
Mizo language

The Mizo language, or Mizo ṭawng, is a Kuki-Chin-Mizo language belonging to the Tibeto-Burman branch of the Sino-Tibetan family, spoken natively by the Mizo people in the Mizoram state of India and Chin State and Sagaing Division in Myanmar. The language is also known as Duhlian and Lushai, a colonial term, as the Duhlian people were the first among the Mizos to be encountered by the British in the course of their colonial expansion.[3] The Mizo language is mainly based on Lusei dialect but it has also derived many words from its surrounding Mizo sub-tribes and sub-clan. Now, Mizo language or Mizo ṭawng is the lingua franca of Mizoram and its surrounding areas and to a lesser extent of Myanmar and Bangladesh and in India in some parts of Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland. Many poetic languages are derived from Pawi, Paite, and Hmar, and most known ancient poems considered to be Mizo are actually in Pawi.[3][clarification needed] Mizo is the official language of Mizoram,[4] along with English, and there have been efforts to have it included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India.[5]


The Mizo language belongs to the Kuki-Chin-Mizo branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. The numerous clans of the Mizo had respective dialects, amongst which the Lusei dialect was the most common, and evolved with significant influenced from Hmar, Lai and Paite, etc. to become the Mizo language and the lingua franca of the Mizo peoples due to its extensive and exclusive use by the Christian missionaries and the later young generation.[citation needed]

Cardinal numbers

They are as follows: [6] 1, pa -khat. 2, pa -hnih. 3, pa-thum, 4, pa -li. 5, pa-nga. 6, pa-ruk. 7, pa -sarih. 8, pa- riat. 9, pa -kua. 10, sawm.

Writing system

The Mizo alphabet is based on the Roman script and has 25 letters, namely:

Letter a aw b ch d e f g ng h i j k
Name  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen
Letter l m n o p r s t u v z
Name  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen  listen

In its current form, it was devised by the first Christian missionaries of Mizoram, Rev. J.H.Lorrain and Rev. F.W.Savidge[7] based on Hunterian system of transliteration.

A circumflex ^ was later added to the vowels to indicate long vowels, viz., â, ê, î, ô, û, which were insufficient to fully express Mizo tone. Recently,[when?] a leading newspaper in Mizoram, Vanglaini, the magazine Kristian Ṭhalai, and other publishers began using á, à, ä, é, è, ë, í, ì, ï, ó, ò, ö, ú, ù, ü to indicate the long intonations and tones. However, this does not differentiate the different intonations that short tones can have.[8][9]

Relation with other languages

The Mizo language is related to the other languages of the Sino-Tibetan family.[10] The Kuki-Chin-Mizo languages (which native Mizo speakers call Zohnahthlâk ṭawngho/Mizo ṭawngho) have a substantial number of words in common.[11]

Mizo and Sino-Tibetan languages

The following table illustrates the similarity between Mizo and other members of the Sino-Tibetan family.[12] The words given are cognates, whose origins could be traced back to the proto-language Proto-Sino-Tibetan (given in the first column of the table).

Proto-Sino-Tibetan Mizo/Duhlian/Lusei language Khawsak-Hmar language Zote-Hmar language Standard Chinese character (Pīnyīn) Early Middle Chinese Old Chinese Written Tibetan Written Burmese Written Sgaw Karen Bodo Tripuri (Kokborok) Meitei language Trung English meaning
*tujH tui tui tui 水(shuǐ) - - - - htee døi twi/tui ishing water
*sĭj(H) (? / ś-) thi thi/famchang famchang/thi 死 (sǐ) si' sjid shi-ba se thee thøi thwi/thui shi ɕi die
*ghāH khà kha khak 苦 (kǔ) kʰɔ' khag kha khâ khá khá Kwkha/Kha kha Kha(salty) bitter
*sĭŋ thing thing thin - sin sjin shing sac tháe - Buphang/Waphang - wood/tree
*miǝ̆ŋ hming hming hming 名 (míng) mjiajŋ mjing ming mung - Bumung/mung ming muŋ name
*paH pa pa zuopa 爸 (bà) - - - - pa afah Apha/Bupha ipa - father
*ŋāH (pa-)nga panga panga 五 (wǔ) ŋɔ' ngag lnga ŋ̩â yëh ba Ba manga pəŋ-ŋà five
*rŭk (pa-)ruk paruk paruk 六 (liù) luwk ljəkw drug khrok xu doh Dok taruk khlu six
*nă- nang nang nangma 汝 (rǔ) ȵɨʌ naʔ - - na nøng nung/nwng nang thou (you)
*nĭj ni ni/sun/nisa nisa 日 (rì) ȵiɪt njiɡ - - mu ni/mu shan Sal day/sun
*ma em mäw am 吗 (ma) - - - - ma - - bara - ?(final interrogative particle)
*nu- nuhmei nuhmei 女 (nǚ) - - - - - - Bwrwi/ti - female
*- chaw ei bu fak bu bak 吃饭 (chi fan) - - - - - - Cha chak cha - eat rice
*druaŋ lai lailung, lai malai, lai 中(zhōng) (middle) ṭüŋ ṭǜŋ truŋ truŋs gźuŋ ǝtwaŋh khuh tha - Kwchar matai/manak a3-tuŋ1 (middle) middle
*tī̆kʷ tâwk huntawk hunchat 淑 (shú, shū, chù) - - sdug (pretty, nice) thǝuk (be worth, have certain value; be lucky) - - - enough, sufficient
*- hmang zo hmang zo/hmang ral inthām/inral - - - - - - - Leng - - use up, exhaust
*[ph]ra ṭha ṭha ṭha - - - - - ghay - Kaham/Cha pha - good
*chēŋ (green) hring hring hring 青 (qīng) chieŋ shēŋ - - - - Kwkhwrang/Kukhurang - - green
*ch[ē]t sât sat/chan/tan vat/tan/sat 切 (qiē, qiè) chiet shīt zed ćhać - - tan-di/Hra-di('di' is suffix to denote 'to' here) - to cut
References for the above table:[13][14]

Mizo and Burmese

The following few words suggest that Mizo and the Burmese are of the same family: kun ("to bend"), kam ("bank of a river"), kha ("bitter"), sam ("hair"), mei ("fire"), that ("to kill"), ni ("sun"), hnih ("two"), li ("four"), nga ("five") etc.




The Mizo language has eight tones and intonations for each of the vowels a, aw, e, i and u, four of which are reduced tones and the other four long tones. The vowel o has only three tones, all of them of the reduced type; it has almost exactly the same sound as the diphthong /oʊ/ found in American English. However, the vowels can be represented as follows:[15]

Front Central Back
Close i [i], [ɨ], []   u [u], [ʊ], [ʊː]
Mid e [e], [ɛ], [ɛː]   aw [o], [ɔ], [ɔː]
Open a [ʌ], [a], [ɑ], [ɑː], [ä]


Starting with a Starting with e Starting with i Starting with u
ai (/aɪ̯/, /ɑːi/ or /ai/) ei (/eɪ̯/, /ɛi/ or /ɛɪ̯/) ia (/ɪə̯/ /ɪa/, /ja/ or /ɪa̭/) ua (/u̯a/ or /ua̭/)
au (/aʊ̯/, /ɑːʊ̯/) eu (/ɛu/, /eʊ/ or /eʊ̯/) iu (/ɪʊ̯/ or /iw/) ui (/ɥi/ or /ʔwi/)


Mizo has the following triphthongs:

  • iai, as in iai, piai
  • iau as in riau ruau, tiau tuau etc.
  • uai, as in uai, zuai, tuai, vuai
  • uau, as in riau ruau, tiau tuau, suau suau


Mizo has the following consonants, with the first symbol being its orthographical form and the second one its representation in the IPA:[15]

Labial Dental Alveolar Velar Glottal
central lateral
voiceless p [p] t [t] ch [t͡s] tl [t͡l] k [k] h [ʔ]1
aspirated ph [pʰ] th [tʰ] chh [t͡sʰ], [ʰ] thl [t͡lʰ] kh [kʰ]
voiced b [b] d [d]
flap ṭ [t͡ɾ]
aspirated flap ṭh [t͡ɾʰ]
Fricative voiceless f [f] s [s] h [h]
voiced v [v] z [z]
Sonorant plain m [m] n [n] r [r] l [l] ng [ŋ]
aspirated hm [ʰm] hn [ʰn] hr [ʰr] hl [ʰl] ngh [ʰŋ]
glottalized1 rh [rʔ] lh [lʔ]
  1. The glottal and glottalised consonants appear only in final position.


As Mizo is a tonal language, differences in pitch and pitch contour can change the meanings of words. Tone systems have developed independently in many daughter languages, largely by simplifications in the set of possible syllable-final and syllable-initial consonants. Typically, a distinction between voiceless and voiced initial consonants is replaced by a distinction between high and low tone, and falling and rising tones developed from syllable-final h and glottal stop, which themselves often reflect earlier consonants.

The eight tones and intonations that the vowel a (and the vowels aw, e, i, u, and this constitutes all the tones in the Mizo language) can have are shown by the letter sequence p-a-n-g, as follows:[16]

  • long high tone: páng as in páng (which has the same intonation as sáng in the sentence Thingküng sáng tak kan huanah a ding).
  • long low tone: pàng as in Tui a kawt pàng pâng mai (which has the same intonation as vàng in the word vànglaini).
  • peaking tone: pâng as in Tui a kawt pàng pâng mai (which has the same intonation as thlûk in I hla phuah thlûk chu a va mawi ve).
  • dipping tone: päng as in Tuibur a hmuam päng mai (which has the same intonation as säm in Kan huan ka säm vêl mai mai).
  • short rising tone: pǎng as in naupǎng (which has the same intonation as thǎng in Kan huanah thǎng ka kam).
  • short falling tone: pȧng as in I va inkhuih pȧng ve? (which has the same intonation as pȧn in I lam ka rawn pȧn )
  • short mid tone: pang as in A dik lo nghâl pang (which has the same tone as man in Sazu ka man )
  • short low tone: pạng as in I pạng a sá a nih kha (which has the same tone as chạl in I chạlah thosí a ).
Notation of vowels with intonation
Short tones Long tones
mid rising falling low peaking high dipping low
a (ǎ / ă) / ả (ȧ / ã) / ą â á ä à
o (ǒ / ŏ) / ỏ / (ó)   ọ / (ò)  
aw (ǎw / ăw) / ảw (ȧw / ãw) / ąw ạw âw áw äw àw
u (ǔ / ŭ) / ủ (ů / ũ) / ų û ú ü ù
e (ě / ĕ) / ẻ (ė / ẽ) / ę ê é ë è
i (ǐ / ĭ) / ỉ (ĩ) / į î í ï ì

Note that the exact orthography of tones with diacritics is still not standardised (notably for differentiating the four short tones with confusive or conflicting choices of diacritics) except for the differentiation of long versus short tones using the circumflex. As well, the need of at least 7 diacritics may cause complications to design easy keyboard layouts, even if they use dead keys, and even if not all basic Latin letters are needed for Mizo itself, so publications may represent the short tones using digrams (e.g. by appending some apostrophe or glottal letter) to reduce the number of diacritics needed to only 4 (those used now for the long tones) on only two dead keys.

Sample sentences

The following table illustrates the pronunciations of various consonants, vowels and diphthongs found in the Mizo language:

Sentence Pronunciation
Zạwhtë ka hmù zɒʔ˩.teː˧˩˦ kʌ˧ ʰmuː˩˩
Thlàpǔi a ëng tlʰaː˩˩.pwi˧˥ ʔʌ˧ ʔɛːŋ˧˩˦
Tlángah kǎn láwn tlaː˥˥.ŋʌʔ˧ kʌn˧˥ loːn˥˥
Phengphehlep chi hrang paruk ṭhu chungin ka en pʰeːŋ.pʰɛ.lʰɛp tsi ʰraŋ pʌ.rʊk trʰʊ tsʊ.ŋin kʌ ɛn
Ṭahbelh chu chhunah kan hruai ve lo vang. trʌʔ.bɛlʔ tsʊ tʃuː.nʌʔ kʌn ʰrwai veː loʊ vʌŋ(or lɔ.vʌŋ)
I va berh ve! ʔɪ vʌ berʔ ve:
Khàuphár thạwvẹn vè êm êm rịngawt mai che u hian. kʰauː˩˩.pʰaːr˥˥ tʰɔ˩.vɛn˩ veː˩˩ ʔɛːm˧˥˨ ʔɛːm˧˥˨ ri˩.ŋɔt˧ mai/mʌj tsɛ ʔʊ hjaːn
Nghakuai kan chiah ʰŋa.kua̯ːi kan tsjaʔ
I zuan kai ngam ka ring. ʔi zua̯ːn kaːi ŋam ka riŋ
Hläu miah lovin. ʰlaṷ˧˩˦ mjʌʔ lɔ.vin
Kuai tliak kwai tljaːk
I tán liau liau i taːn˥˥ ljaʊ ljaʊ
I uar a ni lo maw? ʔɪ ʔʊar ʔʌ nɪ loʊ ˈmɔː
Sakei sʌ.ˈkeɪ
Paih darh suh pʌɪʔ dʌrʔ sʊʔ
References and further reading for this section.[17][18][19][20]


Mizo contains many analyzable polysyllables, which are polysyllabic units in which the individual syllables have meaning by themselves. In a true monosyllabic language, polysyllables are mostly confined to compound words, such as "lighthouse". The first syllables of compounds tend over time to be de-stressed, and may eventually be reduced to prefixed consonants. The word nuntheihna ("survival") is composed of nung ("to live"), theih ("possible") and na (a nominalising suffix); likewise, theihna means "possibility". Virtually all polysyllabic morphemes in Mizo can be shown to have originated in this way. For example, the disyllabic form bakhwan ("butterfly"), which occurs in one dialect of the Trung (or Dulung) language of Yunnan, is actually a reduced form of the compound blak kwar, found in a closely related dialect. It is reported over 18 of the dialects share about 850 words with the same meaning. For example, ban ("arm"), ke ("leg"), thla ("wing", "month"), lu ("head") and kut ("hand").

Word order

The declarative word order in Mizo is Object-subject-verb (OSV). For example:







Lehkhabu ka ziak

book I write

I write/am writing a book

However, even if one says Ka ziak lehkhabu, its meaning is not changed, nor does it become incorrect; the word order becomes Subject-verb-object. But this form is used only in particular situations.



The verbs (called thiltih in Mizo)[21] are not conjugated as in languages such as English and French by changing the desinence of words, but the tense (in a sentence) is clarified by the aspect and the addition of some particles, such as[22]


Modification of verbs

Mizo verbs are often used in the Gerund, and most verbs change desinence in the Gerund; this modification is called tihdanglamna. This modified form is also used as the past participle. Some verbs which undergo modification are tabulated below:

Mizo verb Tihdanglam (modified form) English meaning
ziak ziah ziak – to write
ziah – writing (g.), written
tât tah tât – to whet (such as a knife)
tah – whetting (g.), whetted
mâk mà – to divorce (said of a man divorcing his wife)
mâk – divorcing (g.), divorced

However, even if the spelling of a verb is not changed, its tone is sometimes changed. For example, the verbs tum (to aim), hum (to protect) etc. change tones; the tone is lowered in the modified form. There is a third class of verbs – those which neither change tone nor are inflected (modified). Examples include hneh (to conquer), hnek (to strike with one's fist).

Modification of words is not restricted to verbs; adjectives, adverbs etc. are also modified.



There is no gender for nouns, and there are no articles. There are some specific suffixes for forming nouns from verbs and adjectives, the most common of which are -na and -zia. The suffix -na is used for forming nouns from both verbs and adjectives, whereas -zia is used specifically for nominalising adjectives. For example,

  • tlù (v. to fall) – tlûkna (n. fall)
  • hmù (v. to see) – hmuhna (n. sight, seeing, vision)
  • suäl (adj. evil) – suàlna (n. sin)/suàlzia (n. evilness)

Declension of nouns

Mizo nouns undergo declension into cases. The main cases can be classified as follows:[23]

Case Desinence Tone (in pronunciation) Examples
no change -
1. tui
2. nula
3. hmangaihna
Ergative suffix -in for non-proper nouns, 'n for proper nouns short low pitch for -in 1. tuiin
2. nulain
3. hmangaihnain
Instrumental short high pitch on -in
Locative suffix -ah 1. tuiah
2. nulaah
3. hmangaihnaah


Nouns are pluralized by suffixing -te, -ho, -teho or -hote, for example:

Noun Plurals Meaning
mipa mipate
mipa – man
mipate/mipaho – men
naupang naupangte
naupang – child
naupangte/-ho – children



All Mizo pronouns occur in two forms, namely in free form and clitic form:[23]

Free form Clitic form
kei(I) ka (I)
keimah (I)[24]
keini (we) kan (we)
keimahni (we)[24]
nang(you, singular) i (you, singular)
nangmah (you)[24]
nangni (you, plural) in (you, plural)
nangmahni (you, plural)[24]
ani (he, she, it) a (he, she, it)
amah (he, she, it)[24]
anni (they) an (they)
anmahni (they)[24]

The free form is mostly used for emphasis, and has to be used in conjunction with either the clitic form or an appropriate pronominal particle, as shown in the following examples:

  1. Kei (=I free form) ka (=I clitic form)lo tel ve kher a ngai em?. This is a somewhat emphatic way of saying Ka lo tel ve kher a ngai em?
  2. Nangni (=you pl., free form) in (you pl., clitic form) zo tawh em? This is a somewhat emphatic way of saying Nangni in zo tawh em?
  3. Ani (he/she) a (s/he) kal ve chuan a ṭha lo vang.

The clitic form is also used as a genitive form of the pronoun.


Mizo pronouns, like Mizo nouns, are declined into cases as follows:

Pronoun (Nominative case) Genitive case Accusative case Ergative case
clitic form
ka ka mi, min keimahin=keima'n
kan kan min keimahni-in=keimahnin
i i che nangmahin=nangma'n
in in che u nangmahni-in=nangmahnin
a a amah amahin=ama'n
an an anmahni anmahni-in=anmahni'n
free form
kei keima keimah, keimah min keimahin=keima'n
keimah keima keimah, keimah min keimahin=keima'n
keini keini keini, keini min keini-in=keini'n
keimahni keimahni keimahni, keimahni min keimahni-in=keimahni'n
anni anni anni anni'n
anmahni anmahni anmahni anmahni-in=anmahni'n


Mizo adjectives (Mizo: hrilhfiahna) follow the nouns they describe, as follows:






naupang fel

child good

a good child






lehkhabu chhiartlâk

book readable

a readable book






hmasawnna chhenfâkawm

development sustainable

sustainable development


For declarative sentences, negation is achieved by adding the particle lo (not) at the end of a sentence. For example,

Sentence Negation
Lala a lo kal
Lala is coming/Lala came
Lala a lo kal lo
Lala did not come
Pathumin paruk a sem thei
Three divides six
Pathumin paruk a sem thei lo
Three does not divide six

Also, for words such as engmah (nothing), tumah (nobody) etc., unlike English we have to add the negation particle lo; for example










Tumah ka hmu lo

nobody I see not






rawn keng




Engmah ka {rawn keng} lo

nothing I bring not

Thus we have to use double negation for such cases.

Unique parts of speech

All kinds of Parts of Speech like noun, pronoun, verbs, etc. can be found in Mizo language with some additional unique kinds – post-positions and double adverbs.

Sample texts

The following is a sample text in Mizo of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:[25]

Mizo ṭawng English
Mi zawng zawng hi zalèna piang kan ni a, zahawmna leh dikna chanvoah intluk tlâng vek kan ni. Chhia leh ṭha hriatna fîm neia siam kan nih avangin kan mihring puite chungah inunauna thinlung kan pu tlat tur a ni. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience. Therefore, they should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Some Mizo words and phrases

Mizo English Mizo English
Ka lawm e Thank you Ru steal
I dam maw/I dam em? How are you? Hmin Ripe
Tui Water Thar New
Chaw Food Lian Big
Sangha Fish Pe Give
Rul Snake Sakei Tiger
Khua Village/town/city Lal Chief/Lord/King
Ni Day/the sun Sikeisen Mars
Thla Moon/month Chawngmawii Venus
Kum Year/age Hrangchhuana Jupiter
Ṭha maw? (informal) How are you?/What's up? Tukṭhuan Breakfast
Van Sky Chhum Cloud
Boruak Air Khu Smoke
Thlawh(theih)na Aeroplane Arsi Star
Ṭumhmun Airport Mei Fire
Zin to travel Ui Dog
Lei Earth Hmul Feather
Khawvel World
Thla the moon
Lu Head
Mit Eye
Khabe Chin
Beng Ear
Hnar Nose
Mi People
Zangnadawmna Assurance
Sa Meat
Engtin?/Engtiangin? How?
Mangṭha Good night
Dar engzât nge? What time is it now?
Thingpui Tea
Khaw'nge i kal dawn? Where are you going?
Dam takin [(u) le] Goodbye/Go in peace
Engtikah? When?
Khawiah? Where?
Eng(nge)? What?
Amaherawhchu However

Cardinal numbers

(Pa)khat One
(Pa)hnih Two
(Pa)thum Three
(Pa)li Four
(Pa)ngá Five
(Pa)ruk Six
(Pa)sarih Seven
(Pa)riat Eight
(Pa)kua Nine
Sàwm Ten
Sàwmpakhat Eleven
Sàwmpakua Nineteen
Sawmhnih Twenty
Sawmthum Thirty
Sawmküa Ninety
Zangá Five hundred
Säng(khat) One thousand
Sïng(khat) Ten thousand
Nûai(khat) Hundred thousand/One lakh in Indian English
Maktadûai Million
Vaibelchhia Ten million
Vaibelchhetak Hundred million
Tlûklehdingäwn Billion



Mizo has a thriving literature with Mizo departments in Mizoram University and Manipur University . The governing body is the Mizo Academy of Letters, which awards the annual literary prize MAL Book of the Year since 1989. The books awarded so far and their authors are tabulated below along with the years:[11]

Year Book Author Comments on the book
1989 Ka Lungkham B. Lalthangliana
1990 Hmangaihzuali C. Laizawna Novel
1991 Zoram Khawvel-I Lalthlamuong Keivom Contemporary Mizo history
1992 Ṭhangthar Taitesena Romawia
1993 Mizo Literature B. Lalthangliana
1994 Kum za Kristian Zofate hmabâk Bangalore Mizo Christian Fellowship
1995 Ram leh i tan chauh H. Lallungmuana
1996 Bible leh Science P.C. Biaksiama Creationism
1997 Pasalṭha Khuangchera Laltluangliana Khiangte Drama
1998 Anita C. Laizawna Novel
1999 Tlawm ve lo Lalnu Ropuiliani Lalsangzuali Sailo Mizo history
2000 Chawngmawii leh Hrangchhuana R. Rozika Novel
2001 Ka khualzin kawng Robuanga
2002 Runlum Nuthai L.Z. Sailo Eulogy
2003 Kan Bible hi Zairema Theology
2004 Zorinpari H. Lalngurliana Novel
2005 Damlai thlipui Lalhriata Novel
2006 Pasalṭhate ni hnuhnung C. Lalnunchanga Historical adventure novel
2007 Zofate zinkawngah zalenna mei a mit tur a ni lo R. Zamawia Factual description and idealisation of Mizo uprising
2008 Chun chawi loh Lalhriata Novel
2009 Rintei zùnléng Lalrammawia Ngente Novel
2010 Beiseina Mittui Samson Thanruma Novel
2011 Zodinpuii (posthumously awarded) Lalchhantluanga Novel
2012 Sihlipui Romuanpuii Zadeng Novel
2013 Thinglubul Lalpekkima Novel
2014 Ka Zalenna B. Lalhriattira Essay collection
2015 Kawlkil piah Lamtluang C. Lalnunchanga Fantasy Novel
2016 Aizawl Aizawler Lalhruaitluanga Chawngte Contemporary Social Essays[26]
2017 Savun Kawrfual Lalhmingchhuanga Zongte Collection of Essays
2018 Hringnun Hrualhrui Mafaa Hauhnar Collection of Essays
2019 Falung Lalengzauva Novel

This award is only for books originally written in Mizo, not for translations, and it has been awarded every year since 1989. The award has been given to books on history and religion, but most of its winners are novels. Each year, the academy examines about 100 books (in 2011, 149 books were examined),[27] out of which it selects the top 20, and then shortlisting it further to top 10, and then to top 5, then top 3, finally chooses the winner.

The academy also awards lifetime achievement in Mizo literature.

Some of the best-known Mizo writers include James Dokhuma, Ṭhuamtea Khawlhring, C. Laizawna, C. Lalnunchanga, Vanneihtluanga etc.


The Mizoram Press Information Bureau lists some twenty Mizo daily newspapers just in Aizawl city, as of March 2013.[28] The following list gives some of the most well-known newspapers published in the Mizo language.

Name of newspaper Publication frequency Editor Place
Chhawkhlei Daily Lalhmingliana Champhai
Chhawrpial Daily C.Lalzamlova Aizawl
Chhim Aw Daily Baitha Saiha
Chhinlung Daily Vanhnuna Lunglei
Dumde Daily F. Lalbiakmawia (Fam) Champhai
Harhna Daily C.Vulluaia Aizawl
Hnamdamna Daily Chawngchhuma Lunglei
Hruaitu Arsi Daily Zosangliana Aizawl
Khawpui Aw Daily Zaithankhuma Aizawl
Laisuih Daily C.Lalhminghlua Serchhip
Lengzem chanchinbu Monthly Vanneihtluanga Aizawl
Lenkawl Daily Remmawia Kawlni Serchhip
Lenrual Daily Lalhlupuia Champhai
Pasaltha Daily Lalhmingmawia Pachuau Champhai
Ramlai Arsi Daily Lalremruata Ralte Serchhip
Rihlipui Daily DK Lalhruaitluanga Champhai
Romei Daily Robert Lalchhuana Aizawl
Thu Thar Daily A.Rodingliana Aizawl
Turnipui Daily S.Lalhmachhuana Kolasib
The Zozam Times Daily H.Laldinmawia Aizawl
Vanglaini chanchinbu,[29] Daily K. Sapdanga Aizawl
Zalen Daily Vanlalrema Vantawl Aizawl
Zawlbuk Aw Daily Hranghmingthanga Thenzawl
Zoram Thlirtu Daily Lalrinmawia Sailo Aizawl
Zoram Tlangau Daily L.Pachuau Aizawl
Zorin Daily Lalkunga Aizawl

Most of them are daily newspapers.


There are around 850,000 speakers of the Mizo language: 830,846 speakers in India (2011 census); 1,041 speakers in Bangladesh (1981 census); 12,500 speakers in Myanmar (1983 census).

See also


  1. ^ a b c Mizo at Ethnologue (25th ed., 2022)  
  2. ^ "Kuki Mizo". Directorate of Kokborok & Other Minority Languages, Government of Tripura. Retrieved 30 August 2022.
  3. ^ a b Lalthangliana, B., 'Mizo tihin ṭawng a nei lo' tih kha 13 November 2020 at the Wayback Machine, see also Matisoff, 'Language names' section
  4. ^ "Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region, Mizoram State Information". Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region. 2 November 2021. Retrieved 9 November 2021.
  5. ^ "Requests to include 38 languages in Constitution pending: Govt". The Hindu. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  6. ^ James Herbert Lorrain; Fred W. Savidge (1898). A Grammar and Dictionary of the Lushai Language (Dulien Dialect). Assam Secretariat Print. Office. p. 24.
  7. ^ Lalthangliana, B.: 2001, History and Culture of Mizo in India, Burma and Bangladesh, Aizawl. "Baptist Missionary Conference, 1892", p. 745
  8. ^ The Mizo Wiktionary uses the additional symbols , ǎ, ȧ, and likewise for the other vowels aw, e, i and u, to differentiate these
  9. ^ "Wt/lus/Thlûkna chungchanga kaihhruaina - Wikimedia Incubator". incubator.wikimedia.org. Retrieved 6 November 2022.
  10. ^ Mc Kinnon, John and Wanat Bruksasri (Editors): The Higlangders of Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford University Press, 1983, p. 65.
  11. ^ a b . www.vanglaini.org. Archived from the original on 13 November 2020. Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  12. ^ STEDT database.See also
  13. ^ "Search for data in: Sino-Tibetan etymology". starling.rinet.ru. Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  14. ^ "STEDT Database (Beta)". stedt.berkeley.edu. Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  15. ^ a b Weidert, Alfons, Component Analysis of Lushai Phonology, Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series IV – Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, volume 2, Amsterdam: John Benjamins B.V., 1975.
  16. ^ Zoppen Club, Mizo ṭawng thumal thar
  17. ^ "Sarmah, Priyankoo & Caroline Wiltshire, An acoustic study of Mizo tones and morpho-tonology." (PDF). Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  18. ^ Govind, D., Priyankoo Sarmah, S.R. Mahadeva Prasanna, Role of pitch slope and duration in synthesized Mizo tones.
  19. ^ Khoi Lam Thang, A phonological reconstruction of Proto-chin.
  20. ^ Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Workshop on Tone and Intonation: Theory, Typology and Computation.
  21. ^ SCERT, Mizo Grammar, class XI & XII textbook (2002–).
  22. ^ SCERT, Mizo Grammar and Composition, 2002.
  23. ^ a b "Chhangte, Lalnunthangi, The Grammar of Simple Clauses in Mizo" (PDF). Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  24. ^ a b c d e f This form is also used as the accusative
  25. ^ UDHR in Mizo (Unicode Website) or OHCHR Website
  26. ^ "Mizo Academy of Letters Book of the Year list". dcserchhip.mizoram.gov.in. Retrieved 16 August 2020.
  27. ^ "Vanglaini, April 24, 2012" (PDF). Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  28. ^ "See the website". Retrieved 14 January 2020.
  29. ^ "Vanglaini – Mizo Daily Since 1978". vanglaini.org. Retrieved 30 June 2010.


  1. K. S. Singh: 1995, People of India-Mizoram, Volume XXXIII, Anthropological Survey of India, Calcutta.
  2. Grierson, G. A. (Ed.) (1904b). Tibeto-Burman Family: Specimens of the Kuki-Chin and Burma Groups, Volume III Part III of Linguistic Survey of India. Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, Calcutta.
  3. Grierson, G. A: 1995, Languages of North-Eastern India, Gian Publishing House, New Delhi.
  4. Lunghnema, V., Mizo chanchin (B.C. 300 aṭanga 1929 A.D.), 1993.
  5. Zoramdinthara, Dr., Mizo Fiction: Emergence and Development. Ruby Press & Co.(New Delhi). 2013. ISBN 978-93-82395-16-4

External links

  • Lorrain, J. Herbert (James Herbert) Dictionary of the Lushai language. Calcutta : Asiatic Society, 1940. (Bibliotheca Indica, 261)
  • Sino-Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus database
  • Mizoram.nic.in Official website of Mizoram.
  • Mizoram Presbyterian
  • Mizoram Baptist
  • Mizoram Adventist 4 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine

mizo, language, this, article, about, official, language, mizoram, related, languages, spoken, mizo, peoples, mizo, people, kuki, chin, mizo, ṭawng, kuki, chin, belonging, tibeto, burman, branch, sino, tibetan, family, spoken, natively, mizo, people, mizoram, . This article is about the official language of Mizoram For related languages spoken by Mizo peoples see Mizo people and Kuki Chin Mizo languages The Mizo language or Mizo ṭawng is a Kuki Chin Mizo language belonging to the Tibeto Burman branch of the Sino Tibetan family spoken natively by the Mizo people in the Mizoram state of India and Chin State and Sagaing Division in Myanmar The language is also known as Duhlian and Lushai a colonial term as the Duhlian people were the first among the Mizos to be encountered by the British in the course of their colonial expansion 3 The Mizo language is mainly based on Lusei dialect but it has also derived many words from its surrounding Mizo sub tribes and sub clan Now Mizo language or Mizo ṭawng is the lingua franca of Mizoram and its surrounding areas and to a lesser extent of Myanmar and Bangladesh and in India in some parts of Assam Tripura Manipur Meghalaya and Nagaland Many poetic languages are derived from Pawi Paite and Hmar and most known ancient poems considered to be Mizo are actually in Pawi 3 clarification needed Mizo is the official language of Mizoram 4 along with English and there have been efforts to have it included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India 5 MizoMizo ṭawngNative toIndia Myanmar BangladeshRegionMizoram Tripura Assam Manipur Meghalaya Chin state Sagaing Division Nagaland Chittagong hill tractsEthnicityMizo peopleNative speakers840 000 2011 1 Language familySino Tibetan Kuki Chin MizoCentralMizoWriting systemLatin script 1 2 primary Bengali Assamese script 1 Official statusOfficial language in India MizoramLanguage codesISO 639 2 span class plainlinks lus span ISO 639 3 a href https iso639 3 sil org code lus class extiw title iso639 3 lus lus a Glottologlush1249 Contents 1 History 2 Cardinal numbers 3 Writing system 4 Relation with other languages 4 1 Mizo and Sino Tibetan languages 4 2 Mizo and Burmese 5 Phonology 5 1 Vowels 5 1 1 Monophthongs 5 1 2 Diphthongs 5 1 3 Triphthongs 5 2 Consonants 5 3 Tone 5 4 Sample sentences 6 Grammar 6 1 Word order 6 2 Verbs 6 2 1 Conjugation 6 2 2 Modification of verbs 6 3 Nouns 6 3 1 Construction 6 3 2 Declension of nouns 6 3 3 Pluralisation 6 4 Pronouns 6 4 1 Forms 6 4 2 Declension 6 5 Adjectives 6 6 Negation 6 7 Unique parts of speech 7 Sample texts 7 1 Some Mizo words and phrases 7 2 Cardinal numbers 8 Literature 8 1 Books 8 2 Newspaper 9 Statistics 10 See also 11 References 12 Sources 13 External linksHistory EditThe Mizo language belongs to the Kuki Chin Mizo branch of the Sino Tibetan language family The numerous clans of the Mizo had respective dialects amongst which the Lusei dialect was the most common and evolved with significant influenced from Hmar Lai and Paite etc to become the Mizo language and the lingua franca of the Mizo peoples due to its extensive and exclusive use by the Christian missionaries and the later young generation citation needed Cardinal numbers EditThey are as follows 6 1 pa khat 2 pa hnih 3 pa thum 4 pa li 5 pa nga 6 pa ruk 7 pa sarih 8 pa riat 9 pa kua 10 sawm Writing system EditThe Mizo alphabet is based on the Roman script and has 25 letters namely Letter a aw b ch d e f g ng h i j kName listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listenLetter l m n o p r s t ṭ u v zName listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listenIn its current form it was devised by the first Christian missionaries of Mizoram Rev J H Lorrain and Rev F W Savidge 7 based on Hunterian system of transliteration A circumflex was later added to the vowels to indicate long vowels viz a e i o u which were insufficient to fully express Mizo tone Recently when a leading newspaper in Mizoram Vanglaini the magazine Kristian Ṭhalai and other publishers began using a a a e e e i i i o o o u u u to indicate the long intonations and tones However this does not differentiate the different intonations that short tones can have 8 9 Relation with other languages EditThe Mizo language is related to the other languages of the Sino Tibetan family 10 The Kuki Chin Mizo languages which native Mizo speakers call Zohnahthlak ṭawngho Mizo ṭawngho have a substantial number of words in common 11 Mizo and Sino Tibetan languages Edit The following table illustrates the similarity between Mizo and other members of the Sino Tibetan family 12 The words given are cognates whose origins could be traced back to the proto language Proto Sino Tibetan given in the first column of the table Proto Sino Tibetan Mizo Duhlian Lusei language Khawsak Hmar language Zote Hmar language Standard Chinese character Pinyin Early Middle Chinese Old Chinese Written Tibetan Written Burmese Written Sgaw Karen Bodo Tripuri Kokborok Meitei language Trung English meaning tujH tui tui tui 水 shuǐ htee doi twi tui ishing water sĭj H s thi thi famchang famchang thi 死 sǐ si sjid shi ba se thee thoi thwi thui shi ɕi die ghaH kha kha khak 苦 kǔ kʰɔ khag kha kha kha kha Kwkha Kha kha Kha salty bitter sĭŋ thing thing thin sin sjin shing sac thae Buphang Waphang wood tree miǝ ŋ hming hming hming 名 ming mjiajŋ mjing ming mung mi Bumung mung ming muŋ name paH pa pa zuopa 爸 ba pa afah Apha Bupha ipa father ŋaH pa nga panga panga 五 wǔ ŋɔ ngag lnga ŋ a yeh ba Ba manga peŋ ŋa five rŭk pa ruk paruk paruk 六 liu luwk ljekw drug khrok xu doh Dok taruk khlu six nă nang nang nangma 汝 rǔ ȵɨʌ naʔ na nong nung nwng nang nǎ thou you nĭj ni ni sun nisa nisa 日 ri ȵiɪt njiɡ mu ni mu shan Sal ni day sun ma em maw am 吗 ma ma bara final interrogative particle nu nu nuhmei nuhmei 女 nǚ Bwrwi ti female chaw ei bu fak bu bak 吃饭 chi fan Cha chak cha eat rice druaŋ lai lailung lai malai lai 中 zhōng middle ṭuŋ ṭǜŋ truŋ truŋs gzuŋ ǝtwaŋh khuh tha Kwchar matai manak a3 tuŋ1 middle middle ti kʷ tawk huntawk hunchat 淑 shu shu chu sdug pretty nice thǝuk be worth have certain value be lucky enough sufficient hmang zo hmang zo hmang ral intham inral Leng use up exhaust ph ra ṭha ṭha ṭha ghay Kaham Cha pha good cheŋ green hring hring hring 青 qing chieŋ sheŋ Kwkhwrang Kukhurang green ch e t sat sat chan tan vat tan sat 切 qie qie chiet shit zed chac tan di Hra di di is suffix to denote to here to cutReferences for the above table 13 14 Mizo and Burmese Edit The following few words suggest that Mizo and the Burmese are of the same family kun to bend kam bank of a river kha bitter sam hair mei fire that to kill ni sun hnih two li four nga five etc Phonology EditVowels Edit Monophthongs Edit The Mizo language has eight tones and intonations for each of the vowels a aw e i and u four of which are reduced tones and the other four long tones The vowel o has only three tones all of them of the reduced type it has almost exactly the same sound as the diphthong oʊ found in American English However the vowels can be represented as follows 15 Front Central BackClose i i ɨ iː u u ʊ ʊː Mid e e ɛ ɛː aw o ɔ ɔː Open a ʌ a ɑ ɑː a Diphthongs Edit Starting with a Starting with e Starting with i Starting with uai aɪ ɑːi or ai ei eɪ ɛi or ɛɪ ia ɪe ɪa ja or ɪa ua u a or ua au aʊ ɑːʊ eu ɛu eʊ or eʊ iu ɪʊ or iw ui ɥi or ʔwi Triphthongs Edit Mizo has the following triphthongs iai as in iai piai iau as in riau ruau tiau tuau etc uai as in uai zuai tuai vuai uau as in riau ruau tiau tuau suau suauConsonants Edit Mizo has the following consonants with the first symbol being its orthographical form and the second one its representation in the IPA 15 Labial Dental Alveolar Velar Glottalcentral lateralPlosive Affricate voiceless p p t t ch t s tl t l k k h ʔ 1aspirated ph p ʰ th t ʰ chh t sʰ tʃ ʰ thl t lʰ kh k ʰ voiced b b d d flap ṭ t ɾ aspirated flap ṭh t ɾʰ Fricative voiceless f f s s h h voiced v v z z Sonorant plain m m n n r r l l ng ŋ aspirated hm ʰ m hn ʰ n hr ʰ r hl ʰ l ngh ʰ ŋ glottalized1 rh r ʔ lh l ʔ The glottal and glottalised consonants appear only in final position Tone Edit As Mizo is a tonal language differences in pitch and pitch contour can change the meanings of words Tone systems have developed independently in many daughter languages largely by simplifications in the set of possible syllable final and syllable initial consonants Typically a distinction between voiceless and voiced initial consonants is replaced by a distinction between high and low tone and falling and rising tones developed from syllable final h and glottal stop which themselves often reflect earlier consonants The eight tones and intonations that the vowel a and the vowels aw e i u and this constitutes all the tones in the Mizo language can have are shown by the letter sequence p a n g as follows 16 long high tone pang as in pang la which has the same intonation as sang in the sentence Thingkung sang tak kan huanah a ding long low tone pang as in Tui a kawt pang pang mai which has the same intonation as vang in the word vanglaini peaking tone pang as in Tui a kawt pang pang mai which has the same intonation as thluk in I hla phuah thluk chu a va mawi ve dipping tone pang as in Tuibur a hmuam pang mai which has the same intonation as sam in Kan huan ka sam vel mai mai short rising tone pǎng as in naupǎng which has the same intonation as thǎng in Kan huanah thǎng ka kam short falling tone pȧng as in I va inkhuih pȧng ve which has the same intonation as pȧn in I lam ka rawn pȧn short mid tone pang as in A dik lo nghal pang which has the same tone as man in Sazu ka man short low tone pạng as in I pạng a sa a nih kha which has the same tone as chạl in I chạlah thosi afu Notation of vowels with intonation Short tones Long tonesmid rising falling low peaking high dipping lowa ǎ ă ả ȧ a a ạ a a a ao ǒ ŏ ỏ o ọ o aw ǎw ăw ảw ȧw aw aw ạw aw aw aw awu ǔ ŭ ủ u ũ u ụ u u u ue e ĕ ẻ e ẽ e ẹ e e e ei ǐ ĭ ỉ ĩ į ị i i i iNote that the exact orthography of tones with diacritics is still not standardised notably for differentiating the four short tones with confusive or conflicting choices of diacritics except for the differentiation of long versus short tones using the circumflex As well the need of at least 7 diacritics may cause complications to design easy keyboard layouts even if they use dead keys and even if not all basic Latin letters are needed for Mizo itself so publications may represent the short tones using digrams e g by appending some apostrophe or glottal letter to reduce the number of diacritics needed to only 4 those used now for the long tones on only two dead keys Sample sentences Edit The following table illustrates the pronunciations of various consonants vowels and diphthongs found in the Mizo language Sentence PronunciationZạwhte ka hmu zɒʔ teː kʌ ʰmuː Thlapǔi a eng tlʰaː pwi ʔʌ ʔɛːŋ Tlangah kǎn lawn tlaː ŋʌʔ kʌn loːn Phengphehlep chi hrang paruk ṭhu chungin ka en pʰeːŋ pʰɛ lʰɛp tsi ʰraŋ pʌ rʊk trʰʊ tsʊ ŋin kʌ ɛnṬahbelh chu chhunah kan hruai ve lo vang trʌʔ bɛlʔ tsʊ tʃuː nʌʔ kʌn ʰrwai veː loʊ vʌŋ or lɔ vʌŋ I va berh ve ʔɪ vʌ berʔ ve Khauphar thạwvẹn ve em em rịngawt mai che u hian kʰauː pʰaːr tʰɔ vɛn veː ʔɛːm ʔɛːm ri ŋɔt mai mʌj tsɛ ʔʊ hjaːnNghakuai kan chiah ʰŋa kua ːi kan tsjaʔI zuan kai ngam ka ring ʔi zua ːn kaːi ŋam ka riŋHlau miah lovin ʰlaṷ mjʌʔ lɔ vinKuai tliak kwai tljaːkI tan liau liau i taːn ljaʊ ljaʊI uar a ni lo maw ʔɪ ʔʊar ʔʌ nɪ loʊ ˈmɔːSakei sʌ ˈkeɪPaih darh suh pʌɪʔ dʌrʔ sʊʔReferences and further reading for this section 17 18 19 20 Grammar EditMain article Mizo grammar Mizo contains many analyzable polysyllables which are polysyllabic units in which the individual syllables have meaning by themselves In a true monosyllabic language polysyllables are mostly confined to compound words such as lighthouse The first syllables of compounds tend over time to be de stressed and may eventually be reduced to prefixed consonants The word nuntheihna survival is composed of nung to live theih possible and na a nominalising suffix likewise theihna means possibility Virtually all polysyllabic morphemes in Mizo can be shown to have originated in this way For example the disyllabic form bakhwan butterfly which occurs in one dialect of the Trung or Dulung language of Yunnan is actually a reduced form of the compound blak kwar found in a closely related dialect It is reported over 18 of the dialects share about 850 words with the same meaning For example ban arm ke leg thla wing month lu head and kut hand Word order Edit The declarative word order in Mizo is Object subject verb OSV For example LehkhabubookkaIziakwriteLehkhabu ka ziakbook I writeI write am writing a book However even if one says Ka ziak lehkhabu its meaning is not changed nor does it become incorrect the word order becomes Subject verb object But this form is used only in particular situations Verbs Edit Conjugation Edit The verbs called thiltih in Mizo 21 are not conjugated as in languages such as English and French by changing the desinence of words but the tense in a sentence is clarified by the aspect and the addition of some particles such as 22 ang for forming simple future tawh for forming simple past and past perfect mek for forming progressive tenses present and past dawn for forming simple future dawn mek for forming near future etc Modification of verbs Edit Mizo verbs are often used in the Gerund and most verbs change desinence in the Gerund this modification is called tihdanglamna This modified form is also used as the past participle Some verbs which undergo modification are tabulated below Mizo verb Tihdanglam modified form English meaningziak ziah ziak to write ziah writing g writtentat tah tat to whet such as a knife tah whetting g whettedma mak ma to divorce said of a man divorcing his wife mak divorcing g divorcedHowever even if the spelling of a verb is not changed its tone is sometimes changed For example the verbs tum to aim hum to protect etc change tones the tone is lowered in the modified form There is a third class of verbs those which neither change tone nor are inflected modified Examples include hneh to conquer hnek to strike with one s fist Modification of words is not restricted to verbs adjectives adverbs etc are also modified Nouns Edit Construction Edit There is no gender for nouns and there are no articles There are some specific suffixes for forming nouns from verbs and adjectives the most common of which are na and zia The suffix na is used for forming nouns from both verbs and adjectives whereas zia is used specifically for nominalising adjectives For example tlu v to fall tlukna n fall hmu v to see hmuhna n sight seeing vision sual adj evil sualna n sin sualzia n evilness Declension of nouns Edit Mizo nouns undergo declension into cases The main cases can be classified as follows 23 Case Desinence Tone in pronunciation ExamplesNominativeAccusativeGenitive no change 1 tui 2 nula 3 hmangaihnaErgative suffix in for non proper nouns n for proper nouns short low pitch for in 1 tuiin 2 nulain3 hmangaihnainInstrumental short high pitch on inLocative suffix ah 1 tuiah 2 nulaah 3 hmangaihnaahPluralisation Edit Nouns are pluralized by suffixing te ho teho or hote for example Noun Plurals Meaningmipa mipatemipaho mipa manmipate mipaho mennaupang naupangtenaupangho naupang childnaupangte ho childrenPronouns Edit Forms Edit All Mizo pronouns occur in two forms namely in free form and clitic form 23 Free form Clitic formkei I ka I keimah I 24 keini we kan we keimahni we 24 nang you singular i you singular nangmah you 24 nangni you plural in you plural nangmahni you plural 24 ani he she it a he she it amah he she it 24 anni they an they anmahni they 24 The free form is mostly used for emphasis and has to be used in conjunction with either the clitic form or an appropriate pronominal particle as shown in the following examples Kei I free form ka I clitic form lo tel ve kher a ngai em This is a somewhat emphatic way of saying Ka lo tel ve kher a ngai em Nangni you pl free form in you pl clitic form zo tawh em This is a somewhat emphatic way of saying Nangni in zo tawh em Ani he she a s he kal ve chuan a ṭha lo vang The clitic form is also used as a genitive form of the pronoun Declension Edit Mizo pronouns like Mizo nouns are declined into cases as follows Pronoun Nominative case Genitive case Accusative case Ergative caseclitic formka ka mi min keimahin keima nkan kan min keimahni in keimahnini i che nangmahin nangma nin in che u nangmahni in nangmahnina a amah amahin ama nan an anmahni anmahni in anmahni nfree formkei keima keimah keimah min keimahin keima nkeimah keima keimah keimah min keimahin keima nkeini keini keini keini min keini in keini nkeimahni keimahni keimahni keimahni min keimahni in keimahni nanni anni anni anni nanmahni anmahni anmahni anmahni in anmahni nAdjectives Edit Mizo adjectives Mizo hrilhfiahna follow the nouns they describe as follows 1 naupangchildfelgoodnaupang felchild gooda good child 2 lehkhabubookchhiartlakreadablelehkhabu chhiartlakbook readablea readable book 3 hmasawnnadevelopmentchhenfakawmsustainablehmasawnna chhenfakawmdevelopment sustainablesustainable development Negation Edit For declarative sentences negation is achieved by adding the particle lo not at the end of a sentence For example Sentence NegationLala a lo kalLala is coming Lala came Lala a lo kal loLala did not comePathumin paruk a sem theiThree divides six Pathumin paruk a sem thei loThree does not divide sixAlso for words such as engmah nothing tumah nobody etc unlike English we have to add the negation particle lo for example 1 TumahnobodykaIhmuseelonotTumah ka hmu lonobody I see not 2 EngmahnothingkaIrawn kengbringlonotEngmah ka rawn keng lonothing I bring not Thus we have to use double negation for such cases Unique parts of speech Edit All kinds of Parts of Speech like noun pronoun verbs etc can be found in Mizo language with some additional unique kinds post positions and double adverbs Sample texts EditThe following is a sample text in Mizo of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 25 Mizo ṭawng EnglishMi zawng zawng hi zalena piang kan ni a zahawmna leh dikna chanvoah intluk tlang vek kan ni Chhia leh ṭha hriatna fim neia siam kan nih avangin kan mihring puite chungah inunauna thinlung kan pu tlat tur a ni All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights They are endowed with reason and conscience Therefore they should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood Some Mizo words and phrases Edit Mizo English Mizo EnglishKa lawm e Thank you Ru stealI dam maw I dam em How are you Hmin RipeTui Water Thar NewChaw Food Lian BigSangha Fish Pe GiveRul Snake Sakei TigerKhua Village town city Lal Chief Lord KingNi Day the sun Sikeisen MarsThla Moon month Chawngmawii VenusKum Year age Hrangchhuana JupiterṬha maw informal How are you What s up Tukṭhuan BreakfastVan Sky Chhum CloudBoruak Air Khu SmokeThlawh theih na Aeroplane Arsi StarṬumhmun Airport Mei FireZin to travel Ui DogLei Earth Hmul FeatherKhawvel WorldThla the moonLu HeadMit EyeKa MouthKhabe ChinBeng EarHnar NoseMi PeopleZangnadawmna AssuranceSa MeatEngtin Engtiangin How Mangṭha Good nightDar engzat nge What time is it now Thingpui TeaKhaw nge i kal dawn Where are you going Dam takin u le Goodbye Go in peaceEngtikah When Khawiah Where Eng nge What Amaherawhchu HoweverCardinal numbers Edit Pa khat One Pa hnih Two Pa thum Three Pa li Four Pa nga Five Pa ruk Six Pa sarih Seven Pa riat Eight Pa kua NineSawm TenSawmpakhat ElevenSawmpakua NineteenSawmhnih TwentySawmthum ThirtySawmkua NinetyZa HundredZanga Five hundredSang khat One thousandSing khat Ten thousandNuai khat Hundred thousand One lakh in Indian EnglishMaktaduai MillionVaibelchhia Ten millionVaibelchhetak Hundred millionTluklehdingawn BillionLiterature EditMain article Mizo literature Books Edit Mizo has a thriving literature with Mizo departments in Mizoram University and Manipur University The governing body is the Mizo Academy of Letters which awards the annual literary prize MAL Book of the Year since 1989 The books awarded so far and their authors are tabulated below along with the years 11 Year Book Author Comments on the book1989 Ka Lungkham B Lalthangliana1990 Hmangaihzuali C Laizawna Novel1991 Zoram Khawvel I Lalthlamuong Keivom Contemporary Mizo history1992 Ṭhangthar Taitesena Romawia1993 Mizo Literature B Lalthangliana1994 Kum za Kristian Zofate hmabak Bangalore Mizo Christian Fellowship1995 Ram leh i tan chauh H Lallungmuana1996 Bible leh Science P C Biaksiama Creationism1997 Pasalṭha Khuangchera Laltluangliana Khiangte Drama1998 Anita C Laizawna Novel1999 Tlawm ve lo Lalnu Ropuiliani Lalsangzuali Sailo Mizo history2000 Chawngmawii leh Hrangchhuana R Rozika Novel2001 Ka khualzin kawng Robuanga2002 Runlum Nuthai L Z Sailo Eulogy2003 Kan Bible hi Zairema Theology2004 Zorinpari H Lalngurliana Novel2005 Damlai thlipui Lalhriata Novel2006 Pasalṭhate ni hnuhnung C Lalnunchanga Historical adventure novel2007 Zofate zinkawngah zalenna mei a mit tur a ni lo R Zamawia Factual description and idealisation of Mizo uprising2008 Chun chawi loh Lalhriata Novel2009 Rintei zunleng Lalrammawia Ngente Novel2010 Beiseina Mittui Samson Thanruma Novel2011 Zodinpuii posthumously awarded Lalchhantluanga Novel2012 Sihlipui Romuanpuii Zadeng Novel2013 Thinglubul Lalpekkima Novel2014 Ka Zalenna B Lalhriattira Essay collection2015 Kawlkil piah Lamtluang C Lalnunchanga Fantasy Novel2016 Aizawl Aizawler Lalhruaitluanga Chawngte Contemporary Social Essays 26 2017 Savun Kawrfual Lalhmingchhuanga Zongte Collection of Essays2018 Hringnun Hrualhrui Mafaa Hauhnar Collection of Essays2019 Falung Lalengzauva NovelThis award is only for books originally written in Mizo not for translations and it has been awarded every year since 1989 The award has been given to books on history and religion but most of its winners are novels Each year the academy examines about 100 books in 2011 149 books were examined 27 out of which it selects the top 20 and then shortlisting it further to top 10 and then to top 5 then top 3 finally chooses the winner The academy also awards lifetime achievement in Mizo literature Some of the best known Mizo writers include James Dokhuma Ṭhuamtea Khawlhring C Laizawna C Lalnunchanga Vanneihtluanga etc Newspaper Edit The Mizoram Press Information Bureau lists some twenty Mizo daily newspapers just in Aizawl city as of March 2013 28 The following list gives some of the most well known newspapers published in the Mizo language Name of newspaper Publication frequency Editor PlaceChhawkhlei Daily Lalhmingliana ChamphaiChhawrpial Daily C Lalzamlova AizawlChhim Aw Daily Baitha SaihaChhinlung Daily Vanhnuna LungleiDumde Daily F Lalbiakmawia Fam ChamphaiHarhna Daily C Vulluaia AizawlHnamdamna Daily Chawngchhuma LungleiHruaitu Arsi Daily Zosangliana AizawlKhawpui Aw Daily Zaithankhuma AizawlLaisuih Daily C Lalhminghlua SerchhipLengzem chanchinbu Monthly Vanneihtluanga AizawlLenkawl Daily Remmawia Kawlni SerchhipLenrual Daily Lalhlupuia ChamphaiPasaltha Daily Lalhmingmawia Pachuau ChamphaiRamlai Arsi Daily Lalremruata Ralte SerchhipRihlipui Daily DK Lalhruaitluanga ChamphaiRomei Daily Robert Lalchhuana AizawlThu Thar Daily A Rodingliana AizawlTurnipui Daily S Lalhmachhuana KolasibThe Zozam Times Daily H Laldinmawia AizawlVanglaini chanchinbu 29 Daily K Sapdanga AizawlZalen Daily Vanlalrema Vantawl AizawlZawlbuk Aw Daily Hranghmingthanga ThenzawlZoram Thlirtu Daily Lalrinmawia Sailo AizawlZoram Tlangau Daily L Pachuau AizawlZorin Daily Lalkunga AizawlMost of them are daily newspapers Statistics EditThere are around 850 000 speakers of the Mizo language 830 846 speakers in India 2011 census 1 041 speakers in Bangladesh 1981 census 12 500 speakers in Myanmar 1983 census See also EditHunterian transliteration Mizo grammar Mizo literatureReferences Edit a b c Mizo at Ethnologue 25th ed 2022 Kuki Mizo Directorate of Kokborok amp Other Minority Languages Government of Tripura Retrieved 30 August 2022 a b Lalthangliana B Mizo tihin ṭawng a nei lo tih kha Archived 13 November 2020 at the Wayback Machine see also Matisoff Language names section Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region Mizoram State Information Ministry of Development of Northeastern Region 2 November 2021 Retrieved 9 November 2021 Requests to include 38 languages in Constitution pending Govt The Hindu Retrieved 17 August 2012 James Herbert Lorrain Fred W Savidge 1898 A Grammar and Dictionary of the Lushai Language Dulien Dialect Assam Secretariat Print Office p 24 Lalthangliana B 2001 History and Culture of Mizo in India Burma and Bangladesh Aizawl Baptist Missionary Conference 1892 p 745 The Mizo Wiktionary uses the additional symbols ạ ǎ ȧ and likewise for the other vowels aw e i and u to differentiate these Wt lus Thlukna chungchanga kaihhruaina Wikimedia Incubator incubator wikimedia org Retrieved 6 November 2022 Mc Kinnon John and Wanat Bruksasri Editors The Higlangders of Thailand Kuala Lumpur Oxford University Press 1983 p 65 a b Vanglaini www vanglaini org Archived from the original on 13 November 2020 Retrieved 14 January 2020 STEDT database See also Search for data in Sino Tibetan etymology starling rinet ru Retrieved 14 January 2020 STEDT Database Beta stedt berkeley edu Retrieved 14 January 2020 a b Weidert Alfons Component Analysis of Lushai Phonology Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science Series IV Current Issues in Linguistic Theory volume 2 Amsterdam John Benjamins B V 1975 Zoppen Club Mizo ṭawng thumal thar Sarmah Priyankoo amp Caroline Wiltshire An acoustic study of Mizo tones and morpho tonology PDF Retrieved 14 January 2020 Govind D Priyankoo Sarmah S R Mahadeva Prasanna Role of pitch slope and duration in synthesized Mizo tones Khoi Lam Thang A phonological reconstruction of Proto chin Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Workshop on Tone and Intonation Theory Typology and Computation SCERT Mizo Grammar class XI amp XII textbook 2002 SCERT Mizo Grammar and Composition 2002 a b Chhangte Lalnunthangi The Grammar of Simple Clauses in Mizo PDF Retrieved 14 January 2020 a b c d e f This form is also used as the accusative UDHR in Mizo Unicode Website or OHCHR Website Mizo Academy of Letters Book of the Year list dcserchhip mizoram gov in Retrieved 16 August 2020 Vanglaini April 24 2012 PDF Retrieved 14 January 2020 See the website Retrieved 14 January 2020 Vanglaini Mizo Daily Since 1978 vanglaini org Retrieved 30 June 2010 Sources EditK S Singh 1995 People of India Mizoram Volume XXXIII Anthropological Survey of India Calcutta Grierson G A Ed 1904b Tibeto Burman Family Specimens of the Kuki Chin and Burma Groups Volume III Part III of Linguistic Survey of India Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing Calcutta Grierson G A 1995 Languages of North Eastern India Gian Publishing House New Delhi Lunghnema V Mizo chanchin B C 300 aṭanga 1929 A D 1993 Zoramdinthara Dr Mizo Fiction Emergence and Development Ruby Press amp Co New Delhi 2013 ISBN 978 93 82395 16 4External links Edit Mizo language test of Wikipedia at Wikimedia Incubator Lorrain J Herbert James Herbert Dictionary of the Lushai language Calcutta Asiatic Society 1940 Bibliotheca Indica 261 Sino Tibetan Etymological Dictionary and Thesaurus database Mizoram nic in Official website of Mizoram Mizoram Presbyterian Mizoram Baptist Mizoram Adventist Archived 4 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Mizo language amp oldid 1134184268, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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