
Probability distribution

In probability theory and statistics, a probability distribution is the mathematical function that gives the probabilities of occurrence of different possible outcomes for an experiment.[1][2] It is a mathematical description of a random phenomenon in terms of its sample space and the probabilities of events (subsets of the sample space).[3]

For instance, if X is used to denote the outcome of a coin toss ("the experiment"), then the probability distribution of X would take the value 0.5 (1 in 2 or 1/2) for X = heads, and 0.5 for X = tails (assuming that the coin is fair). More commonly, probability distributions are used to compare the relative occurrence of many different random values.

Probability distributions can be defined in different ways and for discrete or for continuous variables. Distributions with special properties or for especially important applications are given specific names..

Introduction Edit

A probability distribution is a mathematical description of the probabilities of events, subsets of the sample space. The sample space, often denoted by  , is the set of all possible outcomes of a random phenomenon being observed; it may be any set: a set of real numbers, a set of vectors, a set of arbitrary non-numerical values, etc. For example, the sample space of a coin flip would be Ω = {heads, tails}.

To define probability distributions for the specific case of random variables (so the sample space can be seen as a numeric set), it is common to distinguish between discrete and absolutely continuous random variables. In the discrete case, it is sufficient to specify a probability mass function   assigning a probability to each possible outcome: for example, when throwing a fair dice, each of the six values 1 to 6 has the probability 1/6. The probability of an event is then defined to be the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes that satisfy the event; for example, the probability of the event "the die rolls an even value" is


In contrast, when a random variable takes values from a continuum then typically, any individual outcome has probability zero and only events that include infinitely many outcomes, such as intervals, can have positive probability. For example, consider measuring the weight of a piece of ham in the supermarket, and assume the scale has many digits of precision. The probability that it weighs exactly 500 g is zero, as it will most likely have some non-zero decimal digits. Nevertheless, one might demand, in quality control, that a package of "500 g" of ham must weigh between 490 g and 510 g with at least 98% probability, and this demand is less sensitive to the accuracy of measurement instruments.

The left graph shows a probability density function. The right graph shows the cumulative distribution function, for which the value at a equals the area under the probability density curve to the left of a.

Absolutely continuous probability distributions can be described in several ways. The probability density function describes the infinitesimal probability of any given value, and the probability that the outcome lies in a given interval can be computed by integrating the probability density function over that interval.[4] An alternative description of the distribution is by means of the cumulative distribution function, which describes the probability that the random variable is no larger than a given value (i.e.,   for some  ). The cumulative distribution function is the area under the probability density function from   to  , as described by the picture to the right.[5]

General probability definition Edit

A probability distribution can be described in various forms, such as by a probability mass function or a cumulative distribution function. One of the most general descriptions, which applies for absolutely continuous and discrete variables, is by means of a probability function   whose input space   is a σ-algebra, and gives a real number probability as its output, particularly, a number in  .

The probability function   can take as argument subsets of the sample space itself, as in the coin toss example, where the function   was defined so that P(heads) = 0.5 and P(tails) = 0.5. However, because of the widespread use of random variables, which transform the sample space into a set of numbers (e.g.,  ,  ), it is more common to study probability distributions whose argument are subsets of these particular kinds of sets (number sets),[6] and all probability distributions discussed in this article are of this type. It is common to denote as   the probability that a certain value of the variable   belongs to a certain event  .[7][8]

The above probability function only characterizes a probability distribution if it satisfies all the Kolmogorov axioms, that is:

  1.  , so the probability is non-negative
  2.  , so no probability exceeds  
  3.   for any countable disjoint family of sets  

The concept of probability function is made more rigorous by defining it as the element of a probability space  , where   is the set of possible outcomes,   is the set of all subsets   whose probability can be measured, and   is the probability function, or probability measure, that assigns a probability to each of these measurable subsets  .[9]

Probability distributions usually belong to one of two classes. A discrete probability distribution is applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete (e.g. a coin toss, a roll of a die) and the probabilities are encoded by a discrete list of the probabilities of the outcomes; in this case the discrete probability distribution is known as probability mass function. On the other hand, absolutely continuous probability distributions are applicable to scenarios where the set of possible outcomes can take on values in a continuous range (e.g. real numbers), such as the temperature on a given day. In the absolutely continuous case, probabilities are described by a probability density function, and the probability distribution is by definition the integral of the probability density function.[7][4][8] The normal distribution is a commonly encountered absolutely continuous probability distribution. More complex experiments, such as those involving stochastic processes defined in continuous time, may demand the use of more general probability measures.

A probability distribution whose sample space is one-dimensional (for example real numbers, list of labels, ordered labels or binary) is called univariate, while a distribution whose sample space is a vector space of dimension 2 or more is called multivariate. A univariate distribution gives the probabilities of a single random variable taking on various different values; a multivariate distribution (a joint probability distribution) gives the probabilities of a random vector – a list of two or more random variables – taking on various combinations of values. Important and commonly encountered univariate probability distributions include the binomial distribution, the hypergeometric distribution, and the normal distribution. A commonly encountered multivariate distribution is the multivariate normal distribution.

Besides the probability function, the cumulative distribution function, the probability mass function and the probability density function, the moment generating function and the characteristic function also serve to identify a probability distribution, as they uniquely determine an underlying cumulative distribution function.[10]

The probability density function (pdf) of the normal distribution, also called Gaussian or "bell curve", the most important absolutely continuous random distribution. As notated on the figure, the probabilities of intervals of values correspond to the area under the curve.

Terminology Edit

Some key concepts and terms, widely used in the literature on the topic of probability distributions, are listed below.[1]

Basic terms Edit

  • Random variable: takes values from a sample space; probabilities describe which values and set of values are taken more likely.
  • Event: set of possible values (outcomes) of a random variable that occurs with a certain probability.
  • Probability function or probability measure: describes the probability   that the event   occurs.[11]
  • Cumulative distribution function: function evaluating the probability that   will take a value less than or equal to   for a random variable (only for real-valued random variables).
  • Quantile function: the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. Gives   such that, with probability  ,   will not exceed  .

Discrete probability distributions Edit

Absolutely continuous probability distributions Edit

  • Absolutely continuous probability distribution: for many random variables with uncountably many values.
  • Probability density function (pdf) or probability density: function whose value at any given sample (or point) in the sample space (the set of possible values taken by the random variable) can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would equal that sample.

Related terms Edit

  • Support: set of values that can be assumed with non-zero probability by the random variable. For a random variable  , it is sometimes denoted as  .
  • Tail:[12] the regions close to the bounds of the random variable, if the pmf or pdf are relatively low therein. Usually has the form  ,   or a union thereof.
  • Head:[12] the region where the pmf or pdf is relatively high. Usually has the form  .
  • Expected value or mean: the weighted average of the possible values, using their probabilities as their weights; or the continuous analog thereof.
  • Median: the value such that the set of values less than the median, and the set greater than the median, each have probabilities no greater than one-half.
  • Mode: for a discrete random variable, the value with highest probability; for an absolutely continuous random variable, a location at which the probability density function has a local peak.
  • Quantile: the q-quantile is the value   such that  .
  • Variance: the second moment of the pmf or pdf about the mean; an important measure of the dispersion of the distribution.
  • Standard deviation: the square root of the variance, and hence another measure of dispersion.
  • Symmetry: a property of some distributions in which the portion of the distribution to the left of a specific value (usually the median) is a mirror image of the portion to its right.
  • Skewness: a measure of the extent to which a pmf or pdf "leans" to one side of its mean. The third standardized moment of the distribution.
  • Kurtosis: a measure of the "fatness" of the tails of a pmf or pdf. The fourth standardized moment of the distribution.

Cumulative distribution function Edit

In the special case of a real-valued random variable, the probability distribution can equivalently be represented by a cumulative distribution function instead of a probability measure. The cumulative distribution function of a random variable   with regard to a probability distribution   is defined as


The cumulative distribution function of any real-valued random variable has the properties:

  •   is non-decreasing;
  •   is right-continuous;
  •  ;
  •   and  ; and
  •  .

Conversely, any function   that satisfies the first four of the properties above is the cumulative distribution function of some probability distribution on the real numbers.[13]

Any probability distribution can be decomposed as the mixture of a discrete, an absolutely continuous and a singular continuous distribution,[14] and thus any cumulative distribution function admits a decomposition as the convex sum of the three according cumulative distribution functions.

Discrete probability distribution Edit

The probability mass function (pmf)   specifies the probability distribution for the sum   of counts from two dice. For example, the figure shows that  . The pmf allows the computation of probabilities of events such as  , and all other probabilities in the distribution.
The probability mass function of a discrete probability distribution. The probabilities of the singletons {1}, {3}, and {7} are respectively 0.2, 0.5, 0.3. A set not containing any of these points has probability zero.
The cdf of a discrete probability distribution, ...
... of a continuous probability distribution, ...
... of a distribution which has both a continuous part and a discrete part

A discrete probability distribution is the probability distribution of a random variable that can take on only a countable number of values[15] (almost surely)[16] which means that the probability of any event   can be expressed as a (finite or countably infinite) sum:

where   is a countable set with  . Thus the discrete random variables (i.e. random variables whose probability distribution is discrete) are exactly those with a probability mass function  . In the case where the range of values is countably infinite, these values have to decline to zero fast enough for the probabilities to add up to 1. For example, if   for  , the sum of probabilities would be  .

Well-known discrete probability distributions used in statistical modeling include the Poisson distribution, the Bernoulli distribution, the binomial distribution, the geometric distribution, the negative binomial distribution and categorical distribution.[3] When a sample (a set of observations) is drawn from a larger population, the sample points have an empirical distribution that is discrete, and which provides information about the population distribution. Additionally, the discrete uniform distribution is commonly used in computer programs that make equal-probability random selections between a number of choices.

Cumulative distribution function Edit

A real-valued discrete random variable can equivalently be defined as a random variable whose cumulative distribution function increases only by jump discontinuities—that is, its cdf increases only where it "jumps" to a higher value, and is constant in intervals without jumps. The points where jumps occur are precisely the values which the random variable may take. Thus the cumulative distribution function has the form


The points where the cdf jumps always form a countable set; this may be any countable set and thus may even be dense in the real numbers.

Dirac delta representation Edit

A discrete probability distribution is often represented with Dirac measures, the probability distributions of deterministic random variables. For any outcome  , let   be the Dirac measure concentrated at  . Given a discrete probability distribution, there is a countable set   with   and a probability mass function  . If   is any event, then

or in short,

Similarly, discrete distributions can be represented with the Dirac delta function as a generalized probability density function  , where

which means
for any event  [17]

Indicator-function representation Edit

For a discrete random variable  , let   be the values it can take with non-zero probability. Denote


These are disjoint sets, and for such sets


It follows that the probability that   takes any value except for   is zero, and thus one can write   as


except on a set of probability zero, where   is the indicator function of  . This may serve as an alternative definition of discrete random variables.

One-point distribution Edit

A special case is the discrete distribution of a random variable that can take on only one fixed value; in other words, it is a deterministic distribution. Expressed formally, the random variable   has a one-point distribution if it has a possible outcome   such that  [18] All other possible outcomes then have probability 0. Its cumulative distribution function jumps immediately from 0 to 1.

Absolutely continuous probability distribution Edit

An absolutely continuous probability distribution is a probability distribution on the real numbers with uncountably many possible values, such as a whole interval in the real line, and where the probability of any event can be expressed as an integral.[19] More precisely, a real random variable   has an absolutely continuous probability distribution if there is a function   such that for each interval   the probability of   belonging to   is given by the integral of   over  :[20][21]

This is the definition of a probability density function, so that absolutely continuous probability distributions are exactly those with a probability density function. In particular, the probability for   to take any single value   (that is,  ) is zero, because an integral with coinciding upper and lower limits is always equal to zero. If the interval   is replaced by any measurable set  , the according equality still holds:

An absolutely continuous random variable is a random variable whose probability distribution is absolutely continuous.

There are many examples of absolutely continuous probability distributions: normal, uniform, chi-squared, and others.

Cumulative distribution function Edit

Absolutely continuous probability distributions as defined above are precisely those with an absolutely continuous cumulative distribution function. In this case, the cumulative distribution function   has the form

where   is a density of the random variable   with regard to the distribution  .

Note on terminology: Absolutely continuous distributions ought to be distinguished from continuous distributions, which are those having a continuous cumulative distribution function. Every absolutely continuous distribution is a continuous distribution but the inverse is not true, there exist singular distributions, which are neither absolutely continuous nor discrete nor a mixture of those, and do not have a density. An example is given by the Cantor distribution. Some authors however use the term "continuous distribution" to denote all distributions whose cumulative distribution function is absolutely continuous, i.e. refer to absolutely continuous distributions as continuous distributions.[7]

For a more general definition of density functions and the equivalent absolutely continuous measures see absolutely continuous measure.

Kolmogorov definition Edit

In the measure-theoretic formalization of probability theory, a random variable is defined as a measurable function   from a probability space   to a measurable space  . Given that probabilities of events of the form   satisfy Kolmogorov's probability axioms, the probability distribution of   is the image measure   of   , which is a probability measure on   satisfying  .[22][23][24]

Other kinds of distributions Edit

One solution for the Rabinovich–Fabrikant equations. What is the probability of observing a state on a certain place of the support (i.e., the red subset)?

Absolutely continuous and discrete distributions with support on   or   are extremely useful to model a myriad of phenomena,[7][5] since most practical distributions are supported on relatively simple subsets, such as hypercubes or balls. However, this is not always the case, and there exist phenomena with supports that are actually complicated curves   within some space   or similar. In these cases, the probability distribution is supported on the image of such curve, and is likely to be determined empirically, rather than finding a closed formula for it.[25]

One example is shown in the figure to the right, which displays the evolution of a system of differential equations (commonly known as the Rabinovich–Fabrikant equations) that can be used to model the behaviour of Langmuir waves in plasma.[26] When this phenomenon is studied, the observed states from the subset are as indicated in red. So one could ask what is the probability of observing a state in a certain position of the red subset; if such a probability exists, it is called the probability measure of the system.[27][25]

This kind of complicated support appears quite frequently in dynamical systems. It is not simple to establish that the system has a probability measure, and the main problem is the following. Let   be instants in time and   a subset of the support; if the probability measure exists for the system, one would expect the frequency of observing states inside set   would be equal in interval   and  , which might not happen; for example, it could oscillate similar to a sine,  , whose limit when   does not converge. Formally, the measure exists only if the limit of the relative frequency converges when the system is observed into the infinite future.[28] The branch of dynamical systems that studies the existence of a probability measure is ergodic theory.

Note that even in these cases, the probability distribution, if it exists, might still be termed "absolutely continuous" or "discrete" depending on whether the support is uncountable or countable, respectively.

Random number generation Edit

Most algorithms are based on a pseudorandom number generator that produces numbers   that are uniformly distributed in the half-open interval [0, 1). These random variates   are then transformed via some algorithm to create a new random variate having the required probability distribution. With this source of uniform pseudo-randomness, realizations of any random variable can be generated.[29]

For example, suppose   has a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. To construct a random Bernoulli variable for some  , we define

so that

This random variable X has a Bernoulli distribution with parameter  .[29] This is a transformation of discrete random variable.

For a distribution function   of an absolutely continuous random variable, an absolutely continuous random variable must be constructed.  , an inverse function of  , relates to the uniform variable  :


For example, suppose a random variable that has an exponential distribution   must be constructed.

so   and if   has a   distribution, then the random variable   is defined by  . This has an exponential distribution of  .[29]

A frequent problem in statistical simulations (the Monte Carlo method) is the generation of pseudo-random numbers that are distributed in a given way.

Common probability distributions and their applications Edit

The concept of the probability distribution and the random variables which they describe underlies the mathematical discipline of probability theory, and the science of statistics. There is spread or variability in almost any value that can be measured in a population (e.g. height of people, durability of a metal, sales growth, traffic flow, etc.); almost all measurements are made with some intrinsic error; in physics, many processes are described probabilistically, from the kinetic properties of gases to the quantum mechanical description of fundamental particles. For these and many other reasons, simple numbers are often inadequate for describing a quantity, while probability distributions are often more appropriate.

The following is a list of some of the most common probability distributions, grouped by the type of process that they are related to. For a more complete list, see list of probability distributions, which groups by the nature of the outcome being considered (discrete, absolutely continuous, multivariate, etc.)

All of the univariate distributions below are singly peaked; that is, it is assumed that the values cluster around a single point. In practice, actually observed quantities may cluster around multiple values. Such quantities can be modeled using a mixture distribution.

Linear growth (e.g. errors, offsets) Edit

  • Normal distribution (Gaussian distribution), for a single such quantity; the most commonly used absolutely continuous distribution

Exponential growth (e.g. prices, incomes, populations) Edit

Uniformly distributed quantities Edit

Bernoulli trials (yes/no events, with a given probability) Edit

Categorical outcomes (events with K possible outcomes) Edit

Poisson process (events that occur independently with a given rate) Edit

Absolute values of vectors with normally distributed components Edit

  • Rayleigh distribution, for the distribution of vector magnitudes with Gaussian distributed orthogonal components. Rayleigh distributions are found in RF signals with Gaussian real and imaginary components.
  • Rice distribution, a generalization of the Rayleigh distributions for where there is a stationary background signal component. Found in Rician fading of radio signals due to multipath propagation and in MR images with noise corruption on non-zero NMR signals.

Normally distributed quantities operated with sum of squares Edit

As conjugate prior distributions in Bayesian inference Edit

Some specialized applications of probability distributions Edit

  • The cache language models and other statistical language models used in natural language processing to assign probabilities to the occurrence of particular words and word sequences do so by means of probability distributions.
  • In quantum mechanics, the probability density of finding the particle at a given point is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the particle's wavefunction at that point (see Born rule). Therefore, the probability distribution function of the position of a particle is described by  , probability that the particle's position x will be in the interval axb in dimension one, and a similar triple integral in dimension three. This is a key principle of quantum mechanics.[31]
  • Probabilistic load flow in power-flow study explains the uncertainties of input variables as probability distribution and provides the power flow calculation also in term of probability distribution.[32]
  • Prediction of natural phenomena occurrences based on previous frequency distributions such as tropical cyclones, hail, time in between events, etc.[33]

Fitting Edit

Probability distribution fitting or simply distribution fitting is the fitting of a probability distribution to a series of data concerning the repeated measurement of a variable phenomenon. The aim of distribution fitting is to predict the probability or to forecast the frequency of occurrence of the magnitude of the phenomenon in a certain interval.

There are many probability distributions (see list of probability distributions) of which some can be fitted more closely to the observed frequency of the data than others, depending on the characteristics of the phenomenon and of the distribution. The distribution giving a close fit is supposed to lead to good predictions.

In distribution fitting, therefore, one needs to select a distribution that suits the data well.

See also Edit

Lists Edit

References Edit

Citations Edit

  1. ^ a b Everitt, Brian (2006). The Cambridge dictionary of statistics (3rd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-511-24688-3. OCLC 161828328.
  2. ^ Ash, Robert B. (2008). Basic probability theory (Dover ed.). Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. pp. 66–69. ISBN 978-0-486-46628-6. OCLC 190785258.
  3. ^ a b Evans, Michael; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S. (2010). Probability and statistics: the science of uncertainty (2nd ed.). New York: W.H. Freeman and Co. p. 38. ISBN 978-1-4292-2462-8. OCLC 473463742.
  4. ^ a b " What is a Probability Distribution". www.itl.nist.gov. Retrieved 2020-09-10.
  5. ^ a b A modern introduction to probability and statistics : understanding why and how. Dekking, Michel, 1946-. London: Springer. 2005. ISBN 978-1-85233-896-1. OCLC 262680588.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  6. ^ Walpole, R.E.; Myers, R.H.; Myers, S.L.; Ye, K. (1999). Probability and statistics for engineers. Prentice Hall.
  7. ^ a b c d Ross, Sheldon M. (2010). A first course in probability. Pearson.
  8. ^ a b DeGroot, Morris H.; Schervish, Mark J. (2002). Probability and Statistics. Addison-Wesley.
  9. ^ Billingsley, P. (1986). Probability and measure. Wiley. ISBN 9780471804789.
  10. ^ Shephard, N.G. (1991). "From characteristic function to distribution function: a simple framework for the theory". Econometric Theory. 7 (4): 519–529. doi:10.1017/S0266466600004746. S2CID 14668369.
  11. ^ Chapters 1 and 2 of Vapnik (1998)
  12. ^ a b More information and examples can be found in the articles Heavy-tailed distribution, Long-tailed distribution, fat-tailed distribution
  13. ^ Erhan, Çınlar (2011). Probability and stochastics. New York: Springer. p. 57. ISBN 9780387878584.
  14. ^ see Lebesgue's decomposition theorem
  15. ^ Erhan, Çınlar (2011). Probability and stochastics. New York: Springer. p. 51. ISBN 9780387878591. OCLC 710149819.
  16. ^ Cohn, Donald L. (1993). Measure theory. Birkhäuser.
  17. ^ Khuri, André I. (March 2004). "Applications of Dirac's delta function in statistics". International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 35 (2): 185–195. doi:10.1080/00207390310001638313. ISSN 0020-739X. S2CID 122501973.
  18. ^ Fisz, Marek (1963). Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons. p. 129. ISBN 0-471-26250-1.
  19. ^ Jeffrey Seth Rosenthal (2000). A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory. World Scientific.
  20. ^ Chapter 3.2 of DeGroot & Schervish (2002)
  21. ^ Bourne, Murray. "11. Probability Distributions - Concepts". www.intmath.com. Retrieved 2020-09-10.
  22. ^ W., Stroock, Daniel (1999). Probability theory : an analytic view (Rev. ed.). Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-0521663496. OCLC 43953136.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  23. ^ Kolmogorov, Andrey (1950) [1933]. Foundations of the theory of probability. New York, USA: Chelsea Publishing Company. pp. 21–24.
  24. ^ Joyce, David (2014). "Axioms of Probability" (PDF). Clark University. Retrieved December 5, 2019.
  25. ^ a b Alligood, K.T.; Sauer, T.D.; Yorke, J.A. (1996). Chaos: an introduction to dynamical systems. Springer.
  26. ^ Rabinovich, M.I.; Fabrikant, A.L. (1979). "Stochastic self-modulation of waves in nonequilibrium media". J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 77: 617–629. Bibcode:1979JETP...50..311R.
  27. ^ Section 1.9 of Ross, S.M.; Peköz, E.A. (2007). A second course in probability (PDF).
  28. ^ Walters, Peter (2000). An Introduction to Ergodic Theory. Springer.
  29. ^ a b c Dekking, Frederik Michel; Kraaikamp, Cornelis; Lopuhaä, Hendrik Paul; Meester, Ludolf Erwin (2005), "Why probability and statistics?", A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Springer London, pp. 1–11, doi:10.1007/1-84628-168-7_1, ISBN 978-1-85233-896-1
  30. ^ Bishop, Christopher M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. New York: Springer. ISBN 0-387-31073-8. OCLC 71008143.
  31. ^ Chang, Raymond. (2014). Physical chemistry for the chemical sciences. Thoman, John W., Jr., 1960-. [Mill Valley, California]. pp. 403–406. ISBN 978-1-68015-835-9. OCLC 927509011.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  32. ^ Chen, P.; Chen, Z.; Bak-Jensen, B. (April 2008). "Probabilistic load flow: A review". 2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies. pp. 1586–1591. doi:10.1109/drpt.2008.4523658. ISBN 978-7-900714-13-8. S2CID 18669309.
  33. ^ Maity, Rajib (2018-04-30). Statistical methods in hydrology and hydroclimatology. Singapore. ISBN 978-981-10-8779-0. OCLC 1038418263.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)

Sources Edit

  • den Dekker, A. J.; Sijbers, J. (2014). "Data distributions in magnetic resonance images: A review". Physica Medica. 30 (7): 725–741. doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2014.05.002. PMID 25059432.
  • Vapnik, Vladimir Naumovich (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. John Wiley and Sons.

External links Edit

probability, distribution, other, uses, distribution, probability, theory, statistics, probability, distribution, mathematical, function, that, gives, probabilities, occurrence, different, possible, outcomes, experiment, mathematical, description, random, phen. For other uses see Distribution In probability theory and statistics a probability distribution is the mathematical function that gives the probabilities of occurrence of different possible outcomes for an experiment 1 2 It is a mathematical description of a random phenomenon in terms of its sample space and the probabilities of events subsets of the sample space 3 For instance if X is used to denote the outcome of a coin toss the experiment then the probability distribution of X would take the value 0 5 1 in 2 or 1 2 for X heads and 0 5 for X tails assuming that the coin is fair More commonly probability distributions are used to compare the relative occurrence of many different random values Probability distributions can be defined in different ways and for discrete or for continuous variables Distributions with special properties or for especially important applications are given specific names Contents 1 Introduction 2 General probability definition 3 Terminology 3 1 Basic terms 3 2 Discrete probability distributions 3 3 Absolutely continuous probability distributions 3 4 Related terms 4 Cumulative distribution function 5 Discrete probability distribution 5 1 Cumulative distribution function 5 2 Dirac delta representation 5 3 Indicator function representation 5 4 One point distribution 6 Absolutely continuous probability distribution 6 1 Cumulative distribution function 7 Kolmogorov definition 8 Other kinds of distributions 9 Random number generation 10 Common probability distributions and their applications 10 1 Linear growth e g errors offsets 10 2 Exponential growth e g prices incomes populations 10 3 Uniformly distributed quantities 10 4 Bernoulli trials yes no events with a given probability 10 5 Categorical outcomes events with K possible outcomes 10 6 Poisson process events that occur independently with a given rate 10 7 Absolute values of vectors with normally distributed components 10 8 Normally distributed quantities operated with sum of squares 10 9 As conjugate prior distributions in Bayesian inference 10 10 Some specialized applications of probability distributions 11 Fitting 12 See also 12 1 Lists 13 References 13 1 Citations 13 2 Sources 14 External linksIntroduction EditA probability distribution is a mathematical description of the probabilities of events subsets of the sample space The sample space often denoted by W displaystyle Omega nbsp is the set of all possible outcomes of a random phenomenon being observed it may be any set a set of real numbers a set of vectors a set of arbitrary non numerical values etc For example the sample space of a coin flip would be W heads tails To define probability distributions for the specific case of random variables so the sample space can be seen as a numeric set it is common to distinguish between discrete and absolutely continuous random variables In the discrete case it is sufficient to specify a probability mass function p displaystyle p nbsp assigning a probability to each possible outcome for example when throwing a fair dice each of the six values 1 to 6 has the probability 1 6 The probability of an event is then defined to be the sum of the probabilities of the outcomes that satisfy the event for example the probability of the event the die rolls an even value isp 2 p 4 p 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 2 displaystyle p 2 p 4 p 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 2 nbsp In contrast when a random variable takes values from a continuum then typically any individual outcome has probability zero and only events that include infinitely many outcomes such as intervals can have positive probability For example consider measuring the weight of a piece of ham in the supermarket and assume the scale has many digits of precision The probability that it weighs exactly 500 g is zero as it will most likely have some non zero decimal digits Nevertheless one might demand in quality control that a package of 500 g of ham must weigh between 490 g and 510 g with at least 98 probability and this demand is less sensitive to the accuracy of measurement instruments nbsp The left graph shows a probability density function The right graph shows the cumulative distribution function for which the value at a equals the area under the probability density curve to the left of a Absolutely continuous probability distributions can be described in several ways The probability density function describes the infinitesimal probability of any given value and the probability that the outcome lies in a given interval can be computed by integrating the probability density function over that interval 4 An alternative description of the distribution is by means of the cumulative distribution function which describes the probability that the random variable is no larger than a given value i e P X lt x displaystyle P X lt x nbsp for some x displaystyle x nbsp The cumulative distribution function is the area under the probability density function from displaystyle infty nbsp to x displaystyle x nbsp as described by the picture to the right 5 General probability definition EditA probability distribution can be described in various forms such as by a probability mass function or a cumulative distribution function One of the most general descriptions which applies for absolutely continuous and discrete variables is by means of a probability function P A R displaystyle P colon mathcal A to mathbb R nbsp whose input space A displaystyle mathcal A nbsp is a s algebra and gives a real number probability as its output particularly a number in 0 1 R displaystyle 0 1 subseteq mathbb R nbsp The probability function P displaystyle P nbsp can take as argument subsets of the sample space itself as in the coin toss example where the function P displaystyle P nbsp was defined so that P heads 0 5 and P tails 0 5 However because of the widespread use of random variables which transform the sample space into a set of numbers e g R displaystyle mathbb R nbsp N displaystyle mathbb N nbsp it is more common to study probability distributions whose argument are subsets of these particular kinds of sets number sets 6 and all probability distributions discussed in this article are of this type It is common to denote as P X E displaystyle P X in E nbsp the probability that a certain value of the variable X displaystyle X nbsp belongs to a certain event E displaystyle E nbsp 7 8 The above probability function only characterizes a probability distribution if it satisfies all the Kolmogorov axioms that is P X E 0 E A displaystyle P X in E geq 0 forall E in mathcal A nbsp so the probability is non negative P X E 1 E A displaystyle P X in E leq 1 forall E in mathcal A nbsp so no probability exceeds 1 displaystyle 1 nbsp P X i E i i P X E i displaystyle P X in bigcup i E i sum i P X in E i nbsp for any countable disjoint family of sets E i displaystyle E i nbsp The concept of probability function is made more rigorous by defining it as the element of a probability space X A P displaystyle X mathcal A P nbsp where X displaystyle X nbsp is the set of possible outcomes A displaystyle mathcal A nbsp is the set of all subsets E X displaystyle E subset X nbsp whose probability can be measured and P displaystyle P nbsp is the probability function or probability measure that assigns a probability to each of these measurable subsets E A displaystyle E in mathcal A nbsp 9 Probability distributions usually belong to one of two classes A discrete probability distribution is applicable to the scenarios where the set of possible outcomes is discrete e g a coin toss a roll of a die and the probabilities are encoded by a discrete list of the probabilities of the outcomes in this case the discrete probability distribution is known as probability mass function On the other hand absolutely continuous probability distributions are applicable to scenarios where the set of possible outcomes can take on values in a continuous range e g real numbers such as the temperature on a given day In the absolutely continuous case probabilities are described by a probability density function and the probability distribution is by definition the integral of the probability density function 7 4 8 The normal distribution is a commonly encountered absolutely continuous probability distribution More complex experiments such as those involving stochastic processes defined in continuous time may demand the use of more general probability measures A probability distribution whose sample space is one dimensional for example real numbers list of labels ordered labels or binary is called univariate while a distribution whose sample space is a vector space of dimension 2 or more is called multivariate A univariate distribution gives the probabilities of a single random variable taking on various different values a multivariate distribution a joint probability distribution gives the probabilities of a random vector a list of two or more random variables taking on various combinations of values Important and commonly encountered univariate probability distributions include the binomial distribution the hypergeometric distribution and the normal distribution A commonly encountered multivariate distribution is the multivariate normal distribution Besides the probability function the cumulative distribution function the probability mass function and the probability density function the moment generating function and the characteristic function also serve to identify a probability distribution as they uniquely determine an underlying cumulative distribution function 10 nbsp The probability density function pdf of the normal distribution also called Gaussian or bell curve the most important absolutely continuous random distribution As notated on the figure the probabilities of intervals of values correspond to the area under the curve Terminology EditSome key concepts and terms widely used in the literature on the topic of probability distributions are listed below 1 Basic terms Edit Random variable takes values from a sample space probabilities describe which values and set of values are taken more likely Event set of possible values outcomes of a random variable that occurs with a certain probability Probability function or probability measure describes the probability P X E displaystyle P X in E nbsp that the event E displaystyle E nbsp occurs 11 Cumulative distribution function function evaluating the probability that X displaystyle X nbsp will take a value less than or equal to x displaystyle x nbsp for a random variable only for real valued random variables Quantile function the inverse of the cumulative distribution function Gives x displaystyle x nbsp such that with probability q displaystyle q nbsp X displaystyle X nbsp will not exceed x displaystyle x nbsp Discrete probability distributions Edit Discrete probability distribution for many random variables with finitely or countably infinitely many values Probability mass function pmf function that gives the probability that a discrete random variable is equal to some value Frequency distribution a table that displays the frequency of various outcomes in a sample Relative frequency distribution a frequency distribution where each value has been divided normalized by a number of outcomes in a sample i e sample size Categorical distribution for discrete random variables with a finite set of values Absolutely continuous probability distributions Edit Absolutely continuous probability distribution for many random variables with uncountably many values Probability density function pdf or probability density function whose value at any given sample or point in the sample space the set of possible values taken by the random variable can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would equal that sample Related terms Edit Support set of values that can be assumed with non zero probability by the random variable For a random variable X displaystyle X nbsp it is sometimes denoted as R X displaystyle R X nbsp Tail 12 the regions close to the bounds of the random variable if the pmf or pdf are relatively low therein Usually has the form X gt a displaystyle X gt a nbsp X lt b displaystyle X lt b nbsp or a union thereof Head 12 the region where the pmf or pdf is relatively high Usually has the form a lt X lt b displaystyle a lt X lt b nbsp Expected value or mean the weighted average of the possible values using their probabilities as their weights or the continuous analog thereof Median the value such that the set of values less than the median and the set greater than the median each have probabilities no greater than one half Mode for a discrete random variable the value with highest probability for an absolutely continuous random variable a location at which the probability density function has a local peak Quantile the q quantile is the value x displaystyle x nbsp such that P X lt x q displaystyle P X lt x q nbsp Variance the second moment of the pmf or pdf about the mean an important measure of the dispersion of the distribution Standard deviation the square root of the variance and hence another measure of dispersion Symmetry a property of some distributions in which the portion of the distribution to the left of a specific value usually the median is a mirror image of the portion to its right Skewness a measure of the extent to which a pmf or pdf leans to one side of its mean The third standardized moment of the distribution Kurtosis a measure of the fatness of the tails of a pmf or pdf The fourth standardized moment of the distribution Cumulative distribution function EditIn the special case of a real valued random variable the probability distribution can equivalently be represented by a cumulative distribution function instead of a probability measure The cumulative distribution function of a random variable X displaystyle X nbsp with regard to a probability distribution p displaystyle p nbsp is defined asF x P X x displaystyle F x P X leq x nbsp The cumulative distribution function of any real valued random variable has the properties F x displaystyle F x nbsp is non decreasing F x displaystyle F x nbsp is right continuous 0 F x 1 displaystyle 0 leq F x leq 1 nbsp lim x F x 0 displaystyle lim x to infty F x 0 nbsp and lim x F x 1 displaystyle lim x to infty F x 1 nbsp and Pr a lt X b F b F a displaystyle Pr a lt X leq b F b F a nbsp Conversely any function F R R displaystyle F mathbb R to mathbb R nbsp that satisfies the first four of the properties above is the cumulative distribution function of some probability distribution on the real numbers 13 Any probability distribution can be decomposed as the mixture of a discrete an absolutely continuous and a singular continuous distribution 14 and thus any cumulative distribution function admits a decomposition as the convex sum of the three according cumulative distribution functions Discrete probability distribution EditMain article Probability mass function nbsp The probability mass function pmf p S displaystyle p S nbsp specifies the probability distribution for the sum S displaystyle S nbsp of counts from two dice For example the figure shows that p 11 2 36 1 18 displaystyle p 11 2 36 1 18 nbsp The pmf allows the computation of probabilities of events such as P X gt 9 1 12 1 18 1 36 1 6 displaystyle P X gt 9 1 12 1 18 1 36 1 6 nbsp and all other probabilities in the distribution nbsp The probability mass function of a discrete probability distribution The probabilities of the singletons 1 3 and 7 are respectively 0 2 0 5 0 3 A set not containing any of these points has probability zero nbsp The cdf of a discrete probability distribution nbsp of a continuous probability distribution nbsp of a distribution which has both a continuous part and a discrete partA discrete probability distribution is the probability distribution of a random variable that can take on only a countable number of values 15 almost surely 16 which means that the probability of any event E displaystyle E nbsp can be expressed as a finite or countably infinite sum P X E w A E P X w displaystyle P X in E sum omega in A cap E P X omega nbsp where A displaystyle A nbsp is a countable set with P X A 1 displaystyle P X in A 1 nbsp Thus the discrete random variables i e random variables whose probability distribution is discrete are exactly those with a probability mass function p x P X x displaystyle p x P X x nbsp In the case where the range of values is countably infinite these values have to decline to zero fast enough for the probabilities to add up to 1 For example if p n 1 2 n displaystyle p n tfrac 1 2 n nbsp for n 1 2 displaystyle n 1 2 nbsp the sum of probabilities would be 1 2 1 4 1 8 1 displaystyle 1 2 1 4 1 8 dots 1 nbsp Well known discrete probability distributions used in statistical modeling include the Poisson distribution the Bernoulli distribution the binomial distribution the geometric distribution the negative binomial distribution and categorical distribution 3 When a sample a set of observations is drawn from a larger population the sample points have an empirical distribution that is discrete and which provides information about the population distribution Additionally the discrete uniform distribution is commonly used in computer programs that make equal probability random selections between a number of choices Cumulative distribution function Edit A real valued discrete random variable can equivalently be defined as a random variable whose cumulative distribution function increases only by jump discontinuities that is its cdf increases only where it jumps to a higher value and is constant in intervals without jumps The points where jumps occur are precisely the values which the random variable may take Thus the cumulative distribution function has the formF x P X x w x p w displaystyle F x P X leq x sum omega leq x p omega nbsp The points where the cdf jumps always form a countable set this may be any countable set and thus may even be dense in the real numbers Dirac delta representation Edit A discrete probability distribution is often represented with Dirac measures the probability distributions of deterministic random variables For any outcome w displaystyle omega nbsp let d w displaystyle delta omega nbsp be the Dirac measure concentrated at w displaystyle omega nbsp Given a discrete probability distribution there is a countable set A displaystyle A nbsp with P X A 1 displaystyle P X in A 1 nbsp and a probability mass function p displaystyle p nbsp If E displaystyle E nbsp is any event thenP X E w A p w d w E displaystyle P X in E sum omega in A p omega delta omega E nbsp or in short P X w A p w d w displaystyle P X sum omega in A p omega delta omega nbsp Similarly discrete distributions can be represented with the Dirac delta function as a generalized probability density function f displaystyle f nbsp wheref x w A p w d x w displaystyle f x sum omega in A p omega delta x omega nbsp which means P X E E f x d x w A p w E d x w w A E p w displaystyle P X in E int E f x dx sum omega in A p omega int E delta x omega sum omega in A cap E p omega nbsp for any event E displaystyle E nbsp 17 Indicator function representation Edit For a discrete random variable X displaystyle X nbsp let u 0 u 1 displaystyle u 0 u 1 dots nbsp be the values it can take with non zero probability DenoteW i X 1 u i w X w u i i 0 1 2 displaystyle Omega i X 1 u i omega X omega u i i 0 1 2 dots nbsp These are disjoint sets and for such setsP i W i i P W i i P X u i 1 displaystyle P left bigcup i Omega i right sum i P Omega i sum i P X u i 1 nbsp It follows that the probability that X displaystyle X nbsp takes any value except for u 0 u 1 displaystyle u 0 u 1 dots nbsp is zero and thus one can write X displaystyle X nbsp asX w i u i 1 W i w displaystyle X omega sum i u i 1 Omega i omega nbsp except on a set of probability zero where 1 A displaystyle 1 A nbsp is the indicator function of A displaystyle A nbsp This may serve as an alternative definition of discrete random variables One point distribution Edit A special case is the discrete distribution of a random variable that can take on only one fixed value in other words it is a deterministic distribution Expressed formally the random variable X displaystyle X nbsp has a one point distribution if it has a possible outcome x displaystyle x nbsp such that P X x 1 displaystyle P X x 1 nbsp 18 All other possible outcomes then have probability 0 Its cumulative distribution function jumps immediately from 0 to 1 Absolutely continuous probability distribution EditMain article Probability density function An absolutely continuous probability distribution is a probability distribution on the real numbers with uncountably many possible values such as a whole interval in the real line and where the probability of any event can be expressed as an integral 19 More precisely a real random variable X displaystyle X nbsp has an absolutely continuous probability distribution if there is a function f R 0 displaystyle f mathbb R to 0 infty nbsp such that for each interval a b R displaystyle a b subset mathbb R nbsp the probability of X displaystyle X nbsp belonging to a b displaystyle a b nbsp is given by the integral of f displaystyle f nbsp over I displaystyle I nbsp 20 21 P a X b a b f x d x displaystyle P left a leq X leq b right int a b f x dx nbsp This is the definition of a probability density function so that absolutely continuous probability distributions are exactly those with a probability density function In particular the probability for X displaystyle X nbsp to take any single value a displaystyle a nbsp that is a X a displaystyle a leq X leq a nbsp is zero because an integral with coinciding upper and lower limits is always equal to zero If the interval a b displaystyle a b nbsp is replaced by any measurable set A displaystyle A nbsp the according equality still holds P X A A f x d x displaystyle P X in A int A f x dx nbsp An absolutely continuous random variable is a random variable whose probability distribution is absolutely continuous There are many examples of absolutely continuous probability distributions normal uniform chi squared and others Cumulative distribution function Edit Absolutely continuous probability distributions as defined above are precisely those with an absolutely continuous cumulative distribution function In this case the cumulative distribution function F displaystyle F nbsp has the formF x P X x x f t d t displaystyle F x P X leq x int infty x f t dt nbsp where f displaystyle f nbsp is a density of the random variable X displaystyle X nbsp with regard to the distribution P displaystyle P nbsp Note on terminology Absolutely continuous distributions ought to be distinguished from continuous distributions which are those having a continuous cumulative distribution function Every absolutely continuous distribution is a continuous distribution but the inverse is not true there exist singular distributions which are neither absolutely continuous nor discrete nor a mixture of those and do not have a density An example is given by the Cantor distribution Some authors however use the term continuous distribution to denote all distributions whose cumulative distribution function is absolutely continuous i e refer to absolutely continuous distributions as continuous distributions 7 For a more general definition of density functions and the equivalent absolutely continuous measures see absolutely continuous measure Kolmogorov definition EditMain articles Probability space and Probability measure In the measure theoretic formalization of probability theory a random variable is defined as a measurable function X displaystyle X nbsp from a probability space W F P displaystyle Omega mathcal F mathbb P nbsp to a measurable space X A displaystyle mathcal X mathcal A nbsp Given that probabilities of events of the form w W X w A displaystyle omega in Omega mid X omega in A nbsp satisfy Kolmogorov s probability axioms the probability distribution of X displaystyle X nbsp is the image measure X P displaystyle X mathbb P nbsp of X displaystyle X nbsp which is a probability measure on X A displaystyle mathcal X mathcal A nbsp satisfying X P P X 1 displaystyle X mathbb P mathbb P X 1 nbsp 22 23 24 Other kinds of distributions Edit nbsp One solution for the Rabinovich Fabrikant equations What is the probability of observing a state on a certain place of the support i e the red subset Absolutely continuous and discrete distributions with support on R k displaystyle mathbb R k nbsp or N k displaystyle mathbb N k nbsp are extremely useful to model a myriad of phenomena 7 5 since most practical distributions are supported on relatively simple subsets such as hypercubes or balls However this is not always the case and there exist phenomena with supports that are actually complicated curves g a b R n displaystyle gamma a b rightarrow mathbb R n nbsp within some space R n displaystyle mathbb R n nbsp or similar In these cases the probability distribution is supported on the image of such curve and is likely to be determined empirically rather than finding a closed formula for it 25 One example is shown in the figure to the right which displays the evolution of a system of differential equations commonly known as the Rabinovich Fabrikant equations that can be used to model the behaviour of Langmuir waves in plasma 26 When this phenomenon is studied the observed states from the subset are as indicated in red So one could ask what is the probability of observing a state in a certain position of the red subset if such a probability exists it is called the probability measure of the system 27 25 This kind of complicated support appears quite frequently in dynamical systems It is not simple to establish that the system has a probability measure and the main problem is the following Let t 1 t 2 t 3 displaystyle t 1 ll t 2 ll t 3 nbsp be instants in time and O displaystyle O nbsp a subset of the support if the probability measure exists for the system one would expect the frequency of observing states inside set O displaystyle O nbsp would be equal in interval t 1 t 2 displaystyle t 1 t 2 nbsp and t 2 t 3 displaystyle t 2 t 3 nbsp which might not happen for example it could oscillate similar to a sine sin t displaystyle sin t nbsp whose limit when t displaystyle t rightarrow infty nbsp does not converge Formally the measure exists only if the limit of the relative frequency converges when the system is observed into the infinite future 28 The branch of dynamical systems that studies the existence of a probability measure is ergodic theory Note that even in these cases the probability distribution if it exists might still be termed absolutely continuous or discrete depending on whether the support is uncountable or countable respectively Random number generation EditMain article Pseudo random number sampling Most algorithms are based on a pseudorandom number generator that produces numbers X displaystyle X nbsp that are uniformly distributed in the half open interval 0 1 These random variates X displaystyle X nbsp are then transformed via some algorithm to create a new random variate having the required probability distribution With this source of uniform pseudo randomness realizations of any random variable can be generated 29 For example suppose U displaystyle U nbsp has a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 To construct a random Bernoulli variable for some 0 lt p lt 1 displaystyle 0 lt p lt 1 nbsp we defineX 1 if U lt p 0 if U p displaystyle X begin cases 1 amp text if U lt p 0 amp text if U geq p end cases nbsp so that Pr X 1 Pr U lt p p Pr X 0 Pr U p 1 p displaystyle Pr X 1 Pr U lt p p quad Pr X 0 Pr U geq p 1 p nbsp This random variable X has a Bernoulli distribution with parameter p displaystyle p nbsp 29 This is a transformation of discrete random variable For a distribution function F displaystyle F nbsp of an absolutely continuous random variable an absolutely continuous random variable must be constructed F i n v displaystyle F mathit inv nbsp an inverse function of F displaystyle F nbsp relates to the uniform variable U displaystyle U nbsp U F x F i n v U x displaystyle U leq F x F mathit inv U leq x nbsp For example suppose a random variable that has an exponential distribution F x 1 e l x displaystyle F x 1 e lambda x nbsp must be constructed F x u 1 e l x u e l x 1 u l x ln 1 u x 1 l ln 1 u displaystyle begin aligned F x u amp Leftrightarrow 1 e lambda x u 2pt amp Leftrightarrow e lambda x 1 u 2pt amp Leftrightarrow lambda x ln 1 u 2pt amp Leftrightarrow x frac 1 lambda ln 1 u end aligned nbsp so F i n v u 1 l ln 1 u displaystyle F mathit inv u frac 1 lambda ln 1 u nbsp and if U displaystyle U nbsp has a U 0 1 displaystyle U 0 1 nbsp distribution then the random variable X displaystyle X nbsp is defined by X F i n v U 1 l ln 1 U displaystyle X F mathit inv U frac 1 lambda ln 1 U nbsp This has an exponential distribution of l displaystyle lambda nbsp 29 A frequent problem in statistical simulations the Monte Carlo method is the generation of pseudo random numbers that are distributed in a given way Common probability distributions and their applications EditFor a more comprehensive list see List of probability distributions The concept of the probability distribution and the random variables which they describe underlies the mathematical discipline of probability theory and the science of statistics There is spread or variability in almost any value that can be measured in a population e g height of people durability of a metal sales growth traffic flow etc almost all measurements are made with some intrinsic error in physics many processes are described probabilistically from the kinetic properties of gases to the quantum mechanical description of fundamental particles For these and many other reasons simple numbers are often inadequate for describing a quantity while probability distributions are often more appropriate The following is a list of some of the most common probability distributions grouped by the type of process that they are related to For a more complete list see list of probability distributions which groups by the nature of the outcome being considered discrete absolutely continuous multivariate etc All of the univariate distributions below are singly peaked that is it is assumed that the values cluster around a single point In practice actually observed quantities may cluster around multiple values Such quantities can be modeled using a mixture distribution Linear growth e g errors offsets Edit Normal distribution Gaussian distribution for a single such quantity the most commonly used absolutely continuous distributionExponential growth e g prices incomes populations Edit Log normal distribution for a single such quantity whose log is normally distributed Pareto distribution for a single such quantity whose log is exponentially distributed the prototypical power law distributionUniformly distributed quantities Edit Discrete uniform distribution for a finite set of values e g the outcome of a fair dice Continuous uniform distribution for absolutely continuously distributed valuesBernoulli trials yes no events with a given probability Edit Basic distributions Bernoulli distribution for the outcome of a single Bernoulli trial e g success failure yes no Binomial distribution for the number of positive occurrences e g successes yes votes etc given a fixed total number of independent occurrences Negative binomial distribution for binomial type observations but where the quantity of interest is the number of failures before a given number of successes occurs Geometric distribution for binomial type observations but where the quantity of interest is the number of failures before the first success a special case of the negative binomial distribution Related to sampling schemes over a finite population Hypergeometric distribution for the number of positive occurrences e g successes yes votes etc given a fixed number of total occurrences using sampling without replacement Beta binomial distribution for the number of positive occurrences e g successes yes votes etc given a fixed number of total occurrences sampling using a Polya urn model in some sense the opposite of sampling without replacement Categorical outcomes events with K possible outcomes Edit Categorical distribution for a single categorical outcome e g yes no maybe in a survey a generalization of the Bernoulli distribution Multinomial distribution for the number of each type of categorical outcome given a fixed number of total outcomes a generalization of the binomial distribution Multivariate hypergeometric distribution similar to the multinomial distribution but using sampling without replacement a generalization of the hypergeometric distributionPoisson process events that occur independently with a given rate Edit Poisson distribution for the number of occurrences of a Poisson type event in a given period of time Exponential distribution for the time before the next Poisson type event occurs Gamma distribution for the time before the next k Poisson type events occurAbsolute values of vectors with normally distributed components Edit Rayleigh distribution for the distribution of vector magnitudes with Gaussian distributed orthogonal components Rayleigh distributions are found in RF signals with Gaussian real and imaginary components Rice distribution a generalization of the Rayleigh distributions for where there is a stationary background signal component Found in Rician fading of radio signals due to multipath propagation and in MR images with noise corruption on non zero NMR signals Normally distributed quantities operated with sum of squares Edit Chi squared distribution the distribution of a sum of squared standard normal variables useful e g for inference regarding the sample variance of normally distributed samples see chi squared test Student s t distribution the distribution of the ratio of a standard normal variable and the square root of a scaled chi squared variable useful for inference regarding the mean of normally distributed samples with unknown variance see Student s t test F distribution the distribution of the ratio of two scaled chi squared variables useful e g for inferences that involve comparing variances or involving R squared the squared correlation coefficient As conjugate prior distributions in Bayesian inference Edit Main article Conjugate prior Beta distribution for a single probability real number between 0 and 1 conjugate to the Bernoulli distribution and binomial distribution Gamma distribution for a non negative scaling parameter conjugate to the rate parameter of a Poisson distribution or exponential distribution the precision inverse variance of a normal distribution etc Dirichlet distribution for a vector of probabilities that must sum to 1 conjugate to the categorical distribution and multinomial distribution generalization of the beta distribution Wishart distribution for a symmetric non negative definite matrix conjugate to the inverse of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal distribution generalization of the gamma distribution 30 Some specialized applications of probability distributions Edit The cache language models and other statistical language models used in natural language processing to assign probabilities to the occurrence of particular words and word sequences do so by means of probability distributions In quantum mechanics the probability density of finding the particle at a given point is proportional to the square of the magnitude of the particle s wavefunction at that point see Born rule Therefore the probability distribution function of the position of a particle is described by P a x b t a b d x PS x t 2 textstyle P a leq x leq b t int a b dx Psi x t 2 nbsp probability that the particle s position x will be in the interval a x b in dimension one and a similar triple integral in dimension three This is a key principle of quantum mechanics 31 Probabilistic load flow in power flow study explains the uncertainties of input variables as probability distribution and provides the power flow calculation also in term of probability distribution 32 Prediction of natural phenomena occurrences based on previous frequency distributions such as tropical cyclones hail time in between events etc 33 Fitting EditThis section is an excerpt from Probability distribution fitting edit Probability distribution fitting or simply distribution fitting is the fitting of a probability distribution to a series of data concerning the repeated measurement of a variable phenomenon The aim of distribution fitting is to predict the probability or to forecast the frequency of occurrence of the magnitude of the phenomenon in a certain interval There are many probability distributions see list of probability distributions of which some can be fitted more closely to the observed frequency of the data than others depending on the characteristics of the phenomenon and of the distribution The distribution giving a close fit is supposed to lead to good predictions In distribution fitting therefore one needs to select a distribution that suits the data well See also Edit nbsp Mathematics portalConditional probability distribution Joint probability distribution Quasiprobability distribution Empirical probability distribution Histogram Riemann Stieltjes integral application to probability theoryLists Edit List of probability distributions List of statistical topicsReferences EditCitations Edit a b Everitt Brian 2006 The Cambridge dictionary of statistics 3rd ed Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 511 24688 3 OCLC 161828328 Ash Robert B 2008 Basic probability theory Dover ed Mineola N Y Dover Publications pp 66 69 ISBN 978 0 486 46628 6 OCLC 190785258 a b Evans Michael Rosenthal Jeffrey S 2010 Probability and statistics the science of uncertainty 2nd ed New York W H Freeman and Co p 38 ISBN 978 1 4292 2462 8 OCLC 473463742 a b 1 3 6 1 What is a Probability Distribution www itl nist gov Retrieved 2020 09 10 a b A modern introduction to probability and statistics understanding why and how Dekking Michel 1946 London Springer 2005 ISBN 978 1 85233 896 1 OCLC 262680588 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint others link Walpole R E Myers R H Myers S L Ye K 1999 Probability and statistics for engineers Prentice Hall a b c d Ross Sheldon M 2010 A first course in probability Pearson a b DeGroot Morris H Schervish Mark J 2002 Probability and Statistics Addison Wesley Billingsley P 1986 Probability and measure Wiley ISBN 9780471804789 Shephard N G 1991 From characteristic function to distribution function a simple framework for the theory Econometric Theory 7 4 519 529 doi 10 1017 S0266466600004746 S2CID 14668369 Chapters 1 and 2 of Vapnik 1998 a b More information and examples can be found in the articles Heavy tailed distribution Long tailed distribution fat tailed distribution Erhan Cinlar 2011 Probability and stochastics New York Springer p 57 ISBN 9780387878584 see Lebesgue s decomposition theorem Erhan Cinlar 2011 Probability and stochastics New York Springer p 51 ISBN 9780387878591 OCLC 710149819 Cohn Donald L 1993 Measure theory Birkhauser Khuri Andre I March 2004 Applications of Dirac s delta function in statistics International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 35 2 185 195 doi 10 1080 00207390310001638313 ISSN 0020 739X S2CID 122501973 Fisz Marek 1963 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 3rd ed John Wiley amp Sons p 129 ISBN 0 471 26250 1 Jeffrey Seth Rosenthal 2000 A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory World Scientific Chapter 3 2 of DeGroot amp Schervish 2002 Bourne Murray 11 Probability Distributions Concepts www intmath com Retrieved 2020 09 10 W Stroock Daniel 1999 Probability theory an analytic view Rev ed Cambridge England Cambridge University Press p 11 ISBN 978 0521663496 OCLC 43953136 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Kolmogorov Andrey 1950 1933 Foundations of the theory of probability New York USA Chelsea Publishing Company pp 21 24 Joyce David 2014 Axioms of Probability PDF Clark University Retrieved December 5 2019 a b Alligood K T Sauer T D Yorke J A 1996 Chaos an introduction to dynamical systems Springer Rabinovich M I Fabrikant A L 1979 Stochastic self modulation of waves in nonequilibrium media J Exp Theor Phys 77 617 629 Bibcode 1979JETP 50 311R Section 1 9 of Ross S M Pekoz E A 2007 A second course in probability PDF Walters Peter 2000 An Introduction to Ergodic Theory Springer a b c Dekking Frederik Michel Kraaikamp Cornelis Lopuhaa Hendrik Paul Meester Ludolf Erwin 2005 Why probability and statistics A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics Springer London pp 1 11 doi 10 1007 1 84628 168 7 1 ISBN 978 1 85233 896 1 Bishop Christopher M 2006 Pattern recognition and machine learning New York Springer ISBN 0 387 31073 8 OCLC 71008143 Chang Raymond 2014 Physical chemistry for the chemical sciences Thoman John W Jr 1960 Mill Valley California pp 403 406 ISBN 978 1 68015 835 9 OCLC 927509011 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Chen P Chen Z Bak Jensen B April 2008 Probabilistic load flow A review 2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies pp 1586 1591 doi 10 1109 drpt 2008 4523658 ISBN 978 7 900714 13 8 S2CID 18669309 Maity Rajib 2018 04 30 Statistical methods in hydrology and hydroclimatology Singapore ISBN 978 981 10 8779 0 OCLC 1038418263 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Sources Edit den Dekker A J Sijbers J 2014 Data distributions in magnetic resonance images A review Physica Medica 30 7 725 741 doi 10 1016 j ejmp 2014 05 002 PMID 25059432 Vapnik Vladimir Naumovich 1998 Statistical Learning Theory John Wiley and Sons External links Edit nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Probability distribution Probability distribution Encyclopedia of Mathematics EMS Press 2001 1994 Field Guide to Continuous Probability Distributions Gavin E Crooks Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Probability distribution amp oldid 1173143919, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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