
Chinese classics

Chinese classic texts or canonical texts (simplified Chinese: 中国古典典籍; traditional Chinese: 中國古典典籍; pinyin: Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn diǎnjí) or simply dianji (典籍) refers to the Chinese texts which originated before the imperial unification by the Qin dynasty in 221 BC, particularly the "Four Books and Five Classics" of the Neo-Confucian tradition, themselves a customary abridgment of the "Thirteen Classics". All of these pre-Qin texts were written in classical Chinese. All three canons are collectively known as the classics (t , s , jīng, lit. "warp").[1]

The term Chinese classic texts may be broadly used in reference to texts which were written in vernacular Chinese or it may be narrowly used in reference to texts which were written in the classical Chinese which was current until the fall of the last imperial dynasty, the Qing, in 1912. These texts can include shi (, historical works), zi (, philosophical works belonging to schools of thought other than the Confucian but also including works on agriculture, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, divination, art criticism, and other miscellaneous writings) and ji (, literary works) as well as jing (Chinese medicine).

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Four Books and Five Classics were the subjects of mandatory study by those Confucian scholars who wished to take the imperial exams and needed to pass them in order to become government officials. Any political discussion was full of references to this background, and one could not be one of the literati (or, in some periods, even a military officer) without having memorized them. Generally, children first memorized the Chinese characters of the "Three Character Classic" and the "Hundred Family Surnames" and they then went on to memorize the other classics. The literate elite therefore shared a common culture and set of values.[citation needed]

Qin dynasty

Loss of texts at the end of the Qin dynasty

According to Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji), after Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China, unified China in 221 BC, his chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing intellectual discourse to unify thought and political opinion. This was alleged to have destroyed philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought, with the goal of strengthening the official Qin governing philosophy of Legalism. Three categories of books were viewed by Li Si to be most dangerous politically. These were poetry, history (especially historical records of other states than Qin), and philosophy. The ancient collection of poetry and historical records contained many stories concerning the ancient virtuous rulers. Li Si believed that if the people were to read these works they were likely to invoke the past and become dissatisfied with the present. The reason for opposing various schools of philosophy was that they advocated political ideas often incompatible with the totalitarian regime.[2]

Modern historians doubt the details of the story, which first appeared more than a century later in the Han dynasty official Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian. Michael Nylan observes that despite its mythic significance, the Burning of the Books legend does not bear close scrutiny. Nylan suggests that the reason Han dynasty scholars charged the Qin with destroying the Confucian Five Classics was partly to "slander" the state they defeated and partly because Han scholars misunderstood the nature of the texts, for it was only after the founding of the Han that Sima Qian labeled the Five Classics as "Confucian". Nylan also points out that the Qin court appointed classical scholars who were specialists on the Classic of Poetry and the Book of Documents, which meant that these texts would have been exempted, and that the Book of Rites and the Zuozhuan did not contain the glorification of defeated feudal states which the First Emperor gave as his reason for destroying them. Nylan further suggests that the story might be based on the fact that the Qin palace was razed in 207 BCE and many books were undoubtedly lost at that time.[3] Martin Kern adds that Qin and early Han writings frequently cite the Classics, especially the Documents and the Classic of Poetry, which would not have been possible if they had been burned, as reported.[4]

Western Han dynasty

Five Classics

The Five Classics (五經; Wǔjīng) are five pre-Qin Chinese books that became part of the state-sponsored curriculum during the Western Han dynasty, which adopted Confucianism as its official ideology. It was during this period that the texts first began to be considered together as a set collection, and to be called collectively the "Five Classics".[5] Several of the texts were already prominent by the Warring States period. Mencius, the leading Confucian scholar of the time, regarded the Spring and Autumn Annals as being equally important as the semi-legendary chronicles of earlier periods.

Classic of Poetry
A collection of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs, 105 festal songs sung at court ceremonies, and 40 hymns and eulogies sung at sacrifices to heroes and ancestral spirits of the royal house.
Book of Documents
A collection of documents and speeches alleged to have been written by rulers and officials of the early Zhou period and before. It is possibly the oldest Chinese narrative, and may date from the 6th century BC. It includes examples of early Chinese prose.
Book of Rites
Describes ancient rites, social forms and court ceremonies. The version studied today is a re-worked version compiled by scholars in the third century BC rather than the original text, which is said to have been edited by Confucius himself.
I Ching (Book of Changes)
The book contains a divination system comparable to Western geomancy or the West African Ifá system. In Western cultures and modern East Asia, it is still widely used for this purpose.
Spring and Autumn Annals
A historical record of the State of Lu, Confucius's native state, 722–481 BC.

Up to the Western Han, authors would typically list the Classics in the order Poems-Documents-Rituals-Changes-Spring and Autumn. However, from the Eastern Han the default order instead became Changes-Documents-Poems-Rituals-Spring and Autumn.

Han Imperial Library

In the Han dynasty, Liu Xiang established the text for many Chinese classical works such as The Book of Rites and Biographies of Exemplary Women

In 26 BCE, at the command of the emperor, Liu Xiang (77–6 BC[6]) compiled the first catalogue of the imperial library, the Abstracts (t 別錄, s 别录, Bielu), and is the first known editor of the Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shanhaijing), which was finished by his son.[7] Liu also edited collections of stories and biographies, the Biographies of Exemplary Women (Lienüzhuan).[citation needed] He has long erroneously been credited with compiling the Biographies of the Immortals (Liexian Zhuan), a collection of Taoist hagiographies and hymns.[8] Liu Xiang was also a poet - he is credited with the "Nine Laments" ("Jiu Tan") that appears in the anthology Chu Ci'.[9]

The works edited and compiled by Liu Xiang include:

This work was continued by his son, Liu Xin (scholar), who finally completed the task after his father's death.

Song dynasty

Four Books

Zhu Xi (1130-1200) compiled the list of four books in the Song dynasty.

The Four Books (四書; Sìshū) are Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism. They were selected by Zhu Xi in the Song dynasty to serve as general introduction to Confucian thought, and they were, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, made the core of the official curriculum for the civil service examinations.[23] They are:

Great Learning
Originally one chapter in the Book of Rites. It consists of a short main text attributed to Confucius and nine commentary chapters by Zengzi, one of the disciples of Confucius. Its importance is illustrated by Zengzi's foreword that this is the gateway of learning. It is significant because it expresses many themes of Chinese philosophy and political thinking, and has therefore been extremely influential both in classical and modern Chinese thought. Government, self-cultivation and investigation of things are linked.
Doctrine of the Mean
Another chapter in Book of Rites, attributed to Confucius' grandson Zisi. The purpose of this small, 33-chapter book is to demonstrate the usefulness of a golden way to gain perfect virtue. It focuses on the Way (道) that is prescribed by a heavenly mandate not only to the ruler but to everyone. To follow these heavenly instructions by learning and teaching will automatically result in a Confucian virtue. Because Heaven has laid down what is the way to perfect virtue, it is not that difficult to follow the steps of the holy rulers of old if one only knows what is the right way.
A compilation of speeches by Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Since Confucius's time, the Analects has heavily influenced the philosophy and moral values of China and later other East Asian countries as well. The Imperial examinations, started in the Sui dynasty and eventually abolished with the founding of the Republic of China, emphasized Confucian studies and expected candidates to quote and apply the words of Confucius in their essays.
A collection of conversations of the scholar Mencius with kings of his time. In contrast to the sayings of Confucius, which are short and self-contained, the Mencius consists of long dialogues with extensive prose.

Ming dynasty

Thirteen Classics

The official curriculum of the imperial examination system from the Song dynasty onward are the Thirteen Classics. In total, these works total to more than 600,000 characters that must be memorized in order to pass the examination. Moreover, these works are accompanied by extensive commentary and annotation, containing approximately 300 million characters by some estimates.

List of Classics

Before 221 BC

It is often difficult or impossible to precisely date pre-Qin works beyond their being "pre-Qin", a period of 1000 years. Information in ancient China was often orally passed down for generations before it was written down, so the order of the composition of the texts may not be in the same order as that which was arranged by their attributed "authors".[24]

The below list is therefore organized in the order which is found in the Siku Quanshu, the imperial library of the Qing dynasty. The Siku classifies all works into 4 top-level branches: the Confucian Classics and their secondary literature; history; philosophy; and poetry. There are sub-categories within each branch, but due to the small number of pre-Qin works in the Classics, History and Poetry branches, the sub-categories are only reproduced for the Philosophy branch.

Classics branch

Title Description
The I Ching (or Book of Changes) A manual of divination based on the eight trigrams attributed to the mythical figure Fuxi (by at least the time of the early Eastern Zhou these eight trigrams had been multiplied to sixty-four hexagrams). The I Ching is still used by modern adherents of folk religion.
The Classic of History or Book of Documents (Shu Jing) A collection of documents and speeches allegedly from the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou periods, and even earlier. It contains some of the earliest examples of Chinese prose.
The Classic of Poetry (Shi Jing) Made up of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs, 74 minor festal songs, traditionally sung at court festivities, 31 major festal songs, sung at more solemn court ceremonies, and 40 hymns and eulogies, sung at sacrifices to gods and ancestral spirits of the royal house. This book is traditionally credited as a compilation from Confucius. A standard version, named Maoshi Zhengyi, was compiled in the mid-7th century under the leadership of Kong Yingda.[25]
The Three Rites
The Rites of Zhou Conferred the status of a classic in the 12th century (in place of the lost Classic of Music).
The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial (Yi Li) Describes ancient rites, social forms and court ceremonies.
The Classic of Rites (Li Ji) Describes social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites.
The Spring and Autumn Annals Chronologically the earliest of the annals; comprising about 16,000 characters, it records the events of the State of Lu from 722 BC to 481 BC, with implied condemnation of usurpations, murder, incest, etc.
The Zuo zhuan (Commentary of Zuo) A different report of the same events as the Spring and Autumn Annals with a few significant differences. It covers a longer period than the Spring and Autumn Annals.
The Commentary of Gongyang Another surviving commentary on the same events (see Spring and Autumn Annals).
The Commentary of Guliang Another surviving commentary on the same events (see Spring and Autumn Annals).
The Classic of Filial Piety (Xiao Jing) A small book giving advice on filial piety; how to behave towards a senior (such as a father, an elder brother, or ruler).
The Four Books
The Mencius (Mengzi) A book of anecdotes and conversations of Mencius.
The Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu) A twenty-chapter work of dialogues attributed to Confucius and his disciples; traditionally believed to have been written by Confucius's own circle it is thought to have been set down by later Confucian scholars.
Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong) A chapter from the Book of Rites made into an independent work by Zhu Xi
The Great Learning A chapter from the Book of Rites made into an independent work by Zhu Xi
The Erya A dictionary explaining the meaning and interpretation of words in the context of the Confucian Canon.

History branch

Title Description
Bamboo Annals History of Zhou dynasty excavated from a Wei tomb in the Jin dynasty.
Yi Zhou Shu Similar in style to the Book of Documents
Discourses of the States (Guoyu) A collection of historical records of numerous states recorded the period from Western Zhou to 453 BC.
The Strategies of the Warring States Edited by Liu Xiang.
Yanzi chunqiu Attributed to the statesman Yan Ying, a contemporary of Confucius

Philosophy branch

Title Description
Confucianism (excl. Classics branch)
Kongzi Jiayu Collection of stories about Confucius and his disciples. Authenticity disputed.
Xunzi Attributed to Xun Kuang, an ancient Chinese collection of philosophical writings that makes the distinction between what is born in man and what must be learned through rigorous education.
Six Secret Teachings (六韜) Attributed to Jiang Ziya (Taigong)
The Art of War (孫子兵法) Attributed to Sunzi.
Wuzi (吳子) Attributed to Wu Qi.
The Methods of the Sima (司馬法) (Sima Fa) Attributed to Sima Rangju.
Wei Liaozi (尉繚子) Attributed to Wei Liao.
The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong (黃石公三略) Attributed to Jiang Ziya.
The Thirty-Six Stratagems Recently recovered.
Guanzi Attributed to Guan Zhong.
Deng Xizi Fragment
The Book of Lord Shang Attributed to Shang Yang.
Hanfeizi Attributed to Han Fei.
Shenzi Attributed to Shen Buhai; all but one chapter is lost.
The Canon of Laws Attributed to Li Kui.
Huangdi Neijing
Nan Jing
Yuzi Fragment
Mozi Attributed to the philosopher of the same name, Mozi.
Yinwenzi Fragment
Shenzi Attributed to Shen Dao. It originally consisted of ten volumes and forty-two chapters, of which all but seven chapters have been lost.
Gongsun longzi
The Lüshi Chunqiu An encyclopedic of ancient classics edited by Lü Buwei.
Shizi Attributed to Shi Jiao
The Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing) A compilation of early geography descriptions of animals and myths from various locations around China.[26]
Tale of King Mu, Son of Heaven tells the tale of king mu and his quest for immortality and after receiving it sadness over the death of his lover.
Dao De Jing Attributed to Laozi.
Guan Yinzi Fragment
The Liezi (or Classic of the Perfect Emptiness) Attributed to Lie Yukou.
Zhuangzi Attributed to the philosopher of the same name, Zhuangzi.


Title Description
Chu Ci Aside from the Shi Jing (see Classics branch) the only surviving pre-Qin poetry collection[citation needed]. Attributed to the southern state of Chu, and especially Qu Yuan.

After 206 BC

See also



  1. ^ Voorst, Robert E. Van (2007). Anthology of World Scriptures. Cengage Learning. p. 140. ISBN 978-0-495-50387-3.
  2. ^ Chan (1972), pp. 105–107.
  3. ^ Nylan (2001), pp. 29–30.
  4. ^ Kern (2010), pp. 111–112.
  5. ^ Nylan, Michael. . New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.
  6. ^ Twitchett & Loewe 1986, p. 192.
  7. ^ E.L. Shaughnessy, Rewriting Early Chinese Texts, pp. 2-3.
  8. ^ Theobald, Ulrich (24 July 2010), "Liexianzhuan", China Knowledge, Tübingen.
  9. ^ Hawkes, 280
  10. ^ Riegel 1993, p. 295.
  11. ^ Boltz 1993b, p. 144.
  12. ^ Shaughnessy 1993b, p. 239.
  13. ^ Tsien 1993, p. 1.
  14. ^ Cheng 1993, p. 315.
  15. ^ Loewe 1993b, p. 178.
  16. ^ Thompson 1993, p. 400.
  17. ^ Barrett 1993, p. 299.
  18. ^ Knechtges 1993c, p. 443.
  19. ^ Nylan 1993b, p. 155.
  20. ^ Le Blanc 1993, p. 190.
  21. ^ Rickett 1993, p. 246.
  22. ^ Durrant 1993, p. 484.
  23. ^ Daniel K. Gardner. The Four Books: The Basic Teachings of the Later Confucian Tradition. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2007. ISBN 978-0-87220-826-1.
  24. ^ Cambridge History of Ancient China chapter 11
  25. ^ "Detailed List 19-24 - lawpark's JimdoPage!". Lawpark.jimdo.com. 2014-01-27. Retrieved 2014-04-30.
  26. ^ The Classic of Mountains and Seas. Penguin Publishing Group. 2000-01-01. ISBN 978-0-14-044719-4.


Primary sources
Other sources
  • Chan, Lois Mai (1972). "The Burning of the Books in China, 213 B.C." The Journal of Library History. 7 (2): 101–108. ISSN 0022-2259. JSTOR 25540352.
  • Fei, Zhangang (2009). "Liu Xiang". Encyclopedia of China. ISBN 978-7-5000-7958-3.
  • Hawkes, David, ed. (1985). The Songs of the South: An Ancient Chinese Anthology of Poems By Qu Yuan And Other Poets. Penguin Books Limited. ISBN 978-0-14-044375-2. Retrieved 28 December 2021.
  • Twitchett, Denis; Loewe, Michael (26 December 1986). The Cambridge History of China: Volume 1, The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 BC-AD 220. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-24327-8. Retrieved 28 December 2021.
  • Loewe, Michael (1993). Early Chinese Texts: A Bibliographical Guide. Society for the Study of Early China. ISBN 978-1-55729-043-4. Retrieved 27 December 2021.
    • Tsien, Tsuen-hsuin (1993). Chan kuo ts'e 戰國策. pp. 1–11.
    • Ch'i-yün Ch'en 陳啟雲 and Margaret Pearson (1993). Ch'ien fu lun 潛夫論. pp. 12–15.
    • Christopher Cullen (1993a). Chiu chang suan shu 九章算術. pp. 16–23.
    • William G. Boltz (1993a). Chou li 周禮. pp. 24–32.
    • Christopher Cullen (1993b). Chou pi suan ching 周髀算經. pp. 33–38.
    • David S. Nivison (1993). Chu shu chi nien 竹書紀年. pp. 39–47.
    • David Hawkes (1993). Ch'u tz'u 楚辭. pp. 48–55.
    • H.D. Roth (1993). Chuang tzu 莊子. pp. 56–66.
    • Anne Cheng 程艾藍 (1993b). Ch'un ch'iu 春秋, Kung yang 公 羊, Ku liang 穀 梁 and Tso chuan 左 傳. pp. 67–76.
    • Steve Davidson; Michael Loewe (1993). Ch'un ch'iu fan lu 春秋繁露. pp. 77–87.
    • John Makeham (1993). Chung lun 中論. pp. 88–93.
    • W. South Coblin (1993). Erh ya 爾雅. pp. 94–99.
    • David R. Knechtges (1993). Fa yen 法言. pp. 100–104.
    • Michael Nylan (1993a). Feng su t'ung i 風俗通義. pp. 105–112.
    • A.F.P. Hulsewé (1993). Han chi 漢記. pp. 113–114.
    • Jean Levi (1993). Han fei tzu 韓非子. pp. 115–124.
    • James R. Hightower (1993). Han shih wai chuan 韓詩外傳. pp. 125–128.
    • A.F.P. Hulsewé (1993). Han shu 漢書. pp. 129–136.
    • David R. Knechtges (1993). Ho kuan tzu 鶡冠子. pp. 137–140.
    • Boltz, William G. (1993b). Hsiao ching 孝經. pp. 141–153.
    • David R. Knechtges (1993). Hsin hsü 新序. pp. 154–157.
    • Timoteus Pokora (1993). Hsin lun 新論. pp. 158–160.
    • Nylan, Michael (1993b). Hsin shu 新書. pp. 161–170.
    • Michael Loewe (1993a). Hsin yü 新語. pp. 171–177.
    • Loewe, Michael (1993b). Hsün tzu 荀子. pp. 178–188.
    • Le Blanc, Charles (1993). Huai nan tzu 淮南子. pp. 189–195.
    • Nathan Sivin (1993). Huang ti nei ching 黃帝內經. pp. 196–215.
    • Edward L. Shaughnessy (1993a). I ching 易經. pp. 216–228.
    • Shaughnessy, Edward L. (1993b). I Chou shu 逸周書. pp. 229–233.
    • William G. Boltz (1993c). I li 儀禮. pp. 234–243.
    • Rickett, W. Allyn (1993). Kuan tzu 管子. pp. 244–251.
    • A.C. Graham (1993). Kung sun Lung tzu 公孫龍子. pp. 252–257.
    • R.P. Kramers (1993). K'ung tzu chia yü 孔子家語. pp. 258–262.
    • Chang I-jen; William G. Boltz; Michael Loewe (1993). Kuo yü 國語. pp. 263–268.
    • William G. Boltz (1993). Lao tzu Tao te ching 老子道德經. pp. 269–292.
    • Riegel, Jeffrey K. (1993). Li chi 禮記. pp. 293–297.
    • Barrett, T.H. (1993). Lieh tzu 列子. pp. 298–308.
    • Timoteus Pokora and Michael Loewe (1993). Lun heng 論衡. pp. 309–312.
    • Cheng, Anne (1993). Lun yü 論語. pp. 313–323.
    • Michael Carson and Michael Loewe (1993). Lü shih ch'un ch'iu 呂氏春秋. pp. 324–330.
    • D.C. Lau 劉殿爵 (1993). Meng tzu 孟子. pp. 331–335.
    • A.C. Graham (1993). Mo tzu 墨子. pp. 336–341.
    • Rémi Mathieu (1993). Mu t'ien tzu chuan 穆天子傳. pp. 342–346.
    • Michael Loewe (1993c). Pai hu t'ung 白虎通. pp. 347–356.
    • Riccardo Fracasso (1993). Shan hai ching 山海經. pp. 357–367.
    • Jean Levi (1993). Shang chün shu 商君書. pp. 368–375.
    • Edward L. Shaughnessy (1993c). Shang shu 尚書 (Shu ching 書經). pp. 376–389.
    • Ch'en Ch'i-yün 陳啟雲 (1993). Shen chien 申鑒. pp. 390–393.
    • Herrlee G. Creel (1993). Shen tzu 申子 (Shen Pu-hai 申不害). pp. 394–398.
    • Thompson, P.M. (1993). Shen tzu 慎子 (Shen Tao 慎到). pp. 399–404.
    • A.F.P. Hulsewé (1993). Shih chi 史記. pp. 405–414.
    • Michael Loewe (1993d). Shih ching 詩經. pp. 415–423.
    • Roy Andrew Miller (1993). Shih ming 釋名. pp. 424–428.
    • William G. Boltz (1993d). Shuo wen chieh tzu 說文解字. pp. 429–442.
    • Knechtges, David R. (1993c). Shuo yüan 說苑. pp. 443–445.
    • Krzysztof Gawlikowski and Michael Loewe (1993). Sun tzu ping fa 孫子兵法. pp. 446–455.
    • Jeffrey K. Riegel (1993b). Ta Tai Li chi 大戴禮記. pp. 456–459.
    • Michael Nylan (1993c). T'ai hsüan ching 太玄經. pp. 460–466.
    • Michael Loewe (1993e). Tu tuan 獨斷. pp. 467–470.
    • Hans Bielenstein and Michael Loewe (1993). Tung kuan Han chi 東觀漢記. pp. 471–472.
    • John Lagerwey (1993). Wu Yüeh ch'un ch'iu 吳越春秋. pp. 473–476.
    • Michael Loewe (1993f). Yen t'ieh lun 鹽鐵論. pp. 477–482.
    • Durrant, Stephen W. (1993). Yen tzu ch'un ch'iu 晏子春秋. pp. 483–489.
    • Axel Schuessler and Michael Loewe (1993). Yüeh chüeh shu 越絕書. pp. 490–494.
  • Kern, Martin (2010), "Early Chinese Literature: Beginnings through Western Han", in Kang-i Sun Chang; Stephen Owen (eds.), The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–114, ISBN 9780521855587
  • Mair, Victor H.; Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman; Goldin, Paul R. (31 January 2005). Hawaii Reader in Traditional Chinese Culture. University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2785-4. Retrieved 27 December 2021.
  • Neininger, Ulrich (1983), "Burying the Scholars Alive: On the Origin of a Confucian Martyrs' Legend", Nation and Mythology", in Eberhard, Wolfram (ed.), East Asian Civilizations. New Attempts at Understanding Traditions vol. 2, pp. 121–136 Online
  • Nylan, Michael (2001). The Five "Confucian" Classics. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-08185-5. Retrieved 27 December 2021.
  • Petersen, Jens Østergȧrd (January 1995). "Which Books Did the First Emperor of Ch'in Burn? on the Meaning of Pai Chia in Early Chinese Sources". Monumenta Serica. 43 (1): 1–52. doi:10.1080/02549948.1995.11731268.
  • Endymion Wilkinson. Chinese History: A New Manual. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center, Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series. New Edition; Second, Revised printing March 2013). ISBN 9780674067158 ISBN 0674067150. See esp. pp. 365– 377, Ch. 28, "The Confucian Classics."

External links

  • Chinese Text Project (English Chinese) (Chinese philosophy texts in classical Chinese with English and modern Chinese translations)
  • The Canonical Books of Confucianism, David K. Jordan
in Traditional Chinese
  • Scripta Sinica Big classic texts database by Academia Sinica
  • 中國電子古籍世界 Classics database
  • Research Center for Chinese Ancient Texts includes CHANT (CHinese ANcient Texts) Database
in Simplified Chinese
  • 凌云小筑 In Chinese, with articles and discussions on literature, history, and philosophy.
  • 国学导航
in Japanese
  • 東方學デジタル圖書館

chinese, classics, confused, with, classic, chinese, novels, chinese, classic, texts, canonical, texts, simplified, chinese, 中国古典典籍, traditional, chinese, 中國古典典籍, pinyin, zhōngguó, gǔdiǎn, diǎnjí, simply, dianji, 典籍, refers, chinese, texts, which, originated, . Not to be confused with Classic Chinese Novels Chinese classic texts or canonical texts simplified Chinese 中国古典典籍 traditional Chinese 中國古典典籍 pinyin Zhōngguo gǔdiǎn diǎnji or simply dianji 典籍 refers to the Chinese texts which originated before the imperial unification by the Qin dynasty in 221 BC particularly the Four Books and Five Classics of the Neo Confucian tradition themselves a customary abridgment of the Thirteen Classics All of these pre Qin texts were written in classical Chinese All three canons are collectively known as the classics t 經 s 经 jing lit warp 1 The term Chinese classic texts may be broadly used in reference to texts which were written in vernacular Chinese or it may be narrowly used in reference to texts which were written in the classical Chinese which was current until the fall of the last imperial dynasty the Qing in 1912 These texts can include shi 史 historical works zi 子 philosophical works belonging to schools of thought other than the Confucian but also including works on agriculture medicine mathematics astronomy divination art criticism and other miscellaneous writings and ji 集 literary works as well as jing Chinese medicine In the Ming and Qing dynasties the Four Books and Five Classics were the subjects of mandatory study by those Confucian scholars who wished to take the imperial exams and needed to pass them in order to become government officials Any political discussion was full of references to this background and one could not be one of the literati or in some periods even a military officer without having memorized them Generally children first memorized the Chinese characters of the Three Character Classic and the Hundred Family Surnames and they then went on to memorize the other classics The literate elite therefore shared a common culture and set of values citation needed Contents 1 Qin dynasty 1 1 Loss of texts at the end of the Qin dynasty 2 Western Han dynasty 2 1 Five Classics 2 2 Han Imperial Library 3 Song dynasty 3 1 Four Books 4 Ming dynasty 4 1 Thirteen Classics 5 List of Classics 5 1 Before 221 BC 5 1 1 Classics branch 5 1 2 History branch 5 1 3 Philosophy branch 5 1 4 Poetry 5 2 After 206 BC 5 3 See also 6 References 6 1 Citations 6 2 Sources 7 External linksQin dynasty EditLoss of texts at the end of the Qin dynasty Edit According to Sima Qian s Records of the Grand Historian Shiji after Qin Shi Huangdi the first emperor of China unified China in 221 BC his chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing intellectual discourse to unify thought and political opinion This was alleged to have destroyed philosophical treatises of the Hundred Schools of Thought with the goal of strengthening the official Qin governing philosophy of Legalism Three categories of books were viewed by Li Si to be most dangerous politically These were poetry history especially historical records of other states than Qin and philosophy The ancient collection of poetry and historical records contained many stories concerning the ancient virtuous rulers Li Si believed that if the people were to read these works they were likely to invoke the past and become dissatisfied with the present The reason for opposing various schools of philosophy was that they advocated political ideas often incompatible with the totalitarian regime 2 Modern historians doubt the details of the story which first appeared more than a century later in the Han dynasty official Sima Qian s Records of the Grand Historian Michael Nylan observes that despite its mythic significance the Burning of the Books legend does not bear close scrutiny Nylan suggests that the reason Han dynasty scholars charged the Qin with destroying the Confucian Five Classics was partly to slander the state they defeated and partly because Han scholars misunderstood the nature of the texts for it was only after the founding of the Han that Sima Qian labeled the Five Classics as Confucian Nylan also points out that the Qin court appointed classical scholars who were specialists on the Classic of Poetry and the Book of Documents which meant that these texts would have been exempted and that the Book of Rites and the Zuozhuan did not contain the glorification of defeated feudal states which the First Emperor gave as his reason for destroying them Nylan further suggests that the story might be based on the fact that the Qin palace was razed in 207 BCE and many books were undoubtedly lost at that time 3 Martin Kern adds that Qin and early Han writings frequently cite the Classics especially the Documents and the Classic of Poetry which would not have been possible if they had been burned as reported 4 Western Han dynasty EditFive Classics Edit The Five Classics 五經 Wǔjing are five pre Qin Chinese books that became part of the state sponsored curriculum during the Western Han dynasty which adopted Confucianism as its official ideology It was during this period that the texts first began to be considered together as a set collection and to be called collectively the Five Classics 5 Several of the texts were already prominent by the Warring States period Mencius the leading Confucian scholar of the time regarded the Spring and Autumn Annals as being equally important as the semi legendary chronicles of earlier periods Classic of Poetry A collection of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs 105 festal songs sung at court ceremonies and 40 hymns and eulogies sung at sacrifices to heroes and ancestral spirits of the royal house Book of Documents A collection of documents and speeches alleged to have been written by rulers and officials of the early Zhou period and before It is possibly the oldest Chinese narrative and may date from the 6th century BC It includes examples of early Chinese prose Book of Rites Describes ancient rites social forms and court ceremonies The version studied today is a re worked version compiled by scholars in the third century BC rather than the original text which is said to have been edited by Confucius himself I Ching Book of Changes The book contains a divination system comparable to Western geomancy or the West African Ifa system In Western cultures and modern East Asia it is still widely used for this purpose Spring and Autumn Annals A historical record of the State of Lu Confucius s native state 722 481 BC Up to the Western Han authors would typically list the Classics in the order Poems Documents Rituals Changes Spring and Autumn However from the Eastern Han the default order instead became Changes Documents Poems Rituals Spring and Autumn Han Imperial Library Edit In the Han dynasty Liu Xiang established the text for many Chinese classical works such as The Book of Rites and Biographies of Exemplary Women In 26 BCE at the command of the emperor Liu Xiang 77 6 BC 6 compiled the first catalogue of the imperial library the Abstracts t 別錄 s 别录 Bielu and is the first known editor of the Classic of Mountains and Seas Shanhaijing which was finished by his son 7 Liu also edited collections of stories and biographies the Biographies of Exemplary Women Lienuzhuan citation needed He has long erroneously been credited with compiling the Biographies of the Immortals Liexian Zhuan a collection of Taoist hagiographies and hymns 8 Liu Xiang was also a poet he is credited with the Nine Laments Jiu Tan that appears in the anthology Chu Ci 9 The works edited and compiled by Liu Xiang include Book of Documents Classic of Rites 10 Classic of Filial Piety 11 Yi Zhou Shu 12 Strategies of the Warring States 13 Analects 14 Xunzi book 15 Shenzi 16 Zhuangzi book Liezi 17 Garden of Stories 18 New Prefaces Xinxu 19 Huainanzi 20 Guanzi 21 Master Yan s Spring and Autumn 22 This work was continued by his son Liu Xin scholar who finally completed the task after his father s death Song dynasty EditFour Books Edit Zhu Xi 1130 1200 compiled the list of four books in the Song dynasty The Four Books 四書 Sishu are Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism They were selected by Zhu Xi in the Song dynasty to serve as general introduction to Confucian thought and they were in the Ming and Qing dynasties made the core of the official curriculum for the civil service examinations 23 They are Great Learning Originally one chapter in the Book of Rites It consists of a short main text attributed to Confucius and nine commentary chapters by Zengzi one of the disciples of Confucius Its importance is illustrated by Zengzi s foreword that this is the gateway of learning It is significant because it expresses many themes of Chinese philosophy and political thinking and has therefore been extremely influential both in classical and modern Chinese thought Government self cultivation and investigation of things are linked Doctrine of the Mean Another chapter in Book of Rites attributed to Confucius grandson Zisi The purpose of this small 33 chapter book is to demonstrate the usefulness of a golden way to gain perfect virtue It focuses on the Way 道 that is prescribed by a heavenly mandate not only to the ruler but to everyone To follow these heavenly instructions by learning and teaching will automatically result in a Confucian virtue Because Heaven has laid down what is the way to perfect virtue it is not that difficult to follow the steps of the holy rulers of old if one only knows what is the right way Analects A compilation of speeches by Confucius and his disciples as well as the discussions they held Since Confucius s time the Analects has heavily influenced the philosophy and moral values of China and later other East Asian countries as well The Imperial examinations started in the Sui dynasty and eventually abolished with the founding of the Republic of China emphasized Confucian studies and expected candidates to quote and apply the words of Confucius in their essays Mencius A collection of conversations of the scholar Mencius with kings of his time In contrast to the sayings of Confucius which are short and self contained the Mencius consists of long dialogues with extensive prose Ming dynasty EditThirteen Classics Edit The official curriculum of the imperial examination system from the Song dynasty onward are the Thirteen Classics In total these works total to more than 600 000 characters that must be memorized in order to pass the examination Moreover these works are accompanied by extensive commentary and annotation containing approximately 300 million characters by some estimates Classic of Changes or I Ching 易經 Yijing Book of Documents 書經 Shujing Classic of Poetry 詩經 Shijing The Three Ritual Classics 三禮 Sanlǐ Rites of Zhou 周禮 Zhōulǐ Ceremonies and Rites 儀禮 Yilǐ Book of Rites 禮記 Lǐji Great Learning chapter 大學 Da Xue Doctrine of the Mean chapter 中庸 Zhōng Yōng The Three Commentaries on the Spring and Autumn Annals The Commentary of Zuo 左傳 Zuǒzhuan The Commentary of Gongyang 公羊傳 Gōngyang Zhuan The Commentary of Guliang 穀梁傳 Gǔliang Zhuan The Analects 論語 Lunyǔ Classic of Filial Piety 孝經 Xiaojing Erya 爾雅 Eryǎ Mencius 孟子 Mengzǐ List of Classics EditBefore 221 BC Edit It is often difficult or impossible to precisely date pre Qin works beyond their being pre Qin a period of 1000 years Information in ancient China was often orally passed down for generations before it was written down so the order of the composition of the texts may not be in the same order as that which was arranged by their attributed authors 24 The below list is therefore organized in the order which is found in the Siku Quanshu the imperial library of the Qing dynasty The Siku classifies all works into 4 top level branches the Confucian Classics and their secondary literature history philosophy and poetry There are sub categories within each branch but due to the small number of pre Qin works in the Classics History and Poetry branches the sub categories are only reproduced for the Philosophy branch Classics branch Edit Title DescriptionThe I Ching or Book of Changes A manual of divination based on the eight trigrams attributed to the mythical figure Fuxi by at least the time of the early Eastern Zhou these eight trigrams had been multiplied to sixty four hexagrams The I Ching is still used by modern adherents of folk religion The Classic of History or Book of Documents Shu Jing A collection of documents and speeches allegedly from the Xia Shang and Western Zhou periods and even earlier It contains some of the earliest examples of Chinese prose The Classic of Poetry Shi Jing Made up of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs 74 minor festal songs traditionally sung at court festivities 31 major festal songs sung at more solemn court ceremonies and 40 hymns and eulogies sung at sacrifices to gods and ancestral spirits of the royal house This book is traditionally credited as a compilation from Confucius A standard version named Maoshi Zhengyi was compiled in the mid 7th century under the leadership of Kong Yingda 25 The Three RitesThe Rites of Zhou Conferred the status of a classic in the 12th century in place of the lost Classic of Music The Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial Yi Li Describes ancient rites social forms and court ceremonies The Classic of Rites Li Ji Describes social forms administration and ceremonial rites The Spring and Autumn Annals Chronologically the earliest of the annals comprising about 16 000 characters it records the events of the State of Lu from 722 BC to 481 BC with implied condemnation of usurpations murder incest etc The Zuo zhuan Commentary of Zuo A different report of the same events as the Spring and Autumn Annals with a few significant differences It covers a longer period than the Spring and Autumn Annals The Commentary of Gongyang Another surviving commentary on the same events see Spring and Autumn Annals The Commentary of Guliang Another surviving commentary on the same events see Spring and Autumn Annals The Classic of Filial Piety Xiao Jing A small book giving advice on filial piety how to behave towards a senior such as a father an elder brother or ruler The Four BooksThe Mencius Mengzi A book of anecdotes and conversations of Mencius The Analects of Confucius Lun Yu A twenty chapter work of dialogues attributed to Confucius and his disciples traditionally believed to have been written by Confucius s own circle it is thought to have been set down by later Confucian scholars Doctrine of the Mean Zhong Yong A chapter from the Book of Rites made into an independent work by Zhu XiThe Great Learning A chapter from the Book of Rites made into an independent work by Zhu XiPhilologyThe Erya A dictionary explaining the meaning and interpretation of words in the context of the Confucian Canon History branch Edit Title DescriptionBamboo Annals History of Zhou dynasty excavated from a Wei tomb in the Jin dynasty Yi Zhou Shu Similar in style to the Book of DocumentsDiscourses of the States Guoyu A collection of historical records of numerous states recorded the period from Western Zhou to 453 BC The Strategies of the Warring States Edited by Liu Xiang Yanzi chunqiu Attributed to the statesman Yan Ying a contemporary of ConfuciusPhilosophy branch Edit Title DescriptionConfucianism excl Classics branch Kongzi Jiayu Collection of stories about Confucius and his disciples Authenticity disputed Xunzi Attributed to Xun Kuang an ancient Chinese collection of philosophical writings that makes the distinction between what is born in man and what must be learned through rigorous education Militarism Main article Seven Military ClassicsSix Secret Teachings 六韜 Attributed to Jiang Ziya Taigong The Art of War 孫子兵法 Attributed to Sunzi Wuzi 吳子 Attributed to Wu Qi The Methods of the Sima 司馬法 Sima Fa Attributed to Sima Rangju Wei Liaozi 尉繚子 Attributed to Wei Liao The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong 黃石公三略 Attributed to Jiang Ziya The Thirty Six Stratagems Recently recovered LegalismGuanzi Attributed to Guan Zhong Deng Xizi FragmentThe Book of Lord Shang Attributed to Shang Yang Hanfeizi Attributed to Han Fei Shenzi Attributed to Shen Buhai all but one chapter is lost The Canon of Laws Attributed to Li Kui MedicineHuangdi NeijingNan JingMiscellaneousYuzi FragmentMozi Attributed to the philosopher of the same name Mozi Yinwenzi FragmentShenzi Attributed to Shen Dao It originally consisted of ten volumes and forty two chapters of which all but seven chapters have been lost HeguanziGongsun longziGuiguziThe Lushi Chunqiu An encyclopedic of ancient classics edited by Lu Buwei Shizi Attributed to Shi JiaoMythologyThe Classic of Mountains and Seas Shan Hai Jing A compilation of early geography descriptions of animals and myths from various locations around China 26 Tale of King Mu Son of Heaven tells the tale of king mu and his quest for immortality and after receiving it sadness over the death of his lover TaoismDao De Jing Attributed to Laozi Guan Yinzi FragmentThe Liezi or Classic of the Perfect Emptiness Attributed to Lie Yukou Zhuangzi Attributed to the philosopher of the same name Zhuangzi WenziPoetry Edit Title DescriptionChu Ci Aside from the Shi Jing see Classics branch the only surviving pre Qin poetry collection citation needed Attributed to the southern state of Chu and especially Qu Yuan After 206 BC Edit The Twenty Four Histories a collection of authoritative histories of China for various dynasties The Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian The Book of Han by Ban Gu The Book of Later Han by Fan Ye The Records of Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou The Book of Jin by Fang Xuanling The Book of Song by Shen Yue The Book of Southern Qi by Xiao Zixian The Book of Liang by Yao Silian The Book of Chen by Yao Silian The History of the Southern Dynasties by Li Yanshou The Book of Wei by Wei Shou The Book of Zhou by Linghu Defen The Book of Northern Qi by Li Baiyao The History of the Northern Dynasties by Li Yanshou The Book of Sui by Wei Zheng The Old Book of Tang by Liu Xu The New Book of Tang by Ouyang Xiu The Old History of Five Dynasties by Xue Juzheng The New History of Five Dynasties by Ouyang Xiu The History of Song by Toqto a The History of Liao by Toqto a The History of Jin by Toqto a The History of Yuan by Song Lian The History of Ming by Zhang Tingyu The Draft History of Qing by Zhao Erxun is usually referred as the 25th classic of history records The New History of Yuan by Ke Shaomin is sometimes referred as the 26th classic of history records The Chronicles of Huayang an old record of ancient history and tales of southwestern China attributed to Chang Qu The Biographies of Exemplary Women a biographical collection of exemplary women in ancient China compiled by Liu Xiang The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms a historical record of the Sixteen Kingdoms attributed to Cui Hong is lost The Shiming is a dictionary compiled by Liu Xi by the end of 2nd century A New Account of the Tales of the World a collection of historical anecdotes and character sketches of some 600 literati musicians and painters The Thirty Six Strategies a military strategy book attributed to Tan Daoji The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons Wen Xin Diao Long a review book on ancient Chinese literature and writings by Liu Xie The Commentary on the Water Classic a book on hydrology of rivers in China attributed to the great geographer Li Daoyuan The Dialogues between Li Jing and Tang Taizong a military strategy book attributed to Li Jing The Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government Zizhi Tongjian with Sima Guang as its main editor The Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue a historical record of the states of Wu and Yue during the Spring and Autumn period attributed to Zhao Ye The Zhenguan Zhengyao a record of governance strategies and leadership of Emperor Taizong of Tang attributed to Wu Jing Da Dai Li Ji by Dai de a commentary edition of the book of rites though less popular then Dai sheng s version Xiao Dai Li Ji or just jiji a commentary edition of the book of rites by Dai Sheng it is relatively the book of rites along with Dai de s da Dai li ji it makes up the commentaries by the dai s or translated tai in some instances The Jiaoshi Yilin a work modelled after the I Ching composed during the Western Han dynasty and attributed to Jiao Yanshou The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art a mathematics Chinese book composed by several generations scholars of Han dynasty The Thousand Character Classic attributed to Zhou Xingsi The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era compiled by Gautama Siddha is a Chinese encyclopedia on astrology and divination The Shitong written by Liu Zhiji a work on historiography The Tongdian written by Du You a contemporary text focused on the Tang dynasty The Tang Huiyao compiled by Wang Pu a text based on the institutional history of the Tang dynasty The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions compiled by Bianji a recount of Xuanzang s journey The Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang written by Duan Chengshi records fantastic stories anecdotes and exotic customs The Four Great Books of Song a term referring to the four large compilations during the beginning of Song dynasty The Taiping Yulan a leishu encyclopedia The Taiping Guangji a collection of folk tales and theology The Wenyuan Yinghua an anthology of poetry odes songs and other writings The Cefu Yuangui a leishu encyclopedia of political essays autobiographies memorials and decrees The Dream Pool Essay a collection of essays on science technology military strategies history politics music and arts written by Shen Kuo The Exploitation of the Works of Nature an encyclopedia compiled by Song Yingxing The Compendium of Materia Medica a classic book of medicine written by Li Shizhen The Siku Quanshu the largest compilation of literature in Chinese history The New Songs from the Jade Terrace a poetry collection from the Six Dynasties period The Quan Tangshi or Collected Tang Poems compiled during the Qing dynasty published AD 1705 The Xiaolin Guangji a collection of jokes compiled during the Qing dynasty See also Edit Chinese literature Imperial examination List of early Chinese texts Kaicheng Stone Classics Seven Military Classics Old Texts Sinology Thomas Francis Wade Herbert Giles Lionel Giles Frederic H BalfourReferences EditCitations Edit Voorst Robert E Van 2007 Anthology of World Scriptures Cengage Learning p 140 ISBN 978 0 495 50387 3 Chan 1972 pp 105 107 Nylan 2001 pp 29 30 Kern 2010 pp 111 112 Nylan Michael Internet Archive Copy The Five Confucian Classics New Haven Yale University Press 2001 Twitchett amp Loewe 1986 p 192 E L Shaughnessy Rewriting Early Chinese Texts pp 2 3 Theobald Ulrich 24 July 2010 Liexianzhuan China Knowledge Tubingen Hawkes 280 Riegel 1993 p 295 Boltz 1993b p 144 Shaughnessy 1993b p 239 Tsien 1993 p 1 Cheng 1993 p 315 Loewe 1993b p 178 Thompson 1993 p 400 Barrett 1993 p 299 Knechtges 1993c p 443 Nylan 1993b p 155 Le Blanc 1993 p 190 Rickett 1993 p 246 Durrant 1993 p 484 Daniel K Gardner The Four Books The Basic Teachings of the Later Confucian Tradition Indianapolis Hackett 2007 ISBN 978 0 87220 826 1 Cambridge History of Ancient China chapter 11 Detailed List 19 24 lawpark s JimdoPage Lawpark jimdo com 2014 01 27 Retrieved 2014 04 30 The Classic of Mountains and Seas Penguin Publishing Group 2000 01 01 ISBN 978 0 14 044719 4 Sources Edit Primary sourcesSima Qian Records of the Grand Historian Burning of Books and Burying of Scholars The First Emperor of Qin translated by David K Jordan Other sourcesChan Lois Mai 1972 The Burning of the Books in China 213 B C The Journal of Library History 7 2 101 108 ISSN 0022 2259 JSTOR 25540352 Fei Zhangang 2009 Liu Xiang Encyclopedia of China ISBN 978 7 5000 7958 3 Hawkes David ed 1985 The Songs of the South An Ancient Chinese Anthology of Poems By Qu Yuan And Other Poets Penguin Books Limited ISBN 978 0 14 044375 2 Retrieved 28 December 2021 Twitchett Denis Loewe Michael 26 December 1986 The Cambridge History of China Volume 1 The Ch in and Han Empires 221 BC AD 220 Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 24327 8 Retrieved 28 December 2021 Loewe Michael 1993 Early Chinese Texts A Bibliographical Guide Society for the Study of Early China ISBN 978 1 55729 043 4 Retrieved 27 December 2021 Tsien Tsuen hsuin 1993 Chan kuo ts e 戰國策 pp 1 11 Ch i yun Ch en 陳啟雲 and Margaret Pearson 1993 Ch ien fu lun 潛夫論 pp 12 15 Christopher Cullen 1993a Chiu chang suan shu 九章算術 pp 16 23 William G Boltz 1993a Chou li 周禮 pp 24 32 Christopher Cullen 1993b Chou pi suan ching 周髀算經 pp 33 38 David S Nivison 1993 Chu shu chi nien 竹書紀年 pp 39 47 David Hawkes 1993 Ch u tz u 楚辭 pp 48 55 H D Roth 1993 Chuang tzu 莊子 pp 56 66 Anne Cheng 程艾藍 1993b Ch un ch iu 春秋 Kung yang 公 羊 Ku liang 穀 梁 and Tso chuan 左 傳 pp 67 76 Steve Davidson Michael Loewe 1993 Ch un ch iu fan lu 春秋繁露 pp 77 87 John Makeham 1993 Chung lun 中論 pp 88 93 W South Coblin 1993 Erh ya 爾雅 pp 94 99 David R Knechtges 1993 Fa yen 法言 pp 100 104 Michael Nylan 1993a Feng su t ung i 風俗通義 pp 105 112 A F P Hulsewe 1993 Han chi 漢記 pp 113 114 Jean Levi 1993 Han fei tzu 韓非子 pp 115 124 James R Hightower 1993 Han shih wai chuan 韓詩外傳 pp 125 128 A F P Hulsewe 1993 Han shu 漢書 pp 129 136 David R Knechtges 1993 Ho kuan tzu 鶡冠子 pp 137 140 Boltz William G 1993b Hsiao ching 孝經 pp 141 153 David R Knechtges 1993 Hsin hsu 新序 pp 154 157 Timoteus Pokora 1993 Hsin lun 新論 pp 158 160 Nylan Michael 1993b Hsin shu 新書 pp 161 170 Michael Loewe 1993a Hsin yu 新語 pp 171 177 Loewe Michael 1993b Hsun tzu 荀子 pp 178 188 Le Blanc Charles 1993 Huai nan tzu 淮南子 pp 189 195 Nathan Sivin 1993 Huang ti nei ching 黃帝內經 pp 196 215 Edward L Shaughnessy 1993a I ching 易經 pp 216 228 Shaughnessy Edward L 1993b I Chou shu 逸周書 pp 229 233 William G Boltz 1993c I li 儀禮 pp 234 243 Rickett W Allyn 1993 Kuan tzu 管子 pp 244 251 A C Graham 1993 Kung sun Lung tzu 公孫龍子 pp 252 257 R P Kramers 1993 K ung tzu chia yu 孔子家語 pp 258 262 Chang I jen William G Boltz Michael Loewe 1993 Kuo yu 國語 pp 263 268 William G Boltz 1993 Lao tzu Tao te ching 老子道德經 pp 269 292 Riegel Jeffrey K 1993 Li chi 禮記 pp 293 297 Barrett T H 1993 Lieh tzu 列子 pp 298 308 Timoteus Pokora and Michael Loewe 1993 Lun heng 論衡 pp 309 312 Cheng Anne 1993 Lun yu 論語 pp 313 323 Michael Carson and Michael Loewe 1993 Lu shih ch un ch iu 呂氏春秋 pp 324 330 D C Lau 劉殿爵 1993 Meng tzu 孟子 pp 331 335 A C Graham 1993 Mo tzu 墨子 pp 336 341 Remi Mathieu 1993 Mu t ien tzu chuan 穆天子傳 pp 342 346 Michael Loewe 1993c Pai hu t ung 白虎通 pp 347 356 Riccardo Fracasso 1993 Shan hai ching 山海經 pp 357 367 Jean Levi 1993 Shang chun shu 商君書 pp 368 375 Edward L Shaughnessy 1993c Shang shu 尚書 Shu ching 書經 pp 376 389 Ch en Ch i yun 陳啟雲 1993 Shen chien 申鑒 pp 390 393 Herrlee G Creel 1993 Shen tzu 申子 Shen Pu hai 申不害 pp 394 398 Thompson P M 1993 Shen tzu 慎子 Shen Tao 慎到 pp 399 404 A F P Hulsewe 1993 Shih chi 史記 pp 405 414 Michael Loewe 1993d Shih ching 詩經 pp 415 423 Roy Andrew Miller 1993 Shih ming 釋名 pp 424 428 William G Boltz 1993d Shuo wen chieh tzu 說文解字 pp 429 442 Knechtges David R 1993c Shuo yuan 說苑 pp 443 445 Krzysztof Gawlikowski and Michael Loewe 1993 Sun tzu ping fa 孫子兵法 pp 446 455 Jeffrey K Riegel 1993b Ta Tai Li chi 大戴禮記 pp 456 459 Michael Nylan 1993c T ai hsuan ching 太玄經 pp 460 466 Michael Loewe 1993e Tu tuan 獨斷 pp 467 470 Hans Bielenstein and Michael Loewe 1993 Tung kuan Han chi 東觀漢記 pp 471 472 John Lagerwey 1993 Wu Yueh ch un ch iu 吳越春秋 pp 473 476 Michael Loewe 1993f Yen t ieh lun 鹽鐵論 pp 477 482 Durrant Stephen W 1993 Yen tzu ch un ch iu 晏子春秋 pp 483 489 Axel Schuessler and Michael Loewe 1993 Yueh chueh shu 越絕書 pp 490 494 Kern Martin 2010 Early Chinese Literature Beginnings through Western Han in Kang i Sun Chang Stephen Owen eds The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature Cambridge University Press pp 1 114 ISBN 9780521855587 Mair Victor H Steinhardt Nancy Shatzman Goldin Paul R 31 January 2005 Hawaii Reader in Traditional Chinese Culture University of Hawaii Press ISBN 978 0 8248 2785 4 Retrieved 27 December 2021 Neininger Ulrich 1983 Burying the Scholars Alive On the Origin of a Confucian Martyrs Legend Nation and Mythology in Eberhard Wolfram ed East Asian Civilizations New Attempts at Understanding Traditions vol 2 pp 121 136 Online Nylan Michael 2001 The Five Confucian Classics Yale University Press ISBN 978 0 300 08185 5 Retrieved 27 December 2021 Petersen Jens Ostergȧrd January 1995 Which Books Did the First Emperor of Ch in Burn on the Meaning of Pai Chia in Early Chinese Sources Monumenta Serica 43 1 1 52 doi 10 1080 02549948 1995 11731268 Endymion Wilkinson Chinese History A New Manual Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Asia Center Harvard Yenching Institute Monograph Series New Edition Second Revised printing March 2013 ISBN 9780674067158 ISBN 0674067150 See esp pp 365 377 Ch 28 The Confucian Classics External links Edit Wikisource has original text related to this article Chinese classics Chinese Text Project English Chinese Chinese philosophy texts in classical Chinese with English and modern Chinese translations The Canonical Books of Confucianism David K Jordan Relevant Electronic Resources for Chinese Classical Studiesin Traditional ChineseScripta Sinica Big classic texts database by Academia Sinica Palace Museum Chinese Text Database 中國電子古籍世界 Classics database Research Center for Chinese Ancient Texts includes CHANT CHinese ANcient Texts Database Chinese classic text onlinein Simplified Chinese凌云小筑 In Chinese with articles and discussions on literature history and philosophy 国学导航in Japanese東方學デジタル圖書館 Portals Literature China Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Chinese classics amp oldid 1144668978, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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