
Maltese alphabet

The Maltese alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of some letters with diacritic marks and digraphs. It is used to write the Maltese language, which evolved from the otherwise extinct Siculo-Arabic dialect, as a result of 800 years independent development.[1][2][3] It contains 30 letters: 24 consonants and 6 vowels (a, e, i, o, u, ie).

Majuscule forms (uppercase) A B Ċ D E F Ġ G H Ħ I Ie J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Ż Z
Minuscule forms (lowercase) a b ċ d e f ġ g h ħ i ie j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x ż z

There are two types of Maltese consonants:

Samples edit

Letter (ittra) IPA Words (kliem) First Word (l-ewwel kelma) Last Word (l-aħħar kelma)
A a /a/, /ɐ/, /æ/ abjad (white), anġlu (Angel), aċċola (amberjack), aħjar (better), Amerika (America), azzarin (rifle), ankra (anchor) abbaku (abacus) azzjonist (shareholder)
B b /b/ ballun (ball), berquq (apricot), bellus (velvet), burò (bureau), bżar (pepper) bababa (say for nothing) bżulija (diligence)
Ċ ċ /t͡ʃ/ ċaċċiż (frame), ċarezza (clearness), ċikkulata (chocolate), ċitazzjoni (ticket), ċoff (bow), ċurkett (ring) ċabattin (cobbler) ċuwingam (chewing gum)
D d /d/ daħka (laugh), damma (dice), dawl (light), debba (mare), Dumnikan (Dominican), dura (hut) dab (he melted) dwett (duet)
E e /ɨ/, /e/, /ɛ/ elf (one thousand), ekkleżjastikament (ecclesiastically), erbgħa ( four (4), erba' (fourth), Ewropew (European), eżilju (exile) ebbanist (ebonist) eżumazzjonijiet (exhumations)
F f /f/ fallakka (plank), fehma (understanding), Franċiż (French), futbol (football), fwieħa (perfume) fabbli (affable) fwieħa (perfume)
Ġ ġ /d͡ʒ/ ġabra (collection), ġenerazzjoni (generation), ġewnaħ (wing), Ġunju (June), ġwież (walnuts) ġa (already) ġwież (pulse)
G g /ɡ/ gabarrè (tray), gejxa (geisha), grad (degree), Grieg (Greek), gżira (island) gabardin (gabardine) gżira (island)
GĦ għ /ˤː/ għada (tomorrow), għajn (eye), għamara (furniture), għemeż (he winked), Għid il-Kbir (Easter), għuda (wood) għa (hoy!) għuda (wood)
H h -- hedded (he threatened), hena (happiness), hi (she), hu (he), huma (they) ħaġra (stone) ħżunija (wickedness)
Ħ ħ /h/, /ħ/ ħabaq (basil), ħabsi (prisoner), ħajja (life), ħu (brother), ħażen (badness) ħa (take) ħuttafa (swallow)
I i /i/, /ɪ/ iben (son), idroġenu (hydrogen), induratur (gilder), Ingilterra (England), iżraq (azure) ibbies (grew hard) iżżuffjetta (to deride)
IE ie /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /ɨː/ iebes (hard), ieħor (another), ieqaf (stop) iebes (hard) ieqaf (stop)
J j /j/ jaf (knows), jarda (yard), jasar (imprisonment), jew (or), jott (yacht), jum (day) ja (oh!) jupp (hah!)
K k /k/ kabina (cabin), kaligrafija (calligraphy), Kalifornja (California), karru (wagon), kurżità (curiosity) kaballetta (cabaletta) Kżar (Czar)
L l /l/ labirint (maze), lejl (night), lejla (evening), Lhudi (Hebrew), lvant (east) la (nor) lwiża (vervain three-leaved)
M m /m/ Malti (Maltese), maternità (maternity), Mediterran (Mediterranean), mina (tunnel), mżelleġ (smudged) mama' (mother) mżużi (nasty)
N n /n/ nadif (clean), nerv (nerve), niċċa (niche), nuċċali (spectacles), nżul ix-xemx (sunset) nabba (to foretell) nżul (descending)
O o /o/, /ɔ/ oċean (ocean), opra (opera), orizzont (horizon), ors (bear), ożonu (ozone) oasi (oasis) ożmjum (osmium)
P p /p/ paċi (peace), paragrafu (paragraph), pazjent (patient), poeta (poet), pultruna (armchair) paċi (peace) pużata (cover)
Q q /ʔ/ qabar (grave), qaddis (saint), qalb (heart), qoxra (shell), qażquż (piglet) qabad (caught) qżużijat (nastiness)
R r /r/ raba' (land), raff (garret), replika (replica), riħa (smell), rvell (rebellion) ra (he saw) rżit (lean)
S s /s/ saba' (finger), safi (clear), saqaf (ceiling), serrieq (saw), suttana (gown) sa (until) swiċċ (switch)
T t /t/ tabakk (tobacco), tarġa (step), terrazzin (belvedere), Turkija (Turkey), twissija (warning), tuffieħa (apple) ta (gave) twittijat (levelling)
U u /u/, /ʊ/ udjenza (audience), uffiċċju (office), uman (human), uviera (egg-cup), użin (weight) ubbidjent (obedient) użinijiet (weights)
V v /v/ vaċċin (vaccine), vaska (pond), viċi (vice), vjaġġ (trip), vapur (ship) vaċċin (vaccine) vvumtat (vomited)
W w /w/ warda (rose), werrej (index), wied (valley), wirt (inheritance), wweldjat (welded) wadab (sling) wweldjat (welded)
X x /ʃ/, /ʒ/ xabla (sword), xandir (broadcasting), xehda (honeycomb), xoffa (lip), xxuttjat (kicked) xaba' (he had enough of) xxuttjat (kicked)
Ż ż /z/ żagħżugħ (teenager), żogħżija (youth), żaqq (stomach), żifna (dance), żunżan (wasps), żżuffjetta (he mocked) żabar (prune) żżuffjetta (he mocked)
Z z /t͡s/, /d͡z/ zalliera (salt-cellar), zalza (sauce), zalzett (sausage), zokk (trunk), zuntier (church-square) zakak (white wagtail) zzuppjat (crippled)

In the alphabetic sequence c is identical either to k (in front of a, o, u or consonant or as the last letter of the word) or to z (in front of e or i). The letter y is identical to i.

Older versions of the alphabet edit

Vassalli's alphabet (1788)
Panzavecchia’s alphabet (1845)

Before the standardisation of the Maltese alphabet, there were several ways of writing the sounds peculiar to Maltese, namely ⟨ċ⟩, ⟨ġ⟩, ⟨għ⟩, ⟨ħ⟩, ⟨w⟩, ⟨x⟩, and ⟨ż⟩.

/t͡ʃ/ was formerly written as c (in front of ⟨e⟩ and ⟨i⟩, in Italian fashion). Vella used ç for /t͡ʃ/. ⟨ç⟩ was used in other books during the 19th century. Rather than using a c with a cedilla, ⟨ç⟩, Panzavecchia used a c with ogonek ⟨c̨⟩. A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language used ⟨ch⟩ for /t͡ʃ/, in English fashion. It was not until 1866 that ⟨ċ⟩ came to be used.

/d͡ʒ/ and /g/, now written with ⟨ġ⟩ and ⟨g⟩ respectively, were formerly confused. When they were differentiated, /g/ was written as ⟨gk⟩, ⟨g⟩, ⟨gh⟩ and (by Vassalli) as a mirrored Arabic/Syriac gimel resembling a sideways V. On the other hand, /d͡ʒ/ was more commonly written as ⟨g⟩ or ⟨j⟩ in English fashion. Vella used a ⟨g⟩ with diaeresis, ⟨g̈⟩, but in 1843 reduced it to one dot, instituting the modern ⟨ġ⟩.

Until the middle of the 19th century, two sounds which would merge into /ˤː/ were differentiated in Maltese. These were variously represented as ⟨gh⟩, ⟨ġh⟩, ⟨gh´⟩, ⟨gh˙⟩ and with two letters not represented in Unicode (they resembled an upside down U). Panzavecchia used a specially designed font with a curly ⟨gh⟩. A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language used ⟨a⟩ with a superscript Arabic ʿayn (⟨ع⟩) to represent /ˤː/. ⟨għ⟩ itself was first used in Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese.

The letter ⟨ħ⟩ had the most variations before being standardised in 1866. It was variously written as ⟨ch⟩, and as a ⟨h⟩ with various diacritics or curly modifications. Some of these symbols were used for [ħ] and some for [x]. None of these are present in Unicode. ⟨ħ⟩ was first used in 1900, although the capital ⟨Ħ⟩ was used earlier (in 1845), where its lower case counterpart was a dotted h.

/w/ was written as ⟨w⟩, ⟨u⟩ or as a modified u (not present in Unicode).

The sounds /ʃ/, /ʒ/ (now represented with ⟨x⟩) were traditionally written as ⟨sc⟩ or ⟨x⟩. Vassalli invented a special character similar to Ɯ, just wider, and Panzavecchia used an ⟨sc⟩ ligature to represent /ʃ/ and /ʒ/, in the Italian fashion.

/t͡s/ and /d͡z/ (now represented with ⟨z⟩) were formerly confused with, /z/ (now represented with ⟨ż⟩). When they were differentiated, /t͡s/ and /d͡z/ were written as ⟨ts⟩, ⟨z⟩, ʒ or even ⟨ż⟩. On the other hand, /z/ was written as ⟨ż⟩, ⟨ds⟩, ⟨ts⟩, ⟨ʒ⟩ and ⟨z⟩.

Prior to 1900, /k/ was written as ⟨k⟩, as well as ⟨c⟩, ⟨ch⟩ and q (in words derived from Italian and Latin).

Vassalli's 1796 work contained several new letters to represent the sounds of the Maltese language, which included the invention of several ad-hoc letters as well as the importation of Cyrillic ge, che, sha, and ze. His alphabet is set out in full with modern-day equivalents where known:

A, a = a

B, b = b

T, t = t

D, d = d

E, e = e

F, f = f

[V, or a Syriac/Arabic gimel open to the right] = g

[Ч], ɥ = ċ

H, h = h


Ө, ө

Y, y = j

Г = ġ

З, з

U = ħ

I, i = i

J, j = j

K, k = k

[I with a small c superimposed on it]

L, l = l

M, m = m

N, n = n

O, o = o

P, p = p

R, r = r

S, s = s

Ɯ, ɯ = x

V, v = v

U, u = u

W, w = w

Z, z = z

Ʒ, ʒ = ż

Æ, æ = final e

Five grave accented vowels are also used to indicate which syllable should be stressed: Àà, Èè, Ìì, Òò, and Ùù.

Notes edit

  1. ^ Borg, Albert; Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie (1997). Maltese. Routledge. p. xiii. ISBN 0-415-02243-6. In fact, Maltese displays some areal traits typical of Maghrebine Arabic, although over the past 800 years of independent evolution it has drifted apart from Tunisian Arabic
  2. ^ Brincat, Joseph M. Maltese - an unusual formula. Originally Maltese was an Arabic dialect but it was immediately exposed to Latinisation because the Normans conquered the islands in 1090, while Christianisation, which was complete by 1250, cut off the dialect from contact with Classical Arabic. Consequently Maltese developed on its own, slowly but steadily absorbing new words from Sicilian and Italian according to the needs of the developing community.
  3. ^ So who are the 'real' Maltese. 14 September 2014. The kind of Arabic used in the Maltese language is most likely derived from the language spoken by those that repopulated the island from Sicily in the early second millennium; it is known as Siculo-Arab. The Maltese are mostly descendants of these people.

References edit

  • (it) Giovan Pietro Francesco Agius de Soldanis, Della lingua punica presentemente usata da maltesi, per Generoso Salomoni alla Piazza di S. Ignazio. Si vendono in Malta, 1750
  • (it) Antonio Emanuele Caruana, Sull'origine della Lingua Maltese, Malta, Tipografia C. Busuttil, 1896
  • (it) Giovanni Battista Falzon, Dizionario Maltese-Italiano-Inglese, G. Muscat, 1845 (1 ed.), 1882 (2 ed.)
  • (it) Giuseppe Nicola Letard, Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole, Malta, 1866-75
  • (it) Fortunato Panzavecchia, Grammatica della Lingua Maltese, M. Weiss, Malta, 1845
  • (it) Michele Antonio Vassalli, Grammatica della lingua Maltese, 2 ed., Malta, 1827
  • (it) Michele Antonio Vassalli, Lexicon Melitense-Latino-Italum, Roma, Fulgonius, 1796
  • (it) Francesco Vella, Osservazioni sull'alfabeto maltese, 1840
  • (it) Francesca Morando, Il-lingwa Maltija. Origine, storia, comparazione linguistica e aspetti morfologici, Prefazione di Joseph M. Brincat, Palermo, Edizioni La Zisa, 2017, ISBN 978-88-9911-339-1
  • (en) S. Mamo, English-Maltese Dictionary, Malta, A. Aquilina, 1885
  • (en) A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language, Malta, 1845
  • (en) C. F. Schlienz, Views on the Improvement of the Maltese Language, Malta, 1838
  • (en) Francesco Vella, Maltese Grammar for the Use of the English, Glaucus Masi, Leghorn, 1831
  • (en) Francesco Vella, Dizionario portatile delle lingue Maltese Italiana, Inglese. pt. 1, Livorno, 1843
  • (en) Joseph Aquilina, Teach Yourself Maltese, English University Press, 1965
  • (en) Geoffrey Hull, The Malta Language Question: A Case Study in Cultural Imperialism, Said International, Valletta, 1993
  • (mt) Vicenzo Busuttil, Diziunariu mill Inglis ghall Malti, 2 parts, N. C. Cortis & Sons, Malta, 1900

External links edit

  • L-Użu tal-Malti fil-Kompjuter (manwal)

maltese, alphabet, also, maltese, braille, based, latin, alphabet, with, addition, some, letters, with, diacritic, marks, digraphs, used, write, maltese, language, which, evolved, from, otherwise, extinct, siculo, arabic, dialect, result, years, independent, d. See also Maltese Braille The Maltese alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of some letters with diacritic marks and digraphs It is used to write the Maltese language which evolved from the otherwise extinct Siculo Arabic dialect as a result of 800 years independent development 1 2 3 It contains 30 letters 24 consonants and 6 vowels a e i o u ie Majuscule forms uppercase A B Ċ D E F Ġ G Għ H Ħ I Ie J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z ZMinuscule forms lowercase a b ċ d e f ġ g għ h ħ i ie j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x z zThere are two types of Maltese consonants Konsonanti xemxin sun consonants ċ d n r s t x z z Konsonanti qamrin moon consonants b f ġ g għ h ħ j k l m p q v wContents 1 Samples 2 Older versions of the alphabet 3 Notes 4 References 5 External linksSamples editLetter ittra IPA Words kliem First Word l ewwel kelma Last Word l aħħar kelma A a a ɐ ae abjad white anġlu Angel aċċola amberjack aħjar better Amerika America azzarin rifle ankra anchor abbaku abacus azzjonist shareholder B b b ballun ball berquq apricot bellus velvet buro bureau bzar pepper bababa say for nothing bzulija diligence Ċ ċ t ʃ ċaċċiz frame ċarezza clearness ċikkulata chocolate ċitazzjoni ticket ċoff bow ċurkett ring ċabattin cobbler ċuwingam chewing gum D d d daħka laugh damma dice dawl light debba mare Dumnikan Dominican dura hut dab he melted dwett duet E e ɨ e ɛ elf one thousand ekklezjastikament ecclesiastically erbgħa four 4 erba fourth Ewropew European ezilju exile ebbanist ebonist ezumazzjonijiet exhumations F f f fallakka plank fehma understanding Franċiz French futbol football fwieħa perfume fabbli affable fwieħa perfume Ġ ġ d ʒ ġabra collection ġenerazzjoni generation ġewnaħ wing Ġunju June ġwiez walnuts ġa already ġwiez pulse G g ɡ gabarre tray gejxa geisha grad degree Grieg Greek gzira island gabardin gabardine gzira island GĦ għ ˤ ː għada tomorrow għajn eye għamara furniture għemez he winked Għid il Kbir Easter għuda wood għa hoy għuda wood H h hedded he threatened hena happiness hi she hu he huma they ħaġra stone ħzunija wickedness Ħ ħ h ħ ħabaq basil ħabsi prisoner ħajja life ħu brother ħazen badness ħa take ħuttafa swallow I i i ɪ iben son idroġenu hydrogen induratur gilder Ingilterra England izraq azure ibbies grew hard izzuffjetta to deride IE ie ɪ ɛ ɨː iebes hard ieħor another ieqaf stop iebes hard ieqaf stop J j j jaf knows jarda yard jasar imprisonment jew or jott yacht jum day ja oh jupp hah K k k kabina cabin kaligrafija calligraphy Kalifornja California karru wagon kurzita curiosity kaballetta cabaletta Kzar Czar L l l labirint maze lejl night lejla evening Lhudi Hebrew lvant east la nor lwiza vervain three leaved M m m Malti Maltese maternita maternity Mediterran Mediterranean mina tunnel mzelleġ smudged mama mother mzuzi nasty N n n nadif clean nerv nerve niċċa niche nuċċali spectacles nzul ix xemx sunset nabba to foretell nzul descending O o o ɔ oċean ocean opra opera orizzont horizon ors bear ozonu ozone oasi oasis ozmjum osmium P p p paċi peace paragrafu paragraph pazjent patient poeta poet pultruna armchair paċi peace puzata cover Q q ʔ qabar grave qaddis saint qalb heart qoxra shell qazquz piglet qabad caught qzuzijat nastiness R r r raba land raff garret replika replica riħa smell rvell rebellion ra he saw rzit lean S s s saba finger safi clear saqaf ceiling serrieq saw suttana gown sa until swiċċ switch T t t tabakk tobacco tarġa step terrazzin belvedere Turkija Turkey twissija warning tuffieħa apple ta gave twittijat levelling U u u ʊ udjenza audience uffiċċju office uman human uviera egg cup uzin weight ubbidjent obedient uzinijiet weights V v v vaċċin vaccine vaska pond viċi vice vjaġġ trip vapur ship vaċċin vaccine vvumtat vomited W w w warda rose werrej index wied valley wirt inheritance wweldjat welded wadab sling wweldjat welded X x ʃ ʒ xabla sword xandir broadcasting xehda honeycomb xoffa lip xxuttjat kicked xaba he had enough of xxuttjat kicked Z z z zagħzugħ teenager zogħzija youth zaqq stomach zifna dance zunzan wasps zzuffjetta he mocked zabar prune zzuffjetta he mocked Z z t s d z zalliera salt cellar zalza sauce zalzett sausage zokk trunk zuntier church square zakak white wagtail zzuppjat crippled In the alphabetic sequence c is identical either to k in front of a o u or consonant or as the last letter of the word or to z in front of e or i The letter y is identical to i Older versions of the alphabet edit nbsp Vassalli s alphabet 1788 nbsp Panzavecchia s alphabet 1845 Before the standardisation of the Maltese alphabet there were several ways of writing the sounds peculiar to Maltese namely ċ ġ għ ħ w x and z t ʃ was formerly written as c in front of e and i in Italian fashion Vella used c for t ʃ c was used in other books during the 19th century Rather than using a c with a cedilla c Panzavecchia used a c with ogonek c A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language used ch for t ʃ in English fashion It was not until 1866 that ċ came to be used d ʒ and g now written with ġ and g respectively were formerly confused When they were differentiated g was written as gk g gh and by Vassalli as a mirrored Arabic Syriac gimel resembling a sideways V On the other hand d ʒ was more commonly written as g or j in English fashion Vella used a g with diaeresis g but in 1843 reduced it to one dot instituting the modern ġ Until the middle of the 19th century two sounds which would merge into ˤː were differentiated in Maltese These were variously represented as gh ġh gh gh and with two letters not represented in Unicode they resembled an upside down U Panzavecchia used a specially designed font with a curly gh A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language used a with a superscript Arabic ʿayn ع to represent ˤː għ itself was first used in Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana inglese e maltese The letter ħ had the most variations before being standardised in 1866 It was variously written as ch and as a h with various diacritics or curly modifications Some of these symbols were used for ħ and some for x None of these are present in Unicode ħ was first used in 1900 although the capital Ħ was used earlier in 1845 where its lower case counterpart was a dotted h w was written as w u or as a modified u not present in Unicode The sounds ʃ ʒ now represented with x were traditionally written as sc or x Vassalli invented a special character similar to Ɯ just wider and Panzavecchia used an sc ligature to represent ʃ and ʒ in the Italian fashion t s and d z now represented with z were formerly confused with z now represented with z When they were differentiated t s and d z were written as ts z ʒ or even z On the other hand z was written as z ds ts ʒ and z Prior to 1900 k was written as k as well as c ch and q in words derived from Italian and Latin Vassalli s 1796 work contained several new letters to represent the sounds of the Maltese language which included the invention of several ad hoc letters as well as the importation of Cyrillic ge che sha and ze His alphabet is set out in full with modern day equivalents where known A a aB b bT t tD d dE e eF f f V or a Syriac Arabic gimel open to the right g Ch ɥ ċH h hȣӨ oY y jG ġZ zU ħI i iJ j jK k k I with a small c superimposed on it L l lM m mN n nO o oP p pR r rS s sƜ ɯ xV v vU u uW w wZ z zƷ ʒ zAE ae final eFive grave accented vowels are also used to indicate which syllable should be stressed Aa Ee Ii Oo and Uu Notes edit Borg Albert Azzopardi Alexander Marie 1997 Maltese Routledge p xiii ISBN 0 415 02243 6 In fact Maltese displays some areal traits typical of Maghrebine Arabic although over the past 800 years of independent evolution it has drifted apart from Tunisian Arabic Brincat Joseph M Maltese an unusual formula Originally Maltese was an Arabic dialect but it was immediately exposed to Latinisation because the Normans conquered the islands in 1090 while Christianisation which was complete by 1250 cut off the dialect from contact with Classical Arabic Consequently Maltese developed on its own slowly but steadily absorbing new words from Sicilian and Italian according to the needs of the developing community So who are the real Maltese 14 September 2014 The kind of Arabic used in the Maltese language is most likely derived from the language spoken by those that repopulated the island from Sicily in the early second millennium it is known as Siculo Arab The Maltese are mostly descendants of these people References edit it Giovan Pietro Francesco Agius de Soldanis Della lingua punica presentemente usata da maltesi per Generoso Salomoni alla Piazza di S Ignazio Si vendono in Malta 1750 it Antonio Emanuele Caruana Sull origine della Lingua Maltese Malta Tipografia C Busuttil 1896 it Giovanni Battista Falzon Dizionario Maltese Italiano Inglese G Muscat 1845 1 ed 1882 2 ed it Giuseppe Nicola Letard Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole Malta 1866 75 it Fortunato Panzavecchia Grammatica della Lingua Maltese M Weiss Malta 1845 it Michele Antonio Vassalli Grammatica della lingua Maltese 2 ed Malta 1827 it Michele Antonio Vassalli Lexicon Melitense Latino Italum Roma Fulgonius 1796 it Francesco Vella Osservazioni sull alfabeto maltese 1840 it Francesca Morando Il lingwa Maltija Origine storia comparazione linguistica e aspetti morfologici Prefazione di Joseph M Brincat Palermo Edizioni La Zisa 2017 ISBN 978 88 9911 339 1 en S Mamo English Maltese Dictionary Malta A Aquilina 1885 en A Short Grammar of the Maltese Language Malta 1845 en C F Schlienz Views on the Improvement of the Maltese Language Malta 1838 en Francesco Vella Maltese Grammar for the Use of the English Glaucus Masi Leghorn 1831 en Francesco Vella Dizionario portatile delle lingue Maltese Italiana Inglese pt 1 Livorno 1843 en Joseph Aquilina Teach Yourself Maltese English University Press 1965 en Geoffrey Hull The Malta Language Question A Case Study in Cultural Imperialism Said International Valletta 1993 mt Vicenzo Busuttil Diziunariu mill Inglis ghall Malti 2 parts N C Cortis amp Sons Malta 1900External links editL Uzu tal Malti fil Kompjuter manwal Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Maltese alphabet amp oldid 1213578356, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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