
Wisdom of the crowd

The wisdom of the crowd is the collective opinion of a diverse independent group of individuals rather than that of a single expert. This process, while not new to the Information Age, has been pushed into the mainstream spotlight by social information sites such as Quora, Reddit, Stack Exchange, Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers, and other web resources which rely on collective human knowledge.[1] An explanation for this phenomenon is that there is idiosyncratic noise associated with each individual judgment, and taking the average over a large number of responses will go some way toward canceling the effect of this noise.[2]

Trial by jury can be understood as at least partly relying on wisdom of the crowd, compared to bench trial which relies on one or a few experts. In politics, sometimes sortition is held as an example of what wisdom of the crowd would look like. Decision-making would happen by a diverse group instead of by a fairly homogenous political group or party. Research within cognitive science has sought to model the relationship between wisdom of the crowd effects and individual cognition.

A large group's aggregated answers to questions involving quantity estimation, general world knowledge, and spatial reasoning has generally been found to be as good as, but often superior to, the answer given by any of the individuals within the group.

Jury theorems from social choice theory provide formal arguments for wisdom of the crowd given a variety of more or less plausible assumptions. Both the assumptions and the conclusions remain controversial, even though the theorems themselves are not. The oldest and simplest is Condorcet's jury theorem (1785).


Aristotle is credited as the first person to write about the "wisdom of the crowd" in his work Politics.[3][4] According to Aristotle, "it is possible that the many, though not individually good men, yet when they come together may be better, not individually but collectively, than those who are so, just as public dinners to which many contribute are better than those supplied at one man's cost".[5]

Sir Francis Galton by Charles Wellington Furse, given to the National Portrait Gallery, London in 1954

The classic wisdom-of-the-crowds finding involves point estimation of a continuous quantity. At a 1906 country fair in Plymouth, 800 people participated in a contest to estimate the weight of a slaughtered and dressed ox. Statistician Francis Galton observed that the median guess, 1207 pounds, was accurate within 1% of the true weight of 1198 pounds.[6] This has contributed to the insight in cognitive science that a crowd's individual judgments can be modeled as a probability distribution of responses with the median centered near the true value of the quantity to be estimated.[7]

In recent years, the "wisdom of the crowd" phenomenon has been leveraged in business strategy and advertising spaces. Firms such as Napkin Labs aggregate consumer feedback and brand impressions for clients. Meanwhile, companies such as Trada invoke crowds to design advertisements based on clients' requirements.[8]

Non-human examples are prevalent. For example, the golden shiner is a fish that prefers shady areas. The single shiner has a very difficult time finding shady regions in a body of water whereas a large group is much more efficient at finding the shade.[9]

Higher-dimensional problems and modeling

Although classic wisdom-of-the-crowds findings center on point estimates of single continuous quantities, the phenomenon also scales up to higher-dimensional problems that do not lend themselves to aggregation methods such as taking the mean. More complex models have been developed for these purposes. A few examples of higher-dimensional problems that exhibit wisdom-of-the-crowds effects include:

  • Combinatorial problems such as minimum spanning trees and the traveling salesman problem, in which participants must find the shortest route between an array of points. Models of these problems either break the problem into common pieces (the local decomposition method of aggregation) or find solutions that are most similar to the individual human solutions (the global similarity aggregation method).[2][10]
  • Ordering problems such as the order of the U.S. presidents or world cities by population. A useful approach in this situation is Thurstonian modeling, which each participant has access to the ground truth ordering but with varying degrees of stochastic noise, leading to variance in the final ordering given by different individuals.[11][12][13][14]
  • Multi-armed bandit problems, in which participants choose from a set of alternatives with fixed but unknown reward rates with the goal of maximizing return after a number of trials. To accommodate mixtures of decision processes and individual differences in probabilities of winning and staying with a given alternative versus losing and shifting to another alternative, hierarchical Bayesian models have been employed which include parameters for individual people drawn from Gaussian distributions[15]

Surprisingly popular

In further exploring the ways to improve the results, a new technique called the "surprisingly popular" was developed by scientists at MIT's Sloan Neuroeconomics Lab in collaboration with Princeton University. For a given question, people are asked to give two responses: What they think the right answer is, and what they think popular opinion will be. The averaged difference between the two indicates the correct answer. It was found that the "surprisingly popular" algorithm reduces errors by 21.3 percent in comparison to simple majority votes, and by 24.2 percent in comparison to basic confidence-weighted votes where people express how confident they are of their answers and 22.2 percent compared to advanced confidence-weighted votes, where one only uses the answers with the highest average.[16]

Definition of crowd

In the context of wisdom of the crowd, the term "crowd" takes on a broad meaning. One definition characterizes a crowd as a group of people amassed by an open call for participation.[17] While crowds are often leveraged in online applications, they can also be utilized in offline contexts.[17] In some cases, members of a crowd may be offered monetary incentives for participation.[18] Certain applications of "wisdom of the crowd", such as jury duty in the United States, mandate crowd participation.[19]

Analogues with individual cognition: the "crowd within"

The insight that crowd responses to an estimation task can be modeled as a sample from a probability distribution invites comparisons with individual cognition. In particular, it is possible that individual cognition is probabilistic in the sense that individual estimates are drawn from an "internal probability distribution." If this is the case, then two or more estimates of the same quantity from the same person should average to a value closer to ground truth than either of the individual judgments, since the effect of statistical noise within each of these judgments is reduced. This of course rests on the assumption that the noise associated with each judgment is (at least somewhat) statistically independent. Thus, the crowd needs to be independent but also diversified, in order to allow a variety of answers. The answers on the ends of the spectrum will cancel each other, allowing the wisdom of the crowd phenomena to take its place. Another caveat is that individual probability judgments are often biased toward extreme values (e.g., 0 or 1). Thus any beneficial effect of multiple judgments from the same person is likely to be limited to samples from an unbiased distribution.[20]

Vul and Pashler (2008) asked participants for point estimates of continuous quantities associated with general world knowledge, such as "What percentage of the world's airports are in the United States?" Without being alerted to the procedure in advance, half of the participants were immediately asked to make a second, different guess in response to the same question, and the other half were asked to do this three weeks later. The average of a participant's two guesses was more accurate than either individual guess. Furthermore, the averages of guesses made in the three-week delay condition were more accurate than guesses made in immediate succession. One explanation of this effect is that guesses in the immediate condition were less independent of each other (an anchoring effect) and were thus subject to (some of) the same kind of noise. In general, these results suggest that individual cognition may indeed be subject to an internal probability distribution characterized by stochastic noise, rather than consistently producing the best answer based on all the knowledge a person has.[20] These results were mostly confirmed in a high-powered pre-registered replication.[21] The only result that was not fully replicated was that a delay in the second guess generates a better estimate.

Hourihan and Benjamin (2010) tested the hypothesis that the estimate improvements observed by Vul and Pashler in the delayed responding condition were the result of increased independence of the estimates. To do this Hourihan and Benjamin capitalized on variations in memory span among their participants. In support they found that averaging repeated estimates of those with lower memory spans showed greater estimate improvements than the averaging the repeated estimates of those with larger memory spans.[22]

Rauhut and Lorenz (2011) expanded on this research by again asking participants to make estimates of continuous quantities related to real world knowledge – however, in this case participants were informed that they would make five consecutive estimates. This approach allowed the researchers to determine, firstly, the number of times one needs to ask oneself in order to match the accuracy of asking others and then, the rate at which estimates made by oneself improve estimates compared to asking others. The authors concluded that asking oneself an infinite number of times does not surpass the accuracy of asking just one other individual. Overall, they found little support for a so-called "mental distribution" from which individuals draw their estimates; in fact, they found that in some cases asking oneself multiple times actually reduces accuracy. Ultimately, they argue that the results of Vul and Pashler (2008) overestimate the wisdom of the "crowd within" – as their results show that asking oneself more than three times actually reduces accuracy to levels below that reported by Vul and Pashler (who only asked participants to make two estimates).[23]

Müller-Trede (2011) attempted to investigate the types of questions in which utilizing the "crowd within" is most effective. He found that while accuracy gains were smaller than would be expected from averaging ones' estimates with another individual, repeated judgments lead to increases in accuracy for both year estimation questions (e.g., when was the thermometer invented?) and questions about estimated percentages (e.g., what percentage of internet users connect from China?). General numerical questions (e.g., what is the speed of sound, in kilometers per hour?), however, did not show improvement with repeated judgments, while averaging individual judgments with those of a random other did improve accuracy. This, Müller-Trede argues, is the result of the bounds implied by year and percentage questions.[24]

Van Dolder and Van den Assem (2018) studied the "crowd within" using a large database from three estimation competitions organised by Holland Casino. For each of these competitions, they find that within-person aggregation indeed improves accuracy of estimates. Furthermore, they also confirm that this method works better if there is a time delay between subsequent judgments. However, even when there is considerable delay between estimates, the benefit pales against that of between-person aggregation: the average of a large number of judgements from the same person is barely better than the average of two judgements from different people.[25]

Dialectical bootstrapping: improving the estimates of the "crowd within"

Herzog and Hertwig (2009) attempted to improve on the "wisdom of many in one mind" (i.e., the "crowd within") by asking participants to use dialectical bootstrapping. Dialectical bootstrapping involves the use of dialectic (reasoned discussion that takes place between two or more parties with opposing views, in an attempt to determine the best answer) and bootstrapping (advancing oneself without the assistance of external forces). They posited that people should be able to make greater improvements on their original estimates by basing the second estimate on antithetical information. Therefore, these second estimates, based on different assumptions and knowledge than that used to generate the first estimate would also have a different error (both systematic and random) than the first estimate – increasing the accuracy of the average judgment. From an analytical perspective dialectical bootstrapping should increase accuracy so long as the dialectical estimate is not too far off and the errors of the first and dialectical estimates are different. To test this, Herzog and Hertwig asked participants to make a series of date estimations regarding historical events (e.g., when electricity was discovered), without knowledge that they would be asked to provide a second estimate. Next, half of the participants were simply asked to make a second estimate. The other half were asked to use a consider-the-opposite strategy to make dialectical estimates (using their initial estimates as a reference point). Specifically, participants were asked to imagine that their initial estimate was off, consider what information may have been wrong, what this alternative information would suggest, if that would have made their estimate an overestimate or an underestimate, and finally, based on this perspective what their new estimate would be. Results of this study revealed that while dialectical bootstrapping did not outperform the wisdom of the crowd (averaging each participants' first estimate with that of a random other participant), it did render better estimates than simply asking individuals to make two estimates.[26]

Hirt and Markman (1995) found that participants need not be limited to a consider-the-opposite strategy in order to improve judgments. Researchers asked participants to consider-an-alternative – operationalized as any plausible alternative (rather than simply focusing on the "opposite" alternative) – finding that simply considering an alternative improved judgments.[27]

Not all studies have shown support for the "crowd within" improving judgments. Ariely and colleagues asked participants to provide responses based on their answers to true-false items and their confidence in those answers. They found that while averaging judgment estimates between individuals significantly improved estimates, averaging repeated judgment estimates made by the same individuals did not significantly improve estimates.[28]


Wisdom-of-the-crowds research routinely attributes the superiority of crowd averages over individual judgments to the elimination of individual noise,[29] an explanation that assumes independence of the individual judgments from each other.[7][20] Thus the crowd tends to make its best decisions if it is made up of diverse opinions and ideologies.

Averaging can eliminate random errors that affect each person's answer in a different way, but not systematic errors that affect the opinions of the entire crowd in the same way. So for instance, a wisdom-of-the-crowd technique would not be expected to compensate for cognitive biases.[30]

Scott E. Page introduced the diversity prediction theorem: "The squared error of the collective prediction equals the average squared error minus the predictive diversity". Therefore, when the diversity in a group is large, the error of the crowd is small.[31]

Miller and Stevyers reduced the independence of individual responses in a wisdom-of-the-crowds experiment by allowing limited communication between participants. Participants were asked to answer ordering questions for general knowledge questions such as the order of U.S. presidents. For half of the questions, each participant started with the ordering submitted by another participant (and alerted to this fact), and for the other half, they started with a random ordering, and in both cases were asked to rearrange them (if necessary) to the correct order. Answers where participants started with another participant's ranking were on average more accurate than those from the random starting condition. Miller and Steyvers conclude that different item-level knowledge among participants is responsible for this phenomenon, and that participants integrated and augmented previous participants' knowledge with their own knowledge.[32]

Crowds tend to work best when there is a correct answer to the question being posed, such as a question about geography or mathematics.[33] When there is not a precise answer crowds can come to arbitrary conclusions.[34]

The wisdom of the crowd effect is easily undermined. Social influence can cause the average of the crowd answers to be wildly inaccurate, while the geometric mean and the median are far more robust.[35] (This relies on the uncertainty and trust, ergo experience of an individuals estimate to be known. i.e. the average of 10 learned individuals on a topic will vary from the average of 10 individuals who know nothing of the topic on hand even in a situation where a known truth exists and it is incorrect to just mix the total population of opinions assuming all to be equal as that will incorrectly dilute the impact of signal from the learned individuals over the noise of the un-educated.)

Experiments run by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found that when a group of people were asked to answer a question together they would attempt to come to a consensus which would frequently cause the accuracy of the answer to decrease. E.g. what is the length of a border between two countries? One suggestion to counter this effect is to ensure that the group contains a population with diverse backgrounds.[34]

Research from the Good Judgment Project showed that teams organized in prediction polls can avoid premature consensus and produce aggregate probability estimates that are more accurate than those produced in prediction markets.[36]

See also


  1. ^ Baase, Sara (2007). A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall. pp. 351–357. ISBN 0-13-600848-8.
  2. ^ a b Yi, Sheng Kung Michael; Steyvers, Mark; Lee, Michael D.; Dry, Matthew J. (April 2012). "The Wisdom of the Crowd in Combinatorial Problems". Cognitive Science. 36 (3): 452–470. doi:10.1111/j.1551-6709.2011.01223.x. PMID 22268680.
  3. ^ Ober, Josiah (September 2009). "An Aristotelian middle way between deliberation and independent-guess aggregation" (PDF). Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics. Stanford, California: Stanford University.
  4. ^ Landemore, Hélène (2012). "Collective Wisdom—Old and New" (PDF). In Landemore, Hélène; Elster, Jon (eds.). Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107010338. OCLC 752249923.
  5. ^ Aristotle (1967) [4th century BC]. "III". Politics. Translated by Rackham, H. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Loeb Classical Library. p. 1281b. ASIN B00JD13IJW.
  6. ^ Galton, Francis (1907). "Vox populi". Nature. 75 (1949): 450–451. Bibcode:1907Natur..75..450G. doi:10.1038/075450a0.
  7. ^ a b Surowiecki, James (2004). The Wisdom of Crowds. Doubleday. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-385-50386-0.
  8. ^ Rich, Laura (August 4, 2010). "Tapping the Wisdom of the Crowd". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved April 3, 2017.
  9. ^ Yong, Ed (January 31, 2013). "The Real Wisdom of the Crowds". Phenomena. Retrieved April 2, 2017.
  10. ^ Yi, S.K.M., Steyvers, M., Lee, M.D., and Dry, M. (2010). Wisdom of Crowds in Minimum Spanning Tree Problems. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  11. ^ Lee, Michael D.; Steyvers, Mark; de Young, Mindy; Miller, Brent J. (January 2012). "Inferring Expertise in Knowledge and Prediction Ranking Tasks". Topics in Cognitive Science. 4 (1): 151–163. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1756-8765.2011.01175.x. PMID 22253187.
  12. ^ Lee, Michael D.; Steyvers, Mark; de Young, Mindy; Miller, Brent J. Carlson, L.; Hölscher, C.; Shipley, T. F. (eds.). "A model-based approach to measuring expertise in ranking tasks". Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas: Cognitive Science Society.
  13. ^ Steyvers, Mark; Lee, Michael D.; Miller, Brent J.; Hemmer, Pernille (December 2009). "The Wisdom of Crowds in the Recollection of Order Information". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press (22): 1785–1793.
  14. ^ Miller, Brent J.; Hemmer, Pernille; Steyvers, Michael D.; Lee, Michael D. (July 2009). "The Wisdom of Crowds in Ordering Problems". Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Manchester, England: International Conference on Cognitive Modeling.
  15. ^ Zhang, S., and Lee, M.D., (2010). "Cognitive models and the wisdom of crowds: A case study using the bandit problem". In R. Catrambone, and S. Ohlsson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1118–1123. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  16. ^ Prelec, Dražen; Seung, H. Sebastian; McCoy, John (2017). "A solution to the single-question crowd wisdom problem". Nature. 541 (7638): 532–535. Bibcode:2017Natur.541..532P. doi:10.1038/nature21054. PMID 28128245. S2CID 4452604.
  17. ^ a b Prpić, John; Shukla, Prashant P.; Kietzmann, Jan H.; McCarthy, Ian P. (2015-01-01). "How to work a crowd: Developing crowd capital through crowdsourcing". Business Horizons. 58 (1): 77–85. arXiv:1702.04214. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2014.09.005. S2CID 10374568.
  18. ^ "Wisdom of the crowd". Nature. 438 (7066): 281. 2005. Bibcode:2005Natur.438..281.. doi:10.1038/438281a. PMID 16292279.
  19. ^ modonnell@journalnet.com, Michael H. O'Donnell. "Judge extols wisdom of juries". Idaho State Journal. Retrieved 2017-04-03.
  20. ^ a b c Vul, E.; Pashler, H. (2008). "Measuring the Crowd Within: Probabilistic Representations Within Individuals". Psychological Science. 19 (7): 645–647. CiteSeerX doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2008.02136.x. PMID 18727777. S2CID 44718192.
  21. ^ Steegen, S; Dewitte, L; Tuerlinckx, F; Vanpaemel, W (2014). "Measuring the crowd within again: A pre-registered replication study". Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 786. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00786. PMC 4112915. PMID 25120505.
  22. ^ Hourihan, K. L.; Benjamin, A. S. (2010). "Smaller is better (when sampling from the crowd within): Low memory-span individuals benefit more from multiple opportunities for estimation". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 36 (4): 1068–1074. doi:10.1037/a0019694. PMC 2891554. PMID 20565223.
  23. ^ Rauhut, H; Lorenz (2011). "The wisdom of the crowds in one mind: How individuals can simulate the knowledge of diverse societies to reach better decisions". Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 55 (2): 191–197. doi:10.1016/j.jmp.2010.10.002.
  24. ^ Müller-Trede, J. (2011). "Repeated judgment sampling: Boundaries". Judgment and Decision Making. 6: 283–294.
  25. ^ van Dolder, Dennie; Assem, Martijn J. van den (2018). "The wisdom of the inner crowd in three large natural experiments". Nature Human Behaviour. 2 (1): 21–26. doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0247-6. hdl:1871.1/e9dc3564-2c08-4de7-8a3a-e8e74a8d9fac. ISSN 2397-3374. PMID 30980050. S2CID 21708295. SSRN 3099179.
  26. ^ Herzog, S. M.; Hertwig, R. (2009). "The wisdom of many in one mind: Improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping". Psychological Science. 20 (2): 231–237. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02271.x. hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-002E-575D-B. PMID 19170937. S2CID 23695566.
  27. ^ Hirt, E. R.; Markman, K. D. (1995). "Multiple explanation: A consider-an-alternative strategy for debiasing judgments". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 69 (6): 1069–1086. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.69.6.1069.
  28. ^ Ariely, D.; Au, W. T.; Bender, R. H.; Budescu, D. V.; Dietz, C. B.; Gu, H.; Zauberman, G. (2000). "The effects of averaging subjective probability estimates between and within judges". Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 6 (2): 130–147. CiteSeerX doi:10.1037/1076-898x.6.2.130.
  29. ^ Benhenda, Mostapha (2011). "A Model of Deliberation Based on Rawls's Political Liberalism". Social Choice and Welfare. 36: 121–178. doi:10.1007/s00355-010-0469-2. S2CID 9423855. SSRN 1616519.
  30. ^ Marcus Buckingham; Ashley Goodall. "The Feedback Fallacy". Harvard Business Review. No. March-April 2019.
  31. ^ Page, Scott E. (2007). The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-13854-1.
  32. ^ Miller, B., and Steyvers, M. (in press). "The Wisdom of Crowds with Communication". In L. Carlson, C. Hölscher, & T.F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
  33. ^ "The Wisdom of Crowds". randomhouse.com.
  34. ^ a b Ball, Philip. "'Wisdom of the crowd': The myths and realities". Retrieved 2017-04-02.
  35. ^ "How Social Influence can Undermine the Wisdom of Crowd Effect". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 2011.
  36. ^ Atanasov, Pavel; Rescober, Phillip; Stone, Eric; Swift, Samuel A.; Servan-Schreiber, Emile; Tetlock, Philip; Ungar, Lyle; Mellers, Barbara (2016-04-22). "Distilling the Wisdom of Crowds: Prediction Markets vs. Prediction Polls". Management Science. 63 (3): 691–706. doi:10.1287/mnsc.2015.2374. ISSN 0025-1909.

External links

The wisdom of the crowd (with Professor Marcus du Sautoy) on YouTube

wisdom, crowd, this, article, about, collective, opinion, book, james, surowiecki, wisdom, crowds, series, wisdom, crowd, book, abercrombie, first, wisdom, crowds, wisdom, crowd, collective, opinion, diverse, independent, group, individuals, rather, than, that. This article is about the collective opinion For the book by James Surowiecki see The Wisdom of Crowds For the TV series see Wisdom of the Crowd For the book by Joe Abercrombie see The First Law The Wisdom of Crowds The wisdom of the crowd is the collective opinion of a diverse independent group of individuals rather than that of a single expert This process while not new to the Information Age has been pushed into the mainstream spotlight by social information sites such as Quora Reddit Stack Exchange Wikipedia Yahoo Answers and other web resources which rely on collective human knowledge 1 An explanation for this phenomenon is that there is idiosyncratic noise associated with each individual judgment and taking the average over a large number of responses will go some way toward canceling the effect of this noise 2 Trial by jury can be understood as at least partly relying on wisdom of the crowd compared to bench trial which relies on one or a few experts In politics sometimes sortition is held as an example of what wisdom of the crowd would look like Decision making would happen by a diverse group instead of by a fairly homogenous political group or party Research within cognitive science has sought to model the relationship between wisdom of the crowd effects and individual cognition A large group s aggregated answers to questions involving quantity estimation general world knowledge and spatial reasoning has generally been found to be as good as but often superior to the answer given by any of the individuals within the group Jury theorems from social choice theory provide formal arguments for wisdom of the crowd given a variety of more or less plausible assumptions Both the assumptions and the conclusions remain controversial even though the theorems themselves are not The oldest and simplest is Condorcet s jury theorem 1785 Contents 1 Examples 2 Higher dimensional problems and modeling 3 Surprisingly popular 4 Definition of crowd 5 Analogues with individual cognition the crowd within 5 1 Dialectical bootstrapping improving the estimates of the crowd within 6 Problems 7 See also 8 References 9 External linksExamples EditAristotle is credited as the first person to write about the wisdom of the crowd in his work Politics 3 4 According to Aristotle it is possible that the many though not individually good men yet when they come together may be better not individually but collectively than those who are so just as public dinners to which many contribute are better than those supplied at one man s cost 5 Sir Francis Galton by Charles Wellington Furse given to the National Portrait Gallery London in 1954 The classic wisdom of the crowds finding involves point estimation of a continuous quantity At a 1906 country fair in Plymouth 800 people participated in a contest to estimate the weight of a slaughtered and dressed ox Statistician Francis Galton observed that the median guess 1207 pounds was accurate within 1 of the true weight of 1198 pounds 6 This has contributed to the insight in cognitive science that a crowd s individual judgments can be modeled as a probability distribution of responses with the median centered near the true value of the quantity to be estimated 7 In recent years the wisdom of the crowd phenomenon has been leveraged in business strategy and advertising spaces Firms such as Napkin Labs aggregate consumer feedback and brand impressions for clients Meanwhile companies such as Trada invoke crowds to design advertisements based on clients requirements 8 Non human examples are prevalent For example the golden shiner is a fish that prefers shady areas The single shiner has a very difficult time finding shady regions in a body of water whereas a large group is much more efficient at finding the shade 9 Higher dimensional problems and modeling EditAlthough classic wisdom of the crowds findings center on point estimates of single continuous quantities the phenomenon also scales up to higher dimensional problems that do not lend themselves to aggregation methods such as taking the mean More complex models have been developed for these purposes A few examples of higher dimensional problems that exhibit wisdom of the crowds effects include Combinatorial problems such as minimum spanning trees and the traveling salesman problem in which participants must find the shortest route between an array of points Models of these problems either break the problem into common pieces the local decomposition method of aggregation or find solutions that are most similar to the individual human solutions the global similarity aggregation method 2 10 Ordering problems such as the order of the U S presidents or world cities by population A useful approach in this situation is Thurstonian modeling which each participant has access to the ground truth ordering but with varying degrees of stochastic noise leading to variance in the final ordering given by different individuals 11 12 13 14 Multi armed bandit problems in which participants choose from a set of alternatives with fixed but unknown reward rates with the goal of maximizing return after a number of trials To accommodate mixtures of decision processes and individual differences in probabilities of winning and staying with a given alternative versus losing and shifting to another alternative hierarchical Bayesian models have been employed which include parameters for individual people drawn from Gaussian distributions 15 Surprisingly popular EditIn further exploring the ways to improve the results a new technique called the surprisingly popular was developed by scientists at MIT s Sloan Neuroeconomics Lab in collaboration with Princeton University For a given question people are asked to give two responses What they think the right answer is and what they think popular opinion will be The averaged difference between the two indicates the correct answer It was found that the surprisingly popular algorithm reduces errors by 21 3 percent in comparison to simple majority votes and by 24 2 percent in comparison to basic confidence weighted votes where people express how confident they are of their answers and 22 2 percent compared to advanced confidence weighted votes where one only uses the answers with the highest average 16 Definition of crowd EditThis section possibly contains original research Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations Statements consisting only of original research should be removed June 2016 Learn how and when to remove this template message In the context of wisdom of the crowd the term crowd takes on a broad meaning One definition characterizes a crowd as a group of people amassed by an open call for participation 17 While crowds are often leveraged in online applications they can also be utilized in offline contexts 17 In some cases members of a crowd may be offered monetary incentives for participation 18 Certain applications of wisdom of the crowd such as jury duty in the United States mandate crowd participation 19 Analogues with individual cognition the crowd within EditThe insight that crowd responses to an estimation task can be modeled as a sample from a probability distribution invites comparisons with individual cognition In particular it is possible that individual cognition is probabilistic in the sense that individual estimates are drawn from an internal probability distribution If this is the case then two or more estimates of the same quantity from the same person should average to a value closer to ground truth than either of the individual judgments since the effect of statistical noise within each of these judgments is reduced This of course rests on the assumption that the noise associated with each judgment is at least somewhat statistically independent Thus the crowd needs to be independent but also diversified in order to allow a variety of answers The answers on the ends of the spectrum will cancel each other allowing the wisdom of the crowd phenomena to take its place Another caveat is that individual probability judgments are often biased toward extreme values e g 0 or 1 Thus any beneficial effect of multiple judgments from the same person is likely to be limited to samples from an unbiased distribution 20 Vul and Pashler 2008 asked participants for point estimates of continuous quantities associated with general world knowledge such as What percentage of the world s airports are in the United States Without being alerted to the procedure in advance half of the participants were immediately asked to make a second different guess in response to the same question and the other half were asked to do this three weeks later The average of a participant s two guesses was more accurate than either individual guess Furthermore the averages of guesses made in the three week delay condition were more accurate than guesses made in immediate succession One explanation of this effect is that guesses in the immediate condition were less independent of each other an anchoring effect and were thus subject to some of the same kind of noise In general these results suggest that individual cognition may indeed be subject to an internal probability distribution characterized by stochastic noise rather than consistently producing the best answer based on all the knowledge a person has 20 These results were mostly confirmed in a high powered pre registered replication 21 The only result that was not fully replicated was that a delay in the second guess generates a better estimate Hourihan and Benjamin 2010 tested the hypothesis that the estimate improvements observed by Vul and Pashler in the delayed responding condition were the result of increased independence of the estimates To do this Hourihan and Benjamin capitalized on variations in memory span among their participants In support they found that averaging repeated estimates of those with lower memory spans showed greater estimate improvements than the averaging the repeated estimates of those with larger memory spans 22 Rauhut and Lorenz 2011 expanded on this research by again asking participants to make estimates of continuous quantities related to real world knowledge however in this case participants were informed that they would make five consecutive estimates This approach allowed the researchers to determine firstly the number of times one needs to ask oneself in order to match the accuracy of asking others and then the rate at which estimates made by oneself improve estimates compared to asking others The authors concluded that asking oneself an infinite number of times does not surpass the accuracy of asking just one other individual Overall they found little support for a so called mental distribution from which individuals draw their estimates in fact they found that in some cases asking oneself multiple times actually reduces accuracy Ultimately they argue that the results of Vul and Pashler 2008 overestimate the wisdom of the crowd within as their results show that asking oneself more than three times actually reduces accuracy to levels below that reported by Vul and Pashler who only asked participants to make two estimates 23 Muller Trede 2011 attempted to investigate the types of questions in which utilizing the crowd within is most effective He found that while accuracy gains were smaller than would be expected from averaging ones estimates with another individual repeated judgments lead to increases in accuracy for both year estimation questions e g when was the thermometer invented and questions about estimated percentages e g what percentage of internet users connect from China General numerical questions e g what is the speed of sound in kilometers per hour however did not show improvement with repeated judgments while averaging individual judgments with those of a random other did improve accuracy This Muller Trede argues is the result of the bounds implied by year and percentage questions 24 Van Dolder and Van den Assem 2018 studied the crowd within using a large database from three estimation competitions organised by Holland Casino For each of these competitions they find that within person aggregation indeed improves accuracy of estimates Furthermore they also confirm that this method works better if there is a time delay between subsequent judgments However even when there is considerable delay between estimates the benefit pales against that of between person aggregation the average of a large number of judgements from the same person is barely better than the average of two judgements from different people 25 Dialectical bootstrapping improving the estimates of the crowd within Edit Herzog and Hertwig 2009 attempted to improve on the wisdom of many in one mind i e the crowd within by asking participants to use dialectical bootstrapping Dialectical bootstrapping involves the use of dialectic reasoned discussion that takes place between two or more parties with opposing views in an attempt to determine the best answer and bootstrapping advancing oneself without the assistance of external forces They posited that people should be able to make greater improvements on their original estimates by basing the second estimate on antithetical information Therefore these second estimates based on different assumptions and knowledge than that used to generate the first estimate would also have a different error both systematic and random than the first estimate increasing the accuracy of the average judgment From an analytical perspective dialectical bootstrapping should increase accuracy so long as the dialectical estimate is not too far off and the errors of the first and dialectical estimates are different To test this Herzog and Hertwig asked participants to make a series of date estimations regarding historical events e g when electricity was discovered without knowledge that they would be asked to provide a second estimate Next half of the participants were simply asked to make a second estimate The other half were asked to use a consider the opposite strategy to make dialectical estimates using their initial estimates as a reference point Specifically participants were asked to imagine that their initial estimate was off consider what information may have been wrong what this alternative information would suggest if that would have made their estimate an overestimate or an underestimate and finally based on this perspective what their new estimate would be Results of this study revealed that while dialectical bootstrapping did not outperform the wisdom of the crowd averaging each participants first estimate with that of a random other participant it did render better estimates than simply asking individuals to make two estimates 26 Hirt and Markman 1995 found that participants need not be limited to a consider the opposite strategy in order to improve judgments Researchers asked participants to consider an alternative operationalized as any plausible alternative rather than simply focusing on the opposite alternative finding that simply considering an alternative improved judgments 27 Not all studies have shown support for the crowd within improving judgments Ariely and colleagues asked participants to provide responses based on their answers to true false items and their confidence in those answers They found that while averaging judgment estimates between individuals significantly improved estimates averaging repeated judgment estimates made by the same individuals did not significantly improve estimates 28 Problems EditWisdom of the crowds research routinely attributes the superiority of crowd averages over individual judgments to the elimination of individual noise 29 an explanation that assumes independence of the individual judgments from each other 7 20 Thus the crowd tends to make its best decisions if it is made up of diverse opinions and ideologies Averaging can eliminate random errors that affect each person s answer in a different way but not systematic errors that affect the opinions of the entire crowd in the same way So for instance a wisdom of the crowd technique would not be expected to compensate for cognitive biases 30 Scott E Page introduced the diversity prediction theorem The squared error of the collective prediction equals the average squared error minus the predictive diversity Therefore when the diversity in a group is large the error of the crowd is small 31 Miller and Stevyers reduced the independence of individual responses in a wisdom of the crowds experiment by allowing limited communication between participants Participants were asked to answer ordering questions for general knowledge questions such as the order of U S presidents For half of the questions each participant started with the ordering submitted by another participant and alerted to this fact and for the other half they started with a random ordering and in both cases were asked to rearrange them if necessary to the correct order Answers where participants started with another participant s ranking were on average more accurate than those from the random starting condition Miller and Steyvers conclude that different item level knowledge among participants is responsible for this phenomenon and that participants integrated and augmented previous participants knowledge with their own knowledge 32 Crowds tend to work best when there is a correct answer to the question being posed such as a question about geography or mathematics 33 When there is not a precise answer crowds can come to arbitrary conclusions 34 The wisdom of the crowd effect is easily undermined Social influence can cause the average of the crowd answers to be wildly inaccurate while the geometric mean and the median are far more robust 35 This relies on the uncertainty and trust ergo experience of an individuals estimate to be known i e the average of 10 learned individuals on a topic will vary from the average of 10 individuals who know nothing of the topic on hand even in a situation where a known truth exists and it is incorrect to just mix the total population of opinions assuming all to be equal as that will incorrectly dilute the impact of signal from the learned individuals over the noise of the un educated Experiments run by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology found that when a group of people were asked to answer a question together they would attempt to come to a consensus which would frequently cause the accuracy of the answer to decrease E g what is the length of a border between two countries One suggestion to counter this effect is to ensure that the group contains a population with diverse backgrounds 34 Research from the Good Judgment Project showed that teams organized in prediction polls can avoid premature consensus and produce aggregate probability estimates that are more accurate than those produced in prediction markets 36 See also EditArgumentum ad populum Bandwagon effect Collaborative software Collective intelligence Collective wisdom Conventional wisdom Crowdfunding Crowdsourcing Delphi method Dispersed knowledge Dollar voting Dunning Kruger effect Emergence Ensemble forecasting The Good Judgment Project forecasting project Groupthink Human reliability Intrade Law of large numbers Linus s law Networked expertise Open source Pilot error Tyranny of the majority Vox populi The Wisdom of CrowdsReferences Edit Baase Sara 2007 A Gift of Fire Social Legal and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet 3rd edition Prentice Hall pp 351 357 ISBN 0 13 600848 8 a b Yi Sheng Kung Michael Steyvers Mark Lee Michael D Dry Matthew J April 2012 The Wisdom of the Crowd in Combinatorial Problems Cognitive Science 36 3 452 470 doi 10 1111 j 1551 6709 2011 01223 x PMID 22268680 Ober Josiah September 2009 An Aristotelian middle way between deliberation and independent guess aggregation PDF Princeton Stanford Working Papers in Classics Stanford California Stanford University Landemore Helene 2012 Collective Wisdom Old and New PDF In Landemore Helene Elster Jon eds Collective wisdom principles and mechanisms Cambridge England Cambridge University Press ISBN 9781107010338 OCLC 752249923 Aristotle 1967 4th century BC III Politics Translated by Rackham H Cambridge Massachusetts Loeb Classical Library p 1281b ASIN B00JD13IJW Galton Francis 1907 Vox populi Nature 75 1949 450 451 Bibcode 1907Natur 75 450G doi 10 1038 075450a0 a b Surowiecki James 2004 The Wisdom of Crowds Doubleday p 10 ISBN 978 0 385 50386 0 Rich Laura August 4 2010 Tapping the Wisdom of the Crowd The New York Times ISSN 0362 4331 Retrieved April 3 2017 Yong Ed January 31 2013 The Real Wisdom of the Crowds Phenomena Retrieved April 2 2017 Yi S K M Steyvers M Lee M D and Dry M 2010 Wisdom of Crowds in Minimum Spanning Tree Problems Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Mahwah NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Lee Michael D Steyvers Mark de Young Mindy Miller Brent J January 2012 Inferring Expertise in Knowledge and Prediction Ranking Tasks Topics in Cognitive Science 4 1 151 163 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 303 822 doi 10 1111 j 1756 8765 2011 01175 x PMID 22253187 Lee Michael D Steyvers Mark de Young Mindy Miller Brent J Carlson L Holscher C Shipley T F eds A model based approach to measuring expertise in ranking tasks Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin Texas Cognitive Science Society Steyvers Mark Lee Michael D Miller Brent J Hemmer Pernille December 2009 The Wisdom of Crowds in the Recollection of Order Information Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems Cambridge Massachusetts MIT Press 22 1785 1793 Miller Brent J Hemmer Pernille Steyvers Michael D Lee Michael D July 2009 The Wisdom of Crowds in Ordering Problems Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Manchester England International Conference on Cognitive Modeling Zhang S and Lee M D 2010 Cognitive models and the wisdom of crowds A case study using the bandit problem In R Catrambone and S Ohlsson Eds Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society pp 1118 1123 Austin TX Cognitive Science Society Prelec Drazen Seung H Sebastian McCoy John 2017 A solution to the single question crowd wisdom problem Nature 541 7638 532 535 Bibcode 2017Natur 541 532P doi 10 1038 nature21054 PMID 28128245 S2CID 4452604 a b Prpic John Shukla Prashant P Kietzmann Jan H McCarthy Ian P 2015 01 01 How to work a crowd Developing crowd capital through crowdsourcing Business Horizons 58 1 77 85 arXiv 1702 04214 doi 10 1016 j bushor 2014 09 005 S2CID 10374568 Wisdom of the crowd Nature 438 7066 281 2005 Bibcode 2005Natur 438 281 doi 10 1038 438281a PMID 16292279 modonnell journalnet com Michael H O Donnell Judge extols wisdom of juries Idaho State Journal Retrieved 2017 04 03 a b c Vul E Pashler H 2008 Measuring the Crowd Within Probabilistic Representations Within Individuals Psychological Science 19 7 645 647 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 408 4760 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9280 2008 02136 x PMID 18727777 S2CID 44718192 Steegen S Dewitte L Tuerlinckx F Vanpaemel W 2014 Measuring the crowd within again A pre registered replication study Frontiers in Psychology 5 786 doi 10 3389 fpsyg 2014 00786 PMC 4112915 PMID 25120505 Hourihan K L Benjamin A S 2010 Smaller is better when sampling from the crowd within Low memory span individuals benefit more from multiple opportunities for estimation Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 36 4 1068 1074 doi 10 1037 a0019694 PMC 2891554 PMID 20565223 Rauhut H Lorenz 2011 The wisdom of the crowds in one mind How individuals can simulate the knowledge of diverse societies to reach better decisions Journal of Mathematical Psychology 55 2 191 197 doi 10 1016 j jmp 2010 10 002 Muller Trede J 2011 Repeated judgment sampling Boundaries Judgment and Decision Making 6 283 294 van Dolder Dennie Assem Martijn J van den 2018 The wisdom of the inner crowd in three large natural experiments Nature Human Behaviour 2 1 21 26 doi 10 1038 s41562 017 0247 6 hdl 1871 1 e9dc3564 2c08 4de7 8a3a e8e74a8d9fac ISSN 2397 3374 PMID 30980050 S2CID 21708295 SSRN 3099179 Herzog S M Hertwig R 2009 The wisdom of many in one mind Improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping Psychological Science 20 2 231 237 doi 10 1111 j 1467 9280 2009 02271 x hdl 11858 00 001M 0000 002E 575D B PMID 19170937 S2CID 23695566 Hirt E R Markman K D 1995 Multiple explanation A consider an alternative strategy for debiasing judgments Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69 6 1069 1086 doi 10 1037 0022 3514 69 6 1069 Ariely D Au W T Bender R H Budescu D V Dietz C B Gu H Zauberman G 2000 The effects of averaging subjective probability estimates between and within judges Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied 6 2 130 147 CiteSeerX 10 1 1 153 9813 doi 10 1037 1076 898x 6 2 130 Benhenda Mostapha 2011 A Model of Deliberation Based on Rawls s Political Liberalism Social Choice and Welfare 36 121 178 doi 10 1007 s00355 010 0469 2 S2CID 9423855 SSRN 1616519 Marcus Buckingham Ashley Goodall The Feedback Fallacy Harvard Business Review No March April 2019 Page Scott E 2007 The Difference How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups Firms Schools and Societies Princeton NJ Princeton University Press ISBN 978 0 691 13854 1 Miller B and Steyvers M in press The Wisdom of Crowds with Communication In L Carlson C Holscher amp T F Shipley Eds Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Austin TX Cognitive Science Society The Wisdom of Crowds randomhouse com a b Ball Philip Wisdom of the crowd The myths and realities Retrieved 2017 04 02 How Social Influence can Undermine the Wisdom of Crowd Effect Proc Natl Acad Sci 2011 Atanasov Pavel Rescober Phillip Stone Eric Swift Samuel A Servan Schreiber Emile Tetlock Philip Ungar Lyle Mellers Barbara 2016 04 22 Distilling the Wisdom of Crowds Prediction Markets vs Prediction Polls Management Science 63 3 691 706 doi 10 1287 mnsc 2015 2374 ISSN 0025 1909 External links EditThe wisdom of the crowd with Professor Marcus du Sautoy on YouTube Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Wisdom of the crowd amp oldid 1130490618, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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