
Reconstructions of Old Chinese

Although Old Chinese is known from written records beginning around 1200 BC, the logographic script provides much more indirect and partial information about the pronunciation of the language than alphabetic systems used elsewhere. Several authors have produced reconstructions of Old Chinese phonology, beginning with the Swedish sinologist Bernhard Karlgren in the 1940s and continuing to the present day. The method introduced by Karlgren is unique, comparing categories implied by ancient rhyming practice and the structure of Chinese characters with descriptions in medieval rhyme dictionaries, though more recent approaches have also incorporated other kinds of evidence.

Although the various notations appear to be very different, they correspond with each other on most points. By the 1970s, it was generally agreed that Old Chinese had fewer points of articulation than Middle Chinese, a set of voiceless sonorants, and labiovelar and labio-laryngeal initials. Since the 1990s, most authors have agreed on a six-vowel system and a re-organized system of liquids. Earlier systems proposed voiced final stops to account for contacts between stop-final syllables and other tones, but many investigators now believe that Old Chinese lacked tonal distinctions, with Middle Chinese tones derived from consonant clusters at the end of the syllable.

Sources of evidence edit

The major sources for the sounds of Old Chinese, covering most of the lexicon, are the sound system of Middle Chinese (7th century AD), the structure of Chinese characters, and the rhyming patterns of the Classic of Poetry (Shijing), dating from the early part of the 1st millennium BC.[1] Several other kinds of evidence are less comprehensive, but provide valuable clues. These include Min dialects, early Chinese transcriptions of foreign names, early loans between Chinese and neighbouring languages, and families of Chinese words that appear to be related.[2]

Middle Chinese edit

The start of the first rhyme class (東 dōng "east") of the Guangyun rhyme dictionary

Middle Chinese, or more precisely Early Middle Chinese, is the phonological system of the Qieyun, a rhyme dictionary published in 601, with many revisions and expansions over the following centuries. These dictionaries set out to codify the pronunciations of characters to be used when reading the classics. They indicated pronunciation using the fanqie method, dividing a syllable into an initial consonant and the rest, called the final. In his Qièyùn kǎo (1842), the Cantonese scholar Chen Li performed a systematic analysis of a later redaction of the Qieyun, identifying its initial and final categories, though not the sounds they represented. Scholars have attempted to determine the phonetic content of the various distinctions by comparing them with rhyme tables from the Song dynasty, pronunciations in modern varieties and loans in Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese (the Sinoxenic materials), but many details regarding the finals are still disputed. According to its preface, the Qieyun did not reflect a single contemporary dialect, but incorporated distinctions made in different parts of China at the time (a diasystem).[3][4]

The fact that the Qieyun system contains more distinctions than any single contemporary form of speech means that it retains additional information about the history of the language. The large number of initials and finals are unevenly distributed, suggesting hypotheses about earlier forms of Chinese.[5] For example, it includes 37 initials, but in the early 20th century Huang Kan observed that only 19 of them occurred with a wide range of finals, implying that the others were in some sense secondary developments.[6]

Phonetic series edit

Page from a copy of a Song dynasty edition of the Shuowen Jiezi, showing characters with the 言 element

The logographic Chinese writing system does not use symbols for individual sounds as is done in an alphabetic system.[7] However, the vast majority of characters are phono-semantic compounds, in which a word is written by combining a character for a similarly sounding word with a semantic indicator. Often characters sharing a phonetic element (forming a phonetic series) are still pronounced alike, as in the character 中 (zhōng, 'middle'), which was adapted to write the words chōng ('pour', 沖) and zhōng ('loyal', 忠).[8] In other cases the words in a phonetic series have very different sounds both in Middle Chinese and in modern varieties. Since the sounds are assumed to have been similar at the time the characters were chosen, such relationships give clues to the lost sounds.[9]

The first systematic study of the structure of Chinese characters was Xu Shen's Shuowen Jiezi (100 AD).[10] The Shuowen was mostly based on the small seal script standardized in the Qin dynasty.[11] Earlier characters from oracle bones and Zhou bronze inscriptions often reveal relationships that were obscured in later forms.[12]

Poetic rhyming edit

Rhyme has been a consistent feature of Chinese poetry. While much old poetry still rhymes in modern varieties of Chinese, Chinese scholars have long noted exceptions. This was attributed to lax rhyming practice of early poets until the late-Ming dynasty scholar Chen Di argued that a former consistency had been obscured by sound change. This implied that the rhyming practice of ancient poets recorded information about their pronunciation. Scholars have studied various bodies of poetry to identify classes of rhyming words at different periods.[13][14]

The oldest such collection is the Shijing, containing songs ranging from the 10th to 7th centuries BC. The systematic study of Old Chinese rhymes began in the 17th century, when Gu Yanwu divided the rhyming words of the Shijing into ten groups (韻部 yùnbù). Gu's analysis was refined by Qing dynasty philologists, steadily increasing the number of rhyme groups. One of these scholars, Duan Yucai, stated the important principle that characters in the same phonetic series would be in the same rhyme group,[a] making it possible to assign almost all words to rhyme groups. A final revision by Wang Li in the 1930s produced the standard set of 31 rhyme groups.[16][17] These were used in all reconstructions up to the 1980s, when Zhengzhang Shangfang, Sergei Starostin and William Baxter independently proposed a more radical splitting into more than 50 rhyme groups.[18][19][20]

Min dialects edit

The Min dialects are believed to have split off before the Middle Chinese stage, because they contain distinctions that cannot be derived from the Qieyun system. For example, the following dental initials have been identified in reconstructed proto-Min:[21][22]

Voiceless stops Voiced stops Nasals Laterals
Example word
Proto-Min initial *t *-t *th *d *-d *dh *n *nh *l *lh
Middle Chinese initial t th d n l

Other points of articulation show similar distinctions within stops and nasals. Proto-Min voicing is inferred from the development of Min tones, but the phonetic values of the initials are otherwise uncertain. The sounds indicated as *-t, *-d, etc. are known as "softened stops" due to their reflexes in Jianyang and nearby Min varieties in Fujian, where they appear as fricatives or approximants, or are missing entirely, while the non-softened variants appear as stops. Evidence from early loans into Mienic languages suggests that the softened stops were prenasalized.[23]

Other evidence edit

Several early texts contain transcriptions of foreign names and terms using Chinese characters for their phonetic values. Of particular importance are the many Buddhist transcriptions of the Eastern Han period, because the native pronunciation of the source languages, such as Sanskrit and Pali, is known in detail.[24][14][25]

Eastern Han commentaries on the classics contain many remarks on the pronunciations of particular words, which has yielded a great deal of information on the pronunciations and even dialectal variation of the period.[26] By studying such glosses, the Qing philologist Qian Daxin discovered that the labio-dental and retroflex stop initials identified in the rhyme table tradition were not present in the Han period.[27][28]

Many students of Chinese have noted "word families", groups of words with related meanings and variant pronunciations, sometimes written using the same character.[29] One common case is "derivation by tone change", in which words in the departing tone appear to be derived from words in other tones.[30] Another alternation involves transitive verbs with an unvoiced initial and passive or stative verbs with a voiced initial, though scholars are divided on which form is basic.[31][32]

In the earliest period, Chinese was spoken in the valley of the Yellow River, surrounded by neighbouring languages, some of whose relatives, particularly Austroasiatic and the Tai–Kadai and Miao–Yao languages, are still spoken today. The earliest borrowings in both directions provide further evidence of Old Chinese sounds, though complicated by uncertainty about the reconstruction of early forms of those languages.[33]

Systems edit

Many authors have produced their own reconstructions of Old Chinese. A few of the most influential are listed here.

Karlgren (1940–1957) edit

The first complete reconstruction of Old Chinese was produced by the Swedish linguist Bernhard Karlgren in a dictionary of Middle and Old Chinese, the Grammata Serica (1940), revised in 1957 as the Grammata Serica Recensa (GSR). Although Karlgren's Old Chinese reconstructions have been superseded, his comprehensive dictionary remains a valuable reference for students of Old Chinese, and characters are routinely identified by their GSR position.[34] Karlgren's remained the most commonly used until it was superseded by the system of Li Fang-Kuei in the 1970s.[35]

In his Études sur la phonologie chinoise (1915–1926), Karlgren produced the first complete reconstruction of Middle Chinese (which he called "Ancient Chinese"). He presented his system as a narrow transcription of the sounds of the standard language of the Tang dynasty. Beginning with his Analytical Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese (1923), he compared these sounds across groups of words written with Chinese characters with the same phonetic component. Noting that such words were not always pronounced identically in Middle Chinese, he postulated that their initials had a common point of articulation in an earlier phase he called "Archaic Chinese", but which is now usually called Old Chinese. For example, he postulated velar consonants as initials in the series

  • kâm, 柑 kâm, 酣 ɣâm, 鉗 gjäm[36][b]

In rarer cases where different types of initials occurred in the same series, as in

  • kâk, 胳 kâk, 格 kak, 絡 lâk, 駱 lâk, 略 ljak

he postulated initial clusters *kl- and *gl-.[37]

Karlgren believed that the voiced initials of Middle Chinese were aspirated, and projected these back onto Old Chinese. He also proposed a series of unaspirated voiced initials to account for other correspondences, but later workers have discarded these in favour of alternative explanations.[38] Karlgren accepted the argument of the Qing philologist Qian Daxin that the Middle Chinese dental and retroflex stop series were not distinguished in Old Chinese, but otherwise proposed the same points of articulation in Old Chinese as in Middle Chinese. This led him to the following series of initial consonants:[39][40]

Initial consonants of Karlgren's system
Labial Dental Sibilant Supradental Palatal Velar Laryngeal
Stop or
voiceless *p *t *ts *tṣ *t̑ *k
aspirate *p' *t' *ts' *tṣ' *t̑' *k'
voiced aspirate *b' *d' *dz' *dẓ' *d̑' *g'
voiced *(b) *d *dz *d̑ *g
Nasal *m *n *ng
Fricative or
voiceless *s *ṣ *x
voiced *l *z

To account for the broad variety of vowels in his reconstruction of Middle Chinese, Karlgren also proposed a complex inventory of Old Chinese vowels:[41][42]

*e *ộ

He also had a secondary vowel *i, which occurred only in combination with other vowels. As with Middle Chinese, Karlgren viewed his reconstruction as a narrow transcription of the sounds of Old Chinese. Thus *e rhymed with *ĕ in the Shijing, *a rhymed with *ă and *â, *ɛ rhymed with *ĕ and *ŭ, *ŭ rhymed with *u, *ô rhymed with *ộ, and *o rhymed with *ǒ and *å.[41]

Karlgren projected the final consonants of Middle Chinese, semivowels /j/ and /w/, nasals /m/, /n/ and /ŋ/, and stops /p/, /t/ and /k/ back onto Old Chinese. He also noted many cases where words in the departing tone rhymed or shared a phonetic element with words ending in a stop, e.g.

  • lâi- "depend on" and 剌 lât "wicked"[43]
  • khəi- "cough" and 刻 khək "cut, engrave"[44]

He suggested that the departing tone words in such pairs had ended with a final voiced stop (*-d or *-ɡ) in Old Chinese.[45] To account for occasional contacts between Middle Chinese finals -j and -n, Karlgren proposed that -j in such pairs derived from Old Chinese *-r.[46] He believed there was insufficient evidence to support definitive statements about Old Chinese tones.[47]

Wang (1957–1985) edit

Wang Li made extensive studies of Shijing rhymes and produced a reconstruction that, with minor variations, is still in wide use in China.[48]

For the initials, Wang largely followed Karlgren, but in later revisions recast Karlgren's voiced stops as voiced fricatives and a palatal lateral, re-interpreting the aspirated voiced stops and affricates and merely voiced.[49]

Initial consonants of Wang's system[50]
Labial Dental Sibilant Postalveolar Palatal Velar Laryngeal
Stop or
voiceless 幫 *p 端 *t 精 *ts 莊 *tʃ 章 *tɕ 見 *k 影 *0
aspirate 滂 *p' 透 *t' 清 *ts' 初 *tʃ' 昌 *tɕ' 溪 *k'
voiced 並 *b 定 *d 從 *dz 崇 *dʒ 船 *dʑ 群 *g
Nasal 明 *m 泥 *n 日 *ɲ 疑 *ŋ
Fricative voiceless 心 *s 山 *ʃ 書 *ɕ 曉 *x
voiced 邪 *z 俟 *ʒ 禪 *ʑ 匣 *ɣ
Lateral 來 *l 餘 *ʎ

Wang refined the rhyme classes, distinguishing the 脂 zhī and 微 wēi classes.[51] In his reconstruction, each rhyme class is characterized by its main vowel and coda.[52]

Wang's rhyme classes[53]
*-əp qīn *-əm
*-ap tán *-am
wēi *-əi *-ət wén *-ən
zhī *-ei zhì *-et zhēn *-en
*-ai yuè *-at hán *-an
zhī *-ə zhí *-ək zhēng *-əŋ
zhī *-e *-ek gēng *-eŋ
*-a duó *-ak yáng *-aŋ
yōu *-u jué *-uk dōng *-uŋ
hóu *-ɔ *-ɔk dōng *-ɔŋ
xiāo *-o yào *-ok

To account for Middle Chinese divisions and open/closed distinctions, Wang reconstructed medials:[54]

Wang's reconstructed medials[55]
Middle Chinese division
open *- *-e- *-i̯- *-i-
closed *-u- *-o- *-i̯u- *-iu-

Wang argued that Old Chinese distinguished long and short syllables, the former being higher in pitch, and that the four tones of Middle Chinese were derived from the combination of length and the distinction between open and stop-final syllables:[56][57]

long short
open level rising
checked departing entering

In particular, he argued that length caused the loss of the final stop in checked syllables, giving rise to the departing tone.[58] Other instance of the departing tone arise from word that shifted from the level and rising categories.[59]

Yakhontov (1959–1965) edit

In a pair of papers published in 1960, the Russian linguist Sergei Yakhontov proposed two revisions to the structure of Old Chinese that are now widely accepted. He proposed that both the retroflex initials and the division-II vowels of Middle Chinese derived from the Old Chinese medial *-l- that Karlgren had proposed to account for phonetic series contacts with l-.[60] Yakhontov also observed that the Middle Chinese semi-vowel -w- had a limited distribution, occurring either after velar or laryngeal initials or before finals -aj, -an or at. He suggested that -w- had two sources, deriving from either a new series of labio-velar and labio-laryngeal initials, or from the breaking of a vowel *-o- to -wa- before dental codas.[61][62]

Initial consonants of Yakhontov's system[63][64]
Labial Dental Velar Laryngeal
plain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized
Stop or
voiceless *p *t *ts *k *kʷ *ʔʷ
aspirate *ph *th *tsh *kh *khʷ
voiced aspirate *bh *dh *dzh *gh *ghʷ
voiced *d *g *gʷ
Nasal *m *n *ng *ngʷ
Fricative *s *x *xʷ
Lateral *l

Yakhontov proposed a simpler seven-vowel system:[65][66]

Front Back
Close *e *u
Open *o

However, these vowels had an uneven distribution, with *ä and *â almost in complementary distribution and *ü occurring only in open syllables and before *-k.[67] His final consonants were the nasals *-m, *-n and *-ng, corresponding stops *-p, *-t and *-k, as well as *-r, which became -j or disappeared in Middle Chinese.[68][66]

Pulleyblank (1962) edit

The Canadian sinologist Edwin Pulleyblank published a reconstruction of the consonants of Old Chinese in two parts in 1962. In addition to new analyses of the traditional evidence, he also made substantial use of transcription evidence. Though not a full reconstruction, Pulleyblank's work has been very influential, and many of his proposals are now widely accepted.

Pulleyblank adapted Dong Tonghe's proposal of a voiceless counterpart to the initial *m, proposing a full set of aspirated nasals,[69] as well as Yakhontov's labio-velar and labio-laryngeal initials.[70]

Pulleyblank also accepted Yakhontov's expanded role for the medial *-l-, which he noted was cognate with Tibeto-Burman *-r-.[71] To account for phonetic contacts between Middle Chinese l- and dental initials, he also proposed an aspirated lateral *lh-.[72] Pulleyblank also distinguished two sets of dental series, one derived from Old Chinese dental stops and the other derived from dental fricatives *δ and *θ, cognate with Tibeto-Burman *l-.[73] He considered recasting his Old Chinese *l and *δ as *r and *l to match the Tibeto-Burman cognates, but rejected the idea to avoid complicating his account of the evolution of Chinese.[74] Later he re-visited this decision, recasting *δ, *θ, *l and *lh as *l, *hl, *r and *hr respectively.[75]

Pulleyblank also proposed an Old Chinese labial fricative *v for the few words where Karlgren had *b, as well as a voiceless counterpart *f.[76] Unlike the above ideas, these have not been adopted by later workers.

Initial consonants of Pulleyblank's system[77]
Labial Dental Velar Laryngeal
plain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized
Stop or
voiceless *p *t *ts *k *kw [c] *ʔw
aspirate *ph *th *tsh *kh *khw
voiced *b *d *dz *g *gw
Nasal aspirate *mh *nh *ŋh *ŋhw
voiced *m *n *ŋw
Fricative voiceless *f *s *h *hw
voiced *v *ɦw
Lateral aspirate *lh
voiced *l

Pulleyblank also proposed a number of initial consonant clusters, allowing any initial to be preceded by *s- and followed by *-l- (*-r- in later revisions), and grave initials and *n to be followed by *-δ- (*-l- in later revisions).[77]

On the basis of transcription evidence, Pulleyblank argued that the -j- medial of Middle Chinese was an innovation not present in Old Chinese. He classified Middle Chinese finals without -j- as type A and those with the medial as type B, and suggested that they arose from Old Chinese short and long vowels respectively.[78]

André-Georges Haudricourt had demonstrated in 1954 that the tones of Vietnamese were derived from final consonants *-ʔ and *-s in an atonal ancestral language.[79] He also suggested that the Chinese departing tone derived from earlier *-s, which acted as a derivational suffix in Old Chinese. Then the departing tone syllables that Karlgren had reconstructed with *-d and *-g could instead be reconstructed as *-ts and *-ks, with the stops subsequently being lost before the final *-s, which eventually became a tonal distinction.[80] The absence of a corresponding labial final could be attributed to early assimilation of *-ps to *-ts. Pulleyblank strengthened the theory with several examples of syllables in the departing tone being used to transcribe foreign words ending in -s into Chinese.[81][82] He further proposed that the Middle Chinese rising tone derived from *-ʔ, implying that Old Chinese lacked tones.[83] Mei Tsu-lin later supported this theory with evidence from early transcriptions of Sanskrit words, and pointed out that rising tone words end in a glottal stop in some modern Chinese dialects, including Wenzhounese and some Min dialects.[84]

Li (1971) edit

The Chinese linguist Li Fang-Kuei published an important new reconstruction in 1971, synthesizing proposals of Yakhontov and Pulleyblank with ideas of his own. His system remained the most commonly used until it was replaced by that of Baxter in the 1990s. Although Li did not produce a complete dictionary of Old Chinese, he presented his methods in sufficient detail that others could apply them to the data.[85]Schuessler (1987) includes reconstructions of the Western Zhou lexicon using Li's system.[35]

Li included the labio-velars, labio-laryngeals and voiceless nasals proposed by Pulleyblank. As Middle Chinese g- occurs only in palatal environments, Li attempted to derive both g- and ɣ- from Old Chinese *g- (and similarly *gw-), but had to assume irregular developments in some cases.[86][87] Thus he arrived at the following inventory of initial consonants:[88][89]

Initial consonants of Li's system
Labial Dental Velar Laryngeal
plain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized
Stop or
voiceless *p *t *ts *k *kw [d] *ʔw
aspirate *ph *th *tsh *kh *kwh
voiced *b *d *dz *g *gw
Nasal voiceless *hm *hn *hng *hngw
voiced *m *n *ng *ngw
Lateral voiceless *hl
voiced *l
Fricative or
voiceless *s *h *hw
voiced *r

Li also included the *-l- medial proposed by Pulleyblank, in most cases re-interpreting it as *-r-. In addition to the medial *-j- projected back from Middle Chinese, he also postulated the combination *-rj-.[90]

Assuming that rhyming syllables had the same main vowel, Li proposed a system of four vowels *i, *u, and *a. He also included three diphthongs *iə, *ia and *ua to account for syllables that were placed in rhyme groups reconstructed with or *a but were distinguished in Middle Chinese:[91]

*i *u
*ia *a *ua

Li followed Karlgren in proposing final consonants *-d and *-g, but was unable to clearly separate them from open syllables, and extended them to all rhyme groups but one, for which he proposed a final *-r.[92] He also proposed that labio-velar consonants could occur as final consonants. Thus in Li's system every syllable ended in one of the following consonants:[93]

*p *m
*r *d *t *n
*g *k *ng
*gw *kw *ngw

Li marked the rising and departing tones with a suffix *-x or *-h, without specifying how they were realized.[94]

Baxter (1992) edit

William H. Baxter's monograph A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology displaced Li's reconstruction in the 1990s. Baxter did not produce a dictionary of reconstructions, but the book contains a large number of examples, including all the words occurring in rhymes in the Shijing, and his methods are described in great detail. Schuessler (2007) contains reconstructions of the entire Old Chinese lexicon using a simplified version of Baxter's system.

Baxter's treatment of the initials is largely similar to the proposals of Pulleyblank and Li. He reconstructed the liquids *l, *hl, *r and *hr in the same contexts as Pulleyblank.[95] Unlike Li, he distinguished Old Chinese *ɦ and *w from *g and *gʷ.[87] Other additions were *z, with a limited distribution,[96] and voiceless and voiced palatals *hj and *j, which he described as "especially tentative, being based largely on scanty graphic evidence".[97]

Initial consonants of Baxter's system[98]
Labial Dental Palatal
Velar Laryngeal
plain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized
Stop or
voiceless *p *t *ts *k *kʷ *ʔʷ
aspirate *ph *th *tsh *kh *kʷh
voiced *b *d *dz *g *gʷ
Nasal voiceless *hm *hn *hng *hngʷ
voiced *m *n *ng *ngʷ
Lateral voiceless *hl
voiced *l
Fricative or
voiceless *hr *s *hj *x *hw
voiced *r *z *j *w

As in Pulleyblank and Li's systems, the possible medials were *-r-, *-j- and the combination *-rj-.[100] However while Li had proposed *-rj- as conditioning palatalization of velars, Baxter followed Pulleyblank in proposing it as the source of division III chóngniǔ finals.[101]

Baxter's major contribution concerned the vowel system and rhyme groups. Nicholas Bodman had proposed a six-vowel system for a proto-Chinese phase, based on comparison with other Sino-Tibetan languages.[102] Baxter argued for a six-vowel system in Old Chinese by re-analysing of the traditional rhyme groups. For example, the traditional 元 rhyme group of the Shijing corresponds to three different finals in Middle Chinese. While Li had sought to reconcile these distinct outcomes from rhyming words by reconstructing the finals as *-ian, *-an and *-uan, Baxter argued that in fact they did not rhyme in the Shijing, and could thus be reconstructed with three distinct vowels, *e, *a and *o. Baxter proposed that the traditional 31 rhyme groups should be refined to over 50, and performed a statistical analysis of the actual rhymes of the Shijing, which supported the new groups with varying degrees of confidence.[103]

Baxter's six vowels[104]
*i *u
*e *a *o

Zhengzhang Shangfang and Sergei Starostin independently developed similar vowel systems.[18][19]

Baxter's final consonants were those of Middle Chinese, plus *-wk (an allophone of *-kʷ), optionally followed by a post-coda *-ʔ or *-s.[105]

MC vocalic coda MC stop coda MC nasal coda
*-p *-m *-mʔ *-ms
*-j *-jʔ *-js *-ts *-t *-n *-nʔ *-ns
*-∅ *-ʔ *-s *-ks *-k *-ŋ *-ŋʔ *-ŋs
*-w *-wʔ *-ws *-wks *-wk

Baxter also speculated on the possibility of a glottal stop occurring after oral stop finals. The evidence is limited, and consists mainly of contacts between rising tone syllables and -k finals, which could alternatively be explained as phonetic similarity.[106]

Zhengzhang (1981–1995) edit

Zhengzhang Shangfang published his ideas in a series of articles in Chinese provincial journals, which were not widely disseminated. Some of his notes were translated into English by Laurent Sagart in 2000.[107] He published a monograph in 2003.[108]

Zhengzhang's reconstruction incorporates a suggestion by Pan Wuyun that the three Middle Chinese laryngeal initials are reflexes of uvular stops in Old Chinese, and thus parallel to the other sets of stops.[109] He argues that Old Chinese lacked affricate initials, and that the Middle Chinese affricates reflect Old Chinese clusters of *s- and other consonants, yielding the following inventory of initial consonants:[110]

Initial consonants of Zhengzhang's system
Labial Dental Palatal Velar Uvular
Stop voiceless *p *t *k *q > *ʔ
aspirate *ph *th *kh *qh > *h
voiced *b *d *g *ɢ > *ɦ
Nasal aspirate *mh *nh *ŋh
voiced *m *n
Fricative voiceless *s
Lateral aspirate *lh
voiced *l
Approximant aspirate *rh
voiced *w *r *j

Zhengzhang's *w medial could occur only after velar and uvular initials, matching the labio-velar and labio-laryngeal initials of other reconstructions.[111] Instead of marking type B syllables with a *-j- medial, he treated type A syllables as having long vowels.[112]

Zhengzhang also refined the traditional rhyme classes to obtain a six-vowel system similar to those of Baxter and Starostin, but with *ɯ corresponding to Baxter's *ɨ and Starostin's *ə:[113]

*i *u
*e *a *o

Zhengzhang argued that the final stops of Old Chinese were voiced, like those of Old Tibetan.[114] He accepted the consonantal origin of Middle Chinese tones.[115]

Baxter–Sagart (2014) edit

Jerry Norman concluded his review of Baxter (1992) with the words:

A reader of Baxter's book is left with the impression that he has pushed the traditional approach to its limits and that any further progress in the field will have to be based on a quite different methodological approach.[116]

Baxter has attempted a new approach in collaboration with Laurent Sagart, who had used a variant of Baxter's system in a study of the derivational morphology of Old Chinese.[117] They used additional evidence, including word relationships deduced from these morphology theories, Norman's reconstruction of Proto-Min, divergent Chinese varieties such as Waxiang, early loans to other languages, and character forms in recently unearthed documents.[118] They also sought to apply the hypothetico-deductive method to linguistic reconstruction: instead of insisting on deducing patterns from data, they proposed hypotheses to be tested against data.[119]

Baxter and Sagart retained the six-vowel system, though re-casting *ɨ as *ə. The finals consonants were unchanged except for the addition of a final *r in syllables showing connections between final consonants -j and -n in Middle Chinese, as suggested by Sergei Starostin.[120]

Initials edit

The initial consonants of the revised system largely correspond to those of Baxter (1992) apart from the dropping of the marginal initials *z, *j and *hj.[121] Instead of marking type B syllables with a *-j- medial, they treated type A syllables as having pharyngealized initials, adapting a proposal of Jerry Norman, and thus doubled the number of initials.[122][f] They also adopted the proposal of Pan Wuyun to recast the laryngeal initials as uvular stops, though they retained a separate glottal stop.[124]

Initial consonants of the Baxter-Sagart system
Labial Dental Velar Uvular Laryngeal
plain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized plain labialized
Stop or
voiceless *p, *pˤ *t, *tˤ *ts, *tsˤ *k, *kˤ *kʷ, *kʷˤ *q, *qˤ *qʷ, *qʷˤ , *ʔˤ (*ʔʷˤ)
aspirate *pʰ, *pʰˤ *tʰ, *tʰˤ *tsʰ, *tsʰˤ *kʰ, *kʰˤ *kʷʰ, *kʷʰˤ *qʰ, *qʰˤ *qʰʷ, *qʰʷˤ
voiced *b, *bˤ *d, *dˤ *dz, *dzˤ , *ɡˤ *ɡʷ, *ɡʷˤ , *ɢˤ *ɢʷ, *ɢʷˤ
Nasal voiceless *m̥, *m̥ˤ *n̥, *n̥ˤ *ŋ̊, *ŋ̊ˤ *ŋ̊ʷ, *ŋ̊ʷˤ
voiced *m, *mˤ *n, *nˤ , *ŋˤ *ŋʷ, *ŋʷˤ
Lateral voiceless *l̥, *l̥ˤ
voiced *l, *lˤ
Fricative or
voiceless *r̥, *r̥ˤ *s, *sˤ
voiced *r, *rˤ

They propose uvular initials as a second source of the Middle Chinese palatal initial in addition to *l, so that series linking Middle Chinese y- with velars or laryngeals instead of dentals are reconstructed as uvulars rather than laterals, for example[124]

Old Chinese
Baxter (1992) Baxter–Sagart
kjoX *kljaʔ *k.q(r)aʔ > *[k](r)aʔ
yoX *ljaʔ *m.q(r)aʔ > *ɢ(r)aʔ

Baxter and Sagart concede that it is typologically unusual for a language to have as many pharyngealized consonants as nonpharyngealized ones, and suggest that this situation may have been short-lived.[125] Drawing on Starostin's observation of a correlation between A/B syllables in Chinese and long/short vowels in Mizo cognates, as well as typological parallels in Austroasiatic and Austronesian, they propose that pharyngealized *CˤV(C) < *CʕV(C) type-A syllables developed from Proto-Sino-Tibetan **CVʕV(C) disyllables in which the two vowels were identical, that is, a geminate vowel split by a voiced pharyngeal fricative.[126]

Root structure edit

The major departure from Baxter's system lay in the structure of roots proposed by Sagart, in which roots could comprise either a monosyllable or a syllable preceded by a preinitial consonant, in one of two patterns:[127]

  • a "tightly attached" preinitial forming a consonant cluster, as in 肉 *k.nuk "flesh", 用 *m.loŋ-s "use" and 四 *s.lij-s "four", and
  • a "loosely attached" preinitial, forming a minor syllable, as in 脰 *kə.dˤok-s "neck", 舌 *mə.lat "tongue" and 脣 *sə.dur "lip".

Similar root structures are found in the modern rGyalrong, Khmer and Atayal languages.[128] Sagart argued that such iambic combinations, like single syllables, were written with single characters and also counted as a single foot in verse.[129] Rarely, the minor syllables received a separate character, explaining a few puzzling examples of 不 *pə- and 無 *mə- used in non-negative sentences.[130]

Under the Baxter-Sagart system, these consonant prefixes form a part of the Old Chinese derivational morphology. For example, they propose nasal prefixes *N- (detransitiviser) and *m- (agentive, among other functions) as a source of the initial voicing alterations in Middle Chinese; both also have cognates in Tibeto-Burman.[131]

The various initials are reconstructed based on comparisons with proto-Min cognates and early loans to Hmong–Mien languages and Vietnamese:[132]

Reconstructed initials, illustrated with labials
Middle Chinese proto-Min proto-Hmong–Mien Vietnamese Baxter–Sagart Old Chinese[g]
ph *ph *pʰ ph H *pʰ[133]
? *mp ? *mə.pʰ[134]
p *p *p b H *p[135]
? v H *C.p[136]
*-p *mp ? *mə.p,[137] *Nə.p[138]
b *bh ? v H,L *m.p[139]
*mb ? *m.b,[140] *C.b[141]
*b *b b L *b[142]
? b H,L *N.p[143]
*-b *mb v L *mə.b,[144] *Cə.b[145]
m *mh *hm m H *C.m[146]
*m *m m L *m[147]
x(w) *x ? ? *m̥[148]

Comparison edit

The different reconstructions provide different interpretations of the relationships between the categories of Middle Chinese and the main bodies of ancient evidence: the phonetic series (used to reconstruct initials), and the Shijing rhyme groups (used to reconstruct finals).

Initials edit

Karlgren first stated the principle that words written with the same phonetic component had initials with a common point of articulation in Old Chinese. Moreover, nasal initials seldom interchanged with other consonants.[149] Thus phonetic series can be placed into classes, depending on the range of Middle Chinese initials found in them, and these classes are presumed to correspond to classes of Old Chinese initials.[150] Where markedly different Middle Chinese initials occur together in a series, investigators have proposed additional consonants, or clusters of consonants, in Old Chinese.

Reconstructions of Old Chinese initials in various types of phonetic series
Type of series Middle Chinese Examples Old Chinese reconstructions
Li Baxter Karlgren Pulleyblank Li Baxter
Labial stops[151] p- p- *p- *p- *p- *p-
ph- ph- *p'- *ph- *ph- *ph-
b- b- *b'- *b- *b- *b-
l- l- *bl- *vl- *bl- *b-r-
Labial nasal[152] m- m- *m- *m- *m- *m-
x(w)- x(w)- *xm- *mh- *hm- *hm-
Dental stops,
retroflex stops
and palatals[153]
t- t- *t- *t- *t- *t-
th- th- *t'- *th- *th- *th-
d- d- *d'- *d- *d- *d-
ṭ- tr- *t- *tl- *tr- *tr-
ṭh- trh- *t'- *thl- *thr- *thr-
ḍ- dr- 𣥺 *d- *dl- *dr- *dr-
tś- tsy- *t̑i̯- *t-[h] *tj- *tj-
tśh- tsyh- *t̑'i̯- *th-[h] *thj- *thj-
dź- dzy- *d̑i̯- *d-[h] *dj- *dj-
ś- sy- *śi̯- ? *sthj- *stj-
Dental stops,
s- and j-[154]
d- d- *d'- *δ- *d- *l-
ḍ- dr- *di̯- *δl- *dr- *lr-
s- s- *s- *sθ- *st- *sl-
z- z- *dzi̯- *sδy- *rj- *zl-
th- th- *t'- *θ- *th- *hl-
ṭh- trh- *t'- *θl- *thr- *hlr-
ś- sy- *śi̯- *θ-[h] *sthj- *hlj-
ź- zy- *d'i̯- *δ-[h] *dj- *Lj-
ji- y- *di̯-, *zi̯- *δ-[h] *r- *lj-
Dental stops and l-[155] l- l- *l- *l- *l- *C-r-
th- th- *t'l- *lh- *hl- *hr-
ṭh- trh- *t'l- *lh- *hlj- *hrj-
Dental nasal[156] n- n- *n- *n- *n- *n-
ṇ- nr- *ni̯- *nl- *nr- *nr-
ńź- ny- *ńi̯- *nj- *nj- *nj-
th- th- *t'n- *nh- *hn- *hn-
ṭh- trh- *t'n- *nhl- *hnr- *hnr-
ś- sy- *śńi̯- *nh-[h] *hnj- *hnj-
s- s- *sni̯- *snh- *sn- *sn-
Sibilants[157] ts- ts- *ts- *ts- *ts- *ts-
tsh- tsh- *ts'- *tsh- *tsh- *tsh-
dz- dz- *dz'- *dz- *dz- *dz-
s- s- *s- *s- *s- *s-
tṣ- tsr- *tṣ- *tsl- *tsr- *tsr-
tṣh- tsrh- *tṣ'- *tshl- *tshr- *tshr-
dẓ- dzr- *dẓ'- *dzl- *dzr- *dzr-
ṣ- sr- *s- *sl- *sr- *srj-
Velars and palatals[158] k- k- *k- *k- *k- *k-
kh- kh- *k'- *kh- *kh- *kh-
ɣ- h- *g'- *g- *g- *g-
g- g- *g'i̯- *gy- *gj- *gj-
tś- tsy- *t̑i̯- *ky- *krj- *kj-
tśh- tsyh- *t̑'i̯- *khy- *khrj- *khj-
dź- dzy- *d̑i̯- *gy- *grj- *gj-
l- l- *gl- *ɦl- *gl- *g-r-
Laryngeals[159] ʔ- ʔ- *·- *ʔ- *ʔ- *ʔ-
x- x- *x- *x- *x- *x-
ɣ- h- *g'- *ɦ- *g- *ɦ-
j- hj- *gi̯- *ɦ-[h] *gj- *ɦj-
Velar nasal[160] ng- ng- *ng- *ŋ- *ng- *ng-
ńź- ny- *ńi̯- *ŋy- *ngrj- *ngj-
x- x- *x- *ŋh- *hng- *hng-
ś- sy- *śńi̯- *ŋhy- *hngrj- *hngj-
Velars with -w-[161] kw- kw- *kw- *kw- *kw- *kʷ-
khw- khw- *k'w- *khw- *khw- *kʷh-
ɣw- hw- *g'w- *gw- *gw- *gʷ-
gw- gw- *g'wi̯- gwy- *gwj- *gʷj-
Laryngeals with -w-[162] ʔw- ʔw- *ʔw- *ʔw- *ʔw- *ʔʷ-
xw- xw- *xw- *xw- *xw- *hw-
ɣw- hw- *g'w- *ɦw- *gw- *w-
jw- hwj- *gi̯w- *ɦw-[h] *gwj- *wj-
Velar nasal with -w-[163] ngw- ngw- *ngw- *ŋw- *ngw- *ngʷ-
xw- xw- *xw- *ŋhw- *hngw- *hngʷ-

Medials edit

Middle Chinese is usually reconstructed with two medials:

  • -w- in Qieyun syllables classified as "closed" (合 ) in the Song dynasty rhyme tables, in contrast to "open" (開 kāi) syllables,[164] and
  • -j- in syllables with division-III (or Type B) finals.

Karlgren projected both of these medials back to Old Chinese. However, since the work of Yakhontov most reconstructions have omitted a *w medial but included labiovelar and labiolaryngeal initials.[165][166][104] Most reconstructions since Pulleyblank have included a medial *r, but the *j medial has become more controversial.

Middle Chinese "divisions" edit

Karlgren noted that the finals of Middle Chinese can be divided into a number of classes, which combine with different groups of initials. These distributional classes are partially aligned with the placement of finals in different rows of the Song dynasty rhyme tables. As three classes of final occurred in the first, second and fourth rows respectively, he named them finals of divisions I, II and IV. The remaining finals he called "division-III finals" because they occurred in the third row of the tables. Some of these (the "pure" or "independent" division-III finals) occurred only in that row, while others (the "mixed" finals) could also occur in the second or fourth rows with some initials.[167] Karlgren disregarded the chongniu distinction, but later workers have emphasized its importance. Li Rong, in a systematic comparison of the rhyme tables with a recently discovered early edition of the Qieyun, identified seven classes of finals. The table below lists the combinations of initial and final classes that occur in the Qieyun, with the row of the rime tables in which each combination was placed:[168][169]

Classes of Middle Chinese finals, with rows in the rhyme tables
Phonetic series Middle Chinese initials Middle Chinese finals
div. I div. II division-III div. IV
pure mixed chongniu
Labials Labials 1 2 3 3 3 4 4
Dentals Dental stops 1 4
Retroflex stops 2 3 3
Dentals, velars Palatal sibilants 3 3
Sibilants Dental sibilants 1 4 4 4
Retroflex sibilants 2 2 2
Velars Velars 1 2 3 3 3 4 4
Laryngeals Laryngeals 1 2 3 3 3 4 4

On the basis of these combinations, the initials of Old and Middle Chinese can be divided into two broad types: grave initials (labials, velars and laryngeals), which combine with all types of finals, and acute initials (dentals and sibilants), with more restricted distribution.[170]

Karlgren derived the four divisions of Middle Chinese finals from the palatal medial and a range of Old Chinese vowels. More recent reconstructions derive division II from an Old Chinese medial *r (given as *l in the early work of Yakhontov and Pulleyblank). This segment also accounts for phonetic series contacts between stops and l-, retroflex initials and (in some later work) the chongniu distinction.[171] Division III finals are generally held to represent a palatal element, at least in Middle Chinese. Division I and IV finals have identical distributions in the rhyme dictionaries.[172] These two classes are believed to be primary, while the others were modified by medials.[173]

Type A and B syllables edit

A fundamental distinction within Middle Chinese is between division-III finals and the rest. Most scholars believe that division-III finals were characterized by a palatal medial -j- in Middle Chinese. Karlgren projected this medial back to a medial *-j- in Old Chinese (*-i̯- in Karlgren's notation), a position followed by most reconstructions up to the 1990s, including those of Li and Baxter.[174]

Other authors have suggested that the Middle Chinese medial was a secondary development not present in Old Chinese. Evidence includes the use of syllables with division-III finals to transcribe foreign words lacking any such medial, the lack of the medial in Tibeto-Burman cognates and modern Min reflexes, and the fact that it is ignored in phonetic series.[175][176][177] However, it is generally agreed that syllables with division-III finals and other syllables, labelled types B and A respectively by Pulleyblank, were distinguished in Old Chinese, though scholars differ on how this distinction was realized.

Many realizations of the distinction have been proposed.[178][179] Starostin and Zhengzhang proposed that type A syllables were distinguished by longer vowels,[180][181] the reverse of an earlier proposal by Pulleyblank.[182][183]Norman suggested that type B syllables (his class C), which comprised over half of the syllables of the Qieyun, were in fact unmarked in Old Chinese. Instead, he proposed that the remaining syllables were marked by retroflexion (the *-r- medial) or pharyngealization, either of which prevented palatalization in Middle Chinese.[123] Baxter and Sagart adopted a variant of this proposal, reconstructing pharyngealized initials in all type A syllables.[122] The different realizations of the type A/B distinction are illustrated by the following reconstructions of Middle Chinese finals from one of the traditional Old Chinese rhyme groups:

Reconstruction of "open" finals in the Old Chinese 元 rhyme group
Middle Chinese Old Chinese reconstructions Type


Division Final Karlgren[184] Li[184] Norman[185] Baxter[184] Zhengzhang[186] Baxter–Sagart[187]
I 寒 Can *Cân *Can *Cˤan *Can *Caːn *Cˤan A
II 山 Cɛn *Căn *Crian *Cren *Cren *Creːn *Cˤren
刪 Cæn *Can *Cran *Cran *Cran *Craːn *Cˤran
III 仙 Cjen *Ci̯an *Cjian *Cen *Crjan, *Crjen *Cran, *Cren *Cran, *Cren B
仙 Cjien *Cjen *Cen *Cen
元 Cjon *Ci̯ăn *Cjan *Can *Cjan *Can *Can
IV 先 Cen *Cian *Cian *Cˤen *Cen *Ceːn *Cˤen A

Rhymes edit

Most workers assume that words that rhymed in the Shijing had the same main vowel and the same final consonant, though they differ on the particular vowels reconstructed. The 31 traditional Old Chinese rhyme groups could thus be accounted for with four vowels, which Li Fang-Kuei reconstructed as *i, *u, and *a. However some of the rhyme groups reconstructed with or *a gave rise to more than one Middle Chinese rhyme group. To represent these distinctions, he also included three diphthongs *iə, *ia and *ua.[91]

In the early 1970s, Nicholas Bodman proposed a six-vowel system for an earlier stage of Chinese.[102] Applying Bodman's suggestion to Old Chinese, Zhengzhang Shangfang, Sergei Starostin and William Baxter argued that the 31 traditional rhyme groups should be split into more than 50 groups.[18][19][20] Baxter supported this thesis with a statistical analysis of the rhymes of the Shijing, though there were too few rhymes with codas *-p, *-m and *-kʷ to produce statistically significant results.[188]

For the Old Chinese rhyme groups with nasal codas in Middle Chinese (the yáng 陽 groups), which are assumed to reflect nasal codas in Old Chinese, six-vowel systems produce a more balanced distribution, with five or six rhymes for each coda, and at most four different finals for in each rhyme:[189]

  • a final of division I or IV, arising from a type A syllable without an *-r- medial,
  • a final of division II, arising from a type A syllable with an *-r- medial,
  • a mixed division III or chongniu-3 final, arising from a type B syllable with an *-r- medial, and
  • a pure division III or chongniu-4 final, arising from a type B syllable without an *-r- medial.

In syllables with acute initials, the two types of type B final are not distinguished, and the presence or absence of the former *-r- medial is reflected by the initial.

Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with nasal codas
rhyme group
Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructions
Divs. I, IV Div. II Mixed, III-3 Pure, III-4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang[190]
qīn[191] -em -ɛm -im -jim *-iəm *-im *-im
-om *-əm *-ɨm, *-um *-ɯm
tán[192] -em -jem -jiem *-iam *-em *-em
-am -æm -jæm[i] *-am *-am *-am, *-om
-om -ɛm *-am *-om *-um
zhēn[194] -en -ɛn -in -jin *-in *-in *-in
wén/諄 zhūn[195] -on, -en[j] -jɨn *-iən *-ɨn *-ɯn
-won -wɛn -win -jun *-ən *-un *-un
yuán/寒 hán[196] -en -ɛn -jen -jien *-ian *-en *-en
-an -æn -jon *-an *-an *-an
-wan -wæn -jwen -jwon[k] *-uan *-on *-on
zhēng[198] -ong -ɛng -ing *-əng *-ɨng *-ɯŋ
gēng[199] -eng -jæng -j(i)eng *-ing *-eng *-eŋ
yáng[200] -ang -æng -jang *-ang *-ang *-aŋ
dōng[201] -uwng -æwng -jowng *-ung *-ong *-oŋ
dōng/中 zhōng[202] -owng -juwng *-əngw *-ung *-uŋ

Finals with stop codas (traditionally classified as the entering tone) generally parallel those with nasal codas, with the addition of three groups with Middle Chinese reflexes in -k. Recent reconstructions assign these an Old Chinese coda *-wk corresponding to the labiovelar initial *kʷ-.[203]

Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with stop codas
rhyme group
Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructions
Divs. I, IV Div. II Mixed, III-3 Pure, III-4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang[190]
[204] -ep -ɛp -ip -jip *-iəp *-ip *-ib
-op *-əp *-ɨp, *-up *-ɯb
/盍 [205] -ep -jep -jiep *-iap *-ep *-eb
-ap -æp -jæp[l] *-ap *-ap *-ab, *-ob
-op -ɛp *-ap *-op *-ub
zhì[206] -et -ɛt -it -jit *-it *-it *-id
/術 shù[207] -ot, -et[j] -jɨt *-iət *-ɨt *-ɯd
-wot -wɛt -wit -jut *-ət *-ut *-ud
yuè[208] -et -ɛt -jet -jiet *-iat *-et *-ed
-at -æt -jot *-at *-at *-ad
-wat -wɛt -jwet -jwot *-uat *-ot *-od
zhí[209] -ok -ɛk -ik *-ək *-ɨk *-ɯg
[210] -ek -jæk -j(i)ek *-ik *-ek *-eg
duó[211] -ak -æk -jak *-ak *-ak *-ag
[212] -uwk -æwk -jowk *-uk *-ok *-og
jué/沃 [213] -owk -juwk *-əkw *-uk *-ug
-ek *-iəkw *-iwk *-iug, *-ɯug
yào[214] various -jak *-akw *-awk *-aug, *-oug
-ek *-iakw *-ewk *-eug

Some words in the Shijingzhì and 物 rhyme groups have Middle Chinese reflexes in the departing tone, but otherwise parallel to those with dental finals. Li followed Karlgren in reconstructing such words with an Old Chinese coda *-d.[215] The suffix *-h in Li's notation is intended to represent the Old Chinese precursor to the Middle Chinese departing tone, without specifying how it was realized.[94] The Shijing group has Middle Chinese reflexes in the departing tone only, including some finals that occur only in the departing tone (marked below with the suffix -H). As the reflexes of this group parallel the Shijingyuè group, Li reconstructed these also as *-dh. Following a suggestion of André-Georges Haudricourt, most recent reconstructions derive the Middle Chinese departing tone from an Old Chinese suffix *-s. The coda *-ts is believed to have reduced to -j in Middle Chinese.[216]

Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese -j finals in the departing tone
rhyme group
Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructions
Divs. I, IV Div. II Mixed, III-3 Pure, III-4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang[190]
zhì (in part)[217] -ej -ɛj -ij -jij *-idh *-its *-ids
/術 shù (in part)[218] -oj, -ej[j] -jɨj *-iədh *-ɨts *-ɯds
-woj -wɛj -wij -jwɨj *-ədh *-uts *-uds
[208] -ej -ɛj -jejH -jiejH *-iadh *-ets *-eds
-ajH -æjH -jojH *-adh *-ats *-ads
-wajH -wɛj -jwejH -jwojH *-uadh *-ots *-ods

Finals with vocalic codas generally parallel those with dental or velar codas.[219]

Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with vocalic codas
rhyme group
Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructions
Divs. I, IV Div. II Mixed, III-3 Pure, III-4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang[190]
zhī[220] -ej -ɛj -ij -jij *-id *-ij *-il
wēi[221] -oj, -ej[j] -jɨj *-iəd *-ɨj *-ɯl
-woj -wɛj -wij -jwɨj *-əd, *-ər *-uj *-ul
[222] -a -je, -jæ[m] *-ar, *-iar *-aj *-al, *-el
-wa -wæ -jwe *-uar *-oj *-ol
zhī[224] -oj -ɛj -i *-əg *-ɨ *-ɨ
zhī/佳 jiā[225] -ej -ɛɨ -je -jie *-ig *-e *-e
[226] -u -jo, -jæ[m] *-ag, *-iag *-a *-a
hóu[227] -uw -ju[n] *-ug *-o *-o
yōu[228] -aw -æw -juw *-əgw *-u *-u
-ew -jiw *-iəgw *-iw *-iu, *-ɯu
xiāo[229] -aw -jew *-agw *-aw *-au, *-ou
-ew -jiew *-iagw *-ew *-eu

Because the Middle Chinese reflexes of the 歌 rhyme group do not have a -j coda, Li reconstructed it with an Old Chinese coda *-r.[230] However, many words in this group do have a -j coda in the colloquial layers of Min and Hakka varieties, in early loans into neighbouring languages, and in cognates in other Sino-Tibetan languages.[231]

Notes edit

  1. ^ 同聲必同部 Tóng shēng bì tóng bù.[15]
  2. ^ Middle Chinese forms given in Li's revision of Karlgren's notation.
  3. ^ Pulleyblank wrote the glottal stop as "·".[77]
  4. ^ Li wrote the glottal stop as "·".[88]
  5. ^ Baxter describes his reconstruction of the palatal initials as "especially tentative, being based largely on scanty graphic evidence".[99]
  6. ^ Norman originally proposed pharyngealization only in type A syllables without retroflexion (the *-r- medial).[123]
  7. ^ Each of the main initials occurs both with and without pharyngealization.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i followed by a long vowel, causing palatalization.
  9. ^ This yields -jom after labial initials. The two finals are almost in complementary distribution, and also difficult to distinguish from -jem.[193]
  10. ^ a b c d -o- after velar initials, -wo- after labial initials, -e- after acute initials.
  11. ^ This final occurs only with velar or laryngeal initials, and could alternatively be reconstructed as *-an with a preceding labiovelar or labiolaryngeal initial.[197]
  12. ^ -jop after labial initials
  13. ^ a b The final -jæ occurs only after plain sibilant and palatal initials, with no known conditioning factor.[223]
  14. ^ -juw after some retroflex sibilant initials

References edit

Citations edit

  1. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 2–3.
  2. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 12–13, 25.
  3. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 32–44.
  4. ^ Norman (1988), pp. 24–42.
  5. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 37–38.
  6. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 12–13.
  7. ^ Dong (2014), pp. 23–24.
  8. ^ GSR 1007a,p,k.
  9. ^ Norman (1988), pp. 43–44.
  10. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 13.
  11. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 346–347.
  12. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 5.
  13. ^ Norman (1988), p. 42.
  14. ^ a b Baxter (1992), p. 12.
  15. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 831.
  16. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 150–170.
  17. ^ Norman (1988), pp. 42–44.
  18. ^ a b c Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 42–43.
  19. ^ a b c Starostin (1989), pp. 343–429.
  20. ^ a b Baxter (1992), pp. 180, 253–254, 813.
  21. ^ Norman (1973), pp. 227, 230, 233, 235.
  22. ^ Norman (1988), pp. 228–229.
  23. ^ Norman (1986), p. 381.
  24. ^ Pulleyblank (1992), p. 375–379.
  25. ^ Coblin (1983), p. 7.
  26. ^ Coblin (1983), pp. 4–7.
  27. ^ Norman (1988), p. 44.
  28. ^ Dong (2014), pp. 33–35.
  29. ^ Pulleyblank (1973).
  30. ^ Downer (1959).
  31. ^ Schuessler (2007), p. 49.
  32. ^ Handel (2012), pp. 63–71.
  33. ^ Sagart (1999), pp. 8–9.
  34. ^ Handel (2003), p. 547.
  35. ^ a b Handel (2003), p. 548.
  36. ^ Karlgren (1923), p. 18.
  37. ^ Karlgren (1923), p. 31.
  38. ^ Li (1974–1975), pp. 230–231.
  39. ^ Li (1974–1975), p. 230.
  40. ^ Karlgren (1957), p. 3.
  41. ^ a b Li (1974–1975), p. 244.
  42. ^ Karlgren (1957), p. 4.
  43. ^ GSR 272e,a.
  44. ^ GSR 937s,v.
  45. ^ Karlgren (1923), pp. 27–30.
  46. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 843.
  47. ^ Karlgren (1957), p. 2.
  48. ^ Xiang (2023a), pp. 73–93, 161–162, 183–184.
  49. ^ Xiang (2023a), pp. 83–85, 88.
  50. ^ Wang (1985), pp. 18–19.
  51. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 171.
  52. ^ Xiang (2023a), p. 161.
  53. ^ Wang (1985), p. 34.
  54. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 246.
  55. ^ Wang (1985), pp. 50–60.
  56. ^ Wang (1985), p. 73.
  57. ^ Xiang (2023a), pp. 183–184.
  58. ^ Xiang (2023a), p. 184.
  59. ^ Xiang (2023b), pp. 147–157.
  60. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 23, 178, 262.
  61. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 180, 250.
  62. ^ Yakhontov (1970).
  63. ^ Yakhontov (1965), p. 30.
  64. ^ Yakhontov (1978–79), p. 39.
  65. ^ Yakhontov (1965), p. 27.
  66. ^ a b Yakhontov (1978–79), p. 37.
  67. ^ Yakhontov (1978–79), p. 38.
  68. ^ Yakhontov (1965), p. 26.
  69. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 92–93, 121, 135–137.
  70. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 95–96.
  71. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 110–114.
  72. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 121–122.
  73. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 114–119.
  74. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), p. 117.
  75. ^ Pulleyblank (1973), p. 117.
  76. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 137–141.
  77. ^ a b c Pulleyblank (1962a), p. 141.
  78. ^ Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 141–142.
  79. ^ Haudricourt (1954a).
  80. ^ Haudricourt (1954b), pp. 363–364.
  81. ^ Pulleyblank (1962b), pp. 216–225.
  82. ^ Norman (1988), pp. 54–57.
  83. ^ Pulleyblank (1962b), pp. 225–227.
  84. ^ Mei (1970).
  85. ^ Norman (1988), p. 45.
  86. ^ Li (1974–1975), p. 235.
  87. ^ a b Baxter (1992), pp. 209–210.
  88. ^ a b Li (1974–1975), p. 237.
  89. ^ Norman (1988), p. 46.
  90. ^ Li (1974–1975), pp. 237–240.
  91. ^ a b Li (1974–1975), pp. 243–247.
  92. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 331–333.
  93. ^ Norman (1988), p. 48.
  94. ^ a b Li (1974–1975), pp. 248–250.
  95. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 196–202.
  96. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 206.
  97. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 202–203.
  98. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 177.
  99. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 203.
  100. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 178–180.
  101. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 178–179, 214.
  102. ^ a b Bodman (1980), p. 47.
  103. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 367–564.
  104. ^ a b Baxter (1992), p. 180.
  105. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 181–183.
  106. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 323–324.
  107. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. vii.
  108. ^ Zhengzhang (2003).
  109. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. 14.
  110. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. 18.
  111. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. 25.
  112. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 48–53.
  113. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 33–43.
  114. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 60–61.
  115. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 63–68.
  116. ^ Norman (1993), p. 705.
  117. ^ Sagart (1999).
  118. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 3–4, 30–37.
  119. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 4–6.
  120. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 252–268.
  121. ^ Sagart (1999), pp. 29–30.
  122. ^ a b Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 43, 68–76.
  123. ^ a b Norman (1994).
  124. ^ a b Sagart (2007).
  125. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 73–74.
  126. ^ Sagart & Baxter (2016), p. 182.
  127. ^ Sagart (1999), pp. 14–15.
  128. ^ Sagart (1999), p. 13.
  129. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), p. 53.
  130. ^ Sagart (1999), pp. 81, 88.
  131. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 54–56.
  132. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 83–99.
  133. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 102–105.
  134. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 177–178.
  135. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 99–102.
  136. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 168–169.
  137. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 176–177.
  138. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), p. 174.
  139. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 123–127.
  140. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 131–134.
  141. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 170–172.
  142. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 105–108.
  143. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 116–119.
  144. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 178–179.
  145. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 188–189.
  146. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 171–173.
  147. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 108–111.
  148. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 99, 111–112.
  149. ^ Karlgren (1923), pp. 17–18.
  150. ^ Branner (2011), pp. 132–137.
  151. ^ GSR 25, 668, 740; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 134–135; Baxter (1992), pp. 188, 199.
  152. ^ GSR 503, 742, 947; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 135–137; Li (1974–1975), pp. 235–236; Baxter (1992), pp. 188–189.
  153. ^ GSR 45, 725, 961; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 107–109; Li (1974–1975), pp. 228–229, 232–233, 242; Baxter (1992), pp. 191–195, 229.
  154. ^ GSR 82, 465, 976; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 114–119; Li (1974–1975), pp. 231–232; Baxter (1992), pp. 196–199, 225–226.
  155. ^ GSR 23, 272, 597; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 121–122; Li (1974–1975), p. 237; Baxter (1992), pp. 199–202.
  156. ^ GSR 94, 354, 1076; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 119–121, 131–133; Li (1974–1975), p. 236; Baxter (1992), pp. 191–196, 222.
  157. ^ GSR 5, 798, 812; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 126–129; Li (1974–1975), p. 232; Baxter (1992), pp. 203–206.
  158. ^ GSR 74, 552, 609; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 86–88, 98–107, 110–114; Li (1974–1975), pp. 233, 235; Baxter (1992), pp. 199, 206–208, 210–214.
  159. ^ GSR 55, 200, 653; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 86–92; Li (1974–1975), p. 233; Baxter (1992), pp. 207, 209–210.
  160. ^ GSR 2, 873, 1164; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 92–95; Li (1974–1975), pp. 235–237; Baxter (1992), pp. 208–209.
  161. ^ GSR 302, 538, 992; Pulleyblank (1962a), pp. 95–98; Li (1974–1975), pp. 233–235; Baxter (1992), pp. 214–216.
  162. ^ GSR 97, 255, 995; Pulleyblank (1962a), p. 95–98; Li (1974–1975), pp. 233–235; Baxter (1992), pp. 217–218.
  163. ^ GSR 19; Pulleyblank (1962a), p. 92; Li (1974–1975), pp. 235–237; Baxter (1992), pp. 216–217.
  164. ^ Norman (1988), p. 32.
  165. ^ Haudricourt (1954b), p. 359.
  166. ^ Li (1974–1975), pp. 233–234.
  167. ^ Branner (2006), p. 24.
  168. ^ Branner (2006), p. 25.
  169. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 63–81.
  170. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 59–60.
  171. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 258–267, 280–282.
  172. ^ Branner (2006), pp. 32–33.
  173. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 236–258.
  174. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 287–290.
  175. ^ Norman (1994), pp. 400–402.
  176. ^ Pulleyblank (1977–1978), pp. 183–185.
  177. ^ Schuessler (2007), p. 95.
  178. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 288.
  179. ^ Norman (1994), p. 400.
  180. ^ Zhengzhang (1991), pp. 160–161.
  181. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 48–57.
  182. ^ Pulleyblank (1992), p. 379.
  183. ^ Handel (2003), p. 550.
  184. ^ a b c Baxter (1992), pp. 370–371, 373.
  185. ^ Norman (1994), pp. 403–405.
  186. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. 58.
  187. ^ Baxter & Sagart (2014), pp. 43, 274, 277.
  188. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 560–562.
  189. ^ Zhengzhang (2000), p. 40.
  190. ^ a b c d Zhengzhang (2000), pp. 40–43.
  191. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 548–555.
  192. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 537–543.
  193. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 539.
  194. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 422–425.
  195. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 425–434.
  196. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 370–389.
  197. ^ Baxter (1992), p. 375.
  198. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 476–478.
  199. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 497–500.
  200. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 489–491.
  201. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 505–507.
  202. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 524–525.
  203. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 301–302.
  204. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 555–560.
  205. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 543–548.
  206. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 434–437.
  207. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 437–446.
  208. ^ a b Baxter (1992), pp. 389–413.
  209. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 472–476.
  210. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 494–497.
  211. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 484–488.
  212. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 503–505.
  213. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 518–524.
  214. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 532–536.
  215. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 325–336.
  216. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 308–319.
  217. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 436–437.
  218. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 438–446.
  219. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 292–298.
  220. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 446–452.
  221. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 452–456.
  222. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 413–422.
  223. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 414, 479–481.
  224. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 464–472.
  225. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 491–494.
  226. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 478–483.
  227. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 500–503.
  228. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 507–518.
  229. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 526–532.
  230. ^ Li (1974–1975), pp. 250–251, 265–266.
  231. ^ Baxter (1992), pp. 294, 297.

Works cited edit

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  • Schuessler, Axel (1987), A Dictionary of Early Zhou Chinese, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, ISBN 978-0-8248-1111-2.
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  • ——— (1970), translated by Norman, Jerry, "The phonology of Chinese in the first millennium BC (rounded vowels)", Unicorn, 6: 52–75: translation of Yakhontov, S. E. (1960), "Fonetika kitayskogo yazyka I tysyacheletiya do n.e. (labializovannyye glasnyye)", Problemy Vostokovedeniya, 6: 102–115.
  • ——— (1978–79), translated by Jerry Norman, (PDF), Early China, 5: 37–40, doi:10.1017/S0362502800005873, S2CID 162162850, archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-12-31, retrieved 2014-03-04: translation of Chapter 2 (Phonetics) of Yakhontov (1965).
  • Zhengzhang, Shangfang (1991), "Decipherment of Yue-Ren-Ge (Song of the Yue boatman)", Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 20 (2): 159–168, doi:10.3406/clao.1991.1345.
  • ——— (2000), The Phonological system of Old Chinese, translated by Sagart, Laurent, Paris: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, ISBN 978-2-910216-04-7.
  • ——— (2003), Shànggǔ yīnxì 上古音系 [Old Chinese Phonology], Shanghai Educational Publishing House, ISBN 978-7-5320-9244-4.

Further reading edit

  • Dong, Tonghe (1997) [1948], Shànggǔ yīnyùn biǎogǎo 上古音韻表稿 (in Chinese), ISBN 978-5-666-71063-0. Reprint of Dong, Tonghe (1948), "Shànggǔ yīnyùn biǎogǎo" 上古音韻表稿 [Tentative Archaic Chinese Phonological Tables], Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology (in Chinese), 18: 1–249.

Book reviews edit

  • Baxter (1992):
    • Behr, Wolfgang (1999), , archived from the original on 19 May 2011.
    • Boltz, William (1993), "Notes on the Reconstruction of Old Chinese" (PDF), Oriens Extremus, 36 (2): 186–207, JSTOR 24047376.
    • Coblin, W. South (1995), "William H. Baxter: A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology", Monumenta Serica, 43: 509–519, doi:10.1080/02549948.1995.11731284, JSTOR 40727078.
    • Norman, Jerry (1993), "A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology by William H. Baxter", Book Reviews, The Journal of Asian Studies, 52 (3): 704–705, doi:10.2307/2058873, JSTOR 2058873, S2CID 162916171.
    • Peyraube, Alain (1996), "William H. Baxter, A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology", T'oung Pao (in French), 82 (1/3): 153–158, doi:10.1163/1568532962631094, JSTOR 4528688.
    • Pulleyblank, Edwin G. (1993), "Old Chinese phonology: a review article", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 21 (2): 337–380, JSTOR 23753918.
      • Baxter, William H. (1994), "Reply to Pulleyblank", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 22 (2): 139–160, JSTOR 23756589.
        • Pulleyblank, Edwin G. (1994), "Reply to Baxter's reply", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 22 (2): 161–169, JSTOR 23756590.
    • Sagart, Laurent (1993), "New Views on Old Chinese Phonology", Diachronica, 10 (2): 237–260, doi:10.1075/dia.10.2.06sag.
  • Sagart (1999):
    • Beckwith, Christopher I. (2002), "The Roots of Old Chinese. Laurent Sagart", Anthropological Linguistics, 44 (2): 207–215, JSTOR 30028844.
    • Mair, Victor (2004), "Laurent Sagart. The Roots of Old Chinese" (PDF), Sino-Platonic Papers, 145: 17–20.
    • Miyake, Marc (2001), "Laurent Sagart : The Roots of Old Chinese", Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 30 (2): 257–268, doi:10.1163/19606028-90000092.
    • Rubio, Gonzalo (2001), "The Roots of Old Chinese, by Laurent Sagart", Language, 77 (4): 870, doi:10.1353/lan.2001.0238, S2CID 144190569.
    • Schuessler, Axel (2000), "Book Review: The Roots of Old Chinese" (PDF), Language and Linguistics, 1 (2): 257–267.
    • Ting, Pang-Hsin (2002), "Morphology in Archaic Chinese", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 30 (1): 194–210, JSTOR 23754869.
      • Sagart, Laurent (2002), "Response to Professor Ting", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 30 (2): 392–403, JSTOR 23754076.
        • Ting, Pang-Hsin (2002), "Monosyllabic characters in Chinese: a rejoinder to Professor Sagart's reply", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 30 (2): 404–408, JSTOR 23754077.
  • Zhengzhang (2000):
    • Boltz, William (2002), "Zhengzhang Shangfang : The Phonological system of Old Chinese", Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 31 (1): 105–116, doi:10.1163/19606028-90000100.
  • Schuessler (2007):
    • Starostin, Georgiy (2009), "Axel Schuessler : ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese" (PDF), Journal of Language Relationship, 1: 155–162.
  • Baxter & Sagart (2014):
    • Goldstein, D.M. (2015), "William H. Baxter and Laurent Sagart: Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 78 (2): 413–414, doi:10.1017/S0041977X15000361, S2CID 164868923.
    • Harbsmeier, Christoph (2016), "Irrefutable Conjectures. A Review of William H. Baxter and Laurent Sagart, Old Chinese. A New Reconstruction" (PDF), Monumenta Serica, 64 (2): 445–504, doi:10.1080/02549948.2016.1259882, S2CID 171165858. (Presentation on YouTube)
    • Hill, Nathan W. (2017), "Old Chinese. A New Reconstruction", Archiv Orientální, 85 (1): 135–140, doi:10.47979/aror.j.85.1.135-140, S2CID 255254929.
    • Ho, Dah-an (2016), "Such errors could have been avoided – review of Old Chinese: A New Reconstruction", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 44 (1): 175–230, doi:10.1353/jcl.2016.0004, S2CID 170231803.
      • Jacques, Guillaume (2017), "On the status of Buyang presyllables: A Response to Professor Ho Dah-An", Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 45 (2): 451–457, doi:10.1353/jcl.2017.0019, S2CID 172031292.
      • List, Johann-Mattis; Pathmanathan, Jananan Sylvestre; Hill, Nathan W.; Bapteste, Eric; Lopez, Philippe (2017), "Vowel purity and rhyme evidence in Old Chinese reconstruction", Lingua Sinica, 3 (5): 139–160, doi:10.1186/s40655-017-0021-8, hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-002D-8089-A.
    • Ma, Kun (2017), "历史比较下的上古汉语构拟——白一平、沙加尔(2014)体系述评" [Historical reconstruction of Old Chinese – a review of the system of Baxter and Sagart (2014)] (PDF), Zhōngguó yǔwén (in Chinese) (4): 496–509.
    • Schuessler, Axel (2015), "New Old Chinese", Diachronica, 32 (4): 571–598, doi:10.1075/dia.32.4.04sch.
      • Baxter, William H.; Sagart, Laurent (2018), "Old Chinese reconstruction: A response to Schuessler", Diachronica, 34 (4): 559–576, doi:10.1075/dia.17003.sag.
    • Starostin, George (2015), "William H. Baxter, Laurent Sagart. Old Chinese. A New Reconstruction" (PDF), Journal of Language Relationship, 13 (4): 383–389, doi:10.31826/jlr-2016-133-412, S2CID 212688788.

External links edit

  • Baxter-Sagart reconstruction of Old Chinese
  • kaom.net, database of Old Chinese reconstructions
  • StarLing database, by Georgiy Starostin.
  • "Duōwéi shìyě xià de shànggǔ yīn yánjiū" 多维视野下的上古音研究 [Views on research on Old Chinese phonology], Wénhuì Xuérén (in Chinese): 2–6, 11 August 2017.

reconstructions, chinese, although, chinese, known, from, written, records, beginning, around, 1200, logographic, script, provides, much, more, indirect, partial, information, about, pronunciation, language, than, alphabetic, systems, used, elsewhere, several,. Although Old Chinese is known from written records beginning around 1200 BC the logographic script provides much more indirect and partial information about the pronunciation of the language than alphabetic systems used elsewhere Several authors have produced reconstructions of Old Chinese phonology beginning with the Swedish sinologist Bernhard Karlgren in the 1940s and continuing to the present day The method introduced by Karlgren is unique comparing categories implied by ancient rhyming practice and the structure of Chinese characters with descriptions in medieval rhyme dictionaries though more recent approaches have also incorporated other kinds of evidence Although the various notations appear to be very different they correspond with each other on most points By the 1970s it was generally agreed that Old Chinese had fewer points of articulation than Middle Chinese a set of voiceless sonorants and labiovelar and labio laryngeal initials Since the 1990s most authors have agreed on a six vowel system and a re organized system of liquids Earlier systems proposed voiced final stops to account for contacts between stop final syllables and other tones but many investigators now believe that Old Chinese lacked tonal distinctions with Middle Chinese tones derived from consonant clusters at the end of the syllable Contents 1 Sources of evidence 1 1 Middle Chinese 1 2 Phonetic series 1 3 Poetic rhyming 1 4 Min dialects 1 5 Other evidence 2 Systems 2 1 Karlgren 1940 1957 2 2 Wang 1957 1985 2 3 Yakhontov 1959 1965 2 4 Pulleyblank 1962 2 5 Li 1971 2 6 Baxter 1992 2 7 Zhengzhang 1981 1995 2 8 Baxter Sagart 2014 2 8 1 Initials 2 8 2 Root structure 3 Comparison 3 1 Initials 3 2 Medials 3 2 1 Middle Chinese divisions 3 2 2 Type A and B syllables 3 3 Rhymes 4 Notes 5 References 5 1 Citations 5 2 Works cited 6 Further reading 6 1 Book reviews 7 External linksSources of evidence editThe major sources for the sounds of Old Chinese covering most of the lexicon are the sound system of Middle Chinese 7th century AD the structure of Chinese characters and the rhyming patterns of the Classic of Poetry Shijing dating from the early part of the 1st millennium BC 1 Several other kinds of evidence are less comprehensive but provide valuable clues These include Min dialects early Chinese transcriptions of foreign names early loans between Chinese and neighbouring languages and families of Chinese words that appear to be related 2 Middle Chinese edit nbsp The start of the first rhyme class 東 dōng east of the Guangyun rhyme dictionaryMiddle Chinese or more precisely Early Middle Chinese is the phonological system of the Qieyun a rhyme dictionary published in 601 with many revisions and expansions over the following centuries These dictionaries set out to codify the pronunciations of characters to be used when reading the classics They indicated pronunciation using the fanqie method dividing a syllable into an initial consonant and the rest called the final In his Qieyun kǎo 1842 the Cantonese scholar Chen Li performed a systematic analysis of a later redaction of the Qieyun identifying its initial and final categories though not the sounds they represented Scholars have attempted to determine the phonetic content of the various distinctions by comparing them with rhyme tables from the Song dynasty pronunciations in modern varieties and loans in Korean Japanese and Vietnamese the Sinoxenic materials but many details regarding the finals are still disputed According to its preface the Qieyun did not reflect a single contemporary dialect but incorporated distinctions made in different parts of China at the time a diasystem 3 4 The fact that the Qieyun system contains more distinctions than any single contemporary form of speech means that it retains additional information about the history of the language The large number of initials and finals are unevenly distributed suggesting hypotheses about earlier forms of Chinese 5 For example it includes 37 initials but in the early 20th century Huang Kan observed that only 19 of them occurred with a wide range of finals implying that the others were in some sense secondary developments 6 Phonetic series edit nbsp Page from a copy of a Song dynasty edition of the Shuowen Jiezi showing characters with the 言 elementThe logographic Chinese writing system does not use symbols for individual sounds as is done in an alphabetic system 7 However the vast majority of characters are phono semantic compounds in which a word is written by combining a character for a similarly sounding word with a semantic indicator Often characters sharing a phonetic element forming a phonetic series are still pronounced alike as in the character 中 zhōng middle which was adapted to write the words chōng pour 沖 and zhōng loyal 忠 8 In other cases the words in a phonetic series have very different sounds both in Middle Chinese and in modern varieties Since the sounds are assumed to have been similar at the time the characters were chosen such relationships give clues to the lost sounds 9 The first systematic study of the structure of Chinese characters was Xu Shen s Shuowen Jiezi 100 AD 10 The Shuowen was mostly based on the small seal script standardized in the Qin dynasty 11 Earlier characters from oracle bones and Zhou bronze inscriptions often reveal relationships that were obscured in later forms 12 Poetic rhyming edit Rhyme has been a consistent feature of Chinese poetry While much old poetry still rhymes in modern varieties of Chinese Chinese scholars have long noted exceptions This was attributed to lax rhyming practice of early poets until the late Ming dynasty scholar Chen Di argued that a former consistency had been obscured by sound change This implied that the rhyming practice of ancient poets recorded information about their pronunciation Scholars have studied various bodies of poetry to identify classes of rhyming words at different periods 13 14 The oldest such collection is the Shijing containing songs ranging from the 10th to 7th centuries BC The systematic study of Old Chinese rhymes began in the 17th century when Gu Yanwu divided the rhyming words of the Shijing into ten groups 韻部 yunbu Gu s analysis was refined by Qing dynasty philologists steadily increasing the number of rhyme groups One of these scholars Duan Yucai stated the important principle that characters in the same phonetic series would be in the same rhyme group a making it possible to assign almost all words to rhyme groups A final revision by Wang Li in the 1930s produced the standard set of 31 rhyme groups 16 17 These were used in all reconstructions up to the 1980s when Zhengzhang Shangfang Sergei Starostin and William Baxter independently proposed a more radical splitting into more than 50 rhyme groups 18 19 20 Min dialects edit The Min dialects are believed to have split off before the Middle Chinese stage because they contain distinctions that cannot be derived from the Qieyun system For example the following dental initials have been identified in reconstructed proto Min 21 22 Voiceless stops Voiced stops Nasals LateralsExample word 單 轉 炭 直 長 頭 南 年 來 老Proto Min initial t t th d d dh n nh l lhMiddle Chinese initial t th d n lOther points of articulation show similar distinctions within stops and nasals Proto Min voicing is inferred from the development of Min tones but the phonetic values of the initials are otherwise uncertain The sounds indicated as t d etc are known as softened stops due to their reflexes in Jianyang and nearby Min varieties in Fujian where they appear as fricatives or approximants or are missing entirely while the non softened variants appear as stops Evidence from early loans into Mienic languages suggests that the softened stops were prenasalized 23 Other evidence edit Several early texts contain transcriptions of foreign names and terms using Chinese characters for their phonetic values Of particular importance are the many Buddhist transcriptions of the Eastern Han period because the native pronunciation of the source languages such as Sanskrit and Pali is known in detail 24 14 25 Eastern Han commentaries on the classics contain many remarks on the pronunciations of particular words which has yielded a great deal of information on the pronunciations and even dialectal variation of the period 26 By studying such glosses the Qing philologist Qian Daxin discovered that the labio dental and retroflex stop initials identified in the rhyme table tradition were not present in the Han period 27 28 Many students of Chinese have noted word families groups of words with related meanings and variant pronunciations sometimes written using the same character 29 One common case is derivation by tone change in which words in the departing tone appear to be derived from words in other tones 30 Another alternation involves transitive verbs with an unvoiced initial and passive or stative verbs with a voiced initial though scholars are divided on which form is basic 31 32 In the earliest period Chinese was spoken in the valley of the Yellow River surrounded by neighbouring languages some of whose relatives particularly Austroasiatic and the Tai Kadai and Miao Yao languages are still spoken today The earliest borrowings in both directions provide further evidence of Old Chinese sounds though complicated by uncertainty about the reconstruction of early forms of those languages 33 Systems editMany authors have produced their own reconstructions of Old Chinese A few of the most influential are listed here Karlgren 1940 1957 edit The first complete reconstruction of Old Chinese was produced by the Swedish linguist Bernhard Karlgren in a dictionary of Middle and Old Chinese the Grammata Serica 1940 revised in 1957 as the Grammata Serica Recensa GSR Although Karlgren s Old Chinese reconstructions have been superseded his comprehensive dictionary remains a valuable reference for students of Old Chinese and characters are routinely identified by their GSR position 34 Karlgren s remained the most commonly used until it was superseded by the system of Li Fang Kuei in the 1970s 35 In his Etudes sur la phonologie chinoise 1915 1926 Karlgren produced the first complete reconstruction of Middle Chinese which he called Ancient Chinese He presented his system as a narrow transcription of the sounds of the standard language of the Tang dynasty Beginning with his Analytical Dictionary of Chinese and Sino Japanese 1923 he compared these sounds across groups of words written with Chinese characters with the same phonetic component Noting that such words were not always pronounced identically in Middle Chinese he postulated that their initials had a common point of articulation in an earlier phase he called Archaic Chinese but which is now usually called Old Chinese For example he postulated velar consonants as initials in the series 甘 kam 柑 kam 酣 ɣam 鉗 gjam 36 b In rarer cases where different types of initials occurred in the same series as in 各 kak 胳 kak 格 kak 絡 lak 駱 lak 略 ljakhe postulated initial clusters kl and gl 37 Karlgren believed that the voiced initials of Middle Chinese were aspirated and projected these back onto Old Chinese He also proposed a series of unaspirated voiced initials to account for other correspondences but later workers have discarded these in favour of alternative explanations 38 Karlgren accepted the argument of the Qing philologist Qian Daxin that the Middle Chinese dental and retroflex stop series were not distinguished in Old Chinese but otherwise proposed the same points of articulation in Old Chinese as in Middle Chinese This led him to the following series of initial consonants 39 40 Initial consonants of Karlgren s system Labial Dental Sibilant Supradental Palatal Velar LaryngealStop oraffricate voiceless p t ts tṣ t k aspirate p t ts tṣ t k voiced aspirate b d dz dẓ d g voiced b d dz d gNasal m n n ngFricative orlateral voiceless s ṣ s xvoiced l zTo account for the broad variety of vowels in his reconstruction of Middle Chinese Karlgren also proposed a complex inventory of Old Chinese vowels 41 42 ŭ u e ĕ e o ộ ɛ o ǒ a ă a aHe also had a secondary vowel i which occurred only in combination with other vowels As with Middle Chinese Karlgren viewed his reconstruction as a narrow transcription of the sounds of Old Chinese Thus e rhymed with ĕ in the Shijing a rhymed with ă and a ɛ rhymed with ĕ and ŭ ŭ rhymed with u o rhymed with ộ and o rhymed with ǒ and a 41 Karlgren projected the final consonants of Middle Chinese semivowels j and w nasals m n and ŋ and stops p t and k back onto Old Chinese He also noted many cases where words in the departing tone rhymed or shared a phonetic element with words ending in a stop e g 賴 lai depend on and 剌 lat wicked 43 欬 khei cough and 刻 khek cut engrave 44 He suggested that the departing tone words in such pairs had ended with a final voiced stop d or ɡ in Old Chinese 45 To account for occasional contacts between Middle Chinese finals j and n Karlgren proposed that j in such pairs derived from Old Chinese r 46 He believed there was insufficient evidence to support definitive statements about Old Chinese tones 47 Wang 1957 1985 edit Wang Li made extensive studies of Shijing rhymes and produced a reconstruction that with minor variations is still in wide use in China 48 For the initials Wang largely followed Karlgren but in later revisions recast Karlgren s voiced stops as voiced fricatives and a palatal lateral re interpreting the aspirated voiced stops and affricates and merely voiced 49 Initial consonants of Wang s system 50 Labial Dental Sibilant Postalveolar Palatal Velar LaryngealStop oraffricate voiceless 幫 p 端 t 精 ts 莊 tʃ 章 tɕ 見 k 影 0aspirate 滂 p 透 t 清 ts 初 tʃ 昌 tɕ 溪 k voiced 並 b 定 d 從 dz 崇 dʒ 船 dʑ 群 gNasal 明 m 泥 n 日 ɲ 疑 ŋFricative voiceless 心 s 山 ʃ 書 ɕ 曉 xvoiced 邪 z 俟 ʒ 禪 ʑ 匣 ɣLateral 來 l 餘 ʎWang refined the rhyme classes distinguishing the 脂 zhi and 微 wei classes 51 In his reconstruction each rhyme class is characterized by its main vowel and coda 52 Wang s rhyme classes 53 緝 ji ep 侵 qin em葉 ye ap 談 tan am微 wei ei 物 wu et 文 wen en脂 zhi ei 質 zhi et 真 zhen en歌 ge ai 月 yue at 寒 han an之 zhi e 職 zhi ek 蒸 zheng eŋ支 zhi e 錫 xi ek 耕 geng eŋ魚 yu a 鐸 duo ak 陽 yang aŋ幽 yōu u 覺 jue uk 冬 dōng uŋ侯 hou ɔ 屋 wu ɔk 東 dōng ɔŋ宵 xiao o 藥 yao okTo account for Middle Chinese divisions and open closed distinctions Wang reconstructed medials 54 Wang s reconstructed medials 55 Middle Chinese divisionI II III IVopen e i i closed u o i u iu Wang argued that Old Chinese distinguished long and short syllables the former being higher in pitch and that the four tones of Middle Chinese were derived from the combination of length and the distinction between open and stop final syllables 56 57 long shortopen level risingchecked departing enteringIn particular he argued that length caused the loss of the final stop in checked syllables giving rise to the departing tone 58 Other instance of the departing tone arise from word that shifted from the level and rising categories 59 Yakhontov 1959 1965 edit In a pair of papers published in 1960 the Russian linguist Sergei Yakhontov proposed two revisions to the structure of Old Chinese that are now widely accepted He proposed that both the retroflex initials and the division II vowels of Middle Chinese derived from the Old Chinese medial l that Karlgren had proposed to account for phonetic series contacts with l 60 Yakhontov also observed that the Middle Chinese semi vowel w had a limited distribution occurring either after velar or laryngeal initials or before finals aj an or at He suggested that w had two sources deriving from either a new series of labio velar and labio laryngeal initials or from the breaking of a vowel o to wa before dental codas 61 62 Initial consonants of Yakhontov s system 63 64 Labial Dental Velar Laryngealplain sibilant plain labialized plain labializedStop oraffricate voiceless p t ts k kʷ ʔ ʔʷaspirate ph th tsh kh khʷvoiced aspirate bh dh dzh gh ghʷvoiced d g gʷNasal m n ng ngʷFricative s x xʷLateral lYakhontov proposed a simpler seven vowel system 65 66 Front BackClose e u e uOpen a a oHowever these vowels had an uneven distribution with a and a almost in complementary distribution and u occurring only in open syllables and before k 67 His final consonants were the nasals m n and ng corresponding stops p t and k as well as r which became j or disappeared in Middle Chinese 68 66 Pulleyblank 1962 edit The Canadian sinologist Edwin Pulleyblank published a reconstruction of the consonants of Old Chinese in two parts in 1962 In addition to new analyses of the traditional evidence he also made substantial use of transcription evidence Though not a full reconstruction Pulleyblank s work has been very influential and many of his proposals are now widely accepted Pulleyblank adapted Dong Tonghe s proposal of a voiceless counterpart to the initial m proposing a full set of aspirated nasals 69 as well as Yakhontov s labio velar and labio laryngeal initials 70 Pulleyblank also accepted Yakhontov s expanded role for the medial l which he noted was cognate with Tibeto Burman r 71 To account for phonetic contacts between Middle Chinese l and dental initials he also proposed an aspirated lateral lh 72 Pulleyblank also distinguished two sets of dental series one derived from Old Chinese dental stops and the other derived from dental fricatives d and 8 cognate with Tibeto Burman l 73 He considered recasting his Old Chinese l and d as r and l to match the Tibeto Burman cognates but rejected the idea to avoid complicating his account of the evolution of Chinese 74 Later he re visited this decision recasting d 8 l and lh as l hl r and hr respectively 75 Pulleyblank also proposed an Old Chinese labial fricative v for the few words where Karlgren had b as well as a voiceless counterpart f 76 Unlike the above ideas these have not been adopted by later workers Initial consonants of Pulleyblank s system 77 Labial Dental Velar Laryngealplain sibilant plain labialized plain labializedStop oraffricate voiceless p t ts k kw ʔ c ʔwaspirate ph th tsh kh khwvoiced b d dz g gwNasal aspirate mh nh ŋh ŋhwvoiced m n ŋ ŋwFricative voiceless f 8 s h hwvoiced v d ɦ ɦwLateral aspirate lhvoiced lPulleyblank also proposed a number of initial consonant clusters allowing any initial to be preceded by s and followed by l r in later revisions and grave initials and n to be followed by d l in later revisions 77 On the basis of transcription evidence Pulleyblank argued that the j medial of Middle Chinese was an innovation not present in Old Chinese He classified Middle Chinese finals without j as type A and those with the medial as type B and suggested that they arose from Old Chinese short and long vowels respectively 78 Andre Georges Haudricourt had demonstrated in 1954 that the tones of Vietnamese were derived from final consonants ʔ and s in an atonal ancestral language 79 He also suggested that the Chinese departing tone derived from earlier s which acted as a derivational suffix in Old Chinese Then the departing tone syllables that Karlgren had reconstructed with d and g could instead be reconstructed as ts and ks with the stops subsequently being lost before the final s which eventually became a tonal distinction 80 The absence of a corresponding labial final could be attributed to early assimilation of ps to ts Pulleyblank strengthened the theory with several examples of syllables in the departing tone being used to transcribe foreign words ending in s into Chinese 81 82 He further proposed that the Middle Chinese rising tone derived from ʔ implying that Old Chinese lacked tones 83 Mei Tsu lin later supported this theory with evidence from early transcriptions of Sanskrit words and pointed out that rising tone words end in a glottal stop in some modern Chinese dialects including Wenzhounese and some Min dialects 84 Li 1971 edit The Chinese linguist Li Fang Kuei published an important new reconstruction in 1971 synthesizing proposals of Yakhontov and Pulleyblank with ideas of his own His system remained the most commonly used until it was replaced by that of Baxter in the 1990s Although Li did not produce a complete dictionary of Old Chinese he presented his methods in sufficient detail that others could apply them to the data 85 Schuessler 1987 includes reconstructions of the Western Zhou lexicon using Li s system 35 Li included the labio velars labio laryngeals and voiceless nasals proposed by Pulleyblank As Middle Chinese g occurs only in palatal environments Li attempted to derive both g and ɣ from Old Chinese g and similarly gw but had to assume irregular developments in some cases 86 87 Thus he arrived at the following inventory of initial consonants 88 89 Initial consonants of Li s system Labial Dental Velar Laryngealplain sibilant plain labialized plain labializedStop oraffricate voiceless p t ts k kw ʔ d ʔwaspirate ph th tsh kh kwhvoiced b d dz g gwNasal voiceless hm hn hng hngwvoiced m n ng ngwLateral voiceless hlvoiced lFricative orapproximant voiceless s h hwvoiced rLi also included the l medial proposed by Pulleyblank in most cases re interpreting it as r In addition to the medial j projected back from Middle Chinese he also postulated the combination rj 90 Assuming that rhyming syllables had the same main vowel Li proposed a system of four vowels i u e and a He also included three diphthongs ie ia and ua to account for syllables that were placed in rhyme groups reconstructed with e or a but were distinguished in Middle Chinese 91 i u ie e ia a uaLi followed Karlgren in proposing final consonants d and g but was unable to clearly separate them from open syllables and extended them to all rhyme groups but one for which he proposed a final r 92 He also proposed that labio velar consonants could occur as final consonants Thus in Li s system every syllable ended in one of the following consonants 93 p m r d t n g k ng gw kw ngwLi marked the rising and departing tones with a suffix x or h without specifying how they were realized 94 Baxter 1992 edit William H Baxter s monograph A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology displaced Li s reconstruction in the 1990s Baxter did not produce a dictionary of reconstructions but the book contains a large number of examples including all the words occurring in rhymes in the Shijing and his methods are described in great detail Schuessler 2007 contains reconstructions of the entire Old Chinese lexicon using a simplified version of Baxter s system Baxter s treatment of the initials is largely similar to the proposals of Pulleyblank and Li He reconstructed the liquids l hl r and hr in the same contexts as Pulleyblank 95 Unlike Li he distinguished Old Chinese ɦ and w from g and gʷ 87 Other additions were z with a limited distribution 96 and voiceless and voiced palatals hj and j which he described as especially tentative being based largely on scanty graphic evidence 97 Initial consonants of Baxter s system 98 Labial Dental Palatal e Velar Laryngealplain sibilant plain labialized plain labializedStop oraffricate voiceless p t ts k kʷ ʔ ʔʷaspirate ph th tsh kh kʷhvoiced b d dz g gʷNasal voiceless hm hn hng hngʷvoiced m n ng ngʷLateral voiceless hlvoiced lFricative orapproximant voiceless hr s hj x hwvoiced r z j ɦ wAs in Pulleyblank and Li s systems the possible medials were r j and the combination rj 100 However while Li had proposed rj as conditioning palatalization of velars Baxter followed Pulleyblank in proposing it as the source of division III chongniǔ finals 101 Baxter s major contribution concerned the vowel system and rhyme groups Nicholas Bodman had proposed a six vowel system for a proto Chinese phase based on comparison with other Sino Tibetan languages 102 Baxter argued for a six vowel system in Old Chinese by re analysing of the traditional rhyme groups For example the traditional 元 rhyme group of the Shijing corresponds to three different finals in Middle Chinese While Li had sought to reconcile these distinct outcomes from rhyming words by reconstructing the finals as ian an and uan Baxter argued that in fact they did not rhyme in the Shijing and could thus be reconstructed with three distinct vowels e a and o Baxter proposed that the traditional 31 rhyme groups should be refined to over 50 and performed a statistical analysis of the actual rhymes of the Shijing which supported the new groups with varying degrees of confidence 103 Baxter s six vowels 104 i ɨ u e a oZhengzhang Shangfang and Sergei Starostin independently developed similar vowel systems 18 19 Baxter s final consonants were those of Middle Chinese plus wk an allophone of kʷ optionally followed by a post coda ʔ or s 105 MC vocalic coda MC stop coda MC nasal coda平 上 去 入 平 上 去 p m mʔ ms j jʔ js ts t n nʔ ns ʔ s ks k ŋ ŋʔ ŋs w wʔ ws wks wkBaxter also speculated on the possibility of a glottal stop occurring after oral stop finals The evidence is limited and consists mainly of contacts between rising tone syllables and k finals which could alternatively be explained as phonetic similarity 106 Zhengzhang 1981 1995 edit Zhengzhang Shangfang published his ideas in a series of articles in Chinese provincial journals which were not widely disseminated Some of his notes were translated into English by Laurent Sagart in 2000 107 He published a monograph in 2003 108 Zhengzhang s reconstruction incorporates a suggestion by Pan Wuyun that the three Middle Chinese laryngeal initials are reflexes of uvular stops in Old Chinese and thus parallel to the other sets of stops 109 He argues that Old Chinese lacked affricate initials and that the Middle Chinese affricates reflect Old Chinese clusters of s and other consonants yielding the following inventory of initial consonants 110 Initial consonants of Zhengzhang s system Labial Dental Palatal Velar UvularStop voiceless p t k q gt ʔaspirate ph th kh qh gt hvoiced b d g ɢ gt ɦNasal aspirate mh nh ŋhvoiced m n ŋFricative voiceless sLateral aspirate lhvoiced lApproximant aspirate rhvoiced w r jZhengzhang s w medial could occur only after velar and uvular initials matching the labio velar and labio laryngeal initials of other reconstructions 111 Instead of marking type B syllables with a j medial he treated type A syllables as having long vowels 112 Zhengzhang also refined the traditional rhyme classes to obtain a six vowel system similar to those of Baxter and Starostin but with ɯ corresponding to Baxter s ɨ and Starostin s e 113 i ɯ u e a oZhengzhang argued that the final stops of Old Chinese were voiced like those of Old Tibetan 114 He accepted the consonantal origin of Middle Chinese tones 115 Baxter Sagart 2014 edit Jerry Norman concluded his review of Baxter 1992 with the words A reader of Baxter s book is left with the impression that he has pushed the traditional approach to its limits and that any further progress in the field will have to be based on a quite different methodological approach 116 Baxter has attempted a new approach in collaboration with Laurent Sagart who had used a variant of Baxter s system in a study of the derivational morphology of Old Chinese 117 They used additional evidence including word relationships deduced from these morphology theories Norman s reconstruction of Proto Min divergent Chinese varieties such as Waxiang early loans to other languages and character forms in recently unearthed documents 118 They also sought to apply the hypothetico deductive method to linguistic reconstruction instead of insisting on deducing patterns from data they proposed hypotheses to be tested against data 119 Baxter and Sagart retained the six vowel system though re casting ɨ as e The finals consonants were unchanged except for the addition of a final r in syllables showing connections between final consonants j and n in Middle Chinese as suggested by Sergei Starostin 120 Initials edit The initial consonants of the revised system largely correspond to those of Baxter 1992 apart from the dropping of the marginal initials z j and hj 121 Instead of marking type B syllables with a j medial they treated type A syllables as having pharyngealized initials adapting a proposal of Jerry Norman and thus doubled the number of initials 122 f They also adopted the proposal of Pan Wuyun to recast the laryngeal initials as uvular stops though they retained a separate glottal stop 124 Initial consonants of the Baxter Sagart system Labial Dental Velar Uvular Laryngealplain sibilant plain labialized plain labialized plain labializedStop oraffricate voiceless p pˤ t tˤ ts tsˤ k kˤ kʷ kʷˤ q qˤ qʷ qʷˤ ʔ ʔˤ ʔʷˤ aspirate pʰ pʰˤ tʰ tʰˤ tsʰ tsʰˤ kʰ kʰˤ kʷʰ kʷʰˤ qʰ qʰˤ qʰʷ qʰʷˤvoiced b bˤ d dˤ dz dzˤ ɡ ɡˤ ɡʷ ɡʷˤ ɢ ɢˤ ɢʷ ɢʷˤNasal voiceless m m ˤ n n ˤ ŋ ŋ ˤ ŋ ʷ ŋ ʷˤvoiced m mˤ n nˤ ŋ ŋˤ ŋʷ ŋʷˤLateral voiceless l l ˤvoiced l lˤFricative orapproximant voiceless r r ˤ s sˤvoiced r rˤThey propose uvular initials as a second source of the Middle Chinese palatal initial in addition to l so that series linking Middle Chinese y with velars or laryngeals instead of dentals are reconstructed as uvulars rather than laterals for example 124 MiddleChinese Old ChineseBaxter 1992 Baxter Sagart舉 kjoX kljaʔ k q r aʔ gt k r aʔ與 yoX ljaʔ m q r aʔ gt ɢ r aʔBaxter and Sagart concede that it is typologically unusual for a language to have as many pharyngealized consonants as nonpharyngealized ones and suggest that this situation may have been short lived 125 Drawing on Starostin s observation of a correlation between A B syllables in Chinese and long short vowels in Mizo cognates as well as typological parallels in Austroasiatic and Austronesian they propose that pharyngealized CˤV C lt CʕV C type A syllables developed from Proto Sino Tibetan CVʕV C disyllables in which the two vowels were identical that is a geminate vowel split by a voiced pharyngeal fricative 126 Root structure edit The major departure from Baxter s system lay in the structure of roots proposed by Sagart in which roots could comprise either a monosyllable or a syllable preceded by a preinitial consonant in one of two patterns 127 a tightly attached preinitial forming a consonant cluster as in 肉 k nuk flesh 用 m loŋ s use and 四 s lij s four and a loosely attached preinitial forming a minor syllable as in 脰 ke dˤok s neck 舌 me lat tongue and 脣 se dur lip Similar root structures are found in the modern rGyalrong Khmer and Atayal languages 128 Sagart argued that such iambic combinations like single syllables were written with single characters and also counted as a single foot in verse 129 Rarely the minor syllables received a separate character explaining a few puzzling examples of 不 pe and 無 me used in non negative sentences 130 Under the Baxter Sagart system these consonant prefixes form a part of the Old Chinese derivational morphology For example they propose nasal prefixes N detransitiviser and m agentive among other functions as a source of the initial voicing alterations in Middle Chinese both also have cognates in Tibeto Burman 131 The various initials are reconstructed based on comparisons with proto Min cognates and early loans to Hmong Mien languages and Vietnamese 132 Reconstructed initials illustrated with labials Middle Chinese proto Min proto Hmong Mien Vietnamese Baxter Sagart Old Chinese g ph ph pʰ ph H pʰ 133 mp me pʰ 134 p p p b H p 135 v H C p 136 p mp me p 137 Ne p 138 b bh v H L m p 139 mb m b 140 C b 141 b b b L b 142 b H L N p 143 b mb v L me b 144 Ce b 145 m mh hm m H C m 146 m m m L m 147 x w x m 148 Comparison editThe different reconstructions provide different interpretations of the relationships between the categories of Middle Chinese and the main bodies of ancient evidence the phonetic series used to reconstruct initials and the Shijing rhyme groups used to reconstruct finals Initials edit Karlgren first stated the principle that words written with the same phonetic component had initials with a common point of articulation in Old Chinese Moreover nasal initials seldom interchanged with other consonants 149 Thus phonetic series can be placed into classes depending on the range of Middle Chinese initials found in them and these classes are presumed to correspond to classes of Old Chinese initials 150 Where markedly different Middle Chinese initials occur together in a series investigators have proposed additional consonants or clusters of consonants in Old Chinese Reconstructions of Old Chinese initials in various types of phonetic series Type of series Middle Chinese Examples Old Chinese reconstructionsLi Baxter Karlgren Pulleyblank Li BaxterLabial stops 151 幫 p p 彼 陂 稟 禀 方 枋 p p p p 滂 ph ph 被 披 雱 妨 p ph ph ph 並 b b 皮 被 彷 旁 b b b b 來 l l 稟 廩 bl vl bl b r Labial nasal 152 明 m m 勿 物 亡 忙 母 每 m m m m 曉 x w x w 芴 忽 衁 巟 悔 海 xm mh hm hm Dental stops retroflex stopsand palatals 153 端 t t 睹 都 當 黨 等 t t t t 透 th th 攩 鏜 t th th th 定 d d 屠 瘏 堂 棠 待 特 d d d d 知 ṭ tr 褚 著 t tl tr tr 徹 ṭh trh 躇 瞠 祉 t thl thr thr 澄 ḍ dr 著 𣥺 持 d dl dr dr 章 ts tsy 者 渚 掌 止 趾 t i t h tj tj 昌 tsh tsyh 惝 敞 齒 t i th h thj thj 禪 dz dzy 署 尚 裳 侍 時 d i d h dj dj 書 s sy 奢 暑 賞 詩 si sthj stj Dental stops s and j 154 定 d d 涂 途 盾 遁 殆 迨 d d d l 澄 ḍ dr 除 除 治 di dl dr lr 心 s s 枲 s s8 st sl 邪 z z 敘 徐 循 鈶 耜 dzi sdy rj zl 透 th th 稌 胎 t 8 th hl 徹 ṭh trh 輴 t 8l thr hlr 書 s sy 賖 始 si 8 h sthj hlj 船 z zy 楯 d i d h dj Lj 以 ji y 余 餘 㠯 台 di zi d h r lj Dental stops and l 155 來 l l 離 剌 賴 禮 l l l C r 透 th th 獺 體 t l lh hl hr 徹 ṭh trh 离 魑 t l lh hlj hrj Dental nasal 156 泥 n n 怒 奴 餒 n n n n 娘 ṇ nr 女 拏 諉 狃 紐 ni nl nr nr 日 nz ny 如 汝 緌 ni nj nj nj 透 th th 妥 t n nh hn hn 徹 ṭh trh 丑 t n nhl hnr hnr 書 s sy 恕 sni nh h hnj hnj 心 s s 絮 綏 羞 sni snh sn sn Sibilants 157 精 ts ts 佐 嗟 借 精 ts ts ts ts 清 tsh tsh 差 瑳 鵲 錯 青 請 ts tsh tsh tsh 從 dz dz 鹺 籍 藉 請 情 dz dz dz dz 心 s s 昔 惜 姓 性 s s s s 莊 tṣ tsr 斮 tṣ tsl tsr tsr 初 tṣh tsrh 差 差 tṣ tshl tshr tshr 崇 dẓ dzr 槎 dẓ dzl dzr dzr 生 ṣ sr 生 甥 s sl sr srj Velars and palatals 158 見 k k 車 稽 監 k k k k 溪 kh kh 庫 稽 k kh kh kh 匣 ɣ h 檻 g g g g 群 g g 耆 鰭 g i gy gj gj 章 ts tsy 旨 指 t i ky krj kj 昌 tsh tsyh 車 t i khy khrj khj 禪 dz dzy 嗜 d i gy grj gj 來 l l 黎 藍 籃 gl ɦl gl g r Laryngeals 159 影 ʔ ʔ 焉 音 愔 ʔ ʔ ʔ 曉 x x 呼 呼 歆 x x x x 匣 ɣ h 乎 g ɦ g ɦ 云 j hj 焉 gi ɦ h gj ɦj Velar nasal 160 疑 ng ng 我 餓 倪 掜 堯 僥 ng ŋ ng ng 日 nz ny 兒 唲 繞 襓 ni ŋy ngrj ngj 曉 x x 羲 犧 鬩 曉 膮 x ŋh hng hng 書 s sy 燒 sni ŋhy hngrj hngj Velars with w 161 見 kw kw 刮 季 九 軌 kw kw kw kʷ 溪 khw khw 闊 k w khw khw kʷh 匣 ɣw hw 話 g w gw gw gʷ 群 gw gw 悸 頄 仇 g wi gwy gwj gʷj Laryngeals with w 162 影 ʔw ʔw 汙 迂 郁 ʔw ʔw ʔw ʔʷ 曉 xw xw 吁 訏 諼 賄 xw xw xw hw 匣 ɣw hw 緩 g w ɦw gw w 云 jw hwj 于 宇 爰 猨 有 洧 gi w ɦw h gwj wj Velar nasal with w 163 疑 ngw ngw 吪 訛 ngw ŋw ngw ngʷ 曉 xw xw 化 貨 xw ŋhw hngw hngʷ Medials edit Middle Chinese is usually reconstructed with two medials w in Qieyun syllables classified as closed 合 he in the Song dynasty rhyme tables in contrast to open 開 kai syllables 164 and j in syllables with division III or Type B finals Karlgren projected both of these medials back to Old Chinese However since the work of Yakhontov most reconstructions have omitted a w medial but included labiovelar and labiolaryngeal initials 165 166 104 Most reconstructions since Pulleyblank have included a medial r but the j medial has become more controversial Middle Chinese divisions edit Karlgren noted that the finals of Middle Chinese can be divided into a number of classes which combine with different groups of initials These distributional classes are partially aligned with the placement of finals in different rows of the Song dynasty rhyme tables As three classes of final occurred in the first second and fourth rows respectively he named them finals of divisions I II and IV The remaining finals he called division III finals because they occurred in the third row of the tables Some of these the pure or independent division III finals occurred only in that row while others the mixed finals could also occur in the second or fourth rows with some initials 167 Karlgren disregarded the chongniu distinction but later workers have emphasized its importance Li Rong in a systematic comparison of the rhyme tables with a recently discovered early edition of the Qieyun identified seven classes of finals The table below lists the combinations of initial and final classes that occur in the Qieyun with the row of the rime tables in which each combination was placed 168 169 Classes of Middle Chinese finals with rows in the rhyme tables Phonetic series Middle Chinese initials Middle Chinese finalsdiv I div II division III div IVpure mixed chongniuLabials Labials 1 2 3 3 3 4 4Dentals Dental stops 1 4Retroflex stops 2 3 3Dentals velars Palatal sibilants 3 3Sibilants Dental sibilants 1 4 4 4Retroflex sibilants 2 2 2Velars Velars 1 2 3 3 3 4 4Laryngeals Laryngeals 1 2 3 3 3 4 4On the basis of these combinations the initials of Old and Middle Chinese can be divided into two broad types grave initials labials velars and laryngeals which combine with all types of finals and acute initials dentals and sibilants with more restricted distribution 170 Karlgren derived the four divisions of Middle Chinese finals from the palatal medial and a range of Old Chinese vowels More recent reconstructions derive division II from an Old Chinese medial r given as l in the early work of Yakhontov and Pulleyblank This segment also accounts for phonetic series contacts between stops and l retroflex initials and in some later work the chongniu distinction 171 Division III finals are generally held to represent a palatal element at least in Middle Chinese Division I and IV finals have identical distributions in the rhyme dictionaries 172 These two classes are believed to be primary while the others were modified by medials 173 Type A and B syllables edit A fundamental distinction within Middle Chinese is between division III finals and the rest Most scholars believe that division III finals were characterized by a palatal medial j in Middle Chinese Karlgren projected this medial back to a medial j in Old Chinese i in Karlgren s notation a position followed by most reconstructions up to the 1990s including those of Li and Baxter 174 Other authors have suggested that the Middle Chinese medial was a secondary development not present in Old Chinese Evidence includes the use of syllables with division III finals to transcribe foreign words lacking any such medial the lack of the medial in Tibeto Burman cognates and modern Min reflexes and the fact that it is ignored in phonetic series 175 176 177 However it is generally agreed that syllables with division III finals and other syllables labelled types B and A respectively by Pulleyblank were distinguished in Old Chinese though scholars differ on how this distinction was realized Many realizations of the distinction have been proposed 178 179 Starostin and Zhengzhang proposed that type A syllables were distinguished by longer vowels 180 181 the reverse of an earlier proposal by Pulleyblank 182 183 Norman suggested that type B syllables his class C which comprised over half of the syllables of the Qieyun were in fact unmarked in Old Chinese Instead he proposed that the remaining syllables were marked by retroflexion the r medial or pharyngealization either of which prevented palatalization in Middle Chinese 123 Baxter and Sagart adopted a variant of this proposal reconstructing pharyngealized initials in all type A syllables 122 The different realizations of the type A B distinction are illustrated by the following reconstructions of Middle Chinese finals from one of the traditional Old Chinese rhyme groups Reconstruction of open finals in the Old Chinese 元 rhyme group Middle Chinese Old Chinese reconstructions Type A BDivision Final Karlgren 184 Li 184 Norman 185 Baxter 184 Zhengzhang 186 Baxter Sagart 187 I 寒 Can Can Can Cˤan Can Caːn Cˤan AII 山 Cɛn Căn Crian Cren Cren Creːn Cˤren刪 Caen Can Cran Cran Cran Craːn CˤranIII 仙 Cjen Ci an Cjian Cen Crjan Crjen Cran Cren Cran Cren B仙 Cjien Cjen Cen Cen元 Cjon Ci ăn Cjan Can Cjan Can CanIV 先 Cen Cian Cian Cˤen Cen Ceːn Cˤen ARhymes edit Most workers assume that words that rhymed in the Shijing had the same main vowel and the same final consonant though they differ on the particular vowels reconstructed The 31 traditional Old Chinese rhyme groups could thus be accounted for with four vowels which Li Fang Kuei reconstructed as i u e and a However some of the rhyme groups reconstructed with e or a gave rise to more than one Middle Chinese rhyme group To represent these distinctions he also included three diphthongs ie ia and ua 91 In the early 1970s Nicholas Bodman proposed a six vowel system for an earlier stage of Chinese 102 Applying Bodman s suggestion to Old Chinese Zhengzhang Shangfang Sergei Starostin and William Baxter argued that the 31 traditional rhyme groups should be split into more than 50 groups 18 19 20 Baxter supported this thesis with a statistical analysis of the rhymes of the Shijing though there were too few rhymes with codas p m and kʷ to produce statistically significant results 188 For the Old Chinese rhyme groups with nasal codas in Middle Chinese the yang 陽 groups which are assumed to reflect nasal codas in Old Chinese six vowel systems produce a more balanced distribution with five or six rhymes for each coda and at most four different finals for in each rhyme 189 a final of division I or IV arising from a type A syllable without an r medial a final of division II arising from a type A syllable with an r medial a mixed division III or chongniu 3 final arising from a type B syllable with an r medial and a pure division III or chongniu 4 final arising from a type B syllable without an r medial In syllables with acute initials the two types of type B final are not distinguished and the presence or absence of the former r medial is reflected by the initial Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with nasal codas Shijingrhyme group Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructionsDivs I IV Div II Mixed III 3 Pure III 4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang 190 侵 qin 191 添 em 咸 ɛm 侵 im 侵 jim iem im im覃 om em ɨm um ɯm談 tan 192 添 em 鹽 jem 鹽 jiem iam em em談 am 銜 aem 嚴 jaem i am am am om覃 om 咸 ɛm am om um真 zhen 194 先 en 山 ɛn 真 in 真 jin in in in文 wen 諄 zhun 195 痕 on 先 en j 殷 jɨn ien ɨn ɯn魂 won 山 wɛn 諄 win 文 jun en un un元 yuan 寒 han 196 先 en 山 ɛn 仙 jen 仙 jien ian en en寒 an 刪 aen 元 jon an an an桓 wan 刪 waen 仙 jwen 元 jwon k uan on on蒸 zheng 198 登 ong 耕 ɛng 蒸 ing eng ɨng ɯŋ耕 geng 199 青 eng 庚 jaeng 清 j i eng ing eng eŋ陽 yang 200 唐 ang 庚 aeng 陽 jang ang ang aŋ東 dōng 201 東 uwng 江 aewng 鍾 jowng ung ong oŋ冬 dōng 中 zhōng 202 冬 owng 東 juwng engw ung uŋFinals with stop codas traditionally classified as the entering tone generally parallel those with nasal codas with the addition of three groups with Middle Chinese reflexes in k Recent reconstructions assign these an Old Chinese coda wk corresponding to the labiovelar initial kʷ 203 Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with stop codas Shijingrhyme group Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructionsDivs I IV Div II Mixed III 3 Pure III 4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang 190 緝 qi 204 怗 ep 洽 ɛp 緝 ip 緝 jip iep ip ib合 op ep ɨp up ɯb葉 ye 盍 he 205 怗 ep 葉 jep 葉 jiep iap ep eb盍 ap 狎 aep 狎 jaep l ap ap ab ob合 op 洽 ɛp ap op ub質 zhi 206 屑 et 黠 ɛt 質 it 質 jit it it id物 wu 術 shu 207 沒 ot 屑 et j 迄 jɨt iet ɨt ɯd沒 wot 黠 wɛt 術 wit 物 jut et ut ud月 yue 208 屑 et 黠 ɛt 薛 jet 薛 jiet iat et ed曷 at 鎋 aet 屑 jot at at ad末 wat 黠 wɛt 薛 jwet 月 jwot uat ot od職 zhi 209 德 ok 麥 ɛk 職 ik ek ɨk ɯg錫 xi 210 錫 ek 陌 jaek 昔 j i ek ik ek eg鐸 duo 211 鐸 ak 陌 aek 藥 jak ak ak ag屋 wu 212 屋 uwk 覺 aewk 燭 jowk uk ok og覺 jue 沃 wo 213 沃 owk 屋 juwk ekw uk ug錫 ek iekw iwk iug ɯug藥 yao 214 various 藥 jak akw awk aug oug錫 ek iakw ewk eugSome words in the Shijing 質 zhi and 物 wu rhyme groups have Middle Chinese reflexes in the departing tone but otherwise parallel to those with dental finals Li followed Karlgren in reconstructing such words with an Old Chinese coda d 215 The suffix h in Li s notation is intended to represent the Old Chinese precursor to the Middle Chinese departing tone without specifying how it was realized 94 The Shijing 祭 ji group has Middle Chinese reflexes in the departing tone only including some finals that occur only in the departing tone marked below with the suffix H As the reflexes of this group parallel the Shijing 月 yue group Li reconstructed these also as dh Following a suggestion of Andre Georges Haudricourt most recent reconstructions derive the Middle Chinese departing tone from an Old Chinese suffix s The coda ts is believed to have reduced to j in Middle Chinese 216 Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese j finals in the departing tone Shijingrhyme group Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructionsDivs I IV Div II Mixed III 3 Pure III 4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang 190 質 zhi in part 217 齊 ej 皆 ɛj 脂 ij 脂 jij idh its ids物 wu 術 shu in part 218 咍 oj 齊 ej j 微 jɨj iedh ɨts ɯds灰 woj 皆 wɛj 脂 wij 微 jwɨj edh uts uds祭 ji 208 齊 ej 皆 ɛj 祭 jejH 祭 jiejH iadh ets eds泰 ajH 夬 aejH 廢 jojH adh ats ads泰 wajH 皆 wɛj 祭 jwejH 廢 jwojH uadh ots odsFinals with vocalic codas generally parallel those with dental or velar codas 219 Reconstructed Old Chinese sources of Middle Chinese finals with vocalic codas Shijingrhyme group Middle Chinese finals Old Chinese reconstructionsDivs I IV Div II Mixed III 3 Pure III 4 Li Baxter Zhengzhang 190 脂 zhi 220 齊 ej 皆 ɛj 脂 ij 脂 jij id ij il微 wei 221 咍 oj 齊 ej j 微 jɨj ied ɨj ɯl灰 woj 皆 wɛj 脂 wij 微 jwɨj ed er uj ul歌 ge 222 歌 a 麻 ae 支 je 麻 jae m ar iar aj al el戈 wa 麻 wae 支 jwe uar oj ol之 zhi 224 咍 oj 皆 ɛj 之 i eg ɨ ɨ支 zhi 佳 jia 225 齊 ej 佳 ɛɨ 支 je 支 jie ig e e魚 yu 226 模 u 麻 ae 魚 jo 麻 jae m ag iag a a侯 hou 227 侯 uw 虞 ju n ug o o幽 yōu 228 豪 aw 肴 aew 尤 juw egw u u蕭 ew 幽 jiw iegw iw iu ɯu宵 xiao 229 豪 aw 宵 jew agw aw au ou蕭 ew 宵 jiew iagw ew euBecause the Middle Chinese reflexes of the ge 歌 rhyme group do not have a j coda Li reconstructed it with an Old Chinese coda r 230 However many words in this group do have a j coda in the colloquial layers of Min and Hakka varieties in early loans into neighbouring languages and in cognates in other Sino Tibetan languages 231 Notes edit 同聲必同部 Tong sheng bi tong bu 15 Middle Chinese forms given in Li s revision of Karlgren s notation Pulleyblank wrote the glottal stop as 77 Li wrote the glottal stop as 88 Baxter describes his reconstruction of the palatal initials as especially tentative being based largely on scanty graphic evidence 99 Norman originally proposed pharyngealization only in type A syllables without retroflexion the r medial 123 Each of the main initials occurs both with and without pharyngealization a b c d e f g h i followed by a long vowel causing palatalization This yields 凡 jom after labial initials The two finals are almost in complementary distribution and also difficult to distinguish from jem 193 a b c d o after velar initials wo after labial initials e after acute initials This final occurs only with velar or laryngeal initials and could alternatively be reconstructed as an with a preceding labiovelar or labiolaryngeal initial 197 乏 jop after labial initials a b The final jae occurs only after plain sibilant and palatal initials with no known conditioning factor 223 尤 juw after some retroflex sibilant initialsReferences editCitations edit Baxter 1992 pp 2 3 Baxter 1992 pp 12 13 25 Baxter 1992 pp 32 44 Norman 1988 pp 24 42 Baxter 1992 pp 37 38 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 12 13 Dong 2014 pp 23 24 GSR 1007a p k Norman 1988 pp 43 44 Baxter 1992 p 13 Baxter 1992 pp 346 347 Baxter 1992 p 5 Norman 1988 p 42 a b Baxter 1992 p 12 Baxter 1992 p 831 Baxter 1992 pp 150 170 Norman 1988 pp 42 44 a b c Zhengzhang 2000 pp 42 43 a b c Starostin 1989 pp 343 429 a b Baxter 1992 pp 180 253 254 813 Norman 1973 pp 227 230 233 235 Norman 1988 pp 228 229 Norman 1986 p 381 Pulleyblank 1992 p 375 379 Coblin 1983 p 7 Coblin 1983 pp 4 7 Norman 1988 p 44 Dong 2014 pp 33 35 Pulleyblank 1973 Downer 1959 Schuessler 2007 p 49 Handel 2012 pp 63 71 Sagart 1999 pp 8 9 Handel 2003 p 547 a b Handel 2003 p 548 Karlgren 1923 p 18 Karlgren 1923 p 31 Li 1974 1975 pp 230 231 Li 1974 1975 p 230 Karlgren 1957 p 3 a b Li 1974 1975 p 244 Karlgren 1957 p 4 GSR 272e a GSR 937s v Karlgren 1923 pp 27 30 Baxter 1992 p 843 Karlgren 1957 p 2 Xiang 2023a pp 73 93 161 162 183 184 Xiang 2023a pp 83 85 88 Wang 1985 pp 18 19 Baxter 1992 p 171 Xiang 2023a p 161 Wang 1985 p 34 Baxter 1992 p 246 Wang 1985 pp 50 60 Wang 1985 p 73 Xiang 2023a pp 183 184 Xiang 2023a p 184 Xiang 2023b pp 147 157 Baxter 1992 pp 23 178 262 Baxter 1992 pp 180 250 Yakhontov 1970 Yakhontov 1965 p 30 Yakhontov 1978 79 p 39 Yakhontov 1965 p 27 a b Yakhontov 1978 79 p 37 Yakhontov 1978 79 p 38 Yakhontov 1965 p 26 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 92 93 121 135 137 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 95 96 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 110 114 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 121 122 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 114 119 Pulleyblank 1962a p 117 Pulleyblank 1973 p 117 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 137 141 a b c Pulleyblank 1962a p 141 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 141 142 Haudricourt 1954a Haudricourt 1954b pp 363 364 Pulleyblank 1962b pp 216 225 Norman 1988 pp 54 57 Pulleyblank 1962b pp 225 227 Mei 1970 Norman 1988 p 45 Li 1974 1975 p 235 a b Baxter 1992 pp 209 210 a b Li 1974 1975 p 237 Norman 1988 p 46 Li 1974 1975 pp 237 240 a b Li 1974 1975 pp 243 247 Baxter 1992 pp 331 333 Norman 1988 p 48 a b Li 1974 1975 pp 248 250 Baxter 1992 pp 196 202 Baxter 1992 p 206 Baxter 1992 pp 202 203 Baxter 1992 p 177 Baxter 1992 p 203 Baxter 1992 pp 178 180 Baxter 1992 pp 178 179 214 a b Bodman 1980 p 47 Baxter 1992 pp 367 564 a b Baxter 1992 p 180 Baxter 1992 pp 181 183 Baxter 1992 pp 323 324 Zhengzhang 2000 p vii Zhengzhang 2003 Zhengzhang 2000 p 14 Zhengzhang 2000 p 18 Zhengzhang 2000 p 25 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 48 53 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 33 43 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 60 61 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 63 68 Norman 1993 p 705 Sagart 1999 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 3 4 30 37 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 4 6 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 252 268 Sagart 1999 pp 29 30 a b Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 43 68 76 a b Norman 1994 a b Sagart 2007 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 73 74 Sagart amp Baxter 2016 p 182 Sagart 1999 pp 14 15 Sagart 1999 p 13 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 p 53 Sagart 1999 pp 81 88 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 54 56 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 83 99 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 102 105 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 177 178 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 99 102 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 168 169 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 176 177 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 p 174 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 123 127 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 131 134 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 170 172 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 105 108 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 116 119 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 178 179 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 188 189 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 171 173 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 108 111 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 99 111 112 Karlgren 1923 pp 17 18 Branner 2011 pp 132 137 GSR 25 668 740 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 134 135 Baxter 1992 pp 188 199 GSR 503 742 947 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 135 137 Li 1974 1975 pp 235 236 Baxter 1992 pp 188 189 GSR 45 725 961 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 107 109 Li 1974 1975 pp 228 229 232 233 242 Baxter 1992 pp 191 195 229 GSR 82 465 976 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 114 119 Li 1974 1975 pp 231 232 Baxter 1992 pp 196 199 225 226 GSR 23 272 597 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 121 122 Li 1974 1975 p 237 Baxter 1992 pp 199 202 GSR 94 354 1076 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 119 121 131 133 Li 1974 1975 p 236 Baxter 1992 pp 191 196 222 GSR 5 798 812 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 126 129 Li 1974 1975 p 232 Baxter 1992 pp 203 206 GSR 74 552 609 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 86 88 98 107 110 114 Li 1974 1975 pp 233 235 Baxter 1992 pp 199 206 208 210 214 GSR 55 200 653 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 86 92 Li 1974 1975 p 233 Baxter 1992 pp 207 209 210 GSR 2 873 1164 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 92 95 Li 1974 1975 pp 235 237 Baxter 1992 pp 208 209 GSR 302 538 992 Pulleyblank 1962a pp 95 98 Li 1974 1975 pp 233 235 Baxter 1992 pp 214 216 GSR 97 255 995 Pulleyblank 1962a p 95 98 Li 1974 1975 pp 233 235 Baxter 1992 pp 217 218 GSR 19 Pulleyblank 1962a p 92 Li 1974 1975 pp 235 237 Baxter 1992 pp 216 217 Norman 1988 p 32 Haudricourt 1954b p 359 Li 1974 1975 pp 233 234 Branner 2006 p 24 Branner 2006 p 25 Baxter 1992 pp 63 81 Baxter 1992 pp 59 60 Baxter 1992 pp 258 267 280 282 Branner 2006 pp 32 33 Baxter 1992 pp 236 258 Baxter 1992 pp 287 290 Norman 1994 pp 400 402 Pulleyblank 1977 1978 pp 183 185 Schuessler 2007 p 95 Baxter 1992 p 288 Norman 1994 p 400 Zhengzhang 1991 pp 160 161 Zhengzhang 2000 pp 48 57 Pulleyblank 1992 p 379 Handel 2003 p 550 a b c Baxter 1992 pp 370 371 373 Norman 1994 pp 403 405 Zhengzhang 2000 p 58 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 pp 43 274 277 Baxter 1992 pp 560 562 Zhengzhang 2000 p 40 a b c d Zhengzhang 2000 pp 40 43 Baxter 1992 pp 548 555 Baxter 1992 pp 537 543 Baxter 1992 p 539 Baxter 1992 pp 422 425 Baxter 1992 pp 425 434 Baxter 1992 pp 370 389 Baxter 1992 p 375 Baxter 1992 pp 476 478 Baxter 1992 pp 497 500 Baxter 1992 pp 489 491 Baxter 1992 pp 505 507 Baxter 1992 pp 524 525 Baxter 1992 pp 301 302 Baxter 1992 pp 555 560 Baxter 1992 pp 543 548 Baxter 1992 pp 434 437 Baxter 1992 pp 437 446 a b Baxter 1992 pp 389 413 Baxter 1992 pp 472 476 Baxter 1992 pp 494 497 Baxter 1992 pp 484 488 Baxter 1992 pp 503 505 Baxter 1992 pp 518 524 Baxter 1992 pp 532 536 Baxter 1992 pp 325 336 Baxter 1992 pp 308 319 Baxter 1992 pp 436 437 Baxter 1992 pp 438 446 Baxter 1992 pp 292 298 Baxter 1992 pp 446 452 Baxter 1992 pp 452 456 Baxter 1992 pp 413 422 Baxter 1992 pp 414 479 481 Baxter 1992 pp 464 472 Baxter 1992 pp 491 494 Baxter 1992 pp 478 483 Baxter 1992 pp 500 503 Baxter 1992 pp 507 518 Baxter 1992 pp 526 532 Li 1974 1975 pp 250 251 265 266 Baxter 1992 pp 294 297 Works cited edit Baxter William H 1992 A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology Berlin Mouton de Gruyter ISBN 978 3 11 012324 1 Baxter William H Sagart Laurent 2014 Old Chinese A New Reconstruction Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 994537 5 Bodman Nicholas C 1980 Proto Chinese and Sino Tibetan data towards establishing the nature of the relationship in van Coetsem Frans Waugh Linda R eds Contributions to historical linguistics issues and materials Leiden E J Brill pp 34 199 ISBN 978 90 04 06130 9 Branner David Prager 2006 What are rime tables and what do they mean in Branner David Prager ed The Chinese Rime Tables Linguistic Philosophy and Historical Comparative Phonology Amsterdam John Benjamins pp 1 34 ISBN 978 90 272 4785 8 2011 Phonology in the Chinese Script and its Relationship to Early Chinese Literacy PDF in Li Feng Branner David Prager eds Writing and Literacy in Early China Seattle University of Washington Press pp 85 137 ISBN 978 0 295 99337 9 Coblin W South 1983 A Handbook of Eastern Han Sound Glosses Hong Kong Chinese University Press ISBN 978 962 201 258 5 Dong Hongyuan 2014 A History of the Chinese Language Routledge ISBN 978 1 317 74389 7 Downer G B 1959 Derivation by Tone Change in Classical Chinese Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22 1 3 258 290 doi 10 1017 s0041977x00068701 JSTOR 609429 S2CID 122377268 Handel Zev J 2003 Appendix A A Concise Introduction to Old Chinese Phonology Handbook of Proto Tibeto Burman System and Philosophy of Sino Tibetan Reconstruction by Matisoff James Berkeley University of California Press pp 543 576 ISBN 978 0 520 09843 5 2012 Valence changing prefixes and voicing alternation in Old Chinese and Proto Sino Tibetan reconstructing s and N prefixes PDF Language and Linguistics 13 1 61 82 Haudricourt Andre Georges 1954a De l origine des tons en vietnamien The origin of tones in Vietnamese Journal Asiatique 242 69 82 English translation by Marc Brunelle 1954b Comment reconstruire le chinois archaique How to reconstruct Old Chinese Word 10 2 3 351 364 doi 10 1080 00437956 1954 11659532 English translation by Guillaume Jacques Karlgren Bernhard 1923 Analytic dictionary of Chinese and Sino Japanese Paris Paul Geuthner ISBN 978 0 486 21887 8 1957 Grammata Serica Recensa Stockholm Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities OCLC 1999753 Li Fang Kuei 1974 1975 translated by Mattos Gilbert L Studies on Archaic Chinese Monumenta Serica 31 219 287 doi 10 1080 02549948 1974 11731100 JSTOR 40726172 Mei Tsu lin 1970 Tones and prosody in Middle Chinese and the origin of the rising tone PDF Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 30 86 110 doi 10 2307 2718766 JSTOR 2718766 Norman Jerry 1973 Tonal development in Min Journal of Chinese Linguistics 1 2 222 238 1986 The origin of Proto Min softened stops in McCoy John Light Timothy eds Contributions to Sino Tibetan studies Leiden E J Brill pp 375 384 ISBN 978 90 04 07850 5 1988 Chinese Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 29653 3 1993 A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology by William H Baxter Book Reviews The Journal of Asian Studies 52 3 704 705 doi 10 2307 2058873 JSTOR 2058873 S2CID 162916171 1994 Pharyngealization in Early Chinese Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 3 397 408 doi 10 2307 605083 JSTOR 605083 Pulleyblank Edwin G 1962a The Consonantal System of Old Chinese PDF Asia Major 9 58 144 1962b The Consonantal System of Old Chinese part 2 PDF Asia Major 9 206 265 1973 Some new hypotheses concerning word families in Chinese Journal of Chinese Linguistics 1 1 111 125 1977 1978 The final consonants of Old Chinese Monumenta Serica 33 180 206 doi 10 1080 02549948 1977 11745046 JSTOR 40726239 1992 How do we reconstruct Old Chinese Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 3 365 382 doi 10 2307 603076 JSTOR 603076 Sagart Laurent 1999 The Roots of Old Chinese Amsterdam John Benjamins ISBN 978 90 272 3690 6 2007 Reconstructing Old Chinese uvulars in the Baxter Sagart system PDF 40th International Conference on Sino Tibetan Languages and Linguistics Sagart Laurent Baxter William H 2016 A Hypothesis on the Origin of Old Chinese Pharyngealization 上古漢 gt 語咽化聲母來源的一個假設 PDF Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 9 2 179 189 doi 10 1163 2405478X 00902002 archived from the original PDF on 2019 04 27 Schuessler Axel 1987 A Dictionary of Early Zhou Chinese Honolulu University of Hawaii Press ISBN 978 0 8248 1111 2 2007 ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese Honolulu University of Hawaii Press ISBN 978 0 8248 2975 9 Starostin Sergei A 1989 Rekonstrukcija drevnekitajskoj fonologiceskoj sistemy Reconstruction of the Phonological System of Old Chinese PDF in Russian Moscow Nauka ISBN 978 5 02 016986 9 Wang Li 1985 Hanyǔ yǔyin shǐ 漢語語音史 History of Chinese Phonetics Beijing China Social Sciences Press ISBN 978 7 5004 2017 0 Xiang Xi 2023a A Brief History of the Chinese Language I The Basics of Chinese Phonetics London and New York Routledge ISBN 978 1 032 38107 7 2023b A Brief History of the Chinese Language II From Old Chinese to Middle Chinese Phonetic System London and New York Routledge ISBN 978 1 032 38108 4 Yakhontov S E 1965 Drevnekitajskij jazyk Old Chinese PDF in Russian Moscow Nauka 1970 translated by Norman Jerry The phonology of Chinese in the first millennium BC rounded vowels Unicorn 6 52 75 translation of Yakhontov S E 1960 Fonetika kitayskogo yazyka I tysyacheletiya do n e labializovannyye glasnyye Problemy Vostokovedeniya 6 102 115 1978 79 translated by Jerry Norman Old Chinese Phonology PDF Early China 5 37 40 doi 10 1017 S0362502800005873 S2CID 162162850 archived from the original PDF on 2013 12 31 retrieved 2014 03 04 translation of Chapter 2 Phonetics of Yakhontov 1965 Zhengzhang Shangfang 1991 Decipherment of Yue Ren Ge Song of the Yue boatman Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 20 2 159 168 doi 10 3406 clao 1991 1345 2000 The Phonological system of Old Chinese translated by Sagart Laurent Paris Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales ISBN 978 2 910216 04 7 2003 Shanggǔ yinxi 上古音系 Old Chinese Phonology Shanghai Educational Publishing House ISBN 978 7 5320 9244 4 Further reading editDong Tonghe 1997 1948 Shanggǔ yinyun biǎogǎo 上古音韻表稿 in Chinese ISBN 978 5 666 71063 0 Reprint of Dong Tonghe 1948 Shanggǔ yinyun biǎogǎo 上古音韻表稿 Tentative Archaic Chinese Phonological Tables Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology in Chinese 18 1 249 Book reviews edit Baxter 1992 Behr Wolfgang 1999 Odds on the Odes archived from the original on 19 May 2011 Boltz William 1993 Notes on the Reconstruction of Old Chinese PDF Oriens Extremus 36 2 186 207 JSTOR 24047376 Coblin W South 1995 William H Baxter A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology Monumenta Serica 43 509 519 doi 10 1080 02549948 1995 11731284 JSTOR 40727078 Norman Jerry 1993 A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology by William H Baxter Book Reviews The Journal of Asian Studies 52 3 704 705 doi 10 2307 2058873 JSTOR 2058873 S2CID 162916171 Peyraube Alain 1996 William H Baxter A Handbook of Old Chinese Phonology T oung Pao in French 82 1 3 153 158 doi 10 1163 1568532962631094 JSTOR 4528688 Pulleyblank Edwin G 1993 Old Chinese phonology a review article Journal of Chinese Linguistics 21 2 337 380 JSTOR 23753918 Baxter William H 1994 Reply to Pulleyblank Journal of Chinese Linguistics 22 2 139 160 JSTOR 23756589 Pulleyblank Edwin G 1994 Reply to Baxter s reply Journal of Chinese Linguistics 22 2 161 169 JSTOR 23756590 Sagart Laurent 1993 New Views on Old Chinese Phonology Diachronica 10 2 237 260 doi 10 1075 dia 10 2 06sag Sagart 1999 Beckwith Christopher I 2002 The Roots of Old Chinese Laurent Sagart Anthropological Linguistics 44 2 207 215 JSTOR 30028844 Mair Victor 2004 Laurent Sagart The Roots of Old Chinese PDF Sino Platonic Papers 145 17 20 Miyake Marc 2001 Laurent Sagart The Roots of Old Chinese Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 30 2 257 268 doi 10 1163 19606028 90000092 Rubio Gonzalo 2001 The Roots of Old Chinese by Laurent Sagart Language 77 4 870 doi 10 1353 lan 2001 0238 S2CID 144190569 Schuessler Axel 2000 Book Review The Roots of Old Chinese PDF Language and Linguistics 1 2 257 267 Ting Pang Hsin 2002 Morphology in Archaic Chinese Journal of Chinese Linguistics 30 1 194 210 JSTOR 23754869 Sagart Laurent 2002 Response to Professor Ting Journal of Chinese Linguistics 30 2 392 403 JSTOR 23754076 Ting Pang Hsin 2002 Monosyllabic characters in Chinese a rejoinder to Professor Sagart s reply Journal of Chinese Linguistics 30 2 404 408 JSTOR 23754077 Zhengzhang 2000 Boltz William 2002 Zhengzhang Shangfang The Phonological system of Old Chinese Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 31 1 105 116 doi 10 1163 19606028 90000100 Schuessler 2007 Starostin Georgiy 2009 Axel Schuessler ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese PDF Journal of Language Relationship 1 155 162 Baxter amp Sagart 2014 Goldstein D M 2015 William H Baxter and Laurent Sagart Old Chinese A New Reconstruction Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 78 2 413 414 doi 10 1017 S0041977X15000361 S2CID 164868923 Harbsmeier Christoph 2016 Irrefutable Conjectures A Review of William H Baxter and Laurent Sagart Old Chinese A New Reconstruction PDF Monumenta Serica 64 2 445 504 doi 10 1080 02549948 2016 1259882 S2CID 171165858 Presentation on YouTube Hill Nathan W 2017 Old Chinese A New Reconstruction Archiv Orientalni 85 1 135 140 doi 10 47979 aror j 85 1 135 140 S2CID 255254929 Ho Dah an 2016 Such errors could have been avoided review of Old Chinese A New Reconstruction Journal of Chinese Linguistics 44 1 175 230 doi 10 1353 jcl 2016 0004 S2CID 170231803 Jacques Guillaume 2017 On the status of Buyang presyllables A Response to Professor Ho Dah An Journal of Chinese Linguistics 45 2 451 457 doi 10 1353 jcl 2017 0019 S2CID 172031292 List Johann Mattis Pathmanathan Jananan Sylvestre Hill Nathan W Bapteste Eric Lopez Philippe 2017 Vowel purity and rhyme evidence in Old Chinese reconstruction Lingua Sinica 3 5 139 160 doi 10 1186 s40655 017 0021 8 hdl 11858 00 001M 0000 002D 8089 A Ma Kun 2017 历史比较下的上古汉语构拟 白一平 沙加尔 2014 体系述评 Historical reconstruction of Old Chinese a review of the system of Baxter and Sagart 2014 PDF Zhōngguo yǔwen in Chinese 4 496 509 Schuessler Axel 2015 New Old Chinese Diachronica 32 4 571 598 doi 10 1075 dia 32 4 04sch Baxter William H Sagart Laurent 2018 Old Chinese reconstruction A response to Schuessler Diachronica 34 4 559 576 doi 10 1075 dia 17003 sag Starostin George 2015 William H Baxter Laurent Sagart Old Chinese A New Reconstruction PDF Journal of Language Relationship 13 4 383 389 doi 10 31826 jlr 2016 133 412 S2CID 212688788 External links editBaxter Sagart reconstruction of Old Chinese kaom net database of Old Chinese reconstructions StarLing database by Georgiy Starostin Duōwei shiye xia de shanggǔ yin yanjiu 多维视野下的上古音研究 Views on research on Old Chinese phonology Wenhui Xueren in Chinese 2 6 11 August 2017 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Reconstructions of Old Chinese amp oldid 1206797990, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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