

Jaꞑalif, Yangalif or Yañalif (Tatar: jaꞑa əlifba/yaña älifba → jaꞑalif/yañalif, [jɑŋɑˈlif], Cyrillic: Яңалиф, "new alphabet") is the first Latin alphabet used during the latinisation in the Soviet Union in the 1930s for the Turkic languages. It replaced the Yaña imlâ Arabic script-based alphabet in 1928, and was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet in 1938–1940. After their respective independence in 1991, several former Soviet states in Central Asia switched back to Latin script, with slight modifications to the original Jaꞑalif.

jaꞑa əlifba
Script type
CreatorVarious, primarily during the Latinisation in the Soviet Union
Time period
LanguagesTurkic languages
Related scripts
Parent systems
Sister systems
Unified Northern Alphabet
Subset of Latin, some characters not available
 This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see Help:IPA. For the distinction between [ ], / / and  , see IPA § Brackets and transcription delimiters.

There are 33 letters in Jaꞑalif, nine of which are vowels. The apostrophe (') is used for the glottal stop (həmzə or hämzä) and is sometimes considered a letter for the purposes of alphabetic sorting. Other characters may also be used in spelling foreign names. The lowercase form of the letter B is ʙ (small caps B), to prevent confusion with Ь ь (I with bowl). Letter No. 33, similar to Zhuang Ƅ, is not currently available as a Latin character in Unicode, but it looks exactly like Cyrillic soft sign (Ь). Capital Ə (schwa) also looks like Russian/Cyrillic Э in some fonts. There is also a digraph in Jaꞑalif (Ьj ьj).

History edit

The earliest written text in a Kipchak language, specifically the Cuman language, an ancestor of the modern Tatar language and written with Latin characters, is the Codex Cumanicus, dated 1303. Such texts were used by Catholic missionaries to the Golden Horde. Their Latin script ceased to be used after Gazaria was taken over by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.

For centuries the some Tatar languages as well as some other Turkic languages used a modified Arabic alphabet, İske imlâ. The deficiencies of this alphabet were both technical (abundance of positional letterforms complicated adoption of modern technology such as typewriters and teleprinters) and linguistic (Arabic language has only three vowel qualities, but Tatar has nine, which had to be mapped onto combinations and variations of the three existing vowel letters). Because of this some Turkic intelligentsia tended to use the Latin or Cyrillic script. The first attempts appeared in the mid-19th century among Azerbaijanis.[1] At the same period the Russian missionary Nikolay Ilminsky, along with followers, invented a modified Russian alphabet for the Turkic peoples of Idel-Ural, for the purpose of Christianization; Muslim Tatars did not use his alphabet.

In 1908–1909 the Tatar poet Säğit Rämiev started to use the Latin script in his works. He used several digraphs: ea for [æ], eu for [y], eo for [ɵ] and ei for [ɤ]. Arabists turned down his project, preferring to reform İske imlâ. The simplified Arabic script, known as Yaña imlâ, was used in 1920–1927.[1]

During the Latinisation in the Soviet Union, a special Central Committee for a New Alphabet was established in Moscow. The first project for a Tatar-Bashkir Latin alphabet was published in ئشچی (Eşce, "The Worker") newspaper on 18 July 1924.[2] Sounds specific to the Bashkir language were written with digraphs.[1] Following the publication, the Latin dustь ("friends of the Latin script") society was formed in Kazan on 16 November 1924. It suggested its own version of Tatar Latin alphabet, which didn't cover Bashkir sounds.[3]

In 1926 the Congress of Turkologists in Baku recommended to switch all Turkic languages to the Latin script. In April 1926 the Jaꞑa tatar əlifʙasь / Yaña tatar älifbası / Яңа татар әлифбасы (New Tatar alphabet) society started its work at Kazan.[4]

On July 3, 1927, Tatarstan officials declared Jaꞑalif the official script of the Tatar language, replacing the Yaña imlâ script. The first variant of Jaꞑalif did not have separate letters for K and Q (realized as K) and for G and Ğ (realized as G), V and W (realized as W). Ş (sh) looked like the Cyrillic letter Ш (she). C and Ç were realized as in Turkish and the modern Tatar Latin alphabet and later were transposed in the final version of Jaꞑalif.[1]

In 1928 Jaꞑalif was reformed and remained in active use for 12 years. Some sources claim that this alphabet had 34 letters, but the last was a digraph Ьj, used for the corresponding Tatar diphthong.[1] Another source states that the 34th letter was an apostrophe. They also give another sorting of the alphabet. (Ə after A, Ь after E)[4]

After the introduction of Jaꞑalif most of the books which were printed in the Arabic alphabet were withdrawn from libraries.

No. Final version[5]
Original version
Latin dustь project
Eşce project
Yaña imlâ,
stand-alone form
Modern Latin Tatar alphabet
and romanization of Bashkir
modern Cyrillic Tatar alphabet
+ some Bashkir Cyrillic
1 A a A a A a A a ئا A a А а /a/
2 B ʙ B b B ʙ B b ب B b Б б /b/
3 C c Ç ç Ç ç C c چ Ç ç Ч ч /tɕ/
4 Ç ç C c Ĝ ĝ J j ج C c Җ җ /dʑ, ʑ/
5 D d D d D d D d د D d Д д /d/
Đ đ Dh dh ذ Ź ź Ҙ ҙ /ð, dz/
6 E e E e E e Э э ئـ E e Е е (э) /e/
7 Ə ə Э ә Ä ä E e ئە Ä ä Ә ә /æ/
8 F f F f F f F f ف F f Ф ф /f/
9 G g G g G g G g گ G g Г г /g/
10 Ƣ ƣ Gh gh Ĝ ĝ ع Ğ ğ /ɣ/
11 H h H h H h H h ه H h Һ һ /h/
12 I i I i I i I i ئی İ i И и /i/
13 J j J j J j ی Y y Й й /j/
14 K k K k K k K k ک K k К к /k/
15 L l L l L l L l ل L l Л л /l/
16 M m M m M m M m م M m М м /m/
17 N n N n N n N n ن N n Н н /n/
18 Ꞑ ꞑ Ꞑ ꞑ Ng ng Ꞑ ꞑ ڭ Ñ ñ Ң ң /ŋ/
19 O o O o O o O o ࢭئۇ O o О о /o/
20 Ɵ ɵ Ó ó Ö ö Ö ö ئۇ Ö ö Ө ө /ø/
21 P p P p P p P p پ P p П п /p/
22 Q q K k Q q Q q ق Q q К к /q/
23 R r R r R r R r ر R r Р р /r/
24 S s S s S s S s س S s С с /s/
25 Ş ş Ш ш Ş ş Ç ç ش Ş ş Ш ш /ʃ/
26 T t T t T t T t ت T t Т т /t/
Ѣ ѣ Th th ث Ś ś Ҫ ҫ /ɕ, θ/
27 U u U u U u U u ࢭئو U u У у /u, w/
28 V v W w V v ۋ V v В в /v/
W w W w و W w /w/
29 X x X x X x X x ح X x Х х /x/
30 Y y V v Ü ü Ü ü ئو Ü ü Ү ү /w, y/
31 Z z Z z Z z Z z ز Z z З з /z/
32 Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ ژ J j Ж ж /ʒ/
33 Ь ь É é Y y Ə ə ࢭئـ I ı Ы ы /ɯ, ɤ, ɨ/
(34.1) ʼ ء ʼ ъ, ь, э /ʔ/
(34.2) Ьj ьj Y y Yj yj Y y ࢭئیـ Iy ıy Ый ый /ɤj/

Eşce (1924) alphabetical order:[3]

A B C Ç D Dh E F G Ĝ H I J K L M N Ꞑ O Ö P Q R S T Th U Ü W V X Y Z Ƶ Ə Э

Latin dustь (1924) alphabetical order:[3]

A B Ĝ Ç D E Ä Y F Gh G H I J Q K L M N Ng Ö O P R S T U Ü W X Z Ƶ Ş

Original Jaꞑalif (1927) alphabetical order:


Decline edit

Using two different alphabets for Russian and Turkic languages was problematic: people had to learn two different alphabets, confusing letters of one alphabet for letters from another, and Turkic languages had to use specific typewriters instead of sharing typewriters with Russian. In order to overcome these issues, a decision was made to convert Turkic languages to Cyrillic. In 1939 the Soviet government prohibited Jaꞑalif although it remained in use until January 1940.[citation needed] Jaꞑalif was also used in Nazi gazettes for prisoners of war and propaganda during World War II.[citation needed] The alphabet served until the 1950s, because most of the schoolbooks were printed before World War II. Some Tatar diasporas also used Jaꞑalif outside of the Soviet Union, for example the Tatar bureau of Radio Free Europe.

For 12 years of usage the Latin script, Arabic script (and not only Jaña imlâ, but İske imlâ too) also were used. One of the Musa Cälil's Moabit Notebooks was written in Jaꞑalif, and another was written in Arabic letters. Both notebooks were written in German prison, after 1939, the year when the Cyrillic script was established.

Restoring Jañalif edit

I with bowl does not have separate encoding in Unicode. Cyrillic Ь is used. Only some Tatar fonts use this glyph.
N with descender, a variant of Ŋ, that was used in Jaꞑalif and is represented in Unicode since 6.0. Only some Tatar fonts use this glyph at the position of Ñ.

In the 1990s some wanted to restore Jaꞑalif, or Jaꞑalif+W, as being appropriate for the modern Tatar phonetics. But technical problems, such as font problems and the disuse of Uniform Turkic alphabet among other peoples, forced the use of a "Turkish-based alphabet". In 2000 such an alphabet was adopted by the Tatarstan government, but in 2002 it was abolished by the Russian Federation.[1]

Inalif edit

The "Internet-style" alphabet named Inalif after Internet and älifba was convented in 2003 and partly it was inspired by Jaꞑalif. The main purpose of this alphabet was standardization of texts, which are typed on a standard English keyboard, without any diacritical marks. But this is not a simple transliteration of non-English symbols of Jaꞑalif or modern alphabet. Sounds absent from English are represented with digraphs; soft vowels are represented as a combination of the pairmate and apostrophe, apart from [ɤ], corresponding to ⟨ь⟩ in Jaꞑalif, which is represented as ⟨y⟩, probably under influence of transliteration of Russian. Like in Jaꞑalif, ⟨j⟩ represent [j], and ⟨zh⟩ is used for [ʒ], corresponding to ⟨ƶ⟩ in Jaꞑalif. ⟨x⟩ isn't used in Inalif, and ⟨kh⟩ is used instead. Other changes include: ⟨ä⟩ → ⟨a'⟩; ⟨ö⟩ → ⟨o'⟩; ⟨ü⟩ → ⟨u'⟩; ⟨ç⟩ → ⟨ch⟩; ⟨ğ⟩ → ⟨gh⟩; ⟨ñ⟩ → ⟨ng⟩; ⟨ş⟩ → ⟨sh⟩. The sorting order of Inalif isn't specified, but in practice, the English sorting order is used. Inalif is used only on the Internet.

Sources edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f (in Russian) М.З. Закиев. Тюрко-татарское письмо. История, состояние, перспективы. Москва, "Инсан", 2005
  2. ^ "Вопросы совершенствования алфавитов тюркших языков СССР: Сборник статей". 1972.
  3. ^ a b c Курбатов, Хәлиф Рәхим улы (1960), Татар теленең алфавиты hәм орфография тарихы, Kazan: Tatar Book Publishers, p. 71
  4. ^ a b "Jaꞑalif/Яңалиф". Tatar Encyclopaedia (in Tatar). Kazan: The Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Institution of the Tatar Encyclopaedia. 2002.
  5. ^ Әхмәров, Ҡасим Закир улы (1972), Башҡорт яҙыуы тарихенән, Ufa: Башҡортостан китап нәшриәте, p. 67

See also edit

External links edit

  • Tatar Cyrillic-Latin text and website converter

yañalif, jaꞑalif, yangalif, tatar, jaꞑa, əlifba, yaña, älifba, jaꞑalif, yañalif, jɑŋɑˈlif, cyrillic, Яңалиф, alphabet, first, latin, alphabet, used, during, latinisation, soviet, union, 1930s, turkic, languages, replaced, yaña, imlâ, arabic, script, based, alp. Jaꞑalif Yangalif or Yanalif Tatar jaꞑa elifba yana alifba jaꞑalif yanalif jɑŋɑˈlif Cyrillic Yanalif new alphabet is the first Latin alphabet used during the latinisation in the Soviet Union in the 1930s for the Turkic languages It replaced the Yana imla Arabic script based alphabet in 1928 and was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet in 1938 1940 After their respective independence in 1991 several former Soviet states in Central Asia switched back to Latin script with slight modifications to the original Jaꞑalif Yanalifjaꞑa elifbaScript typeAlphabetCreatorVarious primarily during the Latinisation in the Soviet UnionTime period1924 1940LanguagesTurkic languagesRelated scriptsParent systemsEgyptian hieroglyphsProto Sinaitic alphabetPhoenician alphabetGreek alphabetOld Italic scriptsLatin alphabet augmented by Cyrillic scriptYanalifSister systemsUnified Northern AlphabetUnicodeUnicode rangeSubset of Latin some characters not available This article contains phonetic transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet IPA For an introductory guide on IPA symbols see Help IPA For the distinction between and see IPA Brackets and transcription delimiters There are 33 letters in Jaꞑalif nine of which are vowels The apostrophe is used for the glottal stop hemze or hamza and is sometimes considered a letter for the purposes of alphabetic sorting Other characters may also be used in spelling foreign names The lowercase form of the letter B is ʙ small caps B to prevent confusion with I with bowl Letter No 33 similar to Zhuang Ƅ is not currently available as a Latin character in Unicode but it looks exactly like Cyrillic soft sign Capital E schwa also looks like Russian Cyrillic E in some fonts There is also a digraph in Jaꞑalif j j Contents 1 History 2 Decline 3 Restoring Janalif 3 1 Inalif 4 Sources 5 See also 6 External linksHistory editThe earliest written text in a Kipchak language specifically the Cuman language an ancestor of the modern Tatar language and written with Latin characters is the Codex Cumanicus dated 1303 Such texts were used by Catholic missionaries to the Golden Horde Their Latin script ceased to be used after Gazaria was taken over by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century For centuries the some Tatar languages as well as some other Turkic languages used a modified Arabic alphabet Iske imla The deficiencies of this alphabet were both technical abundance of positional letterforms complicated adoption of modern technology such as typewriters and teleprinters and linguistic Arabic language has only three vowel qualities but Tatar has nine which had to be mapped onto combinations and variations of the three existing vowel letters Because of this some Turkic intelligentsia tended to use the Latin or Cyrillic script The first attempts appeared in the mid 19th century among Azerbaijanis 1 At the same period the Russian missionary Nikolay Ilminsky along with followers invented a modified Russian alphabet for the Turkic peoples of Idel Ural for the purpose of Christianization Muslim Tatars did not use his alphabet In 1908 1909 the Tatar poet Sagit Ramiev started to use the Latin script in his works He used several digraphs ea for ae eu for y eo for ɵ and ei for ɤ Arabists turned down his project preferring to reform Iske imla The simplified Arabic script known as Yana imla was used in 1920 1927 1 During the Latinisation in the Soviet Union a special Central Committee for a New Alphabet was established in Moscow The first project for a Tatar Bashkir Latin alphabet was published in ئشچی Esce The Worker newspaper on 18 July 1924 2 Sounds specific to the Bashkir language were written with digraphs 1 Following the publication the Latin dust friends of the Latin script society was formed in Kazan on 16 November 1924 It suggested its own version of Tatar Latin alphabet which didn t cover Bashkir sounds 3 In 1926 the Congress of Turkologists in Baku recommended to switch all Turkic languages to the Latin script In April 1926 the Jaꞑa tatar elifʙas Yana tatar alifbasi Yana tatar әlifbasy New Tatar alphabet society started its work at Kazan 4 On July 3 1927 Tatarstan officials declared Jaꞑalif the official script of the Tatar language replacing the Yana imla script The first variant of Jaꞑalif did not have separate letters for K and Q realized as K and for G and G realized as G V and W realized as W S sh looked like the Cyrillic letter Sh she C and C were realized as in Turkish and the modern Tatar Latin alphabet and later were transposed in the final version of Jaꞑalif 1 In 1928 Jaꞑalif was reformed and remained in active use for 12 years Some sources claim that this alphabet had 34 letters but the last was a digraph j used for the corresponding Tatar diphthong 1 Another source states that the 34th letter was an apostrophe They also give another sorting of the alphabet E after A after E 4 After the introduction of Jaꞑalif most of the books which were printed in the Arabic alphabet were withdrawn from libraries No Final version 5 1928 1940 Original version 1927 Latin dust project 1924 Esce project 1924 Yana imla stand alone form Modern Latin Tatar alphabet and romanization of Bashkir modern Cyrillic Tatar alphabet some Bashkir Cyrillic IPA1 A a A a A a A a ئا A a A a a 2 B ʙ B b B ʙ B b ب B b B b b 3 C c C c C c C c چ C c Ch ch tɕ 4 C c C c Ĝ ĝ J j ج C c Җ җ dʑ ʑ 5 D d D d D d D d د D d D d d Đ đ Dh dh ذ Z z Ҙ ҙ d dz 6 E e E e E e E e ئـ E e E e e e 7 E e E ә A a E e ئە A a Ә ә ae 8 F f F f F f F f ف F f F f f 9 G g G g G g G g گ G g G g g 10 Ƣ ƣ Gh gh Ĝ ĝ ع G g ɣ 11 H h H h H h H h ه H h Һ һ h 12 I i I i I i I i ئی I i I i i 13 J j J j J j ی Y y J j j 14 K k K k K k K k ک K k K k k 15 L l L l L l L l ل L l L l l 16 M m M m M m M m م M m M m m 17 N n N n N n N n ن N n N n n 18 Ꞑ ꞑ Ꞑ ꞑ Ng ng Ꞑ ꞑ ڭ N n Ң n ŋ 19 O o O o O o O o ࢭئۇ O o O o o 20 Ɵ ɵ o o O o O o ئۇ O o Ө o o 21 P p P p P p P p پ P p P p p 22 Q q K k Q q Q q ق Q q K k q 23 R r R r R r R r ر R r R r r 24 S s S s S s S s س S s S s s 25 S s Sh sh S s C c ش S s Sh sh ʃ 26 T t T t T t T t ت T t T t t Ѣ ѣ Th th ث S s Ҫ ҫ ɕ 8 27 U u U u U u U u ࢭئو U u U u u w 28 V v W w V v ۋ V v V v v W w W w و W w w 29 X x X x X x X x ح X x H h x 30 Y y V v U u U u ئو U u Ү ү w y 31 Z z Z z Z z Z z ز Z z Z z z 32 Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ Ƶ ƶ ژ J j Zh zh ʒ 33 E e Y y E e ࢭئـ I i Y y ɯ ɤ ɨ 34 1 ʼ ء ʼ e ʔ 34 2 j j Y y Yj yj Y y ࢭئیـ Iy iy Yj yj ɤj Esce 1924 alphabetical order 3 A B C C D Dh E F G Ĝ H I J K L M N Ꞑ O O P Q R S T Th U U W V X Y Z Ƶ E ELatin dust 1924 alphabetical order 3 A B Ĝ C D E A Y F Gh G H I J Q K L M N Ng O O P R S T U U W X Z Ƶ SOriginal Jaꞑalif 1927 alphabetical order A B C C D E E E F G H I J K L M N Ꞑ O o P R S T U V X Y Z Ƶ Sh WDecline editUsing two different alphabets for Russian and Turkic languages was problematic people had to learn two different alphabets confusing letters of one alphabet for letters from another and Turkic languages had to use specific typewriters instead of sharing typewriters with Russian In order to overcome these issues a decision was made to convert Turkic languages to Cyrillic In 1939 the Soviet government prohibited Jaꞑalif although it remained in use until January 1940 citation needed Jaꞑalif was also used in Nazi gazettes for prisoners of war and propaganda during World War II citation needed The alphabet served until the 1950s because most of the schoolbooks were printed before World War II Some Tatar diasporas also used Jaꞑalif outside of the Soviet Union for example the Tatar bureau of Radio Free Europe For 12 years of usage the Latin script Arabic script and not only Jana imla but Iske imla too also were used One of the Musa Calil s Moabit Notebooks was written in Jaꞑalif and another was written in Arabic letters Both notebooks were written in German prison after 1939 the year when the Cyrillic script was established Restoring Janalif edit nbsp I with bowl does not have separate encoding in Unicode Cyrillic is used Only some Tatar fonts use this glyph nbsp N with descender a variant of Ŋ that was used in Jaꞑalif and is represented in Unicode since 6 0 Only some Tatar fonts use this glyph at the position of N In the 1990s some wanted to restore Jaꞑalif or Jaꞑalif W as being appropriate for the modern Tatar phonetics But technical problems such as font problems and the disuse of Uniform Turkic alphabet among other peoples forced the use of a Turkish based alphabet In 2000 such an alphabet was adopted by the Tatarstan government but in 2002 it was abolished by the Russian Federation 1 Inalif edit The Internet style alphabet named Inalif after Internet and alifba was convented in 2003 and partly it was inspired by Jaꞑalif The main purpose of this alphabet was standardization of texts which are typed on a standard English keyboard without any diacritical marks But this is not a simple transliteration of non English symbols of Jaꞑalif or modern alphabet Sounds absent from English are represented with digraphs soft vowels are represented as a combination of the pairmate and apostrophe apart from ɤ corresponding to in Jaꞑalif which is represented as y probably under influence of transliteration of Russian Like in Jaꞑalif j represent j and zh is used for ʒ corresponding to ƶ in Jaꞑalif x isn t used in Inalif and kh is used instead Other changes include a a o o u u c ch g gh n ng s sh The sorting order of Inalif isn t specified but in practice the English sorting order is used Inalif is used only on the Internet Sources edit a b c d e f in Russian M Z Zakiev Tyurko tatarskoe pismo Istoriya sostoyanie perspektivy Moskva Insan 2005 Voprosy sovershenstvovaniya alfavitov tyurkshih yazykov SSSR Sbornik statej 1972 a b c Kurbatov Hәlif Rәhim uly 1960 Tatar telenen alfavity hәm orfografiya tarihy Kazan Tatar Book Publishers p 71 a b Jaꞑalif Yanalif Tatar Encyclopaedia in Tatar Kazan The Republic of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Institution of the Tatar Encyclopaedia 2002 Әhmәrov Ҡasim Zakir uly 1972 Bashҡort yaҙyuy tarihenәn Ufa Bashҡortostan kitap nәshriәte p 67See also editCommon Turkic Alphabet Tatar alphabet Tatar languageExternal links editTatar Cyrillic Latin text and website converter Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Yanalif amp oldid 1188806228, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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