
List of Christian denominations

A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name, organization and doctrine. Individual bodies, however, may use alternative terms to describe themselves, such as church, convention, communion, assembly, house, union, network, or sometimes fellowship. Divisions between one denomination and another are primarily defined by authority and doctrine. Issues regarding the nature of Jesus, Trinitarianism, salvation, the authority of apostolic succession, eschatology, conciliarity, papal supremacy and papal primacy among others may separate one denomination from another. Groups of denominations, often sharing broadly similar beliefs, practices, and historical ties—can be known as "branches of Christianity" or "denominational families" (e.g. Eastern or Western Christianity and their sub-branches).[1] These "denominational families" are often imprecisely also called denominations.

Christian denominations since the 20th century have often involved themselves in ecumenism. Ecumenism refers to efforts among Christian bodies to develop better understandings and closer relationships.[2][3] It also refers to efforts toward visible unity in the Christian Church, though the terms of visible unity vary for each denomination of Christianity; the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church each teach visible unity may only be achieved by converting to their denominational beliefs and structure, citing claims of being the one true church.[4][5] The largest ecumenical organization in Christianity is the World Council of Churches.[6][3]

The following is not a complete list, but aims to provide a comprehensible overview of the diversity among denominations of Christianity, ecumenical organizations, and Christian ideologies not necessarily represented by specific denominations. Only those Christian denominations, ideologies and organizations with Wikipedia articles will be listed in order to ensure that all entries on this list are notable and verifiable. The denominations and ecumenical organizations listed are generally ordered from ancient to contemporary Christianity.

Terminology and qualification

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a center for Christian unity in Jerusalem

Some bodies included on this list do not consider themselves denominations. For example, the Catholic Church considers itself the one true church and the Holy See as pre-denominational.[7] The Eastern Orthodox Church also considers itself the original Christian church and pre-denominational.[8][9] To express further the complexity involved, the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches were historically one and the same, as evidenced by the fact that they are the only two modern churches in existence to accept all of the first seven ecumenical councils, until differences arose, such as papal authority and dominance, the rise of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the continuance of emperors in the Eastern Roman Empire, and the final and permanent split that occurred during the Crusades with the siege of Constantinople.[10] This also illustrates that denominations can arise not only from religious or theological issues, but political and generational divisions as well.

Other churches that are viewed by non-adherents as denominational are highly decentralized and do not have any formal denominational structure, authority, or record-keeping beyond the local congregation; several groups within the Restoration movement and congregational churches fall into this category.

Some Christian bodies are large (e.g. Catholics, Orthodox, Pentecostals and non/inter-denominationals, Anglicans or Baptists), while others are just a few small churches, and in most cases the relative size is not evident in this list except for the denominational group or movement as a whole (e.g. Church of the East, Oriental Orthodox Churches, or Lutheranism). The largest denomination is the Catholic Church with more than 1.3 billion members.[11] The smallest of these groups may have only a few dozen adherents or an unspecified number of participants in independent churches as described below. As such, specific numbers and a certain size may not define a group as a denomination. However, as a general rule, the larger a group becomes, the more acceptance and legitimacy it gains.

Modern movements such as Christian fundamentalism, Pietism, Evangelicalism, the Holiness movement and Pentecostalism sometimes cross denominational lines, or in some cases create new denominations out of two or more continuing groups (as is the case for many united and uniting churches, for example; e.g. the United Church of Christ).[12][13] Such subtleties and complexities are not clearly depicted here.

Between denominations, theologians, and comparative religionists there are considerable disagreements about which groups can be properly called Christian or a Christian denomination as disagreements arise primarily from doctrinal differences between each other. As an example, this list contains groups also known as "rites" which many, such as the Roman Catholic Church, would say are not denominations as they are in full papal communion, and thus part of the Catholic Church.[14] For the purpose of simplicity, this list is intended to reflect the self-understanding of each denomination. Explanations of different opinions concerning their status as Christian denominations can be found at their respective articles.

There is no official recognition in most parts of the world for religious bodies, and there is no official clearinghouse which could determine the status or respectability of religious bodies. Often there is considerable disagreement between various groups about whether others should be labeled with pejorative terms such as "cult", or about whether this or that group enjoys some measure of respectability. Such considerations often vary from place to place, or culture to culture, where one denomination may enjoy majority status in one region, but be widely regarded as a "dangerous cult" in another part of the world. Inclusion on this list does not indicate any judgment about the size, importance, or character of a group or its members.

Early Christian

Early Christianity is often divided into three different branches that differ in theology and traditions, which all appeared in the 1st century AD/CE. They include Jewish Christianity, Pauline Christianity and Gnostic Christianity.[15] All modern Christian denominations are said to have descended from the Jewish and Pauline Christianities, with Gnostic Christianity dying, or being hunted out of existence after the early Christian era and being largely forgotten until discoveries made in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries.[16] There are also other theories on the origin of Christianity.[17]

The following Christian groups appeared between the beginning of the Christian religion and the First Council of Nicaea in 325.

Unlike the previously mentioned groups, the following are all considered to be related to Christian Gnosticism.

Late ancient and Medieval Christian

The following are groups of Christians appearing between the First Council of Nicaea, the East-West Schism and proto-Protestantism.

Church of the East

The Church of the East split from the Roman-recognized state church of Rome during the Sasanian Period. It is also called the Nestorian Church or the Church of Persia.[18] Declaring itself separate from the state church in 424–427, liturgically, it adhered to the East Syriac Rite.[19] Theologically, it adopted the dyophysite doctrine of Nestorianism, which emphasizes the separateness of the divine and human natures of Jesus, and addresses Mary as Christotokos instead of Theotokos; the Church of the East also largely practiced aniconism.[20][21] Adhered to by groups such as the Keraites and Naimans (see Christianity among the Mongols), the Church of the East had a prominent presence in Inner Asia between the 11th and 14th centuries, but by the 15th century was largely confined to the Eastern Aramaic-speaking Assyrian communities of northern Mesopotamia, in and around the rough triangle formed by Mosul and Lakes Van and Urmia—the same general region where the Church of the East had first emerged between the 1st and 3rd centuries.[22]

Its patriarchal lines divided in a tumultuous period from the 16th-19th century, finally consolidated into the Eastern Catholic Chaldean Church (in full communion with the Pope of Rome), and the Assyrian Church of the East.[23][24] Other minor, modern related splinter groups include the Ancient Church of the East (split 1968 due of rejecting some changes made by Patriarch Shimun XXI Eshai) and the Chaldean Syrian Church. In 1995 the Chaldean Syrian Church reunified with the Assyrian Church of the East as an archbishopric. The Chaldean Syrian Church is headquartered in Thrissur, India. Together, the Assyrian, Ancient, Chaldean Syrian and Chaldean Catholic Church comprised over 1.6 million in 2018.[25][26][27][28]

Assyrian Christianity

Assyrian Christianity comprises those Eastern churches who kept the traditional Nestorian christology and ecclesiology of the historical Church of the East after the original church reunited with the Catholic Church in Rome, forming the Chaldean Catholic Church in 1552. Assyrian Christianity forms part of the Syriac Christian tradition. The Assyrian Church of the East and the Ancient Church of the East together had over 0.6 million members as of 2018.[29][26]

Oriental Orthodox Churches

The Oriental Orthodox Churches are the Christian churches adhering to Miaphysite christology and theology, with a combined global membership of 62 million as of 2019.[30][31][32] These churches reject the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and those after it. They departed from the state church of the Roman Empire after the Chalcedonian Council.[33][32] Other denominations, such as the Eastern Orthodox Church and bodies in Old and True Orthodoxy, often label the Oriental Orthodox Churches as "Monophysite"; as the Oriental Orthodox do not adhere to the teachings of Eutyches, they themselves reject this label, preferring the term "Miaphysite". Historically, the Oriental Orthodox Churches considered themselves collectively to be the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church that Jesus founded. Some Christian denominations have recently considered the body of Oriental Orthodoxy to be a part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, a view which is gaining increasing acceptance in the wake of ecumenical dialogues between groups such as Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman and Eastern Catholicism, and Protestant Christianity. Most member churches of the Oriental Orthodox Churches are part of the World Council of Churches.[32]

Eastern Orthodox

The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially the Orthodox Catholic Church, claims continuity (based upon apostolic succession) with the early Church as part of the state church of Rome. Though it considers itself pre-denominational, being the original Church of Christ before 1054,[34][8] some scholars suggest the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches began after the East–West Schism.[35][36] The Eastern Orthodox Church had about 230 million members as of 2019, making it the second largest single denomination behind the Catholic Church.[37][38][39] Some of them have a disputed administrative status (i.e. their autonomy or autocephaly is not recognized universally). Eastern Orthodox churches by and large remain in communion with one another, although this has broken at times throughout its history. Two examples of impaired communion between the Orthodox churches include the Moscow–Constantinople schisms of 1996 and 2018.[40][41][42][43]


The Catholic Church, or Roman Catholic Church, is composed of 24 autonomous sui iuris particular churches: the Latin Church and the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches. It considers itself the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church that Christ founded,[44] and which Saint Peter initiated along with the missionary work of Saint Paul and others. As such, the Catholic Church does not consider itself a denomination, but rather considers itself pre-denominational, the original Church of Christ. Continuity is claimed based upon apostolic succession with the early Church.[45] The Catholic population exceeds 1.3 billion as of 2016.[11]

Latin Church (Western Church)

The Latin (or Western) Church is the largest and most widely known of the 24 sui iuris churches that together make up the Catholic Church (not to be confused with the Roman Rite, which is one of the Latin liturgical rites, not a particular church).[14] It is headed by the Bishop of Rome—the Pope, traditionally called the Patriarch of the West—with headquarters in Vatican City, enclaved within Rome, Italy. As of 2015, the Latin Church comprised 1.255 billion members.[46]

Eastern Catholic Churches

All of the following are particular churches of the Catholic Church. They are all in communion with the Pope as Bishop of Rome and acknowledge his claim of universal jurisdiction and authority. They have some minor distinct theological emphases and expressions (for instance, in the case of those that are of Greek/Byzantine tradition, concerning some non-doctrinal aspects of the Latin view of Purgatory and clerical celibacy).[47] The Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church (which are united in the worldwide Catholic Church) share the same doctrine and sacraments, and thus the same faith. The total membership of the churches accounted for approximately 18 million members as of 2019.[48]


Protestantism is a movement within Christianity which owes its name to the 1529 Protestation at Speyer, but originated in 1517 when Martin Luther began his dispute with the Roman Catholic Church. This period of time, known as the Reformation, began a series of events resulting over the next 500 years in several newly denominated churches (listed below). Some denominations were started by intentionally dividing themselves from the Roman Catholic Church, such as in the case of the English Reformation while others, such as with Luther's followers, were excommunicated after attempting reform.[49] New denominations and organizations formed through further divisions within Protestant churches since the Reformation began. A denomination labeled "Protestant" subscribes to the fundamental Protestant principles—though not always—that is scripture alone, justification by faith alone, and the universal priesthood of believers.[50]

The majority of contemporary Protestants are members of Adventism, Anglicanism, the Baptist churches, Calvinism (Reformed Protestantism), Lutheranism, Methodism and Pentecostalism.[51] Nondenominational, Evangelical, charismatic, neo-charismatic, independent, Convergence, and other churches are on the rise, and constitute a significant part of Protestant Christianity.[52]

This list gives only an overview, and certainly does not mention all of the Protestant denominations. The exact number of Protestant denominations, including the members of the denominations, is difficult to calculate and depends on definition. A group that fits the generally accepted definition of "Protestant" might not officially use the term. Therefore, it should be taken with caution. The most accepted figure among various authors and scholars includes around 900 million to a little over 1 billion Protestant Christians.[53][54]


Proto-Protestantism refers to movements similar to the Protestant Reformation, but before 1517, when Martin Luther (1483–1546) is reputed to have nailed the Ninety-Five-Theses to the church door. Major early Reformers were Peter Waldo (c. 1140–c. 1205), John Wycliffe (1320s–1384), and Jan Hus (c. 1369–1415). It is not completely correct to call these groups Protestant due to the fact that some of them had nothing to do with the 1529 protestation at Speyer which coined the term Protestant. In particular, the Utraquists were eventually accommodated as a separate Catholic rite by the papacy after a military attempt to end their movement failed. On the other hand, the surviving Waldensians ended up joining Reformed Protestantism, so it is not completely inaccurate to refer to their movement as Protestant.


Lutherans are a major branch of Protestantism, identifying with the theology of Martin Luther, a German friar, ecclesiastical reformer, and theologian. Lutheranism initially began as an attempt to reform the Catholic Church before the excommunication of its members. Today with most Protestants, Lutherans are divided among mainline and evangelical theological lines. The whole of Lutheranism had about 70-90 million members in 2018.[55][56][57][58] The largest non-United Lutheran denomination was the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, an Eastern Protestant Christian group.[59]


Pietism was an influential movement in Lutheranism that combined its emphasis on Biblical doctrine with the Reformed emphasis on individual piety and living a vigorous Christian life. Pietists who separated from established Lutheran churches to form their own denominations are known as Radical Pietists.[60] Although a movement in Lutheranism, influence on Anglicanism, in particular John Wesley, led to the spawning of the Methodist movement.


Calvinism, also known as the Reformed tradition or Reformed Protestantism is a movement which broke from the Catholic Church in the 16th century. Calvinism follows the theological traditions set down by John Calvin, John Knox and other Reformation-era theologians. Calvinists differ from Lutherans on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, theories of worship, and the use of God's law for believers, among other things. There are from 60 to 80 million Christians identifying as Reformed or Calvinist according to statistics gathered in 2018.[61][62][63]

Continental Reformed churches




Anglicanism or Episcopalianism has referred to itself as the via media between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.[64][65] The majority of Anglicans consider themselves part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church within the Anglican Communion. Anglicans or Episcopalians also self-identify as both Catholic and Reformed. Although the use of the term "Protestant" to refer to Anglicans was once common, it is controversial today, with some rejecting the label and others accepting it. Anglicans numbered over 85 million in 2018.[66]

Anglican Communion

United and Uniting churches

Other Anglican churches and Continuing Anglican movement

There are numerous churches following the Anglican tradition that are not in full communion with the Anglican Communion. Some churches split due to changes in the Book of Common Prayer and the ordination of women, forming Anglo-Catholic or Evangelical Anglican communities.[67] A select few of these churches are recognized by certain individual provinces of the Anglican Communion.


The Anabaptists trace their origins to the Radical Reformation. Alternative to other early Protestants, Anabaptists were seen as an early offshoot of Protestantism, although the view has been challenged by some[who?] Anabaptists.[68] There were approximately 2.1 million Anabaptists as of 2015.[69]

River Brethren
Schwarzenau Brethren
Other Anabaptists


Baptists emerged as the English Puritans were influenced by the Anabaptists, and along with Methodism, grew in size and influence after they sailed to the New World (the remaining Puritans who traveled to the New World were Congregationalists). Some Baptists fit strongly with the Reformed tradition theologically but not denominationally. Some Baptists also adopt presbyterian and episcopal forms of governance. In 2018, there were about 75-105 million Baptists.[61][70]

Other Baptists


The Methodist movement emerged out the influence of Pietism within Anglicanism. Unlike Baptists (also emerging from the Church of England), Methodists have retained liturgical worship and other historic Anglican practices including vestments and (in some Methodist denominations such as the United Methodist Church) the episcopacy. Methodists were some of the first Christians to accept women's ordination since the Montanists. Some 60-80 million Christians are Methodists and members of the World Methodist Council.[61][71][72]

Holiness movement

The Holiness movement emerged from 19th-century Methodism. As of 2015, churches of the movement had an estimated 12 million adherents.[73]

Campbellite and Millerite

Adventism was a result from the Restoration movement, which sought to restore Christianity along the lines of what was known about the apostolic early Church which Restorationists saw as the search for a more pure and ancient form of the religion.[74] This idea is also called Christian Primitivism. Following the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement, William Miller preached the end of the world and the second coming of Christ in 1843/44. Some followers after the failed prediction became the Adventists or Campbellites, while other splinter groups eventually became Apocalyptic Restorationists. Many of the splinter groups did not subscribe to trinitarian theologies. Well known Restorationist groups related in some way to Millerism include the Jehovah's Witnesses, World Mission Society Church of God, the Restored Church of God, and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. There are a little over 7 million Restorationist Christians.

Stone-Campbell Restoration movement

Adventist movement


Quakers, or Friends, are members of various movements united by their belief in the ability of each human being to experientially access the light within, or "that of God in every person".[75]


Plymouth Brethren

Plymouth Brethren is a conservative, low church, non-conformist, evangelical Christian movement whose history can be traced to Dublin, Ireland, in the late 1820s, originating from Anglicanism.[76]


The Catholic Apostolic churches were born out of the 1830s revival started in London by the teachings of Edward Irving, and out of the resultant Catholic Apostolic Church movement.[77]

Pentecostal and Charismatic

Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity began in the 1900s. The two movements emphasize direct personal experience of God through baptism with the Holy Spirit. They represent some of the largest growing movements in Protestant Christianity.[78] As a result of the two movements, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal was established. According to the Pew Research Center, Pentecostals and Charismatics numbered some 280 million people in 2011.[57]

Other Charismatic movements

Neo-charismatic movement

Uniting and united

These united or uniting churches are the result of a merger between distinct denominational churches (e.g., Lutherans and Calvinists). As ecumenism progresses, unions between various Protestants are becoming more and more common, resulting in a growing number of united and uniting churches. Major examples of uniting churches are the United Protestant Church of France (2013) and the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (2004).[79][80] Churches are listed here when their disparate heritage marks them as inappropriately listed in the particular categories above.

Free Evangelical Churches


The term Evangelical appears with the reformation and reblossoms in the 18th century and in the 19th century.[81] Evangelical Protestantism modernly understood is an inter-denominational Protestant movement which maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ's atonement.[82]

African Evangelicalism


P'ent'ay, simply known as Ethiopian-Eritrean Evangelicalism are a group of indigenous Protestant Eastern Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, and Mennonite denominations in full communion with each other and believe that Ethiopian and Eritrean Evangelicalism are the reformation of the current Orthodox Tewahedo churches as well as the restoration of it to original Ethiopian Christianity. They uphold that in order for a person to be saved one has to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of sins; and to receive Christ one must be "born again" (dagem meweled).[83] Its members make up a significant portion of the 2 million Eastern Protestant tradition.

Asian-initiated churches

Asian-initiated churches are those arising from Chinese and Japanese regions that were formed during repression in authoritarian eras as responses from government crackdowns of their old Christian denominations which were deemed illegal or unrecognized in their countries' state atheism or religion.

Chinese Independent Churches
Japanese Independent Churches

Malaysian Evangelicalism

North American Evangelicalism

South American Evangelicalism

Internet churches

Eastern Protestant

These churches resulted from a post–1800s reformation of Eastern Christianity, in line with Protestant beliefs and practices.

Other Protestant churches and movements

These are denominations, movements, and organizations deriving from mainstream Protestantism but are not classifiable under historic or current Protestant movements nor as parachurch organizations.

Early modern England

Independent sacramental

Independent sacramental churches refer to a loose collection of individuals and Christian denominations who are not part of the historic sacramental Christian denominations (such as the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox churches) and yet continue to practice the historic sacramental rites independently while utilizing "Old Catholic", "Catholic", or "Autocephalous Orthodox" labels. Many such groups originated from schisms of these larger denominations, and they claim to have preserved the historical episcopate or apostolic succession, though such claims are frequently disputed or rejected outright by the historic churches of Rome, Constantinople, the Old Catholic Union of Utrecht, and the Church of England.[84][7]

Independent Catholic

Independent Catholic churches arguably began in 1724. The Independent Catholic churches self-identify as either Western or Eastern Catholic although they are not affiliated with or recognized by the Catholic Church.

Independent Eastern Orthodox

These churches consider themselves Eastern Orthodox but are not in communion with the main bodies of Eastern Orthodoxy. Some of these denominations consider themselves as part of True Orthodoxy or the Old Believers.

True Orthodoxy

True Orthodoxy, or Genuine Orthodoxy, is a movement of Eastern Orthodox churches that separated from the mainstream Eastern Orthodox Church over issues of ecumenism and calendar reform since the 1920s.[85]

Old Believers

Russian Old Believers refused to accept the liturgical and ritual changes made by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow between 1652 and 1666. Several Old Believer denominations have reunified with the Russian Orthodox Church and subsequent wider Eastern Orthodox communion.

Independent Oriental Orthodox

Those are churches which claim to be Oriental Orthodox, but are not in communion with the main Oriental Orthodox churches.

Syncretic Orthodoxy

Syncretic Orthodox churches blend with other denominations outside of Eastern Orthodoxy and are not in communion with the main body of Eastern nor Oriental Orthodoxies. These bodies may also be considered part of Eastern Protestant Christianity or the Convergence Movement.


The following are independent and non-mainstream movements, denominations and organizations formed during various times in the history of Christianity by splitting from mainline Catholicism, Eastern or Oriental Orthodoxy, or Protestantism not classified in the previous lists.

Independent Russian


Christian Identitist



These groups or organizations diverge from historic trinitarian theology (usually based on the Council of Nicaea) with different interpretations of Nontrinitarianism.

Oneness Pentecostalism

Unitarian and Universalism

Nontrinitarian Restorationism

Latter Day Saint movement

Most Latter Day Saint denominations are derived from the Church of Christ established by Joseph Smith in 1830. The largest worldwide denomination of this movement, and the one publicly recognized as Mormonism, is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Some sects, known as the "Prairie Saints", broke away because they did not recognize Brigham Young as the head of the church, and did not follow him West in the mid-1800s. Other sects broke away over the abandonment of practicing plural marriage after the 1890 Manifesto. Other denominations are defined by either a belief in Joseph Smith as a prophet or acceptance of the Book of Mormon as scripture. The Latter Day Saints comprise a little over 16 million members collectively.[86]

"Prairie Saint" Latter Day Saints
"Rocky Mountain" Latter Day Saints
Fundamentalist Rocky Mountain Latter Day Saints
Other Latter Day Saint denominations
British Israelism
Worldwide Church of God splinter groups
Bible Students and splinter groups
Other Nontrinitarian restorationists


Christian Science

Esoteric Christianity (Gnosticism)

Other Nontrinitarians


Messianic Judaism

Black Hebrew Israelites

Caucasian Albanian Orthodox

Other groups


Parachurch organizations are Christian faith-based organizations that work outside and across denominations to engage in social welfare and evangelism. These organizations are not churches but work with churches or represent a coalition of churches.


A Christian movement is a theological, political, or philosophical interpretation of Christianity that is not necessarily represented by a specific church, sect, or denomination.


The relation of these movements to other Christian ideas can be remote. They are listed here because they include some elements of Christian practice or beliefs, within religious contexts which may be only loosely characterized as Christian.

African diaspora religions

African diaspora religions are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas in various nations of the Caribbean, Latin America and the Southern United States. They derive from traditional African religions with some influence from other religious traditions, notably Christianity and Islam. Examples incorporating elements of Christianity include but are not limited to:

New Thought

The relation of New Thought to Christianity is not defined as exclusive; some of its adherents see themselves as solely practicing Christianity, while adherents of Religious Science say "yes and no" to the question of whether they consider themselves to be Christian in belief and practice, leaving it up to the individual to define oneself spiritually.

Other syncretists

Other Christian or Christian-influenced syncretic traditions and movements include:

Historical movements with strong syncretic influence from Christianity but no active modern membership include

See also


  1. ^ "Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity". courses.lumenlearning.com. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  2. ^ "Ecumenism". Anglican Communion Website. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  3. ^ a b "The WCC as a Fellowship of Churches". www.oikoumene.org. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  4. ^ "On Christian Unity and Ecumenism". www.oca.org. Retrieved 17 February 2020.
  5. ^ "Ecumenical". www.usccb.org. Retrieved 17 February 2020.
  6. ^ "History of the World Council of Churches". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 15 April 2020.
  7. ^ a b "Dominus Iesus". Vatican.va. Retrieved 14 September 2017.
  8. ^ a b "The Original Christian Church". oca.org. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  9. ^ "History of the Orthodox Church". www.goarch.org. Retrieved 26 August 2020.
  10. ^ "The differences between the Catholic and Orthodox churches". The Economist. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  11. ^ a b "Presentazione dell'Annuario Pontificio 2018 e dell' "Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae" 2016". press.vatican.va. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  12. ^ "What is the United Church of Christ?". United Church of Christ. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  13. ^ Gunnemann, Louis H.; Rooks, Charles Shelby (1999). The shaping of the United Church of Christ : an essay in the history of American Christianity. Internet Archive. Cleveland, Ohio : United Church Press. ISBN 9780829813456.
  14. ^ a b "Catholic Rites and Churches". www.ewtn.com. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  15. ^ "Fragmentation of the primitive Christian movement", Religious Tolerance, retrieved 14 September 2017
  16. ^ Trafton, Jennifer; Colossanov, Rebecca. "Gnostics: Did You Know?". Christian History. Retrieved 17 September 2020.
  17. ^ Early Christian History, retrieved 14 September 2017
  18. ^ Wilmshurst, David (2000). The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913. Peeters Publishers. ISBN 9789042908765.
  19. ^ Hill, Henry (1988). Light from the East: A Symposium on the Oriental Orthodox and Assyrian Churches. Anglican Book Centre. ISBN 9780919891906.
  20. ^ Silverberg, Robert (1972). The realm of Prester John. Doubleday.
  21. ^ Hall, Christopher A. (16 August 2002). Learning Theology with the Church Fathers. InterVarsity Press. ISBN 9780830826865.
  22. ^ Frazee, Charles A. (22 June 2006). Catholics and Sultans: The Church and the Ottoman Empire 1453-1923. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521027007.
  23. ^ L'Orient syrien (in French). 1966.
  24. ^ (PDF). The Syriac Institute. Archived from the original (PDF) on 23 September 2015. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  25. ^ "Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar". www.oikoumene.org. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
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  27. ^ Baumer, Christoph (28 April 2006). The Church of the East: An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 1-84511-115-X.
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  29. ^ Baumer, Christoph (2006). The Church of the East: An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity (1st ed.). London, England, United Kingdom: I.B. Tauris. p. 272. ISBN 1-84511-115-X.
  30. ^ Lamport, Mark A. (2018). Encyclopedia of Christianity in the Global South. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 601. ISBN 978-1-4422-7157-9. Today these churches are also referred to as the Oriental Orthodox Churches and are made up of 50 million Christians.
  31. ^ "Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century". Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. 8 November 2017. Oriental Orthodoxy has separate self-governing jurisdictions in Ethiopia, Egypt, Eritrea, India, Armenia and Syria, and it accounts for roughly 20% of the worldwide Orthodox population.
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  37. ^ "Orthodox Christianity in the 21st Century". Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. 8 November 2017. Eastern Orthodoxy is split into 15 jurisdictions heavily centered in Central and Eastern Europe, accounting for the remaining 80% of Orthodox Christians.
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  45. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church. Vatican City: Catholic Church. 2002. pp. 77, 861.
  46. ^ "The Pontifical Yearbook 2017 and the "Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae" 2015". press.vatican.va. Retrieved 2 June 2018.
  47. ^ Anthony Dragani, From East to West
  48. ^ "The beautiful witness of the Eastern Catholic Churches". Catholic Herald. 7 March 2019. Retrieved 18 September 2020.
  49. ^ "Protestant, I.2.a" Oxford English Dictionary
  50. ^ "The "Solas" of the Reformation" (PDF). Lmsusa.org.
  51. ^ "Christianity". HISTORY. Retrieved 26 August 2020.
  52. ^ World Council of Churches: Evangelical churches: "Evangelical churches have grown exponentially in the second half of the 20th century and continue to show great vitality, especially in the global South. This resurgence may in part be explained by the phenomenal growth of Pentecostalism and the emergence of the charismatic movement, which are closely associated with evangelicalism. However, there can be no doubt that the evangelical tradition "per se" has become one of the major components of world Christianity. Evangelicals also constitute sizable minorities in the traditional Protestant and Anglican churches. In regions like Africa and Latin America, the boundaries between "evangelical" and "mainline" are rapidly changing and giving way to new ecclesial realities."
  53. ^ (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 August 2013.
  54. ^ (PDF). gordonconwell.edu. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017.
  55. ^ "Member Churches". The Lutheran World Federation. 19 May 2013. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  56. ^ "About Us". Lutheran Church of New Zealand. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  57. ^ a b "Christian Traditions". Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. 19 December 2011. Retrieved 19 April 2020.
  58. ^ Melton, J. Gordon; Baumann, Martin (21 September 2010). Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, 2nd Edition [6 volumes]. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-1-59884-204-3.
  59. ^ . eecmy.org. Archived from the original on 11 February 2017. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  60. ^ "Pietism and the Brethren". www.cob-net.org. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  61. ^ a b c "Christian Traditions (Protestant)". Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. 19 December 2011. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  62. ^ . 27 October 2014. Archived from the original on 27 October 2014. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  63. ^ Brown, Andrew (27 May 2009). "Chinese Calvinism flourishes | Andrew Brown". The Guardian.
  64. ^ Bevins, Winfield (30 January 2018). "Whatever happened to the Anglican Via Media?". Anglican Compass. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  65. ^ "Via Media". Episcopal Church. 22 May 2012. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  66. ^ "Member Churches". www.anglicancommunion.org. Anglican Communion Office. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  67. ^ . 31 January 2015. Archived from the original on 31 January 2015. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  68. ^ Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (1808). Winckelmann's Werke (in German). Walther.
  69. ^ "World Directory | Mennonite World Conference". mwc-cmm.org. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  70. ^ McHatton, Misti. . community.christianemergencynetwork.org. Archived from the original on 19 August 2014. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  71. ^ "Member Churches". World Methodist Council. 20 August 2012. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  72. ^ "Membership". www.methodist.org.uk. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  73. ^ "Holiness churches — World Council of Churches". www.oikoumene.org. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  74. ^ Mannion, Gerard; Mudge, Lewis Seymour (2008). The Routledge companion to the Christian church. p. 634. ISBN 978-0-415-37420-0.
  75. ^ Fox, George; Parker, Percy Livingstone; Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson) (1903). George Fox's Journal. University of Michigan. London, Isbister and company, limited.
  76. ^ "Arquivo.pt". arquivo.pt. Archived from the original on 18 May 2016. Retrieved 19 April 2020.
  77. ^ "Catholic Apostolic Church". InfoPlease. Retrieved 5 September 2018.
  78. ^ "Spirit and Power - A 10-Country Survey of Pentecostals". Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. 5 October 2006. Retrieved 19 April 2020.
  79. ^ "United Protestant Church of France". www.oikoumene.org. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  80. ^ "Protestant Church in the Netherlands". www.oikoumene.org. Retrieved 17 July 2020.
  81. ^ Kidd, Thomas. "When Did Evangelical Christianity Begin?". The Gospel Coalition. Retrieved 30 January 2020.
  82. ^ "Glossary | Operation World". www.operationworld.org. Retrieved 6 September 2018.
  83. ^ "Evangelical Church Fellowship of Ethiopia". www.ecfethiopia.org. Retrieved 19 July 2019.
  84. ^ Jarvis, Edward (2018). God, Land & Freedom: The True Story of ICAB. The Apocryphile Press. pp. 202–208. ISBN 978-1-949643-02-2.
  85. ^ Beoković, Jelena (1 May 2010). "Ko su ziloti, pravoslavni fundamentalisti" [Who are Zealots, Orthodox Fundamentalists]. Politika. Retrieved 5 August 2014.
  86. ^ "15 Million Member Milestone Announced at LDS Church Conference". www.mormonnewsroom.org. 5 October 2013. Retrieved 5 September 2018.

list, christian, denominations, christian, denomination, distinct, religious, body, within, christianity, identified, traits, such, name, organization, doctrine, individual, bodies, however, alternative, terms, describe, themselves, such, church, convention, c. A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity identified by traits such as a name organization and doctrine Individual bodies however may use alternative terms to describe themselves such as church convention communion assembly house union network or sometimes fellowship Divisions between one denomination and another are primarily defined by authority and doctrine Issues regarding the nature of Jesus Trinitarianism salvation the authority of apostolic succession eschatology conciliarity papal supremacy and papal primacy among others may separate one denomination from another Groups of denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs practices and historical ties can be known as branches of Christianity or denominational families e g Eastern or Western Christianity and their sub branches 1 These denominational families are often imprecisely also called denominations Christian denominations since the 20th century have often involved themselves in ecumenism Ecumenism refers to efforts among Christian bodies to develop better understandings and closer relationships 2 3 It also refers to efforts toward visible unity in the Christian Church though the terms of visible unity vary for each denomination of Christianity the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church each teach visible unity may only be achieved by converting to their denominational beliefs and structure citing claims of being the one true church 4 5 The largest ecumenical organization in Christianity is the World Council of Churches 6 3 The following is not a complete list but aims to provide a comprehensible overview of the diversity among denominations of Christianity ecumenical organizations and Christian ideologies not necessarily represented by specific denominations Only those Christian denominations ideologies and organizations with Wikipedia articles will be listed in order to ensure that all entries on this list are notable and verifiable The denominations and ecumenical organizations listed are generally ordered from ancient to contemporary Christianity Contents 1 Terminology and qualification 2 Early Christian 3 Late ancient and Medieval Christian 3 1 Church of the East 3 1 1 Assyrian Christianity 4 Oriental Orthodox Churches 5 Eastern Orthodox 6 Catholic 6 1 Latin Church Western Church 6 2 Eastern Catholic Churches 7 Protestant 7 1 Proto Protestant 7 2 Lutheran 7 2 1 Pietism 7 3 Reformed 7 3 1 Continental Reformed churches 7 3 2 Presbyterianism 7 3 3 Congregationalism 7 4 Anglican 7 4 1 Anglican Communion 7 4 2 Other Anglican churches and Continuing Anglican movement 7 5 Anabaptist 7 6 Baptist 7 6 1 Other Baptists 7 7 Methodist 7 7 1 Holiness movement 7 8 Campbellite and Millerite 7 8 1 Stone Campbell Restoration movement 7 8 2 Adventist movement 7 9 Quaker 7 9 1 Shakers 7 10 Plymouth Brethren 7 11 Irvingist 7 12 Pentecostal and Charismatic 7 12 1 Other Charismatic movements 7 12 2 Neo charismatic movement 7 13 Uniting and united 7 13 1 Free Evangelical Churches 7 14 Evangelical 7 14 1 African Evangelicalism 7 14 1 1 P ent ay 7 14 2 Asian initiated churches 7 14 2 1 Chinese Independent Churches 7 14 2 2 Japanese Independent Churches 7 14 3 Malaysian Evangelicalism 7 14 4 North American Evangelicalism 7 14 5 South American Evangelicalism 7 14 6 Internet churches 7 15 Eastern Protestant 7 16 Other Protestant churches and movements 7 16 1 Early modern England 8 Independent sacramental 8 1 Independent Catholic 8 2 Independent Eastern Orthodox 8 2 1 True Orthodoxy 8 2 2 Old Believers 8 3 Independent Oriental Orthodox 8 4 Syncretic Orthodoxy 9 Miscellaneous 9 1 Independent Russian 9 2 Southcottist 9 3 Christian Identitist 9 4 Independent Isolated 9 5 Nontrinitarian 9 5 1 Oneness Pentecostalism 9 5 2 Unitarian and Universalism 9 5 3 Nontrinitarian Restorationism 9 5 3 1 Latter Day Saint movement 9 5 3 1 1 Prairie Saint Latter Day Saints 9 5 3 1 2 Rocky Mountain Latter Day Saints 9 5 3 1 3 Fundamentalist Rocky Mountain Latter Day Saints 9 5 3 1 4 Other Latter Day Saint denominations 9 5 3 2 British Israelism 9 5 3 2 1 Worldwide Church of God splinter groups 9 5 3 3 Bible Students and splinter groups 9 5 3 4 Other Nontrinitarian restorationists 9 5 4 Swedenborgianism 9 5 5 Christian Science 9 5 6 Esoteric Christianity Gnosticism 9 5 7 Other Nontrinitarians 9 6 Judeo Christian 9 6 1 Messianic Judaism 9 6 2 Black Hebrew Israelites 9 6 3 Caucasian Albanian Orthodox 9 6 4 Other groups 10 Parachurch 11 Ideologies 12 Syncretic 12 1 African diaspora religions 12 2 New Thought 12 3 Other syncretists 13 See also 14 ReferencesTerminology and qualification EditSee also List of Christian denominations by number of members Church of the Holy Sepulchre a center for Christian unity in Jerusalem Some bodies included on this list do not consider themselves denominations For example the Catholic Church considers itself the one true church and the Holy See as pre denominational 7 The Eastern Orthodox Church also considers itself the original Christian church and pre denominational 8 9 To express further the complexity involved the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches were historically one and the same as evidenced by the fact that they are the only two modern churches in existence to accept all of the first seven ecumenical councils until differences arose such as papal authority and dominance the rise of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople the fall of the Western Roman Empire the continuance of emperors in the Eastern Roman Empire and the final and permanent split that occurred during the Crusades with the siege of Constantinople 10 This also illustrates that denominations can arise not only from religious or theological issues but political and generational divisions as well Other churches that are viewed by non adherents as denominational are highly decentralized and do not have any formal denominational structure authority or record keeping beyond the local congregation several groups within the Restoration movement and congregational churches fall into this category Saint Peter s Basilica in Vatican City Some Christian bodies are large e g Catholics Orthodox Pentecostals and non inter denominationals Anglicans or Baptists while others are just a few small churches and in most cases the relative size is not evident in this list except for the denominational group or movement as a whole e g Church of the East Oriental Orthodox Churches or Lutheranism The largest denomination is the Catholic Church with more than 1 3 billion members 11 The smallest of these groups may have only a few dozen adherents or an unspecified number of participants in independent churches as described below As such specific numbers and a certain size may not define a group as a denomination However as a general rule the larger a group becomes the more acceptance and legitimacy it gains Modern movements such as Christian fundamentalism Pietism Evangelicalism the Holiness movement and Pentecostalism sometimes cross denominational lines or in some cases create new denominations out of two or more continuing groups as is the case for many united and uniting churches for example e g the United Church of Christ 12 13 Such subtleties and complexities are not clearly depicted here Between denominations theologians and comparative religionists there are considerable disagreements about which groups can be properly called Christian or a Christian denomination as disagreements arise primarily from doctrinal differences between each other As an example this list contains groups also known as rites which many such as the Roman Catholic Church would say are not denominations as they are in full papal communion and thus part of the Catholic Church 14 For the purpose of simplicity this list is intended to reflect the self understanding of each denomination Explanations of different opinions concerning their status as Christian denominations can be found at their respective articles There is no official recognition in most parts of the world for religious bodies and there is no official clearinghouse which could determine the status or respectability of religious bodies Often there is considerable disagreement between various groups about whether others should be labeled with pejorative terms such as cult or about whether this or that group enjoys some measure of respectability Such considerations often vary from place to place or culture to culture where one denomination may enjoy majority status in one region but be widely regarded as a dangerous cult in another part of the world Inclusion on this list does not indicate any judgment about the size importance or character of a group or its members Early Christian EditMain articles Early Christianity Christianity in the 1st century and List of Gnostic sects Early Christianity is often divided into three different branches that differ in theology and traditions which all appeared in the 1st century AD CE They include Jewish Christianity Pauline Christianity and Gnostic Christianity 15 All modern Christian denominations are said to have descended from the Jewish and Pauline Christianities with Gnostic Christianity dying or being hunted out of existence after the early Christian era and being largely forgotten until discoveries made in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries 16 There are also other theories on the origin of Christianity 17 The following Christian groups appeared between the beginning of the Christian religion and the First Council of Nicaea in 325 Adamites Arianism Ebionites Elcesaites Marcionism Montanism Nazarenes Novatianism Unlike the previously mentioned groups the following are all considered to be related to Christian Gnosticism Bardaisanites Basilideans Carpocratianism Nicolaitans Sethianism Simonians sometimes considered Proto Gnostic ValentinianismLate ancient and Medieval Christian EditMain articles History of late ancient Christianity History of Christianity during the Middle Ages and State church of the Roman Empire The following are groups of Christians appearing between the First Council of Nicaea the East West Schism and proto Protestantism Agonoclita Apostolic Brethren Arnoldists Beguines and Beghards Bogomilism Patarines Bosnian Church Brethren of the Free Spirit Catharism Donatism Dulcinians Friends of God Henricans Lollardy Neo Adamites Paulicianism Petrobrusians Skhariya the Jew s sect Strigolniki Tondrakians Church of the East Edit Further information Church of the East Nestorianism and Schism of 1552 The Church of the East split from the Roman recognized state church of Rome during the Sasanian Period It is also called the Nestorian Church or the Church of Persia 18 Declaring itself separate from the state church in 424 427 liturgically it adhered to the East Syriac Rite 19 Theologically it adopted the dyophysite doctrine of Nestorianism which emphasizes the separateness of the divine and human natures of Jesus and addresses Mary as Christotokos instead of Theotokos the Church of the East also largely practiced aniconism 20 21 Adhered to by groups such as the Keraites and Naimans see Christianity among the Mongols the Church of the East had a prominent presence in Inner Asia between the 11th and 14th centuries but by the 15th century was largely confined to the Eastern Aramaic speaking Assyrian communities of northern Mesopotamia in and around the rough triangle formed by Mosul and Lakes Van and Urmia the same general region where the Church of the East had first emerged between the 1st and 3rd centuries 22 Its patriarchal lines divided in a tumultuous period from the 16th 19th century finally consolidated into the Eastern Catholic Chaldean Church in full communion with the Pope of Rome and the Assyrian Church of the East 23 24 Other minor modern related splinter groups include the Ancient Church of the East split 1968 due of rejecting some changes made by Patriarch Shimun XXI Eshai and the Chaldean Syrian Church In 1995 the Chaldean Syrian Church reunified with the Assyrian Church of the East as an archbishopric The Chaldean Syrian Church is headquartered in Thrissur India Together the Assyrian Ancient Chaldean Syrian and Chaldean Catholic Church comprised over 1 6 million in 2018 25 26 27 28 Assyrian Christianity Edit Further information Syriac Christianity Assyrian Christianity comprises those Eastern churches who kept the traditional Nestorian christology and ecclesiology of the historical Church of the East after the original church reunited with the Catholic Church in Rome forming the Chaldean Catholic Church in 1552 Assyrian Christianity forms part of the Syriac Christian tradition The Assyrian Church of the East and the Ancient Church of the East together had over 0 6 million members as of 2018 update 29 26 Assyrian Church of the East Chaldean Syrian Church Ancient Church of the EastOriental Orthodox Churches EditFurther information Oriental Orthodox Churches The Oriental Orthodox Churches are the Christian churches adhering to Miaphysite christology and theology with a combined global membership of 62 million as of 2019 update 30 31 32 These churches reject the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and those after it They departed from the state church of the Roman Empire after the Chalcedonian Council 33 32 Other denominations such as the Eastern Orthodox Church and bodies in Old and True Orthodoxy often label the Oriental Orthodox Churches as Monophysite as the Oriental Orthodox do not adhere to the teachings of Eutyches they themselves reject this label preferring the term Miaphysite Historically the Oriental Orthodox Churches considered themselves collectively to be the one holy catholic and apostolic Church that Jesus founded Some Christian denominations have recently considered the body of Oriental Orthodoxy to be a part of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church a view which is gaining increasing acceptance in the wake of ecumenical dialogues between groups such as Eastern Orthodoxy Roman and Eastern Catholicism and Protestant Christianity Most member churches of the Oriental Orthodox Churches are part of the World Council of Churches 32 Armenian Apostolic Church Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Holy See of Cilicia Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem Coptic Orthodox Church French Coptic Orthodox Church Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Brahmavar Goan Orthodox Church Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch Jacobite Syrian Christian ChurchEastern Orthodox EditMain articles Eastern Orthodox Church Eastern Orthodox Church organization Eastern Orthodox theology and Western Rite Orthodoxy The Eastern Orthodox Church officially the Orthodox Catholic Church claims continuity based upon apostolic succession with the early Church as part of the state church of Rome Though it considers itself pre denominational being the original Church of Christ before 1054 34 8 some scholars suggest the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic churches began after the East West Schism 35 36 The Eastern Orthodox Church had about 230 million members as of 2019 update making it the second largest single denomination behind the Catholic Church 37 38 39 Some of them have a disputed administrative status i e their autonomy or autocephaly is not recognized universally Eastern Orthodox churches by and large remain in communion with one another although this has broken at times throughout its history Two examples of impaired communion between the Orthodox churches include the Moscow Constantinople schisms of 1996 and 2018 40 41 42 43 Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy and Malta Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Canada Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Great Britain Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Vicariate for Palestine and Jordan in the USA Finnish Orthodox Church Greek Orthodox Church of Crete Monastic Community of Mount Athos Korean Orthodox Church Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong Exarchate of the Philippines Orthodox Metropolitanate of Singapore American Carpatho Russian Orthodox Diocese Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Mexico Antiochian Orthodox Mission in the Philippines Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of Chile Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem Greek Orthodox Church of Sinai Russian Orthodox Church Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia Russian Orthodox Church in Finland Japanese Orthodox Church Chinese Orthodox Church Estonian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate Moldovan Orthodox Church Belarusian Orthodox Church Philippine Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate Patriarchal Exarchate in South East Asia Patriarchal Exarchate in Western Europe Patriarchal Parishes in the USA Patriarchal Parishes in Canada Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church Serbian Orthodox Church Serbian Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric Archdiocese of Belgrade and Karlovci Serbian Metropolitanate of Skopje Serbian Metropolitanate of Dabar Serbian Metropolitanate of Montenegro Serbian Metropolitanate of Zagreb Serbian Metropolitanate of Australia Romanian Orthodox Church Romanian Metropolis of Bessarabia Romanian Metropolia of the Americas Bulgarian Orthodox Church Diocese of North America and Australia Cypriot Orthodox Church Orthodox Church of Greece Albanian Orthodox Church Polish Orthodox Church Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church Orthodox Church in America Archdiocese of Canada Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America Exarchate of Mexico Orthodox Church of Ukraine Macedonian Orthodox ChurchCatholic EditMain articles Catholic Church and Catholic particular churches and liturgical rites Further information List of heresies in the Catholic Church The Catholic Church or Roman Catholic Church is composed of 24 autonomous sui iuris particular churches the Latin Church and the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches It considers itself the one holy catholic and apostolic Church that Christ founded 44 and which Saint Peter initiated along with the missionary work of Saint Paul and others As such the Catholic Church does not consider itself a denomination but rather considers itself pre denominational the original Church of Christ Continuity is claimed based upon apostolic succession with the early Church 45 The Catholic population exceeds 1 3 billion as of 2016 update 11 Latin Church Western Church Edit Further information Latin Church The Latin or Western Church is the largest and most widely known of the 24 sui iuris churches that together make up the Catholic Church not to be confused with the Roman Rite which is one of the Latin liturgical rites not a particular church 14 It is headed by the Bishop of Rome the Pope traditionally called the Patriarch of the West with headquarters in Vatican City enclaved within Rome Italy As of 2015 update the Latin Church comprised 1 255 billion members 46 Eastern Catholic Churches Edit Further information Eastern Catholic Churches All of the following are particular churches of the Catholic Church They are all in communion with the Pope as Bishop of Rome and acknowledge his claim of universal jurisdiction and authority They have some minor distinct theological emphases and expressions for instance in the case of those that are of Greek Byzantine tradition concerning some non doctrinal aspects of the Latin view of Purgatory and clerical celibacy 47 The Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church which are united in the worldwide Catholic Church share the same doctrine and sacraments and thus the same faith The total membership of the churches accounted for approximately 18 million members as of 2019 update 48 Alexandrian RiteCoptic Catholic Church Eritrean Catholic Church Ethiopian Catholic ChurchArmenian RiteArmenian Catholic ChurchByzantine RiteAlbanian Greek Catholic Church Belarusian Greek Catholic Church Bulgarian Greek Catholic Church Greek Catholic Church of Croatia and Serbia Greek Byzantine Catholic Church Hungarian Greek Catholic Church Italo Albanian Catholic Church Macedonian Greek Catholic Church Melkite Greek Catholic Church Romanian Greek Catholic Church Russian Greek Catholic Church Ruthenian Greek Byzantine Catholic Church Slovak Greek Catholic Church Ukrainian Greek Catholic ChurchEast Syriac RiteChaldean Catholic Church Syro Malabar Catholic ChurchWest Syriac RiteMaronite Church Syriac Catholic Church Syro Malankara Catholic ChurchProtestant EditMain articles Protestantism Reformation and List of the largest Protestant denominations Protestantism is a movement within Christianity which owes its name to the 1529 Protestation at Speyer but originated in 1517 when Martin Luther began his dispute with the Roman Catholic Church This period of time known as the Reformation began a series of events resulting over the next 500 years in several newly denominated churches listed below Some denominations were started by intentionally dividing themselves from the Roman Catholic Church such as in the case of the English Reformation while others such as with Luther s followers were excommunicated after attempting reform 49 New denominations and organizations formed through further divisions within Protestant churches since the Reformation began A denomination labeled Protestant subscribes to the fundamental Protestant principles though not always that is scripture alone justification by faith alone and the universal priesthood of believers 50 The majority of contemporary Protestants are members of Adventism Anglicanism the Baptist churches Calvinism Reformed Protestantism Lutheranism Methodism and Pentecostalism 51 Nondenominational Evangelical charismatic neo charismatic independent Convergence and other churches are on the rise and constitute a significant part of Protestant Christianity 52 This list gives only an overview and certainly does not mention all of the Protestant denominations The exact number of Protestant denominations including the members of the denominations is difficult to calculate and depends on definition A group that fits the generally accepted definition of Protestant might not officially use the term Therefore it should be taken with caution The most accepted figure among various authors and scholars includes around 900 million to a little over 1 billion Protestant Christians 53 54 Proto Protestant Edit Main article Proto Protestantism Proto Protestantism refers to movements similar to the Protestant Reformation but before 1517 when Martin Luther 1483 1546 is reputed to have nailed the Ninety Five Theses to the church door Major early Reformers were Peter Waldo c 1140 c 1205 John Wycliffe 1320s 1384 and Jan Hus c 1369 1415 It is not completely correct to call these groups Protestant due to the fact that some of them had nothing to do with the 1529 protestation at Speyer which coined the term Protestant In particular the Utraquists were eventually accommodated as a separate Catholic rite by the papacy after a military attempt to end their movement failed On the other hand the surviving Waldensians ended up joining Reformed Protestantism so it is not completely inaccurate to refer to their movement as Protestant HussitesCzechoslovak Hussite Church Moravian Church Unity of the BrethrenWaldensiansWaldensian Evangelical Church Lutheran Edit Main articles Lutheranism and List of Lutheran denominations See also Lutheran church bodies in North America Lutherans are a major branch of Protestantism identifying with the theology of Martin Luther a German friar ecclesiastical reformer and theologian Lutheranism initially began as an attempt to reform the Catholic Church before the excommunication of its members Today with most Protestants Lutherans are divided among mainline and evangelical theological lines The whole of Lutheranism had about 70 90 million members in 2018 55 56 57 58 The largest non United Lutheran denomination was the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus an Eastern Protestant Christian group 59 Augustana Catholic Church defunct 2020 Apostolic Lutheran Church of America Association of Free Lutheran Congregations Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America Church of the Lutheran Confession Concordia Lutheran Conference Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church of Albania Evangelical Lutheran Church Concord Evangelical Lutheran Free Church Germany Evangelical Lutheran Synod Lutheran Church of Central Africa Malawi Conference Lutheran Church of Central Africa Zambia Conference Lutheran Confessional Church Ukrainian Lutheran Church Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands defunct 2004 General Lutheran Church International Lutheran Council American Association of Lutheran Churches Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil Evangelical Lutheran Church of England Evangelical Lutheran Church Synod of France and Belgium Gutnius Lutheran Church Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church Japan Lutheran Church Lanka Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Canada Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Lutheran Church of Australia Kosovo Protestant Evangelical Church Laestadian Lutheran Church Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lutheran Church International Lutheran Church of China defunct 1951 Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church Lutheran Ministerium and Synod USA Lutheran World Federation Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church Arcot Lutheran Church Batak Christian Protestant Church Church of Denmark Church of the Faroe Islands Church of Iceland Church of Norway Church of Sweden Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Himalayan States Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chotanagpur and Assam Indian Evangelical Lutheran Church Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church Lutheran Church of Australia Malagasy Lutheran Church Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church Simalungun Protestant Christian Church South Andhra Lutheran Church Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church North American Lutheran Church Old Apostolic Lutheran Church Pietism Edit Main articles Radical Pietism and Pietism See also Higher Life movement and Third Great Awakening Pietism was an influential movement in Lutheranism that combined its emphasis on Biblical doctrine with the Reformed emphasis on individual piety and living a vigorous Christian life Pietists who separated from established Lutheran churches to form their own denominations are known as Radical Pietists 60 Although a movement in Lutheranism influence on Anglicanism in particular John Wesley led to the spawning of the Methodist movement Amana Society Bible Fellowship Church Temple Society Templers United Christian Church Reformed Edit Main articles Calvinism and List of Reformed denominations Calvinism also known as the Reformed tradition or Reformed Protestantism is a movement which broke from the Catholic Church in the 16th century Calvinism follows the theological traditions set down by John Calvin John Knox and other Reformation era theologians Calvinists differ from Lutherans on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist theories of worship and the use of God s law for believers among other things There are from 60 to 80 million Christians identifying as Reformed or Calvinist according to statistics gathered in 2018 61 62 63 Continental Reformed churches Edit Main article Continental Reformed church Afrikaans Protestant Church Canadian and American Reformed Churches Christian Reformed Church in North America Christian Reformed Church in Sierra Leone Christian Reformed Church in South Africa Christian Reformed Church of Nigeria Christian Reformed Churches Continued Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Christian Reformed Churches of Australia Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches Dutch Reformed Church joined the Protestant Church in the Netherlands in 2004 Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa NG Church Evangelical and Reformed Church in Honduras Evangelical Reformed Church in Bavaria and Northwestern Germany Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches Free Reformed Churches of Australia Free Reformed Churches of North America Free Reformed Churches of South Africa Heritage Reformed Congregations Huguenot Historical Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church National Union of Independent Reformed Evangelical Churches of France Netherlands Reformed Churches Netherlands Reformed Congregations Nigeria Reformed Church Orthodox Christian Reformed Church Polish Reformed Church Protestant Church in the Netherlands Protestant Reformed Christian Church in Croatia Protestant Reformed Church of Luxembourg Protestant Reformed Churches in America Reformed Christian Church in Croatia Reformed Christian Church in Serbia Reformed Church in America Reformed Church in Austria Reformed Church in Hungary Reformed Church in Latvia Reformed Church in Romania Reformed Church in Transcarpathia Reformed Church in the United States Reformed Church of Christ in Nigeria Reformed Church of East Africa Reformed Church of France Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Reformed Churches in the Netherlands Liberated Reformed Churches of New Zealand Reformed Evangelical Church in Myanmar Reformed Synod of Denmark Restored Reformed Church United Church of Christ United Reformed Church United Reformed Church in Congo United Reformed Churches in North America Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa Presbyterianism Edit Main article Presbyterianism See also List of Presbyterian denominations in North America Africa Evangelical Presbyterian Church Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church of Mexico Bible Presbyterian Church Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Church of Scotland Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches Conservative Presbyterian Church in Brazil Costa Rican Evangelical Presbyterian Church Covenant Presbyterian Church Cumberland Presbyterian Church Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians Evangelical Presbyterian Church Australia Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales Evangelical Presbyterian Church Ghana Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Malawi Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ukraine Evangelical Presbyterian Church United States Free Church of Scotland Free Church of Scotland Continuing Free Presbyterian Church Australia Free Presbyterian Church of North America Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Fundamentalist Presbyterian Church in Brazil Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand Greek Evangelical Church National Presbyterian Church in Chile National Presbyterian Church in Mexico National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Guatemala Orthodox Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church in America Presbyterian Church in Canada Presbyterian Church in Chile Presbyterian Church in Honduras Presbyterian Church in Ireland Presbyterian Church in Korea HapDong Presbyterian Church in Korea Koshin Presbyterian Church in Korea TongHap Presbyterian Church in Liberia Presbyterian Church in Malaysia Presbyterian Church in Singapore Presbyterian Church in Sudan Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Presbyterian Church in Uganda Presbyterian Church of Africa Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Presbyterian Church of Australia Presbyterian Church of Belize Presbyterian Church of Brazil Presbyterian Church of East Africa Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia Presbyterian Church of Ghana Presbyterian Church of India Presbyterian Church of Mozambique Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Presbyterian Church of Pakistan Presbyterian Church of the Philippines Presbyterian Church of Wales Presbyterian Church USA Presbyterian Reformed Church Australia Presbyterian Reformed Church North America Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly Reformed Presbyterian Church Hanover Presbytery Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States Reformed Presbyterian Church of Australia Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland Reformed Presbyterian Church of Malawi Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland Renewed Presbyterian Church in Brazil Southern Presbyterian Church Australia Sudan Evangelical Presbyterian Church United Free Church of Scotland United Presbyterian Church of North America United Presbyterian Church of Pakistan Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa Upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church in the United States Westminster Presbyterian Church of Australia Congregationalism Edit Main article Congregational church Church of Niue Church of Tuvalu Congregational Christian Church in American Samoa Congregational Christian Church in Samoa Congregational Christian Churches in Canada Congregational Federation Congregational Federation of Australia Congregational Union of Ireland Congregational Union of New Zealand Conservative Congregational Christian Conference Cook Islands Christian Church English Independents Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches Fellowship of Congregational Churches Australia Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches Huguenots Kiribati Protestant Church National Association of Congregational Christian Churches Nauru Congregational Church Reformed Congregational Churches Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Brazil Union of Evangelical Congregational Churches in Bulgaria United Church in the Solomon Islands United Church of Christ United Church of Christ Congregational in the Marshall Islands United Congregational Church of Southern Africa Anglican Edit Main article Anglicanism Anglicanism or Episcopalianism has referred to itself as the via media between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism 64 65 The majority of Anglicans consider themselves part of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church within the Anglican Communion Anglicans or Episcopalians also self identify as both Catholic and Reformed Although the use of the term Protestant to refer to Anglicans was once common it is controversial today with some rejecting the label and others accepting it Anglicans numbered over 85 million in 2018 66 Anglican Communion Edit Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia Anglican Church in Central America Anglican Church in Japan Anglican Church of Australia Anglican Church of Bermuda Anglican Church of Canada Anglican Church of Kenya Anglican Church of Korea Anglican Church of Melanesia Anglican Church of Mexico Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea Anglican Church of South America Anglican Church of Southern Africa Anglican Church of Tanzania Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil Church in the Province of the West Indies Church in Wales Church of Ceylon Church of England Church of Ireland Church of Nigeria Church of the Province of Central Africa Church of the Province of Myanmar Church of the Province of South East Asia Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean Church of the Province of West Africa Church of Uganda Episcopal Church United States Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East Episcopal Church in the Philippines Episcopal Church of Cuba Hong Kong Anglican Church Lusitanian Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church Parish of the Falkland Islands Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda Province of the Anglican Church of the Congo Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan Scottish Episcopal Church Spanish Reformed Episcopal ChurchUnited and Uniting churchesChurch of Bangladesh Church of North India Church of Pakistan Church of South India Mar Thoma Syrian Church Protestant Eastern Christian Other Anglican churches and Continuing Anglican movement Edit Main article Continuing Anglican movement There are numerous churches following the Anglican tradition that are not in full communion with the Anglican Communion Some churches split due to changes in the Book of Common Prayer and the ordination of women forming Anglo Catholic or Evangelical Anglican communities 67 A select few of these churches are recognized by certain individual provinces of the Anglican Communion African Orthodox Church Anglican Catholic Church Anglican Church in America Anglican Church in Brazil Anglican Church in North America Anglican Church of India Anglican Episcopal Church USA Anglican Mission in the Americas Anglican Orthodox Church Anglican Province of America Anglican Province of Christ the King Christian Episcopal Church Church of England Continuing Church of England in South Africa Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches Diocese of the Great Lakes Diocese of the Holy Cross Episcopal Missionary Church Free Church of England Free Protestant Episcopal Church Independent Anglican Church Canada Synod Orthodox Anglican Church Reformed Episcopal Church Southern Episcopal Church United Episcopal Church of North America Anabaptist Edit Main article Anabaptists The Anabaptists trace their origins to the Radical Reformation Alternative to other early Protestants Anabaptists were seen as an early offshoot of Protestantism although the view has been challenged by some who Anabaptists 68 There were approximately 2 1 million Anabaptists as of 2015 69 AmishAmish Mennonite Beachy Amish Kauffman Amish Mennonite Nebraska Amish New Order Amish Old Order Amish Swartzentruber AmishHutteritesDariusleut Lehrerleut SchmiedeleutMennonitesAlliance of Mennonite Evangelical Congregations Biblical Mennonite Alliance Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches Chortitzer Mennonite Conference Church of God in Christ Mennonite Holdeman Mennonites Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Churches in India Conservative Mennonite Conference Evangelical Mennonite Church Evangelical Mennonite Conference Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference Evangelical Missionary Church Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches Japan Mennonite Brethren Conference Kleine Gemeinde Markham Waterloo Mennonite Conference Mennonite Brethren Churches Mennonite Church Canada Mennonite Church in the Netherlands Mennonite Church USA Mennonite World Conference Missionary Church Noah Hoover Mennonite Ohio Wisler Mennonite Old Order Mennonites Reformed Mennonite Swiss Mennonite Conference US Conference of Mennonite Brethren ChurchesRiver BrethrenBrethren in Christ Church Old Order River Brethren United Zion Church WengeritesSchwarzenau BrethrenThe Brethren Church Ashland Brethren Church of the Brethren Conservative Grace Brethren Churches International Dunkard Brethren Ephrata Cloister Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches Old Brethren Old Brethren German Baptist Old German Baptist Brethren Old German Baptist Brethren New Conference Old Order German Baptist BrethrenOther AnabaptistsAbecedarians Apostolic Christian Church Bruderhof Charity Christian Fellowship Church of the United Brethren in Christ Schwenkfelders Baptist Edit Main article Baptists See also List of Baptist confessions and List of Baptist denominations Baptists emerged as the English Puritans were influenced by the Anabaptists and along with Methodism grew in size and influence after they sailed to the New World the remaining Puritans who traveled to the New World were Congregationalists Some Baptists fit strongly with the Reformed tradition theologically but not denominationally Some Baptists also adopt presbyterian and episcopal forms of governance In 2018 there were about 75 105 million Baptists 61 70 All Ukrainian Union of Churches of Evangelical Christian Baptists Alliance of Baptists American Baptist Association American Baptist Churches USA Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America Association of Regular Baptist Churches Baptist Bible Fellowship International Baptist Church of Christ Baptist Conference of the Philippines Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Baptist Convention of Western Cuba Baptist Evangelical Christian Union of Italy Baptist General Conference of Canada Baptist General Convention of Texas Baptist General Conference Sweden Baptist Missionary Association of America Baptist Union of Australia Baptist Union of Great Britain Baptist Union of New Zealand Baptist Union of Scotland Baptist Union of Western Canada Canadian Baptist Ministries Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists Central Baptist Association Central Canada Baptist Conference Christian Unity Baptist Association Conservative Baptist Association Conservative Baptist Association of America Continental Baptist Churches Convencion Nacional Bautista de Mexico Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches Convention of Baptist Churches of Northern Circars Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Council of Baptist Churches in Northeast India Council of Baptist Churches in Northern India European Baptist Federation Evangelical Baptist Mission of South Haiti Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Free Will Baptist Church Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America General Association of Baptists General Association of General Baptists General Association of Regular Baptist Churches General Baptists General Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church Inc General Six Principle Baptists Independent Baptist Independent Baptist Church of America Independent Baptist Fellowship International Independent Baptist Fellowship of North America Interstate amp Foreign Landmark Missionary Baptist Association International Baptist Convention Landmark Baptist Church Liberty Baptist Fellowship Manipur Baptist Convention Myanmar Baptist Convention Nagaland Baptist Church Council National Association of Free Will Baptists National Baptist Convention of America Inc National Baptist Convention USA Inc National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Saving Assembly of the U S A National Missionary Baptist Convention of America National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U S A New England Evangelical Baptist Fellowship New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Faithful Word Baptist Church Nigerian Baptist Convention North American Baptist Conference North Bank Baptist Christian Association Norwegian Baptist Union Old Baptist Union Old Regular Baptist Old Time Missionary Baptist Primitive Baptist Primitive Baptist Universalism Progressive Baptist Progressive National Baptist Convention Reformed Baptist Regular Baptist Regular Baptist Churches General Association of Russian Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists Samavesam of Telugu Baptist Churches Separate Baptist Separate Baptists in Christ Social Brethren Southeast Conservative Baptist Southern Baptist Convention Southern Baptists of Texas Sovereign Grace Baptists Strict Baptists or Particular Baptists Two Seed in the Spirit Predestinarian Baptists Union d Eglises baptistes francaises au Canada Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists in Serbia and Montenegro United American Free Will Baptist Church United American Free Will Baptist Conference United Baptist United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces United Free Will Baptist World Baptist Fellowship Other Baptists Edit BapticostalsNazareth Baptist ChurchHoliness BaptistsChristian Baptist Church of God Holiness Baptist AssociationSeventh Day Baptists Spiritual Baptist Methodist Edit Main articles Methodism and List of Methodist denominations The Methodist movement emerged out the influence of Pietism within Anglicanism Unlike Baptists also emerging from the Church of England Methodists have retained liturgical worship and other historic Anglican practices including vestments and in some Methodist denominations such as the United Methodist Church the episcopacy Methodists were some of the first Christians to accept women s ordination since the Montanists Some 60 80 million Christians are Methodists and members of the World Methodist Council 61 71 72 African Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church British Methodist Episcopal Church Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Congregational Methodist Church Evangelical Church of the Dominican Republic Evangelical Methodist Church First Congregational Methodist Church Free Methodist Church Global Methodist Church Liberation Methodist Connexion Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma Methodist Church of Great Britain Methodist Church of Malaysia Methodist Church in India Methodist Church of New Zealand Methodist Church of Southern Africa Primitive Methodist Church Southern Methodist Church United Methodist Church Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia Holiness movement Edit Main article Holiness movement See also Conservative holiness movement The Holiness movement emerged from 19th century Methodism As of 2015 update churches of the movement had an estimated 12 million adherents 73 Free Methodist Church Christ s Sanctified Holy Church Church of Christ Holiness U S A Church of God Anderson Indiana Church of God Holiness Church of God Restoration Church of the Nazarene The Salvation Army Wesleyan Methodist Church Campbellite and Millerite Edit Main articles Adventism Restorationism and Restoration movement See also Christian primitivism and Second Great AwakeningAdventism was a result from the Restoration movement which sought to restore Christianity along the lines of what was known about the apostolic early Church which Restorationists saw as the search for a more pure and ancient form of the religion 74 This idea is also called Christian Primitivism Following the Stone Campbell Restoration Movement William Miller preached the end of the world and the second coming of Christ in 1843 44 Some followers after the failed prediction became the Adventists or Campbellites while other splinter groups eventually became Apocalyptic Restorationists Many of the splinter groups did not subscribe to trinitarian theologies Well known Restorationist groups related in some way to Millerism include the Jehovah s Witnesses World Mission Society Church of God the Restored Church of God and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ There are a little over 7 million Restorationist Christians Stone Campbell Restoration movement Edit Christian Church Disciples of Christ Churches of Christ Churches of Christ non institutional Churches of Christ in Australia Evangelical Christian Church in Canada Christian Disciples Independent Christian Churches Churches of Christ International Christian Church International Churches of Christ Adventist movement Edit MilleritesSunday observingAdvent Christian Church Church of the Blessed Hope Church of God General ConferenceSaturday observingChurch of God Seventh Day Seventh day Adventist ChurchOther AdventistAdventist Church of Promise Charismatic Adventism Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church Sabbath Rest Advent Church Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement International Missionary Society of Seventh Day Adventist Church Reform Movement True and Free Seventh day Adventists Shepherd s Rod Branch Davidians United Sabbath Day Adventist Church United Seventh Day Brethren Quaker Edit Main article Quakers Quakers or Friends are members of various movements united by their belief in the ability of each human being to experientially access the light within or that of God in every person 75 Conservative Friends Friends United Meeting Evangelical Friends Church International Friends General Conference New Foundation Fellowship Shakers Edit ShakersPlymouth Brethren Edit Main article Plymouth BrethrenPlymouth Brethren is a conservative low church non conformist evangelical Christian movement whose history can be traced to Dublin Ireland in the late 1820s originating from Anglicanism 76 Exclusive Brethren Indian Brethren Kerala Brethren Assembly Open Brethren Church Assembly Hall one of the Chinese Independent Churches Gospel Hall Brethren or Gospel Hall Assemblies Needed Truth Brethren or The Churches of God Irvingist Edit Main article Catholic Apostolic Church The Catholic Apostolic churches were born out of the 1830s revival started in London by the teachings of Edward Irving and out of the resultant Catholic Apostolic Church movement 77 Catholic Apostolic Church New Apostolic Church United Apostolic Church Old Apostolic Church Restored Apostolic Mission Church Pentecostal and Charismatic Edit Further information Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity See also Oneness Pentecostalism and Gay Apostolic Pentecostals Pentecostalism and Charismatic Christianity began in the 1900s The two movements emphasize direct personal experience of God through baptism with the Holy Spirit They represent some of the largest growing movements in Protestant Christianity 78 As a result of the two movements the Catholic Charismatic Renewal was established According to the Pew Research Center Pentecostals and Charismatics numbered some 280 million people in 2011 57 Alamo Christian Foundation Apostolic Church denomination Apostolic Faith Church Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God Apostolic Pastoral Congress Assemblies of God Associated Brotherhood of Christians C3 Church Global Celestial Church of Christ Charisma Christian Church Christ Gospel Churches International Christian Assemblies International Christian Church of North America Christian Congregation in the United States Christian Open Door Church Church of God by Faith Church of God Charleston Tennessee Church of God Chattanooga Church of God Cleveland Tennessee The Church of God for All Nations Church of God Full Gospel in India Church of God House of Prayer Church of God Huntsville Alabama Church of God in Christ Church of God Jerusalem Acres Church of God Mountain Assembly Church of God of Prophecy Church of God of the Original Mountain Assembly Church of God of the Union Assembly Church of God with Signs Following Congregational Holiness Church CRC Churches International Deeper Life Bible Church Destiny Church Elim Pentecostal Church Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Besancon The Foursquare Church Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas God is Love Pentecostal Church Hillsong Church Independent Assemblies of God International Indian Pentecostal Church of God International Assemblies of God Fellowship International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies International Pentecostal Holiness Church International Pentecostal Church of Christ Mount Sinai Holy Church of America New Life Churches Open Bible Standard Churches Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Pentecostal Assemblies of God of America Pentecostal Church of God Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church The Pentecostal Mission Potter s House Christian Fellowship Redeemed Christian Church of God Revival Centres International The Revival Fellowship Soldiers of the Cross Church United Gospel Tabernacles United Holy Church of America United House of Prayer For All People The Wesleyan Church Other Charismatic movements Edit Main article Charismatic movement Calvary Chapel Charismatic Episcopal Church City Harvest Church Every Nation International Christian Fellowship Jesus Army Ministries Without Borders Sovereign Grace Church Neo charismatic movement Edit Main article Neo charismatic movement Association of Vineyard Churches Bible Christian Mission Born Again Movement Christ Embassy Church on the Rock International Destiny Church Groningen New Life Fellowship Association Newfrontiers El Lugar de Su Presencia Uniting and united Edit Main article United and uniting churches These united or uniting churches are the result of a merger between distinct denominational churches e g Lutherans and Calvinists As ecumenism progresses unions between various Protestants are becoming more and more common resulting in a growing number of united and uniting churches Major examples of uniting churches are the United Protestant Church of France 2013 and the Protestant Church in the Netherlands 2004 79 80 Churches are listed here when their disparate heritage marks them as inappropriately listed in the particular categories above China Christian Council Christian and Missionary Alliance Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian Churches Church of Bangladesh Anglican Church of North India Anglican Church of Pakistan Anglican Church of South India Anglican Evangelical Church in Germany Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy Kiribati Uniting Church former Congressionalists Protestant Church in the Netherlands St Thomas Evangelical Church of India Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands United Church in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands United Church of Canada United Church of Christ United Church of Christ in Japan United Church of Christ in the Philippines Uniting Church in Australia United Protestant Church of France Free Evangelical Churches Edit Free Evangelical ChurchesEvangelical Edit Main articles Nondenominational Christianity and EvangelicalismThe term Evangelical appears with the reformation and reblossoms in the 18th century and in the 19th century 81 Evangelical Protestantism modernly understood is an inter denominational Protestant movement which maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ s atonement 82 African Evangelicalism Edit Evangelical Church of West Africa P ent ay Edit Main article P ent ay P ent ay simply known as Ethiopian Eritrean Evangelicalism are a group of indigenous Protestant Eastern Baptist Lutheran Pentecostal and Mennonite denominations in full communion with each other and believe that Ethiopian and Eritrean Evangelicalism are the reformation of the current Orthodox Tewahedo churches as well as the restoration of it to original Ethiopian Christianity They uphold that in order for a person to be saved one has to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the forgiveness of sins and to receive Christ one must be born again dagem meweled 83 Its members make up a significant portion of the 2 million Eastern Protestant tradition Kale Heywet Word of Life Church Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Place of Jesus Mulu Wongel Full Gospel Believers Church Meserete Kristos Christ Foundation Church Assembly of God Asian initiated churches Edit Asian initiated churches are those arising from Chinese and Japanese regions that were formed during repression in authoritarian eras as responses from government crackdowns of their old Christian denominations which were deemed illegal or unrecognized in their countries state atheism or religion Chinese Independent Churches Edit Main article Chinese Independent Churches Evangelical Free Church of China Local Church movementJapanese Independent Churches Edit Main article Japanese Independent Churches Non church movement Zion Christian Church Japan Malaysian Evangelicalism Edit Borneo Evangelical Church SIb Malaysia North American Evangelicalism Edit Evangelical Free Church of Canada South American Evangelicalism Edit Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sao Paulo Evangelical Church of the River Plate Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church in PeruInternet churches Edit Main article Internet church LifeChurch tvEastern Protestant Edit Main article Eastern Protestant Christianity These churches resulted from a post 1800s reformation of Eastern Christianity in line with Protestant beliefs and practices Evangelical Orthodox Church Mar Thoma Syrian Church St Thomas Evangelical Church of IndiaOther Protestant churches and movements Edit These are denominations movements and organizations deriving from mainstream Protestantism but are not classifiable under historic or current Protestant movements nor as parachurch organizations Associated Gospel Churches of Canada AGC Believers Church in India Believers Eastern Church Brunstad Christian Church The Christian Community Church of Christ Instrumental Kelleyites Cooneyites not to be confused with Christian Conventions above Evangelical Covenant Church of America Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant Evangelical Free Church of America Family International Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches Gloriavale Christian Community Grace Movement Churches Great Commission Association Indian Shakers Inspirationalists Amana Church Society Jesus Movement Local Churches Methernitha Metropolitan Community Churches Shiloh Youth Revival Centers Universal Life Universal Alliance The Way International The African Church Apostles of Johane Maranke Christ Apostolic Church Church of the Lord Aladura Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim Kimbanguist Church Zion Christian Church Early modern England Edit Nonconformist English DissentersIndependent sacramental EditFurther information List of Independent Catholic denominations and Independent Sacramental MovementIndependent sacramental churches refer to a loose collection of individuals and Christian denominations who are not part of the historic sacramental Christian denominations such as the Roman Catholic Anglican and Orthodox churches and yet continue to practice the historic sacramental rites independently while utilizing Old Catholic Catholic or Autocephalous Orthodox labels Many such groups originated from schisms of these larger denominations and they claim to have preserved the historical episcopate or apostolic succession though such claims are frequently disputed or rejected outright by the historic churches of Rome Constantinople the Old Catholic Union of Utrecht and the Church of England 84 7 Independent Catholic Edit Main article Independent Catholicism Independent Catholic churches arguably began in 1724 The Independent Catholic churches self identify as either Western or Eastern Catholic although they are not affiliated with or recognized by the Catholic Church American Catholic Church in the United States American National Catholic Church Antiochian Catholic Church in America Augustana Catholic Church Argentine Catholic Apostolic Church Apostolic Catholic Church Philippines Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church Catholic Christian Church Catholic Mariavite Church Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association Christ Catholic Church Community of the Lady of All Nations Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen Ecumenical Catholic Church Ecumenical Catholic Communion Evangelical Catholic Church Independent Catholic Fraternite Notre Dame Free Catholic Church in Germany Imani Temple African American Catholic Congregation Istituto Mater Boni Consilii Liberal Catholic Church Mariavite Church not to be confused with the Catholic Mariavite Church Most Holy Family Monastery Old Catholic Church citation needed Old Catholic Apostolic Church Old Catholic Mariavite Church Old Roman Catholic Church in Great Britain Palmarian Catholic Church Philippine Independent Church Aglipayan Church Polish National Catholic Church Rabelados Reformed Catholic Church in Venezuela St Stanislaus Kostka Church St Louis Missouri Society of St Pius V Traditionalist Mexican American Catholic Church True Catholic Church Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church Venezuelan Catholic Apostolic Church Independent Eastern Orthodox Edit Main article Eastern Orthodox Church organization Unrecognized churches These churches consider themselves Eastern Orthodox but are not in communion with the main bodies of Eastern Orthodoxy Some of these denominations consider themselves as part of True Orthodoxy or the Old Believers Abkhazian Orthodox Church American Orthodox Catholic Church Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Latvian Orthodox Church Lusitanian Catholic Orthodox Church Montenegrin Orthodox Church 1993 Orthodox Church in Italy Independent Ukrainian Orthodox churches Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchate True Orthodoxy Edit Main article True Orthodoxy True Orthodoxy or Genuine Orthodoxy is a movement of Eastern Orthodox churches that separated from the mainstream Eastern Orthodox Church over issues of ecumenism and calendar reform since the 1920s 85 Old Calendar Bulgarian Orthodox Church Old Calendar Romanian Orthodox Church Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church Serbian True Orthodox Church Old Believers Edit Main article Old Believers Russian Old Believers refused to accept the liturgical and ritual changes made by Patriarch Nikon of Moscow between 1652 and 1666 Several Old Believer denominations have reunified with the Russian Orthodox Church and subsequent wider Eastern Orthodox communion Russian Orthodox Old Rite Church Belokrinitskaya Lipovan Orthodox Old Rite Church Belokrinitskaya Russian Old Orthodox Church Novozybkovskaya Pomorian Old Orthodox Church Pomortsy Independent Oriental Orthodox Edit See also Jules Ferrette Those are churches which claim to be Oriental Orthodox but are not in communion with the main Oriental Orthodox churches British Orthodox Church Malabar Independent Syrian ChurchSyncretic Orthodoxy Edit Syncretic Orthodox churches blend with other denominations outside of Eastern Orthodoxy and are not in communion with the main body of Eastern nor Oriental Orthodoxies These bodies may also be considered part of Eastern Protestant Christianity or the Convergence Movement Evangelical Orthodox Church Communion of Western Orthodox Churches Celtic Orthodox Church French Orthodox Church Orthodox Church of the Gauls Antiochian Catholic Church in America Orthodox Catholic Church of AmericaMiscellaneous EditThe following are independent and non mainstream movements denominations and organizations formed during various times in the history of Christianity by splitting from mainline Catholicism Eastern or Oriental Orthodoxy or Protestantism not classified in the previous lists Independent Russian Edit Doukhobors Imiaslavie Onomatodoxy InochentismSouthcottist Edit Main article Southcottism Christian Israelite Church House of David commune Panacea SocietyChristian Identitist Edit Main article Christian Identity Assembly of Christian Soldiers Church of Israel Schell City Missouri Church of Jesus Christ Christian Aryan Nations The Covenant The Sword and the Arm of the Lord Kingdom Identity Ministries Harrison Arkansas LaPorte Church of Christ Fort Collins Colorado Independent Isolated Edit House of Aaron Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity HSA UWC Unification Church Unification Movement Sanban Puren Pai The Process Church of The Final Judgment Trinitarian Universalism Brotherhood Church United House of Prayer for All People Lord s Resistance Army Mita Congregation USA Puerto Rico Olive Tree and related South Korean New Religious Movements such as Shincheonji and Victory Altar Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Twelve Tribes communities Westboro Baptist Church Nontrinitarian Edit Main article Nontrinitarianism These groups or organizations diverge from historic trinitarian theology usually based on the Council of Nicaea with different interpretations of Nontrinitarianism Oneness Pentecostalism Edit Main article Oneness Pentecostalism Apostolic Assemblies of Christ Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Christ Jesus Apostolic Church of Pentecost Apostolic Gospel Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Bible Way Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Pentecostal Churches of Christ True Jesus Church United Pentecostal Church International Unitarian and Universalism Edit Main articles Unitarianism and Christian Universalism American Unitarian Association consolidated with the Universalist Church of America to form the Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalism Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship American Unitarian Conference International Council of Unitarians and Universalists General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches Unitarian Christian Association Unitarian Church of Transylvania Unitarisk Kirkesamfund Polish Brethren Socinianism Unitarian Christian Conference USA Unitarian Christian Emerging Church Universalist Church of America consolidated with the American Unitarian Association to form the Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalism Nontrinitarian Restorationism Edit Latter Day Saint movement Edit Main articles Latter Day Saint movement and Mormonism See also List of denominations in the Latter Day Saint movement and Mormonism and Christianity Most Latter Day Saint denominations are derived from the Church of Christ established by Joseph Smith in 1830 The largest worldwide denomination of this movement and the one publicly recognized as Mormonism is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Some sects known as the Prairie Saints broke away because they did not recognize Brigham Young as the head of the church and did not follow him West in the mid 1800s Other sects broke away over the abandonment of practicing plural marriage after the 1890 Manifesto Other denominations are defined by either a belief in Joseph Smith as a prophet or acceptance of the Book of Mormon as scripture The Latter Day Saints comprise a little over 16 million members collectively 86 Church of Christ Latter Day Saints Prairie Saint Latter Day Saints Edit Church of Christ Temple Lot Hedrickites Church of Christ with the Elijah Message The Church of Jesus Christ Bickertonite Church of Jesus Christ Cutlerite Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Strangite Community of Christ Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Independent RLDS Restoration Branches Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Restored Church of Jesus Christ Eugene O Walton Rocky Mountain Latter Day Saints Edit The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Fundamentalist Rocky Mountain Latter Day Saints Edit Main article Mormon fundamentalism Apostolic United Brethren Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints FLDS Latter Day Church of Christ Kingston Clan The True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days Other Latter Day Saint denominations Edit Fellowships of the Remnant Restoration Church of Jesus Christ extinct British Israelism Edit Armstrongism Worldwide Church of God British Israel World FederationWorldwide Church of God splinter groups Edit Church of God International United States Intercontinental Church of God Living Church of God Philadelphia Church of God Restored Church of God United Church of God United Seventh Day Brethren Bible Students and splinter groups Edit Main article Bible Student movement Christian Millennial Fellowship Dawn Bible Students Association Friends of Man Jehovah s Witnesses Laymen s Home Missionary Movement Pastoral Bible Institute Other Nontrinitarian restorationists Edit Iglesia ni Cristo Church of Christ Kingdom of Jesus Christ Jesus Miracle Crusade La Luz del Mundo Members Church of God InternationalSwedenborgianism Edit Main article The New Church General Church of the New Jerusalem Lord s New Church Which Is Nova Hierosolyma Swedenborgian Church of North America Christian Science Edit Main article Christian Science Church of Christ Scientist Eschatology religious movement Esoteric Christianity Gnosticism Edit Main articles Esoteric Christianity and Western esotericism Anthroposophical Society Archeosophical Society Behmenism Ecclesia Gnostica Lectorium Rosicrucianum Martinism The Rosicrucian Fellowship Societas Rosicruciana Spiritualist Church Theosophy Universal White Brotherhood Other Nontrinitarians Edit Antoinism Christadelphians Church of the Blessed Hope Church of God Seventh Day The Church of Almighty God Family Federation for World Peace and Unification World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church Some Quakers Spiritual Christians from Russia Tolstoyan movement Two by Twos Christian Conventions United Church of God Universal Alliance World Mission Society Church of God Judeo Christian Edit Main articles Judaizers and Judeo Christian See also Messianic Jewish theology and List of Sabbath keeping churches Messianic Judaism Edit Chosen People Ministries Hebrew Christian movement International Messianic Jewish Alliance Jews for Jesus Messianic Jewish Alliance of America Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations Black Hebrew Israelites Edit Main article Black Hebrew Israelites African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem Beth Shalom Church of God and Saints of Christ Church of God and Saints of Christ Orthodox Christianity Commandment Keepers Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge Nation of Yahweh Caucasian Albanian Orthodox Edit Albanian Udi Church registered as an official church in Azerbaijan Other groups Edit Assemblies of Yahweh Hebrew Roots Makuya Sacred Name Movement Subbotniks YehowistsParachurch EditMain articles Ecumenism and Parachurch organization Parachurch organizations are Christian faith based organizations that work outside and across denominations to engage in social welfare and evangelism These organizations are not churches but work with churches or represent a coalition of churches Action of Churches Together in Scotland Bose Monastic Community Byzantine Discalced Carmelites Campus Crusade for Christ Canadian Council of Churches Christian Churches Together in the USA Churches Together in Britain and Ireland Churches Together in England Churches Uniting in Christ Conference of European Churches Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue Edinburgh Churches Together Fellowship of Saint Alban and Saint Sergius Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Iona Community National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U S A New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist New Monasticism related Communities Pentecostal Charismatic Peace Fellowship Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity Reasons to Believe Scripture Union Society of Ordained Scientists Stand to Reason Taize Community The Gospel Coalition World Alliance of Reformed Churches World Council of Churches World Evangelical Alliance World Student Christian Federation Young Life Youth for Christ Youth With A MissionIdeologies EditMain article List of Christian movements A Christian movement is a theological political or philosophical interpretation of Christianity that is not necessarily represented by a specific church sect or denomination 24 7 Prayer Movement Arianism Semi Arianism Arminianism British Israelism British New Church Movement Calvinism Campbellism Charismatic movement Christian anarchism Christian atheism Christian communism Christian democracy Distributism Social Credit Christian existentialism Christian Family Movement Christian feminism Christian Identity White Supremacist Christian left Christian nationalism Christian naturism Christian pacifism Christian right Christian socialism Christian Torah observance Christian vegetarianism Christian Zionism Confessing Church Confessing Movement Continual Prayer Movement Convergence Movement Countercult Movement Creationism Old Earth Creationism Young Earth Creationism Evolutionary creationism Neo Creationism Intelligent design movement Emerging Church Movement Evangelicalism Gnosticism Green Christianity House church or Simple church Chinese house churches Jesus Movement Judaizers LGBT and Denominations Liberation theology Black Dalit Latin American Palestinian Lutheranism Marcionism Millerism Neo orthodoxy Neo Charismatic Paleo orthodoxy Pelagianism Semi Pelagianism Positive Christianity Nazi German Christians movement Nazi Postmodern Christianity Progressive Christianity Liberal Christianity Prosperity Theology Queer theology Quiverfull Restorationism Shepherding Movement WesleyanismSyncretic EditMain article Syncretism See also Folk Catholicism and Folk Orthodoxy The relation of these movements to other Christian ideas can be remote They are listed here because they include some elements of Christian practice or beliefs within religious contexts which may be only loosely characterized as Christian African diaspora religions Edit African diaspora religions are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas in various nations of the Caribbean Latin America and the Southern United States They derive from traditional African religions with some influence from other religious traditions notably Christianity and Islam Examples incorporating elements of Christianity include but are not limited to Candomble Rastafari Santeria Santo Daime Umbanda Voodoo Brazilian Vodum Tambor de Mina a syncretic religion that developed in northern Brazil Cuban Vodu Dominican Vudu Haitian Vodou Hoodoo Louisiana Voodoo New Thought Edit Main article New Thought The relation of New Thought to Christianity is not defined as exclusive some of its adherents see themselves as solely practicing Christianity while adherents of Religious Science say yes and no to the question of whether they consider themselves to be Christian in belief and practice leaving it up to the individual to define oneself spiritually Church of Divine Science Church of the Truth Home of Truth The Infinite Way Psychiana Religious Science Seicho no Ie Unity Church Universal Foundation for Better Living Other syncretists Edit Other Christian or Christian influenced syncretic traditions and movements include Alleluia church Bwiti Some sects Burkhanism Cao Đai Chrislam Christopaganism Cults of many folk saints such as Santa Muerte and Maximon Dōkai Ghost Dance Kakure Kirishitans Longhouse Religion Mama Tata Modekngei Native American Church Pai Marire and other syncretic Maori religions Pilgrims of Ares Pomio Kivung Some Rizalista religious movements Historical movements with strong syncretic influence from Christianity but no active modern membership include Antonianism God Worshipping Society PulahanSee also Edit Christianity portalDenominationalism East West Schism Eastern Christianity List of Christian denominations by number of members List of current Christian leaders List of the largest Protestant denominations List of religions and spiritual traditions List of religious organizations Timeline of Christianity Western ChristianityReferences Edit Eastern Christianity and Western Christianity courses lumenlearning com Retrieved 3 May 2020 Ecumenism Anglican Communion Website Retrieved 3 May 2020 a b The WCC as a Fellowship of Churches www oikoumene org Retrieved 3 May 2020 On Christian Unity and Ecumenism www oca org Retrieved 17 February 2020 Ecumenical www usccb org Retrieved 17 February 2020 History of the World Council of Churches Encyclopedia Britannica Retrieved 15 April 2020 a b Dominus Iesus Vatican va Retrieved 14 September 2017 a b The Original Christian Church oca org Retrieved 5 September 2018 History of the Orthodox Church www goarch org Retrieved 26 August 2020 The differences between the Catholic and Orthodox churches The Economist Retrieved 5 September 2018 a b Presentazione dell Annuario Pontificio 2018 e dell Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2016 press vatican va Retrieved 4 September 2018 What is the United Church of Christ United Church of Christ Retrieved 3 May 2020 Gunnemann Louis H Rooks Charles Shelby 1999 The shaping of the United Church of Christ an essay in the history of American Christianity Internet Archive Cleveland Ohio United Church Press ISBN 9780829813456 a b Catholic Rites and Churches www ewtn com Retrieved 5 September 2018 Fragmentation of the primitive Christian movement Religious Tolerance retrieved 14 September 2017 Trafton Jennifer Colossanov Rebecca Gnostics Did You Know Christian History Retrieved 17 September 2020 Early Christian History retrieved 14 September 2017 Wilmshurst David 2000 The 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