
Romanization of Ukrainian

The romanization of Ukrainian, or Latinization of Ukrainian, is the representation of the Ukrainian language in Latin letters. Ukrainian is natively written in its own Ukrainian alphabet, which is based on the Cyrillic script. Romanization may be employed to represent Ukrainian text or pronunciation for non-Ukrainian readers, on computer systems that cannot reproduce Cyrillic characters, or for typists who are not familiar with the Ukrainian keyboard layout. Methods of romanization include transliteration (representing written text) and transcription (representing the spoken word).

In contrast to romanization, there have been several historical proposals for a native Ukrainian Latin alphabet, usually based on those used by West Slavic languages, but none have caught on.

Romanization systems

Part of a table of letters of the alphabet for the Ruthenian language, from Ivan Uzhevych's Hrammatyka Slovenskaja (1645). Columns show the letter names printed, in manuscript Cyrillic and Latin, common Cyrillic letterforms, and the Latin transliteration. (Part 2 and part 3.)


Transliteration is the letter-for-letter representation of text using another writing system. Rudnyckyj classified transliteration systems into scientific transliteration, used in academic and especially linguistic works, and practical systems, used in administration, journalism, in the postal system, in schools, etc.[1] Scientific transliteration, also called the scholarly system, is used internationally, with very little variation, while the various practical methods of transliteration are adapted to the orthographical conventions of other languages, like English, French, German, etc.

Depending on the purpose of the transliteration it may be necessary to be able to reconstruct the original text, or it may be preferable to have a transliteration which sounds like the original language when read aloud.

Scientific transliteration

Scientific transliteration, also called the academic, linguistic, international, or scholarly system, is most often seen in linguistic publications on Slavic languages. It is purely phonemic, meaning each character represents one meaningful unit of sound, and is based on the Croatian Latin alphabet.[2] Different variations are appropriate to represent the phonology of historical Old Ukrainian (mid 11th–14th centuries) and Middle Ukrainian (15th–18th centuries).[3]

A variation was codified in the 1898 Prussian Instructions for libraries, or Preußische Instruktionen (PI), and widely used in bibliographic cataloguing in Central Europe and Scandinavia. With further modifications it was published by the International Organization for Standardization as recommendation ISO/R 9 in 1954, revised in 1968, and again as an international standard in 1986 and 1995.

Representing all of the necessary diacritics on computers requires Unicode, Latin-2, Latin-4, or Latin-7 encoding. Other Slavic based romanizations occasionally seen are those based on the Slovak alphabet or the Polish alphabet, which include symbols for palatalized consonants.

Library of Congress system

The ALA-LC Romanization Tables were first discussed by the American Library Association in 1885,[4] and published in 1904 and 1908,[5] including rules for romanizing Church Slavic, the pre-reform Russian alphabet, and Serbo-Croatian.[6] Revised tables including Ukrainian were published in 1941,[7] and remain in use virtually unchanged according to the latest 2011 release.[8] This system is used to represent bibliographic information by US and Canadian libraries, by the British Library since 1975,[9] and in North American publications.

In addition to bibliographic cataloguing, simplified versions of the Library of Congress system are widely used for romanization in the text of academic and general publications. For notes or bibliographical references, some publications use a version without ligatures, which offers sufficient precision but simplifies the typesetting burden and easing readability. For specialist audiences or those familiar with Slavic languages, a version without ligatures and diacritical marks is sometimes used.[10] For broader audiences, a "modified Library of Congress system" is employed for personal, organizational, and place names, omitting all ligatures and diacritics, ignoring the soft sign ь (ʹ), with initial Є- (I͡E-), Й- (Ĭ-), Ю- ( I͡U-), and Я- (I͡A-) represented by Ye-, Y-, Yu-, and Ya-, surnames' terminal -ий (-yĭ) and -ій (-iĭ) endings simplified to -y, and sometimes with common first names anglicized, for example, Олександр (Oleksandr) written as Alexander.

Typical Use Variation Example
Original Cyrillic text Ярослав Рудницький
Library catalogue,
standalone bibliography  
Strict ALA-LC I͡Aroslav Rudnyt͡sʹkyĭ
Footnote or bibliography Without ligatures Iaroslav Rudnytsʹkyĭ
Academic text Without ligatures or diacritics   Iaroslav Rudnytskyi
Names in general text Modified Library of Congress   Yaroslav Rudnytsky

Similar principles were systematically described for Russian by J. Thomas Shaw in 1969,[11] and since widely adopted. Their application for Ukrainian and multilingual text were described in the 1984 English translation of Kubiiovych's Encyclopedia of Ukraine[12] and in the 1997 translation of Hrushevskyi's History of Ukraine-Rusʹ,[13] and other sources have referred to these, for example, historian Serhii Plokhy in several works. However, the details of usage vary, for example, the authors of the Historical Dictionary of Ukraine render the soft sign ь before о with an i, "thus Khvyliovy, not Khvylovy, as in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine".[14]

Requires Unicode for connecting diacritics, but only plain ASCII characters for a simplified version.

British Standard

British Standard 2979:1958 "Transliteration of Cyrillic and Greek Characters",[15] from BSI, is used by the Oxford University Press.[16] A variation is used by the British Museum and British Library, but since 1975 their new acquisitions have been catalogued using Library of Congress transliteration.[9]

In addition to the "British" system, the standard also includes tables for the "International" system for Cyrillic, corresponding to ISO/R 9:1968 (and ISO's recommendation reciprocally has an alternate system corresponding to BSI's).[17] It also includes tables for romanization of Greek.


BGN/PCGN romanization is a series of standards approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names and Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use. Pronunciation is intuitive for English-speakers. For Ukrainian, the former BGN/PCGN system was adopted in 1965, but superseded there by the Ukrainian National System in 2019.[18][19] A modified version is also mentioned in the Oxford Style Manual.[16]

Requires only ASCII characters if optional separators are not used.

GOST (1971, 1983)/Derzhstandart (1995, 2021)

The Soviet Union's GOST, COMECON's SEV, and Ukraine's Derzhstandart are government standards bodies of the former Eurasian communist countries. They published a series of romanization systems for Ukrainian, which were replaced by ISO 9:1995. For details, see GOST 16876-71. The Derzhstandart 1995 system (invented by Maksym Vakulenko) is also mentioned in the DSTU 9112:2021 standard (approved in 2022) as the "B system"; the new standard also includes an "A system" with diacritical marks and some differences from ISO 9:1995: г=ğ, ґ=g, є=je, и=y, і=i, х=x, ь=j, ю=ju, я=ja.


ISO 9 is a series of systems from the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO published editions of its "international system" for romanization of Cyrillic as recommendations (ISO/R 9) in 1954 and 1968, and standards (ISO 9) in 1986 and 1995. This was originally derived from scientific transliteration in 1954, and is meant to be usable by readers of most European languages. The 1968 edition also included an alternative system identical to the British Standard.[17]

The 1995 edition supports most national Cyrillic alphabets in a single transliteration table. It is a pure transliteration system, with each Cyrillic character represented by exactly one unique Latin character, making it reliably reversible, but sacrificing readability and adaptation to individual languages. It considers only graphemes and disregards phonemic differences. So, for example, г (Ukrainian He or Russian Ge) is always represented by the transliteration g; ґ (Ukrainian letter Ge) is represented by .

Representing all of the necessary diacritics on computers requires Unicode, and a few characters are rarely present in computer fonts, for example g-grave: g̀.

Ukrainian National transliteration

This is the official system of Ukraine, also employed by the United Nations and many countries' foreign services. It is currently widely used to represent Ukrainian geographic names, which were almost exclusively romanized from Russian before Ukraine's independence in 1991, and for personal names in passports. It is based on English orthography, and requires only ASCII characters with no diacritics. It can be considered a variant of the "modified Library of Congress system", but does not simplify the -ий and -ій endings.

Its first version was codified in Decision No. 9 of the Ukrainian Committee on Issues of Legal Terminology on April 19, 1996,[20][21] stating that the system is binding for the transliteration of Ukrainian names in English in legislative and official acts.

A new official system was introduced for transliteration of Ukrainian personal names in Ukrainian passports in 2007.

An updated 2010 version became the system is used for transliterating all proper names and was approved as Resolution 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, January 27, 2010.[22][23] This modified earlier laws and brought together a unified system for official documents, publication of cartographic works, signs and indicators of inhabited localities, streets, stops, subway stations, etc.

It has been adopted internationally. The 27th session of the UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) held in New York 30 July and 10 August 2012 after a report by the State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine (now known as Derzhheokadastr: Ukraine State Service of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre) experts[24] approved the Ukrainian system of romanization.[25] The BGN/PCGN jointly adopted the system in 2020.[26]

Official geographic names are romanized directly from the original Ukrainian and not translated. For example, Kyivska oblast not Kyiv Oblast, Pivnichnokrymskyi kanal not North Crimean Canal.[27]

Romanization for other languages than English

Czech transliteration of Ukrainian (Peremyčka, Jasiňa, U Stěpana) in Transcarpathia on the hiking fingerposts installed in 2010. However, the transliteration is not fully consistent – "Ust Corna" instead of "Usť Čorna", "Bliznica" instead of "Blyznycja" etc.

Romanization intended for readers of other languages than English is usually transcribed phonetically into the familiar orthography. For example, y, kh, ch, sh, shch for anglophones may be transcribed j, ch, tsch, sch, schtsch for German readers (for letters й, х, ч, ш, щ), or it may be rendered in Latin letters according to the normal orthography of another Slavic language, such as Polish or Croatian (such as the established system of scientific transliteration, described above).

Czech and Slovak standard transliteration uses letters with diacritics (ž, š, č, ď, ť, ň, ě) and letters i, y, j, h, ch, c in the local meaning. Diphthong letters are transcribed as two letters (ja, je, ji, ju, šč).[28] Czech transliteration was used, for example, on hiking signs in Transcarpathia, which was established according to the methodology of the Czech Tourists Club – the Ukrainian markers replaced that later with the English transcription.[29] However, the fact that Ukraine itself has started to use English transliteration on its documents and boards, also influences the practice in Czech and Slovak, which is also penetrated by English transliteration of Ukrainian.

Ad hoc romanization

Users of public-access computers or mobile text messaging services sometimes improvise informal romanization due to limitations in keyboard or character set. These may include both sound-alike and look-alike letter substitutions. Example: YKPAIHCbKA ABTOPKA for "УКРАЇНСЬКА АВТОРКА". See also Volapuk encoding.

This system uses the available character set.

Ukrainian telegraph code

For telegraph transmission. Each separate Ukrainian letter had a 1:1 equivalence to a Latin letter. Latin Q, W, V, and X are equivalent to Ukrainian Я (or sometimes Щ), В, Ж, Ь. Other letters are transcribed phonetically. This equivalency is used in building the KOI8-U table.


Transcription is the representation of the spoken word. Phonological, or phonemic, transcription represents the phonemes, or meaningful sounds of a language, and is useful to describe the general pronunciation of a word. Phonetic transcription represents every single sound, or phone, and can be used to compare different dialects of a language. Both methods can use the same sets of symbols, but linguists usually denote phonemic transcriptions by enclosing them in slashes / ... /, while phonetic transcriptions are enclosed in square brackets [ ... ].


The International Phonetic Alphabet precisely represents pronunciation. It requires a special Unicode font.

Conventional romanization of proper names

In many contexts, it is common to use a modified system of transliteration that strives to be read and pronounced naturally by anglophones. Such transcriptions are also used for the surnames of people of Ukrainian ancestry in English-speaking countries (personal names have often been translated to equivalent or similar English names, e.g., "Alexander" for Oleksandr, "Terry" for Taras).

Typically such a modified transliteration is based on the ALA-LC, or Library of Congress (in North America), or, less commonly, the British Standard system. Such a simplified system usually omits diacritics and ligatures (tie-bars) from, e.g., i͡e, ï or ĭ, often simplifies -yĭ and -iĭ word endings to "-y", omits romanizing the Ukrainian soft sign (ь) and apostrophe ('), and may substitute ya, ye, yu, yo for ia, ie, iu, io at the beginnings of words. It may also simplify doubled letters. Unlike in the English language where an apostrophe is punctuation, in the Ukrainian language it is a letter. Therefore sometimes Rus' is translated with an apostrophe, even when the apostrophe is dropped for most other names and words.

Conventional transliterations can reflect the history of a person or place. Many well-known spellings are based on transcriptions into another Latin alphabet, such as the German or Polish. Others are transcribed from equivalent names in other languages, for example Ukrainian Pavlo ("Paul") may be called by the Russian equivalent Pavel, Ukrainian Kyiv by the Russian equivalent Kiev.

The employment of romanization systems can become complex. For example, the English translation of Kubijovyč's Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopædia uses a modified Library of Congress (ALA-LC) system as outlined above for Ukrainian and Russian names—with the exceptions for endings or doubled consonants applying variously to personal and geographic names. For technical reasons, maps in the Encyclopedia follow different conventions. Names of persons are anglicized in the encyclopedia's text, but also presented in their original form in the index. Various geographic names are presented in their anglicized, Russian, or both Ukrainian and Polish forms, and appear in several forms in the index. Scientific transliteration is used in linguistics articles. The Encyclopedia's explanation of its transliteration and naming convention occupies 2-1/2 pages.[30]

Tables of romanization systems

Common systems for romanizing Ukrainian
Cyrillic British[a] BGN/PCGN 1965[b] ALA-LC[c] LC without diacritics[10] modified LC[d] Ukrainian National German dictionary[31] French dictionary[32] Swedish Language Council[33]
А а a a a a a a a a a
Б б b b b b b b b b b
В в v v v v v v w v v
Г г h h h h h h, gh[e] h h h
Ґ ґ g g g g g g g g g
Д д d d d d d d d d d
Е е e e e e e e e e e
Є є ye ye i͡e ie ie, ye- ie, ye-[f] je ie je
Ж ж zh zh z͡h zh zh zh sh j zj
З з z z z z z z s z z
И и ȳ y y y y y y y y
І і i i i i i i i i i
Ї ї yi yi ï ï i i, yi-[g] ji ï ji, (formerly) ï
Й й ĭ y ĭ i i, y- i, y-[f] j y j
К к k k k k k k k k k
Л л l l l l l l l l l
М м m m m m m m m m m
Н н n n n n n n n n n
О о o o o o o o o o o
П п p p p p p p p p  p
Р р r r r r r r r r r
С с s s s s s s s, ss s r
Т т t t t t t t t t  t
У у u u u u u u u ou u
Ф ф f f f f f f f f f
Х х kh kh kh kh kh kh ch kh  ch
Ц ц ts ts t͡s ts ts ts z ts ts
Ч ч ch ch ch ch ch ch tsch tch tj
Ш ш sh sh sh sh sh sh sch ch sj
Щ щ shch shch shch shch shch shch schtsch chtch sjtj
Ь ь ʼ or ʹ ʼ ʹ ʹ
Ю ю yu yu i͡u iu iu, yu- iu, yu-[f] ju iou ju, iu[h], u[i]
Я я ya ya i͡a ia ia, ya ia, ya-[f] ja ia ja, ia[h], a[i]
ʼ ˮ or ʺ ˮ ʼ
Historical letters
Ъ ъ ˮ or ʺ
Ѣ ѣ i
  1. ^ British Standard: The character sequence тс = t-s, to distinguish it from ц = ts. Accents and diacritics may be omitted when back-transliteration is not required.
  2. ^ BGN/PCGN 1965: The character sequences зг = z·h, кг = k·h, сг = s·h, тс = t·s, and цг = ts·h may be romanized with midpoints to differentiate them from the digraphs ж = zh, х = kh, ш = sh, ц = ts, and the letter sequence тш = tsh. Superseded by the Ukrainian National system in 2020.
  3. ^ ALA-LC: When applied strictly, ALA-LC requires the use of the ligature (U+0361), but in practice these are often omitted.
  4. ^ Modified Library of Congress: used for personal and place names. Initial Є‑ (I͡E‑), Й‑ (Ĭ‑), Ю‑ (I͡U‑), and Я‑ (I͡A‑) are rendered as Ye‑, Y‑, Yu‑, and Ya‑. Surname endings ‑ий (‑yĭ) and ‑ій (‑iĭ) are simplified as ‑y. Familiar names may be anglicized, for example, Михайло (Mykhaĭlo) = Michael, Олександр (Oleksandr) = Alexander. Practices vary.
  5. ^ Ukrainian National system: gh is used in the romanization of зг = zgh, avoiding confusion with ж = zh.
  6. ^ a b c d Ukrainian National system: The second variant is used at the beginning of a word.
  7. ^ Yi is used at the beginning of words, i is used in other positions
  8. ^ a b Used after t, s and z to avoid confusion with tj, sj and zj
  9. ^ a b Used after tj, sj and zj to avoid double ⟨jj⟩.
International systems for romanizing Ukrainian
Cyrillic Scientific (OUk)[34] Scientific (MUk)[34] Scientific[a][34] Prussian Instr.[35] ISO 1954 ISO 1968 basic ISO 1968 Ukr. var. ISO 1995
А а a a a a a a a a
Б б b b b b b b b b
В в v v v v v v v v
Г г g h h h g g h g
Ґ ґ g g ġ ġ g g
Д д d d d d d d d d
Е е e e e e e e e e
Є є je je je je je ê
Ж ж ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž
З з z z z z z z z z
И и i y y i i i y i
І і i y i ī i ī i ì
Ї ї ji ji ï ï ï
Й й j j j j j j j
К к k k k k k k k k
Л л l l l l l l l l
М м m m m m m m m m
Н н n n n n n n n n
О о o o o o o o o o
П п p p p p p p p p
Р р r r r r r r r r
С с s s s s s s s s
Т т t t t t t t t t
У у u u u u u u u u
Ф ф f f f f f f f f
Х х x x x ch h h ch h
Ц ц c c c c c c c c
Ч ч č č č č č č č č
Ш ш š š š š š š š š
Щ щ šč šč šč šč šč šč šč ŝ
Ь ь ь ʼ ʼ ʹ ʼ ʹ ʹ ʹ
Ю ю ju ju ju ju ju ju ju û
Я я ja ja ja ja ja ja ja â
ʼ ʺ, ʼ ʺ ʺ ʼ
Historical letters
Ъ ъ ъ ʺ _ ʺ ʺ
Ы ы y y y y
Ѣ ѣ i i i i i
Ѥ ѥ je je
Ѧ ѧ ę ę
Ѩ ѩ
Ѫ ѫ ǫ ǫ ă ȧ ʺ̣
Ѭ ѭ
Ѯ ѯ ks ks
Ѱ ѱ ps ps
Ѳ ѳ th th
Ѵ ѵ
Ѡ ѡ o o
  1. ^ Scientific transliteration: Where two transliterations appear, the first is according to the traditional system, and the second according to ISO/R 9:1968.
Ukrainian official systems for romanizing Ukrainian
Cyrillic GOST 1971 GOST 1986 Derzhstandart 1995 National 1996[21] Passport 2004 Passport 2007[36] National 2010[22]
А а a a a a a a a
Б б b b b b b b b
В в v v v v v, w v v
Г г g g gh h, gh[a] h, g g h, gh[a]
Ґ ґ g g g, h g g
Д д d d d d d d d
Е е e e e e e e e
Є є je je je ie, ye-[b] ie, ye-[b] ie ie, ye-[b]
Ж ж zh ž zh zh[c] zh, j zh zh
З з z z z z z z z
И и i i y y y y y
І i i i i i i i i
Ї ї ji i ji yi, i-[d] yi, i-[d] i yi, i[d]
Й й j j j[e] i, y-[b] i, y-[b] i i, y-[b]
К к k k k k k, c k k
Л л l l l l l l l
М м m m m m m m m
Н н n n n n n n n
О о o o o o o o o
П п p p p p p p p
Р р r r r r r r r
С с s s s s s s s
Т т t t t t t t t
У у u u u u u u u
Ф ф f f f f f f f
Х х kh h kh kh kh kh kh
Ц ц c c c ts ts ts ts
Ч ч ch č ch ch ch ch ch
Ш ш sh š sh sh sh sh sh
Щ щ shh šč shh sch shch shch shch
Ь ь ʹ ʹ j[f] ʼ ʹ
Ю ю ju ju ju iu, yu-[b] iu, yu-[b] iu iu, yu-[b]
Я я ja ja ja ia, ya-[b] ia, ya-[b] ia ia, ya-[b]
ʼ * ʺ ʼ[g] ˮ
  1. ^ a b gh is used in the romanization of зг (zgh), avoiding confusion with ж (zh).
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l The second transliteration is used word-initially.
  3. ^ National (1996) system: transliteration can be rendered in a simplified form. Doubled consonants ж, х, ц, ч, ш are simplified, for example Запоріжжя = Zaporizhia. Apostrophe and soft sign are omitted, but always render ьо = 'o and ьї = 'i.
  4. ^ a b c Yi is used at the beginning of words or after vowels, i is used in other positions
  5. ^ Word-initially, after vowels or after the apostrophe.
  6. ^ After consonants.
  7. ^ Apostrophe is used before iotated ja, ju, je, ji, jo, and to distinguish the combination ьа (j'a) in compound words from я (ja), for example, Волиньавто = Volynj'avto.

See also


  1. ^ Rudnyckyj 1948, p. 1.
  2. ^ Transliteration Timeline on the website of the University of Arizona Library
  3. ^ George Shevelov, A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language, p. 21, 40, Wikidata Q104552122
  4. ^ Cutter, Charles Ammi (1885). "Report of the A.L.A. Transliteration Committee, 1885". Library Journal. 10: 302–309.
  5. ^ Cutter, Charles Ammi (1908). "Report of the A.L.A. Transliteration Committee". Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries. Chicago, IL: American Library Association and the (British) Library Association. pp. 65–73.
  6. ^ Gerych, G. (1965). Transliteration of Cyrillic Alphabets (master's dissertation). Ottawa: University of Ottawa.
  7. ^ Gjelsness, Rudolph, ed. (1941). A.L.A. Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries. Chicago, IL: American Library Association. pp. 335–36.
  8. ^ "ALA-LC Romanization Tables". The Library of Congress. 2011. Retrieved 2020-10-22.
  9. ^ a b Searching for Cyrillic items in the catalogues of the British Library: guidelines and transliteration tables https://www.bl.uk/help/search-for-cyrillic-items
  10. ^ a b Brief Submission Guidelines (PDF). Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Publications Office. 2019. Literary, historical, and social sciences texts adhere to the Library of Congress conventions, without ligatures.... We preserve the spelling of ï. To indicate the soft sign we use a slanted prime ... We preserve the Ukrainian apostrophe as a single curly quotation mark.... Omit primes in place-names (except Rusʹ).
  11. ^ J. Thomas Shaw (1979). The transliteration of modern Russian for English-language publications. New York City: Modern Language Association. ISBN 978-0-87352-086-7. LCCN 66-22858. OCLC 1068026551. OL 11116653M. Wikidata Q104518479.
  12. ^ Volodymyr Kubijovyč; Danylo Husar Struk (eds.). "Explanatory Notes". Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Toronto, 1984–2001). Vol. I (A-F). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-0-802-03362-8. LCCN 85142719. OL 7873066M. Wikidata Q104635282.
  13. ^ Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. "Editorial Preface". In with the assistance of; Serhii Plokhy; Myroslav Yurkevich; Dushan Bednarsky; Andrij Hornjatkevyč; Frank E. Sysyn (eds.). History of Ukraine-Rusʹ. Vol. I (From prehistory to the eleventh century). Translated by Marta Skorupsky. Edmonton, Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. p. xv. ISBN 978-1-895571-19-6. LCCN 00361329. OL 29539868M. Wikidata Q104836760.
  14. ^ Kuhut, Zenon E.; Nebesio, Bohdan Y.; Yurkevich, Myroslav (2005). "Note on Transliteration, Terminology, and Dates". Historical Dictionary of Ukraine. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press. pp. xi. ISBN 0-8108-5387-6.
  15. ^ BS 2979:1958 Transliteration of Cyrillic and Greek Characters, BSI Group, 30 July 1958, Wikidata Q105693940
  16. ^ a b Oxford Style Manual (2003), "Slavonic Languages", s 11.41.2, p 350. Oxford University Press.
  17. ^ a b Hans H. Wellisch (1978), The Conversion of Scripts: Its Nature, History, and Utilization, New York City: Wiley, p. 262, Wikidata Q104231343
  18. ^ "Romanization of Ukrainian: BGN/PCGN 2019 Agreement" (PDF). gov.uk.
  19. ^ "Romanization of Ukrainian: BGN/PCGN 2019 Agreement" (PDF). GNS Geographic Names Server.
  20. ^ . Archived from the original on 2008-09-26. Retrieved 2008-10-10.
  21. ^ a b Рішення Української Комісії з питань правничої термінології (in Ukrainian)
  22. ^ a b Resolution no. 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, January 27, 2010
  23. ^ Romanization system in Ukraine, paper presented on East Central and South-East Europe Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
  24. ^ The document prepared for the UNGEGN session by Ukrainian Experts.
  25. ^ "UNGEGN WGRS. Resolution X/9". www.eki.ee. Retrieved 2020-10-22.
  26. ^ "Guidance on the US Board on Geographic Names (BGN)/Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (PCGN) romanization systems". GOV.UK. 2020-04-24. Retrieved 2020-09-08.
  27. ^ Syvak, Nina; Ponomarenko, Valerii; Khodzinska, Olha; Lakeichuk, Iryna (2011). Veklych, Lesia (ed.). Toponymic Guidelines for Map and Other Editors for International Use (PDF). United Nations Statistics Division. scientific consultant Iryna Rudenko; reviewed by Nataliia Kizilowa; translated by Olha Khodzinska. Kyiv: DerzhHeoKadastr and Kartographia. ISBN 978-966-475-839-7. Retrieved 2020-10-06.
  28. ^ Transliterace ukrajinské cyrilice (Translitration of the Ukrainian cyrillic, Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  29. ^ Otakar Brandos: Jak psát ukrajinské názvy, Treking.cz, 8. 12. 2011
  30. ^ Kubijovyč, Volodymyr, ed. (1963). Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopædia, Vol. 1. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. pp. xxxii–xxxiv. ISBN 0-8020-3105-6.
  31. ^ Duden (22nd ed.). Mannheim: Dudenverlag. 2000.
  32. ^ Girodet, Jean, ed. (1976). Dictionnaire de la langue française. Paris: Éditions Bordas.
  33. ^ Karlsson, Ola, ed. (2017). Svenska skrivregler. Språkrådets skrifter; 22 (4th ed.). Stockholm: Liber. p. 252–254. ISBN 9789147111497.
  34. ^ a b c George Shevelov (1979). A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language. Historical Phonology of the Slavic Languages. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter. p. 21. ISBN 3-533-02786-4. OL 22276820M. Wikidata Q105081119.
  35. ^ Hans H. Wellisch (1978), The Conversion of Scripts: Its Nature, History, and Utilization, New York City: Wiley, pp. 260–62, Wikidata Q104231343
  36. ^ Decision no. 858 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, July 26, 2007


  • Clara Beetle ed. (1949), A.L.A. Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries, Chicago: American Library Association, p 246.
  • British Standard 2979 : 1958, London: British Standards Institution.
  • Daniels, Peter T., and William Bright, eds. (1996). The World's Writing Systems, pp. 700, 702, Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-507993-0.
  • G. Gerych (1965), , masters thesis, Ottawa: University of Ottawa.
  • Maryniak, K. (2008), 'Короткий огляд систем транслітерації з української на англійську мову' (Brief Overview of Transliteration Systems from Ukrainian to English), Західньоканадський збірник — Collected Papers on Ukrainian Life in Western Canada, Part Five, Edmonton–Ostroh: Shevchenko Scientific Society in Canada, pp. 478–84.
  • Rudnyc'kyj, Jaroslav B. (1948). Чужомовні транслітерації українських назв: Iнтернаціональна, англійська, французька, німецька, еспанська й португальська (Foreign transliterations of Ukrainian names: The international, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese), Augsburg: Iнститут родо- й знаменознавства.
  • U.S. Board on Geographic Names, Foreign Names Committee Staff (1994). Romanization Systems and Roman-Script Spelling Conventions, p. 105.

External links

  • English Transliteration by the State Migration Service of Ukraine
  • Standard Ukrainian Transliteration — multistandard bidirectional online transliteration (BGN/PCGN, scholarly, national, ISO 9, ALA-LC, etc.) (in Ukrainian)
  • Ukrainian Transliteration—online Ukrainian transliteration
  • Ukrainian Translit—online Ukrainian transliteration service (non-standard system)
  • Ukrainian-Latin and Latin-Ukrainian—online transliterator (non-standard system)
  • Transliteration history—history of the transliteration of Slavic languages into Latin alphabets
  • Lingua::Translit Perl module covering a variety of writing systems. Transliteration according to several standards (e.g. ISO 9 and DIN 1460).

Transliteration systems

  • Transliteration of Non-Roman Scripts A collection of writing systems and transliteration tables, by Thomas T. Pedersen. PDF reference charts for many languages' transliteration systems. Ukrainian PDF
  • Latin transliteration—transliteration systems used for national Ukrainian domain names (in Ukrainian)
  • Decision No. 858 affecting transliteration of names passports (2007) (Ukrainian)
  • Working Group on Romanization Systems, under the United Nations Conferences on the Standardization of Geographical Names.
    • Ukrainian (PDF)
  • ALA-LC Romanization Tables Scanned text of the 1997 edition of the ALA-LC Romanization Tables: Transliteration Schemes for Non-Roman Scripts. Ukrainian PDF
  • BGN/PCGN 1965 Romanization System for Ukrainian at geonames.nga.mil
  • Cyrillic Transliteration Table (Ukrainian and Russian), based on both International Linguistic and ALA-LC systems
  • Ukrainian language in the International Phonetic Alphabet (PDF, in Ukrainian)

romanization, ukrainian, romanization, ukrainian, english, wikipedia, wikipedia, romanization, ukrainian, latinization, ukrainian, representation, ukrainian, language, latin, letters, ukrainian, natively, written, ukrainian, alphabet, which, based, cyrillic, s. For the romanization of Ukrainian on the English Wikipedia see Wikipedia Romanization of Ukrainian The romanization of Ukrainian or Latinization of Ukrainian is the representation of the Ukrainian language in Latin letters Ukrainian is natively written in its own Ukrainian alphabet which is based on the Cyrillic script Romanization may be employed to represent Ukrainian text or pronunciation for non Ukrainian readers on computer systems that cannot reproduce Cyrillic characters or for typists who are not familiar with the Ukrainian keyboard layout Methods of romanization include transliteration representing written text and transcription representing the spoken word In contrast to romanization there have been several historical proposals for a native Ukrainian Latin alphabet usually based on those used by West Slavic languages but none have caught on Contents 1 Romanization systems 1 1 Transliteration 1 1 1 Scientific transliteration 1 1 2 Library of Congress system 1 1 3 British Standard 1 1 4 BGN PCGN 1 1 5 GOST 1971 1983 Derzhstandart 1995 2021 1 1 6 ISO 9 1 1 7 Ukrainian National transliteration 1 1 8 Romanization for other languages than English 1 1 9 Ad hoc romanization 1 1 10 Ukrainian telegraph code 1 2 Transcription 2 Conventional romanization of proper names 3 Tables of romanization systems 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links 7 1 Transliteration systemsRomanization systems Edit Part of a table of letters of the alphabet for the Ruthenian language from Ivan Uzhevych s Hrammatyka Slovenskaja 1645 Columns show the letter names printed in manuscript Cyrillic and Latin common Cyrillic letterforms and the Latin transliteration Part 2 and part 3 Transliteration Edit Transliteration is the letter for letter representation of text using another writing system Rudnyckyj classified transliteration systems into scientific transliteration used in academic and especially linguistic works and practical systems used in administration journalism in the postal system in schools etc 1 Scientific transliteration also called the scholarly system is used internationally with very little variation while the various practical methods of transliteration are adapted to the orthographical conventions of other languages like English French German etc Depending on the purpose of the transliteration it may be necessary to be able to reconstruct the original text or it may be preferable to have a transliteration which sounds like the original language when read aloud Scientific transliteration Edit Scientific transliteration also called the academic linguistic international or scholarly system is most often seen in linguistic publications on Slavic languages It is purely phonemic meaning each character represents one meaningful unit of sound and is based on the Croatian Latin alphabet 2 Different variations are appropriate to represent the phonology of historical Old Ukrainian mid 11th 14th centuries and Middle Ukrainian 15th 18th centuries 3 A variation was codified in the 1898 Prussian Instructions for libraries or Preussische Instruktionen PI and widely used in bibliographic cataloguing in Central Europe and Scandinavia With further modifications it was published by the International Organization for Standardization as recommendation ISO R 9 in 1954 revised in 1968 and again as an international standard in 1986 and 1995 Representing all of the necessary diacritics on computers requires Unicode Latin 2 Latin 4 or Latin 7 encoding Other Slavic based romanizations occasionally seen are those based on the Slovak alphabet or the Polish alphabet which include symbols for palatalized consonants Library of Congress system Edit The ALA LC Romanization Tables were first discussed by the American Library Association in 1885 4 and published in 1904 and 1908 5 including rules for romanizing Church Slavic the pre reform Russian alphabet and Serbo Croatian 6 Revised tables including Ukrainian were published in 1941 7 and remain in use virtually unchanged according to the latest 2011 release 8 This system is used to represent bibliographic information by US and Canadian libraries by the British Library since 1975 9 and in North American publications In addition to bibliographic cataloguing simplified versions of the Library of Congress system are widely used for romanization in the text of academic and general publications For notes or bibliographical references some publications use a version without ligatures which offers sufficient precision but simplifies the typesetting burden and easing readability For specialist audiences or those familiar with Slavic languages a version without ligatures and diacritical marks is sometimes used 10 For broader audiences a modified Library of Congress system is employed for personal organizational and place names omitting all ligatures and diacritics ignoring the soft sign ʹ with initial Ye I E J Ĭ Yu I U and Ya I A represented by Ye Y Yu and Ya surnames terminal ij yĭ and ij iĭ endings simplified to y and sometimes with common first names anglicized for example Oleksandr Oleksandr written as Alexander Typical Use Variation ExampleOriginal Cyrillic text Yaroslav RudnickijLibrary catalogue standalone bibliography Strict ALA LC I Aroslav Rudnyt sʹkyĭFootnote or bibliography Without ligatures Iaroslav RudnytsʹkyĭAcademic text Without ligatures or diacritics Iaroslav RudnytskyiNames in general text Modified Library of Congress Yaroslav RudnytskySimilar principles were systematically described for Russian by J Thomas Shaw in 1969 11 and since widely adopted Their application for Ukrainian and multilingual text were described in the 1984 English translation of Kubiiovych s Encyclopedia of Ukraine 12 and in the 1997 translation of Hrushevskyi s History of Ukraine Rusʹ 13 and other sources have referred to these for example historian Serhii Plokhy in several works However the details of usage vary for example the authors of the Historical Dictionary of Ukraine render the soft sign before o with an i thus Khvyliovy not Khvylovy as in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine 14 Requires Unicode for connecting diacritics but only plain ASCII characters for a simplified version British Standard Edit British Standard 2979 1958 Transliteration of Cyrillic and Greek Characters 15 from BSI is used by the Oxford University Press 16 A variation is used by the British Museum and British Library but since 1975 their new acquisitions have been catalogued using Library of Congress transliteration 9 In addition to the British system the standard also includes tables for the International system for Cyrillic corresponding to ISO R 9 1968 and ISO s recommendation reciprocally has an alternate system corresponding to BSI s 17 It also includes tables for romanization of Greek BGN PCGN Edit BGN PCGN romanization is a series of standards approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names and Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use Pronunciation is intuitive for English speakers For Ukrainian the former BGN PCGN system was adopted in 1965 but superseded there by the Ukrainian National System in 2019 18 19 A modified version is also mentioned in the Oxford Style Manual 16 Requires only ASCII characters if optional separators are not used GOST 1971 1983 Derzhstandart 1995 2021 Edit The Soviet Union s GOST COMECON s SEV and Ukraine s Derzhstandart are government standards bodies of the former Eurasian communist countries They published a series of romanization systems for Ukrainian which were replaced by ISO 9 1995 For details see GOST 16876 71 The Derzhstandart 1995 system invented by Maksym Vakulenko is also mentioned in the DSTU 9112 2021 standard approved in 2022 as the B system the new standard also includes an A system with diacritical marks and some differences from ISO 9 1995 g g g g ye je i y i i h x j yu ju ya ja ISO 9 Edit ISO 9 is a series of systems from the International Organization for Standardization The ISO published editions of its international system for romanization of Cyrillic as recommendations ISO R 9 in 1954 and 1968 and standards ISO 9 in 1986 and 1995 This was originally derived from scientific transliteration in 1954 and is meant to be usable by readers of most European languages The 1968 edition also included an alternative system identical to the British Standard 17 The 1995 edition supports most national Cyrillic alphabets in a single transliteration table It is a pure transliteration system with each Cyrillic character represented by exactly one unique Latin character making it reliably reversible but sacrificing readability and adaptation to individual languages It considers only graphemes and disregards phonemic differences So for example g Ukrainian He or Russian Ge is always represented by the transliteration g g Ukrainian letter Ge is represented by g Representing all of the necessary diacritics on computers requires Unicode and a few characters are rarely present in computer fonts for example g grave g Ukrainian National transliteration Edit This is the official system of Ukraine also employed by the United Nations and many countries foreign services It is currently widely used to represent Ukrainian geographic names which were almost exclusively romanized from Russian before Ukraine s independence in 1991 and for personal names in passports It is based on English orthography and requires only ASCII characters with no diacritics It can be considered a variant of the modified Library of Congress system but does not simplify the ij and ij endings Its first version was codified in Decision No 9 of the Ukrainian Committee on Issues of Legal Terminology on April 19 1996 20 21 stating that the system is binding for the transliteration of Ukrainian names in English in legislative and official acts A new official system was introduced for transliteration of Ukrainian personal names in Ukrainian passports in 2007 An updated 2010 version became the system is used for transliterating all proper names and was approved as Resolution 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine January 27 2010 22 23 This modified earlier laws and brought together a unified system for official documents publication of cartographic works signs and indicators of inhabited localities streets stops subway stations etc It has been adopted internationally The 27th session of the UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names UNGEGN held in New York 30 July and 10 August 2012 after a report by the State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine now known as Derzhheokadastr Ukraine State Service of Geodesy Cartography and Cadastre experts 24 approved the Ukrainian system of romanization 25 The BGN PCGN jointly adopted the system in 2020 26 Official geographic names are romanized directly from the original Ukrainian and not translated For example Kyivska oblast not Kyiv Oblast Pivnichnokrymskyi kanal not North Crimean Canal 27 Romanization for other languages than English Edit Czech transliteration of Ukrainian Peremycka Jasina U Stepana in Transcarpathia on the hiking fingerposts installed in 2010 However the transliteration is not fully consistent Ust Corna instead of Ust Corna Bliznica instead of Blyznycja etc Romanization intended for readers of other languages than English is usually transcribed phonetically into the familiar orthography For example y kh ch sh shch for anglophones may be transcribed j ch tsch sch schtsch for German readers for letters j h ch sh sh or it may be rendered in Latin letters according to the normal orthography of another Slavic language such as Polish or Croatian such as the established system of scientific transliteration described above Czech and Slovak standard transliteration uses letters with diacritics z s c d t n e and letters i y j h ch c in the local meaning Diphthong letters are transcribed as two letters ja je ji ju sc 28 Czech transliteration was used for example on hiking signs in Transcarpathia which was established according to the methodology of the Czech Tourists Club the Ukrainian markers replaced that later with the English transcription 29 However the fact that Ukraine itself has started to use English transliteration on its documents and boards also influences the practice in Czech and Slovak which is also penetrated by English transliteration of Ukrainian Ad hoc romanization Edit Users of public access computers or mobile text messaging services sometimes improvise informal romanization due to limitations in keyboard or character set These may include both sound alike and look alike letter substitutions Example YKPAIHCbKA ABTOPKA for UKRAYiNSKA AVTORKA See also Volapuk encoding This system uses the available character set Ukrainian telegraph code Edit For telegraph transmission Each separate Ukrainian letter had a 1 1 equivalence to a Latin letter Latin Q W V and X are equivalent to Ukrainian Ya or sometimes Sh V Zh Other letters are transcribed phonetically This equivalency is used in building the KOI8 U table Transcription Edit See also Ukrainian phonology and Ukrainian alphabet Transcription is the representation of the spoken word Phonological or phonemic transcription represents the phonemes or meaningful sounds of a language and is useful to describe the general pronunciation of a word Phonetic transcription represents every single sound or phone and can be used to compare different dialects of a language Both methods can use the same sets of symbols but linguists usually denote phonemic transcriptions by enclosing them in slashes while phonetic transcriptions are enclosed in square brackets IPAThe International Phonetic Alphabet precisely represents pronunciation It requires a special Unicode font Conventional romanization of proper names EditIn many contexts it is common to use a modified system of transliteration that strives to be read and pronounced naturally by anglophones Such transcriptions are also used for the surnames of people of Ukrainian ancestry in English speaking countries personal names have often been translated to equivalent or similar English names e g Alexander for Oleksandr Terry for Taras Typically such a modified transliteration is based on the ALA LC or Library of Congress in North America or less commonly the British Standard system Such a simplified system usually omits diacritics and ligatures tie bars from e g i e i or ĭ often simplifies yĭ and iĭ word endings to y omits romanizing the Ukrainian soft sign and apostrophe and may substitute ya ye yu yo for ia ie iu io at the beginnings of words It may also simplify doubled letters Unlike in the English language where an apostrophe is punctuation in the Ukrainian language it is a letter Therefore sometimes Rus is translated with an apostrophe even when the apostrophe is dropped for most other names and words Conventional transliterations can reflect the history of a person or place Many well known spellings are based on transcriptions into another Latin alphabet such as the German or Polish Others are transcribed from equivalent names in other languages for example Ukrainian Pavlo Paul may be called by the Russian equivalent Pavel Ukrainian Kyiv by the Russian equivalent Kiev The employment of romanization systems can become complex For example the English translation of Kubijovyc s Ukraine A Concise Encyclopaedia uses a modified Library of Congress ALA LC system as outlined above for Ukrainian and Russian names with the exceptions for endings or doubled consonants applying variously to personal and geographic names For technical reasons maps in the Encyclopedia follow different conventions Names of persons are anglicized in the encyclopedia s text but also presented in their original form in the index Various geographic names are presented in their anglicized Russian or both Ukrainian and Polish forms and appear in several forms in the index Scientific transliteration is used in linguistics articles The Encyclopedia s explanation of its transliteration and naming convention occupies 2 1 2 pages 30 Tables of romanization systems EditCommon systems for romanizing Ukrainian Cyrillic British a BGN PCGN 1965 b ALA LC c LC without diacritics 10 modified LC d Ukrainian National German dictionary 31 French dictionary 32 Swedish Language Council 33 A a a a a a a a a a aB b b b b b b b b b bV v v v v v v v w v vG g h h h h h h gh e h h hG g g g g g g g g g gD d d d d d d d d d dE e e e e e e e e e eYe ye ye ye i e ie ie ye ie ye f je ie jeZh zh zh zh z h zh zh zh sh j zjZ z z z z z z z s z zI i ȳ y y y y y y y yI i i i i i i i i i iYi yi yi yi i i i i yi g ji i ji formerly iJ j ĭ y ĭ i i y i y f j y jK k k k k k k k k k kL l l l l l l l l l lM m m m m m m m m m mN n n n n n n n n n nO o o o o o o o o o oP p p p p p p p p p pR r r r r r r r r r rS s s s s s s s s ss s rT t t t t t t t t t tU u u u u u u u u ou uF f f f f f f f f f fH h kh kh kh kh kh kh ch kh chC c ts ts t s ts ts ts z ts tsCh ch ch ch ch ch ch ch tsch tch tjSh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sch ch sjSh sh shch shch shch shch shch shch schtsch chtch sjtj ʼ or ʹ ʼ ʹ ʹYu yu yu yu i u iu iu yu iu yu f ju iou ju iu h u i Ya ya ya ya i a ia ia ya ia ya f ja ia ja ia h a i ʼ ˮ or ʺ ˮ ʼHistorical letters ˮ or ʺѢ ѣ i British Standard The character sequence ts t s to distinguish it from c ts Accents and diacritics may be omitted when back transliteration is not required BGN PCGN 1965 The character sequences zg z h kg k h sg s h ts t s and cg ts h may be romanized with midpoints to differentiate them from the digraphs zh zh h kh sh sh c ts and the letter sequence tsh tsh Superseded by the Ukrainian National system in 2020 ALA LC When applied strictly ALA LC requires the use of the ligature U 0361 but in practice these are often omitted Modified Library of Congress used for personal and place names Initial Ye I E J Ĭ Yu I U and Ya I A are rendered as Ye Y Yu and Ya Surname endings ij yĭ and ij iĭ are simplified as y Familiar names may be anglicized for example Mihajlo Mykhaĭlo Michael Oleksandr Oleksandr Alexander Practices vary Ukrainian National system gh is used in the romanization of zg zgh avoiding confusion with zh zh a b c d Ukrainian National system The second variant is used at the beginning of a word Yi is used at the beginning of words i is used in other positions a b Used after t s and z to avoid confusion with tj sj and zj a b Used after tj sj and zj to avoid double jj International systems for romanizing Ukrainian Cyrillic Scientific OUk 34 Scientific MUk 34 Scientific a 34 Prussian Instr 35 ISO 1954 ISO 1968 basic ISO 1968 Ukr var ISO 1995A a a a a a a a a aB b b b b b b b b bV v v v v v v v v vG g g h h h g g h gG g g g ġ ġ g g g D d d d d d d d d dE e e e e e e e e eYe ye je je je je je eZh zh z z z z z z z zZ z z z z z z z z zI i i y y i i i y iI i i y i i i i i iYi yi ji ji i i iJ j j j j j j j jK k k k k k k k k kL l l l l l l l l lM m m m m m m m m mN n n n n n n n n nO o o o o o o o o oP p p p p p p p p pR r r r r r r r r rS s s s s s s s s sT t t t t t t t t tU u u u u u u u u uF f f f f f f f f fH h x x x ch h h ch hC c c c c c c c c cCh ch c c c c c c c cSh sh s s s s s s s sSh sh sc sc sc sc sc sc sc ŝ ʼ ʼ ʹ ʼ ʹ ʹ ʹYu yu ju ju ju ju ju ju ju uYa ya ja ja ja ja ja ja ja aʼ ʺ ʼ ʺ ʺ ʼHistorical letters ʺ ʺ ʺY y y y y y yѢ ѣ i i i i iѤ ѥ je jeѦ ѧ e eѨ ѩ je jeѪ ѫ ǫ ǫ ă ȧ ʺ Ѭ ѭ jǫ jǫѮ ѯ ks ksѰ ѱ ps psѲ ѳ th th ḟ ḟ ḟѴ ѵ ẏ ẏ ẏѠ ѡ o o Scientific transliteration Where two transliterations appear the first is according to the traditional system and the second according to ISO R 9 1968 Ukrainian official systems for romanizing Ukrainian Cyrillic GOST 1971 GOST 1986 Derzhstandart 1995 National 1996 21 Passport 2004 Passport 2007 36 National 2010 22 A a a a a a a a aB b b b b b b b bV v v v v v v w v vG g g g gh h gh a h g g h gh a G g g g g h g gD d d d d d d d dE e e e e e e e eYe ye je je je ie ye b ie ye b ie ie ye b Zh zh zh z zh zh c zh j zh zhZ z z z z z z z zI i i i y y y y yI i i i i i i i iYi yi ji i ji yi i d yi i d i yi i d J j j j j e i y b i y b i i y b K k k k k k k c k kL l l l l l l l lM m m m m m m m mN n n n n n n n nO o o o o o o o oP p p p p p p p pR r r r r r r r rS s s s s s s s sT t t t t t t t tU u u u u u u u uF f f f f f f f fH h kh h kh kh kh kh khC c c c c ts ts ts tsCh ch ch c ch ch ch ch chSh sh sh s sh sh sh sh shSh sh shh sc shh sch shch shch shch ʹ ʹ j f ʼ ʹYu yu ju ju ju iu yu b iu yu b iu iu yu b Ya ya ja ja ja ia ya b ia ya b ia ia ya b ʼ ʺ ʼ g ˮ a b gh is used in the romanization of zg zgh avoiding confusion with zh zh a b c d e f g h i j k l The second transliteration is used word initially National 1996 system transliteration can be rendered in a simplified form Doubled consonants zh h c ch sh are simplified for example Zaporizhzhya Zaporizhia Apostrophe and soft sign are omitted but always render o o and yi i a b c Yi is used at the beginning of words or after vowels i is used in other positions Word initially after vowels or after the apostrophe After consonants Apostrophe is used before iotated ja ju je ji jo and to distinguish the combination a j a in compound words from ya ja for example Volinavto Volynj avto See also EditBelarusian alphabet Cyrillic alphabets Cyrillic script Faux Cyrillic Greek alphabet Macedonian alphabet Montenegrin alphabet Romanization of Belarusian Romanization of Bulgarian Romanization of Greek Romanization of Macedonian Romanization of Russian Ukrainian alphabet Ukrainian Latin alphabet Russian alphabet Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic Serbian Cyrillic alphabetNotes Edit Rudnyckyj 1948 p 1 Transliteration Timeline on the website of the University of Arizona Library George Shevelov A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language p 21 40 Wikidata Q104552122 Cutter Charles Ammi 1885 Report of the A L A Transliteration Committee 1885 Library Journal 10 302 309 Cutter Charles Ammi 1908 Report of the A L A Transliteration Committee Catalog Rules Author and Title Entries Chicago IL American Library Association and the British Library Association pp 65 73 Gerych G 1965 Transliteration of Cyrillic Alphabets master s dissertation Ottawa University of Ottawa Gjelsness Rudolph ed 1941 A L A Catalog Rules Author and Title Entries Chicago IL American Library Association pp 335 36 ALA LC Romanization Tables The Library of Congress 2011 Retrieved 2020 10 22 a b Searching for Cyrillic items in the catalogues of the British Library guidelines and transliteration tables https www bl uk help search for cyrillic items a b Brief Submission Guidelines PDF Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Publications Office 2019 Literary historical and social sciences texts adhere to the Library of Congress conventions without ligatures We preserve the spelling of i To indicate the soft sign we use a slanted prime We preserve the Ukrainian apostrophe as a single curly quotation mark Omit primes in place names except Rusʹ J Thomas Shaw 1979 The transliteration of modern Russian for English language publications New York City Modern Language Association ISBN 978 0 87352 086 7 LCCN 66 22858 OCLC 1068026551 OL 11116653M Wikidata Q104518479 Volodymyr Kubijovyc Danylo Husar Struk eds Explanatory Notes Encyclopedia of Ukraine Toronto 1984 2001 Vol I A F Toronto University of Toronto Press ISBN 978 0 802 03362 8 LCCN 85142719 OL 7873066M Wikidata Q104635282 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Editorial Preface In with the assistance of Serhii Plokhy Myroslav Yurkevich Dushan Bednarsky Andrij Hornjatkevyc Frank E Sysyn eds History of Ukraine Rusʹ Vol I From prehistory to the eleventh century Translated by Marta Skorupsky Edmonton Toronto Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies p xv ISBN 978 1 895571 19 6 LCCN 00361329 OL 29539868M Wikidata Q104836760 Kuhut Zenon E Nebesio Bohdan Y Yurkevich Myroslav 2005 Note on Transliteration Terminology and Dates Historical Dictionary of Ukraine Lanham MD The Scarecrow Press pp xi ISBN 0 8108 5387 6 BS 2979 1958 Transliteration of Cyrillic and Greek Characters BSI Group 30 July 1958 Wikidata Q105693940 a b Oxford Style Manual 2003 Slavonic Languages s 11 41 2 p 350 Oxford University Press a b Hans H Wellisch 1978 The Conversion of Scripts Its Nature History and Utilization New York City Wiley p 262 Wikidata Q104231343 Romanization of Ukrainian BGN PCGN 2019 Agreement PDF gov uk Romanization of Ukrainian BGN PCGN 2019 Agreement PDF GNS Geographic Names Server Official Ukrainian English transliteration system adopted by the Ukrainian Legal Terminology Commission in English Archived from the original on 2008 09 26 Retrieved 2008 10 10 a b Rishennya Ukrayinskoyi Komisiyi z pitan pravnichoyi terminologiyi in Ukrainian a b Resolution no 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine January 27 2010 Romanization system in Ukraine paper presented on East Central and South East Europe Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names The document prepared for the UNGEGN session by Ukrainian Experts UNGEGN WGRS Resolution X 9 www eki ee Retrieved 2020 10 22 Guidance on the US Board on Geographic Names BGN Permanent Committee on Geographical Names PCGN romanization systems GOV UK 2020 04 24 Retrieved 2020 09 08 Syvak Nina Ponomarenko Valerii Khodzinska Olha Lakeichuk Iryna 2011 Veklych Lesia ed Toponymic Guidelines for Map and Other Editors for International Use PDF United Nations Statistics Division scientific consultant Iryna Rudenko reviewed by Nataliia Kizilowa translated by Olha Khodzinska Kyiv DerzhHeoKadastr and Kartographia ISBN 978 966 475 839 7 Retrieved 2020 10 06 Transliterace ukrajinske cyrilice Translitration of the Ukrainian cyrillic Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences Otakar Brandos Jak psat ukrajinske nazvy Treking cz 8 12 2011 Kubijovyc Volodymyr ed 1963 Ukraine A Concise Encyclopaedia Vol 1 Toronto University of Toronto Press pp xxxii xxxiv ISBN 0 8020 3105 6 Duden 22nd ed Mannheim Dudenverlag 2000 Girodet Jean ed 1976 Dictionnaire de la langue francaise Paris Editions Bordas Karlsson Ola ed 2017 Svenska skrivregler Sprakradets skrifter 22 4th ed Stockholm Liber p 252 254 ISBN 9789147111497 a b c George Shevelov 1979 A Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language Historical Phonology of the Slavic Languages Heidelberg Universitatsverlag C Winter p 21 ISBN 3 533 02786 4 OL 22276820M Wikidata Q105081119 Hans H Wellisch 1978 The Conversion of Scripts Its Nature History and Utilization New York City Wiley pp 260 62 Wikidata Q104231343 Decision no 858 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine July 26 2007References EditClara Beetle ed 1949 A L A Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries Chicago American Library Association p 246 British Standard 2979 1958 London British Standards Institution Daniels Peter T and William Bright eds 1996 The World s Writing Systems pp 700 702 Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 507993 0 G Gerych 1965 Transliteration of Cyrillic Alphabets masters thesis Ottawa University of Ottawa Maryniak K 2008 Korotkij oglyad sistem transliteraciyi z ukrayinskoyi na anglijsku movu Brief Overview of Transliteration Systems from Ukrainian to English Zahidnokanadskij zbirnik Collected Papers on Ukrainian Life in Western Canada Part Five Edmonton Ostroh Shevchenko Scientific Society in Canada pp 478 84 Rudnyc kyj Jaroslav B 1948 Chuzhomovni transliteraciyi ukrayinskih nazv Internacionalna anglijska francuzka nimecka espanska j portugalska Foreign transliterations of Ukrainian names The international English French German Spanish and Portuguese Augsburg Institut rodo j znamenoznavstva U S Board on Geographic Names Foreign Names Committee Staff 1994 Romanization Systems and Roman Script Spelling Conventions p 105 External links EditEnglish Transliteration by the State Migration Service of Ukraine Standard Ukrainian Transliteration multistandard bidirectional online transliteration BGN PCGN scholarly national ISO 9 ALA LC etc in Ukrainian Ukrainian Transliteration online Ukrainian transliteration Ukrainian Translit online Ukrainian transliteration service non standard system Ukrainian Latin and Latin Ukrainian online transliterator non standard system Transliteration history history of the transliteration of Slavic languages into Latin alphabets Lingua Translit Perl module covering a variety of writing systems Transliteration according to several standards e g ISO 9 and DIN 1460 Transliteration systems Edit Transliteration of Non Roman Scripts A collection of writing systems and transliteration tables by Thomas T Pedersen PDF reference charts for many languages transliteration systems Ukrainian PDF Latin transliteration transliteration systems used for national Ukrainian domain names in Ukrainian Decision No 858 affecting transliteration of names passports 2007 Ukrainian Working Group on Romanization Systems under the United Nations Conferences on the Standardization of Geographical Names Ukrainian PDF ALA LC Romanization Tables Scanned text of the 1997 edition of the ALA LC Romanization Tables Transliteration 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