of Proto Slavic which is a mixture of Proto Lechitic and South Slavic languages Furthermore while some consider it a single language which later diverged to two major dialects others consider these dialects two separate languages There exist significant differences in phonology morphology and lexicon between them Several characteristics in Upper Sorbian language indicate a close proximity to Czech language which again are absent in Lower Sorbian language According to some researchers the archaeological data cannot confirm the thesis about a single linguistic group yet supports the claim about two separated ethno cultural groups with different ancestry whose respective territories correspond to Tornow type ceramics Lower Sorbian language and Leipzig type ceramics Upper Sorbian language 6 both derivations of Prague culture 7 Outside Lusatia the Sorbian language has been superseded by German From the 13th century on the language suffered official discrimination 4 Bible translations into Sorbian provided the foundations for its writing system Geographic distribution editIn Germany Upper and Lower Sorbian are officially recognized and protected as minority languages 8 In the officially defined Sorbian settlement area both languages are recognized as second official languages next to German 9 The city of Bautzen in Upper Lusatia is the centre of Upper Sorbian culture Bilingual signs can be seen around the city including the name of the city Bautzen Budysin To the north the city of Cottbus Chosebuz is considered the cultural centre of Lower Sorbian there too bilingual signs are found Sorbian was also spoken in the small Sorbian Wendish settlement of Serbin in Lee County Texas however no speakers remain there Until 1949 newspapers were published in Sorbian The local dialect was heavily influenced by surrounding speakers of German and English The German terms Wends Wenden and Wendish wendisch Wendisch once denoted Slav ic generally citation needed they are today mostly replaced by Sorbs Sorben and Sorbian sorbisch Sorbisch with reference to Sorbian communities in Germany citation needed Endangered status edit The use of Sorbian languages has been contracting for a number of years The loss of Sorbian language use in emigrant communities such as in Serbin Texas has not been surprising But within the Sorbian homelands there has also been a decrease in Sorbian identity and language use In 2008 Sorbs protested three kinds of pressures against Sorbs 1 the destruction of Sorbian and German Sorbian villages as a result of lignite mining 2 the cuts in the network of Sorbian schools in Saxony 3 the reduction of financial resources for the Sorbian institutions by central government 10 A study of Upper Sorbian found a number of trends that go against language vitality There are policies that have led to unstable diglossia There has been a loss of language domains in which speakers have the option to use either language and there is a disruption of the patterns by which the Sorbian language has traditionally been transmitted to the next generation Also there is no strong written tradition and there is not a broadly accepted formal standardized form of the language s There is a perception of the loss of language rights and there are negative attitudes towards the languages and their speakers 11 Linguistic features editBoth Upper and Lower Sorbian have the dual for nouns pronouns adjectives and verbs very few living Indo European languages retain this as a productive feature of the grammar For example the word ruka is used for one hand ruce for two hands and ruki for more than two hands As with most Slavic languages Sorbian uses no articles Grammar edit The Sorbian languages are declined in six or seven cases Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Locative Instrumental Vocative Upper Sorbian only Case nanfather stomtree bomtree woknowindow Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Nom nan nan stom bom wokno woknoAcc nana nanaGen stoma boma wokna woknaDat nanej nanoju stomej bomoju woknu woknoju woknuLoc wo nanje wo nanje na stomje na bomje na woknje na woknjeInstr z nanom z nanom ze stomom z bomom z woknom z woknomVoc nano stomo Case ramjoshoulder ramjeshoulder armpit zonawoman zenskawoman wife rukahand Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Upper Sorb Lower Sorb Nom ramjo ramje zona zenska rukaAcc zonu zensku rukuGen ramjenja ramjenja zony zenskeje rukiDat ramjenju ramjenjeju ramjenju zonje zenskej ruceLoc wo ramjenju wo ramjenju wo zonje wo zenskej w ruceInstr z ramjenjom z ramjenim ze zonu ze zenskeju z rukuVocabulary comparison edit The following is selected vocabulary from the two Sorbian languages compared with other Slavic languages English Lower Sorbian Upper Sorbian Serbo Croatian Macedonian Bulgarian Slovene Czech Polish Polabian Kashubian Silesian Slovak Russian Ukrainian Belarusianperson clowek luz clowjek chovek chovјek covek covjek chovek covek chovek covek clovek clovek czlowiek clawak czlowiek czowiek clovek chelovek celovek lyudina l udyna lyudyna ljudyna evening wjacor wjecor veche vecher vece vecer vecher vecer vecher vecer vecer vecer wieczor vicer wieczor wieczōr vecer vecher vecer vechir vecir vechar vjecar brother brats bratr brat brat brat brat brat brat brat bratr brat brot brat brat brat brat brat brat brat brat brat day zen dzen dan dan den den den den dan den dzien don dzen dziyn den den den den den dzen dzjen hand ruka ruka ruka ruka raka raka rka reka roka ruka reka reka raka rynka ruka ruka ruka ruka ruka ruka ruka snow sneg sneh sneg sniјeg sneg snijeg sneg sneg snyag snjag sneg snih snieg sneg snieg sniyg sneh sneg sneg snig snih sneg snjeh summer lese leco leto љeto leto ljeto leto leto lyato leto ljato ljeto poletje leto lato ljutu lato lato leto leto leto lito lito leta ljeta sister sotsa sotra sestra sestra sestra sestra sestra sestra sestra sestra siostra sestra sostra szwestra sestra sestra sestra sestra sestra syastra sjastra fish ryba ryba riba riba riba riba riba riba riba ryba ryba raibo reba ryba ryba ryba ryba riba ryba ryba ryba fire wogen wohen ogaњ oganj ogan ogan ogn ogen ogenj ohen ogien widin odzin ogyn ohen ogon ogon vogon vohon agon ahon water woda woda voda voda voda voda voda voda voda voda woda woda woda woda voda voda voda voda voda vada vada wind wets wetr vetar vјetar vetar vjetar veter veter vyatr veter vjater veter veter vitr wiatr wjoter wiater wiater vietor veter veter viter viter vecer vjetsjer winter zyma zyma zima zima zima zima zima zima zima zima zima zaima zema zima zima zima zima zima zyma zima zima See also editSorbian alphabet List of Sorbian language writers Low Lusatian German White SerbiaReferences edit a b c d Sorbian languages Encyclopaedia Britannica Edinburgh Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc 21 November 2013 20 July 1998 Retrieved 5 December 2022 Sorbian languages also called Lusatian or Wendish closely related West Slavic languages or dialects their small number of speakers in eastern Germany are the survivors of a more extensive medieval language group The centre of the Upper Sorbian speech area is Bautzen near the border with the Czech Republic while Cottbus near Poland is the centre for Lower Sorbian The oldest written record of Sorbian dates from the 15th century although the languages differing mostly in their sound systems are known to have begun to diverge around the 13th century Upper Sorbian enjoyed a considerable amount of prestige in Saxony while the Kingdom of Prussia attempted to suppress Lower Sorbian Although all Sorbs today also speak German both Upper and Lower Sorbian have been taught in the schools of the Sorbian areas since 1948 a b c d Yeche Helene 2013 Les Sorabes Une minorite invisible Belgeo Revue Belge de Geographie in French Bruxelles National Fund for Scientific Research and the Fondation Universitaire Universitaire Stichting 3 Les minorites nationales et ethniques Entre renouvellement et permanence doi 10 4000 belgeo 11570 ISSN 2294 9135 a b c Sanguin Andre Louis 1996 Les Sorabes de l ex R D A apres la fin du communisme La recomposition territoriale du plus petit des Peuples Slaves Revue des Etudes Slaves in French Paris Institut d Etudes Slaves 68 1 55 68 ISSN 2117 718X JSTOR 43270317 a b About Sorbian Language by Helmut Faska University of Leipzig Seltenes Studienfach Entschuldigung sprechen Sie Sorbisch https www zeit de zett 2016 01 leipziger institut wehrt sich gegen das aussterben von sprachen Sedov Valentin Vasilyevich 2013 1995 Slavyane v rannem Srednevekove Sloveni u ranom srednjem veku Slavs in Early Middle Ages Novi Sad Akademska knjiga pp 191 205 ISBN 978 86 6263 026 1 Paul M Barford 2001 The Early Slavs Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe Cornell University Press pp 64 65 77 78 104 105 ISBN 9780801439773 Full list Treaty Office Retrieved 2019 02 06 Sparrow Thomas Sorbs The ethnic minority inside Germany www bbc com Retrieved 2022 01 14 p 154 Mieczkowska Malgorzata Protestdemonstrationen der Sorben eine Form der politischen Kommunikation LETOPIS Zeitschrift fur sorbische Sprache Geschichte und Kultur Casopis za rec stawizny a kulturu Luziskich 2 2009 16 28 De Meulder Maartje Eduard Werner and Danny De Weerdt Comparing Minority Languages a Case Study of Flemish Sign Language and Upper Sorbian Europaisches Journal fur Minderheitenfragen 10 no 3 4 2017 285 321 Relevant literature editWerner Eduard Evaluating linguistic variation in light of sparse data in the case of Sorbian Matt Coler and Andrew Nevins eds Contemporary research in minoritized and diaspora languages of Europe 2022 281 302 Online open access External links editOnline course for Upper and Lower Sorbian English Sorbian German Euromosaic information page Kurs serskeje rece Blun introductory texts of the lessons included in the Sorbian language textbook Curs practic de limba sorabă in Romanian website for Letopis journal devoted to Sorbian topics Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Sorbian languages amp oldid 1188904550, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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